52283 OFFICIAL USE ONLY SecM2006-0196 IDA/SecM2006-0220 May 9, 2006 FROM: Vice President and Corporate Secretary Monthly Operational Summary of Bank and IDA Proposed Projects (as of April 15, 2006) Distribution: Executive Directors and Alternates President Bank Group Senior Management Vice Presidents, Bank, IFC and MIGA Directors and Department Heads, Bank, IFC and MIGA This document has a restricted distribution and may be used by recipients only in the performance of their official duties. Its contents may not otherwise be disclosed without World Bank Group authorization. THE WORLD BANK MONTHLY OPERATIONAL SUMMARY CONTENTS User’s Guide 3 Global Environment Facility 4 Projects in the Pipeline New Projects 5 Projects Deleted 6 Africa Region 7 East Asia and Pacific Region 18 South Asia Region 28 Europe and Central Asia Region 34 Middle East and North Africa Region 44 Latin America and the Caribbean Region 48 Worldwide 59 Guarantee Operations 61 List of Acronyms 62 Entries for Projects in the Pipeline are organized by region, countr y and economic sector. Entries preceded by (N) denote new listings; (R) indicates a revision or update from the previous month’s listing. The portions of the entry that differ appear in italic type. A sample entr y is included in the User’s Guide, which begins on the next page. SECTOR DEFINITIONS Economic Management Private Sector Development Education Public Sector Governance Environment and Natural Resources Management Rural Development Energy and Mining (including Renewable Energy) Social Development, Gender and Inclusion Finance (including noncompulsor y pensions, insurance Social Protection and contractual savings) Transportation Health, Nutrition and Population Urban Development Information and Communication Water and Sanitation Law and Justice Copyright © 2006 by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank, 1818 H St., NW, Washington, DC 20433. The material contained in The World Bank Monthly Operational Summary may not be reproduced, transmitted or photocopied in any form, or by any means, without the prior written consent of the copyright holder. MAY 2006 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 3 GUIDE TO THE WORLD BANK MONTHLY OPERATIONAL SUMMARY The World Bank Monthly Operational Summary reports on the implementing agencies, have full responsibility for the design status of projects in the World Bank’s pipeline from the point of and execution of World Bank-financed projects, including the identification of investment opportunities to the signing of the loan, hiring of consultants and the procurement of goods and works. credit or grant agreement. It is a detailed accounting of the pro- Contractors and suppliers, therefore, should contact appropriate jects included in the country lending programs that are actively officials of the implementing agency to express their interest in being prepared for implementation. The lending programs reflect specific projects. They should obtain information on what goods the Bank’s strategy for each member country as set out in the and services will be needed and when and how to submit bids respective Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) papers and notes and proposals. presented to the Board of Executive Directors of the World Bank. During implementation, consultants are often used to provide On average, it takes about 13 months for the Bank to process a technical assistance and other project implementation support. Un- project from concept document to approval. After a financing like contracts for goods and works, those for consulting services agreement is signed, or a project removed from the program, the are not usually advertised. Therefore, consultants in particular project entry is dropped. should contact the responsible implementing agency early in the Each issue of the summary contains a list of projects being re- project preparation period to express their interest. Contracts for ported for the first time as well as a list of projects for which fi- consulting services, as well as some for goods and works, may also nancing agreements have been signed or that have been dropped be procured prior to loan/credit/grant approval. This is known as from the current program. advance contracting. By becoming familiar with the Bank’s project cycle, which is The information contained in The World Bank Monthly Operational summarized in the following paragraphs, consultants or suppli- Summary is intended to enable companies to assess their inter- ers of goods and works can gauge when the timing is right to pur- est in supplying Bank-financed projects. Further information sue business opportunities with Bank borrowers. Each entry in should be requested from the country’s project implementing the Monthly Operational Summary tells at what point in the cy- agency. The likelihood of a timely response is greater if the cle a particular project resides. queries are brief and to the point. When possible, travel to the Project Cycle country and direct contact with relevant agency officials is rec- During IDENTIFICATION, both the client government and the ommended. Bank are involved in analyzing development strategies for the coun- Firms should contact the World Bank only if they are unable to try’s economy as a whole and in identifying projects that support obtain a response to their queries from the implementing agency. those strategies. General information about business opportunities under Bank PREPARATION, the second stage of the cycle, is the respon- loans, credits and grants may be obtained from the World Bank’s sibility of the client government. During preparation, the technical Procurement Policy and Services Group’s website at: and institutional alternatives for achieving the objectives of a pro- http://www.worldbank.org/procure (click on bidding and con- ject are identified and discussed. Preparation usually requires fea- sulting opportunities). sibility studies followed by more detailed studies of the alternatives Environmental Categories that promise to yield the most satisfactory results. An environ- The type, timing and scope of environmental analysis to be per- mental assessment is usually carried out during this phase. (See formed by Bank clients are to be confirmed when a given pro- below for more information on environmental assessment.) ject is identified. Projects are assigned one of the following In the preparation stage of the project cycle, clients often sup- categories based upon the nature, magnitude and sensitivity of plement their own efforts by hiring consultants to carry out a ma- environmental issues: jor part of the work. Contractors and suppliers of equipment and goods need to start making contacts with country officials dur- Category A: Environmental assessment is normally required, as ing this stage. the project may have adverse and significant environmental im- pacts. Project APPRAISAL, the responsibility of the Bank, provides a comprehensive review of all aspects of the project (technical, in- Category B: More limited environmental analysis is appropriate, stitutional, economic and financial) and lays the foundation for im- as the project may have specific environmental issues. plementing the project and evaluating it when completed. Category C: Projects include the environmental category A, B Conducted by Bank staff, project appraisal may be supplemented or C, except in the case of financial intermediary loans, credits by individual experts. The preparation of the Project Appraisal Doc- and grants, which are designated “FI,” and development policy ument concludes this stage. loans, credits and grants, which are not categorized. The ab- During NEGOTIATION, discussions are held with the client sence of a category is shown by the letter “U”. government, and the agreements reached are written into the loan Business opportunities arising from World Bank projects documents. Upon completion of negotiations, the project is pre- after they have been approved, including invitations to bid and sented to the Executive Directors for approval. After approval, the to submit proposals on Bank projects and notices of contract financing agreement is signed. awards, appear twice a month in UN Development Business and Project IMPLEMENTATION normally starts within a few months are available via the internet at UN Development Business On- of project financing agreement signing. Countries, through their line at . PAGE 4 Monthly Operational Summary MAY 2006 A typical summary entry looks like this: Vietnam •Name of borrowing countr y (R) Payment Systems and Bank Moderniza- •(R) = revised; (N) = new entr y tion: The project will establish a computerized payments system in order to improve efficiency •Project description and modernize the banking sector. Technical assistance to strengthen the institutional capacity of participating commercial banks will also be pro- •Italics indicate change from last month’s listing vided. Preappraisal mission completed. Environ- mental Assessment Category C. PID: VNMPA028. •PID = Project identification number. US$ 50.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required for •Amount of financing in US$ millions (source) project management and commercial bank institu- tional studies. Project Management Unit, Payment System and Bank Modernization Project, State •Name/address of implementing agency Bank of Vietnam, 49 Ly Thai To, Vietnam, Fax: (84-4) 258-385, Contact Mr. Nguyen Van Binh GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT FACILITY In addition to projects financed by the World Bank, The World funds: (a) if they are eligible for financial assistance through the Bank Monthly Operational Summar y reports on projects financial mechanism of either the Climate Change Convention financed by the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The GEF or the Convention on Biological Diversity; or (b) if they are eli- provides grants and concessional funding to recipient coun- gible to borrow from the World Bank (IBRD and/or IDA) or tries for projects and programs that protect the global envi- receive technical assistance grants from UNDP through a Coun- ronment and promote sustainable economic growth. try Programme. A country must be a party to the Climate Change Convention or the Convention of Biological Diversity The facility, set up as a pilot program in 1991, was restructured to receive funds from the GEF in the relevant focal area. and replenished with over US$ 2 billion in 1994, and replenished with another US$ 4 billion in 1998, to cover the agreed incre- GEF projects must be country-driven, incorporate consulta- mental costs of activities that benefit the global environment in tion with local communities and, where appropriate, involve non- four focal areas: climate change, biological diversity, international governmental organizations in project implementation. waters, and stratospheric ozone. Activities concerning land For additional information on the GEF, contact the GEF secretariat degradation, primarily desertification and deforestation, as they or visit its site on the World Wide Web at: www.gefweb.org relate to the four focal areas, are also eligible for funding. Both the Frame-work Convention on Climate Change and the Con- The GEF Secretariat vention on Biological Diversity have designated the GEF as their 1818 H St. NW funding mechanism on an interim basis. Washington DC 20433, USA GEF projects and programs are managed through three imple- Tel: (1-202) 473-0508 menting agencies: the UN Development Programme (UNDP), Fax: (1-202) 522-3240, 522-3245 the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Bank. E-mail: Secretariat@TheGEF.org The GEF Secretariat, which is functionally independent from the three implementing agencies, reports to and services the Council and Assembly of the GEF. The GEF is striving for universal participation, and currently 168 countries are participants. Countries may be eligible for GEF MAY 2006 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 5 New Projects Added in This Issue Africa Region South Asia Region Benin Afghanistan Economic Management: Fourth Poverty Reduction Support p. 7 Environment and Natural Resources Management: Naghlu Burkina Faso Rehabilitation Carbon Finance p. 28 Education: Post Primary Education p. 7 Urban Development: Urban Waste Management p. 28 Burundi Water and Sanitation: Urban Water Sector p. 29 Education: Education Support p. 8 Bangladesh Cape Verde Education: Vocational Education and Training Reform p. 29 Economic Management: Third Poverty Reduction Support p. 8 Private Sector Development: Investment Promotion Congo, Republic of and Financing Facility p. 29 Rural Development: Agricultural Development Bhutan and Rural Road Rehabilitation p. 9 Transportation: Second Rural Access p. 30 Urban Development: Emergency Infrastructure Rehabilitation India and Living Conditions Improvement Additional Financing p. 9 Rural Development: Second Hydrology (Ln. 4749-IN) p. 31 Mali Nepal Transportation: Second Transport Sector p. 13 Health, Nutrition and Population: Avian Influenza Control p. 32 Mauritania Transportation: Transport Sector p. 13 Niger Europe and Central Asia Region Rural Development: Agro-Pastoral Export p. 14 Georgia Urban Development: Local Urban Infrastructure Development p. 14 Economic Management: Second Poverty Reduction Support p. 37 Nigeria Kosovo Health, Nutrition and Population: Avian Influenza Control Economic Management: Fiscal Policy Support p. 37 and Human Pandemic Preparedness and Reponse Kyrgyz Republic (Cr. 4160-UNI) p. 14 Private Sector Development: Reducing Technical Barriers Rwanda for Entrepreneurship and Trade p. 38 Information and Communication: eRwanda p. 15 Senegal Middle East and North Africa Region Economic Management: Third Poverty Reduction Support p. 15 Egypt Tanzania Urban Development: Greater Cairo Development p. 45 Finance: Second Generation Financial Sector Support Program p. 16 Iraq Finance: Tax Modernization Program p. 16 Energy and Mining: Dokan and Derbandikhan Emergency Hydropower p. 46 East Asia and Pacific Region Morocco Cambodia Energy and Mining: Energy Sector Development p. 47 Health, Nutrition and Population: Avian and Human Influenza Tunisia Control and Preparedness p. 18 Water and Sanitation: Tunis West Sewerage p. 47 China Energy and Mining: Energy Efficiency Financing p. 18 Fiji Latin America and the Caribbean Region Energy and Mining: Renewable Power Development p. 21 Argentina Regional Water and Sanitation: Catamarca Integrated Water Resource Energy and Mining: Sustainable Energy Finance p. 25 Management p. 49 Solomon Islands Brazil Health, Nutrition and Population: Health Sector Support Rural Development: Ceará Rural Poverty Additional Financing p. 51 Program p. 26 Haiti Vietnam Energy and Mining: Electricity p. 56 Urban Development: Municipal Infrastructure Development Fund p. 28 PAGE 6 Monthly Operational Summary MAY 2006 Projects Deleted From This Issue Africa Region Europe and Central Asia Region Gabon: Armenia: Natural Resources Management Development Policy (Ln. 7355-GA) Second Poverty Reduction Support (Cr. 4144-AM) Lesotho: Azerbaijan: Public Sector Improvement and Reform APL 1 Baku Urban Water Supply Rehabilitation Sudan: Georgia: Rapid Impact Emergency Infrastructure Pre-Investment Facility (H204-GE) Public Sector Financial Management Reform Support (H205-GE) Zimbabwe: Kyrgyz Republic: AIDS Health and Social Protection (H197-KG) National Health Strategy Support Tajikistan: Enhanced Social Protection Strengthening the National Statistical System Local Government and Development Community and Basic Health (H195-TJ) Railways Restructuring Turkey: Road Maintenance and Reform Secondary Education (Ln. 4767-TU) Railways Restructuring (Ln. 4787-TU) East Asia And Pacific Region Indonesia: Middle East and North Africa Region Provincial Health and Nutrition Egypt: Vietnam: El Tebbin Power (Ln. 7359-EGT) Customs Modernization (Cr. 4123-VN) Yemen: Natural Disasters Risk Management (Cr. 4114-VN) Fisheries Resources Management and Conservation (Cr. 4135-YEM) Red River Delta Rural Water Supply and Sanitation (Cr. 4115-VN) Latin America and the Caribbean Region South Asia Region Brazil: Bangladesh: Brasília Environmentally Sustainable Development (Ln. 7326-BR) Maranhão Integrated Program: Rural Poverty Reduction (Ln. 4735-BR) Second Programmatic Education Sector Development Policy Ecuador: (Cr. 4152-BD) Second Programmatic Fiscal Adjustment (Ln. 7276-EC) India: Nicaragua: Railway Capacity and Safety Enhancement Second Agricultural Technology (Cr. 4127-NI) Pakistan: Peru: Second Partnership for Polio Eradication (Cr. 4145-PAK) Regional Transport Infrastructure Decentralization (Ln. 7322-PE) Sri Lanka: Second Poverty Reduction Support MAY 2006 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 7 Botswana Africa Environment and Natural Resources Management (R) Wildlife Conflict Management and Biodiversity Conser vation for Improved Livelihoods: The objective of the project is to improve Angola people’s livelihoods, resolve conflicts and conserve wildlife by intro- Transportation ducing effective measures for sustaining biodiversity and enabling community participation. Appraisal is scheduled for June 2006. Envi- Emergency Multi-Sector Recovery, Phase 2: The objectives of ronmental Assessment Category B. PID: 95617. US$ 36.5 (GEF). Con- the project are to (a) improve rural incomes, (b) enhance food secu- sulting services to be determined. Department of Wildlife and Natural rity in provinces most affected by the conflict, (c) improve access to Parks, Private Bag B0199, Gaborone, Botswana, Tel: (267) 391-4955, essential education and health services in those same provinces, (d) Fax: (267) 391-4861, E-mail: lgakale@gov.bw, Contact: Dr. Lucas P. rehabilitate and reconstruct critical infrastructure and (e) strengthen Gakale, Permanent Secretary government capacity to facilitate long-term development. Appraisal completed. Environmental Assessment Category to be determined. US$ Burkina Faso 150.0 (IDA Credit/IDA Grant). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Planning, Largo 17 de Setembro, Luanda, Angola, Tel: (244-2) 338- Education 686, Fax: (244-2) 336-945, Contact: H.E. Ana Dias Lourenço, Minister (N) Post Primary Education: The objective of the project is to pro- duce more and better trained graduates of secondary schools at reduced Benin costs, with increased equality between genders and among income lev- Economic Management els. Appraisal is under way. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ 25.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Implementing agency(ies) (N) Fourth Poverty Reduction Support: The objective of the pro- to be determined. ject is to implement the poverty reduction strategy. Project concept re- view is scheduled for 26 July 2006. Environmental Assessment Category Health, Nutrition and Population U. US$ 40.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Finance (R) Health System Strengthening and Multisector HIV/AIDS Pro- and Economy, BP 302, Cotonou, Benin, Tel: (229) 2130-0217/5141/6103, gram: The objectives of the program are to: (a) improve the quality Fax: (229) 2130-1851, Contact: Mr. Mathias Houndonoughbo, Direc- and coverage of health services, (b) strengthen efforts to reduce tor, National Commission for Development and the Fight Against HIV/AIDS transmission and mitigate the socio-economic consequences, Poverty and (c) strengthen monitoring and evaluating systems. Negotiations Environment and Natural Resources Management completed. Board presentation was scheduled for 27 April 2006. Envi- ronmental Assessment Category B. PID: 93987. US$ 47.7 (IDA). Con- (R) Community-Based Coastal and Marine Biodiversity Man- sulting services to be determined. Ministry of Health and National AIDS agement: The objective of the project is to manage the coastal zone Council, 03 BP 7030, Ouagadougou 03 Burkina Faso, Tel: (226) 5032- and biological diversity sustainably. Appraisal mission was scheduled 4188, Fax: (226) 5031-4001, E-mail: spcnls@fasonet.bf, Contact: Mr. Tien- for May 2006 and negotiations for June 2006. Environmental Assess- drebeogo Joseph, Permanent Secretary ment Category B. PID: 71579. US$ 4.2 (GEF). Consultants will be re- quired. Agence Beninoise pour l’Environnement, 03 BP 4387 Jericho Rural Development Cotonou, Bénin, Tel: (229) 214-556, Fax: (229) 214-543, Contact: Mr. (R) Agricultural Diversification and Market Development: The Marcel Baglo Ayite, Director General objective of the project is to increase rural households’ incomes and (R) Management of Forests and Adjacent Lands: The objective operators’ revenues in support of economic growth and poverty alle- of the project is to enable continuation of work financed by an earlier viation. Appraisal completed. Negotiations were scheduled for April 2006. series of grants for forest and adjacent land management. Board pre- Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 81567. US$ 50.0 (IDA). sentation was scheduled for May 2006. Environmental Assessment Cat- Consultants will be required for institutional analysis, market devel- egory B. PID: 69896. US$ 6.0 (GEF). Consultants will be required. Projet opment, market information systems and agricultural intensification. de Gestion des Forets et des Terroirs Riverains, Ministry of Agricul- Project Coordination Unit, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Wa- ture, Livestock and Fisheries, Directorate of Forests and Natural Re- ter Resources, 01 BP, 6285 Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, Tel: (226) 5030- sources, BP 06-884, Cotonou, Benin, Tel: (229) 333-053, Fax: (229) 4279, Fax: (226) 5030-4280, E-mail: atamanabd@liptinfor.bf, Contact: 330-421, E-mail: avonomadegbe@yahoo.fr, Contact: Mr. Benoit Avono- Mr. Atama Bernard Dabire, Coordinator madegbe, Program Coordinator Water and Sanitation Health, Nutrition and Population Decentralized Urban Capacity Building: The objective of the pro- (R) Malaria Booster Control Program: The objective of the project ject is to build up the currently inadequate urban infrastructure to (a) is to reduce illness, lost productivity and deaths due to malaria, espe- improve links between urban areas and rural hinterlands, (b) support cially for vulnerable people such as children under five and pregnant local financial resource mobilization, (c) increase predictability in in- women. Negotiations completed. Board Presentation is scheduled for 30 tergovernmental fiscal transfers and (d) increase local governments’ May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 96482. US$ capacity to carry out mandated functions and foster local economic de- 31.0 (IDA Grant). Consultants will be required. Programme National velopment. Appraisal mission is scheduled for 12 June 2006. Environ- de Lutte contre le Paludisme, BP 882, Cotonou, Benin, Fax: (229) 336- mental Assessment Category C. PID: 84027. US$ 10.0 (IDA). Consulting 404, E-mail: hkossou@hotmail.com, Contact: Dr Hortense Kossou, services to be determined. Poles Regionaux de Developpement, 01 BP Coordinator of Malaria Control Program 7050 Ouagadougou 01, Burkina Faso, Tel: (226) 7027-0983, Fax: (226) Information and Communication 5030-5508, E-mail: ramondgue@hotmail.com, Contact: Mr. Jean Bap- tiste Ouedraogo, Coordinator (R) Third Poverty Reduction Support: The objective of the project is to implement the poverty reduction strategy of sustaining macro-eco- Burundi nomic and private sector growth, improving service delivery and pro- moting good governance. Appraisal mission was scheduled for May Economic Management 2006. Environmental Assessment Categor y U. PID: 83313. US$ (R) Economic Reform Support: The objectives of the project are 20.0/15.0 (IDA Credit/IDA Grant). Consultants will be required. Min- to accelerate growth and improve public expenditure management istry of Finance and Economy, BP 302, Cotonou, Benin, Tel: (229) and its impact on the poor. Board presentation is scheduled for 15 June 2130-0217/5141/6103, Fax: (229) 2130-1851, Contact: Mr. Mathias 2006. Environmental Assessment Category U. PID: 91475. US$ 50.0 (IDA Houndonougbo, Director, National Commission for Development and Grant). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Finance, BP 1830, Bu- the Fight Against Poverty jumbura, Burundi, Tel: (257) 222-775, Fax: (257) 223-827, E-mail: PAGE 8 Monthly Operational Summary MAY 2006 minifin@usan.bu.net, Contact: Mr. Dieudonne Ngowembona, Minis- (R) Second Poverty Reduction Support: The objective of the pro- ter of Finance ject is to implement the poverty reduction strategy by improving the efficiency, effectiveness and transparency of the national budget process Education as the central mechanism for channeling resources towards poverty (N) Education Support: The objective of the project is to improve reduction, by strengthening the capacity of the public administration access to and quality of education. Decision meeting is tentatively to deliver services, and by implementing education, health and social scheduled for 30 June 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. protection strategies. Negotiations completed. Board presentation is PID: 64557. US$ 20.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry of scheduled for 30 May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category U. Education and Culture, BP 1990, Bujumbura, Burundi, Tel: (257) 225- PID: 90875. US$ 10.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required for studies, 112, Fax: (257) 226-839, E-mail: jumaedouard@yahoo.fr, Contact: Mr. analysis and program design in public expenditure management, civil Edouard Juma, General Inspector service reform, decentralization, judicial reform, health sector financ- Social Development, Gender and Inclusion ing, social protection systems, education and professional training pol- icy, and results-based monitoring and evaluation. Ministry of Finance (R) Community and Social Development: The objective of the pro- and Planning, Praia, Santiago, Republic of Cape Verde, Tel: (238-2) 607- ject is to improve living conditions and develop capacity at the com- 520, Fax: (238-2) 613-897, E-mail: manuelp@gov1.gov.cv, Contact: Mr. munes level through: (a) construction and rehabilitation of social and Manuel Pinheiro, Director General of Planning economic infrastructure; (b) development of young people’s capacity to provide social and economic goods and services; and (c) targeted assistance to vulnerable households for housing and livelihood re- Chad covery. Appraisal is scheduled for September 2006. Board presentation Energy and Mining is scheduled for January 2007. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 95211. US$ 30.0 (IDA Grant). Consultants will be required. Min- Petroleum Management Capacity Building Supplemental: The istry of Finance, BP 1830, Bujumbura, Burundi, Tel: (257) 222-775, Fax: objective of the project is to facilitate implementation of the Chad- (257) 223-827, E-mail: minifin@usan.bu.net, Contact: H.E. Mr. Dieudonné Cameroon Pipeline project, particularly with respect to environmen- Ngowembona, Minister tal issues and to development of domestic oil resources. Negotiations have been delayed. The Bank announced on 6 January 2006 the with- Cameroon holding of any new loans or grants to the government and suspension of disbursement of IDA funds already allocated to the country. Envi- Economic Management ronmental Assessment Category: C. PID: 80709. US$ 11.5 (IDA). Con- Infrastructure/Local Economic Development: The objective of sultants will be required. Comité Technique National de Suivi et de the project is to maximize the contribution of cities to sustain the devel- Control, N’Djamena, Chad, Tel: (235) 520-775, Fax: (235) 520-9729, E- opment of the country while vigorously attacking the roots of poverty mail: hkabadi@cnpp-tchad.org, Contact: Haroun Kabadi, National Co- in and around urban areas. Appraisal is scheduled for June 2006. Envi- ordinator of the Doba Project; Direction du Petrole; Coordination ronmental Assessment Category B. US$ 20.0 (IDA). Consultants Nacionale will be required. PID (Projet d’Infrastructure de Douala) / Volet Urbain, S/C Communauté Urbaine de Douala BP 43, Douala, Environment and Natural Resources Management Cameroon, Tel: (237) 342-3435/6950, Contact: Mr. Missie, Project Coor- Cotton Sector Reform: The objective of the project is to restructure dinator and liberalize the cotton sector. Project Concept Note is being prepared. Environment and Natural Resources Management The Bank announced on 6 January 2006 the withholding of any new (R) Community Development Sustainable Land Management: loans or grants to the government and suspension of disbursement of The objective of the project is to maintain and restore fragile agro- IDA funds already allocated to the country. Environmental Assess- pastoral ecosystems. Negotiations completed. Board presentation was ment Category to be determined. US$ 10.0 (IDA Grant.). Consultants tentatively scheduled for May 2006. Environmental Assessment Cat- will be required. Cellule Technique de la Réforme du Secteur Coton., egory B. PID: 89289. US$ 6.0 (GEF). Consultants will be required. Ndjamena, Chad, Tel/Fax: (235) 264-854, Contact: Mr. Fauba Padacke, National Program for Participatory Development, Tel: (237) 793- Project Coordinator 4904, E-mail: pndp@pndp.org, Contact: Marie-Madeleine Nga, National Coordinator Public Sector Governance (R) Forestry and Environment (H207-CM): The objective of the Second Petroleum Economy Management Supplemental: The ob- project is to establish and implement a national resource management jective of the project is to improve the quality of public financial man- and forestry conservation strategy. The grants were tentatively sched- agement systems and strengthen capacity to make the best possible uled to be signed in May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category developmental use of all its resources, including oil revenues. Ap- A. PIDs: 70656, 73020. US$ 25.0/10.0 (IDA Grant/GEF). Consultants praisal has been delayed. The Bank announced on 6 January 2006 the will be required. Ministere des Forets, Yaoundé, Cameroon, Tel: (237) withholding of any new loans or grants to the government and sus- 221-2406/7, Contact: Mr. Denis Koulagna, Project Coordinator pension of disbursement of IDA funds already allocated to the coun- try. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 90265. US$ 10.0 Public Sector Governance (IDA). Consultants will be required. Cellule Technique GEEP, Tel: Transparency and Accountability Capacity Building: The objec- (235) 292-695, Fax: (235) 520-451, E-mail: mahamaxx@hotmail.com, tive of the project is to enhance transparency and accountability in the geep.finances@internet.td, Contact: Mahamat Moussa Ahmat, Coor- use of public resources. Appraisal is scheduled for July 2006. Envi- dinator; Cellule Economique du GEEP, Tel: (235) 523-888, Fax: (235) ronmental Assessment Category C. PID: 84160. US$ 10.0 (IDA). Con- 522-950, Contact: Mahamat Bahradine Oumar, Coordinator sultants will be required. Ministry of Economic Affairs, Programming and Regional Development, Yaoundé, Cameroon, Tel: (237) 222-4270, Social Protection Fax: (237) 222-4854, E-mail: prctg@yahoo.fr, Contact: Ngouembe (R) Demobilization and Reintegration: The objective of the project Abandza, Project Coordinator is to build national reconciliation, peace and security, thereby helping Cape Verde sustain social and economic development. Project concept review has been delayed. The Bank announced on 6 January 2006 the withhold- Economic Management ing of any new loans or grants to the government and suspension of (N) Third Poverty Reduction Support: The objective of the project disbursement of IDA funds already allocated to the country. Environ- is to implement the poverty reduction strategy. Preparation mission is mental Assessment Category to be determined. US$ 5.0 (IDA). Con- scheduled for 17 May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category to sulting services to be determined. Comite National de Reinsertion, PO be determined. US$ 10.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. Box 06, NDjamena, Chad, Tel: (235) 526-614, E-mail: cnr@intnet.td, Con- Implementing agency(ies) to be determined. tact: Col Dingamadji Majior, Coordinator, Project Unit MAY 2006 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 9 Urban Development try situation would permit it. Environmental Assessment Category B. Urban Development: The objective of the project is to rehabilitate US$ 16.0 (IDA/GEF). Consulting services to be determined. Minis- infrastructure and manage urban services in the major cities. Appraisal tère d’Etat du Ministère de l’Environement, OIPR, Abidjan, Côte has been delayed. The Bank announced on 6 January 2006 the with- d’Ivoire, Tel: (225-22) 416-116, Contact: H. E. Mme. Angele GNonsa, holding of any new loans or grants to the government and suspen- Ministre sion of disbursement of IDA funds already allocated to the country. Health, Nutrition and Population Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 72030. US$ 15.0 (IDA). A PHRD grant of US$ 1.0 has been approved for preparation. Con- HIV/AIDS Multi-sector Response: The objective of the project is sultants will be required. Ministry of Territorial Administration, to implement a multi-sector HIV/AIDS national program to reduce the Urban Policy and Habitat, BP 436, Ndjamena, Chad, Tel: (235) 544- spread of HIV infection with special focus on the most vulnerable 435, Fax: (235) 523-722, Contact: Dr. Dobingar Allassembaye, Pro- groups and assist infected persons and affected communities cope ject Coordinator with the impact of HIV/AIDS. Negotiations are scheduled for 10 July 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 71631. US$ 50.0 Congo, Democratic Republic of (IDA). Consultants are required for preparation of the project imple- mentation manual and the accounting and financial management pro- Education cedures and for recruitment of the coordination unit’s core staff. Education Sector: The objective of the project is to retain students Ministry in Charge of HIV/AIDS, 16 BP, Abidjan 16, Côte d’Ivoire, Tel: in primary school by strengthening the system’s ability to provide ac- (225) 2124-3013/4, 2021-0832, 0752-2376, 0505-6699, Fax: (225) 2021- cess to quality primary education and improving non-formal approaches 0834, E-mail: clovisko@yahoo.fr, Contacts: Konan Kouassi Clovis, to achieving broader-based basic education as an alternative for cer- Charge d’Etudes au Cabinet, Adama Bamba, Directeur des Affaires Fi- tain groups. Negotiations completed. Board presentation is scheduled nancières for 29 June 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 86294. US$ 130.0 (IDA Grant). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Pri- Social Protection mary, Secondary and Professional Education, Croisement des Aves, Demobilization, Reintegration and Rehabilitation: The objectives Batetela et Cliniques, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, Tel: of the project are to (a) demobilize and reintegrate about 46,500 ex- (243-081) 990-8976, Contact: C. N’dom Ndaoembel, Minister combatants; (b) rehabilitate or reconstruct social and economic in- frastructure in the communities most affected by the war and (c) Congo, Republic of strengthen social capital. Negotiations have been postponed pending Rural Development progress on arrears clearance. Environmental Assessment Category (N) Agricultural Development and Rural Road Rehabilitation: B. PID: 82817. US$ 80.0 (IDA). During preparation, consultants will The objective of the project is to improve the living standards and in- be required for demobilization and community reintegration. Local con- crease income of the rural population by promoting economic diver- sultants will be needed for community-based rehabilitation activities sification and growth. Appraisal was scheduled for May 2006. and vocational training. Government of Cote d’Ivoire, 27 BP 933 Abid- Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ 20.0 (IDA). Consultants jan 27 Cote d’Ivoire, Tel: (225) 2252-7350/1/2/4, E-mail: brahima.san- will be required. Ministry of Agriculture, Lifestock and Fisheries, BP gare@cnddr-ci.org, Contact: Ibrahima Sangare, Secretaire Executif 2453, Brazzaville, Congo, Tel: (242) 814-131, Contact: Mr. Pierre Claver du PNDDR Oboukangongo, Project Coordinator (R) Coastal Zone and Marine Biodiversity: The objective of the pro- Eritrea ject is to promote the sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity re- Transportation sources. Decision meeting completed. Appraisal was scheduled for May Road Sector: The project, a first phase adaptable program loan, will 2006. Board presentation is scheduled for September 2006. Environ- aim at (a) building institutional capacity for engineering and financial mental Assessment Category B. US$ 6.0 (GEF). Consultants will be management, materials testing and quality control; (b) rehabilitating, required. Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, BP 2453, strengthening and upgrading priority roads, bridges and culverts; and Brazzaville, Congo, Tel: (242) 814-131, Contact: Mr. Pierre Claver (c) implementing a national road safety program. Project preparation Oboukangongo, Project Coordinator is under way. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: 50357. Urban Development US$ 24.0 (IDA). Consulting services for project preparation are being (N) Emergency Infrastructure Rehabilitation and Living Conditions financed through a PPF. Infrastructure Department, Ministry of Pub- Improvement Additional Financing: The objective of the project is lic Works, PO Box 841, Asmara, Eritrea, Tel: (291-1) 122-477, Fax: to reestablish economic activity and social services by rehabilitating (291-1) 120-661, Contact: Mr. Kidane Berhane, Director General roads, railways, drainage and school facilities. Appraisal scheduled for April 2006 has been delayed. Board presentation is scheduled for Sep- Ethiopia tember 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 97970. Energy and Mining US$ 16.4 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Public Works, (R) Electricity Access Expansion: The objective of the project is to BP 2099, Brazzaville, Congo, Tel: (242) 663-885, Fax: (242) 815-907, E- expand access to electricity by means of a sustainable program, notably mail: mbouesso@yahoo.fr, Contact: Mr. Maurice Bouesso, Project Co- in small and medium sized communities in rural areas, thus support- ordinator ing broad-based economic development and helping alleviate poverty. Côte d’Ivoire Negotiations were scheduled for 10 April 2006. Environmental Assess- ment Category B. PID: 97271. US$ 100.0 (IDA). Consultants will be Economic Management required. Universal Electricity Access Expansion Unit, Ethiopian Elec- Emergency Economic Recovery: The objective of the project is to tric Power Corporation, De Gaulle Square, PO Box 1233, Addis Ababa, meet post-conflict needs and enable sustained recovery. Project Con- Ethiopia, Tel: (251-1) 550-811, Fax: (251-1) 552-345, (251-1) 551-324, Con- cept Review was scheduled for 28 April 2006. Environmental Assess- tact: Ato Tessaye Delesse, Project Coordinator ment Category to be determined. US$ 50.0 (IDA). Consulting services Ethiopia-Sudan Interconnector: The objective of the project is to fa- to be determined. Ministry of Economy and Finance, Immeuble cilitate power trade with Sudan and thus optimize utilization of exist- SCIAM, 19eme Etage, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, Tel: (225) 2020-0842, ing and planned generation capacity. Appraisal is scheduled for Fax: (225) 2020-0856 , Contact: H.E. Mr. Paul Bohoun Bouabré, Min- November 2006. Environmental and Social Impact Assessment is un- ister der way. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: 74011. US$ National Protected Areas Program: The objective of the project is 35.0 (IDA). Consultants have been selected. Ethiopian Electric Power to strengthen capacity to manage the country’s protected areas sys- Corporation, D’Gaulle Square, 2nd Floor, Room 207, PO Box 1233, Ad- tem. Appraisal was scheduled for April 2006, assuming that the coun- dis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel: (251-01) 560-042, Fax: (251-01) 550-822, E-mail: PAGE 10 Monthly Operational Summary MAY 2006 eelpa@telecom.net.et, Contact: Miheret Debebe, Secretary and Gen- Water and Sanitation eral Manager Flood Preparedness and Early Warning: The objective of the pro- ject is to reduce human suffering and damages, as well as capture Finance the benefits of excess flood waters resulting from flooding in the East- (R) Financial Sector Capacity Building: The objective of the pro- ern Nile. Appraisal is scheduled for 15 November 2006. Environmental ject is to deliver the capacity, infrastructure, products and know-how Assessment Category B. PID: 94268. US$ 5.0/45.0 (IDA Credit/IDA necessary to develop the financial sector. Negotiations have been delayed. Grant). Consulting services to be determined. Eastern Nile Regional Board presentation is scheduled for 25 May 2006. Environmental As- Technical Office, PO Box 27173-1000, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel: (251- sessment Category C. US$ 25.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be de- 1) 461-130, Contact: Dr. Abdulkarim Seid, Regional Coordinator termined. National Bank of Ethiopia, PO Box 5550, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel: (251-1) 551-3859, Fax: (251-1) 551-4588, Contact: Ato Gabon Teklewold Atnafu, Governor Social Development, Gender and Inclusion Public Sector Governance (R) Local Infrastructure Development (Ln. 7373-GA): The ob- jectives of the project are to: (a) set up a sustainable management sys- (R) Protection of Basic Services: The objective of the project is to tem to carry out public works by small- and medium-enterprises protect the delivery of critical basic services to the poor, especially at (SMEs); (b) promote and develop SMEs in public works sectors such the local government level. Board presentation is scheduled for 25 May as the secondary road network, health, education; (c) generate em- 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 74015. US$ 250.0 ployment; (d) provide basic infrastructure and improved access to (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of Finance and services; and (e) improve the local economy and contribute to poverty Economic Development, PO Box 1905, Addis Ababa 1037 Ethiopia, Tel: alleviation. Approved by the Executive Directors on 14 March 2006. (251-1) 226-637, Fax:(251-1) 551-355/496, Contact: Ato Getachew Adem, Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 82812. US$ 25.0 (IBRD). Welfare Monitoring Unit Consultants will be required. PAPSUT, PO Box 114, Libreville, Gabon, Rural Development Tel: (241) 765-830, 768-307, Fax: (241) 765-831, E-mail: papsut@inter- netgabon.com, Contact: Mr. Richard Damas, Project Coordinator (R) Irrigation and Drainage: The objective of the project is to increase the area under irrigation through cost-effective, environmentally and Gambia, The socially sound investments that are beneficial to the rural poor. Ne- Education gotiations are scheduled for 31 May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: 92353. US$ 95.0 (IDA Grant). Consultants are required (R) Third Education: The second phase of an APL, the project aims for (a) identification of irrigation and drainage projects; (b) feasibility at achieving gender parity by 2010 and universal primary education study and detailed design; (c) transaction model and action plan for by 2015, with an emphasis on quality during the second phase, and spe- private sector involvement; (d) environmental impact assessment; (e) cial attention to rural areas and girls’ education. Appraisal mission and preparation of a project implementation manual; and (f) financial man- negotiations were scheduled for 24 April 2006. Environmental As- agement and procurement assessment. Ministry of Water Resources, sessment Category B. US$ 8.0 (IDA). A PHRD grant of US$ 0.7 and a PO Box 170121, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel: (251-1) 662-5516,(251-91) PPF advance of US$ 0.6 are financing project preparation. Consultants 114-6864, (251-11) 663-6909, Fax: (251-1) 662-6318, E-mail: Hay- will likely be required in the areas of education quality, with empha- alsew@yahoo.com, Contacts: Mr. Gulilat Birhane, Head, Planning De- sis on learning achievements, school level support, teacher training partment or Ato Hayasew Yilma and monitoring and evaluation. Experts will also be needed in insti- tutional assessment and capacity building. Department of State for Capacity Building for Agricultural Services: The objectives of the Education, Willy Thorpe Bldg., Banjul, The Gambia, Tel: (220) 422-8522, project are to (a) increase the productivity and profitability of the agri- Fax: (220) 422-5066, E-mail:jawaragaye@yahoo.com,, Contact: Mr. cultural sector, (b) improve the effectiveness of agricultural technol- Jawara Gaye, Manager, Project Coordination Unit ogy institutions, and (c) facilitate the development of more robust, competitive and accessible agricultural markets. Appraisal is in the field. Rural Development Negotiations are scheduled for 15 May 2006. Environmental Assess- (R) Community Development: The objective of the project is to im- ment Category B. PID: 79275. US$ 30.0 (IDA). A PHRD grant of US$ prove living conditions and incomes of the poor, improve access to ba- 0.8 is helping finance project preparation. Consultants will be required. sic services, and improve health outcomes in underserved rural areas. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Appraisal has been delayed. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: Tel: (251-1) 150-110, Fax: (251-1) 512-984, E-mail: moavm@tele- 82969. US$ 12.0 (IDA). A PHRD grant of US$ 0.5 and a PPF advance com.net.et, Contact: Belay Edjigu, Minister of State of US$ 0.2 have helped finance preparation. Consultants will be required for a baseline study, a communication strategy, a monitoring and eval- Social Development, Gender and Inclusion uation system, support to coordination, and training activities. De- (R) Civil Society Capacity Building: The project aims at empower- partment of State for Finance and Economic Affairs, Tel: (220) 422-5181, ing citizens and their organizations to make independent and signifi- Fax: (220) 449-4758, E-mail: musab_jagne@yahoo.com, Contact: Mr. cant contributions to improved governance and decentralized services. Musa B. Jagne, Project Coordinator Appraisal has been delayed. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 81614. US$ 20.0 (IDA). Background studies are under way. Ministry Ghana of Capacity Building, Civil Society Capacity Building Program Office, Information and Communication Tel: (251-1) 637-204, Fax: (251-1) 637-203, E-mail: meja88@yahoo.com, Contact: Ato Melaku Jemaneh, Director E-Ghana: The objective of the project is to implement the information and communications development strategy. Appraisal was scheduled Urban Development for 10 May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 93618. US$ 40.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of Com- Local Investment: The objectives of the project are to: (a) deliver bet- munications, PO Box M42, Accra, Ghana, Tel: (233-21) 685-606, Fax: ter services to people by facilitating more capital investment at the lo- (233-21) 667-114, E-mail: moct@ghana.gov.gh, Contact: Hon. Albert Kan- cal government level (woreda and municipal); and (b) deepen the Dapaah, Minister process of decentralization to the local level. Appraisal is scheduled for 11 September 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: Guinea 74016. US$ 150.0 (IDA Grant). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of Finance and Economic Development, PO Box 1905, Ad- Environment and Natural Resources Management dis Ababa, Ethiopia, Fax: (251-1) 553-844, (251-1) 551-496, Contact: Coastal Zone Marine Biodiversity Management: The objective Fantahun Belew, Head, Marco Economy Policy and Management De- of the project is to achieve rational management of coastal biodiversity partment for conservation and sustainable development, with a particular MAY 2006 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 11 emphasis on enabling communities in and around priority areas to tricity tariff/indexation formula structuring, energy pricing and plan, implement, and maintain environmentally sustainable and assessment of renewable energy production potential. Ministry of Pub- socially inclusive alternative livelihoods. Board presentation was lic Works, Construction and Urban Planning, CP No. 311, Bissau, scheduled for April 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: Guinea-Bissau, Tel: (245) 222-951, Fax: (245) 222-951, Contact: Eng. 70878. US$ 5.0 (GEF). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Augusto Poquena, Secretary of State for Energy Planning, BP 221 Conakry, Guinea, Tel: (224) 296-266, E-mail: baldefa- toudiop@yahoo.fr, Contact: Mme. Baldé Hadja Fatoumata Diop, Pro- Social Development, Gender and Inclusion ject Coordinator; Programme d’appui aux communautés villageoises, (R) National Community-Driven Development: The objective of Tel: (224) 464-023, Fax: (224) 464-031, E-mail: pacv@afribone.net.gn, the project is to improve living conditions through better access to abcamara.cnc@pacv.gov.gn, Contact: Mme. Camara Aminatou Barry, social and economic services and infrastructure. It will use the com- National Project Coordinator munity-driven development approach of strengthening the capacity Community-Based Land Management Program: The objective of of local communities to determine their priority needs and prepare, the project is to carry out the ongoing Village Communities Support implement, and maintain sub-projects. Identification mission is sched- Program, an approach in selected sub-watersheds to enable and en- uled for mid-2007. Environmental Assessment Category to be deter- courage local communities to incorporate integrated ecosystem man- mined. US$ 10.0 (IDA). A PHRD grant of US$ 0.4 has been provided agement practices designed and implemented by the local populations. for preparation. Consultants will be required for preparation. Min- Board presentation was scheduled for April 2006. Environmental As- istry of Economy and Finance, 37 Ave. Amilar Cabral, Bissau, Guinea- sessment Category B. PID: 81297. US$ 7.0 (GEF). Consultants will be Bissau, Tel: (243) 520-6894, Contact: Mr. Carlos Andrade, Adviser to required. Ministry of Planning, Conakry, Guinea, Tel: (225) 464-031, the Minister E-mail: pacv@afribone.net.gn, baldefatoudiop@yahoo.fr, Contacts: Mrs. Aminatou Camara Barry, National Project Coordinator, Mme. Balde Kenya Hadja Fatoumata Diop, Project Coordinator Economic Management Rural Development (R) Development of a National Statistical System: The objec- Second Village Community Support Program: The objective of the tive of the project is to build a more effective and efficient statistical project is to scale-up decentralized and participatory rural development. system that will produce better data and improved analysis of eco- Decision meeting is scheduled for 27 September 2006. Environmen- nomic, financial and social developments. Board presentation is tal Assessment Category B. PID: 65129. US$ 30.0/7.0 (IDA/GEF). Co- scheduled for 12 September 2006. Environmental Assessment Cate- financing amounts of US$ 7.0 from IFAD, US$ 3.8 from FRDE, and US$ gory C. PID: 85414. US$ 20.5 (IDA). Contracts have been written for 1.9 from ADF are anticipated. Consultants will be required. Ministry some of the consultants required during preparation. Central Bureau of Planning, Tel: (224) 464-023, Fax: (224) 464-031, E-mail: pacv@afri- of Statistics, Ministry of Planning and National Development, PO Box bone.net.gn, Contact: Mme. Camara Aminatou Barry, National Coor- 30266, Nairobi, Kenya, Tel: (254-20) 340-929, Fax: (254-20) 333-030, dinator E-mail: akmkilele@cbs.go.ke, Contact: Mr. Anthony Kilele, Acting Di- Village Communities Support Additional Financing (H201- rector GUI): The objective of the additional financing is to expand the reach (R) Economic Recovery Strategy Support: The objective of the pro- of the project’s decentralized and participatory rural development ben- ject is to implement the economic recovery strategy, which includes efits from the original 100 to 146 local governments. Approved by the strengthening budget and financial management, increasing agricul- Executive Directors on 24 January 2006. The grant was signed on 30 tural productivity and food security, improving private sector compet- January 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 98959. US$ itiveness and strengthening economic monitoring. Appraisal is tentatively 7.0 (IDA Grant). Consultants will be required. Cellule Nationale de Co- scheduled for late July 2006. Environmental Assessment Category U. ordination PACV, Ministère du Plan PID: 90204. US$ 75.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. Min- istry of Finance, Treasury Bldg., Harambee Ave., PO Box 30007, Guinea-Bissau Nairobi, Kenya, Tel: (254-20) 338-111, Contact: Mr. Kamau Thugge, Di- Economic Management rector, Monetary and Fiscal Affairs (R) Economic Management Reform: The objective of the project Education is to carry out the initial phase of a macro-economic program aimed at establishing internal and external balances, contributing towards (R) Education Sector-Wide Approach: The objective of the project greater fiscal sustainability and the preconditions for private sector-led is to strengthen the education sector. Board presentation is scheduled growth. Board presentation is tentatively scheduled for November for 12 September 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 2006. Environmental Assessment Category U. PID: 94766. US$ 10.0 87479. US$ 50.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Ed- (IDA Grant). No consultants are required. Ministry of Economy and ucation, Science and Technology, Jogoo House “B,” Harambee Ave., Finance, Implementing Unit of the Private Sector Rehabilitation and PO Box 30040, Nairobi, Kenya, Tel: (254-20) 334-144, Fax: (254-20) 214- Development Project, Rua Justino Lopes, Casa 74/A, Bissau, Guinea- 287, Contact: Professor Karega Mutahi, Permanent Secretary Bissau, Tel: (245) 203-496, Fax: (245) 203-495, E-mail: prdsp@mail.gt- Finance elecom.gw, Contact: Mr. Carlos Casimiro, Project Director (R) Financial Sector Reform: The objectives of the project are to: Energy and Mining (a) increase the soundness and resilience of the financial system; (b) (R) Multi-Sector Infrastructure Rehabilitation: The objectives improve its governance; (c) improve its depth, breadth and efficiency; of the project are to (a) reactivate the economy by rehabilitating and (d) reduce opportunities for large-scale financial misallocations. critical infrastructure systems, (b) reduce poverty by restoring Negotiations are tentatively scheduled for late September 2006. Envi- access to and quality of critical infrastructure services, and (c) ronmental Assessment Category U. PID: 84224. US$ 65.0 (IDA). No improve performance and governance of infrastructure through consultants are required. Ministry of Finance, Treasury Bldg., Harambe institutional development and operational strengthening of agen- Ave., PO Box 30007, Nairobi, Kenya, Tel: (254-20) 338-111, Contact: cies in the electricity, water and roads sectors. Appraisal mission was Mr. Joseph Kinyua, Permanent Secretary scheduled for April 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 97975. US$ 15.0 (IDA.). Consultants will be required during prepa- Health, Nutrition and Population ration for bidding document preparation of power sector activities Health Sector Support: The objective of the project is to implement (15MW leasing system, distribution network rehabilitation work, a sector-wide reform and strengthening of the health sector. Project and customer base management models and systems); and during preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment Category to be implementation for in-country long-term technical assistance for determined. US$ 50.