Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation Workers An Initial Assessment Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation Workers An Initial Assessment © 2019 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433 Telephone: 202-473-1000; Internet: The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this work do not necessarily reflect the views of The World Bank, its Board of Executive Directors, or the governments they represent, or those of ILO, WaterAid, or WHO. The World Bank, ILO, WaterAid and WHO do not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this work. The boundaries, colors, denominations, and other information shown on any map in this work do not imply any judgment on the part of The World Bank, ILO, WaterAid and/or WHO concerning the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. Rights and Permissions The material in this work is subject to copyright. Because The World Bank encourages dissemination of its knowledge, this work may be reproduced, in whole or in part, for noncommercial purposes as long as full attribution to this work is given. Please cite the work as follows: World Bank, ILO, WaterAid, and WHO. 2019.“Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation Workers: An Initial Assessment.” World Bank, Washington, DC. Any queries on rights and licenses, including subsidiary rights, should be addressed to World Bank Publications, The World Bank Group, 1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433, USA; fax: 202-522-2625; e-mail: pubrights​ @­ Cover design: Bill Pragluski, Critical Stages, LLC. Cover photo: © CS Sharada Prasad / WaterAid / Safai Karmachari Kavalu Samiti. Used with permission. Permission required for reuse. Other photos: Page x (left to right), © WaterAid / James Kiyimba; WaterAid / Basile Ouedraogo; CS Sharada Prasad / WaterAid / Safai Karmachari Kavalu Samiti; WaterAid / Nyani Quarmyne. Used with permission. Permission required for reuse. Page xi (left to right), © ILO; CS Sharada Prasad / WaterAid / Safai Karmachari Kavalu Samiti; ILO; World Bank. Used with permission. Permission required for reuse. Contents Forewordv Acknowledgmentsvi Abbreviationsvii Executive Summary ix Chapter 1  Introduction 1 Context and Rationale 1 Objectives and Scope 3 Notes 4 Chapter 2  Main Findings 7 Key Challenges and Risks 7 Good Practices 10 Gaps in Knowledge 14 Note 15 Chapter 3  Areas for Action 17 Reform Policy, Legislation and Regulation 17 Develop and Adopt Operational Guidelines 19 Advocate for Sanitation Workers and Promote their Empowerment 19 Build the Evidence Base 19 Notes 20 Chapter 4  Next Steps 23 Note 24 Bibliography 25 Appendix A  Sanitation Worker Case Studies 29 Appendix B  Areas for Future Study 45 Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation Workers iii Boxes 1.1. Sanitation Workers and the 2030 Development Agenda 2 2.1. Regulations That Protect Workers 9 2.2. Occupational Safety and Health Guidelines for Fecal Sludge Management for Bangladesh 13 2.3. The Memphis Sanitation Workers’ Strike 14 Figures ES.1. Key Challenges, Identified Good Practices, and Areas for Action ix 1.1. Types of Sanitation Work 3 Tables 2.1. Comparative Table of Sanitation Worker Conditions 11 A.1. Bangladesh 30 A.2. Bolivia 32 A.3. Burkina Faso 33 A.4. Haiti 34 A.5. India 35 A.6. Kenya 37 A.7. Senegal 38 A.8. South Africa 40 A.9. Uganda 42 iv Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation Workers Foreword Sanitation workers provide an invaluable service organize as a labor force; and their working condi- that many of us notice only when confronted with tions need to be improved and progressively formal- locked, blocked, or filthy toilets; overflowing septic ized to safeguard health and labor rights to ensure tanks; or beaches contaminated with sewage. These decent working conditions, as called for by SDG 8. workers are vital to the proper functioning of the The World Bank, World Health Organization sanitation systems that underpin daily life, and we (WHO), International Labour Organization (ILO), and need many more of them to achieve the ambitious WaterAid have joined forces in the year of “no one agenda of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6. left behind” to shed light on this neglected issue. In Yet sanitation workers are often invisible and too this report, the most extensive global exploration of often subject to conditions that expose them to the the topic to date, we analyze the problems, explore worst consequences of poor sanitation: debilitating good practices, and challenge ourselves, countries, infections, injuries, social stigma, and even death and development partners to act so that we can in their daily work. Workers’ rights need to be rec- improve the health, safety and dignity of sanitation ognized; workers need freedom and support to workers. Jennifer Sara Maria Neira Alette van Leur Tim Wainwright Global Director of the Water Director of Public Health, Director of the Sectoral Policies Chief Executive Officer Global Practice of the World Environment, and Social Department of the International of WaterAid Bank Determinants of the World Labour Organization (ILO) Health Organization (WHO) Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation Workers v Acknowledgments The report was prepared by Ndeye Awa Diagne Alvéstegui (World Bank), and Srinivasa Rao (World Bank) with the support and guidance of a Podipireddy (World Bank). working group from WaterAid, the World Health The team is also grateful to the numerous Organization (WHO), the International Labour colleagues and peer reviewers from the four Organization (ILO), and the World Bank, which partnering organizations for their valuable comments included Andrés Hueso (WaterAid), Kate Medlicott and support during the preparation of this report: (WHO), Carlos Carrion-Crespo (ILO), Martin Gambrill Halshka Graczyk (ILO consultant), Avinash Kumar (World Bank), Seema Thomas (World Bank), and (WaterAid), Rémi Kaupp (WaterAid), Henry Ruth Kennedy-Walker (World Bank). The report was Northover (WaterAid), Sophie Boisson (WHO), Bruce finalized with the support of Pippa Scott (independent Allan (WHO), Maria Angelica Sotomayor (World consultant). Bank), Richard Damania (World Bank), Luis Andres The preparation of the case studies would not have (World Bank), Gustavo Saltiel (World Bank), Soma been possible without the following people who took Ghosh (World Bank), Dan Owen (World Bank), Odete the time to speak with the team: Antoinette Kome Duarte Muximpua (World Bank), Silpa Kaza (World (SNV), Neil Macleod (independent consultant), Bank), Kamila Galeza (World Bank), Ayumi Koyama Sharada Prasad (Azim Premji University), Jennifer (World Bank), and Nandita Kotwal (World Bank). Barr (Emory University), Sally Cawood (University of Leeds), Maryam Zaqout (University of Leeds), Kathy Disclaimer  Eales (iafrica), Rachel Sklar (University of California, The report is a first attempt by the four global Berkeley), Ibra Sow (VICAS SARL/Association des development partners to together understand the Acteurs de l’Assainissement du Sénégal [AAAS]/ challenges faced by sanitation workers. It does not Association Panafricaine des Acteurs de seek to make specific conclusions or detailed l’Assainissement Autonome [APAA]), Yaye Sophiétou recommendations on how to improve the working Diop (Speak Up Africa), Raj Bhushan Roy (WaterAid), conditions of sanitation workers. Moreover, unless Suman Kanti Nath (WaterAid), Léocadie Bouda stated otherwise, claims from the case studies stem (WaterAid), Kuilga Marc Yameogo (WaterAid), Alfonso from key informant interviews. vi Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation Workers Abbreviations ABASE Association of Manual Emptiers of Burkina Faso BMC Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation ESF Environmental and Social Framework ESS Environmental and Social Standards FDIS Final Draft International Standard FSM fecal sludge management ISO International Standards Organization ILO International Labour Organization KCCA Kampala Capital City Authority LGD Local Government Division NGO nongovernmental organization OHS occupational health and safety ONAS National Sanitation Office of Senegal ONEA National Office of Water and Sanitation OSHE Bangladesh Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Foundation PPE personal protective equipment SDG Sustainable Development Goal SSP Sanitation Safety Plan SuSanA Sustainable Sanitation Alliance UBSUP Up-scaling Basic Sanitation for the Urban Poor UDDT urine-diverting dry toilet UN United Nations WHO World Health Organization WSP water service providers WSUP Water & Sanitation for the Urban Poor Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation Workers vii Executive Summary The global sanitation workforce bridges the gap focusing on emptying pits and tanks, providing between sanitation infrastructure and the provision transportation of fecal sludge, and performing of sanitation services. Sanitation workers provide an sewer maintenance. It is an initial analysis into a essential public service but often at the cost of their growing body of work on sanitation workers, but dignity, safety, health, and living conditions. They already the findings highlight several action areas are some of the most vulnerable workers. They are to ensure that efforts in reaching Sustainable far too often invisible, unquantified, and ostracized, Development Goals (SDG) 6.2 and 6.3 do not com- and many of the challenges they face stem from this promise the dignity, health, and rights of the work- fundamental lack of acknowledgment. Sanitation force. Collecting data from literature and key workers are exposed to serious occupational and informant interviews, the nine cases provide an environmental health hazards risking illness, injury, overview of the key challenges sanitation workers and death. face. The report also addresses good practices and This report presents the findings of a study that suggests areas for action (figure ES.1). examined nine case studies of sanitation workers in Sanitation workers range from permanent public low- and middle-income countries, predominantly or private employees with health benefits, pensions, FIGURE ES.1. Key Challenges, Identified Good Practices, and Areas for Action Key challenges Identi ed good practices Areas for action Multiple occupational and Acknowledgment and Policy, legislative, and environmental hazards formalization regulatory reform Weak legal protection of Mitigating occupational Development and adoption an invisible workforce health risks of operational guidelines Financial insecurity Delivering health services Advocacy and empowerment Social stigma and Standard operating procedures Building the evidence base discrimination and guidelines Workers’ empowerment through unions and associations Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation Workers ix and clear legal protections to some of the most mar- sanitation work, including national and local level ginalized, poor, and abused members of society who standard operating procedures; municipal-level take on low-grade, labor intensive, and dangerous oversight and enforcement of laws regarding sani- work. For those employed informally, their work is tation service providers (both public and private); financially precarious, with poor pay and few bene- and training, technology, and personal protective fits. Sanitation workers often suffer weak legal equipment (PPE) for all aspects of sanitation work. protection, missing or weak standard operating ­ • Advocate for sanitation workers and promote their ­ procedures and weak enforcement and oversight of empowerment to protect worker rights and amplify laws and policies protecting their rights and health. worker voices through unions and associations. A comparative analysis of the cases highlights that mitigating the occupational health and safety haz- • Build the evidence base to address the issues of ards along the sanitation service chain (whether quantification of the sanitation workforce and manual or mechanized) needs to be addressed sys- documentation of challenges workers face. temically. This work informs future initiatives on This assessment shows there is evidence of good sanitation workers to be undertaken by WaterAid, practices and a growing body of actors working to the World Health Organization (WHO), the improve sanitation workers’ conditions and rights, International Labour Organization (ILO), and the although the efforts are ad hoc and fragmented. There World Bank. It highlights four areas of action for needs to be much more concerted and comprehensive actors to address the situation of sanitation efforts. Key knowledge gaps need to be addressed. workers: WaterAid, the WHO, the ILO and the World Bank are • Reform policy, legislation and regulation to committed to continued collaboration and to engag- acknowledge and professionalize the sanitation ing other development partners to raise awareness workforce along the sanitation service chain. and move forward each action area that will improve • Develop and adopt operational guidelines to assess the health, safety and dignity of the sanitation work- and mitigate the occupational risks of all types of force needed to achieve SDG 6.2 and 6.3. x Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation Workers Joseph Yameogo, 55, manual emptier, attends Olivier Batoro, 37, manual emptier, who has just come out of the pit and is having vertigo, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, July 2019. © WaterAid / Basile Ouedraogo. Used with permission. Permission required for reuse. CHAPTER 1 Introduction Context and Rationale The sanitation workforce—those behind the provision and maintenance of ­ sanitation systems—provides an essential public service. Nevertheless, global efforts to improve the health and quality