SFG3231 REV World Bank Financed Liaoning Safe and Sustainable Water Supply Project (No.: P158713) Updated ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN Prepared by Liaoning Urban Construction & Renewal Project Office Shenyang Water Group Co., LTD Anshan Water Supply Company Fushun Water Supply Company Fuxin Water Supply Company Gaizhou Water Supply Company January 2022 CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (Exchange Rate Effective November 30, 2016) Currency Unit = RMB RMB 6.68 = US$1 FISCAL YEAR January 1 - December 31 ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS CLG City Leading Group CPS Country Partnership Strategy EA Environmental Assessment EIRR Economic Internal Rate of Return EMP Environmental Management Plan FSR Feasibility Study Report GDP Gross Domestic Product FIRR Financial Internal Rate of Return FYP Five Year Plan GDP Gross Domestic Product GIS Geographic Information System IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development ICB International Competitive Bidding LDRC Liaoning Provincial Development and Reform Commission LEPB Liaoning Provincial Environmental Protection Bureau LIBOR London inter-bank offered rate LPCD Liaoning Provincial Construction Department LPFB Liaoning Provincial Finance Bureau LPLG Liaoning Provincial Leading Group LUCRPO Liaoning Urban Construction & Renewal Project Office NCB National Competitive Bidding NDRC National Development and Reform Commission NRW Non-Revenue Water PAD Project Appraisal Document PCG Project City Government PDO Project Development Objective PIU Project Implementation Unit PMO Project Management Office PPP Private Public Partnership QBS Quality Based Consultant Selection QCBS Quality and Cost Based Consultant Selection RAP Resettlement Action Plan RFP Resettlement Framework Policy SAR Social Assessment Report SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition WSP Water Supply Plant Table of Contents I. Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 5 II. Project Description............................................................................................................................... 5 II-1 Components of Project ........................................................................................................................ 5 II-2 Subprojects of Each Project City and Current Status of Construction Sites ......................................... 7 II-3 Due diligence for the adjusted project ................................................................................................ 20 III. Policy and Administration Framework for Environmental Assessment ............................................. 26 III-1 Applicable PRC’s Laws, Regulations and Guidelines ........................................................................... 26 III-2 Applicable the World Bank’s Safeguard Policies ................................................................................ 27 III-3 Applicable Environmental Standards ................................................................................................. 28 III-4 Domestic framework for EA approval and environment management ............................................. 37 IV. Environmental Baseline of Project Cities ........................................................................................... 38 IV-1 Shenyang............................................................................................................................................. 38 IV-2 Anshan ............................................................................................................................................... 41 IV-3 Fushun................................................................................................................................................ 47 IV-4 Fuxin ................................................................................................................................................... 50 IV-5 Gaizhou .............................................................................................................................................. 53 IV-6 Environment Protection Objectives within Project Area of Influence in five Project Cities .............. 57 V. Due Diligence for Associated Facilities ............................................................................................... 89 V-1 Reservoir Dams .................................................................................................................................. 89 V-2 Associated WSPs of Fuxin .................................................................................................................. 91 V-3 Wastewater Treatment Facilities........................................................................................................ 92 VI. Organizations for Environmental Management ................................................................................. 94 VII. Anticipated Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures.......................................................... 99 VII-1 Assessment of potential impacts ....................................................................................................... 99 VII-2 Project Benefit ................................................................................................................................... 99 VII-3 Specific Impact Analysis and Mitigation Measures .......................................................................... 100 VII-4 Anticipated Impacts and Mitigation Measures ................................................................................ 111 VII-5 Estimated Costs for Implementation of Mitigation Measures ......................................................... 120 VIII. Environmental Monitoring, Inspection and Reporting .................................................................... 121 IX. GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM.................................................................................................. 127 X. Information Disclosure, Public Consultation and Participation ....................................................... 130 X-1 Information disclosure and public consultation............................................................................... 130 XI. Appendix 1 Water Supply Project Environmental Implementation Practices during Construction . 144 XII. Appendix 2 Emergency Procedures When Cultural Relic Found During Construction .................... 149 I. Introduction 1. This Environment Management Plan (EMP) was prepared for the Liaoning Safe and Sustainable Water Supply Project (the Project) in Liaoning Province, the People’s Republic of China (PRC). The EMP has been prepared in accordance with requirements of the World Bank Safeguard Policy on the basis of (i) the five domestic environmental assessment (EA) reports provided by the local EA Institutes (The environmental impact Assessment report form of Fushun and Gaizhou projects have been reformulated in 2021 due to the restructuring of project contents) , (ii) the five project Feasibility Study Reports (FSRs) (The FSRs of Fushun and Gaizhou projects have been reprepared in 2021 due to the restructuring of project contents), (iii) the social and economic assessments conducted under the Project Preparatory (updated in 2021), and (iv) discussions between the World Bank missions, Liaoning Urban Construction & Renewal Project Office (LUCRPO), Liaoning Provincial Development and Reform Commission (LDRC), Liaoning Provincial Finance Department (LFD), as well as the five project cities’ governments and five water supply companies in the cities of Shenyang, Anshan, Fushun, Fuxin and Gaizhou. Due to the withdrawal of Shenyang and Fuxin subprojects, Anshan subproject has no change, and the contents of Fushun and Gaizhou subprojects have changed during the mid- term restructuring, the environmental management plan has also been updated according to the updated project content. 2. According to environmental screening and classification requires in World Bank Safeguard Policy Environment Assessment (OP4.01), during the project evaluation phase the proposed project is classified to Class B project based on the type, location, sensitivities, scales, and potential environmental impacts of the project. In the mid-term restructuring, the Shenyang and Fuxin sub-projects were cancelled, the municipal water distribution network, residential water distribution network and pump stations of Fushun subproject were reduced compared with the original project content, and the added old WSPs renovation are also carried out in the existing plants. In addition to reducing the length of water main pipe and increasing the number of pumping stations in Gaizhou, the biggest change in Gaizhou subproject is to change the water source from Shimen Reservoir to Yushi Reservoir. Based on the FSR and the dam safety engineer's evaluation report, the dam is deemed safe and this is the best option. In addition, the adjusted project content does not involve any cultural relics, historic sites, nature reserves and other environmentally sensitive areas. After screening and classification, the project is still a Class B project after mid-term restructuring. 3. The proposed Project Development Objectives (PDOs) are to improve access to safe and quality water supply services, and strengthen the operational efficiency of water supply companies in the five project cities in Liaoning Province. This objective will be achieved through investment in the construction, rehabilitation and upgrading of the water supply infrastructure facilities and the improvement of the water supply companies’ operational and management capacity. II. Project Description II-1 Components of Project 4. The project consists of four components: Component 1 - Water Supply Infrastructure Improvement; Component 2 - Water Supply Service Management Improvement; Component 3 - Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Building; and Component 4 - Project Implementation Support. Each component includes subprojects. The contents of components are shown in Table II-1 below. Table II-1 Project Components Component Description Component 1. Water The component will focus on civil works construction that will directly Supply Infrastructure increase the quantity of water supply and improve the distribution Improvement network capacity and performance. Activities to be taken under the component include (i) rehabilitation of the two existing WSPs in the cities of Anshan and Fuxxin, respectively; (ii) upgrade, rehabilitation and replacement of water supply distribution networks, including main trunks (with the length of more than 200 km) and several hundred kilometers of secondary water distribution pipelines; and (iii) upgrade, rehabilitation and replacement of booster pumps, aiming at improving their performance and reducing secondary contamination. Component 2. Water This component will focus on enhancing the water supply service Supply Service management through non-revenue water (NRW) reduction, water quality Management monitoring, energy savings, and effective asset management. Activities Improvement to be taken under this component include (i) mapping and modeling of all water distribution systems in the five cities, using GIS; (ii) development of comprehensive NRW reduction programs, covering the reduction of technical and commercial losses, including the development of on-line monitoring and analysis systems for pipeline operation and leakage control, the purchase of leak detection equipment and related monitoring and measuring instruments, preparation and implementation of the NRW reduction plans; (iii) development and upgrade of water supply service computerized intelligent water supply management systems, including SCADA and MIS; and (iv) enhancement of water quality monitoring schemes. Component 3. This component will provide consultancy services to build and Institutional strengthen the institutional capacities of water supply companies in the Strengthening and cities with emphasis on the utility reform in terms of its organizational Capacity Building arrangement to cope with achieving the project objectives. Activities to be financed under the component would cover training and capacity building of utility staff, particularly on (i) project management, (ii) water quality monitoring, (iii) intelligent water supply management systems, (iv) operation and management of WSPs and secondary pump stations, and (v) leakage detection and NRW management. Component 4. Project This component would provide trainings and consultancy services for Implementation Support effective and efficient implementation of the project. Activities under the component include on (i) office equipment; (ii) domestic and international training; (iii) project management consultants for design and construction supervision; and (iv) external monitoring of implementation of environmental and social safeguards. II-2 Subprojects of Each Project City and Current Status of Construction Sites 5. The construction of the Project mainly include: i) renovation the current WSP in Anshan, Fuxin and Gaizhou; ii) reconstruction of secondary boosting pumping stations and Anshan Tangshan water source pump station; iii) construct and reconstruct municipal water supply pipe and valves; iv) reconstruction of pipes within the old residential communities. The project involves temporary occupation land except for the permanent land for new pump station works in Fuxin. Of which: i) construction works of water source pump, WSP and secondary boosting pumping station will be conducted within the current sites of water supply companies; ii) the reconstruction of municipal water supply pipes will temporarily occupy the current municipal roads (non-motorized lane); iii) reconstruction of pipes within the old residential communities will be conducted under the community roads, part of the pipes will pass through community greenbelt, the road and grassland will be recovered after the pipes are constructed. Table II-2 Description of Project Activities Original project Project after mid-term restructuring City Environmental status and Description of Project Land use status Description of Project Activities sensitive areas in Activities construction sites1 Shenyang ⚫ Upgrading 12.07 km water supply ⚫ The total length of municipal Cancelled pipe (DN300 ~ DN1200mm); pipe works under the project is 130.82 km, including 49.05 ⚫ Newly construct 4.42 km water km of newly construction, supply pipe (DN1000mm); 81.77 km of reconstruction, it ⚫ Installation of 34 flow meters; and will temporarily occupy the current municipal roads of ⚫ Upgrading and newly installation of 0.65 km2. The pipes will be 42 valves. laid under the current roads ⚫ Pipe network zoning rehabilitation (most of which are non- project include reconstruction water motorized lanes); supply pipe network of 60.185 km ⚫ Courtyard pipe works are (DN150~DN1000mm); newly under the community roads, construct pipe network of 49.310 part of the pipes will pass km (DN300~DN1000mm); through community greenbelt, reconstruction and newly the road and grassland will be installation of 107 valves; recovered after the pipes are ⚫ Secondary water supply system constructed; rehabilitation subproject includes: ⚫ The pipe work site is more reconstruction of the old secondary than 200 m from Nanguan water supply system with total Catholic Church, the nearest length of 109.27 km (DN25 ~ distance between the DN300 mm), reconstruction of 99 old secondary water supply pump construction site to the stations; protection boundary (30m out of the Church wall) is 1 Land usage status and surrounding sensitive areas in construction sites (including affected residential spots/villages, cultural relics, religious venue, protected areas). ⚫ Procurement of 10 sets of water about 180m. The quality testing equipment, 48 sets construction will not occupy of pipeline leak detection (including temporary equipment and 33 sets of pipeline occupying) any area within repair equipment the protection range. The ⚫ Construction of intelligent water impact of noise and dust is supply operation platform, little. However, since the including: i)construct an improved construction site will take the pipe GIS; ii) construct and improve way of entrance and exit of the online monitoring system for the church, traffic safety and WSP and water source pump congestion will be the main stations; iii) construct remote online impact. During the public monitoring system for secondary consultation, the church has boosting pump station; d) regional suggested the construction water supply pipeline network date would better avoid analysis platform. Easter, Pentecost Day, Dormition and other Catholic feast days (April 1st, May 22nd and August 15st). The EA institute has forwarded the information to Shenyang Water Group and DI to determine the construction duration to be September to October, 2018, to minimize the impact to the church. Anshan ⚫ Reconstruction of 375,000 m3/d ⚫ the reconstruction for No change No change water source pumping station Tanghe River water source (the electrical system); pump station, Wangjiayu WSP, intelligent water ⚫ Renovation of Wangjiayu WSP: construction and secondary including new system of water supply boosting pump 150,000 m3/d produced since station are to be conducted 2010 and old system of 200,000 within the current site and m3/d produced since 1993, the not involve land acquisition renovation include comprehensive pump room, and temporary land backwash wastewater recycling occupation; and disinfection system; ⚫ the length of old municipal ⚫ Reconstruction of 40 km old water supply pipe pipeline including pipes, valves reconstruction is 39.545 km, and pipe leakage detection it will temporarily occupy devices; 0.079km2 of the current urban roads (non-motorized ⚫ Reconstruction of 80 secondary vehicle); boosting pumping stations; ⚫ The length of courtyard pipe ⚫ Courtyard pipe renovation for renovation is 94.428 km, it secondary water supply pump will temporarily occupy station; 0.079km2 of the current ⚫ Reconstruction of pipes and roads in the residential courtyard pipe network within the community, the project old residential communities, doesn’t involve community including Development Zone, green land; Qianshan, Lishan and Tiedong ⚫ The pipe works in Chuangye residential areas. Road will pass through one ⚫ Construction of intelligent water railway, the outlet conduct of supply operation platform, Dagushan Pump Station will including: i)construct information pass through one location in system, includingprimary data Wanshuihe River, which is center, information safety, with water quality protection information planning, water of IV level. The construction quality testing center will adopt non-execution management system; ii) technologies as stay tube construction of water quality and pipe jacking to minimize online metering; iii) construction the impact to the of three-level measurement surrounding environment. system; iv) automatic-control improvement construction of secondary pump stations; v) water metering reconstruction (water metering reconstruction for non-estate management residential area, resident users and large consumers; vi) office equipment and engineering vehicle procurement . Fushun ⚫ Construct 57.732 km municipal ⚫ The pipe works in Fushun is ⚫ Water distribution pipe ⚫ The total length of distribution pipeline (DN 20- with the total length of network renovation Fushun pipeline project is 900mm) 710.679 km, the temporary project: including 509.53 km, temporarily occupation land is of 1.77 municipal and residential occupying 1.77 km2 of ⚫ Construct 652.947 water supply km2 on urban non-motorized water distribution pipes, a existing urban non- pipeline within residential lanes. total of 48 municipal motorized lanes; communities; and water distribution pipes ⚫ The reconstruction works of ⚫ All the 33 pump stations ⚫ Upgrading 70 water supply and related water 70 pump stations will be were upgraded in the boosting pumping stations, distribution pipe network conducted in the original sites original pump station including renovation of water of Ditai WSP, with a total including facility updating, no without new land; supply facilities in pump station; length of 52.39km; additional land will be automatic system and unmanned transform the water ⚫ Courtyard pipe works acquired; surveillance equipment, security distribution pipelines of within the residential and protection system, and ⚫ Courtyard pipe works within 227 communities, with a communities will be construction of central control the residential communities total length of 457.24km, conducted under the platform to realize the unmanned will be conducted under the and purchase 69 sets of community roads, part of real-time monitoring; community roads, part of the pipeline emergency the pipes will pass pipes will pass through repair equipment; through community ⚫ Construction of intelligent water community greenbelt, the greenbelt, the road and utility, including i) intelligent water ⚫ Renovation of 33 road and grassland will be grassland will be utility operation platform; ii) source secondary water supply recovered after the pipes are recovered after the pipes water quality detection and warning pumping stations in the constructed are constructed platform; iii) automatic construction community; works for WSP; iv) intelligent ⚫ Works in Fushun do not ⚫ Fushun Project does not ⚫ WSP transformation: metering management platform involve any cultural relics, involve any sensitive including equipment and leakage platform; v) intelligent religious venue, protected areas such as cultural replacement and control platform for production areas, ethnic minority relics, religious sites, transformation, dosing scheduling system community and other protected areas and and chlorination process sensitive areas. ethnic minority gathering transformation and areas. automation system construction of 6 WSPs ⚫ Water conservancy in Wujiapu, Hebei, Park, project, intelligent water Jiangjun, Haicheng and supply construction and Heping; secondary water supply booster pump station are ⚫ Smart water engineering: carried out in the existing including raw water site, and do not involve quality detection and land acquisition and early warning system temporary occupation. platform, WSP automation construction project, intelligent meter management platform and intelligent side leakage platform, intelligent control platform of production scheduling system; ⚫ Institutional strengthening and personnel capacity improvement: training for project management personnel, management personnel of secondary pressurized pump station, water quality testing personnel, intelligent water management personnel and side leakage personnel. Fuxin ⚫ Reconstruct and construct 49.35 ⚫ In Fuxin, the construction and Cancelled km of pipes with the diameters of reconstruction length of pipe DN100-DN1200, of which, the new is 49.35 km, the water supply pipe of 29.51 km, reconstruction length of reconstructed pipe of 19.84 km; community secondary water supply pipe is 57.683 km, the temporary occupation ⚫ Construction of two boosting land is of 0.163 km2 on urban pumping stations with the non-motorized lanes capacities of 15,000 m3/d and ⚫ The permanent land of the 10,000 m3/d, respectively; pump station project covers ⚫ Reconstruction of 57.683 km an area of 6.048 mu, of secondary water supply pipes which, the state-owned land within the old residential transfer with compensation of communities, reconstruct water 3.024 mu, the land owns by supply pipes for 40387 households; the Development Zone Government; the project also ⚫ Water quality monitoring equipment acquired construction land of and intelligent water utility 3.024 mu in Xinqiu District, infrastructure construction works, the status quo of land is including: i) drinking water wasteland with vegetation detection index increased from the coverage rate 60%. original 45 items to 90 items, procure water quality laboratory examination equipment; ii) add operation monitoring, information transmission, remote control system for the existing 162 pump stations; iii) upgrading process equipment for the 9 pumping stations; iv) install 50 pressure data terminals in the urban area; v) implement 30 urban water quality online monitoring spots; vi) construction of GIS for water supply network ⚫ WSP reconstruction project: upgrade heating, ventilation, walls, roof, automatic control system and part of equipment for reaction sedimentation workshop, dosing room, filter workshop, chlorine room and high and low voltage distribution room in Naodehai WSP. Gaizhou ⚫ Construction of 12.0 km water ⚫ The water supply pipe will be ⚫ Construction of 68m of ⚫ Water purification pipe distribution pipes with the diameter laid along the east of 202 DN600 water purification line is laid along the east of DN1000; Highway, it will temporarily pipeline; side of 202 Highway, covers an area of 84 mu, covering an area of 84 ⚫ Upgrading two existing water ⚫ Renovation of the including the construction mu temporarily, including supply plants (Taishan and Henan existing WSP: 2 new land 17.1 mu, dry field of 17.1 mu of construction WSPs); clean water pools, 2 sets 18.263 mu, orchard of 48.637 land, 18.263 mu of dry of sodium hypochlorite ⚫ Reconstruction of 236 km mu (it needs to take up the land and 48.637 mu of generators, 1 set of community secondary pipes in the existing road surface of 202 orchards; (In the vicinity 160KW and 315KW old residential communities with Highway 150 m x 10 m near of Tashan WSP, water pump units, 3 sets the diameter of de50-de315mm, Tashan WSP); 150m×10m should be of frequency converters, reconstruct of 74 km pipes within occupied on the existing ⚫ The works of upgrading 2 water pump units and the buildings with the diameter of road 202); WSPs will be conducted accessories in the plant, de25-de63mm; within the existing WSP cables, etc.; ⚫ The existing two WSPs ⚫ Reconstruction of 14 community areas. are in the existing ⚫ The total length of secondary boosting pump station; Tashan and Henan secondary pipe network WSPs, no new land. ⚫ Replacement to intelligent water in the community is meters for 32,050 households; 789.27km, including 289.71km of outdoor ⚫ Construction of one intelligent pipe DE25-DE315mm network system; pipeline, 418.81km of indoor DE25-DE63 pipeline and 80.7km of outdoor DE25-DE315mm pipeline. ⚫ Reconstruction of 30 secondary pressurized pumping stations in residential areas; ⚫ Replacing 60515 smart water meters; ⚫ Build a set of intelligent pipe network system. Source: the domestic FSRS and EAs Figure II-1 Plan of Shenyang Water Supply Pipe Network Construction Figure II-2 Plan of Anshan Pipe Network Construction Figure II-3 Layout of Fushun Restructuring Project Figure II-4 Plan of Fuxin Pipe Network Construction Figure II-5 Layout of Gaizhou Project II-3 Due diligence for the adjusted project a. Reservoir Dams 6. The water source of Gaizhou subproject is to change from Shimen Reservoir to Yushi Reservoir. The Yushi reservoir is located in the upper reaches of the Biliu River which is totally within Liaoning Province and not an international river, and is a RCC dam. It was built in 1999 and put into operation in 2002. It has been operating safely for 18 years. In 2006, it passed the acceptance of reservoir put into use by Water Resources Department of Liaoning Province. In 2018, the dam passed the safety assessment and appraisal of the Water Resources Department, and the appraisal result was class II dam (the reason is that there are local micro-cracks on the downstream surface of the dam body). After the construction of the reservoir, it was managed by Yingkou Water Conservancy Bureau in the early stage. After the asset restructuring in 2005, it was controlled by Angang Steel Group and now it is managed by Angang Water Group. At present, the reservoir management office has 22 employees responsible for the daily management of the dam project. Flood control in flood season shall be dispatched under the leadership of Yingkou City flood control and emergency headquarters. 7. The catchment area of the reservoir basin is 313 km2, the reservoir length is 8 km, and the storage capacity is 88.52 million m3. The design flood standard of the reservoir is once in 50 years, and the check flood standard is once in 500 years. The hub project consists of dam, spillway and water tunnel. 8. The dam is 262.5 m long, 50.2 m high, 6 m wide at the top and 40 m wide at the bottom. The crest elevation is 203.2 m, and the highest flood level is 202.2 m (occurring in the flood season of 2020). The spillway is controlled by 5-hole arc steel gate, and the structural dimension of each hole is 10*6.3 m in width * height. The maximum discharge is 1680M3/s. 9. The water delivery tunnel is composed of three layers, which are located at the heights of 173m,183m and 190m respectively. It is responsible for the water supply of Bayuquan branch and Bayuquan urban area of Anshan Iron and Steel Group. The current water supply is 100,000 tons per day. The other is to provide domestic water for the downstream residents along the river and ecological water for the downstream river. 10. Downstream of the reservoir, there are three villages, namely Shangtun, Sijiazi and Bajiazi, with a population of about 4,500 people. Yangjiadian WSP Yushi reservoir Dam crest road +5 spillway arc gate + right dam Dam crest road + dam management room + left head dam head Reservoir spillway tunnel Reservoir dam upstream area Spillway arc gate 10m*6.3m*5 holes Upstream of the reservoir dam Figure II-6 Yushi reservoir 11. Dam safety experts conducted a safety assessment of the Yushi Reservoir dam in July 2021 and prepared a dam safety assessment report. The conclusion is: (i) Yushi Reservoir has a sound management organization and management system, good implementation of rules and regulations, clear responsibilities of managers, facilities can basically meet the requirements of normal operation of the reservoir, flood control plan and management system can basically meet the requirements of the code, the reservoir dispatching rules and emergency plan are formulated reasonably, and the maintenance of hydraulic structures is basically in place. The observation data of rain and clear, water level and seepage of dam can be analyzed regularly every year. According to the "Reservoir Dam Safety Evaluation Guidelines" (SL258-2017), the comprehensive evaluation of dam operation management is "relatively standard"; (ii) According to the preliminary design report of Yushi Reservoir, the dam top elevation was reviewed, and the dam top elevation met the standard requirements, and the flood control safety of Yushi Reservoir dam project was rated as "A" according to the Guidelines for Dam Safety Evaluation of Reservoirs (SL258-2017); (iii) There are no geological problems related to foundation deformation and leakage in the operation of the dam. All monitoring data in 2020 are normal and close to the initial monitoring data. According to The Guidelines for Reservoir Dam Safety Evaluation (SL258-2017), the anti-seepage safety level of the project is evaluated as "A"; (iv) According to the findings of on-site safety inspection by dam experts (see "On-site Safety Inspection and Discovery"), the safety level of the project structure is evaluated as "B" according to "Guidelines for Reservoir Dam Safety Evaluation" (SL258-2017); (v) According to the findings of the on-site safety inspection by the dam experts (see "On-site Safety Inspection"), the safety level of the metal structure of the project is evaluated as "B" in accordance with the Guidelines for The Safety Evaluation of Reservoirs and DAMS (SL258-2017); (vi) According to the Ground Motion Parameter Zoning Map of China (GB18306-2015), the peak acceleration of the earthquake in this area is 0.1g, and the characteristic period of the response spectrum is 0.4s. The seismic intensity of the dam site is 7 degrees. The seismic safety factor is greater than the value specified in the code and meets the requirements of seismic stability. The comprehensive evaluation of seismic safety grade of dam is grade A. b. Fushun’s WSPs 12. The water supply company: Fushun Water Supply Company was established in 1908, which now is a large state-owned enterprise for public utility service. By the end of 2015, the company has 1,543 staff, with the total assets of 1.68 billion RMB, and the total tap water supply service area of 95 km2, and service population of 1.267 million. The Company has five branches of Dongzhou, Fengze, Hetai, Henan and Hebei. In September 2017, Fushun Water Supply (Group) Co., Ltd. was established after completing the corporate system reform. 13. Water source: The raw surface water of city is all from the Dahuofang Reservoir and transmitted by gravity through open channels and pipeline to the eight (8) WSPs of Wujiabao, Dongzhou, etc. 14. Fushun City includes four water supply zones of Eastern, Central, Wanghua and the Economic Development Area. There are two WSPs of Wujiabao and Dongzhou in the eastern zone; three WSPs of Hebei, Jiangjun and Donggongyuan in the central zone, two WSPs of Ditai and Haicheng in Wanghua zone, and two WSPs of Heping and Lagugong in the Economic Development Zone. All the WSPs with their own separate distribution networks. 15. Fushun's new mid-term restructuring project includes upgrading the process equipment of seven existing WSPs, including Wujiapu, Hebei, Park, Jiangjun, Haicheng, Heping and Ditai WSP, replacing and upgrading the old valves and pump equipment in these plants. The dosing and disinfection process of Wujiapu, Hebei, Park, Jiangjun, Haicheng and Heping waterworks will be completely reformed, replacing chlorine disinfection with sodium hypochlorite disinfection. Among them, Hebei WSP renovation project has been put out to tender in 2021, the rest of the WSPs renovation will be implemented in 2022. See Table II-3. 16. According to the investigation, the WSPs that need to be renovated in Fushun were built earlier, without environmental impact assessment and environmental acceptance, and the sludge was discharged into the municipal pipe network. 17. The water quality. The current raw water quality from Dahuofang Reservoir meets the Grade II of Surface Water Quality Standards (GB3838-2002). The average annual turbidity of raw water is 5NTU. The seasonal raw water quality mainly is low-temperature, ultra-stable water, high temperature with algae, and higher turbidity in flood season. 18. The treated water qualities from the WSPs meet the national Drinking Water Quality Standard (GB5749-2006). The average turbidity in pipe network is 1NTU, except during the flood seasons and other special periods. The water quality in new pipe network also meets the standard, but for some aged pipes, the water quality in network terminal does not meet the standards. After running the secondary water supply facilities, the water quality parameters in some residential communities, such as turbidity, color, iron all increased in comparison with those in the WSPs. 19. The water distribution pipe network. The total length of Fushun water supply pipe network is 2,411.29 km. The pipe types mainly include PE, gray cast iron, steel, PVC, and concrete pipes. The pipes constructed after 2013 are mainly DIP and PE pipes. In recent years, Fushun Water Supply Company replaced some aged pipes, but there are still a large number of pipes running over 30 years (accounts for 16.77%). The proportion of aged gray cast iron pipe, concrete pipe, and galvanized steel pipes together account for 50.64% of the total, the proportion of early PVC pipe accounts for 10.07%, which is the main reason for the water quality compliance rate lower than that in the WSPs, the low water quality compliance rate, high leakage and sometime pipe burst are the main problems for water supply safety. In addition, the coal- mining subsidence area in Fushun is 18.41 km2, with sometimes mine earthquakes, caused the pipe leakage as high as 37.8% 20. The secondary booster pumping stations. There are 242 secondary boosting pump stations in Fushun, of which 90% are aged, resulting high energy consumption and frequent leakage accidents. The water tanks in nine stations are still being used, which easily cause secondary pollution. 197 stations have no monitoring, no fire alert, no data transmission, etc. 21. Water Quality Monitoring capacity. The national Drinking Water Quality Standards (GB5749-2006) was mandatorily implemented nationwide on July 1, 2012. The standard increases the drinking water quality parameters from 64 to 106. The current water quality monitoring capacity of the monitoring center under Fushun Water Supply Company is 76 parameters only; another 30 parameters cannot be monitored due to lack of instruments. The WSPs can only on-line detect turbidity and residual chlorine, for the secondary water supply, the on-line monitoring device is only installed in Qiandian booster pumping station for pipeline water quality monitoring. The monitoring capacity of the Water Supply Company needs to be much improved. Table II-3 Fushun WSPs WSP Wujiapu Hebei Park Jiangjun Haicheng Heping Ditai Design capacity 200,000 m3/d 100,000 m3/d 200,000 m3/d 100,000 m3/d 100,000 m3/d 100,000 m3/d 50,000 m3/d Current capacity 100,000 m3/d 90,000 m3/d 145,000 m3/d 85,000 m3/d 78,000 m3/d 48,000 m3/d 50,000 m3/d Construction time 1983 1982 1993-2003 1908-2003 1973-1990 1992 2007 Floor space 39245m² 30742m² 40958m² 104211m² 47789m² 23992m² 63127m² Stuff 58 70 60 21 84 18 38 Coagulation, Coagulation, Coagulation, Coagulation, Coagulation, Coagulation, Coagulation, Water treatment precipitation, precipitation, precipitation, precipitation, precipitation, precipitation, precipitation, process filtration, filtration, filtration, filtration, filtration, filtration, filtration, disinfection disinfection disinfection disinfection disinfection disinfection disinfection Disinfection Chlorine Chlorine Chlorine Chlorine Chlorine Chlorine Chlorine Discharge into Discharge into Discharge into Discharge into Discharge into Discharge into Discharge into the municipal the municipal the municipal the municipal the municipal the municipal the municipal Sludge treatment drainage drainage drainage drainage drainage drainage drainage system system system system system system system Quality of raw wastewater and Inflow:1.2 Inflow:1.2 Inflow:1.2 Inflow:1.2 Inflow:1.2 Inflow:1.2 Inflow:12 treated water ( annual average Effluent:0.2 Effluent:0.2 Effluent:0.3 Effluent:0.2 Effluent:0.3 Effluent:0.2 Effluent:0.2 of turbidity) Source of water Water source of Dahuofang Reservoir in Fushun Source:Fushun IA c. The Two Gaizhou existing WSPs and Yingkou Guotun WSP 22. The Gaizhou adjusted project includes upgrading the two existing WSPs in Gaizhou, and 40,000 m3/d clean water diversion from the existing Yingkou Guotun WSP. The Gaizhou EIA Institute conducted the due diligence for the three WSPs in May 2017, with the conclusion of: i) the three WSPs are operating normally, ii) the domestic EIAs of three WSPs were approved before the constructions, without any leftover environmental issue. (Table II-4). Table II-4 Due Diligence for the three WSPs in Gaizhou and Yingkou Name of Yingkou Guotun Gaizhou Taishan WSP Gaizhou Henan WSP WSP WSP Nearby Henan Village in the Economic Nearby Guotun Location of Foot of Taishan hill Development Zone Village, Tuanding WSP (South bank of Daqqing Town, Yingkou City River) Location of Groundwater under the Groundwater under Surface water from water source north bank of Daqing River above location Shimen Reservoir Designed treatment 45,000 m3/d 20,000 m3/d 70,000 m3/d capacity Floor space 0.99 ha 1.2 ha 3.15 ha Water Conventional Groundwater + treatment Groundwater + chlorination surface water chlorination process treatment process EIA approval Liaoning Provincial Gaizhou Municipal EPB Gauzhou Municipal EPB authority EPD EIA approval August 2010 April 2003 August 2006 date No. of EIA approval Gai_Env_Appr(2010)52 - - document Source: Gaizhou EA Institute III. Policy and Administration Framework for Environmental Assessment III-1 Applicable PRC’s Laws, Regulations and Guidelines 23. The PRC has a wide range of laws, regulations, technical guidelines and standards that govern the way in which environmental protection and environmental impact assessment for construction projects must be implemented, including for pollution prevention and control on air, noise, water, ecology and solid waste, and technical guidelines on assessing atmospheric, noise, water and ecological impacts. The domestic EA Reports upon which this EMP is based was prepared in accordance with the PRC Law on Environmental Impact Assessment (2003), the PRC Management Guideline on EA Categories of Construction Projects (2008), and the Technical Guidelines for Environmental Assessment (HJ/T2-93). The release of the 2019 Interim Guideline on Public Participation in EA has also been a significant development that provides for opportunities to involve the public in the EA process. 