E2644 v4 MASEN Moroccan Agency for Solar Energy Environmental Impact Assessment of the development plan of the site of THE OUARZAZATE SOLAR COMPOUND Non technical Summary February 2012 23, Avenue Chellah Apt N° 9 et 10 Hassan - Rabat - Morocco - Tél : + 212 537 20 80 90 Fax : + 212 537 72 91 11 e-mail : phenixa@phenixa.com Page i Non technical summary 1- Legal and Institutional context Moroccan legislation  Envir onmental legislat ion  Law 12-03 on impact Studies and its implementation decrees  Law 11-03 concerning environmental protection and enhancement  Law 10-95 on water and its implementation texts  Law 42-09 completing Law 10-95 on water and its implementation texts  Law 28-00 on waste management and disposal and its implementation texts  Law 13-03 on fighting against air pollution and its implementation texts.  Law on premises considered insanitar y, inconvenient or dangerous  Law 12-90 about urban planning and its implementation text  Law 22-80 on cultural and historical heritage as amended and supplemented in 2006 by Law 19- 05  Law 78-00 on the Municipal Charter as amended and supplemented in 2002 by Law 01-03 and 2009 by Law 17-08.  «Dahir » (Royal decree) n° 1 - 06 - 102 of 18 joumada 1st 1427 (8 june 2006) promulgating the Law number 19-05, amending and supplementing the Law number 22-80 concerning the conservation of historic monuments and sites, and inscription of art objects and antiques. Specific legislation related to power lines  Order of the Minister of Civil Engineering No. 127-63 of March 15, 1963 regar ding the technical conditions to be met by distributions of electric power;  Decree of the Minister of Public Wor ks of November 9, 1954 establishing and regulating the marking of distribution lines of electric power in the interest of air navigation.  The project is also subject to other provisions Labor code, circular letter of the Ministery of Health, etc. International convent ions Morocco has signed several conventions regar ding the conser vation of species and natural areas in connection with construction projects of Ver y High Voltage lines.  The Rio Convention on Biological Diversity;  The Ber n convention  The Bonn convention  International Convention for Bird Protection;  The Barcelona Concention; the African Convention on the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources Or :  The Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) Instit utional framewor k of env ironmental management Many entities have responsabilities within the environmental framewor k. One can mention among others the Moroccan Ministr y of Energy, Mining, Water and the Environment, The Moroccan Environment Department , and the Watershed Management Agencies (ABHs). Page i Moroccan Institut ional framewor k in ter ms of energy management  The National Electricity Office (ONE): The pr oduction and distribution of electricity are mainly controlled by the ONE. The Office, considered as the leader of electricity industry in Morocco, has been created in 1963 and proceed in the three key sectors of energy (production, transport and distribution).  The Depart ment of Energy and Min ing within the MEMEE is in charge of the development and implementation of gover nment policy in ener gy, mines and geology, as the control of other industries dependent of his authority. Its role is the super vision of firms and public that come within its competence, in par ticular the ONE.  The Moroccan Agency for Solar Energy (MASEN) created in 2009. The mission of this agency is to look after the implementation of electric solar projects.  The Agency for Development of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency created in 2009 and its mission is to contribute in the implementation of the politic of the gover nment regarding the renewable Energies and energy efficiency. Envir onmental procedures of donors The project is also subject to environmental and social procedures of the donor represented by the World Bank. T he Wor k Bank has ten guidelines specifying the principles of protection of social and environmental aspects to prevent or mitigate any fatal effects on the environment or vulnerable human groups that may result from a project or an activity financed by the Bank. The main guidelines applicable to this project are:  OP 4.01 : bringing the politics regarding the studies of impact  OP 4.12: concerning the pr ocedural framework for consultation and community involvement  OP 4.04 : regarding devices and necessary measures to reduce and / or avoid damage to natural habitats 2 National framework in the energy industry Morocco, a country not producing energy ressources untill now, relies on the outside world for substantially all its energy supply. This reliance amounts to about 95% currently. Therefore, the diversification of the energy mix is a priority area of intervention to reduce this reliance including through the development of local energy resources. To meet the many challenges and handle the future of energy in order to ensure Morocco’s sustainable development, a new energy strategy was developed on the basis of technological and economic options as part of a long-term clear vision. It is reflected into concrete action plans and achievable in the short, medium and long term, along with organizational and regulatory measures aiming at providing the necessary visibility to the operators. The set strategic objectives aimed at ensuring the security of energy supply, availability and accessibility of energy at the best cost and to reduce energy dependence by diversifying energy sources, developing the national potential energy, promoting energy efficiency in all economic and social activities. In this sense, Morocco has an important potential in terms of renewable ener gies:  A large solar radiation (about 7,2 kWh/j/m2 in the South, 280 to 340 days per year)  A large wind ressource: a potential of 6000 MW  A significant potential for mini hydraulic systems: more than 200 sites  A tank of 9 millions hectares of forest  A geothermal potential not yet explored. Page ii Thanks to this potential, Morocco banks on renewable energy through the installation of several wind, solar and hydroelectric power national stations. In the field of solar energy, Moroccan Solar Plan plans to build a solar-based electric production capacity of 2 GW between 2015 and 2019, corresponding to 38% of the total electric power currently installed in Morocco. In order to restart this production, five sites of solar energetic compoundes have been identified on the Moroccan territory with a pr oduction capacity of 4500 GWh corresponding to 18% of the curr ent national production. These five sites are:  Ouarzazate (500 MW) ;  Ain Beni Mathar (400 MW) ;  Sebkhate Tah (500 MW) ;  Foum Al Ouad (500 MW) ;  Boujdour (100 MW). The first site selected was the energetic solar compound of Ouarzazate. Located at 10 KM i n the north of Ouarzazate, near the rural community of Ghassate, in a place called “Tamazaghten Izerki� on the national road 10 linking Ouarzazate to Errachidia. 3 Project description The Ouarzazate solar energy compound, with a capacity of 500 MW, is the first phase of the Moroccan solar plan to be realized by MASEN. This first compound, which commissioning is planned for 2015, is organized around five power stations and will be realized on successive phases:  The first phase corresponds to a constr uction of a solar thermal CSP of 125 to 160 MW, wet- cooled with a capacity of storage of the thermal energy of three hours.  For the following phases, three solar stations are possible, including: o Two thermal solar stations with cylindrical parabolic sensors, 125 MW each, wet-cooled with a capacity of storage of the thermal energy of three hours. o A thermal station with a solar tower with a capacity of 50 MW. o A photovoltaic station with a capacity of 50 MW. Different construction phases of the solar compound may be realized simultaneously. These five solar stations above mentioned represent the optimal scenario on which MASEN is based to determine the principal common substructures within its responsibility:  Infrastructure of intrasite water : water tank  Roads infrastructure as: The access road to the site, the road inside the site and the road dev iation of the trail going through the site and serving the village of Tasselmante.  Electr ical infrastructures including: an 60/22 kV electr ical post inside the compound, t wo new 22kV lines and the dev iation of the 60 kV line in order to by- pass the site of the solar compound.  Infrastructures linked to drainage  Secur ity infrastructure  Other infrastructures : lightening, surveillance camera, site installation… Page iii 4 Justification of the project In order to ensure the best conditions for the construction and running of the energetic solar compound of Ouarzazate, MASEN opted for the elaboration of a DP (Development Plan) of this compound, which allows the different stations of the compound:  To define common infrastructures  To identify preparation works of the construction sites  To explain the procedures of management during the construction and running stages. The implementation of such POD will allow also to realize the common infrastructures of the compound within a reasonable deadline and will ensure a startup of the stage work in a reasonable time, and as a result an optimal running of the solar compound. This environmental assessment focuses on common infrastructures defined under POD of the energetic solar compound project of Ouarzazate and which the control of work is MASEN responsibility. These infrastructures are above mentioned. The installation of such common infrastructures will allow the startup of the stage work and ensure a good r unning of the sire. T his implementation will lead to many positive effects, more particularly:  The improvement and enlargement of access to the basic social services (education, health, salubrious habitat, roads…etc) thanks to the opening up of a certain number of inhabitants after the implementation of the deviation road.  