The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project Resettlement Plan of Mid-term Adjustment Jiangxi Province Urban Construction and Utilization of Foreign Investment Office May 2020 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project Letter of Commitment The People’s Government of Jiangxi Province applies the load from the World Bank for CN-Jiangxi Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project. Therefore, the implementation of RAP should meet the requirements of social security policy of WB. The plan, procedure and framework of resettlement, which is the foundation of land acquisition and resettlement of displaced person, should obey the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, Jiangxi Province and affected counties as well as the social security policies of WB. The People’s Government of Jiangxi Province verify this report and guarantee the process such as land acquisition, house demolition, resettlement, compensation, restoration, and budget will be carried out following guidance of the RAP. The report is based on the Feasibility Study Report and survey data of social-economic background. If inconsistency between the content of final project and that of feasibility study report has substantial impact, this resettlement plan should be revised and submitted to WB for approval before implementation. The People’s Government of Jiangxi Province ________ (Signature) _______(Date) i Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project TABLE OF CONTENTS LETTER OF COMMITMENT ................................................................................................................... I TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................................IV LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................................................... 1 LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................................................... 2 1 BASIC INFORMATION OF THE PROJECT ....................................................................................... 3 1.1 BRIEF INTRODUCTION AND COMPOSITION OF THE PROJECT.................................................................... 3 1.2 MID-TERM ADJUSTMENT ............................................................................................................... 5 1.3 IMPACTS OF RESETTLEMENT ............................................................................................................ 6 1.3.1 Impacts of the Subprojects in the Original RAP ................................................................... 6 1.3.2 Impacts of the Reduced Subprojects in Mid-term Adjustement......................................... 10 1.3.3 Impacts of the New Subprojects ........................................................................................ 13 1.3.4 Impacts of all Subprojects after Mid-term Adjustment...................................................... 14 1.4 TOTAL INVESTMENT OF THE PROJECT AND MID-TERM ADJUSTMENT ..................................................... 16 1.5 MEASURES TO REDUCE IMPACTS OF CONSTRUCTION .......................................................................... 17 2 MONITORING AND EVALUATION ON IMPLEMENTATION OF THE RESETTLEMENT ..................... 19 2.1 IMPACTS OF RESETTLEMENT OF THE ORIGINAL PROJECTS .................................................................... 19 2.2 REDUCTION OF THE SUBPROJECTS ................................................................................................... 20 2.3 EVALUATION ON IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROJECT........................................................................... 21 3 IMPACTS OF THE NEW PROJECTS.............................................................................................. 23 3.1 INVESTIGATION ON THE IMPACTS OF THE PROJECT .............................................................................. 23 3.2 THE SCOPE OF THE PROJECT .......................................................................................................... 23 3.3 TEMPORARY OCCUPATION OF THE STATE-OWNED LAND ...................................................................... 24 3.4 AFFECTED POPULATION ................................................................................................................ 30 3.5 IMPOVERISHED POPULATION ......................................................................................................... 30 3.6 VULNERABLE GROUP ................................................................................................................... 31 4 SOCIO-ECONOMIC SITUATION OF THE PROJECT AREA .............................................................. 32 4.1 SOCIO-ECONOMIC BACKGROUND OF THE AFFECTED AREA ................................................................... 32 4.1.1Jiangxi Province ...................................................................................................................... 32 4.1.2Socio-economic Situation of the Affected County .................................................................. 32 4.2 SOCIO-ECONOMIC SITUATION OF THE AFFECTED TOWNS AND VILLAGES ................................................. 33 4.3 SOCIO-ECONOMIC SITUATION OF SURVEYED RURAL HOUSEHOLDS ........................................................ 36 4.3.1Age Distribution...................................................................................................................... 36 4.3.2Education................................................................................................................................ 37 4.3.3Employment of Labor Force .................................................................................................... 38 4.3.4Family Composition ................................................................................................................ 40 4.3.5Building Area of the House ..................................................................................................... 41 4.3.6Statistics of Annual Family Income and Expenditure .............................................................. 41 4.4 INVESTIGATION ON AFFECTED SHOPS ............................................................................................... 45 5 FRAMEWORK OF RESETTLEMENT POLICY ................................................................................. 46 5.1 MAIN RESETTLEMENT LAWS AND POLICIES ...................................................................................... 46 5.1.1State Laws and Regulations ................................................................................................... 46 5.1.2Local Regulations and Policies ................................................................................................ 46 5.1.3WB Policy ................................................................................................................................ 47 5.2 LAWS AND POLICIES APPLICABLE TO RESETTLEMENT .......................................................................... 47 5.3 COMPENSATION AND RESETTLEMENT POLICIES OF THE PROJECT ........................................................... 58 5.3.1Compensation Policy for Temporary Land Occupation ........................................................... 58 5.3.2Compensation Policy for Vulnerable Group ............................................................................ 59 5.3.3Qualification of Compensation ............................................................................................... 59 6 RESETTLEMENT PLAN ON PRODUCTION AND LIVELIHOOD....................................................... 61 6.1 OBJECTIVE OF THE RESETTLEMENT ACTION PLAN .............................................................................. 61 6.2 PRINCIPLES OF THE RESETTLEMENT ACTION PLAN.............................................................................. 61 6.2.1The Principle of Trying to Reduce Relocation.......................................................................... 61 IV Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project 6.2.2Principle of equivalent compensation .................................................................................... 61 6.2.3 Principle of Focus ................................................................................................................... 62 6.3 TEMPORARY LAND OCCUPATION .................................................................................................... 62 6.4 VULNERABLE GROUPS.................................................................................................................. 63 7 ORGANIZATION ........................................................................................................................ 64 7.1ORGANIZATIONS RELATED TO RESETTLEMENT ACTIONS .............................................................................. 64 7.2 REPONSIBILITIES OF RESETTLEMENT AGENCIES......................................................................................... 65 7.2.1Facilities and Equipments ....................................................................................................... 68 7.2.2Plan of Training ...................................................................................................................... 69 8 BUDGET AND SOURCES OF RESETTLEMENT FUNDS .................................................................. 70 8.1 BUDGET OF ORIGINAL RAP........................................................................................................... 70 8.2 BUDGET OF NEW ADDED SUBPROJECTS ........................................................................................... 71 8.3 BUDGET OF RESTRUCTURE PROJECT ................................................................................................ 71 9 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AND APPEAL MECHANISM ................................................................... 73 9.1 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ........................................................................................................................ 73 9.2 APPEAL CHANNEL AND MECHANISMS ..................................................................................................... 74 10 RESETTLEMENT PLAN ............................................................................................................... 77 10.1 PRINCIPLES OF RESETTLEMENT ............................................................................................................ 77 10.2 RESETTLEMENT IMPLEMENTAION SCHEDULE ......................................................................................... 78 11 MONITORING AND EVALUATION .............................................................................................. 80 11.1 INTERNAL MONITORING REPORTING .................................................................................................... 80 11.1.1Implementation procedure ................................................................................................... 80 11.1.2Scope of monitoring ............................................................................................................. 81 11.1.3 Internal monitoring reporting ............................................................................................. 81 11.2 EXTERNAL INDEPENDENT MONITORING ................................................................................................ 81 11.2.1 Independent monitoring agency ......................................................................................... 81 11.2.2 Procedure and scope of monitoring .................................................................................... 82 11.2.3 Monitoring indicators .......................................................................................................... 83 11.3 POST-EVALUATION ........................................................................................................................... 84 ANNEX 1 DUE DILIGENCE REPORT ON YUGAN PIPA LAKE WATER ENVIRONMENT RESTORATION PROJECT ........................................................................................................................................... 85 1. BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................................ 85 1.1 Original project content .......................................................................................................... 85 1.2The relationship between goverment project and WB project ............................................... 86 1.3The reason for cancelling subproject in Yugan ........................................................................ 87 2. THE PREPARATION FOR DDR ............................................................................................................. 87 3. RESETTLEMENT IMPACT .................................................................................................................... 87 4. RESETTLEMENT PLAN FOR DISPLACED PEOPLE ........................................................................................ 88 5. IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE ............................................................................................................. 89 6. EFFECT OF RESETTLEMENT................................................................................................................. 90 7. SAMPLE SURVEY OF AFFECTED HOUSEHOLD .......................................................................................... 94 8. INFORMATION DISCLOSURE AND PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ........................................................................... 99 9. COMPLAIN AND APPEAL ................................................................................................................. 101 10. CONCLUSION............................................................................................................................ 102 V Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 1-1 LOCATIONS OF SEVEN COUNTIES INVOLVED IN THE PROJECT ................................................................ 4 FIGURE 1-2 SKETCH OF RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT OF DRAINAGE PIPE NETWORK OF DONGHU IN POYANG COUNTY ........................................................................................................................................................................ 7 FIGURE 2-1 INTERVIEW WITH THE SHOPKEEPERS AND LISTEN TO THE OPINIONS OF THE MASSE IN DUCHANG COUNTY ........................................................................................................................................................ 19 FIGURE 2-2 APPROVAL FOR THE USE OF LAND IN CONSTRUCTION OF WATER ENVIRONMENT MONITORING CENTER OF JING’AN COUNTY ..................................................................................................................................... 20 FIGURE 3-1 CURRENT SITUATION ALONG THE ROADS INVOLVED IN THE PROJECT OF JING’AN COUNTY ................. 27 FIGURE 3-2 SHANGYE AVENUE FIGURE 3-3 ZHONGXIN AVENUE .................................................................... 28 FIGURE 3-4 BEIWEI 3RD ROAD FIGURE 3-5 ZHISHAN ROAD .............................................................................. 28 FIGURE 3-6 DAQIAO ROAD .................................................................................................................................... 28 FIGURE 3-7 DAQIAO ROAD FIGURE 3-8 SHANGYE AVENUE ...................................................................... 30 FIGURE 3-9 ZHONGXIN AVENUE FIGURE 3-10 ZHISHAN ROAD ........................................................................ 30 FIGURE 4-1 AGE DISTRIBUTION OF THE AFFECTED POPULATION BASED ON THE SURVEY ....................................... 37 FIGURE 4-2 EDUCATION LEVEL OF THE INVESTIGATED POPULATION ...................................................................... 38 FIGURE 4-3 EMPLOYMENT OF LABOR FORCE OF THE INVESTIGATED POPULATION.................................................. 40 FIGURE 4-4 FAMILY COMPOSITION OF THE INVESTIGATED POPULATION ................................................................. 41 FIGURE 4-5 FAMILY INCOME AND EXPENDITURE OF THE INVESTIGATED POPULATION ............................................ 43 FIGURE 7-1 ORGANIZATIONAL CHART OF RESETTLEMENT AGENCIES ..................................................................... 65 1 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project LIST OF TABLES TABLE 1-1 SUMMARY OF THE IMPACTS OF THE PROJECT IN THE ORIGINAL RAP ...................................................... 8 TABLE 1-2 IMPACTS OF THE REDUCED PROJECTS IN MID-TERM ADJUSTMENT ........................................................ 11 TABLE 1-3 IMPACTS REDUCED BY THE CANCELLED SUBPROJECTS ......................................................................... 12 TABLE 1-4 IMPACTS OF NEWLY ADDED SUBPROJECT IN THE MID-TERM ADJUSTMENT ............................................ 13 TABLE 1-5 IMPACTS OF THE NEW SUBPROJECTS ADDED IN THE MID-TERM ADJUSTMENT ....................................... 14 TABLE 1-6 SUMMARY OF THE IMPACTS OF THE PROJECT AFTER MID-TERM ADJUSTMENT ...................................... 15 TABLE 1-7 COMPOSITION OF THE TOTAL INVESTMENT OF THE PROJECT UNIT: MILLION US DOLLAR ..................... 16 TABLE 3-1 TEMPORARY LAND OCCUPATION BY THE PROJECT ................................................................................ 24 TABLE 3-2 TEMPORARY LAND OCCUPATION BY THE PROJECT OF JING’AN COUNTY ............................................... 25 TABLE 3-3 TEMPORARY LAND OCCUPATION BY THE PROJECT OF POYANG COUNTY ............................................... 27 TABLE 3-4 TEMPORARY LAND OCCUPATION BY THE PROJECT OF YUGAN COUNTY ................................................ 29 TABLE 3-5 SUMMARY OF AFFECTED POPULATION BY THE PROJECT ........................................................................ 30 TABLE 3-6 COMPENSATION STANDARD FOR IMPOVERISHED POPULATION OF EACH COUNTY (2019) ................. 31 TABLE 4-1 SOCIO-ECONOMIC SITUATION OF THE AFFECTED TOWN/TOWNSHIP/SUBDISTRICT ................................. 35 TABLE 4-2 AGE DISTRIBUTION OF THE AFFECTED POPULATION BASED ON THE SURVEY ......................................... 36 TABLE 4-3 DISTRIBUTION OF EDUCATION LEVEL OF AFFECTED POPULATION BASED ON THE SURVEY .................... 37 TABLE 4-4 EMPLOYMENT OF LABOR FORCE OF AFFECTED POPULATION BASED ON SURVEY ................................... 39 TABLE 4-5 FAMILY COMPOSITION OF THE INVESTIGATED POPULATION .................................................................. 40 TABLE 4-6 FAMILY INCOME AND EXPENDITURE OF THE INVESTIGATED POPULATION ............................................. 44 TABLE 4-7 STATISTICS OF THE INVESTIGATED SHOPS ............................................................................................. 45 TABLE 5-1DIFFERENCES BETWEEN WB POLICY AND CHINA POLICY .................................................................... 57 TABLE 7-1HEADS OF MAIN PUBLIC ORGANIZATION INVOLBED IN THE PROJECT ..................................................... 67 TABLE 9-1 THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR DIFFERENT APPEAL STEPS.................................................................... 76 TABLE 10-1 OVERALL PROGRESS OF RESETTLEMENT THE PROJECT....................................................................... 78 2 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project 1 Basic Information of the Project 1.1 Brief Introduction and composition of the Project In order to reduce the pollutants import into the key area of the Poyang Lake and improve the water quality management capacity of key cities in Jiangxi Province, Jiangxi Province applied to the World Bank for loans for the water environment management of key cities in the Poyang Lake Basin. The project involves 7 counties of Duchang, Fengxin, Jishui, Jing'an, Poyang, Shangli and Yugan in Pingxiang, Jiujiang, Ji'an, Yichun and Shangrao City, see Figure 1.1 for details. The project consists of four subprojects, namely: 1. Subproject of improvement of Basin Management of Poyang Lake, including five projects: establishment of lake management experience exchange platform (LMP), establishment of water environment monitoring system, research on water environment, improvement of sustainable management of water environment and public participation. The subproject aims to strengthen capacity building and public awareness of environmental protection, improve participatory management of sewage and solid waste, strengthen environmental supervision system and ensure the sustainability of project, and actively responds to and cooperates with the construction of "river chiefs" in Jiangxi Province. 2. Subproject of river and lake water environment remediation and improvement of domestic sewage management system, including three projects of remediation of river and lake water environment in Yugan County, Poyang County and Duchang County, and four projects of improvement of domestic sewage system in Duchang County, Jing'an County, Fengxin County and Jishui County, and one project of establishment of Zhuhu rural sewage collection system in Poyang County. 3. Subproject of solid waste collection and transportation system, including the construction and improvement of solid waste collection and transportation system in urban and rural areas of Duchang County, Yugan County, Jing'an county and Shangli County, and the reduction of solid waste discharged into the lake/river system of Poyang Lake Basin. 