Project information: The Gambia, Electricity Restoration and
Modernization Project, P163568
Project Implementation agency: National Water and Electricity
Company NAWEC
Date of the Procurement Plan: February 2017
Period covered by this Procurement Plan: February 2018 to
December 2018


In accordance with paragraph 5.9 of the “World Bank Procurement Regulations
for IPF Borrowers” (July 2016) (“Procurement Regulations”) the Bank’s
Systematic Tracking and Exchanges in Procurement (STEP) system will be
used to prepare, clear and update Procurement Plans and conduct all
procurement transactions for the Project.

This textual part along with the Procurement Plan tables in STEP constitute the
Procurement Plan for the Project. The following conditions apply to all
procurement activities in the Procurement Plan. The other elements of the
Procurement Plan as required under paragraph 4.4 of the Procurement
Regulations are set forth in STEP.

The Bank’s Standard Procurement Documents: shall be used for all
contracts subject to international competitive procurement and those
contracts as specified in the Procurement Plan tables in STEP.

National Procurement Arrangements: In accordance with paragraph 5.3
of the Procurement Regulations, when approaching the national market (as
specified in the Procurement Plan tables in STEP), the country’s own
procurement procedures may be used.
    When the Borrower uses its own national open competitive procurement
    arrangements as set forth in The Gambian Public Procurement
    Authority Act 2014, such arrangements shall be subject to paragraph
    5.4 of the Procurement Regulations.

    When other national procurement arrangements other than national open
    competitive procurement arrangements are applied by the Borrower,
    such arrangements shall be subject to paragraph 5.5 of the Procurement
Leased Assets as specified under paragraph 5.10 of the Procurement
Regulations: Leasing may be used for those contracts identified in the
Procurement Plan tables. “Not Applicable”
Procurement of Second Hand Goods as specified under paragraph 5.11 of
the Procurement Regulations – is allowed for those contracts identified in the
Procurement Plan tables.
Domestic preference as specified under paragraph 5.51 of the Procurement
Regulations (Goods and Works).
    Goods: is not applicable
    Works: is not applicable
Other Relevant Procurement Information.
                Gambia, The : Gambia Electricity Restoration and Modernization Project
General Information
Country:           Gambia, The                                                                             2018-02-28
                                                      Bank’s Approval Date of the Original Procurement Plan:
                                                      Revised Plan Date(s): (comma delineated, leave blank if none)
Project ID:        P163568                            GPN Date:                                            2018-04-18
Project Name:      Gambia Electricity Restoration and Modernization Project
Loan / Credit No:  IDA / V1120, IDA / D3090, IDA / D6530
Executing Agency(ies):

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                           Estimated Actual Am                                                                                                                                                                                   Bid Evaluation Report
                                 Loan / Credit N                                                                       Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification High SEA/SH R Procurement D                     Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu                           Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement            Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission /                                                          Contract Complet
       Description                                        Component                  Review Type       Method                                                                                      Amount (U ount (US$                                                                                                                                                                                   and Recommendation               Signed Contract
                                        o.                                                                                    h             cess           (Y/N)             isk     ocument Type                         atus         Documents               ation Report                                 ent / Justification Notice / Invitation                  s Issued        Opening / Minutes                                                                   ion
                                                                                                                                                                                                       S$)       )                                                                                                                                                                                             for Award
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Planned     Actual      Planned      Actual                             Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual       Planned     Actual  Planned     Actual    Planned     Actual            Planned       Actual      Planned

 GERMP/WORKS/C1/01 / Desi
gn, Supply, Installation, Oper                     On-grid solar PV with storag                    Request for Propo   Open - Internationa                                                                 28,400,000.0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           2021-03-2
                               IDA / D3090                                        Prior                                                    Multi Stage                                                                          0.00     Canceled                                                          2018-08-09                2018-08-14                                     2018-10-23                2019-02-04                2019-10-01
ation and Maintenance of a S                       e                                               sals                l                                                                                              0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               4
olar PV Plant with storage

 GM-NAWEC-77938-CW-RFP /
                                                   Transmission and distributio
Design and Build of Transmis                                                                       Request for Propo   Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E                                            12,000,000.0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           2020-10-1
                              IDA / D3090          n (T&D) restoration and mod Prior                                                                                                                                            0.00     Canceled      2018-09-21   2018-11-13   2018-12-07   2019-07-22   2018-12-07   2020-01-28   2018-09-26   2018-11-13                        2019-02-15                2019-03-17                2019-04-21
sion Infrastructure between B                                                                      sals                l                   nvelope                                                                    0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               2
rikama and Kotu

esign, Supply, Installation, O                     On-grid solar PV with storag                                        Open - Internationa Single Stage - Two E                                            28,400,000.0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           2021-01-3
                                 IDA / V1120                                      Prior            Request for Bids                                                                                                             0.00     Canceled      2018-11-26                2019-02-11                2019-02-11                2018-12-01                                     2019-04-22                2019-07-05                2019-08-09
peration and Maintenance of                        e                                                                   l                   nvelope                                                                    0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               0
a Solar PV Plant with Storage

 GM-NAWEC-88924-CW-RFP /
Lamin Koto - Diabugu Batapa                        Transmission and distributio
                                                                                                                       Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E                                            10,000,000.0 8,204,767.4                                                                                                                                                                                                                               2019-11-0
: 33kv line with distribution n IDA / D3090        n (T&D) restoration and mod Prior               Request for Bids                                                                                                                      Signed                                                            2019-01-17   2020-07-13   2019-01-22   2020-08-04                        2019-03-05   2020-11-26   2019-04-04   2021-04-07   2019-05-09   2021-06-01
                                                                                                                       l                   nvelope                                                                    0           0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   5
etwork and secondary substa                        ernization
tions for Sami and Sandu dist
ricts villages

 GM-NAWEC-93509-CW-RFQ /                           Urgent institutional support f                  Request for Quota                       Single Stage - One E                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   2020-06-1
                               IDA / V1120                                        Post                               Limited                                                                                   3,945.00     3,834.34     Completed                                                                                   2019-10-27   2019-02-12                                                                            2019-12-22   2019-03-12
Clearing of corridor for Solar                     or sector turnaround                            tions                                   nvelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    9
PV Plant

 GM-NAWEC-141971-CW-RFQ                            Urgent institutional support f                  Request for Quota                       Single Stage - One E                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   2020-06-2
                             IDA / D3090                                          Post                               Limited                                                                                   3,580.00     3,482.49     Completed                                                                                   2019-10-29   2019-02-04                                                                            2019-12-24   2019-02-26
/ Pegging Perimeter of Solar                       or sector turnaround                            tions                                   nvelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    1
PV Plant

 GM-NAWEC-141979-CW-RFQ                            Urgent institutional support f                  Request for Quota                       Single Stage - One E                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   2020-07-2
                            IDA / D3090                                           Post                               Limited                                                                                 52,475.00     38,086.13     Signed                                                                                      2019-12-03   2021-05-10                                                                            2020-01-28   2021-07-26
/ Fencing of Solar PV Plant                        or sector turnaround                            tions                                   nvelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    6

/ Design, Supply, Installation,                    On-grid solar PV with storag                    Request for Propo   Open - Internationa Single Stage - Two E                                            28,400,000.0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           2022-01-0
                                IDA / V1120                                       Prior                                                                                                                                         0.00     Canceled      2019-11-01   2019-11-28   2020-01-17   2020-05-07   2020-01-17   2020-10-15   2019-11-06   2019-12-10                        2020-03-27   2021-03-01   2020-06-09   2021-10-27   2020-07-14
Operation and Maintenance o                        e                                               sals                l                   nvelope                                                                    0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               5
f a Solar PV Plant with Storag

                                                   Transmission and distributio
/ Design and Build of Transmi                                                                                          Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E                                            19,900,000.0 22,989,430.                                                                                                                                                                                                                               2020-12-0
                              IDA / D3090          n (T&D) restoration and mod Prior               Request for Bids                                                                                                                      Signed        2018-11-13                2019-01-29                2019-01-29   2020-02-05   2018-11-18                                     2019-04-09   2020-07-01   2019-05-09   2020-09-15   2019-06-13   2021-01-10
ssion Infrastructure between                                                                                           l                   nvelope                                                                    0         13                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    4
Brikama and Kotu

                                                   Transmission and distributio
/ GBA Secondary substations                                                                                            Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   2021-04-1
                                 IDA / D3090       n (T&D) restoration and mod Post                Request for Bids                                                                                        3,200,000.00         0.00     Canceled                                                          2020-07-01                2020-07-06                                     2020-08-17                2020-09-16                2020-10-21
upgrade (design, supply and                                                                                            l                   nvelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    9
installation contract)