24. Relevant PRC environmental laws, regulations, guidelines, and standards. The following national laws, regulations, guidelines, and standards, are relevant to the proposed project (Tables III-1). Table III-1 National laws and regulations relevant to this project Law Date Environmental Protection Law January 1, 2015 Urban and Rural Planning Law January 1, 2008 Environmental Impact Assessment Law September 1, 2016 Water Law Revised in 2016 Cleaner Production Promotion Law July 1, 2012 Air Pollution Prevention and Control Law January 1, 2016 Noise Pollution Prevention and Control Law March 1, 1997 Land Administration Law August 28, 2004 Water and Soil Conservation Law March 1, 2011 Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law June 1, 2008 Solid Waste Pollution Environment Protection Law April 1, 2005 Antique Preservation Law June 29, 2013 Regulation Pollution Control for Protection Zone of Drinking Water December 22, 2010 Source National Ecological Environment Protection Programs April 10, 2001 Environmental Protection Supervision Rules for November 29, 1998 Construction Projects Construction Project Environmental Impact Assessment January 1, 2021 Classification Management List (2021 Edition) Approach to Public Participation in Environmental January 1, 2019 Impact Assessment Environment and Health Standard for Construction Site June 1, 2014 (JGJ-146-2013) Law Date Ordinance on Administration for Environmental 1998 Protection of Construction Projects National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (2011- 2010 2030) Requirement for Social Risk Assessment of Large 2012 Investment Projects National regulation for public disclosure of EIAs (NDRC) 2012 25. The implementation of environmental laws and regulations is supported by associated management and technical guidelines. Those applicable to the project are in Table III-2. Table III-2 Applicable environmental guidelines Guideline Year/Code Technical Guideline on EA: Drinking Water Source Protection 2006 List of Construction Projects Subject to Environmental Protection Supervision 2008 Guideline on EA Classification of Construction Projects 2008 Guideline on Jurisdictional Division of Review and Approval of EAs for Construction 2009 Projects Interim Guideline on Public Consultation for EA 2006 Circular on Strengthening EA Management to Prevent Environmental Risks 2012 Technical Guideline on EA: Surface Water Environment HJ/T 2.3-1993 Technical Guideline on Environmental Risk Assessment for Construction Project HJ/T169-2004 Technical Guideline on EA: Acoustic Environment HJ 2.4-2009 Technical Guideline on EA: Atmospheric Environment HJ 2.2-2008 Technical Guideline on EA: Ecological Assessment HJ 19-2011 III-2 Applicable the World Bank’s Safeguard Policies 26. The World Bank safeguard policy is to guarantee the environment impact brought by WB financed project could be reduced to acceptable level, including the analysis and environmental mitigation measures for the potential environment impacts. The safeguard policy can avoid the affect and harm to nearby environment and people, improve the project design, enhance the efficiency of project implementation and protect the WB and borrower’s reputation. The WB safeguard policy that may be involved and not involved is listed in Table III-3. Table III-3 Relevance Analysis for the Project and WB Safeguard Policy Document WB Safeguard No. Triggered? Explanation Policy Document The construction and operation could have an OP4.01 Environment 1 Yes impact on surrounding environment, Impact Assessment environment impact assessment is required. The locations of all sub-projects are not OP4.04 Natural 2 No contained within natural habitat and reserves, Habitat the policy is not correlated. OP4.09 Pest No The Project is an urban water supply project, the 3 Management manufacture and usage of pest control products is not involved. No The construction site for the Project is urban area and city outskirts, the ethnic minority OP4.10 Ethnic 4 population accounts for 4.59% of the total based Minorities on social assessment report. The Project doesn’t involve ethnic minority area. The ranges of construction site do not involve any designated cultural relics reservation area; however, the Shenyang pipeline work will OP4.11 Physical temporarily impact the Nanguan Catholic 5 Yes Cultural Resources Church (mainly traffic impact); and pipeline excavation construction many potentially find buried underground cultural relics. Therefor it is related to the policy. The Fuxin projects involve resettlement and land OP4.12 Involuntary 6 Yes acquisition (permanent land of 51.77 mu, land Resettlement acquisition and resettlement of 66 people). The Project doesn’t involve woodlands and trees 7 OP4.36 Forestry No cut down, the policy is not related. The resource of water supply includes 4 8 OP4.37 Dam Safety Yes reservoirs of Dahuofang, Tangshan, Shimen and Naodehai. OP7.60 Disputed No 9 Disputed region is not involved in the Project Region OP7.50 International No International waterway is not involved in the 10 Waterway Project 27. WB Environmental, Health And Safety Guidelines (EHS):the applicable EHS guidelines are as follow: i). WB Environmental, Health And Safety Guidelines (EHS): General EHS Guideline: Introduction; ii). WB Environmental, Health And Safety Guidelines (EHS):Air Emissions and Ambient Air Quality; iii). WB Environmental, Health And Safety Guidelines (EHS):Water and Sanitation Environment, Health and Safety iv). WB Environmental, Health And Safety Guidelines (EHS): Wastewater and Ambient Water Quality); v). WB Environmental, Health And Safety Guidelines (EHS):Noise; vi). WB Environmental, Health And Safety Guidelines (EHS): Electric Power Transmission and Distribution; vii). WB Environmental, Health And Safety Guidelines (EHS):Wastes Management. III-3 Applicable Environmental Standards 28. The environmental quality standard system that supports/evaluates the implementation of the environmental protection laws and regulations in the PRC is classified into two categories by function, i.e. pollutant emission/discharge standards and ambient environmental standards. The standards applicable to this project are in Table III-4, and the specific applicable standards for ambient air, water wastewater and noise are listed below. Table III-4 Applicable environmental standards Standard Code Urban Ambient Acoustic Quality Standard GB3096-2008 Noise Limit of Industrial Enterprises GB12348-2008 Noise Limit for Social Activities GB22337-2008 Drinking Water Quality Standard GB5749-2006 Surface Water Quality Standard GB3838-2002 Standard on Pollutant Discharges from Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants GB18018-2002 Ambient Air Quality Standard GB3095-1996 Integrated Emission Standard of Air Pollutants GB16297-1996 Comprehensive sewage discharge standard of Liaoning Province DB21/1627-2008 Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard GB8978-1996 Noise Limit for Construction Sites GB12523-2011 Control Standards for Pollutants in Sludge for Agricultural Use GB4284-1984 World Bank General guidelines on Environment, Health and Safety The WHO guidelines for environmental air quality recommended by the EHS Guidelines Community noise guidelines (WHO, 1999) recommended by the EHS Guidelines a. Wastewater Discharge Standard during Construction Period 29. According to the implementation features of the Project, wastewater generated during construction is domestic wastewater in construction site. The discharge standard is the maximum density of water waste discharged to the urban and town wastewater treatment plant in Liaoning Provincial Wastewater Comprehensive Discharge Standard (DB21/1627-2008) as is shown in Table III-5. Table III-5 Construction Wastewater Discharge Standards (mg/L) No. Water Quality Index Limit 1 CODCr 300 2 BOD 250 3 Petroleum 20 4 NH3-N 30 5 SS 300 Key: CODcr = chemical oxygen demand, SS = suspended solids, NH3-N = ammonia nitrogen. b. Wastewater Discharge Standard during Operation Period 30. Wastewater generated during operation is mainly few wastewater by recycled water from filter backwash and domestic wastewater in from water plant and other water supply institutions (pump station and etc.). The discharge standard applies to Liaoning Provincial Wastewater Comprehensive Discharge Standard (DB21/1627-2008) as is shown in Table III-5. 31. The World Bank's General Guidelines for environment, health and safety provides domestic wastewater discharge standards, but the national or local domestic wastewater discharge standards are preferred; and the Guideline for water and sanitation environment, health and safety mentions that the sewage treatment technology should meet the sewage quality consistent with the relevant national requirements or internationally recognized standards, including China's GB 18918-2002, so the domestic standard is applicable. c. Exhaust emission standard during Construction Period 32. The exhaust emission during construction period is mainly unorganized dust emissions, the limit is shown in Table III-6. Table III-6 Air Pollutants Emission Standard (mg/m 3) Maximum Allowable Pollution Sources Pollutants Emission Standard Source Concentration 《Air Pollutants Comprehensive Construction site and Emission Standard》(GB16297- Dust 1.0 ambient area 1996) Table 2 Maximum Concentration without the site 33. The EHS Guidelines haven't mentioned waste gas emission standard, so the atmospheric pollutant emission standard of Japan is referred and compared here. It can be seen that the Japanese standard makes a more detailed classification on particulate matters, conducts a further refinement on smoke and dust and puts forward the corresponding requirements, but doesn't formulate requirements on emission rate. According to the local conditions, China have formulated the emission standards of air pollutants suitable for the region, which stipulate the pollutant emission concentration and rate, and the emission concentration limit is stricter than that of Japan. So, the domestic standard will be implemented. d. Noise Emission Standards during Construction 34. The construction period applies to Noise Emission Standard within Construction Site (GB12523-2011), the limit value is shown in Table III-7. Table III-7 d. Noise Emission Standards for Construction Site (dB(A)) Day Night 70dB(A) 55dB(A) e. Noise Emission Standards during Operation 35. The noise during operation period is generated from the operation of pumps and blowers, the emission standards applies to Noise Emission Standard for Enterprises and Industries (GB12348—2008). The Project areas are classified as Class II, the area ambient to arterial traffic area is classified as Class IV. The standard is shown in Table III-8. Table I0-8 Acoustic Quality Standards (dB (A)) Standard Category Day Night I 55 45 II 60 50 IV 70 55 36. The EHS Guidelines haven’t offered the relevant standards on noise emission. On the basis of comparison analysis of Japanese standard with Chinese standard, it can be seen the Chinese standard is stricter, so the domestic standard will be implemented f. Occupational Health and Noise Safety Standards 37. The Water and Sanitation Environment, Health and Safety Guideline requires to follow General EHS Guideline, the Project is classified as light industry. The noise limit in different work environment is shown in Table III-9. Table III-09 Upper Limit of Noise in Different Work Environment in General EHS Guideline (dB (A)) Period of Time Equivalent Maximum Acoustic Function Category LAeq,8h LAmax,fast Open office, control room, service counter, and 45~50 —— etc. Single office (without noise) 40~45 —— Heavy industry (no need to verbal communication) 85 110 Light industry (need a small amount of oral 50~65 110 communication) 38. After the comparison between international and domestic noise emission limits, it could be found that the domestic requirement is stricter then EHS regarding function category. Therefore, the Project will carry out domestic standard. The execution for noise emission standard is shown in Table III-10. Table III-10 Execution for Noise Emission Standard (dB (A)) Acoustic Period of time Function Project content Remark Category Day Night Nearby sensitive areas, residential 1 Water plant, 55 45 areas, schools, pump stations hospitals, etc. and pipeline Mixed industrial, 2 projects 60 50 residential area 4a 70 55 Arterial traffic area g. Drinking Water Quality Standards 39. The Water and Sanitation, Health and Safety Guidelines specify that the water quality of drinking water supply systems is in accordance with drinking water standards set by national legislation or, in the absence of such standards, the latest World Health Organization (WHO) drinking water quality guidelines. Operation of the WSPs and quality of the treated water to be provided to residents will require compliance with the PRC Drinking Water Quality Standard (GB5749-2006), in which 106 parameters must be met (Table III-11). Table III-11-1 Drinking water quality standards (GB5749-2006) No. Parameter Limit Routine Parameter of Drinking Water Quality Microbiological parameter2 1 Total coliform (MPN/100ml or CFU/100ml) LD 2 Thermotoletant coliform (MPN/100ml or CFU/100ml) LD 3 Escherichia Coli (MPN/100ml or CFU/100ml) 4 Total plant count (CFU/ml) 100 Toxicological parameter 5 Arsenic (As, mg/L) 0.01 6 Cadmium (Cd, mg/L) 0.005 7 Chromium Hexavalent (Cr 6+, mg/L) 0.05 8 Lead (Pb, mg/L) 0.01 9 Mercury (Hg, mg/L) 0.001 10 Selenium (Se, mg/L) 0.01 11 Cyanide (CN-, mg/L) 0.05 12 Fluoride (mg/L) 1.0 10 13 Nitrate (mg/L) (20 when underground water source) 14 Trichloromethane (mg/L) 0.06 15 Carbon tetrachloride (mg/L) 0.002 16 Bromate (when O3 is applied) (mg/L) 0.01 17 Formaldehyde (when O3 is applied) (mg/L) 0.9 18 Chlorite (when ClO2 is applied) (mg/L) 0.7 19 Chlorate (when compound chlorine dioxide is applied ) (mg/L) 0.7 Sensory Properties and General Chemical Parameter 20 Chromaticity (Unit of platinum cobalt color) 15 1 (3 when water supply and water 21 Turbidity (diffusing turbidity unit) NTU purification technology conditions) 22 Odor and Taste No odor, no taste 23 Appearance None 24 pH 6.5≤X<8.5 25 Aluminum (Al, mg/L) 0.2 2 MPN= Most Probable Number; CFU: Colony forming unit. No. Parameter Limit 26 Iron (Fe, mg/L) 0.3 27 Manganese (Mn, mg/L) 0.1 28 Copper (Cu, mg/L) 1.0 29 Zinc (Zn, mg/L) 1.0 30 Chloride (Cl-, mg/L) 250 31 Sulfate (SO4-mg/L) 250 32 TDS (mg/L) 1000 33 Total Hardness (CaCO3) (mg/L) 450 3 34 CODMn (mg/L) (5 when water source limit and the original water CODMn >6mg/L) 35 Volatile phenols (phenol) (mg/L) 0.002 36 LAS (mg/L) 0.3 Radioactivity Parameter3 37 Total α radioactivity (Bq/L) 0.5 38 Total β radioactivity (Bq/L) 1 Non-Routine Parameter Microbial indicators 39 Giardia cysts (count/10L) <1 40 Cryptosporidium oocysts (count/10L) <1 Toxicological parameter (mg/L) 41 Antimonium (Sb, mg/L) 0.005 42 Barium (Ba, mg/L 0.7 43 Beryllium (Be, mg/L) 0.002 44 Boron (B, mg/L) 0.5 45 Molybdenum (Mo, mg/L) 0.07 46 Nickel (Ni, mg/L) 0.02 47 Silver (Ag, mg/L) 0.05 48 Thallium (Ti, mg/L) 0.0001 49 Cyan chloride (CN- mg/L) 0.07 50 Chlorodibromomethane (mg/L) 0.1 51 Bromodichloromethane (mg/L) 0.06 52 Dichloroacetic acid (mg/L) 0.05 53 1,2-dichloroethane (mg/L) 0.03 54 Dichloromethane (mg/L) 0.02 55 THMs 1 56 1,1,1 - trichloroethane (mg/L) 2 3 Radionuclide phase analysis is conducted if radioactivity value exceeds limits, to determine if the water is drinkable. No. Parameter Limit 57 Trichloroacetic acid (mg/L) 0.1 58 Trichloroaldehyde (mg/L) 0.01 59 2,4,6- trichlorophenol (mg/L) 0.2 60 Bromoform (mg/L) 0.1 61 Heptachlor (mg/L) 0.0004 62 Malathion (mg/L) 0.25 63 PCP (mg/L) 0.009 64 HCH (total amount, mg/L) 0.005 65 Hexachlorobenzene (mg/L) 0.001 66 Dimethoate (mg/L) 0.08 67 Parathion (mg/L) 0.003 68 Bentazone (mg/L) 0.3 69 Parathion-methyl (mg/L) 0.02 70 Chlorothalonil (mg/L) 0.01 71 Carbofuran (mg/L) 0.007 72 Lindane (mg/L) 0.002 73 Chlopyrifos (mg/L) 0.03 74 Glyphosate (mg/L) 0.7 75 DDVP (mg/L) 0.001 76 Arazine (mg/L) 0.002 77 Deltamethrin (mg/L) 0.02 78 2, 4 - dichlorobenzene oxygen ethanoic acid (mg/L) 0.03 79 Dichloro-diphenyl-dichlorothane (mg/L) 0.001 80 Ethylbenzene (mg/L) 0.3 81 Dimethylbenzene (mg/L) 0.5 82 1,1- dichloroethylene(mg/L) 0.03 83 1,2- dichloroethylene(mg/L) 0.05 84 1,2- dichlorobenzene(mg/L) 1 85 1,4- dichlorobenzene(mg/L) 0.3 86 Trichloroethylene(mg/L) 0.07 87 Trichlorobenzene(mg/L) 0.02 88 Hexachlorobutadiene(mg/L) 0.0006 89 Acrylamide (mg/L) 0.0005 90 Tetrachloroethylene (mg/L) 0.04 91 Toluene (mg/L) 0.7 92 DEHP (mg/L) 0.008 93 ECH (mg/L) 0.0004 94 Benzene (mg/L) 0.01 No. Parameter Limit 95 Styrene (mg/L) 0.02 96 Benzopyrene (mg/L) 0.00001 97 Chloroethylene(mg/L) 0.005 98 Chlorobenzene(mg/L) 0.3 99 Microcystin-LR(mg/L) 0.001 Physical Properties and General Chemical parameters (mg/L) 100 Ammonia Nitrogen(NH3-N, mg/L) 0.5 101 Sulfide (S, mg/L) 0.02 102 Sodium (Na, mg/L) 200 Table III-11-2 General Parameters and Requirements for Drinking Water Disinfectant Exposure Limit in water Residue in Residues in network Disinfectant duration with supplied water supplied peripheral (mg/L) Water (mg/L) (mg/L) Chlorine and free 103 ≥30 min 4 ≥0.3 ≥0.05 chlorine (mg/L) Monochloramine 104 ≥120 min 3 ≥0.5 ≥0.05 (total chlorine, mg/L) 0.02/ ≥0.05 if chlorine is 105 Ozone (O3, mg/L) ≥12 min 0.3 - added Chlorine Dioxide 106 ≥30 min 0.8 ≥0.1 ≥0.02 (ClO2, mg/L) h. Ambient Air Quality Standard 40. PRC uses coal as main fuel, the environment air quality standard shall compliance with PRC standard. After site survey, the air sensitive location for are located at Grade II Air Quality Area. Assessment of ambient air quality was in accordance with Grade II of PRC Ambient Air Quality Standard GB3039-2012, in Table III-12. Table III-12: Ambient Air Quality Grade II Standard (mg/m3) Pollutant TSP PM10 SO2 NO2 CO Grade II Annual average 200 70 60 40 — Concentration Limits Daily average 300 150 150 80 4 Standard in GB3095- 2012 Hourly average — — 500 200 10 41. The WHO guidelines for environmental air quality recommended by the EHS Guidelines. Comparison indicates that the indicators are basic consistent with the national standard. So the domestic standard is applicable. i. Water Quality Standards 42. Surface water quality standard classifies the water function within the Project in accordance with Surface water Environment Function Category. The applicable standards for the proposed project components are PRC Surface Water Environment Quality Standard (GB3838- 2002) – Grades III, IV and V respectively (Table III-13). Table I0-13: Surface Water Quality Standards (mg/L, pH excluded) Surface Water Quality Grade No. Water Quality Index Grades III Grades IV Grades V 1 pH 6~9 6~9 6~9 2 COD ≤20 ≤30 ≤40 3 NH3-N ≤1.0 ≤1.5 ≤2.0 4 Petroleum ≤0.05 ≤0.5 ≤1.0 5 Sulfide ≤0.2 ≤0.5 ≤1.0 6 Chloride ≤250 ≤250 ≤250 7 Fluoride ≤1.0 ≤1.5 ≤1.5 Key: CODMn = permanganate index, NH3-N=ammonia nitrogen. 43. The national standard is adopted as no surface water quality standards are proposed in the EHS Guidelines. Due to the fact that China has formulated the surface water environmental quality standards suitable for its own country according to the national conditions, and according to the requirement as ‘complying with the national and local standards’ and the practical principles mentioned by the EHS guidelines and ESF, the domestic standards shall be implemented for this case. j. Acoustic Environment Quality Standards 44. In accordance with the PRC Acoustic Environmental Quality Standard (GB3096-2008), the project areas are classified as Class I or II, and areas next to arterial traffic area is classified as Class 4a, the execution of acoustic environment quality standard is shown in Table III-14. Table III-14 Acoustic Quality Standards (dB (A)) PRC (GB3096-2008) World Bank Group EHS Acoustic Day Night Environment Category Day Night (07:00~22:00) (22:00~07:00) Factory (mixed areas of industrial II 60 50 70 70 and residential areas) Sensitive areas villages and I 55 45 554 45 schools Arterial traffic area IV-a 70 55 —— —— 45. It is shown from the data above that the noise guideline values for domestic and WB EHS for residential, office and teaching area are the same; but domestic standard is stricter than WB EHS in industrial and commercial infrastructures; EHS doesn’t have requirement for traffic area, mixed commercial and residential areas. Therefore, the Project adopts domestic standard. III-4 Domestic framework for EA approval and environment management 46. The PRC’s Management Guideline of Environmental Protection Categories of Construction Projects (2002) provides detailed classifications of the EA study, including 23 general categories and 198 subcategories based on the project’s nature, scale and environmental sensitivity. In accordance with the guideline, the current project was classified into the categories of urban infrastructure, and, water source protection and development. 47. The institutional framework for the EA approval process of the Project involves the Liaoning Provincial Environmental Protection Department (EPD) and the five project cities’ Environmental Protection Bureaus (EPBs). The provincial EPD and municipal EPBs will (i) organize experts for the EA evaluation, including compliance with appropriate laws, regulations and standards and (ii) is responsible for final EAs approval; and the five project cities’ EPBs are responsible for environmental management and supervision during project implementation, including mitigation measures and environmental monitoring. The authority for each EIA approval is listed in Table III-15 below. Table III-15 Domestic EIAs Preparation and Approval No. City EA Institute Authority for EIA approval Shenyang Lvheng Environmental 1 Shenyang Shenyang Municipal EPB Consulting Co., LTD Liaoning Ruier Engineering 2 Anshan Liaoning Provincial EPD5 Consulting Co., LTD Liaoning Yingrui Environmental 3 Fushun Fushun Municipal EPB Consulting Co., LTD Ningxia Zhicheng Anhuan 4 Fuxin Fuxin Municipal EPB Technology Co., LTD Yingkou Environmental Scientism 5 Gaizhou Anshan Municipal EPB Institute Source: discussion with the EA institutes 5 The construction will involve Liaoyang city, so the approval authority is the provincial EPD. IV. Environmental Baseline of Project Cities IV-1 Shenyang (1) City overview 48. Shenyang, the capital of Liaoning Province, is located in the central part of the Province. It’s the center of economy, culture, transportation, commerce and trade of northeast China, a large industrial and famous historic and cultural city with a total area of 13,000 km2, of which the urban area is 3,495 km2. The population in 2015 is 8.228 million including the registered population of 7.248 million, of which the urban population is 5.221 million. 49. Shenyang is one of the national heavy industry bases that give priority to equipment manufacturing industry constructed at the early stage of the founding of the PRC. After development for several decades, Shenyang’s industrial categories have reached 142. There are 3,033 large-scale industrial enterprises by the end of 2015. The regional gross domestic product (GDP) was RMB 728 billion yuan in 2015. 50. Weather and hydrology: Shenyang is located at the east of Eurasia and has temperate continental monsoon climate with long, cold winters and short, warm summers. The average temperatures range from 6.2 ℃ to 9.7 ℃ , the extreme maximum temperature and minimum temperature were 38.3℃ and -32.9℃, respectively. The average annual precipitation is 600-800 mm, mostly occurring during July to September. 51. Topographic and geology: The project area (Shenyang urban area) is high terrace, belonging to the Changbai Mountains, with altitude of 40-60m above sea level (ASL), from northeast to south gradually incline. The topographic structure is loess material accumulation and bedrock. The geologic condition of the project area is that the stratum is Quaternary alluvium, whose lithology are topsoil layer, sandy clay layer and gravel sandy layer from up to down. Surface layer thickness is 0.75-1.0 m, sandy clay layer thickness is 5-10 m, and gravel pebble layer thickness is more than 20 m. 52. Hydrological Condition: Groundwater is abundance in Shenyang, porous diving, stored in the Quaternary gravel layer. The main recharge of groundwater is precipitation, and the average groundwater table is 7-8 m. There are six (6) rivers in Shenyang Municipality, including Liao River, Hun River, Raoyang River, Liu River, Pu River, Yangxi River, Beisha River and Xiushui River. The total annual utilizable water resource is 2.314 billion m3 including surface water resource of 380 million m3 and groundwater resource of 1.934 billion m3. (2) Current status of construction site 53. The proposed Shenyang municipal pipeline constructions will be laid under the existing municipal roads (non-motorized lanes); while the residential courtyard pipe works will be laid under the residential community’ path, small part of the pipes will pass through greenbelts within the residential yards, the path and grassland will be recovered after the pipes are constructed. The proposed pumping station works will be conducted within the existing sites of the WSC without any land acquisition and resettlement. (3) Environmental baseline 54. The baseline data are collected from the Environmental Quality Report of Shenyang City in the year of 2014 by the EA Institute. 55. Ambient air: The air monitoring data of Environmental Quality Report of Shenyang City in the year of 2014 is shown in the Table IV-1 Table IV-1 Baseline of Ambient Air Quality in Shenyang City (2014) Item PM10 PM2.5 SO2 NO2 CO O3 (8h) Annual Average Concentration (μg/m³) 124 74 82 52 1.1 - Annual Standard (μg/m³) 70 35 60 40 - - Exceeding the Multiple (multiple) 0.77 1.11 0.37 0.30 - - Percentile Concentration in 24 hours (μg/m³) 231 165 287 5 2.0 1 5 Percentile Standard in 24 hours (μg/m3) 150 75 150 80 4 160 Exceeding the Multiple (multiple) 0.54 1.20 0.91 0.19 - 0.03 Standard Ratio of Daily Average Concentration (%) 72.3 6 .3 81.6 91.5 100 88.8 Source: the domestic EA 56. The baseline data show that: i) The average annual concentration of PM10 was 124μg/m³, exceeded the Grade II Ambient Air Quality Standard (GB3095-2012) for 0.77 times; the average daily percentile concentration was 231μg/m³, exceeded the standard multiple is 0.54; and the average daily standard-achieved rate in 2014 was 72.3%; ii) The average annual concentration of PM2.5 was 74μg/m³, exceeded the Grade II Standard for 1.11 times; the average daily percentile concentration was 165μg/m³, exceeded the standard multiple is 1.2; the average daily standard-achieved rate was 63.3%; iii) The average annual concentration of the Sulfur dioxide (SO2) was 82μg/m³, exceeded the Grade II ambient air quality standard for 0.37 times; the average daily concentration was 287μg/m³, exceeded the standard multiple is 0.91; and the average daily standard-achieved rate was 81.6%; iv) The average annual concentration of the Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) was 52μg/m³, exceeded the Grade II standard for 0.3 times; the average daily concentration in 2014 was 95μg/m³, exceeded the standard multiple is 0.19; and the average daily standard-achieved rate was 91.5%. v) The average annual concentration of the carbon monoxide (CO) was 1.1μg/m³; the average daily concentration in 2014 was 2.0μg/m³; and the average daily standard- achieved rate was 100%. vi) The average 90th percentile concentration in 24-hour of the max sliding average value of eight hours of Ozone was 165μg/m³, exceeded the standard multiple is 0.03; and the standard-achieved days in 2014 was 324 days, with standard-achieved rate of 88.8%. 57. Surface water quality of South Canal: In 2014, the water quality of South Canal was worse than Grade V of the Surface Water Quality Standard of GB3838-2002, heavily polluted. The main pollutants were petroleum, NH3-N and TP. Of which, the average annual petroleum concentration was 1.27 mg/L, 24.4 times exceeded the Grade III Surface Water Quality Standard of GB3838-2002; and the annual mean value of NH3-N was 3.3 mg/L, 2.3 times exceeded the Grade III standard; the annual average value of TP was 0.45 mg/L, 1.3 times exceeded the Grade III Standard. The monitoring results of the South Canal in 2014 are shown in Table IV-2. Table IV-2 Surface Water Quality of South Canal in 2014 Item Volatile Quality CODcr BOD5 KMnO4 NH3-N TP Petroleum Month phenol grade Worse Average than 17 4 4.9 3.13 0.25 1.78 0.0024 Value Grade May V Exceeding - - - 2.1 0.3 34.7 - - Multiple Worse Average than 21 4 4.5 3.82 0.66 1.70 0.0015 Value Grade Aug. V Exceeding 0.05 - - 2.8 2.3 32.9 - - Multiple Worse Average than 20 5 5.7 2.95 0.44 0.32 0.0010 Value Grade Oct. V Exceeding - 0.4 - 2.0 1.2 5.3 - - Multiple Worse Average than 19 4 5.0 3.3 0.45 1.27 0.0016 Annual Value Grade Average V Exceeding - - - 2.3 1.3 24.4 - - Multiple Maximum 21 5 5.7 3.82 0.66 1.78 0.0024 - Concentration Exceeding Multiple 0.05 0.4 - 2.8 2.3 34.7 - - Minimum 17 4 4.5 2.95 0.26 0.32 0.0010 - Concentration Exceeding Multiple - - - 2.0 0.63 5.3 - - Exceeding Rate 33.3 33.3 0 100 100 100 0.0 - Grade III Standard of ≤20 ≤4 ≤6 ≤1 ≤0.2 ≤0.05 ≤0.005 - GB3838-2002 Source: the domestic EA 58. Acoustic environment: The proposed pipeline will be constructed along the municipal roads, so the baseline data in the domestic EA was from the Environmental Quality Report of Shenyang City in the year of 2014. 59. In 2014, the average traffic sound environmental quality in Shenyang was 69.8dB. According to the stipulation of the road traffic noise intensity grade in the "Technical Specifications for Monitoring of Environmental Noise - Routine monitoring for urban acoustic environment" (HJ640-2012), the applicable sound environmental quality is Grade II. The noise intensity level of the 30 road sections out of the 47 road sections monitored is Grade II or better than Grade II, rated as to the good or the moderately good. The length of 30 road sections is 88.5 km, accounting for 62.8% of the total monitored road length. The noise intensity levels of the 17 road sections out of the 47 road sections are Grade III or worse than Grade III with noise monitoring value higher than 70dB. The length of the 17 road section is 52.3 km, accounting for 37.2% of the total monitored road length. (4) Situation of Shenyang water supply system 60. The water supply system of Shenyang City was founded in 1915. The raw water sources of urban water supply include both groundwater and surface water. The ground waters are mainly along the riversides of the Hun River and the Liao River, while the surface water is from Dahuofang Reservoir in Fushun Municipality. In 2015, the maximum and average daily water supply amounts were 1.637 million m3 and 1.462 m3, respectively, of which the surface water is 0.923 million m3 (accounting for 63%), and the groundwater is 0.539 million m3 (accounting for 37%). 61. The existing WSPs. Shenyang Water Supply Company has nine (9) WSPs with the total water supply capacity of 1.985million m3/d. The maximum water supply in 2015 was 1.806million m3/d. In addition to the surface water intake in the Dahuofang Reservoir, there are 32 groundwater sources with 552 wells and 53 water tanks with the total volume of 305,000 m3, accounting for 20% of the total water supply capacity; and there are 22 raw water pumping stations with 102 pumps in Shenyang. 62. The water distribution pipe network. The total lengths of municipal water supply pipeline and the pipeline within the residential communities in the urban area are 3,031.8 km and 2,850 km, respectively. The length of trunk raw water transmission pipeline is 636 km with the diameter of DN700~DN2000. The materials of distribution pipe include PE, DIP, steel and fiberglass, etc. There are 7,056 valves and 4,286 outdoor fire hydrants in the urban area. 63. The water distribution system in the urban area widely adopts secondary water supply, with the coverage rate of more than 90%, and 1,829 secondary water supply pump stations in total. The water storage capacity of secondary water supply is 400,000 m3, and adjustable volume of water supply is more than 20% of the total. Due to aged pipeline in urban area, the water leakage accidents were frequently occurred, according to statistics, the average pipeline leakage accidents in 2009 - 2010 are 1000 - 1800 times annually, of which DN75~DN200 pipeline leakage accidents accounted for 65% to 77%. In 2014 - 2015, the average pipeline leakage rate was 21.69%. The frequent pipeline leakage causes low water supply pressure in the distribution network, which is one of the main reasons for the widely use of secondary booster pumping water supply in the urban area. 64. The major weaknesses in the water supply system. The aged water supply network causing high leakage rate. In the total 3,031.8km water supply pipe network in Shenyang, those running over 50 years are 242 km (accounting for 8% of the total) and over 40 years are 500 km (accounting for 16.5%), respectively. The aged pipes increase both the power consumption and water resource loss. IV-2 Anshan 65. Located in the center of Liaoning Province, 89 kilometers south of Shenyang, Anshan is the third biggest cities in Liaodong province, after Shenyang and Dalian. Anshan covers an area of about 9,252 km2, and total population of 3.584 million including urban population of 1.467 million in 2015. Anshan was known in China as "The Capital of Steel Industry. The regional GDP in2015 was RMB 232.6 billion yuan. (i) Natural Environment 66. Weather and hydrology. Anshan is under the continental monsoon climate in the warm temperate zone, with neither severe cold in winter nor intensive heat in summer, and with four distinct seasons, the average temperatures range from 8.0℃ to 9.0℃. the extreme maximum temperature and extremely minimum temperature were 36.9℃ and -30.4℃, respectively. The average annual precipitation is 640-840 mm, mostly occurring during July to September. 