                                                                                      Report No: RES00723

                                    RESTRUCTURING PAPER
                                               ON A
                            PROPOSED PROJECT RESTRUCTURING

                                 HOUSING RECOVERY PROJECT
                                  APPROVED ON 13-Apr-2018

                                              TO THE

                               COMMONWEALTH OF DOMINICA

Urban, Resilience and Land Global Practice
Latin America And Caribbean Region

                        Regional Vice President:       Carlos Felipe Jaramillo
                             Regional Director:        Maria Marcela Silva
                              Country Director:        Lilia Burunciuc
                             Practice Manager:         Federica Ranghieri
                          Task Team Leader(s):         Artessa Saldivar-Sali, Giuliana De Mendiola
       The World Bank
       Housing Recovery Project (P166537)

CERC         Contingent Emergency Response Component
CSU          Central Service Unit
GEMS         Geo-Enabling initiative for Monitoring and Supervision
GoCD         Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica
IDA          International Development Association
ISR          Implementation Status and Results Report
LISP         Livelihood and Income Support Program
M&E          Monitoring and Evaluation
PDO          Project Development Objective
PIU          Project Implementation Unit
RFA          Reimbursable Financial Assistance
SDR          Special Drawing Rights
TAC          Technical Assistance Centers
XC$          Eastern Caribbean Dollar
       The World Bank
       Housing Recovery Project (P166537)



Product Information

Operation ID                                             Operation Name
P166537                                                  Housing Recovery Project

Product/Financing Instrument                             Geographical Identifier

Investment Project Financing (IPF)                       Dominica

Approval Date                                            Current Closing Date

13-Apr-2018                                              30-Jun-2025

Original EA Category

Partial Assessment (B) (PAD Approval Package-13 Apr 2018)

Borrower                                                Responsible Agency
                                                        Central Service Unit, Dominica Agricultural Industrial &
Commonwealth of Dominica                                Development Bank, Dominica Social Security, Ministry of
                                                        Housing and Urban Development

Project Development Objective (DO)

Current Development Objective
The Project Development Objectives (PDOs) are to: to contribute to the recovery of housing for households affected by
Hurricane Maria, to improve the application of resilient building practices in the Recipient’s housing sector, and to
provide immediate and effective response to an Eligible Emergency Crisis or Emergency

Disbursement Summary (in USD million)

    Source of Funds            Net Commitment            Disbursed              Undisbursed            % Disbursed

         The World Bank
         Housing Recovery Project (P166537)

IBRD                                             --          --     --      0

IDA                                           36.38       33.79   4.58   88.06

Grants                                           --          --     --      0

Policy Waivers
Does this restructuring trigger the need for any policy
waiver(s)?                                                                 No

      The World Bank
      Housing Recovery Project (P166537)

                                                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

I. PROJECT STATUS AND RATIONALE FOR RESTRUCTURING ........................................................................................1
II. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CHANGES ....................................................................................................................4
III. PROPOSED CHANGES ................................................................................................................................................4
IV. DETAILED CHANGE(S) ...............................................................................................................................................5
         The World Bank
         Housing Recovery Project (P166537)


1. This Restructuring Paper seeks the approval of the Country Director for a Level 2 restructuring of the Dominica Housing
   Recovery Project to cancel the undisbursed amount of IDA Credit No. 62320-DM in the amount of SDR 3,806,399.57
   (US$5,000,467.11). This is in response to the Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica’s (GOCD) letters to the
   World Bank dated: (i) January 30, 2025, received by the Bank on February 5, 2025, and (ii) February 21, 2025,
   requesting the cancellation of proceeds from the afore-mentioned Credit. This is the fourth restructuring of the