of life of people around the world seldom consider the working conditions of those providing sanitation services, even though they are essential to achieve the ambitious global targets for safely managed sanitation services. The size of the sanitation workforce is unknown, and sanitation workers are among the most invisible and neglected in society. It is only when those critical services fail, when society is confronted with fecal waste in ditches, streets, rivers, and beaches or occasional media reports of sanitation worker deaths, that the daily practice and plight of sanitation workers come to light. ­ Beyond operational health and safety risks of working in direct contact with hazardous biological and chemical agents in dangerous environments, sanita- tion workers also face stigma and social discrimination resulting from the nature of their work. Their dignity and labor rights may be violated, and few countries have any guidelines that explicitly protect sanitation workers. They remain invisible to many (Corteel and Le Lay 2012; Day 2019; Espinosa, Saffron, and Abizaid 2018; Nagle 2013), and despite carrying a disproportionate burden of health risks common to many workers of the informal economy, sanitation workers often do not have affordable and proper access to preventive and remedial health care or social protection (ILO 2013). There are few international standards that could apply to sanitation workers (examples include the World Bank Environmental and Social Standards [ESS]1 and the International Standards Organization [ISO] Sanitation Standards2). In general terms, sanitation workers should typically be governed broadly under occupational health and safety (OHS) or occupational safety at work legisla- tion, but because of the particularity of the work, guidelines articulating safeguarding sanitation workers are not widespread. However, in many coun- ­ tries, specific guidelines and the legal framework that articulate the risks, Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation Workers 1 mitigation measures, and responsibilities related to a matter of rights, health, and dignity of the workers the occupational health of the workers are lacking. themselves, but it also is key to ensuring a suffi- Even where occupational health legal frameworks ciently large, formalized, and protected workforce to exist, these do not necessarily cover the range of san- deliver and sustain safely managed sanitation ser- itation activities that are practiced. Furthermore, vices with dignity, as has been called for under the many sanitation workers operate in the informal Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). economy and cannot benefit from any protections Against this backdrop, this report is a first step that may exist. This is an issue that is gaining toward understanding the realities of the sanitation attention. The World Health Organization (WHO) ­ workers and the ways to move the agenda of safe- Guidelines on Sanitation and Health (2018) explicitly guarding them forward. It has been developed by include a recommendation regarding sanitation WaterAid, the WHO, the International Labour workers for implementing safe management of Organization (ILO), and the World Bank. excreta along the whole sanitation service chain: Who Are Sanitation Workers? The term sanitation workers refers to all people—employed or otherwise—­ Recommendation 2.c): Sanitation workers should responsible for cleaning, maintaining, operating, or be protected from occupational exposure through emptying a sanitation technology at any step of the adequate health and safety measures. sanitation chain (figure 1.1). This includes toilet The WHO guidelines also provide more detailed cleaners and caretakers in domestic, public, and guidance on safety measures for workers and at each institutional settings; those who empty pits and sep- step of the sanitation chain (chapter 3) and guidance tic tanks once full and other fecal sludge handlers; on including worker considerations in the enabling those who clean sewers and manholes; and those environment for service delivery (chapter 4). who work at sewage and fecal waste treatment and In a year when the world is highlighting “no one disposal sites (Dalberg Advisors 2017; WHO 2018). left behind” and as we progress toward the 2030 Many of these jobs exist in the informal economy, development agenda (box 1.1), it becomes para- and these workers are not recognized for the work mount to provide safely managed sanitation services that they do, nor are they protected by basic labor for all while ensuring the protection of labor rights rights. Recurrent news items about sewer deaths, pit and providing safe and secure work environments to collapses, and illnesses are often dismissed as iso- those who will deliver those services. This is not only lated incidents rather than part of a systemic issue. BOX 1.1. Sanitation Workers and the 2030 Development Agenda Improving the working conditions of sanitation workers would contribute to four of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), to name a few: end poverty in all its forms everywhere (SDG 1) by promoting access of the poor to basic services; ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages (SDG 3) by reducing exposure to unsafe chemicals on the job; ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all (SDG 6); and focus on decent work (SDG 8). The SDG framework offers an opportunity to revert and improve the situation of sanitation workers. 2 Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation Workers FIGURE 1.1. Types of Sanitation Work Toilet/ Emptying Conveyance Treatment End use/disposal containment Sweeping Manual emptying Manual transport Treatment plant work Manual disposal Latrine cleaning Fecal sludge Mechanical Sewage treatment Mechanical handling transport plant cleaning disposal Domestic work Mechanical emptying Sewer cleaning Wastewater and sludge (including septic tank handling at sewage desludging) treatment plants Community/public Sewer and pumping toilet keeping station maintenance School toilet Manhole cleaning cleaning Municipalities, government, and private o ces cleaning Source: Adapted from Dalberg Advisors 2017. Objectives and Scope interviews focusing on nine countries spanning dif- This report presents findings of a review of sanita- ferent regions and representing different levels of tion worker conditions as a step toward understand- service standards. The case studies presented in ing the challenges faced by sanitation workers and appendix A were selected based on the literature evidence-based initiatives to improve their condi- available and suggestions from key informants. The tions. Its specific objectives were cases presented are not intended to be representa- tive nationally or of the sector as a whole due to the • To understand the challenges faced by sanitation many data gaps. Instead, the case studies give an workers; overview of issues and highlight some of the • To present examples that highlight good practices, common challenges of sanitation workers as well ­ approaches, policies, standards, and regulations as good practices that can inform future initiatives. aimed at improving the working conditions of san- This review focuses on sanitation workers itation workers; involved in the collection, transport and treatment • To determine existing evidence gaps; and of fecal waste to capture the situation of some of • To identify areas of action for building a con- the more vulnerable workers. The study does not certed effort to improve the conditions of sanita- include (a) workers involved in the construction of tion workers. sanitation-related infrastructure, (b) those involved The information presented in this report is solid-waste management, or (c) those involved in ­ compiled from a desk review and key informant ­ 3 in use of wastewater and sludge (for example, Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation Workers 3 agricultural workers). The areas for action outlined 2. ISO/FDIS 30500 (2018): Non-sewered sanitation systems— Prefabricated integrated treatment units—General safety and in the report are specific to this subsection of the ­ performance requirements for design and testing sanitation workforce and may not universally apply • ISO 24521 (2016): Activities relating to drinking water and waste- to all sanitation workers. water services—Guidelines for the management of basic on-site domestic wastewater service This work is intended to inform future initiatives • ISO 24510 (2007): Activities relating to drinking water and waste- related to this topic to be undertaken by WaterAid, water services—Guidelines for the assessment and for the improvement of the service to users the WHO, the ILO, and the World Bank and identifies • ISO 24511 (2007): Activities relating to drinking water and waste- areas of action for other actors involved in the sanita- water services—Guidelines for the management of wastewater utilities and for the assessment of wastewater services tion sector to address the situation of sanitation 3. Documents collated from a preliminary review conducted by workers. WaterAid; review of documents shared by the World Bank, the ILO, the WHO, and WaterAid staff as well as interviewees; intranet searches of internal World Bank documents; Internet searches of aca- Notes demic papers, doctoral theses, government policies and initiatives, 1. Notably, ESS2: Labor and working conditions; ESS3: Resource effi- practitioners’ websites (Sustainable Sanitation Alliance [SuSanA], ciency and pollution prevention, and management; and ESS4: SNV, Water & Sanitation for the Urban Poor [WSUP], and so on); and Community health and safety. newspaper articles, from English, French, and Spanish sources. 4 Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation Workers Wendgoundi Sawadogo, 45, manual emptier, entering the pit of a latrine with a rope, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, July 2019. © WaterAid / Basile Ouedraogo. Used with permission. Permission required for reuse. CHAPTER 2 Main Findings These findings draw on evidence of sanitation working conditions in nine countries: Bangladesh, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Haiti, India, Kenya, Senegal, South Africa, and Uganda. This section summarizes the main findings, and the case studies themselves are presented in appendix A. The working conditions of the sanitation workforce depend heavily on the wider sanitation and urban landscape, but there are commonalities, particularly in the challenges some of the most vulnerable sanitation workers face. This chapter first presents key challenges and risks, followed by good prac- tices and then gaps in knowledge. Key Challenges and Risks • Occupational and environmental health and safety is important because sanitation workers are exposed to multiple occupational and environmental hazards. • Weak legal protection results from working informally, lack of occupational and health standards, and weak agency to demand their rights. • Financial insecurity is a great concern because typically, informal and temporary sanitation workers are poorly paid, and income can be unpredictable. • Social stigma and discrimination exist, and in some cases, are experienced as total and intergenerational exclusion. The challenges and risks faced by sanitation workers can be categorized in four dimensions: occupational and environmental health and safety, legal and institutional issues, financial insecurity, and social issues. Occupational and Environmental Health and Safety Sanitation workers are exposed to multiple occupational and environmental hazards, such as coming into direct or close contact with fecal sludge and wastewater; operating equipment used in emptying, conveyance, and Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation Workers 7 Inoussa Ouedraogo (right), 48, Manual Emptier, Burkina Faso What I personally experienced as a problem is that once I had an accident at work. A slab caught my finger, and I had to treat the wound for 11 months. In total, the care cost me about 60,000 CFA francs. But I must say that I continued to work while caring for the injury. In the meantime, my mother told me to stop the painful work to take care of my hand, but I made her understand that if I did not juggle work while looking after it, I do not know what other problems it could bring. So, I continued to work with the hand while looking after the wound until it was healed. Source: WaterAid / Basile Ouedraogo. Used with permission. Permission required for reuse. treatment of fecal sludge and wastewater; and work- Sanitation workers who are not protected by ing in confined and often dangerous spaces. They are adequate health and safety measures risk injury, ­ exposed to hazardous gases and biological and infection, disease, mental health issues, and death. ­ chemical agents in septic tanks, sewers, pumping Specifically, the reported physical and medical condi- stations, and treatment plants (WHO 2018). Manual tions directly associated with sanitation work include sanitation work poses great risk to sanitation work- headaches, dizziness, fever, fatigue, asthma, gastro- ers;1 it is physically demanding and several of the enteritis, cholera, typhoid, hepatitis, polio, cryptospo- case studies of manual pit emptying report compel- ridiosis, schistosomiasis, eye and skin burn and other ling similarities between the practice that cross skin irritation, musculoskeletal disorders (including countries and continents. back pain), puncture wounds and cuts, blunt force 8 Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation Workers trauma, and fatality (CSFE n.d.; WHO 2018). Common Legal and Institutional Challenges accidents reported include losing consciousness and Sanitation workers often suffer because of weak legal