67. Topography: The topographic features of Anshan City are higher in the southeast, and lower in the northwest, inclined from southeast to northwest. Southeast is the extension part of the Qianshan Mountains, generally at the elevation of 300 to 600 m ASL; The highest point is Maokui hill of Xiuyan mountain, 1,141 m ABL. The middle area is the transition zone of Qianshan Mountains to the western alluvial plain, is low hills and gully region, with the general elevation of 100 to 200m ASL. The west of the Chang-Da Railway is the alluvial plains of Liao River, Hun River and Taizi River, with the elevation of 5 to 20m ASL. The lowest elevation is Yangtang Village, Jiucaitai Town, Tai’an County, with the elevation of only 2 m ASL. 68. Hydrological Condition: There are more than 30 rivers in Anshan city, among which, the large rivers are Liao River, Hun River, Taizi River, Dayang River, and Shaozi River. The rivers flowing through the urban area are Nansha River, Yunliang River, Yangliu River and the tributaries of Taizi River, of which the largest one is Nansha River, with the total basin area of 401 km2, and the average annual runoff of 71 million m3. The total annual utilizable water resource of Anshan is 15.24 billion m3 including surface water of 211 million m3 and groundwater of 1.313 billion m3. (ii) Current status of construction site 69. The proposed Anshan municipal pipeline constructions will be laid under the existing municipal roads(non-motorized lanes); while the residential courtyard pipe works will be laid under the residential community’ path, small part of the pipes will pass through greenbelt within the residential yards, the path and grassland will be recovered after the pipes are constructed. The proposed Wangjiayu WSP and the pumping station works will be conducted within the existing sites of the WSC without any land acquisition and resettlement. (iii) Environmental Baseline 70. Baseline of ambient air in urban area: The physical constructions of Anshan subprojects include the rehabilitation Wangjiayu WSP and Tanghe water source pumping station, and pipeline construction in the urban area. The baseline data of air and surface water within Anshan urban area were collected from the Environmental Quality Report of Anshan City in the year of 2015 by the EA Institute (Table IV-3), while the data of air and surface water for the Tanghe water source, as well as the noise baseline of both the urban area and surrounding the water source were provided by Dalian Jingcheng Testing Technical Company. Table IV-3 Baseline of Ambient Air in Anshan Urban Area in 2015 (µg/m3) Item PM10 PM2.5 SO2 NO2 Average annual value 120 69 55 9 Standard Exceed multiple 0.71 0.97 Meet the standard Meet the standard Grade II Standard of GB3095-2012 70 35 60 40 Source: the domestic EA 71. Baseline of ambient air surrounding the water source pumping station. Ambient air quality was monitored at Xiaodao Village on 200m north of the proposed site, where Grade II of Ambient Air Quality Standard (GB 3095-1996) was applied. Sampling was conducted for three consecutive days from 24-26 September 2016 (four times sampling each day). Four parameters were sampled (Table IV-4). The monitoring result shows that all the monitored parameters met the Grade II Standard. Table IV-4 Baseline of Ambient Air nearby the Water Source Pumping Station (Hourly average, µg/m3) Date Time SO2 NO2 Cl2 PM10 (Daily average) 2:00 13 13 Non-detected 134 8:00 14 13 Non-detected 24 Sep. 2016 14:00 12 13 Non-detected 20:00 11 12 Non-detected 2:00 12 14 Non-detected 148 8:00 11 15 Non-detected 25 Sep.2016 14:00 9 13 Non-detected 20:00 10 11 Non-detected 2:00 13 14 Non-detected 111 8:00 8 15 Non-detected 26 Sep.2016 14:00 12 14 Non-detected 20:00 11 12 Non-detected Grade II Standard 50 20 10 150 Standard-achieved met met met exceeded Source: the domestic EA 72. Baseline of the surface water quality in Anshan urban area: The baseline data of surface water within Anshan urban area were collected from the Environmental Quality Report of Anshan City in the year of 2015 by the EA Institute (Table IV-5). Where the applicable standard is the Grade IV Surface Water Quality Standard of GB3838-2002. The baseline data show that both the CODcr and NH3-N exceeded the standard due to domestic sewer discharge into the rivers. Table IV-5 Baseline of Surface Water in Anshan Urban Area in 20015 (mg/L) River Nansha River Yunliang River Yangliu River section (Chengangpo) (Hada Bridge) (Xintaizi) Exceeded Exceeded Exceeded Pollutant Average Average Average Standard multiple multiple multiple CODcr 35.1 0.17 38.1 0.27 29 30 met NH3-N 4.87 2.25 5.79 2.86 4.23 1.5 1.82 Source: the domestic EA 73. Baseline of the surface water quality nearby the water source pumping station: the sampling was conducted at the points of Tanghe River, 500m upstream and 500 m downstream from the site of the pumping station. The sampling was once per day for two consecutive days (2–25 September 2016). Five water quality parameters were monitored (Table IV-6). The national standard adopted for the water quality assessment is Grade II Surface Water standard (GB 3838- 2002). The monitoring result shows that all the monitored parameters met the Grade II Standard of GB3838-2002. Table IV-6 Baseline of Tanghe River Water Quality (mg/L) Sampling point Date pH CODcr NH3-N SS Petroleum Upstream of Tanghe River 24 Sep.2016 6.53 12.9 0.39 5 0.03 Downstream of Tanghe River 25 Sep.2016 6.56 11.0 0.385 6 0.02 Upstream of Tanghe River 24 Sep.2016 6.61 14.0 0.493 4 0.01 Downstream of Tanghe River 25 Sep.2016 8.69 12.1 0.490 7 0.01 Standard value 6-9 15 0.5 -- 0.05 Standard archived met met met met Source: the domestic EA 74. Baseline of noise: Noise monitoring was conducted at 54 points, comprising 4 at the boundaries of the Tanghe River water source pumping station (No.1-4), 4 at the boundaries of Wangjiayu WSP (No. 6-9), 44 points at residential communities and schools near the pipeline routes in the urban area (No. 5 and 10-54), respectively. Monitoring was conducted on two consecutive days from 24–25 September 2016. In accordance with PRC Acoustic Environmental Quality Standard (GB3096-2008), assessment areas for construction of new pipelines along roads are classified as the Grade I, Grade II or Grade 4a. Sensitive areas such as schools, hospitals, residential communities and other sensitive spots are assessed based on the acoustic environment function zoning identified by the local EPB. The applicable environmental noise standard values and the applicable areas are in Table IV-7. The monitoring results show that the noise level at all points met the related standards. Table IV-7 Baseline of Noise (dB) 24 Sep. 25 Sep. Standard value No. Monitoring point 2016 2016 Day/night Day/night Day/night 1 East boundary of Tanghe pumping station 50.2/40.0 51.4/40.9 55/45 (Grade I) 2 South boundary of Tanghe pumping station 52.0/39.7 52.8/441.5 55/45 (Grade I) 3 West boundary of Tanghe pumping station 51.0/40.5 52.0/41.6 55/45 (Grade I) 4 North boundary of Tanghe pumping station 51.6/40.9 51.2/42.4 55/45 (Grade I) 5 Residential area of Xiaodao Village 52.7/40.9 50.5/40..1 55/45 (Grade I) 6 East boundary of Wangjiayu WSP 55.6/3.1 54.5/41.6 60/50 (Grade II) 7 South boundary of Wangjiayu WSP 55.1/41.7 55.0/41.1 60/50 (Grade II) 8 West boundary of Wangjiayu WSP 54.9/41.1 566.0/42.5 60/50 (Grade II) 9 North boundary of Wangjiayu WSP 56.7/41.8 56.7/42.1 60/50 (Grade II) 10 Yulianwan Residential Community 56.3/43.1 57.1/41.1 60/50 (Grade II) 11 Hainuoshoufu Residential Community 56.1/3.1 55.2/2.9 60/50 (Grade II) The residential community at west of Zhanqian 12 51.8/41.6 52.7/41.5 55/45 (Grade I) Street. 13 Ethnic Kindergarten 52.2/40.5 50.3/40.2 55/45 (Grade I) 14 Xishanhe Residential Community 50.9/41.0 53.3/40.2 55/45 (Grade I) 15 Wenhua School 54.5/41.0 50.3/41.1 60/50 (Grade II) Residential area at south of Hongtaigou 16 51.8/40.5 53.5/40.5 55/45 (Grade I) Pumping Station 17 No.1 Qianshan Pumping Station 53.6/41.7 53.3/2.4 70/55 (Grade 4a) 18 No.2 Qianshan Pumping Station 50.5/40.8 52.8/40.7 55/45 (Grade I) 19 Honglou Residential Community 54.8/40.4 52.9/42.8 60/50 (Grade II) 20 Tanggangzi School 49.4/39.5 53.8/38.4 55/45 (Grade I) 21 Tanggangzi Sanatorium 45.2/39.8 44.9/39.5 55/45 (Grade I) 22 Tianherenjia Residential Community 51.3/40.9 50.0/40.2 60/50 (Grade II) 24 Sep. 25 Sep. Standard value No. Monitoring point 2016 2016 Day/night Day/night Day/night 23 No. 63 Middle School 48.2/40.8 47.7/41.0 55/45 (Grade I) The workers' dormitory of the NO.3 Metallurgy 24 60.7/2.6 59.8/42.8 70/55 (Grade 4a) Company 25 Lishanjinyuan Residential Community 61.4/42.1 60.7/42.3 70/55 (Grade 4a) 26 No. 8 Middle School 53.7/42.6 544.0/442.1 55/45 (Grade I) 27 No. 48 Middle School 50.1/440.9 50.5/440.1 55/45 (Grade I) 28 No.42 Kindergarten of Anshan Steel Co. 43.7/40.1 442.2/40.1 55/45 (Grade I) 29 Shuangshan Hospital 53.1/41.7 53.9/41.2 55/45 (Grade I) 30 Boyuan Senior High School 51.3/41.7 50.1/440.1 55/45 (Grade I) 31 No.51 Middle School 53.44/41.9 53.7/40.8 55/45 (Grade I) 32 Honghaocheng Residential Community 62.7/45.1 63.8/42.6 70/55 (Grade 4a) 33 Tuanjie Residential Community 57.2/41.6 52.2/41.7 70/55 (Grade 4a) 34 No.35 Middle School 54.3/42.6 54.6/42.6 55/45 (Grade I) 35 Shijifengjing Residential Community 63.2/41.5 62.5/42.5 70/55 (Grade 4a) 36 No.10 Kindergarten 61.4/40.7 62.9/41.4 70/55 (Grade 4a) 37 No.68 Middle School 53.2/41.7 53.4/40.3 55/45 (Grade I) 38 Tiedong District Hospital 53.7/41.8 53.4/40.3 60/50 (Grade II) 39 Kaishengfaner Residential Community 52.4/42.1 51.4/42.1 55/45 (Grade I) 40 Anshan Weather Bureau 53.2/42.7 54.1/42.1 55/45 (Grade I) 41 Sifangtai Village 49.2/41.9 47.4/41.6 60/50 (Grade II) 42 Changdajiayuan Residential Community 54.7/41.7 53.9/40.1 55/45 (Grade I) 43 Banfu Town Residential Community 59.2/40.8 57.9/41.2 70/55 (Grade 4a) 44 Residential Area at south of Qingfeng Alley 53.3/41.8 53.2/40.6 55/45 (Grade I) 45 Tiexi District Bureau of Justice 51.3/42.6 449.8/42.1 60/50 (Grade II) 46 Debao Middle School 47.2/42.1 45.0/40.0 60/50 (Grade II) 47 Anshan No.2 Hospital 50.7/43.7 50.3/40.1 60/50 (Grade II) 48 No.46 Middle School 53.1/42.1 54.7/40.6 60/50 (Grade II) 49 Rixin Residential Community 50.7/43.7 50.0/41.7 60/50 (Grade II) 50 Fengheyuan Residential Community 51.3/41.7 51.2/41.3 55/45 (Grade I) 51 Lvsezhihui Residential Community 51.3/42.2 50.8/41.2 55/45 (Grade I) 52 Huisile Residential Community 49.2/41.5 48.2/40.9 55/45 (Grade I) Source: the domestic EA (iv) The situation of Anshan urban water supply system 75. The water source and WSPs. The Anshan water supply system is composed of three parts: the municipal water supply system; water supply system of Anshan Iron and Steel Co., and the water supply system owned by the industrial and mining enterprises. The municipal water supply system is the main part. 76. There are four water sources for the municipal water supply system, of which two surface water sources are Tanghe River with the capacity of 350,000 m3/d, and Laohushan WSP with the capacity 150,000 m3/d; Two groundwater sources are: Dazhaotai WSP with the capacity of 20,000m3/d, and West suburb water source with the capacity of 30,000 m3/d. The designed water supply capacity of the municipal system is 577,500m3/d, while the current maximum water supply is 470,000m3. The current NRW is 39%, and the tap water supply coverage is 93%. The total urban population is 1.467 million, of which the water supplied population by the municipal water supply system is 1.3881 million. 77. Tanghe River is the largest surface water source for Anshan City, which was a large-scale water supply project financed by the Japanese loan. The WSP includes Phase I and Phase II, with the designed capacities of 350,000m3/d, including Phase I of 200,000m3/day and Phase II of 150,000m3/day. The Phase I of the project was completed in July 1993 and the phase II was completed in 2010. The system includes reservoir water intake, raw water transmission pipeline, water treatment, and water distribution. Wangjiayu WSP is the largest one in Anshan City, which supplies water to the districts of Tiedong, Lishan and Qianshan in the City, accounting 70% of the city’s total water supply amount. But the water quality of WSP cannot meet the national Drinking Water Quality Standard of GB5749-2006. The west suburb water source is located 6 km away from the urban area, including a group of wells and the WSP, with the water supply amount of 30,000m3/d. 78. The distribution pipeline network. The total length of existing water distribution pipeline is 2,526 km, in which about 300 km pipes have been operating for more than 30 years. The aged pipeline cases high NRW and water quality problem. Figure IV-1+2 Aged pipes resulting high NRW Figure IV-3+4 rusty Pumping Equipment 79. The secondary water supply system. The urban area of Anshan City is 154.3km2, about 10km from north to south and 7 km from east to west. The feature of landscape is higher in the east and south and lower in west and north, with 97m elevation difference maximally (114 m ASL in Tiedong District and 17 m ASL in Tiexi District). In order to meet the residential communities located on higher elevation area, without increasing the pressure of municipal pipe network, there are 406 secondary booster pumping stations, which supply water to about 350,000 urban residents. 80. There are 624,000 residential tap water consumers in the urban areas, and 138,800 water meters have been operating for more than 10 years (generally, water meter life cycle is 6 years). Although the Anshan water supply company used its own fund to update partial water meters each year, but still more aged water meters in operation. The most water meters are old rotating type, with large metering error. IV-3 Fushun 81. Fushun is located in the center of Liaoning Province, 45 km south of Shenyang, with the total area of 11.271 km2 and the population of 2.19 million in 2015, including urban population of 1.41 million. Fushun was known in China as "The Capital of Coal Mine. The regional GDP was RMB 127.66 billion yuan in 2015. (i) Natural Environment 82. Weather and hydrology: Fushun is under the continental monsoon climate in the warm temperate zone, with four distinct seasons, the average temperatures range from 5.0℃ to 7.0℃. the extreme maximum temperature and extremely minimum temperature were 36.9 ℃ and - 30.4℃, respectively. The average annual precipitation is 760-790 mm, mostly occurring during July to September. 83. Topographic and Geology: Fushun is located in the alluvial plain of Hun River valley with hills in the south and north. The average elevation of the municipality is 65 to 99 m ASL. The city is strip layout along the Hun River, with the length over 30 km from east to west, and the width of 6 ~ 8km from north to south. The terrain gradually reduced from east to west, and the slope is one thousandth. The entire urban area is separated into the six blocks of South River, North River, Wanghua, Dongzhou, South, Zhangdang by the Hun River, its tributaries and two opencast coal mines. Dahuofang Reservoir is located upstream of the eastern part of the city, with the capacity of 2.1 billion m3. The geological tectonics belongs to the Cenozoic Quaternary geology. 84. Hydrological Condition: The largest river in the city is Hun River, which is originated in the Gunmaling hill of Changbai Mountains, in the Qingyuan Manchu Autonomous County, and flows westward through Fushun and Shenyang to Sancha River, and then flows to the Daliao River after the confluence of Sancha River and Taizi River, finally flows into the Bohai Sea through Yinkou Municipality. The length of the main stream is 415km, with watershed area of 11,481 km2. The length of Fushun section of Hun River downstream from the Dahuofang Reservoir to the Sifangtai is 38.5km, with river width of 290 ~ 1000m, the slope of 0.85%, and the average flow in the dry season is 8.2 m3/s and only 2.6 m3/s in winter. The main surface water sources in the city are Hun River, Dahufang Reservoir, Shifusi Reservoir. The average annual water resource is 9.13 billion m3 including surface water of 9.09 billion m3 and groundwater of 859 million m3. (ii) Current status of construction site 85. During the mid-term restructuring the newly added WSPs renovation project will be carried out in the water company's existing WSPs, without land acquisition and resettlement. The proposed Fushun municipal pipeline constructions will be laid under the existing municipal roads(non-motorized lanes); while the residential courtyard pipe works will be laid under the residential community’ path, small part of the pipes will pass through greenbelt within the residential yards, the path and grassland will be recovered after the pipes are constructed. The proposed pumping station works will be conducted within the existing sites of the WSC without any land acquisition and resettlement. Specific environmentally sensitive protection objectives are shown in Table IV-23. (iii) Environmental Baseline 86. Ambient air: According to the data from "Environmental Quality Report of Fushun City (2015)", in the year of 2015, there were 362 air quality monitoring effective days, of which 260 days reached the standard quality, with standardized rate of 71.8%. In the six pollutants, the annual average concentration of PM10 is 94ug/m3, exceeded the Grade II quality standard of 0.34 times; the annual average concentration of PM2.5 is 53µg/m3, exceeded the Grade II standard of 0.51 times. The annual average concentrations of SO2, NO2 are 31 µg/m3 and 34µg/m3, respectively; the daily average concentration of CO and O3 were 2.5µg/m3 and149µg/m3, respectively, which all meet the Grade II standards. 87. According to the data from "Environmental Quality Report of Fushun City (2020)", in the year of 2020, there were 365 air quality monitoring effective days, of which 280 days reached the standard quality, with standardized rate of 76.8%. In the six pollutants, the annual average concentration of PM10 is 71ug/m3, exceeded the Grade II quality standard of 0.01 times; the annual average concentration of PM2.5 is 43µg/m3, exceeded the Grade II standard of 0.23 times. The annual average concentrations of SO2, NO2 are 17 µg/m3 and 27µg/m3, respectively; the daily average concentration of CO and O3 were 1.5µg/m3 and148µg/m3, respectively, which all meet the Grade II standards. 88. Noise: According to the "Environmental Quality Report of Fushun City (2015)", in 2015, the sound environmental compliance rate of Fushun functional area was 70.0%. Among them, the average value of daytime acoustic environmental quality was 55.4dB, with compliance rate of 80.0%; while the nighttime average value was 48.7dB, with compliance rate of 60.0%. The sound environment of Class 0, Class 1 and Class 2 during daytime and nighttime are all met the standard. The acoustic environment of Class 3 during daytime was all met the standard and the sound environment at night was all exceeded the standard. The monitoring results of acoustic environment in functional areas of Fushun in 2015 are shown in Table IV-8. Table IV-8 The Baseline of Acoustic Environment in Fushun in 2015 Unit: dB (A) Average Class 0 Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Quarter Value Day Night Day Night Day Nigh Day Night Day Night Day Night I 42.3 37.1 46.1 40.2 53.3 43.4 62.1 59.7 72.8 63.5 55.3 48.8 II 42.8 36.3 50.4 40.2 54.0 44.6 60.5 58.9 72.8 60.3 56.1 48.1 III 41.8 36.4 48.3 45.0 52.2 46.6 60.9 59.9 72.7 61.7 55.2 49.9 IV 41.6 37.3 47.4 42.0 52.6 41.8 60.3 58.5 72.1 60.9 54.8 48.1 Annual 42.1 36.8 48.1 41.9 53.0 44.1 61.0 59.3 72.6 61.6 55.4 48.7 Source: Domestic EA 89. The acoustic environmental quality monitoring has been conducted for Hebei and Haicheng WSPs. The monitoring data is based on the on-site monitoring data of Liaoning Jiarui Environmental Testing Co., LTD in November 2021 (See Table IV-9). From the monitoring results, it can be seen that the east and north sides of Hebei WSP meet the "Acoustic Environmental Quality Standard" (GB3096-2008) class 1 standard, and the south and west sides meet the "Acoustic Environmental Quality Standard" (GB3096-2008) class 4A standard; The south, west and north sides of the boundary of Haicheng WSP conform to the class 1 standard of Acoustic Environmental Quality Standard (GB3096-2008), and the east side conform to the class 4A standard of acoustic Environmental Quality Standard (GB3096-2008). Table IV-9 The Baseline of Acoustic Environment for Hebei and Haicheng WSP in 2021 Unit: dB (A) 2021.11.2 2021.11.3 标准 Monitoring location Day Night Day Night Day Night East 48 42 47 40 55 45 South 66 51 58 52 70 55 Hebei WSP West 58 52 59 49 70 55 North 49 42 53 43 55 45 East 64 54 68 53 70 55 South 48 42 48 41 55 45 Haicheng WSP West 47 42 44 42 55 45 North 48 40 49 43 55 45 90. Surface Water: According to the "Environmental Quality Report of Fushun City (2015)", the water quality of Zhangdang River was Grade V surface water standard. Of the monitoring parameters, the BOD5, petroleum, TP exceeded the Grade III standard, and the remaining parameters all met the standards. Table IV-10 Environmental Quality Data of Zhangdang River Parameter CODcr BOD5 Petroleum NH3-N Max Value 34 12 0.17 1.34 Min Value 5 1.5 0.04 0.059 Average Value 18.1 5.8 0.09 0.410 Exceeding the Standard 33.3 58.3 66.7 8.3 Rate % Grade III 20 4 0.05 1.0 Standard Source: the domestic EA 91. According to the "Environmental Quality Report of Fushun City (2015)", the water quality of Haixin River section was worse than Grade V Standard. The pollutants exceeded standards were NH3-N, TP and petroleum. Table IV-11 Baseline of Haixin River Parameter COD BOD Petroleum NH3-N Max Value 36 9.8 0.25 9.31 Min Value 5 2.6 0.01 0.797 Average Value 22.8 5.5 0.1 4.09 Exceeding the Standard 8.3 33.3 0 33.3 Rate % Grade IV 30 6 0.5 1.5 Standard Source: the domestic EA 92. Water quality of the Hun River: The monitoring results show that the water quality of Fushun section of Hun River met the Grade IV water quality standards. In the whole river section monitoring, the average value of petroleum met Grade IV standard; The TP met the Grade III standard; the permanganate index, BOD5 and NH3-N met the Grade II standard, and the rest parameters met the class I standard. 93. In 2015, according to the monitoring dada, the average water quality of Hun River (Funshun Urban section) met the Grade IV surface water standard. Of the monitoring parameters, the average value of petroleum met the Grade IV standard, and the TP met the Grade III Standard, and the permanganate index, BOD5 and NH3-N met the Grade II Water Quality Standards, and the other parameters monitored met the Grade I Standard. 94. According to the data of The Ecological and Environmental Quality Report of Fushun City (2016-2020), the main stream of Hun River (Fushun district) was class III water body in 2020. Among the monitoring indexes, the annual average concentrations of chemical oxygen demand and total phosphorus meet class III water quality standard, and the annual average concentrations of other monitoring indexes meet or are better than class II water quality standard. In the sections of the main tributaries of Hun River (Fushun Section), Haixin estuary section has inferior V water quality standard, and the index of inferior V water quality standard is ammonia nitrogen; The section of Lishi Estuary meets the class V water quality standard. The sections of Zhangdang river mouth, Dongzhou River mouth, Oujia River mouth, General river mouth and Guguzi river mouth are in line with class IV water quality standard. IV-4 Fuxin 95. Fuxin is located in the northwest of Liaoning Province, with the total area of 10,323 km 2 and the population of 1.9 million in 2015, including urban population of 770,000. The regional GDP was RMB 54.2 billion yuan in 2015. (i) Natural environment 96. Topography and Geology: Fuxin is located in the transition zone between the Inner Mongolia Plateau and the Liaohe River Plain, and lies in the hilly and mountainous areas of western Liaoning. The mountainous areas are located in the west and southwest areas, while the hills are in the north and northwest, the plains are concentrated in Zhangwu County and southeast of Fumeng County. The project area is flat and wide, and the geomorphic unit is transitional type from the erosion quasi-plain to the alluvial plain. The lower layer is strong weathering Jurassic sedimentary sand shale, with stable geological structure and simple lithological structure. 97. Weather: Fuxin is located in the northern temperate zone, with typical continental monsoonal climate, with four clearly distinct seasons, cold winter and dry summer. the average temperatures is 8.7℃. the extreme maximum temperature and extremely minimum temperature were 37.5℃ and -23.0℃, respectively. The average annual precipitation is 457 mm, mostly occurring during July to September. 98. Hydrology: Xi River is the only river flowing through the Fuxin urban area, which originated in the west slope of Luotuo Hill in Fumeng County, flows through the Xinqiu, Fuxin County, Fuxin urban area, Dongliang, and Qinghemen, and finally flows into the Daling River in Yi County. The total length of river in Fuxin region is 86.2 km. the river is now the sewage body of Fuxin City, receive wastewaters from both nearby enterprises and residents. The main surface water sources in the city are Liu River, Yangximu River, Raoyang River and Xi River. The average annual water resource is 973.08 million m3 including surface water of 503.9 million m3 and groundwater of 606.4 million m3. (ii) Current status of construction site 99. The proposed Fuxin municipal pipeline constructions will be laid under the existing municipal roads (non-motorized lanes); while the residential courtyard pipe works will be laid under the residential community’ path, small part of the pipes will pass through greenbelt within the residential yards, the path and grassland will be recovered after the pipes are constructed. The permanent land of the pump station project covers an area of 6.048 mu, of which, the state- owned land transfer with compensation of 3.024 mu, the land owns by the Development Zone Government; the project also acquired construction land of 3.024 mu in Xinqiu District, the status quo of land is wasteland with vegetation coverage rate 60%. (iii) Environmental baseline 100. Ambient air: According to the Monitoring Report of Ambient Air Quality of Fuxin City in 2015, the Ambient Air Quality and assessment result is shown in the Table IV-12. Table IV-12 The Baseline of Ambient Air Quality (μg/m3) Grade II Standard (annual Standard Pollutant Data (Annual average) average) exceed multiple SO2 52 60 0.87 NO2 30 40 0.75 PM10 101 70 1.44 PM2.5 49 35 1.4 Source: the domestic EAs 101. The above data show that the average annual concentration of PM10 and PM2.5 exceeded the Grade II ambient air quality standard of GB3095-2012, while the average annual concentration of SO2 and NO2 met the Grade II Standard. The main reason for the PM10 and PM2.5 standards exceeding is fugitive dust caused by strong wind in spring. 102. Surface water: According to the “Monitoring Report of the Surface Water Quality in Fuxin City (2015)�, in July and August 2015, the water quality of the Gaotaizi section of Xi River met the Class V surface water standard of GB3838-2002. 103. Baseline of noise: Noise monitoring was conducted at 12 points, comprising 4 at the boundaries of the WSP s (No.1-4), four at the boundaries of 10,000 m3/d pumping station, and the 4 points at the boundaries of 15,000 m3/d pumping station, respectively. Monitoring was conducted on two consecutive days from 26-27 July 2016 by Dalian Huaxin Physical and Chemical Testing Center. In accordance with PRC Acoustic Environmental Quality Standard (GB3096-2008), assessment areas for construction of WSP and pumping stations are classified as Class II. And the monitoring data show that all the baseline noise data met the standard. Table IV-13 Noise Baseline at Naodehai WSP 1# East 2# South 3# West 4# North Grade II Boundary Boundary Boundary Boundary Boundary Standard Date Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night 2016.7.26 47.8 39.6 46.1 43.1 45.2 39.1 48.0 39.5 60 50 2016.7.27 47.8 39.6 47.4 43.7 47.1 42.4 46.5 43.8 60 50 Source: the domestic EAs Table IV-14 Noise Baseline at the 10000 m3/d Pump Station (dB) 5# East 6# South 7# West 8# North Grade II Boundary Boundary Boundary Boundary Boundary Standard Date Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night 2016.7.26 50.4 39.6 50.7 42.3 52.4 43.8 50.0 42.5 60 50 2016.7.27 50.1 39.1 50.9 40.1 52.5 43.7 50.1 41.0 60 50 Source: the domestic EAs Table IV-15 Noise Baseline at the 15000 m3/d Pump Station 9# East 10# South 11# West 12# North Grade II Boundary Boundary Boundary Boundary Boundary Standard Date Day Night Day Night Day Day Day Night Day Night 2016.7.26 47.3 42.5 45.0 41.8 60 60 51.3 43.7 60 50 2016.7.27 45.9 43.0 46.2 42.6 60 60 53.6 43.5 60 50 Source: EA Report (5) The situation of Fuxin water supply system 104. Raw water sources and water supply amount. The water sources of Fuxin city include three groundwater sources (Ling River, Wangfu, Daba) and three surface water sources (Naodehai Reservoir, Baishi Reservoir, and Fosi Reservoir), with the maximum water supply capacity of 350,000 m3/d. In 2015, the highest water supply amount of urban area is 250,000 m3/d, of which the surface water takes up 160,000 m3/d (accounting for 64%), and the groundwater takes up 90,000 m3/d (accounting for 36%). In order to protect local ecological environment, the four WSPs will have to be shut down except the WSPs of Naodehai and Baishi according to the plan. The raw water pipeline for the two WSPs is about 90 km, and the terrain that pipelines along is complex, and crosses several rivers. If raw water pipeline failure occurs, it will severely impact the water supply safety in the city. 105. Fuxin Water Supply Company is the only water supply enterprise in the City. Its water supply area is 78.3 km2 and coverage rate of 98%, the length of water supply pipeline is 2197 km. The company is responsible for supply tap water to 1,600 enterprises and institutions, more than 20,000 industrial and commercial users, more than 0.34 million households (nearly 0.8 million residents). The total annual water supply amount is 73.36 million m3. 106. The current water consumption per capita in Fuxin urban area is 0.11 m 3/d only, With the coal resource exhausted, Fuxin’ accelerated industrial transformation and development, its water supply shortage gradually revealed. The water supply shortage seriously affects the economic development of the City and its residents’ life. 107. Fuxin City’s water supply system was founded in 1930s. Part of the water supply pipeline is aged with high leaking rate, especially in the old residential communities. The average leakage rate of pipe network in some old residential communities is up to 60%. In 2015 a year, the total amount of water leaking loss was as high as nearly 7.0 million m3 annually, which caused waste of water resources, energy consumption, and high cost of water supply. According to statistics, the domestic water supply cost is higher than the world average level. The cost of water supply in Liaoning Province is higher than the national average level. And Fuxin is the highest cost one in Liaoning province. 108. In 2015, the water quality compliance rates of treated water and in pipe were 99.7% and 99.51%, respectively. The main parameters exceeded the standards are turbidity (with the exceeded standard rate of 1.5%), residual chlorine (exceeded 0.41%), thermos-tolerant coliform (exceeded 0.20%). The reason for the exceeded standard are aged pipeline network and pipeline sediment, and the pipeline leakage, etc. there is no qualified water quality monitoring instruments to ensure accuracy of water quality monitoring. Nevertheless, due to shortage of investment, the project construction has not been fully completed. 109. The Naodehai WSP, use surface water as its raw water, is located in the eastern part of Fuxin City. Its design capacity is 100,000 m3/d, the actual maximum water production amount is 70,000 m3/day. The WSP was built in the early 1990s. Most equipment have been aged and malfunction. The interior walls of water purification chamber peel off seriously, which not only affects the appearance, but also may plug the process equipment, and impact the treated water quality. Most of old equipment need to be replaced under this project. IV-5 Gaizhou 110. Gaizhou is located in the northwest of Liadong Peninsula, 212 km south of Shenyang, with the total area of 2,930 km2 and the population of 720,000 in 2015. The regional GDP was RMB 9.84 billion yuan in 2015. (i) Natural environment 111. Geology and Geomorphology: The landform of Gaizhou city is hilly area of southern Liaoning. Its eastern and southeastern low mountains and hills are the extension of Qianshan geographical position, and its west and northwest areas are the plain, which form the ladder landform of the east high and west low. The western coastal area is 5 m ASL, the lowest point of the city; and the average elevation of plain area is 19m ASL, while the hilly area is 48m ASL, and the low mountain area is 170m ASL. The Buyunshan Mountain located at the junction of Luotun Township and Zhuanghe County is 1,130m ASL, the highest point in southern Liaoning. 112. The proposed project site is located at hilly area of eastern Liaoning Province, with elevation around 35-31m generally. According to the 2001 edition of " Seismic Ground Motion Earthquake Acceleration Map of China " (GB18306-2001), the ground motion peak acceleration is 0.30g, the characteristic period of ground motion response spectrum is 0.65s, and the corresponding earthquake basic intensity is 7 degrees. 113. Climate: Gaizhou belongs to the warm temperate continental monsoon climate, with four distinct seasons. The annual average temperatures is 9.5℃, the extreme maximum temperature and extremely minimum temperature were 35.6℃ and -27.0℃, respectively. The average annual precipitation is 670-830 mm, mostly occurring during July to September. 114. Hydrology and water resources: There are five rivers of Daliao, Daqing, Biliu and Xiongyue in Gaizhou City. The Daqing River runs through the urban area, with the average annual flow of 127.89 million m3 within Gaizhou. The seasonal runoff of Daqing River is concentrated from June to September (accounting for 82.3% of total annual flow). The average annual water resource of the city is 141.75 million m3 including surface water of 131.03 million m3 and utilizable groundwater of 11.72 million m3. (ii) Current status of construction site 115. The treated water pipeline will be laid along the east of 202 Highway, it will temporarily covers an area of 84 mu, including the construction land 17.1 mu, dry field of 18.263 mu, orchard of 48.637 mu (it needs to take up the existing road surface of 202 Highway 150 m x 10 m near Tashan WSP). According to the survey along the line, the pipeline of restructure project is laid along the road, and the temporary area of the pipeline is mainly used for municipal facilities. The original vegetation in the area where the project is located has long been gone, and the road is flanking with green belts and street trees, mainly poplar and willow trees. Felling and removal of trees are not involved in the temporary land area of the line. No protected ancient and famous trees were found in the area affected by the project. (iii) Environmental baseline 116. Ambient air: Ambient air quality monitoring was conducted for seven consecutive days from 25-31 August 2016 by the Gaizhou Environmental Monitoring Station (EMS). Three monitoring points were selected, No.1 Tieta Village – 150m east of the main water supply pipeline; No.2 Dongbaling Village – 200m southwest of the WSP; and the No.3 Jijia Village – 180 m north of the raw water transmission pipeline. Four parameters were monitored (Table 4-8). The applicable standard here is Grades II Ambient Air Quality Standard. The monitoring results are shown in Table IV-16 and IV-17. Table IV-16 Baseline of Ambient Air Quality Pollutant TSP PM10 No.2 No1. No.2 No.3 No1. Tieta No.3 Jijia Monitoring point Dongbaling Tieta Dongbaling Jijia Village Village Village Village Village Village Range of concentration 182~200 186~202 180~194 82~94 108~118 84~94 (μg/m3) Max Value 200 202 194 94 118 94 (μg/m3) 2016.8.25 186 198 182 90 116 94 2016.8.26 200 186 192 94 114 92 Daily 2016.8.27 192 208 188 88 112 90 average 2016.8.28 190 198 188 90 112 90 value (μg/m3) 2016.8.29 190 202 194 94 118 92 2016.8.30 182 194 180 82 108 84 2016.8.31 194 208 192 92 114 92 Standard Value 300 150 Source: the domestic EAs Table IV-17 Ambient Air Quality Status Pollutant SO2 NO2 No.2 No.3 No1. No.2 No.3 No1. Tieta Monitoring point Dongbaling Jijia Tieta Dongbaling Jijia Village Village Village Village Village Village Max Value(μg/m3) 2 2 2 22 26 24 2016.8.25 2 2 2 18 20 18 2016.8.26 2 2 2 20 22 18 Daily 2016.8.27 2 2 2 18 20 18 Average 2016.8.28 2 2 2 22 26 20 value (μg/m3) 2016.8.29 2 2 2 22 26 24 2016.8.30 2 2 2 16 20 18 2016.8.31 2 2 2 18 20 18 Standard Value 150 80 Source: the domestic EAs 117. The monitoring result shows that the average daily concentration of TSP, PM10, SO2 andNO2 all met the Grade II standard of GB3095-2012. 118. According to the Announcement on Environmental quality of Yingkou City (including Gaizhou) in 2020, the mass concentration of SO2, NO2, PM10, CO and O3 in Yingkou City in 2020 can reach the level 2 standard limit of ambient air quality, and PM2.5 exceeds the level 2 standard limit. Therefore, the area where the project is located is the area where the atmospheric environmental quality does not meet the standard, and the basic pollutant that does not meet the standard is PM2.5. Table IV-18 Ambient Air Quality Status in 2020 Pollutan Concentration Standard Reach the Annual evaluation index t (ug/m3) (ug/m3) standard Mean annual mass PM10 63 70 Yes concentration Mean annual mass PM2.5 41 35 No concentration Mean annual mass SO2 10 60 Yes concentration Mean annual mass NO2 30 40 Yes concentration Average daily mass CO 1.9 mg/m3 4.0 mg/m3 Yes concentration Maximum 8-hour moving mean O3 156 160 Yes daily concentration 119. Noise: Noise monitoring was conducted by Gaizhou EMS at 7 points, comprising 4 at the boundaries of the WSP, and three villages near the WSP, respectively. Monitoring was conducted on two consecutive days from 25–26 August 2016. The applicable standard for the noise impact areas are Grade II and Grade IV of sound environmental quality standard (GB3096-2008). The monitoring results are shown in Table IV-19. Table IV-19 Baseline of Noise (Gaizhou) Monitoring Point East South West North Mentun Dongbaling Guanjiadian Monitoring boundary boundary boundary Boundary Village Village Village date 25 Aug. Day 48.9 47.2 48.5 50.1 68.5 67.6 68.0 2016 Night 40.4 39.2 40.0 41.7 52.1 46.2 47.1 26 Aug. Day 48.4 46.5 48.9 49.6 67.8 66.9 67.1 2016 Night 40.0 38.4 40.5 41.2 51.4 45.8 46.3 Standard Day 60 60 60 60 70 70 70 Value Night 50 50 50 50 55 55 55 Source: the domestic EAs 120. From the table above, the noise value during the daytime and night at the four boundaries of the Dongbaling WTP, and the nearby Villages of Mentun, Dongbaling and Guanjiadian met the Grade II or Grade IV Standard of GB3096-2008. 121. Noise monitoring was conducted by Gaizhou EMS at 4 points at the boundaries of the WSP. Monitoring was conducted on two consecutive days from 26–27 November 2021. The applicable standard for the noise impact areas are Grade II and Grade IV of sound environmental quality standard (GB3096-2008). The monitoring results are shown in Table IV-20. Table IV-20 Baseline of Noise (Gaizhou) Monitoring Point Monitoring East boundary South boundary West boundary North Boundary date 26 November. Day 58 59 58 64 2021 Night 42 41 43 45 27 November. Day 57 58 55 63 2021 Night 43 44 43 46 Day 60 60 60 60 Standard Value Night 50 50 50 50 Source: the domestic EAs 122. From the table above, the noise value during the daytime and night at the four boundaries of the Dongbaling WTP basically met the Grade II or Grade IV Standard of GB3096-2008. (iv) The situation of Gaizhou Water Supply System 123. Gaizhou urban water supply area is divided into three zones, Hebei District, Henan District (including the east new district) and Beihai New District. At present there are two groundwater WSPs, with the designed capacity of 65,000m3/d, and the actual water supply amount of 40,000m3/d. 124. Tashan WSP, located at the foot of Tashan Mountain, was built in 1990. The WSP, with the total area of 0.99ha, takes water from 6 deep wells along the north riverside of Daqing River. The water supply capacity is 15,000m3/d. The length of water transmission pipeline (DN400) is 3 km. The water treatment process includes groundwater taking and chlorinated disinfection. Due to urban development, the water supply capacity is planned to expand to 45,000m3/d. 125. Henan WSP, located in Daqing River Economic Development District, was built in 2004, with the total area of 1.2ha. The water supply capacity is 20,000m3/d. The treatment process is groundwater taking from wells and chlorinated disinfection. 126. The water distribution pipeline of Hebei District in Gaizhou City was constructed in 1972, with the total length of 42 km (DN100-DN600). Most of pipes were constructed in 1972, together with the Tashan WSP, but some pipes for the old residential communities were constructed even in 1950s-1960s, with high leakage rate. 127. The distribution pipeline of Henan District, constructed together with the Henan WSP, is generally in good condition. The distribution network (DN200-DN800) with the total length of 24.9km, for the East District and Beihai New District, is under construction, after the construction, the total length of water distribution pipe in the city will be 67 km. 128. At present, the water supply networks in the newly built residential communities are relatively completed, but those within the old residential communities, due to aged pipes, the water leakage is high, and with potential secondary water quality contamination. There are no partitioned metering neither pipeline flow monitoring device in some low water pressure areas and semi-urban areas. In some areas, even water bills are charged by number of people or household, not by actual water consumption. There is no intelligent water supply and pipeline system in the city. IV-6 Environment Protection Objectives within Project Area of Influence in five Project Cities 129. Based on the characteristics of the proposed project components/subprojects, the environmental features of the sites and inspection by the EA Institutes, the sensitive receivers within the projects’ area of influence in the five project cities have been identified, which are listed in Table IV-19 to Table IV-23 below. 