"'U" 0, u JJ 11' JI If ti - IA--- AJ: I.1-, I IT I', ml (T , -I- It IT- P. I It W. It (I !,. - 111- 11 ;I ?A - i I., 10 It it :U 41i to J- 11 ?j ;I 11'. fl,;t 14 l 11 AT 't J, A .,R All t-l' 11 6 ,11 if 0 11 jJ 11A n A 11 (611 Al 14 's I A, 't. I IT I V;u Z IA: ..t., ;-I D.C:: A ., J. I . - IA, IT. If 't V it n. A. 1,1, -1 IJ: 3"t.. _'M Al Z. ri- 41; 11 L if A If !I 11 fJ PRESIDENT: JIANG SHUXUE (VICE), SENIOR ENGINEER OF HARBOUR ENGINEERING CHIEF ENGINEER: LIN QINGLING (VICE), SENIOR ENGINEER OF HARBOUR ENGINEERING DIRECTOR: DENG ENGUO, SENIOR ENGINEER OF ENVIRONMENT ENGINEERING REVIEWED BY: DENG ENGUO, SENIOR ENGINEER OF ENVIRONMENT ENGINEERING PROJECT MANAGER: LUO XIANQING PREPARED BY: LUO XIANQING, YOU LIXIN, YU JINGBIAO HAN WEI, CHEN YONG PANG XUEMEI, ZHANG BO 2 ASSESSMENT PARTICIPANT: INSTITUTE OF HYDROLOGY, WATER RESOURCE AND ENVIRONMENT SCIENCE, THE HEHAI UNIVERSITY CERTIFICATE NO.: JIAZI 0222 TECHNICAL LEADER: WANG HUIMIN, YAO Ql PARTICIPANTS: CHU JUNDA, DING SHUANQING, PANG YONG XU HUICI, XU YING, XIANGLIPING MAO YONGGEN 3 PROJECT COOPERATION UNITS BIOLOGY DEPARTMENT, NANJING NORMAL UNIVERSITY XUZHOU ENVIRONMENT MONITORING STATION HUAIYIN ENVIRONMENT MONITORING STATION ZHENJIANG ENVIRONMENT MONITORING STATION SUZHOU ENVIRONMENT MONITORING STATION XISHAN ENVIRONMENT MONITORING STATION 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE 1. GENERAL 1.1 ASSESSMENT PURPOSES 1.2 ASSESSMENT BASIS 1.3 ASSESSMENT GRADE 1.4 EVALUATION STANDARD OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT 1.5 ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION OBJECTIVES 1.6 ASSESSMENT METHODS 2. BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO THE PROJECT 2.1 PROJECT OBJECTIVES 2.2 PROJECT COMPOSITION 2.3 PROJECT SCALE AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARD 2.4 MAJOR WORKS 2.5 INVESTMENT AND FUND RAISING 2.6 PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION PLAN 3. ENVIRONMENT SITUATION ASSESSMENT 3.1 NATURAL ENVIRONMENT FEATURES 3.2 BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT 3.3 ATMOSPHERE ENVIRONMENT SITUATION ASSESSMENT 3.4 WATER ENVIRONMENT SITUATION ASSESSMENT 3.5 ACOUSTIC ENVIRONMENT SITUATION ASSESSMENT 3.6 ECOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT SITUATION ASSESSMENT 4. ENVIRONMENT IMPACT FORECAST AND POLLUTION PREVENTION AND MITIGATION MEASURES 4.1 ENGINEERING ANALYSIS 4.2 ATMOSPHERE ENVIRONMENT IMPACT FORECAST AND POLLUTION PREVENTION AND MITIGATION MEASURES 4.3 WATER ENVIRONMENT IMPACT FORECAST AND POLLUTION PREVENTION AND MITIGATION MEASURES 4.4 ACOUSTIC ENVIRONMENT IMPACT FORECAST AND POLLUTION PREVENTION AND MITIGATION MEASURES 4.5 ECOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT IMPACT FORECAST AND POLLUTION PREVENTION AND MITIGATION MEASURES 5. SUBSTITUTE SCHEMES 5.1 THE SCHEMES COMPARISON AND SELECTION OF THE SUNAN BACKBONE WATERWAY NETWORK REALIGNMENT PROJECT 5.2 THE SCHEMES COMPARISON AND SELECTION OF THE SHIPLOCKS 5 6. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION 6.1 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AND POLL 6.2 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AND POLL RESULT ANALYSIS 7. SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 7.1 IMPACT ANALYSIS OF LAND REQUISITION, REMOVE AND RESETTLEMENT 7.2 SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT DURING CONSTRUCTION 7.3 IMPACT ANALYSIS OF SCENERY AND CULTURAL FACILITIES 8. ENVIRONMENT ECONOMICAL LOSS AND BENEFIT ANALYSIS 8.1 ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION COST ESTIMATE 8.2 ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL BENEFITS ANALYSIS 9 ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT AND ENVIRONMENT MONITORING 9.1 ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT 9.2 ENVIRONMENT MONITORING 10. CONCLUSIONS 10.1 CONCLUSIONS OF ENVIRONMENT IMPACT ASSESSMENT 10.2 EXISTING PROBLEMS AND SUGGESTIONS APPENDIX 1 DOCUMENT NO. (1997) 269 OF RESPONSE LETTER ON APPROVAL COMMENTS . ON ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT REPORTS OF JIANGSU IWW2 PROJECT BY THE STATE ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION BUREAU APPENDIX 2 NOTICE ON APPROVAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT REPORTS OF JIANGSU IWW2 PROJECT 6 PREFACE JIANGSU INLAND WATERWAYS TRANSPORT PROJECT WITH THE WORLD BANK LOAN includes THE SUNAN BACKBONE WATERWAY NETWORK REALIGNMENT PROJECT , the Extension Project Of Ship Locks At The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal And The Project Of The Yanguan Ship Lock . THE SUNAN BACKBONE WATERWAY NETWORK REALIGNMENT PROJECT includes 173.04 km long three waterways to be realigned: the Shenzhang Line ( including the Zhangjiagang No.2 Ship Lock ), the Xibei Line and the Suliu Line. The Extension Project Of Ship Locks At The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal And The Project Of The Yanguan Ship Lock includes the Jietai No. 2 Ship Lock, the Suqian No. 3 Ship Lock, the Huaiyin Third Line Ship Lock, the Huai'anNo. 3 Ship Lock and the Jianbi No. 2 Ship Lock. The JIANGSU COMMUNICATION BUREAU is the management authority of the Projects, the Office of the Jiangsu Inland River Waterway Projects with the World Bank loan is the management department of the Project construction, the waterway divisions of the cities where projects are located are the IMPLEMENTATION units of the ship lock projects and the operation management departments after operation. THE 2ND HARBOUR ENGINEERING INVESTIGATION & DESIGN INSTITUTE OF THE MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS is entrusted to undertake the overall assessment and THE HEHAI UNIVERSITY as an assessment participant by the Jiangsu Communications Bureau after qualification comparison and selection of the environment impact assessment units according to the environment protection regulations of the Chinese Govemment and the World Bank . The environment monitoring stations of the counties and cities, where the projects are located , undertake the site analog test, environment situation monitoring and collect and sort out the existing monitoring information and the pollution sources information. The Biology Department of the Nanjing Normal University undertakes the ecological environment observation of the Sunan Backbone Waterway Network Realignment Project and the Extension Project Of The Ship Locks At The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal And The Project Of The Yan River Connecting With The Sea. THE 2ND HARBOUR ENGINEERING INVESTIGATION & DESIGN INSTITUTE OF THE MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS and THE HEHAI UNIVERSITY prepared together with end clients ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT OUTLINES ON JIANGSU INLAND WATERWAYS PROJECTS WITH THE WORLD BANK LOAN, ENGINEERING ASSESSMENT CENTER OF THE STATE 7 ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION BUREAU held an outlines review meeting in Nanjing from July 19 to 20 1996. According to the review comments of experts in the meeting and the comments from the World Bank and on the basis of reobservation of each project , the above outlines were modified and supplemented, outlines for approval were prepared. The ENVIRONMENT IMPACT (OVERALL) REPORT OF JIANGSU INLAND WATERWAYS PROJECTS WITH THE WORLD BANK LOAN, the ENVIRONMENT IMPACT REPORT OF The Extension Project Of Ship Locks At The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal And The Project Of The Yanguan Ship Lock and the ENVIRONMENT IMPACT REPORT OF the Sunan Backbone Waterway Network Realignment Project are prepared according to the modified outlines, the STATE ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION BUREAU' s APPROVAL on the ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT OUTLINES, the assessment standards confirmed by the Jiangsu Environment Protection Bureau and with application of the basic data in the FEASIBILITY STUDY REPORTS of the projects prepared by the JIANGSU COMMUNICATIONS PLANNING AND DESIGN INSTITUTE for engineering analysis and impact forecast and calculation, which have been approved by the STATE ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION BUREAU and will be used as basis for contract signature and project management after approval by the World Bank. 8 1. GENERAL 1.1 Assessment purposes The Jiangsu Communication Bureau plans to apply the World Bank loan for the Sunan Backbone Waterway Network Realignment Project and The Extension Project Of Ship Locks At The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal And The Project Of The Yanguan Ship Lock of JIANGSU INLAND WATERWAYS PROJECTS according to the national economic development demand of the Jiangsu and Eastem China on communication and transportation. According to ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION LAW OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA, " ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION MANAGEMENT METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION PROJECT' and ENVIRONMENT IMPACT ASSESSMENT GUIDELINES OF PROJECT WITH THE WORLD BANK LOAN, assessment units are entrusted to carry out the environment impact assessment of the Projects. The environment impact assessment of the projects is to be carried out in order to understand and master the environment situation before construction and to forecast the environment impacts by the construction and operation of the project and to put forward feasible measures for pollution prevention and treatment and impact lessening and to give out basis for project decision and to supervise environment protection design and environment management of the project and to achieve better economic, social and environment benefits. 1.2 PREPARATION BASIS 1.2.1 Approval documents for establishment of the projects DOCUMENTS NO. (1996) of APPROVALS OF the Sunan Backbone Waterway Network Realignment Project Proposal by the Jiangsu Planning Commission, the Jiangsu Economic Commission and the Jiangsu Communications Bureau DOCUMENTS NO. (1996) of APPROVALS OF THE SIX SHIP LOCKS PROJECT PROPOSALS by the Jiangsu Planning Commission, the Jiangsu Economic Commission and the Jiangsu Communications Bureau 1.2.2 Feasibility study reports FEASIBILITY STUDY REPORTS of THE SHIP LOCK PROJECTS and the Sunan Backbone Waterway Network Realignment Project by the. JIANGSU COMMUNICATION PLANNING AND DESIGN INSTITUTE in December, 1996. 9 1.2.3 Related environment protection laws of the Chinese Govemment ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION LAW OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA THE IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS OF THE WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION AND TREATMENT LAW OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA THE IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS OF THE ATMOSPHERE POLLUTION PREVENTION AND TREATMENT LAW OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA NOISE POLLUTION PREVENTION AND TREATMENT LAW OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA DOCUMENT NO. (1986) 003 OF CHINA: " ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION MANAGEMENT METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION PROJECT' DOCUMENT NO. (1993) 324 OF CHINA: "NOTICE ON STRENGTHENING ENVIRONMENT IMPACT EVALUATION MANAGEMENT WORK OF THE PROJECTS FINANCED BY INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL ORGANIZATIONS" DOCUMENT NO. (1990) 17 OF CHINA: " ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION MANAGEMENT METHOD OF COMMUNICATIONS CONSTRUCTION PROJECT' MANAGEMENT REGULATIONS OF POLLUTION PREVENTION AND TREATMENT IN POTABLE WATER SOURCE PROTECTION AREA IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS OF THE JIANGSU ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION MANAGEMENT METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION PROJECT 1.2.4 The World Bank' s related regulations ENVIRONMENT IMPACT ASSESSMENT GUIDELINES OF THE WORLD BANK (OD4.01) MINUTES OF MEETING OF JIANGSU INLAND WATERWAYS PROJECTS BY THE WORLD BANK PROJECT 10 IDENTIFICATION GROUP DURING MAY 5 TO 12,1996 1.2.5 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT WORK LETTER OF ATTORNEY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT WORK LETTER OF ATTORNEY FOR JIANGSU INLAND WATERWAYS PROJECTS WITH THE WORLD BANK LOAN by JPWB 1.2.6 APPROVAL ON THE ENVIRONMENT IMPACT ASSESSMENT OUTLINES DOCUMENT NO. (1996) 188 OF LETTER ON THE REVIEW COMMENTS ON ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT OUTLINES OF JIANGSU INLAND WATERWAYS PROJECTS WITH THE WORLD BANK LOAN BY THE STATE ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION BUREAU 1.2.7 ENVIRONMENT ASSESSMENT STANDARD CONFIRMATION DOCUMENT DOCUMENT NO. (96) 95 OF CONFIRMATION LETTER ON ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT STANDARDS OF JIANGSU INLAND WATERWAYS PROJECTS WITH THE WORLD BANK LOAN BY THE JIANGSU ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION BUREAU 1.3 ENVIRONMENT IMPACT ASSESSMENT GRADE According to the classification principle of article 0D4.01 in ENVIRONMENT IMPACT ASSESSMENT GUIDELINES OF PROJECT WITH THE WORLD BANK LOAN, it is determined that the GRADE of the Projects is Grade B. 1.4 ASSESSMENT STANDARDS 1.4.1 Atmosphere environment Grade II of ENVIRONMENT AIR QUALITY STANDARD (GB3095- 1996) will be used. 1.4.2 Water environment The GROUND WATER ENVIRONMENT QUALITY STANDARD (GB3838-88) will be followed. The grades of the above mentioned standard for different function classification areas of different waters are 11 given in Table 1.4.2-1. Table 1.4.2-1 Ground water waters function classification and standards Project Name Waters area Main functions Std Sunan Shenzhang Zhangjiagang port Shipping, industrial & agricultural water, anti-Il Backbone Line mouth to Zhouzhuan, food, water discharge Jiangyin Waterway Zhouzhuan, Jiangyin to Shipping, industrial & agricultural water, anti- IV Network Beiguo flood, water discharge Realignment Project Beiguo to Yuanhuotan Shipping, industrial & agricultural water, anti- Ill flood, water discharge Yuanhuotan to Qiputan Shipping, scene, industrial & agricultural water, Ill anti-flood, water discharge Qiputan to the Shipping, scene, drinking water industrial 8 III Changbei Water Works agricultural water, anti-flood, water discharge the Changbei Water Shipping, scene, industrial & agricultural water, IV Works to Wusong River anti-food, water discharge Wushan Port Gonglongqiao to the Shipping, industrial & agricultural water Ill gate of the Wushan Port lock _ Laogang Port River section of the Shipping, industrial & agricultural water III Port lock _ Suliu Lne Suzhou Baji Bridge to Shipping, industrial & agricultural water, anti- Ill Kuatan flood, water discharge Kuatan to Kunshan Shipping, scene, industrial & agricultural water, III Xichanji anti-flood, water discharge Kunshan Xichanji to Shipping, scene, industrial & agricultural water, IV Qingyang Port anti-flood The Yangtze Zhangjiagang section Shipping, industrial & agricultural water, II River drinking water, anti-flood Xibei Une Beltanyu- Donghutan Shipping, industrial & agriculural water, anti- IV flood, water discharge Donghutan to Beiguo Shipping, industrial & agricuttural water, anti- IV flood, water discharge Ship Locks Subei ship Suqian, Huai an, Jietai Shipping, industrial & agricultural water, anti- Ill Project locks _ flood. waterlogging discharge Huaiyin .Yanguan Shipping, industrial & agricultural water, anti- IV flood, waterlogging prevention Jianbi ship The Sunan Canal Shipping, industrial & agricultural water III iock _ The Yangize River Shipping, industrial & agricultural water, Drinking ll water source 1.4.3 Acoustic environment Grade IV of CITY AREA ENVIRONMENT NOISE STANDARD (GB3096-93) for the place of 200m away from ship locks, Grade II for hospitals and schools; BUILDING CONSTRUCTION SITE NOISE LIMITS (GB12523-90) for the construction ship locks. 1.4.4 Soil and bottom mud 12 GRADE II OF SOIL ENVIRONMENT QUALITY STANDARD (GB15618-1995) will be used. 1.4.5 Pollutants discharge (1). Ship pollutants: SHIP POLLUTANTS DISCHARGE STANDARD (GB3552-83) (2). Living waste water discharge from the ship locks: COMPREHENSIVE WASTE WATER DISCHARGE STANDARD (GB8978-88) 1.5 ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION OBJECTIVES 1.5.1 ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION OBJECTIVES of the Sunan Backbone Waterway Network Realignment Project 1). Water environment There are 8 water taking points and two lake aquatic raising farms along the three waterways to be realigned with 10,000-150,000Vtd water taking quantity, and the Yushan State Forest Garden , which are listed as water environment protection objectives. 2). Atmospheric and acoustic environment There are 16 acoustic environment protection objectives of mainly schools and hospitals within 200m on either side of the waterways. 3). Ecological environment The ecological environment protection objectives are vegetation on both banks of waterways, soil environment of abandoned earth area of the bank slope and two lake aquatic raising farms. 1.5.2 The ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION OBJECTIVES of the ship lock project 1). Water environment The water environment protection objectives of the Subei Canal are the water intakes of the nine cities and mines and factories along the waterways where the locks are located. 13 2). Atmosphere and acoustic environment The environment protection objectives are the units, schools and residents area within 200m of the ship lock boundary. 3). Ecological environment The protection objectives are vegetations and bank slopes of the ship lock area and both banks of upstream and downstream channel approaches and soil environment of the abandoned earth area. 1.6 ASSESSMENT METHODS 1.6.1 Environment situation assessment: the existing monitoring information and site monitoring are combined. 1.6.2 Engineering analysis: the engineering information analysis and the existing engineering information are combined. 1.6.3 Impact forecast calculation: Mode calculation and analog analysis are combined, quantitative forecast for the Sunan Backbone Waterway Network Realignment Project with water quantity and water quality modes, analog test for water pollution of the Huaiyin First Ship Lock and the Huaiyin Second Ship Lock and the Jianbi First Ship Lock, site monitoring for ship noise, noise water surface declination factor is determined according to site monitoring and regression analysis. 14 2.0 BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO THE PROJECT 2.1 PROJECT OBJECTIVES The Project follows the national waterway transportation planning and Jiangsu Provincial trunk network planning o regulate busy and profitable channels and to alleviate bottlenecks of the ship locks on the Grand Canal so as to enhance the economic development. hrough the project ,we expect to improve waterways management and maintance technology and train sufficient staff who can prospectively meet the needs of modem waterway construction and management. 2.2 PROJECT COMPOSITION The Project location is shown in the PROJECT GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION DRAWING. (1). THE SUNAN BACKBONE WATERWAY NETWORK REALIGNMENT PROJECT include three waterways to be realigned: the Shenzhang Line, the Xibei Line and the Suliu Line. After the completion of the Realignment Project, a backbone waterway network will be formed navigable over 300 t grade ships together with the Sunan section of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal , the Yangtze River, the internal and extemal port lines of Jiangsu and Shanghai in the eastern area of the south Jiangsu province in order to increase shipping benefits and to suit the rapid economy development in Sunan area. . The Shenzhang Line ( Shanghai to Zhangjiagang channel : it starts from the cross area of the Kunshan city , Jiangsu and the internal port line of Jiangsu and Shanghai and flows in the Yangtze River in the Zhangjiagang city with a total length of 114.694km. * Xibei Line ( Wuxi to Beiguo channel , Jiangyin ) : it starts from the cross area of Wuxi and the Xicheng Canal in the south and connects with the Shenzhang Line at the Beiguo town, Jiangyin with a total length of 36.537km. . Suliu Line ( Suzhou to the Kunshan section of the Taicanliu River waterway): it starts from Suzhou to Kunshan to connect the Shenzhang Line with the intemal port line of Jiangsu and Shanghai with a total length of 21.8km. (2). THE EXTENSION PROJECT OF SHIP LOCKS AT THE BEIJING-HANGZHOU GRAND CANAL is to relieve bottleneck problems in the Canal in order to meet -the need of resource development of inland provinces and to meet the energy demand by the economy development 15 of the Yangtze Delta. Five ship locks with longer lock waiting time will be expanded to ensure an easily accessible Canal. . Four ship iocks shall be built at the Subei section of the Grand Canal with 2000 DWT vessels, that is, the Jietai No. 2 Ship Lock , the Suqian No. 3 Ship Lock, the Huaiyin No. 3 Ship Lock, the Huai' an No. 3 Ship Lock One ship lock shall be built at the Subnan section of the Grand Canal with 1000 DWT vessels, that is, the Jianbi No. 2 Ship Lock. (3). THE YANGUAN SHIP LOCK PROJECT OF THE YAN RIVER CONNECTING WITH SEA is located at the poorest county of Jiangsu, the Guannan County, which is to connect the Yan River with the Guan River and will provide a convenient shortcut to the sea for the resource development and goods transport of the close and unadvanced Huai River basin , 500 t degree ships are accessible. (4). Equipment procurement: Advanced construction and management equipment shall be procured for the inland water waterways and large scale ship locks through open bidding in order to raise the modemization level of the Jiangsu province waterway maintenance and construction and management. (5). Personnel training: In order to meet the need of China' s market economy development, personnel training shall be carried out to leam the successful experiences of domestic and abroad advanced construction, operation management and financial management and etc. of the same industry for raising a group of waterway modemization construction and management persons. 