A. Project Status
2. The Project was approved on April 13, 2018, and became effective on August 7, 2018. The Project’s total financing at
   approval was US$40 million equivalent, which included: (i) an IDA Credit 6232-DM in the amount of XDR 7 million
   (US$10 million equivalent) and (ii) an IDA Grant D3070-DM in the amount of SDR 20.8 million (US$30 million
   equivalent). Eighty-three percent (US$31.93 million) of the total commitment amount has been disbursed. The Project
   closing date is June 30, 2025.
3. The Project Development Objectives (PDOs) are: to contribute to the recovery of housing for households affected by
   Hurricane Maria, to improve the application of resilient building practices in the Recipient’s housing sector, and to
   provide immediate and effective response to an Eligible Emergency Crisis or Emergency. The Project comprises four
   components: (i) Support for Housing Recovery Systems and Capacity Building (US$2.7 million); (ii) Support for
   Reconstruction of Houses (US$27.46 million); (iii) Project Management and Coordination (US$3.8 million); and (iv)
   Contingent Emergency Response (US$6.04 million).
4. Previous restructurings.
  a. First Level 2 restructuring (approved on May 15, 2020). The changes included: (i) increasing the house size from 300
     square feet to 540 square feet and thus increasing the housing grant from XC$50,000 to up to XC$125,000. This
     reduced the total number of houses from 1,700 to 676; (ii) modifying the institutional arrangements to ensure
     consistency between the financing agreement and the Project Appraisal Document (PAD); (iii) adding a Contingent
     Emergency Response Component (CERC) to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic; and (iv) modifying the
     implementation arrangements to include the CERC.
  b. Second Level 2 restructuring (approved August 12, 2021), in response to the activation of the CERC in May 2020.
     The changes included: (i) adjusting of the PDO to reflect the activation of the CERC; (ii) reallocating US$7.43 million
     (XDR 5.32 million) from Component 2 (housing grants) to the CERC activities, which further reduced the total
     number of houses from 676 to 420; and (iii) adjusting the results framework to reflect changes in components.
  c. Third Level 2 restructuring (approved July 20, 2023). The changes included: (i) revising the amount of the housing
     grants for the subprojects, (ii) extending the closing date of the IDA financing (IDA-62320 and IDA-D3070) by 18
     months from December 29, 2023 to June 30, 2025, (iii) canceling Subcomponent 1.3, (iv) reallocating funds across
     components and disbursement categories to cover the operating expenditures for the project extension and an
     increase in the housing grant, (v) modifying the implementation arrangements to include the GoCD’s newly
     established Central Services Unit (CSU) as an implementing agency, and (vi) updating the Results Framework.

5. Progress towards achievement of the PDO is Moderately Satisfactory as of the Implementation Status and Results (ISR)
   Report of December 2024. Table 1 shows the status of the PDO indicators.

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         Housing Recovery Project (P166537)

                                          Table 1. Status of PDO Indicators
 Recovery of housing for households affected by Hurricane Maria
                                                Baseline             Actual (Current)                Closing Period
               PDO Indicator
                                           Value Month/Year           Value          Date           Value    Month/Year
 Direct project beneficiaries (Number)     0.00     Feb 2018        7,870.00          30-        8,720.00      Jun 2025
 - housing reconstruction, recipients of                                              Oct-
 services from the Technical Assistance                         Female: 48%          2024        Female:
 Centers (TAC), beneficiaries of the CERC                                                        48%
                                           0.00     Feb 2018         309.00           30-        420.00         Jun 2025
                                                                (376 practical        Oct-
 Number of households with resilient
                                                                completions          2024
 housing recovered using project
 - Reconstructed houses with certified
                                                                Female-headed:                   Female-
 practical completions
                                                                33                               headed: 35

 Improve the application of resilient building practices in the housing sector
 Number of households that accessed          0.00     Feb 2018         699.00        30-     600.00             Jun 2025
 general advice service from TAC and                                                 Oct-
 benefit from streamlined permitting                              Female-headed:    2024 Female-
 process (Exceeded)                                               37                         headed: 35
 Financial assistance provided to individuals and small businesses affected by COVID 19 (Closed)
                                             0.00     Aug 2020        3,454.00       Apr-    4,000.00           Jun 2021
 - Number of employees and self-
 employed receiving income support
                                                                  Female: 53%                Female:
 (Substantially met)
                                             0.00     Aug 2020        2,713.00       Apr-    2,700.00           Jun 2021
 - Number of senior citizens over 70 years                                          2022
 receiving pension support (Exceeded)                             Female: 46%                Female:
                                             0.00     Jun 2021         662.00        Apr-    400.00             Dec 2021
 - Number of businesses receiving                                                   2022
 reimbursable financial assistance                                Women-owned:               Women-
 (Exceeded)                                                       52%                        owned:

6. The Overall Implementation Progress rating was upgraded from Moderately Unsatisfactory to Moderately Satisfactory in
   December 2024, as important progress was made on critical issues since the last reporting period. The three Components
   of the project are rated Moderately Satisfactory for performance, while the CERC is rated Satisfactory. Of the 420 houses
   to be built: 391 tenders have been issued; 376 contracts have been signed, and 309 houses have achieved practical
   completion. The Ministry of Housing and Urban Development and the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) have been
   actively pursuing resolution of critical implementation constraints, including: (i) land tenure issues that have
   prevented houses from being granted planning permits (affecting 26 beneficiaries as of January 2025), (ii) increased cost

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         Housing Recovery Project (P166537)

    of building materials and material shortages, (iii) difficult access to some sites, and (iv) inadequate contractor capacity.
    Table 2 summarizes the current status of implementation.

