KAZAKHSTAN: South West Roads Project (SWRP, IBRD 7681-KZ)
             KAZAKHSTAN: East West Roads Project (EWRP, IBRD 8156-KZ)
                           Implementation Support Mission
                                          April 9 - April 15, 2024

    Key Project Data

    Project           Loan Number       Effectiveness Date     Closing Date      Loan Amount      %Disbursed
    SWRP-P099270      IBRD-76810        December 09, 2009      Dec 31, 2024      US$2,125 mil       94%
    EWRP-P128050      IBRD-81560        June 14, 2013          Dec 31, 2025      US$1,068 mil        81%


1.      A World Bank team 1 carried out an implementation support mission for the South West Roads
Project (SWRP, P099270) and East West Roads Project (EWRP, P128050). The Bank team expresses its
gratitude to the Government for the courtesy received and cooperation during the mission. The mission
comprised physical visits to the construction sites and in-person meeting with the Committee for Roads of
the Ministry of Transport Republic of Kazakhstan. List of people met is presented in Annex 1.

2.      The key objectives of the mission were to assess: (i) the progress of civil works under the ongoing
works contracts for Shymkent tunnel, Kurty–Togyz, Uzynagash-Otar and Balkhash–Burylbaital road
sections, and performance of respective contractors, (ii) compliance with environmental and social
safeguards requirements, and (iii) ongoing road safety conditions and implementation of the
recommendations provided by the previous Bank missions.

3.      The key mission findings and issues were discussed with Mr. Maxat Bayakhmet, Deputy Chairman
of the Committee for Roads (CR) of the Ministry of Transport (MT), and his staff during the mission wrap-
up meeting on April 15, 2024. The next implementation support mission is tentatively agreed with the
MT/CR for October 2024, but the Bank team plans to hold a technical visit in between.

       Summary of Progress and Key Findings

4.       Overall Progress Overview. The original scope of both SWRP and EWRP operations has been
completed. The implementation of the projects is currently focused on the additional civil works activities
financed from the loan savings, as agreed during the restructuring of the projects. The funds under both
loans are largely committed. The disbursement under the projects have reached 94% and 81% of the loan
funds, respectively. The disbursement ratios under both projects currently stand at about 18 %. The winter
shut down has technically affected disbursements, which are now recovering with the start of the new
construction season. Most of the Project Development Objective Indicators and Intermediate Results
Indicators, especially on SWRP, have been achieved or are about to be achieved. The progress towards
achievement of the project development objectives (PDO) and the overall implementation progress (IP)
under both projects are rated Satisfactory and Moderately Satisfactory, respectively.

 The Bank team comprised Nijat Valiyev (Senior Transport Economist, TTL), Irina Li (Transport Specialist, co-
TTL), Zhuldyz Zhurumbetova (Senior Environment Specialist), Obaidullah Hidayat (Senior Environmental
Specialist), David Jijelava (Social Development Specialist) and Zhandos Amanbayev (Road Safety Specialist), Shynar
Zakir (Program Assistant) have provided support to the mission remotely.
5.        The active construction works have been observed on all of the projects’ sites. Significant efforts
have been made during the winter months for preparation to the construction season including stockpiling
of bitumen and other building materials which allowed to start the construction activities in early spring as
soon as weather became warmer. The concrete and pavement works in the Shymkent Tunnel (both right
and left) are fully completed. The outstanding works are mainly related to installation of electric, ventilation
and safety systems which are expected to be completed by July 2024, soon after the required equipment
arrives to Kazakhstan. The progress on the Kurty-Togyz road contracts (Sections 1&2) and the recently
awarded contract for the previously terminated Otar-Uzynagash road sections is positive, but additional
efforts are needed to ensure completion before the project closing date at the end of the calendar year 2024.
Discussions between the Committee for Roads and the Bank team have explored backup options for
completing the remaining works, should any portion of the contracts not be finished by the SWRP closing
date. The proposal entails simultaneous restructuring of the SWRP and EWRP and completing any
outstanding works under the SWRP within the EWRP framework. The EWRP has some loan savings and
is set to close in December 2025. The request for project restructuring should potentially be communicated
to the Bank once there is more clarity on the anticipated completion rates for the concerned contracts by
the SWRP closing date.

