Priority 1

Increasing the impact
of public spending
on inclusive growth

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Priority 1

Increasing the impact
of public spending
on inclusive growth

Realigning public spending to meet the country’s pressing needs and make service delivery
more efficient and supportive of growth	                                                                                1
Drivers of inefficient public spending	                                                                                 1

Three priorities for making public spending more efficient	                                                             5

Priority 1: Creating fiscal space for present and future public spending	                                               6
Action 1: Coordinate and consolidate social programs, with a focus on results	                                          7
Action 2: Partner with the private sector	                                                                              7

Priority 2: Allocating public resources to loosen binding constraints to inclusive growth	                              8
Action 3: Improve public investment management	                                                                         8
Action 4: Spend smarter on programs to enhance the employability of people disadvantaged in the labor market	           9

Priority 3: Upgrading the public sector’s delivery capacity	                                                            10
                                                            status meritocracy	
Action 5: Professionalize the public sector to build a high-­                                                           10
Action 6: Improve monitoring mechanisms	                                                                                11
Action 7: Accelerate digitalization of public services	                                                                 12
Action 8: Incentivize the performance of subnational governments	                                                       13

Annex table A1 Ranking of measures through the “FIT” filter of feasibility, impact, and timing	                         15

Notes	17

1	   The fiscal multiplier has been declining since 2010	                                                               2
2	   Fiscal accounts have deteriorated since 2009	                                                                      2
3	   Budget allocations privilege consumption at the expense of investment compared with global standards, 2019	        2
4	   Public investment is below the world average and well below the level in fast-­  growing economies, 2019	          3
5	   Value for money in social sectors is low in relation to the rest of the world, 2020	                               3
6	   Most governance indicators have weakened over the past two decades, 2000–2021	                                     4
7	   Subnational governments are responsible for the largest share of public spending	                                  4
8	   A guiding framework for prioritizing policies for improving the efficiency of public spending	                     5

                                                                                                                iii ■
Realigning public spending to meet the country’s
pressing needs and make service delivery more efficient
and supportive of growth
It is hard to ignore the chorus of voices in South Af-     Drivers of inefficient public spending
rica calling for radical reforms of the state to ensure    Nearly all countries use public spending as a major
better use of public resources.1 The government’s          policy instrument to influence the economy and
ability to deliver basic social services and infrastruc-   improve living conditions. While demonstrating
ture services has been eroding over the past de-                                         country analyses show
                                                           causality is difficult, cross-­
cade, while a threefold increase in the ratio of public    that a 1 percent increase in public spending can lift
debt to GDP has narrowed the fiscal space to fund          economic growth by nearly a percentage point (the
such services. How far and fast South Africa can go        “fiscal multiplier”), with, however, significant varia-     The government’s
in redefining the role of the state to address these       tions depending on initial conditions and the nature
                                                                                                                          ability to deliver
challenges remains unclear. As this process unfolds,       of the spending increase.4 There is also a wealth of
the country may want to consider reviewing similar         empirical evidence that sound expenditure policy               basic social and
experiences in Canada,2 Europe, and Central Asia.          can diminish economic and social disparities, pro-               infrastructure
                                                                                                                       services has been
     Meanwhile, policymakers cannot afford to re-          mote equity, and reduce poverty while preserving
main inactive.3 To guide them in making public             growth objectives.5
spending a more effective policy instrument for                In South Africa, public spending has not deliv-            eroding, while a
economic progress, this note proposes a focus on           ered the desired impact on long-­     term economic         threefold increase
three mutually reinforcing priorities: spend more          growth and poverty alleviation. Analysis by the
wisely and efficiently so that the public debt trajec-     Reserve Bank of South Africa found that, over the            in the public debt
tory does not become unsustainable; leverage pri-          past decade and controlling for other variables, in-         has narrowed the
vate resources to increase the financing needed to         creases in public expenditures have no longer been
                                                                                                                           fiscal space to
rebuild infrastructure and support better and more         associated with growth in output.6 The fiscal multi-
coordinated job-related programs to reduce unem-           plier even turned negative in the late 2010s (figure       fund such services ■
ployment; and improve the public sector’s service          1), and poverty (at the upper middle-­  income inter-
delivery capacity by further professionalizing public      national poverty line of $6.85 per person per day),
administration, strengthening program monitoring           at 61.6%, is well above what would be expected at
and evaluation, and accelerating digitalization.           South Africa’s level of development.
     These three priorities apply to all levels of gov-        Three complementary factors help explain why
ernment, not just the central government. South            public expenditures have not supported economic
Africa’s fiscal system devolves many important             growth and poverty reduction in South Africa.
spending responsibilities to subnational govern-               First, the gradual narrowing of fiscal space due
ments, autonomous agencies, and state-owned                to high current expenditures and high and growing
enterprises (SOEs). Unless their performance also          debt-­ service payments means that fewer public re-
improves, central government spending is unlikely          sources are available for capital and social spending
to become more efficient or to have a stronger im-         programs that are likely to have the greatest impact
pact on inclusive growth.                                  on inclusive growth. Public debt surged from 24%

                          Figure 1  The fiscal multiplier has been declining               Figure 2  Fiscal accounts have deteriorated since
                          since 2010                                                       2009

                          Fiscal multiplier                                                     Public debt                                                          Fiscal balance
                                                                                                (percent of GDP)                                                  (percent of GDP)
                           1.5                                                             80                                                                                    4

                           1.0                                                             60                                                                                        0

                           0.5                                                             40                                                                                        –4

                           0.0                                                             20                                                                                        –8

                          –0.5                                                              0                                                                                        –12
                                 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

                          Source: T.J. Van Resburg, S. de Jager, and K. Makrelov, 2021,
                          “Fiscal Multipliers in South Africa after the Global Financial   Source: National Treasury and World Bank.
                          Crisis,” SARB Working Paper, South African Reserve Bank.
                                                                                           Figure 3  Budget allocations privilege
                          of GDP in 2008 to almost 75% at the end of 2023                  consumption at the expense of investment
                          (figure 2), increasing the risk of debt distress and             compared with global standards, 2019
                          pushing up interest rates.7 This has further nega-
                                                                                            Public investment (percent of GDP)
                          tive consequences for economic growth because
                          it can crowd out financing for the private sector.8              12

                          Rising public debt can also prevent demand from
                          responding to increased public spending as con-                  10

                          sumers increases their savings in anticipation of the
                          future tax increases that will be needed to pay off               8
                          the rising public debt (the Ricardo-­    Barro effect).9
                          Acknowledging this risk, the government has lim-                  6
                          ited public expenditure growth after the pandemic,
                          especially by containing the wage bill. However, this             4
■ Public spending         has also created new challenges since contained

  has not been            public spending could negatively affect the aggre-                2
                          gate demand, reducing growth, which will make in
  fully aligned with      turn fiscal consolidation even more difficult.                    0
                                                                                                                                                       South Africa

  the country’s
                                                                                                 0             5              10             15             20         25            30
                              Second, public spending has not been fully aligned
                                                                                                               Government consumption (percent of GDP)

  needs as public
                          with the country’s needs. Public consumption has
                          been favored over public investment (figure 3), lead-            Source: International Monetary Fund’s Investment and cap-
  consumption has         ing to an infrastructure crisis (see policy note 2) that         ital stock data set and World Bank’s World Development

  been favored over       is strangling economic growth.10 South Africa has in-            Indicators.
                          vested 3%–5% of GDP per year less than fast-­  growing
  public investment       countries in East Asia and six times less than China             expenditures during fiscal year 2023/24,11 well below
                          over the past two decades (figure 4). In addition,               the more than 20% allocated in Malaysia, Singapore,
                          just 11% of the budget was allocated to economic                 and Thailand. The misalignment of public spending

                   ■ 2                                                                           Priority 1: Increasing the impact of public spending on inclusive growth
                                                                                        growing economies, 2019
Figure 4  Public investment is below the world average and well below the level in fast-­

          Percent of GDP
          Less than 2.55
          More than 6.66
          No data

Source: International Monetary Fund’s Government Finance Statistics.