3 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project 4. Subproject of project implementation support system, including the implementation and management of 8 project offices at the provincial and county levels. The subproject supports the project implementation organizations to comprehensively improve the capabilities of project coordination, management and inspection. In June 2017, the World Bank signed loan agreement and project agreement with the Ministry of Finance of the People’s Republic of China and Jiangxi provincial government. The implementation period of the project is five years. Implementation of the project starts from March 18, 2017, and the deadline is December 31, 2022. By the end of September 2019, 3 civil engineering contracts and 1 equipment and goods contract of all 53 contract packages have been completed. The total amount of accumulative investment actually made is 56.621 million yuan, accounting for 3.86% of the total planned investment of 145.14782 million yuan. Figure 1-1 Locations of seven counties involved in the Project 4 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project 1.2 Mid-term Adjustment In order to make better use of the World Bank funds and match the development of local economic of each county, the PMOs of Jiangxi Province and each county put forward the mid- term adjustment of the Project in October 2019. The adjusted areas include six counties in seven project areas, including Duchang County, Yugan County, Fengxin County, Jing'an County, Shangli County and Poyang County. The specific project adjustment of each county includes the following contents: 1) Duchang County: the projects of domestic waste collection and transportation system of three towns in the suburb area were cancelled. Due to the unified planning of the garbage collection system in the county, it is no longer necessary to build a garbage collection point at the village level. 2) Yugan County: the project of solid waste collection and transportation system and the project of remediation of Pipa Lake water environment were cancelled. The investment of this part of the original plan was estimated to be 201.141 million yuan, which is used for the reconstruction of sewage pipe network system project of Yugan County. The new project includes reconstruction of sewage pipe network project, reparation of sewage pipe project, extension of drainage pipe network project and sewage household connection project, sewage pump station reconstruction project, online monitoring of water quality of sewage pipe network project, to comprehensively improve the rainwater and sewage collection capacity of the county and increase the capacity of sewage collection and treatment. 3) Fengxin County: the construction of a drainage pump station in Huangsha Port was cancelled and the construction of 8.5km sewage pipe network in the north of the city was reduced. The amount of loan of the project remains unchanged. 4) Jing'an County: the reconstruction project of urban drainage pipe network is subject to line adjustment, and the sections of pipe network construction of Shuangxi Avenue, Baofeng Avenue, Denggao Road, Jiaoyu Road and Lilong Alley was cancelled, in which only the 12.1km original pipe network is retained. New pipe network will be added in Qinghu Road, Xindajie Road; meanwhile, inspection, dredging and 5 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project reparation of wells and old pipe network will be added in section of cross river and section B of Qinghua Bridge. 5) Shangli County: part of urban and rural garbage collection and transfer system project was optimized and adjusted. The main change is to increase several garbage collection stations; meanwhile, eight townships level waste transfer stations were reduced to seven stations, and 114 village level waste collection stations were adjusted to 57 stations. In addition, 57 endpoints of sewage treatment system, 8 waste dump sites and 302 waste inspection points are planned to be built in 10 townships, with relevant waste collection and transfer equipments to be equipped. 6) Poyang County: the ecological remediation and protection project of Zhuhu River Basin was cancelled. Six roads projects: Commercial Avenue, Central Avenue, Beiwei Third Road, Zhishan Road, Daqiao Road, Donghu West Road and 14 construction and reconstruction projects for old community drainage pipe network were added. See Figure 1-2 for the sketch of pipe network 1.3 Impacts of Resettlement 1.3.1 Impacts of the Subprojects in the Original RAP The land acquisition and house demolition of the Project involves 140 villages in 19 townships/sub districts in 7 counties (cities or districts) of Pingxiang City, Jiujiang City, Ji'an City, Yichun City and Shangrao City. A total of 193.61 mu of rural collective-owned land acquisition is needed, including 1.5 mu of paddy field/dry land and affecting 443 people in 117 households; 423.55 mu of state-owned land permanent occupation is needed, not involving land acquisition and demolition; temporary occupation of 1 mu collective-owned land is needed, affecting 13 people in 3 households; temporary occupation of 1121.47 mu state-owned land is needed. The project affects 5853 people of 1336 households, and 1999 people of 531 shops, not involving house demolition. During the construction of laying of rainwater and sewage pipelines, through the way of restoration during construction and construction enclosure to reduce dust and noise. Due to prompt removement of excavation muck, there’s less impacts. Project summary see Table 1-1. 6 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project Figure 1-2 Sketch of reconstruction project of drainage pipe network of Donghu in Poyang County 7 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project Table 1-1 Summary of the impacts of the Project in the original RAP Acquisition of collective- Temporary land Directly affected Affected people and retails owned land (mu) occupation (mu) population Acquisitio Notes No. of No. of Paddy field/dry County/ n of state- retails people Municipality Name of the project the the Total No. of City land owned Collective State- Popula town village household land (mu) -owned owned tion s No. of No. of No. of No. of households people households people County sewage pipe network 1 146.27 53 190 260 988 improvement Ecological restoration and protection 1 402.3 1 3 13 project of Zou Jiaju lake water system Jiujiang Duchang Urban household garbage collection and Cancelled/ no longer 3 3 4.5 1.5 13 50 transportation project implement Automatic detection and early warning 3 system for water environment Partially cancelled/already Network construction project in north city 145.49 completed 1 0.114 35 140 Fengxin Network construction project in south city 96.54 Automatic detection and early warning 3 system for water environment Yichun Reconstruction project of urban drainage Partially cancelled/already 1 211.04 187 748 561 2463 pipe network completed urban household garbage collection and Cancelled/ no longer Jing’an 1 transportation project implement Automatic detection and early warning 3 system for water environment South city and old city drainage pipe 1 0.085 206.54 156 546 515 2402 network project Ji’an Jishui Automatic detection and early warning 3 system for water environment Sewage treatment project 6 35 3.35 266.04 35 146 Cancelled/ no longer Poyang garbage disposal project 6 96 176.82 59 205 implement Automatic detection and early warning 3 system for water environment Shangrao Pipa Lake water quality remediation and Cancelled/ to be 1 1 49.55 100 375 maintenance Project implemented Cancelled/ no longer Yugan Solid trash transfer station project 1 0.05 implement Automatic detection and early warning 3 system for water environment Garbage collection and disposal system 6 6 8.94 10 42 engineering Project Pingxiang Shangli Automatic detection and early warning 3 system for water environment 8 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project Acquisition of collective- Temporary land Directly affected Affected people and retails owned land (mu) occupation (mu) population Acquisitio Notes No. of No. of Paddy field/dry County/ n of state- retails people Municipality Name of the project the the Total No. of City land owned Collective State- Popula town village household land (mu) -owned owned tion No. of No. of No. of No. of s households people households people Subtotal 7 12 19 140 193.61 1.5 423.55 1 1121.47 117 443 531 1999 1339 5866 Renovation of fish pond in Pipa Lake Shangrao Yugan 1 337.5 3 8 Cancelled/already finished project Jiujiang Duchang County sewage treatment plant (Phase II) 1 1 20 20 21 82 Subtotal 2 2 2 1 20 20 337.5 24 90 Total 14 19 141 213.61 21.5 761.05 1 1121.47 138 520 531 1999 1336 5853 9 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project 1.3.2 Impacts of the Reduced Subprojects in Mid-term Adjustement Seven subprojects in Duchang County, Yugan County, Fengxin County, Jing'an County and Poyang County have been cancelled in the medium-term project. See table 1-2 for the contents and reasons of the reduction of each subproject. The urban domestic waste collection and transportation projects of Duchang County, Yugan County and Jing'an County are cancelled because waste treatment is contracted to the company, so it is not necessary to establish a special transfer system. The project of ecological restoration and protection of Poyang Pearl Lake basin is cancelled due to inconsistency with the planning of the county. Because the above four projects are no longer implemented, there is no need for immigration tracking and monitoring. The construction of 8.5km sewage pipe network in the north area of Fengxin County and 35.68km sewage collection pipe network in Jing'an County have been cancelled because they have been implemented under the county plan. The project of water environment restoration of Pipa Lake in Yugan County project was cancelled due to overlapping with the supporting project of pipe network around Pipa Lake. House demolition of the latter has been completed, and the due diligence report of the project is in Appendix I. These reduced projects involve 100 villages in 14 townships/subdistricts in 5 counties (cities or districts). Acquisition of 181.32 mu of rural collective-owned land is cancelled, including 1.5 mu of paddy field/dry land, 225 people in 72 households are no longer affected by the Project; permanent occupation of 0.164 mu of state-owned land is also cancelled, not involving land acquisition and house demolition. The temporary occupation of 406.08 mu of state-owned land is also cancelled, 561 households with 2483 residents and 322 shops with 1263 residents are no longer affected by the construction disturbance, does not involve house demolition. See table 1-3 for details. 10 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project Table 1-2 Impacts of the reduced projects in Mid-term adjustment County Project Implementation Reason Waste treatment is managed by the contracting Urban household company. The project is adjusted to establish garbage collection Duchang No intelligent monitoring system of garbage collection and transportation and transportation, which does not involve land project acquisition and house demolition. Waste treatment is managed by the contracting company. The project is adjusted to establish Solid trash transfer No intelligent monitoring system of garbage collection station project and transportation, which does not involve land acquisition and house demolition. Yugan Has been cancelled due to overlapping with the Pipa Lake water supporting project of pipe network around Pipa quality remediation Yes Lake. House demolition has been completed. The and maintenance due diligence report of the project can be seen in Project Appendix I. 8.5km sewage pipe Has been implemented in accordance with the Fengxin network in the north No County Plan area 35.68km sewage Has been implemented in accordance with the collection pipe Yes County Plan network Waste treatment is managed by the contracting Jing’an urban household company. The project is adjusted to establish garbage collection No intelligent monitoring system of garbage collection and transportation and transportation, which does not involve land project acquisition and house demolition. ecological restoration and Has been cancelled in accordance with the County Poyang No protection of Plan Poyang Pearl Lake 11 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project Table 1-3 Impacts reduced by the cancelled subprojects Acquisition of Temporary land Directly affected collective-owned Affected people and retails occupation (mu) population land (mu) Notes Acquisition No. of No. of Paddy County/ of state- retails people Municipality Name of the project the the City Total field/dry owned land town village Collective- State- No. of No. of (mu) land owned owned households people No. of No. of No. of No. of households people households people Urban household Duchan garbage collection Cancelled/ no longer Jiujiang 3 3 4.5 1.5 13 50 g and transportation implement project 8.5km sewage pipe Partially Fengxin network in the north 1 0.114 145.49 35 140 cancelled/already area completed 35.68km sewage Partially Yichun collection pipe 1 211.04 187 748 561 2463 cancelled/already network completed Jing’an urban household garbage collection Cancelled/ no longer 1 and transportation implement project ecological restoration and 176.8 Cancelled/ no longer Poyang 6 96 59 205 protection of Poyang 2 implement Pearl Lake Pipa Lake water quality remediation Cancelled/ to be Shangrao 1 1 49.55 100 375 and maintenance implemented Project Yugan Solid trash transfer Cancelled/ no longer 1 0.05 station project implement 181.3 Total 7 14 100 1.5 0.164 0 406.08 72 255 322 1263 561 2463 2 12 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project 1.3.3 Impacts of the New Subprojects The three new subprojects were added in the mid-term adjustment, including reconstruction of sewage pipe network system of Yugan county, construction of 22.11km sewage collection pipe network of Jing'an county, construction of six sewage collection pipe network of East Lake area of Poyang County, and construction and reconstruction of rainwater and sewage diversion pipe network of 14 old communities in Poyang County. These projects only involve temporary land occupation. The urban and rural garbage collection and transfer system project Shangli County needs to be optimized and adjusted. The impact involved in the project has been included in the original RAP, and the adjustment does not involve the new impact on immigrants. Table 1-4 Impacts of newly added subproject in the mid-term adjustment Affecting County New subproject Impacts immigrants? temporary land Yugan reconstruction of sewage pipe network system Yes occupation of 50.48 mu temporary land Jing’an 22.11km sewage collection pipe network Yes occupation of 477.60 mu construction of six sewage collection pipe network of East Lake area, and construction and temporary land Poyang Yes reconstruction of rainwater and sewage diversion occupation of 203.23 mu pipe network of 14 old communities Optimization and adjustment of the urban and Optimization of the Shangli rural garbage collection and transfer system Yes implementation project According to the identification of the resettlement impact of the project, the newly increased resettlement impact in the med-term involves three counties: Jing'an, Poyang and Yugan, which need to temporarily occupy 731.31 mu state-owned land, including 477.60 mu land for the reconstruction project of urban drainage pipe network of Jing'an County, 203.23 mu land for the reconstruction project of East Lake pipe network of Poyang County, and 50.48 mu land for the reconstruction project of sewage pipe network of Yugan county. Construction affects 3127 people of 832 stores and 404 people of 116 households. Permanent land acquisition and house demolition are not involved. See table 1-5 for the impact of the new projects. 13 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project Table 1-5 Impacts of the new subprojects added in the mid-term adjustment Land use type of Project Length (m) Area (mu) temporarily occupied land Sewage collection pipe network of Jing’an State-owned road 79640 477.60 County Reconstruction of sewage collection pipe State-owned road 3900 203.23 network of East Lake area in Poyang County Reconstruction of sewage pipe network State-owned road 9160 50.48 system of Yugan County Total 92700 731.31 1.3.4 Impacts of all Subprojects after Mid-term Adjustment After the mid-term adjustment, the land acquisition and house demolition of the Project involves 43 villages in 21 townships/subdistricts in 7 counties (cities or districts) of Pingxiang City, Jiujiang City, Ji'an City, Yichun City and Shangrao City. A total of 32.29 mu of rural collective-owned land acquisition is needed, affecting 291 people in 72 households; 761 mu of state-owned land permanent occupation is needed, not involving land acquisition and house demolition; temporary occupation of 1 mu collective-owned land is needed, affecting 13 people in 3 households; temporary occupation of 1803.23 mu state-owned land is needed. The project affects 6455 people of 1512 households, and 4266 people of 1110 shops, not involving house demolition. Project summary can be seen in Table 1-6. 14 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project Table 1-6 Summary of the impacts of the Project after mid-term adjustment Acquisition of collective- Temporary land Directly Affected Affected people and retails owned land (mu) occupation (mu) immigrants Acquisition County/ No. of the No. of the Paddy field/dry of state- retails people Municipality Name of the project Total Notes City town village land owned land Collective State- No. of No. of No. of (mu) People Peopl -owned owned households household household People e s s County sewage pipe network improvement 1 146.27 53 190 260 988 Ecological restoration and protection project 1 402.3 1 3 13 Jiujiang Duchang of Zou Jiaju lake water system Automatic detection and early warning 3 system for water environment Partially Network construction project in north city 145.49 cancelled/already 1 0.114 35 140 completed Fengxin Network construction project in south city 96.54 Automatic detection and early warning Yichun 3 system for water environment Reconstruction project of urban drainage Partially 1 688.64 363 1415 659 2794 pipe network increased Jing’an Automatic detection and early warning 3 system for water environment South city and old city drainage pipe network 1 0.085 206.54 156 546 515 2402 project Ji’an Jishui Automatic detection and early warning 3 system for water environment Rural domestic sewage collection and 6 35 3.35 266.04 35 146 treatment project of Pearl Lake Basin Reconstruction project of sewage pipe Poyang 1 203.23 176 667 29 98 Newly added network of Donghu District Automatic detection and early warning Shangrao 3 system for water environment Reconstruction project of sewage pipe 1 1 50.48 327 1308 49 173 Newly added network Yugan Automatic detection and early warning 3 system for water environment Garbage collection and disposal system 6 6 8.94 10 42 engineering Project Pingxiang Shangli Automatic detection and early warning 3 system for water environment Subtotal 7 17 19 42 12.29 0 423.499 1 1803.23 48 201 1110 4266 1512 6455 Cancelled/alread Shangrao Yugan renovation of fish pond in Pipa Lake project 1 337.5 3 8 y finished Jiujiang Duchang County sewage treatment plant (Phase II) 1 1 20 20 21 82 Subtotal 2 2 2 1 20 20 337.5 24 90 Total 19 21 43 32.29 20 760.999 1 1803.23 72 291 1110 4266 1512 6455 15 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project 1.4 Total Investment of the Project and Mid-term Adjustment After the mid-term adjustment, the total investment of the project is planned to be 143.67589 million yuan, which is 14.719 million yuan less than that in the in the project evaluation report (PAD). Table 1-7 Composition of the total investment of the project Unit: million US dollar PAD MTR � Project WB Counterpart WB Counterpart Difference # Total Total loan funding loan funding Improvement of Basin A 24.69 23.84 0.85 30.23 30.15 0.08 6.31 Management Lake management 1 0.7 0.7 0 10.53 10.53 0.00 9.83 platform(LMP) Monitoring system of 2 16.55 16.49 0.06 13.19 13.19 0.00 -3.3 water environment Research on financing mechanisms of Poyang 3 Lake water 0.07 0.07 0.04 0.04 environment management research on water environment 4 0.35 0.35 0.04 0.04 vulnerability of Poyang Lake Improvement of sustainable water 5 7.02 6.65 0.37 6.43 6.43 0.00 -0.22 environment management Remediation of water environment and B improvement of 139.42 105.5 33.92 117.34 101.89 15.45 -3.61 domestic sewage management system Remediation of water 1 53.85 42.07 11.78 6.48 6.48 0.00 -35.59 environment Improvement of 2 domestic sewage 85.57 63.43 22.14 110.86 95.41 15.45 31.98 management system Solid waste collection C and transportation 27.68 20.1 7.54 21.79 17.50 4.29 -2.6 system Supporting of D 5.55 0.14 5.41 16.94 0.11 16.83 -0.03 implementation Basic cost 197.34 149.62 47.72 186.30 149.65 36.65 0.03 Contingency reserve 13.38 13.38 10.26 0.00 10.26 Total cost 210.72 149.62 61.1 196.56 149.65 46.91 0.03 Interest 8.13 8.13 7.66 0.00 7.66 Front-end fee 0.38 0.38 0 0.35 0.35 0.00 -0.03 Commitment fee 0.7 0.7 0.66 0.00 0.66 Total investment 219.93 150 69.93 205.23 150.00 55.23 16 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project Due to the reduction of some subprojects, the total cost of land acquisition and house demolition of the project is 4.9263 million yuan after the adjustment. Among the total cost of resettlement, rural collective-owned land acquisition fee is 94400 yuan; accounting for 2% of the total cost; taxes and various management fees is 4.8221 million yuan, accounting for 98% of the total cost. 1.5 Measures to Reduce Impacts of Construction Several measures were taken by the design units and the project owners in the planning and design stage to reduce the impact of construction: 1. At the planning stage of the project, the following measures are taken: i. Impacts on local economy were taking into account of as the key factor to optimize the plan for comparison the scheme. While the flood control embankment line is selected, the engineering design of cut-off and straightening was avoided to avoid land occupation and keep the river direction as much as possible. ii. The design is optimized to occupy wasteland and state-owned land as much as possible rather than occupation of cultivated land. 2. During the construction stage of the project, the following measures are taken: i. Strengthen the mechanism of public participation. Before the construction, the commencement time and construction schedule of the project shall be clearly defined in the form of announcement in the project affected area and resettlement area. The compensation policies for land acquisition and resettlement shall be published to accept the supervision of the affected people. ii. Measures to reduce dust were taken to keep the construction site clean and reduce the impacts on the surrounding area. In case of continuous fine and windy days during the construction of the sewage treatment project, all kinds of construction access roads in the residential area will be sprinkled to prevent dust. The construction unit will timely plan and handle the transportation path of earthwork, and make sure the truck is not overloaded to prevent earth loader does not fall down along the road. 17 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project iii. Local construction materials, local transportation and labor forces were given priority during the construction period of the project, so that the affected people by the project can directly get benefit from the project. 