 GM-NAWEC-182428-CW-RFQ                            Urgent actions to support th                    Request for Quota                       Single Stage - One E                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   2021-03-0
                               IDA / D6530                                        Post                               Limited                                                                                 80,000.00     38,327.25     Signed                                                                                      2020-07-13   2021-04-13                                                                            2020-09-07   2021-07-21
/ Rehabilitate 5 existing bore                     e COVID-19 response                             tions                                   nvelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    6

                                                   Transmission and distributio
/ Phase 2 of GBA T&D moder                                                                                             Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E                                                           5,246,363.0                                                                                                                                                                                                                             2021-07-0
                               IDA / D6530         n (T&D) restoration and mod Prior               Request for Bids                                                                                        8,200,000.00                  Signed                                                            2020-09-15   2021-05-05   2020-09-20   2021-08-31                        2020-11-01   2021-09-09   2020-12-01   2022-01-26   2021-01-05   2022-03-18
nization this includes primary                                                                                         l                   nvelope                                                                                  7                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 4
and secondary substations

                                                   Urgent actions to support th                    Request for Quota                       Single Stage - One E                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   2021-05-2
/ Intervention boreholes and IDA / D6530                                          Post                               Limited                                                                                500,000.00          0.00     Canceled                                                                                    2020-10-02                                                                                         2020-11-27
                                                   e COVID-19 response                             tions                                   nvelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    6
treatment within existing faci

                                                   Transmission and distributio
/ Design, Supply and Installat                                                                                         Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E                                            28,000,000.0 26,796,489.      Under Revie                                                                                                                                                                                                              2022-01-1
                               IDA / D3090         n (T&D) restoration and mod Prior               Request for Bids                                                                                                                                                                                        2021-03-31   2021-05-04   2021-04-05   2021-08-31                        2021-05-17   2021-09-30   2021-06-16   2022-03-18   2021-07-21   2022-06-02
ion of Transmission and Distr                                                                                          l                   nvelope                                                                    0         42       w                                                                                                                                                                                                                            7
ibution Provincial Backbone,
Phase 2

 GM-NAWEC-251310-CW-RFQ                                                                                                                                                               Request for Quota
                                                   Urgent institutional support f                  Request for Quota                       Single Stage - One E                                                                          Under Imple                                                                                                                                                                                                              2022-05-2
/ Rehabilitation of five(5) NA IDA / D6530                                        Post                               Limited                                                          tions (Non Bank-S     200,000.00          0.00                                                                                                 2021-10-02                                                                                         2021-11-27
                                                   or sector turnaround                            tions                                   nvelope                                                                                       mentation                                                                                                                                                                                                                    6
WEC Customer Service Centr                                                                                                                                                            PD)

 GM-NAWEC-267688-CW-RFP                                                                                                                                                               Request for Propo
/ Design, Supply. Installation,                    On-grid solar PV with storag                    Request for Propo   Open - Internationa Single Stage - Two E                       sal Design and Bu 28,400,000.0 27,800,225.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  2024-02-1
                                IDA / V1120                                       Prior                                                                                                                                                  Signed        2021-12-09                2022-02-24                2022-02-24   2022-01-08   2021-12-14                                     2022-05-05   2022-03-21   2022-07-18   2022-06-30   2022-08-22   2022-07-27
Operation and Maintenance o                        e                                               sals                l                   nvelope                                    ild - Works SPD (T           0         00                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       3
f a Solar PV Plant with Storag                                                                                                                                                        wo-stage)
                                                                                                                                                                                      Request for Quota
                                                   Urgent actions to address th                    Request for Quota                       Single Stage - One E                       tions - Small Work                                 Under Imple                                                                                                                                                                                                              2023-02-1
/ Rehabilitation of Six (6) Exis IDA / D6530                                      Post                               Limited                                                                                 40,000.00          0.00                                                                                                 2022-06-21   2022-07-15                                                                            2022-08-16
                                                   e water crisis                                  tions                                   nvelope                                    s (Emergency) SP                                   mentation                                                                                                                                                                                                                    2
ting Boreholes
                                                                                                                                                                                      D -Competitive

 GM-NAWEC-302321-CW-RFB                                                                                                                                                               Request for Bids -
/ Intervention boreholes in G                      Urgent actions to support th                                        Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E                       Small Works SPD                                    Under Imple                                                                                                                                                                                                              2023-05-0
                                 IDA / D6530                                      Post             Request for Bids                                                                                      1,800,000.00           0.00                                                                       2022-07-15   2022-07-14   2022-07-20   2023-01-18                        2022-08-31   2023-03-08   2022-09-30   2022-07-14   2022-11-04
BA and Provinces with associ                       e COVID-19 response                                                 l                   nvelope                                    (1 envelope proce                                  mentation                                                                                                                                                                                                                    3
ated infrastructure                                                                                                                                                                   ss)

 GM-NAWEC-304860-CW-RFB                                                                                                                                                               Request for Bids -
/ Gunjur Water Treatment Pla                       Urgent actions to address th                                        Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E                       Works (without pr                                  Under Imple                                                                                                                                                                                                              2023-05-1
                               IDA / D6530                                        Post             Request for Bids                                                                                      2,250,000.00           0.00                                                                       2022-07-29   2023-04-17   2022-08-03   2023-08-16                        2022-09-14   2023-09-29   2022-10-14                2022-11-18
nt and Boreholes, and Rehabi                       e water crisis                                                      l                   nvelope                                    equalification) SP                                 mentation                                                                                                                                                                                                                    7
litation of Banjul and Brikama                                                                                                                                                        D
Storage Tanks
                                                                                                                                                                                      Request for Quota
                                                   Urgent institutional support f                  Request for Quota                       Single Stage - One E                       tions - Small Work                                 Pending Imp                                                                                                                                                                                                              2022-12-1
/ Rehabilitation of Five (5) cu IDA / D6530                                       Post                               Limited                                                                                200,000.00          0.00                                                                                                 2022-04-26                                                                                         2022-06-21
                                                   or sector turnaround                            tions                                   nvelope                                    s (Emergency) SP                                   lementation                                                                                                                                                                                                                  8
stomer service centres (Phas
                                                                                                                                                                                      D -Competitive
e 2).
                                                                                                                                                                                      Request for Bids -
 GM-NAWEC-327002-CW-RFB                            Transmission and distributio                                        Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E                                                                          Under Imple                                                                                                                                                                                                              2023-09-1
                                 IDA / D6530                                    Post               Request for Bids                                                                   Plant SPD (withou 8,000,000.00            0.00                                                                       2022-11-30   2023-02-08   2022-12-05   2023-02-08                        2023-01-16   2023-04-13   2023-02-15   2023-06-21   2023-03-22
/ Backbone Phase 3                                 n (T&D) restoration and mod                                         l                   nvelope                                                                                       mentation                                                                                                                                                                                                                    8
                                                                                                                                                                                      t prequalification)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Page 1
/ Water network construction                                                                                                                                                         Request for Quota
works at Nyambikala Estate (                      Urgent actions to address th                    Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E                        tions - Small Work                             Under Imple                                                                                                                                                                                                        2024-05-2
                                IDA / D6530                                      Post                               Open - National                                                                         70,000.00       0.00                                                                                          2023-10-04                                                                                         2023-11-29
off-site and on-site) network f                   e water crisis                                  tions                                  nvelope                                     s (Emergency) SP                               mentation                                                                                                                                                                                                              7
or project affected people by                                                                                                                                                        D -Competitive
Electricity Transmission line
Phase I

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Bid Evaluation Report
                                Loan / Credit N                                                                      Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification Estimated Am Actual Amount           Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu   Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement            Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission /
       Description                                       Component                  Review Type       Method                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        and Recommendation               Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                       o.                                                                                   h             cess           (Y/N)        ount (US$)      (US$)                  atus         Documents              ation Report          ent / Justification Notice / Invitation                  s Issued        Opening / Minutes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          for Award
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Planned       Actual      Planned   Actual    Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual       Planned     Actual  Planned     Actual    Planned     Actual            Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual

 GERMP/GOODS/C4/07 / Vehi                         Urgent institutional support f                  Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E                                             Under Imple
                                IDA / V1120                                      Post                               Limited                                             50,000.00                0.00                                                                                           2017-09-02   2018-10-16                                                                            2017-10-28                2018-04-26
cle for Project Purpose                           or sector turnaround                            tions                                  nvelope                                                          mentation

