Deloitte. Angola Health System Performance Strengthening Project Financial statements as of December 31, 2022, together with the Auditor's Independent Report Deloitte Auditores, Lcla. Deloitte. . D e lo i t e .l.Registo na CMC - 003/SAE/DSEA/CMVC/04-201 Condomfnio da Cidade Financeira Via 58, Bloco 4 - 59, Talatona Luanda Reptiblica de Angola Tel: +(244) 923 168 100 INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT To the Management of the Portfolio of Health Projects of the Ministry of Health of Angola REPORT ON THE AUDIT OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Qualified Opinion We have audited the accompanying financial statements of the Portfolio of Health Projects of the Ministry of Health of Angola, reporting on the Angola Health System Performance Strengthening Project (the "Project"), loan reference 88350-AO, and on the Child Health Expansion Angola Project ("GAVI"), Grant reference B0225-AO, which comprise the Statement of Cash Receipts and Payments for the year ended December 31, 2022, which shows the amounts of 20,029,167 USD and 2,014,018 USD, respectively, of funds received, the amounts of 15,511,398 USD and 1,353,177 USD, respectively, of expenditures paid during the period then ended, and a cash balance of 14,357,295 USD and 2,593,023 USD, respectively, and the accompanying notes to the financial statements, including a summary of the significant accounting policies. In our opinion, except for the possible effects of the matters described from the first to the fourth paragraphs and except for the effects of the matters described in the fifth and sixth paragraph of the "Basis for Qualified Opinion" section, the accompanying financial statements give a true and fair view, in all material respects, of the cash proceeds and disbursements and uses of funds by the Project during the year ended December 31, 2023, in accordance with Cash Basis IPSAS - Financial Reporting Under the Cash Basis of Accounting issued by the International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board. Basis for Qualified Opinion Until the date of this report, we did not obtain external confirmations and/or sufficient supporting information for the amounts disbursed by the Project and by GAVI, in favor of the Target Provinces, Municipalities and the National Directorate of Public Health, in the amounts of 3,369,758 USD and 30,266 USD, respectively, included in the caption "Cash - Provincial Sub-accounts" (Note 10) of the Statement of Cash Receipts and Payments for the year ended December 31, 2022. Furthermore, we have obtained reply from a banking institution to our request for confirmation of balances and other information, which includes bank balances, in the total amount of 787,851 USD, which are not reconciled with the Project's and GAVI's accounting records. Consequently, we were unable to perform certain audit tests and conclude on the effect, if any, on the financial statements as of December 31, 2022, of any adjustments that could have been identified, had we obtained the confirmations and/or information referred to above. IMPACT THAT an.a-e m MATTERS 6ta5,-etd-camED comnlFED "Deloitte," 'us," "we" and "our" refer to one or more of De!o:tteToucne Tohmatsu Limited ("DTTL") memberfirms, and theirre ated ent ties (collectively, the "Deloitte organization"). DTTL (also referred to as "Deloitte Global") and each of its memberfirms and re ated entities are legally separate and ndependent ent,ties and, therefore, do not bind each otherfor all intents and purposes. Accord ngly each entity is only liable fornts own acts and omissions and cannot be held liable for the acts and omss ons of the other. Furthermore, DTTL does not provide services to clients. To learn more, p,ease consult Deloitte provides industry ndustry-leading audit and assurance, tax and legal, consulting, financla advisory, and r sk advisory services to nearly 90% of the Fortune Global 5006 among thousands of private companies. Our professionals deliver measurable and last ng results that help reinforce pub: c trust n capital markets, enable c ients to transform and thrive, and lead the way toward a stronger economy, a more equitable society and a sustainable world. Build ng on its 175 plus year history, Deo tte spans more than 150 countries and terr tories. To learn how Deloitte's 415,000 people wor dwlde make an impact that matters please consult com. rype: Limited Liability Company) Tax no.: 5401022670 1 Luanda CRC Registration no: 106/1997 | Share captal KZ 1000 000 000,00 Head offices: Condominio Cidade Financeira, Via S8, Bloco 4 50, Ta atona, Luanda ) 2024. For information, contact Deloitte Auditores, Lda. Registo na OCPCA - E20170011 Registo na CMC - 003/SAE/DSEA/CMC/04-201 Page 2 of 4 As of December 31, 2022, Component 1- "Improving the Quality of Health Services Delivery in Target Provinces" of the Project and GAVI, includes expenditures paid in the amounts of 766,206 USD and 646,783 USD, respectively, for which we have not obtained enough supporting documentation. Consequently, we were unable to conclude on the reasonableness and eligibility of said expenditures. As of December 31, 2022, the Component 2 - "Strengthening System-wide Enabling Factors that Support Delivery of Quality Health Services" of the Project includes (i) expenditures paid in the approximate amount of 2,335,000 