3. At the stage of implementation of the resettlement action plan, the following measures were taken to reduce the impact of construction when land acquisition and demolition are inevitable: i. Strengthen the collection of basic data and make an in-depth analysis of the current situation and future development of the local social economy to formulate a feasible resettlement action plan based on the local reality, and ensure that the affected people will not suffer losses due to the construction of the project. ii. Actively encourage the public participation and accept the supervision of the masses. The PMOs of each county (city) and Jiangxi Province have repeatedly solicited suggestions and opinions from the people's Congress, CPPCC, mass organizations and residents in the project area on implementation of the resettlement. iii. Strengthen internal and external monitoring. Establish efficient and smooth feedback mechanism and channel to shorten the information processing cycle as much as possible, so as to ensure that all problems in the process of project implementation can be solved in time. 18 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project 2 Monitoring and Evaluation on Implementation of the Resettlement 2.1 Impacts of Resettlement of the Original Projects By the end of December 2019, only two original subprojects—reconstruction of sewage pipe network of Duchang County and water environment automatic monitoring and early warning system of Jing'an have been started. Reconstruction project of sewage pipe network of Duchang County only involves temporary land occupation. During the preparation stage and before the commencement of the project, the PMO of Duchang County posted a number of public notices along Wanli Avenue. After the commencement, the PMO of Duchang County actively communicated with the shops along the road. The surrounding residents and shops have expressed their support for the project. The water environment monitoring center of the automatic detection and early warning system of water environment in Jing'an County obtained the approval of construction land in June 2018. The land used for the project is state-owned land through allocation. The center covers an area of 19.9 mu. See Figure 2-2 for the approval of the land use. Figure 2-1 Interview with the shopkeepers and listen to the opinions of the masse in Duchang County 19 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project Figure 2-2 Approval for the use of land in construction of water environment monitoring center of Jing’an County 2.2 Reduction of the subprojects Seven projects in Duchang County, Yugan County, Fengxin County, Jing'an County and Poyang County have been cancelled in the medium-term adjustment. See table 1-2 for the contents and reasons of the reduction of each project. The urban domestic waste collection and transportation projects of Duchang County, Yugan County and Jing'an County are cancelled because waste treatment is contracted to a company, so it is not necessary to establish a special transfer system. The project of ecological restoration and protection of Poyang Pearl Lake basin is cancelled due to inconsistency with the planning of the county. Because the above four projects are no longer implemented, there is no need for immigration tracking and monitoring. The construction of 8.5km sewage pipe network in the north area of Fengxin County and 35.68km sewage collection pipe network in Jing'an County have been cancelled because they have been implemented under the county plan. The two cancelled projects only involve temporary land occupation. By December 2019, the project has been completed and the road 20 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project has been completely repaired. The surrounding residents and shops are satisfied with the project. The project of water environment restoration of Pipa Lake in Yugan County is the part of the supporting project of pipe network around Pipa Lake. The renovation of shanty town’s project of Pipa Lake in Yugan County is an overall project carried out by Yugan County government and a demolition project to improve the water environment of the Pipa Lake. The project involves house demolish of 1947 households, with an area of 214,109 m2. By December 2019, the house demolition has been completed. Through the sampling survey of the relocated households, it is found that the affected households are satisfied with the resettlement plan. Before the relocation, the infrastructure of shantytown around Pipa Lake was obsolete, the living conditions were poor and traffic is congested. After the relocation, the living conditions and environment were improved. More than 95% of the people support and are very satisfied with the house demolition and resettlement. The due diligence report of the project is in Appendix I. 2.3 Evaluation on Implementation of the Project By the end of December 2019, only two original subprojects—reconstruction of sewage pipe network of Duchang County and water environment automatic monitoring and early warning system of Jing'an have been started. Reconstruction project of sewage pipe network of Duchang County only involves temporary land occupation. After the commencement, the PMO of Duchang County actively communicated with the shops along the road. The surrounding residents and shops have expressed their support for the project. The water environment monitoring center of the automatic detection and early warning system of water environment in Jing'an County obtained the approval of construction land in June 2018. The land used for the project is state-owned land through allocation. The center covers an area of 19.9 mu. Among the seven cancelled projects in Duchang County, Yugan County, Fengxin County, Jing'an County and Poyang County, the urban domestic waste collection and transportation project of Duchang County, Yugan County and Jing'an County, and the ecological restoration and protection project of Poyang Pearl Lake Basin water system are no longer implemented. Therefore, it is not necessary to continue tracking and monitoring. 21 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project The construction of 8.5km sewage pipe network in the north area of Fengxin County and 35.68km sewage collection pipe network in Jing'an County have been cancelled because they have been implemented under the county plan. The projects only involve temporary land occupation. By the end of December 2019, the roads have been returned to normal. The shop and residents along the road are all satisfied with the project. The project of water environment restoration of Pipa Lake in Yugan County is the part of the supporting project of pipe network around Pipa Lake. The renovation of shanty town’s project of Pipa Lake in Yugan County is an overall project carried out by Yugan County government and a demolition project to improve the water environment of the Pipa Lake. The project involves house demolish of 1947 households, with an area of 214,109 m2. By the end of December 2019, the house demolition has been completed. Through the sampling survey of the relocated households, it is found that the affected households are satisfied with the resettlement plan. The monitoring and evaluation team conducted an investigation on the operation of the resettlement agencies of the project. The investigation results show that the PMOs of each county attach importance to the resettlement and assign the special personnel to take charge of the resettlement work. Meanwhile, most of the counties are first time involved in the implementation of the World Bank project, the personnel lack experience and the training of personnel needs to be further strengthened. Although the project is lagging behind in the overall stage, the PMOs of each county have carried out a good preliminary publicity for resettlement. The project is also in orderly progress. Therefore, the external monitoring team suggests that the PMOs of Jiangxi province and each involved county should speed up the project and promote the orderly and rapid progress of the project. 22 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project 3 Impacts of the New Projects 3.1 Investigation on the Impacts of the project In order to understand the impact changes brought by the mid-term adjustment of the project, the PMOs of the Jiangxi Province and each involved county (city) and the migration research center of Hohai University formed a field research team in July 2019 and December 2019 in accordance with the requirements of the World Bank. The team organized three five- day socio-economic surveys, and carried out investigations on the affected village groups and households within the scope of the newly added projects. Detailed information on the impact of the project was obtained and updated. The survey adopts a combination of household survey and interview. The survey covers all the scope of land acquisition and house demolition in accordance with the red line of the project. The contents of the survey include the physical quantity affected by land acquisition and demolition, as well as social and economic conditions of the affected population, and public opinions on the resettlement. During the survey, affected units, village groups and immigrants all participated in the investigation. Their opinions as well as that of village group committee, land management department of municipality, municipal housing demolition management department and relevant social groups on land acquisition, demolition and resettlement were widely heard and discussed. 3.2 The Scope of the Project Resettlement impact of the mid-term adjustment of the World Bank loaned comprehensive pollution treatment and ecological security improvement project of key towns in Poyang Lake Basin of Jiangxi Province involves three counties in Yichun City and Shangrao city, namely (1) Jing'an County of Yichun City; (2) Poyang County of Shangrao City and (3) Yugan County of Shangrao City. The Project only involves temporary occupation of state-owned land. No permanent land acquisition and house demolition is involved, and there is no ethnic minority community within the scope of land acquisition. 23 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project 3.3 Temporary Occupation of the State-owned Land According to the Project Panning, the land temporarily occupied by the project shall be used for stacking construction materials, machinery and temporary sheds, especially for the sewage pipe network projects. The excavation area of the road far exceeds the area of the pipe network laying results in a large number of temporary land occupation, which includes the access, entrance, mud pool, inspection well and the temporary road occupation for protection and isolation of the construction site. There are no buildings and ground attachments involved by the Project. The three new subprojects added in the medium-term adjustment involve temporary occupation of state-owned land with the total area of 731.31 mu, due to laying pipe network and road construction. The projects in Jing’an County, Poyang County and Yugan County involve temporary land occupation of 477.60 mu, 203.23 mu and 50.48 mu, respectively. See table 3-1 for the details. Table 3-1 Temporary land occupation by the project Land use type of Length( Area Project temporary Pipe Diameter m) (mu) occupation Reconstruction of sewage pipe State-owned road DN200-DN800 79640 477.60 network system of Jing’an County Reconstruction of sewage pipe network system of Donghu district State-owned road DN300-DN700 5200 203.23 in Poyang County Reconstruction of sewage pipe State-owned road DN300-DN800 10067 50.48 network system of Yugan County Total 94907 731.31 Reconstruction of sewage pipe network system of Jing’an County is located in the urban area of Jing’an County. The proposed pipe network is 79,640 m long, affecting some sections of 23 roads in the county. See table 3-2 for the details. Due to the laying of pipe network, the project involves temporary state-owned land occupation with the total area of 318,560 m2, about 477.60 mu. 24 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project Table 3-2 Temporary land occupation by the project of Jing’an County Laying Location Sewage Pipe Area of Excav Total temporaril No ation Name Diameter Length Length y occupied . Start point End point width (mm) (m) (m) land (m) (m2) I New construction of pipe network 34212 1 Dongfang Road Shima Road Yanhe South Road DN300~DN500 1935 1935 1 7740 2 Shima Road Chengnan Avenue Yanhe South Road DN300~DN400 1713 1713 1 6852 3 Shuangxi Avenue Hougang Road Yanhe South Road DN300 1528 1528 1 6112 4 Denggao Road Chengnan Avenue Qinghua Avenue DN300 492 492 1 1968 5 Beiwai Street Yabei Road Yanhe South Road DN200~DN300 848 848 1 3392 6 Weilanjia Garden Weilanjia Garden Nangang Road DN200~DN300 5757 5757 1 23028 7 Qinghu Road Hougang Road Yanhe South Road DN300 491 491 1 1964 8 New Avenue Hougang Road County Government DN300 452 452 1 1808 County Construction 9 Hogang Road Shima Road DN400 1590 1590 1 6360 Bureau Start point of Jiefang 10 Yanhe South Road Huancheng West Road DN400~DN600 2469 2469 1 9876 Weir 11 Dongmenwai Street Yabei Road Shuangxi Avenue DN300 695 695 1 2780 12 Qinghu Garden Qinghu Garden Yanhe South Road DN200~DN300 3777 3777 1 15108 13 Xinyuan Garden Resettlement House Denggao Road DN200~DN300 1018 1018 1 4072 14 Liufangxincun Community Shuangxi Avenue DN200~DN300 1047 1047 1 4188 15 Beiwaijie Community Yanhe South Road Beiwai Street DN200~DN300 1331 1331 1 5324 16 Nangang Road Nangang Garden Nanhongxincun Hotel DN200~DN300 1086 1086 1 4344 17 Xiangjiaxincun Shuangxi Avenue Jiefang Weir DN400 1554 1554 1 6216 County Construction 18 Qinghua Cultural Square DongmengSquare DN400 138 138 1 552 Bureau 19 Huancheng North Road Huancheng North Road Xuefu Avenue, Shuangxi d400 258 258 1 1032 25 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project Laying Location Sewage Pipe Area of Excav Total temporaril No ation Name Diameter Length Length y occupied . Start point End point width (mm) (m) (m) land (m) (m2) Avenue 20 Fengxi Garden Fengxi Garden Xuefu Avenue DN200~DN300 1865 1865 1 7460 Guoyuan Group in Guoyuan Group in 21 Chengnan Avenue DN200~DN300 1247 1274 1 5096 Xiangtian Village Xiangtian Village Resettlement Point of Resettlement Point of 22 Qinghua Avenue DN200-DN400 2050 2050 1 8200 Xiangtian Xiangtian County Government 23 County Government Yanhe South Road DN300 844 844 1 3376 Building II Reconstruction of pipe netwok 45428 24 Dongfang EastRoad 667 1.5 2668 Crossriver Section of 25 Gongye Avenue Yanhe South Road DN800 593 593 1.5 2372 Qinghua Bridge Reconstruction and inspection of the third Inspection and reconstruction of 60 wells without excavation, replace 50 pipes by fixed- 26 3965 1 15860 branch pipe and main pipe point excavation, block inflatable pipe plugs and remove 70 DN600-DN800 of Section B Resilting and 27 Reconstruction of Old Pipe 40203 1.5 160812 Network Total 79640 318560 26 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project Figure 3-1 Current situation along the roads involved in the project of Jing’an County Reconstruction of sewage pipe network system of Poyang County is located in the Donghu District of Poyang County. The proposed pipe network is 5,200 m long, affecting some sections of 6 roads in the county. See table 3-3 for the details. Due to the laying of pipe network, the project involves temporary state-owned land occupation with the total area of 135,553 m2, about 203.23 mu. Table 3-3 Temporary land occupation by the project of Poyang County Excavati Area of No Name of the project or cost Unit Amount on width occupation . (m) (m2) Cost of construction and erection of Shangye I Avenue 1 Renovation of pavement along the pipe m2 53505 2 Sewage Pipe m 1350 1.5 23303 Cost of construction and erection of Zhongxin II Avenue 1 Renovation of pavement along the pipe m2 37638 2 Sewage Pipe m 653 1 37638 III Cost of construction and erection of Beiwei 3rd Road 1 Renovation of pavement along the pipe m2 28945 2 Sewage Pipe m 1112 1 28945 IV Cost of construction and erection of Daqiao Road 1 Renovation of pavement along the pipe m2 9840 2 Sewage Pipe m 410 1 9840 V Cost of construction and erection of Zhishan Road 1 Renovation of pavement along the pipe m2 5625 2 Sewage Pipe m 375 1 5625 VI Donghu West Road 1 Renovation of pavement along the pipe m2 2 Sewage Pipe m 1300 20202 27 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project Excavati Area of No on width occupation Name of the project or cost Unit Amount . (m) (m2) Total m 5200 135553 Figure 3-2 Shangye Avenue Figure 3-3 Zhongxin Avenue Figure 3-4 Beiwei 3rd Road Figure 3-5 Zhishan Road Figure 3-6 Daqiao Road Reconstruction of sewage pipe network system of Yugan County is located in the urban area of the county. The proposed pipe network is 10,067 m long, affecting eight drainage area of the county. The scope of the affected area is shown in the following figure: 28 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project Due to the laying of pipe network, the project involves temporary state-owned land occupation with the total area of 33,670 m2, about 50.48 mu. See table 3-4 for the details. The current situation of the affected roads is shown in figure 3-7, 3-8, 3-9 and 3-10. Table 3-4 Temporary land occupation by the project of Yugan County Excavation Area of Length No. Name of the project Scope width occupation (m) (m) (m2) Reconstruction of sewage 1 2nd,3rd Drainage area 3430 1.5 12880 pipe network Reparation of sewage pipe 2 1st, 5th Drainage area 3427 1 9555 network New construction of sewage 3 1st, 6th and 8th Drainage area 910 1 3185 pipe network Sewage collective pipe 4 network connecting to All Drainage area 2300 1 8050 buildings Total 10067 33670 29 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project Figure 3-7 Daqiao Road Figure 3-8 Shangye Avenue Figure 3-9 Zhongxin Avenue Figure 3-10 Zhishan Road 3.4 Affected Population The main impacts of the projects added in the mid-term adjustment are temporary land occupation. The construction affects 3127 people of 832 stores and404 people of 116 households. See table 3-5 for the population affected by the project. Table 3-5 Summary of affected population by the project Type Affected population by temporary land occupation No. of of the County Township No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of Reason project shops People Households People Female Jing’an 1 329 1152 38 133 556 Construction WB Poyang 1 176 667 29 98 331 Construction loaned Yugan 1 327 1308 49 173 629 Construction Total 832 3127 116 404 1516 3.5 Impoverished Population The project pays great attention to the impoverished population. In 2019, the poverty line of China is about 3747 yuan, and that line of Jiangxi Province is consistent with the national 30 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project poverty line. According to Jiangxi Provincial Department of Civil Affairs, in the first half of 2019, the urban and rural minimum living standard of Jiangxi province was raised again. The minimum living standard of urban and rural residents reached 580 yuan and 340 yuan, respectively. See table 3-6 for the compensation standards for the impoverished population of each county. Table 3-6 Compensation Standard for Impoverished Population of Each County (2019) Low-income Family Urban Rural Impoverished County Compensation Population Compensation Population Population Standard Standard (yuan/m) (yuan/m) Yugan 9616 3768 580 9340 340 Poyang 33534 9761 580 31078 340 Jing’an 2793 2389 580 3352 340 As can be seen in the above table, the impoverished population in each county varies from thousands to tens of thousands. However, generally speaking, with the development of the national poverty alleviation, the number of impoverished population in each county is significantly reduced, and each county has established an alleviation mechanism for the impoverished people. According to the field survey, the income of affected immigrants within the project area is higher than the poverty standard, so that the project does not involve the impoverished population. 3.6 Vulnerable Group Women have the same rights as the men, who are treated equally. Vulnerable groups affected by the Project are defined as disabled people, elderly person of no family, orphan, low- income family and ethnic minorities. Therefore, the majority of vulnerable groups affected by the Project are elderly person of no family, low-income family and ethnic minorities. During the implementation of resettlement, the vulnerable groups affected by the project will be further identified in accordance with their actual conditions such as the family structure, employment status, family resources and the analysis by the local civil affairs department. Once the affected households are identified as the vulnerable group, the project implementation agency will provide special help. According to the field survey, the Project does not involve the vulnerable groups. 31 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project 4 Socio-economic situation of the Project Area 4.1 Socio-economic Background of the Affected Area 4.1.1Jiangxi Province In 2018, Jiangxi's GDP was 2198.48 billion yuan, an increase of 8.7% over the previous year. In 2018, the total fiscal revenue of Jiangxi Province was 379.5 billion yuan, with tax revenue accounting for 81.3% of the total fiscal revenue. General public budget revenue was 237.23 billion yuan, an increase of 5.6% over the previous year. Tax revenue was accounted for 70.1% of the general public budget revenue. 