The development of economic activities that generate incomes in agriculture, trade, craft industry...thanks to jobs created through the plan of developmen t. This will be reflected in an improvement of local demographic indicators (poverty, unemployment, emigrations, education…and will allow fighting against poverty and exclusion. It is worth noting that some of those common settlements, such as the deviation of the 60kV electric line and the road of deviation are part of the mitigation measures to be implemented and identified during Environnemental Impact Assessment of development plan of the site of Ouarzazate solar compound site, realized for MASEN in 2011. In this assessment, it has been mentioned that those infrastructures will be the subject of an impact assessment. 5 Project realization deadline The initial work should start in early 2012 and conducted during 2012. Page iv 6 Analysis of the initial state The characteristics of the study area and the compatibilities or sensitivities in relation with the pr oject are listed in the following tables. Very high stakes High stakes Moderate stakes Low stakes 6.1 Physical environment Table 1 : General synthesis of init ial state Stakes level Compatibility with Theme Distant perimeter characteristics Nearby perimeter characteristics Distant the project Nearby area area The support plate of the solar energy compound is notched at both the The flatness of the Eastern and Western edges of the landscape is in favor two rivers Izer ki and Wargouine. for low possibilities The elevation above the wadi beds of distant vision. This is an area of flat plateaus that are notched fluctuates between fragmented by erosion, with altitudes 50 and 60 m. The section of road fluctuating within a range of values This plate sloping to the south is an deviation below the ranging from 1100m to 1450m. Their area of gullied slope. plateau, the 22kV Topography/ elevation above the oueds valleys that power line, the 60/22 hydrography cut into them is in the or der of tens of In the Nor th-East and South-East Low Low kV electrical post and meters. sides of the project site, clayey the main water tank These plateaus are cut by the beds of boulders are tipped out on cliffs of are faintly visible from ten meters. the douars bordering rivers drawing green valleys locally. the left bank of Izerki The edges of these plates are fragile The road deviation runs alongside and (Ighrem Amellal, with frequent landslides. almost in the same way the oued bed of Taferghouste and Izerki. Tidgheste). This road passes first below the plateau and then rises to the level of the compound site. C172/A631/R188a Rappor t - 15/01/2013 Page v Stakes level Compatibility with Theme Distant perimeter characteristics Nearby perimeter characteristics Distant the project Nearby area area The compound site ground and its eastern boundary are componed of detrital material, basically conglomerates and sandstones, and comprising an intercalation of layers of sandy clay. All this cover is highlighted by a The fragmented plateaus correspond Compatible conductive substratum probably of a to Cretaceous and Eocene lands geological nature, marly nature between 34 and 50 m submerged under a tertiar y and subject to deep. quater nary detrital compound. consideration of the Geology Low Low results of the Along the valleys of rivers dominant Basic and resistant detrital formations dominate the north and northwest of geotechnical study. geological formations in the outcrop correspond to recent alluvial deposits, the site of the compound. Fine detrital topped with silt. formations and sandy clay are conductive and they occupy the east and south east of the site. All these detrital formations are globally consistent. They continue edgeways with little or no change in their facies. The climatological characteristics are  The climate of the area is arid. not incompatible  The average inter-annual of temperatures is around 20°C and the with the pr oject. coefficient of variation of monthly average temperatures is 7% Climatology  Two wet seasons spreading respectively from mid - September to the end Low of December and from January until the end of March. T hese two periods Aggressiveness of alternate with a dr y climatic episode spreading from April until mid- the rainfall is a September factor of erosion,  Low-frequency, fast and violent rainfall however, this  The number of thunderstorm days, hail and snow is very limited phenomenon is C172/A631/R188a Rappor t - 15/01/2013 Page vi Stakes level Compatibility with Theme Distant perimeter characteristics Nearby perimeter characteristics Distant the project Nearby area area  The prevailing winds blow from west to northwest with speeds of 2 to 4 m considered in the /s basic studies needed for the design and dimensioning of different common facilities. C172/A631/R188a Rappor t - 15/01/2013 Page vii Stakes level Compatibility with Theme Distant perimeter characteristics Nearby perimeter characteristics Distant the project Nearby area area The project site is drained by a networ k of chaaba and streams, including Issil Tfeig. The latter flows Hydrographical south east. networ k draining nearby and far The east and west edges of the perimeters do not compound site are cut by the represent significant watercourses of Izerki and sensitivity in relation Wargouine. Those watercourses are very to the project. The study site is drained by the irregular. confluence of the Oued Izer ki to the The site is drained east including assif N'Ougni, assif The site's main water reservoir is by a networ k of Tizerkit in the South, assif Issil Tfeig in provided in the middle of the chaaba that it must the South East and Wargouine in the watershed chaaba B. be well developed. West. The site of the electrical substation Intrasite drainage Surface 60/22 kV is located in the middle but Low High works are to be water slightly to the east of the watershed expected, making These streams have an irregular and of the same chaaba. high the stake in dry rate of flow during almost all year. relation to hydraulic From upstream to hydrological development site. All these streams flow into the south of downstream, the route of power lines the compound site to feed the dam 22 kV through the basins of the The transition of the Mansour Ed Dahbi. following chaabas: A, B, C and H. For diversion road at the their connection to the post 60/22 kV, southern section these lines will cross the requires setting up subwatershed B3. of hydraulic wor ks, No risk of flooding can be repor ted in mainly in chaabas Ouarzazate solar compound site. below the suppor t plateau of the site. The section of road deviation below the plateau is crossed by some chaabas or gullies. C172/A631/R188a Rappor t - 15/01/2013 Page viii Stakes level Compatibility with Theme Distant perimeter characteristics Nearby perimeter characteristics Distant the project Nearby area area Brackish alluvial groundwater of low productivity can be found below the The local valleys. hydr ogeological conditions described The site’s suppor t plateau is These sheets often accompanying are not sensitive in hydr ogeologically sterile, the same is Ground rivers are shallow , thin and close to the relation to the true for the lands crossed by the None None water groud surface. Examples of alluvial project (common route of the the diversion road. groundwater linked to: infrastructures subject of this  Oued Izerki, nearby douar assessment) Tasselmante, Oum Romane, Essour…  Assif N’Ougni, nearby Tiflite, Igherm Amellal, Tidghiste…  Source of punctual atmospheric emission The study area contains a cr ushing unit, on the bed of oued Izerki and upstream near Mansour Ed Dahbi dam. No atmospheric emission source is Air quality recorded and in or nearby the solar compatible with the  Source of lineic atmospheric compound support except National project regardless of emission Road 10 which is the starting point of the chosen the access road to the site alternative Air - Quality Low Low The distant perimeter could be Also, the immediate perimeter along the The site is uninhabited exposed to traffic-related pollution of route of the diversion road, no source and located far from the roads: of lineic atmospheric emissions can any habitat. be reported except National Road 10 The diversion road  RN10 : 2000 < Annual Average that represents its starting point and doesn’t not pass near Daily Traffic (flight/day) ≤ 4500 the crushing unit located any habitat.  RP 1511 : 50 ≤ Annual Average approximately 6 km at the South-East Daily Traffic (flight/day) ≤ 200 of this route. The site of the solar compound is located approximately 7 km at bird’s C172/A631/R188a Rappor t - 15/01/2013 Page ix Stakes level Compatibility with Theme Distant perimeter characteristics Nearby perimeter characteristics Distant the project Nearby area area eye in the north- north- east of Ouarzazate International Airport.  