death by asphyxiation resulting from the noxious protection and lack of enforcement of existing rules. gases in both septic tanks and sewers, pit collapse The numerous operational activities along the sanita- or falling masonry, and wounds from sharp detritus. tion chain—emptying and conveyance of fecal sludge, Several manual pit emptiers report working at night sewer maintenance, treatment, and end use/disposal to avoid neighbor objections and sanctions, as well as (WHO 2018)—have often been invisible or at least dis- being under the influence of alcohol and drugs, factors regarded in regulatory frameworks. Many countries that further exacerbate the risk of accidents. either lack laws and regulations that protect sanita- It is not uncommon for sanitation workers of all tion workers, or the laws in place are not enforced or kinds to work without any form of personal protec- are not enforceable in practical terms. Manual empty- tive equipment (PPE). Many informal and temporary ing, often the riskiest sanitation work, is often charac- sanitation workers operate with little to no formal terized by informality. Efforts to prohibit manual training on the occupational risks of their work. emptying (for example, in India and Senegal), have Multiple factors cause poor occupational health and not necessarily curtailed the practice but instead have safety (OHS). It is clear that mitigating the OHS haz- forced it underground. By contrast, in Bangladesh and ards along the sanitation service chain (whether South Africa, manual work is formally recognized as manual or mechanized) needs to be addressed sys- part of the sanitation services package, with workers temically (SNV 2017). being provided training and occupational health miti- Where sanitation workers are predominantly from gation measures being in place (box 2.1). lower-income segments of society, their occupa- tional hazards tend to be compounded by living in Financial Insecurity overcrowded, low-income settlements, with poor Sanitation workers, especially those employed on tem- water and sanitation and, many times, in flood-prone porary or informal terms, are poorly and irregularly environments. These conditions increase the envi- paid. The extent to which sanitation markets are for- ronmental health risks. mal or informal varies significantly between countries. BOX 2.1. Regulations That Protect Workers In South Africa, since the 1994 political transition from apartheid, new labor laws have been established to protect vulnerable workers. Three main regulations governing sanitation work attribute responsibilities to both the employer and the employee. The Basic Conditions of Employment Act (1997) offers protections to workers. The National Occupational Health and Safety Act (1993) puts employers in charge of protecting worker health and safety by minimizing and mitigating risks in the working environment, as well as providing training and precautionary measures to protect the health and safety of their workers. The Regulations for Hazardous Biological Agents (2001) mandate that any person who may be exposed to a biohazard must comply with the employer’s instructions, such as wearing personal protective equipment, reporting accidents, and completing training or medical examinations. Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation Workers 9 In South Africa, sanitation work is predominantly in belong to the Dalit caste. This stigma compounds the the formal economy; public sanitation workers are social ostracizing and limitations on social mobility responsible for sewer maintenance, and pit emptying that workers face and often results in intergenera- is contracted out to the private sector. In Burkina Faso, tional discrimination, where children of sanitation sanitation work is pre- workers often struggle to escape the vicious cycle of My family supports me, dominantly ­informal. limited opportunities and sanitation work. and they say at the end In Kenya, the water ser- More generally, however, low income, financial vice providers  (WSP) stress, informality and the social stigma attached to of the day I am getting have the mandate, but poverty handling feces can form a multigenerational ­ money. The community much of the market is trap for many low-grade sanitation workers. These served by large num- factors manifest in implicit or explicit discrimina- ­ and friends will criticize bers of informal oper- tion, which hinders workers’ social inclusion, their me because I’m dealing ators and formal small opportunities to shift careers, and social mobility. operators. As is com- Furthermore, alcoholism and drug addiction to evade with sludge, so mon in other sectors, the working conditions are common among some sometimes I feel bad, the financial situation sanitation workers. To protect their families’ safety ­ of such workers is pre- and well-being, several of the case examples found sometimes I feel good carious. Pay for low- reports of sanitation workers maintaining a low profile because my family is grade, temporary, or and hiding their occupation from their communities. informal work tends to supporting me. be low, income is irreg- Good Practices —Mthobisi Maseko, 19, ular, and workers are vulnerable to extortion. • Providing acknowledgment and formalization South Africa In India, some man- to sanitation workforce (including legal ual workers reported that they have been paid in food protections) rather than money. Manual emptiers in Senegal and • Mitigating occupational health risks for Haiti reported low-income households failing to pay sanitation workers the agreed-on fee once they had completed the work. • Delivering health services to sanitation workers Tight financial margins in the formal private sector • Establishing standard operating procedures can also compromise the conditions for workers; the and guidelines investment and maintenance of PPE, mechanization, • Promoting workers’ empowerment through or both may not be considered financially viable. unions and associations Social Challenges Low-grade, unskilled sanitation workers often face The case studies highlight several examples of social stigma and discrimination. This is especially good practice, as presented in the next sections. true when sanitation is linked to a caste-based struc- Table 2.1 includes an indication of where, based on ture and often allocated to castes perceived to be the cases reviewed, a good practice was adopted at a lower in the caste hierarchy, such as in India and national/strategic scale, where there are examples of Bangladesh, where sanitation work is perceived to good practice, and where there is evidence that the 10 Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation Workers TABLE 2.1. Comparative Table of Sanitation Worker Conditions Burkina South Bangladesh Bolivia Haiti India Kenya Senegal Uganda Faso Africa Manual sanitation work acknowledged in ⚫ — • ⚪ ⚪ • ⚪ ⚫ — policies/strategies Occupational health of sanitation workersa • — — ⚪ ⚫ — — ⚫ — protected by law Legal protection carries through subcontracting — — — — ⚪ — — ⚫ — Training on sanitation worker occupational • • • • ⚫ • • ⚫ — health and hazards is provided Standard operating procedures or guidelines • • — • — • — ⚫ — exist specific to sanitationa Safeguarding of sanitation worker health is donea ⚫ — • • ⚫ • • ⚫ — Sanitation workers belong to unions or ⚫ — • • ⚫ • ⚫ ⚫ • associationsa Initiatives specifically advocating for — — • — ⚫ — — — — sanitation worker rights exist Note: Sanitation worker protections in place: ⚫ = yes, at a national level and part of national strategy; • = limited, either to a local level or otherwise specific intervention; ⚪ = no; — = evidence not identified at this stage. This table is not intended to be exhaustive and will be populated further during subsequent work. a. May only relate to formal workers, which precludes significant numbers from much of the above if manual workers are not recognized. practice does not take place. Blanks indicate data example, in Bangladesh). In India, permanent work- gaps to be filled. ers are typically better paid than their informal coun- terparts (receiving three times the salary of an Providing Acknowledgment and Formalization informal sanitation worker). In South Africa, formal to Sanitation Workforce (Including Legal private-sector employees are likely on a minimum Protections) sector sanitation workers are wage, whereas public-­ The plight of urban sanitation workers is often paid almost double with public health benefits. invisible and, in some contexts, largely informal. ­ Examples of mechanisms that acknowledge and A common best practice across all the case studies is formalize the sanitation workforce in the selected acknowledging the workforce and creating sanita- case studies include acknowledging manual sanita- tion work opportunities in the formal markets. tion workers in the formal workforce (for example, in Selected cases reveal that sanitation workers Bangladesh and South Africa); developing sanitation employed on a permanent basis, either through pub- worker registries (for example, in India and lic offices (for example, in India and Bangladesh) or Bangladesh); introducing new social enterprise mod- private companies (for example, in Senegal, Kenya, els, which safeguard workers and create sanitation and Haiti), enjoy a more stable income, often better jobs in the formal economy (for example, in Kenya pay, and, in some cases, other benefits such as union and Haiti); and, to a lesser extent, the formation of membership, housing, or health insurance (for unions or associations (for example, in India, Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation Workers 11 Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Senegal, and South India). Regardless of technologies used, workers Africa). Acknowledgment is the first step for the need to be trained in their use according to standard occupational health of sanitation worker rights to be operating procedures and mechanisms to ensure recognized by law. they are being followed need to be in place to ensure On the other hand, when regulation has gone to risks are mitigated. the length of prohibition of manual sanitation work, it has often failed to protect the workers because Delivering Health Services to Sanitation Workers there are context-specific reasons why manual emp- Receiving vaccines and regular health checkups and tying prevails such as inaccessibility for motorized having health insurance were observed in the case services, and pumpability of drier, typically older studies as mechanisms intended to safeguard sanita- sludge (WHO 2018). If this work is prohibited, local tion workers’ health. In the case examples of India authorities may deny the practice, thus further and Bangladesh, permanent municipal sanitation increasing the lack of visibility and voice of sanita- workers have health insurance. Employees of the tion workers. company running the fecal sludge treatment plant in Dakar, Senegal, and a container-based sanitation Mitigating Occupational Health Risks for company in Haiti are given regular health checkups Sanitation Workers and vaccinations. The first step in mitigating occupational risks for Vaccinations, health insurance, and regular health sanitation risks is understanding what they are. checks are also included in the standards and guide- These risks may vary between contexts, but at the lines for sanitation workers developed in Bangladesh most fundamental level, they are about avoiding and Kenya. direct exposure to the risks previously mentioned, through adequate health and safety measures. Establishing Standard Operating Procedures Local-level risk assessment of sanitation work can and Guidelines identify the priority risks at each step of the service Standard operating procedures and local-level chain. Mechanisms to reduce exposure will include guidelines for sanitation work have been devel- a combination, of improvements to management oped in Bangladesh (box 2.2) and Kisumu, Kenya, practice, technology and workers behavior. and have been adopted at the city level. They spec- Examples include appropriate use of PPE such as ify training on occupational hazards and the use of gloves, full-body suits, boots, glasses, gas detec- PPE as well as mechanisms to protect workers’ tors. They also include technologies to eliminate health and livelihoods. Regular monitoring of work the need for sanitation workers to enter pits or sew- and behavior of sanitation workers is needed to ers, including pumping mechanisms such as the support the implementation of standard operating e-Vac (developed in partnership with eThekwini) procedures. and robotic devices being tested in India to clear Standard operating procedures and guidelines that sewers. Some examples show the municipality include manual emptying practices offer a more lending or renting safety equipment (for example, inclusive mechanism to protect the most vulnerable in Bangladesh and Burkina Faso); others describe sanitation workers. However, compliance with the initiatives to provide credit to sanitation business procedures is likely to be especially low among infor- opportunities to buy equipment (for example, in mal, unlicensed, and temporary workers. 