2.3 PROJECT SCALE AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARD Project scale and construction standard are based on the Inland River Navigation Standard of the P.R. China and the goods transport load trend of the waterways and ship locks . The Project scale and construction standard are shown in Table 2.3 16 Table 2.3 Project scale and construction standard No. Project name Project scale and construction std. THE SUNAN BACKBONE 173.04km long Grade V channel WATERWAY NETWORK REALIGNMENT PROJECT 1 The Shenzhang Line 114.69km long Grade V channe, 36 bridges rebuilted and the Zhangjiagang No. 2 Ship *Lock ( 16x230x3.0) 2 Xibei Line 36.54km long Grade V channel, 9 bridges 3 Section from Suzhou to Kunshan of 21.81km long Grade V channel, 12 Suliu Line bridges II THE EXTENSION PROJECT OF 5 ship locks SHIP LOCKS AT THE BEIJING- HANGZHOU GRAND CANAL 1 the Jianbi No. 2 Ship Lock one Grade Ill ship lock (23x230x4.0m) 2 the Jietai No. 2 Ship Lock one Grade II ship lock (23x230x5.0m) 3 the Suqian No. 3 Ship Lock one Grade II ship lock (23x260x5.Om) 4 the Huaiyin Third Line Ship Lock one Grade II ship lock (23x260x5.0m) 5 the Huai' an No. 3 Ship Lock one Grade II ship lock (23x26Ox5.Om) IlIl THE YANGUAN SHIP LOCK one Grade IV ship lock PROJECT OF THE YAN RIVER (16x230x3.0m) CONNECTING WITH THE SEA Total 173.04km long Grade V waterway ( including 57 bridges and one ship lock) , 6 new and expanded ship _ locks 2.4 PROJECT ENGINEERING LOAD The Major Works of the Project are as follows:i e36.6291 million m3 earthwork, 65.87 km revetment, 57 bridges to be revamped. Major works of the Sunan Backbone Waterway Network Realignment Project is given in Table 2.4-1. The major works of THE EXTENSION PROJECT OF SHIP LOCKS AT THE BEIJING-HANGZHOU GRAND CANAL is given in Table2.4-2 and the major works of THE YANGUAN SHIP LOCK PROJECT OF THE YAN RIVER CONNECTING WITH SEA is given in 17 Table 2.4-3. Table 2.4-1 Major works of the Sunan Backbone Waterway Network Realignment Project Item Shenzhang Xibei Line Section from Total Line Suzhou to Kunshan Earthwork 1317.76 619.16 212.50 2149.421 (1 0000m3) Revetment 34620 15948 15298 65866 (m) _ Slope 107.27 8.33 115.60 protection (1 00Om2) Ship lock (pc) _ -1 Bndge (pc) 36 9 112 57 Table 2.4-2 Major works of THE EXTENSION PROJECT OF SHIP LOCKS AT THE BEIJING-HANGZHOU GRAND CANAL Item Jietai Suqian Huaiyin Huai'an Jianbi Total Earthwork 406.35 139.30- 340.98 123.12 326.50 1336.25 (1 0000m3) Reinforced 17070 72999 52760 56865 31502 231196 concrete (m3) Concrete 29075 9937 12650 12787 26407 90856 (m3) _ Block 79086 11076 45220 21346 69462 226190 stones (m3) _ _ Gate (pc) 4 14 4 4 4 20 Valve (pc) 4 4 4 4 4 20 18 Table 2.4-3 Major works of THE YANGUAN SHIP LOCK PROJECT OF THE YAN RIVER CONNECTING WITH SEA ITEM UNIT ENGINEERING LOAD EARTHWORK 10000M3 177.24 REINFORCED CONCRETE 10000M3 0.94 CONCRETE 10000M3 1.446 BLOCK STONES 10000M3 2.14 THE DONGSHANCHA ANGLE-CUTTING M -600 CHANNEL REALIGNMENT GATE PC 4 VALVE PC 4 ROAD BRIDGE PC 1 2.5 INVESTMENT AND FUND RAISING The total investment of the Project is 3.129 billion yuan including 2.808 billion yuan for project construction, 20 billion yuan for equipment and 19.8 million yuan for technical personnel training and total contingency of 281 million yuan. The itemized investments are shown in Table 2.5-1. Table 2.5-1 The itemized investment table NO ITEM INVESTMENT( PROPORTION 1 OOOYUAN) I TOTAL INVESTMENT 3129390 the Sunan Backbone Waterway 1661240 53.09% Network Realignment Project 2 THE EXTENSION PROJECT OF 999230 31.93% SHIP LOCKS AT THE BEIJING- HANGZHOU GRAND CANAL . THE YANGUAN SHIP LOCK 148250 4.74% PROJECT OF THE YAN RIVER CONNECTING WITH SEA 3 PURCASE EQUIPMENT 20000 0.64% 4- TECHNICAL PERSONNEL 19800 0.62% TRAINING 5 TOTAL reserve fund 280870 8.98% 19 Fund raising: The total investment of the Jiangsu Inland WATERWAYS Projects is 3.129 billion yuan, including 0.15 billion USD World Bank loan( 1 USD =8.30 yuan, i.e. 1245000 thousand yuan ), and the remaining 1884390 thousand yuan will come from domestic fund including the accumulation of the three fees (waterway maintenance fee, ship lock pass fee and waterway construction fee ) of the Jiangsu waterway department and 120000 thousand yuan of road construction fund for the bridges of the Project by the Jiangsu Comrmunications Bureau and 140000 thousand yuan of local fund and 21000 thousand yuan domestic loan. The fund raising plan is shown Table 2.5-2. Table 2.5-2 Fund raising plan No. Fund sources Investment Investment (1000 Yuan) (1000 USD) I Abroad source The World Bank 1245000 150000 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Il a n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ JPCD 120000 14458 2 Domestic JPWB 1414390 170408 source Local 140000 16867 Goverment Domestic loan 210000 25301 3 Total 3129390 377034 2.6 PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION PLAN The Project is planned to be constructed in two stages: During the first stage , 151.23 km Grade V channel shall be realigned and three ship locks shall be expanded including 114.69 km of the Shenzhang Line, the Zhangjiagang No. 2 Ship Lock, 36.54km of the Xibei Line of the Sunan Backbone Waterway Network Realignment Project and the Jianbi No.2 Ship Lock, the Jietai No. 2 Ship Lock and the Huai' an No. 3 Ship Lock of the Extension Project Of Ship Locks At The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal . The construction period is from 1998 to 2001. During the second stage , 21.81 km Grade V channel shall be realigned and three ship locks shall be expanded and newly built, including 21.81 km of the section from Suzhou to Kunshan of the Suliu Line of the Sunan Backbone Waterway Network Realignment Project and the Huayin No.3 Ship Lock and the Suqian No. 3 Ship Lock of the Extension Project Of Ship Locks At The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand 20 Canal and the YANGUAN SHIP LOCK PROJECT OF THE YAN RIVER CONNECTING WITH SEA . The construction period is from 2000 to 2003. The PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION PLAN is shown in Table 2.6. Table 2.6 PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Project Time 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 the Sunan The Shenzhang - - Backbone Line Waterway The Xibei Line Network Realign. The Suliu Line Project Jietai No.2 Ship Lock Suqian No.3 Ship Lock- - Ship Lock Huaiyin No.3 Ship Project Lock Huai'an No.3 Ship - Lock - Jianbi No.2 Ship Lock Yanguan Ship Lock 21 3. ENVIRONMENT SITUATION ASSESSMENT 3,1 NATURAL ENVIRONMENT FEATURES 3.1.1 Meteorological condition Jiangsu province is situated at the warm and humid south edge, it belongs to the monsoon climate . Its main climate feature is clear four seasons, annual average temperature is 14°C. The annual average rainfall is 800-860mm. Prevailing wind direction is E, strong wind directions are N and NNE. 3.1.2 Brief introduction of water system and water system function 1). Sunan Water System The Sunan Backbone Waterway Network closes to the Yangtze River in the north and to the Tai Lake in the south, separated from the Qiantan River and the Shuiyang River by the Tianmu Mountains and the Maoshan Mountains, closes to Shanghai in the east , with a total area of 36933km2. The rivers cross one another and there are many lakes in the area, the water area covers 12.6% of the total area. The rivers in the area belong to two water systems, the rivers in the area belong to the Canal water system. The Sunan water network is the main water source of cities and industrial and agriicultural production of the Sunan area and is the communication lifeblood of city, village and local navigation and transport, and is the important resources of aquatic product raising and tourism and is the main passage of local flood discharge . 2). Subei Water System The Subei Water System is composed of mainly the Huai River Water system and the Qimushi water system. In the drainage area, there are some lakes with functions of water allocation and reserve, the Gongze Lake, the Luoma Lake and the Nanshi Lake. The Subei water network is the north to south crossing one with the 8eijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal as its backbone, and is the main water source of cities and industrial and agriicultural production of the Subei area and is the main bases of aquatic product raising and is the main passage of local flood discharge . 22 3.1.3 Landform and topography The waterways of the Sunan Backbone Waterway Network Realignment Project flow through Suzhou and Wuxi . The areas along the waterways are mainly hilly areas. The Extension Project Of Ship Locks At The Beijing- Hangzhou Grand Canal And The Project Of The Yanguan Ship Lock are located in Xuzhou, Huaiyin, Suqian , Lianyungang and Zhenjiang, its landforms are mainly plain. 3.2 BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT 3.2.1 Brief introduction to social and economic situation of the places where the Projects are located The main national economic figures of the places, where the Sunan Backbone Waterway Network Realignment Project and The Extension Project Of Ship Locks At The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal And The Project Of The Yanguan Ship Lock are located , are shown in Table 3.2.1 Table 3.2.1 Main national economic figures Unit: 100 million yuan Item Total Total Total Total domestic industrial & industrial agricultural production agricultural production production output value production output value output value output value Jiangsu 5755.25 1171.70 10878.27 893.43 province Zhenjiang 278.97 546.82 496.10 50.72 Wuxi 781.04 2095.41 2048.41 47.00 Suzhou 903.00 2969.83 2881.42 79.40 Xuzhou 404.37 607.81 511.9 95.91 Huaiyin 285.22 446.05 327.33 118.72 3.2.2 Brief introduction to the regional communication and transport There are a total channel length of 7023 km of inland river waterway of Grade V or higher in the Sunan area, covering 30.3% of the total Jiangsu navigation waterway length of inland river network, ranking the first in China. In 1993, the water transport load was 105190000 tons in 23 the area. There are 47668 ships totally, the handling capacity of the inland river ports was 78.19 million tons The communication transport situation of Xuzhou, Huaiyin and Zhenjiang in 1995 is shown in Table 3.2.2. Table 3.2.2 The communication transport situation of Xuzhou, Huaiyin and Zhenjiang in 1995 Item Xuzhou Huaiyin Zhenjiang Road distance Total distance 2930 4300 1489 (km) and Grade I (km) 435 142 12 passenger Grade II (km) 319 728 422 and goods Others (km) 2184 3430 1055 transport load Road density 0.260 0.22 0.387 (km/km2) Passenger 5210 3733 4276 transport load (10000 persons) _ Good 6717 1990 3271 transport load (10000t) Inland river Total distance 540.1 2315.5 640.0 (km) _ channel Good 817 2377 642 situation and transport load (10000t) passenger Passenger 20 44 and goods transport load transport load (10000 persons) 3.2.3 Brief introduction to living quality The average income per capita of the areas, in which the Sunan Backbone Waterway Network Realignment Project and the Jianbi Ship Lock are located , are 5817 - 7492 yuan/a. The average income per capita of the areas , in which the Ship Locks in Subei (northem Jiangsu ) are located , are 2977- 3327 yuan/a. The living quality of the residents in Sunan ( southem Jiangsu ) is obviously higher than that in Subei. 3.3 ATMOSPHERE ENVIRONMENT SITUATION ASSESSMENT 24 3.3.1 Assessment scope The assessment scope of the Sunan Backbone Waterway Network Realignment Project is 200m of both banks along the channels; the assessment scope of the ship lock is 2.0km2 of the lock area. The assessment scope of The Extension Project Of Ship Locks At The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal And The Project Of The Yanguan Ship Lock is 2.Okm2 of the ship lock areas. 3.3.2 Assessment factors The assessment factors are S02, NOx and TSP. 3.3.3 Assessment standards Grade II of ENVIRONMENT AIR QUALITY STANDARD (GB3095- 1996) are used for the atmosphere environment situation assessment. The standard values are shown in Table 3.3.1. Table 3.3.1 Assessment standard values Unit:mg/m3 Item S02 NOx TSP Annual average 0.06 0.05 0.20 Daily average 0.15 0.10 0.30 Hourly average 0.50 0.15 3.3.4 Atmosphere environment situation analysis 1). The atmospheric environment along the three waterways of the Sunan Backbone Waterway Network Realignment Project basically meets Grade II of ENVIRONMENT AIR QUALITY STANDARD (GB3095- 1996). The air quality of village river section is better than that of city river section. ( The monitoring results are shown in Table 3.3.2 and Table 3.3.3). 25 Table 3.3.2 The monitoring results of TSP situation of the atmosphere along the waterways Unit: mg/m3 Waterway Location Content range Average Max. Std. Standard value exceeding figure times Ouqu 0.10-0.30 0.20 0.0 0.67 Shengzhang Changsu 0.1-.31 0.15 0.03 0.50 Line Dayi 0.08-0.28 0.18 0.0 0.60 Gangxia 0.02-0.30 0.20 0.0 0.67 town Dongbeitan 0.06-0.38 0.28 0.04 0.93 Changan 0.01-0.38 0.24 0.27 0.80 Xibei Line Zhangjin 0.02-0.35 0.30 0.03 1.0 Bashi 0.01-0.35 0.29 0.07 0.96 Donghutan 0.05-0.51 0.28 0.3 0.93 _Weiting 0.03-0.325 0.187 0.08 0.62 Suliu Line Zhengyi 0.174-0.3 0.237 0.0 0.79 Suzhou 0.014-0.426 0.278 0.84 0.93 __________ I Bajiqiao I _ Table 3.3.3 The monitoring result of the atmosphere environment quality situation in Zhangjiagang shiplock Unit: mg/m3 Item Point 1# Point 2# Point 3# Point 4# Once max. 0.155 0.142 0.208 0.221 value__ _ _ _ _ TSP Once max. Std. - - - - exceeding times _ _ Max. daily 0.075 0.104 0.133 0.130 average value Max. daily - - - average value std. exceeding times Note: "-" means not std. exceeding, the four sampling points are located at the range of 1 km2 near the ship lock. 2). The Extension Project Of Ship Locks At The Beijing- Hangzhou Grand Canal And The Project Of The Yanguan Ship Lock The wastes discharged from the enterprises near The Extension 26 Project Of Ship Locks At The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal And The Project Of The Yanguan Ship Lock will affect the atmosphere environment quality: the atmosphere environment quality of the ship locks of Jietai, Suqian, Huaiyin and Huai' an basically is consistent with Grade 11 of ENVIRONMENT AIR QUALITY STANDARD (GB3095-1996); the atmosphere environment quality of the Jianbi Ship Lock is slightly lower than Grade II of ENVIRONMENT AIR QUALITY STANDARD (GB3095- 1996); the atmosphere environment quality of the Yanguan Ship Lock is consistent with Grade II of ENVIRONMENT AIR QUALITY STANDARD (GB3095-1 996). (The monitoring results are shown in Table 3.3.4). Table 3.3.4 Atmosphere environment situation monitoring statistics of ship locks Ship Locks Item S02 NOx TSP Value range(mg/m3) 0.002-0.538 0.004-0.288 0.10-1.12 Jietai Daily average value range of 0.063-0.154 0.042-0.051 0.51-0.64 monitoring points (mg/m3) Standard figure (Pi) range 0.42-1.03 0.42-0.51 1.71-2.13 Suqian Daily average value range of 0.020-0.032 0.028-0.039 0.030-0.41 monitoring points (mg/m3) Standard figure (Pi) range 0.33-0.53 0.56-0.78 1.50-2.05 Value range of two points of 0.000-0.156 0.007-0.402 0.042-9.738 the Hualun Power Plant (mglm3) Daily average range of the two 0.033-0.041 0.033-0.036 0.738-0.873 -points (mg/m3) Huaiyin Std. figure (Pi) range of the 0.22-0.27 0.33-0.026 2.46-2.91 two points I Daily average range of the 0.010-0.036 0.017-0.026 0.593-0.61 monitoring points of the power and chemical plant (mg/m3) Standard figure (Pi) range 0.17-0.60 0.34-0.52 2.97-3.36 Huai' an Value range(mg/m3) 0.010-0.031 0.043-0.077 0.098-0.171 Standard figure (Pi) range 0.17-0.52 0.86-1.54 0.49-0.86 Yanguan Daily average value range of 0.010-0.014 0.009-0.020 0.060-0.090 monitoring points (mg/m3) Standard figure (Pi) range 0.17-0.23 0.18-0.40 0.30-0.45 Daily average value range of 0.022-0.061 0.024-0.037 0.142-0.243 monitoring points at the Jianbi town(mg/m3) Standard figure (Pi) range 0.37-1.02 0.48-0.74 0.71-1.22 Jianbi Value range of the points of 0.029-0.062 0.016-0.072 0.015-0.169 the Jianbi ship lock (mg/m3) Value range of the points of 0.050 0.042 0.068 the Jianbi ship lock (mg/m3) Standard figure (Pi) 0.33 0.42 0.23 27 3.4 WATER ENVIRONMENT SITUATION ASSESSMENT 3.4.1 Assessment scope The assessment scope of the Sunan Backbone Waterway Network Realignment Project is 173.04km long three waterways to be realigned and the main water environment protection objectives involved on both sides of the waterways. The assessment scope of The Extension Project Of Ship Locks At The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal And The Project Of The Yanguan Ship Lock is 1.5km river section each at downstream and at upstream of the ship locks. 3.4.2 Assessment factors 1). The Sunan Backbone Waterway Network Realignment Project Water temperature, pH, SS, DO, CODmn, BOD5, NH3-N, volatile phenol, CODcr, Total P, Total N and oils 2). The Extension Project Of Ship Locks At The Beijing- Hangzhou Grand Canal And The Project Of The Yanguan Ship Lock pH, DO, CODmn, BOD5, CODcr, and oils 3.4.3 Assessment standard 1). The Sunan Backbone Waterway Network Realignment Project (1). Section of Wuxi city: Category IV of GB3838-88 shall be applied for the sectiorl from Wuxi city to the Xibei Canal of Beiguo, Jiangyin . (2). Section of Suzhou city: Category IlIl of GROUND WATER ENVIRONMENT QUALITY STANDARD (GB3838-88) shall be applied for the section from the Zhoujia Wharf, Zhangjiagang city in the Shenzhang Line to the water intake of the Chengbei Water Works , Kunshan city; Category IV for the section from the Chengbei Water Works to the Wusong River; Category III for the section from the Baji Bridge to the Xichangji River, Kunshan; Category IV for the Kunshan section of the Lu River from the mouth of the Xichangji River to Qingyanggang. 28 2). The Extension Project Of Ship Locks At The Beijing- Hangzhou Grand Canal And The Project Of The Yanguan Ship Lock Category IlIl of " GROUND WATER ENVIRONMENT QUALITY STANDARD- (GB3838-88) shall be impilemented for the water environment situation assessment of the Jietai, Suqian and Huai' an ship locks , Category IV of a GROUND WATER ENVIRONMENT QUALITY STANDARD' (GB3838-88) shall be impilemented for the water environment situation assessment of the Huaiyin and Yanguan ship locks, Category IlIl of " GROUND WATER ENVIRONMENT QUALITY STANDARD" (GB3838-88) shall be impilemented for the water environment situation assessment of the Jianbi Ship Lock and the Sunan canal , Category II of U GROUND WATER ENVIRONMENT QUALITY STANDARD" (GB3838-88) shall be impllemented for the water environment situation assessment of the Yangtze River. The standard values are shown in Table 3.4.3. Table 3.4.3 Water quality assessment standard values Unit: mg/l (except pH) Item Category I Category II Category IlIl Category IV Category V pH c 6.5-8.5 6.5-8.5 6.5-8.5 6.5-8.5 6-9 SS < 20 25 30 60 150 Dissolved 90% 6 5 3 2 02ˇ saturated rate BOD5 s below 3 3 4 6 10 CODmn 2 4 6 8 10 CODcr < Below 15 Below 15 15 20 25 NH3-N s 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.2 0.2 Volatile 0.002 0.002 0.005 0.01 0.1 phenol s Oils < 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.5 1.0 Total N 0.5 0.5 1 2 2 Total P 0.02 0.1(1akes & 0.1(lakes & 0.2 0.2 reservoir) reservoir) 0.025 0.025 Note: Trial implementation standard of the Ministry of Water Conservancy: GROUND WATER RESOURCE QUALITY STANDARD (CSL-94) '29 ( y~~d Drawing No.3.4-11 Water quality monitoring sections layout -7 -c~~~ I-- -~~~~~~~40. 'IX~~~'I - 4-1*V ni)~~C The Tal LakeI-.,] Drawing No.3.4-2 Water Quality Monitoring Sections Layout of the Harbor Ship Locks -e~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- *0 ~ .27 ( ~,26 5t~~~~ ~~ 0--2 ,,,,' A 3.4.4 Water environment situation monitoring information Monitoring sections and frequency (1). Monitoring section setting According to the water flow characteristics of waterway and wastes discharges location and main environment protection objectives, 24 sections shall be set in the 173.04km long three waterways. In addition, four sections shall be set at the waterways with ship locks. The section names and locations are shown in Table 3.4.5 and Drawing No.3.4-1 and Drawing 3.4-2. 30 Table 3.4.5 Water quality monitoring section names and codes No. Waterway Section name Code in drawing 1 Nansha 5 2 Zhouzhuan Bridge 6 3 Luqiao 7 4 Gangkou 8 5 Dayi Guanmingcun 9 6 Dayi Town Bridge 10 7 Huqiao 11 8 Dujiaqiao 12 9 Shenzhang Line Xingzaqiao 13 10 Tanshinanqiao 14 11 Upstream Hongqi district 15 12 Downstream Hongqi 16 district 13 Qingyanggang Bridge 17 14 Zhangjiagang Gongnong 25 Bridge 15 Zhangjiagang First-line 26 Ship Lock room 16 Outside Zhangjiag First- 27 line Ship Lock 17 Laogang Ship Lock to be 28 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ b u ilt 18 Bashi 1 19 The Xibei Line Zhangjin Bridge 2 20 Donghutan 3 21 Beiguo 4 22 Gaoping Ceramics Plant 18 23 Waiguatan 19 24 Weiting 20 25 The Suliu Line Zhujiacun 21 26 Zhengyi 22 27 West Bridge 23 28 East Bridge 24 . Water quality monitoring sections of ship locks are set at the places of 1 km and 2.5km from the existing ship locks upstream and downstream. Details are shown in Table 3.4.6 31 Table 3.4.6 Water quality moni-ring sections of ship locks Jietai Ship Lock Suqian Ship Lock Section location: Hongqi Xincun section at Section location: Suqian Lock section at the place of about 8km from upstream the the place of 500m from upstream the Jietai Ship-Lock Suqian Ship Lock Jietai Lock section at the place of about Maling Fangshuizhang section at the place 1 km from upstream the Jietai Ship Lock of 6.54km downstream the Suqian Ship Lock Miaoshan water intake section at the place Monitoring frequency: from 1993 to 1995, of about 2.6km from downstream the Jietai 18 samples each year Ship Lock Monitoring frequency: once a month in 1994 and 1995, 12 times a year, 2 samples a time Huaiyin Ship Lock Huai' an Ship Lock Section location: Wuchakou section at the Section location: Shitan section at the place of 800m from the downstream the place of 1.0km from downstream the Huaiyin Ship Lock Huai' an Ship Lock Dayunhe Bridge section at the place of Pingqiao section seciton at the place of 2.5 5.5km from the downstream the Huaiyin km from downstream the Huai' an Ship Ship Lock Lock Monitoring time period: 1995 Monitoring time period: from 1993 to 1995 Yanguan Ship Lock Jianbi Ship Lock Section location: Renmin Bridge section at Section location: Canal Shanchahe section the place of 2.5km from upstream the at the place of 1.6km from upstream the Yanguan Ship Lock Jianbi Ship Lock Wuzhanghe Lock section at the place of The Yangtze Jiaoshanwei section at the 0.3km from downstream the Wuzhanghe place of 1.4km from downstream the Jianbi ship lock . Ship Lock and upstream the Yangtze entrance Wuzhanghe Zhangwan section at the place of 9.0km from downstream the Yanguan Ship Lock (2). Monitoring time and frequency The monitoring was carnied out from July 19 to 20 and from August 1 to 2 and on November 22, 1996 for five days, once a day. Routine monitoring was carried out by related city environment monitoring stations, the routine monitoring frequency in 1995 was once every two months, altogether 6 times a year; once every three months for a few sections, altogether 4 times a year. The drinking water source quality monitoring frequency was 4-6 times a year. Monitoring results Monitoring information are given in table 3.4.7,table 3.4.8 and table 3.4.9. Table 3.4.7 Water quality monitoring data statistics of the Sunan 32 Waterway Unit: mg/A (excluding pH) No. Water Section Content pH SS DO BOD5 CODMn NH3-N Phenol OiLs 1 5 Nansha Range 7.0- 29-31 7.6- 3.3-4.4 6.7-10.1 0.005- 0.007- 0.5-1.17 7.2 7.8 0.007 0.019 Average 71 30 7.7 3.9 8.1 0.006 0.013 0.85 2 6 Zhouzhuan Range 7.0- 30- 6.2- 5.0-7.9 4.9-7.6 0.010- 0.001- 0.19- bridge 7.8 205 7.4 0.025 0.013 0.81 _ ___________ Average 7.5 144 6.8 6.0 6.3 0.015 0.006 0.491 3 7 Luqiao Range 6.9- 86- 2.6- 4.6-7.5 5.-8.0 0.010- 0.008- 0.15- 7.2 S38 6.8 0050 0.037 0.87 Average 7.1 220 4.9 5.9 7.1 0.024 0.017 0.48 4 8 Gangkou Range 6.6- 105- 3.0- 5.5-5.8 7.0-7.2 0.002- 0.010- 0.45- 6.8 107 3.1 0.004 0.012 0.92 __________ Average 6.7 106 3.0 5.6 7.1 0.003 0.011 0.59 5 9 Dayi Range 7.3- 32-51 0.4- 2.0-9.0 4.8-11.9 --0.060 0.001- 0.06- 7.6 6.3 0.021 0.32 Guanmingcun Average 7.4 38 2.5 5.3 9.2 0.023 0.008 0.19 6 10 Dayi Town Range 6.9- 40-47 0.8- 5.0-9.8 7.3-11.8 0.010- 0.002- 0.05- Bridge 7.2 3.2 0.060 0.006 0.27 Average 7.1 44 1.6 7.4 9.2 0.030 0.005 0.15 7 11 Huqiao Range 7.3- 26-54 0.5- 6.0-8.0 7.2-10.7 0.020- 0.001- 0.06- 7.5 6.0 0.050 0.008 0.10 Average 7.4 41 3.7 7.0 9.0 0.030 0.004 0.06 8 Shen- 12 Duiaqiao Range 7.3- 34-46 1.5- 5.0-9.0 7.1-10.9 0.020- 0.001- --0.26 7.7 3.5 0.040 0.05 _ zhang Average 7.5 38 2.7 6.3 8.5 - 0.030 0.004 0.10 9 Line 13 Xmngzaqiao Range 7.2- 32-68 2.2- 4.0-9.0 7.0-8.9 0.010- 0.001- -.0.08 7.5 3.1 0.030 0.008 ____ Average 7A S0 2.8 6.3 8.3 0.020 0.005 0.05 10 14 Tanshinanqiao Range 7.6- 28-38 29 2.0.0 6.4-14.5 0.020- - - 0.003 --0.07 7.9 7.5 0.060 Average 7.8 34 5.6 4.3 9.4 0.037 0.002 0.05 11 15 Upstream Range 6.5- 10-46 5.4 1.84.2 -.-8.5 - 0.100 0.001- 0.22- Hongqi district 8.1 8.0 0.004 0.26 Average 7.1 28 6.9 3.0 7.2 0.040 0.002 0.24 12 16 Downstream Range 6.5- 40-44 5.4- 2.2- 5.2-8.6 - -0.010 0.004- 0.28- Hongqi district 7.7 8.1 11.0 0.007 0.40 Average 6.9 42 6.9 6.7 6.5 0.040 0.005 0.35 13 17 Qingyanggang Range 7.3- 36-40 14- 1.9-58 6.4-112 0.015- 0.004- 0.24- Bridge 7.5 8.3 0234 0.006 0.28 Avera4e 7.8 38 3.6 4.1 7.6 0.085 0.005 = 0.26 14 25 Zhangjiagang Range 7.4- i / 5.3-5.6 2.9-4.0 M000- Gongnong 7.7 - _ 0.83 Bride Average 7.6 - 5.5 3.6 0.47 15 26 Zhangjiagang Range 7.6- 1 / 3.6-4.4 2.0-4.5 - -0.39 firs-line Ship 7.9 I_ =Lock room Average 7.7 I 1 3.9 3.1 t 0.21 16 27 Outside Range 7.6- i / 3.8-4.2 84.1 / --0.004 0.00- Zhangjiagang 7.7 0.68 firsi4ine ock Average 7.7 i / 4.1 3.2 0.001 0.31 17 28 Laogang Ship Range 7.1- i 7.2- 5.2-56 3.0-4.2 0.008- 0.004- 0.42- Lock (to be 7.3 7.5 0.010 0.006 0.50 built) Average 7.2 I 7.4 5.4 3.6 0.009 0.005 046 33 Cont' d No. Water Section Content pH SS DO BOD5 CODmn NH3-N Phenol Oils -way No. Narne22 18 r OyQi 2Water Range 7.1- 110- 3.4- 6.2-7.0 7.0-7.6 0.061- 0.006- 0.40- Works 7.4 122 4.2 - 0.076 0.076 0.49 Averag 7.2 116 3.8 6.6 7.4 0.070 0.008 044 19 1 Bashi Range 6.7- 12- 2.3- 6.0-9.3 5.8- 0.009- 0.003- 0.05- 7.8 248 3.1 11.5 0.107 0.012 0.21 The Averag 7.2 106 2.6 6.2 9.3 0.041 0.007 0.11 _ ~~ ~~~~~~e_ 20 Xibei 2 Zhangjin Range 6.5- 6- 2.5- 3.S-9.7 2.7- 0.002- 0.006- 0.23- Line Bridge 7.6 226 9.3 16.9 0.174 0.016 0.24 Averag 7.2 116 5.7 5.1 9.0 0.056 0.009 0.24 21 3 Donghutan Range 6.5- 6- 2.5- 4.2-8.6 6.S-9.4 0.002- 0.06- 0.11 7.7 147 6.3 0.066 0.013 0.64 Averag 6.9 126 3.9 6.5 8.2 0.025 0.008 0.29 22 7 Beiguc Range 6.7- 124- 5.6- 3.1-3.4 7.1-7.6 0.001- 0.011- 0.34- 6.8 125 5.6 - 0.003 0.013 0.90 Averag 6.8 125 5.6 3.3 7.4 0.002 0.012 0.55 23 18 Gaoping Range 7.2- 16- 0.1- 5.6-8.8 6.9-.8 0.030- 0.002- 0.47- Ceramics 8.2 79 6.1 0.900 0.012 0.92 plant- - - - --- Averag 7.7 37 3.3 66 7.9 0.360 0.005 0.67 24 19 Waiguatan Range 7.2 1 04- 35-84 3.8-8.3 0.020- 0.001- 0.56- 8.3 60 3.2 1050 0.005 0.72 Averag 7.6 33. 