130. The environmental impact factors for the project environmental protection objectives are all dust, noise and construction safety. The applicable environmental standard is Class II in Ambient Air Quality Standard (GB3095-2012) and Class 1, 2 and 4a in Acoustic Environment Quality Standard (GB3096-2008). In addition to the Christianity Church in Shenyang, the project doesn’t involve water source protection zone, nature reserve zone and scenic spots and other sensitive areas except one Catholic church in Shenyang. (1) Environment Protection Objectives for Shenyang Project 131. The main constructions of Shenyang Project are pipeline works, the related environment protection objectives are residential communities, schools, hospitals, and kindergartens, etc. along the pipeline routes. The major impacts during the construction are dust, noise, traffic congestion and safety, etc. the constructions involve 5 railway crossings and 8 river crossings (Table 7-8). For reducing the impacts to the river environment and railway transportation, the trenchless technologies (pipe-jacking and pipe–pulling) will be adopted, which are environmentally friendly technologies with only small amount of slurry and surplus earth impact. 132. Shenyang Nanguan Catholic Church was built in 1878, which was destroyed by fire in 1900. The existing structure was rebuilt in 1912. The total area of church is 1100 m2 (66m in south to north direction, and 17m in west to east direction), with the height of 40m. The church was named as municipal heritage conservation unit by Shenyang Municipal Government in February 1985, while named as the provincial heritage conservation unit by Liaoning Provincial Government in December 1988. The church is the catholic community center in Shenyang and the northeast area of China. Currently, the numbers of catholic believers participating the weekly Mass are about 2000. The nearest distance between the construction site and the protection boundary of Church (30m out of the Church wall) is about 180m. The construction will not occupy (including temporary occupying) any area within the protection range. Table IV-21 Environmental Protection Objectives - Shenyang Construction Item Sensitive Objective Char Enviro Co Affec acter nmenta nstr Dist ted Lengt Environmental of Applicable Locati ucti anc Hous l Item h Protection Prote Standard on on e to ehold Impact ( m) Objective ction Typ Site / Factor Obje e Scale ctive Yangguang Resid 12 210 Bound Ne Wutongyuan ential Jiansh ary wly Resid e Xi 729.4 Baishun Yuan 25 - Newly Buil ential Road Class II in Build 1 d Resid Luer Xintiandi 23 - Ambient Air ential Quality Resid Hengda Huafu 10 189 Standard ential Dust, (GB3095- Resid noise Langrun Yuan 13 864 2012); ential and Class II in Bound Zhaog Ne Fangda Resid constru 10 72 Acoustic ary ong wly 2389.8 Shengjing ential ction safety Environmen Newly Bei Buil 9 Resid Yujingting 18 26 t Quality Build 2 Road d ential Standard Resid Meihao Yuanjing 13 180 (GB3096- ential 2008) Resid Lvxiajueshi Yijing 1 96 ential Unknown Resid 1 448 Community ential Small Bound Ne amount ary Beiyi wly 1118.8 Crossing Pass through Aban s of Newly Road Buil 3 length of 6m Railway at 1 done slurry - Build 3 d (trenchless location d and construction) surplus earth Resid Bound Xinxin Jiayuan 5 288 Class II in Jiansh Reh ential ary Ambient Air e abili Resid Rehab 690.16 Hongwei Jindu 6 - Quality Zhong tatio ential ilitation Standard Road n Qianyuan Resid Dust, 1 23 - (GB3095- Aiyucheng ential noise 2012); Resid and Mingze Yuan 8 110 Class II in ential constru Acoustic Unknown Resid ction 8 45 Environmen Community 1 ential safety t Quality Unknown Resid Bound 60 Standard Reh Community 2 ential ary Nan (GB3096- abili Resid Rehab No.11 419.52 Fuhai Yuntian 5 183 2008) tatio ential ilitation Road n Weig Small Water 2 Crossing ong amount quality of length of Pass through Canal s of Class V in 22m river at 1 location , slurry Surface (trenchless sewa and Water construction) ge surplus Environmen Construction Item Sensitive Objective Char Enviro Co Affec acter nstr Dist ted nmenta Lengt Environmental of Applicable Locati ucti anc Hous l Item h Protection Prote Standard on on e to ehold Impact ( m) Objective ction Typ Site / Factor Obje e Scale ctive outlet earth tal Quality river Standard (GB3838- 2002) Yingbin Hauyuan Resid Class II in 5 1200 Bound and etc. ential Ambient Air Nan Reh ary One Quality Shiyi abili 1378.8 Prima Rehab teachi Standard Xi tatio 8 Yuhong Zhongxin ry Dust, ilitation 5 ng (GB3095- Road n Primary school scho noise 3 buildi 2012); ol and ng Class II in constru Resid Acoustic Fuhai Yuntian 5 308 ction ential Environmen safety t Quality Shicheng Resid Standard 18 397 Huayuan ential (GB3096- 2008) Bound Nan Reh Water ary Shier abili Weig quality of Rehab 708 Small Zhong tatio ong Class V in ilitation Crossing amount Road n Canal Surface 4 length of s of Pass through , Water 34m slurry river at 1 location sewa Environmen (trenchless and ge tal Quality construction) surplus outlet Standard earth river (GB3838- 2002) Resid Xinhu Mingzhu I 171 18 Bound ential Reh ary Xinghu Resid abili Xinhu Mingzhu II 18 640 Rehab a Bei 235.49 ential tatio ilitation Street Xinfeng n Resid 5 Yongjinghaochen 2 - ential Class II in g Ambient Air Com Quality Interna munit 40 Reh Tiexiqu Huimin Standard l Weigo y 6 hospit Dust, abili Hospital (GB3095- Rehab ng 5200 hospi al bed noise tatio 2012); ilitation Street tal and n Class II in 1 Diyicheng and Resid constru 6 1800 Acoustic etc. ential ction Environmen Resid safety Zhonghai Square 25 - t Quality ential Bound Standard Reh Resid ary Xin Hancheng 25 - (GB3096- Tawan abili 1136.9 ential Rehab 2008) Street tatio 1 Tawan Resid ilitation 2 - n Community ential 9 Zhonghai Resid 16 180 Huanyutianxia ential Bound Yaosh Reh Com 38 123.78 Huanggu Bayuan 8 ary an abili munit hospit Construction Item Sensitive Objective Char Enviro Co Affec acter nstr Dist ted nmenta Lengt Environmental of Applicable Locati ucti anc Hous l Item h Protection Prote Standard on on e to ehold Impact ( m) Objective ction Typ Site / Factor Obje e Scale ctive Rehab Road tatio y al bed ilitation n hospi 10 tal Unknown Resid 8 580 Community ential Resid Huatai Xindu 22 - ential Resid Fanglin Jiayuan 16 108 ential One Prima Bound teachi Songh Reh Baijiang Primary ry ary 14 ng uajian abili school scho Rehab 316.74 buildi g tatio ol ilitation ng Street n 11 Resid Residential Along 10 40 ential Bound Pass through In Crossing Constru Reh ary Zhujia railway at 1 opera length of ction - abili 1326.5 Rehab ng location tion 30m safety tatio 6 ilitation Street Resid n Residential along 5 1200 12 ential Two Class II in Shenyang Middl teachi Ambient Air No.134 Middle e 6 ng Quality School Scho buildi Standard Dust, ol ngs (GB3095- noise One 2012); Prima and Interna teachi Class II in Reh Zhujiang No.5 ry constru l Jinshaj 4 ng Acoustic abili School scho ction Rehab iang 1000 buildi Environmen tatio ol safety ilitation Street ng t Quality n 13 Two Standard Shenyang Middl teachi (GB3096- No.120 Middle e 7 ng 2008) School Scho buildi ol ng Resid Fangxin Yuan 4 360 ential Class II in Interna Ambient Air Reh Liaohe l Basha Quality abili Residential Resid Rehab n 950 4 650 Standard tatio Community and ential Dust, ilitation Road (GB3095- n etc. noise 14 2012); and Interna Class II in Reh constru l Fosha Acoustic abili Gelin Xiameng Resid ction Rehab n 950 3 6800 Environmen tatio and etc. ential safety ilitation Road t Quality n 15 Standard Interna Daoyi Reh (GB3096- 1 Resid l Bei abili Taifengyuan etc 12 2008) 50 ential 20 Rehab Street tatio Construction Item Sensitive Objective Char Enviro Co Affec acter nstr Dist ted nmenta Lengt Environmental of Applicable Locati ucti anc Hous l Item h Protection Prote Standard on on e to ehold Impact ( m) Objective ction Typ Site / Factor Obje e Scale ctive ilitation n 16 Interna Reh l Huang Shengyang abili Unive Rehab he Bei 1620 Normal 25 - tatio rsity ilitation Street University etc n 17 Shengyang Normal Interna Reh University, l Daoyi abili Liaoning Unive Rehab Bei 6960 25 - tatio University, rsity ilitation Street n Shenyang 18 Hangkonghangtia n University Interna Ne l Wenda wly 50 Rongsheng Yuan Resid 20 1200 Newly Road Buil 0 etc ential Build 5 d Three Interna Ne Prima Taiyue teachi l wly ry shan 900 Tawanxiao 8 ng Newly Buil scho Road buildi Build 6 d ol ngs Interna Ne Yinsha l wly Fuliyangguang Resid n 1500 12 800 Newly Buil etc ential Road Build 7 d Small amount Interna Ne Crossing Yalujia Pass through Aban s of l wly length of 6m ng 4500 railway at 1 done slurry - Newly Buil (trenchless Street location d and Build 8 d construction) surplus earth Interna Ne Xiangl Wankesiji Class II in l wly Resid ushan 1000 Huacheng and 10 1600 Ambient Air Newly Buil ential Road etc Quality Build 9 d Standard Interna Dust, Ne (GB3095- l Huisha noise wly Baodao Resid 2012); Newly n Xi 1500 10 1200 and Buil Community ential Class II in Build Road constru d Acoustic 10 ction Environmen Interna safety Ne t Quality l Wenda wly Wanfang Lvye Resid 8 Standard Newly 5860 8 Road Buil etc ential 0 (GB3096- Build d 2008) 11 Interna Xijiang Ne Pass through Unkn Crossing Small 2800 - l Bei wly river at 1 location own length of 6m amount Construction Item Sensitive Objective Char Enviro Co Affec acter nstr Dist ted nmenta Lengt Environmental of Applicable Locati ucti anc Hous l Item h Protection Prote Standard on on e to ehold Impact ( m) Objective ction Typ Site / Factor Obje e Scale ctive Newly Street Buil river (trenchless s of Build d construction) slurry 12 and surplus earth Prima Class II in Zaohua Primary ry Ambient Air - - school scho Quality ol Standard Dust, Bolin Resid (GB3095- 16 400 noise xiandaicheng etc ential 2012); and Class II in constru Acoustic ction Environmen Baile Community Resid safety 8 60 t Quality etc ential Standard (GB3096- Interna 2008) Reh l Daoyi Water abili Rehab Bei 5920 quality of tatio Small ilitation Street Pu Class V in n Crossing amount 19 River, Surface length of s of Pass through Class Water 35m slurry river at 1 location V Environmen (trenchless and water tal Quality construction) surplus body Standard earth (GB3838- 2002) Interna Reh l Hushit abili Xinning Jiayuan Resid Rehab ai 21640 40 - tatio etc ential ilitation Street n 20 Interna Class II in Reh l Jiansh Ambient Air abili Chanye Xingu Resid Rehab e Beier 2000 8 1600 Quality tatio etc ential ilitation Road Standard n Dust, 21 (GB3095- noise 2012); and Shenyang Middl Class II in constru Zhendong Middle e 21 - Acoustic ction School Scho Environmen Interna safety Reh ol t Quality l Bangji abili One Standard Rehab ang 1700 tatio Shenyang Middl teach (GB3096- ilitation Street n No.107 Middle e 7 ing 2008) 22 School Scho buildi ol ng Chengjian Resid 7 900 Donghuayuan etc ential Interna Xindon Reh 600 Zhujing Xinguang Resid 5 2200 Construction Item Sensitive Objective Char Enviro Co Affec acter nstr Dist ted nmenta Lengt Environmental of Applicable Locati ucti anc Hous l Item h Protection Prote Standard on on e to ehold Impact ( m) Objective ction Typ Site / Factor Obje e Scale ctive l g Er abili etc ential Rehab Street tatio ilitation n 23 Two Interna Middl teach Reh Shenyang No. 5 l Dagua e 14 ing abili Middle School Rehab n Bei 1000 Scho buildi tatio ilitation Street ol ngs n 24 Shengning Yuan Resid 14 2200 etc ential One Interna Liaoning outp Reh Hospi l Xiaohe Provincial 8 atient abili tal Rehab yan 500 Tumour Hospital buildi tatio ilitation Road ng n 25 Jiefangjun No. Hospi 10 - 463 Hospital tal Interna Reh l Shanli abili Yubeiyi Resid Rehab n 700 8 360 tatio Community ential ilitation Road n 26 Prima Bound Jingmei Primary ry Reh 6 - ary school scho Dashiz abili Rehab 529.1 ol i Street tatio ilitation Unknown n Resid 7 residential 9 480 ential building Bound Reh ary Unknown Zhulin abili 1898.3 Resid Rehab residential 7 450 Road tatio 1 ential ilitation building n 8 Resid Yutai Community 18 220 ential Water quality of Interna Small Reh Xi Class V in l Nanya amount abili Pass River, Surface Rehab nghu 2500 Crossing length of s of tatio through Class Water ilitation Street 6m (trenchless slurry n river at 1 V Environmen 3 construction) and location water tal Quality surplus body Standard earth (GB3838- 2002) Interna Reh Dust, Class II in Xihena l abili Unknown Resid noise Ambient Air n 1100 16 660 Rehab tatio Community ential and Quality Road ilitation n constru Standard Construction Item Sensitive Objective Char Enviro Co Affec acter nstr Dist ted nmenta Lengt Environmental of Applicable Locati ucti anc Hous l Item h Protection Prote Standard on on e to ehold Impact ( m) Objective ction Typ Site / Factor Obje e Scale ctive 31 ction (GB3095- Bound safety 2012); Reh ary Fushu Class II in abili Resid Rehab n 762.17 Residential along 5 2200 Acoustic tatio ential ilitation Road Environmen n 13 t Quality Bound Japanese Standard Reh Cons 3 - ary Shisiw Consulate (GB3096- abili ulate Rehab ei 263.61 USA Consulate 3 - 2008) tatio ilitation Road Resid n Residential along 3 390 14 ential Bound Reh ary Harbin abili Old Beizhan Xi Resid Rehab 762.23 6 1900 Road tatio Community etc. ential ilitation n 15 One Bound Shenyang NO. Middl teach Reh ary 126 Middle e 3 ing Bawei abili Rehab 787.1 School Scho buildi Road tatio ilitation ol ng n 16 Jinhua Resid 4 1600 Community etc ential Interna Reh Dianye l Zhong abili Community, Resid Rehab xing 1000 - 2500 tatio Tiesha ential ilitation Street n Community etc. 4 Prima Interna Reh Zhenxing No.2 ry l 3 - Jiaxing abili School scho Rehab 800 Class II in Street tatio ol ilitation Ambient Air n Resid 5 Wanlicheng etc 3 2400 Quality ential Standard Interna Dust, Reh (GB3095- l Shash noise abili Meigui Resid 2012); Rehab an 900 3 2700 and tatio Gongguan etc ential Class II in ilitation Street constru n Acoustic 6 ction Environmen Interna safety Reh Changxin t Quality l Wulihe abili Community, Resid Standard Rehab 460 5 2200 Street tatio Wanke Zijinyuan ential (GB3096- ilitation n etc 2008) 7 Interna Reh l Ningbo abili Yicong Huayuan Resid Rehab 880 13 820 Road tatio etc. ential ilitation n 8 Interna Wansh Reh Baoshi Jiayuan Resid 450 3 1100 l ousi abili etc ential Construction Item Sensitive Objective Char Enviro Co Affec acter nstr Dist ted nmenta Lengt Environmental of Applicable Locati ucti anc Hous l Item h Protection Prote Standard on on e to ehold Impact ( m) Objective ction Typ Site / Factor Obje e Scale ctive Rehab Street tatio ilitation n 9 Interna Reh l Wansh abili Chenguang Resid Rehab ousi 200 2 460 tatio Community etc. ential ilitation Street n 10 One Shenyang Middl teach Communist Youth e 8 ing League Middle Scho buildi School ol ng One Shenyang Middl teach Experimental e 8 ing Middle School Scho buildi Interna Reh ol ng l Fengti abili Com Rehab an 1700 38 tatio munit ilitation Street Shenhe No.8 hospi n y 8 11 Hospital tal hospi beds tal Middl Shenyang No.7 e 8 - Middle School Scho ol Maoquan Resid 6 1300 Community etc. ential Interna Reh Dianye l Nanyiji abili Community, Resid Rehab ng 960 3 480 tatio Xingsheng ential ilitation Street n Community etc 12 Interna Ne Taiyua l wly Unknown Resid n Nan 680 4 1300 Newly Buil Community etc ential Street Build 1 d Resid Baihe Yuan etc. 14 800 ential Interna Ne Nany Small Heping l wly un amount Nan 600 Pass Newly Buil River, Crossing length of s of Street through Build 2 d Class 50m (trenchless slurry river at 1 V construction) and location water surplus body earth Interna Wenti Ne Lvjing Jiayuan Resid Dust, Class II in 2200 6 900 l Xi wly etc. ential noise Ambient Air Construction Item Sensitive Objective Char Enviro Co Affec acter nstr Dist ted nmenta Lengt Environmental of Applicable Locati ucti anc Hous l Item h Protection Prote Standard on on e to ehold Impact ( m) Objective ction Typ Site / Factor Obje e Scale ctive Newly Road Buil and Quality Build 3 d constru Standard Interna Ne ction (GB3095- l Sha wly Sanli Hepingwan Resid safety 2012); 1180 8 1600 Newly Street Buil etc. ential Class II in Build 4 d Acoustic Taoyuan Resid Environmen 3 800 Community etc. ential t Quality 45 Standard staff, (GB3096- the 2008) distan ce betwe Bound en Reh ary Xishun the abili Religi Traffic Rehab cheng 321.29 const tatio Nanguan ous i 2,00 congest ilitation Street ructio n Catholic Church nstitu n site 0 ion and 17 tion to the safety prote ction boun dary is 180m . Interna Ne l Quany wly Quanyuan Resid Newly uan Yi 400 6 400 Buil Community etc. ential Build Road d 17 Interna Ne l Jiangd wly Jiangdong Resid Newly ong 2500 6 400 Buil Community etc ential Build Street d 18 Interna Ne l Fangli wly Unknown Resid Newly ng 1120 5 600 Buil Community ential Build Road d 19 Baoli Huayuan Resid 5 2000 etc ential Small Interna amount Ne Crossing l Dongxi Pass through Aban s of wly length of 6m Newly n 2100 railway at 1 done slurry - Buil (trenchless Build Road location d and d construction) 20 surplus earth Pass through Huish Crossing Small river at 1 location an length of amount Construction Item Sensitive Objective Char Enviro Co Affec acter nstr Dist ted nmenta Lengt Environmental of Applicable Locati ucti anc Hous l Item h Protection Prote Standard on on e to ehold Impact ( m) Objective ction Typ Site / Factor Obje e Scale ctive Canal 15m s of , (trenchless slurry polluti construction) and on surplus recei earth ving river Dust, Middl noise Interna Shenyang No. 51 Reh e and l Middle School 22 - Fumin abili Scho constru Class II in Rehab 1600 Street tatio ol ction Ambient Air ilitation n safety Quality 29 Resid Standard Fuminyuan etc 6 1200 ential (GB3095- One 2012); Middl teach Class II in Shenyang No. 30 e 5 ing Dust, Acoustic Middle School Scho buildi noise Environmen Interna Ne ol ng and t Quality l Guihu wly One constru Standard Newly a 1150 Buil Middl teach ction (GB3096- Build Street Qingsong Middle d e 18 ing safety 2008) 13 School Scho buildi ol ng Jinbao Huayuan Resid 12 900 etc. ential Shenf Small u Crossing amount Canal Interna length of s of Ne Pass through , l Yingch 40m slurry wly river at 1 location Class Newly un 2500 (trenchless and Buil V Build Street construction) surplus d water 14 earth body Resid Class II in Haitang Huayuan 8 400 ential Ambient Air Quality Standard Dust, (GB3095- noise 2012); and Biguiyuan Class II in Interna Resid constru Ne Fenghuangcheng 20 800 Acoustic l Dingch ential ction wly etc Environmen Newly un 2200 safety Buil t Quality Build Street d Standard 15 (GB3096- 2008) Shenf Crossing Small Water Pass through u length of amount quality of river at 1 location Canal 40m s of Class V in Construction Item Sensitive Objective Char Enviro Co Affec acter nstr Dist ted nmenta Lengt Environmental of Applicable Locati ucti anc Hous l Item h Protection Prote Standard on on e to ehold Impact ( m) Objective ction Typ Site / Factor Obje e Scale ctive , (trenchless slurry Surface Class construction) and Water V surplus Environmen water earth tal Quality body Standard (GB3838- 2002) Class II in Ambient Air Quality Standard Dust, (GB3095- noise 2012); Xiushui Resid and 15 600 Class II in Huacheng etc ential constru ction Acoustic Environmen safety t Quality Standard (GB3096- Interna Ne 2008) l Yingch wly Small Newly un Bei 3500 Buil amount Build Street Crossing d Pass through s of 16 In length of 6m railway at 1 slurry - use (trenchless location and construction) surplus earth Huna Small n Crossing amount Canal length of s of Pass through , 15m slurry river at 1 location Class (trenchless and V construction) surplus water earth body Class II in Ambient Air Quality Standard Dust, Interna (GB3095- Reh noise l Qiaoso 2012); abili Xiushui Resid and Rehab ng 3500 5 200 Class II in tatio Huacheng ential constru ilitation Road Acoustic n ction 28 Environmen safety t Quality Standard (GB3096- 2008) Source: the domestic EA (2) Environment Protection Objectives for Anshan Project Table IV-22 Environmental Protection Objectives – Anshan Location/ Affected Environmental Applicable Objective Distance Household/Person Impact Factor Standard 1)Environmental Protection Objective for Tanghe River Pump Station 53 Households/212 Grade II in Ambient North/6m Person Noise, Air Quality Xiaodaogou Village construction Standard;Class I in 62 Households/248 West/27m safety Acoustic Environment Person Quality Standard COD, Ammonia Class II in Surface Tanghe River North/186m — Nitrogen and Water Quality etc. Standard 2)Environmental Protection Objective for Wangjiayu Water Plant Grade II in Ambient dust, noise, Air Quality Standard 692 construction (GB3095-2012); Zhongye East/42.8m Households/2076 safety, noise Class II in Acoustic YuluanwanCommunity Person during Environment Quality operation Standard (GB3096- 2008) 906 Hainuo Shoufu West/10.5m Households/2718 Community Person 80 Households/240 Planning Community North/5m Person Class IV in Surface COD, Ammonia Water Quality Wanshuihe River South/4200m — Nitrogen and Standard (GB3838- etc. 2002) 3) Environmental Protection Objective for Booster Pump Station Environmental Location/ Affected Environment Protection Pump Station Protection Distance Household/Perso al Impact Requireme Objective (m) n Factor nt Xiangwan North/13 1260 Padiou m Households/3780 10# Gaoxin Community Person Pump Station Yanhai Zhihui 1020 North/5m Community in Households/3060 Grade II in Construction Person Ambient Air North/26 3 Households/12 Quality m Person Standard 22# Hongtaigou Hongtaigou 3 Households/12 dust, noise, (GB3095- West/7m Pump Station Residential Area Person construction 2012); 15 Households/60 safety, noise Class I in South/7m Person during Acoustic 594 operation Environment Taohuayuanju East/17m Households/1782 Quality Community 80# Huanjian Person Standard Pump Station 216 (GB3096- North North/11 2008) Households/648 Residential Area m Person 13# Shengousi No. 468 Shengousi No. 6 6 Area Pump East/6m Households/1404 Residential Area Station Person 36 South/9m Households/108 Person 234 North/13 Households/702 m Person 16# Shengousi No. Shengousi No. 7 432 7 Area Pump Area Residential South/8m Households/1296 Station Area 区 Person 18# Dongshanfengjin 540 North/10 Dongshanfengjin g Households/1620 m g Pump Station Community Person 432 North/8m Households/1296 8# Lvzhiyuan Lvzhiyuan Person Pump Station Community 144 South/12 Households/432 m Person 72 East/8m Households/216 Person 1# Shengousi 72 Zhengyang No. 2 Area West/10m Households/216 Residential Area Pump Station Person 468 North/5m Households/1404 Person 192 49# Ping’an South/9m Households/576 Community Wanxiang Person Pump Station huachuang 270 (Shengchan Community North/8m Households/810 Street) Person 468 South/7m Households/1404 9# Beichukou Beixing Fuyuan Person Pump Station Residential Area 216 North/7m Households/648 Person 162 East/13m Households/486 Person 7# Qixiangtai Residential Area 324 South/10 Pump Station Nearby Households/972 m Person 27 Households/81 West/1m Person 144 Grade II in East/12m Households/432 Ambient Air Person Quality 108 Standard 12# Bajiazi Guohuai West/13m Households/324 (GB3095- Pump Station Residential Area Person 2012); 216 Class II in North/14 Households/648 Acoustic m Person Environment Residential 216 Quality 2# Changzheng Area near Pump East/12m Households/648 Standard Pump Station Station Person (GB3096- 216 2008) South/9m Households/648 Person 108 North/7m Households/324 Person Source: the domestic EA (3) Environment Protection Objectives for Fushun Project Table IV-23 Original Sensitive Receptors and Protection Objectives – Fushun Distance from the Affected Environment Protection Objective Construction Site(m) Household 50 m within pipeline Xingyuan Community 690 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Qixiangzhan Bungalow 35 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Songjianglu Residence 383 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Pijiuchang Residence 303 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Yixi Community 1763 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Jinglun Community 3183 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Erfang Residence 726 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Wumanyi Residence 1856 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Bei’Anlu Community 1305 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Liudonglou Community 1913 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Dongzhou Avenue Residence 1746 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Zuran Bungalow 167 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Tian Community II & Sanyuan Residence 375 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline East of Yilan Street 92 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Jinqiu Community 408 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Ajingou Community 3011 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Ajingou South 1633 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Dalian Railway Residence 300 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Dawan Bungalow 28 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Dalian Bungalow 94 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Dawan Pumproom South Residence 916 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Dalian Community Residence 3692 reconstruction Distance from the Affected Environment Protection Objective Construction Site(m) Household 50 m within pipeline Dalian Community West Bungalow 24 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Kuangqian Community 1565 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Shidonglou Community 2722 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Dongshan Community 450 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Bolichang Bungalow 230 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Dongshanhuan Community 285 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Zhangdang No.1 School Bungalow 47 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Hydrologic Station Bungalow 50 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Beilong Mechanical Residence 1609 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Jiedusuo Bungalow 110 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Dianganchang Bungalow 72 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Firefighter Residence 20 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Taipinggou Residence 540 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline East 5 Road Residence 976 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Xintun No.2 Japen Building 757 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Meidulu North Community 1052 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Langshi Bungalow 524 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Hexi Community 922 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Langshi Residence 258 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Sushi Building 719 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Xintun No.11 Factory Residence 204 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Huanli Bungalow 167 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Jianshe Community 1845 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Naihuo Community 560 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Fenghua Community 1937 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Tieling Community 1503 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Xingang Community 1270 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Youyuan Community 1424 reconstruction Distance from the Affected Environment Protection Objective Construction Site(m) Household 50 m within pipeline Meiyan Community 1091 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Changtu Community 1493 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Heshun Community 1424 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Benxi Community 793 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Xifeng Community 153 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Meiyan West Community 1679 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Changsheng Community 2566 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Wanzhong Community 1584 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Bawei Road Community 798 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Sanbao Community 542 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Hongxing Community 2464 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Xingguang Community 694 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Liaozhong Community 4568 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Danbei Community 1746 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Dengta Community 1876 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Youyan Community 896 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Tai’An Community 2078 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Liaoyang Community 1390 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Gutian Community 2017 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Tiancheng Community 4057 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Tingtao Yanyuan 1420 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Yanwu Community 1232 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Yousan Community 2397 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Nanyi Community 1053 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Kaiyuan Community 3334 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Jinzhou Community 1458 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Jixiu Community 737 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Jianxin Community 1955 reconstruction Distance from the Affected Environment Protection Objective Construction Site(m) Household 50 m within pipeline Xinhe Community 1671 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Jiayuan Community 1055 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Lantian Shui’An 801 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Leyuan Community 1236 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Gaiping Community 800 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Chenguang Community 344 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Jialonglin 129 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Xinyu Community 161 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Jun’An Community 716 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Xin Tiande 397 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Jinshun Community 670 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Lao Tiande 327 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Zhongxin Community 242 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Fuwan Fuwan 267 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Wankelong 232 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Heping Xinyuan 139 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Gaoxing Yuan 124 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Zonghe Building 101 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Jindi 400 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Guohua Community 1077 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Huacheng II 483 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Rixin 365 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Huacheng I 749 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Anyi Yaju 252 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Bishui Jiayuan 193 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Liwan Community 577 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Honggang Community 1464 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Jinwan Yaju 407 reconstruction Distance from the Affected Environment Protection Objective Construction Site(m) Household 50 m within pipeline Mingde Community 895 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Gaoli Jiayuan 442 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline No.4 Grain Depot 132 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Petroleum No. 1 Factory 34 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Xige Village 635 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Gongnong Bungalow 144 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Lvchang Bungalow 66 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Fu Mine No.1 Company 431 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Huiyuan Jiaju II 360 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Huiyuan Jiaju III 695 reconstruction Neighborhood Around Coal Preparation Plant Office 50 m within pipeline 15 Room reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Hutai Street North Residence 720 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Wanxin Quadrangle Dwellings 674 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Huwan Road Community 926 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Neighborhood of Grain Management Agency 32 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Lizigou No 7-10 Building 432 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Huoyaoku No. 27 Building 1215 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Qiantai Mountain 2806 reconstruction Pannan Road Nanhuayuan West Street- Nanhuayuan 50 m within pipeline 3240 Central Street reconstruction 50 m within pipeline North of Nanchang Road reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Huangji Gou 45 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Neigborhood of Qiantaishan Primary School 27 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Neigborhood of Hudong Road 692 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline West Mountain of Lizigou 904 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline East Mountain of Lizigou 512 reconstruction Pipleine Along Hutai Electronic Vehicle Station, Meidu 50 m within pipeline 432 Road To Maintanence Center reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Two Sides of Liushan No.4 Street 20 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline North Mechanic Community 644 reconstruction Distance from the Affected Environment Protection Objective Construction Site(m) Household 50 m within pipeline Old Buildings In Liushan 2430 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Across The Street of Hutai Shop 820 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline South of Hutai Street 692 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Nanling Residence 996 reconstruction Wanxin Dongshan Pump Station – Wudong Building, 50 m within pipeline 6 Dongshang Pan reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Wanxin No.3 Road 756 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Dongshangpan Bungalow 8 reconstruction Nanchang Road Lizigou Bridge Hold –Shengli Pump 50 m within pipeline 3 Station reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Hutai North Street 667 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Dongshan Community 530 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Nearby Area of Huafeng Factory Hospital 6 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Community Around Lizigou 1# Pump Station 1100 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline No.11 Factory Residence I 162 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline No.11 Factory Residence II 162 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Qianjinxiang Residence 456 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline 9 Buildings In Pingshan Firefighter Depatch 771 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline 4 Buildings In Nanhuayuan Bridge 212 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline 18 Buildings In Nanhuayuan No.5 Committee 924 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline 18 Buildings In Nanhuayuan Post Office Sanli 204 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline 4 Buildings In Nanhuayuan Wasteland 24 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline 9 Buildings Across Nanhuayuan Palace 324 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline 24 Household Building In Liushan 24 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline 21 Buildings In Liushan Old Makeshift House 945 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline 6 Buildings Below Liushan Post Office 336 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline 11 Buildings In Liushan Party School 396 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline 12 Buildings on Liushan 5 Building 540 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Donggang Bridge on Nanchang Road 14 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Yaodi 2540 reconstruction Distance from the Affected Environment Protection Objective Construction Site(m) Household 50 m within pipeline Guchengzi Nanchang Residence 1924 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Lizigou Bungalow 60 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Binhu Yaju Residence 430 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Old Buildings on Liushan Road 1460 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Liushan Shiwei 1200 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Panbei Community 1776 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Old Building In Donggan Avenue 240 reconstruction Laohutai Building Materials Factory To No.11 Factory 50 m within pipeline 9 Club reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Huxi Community 4320 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Buildings In Xintun 140 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Liushan No.3 Road 1450 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Huwan Xincheng I 420 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Nearby Area of Wanxin No.2 School 15 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Wanxin South Street 450 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Wulaodong Gutter 1188 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Nearby Area of Gongying Division Pump Station 65 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Zhongge 3381 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Qiange 3990 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline North of Hedong Zhuangshicheng Road 1736 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline North of Xinhua Original Municipal Company 3003 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline North And East on Xinhua Chaozhong 2452 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline North of Huaide Road East on Ningyuan Street 1748 reconstruction Shihua Community on Northwest on Jiangjun No.3 50 m within pipeline 672 School