 GERMP/GOODS/C4/06 / Repl                         Urgent institutional support f                                                         Single Stage - One E
                                IDA / V1120                                      Post             Request for Bids   Limited                                           225,600.00          225,600.00     Completed                                                   2017-08-21   2017-09-29   2017-08-26   2017-09-29                        2017-10-07   2017-10-17   2017-11-06   2017-10-23   2018-03-12   2018-03-17   2018-09-08   2019-05-05
acement of Streetlights                           or sector turnaround                                                                   nvelope

 GM-NAWEC-72939-GO-RFB /                          Transmission and distributio
                                                                                                                     Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E
Supply of 31,000 Prepaymen      IDA / D3090       n (T&D) restoration and mod Post                Request for Bids                                                    1,300,000.00       1,714,376.62     Signed                                                      2018-08-15   2019-02-22   2018-08-20   2019-02-27                        2018-10-01   2019-04-15   2018-10-31   2019-06-13   2019-02-01   2019-08-24   2019-10-01
                                                                                                                     l                   nvelope
t Meters for NAWEC                                ernization

 GERMP/GOODS/C3/06 / Proc
urement and Supply of office                      Urgent institutional support f                  Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E
                                IDA / V1120                                      Post                               Limited                                             61,000.00           20,359.62     Completed                                                                             2018-12-08   2018-12-27                                                                            2019-02-02   2019-02-08   2019-08-01   2019-04-16
equipment for GERMP PMU a                         or sector turnaround                            tions                                  nvelope
nd IMS Project Team

 GM-NAWEC-88520-GO-RFQ /
                                                  Urgent institutional support f                  Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E
Procurement and supply of of IDA / V1120                                         Post                               Limited                                             10,000.00            5,578.28     Signed                                                                                2018-12-19   2019-02-27                                                                            2019-02-13   2019-04-07   2019-08-12
                                                  or sector turnaround                            tions                                  nvelope
fice stationery and cartridges

 GM-NAWEC-88516-GO-RFQ /
Procurement and supply of of
                                                  Urgent institutional support f                  Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E
fice furniture, Provisions and IDA / V1120                                       Post                               Limited                                             40,000.00           37,439.21     Signed                                                                                2018-12-22   2018-12-04                                                                            2019-02-16   2019-01-06   2019-08-15
                                                  or sector turnaround                            tions                                  nvelope
Cleaning Materials for GERMP
new office and IMS Project off

 GERMP/GOODS/03/09 / Proc                         Urgent institutional support f                  Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E
                             IDA / V1120                                         Post                               Limited                                             50,000.00                0.00     Canceled                                                                              2019-02-24                                                                                         2019-04-21                2019-10-18
urement and Supply of Vehicl                      or sector turnaround                            tions                                  nvelope
e for PMU

                                                  Urgent institutional support f
/ Procurement, supply and in    IDA / D3090                                      Post             Direct Selection   Direct                                            150,000.00          150,000.00     Signed                                                      2019-09-18   2019-10-29   2019-09-23   2019-10-29                                                                            2019-10-28   2019-12-03   2020-04-25
                                                  or sector turnaround
stallation of Streetlights

 GM-NAWEC-180789-GO-RFB                           Transmission and distributio
                                                                                                                     Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E
/ Procurement of 30,000 prep IDA / D3090          n (T&D) restoration and mod Post                Request for Bids                                                    1,500,000.00       1,499,951.16     Signed                                                      2020-06-30   2020-11-02   2020-07-05   2020-11-10                        2020-08-16   2021-01-18   2020-09-15   2021-06-03   2020-10-20   2021-07-28   2021-04-18
                                                                                                                     l                   nvelope
ayment meters                                     ernization

                                                  Urgent actions to support th                    Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E
/ Procurement and supply of     IDA / D6530                                      Post                               Limited                                             86,000.00           66,793.90     Completed                                                                             2020-07-17   2020-07-27                                                                            2020-09-11   2020-08-28   2021-03-10   2020-09-11
                                                  e COVID-19 response                             tions                                  nvelope
2 motor vehicles

/ Supply and installation of 2
                                                  Urgent institutional support f
33 2000L and 112 of 5000L       IDA / D3090                                      Prior            Direct Selection   Direct                                            440,000.00                0.00     Canceled                                                    2020-06-29                2020-07-04                                                                                         2020-08-08                2021-02-04
                                                  or sector turnaround
water tanks with associated
plumbing materials and acce
ssories by Plastico Industrials
 GM-NAWEC-182430-GO-RFQ                           Urgent actions to support th                    Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E
                                IDA / D6530                                      Post                               Limited                                            207,000.00                0.00     Canceled                                                                              2020-07-13   2020-07-24                                                                            2020-09-07                2021-03-06
/ Supply of Hand wash materi                      e COVID-19 response                             tions                                  nvelope

                                                  Urgent actions to support th                    Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E
-BIS / Procurement of Hand w IDA / D6530                                         Post                               Limited                                             60,000.00           53,552.67     Completed                                                                             2020-10-06   2020-07-24                                                                            2020-12-01   2020-08-28   2021-05-30   2020-09-06
                                                  e COVID-19 response                             tions                                  nvelope
ash materials and Hygienic ki

/ Procurement & supply of Ha                      Urgent actions to support th                    Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E
                             IDA / D6530                                         Post                               Limited                                            147,000.00          142,989.82     Completed                                                                             2020-10-07   2020-11-26                                                                            2020-12-02   2021-01-09   2021-05-31   2021-02-09
nd wash materials and Hyge                        e COVID-19 response                             tions                                  nvelope
nic Kits (second tranche)

                                                  Urgent institutional support f                  Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E
/ Personal Protective Gears a   IDA / D6530                                      Post                               Limited                                            200,000.00          195,222.12     Signed                                                                                2020-10-28   2020-10-26                                                                            2020-12-23   2021-01-30   2021-06-21
                                                  or sector turnaround                            tions                                  nvelope
nd Equipment

 GM-NAWEC-182421-GO-RFQ                           Urgent actions to support th                    Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E
                                IDA / D6530                                      Post                               Limited                                            120,000.00                0.00     Canceled                                                                              2020-07-19   2020-10-13                                                                            2020-09-13                2021-03-12
/ Supply of Water Tanker (ve                      e COVID-19 response                             tions                                  nvelope

/ Procurement and Supply of                       Urgent actions to address th                    Request for Quota Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E
                                IDA / D6530                                      Post                                                                                  100,000.00                0.00     Canceled                                                                              2021-04-12                                                                                         2021-06-07                2021-12-04
Equipment and spare parts f                       e water crisis                                  tions             l                   nvelope
or water distribution network

                                                  Urgent actions to support th                    Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E
/ Procurement & Supply of St IDA / D6530                                         Post                               Limited                                            120,000.00                0.00     Canceled                                                                              2021-03-14   2021-03-10                                                                            2021-05-09                2021-11-05
                                                  e COVID-19 response                             tions                                  nvelope
andby Diesel Generator sets

                                                  Urgent actions to address th                                       Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E
/ Supply of Bulk and retail wa IDA / D6530                                       Post             Request for Bids                                                    1,300,000.00               0.00     Canceled                                                    2021-06-23   2021-08-12   2021-06-28   2022-02-11                        2021-08-09                2021-09-08                2021-10-13                2022-04-11
                                                  e water crisis                                                     l                   nvelope
ter meters

                                                  Urgent actions to support th                    Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E
-BIS / Procurement & Supply     IDA / D6530                                      Post                               Limited                                            120,000.00          126,679.48     Completed                                                                             2021-05-12   2021-03-09                                                                            2021-09-07   2021-04-19   2022-03-06   2021-05-11
                                                  e COVID-19 response                             tions                                  nvelope
of Standby Diesel Generator

/ Procurement and Supply of                       Urgent actions to address th                                       Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E
                                IDA / D6530                                      Post             Request for Bids                                                    1,500,000.00               0.00     Canceled                                                    2021-10-14   2022-04-07   2021-10-19   2022-04-07                        2021-11-30   2022-06-02   2021-12-30   2022-08-18   2022-02-03                2022-08-02
Equipment and Spare Parts f                       e water crisis                                                     l                   nvelope
or Water Distribution Networ

/ Procurement of additional a                     Transmission and distributio
ccessories in relation to the p IDA / D3090       n (T&D) restoration and mod Post                Direct Selection   Direct                                            500,000.00                0.00     Canceled                                                    2021-10-06   2021-09-28   2021-10-11                                                                                         2021-11-15                2022-05-14
rocurement of 500 maximum                         ernization
-demand prepayment meters