2.1 5.5 5.2 0.350 0.003 0.63 e 25 The Weting ge 7.4 10- 2.7 21-7 4.8-7.6 0.020- --0.054 0.27- Sulsu 7.9 46 8.6 - - 0.100 - 0.74 SAverag 7.6 26 39 5.9 0.060 0014 0448 26 Line 21 Zhujiacun Range 7.4- 7-43 2.9- 1.84.6 5.0-7A 0.030- --0.002 0.33- 7.8 7.2 0.120 - 0.67 Averag 7.6 19 5.3 3.4 6.1 0.060 0.001 0.52 e 27 22 Zhengyi Range 7.0- 20- 1.7- 2 .4-4.8 3.8.3 -*0.040- - -0.008 0.02- 7.8 81 9.9 0-07 Averag 7.2 51 5.7 3.4 5.5 0.020 0.002 0.05 28 23 West Bridge Range 7.0- 6-38 2.0- 3.5-6.6 2.7-8.0 0.010- --0.00i 0.04- 7.8 8.8 0.060 0.30 Averag 7.3 35 4.5 5.3 6.3 0.030 0.003 0.13 29 24 East Bridge Range 7.1- 40- 1.6- 2.0- 5.5- 0.025- 0.003- 0.08- 8.0 62 8.6 16.3 11.7 0.191 0.007 0.22 Averag 7.7 51 3.6 5.8 8.8 0.066 0.005 0.12 34 Table 3.4.8 Water quality monitoring average content of the main protection objectives in the Sunan waterways Unit: mg/I (excluding pH) Water Narne pH SS DO BOD5 CODMn NH3-N Pheno Oils Tota Tota Code way i IP I N in Ihn a s Draw Yushan State Forest 7.6 38 5.2 6.0 7.8 0.03 0.004 0.05 / 2 Garden I Shanghu Breeding Farm 8.0 40 7.8 3.0 4.0 0.02 I 0.04 0.6 3 Water intake of the 8.1 31 8.1 1.3 3.7 0.020 / 0.03 0.53 4 Changsu No.2 Water 4 Works - Shen- Water intake of the 7.8 38 5.2 3.0 6.9 0.063 0.004 0.15 0.09 1.85 5 Changsu Water 5 Works zhang Kuncheng Lake 7.8 36 5.6 3.5 6.4 0.04 0.003 0.05 0.15 1.90 6 Breeding Farm 0 Line Water intake of the 7.1 28 6.9 3.0 7.2 0.040 0.002 / 0.07 0.81 7 Kunshan Bacheng Water 1 Works Water intake of the 7.8 59 7.6 1.8 4.3 0.01 0.001 0.16 8 Kunshan Chengbei Water Works Water intake of the 7.8 59 7.5 2.5 4.9 0.02 0.001 0.16 I I 9 Kunshan No.2 Water Works Zhouzhuang industriaL 7.5 90 7.0 6.0 6.3 0.02 0.006 0.19 10 water intake - - Water intake of the 7.8 9.8 1.2 1.7 0004 0.001 12 Zhangjiagang Gangqu Water Works Xibei Water intake of the Wuxi 7.2 116 4.8 6.6 7.4 0.070 0.008 0.43 0.10 4.08 1 Line Oiyi Water Works 6 2 Lake The Tai Lake 8.1 9.3 2.2 3.9 0.002 I 0.13 3.14 11 I J 3 Note: " means not monitored out. 35 Table 3.4.9 Water quality monitoring results statistics of the ship lock nver section Unit: mg/ (excluding H) Location Item pH DO BOD5 CODMn OILS Jietai Ship Value range 7.52-8.66 2.1-8.8 2.0-54.7 4.9-54.7 0.05-1.23 Lock Average range 7.91-8.01 3.56-5.1 5.7-11.53 7.8-18.3 0.27-0.49 of sections Std. figure (Pi) 0.41-0.51 1.43-2.75 1.30-3.00 5.40-9.80 Suqian Value range 7.15-8.80 1.6-11.6 0.2-6.3 2.1-10.3 0.00-1.34 Ship Lock Average range 7.9-8.1 7.0-9.1 1.5-2.8 4.3-6.4 0.13-0.28 of sections _ Std. figure (Pi) 0.40-0.61 0.38-0.70 0.72-1.07 2.60-5.60 __ _ ~range Huaiyin Value range 15.6 87.4 5.91 Ship Lock Average range 3.9-7.9 5.3-6.2 0.02-0.71 of sections _ Std. figure (Pi) 0.65-1.32 0.66-0.70 0.041 A2 range_ Huai' an Value range 6.00-8.41 6.1-11.4 0.14.9 1.2-5.4 0.00-1.39 Ship Lock Average range 6.47-7.54 7.5-9.7 0.8-1.9 2.7-4.0 0.00-0.44 of sections Std. figure (Pi) 0.02-0.97 0.20-0.48 0.45-0.67 0-8.80 range Yanguan ShiP Average range 7.93-8.23 8.4-10.35 1.7-5.9 3.6-6.3 0.03-0.24 Lock of sections Std. figure (Pi) 0.43-0.73 0.21-0.74 0.45-0.79 0.06-0.48 range Jianbi Ship Value range 7.26-8.26 4.1-8.5 1.2-9.1 3.2-9.9 0.01-0.45 Lock (Canal Average range 7.81 6.0 3.4-3.6 4.5-5.1 0.13-0.16 Shanchahe) of sections , Std. figure (Pi) 0.31 0.85-0.90 0.75-0.84 2.53-3.12 _ _ ~range Jianbi Ship Value range 7.40-8.25 5.3-10.6 0.3-6.5 1.3-7.0 0.02-0.25 Lock Average range 7.93-8.02 7.8-9.2 1.5-1.8 2.2-2.7 0.03-0.09 (Jiaoshanwei, of sections the Yangtze) _ _. Std. figure (Pi) 0.43-0.52 0.50-0.61 0.56-0.68 0.58-1.71 range 36 3.4.5 Assessment results analysis 1. The Sunan Backbone Waterway Network Realignment Project (1). The water quaiity of the Shenzhang Line, the Xibei Line and the Suliu Line is consistent with the Standard basically. (2). Main protection objective - water quality of drinking water source The main figures of the Grade m GROUND WATER ENVIRONMENT QUALLITY STANDARD (GB3838-88) water standard basically. 2). Water pollution situation analysis of the lock area 1). Water pollution situation observation result of the Jianbi First-line Ship Lock area and the Huaiyin No.2 Ship Lock area shows that the main pollutants of the lock area are oils and BOD5, most of the average values of each monitoring points exceed the Category Ill standard, part of them exceed the Category IV standard. Oil-contained waste water discharged from the lock passage ships is the main reason of oils standard exceeding pollution at the lock area. Living sewage discharged from the lock passage ships is the main reason of BOD5 standard exceeding pollution at the lock area. 3). Water environment situation result analysis of lock river section The main pollutants of each lock river section are oils and organic matter. The water environment quality of the river section of the Jietai ship lock is lower than Category Ill of " GROUND WATER ENVIRONMENT QUALITY STANDARD". The water environment quality of the river section of the Suqian Ship Lock is 2basically consistent with Category Ill of " GROUND WATER ENVIRONMENT QUALITY STANDARD". The water environment quality of the river section of the Huaiyin Ship Lock is basically consistent with Category IV of " GROUND WATER ENVIRONMENT QUALITY STANDARD". The water environment quality of the river sections of the Huai' an and Jianbi ship locks is slightly lower than Category Ill of " GROUND WATER ENVIRONMENT QUALITY STANDARD". The water environment quality of the river section of the Yanguan Ship Lock is consistent with Category IV of 37 "GROUND WATER ENVIRONMENT QUALITY STANDARD". The water environment quality of the Yangtze river section of the Jianbi Ship Lock is basically consistent with Category II of GROUND WATER ENVIRONMENT QUALITY STANDARD". 3.5 ACOUSTIC ENVIRONMENT SITUATION ASSESSMENT 3.5.1 Assessment scope The assessment scope of the Sunan Backbone Waterway Network Realignment Project is 200m on both sides of waterways and the assessment scope of The Extension Project Of Ship Locks At The Beijing- Hangzhou Grand Canal And The Project Of The Yanguan Ship Lock is 200m outside the battery limits of the ship locks. 3.5.2 Situation assessment Assessment standard Category 4 of CITY AREA ENVIRONMENT NOISE STANDARD (GB3096-93)i will be used for the acoustic environment situation assessment of all the lock areas (including lock waiting area and channel approach ).and both sides of the Sunan waterways , the standard values are 7OdB(A) at day time and 55dB(A) at night time; Category 2 will be. followed for sensible points of hospitals and schools and etc., the standard values are 6OdB(A) at day time and 50dB(A) at night time. Acoustic environment situation analysis Noise monitoring was carried out during July and August 1996. The monitoring results are shown in Table 3.5.1, Table 3.5.2, Table 3.5.3 and Table 3.5.4. 38 Table 3.5.1 Noise situation values and assessment results of protection objectives at the Sunan Waterways Unit: dB(A) No. River Name Location Distance Daytime Nighttim section from bank e (m) 1 Kunshan Broadcast Kunshan 100 60 49 and TV University city 2 Dayi Central Primary Dayi town 80 53 47 School 3 Gangkou Primary Gangkou 100 56 48 School town 4 Gangkou Middle Gangkou 140 56 48 School town _ 5 Shenzhang Fenghuang Central Fenghuang 40 59 49 Primary School town 6 Line Gangshang Primary Nansha 80 54 46 School town 7 Nansha Central Nansha 80 54 46 Primary School town 8 Zhangjiagang Middle Gangqu 30 (no 45 38 School town waterway) 9 Changshan Primary Gangqu 30 (no 45 38 School town waterway) 10 Xibei Line Beiguo Primary Beigu town 60 57 48 School 11 Shengpu Central Suzhou city 60 63* 48 Primary School 12 Weiting Central Weiting 140 57 47 Primary School town 13 Suliu Line Weiting Central Weiting 120 54 46 Kintergarden town 14 Weiting Hospital Weiting 80 60 49 town 15 Telecommunicabon Quatan 100 70* 52* Cadre College of the town Ministry of Railway Industry _ 16 Quatan Hospital Quatan 40 70* 52^ _ _________________ town Note: n'r means standard exceeding at the objective and no standard exceeding at other objectives. 39 Table 3.5.2 Noise monitoring result statistics of the Jianbi Ship Lock area Monitoring point Lock environment Noise value [LeqdB(A)] background Daytime Nighttime Lock open for 71.8 77.4 ship in Lock room bank Lock opened for 74.9 71.1 ship out Lock closed 55.5 63.4 Lock open for 59.7 66.7 ship in 20m from lock Lock opened for 65.3 64.5 room bank ship out Lock closed 54.4 54.4 Table 3.5.3 Noise monitoring result statistics of the Huaiyin Ship Lock area Monitoring point Lock environment Noise value [LeqdB(A)] background Daytime Nighttime Lock open for 81.8 89.1 ship in Lock room bank Lock opened for 82.2 84.7 ship out Lock closed 83.3 88.8 Lock open for 64.5 ship in 20m from lock Lock opened for 67.9 room bank ship out Lock closed 66.6 _____ Lock room bank Base noise 53.4 2Dm from lock Closing lock gate 55.1 room bank . 40 Table 3.5.2-4 Noise monitoring result statistics of the Yanguan Ship Lock area Monitoring Leq dB(A) Monitoring Leq dB(A) Point Daytime Nighttime Point Daytime Nighttime 1# 58 50 13# 47 43 2# 64 49 14# 44 42 3# _ 70 50 15# 51 44 4# 54 49 16# 50 42 5$ 62 50 17# 45 43 6$ 56 47 18# 54 45 7# 45 43 19# 54 46 8# 60 49 20# 45 45 9# 51 50 21# 46 46 10# 54 46 22# 49 48 11# 52 49 23# 47 47 12$ 49 46 1). The Sunan Backbone Waterway Network Realignment Project The noise scopes of the Sunan Waterways are 45-71dB(A) at day time and 38-52dB(A) at night time. The standard exceeding points are located mainly near the main communication lines of road and railways with a high vehicle flow. The main standard exceeding reason is the comprehensive impact of the road and railway communication noise and ship navigation and transport noise 2). The Extension Project Of Ship Locks At The Beijing- Hangzhou Grand Canal And The Project Of The Yanguan Ship Lock According to the noise monitoring information of Huaiyin and Jianbi ship locks, due to the impact of lock passage ship noise, the noises of the place of zero meter away from lock room riverside at day time and night time exceed Category 4 of CITY AREA ENVIRONMENT NOISE STANDARD, the noise of the place of 20m away from lock room riverside of the existing lock rooms at day time is consistent with Category 4 of CITY AREA ENVIRONMENT NOISE STANDARD, the noise of the place of 20m away from lock room riverside of the existing lock rooms at night time exceeds Category 4 of CITY AREA ENVIRONMENT NOISE STANDARD. According to the anailg analysis of the above-mention information, 41 the noise of the area of 20m away from the existing locks at day time is consistent with Category 4 of CITY AREA ENVIRONMENT NOISE STANDARD, the noise of the area of 20m away from the existing locks at night time exceeds Category 4 of CITY AREA ENVIRONMENT NOISE STANDARD, but those do not exceed the limit value of 9OdB(A) of the construction site in GBJ87-85. The noises of the Yanguan Ship Lock and both sides of channel at day time and night time are consistent with Category 4 of CITY AREA ENVIRONMENT NOISE STANDARD. 3.6 ECOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT SITUATION ASSESSMENT 3.6.1 land ecological situation The Sunan Backbone Waterway Network Realignment Project 1). Land vegetation situation There are altogether 1447 different species of plants in the riverside areas along the three waterways, belonging to 180 families, mainly pteridophyte, gymnosperm, dicotyledon and monocotyledon. According to the observation results, no precious and rare tree species or old trees or famous trees are found. The main crops of the farmland along the waterways are rice, barley, wheat, oats, soybean, sweet potato, com and etc., the main industrial crops are cotton, rape, peanut and etc., and vegetables melons and fruits. 2). Land animals situation There are altogether 206 species of land animals in the riverside area along the waterways, belonging to four families of annelid, mollusc, arthropod and vertebrate , altogether 12 classes. 3). Soil situation According to the monitoring results of pH, Cd, Zn, Cu, Pb, Ni, Cr, Hg and Ag in the soil of both banks of the three waterways and the Zhangjiagang Ship Lock (See Table 3.6.1), Grade II of the SOIL ENVIRONMENT QUALITY STANDARD (GB15618-1995 ) (See Table 3.6.3 ) is applied for asessment, the soil of the riverside area along the 42 three waterways meets the Grade II of the SOIL ENVIRONMENT QUALITY STANDARD. Table 3.6.1 Soil observation and monitoring information of the Sunan area Unit: mg/kg Location Soil type Application pH Cd Zn Cu Pb Ni Cr Hg As -way Jiangyin leaching Rice and 6.62 0.15 64.5 17.7 25.5 28.9 66.8 0.183 6.50 fertility, wheat area latence loss, and grain and storing fertility cotton area Wuxi beaching Rice and 6.64 0.11 62.8 23.2 14.8 26.9 76.1 0.052 4.3 fertility, wheat area latence loss and grain and stonng fertility cotton area Changsu leaching Rice and 7.35 0.10 64.3 18.8 16.6 37.8 71.1 0.051 4.36 fertility, wheat area latence loss and grain and cotton area Zhangjia- Leaching Grain and 7.78 0.28 83.4 29.8 18.5 36.8 75.5 0.079 8.07 gang fertility, orthod cotton area Kunshan Latence loss, Rice and 6.73 0.17 82.2 25.3 21.7 32.7 60.6 0.440 7.14 storing fertility wheat area and tea and __ ==__ =_tr_ee_ area Wuxian Latenoe loss, Rice and 6AO 0.14 66.6 31.7 17.8 31.0 68.9 0.618 5.89 storing fertility wheat area and fruit garden Wujiang Latence loss, Rice and 6.44 0.08 112 33.4 25.6 22.6 119 0.339 18.1 storing fertility wheat area and fruit ____ ____ ____ ____ __ arden Table 3.6.3 Grade II of the SOIL ENVIRONMENT QUALITY STANDARD Unit: mg/kg Item Standard values pH >7.5 6.5-7.5 <6.5 Cu s100 ¸100 <50 Pb ¸5-350 <300 ¸250 Zn <300 <250 ¸200 Cd ¸0.60 ¸0.30 <0.30 BHC (benzene <0.50 <0.50 ¸0.50 hexachloride) Cr ¸250 ¸200 <150 Ni _ 60 ¸50 S40 As ¸25 530 s40 Hg <1.0 <0.50 <0.30 DDT 1 ¸0.50 <0.50 <0.50 43 The Extension Project Of Ship Locks At The Beijing- Hangzhou Grand Canal And The Project Of The Yanguan Ship Lock 1). Land ecological situation The main trees of the ship lock areas are Chinese white poplar, littleleaf box, metasequoia, cedar, cypress and etc., the greening area of the ship lock areas reaches 80-85%. 2). Soil situation According to the monitoring results of pH, Cd, Zn, Pb, Ni, Cr, Hg and As in the soil of the ship lock areas (See Table 3.6.2), Grade II of the SOIL ENVIRONMENT QUALITY STANDARD (GB15618-1995 ) is applied for assessment, the above-mentioned factors in the soil of the ship lock areas meets the assessment standard. Table 3.6.2 Soil monitoring results of the Ship Lock area Table 3.6.2 Soil monitoring results of the Ship Lock area Unit: mg/kg (excluding pH) Location Sol TWO Aplicaon pH Cu Pb |n Cd Cr Ni As Hg way Type LFamily Spe--es - l XW0hou aquod lom wwp soi bean. *wat 7.82 2Z72 19.16 46.83 0.151 5.89 31. 10.1 0.092 Huaiypn 'quod bess andy bean, coton 8.28 2135 22.16 46.17 0.161 64.69 36. 10.4 0.790 ________ salt~~11 corn 8 ZhsnJimng squod ess mimd bIan, gm" at 7.61 2224 24.94 483 0.167 56.12 28 9.57 f0.25 . _ soIl , _07 3.6.2 'Ecological situation of the waters Aquatic animals (1). There are altogether 107 species of fishes in the three waterways of Xibei Line, Shenzhang Line and Suliu Line, belonging to 13 orders and 23 families, among which the carp order has the most species, altogether 61 species, covering 57.01% of the total species. There are no precious and rare aquatic animals and aquatic animals in imminent danger in the Tai Lake which connects with the Xibei Line, the Shenzhang Line and the Suliu Line. 44 (2). There are less fishes in the waterways of the Jietai, Suqian and Jianbi ship locks , the main fishes are : grass carp, triangular bream, silver carp, carp, crucian carp and etc.. (3). There are less fishes in the waterways of the Huaiyin, Huai' an and Yanguan ship locks , the main fishes are grass carp, triangular bream , silver carp, carp, crucian carp, eel, mud fish, finless eel and snakehead. Bottom mud The bottom mud monitoring results of the Sunan waterway and ship locks river sections are shown in Table 3.6.4. Table 3.6.4 Bottom mud observation and monitoring information Unit: mg/kg Item Section Total Total Total Total Total oils BHC DDT ,Ho Zn Cu Pb Cd Beiguo 0.103 318.7 71.7 55.03 1.26 1294 0.037 0.005 Gangkou 0.356 124.6 32.71 57.29 0.46 2126 0.017 0.050 Dayi 0.177 202.9 68.74 9.00 0.42 726 0.005 0.015 Yuanhuotan 0.055 231.4 65.5 14.43 0.29 1537 0.019 0.020 Sunan Shen- Kunchenghu 0.122 221.1 156.0 51.62 2.23 1362 0.043 0.005 Water- zhang Tanshi 0.203 168.4 42.00 60.23 1.02 597 0.032 0.028 way Line Kunshan 0.901 102.1 59.98 59.98 0.78 696 0.036 0.023 Pharmaceu- tical Factory Project Miaojin 0.076 198.4 43.49 47.98 0.89 409 0.014 0.053 River mouth Zhouzhuan 0.102 253.0 87.0 67.3 0.72 582 0.005 0.005 Nansha 0 164 200.0 337 90.8 1.12 233 0.005 0.005 Laogang 0.154 96.3 44.8 112 - - lock ocation Xibei Bashi 0.167 208.1 44.44 40.73 0.22 1168 0.035 0.014 Line Donghutan 0.178 251.2 52.17 47.05 4.04 20D4 0.032 0.016 Suliu Kunshan 0.938 264.2 90.25 98.40 1.39 2241 0.005 0.040 Line Weiting 0.076 234.5 110.9 150.2 1.47 1948 0.011 0.010 Ship Subei Canal 0.53 122 29 37 0.76 412 Lock I Project Jianbi Lock 0.146 228 36.6 37.3 0.34 385 fiver section I According to the monitoring results of Hg, Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd, oils, BHC and DDT in the fourteen bottom mud monitoring sections in the three waterways and the Zhangjiagang Ship Lock to be built , those factors meet Grade II of the SOIL ENVIRONMENT QUALITY STANDARD- (GB1561 8-1 995) In order to avoid secondary pollution by construction abandoned soil of the waterways, exudate leaching test was made for the above- mentioned samples, only the Cu content in one or two sections of Weiting section at the Suliu Line exceeds the standard, other monitoring factors in other sections donot exceed the standard. It is suggested that 45 the, abandoned soil at the Weiting section of the Suliu Line be not used as refarming soil. Soils of the lock sites satisfy Grade II of the are basically consistent with Grade II of the SOIL ENVIRONMENT QUALITY STANDARD (GB15618-1995). The ship lock project belongs to a new excavation one, no bottom mud will be involved and the abandoned soil will not pollute soil environment. 46 4. ENVIRONMENT IMPACT FORECAST AND POLLUTION PREVENTION AND MITIGATION MEASURES 4.1 ENGINEERING ANALYSIS 4.1.1 Environment impact identification (1). The Project' s impacts on the environment are positive effect, which are mainly as follows: * The Project is a communications basic facility construction one, which will serve the local economic development with a very obvious social benefit. * The Project will greatly change the positive situation of unsmooth communication due to narrow channels and too long lock waiting time. The waterway dredge and widening will improve the existing waterway water pollution situation; the ship lock extension will shorten the lock waiting time and reduce the pollutant accumulation pollution at the lock area due to the ships waiting for lock; the improvement of water body exchange conditions are good for the dilution and decomposition of the pollutants. * Local vegetation damage and soil erosion due to waterway widening and lock room and channel approach dredge will be resumed and improved by slope protection, revetment and greening and etc.. . The Project will not affect the historic spots and precious and rare animals and plants of the Project area. (2). The Project' s disadvantageous impacts on the environment belong to short term action during the whole construction period, which will disappear naturally along the completion of the construction. The main impacts are as follows: * Impacts on social environment due to the land requisition, house remove and land covered with abandoned soil; * Impacts on atmospheric environment due to the dust caused during construction and abandoned soil transshipment; * Impacts on water environment due to construction waters SS increase by the waterway widening and lock room dredge; * Impacts on the existing communications order during the construction time period. (3). Indirect impacts During the operation period of the Project, the indirect impacts are ship flow increase, ship pollutants discharge, noise interference and possible emergency bulk liquid chemicals overflow pollution. 47 4.1.2 Assessment factors selection According to the preliminary analysis of possible environment impacts during construction and operation, the following factors in Table 4.1-1 are decided as assessment factors. Table 4.1-1 Assessment factors of the Sunan Backbone Waterway Network Realignment Project and The Extension Project Of Ship Locks At The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal And The Project Of The Yanguan Ship Lock ITEM PERIOD the Sunan Backbone The Extension Project Of Ship Waterway Network Locks At The Beijing- Hangzhou Grand Canal And Realignment Project The Project Of The Yanguan Ship Lock Atnospheric construction TSP TSP environment ._. Operation I I Water construction SS SS environment = =____________ Operabon CODcr, oils CODur, oils Acoustc construction Construction machine noise Construction machine noise environment and communication noise and communication noise Operaffon Ship communication noise Ship communication noise Solid wastes construction Abandoned earth and living Abandoned earth and living g _ ___ garbage ___0: ________ °Operation Living garbage Living garbage Ecological construction Land vegetation, ecological Land vegetation, ecological environment environment in abandoned environment in abandoned earth area and aquatic earth area and aquatic product raising product raising Operation Resumption of land Resumption of land vegetation and ecological vegetation and ecological environment in abandoned environment in abandoned earth area earth area Social construction House remove and House remove and environment resetflement, resettlement communication order, communication order, scenery scenery Operation Direct economic and social Direct economic and social benefits benefits Situation. Atmosphere S02, NOx, TSP S02, NOx, TSP assessment Water DO, CODmn, BOD5, NH3- DO. CODmn, BOD5, NH3- . N, volatile phenol, oils, SS N, volabtile phenol, oils , SS -4.1.3 Analysis of pollution during construction Atmospheric environment 48 The road dust quantity by construction vehicle is calculated according to the following formula: Q=0.123(V15)(\/6.8) 65(PI0.05)0' It is calculated that the road dust quantity by the abandoned earth vehicle is about 1.37kg/km.vehicle and the road dust quantities by transport vehicles at the earth dredge area and the abandoned earth area are 7.2kg/km.vehicle and 10.42kg/km.vehicle. Water environment 1). Living sewage and garbage The living sewage and garbage discharge quantities during construction are shown in Table 4.1-2. Table 4.1-2 Constructors' living sewage and garbage Unit: Va Item Pollution source Waste water COD Living garbage Shenzhang Line Construction ship 20824.4 5.53 133.2 Land area 41648.8 11.06 266.4 Xibei Line Construction ship 7300.6 2.2 52.13 Land area 14601.2 4.4 104.26 Suliu Line Construction ship 6761.9 2.0 48.3 l______________ Land area 13523.8 4.0 96.6 Jianbi No.2 Ship Lock area 18375 5.5 184 Lock Huai' an No.3. Lock area 2100 6.3 210 Ship Lock Huaiyin No.3 Ship Lock area 2100 6.3 210 Lock Suqian No.3 Ship Lock area 2100 6.3 210 Lock Jietai No.2 Ship Lock area 18375 5.5 184 Lock Yanguan Ship Lock area 10500 3.2 05 Lock ______3_2_____ 2). Oil-contained waste water discharge quantity The oil pollution source strength of construction ships are shown in Table 4.1-3. 