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. institutional development, energy planning and sector management; Ministry of Health, Afya House, PO Box 30016, Nairobi, Kenya, Tel: short-term specialized studies on energy planning and modeling, elec- (254-20) 717-077, Fax: (254-20) 713-234, E-mail: secretary@hrsmoh. PAGE 12 Monthly Operational Summary MAY 2006 go.ke, Contact: Dr. T. Gakuruh, Head, Health Sector Reform Secre- accounting, financial and operational manuals, a financial system, in- tariat stitutional reform and a transport data study. Ministry of Public Works Second HIV/AIDS Program: The objective of the project is to im- and Transport, PO Box 1283, Maseru, Lesotho, Tel: (266) 2231-6269, plement the national AIDS strategic plan, which calls for preventing Fax: (266) 2231-0508, E-mail: kolane@mopwt.gov.ls, Contact: Mr. Math- new infections, improving the quality of life of those infected and af- ibeli, Principal Secretary fected, and mitigating the socio-economic impact of the epidemic. Ne- gotiations are tentatively scheduled for late May 2006. Environmental Madagascar Assessment Category B. PID: 81712. US$ 50.0 (IDA). Consultants will Energy and Mining be required. National AIDS Control Council, The Chancery Bldg., 6th Power/Water Sectors Recovery and Restructuring: The objective Floor, Valley Rd., PO Box 61307, Nairobi, Kenya, Tel: (254-20) 711-261, of the project is to restore an adequate public utility service for elec- Fax: (254-20) 711-072, Contact: Dr. P.A. Orege, Director tricity and water in urban areas and create the foundation for a sus- Public Sector Governance tainable expansion of a commercially-oriented service in the most Institutional Reform and Capacity Building Technical Assis- cost-efficient way. Preappraisal is underway Environmental Assess- tance (Cr. 4146-KE): The objective of the project is to improve ca- ment Category to be determined. US$ 10.0 (IDA). Consultants will be pacity for implementing the economic recovery strategy while required. Implementing agency(ies) to be determined strengthening the public financial management system to enhance Health, Nutrition and Population transparency, accountability and responsiveness to policy priorities. Ap- (R) Community Development Additional Financing: The objec- proved by the Executive Directors on 24 January 2006. Environmen- tive of the project is to provide essential small-scale infrastructure tal Assessment Category C. PID: 90567. US$ 25.0 (IDA). Consultants and capacity building for communes and communities including will be required. Ministry of Finance, PO Box 3007, Nairobi, Kenya, enabling them to respond to shocks. Appraisal was scheduled for May Tel: (254-20) 227-411, Contact: Mr. Joseph Kinyua, Permanent Secre- 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ 20.0 (IDA). Con- tary/Treasury sulting services to be determined. Fonds d’Inter vention pour le Rural Development Developpement, E-mail: dirgen1@fid.mg, Contact: Mr. David Rajaon, (R) Agricultural Productivity and Sustainable Land Manage- Directeur General ment: The objectives of the project are to (a) attain sustainable use of Rural Development natural resources for higher productivity and incomes among farmers Watershed Management: The objective of the project is to stimu- and (b) maintain critical ecosystem functions in fragile areas. Appraisal late inclusive rural growth through intensification and diversification is tentatively scheduled for late June 2006. Environmental Assessment of agricultural production in three regions with high potential for agri- Category B. PID: 88600. US$ 10.0 (GEF). Consulting services to be cultural development, while promoting sustainable use of infra- determined. Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI), PO Box structure and soil and water resources. Appraisal is scheduled for 57811, Nairobi, Kenya, Tel: (254-20) 583-301, Fax: (254-20) 583-344, E- June 2006 and Board presentation for July 2006. Environmental mail: kiome-rm@kari.org, Contact: Romano Kiome, Director Assessment Category A. PIDs: 74086, 88887. US$ 60.0/8.0 (IDA/GEF). Community-Driven Development and Flood Mitigation: The ob- Consultants will be required for preparation. Ministry of Agriculture, jectives of the project are to empower local communities in the west- Livestock and Fisheries, PO Box 301, Antananarivo, Madagascar, Tel: ern part of the country to move out of poverty and create wealth, and (261-20) 222-7227, E-mail: maep.mi@wanadoo.mg, Contact: Mr. Hari- to reduce the frequency and costs of recurrent floods. Appraisal is ten- son Randriarimanana, Minister tatively scheduled for late June 2006. Environmental Assessment Cat- egory B. PID: 74106. US$ 80.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required for Malawi environmental assessment studies, social analysis, institutional analy- sis and diagnostic studies. Office of the President, Harambee House, Energy and Mining PO Box 30510, Nairobi, Kenya, Tel: (254-20) 227-411, Contact: Mr. Rural Infrastructure Services: The objective of the project is to im- Mahboub M. Maalim, Permanent Secretary plement the Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth strategy with Natural Resource Management: The objectives of the project are a view to significantly enhancing production and productivity, notably to (a) enhance institutional capacity to manage water and forests and in agriculture but also in tourism and mining. Appraisal was scheduled (b) reduce the incidence and severity of water shocks in the west and for 24 April 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PIDs: 57761, the Mt. Elgon and Aberdares catchments. Appraisal is tentatively 74716. US$ 40.0/3.0 (IDA/GEF). Cofinancing of US$ 5.0 is anticipated scheduled for late June 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. from the Nordic Development Fund. Consultants will be required for PID: 95050. US$ 40.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. Min- feasibility studies, institutional arrangements and private sector par- istry of Water and Irrigation, Ministry of Environment and Natural Re- ticipation. Ministry of Economic Planning and Development, Capital source Management, PO Box 49720, Nairobi, Kenya, Tel: (254-20) Hill PO Box 30136 Lilongwe 3 Malawi, Tel: (265-1) 788-888/390, Fax: 271-6103, Fax: (254-20) 272-7622, Contact: Mr. Simeon Ochieng, Senior (265-1) 788-093, Contact: Mr. Ben Botolo, Director of Monitoring and Deputy Director of Water Evaluation Urban Development Mali Municipal Program: The objective of the project is to improve ser- Education vice delivery in urban centers. Project preparation is under way. En- vironmental Assessment Category B. PID: 66488. US$ 35.0 (IDA). No (R) Education Sector Expenditure Program APL 2: The objec- consultants are required. Ministry of Local Government, Jogoo House, tive of the project is to ensure that all children complete a quality pri- “A” Taifa Rd., PO Box 30004, Nairobi, Kenya, Tel: (254-20) 223-346, Fax: mary education and that the education system provide the country with (254-20) 243-067, Contact: Mr. John K. Karu, Chief Economist, Min- the human resources necessary for its development. Appraisal was istry of Local Government scheduled for May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 93991. US$ 35.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Lesotho Education, BP 71, Bamako, Mali, Tel/Fax: (223) 223-1112, Contact: Ms. Bintou Maiga, Program Coordinator Transportation Integrated Transport Program: The project aims at continuing re- Health, Nutrition and Population form of the road sub-sector initiated by the Road Rehabilitation and Main- (R) Sector-wide Health System and Social Development Support: tenance project, but in the context of a more comprehensive approach The objectives of the project are to (a) decrease maternal and infant to the transportation sector. Board presentation was scheduled for mortality and (b) fight malaria and other diseases. Appraisal was sched- April 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 75566. US$ uled for May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 35.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required for work on administrative, 93689. US$ 35.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry of MAY 2006 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 13 Health, BP 232, Koulouba, Bamako, Mali, Tel: (223) 222-5301, Fax: (223) Mauritius 223-0203, Contact: Mr. Daba Diawara, Secretary General; Ministry of Social Development, BPE 3062, Bamako, Mali, Tel: (223) 222-0387, Fax: Transportation (223) 222-4863 (R) Environmental Transport: The objective of the project is to re- duce or at least stabilize traffic congestion in the Port Louis conurba- Transportation tion. Preappraisal mission has been delayed. Environmental Assessment (N) Second Transport Sector: The objectives of the project are to Category to be determined. PID: 91828. US$ 40.0 (IBRD). Consulting increase access to rural communities and facilitate better transporta- services to be determined. Implementing agency(ies) to be deter- tion services by improving infrastructure. Project preparation is under mined way. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 90075. US$ 63.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Equipment and Trans- Mozambique port, BP 78, Bamako, Mali, Tel: (223) 223-2002, Fax: (223) 222-3434, Education Contact: Mr. Tiémoko Yoro Koné, Coordinator, Cellule de Coordina- Technical and Vocational Education and Training (Cr. 4156- tion MOZ): The objective of the project is to implement reform of the tech- Mauritania nical and vocational education and training system to make it more integrated and demand driven. Approved by the Executive Directors Environment and Natural Resources Management on 21 March 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: (R) Community-Based Watershed Management: The objective of 87347. US$ 30.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry of the project is to improve the capacity and enabling environment of com- Education and Culture, Ave. 24 de Julho.167, CP 34, Maputo, Mozam- munes and village communities to plan, implement and adopt sus- bique, Tel: (258-1) 491-314, 492- 973, Fax: (258-1) 492-196, E-mail:qui- tainable land and water management investments and practices. teria.mabote@ mined.gov.mz, Contact: Quitéria Mabote, Director Negotiations were scheduled for April 2006. Board presentation is for Technical and Vocational Education scheduled for 15 June 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. Law and Justice PID 87670. US$ 6.0 (IDA/GEF). Consultants will be required. Im- plementing agency(ies) to be determined Legal Capacity: The objective of the project is to deliver more effec- tive and efficient legal services, especially for disadvantaged groups. Health, Nutrition and Population Appraisal completed Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: (R) Health and Nutrition Support: The objective of the project is 90905. US$ 5.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Jus- to improve health and nutrition, notably of women, children, and the tice, Ave. Julius Nyerere, 13, Tel: (258-1) 301-850, Fax: (258-1) 494-264, poor. Negotiations were scheduled for April 2006. Board presentation E-mail: melotoma@tropical.co.mz, Contact: Dra. Angela Melo, Direc- is scheduled for 30 May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. tor of Planning PID 94278. US$ 10.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Rural Development Health and Social Affairs, Direction des Affaires Administratives et Fi- nancieres, BP 169, Nouakchott, Mauritania, Tel: (222) 525-8962, Fax: (R) Smallholder Development in the Zambezi Valley: The objec- (222) 632-1224, E-mail: daf.msas@mauritel.mr, Contact: Dr. Mohamed tive of the project is to increase the income of owners of small farms Lemine Ould Mohamed El Hadj, Director; Executive Secretariat for by empowering communities, building community organizations, in- the Promotion of Women, BP 4472, Nouakchott, Mauritania, Tel: (222) creasing production and productivity and facilitating farm-to-market ac- 529-2432, Fax: (222) 529-2431, E-mail: mounina11@yahoo.fr, Contact: cess. Negotiations were scheduled for 19 April 2006. Environmental Mrs. Mounina Mint Abdellah, Director. Assessment Category B. PID: 93165. US$ 20.0 (IBRD). Cofinancing of US$ 3.0 is anticipated from the AfDB. Consultants will be required. Public Sector Governance National Directorate of Promotion of Rural Development, Ministry of (R) Public Sector Capacity Building: The objective of the project Planning and Development, Av. Ahmed Sekou Touré, 21 Maputo, is to build institutional capacity and governance in public administra- Mozambique, Tel: (258-21) 414-434, Fax: (258-21) 419-824, dndr1@tv- tion and develop among nongovernmental organizations and civil so- cabo.co.mz; salimkrvala@yahoo.com.br, Mr. Salimo Vala, National Di- ciety genuine stakeholder participation for implementing the poverty rector reduction strategy most effectively. Appraisal was scheduled for April Transportation 2006. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 82888. US$ 13.0 Roads and Bridges Management and Maintenance: The objec- (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Economic Affairs and tive of the project is to improve management and maintenance of the Development, BP 238, Nouakchott, Mauritania, Tel: (222) 525-3776, E- roads and bridges systems. Project concept review completed. Envi- mail: mhdabba@toptechnology.mr, Contact: Mr. Mohamed Ould Abba, ronmental Assessment Category to be determined. US$ 135.0 (IDA). Counsellor Consultants will be required. Administração Nacional de Estradas, Transportation Ave. de Moçambique, 1225 Maputo, Mozambique, Tel: (258-1) 476-018, (N) Transport Sector: The objective of the project is to update and Fax: (258-1) 475-290, E-mail: Amugunhe@ane.gov.mz, Contact: Atana- implement the government’s transportation plan. Project preparation sio Mugunhe, Director is under way. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 89672. Urban Development US$ 2.5 (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of Maputo Urban Development Program: The objective of the pro- Equipment and Transport, Immeuble du Gouvernement, BP 237, ject is to improve the governance, financial management and service Nouakchott, Mauritania, Tel: (222) 660-8153, Tel/Fax: (222) 524-1626, delivery of Maputo in order to reduce urban poverty and inequality E-mail: medelhafed@yahoo.fr, Contact: Mohamed El Hafed Ould Haiba, and facilate private sector growth and investment. Project is being Director of Planning, Search and Cooperation identified. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ 73.0 (IDA). Water and Sanitation Consultants will be required. Maputo City Council, Mapato, Mozam- bique, Tel: (258-1) 320-267, Fax: (258-1) 320-053, E-mail: eccomich@ Water Supply and Sanitation Sector: The objective of the project zebra.uem.mz, Contact: Eneas da Conceição Comiche, Mayor is to achieve sustainable improvement in the provision of water and sanitation services in unserved and low-income areas of Nouakchott Namibia and secondary cities. Appraisal is scheduled for June 2006. Environ- mental Assessment Category B. PID: 79475. US$ 30.0 (IDA). Con- Environment and Natural Resources Management sultants will be required. Ministry of Energy and Hydraulics, Société Promoting Environmental Sustainability Through Improved mauritanienne de l’eau (SNDE), B.P. 335 Nouakchott, Mauritanie, Land Use Planning: The project aims at developing an adaptive man- Fax: (222) 525-3995, E-mail: sonelec@opt.mr, Contact: Mr. Sidi Ould agement framework to guide policy and investment decisions for inte- Riha, General Manager grated land use at local, regional and national levels. Project prepa- PAGE 14 Monthly Operational Summary MAY 2006 ration is under way. Environmental Assessment Category to be Transportation determined. US$ 1.0 (GEF). Consulting services to be determined. (R) Rural Access and Mobility, Phase 1 (Kaduna State): The ob- Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Private Bag 13306, Windhoek, jective of the project is sustainably to improve access and mobility in Namibia, Tel: (264-61) 284-2185, Fax: (264-61) 284-2216, E-mail: rural areas of participating states and local government councils. Ap- malan.1@mweb.com.na, Contact: Dr. Malan Lindeque, Permanent praisal is scheduled for July 2006. Environmental Assessment Category Secretary B. PID: 72644. US$ 50.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required for pro- ject preparation. Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Develop- Niger ment, Michael Okpara Way, Wuse Zone 5, Abuja, Nigeria, Tel: (234-9) Health, Nutrition and Population 234-0802/9134, E-mail: wazike@yahoo.co.uk, Contact: Engr.(Mr.) E. Nwaezike, National RAMP Coordinator; NAIC House, Plot 590, Zone (R) Multi-Sector Demographic Program: The objective of the pro- AO, Along Airport Rd., Central Area, Abuja, Nigeria ject is to build a national response to rapid population growth, focused on human development and poverty alleviation. Preappraisal is tenta- Regional tively scheduled for September 2006. Environmental Assessment Category C. US$ 10.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. They will be funded Environment and Natural Resources Management through a PPF advance. Ministry of Population and Social Action Plan, (R) Stockpiles Program: The objective of the project is to elimi- BP 10461, Niamey, Niger, Tel: (227) 723-505, E-mail: sgmdsp@int- nate publicly-held obsolete pesticide stockpiles and associated waste net.ne, Contact: Mr. Ibrahima Halilou, Secretary General in seven countries and implement measures to reduce and prevent Rural Development future related risks. The countries are Ethiopia, Mali, Nigeria, South Africa and Tanzania in the Africa Region and Morocco and Tunisia (N) Agro-Pastoral Export: The objective of the project is to satisfy in the Middle East and North Africa Region. (This listing also appears global standards of food safety, food quality and agricultural health that in the Middle East and North Africa Region section.) Grant signing are pre-requisites to developing a successful food export program. for Tunisia took place on 21 November 2005. Grant signing for South Project identification is under way. Environmental Assessment Cate- Africa took place on 4 April 2006. Grant signing for Nigeria was sched- gory to be determined. US$ 15.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be de- uled for late April 2006. Negotiation plans for the remaining countries termined. Implementing agency(ies) to be determined. are as follows: Tanzania 18-20 April 2006, Morocco 2-3 May 2006, Mali late May 2006, Ethiopia late June 2006. Environmental Assess- Social Protection ment Category A. PID: 75776. US$ 21.7/2.7 (GEF/Trust Funds). Cofi- (R) Rural and Social Sector Policy Reform: The objectives of the nancing to bring the total amount to US$ 60.0 is anticipated from AfDB project are to: (a) improve public sector management; (b) promote rural (US$ 10.0), a bilateral trust fund with contributions from EU, Den- development and agricultural growth; and (c) improve service deliv- mark, Sweden and Switzerland (US$ 7.1), Belgium (US$ 4.1), FAO ery in social sectors. Appraisal completed. Negotiations were scheduled (US$ 3.4, of which US$ 3.3 will be an additional contribution from GEF), for 24-28 April 2006. Environmental Assessment Category U. US$ CIDA (US$ 2.3), France (US$ 1.8), Japan (US$ 1.1), Netherlands (US$ 50.0 (IDA). No consultants are required. Ministère de l’Economie et 1.0), Finland (US$ 1.0), and the governments involved (US$ 3.8). Con- des Finances, BP 389, Niamey, Niger, Tel: (227) 722-847, Fax: (227) sultants will be required. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Devel- 735-934, Contact: Mr. Boubacar Moumouni Saidou, Commissaire opment, PO Box 6247, Addis Abbaba, Ethiopia, Tel: (251-1) 251- chargé de l’Economie, Commissariat chargé de l’Economie 2734, Fax: (251-1) 463-686, E-mail: fikrem2001@yahoo.com, Contact: Mr. Fikre Markos, Head, Crop Protection Department; Ministère de Urban Development l’Agriculture, du Développement Fural et des Pêches Maritimes, (N) Local Urban Infrastructure Development: The objectives of Direction de la Protection des Végétaux des Contrôles Techniques the project are to increase access to infrastructure services and improve et de la Répression des Fraudes, Rabat Boyaume de Maroc, Tel: capacity of local goverments to plan, manage and operate them. Pro- (212) 372-314, Fax: (212-37) 297-544, E-mail: ahilali@menara.ma, ject preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment Category to Contact: M. Abderrahmane Hilali, Directeur; Ministère de l’Envi- be determined. US$ 20.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. ronement, Direction Nationale de l’Assainissement et du Contrôle Implementing agency(ies) to be determined. des Pollutions et des Nuisances, Rue 415, Porte 191, Dravela-Bolibana, Bmako, Mali, Tel: (223) 229-2410, Fax: (223) 229-5090, E-mail: lassi- Water and Sanitation nate@hotmail.com, Contact: M. Lassina Traore, Coordinateur du (R) Water Sector Additional Financing: The objectives of the pro- Programme; Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Develop- ject are to (a) complete the rehabilitation of the water distribution sys- ment, Agence Nationale de Protection de l’Environnement, 12 Rue tems in secondary urban centers, and (b) scale up the social water du Cameroun-Belvedere, 1002 Tunis, Tunisie, Tel: (216) 7184-7493, connections program and on-site sanitation pilot program. Appraisal Fax: (216) 7189-0581, E-mail: dds@anpe.nat.tn, Contact: M. Mounir and negotiations completed. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: Ferchichi, Directeur, Department Dechets Solides; Federal Min- 99121. US$ 10.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required for works su- istry of Environment, National Department of Environmental Affairs pervision and for institutional capacity building. Project Coordinating and Tourism, 7th Floor, Federal Secretariat, Phase 1, Garki, PMB 468, Unit / Water Holding Company, Ministry of Water Resources, Ni- Nigeria, Tel/Fax: (234-9) 523-4119, Contact: Mr. S. O. Adekunle, amey, Niger, Tel: (227) 724-731, E-mail: pseniger@intnet.ne, Contact: Permanent Secretary; Department of Environmental Affairs and Mr. Zibo Zakara, Project Coordinator Tourism, Private Bag X447, Pretoria 0001 South Africa, Tel: (27-12) 310-3911, Fax: (27-12) 320-1243, E-mail: pyako@deat.gov.za, Con- Nigeria tact: Ms. Pamela Yako, Director General; National Environment Management Council, PO Box 63154, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Tel: Health, Nutrition and Population (255-22) 213-4603, Fax: (255-22) 211-1579, E-mail: nemc@nemctz.org, (N) Avian Influenza Control and Human Pandemic Prepared- Contact: Dr. Magnus A. K. Ngoile, Director General ness and Reponse (Cr. 4160-UNI): The objective of the project is to minimize the threat posed by the bird flu virus to humans and the Private Sector Development poultry industry, and prepare the necessary control measures to re- East Africa Trade and Transport Facilitation (Cr. 4147-UG, Cr. spond to a possible influenza pandemic. Approved by the Executive 4148-KE, Cr. 4149-TA, H202-RW): The objective of the project Directors on 29 March 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. is to facilitate further trade integration in the region by overcoming in- PID: 100122. US$ 50.6 (IDA). Consultants will be required. National stitutional, legal, and infrastructure constraints. The grant for Rwanda Inter-ministerial Committee on Avian Influenza, Radio House, Area 10, was signed on 6 March 2006. The credit for Tanzania was signed on Garki, Abuja, Nigeria, Tel: (234-9) 523-8362, Fax: (234-9) 523-4590, 9 March 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 79734. US$ Contact: Mr. Frank Nweke, Minister of Information and National Ori- 184.0/15.0 (IDA Credits, IDA Grant). Consultants will be required. East entation African Community, Arusha International Conference Centre Bldg., Kil- MAY 2006 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 15 imanjaro Wing, 5th Floor, PO Box 1096, Arusha, Tanzania, Tel: (255- poor rural and urban areas. Appraisal is scheduled for June 2006. En- 27) 250-4253/4/6/7/8, E-mail: eac@eachq.org, Contact: Secretary vironmental Assessment Category C. PID: 97181. US$ 15.0 (IDA). Con- General; Transit Transport Co-ordination Authority of the Northern sulting services to be determined. Bureau Executif National de la Corridor Permanent Secretariat, Mama Ngina Dr., PO Box 95341, Cellule de Lutte contre la Malnutrition, Lot 42, Dakar, Senegal, Tel: (221) Mombasa, Kenya, Tel: (254-41) 314-643, Fax: (254-41) 311-572, E-mail: 869-0199, Fax: (221) 869-3861, E-mail: bndiaye@clm.sn, Contact: Mr. ttca@africaonline.co.ke; Ministry of Transport, Transcom House, Biram Ndiaye, National Coordinator Ngong Rd., PO Box 52692, Nairobi, Kenya Rural Development Transportation (R) Agricultural Markets and Agribusiness Development (Cr. Transport-Trade Facilitation: The objective of the project is to cre- 4151-SE): The objective of the project is to improve the competi- ate a common market for goods, services, capital and persons in the tiveness of the country’s agriculture for domestic and international Central African Economic and Monetary Community, which includes markets. Approved by the Executive Directors on 28 February 2006. Cameroon, Central African Republic (CAR), Chad, Republic of Congo, The credit was scheduled to be signed in April 2006. Environmental Equatorial Guinea and Gabon. Decision meeting was scheduled for 6 Assessment Category B. PID: 83609. US$ 35.0 (IDA). A supple- May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 79736. US$ mental PPF advance of US$ 0.6 has been approved. Parallel financ- 64.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Communauté Économique ing is being provided by the Agence française de développement and et Monétaire de l’Afrique Centrale, Executive Secretariat, BP 969, Ban- the EU. Project preparation and safeguards documents (Environmental gui, CAR, Tel: (236) 611-885, (236) 612-179, E-mail: secemac@hot- and Social Management and Resettlement Framework) are posted mail.com, sgudeac@intnet.cf; Ministry of Public Works, BP 4180, in French at www.pdmas.org. Consultants were used during prepa- Yaounde, Cameroon, Tel: (237) 222-8711, E-mail: celcommintp@icc- ration for technical studies and will be required during implemen- net.cm tation for agribusiness activities, for which a market integrator from Rwanda an international consulting firm will be recruited. Staff for the Pro- ject Management Coordinating Unit are being hired. Ministère de Information and Communication l’Agriculture, de l’Elevage et de l’Hydraulique, Building Adminis- (N) eRwanda: The objective of the project is to improve efficiency and tratif, 5ème étage, Dakar, Sénégal, Tel: (221) 822-4703, Fax: (221) 823- effectiveness of government operations and enhance service delivery 3268, E-mail: tour_mama@yahoo.fr, ndeyemama@hotmail.com, Con- systems. Appraisal was scheduled for May 2006. Environmental As- tact: Mrs. Ndeye Mama Touré, Conseiller Technique sessment Category C. PID: 98926. US$ 5.0/10.0 (IDA/Trust Fund). (R) Agricultural Services and Producer Organizations Program, Consultants are required for the following studies: baseline study, Phase 2: The objective of the project is to increase access of small- mapping of the telecom sector, financial and economic analysis, social holder producers to sustainable and diversified agricultural services analysis, content development, web preparation and change manage- and innovations that would increase agricultural productivity. The pro- ment. Rwanda Information Technology Authority, Ministry of Infra- ject was scheduled for an approval decision - following APL proce- structure, Telecom House, 3rd Floor, Blvd. de l’Umunganda, PO Box dures - on 25 May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 7229, Kigali, Rwanda, Tel/Fax: (250) 583-222, E-mail: info@rita.rw, 93622. US$ 20.0 (IDA). A PHRD preparation grant of US$ 1.0 has been rmmasi@rita.rw, Contact: Dr. Raphael Mmasi approved, and the first portion of a PPF (US$ 0.6) has been approved. Senegal Social and environmental impact studies completed. Consultants will be required to define a monitoring and evaluation system. Ministry of Economic Management Agriculture, Rural Hydraulics and Food Security, Office of Analysis, (N) Third Poverty Reduction Support: The objective of the project Planning and Statistics, Building Administratif, 5ème étage, Dakar, is to consolidate reforms in the poverty reduction program. Project con- Sénégal, Tel: (221) 864-6413, E-mail: diadavid@yahoo.fr, Contact: M. cept review completed. Appraisal mission is scheduled for July 2006. Amadou Daouda Dia, National Coordinator Environmental Assessment Category C. US$ 30.0 (IDA). No consul- tants are required. Ministry of Economy and Finance, Dakar, Senegal, Social Development, Gender and Inclusion Tel: (221) 821-0378, Fax: (221) 822-4195, Contact: M. Abdoulaye Diop, (R) Participatory Local Development: The objective of the project Minister is to increase socio-economic services and infrastructure for poor (R) Second Poverty Reduction Support (Cr. 4158-SE): The ob- communities by implementing an effective framework for participatory jective of the project is to implement the poverty reduction strategy. local development and mobilization and transfers to local governments Approved by the Executive Directors on 29 March 2006. Environmen- and community-based organizations. Negotiations completed. Board tal Assessment Category U. PID: 91051. US$ 30.0 (IDA). No consul- presentation was scheduled for 27 April 2006. Environmental Assess- tants are required. Ministère de l’Economie et des Finances, Cellule ment Category B. PID: 88656. US$ 50.0 (IDA). A PPF advance of US$ de suivi et de lutte contre la pauvreté, Dakar, Senegal, Tel: (221) 888- 0.6 was approved, followed by a supplemental PPF advance of US$ 0.6. 2167, Fax: (221) 889-2166, E-mail: cspl2003@yahoo.fr, Contact: M. Consultants will be required during preparation and implementation Thierno Niane, Coordinateur for local planning and financing, decentralization, and social infra- Education structure. Comité interministériel de préparation, Primature, Dakar, Senegal, Tel: (221) 889-6910, E-mail: cab.fall@primature.sn, Contact: (R) Quality Education for All, Phase 2: The objective of the pro- M. Cheikh Awa Balla Fall, Conseiller technique ject is to implement the ten-year sector plan, putting greater empha- sis on improving quality. Appraisal and negotiations were scheduled Transportation for May and June 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ 30.0 (IDA). A PPF advance of US$ 0.5 has been approved. Consultants Dakar-Diamniadio Toll Road: The objective of the project is to build have been identified for preparation (education consultants, including a road between Dakar and Diamniadio to foster economic development education economists and implementation specialists). Consultants by (a) diminishinig transport congestion and its associated costs and with French proficiency will also be required for multigrade teaching, (b) sustainably spreading out economic activities and housing within teacher training, national assessments, decentralization and capacity and outside the Cap Vert peninsula. Appraisal mission is scheduled for building. Ministère de l’Education, Dakar, Senegal, Tel: (221) 821- September 2006. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: 87304. 0762, Fax: (221) 821-1376, E-mail: mendpre@sentoo.sn, Contact: Mbaye US$ 50.0 (IDA). A PPF advance of US$ 1.0 has been approved. An IDA Ndoumbé Guèye, Coordonnateur du PDEF et Directeur, Direction de partial risk guarantee of US$ 30.0 is planned to attract private sector la Planification et de la Réforme de l’Education involvement in private-public partnerships. Cofinancing will be re- quired to bridge the financing gap. Consultants will be required dur- Health, Nutrition and Population ing preparation and implementation for road studies, investment (R) Nutrition Enhancement Program, Phase 2: The objective of banking, and urban upgrading. Agence National Chargée de la Pro- the project is to implement a community nutrition program targeting motion de l’Investissement et des Grands Travaux, BP 430, CP 18524, PAGE 16 Monthly Operational Summary MAY 2006 Dakar, Senegal, Tel: (221) 842-3110, E-mail: apix@sentoo.sn, Contact: Law and Justice Mme. Marie Ndaw, Project Director (R) Capacity Building of the Judiciary: The objective of the pro- ject is to strengthen the capacity of the judiciary to become more in- Urban Development dependent, build the judges’ knowledge base and become empowered (R) Local Authorities Development Program: The objectives of to apply the law and deliver justice effectively and fairly. Appraisal the program are to (a) strengthen the financial and organizational completed. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 99692. US$ 15.0 management of municipalities, (b) improve infrastructure and (c) (Trust Fund). Consulting services to be determined. Supreme Court, increase deliver y of services in urban areas. Negotiations were Tel: (249-91) 255-6427, 262-8845, Contacts: Hon. Dr. Wahbi M. scheduled for May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: Mokhtar, Judge, and Hon. Benjamin B. Deng, Judge 84022. US$ 80.0 (IDA). Cofinancing of US$ 18.0 is expected from the French Agency for Development (AFD). Consultants will be required Public Sector Governance during implementation for technical assistance, urban financial and Core Fiduciary Systems Support: The objective of the project is to technical audits, monitoring and evaluation, municipal finance, strate- establish minimal fiduciary standards and systems. The grant was gic urban and metropolitan planning studies, capacity building in munic- signed on 21 February 2006. Environmental Assessment Category to ipal management, and environmental assessments. Agence de be determined. PID: 98639. US$ 3.0 (Trust Fund). Consultants will be Développement Municipal, No. 5, Immeuble Carde Rénovation, required for project accounting and for government auditing. Min- 3ème étage, BP 6783, Dakar Etoile, Sénégal, Tel: (221) 849-2710, Fax: istry of Finance, Government of South Sudan, Juba, Southern Sudan, (221) 842-2576, E-mail: pacadem@sentoo.sn, Contact: Mr. Kabir Sow, Tel: (00249-911) 200-016 (mobile), (0088-216) 4333-0562 (satellite), Managing Director Contact: Mr. Arthur A. Chol, Minister Technical Assistance Fund Facility: The objective of the project is South Africa to provide a financing facility that can rapidly provide financial re- sources from pooled donor contributions for the most urgent devel- Environment and Natural Resources Management opment programs and projects to reconstruct and rehabilitate Development, Empowerment and Conservation in the Greater conflict-affected areas, leading to the generation of increased em- St. Lucia Wetland Park and Surrounding Region: The objective ployment, higher incomes and reductions in poverty. The grant was of the project is to protect the exceptional biodiversity of the greater signed on 16 January 2006. Environmental Assessment Category C. St. Lucia wetland area through conservation, sustainable resources use, PID: 98493. US$ 5.0 (Trust Fund). Consultants will be required. Min- planning for rational land use and local economic development. Appraisal istry of Finance and National Economy, Khartoum, Sudan is scheduled for 5 June 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ 53.5 (GEF). Consulting services to be determined. St. Lucia Social Development, Gender and Inclusion Greater Wetlands Park Authority, Kwazul Natal, Private Bag X05, St. Community Development Fund: The objective of the project is to Lucia 3936 South Africa, Tel: (27-35) 590-1633, Fax: (27-35) 590-1602, meet urgent community-driven recovery and development needs in the E-mail: wetlandsauthority@mweb.co.za, Contact: Andrew Zaloumis, war-affected and underdeveloped areas of North Sudan with social and CEO economic services and infrastructure. The grant was signed on 16 January 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 94476. US$ Sudan 30.0 (Trust Fund). Consultants will be required. Federal Government Ministry, Khartoum, Sudan; Ministry of Finance and National Econ- Education omy (R) Multi-Donor Education Rehabilitation: The objective of the project is to improve access for primary school students, displaced Tanzania persons, demobilized soldiers, and other non-traditional learners to Energy and Mining enhanced-quality education, alternate learning opportunities, life Energizing Rural Transformation: The objective of the project is to skills development options and occupational skills training. Approved bolster incomes generated and jobs created in rural and peri-urban ar- by the Interim Operational Committee on 21 February 2006. Envi- eas by increasing access to electricity and information and communi- ronmental Assessment Category C. PID: 97962. US$ 51.0 (Trust Fund). cation technology for households, enterprises and social facilities in Consultants will be required. Ministry of Education, Science and Tech- those areas. Project is being identified. Environmental Assessment nology, Tel: (081) 182-0514 (satellite phone), Contact: Dr. Michael Category B. US$ 80.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. Milly, Minister Ministry of Energy and Minerals, Maji Bldg., Sokoine Dr. and Mwepu St., PO Box 2000, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Tel: (255-22) 211-7156/7/8/9, Health, Nutrition and Population (255-22) 213-1192/3/4, Fax: (255-22) 211-7790, Contact: Mr. Bashir Umbrella Program for Health System Development: The objec- Mrindoko, Commissioner for Energy and Petroleum tive of the project is to develop core health sector systems and capac- ities and rapidly expand service delivery and high-impact preventive Finance health interventions. Approved by the Interim Oversight Committee (N) Second Generation Financial Sector Support Program: The on 21 February 2006. Environmental Assessment Category to be de- objective of the project is to implement the Action Plan for Second termined. PID: 98495. US$ 75.0 (Trust Fund). Consultants will be re- Generation Financial Sector Reforms. Negotiations were scheduled quired. Ministry of Health, Government of South Sudan, Tel: (249) for 9 May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category to be deter- 820-134, E-mail: majokyak@splmsoh.org, Contact: Dr. Majok Yak, Un- mined. PID: 99231. US$15.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be deter- dersecretary mined. Bank of Tanzania, PO Box 2939, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Tel: (255-22) 211-0946/52, Contact: Mrs. G. Rubambey, Director, Micro- Information and Communication Finance Fifth Population Census: The objective of the project is to produce (N) Tax Modernization Program: The objective of the program is reliable, accurate demographic, economic and social data that can be to implement the second five-year corporate plan of the revenue au- used to benchmark development planning. Appraisal completed. En- thority and support the Zanzibar Revenue Board. Negotiations were vironmental Assessment Category C. PID: 99327. US$ 33.0 (Trust scheduled for 9 May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category to be Fund). Consultants will be required in census management, survey tools, determined. US$ 12.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. training and statistical analysis. Central Bureau of Statistics, Khar- Tanzania Revenue Authority, Sokoine Dr., PO Box 11491, Dar es toum, Sudan, Tel: (249-1) 8377-1131, 8379-8115, 8377-7255, Fax: (249- Salaam, Tanzania, Tel: (255-22) 211-9591/4, Fax: (255-22) 211-9595, Con- 1) 8377-1860, Contact: Prof. Awad Haj Ali, Head, Central Bureau of tact: Mary N. Maganga Statistics; South Sudan Center for Census, Statistics and Evaluation, Second Financial Institutions Development Additional Financ- Juba/Rumbek, Southern Sudan, Tel: (249) 9130-8196, (254) 7228- ing: The objective of the project is to continue developing the sound- 88135, (882) 16433-30554 ness and competitiveness of the financial sector and improving access MAY 2006 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 17 by small savers and micro entrepreneurs to the formal financial sys- 1607, Fax: (255-26) 232-2116, Contact: D.M.S. Mmari, Permanent Sec- tem. Project Concept Note is being prepared. Environmental Assess- retary ment Category to be determined. US$ 15.0 (IDA). Consultants will be Water Sector Support Program: The objective of the program is to required to carry out studies, draft laws, regulations and guidelines, improve governance of water resources management and assure sus- train agency staff, and provide technical support and advisory ser- tainable delivery of water supply and sanitation services. Decision vices. Bank of Tanzania, PO Box 2939, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Tel: meeting is scheduled for June 2006. Environmental Assessment Cat- (255-22) 211-0946, (255-22) 212-7952, Fax: (255-22) 212-7954, E-mail: egory A. PID: 87154. US$ 150.0 (IDA). Cofinancing is being sought from pmnoni@hq.bot-tz.org, Contact: Mr. Peter E. M. Noni, Director of the AfDB, Netherlands and the UK. Consulting services to be deter- Strategic Planning and Performance Review mined. Ministry of Water and Livestock Development, PO Box 9153, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Tel: (225-22) 245-0838/41, (225-22) 245-0001, Law and Justice Fax: (255-22) 245-1451, E-mail: mowmaji@maji.go.tz, Contact: Mr. Vin- (R) Accountability, Transparency and Integrity: The objective of cent Mrisho, Permanent Secretary the project is to improve the impact of development programs on the poor by enhancing the quality of governance. Board presentation was Togo scheduled for 9 May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. Health, Nutrition and Population PID: 70544. US$ 40.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required for studies, analysis, system design and documentation, training, document prepa- HIV/AIDS Emergency Response: The objective of the project is to ration, technical assistance and architectural expertise. Ministry of build up effective activities in the prevention of HIV infection and care Justice and Constitutional Affairs, Tel: (255-22) 211-1151, Fax: (255-22) of people living with AIDS. Appraisal is scheduled for July 2006. En- 113-239, E-mail: jlegalsec@africaonline.co.tz, Contact: Mr. K. Mass- vironmental Assessment Category B. PID: 71634. US$ 16.0 (IDA aba, Permanent Secretary and Deputy Attorney General Grant). Consulting services to be determined. Conseil national de lutte contre le SIDA et les infections sexuellement transmissibles (Na- Private Sector Development tional AIDS Country Council), 01 BP 2237, Lomé, Togo, Tel: (228) 262- (R) Private Sector Competitiveness (Cr. 4136-TA): The objective 717, Fax: (228) 218-941, Contact: Dr. Abi Tchao Tagba, Permanent of the project is to create sustainable conditions for enterprise creation Secretary and growth by reducing the cost of doing business and increasing the capacity of the local private sector to participate in domestic and in- Uganda ternational markets and to access appropriate financial services. The Education credit was signed on 9 March 2006. Environmental Assessment Cat- (R) Millennium Science Initiative: The objective of the project is egory C. PID: 85009. US$ 95.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required for to increase the quantity, quality, and relevance of scientific and tech- private sector capacity building in the areas of matching grants and the nological skills produced. Negotiations completed. Board presentation business development gateway and technical assistance to increase ac- is scheduled for 25 May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. cess to finance. President’s Office for Planning and Privatization, PO PID: 86513. US$ 30.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. National Coun- Box 9242, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Tel/Fax: (255-22) 211-6728, E-mail: cil for Science and Technology, Uganda House, 11th Floor, PO Box 6884, ebukuku@plancom.go.tz, Contact: Dr. Enos S. Bukuku, Permanent Sec- Kampala, Uganda, Tel: (256-41) 250-449, Fax: (256-41) 234-579, E-mail: retary; Growth Strategies Division, President’s Office for Planning uncst@starcom.co.ug, Contact: Dr. Z. Nyiira, Executive Secretary. and Privatization, PO Box 9242, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Tel: (255-22) 213-3352, Fax: (255-22) 211-5519/6728, E-mail: jlema60@yahoo.co.uk, Health, Nutrition and Population Contact: Juliana H.Lema, Director Fifth Poverty Reduction Support (Cr. 4142-UG, H199-UG): Public Sector Governance The objective of the project is to implement the revised Poverty Erad- ication Action Plan. Approved by the Executive Directors on 17 Janu- (R) Fourth Poverty Reduction Support: The objective of the pro- ary 2006. Environmental Assessment Category U. PID: 90881. US$ ject is to implement the strategy for economic growth and poverty re- 22.5/112.5 (IDA Credit/IDA Grant). No consultants are required. Of- duction. Board presentation was scheduled for 9 May 2006. Environmental fice of the Prime Minister, Post Office Bldg., Yusuf Lule Rd., PO Box Assessment Category U. PID: 95509. US$ 200.0 (IDA). No consul- 341, Kampala, Uganda, Tel: (256-41) 232-575, Fax: (256-41) 341-139, Con- tants are required. Ministry of Finance, PO Box 9111, Madaraka Ave., tact: Mr. Martin Odwedo, Permanent Secretary off Shabaan Robert St., Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Tel: (255-22) 211- 1174/6, Fax: (255-22) 211-0326, E-mail: ps@mof.go.tz, Contact: Mr. Law and Justice Peniel Lyimo, Permanent Secretary (R) Public Ser vice Performance: The objective of the project is to enhance the capacity and performance of public entities to deliver Rural Development services effectively and efficiently at levels consistent with raising Agricultural Sector Development Program: The objective of the and sustaining the growth, diversification and modernization of the project is to provide farmers and other clients, including rural poor peo- economy and with the government’s poverty reduction targets. ple and women, better access to and use of relevant agricultural knowl- Board presentation was scheduled for 25 May 2006. Environmental edge and technologies, which, through sustained partnerships with Assessment Category B. PID: 50440. US$ 70.0 (IDA). Consultants service providers, will enhance their productivity and profitability. will be required for (a) capacity building and training, (b) good gov- Board presentation is scheduled for 6 July 2006. Environmental As- ernance, (c) human resources development, and (d) management sessment Category B. PID: 85752. US$ 80.0 (IDA). Consulting services and public service reform. Ministry of Finance, Planning and Eco- to be determined. Ministry of Agriculture and Food Securities, PO Box nomic Development, PO Box 7096, Kampala, Uganda, Tel: (256-41) 9192, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Tel: (255-24) 286-1345, Fax: (255-24) 230-290, Fax: (256-41) 230-891, E-mail: mkeith@infocom.co.ug, Con- 286-1344, Contact: Mr. C. Nyakimori, Project Coordinator tact: Mr. Keith Muhakanizi, Director Urban Development Transportation (R) Local Government Support Scale-Up: The objectives of the pro- Kampala Institutional and Infrastructure: The objective of the ject are to strengthen fiscal decentralization, improve accountability in project is to develop a strong governance and institutional structure the use of local government resources, improve management of in- in the Kampala City Council to enhance service delivery and improve tergovernmental transfers systems, increase access to infrastructure the economic performance of the city. Appraisal was scheduled for April and services in unplanned areas of Dar es Salaam, and improve rev- 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ 30.0 (IDA). Con- enue performance for sustainable operations and maintenance. Board sulting services to be determined. Kampala City Council, PO Box presentation is scheduled for 15 June 2006. Environmental Assessment 7010, Kampala, Uganda, Tel: (256-41) 231-440, (256-231) 344-000, Fax: Category to be determined. US$ 100.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. (256-41) 231-916, E-mail: urban@kccpcu.or.ug, Contact: Mr. James President’s Office, PO Box 1923, Dodoma, Tanzania, Tel: (255-26) 232- K.N. Sseggane, Town Clerk PAGE 18 Monthly Operational Summary MAY 2006 Zambia Fax: (260-1) 252-204; Ministry of Energy and Water Development; Lusaka Water and Sewerage Company; other utilities in Lusaka and Economic Management Copperbelt Provinces Second Economic Management and Growth: The objective of the project is to implement policy and institution reforms outlined in the poverty reduction strategy. Concept review meeting was sched- uled for April 2006. Environmental Assessment Category U. PID 74445 US$ 20.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Finance and National Planning, Contact: Dr. Situmbeko Musokotwance, East Asia and Pacific Secretary to Treasury Energy and Mining Cambodia (R) Increased Access to Electricity and ICT Ser vices: The Health, Nutrition and Population objective of the project is to expand access to electricity, telephone (N) Avian and Human Influenza Control and Preparedness: and internet services in rural areas. Appraisal mission is scheduled The objective of the project is to minimize the threat to humans and for 15 May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: poultry from bird flu and to prepare for, control and respond to influenza 77452, 76320. US$ 24.0/8.0/2.5 (IDA/GEF/PCF). Consultants will pandemics and other infectious disease emergencies in humans. Pro- be required. Ministry of Energy and Water Development, PO Box ject identification is under way. Environmental Assessment Category 36079, Lusaka 10101 Zambia, Tel: (260-1) 251-337, Fax: (260-1) 254- B. US$ 6.0 (IDA Grant). Consulting services to be determined. Min- 491, 252-339, E-mail: doe@zanment.zm, Contact: W. Serenje, Direc- istry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, 200, Norodom Blvd., tor, Department of Energy Sangkat Tonle Basak, Phom Penh, Cambodia, Tel: (855-23) 211-351, Public Sector Governance Fax: (855-23) 217-320, E-mail: yvt01@online.com.kh, Contact: H.E. Yim Voeunthan, Secretary of State Second Public Sector Management Program (Cr. 4140-ZA): The objective of the project is to improve budget management and the Public Sector Governance accountability of public servants when undertaking expenditures (R) Poverty Reduction Support: The objective of the project is to through better tracking, accounting and reporting and to build the ca- implement key policy measures of the National Poverty Reduction pacities of ministries to manage their own procurement. Approved by Strategy Paper. Decision meeting was scheduled for 12 May 2006. En- the Executive Directors on 5 January 2006. Environmental Assessment vironmental Assessment Category U. US$ 10.0 (IDA Grant). Con- Category C. PID: 82452. US$ 30.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. sulting services to be determined. Ministry of Economy and Finance, Ministry of Finance and National Planning, Box 50062, Lusaka, Zam- St. 92 Sangkat Wat Phnom, Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh, Cambo- bia, Tel: (260-1) 253-512, Fax: (260-1) 251-078, Contact: Ng’andu P. Ma- dia, Tel: (855) 1286-1355, Fax: (855) 2342-87798, E-mail: ferp- gande, Minister mefwbd@camnet.com.kh, Contact: Mr. Tauch Chan Kresna, Chief, Rural Development World Bank Division Agricultural Development Support: The objective of the project is (R) Public Financial Management and Accountability: The pro- to improve the productivity of small farmers by building capacity of agri- ject will improve the credibility of the budget, enhance accountability cultural infrastructure and institutions, particularly making extension of budget managers, and strengthen the linkage between pro-poor services stronger and agricultural research more competitive and re- policy and budgets. Appraisal mission is under way. Environmental As- sults-oriented. Negotiations completed. Environmental Assessment sessment Category to be determined. US$ 12.0 (IDA Grant). Con- Category B. PID: 70063. US$ 20.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. sultants will be required. Ministry of Economy and Finance, No. 60, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Mulungushi House, Inde- Daun Penh (St. 92), Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Tel: (855-23) 428-960, Fax: pendence Ave., PO Box 50197, Lusaka, Zambia, Tel: (260-1) 253-933, (855-23) 427-298, (855-23) 430-960, E-mail: mefcg@hotmail.com, Con- Fax: (260-1) 253-532, Contact: Mr. N.J. Kwendakwema, Permanent tact: Dr. Sok Saravuth, Director, Reform Committee Secretariat Secretary Rural Development Social Development, Gender and Inclusion Land Allocation for Social and Economic Development: The ob- Local Development Fund: The objective of the project is to advance jective of the project is to transfer good quality agricultural land to poor, local development initiatives by operating a financial intermediary to landless farmers for social and economic development. Project prepa- provide funding for projects estimated to be good prospects for suc- ration is under way. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ 10.0 cess. Project concept review completed. Environmental Assessment (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. Land Management and Category to be determined. US$ amount to be determined (IDA). Administration, 771 Monivong Blvd., Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Tel/Fax: Consultants will be required. Implementing agency(ies) to be deter- (855-23) 211-354, E-mail: lmap@camnet.com.kh, Contact: Mr. Sar So- mined vann, Project Director Transportation China Essential Bridge Rehabilitation: The objective of the project is to reinstate river crossings to those parts of the country that were neg- Economic Management atively affected by the floods of recent years. Decision meeting is (R) Economic Reform Implementation (Ln. 4820-CHA): The ob- scheduled for 24 May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. jective of the project is to promote economic reform and development PID: 93611. US$ 160.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry by providing technical assistance for implementing agreed strategies. of Communications and Transport, Roads Development Agency, Approved by the Executive Directors on 11 April 2006. Environmental Lusaka, Zambia, Tel: (260-1) 251-728; Ministry of Finance and Na- Assessment Category C. PID: 85124. US$ 20.0 (IBRD). Consulting ser- tional Planning, Lusaka, Zambia, Contact: Dr. Situmbeko Musokot- vices to be determined. Ministry of Finance, Sanlihe, Xicheng District, wane, Secretary to the Treasury Beijing, China 100820, Tel: (86-10) 6855-1208, Fax: (86-10) 6855-1125, E-mail: fy.liu@mof.gov.cn, Contact: Ms. Liu Fangyu, Director of Tech- Water and Sanitation nical Assistance Division (R) Water Sector Performance Improvement: The objective of the project is to ensure that water sector resources are effectively and ef- Energy and Mining ficiently used to contribute to poverty reduction. Appraisal mission was (N) Energy Efficiency Financing: The objective of the project is to scheduled for 2 May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. catalyze large-scale domestic financing for energy efficiency projects PID: 71259. US$ 21.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry of among energy-intensive industries. Project identification is under way. Local Government and Housing, Tel: (260-1) 253-643, (260-1) 250-345, Environmental Assessment Category to be determined. US$ 200.0/13.5 MAY 2006 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 19 (IBRD/GEF). Consulting services to be determined. Implementing 1776, E-mail: luogl@svr1-pek.unep.net, zhangqf@svr1-pek.unep.net, agency(ies) to be determined. Contact: Mr. Zhuang Guotai, Deputy Director General (R) Follow-up to the Renewable Energy Scale-up Program, Finance Phase 1 (Ln. 4816-CHA): The objective of the project is to enable commercial renewable electricity suppliers to provide energy to cus- Commercially Sustainable Micro and Small Business Finance: tomers efficiently, cost-effectively and on a large scale through the con- The objective of the project is to initiate a high volume of loans to struction of a windfarm and the rehabilitation and development of small businesses on a commercially sustainable basis using sound small hydro plants. Approved by the Executive Directors on 7 Febru- business practices and lending technologies. Board presentation is ary 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 96158. US$ 86.3 scheduled for July 2006. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. Inner Mongolia North 96285. US$ 100.0 (IBRD). A contract has been drawn up with Global Long Yuan Wind Power Company, Power Bldg. South, Xilin St., Huh- Development Services LLC. for (a) lead advisory services; (b) pro- hot, Inner Mongolia, China, Contact: Mr. Jia Yijun, Director of Project, curement of a project implementation consultant, and (c) institution- Preparation Department; Zhejiang Hydro Power Development Man- building advice to the China Development Bank and commercial agement Center, 7 Meihuabei, Hangzhou 310009, Zhejiang, China, Con- banks. China Development Bank, No. 29 Fuchengmenwaidajie, Xi- tact: Mr. Ye Zhuo, Director cheng District, Beijing 100037 China, Tel: (86-10) 6832-1732, Fax: (86- (R) Thermal Power Efficiency: The objective of the project is to 10) 6830-7214, E-mail: hunaijun@cdb.com.cn, Contact: Mr. Hu Naijun, achieve large improvements in the ratio of coal consumption per unit Director-General of electricity production through removal of regulatory, institutional Health, Nutrition and Population and technical barriers to phasing out smaller, older and inefficient units and through facilitating increased investments in efficiency im- Rural Health: The objective of the project is to reform health care sys- provements for larger, newer power plants. Concept review is sched- tems in selected poor rural provinces and address regional inequali- uled for 26 May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category C. US$ ties. Project preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment 19.7 (GEF). International and domestic consultants will be hired to per- Category C. PID: 84437. US$ 100.0 (IBRD). Consulting services to be form technical assistance assignments. A GEF-provided grant of US$ determined. Foreign Loan Office, Ministry of Health, No. 154, Gulou 0.4 was proposed for preparation for about one year, and will be used West St., Xicheng District, Beijing 100009 China, Tel: (86-10) 8404-5750, for hiring international and domestic consultants. Implementing Fax: (86-10) 8404-5749, Contact: Dr. Wang Longde, Vice Minister agency(ies) to be determined Rural Development Shandong Power Plant Flue Gas Desulfurization: The objective of the project is to reduce sulfur dioxide emissions in Shandong (R) Changjiang Pearl River Watershed Rehabilitation: The objectives Province by developing and implementing an emissions reduction of the project are to protect the environment and improve people’s liveli- program in the heat and thermal power sector. Preappraisal mission hoods in poor and highly degraded watersheds of the Changjiang and was scheduled for May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. Pearl River Basins. Negotiations were scheduled for 15 May 2006. En- US$ 104.0 (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. Shandong vironmental Assessment Category B. PID: 81255. US$ 100.0 (IBRD). Provincial Environmental Protection Bureau, 46 Jingwu Xiaoweisi Rd., Consultants will be required. Ministry of Water Resources, No. 2, Jinan 0001 China, Tel: (86-531) 8610-6152, Fax: (86-531) 8603-8443, E- Baiguanglu Ertiao, Xuanwu District, Beijing 100053 China, Tel: (86-10) mail: qing-wang@sdein.gov.cn, Contact: Ms. Qing Wang, Project Of- 6320-2365, Fax: (86-10) 6320-2361, E-mail: wangjs@mwr.gov.cn, Con- ficer tact: Ms. Wang Jinsu, Project Officer, Department of International Co- operation and Science Yantai Integrated Gasification and Combined Cycle: The objec- tive of the project is to develop a long-term strategy to gradually achieve (R) Guangxi Integrated Forestry Development and Conserva- zero-C02 emissions from coal-fired power generation by constructing, tion: The objective of the project is sustainably to manage forest re- commissioning, operating, demonstrating and replicating a green-field sources and conserve biodiversity in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous 300-400 MW IGCC plant at Yantai, Shandong Province. Project prepa- Region. Decision meeting is tentatively scheduled for 20 May 2006. ration was delayed due to procurement matters that were not yet ap- Environmental Assessment Category B. PIDs: 87318, 88964, 90649. US$ proved by the government. Environmental Assessment Category A. 100.0/5.0/2.0 (IBRD/GEF/BioCarbon Fund). Consultants will be re- PID: 71439. US$15.0-18.0 (GEF). Consulting services to be deter- quired for afforestation technical support, nature reserve manage- mined. State Grid Corporation of China, 86 Xi Chang’an Ave., Beijing, ment, a biocarbon program, and watershed management. Forestry China, Fax: (86-10) 6659-8592, Contact: Mr. Lu Jianping, Deputy Director Department, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, No. 133, Qixing General, Investment and Financing St., Nanning City 530022 China, Tel: (86-0771) 280-9558, Fax: (86-0771) 280-9558, E-mail: uffo@public.nn.gx.cn, Contact: Mr. Li Fufu, Director, Environment and Natural Resources Management World Bank Project Office (R) Demonstration of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Man- (R) Heilongjiang Dairy (Ln. 4815-CHA): The objective of the pro- agement and Disposal: The objective of the project is to reduce and ject is to improve the financial viability of existing and new dairy op- remove threats to human health and the environment posed by PCBs erations in selected areas of Heilongjiang. Loan signing is tentatively by demonstrating how to recover PCBs from unsafe temporary stor- scheduled for late May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. age sites and dispose of them safely. The grant was signed on 16 March PID: 86629. US$ 100.0 (IBRD). Consultants may be required for im- 2006. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: 82993. US$ 18.3 plementation. Heilongjiang Province Agriculture World Bank Project (GEF). Cofinancing has been obtained from country contributions Management Office, 202 Zhongshan Rd., Nangang District, Harbin and Italy, Japan and the United States. Consultants have been identi- 150001 China, Fax: (86-451) 263-2146, Contact: Mr. Liu Guicheng, Di- fied. State Environmental Protection Administration, 115 Xizhimennei rector Nanxiaojie, Beijing 200035 China, Tel: (86-10) 6115-3366/1775, Fax: (86- 10) 6615-1776, E-mail: luogl@svrl-pek.unep.net, zhangqf@svrl- Social Protection pek.unep.net, Contact: Mr. Zhuang Guotai, Deputy Director General Migrant Skills and Employment: The objective of the project is to Demonstration of Alternatives to Chlordane and Mirex in Ter- enable rural migrants to urban areas to increase their access to em- mite Control: The objective of the project is to introduce, first through ployment opportunities, and improve their incomes and working con- a demonstration and later on a broader scale, alternative termite con- ditions by enhancing educational attainment, improving access to trol practices to those that threaten human health and the environment. quality training and employment services, and strengthening worker Negotiations are scheduled for January 2007. Environmental Assess- protection. Project is being identified. Environmental Assessment Cat- ment Category A. PID: 82992. US$ 14.5 (GEF). Cofinancing is ex- egory C. US$ 50.0 (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. pected from country contributions. Consultants have been identified. Ministry of Labor and Social Security, No. 12, Hepingli Zhongjie, Bei- State Environmental Protection Administration, 115 Xizhimennei Nanx- jing 100716 China, Tel: (86-10) 8420-1235, Fax: (86-10) 8422-3987, Con- iaojie, Beijing 100035 China, Tel: (86-10) 6615-3366, Fax: (86-10) 6615- tact: Mr. Zhang Xinmin, Director, World Bank Operations Office PAGE 20 Monthly Operational Summary MAY 2006 Transportation Xian Urban Transport: The objective of the project is to advance the rapid economic growth of Xian by developing a solid foundation of ur- (R) Guiyang Transport: The objective of the project is to increase ban and transportation planning. Project preparation is under way. En- the access and mobility of Guiyang Municipality’s transport users by vironmental Assessment Category A. US$ 150.0 (IBRD). Consulting implementing cost-effective and sustainable transportation infra- services to be determined. Municipality of Xian, Foreign Capital Uti- structure improvements. Preparation mission was scheduled for 24 lization Division, Xian, China, Tel: (13-991) 804-500, E-mail: tom- April 2006. Environmental Assessment Categor y A. US$ 100.0 myzhao@sohu.com, xajwwjc@tom.com, Contact: Mr. Zhao Junmin, (IBRD). Consultants will be required during project preparation. Division Chief Guiyang Communications Bureau, No. 185, West Yan’an Rd., Guiyang, Guizhou Province, China, Tel/Fax: (08-51) 650-7047, E-mail: tongyuan- Urban Development road@163.com, Contact: Mr. He Jun, Director, Leading Group Office (R) Gansu Cultural and Natural Heritage: The objective of the pro- of the World Bank Loan Projects ject is to support the sustainable protection and development of Gansu (R) Third Jiangxi Highway: The objective of the project is to con- cultural and natural heritage sites for the benefit of people of Gansu. struct an expressway from Ruijin, via Huichang, Yudou and Ganx- Preparation mission was tentatively scheduled for mid-May 2006. En- ian to Ganzhou City. Negotiations were tentatively scheduled for vironmental Assessment Category A. PID: 91949. US$ 40.0 (IBRD). mid-May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: 93906. Consultants will be required. Gansu Provincial Tourism Administra- US$ 200.0 (IBRD). A consulting firm has been hired to review engi- tion, 2 Nongmin Lane, Lanzhou, Gansu Province 730000 China, Tel: neering designs. Jiangxi Provincial Communications Department, 3rd (86-931) 841-1228, Fax: (86-931) 8873-3091, Contact: Mr. Hao Hua, Floor, Fangzing Bldg., 508 Hongcheng Rd., Nanchang, Jiangxi 330025 Vice-Director China, Tel: (86-791) 624-3260, Fax: (86-791) 628-1344, E-mail: (R) Second Guangdong Pearl River Delta Urban Environment: chenhm@jxjt.gov.cn, Contact: Mr. Wu Shaoming, Director, World Bank The objective of the project is to reduce domestic and industrial source Loan Project Office pollution in the Pearl River Delta river network originating from Fos- (R) Third National Railways: The objective of the project is to ex- han and Jiangmen municipalities. Appraisal was scheduled for May pand capacity to transport passengers and freight to and from Yunnan 2006. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: 81776. US$ 100.0 by realigning the railroad tracks to allow higher speeds, double-track- (IBRD). International and domestic consultants have been contracted. ing the remaining single track sections between Liupanshui and Zhanyi, Guangdong Provincial Finance Bureau, World Bank Project Man- and remodeling the Liupanshui terminal area. Negotiations are ten- agement Office, Tel: (86-20) 8333-0007, Fax:(86-20) 8333-6405 , Con- tatively scheduled for July 2006. Environmental Assessment Category tact: Mr. Zeng Yuchang, Director A. PID: 86515. US$ 200.0 (IBRD). Technical assistance and need for (R) Shanghai Urban Environment APL 2: The objective of the pro- consultants will be defined by appraisal and are likely to involve trans- ject is to improve the environment with positive impacts on the East fers of technology and strengthening of the management system. Min- China Sea. Project identification is under way. Environmental Assess- istry of Railways (Foreign Capital and Technical Import Center), No. ment Category A. PID: 90376. US$ 5.0 (GEF). Consultants will be re- 10, Fuxing Rd., Beijing 100844 China, Tel: (86-10) 5184-1825, Fax: (86- quired. Shanghai Municipal Government, No. 1 Lane 1114, Liyang 10) 5184-1845, Contact: Mr. Chen Juemin, Deputy Director-General Rd., Shanghai 200082 China, Tel: (86-21) 5666-8104, Fax: (86-21) 6540- 6094, E-mail: xgfu@sh163.net, Contact: Mr. Qiu Wenjin, Director, Pro- Fujian Highway Sector Investment: The objective of the project is ject Office to improve traffic flows by (a) implementing a Rural Roads Improve- (R) Sichuan Urban Development: The objective of the project is ment Program, complemented with technical assistance for impact to enhance core urban functions of the four secondar y cities in evaluation and program supervision, (b) constructing 195 km of ex- Sichuan, Mianyuang, Panzhihua, Suining and Yibin, through key infra- pressway from Yongan to Wuping; and (c) technical assistance to im- structure investments and municipal institutional development and plement a pilot on contract maintenance and for a study on toll rates. capacity building. Negotiations were tentatively scheduled for 15 May Project preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment Cate- 2006. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: 83322. US$ 180.0 gory A. PID: 91020. US$ 320.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required (IBRD). Retroactive financing up to 20% of the loan amount is under for construction supervision and technical assistance in toll rate analy- consideration by project cities. Consultants will be required for sis, impact analysis and maintenance. World Bank Loan Office, Fujian implementation assistance, evaluation and identification for urban man- Provincial Communications Department, 7th Floor, Jiangtong Bldg., agement. Sichuan Urban Environment Project Office, 10th Floor, Nongzi No. 18 Dongshui Rd., Fuzhou City, Fujian 350001 China, Tel: (86-591) Bldg., No. 10 East Jinli Rd., Qingyang District, Chengdu 610041 8707-7710, Fax: (86-591) 8707-7707, E-mail: shb@fjjt.gov.cn, Contacts: China, Tel: (86-28) 8512-8880, Fax: (86-28) 8612-9043, Contact: Mr. Mr. Xie Lan Jie, Director, Ms. Xu Ying, Deputy Director, and Mr. Wu Shi Yi, Vice Director Dayuan, Deputy Director, Expressway Construction Directorate (R) Third Guangdong Pearl River Delta Urban Environment: The Fuzhou Nantai Peri-Urban Development (Ln. 4812-CHA): The objectives of the project are to provide a safe environment for long-term objective of the project is the development of Fuzhou city, including local economic growth to contribute to environmental pollution con- Nantai Island. Loan signing has been postponed. Environmental As- trol and water resources preservation through sanitation and flood con- sessment Category A. PID: 70519. US$ 100.0 (IBRD). No grant funds trol investments. Appraisal is under way. Environmental Assessment are available for preparation. Fuzhou municipal government has hired Category A. PID: 87273. US$ 200.0 (IBRD). Consultant trust funds have domestic design institutes to provide consultants for preparation. Key been mobilized to review part of the feasibility study and review the Project Office, Fuzhou Development and Planning Commission, No. urban service improvement and heritage program. Guangdong Province 21, Douxi Rd., Fuzhou City 350005 China, Tel: Tel: (86-591) 8332-7968, has mobilized an international consultant to assist with the counterpart Fax: (86-591) 8334-6094, E-mail: fzpmo@126.com, Contact: Mr. Wang project preparation. Shenzhen Municipal Government, Shenzhen Wa- Congshen, Director-General ter Resources Bureau, 3rd Fl. Hongtao Bldg., No. 2 BaoAn Rd. Shen- Shaanxi Ankang Road Development: The objective of the project zhen 518008 China, Tel: (86-755) 2559-3766, Fax: (86-755) 2559-3447, is to improve passenger and freight traffic flows along the corridor from Contact: Mr. Chen Jie, Deputy Director Ankang to the Sichuan border, including the construction of a 86.2-km (R) Western Provinces Rural Water Supply, Sanitation and Hy- expressway and a program of rehabilitation of local/provincial roads. giene Promotion: The objective of the project is to carry out an in- Project preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment Cate- tegrated approach to the design and delivery of rural water supply, gory A. PID: 75613. US$ 300.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required sanitation and hygiene services, while incorporating past innovations to supervise construction and technical assistance on impact evalua- and lessons learned. Preappraisal was scheduled for May/June 2006. tion studies and training and advice on data collection equipment and Appraisal is scheduled for fall 2006. Environmental Assessment Cate- on road data condition analysis. Shaanxi Provincial Transport De- gory B. PID: 95315. US$ 25.0 (IBRD). Consulting services to be de- partment, Youyi West Rd. No. 300, Xian, Shaanxi 710068 China, Tel/Fax: termined. Sichuan and Shaanxi Provinces, Tel: (86-29) 8729-1987, (86-29) 8523-3105, Contacts: Mr. Jiao Fangqun, Deputy Director, and (86-28) 8660-4737, Fax: (86-29) 8729-1248, (86-28) 8660-4737, E-mail: Mr. Lei Peiji, Director, Foreign Fund Financed Project Office vagrant727@sina.com, sfm@shaanxi.gov.cn, lewyxin@sina.com, Con- MAY 2006 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 21 tact: Mr. Wang Shuancang, Division Chief, Shaanxi DRC, Ms. Yang Yin, Energy and Mining Division Chief, Sichuan DRC (R) Domestic Gas Sector Restructuring (Ln. 4810-IND): The ob- jective of the project is to reform the domestic gas sector by expand- Water and Sanitation ing gas distribution on West Java. The loan was signed on 7 February (R) Henan Towns Water Supply and Sanitation: The objectives of 2006. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: 77175. US$ 80.0 the project are to (a) develop sustainable water supply and wastewater (IBRD). Consultants will be required. PT. PGN Persero, Jl. K.H. Zainul management systems in key towns of Henan, (b) improve living con- Arifin No. 20, Jakarta 11140 Indonesia, Tel: (62-21) 633-9525, Fax: (62- ditions and support growth of the towns, and (c) establish a model for 21) 633-1304, E-mail: adilabas@pgn.co.id, Contact: Adil Abas, Devel- developing water supply and wastewater management systems else- opment Director where. Negotiations were scheduled for mid-May 2006. Environmental (R) Lahendong Geothermal: The objective of the project is to gen- Assessment Category B. PID: 81348. US$ 150.0 (IBRD). Consultants erate power from geothermal resources. A draft letter of intent is be- will be required for capacity building, implementation support and ing discussed. Environmental Assessment Category to be determined. policy support. Province of Henan, PO Box 450008, World Bank Pro- US$ 4.2 - 5.2 (Trust Fund). Prototype Carbon Fund purchase of car- ject Management Office, Henan Finance Bureau, No. 27, Jing San Rd., bon credits is anticipated. Consulting services to be determined. Pe- Zhengzhou, Henan Province, China, Tel: (86-371) 580-8032, Fax: (86- rusahaan Listrik Negara, Jl. Trunojoyo Blok M I/135 Kebayoran Baru, 371) 571-0590, E-mail: yangl901@sohu.com, Contact: Mr. Yang Liu, Jakarta 12160 Indonesia, Tel: (62-21) 725-1234, Fax: (62-21) 739-6873, Deputy Director E-mail: tagus@pln.co.id, hardiv@indo.net.id, Contacts: Mr. Tony Agus, (R) Ningbo Water Management: The objectives of the project are Deputy Director of Generation and Primary Energy, and Mr. Hardiv to (a) reduce land-based pollution along the Cixi coast and the East Situmeang, Adviser to the Board of Directors China Sea, (b) promote the replication of innovative low cost waste- Environment and Natural Resources Management water treatment techniques, and (c) encourage coastal zone conser- (R) Integrating Environment and Forest Protection onto the vation. Appraisal completed. Negotiations were tentatively scheduled for Recovery and Future Development of Aceh: The objective of the 8 May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 90336. US$ project is to maintain environmental services from Aceh’s forests for 5.0 (GEF). Consultants will be required. Ningbo Municipal Develop- sustainable reconstruction and development through the effective- ment Planning Commission, 1509/R, 15th Floor, Tianning Tower, 138 ness of the Leuser and Ulu Masen ecosystems. The grant was signed West Zhongshan Rd., Ningbo, China, Tel: (86-574) 8728-0409, Fax: on 17 February 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: (86-574) 8728-0430, E-mail: xx@nbdpc.gov.cn, Contact: Ms. Xu Xu, 98052. US$ 17.5 (Trust Fund). Consultants will be required to carry Vice Director out rapid surveys and focus group assessments. Leuser International (R) Second Shandong Environment: The objective of the project Foundation, Jl. Bioteknologi No. 2, Komplex USU, Medan, Indonesia, is to improve environmental quality in selected cities and counties Tel: (62-21) 821-6800, Contact: Mr. Mike Griffiths, Vice Chairman; through improved wastewater collection and treatment, solid waste man- Fauna and Flora International, FFIJl. Kebun Raya, Bogar, Indonesia, agement, and water supply. Appraisal is scheduled for late May 2006. Tel: (62-21) 211-04723, Contact: Mr. Frank Momberg, Country Program Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: 77752. US$ 150.0 (IBRD). Director Consultants will be required during implementation in construction su- Community Recovery: The objectives of the project are to implement pervision and institutional capacity building for utilities. Shandong post conflict and post tsunami development and rehabilitation measures Province Project Management Office, No. 46 Xiaoweisi Rd., Jinan in Aceh. Appraisal is scheduled for June 2006. Environmental As- 250001 China , Tel: (86-531) 8708-0823, Fax: (86-531) 8794-1408, E- sessment Category B. US$ 35.0 (Trust Fund). Consultants will be re- mail: sppmo@163.net, Contact: Ms. Ying Wu, Director quired. Ministry for Development of Disadvantaged Areas, Jl. Abdul Second Liaoning Medium Cities Infrastructure: The objective of Muis No. 7., Jakarta 10110 Indonesia , Tel: (62-21) 350-0334, Fax: (62- the project is to renew and enhance the efficiency of existinginfra- 21) 352-2739, E-mail: p2dtk_spada@yahoo.com, Contact: Mr. Aunur structure assets in selected medium-sized cities. Preappraisal is under Rofiq, Deputy Minister for Development of Disadvantaged Areas way. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: 92618. US$ 250.0 Environment and Conservation through Community-Driven De- (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Liaoning Urban Construction and velopment: The objective of the project is to mainstream biodiversity Renewal Office, E-mail: lucrpo@hotmail.com, Contact: Mr. Lu Jixing, conservation into community-driven development by targeting keca- Director matan in areas of high global biodiversity, where the kecamatan de- velopment program (KDP) already works. Project is being identified. Fiji Environmental Assessment Category U. US$ 5.0/10.0 (GEF/Trust Fund). Consultants will be required to design and implement training Energy and Mining programs and awareness raising programs for KDP staff in target ar- (N) Renewable Power Development: The objective of the project eas and conduct mapping and land-use assessments to target activities is to expand electricity generation capacity by approximately 60 MW, and areas for assistance and specific activities. Ministry of Home Af- using renewable resources such as small hydro-electric units and so- fairs, Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dan Desa, Department Dalam Negeri lar photo voltaic technology. Project preparation is under way. Envi- Republic Indonesia, Jl. TMP Kalibata No. 17, Makarta Selatan 12750 ronmental Assessment Category B. US$ 32.0 (IDA). Consulting services Indonesia, Contact: Dr. Dardjo Sumardjono, M.Si, Dr. Direktur Jenderal to be determined. Fiji Electricity Authority, Private Mail Bag, Suva, Fiji, Finance Tel: (679) 331-333, Fax: (679) 666-2019, E-mail: omdutt@fea.com.fj, (R) Third Development Policy: The objective of the project is to Contacts: Anasa Vocea, Chief Executive Officer, and Davendra Ku- achieve macroeconomic stability and improvements in the investment maran, Director for Energy climate, public financial management, and public service delivery to the poor by implementing harmonized approaches with multiple donors Indonesia to achieving macroeconomic stability. Identification meeting was sched- Education uled for late April 2006. Environmental Assessment Category C. US$ 400.0 (IBRD). No consultants are required. Coordinating Ministry of (R) Early Childhood Education and Development II: The objec- the Economy and Ministry of Finance, Gedung Utama Department, tive of the project is to improve poor children’s development and readi- Keuangan, 5th Floor, J. Lapangan Banteng Timur, Jakarta 10710 In- ness to enter primary school. Project appraisal completed. Negotiations donesia, Tel: (62-21) 351-1178, Fax: (62-21) 351-1186, E-mail: were scheduled for 20 April 2006. Environmental Assessment Category henry@ekon.go.id, Contact: Dr. Henry B. L. Toruan, Assistant Deputy C. US$ 115.0 (IBRD/IDA). Consulting services to be determined. Min- istry of National Education, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman, Senayan, Jakarta, Health, Nutrition and Population Indonesia, Tel: (62-21) 572-5033, Fax: (62-21) 572-5487, Contact: Dr. Ace (R) Third Water Supply and Sanitation for Low-Income Com- Suryadi, Director General of Non-Formal Education and Youth munities: The objective of the project is to improve delivery of water PAGE 22 Monthly Operational Summary MAY 2006 supply and sanitation to the eastern kabutatens. Appraisal is under way. Transportation Board presentation is scheduled for 27 June 2006. Environmental As- (R) Emergency Rehabilitation of the Drainage System of Banda sessment Category B. PID: 85375. US$ 150.0 (IBRD/IDA). Consult- Aceh: The objective of the project is to put back in operation the storm ing services to be determined. Ministry of Public Works, J. Pattimura water and marine flood protection systems damaged or destroyed by No. 20, Jakarta, Indonesia, Tel: (62-21) 7279-6158, Fax: (62-21) 7279- the tsunami and earthquake. Approved by the Regional Vice President 6155, Contact: Ir. Agoes Widjanarko, MIP, Directorate General of Hu- on 1 April 2006. The project will be executed under emergency recovery man Settlements assistance rules. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ 4.5 National Agency for Food and Drug Control: The objective of the (Trust Fund). Consultants will be required during implementation for project is to improve the safety and quality of food and pharmaceuti- design, supervision, training, knowledge sharing and auditing. Mus- cals by strengthening the food and pharmaceuticals quality assurance lim Aid Indonesia, Jalan Bintara Pineung No., 27, Banda Aceh, In- management system. Project preparation is under way Environmen- donesia, Tel: (06-51) 741-1927, Fax: (06-51) 740-0178, E-mail: fadlullah@ tal Assessment Category to be determined. US$ 50.0 (IBRD/IDA). Con- gmail.com, Contact: H. Fadlullah Wilmot, Director sultants will be required. National Agency for Drug and Food Control, (R) Marine Electronic Highway Demonstration: The objective of Jl. Percetakan Negara No. 23, Jakarta 10560 Indonesia, Tel: (62-21) 424- the project is to demonstrate the feasibility of implementing a Marine 5331, Fax: (62-21) 425-0764, 424-4974, E-mail: infopom@indo.net.id, Electronic Highway in the Singapore and Malacca straits. Negotiations Contact: Dra. Mawarwati Djamaluddin, Secretary completed. Board presentation is scheduled for 30 May 2006. Environ- mental Assessment Category C. PID: 68133. US$ 8.0 (GEF). Con- Private Sector Development sulting services to be determined. International Maritime Organization, 4 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7SR United Kingdom, Tel: (44-207) Private Infrastructure Financing and Support Facility: The ob- 587-3210, Fax: (44-207) 587-3119, E-mail: info@imo.org, Contact: Jean- jective of the project is to promote public-private partnership in infra- Claude Sainlos, Director, Marine Environment Division structure and to attract private long-term capital into commercially (R) Strategic Roads Infrastructure: The objective of the project is viable infrastructure projects by offering a range of financial products to improve road conditions and increase capacity along key traffic cor- through a new financial intermediary. Project preparation is under ridors to support economic growth. Appraisal was tentatively sched- way. Environmental Assessment Category FI. PID: 92218. US$ 100.0 uled for May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. Coordinating Ministry 79906. US$ 255.0 (IBRD). Consultants are required for (a) design and of Economic Affairs and Ministry of Finance, Jl. Lapangan Banteng 2- supervision of civil works and monitoring of environmental assessments 4, Jakarta, Indonesia, Tel: (62-21) 251-2222, Fax: (62-21) 572-2446 , E- and action plans and land acquisition and resettlement action plans, and mail: raden@ptppa.com, Contact: Mr. Raden Pardede, Vice President (b) technical assistance. Ministry of Public Works, Jl. Pattimura No. Director, State-Owned Asset Management Company, Perusahaan Pen- 20, Jakarta Selatan 12110 Indonesia, Tel: (62-21) 720-0281, 727-6581, gelola Asset Fax: (62-21) 720-1760, 727-9232, Contact: Mrs. Sri Apriatini Soekardi, Director of Planning, Directorate General of Highways Rural Development (R) Urgent Road Maintenance and Works: The objective of the pro- (R) Farmers Empowerment through Agricultural Technology and ject is to re-establish temporary road access between Lamno and Information: The objective of the project is to increase agricultural Calang, maintain access for at least one year, and establish a rapid-re- productivity and farmers’ income by empowering and organizing farm- sponse facility to quickly address other urgent civil works. Appraisal ers, particularly smallholders, to drive the agricultural services agenda was scheduled for early May 2006. The project will be executed under and improve their access to technical and market information. Ap- emergency recovery assistance rules. Environmental Assessment Cat- praisal completed. Negotiations were scheduled for 8 May 2006. Envi- egory B. US$ 11.5 (Trust Fund). Consultants will be required during ronmental Assessment Category B. PID: 83742. US$ 100.0 (IBRD/IDA). implementation for design, supervision and auditing. Catholic Relief Feasibility study and social environment assessments completed. Min- Services, Jln. Mesjid Al-Qurban, Ds. Lam Ara, Kecamatan Banda Raya istry of Agriculture, Jl. Harsono Room No. 3, Bldg. A., Pasar Minggu, - Banda Acheh, Indonesia, Tel: (06-51) 742-9521, Fax: (06-51) 47291, Jakarta, Indonesia, Tel: (62-21) 780-4427, Contact: Jr. Hasanuddin E-mail: crsacehdirector@id.seapro.crs.org, Contact: Mr. Scott Camp- Ibrahim, Secretary-General bell, Director, CRS Aceh National Roads Infrastructure: The objective of the project is to (a) (R) Fisheries Revitalization Project: (formerly Marginal Fishing enable decentralization and sustain regional economic competitive- Communities Development) The objective of the project is to reduce ness and social well-being by upgrading substandard roads that have poverty in rural coastal communities through the sustainable utiliza- been reclassified as national and strategic roads to the required national tion and collaborative management of coastal ecosystems so that their standards and by eliminating traffic bottlenecks along strategic and na- productive capacity is maximized for the benefit of those dependent tional roads; and (b) enhance road sector management capacity. Pro- on them for their livelihoods Appraisal was tentatively scheduled for ject identification is under way. Environmental Assessment Category May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PIDs: 90257, 95592. A. US$ 300.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Pub- US$ 80.0/10.0 (IBRD/IDA/GEF). Consultants will be required for lic Works, Jl. Pattimura No. 20, Jakarta Selatan 12110 Indonesia, Tel: preparation. State Ministry for National Development Planning/National (62-21) 720-0281, Fax: (62-21) 720-1760, Contact: Mrs. Sri Apriatini Development Planning Agency, Jl. Taman Suropati No. 2, Jakarta, Soekardi, Director of Planning, Directorate General of Highways Pusat 10310 Indonesia, Tel/Fax: (62-21) 351-9070, Ext. 7723, 310-7960, Contacts: Mr. Saut Hutagalung, Director for Planning and Foreign Surabaya Sustainable Urban Transport: The objective of the pro- Cooperation of MMAF, Ir Wahyuningsih Darajati, Director for Ma- ject is to create a sustainable transport system in Surabaya by im- rine Affairs and Fisheries Bappenas proving the modal split of public transport and non-motorized transport, with a resulting significant reduction in carbon dioxide emission. Pro- Sustaining Microfinance: The objective of the project is to build ca- ject identification is under way. Environmental Assessment Category pacity of community-managed microfinance units and participating U. US$ 0.03 (GEF). Consultants will be required for preparation. City banks and promote links among them to increase outreach to rural ar- of Surabaya, Development Planning Agency, Surabaya, Jalan Pacar 8, eas. Project preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment Cat- Surabaya 60272 Indonesia, Tel: (62-31) 535-2644), Fax: (62-31) 534-4601, egory B. US$ 60.0 (IBRD/IDA). Feasibility study is under way. The E-mail: togarsilaban@myway.com, Contact: Mr. Togar Afifin Silaban, social/environmental impact assessment consultants have submitted Head of Physical and Infrastructure Division their report. A PHRD grant is being used for preparation. Ministry of Finance/Commercial Bank/Ministry of Home Affairs, Bldg. A, 5th Urban Development Floor, Jl. Dr. Wahidin No. 1, Jakarta 10710 Indonesia, Tel: (62-21) 384- (R) East Java Regional Development and Reform Program: The 8305, Fax: (62-21) 384-7473, E-mail: sbguritno@hotmail.com, Contact: objective of the project is to improve long-term regional economic de- Mr. Sri Bagus Guritno, Head of Section Investment for Banking Sec- velopment in East Java. Appraisal is scheduled for late May 2006. En- tor, Directorate of Onlending Management vironmental Assessment Category B. PID: 84090. US$ 175.0 (IBRD). MAY 2006 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 23 Consultants will be required for implementation. East Java Provincial is under way. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 78290. Government, Jl. Pahlawan No. 108-110, Surabaya, Indonesia, Tel/Fax: US$ 3.3 (Trust Fund). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry (62-31) 353-3877/75, E-mail: didiekhp@rad.net.id, Contact: Mr. Hadi of Finance and Economic Development, PO Box 67, Bairiki, Tarawa, Prasetyo, Head of Bappeda East Java Province Kiribati, Tel: (686) 21809/28102, Fax: (686) 21307, E-mail: nepo_pol- (R) Infrastructure Reconstruction Enabling Program: The objective icy@yahoo.com, Contact: Mr. Taneti Maamau, Secretary of the project is to provide the necessary technical assistance for three (R) Adaptation - Pilot Implementation Phase: The objective of the years to Badan Rehabilitasi dan Rekonstruksi, local governments and project is to implement pilot adaptation measures and consolidate provincial governments to enable them to plan, develop and implement adaptation mainstreaming into national economic planning. Negotia- infrastructure projects. Appraisal is under way. Environmental As- tions completed. Board presentation is scheduled for 30 May 2006. sessment Category B. PID: 100218. US$ 42.0 (Trust Fund). No con- Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 89326. US$ 1.8 (GEF). sultants are required for preparation. Consultants will be required for Consultants will be required. Office of Te Beretitenti (President), P. O. implementation. Badan Rehabilitasi dan Rekonstruksi, Jl. Muhammad Box 68, Bairiki, Tarawa, Kiribati, Tel: (686) 21183, Fax: (686) 21902, Thaher No.20, Lueng Bata, Banda Aceh 23247 Indonesia, Tel: (62- E-mail: ob@tskl.net.ki, Contact: Ms. Teea Tira, Permanent Secretary 651) 636-666/123, Fax: (62-651) 637-777, Contact: Mr. Eddy Purwanto, Deputy Minister, Department of Housing, Infrastructure, and Spatial Lao People’s Democratic Republic Planning Economic Management (R) Urban Water and Sanitation Improvement and Expansion: (R) Second Poverty Reduction Support: The objective of the pro- The objective of the project is to improve the delivery of water supply ject is to implement the poverty reduction strategy by strengthening and sanitation services. Negotiations are scheduled for June 2006. management and impact of public resources and promoting economic Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 84872. US$ 18.0 (IBRD). growth. Board presentation was scheduled for April 2006. Environ- Consultants will be needed for implementation of study and detail de- mental Assessment Category C. PID: 96635. US$ 8.0 (IDA). Prepara- sign. Ministry of Public Works, Jl. Pattimura No. 20, Kebayoran Baru, tion financing is anticipated from a PHRD grant and other bilateral Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia, Tel: (62-21) 727-96155/58, Fax: (62-21) 727- donations. Consultants will be required. Ministry of Finance, That Lu- 96155, E-mail: agoeswidjanarko@hotmail.com, Contact: Ir. Agoes Wid- ang Rd., PO Box 46, Vientiane, Lao PDR, Tel: (856-21) 412-417, Fax: janarko, Director General of Human Settlements (856-21) 412-415, Contact: Mme. Vienthong, Director of External Fi- (R) Western Java Environment Management APL 2: The objec- nance tives of the project are to strengthen the institutional capacity of local governments to implement environmental waste management and Energy and Mining drainage/flood control projects. Preappraisal is under way. Environ- Rural Electrification Phase I: The objective of the project is to im- mental Assessment Category A. PID: 82388. US$ 66.0 (IBRD/IDA). prove living standards through increased access to electricity. Board Consulting services will be needed for supervising investments in solid waste presentation was scheduled for 27 April 2006. Environmental Assess- management facilities and capacity building. Ministry of Public Works, ment Category B. PID: 75531. US$ 10.0/3.8 (IDA/GEF). Consultants Jl. Pattimua 20, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta, Selatan 12110 Indonesia, Tel: were hired during preparation. Electricité du Laos, Nong Bone Rd., BP (62-21) 7279-6158, Fax: (62-21) 7279-6155, Contact: Agoes Widjanarko, 309, Vientiane, Lao PDR, Tel: (856-21) 451-519, Fax: (856-21) 415-039, Director General E-mail: spreproject.edlpi@laos.com, Contact: Mr. Gnanhkham Jakarta Water Transmission Improvement: The objective of the Douangsavanh, Project Manager; Ministry of Industry and Handi- project is to improve quality, quantity and reliability of raw water sup- craft, Nong Bone Rd., BP 4708, Vientiane, Lao PDR, Tel: (856-21) 415- ply to Jakarta, by improving West Tarum Canal, a main supply of raw 714, Fax: (856-21) 413-013, E-mail: anousak_pv@yahoo.com, Contact: water for Jakarta. Project identification is under way. Environmental Mr. Anousak Phongsavath, Project Manager Assessment Category B. PID: 96757. US$ 100.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required for preparation. Directorate General of Water Re- Health, Nutrition and Population sources, Ministry of Public Works, Jl. Pattimura 20, Kebayoran Baru, (R) Avian and Human Influenza Control and Preparedness: Jakarta 12110 Indonesia, Tel: (62-021) 722-2804, Fax: (62-021) 726- (formerly under Rural Development) The objective of the project is to 1956, E-mail: mohasan@centrin.net.id, Contact: Ir. Siswoko, Director minimize the threat to humans and poultry from Highly Pathogenic General of Water Resources Avian Influenza Infection and to prepare for, control and respond to in- Umbulan Springs: The objective of the project is to improve water fluenza pandemics and other infectious disease emergencies in humans. supply for six million consumers in Surabaya, Gresik, Sidoarjo and Pa- Project identification is under way. Environmental Assessment Cate- suruan by increasing water supply from Umbulan springs. Project gory B.PID: 100081. US$ 4.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be deter- preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment Category B. mined. Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, PO Box 811, Vientiane, PID: 91021. US$ 100.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry Lao PDR; Ministry of Health, PO Box 2236, Vientiane, Lao PDR, Tel: of Public Works, Jl. Pattimura 20, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta 12110 In- (856-20) 551-7522, Contact: Dr. Bounlay Phommasack, Deputy Direc- donesia, Tel: (62-21) 7179-6158, Fax: (62-21) 7279-6155, Contact: Dr. Ir. tor of Communicable Diseases Agus Widjanarko, General of Urban and Rural Development Rural Development Water and Sanitation (R) Khammouane Rural Livelihood: The project will enhance op- Urban Water Supply and Sanitation: The objective of the project portunities for rural villagers in the Xe Bang Fai Basin to participate is to improve water supply services by strengthening public water util- in the expected economic development in the basin. Project prepara- ities to become operationally efficient and financially sustainable, and tion is under way. Environmental Assessment Category U. US$ 5.0 by involving local private enterprises in construction and operation of (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. Governance Reform water systems under the design-build-lease scheme Appraisal mission and Livelihood Strengthening Program, PO Box 456, Khammouane, is scheduled for June 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. Lao PDR, Tel: (856-51) 213-326, Fax: (856-51) 213-334, Contacts: Mr. PID: 90991. US$ 80.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry Oday Soudaphone, Vice Governor of Khammouane, Mr. Bounhong Khi- of Public Works, Jl. Pattimura 20, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta 12110 In- nasamone, National Project Director, Chief of Provincial Propaganda, donesia, Tel: (62-021) 7179-6158, Fax: (62-021) 7279-6155, Contact: Ir. Mr. Bounmy Himmasone, Director of Finance Department, Mr. Agoes Widjanarko, Director General of Human Settlements and Rural Sinthavy, Project Manager, Mr. Bikash Ranjan Dash, Program Support Development Coordinator Transportation Kiribati Provincial and Rural Infrastructure: The objective of the project Rural Development is to target sustained economic growth through rural infrastructure (R) Adaptation: The project aims at reducing vulnerability to climate development and improved service delivery capacities by increasing change, climate variability and rise of the sea level. Project preparation mobility and accessibility to health and social services. Project prepa- PAGE 24 Monthly Operational Summary MAY 2006 ration is under way. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: Second Poverty Reduction Support: The objective of the project 75780. US$ 6.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required for preparation. Min- is to establish a sound institutional and regulatory environment to istry of Communications, Transport, Post and Construction, Lane complete the transition to a market economy and enable the private Xang Ave., Vientiane, Lao PDR, Tel: (856-21) 412-741, Fax: (856-21) 414- sector to become an engine of growth. Project is being identified. En- 132, E-mail: sommad@laotel.com, Contact: Sommad Pholsena, General vironmental Assessment Category C. US$ 15.0 (IDA). Consulting ser- Director, Department of Roads; Provincial governments of Attapu, vices to be determined. Ministry of Finance and Economy, Government Xekong, Houaphan, Dudomxia and Phongsali Bldg. No. 2, Ulaanbaatar 2105646 Mongolia, Tel/Fax: (976-11) 320-247, Contact: Ms. Damba Bassankhuu, Head of Fiscal Policy Mongolia Public Sector Governance Education (R) Governance Assistance: The objective of the project is to improve Rural Education and Development: The objective of the project is the effectiveness of government operations and services focusing on to refine and implement a sector strategy to build capacity, strengthen (a) strengthening fiduciary and public procurement controls; (b) pro- sector management, promote policy and program prioritization and eq- moting transparency, disclosure and accountability; and (c) fostering uitably allocate public resources in a manner that enhances the qual- a climate that minimizes interaction between policy enforcer and eco- ity of schooling. Negotiations completed. Board presentation is nomic agent. Negotiations completed. Board presentation is scheduled scheduled for 23 May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category C. for 25 May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category C. US$ 10.0 PID: 96328. US$ 4.0 (IDA). A PPF advance of US$ 0.1 has been approved. (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Finance, Government Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of Education, Culture Bldg. 2, United Nations St. 5/1, Ulaanbaatar 210646 Mongolia, Tel: (976- and Science, Government Bldg. 111, Baga-toiruu-44, Ulaanbaatar, Mon- 11) 267-350, Fax: (976-11) 267-468, E-mail: mof@mof.pmis.gov.mn, golia, Tel: (976-11) 260-816, Fax: (976-11) 323-158, E-mail: bater- Contact: Mr. Ch. Khurelbaatar, State Secretary for Finance dene@mecs.pmis.gov.mn, Contact: Mr. Bat Erdene, Head, Education Department Rural Development Energy and Mining Second Sustainable Livelihoods: The objective of the project is to institutionalize successful approaches for achieving secure and sus- Infrastructure Services: The objective of the project is to improve tainable livelihoods of poor households and individuals. Project iden- the infrastructure for production and delivery of heat, electric power tification is under way. Environmental Assessment Category to be and information and communication technology. Project preparation determined. US$ 12.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. is under way. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ 10.0 (GEF). Household Livelihoods Support Program Office, Chingeltei District, Consultants will be needed for market assessment, supply options and Khuvisgalchdiin Ave., 38, State Bldg. No. 7, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, Tel: financial management. Ministry of Fuel and Energy, Baga Toiruu 6, (976-11) 322-465, Fax: (976-11) 328-107, E-mail: hlspo@mongol.net , Con- Ulan Bator 46, Mongolia, Tel/Fax: (976-11) 318-169, Contact: Mr. T. tact: Ms. Pagma, Director Ochirkhuu, Minister of Field and Energy Environment and Natural Resources Management Papua New Guinea Forest Landscapes Development: The objective of the project is to Rural Development enable forest products and the ecosystem services that forests provide Smallholder Agriculture Development: The objective of the project to make significant contributions to economic development and envi- is to promote rapid economic growth in the rural areas in four oil palm ronmental protection. Project identification is under way. Environ- growing provinces. Project design mission was scheduled for late mental Assessment Category B. US$ amount to be determined. April/May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ 20.0 (Funding source to be determined). Consultants will be required. Im- (IDA). Consultants will be required. The Oil Palm Industry Corpora- plementing agency(ies) to be determined tion, Ela Beach, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, Tel: (675) 320- 1588/83/92, Fax: (675) 320-1577, E-mail: opic@datec.net.pg, Contact: Information and Communication Mr. Felix Bakani, General Secretary (R) Information and Communication Technologies Develop- ment: The objectives of the project are to: (a) significantly increase Transportation the coverage and use of relevant ICT services among the rural popu- Highlands Highway: The project will (a) rehabilitate the 600 km lation through an incentive program designed to encourage the par- Highlands Highway between Lae and Mendi, (b) establish an authority ticipation of private operators in the rural segment of the ICT market; to manage roads with reliable funding arrangements, and (c) reduce and (b) increase private sector participation in the delivery of e-gov- HIV/AIDS caused by mobility provided by the improved highway. erment services and improve public sector utilization of ICT. Appraisal Project preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment Cate- completed. Negotiations were scheduled for 24 April 2006. Environmental gory B. PID: 59066. US$ 30.0 (IBRD). A consulting firm completed the Assessment Category C. PID: 92965. US$ 8.0 (IDA). No consultants preparation of engineering, environmental, land acquisition/resettle- are required. Information and Communication Technology Authority, ment, economic, institutional and financing aspects. Consulting services PO Box 785, Central Post Office Square, Sukhbaatar-1, Ulaanbaatar- will be required for supervision and management and for support of 13, 211213 Mongolia, Tel: (976-11) 319-626, Fax: (976-11) 330-780, E- the proposed Highlands Highway Authority as well as for management mail: saikhanbileg@icta.gov.mn, Contact: Mr. Ch. Saikhanbileg, of the HIV/AIDS component. Department of Works, PO Box 1108, Chairman; Communications Regulatory Commission, Amarsanaagin Boroko NCD, Papua New Guinea, Tel: (675) 324-1343, Fax: (675) 324- Gudamj-26, Ulaanbaatar 210524 Mongolia, Tel: (976-11) 304-258, Fax: 1277, E-mail: roymumu@daltron.com.pg, Contact: Mr. Roy Mumu, (976-11) 327-720, E-mail: crc@crc.gov.mn, Contact: Mr. Boldbaatar, Deputy Secretary (Technical) Chairman Philippines Law and Justice Poverty Reduction Support: The objective of the project is to de- Education velop and implement policies and structural reforms that are consis- National Program Support for Basic Education: The objective of tent with and supportive of the country’s overall economic development the project is to implement sector-wide reforms anchored in the Schools strategy in a sequenced and phased manner. Board presentation is ten- First agenda to improve education outcomes and governance of ser- tatively scheduled for July 2007. Environmental Assessment Category vice delivery of basic education. Project preparation is under way. En- C. PID: 78386. US$ 12.0 (IDA). No consultants are required. Ministry vironmental Assessment Category C. US$ 200.0 (IBRD). Consultants of Finance and Economy, Negdsen Undestnii St., 5/1, Government Bldg. will be required. Department of Education, University of Life Complex, No.2, Room 203, Ulaanbaatar 210646, Mongolia, Tel/Fax: (976-11) Meralco Ave., Pasig City, Manila, Philippines, Tel: (63-2) 633-7208, 320-247, Contact: Mr. Sandadorj, Head of Fiscal Policy Department Fax: (63-2) 631-9640, Contact: Mr. Florencio Abad, Secretary MAY 2006 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 25 Health, Nutrition and Population hoo.com, Contact: Ms. Lourdes Ferrer, Chief, Foreign Assisted Pro- (R) National Sector Support for Health: (formerly National Program jects Office Support for Health) The objective of the project is to improve national (R) Private Sector Support for Rural Finance: The objective of the health expenditure management and implement the Department of project is to develop a sustainable rural finance system that will pro- Health’s sector-wide reform agenda. Project preparation is under way. mote investments in agribusiness and micro, small and medium en- Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 75464. US$ 110.0 (IBRD). terprises in rural areas. Negotiations were scheduled for 8 May 2006. Consultants will be required. Department of Health, San Lazaro Com- Environmental Assessment Category to be determined. US$ 150.0 pound, Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz, Manila, Philippines, Tel: (632) 781-8843, (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. Land Bank of the Fax: (632) 781-8843, E-mail: bihc@central.doh.gov.ph, Contact: Dr. Philippines, Landbank Plaza, 1598 M.H. del Pilar cor. J. Quintos, Malate, Ma. Virginia Guzman-Ala, Head Manila, Philippines, Tel: (63-2) 522-0000, (63-2) 551-2200, Fax: (63-2) 528-8523, E-mail: ccastro@mail.landbank.com, Contact: Mr. Carlos Public Sector Governance Castro, Vice President, Program Lending Group Public Expenditure Rationalization: The objective of the project is National Program Support to Environment and Natural Re- to improve governance, combat poverty and improve the delivery of sources Management: The objective of the project is to achieve sus- basic services. Project is being identified. Environmental Assessment tainable growth and improved environment and natural resources Category C. PID: 78068. US$ 60.0 (IBRD). Consultants, to be financed management by developing and implementing appropriate policies by a US$ 1.1 PHRD grant, are required to prepare reports, recom- and practices. Project preparation is under way. Environmental As- mendations, strategies and action plans for: (a) functional and efficien- sessment Category B. PIDs: 96174, 91147. US$ 50.0/9.0 (IBRD/GEF). cy reviews of central departments; (b) improving the macroeconomic, Consultants have been hired for preparation. Department of Envi- fiscal and sector expenditure frameworks and linkages among differ- ronmental and Natural Resources, Elliptical Rd., Diliman, Quezon City, ent planning tiers; (c) civil service pay and employment reform and Philiippines, Tel: (63-2) 928-9691, 925-2329, Fax: (63-2) 924-2540, 92-4352, (d) improving implementation of the medium-term expenditure frame- E-mail: osec@denr.gov.ph, Contact: Hon. Angelo T. Reyes, Secretary work and program evaluation. Consultants are also required for im- plementation and coordination of the PHRD grant. Department of Transportation Budget and Management, Department of Budget and Management, (R) National Roads Improvement and Management Program, Ground Fl., Bldg. I, General Solano St., San Miguel, Manila, Philippines, Phase 2: The objective of the second phase APL is to improve effi- Tel: (63-2) 735-4934, Fax: (63-2) 735-4961, E-mail: lpascua@dbm.gov.ph, ciency and sustainability in the management of the road sector Contact: Ms. Laura B. Pascua, Undersecretary through (a) improved or new organizational structures for com- mercialized management of national roads with separation of policy Rural Development functions; (b) road user cost recovery for 90% of maintenance re- (R) National Program Support for Agrarian Reform: The objec- quirements and strengthened fiduciary oversight of the special road tive of the project is to reduce the economic and social costs of pro- fund and expenditures; and (c) improved business practices. Proj- longed uncertainties in the agriculture sector that currently hamper ect preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment Category investment and hence performance competitiveness and the response U. US$ 250.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required for preparation. of the sector to changing global trends. Project is being identified. En- Department of Public Works and Highways, Bonifacio Dr., Port vironmental Assessment Category B. PID: 78252. US$ 40.0-50.0 (IBRD). Area, Manila, Philippines, Tel: (63-2) 304-3260, Fax: (63-2) 304-3485, Consultants have been hired for preparation. Department of Agrarian E-mail: bonoan.manuel.m@dpwh.gov.ph, Contact: Mr. Manuel Bonoan, Reform, FAPSO Bldg., DAR Compound, Ellipitical Rd., Diliman, Que- Undersecretary, Technical Services and Bureaus zon City, Philippines, Tel: (63-2) 928-7031, Fax: (63-2) 927-0752, E-mail: minniesjph@yahoo.com, Contact: Ms. Herminia San Juan, Director Urban Development (R) National Program Support for Participatory Irrigation De- Strategic Support for Local Development and Investment: The velopment: The objectives of the project are to (a) improve National objective of the project is to improve urban management and services. Irrigation Administration’s financial viability and irrigation service de- Project preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment Cate- livery to farmers; and (b) facilitate farmer participation and close the gory B. PID: 64925. US$ 35.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required for gap between service areas and actual irrigated areas. Project prepa- preparation and will be financed by a PHRD grant. Land Bank of the ration review is scheduled for 7 August 2006. Environmental Assess- Philippines, Land Bank Plaza, 1598 Dr., Quintos St., M.H. del Pilar, ment Category B. PID: 88926. US$ 35.2 (IBRD). Consulting services Malate, Metro Manila, Philippines, Tel: (63-2) 405-7340; (63-2) 522- to be determined. National Irrigation Administration, 4/F, DCIE Bldg., 0000, Fax: (63-2) 528-8523, E-mail: ccastro@mail.landbank.com, Con- NIA Compound EDSA, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines, Tel: (63-2) tact: Mr. Carlos T. Castro, Vice President, Program Lending Dept. 926-7602, E-mail: sps_soem@nia.gov.ph, Contact: Mr. Mario Gulinao, Water and Sanitation Project Coordinator (R) National Program Support for Second Mindanao Rural De- Manila Third Sewerage: The objective of the project is to reduce trans- velopment: The objective of the project is to (a) improve access to vi- boundary pollution in large marine ecosystems caused by Manila Bay able livelihood opportunities for targeted communities, and (b) pollution. Project preparation is under way. Environmental Assess- institutionalize a decentralized system for services delivery to enhance ment Category B. PID: 89082. US$ 5.0 (GEF). Consultants have been productivity, transparency, accountability and community participa- engaged. Department of Environment and Natural Resources, FASPO tion. Project preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment Cat- Bldg., DENR Compound, Visayas Ave., Diliman, Quezon City 1100 egory B. US$ 90.0/ 7.0 (IBRD/GEF). Consultants are required for Philippines, Tel: (632) 929-6626, Fax: (632) 927-1518, E-mail: anal- preparation. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Secretary, Elliptical iza@denr.gov.ph, lilibeth-medrono@denr.gov.ph, Contact: Attorney Rd., Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines, Tel/Fax: (63-2) 920-4079, Con- Analiza Rebuelta-Teh, Assistant Secretary, Foreign-Assisted and Spe- tact: Mr. Edmund J. Sana, Undersecretary cial Projects Office (R) National Program Support for the Environment and Natural Regional Resources Management Program: The objectives of the project are to establish the basis of a sound and coordinated environmental Energy and Mining and natural resources management program to identify inefficiencies (N) Sustainable Energy Finance: The objective of the project is to and priority interventions in the medium term and general plans of the provide technical assistance and affordable financing in a number of Department of Environment and Natural Resources. This is a dupli- Pacific Island countries, including Fiji, Papua New Guinea and the cate listing. Further separate reporting will be discontinued. Environmental Solomon Islands, for small enterprises and households to buy alternative Assessment Category B. US$ 30.0-40.0/10.0 (IBRD/GEF). Consul- sources of energy such as bio-fuels, solar and hydroelectric power. Ap- tants will be required. Department of Environment and Natural Re- praisal is under way. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: sources, DENR Bldg., Visayas Av., Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines, 98423. US$ 10.0 (GEF). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Tel: (63-2) 926-2689, Fax: (63-2) 926-8074, E-mail: ondet_ferrer@ya- Works and Energy, PO Box 2493, Government Buildings, Suva, Fiji, PAGE 26 Monthly Operational Summary MAY 2006 Tel: (679) 338-4111, Fax: (679) 338-3198, Contact: Anasa Vocea, Chief Consultants are needed for preparation. Directorate of Energy and Min- Executive Officer, Davendra Kumaran, Director for Energy; Central eral Resources, Ministry of Development and Environment, Fomento Bank of Solomon Islands, PO Box 634, Honiara, Solomon Islands, Tel: Bldg., 1st Floor, Dili, Timor-Leste, Tel/Fax: (670) 331-7143, E-mail: (677) 21791, Fax: (677) 23513, E-mail: rhou@cbsi.com.sb, Contact: lorenso_pedro@yahoo.com, Contact: Mr. Lorenso Pedro, Project Man- Rick N. Hou, Governor ager, Onshore Oil and Gas (R) Greater Mekong Sub-Region Power Trade Program, Phase 1: The objective of the project is to improve the economic efficiency Public Sector Governance of providing electric power in the sub-region by establishing cross-bor- Planning and Financial Management Capacity Building Pro- der transmission connections. Preappraisal mission was scheduled for gram (H210-TP): The objective of the project is to build capacity in mid-May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ 33.0 planning and financial management, particularly in the Ministry of (IDA). Consultants are being funded through PHRD grants. Ministry Planning and Finance. Approved by the Executive Directors on 21 of Industry, Mines and Energy, Cambodia, 47 Preah Nordom Blvd., March 2006. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 92484. US$ Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Tel: (855) 2372-3447, Contact: H.E. Suy Sem, 7.0 (IDA Grant). Consultants will be required for implementation. Min- Minister; Ministry of Industry and Handicrafts, Lao People’s Democ- istry of Planning and Finance, GPA Compound, Dili, Timor-Leste, Tel: ratic Republic, Nong Bon Rd., Vientiane, Lao PDR, Tel: (856) 2141-3002, (670-390) 333-9510, E-mail: minfinance@yahoo.com, Contact: Mr. Contact: H.E. Onneua Phommachanh, Minister Macario Sanches, Project Director Environment and Natural Resources Management Vietnam Sustainable Transport and Environment: The objectives of the pro- ject are to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality. Economic Management Project identification is under way. Environmental Assessment Cate- (R) Fifth Poverty Reduction Support: The objective of the project gory B. US$ 75.0 (GEF). Consultants will be required. Implementing is to implement the reform agenda in (a) making the transition to a agency(ies) to be determined market economy, (b) pursuing socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable development (c) building modern governance, (d) re- Rural Development forming the public investment program, (e) improving sub-national plan- (R) Livestock Waste Management: The objective of the project ning, and (f) ending corruption. Decision meeting was scheduled for is to reduce the negative environmental and health impacts of rapidly 24 April 2006. Environmental Assessment Category C. US$ 100.0 increasing concentrated livestock production on the water bodies of (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. State Bank of Viet- and thus on the people of East Asia. Its global environment objective nam, 59 Ly Thai To St., Hanoi, Vietnam, Tel: (84-4) 934-3361, Fax: (84- is to reduce livestock induced, land-based pollution and environmen- 4) 825-0612, E-mail: fdsbv@fpt.vn, Contact: Mr. Le Duc Thuy, Governor tal degradation of the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand. Approved Tax Administration Modernization: The objectives of the project are by the Executive Directors on 21 March 2006. Signing is scheduled for to improve revenue collection efficiency and governance, reduce cor- 22 May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 79610. ruption potential, foster economic growth, promote the investment US$ 7.0 (GEF). Consultants are required. Guangdong Provincial climate, and enhance public confidence in the quality and integrity of Department of Finance, Level 11, 26 Cangbian Rd., Guangzhou governmental institutions. Preparation mission was scheduled for May 510030 China, Tel: (86-20) 8317-0063, Fax: (86-20) 8333-0007, E-mail: 2006. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 99376. US$ 120.0 hehuanzp@gdwbo.gov.cn, Contact: Ms. He Huan, Guangdong Provin- (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. General Department of cial Project Management Office; Ministry of Agriculture and Coopera- Taxation, Ministry of Finance, 123 Lo Duc St., Hanoi, Vietnam, Tel: (84- tives, Phayathai Rd., Bangkok 20400 Thailand, Tel: (66-2) 653-4486, 4) 971-2288, Fax: (84-4) 971-2287, E-mail: nmchi@gdt.gov.vn, Contact: Fax: (66-2) 653-4486, E-mail: aruxdid.go.th, Contact: Mr. Arux Mme. Nguyen Hong Hai, Deputy Director General Chaiyaku, Department of Livestock Development, Ministry of Agri- culture and Cooperatives; Ministry of Natural Resources and Envi- Education ronment, 83 Chi Thanh, Hanoi, Vietnam, Tel: (84-4) 773-4244, Fax: (R) Teacher Quality and Governance: The objective of the project (84-4) 773-4245, E-mail: nvtai@yahoo.com, Contact: Mr. Nguyen Van is to raise the quality of teaching in primary and secondary schools, Tai, GEF - Vietnam Coordinator building on the standards-based pay system for teachers introduced Solomon Islands in the Primary Teachers Development project. Identification mission is under way. Environmental Assessment Category C. US$ amount to Health, Nutrition and Population be determined (funding source to be determined). Consulting ser- (N) Health Sector Support Program: The objective of the project vices to be determined. Ministry of Education and Training, 49 Dai Co., is to improve priority health outcomes. Concept note review was sched- Hanoi, Vietnam, Tel: (84-4) 869-2479, Contact: Ms. Dang Huy’nh Mai, uled for May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category to be deter- Vice Minister mined. US$ 1.0-2.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Second Higher Education: The objectives of the project are to in- Health, PO Box 349, Honiara, Solomon Islands, Tel: (67-7) 23404, crease the relevance and raise the standards of higher education, in 94472, Contact: Dr. George Malefo’asi, SIHSDP Director response to changing economic and social needs. Decision meeting was scheduled for May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category C. Timor-Leste PID: 79665. US$ 100.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. Education Ministry of Education and Training, 49 Dai Co, Hanoi, Vietnam, Tel: (R) Education for All: The objective of the project is to achieve sus- (84-4) 869-2479, Contact: Tran Van Nhung, Vice Minister tainable improvements in the quality of education services. Prepara- Energy and Mining tion mission is under way. Environmental Assessment Category to be determined. US$ 9.0 (IDA Grant). Consultants will be required. Min- (R) Second Transmission and Distribution (Cr. 4107-VN): The istry of Education and Culture, Vila Verde, Dili, Timor-Leste, Tel: (670) objectives of the project are to: (a) build the 500 and 220 kV transmission 333-9631, E-mail: dydyximenes@yahoo.com, Contact: Hon. Armindo systems and selected 110 kV distribution systems to overcome up- Maiai, Minister coming key bottlenecks; (b) upgrade the centralized national and re- gional load dispatch and control systems; and (c) reform and restructure Energy and Mining of Electricity of Vietnam and its affiliates to efficiently manage and op- (R) Gas Seep Harvesting: The objectives of the project are to (a) erate the transmission system in an unbundled and increasingly mar- secure carbon credits by harvesting natural gas, currently escaping ket-oriented power industry. The credit was signed on 16 March 2006. into the atmosphere from seeps near Aliambata, and (b) generate Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 84871. US$ 200.0 (IDA). power for local communities with the harvested gas. Appraisal was ten- Consultants will be required. Electricity of Vietnam, 18 Tran Nguyen tatively scheduled for May 2006. Environmental Assessment Cate- Han St., Hanoi, Vietnam, Tel: (84-4) 825-5659, Fax: (84-4) 824-9462, Con- gory B. US$ 0.5 (IDA). A PHRD grant of US$ 0.3 is funding preparation. tact: Mr. Dao Van Hung, Chairman MAY 2006 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 27 Environment and Natural Resources Management firmed in a supplementary Project Concept Review in May 2006. En- Municipal Infrastructure Development Fund: The objective of vironmental Assessment Category B. PID: 84935. US$ 150.0 (IDA). the project is to strengthen municipal infrastructure through more flex- Consultants have been contracted for an implementation readiness as- ible financing and technical assistance. Project identification is under sessment, social and ennvironmental assessments, and preparation of way. Environmental Assessment Category FI. US$ 150.0 (IDA). Con- strategies for monitoring and evaluation and communications. Gov- sulting services to be determined. Ministry of Finance, 8 Phan Huy ernment of Vietnam-Ministry of Planning and Investment, 2 Hoang Van Chu, Hanoi, Vietnam, Tel: (84-4) 824-1427 , Fax: (84-4) 826-2266, E-mail: Thu Street, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi, Vietnam, Tel/Fax: (84) 804-3143, phamphandung@mof.gov.vn, Contact: Mr. Pham Dzung, Director Gen- E-mail: cbrip_mpi@cpt.gov.vn, Contact: Mr. Pham Hai, Director eral, Ministry of Finance (R) Second Agricultural Diversification: The objective of the pro- Finance ject is to promote market-oriented agricultural diversification with the aim of increasing and stabilizing the incomes of poor smallholders in Financial Sector Modernization and Information Management: the central highland and coastal provinces. Project preparation was The objective of the project is to improve the effectiveness of banking scheduled to begin in May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category supervision and monetary policy execution through improved decision B. PID: 84957. US$ 55.0 (IDA). Consultants are being recruited for prepa- making based upon better data quality, consolidated flows of infor- ration. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, 2 Ngoc Ha, mation and enhanced analytical capacity. Preappraisal is under way. En- Hanoi, Vietnam, Tel: (84-4) 843-8689, Fax: (84-4) 843-8793, E-mail: ad- vironmental Assessment Category U. US$ 45.0 (IDA). Consultants pddhnn1@fpt.vn, Contact: Mr. Nguyen Van Vinh, Director, Project will be required for work in central bank data and management infor- Coordinating Unit mation system development, and strengthening of data, and manage- ment information systems of credit information registration center Transportation and deposit insurance agency. State Bank of Vietnam, 49 Ly Thai To, Hanoi, Vietnam, Tel: (84-4) 934-3361, Fax: (84-4) 825-0612, E-mail: Hanoi Urban Transport and Development: The objective of the pro- fdsbv@fpt.vn, Contact: Mr. Le Minh Hung, Director-General, Inter- ject is to develop a sustainable urban transport system consistent with national Cooperation Department continued economic growth and accessibility for all users through the establishment of high capacity busways on the major corridors of the Health, Nutrition and Population city, development of a comprehensive urban transport policy that pro- (R) Health Fund for Poor: The objective of the project is to ensure vides priority to public transit, investments in road infrastructure that that health services reach the poorest. Preparation mission is sched- facilitate growth of public transport, and technical assistance. Appraisal uled for June 2006. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: was tentatively scheduled for May 2006. Environmental Assessment 82672. US$ 60.0 (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. Min- Category A. PID: 83581, 85393. US$ 135.0/10.0 (IDA/GEF). Consul- istry of Health, 138A Giang Vo, Hanoi, Vietnam, Tel: (84-4) 846-4914, tants are required. A PHRD grant application has been approved for Fax: (84-4) 846-4051, Contact: Mr. Nguyen Hoang Long, Vice-Director, preparation, and a PPIAF grant is under way. GEF preparation fund- Planning and Finance Department ing has been approved. Hanoi Transport and Urban Public Works Mekong Regional Health Support (Cr. 4153-VN): The objective Service/Transport and Urban Public Works Project Management of the project is to enhance the health services system with a policy Unit, 75 To Hien Thanh Ave., 3rd, 4th Floor, Hanoi, Vietnam, Tel: (84- framework and better institutional capacity for improved quality of 4) 974-0914, E-mail: tupmu.toan@fpt.vn, Contact: Mr. Hoang Ha, Di- hospital care and prevention as well as stronger mechanisms for fi- rector nancing catastrophic curative care for the poor. Approved by the Ex- ecutive Directors on 7 March 2006. Environmental Assessment Mekong Transport Infrastructure: The objective of the project is Category B. PID: 79663. US$ 70.0 (IDA). A PHRD grant of US$ 0.5 fi- to improve supply chain efficiency for the production and domestic and nanced preparation. Consultants will be required. Ministry of Health, international trade of the region. Decision meeting was tentatively 138A Giang Vo, Hanoi, Vietnam, Tel: (84-4) 846-4914, Fax: (84-4) 846- scheduled for late April 2006. Environmental Assessment Category A. 4051, Contact: Mr. Duong Huy Lieu, Director of Planning and Finance PID: 83588. US$ 200.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required for prepa- Department ration. Additional consultants will be required during implementation for project management and construction supervision. Project Man- Information and Communication agement Unit No. 1, 308 Minh Khai St., Hanoi, Vietnam, Tel: (84-4) 862- Information and Communication Technology Development (Cr. 9101, Fax: (84-4) 862-8983/4, E-mail: ru_pmul@fpt.vn, Contact: Mr. 4116-VN): The objective of the project is to accelerate information Nguyen Viet Dung, General Director and communication technology development. Approved by the Exec- Northern Delta Transport Development: The objective of the pro- utive Directors on 15 September 2005. Environmental Assessment ject is to facilitate sustainable economic growth and inclusive devel- Category C. PID: 79344. US$ 93.7 (IDA). A PHRD grant of US$ 0.6 fi- opment in the Northern Delta region. Project preparation is under way. nanced preparation. Consultants will be required. Ministry of Posts and Environmental Assessment Category to be determined. US$ 150.0 Telematics, Tel: (84-4) 556-5340, Fax: (84-4) 556-7399, E-mail: tm- (IDA). A Public/Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility grant is fi- tien@mpt.gov.vn, Contact: Dr. Tran Minh Tien, President of the Na- nancing preparation. A PHRD grant has also been approved for prepa- tional Institute of Posts and Telematics; General Statistics Office, Tel: ration financing. Consultants are required. PMU-W, 331 Nguyen Trai (84-4) 734-3678, E-mail: dtkhanh@hn.vnn.vn, dtkhanh@gso.gov.vn, St., District 1, HCMC, Vietnam, Tel: (84-8) 836-5146, Fax: (84-8) 836- Contact: Mr. Do Trong Khanh, Director, Department of Statistical 5149, E-mail: pmuwwy@hcm.vnn.vn, Contact: Mr. Le Huy Thang, Methodology and ICT Management; Hanoi People’s Committee, Tel: Deputy General Director (84-4) 736-6618, Fax: (84-4) 736-6617, E-mail: dungnm@cdit.com.vn, Con- tact: Mr. Nguyen Manh Dung, Director, Department of Posts and Third Rural Transport (Cr. 4150-VN): The objective of the project Telematics; Danang People’s Committee, Tel: (84-511) 810-277, Fax: is to reduce rural poverty by: (a)_ improving rural access from com- (84-511) 81-0278, E-mail: sonkp@dsp.com.vn, Contact: Mr. Phan Kim munities to markets, off-farm economic opportunities and social ser- Son, Director, Department of Posts and Telematics; HCMC People’s vices; (b) increasing the capacity at all administrative levels to plan, Committee, Tel: (84-8) 822-3651 Ext. 323, Fax: (84-8) 811-3653, E-mail: improve and sustain the existing rural transport network; and (c) en- lmha@ict-hcm.gov.vn, Contact: Mr. Le Manh Ha, Director, Depart- abling the development of small-scale private contractors and transport ment of Posts and Telematics service operators. Approved by the Executive Directors on 21 February 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 75407. US$ 106.3 Rural Development (IDA). Consultants will be required during implementation to assist (R) Poor Communes Infrastructure and Livelihoods: The objective with project management and construction supervision. Project Man- of the project is to reduce poverty and foster secure and sustainable agement Unit No. 5, 278 Ton Duc Thang St., Dong Da District, Hanoi, livelihoods for those living in the poorest and most marginal com- Vietnam, Tel: (84-4) 851-3659/4406, Fax: (84-4) 851-0857, E-mail: munes. The choice of lending instrument was expected to be con- pmu5@hn.vnn.vn, Contact: Mr. Luu Van Dung, General Director PAGE 28 Monthly Operational Summary MAY 2006 Urban Development tion of Naghlu power station as part of the clean development mech- (N) Municipal Infrastructure Development Fund: The objective anisms established in the Kyoto Protocol. Preappraisal is under way. of the project is to establish and maintain local development investment Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ 3.6 (IDA). Consultants funds. Project identification is under way. Environmental Assessment will be required to develop the project design document and conduct Category FI. US$ 150.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. the required verification activities. Ministry of Finance, Pastoonistan Ministry of Finance, 8, Phan Huy Chu, Hanoi, Vietnam, Tel: (844) Watt, Kabul, Afghanistan, Tel: (93-75) 200-4199, E-mail: info@mof.gov.af, 824-1427, Fax: (844) 826-2266, E-mail: phamphandung@mof.gov.vn, Contact: Mr. Wnwar-ul Haq Ahady, Minister Contact: Mr. Pham Dzung, Director General Health, Nutrition and Population Danang Priority Infrastructure Investment: The objective of the project is to facilitate sustainable economic growth, environ- (R) Health Sector Emergency Reconstruction and Development mental improvements and poverty reduction in Danang. Decision meet- Additional Financing (H206-AF): The objective of the additional fi- ing is scheduled for October 2006. Environmental Assessment Cat- nancing is to expand to rural areas not currently served basic health egory: A. PID: 86508. US$ 100.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. services that will directly affect child mortality and introduce new ac- Feasibility studies for Phase I will be financed by a PHRD grant. Danang tivities that will set the stage for improving performance of the sector. Priority Infrastructure Investment Projects Management Unit, Danang The grant was signed on 2 April 2006. Environmental Assessment Cat- People’s Committee, 54 Thai Phien St., Danang, Vietnam, Tel: (84- egory B. PID: 98358. US$ 30.0 (IDA Grant). Consultants will be required. 5) 1156-2677, Fax: (84-5) 1156-2678, E-mail: dnurenco@dng.vnn.vn, Ministry of Public Health, Charahi Sehat Ahma, Kabul, Afghanistan, Contact: Mr. Nguyen Tan Lien, Director PMU, Drainage and Sani- Tel: (93-70) 064-572, E-mail: moph_ppdeputy@yahoo.com, Contact: tation Project Dr. Faizullah Kakar, Deputy Minister Second Urban Water Supply Development: The objective of the Private Sector Development project is to expand service to urban centers in a cost effective and sus- (R) Private Sector Development Support: The objective of the tainable manner. Project identification is under way. Environmental As- project is to create productive jobs and broad-based growth. Negotia- sessment Category to be determined. PID: 96911. US$ 125.0 (IDA). tions are scheduled for 24 June 2006. Environmental Assessment Cat- Consultants will be required to prepare the project. Ministry of Con- egory B. PID: 90928. US$ 20.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required for struction, 37 Le Dai Hanh, Hanoi, Vietnam, Tel: (84-4) 976-1852, Fax: design, construction and environmental and social assessments of in- (84-4) 821-5428, E-mail: dactn@hn.vnn.vn, Contact: Mr. Pham Ngoc Thai, dustrial parks. Ministry of Commerce, Contact: H. E. Hedayat Amin- Director Arsala, Senior Adviser to the President and Minister; Afghanistan Water and Sanitation Investment Support Agency, Opposite Ministry of Foreign Affairs, (R) Coastal Cities Environmental Sanitation: The objectives of Kabul, Afghanistan, Tel: (93-20) 210-3404, E-mail: info@aisa.org.af, the project are (a) sustained improvements to public health, particu- Contact: Dr. Omar Zakhilwal, President and CEO larly for poor residents, and (b) increased growth and economic de- Public Sector Governance velopment. Appraisal mission is under way. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: 82295. US$ 120.0/5.0 (IDA/GEF). Consultants have (R) Public Administration Reform: The objective of the project is been selected for project preparation, funded by a PHRD grant. City to continue the reform initiatives of two earlier public administration of Quy Nhon, Quy Nhon People’s Committee, Tel: (84-5) 682-5254, Fax: reform projects, such as restructuring, and to launch other initiatives (84-5) 682-6076, Contact: Mr. Thai Ngoc Bich, Vice Chairman; City of that are more in the nature of institution building than emergency Nha Trang, Nha Trang People’s Committee, Tel: (84-5) 882-1129, Fax support. Appraisal has been delayed. Environmental Assessment Cat- (84-5) 882-9308, Contact: Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Minh, Chairman; City of egory U. US$ 24.6 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Independent Dong Hoi, Dong Hoi People’s Committee, Tel: (84-5) 282-2505, Con- Administrative Reform and Civil Service Commission, Prime Minister’s tact: Mr. Dang DucDuc, Acting Director Compound, Shah Mahmood Ghazi Watt, Kabul, Afghanistan, Tel: (93- 07) 920-2168, E-mail: whamidzada@sbcglobal.net, Contact: Dr. Wali A. Hamidzada, Director, Civil Service Training and Development Rural Development (R) Emergency National Solidarity Additional Financing (H209- South Asia AF): The objectives of the project are to (a) promote and strengthen good local governance; (b) create community-managed social and productive infrastructure that increases rural access to essential ser- Afghanistan vices; and (c) create a sustainable, cost-effective service delivery in- Energy and Mining strument for villages. The grant was scheduled to be signed on 21 April Second Emergency Power Rehabilitation: The objective of the 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ 40.0 (IDA Grant). project is to increase availability of low-cost grid-supplied power to Consultants will be required. Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and De- consumers in Kabul, at other points along the Northern Transmission velopment, Shah Mahmood Ghazi Watt, Kabul, Afghanistan, Tel: (93- Line and elsewhere. Project preparation is under way. Environmental 70) 182-127, E-mail: a.rahimi@nspafghanistan.org, Contact: Ehsan Zia, Assessment Category B. US$ 80.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Deputy Minister, Programs Ministry of Energy and Water, Darulaman, Kabul, Afghanistan, Tel: (R) Horticulture and Livestock Productivity: The project aims at (93-079) 407-084, Contact: Engineer Gulla Jan, Head of Planning stimulating marketable output of perennial horticulture and livestock. Sustainable Development of Natural Resources: The objective Negotiations completed. Board presentation is scheduled for 25 May of the project is to improve effective regulation of the natural resources 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 98256. US$ 40.0 sector and foster private development that will bring meaningful (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Agriculture, Animal economic growth and revenues. Appraisal was scheduled for 23 Husbandry and Food, Jaml Meena, Kart-e-Sakhi, Kabul, Afghanistan, April 2006. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 98118. US$ Tel: (93-70) 898-989, E-mail: ministry@agriculture.gov.af, Contact: Mo- 20.0 (IDA). Consultants have been hired with PPF financing. Min- hammad Usman, Adviser to the Minister istry of Mines and Industries, Great Masaoud Rd., Kabul, Afghanistan, Urban Development Tel: (93-02) 210-0309, E-mail: mmiafg@hotmail.com, Contact: Mir Sediq, Minister (N) Urban Waste Management: The objective of the project is to de- velop sustainable solid waste and on-site sanitation management sys- Environment and Natural Resources Management tems. Project identification is under way. Environmental Assessment (N) Naghlu Rehabilitation Carbon Finance: The objective of the Category B. US$ 25.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. project is to prepare a Carbon Finance operation in order to com- Kabul Municipality and Mohammad Jan Khan Watt, Puli Bagh e mercialize the carbon dioxide emissions produced by the rehabilita- Umomi, in front of Ministry of Education, Kabul, Afghanistan, Tel: (93- MAY 2006 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 29 70) 287-122, E-mail: aliniazikm@yahoo.com, Contact: Mr. Ali Niazi, Environmental Assessment Category FI. US$ 50.0 (IDA). Consultants Director of Planning; Ministry of Urban Development and Housing will be required. PID: 89382. Bangladesh Bank, Head Office, Motijeel C/A, Dhaka 1000 Bangladesh, Tel: (880-2) 712-0106, 956-4117, Fax: (880- Water and Sanitation 2) 716-4233, 956-6212, 712-0678, E-mail: ed7bb@bangla.net, Contact: (N) Urban Water Sector: The objectives of the project are to: (a) trans- Mr. M.A. Quasem, Executive Director form the Central Authority for Water Supply and Sewerage (CAWSS) Private Sector Development: The objective of the project is to im- into a technically viable operation; (b) establish the financial sustain- plement the pro-poor growth agenda by strengthening incentives as ability of the Afghan Urban Water Supply and Sewerage Company, which well as the ability of firms to enhance their competitiveness. Appraisal will succeed CAWSS; (c) increase access to and reliability of the wa- is scheduled for June 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. ter supply service in Kabul; and (d) prepare a follow-up project under US$ 85.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. Board of In- which more substantial institutional and financial objectives could be vestment, Jiban Bima Tower (19th Floor), 10 Dilkusha C/A., Dhaka achieved and coverage further expanded in Kabul and provincial towns. 1000, Bangladesh, Tel: (880-2) 956-1430/31, 955-9378, 956-1433, Fax: Board presentation is scheduled for 18 May 2006. Environmental As- (880-2) 956-2312, E-mail: ecboi@bdmail.net, Contact: Mr. Mahmudur sessment Category B. US$ 40.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Rahman, Executive Chairman Afghan Urban Water Supply and Sewerage Company, Macrorayan, Kabul, Afghanistan, Tel: (93-70) 217-854, E-mail: cawss_water@ya- Rural Development hoo.com, Contact: Mr. Najibulllah Patan, President, CAWSS National Agricultural Technology: The objective of the project is to strengthen the national agricultural technology system to increase Bangladesh farm productivity and add value to selected commodities with im- Education proved market linkages. Project preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment Category C. US$ 75.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be (N) Vocational Education and Training Reform: The objective of determined. Ministry of Agriculture, Bldg. 4, Room 536, Bangladesh the project is to implement vocational education and training reforms Secretariat, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Tel: (880-2) 716-0470, Fax: (880-2) in curriculum, financing and private sector participation. Project iden- 716-7040, E-mail: agrsec@bacc-moe.gov.bd, Contact: Mr. Kazi Abdul tification is under way. Environmental Assessment Category C. US$ Kashem, Secretary.; Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock, Bldg. 6, 30.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Education , Bha- Room 509, Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Tel: (880-2) ban-6, Room 1809, Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Tel: 716-1258, Fax: (880-2) 716-1117, E-mail: secy_mofl@bttb.net.bd, Con- (880-2) 716-8711/4236, Fax: (880-2) 716-7577, E-mail: moe1@bd- tact: Mr. Md. Abdul Karim, Secretary com.com, Contact: Mr. Md. Momtajul Islam, Secretary of Education Water Management Improvement: The objective of the project is Energy and Mining to improve water management and services in flood- and cyclone- Siddhirganj Peaking Power: The objective of the project is to pro- prone areas. Board presentation is tentatively scheduled for July 2006. vide power during daily peak consumption periods. Preappraisal mis- Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 40712. US$ 101.0 (IDA). sion was scheduled for May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category Consulting services to be determined. WMIP/BWDB, Ansar Cham- B. US$ 150.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Project preparation ber (11th floor, 149), Motijheel C/A, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh, Tel: (880- consultant is being funded by the Power Sector Development Tech- 2) 712-1540, Fax: (880-2) 712-1537, E-Mail: pd-wsip@accesstel.net, nical Assistance project. Electricity Generating Company of Bangladesh, Contact: Mr. Md. Quamruzzaman, Project Director WAPDA Bldg. (1st Floor), 12 Motijheel C/A Dhaka, Bangladesh, Tel: Transportation (880-2) 911-6382, (880-2) 812-4197, (880-2) 01717-31025, Contact: Mr. Export Infrastructure Development: The objective of the project Delwar Hossain, Managing Director is to enhance the competitiveness of the tradable sectors of the econ- South Zone Power Distribution: The objective of the project is to omy. Appraisal is scheduled for December 2007. Environmental As- deliver power more widely by establishing a power distribution com- sessment Category B. PID: 89634. US$ 120.0 (IDA). Consultants will pany and improving and expanding the power distribution network. be required to conduct feasibility studies, and supervision of the Project preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment Cate- planned design-build contract. Chittagong Port Authority, CPA Bldg., gory B. US$ 150.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. Power Chittagong, Bangladesh, Tel: (880-031) 712-500/712-504, Fax:(880- Division, Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources, Bhaban 031) 710593 , Contact: Mr. Hadi H. Babul, Project Director 6, Rooms 124 and 125, Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Road Sector Reform Project: The objective of the project is the Tel: (880-2) 716-5918, Contact Name: Mr. Nazrul Islam, Secretary, Tel: sustainable delivery of a safe, and efficient major road network system. (880-2) 716-0523, Fax: 880-2 717 0740; Bangladesh Power Develop- Appraisal is scheduled for FY07. Environmental Assessment Cate- ment Board (BPDB), WAPDA Building, Motijeel C/A, Dhaka, Tel: (880- gory B. PID: 75346. US$ 229.0 (IDA). Consultants are required for prepa- 2) 956-2154 (Dir), Fax: (880-2) 956-4765, Contact: Mr. A.N.H. Akhtar ration and implementation of the civil works components and for Hossain, Chairman; Distribution Power Zone, Power Development institutional strengthening of the Roads and Highways Department. Board, Bidyut Bhaban, Agrabad, Chittagong, Tel: (031) 712200, Fax: Roads and Highways Department, Sarak Bhaban, Ramna, Dhaka 1000 (031) 715090 , Contact: Mr. Kazi Bashiruddin Ahmed, Chief Engineer. Bangladesh, Tel: (880-2) 956-8740, Fax: (880-2) 956-8302, E-mail: pdr- Environment and Natural Resources Management rmp@rhd.gov.bd, Contact: Mr. Abdullahel Kafi, Project Coordinator Dhaka Environment and Water Resources Management: The ob- Water and Sanitation jectives of the project are to: (a) reduce the social and economic costs Dhaka Chittagong Sewerage and Drainage: The objective of the of environmental degradation of rivers in Dhaka and (b) develop a pro- project is to provide reliable, sustainable and affordable water and grammatic approach to water resources and environmental manage- sanitation services in Dhaka. Appraisal is scheduled for March 2007. ment in the Dhaka metropolitan area for strategic long-term activities Environmental Assessment Categor y B. US$ 100.0 (IDA). Con- and investments. Concept review was scheduled for May 2006 Envi- sulting services to be determined. Dhaka Water and Sanitation ronmental Assessment Category B. US$ 50.0 (IDA). Consultants will Authority, WASA Bhaban, 98 Kazi Nazrul Islam Ave., Dhaka 1215 be required. Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Bangladesh, Tel: (880-2) 811-6792, Fax: (880-2) 811-2109, E-mail: Cooperatives, Building No. 7, Room 602, Bangladesh Secretariat, Dha- mddwasa@bangla.net, Contact: Dr. Kazi Ali Azam, Managing Di- ka 1000 Bangladesh, Tel/Fax: (880-2) 716-4374, Contact: Mr.H.M.S.M. rector Jahrul Islam, Secretary Private Sector Development Bhutan (N) Investment Promotion and Financing Facility: The objective Economic Management of the project is to finance through local intermediaries eligible, gov- (R) Development Policy: The objective of the project is to implement ernment-sponsored, privately developed infrastructure projects. Ne- the reform program aimed at: (a) improving the investment climate gotiations completed. Board presentation was scheduled for 2 May 2006. for private sector growth and employment generation; (b) improving PAGE 30 Monthly Operational Summary MAY 2006 delivery of public services; (c) facilitating wider access to schools; Environment and Natural Resources Management and (d) improving health care. Board presentation is scheduled for 25 (R) Biodiversity Conservation and Rural Livelihood Improvement: May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category U. PID: 78807. US$ The objective of the project is to strengthen biodiversity conservation 15.0 (IDA). No consultants are required. Department of Aid and Debt while improving rural livelihoods through testing and establishing de- Management, Ministry of Finance, Thimphu, Bhutan, Tel/Fax: (975- centralized participatory approaches of sustainable management and 2) 326-777, E-mail: kesang@mof.gov.bt, Contact: Kesang Choden, use of natural resources across globally and nationally important land- Head, Multilateral Division scapes. Decision meeting is scheduled for September 2006. Environ- Private Sector Development mental Assessment Category B. PID: 88520. US$ 24.0/14.0 (IDA/GEF). Private Sector Support: The objective of the project is to create con- A PHRD grant of US$ 0.4 is financing preparation. Consultants will be ditions conducive to private sector growth and increased productivity required. Ministry of Environment and Forests, Annex 5, Bikaner leading to increased employment. Project preparation is under way. En- House, Shahjahan Rd., Paravaryan Bhawan, New Delhi 110001 India, vironmental Assessment Category C. US$ 8.0 (IDA). Consulting ser- Fax: (91-11) 2338-4428, E-mail: dirpt.r@hub.nic.in , Contact: Dr. Rajesh vices to be determined. Ministry of Trade and Industry, Planning and Gopal, Director, Project Tiger Policy Division, PO Box 141, Thimpu, Bhutan, Tel: (975-2) 323-579, 326- Chhattisgarh Community Forest Management: The objective of the 096, Fax: (975-2) 324-279, 326-097, E-mail: spwangdi@druknet.net.bt, project is to strengthen participatory systems of natural resource man- Contact: Mr. Sonam P. Wangdi, Deputy Secretary, Planning and Pol- agement and marketing to improve and sustain the livelihoods of for- icy Division; Department of Aid and Debt Management, PO Box 1032, est dependent people. Project preparation is under way. Environmental Thimphu, Bhutan, Tel: (975-2) 324-121, Fax: (975-2) 326-779, E-mail: Assessment Category B. PID: 77572. US$ 50.0 Consulting services to ugyen@mof.gov.bt, Contact: Yanki T Wangchuk, Director General be determined. State Forest Department, Village Forestry Institu- tions, PRI, Raipur 492001, Chhattisgarh, India, Tel: (91-771) 221-157, Transportation Fax: (91-771) 331-120, E-mail: drrscharma@yahoo.com, Contact: Mr. (N) Second Rural Access: The objectives of the project are to im- Ramprakash, Principal Secretary Forests prove access of rural communities to markets, schools, health centers Madhya Pradesh Community Forest Management: The objective and other economic and social infrastructure in order to improve the of the project is to facilitate a shift from joint forest management to com- quality of life and productivity of rural communities. Project Concept munity forest management. Project preparation is under way. Envi- Note is being prepared. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ ronmental Assessment Category B. PID: 50644. US$ 105.0 (IDA). 8.0 (IDA). Preparation consultants have been hired. Consultants will Consulting services to be determined. Government of Madhya Pradesh be required for implementation. Department of Roads, Ministry of State Forest Departments, Village Forestry Institutions, Vallabh Brawan, Communications, Thimphu, Bhutan, Tel: (975-2) 322-237, Fax: (975- Bhopal 462004 India, Tel: (91-755) 576-593, Fax: (91-755) 763-428, E- 2) 321-124, E-mail: rap@druknet.bt, Contact: Mr. Phuntsho Wangdi, Di- mail: manojkmr@vallarh.mp.nic.in, Contact: Mr. Manoj Kumar, Prin- rector cipal Secretary Forests India Health, Nutrition and Population Education Karnataka Health Systems Development and Reform: The ob- Agricultural Higher Education Reforms: The objective of the pro- jectives of the project are to (a) increase use of essential curative and ject is to implement strategic reforms in the higher education system public health services of adequate quality, particularly in underserved to produce the required professionals. Project preparation is under way. areas and among vulnerable groups; and (b) accelerate achievement Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 78536. US$ 80.0/80.0 of the Millennium Development Goals. Negotiations completed. En- (IBRD/IDA). Consulting services to be determined. Education Divi- vironmental Assessment Category B. PID: 71160. US$ 141.83 (IDA). sion, Indian Council of Agriculture Research, Krishi Anusandham Consulting services to be determined. Government of Karnataka, De- Bhavan II, Pusa, New Delhi 110012 India, Tel: (91-11) 2574-7760, Fax: partment of Health and Family Welfare, Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore, (91-11) 2561-0403, E-mail: jckatyal@icarl.nic.in, Contact: Dr. J. C. Katyal, Karnataka, India, Tel: (91-80) 2227-7391, E-mail: khsdrp@eth.net, Con- Deputy Director General tact: Mr. Anij Kumar Jha, Project Administrator Energy and Mining Reproductive and Child Health, Phase 2: The objective of the pro- Rampur Hydropower: The objective of the project is to produce 1.8 ject is to improve reproductive and child heath service delivery for un- billion units of electricity per year in an economically, environmentally derserved people and promote convergence of district health programs. and socially sustainable manner by developing the Rampur hydropower Board presentation is scheduled for 16 May 2006. Environmental As- plant. Project preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment Ca- sessment Category B. PID: 75060. US$ 350.0 (IDA). No consultants tegory A. US$ 400.0 (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. are required. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Nirman Bhavan, Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam Limited, Himfed Building, New Simla 171009 Maulana Azad Rd., New Delhi 110011 India, Tel: (91-11) 2301-8126, Fax: India, Tel: (91-77) 267-0804, Fax: (91-77) 267-0893, E-mail: hk.shar- (91-11) 2301-6648, E-mail: hfm@alpha.nic.in, Contact: Mr. P. K. Hota, ma@sjvn.nic.in, Contact: Mr. Anil Gupta, Senior Manager Secretary. Rural Electricity Access: The objective of the project is to develop Second National Tuberculosis: The objective of the project is to scalable sustainable institutional models for increasing access to decrease mortality and morbidity from Tuberculosis and cut trans- electricity services in rural areas. Project preparation is on hold. mission of infection until the disease ceases to be a major national Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ 65.0 (IDA). Consultants public health problem. Board presentation is scheduled for 22 June will be required. Ministry of Power, 209 Shram Shakti Bhawan, Rafi 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 78539. US$ 170.0 Marg, New Delhi 110001 India, Tel: (91-11) 2371-5378, Fax: (91-11) (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Health and Family 2371-7519, Contact: Mr Ajay Shankar, Joint Secretary Welfare, Central TB Division, Directorate General of Health Ser- Third Power System Development (Ln. 4813-IN): The objective vices, Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi 110001 India, Tel: (91-11) 2301-8126, of the project is to increase the facility for reliable power exchanges E-mail:ddgtb@tbcindia.org, Contact: Dr. L.S.Chauhan, Deputy Direc- among regions and states by building a national transmission network tor General and supporting the institutional development of POWERGRID for sus- Third National HIV/AIDS Control Program: The objectives of the tainable development of a large transmission system. Approved by project are to: (a) contain the spread of HIV to below three percent in the Executive Directors on 19 January 2006. Environmental Assess- high risk groups and below one percent in the general population and ment Category A. PID: 86414. US$ 400.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be (b) generate an enabling environment to enhance program effective- required. Power Grid Corporation, “Saudamini,” Plot No. 2, Sector 29, ness. Preappraisal mission completed. Environmental Assessment Near IFFCO Chowk, Gurgaon (Haryana) 122001 India, Tel: (91-124) Category B. PID: 78538. US$ 200.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be 257-1700 to 1719, Fax: (91-124) 257-1760/1, E-mail: arun@power- determined. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, National AIDS Con- gridindia.com, Mr. I.C. Jaiswal, Executive Director, Corporate Planning. trol Organization, 9th Floor, Chandralok Bldg. 36, Japath, India, Tel: MAY 2006 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 31 (91-11) 2373-1780, Fax: (91-11) 2301-3793, E-mail: amardeep@nacoin- Bihar Rural Livelihoods Development: The objective of the project dia.org, Contact: Mr. Amardeep Bhatia, Director, Finance is to empower rural poor people and improve their lives by (a) devel- oping and strengthening institutions of the poor, (b) building and es- Law and Justice tablishing pro-poor savings promotion and livelihood support Statistical Strengthening: The objective of the project is to reform organizations; (c) financing livelihood business plans and increasing administration of the statistical system, including improvement of data the size of livelihood economies for the poor and (d) creating a enabling collection methods, and identification of new data series to keep pace environment for implementing and scaling up innovations for livelihood with the expanding economy. Project preparation has resumed and will development and service delivery. Decision meeting is scheduled for incorporate recommendations of the recently published National Sta- 12 July 2006 Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 90764. US$ tistics Commission Report. Environmental Assessment Category C. 63.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. State Women’s De- PID: 78337. US$ amount to be determined (IBRD). Consulting services velopment Corporation, Government of Bihar, Tel: (92-612) 223-9707, to be determined. Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation (92-612) 222-6038, Fax: (91-612) 223-4096, (92-612) 220-0695, E-mail: of India, Sardar Patel Bhavan, Parliament St., New Delhi 110001 India, ssidhoo@yahoo.com, Contact: Mrs. S. Sidhu,, Chairman and Manag- Tel: (91-11) 336-0889/1080, Fax: (91-11) 334-2384, Contact: G. Raveen- ing Director dran, Deputy Director General Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement: The objective of the pro- ject is to improve the safety and optimal sustainable performance of Public Sector Governance selected existing dams and associated appurtenances. Appraisal is Third Karnataka Economic Restructuring: The objective of the pro- scheduled for 15 June 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. ject is to implement the Karnataka government’s economic restructuring PID: 89985. US$ 350.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required for pro- program through budgetary support. Project preparation is under ject preparation. Ministry of Water Resources, Shram Sakthi Bhavan, way. Environmental Assessment Categor y U. PID: 75192. US$ Rafi marg, New Delhi, India, E-mail: damsindia2003@yahoo.co.in, Con- 100.0/100.0 (IBRD/IDA). No consultants are required. Finance De- tact: Mr. S.K. Das, Member (D&R) Central Water Commission, Sewa partment, Government of Karnataka, 2nd Floor, Vidhan Souda, Ban- Bhavan galore 560001 India, Tel: (91-80) 226-5434/235-3138, Fax: (91-80) Jharkhand Participatory Forest Management: The objective of the 228-0520, E-mail: secbud@vsb.kar.nic.in, Contact: Dr. S. Subramanya, project is to reduce rural poverty through improved forest ecosystem Secretary, Budget & Resources management with community participation. Decision meeting is sched- Rural Development uled for August 2006 Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 77192. US$ 40.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required for preparation of (N) Second Hydrology (Ln. 4749-IN): The objective of the project feasibility studies, the environmental assessment and the social as- is to promote effective and efficient use of the Hydrologic Information sessment. Most of these are likely to be provided through specialists System by water data users in water resources planning and man- attached to the preparation team. Jharkhand Local Communities and agement to increase productivity, efficiency and cost-effectiveness of State Forest Department, Ranchi, 834 001, Jharkhand, India, Tel: (91- water related investments. Approved by the Executive Directors on 24 654) 525-2669, Fax: (91-654) 625-2669, E-mail: rccf_Jhk@rediffmail, August 2004. The loan was signed on 19 January 2006. Environmen- Contact: Ms. Neelam Nath, Principal Secretary, Department of Forests tal Assessment Category C. PID: 84632. US$ 105.0 (IBRD). No con- and Environment sultants are required. Ministry of Water Resources, Shram Shakthi Bhavan, Rafi Marg, New Delhi 110001 India, Tel: (91-11) 2461-7060, Orissa Decentralized Rural Poverty Reduction: The objective of Fax: (91-11) 2469-4752, Contact: S.K. Chaudhary, Commissioner the project is to improve the incomes of rural poor households in se- lected blocks through increasing the availability of productive infra- (R) Biodiversity Conservation and Rural Livelihood Improvement: structure and thereby creating an improved environment for the The objective of the project is to strengthen biodiversity conservation emergence of viable farm and non-farm enterprises. Decision meeting while improving rural livelihoods by testing and establishing decen- is scheduled for June 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. tralized participatory approaches of sustainable management and use US$ 80.0/70.0 (IBRD/IDA). Local consultants will be required to de- of natural resources across globally and nationally important land- velop environmental management framework, financial and procure- scapes. Decision meeting is rescheduled for 19 September 2006. Envi- ment manuals. Orissa Rural Marketing and Advancement Society, ronmental Assessment Category B. US$ 24.0/14.0 (IDA/GEF). A Panchayati Raj Department, Government of Orissa, Bhubneshwar PHRD grant of US$ 0.4 is financing preparation. Consultants will be 751001 India, Tel: (91-674) 253-6680, E-mail: prsec@ori.nic.in required. Ministry of Environment and Forests, Annex 5, Bikaner Second Uttar Pradesh Diversified Agriculture Support: The objec- House, Shahjahan Rd., Paravaryan Bhawan, New Delhi 110001 India, tives of the project are to: (a) intensify and diversify agricultural pro- Fax: (91-11) 2338-4428, E-mail: dirpt.r@hub.nic.in, Contact: Dr. Rajesh duction and (b) increase farmer access to expanding market oppor- Gopal, Director tunities. Negotiations were scheduled for 2 May 2006 Environmental (R) Karnataka Rural Poverty Reduction and Panchayats: The Assessment Category B. PID: 89484. US$ 70.0/70.0 (IBRD/IDA). Con- objective of the project is to improve the capacity of rural governments sulting services to be determined. Diversified Agricultural Support to manage public resources for the benefit of the rural poor. Nego- Project Society, Government of Uttar Pradesh, PICKUP Bhawan, tiations were scheduled for 24 April 2006. Environmental Assess- Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow, India, Tel: (91-522) 272- ment Category B. PID: 78832. US$ 150.0 (IDA). Consultants will be 0839, E-mail: updasp@sancharnet.in, Contact: Archana Agrawal, required. Department of Rural Development and Panchayats, Gov- Special Secretary, Cooperation and Project Coordinator ernment of Karnataka, Vidhan Soudha, Bangalore, Karnataka, India, Tamil Nadu Irrigated Agriculture Modernization and Water Re- Tel: (91-80) 2238-4574, Contact: Mr. Raghunandan, Secretary, Pan- sources Management: The objective of the project is to improve ir- chayati Raj rigation service delivery and productivity in Tamil Nadu. Decision (R) National Agricultural Innovation (Cr. 4161-IN, Cr. 4162- meeting was scheduled for 10 May 2006. Environmental Assessment IN): The objective of the project is to accelerate the joint development Category A. US$ 400.0 (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. and application of agricultural innovations between the public and pri- Water Resources Organization, Public Works Department, Government vate sectors and between farmers and other stakeholders. Approved of Tamil Nadu, Fort St. George, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, Tel: (91- by the Executive Directors on 18 April 2006. Environmental Assessment 44) 2567-1622, E-mail: secy_pwd@yahoo.com, Contact: Mr. Palaniap- Category B. PID: 92735. US$ 200.0 (IDA). The project was approved pan, Secretary, Public Works Department as two separate credits, a regular credit of US$ 59.5 and a hard-term credit of US$ 140.5). Consultants will be required for preparation. Depart- Transportation ment of Agricultural Research and Education, Ministry of Agricul- Punjab State Roads: The objectives of the project are to improve the ture, Indian Council of Agriculture Research, Krisihi Bhavan, Dr. operating conditions of Punjab roads and facilitate greater private sec- Rajendra Prasad Rd., New Delhi 110001 India, Tel: (91-11) 2584-1760, tor participation in the development, maintenance and management Fax: (91-11) 5750-0932, E-mail: jckatyal@icar.org.in, Contact: Dr. J.C. of the road network. Decision meeting was tentatively scheduled for Katyal, Project Director May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: 90585. US$ PAGE 32 Monthly Operational Summary MAY 2006 250.0 (IBRD). Consultants have been appointed for the feasibility prove water and sanitation services to the 30 per cent of uncovered and study, detailed design and contract supervision for Phase I. Additional partially covered villages, demonstrating successful and lasting means consultants will be required for Phase II. Punjab Roads and Buildings of water delivery, and (b) reform the water and sanitation sector in- Development Board, Roads & Buildings Department, SCO 210-211, 4th cluding restructuring institutions and building capacity. Negotiations Floor, Sector 34-A, Chandigarh, India, Tel: (91-172) 519-4621, Fax: (91- were scheduled for April 2006. Environmental Assessment Category 172) 264-5497, (91-172) 2654-1028, Ext. 35, E-mail: prbdb@satyam.net.in, B. PID: 83187. US$ 100.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Project Contact: Mr. Amrit Inder Singh, Joint Secretary Management Unit, Department of Drinking Water Supply, Mussoorie Diversion Rd., Makkawala Dehradun, Uttaranchal, India, Tel: (91-135) Urban Development 273-3455, Fax: (91-135) 273-3381, E-mail: pmu_uttaranchal@red- Andhra Pradesh Urban Reform and Municipal Services: The ob- iffmial.com, Contact: Gambhir Singh, Director, Swajal Project jective of the project is to reduce poverty and empower the poor, pro- Tamil Nadu Rural Water Supply and Sanitation: The objective of tecting the most vulnerable through security mechanisms and creating the project is to expand rural communities’ access to improved and sus- opportunities for the poor by building their assets and enabling the mar- tainable water supply and sanitation services in Tamil Nadu. Appraisal kets to work for them. Board presentation was scheduled for 27 April was scheduled for 25 May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category 2006. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: 71250. US$ 230.0 B. PID: 78210. US$ 150.0 (IDA). No consultants are required. TWAD (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Municipal Administration and House, 31, Kamraja Salai, Chepauk, Chennai 600005 India, Tel: (91-44) Urban Development Department, Secretariat Complex, Hyderabad 2852-4907, E-mail: tnrwssp@vsnl.net, Contact: Mr Vibhu Nayar, Pro- 500022 India, Tel/Fax: (91-40) 2345-4965, Contact: Ms. Veena Ish, Sec- ject Director retary, Urban Development Enhanced Urban Reform Incentive Fund: The objective of the pro- Maldives ject is to provide states with incentives to undertake essential urban Education sector reforms, enabling local governments to improve their finances and capacity to provide essential services and incentives to do so. Pro- (R) Third Education and Training (Cr. 3325-MAL): The objec- ject preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment Category C. tive of the project is to train qualified nationals for the labor force by PID: 88776. US$ 300.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Imple- paying overseas scholarship obligations of 186 students. It fills the menting agency(ies) to be determined financing gap created by partial cancellation of the second Tsunami reconstruction project. Approved by the Executive Directors on 6 April Karnataka Municipal Reform (Ln. 4818-IN): The objectives of the 2006. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 99652. US$ 1.3 project are to: (a) foster the decentralization process among states (IDA). No consultants are required. Ministry of Education, Ghazee through improved governance and oversight of local governments; (b) Bldg., Male 20-05 Maldives, Tel: (960) 327-353, Fax: (960) 331-578, enhance the accountability and financial soundness of local urban bod- E-mail: piu@hrd.gov.mv, Contact: Mr. Abdul Sameeu Hassan, Section ies, and (c) improve service delivery to the urban population. Ap- Head, Project Management and Coordination Section proved by the Executive Directors on 14 March 2006. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: 79675. US$ 216.0 (IBRD). Consultants Social Protection will be required. Karnataka Urban Infrastructure Finance Corporation, Integrated Human Development: Restoration of Post-Tsunami Mission Rd., 3rd Cross, Unity Bldg. Annex, 2nd Floor, Silver Jubilee Cancelled Funds Additional Financing (Cr. 39481-MAL): The Block, Bangalore 560027 India, Tel: (91-80) 2223-2023, E-mail:ashok- objective of the project is to strengthen the delivery of education, jain@kuidfc.org, Contact: Mr. Ashok Jain, Project Director health, employment and community services. Approved by the Exec- National Risk Mitigation: The objective of the project is to mitigate utive Directors on 7 March 2006. Environmental Assessment Category risks and vulnerability to natural disasters, particularly cyclones. Pro- B. PID: 98583. US$ 5.7 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry ject preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment Category B. of Finance and Treasury, Ameenee Mague, Male, Maldives, Tel: (960- US$ 250.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of 31) 7586, Fax: (960-32) 4432, E-mail: fiedms@finance.gov.mv, Contact: Home Affairs, North Block, New Delhi, India, Tel: (91-11) 2309-2456, Riluwan Shareef, Executive Director Fax: (91-11) 2309-3465, Contact: Ashim Khurana, Joint Secretary National Urban Infrastructure Fund: The objective of the project Nepal is to improve urban infrastructure including through mobilization of Education private financing. Project preparation is under way. Environmental As- Second Higher Education: The objective of the project is to reform sessment Category FI. US$ 300.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be re- higher education with emphasis on decentralization, financial assis- quired. Ministry of Urban Development, Nirman Bharan, New Delhi, tance to students and quality assurance. Board presentation is sched- India, Tel: (91-22) 2306-2309, E-mail: Rajamani_muthu@yahoo.com, uled for 1 June 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: Contact: Mr. M. Rajamani, Joint Secretary 90967. US$ 50.0/10.0 (IDA Grant/IDA Credit). Consultants will be Water and Sanitation needed. Ministry of Education and Sports, Keshar Mahal, Kath- Delhi Water Supply and Sewerage: The objective of the project is mandu, Nepal, Tel: (977-1) 4411-599, Contact: Mr. Chuman Singh Bas- to implement comprehensive reform of the water and sanitation sec- nyat, Acting Secretary tor to make the capital city a healthier and more attractive place to live, Environment and Natural Resources Management able to achieve its full economic potential in a competitive interna- Biogas Program: The objective of the project is further to develop tional environment. Project preparation has been put on hold at the re- and disseminate the use of biogas as an indigenous and sustainable quest of the Department of Economic Affairs. Environmental energy source in rural areas. Approved by the Clean Development Assessment Category B. PID: 67215. US$ 140.0 (IBRD). Consulting Mechanism Executive Board on 29 December 2005. Environmental services to be determined. Delhi Jal Board, Varunalaya Phase II, Karol Assessment Category B. PID: 90038. US$ 4.5 (Community Develop- Bagh, New Delhi 110005 India, Tel: (91-11) 2351-6148, Fax: (91-11) 2354- ment Carbon Fund). No consultants are required. Alternative Energy 1813, E-mail: ashishkundra@delhijalboard.nic.in, Contact: Ashish Kun- Promotion Center, Dhobighat, Lalitpur, PO Box 14237, Kathmandu, dra, Additional Chief Executive Officer Nepal, Tel: (977-1) 553-6843, (977-1) 553-9391, Fax: (977-1) 542-397, (977- Punjab Rural Water Supply and Sanitation: The objective of the 1) 553-9392, E-mail: energy@aepc.gov.np, Contact: Dr. Madan Bas- project is to increase rural Punjab communities’ access to improved nyet, Executive Director and sustainable water supply and sanitation services. Project preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ 100.0 (IDA). Health, Nutrition and Population Consultants will be required. Department of Water Supply and Sani- (N) Avian Influenza Control: The objectives of the project are to min- tation, Government of Punjab, Mini Secretariat, Chandigarh, India, imize the threat from the bird flu infection and other zoonoses by con- Tel/Fax: (91-172) 274-3442, Contact: Vijay Kain, Principal Secretary trolling them among domestic poultry and to prepare for, control and Second Uttaranchal Rural Water Supply and Environmental respond to an influenza pandemic and other related infectious disease Sanitation: The objectives of the project are to (a) introduce or im- emergencies in humans. Preappraisal completed. Environmental As- MAY 2006 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 33 sessment Category B. PID: 100342. US$ 15.0 (IDA). Consulting ser- is under way. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 95982. vices to be determined. Department of Livestock Services, Ministry US$ 200.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Water and of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Harihar Bhawan, Lalitpur, Nepal, Tel: Power, Room 241, Pakistan Secretariat, Islamabad, Pakistan, Tel: (92- (977-1) 552-2056, Contact: Dr. Ratala, Program Director, Directorate 51) 920-3087, Contact: Mr. Najeeb Awan, Joint Secretary (Power) of Animal Health; Ministry of Health and Population, Tel: (977-1) 425- 5896, Contact: Dr. Mahendra Bahadur Bista, Director General of Health Law and Justice Services Second Sindh Structural Adjustment: The objective of the project is to implement reforms to improve fiscal and financial management, Rural Development governance, public service delivery, and the state’s regulatory frame- Agricultural Commercialization and Trade: The objective of the pro- work. Project preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment Cat- ject is to commercialize the agriculture sector to prepare for the coun- egory U. US$ 100.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required for: (a) try’s entrance into global markets. Project preparation is under way. improvement of fiscal and financial management; (b) financial resource Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 87140. US$ 30.0 (IDA). mobilization and institutional development; (c) capacity building of Consultants will be required. Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, core government departments; (d) reconciliation of public accounts; Harihar Hbawan, Lalitpur, Nepal, E-mail: agriplan@mos.com.np, Con- (e) information technology specialist work; and (f) technical support. tact: Mr. K. K. Shrestha, Joint Secretary Department of Finance, Government of Sindh, Karachi, Pakistan, Tel: Irrigation and Water Resources Management: The objectives of (92-21) 920-6512, Fax: (92-21) 920-6511, Contact: Mr. Malik Israr, Sec- the project are to: (a) improve irrigation service delivery; and (b) en- retary hance sustainability and productivity of selected irrigation systems. Pro- ject preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment Category B. Rural Development US$ 40.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. Department Balochistan Small Scale Irrigation: The objective of the project is of Irrigation, Jawalakhel, Lalitpur, Nepal, Tel: (977-1) 553-7136, Fax: (977- to improve management by Balochistan Province of scarce water re- 1) 553-7169, E-mail: irrigation@wlink.com.np sources for rural development and poverty reduction. Negotiations were scheduled for early May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category Pakistan B. PID: 89378. US$ 20.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. Economic Management Balochistan Irrigation and Power Department, Quetta, Pakistan, Tel: (92-81) 921-1600, Fax: (92-81) 921-1601, Contact: Mr. Mumtaz Ali Khan, (R) North West Frontier Province Development Policy: The ob- Chief Engineer (North) jective of the project, the first of a planned series of three, is to imple- ment multi-sector reform in the province. Negotiations completed. Board Land Records Management and Information System Program: presentation is scheduled for 1 June 2006. Environmental Assessment The objective of the project is to establish an efficient, transparent, and Category C. US$ 90.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. accessible land rights recording system in order to reduce litigation, Finance Department, Government of North West Frontier Province, bring about long-lasting tenure security and promote an enabling in- Tel: (91-91) 921-0583, Contact: Mr. Ahmad Hasan, Reforms Coordinator vestment climate. Negotiations were scheduled for mid-April 2006. (R) Second Poverty Reduction Support: The objectives of the pro- Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 90501. US$ 45.0 (IDA). ject are to: (a) accelerate economic growth and maintain macroeconomic Consulting services to be determined. Government of Punjab, Board stability; (b) improve governance through financial management and of Revenue, IT Department, Aiwan-e-Iqbal, Building No. 3, 3rd Floor, civil service reforms; (c) invest in human capital and narrow gender Egerton Rd., Lahore, Pakistan, Tel: (92-42) 920-3186, Fax: (92-42) 920- gaps; and (d) strengthen social safety nets. Appraisal was schedule for 3154, E-mail: secitd@punjab.gov.pk, Contact: Tariq Bajwa, Secretary, early May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category U. PID: 90690. IT Department US$ 300.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of Transportation Finance, Block Q, Rm. 324, Pakistan Secretariat, Islamabad, Pakistan, Tel: (92-51) 920-1023, Fax: (92-51) 920-8158, Contact: Mr. Asif Bajwa, (R) Highways Rehabilitation Additional Financing (Ln. 7376- Additional Secretary, Finance Division PAK): The objective of the project is to deliver a productive, efficient national highway network. Approved by the Executive Directors on 29 Education March 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ 65.0 (IBRD). (R) Quality and Access Improvement in Primary Education, No consultants are required. National Highway Authority, 27 Mauve Balochistan: The objective of the project is to increase access to low- Are, G-9/1, Islamabad, Pakistan, Tel: (92-51) 926-0409, Fax: (92-51) 926- cost quality private and community based primary education with spe- 0408, E-mail: nraja@nha.gov.pak, Contact: Mr. Raja Nowsherwan, cial attention to girls. Appraisal completed. Negotiations were tentatively Member (Planning) scheduled for mid-May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category C. Urban Development PID: 94086. US$ 20.0 (IDA). Abdul Rehman Khan, Consultant, carried out an assessment of the Balochistan Education Foundation and NGOs (R) Punjab Large Cities Development Policy: The objective of the in Balochistan during preparation. Balochistan Education Foundation, project is to promote economic growth in the major cities through strate- Sanjani St., Saryab Rd., Quetta, Pakistan, Tel: (92-81) 442-722, Fax: (92- gic planning, integrated infrastructure investments, and efficient ur- 81) 442-722, E-mail: bef_h@yahoo.com, Contact: Mr. Abdul Ahad Khan, ban service delivery. Concept note review completed. Environmental Managing Director Assessment Category to be determined. PID: 95983. US$ 100.0 (IBRD). (R) Third Punjab Education Development Policy: The objective Consulting services to be determined. A PHRD grant for preparation of the project is to enable the province to achieve the Millenneum De- is anticipated. Planning and Development Department, Government velopment Goals for education and gender parity. Negotiations were sched- of Punjab, Civil Secretariat, Lahore, Pakistan, Tel: (92-42) 921-0002/4, uled for 17 April 2006. Environmental Assessment Category U. PID: Fax: (92-42) 921-0003, Contact: Mr. Suleman Ghani, Chairman, Plan- 97636. US$ 100.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Department of ning and Development Board Education, Government of Punjab, Civil Secretariat, Lahore, Pakistan, (R) Punjab Municipal Services Improvement: The objective of the Tel: (92-42) 921-0039, Fax: (92-42) 921-0040, Contact: Mr. Khalid Akhlaq project is to improve the financial and institutional capacity of local gov- Gillani, Secretary of Education ernments to deliver urban infrastructure services by (a) capacity build- ing grants and (b) performance-based matching grants for infrastructure Energy and Mining repair, renewal and improved service delivery. Negotiations completed. Electricity Distribution and Transmission Improvement: The Board presentation is scheduled for 16 May 2006. Environmental As- objectives of the project are to (a) increase the efficiency, reliability and sessment Category A. PID: 83929. US$ 50.0 (IBRD). Consulting ser- quality of electricity supply with reductions in technical and commer- vices to be determined. Punjab Municipal Development Fund Company, cial losses, increased availability of electricity, and improved voltage 30-C -I, Ghalib Rd., Gulberg - III, Lahore, Pakistan, Tel: (92-42) 587- profile, and (b) provide the technical assistance needed for power sec- 8071/72, Fax: (92-42) 587-8070, E-mail: pmdfc@hotmail.com, Contact: tor reform and investment planning and financing. Project preparation Mr. Khizar hayat Gondal, Managing Director PAGE 34 Monthly Operational Summary MAY 2006 Water and Sanitation (R) Second Development Policy: The objectives of the project are (R) Punjab Irrigation Sector Development Policy: The objective to improve delivery of social services and promote private sector led of the project is to implement Punjab Province’s wide-ranging reform growth. Project will be identified in 2007 following completion of first program to improve fiscal management and the quality of service de- Development Policy Loan. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: livery, focusing on irrigation sector reforms. Negotiations were sched- 99823. US$ 10.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Fi- uled for 21 April 2006. Environmental Assessment Category to be nance, Bul: “Deshmoret e Kombit” Nr.4, Tirana, Albania, Tel: (355-4) determined. PID: 96962. US$ 100.0 (IBRD). No consultants are required. 267-654, Tel/Fax: (355-4) 227-937, E-mail: general.secretary@min- Punjab Irrigation and Power Department, Irrigation Secretariat, Old fin.gov.al Anarkali, Lahore, Pakistan, Tel: (92-42) 921-2117, Fax: (92-42) 921- Education 2116, E-mail: mdpida@cyber.net.pk, Contact: Mr. Arif Nadeem, Secretary (R) Education Quality and Equity: The objectives of the project are (R) Sindh Water Sector Improvement: The objective of the project to: (a) improve the quality and relevance of basic and secondary edu- is to improve water productivity through the reform agenda and re- cation for all students; and (b) enhance capacity of planning and client quire investments leading to a better management system that links service delivery. Negotiations were scheduled for 20 April 2006. Envi- the canal command areas, the distributary and the watercourse level. ronmental Assessment Category C. PID: 78933 US$ 8.0 (IDA). Con- Decision meeting is scheduled for June 2006. Environmental Assess- sultants will be required. Ministry of Education and Sciences, Rruga ment Category B. PID: 84302. US$ 140.0 (IDA). Consultants will be e Durresi, No. 23, Tirana, Albania, Tel: (355-4) 240-468, Fax: (355-4) required. Sindh Irrigation and Drainage Authority, 13 Ch Khaligu Za- 232-002, E-mail: mkonini@mash.gov.al, Contact: Mr. Maksim Konini, man Rd., Clfton, Karachi, Pakistan, Tel: (92-21) 920-0647, Fax: (92-21) General Secretary 925-1255, E-mail: pcc@ndpsindh.gov.pk, Contact: Ijaz Qureshi, Acting Managing Director, Irrigation and Power Department Environment and Natural Resources Management Second Punjab Barrages Rehabilitation and Modernization: The (R) Butrint National Park Global Biodiversity and Heritage Con- objective of the project is to prevent the occurrence of disastrous bar- servation: The project aims at (a) connecting biodiversity conserva- rages failure and ensure their sustainable use, providing improved tion and sustainable ecosystem management with conservation of and reliable irrigation and drinking water supplies. Project preparation world heritage in the Butrint aquatic and wetland complex, and (b) mo- is under way. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ 100.0 bilizing donors’ support for long-term financing of the park complex. (IBRD). Design consultants are being recruited. Construction super- GEF approval decision was scheduled for 10 May 2006. Environ- vision consultants will also be required. Punjab Irrigation and Power mental Assessment Category C. PID: 85089. US$ 1.0 (GEF). No con- Department, Punjab Barrage Rehabilitation Project Management Of- sultants are required. Butrint National Park, Office for Administration fice, Lahore, Pakistan, Tel: (92-42) 921-1920, E-mail: iri_lhr@yahoo.com, and Coordination to the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, Blvd. Contact: Mr. Mohammed Akhtar, Acting Director, Project Management “Deshmoret e Kombit,” Tirana, Albania, Tel/Fax: (355-7) 324-600, E- Office mail: visitbutrint@albmail.com, Contact: Auron Tare, Director (R) Conservation and Sustainable Management of Karavasta La- Sri Lanka goon: The objective of the project is to improve the conservation and Environment and Natural Resources Management sustainable management of the Karavasta Lagoon ecosystem by main- streaming biodiversity conservation into management of the area’s nat- National Water Management Improvement: The objective of the ural resources. GEF approval decision was scheduled for 10 May project is to improve the development and management of water re- 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 93796. US$ 1.0 sources while reducing water induced public hazards and enhancing (GEF). Consultants will be required for socio-economic and environ- the effectiveness of water-related investments. Project preparation is mental assessments, design and cost estimate of Ramsar site infra- under way. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 93132. US$ structure, and regulatory framework for Karavasta management and 46.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Finance and Plan- zoning plan. Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Water Adminis- ning, Secretariat, Colombo 1 Sri Lanka, Tel: (94-11) 248-4510, Fax: tration, Rruga e Durresit, No. 27, Tirana, Albania, Tel: (355-4) 270-624, (94-11) 243-3349, E-mail: st@treasury.gov.lk, Contact: Dr. P B Jaya- Fax: (355-4) 270-627, E-mail: zamir@cep.tirana.al, Contact: Mr. Zamir sundera, Secretary dedej, Director of Nature Protection Public Sector Governance Health, Nutrition and Population Governance and Capacity Building: The objective of the project is Health System Modernization (Cr. 4154-ALB): The objectives of to build capacity to implement the government’s reform program. Pro- the project are to (a) establish a health finance system that streamlines ject preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment Category C. financing and provides incentives for increased efficiency in service PID: 97329. US$ 30.0 (IDA Grant). Consultants will be required. Min- delivery while affording financial protection to low-income groups; istry of Finance and Planning, The Secretariat, Colombo 01 Sri Lanka, (b) improve the quality of health care with particular focus on pri- Tel: (94-11) 248-4530, Ext: 1429, Fax: (94-11) 243-2073, E-mail: jayatis- mary care to stem the continuous rise in cases unnecessarily treated sag@mo.gov.lk, Contact: Mr. M.G. Jayatissa, Assistant Director (In- at higher cost at the secondary care level; and (c) improve gover- formation) nance and management capacity. Approved by the Executive Directors on 14 March 2006. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 82814. US$ 15.4 (IDA). Consultants will be required in these roles: health econ- omist/finance, provider payment, pharma-economist, provider manager, legal adviser, health information systems specialist, health planner Europe and Central Asia and health facilities engineer. Ministry of Health, Project Manage- ment Unit, Bulv. Bajram Curri, Tirana, Albania, Tel: (355-4) 227-614, Fax: (355-4) 22741, E-mail: skadiu@icc-al.org, Contact: Mr. Saimir Ka- Albania diu, Project Management Coordinator Economic Management Private Sector Development (R) Development Policy: The objective of the project is to promote (R) Business Environment Reform and Institutional Strength- private sector-led growth and improved delivery of social services by ening: The objective of the project is to foster exports and increase improving the quality of governance. Project preparation is under way. investments. Preappraisal completed. Environmental Assessment Cat- Environmental Assessment Category C. PID 96205. US$ 10.0 (IDA). egory B. PID: 96643. US$ 11.0 (IBRD/IDA). Consultants will be re- Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of Finance, Bul: “Desh- quired. Ministry of Economy, Trade and Energy, Zhan dArk, No. 3, moret e Kombit” Nr.4, Tirana, Albania, Tel/Fax: (355-4) 227-937, Tel: Tirana, Albania, Tel: (355-4) 364-673, E-mail: verakastrati@yahoo.co.uk, (355-4) 267-654, E-mail: general.secretary@minfin.gov.al, Contact: Contact: Pranvera Kastrati, Project Coordinator, Department of Market Gjergj Teneqexhi, General Secretary Policies MAY 2006 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 35 Transportation Health, Nutrition and Population (R) Transport: The objective of the project is to improve regional in- Health Sector Reform: The objective of the project is to improve the tegration through construction and rehabilitation of critical sections health status of the population by ensuring equitable access to, qual- of the national road network and improve the urban environment ity and use of essential health service in a fiscally responsible and fi- through rehabilitation of select urban roads in Tirana and other mu- nancially sustainable manner. Preappraisal completed. Environmental nicipalities. Decision meeting was scheduled for 10 May 2006. Appraisal Assessment Category B. PID: 94220. US$ 50.0 (IDA). Consultants will is scheduled for 5 June 2006. Environmental Assessment Category A. be required. Ministry of Health, 4 Kicik daniz St., Baku 370014 Azer- PID: 78949. US$ 20.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry of baijan, Tel: (994-12) 498-0293 , Fax: (994-12) 983-5511, E-mail: sabdul- Transport and Telecommunications, General Roads Directorate, Pr. layev65@yahoo.com , Contact: Samir Adbullayev, Head, International “Sami Frasheri,” No. 33, Tirana, Albania, Tel: (355-4) 227-390, Fax: Relations Department (355-4) 235-268, E-mail: aduka@adanet.com.al, Contact: Mr. Adem Duka, Director, Roads Project Implementation Unit Law and Justice Judicial Modernization: The objective of the project is to modern- Armenia ize the judicial system, raising key standards to address efficiency, fu- Economic Management ture demand and public expectations. Project preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 99201. US$ 20.0 (R) Third Poverty Reduction Support: The objective of the project (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Justice, S. Vurgun St., is to implement poverty reduction reforms. Project preparation is un- Baku 370022 Azerbaijan, Tel: (994-12) 493-8103, Fax: (994-12) 493- der way. Environmental Assessment Category U. PID: 93460. US$ 20.0 0562, Contact: Mr. Fikrat Mammadov, Minister; Ministry of Finance (IDA). Consultants will be required in the areas of governance, social sectors and rural economy. Ministry of Finance and Economy, Gov- Rural Development ernment House, Republic Square, Yerevan 375010 Armenia, Tel: (374- (R) Agricultural Development and Credit, Phase 2: The objec- 2) 523-471, (374-2) 505-113, Fax: (374-2) 151-736, (374-2) 528-742, tive of the project is to improve agricultural productivity and compet- E-mail: info@ffpmc.am, Contact: Robert Harutyunyan, Executive Di- itiveness by (a) strengthening the rural financial system, (b) providing rector, Foreign Financing Projects Management appropriate technologies, advisory and veterinarian services; and (c) Energy and Mining assisting those involved in post-production processing and marketing with improved product quality and food safety. Appraisal was scheduled (R) Renewable Energy (Cr. 4159-AM): The objective of the pro- for 1 May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category FI. PID: 90887. ject is to increase the share of privately produced power that is gen- US$ 20.0/15.0 (IDA/IBRD). Consultants will be required. State Agency erated by renewable energy. Approved by the Executive Directors on 29 for Agricultural Credits, 40 U Hajibekov St., Government House, Room March 2006. Environmental Assessment Category FI. PID: 83352, 804, Az1016, Baku, Azerbaijan, Tel: (994-12) 934-693, Fax: (994-12) 90058. US$ 5.0/3.0 (IBRD/GEF). Consultants will be required. Ministry 981-395, E-mail: rveliyev@agroagency.gov.az, Contact: Mr. Razim A. of Energy, Government House 2, Republic Square, Yerevan 375010 Ar- Valiyev, General Director menia, Tel: (374-1) 521-964, Fax: (374-1) 151-687, Contact: Mr. Areg Gal- Rehabilitation and Completion of Irrigation and Drainage In- styan, Deputy Minister; Project Implementation Unit, 1 Melik-Adamyan frastructure Additional Financing (Cr. 33901-AZ): The objective St., Yerevan, Armenia, Tel: (374-1) 154-5147/5148, E-mail: tsppiu@net- of the project, for which the additional financing is needed, is to re- sys.am, Contact: Ms. Tamara Babayan, Director habilitate and enlarge from 27 to 50 km the Samur-Spsheron Canal main Law and Justice supply system. Approved by the Executive Directors on 28 February 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 99099. US$ 5.0 (R) Second Judicial Reform: The objectives of the project are to im- (IDA). No consultants are required. State Amelioration and Irrigation prove (a) the efficiency and reliability of judicial operations; and (b) Agency, Government House, 5th Floor, Baku 370016 Azerbaijan, Tel: the quality of judicial services. Project preparation is under way. En- (994-12) 498-4764/8630, Fax: (994-12) 498-9158, E-mail: irrigation@az- vironmental Assessment Category B. PID: 99630. US$ 17.5 (IDA). data.net, Contact: Mr. S. Guliyev, Project Director Consultants will be required. Ministry of Justice, 3 V. Sargsyan St., Yere- van 375010 Armenia, Tel: (374-10) 545-684, Fax: (374-10) 545-683, Con- Transportation tact: Artur Tunyan, Director of Judicial Reform PIU Second Highway (Ln. 7356-AZ): The objective of the project is to Social Protection upgrade the Alat-Astara (Iranian border) motorway and rehabilitate the Baku Shamaxi road. Approved by the Executive Directors on 17 Jan- (R) Third Social Investment Fund: The objectives of the project are uary 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 94488. US$ to: (a) improve the quality, access and availability of community in- 200.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Road Transport Service frastructure and services in poor, vulnerable communities; and (b) build Department, 72/4, U Hachibeyov St., Baku 370010 Azerbaijan, Tel: (994- local government institutional capacity. Project concept review com- 12) 493-0045, Fax: (994-12) 493-4665, E-mail: nn-ynsd@azeronline.com, pleted. Environmental Assessment Category FI. PID: 94225. US$ 20.0 Contact: Mr. Javid G. Gurbanov, Chief (IDA). Consultants will be required. Armenia Social Investment Fund, 31 K. Ulnetsu St., Yerevan 375037 Armenia, Tel: (374-2) 151-417, Fax: Trade and Transport Facilitation: The objectives of the project (374-1) 240-159, E-mail: asif@armeniasif.am, Contact: Mr. Ashot Ki- are to make freight transport more competitive in terms of quality, rakosyan, Executive Director capacity and cost, and to increase the economic, financial and social sustainability of rail passenger services. Appraisal is scheduled for Azerbaijan September 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 83108. US$ 25.0/25.0 (IBRD/IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry Economic Management of Transport, 10554 Tbilisi Ave., Baku 1122 Azerbaijan, Tel: (994-12) (R) Second Poverty Reduction Support: The objective of the pro- 985-087, E-mail: panahov@mintrans.az, Contact: Mr. Musa Panahov, ject is to continue the development and implementation, within the frame- Minister work of the government’s poverty reduction strategy, of fiscally sustainable policies that support a higher quality of life, especially for Water and Sanitation the poor, and that are consistent with the country’s overall growth strat- (R) Second Water Supply: The objective of the project is to rehabilitate egy. Concept review has been delayed pending discussions on the water supply and sanitation systems in selected secondary cities and Country Partnership Strategy. Environmental Assessment Category small towns. Decision meeting was scheduled for 3 May 2006. Envi- U. PID: 88821. US$ 20.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. ronmental Assessment Category B. PID: 96213. US$ 55.0 (IBRD). Economic Department, Cabinet of Ministers, 68, Lermontov St., Baku Consultants will be required. Azersu, 67 Tbilisi Ave., Baku 370112 370066 Azerbaijan, Tel: (994-12) 492-5344, Fax: (994-12) 492-7753, Con- Azerbaijan, Tel: (941-2) 300-131, Fax: (941-2) 983-814, E-mail: cdu@az- tact: Mr. Nail Fataliyev, Deputy Head data.net, Contact: Mr. Oktay Asadov, President PAGE 36 Monthly Operational Summary MAY 2006 Belarus Public Sector Governance Land Registration: The objective of the project is to facilitate orderly Energy and Mining development of transparent land markets through real estate registration (R) Post-Chernobyl Recovery (Ln. 4821-BY): The objective of the and policies that enable secure, efficient transactions. Board presen- project is to improve the living conditions of the people most affected tation was scheduled for 27 April 2006. Environmental Assessment Cat- by the Chernobyl accident by (a) improving the heating conditions in egory B. PID: 96200. US$ 15.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. houses and social institutions and (b) using cleaner fuel. Approved by Ministry of Justice, Valtera Perica 15, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and the Executive Directors on 18 April 2006. Environmental Assessment Herzegovina, Tel: (387-33) 213-155, Fax: (387-33) 666-971, Contact: Category B. PID: 95115. US$ 50.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. H.E. Borjana Kristo, Minister; Ministry of Justice, Republika Srpska, RUE Belinvestenergosberezhenie, Revoliustionnaya St. 11, Minsk Vuka Karadzica 4, Banja Luka 78000 Bosnia and Herzegovina, Tel: (387- 220030 Belarus, Tel: (375-17) 227-20 78, Fax: (375-17) 206-4683, E- 51) 331-582, Fax: (387-51) 331-594, E-mail: mpr@mpr.vadars.net, Con- mail: voitekhovich@niks.by, Contact: Mr. Vladimir N. Voitekhovich, tact: H.E. Dzerard Selman, Minister Deputy Director Bulgaria Bosnia and Herzegovina Transportation Economic Management Second Trade and Transportation Facilitation: The objective of the project is to enhance regional trade and transportation by optimizing Programmatic Development Policy: The objective of the project is use of the Trans-European Network Corridors. Appraisal was sched- to accelerate privatization of state-operated enterprises and introduce uled for 12 May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: a corporate governance framework for mass-privatized enterprises. 94018. US$ 40.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Fi- Appraisal is scheduled for February 2007. Environmental Assessment nance, Project Implementation Unit, 102, Rakovski Street, Sofia, Bul- Category to be determined. PID: 89043. US$ 20.0 (IDA). Consultants garia, Tel: (359-2) 9859-2709, Fax: (359-2) 9859-2702, E-mail: will be required. Implementing agency(ies) to be determined n.cholakova@minfin.bg, Contact: Ms. Medialka Cholakova, Director Education Croatia Education Restructuring (Cr. 4080-BOS): The objectives of the project are to (a) increase participation in secondary education and ac- Economic Management cess to tertiary education; and (b) improve the efficiency of secondary (R) Second Programmatic Adjustment: The objective of the pro- and higher education delivery, which will allow public funding to be ject is to enhance economic growth for EU integration by improving refocused on improving access and quality in the system. The credit the investment climate and making the public sector smaller and more was scheduled to be signed on 17 April 2006. Environmental Assess- efficient. Project preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment ment Category C. PID: 79226. US$ 10.0 (IDA). Consultants will be re- Category U. PID: 94341. US$ 150.0 (IBRD). No consultants are re- quired. Project Coordination Secretariat, Ministry of Civil Affairs, Trg quired. Ministry of Finance, Katanciceva 5, Zagreb 1000 Croatia, BiH 1, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Tel: (387-33) 221-073, Fax: Tel/Fax: (385-1) 459-1248, Contact: Ms. Ana Hrastovic, Assistant Min- (387-51) 221-074, Contact: Mr. Zdravko Marjanovic, School Grounds ister Coordinator. Energy and Mining Energy and Mining (R) District Heating: The objectives of the project are to develop the (R) Energy Community of South East Europe APL 3: The ob- district heating sector, improve Hrvatska Elektroprivreda’s heating jective of the project is to facilitate participation in the community by services, and upgrade the infrastructure of the firm’s district compa- financing the rehabilitation and upgrading of hydroelectric and ther- nies in Zagreb and Osijak, which will result in less heat loss and bet- mal power stations, upgrading the transmission and distribution sys- ter service. Negotiations were scheduled for 15 May 2006. tems and technical assistance. Negotiations were scheduled for 19 Environmental Assessment Category B. PID 95389. US$ 24.0 (IBRD). April 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 90666. US$ Consultants will be required. HEP-District Heating Company d.o.o., Mi- 36.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Elektroprivreda Bosnia and seve-ka 15a, 1000 Zagreb, Croatia, Tel: (385-1) 613-1999, (385-1) 600- Herzegovina, Zmaja od Bosne 15, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herze- 9504, Fax: (385-1) 613-1686, E-mail: robert.vuk@hep.hr, Contact: Mr. govina, Tel: (387-33) 751-002, Fax: (387-33) 751-003, Contact: Mr. En- Robert Vuk, B.Sc.Eng, Technical Head of Department ver Kreso, General Manager; Elektroprivreda of the Croatian Community of Herzeg-Bosnia, Mile Budaka 106A, 9900 Mostar, Bosnia Health, Nutrition and Population and Herzegovina, Tel: (387-36) 310-847, Fax: (387-36) 317-157, Contact: (R) Sustainable Health System: The objective of the project is to im- Mr. Vlado Maric; Elektroprivreda Republika Srpska, Luke Vakalovica, prove people’s health by increasing the efficiency and quality of health 89101 Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Tel: (387-59) 260-091, Fax: service and improving the performance of the health system. Project (387-59) 277-120, Contact: Mr. Pantelija Dakic concept review was scheduled for 11 April 2006. Environmental As- sessment Category C. PID: 86669. US$ 75.0 (IBRD). Consultants are Environment and Natural Resources Management required in master planning, hospital management and restructuring, (R) Biodiversity Conservation: The objective of the project is to in- emergency care, public health promotion and payment systems. Min- crease the area under formal protection status in forest and mountain istry of Health and Social Welfare, Ksaver 200, Zagreb, Croatia, Tel: ecosystems, and to develop mechanisms to conserve these ecosystems (385-1) 460-7517, Fax: (385-1) 460-7520, E-mail: Spaso.Vulic@mzss.hr, over the long term. Project preparation is under way. Environmental Contact: Dr. Spaso Vulic, Project Preparation Management Unit Assessment Category B. PID: 87094. US$ 3.5 (GEF). Funding from an Austrian trust fund has been requested for preparation. Consulting Rural Development services to be determined. Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management Agriculture Acquis Cohesion (Ln. 7360-CR): The objective of the and Forestry, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Trampina br.4/1, Sarajevo project is to enable the agricultural sector to capture benefits accru- 71000 Bosnia and Herzegovina, Tel: (387-33) 213-098, Fax: (387-33) 213- ing from accession to the European Union. Approved by the Execu- 099, E-mail: piusum@bih.net.ba, Contact: Mr. Alojz Dundjer, Project tive Directors on 16 February 2006. Environmental Assessment Implementation Unit Director; Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Category B. PID: 91715. US$ 30.1 (IBRD). Consultants will be re- Water Management, Republika Srpska, Kralja Petra I Karadjordjevica quired. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Water Economy, Av. 135-137, Banja Luka 78000 Bosnia and Herzegovina, Tel/Fax: (387-51) Vukovar 78, Zagreb, Croatia, Tel: (385-1) 610-6111, Fax: (385-1) 610- 319-675, E-mail: piussume@inecco.net, Contact: Mr. Zeljko Stojanovic, 9201, E-mail: office@mps.hr, Contact: Mr. Miroslav Bozic, Assistant Min- PIU Director ister MAY 2006 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 37 Transportation Hungary (R) Trade and Transport Integration: The objective of the project Environment and Natural Resources Management is to improve the capacity, efficiency, and quality of services of one of the primary pan-European commercial transport corridors, known as (R) Black Sea Nutrient Reduction: The objective of the project is Corridor Vc, to meet projected traffic demand, with particular focus to reduce nutrient discharge into the Danube and ultimately the Black on upgrading the port of Ploce and other work that supports regional Sea by improving purification of effluent from wastewater treatment development. Decision meeting was scheduled for 27 April 2006 and ap- plants at Budapest and Dunaújváros and increasing the nutrient retention praisal for 2 May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: capacity in the Danube-Dráva National Park’s Gemenc and Béda-Kara- 93767. US$ 50.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required for feasibility stud- pancsa Region. Board presentation was scheduled for 18 April 2006. ies for port facilities, definition of master plan and business plans, de- Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 74971. US$ 7.5 (GEF). tailed engineering, supervision services and trade information flow Consultants will be required. Municipality of Budapest, Office of the integration. Ploce Port Authority, Lucka uprava Ploce, Trg Kralja Mayor, Varoshaz u. 9-11, H-1840, PO Box 1, Budapest 50 Hungary, Tel: Tomislava 21, 20 340 Ploce, Croatia, Tel: (385-20) 603-180, Fax: (385- (36-1) 317-6310, Fax: (36-1) 327-1811, Contact: Attila Pocs, Head, PIU; 20) 670-271, E-mail: luka-ploce1@du.htnet.hr, Contact: Mr. Mladen Municipality of Dunajuvaros, E-mail: nemesne@dunaujvaros.Hu, Con- Dugandzic, Assistant to the Executive Director tact: Erika Nemes, Head, PMU; Gemenc National Park, Contact: Britta Hadinger, Leader, Implementation Team Water and Sanitation (R) Inland Waters: The objective of the project is to improve water Kazakhstan supply, wastewater services and flood protection measures. Appraisal Environment and Natural Resources Management is scheduled for 21 September 2006. Environmental Assessment Cat- Forest Protection and Reforestation (Ln. 4808-KZ): The objec- egory FI. PID 98948. US$ 47.7 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. tive of the project is to develop environmental and economic services Hrvatske Vode, Ulica grada Vukovara 220, Zagreb 10000 Croatia, Tel: through more sustainable use, increased productivity and enhanced (385-1) 630-7333, Fax: (385-1) 630-7686, E-mail: steinbauer@voda.hr, conservation of forest and associated rangeland resources, with a fo- Contact: Mr. Miroslav Steinbauer, Head, Development Sector cus on the northeastern pine forest and southern saxaul woodlands. Approved by the Executive Directors on 29 November 2005. Envi- Georgia ronmental Assessment Category B. PIDs: 78301, 87485. US$ 30.0/5.0 Economic Management (IBRD/GEF). A PHRD grant of US$ 0.3 financed preparation. Con- sultants will be required. Forestry and Hunting Committee, Ministry (N) Second Poverty Reduction Support: The objective of the pro- of Agriculture, Abay Ave., 49, Astana 473000, Kazakhstan, Tel: (7-3172) ject is to implement the poverty reduction strategy. Preappraisal com- 328-248, Fax: (7-3172) 328-233, E-mail: komles@nature.kz, Contact: pleted. Environmental Assessment Category U. PID: 93245. US$ 20.0 Mr. Igor A. Koval, Deputy Chairman (IDA). No consultants are required. Ministr y of Finance, 70, Ir. Abashidze St., Tbilisi 380062 Georgia, Tel/Fax: (995-32) 250-371, Con- Ust-Kamenogorsk Environmental Remediation (Industrial Waste tact: Aleksi Aleksishvili, Minister Treatment): The objective of the project is to contain the toxic waste plume contaminating the city’s groundwater, thereby preventing the Education plume’s discharge into the river and the drinking water supply. Pro- ject preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment Category A. (R) Improving Learning Environment APL 2: The objective of the PID: 78342. US$ 34.0 (IBRD). Consultants have been selected for a fea- project is to develop tools and interventions to support the realignment sibility study. Other consultants will be needed for environmental im- of education system objectives and strengthen policy and manage- pact and social assessments. Kazatomprom, 168 Bogenbai batyr St., ment capacity to improve the equitable, efficient use of financial, phys- Almaty 480012 Kazakhstan, Tel: (7-3272) 691-627, Fax: (7-3272) 611- ical and human resources. Project preparation is under way. Appraisal 626, E-mail: bduisebayev@kazatomprom.kz, Contact: Baurzhan O. is scheduled for 15 May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category Duisebayev, Director C. PID: 98217. US$ 15.0 (IDA). No consultants are required. Ministry of Finance, 70, Irakli Abashidze St., Tbilisi 380062 Georgia, Tel: (995- Private Sector Development 32) 221-754, Fax: (995-32) 235-416; Ministry of Education, Coordina- (R) Technology and Competitiveness: The objective of the project tion Center, 52, Uznadze Street, Tbilisi 0102 Georgia, Tel: (995032) is to improve the quality and economic relevance of the country’s sci- 959-837, Fax: (995 32) 958-313, E-mail: gigi@mes.gov.ge, Contact: Gigi entific research and link it more closely to domestic and international Tevadze, Director markets. Appraisal was scheduled for April 2006. Environmental As- Energy and Mining sessment Category B. PID: 90695. US$ 15.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. National Innovation Fund, 26 a Abai Ave., 3rd floor, Al- Methane Leak Reduction in Gas Pipeline: The objective of the pro- maty 050113 Kazakhstan, Tel: (7-3272) 599-816, Fax: (7-3272) 599-839, ject is to reduce leaks from key points in the gas transmission infra- E-mail: info@nif.kz, Contact: Damir Yegizbayev, Senior Manager structure where leaks are very common, including pipelines and gate stations. Decision meeting was scheduled for 1 May 2006. Environmental Public Sector Governance Assessment Category to be determined. PID: 96741. US$ 40.0 (PCF). (R) Customs Development: The objective of the project is to reform Consultants will be required. Georgian Gas International Corporation, and modernize the customs administration, in order to: (a) promote 24, 300 Aragveli St., Tbilisi, Georgia, Tel: (995-32) 922-962, Fax: (995- internationally acceptable practices for processing of international 32) 923-229, E-mail: intrel@ggic.ge, Contact: Mr. David Ingorokva, trade flows; (b) improve revenue collection; and (c) reduce potential President for corruption. Project preparation is under way. Environmental As- sessment Category C. PID: 96998. US$ 30.0 (IBRD). Consulting ser- Transportation vices to be determined. Customs Control Committee (R) Second Roads: The objective of the project is to reduce road trans- portation costs and improve access, transit, and safety in the east-west Kosovo corridor by upgrading a segment of the highway from Tbilisi to Rikoti and supporting private financing to rehabilitate the Rikoti tunnel. De- Economic Management cision meeting was scheduled for 28 April 2006. Environmental As- (N) Fiscal Policy Support: The objective of the project is to create sessment Category B. PID: 83110. US$ 20.0 (IDA). Consulting services a sustainable fiscal environment while meeting immediate priority to be determined. Roads Department, 29a Gagarina St., Tbilisi 0160 public spending requirements. Project identification is under way. En- Georgia, Tel: (995-32) 381-633, Fax: (995-32) 313-052, Contact: Mr. Ro- vironmental Assessment Category to be determined. US$ 5.0 (IDA man Dalakishvili, Director; Transport Reform and Rehabilitation Cen- Grant). Consulting services to be determined. Implementing agency(ies) ter, E-mail: trrc@trrc.ge, Contact: George Tsagarelli, Director to be determined. PAGE 38 Monthly Operational Summary MAY 2006 Energy and Mining Macedonia, The former Yugoslav Republic Lignite Power Technical Assistance: The objective of the project of is to prepare an enabling environment for investment by independent power producers, in concert with the Lignite Power Initiative. Board Economic Management presentation was scheduled for 9 May 2006. Environmental Assessment (R) Second Programmatic Development Policy: The objectives of Category B. PID: 97635. US$ 8.5 (IDA Grant). Consultants will be re- the project are to promote economic growth and job creation by im- quired. Projects Office, Ministry of Energy and Mining, Tel: (377-44) proving the investment climate and strengthening public sector gov- 110-011 ernance. Project identification is under way. Environmental Assessment Category U. US$ 30.0 (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. Environment and Natural Resources Management Ministry of Finance, Dame Gruev 14, 1000 Skopje, Former Yugoslav (R) Social and Environmental Support, Clean-up and Land Republic of Macedonia, Tel: (389-2) 311-7288, Fax: (389-2) 311-7280, Reclamation: The objectives of the project are to build capacity of en- E-mail: finance@finance.gov.mk, , Contact: Mr. Nikola Popovski, Min- vironmental officials, mitigate existing environmental dust emissions ister of Finance from ash heaps, and make land available for resettlement of people liv- Energy and Mining ing above the Sibovc lignite deposit. Appraisal was scheduled for 19 April 2006. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: 96181. US$ (R) Sustainable Energy: The objective of the project is to establish 5.5 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Korporata Energjetike e Kosoves, a project development assistance facility and a sustainable energy fi- Prishtina, Kosovo, Contact: Mr. John Ashley, Managing Director; Office nancing facility with the intention of expanding considerably the mar- of Energy within the Office of the Prime Minister, New Economics Fac- ket for energy efficiency and renewable energy by making readily ulty, Room 111, Rr. Ramiz Sadiku, Prishtina 38000 Kosovo, Tel: (381- available the requisite technical assistance and financial intermediation. 38) 504-604 Ext. 6833, Fax: (381-38) 504-604 Ext. 6864, Contact: Ms. Negotiations were scheduled for 8 May 2006. Environmental As- Pranvera Dobruna-Kryeziu, Head sessment Category FI. PID: 89656. US$ 5.0 (GEF). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Economy, Energy Department, 15 Ul. Jurij Kyrgyz Republic Gagarin, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, 1000, Tel: (389-2) 393-531, Fax: (389-2) 394-902, E-mail: violeta.keckoarovska@econ- Economic Management omy.gov.mk, Contact: Ms. Violeta Keckoarovska, Head Poverty Reduction Support: The project aims at developing and im- Energy Community of South East Europe APL 3 (Ln. 4814-MK): plementing sound policies to carry out the national strategy of poverty The objective of the project is to develop a combined heat and power reduction. Project preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment plant to improve reliability of the electricity supply and facilitate the en- Category U. PID: 79112. US$ 15.0 (IDA). Consultants have been re- try of private investors into the energy sector, provide secure and af- tained for preparation. Ministry of Finance, Department of Investment fordable power, and commercialize the power sector. Approved by the Policy, 720040, 58, Erkindik Blvd, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, Tel: (996- Executive Directors on 10 January 2006. Environmental Assessment 312) 661-350, Fax: (996-312) 661-645, E-mail: s.mukanbetov@mf.gov.kg, Category B. PID: 82337. US$ 25.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be re- Contact: Mr. Sanjar Mukanbetov, Director quired. MEPSO (national power transmission company), Ministry of Economy, ul. Jurij Gagarin 15, Skopje, Former Yugoslav Republic of Health, Nutrition and Population Macedonia, Tel: (389-2) 328-9950, Fax: (389-2) 308-4902, (389-2) 298- Avian Influenza Control and Human Pandemic Preparedness 958, E-mail: nikola.cerepnalkovski@economy.gov.mk, Contact: Mr. and Response (H203-KG): The objective of the project is to mini- Nikola Cerepnalkovski, State Counselor for Energy mize the threat posed to humans and the poultry industry by the bird flu infection and prepare for, control, and respond to influenza pandemics. Law and Justice Approved by the Executive Directors on 9 February 2006. Environ- (R) Legal and Judicial Implementation and Institutional Support: mental Assessment Category B. PID: 99453. US$ 4.0 (IDA Grant). The objective of the project is to improve the enforcement of contract, Consultants will be required. Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources creditor and property rights in courts and non-court institutions. Ap- and Processing Industry, State Veterinary Department, 96 A Kievskaya praisal was scheduled for late April 2006. Environmental Assessment St., Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, Tel: (996-312) 280-718, 631-439/442, Category B. PID: 89859. US$ 15.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be re- Tel/Fax: (996-312) 631-445, E-mail: depvet@elcat.kg, Contact: Chief State quired. Ministry of Justice, Dimitrie Cuposki 9, Skopje 1000 Former Veterinary Inspector; Ministry of Health, 148 Moskovskaya St., Bishkek, Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Tel: (389-2) 310-6576, (389-2) 323-0745, Kyrgyz Republic, Contact: Mr Sabirjan Abdikarimov, General Direc- Fax: (389-2) 322-6975, E-mail: cabinet@mjustice.gov.mk, Contact: Ms. tor, State Department of Sanitary and Epidemiology Radica Lazareska Gerovksa, State Counseler Private Sector Development Moldova, Republic of (N) Reducing Technical Barriers for Entrepreneurship and Economic Management Trade: The objectives of the project are to: (a) streamline for businesses (R) Poverty Reduction Support: The objective of the project is to the process of meeting compulsory standards; (b) develop systems to implement the reform agenda outlined in the economic growth and enhance product quality and safety; and (c) increase enterprise com- poverty reduction strategy. Preappraisal is under way. Environmental petitiveness in pilot sectors such as agribusiness. Negotiations com- Assessment Category U. PID: 99166. US$ 10.0 (IDA). No consultants pleted. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 87811. US$ 5.0 are required. Implementing agency(ies) to be determined (IDA Grant). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, 106 Chui St., Bishkek 720002 Kyrgyz Republic, Education Tel: (996-312) 625-424, 626-306, Fax: (996-312) 661-837, E-mail: Quality Education in the Rural Areas (Cr. 4155-MD, H208-MD): dcifo@mail.ru, Contact: Amangeldiev Daniyar, Lead Specialist The objective of the project is to improve the quality of education in rural areas. Approved by the Executive Directors on 14 March 2006. Rural Development Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 90340. US$ 5.0/5.0 (IDA (R) Water Management Improvement (H212-KG): The objective Credit/IDA Grant). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Educa- of the project is to improve irrigation service delivery and water man- tion and Science, Project Management Unit, 31 August St., Chisinau, agement for increased productivity of irrigated agriculture. Approved Moldova, Tel: (373-2) 233-0344, Fax: (373-2) 233-034, E-mail: pro- by the Executive Directors on 29 March 2006. Environmental Assess- ject@education.moldnet.md, Contact: Mrs. Ludmila Stepan, Head ment Category B. PID: 88671. US$ 19.0 (IDA Grant). Consultants will be required. Department of Water Resources, 4a Toktonaliev St., Energy and Mining Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, Tel/Fax: (996-312) 541-174, E-mail: on- (R) Energy Efficiency and Conservation: The objective of the pro- farmir@elcat.kg, Contact: Mr. A. Kichibaev, Project Implementation Unit ject is to improve efficiency of heating in selected priority public build- Director ings and ensure reductions of energy consumption and greenhouse MAY 2006 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 39 gases emissions, thus providing global environmental benefits. The Project is being identified. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: Emissions Reduction Purchase Agreement was signed on 24 February 83094. US$ 200.0 (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. Im- 2006. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 79303. US$ 0.5 (PCF). plementing agency(ies) to be determined No consultants are required. Carbon Finance Unit, Ministry of Envi- ronment, 9 Cosmonautilor St., Office 535 MD 2005, Chisinau, Moldova, Environment and Natural Resources Management Tel/Fax: (373-22) 226-860, E-mail: stela.drucioc@mediu.moldova.md, Odra River Basin Flood Protection: The objective of the project is Contact: Mrs. Stela Druciok to protect the population in the Odra River Basin against loss of life Public Heating Biomass Systems in Rural Communities: The and damage to property caused by severe flooding. Negotiations were objective of the project is to enable poor rural communities to use scheduled for May 2006 Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: clean technology for heating their public buildings by making renew- 86768. US$ 200.0 (IBRD). Consultants were used for project feasibil- able energy (biomass) widely available on affordable terms. The ity studies; and will be used for detailed design and construction su- Emissions Reduction Purchase Agreement was signed on 24 February pervision; and for monitoring and evaluation of project impacts. Project 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 92516. US$ 1.4 Coordination Unit, Rynek 13, Wroclaw 50-101 Poland, Tel: (48-71) 346- (Community Development Carbon Fund). Consultants will be 0270, Fax: (48-71) 346-0275, E-mail: jzaleski@pcu.org.pl, Contact: Mr. required. Carbon Fund Unit, 9 Cosmonautilor St., Office 544, Chisinau Janus Zaleski, Director 2005 Moldova, Tel: (373-2) 223-4756, Fax: (373-2) 223-2441, E-mail: Health, Nutrition and Population stela.drucioc@mediu.moldova.md, Contact: Ms. Stela Drucioc Health Sector Modernization Technical Assistance: The objectives Finance of the project are to build the capacity of the health system to become (R) Rural Investment and Services APL 2 (Cr. 4157-MD, H211- more efficient in the financing and delivery of health care services and MD): The objective of the project is to foster post-privatization growth to improve the quality of health care services. Project preparation is in the agricultural and rural sectors. Approved by the Executive Direc- under way. Environmental Assessment Category C. US$ 5.0 (IBRD). tors on 28 March 2006. The credit and grant were scheduled to be signed No consultants are required. Ministry of Health, Office of Foreign on 30 April 2006. Environmental Assessment Category FI. PID: 90673. Aid Programs in Health Care, Al. Jerozolimskie 175, Miodowa 15, US$ 7.5/7.5 (IDA Credit/IDA Grant). Consultants will be required for Warsaw, Poland, Tel: (48-22) 658-2261, Fax: (48-22) 658 2617, E-mail: extension services, business development and microfinance. Consol- bpz.gov.pl, Contact: Mr. Jadwiga Jaszczyk, PIU Coordinator idated Agricultural Project Management Unit, Cosmonautilor St. 9, Rural Development Office 523, Chisinau 2005 Moldova, Tel: (373-2) 223-106, Fax: (373-2) Post-Accession Rural Support (Ln. 7358-POL): The objec- 226-994, E-mail: igorashov@capmu.md, Contact: Mr. Igor Corashov, Gen- tives of the project are to (a) increase employment in rural areas, (b) eral Director facilitate the ongoing decentralization, and (c) strengthen institutional Health, Nutrition and Population capacity to absorb European Union structural funds. Approved by the Executive Directors on 24 January 2006. Environmental Assessment Avian Influenza Control and Human Pandemic Preparedness Category C. PID: 65270. US$ 88.8 (IBRD). A PHRD grant of US$ 0.6 and Response: The objective of the project is to minimize the threat is financing preparation. Consultants are required. Ministry of Econ- posed to humans and the poultry industry by the bird flu infection and omy, Labor and Social Policy, 1/3 Nowogrodzka St., Warsaw 00-503 prepare for, control and respond to influenza pandemics. Appraisal Poland, Tel: (48-22) 661-0191, Fax: (48-22) 661-0190, E-mail: ma- was scheduled for April 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. rek_szczepanski@mpips.gov.pl, Contact: Marek Szczepanski, Under- PID: 99841. US$ 1.3/1.0 (IDA Credit/IDA Grant). Consultants will be Secretary of State required. Ministry of Health and Social Protection, 2 V. Alecsandri St., Chisinau ND-2004 Moldova; Ministry of Agriculture and Food Indus- Transportation try, 162 Stefan cel Mare St., Office 416, Chisinau ND-2004 Moldova (R) Third Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation: The objective of Primary Health Care: The objectives of the project are to: (a) increase the project is to maintain and rehabilitate roads. Negotiations were sched- equitable access to quality health services and (b) improve the policy uled for 12 April 2006. Environmental Assessment Category FI. PID: making process through the development and implementation of a sys- 96214. US$ 195.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required.: General Di- tem for monitoring and evaluating health sector performance. Project rectorate for National Roads and Motorways, Road Network Office, concept review was scheduled for April 2006. Environmental Assess- GDDKia, Zelazna 59 St., Warsaw 00-848 Poland, Tel: (48-22) 455-8737, ment Category C. PID: 95250. US$ 10.0 (IDA). Consultants will be re- Fax: (48-22) 455-8610, E-mail: mrolla@gddkia.gov.pl, Contact: Marek quired for preparation and will be financed by a Japanese PHRD grant. Rolla, Director Ministry of Health and Social Protection , Sciusev 101, Chisinau 2012 Moldova, Tel/Fax: (373-22) 238-751, E-mail: vvolovei@ucimp.mold- Regional net.md, Contact: Mr. Victor Volovei, Project Director Energy and Mining Water and Sanitation (R) Geothermal Energy Development (GeoFund): The objective (R) Environmental Protection: The objectives of the project are to of the project is systematically to promote the use of geothermal en- (a) reduce the discharge of pollutants, including nutrients, from mu- ergy in the region by assisting with barrier removal. Appraisal and ne- nicipal and rural sources into the Nistru River and Black Sea, and (b) gotiations were scheduled for late April 2006. Environmental Assessment develop a transnational Nistru River Basin management plan. Ap- Category FI. PID: 75046. US$ 25.0 (GEF). Consultants will be required. praisal is tentatively scheduled for 24 June 2006. Environmental As- Geo-Heat Center, Oregon Institute of Technology, 3201 Campus Dr., sessment Category B. PID: 74139. US$ 5.0 (GEF). Consultants will be Klamath Falls, OR 97601 USA, Tel: (1-541) 885-1750, Fax: (1-541) 885- required. Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, St. Cos- 1754, E-mail: john.lund@oit.edu, Contact: Dr. John W. Lund, PE, Di- monautilor 9, Chisinau 2005 Moldova, Tel: (373-22) 204-566, (373-22) rector of the Geo-Heat Center, Professor Emeritus of Civil Engineering 204-507, Fax: (373-22) 210-660, Contact: Mr. Constantin Mihailescu, Min- and President of the International Geothermal Association ister of Environment and Natural Resources; Department of Con- Environment and Natural Resources Management structions and Territory Development, St. Cosmonautilor 9, Chisinau Integrated Ecosystem Management of Neretva and Trebis- 2005 Moldova, Tel: (373-22) 228-932, E-mail: olgacov@water.md, Con- njica River Basins: The objective of the project is to improve water tact: Ms. Olga Covaliova, GEF Coordinator, Project Implementation Unit resource management on the river basin and transboundary level, Poland laying the basis for efficient and equitable water allocation among users and for improved health of the ecosystems on which sustainable Energy and Mining economic growth depends. Project preparation is under way. Envi- Hard Coal: The objective of the project is to complete reform of the ronmental Assessment Categor y B. PID: 84608. US$ 8.0 (GEF). hard coal sector by (a) offering publicly held entities for privatization Consultants are required for preparation studies. Croatia Ministry and (b) resolving the legacy of subsidence liabilities from closed mines. of Forestry, Agriculture, and Water Management, Ulica Grada Vuko- PAGE 40 Monthly Operational Summary MAY 2006 vara, Tel: (385-1) 630-7303, Fax: (385-1) 630-7686, E-mail: pet- (40-21) 314-7535, Fax: (40-21) 317-9759, E-mail: Daniel.chiroiu@mfi- ricec@voda.hr, Contact: Mr. Mladen Petricec, Head, Institute for nante.gv.ro, Contact: Mr. Daniel Chitoiu, Vice President Water Management; Republika of Srbska Ministry of Town Planning, (R) Second Programmatic Adjustment: The objectives of the pro- Housing Services, Civil Engineering, and Ecology; Bosnia Herzegovina ject are to enact core public sector reforms, build a competitive mar- Ministry of Physical Planning and Environment, Hadzi Idrizova 2, Sara- ket economy and deliver public services. Negotiations were scheduled jevo 71000 Bosnia and Herzegovina, Tel: (387-33) 212-833, (387-61) for 25 April 2006. Environmental Assessment Category U. PID: 83622. 