with the country’s needs is also evident within sec-                        Figure 5  Value for money in social sectors is low                         The positive
                                                                            in relation to the rest of the world, 2020
tors, as discussed in the next section.12
                                                                                                                                                         impact on
     Third, the declining capacity of the public sector
to efficiently deliver public goods and services has
                                                                             Human Capital Index score                                            inclusive growth
lowered the value of South Africa’s fiscal multiplier.                      1.0                                                                   has been curbed
                                                                                                                                                       by technical,
Even when the government has allocated adequate
resources to the right sectors, the positive impact
on inclusive growth has been curbed by technical,                           0.8                                                                   institutional, and
institutional, and human resource deficiencies in                                                                                                  human resource
the public sector. This is illustrated by the low value
for money in social sector spending, despite ample                          0.6
                                                                                                                                                       deficiencies ■
budget allocations (figure 5). These weaknesses
have resulted in the capture of public funds by the
private sector and connected individuals, as em-                            0.4
phasized in recent government reports.13 This de-                                                        South Africa
terioration of institutions and accountability mech-
anisms is reflected in the decline in South Africa’s                        0.2
                                                                                  0        5             10         15        20        25
Worldwide Governance Indicators over the past
                                                                                       Education and health spending (percent of GDP)
two decades (figure 6).14 This decline is especially
prominent in government effectiveness, quality of                           Source: World Bank, World Development Indicators database.
regulations, and control of corruption.15
     Such spending inefficiencies are found across                          responsible for 78% of public spending, including
all levels of government, including subnational gov-                        the provision of most social services (provinces) and
ernments and SOEs. Subnational governments are                              a large share of basic infrastructure (municipalities)

Priority 1: Increasing the impact of public spending on inclusive growth                                                                    3■
                         (figure 7). As of 2021, 165 of 257 municipalities                 Figure 6  Most governance indicators have
                         were classified as dysfunctional, including 30 that               weakened over the past two decades, 2000–2021
                         were under provincial or national administrative
                         control.16 Similarly, the mismanagement of several
                         SOEs responsible for infrastructure services is well               0.8

                         documented.17 These enterprises have failed to
                         develop and maintain the country’s infrastructure
■ The poor have been     networks, especially in energy (Eskom) and trans-                  0.4

  disproportionately     port (Transnet and PRASA). Those failures have
                         generated direct losses to the economy, estimated
  penalized by           at 2%–3% of GDP growth in 2023 alone.18 They                       0.0

  the degradation        have also resulted in successive bailouts that have

  in public
                         drained public resources and cost around 6–7 per-
                         centage points of GDP between 2009 and 2023.                      –0.4
  infrastructure             The inefficiency in South Africa’s public spending                                                                                     2000
  and social             has disproportionately hurt the poorest segment of                                                                                         2021
                         the population. Granted, the generous allocation of
  services caused
                                                                                                      Voice      Political    Government Regulatory   Rule of    Control of
                         public resources to social protection (around 4% of                           and       stability/   effectiveness quality    law       corruption

  by inadequate
                                                                                                  accountability    No
                         GDP) has reduced poverty and inequality.19 But this                                     violence

  maintenance            positive contribution must be weighed against the
                         regressive effects of the suboptimal use of public                Source: World Bank, Worldwide Governance Indicators
  and investment         resources. The poor have been disproportionately                  (​
                         penalized by the degradation in public infrastruc-                 governance-indicators/interactive-­
                                                                                           -­                                 data-access).
                         ture and social services caused by inadequate
                         maintenance and investment because they lack

                         Figure 7  Subnational governments are responsible for the largest share of public spending

                         a. Public spending is decentralized to provinces and              b. Subnational governments and state enterprises are
                         municipalities, while revenue collection is not, 2022/23          responsible for 85% of public investment, 2023/24
                         Percent                                                           Percent

                         100                                                               50
                                          17.3                        21.3                                                           49

                          75                                          27.1




                          25                                                                               15

                            0                                                               0
                                        Revenue                     Spending                            Central                 Subnational           State-owned
                                       Central     Provinces      Municipalities

                         Source: Calculated by authors using National Treasury data.

                  ■ 4                                                                          Priority 1: Increasing the impact of public spending on inclusive growth
the financial resources to switch to private services                       that public resources are available to meet current
             grid energy solutions or private schools
(such as off-­                                                              and future needs? How should public resources be
and hospitals). Furthermore, the reduced impact                             allocated to address the country’s most important
of public spending on economic growth has con-                              needs and yield the highest returns to growth and
strained the emergence of new enterprises, espe-                            to poverty and inequality reduction? How can the
cially micro and small firms, thus reducing demand                          public sector’s delivery capacity be strengthened?
for unskilled and medium-­ skilled labor.                                       A menu of eight actions is proposed to support
                                                                            the three priorities. Several actions build on initia-
Three priorities for making public                                          tives already launched by the government (such as
spending more efficient                                                     incentives for subnational governments and SOEs
South African policymakers have introduced sev-                             to spend better and the digitalization of public
eral initiatives to improve the efficiency of public                        services), while others, often inspired by success-
spending. Since 2019, Operation Vulindlela, a joint                         es in other countries, are more disruptive. All the                   The proposed
initiative of the Presidency and the National Trea-                         proposed actions prioritize the short term to create
                                                                                                                                               actions prioritize
sury modeled after service delivery units globally,                         momentum for further reforms. They are comple-
has pushed for critical policy reforms in electrici-                        mented by some of the recommendations in policy                      the short term
ty, digital communications, water, transport, and                           notes 2 and 4 that call for a smaller public footprint                     to create
                                                                                                                                                 momentum for
immigration.20 Similar institutional fixes led to the                       in the economy and the opening of infrastructure
creation of the Presidential Climate Commission in                          markets to private operators while reinforcing the
2020, the Presidential Youth Employment Interven-                           regulatory role of the state.                                       further reforms ■
tion in 2020, the National Energy Crisis Committee                              To ignite the transformation in public spending,
in 2022, and the creation of the position of minister                       policymakers could focus initially on a subset of six
of electricity in 2023, among other measures. How-                          reforms under the eight proposed actions. These
ever, international evidence reveals that such paral-                       reforms are assessed as the most politically and
lel units and structures often face resistance within                       technically feasible, impactful, and timely as they
public administration, which can feel threatened by                         do not require large changes in the legal framework
the parallel arrangements.21                                                (see table A1 in the annex). While the most desir-
    The authorities could adopt a more compre-                              able actions would ideally meet all three criteria,
hensive approach to address the factors behind                              tradeoffs are likely to arise:
the inefficiency of public spending. An overarching                             1.	 Coordinating and consolidating active labor mar-
analytical framework of three priorities is proposed                                ket programs. For example, there are more
to guide interventions (figure 8). The three priori-                                than a hundred active labor market programs
ties respond to the following three questions: How                                  at the national level offered by some 20 gov-
can the government create fiscal space to ensure                                    ernment departments.

Figure 8  A guiding framework for prioritizing policies for improving the efficiency of public spending

                                                                                  Action 1: Coordinate and consolidate social programs, with a focus on results
                                     Priority 1: Creating fiscal space for
                                     present and future public spending           Action 2: Partner with the private sector

  Maximize the impact                Priority 2: Allocating public resources         Action 3: Improve public investment management
  of public spending on              to loosen binding constraints to
  inclusive growth                   inclusive growth                                Action 4: Spend smarter on programs to enhance the
                                                                                     employability of people disadvantaged in the labor market

                                                                               Action 5: Professionalize public service to build a high-status meritocracy
                                     Priority 3: Upgrading the public          Action 6: Improve monitoring mechanisms
                                     sector’s delivery capacity                Action 7: Accelerate digitalization of public services
                                                                               Action 8: Incentivize the performance of subnational governments