49 Table 4.1-3 Oil-contained waste water discharge quantity of construction ships l_______ Item Name Waste water discharge qty. The Sunan Waterways Shenzhang Line 24.5 Backbone Network Realignment Project Xibei Line 10.84 Suliu Line 6.54 Jianbi No.2 Ship Lock 14.5 Huai' an No.3 Ship Lock 24 The Ship Lock Project Huaiyin No.3 Ship Lock 29 Suqian No.3 Ship Lock 14.5 Jietai No.2 Ship Lock 29 ____ Yanguan Ship Lock 7.25 3). SS pollution source strength The actually monitored SS contents caused by the waterway construction are shown in Table 4.1-4. Table 4.1-4 SS contents during construction River . Taipu Wanyu River River Location Pingwan Lili Luxu Daqiaoxin Ganlu Xieshui Bridge Bridge Bridge Bridge Tanjie Bridge I Bridge Base 22 30 43 31 29 35 value (mg/l) _ Actually 77 80 162 84.5 78.5 105 monitor- ing value (mg/I) I According to the analog analysis, the SS pollution increase will be 50-11 Omg/I during the waterway realignment construction. Construction noise According to the anolog analysis of domestic site monitoring information, the noise pollution source strength caused by construction machines and vehicles during construction are shown in Table 4.1-5 and Table 4.1-6. 50 Table 4.1-5 Noise values of all the construction machines Unit: dB(A) Acoustic peak noise distance from Acoustic source (m) source 10 40 60 100 Agitator 105 81 69 65.5 61 Loader 103 84 72 68.5 54 Bulldozer 107 80 68 64.5 60 Excavator 89 78 66 62.5 58 Table 4.1-6 Dredger noise test results Unit: dB(A) Type Motor starting Diesel starting Type I dredge 0.3* 56 63 Type II dredger 0.5* 58 65 Note: * Power code, the distance of the monitoring point from the Acoustic source is 15m. Ecological environment During construction, the main impacts are to damage land vegetation and to affect waters ecological environment due to the underwater dredge and to affect the ecological environment of the abandoned earth area. 4.1.4 Analysis of pollution during operation Water environment During operation, the main pollutants of water environment are ship cabin bottom oil- contained waste water, sewage and living garbage. According to the ship flow, different ship types or crew number of ship team, motor power and etc. of different forecast levels , the cabin bottom oil -contained waste and living sewage discharge quantities of the Sunan Backbone Waterway Network Realignment Project and The Extension Project Of Ship Locks At The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal And The Project Of The Yanguan Ship Lock are calculated . Details are shown in Table 4.1-7 to Table 4.1-12. 51 Table 4.1-7 Cabin bottom oil- contained waste water and leaked oil quantities forecast of the Sunan Backbone Waterway Network Realignment Project Unit: Va Year Item Shenzhang Xibei Line Suliu Line Line 2003 Waste water quantity 2120.9 358 181 Oil content in waste water 6.36 1.074 0.54 Leaked oil quantity from 28.1 4.76 1.44 motor boat Total oil content 34.5 5.83 1.98 Total oil content after 0.35 0.58 0.20 measure taken 2010 Waste water quantity 2709 515 249 Oil content in waste water 8.13 1.55 0.75 Leaked oil quantity from 15.9 3.04 1.16 motor boat Total oil content 24.03 4.59 1.91 Total oil content after 2.4 0.46 . 0.20 measure taken 2020 Waste water quantity 2931 603 299 Oil content in waste water 8.79 1.81 0.51 Leaked oil quantity from 4.97 1.02 0.89 motor boat l________ Total oil content 13.76 2.83 1.41 Total oil content after 0.14 0.28 0.14 measure taken 52 Table 4.1-8 Cabin bottom oil -contained waste water discharge forecast of the Zhangjiagang ship lock in the Shenzhang Line Unit: Va Ship lock Item 2000 2010 2020 Waste water quantity 1351.5 1523 1730 No.2 Oil content in waste 4.05 4.57 5.19 water Ship Lock Leaked oil quantity from 17.91 8.92 4.76 motor boat Total oil content 21.96 13.49 9.95 Total oil content after 2.20 1.35 0.99 measure taken Waste water quantity 2274 2623 2894 First-line and Oil content in waste 6.82 7.87 8.68 water No.2 ship locks Leaked oil quantity from 30.14 15.42 6.67 motor boat Total oil content 36.96 23.29 15.44 Total oil content after 3.70 2.33 1.54 measure taken 53 Table 4.1-9 Ship cabin bottom water discharge forecast Ship Item 1995 2002 2010 2020 lock Before After Before After Before After treat. treat. treat. treat. treat. treat. Jian- Before Oil- containd 3980 3827 3827 3667 3667 3640 3640 bi expan- waste water quantity (Va) Oil(tia) 11.9 11.5 0.057 11.0 0.055 10.9 0.055 Discharge 3000 3000 15 3000 15 3000 15 conoentration After Oil- contained 8230 8230 7655 7655 7584 7584 expan- waste water esiopnan- quantity (t/a) Oil (Ua) 24.7 0.123 23.0 0.115 22.7 0.114 Discharge 3000 15 3000 15 3000 15 concentration Huai Before Oil -contained 8821 8839 8839 8401 8401 8337 8337 an expan- waste water sin quant" (t/a) Oil (t/e) 26.5 26.5 0.133 25.2 0.126 25.0 0.125 Discharge 3000 3000 15 3000 15 3000 15 concenftrain After Oil- contained 14982 14982 14120 14120 13918 13918 expan- waste water sion quantity (Va) - oil (ia) 44.9 0.225 42.4 0.212 1 .8 1 0.209 7 Discharge 3000 15 3000 15 3000 15 concentration 54 Table 4.1-9 Ship cabin bottom water discharge forecast Cont' d Ship Item 1995 2002 2010 2020 lock Before After Before After Before After treat. treat. treat. treat. treat. treat. Huai Before Oil -contained 8821 8839 8839 8401 8401 8337 8337 -yin expan- waste water - Sion quantity (tia) Oil (ta) 26.5 26.5 0.133 25.2 0.126 25.0 0.125 Discharge 3000 3000 15 3000 15 3000 15 concentration After Oil- contained 14982 14982 14120 14120 13918 13Z18 exa- waste water sexpan- quantity (tma) Oil (Ua) 44.9 0.225 42.4 0.212 41.8 0.209 Discharge 3000 15 3000 15 3000 15 concentration Su- Before Oil- contained 7502 7480 7480 7252 7252 7401 7401 qian expan- waste water qian seixopna- quantity (Ua) Oil(Va) 22.5 22.4 0.112 21.8 0.109 22.2 0.111 Discharge 3000 3000 15 3000 15 3000 15 conoentration After Oil -contained 13625 13625 12973 12973 12985 12985 expan- waste water sion quantity (Va) Oil (tIa) 40.8 0.204 39 0.195 39 0.195 Discharge 3000 15 3000 15 3000 15 concentration (mgA) _ 5 55 Table 4.1-9 Ship cabin bottom water discharge forecast Cont' d Ship Item 1995 2002 2010 2020 lock Before After Before After Before After treat. treat. treat. treat. treat treat Jie- Before Oil -contained 3796 3765 3765 3512 3512 3368 3368 tai expan- waste water sin quantity (t/a) Oil (Ua) 11.4 11.3 0.057 10.5 0.052 10.1 0.050 Discharge 3000 3000 15 3000 15 3000 15 .concentration After Oil -contained 8839 8839 8401 8401 8337 8337 exa- waste water expan- quantity (Vt) Oil (ta) 26.5 0.133 25.2 0.126 25.0 0.125 Discharge 3000 15 3000 15 3000 15 concentration Yan- Before Oil- contained / / i guan constru. waste water quantity (tla) Oil (Ua) t I I I I Discharge t concentration After Oil -ntained 3254 3254 3250 3250 3324 3324 constru. waste water quantity (Oa) oil (tia) _9.76 0.049 9.75 0.049 9.97 0.050 Discharge 3000 15 3000 15 3000 15 conoentration Table 4.1-10 Ship living sewage quantity Year Shenzhang Line Xibei Line Suliu Line Total CODcr Total CODcr Total CODcr (1 0000ta) (Va) (100OOta (Va) (100OOtIa) (t/a) 2000 25.91 77.74 4.4 13.1 2.1 6.1 2010 29.72 89.10 5.64 16.9 2.69 8.1 2020 28.69 - 86.07 5.89 17.6 2.97 8.8 56 Table 4.1-11 Ship living sewage pollution loads of the Zhangjiagang ship lock Recommended Scheme Substitute Scheme Year Wushan No.2 Wushan No.2 Wushan and lao- Ship Lock Ship Lock No.1 gang shiplock Total CODcr Total CODcr Total CODcr (10000t/a) (tVa) (1 0000t/a) (t/a) (1 0000Vta) (t/a) 2000 15.82 47.47 11.23 33.70 27.70 83.11 2010 17.16 51.49 12.03 36.09 28.68 86.03 2020 18.06 54.19 11.36 24.08 29.39 88.17 Table 4.1-12 Ship living sewage discharge forecast Ship Item 1995 2002 2010 2020 locks Jianbi Existing Sewage (10000Vta) 35.2 31.5 25.5 21.7 COD (tVa) 105.6 94.5 76.5 65.1 Expanded Sewage (10000tia) 67.7 53.2 45.3 COD (tla) 203.1 159.6 135.9 Huai' an Existing Sewage (10000tIa) 82.8 67.8 49.4 39.8 COD (Va) 248.4 203.4 148.2 119.4 Expanded Sewage (10000t/a) 114.9 83.0 66.5 COD (Va) 344.7 249.0 199.5 Huaiyin Existing Sewage (1000OVa) 82.8 67.8 49.4 39.8 COD (Va) 248.4 203.4 148.2 119.4 Expanded Sewage (10000Va) 114.9 83.0 66.5 COD (Va) 344.7 249.0 199.5 Suqian Existing Sewage (1000OVa) 70.5 57.4 42.7 35.3 COD (tVa) 211.5 172.2 128.1 105.9 Expanded Sewa e (1000OVa) 104.5 76.3 62.0 COD (tVa) 313.5 228.9 186.0 Jietai Existing Sewage (100OOta) 35.4 28.9 20.6 16.1 COD (tla) 106.2 86.7 61.8 48.3 Expanded Sewage (10000Va) _ 67.8 49.4 39.8 COD (Va) 203.4 148.2 119.4 Yanguan Ship Lock Sewage (1000OVa) 32.7 28.1 24.7 _______________ COD (Va) _ 98.1 84.6 74.1 Ship noise The main acoustic environment pollution sources are the lock passage ship noise and ship running noise in waterway. In August, 1996, site monitoring of the equal effect Acoustic grades was carried out for the tugs, barges and motor boats passing through the Jianbi Ship Lock and ( at the place of 1 m away from motor ) are shown in Table 4.1-13 and Table 57 4.1-14. Table 4.1-13 Barge noise source strengths Unit: dB(A) Item | 1x9.7kW 2x9.7kW 3x9.7kW 4x9.7kW High speed 97.1 100.9 101.9 106.1 Middle speed 95.1 98.4 99.5 100.6 Low speed 91.3 95.1 96.1 97.3 Table 4.1-14 Tug noise source strengths -_______ _________________ Unit: dB(A ) Item 100kW_V 136kW 184kW Cabin Cabin Cabin Cabin Cabin Cabin door door door door door door opened closed opened closed opened closed High 86.5 81.2 91.1 80.2 94.9 85.8 speed Middle 84.8 79.9 87.4 79.0 90.4 93.4 speed Low 81.2 75.1 83.5 75.4 83.7 77.5 speed 58 4.2 ATMOSPHERE ENVIRONMENT IMPACT FORECAST AND POLLUTION PREVENTION AND MITIGATION MEASURES 4.2.1 Content and methods of atmosphere environment impact analysis The atmosphere environment pollutants are dust caused by the vehicles running on the road of the earth taking area, abandoned earth area and between the earth taking area and the abandoned earth area for transportation of the dredged soil of the lock pond , channel approach and the Sunan channel, mud scattered on the road and dust caused by building materials transport vehicles. The construction dust pollution is the atmosphere impact assessment content. The assessment factor is TSP. The existing TSP monitoring information of construction sites of the communication projects and the existing mode are used to analyze the TSP pollution impact of the Project 4.2.2 Atmosphere environment impact analysis Atmosphere environment impact analysis The road dust quantity of transport vehicles between the earth taking area and the abandoned earth area is 1.37kg/km.vehicle, the road dust quantities of transport vehicles at the dredge area and abandoned earth area are 7.2kglkm.vehicle and 10.42kglkm.vehicle respectively. According to the analog analysis and estimation, under the condition of no measures taken, the road dust of the abandoned earth areas of The Extension Project Of Ship Locks At The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal And The Project Of The Yanguan Ship Lock and the Sunan Backbone Waterway Network Realignment Project will have impacts on the downstream scopes of 80-120 m and 100 - 150 m . The road dust between the earth taking area and the abandoned earth area will have impacts only on a scope of 30 - 60m of either side of the road. Analysis results 1). The Sunan Backbone Waterway Network Realignment Project The earth volume construction of the sites will have a certain impact on the atmosphere environment of the Shengpu Central Primary School, Weiting Hospital, Kuatan Hospital of the Suliu Line and the Dayi Central Primary School, the Fenghuang Central Primary School, Gangshang Primary School, Nansha Central Primary School of the 59 Shenzhang Line and the Beiguo Primary School of the Xibei Line and the Changshan Textile Factory, the Administrative Office of the Zhangjiagang Ship Lock, part of the residents areas of Changshan village and the Changjiang village. The dust caused by vehicles will have impacts on part of villagers within a scope of 100 - 150 m surrounding the abandoned earth area. 2). The Extension Project Of Ship Locks At The Beijing- Hangzhou Grand Canal And The Project Of The Yanguan Ship Lock The abandoned earth areas of the Jietai No.2 Ship Lock, the Huaiyin No.3 Ship Lock and the Yanguan Ship Lock are within 300 - 400m of both banks of the channel approaches. The dust pollution of earth volume construction and transport is focused in the surrounding areas of the sites. The abandoned earth areas of the Suqian No.3 Ship Lock, the Huai an No.3 Ship Lock and the Jianbi No.2 Ship Lock are far away from the locks, the road dust by -abandoned earth transport vehicles will have dust pollution on roads of the earth taking area, abandoned earth area and between the earth taking area and the abandoned earth area. The protection objectives seriously polluted by the site dredge and road dust by building materials and abandoned earth transport are mainly focused in the Huaiyin No.3 Ship Lock, Jianbi No.2 Ship Lock and Yanguan Ship Lock. The affected protection objectives are the residents area of the Jianbi town, Groups 3, 7, 10 and 11 of Xinza village, Mopangzhuan, Hancheng Group 8, Wuzhanghe Village and Houyaozhuan and etc.. The dust caused by abandoned earth transport vehicles on the abandoned earth area road of the Jianbi Ship Lock will affect a small amount of villagers of Shangyuan village, Dianshang village, Xinzu village, Qianjiawan village and Chenjiazhuan village of the Jianbi town. There is no residents area within a scope of 250m in the abandoned earth area of Huai' an and Suqian ship locks, no pollution will occur on the villagers due to road dust by abandoned earth transport vehicles. 3). The dust pollution caused during construction is short and it happens mainly in the climate of dry and strong wind , if management is enhanced and measures are taken, construction time period is controlled, the pollution can be controlled in a minimized scope. After the completion of construction, the above-mention pollution will naturally 60 disappear. The atmosphere environment quality of each environment protection objectives will be resumed to the original levels and can be improved. 4.2.3 Atmosphere pollution prevention and treatment and impact retardation measures 1). Water will be sprayed periodically on the construction road of the lock area and abandoned earth area in clear days. The abandoned earth transport of the Jianbi Ship Lock will go through the city area, road water spraying and cleaning measures shall be enhanced . 2). When abandoned earth being loaded into trucks, abandoned earth shall be lower than the baffle of the truck to reduce earth scattering on the road. 3). The speed of the transport vehicles in the lock area shall be controlled less than 40km/h to reduce road secondary dust. 4). The abandoned earth area after completion of abandoned earth shall be covered with fermented soil on the surface and recovered in order to reduce dispersion pollution of dust pressed and broken by vehicles with wind . 5). Cement must be piled in a special warehouse, broken bags and cement scattered on road shall be cleaned timely 4.3 WATER ENVIRONMENT IMPACT FORECAST AND POLLUTION PREVENTION AND MITIGATION MEASURES 4.3.1 Content and methods of water environment impact forecast Content of water environment impact forecast 1). The Sunan Backbone Waterway Network Realignment Project (1). To analyze impacts on the water environment by the living sewage of constructors, oil -contained water discharged by construction ships and the TSP increase due to underwater dredge during construction. (2). To forecast degree of impacts on key protection objectives of water intakes and aquatic breeding farms and etc. along the waterways after realignment 61 (3) To forecast impacts on main town water level and anti-flood of drainage area after realignment 2). The Extension Project Of Ship Locks At The Beijing- Hangzhou Grand Canal And The Project Of The Yanguan Ship Lock To analyze water environment impact by the suspended solids caused by underwater dredge and discharged water at the abandoned earth area during construction Forecast method 1). The Sunan Backbone Waterway Network Realignment Project (1), Analog analysis method during construction (2). Water quantty and water quality models during operation 2). The Extension Project Of Ship Locks At The Beijing- Hangzhou Grand Canal And The Project Of The Yanguan Ship Lock (1). The actually monitored information of water pollution of the Huaiyin and Jianbi ship locks are used for analog impact analysis (2). One-dimensional direction maths mode is used to forecast water pollution of the Yanguan Ship Lock. 4.3.2 Water environment impact analysis of the Sunan waterway network Analysis of impact on water environment during waterway construction 1). Analysis of waterway dredge way impact on water quality (1). Waterway dredge way The waterway dredge is navigation non-interruption construction. The overwater earth volume construction of the Project is mainly dug be excavators and transported by trucks. The underwater earth volume construction of the Project is mainly dredged by dredgers, there are three types of dredgers: cutter sucking type, chain bucket type and grab bucket type. Cutter sucking dredgers are to cut underwater earth by head cutters 62 and pumped to the abandoned earth area by pipeline. The water discharge quantity of this method is the biggest , but the pollution of the construction area is smaller. (2). Dredge impact on water quality The three dredge methods will cause SS increase and secondary dispersion of the waterway waters. According to the monitored information of the Wanyu River and the Taipu River during construction, the turbidity during construction is 2.1 -7.0 times of that during operation, no big change happens in COD, DO and NH3-N . Turbidity increase of the water body will cause disadvantageous impacts on water quality and aquatic organism of rivers and the drinking water sources of the cities and towns along rivers and industrial water of enterprises. Because the Project is constructed in stages and sections, the SS increase happens only in local waters in a short period, after dredge, the impact will disappear. For the whole waterway, the impact time and scope are limited. 2). Analysis of impacts on water quality by living sewage during construction According to the forecast results of the water quantity and water quality modes, COD increase in the waterway water body by the living sewage during construction is basically consistent with the actually monitored value of the Wanyu River, no pollution impact happens on water environment. 63 Water environment impact forecast during operation of the waterway According to the design conditions of water quality and water flow, different schemes and forecast pollution sources of the waterways to be realigned , the water quality and water flow are forecast at variant conditions. The forecast schemes are shown in Table 4.3.2. Table 4.3.2 Forecast schemes at variant conditions Scheme Item Measures Pollution source Design water _____________________ ~~~~~~~level 0 Existing No waterway excavation Existing conditions: industry + According to the _ ______ conditions riverside living and ship living conditions of the 1 Not Widening and dredge of Existing conditions: industry + Luoshe Station, rerouting the three waterways riverside living and ship living P=6% design 2 Widening and dredge of Existing conditions: industry + flood season, P - the three waterways riverside living 46% design ___________________ Forecast: ship living in 2000 normal 3 - Widening and dredge of Existing conditions: industry + season, P = 72% the three waterways riverside living design dry _____ _Forecast: ship flving in 2000 season 4 Rerouting Widening and dredge of Existing conditions: industry + the three waterways, riverside living and ship living local rerouting of four watenaNys 5 Widening and dredge of Existing conditions: industry + the three waterways, riverside living local rerouting of four Forecast ship living in 2000 waterways 6 FWidening and dredge of Existing conditions: industry + the three waterways, riverside living local rerouting of four Forecast: ship living in 2000 :__________ waterways _ 1). Analysis of impact on the waterway water quality due to water dynamic condition change after realignment After realignment, the waterway water dynamic condition will be changed, under the condition of no change of pollution sources of the three waterways, CODmn content after excavation is lower than that before excavation, which indicates that the waterway realignment is good to improve water quality. 2). Analysis of impact on the waterway water quality due to ship living pollution sources after realignment According to the mode forecast results, after realignment, under the conditions of the existing pollution sources and forecast ship living 64 pollution sources in 2003 and in 2010, the calculation values of CODmn content in each line during dry season have no change, which indicates that the ship living pollution load change is very small and has not impact on the waterway water quaiity after realignment. 3). Analysis of impact on the water quality due to ship oil- contained waste water After completion of the waterways, though goods transport load will be increased, motor boat proportion will be decreased, total pollutants discharge quantity will be decreased, oil pollution degree will be better. The oils content of the waterways meet Category IV of the water quality standard. Analysis of impact on total pollutants into the Tai Lake after realignment According to the forecast calculation, after realignment, the total pollutants into and out of the Tail Lake are completely the same with those before realignment. So there is no impact on the total pollutants into the Tai Lake after realignment. Analysis of impact on water level and anti-flood of the drainage area after realignment There are a great difference of water levels among the different regions of the Tai Lake Drainage Area . But in the same region, the water level of river network has a small change without grade difference, each region is relatively independent. The following conclusions can be obtained according to the calculation result: 1). The realignment of the three waterways at the Hudong region will have no impact on the water level at the Huxi region. The water level increase of Danyang, Jingtan, Changzhou, Liyang and Yixin are zero. 2). After realignment of the Zhangjiagang Port and the Xibei Line at the Wuchengxiyu region, the monthly average water level of Wuxi, Beiguo and Gangxia is decreased by 0.01-0.07m, the maximum decrease of the daily average water level is 0.04m. So the waterway realignment is good to the antiflood and discharge of the region. 3). After realignment of the Shenzhang Line and the Suliu Line at the Yangcheng region , the maximum increase of the monthly average water level in Changsu is 1cm, the maximum increase of the monthly average water level in Kunshan and Suzhou is 2cm. In general, 65 there is no big monthly average water level change at this region. So the waterway realignment will have no great impact on the antiflood and discharge of the region. 4). After realignment of the Hudong waterway in the Tai Lake, the water level will be decreased slightly. the monthly average water level decrease is 0.001 - 0.003 m. So the waterway realignment will have a very small impact on the Tai Lake level. 