USD, related to accommodation and travel expenses incurred during the pandemic period in 2020, for which we have not obtained any evidence of approval from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development to these expenditures, nor signed contracts; and (ii) expenditures paid in the amount of 249,806 USD, for supervision services of the works related to the construction of the National School of Public Health. According to information obtained from the Project's Management, as of the date of this report, the said school has not yet been built, being noted that as disclosed in note 2 of the accompanying notes, the Project is expected to close on July 31, 2024. Consequently, we were unable to conclude on the reasonableness and eligibility of said expenditures. As of December 31, 2022, the Component 1- "Improving the Quality of Health Services Delivery in Target Provinces" of the Project includes expenditures paid to World Vision, in the amount of 606,452 USD, under the agreement for "Multisectoral Response to Drought and Nutritional Strengthening", that correspond to the submission and approval of the final report, including a financial final report. Up to the date of this report, we have not obtained those final reports. Consequently, we were unable to conclude on the reasonableness and eligibility of said expenditures. During our analysis of the Project's and GAVI's cash balances as of December 31, 2022, we have verified that the bank deposits are overstated due to an inaccurate exchange revaluation, in the approximate amounts of 405,000 USD and 249,000 USD, respectively. Consequently, as of December 31, 2022, the cash balances and the caption "Receipts - Designated account" are overstated by those amounts. As of December 31, 2022, Component 4- "Project Management and Monitoring and Evaluation" of the Project, includes expenditures paid in the approximate amount of 493,000 USD, related to fines due to late payments of Personal Income Taxes, which relate to non-compliance with laws and regulations and therefore we considered it non-eligible for the implementation of the Project. Consequently, the Project's expenditures for the year ended December 31, 2022, are overstated by that amount. We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) and further technical and ethical standards and guidelines as issued by Ordem dos Contabilistas e Peritos Contabilistas de Angola (the Angolan Institute of Statutory Auditors). Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the "Auditor's responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements" section below. We are independent from the Project in accordance with the law and we have fulfilled other ethical requirements in accordance with the Angolan Institute of Statutory Auditors code of ethics. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our qualified audit opinion. Other matters The financial statements of the Project for the year ended December 31, 2021, presented for comparative purposes were audited by another auditor and the Independent Auditor's Report issued on June 30, 2022, contains one qualification similar to the matter described in the first paragraph of the "Basis for Qualified Opinion" section. Registo na OCPCA - E20170011 Registo na CMC - 003/SAE/DSEA/CMC/04-201 Page 3 of 4 Responsibilities of management for the financial statements Management is responsible for: - the preparation of financial statements that give a true and fair view of the Project's financial position, financial performance and cash flows in accordance with International Public Sector Accounting Standard (IPSA) - Financial Reporting Under the Cash Basis of Accounting; - designing and maintaining an appropriate internal control system to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error; - the adoption of accounting policies and principles appropriate in the circumstances; and - assessing the Project's ability to continue as a going concern, and disclosing, as applicable, the matters that may cast significant doubt about the Project's ability to continue as a going concern. Management is also responsible for overseeing the Project's financial reporting process. Auditor's responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements Our responsibility is to obtain reasonable assurance on whether the financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatements, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor's report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with ISAs will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these financial statements. As part of an audit in accordance with ISAs, we exercise professional judgment and maintain professional skepticism throughout the audit. We also: - identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control; - obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Project's internal control; - evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and related disclosures made by management; - conclude on the appropriateness of management's use of the going concern basis of accounting and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Project's ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are required to draw attention in our auditor's report to the related disclosures in the financial statements