220-289, E-mail: branko.vucijak@heis.com.ba, Contact: Mr. Branko US$ 200.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Office of the Prime Vucijak, Head, Project Implementation Unit Minister, Tel: (40-21) 212-5223, Fax: (40-21) 318-1151, E-mail: a.an- Lake Skhoder Integrated Ecosystem Management: The objec- droniceanu@pm-control.ro, Contact: Ms. Armenia Androniceanu, PAL tive of the project is to achieve more sustainable uses of the lake’s nat- Director ural resources and those of its watershed. Project preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment Category FI. PID: 84605. US$ 5.0 Rural Development (GEF). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Environment, Rr. (R) Farm Restructuring: (formerly Agriculture Development Policy) Durresi, No. 27, Tirana, Albania, Tel: (355-4) 270-624, Fax: (355-4) 270- The objective of the project is to implement competitiveness-oriented 624, E-mail: zamir@cep.tirana.al, Contact: Mr. Zamir Dedei, Director agricultural development policies. Project identification is under way. of Nature Protection; Ministry of Environmental Protection and Phys- Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ 100.0 (IBRD). Consultants ical Planning, Poslovni Centar Vectra, Podgorica 81000 Serbia and will be required. Implementing agency(ies) to be determined Montenegro, Tel: (381-81) 482-167, Fax: (381-81) 234-131, E-mail: vik- Transportation tors@mn.yu, Contact: Mr. Viktor Subotic, Project Director (R) Transport Sector Wide Approach: The objective of the pro- Health, Nutrition and Population ject is to reduce transport costs and thereby improve competitive- (R) Infectious Disease Prevention and Control: The objectives of ness as the country moves forward to join the EU. Appraisal was sched- the project are to: (a) strengthen public health infrastructure, includ- uled for 25 April 2006. Negotiations are scheduled for 12 June 2006. ing surveillance systems, public health laboratory networks, and train- Environmental Assessment Category FI. PID: 93812. US$ 200.0 ing; and (b) prevent and control the emergence and re-emergence of (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Romania National Company infectious diseases such as bird flu. Project preparation is under way. for Motorways and National Roads, 38 Bd. Dinicu Golescu, Floor 8, Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 96658. US$ 25.0 (IDA). Sector 1, Bucharest 77113, Romania, Tel: (40-21) 223-26-06, Fax: (40- Consulting services to be determined. Implementing agency(ies) to 21) 312-09-84, E-mail: and@andnet.ro , ifipiu@andnet.ro, Astan@and- be determined. net.ro, Contact: Mrs. Alexandra Stan; National Railway Infrastructure Company, 38 Bd. Dinicu Golescu, Sector 1, Bucharest 77113, Roma- Romania nia, Tel: Tel: (40-21) 223-14-87, Fax: Fax: (40-21) 222-25-17, E-mail: olievski@cfr.ro, tiberiu.angelescu@cfr.ro, Contact: Mr. Tiberiu Ange- Education lescu; S.C. METROREX S.A., 38 Dinicu Golescu Bvd., 010873 (R) Social Inclusion Program: The objective of the project is to im- Bucharest, 1, Romania, Tel: (40-21) 336 00 90; 336 55 90, Fax: (40- prove the living conditions and social inclusion of the most disadvan- 21) 312 51 49, E-mail: moldo@kappa.ro, Contact: Mr. Tiberiu Moldovan taged and vulnerable people. Negotiations were scheduled for 2 May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category FI. PID: 93096. US$ 50.0 (IBRD). Water and Sanitation Consulting services to be determined. Implementing agency(ies) to (R) Municipal Services: The objective of the project is to enable com- be determined pliance with EU environmental directives through institutional strength- ening and financing. Appraisal and negotiations were scheduled for early Energy and Mining May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category FI. PID: 88252. US$ (R) District Heating Restructuring: The objectives of the project are 100.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Public Fi- to (a) implement the strategy for the restructuring of the district heat- nance, 17, Apolodor St., Room 14, Sector 5, Bucharest, Romania, Tel: ing sector, (b) improve heating services and (c) reduce the subsidy (40-21) 337-4840, Fax: (40-21) 336-8627, E-mail: dragos.@mail.mfi- burden on the budget. Appraisal is scheduled for 10 April 2007. En- nate.gv.ro, Contact: Mr. Dragos Andrei, Secretary of State vironmental Assessment Category FI. PID: 89078. US$ 75.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Finance, 17 Apolodor St., Russian Federation Bucharest, Romania, Tel: (40-21) 319-9759; (40-21) 410-1189, Fax: (40- 21) 312-1630; Ministry of Administration and Interior, 1, Piata Victo- Economic Management riei, Bucharest, Romania, Tel: (40-21) 222-5960; (40-21) 222-6979, Fax: (R) Support to Establishing Special Economic Zones: The objective (40-21) 231- 6979, E-mail: radu.dorcioman@gov.ro, Contact: Mr. Radu of the project is to establish a new model of special economic zone, one Dorcioman, Deputy General Director, Department for Fiscal and Bud- characterized by efficient management design based on public-pri- getary Policies and Local Investment vate partnership, modern infrastructure and the capacity to offer busi- ness development ser vices. Project identification is under way. Law and Justice Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 92213. US$ 50.0 (IBRD). Judicial Reform (Ln. 4811-RO): The objective of the project is to Consultants will be required. Federal Agency for Management of Spe- implement structural reforms in the justice sector including (a) im- cial Economic Zones, Ovchinnikovskaya Embarkment, Moscow, Rus- provement in the efficiency of courts; (b) improvement in court in- sia, Tel: (7-495) 251-4598, Contact: Mr. Michail Rytchev, Deputy frastructure, and (c) enhancement of the professionalism of judges and Chairman other court personnel. The loan was signed on 27 January 2006. En- vironmental Assessment Category B. PID: 90309. US$ 130.0 (IBRD). Environment and Natural Resources Management Consultants will be required. Ministry of Justice, St. Apolodor nr. 17, (R) Fire Management in High Biodiversity Value Forests of Sector 5, Bucharest 70663 Romania, Tel: (40-21) 410-7174; Superior Amur-Sikhote-Alin Ecoregion: The objective of the project is to Council of Magistracy, St. Sandor nr. 47, Sector 1, Bucharest 011405 strengthen conservation of the high-conservation-value forests of the Romania, Tel: (40-21) 222-8454 Amur-Sikhote-Alin ecoregion through improved forest fire management and reduced frequency, size and intensity of catastrophic fires in ar- Public Sector Governance eas of global conservation importance. Negotiations have been delayed. (R) Revenue Administration Reform: The objective of the pro- Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 68386. US$ 8.6 (GEF). ject is to establish a sustainable public revenue collection system. Pro- Consultants will be required for methodology of forest fire zoning, ject preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment Category forest fire impact modeling and database, and administration of small C. PID: 94808. US$ 100.0 (IBRD). Consulting services to be deter- grants for community participation. Federal Forestry Agency, Ministry mined. Ministry of Public Finance, National Agency for Fiscal Admin- of Natural Resources, Pyatnitskaya 59/19, Moscow 113184 Russia, istration, 17, Apolodor St., Sector 5, Bucharest 050471 Romania, Tel: Tel: (7-495) 951-8689, Fax: (7-495) 230-8530, E-mail: rosles@space.ru, MAY 2006 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 41 Contact: Mr. Victor N. Sergeyenko, Deputy Head, Forest Protection eral Agency for Construction and Housing Complex of the Russian Fed- Directorate eration Health, Nutrition and Population Water and Sanitation Adult Health Development: The objectives of the project are to: (R) Rostov Nutrient Discharge and Methane Reduction: The (a) reduce premature deaths, preventable illnesses, and disabilities objectives of the project are to: (a) reduce nitrogen and phosphorous caused by non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and injuries; (b) discharges into the Don River and the Azov and Black Seas, (b) develop human capital by improving the health status of economi- reduce greenhouse gases emissions, and (c) improve Rostov Vodokanal cally active adults; and (c) minimize regional disparities in social risks energy efficiency. Appraisal has been delayed. Environmental Assess- from NCDs and injuries in the most vulnerable regions. Project ment Category B. PID: 71473. US$ 11.0 (GEF). No consultants are preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment Category C. required. Rostov Oblast Administration, Bolshaya Sadovaya 51, Ros- US$ 90.0 (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of tov 344000 Russia, Tel: (8632) 652-580, Fax: (8632) 518-318, E-mail: Health and Social Development, Mal. Trubetskaya 8, Moscow, Rus- rrfsp@aaanet.ru, Contact: Mr. Artur Kazariants, Director, Project Imple- sia, Tel: (7-495) 257-2777, Fax: (7-495) 787-2438, E-mail: khalfin- mentation Unit; Rostov Vodokanal, Gorky St. 293, Rostov 344019 depart@e-minzdrav.ru, Contact: Dr. Ruslan A. Khalfin, Director, Russia, Tel: (8632) 652-580, Fax: (8632) 518-318, E-mail: akazari- Department of Medical Care Development and Resorts ants@rrfsp.aaanet.ru, Contact: Mr. Artur Kazariants, Director, Pro- Law and Justice ject Implementation Unit Judicial Reform Support: The objective of the project is to improve the quality and transparency of court decisions. Project preparation is Serbia and Montenegro under way. Environmental Assessment Category to be determined. PID: 89733. US$ 50.0 (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. Im- Economic Management plementing agency(ies) to be determined (R) Public Sector Development Policy: The objectives of the pro- ject are to (a) transition to a private sector-led economy by reducing Public Sector Governance the size of the state; and (b) improve the effectiveness of the state. (R) Registration: The objectives of the project are to simplify and im- Appraisal is under way. Environmental Assessment Categor y U. prove procedures for registering rights in immovable property and im- PID: 90235. US$ 55.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry prove the information flow from the registry to users. Negotiations of Finance, Nemanjina 22-26, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia and Montene- completed. Board presentation is scheduled for 13 June 2006. Environ- gro, Tel: (381-11) 361-7603, Fax: (381-11) 363-3264, E-mail: ipetro- mental Assessment Category C. PID: 93050. US$ 50.0 (IBRD). Con- vic@mfin.sr.gov.yu, Contact: Mr. Mladjan Dinkic, Minister of Finance sultants will be required. Ministry of Justice, Ulica Voroncova Polya, 4-A, Moscow, Russia, Tel: (7-495) 206-0253, Fax: (7-495) 916-2903, E- (R) Second Programmatic Private Financial Sector Develop- mail: tatiana.gorlatch@minjust.ru, Contact: Ms. Tatiana Gorlatch, Pro- ment: The objectives of the project are to (a) strengthen fiscal dis- ject Advisor cipline in the enterprise, energy and transport sectors, (b) attract for- eign investment and (c) build a more stable financial sector. Project (R) Second Development of State Statistical System: The objec- concept review was scheduled for 28 April 2006. Environmental tive of the project is to modernize the state statistical system, based Assessment Category U. PID: 96711. US$ 100.0 (IBRD). Consultants on international standards and methodology, and improve data collection will be required. Ministry of Finance, Namanjina 22-26, Belgrade 11000 and dissemination. Project preparation is under way. Environmental Serbia and Montenegro, Tel: (381-11) 361-7603, Fax: (381-11) 361-7613, Assessment Category U. PID: 92429. US$ 20.5 (IBRD). Consultants Contact: Mladjen Dinkic, Minister will be required. Implementing agency(ies) to be determined Third Montenegro Development Policy: The objective of the Rural Development project is to implement structural reforms critical for sustained (R) Krasnodar Agricultural Nutrient Reduction: The objective of growth and poverty reduction. Project concept review was scheduled the project is to reduce nitrogen and phosphorus pollution of the Black for May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category C. US$ 22.0 Sea from agricultural sources. Appraisal is scheduled for 16 June 2006. (IDA/IBRD ). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 78436. US$ 5.0 (GEF). Finance, Staka Dragjevica 2, 81000 Podgorica, Podgorica, Mon- Consultants were used for preparation. Nutrient management experts tenegro, Serbia and Montenegro, Tel: (381-81) 243-274, Contact: may also be required to assist in implementation. Ministry of Agriculture, H.E. Igor Luksic, Minister of Finance 1/11 Orlikov per., Moscow 107139 Russia, Tel/Fax: (7-495) 207-6405, E-mail: a.zaitsev@prod.mcx.ru Environment and Natural Resources Management Social Protection (R) Bor Regional Development: The objective of the project is to alleviate poverty in the Bor mining region by restructuring the min- Southern Okrug Local Initiatives Support: The objective of the pro- ing industry and encouraging growth of the regional economy. Pro- ject is to improve the quality of local social and economic services and ject preparation is under way. The government’s action plan for strengthen capacities of community institutions in the Southern Okrug. restructuring and privatizing the copper mining and processing com- Preparation mission completed. Environmental Assessment Category plex of RTB Bor is on track. Environmental Assessment Category A. FI. PID: 97094. US$ 15.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Min- PID: 92999. US$ 30.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Privatization istry of Regional Development, 10/23 Sadovaya-Samotechnaya St., Agency, Terazije 23, 6th Floor, Belgrade 11000 Serbia and Montene- Bldg. 1, Moscow 127051 Russia, Tel: (7-495) 200-1485, E-mail: ki- gro, Tel: (381-11) 302-9968, Fax: (381-11) 302-0828, E-mail: zpetro- tova_elena@list.ru, Contact: Ms. Elena N. Kitova, Deputy Head of De- vic@priv.yu, Contact: Ms. Zorica Petrovic, PMU Director partment Urban Development Urban Development Housing and Communal Services Reform Program Development (R) Montenegro Tourism Development: The objective of the pro- Policy: The objective of the project is to reform and modernize the ject is to provide sustainable bulk water supplies to the coastal tourism housing and communal services sector at the regional and municipal area in an environmentally sound way. Decision meeting is scheduled levels. Negotiations were scheduled for 8 May 2006. Environmental for 23 May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 93461. Assessment Category C. PID: 79032. US$ 200.0 (IBRD). Consultants US$ 15.0/12.9 (IDA/GEF). Consultants are required and are being fi- will be required. Federal Agency for Construction and Housing Com- nanced by an Italian trust fund. Crnogorsko Primorje, TRG Sunca 4, plex of the Russian Federation, Stroitelei Street, 8/2, Moscow 119991 85310 Budva, Montenegro, Serbia and Montenegro, Tel: (381-86) 452- Russia, Tel: (7-495) 930-6482, Fax: (7-495) 938-2202, (7-495) 930-4644, 034, (381-86) 451-921, Fax: (381-86) 451-460/937, E-mail: p.bjelo- E-mail: syur@gosstroy.gov.ru, Contact: Mr. S. Kruglick, Head of Fed- brkovic@cg.yu, Contact: Pedrac Bjelobrkovic, Director PAGE 42 Monthly Operational Summary MAY 2006 Slovak Republic Second Programmatic Public Sector Development Policy: The objective of the project is to broaden and reform social protection and Public Sector Governance improve public service delivery. Project identification is under way. En- (R) e-Government: The objective of the project is to facilitate access vironmental Assessment Category C. US$ 400.0 (IBRD). Consulting to government information by citizens and businesses and to enhance services to be determined. Undersecretariat of Treasury, Inonu Bul- the efficiency of government services. This project is no longer in the vari, Eskisehir Yolu, Emek, Ankara 06530 Turkey, Tel: (90-312) 204- lending program. Further reporting will be discontinued. Environmen- 6452, Fax: (90-312) 212-8550, E-mail: hazine@hazine.gov.tr, Contact: Ms. tal Assessment Category C. PID: 94410. US$ 5.0 (IBRD). Consultants Ayse Akkiraz, Head of Department will be required. Department for Informatization of Society, Ministry Energy and Mining of Transport, Post and Telecommunications, Namestie slobody 6, PO Box 100, Bratislava 81005 Slovak Republic, Tel: (421-2) 5949-4215, (R) Electricity Distribution Rehabilitation: The objective of the Fax: (421-2) 5949-4217, E-mail: tibor.papp@telecom.gov.sk, Contact: Mr. project is to improve the electricity distribution system’s reliability Tibor Papp, Director and reduce losses by implementing system rehabilitation and up- grades that will allow safety and regulatory standards to be met and Rural Development cash-flows to improve. Decision meeting has been delayed. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 96801. US$ 300.0 (IBRD). Consultants (R) Leader Preparation Technical Assistance (Ln. 7364-SK): The will be required to assist with managing, tendering, evaluating and im- objective of the project is to develop capacity in the Ministry of Agri- plementing projects. Turkish Electricity Distribution Corp. - Turkiye culture and its subordinate organizations, local governments, com- Elektrik Dagitim AS, Inonu Blvd. No 27, Bahcelievler, Ankara, Turkey, munities, and civil society organizations to prepare for and implement Tel: (90-312) 213-7804, Fax: (90-312) 215-7275, E-mail: sedat.us- the EU Leader axis in 2007-2013. The project was approved - follow- tun1@tedas.gov.tr, Contact: Mr. Sedat Ustun, Adviser to the General ing APL procedures - on 2 March 2006. (The approval date was in- Manager correctly reported in a previous issue.) The loan was signed on 7 March 2006. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 90884. US$ 1.5 (R) Energy Community of South East Europe APL 3 (Ln (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Agriculture, Section 4817-TU): The objective of the project is to increase the safety, reli- of International Affairs, Department of Structural Policy, Dobrovica 12, ability, efficiency and capacity of the bulk power transmission sys- 812 66 Bratislava, Tel: (421-2) 5926-6507, Fax: (421-2) 5926-6499, E-mail: tem and improve market access for electricity consumers and sup- nora.gyureova.gov.sk, Contact: Ms. Nora Gyureova, Project Director pliers. Approved by the Executive Directors on 24 March 2006. Environmental Assessment Categor y B. PID: 96400. US$ 152.4 Tajikistan (IBRD). No consultants are required. Turkish Electricity Trans- mission Corporation, World Bank Coordinating Unit, Inonu Bulvari Economic Management No.27, Bahcelievler, Ankara, Turkey, Tel: (90-312) 222-9283, Fax: (R) Policy-Based: The objectives of the project are to improve private (90-312) 222-8160, E-mail: ayse.cansiz@teias.gov.tr, Contact: Ms. sector development, public sector management and public service deliv- Ayse Canciz, Manager ery. Appraisal is under way. Environmental Assessment Category C. (R) Energy Liberalization: The objective of the project is to deepen PID: 74889. US$ 10.0 (IDA). Consultants are being financed by a the electricity sector reform and liberalization process. Negotiations PHRD grant. Presidential Administration, 80 Rudaki Ave., Dushanbe were scheduled for 20 April 2006. Environmental Assessment 734023 Tajikistan, Tel. (992-372) 213-446, Email: faiz@nm.ru, Contact: Category A. PID: 85561. US$ 300.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be requi- Mr. Faizullo Kholboboev, State Economic Advisor red. Electrik Uretim AS, Inonu Bulvari, No. 27, Bahcelievier, Ankara Rapid Response Technical Assistance: The objective of the project 06490 Turkey, Tel: (90-312) 212-6900, Fax: (90-312) 213-0103, E-mail: is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of public administration muzaffer.basaran@euas.gov.tr, Contacts: Mr. Onder Piyade, Acting and expenditure systems as well as strengthen the enabling conditions General Manager, and Mr. Muzaffer Basaran, Deputy General Man- for private sector development. Appraisal is under way. Environmen- ager tal Assessment Category C. PID 96861. US$ 5.0 (IDA Grant). Con- Health, Nutrition and Population sultants will be required. Executive Office of the President, Rudaki Ave. (R) Avian Influenza and Human Pandemic Preparedness and 80, Dushanbe, Tajikistan, Tel: (992-372) 214-042, Fax: (992-372) 215- Response APL 2: The objective of the project is to minimize the threat 110, Contact: Mr. Faizullo Kholboboev, State Advisor on Economic posed to humans and the poultry industry by the bird flu infection and Policy prepare for, control and respond to influenza pandemics. Negotiations Public Sector Governance completed. Board presentation was scheduled for 24 April 2006. Envi- ronmental Assessment Category B. PID: 96262. US$ 15.4 (IBRD). An- (R) Strengthening the National Statistical System for Develop- other US$ 13.5 of financing was anticipated from other multilateral and ment and Poverty Reduction: The objective of the project is to bilateral agencies. Consultants will be required. Undersecretariat of Trea- modernize and make more effective and efficient the national statis- sury, Inonu Bulvari, Eskisehir Yolu, Emek, Ankara 06530 Turkey, Tel: tical system so that it provides relevant, timely, reliable data for evidence- (90-312) 213-0297, Fax: (90-312) 212-8550, E-mail: hazine@hazine.gov.tr; based policy making. Negotiations were scheduled for 19 April 2006. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs; Ministry of Health Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 98410. US$ 10.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. State Statistical Committee, 17, Private Sector Development Bokhtar, Dushanbe, Tajikistan, Tel: (992-372) 232-553, E-mail: stat@to- (R) Access to Finance for Small and Medium Enterprises: The jikiston.com, Contact: Mr. Mirgand Shabozov, Chairman objective of the project is to increase access to medium-term financ- ing for small- and medium-sized enterprises. Appraisal completed. Ne- Turkey gotiations were scheduled for 24 April 2006. Environmental Assessment Economic Management Category FI. PID: 82822. US$ 150.0 (IBRD). Consultants have been hired. Treasury, Tel: (90-312) 213-6873, Contact: Mr. Memduh Aslan Employment Generation Development Policy: The objective of the Akcay, General Director; Undersecretariat of Treasury, Tel: (90-312) project is to implement adjustments in the private and financial sectors 212-8256, Fax: (90-312) 212-8550, E-mail: ozgur.pehlivan@hazine.gov.tr, that will improve the investment climate, facilitate innovative technol- Contact: Mr. Ozgur Pelivan, Department Head ogy and reform the labor market to be conducive to the creation of more jobs. Project identification is under way. Environmental Assessment Cat- Public Sector Governance egory C. US$ 400.0 (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. Un- Programmatic Public Sector Development Policy: The objective dersecretariat of Treasury, Inonu Bulvari, Eskisehir Yolu, Emek, of the project is to implement the public sector reform program. Pro- Ankara 06530 Turkey, Tel: (90-312) 212-8256, Fax: (90-312) 212-8550, ject preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment Category C. E-mail: hazine@hazine.gov.tr, Contact: Mr. Ozgur Pehlivan, Department PID: 71052. US$ 400.0 (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. Head Undersecretariat of Treasury, Inonu Bulvari, Eskisehir Yolu, Emek, MAY 2006 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 43 06530, Ankara, Turkey, Tel: (90-312) 213-6873, Fax: (09-312) 212-8550, Health, Nutrition and Population E-mail: hazine@hazine.gov.tr, Contact: Memduh Aslan Akcay, Gen- Health Reform: The objective of the project is to improve health sys- eral Director of External Relations tem performance by ensuring access to essential, efficient and qual- Social Development, Gender and Inclusion ity health services under strengthened governance and management. Project preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment Cate- Social Development and Employment Promotion: The objectives gory C. US$ 100.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry of of the project are to (a) develop sustainable livelihoods for the poor, Health, Grushevskogo St., 01021 Kiev 7 Ukraine, Tel: (380-44) 226-2472, (b) promote community development, and (c) build local capacity to Fax: (380-44) 289-6145, E-mail: tsenilova@amoz.gov.ua, Contact: Ms. absorb European pre-accession funds effectively. Project preparation Zhanna Tsenilova, Head, International Cooperation Department is under way. Environmental Assessment Category FI. US$ 250.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Social Solidarity Fund General Law and Justice Directorate, Social Solidarity Fund, Karanfil Sokak No: 67, Bakanlik- (R) Judicial Reform Support: The objective of the project is to im- lar, Ankara, Turkey, Tel: (90-312) 424-1621, Fax: (90-312) 424-0953, E- prove the judiciary by reducing corruption opportunities, strengthening mail: srap@basbakanlik.gov.tr, Contact: Yadigar Gokalp, Director human resources management and training, and tightening enforce- Ukraine ment of court rulings. Project preparation is under way. Environmen- tal Assessment Category to be determined. PID: 99919. US$ 50.0 Economic Management (IBRD). Consultants will be required. State Judicial Administration, 4 (R) Public Finance Modernization: The objective of the project is P.Orlyka St., Kiev 01024 Ukraine, Tel: (380-44) 293-4218, E-mail: sup- to improve the scope and functioning capacity of the system of public court@scourt.gov.ua, Contact: Mr. Ivan Balaklytsky, Head; Academy finance management and the associated legal framework and proce- of Judges, Contact: Ms. Iryna Voityuk, President; Supreme Court; dures developed under the first treasury project to enable the system Ministry of Justice to become a better instrument for budget allocation and technical ef- ficiency, budget execution, audit, and control and improved cash man- Private Sector Development agement. Appraisal is scheduled for September 2006. Environmental Second Export Development: The objective of the project is to Assessment Category C. PID: 90389. US$ 50.0 (IBRD). Selection of make medium- and long-term investment and working capital available consultants for PHRD funded activities (three contracts) was to be com- to private exporters, including through enhanced access to export pleted in April 2006. State Treasury, 6 Bastionna St., Kiev, Ukraine, credit and guarantee services. Appraisal is under way. Environmental Tel: (380-44) 294-4922, E-mail: piu@treasury.gov.ua, Contact: Mrs. O. Assessment Category FI. US$ 155.0 (IBRD). No consultants are re- O. Chechulina, Deputy Head quired. Ukrexim Bank, 127, Gorkogo St., Kiev 03150 Ukraine, Tel: (R) Second Development Policy: The objective of the project is to (380-44) 247-8925, Fax: (380-44) 247-8082, E-mail: iusmanov@ex- implement social and economic reform and integrate government imb.com, Contact: Mr Ildar Usmanov, Director, Export Development and donor activities aimed at improving the investment climate, pub- Department lic administration, public finance management and social inclusion. Project preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment Rural Development Category U. PID: 96389. US$ 300.0 (IBRD). Consulting services to Access to Financial Services: The project aims at (a) offering long- be determined. Ministry of Economy, 12/2 Hrushevskogo St., Kiev term credit and leasing for rural small and medium private enter- 01008 Ukraine, Tel: (38-044) 253-9394, Fax: (38-044) 226-3181, E-mail: prises, (b) developing financial ser vices market regulation and meconomy@me.gov.ua, Contact: Mr. Volodimir Ignashchenko, infrastructure; and (c) strengthening financial intermediaries that can Deputy Minister serve rural areas. Negotiations are under way. Environmental As- (R) Second Development Policy: The objective of the project is to sessment Category FI. PID: 76553. US$ 150.0 (IBRD). An IBRD ad- implement social and economic reform and integrate government vance of US$ 1.8 has been approved under the Project Preparation and donor activities under the themes of (a) investment climate, (b) Facility. Consultants will be required. Ministry of Finance, 12/2 Hru- public administration and finance management, and (c) social in- shevsky St., Kiev 01008 Ukraine, Tel: (380-44) 293-7466, Fax: (380-44) clusion. This listing is a duplicate. Further separate reporting will be 293-8243, E-mail: infof@minfin.gov.ua, Contact: Ms. Natalya Kono- discontinued. Environmental Assessment Category U. US$ 300.0 valenoro, Head, MU-RFP (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of Economy, Agricultural Competitiveness and Food Safety: The objective of 12/2 Hrushevskogo St., Kiev 01008 Ukraine, Tel: (38-044) 253-9394, the project is to increase domestic and international competitiveness Fax: (38-044) 226-3181, E-mail: meconomy@me.gov.ua, Contact: Mr. of the agri-food sector. Project preparation is under way. Environmental Volodimir Ignashchenko, Deputy Minister Assessment Category B. PID: 90903. US$ 75.0 (IBRD). Consulting ser- vices to be determined. Ministry of Agricultural Policy, 01001, 24, Environment and Natural Resources Management Khreschatyk St., Kiev, Ukraine, Tel: (380-44) 278-7118, Fax: (380-44) (R) Greening Industrial Modernization: (formerly Aligning Indus- 278-5811, E-mail: netesa@minapk.gov.ua, Contact: Mr. Ivan M. Dem- trial Development with European Environmental Standards) The ob- chak, First Deputy Minister jective of the project is to improve environmental performance and energy efficiency of heavy industry. Project preparation is under way. Social Protection Environmental Assessment Category FI. PID: 71072. US$ 80.0 (IBRD). Pensions Administration: The project aims at creating a fiscally Consultants will be required. Ministry of Environment, International and socially sustainable pension system, improving collection of Cooperation Department, 35 Uritskogo St., Kiev 03035 Ukraine, social insurance contributions and reducing costs of compliance and Tel/Fax: (380- 44) 206-3110, E-mail: marushevska@menr.gov.ua, Con- administration. Project preparation completed. Environmental tact: Ms. Olga S. Marushevska, Head Assessment Category C. PID: 83726. US$ 100.0 (IBRD). Consultants (R) Methyl Bromide Phase-Out: The objective of the project is to will be required. Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, 8/10 Esplana- protect the ozone layer from depletion by ensuring long-term and sus- dna St., Kiev, Ukraine, Tel: (380-44) 289-5688, Fax: (380-44) 266-3472, tained compliance with the Copenhagen Amendment to the Montreal E-mail: tzinchenko@ukr.net, Contact: Ms. Tetiana Zinchenko, Project Protocol after 1 January 2005, and move forward with complete phase- Management Consultant out of ozone depleting substances in line with the evolution of inter- national practice and obligations. Appraisal completed. Negotiations were Water and Sanitation tentatively scheduled for 1 May 2006, Environmental Assessment Cat- (R) Urban Infrastructure: The objective of the project is to plan for egory B. PID: 85138. US$ 5.1 (GEF). Consulting services to be de- and implement urgent water supply, sanitation, and solid waste ca- termined. Ministry of Environmental Protection, 5 Kreshchatyk St., Kiev pacity-building improvements. Negotiations were scheduled for 25 01601 Ukraine, Tel: (38-044) 226-2428, Fax: (38-044) 228-8383, E-mail: April 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 95337. US$ mep@mep.freenet.kiev.ua, Contact: Mr. Svyatoslav Kurulenko, First 140.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Construction, Ar- Deputy Minister chitecture and Housing and Communal Services, Grushevskovo 12/2, PAGE 44 Monthly Operational Summary MAY 2006 Kiev, Ukraine, Tel: (380-44) 293-6307, Fax: (380-44) 234-9718, Con- of the Bukhara City and Head of the Secretariat for Communal Ser- tact: Mr. Oleksy Kucherenko; Ministry of Economy vices of the Bukhara City Hokimiyat; Samarkand City Improvement (R) Urban Infrastructure: The objective of the project is to enable Department, Tel: (8-3662) 353-376, Fax: (8-3662) 350-180, Contact: Mr. water supply, sanitation, and solid waste utilities to implement urgent V Khamidov, Head of the Secretariat for Communal Services of the investments and build capacity with the guidance of annual business Samarkand City Hokimiyat plans. Negotiations were scheduled for 25 April 2006. Environmen- tal Assessment Category B. PID: 97763. US$ 10.0 (GEF). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of Construction, Architecture and Housing and Communal Services, Grushevskovo 12/2, Kiev, Ukraine, Tel: (380-44) 293-6307, 234-9718, 531-8749, Fax: (380-44) 234-9718, 531- 8749, E-mail: zapatr@jurenergo.kiev.ua, Contact: Irina Victorovna Za- Middle East and North patrina, Head of PIU; Ministry of Economy Africa Uzbekistan Education Djibouti Basic Education: The objectives of the project are to improve resource Energy and Mining utilization, financing and student learning. Board presentation was Power Sector: The objective of the project is to explore and validate tentatively scheduled for 18 April 2006. Environmental Assessment Cat- wind power potential, including preparation of pre-feasibility studies egory C. PID: 94042. US$ 40.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Min- and implementation mechanisms as well as identification of means to istry of Public Education, 80, Uzbekistan St. Tashkent 700027 increase energy efficiency. Project preparation is under way. Envi- Uzbekistan, Tel: (998-71) 139-4214, Fax: (998-71) 139-1630, E-mail: ronmental Assessment Category B. PID: 93385. US$ 3.0 (GEF). Se- daminov@uzsci.net, Contact: Mr. Khikmatullo Daminov, Head, Inter- lection of consultant for the preparatory studies is close to completion. national Affairs Department Djibouti Center for Studies and Research, BP 486, Djiboutiville, Djibouti, Finance Tel: (253) 352-795, Fax: (253) 354-812, Contact: Mr. Said Ismahel Awaleh, Program Coordinator (R) Microfinance LIL: The objective of the project is to promote pri- vate sector development by expanding the availability of microfinance Egypt services. This project is no longer in the lending program. Further re- porting will be discontinued. Environmental Assessment Category C. Energy and Mining US$ 2.5 (IDA). Consultants will be required. State Commercial Peo- (R) Gas Infrastructure: The objective of the project is to accelerate ple Bank (Halq Bank), 46 Katartal St. Tashkent 700096 Uzbekistan, Tel: gas connections to reduce consumption of more expensive energy. Iden- (998-71) 785-944, Fax: (3712) 173-6913, Contact: Mr. M.R.Jumagaldiev, tification is under way. Environmental Assessment Category to be de- Chairman of the Board termined. PID: 95392. US$ 200.0 (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company, 85 Nasr Rd., Public Sector Governance 1st District Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt, Tel: (202) 264-2737, Fax: (202) 405- (R) Public Finance Management Reform: The objective of the 8876, Contact: Eng. Hassan Raif project is to use technical assistance, equipment and software to im- Solar Thermal Hybrid: The objective of the project is to develop a prove fiscal discipline, strategic resource allocation, and efficiency of solar/fossil fuel hybrid power plant to contribute to global cost re- spending. This project is no longer in the lending program. Further re- duction of this technology, which is still unproven commercially. Pro- porting will be discontinued. Environmental Assessment Category C. ject preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 70084. US$ 14.2 (IDA). A US$ 0.5 PHRD grant was used for PID: 50567. US$ 49.8 (GEF). Cofinancing has been secured from JBIC preparation and is now closed. Consultants will be required. Ministry for the non-solar portion. A GEF grant of US$ 0.75 is financing prepa- of Finance, 5 Mustakillik Square, Tashkent 700008 Uzbekistan, Tel: (998- ration. Consultants will be required including a project management 71) 139-4646, Fax: (998-71) 139-1625, E-mail: jkucharov@mf.uz, Con- consultant. Ministry of Electricity and Energy, New and Renewable En- tact: Jamshid A. Kuchkarov, Deputy Minister ergy Authority, Ext. Abbas El-Akkad St., El-Hay El-Sades, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt, Tel: (202) 271-3176, Fax: (202) 271-7173, E-mail: Rural Development samirsek@hotmail.com, Contact: Eng. Samir Mahmoud Hassan, Ex- Ferghana Valley Water Resources Management, Phase 1: The ecutive Chairman objectives of the project are to: (a) promote sustainable irrigated agri- culture production and increase employment and incomes; (b) reduce Environment and Natural Resources Management damage to private and public infrastructure and improve environ- (R) Second Pollution Abatement (Ln. 7372-EG): The project will mental and public health conditions; (c) introduce participatory irri- develop sustainable financial, technical, and institutional mechanisms gation management through establishment of water users’s association for pollution abatement and decrease the pollution loads in selected and improved agricultural and irrigation practices; and (d) strengthen hot spot areas in order to improve local environmental conditions. Ap- capacity of water management, irrigation and drainage institutions. Pro- proved by the Executive Directors on 23 March 2006. Environmental As- ject preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment Category B. sessment Category A. PID: 90073. US$ 20.0 (IBRD). Consultants will PID: 90105. US$ 30.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry of be required. Environmental Affairs Agency, E-mail: h_elhadary@linl.net, Agriculture and Water Resources, Project Implementation Unit for Contact: Hanan El Hadary, Director Water Infrastructure Projects, Room 301, Navoi St. 44, Tashkent 700021 Uzbekistan, Tel: (998-71) 144-8427, Fax: (998-71) 144-8429, E-mail: piu- Finance diwip@buzton.com, Contact: Mr. B.A. Yusupov, Technical Director (R) Financial Sector Reform: The objective of the project is to re- form the financial sector including institutions regulating and super- Urban Development vising banks and insurance companies and restructuring public sector (R) Bukhara/Samarkand Solid Waste Management: The objec- banks and insurance companies, including privatizing one bank. Ap- tive of the project is to upgrade the level of city-wide solid waste man- praisal mission completed. Negotiations were scheduled for April 2006. agement services while improving the technical, financial, and Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 88877. US$ 500.0 (IBRD). instutitional bases for the future operation and development of each Consultants will be required. Ministry of Investment, 2, Latin Amer- city’s solid waste management system. Decision meeting is scheduled ica St., Garden City, Cairo, Egypt, Tel: (20-2) 795-5740, Fax: (20-2) 795- for 29 May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 95263 5882, E-mail: eelgammal@investment.gov.eg, Contact: Ms. Eman US$ 16.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Bukhara City Improve- El-Gammal, Economist; Central Bank, 31 Kasr El Nil St., Cairo, Egypt, ment Department, Tel: (8-365) 224-2296, Fax: (8-365) 224-2421, E-mail: Tel: (20-2) 391-4589, Fax: (20-2) 391-7682, E-mail: lhelal@cbe.org.eg, kamol_hokimiyat@mail.ru, Contact: Mr. I Kholmuradov, Deputy Hokim Contact: Mrs. Lobna Helal, General Manager, Banking Reform Unit MAY 2006 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 45 (R) Mortgage Finance: The objective of the project is to create an Corniche El Nil St., Cairo, Egypt, Tel: (202) 544-9425, Fax: (202) 544- efficient enabling environment for a competitive and sustainable mort- 9470, Contact: Dr. Mahmoud Abu-Zeid, Minister gage market in which market-based, residential mortgage lenders can compete effectively and fairly to offer households longer-term mort- Iran gage loans that will improve the affordability of housing. Appraisal and Energy and Mining negotiations were scheduled for May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 93470. US$ 17.4 (IBRD). Consultants will be re- Power Transmission and Distribution: The objectives of the pro- quired. Ministry of Investment, 2 Latin America St., Garden City, Cairo, ject are to develop a competitive electricity market and increase effi- Egypt, Tel: (20-2) 405-5631, Fax: (20-2) 405-5635, Contact: Dr. Sherif ciency. Project preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment Oteifa, Adviser to the Ministry of Investment Category B. US$ 250.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Regional Electric Company, Bargh St., Evin Ave., Yadgar - e - Emam Highway, Social Development, Gender and Inclusion Tehran, Iran, Tel: (98-21) 235-7987, 2381-2468, Fax: (98-21) 235-7988, Community and Local Development (Fourth Social Fund): The Contact: Mr. H.R. Amin Pour, Project Procurement Manager objective of the project is to promote equity through targeted inter- Rural Development ventions that provide temporary employment to the poor and access (R) Tehran Solid Waste Management: The objective of the project to basic infrastructure and health services among underserved com- is to rehabilitate and improve facilities, equipment and handling pro- munities. Project preparation is under way. Environmental Assess- cedures for managing hazardous and toxic wastes in the Tehran area. ment Category B. PID: 95819. US$ 75.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be Appraisal has been delayed until 10 July 2006 due to a change in the pro- required. Social Fund for Development, 1 Wadi el Nile St., Gamaat El ject concept. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: 76055. US$ Dawal St., Mohandeeesen, Cairo, Egypt, Tel: (202) 347-6907, Fax: 70.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Organization of Waste Re- (202) 347-6928, E-mail: omar_elfarouk@sfdegypt.org, Contact: Mr. cycling and Composing, Municipality of Tehran, No. 52, 6th West An- Hani Seif El-Nasr, Managing Director disheh, Andisheh St., Dr. Beheshti Av., Tehran 19678 Iran, Fax: (98-21) Transportation 843-6735, E-mail: owrwb@bazyaft.com, Contact: Mr. Abolfazl Ebrahimi, Ports Sector Development: The objective of the project is to enhance Managing Director ports’ contribution to economic development through institutional re- Productivity Enhancement and Export Promotion: The objective forms, capacity and efficiency improvements, and trade facilitation of the project is to speed up movement of agricultural products to do- measures. Project preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment mestic and foreign markets. Preparation work has been delayed. En- Category A. PID: 91694. US$ 135.0 (IBRD). Consulting services to be vironmental Assessment Category B. PID: 86635. US$ 20.0 (IBRD). determined. Maritime Transport Sector, Alexandria, Egypt, Tel: (20- Consultants will be required. Ministry of Agiculture, Agricultural Plan- 3) 484-3090, Fax: (20-3) 484-2041, Contact: Admiral Shireen Hassan ning and Economic Research Institute, 9 Rudsar St., South Aban, Mahmoud, Director Karimkhan Av., Tehran, Iran, Tel: (98-21) 889-2396, Fax: (98-21) 889- 6660, E-mail: aperi@agri-peri.ir, Contact: Mr. Seyed Hasan Kazemi, Urban Development Director (N) Greater Cairo Development: The objective of the project is to Social Development, Gender and Inclusion enable the three governorates of metropolitan Cairo to enhance their comparative advantages and achieve sustainable development through Local Development Fund: The objective of the project is to enhance priority infrastructure investments, land development and tackling the effectiveness and efficiency of community-driven development in- key environmental problems. Project concept review was scheduled tervention for poverty alleviation, through strengthening the role and for 8 May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ 150.0 capacity of local governments and civil society organizations in se- (IBRD). Consultants will be required for infrastructure design, feasi- lected disadvantaged areas of five provinces. Negotiations have been bility studies, land development, environmental safeguard measures delayed. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 73070. US$ and urban development. Ministry of Housing, Utilities and Urban De- 75.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Interior, Dr. velopment, 12, Ismail Abaza St., El Qasr El Einy, Cairo, Egypt, Tel: (202) Fatemi Ave., Tehran, Iran, Tel: (98-21) 896-7008, Fax: (98-21) 865-0025, 796-4047, Fax: (202) 792-1512, E-mail: madbouly@yahoo.com, Con- E-mail: borujerdi44@hotmail.com, Contact: Mrs. Ashraf Borujerdi, tact: Dr. Hazim El Quidy, Chairman, General Organization of Physical Deputy Minister for Social Affairs Council Planning Transportation Alexandria Growth Pole: The objectives of the project are to enable (R) Road Safety: The objective of the project is to reduce road acci- Alexandria to take advantage of its competitive strengths, better man- dents in high risk pilot road corridors and urban areas and enhance age local assets and remove constraints on private sector-led growth the government’s capability to address road safety issues. Negotiations while ensuring the socioeconomic integration of the poor. Project were scheduled for May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment Category A. B. PID 86465. US$ 80.0 (IBRD). No consultants are required during US$ 100.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required in the areas of urban preparation. Road Maintenance and Transport Organization, Tel: (98- infrastructure, local economic development, business-enabling envi- 21) 8880-4438, Fax: (98-21) 8880-4437, E-mail: behrooz_gharavi@ya- ronment, pollution abatement, environmental management and social hoo.com, Contact: Mr. Behrooz Gharavi, Project Manager development. Governorate of Alexandria, Houria St., Alexandria, Egypt, (R) Urban/Transport Technical Assistance: The objective of the Tel: (20-3) 487-2942, Fax: (20-3) 484-7192, E-mail: gsec_eg_alex@ya- project is to strengthen technical capacity for (a) implementing trans- hoo.com, Contact: H.E.Mohamed Bassiouny, Secretary General port strategies, including establishing adequate regulatory framework, Water and Sanitation strengthening transport institutions, preparing urban transport plans, Integrated Sanitation and Sewerage Infrastructure: The objective and improving financial policies, and (b) selecting and designing pri- of the project is to improve water quality in selected drainage basins ority investments. Project identification is under way. Environmental and health conditions of the resident communities. Project preparation Assessment Category C. US$ 18.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. is under way. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ 120.0 Ministry of Interior, Tel: (98-21) 6646-1866, Fax: (98-21) 8800-8780; (IBRD). Consultants will be required. National Organization of Potable Municipality of Tehran, Tel: (98-21) 8882-8224, Fax: (98-21) 8882-8013 Water and Sanitary Drainage Iraq West Delta Irrigation Infrastructure: The objective of the project is to build and operate a surface water conveyance and distribution sys- Education tem for irrigation in the West Delta region with full recovery of capi- Third Emergency Education (Cr. 4128-IRQ): The objectives of tal and operation and maintenance costs. Project preparation is under the project are to (a) build, equip and furnish 82 primary and secondary way. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: 87970. US$ 150.0 schools to alleviate overcrowding and (b) lay the groundwork for (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Water and Irrigation, broader school reform and reconstruction. Signing has been delayed PAGE 46 Monthly Operational Summary MAY 2006 pending formation of a new government. Environmental Assessment Jordan Category B. PID: 96234. US$ 100.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required for school design and supervision, procurement support, financial Energy and Mining management, school maintenance, and system development. Ministry (R) Promotion of a Wind Power Market: The objective of the pro- of Education, Project Management Office, 1st Floor, Al Adhmeyiah ject is to remove barriers to windfarm development including lack of Square, Al Maghrab District, M 306 St., No. 6, Bldg. 35, Baghdad, Iraq, a legal and regulatory framework, lack of institutional capacity and in- E-mail: moepmt@yahoo.com, Contact: Mr. Saad Ibrahim Abdul Rahim, adequate information on wind resources, with the reforms clearing the Director General of Vocational Education way for a private entity to build a 60MW wind farm. Project prepara- Energy and Mining tion is under way. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ 9.0 (GEF). Consultants for preparation have been recruited. Ministry of (N) Dokan and Derbandikhan Emergency Hydropower: The ob- Energy and Mines, PO Box 140027, Amman 11814 Jordan, Tel: (962- jectives of the project are to: (a) alleviate the power supply shortfall 6) 582-8971, Fax: (962-6) 582-1398, E-mail: generals@memr.gov.jo, through urgent repairs, and (b) prepare for rehabilitation of the Dokan Contact: Eng. Khaldoun Qutishat, Secretary General and Derbandikhan hydropower plants to restore their original capac- ities of 400 MW and 249 MW respectively. Project preparation is un- Urban Development der way. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ 40.0 (IDA). Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Urban Development: The objective Consultants will be required to assess rehabilitation needs for the hy- of the project is to develop regionally balanced cultural tourism through dropower stations, detailed design and preparation of bidding documents regeneration of historic urban neighborhoods and creation of cohesive and environmental impact assessment. Ministry of Electricity and In- and culturally rich urban attraction poles. Project preparation is under dustry, Kurdistan Regional Government, Erbil, Kurdistan, Tel: (964- way. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ 30.0 (IBRD). Con- 7) 7015-23426, E-mail: subhihadi@yahoo.com, Contact: Mr. Subhi Hadi, sultants will be required. Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, PO Director General for Electricity Box 224, Amman, Jordan, Tel: (962-6) 460-3360, Fax: (962-6) 464-8465, Emergency Electricity: The objectives of the project are to: (a) alle- E-mail: ihab.a@mota.gov.jo, Contact: Mr. Ihab Amarin, Assistant Sec- viate the power supply shortfall by restoring the base load generation retary General capacity of the Hartha Power Station Units 2 and 3 to 400MW, (b) lay Regional and Municipal Development: The objectives of the pro- the groundwork for future institutional development and improved ject are to: (a) strengthen the intergovernmental finance system, (b) power system planning, and (c) enhance the capacity to prepare and upgrade local financial management and technical and administrative operate projects. Appraisal is under way. Further project preparation capacity, and (c) increase the coverage and quality of municipal ser- is awaiting formation of a new government. Environmental Assessment vices, with particular emphasis on under-served areas. Preappraisal com- Category A. PID: 87734. US$ 110.0/20.0 (IDA/Trust Fund). Consul- pleted. Appraisal was scheduled for late April 2006. Environmental tants will be required. Ministry of Electricity, Tel: (964) 79019-21997, Assessment Category B. PID: 70958. US$ 20.0 (IBRD). Consultants E-mail: planningstudies@yahoo.com, Contact: Mr. Mumtaz Rutha Al will be required. Ministry of Municipal Affairs, PO Box 1799, Amman, Ayoub Director General Planning Jordan, Tel: (962-6) 467-2135, 460-1228, Fax: (962-6) 569-5627, Contact: Environment and Natural Resources Management Eng. Nart N. B. Naguer, Director, Development Projects Unit; Ministry Emergency Environmental Management: The objective of the pro- of Planning, PO Box 555, Amman 11118 Jordan, Tel: (962-6) 463-4511, ject is to design and implement demonstration environmental im- (962-2) 464-5861, Fax: (962-6) 461-5683, Contact: Eng. Khaled Tarawneh, provement projects. Project preparation is under way. Environmental Director, Local Development Department Assessment Category B. US$ 25.0 (Trust Fund). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Environment, E-mail: norminothman@yahoo.com Lebanon Transportation Energy and Mining Emergency Road Rehabilitation: The objectives of the project are (R) Power Sector: The objective of the project is to reform the power to rehabilitate key segments of the national road network and estab- sector. In response to a formal request from the government to resume lish a road assets management system. Negotiations completed. Board preparation, a project identification mission was scheduled for April presentation was scheduled for 18 April 2006. Environmental Assess- 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ 100.0 (IBRD). ment Category B. US$ 135.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. State Consulting services to be determined. Electrricite du Liban, Tel: (961- Commission for Roads and Bridges, Ministry of Housing and Con- 1) 444-700, Contact: Mr. Kamal Al-Hayek, Chairman of the Board and struction, Tel: (964) 79026-07504, E-mail: scrb_iraq2000@yahoo.com Director General or scrb-iraq@hotmail.com, Contact: Mr. Sabeh Ali Jari, Director Gen- Health, Nutrition and Population eral; General Directorate for Roads and Bridges, Kurdistan Regional Government, Tel: (32-48) 455-2599, E-mail: dgrbomer@yahoo.com, Health Sector Development: The objective of the project is to pro- Contact: General Director vide technical assistance for (a) health financing reforms, (b) strength- ening primary health care, (c) enhancing the core public health Water and Sanitation function, (d) raising the quality of primary care and hospital-based health (R) Second Emergency Baghdad Water Supply and Sanitation: services, and (e) implementing pharmaceutical reform. Project prepa- The objective of the project is to rehabilitate and upgrade the water ration has been temporarily suspended because of an uncertain pol- supply system, treatment facilities, pumping stations and sewer network. icy environment. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 88832. Project identification is under way. Environmental Assessment Cate- US$ 13.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Health, Tel: gory B. US$ 53.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required for preparation. (961-1) 615-766, Fax: (961-1) 645-099, Contact: Dr. Walid Ammar, Di- City of Baghdad., Khulani Square, Jamhoriya St., PO Box 1140, Bagh- rector General for Health dad, Iraq, Tel: (964) 1816-8823, Fax: (964) 1885-7365, E-mail: amanat- baghdad@yahoo.com, Contact: Dr. Saber Al-Esawey, Mayor Water and Sanitation Second Emergency Water Supply and Sanitation: The objectives Bekaa Regional Water Supply and Waste Water: The objectives of the project are to (a) rehabilitate and upgrade water supply, sanita- of the project are to: (a) operate and maintain water and waste water tion and urban facilities in areas outside Baghdad and (b) furnish tech- facilities in the Bekaa Region, (b) undertake rehabilitation works us- nical assistance and build capacity to implement and initiate policy ing the operations and the investment fund to be made available by the adjustments. Project preparation is under way. Environmental As- government, and (c) bill and collect on behalf of the Regional Water sessment Category B. PID: 94650. US$ 74.0 (IDA). Consultants will Utility for all its customers. Project preparation is under way. Envi- be required for preparation. Ministry of Municipalities and Public ronmental Assessment Category B. PID 77334. US$ 35.0 (IBRD). Con- Works, PO Box 28488, Al-Karkh, Baghdad, Iraq, Tel: (964) 1543-5448, sultants will be required. Council for Development and Reconstruction, E-mail: humammisconi@yahoo.com, Contact: Mr. Humam Misconi, Di- Tel: (961-3) 205-663, Fax: (961-1) 981-252, Contact: Mr. Al-Fadl Chalak, rector, Project Management Team President MAY 2006 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 47 Morocco Japan (US$ 1.1), Netherlands (US$ 1.0), Finland (US$ 1.0), and the gov- ernments involved (US$ 3.8). Consultants will be required. Ministère Energy and Mining de l’Agriculture, du Développement Fural et des Pêches Maritimes, (N) Energy Sector Development: The objective of the project is Direction de la Protection des Végétaux des Contrôles Techniques et to reform the energy sector. Project identification is under way. Envi- de la Répression des Fraudes, Rabat Boyaume de Maroc, Tel: (212) ronmental Assessment Category B. US$ 100.0 (IBRD). Consulting 372-314, Fax: (212) 3729-7544, E-mail: ahilali@menara.ma, Contact: services to be determined. Ministère des Finances e de la Privatisation, M. Abderrahmane Hilali, Directeur; Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Av. Mohamed V, Quartier Administratif, Rabat, Royaume du Maroc, Development, PO Box 6247, Addis Abbaba, Ethiopia, Tel: (251-1) 251- Tel: (212-37) 687-316, Fax: (212-37) 774-287, E-mail: benchikroun@ 2734, Fax: (251-1) 463-686, E-mail: fikrem2001@yahoo.com, Contact: affaires-generales.gov.ma, Contact: Mme. Sabah Benchekroun, Mr. Fikre Markos, Head, Crop Protection Department; Ministry of En- Charge de mission auprès du Premier Ministre, Relations Economiques vironment and Sustainable Development, Agence Nationale de Pro- Internationales tection de l’Environnement, 12 Rue du Cameroun-Belvedere, 1002 (R) Integrated Solar Power: (formerly Solar Thermal Power) The ob- Tunis, Tunisie, Tel: (216) 7184-7493, Fax: (216) 7189-0581, E-mail: jective of the project is to develop a solar/fossil fuel hybrid power dds@anpe.nat.tn, Contact: M. Mounir Ferchichi, Directeur, Department plant to contribute to global cost reduction of the integrated solar com- Dechets Solides; Ministère de l’Environement, Direction Nationale bined cycle technology. Appraisal was scheduled for May/June 2006. de l’Assainissement et du Contrôle des Pollutions et des Nuisances, Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 41396. US$ 50.0 (GEF). Rue 415, Porte 191, Dravela-Bolibana, Bmako, Mali, Tel: (223) 229-2410, Consultants will be required. Office National de l’Electricité, 65, rue Fax: (223) 229-5090, E-mail: lassinate@hotmail.com, Contact: M. Lassina Othman Ben Affan, BP 13498, Casablanca, Morocco, Tel: (212-22) Traore, Coordinateur du Programme; Federal Ministry of Environment, 668-080, Fax: (212-22) 220-038, Contact: Younes Maamar, Directeur National Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, 7th Floor, Général Federal Secretariat, Phase 1, Garki, PMB 468, Nigeria, Tel/Fax: (234- 9) 523-4119, Contact: Mr. S. O. Adekunle, Permanent Secretary; De- Public Sector Governance partment of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, Private Bag X447, (R) Second Public Administration Development Policy (Ln. Pretoria 0001 South Africa, Tel: (27-12) 310-3911, Fax: (27-12) 320- 7370-MOR): The objective of the second phase of the project is to 1243, E-mail: pyako@deat.gov.za, Contact: Ms. Pamela Yako, Director implement reform of public expenditure management, civil service man- General; National Environment Management Council, PO Box 63154, agement, and administrative decentralization. Approved by the Execu- Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Tel: (255-22) 213-4603, Fax: (255-22) 211-1579, tive Directors on 23 March 2006. The loan was signed on 10 April 2006. E-mail: nemc@nemctz.org, Contact: Dr. Magnus A. K. Ngoile, Direc- Environmental Assessment Category U. US$ 120.0 (IBRD). No con- tor General sultants are required. Ministry of General Affairs, Rabat, Morocco, Tel: (212-37) 687-316, Fax: (212-37) 774-287, Contact: Madame Sabah Tunisia Benchekroun, Chargee de Mission aupres du Premier Ministre Education Rural Development (R) Second Higher Education Reform Support: The objective of (R) Second Rural Roads: The objective of the project is to accel- the project is to reform higher education, focusing on building up tra- erate implementation of a national program of rural roads. Board pre- ditional and alternative models to increase enrollment opportunity, sentation was scheduled for 2 May 2006. Environmental Assessment improving the quality and relevance of higher education teaching and Categor y B. PID: 94007. US$ 50.