reconstruction East of Petroleum Hospital on North of Xincheng 50 m within pipeline 1533 Road reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Zhongge 110 Building 642 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Caichen 22 Square 1998 reconstruction Petroleum No.1 Factory Community (Across The Way 50 m within pipeline 630 of Petroleum Hospital) reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Caichen 21 Square 1661 reconstruction Distance from the Affected Environment Protection Objective Construction Site(m) Household 50 m within pipeline West of Jiangjun No.3 Street, East of Meiqi Daguan 2709 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Jiangjun Cement Factory Community 3555 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Jian’An Community 2037 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Kuangdeng Community 1162 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Qimao Community 2754 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Icbc Community 1667 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Bachang Community 2823 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Yidong Community 2864 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Meihe Community 4557 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Ji’An Community 2611 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Huinan Community 2886 reconstruction 30 Buildings on Xincheng Road – Linjiang Road, 50 m within pipeline 2063 Zhandong Street– Qian’An Street reconstruction 34 Buildings on Xinhua Road – Linjiang Road, Xinhua 50 m within pipeline 2020 Avenue– Qian’An Street reconstruction 37 Buildings on Xinhua No.2 Road – Xincheng Road, 50 m within pipeline 2193 Qian’An Street – Fuxi River reconstruction 35 Buildings on Xinhua No.2 Road – Fushuncheng 50 m within pipeline 3018 Road, Zhandong Street – Fuxi River reconstruction 50 m within pipeline 39 Building S on Fushuncheng Road, Shenji Line 2325 reconstruction 28 Buildings on Xinhua No.2 Road, Fuchuncheng 50 m within pipeline 2452 Road, Zhandong Street, Qian’An Street reconstruction 42 Building on Xinhua No.3 Road –Xincheng Road, 50 m within pipeline 2536 Qian’An Street, Xinhua Avenue reconstruction 33 Buildings on Xinhua Street – Ningyuan Street, 50 m within pipeline 3003 South of Linjiang Road reconstruction 42 Buildings Along Ningyuan Street – Railway Bridge, 50 m within pipeline 2326 Linjiang Road reconstruction 55 Builings on Xinhua Avenue – Ningyuan Street, 50 m within pipeline 8684 Xincheng Road –Linjiang Road reconstruction 13 Buildings on Xincheng Road – Mechanical Factory, 50 m within pipeline 645 Ningyuan Street - Railway reconstruction 36 Buildings on Xincheng Road – Huaide Road, 50 m within pipeline 1444 Guide Street, Railway Bridge reconstruction 21 Buildings on Huaide Road –Fushun Prison, 50 m within pipeline 1579 Ningyuan Street – Railway reconstruction Xincheng No.4 Road –Xincheng No.5 Road, Guide 50 m within pipeline 926 Street, Outside West Gate of Lvmantingfang reconstruction Xincheng No.5 Road –Xincheng Road, Guide Street, 50 m within pipeline 1980 Outside West Gate of Lvmantingfang reconstruction 50 m within pipeline North of Xincheng Road East on Changchun Street 965 reconstruction Xincheng No.4 Road, Xincheng No.3 Road, Xincheng 50 m within pipeline 340 Street – Xinhua Street reconstruction Distance from the Affected Environment Protection Objective Construction Site(m) Household Xincheng No.3 Road – Fushuncheng Road, Xincheng 50 m within pipeline 614 Street reconstruction 50 m within pipeline West on Ningyuan Street, North of Jinfeng Garden 1903 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Laomo Apartment on Gaoshan Road 348 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline West of Tianfeng Building on Xincheng Road 739 reconstruction 16 Buildings on Fushucheng Road – Railway, 50 m within pipeline 1211 Northern Station – Guide Street reconstruction 9 Buildings on Fushucheng Road – Railway, 50 m within pipeline 433 Ningyuan Street – Guide Street reconstruction North of Xincheng Road And West on Changchun 50 m within pipeline 900 Street reconstruction 45 Buildings on Xincheng Road- Linjiang Road, 50 m within pipeline 2126 Huichun Street – Fuxi River reconstruction 35 Buildings on Xincheng Road-Linjiang Road, 50 m within pipeline 1713 Changchun Road – Huichun Street reconstruction 50 m within pipeline 56 Buildings In Hedong Zelin Community 600 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline 30 Buildings on West of Gebu North Street 787 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Gebu North Street (Xincun) 777 reconstruction South of Xincheng Road And North of Linjiang Road, 50 m within pipeline East on Changchun Street And West on Celongcheng reconstruction 2063 Street 50 m within pipeline Gebu Road Qiange Traffic Post 1035 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline South of Gebu Road Business Office 567 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline West of Jiangjun Street South of Linjiang Road 1890 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Shihua Community on South of Linjiang Road 1198 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline West of Linjianglu And Nanhuichun Street 948 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Bolin Mingjun 524 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Gaoshan Road Xiangshan Villa 1750 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Taidong Huayuan 285 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Sanhe Community 1814 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Shuiyuan Community 2644 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Fengdong Community 1662 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Fengxiang Community 1964 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Xinguang Community 1587 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Hualong Community 2116 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Gongyuan Community 1511 reconstruction Distance from the Affected Environment Protection Objective Construction Site(m) Household 50 m within pipeline Licui Community 1964 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Yulin Community 1813 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Taidong Huayuan II 215 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Yongning Community 1662 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Donggang Community 2116 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Youyi Community 1964 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Xueyuan Community 1662 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Nanyang Community 2644 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Nantai Community 1162 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Dongyi Road Community 1813 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Beitai Community 1964 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Yingbin Community 2116 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Huashan Road Bungalow 90 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Dongsan Road Community & Xigongyuan Community 2116 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Minzhu Road Community 1813 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Dongba Road Community 2191 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Jiefang Road Community 1662 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Shangyecheng Community 1436 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Xijiulu Community 2191 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Yucai Community 2267 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Xiyi Road Community 1511 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Baiyun Community 1964 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Qianjin Community 1360 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Xinxing Community 1587 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Fuping Community 1964 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Nanyuan Community 1511 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Liantong Community 1436 reconstruction 50 m within pipeline Yuanxue Community 1662 reconstruction Source: the domestic EA Table IV-24 Sensitive Receptors and Protection Objectives around the WSPs after restructuring WSP Environmenta Environmental Direction Distanc Affecte Protection l factor Protection e (m) d Requiremen Objective Person t Hebei Air Hepan Xingfu North 228 1980 Grade II in WSP Community Ambient Air Fushun No. 6 North Quality Middle School 282 1500 Standard Fulongjiayuan Northeast 332 540 (GB3095- Community 2012) Shunfu Garden Northeast 511 600 Community Mechanical and East 265 1500 Electronic Community Hepanjiayuan Southeast 356 900 Community Hongsheng East 35 1140 Community Fushun No. 23 North Middle School 40 1200 Dongfang North 5 650 Community Nanbowan South 30 1600 Community Peninsula holiday Southwes 120 1215 Hotel t Central Mansion West 25 950 Community Zaishuiyifang Northwest 312 1020 Community Fushun Central Northwest Hospital 407 1500 Yangguangjiayua West 251 2700 n Community Surface water Hun river South 280 Class III in Surface Water (Fushun urban Quality Standard section) Noise Hongsheng East 35 1140 Class I in Community Acoustic Fushun No. 23 North Environment Middle School 40 1200 Quality Dongfang North 5 650 Standard Community (GB3096- Nanbowan South 30 1600 2008) Community Central Mansion West 25 950 Community Haicheng Air Xiangshuiwan East 23 405 Grade II in WSP Community Ambient Air Fushun Danbei South Quality Petrochemical 5 1800 Standard Community (GB3095- Dengta North 5 990 2012) Community Wanghua District Northwest Teacher training 5 230 School Dengta Northwest 133 432 Community Youyan Northwest 251 3560 Community Leyuan Northwest 73 1860 Community Chunguang Southwes 153 1750 Community t Xingguang Southwes 238 2600 Community t Fushun No. 42 Southwes 110 3500 Middle School t Hongxing Southeast Community 180 1500 Zhonghaizhi Southeast 151 1200 Community Huafuyaju Southeast 267 3200 Community Gaiping Southwes 489 450 Community t Surface water Guchengzi River Northeast 240 Class IV in Surface Water Quality Standard Noise Xiangshuiwan East 23 405 Class I in Community Acoustic Fushun Danbei South Environment Petrochemical 5 1800 Quality Community Standard Dengta North 5 990 (GB3096- Community 2008) Wanghua District Northwest Teacher training 5 230 School Gongyua Air Garden Northeast 382 4600 Grade II in n WSP Community Ambient Air Petrochemical Southeast 30 26 Quality Public Security Standard Bureau (GB3095- Fushun Northwest 172 2300 2012) Experimental Primary School Beitai Community Northwest 54 4500 Nantai Southwes 145 4600 Community t Taidong Garden Southwes 51 3600 Community t Tainanjiayuan Southwes 458 1550 Community t Surface water Hun river Northwest 880 Class III in Surface Water (Fushun urban Quality Standard section) Noise Factory bound Class II, 4a in Acoustic Environment Quality Standard (GB3096- 2008) Heping Air Hunhecheng Northeast 330 3510 Grade II in WSP Community Ambient Air Quality Standard (GB3095- 2012) Surface water Hun river Northeast 853 Class III in Surface Water (Fushun urban Quality Standard section) Noise Factory bound Class III in Acoustic Environment Quality Standard (GB3096- 2008) Ditai Air Erdaogou Village Northeast 104 430 Grade II in WSP Ditaifeng Village Northwest 145 580 Ambient Air Xige Village Southeast 215 460 Quality Standard (GB3095- 2012) Surface water Hun river Southeast 239 Class III in Surface Water (Fushun urban Quality Standard section) Noise Factory bound Class III in Acoustic Environment Quality Standard (GB3096- 2008) Jiangjun Air Beishan Southwes 183 4500 Grade II in WSP Community t Ambient Air Gaoshanmingzhu Southeast 390 1800 Quality Community Standard Gaoshan Northeast 192 2900 (GB3095- Community 2012) Yuanyangcheng Southwes 110 3200 Community t Tianyu Southeast 446 1600 Community Pingan Southeast 511 980 Community Surface water Hun river North 1615 Class III in Surface Water (Fushun urban Quality Standard section) Noise Factory bound Class III in Acoustic Environment Quality Standard (GB3096- 2008) Wujiabao Air Wujiabao Village Southeast 87 590 Grade II in WSP Huangjiagou Northeast 20 480 Ambient Air Village Quality Wujia Street Northwest 165 460 Standard Wujia Village Northwest 81 120 (GB3095- Youji Community Southwes 405 1080 2012) t Yixi Community Southwest 500 980 Dongfangmingzh Southwest 419 360 u Community Surface water Hun river Northwest 489 Class III in Surface Water (Fushun urban Quality Standard section) Noise Factory bound Class III in Acoustic Environment Quality Standard (GB3096- 2008) Source: the domestic EA (4) Environment Protection Objectives for Fuxin Project Table IV-25 Sensitive Receptors and Protection Objectives – Fuxin Environmental Location/ Affected Environmental Protection Protection Distance (m) Household/Person Impact Factor Requirement Objective Adjoining to dust, noise, Grade II in 37 Households/148 Xindi Village both sides of construction safety Ambient Air Person pipe Quality Standard Jianbalahuang 22m East of 11 Households/44 (GB3095- Village pipe Person 2012);Class II Adjoining to in Acoustic 35 Households/140 Hexi Village both sides of Environment Person pipe Quality Standard Adjoining to (GB3096-2008) 47 Households/188 Hedong Village both sides of Person pipe 291 Changxin 12m East of Households/1164 Community pipe Person 357 Xishan Quyu Adjoining Households/1428 Residence Person 558 Sanyiba Quyu Adjoining Households/2233 Residence Person 513 Miaopo Shichang Adjoining Households/2054 Residence Person 287 Jinxiujiayuan Adjoining Households/1147 Community Person 294 Shuhuayuan Adjoining Households/1175 Community Person 592 Min’an Community Adjoining Households/2365 Person 483 Kangleyuan Adjoining Households/1930 Community Person 202 Hengye I Adjoining Households/805 Community Person 151 Hengye II Adjoining Households/604 Community Person Dianchang 362 Shuangyue Adjoining Households/1445 Residence Person 268 Longxinjiayuan I Adjoining Households/1071 Community Person 229 Shanzhongjie Adjoining Households/915 Residence Person 288 Jinghua Xinrenlei Adjoining Households/1150 Community Person 606 Guangming Adjoining Households/2422 Community Person 430 Kaifaq Residence Adjoining Households/1717 Person 359 Jiaoyuxueyuan Adjoining Households/1435 Residence Person 282 Dongshichang Adjoining Households/127 Residence Area Person 359 Minzujie Residence Adjoining Households/1435 Area Person 282 Buxingjie Adjoining Households/1127 Residence Area Person Qinghemen 215 Kuangbeishan Adjoining Households/860 Residence Person 60 Households/240 Tielu Residence Adjoining Person 920 Chenxianqu Adjoining Households/3678 Residence Person 631 Ping’an Zhongbu Adjoining Households/2522 Person 623 107 Residence Adjoining Households/2489 Person 523 Hongshu Residence Adjoining Households/2092 Area Person 162 Zhanqianxi Adjoining Households/649 Community Person 68 Households/272 Jianjing Community Adjoining Person Jiuyingzihe River Pass Through / Class III in Surface Water Qinghe River Pass Through / Quality Standard (GB3838-2002) Source: the domestic EA (5) Environment Protection Objectives for Gaizhou Project Table IV-26 Original Sensitive Receptors and Protection Objectives-Gaizhou Environmental Location/ Affected Environmental Protection Protection Distance Household/Person Impact Factor Requirement Objective 80m Ease of 25 Households/100 Mentun Village Water Pipe Person 20 m South of 20 Households/60 Grade II in Caijiatun Village Water Pipe Person Ambient Air 160 m North of 15 Households/50 Quality Dabaling Village Standard Water Pipe Person dust, noise, (GB3095-2012) 20 m South and construction Class II in 10 m North on 90 Households/270 Dongbaling Village safety Acoustic both Sides of Person Environment Original Pipe Quality 20 m South and Standard 10 m North on 75 Households/225 (GB3096-2008) Guanjiadian Village both Sides of Person Original Pipe Source: the domestic EA Table IV-27 Sensitive Receptors and Protection Objectives after restructuring -Gaizhou Environmental Environmental Distance(m) Affected Protection factor Protection Household/Person Requirement Objective Air Within 500m from 500 100/350 Grade II in the project Ambient Air Quality Standard (GB3095-2012) Noise Court building, 10 50/175 Class II in Public security Acoustic branch family 8 60/193 Environment building Quality Gongqi Community 14 100/350 Standard Hande Community 13.5 100/350 (GB3096-2008) Huayang 15 80/280 Community Zhonghai I II III 10 200/700 phases Yijing Garden 5.6 80/280 Community Fengjingmingcheng 10 80/280 Community Wanhaodoushi 12.5 160/560 Community Xingchen 8 150/525 Community Tianhongmingju 9 70/245 Community Aotai Community 10 50/175 Yonganzhijia 11.9 100/350 he public utilities Bureau moved 7 50/175 back to the building Beiguan Wanhaojiayuan 9 120/420 Community Yixianghuayuan 10 100/350 Community Longshenghuayuan 10 100/350 Community Cotton-mill family 9 50/175 building Electrical family 10 50 /175 building Jindingyinxing 8.5 150/525 Community No.1 High School 5.4 500 Person Jinyuan Apartment 10 150/525 Yangguangjiayuan 10 200/700 Community Yangguanxincheng 10 100/350 Community Baoxiang 16 100/350 Community Shanshangdui 12.3 80/280 Village Hongqi Garden 9 150/525 Community Source: the domestic EA V. Due Diligence for Associated Facilities 133. A due diligence for the associated facilities of the project was conducted by the consultants and the EA Institutes based on the requirement of the World Bank Safeguard Policy. The followings are classified as facilities associated to this project: (i) the four reservoirs and dams; (ii) the two domestic financed WSPs in Fuxin City; and (iii) the operational capacity of the existing WWTP in five project Cities. V-1 Reservoir Dams 134. The proposed Project does not involve any activities to construct or rehabilitate dams. However, four existing reservoirs are associated with the Project, which are raw water sources of the subprojects in the five project cities. The four due diligence reports for the safety of reservoir dams were completed by the local consulting firm, with the parameters and safety evaluation results of dams/reservoirs, which are shown in Table V-1 below. 135. According to the report, the dams safety assessments for the reservoirs/dams were conducted by Liaoning Provincial Water Conservancy Department (LWCD) in 2012, and the assessment conclusions include: (i) that the major assessment items of main dam structures all the four associated dams assessed as Grade A; (ii) three dam steel structures were assessed as Grade A (Dahuofang Reservoir is Grade B); (iii) dam seepage functions for all the four associated dams were assessed as Grade A; (iv) the overall evaluation of dam safety for the 4 dams are A first-class dams; (v) the comprehensive safety assessment of three reservoirs is Class I except Tanghe Reservoir of Class II; and (vi) the operation assessment of all four dams is relatively good. And the approval certificates to the 4 associated reservoirs/dams were issued in 2012. 136. The water source for the Gezhou subproject has been changed from Shimen Reservoir to Yushi reservoir. The situation of Yushi Reservoir has been introduced in Chapter II. Table V-1 Main parameters and evaluation results of the associated reservoirs/dams Nadehai Shimen Dahuofang Jiaohe Dam/reservoir Reservoir Reservoir Reservoir Reservoir Gaizhou Shenyang & Subproject related Fuxin subproject Anshan subproject Fushun Completion year 1942 1971 1958 1969 4 times (1965, 4 times (the Consolidating and de- 2times (1974- 1970, 1991-1994, latest one was 2011-2014 danger years 1975, 1986) and 2007-2010 2002-2006 2.268 billion Storage capacity 168.3 million m3 108 million m3 626 million m3 m3 Rolling Concrete gravity clay sloping Type of dam Clay-core dam compacted dam san dam clay core dam Once in 200 Once in 1,000 Once in 1,000 Designed flood standard Once in 50 years years years years Length of dam 167m 350m 1367m 455m Height of dam crest 194m 47m 139.8m 118.66m width of the dam crest 4m 6m 52m 6m normal water level 181.5m 145m 131.5m 109.36 Evaluation of dam Grade A Grade A Grade A Grade A structure Evaluation of dam steel Grade A Grade A Grade B Grade A structure Evaluation of Grade A Grade A Grade A Grade A dam Seepage Overall evaluation of A first-class A first-class A second- A first-class dam dam dam dam class dam Liaoning Liaoning Liaoning Liaoning Provincial Provincial Provincial Agency issued the Provincial water water water water appraisal certificate conservancy conservancy conservancy conservancy Department Department Department Department Liao-Shui-jian- No. of Appraisal Liao-Shui-jian- Guan - - certificate Guan (2012)419 (2012)419 Date of issuing appraisal 28 Feb. 2012 28 Feb. 2012 - - certificate Number of operation 75 213 248 208 staff Emergency plan Yes Yes Yes Yes preparation Source: the Dam Safety Assessment Reports Figure V-1 Naodehai Reservoir after Figure V-2 Impounding reservoir project reinforcement in 2011 in Naodehai Reservoir Figure V-3 Slope surface after Figure V-4 Reinforced right wall of reinforcement in Shimen Reservoir spillway in Shimen Reservoir Figure V-5 Main spillway in Dahuofang Figure V-6 Water intake gate for water Reservoir supply in Fushun City in Dahuofang Reservoir Figure V-7 Reconstructed downstream Figure V-8 Reconstructed spillway of slope protection for Tanghe Reservoir Ranghe Reservoir dam V-2 Associated WSPs of Fuxin 137. The two domestic funded WSPs in Fuxin will be constructed in 2017, which are considered as the associated facilities to this project. The due diligence was conducted by the EA Institute during the project preparation, which shows that: i) the two FSRs and preliminary designs have been approved by Fuxin Municipal DRC in 2016; ii) the two domestic EA reports have been approved by Fuxin Municipal EPB in May 2016; iii) the environmental acceptance for the WSPs is scheduled in January 2018 (Table V-2) Table V-2 Due Diligence for the associated WSPs in Fuxin Qinghemen District Name of WSP Fuxin Urban WSP WSP Designed treatment capacity 100,000 m3/d 100,000 m3/d Floor space 96.17 mu (6.41ha) 108.96 mu (7.26 ha) Water treatment process Conventional process Conventional process Raw water source Surface water Surface water Major impacts during construction Dust, noise and traffic safety i) spraying water on construction sites and Major mitigation measures during transport routes, cover vehicles, earth and construction construction materials on site for dust control; ii)Installation of separators around the sites, and limit construction time for noise control; iii)make proper traffic management plan together with the local traffic polices to ensure traffic safety and prevent traffic jam. Noise impact, and chlorine leakage during Major impacts during operation operation i)installation of low-noise pumps and blowers with soundproof enclosures for noise control in the WSPs and pumping stations; ii) establishment of Major mitigation measures during operation emergency response mechanism for chlorine leakage accidence including detection, warning and treatment equipment. EIA approval authority Fuxin Municipal EPB Fuxin Municipal EPB EIA approval date 6 may 2016 26 May 2016 EIA approval document Fu_Env_Appr(2016)22 Fu_Env_Appr(2016)22 Expected date for environmental January 2018 January 2018 acceptance Source: EA Institute V-3 Wastewater Treatment Facilities 138. Shenyang. There are 34 existing WWTP in Shenyang city with the total processing capacity of 2.5046 million m3 / d, sewerage rate of 87.2%, including 27 sets of WWTP within the administrative regions in Shenyang with total processing capacity of 2.2445 million m3 / d. The Shenyang project does not include the construction of new WSP, but after pipeline project, it can reduce the water supply pipe network leakage rate, which can realize water supply of 1.7293 million m3 / d. Forward in Shenyang in 2030, water supply is expected to be 1.9574 million m3 / d, the status quo sewage treatment capacity has exceeds tap water capacity, which can completely meet the requirements after the project completion as well as the long-term water demand scale, the implementation of this project will not result in increase of pollution load. WSP status within the administrative regions in Shenyang is shown in Table V-4. Table V-4 WSPs in Shenyang Administrative Regions Design Capacity Effluent Construction/Operation No. Name of WSP Discharge (in Date Direction 10,000m/d) 1 Shenyang Nanbu WWTP 60 2012.10 Hun River 2 Beibu WWTP 40 1994- 1998.8 Xinkai River, Weigong Canal 3 Xannvhe WWTP 40 2003.7- 2003.12 Xi River 4 Shenshuiwan WWTP 20 2000-2003.11 Hun River 5 Nanxiaohe WWTP 1 2005.6-2005.10 Nanxiao River 6 Huibeihe WWTP 0.5 2005.5-2005.10 Huishan River 7 Hushitai Beichengzhen WWTP 2.5 2008 8 Hushitai Nan WWTP 2.5 - 9 Puhe Beibu WWTP 2 2008.7-2009.7 Pu River 10 Daoyi WWTP in Shenbei New 2.5 2009.8-2010.12 Nanxiao River District in Shenyang through municipal pipe 11 Shenyang Xibu WWTP 15 2005.7-2006.6 Xi River 12 Shenyang Mantanghe WWTP 2 2003.5-2003.9 Mantang River 13 Hunnan Shangjiahe WWTP 4 2006.10-2008.6 Hunnan Canal 14 Dongling Baita WWTP 2 2008.9-2009.9 Baitabao River 15 Shenyang Sujiatun District 5 2008.9-2011.5 Beisha River WWTP 16 Shenbei New District 2.5 2008.4-2009.7 Chang River Xinchengzi WWTP 17 Qipanshan Mantang WWTP 1.0 2008.5-2009.10 Mantang River 18 Yuhong District Shaling 2 2008.8-2011.6 Xiaohun River WWTP 19 Huishan Mingqu WWTP 3 2007.4-2007.10 Hun River 20 Mantang Resettlement WWTP 0.1 2007-2008 in Qipanshan Development District 21 Shenyang Jinhai Economic 6 In construction District WWTP 22 Yuhong District Zaohua 7 2009.4 Pu River WWTP 23 Yuhong District Luoping 0.2 2009-2010.5 Pu River Wetland WWTP 24 Huagong Park WWTP 1 2010 25 Shenyang Huinan New District 2 2008-2010.11 Baitabao River Industrial Zone WWTP 26 0.5 2009 Treated by acid pi Sujiatun Steel Tube Industrial Zone WWTP ckle 27 Dongling District Lixiang 0.05 WWTP Total 224.35 139. Anshan. There are currently 5 WWTPs in Anshan, which include Ningyuan WWTP, Dagushan WWTP, Dongtai WWTP, Dadaowan WWTP, Panjialu WWTP. The total wastewater treatment capacity is 560,000 m3/d. the details are in Table V-5. Table V-5 Anshan WWTP Status Treatment Discharge No. Name of WWTP Capacity Treatment Technology Standard (m3/d) 1 Ningyuan WWTP 8×104 CAST Tech Class I A 2 Dagushan WWTP 3×104 CAST Tech Class I A 3 Dongtai WWTP 10×104 A2/O Tech Class I A 4 Dadaowan WWTP 30×104 A2/O Tech Class I A CAST+ advanced Class I A 5 Panjialu WWTP 5×104 treatment Tech Total 56×104 Source: EA Institute. 140. According to city’s planning, water supply capacity will reach 680,000 m3/d in 2040 in Anshan, discharge amount is calculated as 80% of the water supply, sewage quantity will be 544,000 m3/d then, according to the data provided by Anshan Environmental Protection Bureau, and take 97% as the present situation of sewage collection rate, sewage discharged into the regional sewage pipe network will be 528,000 m3/d. 141. Above all, sewage treatment capacity is 560,000 m3/d Anshan, the sewage discharge will be 528,000 m3 /d. In 2040, it is expected that sewage pipe network and sewage treatment plants have enough ability to accept, the new pollution load will not be increased due to the implementation of this project. 142. Fushun. There are 8 WWTPs in Fushun with a total capacity of 593,000 m3/d and sewage pipe network collection rate of 98%.The proposed WB loaned Sushun project does not include new WSP construction, then the water supply amount is not increased. Currently, the city highest water supply of tap water is 614,000 m3/d, take the discharge rate of 80%, the discharge amount is calculated as 491,200 m3/d. The treatment capacity of the WWTP is larger than the amount produced by the WSPs. As a result, after the completion of this project, no adverse impact will be on the environment. 143. Fuxin. WWTP in Fuxin include Qingyuan WWTP (100,000 m3/d), Mongolia Zhen WWTP (50,000 m3/d), ZhangWu Liyuan WWTP (20,000 m3/d), Qinghemen Jinyuan WWTP (35,000 m3/d), Fuxin Development Zone WWTP (100,000 m3/d), the total sewage treatment capacity of Fuxin is 305,000 m3/d. The present sewage collection rate is about 94%. The total designed water supply capacity of tap water is 445,400 m3/d, due to the limitation of water source, the actual water supply capacity is 350,000 m3/d, take sewage discharge rate as 75% of the water supply, the wastewater need to be treated is 246,800 m3/d, which is less than the total treatment capacity of WWTP. As a result, after the completion of this project, no new pollution load will be added. 144. Gaizhou. The designed treatment capacity of Gaizhou WWTP is 50,000 m3/d adopting suspended chain aerating technology. The actual waste water treatment quantity is 38,500 m3/d, of which, the quantity of industrial wastewater treatment is 4,000 m3/d, domestic waste water quantity is 34,500 m3/d. The current urban sewage collection rate is 100%. There are 2 WSPs in Gaizhou taking groundwater as water source (Tashan WSP and Henan WSP) with total water supply capacity of 40,000 m3/d. The proposed WB loaned project includes taking treated water from Yingkou Water Supply Company with capacity of 50,000 m3/d, which will gradually replace two groundwater water plant. After the completion of the proposed project, the net increase of water supply will be 10,000 m3/d, taking 80% as the discharge rate of water supply, 8000 m3/d of sewage discharge will be added. At the current situation, the sewage treatment plant surplus is 11,500 m3/d, which can completely accommodate the increased wastewater discharge during the project operating period and will not result in new pollution. VI. Organizations for Environmental Management 145. Provincial Level. The Liaoning Provincial Leading Group (LPLG), chaired by a Vice Governor of the province, will provide high-level guidance to the project, and coordinate on policy and institutional issues related to the project. A well-established office under the Liaoning Provincial Housing and Construction Department (LPHCD), called the Liaoning Urban Construction and Renewal Project Office (LUCRPO), will provide overall project management. The Liaoning Provincial Department of Finance (LPDF) will responsible for integrated management of the Project, including providing guidance to the LUCRPO and the five project cities, and managing the project designated accounts. The Liaoning Provincial Development and Reform Commission (LPDRC) will be responsible for providing overall infrastructure planning management in Liaoning, and developing policies that will promote economic reform and development. 146. Municipal Level. Each participating city will have a City Leading Group (CLG), in which government leaders participate. The CLGs will be responsible for providing policy guidance, and coordination support for the project. Each city’s water supply company will be the project implementation agency (IA) for manage its subprojects implementation. 147. LUCRPO and the IAs will: (i) be responsible for overall management of project implementation; (ii) ensure agency coordination; (iii) monitor progress and quality of project implementation; and (iv) coordinate communications with relevant government agencies. 148. LUCRPO and IAs will also be responsible for implementing the environment and social management during the project implementation, including EMP, SAR and RAP, consisting of inspection, monitoring, reporting, and initiating corrective actions or mitigation measures, with the organization shown in Figure1 below. 149. LUCRPO’s and IAs’ Environmental Officers. LUCRPO, as well as IAs will each appoint an Environment Officer who will be responsible for implementation of the EMP. The officer will take charge of: (i) overall coordination of the EMP; (ii) supervising the implementation of mitigation measures during project construction and operation; (iii) supervising contractors and construction supervision companies (CSCs) internal monitoring, and coordinating the external and compliance monitoring; (iv) ensuring that environmental management, monitoring, and mitigation measures are incorporated into bidding documents, construction contracts and operation management manuals; (v) reporting the EMP performance to the LUCRPO and the World Bank; (vi) together with the LUCRP’s Social Officer, coordinating the Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM); and (vii) responding to any unforeseen adverse impact beyond those mentioned in the domestic EIAs, the project EA and the EMP. The Environment Officer will be technically supported by the loan environmental implementation consultant (LIEC) and supervised by the provincial EPD. LUCRPO will engage a project management company including experienced environmental specialists to provide LUCRPO and IAs with technical guidance. 150. The list below is the proposed staffs of LUCRPO and the WSCs, who are responsible for environmental management during the project implementation. Organization Name of staff Telephone Mail LUCRPO Wang Yongli 13130238109 lucrpochina@vip.163.com Shenayng WSC Xin Lu 13840256295 - Anshan WSC Wang Xun 13889726268 17890401@qq.com Fushun WSC Liu Sugang 15641391133 - Fuxin WSC Yang Wei 15641876660 261231132@qq.com Gaizhou WSC Wu Zhensheng 15009833444 - World Bank Liaoning Provincial Leading Group (LPLG) Liaoning Urban Construction and Renewal Liaoning Provincial Project Office (LUCRPO) Department of Finance (LPDF) and resources Project management agencies Municipal Project Implementation Agencies (IAs) City Leading Group Appointing environment, social and resettlement staff to for subprojects implement the EMP (CLG) Consulting Team External for Loan monitoring Implementation agencies for environmental and social issues Figure VI-1 Organizational Chart for environment and social management of the Project 151. At the stage of detailed engineering design, LUCRPO, through the IAs, will pass the EMP to the design institutes to have mitigation measures incorporated into the detailed design. The EMP will be updated at the end of the detailed design phase and finally incorporated in bidding documents and construction contracts. To ensure that the contractors comply with the EMP’s provisions, the environmental officers, with the support of the LIEC, will prepare and provide the following specification clauses, to be incorporated into the bidding procedures: (i) a list of environmental management requirements to be budgeted by the bidders in their tender documents; (ii) environmental clauses for contractual terms and conditions; and (iii) major items in the domestic EIAs, the English EA and EMP. 152. Loan Implementation Environment Consultant. A LIEC will be hired under the loan implementation technical assistance (TA). The LIEC will advise LUCRPO and IAs, contractors and CSCs on all aspects of environmental management and monitoring for the project. The LIEC will: (i) assist LUCRPO and IAs in updating the EMP, including the environmental monitoring program; (ii) verify implementation of the EMP mitigation measures; (iii) review internal and compliance monitoring reports and the semi-annual external environment performance/monitoring reports; (iv) provide training to LUCRPO, IAs, CSCs, and contractors on the PRC’s environmental laws, regulations and policies, WB safeguard policies, EMP implementation, and GRM; (v) identify any environment-related implementation issues, propose necessary corrective actions, and reflect these in a corrective action plan; (vi) help LUCRPO and IAs prepare semi-annual environmental monitoring and progress reports to the World Bank; and (vii) undertake regular site visits. 153. Construction contractors. Construction contractors will be responsible for implementing relevant mitigation measures and internal monitoring during construction with the help of CSCs and under the supervision of the city EPB. Prior to commencing civil works, the contractors are to submit site-specific management plans based on the project ESMP, which includes, among others, (i) work activities; (ii) traffic management; (iii) occupational health and safety; and (iv) environmental and social impact management. No civil works will commence until the site specific management plan has been approved by the supervision engineer/company. Community consultations should be conducted by civil work contractors at least once a year. Any environmental and social issues associated with the project raised are to be actively followed up by the civil work contractors. Civil work contractors are requested to have the Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) to address grievance/complaints on the construction activities. 154. Construction supervision companies. CSCs will be selected through the PRC bidding procedure, which will be coordinated by LUCRPO and/or IAs. The CSCs will oversee construction progress and quality and EMP implementation. Each CSC shall have at least one environmental engineer on their respective construction site to: (i) supervise the contractor’s EMP implementation performance; (ii) conduct internal environmental inspection and monitoring; (iii) fill out monthly environmental performance forms to be submitted to LUCRPO, the loan implementation TA consulting team and the IAs; and (iv) prepare the contractor’s environmental management performance section in monthly project progress reports submitted to LUCRPO. 155. Project cities’ Environmental Monitoring Stations (EMSs). Each project city EMS will ensure compliance with PRC environmental standards and regulations through implementation of the project environmental monitoring program (Take regular and random environmental compliance monitoring during construction and operation. The EMS will conduct the compliance monitoring on behalf of the city EPB. 156. Institutional strengthen training. The capacity of WB loaned project management agency is critical for effective environmental management. The training plan is prepared based on the capacity assessment of LUCRPO and five IAs. The training and seminars will be provided by loan implementation environment consultants and provincial EPD, municipal EPB and relating experts. Besides LUCRPO and IAs, the trainees includes staff in contractor and construction supervisors. Training will be prominent international engineering practices and environment friendly methods, embody the water source protection and other environmental targets, environment rehabilitation for construction site, leakage rate reduction and the water supply industry energy conservation and emissions reduction, etc. ( see Table VI-1). Table VI-1 Institutional Strengthen and Training Plan for Environmental Management Agency Budget No. of No. of (in Training Participates Content Duration Times Participates 10,000 CNY) • WB Safeguard and EHS; Environmental LUCRPO, • Environmental laws, laws, IAs, regulations and policies in regulations Contractors, WB and PRC; 2 1 30 1.0 and policies in and relating • civil engineering, water WB and PRC staff from EPB supply plant and pipeline) environmental Budget No. of No. of (in Training Participates Content Duration Times Participates 10,000 CNY) management best practices;; • surface water and drinking water sources protection laws, regulations and standards in PRC LUCRPO, IAs, Contractors, • GRM composition, principle, Construction responsibility and time Supervisors, frame;. residents near • Type and qualification of GRM 2 1 30 1.0 the project and complaint; the villagers' representatives, • Complaint filing and relating staff reporting process。 