4.3.3 Water environment impact analysis of The Extension Project Of Ship Locks At The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal And The Project Of The Yanguan Ship Lock Analysis of impact on water environment caused by SS during construction Cutter sucking dredgers will be used with an efficiency of 80m3/h and a flow of 800m31h, mud is filled on the banks, one dredger will be used at the upstream and downstream channel approaches separately, the construction period is three to six months. The flow velocity of the Canal is smaller, the quality of the water beyond 200m of the downstream construction area can satisfy the Category IV of the water quality standard. No pollution impact will happen on the water environment protection objectives of the Jietai, Huaiyin, Huai' an and Yanguan ship locks. Analysis of lock passage ship discharged pollutants' impacts on water environment during operation 1). Ship locks of Jietai, Suqian, Huaiyin and Huai'an in the Subei Canal and the Jianbi Ship Lock in the Sunan Canal (1). Ship living sewage impact analysis According to the water quality monitoring information of the Huaiyin and Jianbi ship locks in August 1996, the average CODcr content of the Huaiyin Ship Lock area is 9.25 mg/I and the average CODcr content of the Jianbi Ship Lock area is 10.1 mg/i , which satisfy Category Ill of water quality standard. The average CODcr content in the Jiaoshanwei section of the Yangtze River and in the Shanchahe section is 9.13mg/I. The actually monitored average CODcr content in the Jianbi Ship Lock is 10.1 mg/I, the ship living sewage contribution value is 0.97mg/l. The ship living sewage quantity in 2002 will be 55.4% increase compared with that in 1995, at that time, the ship living sewage contribution value is 1 .50mg/l, together with 10.61 mg/I background value, 66 it can satisfy Category IlIl of water quality standard. The total ship living sewage quantity is decreased with the level forecast years, no pollution will happen on water environment protection objectives . (2). Ship cabin bottom oil- contained water impact analysis The actually monitored oil content of the Huaiyin Ship Lock area is 0.0 -1.78mg/I with an average value of 0.40 mg/I, the maximum value exceeds the standard and the average does not exceed the standard. The oil content of the Jianbi Ship Lock area is 0.02 - 0.55 mgA with an average value of 0.06 mg/I, the maximum oil content and the average value exceed Category IlIl of water quality standard. Because large ships are used , the total cabin bottom oil-contained waste water quantity is decreased with the level forecast years, the cabin bottom oil- contained waste water of the lock passage ships shall be treated to satisfy the discharge standard with the oil/water separator equipped in ships and then discharged, for the ships without treatment ability, the cabin bottom oil-contained waste water shall be collected by the ports with treatment capacity along the waterways for centralized treatment. The oil content is decreased by 90%. According to the actually monitored average oil content of 0.40 mg/I, the decreased oil content is below 0.05mg/I, it can satisfy Category IlIl of water quality standard, no pollution will happen on water environment protection objectives and the water to be transferred to the north of the Subei Canal. 3). The goods transport load of the ship locks of the Canal will be increased with the level forecast years, the ship tonnage will be increased and small boats and trailing motor boats will be eliminated, oil- contained waste water and living sewage quantity has a decreasing tendency, in addition, due to the operation of the new ship lock, the lock waiting time will be greatly shortened, the living sewage, oil-contained waste water and living garbage discharged into upstream and downstream of the lock area will be reduced too, and it will further reduce pollution load and improve water quality. 2). The Yanguan Ship Lock (1). Forecast of cabin oil-contained waste water impacts on water environment of the Wuzhanghe River According to the analysis results of Table 2.4.3-3, the oil-contained waste water discharge quantity of the ships passing by the Yanguan Ship Lock in 2002 is 3254 t, oil-contained waste water discharge content is 3000 mg/I, on the basis of 500 t tug and oil-contained waste water directly discharged by pumps, the pollution discharge source strength is 4167 67 mg/s. Because the Wuzhanghe River is greatly affected by tide, and oil pollutants transport and dispersion direction is the same with the tide direction, in the tide direction, one-dimensional direction maths mode is established , it is assumed that pollution source discharge is treated as a point source. After forecast calculations : the content increase due to the ship cabin bottom oil-contained waste water in the area within 50m satisfies Category IV of the water quality standard, the content increase at the place of 2000m is only 0.04mg/I, it has a smaller water environment impact scope. (2). Analysis of ship living sewage impact on the Wuzhanghe River The living sewage discharge quantity of ships passing through the lock in 2002 will be 98.1t, the Wuzhanghe River is slightly polluted by organic matters with a larger environment capacity at present. COD discharged by ships has a very small impacts on water environment, the present water situation can basically be maintained. 4.3.4 Water environment pollution prevention and treatment and impact retardation measures 1). The underwater earth volume of the river sections with water intakes of water works shall be dredged by cutter sucking dredger, grab bucket dredger shall be avoided as much as possible, chain bucket dredger is not allowed in order to reduce the underwater suspended silts dispersion quantity. In the river section with serious bottom mud pollution, grab bucket dredger shall be used, mud barges are used to transport the mud to the abandoned earth area in order to reduce secondary pollution. 2). When construction at the water intakes, firstly in the downstream, after the downstream section is increased, then the upstream; secondly, the dike of the water intake shall be maintained in order to avoid affecting the water quality of the water intakes during construction; thirdly, when the dike is eliminated, the construction shall be at night time in order to ensure no impact on the water supply of the water works.The anti-pollution bands will be laid near water intakes when channel sections near them are constructed in order to reduce the impact of underwater suspended sands on water quality. 3). The abandoned earth area water discharge of the 68 underwater earth volume of the river sections with water intakes of water works shall be over 1000m away from the water intakes and in order to minimize suspended silts impact on the water intakes. 4). New types of tugs and barges shall be promoted , the motor boats shall be gradually reduced and eliminated . For the motor boats still running shall be equipped with an oil drop dish. It is to strictly manage and supervise tugs and barges in the waterways and passing through the ship locks. The cabin bottom oil-contained waste water shall be treated with oil/water separator to less than 15 mg/l, then discharged. For the ships without waste water treatment ability, their cabin bottom oil-contained waste water shall be collected by themselves and treated by the port where the ships arrive . 5). The garbage of ships running in the waterway network shall be packed in plastic bags and collected by garbage collection ship for sending to the city garbage stack. 6). The cabin bottom oil-contained waste water of the construction ships shall be treated to satisfy the discharge standard with the oil/water separator equipped in ships and then discharged, for the ships without treatment ability, the cabin bottom oil-contained waste water shall be collected in the oil collection box ( dish ) arnd sent to the nearby ports with treatment capacity for centralized treatment. 7). Temporary dry toilets shall be built and simple septic tanks shall be set for the .living sewage of the constructors, which will be periodically taken as fertilizer. 8). The construction building garbage can be backfilled at the site and the living garbage can be sent to be buried at the specified place by the environment and hygiene department or collected and treated by local environment and hygiene department. 4.4 ACOUSTIC ENVIRONMENT IMPACT FORECAST AND POLLUTION PREVENTION AND MITIGATION MEASURES 4.4.1 Content and methods of acoustic environment impact forecast The construction noise and ship noise impacts on the environment protection objectives of the lock areas and within 200m outside the Sunan waterways battery limits shall be forecasted. Construction noise impact shall be analyzed with analog method, the lock passage ship noise shall be analyzed with analog method and mode calculation. 69 4.4.2 Construction noise impact analysis and mitigation measures Construction noise impact analysis The noise of single construction machine will meet the noise limits in the BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION SITE NOISE LIMITS (GB12523-90) at the place beyond 8-28m at day time and 65 - 160m at night time away from construction site.The noises accumulation impact scope of variant construction machines operating at the same time and communications noise at the construction site will be obviously larger than that of the noise of single construction machine, which can meet the noise limits in the BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION SITE NOISE LIMITS (GB12523-90) at the place beyond 10-40m at day time and 100-225m at night time away from construction site . Impacts on the surrounding protection objectives happen in the night construction time, which can be eliminated by adjusting work time and avoiding high noise machine operating at night. The construction period of the lock room and channel approach dredge is four to six months, after completion of earth volume engineering, the construction noise pollution degree and scope will be obviously reduced. Construction noise pollution impact retardation measures 1). Construction period shall be reasonably arranged, rivers with schools affected shall be constructed during vocation period. 2). If the noise of bulldozers, earth scraper and concrete vibrator is higher than 98dB(A) or there is a resident' s area just 150m away from the construction site, construction shall be stopped during 22:00 at night to 6:00 at next moming. 3). The maintenance of the construction machines shall be enhanced in order to avoid increasing machine noise due to the worse performance. 4.4.3 Forecast of noise impact during operation and mitigation measures Forecast of noise impact during operation 1). Forecast method According to the ship type proportion at different level years in the Feasibility Study Report, it is to select all the lock passage ships as motor 70 boats and ship team with maximum power tug, the moving source mode and point Acoustic source declination mode are used for calculation and the analog survey information for forecasting communications noise impacts of ships at waterway, in and out of ship locks. 2). Mode forecasting The following movable source mode is used to calculate the communication noise produced by the trailing motor boats of the Sunan waterways and by the ship team trailer and trailing motor boat at the channel approach of the lock. The ship noise forecast results of the Sunan waterways project are shown in Table 4.4.3-1 and Table 4.4.3-2. The lock passage ship noise forecast results are shown in Table 4.4.3-3 to Table 4.4.3-5. The ship whistling noise forecast results are shown in Table 4.4.3-6 Table 4.4.3-1 Noise values of each line _Unit: dB(A) Distance Time situa- 2010 2003 from line tion 30 50 100 150 30 50 100 150 30 50 100 150 Shenzhan Day 66.5 63.1 58.6 56.0 61.4 58.1 53.6 51.0 62.2 58.9 54.4 51.7 9 I Line Night 59.4 56.1 51.6 48.9 54.4 51.1 46.6 43.9 55.2 51.8 47.3 44.7 Xibei Line Day 66.9 63.5 59.0 56.4 59.1 55.8 51.3 48.6 60.6 57.3 52.8 50.2 Night 59.8 56.5 52.0 49.3 52.0 48.7 44.2 41.5 53.6 50.2 45.7 43.1 Suliu Line Day 63.6 60.3 55.8 53.2 57.3 54.0 49.5 46.8 58.8 55.5 50.9 48.3 Night 56.6 53.3 48.8 46.2 50.4 47.1 42.5 39.9 51.8 4 43.9 413 71 Table 4.4.3-2 Noise forecast values of protection objectives in 2003 and in 2010 Unt: dB(A) Item Protection objectives Day time Night time Kunshan Broadcast and 58.7 58.9 44.8 45.3 TV University Dayi Central Primary 49.4 49.9 44.5 44.8 School Gangkou Primary School 53.8 54.0 45.0 45.4 Shen- waterways Gangkou Middle School 54.8 54.9 46.5 46.6 zhang . Une Fenghuang Central 57.3 57.5 44.8 45.4 Primary School Gangshang Primary 51.5 51.6 41.9 42.6 School Nansha Central Primary 51.5 51.6 41.9 42.6 School Zhangjia-gang I I / / ship lock .. ... Xibei Line Beiguo Primary School 54.3 54.6 42.5 43.3 Shengpu Central Primary 62.5 62.5 42.5 43.3 School _ Weiting Central Primary 56.7 56.7 46.3 46.4 School . Welting Central 52.0 52.3 43.4 43.8 Kintergarden Suliu Une Weiting Hospital 59.0 59.1 45.8 46.3 Telecommunication Cadre 69.9 69.9 51.5 51.5 College of the Ministry of Railway Industry .____________________ Quatan Hospital 69.8 69.9 49.2 49.7 72 Table 4.4.3-3 Motor Boats noise pollution forecast results Unit: dB(A) Item Distance 0 20 50 100 150 200 (in) Location . . __ Jietai ship Lock room 82.1 65.0 58.4 53.7 50.6 48.4 lock Channel 76.7 63.3 61.8 59.3 57.3 55.7 approach . Suqian ship Lock room 81.8 61.8 55.3 50.6 47.5 46.2 lock Channel 76.2 61.9 60.2 60.8 57.8 56.3 approach Huaiyin ship Lock room 80.7 63.7 57.9 53.8 51.1 49.1 lock I Channel 76.2 61.9 60.2 58.8 57.8 56.3 approach __ _ _ Huai' an Lock room 81.9 65.6 59.5 54.9 51.9 49.6 ship lock Channel 76.2 61.1 59.7 58.7 56.3 54.8 approach Jianbi ship Lock room 78.6 65.1 59.0 54.4 51.4 49.6 lock Chanmel 73.1 63.7 62.5 59.0 54.7 52.9 approach Yanguan Lock room 82.2 63.8 57.6 52.9 49.8 47.6 ship lock Channel 72.9 64.7 60.4 57.0 54.7 52.9 approach . _ 73 Table 4.4.3-4 Ship team tug noise pollution forecast results Unit: dB(A) Item Distance O 20 50 100 150 200 Location I I Jietai ship Lock room 64.3 56.5 50.7 48.3 46.4 44.9 lock _ Channel 66.7 53.6 51.1 50.0 48.6 47.2 approach I Suqian ship Lock room 64.1 57.0 51.3 49.0 48.2 46.7 lock Channel 77.2 60.0 56.5 55.2 52.3 50.9 ___ ___ ___ approach __ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Huaiyin ship Lock room 64.1 57.0 51.3 49.0 48.2 46.7 lo ck__ _ _ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ _ Channel 71.1 60.1 55.2 52.2 49.8 48.3 _ approach _ Huai' an Lock room 64.1 57.0 51.3 49.0 48.2 46.7 ship lock Channel 74.2 60.0 55.1 53.7 51.9 49.4 approach Jianbi ship Lock room 62.3 54.5 48.7 46.3 44.4 42.9 lock Channel 58.6 49.5 45.6 44.8 44.0 42.5 _approach le I __ Yanguan Lock room 62.9 53.5 47.2 44.6 42.6 40.9 ship lock I Channel 58.4 48.2 43.5 41.8 40.3 39.8 _ approach 74 Table 4.4.3-5 Lock passage ship impacts on environment protection objectives Protection Distance Maximum Standard Exceeding Value Item objectives from bank dB(A) Ibm ~~~~~~~~(m) Category IV Standard Category II Standard Day Night Day Night Jietai Ship Lock Jietai village 200 No Std. 0.7 exceed. Suqian No.3 Ship Luoyuan Admin. 200 No Std. 1.3 Lock office exceeding Poiice office 170-200 No Std. 2.3 No Std. exceeding exceeding Huaiyin No.3 Ship Group No.3, 20-200 No Std. 6.9 No Std. Lock Xinza Village exceeding exceeding Group No.7, 20-200 No Std. .6.9 No Std. Xinza Village exceeding exceeding Group No.10, 20-200 No Std. 6.9 No Std. Xinza Village I exceeding exceeding Group No. 11, 20-200 No Std. 6.9 No Std. Xinza Village exceeding exceeding Mopanzhuan 20-200 No Std. 8.7 No Std. .___________ ______ exceeding exceeding Hancheng Group 50-200 No Std. 5.2 No Std. No.8 exceeding exceeding Huai' an No.3 Group No.5, 140-200 No Std. 2 No Std. Ship Lock Shakou village exceeding exceeding Group No.6, 140-200 No Std. 2 No Std. Shakou village exceeding exceeding Group No.7, 140-200 No Std. 2 No Std. | Shakou village exceeding exceeding Jianbi No.2 Ship Jiangsu 190-200 No Std. 3.5-2.9 Lock Communica- exceeding tions School Longcui Village 80-200 No Std. 8.7No Std. exceeding exceeding Jianbi residents 20-200 No Std. 9.7-1.5 No house exceeding Std. exceed. Yanguan Ship Wuzhanghe 20-140 No Std. 9.7No Std. Lock Vilage exceeding exceeding Dashouzhuan 180-200 No Std. No Std. exceeding exceeding _ Houyozhuan 20-180 No Std. 9.7 No Std. ______________ __________ exceed. exceeding Table 4.4.3-6 Ship whistling noise forecast results Uni: dB(A) Distance 20 50 100 200 500 1 (in) 1000M - -T- 12000 14000 Noise 99.1 91.1 85.1 79.1 71.1 65.1 59.1 153.1 (3) Analog analysis The actual monitoring has be carried out for the ship in and out of the Jianbi First-line Ship Lock , the monitored results are used as analog information to analyze the noise impact degrees of the above mentioned 75 six ship locks at similar conditions and to demonstrate the correctness of the mode calculation results. Analog Monitored results are shown in Table 4.4.3-7 and Table 4.4.3-8. Table 4.4.3-7 Noise analog monitoring results of the Jianbi Ship Lock Unit:dB(A) Location Time Status L10 L50 L90 - Leq | Ship types Bank of lock Day time Lock opened 77.0 66.5 58.5 71.8 Two-line tug team for ship in head at Lock opened 78.0 71.5 62.0 74.9 23 trailing motor for ship out boats, one-line tugs upstream Lock closed 58.0 54.5 52.0 55.5 20m away from Day time Lock opened 62.5 56.0 53.0 59.7 Two-line tug team for ship in_ lock head bank Lock opened 68.0 61.5 57.0 65.3 23 trailing motor at for ship out boats, one-line tugs upstream Lock dosed 56.0 54.0 52.0 54.3 Table 4.4.3-8 Noise analog monitoring results of the Jianbi Ship Lock Unit:dB(A) Location Time Status LIO L50 L90 | Leq IShip types Bank of lock Night time Lock opened 80.5 73.0 67.5 77.4 |20 trailing motor for ship in boats & 20 barges head at Lock opened 68.5 68.5 49.5 71.1 1 trailing motor boat for ship out _ & twoline tugs upstream Lock closed 69.0 56.5 55.0 63.4 20m away from Night time Lock opened 70.4 64.8 60.8 66.7 20 trailing motor for ship in boats & 2 barges lock head bank Lock opened 64.4 51.6 49.6 64.5 1 trailing motor boat at for ship out & two-line tugs upstream _ Lock closed 57.2 50.8 49.6 54.4 1 From Table 4.4.3-7 and Table 4.4.3-8 we can see that the actually monitored maximum noise pollution source of ships in and out the locks is the trailing motor boat. When ships in and out of lock room, the noises at places of 0-20m away from the bank are 77.4-74.9dB(A) and 65.3- 66.7dB(A) , which are basically the same with the noise impact forecast calculation values of 71.4-82.2dB(A) and 63.6-70.4dB(A) of trailing motor boat out of the lock room at upstream , 0-20m away from the bank. That indicates the noise impact forecast calculation results of trailing motor boats are consistent with the actual situation. The noise monitored results of tug team are 71.1-71.8 dB(A) and 59.7-66.7 dB(A), 0-20m away from the bank, the forecasted impact values are 62.3-64.1 dB(A) and 56.1 - 59.4 dB(A), O-20m away from 76 the bank, which are slightly smaller than the actually monitored values. 77 (4). Results analysis 1. The Suinan Waterway Network Realignment Project Shenzhang Line In the forecast years, beyond 50m of both sides of the waterway, the ship noise value at day time meets the standard; beyond 70m of both sides of the waterway, the ship noise value at night time meets the standard; Among the noise sensitive points, the noise values meet the standard. The Zhangjiagang Ship Lock Trailing motor boat noise out of the lock exceeds Category 2 of the standard at the place of 70m away from the lock bank at day time and at the place of 200 m away from the lock bank. The impacts of trailing motor boat noise at the channel approach on part of the residents area of both banks basically meet the assessment standard. -The Xibei Line In the forecast years, beyond 40m of both sides of the waterway, the ship noise value at day time meets the standard; beyond 60m of both sides of the waterway, the ship noise value at night time meets the standard; Among the noise sensitive points, the noise values meet the standard. * The Suliu Line In the forecast years, beyond 30m of both sides of the waterway, the ship noise value at day time meets the standard; beyond 40m of both sides of the waterway, the ship noise value at night time meets the standard; Among the noise sensitive points, the noise values at the Telecommunication Cadre School of the Ministry of Railway Industry at day time and night time do not meet the standard; the noise values at the Shengpu Central Primary School and the Quatan Hospital at day time, caused mainly by higher noise background values. II. The Ship Lock Project . The Forecasted results show that the tug ship team noise basically meets the assessment standard, the motor boats are the main source of pollution. After greening measures are taken on both banks of the 78 ship locks, the impact of the ship noise at day on the environment protection objectives do not exceed the assessment standard, the impacts of the ship noise at night on the environment protection objectives basically meet the assessment standard. Some environment protection objectives are affected by the ship noise at different degrees, the maximum standard exceeding value is about 10 dB(A). * Ship whistling noise Ship whistling noise impact scope is bigger, the noise at the place of 2000m away from the Acoustic source reaches 59.1dB(A), the standard exceeding impact distances are about 500m at day time and about 3500m at night time. It belongs to instantaneous pollution source with a short continuous time. Noise pollution control and mitigation measures during operation 1). The trailing motor boats shall be gradually eliminated due to large ships application . For the trailing motor boats still in operation, qualified silencers are installed strictly according to the specification of Jiangsu Document No. (1993) 9, the complete machine' s noise shail be less than and equal to 97 dB(A). 2). Greening shall be carried out in the banks of the waterways to be realigned, which will not only beautify environment and purify air, but absorb ship noise to lower noise pollution on the bank residents. 3). Ships shall go through the channel centerline which is farther away from banks as possible, at night whistling shall be minimized. 4). A ship low speed running symbol shall be set at the channel section with a larger residents' area at banks. 4.5 ECOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT IMPACT FORECAST AND POLLUTION PREVENTION AND MITIGATION MEASURES 4.5.1 Inland vegetation damage situation during construction and analysis of land resource application (1). Vegetation damage and resumption Altogether 140237 trees will be damaged due to the land requisited area of the Sunan Backbone Waterway Network Realignment Project and The Extension Project Of Ship Locks At The Beijing- Hangzhou Grand Canal And The Project Of The Yanguan Ship Lock 79 including 31899 trees by the Sunan Backbone Waterway Network Realignment Project and 108338 trees byThe Extension Project Of Ship Locks At The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal And The Project Of The Yanguan Ship Lock. The vegetation loss by the Project is not avoidable. 3.24 billion yuan will be used for the resumption of vegetation. The administrative offices of the existing ship locks are concemed about greening work very much. The many-year tree planting activity has made each lock area to form beautiful " Lock Garden". The green land area surrounding the lock areas will be further increased. The lost vegetation by the Project will be resumed to the maximum extent with greening of key regions, the lock areas, waterways and abandoned areas. (2). Analysis on land resource application The total permanently requisited land area of the Project is 559.25 ha. and the total rent land area is 892.29 ha. The temporarily requisited land will be recovered for farming after completion of construction, part of shallows and low-lying land covered with abandoned earth can be changed into farmland. The site observation of the abandoned earth area to be requisited by the Project shows that part of abandoned earth can be used to fill up waste ponds, waste land, shallows and low-lying land to form new land resource and 7.09 ha farmland can be created. 