Priority 1: Increasing the impact of public spending on inclusive growth                                                                 5■
                              2.	 Linking the Covid-19 Social Relief Distress          labor unions. Hiring new staff requires the autho-
                                  grant with active labor market programs    to en­   rization of the National Treasury and the Depart-
                                  hance employability and support job creation         ment of Public Service and Administration, at least
                                  and labor productivity in the longer term.           for the 2024/25 financial year. To slow the rise in
                              3.	 Making the Head of Public Administration             debt service costs, plans call for reducing borrow-
                                  responsible for ensuring transparent and ro-         ing by controlling the fiscal deficit, seeking more
                                  bust processes for hiring and managing all top       financing on concessional terms, and improving
                                  managers.                                            debt management. These actions will take time to
                              4.	 Introducing a unified national ID standard t    o   have a noticeable impact because of built-in rigid-
                                  prepare for a digital ID that will improve ac-       ities in many expenditures. In addition, controlling
                                  cess to social and financial services and data.      the wage bill while improving public service deliv-
                              5.	 Incentivizing the uptake of the e-procurement        ery necessarily involves tradeoffs. Further wage
                                  system (eTenders) for procuring entities across      bill reforms are likely to erode service delivery in
                                  levels of government   by introducing financial     core labor-intensive activities such as education,
                                  and nonfinancial rewards.                            health, and justice and security.23 Thus, wage bill
                              6.	 Scaling up the contract-based approach piloted       consolidation may need to accommodate greater
                                  in the electricity sector to other sectors (water,   front-line service delivery requirements and be ac-
                                  waste, education, health) and other levels of        companied by recruitment reforms, which are the
                                  government t   o incentivize them to improve        focus in this note.
                                  their overall financial performance.                     The government will have to do more to create
■ To increase fiscal          The proposed actions give special attention to           fiscal space as the pressures on capital spending

  savings in the          social spending for three interconnected reasons.            and social spending mount. As highlighted in poli-
                          First, because social spending absorbs about half            cy note 2, South Africa’s infrastructure needs are
  short-term, the         of South Africa’s public budget, it will be hard to          enormous, both to redress current shortcomings
  government can          achieve large efficiency gains without improving             and to adapt to climate change. Social expenditures

  cut or consolidate
                          the quality of social spending. Second, budget al-           are also projected to increase, especially in educa-
                          locations to education and health are high by in-            tion, where increases are needed to accommodate
  redundant or            ternational standards yet have failed to achieve a           the growing number of students and improve the
  nonperforming           commensurate impact on human capital (see figure             quality of education. For example, in basic educa-
                          5). Third, most of the recommendations for the so-           tion, the challenge is to build some 20,000 new
  programs                cial sectors also apply to other sectors, including          classrooms and increase the teaching workforce
  and develop             infrastructure, another major challenge (see policy          by about 25,000 to prepare for the estimated ad-

  partnerships            note 2).                                                     ditional 1.2 million learners expected to enter the
                                                                                       school system by 2030. Without creating more fis-
  with the private        Priority 1: Creating fiscal space for                        cal space, the government cannot afford to pay for
  sector to deliver       present and future public spending                           these education system needs. Similar challenges
                          Creating fiscal space is at the center of the                apply to health and social protection.
  public services         Medium-Term Fiscal framework presented by the                    In the short-term, the government can consid-
                          Minister of Finance in the budget speech deliv-              er two types of actions on the expenditure side to
                          ered in February 2024. The two main levers are               increase fiscal savings. First, it can cut or consoli-
                          the wage bill, which at 12% of GDP is 5 percent-             date redundant or nonperforming programs, which
                          age points above the average in Organisation for             raise administrative costs and prevent economies
                          Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)                 of scale. Second, it can develop partnerships with
                          countries, and the expected increase in debt-ser-            the private sector to deliver public services, as is
                          vice payments.22 To rein in wage increases, the Na-          already under way in some infrastructure sectors,
                          tional Treasury has gained power and discretion to           such as telecommunication and electricity, and is
                          bargain with labor unions using the legal room cre-          beginning in social sectors in some provinces, in-
                          ated by a recent judicial decision that went against         cluding in education and health.

                   ■ 6                                                                   Priority 1: Increasing the impact of public spending on inclusive growth
■ Action 1: Coordinate and consolidate social                               alignments, and the role of government. For com-
programs, with a focus on results                                           mercial entities in which the state is a minority
                                                                            stakeholder, privatization might also offer financial
Several government-supported programs in South                              gains, but such programs may require time to be-
Africa are not well coordinated and do not track                            come politically acceptable.
results effectively. For example, there are oppor-                              Partnerships with the private sector can achieve
tunities to consolidate more than 100 active labor                          lower costs and higher quality as well if the partner-
market programs offered by some 20 govern-                                  ship contracts are well defined and private provid-
ment departments at the national level, with no                             ers commit to high levels of accountability. Public-
overarching strategy or system to monitor progress                          private partnership agreements could be directed to
or evaluate job-related outcomes. Another example                           sectors that need the greatest support, in exchange
is early childhood development programs, which                              for enhanced autonomy for the private provider and
require the engagement of multiple departments                              with exit clauses built into the contracts in case the
across tiers of government. Coordination is widely                          provider proves unable to meet performance tar-
acknowledged to be weak, limiting effectiveness.                            gets. Public-private partnership are being developed
There are also numerous early-grade reading pro-                            in several infrastructure sectors, as discussed in pol-
grams that have been implemented over the last                              icy note 2, and could be extended to social sectors.
two decades, some of which have been evaluated.                             There is very little private provision of education in
But these interventions have not gone to scale and                          South Africa: in 2021, only 6% of primary school
are not integrated into the routine practices of the                        students were enrolled in private schools, against
education system. There seem to be multiple pro-                            18% in Brazil and 45% in India. Partnering with the
grams in some areas that are not coordinated and                            private sector would also be in line with the govern-
that lack sufficient empirical data on outcomes to                          ment’s objective to expand technical and vocational
support continuing them or taking them to scale.                            education (TVET) programs, where quality and cov-
And even when data on outcomes are available,                               erage could be improved through workplace-based
there are no well thought out and clearly articulat-                        and technology-based learning.
ed plans for scaling up and sustaining the programs,                            Quick measures could include:
particularly financially.                                                   •	 Scaling up private provision in education,   learn-
                                                                                ing from the experience of Western Cape and
■ Action 2: Partner with the private sector                                     Gauteng Provinces. Western Cape Province has
                                                                                had success experimenting with the Collabo-                        As well as
When properly structured, partnerships with the                                 ration Schools model, in which a public school
private sector can improve the quality of service                               partners with an experienced nonprofit school
delivery, increase access, and relieve some of the                              support organization that provides intensive                        financial
fiscal pressure. As well as contributing financial                              support to teachers and principals through train-                 resources,
                                                                                                                                           private provid­ers
resources, private providers can bring new exper-                               ing, additional resources, performance monitor-
tise and competencies in the delivery of services.                              ing, and regular feedback.24 The Western Cape
Several countries use alternative service delivery                              Education Department oversees the perfor-                      can offer new
mechanisms to improve programs and services.                                    mance of the nonprofit organization, holding it                expertise and
Prompted by concerns for the public interest, serv-                             accountable as part of the public school system.
ice quality, client orientation, and human resource                             Public-private partnerships are less common in                competencies,
management, Canada has encouraged public sec-                                   higher education (TVETs and universities), but               lower cost, and
tor managers to explore creative ways of delivering                             some of the best training institutions in Kazakh-
                                                                                                                                            higher quality in
services outside of the public sector, such as public-                          stan, Malaysia, and Morocco are organized as
private partnerships, outsourcing, and contracting                              public-private partnerships.25                              service delivery ■
out of services. All proposals must pass a public                           •	 Expanding workplace-based learning opportuni-
interest test, which covers the key dimensions of                               ties for unemployed youth in small and medium en-
affordability, external partnerships, jurisdictional                            terprises. The current system of workplace-based