6.      Construction activities on Sections 3, 4, and 6 of the Balkhash-Burylbaital road have advanced
considerably, as also evidenced by observations during site visits. However, the contractors remain behind
schedule, emphasizing the critical need for additional efforts, resource availability, and effective
management to maintain continuous progress throughout the current construction season.

7.      The implementing agency must closely monitor the progress of all ongoing contracts, especially
with the SWRP closing date approaching (December 31, 2024) and no extensions to be granted. The
Committee for Roads (CR) must exert maximum effort to complete the remaining works under the project
by the end of this calendar year. The Bank team would also appreciate the CR's continued support of
contractors to ensure bitumen availability during the peak construction season. Also, as completion nears
for most sections, it's crucial for the CR to ensure compliance with relevant environmental and social
safeguards requirements. This includes reclaiming borrow pits and lands temporarily used by contractors
and finalizing the completion reports for the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP).

 Implementation Status

South West Roads Project (SWRP)

8.       The progress of civil works for the remaining contracts under the project is satisfactory. Contractors
have largely fulfilled their commitments since the last Bank mission. Evrascon, the contractor for the
Shymkent Tunnel construction, has completed all major tunnel works, with only the installation of
electricity, ventilation, and safety systems remaining, expected to finish by the end of July. Progress on the
Kurty-Burylbaital section is generally on track but needs acceleration to meet the year-end deadline. The
contractor for the Uzynagash-Otar section has mobilized and begun work, but speeding up progress is
crucial given the project's closing. As this construction season is the last before project closure, the CR/PMC
should closely monitor work progress and promptly resolve any issues to facilitate civil works.

9.       Shymkent Tunnel Construction. The contractor (Evrascon) has maintained satisfactory
performance and made significant progress since the Bank’s last visit. Both the right and left tunnels,
including paving and concrete works, are complete. Electrical work is currently underway, with safety and
ventilation equipment ordered from overseas set to arrive on-site in May 2024. Safety plans for operation
of the tunnel must be developed and approved by relevant agencies, including the Ministry for Emergency
Situations, as soon as possible. The tunnel cannot open to traffic until these works are completed and the

safety plan is approved. The CR must closely monitor this contract to ensure safety measures are properly

10.      Kurty-Burylbaital Sections 1 & 2. Civil works are progressing satisfactorily. On both sections, all
layers up to the wearing course have been completed on the right carriageway. The contractor has stockpiled
a sufficient volume of crushed stone material, enabling uninterrupted progress of the works. However, a
significant volume of work remains unfinished on the left carriageway: approximately 51 kilometers of
sub-base, 53 kilometers of base C-4, hot porous asphalt, and binder course. The contractor must exert efforts
and allocate additional resources to complete the works before the project's closing date. The construction
supervision consultant must closely monitor safety and quality. The CR must ensure the uninterrupted
availability of bitumen for the contractor to purchase.

11.      Otar-Uzynagash Section 2. The contract was awarded late last year. Currently, about 40% of the
required equipment, including 30 new dump trucks, has been mobilized and mobilization will be fully
completed by June 10, 2024, including the installation of the asphalt plant and construction camp. The
contractor has initiated work on the main road. The contractor must accelerate work without compromising
quality or health and safety on the construction site. This construction season is crucial for completing most
of the contract scope before loan closing. With increasing traffic, the contractor must prioritize road safety
and maintain the existing road. Construction supervision consultants must closely monitor safety and
quality issues. The CR must ensure uninterrupted availability of bitumen for the contractor to purchase.

East West Roads Project (EWRP)

12.      Out of six sections of Balkhash-Burylbaital Road, three have been completed and the works on the
third, fourth and sixth sections are ongoing with good progress, however constant monitoring and support
with bitumen procurement is required from the CR.

13.     Balkhash-Burylbaital Section 1: The Contractor (Sinohydro) completed all the works under the
contract. The road section was fully opened to traffic in August 2023.

14.     Balkhash-Burylbaital Section 2. The Contractor (Kolin/SMS) completed the works and taking-
over certificate was issued on August 29, 2023. The road section was fully opened to traffic in November
2023. The defects on the pavement on the rest areas have been observed. The supervision engineer shall
ensure that the proper measures are taken, and defects rectified.