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be research, and broadening sources of higher education finance. Appraisal required. Caisse de Financement Routier, Ministere de l’Equipement completed. Negotiations were scheduled for 8 May 2006. Environmen- et du Transport, BP 6226, Rabat Instituts, Rabat Royaume du Maroc, tal Assessment Category B. PID: 75809. US$ 140.0 (IBRD). Consult- Tel: (212-37) 713-247, Fax: (212-37) 713-259, (212-37) 713-261, E- ing services to be determined. Ministère de l’enseignement supérieur, mail: imzel@mtpnet.gov.ma, Contact: Mr. Ahmed Imzel, Caisse pour Ave. Ouled Haffouz, 1030 Tunis, Tunisia, Tel: (216-71) 849-971, Fax: le Financement routier (CFR); Directorate of Roads, Ministry of (216-71) 801-701, E-mail: riahi.abdellah@mes.rnu.tn, Contact: Mr. Ab- Public Works and Transport dellah Riahi, Coordinateur chargée de la préparation du projet d’appui à la réforme de l’enseignement supérieur II Water and Sanitation Environment and Natural Resources Management Water Development Policy: The objective of the project is to implement reform of the water sector, including sector governance, resource (R) Sustainable Management of Municipal Waste: (formerly In- management, irrigation and water supply and sanitation. Project prepa- tegrated Solid Waste Management) The objectives of the project are to ration is under way. Environmental Assessment Category U. US$ 100.0 develop and implement an integrated solid waste management strat- (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Implementing agency(ies) to be egy, prepare the country for the carbon market as suggested by the determined Kyoto Protocol, and assess the potential revenues to be generated by selling greenhouse emissions credits. Project preparation is under Regional way. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: 95012. US$ 20 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministère de l’Environnement Environment and Natural Resources Management et du Développement Durable, 8, rue du Cameroun, 1002 le Belvedere, (R) Stockpiles Program: The objective of the project is to eliminate Tunis, Tunisie, Tel: (216-71) 847-493, Fax: (216-71) 841-715, E-mail: publicly-held obsolete pesticide stockpiles and associated waste in dds@anpe.nat.tn, Contact: Mr. Mounir Ferchichi, Director; Agence seven countries and implement measures to reduce and prevent future Nationale pour la Protection de l’Environnement related risks. The countries are Morocco and Tunisia in the Middle Second Natural Resource Management: The objective of the pro- East and North Africa Region and Ethiopia, Mali, Nigeria, South Africa ject is to consolidate and scale up the achievements of the first Nat- and Tanzania in the Africa Region. (This listing also appears in the Africa ural Resource Management project, which closed on 30 June 2004. Region section.) Grant signing for Tunisia took place on 21 Novem- Project preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment Cate- ber 2005. Grant signing for South Africa took place on 4 April 2006. Grant gory B. PID: 86660. US$ 40.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. signing for Nigeria was scheduled for late April 2006. Negotiation plans Ministry of Agriculture, 30 rue Alain Savary, Tunis 1002 Tunisia, Tel: for the remaining countries are as follows: Tanzania 18-20 April 2006, (216-1) 842-687, Fax: (216-1) 784-447, E-mail: mag@ministeres.tn, Con- Morocco 2-3 May 2006, Mali late May 2006, Ethiopia late June 2006. tact: Mr. Abdallah Mallek, Director General, DGFE Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: 75776. US$ 21.7/2.7 (GEF/Trust Funds). Cofinancing to bring the total amount to US$ 60.0 Water and Sanitation is anticipated from AfDB (US$ 10.0), a bilateral trust fund with con- (N) Tunis West Sewerage: The objectives of the project are to: (a) tributions from EU, Denmark, Sweden and Switzerland (US$ 7.1), enhance the sewerage board’s treatment capacity; (b) promote the reuse Belgium (US$ 4.1), FAO (US$ 3.4, of which US$ 3.3 will be an addi- in irrigation of treated wastewater; and (c) improve the sewerage tional contribution from GEF), CIDA (US$ 2.3), France (US$ 1.8), agency’s performance through financial, operational and environ- PAGE 48 Monthly Operational Summary MAY 2006 mental management capacity building. Project preparation is under way. Energy and Mining Environmental Assessment Category A. PID 99811. US$ 60.0 (IBRD). (R) Power Sector: The objectives of the project are to relieve critical Consulting services to be determined. National Sewerage Board power supply constraints and enhance the overall technical efficiency (ONAS), 32, Rue Hédi Nouira, Tunis 1001 Tunisia, Tel: (216) 7134-3200, and quality of electricity supply by supporting the Borrower’s power sec- Fax: (216) 7135-0411, E-mail: boc@onas.nat.tn, Contact: Mr. Khalil At- tor reform initiatives and strengthening the sector’s corporate governance tia, CEO to improve the efficiency of the Public Electricity Corporation. Negotia- tions completed. Board presentation was scheduled for 9 May 2006. West Bank and Gaza Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 86865. US$ 50.0 (IDA). Health, Nutrition and Population Consultants will be required for implementation. Public Electricity Corporation, PO Box 178, Sana’a, Republic of Yemen, Tel: (968-1) 328- Second Health System Development: The objectives of the project 164/5, Fax: (968-1) 328-150/1, E-mail: ypecnt@y.net.ye, Contact: Eng. are to (a) increase financial sustainability of publicly-funded health Abdul Moati Al-Jonaid, Managing Director services through improvements in the government health insurance program and better utilization of existing resources and (b) improve Rural Development the quality of care. The timetable for further preparation is under re- (R) Rainfed Agriculture and Livestock: The objective of the pro- view. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 64988. US$ 8.0 ject is to promote farmers’ incomes from sustainable agriculture and (Trust Fund). Additional consultants may be required beyond those livestock activities and related off-farm income generating activities in selected for preparation. Ministry of Health, International Cooperation predominantly rainfed areas. Board presentation is scheduled for 6 July Department, Gaza City, Gaza, Tel/Fax: (972-8) 282-6325, E-mail: mo- 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 89259. US$ 30.0 hicd@moh3.com, Contact: Dr. Maged Abu Ramadan, Director General (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Agriculture and Irri- of International Cooperation and Chairman, Steering Committee gation, PO Box 2805, Sana, Yemen, Tel: (967-1) 282-445, Fax: (967-1) 289-509, Contact: Mr. Abdul Malik Al-Arashi, Deputy Minister Public Sector Governance Emergency Technical Assistance: The objective of the project is to strengthen institutions and develop capacities to assume full respon- sibilities in the Gaza Stip and parts of the Northern West Bank and to prepare for future statehood. Project preparation is under way. Envi- ronmental Assessment Category C. US$ 3.0-4.0 (Trust Fund). Con- Latin America sultants will be required. Policy and Substantive Project Issues, Ministry of Civil Affairs, E-mail: msamhouri@yahoo.com, jihadwazir@hot- and the Caribbean mail.com, mofird@palnet.com, Contacts: Dr. Jihad Al-Wazir, Deputy Min- ister, Mr. Mazen Jadallah, Director General, International Relations Argentina Social Protection Education Civil Service Pension Reform: The objective of the project is to de- Rural Education Improvement (Ln. 7353-AR): The objective of sign and implement a unified public sector pension system, including the project is to increase the educational attainment of school age chil- modernization of the administration of asset management, benefits and dren in rural areas and improve the probability of gainful employment payment administration, and initiation of prudential governance stan- for students of technical and vocational education. Approved by the Ex- dards. The timetable for further preparation is under review. Envi- ecutive Directors on 15 December 2005. Environmental Assessment ronmental Assessment Category C. PID: 82230. US$ 7.0 (Trust Fund). Category B. PID: 70963. US$ 150.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Consultants will be required. Ministry of Finance, Ramallah, West Directorate General of the Unit of International Financing, Ministry Bank, Tel: (972-2) 240-0372, Fax: (970-2) 240-5880, E-mail: mofdep@ of Education, Science and Technology, Santa Fe 1548, Piso 10, Capi- hally.net, Contact: Dr. Atef Alawneh, Project Coordination Unit Di- tal Federal, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Tel: (54-11) 4129-1931, Fax: (54- rector and Deputy Minister of Finance 11) 4129-1931, E-mail: aarango@me.gov.ar, Contact: Lic. Aida Arango, Directora General Urban Development Municipal Management and Service Delivery: The objective of the Energy and Mining project is to provide essential municipal infrastructure and services sus- (R) Mining Decontamination: The objectives of the project are to tainably, while developing a regulatory framework and institutional ca- clean up uranium mines and tailing sites and strengthen the environ- pacity at the national and local levels. Appraisal mission has been mental management capacity of the responsible agency, Comisión Na- suspended pending stabilization of the security situation and in antic- cional Energía Atómica. Appraisal was tentatively scheduled for April ipation of the formation of a new government. Environmental As- 2006. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: 57124. US$ 25.0 sessment Category B. PID: 74594. US$ 15.0 (Trust Fund). Consultants (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. Comisión Nacional will be required for technical assistance and training. Ministry of Lo- Energía Atómica, Av. del Libertador 8250, 3er Piso, Oficina 3352, cal Government, Tel/Fax: (972-2) 240-1455, E-mail: samah31@ya- Buenos Aires 1429, Argentina, Tel: (54-11) 4704-1217, Fax: (54-11) hoo.com, Contact: H.E. Khalid Al-Qawasmeh, Minister 4704-1165, E-mail: anunez@cnea.gov.ar, Contact: Anibal Nunez, Project Coordinator Yemen Energy Efficiency: The project aims at increasing efficiency in the use of energy, which would reduce costs for consumers, contribute to Education the long-term sustainability of the energy sector and reduce greenhouse Second Vocational Training: The objectives of the project are to: (a) gas emissions, by addressing barriers to energy efficiency invest- enhance employment and income-generating opportunities gained by ments. Project preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment those receiving technical and vocational training and (b) improve the Category B. PID: 90119. US$ 14.9 (GEF). Consultants will be required effectiveness of policy formulation and planning at the Ministry of for preparation. Secretariat of Energy, Paseo Colon 171, Oficina 401, Technical Education and Vocational Training. Project preparation is un- (1063) Capital Federal, Argentina, Tel/Fax: (54-11) 4349-8008, E-mail: der way. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 86308. US$ abarag@mecon.gov.ar, Contact: Alicia Baragatti, Director, National Di- 15.0 (IDA). Consultants have been selected for preparation, to be fi- rectorate for Promotion nanced with PHRD resources. An expression of interest for consultants was issued. Ministry of Technical Education and Vocational Training, Environment and Natural Resources Management PO Box 25235, Sana’a, Yemen, Tel: (967-1) 202-414, Fax: (967-1) 406- (R) Sustainable Forestry Development: The project will contribute 287, E-mail: mtevt@yemen.net.ye, Contact: Mr. Abdulwahab Al-Akil, to and encourage the environmentally sustainable development of the Vice Minister forestry sector and rural development. Project preparation is under way. MAY 2006 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 49 Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 88258. US$ 25.0 (IBRD). Buenos Aires, Agentina, Tel: (54-11) 4339-1436, Fax: (54-11) 4339- Consultants will be required. Secretaria de Agricultura, Ganadería, 1075, Contact: Sergio Massa, Director Ejecutivo Pesca y Alimentación, Paseo Colon 982, 1er Piso (1063), Buenos Aires, (R) Subnational Government Public Sector Modernization Pro- Argentina, Tel: (54-11) 4349-2059, Contact: Ester Malacari, Acting Di- gram (Ln. 7352-AR): The project will aim at improving governance rector by strengthening the capacity of provincial and municipal govern- (R) Sustainable Forestry Development: The project aims at main- ments to effectively manage their resources and implement sound fis- streaming biodiversity conservation into the operation of forestry plan- cal policies. The loan was scheduled to be signed in late April 2006. ning and activities. Project preparation is under way. Environmental Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 70448. US$ 40.0 (IBRD). Assessment Category B. US$ 7.0 (GEF). Consultants will be required. Consultants will be required. Ministry of Interior, Leandro Allem 168, Secretaria de Agricultura, Ganadería, Pesca y Alimentación, Paseo Tercer Piso, Buenos Aires C1002ABC Argentina, Tel: (54-11) 4331-4695, Colon 982, 1er Piso (1063), Buenos Aires, Argentina, Tel: (54-11) 4349- E-mail: hpolverini@psf.gov.ar, Contact: Hugo Polverini, Executive Pro- 2059, Contact: Ester Malacari, Acting Director, Direccion de Foresta- ject Coordinator cion Social Protection National Urban Solid Waste Management (Ln. 7362-AR): The objective of the project is to improve public health and quality of life (R) Heads of Household Transition (Ln. 7369-AR): The objec- by developing environmentally and financially sustainable systems for tive of the project is to (a) carry out the workface component of the final disposal of solid waste. Approved by the Executive Directors on heads of household program and (b) enable more beneficiaries of the 28 February 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 89926. program to obtain full-time jobs. Approved by the Executive Directors on US$ 40.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Secretaria de Ambiente 23 March 2006. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 55483. y Desarrollo Sustentable, San Martín 451, 44to Piso, Oficina 405, 1004 US$ 350.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Fondo Participativo Buenos Aires, Argentina, Tel: (54-11) 4348-8305, Fax: (54-11) 4348- de Inversión Social, Ministerio de Desarrollo Social y Medio Ambiente, 8624/8355, Email: mcraviotto@medioambiente.gov.ar, Contact: Dr. Av. 9 de Julio 1925, Piso 17, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Tel: (54-11) 4382- Miguel Angel Craviotto, Director Nacional del Proyecto 2956, Fax: (54-11) 4383-8741, E-mail: darroyo@desarrollosocial.gov.ar, Contact: Lic. Daniel Arroyo, Viceministro Finance Transportation Economic Recovery Support Structural Adjustment (Ln. 7241- AR): The objective of the project aims at supporting the country’s ef- (R) Cordoba Road Infrastructure: The objective of the project is to forts to consolidate economic recovery by addressing pending structural improve the reliability of provincial roads and the efficiency of their reforms in the financial and public utilities sectors and by improving management as means to support competitiveness and economic the investment climate, and enhancing competitiveness and export po- growth. Appraisal was tentatively scheduled for May 2006. Environ- tential of existing and new enterprises, particularly those of small and mental Assessment Category B. US$ 75.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be medium size. Loan signing has been delayed to await the govern- required. Agencia Córdoba de Inversión y Financiamiento, Rivera In- ment’s standby agreement with the IMF. Environmental Assessment dartes 33, (5000) Córdoba, Argentina, Tel: (54-351) 4324-420/34, E-mail: Category U. PID: 83982. US$ 500.0 (IBRD). No consultants are required. silvina.rivero@cba.gov.ar, Contact: Silvina Rivero, Presidente Ministry of Economy and Production, Hipólito Yrigoyen 250, 5to Piso, (R) Provincial Road Infrastructure (Ln. 7301-AR): The objective 1310 Buenos Aires, Argentina, Tel: (54-11) 4349-6352, Contact: Gerardo of the project is to improve the reliability of provincial roads and the Hita, Director Nacional de Proyectos con Organismos Internacionales efficiency of their management as a means to support the country’s de Crédito competitiveness and economic growth. Signing date will be scheduled following presidential decree. Environmental Assessment Category B. Health, Nutrition and Population PID: 70628. US$ 150.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Provin- Essential Public Health Functions: The objectives of the project are cial Road Coordinating Unit, Coordinating Unit for Programs and Pro- to: (a) strengthen policy making, health intelligence, and regulatory jects with External Financing, Ministry of Federal Planning, Public capacity in public health at federal and provincial levels; (b) assure sup- Investment and Services, Hipólito Yrigoyen 250, Piso No. 12-Oficina plies and performance monitoring for key public health programs in- No. 1201, Buenos Aires C1109ADA Argentina, Tel: (54-11) 4349-8337, cluding, immunizations, HIV/AIDS, and TB; and (c) improve social Fax: (54-11) 4349-7593, E-mail: vhalon@mecon.gov.ar, Contact: Victor participation, health promotion, health education, and communica- Hugo Alonso, Coordinador Ejecutivo tions for behavioral change. Decision meeting was scheduled for May (R) Santa Fe Road Infrastructure: The objective of the project is 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 90993. US$ 170.0 to increase the availability and reliability of roads in the province to ad- (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministerio de Salud y Ambi- vance competitiveness and economic growth. Appraisal is tentatively ente, Ave. 9 de Julio 1925, 11 piso, Capital Federal, Buenos Aires 1060 scheduled for late July 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. Argentina, Tel: (54-11) 4379-9179, Fax: (54-11) 4379-9179, E-mail: ofilom- PID: 99051. US$ 126.7 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Unidad ena@ufisalud.gov.ar, Contact: Oscar Filomena, Coordinador General, Ejecutora de Proyectos. Convenio BID-BIRF, Ministerio de Hacienda Unidad de Financiamiento Internacional de Salud y Finanzas, Avenida A. Illia 1151 8vo. Piso, Santa Fe, Argentina, Tel/Fax: Public Sector Governance (54-342) 450-6807, E-mail: cvissio@santafe.gov.ar, Contact: Claudio Vis- sio, Coordinador Ejecutivo (R) Governance 21 Second Public Strengthening: The objective of the project is to improve the efficiency, transparency and account- Urban Development ability of public management and territorial economic development. (R) Basic Municipal Services: The objective of the project is to im- Negotiations were scheduled for late April 2006. Environmental As- prove the delivery of basic services for the urban poor by providing sessment Category C. PID: 92840. US$ 25.0 (IBRD). Consultants will credit resources to local governments in an efficient and sustainable be required. Ministry of Economy and Production, Capital Federal, manner. Board presentation is scheduled for 6 June 2006. Environmental Buenos Aires, Argentina, Tel: (54-11) 4349-5613, Fax: (54-11) 4349- Assessment Category B. PID: 60484. US$ 110.0 (IBRD). Consultants 5516, Contact: Mr. Gerardo Hita, Director Nacional de Proyectos con will be required. Ministerio de Planificación Federal, Inversión Pública Organismos Internacionales de Credito y Servicios, Unidad Ejecutora de Programas y Proyectos con Finan- (R) Institutional Strengthening of the National Social Security ciamiento Externo, Hipolito Irigoyen 250, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Tel: Administration (Ln. 7318-AR): The project aims at improving the (54-11) 4349-7632, Contact: Pablo Abal Medina, Coordinador General efficiency and effectiveness of ANSES through institutional strength- Adjunto ening, transparency, participation and change management with a view to improve service delivery. The loan was scheduled to be signed Water and Sanitation in late April 2006. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 92836. (N) Catamarca Integrated Water Resource Management: The ob- US$ 25.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. National Social Secu- jective of the project is to build institutional capacity, especially water rity Administration, Direccion Ejecutiva, Av. Cordoba 720, Piso 5, resource knowledge that will enable dialogue between the Bank and PAGE 50 Monthly Operational Summary MAY 2006 the province of Catamarca leading to reforms in water resources man- Brazil agement. Project preparation is under way. Environmental Assess- ment Category A. US$ 25.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required for Education preparation. Ministry of Finance of Catamarca, Sarmiento 589, 8vo Piso, (R) Human Development Technical Assistance (Ln. 7324-BR): Provincia de Catamarca, Argentina, Tel: (54-38) 3343-7536/7537, E-mail: The objective of the project is to develop institutional capacity to mon- macuna@haciendacatamarca.gov.ar, Contact: Mamerto Ernesto Acuña, itor the progress and impact of social policies. Loan signing was ten- Minister tatively scheduled for mid-May 2006. Environmental Assessment (R) Urban Flood Prevention and Drainage (Ln. 7289-AR): The Category C. PID: 82523. US$ 8.0 (IBRD). Consultants have been used objective of this first-phase APL is to create a flood risk management for preparation. Ministry of Education, Esplanada dos Ministérios, system to reduce vulnerability associated with urban floods and drainage Bloco L, 8o Andar, Gabinete, CEP 70047-900 Brasília, DF, Brazil, Tel: in Buenos Aires. The other phases will benefit provincial urban areas. (55-61) 410-8762, Fax: (55-61) 410-9168, Contact: Rinaldo Macin, Pro- The loan was scheduled to be signed in late April 2006. Environmental ject Coordinator; Ministry of Health, Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco Assessment Category A. PID: 88220. US$ 130.0 (IBRD). Consultants G, Ed. Sede, Sala 317, CEP 70058-900 Brasília, DF, Brazil, Tel: (55-61) will be required during implementation for preparation of a risk man- 315-2359, Fax: (55-61) 226-0286, Contact: André Guerreiro, Assessor, agement strategy. Secretaria de Hacienda, Unidad Ejecutora de la Ciu- Diretoria de Investimentos e Projetos Estratégicos dad de Buenos Aires (UECBA), Sub Unidad de Protección Contra la (R) Second Human Development Programmatic Sector Reform: Emergencia (SUPCE), 1261 Córdoba, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Tel: The objective of the project is to improve the quality, efficiency and (54-11) 4816-8074, E-mail: rr@supceba.com.ar, Contacts: Nestor Li- equity of public spending in education, health and social assistance. etti, Jefe de la UECBA, Ricardo Rebagliati, Jefe de la SUPCE Appraisal completed. Negotiations will be scheduled following govern- (R) Urban Flood Prevention and Drainage APL 2: The objective ment clearance. Environmental Assessment Category U. PID: 82442. of the project is to reduce vulnerability to flooding, through a mix of US$ 500.0 (IBRD). Consultants have been hired for preparation. physical, institution-strengthening and technical assistance measures Ministry of Health, Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco G, 5o Andar, for five provinces of the North East. The first phase of this APL de- CEP 70058-900, Brasília, DF, Brazil, Tel: (55-61) 3223-7340, 3224- veloped a risk management program for Buenos Aires. Board pre- 5269, (55-61) 3315-2392, Fax: (55-61) 3224-8747, 3225-9632, E-mail: sentation was tentatively scheduled for 6 June 2006. Environmental gabmin@saude.gov.br, Contact: Jose Saraiva Felipe, Minister; Min- Assessment Category A. PID: 93491. US$ 70.0 (IBRD). Consultants will istry of Education, Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco L, 8o. Andar, be required. Ministry of Planning and Infrastructure, Hipólito Yrigoyen Gabinete CEP 70047-900, Brasilia DF, Brazil, Tel: (55-61) 2104- 250, Piso 12, Oficina 1201, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Tel: (54-11) 4349- 9670/9680/9610, Fax: (55-61) 2104-9233, E-mail: assessoriaespe- 8371, Fax: (54-11) 4349-7568, E-mail: ptrind@miv.gov.ar, Contact: Ar- cialgm@mec.gov.br, Contact: Fernando Haddad, Minister; Ministry quitecto Pedro Trindade, Jefe Ejecutivo de la Sub Unidad Central de of Social Development and Fight Against Hunger, Esplanada dos Min- Coordinación para la Emergencia istérios, Bloco C, 5o. Andar, Gabinete CEP 70046-900, Brasilia DF, Brazil, Tel: (55-61) 3313-1690/1536, Fax: (55-61) 3223-9084, E-mail: Bolivia ministro.mds@mds.gov.br, Contact: Patrus Ananias de Sousa, Min- Education ister (R) Secondary Education for the Poor: The objective of the pro- Environment and Natural Resources Management ject is to improve access with quality at the secondary school level ben- (R) Integrated Management of Aquatic Biodiversity and Water efiting primarily those students in rural and disadvantaged urban Resources in the Amazon: The objective of the project is to conserve communities. Appraisal was tentatively scheduled for late May 2006. freshwater biodiversity of global importance in the Amazon River Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 83965. US$ 12.0 (IDA). Basin. Negotiations are scheduled for late May 2006. Environmental Consultants will be required. Ministerio de Educación, Avenida Arce Assessment Category B. PID: 66535. US$ 7.2 (GEF). Local consultants No. 2147, La Paz, Bolivia, Tel/Fax: (519-2) 244-4056, Contact: Sra. Pa- have been hired. Ministério do Meio Ambiente, Diretoria do Programa tricia Marin, Directora General de Educación Escolarizada Nacional de Conservação da Diversidade Biológica, Bloco H, CEP Rural Development 70818-900 Brasília, DF, Brazil, Tel: (55-61) 4009-9592, Fax: (55-61) 4009- (R) Land for Agricultural Development: The project will facilitate 9588, E-mail: joao-paulo.viana@mma.gov.br, Contact: João Paulo Viana, access to land and complementary productive investments by targeted Project Coordinator organized groups in selected regions. The new government has confirmed Para Integrated Development: The objective of the project is to re- the Borrower’s commitment to implement the project. Negotiations are duce poverty and inequality in Para by facilitating opportunities for em- tentatively scheduled for late May 2006. Environmental Assessment ployment and income. Negotiations were tentatively scheduled for 17 Category B. PID: 87925. US$ 15.0 (IDA). Consultants are no longer re- April 2006. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: 82651. US$ quired. Ministry of Sustainable Development, Av. Mariscal Santa Cruz 60.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Government of Para, Sec- esq. Oruro, 5to Piso, La Paz, Bolivia, Tel: (591-2) 231-0748, Fax: (591- retaria Especial de Produção, Av. Nazare 871, CEP 66.035-170, Belém, 2) 231-2641, E-mail: gpedraza@mds.gov.bo, Contact: Gustavo Pedraza, PA, Brazil, Tel: (55-91) 3084-3771, Fax: (55-91) 3084-3702, E-mail: se- Minister prod@prodepa.gov.br, Contact: Lucy Araujo de Souza Leao, Project Co- ordinator Urban Development Rio Grande do Norte Integrated Water Resources Management: Urban Infrastructure: The objective of the project is to provide ba- The objective of the project is to implement an integrated water re- sic urban infrastructure for the populations of La Paz, El Alto and sources management system. Negotiations will be scheduled follow- Santa Cruz and to enhance the planning, implementation and moni- ing federal government clearance. Environmental Assessment Category toring capacity of infrastructure service providers. Project prepara- B. PID: 89929. US$ 35.9 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Secre- tion is under way. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 83979. taria de Estado de Recursos Hídricos, Rua D. Maria Câmara, 1884, US$ 18.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Municipal Government Capim Macio, CEP 59082-430, Natal, RN, Brasil, Tel: (55-84) 232-2410, of La Paz, Calle Potosi No. 1285, Edificio Tobia, 2do Piso, La Paz, Bo- Fax: (55-84) 232-2411, Contact: Josema de Azevedo, Secretary of State livia, Tel: (591-2) 220-2566, (591-2) 283-4664, Fax: (591-2) 212-4709, E- mail: rburgos@ci-lapaz.gov.bo, Contact: Ramiro Burgos, Gerente Health, Nutrition and Population General; Gobierno Municipal de El Alto, Zona Talama, Plaza La Ban- (R) Amazonas Regional Development: The objective of the project dera, Iglesia San Juan, El Alto, Bolivia, Tel: (591-2) 283-5174, Contact: is to reduce poverty rates in the priority regions of Amazonas by im- Ernesto Machicado, Director de la Direccion de Generacion de Em- proving economic conditions and quality of life while protecting the en- pleo; Cooperativa de Servicios Publicos “Santa Cruz” Ltda., Av. Rio vironment. Decision meeting was tentatively scheduled for late April Grande No. 2323, Tanque Elevado, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, Tel: 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 83997. US$ 76.0 (591-3) 352-2323, E-mail: yavari.fernando@saguapac.com.bo, Contact: (IBRD). Consultants will be required for project preparation. Secretariat Fernando Yavari, Gerente de Planificacion y Sistemas of Planning, Av. André Araújo, 1500-Aleixo, CEP 69060-000 Manaus, MAY 2006 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 51 AM, Brazil, Tel: (55-92) 2126-1227, Fax: (55-92) 642-8677, E-mail: omon- Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 74737. US$ 36.0 (IBRD). teiro@seplan.am.gov.br, Contact: Ozias Monteiro Rodriguez, Secre- Consultants will be contracted for information campaigns, technical as- tary of Planning sistance, studies and capacity building for the beneficiary communi- ties and the State Project Implementation Unit. State Secretariat of Private Sector Development Planning and the Environment, AANO-Esplanada das Secretarias, (R) Second Programmatic Sustainable and Equitable Growth: Centro, CEP 77085-050 Palmas, TO, Brazil, Tel: (55-63) 218-1151, Fax: The project aims at maintaining and building upon the microeconomic (55-63) 218-1158, Contact: Livio William Reis de Carvalho, Secretário and institutional improvements of 2004 and 2005. Negotiations sub- (R) Rural Poverty Reduction-Alagoas: The objective of the project stantially completed. Board presentation is tentatively scheduled for 25 is to alleviate rural poverty and its consequences in Alagoas. Negotia- May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category U. PID: 95675. US$ tions will be scheduled following federal government clearance. Envi- 600.0 (IBRD). Consultants will not be required. Ministry of Finance, ronmental Assessment Category B. PID: 74083. US$ 12.0 (IBRD). Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco P, CEP 70048-900, Brasília, DF, Brazil, Consultants will be contracted for information campaigns, technical as- Tel: (55-61) 412-2321, Fax: (55-61) 225-0443, Contact: Mr. Marcos de sistance, studies and capacity building for the beneficiary communi- Barros Lisboa, Secretary of Economic Policy ties and the State Project Implementation Unit. State Secretariat of Public Sector Governance Agriculture, Supply and Fisheries, Rua Cincinato Pinto, 348, 200 An- dar Centro, CEP 57020-050 Maceió, AL, Brazil, Tel: (55-82) 315-1377, (R) Minas Gerais Partnership for Development (Ln. 7377-BR): Fax: (55-82) 315-1373, Contact: Dr. José Klinger, Director Presidente The objectives of the project are to (a) achieve fiscal balance, (b) fa- cilitate public sector reform; and (c) promote private sector develop- (R) Sergipe State Integrated Rural Poverty: The objective of the ment, with particular emphasis on public-private participation in key project is to reduce the high levels of rural poverty. Negotiations will infrastructure projects and the Estrada Real initiative. Approved by the be scheduled following federal government clearance. Environmental As- Executive Directors on 11 April 2006. Environmental Assessment Cat- sessment Category B. PID: 94255. US$ 20.8 (IBRD). Consultants will egory U. PID: 88543. US$ 170.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. be contracted for information campaigns, technical assistance, stud- Planning Secretariat, Finance Secretariat, and Economic Development ies and capacity building for the beneficiary communities and the state Secretariat (jointly), MG, Brazil, Tel: (55-31) 3275-1722, Fax: (55-31) project implementation unit. State Secretariat of Planning, Science and 3292-1009, E-mail: athayde.sede@mg.gov.br, Contact: Luiz Antonio Technology (SEPLANTEC)/The Company for Sustainable Develop- Athayde, Subsecretary of International Affairs, Economic Develop- ment of the State of Sergipe (PRONESE), Rua Vila Cristina, 1051, ment Secretariat CEP 49020-150 - Aracajú, SE, Brazil, Tel: (55-79) 3179-5090, Fax: (55- 79) 211-8878, Contact: Dr. Etelvino de Oliveira Freitas, Director, (R) Programmatic Fiscal Reform - Social Security (Ln. 7299- PRONESE BR): The objective of the project is to reform the pension system for civil servants. The loan was signed on 11 April 2006. Environmental Rio Grande do Sul Integrated Regional Development: The objective Assessment Category C. PID: 86525. US$ 658.3 (IBRD). Consultants of the project is to adopt and to promote sustainable development and will be required. Ministry of Social Security (Ministério da Previdên- poverty alleviation in the least developed areas of the state. Project prepa- cia Social), Esplanada dos Ministérios Bloco F, Brasilia, DF, Brazil, Tel: ration is under way. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: (55-61) 317-5014/5260, Contacts: Helmut Schwarzer, Secretário da 91162. US$ 180.0 (IBRD). No consultants are required. Secretaria de Previdência Social and Adacir Reis, Secretário da Previdência Com- Estado de Coordenação e Planejamento do Estado do Rio Grande do plementar Sul, Av. Borges de Medeiros 1501 - 5o andar, CEP 90119-900 Porto Ale- (R) Second State Pension Reform Technical Assistance: The gre, RS, Brazil, Tel: (51-3) 288-1400, Fax: (51-3) 226-9722, E-mail: objective of the project is to consolidate earlier initiatives including: (a) scp@scp.rs.gov.br, Contact: Roberto Balau Calazans, Director completing cadastre upgrades for the executive branch and undertaking Transportation them for the judicial and legislative branches; (b) upgrading human resource data bases that feed into the registers; (c) expanding pension (R) Road Transport: The objective of the project is to reduce logis- software; (d) cross-referencing state data bases and extant national data tics costs by implementing the federal program for road maintenance bases; (e) providing actuarial and financial analysis of state pensions; and rehabilitation. Negotiations completed. Board presentation is sched- (f) offering training for state and federal practitioners; and (g) supporting uled for 6 June 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 92990. the newly-launched state pension association. Appraisal is scheduled US$ 502.5 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Departamento Nacional for late May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 89793. de Infraestrutura de Transporte, SAIN Quadra 3, Ed. Núcleo dos US$ 5.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Social Se- Transportes, Bloco A, 4o Andar, Brasília, DF, Brazil, CEP 70040-902, curity, Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco “F,” CEP 70050-900 Brasília, Tel: (55-61) 315-4319, Fax: (55-61) 315-4050, E-mail: francisco.thor- DF, Brazil, Tel: (55-61) 317-5342, Fax: (55-61) 317-5195, Contact: Delu- mann@dnit.gov.br, Contact: Dr. Francisco Thormann, Director bio Gomes Pereira da Silva, Diretor Geral, Departamento de Regimes Bahia State Highway Management: The objective of the project is Próprios no Serviço Público to stimulate higher economic growth through increased effectiveness in the use of the state’s road infrastructure. Negotiations were tenta- Rural Development tively scheduled for May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category (N) Ceará Rural Poverty Additional Financing: The objective of B. PID: 95460. US$ 100.5 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. State the project is to scale up of the Ceará Rural Poverty Reduction project of Bahia, Infrastructure and Transportation Department, Av. Luís to: (a) improve well-being and incomes of rural poor through access Viana Filho, 445, CEP 41750-300, Salvador, BA, Brazil, Tel: (55-71) to socio-economic infrastructure, services and productive activities; (b) 3115-2160 , Fax: (55-71) 3115-2289, E-mail: fernando@derba.ba.gov.br, increase social capital of rural communities and capacity to meet their Contact: Fernando Cordeiro Mota, Project Coordinator own needs; (c) enhance local governance; and (d) foster closer inte- gration of development policies, programs and projects. Appraisal and Urban Development negotiations completed. Board presentation is scheduled for 6 June 2006. (R) Bahia Poor Urban Areas Integrated Development - Viver Mel- Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 100791. US$ 37.5 (IBRD). hor II (Ln. 7344-BR): The objective of the project is to increase ac- Consultants will be required. State Secretariat for Local and Regional cess to basic services and improved housing and social support services Development, Centro Administrativo Governador Virgílio Távora, Av. for the poorest and most vulnerable sections of Salvador and strategic Gal. Afonso Albuquerque Lima, S/N, Ed. SEPLAN, 1o Andar, Cambeba, cities in Bahia. The loan was tentatively scheduled to be signed in late CEP 60839-900 Fortaleza, CE, Brazil, Tel: (55-85) 3101-4448/4449/4445, April 2006. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: 81436. US$ Fax: (55-85) 3101-4450, E-mail: alex@sdlr.ce.gov.br, Contact: Dr. Alex 49.3 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Companhia de Desen- Araújo, Secretary volvimento Urbano do Estado da Bahia, Av. Edgar Santos, 936, (R) Rural Poverty Reduction-Tocantins: The objective of the pro- Narandiba, 41192-005 Salvador, BA, Brazil, Tel: (55-71) 117-3680, Fax: ject is to alleviate rural poverty and its consequences in Tocantins. Ne- (55-71) 117-3686, Contact: Luiz Augusto Serrano, General Coordina- gotiations will be scheduled following federal government clearance. tor of the Program Technical Unit PAGE 52 Monthly Operational Summary MAY 2006 (R) Housing Sector Technical Assistance (Ln. 7338-BR): The Prefeitura de Curitiba, Instituto de Pesquisa e Planejamento Urbano objective of the project is to provide technical assistance to the Min- de Curitiba, Rua do Bom Jesus, 669, CEP 80035-010 Curitiba, PR, istry of Cities, local governments, the Ministry of Finance and the cen- Brazil, Tel: (55-41) 352-1414, Fax: (55-41) 252-6679, E-mail: luiz@ip- tral bank to prepare and carry out the Programmatic Sustainable and puc.curitiba.pr.gov.br, Contact: Luiz Hayakawa, Project Coordinator Equitable Growth: Supporting Housing Sector Policy loan. The loan Municipal Lending Program 1-Recife: The objective of the project, was tentatively scheduled to be signed in late April 2006. Environmental one of six city loans in the first phase of a horizontal APL, is to develop Assessment Category C. PID: 50761. US$ 4.0 (IBRD). Consultants and revitalize the Capibaribe River Basin. Decision meeting was post- will be required. Ministério de Cidades, Esplanada dos Ministerios, poned and has not been re-scheduled. Environmental Assessment Bloco A, S1.305, Brasília, DF, Brazil, Tel: (55-61) 2108-1929, Fax: (55- Category A. PID: 89013. US$ 32.8 (IBRD). Consulting services to be 61) 321-1709, E-mail: ines.magalhaes@cidades.gov.br, Contact: Ines determined. Municipality of Recife, Av. Oliveira Lima, 867 - Boa Vista da Silva Magalhaes, Secretaria Nacional de Habitaçao 50050-390, Recife, PE, Brazil, Tel: (55-81) 8856-6327, E-mail: cesarde- (R) Municipal Lending Program-Sao Luis: The objective of the pro- barros@recife.pe.gov.br, Contact: Cesar de Barros, Director ject, one of six city loans in the first phase of a horizontal APL, is to promote the sustainable development and improve the quality of life Social Housing: The objective of the project is to improve low-in- of the population of Sao Luis. Appraisal is tentatively scheduled for Sep- come households’ access to shelter and home ownership. Project tember 2006. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: 94315. US$ preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment Category C. 35.6 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Municipality of Sao Luis, PID: 87585. US$ 156.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry Rua Portugal, 285, Praia Grande, MA, Brazill, Tel: (55-98) 3214-5106, of Finance, Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco P , CEP 70048-900, Brasília, Fax: (55-98) 3232-1968, E-mail: robertolf@saoluis.ma.gov.br, Contact: DF, Brazil, Tel: (55-61) 412-2321, Fax: (55-61) 225-0443, Contact has not Roberto Furtado, Municipal Secretary of Lands, Housing, City Plan- yet been identified ning and Urban Inspection Sustainable Communities - Amapá (Ln. 7265-BR): The objective (R) Municipal Lending Program 1-Teresina: The objectives of the of the project is to alleviate poverty while protecting the environment project, one of six city loans in the first phase of a horizontal APL, are through urban community development, strengthening of micro-credit to upgrade slums and improve urban development, water supply and and other state institutions, rural productive and community sub-pro- sanitation, social inclusion, economic development and environmen- jects, and capacity building. The loan was tentatively scheduled to be tal management facilities in the Lagoas do Norte area. Preappraisal and signed in May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: appraisal are scheduled for June 2006. Environmental Assessment Cat- 76924. US$ 4.9 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Agência de De- egory A. PID: 88966. US$ 28.3 (IBRD). Consultants have been hired senvolvimento do Amapá (Amapa Development Agency), Rua Cândido for preparation. Municipality of Teresina, Praça Marechal Deodoro, 860, Mendes 111, CEP 68900-050 Macapá, AP, Brazil, Tel: (55-96) 212-1195, Palácio da Cidade, 40 Andar, Centro, Teresina, PI, Brazil, Tel: (55-86) Fax: (55-96) 212-1196, E-mail: rpontes@adap.ap.gov.br, Contact: Ruziely 3215-7520, E-mail: rosanaabreu@e-mail.com, Contact: Rosana Abreu, Pontes, Project Financial Coordinator Project Coordinator (R) Municipal Lending Program 1 - Belo Horizonte: The objec- Water and Sanitation tive of the project, one of six city loans in the first phase of a horizon- (R) Integrated Water Management and Basic Services: The pro- tal APL, is to lay the foundation in Belo Horizonte for a large-scale, ject will identify the main sources of water pollution for the key raw city-wide program of slum urbanization, linking with the municipality’s water bodies in metropolitan São Paulo and undertake interventions efforts at social inclusion and water pollution control. Negotiations will to reverse the pollution and improve the quality of life locally, through be scheduled following federal government clearance. Environmental As- multi-sectoral and multi-institutional responses. Project preparation sessment Category A. PID: 89012. US$ 34.1 (IBRD). Consultants will will resume following federal approval of Carta Consulta. Environ- be required. Municipality of Belo Horizonte, Av. do Contorno, 5454, mental Assessment Category A. PID: 6553. US$ 250.0 (IBRD). A Funcionários, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil, Tel: (55-31) 3277-8059, E- PHRD grant of US$ 0.9 is being used for preparation. Consultants mail: mcaldas@pbh.gov.br, Contact: Maria Caldas, Project Coordina- have been hired for slum upgrading and urban environmental inter- tor ventions, civil works and technical assistance in urban water resources (R) Municipal Lending Program 1 - Uberaba: The objective of the management. State Secretariat for Energy, Water Resources, and Wa- project, one of six city loans in the first phase of a horizontal APL, is ter Supply and Sanitation, São Paulo, SP, Brazil, Tel: (55-11) 3257-3348, to improve water resources management, water supply and sanita- Contact: Dirceu Rioji Yamazaki, PMU Coordinator tion, wastewater collection and treatment, macro-drainage, and envi- ronmental protection of the Uberaba river basin Environmental (R) Small Municipalities Integrated Water Supply and Sanita- Protection Area. Negotiations were scheduled for late April 2006. En- tion: The objective of the project is to rehabilitate and construct inte- vironmental Assessment Category A. PID: 89011. US$ 17.7 (IBRD). grated sanitation infrastructure, including water supply, sanitation, Consultants will be required. Municipality of Uberaba, Av. Guilherme micro-drainage and solid waste management facilities, in municipali- Ferreira, 1539, Cidade Jardim, CEP 38022-200 Uberaba, MG, Brazil, ties with populations under 20,000 in the semi-arid northeastern region. Tel: (55-34) 3312-7744, E-mail: presidente@codoau.com.br, Contact: Jose Negotiations will be scheduled following federal government clearance. Elias Miziara Neto, Vice Mayor Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 60555. US$ 60.0 (IBRD). (R) Programmatic Sustainable and Equitable Growth: Sup- Consultants will be required for participatory planning, design, ca- porting Housing Sector Policy (Ln. 7306-BR): The objective of pacity building and works supervision for integrated sanitation inter- the project is to improve access of poor people to shelter while pro- ventions. Ministério das Cidades, Secretaria Nacional de Saneamento moting greater efficiency in the housing finance and land markets Ambiental, Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco A, 3o Andar, Sala 318, CEP and putting in place an efficient and well-targeted housing subsidies 70054-900, Brasília, DF, Brazil, Tel: (55-61) 411-4653, Fax: (55-61) 322- system. The loan was signed on 11 April 2006. Environmental As- 2024, Contact: Heitor Collett, Project Coordinator sessment Category U. PID: 78716. US$ 502.5 (IBRD). No consultants are required. Ministry of Finance, Esplanada dos Ministerios, Bloco Chile P, CEP 70048-900, Brasília, DF, Brazil, Tel: (55-61) 412-2321, Fax: (55- 61) 225-0443, Contact: Dr. Bruno Saraiva, Coordenador Secretaria de Environment and Natural Resources Management Assuntos Internacionais (R) Sustainable Land Management: The objective of the project is Curitiba Urban Transport: The objective of the project is to en- to prevent, control and reverse land degradation in globally significant hance the quality of life in the Curitiba Metropolitan Region by improving areas. Project preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment Cat- substantially accessibility to employment, education, health and recre- egory B. PID: 85621. US$ 8.0 (GEF). Consultants will be required. Na- ation facilities and by continuing to provide easy access to government tional Forestry Commission, Ave. Bulnes 285, Santiago, Chile, Tel: (562) services. Project preparation is on hold. Environmental Assessment 390-0125, E-mail: asartori@odepa.gob.cl, Contact: Angel Sartori, Project Category A. PID: 82117. US$ 174.8 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Coordinator MAY 2006 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 53 Colombia Costa Rica Environment and Natural Resources Management Environment and Natural Resources Management (R) Mainstreaming Market-Based Instruments for Environ- (R) Integrated National Adaptation: The objective of the project is mental Management: The objectives of the project are to (a) in- to meet and cope with the anticipated impacts from climate changes crease the proportion from users of funding for environmental services; by defining appropriate adaptation measures and policy options. Ap- (b) extend environmental activities into new areas and improve the ef- proved by the Executive Directors on 11 April 2006. Environmental As- ficiency of current activities; and (c) improve the impact of environmental sessment Category C. PID: 83075. US$ 5.4 (GEF). Consultants will be activities on poverty reduction. Negotiations were scheduled for late required. Instituto de Hidrologia, Meteorologia y Estudios Ambientales April 2006. Board presentation is tentatively scheduled for 13 June 2006. de Colombia, Diagonal 97 No. 17-60, 7mo Piso, Carrera 5, No. 15-80, Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 93384. US$ 30.0/10.0 Bogotá, Colombia, Contact: Mr. Carlos Costa, Director (IBRD/GEF). Consultants will be required for implementation. Min- istry of Environment and Energy, National Forestry Financing Fund, (R) National Protected Areas Conservation: The objective of the Apartado 594-2120, San Jose, Costa Rica, Tel: (506) 257-8475, Fax: project is to guarantee the sustainability of the National Protected Ar- (506) 257-9695, E-mail: fonafifo@fonafifo.com, Contact: Jorge Mario Ro- eas System, strengthening the institutional and financial capabilities drigues, Executive Director of the protected areas and employing other conservation strategies for their effective management. Approved by the Executive Directors on 29 Transportation March 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 91932. US$ Port City of Limon Integrated Infrastructure: The objective of the 15.0 (GEF). Consultants will be required. Fondo Nacional de Areas Pro- project is to transform the port city of Limon into a regional center of tegidas, Carrera 10 No. 20-30, 2do Piso, Bogota, Colombia, Tel: (57-1) economic growth, thus helping to improve the country’s overall com- 243-5715, Fax: (57-1) 243-4174, E-mail: proambiental@sky.net.co, Con- petitiveness and to alleviate the city’s poverty rate and social inequal- tact: Marysabel Rincon, Directora Ejecutiva CORPACOT ities. Appraisal was tentatively scheduled for May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 85539. US$ 45.0 (IBRD). Consultants Health, Nutrition and Population may be required for project preparation. Ministry of Public Works Health Investment: The objective of the project is to design and im- and Transport, Costado Oeste de Plaza Gonzalez Dique, San José, plement instruments for the transformation of the public health care Costa Rica, Tel: (506) 257-7789/258-9489 Ext. 2616, 2808, Fax: (506) facilities network into efficient and financially sustainable entities. The 255-1487, Contact: Lorena Lopez, Viceministra de Transporte project is also intended to improve public financial management at Water and Sanitation the territorial level and assist in the quest for universal health insur- Water and Sanitation Sector Modernization: The objectives of the ance among the poorest. Project preparation is under way. Environ- project are to improve the management and performance of the wa- mental Assessment Category C. US$ 150.0 (IBRD). Consultants will ter and sanitation sector and expand its coverage. Decision meeting be required. Ministry of Social Protection, Carrera 13 No. 32-76, Bo- is tentatively scheduled for November 2006. Environmental Assessment gotá, Colombia, Tel: (571) 336-5066, Ext. 1840, Fax: (571) 336-5066, Ext. Category B. PID: 82974. US$ 60.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be re- 1842, Contact: Diego Palacio, Minister quired. Instituto Costarricense de Acueductos y Alcantarillados, Ed. Sede de AyA Pavas, Modulo A, 1er Piso, San José, Costa Rica, Tel/Fax: Social Protection (506) 242-5042, E-mail: jphillips@aya.go.cr, Contact: James Phillips, (R) Third Programmatic Labor Reform and Social Develop- Director Financiero ment: The objectives of the project are to (a) strengthen social pro- tection and service delivery; (b) raise human capital development; (c) Dominica expand opportunities in the labor market; and (d) enhance monitor- Social Protection ing and evaluation systems for better transparency, social oversight, (R) Growth and Social Protection Technical Assistance: The ob- and results management in the social sectors. Decision meeting was jective of the project is to implement the medium-term strategic reform scheduled for 17 April 2006. Environmental Assessment Category C. agenda. Decision meeting was tentatively scheduled for 5 May 2006. PID: 94097. US$ 150.0 (IBRD). No consultants are required. Ministry Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 94869. US$ 14.0 (IDA). of Finance, Carrera 7A #6-45, Bogotá, Colombia, Tel: (571) 350-1200, Consultants will be required for preparation. Ministry of Finance, Fax: (571) 350-9344, E-mail: agamboa@minhacienda.gov.co Roseau, Dominica, Tel: (767) 448-2401, Fax: (767) 448-0054, E-mail: fin- sec@cwdom.dm, Contact: Rosamund Edwards, Financial Secretary Urban Development Dominican Republic (R) Bogotá Disaster Vulnerability Reduction (Ln. 7365-CO): The project aims at reducing Bogotá’s exposure to human and economic Public Sector Governance losses in case of natural disaster through implementation of risk mit- (R) Institutional Development Technical Assistance: The objec- igation activities and of a risk financing strategy. The loan was sched- tives of the project are to: (a) enhance government effectiveness in de- uled to be signed on 17 April 2006. Environmental Assessment Category livering public goods and services by strengthening the institutional B. PID: 85727. US$ 80.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Mu- capacity of key agencies and implementing public sector management nicipality of Bogotá, Secretaria de Hacienda de Bogotá, Carrera 30 No. instruments geared at promoting efficiency, accountability and trans- 24-90, Of. 601, DC, Colombia, Tel: (571) 338-5306, (571) 338-5300, E- parency; and (b) facilitate competitiveness and productivity through mail: gmarulanda@shd.gov.co, rmoncada@shd.gov.co, Contact: Gus- more efficiency in port operations and a market-driven, viable national tavo Marulanda, Sub-Director, Public Credit, and Ricardo Moncada, quality system. Decision meeting was scheduled for 3 May 2006. En- Coordinator, Project Coordination Unit vironmental Assessment Category C. PID: 94888. US$ 10.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Secretaria Tecnica de la Presidencia- Water and Sanitation ONAPLAN, Oficinas Gobernamentales, Bloque B. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, Tel: (809) 221-5140, E-mail: gfelix@onaplan.gov.do, (R) La Guajira Water and Sanitation: The objective of the project Contact: Mr. Guarocuya Felix, Director is to implement a broad strategy for improving water supply and san- itation access in La Guajira. Decision meeting is scheduled for 5 June Social Protection 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 96965. US$ 90.0 (R) Social Sectors Investment Program: The project will increase (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Gobernación de la Guajira, Calle access of poor households, particularly with undocumented mem- 1a, No. 6-05 Riohacha, La Guajira, Colombia, Tel/Fax: (57-5) 727-5007, bers, to effective government social programs for education, training, E-mail: joseberardinelli@yahoo.es, Contact: Jose Vicente Berardinelli, nutrition, and health insurance, promoting their human capital for- Secretario de Hacienda mation and capacity to lift themselves out of poverty. Negotiations PAGE 54 Monthly Operational Summary MAY 2006 were scheduled for 18 April 2006. Environmental Assessment Cate- Public Sector Governance gory C. PID: 90010. US$ 30.