from municipal EPB • Duties specified in EMP and specific implementation LUCRPO, IAs, method; Contractors • Water supply plant Construction environmental protection Implementation Supervisors, content during construction 2 1 30 1.0 of EMP EPB, Loan and operation period; Implementation Environment • Environmental forms and Consultant reports (daily report and monthly report); • Update EMP • Water supply industry, energy saving and greenhouse gas LUCRPO, IAs, emissions; Low carbon Water Utility • Best practices and methods 2 1 30 1.0 water supply Bureau in energy conservation and emissions reduction of water supply industry; • NRW strategy and methods。 • Environmental accidents Environmental and preventive and control accident measures; 2 1 30 1.0 emergency • Emergency response plan mechanism, the team, and action. Contractors, Environmental • Environmental monitoring, Construction monitoring, inspection method, data Supervisors, 1 1 20 0.4 inspection and collection, processing, EMS, EPB, reporting interpretation and reporting Loan Budget No. of No. of (in Training Participates Content Duration Times Participates 10,000 CNY) Implementation procedures for WB Environment projects; Consultant • QA/QC in environmental monitoring Total 5.4 VII. Anticipated Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures VII-1 Assessment of potential impacts 157. As described in the Chapter II, after the restructuring, the physical constructions in three project cities (Anshan, Fushun and Gaizhou) include rehabilitations of WSPs, constructions or rehabilitations pipes, valves, raw water pumping stations and secondary boosting pump stations. The intelligent water utility subprojects will be constructed and installed within the buildings such as detachment room in the WSCs. The content of projects in three cities are almost same, so that the expected environmental impacts and proposed mitigation measures are similar for the five project cities. 158. Potential project impacts, both positive and negative, were assessed during the domestic EA and FSRs preparation, through site visits, technical analysis and consultations with government agencies and local communities. A range of potential positive and adverse impacts were identified. 159. Positive impacts include direct improvements to water quality and supply to a large majority of residents in the five project cities, climate change adaptation and reduced water and energy losses, and pollution control. Potential construction impacts include noise, air, and water pollution, fugitive dust, soil erosion and contamination, solid waste disposal, interference with traffic and municipal facilities, land acquisition and resettlement, and occupational and community health and safety. Potential operational impacts include noise and energy use of pumps in the WSPs and pumping stations, occupational health and safety during operations of WSPs and pumping stations. Potential adverse impacts during operation include noise generated by WSP and pumping stations, energy consumption by water supply, occupational health and safety of operation. VII-2 Project Benefit 160. Beneficiaries. By the project completion year of 2022, the project will benefit a total of 5.6906 million people, including 2.7884 million of female (about 49%). The benefits include increased water supply coverage, improved water quality, facilitated the social and economic development and living standards, energy conservation and emissions reduction, saving water resources and increase employment opportunities, etc. 161. NRW reduction and water saving. By rehabilitation of aged pipes and valves, installation of new water meters, as well as strengthening the intelligent water management systems, etc., by the project completion year of 2022, the NRW will reduce by 6.9% (Anshan) - 29.0% (Gaizhou), respectively. The total estimated annual water saving by water supply leakage reduction is about 113. 555 million m3. (Table VII-1) Table VII-1 Estimated NRW Reduction and Water Saving After Physical Water Current Original Estimated Reduced Restructuring savings from City NRW NRW after Project NRW Leak Reduction (%) Completion (%) (%) (m3/year) Shenyang 33.0 24.0 Cancelled 9.0 62,572,680 Anshan 30.9 24.0 No change 6.9 10,288,354 Fushun 38.8 22.13 21.63 16.67 28,189,072 Fuxin 25.7 16.2 Cancelled 9.5 9,092,637 Gaizhou 64.1 35.1 No change 29.0 4,232,873 Total 114,375,616 Date source: FSR 162. Energy Conservation and Emissions Reduction Benefits. Through technical upgrading of the WSPs and pumping stations (replacement FM pumps, water pumps size, etc.), improvement of intelligent water management systems and water supply dispatching management strengthening in the five project cities, by the project completion year of 2022, it is expected to save power of 77.856 million kWh annually according to the estimation by the expert of the World Bank, equivalent to 73,963 tons/year of carbon dioxide emission reduction. Table VII-2 Estimated Power Saving (KWh) and Emission Reduction Original Energy Savings from NRW After Restructuring CO2 Emissions City Reduction and Energy Management Reduction by 2022 Improvement by 2022 (kWh/year)) (ton/year) Shenyang 50,846,455 Cancelled 48,304 Fushun 8,412,040 6,625,776 6,294 Anshan 1,366,472 No change 1,298 Fuxin 9,821,250 Cancelled 9,330 Gaizhou 7,409,865 4,590,601 4,361 Total 77,856,083 69,587 Date source: FSR VII-3 Specific Impact Analysis and Mitigation Measures 163. Identification of Environmental Impact Factors. According to the content and characteristics of the project, the main environmental impact is pipeline, WSPs (rehabilitation) and the influence of the pumping stations during construction period; during operation phase, the main impcats will be the reduction of water source quantity caused by increase of water supply and wastewater discharge increase caused by the water leak rate reduction. In addition, pipeline construction can cause temporary traffic jams, and may interfere the gas, heating, power supply, water drainage, and other municipal underground pipeline, thus some adverse environmental impact on residents' life and work. 164. During the construction, building materials transport and temporary storage and use, and soil spoil and temporary building materials pool may generate dust; domestic sewage is likely to cause water pollution; construction machinery noise near the site may have impact on residents' life; frequent travel by construction vehicle will cause certain traffic congestion; construction process need to avoid inflammable and explosive goods to prohibit fire explosion risk. But the main risk during operation period is disinfectant chlorine leakage. Environmental factor identification are shown in Table VII-4. Table VII-4 Identification of Environmental Impact Factors Operation Construction Period Engineering Period Characteristics Material Waste Chemica Site Pass- Solid Construc Transpor Water l Impact Factor Clearan Through Wast tion t Discharg Leakage ce Works e Stacked e Risk Ambient Air -○ -☆ -○ -○ -☆ Natural Surface Water -○ -○ -○ -○ -○ Environment Groundwater -○ Acoustic -☆ -○ -☆ -☆ Environment Ecological Surface -☆ -☆ -○ Environment Vegetation Economic +☆ +○ -○ -★ Development Employment +○ +○ +○ +○ Expansion Social Occupational -○ -○ -○ -○ -★ Environment Health Quality Of Life -☆ -○ -○ -☆ Landscape -☆ -☆ -☆ Respiratory -☆ -☆ Disease Note: +Positive Impact; - Negative Impact; ★ Large Impact; ☆ General Impact; ○ Small Impact 165. EIA factor selection. According to the project content, environment characteristics, WB requirements, as well as the control indicators listed in national and local regulations on environmental protection, the project EIA factor screening results are shown in Table VII-5. Table VII-5 EIA factor Selection Result Environmental Elements Engineering Emission Evaluation Note Factor Factors During Dust, construction Dust, NO2 construction mechanical emission As the water disinfection process of WSPs of Fushun and Impact Gaizhou are Ambient air In analysis Waste gas from sodium changed to use Operation hypochlorite generator sodium hypochlorite, so the exhaust gas of sodium hypochlorite generator is included in the EIA factor Domestic sewage , Sewage wastewater uses public sanitation facilities; During PH, CODcr, SS and waste water after Surface construction etc Impact cleaning and pressure water test; impact on water analysis environment when crossing the river Domestic sewage, For Fishun WSPs In operation clarifier drainage, CODcr,NH3-N,Oil backwash wastewater groundwater Status investigation Chemical warehouse environment seepage control - engineering in WSP Residence near Level A acoustic During sensitive Construction machinery standard; The construction spots, noise occupational health construction Vibration personnel and noise During Noise of Noise from WSP and Operation waterworks pumping station Level A acoustic to residents equipment during standard Nearby and operation workers Vegetation, water Ecological Impact analysis —— loss and soil environment erosion The rationality of the temporary piled During construction: up and earthwork building materials, usage, construction temporary earthwork pile, waste disposal and domestic garbage domestic garbage collection Since the WSPs in Fushun were built earlier, the sludge Solid waste Impact analysis is now discharged During operation: into the municipal domestic garbage by pipe network. After water pump station Sludge agricultural the renovation of operation workers, and and forest use the WSPs, the sludge generated by sludge treatment water treatment mode should be changed to agricultural or forest sludge. As the water disinfection process of WSPs of Fushun and During Operating: Safety impact Gaizhou are Environmental risk chlorine or sodium analysis for life and changed to use hypochlorite leak property sodium hypochlorite. Anshan subproject use chlorine. During construction: traffic congestion, commerce, schools, and residents’ quality of life on Comprehensive Social impact frontage area. impact analysis During Operation: improvement of water quality, water quantity. 166. Earthwork balance. According to the Feasibility Study Report, the project excavation volume is 5.328 million m3 with filling amount of 4.398 million m3, borrowing amount 70,000 m3, and remaining of 1 million m3. According to the five EIA reports and the Environmental Management Plan, the remaining earthwork will be used for backfill near the construction site and road engineering foundation. Table VII-6 Earthwork Balance Table (in 10,000 m 3) Abandoned City Project Excavation Filling Borrowed Abandoned Direction Shenyang Total 98.1154 93.2096 0 4.9058 Valve pipe network reconstruction 15.8180 15.1009 0 0.7 project Secondary Anshan pumping station 10.5786 10.4956 0 0.083 renovation Residential area network 8.307 8.2681 0 0.0389 Refill for reconstruction construction site and Fushun Total 340.0 280.0 0 60.0 roadway Municipal water works supply pipe 45.0 18.0 7.0 34.0 foundation network project nearby Fuxin Residential area water supply 10.0 10.03 0 0 reconstruction WWTP 1.2 1.2 0 0 Gaizhou Raw water pipeline 2.2 2.0 0 0.2 Water pipeline 1.6 1.5 0 0.1 Total 532.819 439.804 7 100.027 Source: the EIA Institutes 167. Domestic wastewater and garbage from construction workers. According to the EIA estimates, the number of five project cities construction workers is 690 at maximum. Since most of the construction sites are in urban area, most of construction workers will live in the existing renting houses and use the existing drainage facilities in residential area and the public rest rooms near construction sites. Take 40 L/day/people as daily domestic water usage amount for construction workers, 0.5 kg/day/people as domestic garbage produced. Sewage is discharged through the municipal sewage pipe network into the existing sewage treatment plant and then discharged, there is no big impact to the surface water environmental. The total domestic garbage production in five project cities by construction workers is 0.345 t/day, which will be collected and disposed by local sanitation department to the existing garbage landfill site for sanitary landfill. Table VII-7 Domestic Sewage and Garbage Produced by Construction Workers Water Usage City Number of Workers Sewage(m3/d) Domestic Garbage (t/d) (m3/d) Shenyang 250 10 8 0.125 Anshan 140 5.6 4.48 0.07 Fushun 100 4 3.2 0.05 Fuxin 50 2 1.6 0.025 Gaizhou 150 6 4.8 0.075 Total 690 27.6 22.08 0.345 Source: EIA Institutes 168. Demolition waste disposal. According to EIA institute’s estimation, including those to be demolished from the 9 pumping stations renewal work proposed in April 2017 by Fuxin WSC, the project pump station and pipeline constructions will generate about 3,000 tons of demolition waste of iron and ductile iron pipes, 10,000 tons of waste PE pipe, 84,000 wasted water meters, and 45 wasted pump electric motors. Waste pipe and water meters can be categorized as general solid waste, which is nonpoisonous and harmless, and can be recycled through each city recycling system in line with the 3R principle (reduce, recycle, reuse). However, the discarded electric motors contain small amounts of lead, cadmium, chromium, polyvinyl chloride, halide flame retardants and poisonous and harmful material such as PCB, which are hazardous waste. Waste like these will be sent to Liaoning Environmental Protection Engineering (Shenyang) Center for Hazardous Waste Disposal, which is a qualified hazardous waste disposal institute, for free-pollution disposal. 169. During the mid-term restructuring the WSPs renovation projects in Fushun and Gezhou both involve the removal of transformers whose waste oil contains PCBS, which are carcinogens and dangerous wastes. Waste management in the EHS guideline has clear provisions on the collection, transportation and disposal of industrial hazardous waste: a) Hazardous waste collection and transportation 170. The transport of industrial hazardous waste is very professional, requires proper equipment and is carried out by properly trained personnel. The General EHS Guide provides recommended measures to prevent spillage and discharge during waste transport, as well as recommended measures to facilitate emergency response in the event of an accident. Other recommendations applicable to hazardous waste collection and transportation operations include: ➢ Dismantle of transformers should be performed by professional team. Packaging, labeling and transportation of hazardous materials and wastes in accordance with relevant national regulations and internationally recognized standards using specially designed and processed tanks and containers suitable for the wastes to be transported: ➢ If other containers are used to transport waste, they must be in good working order, used to hold the waste being transported and properly protected on the transport vehicle; ➢ Properly label all tankers and containers so that in the event of a variety of emergencies, the waste being transported, the hazards of the waste, and the actions to be taken will be understood. b) Waste receiving, unloading, treatment and storage 171. Because of the potential harmfulness of waste itself, it is particularly important for industrial hazardous waste management plants to understand and control the nature of waste received for storage, treatment or discharge. If can't correctly understand and distinguish receives waste, can cause to improper disposal of waste, emissions, or accident response, thereby releasing harmful substances, or cause fire and explosion, therefore, suggest to take measures, control waste receiving, and in the following comprehensive measures of industrial hazardous waste management to reduce the risk: ➢ Establish and maintain close relationship with waste producers, understand the process of waste generation, and monitor the changes in the process or characteristics of waste ➢ Adequate and qualified staff should be available at all times. All personnel must undergo specific job training, ➢ To fully understand the received waste, to take into account the characteristics and variability of waste, waste rice source, treatment. If residues are generated in the process of treatment, the nature of waste disposal residues and potential risks related to treatment should also be considered: ➢ Perform pre-inspection procedures, including, where appropriate, testing of received waste and recording the source of waste (e.g. the process by which it was generated, including variability of the process) And identify appropriate handling/disposal methods to implement acceptance procedures and, where appropriate, accept only wastes that can be effectively managed, including efficient disposal of wastes or recycling of waste disposal residues. Only in the guarantee with the necessary storage and processing ability, and can manage the processing residue cases (e.g., to other places for garbage disposal waste production acceptance criteria), will be able to receive waste, waste receiving plant to set up the laboratory, in accordance with the requirements for plant operation speed of receives waste sample analysis, to determine whether can receive ➢ During treatment, the waste is analyzed according to the important parameters of the waste receiving plant (e.g. landfill or incinerator). 172. Pipeline crossing engineering (railway and river). According to Feasibility Study, this project will be have 38 pipelines crossing the railway and river (see Table VII-8). After mid-term restructuring, there are no change. Table VII-8 Pipeline Crossing Engineering Crossing Construction City Location Crossing Rail/River Length(m) Method Beiyi Road Railway 6m Pipe jacking Zhujiang Street Railway 30 Pipe jacking Yalujiang Street Abandoned Railway 6 Pipe jacking Dongxin Road Abandoned Railway 6 Pipe jacking Yingchun Bei Railway 6 Pipe jacking Street Shenyang Weigong Canal (sewage South No.11 receiving river) 22 Stay tube Middle Road Weigong Canal (sewage South No.12 receiving river) 34 Stay tube Middle Road Xijiang Bei Street Unknown river 6 Stay tube Daoyi Bei Avenue Puhe River, Class V Waterbody 35 Stay tube Nanyanghu Street Xihe River, Class V Waterbody 40m Stay tube Nanyun River, Class V Heping Nan Street 50m Stay tube Waterbody Huishan Canal (sewage Dongxin Road 15 Stay tube receiving river) Shenfu Canal, Class V Yingchun Street 40 Stay tube Waterbody Shenfu Canal, Class V Dingxiang Street 40 Stay tube Waterbody Yingchun Bei Huinan Canal, Class V 15 Stay tube Street Waterbody Chuangye Road Changda Railway 2m Stay tube Anshan Dagushan Pump Wanshui River 30m Stay tube Station 13 Locations Railway - Stay tube Fushun 4 Locations Riverway - Pipe jacking 2 Locations Jing, Shen High-speed Rail 15+15m Pipe jacking Fuxin 2 Locations Jiuyingzi River, Qinghe River 20+24m Pipe jacking Source: the updated FSRs 173. In order to reduce the impact on environment and transportation, this project adopts the stay tube (pipe-pulling) and pipe jacking (non-excavation technology) way crossing the railway and river. Pipeline will be under the rail and river by certain depth, it won't cause pollution to soil and water, and through accurate positioning, where will be the advantages of no tearing up the road, no blocking traffic, small disturbance, low environmental impact without limited by the season; In addition, threr is no construction impact on aquatic creatures and water quality. It is an environmental friendly way of pipeline crossing. However, it will still produce a certain amount of non-toxic wastes and sludge, which can be used for building and road foundation backfill. Pipeline construction site will set sludge pools, strict seepage control measures will be taken with composite lining, and it will be compacted by machinery (stratum soil compaction). Then it will use synthetic material lining as the underlying, and the high density polyethylene with thickness of no less than 1.5 mm, the seepage coefficient not more than 10-12 cm/s. Finally, 5 cm clay will be laid on the artificial lining cover, and adopt mechanical compaction. After the above treatment the seepage coefficient of the sludge pool which is smaller than 1 x 10-7 cm/s meets the requirements of anti-seepage. Figure VII-1 Pipe Jacking Construction Figure VII 7-2 Pipe-pulling Construction Figure VII -3 Stay Tube Machinery 174. Traditional network slot construction method. The objective of most of the pipeline construction still adopts the traditional excavated construction method, its construction technological process and production of nodes as shown in figure 7-4;Appropriate environmental mitigation measures are shown in Table VII-9. , Noise Dust Noise Construction Trench Foundation Pipe Measuring excavation Acceptance Construction Wastewater Noise Well Valve Pipe Hydrostatic Construction Installation Installation Test , Noise Dust, Wastewater Trench Tamping Irrigation Refill Refill Disinfection Figure VII-4 Slot Construction Technology and Waste Production 175. Liquid chlorine leak risk during operation of WSPs and emergency response plans. The project includes the reconstruction of two existing WSPs (Anshan and Fuxin). The disinfectant adopts liquid chlorine, the storage and transportation of liquid chlorine exist potential environmental risks, especially for liquid chlorine cylinder leakage accident, the harm will be large. Therefore, the risk factors in the process of storage and transportation of liquid chlorine leakage is poisoning accident. In the process of storage and chlorine disinfection, the main accident that may exist will be the pipeline valve leakage, ejector equipment failure, and operation error, etc. The most serious accident will be leak valve damage. The accident risk prevention and mitigation measures include: 176. Measures to prevent accidents in the process of transportation: liquid chlorine belongs to the dangerous goods, in the process of transportation, special attention should be paid to ensure safety. Shipment should designate person, vehicle. If leaking is found in the process of transportation, active measures should be taken to deal with and prevent further expansion. After cutting off the leak source, the accident should be timely reported to the local public security and relevant departments. If no effective measures can be taken, one should immediately report to the local public security and relevant departments to request support. 177. Safety measures in the process of operation: to strengthen the training of operators, improve operation skills, follow the operating procedures, the bottle on two on-line valve should be perpendicular to the ground during installation of liquid chlorine steel cylinder, chlorine gas bottle is on top, liquid chlorine valve is on bottle, the output to the evaporator pipe connected to the valve of liquid chlorine. When multiple chlorine bottle supply at the same time, keep each chlorine bottle temperature the same to avoid high temperature container gas cause pressurization, there is high quality demand of electrical components and pipeline fittings of evaporator, so regular maintenance and the management level should be improved regularly. 178. Chlorine workshop should configure chlorine leakage alarm device, emergency supplies box and protective masks, including 2 to 3 sets of the onboard oxygen masks, etc., and equip with mechanical forced ventilation facilities and chlorine gas spray processing equipment to ensure the timely report to the police after the accident, emergency handling, ventilation and treatment. Accident emergency measures including: i). After the liquid chlorine leaking, the on duty personnel should immediately wear respirator, check the specific leak location, and report to the WSP scheduling, chlorine maintenance gang and the leadership as soon as possible; ii). After receiving the report, the leader should immediately organize maintenance personnel to conduct emergency maintenance, evacuate irrelevant personnel, rescue people, set up the isolation zone, and work with emergency rescue team to follow unified deployment by the company rescue and relief headquarters. iii). if it is chlorine bottles leaking, the on-duty personnel must wear work clothes, gloves and mask or respirator, and turn the leaks to upper part and put it into gas space; iv). If it is fusible plug leakage, bamboo sticks or stopper plugging can complete plugging treatment; v). If it is leakage of cylinder valves, the personnel should immediately tighten hexagonal nut; vi). If it is bottle weld leakage, the personnel should line it with rubber mat or a piece of iron banding. It is strictly prohibited to leak water directly, lye (sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide solution) or water spray should be conducted around to leak to absorb chlorine evaporated into the air and prevent the spread expansion to cause the personnel outside the exclusion zone poisoning. vii). Before the arrival of the 120 emergency, based on the status, the severe poisoning injured workers should be moved quickly to fresh air, if the heart stops, it is essential to immediately perform artificial respiration and chest outside heart compression. 179. The injured first aid measures include: i) Skin contact: immediately remove contaminated clothes and rinse with water for medical treatment; ii) Eye contact: mention eyelid, irrigate with flowing water or normal saline; iii) Inhalation: quickly fled the scene to fresh air place, if heart stops, immediately perform artificial respiration and chest outside heart compression. 180. Operating personnel protective measures include: i) Body protection type adhesive wear the mask gas-protection clothing and rubber gloves; ii) Respiratory protection: it recommends to wear air respirator when higher concentration in the air or oxygen respirator, oxygen breathing apparatus must be worn when emergency rescue or evacuation; iii) Eye protection: respiratory protection has been made in protection; iv) Smoking, eating and drinking is forbidden in job site. After work, it is important to maintain good health habits to shower and change clothes, supervision should be conducted when one is getting into the jar, restricted space, or other high concentration area. 181. Environmental risk analysis of sodium hypochlorite leakage 182. The restructuring project of Fushun and Gaizhou transforms (Fushun Wujiapu, Hebei, Park, Jiangjun, Haicheng, and Gaizhou Henan and Tashan WSP), a total of eight WSPs water dosing and disinfection process, by chlorine disinfection is instead of sodium hypochlorite disinfection (sodium hypochlorite is composed of salt electrolytic preparation of sodium hypochlorite generator). Salt water is a saturated aqueous solution of NaCl, which is non-toxic and harmless. The environmental risk substance is sodium hypochlorite (corrosive). Sodium hypochlorite is canned and not stockpiled, so the storage capacity is small. The storage area is impermeable as required, and the possibility of entering water body, soil and the external environment of the device is very small. In the process of sodium hypochlorite storage, fire and explosion may occur due to temperature and spark, resulting in material leakage in the whole storage area, pollution of air, groundwater and soil. And there is a risk of water distribution pipe burst. 183. The accident risk prevention and mitigation measures include: ➢ Strengthen equipment management. In particular, the parts that are prone to leakage of hazardous substances should be inspected more closely. Focus safety supervision on storage tanks, valves and equipment related to them, once abnormal conditions are found, personnel must be organized in time to repair. ➢ Equip the plant with protective masks, goggles, anti-corrosion gloves and other protective first-aid supplies; set up first-aid flushing equipment at locations prone to toxic contamination, and do a good job of fire prevention, lightning protection and explosion prevention in the plant. ➢ The sodium hypochlorite generator system is closed and the chlorination process is also a closed operation; a cofferdam is set for the sodium chlorate solution storage tank. At the same time, the airtightness of the production equipment is strengthened to prevent the phenomenon of running, venting, leakage and dripping. 184. Emergency mitigation measures for spills include: ➢ Quickly evacuate people from the contaminated area of the spill to a safe area, and isolate and strictly limit access. It is recommended that emergency response personnel wear self- contained positive pressure respirators and acid and alkaline resistant overalls. Do not come into direct contact with the spill. Cut off the source of the spill if possible. ➢ Small spills: Absorb with sand, vermiculite or other inert materials. ➢ Large spill: Construct a dike or dig a pit to receive it. Cover with foam to reduce vapor hazard. Transfer to tanker or special collector with pump, recycle or transport to waste disposal site for disposal. ➢ Engineering controls: production processes are airtight and fully ventilated. Provide safety showers and eye wash facilities. Respiratory protection: In high concentration environments, a direct type gas mask (half mask) should be worn. Eye protection: Wear chemical safety glasses. Body protection: Wear anticorrosive work clothes. Hand protection: Wear rubber gloves. 185. The injured first aid measures include: i) Skin contact: Remove contaminated clothing and flush with plenty of running water. ii)Eye contact: Lift eyelids and flush with running water or saline. Seek medical attention. iii)Inhalation: Quickly remove from the scene to fresh air. Keep airway open. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. If breathing stops, give immediate artificial respiration. Seek medical attention. iv)Ingestion: Drink enough warm water to induce vomiting. Seek medical attention. 186. Risk of bursting of water distribution pipes: Pipeline rupture, fracture, there are two main reasons, one is the natural factors, namely, earthquakes, climate change, etc.; the second is the human factor, namely, the selection of materials, construction, corrosion, maintenance, operation and backfill of the pipe trench is not in accordance with the specifications and the construction of subsequent construction projects damage the pipeline, etc. 187. Distribution pipe burst mainly has the following effects: serious impact on water supply, affecting the normal work and life of the residents of enterprises within the water supply range of each water purification plant; burst pipe will flood the streets, nearby buildings, resulting in physical damage; burst pipe affects the water supply, may make the plant shutdown, affecting production; burst pipe may lead to contamination of water quality, affecting the quality of water supply. 188. Water distribution pipeline risk prevention and emergency measures: ➢ Closely monitor the water supply water pressure changes, timely detection of water release links and sections. ➢ Establish accident repair teams and equip advanced construction equipment for timely repair. ➢ Close contact with the traffic department to avoid traffic congestion caused by the construction. VII-4 Anticipated Impacts and Mitigation Measures 189. Potential project environmental impacts and their mitigation measures are summarized in Tables VII–4. Mitigation measures will be incorporated into detailed design, bidding documents, construction contracts and operational management manuals, which will be implemented by the design institutes, contractors, CSCs, LUCRPO and IAs, with technical support from the LIEC and under the supervision of the municipal and district EPBs. The effectiveness of these measures will be evaluated based on environmental inspections and monitoring to determine whether they should be continued, improved or adjusted. The mitigation measures aim to: (i) mitigate environmental impacts; (ii) achieve compliance with PRC environmental laws, regulations and standards and the World Bank Safeguard Policy; and (iii) protect environmental resources and ecosystems, and maximize social-economic and environmental benefits. Table VII-4 Potential impacts and mitigation measures for project construction Potential Responsibility Item Mitigation measure impact Implement Supervise Preconstruction Phase • Design low-carbon water supply system including (i) high efficiency pumping with variable speed drivers, (ii) water leak detection, repairing and management (equipment and mechanism); (iii) water supply system automation for energy saving (smart water supply management system), and (iv) accurate metering and monitoring for water consumption. • Design water quality monitoring Detailed Process and instruments in the WSCs to monitor 106 LUCRPO design equipment of parameters listed in the national Drinking DI WSCs, stage WSPs Water Quality Standard of GB5749-2006. WRBs • All WSP sites and pipeline routes in the detailed designs shall be carefully selected to avoid or minimize potential adverse impacts on the environment and surrounding communities. • According to the situation that the pipeline will pass through railway and river, non- exaction works as pipe jacking and stay tube will be conducted to minimize the environmental and traffic impact Designate • Designate a well-trained environment EA, EPB, Environment LUCRPO officers/staff in LUCRPO and five IAs WB Officer • Update mitigation measures defined in this EA Institute, Municipal Update EMP EMP based on final detailed design, submit IAs, LUCRPO EPBs, WB to the city EPBs and the WB for approval. • Incorporate updated land acquisition and BCA, BLR, LARP resettlement plan (LARP) in detailed IAs, LUCRPO LARO design. External and compliance • Prior to construction, engage the local Municipal LUCRPO, IAs environmental EMSs for compliance monitoring. EPBs, WB monitoring Potential Responsibility Item Mitigation measure impact Implement Supervise • Prepare a detailed work plan, based on the environmental monitoring program (Table A.5). Technical • Include environment provisions in the TOR LUCRPO, IAs WB assistance for selecting the LIEC. • Include environment requirements in the bidding documents for selection of DI, contractors and loan implementation TA Bidding and consultants; contract LUCRPO, IAs EPBs, WB documents • Include environmental mitigation and monitoring clauses defined in the EMP in the contracts with DI, contractors and loan implementation TA consultants. • LIEC, and/or invited environment specialists and/or officials from provincial and municipal EPB, provide training on LUCRPO, EMP training construction environmental management EPBs, WB LIEC, IAs and implementation and supervision of environmental mitigation measures to contractors and CSCs. • Prepare environmental operation and EMP and LUCRPO, supervision plans/manuals for all Contractors, supervision IAs, EPB, construction activities. These plans will CSCs manual LIEC need to fulfill the requirements of this EMP. • Prepare an internal environmental Internal LUCRPO, monitoring plan to meet the requirements environmental Contractors, IAs, l defined in the EA and the EMP. These monitoring and CSCs EPBs, plans will need to fulfill the requirements of supervision plan LIEC this EMP. • Establish a Project Public Complaints Unit (PPCU) in LUCRPO. • Provide training for PPCU members and GRM access points. EPBs, Establish GRM LUCRPO, IAs • Disclose the PPCU’s phone number, fax, LIEC, WB address, and email to the public on the district EPB’s website and on information boards at each construction site. • After contract award and prior to start of LUCRPO, Onsite EHS construction, assign an onsite EHS officer Contractors IAs, CSCs, officer for each contractor. LB • Establish a resettlement office comprising local government officials to manage the land acquisition and resettlement process. Resettlement, LUCRPO, • Ensure resettlement activities are IAs, LARO, Economic EA, LB, reasonably completed before construction displacement BCA starts. • Ensure implementation of the project social development action plan. Construction Phase Potential Responsibility Item Mitigation measure impact Implement Supervise • Stabilize compacted pipe trenches, and other erosion-prone working areas. • Earthwork disturbance areas must be stabilized within 7 days after earthwork completion. • Minimize active open excavation areas during water supply pipeline trenching activities (Maximum trench length will be 300 m in accordance with the domestic EA report); use appropriate compaction techniques for pipe trench construction. • Provide temporary detention ponds or containment to control silt runoff. • Construct intercepting ditches and drains to prevent runoff entering construction sites, and divert runoff from sites to existing drainages. Soil and LUCRPO, • Strip and stockpile topsoil, and cover Contractors, geology Soil erosion IAs, EPBs, temporary soil stockpiles. CSCs LIEC • Limit construction and material handling during periods of rains and high winds. • Properly re-vegetate or repave disturbed surfaces, such as compacted pipeline trenches and the WSPs after completion of constructions. • Appropriately locate construction workers’ camps and storage areas to minimize land area required and impact on soil erosion. • Implement soil erosion inspection and monitoring program. Internal inspection will be conducted by contractors and CSCs. Monitoring results will be submitted to LUCRPO and IAs, and city EPBs. These will serve as basis for project implementation progress reports and acceptance of construction. • Properly store petroleum products, hazardous materials and wastes on impermeable surfaces in secured and covered areas. • Remove construction wastes from the site LUCRPO, Soil to approved waste disposal sites. Contractors, IAs, EPBs, Contamination • Establish emergency preparedness and CSCs LIEC response plan (Spill Management Plan). • Provide spill cleanup measures and equipment at each construction site. Require contractors to conduct training in emergency spill response procedures. Spoil disposal • Manage spoil disposal sites in accordance site LUCRPO, with the approved plan by the city EPBs. Contractors, management IAs, EPBs, • Rehabilitate and restore the spoil disposal CSCs and LIEC sites in accordance with approved plans. rehabilitation Potential Responsibility Item Mitigation measure impact Implement Supervise • Conduct regular internal supervision and periodic external monitoring (licensed soil erosion institute) of the spoil disposal sites. • Conduct project completion audit to confirm that the spoil disposal site was rehabilitated in accordance with the approved rehabilitation plan and government regulations. Hold contractors liable in case of non-compliance. • Earthworks near the surface water (such as Anshan water intake pumping station) will