15.     Balkhash-Burylbaital Section 3. Since the start of spring the Contractor (Todini) has made
extensive progress across all work types. However, the Contractor remains significantly behind schedule,
with actual physical progress at 34.5% compared to the planned 95%. The base layer of crushed stone and
sand mix C4 is 59% complete (61.67 km out of 104.3 km), the lower base layer is 57% complete (59.17
km out of 104.3 km), the top base layer is 56.5% complete (59.03 km out of 104.3 km), and the lower
pavement layer is 19.1% complete (19.94 km out of 104.3 km). Earthworks and culverts are mostly finished,
and significant progress has been made in bridge construction. The works are carried out in two shifts,
necessitating close attention to work quality and site safety. The Contractor must also ensure proper
maintenance of the existing road. The supervision engineer and CR must monitor this contract rigorously.
The PMC has been asked to provide monthly progress updates to the Bank.

16.     Balkhash-Burylbaital Section 4. Similar to Section 3, the Contractor (Sine Midas Story) has shown
proactive efforts in recent months and demonstrated progress in works. The contractor has mobilized
additional equipment, including an installed, calibrated, and operational asphalt plant. However, overall
progress under this contract lags behind the program, standing at 41% compared to the planned 71%. The
base layer of sand and gravel mix is 52% complete (65.5 km out of 125.4 km), the lower base layer C4 is
51% complete (64.6 km out of 125.4 km), the top base layer is 47% complete (59.6 km out of 125.4 km),
and the lower pavement layer is 45% complete (56.9 km out of 125.4 km). As the Contractor is operating
in two shifts, strong monitoring is required to ensure quality and safety. The PMC has been asked to provide
monthly progress updates to the Bank.

17.     Balkhash-Burylbaital Section 5 was completed, and the taking-over certificate was issued on
August 31, 2023. Full opening of the road for traffic was made in December 2023. The missing elements
of guardrails are expected to be installed by the end of April 2024.

18.     Balkhash-Burylbaital Section 6. The Contractor has resumed the works after the winter break and
is making good progress, especially in bridge works. However, the overall physical progress is currently
lagging behind the schedule, standing at 23.6% compared to the planned 54.6%. The layer of base C4 is
43% complete, while the lower and top layers of the base are both at 40.5%. The lower layer of road
pavement stands at 35.5%. Blasting works are ongoing and are scheduled for completion by June 2024.
The contractor possesses adequate equipment and resources to fulfill a reasonable scope under the contract,
but close monitoring and attention from the supervision engineer will be necessary.

Road Safety

19.      The Bank team has been closely monitoring and guiding the road safety teams at the construction
sites. During the mission visit, the Bank team noted progress on most of the project sites in terms of the
road safety arrangements, which led to the reduced number of accidents on the projects roads. Nevertheless,
and given the overall poor road safety track record in Kazakhstan, the continuous focus on the road safety
issues is required by all the stakeholders with the utmost priority to be allocated by the contractors and
supervision engineers to the enhanced traffic management arrangements on the project sites.
Special monitoring and management are required for safety on transition areas from completed (e.g. lots 1,
2, 5 of Balkhash-Byrilbaital road) to unfinished sections. The contractors and supervision engineers need
to make sure that the drivers are properly informed about the civil works going at the adjacent road sections.
The Annex 2 summarizes the road safety observations and recommendations of the Bank Team for each of
the project sites visited.


Environmental Safeguards

20.      Both SWRP and EWRP are Category-A projects from the environmental safeguards perspective.
The Construction Supervision Engineers (CSE) and Contractors are fully staffed with environmental
specialists and OHS engineers to lead the implementation of ESMPs. The mission team visited road sites
where civil works are ongoing (Shymkent tunnel, Otar-Uzynagash Section 2, Kurty-Burylbaital Sections 1
and 2 under SWRP; as well as Balkhash-Burylbaital Sections 3, 4, and 6 under EWRP). The Bank’s
Regional Environmental and Social Standards Advisor (RSA) team also joined the field visit to Kurty-
Burylbaital section under SWRP and met with the E&S staff of PMC, CSE, and Contractor. The mission
observed general improvements in necessary arrangements made by the contractors of visited road sites,
including on OHS. However, there were some gaps/non-compliances with ESMP requirements in managing
quarries and waste handling practices in the project areas. These issues were raised during the previous
missions and require urgent attention of the CR. PMCs are reminded to follow up on the pending ESIRT
cases by providing missing closure reports and updating the Bank on the progress, as was agreed during the
October 2023 mission. The team learned that shift working will be performed under both projects until the
end of 2024. CR should ensure continued ESMP compliance with particular focus on worker health and
safety arrangements associated with shift works potentially creating and/or worsening a range of OHS
hazards (e.g. irregular rosters, extended hours, etc.), and that road safety and traffic management measures
are properly managed.

