Project information: Accelerating and Strengthening Skills for Economic
Transformation Project) (ASSET), P167506
Project Implementation agency: Directorate of Technical Education
(DTE), Technical and Madrasah Education Division (TMED), Ministry of
Education (MoE)
Date of the Procurement Plan: March 23, 2022
Period covered by this Procurement Plan: March 2022 to March 2025


In accordance with paragraph 5.9 of the “World Bank Procurement Regulations
for IPF Borrowers” (dated July 2016, revised November 2017, August 2018 and
November 2020) (“Procurement Regulations”) the Bank’s Systematic Tracking
and Exchanges in Procurement (STEP) system will be used to prepare, clear
and update Procurement Plans and conduct all procurement transactions for
the Project.

This textual part along with the Procurement Plan tables in STEP constitute the
Procurement Plan for the Project. The following conditions apply to all
procurement activities in the Procurement Plan. The other elements of the
Procurement Plan as required under paragraph 4.4 of the Procurement
Regulations are set forth in STEP.

The Bank’s Standard Procurement Documents: shall be used for all
contracts subject to international competitive procurement and those
contracts as specified in the Procurement Plan tables in STEP.

National Procurement Arrangements: In accordance with paragraph 5.3
of the Procurement Regulations, when approaching the national market (as
specified in the Procurement Plan tables in STEP), the country’s own
procurement procedures may be used.
    When the Borrower uses its own national open competitive procurement
    arrangements as set forth in the People’s Republic of Bangladesh (Public
    Procurement Act 2006 - PPA, 1st amendment to PPA (2009) and the Public
    Procurement Rules 2008, as amended in August 2009) , such
    arrangements shall be subject to paragraph 5.4 of the Procurement
    Regulations and the following conditions :
       a) e-GP system of the country for national competitive bidding (NCB)
          shall be followed using Standard/Model Procurement documents
          satisfactory to the Bank
       b) Post bidding negotiations shall not be allowed with the lowest
          evaluated or any other bidder;
       c) Bids should be submitted and opened in public in one location
          immediately after the deadline for submission;
       d) Lottery in award of contracts shall not be allowed;
       e) Bidders’ qualification/experience requirement shall be mandatory

       f) Bids shall not be invited or rejected on the basis of percentage
          above or below the estimated cost.

    When other national procurement arrangements other than national open
    competitive procurement arrangements are applied by the Borrower,
    such arrangements shall be subject to paragraph 5.5 of the Procurement

Leased Assets as specified under paragraph 5.10 of the Procurement
Regulations: “Not Applicable”
Procurement of Second Hand Goods as specified under paragraph 5.11 of
the Procurement Regulations – “Not Applicable”
Domestic preference as specified under paragraph 5.51 of the Procurement
Regulations (Goods and Works). Specify for each
    Goods: is applicable for those contracts identified in the Procurement Plan
Other Relevant Procurement Information.
    Procurement Responsibility: Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) is the
    implementing agency (IA) who will be responsible for all procurements.
    Procurement Threshold

    Bank-financed all contracts at or above the thresholds set out in the below
    table 1 are subject to the Bank’s procurement prior review.
          Table 1: Procurement Prior Review Thresholds (US$ millions)
                                         High     Substant    Modera    Low
        Type of procurement
                                         risk      ial risk   te risk   risk
  Works (including turnkey, supply &
 installation of plant and equipment,      5         10         15       20
                and PPP)
Goods, information technology and
                                        1.5         2          4         6
     non-consulting services
        Consultants: firms              0.5         1          2         4

     Consultants: individuals           0.2        0.3        0.4       0.5

  Irrespective of the contract value, the following procurement activities are
  subject to the Bank’s procurement prior review:
       a. procurement processes involving contract negotiations as,
          described in paragraphs 6.34-36 of Section VI of the Procurement
          Regulation for Borrowers;

       b. competitive dialogue;

       c. sustainable procurement; and

       d. best and final offer.

  The determination of whether a contract meets the procurement prior
  review threshold is based on the estimated value of the contract,
  including all taxes and duties payable under the contract.
                Bangladesh : Accelerating and Strengthening Skills for Economic Transformation
General Information
Country:           Bangladesh                                                                              2022-04-03
                                                      Bank’s Approval Date of the Original Procurement Plan:
                                                      Revised Plan Date(s): (comma delineated, leave blank if none)
Project ID:        P167506                            GPN Date:                                            2022-04-18
Project Name:      Accelerating and Strengthening Skills for Economic Transformation
Loan / Credit No:  IDA / 68740
                   Technical and Madrasah Education Division
Executing Agency(ies):

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                        Estimated Actual Am                                                                                                                                                                          Bid Evaluation Report
                                Loan / Credit N                                                                     Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification High SEA/SH R Procurement D                     Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu                  Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement            Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission /                                                               Contract Complet
       Description                                       Component                 Review Type       Method                                                                                     Amount (U ount (US$                                                                                                                                                                          and Recommendation                    Signed Contract
                                       o.                                                                                  h             cess           (Y/N)             isk     ocument Type                         atus         Documents               ation Report                        ent / Justification Notice / Invitation                  s Issued        Opening / Minutes                                                                        ion
                                                                                                                                                                                                    S$)       )                                                                                                                                                                                    for Award
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Planned     Actual      Planned      Actual                    Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual       Planned     Actual  Planned     Actual    Planned     Actual                 Planned       Actual      Planned
                                                                                                                                                                                      National Procure
                                                  Component 3: Capacity Dev
                                                                                                                                                                                      ment Document -
BD-TMED-317150-CW-RFB /                           elopment, Project Managem                                                             Single Stage - One E                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               2023-11-0
                                IDA / 68740                                     Post             Request for Bids   Open - National                                                   1 Envelope proce    174,400.00       0.00    Signed                                                      2023-02-28   2023-03-23   2023-03-21   2023-03-27                             2023-05-02   2023-04-18   2023-07-01   2023-07-15   2023-08-05   2023-07-23
Office refurbishment of DTE                       ent, Social Marketing and M                                                           nvelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                3
                                                                                                                                                                                      ss (Non Bank-SPD
                                                  onitoring & Evaluation

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Bid Evaluation Report
                                Loan / Credit N                                                                     Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification Estimated Am Actual Amount           Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu   Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement            Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission /
       Description                                       Component                 Review Type       Method                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        and Recommendation                    Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                       o.                                                                                  h             cess           (Y/N)        ount (US$)      (US$)                  atus         Documents              ation Report          ent / Justification Notice / Invitation                  s Issued        Opening / Minutes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         for Award
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Planned       Actual   Planned    Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual       Planned     Actual  Planned     Actual    Planned     Actual                 Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual
 BD-TMED-286889-GO-RFB /                          Component 3: Capacity Dev
Procurement of Desktop Com                        elopment, Project Managem                                                             Single Stage - One E
                              IDA / 68740                                       Post             Request for Bids   Open - National                                       66,176.47              0.00    Completed                                                   2022-04-05   2022-05-24   2022-04-10                                          2022-05-22   2022-06-13   2022-06-21   2022-07-03   2022-07-26   2022-07-14   2023-01-22   2022-10-06
puter, UPS, Laptop Computer                       ent, Social Marketing and M                                                           nvelope
, Photocopier, Printer,Scanne                     onitoring & Evaluation
r, DSLR Camera,etc

 BD-TMED-317152-GO-RFB /                          Component 3: Capacity Dev
Supply & installation of Offic                    elopment, Project Managem                                                             Single Stage - One E
                               IDA / 68740                                      Post             Request for Bids   Open - National                                       16,280.00              0.00    Completed                                                   2022-10-10   2022-11-30   2022-10-15                                          2022-11-26   2022-12-15   2022-12-26   2023-01-08   2023-01-30   2023-01-18   2023-03-01   2023-03-19
e Equipment (Photocopier, Pr                      ent, Social Marketing and M                                                           nvelope
inter & Scanner)                                  onitoring & Evaluation

