GDP Per Capita, PPP (USD, thousands) 13.83 (2023) Prosperity Data360 Economy Snapshot GDP Growth (annual %) 0.59 (2023) Population (millions) 0.01 (2023) Finance, Competitiveness & Innovation Inflation, Consumer Prices (annual %) -0.12 (2012) Employment to Population Ratio (%) 61.9 (2021) NAURU Urban Population (%) 100.0 (2023) EAST ASIA & PACIFIC (EAS) ; HIGH INCOME Female/Male Labor Force (%) 77.12 (2021) Trade Trade Balance and Current Account SOURCE: WDI Current US$, billion % of GDP Top Exports, by % of total value SOURCE: WITS Top Imports, by % of total value SOURCE: WITS Prosperity Data360 UPDATED ON: 2025-01-17 Investment FDI Investments Inv. with private participation (USD, bn.) SOURCE: WDI Sectoral composition Value added, % GDP Employment, % of total SOURCE: WDI Prosperity Data360 UPDATED ON: 2025-01-17 Value Added in Manufacturing (%) SOURCE: WDI Finance - Access & Stability Indicator Year Overall Female Male EAS EAS(F) EAS(M) WLD WLD(F) WLD(M) Account (% age 15+) 2022 - - - 56.27 52.78 59.96 38.45 34.37 42.85 Financial institution account (% age 15+) 2022 - - - 56.06 52.46 59.88 31.68 27.56 36.21 Mobile money account (% age 15+) 2022 - - - 16.47 14.74 18.29 18.89 17.15 20.73 Owns a debit or credit card (% age 15+) 2022 - - - 49.24 45.81 52.86 17.27 14.61 20.19 Made or received a digital payment (% age 15+) 2022 - - - 45.98 43.69 48.41 31.37 27.7 35.33 Used a mobile phone or the internet to pay 2022 - - - 25.02 24.5 25.57 12.33 10.98 13.8 bills (% age 15+) Used a debit or credit card (% age 15+) 2022 - - - 19.06 - - 14.82 - - Commercial bank branches (per 100,000 adults) 2021 - - - 16.33 - - 16.1 - - Bank capital to assets ratio (%) 2021 - - - 10.02 - - 9.79 - - Bank nonperforming loans to total gross loans (%) 2022 - - - - - - 3.41 - - SOURCE: FINDEX & WDI Competitiveness Doing Business Categories Indicator Year NRU EAS WLD Indicator Year NRU EAS WLD Doing Business 2020 - 65.96 63.05 Protecting minority investors 2020 - 52.76 51.57 Starting a business 2020 - 85.21 84.36 Paying taxes 2020 - 75.38 69.46 Dealing with construction permits 2020 - 71.98 65.85 Trading across borders 2020 - 73.26 71.45 Getting electricity 2020 - 77.15 69.66 Enforcing contracts 2020 - 56.07 56.35 Registering property 2020 - 60.71 62.06 Resolving insolvency 2020 - 46.37 45.36 Getting credit 2020 - 60.69 54.42 SOURCE: DOING BUSINESS Prosperity Data360 UPDATED ON: 2025-01-17 Enterprise Survey - Constraints SOURCE: ENTERPRISE SURVEYS Global Competitiveness Index Enabling the Business of Agriculture SOURCE: WEF GCI SOURCE: EBA Logistics Performance Index SOURCE: LPI Prosperity Data360 UPDATED ON: 2025-01-17 Disclaimer The Prosperity Data360 platform only aggregates publicly available data and does not produce or own any mentioned data. The World Bank’s Doing Business (DB) report was discontinued on September 16th, 2021 due to data irregularities. Data rectification of affected historical DB data (2016-2020) was carried out. This historical data, including the sets incorporated in these sheets, may be used for research and analysis. Region and income group mapping followed in the data sheets are as per the official World Bank classification. Aggregates calculated do not include economies absent in the World Bank list. Economy borders or names do not necessarily reflect the World Bank Group's official position. Maps available through the Prosperity Data360 are for illustrative purposes and do not imply the expression of any opinion on the part of the World Bank, concerning the legal status of any economy or territory or concerning the delimitation of frontiers or boundaries. Prosperity Data360 UPDATED ON: 2025-01-17