                                      Table 2. Implementation Status by Component
      Component                               Subcomponent                                     Status
 1 - Support for          1.1 Development Planning Support to Technical        Ongoing - one TAC (serving the
 Housing Recovery         Assistance Centers and the Project                   Kalinago Territory) is operational
 and Capacity             at the Local Level                                   and continues to support Project
 Building                                                                      beneficiaries with construction and
                                                                               supervision support
                          1.2 Development of Management Information            Completed – the Geo-Enabling
                          Systems, to Support Planning and                     initiative  for     Monitoring     and
                          Monitoring Processes in Project Agencies             Supervision    (GEMS)     system     is
                                                                               operational and being used to support
                                                                               supervision of construction activities
                                                                               and the Environmental and Social
                                                                               Management Plan.
 2 – Support for          2.1 Support for Reconstruction of Houses             309 achieved Practical Completion
 Reconstruction of        2.2 Design and Supervision of House Reconstruction   358 under Supervision or Completed
 3 – Project              Project management, monitoring, end-of-project               Ongoing
 Management and           evaluation, operating costs
 4 – Contingent           This component financed two programs in response to          Completed
 Emergency                the COVID-19 pandemic: (i) livelihood and income
 Response (activated      support program (LISP), which disbursed US$4.3
 on May 20, 2020)         million and provided income support to 3,454
                          employed and self-employed beneficiaries and pension
                          support to 2,713 people over 70, and (ii) reimbursable
                          financial assistance (RFA), which disbursed US$1.7
                          million and reached 662 beneficiaries, of which 392
                          were women-headed businesses.

7. In the same reporting period, procurement performance is rated Moderately Satisfactory. Performance of Financial
   Management was upgraded to Satisfactory and residual risk was upgraded to Moderate. The PIU is committed to
   continued strengthening of the internal control environment, timely submission of financial reports, and addressing
   land tenure issues to avoid declaring grants paid to 14 beneficiaries as ineligible expenditures.
8. Ineligible expenditures. In its Management Letter dated June 12, 2024, the World Bank noted that Housing Grants had
   been extended to 16 beneficiaries whose houses were constructed without approval from the Physical Planning Department
   and without proof of property ownership or permission to occupy the property. The expenditures for these cases totaled
   XC$1,806,707. A deadline of September 30, 2024 was set for the GoCD to resolve these issues to prevent the expenditures
   from being deemed ineligible. In a letter dated September 26, 2024, the GoCD indicated that of these 16 cases, 10 were
   deemed resolvable through legal channels, whilst 6 were deemed unlikely to be resolved due to complexities ranging
   from hazardous site conditions to family land disputes. In an effort to resolve these challenges, the Ministry of Housing
   and Urban Development has retained the services of the Legal Aid Clinic, to provide legal assistance to 10 of the
   associated beneficiaries such that their land tenure irregularities can be resolved. The GoCD likewise requested a 90-
   day extension to resolve the issues, and the World Bank agreed to grant the requested extension of the deadline to

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                      Housing Recovery Project (P166537)

                  December 31, 2024. The next steps to resolve the cases were presented by the GoCD at the Country Portfolio
                  Performance Review held from February 18 – 21, 2025.
9. Monitoring and evaluation (M&E). The rating for M&E was rated Moderately Unsatisfactory in the same reporting
   period due to delays in the submission of Project Reports after the end of each calendar semester. These delays are
   primarily due to the lack of an M&E specialist within both the CSU and the PIU. Despite these challenges, the overdue
   Project Reports were submitted on February 11, 2025, and the M&E rating is expected to be upgraded to Moderately
   Satisfactory in the next reporting period.
10. Environmental & Social (E&S): E&S performance for the reporting period is Moderately Satisfactory. The project is
    served by a functional Grievance Redressal mechanism that has successfully resolved 241 of 251 grievances registered
    to date.
11. Audit Compliance. There are no overdue audits and no unresolved audit observations.

B. Rationale for Restructuring
12. The GoCD request for cancellation is based on a work plan and budget review that identified that, due to the
    implementation challenges primarily related to land tenure issues, the remaining Project implementation period is
    insufficient to commit the undisbursed balance under Category 2 of IDA Credit 6232-DM and complete the target
    number of resilient houses to be reconstructed.
13. The Recipient and the Bank have agreed on an updated program of works (all construction to commence no later than
    February 15, 2025) to maximize the final number of houses to be reconstructed (estimated at 376). The PIU is closely
    collaborating with contractors, and contract management is robust. The PIU works in close collaboration with the CSU.