                                                  Component 3: Capacity Dev
 G5A / Supply of Furniture an                     elopment, Project Managem                                                             Single Stage - One E
                                IDA / 68740                                     Post             Request for Bids   Open - National                                      232,550.00              0.00    Completed                                                   2023-05-21   2023-09-14   2023-05-26   2023-09-20                             2023-06-16   2023-10-10   2023-07-31   2023-11-13   2023-09-04   2023-11-20   2024-01-02   2024-05-20
d Fixtures for PMU office                         ent, Social Marketing and M                                                           nvelope
                                                  onitoring & Evaluation

                                                  Component 3: Capacity Dev
G11A / Supply of Computer                         elopment, Project Managem                      Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E
                                IDA / 68740                                     Post                               Open - National                                         2,325.00              0.00    Completed                                                                             2023-05-26   2023-06-19                                                                                 2023-06-22   2023-07-19   2023-07-13   2023-08-01
Consumables                                       ent, Social Marketing and M                    tions                                  nvelope
                                                  onitoring & Evaluation

 G57 / Supply of Materials for                    Component 1: Transforming
Seminar, Workshops and Con                        Formal Skills Development f                                                           Single Stage - One E
                               IDA / 68740                                      Post             Request for Bids   Open - National                                      232,550.00              0.00    Signed                                                      2023-05-28   2023-09-14   2023-06-02   2023-11-26                             2023-06-30   2023-10-04   2023-07-30   2023-11-14   2023-09-10   2023-12-12   2025-09-09
ferences under framework co                       or Future of Work, Inclusiven                                                         nvelope
ntract                                            ess, and Resilience

 G59 / Supply of Project Mana                     Component 3: Capacity Dev
gement Information System                         elopment, Project Managem                                                             Single Stage - One E
                              IDA / 68740                                       Post             Request for Bids   Open - National                                      286,000.00              0.00    Canceled                                                    2023-05-28   2023-05-18   2023-06-02   2023-05-21                             2023-06-04   2023-06-21   2023-08-03                2023-09-07                2023-12-06
Software with 04 year opera                       ent, Social Marketing and M                                                           nvelope
tional and maintenance supp                       onitoring & Evaluation

                                                  Component 3: Capacity Dev
 BD-TMED-286891-GO-RFB /
                                                  elopment, Project Managem                                                             Single Stage - One E
Supply of Accounts and other IDA / 68740                                        Post             Request for Bids   Open - National                                       12,941.18              0.00    Canceled                                                    2022-05-03                2022-05-08                                          2022-06-19                2022-07-19                2022-08-23                2023-02-19
                                                  ent, Social Marketing and M                                                           nvelope
                                                  onitoring & Evaluation

                                                  Component 3: Capacity Dev
 BD-TMED-286890-GO-RFB /                          elopment, Project Managem                                                             Single Stage - One E
                                IDA / 68740                                     Post             Request for Bids   Open - National                                       35,294.12              0.00    Canceled                                                    2022-04-12                2022-04-17                                          2022-05-29                2022-06-28                2022-08-02                2023-01-29
Supply of furniture for PMU                       ent, Social Marketing and M                                                           nvelope
                                                  onitoring & Evaluation

 G2B / Supply and Installatio                     Component 3: Capacity Dev
n of Laptop, Intercom System                      elopment, Project Managem                                                             Single Stage - One E
                              IDA / 68740                                       Post             Request for Bids   Open - National                                       32,500.00              0.00    Canceled                                                    2023-05-21   2023-06-12   2023-05-26   2023-06-12                             2023-06-16   2023-06-26   2023-07-31                2023-09-04                2023-12-03
and LAN for PMU including all                     ent, Social Marketing and M                                                           nvelope
accessories                                       onitoring & Evaluation

                                                  Component 3: Capacity Dev
 G2B1 / Supply of Laptop wi
                                                  elopment, Project Managem                                                             Single Stage - One E
th essential Software for PM    IDA / 68740                                     Post             Request for Bids   Open - National                                        7,000.00              0.00    Completed                                                   2023-08-28   2023-09-14   2023-09-02   2023-09-20                             2023-09-23   2023-10-02   2023-10-07   2023-10-18   2023-11-11   2023-11-12   2023-12-11   2024-02-18
                                                  ent, Social Marketing and M                                                           nvelope
                                                  onitoring & Evaluation

 G2B2 / Supply and Installati                     Component 3: Capacity Dev
on Intercom System and LAN                        elopment, Project Managem                                                             Single Stage - One E
                                IDA / 68740                                     Post             Request for Bids   Open - National                                       21,000.00              0.00    Completed                                                   2023-08-28   2023-09-14   2023-09-02   2023-09-20                             2023-09-23   2023-10-04   2023-10-07   2023-11-07   2023-11-11   2023-11-21   2023-12-11   2024-02-18
for PMU including all accesso                     ent, Social Marketing and M                                                           nvelope
ries                                              onitoring & Evaluation

                                                  Component 3: Capacity Dev
                                                  elopment, Project Managem                      Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E
G26 / Supply of Stationery      IDA / 68740                                     Post                               Limited                                                 5,300.00              0.00    Completed                                                                             2023-09-03   2023-09-14                                                                                 2023-11-08   2023-10-26   2023-11-11   2023-11-28
                                                  ent, Social Marketing and M                    tions                                  nvelope
                                                  onitoring & Evaluation

                                                  Component 3: Capacity Dev
 G12 / Supply of Accounts Sof                     elopment, Project Managem
                              IDA / 68740                                       Prior            Direct Selection   Direct - National                                    174,000.00              0.00    Canceled                                                    2023-09-10   2023-09-10   2023-09-15   2023-09-24                                                                                 2023-10-13                2023-12-27
tware                                             ent, Social Marketing and M
                                                  onitoring & Evaluation

                                                  Component 3: Capacity Dev
 G2C1 / Supply of Video Conf                      elopment, Project Managem                                                             Single Stage - One E
                                IDA / 68740                                     Post             Request for Bids   Open - National                                       11,650.00              0.00    Signed                                                      2023-09-21   2023-09-27   2023-09-21   2023-11-26                             2023-10-12   2023-10-12   2023-10-26   2023-11-07   2023-11-30   2023-11-15   2023-12-30
erence system at PD room                          ent, Social Marketing and M                                                           nvelope
                                                  onitoring & Evaluation

                                                  Component 3: Capacity Dev
 G12B / Supply of Accounts S                      elopment, Project Managem                                                             Single Stage - One E
                                IDA / 68740                                     Post             Request for Bids   Limited                                              174,400.00              0.00    Canceled                                                    2023-12-07   2023-12-06   2023-12-12                                          2023-12-26                2024-01-09                2024-01-23                2024-02-22
oftware                                           ent, Social Marketing and M                                                           nvelope
                                                  onitoring & Evaluation

 G2C / Supply and Installation                    Component 3: Capacity Dev
of Multimedia System (Projec                      elopment, Project Managem                                                             Single Stage - One E                                             Under Imple
                               IDA / 68740                                      Post             Request for Bids   Open - National                                      110,000.00              0.00                                                                2024-01-15   2024-05-19   2024-01-20   2024-05-29                             2024-02-04                2024-03-05                2024-04-09                2024-04-13
tors + screens), PA System,                       ent, Social Marketing and M                                                           nvelope                                                          mentation
and Video Conferencing Syst                       onitoring & Evaluation

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Page 1
 G2D / Supply of Video Came                    Component 3: Capacity Dev
ra, Digital Camera and suppl                   elopment, Project Managem                                                 Single Stage - One E                       Pending Impl
                                IDA / 68740                                  Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                           20,930.00   0.00                           2024-01-15                2024-01-20                2024-02-03                2024-03-04                2024-04-08                2024-05-08
y & installation of Video editi                ent, Social Marketing and M                                               nvelope                                    ementation
ng Panel for PMU                               onitoring & Evaluation