21.      Since both projects are approaching the closing dates, the mission re-emphasized the need to
reinstate all disturbed lands subject to reclamation (for quarry areas, temporary facilities, construction
camps, embankments, access roads, trenching, etc.) by ensuring all disturbed territories are rehabilitated to
their original or improved condition in two phases by applying mechanical and biological recultivation in
accordance with the national legislative requirements and the Bank’s safeguards po licies and instruments.
The CR is also to ensure allocating enough budget and other logistic facilities for the PMC’s E&S staff’s
frequent field visits as it is specifically critical during the project closure to ensure that Contractor’s
contractual obligations are adequately fulfilled from the environmental and social perspective. The detailed
agreed actions with timelines are outlined in the Annex 2.

22.      Based on the internal ES inspection findings/recommendations the E&S specialists of the
Supervision Engineer and PMCs should prepare and implement a site-specific post-construction
Restoration Plan under SWRP and EWRP with special focus on construction and worker camps,
construction waste/piles left alongside the road sections; borrow pit areas; pending ESIRT cases; OHS-
related outstanding issues, etc. The CR is requested to share this report with the Bank.

Social Safeguards
23.      The social safeguards performance remains Moderately Satisfactory for both EWRP and
SWRP projects. Under the SWRP, following up from the mission, the PMC managed to provide the critical
information in relation to the Shymkent tunnel road section. The provided information verified that land
plots that were impacted for rest areas and helicopter pads had been under the local government ownership,
with no private party using it under lease or informally. Thus, it was confirmed that there was no violation
of the Bank’s Operational Policy 4.12 on Involuntary Resettlement, as explained in official letters from the
PMC and the local Akymat. In relation to the resettlement completion reports for Otar-Uzynagash and
Kurty-Burylbaital road section, the PMC still has not managed to provide resettlement completion
reports due to the lack of information from the local governments.

24.      In December 2023, the World Bank Grievance Redress System (GRS) received a complaint
concerning informal fish selling businesses and related citizen engagement issues along the EWRP
Balkhash-Burylbaital road. The work that PMC, with support from the Bank, had done in 2023 helped to
quickly close the case. The PMC has submitted a first draft of the RAP completion report for the Bank’s
preliminary review, in Russian. However, the document has significant gaps and needs further
improvement. There is one pending issue where about 20% of the compensation was not paid to an
operating business. This is due to the revaluation of the assets and the Ministry of Finance procedures for
allocating the additional budget per the court decision. The Bank team was informed that the MoF will
secure the budget by the end of April 2024, and the payments will be completed within a month thereafter.
Meanwhile, it was made clear that there should be no impact on the land until the compensation is fully
paid, which has been confirmed by the CR. It was agreed that the GRM should, inter alia, also include any
verbal complaints, or complaints coming from the e-otinish national system. While the current consolidated
GRM log doesn’t have any records, there have been a few requests from e-otinish that have resulted in
changes of the design, such as arranging road underpasses for livestock, or arranging rest areas. It was
agreed to share the consolidated GRM log with the Bank by the end of April, 2024.



25.     The procurement arrangements for both EWRP and SWRP are rated Moderately Satisfactory. All
civil works contracts were signed and several of them are currently under implementation. The contract for
the construction of Uzynagash - Otar» Section 2: km 101-143 with an amount of USD 74 million has been

signed by direct contracting on February 18, 2024, after the OPRC clearance based on the exceptional

26.     The Bank has finalized the market analysis study for the construction sector and the report was
shared with the CR. The Bank was informed that amendments to the Budget Regulations were submitted
to the Parliament to simplify the estimated cost update process and allow award of contracts above the
estimated cost for road sector civil works contracts. This was the main reason for the cancelation of many
procurement processes at the final stage of the contract award including rebidding for the second and third
times. The Bank is encouraging the CoR to continue its efforts to get the amendment approved at soonest.

Financial Management

27.     Financial Management Arrangements for both projects are regularly monitored through desk
reviews of the Interim Unaudited Financial Report (IFRs) and annual audited Financial Statements, as well
as through comprehensive reviews of FM arrangements that include budgeting and planning, accounting,
and reporting, flow of funds, internal controls and external audits. Those arrangements continue to be
overall adequate and satisfactory to the Bank. The IFRs and audit reports are submitted in general in a
timely manner and are acceptable to the Bank with no major issues with respect to internal controls and
accountability highlighted by the auditors in the management letters. The audit reports for 2023 are
expected on time (by June 30, 2024).