be accompanied by measures to minimize sediment runoff into the reservoirs, including sediment traps. • The discharge of construction wastewater LUCRPO, Reservoir/ to the reservoirs or nearby surface waters IAs, LIEC, Water quality Contractors, raw water will be prohibited. WSCs, and hydrology CSCs quality • Fuel storage, maintenance shop and EPBs, vehicle cleaning areas will be stationed at WRBs, least 500 m away from the reservoirs/surface waters. • A water monitoring program has been developed and will be implemented to assess construction impacts. • Spray water on construction sites and earth/material handling routes where fugitive dust is being generated. • When repaving the road after pipeline works, locate asphalt mixers at least 500 m downwind from the nearest residential areas and other sensitive receptors. • Pay particular attention to dust suppression Dust and near sensitive receptors. emission LUCRPO, Ambient • Store petroleum or other harmful materials Contractors, generated by IAs LIEC, Air in appropriate places and covering to CSCs construction EPBs minimize fugitive dust and emission. activities • Cover materials during truck transport, in particular, the fine material, to avoid spillage or dust generation. • Ensure emissions from vehicles and construction machineries comply with PRC standards GB18352-2005, GB17691-2005, GB11340-2005, GB2847-2005, and GB18285-2005. • Ensure noise levels from equipment and machinery conform to PRC standard of GB12523-90. Properly maintain Noise generated construction vehicles and machineries to LUCRPO, from minimize noise. Contractors, Noise IAs, LIEC, construction • Apply noise reduction devices or methods CSCs EPBs activities for WSP foundation work where piling equipment is operating within 300 m of villages, schools, hospitals and residential areas. Potential Responsibility Item Mitigation measure impact Implement Supervise • Locate sites for rock crushing, concrete- mixing, and similar activities at least 1 km away from sensitive areas. • To reduce noise at night, restrict operation of machinery generating high levels of noise (e.g. piling) and movement of heavy vehicles along urban and village roads between 20:00 and 06:00 in accordance with PRC regulations. • Take special caution at construction sites close to sensitive sites. When construction activities are unavoidable during school seasons, the use of heavy equipment will be restricted to weekends and non-class hours. • For construction sites near sensitive receptors, place temporary hoardings or noise barriers around noise sources. • Monitor noise at sensitive receptors. If noise standards are exceeded, equipment and construction conditions shall be checked, and mitigation measures shall be implemented to rectify the situation. • Conduct monthly interviews with villagers and residents adjacent to construction sites to identify community complaints about noise and seek suggestions to adjust work hours of noise-generating machinery. • In consultation with local residents and/or other property/landowners, identify structures which may be most vulnerable to vibration impacts. Vibration • Cleary demarcate such structures to avoid LUCRPO, Contractors, Vibration generated by hazards to human safety. IAs, LIEC, CSCs piling • Coordinate with residents on the timing of EPBs heavy machinery work close to these structures. • Prohibit piling and compaction operations at night. • Provide appropriate waste collection and storage containers at locations away from the reservoirs or sensitive receivers. • Reach agreement with municipal waste collection services for regular collection of Solid waste domestic waste prior to construction. generated by • Hold contractors responsible for proper LUCRPO, Solid construction removal and disposal of any significant Contractors, IAs, LIEC, Waste activities and residual materials, wastes and CSCs EPBs from workers’ contaminated soils that remain on the camps ground timely during and after construction. • Any planned paving or vegetating shall be done as soon as the materials are removed to protect and stabilize the soil. • Burning of waste is strictly prohibited. Potential Responsibility Item Mitigation measure impact Implement Supervise • Provide sufficient garbage bins at strategic locations and ensure that they are protected from birds and vermin, and emptied regularly (using the municipal solid waste collection systems). • Professional teams should be employed to dismantle and remove the transformers. Packaging, labeling and transportation of hazardous materials and wastes in accordance with relevant national regulations and internationally recognized standards using specially designed and processed tanks and containers suitable for the wastes to be transported: • If other containers are used to transport waste, they must be in good working order, used to hold the waste being transported and properly protected on the transport vehicle; • Properly label all tankers and containers so that in the event of a variety of emergencies, the waste being transported, the hazards of the waste, and the actions to be taken will be understood. • Establish and maintain close relationship with waste producers, understand the process of waste generation, and monitor the changes in the process or characteristics of waste Abandoned • Adequate and qualified staff should be transformer available at all times. All personnel must undergo specific job training, • To fully understand the received waste, to take into account the characteristics and variability of waste, waste rice source, treatment. If residues are generated in the process of treatment, the nature of waste disposal residues and potential risks related to treatment should also be considered: • Perform pre-inspection procedures, including, where appropriate, testing of received waste and recording the source of waste (e.g. the process by which it was generated, including variability of the process) And identify appropriate handling/disposal methods to implement acceptance procedures and, where appropriate, accept only wastes that can be effectively managed, including efficient disposal of wastes or recycling of waste disposal residues. Only in the guarantee with the necessary storage and processing ability, and can manage the processing residue cases (e.g., to other places for garbage disposal waste production Potential Responsibility Item Mitigation measure impact Implement Supervise acceptance criteria), will be able to receive waste, waste receiving plant to set up the laboratory, in accordance with the requirements for plant operation speed of receives waste sample analysis, to determine whether can receive • During treatment, the waste is analyzed according to the important parameters of the waste receiving plant (e.g. landfill or incinerator). • The dismantled transformers should be transported to the provincial central facility for hazardous wastes disposal in Shenyang. • Protect existing vegetation nearby construction sites. • Properly backfill, compact, repave and revegetate pipeline trenches after construction. • Protect existing trees and grassland during WSP and pipeline construction. Where vegetation must be disturbed, revegetate immediately after construction. • Remove trees or shrubs only as a last resort if they impinge directly on permanent LUCRPO, works or approved necessary temporary Flora and Protection of Contractors, IAs FBs, works. Fauna vegetation CSCs EPBs, • In compliance with the PRC’s forestry law, LIEC, undertake compensatory planting of an equivalent or larger area of affected trees and vegetation. • Identify, demarcate and protect sites where small animals, reptiles, and birds of common species live such as vegetated areas, trees, and along riversides. • Utilize native plant species of local provenance for replanting in the WSPs and along the roads if the pipeline construction damaged existing vegetation. • Establish chance-find procedures for physical cultural resources. If an artifact is unearthed during construction, work will be IAs, Socio- Physical Cultural Contractors stopped immediately. The BCR, IAs and LUCRPO, economy Resources CSCs LUCRPO will be promptly notified. LIEC, BCR Construction will only resume after permission of the appropriate authority. • Traffic management. A traffic control and operation plan will be prepared, to be approved by the Traffic Management IAs, Community Health and Bureau before construction. The plan will Contractors LUCRPO, health and safety include provisions for diverting or CSCs LIEC, safety scheduling construction traffic to avoid TMBs morning and afternoon peak traffic hours, regulating traffic at road crossings, Potential Responsibility Item Mitigation measure impact Implement Supervise selecting transport routes to reduce disturbance to regular traffic, reinstating roads, and opening them to traffic as soon as the construction is completed. • Underground facilities survey and protection. Construction activities are planned to minimize disturbances to utility services. Three-dimensional detection of underground facilities will be conducted before construction where appropriate. • Information disclosure. Residents and businesses will be informed at least 2 weeks in advance, through media of the construction activities, given the dates and duration of expected disruption. • Public signs will be placed at construction sites, warning people of potential dangers such as moving vehicles, hazardous materials, excavations, and raising awareness on safety issues. All sites will be secured, through fencing if appropriate. • An environmental, health and safety officer (EHSO) will be appointed by each contractor to implement and supervise the environmental, health, and safety management plan. • Each contractor will prepare an environmental, health and safety management plan (EHSMP) for construction works, based on this EMP. The EHSMP will include the following: • provide clean and sufficient supply of fresh water, for construction sites and for all camps, offices and workshops; • provide adequate number of latrines and other sanitary arrangements at construction sites and work camps, and LUCRPO, Occupational. ensure they are maintained in a hygienic Contractors, IAs, LBs, health and state; CSCs EPBs, safety • install and regularly empty garbage LIEC, receptacles at construction sites and camps; • provide personal protection equipment, e.g. safety boots, helmets, gloves, protective clothing, goggles, ear protection, in accordance with relevant health and safety regulations for workers. • Prepare an emergency response plan to address accidents and emergencies, including environmental and public health emergencies associated with hazardous material spills and similar events. Submit to EPB for review and appraisal. Emergency phone link with hospitals in the district will be established. A fully equipped first-aid Potential Responsibility Item Mitigation measure impact Implement Supervise base in each construction camp will be organized; • Maintain a record management system. It will include documenting and reporting occupational accidents, diseases, and incidents. Records will be reviewed during compliance monitoring and audits. • Ensure that occupational health and safety matters are accorded a high degree of publicity to all persons accessing construction sites. Posters will be displayed prominently in relevant areas of the site. • Train all construction workers in basic sanitation, general health and safety matters, and specific hazards of their work. Implement SITs/HIV/AIDS and other communicable diseases awareness and prevention program to target the local community and construction workers. Operation Accidental • Emergency response to switch to other WSP(s) chemical spill, through the distribution network for the safe WRBs, resulting in water supply and shut down the polluted WSP. WSCs, EPBs contamination of • Implement the emergency response water sources mechanism. Water • Measures to identify and control pollution source sources to be identified under the project Protection Component 2. Pollution to the • Under project component 2 (water quality reservoirs/ water monitoring instruments procurement), WSCs, EMSs WRB, EPBs source strengthen water quality monitoring at water sources/reservoirs. • Enhance the water treatment process of Coagulation – filtration - chlorination. Mechanical or Water electrical failure of • Use backup coagulant dosing system. Treatment chemical dosing • Install and maintain automatic dosing pump with Process system, resulting integrated alarm system in the event of failure. in high turbidity Use of contaminated • Coagulant must be purchased form approved coagulant, supplier, demonstrating compliance with resulting in national product standard of GB1892-2009. contamination of water WRBs, WSCs EPBs • Install and regularly calibrate on-line filtration Failure of filtration turbidity monitoring instrument, with alarm system, with high system. turbidity and • Multiple separate filtration units in parallel. potential for pathogen • Maintain operational condition of filtration breakthrough chamber by regular back flush and maintenance. Insufficient or • Automated chlorine dosing and on-line residual excessive chlorine monitoring to achieve chlorine content chlorine dosing Potential Responsibility Item Mitigation measure impact Implement Supervise resulting in of 0.5mg/L to 1.0mg/L (30min after pathogen chlorination). breakthrough or chlorine taste and odor Treated water storage: • Clean water storage tank will be roofed. Vents Accidental and overflows will be meshed. recontamination of • Storage tank walls will be lined with water proof water (through material. rodents, birds, etc. • Frequent inspections and maintenance of the and groundwater tank. ingress) Water supply Pumping failure, power failure, with • Backup pumps and dual power system will be loss of pressure installed and maintained in good condition. and risk of re- • Inspect backup pumps and dual power system contamination due regularly. to back- siphonage. • Proper pipe material selection. • Identify and implement procedures for operating Pipe burst causing system to avoid spikes and water hammering. water re- contamination and • Implement emergency response action plan, interrupted service including quick repair of bursts and pipe cleaning and water quality monitoring for the network. • Equip monitoring instruments in the WSC laboratory to analyze 106 parameters of the National Standard for Drinking Water. Water • Build emergency warning system and equip Training and supply with water source automatic monitoring systems monitoring safety in the reservoirs. • Ensure WSP staff are well trained on all steps of treatment process, including emergency warning and response actions. • Rubbish and dewatered sludge will be regularly Solid waste from collected, and disposed. Solid waste WSPs’ staff and • Sludge in sedimentation tank and other places, UMB EPB treatment process dehydrated for agricultural, forest or engineering foundation backfill. Source: the domestic EAs. Key: BCA- Bureau of Civil Affairs; BCR- Bureau of Cultural Relics; BLM- Bureau of Land Management; CSC-Construction Supervision Company; DI-design institute; EA-Project Executive Agency; EHS-environment, health and safety; EMS- Environment Monitoring Station; EPB- Environment Protection Bureau; FB- Forestry Bureau; GRM-Grievance Redress Mechanism; IA-Project Implementation Agency; LARP- Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plan; LARO- Land Acquisition and Resettlement Office; LB- Labor Bureau; LIEC- Loan Implementation Environmental Consultant; PPCU- Project Pubic Complaints Unit; TA-Project Technical Assistance; WSC- Water Supply Company; WRB- Water Resource Bureau; WSP-Water Supply Plant. Source: Domestic EAs and FSRs, LUCRPO WSC, EPB, WRB and other government divisions. VII-5 Estimated Costs for Implementation of Mitigation Measures 190. The estimated cost for implementation of environmental impact mitigation measures nd environmental monitoring during construction period and operation (the first year) is listed in Table VII-10. It is estimated through similar projects’ experiences by the five EA units and FSRs. The cost will be adjusted after the project design is completed to be finally determined. Table VII-5 Estimated costs for implementation of mitigation measures and environmental monitoring Item Project City Provin Mitigate/Monito Shenya Ansha Fushu Fuxi Gaizh ce Type Phase ring Item ng n n n ou Dust And Gas 50 10 10 31 8 Wastewater 10 10 5 2.5 8 Constructi Noise 15 20 2 11 10 EP on Period Mitigation Solid Waste 20 15 30 3 30 Measures Water And Soil 35 30 5 36 20 Conservation Operation Noise 28 80 20 15 20 Period Greening 65 32 5 35 30 Air Monitoring 8 6 6 18 5 Constructi Surface water Environme 12 6 6 11.5 5 on Period Monitoring ntal Monitoring Noise Monitoring 4 5 4 6 4 Operation Noise Monitoring 5 5 5 8 5 Period Institutional Staff Training 20 15 12 17 5 5.4 Strengheni ng Equipment Procurement - - - 16 - Total 272 234 110 210 150 981.4 Source: Environmental Monitoring Units VIII. Environmental Monitoring, Inspection and Reporting 191. The project environmental monitoring program focuses on the project‘s area of influence. The program describes the location of monitoring, parameters, time and frequency, implementing and supervising agencies, internal and external monitoring, and estimated costs. A detailed cost breakdown will be provided by the city EMSs when the detailed environmental monitoring programs are prepared at the start of each subproject implementation. Sampling of individual parameters shall comply with the methods provided in the relevant national environmental monitoring standards for air, water, noise, soil, pollutant discharge, and PRC Drinking Water Quality Standard of GB5749-2006. These standards are comparable with the World Bank EHS Guidelines. 192. Internal environmental inspection and monitoring. Each contractor and CSC will recruit at least one environmental staff for its internal environmental inspection and supervision during construction. The LUCRPO Environment Officer, supported by the LIEC, will be responsible for internal inspection and overall compliance with the EMP during project construction and the first year of operation. The project city EMSs will be responsible for the environmental monitoring program (i.e. water, air, noise and soil monitoring). The LUCRPO Environment Officer, LIEC and city EPBs will advise and supervise the contractors, CSCs and IAs to ensure that the environmental mitigation measures defined in the EMP are properly implemented. At the start of the project implementation, detailed internal environmental monitoring plans will be prepared by the CSCs, based on the project EMP, and reviewed and approved by the LUCRPO and LIEC. 193. Compliance monitoring. The city EMSs will conduct compliance monitoring during both construction and operation, as well as in the event of emergencies. The frequency and scope of the monitoring is described in Table VIII-1. annual monitoring reports will be prepared by the EMSs and then submitted to the IAs, the EPBs and LUCRPO for review. 194. External monitoring. In response to the World Bank Safeguard Policy requirements, the environment performance of each project component/subproject will be verified by external experts. The external experts are involved intermittently, and are external to the EA and IAs. The external experts may comprise loan implementation consultants that are not involved in day to day project implementation. The external experts will verify the EMP implementation and environmental monitoring information prepared by LUCRPO and the IAs. In verifying, external experts may conduct their own investigation by visiting the project sites, taking samples and/or conducting site inspections. The external experts will discuss the verification results with LUCRPO and the IAs, suggest corrective actions, and reflect findings in their EMP implementation and environmental monitoring verification reports. 195. Quality assurance (QA)/quality control (QC) for compliance monitoring. To ensure accuracy of the monitoring, the QA/QC procedures will be conducted in accordance with the following regulations: i) Regulations of QA/AC Management for Environmental Monitoring issued by the Ministry of Environmental Protection in July 2006; ii) QA/QC Manual for Environmental Water Monitoring (Second edition), published by the State Environmental Monitoring Centre in 2001; and iii) QA/QC Manual for Environmental Air Monitoring published by the State Environmental Monitoring Centre in 2001. 196. The results of environmental inspection and monitoring will be used to assess: (i) extent and severity of actual environmental impacts against predicted impacts; (ii) effectiveness of the mitigation measures and compliance with environmental standards and regulations; (iii) trends in impacts; (iv) overall effectiveness of EMP implementation; and (v) the need for additional mitigation measures and corrective actions if non-compliance is observed. 197. Monthly internal reports. During project construction, monthly environmental progress reports will be prepared by the CSCs and submitted to the LUCRPO and IAs. These will summarize the monthly monitoring and inspection data collected by the CSCs. These reports will present: (i) project implementation status; (ii) mitigation measures implemented; (iii) results of monitoring and inspections, including monitoring data of air, noise and surface water, in particular outlet water qualities from the proposed WSPs; (iv) analysis of monitoring data against relevant standards and the baseline data; v) violations of environmental regulations and standards (vi) any additional mitigation measures required; (vii) any environmental training received; (viii) occupational health and safety (e.g. any accidents); and (ix) any issues and follow-up actions e.g. complaints. 198. Annual environmental monitoring and progress reports. LUCRPO will, on behalf of the EA, submit to the World Bank annual environmental progress reports based on the internal and compliance monitoring and external inspections. The reports will include: (i) progress and effectiveness of EMP implementation; (ii) environmental monitoring and compliance; (iii) institutional strengthening and training; (iv) public consultation; and (v) any problems encountered during construction and operation, and corrective actions undertaken. Information on progress of the associated facilities which are relevant as part of the environmental assurances under the project, will also be included. The LIEC will help LUCRPO prepare these annual reports. The LIEC will also submit a verification report to the World Bank, which will confirm project compliance with the EMP and PRC laws, regulation and standards, and identify any implementation issues and corrective actions. 199. Report of environmental acceptance monitoring and audit. No later than one month after completion of construction work, the IA(s) will collect data/reports from contractor(s) and CSC(s), and submit construction completion reports to LUCRPO and the district EPB. The report will indicate the timing, extent, and effectiveness of the completed mitigation and maintenance activities, and point out the need for further mitigation measures and monitoring during operations. Within two months after project completion, environmental acceptance monitoring and audit reports of project completions will be (i) prepared by the EMS in accordance with the PRC Regulation on Environmental Check-and-Acceptance of Project Completion (MEP, 2001), (ii) reviewed for approval by the city EPBs, and (iii) finally reported to The World Bank by LUCRPO and the LIEC. 200. The World Bank safeguard review mission. At least once a year, a World Bank safeguard mission will visit the project sites to review project compliance with the EMP, including review of monitoring data, status of EMP implementation, and performance of the public consultation. Table VIII-1 Environmental Reporting Plan Phase From To Reporting Construction Internal monitoring report CSCs IAs Monthly Compliance monitoring report City EMSs LUCRPO, IAs, EPBs Semi-annual LUCRPO, Semi-annual progress report The World Bank Semi-annual LIEC CSCs, 1 month after project EMP completion report LUCRPO, IAs, LIEC Contractors completion Environmental acceptance City EPBs, LUCRPO, IAs, EA, 2 months after project EMS report The World Bank completion Operation (first year of operation) Internal monitoring report IAs EPBs, LUCRPO, Semi- annual LUCRPO, IAs, EPBs, EA, World Compliance monitoring report EMS, LIEC Semi-annual Bank Source: discussion with the EA Institutes Table VIII-2 Environmental Monitoring Program Action if Impleme Supervis Applicable Budget Subject Parameter Location Frequency exceeded nt e standard (xCNY104) standard Construction i)immediatel y monitor the water quality to identify Water Grade II of pollution pH, SS, NH3- sources, Surface source; ii) Reservoir N, oil, CODcr, reservoirs, Water Once a WSCs, take water BOD5, TP, and the EMSs Quality month EPBs enforcemen quality total water intake Standard t action to coliforms points of the (GB3838- stop WSPs 2002) pollution and investigate responsibilit y Internal Included in Inspect dust Monitoring: IAs construction mitigation at least CSC supervision measures Visual once a contract and inspection month maintenance at all of vehicles construction External and sites Included in Monitoring: IAs, construction LIEC, loan at least LUCRPO equipment EMSs implementatio twice per , EPB n TA contract year i)immediatel y monitor to Air identify the All reason for construction exceeded sites (at Compliance standard; ii) least one Grade II of Monitoring: ensure point Ambient Air twice per IAs, contractor PM10, upwind, two Quality day for 3 EMSs LUCRPO to take PM2.5, NOx points Standard consecutive , EPB effective downwind) (GB3095- days, twice mitigation and 1996). per year measures; sensitive and iii) receivers ensure nearby . CSC to strengthen supervision. i) Endure contractor Grade I of Boundaries Compliance to take Environment of the monitoring: effective al Quality WSPs, and twice per measures Standard for sensitive day (once in to control Noise receivers day time noise LUCRPO (GB3096- near the and once at source; and Noise LAeq EMS , IAs, 2008) for the pipeline night time) ii) ensure EPB WSP sites; construction for 2 CSC to Grade II and routs and consecutive strengthen Grade 4a pumping days, once supervision; standards for station every 2 iii) stop the pipeline sites. months. noisy routes construction machineries Action if Impleme Supervis Applicable Budget Subject Parameter Location Frequency exceeded nt e standard (xCNY104) standard operation during nighttime. IAs, Included in CSCs Garbage Internal LUCRPO Standard for the Visual Monitoring: pollution construction from work- inspection Monthly. control on supervision camps and at all the landfill contract Solid Waste construction construction site for waste at External Included in sites and LUCRPO domestic construction work-camps Monitoring: LIEC, , IAs, waste (GB loan sites Twice per EMSs implementatio EPB 16889-1997) year n TA contract i) Technical i)immediatel Specification y inspect of Water & the soil Internal Soil Erosion erosion Monitoring: Included in Control for situation Radom CSCs the check after IAs, Civil and identify construction LUCRPO Construction the reason; rainstorm supervision (GB50433- ii) take (rainfall> contract 2008); ii) enforcemen 50mm) Acceptance t action to Visual Quantity of Standard of stop soil inspection soil erosion Soil Erosion erosion. at borrow and ecologic control for pit and spoil restoration Civil sites External Construction Monitoring: GB/T 22490 twice per -2008; iii) Included in Soil year, and EMSs, LUCRPO Soil Erosion loan erosion, once after LIEC , EPB Control implementatio vegetation completion Standard for n TA contract of Civil construction Construction (GB/T 50434 -2008) Internal Included in Monitoring: the IAs, Compensato At least four CSCs construction Visual LUCRPO ry plantings times per supervision inspection year contract and re- at all vegetation of External disposal spoil Monitoring: sites and disposal Twice per Included in temporary IAs, sites and year, and loan occupied LIEC LUCRPO construction once after implementatio lands , EPBs sites completion n TA contract of construction Work camp Included in Internal CSCs Guideline of the hygiene IAs, Monitoring: Occupational construction and safety, Inspection Monthly health and supervision Occupation availability of at all safety contract al health clean water construction management and safety and sites and External Included in City system emergency work-camps Monitoring: loan LIEC Health (GB/T28002 response Twice per implementatio Bureau -2002) plans year n TA contract Subtotal Operation Action if Impleme Supervis Applicable Budget Subject Parameter Location Frequency exceeded nt e standard (xCNY104) standard Phase Temperature, pH, SS, NH3- N, oil, CODcr, Center of Water BOD5, TN, the three quality of TP, total reservoirs, the Once every WSCs, coliforms, and the EMSs reservoirs/ 2months EPBs NO3-N, DO, water intake water SS, Cr6+, points of the sources dimethoate, WSPs dichlorphos, dipterex The Compliance boundaries Monitoring: of all WSPs Twice per and day (once in pumping day time stations, LUCRPO and once at Noise LAeq and EMS , IAs, night time) sensitive EPB for 2 receivers consecutive nearby the days, WSPs and semiannuall pumping y. station Trees and Reforestatio Internal Included in vegetation n areas and Monitoring: EPB, FB’s Vegetation survival and spoil Spot check, FB, IAs Forestry operation coverage disposal twice per Bureau budget rate sites year on the Internal Municipal catchment Monitoring: WRB WRB, Soil erosion areas of the once a year EPB situation, reservoirs, turbidity Included in in particular increase in the WRB’s Soil erosion the the External Municipal operation reforestatio reservoirs Monitoring: LSMI WRB, budget n areas, during rainy once a year EPB and the season three reservoirs Subtotal Source: the domestic EAs. Key: BOD5 - 5-day biochemical oxygen demand; CODcr - chemical oxygen demand; CSC- construction supervision company; EMS - environmental monitoring station; EPB - environmental protection bureau; IA – Project Implementation Agency; LAeq = equivalent continuous A- weighted sound pressure level; LIEC=Loan Implementation Environment Consultant; NH 3-N = ammonia nitrogen; NOx = nitrogen oxides; PM2.5 = particles measuring 2.5μm or less; LUCRPO = the provincial project management office; SS = suspended solids; TSP = total suspended particle; WRB- Water Resource Bureau; WWTP=wastewater treatment plant. IX. GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM 201. Background. In the PRC, under Decree No. 431 Regulation on Petition Letters and Petitioner (State Council, 1 May 2005), a complaint acceptance mechanism is required at all levels of government, and which also protects complainants from retaliation. Under Temporary Act of Environmental Impact Assessment of Public Participating (Ministry of Environmental Protection, No.28 Document, 2006), it is needed to establish Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) and protect petitioner, agencies are required to implement a hotline number and email address to receive complaints and/or queries of project activities. The hotline and email address related to environmental protection shall be managed by designate staff in regarding city and district. 202. Under current general practices in Liaoning Province, as in other parts of the PRC, persons affected by construction generally first report to the contractors and IAs directly, or through their community committees. If the issue is not dealt with satisfactorily, the EPBs, which takes the leading role in addressing public concerns for the environment, then consults with the project owner or contractor to address the issue. This process is usually time-consuming. The major weakness of this system is (i) the lack of a project-specific unit to address grievances, and (ii) no specific timeframe for addressing grievances (the processing period usually takes too long and resulting to great complaints by the public). 203. Project-specific Grievance Redress Mechanism. A project Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) was developed by LUCRPO, IAs, and domestic EIA institutes, The GRM is a joint mechanism for the social and environmental aspects of the project. The GRM addresses the World Bank safeguard requirement to provide a platform for addressing any community concerns. It is designed to enable open channels for effective communication, identify, avoid, and mitigate any adverse impacts on potential affected peoples (APs) caused by project implementation and operations, and establish trust and respect between LUCRPO, IAs and contractors with the local communities. The GRM will be accessible to all members of the community, including the poor and vulnerable, women, children, and ethnic minorities. Multiple points of entry, including face- to-face meetings, written complaints, telephone conversations, or e-mail, are included in the GRM. Opportunities for confidentiality and privacy for complainants will be honored where this is requested, and in other cases if regarded as important. The project GRM comprises the following (Figure IX.1). i). The LUCRPO and IAs Environment and Social Officers will be responsible for implementation of the GRM. These staff will instruct the contractors and construction supervision companies (CSCs) on how to proceed with any public concerns received. They will coordinate with the district EPB and other government divisions, if necessary, and will be supported by Loan Implementation Environmental Consultant (LIEC). ii). The EPBs hotline and email address will form part of the GRM. iii). Prior to construction, key contact points for the GRM will be identified. These will include: the project IAs, contractor foremen (or contractor-nominated environmental and safety personnel), EPB, and residential committee heads. These personnel will be informed of the GRM and will ensure that their respective staff are aware of their responsibility to receive and forward any complaints received. Contact details (phone numbers, addresses, e-mail) will be publicly disseminated on information boards at construction sites and on EPB website. iv). Each contractor will assign an environment, health and safety officer (EHSO). v). A series of clear steps to identify how any complaints are received, forwarded to the appropriate persons, addressed within stated timelines, and documented. 204. Types of grievances which may be received. Public grievances addressed by the GRM will most likely relate to environmental issues during the construction phase, as consultations with communities confirmed basic support for the project. Grievances may include: (i) damage to public roads due to water supply pipeline laying, and heavy vehicle operation and transportation of heavy equipment and materials; (ii) disturbance of traffic and increased traffic congestion; (iii) dust emissions; (iv) construction noise and vibration; (v) soil erosion; (vi) inappropriate disposal of construction spoils; (vii) loss of income; (viii) damage to private homes; (ix) safety measures for the protection of the general public and construction workers; and (x) reservoir water quality deterioration during water source pumping station constructions. 205. GRM procedure. The GRM procedure is as follows (Figure IX.1). Any and all costs associated with addressing and solving public grievances shall be covered by the project. The GRM will remain open until the completion of project construction. Under the GRM, three entry points have been established – i.e. agencies which any affected person may contact: LUCRPO, the IAs, the construction contractors, and the construction supervision companies. The procedure of the mechanism is as follow: (i) Stage 1. The AP submits a written or oral complaint to any of the established entry points for the project GRM. The GRM agency which receives the complaint will immediately report it to the LUCRPO and IAs’ Environment and/or Social Officer, who will prepare a written record of the complaint. LUCRPO or the IAs Environment and/or Social Officer will immediately facilitate a meeting among the GRM agencies to (i) identify a course of action, (ii) inform the other GRM agencies if necessary, (iii) emphasize discretion and respect for the AP, and anonymity if this is requested by the AP and/or LUCRPO and the IAs decides this will benefit the AP, and (iv) identify which GRM agency will lead resolution of the issue with the AP. Initiating resolution with the AP will occur within 7 days of the complaint being received by the GRM entry approached by the AP. As far as possible the issue will also be resolved within this 7-day period, to the satisfaction of the AP and PMO. The LUCRPO and IAs’ Environment and/or Social Officer will closely oversee this process and ensure a written record is kept of the process. Complaints which are clearly not project-related and/or are outside the mandate of the GRM (e.g. resettlement, fraud, corruption), and for which other procedures are more appropriate, will be passed to relevant authorities. The LIEC will assist LUCRPO and the IAs’ officers in replying to the affected person. Records of complaints will be included in the semi-annual environmental reports to the World Bank. (ii) Stage 2. If no solution can be identified by LUCRPO and the IAs’ Environment and/or Social Officer and AP, or the AP is not satisfied with the proposed solution, LUCRPO and the IAs will organize, within two weeks, a multi-stakeholder meeting with the AP, contractor, IA, and EPB. The hearing shall identify a solution acceptable to all, and formulate an action plan. The contractors during construction and the IAs during operation will implement the agreed- upon redress solution and report the outcome to LUCRPO and the IAs’ within the agreed upon timeframe. Grievances/Complaints by APs, Groups or Institutions Oral or written complaint Solution Oral or written Found complaint Local EPB, IAs (WSCs), Community leaders Contractor/CSC Forward Inform if solved; Forward if not solved LUCRP/IAs Environment and/or Social Officers Record complaint, assess eligibility of complaint, inform relevant stakeholders, including the World Bank and the EPB Consult LIEC, IAs, contractor, CSC, Solution not found identify solution, to get AP’s consent Solution Conduct stakeholders meeting found (contractor, IAs, APs, EPB, LIEC), identify solution and action plan. PMO and the World Bank will participate if necessary. Solution found Implement Solution During During Construction Operation Contractors IAs (WSCs) Figure IX.1. The Project GRM. X. Information Disclosure, Public Consultation and Participation 206. Meaningful public and stakeholder participation and consultation during project planning, feasibility study, design and implementation are an important EA requirement, and can directly reflect the public’s perceptions on environmental quality in the project’s area of influence. 