Source of surface atmospheric emission The emissions of douars Izerki including Tasselmante, Oum Romane, Essour, Iznaguene and Agouddim, and those located to the east of solar compound like Tflite, Taferghouste, Tidgheste et Igherm Amellal. The study area does not contain noticeable noise source, or an unusual noise. Air quality The southern and eastern ends of the study area, bordered respectively by the compatible with the N10 and PR 1511, may be impacted by road traffic noise. project regardless of the chosen Along the bed of oued Izerki, some trucks illegally supplying local alluvia alternative. Air - Noise generate noise and punctual passenger. Punctual noise is also recor ded at the Low The site is uninhabited crushing unit located on the bed of oued Izerki. and located far from The site of the solar compound is located approximately 7 km at bird’s eye in any habitat. the north- north- east of Ouarzazate International Airport. An average of 2 The diversion road flights/day. At the current state, no plan for noise exposure nearby the airpor t doesn’t not pass by is available. any habitat. C172/A631/R188a Rappor t - 15/01/2013 Page x Stakes level Compatibility with Theme Distant perimeter characteristics Nearby perimeter characteristics Distant the project Nearby area area Precautions to be taken for the stability of the project’s site to avoid landslides that could affect its surroundings, especially regarding the establishment of Risk of landslides at the edges of the fragmented plateaus Moderate the substation 60/22 kV and the main water tank, on the Natural risks eastern edge, and the 60 kV line on the western and southern edges. The diversion road also crosses highly vulnerable areas. These risks are low Risk of vibrations from the seismic activity in the vicinity Low and do not generate constraints for the project C172/A631/R188a Rappor t - 15/01/2013 Page xi Stakes level Compatibility with Theme Distant perimeter characteristics Nearby perimeter characteristics Distant the project Nearby area area This risk is low and does not generate constraints for the infrastructures. All the suggested measures in the study of drainage No risk of flooding is is recor ded at Ouarzazate solar compound. and cleaning up of However, a detailed topographic and hydrological study is required to evaluate rainwater inside the the risk of floodability of the diversion road that follows oued Izer ki on its right compound solar bank. Sections of its Souther n approach the shores of Izerki at distances of 650 Ouarzazate in Low m. Moreover, a study of drainage and sewerage of stormwater inside the progress should be Ouarzazate solar site is in progress on behalf of MASEN. considered. Natural risks A study of particular floodability should be conducted along the diversion road. Special measures shall be implemented to protect this route mainly in relation to Oued Izer ki. Measures should be implemented in order to consider The site is located at an area with high er osion risk High the high risk of erosion. C172/A631/R188a Rappor t - 15/01/2013 Page xii 6.2 Biological environment Table 2 : General synthesis of init ial state – Natural env ironment Stakes level Theme Distant per imeter characterist ics Nearby per imeter characteristics Distant Compat ibility with the Project Nearby area area The study area of the Ouarzazate solar compound project is not included in any protected natural area, but in its distant perimeter, we can find: Aucune sensibilité de ces aires vis-à-vis  Lake of the Mansour Ed Dahbi dam, part of a RAMSAR site (site of the dam - du compounde solaire e ses 6 km south of the site) infrastructures communes étudiées n’est à enregistrer sauf le cas du lac du Protected  The reserve of gazelles dorcas at Bouljir (13 km nor th - west of the site) barrage Mansour Ed Dahbi, sis en aval areas Moderate None du site du projet. Ce dernier est sensible  The reserve of Iguer nane (15 km north - west of the site) à une éventuelle pollution provenant du  The Sbaa Shaab site (11 km east of the site) compounde en phase exploitation ou en phase chantier The construction of Ouarzazate solar compound and its different linear infrastr uctures is planned in zone B. At the compound site and its closer None of the flora species found at vicinity that is including all the studied the project site and its perimeter is infrastructures, we mention: considered threatened or rare.  Units with maximum legacy interest: dry oueds and slope environment Most of the linear infrastructures are on reg The heritage values from a flora and  Units with high legacy interest: units, with a low legacy value. Only short fauna points of view have been sections are planned in a units with a legacy identified. alluvial regs, halophilic oueds, oasis and value relatively high (slope environment, dry Fauna et cultures The project site of the solar oueds, halophilic oueds) Low Low Flora  Units with reduced legacy interest all compound is recognized as being of regs, halophilic steppe, gullies on clay The main water tank and the power spost low patrimonial value. and gypsum bed of the Oued Izer ki; 60/22kV are planned on an unit with a reduced  Unit wit h a very low legacy interest: the legacy. Areas of high heritage value are douar. located in the east and west edges Units with a maximum legacy occupy of the project site. reduced areas in the zone of study. Measures will be implemented to The units with a reduced legacy interest protect them. C172/A631/R188a Rappor t - 15/01/2013 Page xiii Stakes level Theme Distant per imeter characterist ics Nearby per imeter characteristics Distant Compat ibility with the Project Nearby area area occupy most surfaces in the zone of study (about 81%), and more in the solar compound area. 6.3 Human environment Table 3 : General synthesis of init ial state – Human env ironment Stakes level Theme Distant per imeter characterist ics Nearby per imeter characteristics Nearby Compatibility with the project Distant area area The solar compound site acquired by MASEN is a No incompatibilities common collective land belonging to the ethnic group of infrastructures of the compound is Southern Ait Ougrrour. observed in relation to land The diversion road is an infrastructure outside the site Real estate No private land to be expropriated. The and follows the route of an existing track passable None None All the entit led persons from Ait real estate has no particular stake. on a collective land. Ougrrour Toundount were compensated The roundabout and access from the national road according to procedures in effect. RN9 are also outside the compound ground. No urban planning document currently covers the study area. No incompatibilities common  The Ur ban Planning Master Plan S0DAU) of the The nearby perimeter of infrastructures is infrastructures of the compound is Urban Greater Ouarzazate planning not covered by any urban planning None None observed in relation to the urban  Development plans of the Ghassate and Idalsane planning documents document. municipalities are the main urban planning documents nearby the study area. C172/A631/R188a Rappor t - 15/01/2013 Page xiv Stakes level Theme Distant per imeter characterist ics Nearby per imeter characteristics Nearby Compatibility with the project Distant area area No incompatibilities common infrastructures of the compound is observed in relation to the The population of Ghassate village represent: demography  0,3% of the population of the region and The project is located in an area of low The 9 douars of the study area are population density. No residence is 1,8% of the population of the province. located more than 3 kms from the directly present on the project site.  A constant decrease (8300 inhabitants in site, except douar Tasselmante. Population All the entit led persons from Ait 2009 versus 9843 in 1994. No habitat nor a douar is to be Low Ougrrour Toundount were compensated  A low density (8.8 inhabitants/km²). displaced according to procedures in effect.  A poverty rate of 30% and a vulnerability The site development plan is an rate of 64% oppor tunity for improving demographic indicators (poverty, migration, employment, education, ...) Entirely rural population, primarily active in the No incompatibility following areas: farming, agriculture, handicraft, The acquisition of the land of the solar The plan of development of the and trade. compound site and its commissioning will compound is an excellent opportunity lead to a deviation of the mobility of for the development of a number of The extensive farming and oasis agriculture are the main some local and transhumant herds. Economic economic activities occupied by the majority of the initiatives socioeconomic that can It is the same for the route of the Low Low activities population. substantially reduce rates of detour route. The craft industry and trade remain very limited in the pover ty and vulnerability. However, it should be noted that the distant perimeter. The other developed act ivities in the Herders can follow other circuits site of the compound is almost naked region and the province, such as tourism and industry, that can be defined in consultation are almost nonexistent. with a very low forage supply. with representatives of concerned ethnic groups. C172/A631/R188a Rappor t - 15/01/2013 Page xv Stakes level Theme Distant per imeter characterist ics Nearby per imeter characteristics Nearby Compatibility with the project Distant area area The Ouarzazate solar compound’s site is Cult ural No site of historical or cultural interest has been identified, except sepulchral sites not located near any site of heritage and (marabouts, zaouias, cemeteries etc..). interest tourist ic Low Tourism is not developed in the project area. No sensitivity towards sepulchral sites heritage has been identified as regards to the project. - The main water tank and post 60/22 kV are planned to the east of the the compound site, leading to the valley of Izer ki The suppor t plateau of the project site , is - The tracings of 22 kV lines and intrasite serving follow a north surrounded by two - south line in the center of the compound. valleys: There are few issues in terms of  The valley of oued From the National Road RN10, the route of the diversion road distant co-visibility Izerki to the