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Page 2
/ As part of the project’s supp
ort to the GBA T&D moderniz
                                                      Transmission and distributio
ation, this activity will procur                                                                      Request for Quota Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E                                        Under Imple
                                 IDA / D3090          n (T&D) restoration and mod Post                                                                                     500,000.00            0.00                                                                                         2021-12-05   2022-07-27                                                                            2022-01-30                2022-07-29
e the Supply and Installation                                                                         tions             l                   nvelope                                                     mentation
of 300 underground c
able between NAWEC’s new
Switching Station and High V
oltage substation at Brikama

/ Procurement, Supply & Inst
allation of one(1) Diesel Gen                         Urgent actions to address th                                       Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E                                       Under Imple
                              IDA / D6530                                            Post             Request for Bids                                                     570,000.00            0.00                                                               2022-02-28   2022-06-07   2022-03-05   2022-06-07                        2022-04-16   2022-08-10   2022-05-16                2022-06-20                2022-12-17
erator set of 1600Kva, one(1)                         e water crisis                                                     l                   nvelope                                                    mentation
wheel excavator, one(1) Cran
e Mounted behine Cabin Truc

                                                      Urgent institutional support f                                     Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E                                       Under Imple
/ MATERIALS AND TOOLS FO            IDA / D6530                                      Post             Request for Bids                                                     600,000.00            0.00                                                               2022-05-27   2023-02-10   2022-06-01   2023-02-10                        2022-07-13   2023-04-27   2022-08-12                2022-09-16                2023-03-15
                                                      or sector turnaround                                               l                   nvelope                                                    mentation

/ Supply of AMI & AMR-enabl                           Urgent actions to address th                                       Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E                                       Under Imple
                              IDA / D6530                                            Post             Request for Bids                                                    1,300,000.00           0.00                                                               2022-07-15   2022-07-21   2022-07-20   2022-08-23                        2022-08-31   2022-10-19   2022-09-30                2022-11-04                2023-05-03
ed Retail Water Meters with                           e water crisis                                                     l                   nvelope                                                    mentation
AMI Infrastructure and Test B

/ Procurement and Supply of                           Urgent institutional support f                                     Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E                                       Under Imple
                                    IDA / D6530                                      Prior            Request for Bids                                                    1,500,000.00           0.00                                                               2022-09-30   2022-10-18   2022-10-05   2022-12-05                        2022-11-16   2023-01-31   2022-12-16   2023-04-12   2023-01-20                2023-07-19
Equipment and Spare Parts f                           or sector turnaround                                               l                   nvelope                                                    mentation
or Water Distribution Networ

/ Supply of Materials and equ                         Urgent institutional support f                                     Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E
                               IDA / D6530                                           Post             Request for Bids                                                     350,000.00            0.00   Canceled                                                    2022-10-20   2022-10-25   2022-10-25                                     2022-12-06                2023-01-05                2023-02-09                2023-08-08
ipment plus Installation servi                        or sector turnaround                                               l                   nvelope
ces for Modernization of Cust
omer call Center.

BIS / Supply and Installation                         Urgent institutional support f                                     Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E
                              IDA / D6530                                            Post             Request for Bids                                                     350,000.00            0.00   Canceled                                                    2022-11-25   2022-12-06   2022-11-30   2022-12-22                        2023-01-11   2023-02-23   2023-02-10                2023-03-17                2023-09-13
of Hardware and Software for                          or sector turnaround                                               l                   nvelope
NAWEC Call Center

/ Procurement & Supply of on                          Urgent actions to address th                    Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E                                       Pending Impl
                              IDA / D6530                                            Post                               Limited                                             40,000.00            0.00                                                                                         2023-02-15                                                                                         2023-04-12                2023-10-09
e(1) Double Cabin Vehicle for                         e water crisis                                  tions                                  nvelope                                                    ementation
works on New Connection

                                                      Urgent actions to address th                    Request for Quota Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E                                        Under Imple
/ Procurement and Supply of         IDA / D6530                                      Post                                                                                  150,000.00            0.00                                                                                         2023-02-22                                                                                         2023-04-19                2023-10-16
                                                      e water crisis                                  tions             l                   nvelope                                                     mentation
One(1) Crane Truck

/ Procurement & Supply of N                           Urgent actions to address th                    Request for Quota Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E                                        Under Imple
                             IDA / D6530                                             Post                                                                                  100,000.00            0.00                                                                                         2023-03-20                                                                                         2023-05-15                2023-11-11
on-Revenue Water (NRW) Me                             e water crisis                                  tions             l                   nvelope                                                     mentation
asuring and leak Detection E
quipment. Phase 1

/ Procurement and Supply of
                                                      Urgent actions to address th                    Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E                                       Under Imple
Water Network Onsite & Offsi IDA / D6530                                             Post                               Open - National                                     50,000.00            0.00                                                                                         2023-04-18                                                                                         2023-06-13                2023-12-10
                                                      e water crisis                                  tions                                  nvelope                                                    mentation
te Materials- Nyamikala estat
e (Relocation site for project
affected people).

/ Implementation of energy a
                                                      Urgent actions to address th                    Request for Quota Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E                                        Under Imple
udits short term recommend IDA / D6530                                               Post                                                                                  100,000.00            0.00                                                                                         2023-04-21                                                                                         2023-06-16                2023-12-13
                                                      e water crisis                                  tions             l                   nvelope                                                     mentation
ation materials for water and
sewage business unit.

                                                      Urgent institutional support f                                     Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E                                       Under Imple
/ Supply and Installation of H      IDA / D6530                                      Post             Request for Bids                                                     350,000.00            0.00                                                               2023-12-31   2023-12-19   2024-01-05   2023-12-19                        2024-02-16                2024-03-17                2024-04-21                2024-10-18
                                                      or sector turnaround                                               l                   nvelope                                                    mentation
ardware and Software for NA
WEC Call Center

                                                      Urgent actions to address th                    Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E                                       Under Imple
/ Procurement & Supply of tw IDA / D6530                                             Post                               Open - National                                     95,000.00            0.00                                                                                         2024-01-13                                                                                         2024-03-09                2024-09-05
                                                      e water crisis                                  tions                                  nvelope                                                    mentation
o(2) pick-up vehicles for Wat
er activities

                                                      Urgent actions to address th                    Request for Quota Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E                                        Under Imple
/ Plastic Fitting for the Install   IDA / D6530                                      Post                                                                                  200,000.00            0.00                                                                                         2024-04-15                                                                                         2024-06-10                2024-07-09
                                                      e water crisis                                  tions             l                   nvelope                                                     mentation
ation of Smart Water Meters

 GM-NAWEC-429426-GO-RFQ                               Urgent actions to address th                    Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E                                       Under Imple
                              IDA / D6530                                            Post                               Open - National                                    200,000.00            0.00                                                                                         2024-06-16   2024-07-30                                                                            2024-08-11                2025-02-07
/ Energy audit materials phas                         e water crisis                                  tions                                  nvelope                                                    mentation
e II

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Bid Evaluation Report
                                    Loan / Credit N                                                                      Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification Estimated Am Actual Amount     Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu   Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement            Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission /
       Description                                           Component                  Review Type       Method                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  and Recommendation               Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                           o.                                                                                   h             cess           (Y/N)        ount (US$)      (US$)            atus         Documents              ation Report          ent / Justification Notice / Invitation                  s Issued        Opening / Minutes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        for Award
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Planned     Actual   Planned     Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual       Planned     Actual  Planned     Actual    Planned     Actual            Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual

 GM-NAWEC-72937-NC-RFB /
Design, Supply and Installati                         Urgent institutional support f                                     Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E
                                    IDA / D3090                                      Prior            Request for Bids                                                    5,500,000.00   8,594,051.79   Signed                                                      2018-09-03   2019-03-19   2018-09-08   2019-03-19                        2018-10-20   2019-06-10   2018-11-19   2019-11-27   2019-08-01   2020-04-28   2020-01-28
on of Integrated Managemen                            or sector turnaround                                               l                   nvelope
t System for NAWEC

                                                      Urgent institutional support f
curement of a software for m IDA / V1120                                             Post             Direct Selection   Direct                                               2,000.00        840.00    Completed                                                   2018-09-06   2019-09-13   2018-09-11   2019-09-13                                                                            2018-10-16   2019-10-07   2019-04-14   2020-06-25
                                                      or sector turnaround
onitoring and tracking procur
ement activities