It should be noted, that the amount of USD 37,211 representing the forex losses incurred back in 2014
under IBRD Loan 7681 was finally resolved in the Bank’s systems through submission of the substitute
documents via withdrawal application WA#200 on February 23, 2024.

Key Agreed Actions

      Actions                                                   Responsible       Due Date
 1.   To provide information on land plot ownership for         PMC               30.04.2024
      Shymkent Tunnel contract to the Bank
 2.   Complete all the road safety recommendations on           Contractor        15.05.2024
      Uzynagash-Otar section
 3.   Submit to the Bank all safeguards related documents       PMC               10.05.2024
      for Kurty-Burylbaital, sections 1 and 2
 4.   Submit the draft RAP completion report for                PMC               30.06.2024
      Uzynagash-Otar section
 5.   Removal of two pedestrian crossing on section 5           Contractor        10.05.2024

 6.   Complete all the road safety recommendations on           Contractor        10.05.2024
      Lots 3,4 and 6 of Balkhash-Burylbaital road section
 7.   Submit to the Bank the detailed report on the status of   PMC QAJ           15.05.2024
      each borrow pit under the SWRP and EWRP to the

 Annex 1: List of Officials Met and Mission Members

Committee for Roads Ministry of Transport and Communications
Mr. Maksat Bayakhmet – Deputy Chairman
Mr. Yernar Kairliyev – Head of the External Loans unit
Mr. Yesimkhan Dinmurat - Expert of the External Loans Unit
Mr. Yernar Sadenov – Expert of the External Loans Unit
Ms. Botagoz Saidalina - Expert of the External Loans Unit

Project Management Consultant (KazAutoZhol), EWRP
Mr. Bekbau Slyamshaikhov - Road Engineer
Ms. Sara Iskakova- Specialist in environmental and social protection measures

Project Management Consultant (KazdorNII in association with SAPA SZ and KHA), SWRP
Mr. Serik Nurmetov - Project Coordinator
Mr. Bakyt Kanatbekov - Road Engineer
Mr. Daulet Aspanbetov - Road Safety Engineer
Ms. Gulzhazira Temirkayratkyzy - Environmental Specialist
Ms. Yekaterina Zhirova - Social Safety Specialist

Supervision Consultants and Contractors

Shymkent – Border of Zhambyl Oblast, (tunnel section)
Mr. Ilimkhan Y. - Quantity engineer (Engineer, JSC "KAZDORNII")
Mr. Orujev Nijat - Branch Director (Contractor, Evrascon)
Mr. Babakhanov Z. - Project Manager (Contractor, Evrascon)

Kurty-Burylbaital road, Lot 1, Lot 2
Mr. Muhamet Kurti - Project Manager (Engineer, IRD Engineering)
Ms. Sara Imbarova - Social Specialist (Engineer, IRD Engineering)
Ms. Aigul Temirkhanova - Environmental Specialist (Engineer, IRD Engineering)
Mr. Kuatbek Adybayev - Safety Engineer (Engineer, IRD Engineering)
Mr. Askar Zhankin - Assistant Project Manager (Engineer, IRD Engineering)
Mr. Firat Aydar- Project Manager (Contractor, KLV)
Mr. Yuksel Bayandurbas - Commercial Director (Contractor, KLV)

Uzynagash-Otar road section, Lot 2
Mr. Kim Jin-woo - Project Manager (Engineer, DongSung)
Mr. Gani Kanlybayev - Deputy Project Manager (Engineer, DongSung)
Mr. Bekbolat Kassymbekov - Traffic Safety Engineer (Engineer, DongSung)
Mr. Yerzhan Shedreyev - Environmental Specialist (Engineer, DongSung)
Ms. Natalya Novosadova - Sociologist (Engineer, DongSung)
Mr. Orhan Hakan- Project Manager (Contractor, KLV)
Mr. Yuksel Bayandurbas - Commercial Director (Contractor, KLV)