4.1.2Socio-economic Situation of the Affected County (1)Yugan County Yugan County is located in the northeast of Jiangxi Province. It has 5 towns (including Ruihong Town, Huangjinbu Town, Shikou Town, Gubu Town and Wuni Town) and 11 townships (Kangshan Township, Dongtang Township, Datang Township, Lusigang Township, Santang Township, Hongjiazui Township, Baimaqiao Township, Jiangbu Township, Fenggang Township, Daxi Township and Yangbu Township). In 2016, the total population of the county was 1.083 million. Yugan counties’ GDP was 13.22 billion yuan in 2016, an increase of 9.1% based on comparable prices. Yugan County is rich in lake, sand bar and land resources and many unique species resources. It is the national aquatic and poultry base, the top ten fishery counties in the province and the national commodity grain base county. The territory is flat and fertile. The county abounds with dried Maple Pepper, sesame, peanut, soybean, lotus seed, Seleng Wormwood, coix seed, gorgon fruit and other agricultural products. There are 118 fish species in the county, such as silver carp, soft-shelled turtle, mandarin fish, crab and pearl. It also has rich mineral resources such as coal, porcelain clay and burnt gemstone. (2)Poyang County 32 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project Poyang County is located in the northeast of Jiangxi Province, the east bank of Poyang Lake. It has 1 subdistrict (Raozhou subdistrict), 14 towns (Poyang Town, Shuanggang Town, Xiejiatan Town, Shimenjie Town, Sishilijie Town, Youdunjie Town, Tianfanjie Town, Jinpanling Town, Gaojialing Town, Huanggang Town, Guxiandu Town, Raofeng Town, Lefeng Town and Raobau Town) and 15 townships (Houjiagang Township, Lianhuashan Township, Xiangshuitan Township, Jiantian Street Township, Zhegang Township, Yaya township, Quehu Township, Yinbaohu Township, Youcheng Township, Zhuhu Township, Baishazhou Township, Tuanlin Township, Changzhou Township, Miaoqian Township, Lianhu Township and Lutian township). In 2014, Poyang County covers an area of 4215 km2, with a total population of 1.57 million. In 2016, Poyang County achieved a GDP of 18.98 billion yuan, an increase of 8.1% over the previous year. The total fiscal revenue was 1.68 billion yuan, an increase of 10.2% in the same caliber. Poyang County is rich in mineral resources of coal, gold, silver, copper, lead, zinc, phosphorus, tungsten, granite, limestone, Yingshi mine and porcelain soil etc. The aquaculture of the county includes soft-shelled turtle, whitebait, mandarin fish, prawns, crabs and so on in the lakeside area of Poyang Lake, with the fishing area of 1.11 million mu, inland water surface of 0.3 million mu and low-lying sishing farmland of 0.34 million mu. The cultivated area is of 1.0802 million mu, including 0.8174 million mu of paddy field and 0.2628 million mu of dry land. The forest area is of 140000 hectares, covering 29% of the area of the county. (3)Jing’an County Jing’an County has 5 towns (Shuangxi Town, Renshou Town, Baofeng Town, Gaohu Town and Zhudu town), 6 townships (Xiangtian Township, Shuikou Township, Zhongyuan Township, Luowan Township, Leigongjian Township and Sanzhualun Township), 2 industrial parks, 11 forest farms, 1 Agricultural Science Institute and 1 horticultural farm. In 2014, Jing’an County has a total population of 1.535 million, a GDP of 0.719 billion yuan. Jing’an County is one of China's major non-ferrous, rare earth mineral bases. The county has a variety of land resources, water resources, animal resources and plant resources. 4.2 Socio-economic Situation of the Affected Towns and Villages In order to better understand the impact of the resettlement in the project area, so as to 33 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project formulate a more reasonable and effective resettlement action plan, the basic socio-economic situation of each county, township, subdistrict and village within the scope of the project shall be understand. Knowing well the overall situation is important before carrying out the sampling survey to provide the basis for the whole analysis. The temporary land occupation of the project affects 8 townships/subdistricts in 3 counties of Jiangxi Province. See table 4-1 for details of each township. 34 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project Table 4-1 Socio-economic situation of the affected town/township/subdistrict County Poyang Yugan Jing’an Town/township/subdistrict Shuanggang Tuanlin Sishilijie Baishazhou Zhuhu Gaojiling Yuting Shuangxi No. of Households 28316 19013 17280 3204 9341 11320 3102 14351 Population 101132 57312 41011 13051 41234 40176 13021 42013 Population Male 57253 31066 25734 6297 20135 21003 6971 20871 Argricultural population 98673 54206 39408 12560 40213 37306 12012 8492 Total 51362 32057 26711 7475 21340 19321 7302 22013 Industrial 20131 10860 10863 3034 8019 7844 3102 8013 Labor Force Argricultural 17243 13856 10956 2095 5372 7090 2011 2065 Tertiary 12988 7341 4892 2346 7949 4387 2189 11935 Cultivated land Area (10,000 mu) 6.872 4.143 4.3111 0.61 2.12 3.912 1.28 432.31 Total (10,000 yuan) 69742 32058 32013 9235 35712 22503 356752 120070.1 Argricultural (10,000 yuan) 21431 10087 10486 3210 9672 7628 18435 7784.1 GDP Industrial (10,000 yuan) 32954 13414 10564 4014 18375 9136 305324 111686 Tertiary (10,000 yuan) 15357 8557 10963 2011 7665 5739 32933 600 Fiscal revenue (100 million yuan) 0.5013 0.31 0.12 0.15 0.04 0.1 0.541 0.091 UPDI (yuan) 21002 17000 16874 15301 10312 13081 15370 10120 RPFI (yuan) 7541 7140 89435 8012 9021 6032 9721 8035 35 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project 4.3 Socio-economic Situation of Surveyed Rural Households A sample survey was conducted to investigate the socio-economic situation of the affected population. A total of 398 people in 82 households were sampled and surveyed. The details are as follows: 4.3.1Age Distribution Among the 398 people in 82 households surveyed, the population aged 0-9 is 32, accounting for 8.04%; the population aged 10-19 is 60, accounting for 15.08%; the population aged 20-59 is 214, accounting for 53.77%; the population aged over 60 is 92, accounting for 23.12%. See Table 4-2 and Figure 4-1 for the age distribution of the investigated population. Table 4-2 Age distribution of the affected population based on the survey County Population/Proportion 0-9 10-19 19-59 >60 Total Population 12 7 67 17 103 Jing’an Proportion 11.65% 6.8% 65.05% 16.5% 100.00% Population 15 42 102 56 215 Poyang Proportion 6.98% 19.53% 47.44% 26.05% 100.00% Population 5 11 45 19 80 Yugan Proportion 6.25% 13.75% 56.25% 23.75% 100.00% 120 100 80 0-9� 60 10-19� 19-59� 40 60�以上 20 0 �安 鄱阳 余干 36 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project 8% 23% 15% 0-9� 10-19� 19-59� 60�以上 54% Figure 4-1 Age distribution of the affected population based on the survey 4.3.2Education Among 398 people in 82 households surveyed, 60 were illiterate or little literate, accounting for 15.08%; 103 only finished primary school, accounting for 25.88%; 179 finished junior high school, accounting for 44.97%; 39 finished senior high school, accounting for 9.8%; 17 graduated from Junior College or above, accounting for 4.27%. See table 4-3 and Figure 4- 2 for the education level of the investigated population. Table 4-3 Distribution of education level of affected population based on the survey Population/ Primary Junior high Senior high County Illiterate College Total Proportion school school school Population 13 16 43 21 10 103 Jing’an Proportion 12.62% 15.53% 41.75% 20.39% 9.71% 100% Population 35 61 102 13 4 215 Poyang Proportion 16.28% 28.37% 47.44% 6.05% 1.86% 100% Population 12 26 34 5 3 80 Yugan Proportion 15.00% 32.50% 42.50% 6.25% 3.75% 100% 37 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project 250 200 文盲 150 �学 �中 100 高中 大学 �计 50 0 �安 鄱阳 余干 8% 13% 文盲 50% �学 �中 22% 高中 大学 5% 2% �计 Figure 4-2 Education level of the investigated population 4.3.3Employment of Labor Force Among the surveyed households, there are 261 labor forces in total, 34 of who are farmers, accounting for 13.03% of the total labor force. 141 people went out to do small business or immigrant work, accounting for 54.02% of the total labor force; 34 people engaged in self- 38 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project employed business, accounting for 13.03% of the total labor force; 52 people worked in enterprises and institutions, accounting for 19.92% of the total labor force. See table 4-4 and Figure 4-3 for details. Table 4-4 Employment of labor force of affected population based on survey Immigrant Self- Enterprise or County Population/Proportion Farmer Total worker employed institution Population 13 25 9 25 72 Jing’an Proportion 18.06% 34.72% 12.50% 34.72% 100.00% Population 12 81 11 21 125 Poyang Proportion 9.60% 64.80% 8.80% 16.80% 100.00% Population 9 35 14 6 64 Yugan Proportion 14.06% 54.69% 21.88% 9.38% 100.00% 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Jing’an Poyang Yugan Farmer Immigrant worker Self-employed Enterprise or institution 39 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project Enterprise or Farmer institution 13% 20% Self-employed 13% Immigrant worker 54% Figure 4-3 Employment of labor force of the investigated population 4.3.4Family Composition Among 398 people in 82 households in the survey, there are 384 agricultural population, accounting for 87.44% of the total population; 50 non-agricultural population, accounting for 12.56% of the total population; 208 women, accounting for 52.26% of the total population; 303 labor force, accounting for 76.13% of the total population, including 95 women labor force, accounting for 23.87% of the total population; 53 students, accounting for 13.32% of the total population. See table 4-5 and Figure 4-4 for details. Table 4-5 Family composition of the investigated population County Jing’an Poyang Yugan Population/Proportion Population Proportion Population Proportion Population Proportion Agricultural 75 72.82% 201 93.49% 72 90.00% Non-agricultural 28 27.18% 14 6.51% 8 10.00% Female 54 52.43% 113 52.56% 41 51.25% Labor Force 51 49.51% 187 86.98% 65 81.25% 40 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project Female Labor Force 28 27.18% 43 20.00% 24 30.00% Student 18 17.48% 21 9.77% 14 17.50% Total 103 215 80 250 200 150 100 50 0 Jing’an Poyang Yugan Agricultural Non-agricultural Female Labor Force Female Labor Force Student Figure 4-4 Family composition of the investigated population 4.3.5Building Area of the House Among the 82 households surveyed, the building area of the house is 15120 ㎡. Among them, there is only 1 household with a building area of less than 45 ㎡, accounting for 1.22%; 7 households with a building area of 45-100 ㎡, accounting for 8.54%; 23 households with a building area of 100-150 ㎡, accounting for 28.05%; 11 households with a building area of 150-200 ㎡, accounting for 13.41%; 40 households with a building area of more than 200 ㎡, accounting for 48.78%. 4.3.6Statistics of Annual Family Income and Expenditure According to the survey on the household income and expenditure of 398 people in 82 households. the average household income is 17180.35 yuan/yr. Among them, 33% are income 41 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project through immigrant work, 28% are wage of enterprise, 11% are agricultural income, 28% are others. See Figure 4-5 for details. In terms of expenditure, the average annual expenditure of each household is 8438.95 yuan. Among them, electricity accounts for 6%, domestic water accounts for 2%, communication accounts for 8%, tuition fee accounts for 14%, medical accounts for 7%, fuel accounts for 5%, non-staple food accounts for 35%, home appliances accounts for 6% and other expenses accounts for 17%. It can be seen from the analysis that the main income of the sampled households in 2018 comes from immigrant work and enterprise. The proportion of family operating income is less than 30%, which mainly comes from agricultural industry and sideline industry. Family income and expenditure of the investigated population can be seen in figure 4-5.。 Agricultural income 11% Others 28% Wage earnings of enterprise and public institution 28% immigrant work 33% 42 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project Electricity bill Water bill Others 6% 2% 17% Phone bill 8% household electrical appliances and furniture Tuition fee 6% 14% Medical expense 7% Fuel cost By-products for 5% living 35% Figure 4-5 Family income and expenditure of the investigated population 43 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project Table 4-6 Family income and expenditure of the investigated population Jing’an Poyang Yugan Item Household averaged (yuan/household) Agricultural income 1249 5988 7166 Wage earnings of enterprise and public 23962 7209 7969 Annual institution Income immigrant work 8034 19148 18647 Others 2464 21654 14575 Subtotal 35711 54000 48360 Electricity bill 773 950 866 Water bill 773 70 86 Phone bill 1788 1232 866 Tuition fee 4370 1408 1011 Medical expense 2072 704 577 Annual Fuel cost 664 880 866 Expenditure By-products for living 6754 5635 4333 household electrical appliances and 0 1761 1155 furniture Others 2669 3275 2369 Subtotal 19866 15920 12135 44 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project 4.4 Investigation on affected shops The three affected counties are all involved in road excavation, which affects the shops on both sides of the road. The building area of the shops varies from 10 m2 to 300 m2, most of which are within 45 m2. The project will have a temporary impact on them. The investigation team conducted an interview survey on the surrounding shops. In total, the affected shops didn't know much about the project. After visiting 175 Stores - 48% of the respondents said they "know a little, but don't know too much"; while 18.29% said they "don't know at all". However, the public's support for the project is very high - 85.14% of the respondents agree with it, and 11.43% of the respondents don't care. The responses of the three counties to the project are quite different. The shops in Jing'an County are familiar with the project, and they are very welcome. They hope that the pipeline network can be reconstructed to reduce sewage discharge. The project in Yugan County and Poyang County has not been publicized yet, and the surrounding shops do not know the situation. Although most of the stores support the government's projects, they are also worried about their travel and store operation, hoping to avoid the impact on their normal production and life in the construction process. Table 4-7 statistics of the investigated shops Jing’an Yugan Poyang Total Proportion No. of investigated shops 53 60 62 175 Knowing well 40 11 8 59 33.71% Knowing a little 10 35 39 84 48.00% Knowing nothing 3 14 15 32 18.29% Support the project 48 52 49 149 85.14% Against the project 1 3 2 6 3.43% Doesn’t matter 4 5 11 20 11.43% 45 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project 5 Framework of Resettlement Policy 5.1 Main Resettlement Laws and Policies 5.1.1State Laws and Regulations ➢ Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China (effective from January 1, 1999, revised in August 28, 2004) ➢ Regulations for the Implementation of the Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China (effective from January 1, 1999) ➢ Regulations for the Management of Urban House Demolition (effective from January 1, 1999, revising now) ➢ Decision of the State Council on Deepening Reform and Tightening Land Management (effective from October 21, 2004) ➢ Guidelines on Improving the Compensation and Resettlement System for Land Acquisition (effective from November 3, 2004) ➢ Property Right Law of the People's Republic of China (effective from October 1, 2007) ➢ Rules for the Implementation of the Interim Regulation of the People's Republic of China on Land Occupation Tax (Order No. 49 of Ministry of Finance) 5.1.2Local Regulations and Policies ➢ Notice of Unified Standard of Annual Value of Production and Integrated Area Land Price of New Land Compensation of Jiangxi Province, 2011 (Order No. 126 of People’s Government of Jiangxi Province), as detailed in Appendix IX. ➢ Land Administration Regulations of Jiangsu Province (effective from January 1, 2001, second amendment on May 1, 2004) ➢ Implementing Measures of Jiangxi Province for the Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China ( Government notice No. 46 of the People’s Congress Standing Committee of Jiangxi Province) ➢ Administrative Measures of Jiangxi Province for the Acquisition of Land (effective from December 27, 1997, revised in December 22, 2001) ➢ Notice of Adjustment Request for Standard Agricultural Land Reclamation Fee to Department of Land Resources, etc. from the Office of the People’s Government of Jiangxi Province 46 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project (Notice of the Government Office of Jiangxi Province No. 32, 2006) ➢ Notice of the general office of the people's Government of Jiangxi Province on transmitting the opinions of the Department of Human Resources and Social Security of Jiangxi Province and other departments on further improving the basic endowment insurance policy of the farmers whose land is expropriated, 2014 (Order No. 12 of People’s Government of Jiangxi Province) 5.1.3WB Policy ➢ WB operational policy Involuntary Resettlement (OP4.12) and appendixes (January 1, 2002) 5.2 Laws and Policies Applicable to Resettlement ➢ Applicable articles in the Law of Land Administration of the People's Republic of China ➢ Article 8 Land in urban districts shall be owned by the State. Land in the rural areas and suburban areas, except otherwise provided for by the State, shall be collectively owned by peasants including land for building houses, land and hills allowed to be retained by peasants. ➢ Article 10 In lands collectively owned by peasants those have been allocated to villagers for collective ownership according to law shall be operated and managed by village collective economic organizations or villagers' committee and those have allocated to two or more peasants collective economic organizations of a village, shall be operated and managed jointly by the collective economic organizations of the village or villagers' groups; and those have allocated to township (town) peasant collectives shall be operated and managed by the rural collective economic organizations of the township (town). ➢ Article 45 The requisition of the following land shall be approved by the State Council: 1. Basic farmland; 2. Land exceeding 35 hectares outside the basic farmland; 3. Other land exceeding 70 hectares. Requisition of land other than prescribed in the preceding paragraph shall be approved by the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities and submitted to the State Council for the record. Requisition of agricultural land should first of all go through the examination and approval procedure 47 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project for converting agricultural land into land for construction purposes according to the provisions of Article 44 of this law. Whereas conversion of land is approved by the State Council, the land requisition examination and approval procedures should be completed concurrently with the procedures for converting agricultural land to construction uses and no separate procedures are required. Whereas the conversion of land is approved by people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities within their terms of reference, land requisition examination and approval procedures should be completed at the same time and no separate procedures are required. Whereas the terms of reference have been exceeded, separate land requisition examination and approval procedures should be completed according to the provisions of the first paragraph of this article. ➢ Article 47 in requisitioning land, compensation should be made according to the original purposes of the land requisitioned. Compensation fees for land requisitioned include land compensation fees, resettlement fees and compensation for attachments to or green crops on the land. The land compensation fees shall be 6-10 times the average output value of the three years preceding the requisition of the cultivated land. The resettlement fee shall be calculated according to the number of agricultural population to be resettled. The number of agricultural population to be resettled shall be calculated by dividing the amount of cultivated land requisitioned by the per capital land occupied of the unit whose land is requisitioned. The resettlement fees for each agricultural person to be resettled shall be 4-6 times the average annual output value of the three years preceding the requisition of the cultivated land. But the maximum resettlement fee per hectare of land requisitioned shall not exceed 15 times of the average annual output value of the three years prior to the requisition. The standards for land compensation and resettlement fees for land requisitioned shall be determined by various provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities in reference to the land compensation fees and resettlement fees for cultivated land requisitioned. The standards for compensating for ground attachments and green crops on the land requisitioned shall be determined by various provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities. In required vegetable fields in suburban areas, the units using the land should pay new vegetable field development and construction fund. Whereas the land compensation fees and resettlement fees paid according to the provisions of the second paragraph of this article are not enough to maintain the original level of living, the resettlement fees 48 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project may be increased with the approval of the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities. But the combined total of land compensation fees and resettlement fees shall not exceed 30 times the average output value of the three years prior to the requisition. In special circumstances, the State Council may raise the standards for land compensation and resettlement fees for land requisitioned according to the social and economic development level. ➢ Article 48 after the plan for land compensation and resettlement fees is finalized, related local people's governments shall make an announcement and hear the opinions of the rural collective economic organizations and peasants whose land has been requisitioned. ➢ Article 49 Rural collective economic organizations shall make public to its members the receipts and expenditures of the land compensation fees for land requisitioned and accept their supervision. It is forbidden to embezzle or divert the land compensation fees and other related expenses. ➢ Article 50 Local people's governments at all levels shall support rural collective economic organizations and peasants in their efforts toward development and operations or in starting up enterprises. ➢ Article 54 A paid leasing should go through in use of land owned by the State by a construction unit. But the following land may be obtained through government allocation with the approval of the people's governments at and above the county level according to law: 1. Land for use by government organs and for military use; 2. Land for building urban infrastructure and for public welfare undertakings; 3. Land for building energy, communications and water conservancy and other infrastructure projects supported by the State. 