12 Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation Workers Promoting Workers’ Empowerment through mechanism for the The best thing about my Unions and Associations emptiers to orga- job is making the Trade and worker unions for sanitation workers play an nize and demand important role in advocating for workers and improv- acknowledgment consumers happy, I feel ing their working conditions (box 2.3). They exist in by the utility and happy making the parts of India, Bangladesh, and South Africa. With the municipalities. The support of these unions, permanent sanitation workers associations’ mech- consumers happy. have experienced formalization and improvements of anism has embold- —Christopher Magubane, 36, basic working conditions (such as employment con- ened mechanical emptiers to advo- South Africa tracts and terms, regular pay, paid leave, and health insurance), which are protected by law. cate for municipal In the cases of Burkina Faso and Senegal, although ­ contracts and more favorable contract terms. the emptiers’ associations do not provide legal pro- Typically, low-grade temporary and informal work- tection to their members, they do provide a ers enjoy none of these rights, they frequently find BOX 2.2. Occupational Safety and Health Guidelines for Fecal Sludge Management for Bangladesh The guidelines highlight the following moral and legal obligations of local government bodies: • To take necessary action in line with the Health and Safety Guidelines in the Bangladesh Labor Act 2006, National Occupational Health and Safety Policy 2013, and related international conventions ratified by the government of Bangladesh • To identify risks to OHS in FSM • To organize awareness-raising sessions on OHS in FSM for emptiers in both the formal and informal sector • To organize training courses on proper technology, environmentally friendly emptying, transportation and disposal procedures, and use of appropriate protective equipment • To ensure the highest safety levels in chemical use and other risk factors related to fecal sludge emptying and transportation • To keep records of occupational accidents, including number of casualties, status of compensation claims, and related legal proceedings • To develop a pool of experts and trainers on OHS in FSM • To identify the occupational disease experts in local hospitals and medical colleges and develop institutional linkages with them to ensure access to emergency medical support • To include OHS issues in the agenda of local government authorities (city corporations and Paurashavas) The guidelines also suggest responsibilities of other stakeholders including the service recipient, civil society organizations, and relevant ministries. Source: SNV 2017. Note: FSM = fecal sludge management; OHS = occupational health and safety. Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation Workers 13 BOX 2.3. The Memphis Sanitation Workers’ Strike The Memphis sanitation workers’ strike of 1968 involved 1,100 of 1,300 of the city’s solid waste collectors supported by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a leading civil rights activist in the United States. The strike was triggered by the accidental deaths of two sanitation workers and by a separate incident on the same day in which 22 low-grade sewer workers were sent home without pay. The events revealed ongoing racial segregation in the city, and the strike served as a catalyst for both the civil rights movement and public service unions across the United States. The Memphis strike offers an example of a familiar plight of sanitation workers worldwide and how sanitation workers can have a pivotal role in transformational events. their rights violated, and they have no legal protec- those systems and about their working conditions. tion. Encouraging licensed service providers to The extent of the challenges these workers face is employ the historically lower-grade sanitation not well-known or well-documented. This assess- workers, provided they can conform to standards ­ ment showed that there is some information about of behavior and safety, is a mechanism to bring them sanitation workers’ challenges, some evidence of into the formal sanitation system (WHO 2018). good practices, and a growing body of evidence Although the unions and associations are good and actors working to improve sanitation workers’ mechanisms for professionalizing the sanitation conditions and rights, but this progress is still ad workforce, successful experiences are often localized hoc and fragmented. Key gaps include the to a town or district and may associate only a subset of following: sanitation workers, such as the permanent employees or vacuum tank owners. Mechanisms that improve • Quantifying and profiling the global sanitation work- conditions of some of the sanitation workers can com- force: The number of existing sanitation workers pound the exclusion of the most vulnerable sanitation overall is unclear, and estimates are often con- workers, such as those working manually, informally, tested. Numbers are typically not disaggregated to and without the ­ ability to associate. specify the type of work. For example, municipal Moreover, sanitation workers’ unions are not nec- workers may also be grouped with solid-waste essarily recognized or given freedom to associate. If management workers, which can obscure accu- they do associate in larger unions, they may have rate quantification of the workforce. Also, existing weak capacity and limited agency. data sources tend to be incomplete, covering only In other cases, particularly for low-grade workers, part of a city or parts of a year. The most vulnera- association may not be desirable for the workers ble sanitation workers, those working informally themselves. or temporarily in the lowest grade positions, are difficult to quantify for multiple reasons. For Gaps in Knowledge example, those working in the informal market Although significant advances have been made in may be difficult to locate; they may not want to be the past decade in understanding urban sanitation acknowledged because of social stigma; and low- technical systems, there is a dearth of good-quality grade, unskilled day laborers may work as general information about the workers who underpin manual laborers, may take on multiple roles, and 14 Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation Workers may not necessarily identify as a sanitation • Impact of interventions: The impact and determi- worker. These challenges are true of both simple nants of different interventions for the sanitation quantification and work-related incidents report- workforce is not well-known and needs to be evalu- ing. Estimates of deaths may be conservative ated. These interventions include improving work- because accidents and incidents often go unre- ing conditions and professionalization or creating ported. Furthermore, there are scant empirical entrepreneur and exit strategies for sanitation data on the risks and human costs associated with workers and their children, among others. providing sanitation services; the data tend to be • Parallels with other sectors: Capturing lessons anecdotal. Also, not enough evidence is available learned and successes that allowed for progress to confirm or reject the idea that child labor is used and professionalization in other sectors could for sanitation work. If it is, this situation is devas- inform any future development toward improving tating because there are lifelong consequences, the working conditions of sanitation workers. and this is an important issue that warrants more • Allies and stakeholders: Identifying the different attention. Data related to women sanitation work- actors supporting this work at the local, national, ers are also limited. The gender dimension should and international levels can be useful to create be further investigated. opportunities and build synergies to move this • Policy (regulatory and legal): Relevant policies, agenda forward. regulations, standards, and legislation that would systematically govern sanitation workers need to Many more concerted and comprehensive efforts be identified. Where such policies are available, in this area are needed across all actors. The previ- the extent to which they are appropriate or effec- ously mentioned knowledge gaps could be addressed tive or are being enforced to protect sanitation in a future study, a proposal for which is detailed in workers needs to be better understood. appendix B. • Institutional arrangements: Optimal institutional arrangements models that safeguard sanitation Note 1. Manual sanitation work refers to nonmotorized or nonmechanical sani- workers across different dimensions need to be tation work where workers use their bare hands or basic equipment such studied and documented. as buckets, ropes, shovels, and so on to undertake their tasks. Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation Workers 15 Prakash, sewage worker in Hyderabad, works in the sewer without any protection—no gloves, no suit, no boots. He uses his hands and feet to scrape and clean out the sewage pipes. India, M. Crozet, 2002. © ILO. Used with permission. Permission required for reuse. CHAPTER 3 Areas for Action • Reform policy, legislation and regulation that acknowledges and professionalizes the sanitation workforce along the sanitation service chain • Develop and adopt operational guidelines to assess and mitigate the occupational risks of all types of sanitation work, including national standard operating procedures, municipal-level oversight of sanitation service providers (both public and private), training, technology, and personal protective equipment for all aspects of sanitation work • Advocate for sanitation workers and promote their empowerment to protect worker rights and amplify workers’ voices through unions and associations • Build the evidence base to address the issues of quantification of the sanitation workforce and documentation of challenges that workers face and good practice in improving working conditions. Four main areas for action have emerged from this review. These align with the recognize-formalize-organize mandate (WaterAid, ILO, and WHO 2019), the principles and recommendations within the United Nations Human Rights Framework, the World Health Organization Guidelines on Sanitation and Health (2018), and established recommendations on labor protection, sanitation, and health. Action areas are identified for focused, coordinated, and reflective efforts and then combined with future research, which could move the agenda to improve the working conditions of sanitation workers forward. Reform Policy, Legislation and Regulation A pivotal action to safeguard sanitation workers would be for national govern- ments to reform policy, legislative, and regulatory mechanisms, as well as provi- sions written into national and international labor, occupational health and safety (OHS) norms, and standards for protection and empowerment of workers. Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation Workers 17 Development partners and external agencies have a Senzi Dumakude, 32, Sewage Blockage Crew role to play in prioritizing this issue and supporting Member, South Africa the reform agenda, which would likely need to cover three fundamental areas (WHO 2018): • First, recognize all types of sanitation work and pro- vide the frameworks that enable the organization and empowerment of sanitation workers; workers’ right to organize needs to be protected. The right to organize is one of the eight fundamental con- ventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO). It relates to all workers, formal or informal. The workers’ right to organize is beyond simply a legal right; it is the ability to exercise voice to address the imbalances of power. The challenge of sanitation workers is that they are affected by stigma, and although they may have the right to organize in theory, their social stigma may prevent them from being able to exercise that right. • Second, promote the gradual formalization and mechanization of the work1 while acknowledging the challenges of formalization. The policy and reg- The things I like most about my job, I enjoy ulatory reform should adopt a do-no-harm princi- serving the community, making sure that our city ple, which would avoid is clean because when there is sewage obviously further marginaliza- the community becomes so uncomfortable, so I was doing all kinds of we are making sure it is safe. tion of sanitation work- jobs here. Every day on ers where no viable Source: WaterAid / Nyani Quarmyne. Used with permission. Permission required for reuse. alternatives exist and different tasks and at the the criminalization and same time I was prohibition of manual work that can drive it adopt the 2015 ILO recommendation on the transi- beginning to learn. What tion from the informal to the formal economy (No. underground. It would I have learnt here, makes also help workers 204), as well as other international instruments. avoid punitive mea- • Third, articulate protection mechanisms, including me not sorry about my sures that target work- legislation and standard operating procedures, job here, I am very ers themselves (rather covering measures such as personal protective ­ than employers, cli- equipment (PPE), training, regular health checks, happy about my job. ents, and authorities). insurance, and treatment for workers to mitigate —Sunil Seeram, 55, South Africa The reform needs to their occupational risks across the sanitation chain. 