Priority 1: Increasing the impact of public spending on inclusive growth                                                             7■
                             learning has several shortcomings. Little training    ■ Action 3: Improve public investment management
                             is directed to people without work experience
                             who are seeking such experience, and numerous         The first-best solution to improve public investment
                             bureaucratic barriers prevent smaller companies       management would be to shift some resources
                             from participating (about 80% of businesses are       from current spending to capital spending, as South
                             not participating). Initiatives such as the Youth     Africa is clearly an outlier is this area (see figure 3).
                             Employment Services turnkey model or the Cen-         However, this resource shift could be difficult to
                             ter of Specialization approach implemented in         achieve in the short term. As highlighted earlier, any
                             selected public TVET institutions demonstrate         savings on recurrent spending (such as the wage
                             the feasibility of placing unemployed youth in        bill) should be used to consolidate the fiscal deficit.
                             small and medium enterprises in South Africa.         In addition, the rigidity of many recurrent spending
                             The lessons are that learner registration proce-      items, especially the wage bill, makes it difficult to
                             dures should be simplified for small and medi-        shift public funds in the short term.
                             um enterprises and that efficient monitoring and          The second-best solution is to improve the effi-
                             funding systems are needed to enable small and        ciency of capital spending. If the government can-
                             medium enterprises to participate.                    not spend more, it must spend better. This could
                          •	 Developing technology-based learning  to increase    be achieved by reducing the fragmentation in in-
                             relevance and cost-efficiency in post-school          stitutions and processes that inhibits the coordi-
                             education and training systems and improve ac-        nation, selection, implementation, and monitoring
                             cess for learners in remote rural areas. The use      of capital projects and by streamlining processes
                             of technology in education has barely been ex-        in subnational governments, which account for
                             plored in South Africa, particularly in TVET in-      three-quarters of public investment.
                             stitutions. Technology can enable more efficient          The authorities could consider two measures in
                             use of physical infrastructure while also provid-     the short term:
                             ing simulated practical experience. For exam-         •	 Establishing a centralized gateway for priority cap-
                             ple, horticulture programs at the Swiss Federal           ital projects above a certain threshold (for exam-
                             Institute for Vocational Education and Training           ple, above R5 billion, or $250 million). The gov-
                             use virtual reality glasses to enable students to         ernment recognizes the institutional complexity
                             create and implement landscape designs and to             of the public investment landscape.26 In a highly
                             simulate seasonal effects on their virtual land-          decentralized and delegated environment, over
■ Dealing with the           scape. Such simulation technologies can also              700 public institutions operate multiple paral-

  infrastructure             help bridge the gap between theoretical learning          lel systems for strategic projects. This system
                             in the classroom and the skills needed in profes-         comes with immense costs, generates confu-
  crisis requires            sional settings.                                          sion, adds complexity, and requires multiple
  higher capital                                                                       entities to administer. To create a more stream-
                          Priority 2: Allocating public resources
  and maintenance
                                                                                       lined and transparent framework for identifying
                          to loosen binding constraints to                             and prioritizing strategic infrastructure projects,
  spending,               inclusive growth                                             South Africa could follow the direction taken
  while reducing          Two of the major challenges facing South Afri-               by countries like the Republic of Korea, New
                          ca—inadequate infrastructure and high unemploy-              Zealand, and the United Kingdom, which have
  unemployment            ment—require the more efficient allocation of pub-           established a central project information man-
  requires allocating     lic resources. Dealing with the infrastructure crisis        agement (PIM) unit with oversight of strategic

  resources               requires higher capital and maintenance spending.            public sector projects.27 Bringing together a few
                          Reducing unemployment requires allocating re-                existing units/entities will encourage a stronger
  to programs             sources to programs that improve the employability           portfolio approach to PIM, particularly for large,
  that improve            of workers in South Africa. The authorities can con-         strategic infrastructure projects, and help cre-
                          sider the following two actions to better align public       ate a center of excellence by gathering exper-
  employability           spending with these two challenges.                          tise under one roof. Projects above a threshold

                   ■ 8                                                                Priority 1: Increasing the impact of public spending on inclusive growth
   would undergo a rigorous gateway review (such                            past 10 years. The employability of the labor force,
   as the one announced in the Medium-Term                                  in particular, remains extremely low.
   Budget Policy Statement), with support from                                  Part of the inefficiency of social and labor mar-              Part of the
   one institution or through a reconfiguration of                          ket programs stems from their fragmentation, rais-
   existing units. A crucial remaining question for                         ing the stakes for consolidation, as recommended
   the authorities is how to embed this centralized                         above. Building on the vast literature on this topic,        associated with
   gateway mechanism in the high-level decision-                            including some by the South African government,              social and labor
                                                                                                                                       market programs
   making process. Countries have adopted differ-                           the following three additional actions can be con-
   ent solutions.                                                           sidered to enhance the impact of these programs
•	 Reducing the administrative burden associated with                       on the employability of workers, especially youth:          stems from their
   conditional grants to subnational governments. As                        •	 Linking the Covid-19 Social Relief Distress grant to       fragmentation,
   of 2023, provinces and municipalities had to deal                            active labor market programs. Under the Covid-
   with more than 42 different grants (24 for the                               19 Social Relief Distress grant, South Africa          raising the stakes
   provinces and 18 for the municipalities). Many                               provides unconditional income support (R350             for consolidation ■
   grants have overlapping purposes, and some are                               per person) to about 8 million adults who can
   for relatively small amounts (12 grants provided                             work. Introduced in 2020 to mitigate the impact
   less than $25 million a year to all subnational gov-                         of the Covid-19 pandemic, the grant was ex-
   ernments). Reporting requirements generally dif-                             tended to 2025. As many other middle-income
   fer across programs as well, adding to the admin-                            countries have done, South Africa could tie part
   istrative burden. Having a large number of grants                            of the grant to the participation of beneficiaries
   increases transaction costs; limits the absorptive                           in job-counseling services. Panama gradual-
   capacity of local governments, especially in small                           ly scaled down its Covid-19 response program
   and poor areas; increases the potential for misuse;                          by increasing job-search requirements for ap-
   and slows execution. To ease the administrative                              plicants. In Denmark and Finland, employment
   burden on subnational governments, the central                               services and social assistance are often located
   authorities can reduce the number of grants (for                             at the same job centers and are coordinated to
   example, the provinces received six grants for the                           support clients who need both income and em-
   education sector alone) and harmonize reporting                              ployment assistance. South Africa could reform
   requirements. Grants can also include conditions                             the Employment Services system by providing
   that reinforce planned PIM reforms (for example,                             counseling services to job-seekers and by link-
   through mandatory gateway reviews supported                                  ing the databases of the Department of Social
   by centralized institutional arrangements).                                  Development and the Employment Services
■ Action 4: Spend smarter on programs to enhance                            •	 Using wrap-around approaches to improve the
the employability of people disadvantaged in the labor                          effectiveness of active labor market programs.
market                                                                          South Africa’s active labor market programs
                                                                                could follow the direction of programs in sev-
South Africa is among the highest spending coun-                                eral middle- and high-income countries. For
tries on social protection and active labor market                              example, Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Unit-
programs. The country spends around 4% of GDP                                   ed Kingdom provide integrated wrap-around
on noncontributory social assistance alone, com-                                services to work-seekers and vulnerable house-
pared with a world average of about 1.5%. This                                  holds that face multiple barriers to employment,
level of spending has been part of the social con­                              after an initial comprehensive assessment of
tract between the state and its citizens since the                              their needs. South Africa has experimented with
end of Apartheid and is justified by the high levels                            this approach in the Basic Package of Support
of entrenched poverty, inequality, and unemploy-                                pilot program for vulnerable youth, which is
ment.28 While there have been some successes,                                   complemented by ongoing rigorous evaluation.
most outcomes have been disappointing over the                                  Another comprehensive approach, though on

Priority 1: Increasing the impact of public spending on inclusive growth                                                             9■
                                   a small scale, is the Jovenes model applied in        implement given the multiplicity of views (and vest-
                                   several Latin American countries, which com-          ed interests) in South Africa.
                                   bines technical and workplace behavior training          However, there are several opportunities to accel-
                                   (three months), apprenticeships (three months),       erate the state capacity-­ building agenda. Proposed
                                   life coaching (six months), career guidance,          below are four actions that can produce short-­ term
                                   transport vouchers (and childcare stipends for        results while laying the foundation for more compre-
                                   women), and job placement through publicly fi-        hensive future reform. To produce tangible results,
                                   nanced nongovernmental organization–private           these actions need to be implemented at all three
                                   sector partnerships.29                                levels of government (central, provincial, and local),
                                •	 Developing microentrepreneurship programs, w  hich   as well as in autonomous agencies and SOEs.
                                   are largely absent in South Africa. Operating suc-
                                   cessfully in more than 80 low- and middle-income      ■ Action 5: Professionalize the public sector to build
                                   countries, these programs complement govern-                 status meritocracy
                                                                                         a high-­
                                   ment social assistance schemes with job-relat-
                                   ed supports, helping beneficiaries use their re-      Building a professional, high-­    status bureaucracy
                                   sources for productive endeavors and become           is a critical step for a country that aspires to high-­
                                   self-sufficient. Colombia’s Jefes y Jefas de Hogar    income status. In response to the disturbing evi-
                                   and Kenya’s Hustler Fund are directed to adults       dence presented in reports of the Department of
■ Measures to                      and youths in poor households, providing them         Public Service and Administration and the Judicial