East like a goes across a landscape of flat slightly hilly, steep gully in steep slope but places to reach the support plateau of the site. From the RN10 Some precautions have to be taken Landscape passable, covered by a to the end of this road, the dominating landscape in the east is Low Low to manage local stakes, whatever dispersed vegetation. the valley of Izerki and some gullies designed by its tributaries the chosen alternative  The valley of oued and confluences. Wargouine to the west The deviated route of line 60 kV line goes from the west side of llike a non passable steep the compound site. There, the dominant landscape of the cliff, created by suppor t plate goes across the compound, to a system of steep watercourse. cliffs overlooking a large valley of oued War gouine. The southern section of that deviated line through an area deeply weathered and rugged. The study area seems to be favorable of the installation of different common infrastructure of the solar energetic compound of Ouarzazate, subjet to the consideration of various existing constraints. C172/A631/R188a Rappor t - 15/01/2013 Page xvi 7 Identified major impacts and compensation measures The project’s prospective impacts on the environment have been presented and can be positive or negative, temporary (during the construction stage) and permanent (on the shelf life of the projected works), direct of indirect. The evaluation of the impacts is the result of the intersection between the initial state in place, the technical project and feedback. The study has identified several mitigation measures and compensation to minimize these impacts during all stages of the project (see the table below). 7.1 Positive impacts: The main contributions of the constr uction pr oject of different common infrastructures of the solar compound of Ouarzazate are:  Job creation during the works stage. Indeed, the implemented works for the installation and/or the construction of various infrastr uctures municipalities studied involve the use of local labor, generally available and inexpensive. The companies responsible of works recruited locally for earthmoving, constr uction and installation of electrical poles or posts, etc. that require no special qualifications.  Temporary employment could be created for civil engineering works, assembling and installing towers, processing and installing cables and to transport materials. The work to open of access roads will also be provided by the local wor kforce.  On top of temporar y employment directly created by wor ks, there is also the creation of indirect jobs linked to the necessar y logistics for staff coming from outside.  Overall, demand for goods and services will increase and temporarily boost the local economy.  Due to low local income and the propor tion of people below the poverty line in some parts of the area of study, the distribution of salaries has a positive impact on the population. During the operating phase, the development program of solar energy compound will definitely a number of positive impacts, interlinked and inducing each other. Thus the direct positive impacts related to infrastr ucture development of the site provided (intrasite and diversion roads, water supply, power, fences…) induce direct and/or indirect positive impacts on human environmental variables:  Improving and expanding access to basic social ser vices (education, health, salubrious habitat, roads…etc), thanks to the opening up of a number of people after the commissioning of the diversion r oad.  The development of economic activities that generate incomes in agriculture, trade, craft industry… thanks to the created jobs by the plan of development. This will lead to an impr ovement of local demographic indicators (pover ty, unemployments, emigration, education, etc..) And will consequently fight against pover ty and exclusion. The implementation of the plan of development of the energetic solar compound of Ouarzazate in general and the construction of the diversion road in particular, reinforced by other planned programs by Ouarzazate DPE (Splitting of RN10) and by Ghassate village (development of tracks) will allow more provision of main services to the site and to satisfy the pressing requests of the population for a better access to the road network. This will contribute i nto the opening up of the douars close to the site thanks to the improvement of transpor t conditions of persons and goods. Thus, several positive impacts, directs and indirects, are expected: Positive impacts on social serv ices:  Supporting an implementation of development comunal plan (PCD) on water supply in Agouddim Izer ki, Oum Romane, Essour and Iznaguene “douars� (hamlets).  Contributing to solving some problems of basic educational infrastructure (bathrooms, power, maintenance…), in or der to reduce alarming illiteracy rates in the douars of the study area, among w omen in par ticular. C172/A631/R188a Rappor t - 15/01/2013 Page xvii  Improving the social security cover of the population by installing the infrastructures and appointing medical staff. Positive impacts on economic activ it ies In economic sector, the opening up of the douars will allow:  To include Ghassate village in touristic tours, through a scientific tourism that integrate a visit to the solar station and to emphasize the existing touristic potential.  To encourage and formalise the main activity linked to the craft industr y (car pet weaving), through the creation of w omen associations and the or ganisation of training sessions. The dynamic and the job creation will contribute to the improvement of demographic indicators of the area including:  Reversing the regressive trend (-2.4%) of the population in the village of Ghassate (chalking of the intensity of rural depopulation and stabilization of the workforce)  The reduction of the unemployment rate (75% of the population of working age including over 93% of women), reinforcement of the fight against poverty and vulnerability of local population by encouraging initiatives as par t of the INDH. Through various par tnership agreements, local associations can play a fundamental role to reinforce such impacts. The realization of the diversion road of the track through the site will give a strong protection to the local population of douar Tasselmant, Oum Roman and Agouddim Izerki, against any accident that may occur inside the site. C172/A631/R188a Rappor t - 15/01/2013 Page xviii 7.2 Summary of negative impacts and combined measures Table 4 : Impacts of infrastructures on the environment and general mitigation actions during the design and works phase Target Responsibility of Mitigation/compensation measure implementation Enviro Environ Potential impact and cost Residual impact nment ment And application of the measure element Minimization of athmospheric emissions and noise Companies  Gear and tr uck yards should be well maintained and will meet the standards in terms of responsible of works Physical environmen Degradation of air quality fume emissions (decree of 1988 on emission standar ds). They should be chosen to under the control of Climate / Air and the sound atmosphere MASEN, included in reduce smells, fumes and dust. the cost of works. by atmospheric emissions by  The use of covered trucks is preferred to transport materials Very low vehicles. Dust emissions in phase of  Immediate repair construction machinery and vehicles that produce excessive fumes or excavation work. noise emissions.  A light watering of access roads will be needed to limit dust uprisings C172/A631/R188a Rappor t - 15/01/2013 Page xix Target Responsibility of Mitigation/compensation measure implementation Enviro Environ Potential impact Residual impact And application of the measure and cost nment ment element Soil stabilization, land management and control of borrow areas and disposal areas MASEN  The arrangement, type, section and length of anchorage ground, and the location of the (incorporation of different common infrastructure, will be chosen according to the results of the the terms in the geotechnical study to be adapted to the constraints of the site. of work  Changes of topography and soil by excavation w ork  Companies have to the restoration of the sites at the end of wor k specifications)  Movements of land, impact on  Materials of excavation as backfill materials should be used only if their geotechnical Soil and water ressources stability and soil erosion characteristics allow it, or storing surplus materials according to a plan earthmoving Companies (excavation and backfill) harmoniously with the landscape and facilitating plant regrowth responsible of work under the control of  Soil erosion  Excavation and backfill will be stable, drained and replanted w hen necessar y and MASEN  Soil sealing possible. Very low  Destruction of the natural  Soil stabilization will be performed immediately after the interventions on the vegetation (low and sporadic) environment  Perturbation of the system of  Companies will limit the areas of vegetation clearing to the strictly necessary surface water streaming specially during rainy period.  