Prosperity                                                                                     Tourism contribution to GDP (%)                                   9.9 (2023)
Data360 Economy Snapshot                                                                       Tourism contribution to employment (%) 10.3 (2023)
                                                                                               International arrivals (Millions)                                 0.47 (2020)
                                                                                               Intl. tourism receipts (USD, Billions)                            0.13 (1999)
                                                                                               T & T Development Index (Best Score=7) 3.24 (2024)
NICARAGUA                                                                                      T & T Development Index Ranking                                   108/119 (2024)

Key Indicators
     Tourism Contribution to GDP (%)                                   Contribution to Total Employment (%)                      T & T Development Index (TTDI)

                                                                                                                                    Indicator          NIC         S.R.      World
                                                                                                                                   Score, 2024          3.2         3.9         4.0
                                                                                                                                   Score, 2021          3.2         3.9         4.0
                                                                                                                                   Score, 2019          3.2         3.9         3.9
                                                                                                                                   Rank, 2024         108.0        68.5        60.0
                                                                                                                                   Rank, 2021         108.0        68.3        60.0
                                                                                                                                   Rank, 2019         106.0        66.9        60.0

                                                                                                                                   Ranking out of 119 economies
                                                                                                                                   S.R. denotes the corresponding sub-region in the TTDI report

                      SOURCE: WTTC                                                        SOURCE: WTTC                                            SOURCE: WEF TTDI

            International Arrivals (Millions)                           International Receipts (USD, Billions)                 Tourism FDI in region (USD, Billions)

                       SOURCE: WDI                                                         SOURCE: WDI                                             SOURCE: UNWTO

Tourism Enabling Environment
                  T & T Development Index Pillars, 1-7 (best)                                                       T & T Development Dimensions, 1-7 (best)

                                                                                                                   TTDI Score Vs. Travel Expenditure Per Arrival

The TTDI benchmarks and measures the set of factors and policies that enable the sustainable and
resilient development of the Travel and Tourism (T&T) sector, which in turn contributes to the
development of an economy. The TTDI is calculated as an average (arithmetic mean) of 17
component pillar averages (arithmetic means), organized into 5 dimensions.
                                                                                   SOURCE: WEF TTDI 2024 & UNWTO

                                                                                Prosperity Data360                                            GENERATED ON: 2024-10-31
Tourism Supply
                Marine Protected areas                                        Terrestrial Protected areas
                 (% of territorial waters)                                       (% of total land area)

                            SOURCE: WDI                                                SOURCE: WDI

            Number of rooms (Thousands)                                       Occupancy rate / rooms (%)

                           SOURCE: UNWTO                                              SOURCE: UNWTO

Tourism Demand
   International Tourist Arrivals            International Tourism Receipts                           Travel Services
             (Millions)                          (Current US$, Billions)                (% of commercial service exports)

             SOURCE: WDI                                SOURCE: WDI                                      SOURCE: WDI

                                                   Prosperity Data360                                  GENERATED ON: 2024-10-31
Methodological Notes

Tourism contribution to GDP. Refers to the Travel and Tourism’s total contribution to GDP, which equals the
internal Travel & Tourism consumption (i.e. visitor spending, domestic resident Travel & Tourism expenditure, and
government individual Travel & Tourism spending) minus the purchases (including imports) by Travel & Tourism
providers, as well as its wider impacts on the economy (i.e. the indirect and induced impacts). More information can
be found at the WTTC/Oxford Economics 2023 Travel & Tourism Economic Impact Research Methodology of May

Tourism contribution to total employment. Refers to Travel and Tourism total employment and it is calculated in
different ways depending on whether the economy has a TSA, input-output tables, or none of those. More
information can be found at the WTTC/Oxford Economics 2023 Travel & Tourism Economic Impact Research
Methodology of May 2023.

T & T Development Index. The Travel & Tourism Development Index (TTDI) benchmarks and measures the set of
factors and policies that enable the sustainable and resilient development of the Travel and Tourism (T&T) sector,
which in turn contributes to the development of an economy. The TTDI is calculated as an average (arithmetic
mean) of 17 component pillar averages (arithmetic means), organized into 5 dimensions:

1. Enabling Environment (five pillars): 1. Business Environment; 2. Safety and Security; 3. Health and Hygiene; 4.
   Human Resources and Labour Market; 5. ICT Readiness
2. T&T Policy and Enabling Conditions (three pillars): 6. Prioritization of T&T; 7. Openness to T&T; 8. Price
3. Infrastructure and Services (three pillars): 9. Air Transport Infrastructure; 10. Ground and Port Infrastructure; 11.
   Tourist Services and Infrastructure
4. T&T Resources (three pillars): 12. Natural Resources; 13. Cultural Resources; 14. Non-Leisure Resources
5. T&T Sustainability (three pillars): 15. Environmental Sustainability; 16. T&T Socioeconomic Impact; 17. T&T
   Demand Sustainability

More information can be found at the Technical notes and methodology of the TTDI 2024.

International Tourist Arrivals and Receipts. Data are compiled by the UNWTO Secretariat based on preliminary
data reported by the institutions of the various countries and territories. Receipts from international tourism are a
services export in the countries’ balance of payments (the ‘travel’ item) which includes all transactions related to
the consumption of goods and services by international visitors, such as accommodation, food and drink, fuel,
domestic transport, entertainment, and shopping. Travel receipts do not include receipts from international
passenger transport contracted from companies outside the travelers’ countries of residence. International tourism
receipts account for exchange rate changes and inflation. More information can be found at the UNWTO World
Tourism Barometer.

Travel Services. Travel covers goods and services acquired from an economy by travelers for their own use during
visits of less than one year in that economy for either business or personal purposes. Same as in the case of travel
receipts, Travel Services include local transport (i.e., transport within the economy being visited and provided by a
resident of that economy), but exclude international transport (which is included in passenger transport). Travel also
excludes goods for resale, which are included in general merchandise.

For more information, email us at: Visit our Tourism and Competitiveness website.

                                                     Prosperity Data360                           GENERATED ON: 2024-10-31

The Prosperity Data360 platform only aggregates publicly available data and does not produce or own any
mentioned data.

Region and income group mapping followed in the data sheets are as per the official World Bank classification.
Aggregates calculated do not include economies absent in the World Bank list.

Economy borders or names do not necessarily reflect the World Bank Group's official position. Maps available
through the Prosperity Data360 are for illustrative purposes and do not imply the expression of any opinion on the
part of the World Bank, concerning the legal status of any economy or territory or concerning the delimitation of
frontiers or boundaries.

                                                  Prosperity Data360                        GENERATED ON: 2024-10-31