18 Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation Workers In the more immediate term, steps could be taken evidence-based global guidance on incorporating to enforce existing national and international labor protections for sanitation workers at the policy and laws and regulations (national, subnational, and program levels to inform national implementation of municipal/city authorities) and strengthen the role Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 6.2 and 6.3, of labor inspectorates regarding sanitation work. integrating safeguarding sanitation work- as well as ­ Financial implications and budget should be consid- ers’ rights into their own sanitation program design, ered accordingly. monitoring, and evaluation frameworks. ­ Develop and Adopt Operational Advocate for Sanitation Workers and Guidelines Promote their Empowerment A second area for action is the development and All stakeholders have a role in safeguarding the adoption of operational guidance, codes of practice, dignity, health, and lives of sanitation workers as ­ and standard operating procedures for sanitation national governments and development partners work. Such guidelines would stipulate criteria for alike work toward achieving safely managed sanita- employer and contracting responsibilities to work- tion for all (SDG 6.2). There is an important role for ers and mitigation measures, such as personal pro- advocacy and awareness regarding this issue, specif- tective wear and equipment, training, and measures ically to address the following: to safeguard workers’ health. These would need to consider both public- and private-sector service • Development partners, NGOs, and civil society provision and permanent and temporary workers, can raise awareness about the public service providing a tried and tested framework toward and plight of sanitation workers and advocate for compliance. their health, safety, dignity, and rights at global, Local governments have an important role in national, and subnational levels. developing and (leading by example) ensuring com- • Continuous advocacy from all stakeholders can pliance of operational guidance, codes of practice, and target users, workers, employers, and govern- standard operating procedures for sanitation work. ments to acknowledge the sanitation workforce Municipal-level oversight and enforcement of sani- and their role along the service chain in order to tation service providers (both public and private) break taboos and debunk myths. have an important role in the adoption of standard • Development partners, NGOs, and civil society operating procedures, including assessing whether can support efforts of sanitation workers to claim their subcontracting partner assesses and manages their rights by supporting worker unions and pro- risk for workers. Multilateral and bilateral organiza- fessional associations. tions, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and other development agencies have an important role in supporting authorities in developing, providing Build the Evidence Base operational guidance, and advocating for their adop- The limited will to address the issues of quantifica- tion at the municipal level. tion of the sanitation workforce and documentation Development partners, NGOs, and civil soci- of challenges that workers face has caused the dearth ety have an important role in developing of good-quality data. Making concerted efforts to Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation Workers 19 quantify the workforce and document the different interventions for different profiles of sanitation challenges is important in understanding how best workers,2 and the lessons for improvement. to address these issues when planning the activities National and municipal governments could under- and supporting mechanisms across the board of take surveys or assessments to understand the sanita- actors working toward SDGs 6.2 and 6.3. tion service provision in their areas, quantifying the Research institutions, universities, and development numbers of workers involved (including informal partners could collaborate in addressing the key ones) and analyzing their profile and their working knowledge gaps in the sector, notably quantification conditions, as a first step toward improving the of the sanitation workforce, effectiveness, and impact situation. of different interventions and drivers of change. Institutions involved in this work area could further Notes support this work by investing in building the evi- 1. Transition support for informal workers into the formal market or to other sectors (rehabilitation) would be required. Equally, a long-term dence base, identifying indicators to inform their plan would be needed to gradually replace manual sanitation work own programs, and analyzing the enabling factors with mechanized systems. that allow for progress, the effectiveness of different 2. For example, see Dalberg Advisors 2017. 20 Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation Workers Mthobisi Maseko, 19, taking a break while surrounded by barrels of fecal sludge as he and his colleagues empty a household pit latrine in Inanda, a township in eastern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa that is part of eThekwini municipality which encompasses the Greater Durban metropolitan area, March 2019. © WaterAid / Nyani Quarmyne. Used with permission. Permission required for reuse. CHAPTER 4 Next Steps On the basis of this initial assessment, the four organizations authoring this report are committed to continuing to collaborate with one another and with other development partners to raise awareness about the plight of sanitation workers and make progress on these action areas (see potential follow-up work details in appendix B). More specifically, they have made the following commitments: • WaterAid is considering how to expand its focus on sanitation workers beyond the current handful of country teams with projects and advocacy on this area. Moreover, in its Quality Programme Standards, it will integrate standards referring to the health, safety, and dignity of sanitation workers. • The World Health Organization (WHO) will strengthen national capacities through implementation of the Guidelines on Sanitation and Health, focus- ing on inclusion of protections of sanitation workers in national sanitation policies and in local-level sanitation risk assessment and management. The WHO will also work with United Nations (UN) agencies and academic part- ners to quantify the global sanitation workforce and, if feasible, estimate the burden of disease for sanitation workers. • The International Labour Organization (ILO) will monitor progress toward the achievement of target 8.8 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to protect labor rights and promote safe and secure working environments for all workers. To assist member states to achieve this, the ILO will promote the effective application of several conventions related to occupational health and safety (OHS), freedom of association and informal work-related codes of practice; conventions No. 87, No. 155, and No. 187; and recommen- dations No. 164, No. 197, and No. 204. After the adoption of the ILO cente- nary ­declaration in the 108th session of the International Labour Conference, all members have an obligation arising from the very fact of membership in the organization to respect, promote, and realize the principles concerning safe and healthy working conditions for all workers, including sanitation workers. In addition, the ILO will promote the strengthening of workers’ ­ organizations. Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation Workers 23 • The Water Global Practice at the World Bank will international obligations. The Water Practice will leverage the newly developed Environmental and collaborate with the new Environmental and Social Standards (ESS) to prepare a guidance note 1 Social Framework (ESF) unit at the World Bank, for World Bank task teams on how to safeguard which has a mandate to fill knowledge gaps. sanitation workers after investment projects are completed. ESS are designed to help governments Note manage project risks and impacts and improve 1. When considering sanitation workers, the following World Bank Environmental and Social Standards are relevant: ESS2: Labor and environmental and social performance consistent working conditions; ESS3: Resource efficiency and pollution preven- with good international practice and national and tion and Management; and ESS4: Community Health and Safety. 24 Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation Workers Bibliography Ahsan, Tanveer, Imtiaz Uddin Ahmad, M. Alamgir, and Mahbub Hassan. 2014. 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Domiciliarios en Áreas Periurbanas de la Ciudad de Santa Cruz—Bolivia.” UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund) and WHO (World Health World Bank, Washington, DC. Organization). 2015. Progress on Sanitation and Drinking Water—2015 WSUP (Water & Sanitation for the Urban Poor). 2016. “Dignity for Pit and Update and MDG Assessment. US: UNICEF and WHO. Septic Tank Emptiers: WSUP Co-convenes Dhaka Conference to Highlight Need for Improved Working Conditions.” December 14. https://www​ WASH United. 2012. Stigmatization in the Realisation of the Right to​-septic-tank​-emptiers/. Water and Sanitation: Submission for the Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Human Right to Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation. ———. 2018. “Regulatory Reform: Raising the Standard of Pit-emptying WASH United Services in Kisumu.” WSUP. WRC (Water Research Commission). 2015. South Africa’s Water Research, Zaqout, Mariam. “Informal Sanitation Jobs: The Prospects of Enhancing the Development, and Innovation (RDI) Roadmap: 2015–2025. WRC Status of Pit-emptiers in Bangladesh.” PhD diss., University of Leeds, 2018. Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation Workers 27 Christopher Magubane (left), 36, and Senzi Dumakude (right), 32, members of an eThekwini Municipality sewage blockage crew at work in Durban. Their team uses flexible rods to clear blockages in pipes leading to the main sewer lines in South Africa, March 2019. © WaterAid / Nyani Quarmyne. Used with permission. Permission required for reuse. APPENDIX A Sanitation Worker Case Studies Nine case studies are presented. They focus on sanitation workers involved in the operation and maintenance of sanitation systems, predominantly in urban areas, such as emptying on-site sanitation systems, transporting fecal sludge, and performing sewer maintenance. Each case presents current aspects of san- itation work in addition to, where available, progressive actions aimed at improving sanitation working conditions. Evident knowledge gaps remain. Wendgoundi Sawadogo, 45, Manual Emptier, Burkina Faso There are risks and health problems that we run into while doing this work. Sometimes people throw syringes or shards of glass bottles in the pit. We have to spend money on tetanus vaccines, but if we have no money, what can we do? … One time, I went to empty a pit and a rock fell on my head and I had wounds. … Many of my colleagues have had broken fingers and broken feet from doing this job. Some even died and stayed in pits because an accident occurred while they were trying to remove the slabs. But as far as I’m concerned, I’m lucky. The slab is really dangerous. Source: WaterAid / Basile Ouedraogo. Used with permission. Permission required for reuse. Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation Workers 29 TABLE A .1. Bangladesh Formal sanitation workers Informal sanitation workers Overview of current practice Sanitation work in Bangladesh is composed of mechanical and manual emptying of latrines, where both subgroups form part of the formal public workforce as well as some operating informally. Where the informal “sweepers” in Bangladesh face financial and job insecurities, discrimination, and stigmatization, permanent workers providing the same services enjoy more secure positions with a guaranteed income and other benefits, including partial health insurance from the city corporation and a membership in the government emptiers’ union (Zaqout 2018). Nonetheless, permanent workers still face some challenges, such as the risk of losing housing in the government colony for sweepers if they seek alternative occupations—and this affects their social mobility. In Khulna, the mechanical emptiers are registered with the city corporation, who provide them with PPE. Nevertheless, they have not seen progress in their livelihoods, as shown by the lack of access to physical, financial, social, and human capital. They face discrimination when seeking loans or alternative occupations. Many times, children do not approve of their parents’ occupation, which is another reason for them to contemplate alternative livelihoods. Types of work/customers Mechanical and manual sanitation workers The manual emptiers (or sweepers) provide emptying offer emptying services to both households services to both households and institutions. and institutions. Typical contracting modes Permanent government employees or Informal private service providers registered with their relevant city corporations Equipment Mechanized equipment or basic tools; PPE Basic tools, often without PPE and vacuum tankers are sometimes provided or leased to sanitation workers by the city corporation.a Occupational health and hazards Some formal manual emptiers have been Manual work involves repeated direct contact with trained and certified on occupational health human excreta and operating in enclosed spaces that risks.b have noxious gases (Doron and Jeffrey 2018). Typically, workers work at nighttime and sometimes under the influence of alcohol, factors that exacerbate their risk of injury and accidents. Financial status and benefits Guaranteed income and partial health Low pay and financial and job insecurities insurance (for permanent government employees); increased income; improved opportunities of land acquisition; and financial support (for private formal manual sanitation workers) (Zaqout 2018) Social status Improved social status compared with Social discrimination and stigmatization. Many live in informal sanitation workers, but the social segregated sweeper colonies, which are unhygienic stigma and discrimination still limits social slumlike areas offering poor and overcrowded living mobility. conditions. Dalits (low-caste Hindus) and Christian and Muslim Bengalis table continues next page 30 Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation Workers TABLE A .1. continued Formal sanitation workers Informal sanitation workers Rights and protections Occupational