The borrow areas will be subject to necessary required authorizations (study of impact  Exploitation of quarries of on the environment, autorization of exploitation) borrowing material  Companies must implement appropriate management of surplus material. Places of deposit must be identified by the company and approved by Masen. These zones of deposits should be stable, protected from erosion and should not impede the flow of water. C172/A631/R188a Rappor t - 15/01/2013 Page xx Target Responsibility of Mitigation/compensation measure implementation Enviro Environ Potential impact Residual impact And application of the measure and cost nment ment element Requirements included in the specifications of  Construction areas will be clearly defined to contain the production areas of liquid and companies solid wastes responsible for Deterioration of the quality of  It is necessary to limit the volume of wastes and their management (waste production the wor k Implementation soil and water by generating will be limited from the source) by companies Very low solid and liquid wastes in  Each company has the responsibility of collection, sor ting and transpor ting to the recycling channels and/or treatment of wates generated by the company. under the construction phase  Units of mobile wastewater treatment will be implemented for the site staff with exter nal control of drain MASEN. Included in the cost of work C172/A631/R188a Rappor t - 15/01/2013 Page xxi Target Responsibility of Mitigation/compensation measure implementation Enviro Environ Potential impact Residual impact And application of the measure and cost nment ment element Requirements included in the specifications of companies responsible for  Companies will develop tools to prevent pollution and management plans of accidental the wor k Contamination of soil and pollution (training and awareness of staff, equipment based life suitable absorbent Implementation surface water by spillage of material, equipment kit absorbing ever y machine to meet the point source discharges) by companies hazardous products  Storage areas will be provided for cleaning and maintenance of equipment on a tight under the Very low (hydrocarbon, oils and platform with contaminated rainwater and oil separator will be set up control of lubricants…)  The holding tanks must be installed around the storage areas of fuel or lubricants MASEN. Included in the cost of work C172/A631/R188a Rappor t - 15/01/2013 Page xxii Target Responsibility of Mitigation/compensation measure implementation Enviro Environ Potential impact Residual impact And application of the measure and cost nment ment element To take into consideration in the conception - Implementation of water projects under various conventional techniques of rural Disruption of local drainage phase for the engineering: networ k, hydrological system implementation  Limitation of the concentration of runoff and design of and soil erosion by structural  Organization of water conduit structures under construction and  Protection of areas where floods and untimely deposits would cause significant the control of Very low implementation of various damage MASEN earthworks. -Companies will not disr upt the natural flow of water when carrying out work to limit follow up of the erosion and runoff. performance of work under the control of MASEN Situation of the whole The compound is planned to be built in B zoning of the biosphere reserve. Like zoning MASEN Protected areas compound of solar environment between areas A, B and C is being proposed, it is desirable to integrate immediately the Water and forests Biological Ouarzazate and the entire site of the compound in Area C (corresponding to the development zone of Ouarzazate) in infrastructure in area of Absence order not to be in conflict with the orientations of zoning B (only tourism-related biosphere activities) C172/A631/R188a Rappor t - 15/01/2013 Page xxiii Target Responsibility of Mitigation/compensation measure implementation Enviro Environ Potential impact Residual impact And application of the measure and cost nment ment element Implementation by companies Staff will be aware of the existing fauna and avifauna (species recognition, lifestyle and under the  Temporary disturbance of interest). To limit the actions of the craft part of the grip of strict constr uction w hich must control of be well defined. wildlife (fauna) and flora MASEN. After work, wildlife will reinstall most likely in all suitable sites, the site of the solar Low due to the intense activity Included in the compound, and its mar gins at work cost of work Fauna and flora Work  Accidental pollution by  The risk of spoil will be canceled by a strict prohibition of these deposits in slope companies deposition or leakage of environments; cuttings should be recycled either on site or accumulated on site in mid- responsible of contaminants that will shelf reg work destroy the vegetation Included in the cost  The measures taken against pollution of the environment in which units based fauna of work Very low  Deposit of r ubble on the and flora are identical to those proposed for the protection of soil and water resources. slopes, in units of mid-  Ditches, chaabas, and streams must be kept clean and clear, to meet the drainage and slope, with lasting impact biodiversity. C172/A631/R188a Rappor t - 15/01/2013 Page xxiv Target Responsibility of Mitigation/compensation measure implementation Enviro Environ Potential impact Residual impact And application of the measure and cost nment ment element MASEN (for Communication with residents  Masen inform the local population of the place of wor k and establish a system for communication handling complaints of local people from the start of wor k. and planning of  The practical details of this mechanism will be developed in concert with executing the stakeholders (MASEN, companies, local authorities…) work)  Companies should not hinder communication with residents. Their collaboration is also required for the treatment and resolution of complaints about him. Implementation  Companies should preferably use local resources for construction since this by companies Habitat and population Human environment population has the required skills. The companies will connect with ANAPEC to under the Embarrassment of residents establish a recruitment process at the local level. control of during the installation of the MASEN. Very low construction sites Minimizat ion of probable discomfort:  · Each company must develop an optimal schedule of wor k execution, planning to To implement at start with the realization of the diversion road to allow people to borrow and the earliest release the current track through the site for its redevelopment and construction possible at the of other components of the plan of development beginning of  Firms will choose hours handling operations (loading and unloading of products planning stage and materials, etc..) Off peak hours  Companies will ensure smoother traffic  Companies should establish adequate warning signs and signs of decreasing traffic speed after obtaining permission from the commune.  Disruption of traffic on  Companies will choose the time for handling operations (loading and unloading of Companies environment Habitat and population access roads to the site products and materials, etc.) off-peak hours. responsible for work Human which consist essentially of  Companies will ensure smoother traffic under the control of Very low MASEN the RN10 road  Companies should set up enough signboards and signs of decreasing velocity after upon  Risk of road accidents obtaining permission from the municipality. C172/A631/R188a Rappor t - 15/01/2013 Page xxv Target Responsibility of Mitigation/compensation measure implementation Enviro Environ Potential impact Residual impact And application of the measure and cost nment ment element Include in the specifications of Noise control the wor k. To be implemented by Companies should keep vehicles in good condition of the site the companies Increase of noise level Companies will use the equipment in good condition, arranging work schedules to in charge of the minimize any discomfort and respect the legislation in force, equip workers with hearing work under the Increase of dust and protection w hen needed control of Very low atmospheric emissions Equipment and devices shall comply with noise limits corresponding to their technical MASEN Inclure dans les Minimization of dust: see measures proposed in the section air in phase wor k cahier des charges des travaux. A mettre en œuvre par les entreprises chargées des travaux sous contrôle de MASEN companies  The usual measures prevent and protect against fire will be implemented (no smoking, responsible of electrical clearances, installation of fire extinguishers etc) work Risk of fire  Stripping of little vegetation around the sites of projects will be one of the first Included in the cost Very low operations to be performed at the start of work of work C172/A631/R188a Rappor t - 15/01/2013 Page xxvi Target Responsibility of Mitigation/compensation measure implementation Enviro Environ Potential impact Residual impact And application of the measure and cost nment ment element companies  The allowances of the sites will be limited as much as possible. responsible of  The areas corresponding to earthworks construction allowances, to limit wor k and work discomfor t for the landscape movements of earth to the strictly necessar y Included in the cost Very low  Companies will avoid depositing waste outside designated areas for this pur pose of work  Companies will restore the original right-of-sites Historica companies l and The company that discovers archaeological vestiges phase of wor k is obliged to responsible of cultural immediately notify the competent local authority. heritage work None Archaeological finds Following this advice, the Ministr y of Culture operates through its agents in order to Included in the cost achieve expertise and determine the final conditions which shall be subject the works the of work option decide a temporary cessation of wor ks  Companies should ensure good environmental management in the construction To include in the specifications of the company performing the wor k specifications of the wor k. To be Companies must submit in their offer: implemented by the companies