 GM-NAWEC-179869-NC-DIR /
                                                      Urgent institutional support f
Extension of IMS system by i IDA / D3090                                             Prior            Direct Selection   Direct                                           1,700,000.00           0.00   Canceled                                                    2020-06-17   2020-07-16   2020-06-22                                                                                         2020-07-27                2021-01-23
                                                      or sector turnaround
nclusion of water-related mo

                                                      Urgent actions to support th                    Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E                                       Pending Impl
/ Communications (stickers, s IDA / D6530                                            Post                               Limited                                             16,000.00            0.00                                                                                         2020-07-13                                                                                         2020-09-07                2021-03-06
                                                      e COVID-19 response                             tions                                  nvelope                                                    ementation
tationery, internet

                                                      Urgent actions to support th                    Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E
/ Leasing of Water Tankers fo IDA / D6530                                            Post                               Limited                                            100,000.00            0.00   Canceled                                                                              2020-09-29                                                                                         2020-11-24                2021-05-23
                                                      e COVID-19 response                             tions                                  nvelope
r refilling of tanks

                                                      Urgent institutional support f
/ Sampling and Testing of He IDA / D6530                                             Post             Direct Selection   Direct                                             30,000.00      27,510.00    Signed                                                      2021-02-28   2021-02-23   2021-03-05   2021-03-01                                                                            2021-04-09   2021-10-06   2021-10-06
                                                      or sector turnaround
avy Fuel Oil (HFO)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Page 3
 GM-NAWEC-230779-NC-DIR /
                                                   Urgent actions to support th
Leasing of Water Tankers for IDA / D6530                                          Post             Direct Selection     Direct                                                    100,000.00             90,789.97   Completed                                                         2021-05-10   2021-06-04   2021-05-15   2021-06-04                                                                                 2021-06-19   2021-06-29   2021-12-16   2021-12-02
                                                   e COVID-19 response
the refilling of trucks.

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Combined Evaluation
                                 Loan / Credit N                                                                        Market Approac        Contract Type   Estimated Amo Actual Amount                                                       Expression of Interest Short List and Draft R Request for Proposals Opening of Technical                Evaluation of Technic
       Description                                        Component                  Review Type        Method                                                                            Process Status              Terms of Reference                                                                                                                                      Report and Draft Neg            Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                        o.                                                                                     h                                 unt (US$)      (US$)                                                                  Notice          equest for Proposals        as Issued         Proposals / Minutes                     al Proposal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 otiated Contract
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Planned      Actual        Planned      Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned      Actual    Planned     Actual           Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual
 GERMP/SERVICES/C4/04 / Re                         Urgent institutional support f                  Quality And Cost-    Open - Internationa
                              IDA / V1120                                         Prior                                                                          1,700,000.00    2,610,888.00   Signed               2016-08-03   2018-03-12    2016-08-24                2016-10-07   2018-03-14                             2016-11-04   2017-02-20   2016-12-04                2017-01-08   2018-03-19   2017-02-12   2017-10-30   2018-02-12
cruitment of Service Contract                      or sector turnaround                            Based Selection      l

asibility Study for Transmissi                     Urgent institutional support f                  Quality And Cost-    Open - Internationa
                                 IDA / V1120                                      Prior                                                                           655,000.00      902,128.47    Signed               2017-08-02   2018-08-03    2017-08-23                2017-10-06                                          2017-11-03   2017-12-07   2017-12-03   2019-08-13   2018-01-07   2019-05-30   2018-03-13   2018-04-08   2019-03-13
on Modernization Project in T                      or sector turnaround                            Based Selection      l
he Greater Banjul Area

 GERMP/SERVICES/C4/05 / So                         Urgent institutional support f                  Quality And Cost-    Open - Internationa
                           IDA / V1120                                            Post                                                                            340,000.00      428,502.38    Signed               2017-04-26   2017-03-07    2017-05-17                2017-06-30   2017-06-14                             2017-07-28   2017-08-31   2017-08-27   2017-09-15   2017-10-01   2017-11-24   2018-01-22   2018-02-03   2019-01-22
lar Feasibility Study                              or sector turnaround                            Based Selection      l

 GM-NAWEC-73512-CS-CQS /                           Urgent institutional support f                  Consultant Qualifi
                                 IDA / V1120                                      Post                                  Open - National                            50,000.00             0.00   Canceled             2018-09-03                 2018-09-24                2018-11-07                                                                                              2018-12-07                2019-01-08                2019-07-07
ESIA for Solar Plant                               or sector turnaround                            cation Selection

 GERMP/SERVICES/C3/10 / El                         Urgent institutional support f                  Quality And Cost-    Open - Internationa
                                 IDA / V1120                                      Prior                                                                           750,000.00             0.00   Canceled             2018-09-10   2018-09-20    2018-10-01   2018-10-04   2018-11-14                                          2018-12-12                2019-01-11                2019-02-15                2019-03-22                2020-03-21
ectricity Road Map Update                          or sector turnaround                            Based Selection      l

 GM-NAWEC-82968-CS-CQS /                           Urgent institutional support f                  Consultant Qualifi
                                 IDA / V1120                                      Post                                  Open - National                            30,000.00      110,260.80    Signed               2018-11-13   2018-11-07    2018-12-04                2019-01-17   2019-01-14                                                                                 2019-02-16   2019-03-01   2019-03-23   2019-03-23   2019-09-19
Additional Local Finance Res                       or sector turnaround                            cation Selection

 GM-NAWEC-99366-CS-CQS /
                                                   Urgent institutional support f                  Consultant Qualifi
ESIA for Laminkoto Diabugu       IDA / V1120                                      Post                                  Open - National                            50,000.00       15,304.43    Completed            2019-02-11   2019-02-07    2019-03-04                2019-04-17   2019-02-05                                                                                 2019-05-17   2019-04-24   2019-06-21   2019-05-13   2019-12-18   2020-04-16
                                                   or sector turnaround                            cation Selection
Line Network

                                                   Urgent institutional support f                  Least Cost Selecti   Open - Internationa
S / Recruitment of External A    IDA / V1120                                      Post                                                                            150,000.00       40,563.00    Signed               2019-02-20   2019-03-26    2019-03-13   2019-04-17   2019-04-26   2019-06-12                             2019-05-24   2019-08-08   2019-06-23   2019-10-04   2019-07-28   2019-11-06   2019-09-01   2019-12-30   2020-02-28
                                                   or sector turnaround                            on                   l
uditor for GERMP

 GERMP/SERVICES/C3/10BIS /                         Urgent institutional support f                  Quality And Cost-    Open - Internationa
                            IDA / V1120                                           Post                                                                            750,000.00      570,020.00    Completed            2019-05-03   2019-05-02    2019-05-24                2019-07-07   2018-01-11                             2019-08-04   2019-07-31   2019-09-03   2019-09-03   2019-10-08   2019-10-09   2019-11-12   2019-11-20   2020-11-11   2022-01-17
Electricity Road Map Update                        or sector turnaround                            Based Selection      l

 GERMP/SERVICES/C3/02 / RA                         Urgent institutional support f                  Consultant Qualifi   Open - Internationa
                             IDA / V1120                                          Post                                                                            125,000.00    11,890,570.00   Signed               2019-09-04   2019-11-21    2019-09-25   2020-03-26   2019-11-08   2020-07-24                                                                                 2019-12-08   2020-08-24   2020-01-12   2020-09-03   2020-07-10
P implementation support for                       or sector turnaround                            cation Selection     l

 GM-NAWEC-166470-CS-CQS                            Urgent institutional support f                  Consultant Qualifi   Open - Internationa
                                 IDA / D3090                                      Post                                                                             15,000.00             0.00   Canceled             2020-03-31   2020-04-30    2020-04-21   2020-06-02   2020-06-04                                                                                              2020-07-04                2020-08-08                2021-02-04
/ RAP for Laminkoto Diabugu                        or sector turnaround                            cation Selection     l

GERMP/SERVICES/C4/01 / O                           Urgent institutional support f                  Quality And Cost-    Open - Internationa
                                 IDA / V1120                                      Prior                                                                          1,000,000.00            0.00   Canceled             2018-08-15   2018-08-13    2018-09-05   2018-09-05   2018-10-19   2019-11-11                             2018-11-16   2020-01-13   2018-12-16   2020-03-31   2019-01-20                2019-05-01                2020-04-30
wner's Engineer for GERMP                          or sector turnaround                            Based Selection      l