4.5.2 Analysis of waters ecological environment impact during construction The total underwater dredge volume of the Projects is 12.52305 million m3 including 10.5357 million m3 for the Sunan Backbone Waterway Network Realignment Project and 1.365 million m3 for The Extension Project Of Ship Locks At The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal And The Project Of The Yanguan Ship Lock . Cutter sucking dredgers shall be used for dredge, the dredged mud shall be directly filled or grab bucket dredgers shall be used for dredge, the dredged mud shall be transported by mud barge or filled by pipeline to the abandoned earth area of the underwater earth volume. According to the actually monitored fill - information about cutter sucking dredgers , the water content in the mud slurry is 90% (75% in the hydraulic fill mud for Huaiyin No.3 Ship Lock ), the SS is about 150mg/l at the discharge . Mud discharged from each waterway and ship lock will result in a SS increase at a local area of the river section in a short time and will 80 result in bank deposit at a small scope. Impacts on fishery production during construction (1). SS impact on fishes According to related information, SS content in water less than 25mg/I has no impact on fishery production output; SS content in water between 25 and 80mg/l can maintain middle grade fishery production output; SS content in water between 80 and 400mg/I, it is difficult to maintain middle grade fishery production output; SS content in water of 400mg/l , the fishery production output is poor. During waterway realignment, SS content change in the water body will exceed or close the upper limit to maintain middle grade fishery production output standard, so effective protection measures shall be taken during the waterway widening. But during operation, SS content in the water body will be greatly reduced , which can maintain the SS content standard of good or middle grade fishery production output. (2). In the whole Sunan waterway network, at present, there are a small amount of waters network circling fishes breeding area in the Bacheng Lake and the Kuncheng Lake of the Shenzhang Line only, and they are not within the waterway waters. The waterways shall be constructed section by section without flow blocking, this will have a certain disadvantageous impacts on the wild fishes in the sections under construction and will have smaller impacts on the wild fishers in the whole waterway. The waters breeding impact scope of the Bacheng Lake 'and the Kuncheng Lake is 150-200 m beyond the waterway boundary, it is to construct in Winter , basically no impacts will happen. There is basically no impacts on fishery production during the construction of the ship lock project. 4.5.3 Abandoned earth area ecological impact analysis Abandoned earth and the abandoned earth area The total temporary requisited land of the Projects is 892.2 ha ( 577.7 ha. for the Sunan Backbone Waterway Network Realignment Project and 314.6 ha. .for The Extension Project Of Ship Locks At The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal And The Project Of The Yanguan Ship Lock . The total abandoned earth pile volume is 26.4602 million m3 81 among which the abandoned earth pile volume of the Sunan Backbone Waterway Network Realignment Project is 17.927 million m3, including 16.446 million m3 overwater volume and 1.481 million m3 underwater volume and the abandoned earth pile volume of The Extension Project Of Ship Locks At The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal And The Project Of The Yanguan Ship Lock is 8.53325 million m3, including 6.5459 million m3 overwater volume and 1.98735 million m3 underwater volume. Abandoned earth area ecological environment impact 1). Land buried with abandoned earth: The total temporary requisited land of the Projects is 892.2 ha. for two years. 2). About 8 ha. waste pond will be buried, vegetation of fruit garden and farmland will be damaged, the crops output will be reduced for two to three years in the abandoned earth area. Analysis of bottom mud impact on environment (1). The Sunan Backbone Waterway Network Realignment Project The bottom mud monitoring results of each waterway are basically consistent with AGRICULTURAL MUD POLLUTANT CONTROL STANDARD . The Cu content in leaching solution for leaching test slightly exceeds the fishery water quality standard. If the abandoned earth is piled in riverside, silts enters waterways with ground runoff to make the SS content in the water body to increase, after being diluted and dispersed , the dissolved matter will basically have no impact. (2). The Extension Project Of Ship Locks At The Beijing- Hangzhou Grand Canal And The Project Of The Yanguan Ship Lock Soils of the lock sites satisfy Grade II of the standard, the bottom muds of the Zhenjiang Canal satisfy Grade II of the standard basically. In the abandoned earth area of underwater earth volume , covered with surface layer of soil , the soil and crops will not be polluted due to leaching and penetration. 4.5.4 Ecological environment damage prevention and treatment and mitigation measures Same measures of the Sunan Backbone Waterway Network 82 Realignment Project and The Extension Project Of Ship Locks At The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal And The Project Of The Yanguan Ship Lock 1). The underwater earth volume of the river sections with water intakes of water works shall be dredged by cutter sucking dredger, grab bucket dredger shall be avoided as much as possible, chain bucket dredger is not allowed in order to reduce the underwater suspended silts dispersion quantity. 2). An earth dike shall be built before fill of abandoned earth area of underwater volume to avoid filled mud and mud overflowing, at the extemal dike, grasses and bushes shall be planted or geotechnic clothes shall be laid, SS content at discharge shall be controlled to reduce soil erosion and to avoid mud entering the Canal and waterways. 3). * Before abandoning earth, 20 to 30cm thick surface fermented soil is put aside, after the completion of the abandoned earth construction, the fermented soil is to cover the abandoned earth in order to shorten recovery time. 4). The dredge abandoned earth shall be used as much as possible. Firstly, it is to select waste pond to create field for increasing farmland area , secondly, it is to send to the brick and tile factory for tile fabrication, thirdly, it is used as road foundation earth. 5). Vertical revetment shall be constructed in the sections of the city area and town , combined with the city plan, riverside gardens shall be built after revetment in order to not only beautify the city and to increase tourism spots, but purify air and avoid soil erosion. Special measures of the Sunan Backbone Waterway Network Realignment Project 1). For the waterways passing through fish raising farms, it is to avoid constructing during the fish pregnance and growth period in order to avoid impacts on fish production area by SS during construction. It is good to construct in winter. 2). The dredge and revetment construction shall be done in sections of waterways, it' s better not to bl,ock navigation in order to ensure the water body flow. 83 5. SUBSTITUTE SCHEMES 5.1 The Sunan Backbone Waterway Network Realignment Project The Suliu Line ( Qingqiupu section ) and the Zhangjiagang Ship Lock of the three Sunan waterway lines are selected for schemes comparison and selection. The recommended scheme of the Suliu Line ( Qingqiupu section ) has the noise pollution impact on the surrounding residents and the agricultural ecological environment impact less serious than the substitute scheme during construction and operation, but it has the water environment pollution and anti-flood impact slightly more serious than the substitute scheme. From the angle of environment protection, the rerouting scheme is recommended. The recommended scheme of the Zhangjiagang Ship Lock during operation has obviously more serious impacts on the waterway water environment and ecological environment than the substitute scheme. From the angle of environment protection, the Wushangang Lock Location is recommended. 5.2 The Extension Project Of Ship Locks At The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal And The Project Of The Yanguan Ship Lock The Scheme I of the design lock locations is recommended one, the Scheme 11 is compared one, i.e. Substitute Scheme. To comprehensively consider the natural conditions, extemal cooperation conditions and total investment and etc., the Scheme I of the six locks is better than Scheme 11, from the angle of engineering, the Scheme I is recommended one. The quantities of living sewage, solid wastes and ship pollutants of the six locks during operation in the Scheme I are same with those in the Scheme 11. The differences are impacts on ecological and social environment during construction and noise impact during operation. After comparison of the two schemes, the impacts on environment of the Scheme I are smaller than those of the Scheme 11, from the angle of environment protection, the Scheme I is recommended one. From the angles of engineering and environment protection, the Scheme I is recommended one for each ship lock. 84 6. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION 6.1 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION SURVEY 6.1.1 Survey method (1). Experts evaluation and review The environment impact evaluation outline prepared on the basis of the site investigation and study was reviewed in the meeting in Nanjing presided by the State Environment Protection Bureau on July 18 to 20, 1996. The activity of experts' evaluation and review meeting is involved with 36 persons, composed of domestic environmental protection experts, and leaders and experts from the environment protection authorities of the Ministry of Communication, Jiangsu and every city and experts from construction unit , the experts have seriously studied and discussed on the necessity and feasibility of the Project, and project' s impacts on anti- flood, atmosphere, water quality, noise , ecology and society . Very precious suggestions and plans on modification of the environment impact evaluation outline and report preparation have been put forward. The Jiangsu TV Station reported the meeting in the news program. After the approval of the Report by the State Environment Protection Bureau, a NOTICE ON EIAR of Proposed IWW2 was Published in the Xinhua Daily on Sep. 25,1997 by JPCD .Project For the approval document of the State Environment Protection Bureau and the issued NOTICE, see the attached appendixes. (2) Site survey In middle and late April, and late July, 1996, public participation and survey were made . The survey pollees are as follows: . Employees from local county govemment, local town govemment, local people' s congress, local political consultation congress, local trade union, local women' s union, local waterway management office, local ship lock management office and environment protection authorities belong to Category 1, * Township and village owned enterprises, hospitals, schools, residents, villagers, individuals affected by the Projects belong to Category 2, (among which families to remove their houses cover about 5%). 85 The youngest among the pollees is 22 years old, the oldest is 70, the quantity between 20 and 50 years old covers about 80%, the quantity with high school education or higher covers 64.1% 6.1.2 INVESTIGATION CONTENT * The main investigation contents of the Category I are: understanding of the Project, concem on daily communication and environmental pollution and etc.. . The main investigation contents of the Category 2 are: understanding and requirement of land requisition and house remove policy, house remove reimbursement degree, whether to support house remove or not and etc.. . The investigation pollees of two categories filled out separate investigation tables with his own signature and indication of unit, sex, age, nationality, education, professional post and position of pollee. 6.2 SURVEY RESULTS ANALYSIS 6.2.1 SURVEY RESULTS STATISTICS Altogether 256 tables are distributed for the Projects, 225 tables have been rehabilitationed with the rehabilitation rate of 87.9%. 136 tables are distributed for the Sunan Backbone Waterway Network Realignment Project, 107 tables have been rehabilitationed with the rehabilitation rate of 78.7%. 120 tables are distributed for the six ship locks project, 118 tables have been rehabilitationed with the rehabilitation rate of 98.3%. The survey results of the above projects are shown in Table 6.2.1 . 86 Table 6.2.1 Poll survey summary Main survey Category Waterway Project Ship Lock Project content Person Percentage % Person Percentage number number % Support Yes 104 97.2 96 80 project construction : _ Yes or no No 0 0 4 3.3 Clear about Clear 62 57.9 73 60.8 project __ related with Less clear 41 38.3 28 23.3 pollees Not clear 2 1.9 1 0.8 Which Water 83 77.6 16 13.3 pollution affects . ..... . more Atmosphere 14 13.1 7 5.8 seriously _ Noise 34 31.8 27 22.5 Which Treat in a 45 42.1 3 2.5 measure certain suggested period to lessen Project 9 8.4 1 0.8 pollution remove to other place Enhance 62 57.9 5 4.2 management ___ Understand Yes 50 46.7 46 38.3 remove _ _ and No 34 31.8 49 40.8 reimburseme nt policy? . Expected Self village 55 51.4 62 51.7 settlement _ . direction Other village 6 5.6 9 7.5 Obey to Yes 61 59.8 81 67.5 remove? I I I .__________ No 0 0 1 0.8 87 6.2.2 SURVEY RESULTS ANALYSIS . Persons at all fields and levels around the ship locks to be built, including unis and residents to be removed, 91.26% of them understand that the construction of the Project will form an industry belt with the ship locks and the Canal as center, and will bring new industries of commerce, service and tourism and information, and will accelerate trade and flow and will promote the development of the local economy, and will prosper township and village owned- enterprises, and will improve investment environment, and will raise the people's living standard, and understand the policies of house remove, reimbursement and settlement of the State's construction projects, and completely believe that the Government will well resolve problems of house remove and settlement . 60% of the pollees of the ship locks projects support the construction of the projects and are eager to hope the beginning of the ship locks projects and an early operation as soon as possible in the Column of Other suggestions and requirements to the project. - Pollees have put forward many good suggestions and requirements to the Sunan Waterway Network Realignment Project. It is suggested that attentions should be paid on the new construction and extension of bridges and jetties in the aspects of the project scales and design, the construction of the project shall be combined with the local town construction plan and environment beautification, the special local environment and architecture styles shall be maintained as much as possible. In the environment pollution control, it is required to strictly control pollution sources and to avoid waterways passing by cities and to pay attention to river dredge. D In the survey of the three waterways, 77%, 31.8% and 13.1% of the pollees consider that the pollution of water source, noise and atmosphere are more serious. This shows that the IMPLEMENTATION of environment protection measures is backward to the large scale economic construction and development, the environment pollution is getting more and more serious, it is sensed that the living environment is getting worse and worse, it is very urgent to enhance management and take pollution retardation measures. So during the construction of the Project, management shall be enhanced to minimize pollution on the surrounding environment. About the environment pollution before and after the construction of the ship lock project, 40% pollees deem that they can not sense the environment pollution before the construction of the ship lock project, 88 and hope to enhance management in order to control environment pollution if there is environment pollution after the construction of the ship lock project. Among the people affected by the land requisition and house remove, 99.3% of the pollees obey the need of the house remove and only 0.7% of the pollees have different ideas. Residents and units to be removed at the lock location, except that one large enterprise will be removed according to the plan, all hope to be settled locally, this indicates the reasonable present local settlement policy of the Project is consistent with the will of majorities, and is down-to-earth and feasible. In a word, the survey results show that the construction of the Project is supported and agreed by majority and that the pollees are concemed about the problems of environment, town and communication construction and the remove of enterprises and residents due to the Project and that they hope to well resolve the problems concerned by the people. So the project construction plan shall be optimized and serious design and construction shall be ensured in order to make the Project to maximize its benefits on the people. 89 7. SOCIAL IMPACT ANALYSIS 7.1 IMPACT ANALYSIS OF LAND REQUISITION, REMOVE AND RESETTLEMENT The Sunan Backbone Waterway Network Realignment Project is to realign three waterways , 173.04 km, and to rebuilt 58 bridges and to build two new bndges and one ship lock;The Extensio,n Project Of Ship Locks At The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal And The Project Of The Yanguan Ship Lock is to expand five ship locks and to build one new ship lock. The land requisition and house remove of the Projects are involved in ten cities and counties and 41 towns, among which the Sunan Backbone Waterway Network Realignment Project is involved in 7 cities and counties, 35 towns and The Extension Project Of Ship Locks At The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal And The Project Of The Yanguan Ship Lock is involved in 3 cities and counties and 6 towns. According to the World Bank' s Immigration Resettlement Guideline (OD4.30), a detailed IMMIGRATION RESETTLEMENT ACTION PLAN of the Project was prepared and submitted for approval. Only the impact conclusion comments put forward in the above-mentioned ACTION PLAN are abstracted in this Report. 7.1.1 QUANTITIES OF LAND REQUISITION, REMOVE AND RESETTLEMENT 1). Permanently requisited land area There are altogether 559.81 ha permanently requisited land area for the whole Project , including 427.3 ha for the Sunan Backbone Waterway Network Realignment Project and 132.5 ha permanently requisited land area for The Extension Project Of Ship Locks At The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal And The Project Of The Yanguan Ship Lock . 2). Temporarily requisited land area There are altogether 892.2 ha temporarily requisited land area for the whole Project, including 577.6 ha for the Sunan Backbone Waterway Network Realignment Project and 314.6 ha permanent requisited land area for The Extension Project Of Ship Locks At The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal And The Project Of The Yanguan Ship Lock . Land rent period is normally two years., 90 3). House remove quantity There are altogether 738015.74 m2 house remove area for the whole Project, including 633060 m2 for the Sunan Backbone Waterway Network Realignment Project and 104955.72 m2 for The Extension Project Of Ship Locks At The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal And The Project Of The Yanguan Ship Lock. 7.1.2 Land requisition, remove and resettlement' s impacts on community (1). There are altogether 2161 households and 519 units to have house rehabilitation of the whole Project, including 1590 households and 459 units to have house rehabilitation of the Sunan Backbone Waterway Network Realignment Project and 571 households and 60 units to have house rehabilitation of The Extension Project Of Ship Locks At The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal And The Project Of The Yanguan Ship Lock, all of them shall be resettled in the existing town and village , most of them are in the scope of 200-300m, at most, less than 5km, so this will not affect the living custom of the resettled persons. These surplus labors shall be resettled in the township enterprises of their own town, their income will be higher than their previous level. (2). The township govemment of the removed households shall plan a new street or resident area for the removed households according to the local house rehabilitation principle and shall plan a new site for removed units, the Jiangsu Channel Administrative Bureau and its organisms shall coordinate with local govemment and overally plan the units of communications, first rehabilitation and then remove shall be impliemented in order to minimize the affected time due to moving. 7.1.3 Impact reduction measures Resettlement and compensation measures (1). The Action Plan of the Land Requisition, House Remove and Resettlement of the Project shall be seriously impllemented to reduce units' and residents' loss. (2). The land requisition fee shall be borne by the Project and house remove compensation shall be based on the house rebuilding price according to the related regulations about communications foundation construction of the Jiangsu People' s Govemment and the Jiangsu Communications Bureau, these shall be overally arranged by the govemments of different levels according to specific situation of the project and a favourable policy shall be impilemented. 91 . Farmland shall be readjusted by town and village govemment in order to make the farmland losing peasants to continuous their agricultural labor and to ensure their stable lives. . Overall plan of resettlement and favourable house land shall be arranged by town and village govemment. . A certain tax reduction and tax free favourable policy shall be given by the county govemment to the township and village enterprises which receive surplus labours in order to benefit the enterprises and to increase staffmembers' income and to raise living standard. (3). According to the Jiangsu Provincial Govemment' s Document No. 11997] 14, after observation analysis on the different situations of the Sunan area and the Subei area, it is to decide the land requisition and house remove compensation standard shown in Table 7.1.3-1. 92 Table 7.1.3-1 Compensation standards liem unit Conipansation atbon _(an) Farmband Mu 8500 House land Mu 8250 Sunmn area Tree land Mu 8X Pond Mu 13500 Land Other Mu M requistion Farmland Mu 765D House land Mu 7425 Subei area Tree lnd Mu 7200 Pond Mu 12150 Other Mu 5400 Farmland Mu 3077 House land Mu 2886 Sunan area Tree land Mu 2896 Temporary Pond Mu 4857 Land _Other Mu 2172 Rent Farmland Mu 2788 RHouse land Mu 2887 Subei area Tree land Mu 206 Pond Mu 4358 _ _Other Mu 1s5 Workshop Masonry m2 350 buiding Bnck and wood m2 270 Sim e old house m2 80 Solid brick wall m2 350 Maonry with hollow brick m2 300 wall Muti- Bnck & wood: solid brick wall m2 30D story Brick & wood with holow m2 28D bricks Simple old house m2 80 House Resident Masonr with solid brick wall m2 3X0 house Masnry with hoDow brick m2 270 wall Single Brick & wood: solid brick wall m2 270 story Brick & wood wlth hollow m2 240 bricks Single old house m2 80 Grass and earth house m2 s0 EaPotsn bnck house m2 5D 22rkVopoariwire ni e 150D0D HV pomer 500kV power wire hne 1t Wt eower trre hoe 3 LV F oles hn 37C0 Post cable fdn 5700 Broadcast W ine l sne 1ur Transformer __ 5X0 Tornb pc 20 Water tor wel p 180 Fence m2 48 Earthen kdiln pc_ 300D Verunal Idin w pe 500 Round kin pc 100 PlgstY WC (brick and tile structure) =pc 240 Pigsty WC (Earth ard gross strudur f) pc 12D Hand Press well pc 180 Ubnih _ass pond pc 300 Concente ground _ __m2 40 Runnin,o wster Ripe m 19D Fruit tree with fruits PC _ p 10 Fruit tree without fruits pc 80 Odd grown tree PC _ pc 0 Odd small tree 40 N ot: S im pk sundry houses sefc, t tose houses m ade w ji eart-brick.asbesis tile,asphalt fell, generawll tey -am notfbr peopk ID live but it.stused W pile sundries. Penihouses sefer lo tose m ade w ih the sUa e buildkig m aterials as those of tie sim pk sundxy houses, but one of tie four alls is sharing w ih anolher housc 93 The total compensation fee of the Project is 396.8517 million yuan, including 318.760 million yuan for the Sunan Waterway Network Realignment Project and 78.0917 million yuan for the Ship Lock Project. This fee is composed of land requisition and land rent fee, other remove fee , power and telecommunication circuit remove fee. 7.2 SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT DURING CONSTRUCTION 7.2.1 Impacts on the communication order of both banks of waterways and the Canal The Sunan Backbone Waterway Network Realignment Project The excavation and widening are distributed in different construction locations of three waterways , impacts will happen just on the communications of the local sections, no interference impact will happen on the normal order of most of roads along the three waterways. (1). Among the bridges to be revamped are railway bridges, national road bridges and provincial road bridges. The bridge revamping will have impacts on communication mains. (2). The Kunshan Qingyanggang Railway Bridge and Zhenyizhen Double Line are the important railway lines of the Shanghai - Nanjing Railline, which undertake a very heavy passengers and goods transport task and is the first sub-expression-railline. The revamping of the three railway bridges will affect train velocity and train passage quantity. (3). The revamping of 33 road bridges will have a big impact on the communication flow, among which the Gangkou Bridge , one of national road No. 204 crossing the Shenzhang Line and the Tongchenghe Bridge , the provincial road No. 325 bridge, are the main communication passes, the Tanjie Bridge of the Gangkou town and the Beiguo Bridge of the Beigou town and etc. will cause the most serious impacts on the long distance passengers transport lines. (4). Passengers' bridge revamping will affect the pass of passengers flow of both banks, especially the bridges at the important places , such as: the Nansha Bridge of the Zhangjiagang Port, the Xili Bridge of the Xibei Line and etc. are distributed respectively in the town and residents area, those bridges are closely related with the production of the town enterprises, communications and transportation and residents' lives. 