or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our report. However, future events or conditions may cause the Project to cease to continue as a going concern; Registo na OCPCA - E20170011 Registo na CMC - 003/SAE/DSEA/CMC/04-201 Page 4 of 4 - evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial statements, including the disclosures, and whether the financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation; - communicate with management regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we identify during our audit. Lua ,July 2024 Deloitte Auditores, Limitada Represented by Luis Filipe Alves Member of OCPCA N2 20140026 ANGOLA HEALTH SYSTEM PERFORMANCE STRENGTHENING PROJECT' LOAN NUMBER IBRD 88350-AO, TF 080225 SOURCES AND USES OF FUNDS STATEMENT DECEMBER 31, 2022 AND 2021 (Amounts Stated in United States Dollars - USD) PFSS GAVI Notesya 2022 2021 2022 2021 Receipts/(Payments) Receipts/(Payments) Recelpts(Payments) Receipts/(Payrents) RECEIPTS Designated account 2 5053000 7976832 1433343 3 260721 Direct payments 3 9089604 10485587 580675 330581 IBRD Loan & TF sub-tota 14142604 18 462 419 2014018 3591302 Others Contribution 5 5_86_563 -_- Local Contribution sub-tota 5 886 56 - - TOTAL RECEIPTS 20029 167 18462419 20140181 3591302 PAYMENTS Component 1: Improving the Quality of Health Services Delivery in 6 (6574349) (9407 147) (1201712) (749595) Target Provinces Component 2 Strengthening System-wide Enabling Factors that 8 (4079 687) (958 767) Support Delivery of Quality Health Services Component 3 Contigent Emergency Response Component CERC 9 - - Component 4 Project Management and Monitoring and Evaluation 10 (4857 362) (3 374 821) (151465) TOTALPAYMENTS (1551 51981 (13740735 (1353177 (74959 Increase/ (Decrease) in Cash 4517769 4721684 660841 2 841708 OiferenKa Cambial 13 - 2108171 (2252214) Cash at the beggining of the year 9839527 3009 672 1932182 1342687 Decrease In Cash of the year 4771769 4721 684 660841 2841708 Cash at year end 14 14357295 983952 2593023 193218 The accompanying explanatory as are in es statement of cash receipts and payments. The Pr ordmnator The Project Fim cal Manager oaqui, So ka/ /Oval Racha Aodrade Romlo/ REPUBLIC OF ANGOLA MINITRY OF HEALTH Loan nQ: IBRD - 88350 Bank Disbursement Reconciliation In 2022 PFSS GAVI Disbursed b World Bank Opening Balance . Add: Direct Payments Year 2022 9 089 604 580675 Add: Designated Account______________ Funds disbursed on 17-Junho-2022 5053000,00 Total Designated Account 5 053 000r00 0.00 Total Dibursement by World Bank 14142 603,99 580 675,06 Received by Opening Balance . Add: Direct Payments Year 2022 9 089 604 580 675 Add: Designated Account Funds received on 17/06/2022 S5052 980.00 Total Designated Account 5 052 980OO0 0.00 Total Receipt by PFSS 14142584,00 580 67506 Vanance if any 1999 0.00 The diffrence with the amount disbursed The diffrence with the amount disbursed Reason of Variance by the World bank is 20,00 USD and by the World bank is 0,00 USD and represents bank chargesfrom represents bank charges from in mntermediary Bank. REPUBLIC OF ANGOLA MINISTRY OF HEALTH Designated Account Activity Reporting Period: 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022 P160948 - Angola Health System Performance Strengthening Project (HSPSP) Account Number 1002169836 Account Number Loan Number: IBRD 88350 AND TF 80225 AO 1002475554 Bank: Standard Bank Angola PFSS GAVI Une PART I Amount Amount 1 Advances accumulated on 31 December 2022 33369388 6055500 2 Accumulated expenses on 31 December 2022 16618526 667104 3 Advances to be justified (line 1 minus line 2) 16750862 5388396 Une PART II 4 Opening balance on 01 January 2021 7413069 1640344 5 Accumulated adjustments (add / subtract) 6 BM advances during the period 5052980 1433323 7 Add lines 5 and 6 5052980 1433323 8 Advances to be justified (add row 4 and row 7) 12466049 3073667 9 Final balance of the designated account on 31 December 2022 8347325 1000766 Accumulated adjustments (add / subtract) (Disbursement Redisse e Gavi and 10 Other) -5890362 0 11 Expenses on 31 December 2022 10009 086 2072902 12 Add lines 10 and 11 4118724 2072902 13 Add lines 9 and 12 12466049 3073667 14 Subtract line 8 and line 13 0 Une PART Ill 15 Total forecast to be paid by BM 16 Final balance of the designated account after adjustments 17 Balance transferred and not used for eligible expenditure 18 Direct payments 19 Add lines 16, 17 and 18 20 Needs for the next 2 quarters (line 15 minus line 19) MINIS I O DA SAúDE GABINETE DE ESTUDOS PLANEAMENTO E ESTATISTICA DIRECÇÃO NACIONAL DE SAÚDE PÚBLICA PORTFOLIO PROJECTOS DE SAÚDE PROJECTO DE FORTALECIMENTO DO SISTEMA DE SAÚDE HEALTI SYSTEM PERFORMANCE STRENGTHENING PROJECT Empréimo N. 1 8835 - AO Prjec ID N.* Pl60948 DEMONSTRAÇOES FINANCEIRAS ANUAIS PFSS 2022 HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY PORTFOL PRJECTOS DE SAúDE 00 MINSA FINANCIADOS PELO BANCO MUNDIAl. Miu 1 me I Gei I uiW age m e.e ~,a çdaao reon Unidade de Coordenação Central, Avernda 1° Congresso do MPLA n.