4. Other land as provided for by the law and administrative decrees. ➢ Article 57 In the case of temporary using State-owned land or land owned by peasant collectives by construction projects or geological survey teams, approval should be obtained from the land administrative departments of local people's governments at and above the county level. Whereas the land to be temporarily used is within the urban planned areas, the consent of the urban planning departments should be obtained before being submitted for approval. Land users should sign contracts for temporary use of land with related land administrative departments or rural collective organizations or villagers committees depending on the ownership of the land and pay land compensation fees for the temporary use of the land according to the standard specified in the contracts. Users who use the land temporarily should use the land according to the purposes agreed upon in the 49 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project contract for the temporary use of land and should not build permanent structures. The term for the temporary use of land shall not usually exceed two years. ➢ Article 62 One rural household can own one piece of land for building house, with the area not exceeding the standards provided for by provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities. Construction of rural houses should conform to the general plans for the utilization of land of townships (towns) and the original land occupied by houses and open spaces of villages should be used as much as possible for building houses. The use of land for building houses should be examined by the township (town) people's governments and approved by the county people's governments. Whereas occupation of agricultural land is involved the examination and approval procedure provided for in Article 44 of this law is required. The application for housing land after selling or leasing houses shall not be approved. ➢ Relevant Regulations for the Implementation of the Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China ➢ Article 25 when land is required for rural residential buildings, a land use application shall be submitted first to the village agricultural collective economic entity or villagers' committee and, subject to it being discussed and approved by the villagers' representative meeting or general meeting, the application shall be submitted to the people's government for approval. The use of cultivated land shall be subject to approval by the county level people's government, following its examination and approval by the township level people's government and land administration department of the county level people's government. The use of existing residential building sites, empty space within villages and other land shall be subject to approval by the township level people's government. ➢ Article 26 If use of collectively owned land is required for constructing residential buildings for city or town residents with non-agricultural resident registration, a land use application shall, after its approval by the applicant's working unit or residents' committee, be submitted to the village agricultural collective economic entity, villagers' committee or township (town) peasant collective economic entity in the locality of the land. If the land required for use belongs to a village peasant collective, subject to the land use application being discussed and approved by the villagers' representative meeting or general meeting and its examination and approval by the township (town) people's government, it shall be submitted to the county level people's government for approval. If the land required for use belongs to at ownership (town) 50 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project peasant collective, subject to the land use application being discussed and approved by the township (town) peasant collective economic entity and its examination and approval by the township (town) people's government, it shall be submitted to the county level people's government for approval. ➢ Decision of the State Council on Deepening Reform and Tightening Land Management III. Improving Compensation and Resettlement System (12) Improving compensation approach. The local people's governments at or above the county level should take practical measures to prevent rural residents living standards reduced due to land acquisition. To ensure that the law in full and timely payment of land compensation fees, resettlement fees, ground attachments and young crops compensation fee. If land compensation and resettlement fees paid in accordance with current laws and regulations are not enough to landless farmers to maintain the original level of living, or pay the cost of land acquisition and social security, the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government should ratify increase resettlement fees. The sum of the land compensation and resettlement fees reach the legal limit, which is still not enough to maintain the existing standard of living of the landless farmers, the local people's government can use revenue from paid state-owned land use as the subsidy fee for compensation and resettlement. Provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government should unify annual output value standard or integrated Land value for each county and publish it, to ensure compensation for land acquisition are all same on the same type of the land. National key construction projects must include the estimates of the land acquisition costs in the budget. Land acquisition compensation standards and resettlement for large and medium-sized water conservancy and hydropower project construction shall be formulated by the State Council separately. (13) Proper placement of landless farmers. The local people's governments at or above the county level shall formulate specific methods to ensure the long-term livelihood security of landless farmers. For the project has a stable revenue, farmers can buy shares according to approve construction land use rights. In urban planning area, the local People's Government shall put landless peasants, who lose land due to land acquisition, into urban employment system, and establish a social security system; In the outside of planning area, local government shall leave enough cultivated land for the landless farmers or arrange for appropriate jobs for acquisition of rural collective land; landless farmers do not have the basic production and living conditions, should be resettled out of hometown. Labor and social security departments should work together with the relevant departments to establish guidance on landless 51 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project farmer’s employment training and social security system as soon as possible. (14) Optimization of land acquisition program. The interests of the farmers’ collective land ownership and land contract operation rights shall be protected in the land acquisition process. Before land acquisition is submitted for approval in accordance with the law, land acquisition purposes, position, compensation standards, resettlement approaches should be informed to landless farmers; results of survey on present land use should be confirmed by landless farmers and village committee. Really necessary Department of Land Resources shall organize public hearing in accordance with the relevant laws and regulation to inform landless farmers and recognize the requisite materials, when it’s necessary. Speed up the establishment and improvement of controversy coordination and adjudication mechanisms of land compensation and resettlement to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the landless farmers and land users. The approval of land acquisition should be publicized, except in special circumstances. (15) Strengthen the regulatory implementation process of land acquisition. If land compensation and resettlement are not implemented, the land shall not be used. Provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government shall, in accordance with the principle that land compensation fee should mainly be used for affected rural residents, and develop the distribution scheme in the rural collective economic organizations, which is also responsible for publican the balance of payments and the allocation of land acquisition and compensation costs, and accept supervision. Agriculture, civil affairs departments should strengthen supervision of the allocation and use of land compensation fees within the rural collective economic organizations. ➢ The relevant provisions of the Ministry of Land and Resources "Guidance to perfect the system of land compensation and resettlement� ➢ Article 1 Provisions on land acquisition compensation standard (2) Unify annual output value multiples. Unifying annual output value multiples of land compensation and resettlement fees, should be in accordance with the guarantee of the principle of land acquisition farmers' original living standards are not reduced, and be determined within the prescribed limits by law; if land compensation and resettlement fees calculated according to the a unified annual output value multiples, are not enough for landless farmers to maintain the original level of living, insufficient to cover the cost of social security of landless farmers due to land acquisition, annual output value multiples should be raised by the provincial people's government approval; Total land compensation and resettlement fees calculated by 30 times, yet less than arrangements to maintain the 52 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project original living level of landless farmers, the local People's Government should to set certain percentage of compensation from the state-owned land use revenue to provide subsidies. Occupation of basic farmland approval in accordance with law, land compensation implementation shall take the highest standard compensation announced by the local people's government. (3) Formulation of Integrated land value. If the conditions allowed, the provincial department of land resources should develop the integrated land value for counties (cities) within provincial administrative area in conjunction with relevant departments of counties. After the approval and announcement of the provincial government, compensation can be implemented. the factors of integrated Land value include land type, output value, location, level of agricultural land, the number of arable land per capita, relations between land supply and demand, local economic development level and the urban minimum living security level and other factors. … ➢ Article 2 Provisions on Landless farmers resettlement approaches (5) Resettlement of agricultural production. Acquisition of rural collective land outside of urban planning area should consider use of rural collective spare land, voluntarily surrendered contracted land, and transferred contracted land and new farmland by land development and consolidation, to ensure affected farmers have necessary farm land to engage in agricultural production. (6) Resettlement of Re-employment. Actively create conditions to provide free profession skill training to landless farmers, and arrange for appropriate jobs. Under the same conditions, the enterprise should put landless farmers on top priority. Acquisition of rural collective land inside of urban planning area should put landless peasants into urban employment system, and establish a social security system. (7) Resettlement of shareholder dividends. For the project has long-term stable revenue, under the voluntary premise of the farmers, rural collective economic organizations may consult with the enterprise who acquire land to let farmer buy shares by using land requisition compensation and resettlement fees, or approved construction land use right. Rural collective economic organizations and farmers gains preference shares in accordance with the contract. (8) Remote Resettlement. If the affected area really cannot provide basic production and living conditions for landless farmers, in full consultation with the premise of the landless rural collective economic organizations and farmers, government shall organize remote resettlement for displaced person. ➢ Article 3 Provisions on Land acquisition procedures 53 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project (9) Inform land acquisition. prior to approval of land acquisition in accordance with the law, the local department of land resources should inform land acquisition purposes, position, compensation standards, resettlement approaches in writing to the rural collective economic organizations and farmers. Planted crops and constructed ground attachments after inform shall not be compensated. (10) Confirmation of survey of land acquisition. Local department of land resources shall conduct investigation on the proposed acquisition land ownership, class, area and ground attachments ownership, type, number, and current status. The results of the survey should be verified by rural collective economic organizations and farmers. (11) Organizing land acquisition hearings. prior to approval on land acquisition in accordance with the law, the local department of land resources should be informed rural collective economic organizations and landless farmers that have the right to request a hearing on the proposed land compensation standards and resettlement approaches. When the parties request a hearing, the hearing should be organized in accordance with the procedures prescribed by the Land Resources hearing provisions and the requirements. ➢ Urban Housing Demolition Management Regulations (State Council Decree No. 305) ➢ Article 6 – Once the work unit wishing to demolish has obtained the Demolition Permit it can go ahead and carry out the demolition. ➢ Article 8 – Demolition Management Departments must publish the details of the party carrying out the demolition, the scope of the demolition and the timescale following the issue of a Demolition Permit. ➢ Article 22 – The party carrying out the demolition must pay compensation to the evictee in accordance with the regulations. Compensation shall not be paid in relation to the demolition of illegally constructed buildings or temporary buildings which have exceeded their permitted time span. Appropriate compensation shall be paid in relation to temporary buildings which have not yet exceeded their permitted time span. ➢ Article 23 – Compensation can be monetary or in the form of housing property rights. With the exception of the situations contained in part 2 of Article 25 and part 2 of Article 27 the evictee shall be entitled to choose the method of compensation. ➢ Article 24 – Monetary compensation shall be decided in accordance with the market value according to the building’s location, usage, size and other factors as determined by a value. 54 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project Detailed methods can be drawn up at provincial, autonomous region and directly administered city level governments. ➢ Article 25 – Compensation in the form of the transfer of residential property rights shall be valued on the basis of the provisions of Article 24 and any difference between the value of the demolished building and the building transferred to the evictee shall be made up by the relevant party. The party carrying out the demolition shall compensate evictees of buildings not used for the public benefit in respect of other property (i.e. non real estate property) in a monetary sum and not by the transfer of residential housing rights. ➢ Article 26 – Parties carrying out the demolition of buildings used for the public benefit shall reconstruct that building or provide monetary compensation in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations. ➢ Article 27 – Compensation shall be paid to owner of demolished rented properties where the owner and the tenant end their lease arrangements as a result or the owner provides re- settlement to the tenant. If the owner of the property and the tenant cannot agree on the terms on which the lease shall end, the party carrying out the demolition shall compensate the owner by way of transfer of residential property rights. The new property shall be rented by the original tenant under a new lease agreement. The party carrying out the demolition shall meet the evictee or the tenant’s relocation expenses. ➢ Article 31 –Where evictees or tenants make their own temporary accommodation arrangements the party carrying out the demolition must reimburse their expenses incurred in doing so. Where the evictee or tenant makes use of temporary accommodation provided by the party carrying out the demolition no such expenses shall be paid. Detailed standards for the payment of relocation and temporary accommodation expenses shall be enacted by each province, autonomous region and directly administered city. ➢ Article 33 –Parties carrying out demolitions of non-residential properties resulting in the interruption or cessation of business activities shall pay appropriate compensation to the evictees. ➢ OP 4.12 of WB Policy- Involuntary Resettlement ➢ 10. The implementation of resettlement activities is linked to the implementation of the investment component of the project to ensure that displacement or restriction of access does 55 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project not occur before necessary measures for resettlement are in place. For impacts covered in Para. 3(a) of this policy, these measures include provision of compensation and of other assistance required for relocation, prior to displacement, and preparation and provision of resettlement sites with adequate facilities, where required. In particular, taking of land and related assets may take place only after compensation has been paid and, where applicable, resettlement sites and moving allowances have been provided to the displaced persons. For impacts covered in Para. 3(b) of this policy, the measures to assist the displaced persons is implemented in accordance with the plan of action as part of the project (see Para. 30). ➢ 11. Preference should be given to land-based resettlement strategies for displaced persons whose livelihoods are land-based. These strategies may include resettlement on public land (see footnote 1 above), or on private land acquired or purchased for resettlement. Whenever replacement land is offered, resettles are provided with land for which a combination of productive potential, location advantages, and other factors is at least equivalent to the advantages of the land taken. If land is not the preferred option of the displaced persons, the provision of land would adversely affect the sustainability of a park or protected area, or sufficient land is not available at a reasonable price, non-land-based options built around opportunities for employment or self-employment should be provided in addition to cash compensation for land and other assets lost. The lack of adequate land must be demonstrated and documented to the satisfaction of the Bank. ➢ 15. Criteria for Eligibility. Displaced persons may be classified in one of the following three groups: (a) Those who have formal legal rights to land (including customary and traditional rights recognized under the laws of the country); (b) those who do not have formal legal rights to land at the time the census begins but have a claim to such land or assets--provided that such claims are recognized under the laws of the country or become recognized through a process identified in the resettlement plan (c) Those who have no recognizable legal right or claim to the land they are occupying. ➢ 16. Persons covered under Para. 15(a) and (b) are provided compensation for the land they lose, and other assistance in accordance with Para. 6. Persons covered under Para. 15(c) are provided resettlement assistance in lieu of compensation for the land they occupy, and other assistance, as necessary, to achieve the objectives set out in this policy, if they occupy the project area prior to a cut-off date established by the borrower and acceptable to the Bank. Persons who encroach on the area after the cut-off date are not entitled to compensation or 56 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project any other form of resettlement assistance. All persons included in para. 15(a), (b), or (c) are provided compensation for loss of assets other than land. Differences between WB Policy and China Policy Table 5-1 compares the differences between the policies of the World Bank and China, and explains the differences in content and time of information disclosure and consultation. Table 5-1Differences between WB Policy and China Policy No. WB China Avoidance of relocation where No difference; 1 possible It is usually realized by technical and economic optimization. When relocation is unavoidable, 2 resettlement is minimized through No difference livelihood assistance. 