94 (5). The tractors' bridge revamping will cause a certain impact on agricultural production. Such as: the Beiguo Wanshui Bridge in Jiangyin, the Dukou Bridge in the Fenghuang town, Gushan Yongan Bridge , those bridges undertake the flow of agricultural production substances and provide convenience for the farmers' production and lives. During the waterway realignment and bridge revamping, the communication impact shall be well handled to avoid and reduce accidents. The Extension Project Of Ship Locks At The Beijing- Hangzhou Grand Canal And The Project Of The Yanguan Ship Lock. (1). Each construction site are connected with roads, building materials and abandoned earth transport vehicle flow is not big, no interference impact or smaller impact on the communication order on the roads connected with the construction sites. (2). National Road No. 206, Jiangsu Provincial Road No. 304 branch road from Huaiyin to Chengnan Village , Huai' an Road, and the National Road No. 312 cross the lock area through road bridges; The excavation of the channel approach of the upstream of the Yanguan Ship Lock will cut the county - Village road, a certain disadvantageous impact will happen on the communications of lock crossing sections of these six roads . 7.2.2 Construction impacts on the ship communication of the Canal (1). Waterway construction The widening, dredge and revetment of the three waterways shall be impilemented in sections. The Shenzhang Line is divided into three construction sections, other two lines are divided into two construction sections respectively. The construction ships will have a certain interference impacts on the transport ships passing by the construction sections. (2). Bridge construction The bridge revamping and new bridge construction of the Sunan Waterway Network Realignment Project will be constructed in lots and periods, a certain interference impacts will happen on the transport ships passing by the construction sections. (3). Basically no impacts will happen on the ship running in the 95 Canal during the construction of The Extension Project Of Ship Locks At The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal And The Project Of The Yanguan Ship Lock. 7.2.3 Construction impacts on local residents' living quality The engineering load of each waterway and each ship lock is bigger, the construction period is two years long (three years for the Shenzhang Line ). During construction, a great deal of materials will be transported in, and temporary labors and living necessities are required, which will create employment opportunities for the lock area and will prosper the market economy and create conditions to increase the income of the local residents. 7.2.4 Impact lessening measures 1). Temporary simple passage and bridge shall be set during the waterway bridge revamping and lock room construction, for the bridges to be removed, firstly new bridges shall be constructed, then the old bridges shall be reremoved in order to ensure no block the Canal communication. 2). A temporary road from the earth taking area to the abandoned earth area shall be built according to the actual condition in order to lessen the communication load of the village road. 3). The required temporary labors for the project shall come from the local residents as much as possible by the construction unit and the owner, in order to reduce the decrease of income and living standard due to the impact of land requisition . 4). The construction of scrapers, bulldozers, agitators and concrete vibrators shall be stopped at the night ( 22:00-6:00 ) in order to lessen noise's interference on the residents normal lives and study. Periodically water shall be spreaded on the construction site and the road sections abandoned earth vehicles pass through in clear days by water spreading truck in order to reduce secondary dust pollution on residents. 5). Navigation notice shall be issued in advance for the waterway construction sections and bridge construction and site safety command management stations shall be set at upstream and downstream of the construction area to command and manage ships to safely pass through the construction area. 6). During the underwater construction of the upstream and 95 downstream channel approaches of each ship lock, an overwater ship safety management station shall be set to manage ship for safe lock passage. 7). The main road from Suqian to Xinqi via the ship lock is now busier, Communication management of the road from Huaiyin to Chengnan Village via the ship lock and for the main county-village road from Guannan county town to Zhangdian town, Dachuan Village and Beichengji town shall be enhanced during construction period. It can be applied from the communication management department that a NO STOP plate shall be set in the construction road section, if necessary, periodically single-direction passage can be controlled in order to reduce traffic jam due to increase of construction vehicles. 8). The Zhenjiang to Changzhou national road No.312 is now busier, communication management shall be enhanced during construction. Vehicle flow division command stations shall be set at the national No. 312 exit of the Zhenjiang city area and at Ge Village in order to reduce transit vehicle flow. 7.3 IMPACT ANALYSIS OF SCENERY AND CULTURAL FACILITIES 7.3.1 Brief introduction to the scenery of the area where the project is located The Sunan Waterway Network Realignment Project is located in the famous historic and cultural city , Suzhou and the South Yangtze Ancient City, Wuxi, which are China', famous tourism spots, many scenes are centralized in the city area and suburbs. The Extension Project Of Ship Locks At The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal And The Project Of The Yanguan Ship Lock is located respectively in the suburbs of Xuzhou, Huaiyin and Zhenjiang which have a long history and possess scenes of different times. 7.3.2 Analysis of impacts on scenery and cultural facilities The Sunan Backbone Waterway Network Realignment Project Along the Network is mainly farmland, the natural protection zone and the State Forest Garden are far away from the waterways. So the excavation of the waterways will not affect them. 97 The Extension Project Of Ship Locks At The Beijing- Hangzhou Grand Canal And The Project Of The Yanguan Ship Lock There are no historic spots in the ship lock sites. The construction of the ship locks will not result in disadvantageous impacts on the existing historic spots and humanities scenes of Xuzhou, Huaiyin and Zhenjiang. The construction of the project will damage partly the greening and scenic spot of the existing lock area . After the completion of the Project, the vegetation will be resumed and a new district and scenic spot will be established. 98 8. ENVIRONMENT ECONOMICAL LOSS AND BENEFIT ANALYSIS 8.1 ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION COST ESTIMATE The total investment of the Sunan Backbone Waterway Network Realignment Project is 1661 million yuan, the environment protection investment is 9.0915 million yuan, covering 0.55% of the total investment. The total investment of the six ship locks project is 1147 million yuan, the environment protection investment is 11.5318 million yuan, covering 1.01% of the total investment. The total environment protection investment of the Project is 20.6233 million yuan, covering 0.66% of the total project investment, 3129 million yuan. The environment protection investment and proportion of each waterway and each ship lock are shown in Table 8.1. Table 8.1 Environment investment Unit:10000 yuan Item Environ. Invest. Train- Moni- Total Total Environ ing tor fee environ. project protect. fee invest. invest. invest., propor- tion Slope Bank Green Soli Sub- protect. building -ing d total with wast abandon treat __ __ _ soil Shen- waterway 271.66 10 115 5 401.66 13.19 33.34 448.19 90724. 0.49% zhang ____ __ _ __54 Line zhangjia- 72.35 2 20 1 95.35 6.57 8.28 110.20 17412. 0.63% gang ship 12 lock _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Xibei Line 68.91 5 37 3 133.91 26.31 24.75 184.97 30494. 0.60% _ . 46 Suliu Line 86.73 4 22 2 114.73 26.31 24.75 165.79 27493. 0.60% __________________ _________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~36 Jietai ship lock 105.09 2 20 1 128.09 6.57 8.28 142.94 14606 0.98% Suqian Ship Lock 87.15 2 20 1 110.15 6.57 8.28 125.00 21510. 0.58% _________________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~76 Huaiyin Ship Lock 200.51 2 20 1 223.51 6.57 8.28 238.26 19387. 1.23% - - - - ~~~~~~~~~~~~156 Huai' an Ship Lock 111.71 2 20 1 134.71 6.57 8.28 149.56 21915. 0.68% - - - - - ~~~~~~~~~~~~25 Jianbi Ship Lock 219.14 2 20 1 242.14 6.57 8.28 256.99 22504. 1.14% ________________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~31 Yanguan Ship Lock 192.48 2 20 1 225.48 6.57 8.28 240.33 1485.2 1.82% Total 1435.73 33 324 17 1809.7 111.8 140.8 2062.33 312940 0.66% ______________ I __ _ _ _ __ _ _3 L L _1.5 Note: Slope protection refers to the river slope protection of non-city area specially for avoiding soil erosion. The temporary protection fee during construcion ( such as: anti-pollution curtain at the river sections with water intakes ) is inclduded in the contingency of the Project. 99 8.2 ENVIRONMENT LOSS AND BENEFIT ANALYSIS 8.2.1 Atmosphere environment loss and benefit analysis The dust caused during the overwater construction of waterways and ship lock rooms and channel approaches will pollute the atmospheric environment protection objectives of the earth taking area, abandoned earth area and the places near the road for transport of abandoned earth . After measures are taken, it can reach Grade IlIl of GB3095- 1996. After the construction completion, the dust pollution will disappear and the atmospheric environment quality can be resumed to the existing level. 8.2.2 Water environment loss and benefit analysis 1). During construction period: The suspended solids caused during the construction of underwater earth volume will pollute the water quality of the channel approach waters of the upstream and downstream of the lock area and will affect part of the protection objectives. After pollution prevention measures are taken, the water quality of the water works water supply will not be affected. After the construction completion, the water environment quality can be resumed to the existing level. 2). During operation period: The Sunan Waterway Network Realignment Project will increase the water flow of the main water transport rivers greatly, which is good for anti-drying of the drainage area and shipping, basically no disadvantageous impact will happen on the water quality of the waterways, the water quality of part of river sections will be improved. Because the ship pollutant discharge quantity will be reduced, water environment pollution increase will be reduced, no impact will happen on each environment protection objectives. After the extension of the ship locks, the ship lock waiting time will be shortened in the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal , the oil-contained waste water, living sewage and solid wastes discharged from ships in the lock areas will be reduced, the cabin bottom oil-contained waste water and solid wastes of each ship lock will be collected for treatment, which will further reduce pollutant discharge quantity, the water environment of the lock area at present can reach Category IlIl and Category IV of the Standard, it will not pollute the water quality of the environment protection objectives 100 8.2.3 Acoustic environment loss and benefit analysis 1). During construction period: The construction noise of each waterway and each ship lock will cause the sensible objectives outside the construction site boundary to exceed the Category 4 of GB3096-93 with six month long impact time. After measures are taken, night noise pollution can be reduced. After the completion of construction, the construction noise impact will disappear. 2). During operation period: the motor boat' s and tug' s noise will influence most of the protection objectives at both banks of the waterways and the lock area at night time . Following the gradual elimination of the motor boats and qualified silencers are installed in the continuously existing motor boats, the ship noise impact scope will be reduced. 8.2.4 Ecological environment loss and benefit analysis 1). Vegetation damage and land resource occupation: The waterway project and the ship lock project will damage 31899 trees and 108338 trees respectively. After construction completion, the both banks of waterways, lock room and channel approaches shall be greened in order to resume part of the ecological environment. The waterway project will requisite 426.7 ha land and the ship lock project will requisite 132.5 ha land. The requisited land of the Project will have a very small impact on land resource The rented land area of the waterway project and the six ship locks project are respectively 577.7 ha. and 314.6ha , most of the land are shallow, part of unit land and a small amount of paddy field. Abandoned earth will ruin part of crops, bush, grassland and fermented soil with many years' cultivation, after the land is recovered and farmed, the fertilizer effect and crops output will be decreased in two to three years. Abandoned soil will make part of shallow, flooded area and water pond -into farmland after treatment. The abandoned earth of the waterway project will form 86.7 ha. land and the abanrdoned earth of the ship lock project will form 54.9 ha. land, so land resource will be increased. The ecological environment impact time .will be two to three years in the abandoned earth area, new good ecological environment will form gradually after land farming resumption. 2). Waters ecological environment: The waterway dredge will result in suspended solids increase and dissolved 02 change and heavy metals separated from bottom mud of less river sections which will have a 101 certain impact on aquatic organism and have a very small impact on the Shanghu Raising Farm and the Kunchenghu Raising Farm of the Shenzhang Line . No precious or rare protective species exist in the river sections with a very small impact and a short period. After construction, it will be resumed. After rivers are widened and deepened, the water flow will be increased, the self purification ability of the water body will be enhanced. At the same time , the construction of bank protection will lessen water quality pollution due to the collapse. The fishes living environment will be improved and be good to the raising industry. The total abandoned earth of the waterway project is 17.927 million m3, bottom mud is laid with cushion and covered with soil on the surface, which can eliminate harms on the fishery production and pollution on underground water and surface runoff. 8.3 ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL BENEFITS ANALYSIS 8.3.1 Direct economic benefit The Sunan Waterway Network Realignment Project The Direct economic benefit will be obtained via waterway passage ability and standard increase. The national economic benefit which can be calculated reveals mainly on the ship economic fee saving and road transport economic fee saving. Details are shown in Table 8.3.1-1. 102 Table 8.3.1-1 Sunan Waterways economic benefit statistics Unit: 10000 yuan Waterways Shenzhan Xibei Line Suliu Line Total g Line Ship Before 131.66 131.66 130.31 transport realignment cost After 106.34 102.72 106.34 (yuan/kt) realignment Ship 2004 5240 923 501 6664 transport cost 2010 6046 1143 614 7803 (yuan/kt) 2020 6817 1393 779 8989 Road 2004 15926 3989 2445 22360 economic 2010 18376 4940 3001 26317 cost saving 2020 20720 6021 3806 30547 (10000yuan) Lock 2004 575 575 waiting fee 2010 834 834 saving 2020 872 872 (10000yuan) Subtotal 2004 21742 4912 2946 29600 (10000yuan) 2010 25256 6083 3615 34954 2020 28408 18801 4585 51794 Direct economic benefit of The Extension Project Of Ship Locks At The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal And The Project Of The Yanguan Ship Lock The main national economic benefits of the Jietai First-line Ship Lock, the Suqian First-line and No.2 ship locks , the Huaiyin First-line and No.2 ship locks , the Huai' an First-line and No.2 ship locks are to shortening the lock waiting time of ships and to reduce the fund occupancy due to goods transport time reduction and reduce goods land transport cost instead of waterway. Details are given in Table 8.3.1-2 The main national economic benefits of the Jianbi Ship Lock are mainly to save transport cost and goods transport time, see Table 8.3.1-3. The national economic benefits of the Yanguan Ship Lock are mainly to save transport cost due to reduction of goods transport distance of coal, wood, steel , fertilizers and pesticide and etc. and change of transport way. The cost to be saved by 2005 of the Yanguan Ship Lock 103 will be 17.37 million yuan; by 2010, 22.07 million yuan; by 2015, 25.79 million yuan; by 2020, 30.1 million yuan. Table 8.3.1-2 National economic benefits of the locks to be expanded in the Subei Canal Unit:10000 yuan _ Item 2005 Jietai lock waiting Goods loss Cost saving due to Subtotal ship cost saving stead of water saving transport Jietai 1641 30 482 2153 Suqian 2048 52 608 2708 Huaiyin 2128 47 165 2340 Huai'an 2100 49 1039 3188 Subtotal _ _ 10389 2010 Jietai 1761 - 32 558 2351 Suqian 2408 62 718 3188 Huaiyin 2504 55 178 2737 Huai'an 2458 57 1140 3655 Subtotal _ X 11931 2020 Jietai 2200 40 700 2940 Suqian 2787 71 827 3685 Huaiyin 2946 65 201 3212 Huai' an 2795 65 1345 4205 Subtotal _1__ _____ _ _ 14042 Table 8.3.1-3 National economic benefit of the Jianbi No.2 Ship Lock Unit: 10000 yuan Year Transport cost Lock waiting Goods lock Subtotal saving cost saving waiting loss _ 2005 2373 370 8 2751 2010 4081 420 9 4510 2020 6914 475 10 7399 From Table 8.3.1-1, Table 8.3.1-2 and Table 8.3.1-3 we can see that the economic benefits of the Project are very outstanding. 104 8.3.2 Social benefit analysis Social benefits of the Sunan Waterway Network Realignment Project The Project is located at the advanced Sunan region, following the economic fast development, the production output and consumptions of that area will be greatly increased, while water transport is the important transport way of the Sunan economic zone, the ships of each waterway will be gradually increased. The construction of waterways will increase water transport and raise waterway' s passage ability and transport benefit and meet the continuous and stable development requirement of the Sunan economy and promote the economic development of the surrounding provinces. Social benefits of The Extension Project Of Ship Locks At The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal And The Project Of The Yanguan Ship Lock 1). The Jiangsu section of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal flows through the most advanced area of China, the Yangtze River Delta, which is the main south-north water transport passage of that area. The extension of the Jietai No.2 Ship Lock, the Suqian No.3 Ship Lock, the Huaiyin No.3 Ship Lock, the Huai' an No.3 Ship Lock and the Jianbi No.2 Ship Lock will complete regional water transport network and will raise the Canal' s capacity to meet the need of the economic development of the Yangtze River Delta and Jiangsu. 2). The Yanguan Ship Lock will complete regional water transport network and promote the water transport development of the Yan River and the Guan River and meantime it will change substances transport situation of each city and county and accelerate the regional substances tumover and the regional economic development. 105 9 ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT AND ENVIRONMENT MONITORING 9.1 ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT 9.1.1 Environment management system organism and functions The Govemment environment protection administrative department The State Environment Protection Bureau is the superior environment protection administrative department of the project and is in charge of approval of the ENVIRONMENT IMPACT ASSESSMENT OUTLINES and the ENVIRONMENT IMPACT REPORT and in charge of the final approval of the project feasibility from the angle of environment protection. The Jiangsu Environment Protection Bureau is in charge of the supervision and management of the environment protection of the project. - The environment protection bureaus of Wuxi and Suzhou are in charge of the environment supervision and management of the three waterways during construction and operation The environment protction bureaus of the Xuzhou, Suqian, Huaiyin, Huai'an, Zhenjiang and Lianyungang are in charge of the environment supervision and management of the ship locks of the Jietai, Suqian, Huaiyin, Huai' an , Jianbi and Yanguan during construction and operation respectively. Industrial and owner' s environment management organisms The Environment Office of the Ministry of Communications of China is in charge of unified coordination of environment protection management of communications industry and is in charge of organizing to -prereview the ENVIRONMENT IMPACT REPORT OF THE PROJECT. The Jiangsu Communications Bureau is responsible for the supervision and management of environment protection of the project. The Jiangsu Inland River Waterway World Bank Financed Project Office and its environment protection office are the IMPLEMENTATION organisms of the environment protection management plan and environment monitoring plan of the Project. 106 The environment protection department of the waterway division of Wuxi is in charge of the IMPLEMENTATION of the environment protection plan and the environment monitoring plan of part of the river sections of the Xibei Line and the Shenzhang Line. The environment protection department of the waterway division of Suzhou is in charge of the IMPLEMENTATION of the environment protection plan and the environment monitoring plan of the Shenzhang Line and the Suliu Line. The environment protection departments of the waterway divisions of the Xuzhou, Suqian, Huaiyin, Zhenjiang and Lianyungang are in charge of the IMPLEMENTATION of the environment protection plan and the environment monitoring plan of the Jietai, Suqian, Huaiyin, Huai' an, Jianbi and Yanguan. 