GERMP/SERVICES/C4/01BIS /                          Urgent institutional support f                  Quality And Cost-    Open - Internationa
                           IDA / D3090                                            Prior                                                                          1,500,000.00    2,118,202.77   Signed               2020-07-20                 2020-08-10                2020-09-23   2020-08-03                             2020-10-21   2020-09-16   2020-11-20   2020-10-20   2020-12-25   2020-12-10   2021-01-29   2021-01-04   2022-01-29
Owner's Engineer for GERMP                         or sector turnaround                            Based Selection      l

 GM-NAWEC-166470-BIS / DE
VELOPMENT OF RESETTLEME                            Urgent institutional support f                  Consultant Qualifi   Open - Internationa
                           IDA / D3090                                            Post                                                                             50,000.00       17,570.81    Signed               2020-08-24   2020-08-25    2020-09-14                2020-10-28                                                                                              2020-11-27   2021-03-31   2021-01-01   2020-09-15   2021-06-30
NT ACTION PLAN (RAP) FOR 3                         or sector turnaround                            cation Selection     l

/ Recruitment of Consultant t
                                                   Urgent institutional support f                  Consultant Qualifi
o Implement Gender-Based V IDA / D6530                                            Post                                  Limited                                    50,000.00             0.00   Canceled             2020-07-07   2020-08-07                              2020-07-21                                                                                              2020-08-20                2020-09-24                2021-03-23
                                                   or sector turnaround                            cation Selection
iolence Prevention and Resp
onse (GBV) Activities

BIS / Recruitment of Consulta
                                                   Urgent institutional support f                  Consultant Qualifi   Open - Internationa
nt to Implement Gender-Bas IDA / D6530                                            Post                                                                             50,000.00       72,500.00    Signed               2020-09-07   2020-09-21    2020-09-28   2020-09-21   2020-11-11   2020-11-24                                                                                 2020-12-11   2020-12-04   2021-01-15   2021-02-21   2021-07-14
                                                   or sector turnaround                            cation Selection     l
ed Violence Prevention and R
esponse (GBV) Activities

 GM-NAWEC-191765-CS-CQS                            Urgent institutional support f                  Consultant Qualifi
                                 IDA / D3090                                      Post                                  Limited                                   200,000.00             0.00   Canceled             2020-09-28   2020-11-10                              2020-10-12                                                                                              2020-11-11                2020-12-16                2021-06-14
/ Energy and Water Audit                           or sector turnaround                            cation Selection

                                                   Urgent institutional support f                  Consultant Qualifi   Open - Internationa
/ Feasibility study for treatme IDA / D6530                                       Post                                                                            200,000.00      225,000.00    Signed               2020-09-29   2020-09-29    2020-10-20   2020-10-22   2020-12-03   2021-02-10                                                                                 2021-01-02   2021-06-15   2021-02-06   2021-07-07   2021-08-05
                                                   or sector turnaround                            cation Selection     l
nt Plant and rehabilitation of
storage Tanks

GM-NAWEC-191765-CS-CQS-                            Urgent institutional support f                  Consultant Qualifi   Open - Internationa
                             IDA / D6530                                          Post                                                                            200,000.00      170,449.00    Signed               2020-12-10   2020-12-02    2020-12-31   2021-01-04   2021-02-13   2021-02-23                                                                                 2021-03-15   2021-06-15   2021-04-19   2021-06-29   2021-10-16
BIS / Energy and Water Audit                       or sector turnaround                            cation Selection     l

                                                   Urgent institutional support f                  Consultant Qualifi   Open - Internationa
/ RAP Implementation suppor IDA / D3090                                           Post                                                                            200,000.00      201,522.21    Signed               2020-12-11   2020-12-15    2021-01-01   2021-01-04   2021-02-14   2021-02-15                                                                                 2021-03-16   2021-03-15   2021-04-20   2021-03-22   2021-10-17
                                                   or sector turnaround                            cation Selection     l
t for Transmission Infrastruct

/ Development of Environme                         Urgent institutional support f                  Consultant Qualifi   Open - Internationa
                                 IDA / D6530                                      Post                                                                             75,000.00       80,000.00    Signed               2021-01-22   2021-02-03    2021-02-12   2021-02-23   2021-03-28   2021-04-28                                                                                 2021-04-27   2021-06-09   2021-06-01   2021-06-24   2021-11-28
ntal and Social Impact Asses                       or sector turnaround                            cation Selection     l
sment for the Distribution ba
ckbone phase II

                                                   Urgent institutional support f                  Consultant Qualifi   Open - Internationa
/ Resettlement Action Plan fo IDA / D6530                                         Post                                                                             75,000.00      117,600.00    Signed               2021-01-22   2021-02-03    2021-02-12   2021-02-24   2021-03-28   2021-05-20                                                                                 2021-04-27   2021-06-14   2021-06-01   2021-06-29   2021-11-28
                                                   or sector turnaround                            cation Selection     l
r the Distribution backbone p
hase II

                                                   Urgent institutional support f                  Quality And Cost-    Open - Internationa
FOR DESIGN AND IMPLEMENT IDA / D6530                                              Prior                                                                           500,000.00      396,949.03    Signed               2021-03-18   2021-04-21    2021-04-08   2021-05-18   2021-05-22   2022-02-28                             2021-06-19   2022-04-19   2021-07-19   2022-05-10   2021-08-23   2022-07-18   2021-09-27   2022-08-05   2022-09-27
                                                   or sector turnaround                            Based Selection      l

                                                   Urgent actions to address th                    Consultant Qualifi   Open - Internationa
/ Consultancy Services to dev IDA / D6530                                         Post                                                                            200,000.00             0.00   Canceled             2021-01-26   2021-04-26    2021-02-16                2021-04-01                                                                                              2021-05-01                2021-06-05                2021-12-02
                                                   e water crisis                                  cation Selection     l
elop and design NRW reducti
on plan

                                                   Urgent actions to address th                    Quality And Cost-    Open - Internationa                                                     Under Implement
BIS / Consultancy Services to IDA / D6530                                         Post                                                                            750,000.00             0.00                        2021-06-14   2021-09-01    2021-07-05   2021-09-21   2021-08-18   2021-12-13                             2021-09-15   2022-03-24   2021-10-15   2022-07-12   2021-11-19   2022-07-25   2021-12-24                2022-12-24
                                                   e water crisis                                  Based Selection      l                                                                       ation
develop and design NRW red
uction plan

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Page 4
S / Review and Update of Nat                     Urgent institutional support f                  Quality And Cost-    Open - Internationa
                               IDA / D3090                                      Post                                                                            200,000.00     100,100.00   Signed            2021-07-27   2021-09-17    2021-07-27   2021-09-21   2021-09-09   2022-03-31                             2021-10-07   2022-05-17   2021-11-06   2022-07-12   2021-12-11   2022-07-25   2022-01-15   2022-09-18   2023-01-15
ional Energy Policy, Strategie                   or sector turnaround                            Based Selection      l
s and Action Plan

                                                 Urgent institutional support f                  Consultant Qualifi   Open - Internationa                                                   Under Implement
EMENTATION IN THE GAMBIA IDA / D6530                                            Post                                                                             75,000.00           0.00                     2022-05-04   2022-05-05    2022-05-25   2022-06-02   2022-07-08   2023-02-16                                                                                 2022-08-07   2022-09-15   2022-09-11                2023-03-10
                                                 or sector turnaround                            cation Selection     l                                                                     ation

HENSIVE NAWEC REBRANDIN                          Urgent institutional support f                  Consultant Qualifi   Open - Internationa                                                   Under Implement
                         IDA / D6530                                            Post                                                                             20,000.00           0.00                     2022-06-23   2022-06-28    2022-07-14   2022-06-30   2022-08-27   2022-09-29                                                                                 2022-09-26   2022-10-26   2022-10-31                2023-04-29
G FRAMEWORK – INCLUSIVE                          or sector turnaround                            cation Selection     l                                                                     ation

DUCT FEASIBILITY STUDY - W                       Urgent institutional support f                  Consultant Qualifi   Open - Internationa                                                   Under Implement
                           IDA / D6530                                          Post                                                                            200,000.00           0.00                     2022-06-23   2022-06-28    2022-07-14   2022-08-01   2022-08-27   2022-10-28                                                                                 2022-09-26   2023-01-30   2022-10-31                2023-04-29
ASTEWATER SYSTEMS FOR B                          or sector turnaround                            cation Selection     l                                                                     ation