207. Relevant provisions in the Environmental Protection Law of the PRC and the Regulations on the Administration of Construction Project Environmental Protection (Order of the State Council, No. 253) require that an EA report prepared by a certified EA Institute shall be in accordance with relevant laws to solicit the opinions of organizations concerned and residents within and nearby the project sites. In August 2012, the PRC National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) issued a new requirement for “Social Risk Assessment of Large Investment Projects�, which emphasizes the importance of public consultations in an effective manner, and requires that the results of public consultation are clearly summarized in the EA report, including the dates of consultations, number of stakeholders, who the stakeholders are, and the comments received. It is also important to show how the concerns and comments from the stakeholders and affected persons (APs) have been addressed by the updated FSR, the project design, the EA and EMP. The World Bank Safeguard Policy (OP/BP4.01) also requires meaningful public participation, consultation and information disclosure. The information disclosure in this Project is website and local newspaper. Forums and questionnaire will be used for public consultation. X-1 Information disclosure and public consultation 208. The information disclosure for the city subprojects were conducted by the EIA Institutes in the five project cities, which include: i)project name, IAs, management units and funding source; ii)project content and planned construction methods (brief introduction); iii) estimated construction period (starting and completing time); iv) project scope and estimated environmental impact type and scope; v) mitigation measures and monitoring plan in EA and EMP; vi) EA and EMP; and vii) project IAs (5 water supply companies), contact details of the LUCRPO, IAs, the EA Institutes and local EPBs. 209. The information disclosure was posted on the website of Liaoning Provincial Housing and construction division on 28 February 2017 (http://www.lnjst.gov.cn/website/main/index.aspx), the information posted include the project cities, the contents of project and subprojects, and the link of EMP. The information disclosure time and media is shown in Table X-1. The screenshots for information disclosure are in Figure X-1-Figure 6. Table X-1 the Public Information Disclosure City Date Media Posted Shenyang 10 Oct. 2016 The website of northeast news (ww.nen.com.cn) Anshan 17 Oct. 2016 Anshan Daily Newspaper Fushun 16 Dec. 2016 The website of Fushun Water Company Fuxin 3 Jan. 2017 The website of Fuxin Municipal EPB Gaizhou 26 Sep. 2016 The website of Gaizhou Municipal Government Liaoning (EMP, 28 Feb. 2017 The website of Liaoning Provincial Housing and ESMF) March 7, 2017 Construction Division Figure X-1 First Information Disclosure Figure X-2 First Information Disclosure (Shenyang) (Anshan) Figure X-3 First Information Disclosure Figure X-4 First Information Disclosure (Fuxin) (Gaizhou) Figure X-5 Information Disclosure (Fuxin) Figure X-6 The project EMP disclosure on Liaoning HCD Website 210. Future information disclosure. During construction and operation of the project, public consultation and participation plan is an important part of EMP. The future information disclosure will include: i) questionnaire, home survey, forum and consultation meeting; ii) affected person and stakeholder’s participation in EMP inspection and monitoring; iii) public consultation after project completion. These consultation will help to collect public attitude and opinion of project performance. X-2 Public participation and consultation 211. The public consultation was conduction in forum and questionnaire. The investigators are analyzed by gender, age, occupation information in Table X-2. The public opinion result is shown in Table X-3. Shenyang project also conducted social group consultation, the result is shown in Table X-4. Table X-2 Respondents of 1st Round of Questionnaire Survey Shenyang Anshan Fushun Fuxin Gaizhou 17-18 Nov. 26-30 Dec. 26-30 Dec. 27-28 Dec. 21-27 Dec. 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 Information of No. No. No. No. Consulted APs No. of of of of of Resp.(85 (%) Resp. (%) Resp. (%) Resp. (%) Resp. (%) in total) (50 in (50 in (60 in (30 in total) total) total) total) Gender Male 27 31.76 27 54 24 48 25 41.7 20 66.7 Distribution Female 58 68.24 23 46 26 52 35 58.3 10 33.3 <20 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3.3 0 0 20-40 21 24.71 25 50 26 52 32 53.3 7 23.3 Age Group 41-59 36 42.35 25 50 19 38 19 31.7 17 56.7 ≥60 28 23.94 0 0 5 10 7 11.7 6 20 Below junior high school 7 8 0 0 1 2 6 10 6 20 High school 39 46 1 2 14 28 36 60 14 46.7 Education College and above 39 46 49 98 33 66 18 30 10 33.3 Not filled 0 0 0 0 2 4 0 0 0 0 Worker 16 18.8 21 42 26 52 27 45 11 36.8 Peasants 0 0 0 0 2 4 3 5 10 33.3 Cadre 6 7.0 29 58 12 24 16 26.7 0 0 Occupation Immigrant Staff 10 11.8 0 0 3 6 5 8.3 1 3.3 Retirees 8 9.4 0 0 5 10 9 15 1 3.3 Not filled 28 32.9 0 0 2 4 0 0 7 23.3 Source: the DEIAs Table X-1: Results of 1st Round of Questionnaire Survey Shenyang Anshan Fushun Fuxin Gaizhou 21-27 Dec. 17-18 Nov. 26-30 Dec. 26-30 Dec. 27-28 Dec. Question Option 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 Perso Perso Perso Perso Perso % % % % % n/85 n/50 n/50 n/60 n/30 What do 98.8 100. 100. 96.7 100. Good 84 50 50 58 30 you think % 0% 0% % 0% of this 1.2 0.0 Bad 1 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% project, is % % it good for Not 0.0 3.3 0 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 2 0 0.0% you? sure % % No 34.1 22.0 3.3 29 0 0.0% 11 2 0 0.0% impact % % % What 50.6 44.0 28.0 35.0 46.7 impact of Traffic 43 22 14 21 14 % % % % % this 14.1 52.0 38.0 23.3 26.7 project do Noise 12 26 19 14 8 % % % % % you think 22.4 26.7 will affect Living 19 0 0.0% 2 4.0% 16 0 0.0% % % your life 10.6 11.7 26.7 dust 9 2 4.0% 4 8.0% 7 8 % % % Do you 98.8 100. 84.0 95.0 100. Yes 84 50 42 57 30 understan % 0% % % 0% d the meaning 1.2 16.0 5.0 No 1 0 0.0% 8 3 0 0.0% of this % % % project? Do you 47.1 64.0 56.0 93.3 100. Yes 40 32 28 56 30 have % % % % 0% concerns on road 52.9 36.0 44.0 6.7 No 45 18 22 4 0 0.0% excavatio % % % % n nearby? Have you 10.6 10.0 3.3 Yes6 9 2 4.0% 5 2 0 0.0% ever % % % complaine d to relevant departme nts or had 89.4 96.0 90.0 96.7 100. No 76 48 45 58 30 dispute % % % % 0% with others on water issues? Report If in the to 41.2 56.0 42.0 53.3 73.3 water 35 28 21 32 22 contra % % % % % supply ctor project Report affect your 57.6 8.3 to 49 2 4.0% 4 8.0% 5 2 6.7% work and % % WSC life, whom Report will you 14.1 40.0 50.0 38.3 20.0 to 12 20 25 23 6 report to? % % % % % EPB Reason:underground pipes are aging 6 One 36.5 20.0 16.0 0.0 31 10 8 0 0 0.0% week % % % % Half a 31.8 24.0 20.0 20.0 16.7 27 12 10 12 5 How long month % % % % % road One 22.4 20.0 32.0 35.0 46.7 19 10 16 21 14 excavatio month % % % % % n nearby Three 4.7 30.0 18.0 41.7 23.3 takes is month 4 15 9 25 7 % % % % % the most s appropriat half a 0.0 14.0 3.3 10.0 0 3 6.0% 7 2 3 e? year % % % % Doesn 4.7 0.0 ’t 4 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 1 3.3% % % matter In Suppo 94.1 100. 98.0 96.7 100. 80 50 49 58 30 considerat rt % 0% % % 0% ion of Not 0.0 0.0 economic, suppor 0 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% % % social and t environme ntal benefits of this Doesn 5.9 3.3 project, do ’t 5 0 0.0% 1 2.0% 2 0 0.0% % % you matter support this project? Do you have any comments or suggestio ns on the See paragraphs below. implement ation of this project? Source: the domestic EIAs 212. During the public consultation in five cities, 275 public questionnaires were issued and received 275 copies, women accounted for 55.3% (five cities comprehensive statistics, same below); for the age composition, age between 20 to 40 years old accounts for 40.4%, between 41 to 59 accounts for 42.2%, above 60 years old accounts for 16.7%. For the education level, people’s highest education is elementary school and did not fill accounts for 8% of the total number of surveyed, middle school and high school accounts for 37.8%, college or above accounted accounts for 54.2%. For the occupation, workers accounts for 36.7%, white-collar cadres/teacher/doctor accounts for 22.9%, farmers accounts for 5.4%, retiree is occupied of 8.4%, floating population accounts for 6.9%, ones did not fill accounts for 1.3%. 213. The comprehensive statistics of five cities public participation questionnaire indicates that, in the investigation: i). 98.9% of the respondents think that the implementation of this project is good since this project will improve the city tap water coverage, solve the problem that the edge parts of the city’s lower water supply pressure problem, improve urban tap water quality, provides the public health, reduce the leakage rate (reducing pipe repair impact on the residents and traffic), and save water resources. ii). 41.4% of the investigators said that engineering construction, especially the urban pipeline construction, will affect the traffic, 28.7% of people think that noise is the major impact during the construction; at the same time, 10.9% of the investigators think that construction dust is the main impact. 15.3% of the total said construction has no impact at all. The data indicates that the public concerned about mostly is the impact of the project construction to transportation, followed by dust and noise. In addition, there are some investigators think that the construction may cause stopping of water supply, which may affect their daily life. iii). 95.6% of the public understand meaning of construction project; 67.6% of the total has concerns on pipe construction nearby. It suggests that though the public dislike the construction activities, the vast majority of the public understands the advantages after then. iv). In response to the nuisance phenomenon arising during construction, 50.2% of the public choose to report to the contractor, 22.5% chose to report to the water company, 31.3% chose to complain to the local environmental protection bureau and supervision organization. It indicates that in the process of construction, contact and complaint information of contractor, the owner and the regulators should be released in the eye- catching place to provide the public of convenience to complaint and claim; v). In the selection of construction duration, 17.8% of the total chose a week, 24.0% of people chose the half a month, 29.1% chose a month, 21.8% chose 3 months, 5.4% of people choose for half a year, another 1.8% said doesn't matter. Investigators who choose within three months accounts for 92.7%. It suggests that the majority of the public want to shorten the construction duration as far as possible. vi). 97.1% of the public expressed support for the project, another 2.9% said doesn't matter. It indicates that the project is supported by the majority of the public. 214. The opinions of the other investigators include: i) hope to project completed as soon as possible, shorten the construction duration; ii) hope that through the construction of this project, water quality of water supply would get great improvement; iii) want to decrease frequency and duration the water supply cutting off, time, especially in the summer, to reduce the impact on residents' life; iv) hope to strengthen the engineering quality, prolong the service life of pipelines and reduce the repeated excavation construction. 215. At the forums, some residents also question the cost of water supply reconstruction in residential area, as well as the water source and water quality. In addition, they also asked about problems such as tap water price. For residents' concerns, EIA units and water company representatives provided answers. As for water supply safety, water company representatives made explanation from aspects as tap water production, water quality monitoring, water transportation and distribution, secondary pump station. 216. After public participation, five EIA units reported public opinions to water companies and design institute (FSR unit), corresponding environmental impact mitigation measures are added in the revision of the FSR and the EIA report, including: 1) length of pipeline construction excavation each time not more than 300 m, take sections to construct, block road to recovery to shorten the construction period, reduce the impact;2) using site sprinkler, transport vehicles covering, the site temporary storage covering of earthmoving and construction materials to control construction dust;3) set up the site temporary wall, control the construction time (8:00- 18:00) to reduce noise;4) during pipeline construction, use water supply dispatching management and the valve control to reduce the frequency and duration of water supply cutting off, and send notice to the residential area 48 hours before the construction. 217. Shenyang project scale is wide and involves a large population, it covers the whole urban area. Shenyang EIA units conducted 8 social investigations, 8 copies of answers are received, including religious institutions Nanguan Catholic Church in Shenyang, Shenyang Chemical Industry Research Institute, and five commercial institutions. According to the nature of the project, business consulting surveys conducted mainly choose the food service industry, the conclusion is as follows: i). two individual businesses objected to this project construction, which accounts for 25% of the total number of surveyed, the main reason is that they worry about water supply cutting off will affect its business; ii). Shenyang Nanguan Catholic Church expressed that they understand the objective and necessity of the project, they hope that the project construction period to avoid the Catholic Easter and large religious festivals to prohibit traffic congestion nearby; iii). 75% of investigated institutions showed support to this project. 218. For the appeal, water company representative said they would try to ensure the water supply to commercial businesses along the street during the day, in order to reduce the impact on businesses. It is determined the date of the construction to avoid the Catholic Easter, the Holy Spirit as well as the Virgin Ascensiontide religious holiday (April 1, May 22 and August 15). EIA units have reported the information Shenyang Water Company and Design Institute, the construction of the pipeline will be conduct during September to October of 2018 to reduce the influence of the Catholic Church. X-3 Additional information disclosure and public consultation for Gaizhou adjusted project 219. After the World Bank project pre-appraisal in November 2016, Gaizhou project was adjusted due to the water source issue of Shimen Reservoir. The subproject was changed from original construction of 50,000 m3/d WSP, with the raw water from the reservoir to directly purchasing clean water from the existing Yingkou Guotun WSP, So that about 1km changed water transmission pipeline will pass the villages of Jiajia and Gujiazi, therefor the addition public consultation needed to be conducted. 220. The information disclosure. The information for the project adjustment was posted on the website of Gaizhou municipal government on 3rd May 2017 (http://www.gaizhou.gov.cn/newsinfo.php?id=7324), the information posted include the contents of project, proposed environmental impacts mitigation measures, as well as the methods and ways of the public consultation. The screenshots for information disclosure is shown in Figure X- 7. 221. The public consultation. The EIA Institute, with the assistance of Gaizhou WSC, conducted the public consultation on 5 and 6 May 2017 within the increased project impact scope of Jiajia, Gujiazi and Donngbaling villages. Fifty questionnaires were distributed to fifty (50) APs from different age groups, gender and occupations (Table X-3), and 100% questionnaires were completed and returned. The result showed 100% respondents expressed they had known the benefits and necessity of the project, and showed their support to the project. Table X-3 Respondents of additional questionnaire survey for Gaizhou adjusted project Gaizhou 5-6 May 2017 Information of Consulted APs No. of Resp.(50 in (%) total) Gender Male 39 78 Distribution Female 11 22 <20 0 0 20-40 6 12 Age Group 41-59 35 70 ≥60 9 18 Below junior high school 27 54 High school 16 32 Education College and above 7 14 Not filled 0 0 Worker 10 20 Peasants 37 74 Cadre 0 0 Occupation Immigrant Staff 0 0 Retirees 1 2 Not filled 2 4 Figure X-7 Information Disclosure (Gaizhou adjusted project ) 222. The main opinion of respondents: the respondents reflected that they are currently drinking groundwater from local deep wells without any environment protection and monitoring devices, they hope change to treated water after the project completion; another concern the respondents expressed is compensation fee for the temporary land occupation during the pipeline construction. 223. For the above issues, the representatives of Gaizhou WSC expressed that i) they will proactively try to solve the problem for the villages connecting with the Gaizhou municipal water supply system; ii) promised to compensate the villages in accordance with the PRC policies and local standard for the temporary land occupation. After the public consultation, all the participants expressed understand and accept the public consultation. Figure X-8 Questionaries’ survey in Figure X-9 Questionaries’ survey in Shenyang Dadong District Shenyang Shenhe District Figure X-10 Public Hearing Meeting in FigureIX-11 Public Hearing Meeting in Fuxin Xinqiu District Fuxin Xinqiu District Figure X-12 Public Hearing Meeting in Figure X-13 Public Hearing Meeting in Gaizhou Gaizhou X-4 Additional information disclosure and public consultation for mid-term restructuring project 224. In order to make full use of the surplus funds of the World Bank project and meet the new requirements of stable water supply and quality assurance of urban water supply system in the future, two sub-projects in Fushun and Gaizhou were adjusted in the mid-term. Fushun 225. Publicity: The publicity of the project was published on Fushun Water Company (http://fszls.cn/) on January 20, 2022, including project introduction, EIA process, environmental protection measures and public participation methods and approaches. Figure 10-8 shows the screenshot. Figure X-8 Screenshot of information publicity of Fushun mid-term adjustment project 226. Public consultation: With the assistance of Fushun Water Company, the EIA conducted a public participation survey on residents involved in the construction activities of 7 WSPs within the scope of project change from January 13 to 15, 2022. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, 35 affected people were interviewed by telephone. 98% of respondents expressed their understanding of the benefits and necessity of the project, and 100% of respondents expressed support for the construction of the project. The occupation, age and gender of the respondents are shown in the table below. Table X-4 Information of participants in public consultation (Public Participation in Fushun Mid-term Adjustment Project) Fushun Public Participant Information 2022.1.13-15 Number of participants (35) (%) Male 22 71 Gender Female 13 29 ˂20 0 0 20-40 7 20 Age 41-59 24 68 ≥60 4 12 Primary and below 8 22 Secondary school (high school Educational 12 34 and junior high school) level College degree or above 15 43 Not filled 0 0 Worker 13 37 Farmer 12 34 Cadres/teachers/doctors 7 20 Occupation Migrant workers 0 0 Retiree 1 3 Not filled 2 6 227. Respondents' main opinions: Respondents are more concerned about the noise generated by the construction of water purification plant, and the pipeline excavation will cause water supply in some communities. They hope to notify users before the water shutdown, shorten the water shutdown time as much as possible, and take protective measures against dust and noise during construction. 228. In response to the above problems, the representative of the Fushun Water Company said that it would respond positively and solve the problem of residents' access to tap water. To take timely measures to reduce noise caused by construction, to ensure that the noise meets the national standard, the resident representatives of the participants expressed their understanding and acceptance. Gaizhou 229. Publicity: The publicity of the project was published on the wechat official account of Gaizhou Water Online Business Office on January 18, 2022, including project introduction, EIA process, environmental protection measures and public participation methods and approaches, etc. See Figure X-9. Figure X-9 Screenshot of information publicity of the newly added Mid-level research project in Gaizhou 230. Public consultation: With the assistance of Gaizhou Water Co., LTD., the EIA unit conducted a public participation survey on residents involved in the construction activities of two water purification plants (Tashan Water Plant and Henan Water Plant) within the scope of project change from January 18 to 20, 2022. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, 70 affected people were interviewed by telephone. 100% of the respondents expressed their understanding of the benefits and necessity of the project, and 100% of the respondents expressed their support for the construction of the project. The occupation, age and gender of the respondents are shown in the table below. Table X-5 Information of participants in public consultation (Public Participation in Gaizhou Mid-term Adjustment Project) Gaizhou Public Participant Information 2022.1.18-20 Number of participants (70) (%) Male 42 60 Gender Female 28 40 ˂20 15 21 20-40 35 50 Age 41-59 12 17 ≥60 8 11 Primary and below 8 11 Secondary school (high school Educational 20 28 and junior high school) level College degree or above 35 50 Not filled 7 10 Worker 10 14 Farmer 18 25 Cadres/teachers/doctors 25 35 Occupation Migrant workers 12 17 Retiree 5 7 Not filled 0 0 231. Respondents' main opinions: Respondents are more concerned about the water supply in some communities caused by pipeline excavation and water purification plant renovation. They hope to notify users in advance of water shutdown during construction, shorten the water shutdown time as much as possible, and take protective measures against dust and noise during construction. 232. In response to the above problems, Gaizhou Water Company representatives said that they will actively respond and solve the problem of residents' access to tap water. Representatives of residents attending the meeting expressed their understanding and acceptance. XI. Appendix 1 Water Supply Project Environmental Implementation Practices during Construction 1. The implementation practice is formulated in order to protect the ecological environment near the construction site, construction personnel's health and life security, improve the work environment for construction workers, prevent water loss and soil erosion during construction, and the avoid pollution to the environment and all kinds of diseases. 2. This chapter puts forward the environmental protection measures that shall be taken by the contractor during construction, it mainly include the environmental management of construction site, dust pollution and harmful gas emissions control, water pollution control of municipal solid waste, noise control, solid waste control, soil erosion and water loss control and etc.. i). In the contractor's construction organization design, there should be the effective measures to prevent pollution to the atmosphere, water, noise, solid waste, and the to avoid water loss and soil erosion and improve environmental sanitation. ii). In the process of construction, the environmental protection measures should be carried out in construction organization design to protect the air, surface water, sound environment and ecological environment quality, satisfy the requirement of functional zones, and accept the supervision from the environment supervision and management institutions. iii). The construction site must establish environmental protection, environmental sanitation management and inspection system, and should keep inspection record. iv). The contractor should take effective occupational disease prevention measures, provide necessary protective equipment to workers, physical examination and training should be provided to personnel engaged in the occupational-disease- inductive work on a regular basis (at least once a year). v). The construction works should be combined with seasonal characteristics, the contractor should make good organization on workers' diet health cooling and warm, and take effective measures to prevent gas poisoning, epidemic prevention, etc. vi). Trainings and assessment of construction personnel should include laws and regulations on environmental protection, environmental sanitation. vii). According to laws and regulations, the contractor should formulate the public health emergency contingency plans in construction site. 3. Construction site layout and temporary facilities. The scope of construction site include construction area, office area and construction staff living zones. i). The construction area should be divided from office and living area, corresponding isolation measures should be taken to ensure that cleaning and order in entire construction area. ii). The construction area and living area shall be equipped with corresponding environmental protection facilities or the environmental impact reduction measures, such as dust, noise control measures in construction area and etc. iii). The construction site entrances should be marked with the contractor and supervision company name or logo. In the obvious places, project information board shall be set up, and institutional board should also be set up include information on safety production, fire control, environmental protection and civilized construction. iv). If the construction needs to interrupt municipal services (including water, electricity, telephone, Internet and public transit, etc.), notices should be posted at least five days earlier to inform the affected residents and enterprises, and indicate the beginning and ending time of service interruption. v). It is strictly prohibited to set dormitory within unfinished buildings. vi). Temporary facilities shall all be removed within month of construction project completion. 4. Operation condition and environmental safety i). The construction site must adopt closed color-steel fence with height not less than 2.5 m, 3 m in sensitive area. ii). The construction site should set up the bulletin board to show site layout and safety production, fire control, environmental protection and civilized construction system, as well as the public emergency treatment chart. iii). The construction unit should take protective measures to ensure the safety of adjacent buildings, structures and construction project safety and underground pipeline safety. iv). During construction, hard security protection measures should be taken to the peripheral pedestrian street, entrance/exit, while lighting indicating devices shall be set up at night. v). Eye-catching safety warning marks shall be set up near the construction site entrances and exits, the construction hoisting machinery, temporary electricity facilities, scaffolding and access gangway and other dangerous parts. Safety warning signs must be in line with national standards. vi). In different stages of construction and when season, climate and environment changes, corresponding safety technical measures should be taken to the construction site to achieve safe civilization construction conditions. vii). The firefighting equipment should be properly maintain, piled up obstacles will not be set to escape way. 5. Pollution control implementation procedures. 6. Dust control: The main sources of dust include road traffic, construction site, building materials, earthwork stack, earthwork, waste residue, construction waste , transportation process, the original road demolition, concrete and mortar mixing works. According to the dust pollution source, this procedure put forward the following dust pollution control measures: i). The bare ground in construction site should use sprinkler to suppress dust. ii). Materials should be piled up tightly within the construction site and reduce material surface area. iii). The materials that are easy to float in the sky or with fine particles should be sealed storage, handling shade measures should be taken during loading and unloading. iv). The earth should be gathered stacking, concentrated pile up of earth should be covered, curing and other measures. Excavated soil with pile location should be calculated balance ahead of construction, or take earthwork resource allocation between adjacent construction site to make the most of the original soil backfill, maintain a balance between excavation and fill earthwork quantity. v). Transportation of earthwork and construction waste residue must use closed transportation vehicles. vi). If the construction will use ready-mixed concrete and ready-mixed mortar, the construction site shall not set mixing plant. vii). The commercial concrete and mortar should be bought from qualified concrete enterprise with environmental protection facilities. viii). When it is windy weather with more than Grade Four, earthwork backfilling, transshipment and other construction activities producing dust pollution should not be taken undertaken. 7. Harmful gas emissions control: During project construction, the harmful gas is mainly from construction machinery and transport vehicle emissions, in order to control gas pollution, the procedures proposed emission control measures are as follows: i). The construction site shall strictly prohibited incinerate all kinds of waste. ii). The construction vehicles, machinery and equipment should be regularly maintained to keep good condition, the gas discharged should comply with national exhaust emission standards. 8. Water pollution control: During construction, waste water mainly generates from construction wastewater, workers’ domestic sewage, and water pollution caused by crossing the river, of which, the construction waste water generates from the hydrostatic test and disinfection washing, etc. Aiming at the above-mentioned waste water, the proposed emission control measures include: i). For scattered project construction sites, domestic sewage should existing public health facilities, after preprocessing, it should be discharged into the municipal sewage pipe network. It is prohibitive to discharge domestic sewage in scattered places. ii). For wastewater generated in water pressure test and washing disinfection, although it is clean water, the direct emission to trenches also can cause certain pollution of soil, the EIA requires discharge it to municipal sewage pipe network nearby. Due to specific project construction time and places, all the pipe sections are scattered, this kind of wastewater will be discharged at different position into the urban sewage pipe network for many times, it will not challenge wastewater treatment plant. iii). The crossing way will adopt drawn tube and pipe jacking construction methods to reduce pollutants during construction, especially the suspension effect on the river. 9. Noise control: Construction noise pollution mainly generated by the construction machinery and transport vehicles, the impact is around the construction site and both sides of roadways. According to the characteristics of noise pollution in small construction project, the proposed emission control measures are listed as follows: i). The reasonable arrangement of construction plan: it is essential to formulate scientific construction plan to avoid using large number of high noise equipment at the same time. In addition, the construction equipment with large noise, strong impact and vibration should be scheduled during the daytime, and should be prohibited during night (22:00 to 6:00 the next day). ii). Reasonable construction site layout: it should make reasonable arrangement of construction plan and method. Scattered machinery equipment arrangement is an appropriate way to avoid too many power equipment settled in the same place resulting in high local sound level. iii). Equipment sound level reduction 1) Select equipment with low, such as hydraulic machinery instead of fuel oil, vibrorammer instead of high-frequency vibrator, high noise machinery install silencer; conduct maintenance work to mechanical equipment everyday; 2) exhaust muffler can be installed to fixed, digging and earth moving equipment, such as excavator, bulldozer, etc.;3) for equipment that doesn’t use, it should be shut down immediately, transport vehicles entering the site should be slow down and avoid horning. iv). Establish temporary noise barrier: set up temporary silencing plate sound barrier to high noise equipment around acoustic sensitive areas, sound barriers should be higher than the ground by more than 1.2 m, width than machines working area by more than 2 m to guarantee the construction noise emissions is lower than standard. v). For the transport vehicles entering the construction site, the vehicle speed should be less than 20 km/ hour, it is strictly prohibited to horn. In addition to the above noise reduction measures, it is important to establish good community relations with companies and residents along. Companies and residents who will be impacted by the construction should be noticed before operation, and inform them of construction measures to reduce noise to get common understanding. To companies and residents that are greatly influenced by the construction, appropriate compensation should be provided. In addition, during construction, hotline telephone should be set up to accept noise nuisance complaints, and make corresponding treatment. 10. Waste control: During construction, solid waste can be generated from construction and domestic waste, among them, construction waste is the main source. The main materials include soil, sediment, scattered mortar and concrete, masonry and concrete debris, reinforced concrete pile head, all kinds of packaging materials and other wastes. In view of the project construction, the control measures are listed as following: i). For domestic waste, fixed-point methods should be adopted to set up special container to collect, and keep cleaning every day on time. ii). According to different construction time and location, choose the nearest building construction site to transport construction soil to use as filling or greening earth. iii). Sandstone, building materials, steel products, packaging materials can be recycled and timely cleaned. 11. Soil and water loss control: Because this project is all located in the urban plain areas, as long as strengthening management during construction, soil and water loss can be reduced greatly. i). The construction site should be pay attention to reasonable piled earth, it is better to set apart with certain distance from the sewers and river, construction materials and digging soil that is not timely discarded should be covered during heavy rain and wind. ii). The excavation should try to avoid the rainy season. The excavated exposed surface should shorten the exposure time to reduce water and soil loss. iii). Drainage ditch should be excavated near the construction site to induce ground water in site. XII. Appendix 2 Emergency Procedures When Cultural Relic Found During Construction 1. No historical relics were found in five cities in the project construction area. But water supply pipeline project include excavation, which should pay attention to the presence of underground cultural relics. Once cultural relics are found, one should immediately notify the local cultural relic’s protection department, and protect the scene in a timely manner. The construction can be continued after the cultural relic’s department treatment. 2. According to PRC Cultural Relics Protection Law (Oct.28 2002) Article 32, it is regulated that in construction or agricultural production, when cultural relics are found by any unit or individual, one shall protect the scene and immediately report to the local administrative department of cultural relics. After receiving the report, if no special circumstances, cultural relics administrative departments should get to the scene within 24 hours, and put forward handling opinions within seven days. The cultural relics administrative departments may report to the local government to notify the public security department to help protect the scene; when important cultural relics are found, the department shall immediately report to the state council cultural relics administrative department, who shall issue handling opinions within 15 days after the report received. In accordance with the preceding paragraph, cultural relics found shall be owned by the state, no unit or individual shall plunder, privately distribute or hiding. 3. For cultural relics accidentally discovered during construction, the management requirement include: i). If cultural relics are found during construction, the construction activity should immediately stop, the on-site personnel should protect the scene and not dispose without authorization, and immediately report to the local cultural relics management department. ii). After opinions are carried out by the cultural relics management department, based on the comments that is issued, the construction unit should develop construction scheme for cultural relics sections, and restart the construction activity after the cultural relics department’s consent. Before the end of the archaeological excavations, no unit or individual shall not continue any construction or production activities. No unit or individual shall plunder, privately distribute, or hide the founded cultural relic. 4. The procedure after cultural relics found during construction is shown in the Figure APP2-1. Contractor finds suspected historic relics Report to IAs Contractor shut down construction immediately, and protect suspected site IA Report to provincial and municipal cultural relics management departments Municipal cultural relics management Provincial PMO department Identify suspected cultural relics and make response and judgement Identified as cultural relics Protection class Identified as Delimit protection scope. Provincial cultural relics IA Public security department management departments help protecting the site Notice Provincial or national Municipal cultural relics class cultural relics After getting approval from regarding agency, contractor Determine protection continue construction National cultural relics bureau scope Response and judgment within 15 days Implementation measures and get Professional Make argument on Professional Make argument on construction search and dig site protection type search and dig site protection type approval from cultural relics departments Figure APP-2 Procedure after Underground Cultural Relics Found During Construction