°67 (Cave) Edificio da Direcçio Nacional de Saúde Pública/ Luanda - Angola +244 934 372 012 MINI RIO DA SAODE GABINErE DE ESTUDOS PLANEAMENTO E ESTATISTICA DIRECAO NACIONAL DE SAODE POJBUCA PORTF6LIO PROJECTOS DE SAODE PROJECTO DE FORTALECIMENTO DO SISTEMA DE SAODE HEAUH SYSTEM PERFORMANCE STRENGTHENING PROJECT Empr6kmo N. 8835- AO Project ID N. P160948 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2022 (Amounts Stated in United States Dollars - USD) EXPLANATORY NOTES 1. ACCOUNTING POLICIES Basis of preparation The Project financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the "Cash Basis IPSAS, Financial Reporting Under the Cash Basis of Accounting". Cash basis is a basis of accounting that recognizes transactions and other events only when cash is received or paid. The accounting policies have been applied consistently throughout the period. Management has assessed the Project's ability to operate on a going concern basis taking into consideration all relevant information, facts and circumstances, including subsequent events to the date of the financial statements, disclosed on Note 13. As a result of this evaluation, Management concluded that the Project has adequate resources to maintain its activities, having no intention to cease activities in the short term, and considered the use of the going concern assumption as appropriate. Reporting Entity The Project financial statements are for the Statistical Studies and Planning Office ("Entity" or "Project Implementation Unit") reporting on the project "Angola Health System Performance Strengthening Project" (PFSS). The Entity controls its own bank accounts. The Entity is a Statistical Studies and Planning Office (GEPE) that is part of the Ministry of Health of Angola and holds its domicile at Rua 12 Congresso do MPLA n267 in Luanda Province. Project description The Government of Angola has entered into the loan agreement nQ 88350 AO on June 01, 2018, in the amount of 110 million USD from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) to implement the Angola Health System Performance Strengthening Project" (PFSS). The Health System Strengthening Project (PFSS) is implemented in the 34 Municipalities of Angola. Project Development Objective is: Increase the Use and Quality of Health Services in the Target Provinces and Municipalities with a focus on women of reproductive age and children up to 5 years old. The Project also aims to develop a pilot Result Based Financing (FBR) approach in 5 of the 34 Municipalities. The PFSS has 4 components, namely: Component 1: Improving the Quality of Health Service Delivery in Target Provinces (US$65 million); Component 2: Strengthening Management of the National Health System to Support the Delivery of Quality Health Services. ($35 million); Component 3: Supporting Response Capacity and Prevention of Public Health Emergencies (US$0) and Component 4: Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation (US$10 million). The Project's intervention seeks to demonstrate that the contracting mechanism creates an enabling environment for a positive behavior change of health professionals and to identify and support the necessary institutional changes to reduce spending inefficiencies. To this end, the Project guarantees fixed PORTFOUO PROJECTOS DE SAOlDE DO MNSA FINANCADOS PELO BANCO MUNDIAL PMs 7 mo I Gw I wvAces '.ade de aWn o 4dt Unidade de Coordcnaso Central, Avenida lP Congresse do PLA n.* 67 (Cave) Edificio da Direclo Nacional de Saude P6blical Luanda Angola: +244 934 372 012 MINISI DA SAOlDE GABINETE DE ESTUDOS PLANEAMENTO E ESTATISTICA DIREC?AO NACIONAL DE SAODE POBLICA PORTF61ue PROJECTOS DE SAI)DE PROJECTO DE FORTALECIMENTO DO SISTEMA DE SAIJDE HEALTH SYSTEM PERFORMANCE STRENGTHENING PROJECT Empr5timo N. 8835- AO Project ID N' Pl60948 funding for a minimum package of services for the target population and an additional variable funding scheme dependent on the performance of the Municipalities. The pilot is structured around management agreements between Ministry of Health, Provincial Governments and Municipal Administrations. The closing date of the Angola Health System Performance Strengthening Project" (PFSS) is September 30, 2023. Presentation Currency The presentation currency is the United States Dollars which is different from the official currency in Angola, presently the Kwanza (AKZ"). The reasons for having the USD as the presentation currency relates to the fact that this currency is the currency in which the loan was granted and is deposited in PFSS Designated Account. The amounts stated in Kwanza are converted to USD at the spot exchange rate prevailing at December 31 each year. Fiscal regime The Entity itself is currently exempt from any corporate income taxes. In relation to third parties is currently subject to the following: i) Social security ("SS"1: This contribution amounts to a total of 11%, being 3% of the employee's responsibility. During the year ended the Entity did not hold any employee's, being all functions of the Project assumed by hired individual consultants, whose contracts include payment to social security as described above. ii) Personal income tax: This tax is withheld by the Company and deducted from employees' salaries, being calculated based on their remuneration. Executive Decree 28/20 of July 22, defined thirteen variable increasing rates, the maximum rate being 25%; iii) Proper tax: Law 20/20, of July 9 establishes that the payment of property tax on property income obtained after May 31,2011, operates by withholding tax at the rate of 15% if the owner is not exempt Additionally, income with rentals is no longer taxed under the corporate income tax regime, with the taxation