  accelerate                       with a bundle of services (training and coach-        Commission of Inquiry into Allegations of State
                                   ing, savings schemes, business preparation,           Capture, Corruption, and Fraud in the Public Sector
  state capacity                   investment grants, and so on) over a discrete         (the Zondo Commission), the government adopted
  building need to                 period (18–24 months) to start or expand viable       the Framework Towards the Professionalization of

  be implemented
                                   microenterprises. Impact evaluations indicate         the Public Sector in 2022.30 Recent efforts have fo-
                                   that these programs have sustainable impacts          cused on legislative reforms to harmonize standards
  at all three levels              on employment and earning outcomes, especial-         of employment across levels of government, delin-
  of government,                   ly for youth and women.                               eation of the political/administrative interface, and
                                                                                         extension of the Public Service Commission’s over-
  as well as in                 Priority 3: Upgrading the public sector’s                sight to provincial and municipal governments.31
  autonomous                    delivery capacity                                            While recognizing that building a new profes-

  agencies and                  State capacity has severely deteriorated in South        sional bureaucracy will take time, the authorities
                                Africa. The causes for this deterioration are diverse,   can consider several measures to accelerate this
  state enterprises             ranging from the declining technical capacity of         process:
                                staff in several strategic departments, subnational      •	 Making the Head of Public Administration respon-
                                governments, and SOEs to the deliberate misuse               sible for ensuring transparent and robust processes
                                of public resources through misguided human re-              for hiring and managing all top managers, w   hich
                                sources policies and corruption. Corruption has              could reduce political interference in hiring and
                                had a corrosive effect on South Africa’s public in-          management practices for senior public servants.
                                stitutions, in particular on accountability institu-         This role for the Head of Public Administration
                                tions and the management and oversight of SOEs,              would draw a new line of administrative and
                                as documented by the Commission of Inquiry into              operational accountability between senior pub-
                                State Capture. On the 2023 Corruption Percep-                lic servants (director generals) and the Head of
                                tions Index, South Africa dropped below the global           Public Administration, who would play a key role
                                average, scoring 41 out of 100 (where 0 is highly            in appointment processes and discipline manage-
                                corrupt and 100 is very clean), reflective of per-           ment for director generals, replacing the current
                                ceived stagnation in the fight against corruption.           practice of presidential ministerial approvals.
                                Addressing these challenges requires a comprehen-        •	 Expanding the role of the Public Service Com-
                                sive agenda, but that will take time to develop and          mission, an independent body established by the

                        ■ 10                                                                Priority 1: Increasing the impact of public spending on inclusive growth
   Constitution, in reviewing key public sector ap-                         are directed to institutions based on the number of
   pointments across all three levels of government                         students enrolled, which reinforces the country’s
   and SOEs. As a starting point, independent tech-                         commitment to accessibility but is a poor predictor
   nical experts can integrate the multiple selection                       of institutional performance. The development of in-
   panels for senior appointments, including heads                          novative interventions has been discouraged by the
   of departments, municipal managers, and SOE                              absence of clear, measurable, and shared definitions
   board members. Many OECD countries have                                  of targets and of the rigorous monitoring and evalu-
   centralized recruitment for senior civil servants.                       ation systems needed to convince policymakers to
   For example, in Australia, a Public Service Com-                         continue and scale up innovative programs.32
   missioner is a full participant in the Senior Exec-                          The projected fiscal consolidation process esca-             Ongoing budget
   utive Service recruitment process, and experts                           lates the urgency of improving monitoring mecha-
                                                                                                                                             cuts, stagnating
   from the Australian Public Service professions                           nisms in education and training systems. Ongoing
   are systematically included in recruiting panels.                        budget cuts, combined with stagnating graduation                        graduation
•	 Enhance anti-corruption efforts and public integ-                        rates and rising national demand for highly educat-              rates, and rising
                                                                                                                                             national demand
   rity management by reducing fragmentation and                            ed workers, make it increasingly important to en-
   gaps in the financial disclosure framework across                        sure the efficient use of limited public resources for
   institutions and levels of government. This includes                     education.                                                           for educated
   removing gaps in the coverage of high-risk offi-                             The following three measures are aimed at im-                  workers make
   cials, extending the disclosure form to address                          proving the monitoring of education and training
   unjustified wealth, strengthening enforcement                            programs, but the principles of just-­  in-time report-            it increasingly
   and sanctions mechanisms, and establishing the                           ing, agility, and ex post corrections are relevant to                important to
   foundations for automated verification process-                          other sectors as well:
                                                                                                                                                    ensure the
   es and public access to disclosures. A thorough                          •	 Instituting regular national learning assessments
   review of the decentralized institutional frame-                             and functional school-­ based assessments in basic            efficient use of
   work for disclosure, verification, and sanctioning                           education. South Africa’s annual national assess-               limited public
   is also needed to introduce a uniform, central-                              ment of grades 3, 6, and 9 was discontinued in
   ized approach to electronic disclosure that ad-                              2015. Western Cape Province is currently the
                                                                                                                                                resources for
   dresses gaps in oversight and inconsistency in                               only province that still conducts annual assess-                     education ■
   the application of regulations and the issuing of                            ments. Reinvigorating annual learning assess-
   sanctions.                                                                   ments is vital for tracking systemwide learning
                                                                                performance. Improving learning through time-
■ Action 6: Improve monitoring mechanisms                                       ly interventions and effective planning requires
                                                                                accurate and timely data on learning outcomes
Experience demonstrates that appropriate mon-                                   not only at the end of each grade but as learn-
itoring mechanisms significantly improve public                                 ers progress through a grade.33 Thus, national
sector performance. To be efficient, monitoring                                 learning assessments need to be complemented
mechanisms must be agile and transparent, results                               by a system for continuously assessing student
must be shared publicly, and measures must be in-                               learning and recommending remedial actions to
cluded that reinforce good outcomes and penalize                                ensure that all students are on track. The School
bad ones. Monitoring mechanisms in South Africa’s                               Based Assessment, which is currently used only
public administration need critical improvements.                               as a tool for promoting students from one grade
    Consistent with this note’s focus on the social sec-                        to the next, could be transformed to serve this
tors, the education system can illustrate the urgency                           continuous assessment role.
of implementing good monitoring mechanisms. The                             •	 Moving toward performance-­      based funding and
absence of a regular national assessment of stu-                                instituting tracer surveys for higher education. As
dent performance has impeded the optimal use of                                 budgets for higher education shrink, govern-
resources for students and teachers who need fur-                               ments in several countries are using performance-­
ther support. At the higher education level, finances                           based funding to align their objectives with

Priority 1: Increasing the impact of public spending on inclusive growth                                                             11 ■
                             those of higher education institutions and to               Although the South African government has
                             ensure that limited public funds are used more          begun its digital transformation, digitalization is
                             productively. Higher education institutions must        not progressing as quickly as in the most advanced
                             ensure that students complete their training            countries. South Africa was ranked well behind
                             and graduate with the skills to be successful in        global leaders (Estonia, Finland, and Korea) and re-
                             a dynamic economy. Having performance-­        based    gional leaders (Rwanda) on both the World Bank’s
                             funding systems in place is particularly impor-         GovTech Maturity Index and the UN’s Online Serv-
                             tant as more private providers enter the educa-         ice Index in 2022.35 Its slow digitalization is further
                             tion and training market. Most European coun-           evidenced by the limited number of online services:
                             tries and states in the United States have used         only 120 public services are available online today
                             performance-­ based funding for higher educa-           against a target of 255. Although the e-­  government
                             tion for decades. South Africa could learn from         service portal ( is visited by
                             them. At a minimum, South Africa could institute        300,000 users monthly­      —­a reasonable number­   —­
■ The slow                   tracer surveys in all universities and TVETs to         satisfaction is low.