                                               Component 3: Capacity Dev
G10 / Supply of Generator (4                   elopment, Project Managem                                                 Single Stage - One E
                             IDA / 68740                                     Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                           29,100.00   0.00   Signed                  2024-03-10   2024-04-01   2024-03-15   2024-05-29   2024-04-05   2024-04-25   2024-05-05   2024-06-03   2024-06-09   2024-06-19   2024-08-08
0KVA)                                          ent, Social Marketing and M                                               nvelope
                                               onitoring & Evaluation

                                               Component 3: Capacity Dev
 G15A / Supply of Stationarie                  elopment, Project Managem            Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E
                                 IDA / 68740                                 Post                     Open - National                             1,400.00   0.00   Canceled                                          2023-06-02                                                                    2023-06-29                2023-07-20
s for PMU office                               ent, Social Marketing and M          tions                                nvelope
                                               onitoring & Evaluation

 BD-TMED-317151-GO-RFB /                       Component 1: Transforming
Establishment of Internet & T                  Formal Skills Development f                                               Single Stage - One E
                              IDA / 68740                                    Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                           17,450.00   0.00   Canceled                2022-10-10                2022-10-25                2022-11-04                2022-12-04                2023-01-08                2023-07-07
elecom Network of the Projec                   or Future of Work, Inclusiven                                             nvelope
t Office                                       ess, and Resilience

                                               Component 3: Capacity Dev
 BD-TMED-317153-GO-RFB /
                                               elopment, Project Managem                                                 Single Stage - One E
Supply and installation of PA    IDA / 68740                                 Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                           11,630.00   0.00   Canceled                2022-10-11                2022-10-16                2022-11-27                2022-12-27                2023-01-31                2023-03-02
                                               ent, Social Marketing and M                                               nvelope
and multimedia system
                                               onitoring & Evaluation

                                               Component 3: Capacity Dev
G65 / Supply of Calendar &                     elopment, Project Managem            Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E
                                 IDA / 68740                                 Post                     Limited                                     5,800.00   0.00   Canceled                                          2024-01-30                                                                    2024-03-12                2024-04-11
Diary for PMU                                  ent, Social Marketing and M          tions                                nvelope
                                               onitoring & Evaluation

                                               Component 3: Capacity Dev
 G12B. / Supply of Accounts                    elopment, Project Managem                                                 Single Stage - One E
                                 IDA / 68740                                 Post   Request for Bids   Limited                                  174,000.00   0.00   Canceled                2023-12-10   2023-12-14   2023-12-15   2024-01-02   2024-01-12                2024-01-22                2024-02-01                2024-02-29
Software                                       ent, Social Marketing and M                                               nvelope
                                               onitoring & Evaluation

                                               Component 1: Transforming
 CP- GD-02 / Supply and oper                   Formal Skills Development f                                               Single Stage - One E                       Under Imple
                             IDA / 68740                                     Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                          352,521.00   0.00                           2024-06-18   2024-09-25   2024-06-23   2024-09-25   2024-07-21   2024-10-17   2024-08-20                2024-09-24                2024-12-23
ation of Laptop Computers                      or Future of Work, Inclusiven                                             nvelope                                    mentation
                                               ess, and Resilience

                                               Component 1: Transforming
 CP-GD-03 / Supply, installati
                                               Formal Skills Development f                                               Single Stage - One E                       Pending Impl
on & operation of CCTV (FR)      IDA / 68740                                 Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                           85,812.00   0.00                           2024-06-17                2024-06-22                2024-07-20                2024-08-19                2024-08-28                2024-11-26
                                               or Future of Work, Inclusiven                                             nvelope                                    ementation
Camera & Biometric Devices
                                               ess, and Resilience

                                               Component 1: Transforming
 CP-GD-04 / Supply, installati
                                               Formal Skills Development f                                               Single Stage - One E                       Pending Impl
on & operation of Virtual Des    IDA / 68740                                 Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                          134,427.00   0.00                           2024-06-18                2024-06-23                2024-07-21                2024-08-20                2024-08-29                2024-11-27
                                               or Future of Work, Inclusiven                                             nvelope                                    ementation
ktop Infrastructure (VDI)
                                               ess, and Resilience

 CP-GD-05 / Supply, installati                 Component 1: Transforming
on & operation of Multimedia                   Formal Skills Development f                                               Single Stage - Two E                       Pending Impl
                                 IDA / 68740                                 Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                          497,778.00   0.00                           2024-06-19                2024-06-24                2024-07-22                2024-10-11                2024-11-15                2025-05-14
Projectors with screens & uni                  or Future of Work, Inclusiven                                             nvelope                                    ementation
versal ceiling kits                            ess, and Resilience

                                               Component 1: Transforming
 CP-GD-06 / Supply, installati
                                               Formal Skills Development f                                               Single Stage - One E                       Under Imple
on & operation of Smart Boar IDA / 68740                                     Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                          415,556.00   0.00                           2024-06-25   2024-10-23   2024-06-30   2024-10-24   2024-07-28                2024-08-27                2024-10-01                2025-03-30
                                               or Future of Work, Inclusiven                                             nvelope                                    mentation
                                               ess, and Resilience

                                               Component 1: Transforming
 CP-GD-07 / Supply, installati
                                               Formal Skills Development f                                               Single Stage - One E                       Under Imple
on & operation of Air Conditi    IDA / 68740                                 Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                          279,060.00   0.00                           2024-07-04   2024-10-23   2024-07-09   2024-10-23   2024-08-06                2024-09-05                2024-10-10                2025-04-08
                                               or Future of Work, Inclusiven                                             nvelope                                    mentation
                                               ess, and Resilience

                                               Component 1: Transforming
 CP-GD-08 / Supply, installati
                                               Formal Skills Development f                                               Single Stage - One E                       Pending Impl
on & operation of Smart Clas     IDA / 68740                                 Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                          794,872.00   0.00                           2024-07-07                2024-07-12                2024-08-09                2024-09-08                2024-10-13                2025-01-11
                                               or Future of Work, Inclusiven                                             nvelope                                    ementation
s Rooms
                                               ess, and Resilience

 CP-GD-10 / Supply, installati
                                               Component 1: Transforming
on and commissioning of Lab
                                               Formal Skills Development f                                               Single Stage - One E                       Pending Impl
Equipment (Radiology and Im IDA / 68740                                      Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                           46,581.00   0.00                           2024-07-21                2024-07-26                2024-08-23                2024-09-22                2024-10-27                2025-01-25
                                               or Future of Work, Inclusiven                                             nvelope                                    ementation
aging) for IHT, MATS, Nursing
                                               ess, and Resilience
& Midwifery Institutes

 CP-GD-11 / Supply, installati
                                               Component 1: Transforming
on and commissioning of Lab
                                               Formal Skills Development f                                               Single Stage - One E                       Pending Impl
Equipment (Biochemistry, He IDA / 68740                                      Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                          194,397.00   0.00                           2024-07-21                2024-07-26                2024-08-23                2024-09-22                2024-10-27                2025-01-25
                                               or Future of Work, Inclusiven                                             nvelope                                    ementation
matology, Immunology & Pat
                                               ess, and Resilience
hology) for IHT, MATS, Nursin
g & Midwifery Institutes

 CP-GD-12 / Supply, installati
                                               Component 1: Transforming
on and commissioning of Lab
                                               Formal Skills Development f                                               Single Stage - One E                       Pending Impl
equipment (Simulators, Mani IDA / 68740                                      Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                          387,812.00   0.00                           2024-07-22                2024-07-27                2024-08-24                2024-09-23                2024-10-28                2025-01-26
                                               or Future of Work, Inclusiven                                             nvelope                                    ementation
kins, Model Organs) for IHT,
                                               ess, and Resilience
MATS, Nursing & Midwifery In

 CP-GD-13 / Supply, installati                 Component 1: Transforming
on and commissioning of Inst                   Formal Skills Development f                                               Single Stage - One E                       Pending Impl
                               IDA / 68740                                   Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                          301,632.00   0.00                           2024-07-21                2024-07-26                2024-08-23                2024-09-22                2024-10-27                2025-01-25
ruments for IHT, MATS, Nursi                   or Future of Work, Inclusiven                                             nvelope                                    ementation
ng & Midwifery Institutes                      ess, and Resilience