safety and health guidelines for pit emptying existc and can be found in the Bangladesh Labor Act (2006) and the National Occupational Health and Safety Policy (2013). The Dhaka Institutional and Regulatory Framework for Fecal Sludge Management (2017) includes a clause on appropriate health and safety guidelines for emptying services.d Government employees are members of the government emptiers’ union (Zaqout 2018). Quantifying the problem There are an estimated 5 million to 6 million sweepers in Bangladesh. Overview of known progressive In Bangladesh, the Occupational Safety and Health Guidelines for Fecal Sludge Management actions (2015) was published by the OSHE with NGO support. These have been adopted by the Khulna city corporation and Jhenaidah and Kushtia Paurashavas. The Khulna city corporation then trained more than 40 private manual pit emptiers and certified them as safe service providers (ISF-UTS and SNV 2019). The Dhaka Institutional and Regulatory Framework for Fecal Sludge Management (2017) includes the clause: “The process of pit emptying involves significant hazard, and the City Corporations shall follow/enforce appropriate health and safety guidelines for emptying services. Until such a health and safety guideline is prepared and approved (by the LGD), the City Corporations shall follow available similar guidelines being practiced/promoted elsewhere.” In Faridpur, a joint NGO-municipality initiative to improve the livelihood outcome of manual emptiers has provided training and capacity building and physical assets (they can lease a vacuum tanker from the municipality) to a group of manual emptiers (Zaqout 2018). As such, these emptiers enjoy a better social status, reduced vulnerability, and overall well-being. They do, however, continue to have financial burdens related to seasonal demand and the operation and maintenance costs of the vacuum tanker. Another group that registered as municipal workers now enjoys further benefits such as increased income, land acquisition, and financial support (Zaqout 2018). Notes: LGD = Local Government Division; NGO = nongovernmental organization; OSHE = Bangladesh Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Foundation; PPE = personal protective equipment. a. In Khulna, for example. b. For example, in Khulna, the city corporation then trained more than 40 private manual pit emptiers and certified them as safe service providers (ISF-UTS and SNV 2019). c. In Bangladesh, the Occupational Safety and Health Guidelines for Faecal Sludge Management (2015) were published by the OSHE, with NGO support. These have been adopted by the Khulna City Corporation and Jhenaidah and Kushtia Paurashavas. d. The Dhaka Institutional and Regulatory Framework for Fecal Sludge Management (2017) includes the clause: “The process of pit emptying involves significant hazard, and the City Corporations shall follow/enforce appropriate health and safety guidelines for emptying services. Until such a health and safety guideline is prepared and approved (by the LGD), the City Corporations shall follow available similar guidelines being practiced/promoted elsewhere.” Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation Workers 31 TABLE A .2. Bolivia Formal sanitation workers Informal sanitation workers Overview of current In Bolivia, on-site sanitation solutions are meeting the sanitation need in response to an otherwise low access practice rate to sanitation, rapid population growth, and high investment costs for conventional sewers and wastewater treatment plants. Consequently, small and medium private vacuum truck companies have emerged to meet the demand to empty pits and septic tanks. In cities such as Santa Cruz, emptying companies have been operating for more than 30 years without any official control or regulation (World Bank 2018). The services, therefore, need to be better regulated by the relevant sectoral actors. Workers display risky and unsafe behavior and practices during handling, transport, and disposal of fecal sludge. They do not wear PPE even if it is provided. Standards related to the collection and transport of fecal sludge have to be established and enforced. Types of work/ Small and medium private vacuum truck companies serving customers public and domestic markets Typical contracting Informal, unregulated modes Equipment Mechanical exhauster vehicles used, PPE not typically used Occupational health Risk of incidents and direct contact with fecal matter and hazards Financial status and benefits Social status Rights and protections National OHS standards and standard operating procedures are under development. Quantifying the problem Overview of known Some solutions that are being implemented in Santa Cruz include the use of a toilet technology that limits progressive actions workers’ exposure to fecal matter; the application of national OHS standards for sanitation workers; the standardization of procedures for collection, transport, and discharge of household fecal sludge focused on industrial safety and environmental protection; and training modules developed in partnership with universities. Notes: OHS = occupational health and safety; PPE = personal protective equipment. 32 Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation Workers TABLE A .3. Burkina Faso Formal sanitation workers Informal sanitation workers Overview of Current Pits and septic tanks are emptied by mechanical and manual emptiers. This activity is not regulated and is practice highly informal. Manual emptiers in Burkina Faso are recruited either to fully empty the pits or to empty the thicker sludge once the liquid portion has been removed mechanically. They discard the waste in nearby open land or open drains (WaterAid 2018). Poorer households who cannot afford the services of manual emptiers may empty their latrines themselves. Manual emptiers in Burkina Faso are typically men older than 40 years old but sometimes are unemployed younger males looking for seasonal work. Types of work/ Private service providers for Mechanical and manual emptiers serving domestic and institutions customers domestic and institutions Typical contracting Registered with their relevant Operating informally modes city administrations Equipment Mechanized vacuum trucks, Manual emptiers typically use buckets, ropes, and shovels for emptying. They often more than 20 years old, report consuming traditional medicine and applying a barrier product to their are used. skin. They are unlikely to be equipped with protective clothing. Mechanized vacuum trucks, often more than 20 years old, are used. Occupational health Mostly untrained, sanitation Mostly untrained, sanitation workers repeatedly come into direct contact with and hazards workers repeatedly come into human excreta. direct contact with human Manual emptiers typically enter the pits and tanks operating in enclosed excreta. spaces with noxious gases and no protective clothing. The consumption of drugs and alcohol by sanitation workers is not uncommon. Financial status and benefits Social status Manual emptiers are often marginalized and work in neighborhoods/cities where they would not be recognized. Rights and protections In 2017, the ABASE received a ceremonial honor from the Ministry of Water and Sanitation for its work in improving living conditions of sanitation workers in Ouagadougou (Réseau de professionnels juniors 2017). The ABASE provides a mechanism to organize and advocate for manual emptiers, as well as training and capacity building, and it helps in obtaining vaccines and equipment for the emptiers (pS-Eau 2018). It is not a formal union and does not offer any legal protection to the sanitation workers. Quantifying the The number of mechanical There are 25 identified manual emptiers in Ouagadougou. problem emptiers is unknown. Overview of known In 2017, the ABASE received a ceremonial honor from the Ministry of Water and Sanitation for its work in progressive actions improving living conditions of sanitation workers in Ouagadougou (Réseau de professionnels juniors 2017). This was a cumulative outcome of several activities supporting the manual emptiers and achieving recognition by the authorities. The ABASE provides a mechanism to organize and advocate for manual emptiers. It provides training and capacity building to make their work more hygienic and economically profitable, and it helps in obtaining vaccines and equipment for the emptiers (pS-Eau 2018). A joint NGO-municipality-utility effort in Ouagadougou sought to professionalize 25 manual emptiers there via training on health, hygiene, and safety. This initiative enabled them to dispose of the waste at the treatment plants, prepare business plans, and loan dedicated equipment for improved manual emptying from the municipality. The ABASE is currently lobbying the municipality to request ONEA, the utility, to provide transfer stations for the manual emptiers because the treatment plants are located far outside town. Notes: ABASE = Association of Manual Emptiers of Burkina Faso; ONEA = National Office of Water and Sanitation; NGO = nongovernmental organization. Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation Workers 33 TABLE A .4. Haiti Formal sanitation workers Informal sanitation workers Overview of current Vacuum truck companies service high-end customers and government offices (Hersher 2017). However, most practice sanitation work in Haiti is performed by the informal manual pit emptiers known as bayakous. Bayakous serve households as well as larger institutions such as schools, churches, and prisons. They are sometimes subcontracted by the mechanical emptying companies to perform the work. The bayakous of Haiti operate informally, typically in teams of three to four people (known as bases). The association of manual emptiers suggests that about 20 teams operate in the Port-au-Prince metropolitan area (World Bank 2017a).Pit emptying is done at nighttime, and if the work runs into another day, it will pause till the next nightfall. The bayakous use bleach and water for disinfectant and pit additives. They often work naked or with only rubber boots—because this facilitates cleansing after each job—using basic tools such as a bucket and a shovel. Even if protective gear is made available, workers rarely wear it because they deem it useless and cumbersome (Hersher 2017). In addition to the pathogenic contamination of direct contact with fecal matter, the occupational hazards include noxious gases, injuries, and infection from sharp objects such as razors, broken glass, or syringes, and injury or death from partial or full wall collapse. Workers are stigmatized and are forced to change their names to protect themselves and their families from further discrimination. Some households believe such workers to be mythical creatures. Financially, the bayakous’ work offers a low and irregular income, and many seek alternative manual labor to support their families. However, their employment opportunities are limited because the stigma and ostracization can prevent social mobility. Types of work/ Vacuum truck companies service high-end Most sanitation work in Haiti is performed by the customers customers and government offices (Hersher 2017). bayakous. Typical contracting Direct public or private Direct informal or subcontracted manual labor to modes mechanical firms Equipment Mechanical exhauster vehicles Basic equipment, rubber boots, and other PPE are uncommon. Occupational health In addition to direct contact with fecal matter, and hazards occupational hazards include noxious gases, injuries, infection from sharp objects, and injury or death from wall collapse. Hazards are exacerbated by working in the dark. Financial status and Low and irregular income, seek other labor benefits Social status Social stigma and discrimination; some taboos Rights and protections Quantifying the A small number (about five) mechanical emptying enterprises work in Haiti, concentrated around the Port- problem au-Prince metropolitan area. These are largely absent from other cities. The association of manual emptiers suggests that about 20 teams operate in the Port-au-Prince metropolitan area (World Bank 2017a). Overview of known One social enterprise in Haiti has introduced a container-based toilet service in Port-au-Prince and Cap-Haïtien, progressive actions which covers the entire sanitation service delivery chain from collection through to treatment and reuse. Container-based systems mean there is no need for sanitation workers to enter pits, and the waste is contained and sealed in small containers at the household and then transported away by the sanitation workers for stabilization and safe disposal. The enterprise is implementing an SSP to manage risk along the sanitation chain. Sanitation workers are trained in standard operating procedures and given vaccinations and regular health checks to safeguard them while they are at work. Notes: PPE = personal protective equipment; SSP = Sanitation Safety Plan. 34 Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation Workers TABLE A .5. India Formal sanitation workers Informal sanitation workers Overview of current A substantial formal and permanent sanitation workforce is now in India, with basic working conditions practice protected by law. However, undesirable and high-risk jobs are typically subcontracted to temporary informal workers. Manual sanitation work includes daily cleaning, carrying, disposing of, or otherwise handling untreated human excreta from latrines, open drains, pits, or railway tracks. Sewer workers and drain cleaners enter sewers and manholes to manually remove solid waste and other debris blocking the sewerage system. An estimated one manhole worker dies unblocking sewers by hand every five days in India (BBC 2018). This number may actually be larger because many deaths are underreported. Low-grade