  implementation of          track student completion and employment out-                The slow implementation of the digital agenda
                             comes. Digital systems should be leveraged for          reflects budgetary challenges as well as technical
  the digital agenda         this purpose.                                           and governance problems. The budget allocation
  reflects budgetary      •	 Focusing on programs that demonstrate results           to information and communication technologies

  challenges as
                             and can be scaled up. South Africa has tried a          shrank 5% in real terms between 2016/17 and
                             range of interventions to improve public sector         2020/21, with a lower share directed to developing
  well as technical          delivery capacity. Still lacking is the collaborative   and digitizing government services and functions
  and governance             leadership needed to identify the priority prob-        for the public.36 Public digital services are frequent-
                             lems to be addressed and glean the lessons from         ly disrupted by technical problems, including elec-
  problems                   domestic programs and those in other countries.         tricity blackouts, and by the inadequate technical
                             There have been numerous exercises to doc-              knowledge and skills of civil servants. The State
                             ument the plethora of interventions in active           Information Technology Agency, the key agen-
                             labor market programs, early childhood devel-           cy responsible for digitalization of the public sec-
                             opment, parenting programs, and early grade             tor, is beleaguered by governance and operational
                             reading programs. The next step is to appoint a         challenges.37
                             team of leaders to assess the evidence on which             Accelerating the use of digital solutions in four
                             programs show the greatest promise and map              areas could increase transparency, speed transac-
                             out ways to integrate the most robust interven-         tions, and improve intergovernmental coordination.
                             tions into the day-­to-day functioning of related       These solutions would build on several pilot pro-
                             programs.                                               jects in South Africa and successful experiences in
                                                                                     other countries:
                          ■ Action 7: Accelerate digitalization of public services   •	 Developing real-­ time dashboards to track major
                                                                                         infrastructure projects across levels of govern-
                          Governments across the world are using new digital             ment. A real-­time snapshot of how investments
                          technologies to improve public services. The digita-           in water, transport, energy, and telecommunica-
                          lization of decision processes reduces transaction             tions are performing would be a big step toward
                          costs for public administration and for individuals            improved decisionmaking and collaboration
                          and businesses. Shared digital platforms create                inside and outside of government. Experience
                          economies of scale and improve policy decisions                with South Africa’s major infrastructure invest-
                          using just-­in-time and collaborative data. Digital            ments for the World Cup and New Zealand’s
                          solutions have also reduced human interference in              Infrastructure Commission shows that simple,
                          processes, narrowing opportunities for corruption              straightforward reporting to decisionmakers
                          and improving accountability through more trans-               can reduce obstacles. Relevant information
                          parent reporting mechanisms.34                                 could also be disclosed to the public in an easily

                  ■ 12                                                                 Priority 1: Increasing the impact of public spending on inclusive growth
   accessible format to increase transparency and                           ■ Action 8: Incentivize the performance of
   accountability to taxpayers on how their money                           subnational governments
   is being spent.
•	 Introducing a unified national ID standard to pre-                       South Africa’s quasi-­  federal fiscal system devolves
   pare for the introduction of a digital ID for access-                    key infrastructure and social spending responsibil-
   ing social and financial services. The draft Nation-                     ities to subnational governments, in line with the
   al Identification and Registration Bill of 2022                          subsidiarity principle of public finance.38 However,
   aims to introduce a unified national ID standard                         limited technical capacity, especially in poor and iso-
   that will contribute to the development of a dig-                        lated provinces and municipalities, and rising gover-
   ital ID for use in areas such as healthcare, social                      nance challenges have led to the deterioration of
   protection, and financial services. Public consul-                       local services. Many subnational governments suf-
   tations on the draft bill were held in early 2023,                       fer from the politicization of cadre deployment, the
   and the bill is awaiting submission to Parliament.                       incursion of vested interests into decisionmaking,
•	 Incentivizing the uptake of the e-­procurement sys-                      and the poor organization of delivery processes
   tem (eTenders) for procuring entities across levels                      across departments.39 The lack of transparent, just-­
   of government. An e-­     procurement system to                          in-time, independent monitoring systems has also
   track supply chain management/procurement                                reduced the accountability of local managers and
   stages that meets interoperability and data shar-                        policymakers, as highlighted earlier.
   ing standards is critical to improving the trans-                            Along with limited technical capacity and weak
   parency and efficiency of public spending across                         governance, subnational governments have few
   levels of government. All tender opportunities                           incentives to improve performance due to the un-
   and contract awards should be published on                               balanced fiscal decentralization of responsibilities
   the eTenders system. Bangladesh and Rwanda                               between expenditures and revenues. Subnational
   used incentives to roll out their e-­  procurement                       governments are responsible for almost 80% of na-
   systems fairly quickly. Incentives included team                         tional public expenditures, but they collect less than
   bonuses for meeting e-­   procurement targets, the                       20% of national public revenue. Provinces and most
   provision of new information technology equip-                           municipalities are highly dependent on transfers of
   ment to units, and awards for top achievers.                             about $30  billion a year from the central govern-
•	 Introducing digital tools and shared data platforms                      ment to finance their activities.40 This dependence
   in strategic sectors, including machine learning                         reduces the accountability of local governments
   and artificial intelligence. For example, the de-                        and relaxes fiscal discipline as their expenses are
   ployment of a fully interoperable national health                        financed by national rather than local taxpayers.                   Introducing a
   information system that provide access to digi-                          The International Monetary Fund estimates that
   tized health records for all patients and connects                       this expenditure–­  revenue imbalance increases the
   healthcare providers and patients could dramati-                         fiscal deficit by 1 or 2 percentage points of GDP.41             based element
   cally improve the quality of services. Similarly, an                         Balancing the spending and revenue responsi-                  to subnational
                                                                                                                                                transfers will
   open logistics platform with standardized data                           bilities of local governments could improve their
   formats available to shippers and transporters                           accountability and fiscal performance. South Africa
   would be a critical tool for reducing information                        could follow the model of several countries with de-                  strengthen
   asymmetry in logistics and sharing just-­     in-time                    centralized fiscal systems that have achieved such                  performance
   data on road and port conditions and waiting                             balance, including Canada, Iceland, Sweden, and
   lines, as China and India have done, for example.                        Switzerland. But this will take time because political             incentives for
   As the logistics platform evolves, it could pro-                         consensus is required to amend the constitution.               local authorities
   vide electronic solutions for paying multiple fees                           A more immediate solution is to introduce a
                                                                                                                                          in the short term
   and custom duties and for submitting requested                           performance-­   based element to subnational trans-
   regulatory documents through a unified portal                            fers. Subnational authorities have few incentives            and pave the way
   rather than separately through different agen-                           to perform better since they will receive transfers         for future reforms ■
   cies and local governments.                                              from the National Treasure even if they perform

Priority 1: Increasing the impact of public spending on inclusive growth                                                             13 ■
                             poorly. The central government has implemented              •	 Scaling up the performance-­   based approach used
                             several initiatives to remedy this situation, such as          for public transport grants to other earmarked
                             those used in other middle-­       income countries, in-       transfers (20% of total transfers), which are di-
                             cluding Brazil.                                                rected mainly to infrastructure services. Public
                                 The government could scale up these recent                 transport grants are determined partly on the
                             initiatives and complement them with additional                basis of measurable outcomes.42 The authorities
                             performance-­   based measures. These measures                 expect to extend this approach to the water and
                             will not immediately turn around the poor service              energy sectors and to funds for building resil-
                             delivery performance of subnational governments,               ient infrastructure. The challenge is to define
                             which will require deeper reforms at the local level           measurable outcomes and to ensure that local
                             and in the design of fiscal decentralization. Howev-           governments have the technical capacity to im-
                             er, they will strengthen performance incentives for            plement the targeted programs. Technical assis-
                             the local authorities in the short term and pave the           tance might be required to support implementa-
                             way for future reforms.                                        tion, including the use of management contracts
                             •	 Adding a performance-­      based element to the eq-        where appropriate.43
                                 uitable formula for nonearmarked transfers (80%         •	 Scaling up the contract-­  based approach piloted in
                                                       hich is currently based solely
                                 of total transfers), w                                     the electricity sector to other sectors and levels of
■ One lesson                     on the needs and capacity of each subnational              government t   o incentivize them to improve their

  after a year of                government. Making this adjustment is relatively           overall financial performance. In May 2023, the
                                 easy technically but harder politically because            National Treasury offered to clear municipalities’
  implementation                 underperforming local governments are like-                arrears with public electricity supplier Eskom
  of the contract-               ly to oppose it, and an efficient and transpar-            conditional on meeting a set of performance