 CP-GD-14 / Supply, installati                 Component 1: Transforming
on and commissioning of Dev                    Formal Skills Development f                                               Single Stage - One E                       Pending Impl
                               IDA / 68740                                   Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                          576,479.00   0.00                           2024-07-28                2024-08-02                2024-08-30                2024-09-29                2024-11-03                2025-02-01
ices & Miscellaneous consum                    or Future of Work, Inclusiven                                             nvelope                                    ementation
ables for IHT, MATS, Nursing                   ess, and Resilience
& Midwifery Institutes

 CP-GD-15 / Supply, installati                 Component 1: Transforming
on and commissioning of Ma                     Formal Skills Development f                                               Single Stage - One E                       Pending Impl
                               IDA / 68740                                   Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                          194,017.00   0.00                           2024-07-22                2024-07-27                2024-08-24                2024-09-23                2024-10-28                2025-01-26
chineries for Civil Technology                 or Future of Work, Inclusiven                                             nvelope                                    ementation
of Polytechnic Institutes                      ess, and Resilience

 CP-GD-16 / Supply, installati                 Component 1: Transforming
on and commissioning of Ma                     Formal Skills Development f                                               Single Stage - One E                       Pending Impl
                                 IDA / 68740                                 Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                          109,830.00   0.00                           2024-07-21                2024-07-26                2024-08-23                2024-09-22                2024-10-27                2025-01-25
chineries for Electrical Techn                 or Future of Work, Inclusiven                                             nvelope                                    ementation
ology of Polytechnic Institute                 ess, and Resilience

 CP-GD-17 / Supply, installati                 Component 1: Transforming
on and commissioning of Ma                     Formal Skills Development f                                               Single Stage - One E                       Pending Impl
                               IDA / 68740                                   Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                          270,890.00   0.00                           2024-07-23                2024-07-28                2024-08-25                2024-09-24                2024-10-29                2025-01-27
chineries for Mechanical Tec                   or Future of Work, Inclusiven                                             nvelope                                    ementation
hnology of Polytechnic Institu                 ess, and Resilience

                                                                                                                                                                                   Page 2
 CP-GD-18 / Supply, installati                  Component 1: Transforming
on and commissioning of Ma                      Formal Skills Development f                                                 Single Stage - One E                         Pending Impl
                                  IDA / 68740                                 Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                              23,419.00    0.00                           2024-07-15                2024-07-20                2024-08-17                2024-09-16   2024-10-21   2024-10-30
chineries for Computer Tech                     or Future of Work, Inclusiven                                               nvelope                                      ementation
nology of Polytechnic Institut                  ess, and Resilience

 CP-GD-19 / Supply, installati                  Component 1: Transforming
on and commissioning of Ma                      Formal Skills Development f                                                 Single Stage - One E                         Pending Impl
                               IDA / 68740                                    Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                             161,540.00    0.00                           2024-07-16                2024-07-21                2024-08-18                2024-09-17   2024-09-26   2025-01-13
chineries for Electronics Tech                  or Future of Work, Inclusiven                                               nvelope                                      ementation
nology of Polytechnic Institut                  ess, and Resilience

 CP-GD-21 / Supply, installati                  Component 1: Transforming
on and commissioning of Ma                      Formal Skills Development f                                                 Single Stage - One E                         Pending Impl
                               IDA / 68740                                    Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                             103,850.00    0.00                           2024-07-22                2024-07-27                2024-08-24                2024-09-23   2024-10-28   2025-01-26
chineries for RAC Technology                    or Future of Work, Inclusiven                                               nvelope                                      ementation
of Polytechnic Institutes                       ess, and Resilience

 CP-GD-20 / Supply, installati                  Component 1: Transforming
on and commissioning of Ma                      Formal Skills Development f                                                 Single Stage - One E                         Pending Impl
                                  IDA / 68740                                 Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                              34,400.00    0.00                           2024-07-22                2024-07-27                2024-08-24                2024-09-23   2024-10-28   2025-01-26
chineries for Food Technolog                    or Future of Work, Inclusiven                                               nvelope                                      ementation
y of Polytechnic Institutes                     ess, and Resilience

                                                Component 1: Transforming
 CP-GD-01 / Supply and oper
                                                Formal Skills Development f                                                 Single Stage - One E                         Under Imple
ation of Brand Desktop Comp IDA / 68740                                       Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                             991,641.00    0.00                           2024-07-30   2024-09-25   2024-08-04   2024-09-25   2024-09-15   2024-10-24   2024-10-15   2024-11-26   2025-05-25
                                                or Future of Work, Inclusiven                                               nvelope                                      mentation
                                                ess, and Resilience

                                                Component 1: Transforming
 CP-GD-09 / Supply, installati                  Formal Skills Development f                                                 Single Stage - One E                         Pending Impl
                                  IDA / 68740                                 Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                             654,615.00    0.00                           2024-07-28                2024-08-02                2024-08-30                2024-09-29   2024-11-03   2025-05-02
on & operation of Solar Plant                   or Future of Work, Inclusiven                                               nvelope                                      ementation
                                                ess, and Resilience

                                                Component 3: Capacity Dev
 G22 / Supply of Equipment a                    elopment, Project Managem                                                   Single Stage - One E                         Under Imple
                             IDA / 68740                                      Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                             116,280.00    0.00                           2024-07-30   2024-10-23   2024-08-04   2024-10-23   2024-09-01                2024-10-01   2024-11-05   2025-02-03
nd facilities for ISCs                          ent, Social Marketing and M                                                 nvelope                                      mentation
                                                onitoring & Evaluation

 G30 / Supply of Computer C                     Contingent Emergency Resp            Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E                         Pending Impl
                                  IDA / 68740                                 Post                     Open - National                                 2,325.00   0.00                                                     2024-07-26                                                       2024-08-30   2024-09-02
onsumables                                      onse Component                       tions                                  nvelope                                      ementation

                                                Component 3: Capacity Dev
 G31 / Supply of miscellaneo                    elopment, Project Managem            Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E                         Pending Impl
                                  IDA / 68740                                 Post                     Open - National                                 5,815.00   0.00                                                     2024-07-19                                                       2024-08-29   2024-09-13
us office equipment                             ent, Social Marketing and M          tions                                  nvelope                                      ementation
                                                onitoring & Evaluation

                                                Component 3: Capacity Dev
                                                elopment, Project Managem            Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E                         Pending Impl
G33 / Supply of Stationeries      IDA / 68740                                 Post                     Open - National                                 5,815.00   0.00                                                     2024-07-20                                                       2024-09-03   2024-10-03
                                                ent, Social Marketing and M          tions                                  nvelope                                      ementation
                                                onitoring & Evaluation

                                                Component 3: Capacity Dev
 G34 / Supply of Books and M                    elopment, Project Managem            Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E                         Pending Impl
                             IDA / 68740                                      Post                     Open - National                                 1,165.00   0.00                                                     2024-07-19                                                       2024-09-02   2024-10-02
aterials                                        ent, Social Marketing and M          tions                                  nvelope                                      ementation
                                                onitoring & Evaluation

                                                Component 3: Capacity Dev
 G35 / Supply of Equipment f                    elopment, Project Managem                                                   Single Stage - One E                         Pending Impl
                                  IDA / 68740                                 Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                              23,255.00    0.00                           2024-07-21                2024-07-26                2024-08-23                2024-09-22   2024-11-03   2026-11-03
or Vehicle Maintenance                          ent, Social Marketing and M                                                 nvelope                                      ementation
                                                onitoring & Evaluation

 G12C / Supply of Procureme                     Component 3: Capacity Dev
nt Off-the-Self Accounts Soft                   elopment, Project Managem            Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E                         Pending Impl
                                  IDA / 68740                                 Post                     Limited - National                              4,200.00   0.00                                                     2024-12-04                                                       2024-12-19   2025-01-02
ware (Tally or equivalent) for                  ent, Social Marketing and M          tions                                  nvelope                                      ementation
PMU                                             onitoring & Evaluation