14. Loan Cancellation. This restructuring is proposed to effect cancellation of SDR 3,806,399.57 (US$5,000,467.11
    equivalent) under Category 2 of IDA Credit 6232-DM under Section III. A of Schedule 2 to the Financing Agreement.
    Details of the category-wise cancellation are provided in Section IV of the Datasheet of this Restructuring Paper.
15. The disbursement estimate will be adjusted in accordance with the proposed cancellation.
Summary changes


      Operation Information                  Proposed Changes          Operation Information            Proposed Changes

      Disbursements Estimates                          Yes             Loan Cancellations                      Yes
      Development Objective                            No              Reallocations                           Yes
      Safeguard Policies Triggered                     No              Loan Closing Date Extension             No
      ISDS                                             No              Financial Management                    No
      MFD/PCE                                          No              Procurement                             No
      Results                                          No              Institutional Arrangement               No
      Risks                                            No              Implementation Schedule                 No

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          Housing Recovery Project (P166537)

Legal Covenants                              No
Conditions                                   No
Implementation Modalities                    No
Disbursements Arrangements                   No
DDO                                          No
Clients                                      No
Appraisal Summary                            No
Components                                   No



 Private Capital Facilitation

 Is this an MFD-Enabling Project (MFD-EP)?

 Is this project Private Capital Enabling (PCE)?


Loan/Credit/                                 Current      Cancellation                     New                 for
                  Status        Currency                                   Date of
Trust Fund                                   Amount         Amount                        Amount         Cancellati
IDA-62320-       Disbursi                                                                                 REQUEST
                                  XDR      7,000,000.00   3,806,399.57   25-Feb-2025    3,193,600.43
001                 ng                                                                                        FOR
IDA-D3070-       Disbursi                  20,800,000.0
                                  XDR                        0.00                       20,800,000.00
001                 ng                          0


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IDA-62320-001                                               Cancellations (if any):        New Allocation:
                                    Currency: XDR
                                                            3,806,399.57                   3,193,600.43

                                                                                               Financing %
                                                                                               (Type Total)
Category         Expenditure            Current          Actuals +            Proposed
  No.              Category            Allocation       Committed             Allocation   Current      Proposed
   1        GO,CW,NCS,CS,OP&T             0.00             0.00                0.00        100.00        100.00
            R for the Project.;
    2       Housing Grants for       7,000,000.00      3,193,600.43       3,193,600.43     100.00        100.00
    3       Emergency                     0.00              0.00               0.00        100.00        100.00
            expenditures under
            Part 4;
    4       Eligible Expenditures         0.00              0.00               0.00        100.00        100.00
            for the CERP;
    5       Complementary                 0.00              0.00               0.00        100.00        100.00
            Financing Cat DDO;
            Total                    7,000,000.00                         3,193,600.43
IDA-D3070-001                                               Cancellations (if any):        New Allocation:
                                    Currency: XDR
                                                            0.00                           20,800,000.00

                                                                                               Financing %
                                                                                               (Type Total)
Category         Expenditure            Current          Actuals +           Proposed
  No.              Category           Allocation        Committed            Allocation    Current      Proposed
   1        GO,CW,NCS,CS,OP&T        6,800,000.00      5,193,290.75       6,800,000.00     100.00        100.00
            R for the Project.;
    2       Housing Grants for       9,623,820.79      6,369,349.59       9,623,820.79     100.00        100.00
    3       Emergency                4,376,179.21      4,376,179.21       4,376,179.21     100.00        100.00
            Expenditures under
    4       Eligible Expenditures         0.00              0.00               0.00        100.00        100.00
            for the CERP;
    5       Complementary                 0.00              0.00               0.00        100.00        100.00
            Financing Cat DDO;
            Total                   20,800,000.00                         20,800,000.00

Operation Dates & Projection Details
Reasons to change the full Disbursement date and/or the projection

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         Housing Recovery Project (P166537)

Implementation Start Date                                    Operation Closing Date
13-Apr-2018                                                  30-Jun-2025
Projected Date for Full Disbursement

Expected Disbursements (in US $) (Absolute)

                            Original Estimation at Preparation                               Actual
Year                                                                  Revised Estimation
                            (Approval Package – 13 Apr 2018)
FY2018                                               52,500.00                        0.00               0.00
FY2019                                            6,999,999.99               1,575,000.00      1,575,000.00
FY2020                                           10,500,000.00               2,371,971.00      2,371,972.80
FY2021                                            5,600,000.01              13,447,742.00      5,947,743.68
FY2022                                            2,799,999.99              14,524,220.00     22,024,221.52
FY2023                                            2,030,000.01                  12,750.00         12,750.00
FY2024                                                     0.00                917,546.00                0.00
FY2025                                                     0.00              5,917,546.00      1,860,000.00
FY2026                                                     0.00              1,233,225.00                0.00

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