manual sanitation work is poorly paid. Workers most likely do not have fixed wages and are often victims of extortion—some workers report getting paid in leftover or basic food items (Human Rights Watch 2014). Both men and women work as manual sanitation workers. Those perceived to be of a lower caste suffer discrimination in health care, education, employment, access to land, and employment and wages. Human and employment rights are often violated because there are few real opportunities to move away from traditional low-grade occupations. Their occupation has a negative impact on their families’ lifestyles and on their children’s schooling and job aspirations because of stigma. Manual scavenging is prohibited by law. However, challenges remain regarding the systemic discrimination of groups perceived as being of a lower caste and the multiple layers of subcontracting the high-risk jobs to temporary and informal workers, for which oversight and enforcement of laws by local authorities are weak (Human Rights Watch 2014). Types of work/customers Households, public and private institutions Women typically work the domestic areas and in schools, and men work on railways and in drains and sewers. Typical contracting Permanent government employees or private Subcontracted manual labor by civil servants, public or modes service providers registered with their relevant private agencies, or individuals city corporations Equipment Equipped with technology: Some technological Workers use basic tools or bare hands; they are mostly and robotic innovations to replace manual tasks untrained and ill-equipped. are used (for example, robotic sewer cleaner tested in Delhi). Occupational health and Direct contact with human excreta, with workers often hazards operating in enclosed spaces that have noxious gases (Doron and Jeffrey 2018) Financial status and Permanent wage, three times that of informal Poorly paid; vulnerable to extortion benefits workers (Dalberg Advisors 2018) Social status Those perceived to be of lower caste suffer widespread social discrimination. Rights and protections Basic working conditions are protected by law. Many of the most high-risk jobs are subcontracted to the most vulnerable informal and temporary workers, who have weak to no legal protection. Quantifying the problem In Mumbai alone, the reported figures collected under the Right to Information Act (2006) showed an average of 25 sanitation worker deaths per month between 2002 and 2005. These figures are likely to be conservative because of unreported incidents and the figures relating to 14/24 BMC wards (Anand 2007). An estimated 5 million full-time sanitation workers are in India, with 2 million working in high-risk conditions (Dalberg Advisors 2017; Soju, Trivedi, and Purohit 2015). Despite prohibition of manual scavenging, 20,596 people identified as manual scavengers in 163 (of the 700) Indian districts.a Other estimates suggest this number should be more than 70,000 (Dalberg Advisors 2017).b Sixty to 70 percent of workers are located in urban areas, and 50 percent of these workers are women (Dalberg Advisors 2017). table continues next page Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation Workers 35 TABLE A .5. continued Formal sanitation workers Informal sanitation workers Overview of known Manual scavenging was prohibited in India by the Employment of Manual Scavengers and Construction of Dry progressive actions Latrines (Prohibition) Act (1993). In 2013, the law was extended and clarified to include insanitary latrines, ditches, pits, railway tracks, sewers, and septic tanks in the Prohibition of Employment as Manual Scavengers and Their Rehabilitation Act. This law calls for rehabilitation of manual scavengers and provides support for alternative employment and entrepreneurship opportunities. In practice, however, there remain several challenges to the implementation of the laws and emancipation of sanitation workers in India, such as the denial of authorities of the practice since the prohibition. Other challenges include combating the systemic discrimination Dalits face, which affects their education and real opportunities to become entrepreneurs, and the multiple layers of subcontracting that enable manual scavenging to continue without oversight or enforcement of laws by local authorities (Human Rights Watch 2014). Progress has been made in advocating for sanitation workers’ rights and identifying appropriate solutions. Many local and international organizations (for example, Safai Karmachari Andolan, Navsarjan Trust in Gujarat and so on) continue to raise awareness and empower sanitation workers through capacity building and guidance and supporting leveraging trade union mechanisms to support sanitation workers. Standard operating procedures for cleaning sewers and septic tanks have been developed by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs to eliminate hazardous cleaning, prevent accidents and casualties, and limit the risk of diseases resulting from improper practice of cleaning of sewers or emptying of septic tanks. Notes: BMC = Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation. a. A survey for the Indian Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment. b. The National Safai Karamcharis Finance and Development Corporation, which represents the manual emptiers. 36 Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation Workers TABLE A .6. Kenya Formal sanitation workers Informal sanitation workers Overview of current Emptying of pit latrines and septic tanks in Kenya is done by many small enterprises and individual manual and practice mechanical emptiers. Typically, the formal and mechanized exhauster services serve the middle- to high-income households, offices, and institutions, and manual emptiers operate in the lower-income-dense settlements because of cost (mechanical is more expensive) and vehicle accessibility of the plot (Eales 2005). In Kibera, a vast, informal settlement in Nairobi, 28 percent of households use manual emptying services (Blackett and Hawkins 2017). Type of work/ Mechanized exhauster services serving the Informal manual emptiers serving the lower-income-dense customers middle- to high-income households, offices, settlements. Using teams of two to four men, contents are and institutions transferred to a 100-liter drum, which is placed on a handcart and wheeled to a nearby disposal site, typically a nearby ditch, stream, or wasteland. Typical contracting Formal public and private direct (theoretically, Informal direct business modes if not in practice, via the WSP) Equipment Mechanical exhauster vehicles. Use of PPE is Manual emptiers’ tools are a bucket on a rope and a shovel uncommon. (sometimes rented) or sometimes plastic bags over their hands (Eales 2005). Emptiers typically pour paraffin in the pit before entering to mask the smell of the excreta. Occupational health Manual emptying is physically demanding work often done at and hazards night by torchlight, often without protective clothing such as boots, gloves, or masks. Financial status and Informal sanitation workers are poorly paid and are vulnerable benefits to extortion. Social status Manual emptiers are often subject to abuse by local residents and stigmatization. Rights and protections Quantifying the problem Overview of known The UBSUP initiative targets 400,000 people in small and medium towns using on-site sanitation. It aims to progressive actions formulate a national FSM approach, including new laws to prioritize on-site sanitation based on the principles of complete sanitation service delivery (Mbalo 2017). By law, fecal sludge treatment services are to be provided by WSPs, but they have typically failed in this duty. The UBSUP provides a mechanism for the WSP to grow its own FSM knowledge and skills and in turn train, equip, and monitor manual emptiers and UDDT container teams to perform the essential sanitation services. In Kisumu, standard operating procedures and specific guidelines to explicitly protect sanitation workers’ rights, including manual emptiers, have been developed and adopted at the city level (WSUP 2018). These specify that all employees must be immunized against typhoid, hepatitis B, and cholera; have health insurance; and receive training from the county public health office. The standard operating procedures also specify personal safety and emptying equipment, best practices for transporting and disposing of waste, and customer relations guidelines. Notes: FSM = fecal sludge management; PPE = personal protective equipment; UBSUP = Up-scaling Basic Sanitation for the Urban Poor; UDDT = urine- diverting dry toilet; WSP = water service provider. Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation Workers 37 TABLE A .7. Senegal Formal sanitation workers Informal sanitation workers Overview of current In Dakar, 75 percent of the town’s population using on-site sanitation systems rely on a combination of formal and practice informal mechanical and manual emptiers to service their tanks. As in Kenya, the formal and mechanized exhauster services serve the middle- to high-income households, offices, and institutions, and manual emptiers, known as baye pellea, operate in the lower-income-dense settlements, predicated on the cost and vehicle accessibility. As in Burkina Faso, the exhauster trucks typically do not fully empty the tank, so manual emptiers are often called to complete the job. In Pikine and Guédiawaye, suburbs of Dakar, 52 percent of the population use manual emptiers. The baye pelle of Dakar work across the metropolitan area—they gain business by either walking through the neighborhood with the equipment they carry, signaling their occupation—or by occupying a location in the city where customers know they can find them. Their equipment includes a bucket, a shovel, and a long wire that allows them to judge the depth of the pit. In addition, they may use a mask or boots, and if they need to remove rocks (such as in a soakaway), gloves are useful. They take paracetamol before and after the work and drink milk after they have finished “to cleanse.” They typically add petrol to the pit before entering “to kill bacteria,” and they use cleaning products such as soap and bleach to cleanse themselves and their equipment after they have finished work. Their work is dangerous; wall collapse occurs in the baye pelle community, on average, once per month, with the frequency increasing in the rainy season. The work is physically demanding (emptying and carrying from one pit to another), and the gases are often overpowering. Furthermore, some customers add calcium carbide to the pits, known locally as “gaz,” which has a vigorous reaction when in contact with water. This is believed to facilitate emptying, but the emptiers do not like this because the acetylene gas that is produced is noxious. The baye pelle’s main priority for improving their working conditions would be to not enter the pit. Occasionally, they rent a trash pump to remove the waste from one pit to another, but the rental cost and fuel cuts into an already narrow profit margin. Working in the informal sector and serving some of the poorest neighborhoods, their income is not high or stable; households often try to negotiate the price or even fail to pay the agreed-on fee. Workers usually work in other sectors—for instance, construction—to seek additional income (Water and Sanitation Program 2000). Manual emptying is sanctioned in Senegal by the National Code of Sanitation with a risk of criminal prosecution. Vacuum trucks are then required to transport the collected sludge to designated treatment plants (figure A.1). Enforcement relies on local hygiene officers with competing priorities and pressures and limited budgets (ONAS 2017). Types of work/ The formal and mechanized exhauster Informal mechanized and manual emptiers typically serve customers services serve the middle- to high-income domestic customers. Manual emptiers operate in low-income- households, offices, and institutions. dense neighborhoods but also in higher-income areas to remove sludge that the vehicles cannot. Typical contracting Formal private—typically in teams of two to Informal private modes three people Equipment Mechanical exhauster vehicles. Use of PPE is Mechanical exhauster vehicles. Manual emptiers use basic uncommon. tools. Use of PPE is uncommon. Occupational health There is a high risk of contact with fecal Manual work is physically demanding and dangerous, and pit and hazards matter. Mechanical emptiers typically do wall collapse is common. Workers have direct contact with not wear PPE; it is not uncommon for a biological and chemical agents and work in confined spaces. mechanical emptier to enter the chamber to complete the job. Financial status and Unstable income; before recent project, Low and unstable income; day laborers benefits difficulties to mobilize financial resources for truck operation and maintenance costs Social status table continues next page 38 Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation Workers TABLE A .7. continued Formal sanitation workers Informal sanitation workers Rights and protections Employees of the largest private-sector Manual emptying is prohibited. players benefit from regular health checkups, vaccines, and training on OHS. Quantifying the problem Overview of known The Association of Emptiers of Senegal has emerged as a best-practice case of formalization and progressive actions professionalization of pit emptiers. Formed over the past 10 years, it provides a mechanism for the emptiers to organize in a context where many emptiers continue to operate informally. The association provides an interface for the utility and municipalities to be able to acknowledge and engage with one another. In 2012, the ONAS, which is responsible for urban sanitation, launched a program to improve the living conditions of low-income people living in periurban areas in the Dakar region, with activities to improve overall FSM in the city and make mechanical emptying more affordable. The program focused on professionalizing sanitation workers and included market restructuring, access to credit and parts for the mechanical emptiers, and building the capacity of public institutional actors. ONAS also delegated the management of fecal sludge treatment plants to the private sector. Employees of the largest private-sector players in the sanitation subsector benefit from regular health checkups, vaccines, and training on occupational health and safety. Notes: FSM = fecal sludge management; OHS = occupational health and safety; ONAS = National Sanitation Office of Senegal; PPE = personal protective equipment. a. Literally means father shovel in Wolof. Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation Workers 39 TABLE A .8. South Africa Formal sanitation workers Informal sanitation workers Overview of current In South Africa, sanitation work is mostly formalized, with public and private employers following national labor practice standards. Public-sector sanitation workers include those who clean sewers and private contractors manage the pit emptying. Many of the on-site sanitation systems in South Africa are dry pits with compacted dry sludge, which is difficult to empty mechanically. Therefore, these operations include manual emptying. In partnership with eThekwini utility, appropriate emptying technologies have also been developed, such as the e-Vac, a portable pump, to reduce the need for manual emptiers to enter the pits. Manual emptying presents multiple microbial and physical hazards to the sanitation worker. All sanitation workers are made aware of the hazards, are provided with PPE, and work in daylight. Type of work/ The sector is mostly formalized, with public and customers private employers. Sewer cleaning is done by public workers; pit emptying is done through large private contractors. Typical contracting Pit emptying services provided under large annual modes or multiyear contracts issued by municipality to private contractors. Contractors hire unskilled laborers on a minimum wage. Municipal workers (sewer maintenance) are employees with long-term employment contracts. Equipment Vacuum tankers are not suitable for compacted dry sludge; emptiers use shovels as well as technological innovations to avoid having workers enter pits. Occupational health Sanitation workers are made aware of potential risks and hazards and provided with PPE. Reported accidents are those in which PPE has not been used. Financial status and Unskilled sanitation workers are typically paid benefits minimum wage by contractors. Municipal workers are paid almost double, with additional benefits (13th-month salary). Social status Municipal sanitation workers are considered to have a formalized occupation and are “eligible bachelors” (those who have a good, stable income, and so on). Contractor employees may be unskilled temporary labor (sometimes migrant workers). Rights and protections Worker conditions are regulated by the Basic Conditions of Employment Act (1997), the National Occupational Health and Safety Act (1993), and the Regulations for Hazardous Biological Agents (2001). Municipal workers are union members. Quantifying the In eThekwini, there are approximately 100 pit problem emptiers on any given day through 15 private contractors, plus 800 municipal sanitation workers. Accidents are reported under the National Occupational Safety Association, but it is difficult to disaggregate data. table continues next page 40 Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation Workers TABLE A .8. continued Formal sanitation workers Informal sanitation workers Overview of known In South Africa, there has been a policy shift toward acknowledging on-site sanitation systems as a viable progressive actions sanitation option, spearheaded by municipalities such as eThekwini and Cape Town (Blackett and Hawkins 2017). eThekwini municipality is a well-known example of strong leadership from the utility and technological innovation to achieve the national goal of providing sanitation services to everyone in a sustainable manner while respecting labor and OHS laws and mitigating occupational risks for the sanitation workers (WRC 2015). In South Africa, sanitation work is regulated by the Basic Conditions of Employment Act (1997); the National Occupational Health and Safety Act (1993), which charges employers with protecting worker health and safety; and the Regulations for Hazardous Biological Agents (2001), which mandate that any person who may be exposed to a biohazard must comply with the employer’s instructions, such as wearing PPE, reporting accidents, and completing training or medical examinations. Strong trade unions have also had a great impact on such formalization and improvements of working conditions. The municipality has worked with large contractors, under large annual or multiyear contracts. The regulatory framework in South Africa protects workers’ right. Contractors have a duty to provide their employees with PPE and will check compliance of workers when on-site. The health and safety inspectorate also performs a spot- check of contractors. Notes: OHS = occupational health and safety; PPE = personal protective equipment. Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation Workers 41 TABLE A .9. Uganda Formal sanitation workers Informal sanitation workers Overview of current In Kampala, fecal sludge is collected and transported by the KCCA and by a large network of informal and practice unregulated private operators. Most vacuum trucks operate informally without a certificate of incorporation, trading license, environmental license, or a formal office. Manual emptiers work in an unhygienic setting, generally using a broken jerry can and a rope to empty pit latrines. Pits are used to bury the waste locally, or a new pit is dug alongside the original pit, allowing the contents to flow into the new pit. The latter situation carries a high risk of wall collapse (Bwengye-Kahororo 1997). Chemical additives are also marketed to “catalyze the biological process” and “reduce volumes.” The chemical composition of these products is not well-documented, and emptiers report that these additives make their work more difficult and pit walls are being corroded by the practice (Bwengye-Kahororo 1997). Types of work/ KCCA provides mechanized emptying services. A large network of informal and unregulated private customers operators; mechanical emptiers serving the middle- to high- income areas; manual emptiers serving the lower-income areas (burying the waste locally or a digging a new pit alongside the original, which allows the contents to flow into the new pit) Typical contracting Direct, informal, unregulated modes Equipment Mechanical exhauster vehicles Mechanical emptiers work with exhauster trucks; manual emptiers use basic equipment. PPE use is rare. A broken jerry can and rope are used to empty pit latrines. Occupational health Manual work is unsafe, time-consuming, and labor-intensive; and hazards pit wall collapse is common. Hazards include direct contact with biological and chemical agents and working in confined spaces. Financial status and benefits Social status Rights and protections The private emptying operators organized in two associations effectively help organize the informal private vacuum truck operators but offer no legal status. Quantifying the The association membership is more than 100 service providers. problem Overview of known Small FSM enterprises testing purpose-built technology to assist manual emptiers and reduce their progressive actions contamination risk include Forever Sanitation, which uses a Gulper technology to remove the bulk of the waste from the pit. Their business includes standard operating procedures for workers, where health and safety are important and the workers wear rubber boots, gloves, and protective clothing and clean up any spillages as they work (Blackett and Hawkins 2017). Notes: FSM = fecal sludge management; KCCA = Kampala Capital City Authority; PPE = personal protective equipment. 42 Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation Workers Julius Chisengo, 49, sanitation worker, looking on as a colleague switches on a pump to start emptying the latrine, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, June 2019. © WaterAid / James Kiyimba. Used with permission. Permission required for reuse. APPENDIX B Areas for Future Study The aim of future work in this topic would be to build the body of knowledge on sanitation workers to identify evidence-based practical next steps, notably as follows: • Clear actions for improving occupational health and safety (OHS) for sanita- tion workers in the context of sanitation development and service improvements • Evidence-based policy and regulatory recommendations • Guidance for development partners for integrating (and piloting) these actions into organizations’ own performance measures, sanitation opera- tions, and projects These steps would likely fall under the following lines of inquiry: • Quantification and profiling the sanitation workforce1 (where feasible): This step would include researching the number of workers (formal and informal, public or private, permanent or temporary) and the segment of the service chain in which they work. Research would include the type of work done, social status, and economic conditions of the workforce (particularly if the workers remain informal). It would specifically include low-grade, manual, and informal laborers as much as possible and those in low- and middle-­ income countries. If feasible, it would also quantify the disease burden of the sanitation workforce. Issues related to gender and child labor also need to be investigated. • Policy, regulatory, and legal issues: Relevant legislation might include inter- national human rights and employment conditions; basic terms of employ- ment (for both permanent employees and fixed-term and temporary workers); health and safety at work and related to specific hazards; and free- dom of assembly. The following questions should be answered: What are the global, sector-specific, and national norms, regulations, policies, standards, and laws that govern workers in this sphere? Which International Labour Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation Workers 45 Organization (ILO) standards are relevant and risks of sanitation work, particularly in low- and have been ratified? Is there a natural cascade from middle-income countries? Best-practice and the ILO and human rights conventions through enabling factors that allowed for progress in national labor and OHS law, through sector provi- the  professionalization of sanitation work and sions and requirements? Where are the gaps? the  eradication of manual sanitation work or Which are the concerned agencies? Who is respon- empowerment of sanitation workers should be sible for what? Is there policy research to improve documented. compliance and enforcement appropriate to • Parallels with other sectors: What lessons and the protection of sanitation workers? What are best practices can be learned from other sectors the financial implications of the reform and for- (specifically, related to reframing the issue to malization of the sanitation workforce to ensure generate a positive attitude toward sanitation demand for unsafe low-cost informal services by work)? What are relevant models of professional- both households and public and private sectors izing and monetizing formal and informal sec- does not perpetuate the practice? tors?2 Special attention should be given to • Institutional arrangements, with a focus on contract- temporary or informal or otherwise vulnerable ing modes and management: The following ques- groups (such as what happens to informal work- tions should be answered: Who is responsible for ers when the sector is formalized). What retrain- what? Where does the optimal locus of responsi- ing or redeployment mechanisms have worked? bility for safeguarding sanitation workers lie? Who What are the enabling factors? is responsible for contractor management? What • Allies and stakeholders: Who is supporting work in does a contract management model look like for this sector around the globe (both internationally, the deployment of a temporary and informal nationally, and locally)? Where are the entry points workforce and their contractual terms and condi- for policy influence? What set of requirements tions? Where would codes of conduct best be come into force with donor-financed interven- inserted in a contracting chain (for formal work- tions? What opportunities exist to build on the ers)? What does an effective enforcement and outreach and grassroots presence of local civil inspection look like? society organizations? • Impact of interventions: Evaluating the impact and determinants of different interventions for sanita- tion workforce (that is, improving working condi- Notes 1. Noting there are significant difficulties in collecting data at the low- tions and professionalization or creating er-grade level because workers may be elusive to find, unwilling to identify themselves, or identify under multiple trades (or all of entrepreneur and exit strategies for sanitation these). workers and their children) is important. The fol- 2. Specifically, the solid waste management sector—for example, there lowing question could be investigated: What are is a web platform in India called I Got Garbage to connect informal effective methods for mitigating occupational workers with services needed in the waste management sector. 46 Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation Workers SKU W19056