 CP-GD-22 / Supply, installati                  Component 1: Transforming
on and commissioning of Ma                      Formal Skills Development f                                                 Single Stage - One E                         Pending Impl
                               IDA / 68740                                    Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                             717,200.00    0.00                           2024-12-22                2024-12-27                2025-01-24                2025-02-23   2025-04-06   2025-10-03
chineries for Farm Machinery                    or Future of Work, Inclusiven                                               nvelope                                      ementation
trade of TSCs                                   ess, and Resilience

 CP-GD-23 / Supply, installati                  Component 1: Transforming
on and commissioning of Ma                      Formal Skills Development f                                                 Single Stage - One E                         Pending Impl
                                  IDA / 68740                                 Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                             700,000.00    0.00                           2024-12-26                2024-12-31                2025-01-28                2025-02-27   2025-04-10   2025-10-07
chineries for Welding and Ma                    or Future of Work, Inclusiven                                               nvelope                                      ementation
chine tools trade of TSCs                       ess, and Resilience

 CP-GD-24 / Supply, installati                  Component 1: Transforming
on and commissioning of Ma                      Formal Skills Development f                                                 Single Stage - One E                         Pending Impl
                                IDA / 68740                                   Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                             187,400.00    0.00                           2024-12-31                2025-01-05                2025-02-02                2025-03-04   2025-04-08   2025-10-05
chineries for Tailoring trade o                 or Future of Work, Inclusiven                                               nvelope                                      ementation
f TSCs                                          ess, and Resilience

 CP-GD-25 / Supply, installati                  Component 1: Transforming
on and commissioning of Ma                      Formal Skills Development f                                                 Single Stage - One E                         Pending Impl
                                  IDA / 68740                                 Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                             402,220.00    0.00                           2024-12-22                2024-12-27                2025-01-24                2025-02-23   2025-04-06   2025-10-03
chineries for Electrical relate                 or Future of Work, Inclusiven                                               nvelope                                      ementation
d trades of TSCs                                ess, and Resilience

 CP-GD-26 / Supply, installati                  Component 1: Transforming
on and commissioning of Ma                      Formal Skills Development f                                                 Single Stage - One E                         Pending Impl
                               IDA / 68740                                    Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                             121,500.00    0.00                           2024-12-26                2024-12-31                2025-01-28                2025-02-27   2025-03-08   2025-09-04
chineries for RAC related trad                  or Future of Work, Inclusiven                                               nvelope                                      ementation
e of TSCs                                       ess, and Resilience

 CP-GD-27 / Supply, installati                  Component 1: Transforming
on and commissioning of Ma                      Formal Skills Development f                                                 Single Stage - One E                         Pending Impl
                                  IDA / 68740                                 Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                             240,000.00    0.00                           2024-12-31                2025-01-05                2025-02-02                2025-03-04   2025-04-08   2025-10-05
chineries for Automobile rela                   or Future of Work, Inclusiven                                               nvelope                                      ementation
ted trade of TSCs                               ess, and Resilience

 CP-GD-28 / Supply, installati                  Component 1: Transforming
on and commissioning of Ma                      Formal Skills Development f                                                 Single Stage - One E                         Pending Impl
                                IDA / 68740                                   Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                             270,000.00    0.00                           2025-01-02                2025-01-07                2025-02-04                2025-03-06   2025-04-10   2025-10-07
chineries for Electronics relat                 or Future of Work, Inclusiven                                               nvelope                                      ementation
ed trade of TSCs                                ess, and Resilience

 CP-GD-29 / Supply and oper                     Component 1: Transforming
ation of Brand Desktop Comp                     Formal Skills Development f                                                 Single Stage - One E                         Pending Impl
                              IDA / 68740                                     Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                            1,950,000.00   0.00                           2024-12-18                2024-12-23                2025-01-20                2025-02-19   2025-03-26   2025-09-22
uters for TSC, IMT, MATS, IHT                   or Future of Work, Inclusiven                                               nvelope                                      ementation
& Polytechnic Institutes                        ess, and Resilience

 CP-GD-30 / Supply and oper                     Component 1: Transforming
ation of Laptop Computers fo                    Formal Skills Development f                                                 Single Stage - One E                         Pending Impl
                              IDA / 68740                                     Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                             817,000.00    0.00                           2024-12-25                2024-12-30                2025-01-27                2025-02-26   2025-04-02   2025-09-29
r TSC, IMT, MATS, IHT & Polyt                   or Future of Work, Inclusiven                                               nvelope                                      ementation
echnic Institutes                               ess, and Resilience

                                                Component 1: Transforming
 CP-GD-31 / Supply and oper
                                                Formal Skills Development f                                                 Single Stage - One E                         Pending Impl
ation of Office equipment for     IDA / 68740                                 Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                             300,000.00    0.00                           2024-12-30                2025-01-04                2025-02-01                2025-03-03   2025-04-07   2025-10-04
                                                or Future of Work, Inclusiven                                               nvelope                                      ementation
                                                ess, and Resilience

                                                                                                                                                                                        Page 3
                                                  Component 1: Transforming
 CP-GD-32 / Supply of furnitu                     Formal Skills Development f                                                           Single Stage - One E                                                     Pending Impl
                                IDA / 68740                                     Post             Request for Bids     Open - National                                             760,000.00              0.00                                                                       2025-01-07                2025-01-12                                          2025-02-09                2025-03-11                2025-04-15                2025-10-12
re for MATS, IHT & NIS                            or Future of Work, Inclusiven                                                         nvelope                                                                  ementation
                                                  ess, and Resilience

                                                  Component 1: Transforming
 CP-GD-33 / Supply, installati
                                                  Formal Skills Development f                                                           Single Stage - One E                                                     Pending Impl
on & operation of Smart Boar IDA / 68740                                        Post             Request for Bids     Open - National                                             305,000.00              0.00                                                                       2024-12-25                2024-12-30                                          2025-01-27                2025-02-26                2025-04-02                2025-09-29
                                                  or Future of Work, Inclusiven                                                         nvelope                                                                  ementation
ds for MATS, IHT & NIS
                                                  ess, and Resilience

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Bid Evaluation Report
                                Loan / Credit N                                                                       Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification Estimated Am Actual Amount                 Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu           Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement            Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission /
       Description                                       Component                 Review Type       Method                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        and Recommendation                    Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                       o.                                                                                    h             cess           (Y/N)        ount (US$)      (US$)                        atus         Documents              ation Report                  ent / Justification Notice / Invitation                  s Issued        Opening / Minutes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         for Award
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Planned         Actual     Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual       Planned     Actual  Planned     Actual    Planned     Actual                 Planned       Actual      Planned      Actual
                                                  Component 1: Transforming
 NCS1A / Selection of Event
                                                  Formal Skills Development f                                                           Single Stage - One E
Management firm for Semina IDA / 68740                                          Post             Request for Bids     Open - National                                              55,800.00              0.00   Signed                                                              2023-05-28   2023-10-15   2023-06-02   2023-11-27                             2023-06-30   2023-11-07   2023-08-29   2023-12-31   2023-10-03   2024-01-15   2024-03-31
                                                  or Future of Work, Inclusiven                                                         nvelope
rs and Workshops
                                                  ess, and Resilience

                                                  Component 3: Capacity Dev
 NCS1B / Selection of Event
                                                  elopment, Project Managem                                                             Single Stage - One E                                                     Pending Impl
Management firm for Semina IDA / 68740                                          Post             Request for Bids     Open - National                                              55,810.00              0.00                                                                       2024-03-10                2024-03-10                                          2024-03-24                2024-04-23                2024-05-28                2025-11-19
                                                  ent, Social Marketing and M                                                           nvelope                                                                  ementation
rs and Workshops
                                                  onitoring & Evaluation