Balkhash-Burylbaital road section, Lot 3
Mr. Kim Noh Sang - Project Manager (Engineer, ISAN / M50 Consulting Group)
Ms. Nataliya Novosadova - Social safeguards specialist (Engineer, M50 Consulting Group)
Mr. Yerzhan Shedreyev - Environmental Engineer (Engineer, M50 Consulting Group)

Mr. Yuriy Kim - Safety engineer (Engineer, M50 Consulting Group)
Mr. Bakhadyr Mamanazarov - Industrial and Civil construction Engineer (Engineer, ISAN / M50
Consulting Group)
Mr. Timur Turasimov- Quality and Volumes Engineer (Engineer, ISAN / M50 Consulting Group)
Mr. Selim Akynci - Project Manager (Contractor, Todini)
Mr. Ali Cetin - Project Coordinator (Contractor, Todini)

Balkhash-Burylbaital road section, Lot 4
Mr. Kim Noh Sang - Project Manager (Engineer, ISAN / M50 Consulting Group)
Mr. Daurenbayev Dastan - Deputy Project Manager (Engineer, ISAN / M50 Consulting Group)
Ms. Nataliya Novosadova - Social safeguards specialist (Engineer, M50 Consulting Group)
Mr. Yerzhan Shedreyev – Environmental Engineer (Engineer, M50 Consulting Group)
Mr. Yuriy Kim - Safety engineer (Engineer, M50 Consulting Group)
Mr. Bakhadyr Mamanazarov - Industrial and Civil construction (Engineer, ISAN / M50 Consulting Group)
Mr. Timur Turasimov- Quality and Volumes Engineer (Engineer, ISAN / M50 Consulting Group)
Mr. Budak Emrullah - Project Manager (Contractor, SMS)
Mr. Ali Cetin - Project Coordinator (Contractor, SMS)

Balkhash-Burylbaital road section, Lot 6
Mr. Park Choon Soon - Project Manager (Engineer, DongSung / M50 Consulting Group)
Ms. Nataliya Novosadova - Social safeguards specialist (Engineer, DongSung / M50 Consulting Group)
Mr. Yerzhan Shedreyev - Environmental Engineer (Engineer, M50 Consulting Group)
Mr. Oral Omarov - Traffic Safety Engineer (Engineer, M50 Consulting Group)
Mr. Zhang Wangli - Project Manager (Contractor, Sinohydro)
Mr. Li Jijun - Chief Engineer (Contractor, Sinohydro)

Annex 2: Agreed actions on safeguards

                                  Actions                                Contract     Responsible    Due Date
1.   Prepare, consult upon, and implement Contractor’s site-specific Otar-Uzynagash   CR/PMC        May    10,
     Environmental        and      Social    Management        Plans Lot 2                          2024
     (C-ESMPs) including but not limited to Occupational Health
     and Safety Plan (OHSP), Borrow-pit management plan (BPMP),
     Waste Management Plan (WMP), Traffic Management Plan
     (TMP), Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan, etc.,
     confirming the mechanisms and institutional arrangements for
     implementing the mitigation measures, conducting monitoring,
     reporting, and capacity-building programs, as well as modalities
     of public consultations in line with ESMP stipulations.

   The C-ESMPs shall be prepared and approved by the CSE and
   PMC prior to the start of civil works.
2. Take urgent actions in cleaning up borrow pits from construction Otar-Uzynagash    CR/PMC        May    15,
    waste/MSW.                                                      Lot 2                           2024

         a.   Restrict community access to those areas.
         b.   Apply land remediation of the borrow pits in two
              phases (mechanical and biological).

   Also, appropriate mitigation measures shall be put in place and
   reflected in the C-ESMP to avoid adverse impacts on grazing
   livestock in proximity to borrow pits, including through
   consultations with the owners of the cattle.
3. Submit pending site-specific Excess Soil Management and Shymkent tunnel CR/PMC                   May    15,
     Disposal Plan (ESMDP) for the disposal of surplus excavated                                    2024
     soil material temporarily dumped nearby the tunnel on both
     sides, Taraz and Shymkent:

         a.   Ensure that the issue is urgently resolved and the
              commitments under the signed agreement between the
              Contractor and Landowner are fully fulfilled, namely
              Contractor’s obligation to carry out proper land
              restoration works, namely “return to the Lessor the
              specified land plot in a levelled and suitable condition
              for sowing agricultural crops by cleaning the land from
              construction debris, piles and other objects that resulted
              during the activities of the Lessee�? on the Taraz side.
         b.   For Shymkent side, also to ensure the stockpiled soil is
              properly levelled in full to prevent soil erosion and land
              degradation processes.