Environment management  A management plan for health, safety and environment for the construction in charge of the - phase work under the  An environment responsible of the construction site control of  The procedures to be implemented to ensure the inclusion of mitigation measures and MASEN environmental management C172/A631/R188a Rappor t - 15/01/2013 Page xxvii Table 5 : Electrical infrastructure impacts on the environment and specific meas ures dur ing the design / wor k Target Mitigation/compensation measure Responsibility of Potential impact implementation and Residual impaact Enviro Environment And application of the measure cost nment element C172/A631/R188a Rappor t - 15/01/2013 Page xxviii Target Mitigation/compensation measure Responsibility of Enviro Environment Potential impact implementation and Residual impaact And application of the measure cost nment element The layout of the 60 kV line sections considered dangerous (diversion of the 60kV line) Consideration during the conception phase should be modified. The proposed alternative route is only 1 to 6 km (instead of 12.8 under the km initially anticipated) and the installation of the line is easier, due to less hilly responsibility of landscape: MASEN  The southern part should be carried fur ther north, near the boundaries of solar compound, so it is essentially on the board, avoiding the system gorges south Mortality of aquatic avifauna in river of Mansour Eddahbi dam (site of of the plateau Ramsar) by percusion or  The western part should be given 100 meters from the edge of the plateau electrocution on power lines 22kV (including the steephead valleys cutting into the plateau) Natural environment and 60kV. Wildlife and flora Mortality of avifauna (essentially The ground wire that protects conductor cables against atmospheric overvoltages as migratory, including should be mar ked out. Very low diurnal raptors, ver y patrimonial group) mainly For 22kV lines due to the orientation of the Poles with medium voltage with rigid insulators are considered dangerous and the line sections 60 kV and 22 kV overhead switches and some angle supports dual level isolateurs. Thus it is important of the same. to:  Modifiate the configurations of the insulator  Install a perch on top of the pylon  Sheath with insulating materials for armaments and replace the "bridges" by sheathed bridges  Replace Air Switches with Mechanical Command by new types of switches w hich are less restrictive for the avifauna C172/A631/R188a Rappor t - 15/01/2013 Page xxix Target Mitigation/compensation measure Responsibility of Enviro Environment Potential impact implementation and Residual impaact And application of the measure cost nment element Consideration in Erosion and soil landslide conception by MASEN along the route deviated  The installation of pylons will avoid instable zones unstable areas subject to geological hazards Soil and water ressources from the 60 kV line such as the edges of cliffs and hilly areas. 60 kV line will avoid areas of high gully Physical environment Contamination of ground and particularly in western and southern borders of the site's solar energy compound in Low surface water. Ouarzazate.  At the electrical station 60/22 kV: it will be necessary to opt for a dr y transformer. In Contamination of soil and surface the case of an oil transformer, it will be placed on retentions (for example a tight cuve Consideration in waters placed under the transformer and connected to an offset pit in order to recover the oil conception by MASEN None in case of leakage). Consideration by study Landscape The diferent electric infrastructures should be integrated into the local landscape  a landscape charter is of the landscape Modification of the initial landscape charter-MASEN under realization Very low C172/A631/R188a Rappor t - 15/01/2013 Page xxx Table 6 : Impacts of electric infrastructures on the envir onment and specific actions in phase of exploitation Target Mitigation/compensation measure Responsibility of Enviro Environ Potential impact implementation Residual impact nment ment And application of the measure and cost element Implementation of prevention tools and development of an action plan in case of Accidental leakage of sulfur accidental pollution MASEN hexafluoride (SF6) from the breaker The pression of SF6 must be be continuously supervised to allow a very fast leak detection None of the post transformer 60/22kV When a leak is detected, Implementation of prevention // and development of an action plan is case of accidental pollution Soil and surface waters Physical environment Contamination of soil and surface waters by :  Training will be provided to all compound site employees upon arrival and practical exercises will be conducted Leakage of transformer oils of the  Absorbent material will be provided at inter vals near the transformer and post 60/22kV if the transformer is not dry potential storage of oil or other dangerous products.  In case of leak or spill, the contaminated products will be collected and disposed Leakage of waste oil and of by specialized in dangerous wastes MASEN None other dangerous products  The transformer of the electrical substation should be conform to the regulation that can be used for of liquid component of dioxin. maintenance the electrical  Risk reduction at source by the use of technology the safest and implementation substation. of appropriate security measures on the one hand, and planning of emergency measures in case of accident taking into account technological risks are required and recommended. Increase of noise level linked to: Minimization of noise of power station 60/22kV transform MASEN will ensure that the WHO guidelines on noise emissions are respected - Electrical substantion: the noise of Minimization and control of air emissions: see the category about “air� MASEN transformer comes from two Minimization of radio interference. sources: In case of disturbances, conduct tests to determine the exact cause disturbances. If the Local service None  Fans installed on oil radiators  Movement of winding. They responsibility of power lines is involved, arrangements are made to correct and restore brodcasting are transmitted in open air normal receiving. it is usually to remove a slight technical fault line and, sometimes, to fit Cost not determined by the steel cuve. the receiving device. T hese modifications are made at the expense of MASEN Air emissions, mainly those C172/A631/R188a Rappor t - 15/01/2013 Page xxxi Target Mitigation/compensation measure Responsibility of Enviro Environ Potential impact implementation Residual impact nment ment And application of the measure and cost element associated with accidental releases of sulfur hexafluoride - Radio interference essentially from power lines 60 and 22 kV  Inform residents on safety measures and prohibitions  It is forbidden to approach or approaching objects handled (ladder, tools) within MASEN 5 m of electrical conductors, specifying the special security measures in place Local authority, Human  Residents will be informed that in case of a damage to a wor k, you should never schools… Health Risk of technical accident environ touch or approach a cable while it is in contact with the ground 150000 dhs for ment information  Residents should be informed of procedures to aler t the help desk or campaigns of maintenance MASEN concerned public. C172/A631/R188a Rappor t - 15/01/2013 Page xxxii Table 7 : Impacts of roads infrastructures on the environment and spec ific measures in phase of conception and wor k Target Residual Mitigation/compensation measure Responsibility of impact Potential impact implementation Environment Element And application of the measure and cost environment C172/A631/R188a Rappor t - 15/01/2013 Page xxxiii Target Residual Mitigation/compensation measure Responsibility of impact Environment Element Potential impact implementation And application of the measure and cost environment Implementation of prevention tools and developing a plan of action in case To be of accidental pollution implemented by Prevention measures: the companies  Prohibition of parking off working hours for construction equipment in charge of the and all vehicles associated with construction site activities in work under the protection zones control of  Prohibition of storage of fuel within 100 meters of a watercourse. The MASEN contractor shall obtain approval for the locations that can be used for waste handling and storage of hazardous materials (mainly).  Previous review of gear at the beginning of construction activities to Included in the reduce the risk of technical failure cost of works. Point source pollution of soil and surface water (including oued The contracted company will develop an intervention plan in case of leakage Soil and water ressources Izerki and chaabas on the or spillage of polluants: it will be implemented if necessar y as soon as Physical environment compound site) by residues of possible. concrete roe, oil spills or other Management and recovery of pollution on construction sites products recognized dangerous,  The collection of waste products and areas of work as the progress of Very low stored or manipulated along the construction goes on diversion road.  