S / Consultancy Study for the                    Urgent institutional support f                  Quality And Cost-    Open - Internationa                                                   Under Implement
                              IDA / D6530                                       Post                                                                            300,000.00           0.00                     2022-08-04   2022-07-22    2022-08-25   2022-07-28   2022-10-08   2022-12-06                             2022-11-05   2023-02-28   2022-12-05                2023-01-09                2023-02-13                2024-02-13
Development of an Electricity                    or sector turnaround                            Based Selection      l                                                                     ation
Grid Code of The Gambia

 GM-NAWEC-312785-CS-LCS /
                                                 Urgent institutional support f                  Least Cost Selecti   Open - Internationa                                                   Under Implement
Recruitment of External Audi IDA / D6530                                        Post                                                                             97,000.00           0.00                     2022-09-07   2022-09-21    2022-09-28   2022-11-16   2022-11-11   2023-01-17                             2022-12-09                2023-01-08                2023-02-12                2023-03-19                2023-09-15
                                                 or sector turnaround                            on                   l                                                                     ation
tor for GERMP

/ Development of One Enviro
nmental and Social Impact A
                                                 Urgent institutional support f                  Consultant Qualifi   Open - Internationa                                                   Under Implement
ssessment                     IDA / D6530                                       Post                                                                            150,000.00           0.00                     2023-02-10   2023-02-07    2023-03-03   2023-03-16   2023-04-16                                                                                              2023-05-16                2023-06-20                2023-12-17
                                                 or sector turnaround                            cation Selection     l                                                                     ation
for Two 30 kV MV Transmissi
on Lines with Associated MV
T-Offs and Distribution Netwo
rks for CRR and URR

/ Developing a Resettlement
Action Plan (RAP) for two 30
                                                 Urgent institutional support f                  Consultant Qualifi   Open - Internationa                                                   Under Implement
kV MV transmission lines wit IDA / D6530                                        Post                                                                            150,000.00           0.00                     2023-02-10   2023-03-07    2023-03-03   2023-03-16   2023-04-16                                                                                              2023-05-16                2023-06-20                2023-12-17
                                                 or sector turnaround                            cation Selection     l                                                                     ation
h associated MV T-offs and Di
stribution Networks for Centr
al River Region and Upper Ri
ver Region

Activity Reference No. /
                               Loan / Credit N                                                                        Market Approac        Contract Type   Estimated Amo Actual Amount                                                  Invitation to Identifie Draft Negotiated Cont
       Description                                      Component                  Review Type        Method                                                                            Process Status        Terms of Reference                                                               Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                      o.                                                                                     h                                 unt (US$)      (US$)                                                      d/Selected Consultant            ract
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Planned       Actual        Planned      Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual

                                                 Urgent institutional support f
dividual Consultants for NAW   IDA / V1120                                      Post             Direct Selection     Direct                                     50,000.00      81,512.00   Signed            2018-04-25   2018-04-03    2018-05-05   2018-05-07                             2018-07-09   2018-05-31   2019-01-05
                                                 or sector turnaround
EC - Procurement Specialist

                                                 Urgent institutional support f                  Individual Consult
dividual Consultants for NAW IDA / V1120                                        Post                                  Limited                                   100,000.00           0.00   Canceled          2018-04-25                 2018-04-30                2018-05-21                2018-06-25                2018-12-22
                                                 or sector turnaround                            ant Selection
EC, PIU - Procurement Specia

                                                 Urgent institutional support f                  Individual Consult
dividual Consultant for NAWE IDA / V1120                                        Post                                  Limited                                   100,000.00           0.00   Canceled          2018-04-25                 2018-04-30                2018-05-21                2018-06-25                2018-12-22
                                                 or sector turnaround                            ant Selection
C, PIU-Social Specialist

                                                 Urgent institutional support f                  Individual Consult
dividual Consultant for NAWE IDA / V1120                                        Post                                  Limited                                   100,000.00           0.00   Canceled          2018-04-25                 2018-04-30                2018-05-21                2018-06-25                2018-12-22
                                                 or sector turnaround                            ant Selection
C, PIU-Environmental Speciali

GM-NAWEC-73522-CS-INDV /                         Urgent institutional support f                  Individual Consult
                             IDA / V1120                                        Post                                  Open                                      110,000.00       1,800.00   Signed            2018-08-15   2018-09-04    2018-10-03   2018-09-28   2018-10-24   2018-10-01   2018-11-11   2018-10-11   2019-05-10
Recruitment of FM Specialist                     or sector turnaround                            ant Selection

 GM-NAWEC-73528-CS-INDV /                        Urgent institutional support f                  Individual Consult
                           IDA / V1120                                          Prior                                 Open                                      100,000.00       1,764.04   Signed            2018-08-14   2018-09-20    2018-10-02   2018-10-08   2018-10-23   2019-07-12   2018-11-27   2018-12-08   2019-05-26
Recruitment of Procurement                       or sector turnaround                            ant Selection

                                                 Urgent institutional support f                  Individual Consult
cruitment of International Pro IDA / V1120                                      Prior                                 Open                                      185,000.00     433,520.00   Completed         2018-08-15   2018-09-14    2018-10-03   2018-11-01   2018-10-24   2018-11-13   2018-11-28   2018-11-19   2019-05-27   2019-12-03
                                                 or sector turnaround                            ant Selection
curement Specialist

                                                 Urgent institutional support f                  Individual Consult
OPE Safeguard Study - Prepa    IDA / V1120                                      Post                                  Open                                       50,000.00      44,362.03   Completed         2018-08-27   2018-10-15    2018-10-15   2018-12-03   2018-11-05   2018-12-12   2018-12-10   2019-01-07   2019-06-08   2019-07-28
                                                 or sector turnaround                            ant Selection
ration ESMF and RPF

                                                 Urgent institutional support f                  Individual Consult
cruitment of an Environment IDA / V1120                                         Post                                  Open                                      100,000.00           0.00   Canceled          2018-08-15   2018-09-05    2018-10-03                2018-10-24                2018-11-28                2019-05-27
                                                 or sector turnaround                            ant Selection
al Specialist for NAWEC PIU

                                                 Urgent institutional support f                  Individual Consult
cruitment of a Social Speciali IDA / V1120                                      Post                                  Open                                      100,000.00           0.00   Canceled          2018-08-15   2018-09-05    2018-10-03                2018-10-24                2018-11-28                2019-05-27
                                                 or sector turnaround                            ant Selection
st for NAWEC PIU

                                                 Urgent institutional support f                  Individual Consult
Consultant for the preparatio IDA / V1120                                       Post                                  Open                                        4,000.00           0.00   Canceled          2018-08-15                 2018-10-03                2018-10-24                2018-11-28                2019-05-27
                                                 or sector turnaround                            ant Selection
n of Project Implementation

                                                 Urgent institutional support f
nsultant to prepare the Proje IDA / V1120                                       Post             Direct Selection     Direct                                      4,000.00       3,907.82   Signed            2018-09-06   2018-09-13    2018-09-16                                          2018-11-20   2018-10-03   2019-05-19
                                                 or sector turnaround
ct Implementation Manual

 GERMP/SERVICES/C1/11 / ES                       On-grid solar PV with storag
                           IDA / V1120                                          Post             Direct Selection     Direct                                     50,000.00      14,310.95   Signed            2018-11-12   2018-11-13    2018-11-22   2018-11-14                             2019-01-26   2018-12-22   2019-07-25
IA for Solar Plant                               e

                                                 Urgent institutional support f                  Individual Consult
Safeguard expert to support IDA / D3090                                         Post                                  Limited                                    90,000.00     174,800.00   Signed            2018-11-14   2018-10-23    2018-11-19   2018-11-05   2018-12-10   2018-11-12   2019-01-14   2018-11-19   2019-07-13
                                                 or sector turnaround                            ant Selection

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Page 5
GM-NAWEC-93511-CS-INDV /                       Urgent institutional support f         Individual Consult
                         IDA / V1120                                          Post                         Limited                  50,000.00      21,836.23    Signed            2019-01-07   2019-01-11    2019-01-12   2019-01-14   2019-02-02   2019-01-31   2019-03-09   2019-02-18   2019-09-05
RAP for Solar PV Plant                         or sector turnaround                   ant Selection

                                               Urgent institutional support f         Individual Consult
ESIA for Lamin koto - Diabug IDA / V1120                                      Post                         Limited                  50,000.00            0.00   Canceled          2019-01-17   2019-01-14    2019-01-22                2019-02-12                2019-03-19                2019-09-15
                                               or sector turnaround                   ant Selection
u MV line and Distribution Ne