being computed based on the annual rents accounted for using a tax rate of 15%; iv) Corporate income tax: Law n. 2 26/20 of July 20, establishes the tax regime for the settlement and provisional anticipated payments related to corporate income tax, and services rendered (at the rate of 6.5%), operating as a withholding tax; Law n 27/22 of August 22, 2022, reducing the withholding rate applicable to the special regime for the taxation of accidental services to 6.5% also; v) Value added tax: Law nQ7/19 of 24th Abril replacing the Consumption tax, entered in force on the 1st of October of 2019, establishes a single tax rate of 14% for all transmission of goods, services and imports. Laws n No. 17/19 of August 13, 2019, n2 31/20 of August 11, 2020, nQ 31/21 of December 30, 2021 amend successively Law n2 17/19 of the Code of Value Added Tax and introduce a new rate. Circular No. 18 of March 25,2020 of the General Tax Administration, exempts projects with external financing of Value Added Tax payments. Law no. 14/23, of 28 December 2023 (Law amending the Value Added Tax Code - VAT) was published on December 28, 2023 and came into force on the same day. Among the main changes we can mentioned the new rate for hotel and restaurant services (7%) and the following stand out Transmission of food and agricultural inputs (5%). PORTF&uO PROJECTOS DE 5AClDE 00 MINSA FINANCIADOS PELO BANCO MUNDLAL Unidade de Coordena,ile Central. Avenida 1"'Congresso do WJLA n.* 67 (Cave) Edificio da Direrglio Nacional de SaliPt lc alE Luanda - Angola: +244 934 372 012 MINI RIO DA SAtODE GABINETE DE ESTUDOS PLANEAMENTO E ESTATISTICA DIREC?AO NACIONAL DE SAODE POBLICA PoRTF6LIO PROJECTOS DE SAlODE PROJECTO DE FORTALECIMENTO DO SISTEMA DE SALDE HEALTH SYSTEM PERFORMANCE STRENGTHENING PROJECT Empr&rsima N. 835- AO Project ID N? Pl60948 vi) The main fiscal changes in 2022 are mentioned in the General state Budget for 2022 through law nQ32/21 of December 30,2021. vii) In accordance with current legislation, tax returns are subject to review and adjustment by the tax authorities for a period of five years. Accordingly, the Entity's tax returns for 2022 are still subject to review and adjustment. 2. RECEIPTS - Designated Account During the year ended December 31, 2022, under the loan agreement (IBRD: 88350 - AO) and the trust fund (GAVI: 0B0225) as described in Note 1 above, received funds in its respective designated accounts as follows: PFSS - Cr. 88350 - A0: Designated Account 5 053 000 7 976 832 GAVI - TF OB022 5: Designated Account 1433 343 3 260 721 3. RECEIPTS - Direct Payments During the year ended December 31, 2022, under the loan agreement (IBRD: 88350 - AO) and the trust fund (GAVI: 0B0225) as described in Note 1 above, the Entity has benefited from direct payments made by the World Bank towards the project as follows: PFSS - Cr. 88350 - AO: CONSULTANTS / SUPPLIERS 2022 2021 WORLD FOOD PROGRAM WFP 2.162.676 1.659.340 LUDIMED LDA 1.416.246 736.523 CASAIS ANGOLA ENGENHARIA E CONSTRUC 947.287 427.586 PORTFOUO PROJECTOS DE SAOlDE DO MINSA FINANCIADOS PELO BANCO MUNDIAL ARM& AV I[ a" unla,ae I tIeta50dFort ho Untidade de Coordena9a Central, Avenida 1 Congresso do dPLA n. 67 (Cave) Edificio da DirecvAo Nacional de Safde Pfblical Luanda - Angola +244 934 372 012 MINI RIO DA SAODE GABINETE DE ESTUDOS PLANEAMENTO E ESTATiSTICA DIREC4AO NACIONAL DESALDE PlBLICA PORTF6LIO PROJECTOS DE SAODE PROJECTO DE FORTALECIMENTO DO SISTEMA DE SAODE HEALTH SYSTEM PERFORMANCESTRENGTHENING PROJECT Empr6slirm N. 835 - AO Promjed ID N P160948 PRINCE FARMA 853.396 204.488 MISSIONPHARMA 645.915 832.404 WORLD VISION CANADA 606.452 2.425.810 DECIFER DE DECIO LOURENCO ENCARNACA 420.720 - UNICARE SOLUTIONS PREST DE SERV LDA 348.914 - STUDI INTERNATIONAL 249.806 83.269 FLY HOTEL SERVE SO SOCIEDADE DE SER 215.243 - ROSA DIOGO DE JESUS MOREIRA 168.000 42.000 JOAQUIM SAWEKA 165.000 15.000 JOAO CARLOS D P BLASQUES OLIVEIRA 138.000 84.000 MARIA JOSE MATA MOUROS REZENDE COST 113.800 120.000 ANA MARIA DA CONCEICAO TEIXEIRA LEI 108.865 112.950 NEXOIL CORPORATION LDA 98.688 - ANSELMO MANUEL DA CONCEICAO 94.040 83.600 JOAO FRANCISCO PINTO DOMINGOS 79.364 - JORGE LAGOS DOS SANTOS AGOSTINHO 72.828 75.300 ANA ALICE OLIVEIRA 72.000 - BRUNO DA SILVA MOTA VEIGA 71.250 62.750 PRECIOSA JULIA POMBA 70.050 43.550 HENRIQUES NKOSI KIASOTOKA 67.221 68.475 KPMG ANGOLA AUDIT TAX ADVISORY SA 60.775 - OSVAL ROCHA ANDRADE ROMAO 57.41S - SONIA KATANHA ALBINO KARYMBA LUIS 55.000 60.000 BITRAN Y ASOCIADOS 54.065 99.119 CARLOS JOSE SEBASTIAO DE ARAGAO 54.000 11.273 SARA CATOMA LUMBONGO SEGUNDA 40.000 40.600 ANA GLORIA MIRANDA CASSESSA MORAlS 24.000 68.000 ALEXANDRE JUNIOR KAPAPELO JOSE 21.000 55.000 PAXE MANUE.A ALFREDO BEJE 18.000 13.500 BEN BEGBIE CLENCH 17.500 - JUARI SILVA DA ROCHA GONCALVES 16.100 43.900 PAWA IT SOLUTIONS LDA 15.374 - INSTITUTO DE HIGIENE E MEDICINA TRO 15.158 LTC TECH SOUTH AFRICA PTY LTD 14.958 - ADILSON ANSELMO DOS SANTOS 11.000 - MASINCA OANCEA 10.000 120.000 JOSE AGOSTINHO ALBERTO 9.000 43.100 FERREIRA ARMANDO PEDRO 6.800 32.400 TELMA EUTRINA INAMULYANGUE GABRIEL 6.700 23.450 ADAM VENANCIO TETE - 33.500 ALBINO LAMBO - 55.500 PORTF6LIO PROJECTOsDESAODE DOPMINSAFINANCIADOS PELOANCO MUNDLAL IIT I ZE I rtva I a OA VI dade emee do P*161O Unidade de Coordena;o Central, Avenida I Congresso do MPLA n." 67 (Cave) Edificio da Direc9to Nacional de Sa6ade Pfblical Luanda - Angola:+244 934 372 012 MINIST RIO DA SAODE GABINETE DE ESTUDOS PLANEAMENTO E ESTATf$TICA DIRECcAO NACIONAL DE SAODE POiBLICA PORTF6uO PROJECTOS DE SAOlDE PROJECTO DE FORTALECIMENTO DO SISTEMA DE SACDE HEALTH SYSTEM PERFORMANCE STRENGTHENING PROJECT Emprsfm N. * 835 - AO Proect ID N. P160948 ALFREDO CARLOS PERAZZO - 94.215 AMARILDO WILL BENTO TONET 100.000 ANABELA GEORGINA N BAPTISTA - 62.400 ARMENIO MARIA MANUEL DA SILVA 90.000 ASSIS AMBRIZ 35.000 BRUNO MIGUEL GOMES PITTA GROZ 35.000 CARLOS MANUEL ROCHA DOS SANTOS 7.517 CLARENCE JOSE MANUEL FUILA 30.150 CONFIDENTIA . 