The elimination by routing to controlled landfill, collection, storage and disposal of oils and lubricants to potential buyers  Provide a storage area for all these products, tight enough and has a drainage device connected to a holding tank  Ensure a management of each specific product categor y according to the instructions of Environmental Protection  In case of pollution, contaminated area should be immediately covered with materials with ver y high absor ption rate (sawdust). T he area will then stripped and drained to a suitable discharge  Provide training prior to the class of w orkers handling products labeled dangerous and/or toxic at the constr uction site. This training should be particularly focused on the themes: environmental protection, occupational safety and first aid actions. C172/A631/R188a Rappor t - 15/01/2013 Page xxxiv Target Residual Mitigation/compensation measure Responsibility of impact Environment Element Potential impact implementation And application of the measure and cost environment  Disturbance and/or pollution of Whenever a road will cross a river, there must be a strong design of nozzles of MASEN and flora Biologica Wildelife environ natural environment in which water flow, to avoid disrupting the flow of water downstream (as well as to ment None l units the water hydr ous ensure the sustainability of the work) environment Users of the access track to douar MASEN A briefing and consultation supported by an explanatory brochure of the site Tasselmante and other douars Communes of environment plan of development in aid of active associations in the area. population Habitats et Izerki will be forced to practice Ghessat Human the diversion road (changing The track will become a diversion road. Local authorities None habits) These associations can become par tners which facilitate the result in a better achievement of the site development plan. C172/A631/R188a Rappor t - 15/01/2013 Page xxxv Target Residual Mitigation/compensation measure Responsibility of impact Environment Element Potential impact implementation And application of the measure and cost environment Risk reduct ion of road accidents and traffic flow on the RN10 MASEN For the access road to the site, MASEN will:  Redesign the location of the roundabout j unction with the RN 10 and move it 800 meters fur ther in the direction of Errachidia. At this point, the visibility is perfect and the risk of accidents will be minimized  Consult DPE about about the technical constraints to be respected  Risk of road accidents at: including the duplication of the RN10 road during the study (study and - crossing point of the access road to the site of the compound and the RN production by the DPE) 10 in the case of traffic in both  Provide a plan and configuration of the roundabout in accor dance with directions for the poor visibility due technical Mor occan road constr uction. to local topography  Provide signs of solar station, speed limit and speed bumps -the crossing point of the  The access road to the compound ends at the front door under the Very low diversion road and the RN10 south east boundar y of the site. It will be equipped with effective national road. signposting to ensure its visibility from the RN 10 road.  The speed limit in this section of the RN10 road will be lowered to 80 km/h (except large tr ucks, where the speed limit should be 40 km/h).  At the exit of the site access road to the intersection, the speed of  Disruption of traffic at the vehicular traffic will be limited to 30 km/h. RN10 road. For the diversion road, it is necessary:  To arrange a crossroads at the connection of this road to the RN10  To limit the speed in this section of the road RN10 80 km/h instead of 100 km/h. At the end of this road to the roundabout, limit the speed of movement of vehicles to 30 km/h MASEN Socioecono Deviations of herd mobility It will be necessar y to notify people of douars area and especially the environment regarding to the site of the shepherds on the structure of the components of POD and encourage them to my None Human compound solar and route of the adapt the movements of their herds (in consultation with representatives of diversion road ethnic groups affected) Modification of initial landscape The different road infrastructure will be integrated into the local landscape Þ a MASEN Land scap Very low e landscape charter is in progress C172/A631/R188a Rappor t - 15/01/2013 Page xxxvi Table 8: Impacts of road infrastructures on the env ironment and specific measures in phase of exploitation Target Mitigation/compensation measure Responsibility of Enviro Element Potential impact implementation Residual impact nment environ And application of the measure and cost ment Risk of environmental Soil and surace water Physical environment degradation of adjacent MASEN for intra hydraulic str uctures if they do It will be necessary to ensure regular maintenance of hydraulic structures to ensure sites roads and the not function (scouring the sides of their proper functioning during the rains. commune for the the road) diversion road Very low Also risk of damage to the road Required road maintenance work should be provided. structure. The installation of speed reduction road signs at the intersections of crossroads on each route:  Provide signs of solar station, speed limit and speed bumps  The access road to the compound ends at the main gate of the south east border of the site. It will be equipped with efficient signage to ensure its visibility from the RN 10. Human environment  The speed limit in this section of the RN10 r oad will be lowered to 80 km/h Health-security Crossing the access road and (except large trucks, where the speed limit should be 40 km / h). Direction of diversion road with the N10 are  At the exit of the access road to the site to the intersection, the speed of Infrastructure Low sources of potential accident vehicular traffic will be limited to 30 km / h. and Transport For the diversion road :  Arrange a crossroads at the connection of this road to the N10  Limit the speed in this section of the road RN10 80 km/h instead of 100 km/h. At the end of this road to the roundabout, limit the speed of movement of vehicles to 30 km/h C172/A631/R188a Rappor t - 15/01/2013 Page xxxvii 8 Envionment and Social Management Plan (PGES) 8.1 Introduction This PGES was prepared on the basis of predictable impacts identified during the environmental assessment and mitigation measures and reduction defined in order to reduce and mitigate them. It aims to ensure respect of the implementation of these measures and requirements under the regulatory framework. More specifically, the PGES outlines ways and mechanisms to ensure respect for legal requirements and environmental and social and the smooth functioning of work, equipment and facilities. It also verifies the accuracy of forecasting and evaluations of certain impacts and efficiency of some mitigation measures and, where appropriate, compensation measures. These measures mainly concern the common infrastructure to be implemented directly by MASEN. These measures include the design, construction and operation phases. Suppression measures and mitigation impacts Every precaution will be taken to minimize the impact of the construction of various infrastructures municipalities studied on various environmental components. As such, many suppression and mitigation measures have been identified to maximize the integration of these infrastructures in the environment and minimize the short, medium and long term effects. The majority of measures costs shall be established at the time of the final estimation of work. However, several measures will not involve additional paid out since they represent requirements to be followed during construction. Compensation measures: The realization of this set of common infrastructure will not cause a loss of land areas since the field of solar compound support infrastr ucture is already acquired, the establishment of access rights is part of the owners. MASEN remains generally responsible for the implementation of the PGES and must adopt an organization can to ensure that mission. Monthly reports of site monitoring HSE will be prepared and submitted to MASEN throughout the construction phase. During the exploitation, a monthly balance on health, safety and the environment will be achieved by MASEN. These reports will follow a detailed inspection of the entire site by at least one team member that HSE will be implemented. These reports will include the list of incidents/accidents occurring during the period, The data on water consumption, volumes of waste and treatment methods used, types and quantities of dangerous substances, data generated traffic, plantations, any archaeological findings and all relevant information on the measures put in place to protect health, safety and environment. A mechanism for complaints of local people will be in place from the beginning of wor k. Recorded complaints will be included in periodic reports HSE, and an action plan to address them will be implemented. A complaints mechanism will be established by MASEN early enough to prevent and fix all concerns of the locals, reduce risk and create a positive effect on the project. The mechanism must be sufficiently clear and simple to be understood by all parties and easily implemented, but not simplistic to be credible. The Management Committee of Grievances (CGD) and the formal complaints management are the basic tools for implementing the mechanism. CGD's role will be to consider appeals, pr opose amendments and ensure transparency of the mechanism. Its composition will be set for maximum efficiency, w hile conforming to current regulations. C172/A631/R188a Rappor t - 15/01/2013 Page 38 The complaints management process aims to provide:  A convergence point for the grievances to a better management  An impar tial and transparent point, and a mediation mechanism to deal with complaints, respecting the confidentiality of sensitive information  A system of credible arbitration, effective and research-oriented to solutions 8.2 Legal requirements MASEN agrees to comply with Laws and regulations prescribed by national Laws, as well as international conventions to which Morocco is a member, including:  Law 12-03 on EIE  Law 11-03 concerning environmental protection and enhancement  Law 10-95 on water  Law 42-09 completing Law 10-95 on water  Law 28-00 on waste management and disposal  Law 13-03 on air quality  Law 13-09 on renewable energies (««Dahir » (Royal decree)» (Royal decree) 1-10-16 of february 11th, 2010)  Global National Charter on Environment and Sustainable Development  Law 78-00 on the Municipal Char ter as amended and supplemented in 2002 by Law 01-03 and 2009 by Law 17-08.  