     The ESMDP Plan shall be consulted upon with all respective
     stakeholders (with the consultation minutes attached) and
     include management and mitigation measures along with
     budget-related costs for its implementation.
4.   Provide a brief updated summary on the status of all borrow SWRP/EWRP            CR/PMCs       May    15,
     pits/quarries, incl. rock quarry used under the SWRP&EWRP,                                     2024
     including for complete road sections:

                                   Actions                                  Contract   Responsible    Due Date
         a.   Status of borrow areas closure (whether both proper
              mechanical and biological recultivation applied for
              each soil borrow pit. The document should be
              supplemented by quality photo/video materials against
              each borrow pit.
         b.   Details on (number and location) of sites that have been
              fully rehabilitated, supporting with pictures.

         c.   Whether     up-to-date   valid  operational   and
              environmental permits for new borrow pits/quarries
              have been obtained.

         d.   Any issues with land allocation for borrow pit areas and
              quarries with expired permits.

     Other relevant information.
5.   Reinstate all disturbed lands subject to reclamation (quarry         SWRP/EWRP    CR/PMCs       within July
     areas, temporary facilities, construction camps, embankments,                                   2024 -
     access roads, trenching, etc.) to ensure all disturbed territories                              mechanical
     are rehabilitated to their original or improved condition in two                                recultivation
     phases.                                                                                         works

     For biological reclamation of disturbed lands, Contractor to                                    September
     ensure native perennial grass/plants is used, and seeds are                                     2024 - the
     sprayed regularly and checked through defect liability period to                                latest date
     make sure the soil takes it. Ensure regular watering until the                                  for
     vegetation grows and becomes green.                                                             biological
6.   Confirm sites are cleaned from all construction materials (i.e.      SWRP/EWRP    CR/PMCs       May 15 and
     demolished old structures, asphalt/concrete waste, culverts,
     used tires, and other debris) at all project areas, including                                   on a regular
     alongside the road.
7.   Submit quality progress reports on E&S implementation                SWRP/EWRP    CR/PMCs       Regularly
     performance with photo records and evidence documents
     annexed (as per the shared template by the Bank on March 11,
     2024, that help to demonstrate updates in more detail).
8.   Provide labor working on the construction sites with proper          SWRP/EWRP    CR/PMCs       Regularly
     PPE. Oversee that Environmental and OHS specialists deliver
     regular safety briefings with sub-contractors, drivers, and
     operators before starting work to ensure they are fully aware of
     safe work practices on the road construction site and facilitate
     in addressing the identified EHS non-conformances. Register
     logs shall be maintained covering various environmental,
     health, and safety routine exercise topics.
9.   Prepare and implement a site-specific Post-construction              SWRP/EWRP    CSEs/PMCs     May         31,
     Restoration Plan and share it with the Bank.                                      CR            2024

 Annex 3: The Road Safety Observations and Recommendations


Shymkent tunnel section: The contractor has been addressing road traffic safety issues based on the
previously provided recommendations. Prior to the tunnel entrance (Taraz direction) all necessary actions
such as installation of stroboscopes, simulacrum (fake) speed cameras, channelizing traffic islands, rumble
strips, additional signages, new jerseys are in place.
It is being done well with ensuring proper diversion of the traffic flow to prevent vehicles misled and get
to the construction area of the tunnel by installation of respective barriers and signage. Contractor is
required to manage and maintain above-mentioned safety facilities during busy summer period. Similar
measures are required at the tunnel’s another entrance to ensure proper diversion of the traffic moving from
Shymkent side.

Kurty-Burylbaital Road, Section 1 and Section 2:

While the road safety issues are currently managed satisfactorily, the Contractor must still
consistently maintain all safety measures.

Uzynagash-Otar section 2:

Given the heavy traffic on this section the contractor shall constantly do proper maintenance of the existing
road and diversion roads as well as to take required safety measures.

Special attention is required for ensuring proper channelization between the end and beginning points of
lot 2. At the adjacent sections road is fully opened at 4 lanes, whilst only 2 lanes are open at lot 2. The risk
of falling into the ditch and head-on collisions would be high with no proper channelization. To ensure
smooth channelization for the traffic such measures as stroboscopes, road marking, new jerseys are required
to be installed, well maintained and renewed as needed. Rumble strips are needed 500, 300, 100 meters in
advance so that drivers are well notified before the road is narrowing or widening for opposite direction.
Those dangerous locations have to be under careful monitoring.