16.641 CRISTIANO PACIENCIA 7.848 DALVA MARIA DA ASSUNCAO BARROS SANT 150.000 DAMAS JOSE NACUNDO MABIALA 20.400 DANILO PATRICIO PEREIRA CUNHA 66.000 DAVID ANTONIO MUSSANGO NHUNGA 35.819 EDGAR ARTUR LUIS 38.821 EDUARDO SALDANHA LANGA 56.005 ELNOR INTERNATIONAL HOLDING LIMITAD 410.941 ERIKA UM FLORES 72.000 FERNANDA MARIA ESTIMA INGLES 96.000 IGOR SANDRO DA GAMA SANTIAGO 8.000 JOAO BAPTISTA _ 88.000 JORGE BRUNO GUILLERMO GOSIS 96.120 JOSEFINA PERPETUA NGOMA NGULO - 23.000 MARY DALY 33.000 NEIDE ESPERANCA GOUVEIA JOAQUIM - 15.400 ONESIMO FERNANDO BENTO DIBAIA - 10.000 OSCAR ALBERTO LOPEZ - 93.129 RAFAEL MANUEL CONSTANTINO - 95.400 Ran:RN000000361053 -_ (39.959) Ran :RN000000384505 - (1,659.340) Ran :RN000000390313 - (9.959) ROSA MARIA DA PAIXAO FRANCO GEOVET 30.000 UNITED NATIONS POPULATION FUND - 2.496.592 VICTOR MANUEL CORREIA ALMEIDA MARQU - 5.060 Ran :RN000000394110 (11.269) - NEXOIL CORPORATION LDA (92.432) Ran:RN000000385560 (499.300) - TOTAL USD 9.089.604 10.485.587 PORTF6UO PRQlECTOS DE AUDE DO MMA F1NANOADOS PELD aANCO MUNDIAL FM RG6 AI ca.-O Am Umdade de Coordenao Cantral, Avenida 1* Congresso do MPLA n. 67 (Cave) Edificio da Direc9so Nacional de Safide Piblica/ Luanda - Angola: +244 934 372 012 MINIV IIO DA SAlDE GABINETE DE ESTUDOS PLANEAMENTO E ESTATISTICA DIRECCAO NACIONAL DE SAJDE POBLICA PORTF6LIO PROJECTOS DE SA6lDE PROJECTO DE FORTALECIMENTO DO SISTEMA DE SALDE HEALTH SYSTEM PERFORMANCE SRENGTHENING PROJECT Empr6stimo N. 8835 - AO Project ID N. P160948 This creditor transaction in the amount of USD 499 300 refers to a refund received from the World Health Organization in 2020, for not having provided the expected deliverables to the Project The creditor transaction of USD 92 432 refers to a refund made by Hotel Corimba Sol, for not provided services. GAVE - TF 0B0225: ELNOR INTERNATIONAL HOLDING LIMITAD 473 671 220 139 ISILDA MARIA SIMAO NEVES 60000 - MARIA GEORGINA MIGUEL PANZO MARQUES 30000 - NEOFARMA DISTRIB DE MED E COSMETICO 12 898 6 449 Ran:RN000000372925 Neofarma - (6 394) Ran:RN000000383038 Neofarma (6394) - ROSA MARIA DA PAIXAO GEOVETTY - 47888 TANIA JANETH FELIX JOAO 10500 62500 TOTAL USD 580675 330 581 4. RECEIPTS - Government Contribution During the period ending on December 31, 2022, no amount has been funded by the Angolan Government. S. RECEIPTS - Others Contribution The funds received by the HSPS from other contributors during the year ended December 31, 2022, refer to the reimbursement of funds from the Project REDISSE IV and the trust fund GAVI, in the amounts of 5,842,902 USD and 43,661 USD, respectively, for expenditures paid by the Project in previous years, in the name of those entities. 6. PAYMENTS Subomponent 1.1 Improving the Quality of Health Services Delivery in Target Provinces (US$45.Omillion). This component would support activities at the provincial and municipal level to improve the quality of the health care services in the target provinces and municipalities with the development of a PBF pilot in two selected provinces. The improved quality of health services can lead to improved health service utilization, which may indirectly lead to improvements in outcomes. An example of a pathway may be the renovation of primary care facilities leading to higher community acceptability, resulting in the increased use of health services as more children are brought for treatment and thus a reduction in deaths due to treatable causes. The payments included in this caption, essentially relate to: PFSS - Cr. 88350 - AO: PORTOU10 PROECMS DE SAOJDE 00 MINSA FnANCIADOSPFELO WANCO MUNDIAL m I GADVEWI CW4WVMA L".dafe d. -Z no . W*aien Pertfv. Unidade de CoordenaVilo Central, Avenida l' Congresso do MAPLA n.* 67 (Cave) Edificio da Direc9io Nacional de Sade P(blical Luanda - Angola: +244 934 372 012 MINISRIO DA SAODE GABINETZ DE ESTUDOS PLANEAMENTO E ESTATISTICA DIREC4;AO NACIONAL DE SAODE POBLICA PORTF6LIO PROJECTOS DE SAODE PROJECTO DE FORTALECIMENTO DO SISTEMA DE SAODE HEALTH SYSTEM PERFORMANCE STRENGTHENING PROJECT Empr6stimo N.