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Combined Evaluation
                                Loan / Credit N                                                                       Market Approac     Contract Type         Estimated Amo Actual Amount                                                    Expression of Interest Short List and Draft R Request for Proposals Opening of Technical                Evaluation of Technic
       Description                                       Component                 Review Type        Method                                                                               Process Status         Terms of Reference                                                                                                                                        Report and Draft Neg            Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                       o.                                                                                    h                                    unt (US$)      (US$)                                                               Notice          equest for Proposals        as Issued         Proposals / Minutes                     al Proposal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               otiated Contract
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Planned        Actual        Planned      Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned      Actual    Planned     Actual           Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual
 BD-TMED-286611-CS-QCBS /
Selection of firm/ institution f
                                                  Component 1: Transforming
or organizing seminars and w
                                                  Formal Skills Development f                    Quality And Cost-
orkshops for TTIs (1), Partner IDA / 68740                                      Post                                  Open - National                              228,235.29           0.00   Canceled          2022-04-03                   2022-04-24                2022-06-07                                          2022-07-05                2022-08-04                2022-09-08                2022-10-13                2023-10-13
                                                  or Future of Work, Inclusiven                  Based Selection
organizations (1), RPL for em
                                                  ess, and Resilience
ployers and workers (2) and
DTE (1), project launching ce
remony (1)

 BD-TMED-286628-CS-QCBS /
                                                  Component 3: Capacity Dev
Selection of Consultant for R
                                                  elopment, Project Managem                      Quality And Cost-
apid Assessment and follow- IDA / 68740                                         Post                                  Open - National                              117,647.06           0.00   Canceled          2022-04-20                   2022-05-11                2022-06-24                                          2022-07-22                2022-08-21                2022-09-25                2022-10-30                2023-10-30
                                                  ent, Social Marketing and M                    Based Selection
up on Diploma Students by D
                                                  onitoring & Evaluation
TE (1), Demand and Gap Ana
lysis by BTEB (1)

                                                  Component 3: Capacity Dev
 BD-TMED-286635-CS-QCBS /
                                                  elopment, Project Managem                      Quality And Cost-
Survey and Studies by BMET IDA / 68740                                          Post                                  Open - National                              235,294.12           0.00   Canceled          2022-04-27                   2022-05-18                2022-07-01                                          2022-07-29                2022-08-28                2022-10-02                2022-11-06                2023-11-06
                                                  ent, Social Marketing and M                    Based Selection
(2), NSDA (1), DTE (1)
                                                  onitoring & Evaluation

 BD-TMED-286888-CS-QCBS /                         Component 3: Capacity Dev
Selection of Consulting Firm f                    elopment, Project Managem                      Quality And Cost-
                               IDA / 68740                                      Post                                  Open - National                              174,117.65           0.00   Canceled          2022-04-24                   2022-05-15                2022-06-28                                          2022-07-26                2022-08-25                2022-09-29                2022-11-03                2023-11-03
or Competency Standard Dev                        ent, Social Marketing and M                    Based Selection
elopment for BTEB (12), BME                       onitoring & Evaluation
T (40),

 S51 / Selection of Consultant
for Demand and Gap Analysi
                                                  Component 3: Capacity Dev
s under BTEB: Analyzing the
                                                  elopment, Project Managem                      Consultant Qualifi
Skills and Competency Gaps IDA / 68740                                          Post                                  Open - National                               58,000.00           0.00   Signed            2023-03-01     2023-03-23    2023-03-22   2023-12-03   2023-05-05   2024-02-07                                                                                 2023-06-23   2024-09-02   2023-08-04   2024-09-11   2024-01-31
                                                  ent, Social Marketing and M                    cation Selection
of the Selected Diploma in En
                                                  onitoring & Evaluation
gineering Courses Running U
nder the Bangladesh Technic
al Education Board

 S55A / Selection of Consulta
nt for Survey and Studies un                      Component 3: Capacity Dev
der BTEB on Analyzing Weak                        elopment, Project Managem                      Quality And Cost-
                              IDA / 68740                                       Post                                  Open - National                               93,000.00           0.00   Signed            2023-03-01     2023-03-23    2023-03-22   2023-12-03   2023-05-05   2024-05-15                             2023-06-30   2024-07-09   2023-07-30   2024-08-18   2023-09-03   2024-09-15   2023-10-15   2024-10-28   2024-04-12
nesses, Prospects, and Effect                     ent, Social Marketing and M                    Based Selection
iveness of Industrial Attachm                     onitoring & Evaluation
ent of Diploma in Engineerin
g Courses Running

 S59A / Selection of Consultin                    Component 3: Capacity Dev
g firm for Surveys and Studie                     elopment, Project Managem                      Consultant Qualifi
                               IDA / 68740                                      Post                                  Open - National                               58,000.00           0.00   Signed            2023-03-07     2023-03-23    2023-03-28   2023-12-13   2023-05-11   2024-07-03                                                                                 2023-06-22   2024-09-17   2023-08-03   2024-09-26   2024-01-30
s under NSDA (Sector: Creati                      ent, Social Marketing and M                    cation Selection
ve Media)                                         onitoring & Evaluation

 S10 / Selection of Consultant                    Component 2: Innovative Ski
                                                                                                 Quality And Cost-
for Digital and Non-digital Tra IDA / 68740       lls Development Programs fo Prior                                   Open - National                              581,400.00           0.00   Canceled          2024-04-04                   2024-04-25                2024-06-08                                          2024-07-06                2024-08-05                2024-09-09                2024-10-21                2025-10-21
                                                                                                 Based Selection
ining Material Development                        r Employment and Empower

 BD-TMED-286641-CS-FBS / S                        Component 3: Capacity Dev
election of Consultant for TV                     elopment, Project Managem                      Fixed Budget Sele
                              IDA / 68740                                       Post                                  Open - National                               29,411.76           0.00   Canceled          2022-04-10                   2022-05-01                2022-06-14                                          2022-07-12                2022-08-11                2022-09-15                2022-10-20                2023-10-20
C production (1), Radio Ad pr                     ent, Social Marketing and M                    ction
oduction (2)                                      onitoring & Evaluation

Activity Reference No. /
                                Loan / Credit N                                                                       Market Approac     Contract Type         Estimated Amo Actual Amount                                                    Invitation to Identifie Draft Negotiated Cont
       Description                                       Component                 Review Type        Method                                                                               Process Status         Terms of Reference                                                                Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                       o.                                                                                    h                                    unt (US$)      (US$)                                                        d/Selected Consultant            ract
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Planned        Actual        Planned      Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual
                                                  Component 3: Capacity Dev
 BD-TMED-286652-CS-INDV /
                                                  elopment, Project Managem                      Individual Consult
Selection of Financial Manag    IDA / 68740                                     Prior                                 Open                                         352,941.18           0.00   Signed            2022-04-03     2022-04-18    2022-05-22   2022-09-21   2022-06-12   2022-10-24   2022-07-17   2022-11-30   2023-01-13
                                                  ent, Social Marketing and M                    ant Selection
ement Specialist (1)
                                                  onitoring & Evaluation

                                                  Component 3: Capacity Dev
 BD-TMED-286655-CS-INDV /
                                                  elopment, Project Managem                      Individual Consult
Selection of Junior Financial   IDA / 68740                                     Post                                  Open                                         197,647.06           0.00   Signed            2022-04-03     2022-04-16    2022-05-22   2023-02-23   2022-06-12   2023-02-23   2022-07-17   2023-04-27   2023-01-13
                                                  ent, Social Marketing and M                    ant Selection
Management Specialist (1)
                                                  onitoring & Evaluation

                                                  Component 3: Capacity Dev
 BD-TMED-286658-CS-INDV /
                                                  elopment, Project Managem                      Individual Consult
Selection of Procurement Spe IDA / 68740                                        Prior                                 Open                                         364,705.88           0.00   Signed            2022-04-04     2022-04-17    2022-05-23   2022-09-21   2022-06-13   2022-10-27   2022-07-18   2022-11-23   2023-01-14
                                                  ent, Social Marketing and M                    ant Selection
cialist (1)
                                                  onitoring & Evaluation