  based approach to
                                 ent monitoring and evaluation mechanism will               indicators. By early 2024, more than 70 mu-
                                 be needed as well. Some countries have been                nicipalities had accepted this contract, totaling
  incentivize financial          able to add a performance element to transfers             R56.7 billion or 96.9% of total municipal debt. To
  performance                    by applying them to the incremental increas-               further incentivize participating municipalities,
                                 es in transfers rather than to their total value           the 2024 budget introduced a new conditional
  is the need to                 (reducing losses for underperformers) and by               grant of R2  billion to fund the rollout of smart
  include conditions             focusing on simple outcome measures. To illus-             prepaid meters over the next three years to im-

  related only to the            trate, imagine that the value of unconditional             prove municipal electricity tariff collection. One
                                 transfers to a subnational government increas-             lesson after a year of implementation is the need
  most important                 es from R585 billion in 2023/24 to R600 billion            to include conditions related only to the most
  objectives                     in 2024/2025. Applying a performance-­         based       important objectives because of the limited ca-
                                 measure to the incremental increase only would             pacity of municipal authorities and to tailor them
  because of the                 mean that R15 billion would be allocated based             to the structural constraints in the sector. This
  limited capacity               on performance. The central government could               contract-­ based approach could be applied to

  of municipal                   further incentivize subnational governments by             other sectors and extended to provinces, which
                                 offering technical assistance to help them im-             are also cash constrained and in arrears with in-
  authorities                    prove their performance.                                   frastructure service providers.

                     ■ 14                                                                   Priority 1: Increasing the impact of public spending on inclusive growth
Annex table A1  Ranking of measures through the “FIT” filter of feasibility, impact, and timing
                                                                                                                 Feasible Impactful   Timely   Total
 Priority 1: Creating fiscal space for present and future public spending
 Action 1: Consolidate and coordinate                      1.	 Cutting 60–80 small social programs                  2         2          2      6
 social programs                                               (National Treasury proposal), merging some
                                                               departments, and closing some units
                                                           2.	 Consolidating and coordinating active                3         3          2      8
                                                               labor market programs and early childhood
                                                               education programs
 Action 2: Partner with the private                        3.	 Scaling up private provision in education            3         2          1      6
 sector                                                    4.	 Expanding workplace-­based learning                  2         2          2      6
                                                               opportunities for unemployed youth in small
                                                               and medium enterprises
                                                           5.	 Developing technology-­ based learning to            2         2          2      6
                                                                                           efficiency in
                                                               increase relevance and cost-­
                                                               post-­school education and training systems
                                                               and improving access for learners in remote
                                                               rural areas
 Priority 2: Allocating public resources to loosen binding constraints to inclusive growth
 Action 3: Improve public investment                       6.	 Establishing a centralized gateway for priority      3         2          2      7
 management                                                    capital projects above a certain threshold
                                                           7.	 Reducing the administrative burden                   2         2          2      6
                                                               associated with conditional grants to
                                                               subnational governments
 Action 4: Spend smarter on programs                       8.	 Linking the Covid-­19 Social Relief Distress         3         3          2      8
 to enhance the employability of                               grant with active labor market programs
 people who are disadvantaged in the                       9.	 Using wrap-­around approaches to improve             2         2          3      7
 labor market                                                  the effectiveness of active labor market
                                                           10.	 Developing microentrepreneur programs               2         2          3      7
 Priority 3: Upgrading public sector delivery capacity
 Action 5: Professionalize public                          11.	 Making the Head of Public Administration            3         2          3      8
 service to build a high-­
                         status                                 responsible for ensuring transparent and
 meritocracy                                                    robust processes for hiring and managing all
                                                                top managers
                                                           12.	Expanding the role of the Public Service             3         2          2      7
                                                               Commission in reviewing key public sector
                                                               appointments across all three levels of
                                                               government and state enterprises.
                                                           13.	 Enhancing the financial disclosure framework        3         2          2      7
                                                                by removing gaps in the coverage of high-
                                                                risk officials, extending the disclosure form
                                                                to address unjustified wealth, strengthening
                                                                sanction mechanisms, and establishing the
                                                                foundations for automated verification
                                                                processes and public access to disclosures.

Priority 1: Increasing the impact of public spending on inclusive growth                                                         15 ■
                                                                                                            Feasible Impactful               Timely           Total
 Action 6: Improve monitoring                  14.	 Instituting regular national learning                        2               2               2               6
 mechanisms                                         assessments and functional school-­   based
                                                    assessments in basic education
                                               15.	Moving toward performance-­    based funding                  2               2               3               7
                                                   and instituting tracer surveys for higher
                                               16.	 Focusing on programs that demonstrate                        2               2               1               5
                                                    results and can be scaled up
 Action 7: Accelerate digitalization of        17.	 Developing real-­time dashboards to track                    2               2               2               6
 public services                                    major infrastructure projects across levels of
                                               18.	Introducing a unified national ID standard to                 2               3               3               8
                                                   prepare for the introduction of a digital ID for
                                                   accessing social and financial service
                                               19.	 Incentivizing the uptake of the e-­                          2               3               3               8
                                                    system for procuring entities across levels of
                                               20.	Introducing digital tools and shared data                     2               2               2               6
                                                   platforms in strategic sectors, including
                                                   machine learning and artificial intelligence
 Action 8: Incentive the performance           21.	 Adding a performance-­ based element to the                  1               3               1               5
 of subnational governments                         equitable formula for nonearmarked transfers
                                               22.	Scaling up the performance-­ based approach                   2               3               2               7
                                                   used for public transport grants to other
                                                   earmarked transfers
                                               23.	Scaling up the contract-­ based approach                      3               2               3               8
                                                   piloted in the electricity sector to other
                                                   sectors and levels of government

Source: Authors.
Note: The scores range from 1 to 3, with 1 being the lowest. The actions with the highest score are highlighted in yellow.

                     ■ 16                                                                        Priority 1: Increasing the impact of public spending on inclusive growth
1	    Key policy priorities for the Medium-Term Budget              challenging given the gradual loss of appetite from
      Policy Statement, presentation by the National Trea-          nonresidents for public debt. While nonresidents
      sury to Cabinet, September 2023.                              held about 40% of public debt in 2019, this propor-
2	    For the Canadian experience, see J. Bourgon, 2009,            tion declined to 25% in 2023.
      “Program Review: The Government of Canada’s Ex-         9.	   The Ricardo-Barro effect, also known as Ricardian
      perience Eliminating the Deficit, 1994–99: A Cana-            equivalence, is an economic theory that suggests
      dian Case Study,” Institute for Government.                   that when a government tries to stimulate an econo-
3	    This note focuses on spending-side reforms, while                                   financed government spend-
                                                                    my by increasing debt-­
      acknowledging that broader challenges are not                 ing, demand remains unchanged because the public
      covered. Fiscal policy also includes debt and reve-           increases their saving to pay for expected future tax
      nue policy and management, but the government                 increases that will be needed to pay off the debt.
      has faced fewer challenges in these areas than in       10.	 Throughout this note, “public investment” refers to
      spending.                                                     consolidated government spending on gross fixed
4.	   See International Monetary Fund, 2015, “Policy                capital formation. This distortion would be even
      Paper on Fiscal Policy and Long-Term Growth,”                 bigger if the expenses financed through municipal-
      June; and N. Batini, L. Eyraud, L. Forni, and A.              ities’ own resources were included. In 2023, capital
      Weber, 2014, “Fiscal Multipliers: Size, Determinants,         spending represented only 12% of the consolidated
      and Use in Macroeconomic Projections,” Technical              municipal budget, or around 0.4% of GDP.
      Notes and Manuals, Fiscal Affairs Department, In-       11.	 The International Monetary Fund’s Government Fi-
      ternational Monetary Fund, September.                         nance Statistics classification defines economic ex-
5.	   In Spain, for instance, the net effects of govern-            penditures as general economic, commercial, and
      ment taxation and public spending reduced the                 labor affairs; agriculture, forestry; fishing and hunting;
      Gini coefficient (a standard measure of inequality)           fuel and energy; mining, manufacturing, and construc-
      significantly, from 0.45 to 0.25. G. Gomez Bengoe-            tion; transport; communication; other industries, R&D
      chea, 2020, “The Welfare State in Spain: An Impact            related to economic affairs; economic affairs.
      Assessment,” Commitment to Equity (CEQ) Working         12.	 B. Moreno-Dodson,2008, “Assessing the Impact of
      Paper Series 95, Tulane University, Department of             Public Spending on Growth: An Empirical Analysis
      Economics.                                                    for Seven Fast Growing Countries,” World Bank Pol-
6.	   T.J. Van Resburg, S. de Jager, and K. Makrelov, 2021,         icy Research Working Paper No. 4663, July.
      “Fiscal Multipliers in South Africa after the Global    13.	 See , for example,
      Financial Crisis, SARB Working Paper, South African     14.	 World Bank, Worldwide Governance Indicators,
      Reserve Bank, WP/21/07.                                                                               /world​
7.	   A detailed Debt Sustainability Analysis can be found              -governance-indicators/interactive-data​
                                                                    wide​                                      -access.
      in World Bank, Sustainable and low-carbon energy        15.	 This decline is corroborated by the Berggruen Gov-
      transition development policy loan, 2023.                     ernance Index, which dropped 14 points over the
8.	   While this effect has not yet materialized in South           same period.
      Africa due to the depth of the domestic financial       16.	 National Treasury, 2022, “State of Local Govern-
      sector, private sector financing can become more              ment Finances and Financial Management,” June.