* 8835 - AO Project ID N P16948 ParticularsZ 2022 2021 1.1 Improving the Quality of Health Services Delivery in Target Provinces 5311616 7989 572 Total 5 311616 7 989 572 The above payments were made both by direct payment and through designated account. GAVI - TF 0B0225: Particulars 2022 2021 1.1 Improving the Quality of Health Services Delivery in Target Provinces 1201712 749595 Total 1201712 749 595 7. PAYMENTS Subcomponent 1.2 Piloting Performance-Based Financing (US$20.0 million). The HSPSP will pilot a supply- side RBF approach referred to as Performance Based Financing (PBF). The PBF pilot will support health service delivery through a performance focus adjusted for the municipal context. Since Angola has not had any previous experience implementing PBF approaches, this sub-component will support south-to-south learning exchanges between Angola and other countries on a global level with practical experiences to share. An assessment due to commence in April will inform the PBF design in areas to include, but not limited to, the identification of the beneficiary population, the services (interventions) to be incentivized, the data sources for monitoring and verification of results, and funding flows, while keeping an eye to the benefits of PBF for overall health system strengthening. As part of project preparation, the task team together with the MOH team reviewed the basic package of health services supported by the Angola MOH. From this package, key interventions to be incentivized in line with the maternal and child health focus will be selected and costed using existing costing information and further Bank analysis. In parallel, the Bank team will work with the Social Protection sector and the Ministdrio da Administrag5o do Territ6rio e Reforma do Estado (MATRE) to use existing social registries and the inputs for those being developed to support the identification and registration of the beneficiary population. PFSS - Cr. 88350 - AO: Particulars 2022 2021 1.2. Piloting Performance - Based Financing 1 262 733 1417575 Total 1262 733 1417575 PoRTFOLIo PRojecTs DE5ADE DO MA FINANCADM PE4 3 ANCO MUNDIAL Unidade de Coordenaw. Central, Avenida 1* Congress do MPLA n." 67 (Cave) Edificio da Direcqgo Nacional de Sa6ida P61blical Luanda Angola: +244 934 372 012 MINIST RIO DA SAOlDE GABINETE DE ESTUDOS PLANEAMENTO E ESTATiSTICA DIRECCAO NACIONAL DE SAODE POBLICA PORTF6LIO PROJECTOS DE SAIJDE PROJECTO DE FORTALECIMENTO DO SISTEMA DE SAGDE HEALTH SYSTEM PERFORMANCE STRENGTHENING PROJECT Ernprbstiko N.* 8835 - AO ProectiDNF0948 The above payments were made through designated account GAVI - TF 00225: The GAVI Project did not contemplate disbursements towards the Subcomponent 1.2. 8. PAYMENTS Component 2 Strengthening System-wide Enabling Factors that Support Delivery of Quality Health Services (US$35.0 million). This component aims to support institutional strengthening across the national health system towards improving the quality and coordination of health care services delivered at the municipal, provincial, and national levels. As such, this component is a critical underpinning for improving utilization because by improving quality, it will ensure better service delivery and coverage and hence will likely lead to utilization. The component will therefore contribute to reducing health system inefficiencies a critical effort given the country's limited availability of resources. Activities in Component 2 will support measures that are more short term in nature, such as the strengthening of data collection and use for improved evidence-based decision-making, the implementation of normative instruments and regulations for the health sector, as well as those that have more of systemic characteristic, such as the updating and development of national policies and plans for human resources for health. Component 2 will also support the broader reform agenda of the MOH to address system bottlenecks to improve health outcomes. In this sense, the component will assist the sector in improving its overall coordination and strengthen the stewardship role of the MOH for a more effective and better-quality frontline service delivery. This caption includes, essentially: PFSS - Cr. 88350 - AO: Particulars 2022 2021 2 - Strengthening System-wide Enabling Factors that Support 4079687 958767 Delivery of Quality Health Services Total 4079687 958767 The above payments were made both by direct payment and through designated account. GAVI - TF 00225: The GAVI Project did not contemplate disbursements towards the Component 2. PORTF6LUO PROJECTOS DESAO)DE DO MA SA FINANCIA10SPELO BANCO MUNDIAL 1t I raom I on1 I ca0mvacDOS ,tWe de peeagge OWPerd60 Unidade de Coordenaqlo CmntrL, Avenida I'Congresso do MPLA n.* 67 (Cave) Edificio da Direto Nacional de Saide Piblical Luanda - Angola: +244 934 372 012 MINIS RIO DA SAlDE GABINETE DE ESTUDOS PLANEAMENTO E ESTASTICA DIRECCAO NACIONAL DE SAODE PLBUCA PORTF'51O PROJECTOS DE SAIODE PROJECTO DE FORTALECIMENTO DO SISTEMA DE SADDE HEALTH SYSTEM PERFORMANCE STRENGTHENING PROJECT Empr6sfioN."8835-AO Project ID ' P160948 9. PAYMENTS Component 4 Project Management and Monitoring and Evaluation (US$10M). This component supports project implementation by the MOH, including project management, fiduciary tasks and Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E). - Institutional Capacity Building, Project Management, Coordination and Advocacy. During the year ended December 31, 2022, this caption includes: PFSS - Cr. 88350 - AO: Particulars 2022 2021 4. Project Management and Monitoring and Evaluation 4857 362 3 374821 Total 4857362 3374821 The above payments were made both by direct payment and through designated account. GAVI - TF OBO225: Particulars 2022 2021 4. Project Management and Monitoring and Evaluation 151 465 Total 151465 The above payments were made both by direct payment and through designated account 10. ASI[ Cash means the equivalent amounts available in the cash on-hand, the balances available in the designated dollar accounts, and the dollar equivalent of the balances in the Kwanza accounts. A cash equivalent must be readily convertible to a known amount of cash and be subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value. At the end of the exercise, the advance corresponds to transfers made to municipalities in order to implement activities, to the advances to staff and to the advances made to the National direction of Public Health. Appropriations and other cash receipts are deposited in the Entity's bank account. Cash included in the statement of cash receipts and payments comprise the following: PFSS - Cr. 88350 - AO GAVI - TF 0B0225 # Cash at the year end 2022 2021 2022 2021 1 Cash on-hand 1.842 5.983 1.236 28 PORTF6LI PROJECTO50DE SAUDE DO MINSA FINANCIADO PELO HANCD MIJNDIAL LKIdd do makinet so edo Unidade de Coordenaqo Centl, Avnda I- Congresso do MPLA .. 