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. (R) Institutional Reform (Ln. 7237-EC): The objective of the pro- Secretariado Tecnico de la Presidencia/Gabinete de la Política Social, ject is to enhance public sector efficiency and transparency. The gov- Ave. México, Edificio de Oficinas Gubernamentales, Bloque B, 2do Piso, ernment has expressed interest in restructuring the project (including Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, Tel: (809) 534-2104, Fax: (809) a reduction in the amount and elimination of one component not 534-4848, Contact: Susana Gamez, Coordinadora del Gabinete de la essential to achievement of the objective) and seeking an exception to Política Social the requirement that projects be signed and made effective within 18 (R) Youth Development: The objective of the project is to improve months of Board approval. Environmental Assessment Category C. the employability of poor, at-risk youth. Approved by the Executive Di- PID: 85302. US$ 20.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required in the areas rectors on 23 March 2006. Environmental Assessment Category C. of customs and civil service reform and procurement. Ministry of Econ- PID: 96605. US$ 25.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Secretary omy and Finance, Av. Amazonas 4330, Villa Lengua, Ed. Banco Ama- of Labor, Av. Jimenez Moya, Centro de Los Heroes, Santo Domingo, zonas, 3er Piso, Quito, Ecuador, Tel: (593-22) 226-9549, E-mail: Republica Dominicana, Tel: (809) 535-4404, Ext. 2306, Fax: (809) 533- dmancheno@mef.gov.ec, Contact: Fabian Carrillo, Subsecretario de 1548, E-mail: jose_polanco@set.gov.do, Contact: Jose Luis Polanco de Finanzas Leon, Coordinador General; Secretary of Education, Av. Maximo Gomez # 2, Distrito Nacional, Santo Domingo, Republica Dominicana, Rural Development Tel: (809) 688-9700, Ext. 7098, E-mail: mvincent@see.gov.do, Contact: (R) Chimborazo Development: The objective of the project is to en- Licda. Minerva Vincent, Directora de Proyectos hance the quality of life with (a) selective investments in irrigation and roads; (b) improved management of natural resources; and (c) im- Water and Sanitation proved public services. Project preparation is under way. Environ- (R) Water and Sanitation in Tourism Areas: The objective of the mental Assessment Category B. US$ 18.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be program is to reduce the high economic, environmental and social costs required. Government of the Province of Chimborazo, 1a. Consti- of wastewater and solid waste deficiencies, especially in tourist areas, tuyente y Carabobo Esq. Riobamba, Ecuador, Tel: (593-03) 234-2629, and to improve the coverage and quality of providing water as well as (593-03) 296-0209, Fax: (593-03) 294-7397, Contact: Mariano Curicama, the collection and disposal of wastewater and solid waste. Decision meet- Prefect ing was scheduled for 9 May 2006. Environmental Assessment Cate- Rural Productivity and Sustainability: The objectives of the project gory A. PID: 54221. US$ 20.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. are to: (a) support the reform of the Ministry of Agriculture; (b) im- Implementing agency(ies) to be determined plement competitive allocation of resources in the research system; (c) finance a competitive fund for agricultural research and development; Ecuador and (d) support rural extension. Concept review meeting has been post- poned to FY07. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ 20.0 Education (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Agriculture, Eloi y Inclusion and Quality Education: The objective of the project is to Alfaro y Amazonas, Quito, Ecuador, Tel: (593-2) 250-4433, Fax: (593- improve the quality of education services provided by the Ministry of 2) 250-0873 Education. Project preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment Social Protection Category C. PID:87831. US$ 60.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministerio de Educación, Avenida Arce 2147, La Paz, Bolivia, Tel: (593) (R) Bono de Desarrollo Humano APL: The objective of the pro- 250-0193/1935, 244-0539, E-mail: planeteq@hotmail.com, Contact: gram is to strengthen the ability of the Bono de Desarrollo Humano Diego Martinez, Director de la Unidad de Asesoría Ténico Económica program to reduce poverty and inequality and foster investments in human capital. Appraisal and negotiations completed. Board presenta- Health, Nutrition and Population tion is scheduled for 25 May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category (R) Second Programmatic Human Development Reform: The ob- C. PID: 98167. US$ 60.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Minis- jective of the project is to implement reforms to improve health, edu- terio de Bienestar Social, Robles 840 y Paez, Quito, Ecuador, E-mail: cation, nutrition and income support programs for vulnerable groups. eflores@pps.gov.ec, Contact: Elizabeth Flores, Coordinadora Nacional; Decision meeting was tentatively scheduled for late April 2006. Envi- Ministerio de Economia y Finanzas, Ave. 10 de Agosto y Jorge Wash- ronmental Assessment Category U. PID: 83646. US$ 90.0 (IBRD). ington, Quito, Ecuador, Tel: (593-2)256-1984, E-mail: mjibaja@mef.gov.ec, Consultants will be required. Ministerio de Economia y Finanzas, 10 Contact: Maria del Carmen Jibaja, Subsecretaria de Agosto y Jorge Washington, Quito, Ecuador, Tel: (5932) 250-5261, Transportation 255-9424, Fax: (5932) 250-5256, Contact: Paula Suarez, Subsecretaria de Contabilidad Gubernamental (R) Rural Roads and Development: The objectives of the project are to (a) strengthen the capacity of provinces and municipalities to Health Insurance Strategy for the Poor APL (Ln. 7361-EC): The manage the rural road network and (b) implement a rural roads re- objectives of the project are to a) reduce the health indicator gap be- habilitation and maintenance program. Negotiations were tentatively sched- tween poorest and richest, especially the mortality gaps for infants and uled for late April 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: expectant mothers, and b) implement significant improvements in 7077. US$ 20.0 (IBRD). IDB co-financing of US$ 20.0 has been approved. health service financing, decentralization, and management at local and Consultants will be required for implementation. Ministerio de Obras regional levels. Approved by the Executive Directors on 16 February Públicas/Subsecretaria de Vialidad, Juan Leon Mera y Orellana esquina, 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 88575. US$ 90.0 Quito, Ecuador, Tel: (593-22) 223-876, Fax: (593-22) 221-451, E-mail: ha- (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Secretaria Nacional de los Ob- costa@mop.gov.ec, Contact: Eduardo Acosta, Director, Captación de jetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio, Juan Leon Mera y Ave. Patria No 130, Recursos Esquina Edificio de la Corporación Financiera, Piso 11, Quito, Ecuador, Tel: (592) 256-1911, Contact: Dr. Guillermo Wagner, Secretario Nacional Urban Development Galapagos and Ecuadorian Coastal Management: The objectives Law and Justice of the project are to: (a) build infrastructure and rehabilitate the envi- Justice Services for Economic and Social Development: The ronment, primarily on the coast, (b) provide technical assistance for project will improve the management and delivery of justice services Galapagos and the coast, and (c) undertake policy reform and en- for economic and social development. Project preparation is under forcement at a national level. Project preparation is under way. Envi- way. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 89810. US$ 20.0 ronmental Assessment Category B. US$ 30.0 (IBRD). Consultants (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Supreme Court, ProJusticia, will be required. Ministry of Environment, Ave. Eloy Alfaro y Amazonas, Amazonas N37-101 y UNP Edif. Corte Suprema de Justicia Piso 3, Edif. MAG, Piso 8, Of. UCIGAL, Quito, Ecuador, Tel: (593-2) 256- Quito, Ecuador, E-mail: gjalkh@uio.telconet.net, Contact: Dr. Gustavo 3429/617-4299, E-mail: galapagos2020@ambiente.gov.ec, Contact: Lic. Jalkh, Executive Director Monica Rivadeneira Sarmiento, Coordinadora Programa Galapagos MAY 2006 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 55 2020; Ministry of Tourism, Eloy Alfaro N32-300, Carlos Tobar, Quito, to the nationalization and long-term sustainability of the protected ar- Ecuador, Tel: (593-2) 250-7559/7560, Fax: (593-2) 222-9330, E-mail: eas system. The loan is tentatively scheduled to be signed on 31 May Ilopez@turismo.gov.ec, Contact:Dr. Ivan Lopez Villalba, Subsecretario 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 92202. US$ 5.0 de Turismo (GEF). Consultants will be required for implementation. Centro Na- cional de Registros (National Property Registry), 1a calle Poniente y Water and Sanitation 43 Av. Norte No. 2310, San Salvador, El Salvador, Tel: (503) 260-7740, Rural and Small Towns Water Supply and Sanitation APL 2: The E-mail: gsafie@cnr.gov.sv, Contact: Garrid Safie, Head objectives of the project are to: (a) provide water and sanitation infra- structure to 500,000 rural beneficiaries and promote its effective use, Social Protection (b) promote the delegation of water and waste services to autonomous (R) Social Protection and Local Development (Ln. 7336-ES): operators in 25 cantonal capitals, and (c) promote reform and institu- The objective of the project is to initiate conditional cash transfer pro- tional development of the sector. Project preparation is under way. En- grams in the country’s poorest municipalities, in line with the Red vironmental Assessment Category B. PID: 95555. US$ 48.0 (IBRD). Solidaria program. The loan was signed on 4 April 2006. Environ- Consultants will be required. Ministry of Urban Development, Hous- mental Assessment Category C. PID: 88642. US$ 21.0 (IBRD). Con- ing and Territorial Development, Sub Secretary of Water, Sanitation sultants will be required. Fondo de Inversion Social y Desarrollo Local and Solid Waste, Toledo 684 y Lerida, Quito, Ecuador, Tel: (593-2) - FISDL (in partnership with the Technical Secretariat of the Office of 254-9333, Fax: (593-2) 256-7022 , E-mail: praguas@praguas.gov.ec, the President), 10a. Avenida Sur y Calle Mexico, Barrio San Jacinto, Contact: Marco Perez, Project Coordinator frente a casa Presidencial, San Salvador, El Salvador, Tel: (503) 2244- 1243, Fax: (503) 2280-0897, E-mail: ctrigueros@fisdl.gob.sv, Contact: El Salvador Carolina de Trigueros, Coordinadora de la Red Solidaria Economic Management Grenada (R) Second Broad-Based Growth (Ln. 7348-ES): The objectives of the project are to (a) reignite growth, (b) reinforce macroeconomic Public Sector Governance stability and strengthen fiscal sustainability, and (c) increase the effi- (R) Public Sector Modernization (Cr. 4137-GRD): The objectives ciency and transparency of public sector management. The loan was of the project are to (a) commercialize government services by im- scheduled to be signed in May 2006. Environmental Assessment Cat- proving incentives and capacity for senior and mid-level government egory C. PID: 94146. US$ 100.0 (IBRD). No consultants are required. officials; (b) analyze and finance possible restructuring of the public Technical Secretariat of the Presidency, Alameda Manuel Enrique sector, including payment for civil servants to receive training and ac- Araujo No. 5500, San Salvador, El Salvador, Tel: (503) 248-9250, Fax: cess to micro-credit to encourage entrepreneurship and private sec- (503) 243-9941, Contact: Licda. Anabella Larde de Palomo, Subsecre- tor development; and (c) institutionally strengthen e-governance, taria including fostering more information technology and deregulating the information technology sector to improving inter-connectivity within Education government. The loan is scheduled to be signed on 22 May 2006. En- (R) Excellence and Innovation in Secondary Education (Ln. vironmental Assessment Category C. PID: 82392. US$ 3.5 (IBRD). 7343-ES): The objective of the project is to increase opportunities for Consultants will be required. Department of Human Resources, Office young people and adults to complete their secondary education with of the Prime Minister, Botanical Gardens, Tanteen, St. George’s, specialized competencies to contribute to improving the productivity, Grenada, Tel: (473) 440-3767, Fax: (473) 440-6609, E-mail: dpms@carib- international competitiveness, and social development of the country. surf.com, Contact: Mrs. Beryl Isaac, Director The loan was signed on 4 April 2006. Environmental Assessment Cat- egory B. PID: 78993. US$ 85.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Guatemala Ministerio de Educación, Plan Maestro, Centro de Gobierno, Alameda Education Juan Pablo II y Calle Guadalupe, Edificio A1-3er. Piso, San Salvador, El Salvador, Tel: (503) 2271-1618, Fax: (503) 2281-0303, E-mail: Education Quality and Secondary Education: The objective of the edna.sol@mined.gob.sv, Contact: Lic. Edna Sol, Coordinadora Tec- project is to consolidate primary education quality strategies, with em- nica del Proyecto phasis on completion of sixth grade and transition to seventh grade and lower secondary education. Decision meeting is tentatively sched- Environment and Natural Resources Management uled for 18 May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: Environmental Services (Ln. 7300-ES): The objective of the pro- 89898. US$ 80.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required for technical as- ject is to establish on a pilot scale market mechanisms to pay for en- sistance. Ministerio de Educacion, 6a. Calle 1-87, Zona 10, Ciudad de vironmental services with global and national objectives. Approved by Guatemala, Guatemala, Tel: (502) 2361-0817, E-mail: hlemus@mine- the Executive Directors on 2 June 2005. Environmental Assessment duc.gob.gt, Contact: Miriam Castaneda, Viceministra Administrativa Category B. PID: 64910. US$ 5.0/5.0 (IBRD/GEF). Consultants will de Educacion be required. Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, Carretera Health, Nutrition and Population a Santa Tecla, Km. 51/2 y Calle Las Mecedes, Edif. MARN, Anexo Ed- ificio ISTA, San Salvador, El Salvador, Tel: (503) 245-035, E-mail: (R) Maternal and Infant Health and Nutrition (Ln. 7357-GU): arcee@marn.gov.sv, Contact: Cecilia Balchon, Project Coordinator The objectives of the project are to: (a) increase the capacity and qual- ity of the maternal and infant health referral network; (b) tackle chronic Private Sector Development malnutrition among children under three; and (c) define, implement, (R) Ensuring Small- and Medium-Enterprise Participation in In- consolidate and institutionalize a medium-term, cross-sectoral policy ternational Trade: The objective of the project is to increase the com- to prevent chronic malnutrition. The loan is tentatively scheduled to petitiveness of small and medium enterprises as well as of companies be signed on 19 May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. with strategic links with them. Negotiations were scheduled for late PID: 77756. US$ 49.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry April 2006. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 83833. US$ of Health, 6ta Ave. 3-45, Zona 11, Escuela de Enfermeria, Nivel 3, Ciu- 14.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Economy of El dad de Guatemala, Guatemala, Tel: (502) 2475-2121, Fax: (502) 2475- Salvador, Directorate of Competitive Business Development, Alameda 2168, hedideman@yahoo.com, Contact: Hedi Deman, Directora Tecnica Juan Pablo II y Calle Guadalupe, Centro de Gobierno, Edificio C-1, 3a. Principal Planta, San Salvador, El Salvador, Tel: (503)231-5629, Fax: (503) 2281- 1156, E-mail: maritza barrientos@competi.gob.sv, Contact: Blanca Rural Development Imelda de Maganha, Vice Ministra (R) Rural Economic Development Program (Ln. 7374-GU): The objective of the project is to enhance income generation and em- Rural Development ployment in the productive sectors in selected territories. Approved by (R) Land Administration and Protected Areas: The objective of the Executive Directors on 29 March 2006. The loan was tentatively the project is to consolidate two priority protected areas, contributing scheduled to be signed on 15 May 2006. Environmental Assessment Cat- PAGE 56 Monthly Operational Summary MAY 2006 egory B. PID 94321. US$ 30.0 (IBRD). A loan of the same amount is des Transports et des Communication, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Tel: (509) anticipated from the IDB. Other financing totaling US$ 10.0 is ex- 558-0502/413-1850, E-mail: garijan@yahoo.com, Contact: Mr. Garry Jean, pected. Consultants will be required for implementation. SEGEPLAN, Coordonnateur des Unites Techniques 9 Calle 10-44, Zona 1, Guatemala City, Guatemala, Tel: (502) 5919- 1544, E-mail: porantes@segeplan.gob.gt, Contact: Hugo Beteta, Sec- Water and Sanitation retary Water and Sanitation: The objective of the project is to provide sus- (R) Second Land Administration, APL 2: The objective of the pro- tainable water and sanitation services to rural communities. Decision ject is to consolidate an integrated and financially sustainable cadas- meeting was scheduled for late April 2006. Environmental Assess- tre and registry system to provide users with accurate information on ment Category B. PID: 89839. US$ 10.0 (IDA). Consultants will be re- land parcels. Decision meeting was scheduled for mid-May 2006. En- quired. Service National d’Eau Potable, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Tel: (509) vironmental Assessment Category B. PID: 87106. US$ 50.0 (IBRD). 246-5300/4131, E-mail: jeanpphil@yahoo.fr, Contact: Pierre-Philippe Consultants will be required for implementation. Registro de Infor- Jean, Director General mación Catastral, 21 Calle #10-58, Zone 13, Aurora II, Guatemala Ciu- Honduras dad, Guatemala, Tel: (502) 2360-7667/7677, Fax: (502) 2332-0929, E-mail: jrodriguez@utjprotierra.gob.gt, Contact: José Mauricio Ro- Energy and Mining driguez, Coordinator (R) Rural Electrification: The objectives of the project are to (a) im- prove access, quality and sustainability of electricity services through Guyana the development of off-grid electrification model projects, and (b) de- Economic Management velop capacity and enabling environment for decentralized off-grid (R) Poverty Reduction and Public Management: (formerly Poverty electrification. The loan was signed on 22 March 2006. Environmental Reduction Support) The objective of the project is to implement the coun- Assessment Category B. PID: 90113. US$ 2.3 (GEF). Consultants will try’s poverty strategy by improving (a) access to basic health ser- be required. Fondo Hondureno de Inversion Social, Colonia Lomas de vices, (b) the quality of education; (c) public financial sector management Toncontin, Comayaguela, Tegucigalpa, Honduras, Tel: (504) 234-5231, and governance; and (d) land titling and administration along with other Fax: (504) 234-5255, E-mail: gwiese@fhis.hn, Contact: Mr. Gunther private sector development. Appraisal and negotiations completed. Wiese, Project Coordinator Board presentation was scheduled for 27 April 2006. Environmental As- Jamaica sessment Category B. PID: 78703. US$ 9.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Office of the President, New Garden St. and South Rd., Urban Development Georgetown, Guyana, Tel: (592) 223-0917, Fax: (592) 223-5231, Con- (R) Inner City Basic Services (Ln. 4819-JM): The objective of the tact: Dr. Coby Frimpong, Coordinator of the PCPMU project is to improve the quality of life in inner cities and poor urban informal settlements with improved access to basic infrastructure, fi- Environment and Natural Resources Management nancial services, land titling, enhanced community capacity and bet- National Protected Area Systems: The project will analyze and ap- ter public safety. Approved by the Executive Directors on 29 March 2006. ply biological, socio-economic and land-use data to provide a sound ba- Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 91299. US$ 29.3 (IBRD). sis for designing and implementing a national protected areas system. Consultants will be required. Jamaica Social Investment Fund, 1C-1F Negotiations substantially completed. Environmental Assessment Cat- Pawsey Rd., Kingston, Jamaica, Tel: (876) 926-6238/7154, Fax: (876) egory B. US$ 6.0 (GEF). Most consultants have been contracted. En- 926-3414, Contact: Scarlette Gillings, Managing Director vironmental Protection Agency, University Campus, Turkeyen, Guyana, Tel: (592) 222-6703, Fax: (592) 222-2442, E-mail: pryia_19@yahoo.com, Mexico Contact: Mr. Balgobin Parsaud, Acting Executive Director Education Haiti Lifelong Learning: The objective of the project is to improve the country’s productivity by promoting a quantum leap in skill and Energy and Mining knowledge building efforts, especially among adults who finished pri- (N) Electricity: The objectives of the project are to improve electric- mary school but not early secondary school (9th grade). Negotiations ity services and strengthen the financial and operational performance were tentatively scheduled for May 2006. Environmental Assess- of the electricity public utility. Appraisal was scheduled for 24 April 2006. ment Category C. PID: 86058. US$ 240.0 (IBRD). Consultants will Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 98531. US$ 6.0 (IDA be required. Consejo Nacional de Educación para la Vida y el Traba- Grant). No consultants are required. Electricité D’Haiti, Angle Rue Char- jo (CONEVyT)/Instituto Nacional de Educación para los Adultos enton et H. Truman, BP 1753, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Tel: (509) 223-2201, (INEA), Francisco Marquez, 160, 5to Piso, Colonia Coindesa, Méxi- Fax: (509) 223-8750, E-mail: jeanerrolm@yahoo.fr, Contact: Jean-Errol co DF 06140 Mexico, Tel: (52-55) 5241-2728, Fax: (52-55) 5241-2965, Morose, Director General E-mail: rdelapena@inea.gov.mx, Contact: Ing. Ramón de la Peña, Public Sector Governance Presidente (CONEVyT) and Director General (INEA) (R) Second Governance Technical Assistance: The objective of the School Based Management Program (Ln. 7347-ME): The objective project is to furnish the technical assistance needed to advance good of the project is to expand the number of schools with improvement economic governance management. Decision meeting was scheduled plans generated and implemented by the school community and par- for 8 May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 95371. ents, in an effort to increase accountability and results-based assess- US$ 2.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required for preparation. Ministry ment of learning-outcome gains. Approved by the Executive Directors of Finance, Palais des Ministeres, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Tel: (509) 299- on 13 December 2005. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 1744, Fax: (509) 299-1732, E-mail: Jrgv@yahoo.com, Contact: Gabriel 88728. US$ 240.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Secretaría de Verret, Economic Advisor Educación Pública, Subsecretaría de Educación Básica y Normal, República de Argentina No. 28, 1er piso, oficina 2005, Col. Centro, Rural Development México DF 06029 Mexico, Tel: (52-55) 5329-8806, Fax: (52-55) 5512- (R) Transport and Territorial Development (Cr. H213-HA): The 0697, E-mail: sebn@sep.gob.mx, Contact: Lic. Lorenzo Gómez-Morin project will (a) reduce transport costs and losses in bringing locally- Fuentes, Subsecretario produced goods to market and productive inputs from market; (b) de- Tertiary Education Student Assistance (Ln. 7346-ME, Ln. crease transaction costs and losses at marketplaces; and (c) strengthen 7349-ME): The objective of the project is to increase tertiary education planning capacity, improve governance and transparency of institutions enrollment and quality in an equitable, efficient, and sustainable man- and empower communities at the sub-regional level. Approved by the ner. Approved by the Executive Directors on 13 December 2005. En- Executive Directors on 11 April 2006. Environmental Assessment Cat- vironmental Assessment Category C. PID: 85593. US$ 171.0/9.0 egory B. US$ 16.0 (IDA Grant). Consultants will be required. Unite Tech- (IBRD). Consultants will be required for implementation. Secretariat nique de Coordination et d’Execution, Ministère des Travaux Publics, of Education, Brasil 31-312, Centro Histórico, 06029 México, DF, Mex- MAY 2006 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 57 ico, Tel: (52-55) 5723-6713, E-mail: iarvizu@sep.gov.mx, Contact: Igna- Finance cio Arvizu, Coordinator (R) Finance and Growth Development Policy (Ln. 7363-ME): Energy and Mining The objective of the project is to enhance the role of the financial sec- tor in the growth of the economy through legal and regulatory reforms (R) Large-Scale Renewable Energy: The objective of the project in the banking sector, capital markets and pension funds manage- is to stimulate and accelerate the commercialization of renewable energy ment. The loan was scheduled to be signed in late April 2006. Environ- applications and markets, particularly at the grid-connected level, in mental Assessment Category U. PID: 97159. US$ 501.3 (IBRD). No order to reduce greenhouse gases and other emissions while respond- consultants are required. Secretary of Treasury and Public Credit, Pala- ing to increasing energy demand and energy diversification imper- cio Nacional, Patio Central, 3er Piso, Oficina 3018, México DF 06000 atives necessary for sustainable economic growth. Appraisal mission Mexico, Tel: (52-55) 9158-1444, Fax: (52-55) 9158-1744, E-mail: ricardo was scheduled for 18 April 2006. Environmental Assessment Cate- sanchez@hacienda.gob.mx, Contact: Ricardo Sanchez-Baker, General gory FI. PID: 77717. US$ 25.0 (GEF). Consultants will be required. Director Public Debt Secretaria de Energia, 890 Insurgentes Sur, Col. Del Valle 03100, Mé- xico DF, Mexico, Tel: (52-55) 5448-6000, Fax: (52-55) 5448-6223, E- Private Sector Development mail: jmata@energia.gob.mx, Contact: Juan Mata Sandoval, Director (R) Programmatic Competitiveness Development Policy (Ln. General 7367-ME): The objective of the project is to improve productivity in Hybrid Solar Thermal Power Plant: The objectives of the project order to accelerate growth and increase export and employment lev- are to (a) increase the contribution of renewable energy sources in the els. The loan was tentatively scheduled to be signed on 26 April 2006. future energy mix, particularly in power generation, and (b) contribute Environmental Assessment Category U. PID 98299. US$ 300.8 (IBRD). to global technology demonstration and replication of hybrid thermal No consultants are required. Secretariat of Economy, Alfonso Reyes solar systems that have the potential to displace carbon emissions. Fur- 30, Colonia Condesa, Mexico DF, Mexico, Tel: (52-55) 5729-9100, Ext. ther project processing is dependent on Congressional approval. En- 14002, Fax: (52-55) 5729-9227, E-mail: ruiz@economia.gob.mx, Contact: vironmental Assessment Category B. PID: 66426. US$ 51.0 (GEF). Lic. Maria de Rocio Ruiz Chavez, Under Secretary of Industry and Com- Consultants will be required for project preparation. Comisión Federal merce de Electricidad, Melchor Ocampo No 469, 2do Piso, Col. Nueva Azures, 11590 México, DF, Mexico, Tel: (52-55) 254-6981/6977, Contacts: Lic. Public Sector Governance Gerardo Hiraiat, Gerente de Proyectos Geotérmicos Strengthening Urban Real Property Rights Institutions: The ob- Rural Electrification: The objective of the project is to provide a min- jectives of the project are to: (a) facilitate legal recognition and secu- imum package of electricity services to poor households in dispersed rity of urban housing property rights; (b) improve access of the or remote areas and where connection to the electricity grid is not fi- moderate urban poor population to real estate markets and financial nancially or logistically feasible. Decision meeting was scheduled for systems; and (c) adjust the fiscal framework among the three levels 17 April 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ 15.0/15.0 of governments and strengthen local government institutional capac- (IBRD/GEF). Consultants will be required. Secretaria de Energia, In- ity for property tax administration and collection. Project preparation surgentes Sur No. 890, 3er. Piso, Col. Del Valle, México DF 03100 Mé- is under way. Environmental Assessment Category C. US$ 100.0 xico, Tel: (52-55) 5000-6000, E-mail: imata@energia.gob.mx, Contact: (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Secretaria de desarrollo social: Dr. Juan Mata Sandoval, Director General de Investigación y Desarrollo Subsecretaria de Desarrollo Urbano y Ordenacion del Territorio, de Tecnología y Medio Ambiente; Comisión Nacional para el Desarrollo Paseo de la Reforma 116-15, Col. Juarez, México, DF 06600 Mexico, de los Pueblos Indígenas, Av. Mexico Covoacán No. 343, Col. Xoco, Tel: (52-55) 5328-5000, Ext. 50629, Contact: Rodolfo Tuiran, Subsec- México DF 03330 México, Tel: (52-55) 9183-2100 retario de Desarrollo Urbano y Ordenacion del Territorio Environment and Natural Resources Management Nicaragua (R) Environmental Ser vices of the Forest (Ln. 7375-ME): Information and Communication The objective of the project is to develop and promote environmen- (R) Rural Telecom: The objectives of the project are to (a) improve tal services markets, strengthening existing mechanisms while pilot- access to and use of telecommunications services in rural areas; (b) ing new instruments to better manage and conserve environmental strengthen Instituto Nicaraguense de Telecomunicaciones y Correos services. Approved by the Executive Directors on 29 March 2006. (TELCOR) to ensure a successful transition from monopoly status; and Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 87038/89171. US$ (c) reform the postal sector. Board presentation was scheduled for 27 45.0/15.0 (IBRD/GEF). Consultants will be required. Comision April 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 89989. US$ Nacional Forestal, Periferico Poniente esquina carretera a Nogales 7.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. TELCOR, Managua, Nicaragua, S/N, 2do Piso, Col. San Juan Ocotan, Guadalajara Jalisco, Mexico, Tel: (505) 222-7350, E-mail: hjalmar@telcor.gob.ni, Contact: Ing. Hjal- Tel: (52-3) 777-7085, Fax: (52-3) 777-7023, Contact: Leonel Iglesias, mar Ruiz, Director de Desarrollo Coordinator (R) Indigenous Community Development: The objective of the pro- Private Sector Development ject is to reduce poverty and inequality by improving social inclusion, (R) Enhanced Competitiveness for International Market Inte- economic opportunities, human development and well-being of in- gration: The objective of the project is to strengthen the competi- digenous people. Appraisal substantially completed. Negotiations were tiveness of firms in international markets by improving the business tentatively scheduled for early May 2006. Environmental Assessment climate, financial sector systems, and the certification, quality assur- Category A. PID: 95323. US$ 120.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. ances and services that contribute to greater productivity. Negotia- Commission for Development of Indigenous Communities, Av. Mex- tions were scheduled for mid-May 2006. Environmental Assessment ico-Coyoacan 343, Piso 1 Anexo, Col. Xoco, CP 03330 Mexico, Tel: (52- Category C. PID: 92949. US$ 13.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. 55) 9183-2100, Ext. 7153, E-mail: jluisplaza@yahoo.com, Contact: Jose Presidential Commission on Competitiveness, Managua, Nicaragua, Luis Plaza, Project Coordinator Tel: (505) 277-2955, E-mail: rbendana@competitividad.org.ni, Contact: Integrated Management of Basis and Aquifers: The objectives of Mr. Roberto Bendana, Secretario Ejecutivo the project are to improve conditions for sustainable integrated water resources management and use, and deter the accelerated deteriora- Transportation tion of water resources in selected areas. Project preparation is under (R) Fourth Roads Rehabilitation and Maintenance: The objective way. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 82950. US$ 100.0 of the project is to relieve transportation bottlenecks that hinder eco- (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Comision Nacional de Agua, Av. nomic growth and private sector investment. Appraisal completed. Ne- Insurgentes Sur 2416, Colonia Copilco Bajo, Delegacion Coyoacan gotiations were scheduled for 2 May 2006. Environmental Assessment 04340, México DF, Mexico, Tel: (52-22) 5174-7743, Contact: Cesar He- Category B. PID: 83952. US$ 60.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. rrera, Subdirector General de Programacion Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, Frente al Estadio Na- PAGE 58 Monthly Operational Summary MAY 2006 cional, Managua, Nicaragua, Tel: (505) 222-5913/228-1246, Contact: Ing. Directors on 20 October 2005. Environmental Assessment Category Amadeo Santana Rodriguez, Coordinator C. PID: 82056. US$ 22.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Health, Pettirossi y Brasil, Asunción, Paraguay, Tel: (595-21) 206-885, Panama E-mail: munifm@telesurf.com.py, Contact: Dr. Julio Cesar Velazquez, Rural Development Minister (R) Rural Productivity and Sustainable Development: The Public Sector Governance objective of the project is to improve income and employment oppor- (R) Modernization of the Ministry of Finance (Ln. 7286-PA): tunities of small rural producers by increasing market integration and The objective of the project is to design and implement modernization promoting sustainable use of natural resources in areas of global impor- of the Ministry of Finance’s organization, business engineering, access tance for biodiversity conservation. Decision meeting completed. of information and delivery of services. The loan was scheduled to be Appraisal and negotiations were scheduled for late April 2006. Envi- signed in late April 2006. Environmental Assessment Category C. ronmental Assessment Categor y B. PID: 83045. US$ 6.0 (GEF). PID: 87036. US$ 7.5 (IBRD). Consultants will be required in the areas Consultants will be required. Ministerio de Desarrollo Agropecuario, of organizational, budget and human resources reform and informa- Calle Manuel Melo, Edif. 575, Panama City, Panama., Tel:/Fax: (507) tion technology. Ministry of Finance, Chile 252, Asunción, Paraguay, 232-5169, E-mail: jvence@mida.gob.pa, Contact: Arq. Jose Vence, Tel: (595-21) 451-186, Contact: Mr. Fernando Masi, Adviser to the Min- Coordinador de Proyectos Especiales; Autoridad Nacional del Medio ister Ambiente, Curundu, Edif. 500, Ave. Ascanio Villalaz, Apartado C, Zona 0843, Panama City, Panama, Tel: (507) 232-6601/50, Fax: (507) 232- Rural Development 6643, E-mail: uep@cbmap.org , Contact: Lic. Aleida Salazar, Coor- Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development: The objective dinadora Nacional of the project is to improve the quality of life of small-scale producers Rural Productivity and Sustainable Development: The objective and indigenous communities by strengthening local organization and of the project is to increase rural employment and incomes by incor- self-governance, improving natural resources management and porating organized smallholder rural producers into production chains enhancing people’s socio-economic condition. Project preparation is while conserving natural resources and globally important biodiver- under way. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 88799. US$ sity. Decision meeting is tentatively scheduled for early September 2006. 54.3 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Agriculture Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 64918. US$ 37.5 (IBRD). and Livestock, Pte. Franco 475 c/ 14 de Mayo, Asunción, Paraguay, Consultants will be required. Ministerio de Desarrollo Agropecuario, Tel: (595-21) 441-036, Contact: Ing. Agr. Gustavo Ruiz Diaz, Minister Calle Manuel Melo, Edificio 575, Panama City, Panama, Tel/Fax: (507) 232-5169, E-mail: jvence@mida.gob.pa, Contact: Arq. Jose Vence, Co- Transportation ordinador de Proyectos Especiales; Autoridad Nacional del Medio (R) Road Maintenance: The objectives of the project are to (a) de- Ambiente, Curundu, Edif. 500, Ave. Ascanio Villalaz, Apartado C, Zona velop institutional capacity for strategic planning in road management; 0843, Panama City, Panama, Tel: (507) 232-6601/6650, Fax: (507) 232- (b) arrest the deterioration of the priority road network; and (c) im- 6643, E-mail: uep@cbmap.org, Contact: Lic. Aleida Salarzar, Coordi- prove access to the primary paved road network for the poorest and nadora Nacional most excluded rural communities. Preappraisal completed. Environ- mental Assessment Category B. PID: 82026. US$ 60.0 (IBRD). Con- Water and Sanitation sultants will be required. Ministry of Public Works and Communications, Water Supply and Sanitation in Low-Income Communities: The Oliva y Alberdi, Asunción, Paraguay, Tel: (595-21) 414-9696, Contacts: objective of the project is to increase effective access to water supply Panfilo Benitez, Viceminister; and Robustiano Pineda, Project Unit and sanitation services. Decision meeting is tentatively scheduled for Coordinator October 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 82419. US$ 50.0 (IBRD). Consultants may be required for preparation. Ministry Peru of Health, Panama City, Panama, Tel:/Fax: (507) 212-9229/01, Contact: Energy and Mining Dr. Camilo Alleyne, Minister, and Sr. Emilio Messina, Adviser Rural Electrification (Ln. 7366-PE): The objective of the project Paraguay is to attract investment in rural electrification by developing and demon- strating a framework for public-private electricity service in rural ar- Environment and Natural Resources Management eas. Approved by the Executive Directors on 7 March 2006. Biodiversity Conservation: The objective of the project is to conserve Environmental Assessment Category B. PIDs: 90116, 90110. US$ biodiversity within the production landscape of the Upper Paraná At- 50.0/10.0 (IBRD/GEF). Consultants will be required. Ministry of En- lantic Forest and associated systems. Project preparation is under way. ergy and Mines, Lima, Perú, Tel: (511) 475-0065, Contact: Sr. Pedro Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 94335. US$ 5.5 (GEF). Villa, Project Manager Consultants have been recruited. Environment Services (SEAM), Ave. Madame Lynch 3500, Asunción, Paraguay, Tel: (595) 2161-5806/7, E- Environment and Natural Resources Management mail: gabinete@seam.gov.py, Contact: Alfredo Silvio Molinas, Project Strengthening Biodiversity Conservation Through the National Coordinator Protected Areas Program: The objective of the project is to con- solidate protected areas in a decentralized framework to ensure that Finance key ecosystems and biodiversity are conserved and managed sus- Financial Sector Technical Assistance (Ln. 7287-PA): The pro- tainably. GEF Council approval decision has been postponed and is ject aims at strengthening capacity to manage weaknesses and stresses not yet rescheduled. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ in the financial system and to prevent crisis contagion effects, by over- 10.0 (GEF). Consultants will be required. Peruvian Trust Fund for hauling the framework for prudential supervision and bank resolution National Parks and Protected Areas, Ave. Prolongacion Arenales as well as by strengthening the financial infrastructure. Loan signing 722-724, Miraflores, Peru, Tel: (51-1) 212-1010, Fax: (51-1) 212-1957, is awaiting a review of the project by the new president of the central E-mail: Apaniagua@profonanpe.org.pe, Contact: Alberto Paniagua, bank. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 80961. US$ 5.7 Executive Director (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Central Bank of Paraguay, Fed- eración Rusa y Sargento Marecos, Asuncion, Paraguay, Tel: (595-21) Health, Nutrition and Population 608-011, Fax: (595-21) 619-637, Contact: Monica Perez, President of the Health Reform Program APL 2: The objectives of the project are Central Bank of Paraguay to (a) reduce infant and maternal mortality at an accelerated rate and (b) improve nutrition and care of children under five. Decision meet- Health, Nutrition and Population ing was tentatively scheduled for early May 2006. Environmental As- Mother and Child Basic Health Insurance (Ln. 7333-PA): The sessment Category B. PID: 95563 US$ 27.0 (IBRD). Consultants will project aims at increasing poor people’s access to and use of basic health be required. Ministerio de Salud - Programa de Apoyo a la Reforma services and public health interventions. Approved by the Executive del Sector Salud, Ave. Javier Prado Oeste, No. 1381, San Isidro, Lima, MAY 2006 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 59 Peru, Tel/Fax: (511) 440-4101, E-mail: cricse@parsalud.gob.pe, Con- Blvd. Orden de Malta No. 470, Santa Elena, Antiguo Cuscatlan, La tact: Carlos Ricse, Coordinador General Libertad, El Salvador, Tel: (503) 2248-8800, Fax: (503) 2248-8894, E- mail: magonzalez@sgsica.org, Contact: Marco Antonio Gonzalez Public Sector Governance Pastora, Secretario Ejecutivo (R) Second Real Property Rights (Ln. 7368-PE): The objective (R) Regional Agrobiodiversity: The project aims at mainstreaming of the project is to consolidate a comprehensive and sustainable sys- biodiversity conservation in the agriculture sector in countries repre- tem of property rights recognition and protection so that the negative senting the unique and critical features of biodiversity in Central Amer- impacts of informality will be reduced and further informality pre- ica. This project is no longer in the current lending program. Further vented. The loan is scheduled to be signed on 14 June 2006. Environ- reporting will be discontinued. Environmental Assessment Category B. mental Assessment Categor y C. PID: 78894. US$ 25.0 (IBRD). PID: 94062. US$ 10.0 (GEF). Consultants will be required. Centro In- Consultants will be required for technical assistance and training. ternacional de Agricultura Tropical, AA 6713, Cali, Colombia, Tel: (57- Commission for the Formalization of Informal Property (Comisión de 2) 445-0000, Fax: (57-2) 445-0073, E-mail: j.tohme@cgiar.org, Contact: Formalización de la Propriedad Informal), Av. Paseo de la República Dr. Joe Tohme, Head of Agrobiodiversity and Biotechnology Projects; No. 3135-3137, Lima, Peru, Tel: (511) 421-4744, Fax: (511) 421-9814, Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura, PO Box E-mail: cnf@cofopri.gob.pe, Contact: Dr. Carolina Rouillon Gallesse, Na- 55-220, Coronado, San José, Costa Rica, Tel: (506) 216-0222, Fax: (506) tional Formalization Coordinator 229-4741, E-mail: Nelson.Espinoza@iica.ac.cr, Contact: Dr. Nelson Es- Rural Development pinoza, Coordinator of the Projects Preparation Unit (R) Sierra Rural Development: The objective of the project is Uruguay poverty alleviation of rural peasants within a demand-driven base as- sisting them to (a) improve their access to basic infrastructure; (b) stim- Health, Nutrition and Population ulate socio-economic territorial development through strategic alliances; (R) National Health Insurance and Social Services: The objec- and (c) strengthen institutions to make them better providers of local tives of the project are to: (a) increase access to and quality of the pri- services. Decision meeting is scheduled for late May 2006. Environ- mary health care network serving the poor uninsured; (b) enhance mental Assessment Category B. PID: 79165. US$ 25.0 (IBRD). Con- and secure essential public health functions nationwide; and (c) redesign sultants will be required. Presidencia de Consejo de Ministros, Av. and improve the Ministry of Public Health’s regulatory and steward- Miraglores 878, Miraflores, Lima, Perú, Tel: (511) 446-9800 Ext. ship capacity. Project concept review was scheduled for late April 114/149, Contact: Javier Abugattas, Secretario Técnico de la Comisión 2006. Environmental Assessment Category C. US$ 20.0 (IBRD). Con- Interministerial de Asuntos Sociales sulting services to be determined. Ministry of Health, 18 de Julio 1892, Montevideo, Uruguay, Tel: (598-2) 409-1015/2534, E-mail: min- Regional istro@msp.gub.uy, Contact: Dr. Conrado Bonilla, Minister Environment and Natural Resources Management Venezuela (R) Corazon Transboundary Biosphere Reserve: The objective of the project is the conservation and sustainable use of the biodi- Environment and Natural Resources Management versity of the Corazon Transfrontier Reserve, from a biological per- Expanding Partnerships for the National Park System: The ob- spective, the largest and most important remaining area of natural jective of the project is to implement an integrated protected areas man- habitat in Central America. Appraisal completed. Negotiations are agement model in Canaima National Park that can later be replicated under way. Board presentation is tentatively scheduled for 13 June throughout the park system. GEF Council approval decision was sched- 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 85488. US$ 12.0 uled for May 2006. Environmental Assessment Category C. US$ 11.0 (GEF). Consultants will be required. Comision Centro Americana de (GEF). Consultants will be required. National Parks Institute, Calle 3B, Ambiente y Desarrollo, La Libertad, El Salvador, E-mail: magonza- Edificio Fundayacucho, 4to Piso, La Urbina, Caracas, Venezuela, Tel: lez@sgsica.org, Contact: Dr. Marco Antonio Gonzalez Pastora, Se- (58-212) 273-2701/2, Fax: (58-212) 239-2698, E-mail: proyectocanaim- cretario Ejecutivo; Secretaria de Recursos Naturales y Ambiente, Boule- agef@inparques.gob.ve, Contacts: Renzo Silva, Executive Director and vard Miraflores, Tegucigalpa, Honduras, Tel: (504) 235-7833, (504) Myriam Diaz, Project Coordinator 239-4296, (504) 232-2011/3286, Fax: (504) 232-6250, Contact: Ing. Patri- cia Panting Galo, Ministra; Ministerio de Ambiente y Recursos Nat- Water and Sanitation urales, Km. 12 1/2 Carretera Norte, Managua, Nicaragua, Tel: (505) Urban and Rural Water and Sanitation: The objective of the 263-1273, Ext. 51, Fax: (505) 263-1274, E-mail: min-mar@sdnic.org.ni, program is to implement a medium-term reform and investment carturoharding@marena.gob.ni, Contact: Ing. C. Arturo Harding program in the water and sanitation sector in eight of the 23 states Lacayo, Ministro in order to reach the target of universal water and sanitation cover- Caribbean Implementation of Pilot Adaptation Investments: The age by 2015. Project preparation is under way. Environmental Assess- objective of the project is to implement in Dominica, St. Lucia and St. ment Category B. PID: 92953. US$ 100.0 (IBRD). Consultants will Vincent and the Grenadines pilot adaptation measures affecting the im- be required. Hidroven-Compania Hidrologica Venezolana, Av. Prin- pacts of climate change on biodiversity and land degradation along cipal de Mariperez con 9 Transversal, Edificio Hidropcapital, 5 nivel, coastal areas, thus achieving a high level of integration among these Caracas, Venezuela, Tel: (58-212) 793-7020, Fax: (58-212) 793-1814, conventions. Project preparation is under way. Environmental As- E-mail: fduran11@cantv.net/hvenrect@cantv.net, Contact: Lic. Fran- sessment Category B. PID: 90731. US$ 1.9 (GEF). Consultants will be cisco Duran, Vice President required. Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre, University of Belize Central Campus, RLC Bldg., PO Box 563, Belmopan, Belize, Tel: (501) 822-1094/1104, Fax: (501) 822-1365, E-mail: admin@caribbean- climate.org, k.leslie@sbcglobal.net, Contact: Ken Leslie, Director Worldwide Rural Development (R) Biodiversity, Sustainable Production and Marketing in Environment and Natural Resources Management MesoAmerica: The objective of the project is to design and imple- (R) International Assessment of Agricultural Science and ment a regional strategy that consolidates biodiversity-friendly agri- Technology for Development: The objective of the project is to improve cultural practices through increased access to international mar- access to knowledge, science and technology that will promote and kets for sustainable products including coffee, cocoa, and forest facilitate sustainable agricultural practices proven to improve nutri- products. This project is no longer in the current lending program. Fur- tional security and enhance rural livelihoods while reversing envi- ther reporting will be discontinued. Environmental Assessment Cat- ronmental degradation, redressing social and gender inequity and egory A. US$ 9.1 (GEF). Consultants will be required for prepara- ensuring human health and well-being. Approved by the Executive Direc- tion. Comision Centroamericana de Ambiente y Desarrollo (CCAD), tors on 29 March 2006. The grant was signed on 30 March 2006. PAGE 60 Monthly Operational Summary MAY 2006 Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 90963. US$ 3.0 (GEF). 10670 Malaysia, Tel: (60-4) 626-1606, Fax: (60-4) 626-5530, E-mail: world- Co-sponsors include FAO, WHO, United Nations Environment Pro- fishcenter@cgiar.org, Contact: Stephen Hall, Director General; Inter- gram, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization national Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas; Inter-Amer- and UNDP. Consultants will be required. World Fish Center, Jalan ican Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture; African Centre for Batu Maung, Batu Maung, 11960 Bayan Lepas, PO Box 500, Penang Technology Studies MAY 2006 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 61 Sierra Leone Guarantee Operations Energy and Mining Bumbuna Hydroelectric Completion: (Private Sector) The objec- tive of the project is to complete a 50 MW run-of-the-river hydropower In September 1994, the Bank’s Executive Directors approved a proposal plant on the Sell River to deliver quality electricity services at low cost to make guarantees a mainstream instrument of Bank operations. in the western area, including Freetown, and to promote private sec- These guarantees are most likely to be used for infrastructure fi- tor participation in the power sector. An IDA partial risk guarantee of nancing, where the demands for funding are large, political and sov- US$ 38.0 was approved by the Executive Directors on 16 June 2005. ereign risks are significant, and the need for long-maturity financing Financial closure is still pending. Estimated total cost: US$ 91.8. An IDA is often critical to a project’s viability. grant of US$ 12.5 was also approved by the Executive Directors on 16 June 2005. By covering some of the risks that the market is not able to bear or adequately evaluate, the Bank’s guarantee can attract new sources of finance, reduce financing costs, and extend maturities. The guarantee can be especially valuable where activities traditionally undertaken and financed by the government are being shifted to the private sec- tor but where the government remains as a regulator or provider of Europe and Central Asia inputs and a buyer of outputs. The Bank’s participation as guarantor can also facilitate the transparency of these transactions. Region Since the guarantee is intended to be a catalytic instrument, the Bank Regional offers only partial guarantees, and risks are clearly shared between the Bank and private lenders. The Bank’s objective is to cover risks that Energy and Mining it is well-positioned to bear given its credit, its experience with devel- oping countries, and its special relationships with governments. The World Bank GEF Geothermal Energy Development: (Private/ Pub- risk-sharing may be for specific risks (the partial risk guarantee) or lic Sector) GeoFund will be established, with GEF funding of US$ for part of the financing (the partial credit guarantee). 25.0, to develop geothermal energy for electricity generation, district heating, and other applications in the region. It has three windows of A partial risk guarantee covers risks arising from nonperformance of financing facility: technical assistance (US$ 5.0), partial risk guaran- sovereign contractual obligations or from force majeure aspects in a tee (US$ 12.0) and direct investment (US $8.0). The PRG facility will project. A partial credit guarantee typically extends maturities beyond provide a guarantee for the geology-related risks associated with the what private creditors could otherwise provide, for example, by guar- exploration and operation of geothermal energy projects. Board pre- anteeing late-dated repayments or by providing incentives for lenders sentation was scheduled for April 2006. to roll over medium-term loans. For more information on the Bank’s guarantee program and to obtain Russian Federation a copy of the pamphlet “The World Bank Guarantees: Leveraging Pri- Energy and Mining vate Finance for Emerging Markets” (available in English, French, Por- tuguese and Spanish), please contact the Project Finance and SUAL Partial Risk Guarantee Facility: (Private Sector) The objective Guarantees Group. Tel: (202) 458-8111; Fax: (202) 522-0761, or visit of the project is to catalyze the required commercial funding to develop www.worldbank.org/guarantees. a large scale integrated aluminum complex sponsored by the alu- minum company, SUAL, in the Republic of Komi. An IBRD partial risk guarantee of US$ 150.0 is being considered to support a commercial bank loan as part of the project financing. Estimated project cost: US$ 1,200.0. Board presentation is scheduled for the first quarter of FY 2007. Africa Region Latin America Regional Joint Railway Concession: (Private Sector) The objective of the pro- and the Caribbean Region ject is to mobilize commercial debt financing in support of the joint con- cessioning of the Kenya and Uganda railways. Two IDA partial risk Peru guarantees in support of the project, which is a component of the East Africa Community Transport Facilitation project, were approved by the Transportation Executive Directors on 23 January 2006. Financial closure and guar- antee effectiveness are pending. Guarantee Facility: (Private Sector - B122-PE) The objective of the project is to establish a US$ 200.0 guarantee facility to provide IBRD partial risk guarantees to second-generation infrastructure projects. Senegal Guarantees will be issued to cover private lenders and bond holders against defaults caused by the failure of the government to comply with Energy and Mining its required investment and operating cost contributions to eligible pro- jects as well as political and breach-of-contract risks. A large number Electricity Efficiency Enhancement: (Public Sector) The objective of infrastructure projects are in the country’s development pipeline, of the project is to improve efficiency in the power sector and meet in- including in the road, airport, port, gas, water, sanitation and telecom- creasing demand for electricity. An IBRD partial risk guarantee of US$ munication sectors. The projects are local and regional, outside of the 7.2 was offered as an inducement for third-party co-financing of the in- capital city, Lima. ProInversión, the private investment promotion vestment project for which an IDA credit of US$ 15.0 was approved agency, will operate the facility. Approved by the Executive Directors by the Executive Directors in May. Financial closure is still pending. on 28 April 2005. Effectiveness is pending. PAGE 62 Monthly Operational Summary MAY 2006 LIST OF ACRONYMS AUSAID Australian Agency for International IsDB Islamic Development Bank Development JBIC Japan Bank for International Cooperation ADB Asian Development Bank ADF African Development Fund ITF Interim Trust Fund AfDB African Development Bank KfW Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau APL Adaptable Program Loan (Germany) BADEA Banque arabe de développement LIL Learning and Innovation Loan économique en Afrique NCB National competitive bidding BOAD Banque ouest africaine de développement CDB Caribbean Development Bank NGO Nongovernmental organization CFD Caisse française de développement NORAD Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation CIDA Canadian International Development Agency OECF Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund DANIDA Danish International Development (Japan) Agency OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting DFID Department for International Countries Development (UK) PAD Project Appraisal Document EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development PCD Project Concept Document EDF European Development Fund PCF Prototype Carbon Fund EIB European Investment Bank PCN Project Concept Note EU European Union FAC Fonds d’aide et de coopération (France) PHRD Policy and Human Resources Development (Japan) FAO Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations PID Project Identification (Number) FAO/CP FAO Cooperative Program PPF Project Preparation Facility (with the World Bank) FINNIDA Finland International Development QCBS Quality and Cost-Based Selection Agency SDC Swiss Agency for Development GEF Global Environment Facility Cooperation GTZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische SIDA Swedish International Development Zusammenarbeit Authority IAPSO Inter-Agency Procurement Service Office UNDP United Nations Development Programme IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction UNFPA United Nations Population Fund and Development UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund ICB International competitive bidding IDA International Development Association USAID United States Agency for International Development IDB Inter-American Development Bank IFAD International Fund for Agricultural WHO World Health Organization Development