Law 29-05 on the protection of flora and fauna species and regulating their trade («Dahir» (Royal decree) 1-11-84 of july 21th, 2011)  «Dahir » (Royal decree) 1-69-170 (July 25th, 1969) on defense and land restauration  Law 12-90 on urbanism and its application text  «Dahir » (Royal decree) 1-60-063 (June 25th, 1960) on development of rural settlments  Law 22-80 on cultural and historical heritage as amended and supplemented in 2006 by Law 19- 05 (««Dahir» (Royal decree)» 1-06-102 of j une 8th, 2006).  Decree 2-70-510 (8 October 1970) on preventive measures to be taken on site  Law 65-99 on the Labour Code («Dahir» (Royal decree) 1-03-194 of 11 September 2003)  Law 7-81 on expropriation for public utility and temporary occupancy (May 6, 1982);  Law 08-01 (June 2002) on the wor king of quarries;  «Dahir » (Royal decree) on quarries  Circular 87 (June 8, 1994) on quarries;  Decrees of application of the previously mentonned Laws. 8.3 MASEN organization for environmental follow-up MASEN is a company created in March 2010, and currently has over 30 employees. For the work and operation phases, MASEN identify an internally charged environment that will be responsible for the management unit of the environment (UGE). The UGE mission will be to ensure that the measures recommended in the study of environmental impact are well implemented in the project. The UGE may be expanded if need be, by recourse to an outside firm specializing in envir onmental. The charge of UGE will design, coordinate and run the implementation of MASEN environmental policy (including training). Under the authority of his immediate super visor, he should ensure the implementation of the PGES. He is also responsible regular contact with all administrative ser vices and donors on issues related to the environment. 8.4 Summary of impacts of various common infrastructure on the environment and corresponding mitigation and/or compensation measures See tables above of paragraph 7.2 C172/A631/R188a Rappor t - 15/01/2013 Page 39 8.5 Monitoring and environmental follow-up program Environmental monitoring is to ensure that the commitments and recommendations of an environmental nature included in this study are fully applied. Initially, this activity includes monitoring the integration mitigation measures and other environmental considerations into the plans and specifications and their implementation during the constr uction. MASEN will validate documents of studies and application submitted by contractors, mitigation measures they have to incor porate. In addition, before star ting work, MASEN will appoint a responsible for environmental monitoring (in- house or outsourced service). The person responsible for environmental monitoring will be present on site on a regular basis, will be easily available and will be mandated to ensure the concrete application of mitigation measures on site construction. Any incident or accident that may affect the envir onment will be immediately repor ted to MASEN and if necessary, to local authorities and MEMEE. The person in charge of environmental monitoring may be an environmental engineer from MASEN or an engineer from a consulting firm commissioned by MASEN. This official may be assisted by specialists if need be. It should be noted that this person comes under the site management. Upon arrival at the site of new contractors, subcontractors and / or suppliers, the requirements of environmental protection and environmental emergency will be presented in order to sensitize them. At site meetings, "Environment" point will be put on the agenda to follow-up elements to fix and/or pay special attention. In addition to ensuring the implementation of all mitigation measures, the head of environmental monitoring will to face the derogations, to propose corrective and guide decision making on the site in relation to environmental issues. The notification process in cases of non-compliance with environmental measures will be presented at the first site meeting, and the various environmental monitoring documents to be produced before wor k begins and during the latter. Throughout the progress of work, MASEN will notify the ministries or agencies responsible for conducting the work and significant changes in the timetable. Departments or agencies may at any time come and see the implementation of mitigation measures. The person in charge of environmental monitoring will also be responsible for producing monthly reports of environmental monitoring and a final report at the end of wor k. MASEN also attaches high importance to its relations with residents affected by the project. Throughout the wor k, MASEN will inform the public of the progress of the site through its website and communications with local and regional authorities. La constr uction, l’entretien et l’exploitation des routes et intersections communes en dehors des centrales solaires du compounde seront à la charge et sous responsabilité de MASEN. Constr uction, maintenance and operation of roads and intersections outside the solar power compound will be the responsibility and liability under MASEN. Different developers will be responsible for construction, maintenance and roads and intersections exploitation within the area of solar power plants. MASEN will develop a traffic management plan attached to the Site Management Plan and including a description of the relation between MASEN and road users, inspection plans, maintenance standards, the levels of intervention and management systems. Developers of different solar power plants will be required to respect that this traffic management plan will also include a description of actions in case of non compliance with the plan, causing a deterioration of infrastructure or circulation problems. C172/A631/R188a Rappor t - 15/01/2013 Page 40 In summar y, the activities related to environmental monitoring will:  See the implementation of mitigation measures contained in the impact study and the plans a nd estimates  Conduct inspections of wor k sites and report any non-conformities to the site manager  Identify, in conjunction with the site foreman, alternative measures to resolve any unforeseen problems that might occur during constr uction  Ensure that work is carried out in accordance with environmental requirements and Moroccan donors. 8.6 Content of the environmental monitoring program 8.6.1 Objectives and implementation Environmental monitoring affects the operation phase and pursues two objectives in the project:  Check the evaluation of certain impacts identified in the the impact study and if necessary, make adj ustments to the assessment of impacts and propose mitigation measures to minimize unintended impacts on the environment of integration of the project.  Verify the efficiency of some mitigation measures and perform, if necessar y, some adjustments. The environmental monitoring of the operation of the Ouarzazate solar compound will be under the responsibility of MASEN that should nominate an environmental officer in the operation phase. Integrated within the operations team of the various elements of the compound solar of Ouarzazate or carried out by specialized firms in environment, the team responsible for conducting environmental monitoring should have a good knowledge of engineering problems of the environment (water, noise and air). The main functions of environmental monitoring will include:  Make a list of measures proposed in the impact study and commitments of MASEN and developers under the project  Establish a detailed schedule of activities that should be performed to meet the commitments and the implementation of the suggested measures  Document under taken actions (letters, written repor ts, photographs…)  Prepare semi-annual reports of activities conducted as part of environmental monitoring  Communicate the results of monitoring to the departments concer ned of MASEN, the ministries involved in the management and protection of the environment, international donors and the local population In addition, a semi-annual report of environmental monitoring will be prepared. However, should an incident or activity likely to cause significant impacts on the environment during exploitation, an immediate report will be produced in order to set up, and, as soon as possible, appropriate corrective measures. The semi- annual report and any immediate reports to incidents will be sent to donors. The practical method of reporting will be specified later. The semi- annual report during the construction phase will contain the following;  Main phases of executing the work crossed (stormwater drainage, installation of elements of civil engineering, etc ...);  Environmental issues associated with these phases (soil, natural environment etc. ...)  Measures implemented by the company  Residual impacts and possible undertaken measures  Elements of summary of possible complaints. C172/A631/R188a Rappor t - 15/01/2013 Page 41 The semiannual report during the operation phase will include the following:  Status of electricity production  Status of water consumption  Status of fluid consumption  Potential Incidents observed  Elements of summar y of possible complaints. C172/A631/R188a Rappor t - 15/01/2013 Page 42