3 Alternative compensation for loss Minor differences; provide compensation and assistance. Each involuntary relocation is Minor difference; 4 implemented as an integral part of Domestic practice usually pays less attention to income recovery. the project construction. There are differences; Affected people are fully informed China implements the system of two announcements and one registration, but the 5 and fully consulted. announcement of land acquisition and demolition is usually carried out after the approval of the resettlement plan, generally without consultation. No difference 6 Social and culture system All of them were analyzed for adaptability. China has a lot of experience in this area. There are differences; According to Chinese law, there is no compensation for the demolition of illegal 7 Indeterminate ownership buildings and temporary buildings beyond the approved period. But in practice, compensation agreement is usually reached through negotiation. The bank's compensation policy also applies to the impact of indeterminate ownership. Determination of the eligibility for 8 No difference compensation rights Attention to the poorest and No difference 9 vulnerable groups Provide assistance Minor differences; All resettlement expenses shall be Article 12 of GF [2004] No. 28 stipulates that the total cost of land acquisition for 10 fully reflected in the project cost key national development projects shall be included in the total budget of the and income report. project. Apart from the minor differences in terms and provisions, the main difference lies in the procedure. The World Bank requires that resettlement plans shall be prepared at the beginning of the project preparation phase. However, in domestic practice, in the preparatory stage of general infrastructure construction projects, there is no clear person and institution in charge of resettlement, only land acquisition and demolition costs are considered in the estimation, no detailed socio-economic Investigation, and no consultation with potential affected persons. The specific resettlement plan will not be considered until the approval of the project land, which has entered the project implementation stage. Jiangxi Province and relevant counties/cities have a complete legal system, which is fully 57 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project applicable to the land acquisition and resettlement of the project, and there is no significant difference with the policy requirements of the World Bank. In order to successfully implement the resettlement work of the project, it is necessary to strengthen the implementation of the policies and regulations that have been improved. Many efforts have been made to narrow the gap by training project implementation and implementation personnel. In addition, World Bank project officials and project preparation technical assistance experts have fully explained the requirements of the World Bank and the policies of the People’s Republic of China on involuntary relocation to the project implementation and implementation personnel, so that they can fully grasp and understand the above contents. This is a good start for the implementation of the overall project. 5.3 Compensation and Resettlement Policies of the Project Terms of resettlement for land acquisition, house demolition and the social security system have been developed in accordance with the provisions of the above policies of the state, Jiangxi Province and WB. For this Project, without the permission of WB, any policies, certification standard for benefits, basis of property evaluation and compensation cannot be changed. Based on the current design plan, main impacts of the Project is acquisition of land and demolition of house. Policies applicable to resettlement project are as follows: 5.3.1Compensation Policy for Temporary Land Occupation The pipeline network of the Project involves temporary occupation of state-owned roads. The temporary use of state-owned land shall be approved by the land administrative department of the people's Government of the county. Among them, the temporary use of land within a planned urban area shall be approved by the relevant competent administrative department of urban planning before it is submitted for approval. The land user shall, in accordance with the ownership of the land, sign a contract with the land administrative department for the temporary use of the land and pay compensation for the temporary use of the land as agreed in the contract. For the needs of production, construction and operation, the units and individuals who really need to occupy the management scope of the river course (including artificial water 58 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project course, reservoir, lake, flood discharge area and flood detention area) and its supporting projects must obtain the approval of the competent authority of the river course, obtain the occupation certificate of the river course project, and pay the compensation fee for the occupation of the river course embankment project in accordance with the provisions of these measures. The state and provincial key project construction projects may be exempted from the occupation compensation fee with the approval of the provincial river authorities. The users of the temporary land shall use the land according to the purposes stipulated in the temporary land use contract and shall not build permanent buildings. Upon the expiration of the temporary use of the land, the units and individuals that use the land temporarily shall be responsible for restoring the original use of the land; if losses are caused due to failure to restore the land, they shall bear the corresponding economic compensation responsibilities. The term of temporary use of land is generally no more than two years. 5.3.2Compensation Policy for Vulnerable Group According to “The relevant provisions of the Jiangxi Provincial People's Government to improve urban and rural social assistance system "(Document of Jiangxi Province, NO 13, 2006): Agricultural households with a monthly net income per capita lower than local rural minimum security standard can declare rural subsistence allowances. In the case of the above policy cannot relocate vulnerable groups, the PMO also commit that: ➢ Households with difficulties within the scope of the Projects and the reason is frail elderly and disease, proper allowance shall be given to these households after the implementation of the project. ➢ The implementation of the project, depending on the circumstances, shall give a living allowance to help vulnerable groups overcome the difficulties encountered in the relocation process. ➢ Professional training for labor in vulnerable families shall be provided, and employment information and guidance shall be informed, to increase employment opportunities. ➢ Priority to enroll the children of vulnerable families in the project during construction process. ➢ Demolition unit shall be responsible for the relocation of the vulnerable families. 5.3.3Qualification of Compensation According to the time of project investigation and evaluation, December 31, 2019 is 59 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project determined as the deadline of compensation qualification definition. After the compensation deadline, the affected person's settlement in the affected area, newly cultivated land, newly built houses and any other trees and new facilities planted solely for the purpose of additional compensation are not included in the compensation or subsidy. 60 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project 6 Resettlement Plan on Production and Livelihood 6.1 Objective of the Resettlement Action Plan The purpose of resettlement on production is based on the principle of non-reducing original living level. In the resettlement action plan, the resettlement policy shall be implemented so as to make every displaced person have the necessary material for recovering original living and production level and enjoying the benefits of the Project. Allowance should be paid to support their temporary difficulties. 6.2 Principles of the Resettlement Action Plan 6.2.1The Principle of Trying to Reduce Relocation Take advantage of belt shape of the construction project, appropriately modification of the design to minimize the affected area and person due to the Project. 6.2.2Principle of equivalent compensation To ensure that the living standard of immigrants does not decline due to the project, the principle of equivalent compensation will be implemented. It includes two aspects: one is compensation for property according to replacement cost, the other is compensation for other losses according to reciprocity, i.e. how much loss of immigrants and how much compensation. 1. When agricultural land is expropriated, all losses will be compensated reasonably, and the compensation needs to be agreed by the affected person to determine the way of distribution or use. According to the principle of "local resettlement and multi- channel employment", the local government, the project and the village committee will jointly arrange employment to ensure that the living standard of the migrants will not be affected. 2. The public facilities will be fully restored, and their functions will not be lower than the original level at least, so as to maintain the normal life of the people not relocated around the project construction scope. 3. Equivalent compensation will also be provided to the temporarily affected migrants 61 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project and some of their property damaged without relocation. 6.2.3 Principle of Focus 1. The project will focus on the vulnerable groups (the elderly without adult children, widows, single parent families, disabled people, chronic patients and poor families), and will give preferential policies, such as housing, employment and other aspects of reasonable care when moving. After the relocation, regular return visits will be conducted to help them with special difficulties until they are handed over to the local civil affairs department. 2. The project will strive to maximize the cost and benefit of resettlement, strive to improve the resettlement capacity of resettlement institutions, standardize the resettlement behavior, establish a perfect internal control mechanism, prevent the waste, interception, fraud and corruption of funds, so as to make the best use of resettlement funds and achieve the best resettlement effect. 6.3 Temporary Land Occupation The users of the temporary land shall use the land according to the purposes stipulated in the temporary land use contract and shall not build permanent buildings. Upon the expiration of the temporary use of the land, the units and individuals that use the land temporarily shall be responsible for restoring the original use of the land; if losses are caused due to failure to restore the land, they shall bear the corresponding economic compensation responsibilities. The term of temporary use of land is generally no more than two years. There are three subprojects in the project, which need to temporarily occupy 731.31 Mu due to pipe network laying and road construction, all of which are state-owned land, including 477.60 mu for Jing'an urban drainage pipe network reconstruction project, 203.23 mu for Poyang East Lake pipe network reconstruction project and 50.48 mu for Yugan sewage pipe network reconstruction project. The resettlement plan does not include the cost of road excavation. After the pipe network is laid, the successful construction unit will organize the restoration according to the original scale and standard, and the cost will be included in the project cost. 62 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project 6.4 Vulnerable Groups According to the investigation, the land acquisition activities of the project do not involve poor households and female households. 63 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project 7 Organization 7.1Organizations Related to Resettlement Actions During the implementation of the Project, the following 8 types of organizations are responsible for the planning, management, implementation and monitoring of the resettlement activities of the components: ➢ Project Leading Group ➢ Management Office of the World Bank Financed Jiangxi Poyang Lake Basin Comprehensive Pollution Treatment and Ecological Security Improvement of Key Cities Project (PPMO) ➢ PPMO agency at each county ➢ Demolition management office of each county ➢ Department of Land Resources of each county ➢ Village committee of affected village ➢ Project design agency ➢ NRCR, Hohai University Project Leading Group: leading, organizing and coordinating land acquisition, house demolition and resettlement activities, approving the RAP and performing internal supervision and inspection. PPMO: developing resettlement policies, preparing the RAP and implementing relocation, managing funds, organizing, coordinating and performing internal supervision and inspection, composing internal monitoring report and submitting to WB. PPMO agency at each county: developing resettlement policies, preparing the RAP and implementing relocation, managing funds, organizing, coordinating and performing internal supervision and inspection, composing internal monitoring report for the county and submitting to PPMO. Demolition management office of each county: Responsible for implementing, coordinating and managing house demolition and resettlement of displaced person. Department of Land Resources of each county: Responsible for handling, inspection, authorization of acquisition land procedure, and coordinating, managing, monitoring and arbitrating implementation. 64 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project Project design agency: responsible for project design and the identification of the range of house demolition. NRCR, Hohai University: external M&E of house demolition and resettlement work. Organizational chart of resettlement agencies can be seen in Figure 7-1. Project Leading Group Internal Demolition management PPMO Project office and Department of Monitoring Design Land Resources of each Agency county External M&E PPMO of each county Affected Demolition Demolition of enterprise Infrastructure Person house and institution Figure 7-1 Organizational chart of resettlement agencies 7.2 Reponsibilities of Resettlement Agencies 1�PPMO 65 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project ➢ Leading, organizing and coordinating the Project, approving the RAP and performing internal supervision and inspection ➢ Organizing and coordinating the preparation of the RAP ➢ Implementing the policies in the RAP ➢ Coordinating the implementation of the RAP according to the project construction schedule ➢ Examine monitoring report ➢ Coordinating and handling disputes and issues arising from implementation 2�PPMO agency of each county ➢ Entrusting the design agency and the environmental assessment agency to determine the range of project impact (red line), the range of temporary land occupation and the range of house demolition (yellow line) ➢ Organizing and conducting the social-economic survey ➢ Conducting registration of demolition items ➢ Organizing public participation activities ➢ Negotiating resettlement programs and organizing the preparation of the RAP ➢ Carrying through the policies and regulations on house demolition, construction land ➢ Developing resettlement programs and compensation rates according to the policies, and submitting them to the competent authorities for approval ➢ Handling land use approval formalities and use right appropriation formalities for state-owned land ➢ Applying for the land planning permit and the construction permit ➢ Implementing the RAP, and carrying out regular or irregular site visits to check resettlement implementation ➢ Signing compensation and resettlement agreement for relocation with relocated households and entities on behalf of the PMO ➢ Managing information on house demolition and resettlement activities ➢ Training the staff ➢ Disbursing funds and supervising the use thereof ➢ Directing, coordinating and supervising resettlement activities and progress ➢ Implementing an internal supervision system of resettlement, entrusting a qualified independent external M&E agency to conduct external resettlement M&E, coordinate external monitoring ➢ Coordinating and handling disputes and issues arising from implementation ➢ Coordinating and handling disputes over house demolition and appeals 66 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project ➢ Reporting relocation progress, fund use and implementation quality to WB regularly 3�Department of Land Resources of each county ➢ Carrying through the policies and regulations on house demolition, construction land ➢ Participating inspection of compensation rate for land and attachment demolition ➢ Handling land use approval formalities and use right appropriation formalities for construction land ➢ Participating social-economic survey ➢ Participating developing and inspecting RAP ➢ Composing preliminary report for construction land permission ➢ Publishing Land Acquisition Announcement ➢ Directing, coordinating and supervising resettlement activities and progress ➢ Coordinating and handling disputes and issues arising from implementation ➢ Signing compensation and resettlement agreement for relocation with relocated households and entities on behalf of the PMO ➢ Conducting registration for land acquisition and house demolition 4�Project Design Agency ➢ Reducing project impacts by design optimization ➢ Determining the range of house demolition 5�External Independent Monitoring and Evaluation Agency As an independent monitoring agency, observing all aspects of the RAP and its implementation and providing M&E reports to the Project Leading Group, PPMO, the PPMOs’ agency of each county and WB. The detailed responsibilities are as the followings: ➢ (1)Surveying social-economic background of affected area ➢ (2)Estimating the impacts and restoration of displaced persons ➢ (3)Analyzing data ➢ (4)Observing the whole progress of implementation and providing M&E reports to the Project Leading Group, PPMO, the PPMOs’ agency of each county and Bathe detailed responsibilities is described in the External Monitoring and Evaluation section. Table 7-1Heads of main public organization involbed in the project 67 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project Resettlement Present Name organization Role Organization position Development and Project Leading Wu Xiaojun Reform Commission of Director Group Leader Group Jiangxi Province PPMO Ding Youwei PPMO Director Director Department of Land Yin Liangliang Director Director Resources Development and Duchang Huang Yi Director Vice Director Reform Commission Vice Wang Zhi Demolition Office Member Director Development and Xia Xinlong Director Director Reform Commission Fengxin Urban Construction Zhu Hongzhong Director Member Bureau Development and Li Zhiqiang Director Director Reform Commission Jishui Department of Land Section Zhou Shuyong Member PPMO Resources chief agency Tu Gang PPMO agency Director Director of each Department of Land Vice Jing’an Pi Wenhua Member county Resources Director Chen Xuyun Demolition Office Director Member Development and Yang Chuisong Director Director Reform Commission Poyang Department of Land Vice Huang Bo Member Resources Director Foreign Investment Zhang Jianping Director Director Office Yugan Foreign Investment Vice Cheng Jiangao Vice Director Office Director Department of Land Vice He Weite Director Resources Director Shangli Department of Land Li Lianghong Staff Member Resources Chief Design and Liu Shuhuan SUCDRI Engineer planning Design Agency Jiangxi Province Coal Chief Design and Wang Fuping Mine Design Institute Engineer planning Vice Monitoring and M&E Sun Yan Hohai University Director evaluation 7.2.1Facilities and Equipments PPMOs of each city and county utilize the existing resources, and have been equipped with basic office equipment, transportation equipment and communication equipment, including office desks and chairs, computers, printers, telephones, fax machines, vehicles and other equipment resources. 