June 27, 2024

Ms. Manisha Sinha
Additional Secretary (OMI, Crypto & FB)
Department of Economic Affairs (DEA)
Ministry of Finance
Government of India
North Block
New Delhi - 110 001

Dear Ms. Sinha:

                         INDIA: Uttarakhand Workforce Development Project
                                     (IBRD Loan no. 8877-IN)
                               Partial Cancellation of Loan Proceeds

         We refer to the Loan Agreement (“Loan Agreement”) between India (“Borrower”) and the
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (“Bank”) and to the Project Agreement (“Project
Agreement”) between the Bank and the State of Uttarakhand (“Project Implementing Entity”) both dated
September 18, 2018, as amended, for the Uttarakhand Workforce Development Project (“Project”).

         We also refer to the letter No. 10/7/2014-FB-V, dated May 2, 2024, and received on May 3, 2024,
from the Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, requesting the Bank to cancel an amount of
thirteen million nineteen thousand United States Dollars (US$13,019,000) from the Loan.

        In view of the foregoing and pursuant to the provisions of Section 7.01 of the General Conditions
(as defined in the Loan Agreement), the Bank hereby cancels, as of May 3, 2024, an amount of thirteen
million nineteen thousand United States Dollars (US$13,019,000) from the total Loan proceeds.
Consequently, the table in Section IV.A.2 of Schedule 2 to the Loan Agreement is amended as outlined in
the Annexure attached hereto. The commitment charges on the total amount cancelled cease to accrue from
May 3, 2024.

                                                Yours sincerely,

                                            Auguste Tano Kouame
                                            Country Director, India

Enclosure: Annexure I - Revised Withdrawal Table

                   India Country Office, 70 Lodi Estate, New Delhi 110 003, India
                      P.O. Box 416, Phone: +911141479301 / +911149247601
Ms. Manish Sinha                             -2-                                     June 27, 2024

                                                                                  Annexure I

                        Attachment to the Bank’s Letter dated June 27, 2024

                       INDIA: Uttarakhand Workforce Development Project
                                   (IBRD Loan no. 8877-IN)
                                   Revised Withdrawal Table

                   Category                   Amount of the Loan Allocated        Percentage of
                                                  (expressed in USD)           Expenditures to be
                                                                               (inclusive of Taxes)
   (1) Eligible Expenditures Program under
                                                       51,900,000                      80%
       Components 1 and 2 of the Project

   (2) Goods, non-consulting services,
       consultants’ services, Incremental
       Operating Costs, and Training and               2,096,000                       80%
       Workshops under Component 3 of
       the Project.

                                                                              Amount payable
                                                                              pursuant to Section
   (3) Front-end Fee                                    185,000               2.03 of this Agreement
                                                                              in accordance with
                                                                              Section 2.07 (b) of the
                                                                              General Conditions
                                                                              Amount due pursuant to
   (4) Interest Rate Cap or Interest Rate
                                                           0                  Section 2.08(c) of this
       Collar premium

   Amount Cancelled as of August 13, 2020              6,800,000

   Amount Cancelled as of May 3, 2024                  13,019,000

             TOTAL AMOUNT                              74,000,000
Ms. Manish Sinha                              -3-                                         June 27, 2024


Mr. Parameswaran Iyer, Executive Director (India), World Bank
Mr. Hemang Jani, Senior Adviser to Executive Director, World Bank
Mr. Anil Das, Adviser to Executive Director, World Bank

Government of India

Mr. Rajesh Kumar, Deputy Secretary (WB), DEA, Ministry of Finance
Dr. Punit Kumar, Joint Director, DEA, Ministry of Finance
Ms. Juhi Mukherjee, Controller of Aid, Accounts and Audit, DEA, Ministry of Finance

Government of Uttarakhand

Ms. Radha Raturi, Chief Secretary, Government of Uttarakhand
Mr. Dilip Jawalkar, Secretary Finance, Government of Uttarakhand
Mr. V. K. Yadav, Secretary, Department of Skill Development and Employment, Government of
Mr. J.M Negi, Deputy Director, Directorate of Training, State Project Implementation Unit, Government of
Ms. Manish Sinha                           -4-                                      June 27, 2024

Cleared by – Ahmad Shakeeb Safai, Counsel, LEGAS, Victor Ordonez, Senior Finance officer, WFACS.

bcc:   Messrs/Mmes: India CMU General; Mundra (WFACS); Sridharan (ESAG1); Inoue; Sharma,
Nikolaev (HSAED); Sood, Krishnamurthy (ESAG1); Senapati (ESARU); Jain (SSAEN); Dogra (SSAS2);
Sachdev, Talukdar; (SACIN).