                                                  Component 3: Capacity Dev
 BD-TMED-286660-CS-INDV /
                                                  elopment, Project Managem                      Individual Consult
Selection of Junior Procureme IDA / 68740                                       Prior                                 Open                                         218,823.53           0.00   Signed            2022-04-04     2022-04-20    2022-05-23   2023-02-23   2022-06-13   2023-03-28   2022-07-18   2023-04-27   2023-01-14
                                                  ent, Social Marketing and M                    ant Selection
nt Specialist (1)
                                                  onitoring & Evaluation

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Page 4
                                                Component 3: Capacity Dev
 BD-TMED-286661-CS-INDV /
                                                elopment, Project Managem             Individual Consult
Selection of IDG Managemen        IDA / 68740                                 Prior                        Open                 317,647.06   0.00   Signed         2022-04-04   2022-04-20    2022-05-23   2022-09-21   2022-06-13   2022-10-25   2022-07-18   2022-11-23   2023-01-14
                                                ent, Social Marketing and M           ant Selection
t Specialist (1)
                                                onitoring & Evaluation

                                                Component 3: Capacity Dev
 BD-TMED-286883-CS-INDV /
                                                elopment, Project Managem             Individual Consult
Selection of ICT and MIS Spec IDA / 68740                                     Prior                        Open                 282,352.94   0.00   Signed         2022-04-04   2022-04-20    2022-05-23   2022-09-21   2022-06-13   2022-10-25   2022-07-18   2022-11-21   2023-01-14
                                                ent, Social Marketing and M           ant Selection
ialist (1)
                                                onitoring & Evaluation

                                                Component 3: Capacity Dev
 BD-TMED-286885-CS-INDV /
                                                elopment, Project Managem             Individual Consult
Selection of E&S safeguard S      IDA / 68740                                 Prior                        Open                 235,294.12   0.00   Signed         2022-04-28   2022-08-07    2022-06-16   2024-02-18   2022-07-07   2024-04-15   2022-08-11   2024-06-30   2023-02-07
                                                ent, Social Marketing and M           ant Selection
pecialist (1)
                                                onitoring & Evaluation

 BD-TMED-316744-CS-INDV /                       Component 3: Capacity Dev
Selection of TVET & Industry                    elopment, Project Managem             Individual Consult
                                  IDA / 68740                                 Prior                        Open - National      310,000.00   0.00   Signed         2022-09-27   2022-11-07    2022-11-15   2024-02-18   2022-12-06   2024-03-10   2023-01-10   2024-03-28   2025-01-09
Development Management S                        ent, Social Marketing and M           ant Selection
pecialist                                       onitoring & Evaluation

                                                Component 3: Capacity Dev
 BD-TMED-317145-CS-INDV /
                                                elopment, Project Managem             Individual Consult
Selection of Monitoring & Eva IDA / 68740                                     Prior                        Open - National      590,000.00   0.00   Canceled       2022-09-30   2022-11-07    2022-11-18   2023-07-19   2022-12-09                2023-01-13                2025-01-12
                                                ent, Social Marketing and M           ant Selection
luation Specialist
                                                onitoring & Evaluation

                                                Component 3: Capacity Dev
 BD-TMED-317147-CS-INDV /
                                                elopment, Project Managem             Individual Consult
Selection of Skills Training Sp IDA / 68740                                   Prior                        Open - National      310,000.00   0.00   Signed         2022-10-05   2022-11-07    2022-11-23   2023-12-04   2022-12-14   2023-12-19   2023-01-18   2024-01-09   2025-01-07
                                                ent, Social Marketing and M           ant Selection
                                                onitoring & Evaluation

                                                Component 3: Capacity Dev
 BD-TMED-317148-CS-INDV /
                                                elopment, Project Managem             Individual Consult
Selection of Communication        IDA / 68740                                 Prior                        Open - National      310,000.00   0.00   Signed         2022-10-05   2022-11-07    2022-11-23   2023-06-26   2022-12-14   2023-07-12   2023-01-18   2023-07-31   2025-01-17
                                                ent, Social Marketing and M           ant Selection
                                                onitoring & Evaluation

                                                Component 3: Capacity Dev
 S39B / Selection of IDG Spec                   elopment, Project Managem             Individual Consult
                              IDA / 68740                                     Post                         Limited               34,800.00   0.00   Completed      2023-06-08   2023-06-06    2023-06-13   2023-10-11   2023-07-04   2023-10-17   2023-08-15   2023-11-28   2024-02-11   2024-05-31
ialist (Health)                                 ent, Social Marketing and M           ant Selection
                                                onitoring & Evaluation

                                                Component 3: Capacity Dev
 S18 / Selection of Consultant                  elopment, Project Managem
                               IDA / 68740                                    Post    Direct Selection     Direct - National     16,280.00   0.00   Completed      2023-09-20   2023-09-19    2023-09-30   2023-10-15                             2023-11-25   2023-12-10   2024-01-09   2024-02-19
for TVC production                              ent, Social Marketing and M
                                                onitoring & Evaluation

                                                Component 3: Capacity Dev
S30 / Selection of Monitoring                   elopment, Project Managem             Individual Consult
                              IDA / 68740                                     Prior                        Open - National      500,000.00   0.00   Signed         2023-09-24   2023-10-24    2023-11-21   2024-02-22   2023-11-28   2024-03-10   2024-01-09   2024-03-28   2026-11-09
& Evaluation Specialist                         ent, Social Marketing and M           ant Selection
                                                onitoring & Evaluation

                                                Component 3: Capacity Dev
 S26A / Selection of Junior Fin
                                                elopment, Project Managem             Individual Consult
ancial Management Specialis IDA / 68740                                       Post                         Open - National       83,720.00   0.00   Signed         2023-11-26   2024-01-02    2024-01-21   2024-05-19   2024-02-11   2024-05-23   2024-03-31   2024-06-30   2026-03-31
                                                ent, Social Marketing and M           ant Selection
                                                onitoring & Evaluation

                                                Component 3: Capacity Dev
 S29 / Selection of Junior Proc                 elopment, Project Managem             Individual Consult
                                IDA / 68740                                   Prior                        Open - National       83,720.00   0.00   Signed         2023-11-27   2024-01-08    2024-01-24   2024-04-17   2024-02-14   2024-04-21   2024-03-27   2024-05-15   2026-03-27
urement Specialist                              ent, Social Marketing and M           ant Selection
                                                onitoring & Evaluation

 S85 / Selection of Consulting                  Component 3: Capacity Dev
Firm for Satisfaction survey o                  elopment, Project Managem
                               IDA / 68740                                    Prior   Direct Selection     Direct - National    523,255.00   0.00   Signed         2023-11-26   2023-12-04    2023-12-06   2023-12-07                             2024-02-24   2024-05-19   2024-08-22
n teacher student and emplo                     ent, Social Marketing and M
yer, and tracer study of grad                   onitoring & Evaluation
uates (Round 1)

                                                Component 3: Capacity Dev
 S39C / Selection of Midterm
                                                elopment, Project Managem             Individual Consult
Review Report (MTR) Prepara IDA / 68740                                       Post                         Limited               11,600.00   0.00   Signed         2023-12-22   2023-12-21    2023-12-27   2024-01-11   2024-01-10   2024-02-12   2024-01-31   2024-02-18   2024-03-31
                                                ent, Social Marketing and M           ant Selection
tion Consultant
                                                onitoring & Evaluation

                                                Component 3: Capacity Dev
S35 / Selection of Inclusive T                  elopment, Project Managem             Individual Consult
                               IDA / 68740                                    Prior                        Open - National      313,960.00   0.00   Under Review   2024-04-25   2024-02-11    2024-06-13   2024-11-20   2024-07-04                2024-08-15                2026-08-05
VET and Gender Specialist                       ent, Social Marketing and M           ant Selection
                                                onitoring & Evaluation