68 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project 7.2.2Plan of Training Training purpose: to train the management and technical personnel related to the land acquisition and demolition of the project, so that they can understand and master the relevant land acquisition and demolition contents, and ensure that the land acquisition and demolition action plan of the project is fully implemented. Training objectives: according to the work content, training is divided into two categories: Land acquisition and demolition management personnel - the purpose is to train the senior management of the project in land acquisition, demolition and emergency measures. The purpose of training personnel is to understand the experience of resettlement and management of highway immigrants in advanced countries, and to publicize and popularize the land acquisition and demolition personnel of the whole project. Resettlement staff: the purpose is to understand the project related contents, resettlement policies, and recovery measures taken by the project, and to assist and ensure the smooth implementation of the resettlement plan. Training method: the training is divided into two levels: the senior management training is hosted by the resettlement office of the project, and World Bank officials and other government officials and experts are invited to give lectures; the general staff are trained in the District, hosted by the resettlement office of the District, and guided by the resettlement Office of the project. Training content: including project overview and background, relevant laws and regulations, details, management, reporting procedures, cost management, monitoring and evaluation, report, complaint handling, etc. of the project resettlement action plan. 69 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project 8 Budget and Sources of resettlement funds 8.1 Budget of Original RAP Costs incurred in house demolition and resettlement are included in the general budget of the Project. Total cost is estimated as 714,460,000 Yuan, which includes land acquisition costs 220,080,000 Yuan, about 30.80% of the total cost, compensation fees for temporally land occupation 2,100 Yuan, about 0.03% of the total cost, other costs which include taxes, and implementation management fees, etc. 4,822,100Yuan, about 67.49% of the total cost. The general budgets of the sub-projects are shown in Table 8-1. Table 8-1General resettlement cost estimates (10,000 Yuan) 1 Permanent 2 Temporaly 3 County Name of the project Land land Relative 4 Others Total acquisition fee occupation fee Comprehensive treatment of pollution and Duchang 84.20 0.21 3.38 72.10 159.88 improvement of ecological safety project Sewage treatment Poyang and ecological 128.90 5.16 109.26 248.48 remediation project Garbage collection Shangli and disposal system 6.98 0.27 65.54 72.79 project Comprehensive treatment of water Fengxin environment of 65.19 65.19 Liaohe River Watershed project Sewage network project of old city Jishui 52.83 52.83 town and southern part of the city Improvement of sewage network and Jing’an garbage colletion 40.95 40.95 and disposal project of the urban area Pollution treatment Yugan 76.34 76.34 of Pipa Lake project Sum 220.08 0.21 8.81 482.21 716.46 70 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project 8.2 Budget of New added subprojects According to the Project Panning, the land temporarily occupied by the project shall be used for stacking construction materials, machinery and temporary sheds, especially for the sewage pipe network projects. The excavation area of the road far exceeds the area of the pipe network laying results in a large number of temporary land occupation, which includes the access, entrance, mud pool, inspection well and the temporary road occupation for protection and isolation of the construction site. The three new subprojects added in the medium-term adjustment involve temporary occupation of state-owned land with the total area of 731.31 mu, due to laying pipe network and road construction. The projects in Jing’an County, Poyang County and Yugan County involve temporary land occupation of 477.60 mu, 203.23 mu and 50.48 mu, respectively. The resettlement plan does not include the cost of road excavation. After the pipe network is laid, the successful construction unit will organize the restoration according to the original scale and standard, and the cost will be included in the project cost. 8.3 Budget of Restructure project Total cost of restructure project is estimated as 492,630,000 Yuan, which includes land acquisition costs 9,440,000 Yuan, about 2% of the total cost, other costs which include taxes, and implementation management fees, etc. 4,822,100Yuan, about 98% of the total cost. The general budgets of the sub-projects are shown in Table 8-2. Table 8-2 General resettlement cost estimates (10,000 Yuan) 1 Permanent 2 Temporaly 3 Relative County Name of the project Land land 4 Others Total fee acquisition fee occupation Comprehensive treatment of pollution and Duchang - 0.21 - 72.1 72.31 improvement of ecological safety project Sewage treatment Poyang and ecological 2.46 0.5 109.26 112.22 remediation project Garbage collection Shangli and disposal system 6.98 0.27 65.54 72.79 project Comprehensive treatment of water Fengxin - 65.19 65.19 environment of Liaohe River 71 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project 1 Permanent 2 Temporaly 3 Relative County Name of the project Land land 4 Others Total fee acquisition fee occupation Watershed project Sewage network project of old city Jishui - 52.83 52.83 town and southern part of the city Improvement of sewage network and Jing’an garbage colletion - 40.95 40.95 and disposal project of the urban area Pollution treatment Yugan - 76.34 76.34 of Pipa Lake project Sum 9.44 0.21 0.77 482.21 492.63 72 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project 9 Public participation and Appeal mechanism According to OP4.12 and the state, provincial and county policies and regulations on house demolition and resettlement, in order to protect the lawful rights and interests of displaced persons and relocated entities, reduce grievances and disputes, further improve the policies and implementing rules on house demolition and resettlement, prepare the RAP properly, and organize implementation properly in order to realize the goal of proper resettlement, the participation of and consultation with displaced persons will be highly valued at the policy- making, planning and implementation stages of the Project. 9.1 Public participation The resettlement program is planed from the aspect of the whole affected region by the Project. Therefore, some issues may be complained due to the change of the actual situations, discrepancy of the implementation in the implementation process. According to experience from many other projects, complains are as the followings: ➢ Physical quantity items The register physical items may be wrongly counted, miss counted and counted to others due to the error of investigation, statistics and calculating, which will affect benefits of affected residents. When such problems occur, the affected individuals or the village committee shall report orally or in writing, to the PPMO agency, then PPMO agency will organize the comments and forward it to the owners and monitoring agency. Led by the owners, the professionals will go to the site to verify and sign the document of the treatment advice, then the omitted, inaccuracy or false registered physical items shall be registered and receive the compensation according to the compensation standard. ➢ Compensation rates A small number of affected residents are not aware of policies and regulations, and have doubts about the compensation rates. They may complain about the compensation rate is too low, which may not meet the costs of building and production placement. Cooperated with all levels of government, and the PPMO agencies, designers should go to the site to introduce the 73 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project project, publicize the country's immigration policies and regulations documents and explain the process of the calculation of the compensation rate, prior to the planning of the resettlement project and implementation process, so that the affected residents can fully understand how the compensation rate is estimated based on relevant state laws and regulations, to ensure the affected resident "to move out, live, to develop, to eliminate the concerns of their hearts. ➢ Funds issue During the implementation process of the resettlement, the resettlement funds may not be in place in time, which will affect housing and production resettlement of the affected residents. Such problems require resettlement manager and operators conduct control of funds, progress and quality, to ensure resettlement funds is exclusively used for the resettlement, and enforce the financial department release the funds in accordance with the progress to ensure the project is implemented according to the progress plan. The survey shows that although migrant workers is the main source of the affected farmers income, land acquisition and resettlement is still a big concern for them. They hope the relevant departments shall take full account of the practical difficulties in compensation standard, object and time of land acquisition, and give them the highest compensation rate under the premise of the policies. Relocated residents were worried about relocation compensation is not enough to redeem the cost for the same area of a new house. To solve the above problems, the PPMO office committed that compensation will be in strict accordance with the compensation standards, and they will put great efforts to resolve the practical difficulties encountered by the affected residents. Vulnerable groups affected by the project will also receive a certain degree of subsidiaries from the construction unit. 9.2 Appeal channel and mechanisms Affected residents have the rights and obligations granted to citizens by the Constitution and laws. Existing laws and regulations in China can fully guarantee the legitimate rights and interests of affected residents. When the legal rights of affected residents have been infringed, they shall have the right to appeal, until the interests deserve. Appeal channels: 74 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project (a) All of counties, municipalities and provinces have a Letter and Visit Reception Office for all citizens, which shall receive, investigate and deal with the general question of the appeals. (b) Local PPMO agencies established by law, from the provinces, municipalities and to the county level, have the right to supervise implementation of resettlement in accordance with the law, which shall receive, investigate and deal with the appeal question about the resettlement. (c) External resettlement monitoring and evaluation institutions, is established according to the relevant provisions of the State, to supervise the resettlement implementation work, have the responsibility to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the affected residents, which shall receive and pass the appeals to the relevant department. (d) All of counties, municipalities and provinces have the legal departments such as administrative supervision, auditing, discipline inspection, judiciary, prosecution and other departments, which shall receive and investigate appeals for the illegal disciplinary cases. Different level Jiangxi Provincial Development and Legal departments Reform Commission Different level Resettlement PPMO discipline inspection Different level Resettlement CPMO External M&E Bureau of complaints institution Resettlement PMO in Town Village Committee Affected Person Figure 9.1 Appeal mechanisms 75 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project Appeal mechanisms During the implementation of the RAP, attention will be always paid to the participation of displaced persons and relocated entities, and an appeal mechanism is shown in figure 9-2. Affected residents can appeal any problem for resettlement. Above appeal channels will be informed through meetings and other forms to the affected resident to ensure they are fully aware of their right to appeal. Meanwhile, Improving communications and reports by using all kinds of media, and compile all the comments and suggestions of the affected residents, and pass these information to the relevant authorities at all levels. The person responsible for different appeal steps are shown in Table 9-1. Table 9-1 The person responsible for different appeal steps County Step1 Step2 Step3 Poyang Land Management Bureau: Poyang PMO:Tel:13627933248 Poyang Tel:13979365843;Head of unit: Civil Court Head of unit:Yang Chuisong Huang bo Ygan Construction Bureau: Yugan PMO: Tel:13755317680 Yugan Tel:13755317680;Head of unit:Chen Head of unit:Zhang Jianping Civil Court Jigao Jin’an Demolition and Relocation office: Jin’an PMO:Tel:13879552288 Jin’an Tel:13576906989;Head of unit: Chen Civil Court Head of unit:Tu Gang Xuyun 76 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project 10 Resettlement Plan 10.1 Principles of resettlement ➢ The principle of trying to reduce relocation Take advantage of belt shape of the construction project, appropriately modification of the design to minimize the affected area and person due to the Project. ➢ The principle of equivalence compensation To ensure that the standard of living of the affected person do not decline due to the Project, principle of equivalence compensation will be implemented, which includes two aspects: First, the property shall be compensated at replacement cost; second, other loss shall be equivalent compensated. (1) For acquisition of agricultural land, all losses shall be reasonable compensated. Payment and use method shall be decided by affected person. Local government, village committee should organize employment for relocated farmer in accordance with the principle of "local settlement, multi-channel employment�, to ensure the standard of living of the displaced person will not be affected. (2) Public facilities shall be fully restored; at least its function shall be not less than the original level, in order to maintain the normal life of residents who are not relocated. (3) The residents who are temporarily affected by the project and have economic loss even without the need for relocation, shall be also received the equivalent compensation. ➢ The principle of focusing on the key point 77 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project (1) The project will focus on vulnerable groups (the elderly who has no adult children living with, widows, single-parent families, the disabled, the chronically illness and low-income families). Preferential policies shall be given, such as housing, employment and other aspects of reasonable care during the relocation. After the relocation, return visit shall be also given regularly to help their special difficulties until handed it over to the local civil affairs departments. (2) The project will seek maximizing the cost-effectiveness of the resettlement, improve the capacity of the resettlement agencies, regulate the resettlement work behavior, establish a sound internal control mechanism, prevent the waste of funds, interception, fraud and corruption, and achieve the best placement. 10.2 Resettlement Implementaion Schedule According to the project implementation schedule, the general resettlement schedule Project is made as shown in table 10-1, which may be adjusted in accordance with the process of the Project. Table 10-1 Overall progress of resettlement the Project Period of No. Key tasks Objective Current status construction I Resettlement Plan 1.1Survey of pysical indicator 2019.11 Done 1.2Review of physical 2019.12 Done indicator 1.3Policy and standard 2019.12 Done consultation 1.4 Approval of 2019.12 Done administrative deparment 1.4 Submission to WB 2019.12 Done II Preparation of implementation 2.1 Institutional strengthening 2020.1~2020.3 Done overall 2.2 Public participation 全程 In the works process 2.2.1Announcement of 2020.1 Arranged acquisition land 2.2.2 Propaganda and 2020.2 Arranged Mobilization 2.2.3 Announcement of 2020.3 Arranged 78 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project Period of No. Key tasks Objective Current status construction policy and standard 2.2.4 Announcement of 2020.3 Arranged compensation 2.3 Fund appropriative 2020.4 Arranged 2.4 Signing external monitoring 2019.12 Done contract 2.5 Preliminary hearing of land 2020.2 In the works acquisition Restoration of production and III livelihoods for displaced persons 3.1fulfill compensation 2020.5 Planning 3.2Relocated to new house 2020.8~2020.12 Planning IV Construction 2020.1~2021.12 Planning Every V Internal monitoring reporting 2020.1~2022.12 Planning half year Every VI External monitoring reporting 2020.1~2022.12 Planning hafl year VII Inspection of construction 2022.12 Planning VIII Evaluation by WB 2022.12 Planning 79 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project 11 Monitoring and Evaluation To ensure the successful implementation of the RAP, and realize the goal of proper resettlement, house demolition and resettlement activities of the Project will be subject to periodic M&E in accordance with the WB operational policy Involuntary Resettlement (OP4.12) and the Guidelines of World Bank for Resettlement Monitoring and Evaluation of Chinese Loan Projects, including institutional internal monitoring and external independent monitoring. Internal monitoring is conducted by the PPMO, component PMOs, owners, project implementing agencies, relocation implementing agencies and government functional departments to ensure that the implementing agencies comply with the principles and schedule of the RAP. The purpose of internal monitoring is to keep the resettlement agencies functioning properly. 11.1 Internal monitoring reporting The PPMO practices an internal monitoring mechanism to check resettlement activities. The PPMO has established a basic database of house demolition and resettlement, and uses it to prepare the RAP, monitor all relocated households and entities, and perform internal supervision over the whole process of resettlement preparation and implementation. 11.1.1Implementation procedure During project implementation, the component PMOs and the relocation implementing agencies collected information on the resettlement of displaced persons and relocated entities from the monitoring sample, provided activity records to the PPMO, and maintained continuous monitoring. The PPMO will conduct implementation inspection regularly. In the above mechanism, information sheets in specified formats are prepared to 80 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project realize a continuous information flow from the house demolition agencies to the PPMO. The PPMO, component PMOs, owners, implementing agencies of the components and government functional departments will conduct monitoring and verification regularly as an integral part of the internal monitoring system. 11.1.2Scope of monitoring ➢ Payment of compensation fees for displaced persons and relocated entities ➢ Income restoration activities of displaced persons ➢ Restoration of vulnerable groups ➢ Resettlement and restoration of relocated entities ➢ Rebuilding of infrastructure ➢ Schedule of the above activities ➢ Compliance with the policies in the RAP ➢ Participation and consultation of displaced persons and information disclosure during the implementation period ➢ Staffing, training, working schedule and working efficiency 11.1.3 Internal monitoring reporting The implementing agencies of the components shall prepare an internal monitoring report every 3 months for submission to the PPMO, which shall sum up such reports at each year end for submission to WB. 11.2 External independent monitoring 11.2.1 Independent monitoring agency The PPMO plans to employ the independent monitoring agency to conduct external monitoring of resettlement for the Project. Independent monitoring agency shall conduct routine monitoring and evulation of the resettlement activities, which includes monitoring of progress, quality and finance of the resettlement, and provides advisory. Meanwhile, the independent monitoring 81 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project agency is reponsible for tracking the living standard and production levels of the resettlement person, and submitting the monitoring and evaluation report to the PPMO and WB. 11.2.2 Procedure and scope of monitoring ⑴Preparation of terms of reference for M&E (2) Development of resettlement M&E information database (3) Preparation of survey outline, questionnaires and record cards for relocated households, relocated enterprises and affected villages (4) Design of survey plan (5) Baseline survey A baseline survey required for the independent M&E of relocated households, relocated enterprises and affected villages is conducted to obtain basic information on the production level and standard of living of relocated households and entities (livelihoods, production, operating and income levels). (6) Establishment of M&E information system A M&E information system is established to set up databases for resettlement M&E data, and provide computer aid for analysis and follow-up monitoring. ⑺M&E survey ➢ Regional socioeconomic survey: socioeconomic status of the project areas ➢ Monitoring of resettlement implementing agencies: working capacity and efficiency of the resettlement implementing agencies ➢ Monitoring of enterprises: availability of compensation fees, availability of new factory buildings, progress of relocation, restoration of production and operation, restoration of workers’ income, quality of resettlement ➢ Monitoring of typical relocated households: availability of compensation fees, mode 82 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project of production resettlement, rate of income change, employment rate, satisfaction with resettlement ➢ Public facilities: availability of compensation fees, functional restoration of public facilities, rebuilding progress ➢ Public consultation and information disclosure: participating in public participation activities during RAP preparation and implementation, monitoring the effectiveness of participation and information disclosure ➢ Grievances and appeals: appeal mechanism and efficiency ⑻Compilation of monitoring data and establishment of database ⑼Comparative analysis ⑽M&E reporting ➢ 2020.01, establish external monitoring and evaluation group to compile the work outline. ➢ 2020.07, preparation of external monitoring and evaluation, which includes prepare survey outline and form, establish monitoring system, ascertain the task, select the monitoring point. ➢ 2021.01, Monitoring report (No.1) (baseline survey report). ➢ 2021.07, second monitoring, Monitoring report (No.2) ➢ 2022.01, third monitoring, Monitoring report (No.3) and Post-evaluation report. 