                                               Urgent institutional support f
/ Individual Consultant for im   IDA / D3090                                  Post    Direct Selection     Direct                   10,500.00        9,785.62   Completed         2019-03-28   2019-03-26    2019-04-07   2019-03-11                             2019-06-11   2019-04-04   2019-12-08   2019-10-10
                                               or sector turnaround
plementation support

 GM-NAWEC-120002-CS-CDS                        Urgent institutional support f
                                 IDA / D3090                                  Post    Direct Selection     Direct                  165,000.00        2,627.90   Signed            2019-06-28   2019-08-01    2019-07-08   2019-08-02                             2019-09-11   2019-09-16   2020-03-09
/ Project Coordinator                          or sector turnaround

                                               Urgent institutional support f
/ IMS Customer Data and Net      IDA / D3090                                  Post    Direct Selection     Direct                  350,000.00     341,463.50    Signed            2020-01-02   2020-01-09    2020-01-12   2020-01-09                             2020-03-17   2020-03-30   2020-09-13
                                               or sector turnaround
work Data Collection

 GM-NAWEC-179861-CS-INDV                       Urgent institutional support f         Individual Consult
                             IDA / D3090                                      Post                         Open                    100,000.00        1,977.10   Signed            2020-06-24   2020-06-22    2020-08-12   2020-08-25   2020-09-02   2020-09-02   2020-10-07   2020-09-08   2021-04-05
/ Recruitment of Water Engin                   or sector turnaround                   ant Selection

 GM-NAWEC-179856-CS-INDV                       Urgent institutional support f         Individual Consult
                             IDA / D3090                                      Post                         Open                    100,000.00      42,720.00    Signed            2020-06-24   2020-08-11    2020-08-12   2020-10-05   2020-09-02   2020-10-21   2020-10-07   2020-11-08   2021-04-05
/ Recruitment of Gender Foca                   or sector turnaround                   ant Selection
l Person

/ Financial Consultancy – Pow
                                               Urgent institutional support f
er Purchase Agreements        IDA / D3090                                     Post    Direct Selection     Direct                   75,000.00      75,000.00    Signed            2020-06-24   2020-06-19    2020-07-04   2020-06-19                             2020-09-07   2020-07-06   2021-03-06
                                               or sector turnaround
for the National Water and El
ectricity Company Limited (N

/ Individual International Proc                Urgent institutional support f         Individual Consult
                                IDA / D3090                                   Prior                        Open                    361,240.00     217,800.00    Signed            2020-07-21   2020-07-14    2020-09-08   2020-09-10   2020-09-29   2020-09-21   2020-11-03   2020-10-15   2021-05-02
urement and contract manag                     or sector turnaround                   ant Selection
ement consultant

                                               Urgent institutional support f         Individual Consult
/ ACCOUNTING DATABASE FO IDA / D6530                                          Post                         Direct                     4,000.00       3,461.54   Completed         2020-11-20   2020-11-30    2020-11-30   2020-10-02   2020-12-21   2020-10-19   2021-01-25   2020-10-23   2021-07-24   2020-12-20
                                               or sector turnaround                   ant Selection

                                               Urgent institutional support f
/ Phase 2 Service Contract fo IDA / D6530                                     Prior   Direct Selection     Direct                 3,500,000.00   4,356,890.00   Signed            2021-04-22   2021-04-30    2021-05-02   2021-04-09                             2021-07-06   2021-06-08   2022-01-02
                                               or sector turnaround
r NAWEC Management Suppo

/ INTERNATIONAL PROCUREM                       Urgent institutional support f         Individual Consult
                         IDA / D3090                                          Post                         Direct                  177,500.00     177,500.00    Signed            2021-09-23   2021-09-08    2021-10-03   2021-09-21   2021-10-24   2021-09-21   2021-11-28   2021-10-06   2022-05-27
ENT AND CONTRACT MANAG                         or sector turnaround                   ant Selection

                                               Urgent institutional support f                              Direct - Internation                                 Under Implement
/ International Procurement a IDA / D6530                                     Post    Direct Selection                             185,000.00            0.00                     2022-08-10   2022-08-03    2022-08-20                                          2022-10-24                2023-04-22
                                               or sector turnaround                                        al                                                   ation
nd Contract Management Co

 GM-NAWEC-317401-CS-INDV                       Urgent institutional support f         Individual Consult   Open - Internationa                                  Under Implement
                            IDA / D6530                                       Post                                                  50,888.89            0.00                     2022-10-06   2022-10-05    2022-11-24                2022-12-15                2023-01-19                2023-07-18
/ Financial Management Spec                    or sector turnaround                   ant Selection        l                                                    ation

                                               Urgent institutional support f         Individual Consult   Open - Internationa
/ MONITORING AND EVALUAT IDA / D6530                                          Post                                                  50,888.89            0.00   Signed            2022-10-06   2022-10-04    2022-11-24   2023-02-13   2022-12-15   2023-03-23   2023-01-19   2023-03-31   2023-07-18
                                               or sector turnaround                   ant Selection        l

 GM-NAWEC-339341-CS-INDV                       Urgent institutional support f         Individual Consult   Open - Internationa                                  Under Implement
                           IDA / D6530                                        Post                                                  50,200.00            0.00                     2023-02-13   2023-02-07    2023-04-03                2023-04-24                2023-05-29                2023-11-25
/ Environmental Safeguards                     or sector turnaround                   ant Selection        l                                                    ation

 GM-NAWEC-339342-CS-INDV                       Urgent institutional support f         Individual Consult   Open - Internationa                                  Under Implement
                               IDA / D6530                                    Post                                                  50,200.00            0.00                     2023-02-13   2023-02-07    2023-04-03                2023-04-24                2023-05-29                2023-11-25
/ Social Safeguards Specialist                 or sector turnaround                   ant Selection        l                                                    ation

 GM-NAWEC-341067-CS-INDV                       Urgent institutional support f         Individual Consult   Open - Internationa                                  Under Implement
                         IDA / D6530                                          Post                                                  75,000.00            0.00                     2023-02-20   2023-02-08    2023-04-10                2023-05-01                2023-06-05                2023-12-02
/ Procurement Consultant                       or sector turnaround                   ant Selection        l                                                    ation

/ Owner's Engineer for Desig                   Urgent institutional support f                              Direct - Internation
                                 IDA / D6530                                  Post    Direct Selection                             250,000.00            0.00   Signed            2023-06-22   2023-06-26    2023-07-02   2023-08-14                             2023-09-05   2024-01-22   2024-03-03
n Review, Pre-approval, and                    or sector turnaround                                        al
Supervision of Works for Wat
er Sector Contracts

 GM-NAWEC-379215-CS-INDV                       Urgent actions to address th           Individual Consult   Open - Internationa                                  Under Implement
                              IDA / D6530                                     Post                                                  20,000.00            0.00                     2023-09-11   2023-10-11    2023-10-30   2024-01-05   2023-11-20   2024-01-19   2023-12-25                2024-06-22
/ Recruitment of Junior Water                  e water crisis                         ant Selection        l                                                    ation

 GM-NAWEC-379208-CS-INDV                       Transmission and distributio           Individual Consult   Open - Internationa                                  Under Implement
                              IDA / D6530                                   Post                                                    20,000.00            0.00                     2023-09-04   2023-10-11    2023-10-23   2023-12-19   2023-11-13   2024-01-03   2023-12-18                2024-06-15
/ Recruitment of Junior Power                  n (T&D) restoration and mod            ant Selection        l                                                    ation
Engineer                                       ernization

 GM-NAWEC-387681-CS-INDV                       Transmission and distributio
                                                                                      Individual Consult   Open - Internationa                                  Under Implement
/ Recruitment of Financial Ma IDA / D6530      n (T&D) restoration and mod Post                                                     37,500.00            0.00                     2023-11-06   2023-10-26    2023-12-25                2024-01-15                2024-02-19                2024-08-17
                                                                                      ant Selection        l                                                    ation
nagement Specialist for the P                  ernization

                                               Urgent institutional support f                              Direct - Internation                                 Pending Impleme
/ Preparation of PPSD for the    IDA / D6530                                  Post    Direct Selection                              11,500.00            0.00                     2024-07-10                 2024-07-20                                          2024-09-23                2025-03-22
                                               or sector turnaround                                        al                                                   ntation
Regional Solar Park of The G
ambia Project

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Page 6