67 (Cave) Edificio da Direio Nacional de Sa6de P(blical Luanda - Angola: +244 934 372 012 MII IDA SAIlDE MINISgR10AWD GABINETE DE ESTUDOS PLANEAMENTO E ESTATiSTICA DIREC(AO NACIONAL DE SAODE PI)BLICA PORTF6u.O PROJECTOS DE SAlDE PROJECTO DE FORTALECIMENTO DO SISTEMA DE SAJDE HEALTH SYSTEM PERFORMANCE STRENGTHENING PROJECT Ernpr6sfimo N. - 8835 - AO Proecl ID N. Pl60948 2 Balances with banks in Kwanza - IBRD Funds 2.638.360 1.069.882 1.560.755 291.761 3 Balances with banks in USD 8.347.335 7.413.079 1.000.766 1.640.393 4 Provincial Sub-accounts 3.369.758 1.350.583 30.266 0 Total Cash 14.357.295 9.839.527 2.593.023 1.932.182 The usage of the cash balances funds is subject to the loan conditions entered between The Government of Angola and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD). The proceeds of the loan should only be used to finance the following Eligible Expenses: Amount of the renge of Categoy Loan Allocad Expenditures to be (xprssed In US) financed (Inclusive of (1) Goods, works, non-consulting services, consulting services and training, operating for the Project (2) PBF payment under partl(b)(i) of the Project 20 000 000 100% Amount payable (3) Refund of the Preparation Advance 4 630 000 pursuant to Section 2.07 (a) of the General Conditions Amount payable pursuant to Section (4) Front-end Fee 275 000 2.03 this Agreement In accordance with Section 2.07(b) of the General Conditions Amount due pursuant to (5) Interest Rate Cap or Interest Rate Collar premium 0 Section 4.05 of the General Condition (6) Emergency Expenditures under part 3 of the Project 0 100% TOTAL AMOUNT 110 000 000 11. TRANSER During the year ended December 31, 2022, there were no amounts transferred to ineligible recipients in accordance with operating mandate and authority of the Entity. PORTFOLD PROJECTOS D1 AfJDE DO MiNSA FNKANCIADOS PELO BANCO MUNDIAL un'deewnaodo00Wardetf Unidade de Coordenap%l Contral, Avenida I' Congresso do MPLA n.* 67 (Cave) Edificio da Direc9glo Macional de Saiede P6blical Luanda - Angola: +244 934 372 012 MINIS RIO DA SAOlDE GABINETE DE ESTUDOS PLANEAMENTO E ESTATISTICA DIREC;AO NACIONAL DESAODE POBLICA PORTF6LIO PROJECTOS DE SAlDE PROJECTO DE FORTALECIMENTO DO SISTEMA DE SAODE HEALTH SYSTEM PERFORMANCE STRENGTHENING PROJECT Emprstlimo N, * 8835 - AO Project IDN. P160948 12. SIGNIFICANT ENTITIES During the year ended December 31, 2022, the Entity did not involve significant entities from the Government, as part of its activities besides the Target Provinces and Municipalities, and the Ministry of Health of Angola. 13. SUBSEQUENT EVENTS The world economy and markets were significantly affected by the effects of the war in Ukraine. As a result of these events, drastic measures will be taken that will have implications for national and global economies. As a result, Management has taken steps to mitigate the impacts of this event through. Most REDISSE staff works in an alternative scheme. Since the Project belongs to the Health sector, the restrictions imposed by the presidential decree establishing the State of Emergency, have so far significant Impact in the implementation of the project's activities. However, the project still remains attentive to the development of the Pandemic in Angola in order to prepare a response that will aim to mitigate the effects of "COVID-19". At the national level, despite the increase in the price of a barrel of oil, the Angolan economy continue to suffer, among other things, the negative effects of the "COVID-19" pandemic, the war in Ukraine and the international economic conditions. In 2022, Angola ended the fiscal year with a GDP appreciation of 2,9%, recording inflation of 18% and Kwanza, the Angolan currency, rose 10.09% in 2022, but without cancelling the negative result of the series of devaluations since 2014 to 2020. Public debt is estimated by the International Monetary Fund at 89,5% of GDP in 2022. 14. LIST OF FIXED ASSETS Refer to Appendix 1 for the Project's and GAVI's consolidated fixed assets list. 15. AUTHORIZATION DATE The Project financial statements were authorized for issue in June 30, 2024 by the Statistical Studies and Planning Office (GEPE). The Health Project Portfolio Manager The Project Finan al Manager /Joaquim Saweka/ /Osval Rocha And de Romio/ PORTFOLIO PROJ ECTOS DE SADE DO MINSA F NANCIADOS PELD IANCO MUNDIAL om M1 I'[S I 6W~ OM VACNAS - d dl C* feI mpianntgo We "& do Unidade de Coordaslo Central, Avenida 1. Congresso do MPLA n.* 67 (Cave) EdiScio da DirecEo Nacional de Sa6de Pfblical Luanda Angola: +244 934 372 012