There should be only few designated areas with access to work zone for Contractor’s equipment , the rest
of areas shall be restricted for traffic. The contractor is required to:

    a)   maintain properly the facilities that separate construction zone from the traffic area;
    b)   install new jersey for diverting the traffic, and replace damaged ones;
    c)   ensure that all installed stroboscopes and lighting are properly functioning;
    d)   put clear road edge marking to help drivers keep the road and not slip out the way;

EWRP Balkhash-Burylbaital road:

Section 3 and Section 4:

Despite certain road safety improvements that have been made by the Contractor last year, no significant
progress was observed during the mission.

Equipment and safety installations that have been put in place last year, are in poor condition and do not
serve the purpose properly. Plastic new jerseys shall be renewed as well as rumble strips, which are now
severely damaged. At several locations proper channelization is not ensured thus posing the incident risks.
At some traffic diversion locations marking is already erased and renewal is needed.

Given that the contractor works during the night shifts on the road, maintaining road safety at nighttime is
of critical importance. All construction equipment on the road shall be equipped with proper lightening to
make them visible to avoid any incidents. All the workers shall have clothes with reflective stripes.

The road safety audits require further improvement, specifically no-objection from Police Department on
various measures such as calming down traffic and speed limit alterations.

Isolation of the Construction Zone from General Traffic. All recommendations issued before remain valid.
The construction areas must be physically closed for public traffic and separated from the open carriageway.
There are still couple of remaining locations where the paved road abruptly ends. Vehicles entering closed
lanes can face huge risk of hitting into the rocks. Limited visibility especially during night times can lead
to severe consequences. Accordingly, isolation of closed lanes is utmost priority and actions are needed to
be taken without any delay. The following are recommended separating facilities:

    a) necessary signage (and its careful maintenance) to ensure they are easily and clearly visible for
    b) fences, New Jersey barriers, wires with reflective ribbons, reflective lines on the asphalt;
    c) edge marking

Proper channelization to avoid hitting the embankment:

       (i)     the physical barriers, preferably plastic new jersey filled with sand or water, shall be installed;
       (ii)    proper signage informing the drivers in advance that the road is being diverted;
       (iii)   proper lighting at this location shall be ensured, enhanced by flash lighting and stroboscopes;
       (iv)    channelization for incoming and outgoing traffic, with clear marking;
       (v)     additional rumble strips to alert the driver starting 500 m from the embankment and repeated
               at 400 m and 300 m, etc.

Considering high risk of over-speeding on new pavement the edge marking is a critical element for drivers
to understand the boundaries of the road. Such marking helps to separate outgoing and incoming traffic,
minimizing the risk of driving off road or head-on collisions.

Section 5: The section is fully open to traffic. However, installation of guardrails have not been completed
yet and causes potential danger. The Bank team was assured this will be completed before the end of April

Government authorities have made a decision to remove 2 pedestrian zebra crossings on this section. The
current condition when the pedestrian crossing and respective sign are still in place while median guardrails
are installed can lead to incidents because people might assume that it is legitimate pedestrian crossing and
may jump over guardrails having no other option. It is necessary to remove pedestrian crossings at earliest
for eliminating high potential danger.

Section 6: Road safety issues are not properly addressed at the section. Work zone is not isolated and the
traffic is not physically restricted to enter work zone. Channelization is not done properly and is missing
basic items.

Thus, the recommendations provided earlier remain relevant:

a) to put proper edge marking on both sides of the road to help drivers to see the road limits, stay within the
carriageway and not to slip beyond the road.
b) additional lightening should be installed in critical locations and blackspots, where accidents have
already happened, as a crucial preventive measure. Installation of more reflective elements in these sections
should be considered.
c) physical barriers, preferably plastic new jersey filled with sand or water, shall be installed;
d) proper signage informing the drivers in advance that the road is being diverted;
e) channelization for incoming and outgoing traffic, with clear marking;
f) additional rumble strips to alert the drivers starting 500 m from the embankment and repeated at 400 m,
300 m, etc., has to be done in coordination with the road safety team on Section 5;
g) the construction areas must be physically closed for public traffic and separated from the open
carriageway by fences, wires with reflective ribbons, reflective lines on the asphalt, etc.