                                                Component 3: Capacity Dev
 BD-TMED-286886-CS-INDV /
                                                elopment, Project Managem             Individual Consult
Selection of Short Term Tech      IDA / 68740                                 Prior                        Open - National      350,000.00   0.00   Canceled       2022-09-27                 2022-11-15                2022-12-06                2023-01-10                2023-07-09
                                                ent, Social Marketing and M           ant Selection
nical Specialist
                                                onitoring & Evaluation

                                                Component 3: Capacity Dev
 S28A / Selection of Junior Pr                  elopment, Project Managem             Individual Consult
                                  IDA / 68740                                 Post                         Open - National       83,720.00   0.00   Canceled       2024-01-15                 2024-03-04                2024-03-25                2024-05-06                2026-05-06
ocurement Specialist                            ent, Social Marketing and M           ant Selection
                                                onitoring & Evaluation

                                                Component 3: Capacity Dev
 S28A. / Selection of Junior Pr                 elopment, Project Managem             Individual Consult
                                  IDA / 68740                                 Post                         Open - National       83,720.00   0.00   Canceled       2024-01-31                 2024-03-13                2024-03-20                2024-05-01                2026-05-01
ocurement Specialist                            ent, Social Marketing and M           ant Selection
                                                onitoring & Evaluation

                                                Component 3: Capacity Dev
 S28A1 / Selection of Junior P                  elopment, Project Managem             Individual Consult
                                  IDA / 68740                                 Prior                        Open - National       83,720.00   0.00   Signed         2024-02-11   2024-02-13    2024-03-31   2024-08-22   2024-04-14   2024-09-03   2024-05-26   2024-10-20   2026-05-26
rocurement Specialist                           ent, Social Marketing and M           ant Selection
                                                onitoring & Evaluation

                                                Component 3: Capacity Dev
 S39D / Selection of Junior Pr                  elopment, Project Managem             Individual Consult
                                  IDA / 68740                                 Post                         Limited - National    20,930.00   0.00   Signed         2024-04-01   2024-04-08    2024-04-06   2024-04-17   2024-04-27   2024-06-06   2024-06-08   2024-08-04   2024-12-05
ocurement Specialist                            ent, Social Marketing and M           ant Selection
                                                onitoring & Evaluation

                                                Component 3: Capacity Dev
 S39E / Selection of Junior Pro                 elopment, Project Managem             Individual Consult
                                IDA / 68740                                   Post                         Limited - National    20,930.00   0.00   Signed         2024-04-01   2024-04-08    2024-04-06   2024-04-17   2024-04-27   2024-06-26   2024-06-08   2024-08-04   2024-12-05
curement Specialist                             ent, Social Marketing and M           ant Selection
                                                onitoring & Evaluation

                                                Component 3: Capacity Dev
 S39F / Selection of Junior Pro                 elopment, Project Managem             Individual Consult
                                IDA / 68740                                   Post                         Limited - National    20,930.00   0.00   Signed         2024-04-01   2024-04-08    2024-04-06   2024-04-17   2024-04-27   2024-07-16   2024-06-08   2024-08-27   2024-12-05
curement Specialist                             ent, Social Marketing and M           ant Selection
                                                onitoring & Evaluation

                                                Component 3: Capacity Dev
 S39G / Selection of Junior Pr                  elopment, Project Managem             Individual Consult
                                  IDA / 68740                                 Post                         Limited - National    20,930.00   0.00   Signed         2024-04-01   2024-04-08    2024-04-06   2024-04-17   2024-04-27   2024-06-26   2024-06-08   2024-08-04   2024-12-05
ocurement Specialist                            ent, Social Marketing and M           ant Selection
                                                onitoring & Evaluation

                                                                                                                                                                                     Page 5
                                               Component 3: Capacity Dev
S39H / Selection of Finance                    elopment, Project Managem             Individual Consult
                                 IDA / 68740                                 Post                         Limited - National    13,950.00   0.00   Signed            2024-04-01   2024-04-08    2024-04-06   2024-05-14   2024-04-27   2024-07-10   2024-06-08   2024-07-18   2024-12-05
Associate                                      ent, Social Marketing and M           ant Selection
                                               onitoring & Evaluation

                                               Component 3: Capacity Dev
 S39I / Selection of Finance A                 elopment, Project Managem             Individual Consult
                                 IDA / 68740                                 Post                         Limited - National    13,950.00   0.00   Signed            2024-04-01   2024-04-08    2024-04-06   2024-05-14   2024-04-27   2024-07-16   2024-06-08   2024-08-22   2024-12-05
ssociate                                       ent, Social Marketing and M           ant Selection
                                               onitoring & Evaluation

                                               Component 3: Capacity Dev
 S39J / Selection of Finance A                 elopment, Project Managem             Individual Consult
                                 IDA / 68740                                 Post                         Limited - National    13,950.00   0.00   Signed            2024-04-01   2024-04-08    2024-04-06   2024-05-14   2024-04-27   2024-07-10   2024-06-08   2024-08-01   2024-12-05
ssociate                                       ent, Social Marketing and M           ant Selection
                                               onitoring & Evaluation

                                               Component 3: Capacity Dev
S39K / Selection of Finance                    elopment, Project Managem             Individual Consult
                                 IDA / 68740                                 Post                         Limited - National    13,950.00   0.00   Signed            2024-04-01   2024-04-08    2024-04-06   2024-05-14   2024-04-27   2024-07-10   2024-06-08   2024-07-29   2024-12-05
Associate                                      ent, Social Marketing and M           ant Selection
                                               onitoring & Evaluation

                                               Component 3: Capacity Dev
 S30A / Selection of Monitorin                 elopment, Project Managem             Individual Consult
                               IDA / 68740                                   Post                         Limited - National   102,600.00   0.00   Canceled          2024-10-01                 2024-10-06                2024-10-27                2024-12-08                2026-12-08
g and Evaluation Specialist                    ent, Social Marketing and M           ant Selection
                                               onitoring & Evaluation

                                               Component 3: Capacity Dev
 S30A1 / Selection of Monitori                 elopment, Project Managem             Individual Consult                                            Under Implement
                               IDA / 68740                                   Post                         Open - National      101,690.00   0.00                     2024-10-10   2024-10-09    2024-11-28                2024-12-19                2025-02-06                2027-01-07
ng & Evaluation Specialist                     ent, Social Marketing and M           ant Selection                                                 ation
                                               onitoring & Evaluation

                                               Component 3: Capacity Dev
S25 / Selection of Financial                   elopment, Project Managem             Individual Consult                                            Under Implement
                                 IDA / 68740                                 Post                         Open - National      101,690.00   0.00                     2024-10-10   2024-10-09    2024-11-28                2024-12-19                2025-01-30                2026-12-31
Management Specialist                          ent, Social Marketing and M           ant Selection                                                 ation
                                               onitoring & Evaluation

                                               Component 3: Capacity Dev
 S30A2 / Selection of Monitori                 elopment, Project Managem             Individual Consult                                            Under Implement
                               IDA / 68740                                   Post                         Open - National      101,700.00   0.00                     2024-11-10   2024-11-06    2024-12-29                2025-01-19                2025-03-09                2027-02-07
ng & Evaluation Specialist                     ent, Social Marketing and M           ant Selection                                                 ation
                                               onitoring & Evaluation

                                               Component 3: Capacity Dev
S27A / Selection of Procure                    elopment, Project Managem             Individual Consult                                            Under Implement
                                 IDA / 68740                                 Prior                        Limited - National   100,400.00   0.00                     2024-12-01   2024-12-01    2024-12-06                2024-12-27                2025-01-31                2026-12-31
ment Specialist                                ent, Social Marketing and M           ant Selection                                                 ation
                                               onitoring & Evaluation

                                               Component 3: Capacity Dev
 S37A / Selection of Commun                    elopment, Project Managem             Individual Consult                                            Under Implement
                                 IDA / 68740                                 Post                         Open - National      100,400.00   0.00                     2024-12-10   2024-12-01    2025-01-26                2025-02-09                2025-03-16                2026-12-31
ication Specialist                             ent, Social Marketing and M           ant Selection                                                 ation
                                               onitoring & Evaluation

                                                                                                                                                                                       Page 6