                                                                                                                                 17 ■
        17.	 The total cumulative amount of money spent on state-          partnerships in the province, including models like
             owned enterprise recapitalizations and bailouts from          the charter schools in the United States or the acad-
             2000/01 to 2019/20 is R187.4 billion or about $10 bil-        emies in the United Kingdom.
             lion.​    25	 H.A. Patrinos, F. Barrera-Osorio, and J. Guáqueta,
             /minansw/2020/PQ%201426%20-%20Schreiber​                      2009, “The role and Impact of Public-Private Part-
             %20-%20NW1797E.pdf..                                          nerships in Education” (English), World Bank Group,
        18.	 World Bank, 2023, “South Africa’s Economic Up-      ​
             date,” December.                                              /453461468314086643/pdf/479490PUB0Role101
        19.	 Oosthuizen, Morné, 2021, “South Africa: Social As-            OFFICIAL0USE0ONLY1.pdf.
             sistance Programs and Systems Review” (English),         26	 Stats SA, Capital Expenditure by the Public Sector,
             World Bank Group, http://documents.worldbank​                 2022, p. 9101.
             .org/curated/en/238611633430611402/South​                27	 See New Zealand’s Infrastructure Commission, Ko-
             -Africa-Social-Assistance-Programs-and-Systems​               rea’s Public and Private Infrastructure Investment
             -Review; World Bank, 2014 “South Africa Economic              Management Center, and the United Kingdom’s In-
             Update. Fiscal Policy and Redistribution in an Un-            frastructure and Projects Authority.
             equal Society.”                                          28	 Nearly a quarter (23%) of South Africans rely on so-
        20	 See quarterly report for advancements of these re-             cial grants as their main income source, and social
             forms.​            grants make up, on average, 54% of household in-
             /downloads/Operation_Vulindlela_Progress_Report​              comes (World Bank calculations using the General
             _Q4_2023.pdf.                                                 Household Survey, 2022).
        21	 For a short review of delivery units in Africa, see       29	 O. Attanasio, A. Guarín, C. Medina, and C. Meghir,
             ht tps:// /governance/four​                2017, “Vocational Training for Disadvantaged Youth
             -ways-delivery-units-africa-can-drive-change-and​             in Colombia: A Long-Term Follow-Up,” American
             -improve-public-sector-performance. See also, for             Economic Journal: Applied Economics 9(2): 131–43.
             the experience in Malaysia, D. Iyer, 2011,“Tying Per-    30.	 Some 21% of the public sector’s 9,500 senior manag-
             formance Management to Service Delivery: Public               ers at national and provincial levels did not meet the
             Sector Reform in Malaysia, 2009–2011, Innovations             minimum competency requirements for the positions
             for Successful Societies,” Princeton University.              they occupied in 2022 (National Development Plan
        22	 Since the Covid-19 pandemic, the government has                and State Capacity Conference, Nov. 7, 2022, Uni-
             tried to limit increases in wages and other com-              versity of KwaZulu Natal, available at https://www​
             pensations (resulting in a decrease of its share in  A
             noninterest expenditure to 37% of GDP over the                study by the Public Service Commission also revealed
             last three years), but designing a comprehensive              that 57% of public servants indicated the use of un-
             wage bill reform that has buy-in from all the stake-          ethical practices in recruitment and selection, espe-
             holders and is consistent with objectives and priori-         cially for senior and middle management appointments
             ties for public services delivery will take time.             (Public Service Commission, 2022, “Ethics in Recruit-
        23	 M. Sachs, A. Ewinyu, and O. Shedi, 2022, “Public               ment and Selection Processes in the Public Service”).
             Services, Government Employment and the Bud-             31.	 These encompass the Public Service Amendment
             get,” SCIS Working Paper 9, Public Economy Project,           Bill, the Public Administration Management Amend-
             Southern Centre for Inequality Studies, University            ment Bill, and Public Service Commission Bill.
             of the Witwatersrand, October.                           32.	 South Africa has been a pioneer in testing different
        24	 There was recently some resistance to this public-             interventions to support improvements in education
             private partnership model by teachers unions and              and training service delivery. However, many of these
             civil society organizations, who claimed that it is           interventions have been short lived and not taken to
             inconsistent with the Constitution and the 1996               scale because of limited funding and the absence of
             Schools Act. This claim was dismissed by the West-            systematic monitoring and evaluation systems. Ex-
             ern Cape High Court in July 2023, paving the way              amples include several early grade reading interven-
             for the expansion of various models of public-private         tions introduced in the early 2000s, early childhood

■ 18                                                                     Priority 1: Increasing the impact of public spending on inclusive growth
      development and parenting programs implemented                            Effectiveness of a Centralised ICT Procurement Sys-
      by numerous nongovernmental organizations across                          tem,” Government Technical Advisory Center.
      the country, and several government active labor                      37.	 Address by Mlindi Mashologu, Director-General,
      market programs. Some interventions benefited from                        Department of Communications and Digital Tech-
      strong monitoring and evaluations systems. South                          nologies Deputy, at the Digital Government Work-
      Africa, for example, has been a pioneer in effective,                     shop, September 2023.
      contextually relevant structured reading programs                         speeches/communications-and-digital-technolo -
      that have been rigorously and independently evaluat-                      gies-digital-government-workshop-06-sep-2023.
      ed to determine whether they have an impact on ear-                   38.	 These include 8 metropolitan municipalities, 228
      ly-grade reading outcomes. These interventions re-                        local municipalities, and 44 district municipalities.
      main an exception and have been financed mainly by                    39.	 See, for example, National Treasury, 2024, Reform-
      nongovernmental parties, explaining why they have                         ing Metro: Trading Servicers and the Role of Incen-
      not gone to scale and are not integrated into routine                     tives, March.
      practice by the Department of Basic Education.                        40.	 An exception is the eight large metropolitan mu-
33.	 One of the key factors helping Poland reform its ed-                       nicipalities that collect about two-thirds of their
      ucation system and move from below OECD-aver-                             revenues.
      age learning outcomes to one of the top-performing                    41.	 L. Eyraud and L. Lusinyan, “2011, Decentralizing
      countries in Europe was using reliable learning-level                     Spending More Than Revenue: Does It Hurt Fiscal
      data to target reforms to the poorest performers.                         Performance?” IMF Working Paper, Fiscal Affairs
34.	 Of course, the introduction of new digital tools has                       Department, September.
      also created new challenges linked not only to tech-                  42.	 World Bank, 2022, “Performance-Based Fiscal
      nical and financial capacity to implement them but                        Transfers for Urban Local Governments: Results
      also to data protection and security.                                     and Lessons from Two Decades of World Bank
35.​                             Financing.”
      /2022/10/21/govtech-maturity-index-gtmi-data​                         43.	 See National Treasury , 2021, “Concept Note: The
      -dashboard.                                                               Importance of Management Contracts as an Inter-
36.	 D. Makoni and M. Mpofu, 2022, “ICT Expenditure                             vention to Improve the Management of Water Serv-
      Review with a Focus on SITA Services: Assessing the                       ices in South Africa,” February.

Priority 1: Increasing the impact of public spending on inclusive growth                                                               19 ■