11.2.3 Monitoring indicators ➢ Socioeconomic indicators: per capita income, GDP, times of skills training, employment rate. ➢ Institutional indicators: staffing, competencies, rules and regulations, equipment, transaction completion rate ➢ Relocated enterprises: availability of compensation fees, resettlement site, average traffic time of workers, rate of income change of workers, rate of profit and tax change, 83 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project satisfaction with resettlement ➢ People affected by temporary land occupation: availability of compensation fees, mode of production resettlement, rate of income change, employment rate, satisfaction with resettlement ➢ Infrastructure: availability of compensation fees, functional restoration rate. 11.3 Post-evaluation After the completion of the Project, a post-evaluation of resettlement activities will be conducted on the basis of M&E to evaluate success experience and lessons and provide a reference for future resettlement. The post-evaluation will be performed by an external independent M&E agency, which shall prepare terms of reference for post- evaluation, establish a system of evaluation indicators, conduct socioeconomic analysis and survey, and prepare a resettlement post-evaluation report for submission to the PPMO and WB. 84 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project Annex 1 Due Diligence Report on Yugan Pipa Lake water environment restoration project 1. Background 1.1 Original project content This is a due diligence report on resettlement for Yugan Pipa Lake water environment restoration project. Yugan Pipa Lake water environment restoration project is part of World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project. The project consists of two components: sewage pipes along the Pipa Lake and Waste transfer station. The specific items are as follows: (1) Sewage pipes along the Pipa Lake: A sewage pipeline is laid along the coast of the Pipa Lake. The sewage collected along the pipeline is raised to the DN600 sewage pipeline at Yuzhu road by an integrated pumping station at the eastern side of the lake and is eventually Sewage Treatment. DN400 ~ DN500 sewer pipe is laid along the lakeshore. The overall trend of the sewer pipe is from west to east. The total length of the sewer pipe is about 11km. Figure1 Sewage pipes along the Pipa Lake (2) Waste transfer station: 120 waste collection bins will be set up along the lake, and three waste transfer stations will be built, each with an area of 1,000 ㎡. The waste will eventually 85 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project be transferred to the Yugan County landfill for disposal. The main construction content includes production management room, material storage room, power distribution room, compression station room, weighbridge room, car washing table, machine repair room, control room, Duty Room ,garage and so on. Figure2 Waste transfer station 1.2The relationship between goverment project and WB project In 2018, the Yugan County government began to implement the general contract project around Lake Pipa. The total investment amount is RMB 710 million. The general contract project consists of three parts: first, the Lake Pipa area, it includes all the roads, buildings, bridges, pipelines, landscape and lighting in the area enclosed by the four roads of Huamhu road, Huanhu West Road, Huanhu North Road and Yanhu road;second is the Huhui River area, located on the west side of Xisan Road, including architecture, pipelines, landscapes, lighting, etc.; third, there are six municipal roads including Huanhu road, Huanhu West road, Huanhu North road, Yanhu road, Xisan road and Guihuayi road, including Roads, bridges and culverts, pipelines (rain pipe, sewage pipe, water supply pipe) , lighting, transport facilities, monitoring, 86 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project fire, greening and other projects. The sewage pipe network and ecological restoration in the general contract project around Lake Pipa River implemented by the Yugan County government have already included the construction content of the former World Bank Yugan Pipa Lake water environment restoration project. 1.3The reason for cancelling subproject in Yugan In recent years, the Yugan County government has carried out the reduction of non-point pollution in the Pipa Lake to improved the water environment in the Pipa Lake. This carrying out the sewerage network supporting the general contract project of the Lake Pipa, basically, can meet the target requirements of the original project monitoring indicators. In order to avoid duplication of construction, make full use of the World Bank loan funds, the original part of the project was cancelled. In order to implement the general contract project around Lake Pipa, the Yugan County government launched the renovation project of shantytown in Lake Pipa in June 2016. The project involved the demolition of 1,947 households and the demolition of 2,141,09 ㎡. The project started in August 2016. In December 2016, the affected residents signed demolition agreements, and in December 2017 began housing selection and other resettlement work. By December 2019, the resettlement work had been completed. 2. The preparation for DDR The survey team from Hohai University field visited the relevant government departments in Yugan County in December 2019 to collect information on house demolitions and removal agreement, the construction of resettlement areas and the relocation of residents. This due diligence report has been made on the basis of on-site household sampling survey. 3. Resettlement Impact The Pipa Lake renovation of shantytown project in Yugan County is located in the southern part of the downtown area , east to the Guankou primary school, the former office building of the Employment Bureau, south to the South Bank of Lake PIPA, Dawan village, west to the dormitory area of the Fisheries Bureau, to the north along the Yanhu Road, 87 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project Cangqianling Road, West Street Garden, the scope of collection and transformation, including Yuting town Pipa Zhou Community, Guankou village Sunjia village group, Jiujia village group, Shijia Village Group, the village group of Nanguan village Shujiaqi village , the village group of Zhoushang village Lujia village , the village group of Lujia village in Zhanwan, and the village group of Dawandi village ,affected 1,947 households and the area of the demolition was 2141,09 ㎡. The project does not involve land acquisition and production resettlement. 4. Resettlement plan for displaced people In August 2016, the Yugan County Government published “Compensation and Resettlement Plan for the urban village renovation around Pipa Lake in Yugan County�. According to the policy, According to the relevant policies of resettlement, main types of resettlement include cash compensation, relocation with settlement building or existing house. Cash compensation: Assement and compensate the demolition house based on market price. Relocation with settlement building or existing house: Government will purchase settlement building for relocation. For those who choose to relocation type, the new house area shall be calculated in the following way: If the total number of floors of the building is one floor, the property right shall be exchanged according to the area of the house collected 1:1.8, and if the two floors are exchanged according to 1:1.2, for those with three or more floors, press1:1. Commodity Suites (excluding small property) to housing property registration based on the property certificate on the Gross leasable area 1:1 property exchange. The existing housing design units are about 80 m2/units, 90 m2 / units, 100 m2 /units, 120 m2/units and 140 m2/units respectively. Compensation for Outbuildings and structures such as decoration and decoration is same with compensation standards. The difference between the total area of the selected Resettlement House and the total resettlement area calculated according to the plan shall not exceed 10 m2 including 10 m2, and the difference area shall be paid according to 2600 yuan / m2. If the total area less than 70 m2, can choose a set of 80 m2 rehousing, the added area should be paid according to 2600 yuan / m2; If area less than 36 m2, and is the only house for owner, the owner will be compesated 88 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project with a 36 m2 house with free; 36 m2 to 80 m2 area should be paid according to 2600 yuan / m2. Allocation of resettlement houses: In accordance with the principles of openness, fairness and justice,the area for relocation will be same with the demolition house, those who have signed the compensation agreement must vacate and hand over the House within 15 days including holidays. The time of handing over the house shall be subject to the certificate of House removal and acceptance issued by goverment. Subsidies and Rewards, including relocation subsidies, transitional resettlement subsidies and other incentives. According to the actual measurement and survey, each household received subsidies and incentives of about 90,000 yuan per household. 5. Implementation Schedule The resettlement work started from June 2016. The project affected 1947 households and involved 2,141,09 m2of demolition house. By December 2016, all affected households signed agreements, and in December 2017, housing selection and other resettlement work were began, by December 2019, the resettlement work had been completed. The timetable for the implementation of the resettlement work is detailed in Table 1. Table 1 Implementation schedule for Resettlement �� Task Date of Completion 一� Resettlement Plan 1 1.1Survey of pysical indicator 2016.6 1.2Review of physical indicator 2016.9 2 1.3Policy and standard consultation 2016.8.25 二 Preparation of implementation 1 2.1 Institutional strengthening 2016.9 2 2.2 Public participation 2016.8~2017.1 3 2.2.1Announcement of acquisition land 2016.9.1 4 2.2.2 Propaganda and Mobilization 2016.9~2016.12 5 2.2.3 Announcement of policy and standard 2016.9 6 2.2.4 Announcement of compensation 2016.9~2016.12 8 2.3 Fund appropriative 2016.12 9 2.4�Sign agreement 2016.12 三 Immigrant Rehabilitation 1 3.1 House Selection 2017.1~2017.12 2 3.2 Construction 2017.1~2019.12 3 3.3 Relocation 2017.1~2019.12 4 3.4 ACCEPTANCE 2019.12 89 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project 6. Effect of resettlement According to the resettlement plan, the relocated households can choose cash compensation, relocation with settlement building or existing house. For relocation with settlement building ,Phase 1, Phase 2 and Phase 3 of the Pipa Lake resettlement community can be choosed, for the existing housing resettlement, the Confucian community, Yuqingyuan community, Zhihao community and Desheng Street community etc 4 communities can be choosed. All affected households of 1947 households have chosen relocation with settlement building or existing house. Based on the resettlement plan and the willing of affected people, the government arrange a total of 2457 apartments. Among them, 1,568 pre-housing units in Lake Pipa, 553 in Confucianism, 143 in Yuqingyuan, 98 in Zhihao and 95 in Desheng. Since all existing house were completed in 2017, residents who choose existing housing can move directly to the selected estates; the Pipa Lake Housing resettlement community (phases 1,2 and 3) , which are new housing estates, were completed in December 2019, the affected households have been relocated to newly built residential areas. See Table 2. The completion of each resettlement area is shown in figure 3 ~ 7. Table 2 Settlement building or existing house Area of The Year of Housing Estate For Choose Choosed house completed Pipa Lake Housing resettlement community (phases 1,2 and 3) 1800 1568 120 m2 2019 Confucian community (existing 80m2~140 1000 553 2017 House) m2 Yuqingyuan residential area 80m2~140 300 143 2017 (existing room) m2 Zhihao residential area (existing 80m2~140 200 98 2017 room) m2 Desheng Street community 80m2~140 180 95 2017 (existing House) m2 Total 3480 2457 90 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project Figure 3 Pipa Lake Housing resettlement community (phases 1,2 and 3) 91 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project Figure4 Ruxue(Existing house) Figure 5 Zhihao(Existing house) 92 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project Figure6 Yuqingyuan(Existing house) Figure7 Desheng(Existing house) 93 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project 7. Sample Survey of affected household This investigation take a sampling survey method. The sample is with random sampling and the production and living standards are investigated. The number of sampled households is 195, accounting for 10% of the total number of demolished households. The survey mainly includes sampling household population, production and operation, non-agricultural production and operation, main production tools, building area, annual household income, annual household expenditure and migrant psychology, so as to understand the recovery of production and life of affected villagers. (1) Family size A total of 195 households and 683 people were investigated this time. Among them, 628 people are non-agricultural, accounting for 91.95% of the total population. The agricultural population was 55, accounting for 8.05% of the total population. There are 348 women, accounting for 50.95 percent of the total population; There are 415 workers, accounting for 60.76% of the total population. Among them, 203 women workers, accounting for 29.72% of the total population. 130 students, accounting for 19.03% of the total population. See Table 3 for details. Table 3 Family population situation Non Agricultural Women Labor agricultural Female labor Student population population( force total population force(person) (person) (person) person) (person) (person) Number of 628 55 348 415 203 130 683 people Proportion 100 in total 91.95% 8.05% 50.95% 60.76% 29.72% 19.03% % population (2) Age distribution of the population Among the 195 households with 683 respondents, 34 were under the age of 8, accounting for 4.98% of the total population. 76 people aged 8-18, accounting for 11.13% of the total population; 508 people aged 19-60, accounting for 74.38% of the total population; There are 65 people over 60 years old, accounting for 9.5% of the total population. See Table 4 for details. 94 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project Table 4 Population age distribution Under 8 8-18 19-60 Over 60 total Number of people 34 76 508 65 683 Proportion in total 4.98% 11.13% 74.38% 9.5% 100% population % (3) Distribution of educational level In the survey of 195 households, 683 people, the number of illiterate 40 people, accounting for 5.86% of the population; 122 primary school students, accounting for 17.86% of the population; The number of junior middle school students is 361, accounting for 52.86% of the population. The number of high school students is 109, accounting for 15.96% of the total population. The number of college students or above (including college students) is 51, accounting for 7.5% of the population. See Table 5 for details. Table 5 Distribution of educational level Junior high illiteracy Primary school High school University total school Number of 40 122 361 109 51 683 persons The proportion 5.86% 17.86% 52.86% 15.96% 7.5% 100% % (4) Employment of the labor force Among the families surveyed, there are a total of 415 workers, 138 of whom work in enterprises or public institutions, accounting for 33.25% of the total labor force. 183 went out for business or work, accounting for 44.1% of the total labor force. There are 81 self-employed workers, accounting for 19.52 percent of the total labor force. There are 13 people engaged in agricultural labor, accounting for 3.13% of the total labor force. See Table 6 for details. Table 6 Employment of the labor force Number of Number of employees in Number of pure Individual migrant enterprises and public total farmers business workers institutions Number of 13 183 81 138 415 persons Proportion of total labor 3.13% 44.1% 19.52% 33.25% 100% force % (5) Building area Among the 195 households surveyed, the total housing area is about 23400m2, and the average household is about 120m2. Have moved into new houses. Before the relocation of 95 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project households are less than 100m2, housing conditions than the original many improvements. (6) Annual household income and expenditure According to the sample survey statistics, the average annual household income in 2016 before the relocation of residents in the area affected by the project was 48,360 yuan, and the annual per capita net income was 13,714.16 yuan. As can be seen from the income structure, the proportion of agricultural income in total income is very small, accounting for only 3%. The average annual income of a family relocated in 2019 was 60,919 yuan, 12,559 yuan more than in 2016. Thus it can be seen that the relocation has not only improved the living conditions and environment of the residents, but has no impact on their income. Table 7 Comparison of income of Yuqian demolished sample households before and after demolition Source of income 2016 2019 Difference Agricultural income 1548 1670 +122 Wage income 14508 18276 +3768 Self-employed 18376 23149 +4773 go out for work 13928 17824 +3896 total 48360 60919 +12559 (7) Satisfaction survey The survey team conducted a satisfaction survey on 195 households in December 2019. Through surveys and interviews, it was found that more than 95 percent of residents were very satisfied with their new homes. See Figure 9 for interview photos, and see Figure 8 for demolition contract. Interview record The interview time:December 8, 2019 The interview place:Yugan County Interviewee:Zhang Jianping Interviewer:Li Bingkun Interview content: My family used to live next to Pipa Lake, and I watched the water get worse every day, especially in the summer, and the smell of the lake was terrible. Originally the road is difficult to walk, most afraid of rainy days, when it rains, the road is not easy to walk, the lake is very 96 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project dirty. The government wants to transform Lake Pipa and we support and agree with the project. My original housing area is 98.77 square meters, and I used to live on the fifth floor. According to the demolition policy, we asked for a house of 120 square meters. Since my mother was demolishing the house at the same time, she wanted a small area, so I could enjoy her remaining 10 square meters, so that I don't need to spend more money when I move to a new house.And I received 70,000 yuan in compensation. I chose the house in December 2017. At that time, I could choose the commercial house already built in the county or the resettlement house. I chose the resettlement house. During the construction of biwahu resettlement community, I was worried about the quality problem. I went to the construction site for a look almost a week. When the house was built, I was quite satisfied. The house was built in 2018, but I haven't decorated it all the time. My house was also worth 140000 yuan. Now the price of the houses in the county has increased. My house can sell for more than 500000 yuan. I'm very happy. 97 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project Figure 8 Agreement and House selection Notice 98 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project Interview photos 8. Information disclosure and public participation In order to fully guarantee the affected people's right to know, participate in and make statements, and protect its legitimate interests, On August 25, 2016, Yugan County held a hearing on the "Scheme of compensation and resettlement for reconstruction of shantytown (village in the city) around Pipa Lake in Yugan county (Draft)" (referred to as the settlement Plan). Representatives of county people's congress, county CPPCC members, communities, expropriated persons, planning bureau, housing management bureau, notary office, project headquarters and some functional departments were invited to attend the meeting. 99 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project Figure 8 Hearings on reconstruction and Resettlement plan of Shanty town in Pipa Lake From September 2016 to December 2016, Yugan County set up a collection working group consisting of 52 cadres, with the standing members of the county Party Committee and the executive deputy county head as the commander, and the leaders from the four groups and relevant departments as the deputy commander. On December 18, 2017, Yugan County started the house selection for the reconstruction and resettlement of the shed around Pipa Lake. And in the relevant website for the notice and publicity. 100 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project Figure 9 Notice to Confucianism Community on the selection of houses for resettlement in Pipa Lake Shed �区 9. Complain and Appeal Owing to information disclosure and public participation and consultation with affected villagers by local goverment, the Pipa Lake shed reform project work had been conducted smoothly. To effectively find and address issues, a complaint mechanism was established during the resettlement process. In case the affected villages are unsatisfied with the relocation, they may submit an oral or a written protest to the demolition headquarters; if they are not satisfied with the demolition headquarters' decision, they can file administrative arbitration according to law. In addition, the affected villages can also directly initiate an administrative litigation to the People's Court 101 Mid-term adjustment of The World Bank Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project against any aspect of resettlement. During the due diligence process, the project team conducted interviews with the affected communities and households, and all surveyed residents expressed a good understanding of the compensation policy and appeal mechanism. There were no complaint nor appeals received and recorded on the relocation and compensation. 10. Conclusion On basis of the due diligence review, following conclusions can therefore be drawn: (1) Yugan County Pipa Lake shantytown renovation project is a demolition project carried out by the Yugan County government to implement the general contracting project around Lake Biwa and improve the water environment treatment of Pipa Lake. The original World Bank project Yugan County Pipa Lake water environment restoration project is part of the sewage Pipa network project in the general contracting project around Lake Pipa. (2) The renovation project of Pipa Lake shantytown in Yugan County has demolished 1947 households, with a demolition area of 214109 ㎡ . As of December 2019, the house demolition work has been completed. (3) Through a sample survey of the demolished households, it is found that the affected demolished households are satisfied with the resettlement plan. Before the relocation, the infrastructure of the Pipa Lake shantytown was severely damaged, the travel of the people was difficult, and the living conditions were poor. After the relocation, the residents' living conditions and living environment have been improved. More than 95% of the people support the expropriation and are very satisfied with the demolition and resettlement. 102