9.1.2 Management personnel and training plan T he Waterway Division of the Xuzhou and the Jietai ship lock administrative office shall be equipped with two full-time environment protection cadres each in charge of the environment protection management of the Waterway Project and the Ship Lock Project during construction and operation. The environment protection management personnel can come from the technical cadres of its own unit for training and from the environment protection undergraduates from colleges and universities of communications. After the World Bank approves the Project assessment, the environment protection management personnel of each waterway division and each ship lock will be gathered for domestic training for a duration of one month, the training content is the INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATIONS ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION, shipping engineering and ship pollution and prevention and treatment, environment management and monitoring of water transport engineering and etc.. The training fee is 4000 yuan/man.month, the total domestic training fee of the Project is 60,000 yuan. After the IMPLEMENTATION of the Project, one environment protection management person of the Jiangsu Project Office and each waterway division shall be dispatched abroad for one-month environment management training. The training fee is 8500 USD/man.month, the total abroad training fee of the Project is 127,500 USD. The Training plan is given in Table 9.1.2. 107 Table 9.1.2 Environment management person training plan Type Training content Training Duration£ Training Training Training person ((month) Date Location fee number (person) Domestic A Introduction to Communications Environment Protection Training Shipping Engineering From Hehai Pollution and Prevention March to University and Treatment April, Measures 1998 Ship Pollution and 15 1 60,000 Prevention and yuan Treatment Measures Water transport Engineenng Environment Management Environment Monitoring Abroad Environment Management Training Water Environment From To be Pollution April to appointed May, by the 1998 Dredge and Dredged 15 1 Jiangsu 127,500 Substances Dispersion Inland USD River Water Environment Waterway Engineering Worid ____________________ .Bank Environment Monitoring Financed Project ______ ______________ _ ______ ______ __Office 9.1.3 Environment management system Environment management system during construction 1). Method of the environment protection equipment procurement and acceptance, environment protection facility construction and completion acceptance 2). Environment protection management method of the construction site Environment management system during operation 108 1). Lock passage ships' pollutants collection regulations 2). Running and lock passage management regulations of dangerous goods transport ship 9.2 ENVIRONMENT MONITORING 9.2.1 Environment monitoring organism and function The Jiangsu Environment Monitoring Central Station (the State Class 2 ) is entrusted to be responsible for the overall environment monitoring by The Jiangsu Inland River Waterway World Bank Financed Project Office, the six city environment monitoring stations of the Xuzhou and etc. ( the State Class 3 ) and the six city environment monitoring stations of the Xishan and etc. (the State Class 4 ) are responsible for the environment monitoring of each item according to the monitoring plan. 9.2.2 Environment monitoring plan The Sunan Waterway Network Realignment Project A). Atmosphere monitoring plan a). During construction 1). Monitoring points: Monitoring points shall be set at hospitals, schools, libraries and residents' areas within 200m away from the waterways. 2). Monitoring items: TSP and Dust (Other monitoring items, such as: NOx and S02, are not involved in this Project). 3). Monitoring frequency: once for TSP before construction, once every season during construction, continuous three days each time; once a month for dust Implementation organization: Local environment monitoring station ( to be entrusted by the Jiangsu Inland River Watenway World Bank Financed Project Office) b). During operation 1). No atmosphere monitoring will be done. 109 B). Water quality monitoring plan a). During construction 1). Monitoring sections: The first routine monitoring section is set at the downstream of the underwater earthwork construction area and importent protection objectives of water environment. 2). Monitoring items: pH, DO, CODm,, oils and SS (Other monitoring iems are not involved in this Project). 3). Monitoring frequency: Before construction of underwater earth volume: continuous two days and once every day During construction: once a week and continuous two days each time After construction of underwater earth volume : continuous two days and once every day ; During underwater construction at the river section with water intakes of water works, once a day at the water intake. Implementation organization: Local environment monitoring station (to be entrusted by the Jiangsu Inland River Waterway World Bank Financed Project Office) b). During operation 1). Monitoring sections: the same with the regular ones of the three lines ,which in the Table 9.2.2-1 and in the Drawing 9.2.2. 110 Table 9.2.2-1 Water quality assessment section names and codes Waterway Section Code in Waterway Section Code in drawing drawing Xibei line , Bashi 1 Shenzhang Tanshi 10 X__________ line Nanqiao Donghutan 2 Upstream of 11 _________ ______Hongqi region Shenzhang Zhouzhuan 3 Downstream 12 Bridge of Hongqi ___________ ___________ region line Lu Bridge 4 Suliu line Gaoping 13 ceramics ___________ ~~~~~factory_ _ _ _ _ Dayi 5 Waikuatan 14 Guangming Village _ Dayi Town 6 Weiting 15 Bridge Hu Bridge 7 Zhujia Village 16 Dujia 8 Zhenyi 17 Bridge__ _ _ _ _ Xingzha 9 Xi Bridge 18 Bridge 2). Monitoring items: Routine monitoring items by local environment monitoring station. 3). Monitoring frequency: three time a year, in the first tens of April, July and December, continuous two days each time, once a day; once every three years for bottom mud. Implementation organization: local environment monitoring station. C). Noise monitoring plan a). During construction 1). Monitoring points: the same with those of atmosphere monitoring points 2). Monitoring frequency: one day before construction, once a month during earth volume construction. 111 co 0 AD X | e * 0 I-. ~ ~ ~ -ZGA C%J z CD Implementation organization: Local environment monitoring station (to be entrusted by the Jiangsu Inland River Waterway World Bank Financed Project Office) b). During operation 1). Monitoring sections: one monitoring location every 5km long river section, two monitoring points of each monitoring location at places of 20m and 50m away from banks. 2). Monitoring frequency: once every two months, continuous two days each time, once at day and once at night each day. Implementation organization: local environment monitoring station. THE EXTENSION PROJECT OF SHIP LOCKS AT THE BEIJING-HANGZHOU GRAND CANAL AND THE PROJECT OF YANGUAN SHIP LOCK A). Atmosphere monitoring plan a). During construction 1). Monitoring points: Monitoring points are shown in Table 9.2.2-2. Table 9.2.2-2 Atmosphere and noise monitoring points. Ship locks Jietai Suqian Hua_yin Huai' an Jianbi Yanguan Monitoring Mine Mine village Group No.3 Nongmin Jianbi Dazhou transport Xinza Street, San village village Co. Vllage Bao Village points Xiazhuan Group No.7 Group No.6 Dianshang Wuzhanghe Village Dengwu Xinza village village village Village Group Wuzhuan No.10, village Xinza I__________ I_________ _ V illage One monitoring point shall be set in front of each residents house nearby the construction site at the above-mention places. 2). Monitoring items: TSP and Dust 112 3). Monitoring frequency: once for TSP before construction, once every season during construction, continuous three days each time; once a month for dust Implementation organization: Local environment monitoring station (to be entrusted by the Jiangsu Inland River Waterway World Bank Financed Project Office) b). During operation 1). No atmosphere monitoring will be done. B). Water quality monitoring plan a). During construction 1). Monitoring sections: one monitoring section at each end of earth volume dredge area in the. upstream and downstream channel approaches, three surface sampling points at the left, middle and right. 2). Monitoring items: pH, DO, CODMfl, oils and SS (Other monitoring items are not involved in this Project). 3). Monitoring frequency: Before construction of underwater earth volume: continuous two days and once every day During construction: once a week and continuous two days each time After construction of underwater earth volume and revetment: one more monitoring section in the middle of every existing and new ship lock, continuous two days after one week and once every day Implementation organization: Local environment monitoring station (to be entrusted by the Jiangsu Inland River Waterway World Bank Financed Project Office) b). During operation 1). Monitoring sections: one monitoring point at center of each lock room, and at the places of 50m away from downstream and upstream of lock room, and at the waterway centerline of upstream or downstream lock waiting area and beyond ship mooring 113 2). Monitoring items: Routine monitoring items by local environment monitoring station. 3). Monitoring frequency: once a season, continuous two days each time, once a day, once water sampling at the lock room monitoring point when lock is opened to let ship in , lock is opened to let ship out and lock is closed to water out respectively; once water sampling at the monitoring points at the places of 50m away from downstream and upstream of lock room when lock is opened to let ship to pass , lock is closed without ship passage respectively. At other monitoring points, water is sampled once a day only. Implementation organization: local environment monitoring station. C). Noise monitoring plan a). During construction 1). Monitoring points: the same with those of atmosphere monitoring points 2). Monitoring frequency: one day before construction, two days every week during construction, monitoring time: 10:00am, 15:00 pm and 21:00 pm Implementation organization: Local environment monitoring station (to be entrusted by the Jiangsu Inland River Waterway World Bank Financed Project Office) b). During operation 1). Monitoring points: one monitoring point at every places of 20m , SOm and 100m away from banks of ship lock head and channel approaches downstream or upstream. 2). Monitoring frequency: once every two months, continuous two days each time, once at day and once at night each day. Once at the lock room head monitoring point when lock is opened to let ship in, lock is opened to let ship out and lock is closed with ship passage respectively; communication noise shall be monitored at the channel approach monitoring points when ships goes out of the lock. The ship type and passage quantity shall be recorded at the same time. 114 Implementation organization: local environment monitoring station. 9.2.3 Environment monitoring report Monitoring before construction, especially the water quality monitoring at construction of river sections with water intakes is the key to control pollution during construction period. Everyday' s monitoring report shall be timely submitted to the local environment protection bureau and the Jiangsu Inland River Waterway World Bank Financed Project Office. The local environment protection bureau is in charge of arbitration of the monitoring results. The city environment monitoring stations of Xishan, Suzhou, Zhangjiagang, Jiangyin, Changsu and Kunshan and the city environment monitoring stations of the Xuzhou, Suqian, Huaiyin, Huai' an, Zhenjiang and Lianyungang will prepare the Annual Monitoring Report according to the environment monitoring results of each ship lock during construction period and will submit the Report to its own waterway division respectively and the Jiangsu Environment Monitoring Central Station. The waterway divisions will submit the Report to the Jiangsu Inland River Waterway World Bank Financed Project Office and the city environment protection bureau. The Jiangsu Environment Monitoring Central Station will summarize the monitoring reports of each ship lock and the Sunan Backbone Waterway Network Project to prepare the ANNUAL ENVIRONMENT MONITORING REPORT OF THE JIANGSU INLAND RIVER WATERWAY PROJECT WITH THE WORLD BANK LOAD DURING CONSTRUCTION and will submit it to the Jiangsu Inland River Waterway World Bank Financed Project Office, then the Jiangsu Inland River Waterway World Bank Financed Project Office will submit the ANNUAL ENVIRONMENT MONITORING REPORT OF THE JIANGSU INLAND RIVER WATERWAY PROJECT WITH THE WORLD BANK LOAD DURING CONSTRUCTION to the Jiangsu Environment Protection Bureau, the World Bank and the Jiangsu Communications Bureau. During operation, the environment monitoring station of each city will prepare the Annual Environment Monitoring Report of each waterway and each ship lock and will submit it to the waterway division of each city, then the waterway division of each city will submit the Annual Environment Monitoring Report to the Jiangsu Provincial Waterways Bureau and the city environment protection bureau. 115 10. CONCLUSIONS 10.1 ENVIRONMENT IMPACT ASSESSMENT CONCLUSIONS 10.1.1 Outstanding comprehensive project benefit (1). The Project possess a very obvious direct economic benefit. The direct economic benefits of the Sunan Waterway Network Realignment Project reveals mainly in the ship economic cost saving and road transport economic cost saving, its direction economic benefit in 2004 will be 296 million yuan. The direct economic benefits of The Extension Project Of Ship Locks At The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal And The Project Of The Yanguan Ship Lock reveals mainly in the lock waiting time saving, goods loss saving and the cost saving of land transport in stead of water transport, it direct economic benefit in 2005 will be 130 million yuan. (2). Larger positive effect of environment impact The Project features have decided that the Project proper possesses outstanding social benefit and economic benefit and that the environment positive benefit is larger than environment negative benefit. The Project will greatly change the positive situation of unsmooth communication due to narrow channels and too long lock waiting time. The waterway dredge and-widening will improve the existing waterway water pollution situation; the ship lock extension will shorten the lock waiting time and reduce the pollutant accumulation pollution at the lock area due to the ships waiting for lock; the improvement of water body exchange conditions are good for the dilution and decomposition of the pollutants. Local vegetation damage and soil erosion due to waterway widening and lock room and channel approach dredge will be resumed and improved by slope protection, revetment and greening and etc.. Vertical revetment shall be constructed in the sections of the city area and town , combined with the city plan, riverside gardens shall be built after revetment in order to not only beautify the city and to increase tourism spots , but purify air and avoid soil erosion. Greening shall be carried out in the banks of the waterways to be realigned, which will not only beautify environment and purify air , but reduce ship noise to lower noise pollution on the bank residents. 116 At both ends of cities, ship mooring anchorages shall be set for ships to moor in the anchorages for centralized living garbage treatment. Ships will not moor in the city area in order to lessen the pollution on the waterway water quality of the city area and to lower ship noise pollution on the city area. The project construction will not have impacts on the historic spots and scenes within the project area, the waterway realignment will not be involved in precious and rare animals in imminent danger. (3). Promoting regional economic development The Project is located at the advanced Sunan region, following the economic fast development, the production output and consumptions of that area will be greatly increased, while water transport is the important transport way of the Sunan economic zone, the ships of each waterway will be gradually increased. The construction of waterways will increase water transport and raise waterway' s passage ability and transport benefit and meet the continuous and stable development requirement of the Sunan economy and promote the economic development of the surrounding provinces. The Jiangsu section of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal flows through the most advanced area of China, the Yangtze River Delta, which is the main south-north water transport passage of that area. The extension of the Jietai No.2 Ship Lock, the Suqian No.3 Ship Lock, the Huaiyin No.3 Ship Lock, the Huai' an No.3 Ship Lock and the Jianbi No.2. Ship Lock will complete regional water transport network and will raise the Canal' s capacity to meet the need of the economic development of the Yangtze River Delta and Jiangsu. The Yanguan Ship Lock will complete regional water transport network and promote the water transport development of the Yan River and the Guan River and meantime it will change substances transport situation of each city and county and accelerate the regional substances tumover and the regional economic development. 10.1.2 Promoting regional ecological environment The waterway realignment will not cause disadvantageous impacts on anti-flood, the daily and monthly average water levels at the three section of Wuxi, Beiguo and Gangxia will be lowered , which are good for flood discharge. The waterway realignment will make the flow to increase at 117 different extents during rich season, plain season and dry season, the minimum flow increase rate is 5.9%, the maximum increase rate is 280%, the average flow increase rate is 20%-40% , which is good for the application of waterways, anti-drying and regional water resource. Abandoned earth shall be disposed in three categories according to the environment impact degrees. The covered areas are mainly shallows, ponds and etc.. Through refarming , good ecological environment will be formed, 106.37 ha. cultivative land will be created. 10.1.3 Pollutants by the Project are not the main ones of that region The direct impacts on environment of the Project reveals mainly in the damage of the existing land vegetation, part of farmland and fish ponds on both banks of the waterways to be realigned, the lock areas and each abandoned earth area, After effective measures are taken, the impact scope will be minimized, the ecological environment damaged by the Project will be resumed and improved. After the operation of the Project, the pollution in the waterways and lock passage ships shall be treated and controlled by the different kinds of pollution treatment facilities and measures, no impact will happen on the protection objectives and water quality along the waterways. Living pollutants discharged into waterways by ships belong to indirect pollution, which is not caused by the Project proper , and the discharge quantity covers not more than 1% of all the pollution load ( including industrial pollution sources and living pollution sources on both banks ). At the same time , the new ship lock is put into operation, the lock waiting time will be reduced, the living waste water, oil-contained waste water and living garbage by the ship at the upstream and downstream of lock areas will obviously be reduced. 10.1.41Measures are taken during construction which can reduce the environment impact to acceptable degree (1). After water spraying and cleaning by water spraying truck, Grade II of the standard exceeding area by the construction dust can be controlled in a scope of 150m. (2). Cutter sucking dredgers are applied , SS content in local waters at a short term can be controlled between 80-160mg/I. The base SS content is 50 - 106mg/l. 1 18 (3). Noise standard exceeding area can be controlled in a scope of 35 - 270m at daytime and a scope of 105-475m at nighttime. 10.1.5AII kinds of pollution prevention and treatment measures are taken during operation , which can effectively protect the protective objectives. (1). The CODmn content increase at the seven water intakes of the waterway realignment project zone are between - 0.4 - 0.5mgA, the base CODmn content is 3.7-7.8mg/I, their original water quality categories are basically protected, so the permanganate content increase due to waste water discharged by ships is zero basically. (2) After waterway realignment, oils content will be reduced by 0.08-0.1 8mg/A. (3). After the operation of the ship locks, Category IV of standard exceeding zone of oils content can be controlled within 40m. (4). Both sides of waterways, outside 30 -50m at daytime and outside 40-70m at night time can reach the standard. The sensible points surrounding the lock room can reach the standard. 10.1.6 The total environment protection investment of the Project is 20.6223 million yuan, covering 0.66% of the total project investment, 3129 million yuan. The investment proportion is feasible. (1). The total investment of the Sunan Backbone Waterway Network Realignment Project is 1661 million yuan, the environment protection investment is 8.4825 million yuan, covering 0.51% of the total investment. (2). The total investment of the six ship locks project is 1147 million yuan, the environment protection investment is 12.1408 million yuan, covering 1.06% of the total investment. 10.1.7The environment management and monitoring system can ensure the IMPLEMENTATION of all the environment protection measures of the Project (1). Specified monitoring plan can ensure to master actually monitored information at different conditions before construction, during construction and after construction, which will be reported to related authorities and the World Bank. 119 (2). Specified pollution prevention and treatment measures during construction and operation are China' s mature and operable technologies in the shipping and harbour engineering, the owner and design unit can apply them. 10.1.8 Public participation and conclusion reveals that the Project is welcomed widely The Public poll conclusion shows that the Project possess good public foundation, which is supported and understood by the govemments of all levels , associations and the public. The principles of less farmland coverage and minimized house remove shall be followed. The IMPLEMENTATION of the Action Plan of the land requisition, house remove and resettlement of the Project can ensure no impacts on local residents' normal lives and work environment or satisfactory compensation. The Project will greatly promote the economic development of the places where the Project is located and regional economic development and will raise the people' s living standard. 256 survey tables are distributed, 225 rehabilitationed, rehabilitation rate is 87.9%. The survey results show that: 91.26% pollees consider that the Project will promote regional development; 99.3% pollees of the remove area agree to remove; 13.1% - 77.6% pollees are concemed about the local environment protection respectively. In a word, the Project is feasible in the aspect of environment protection with outstanding environmental, social and economic benefits. 10.2 EXISTING PROBLEMS AND SUGGESTIONS Due to the limits of the Project design progress and depth, at present stage, preliminary location of construction abandoned earth area and abandoned earth volume are determined. During the IMPLEMENTATION of the Project, specific pollution prevention and treatment and ecological resumption measures shall be applied for the finally decided abandoned earth area according to the abandoned earth area ecological environment protection policies in this Report. 120 '.^ -4' * LOd X- -W v 'i LE R -0R - Lki LB W !NXtO ELI t9w g I S LO W V 4.c 4-B -I- Tr--. . il . .)W-,U 4c #Rtas +t °B3L,w . -" 'i [Jid .~~~~~ . ElX X 4 TS gR aW ht s 1 g 9go It.S *7 69Z[L66T'Ihhrt I. sN3ddV !~~~q b§ I X b§tT.+v Afi 42 I * X A6,r -2- - ,AI4A,t -q f -T t, ¢W4R 9t &t it@ 't f Tl0 tI . 3(t b S g E X AZY, 1;a As If qs mg2EBtg ko*E It o /i 1997*4/q29:6P-,* .r E W1 5k Ee3 _ _ _j~. APPENDIX 2 Notice on Approval of EIAR of Jiangsu IWW Project September 25,1997 Xinhua Daily Notice EIAR of Jiangsu Inland Waterways Transport Project has been approved by the State Environment Protection Bureau and Jiangsu Provincial Environment Protection Bureau. Unit: Jiangsu Provincial Waterways Bureau Address: 342.South Zhongshan Road, Nanjing China Telephone: 0254208002 Laison person :Yun Guoju 3~~~~~~~~L 9 7a jr; t; , < ."*-ig 4= 0 _ 56 .. .~ 4-'Et '208002''' '' 56