Project Name: Integration of Social Accountability into National and
Subnational Systems Phase II (P178921)
Project Implementation agency: National Committee for Democratic
Development Secretariat (NCDDS)
Date of the Procurement Plan: March 28, 2022
Period covered by this Procurement Plan (18 months): June 2023-
December 2024


In accordance with paragraph 5.9 of the “World Bank Procurement Regulations
for IPF Borrowers Fourth Edition, November 2020 the Bank’s Systematic
Tracking and Exchanges in Procurement (STEP) system will be used to
prepare, clear and update Procurement Plans and conduct all procurement
transactions for the Project.

This textual part along with the Procurement Plan tables in STEP constitute the
Procurement Plan for the Project. The following conditions apply to all
procurement activities in the Procurement Plan. The other elements of the
Procurement Plan as required under paragraph 4.4 of the Procurement
Regulations are set forth in STEP.

The Bank’s Standard Procurement Documents: shall be used for all
contracts subject to international competitive procurement and those
contracts as specified in the Procurement Plan tables in STEP.

National Procurement Arrangements: In accordance with paragraph 5.3
of the Procurement Regulations, when approaching the national market (as
specified in the Procurement Plan tables in STEP), the country’s own
procurement procedures may be used.

    When the Borrower uses its own national open competitive procurement
    arrangements as set forth in Government of the Kingdom of Cambodia’s
    Updated Standard Operating Procedures and Procurement Manual for All
    Externally Financed Projects/Programs, promulgated through the
    Sub‐decree 181 ANK/BK dated December 2, 2019, which is issued
    pursuant to Article 3 of the Government of the Kingdom of Cambodia’s
    Law on Public Procurement dated January 14, 2012, such arrangements
    shall be subject to paragraph 5.4 of the Procurement Regulations and the
    following conditions.

    i.    Procurement shall be open to eligible firms from any country;
    ii.    The request for bids/request for proposals document shall require
          that Bidders/Proposers submitting Bids/Proposals present a signed
             acceptance at the time of bidding, to be incorporated in any
             resulting contracts, without limitation the Bank’s right to sanction
             and the Bank’s inspection and audit rights as per attached
             confirming application of, and compliance with, the Bank’s Anti-
             Corruption Guidelines, including format;
     iii.    Each Project shall put in place an effective complaint review system
             that includes review by the implementing agency and subsequent
             review by another party not involved in the in the procurement
             process, if not satisfied with the review of the implementing agency

     When other national procurement arrangements other than national open
     competitive procurement arrangements are applied by the Borrower,
     such arrangements shall be subject to paragraph 5.5 of the Procurement

Leased Assets as specified under paragraph 5.10 of the Procurement
Regulations: Leasing may be used for those contracts identified in the
Procurement Plan tables. “Not Applicable”

Procurement of Second-Hand Goods as specified under paragraph 5.11 of
the Procurement Regulations – is allowed for those contracts identified in the
Procurement Plan tables “Not Applicable”

Domestic preference as specified under paragraph 5.51 of the Procurement
Regulations (Goods and Works). Not Applicable

Other Relevant Procurement Information.
Procurement Method and Prior Review Thresholds
 Procurement     at            Open (USD)                                Prior Review
 National Level                                                           Threshold
                     Internatio National RFQ (*)                          Moderate
                     nal                                                     Risk
 Goods, IT and non-consulting   600k & above   Below 600k   Below 100k      4 million
 Consulting Firm                200k & above   Below 200k   N/A             2 million
 Individual Consultant                                                     0.4 million
(*) if the estimated cost over USD 25,000, SPN is required.
                Cambodia : Integration of Social Accountability into National and Subnational Systems Phase II
General Information
Country:           Cambodia                                                                                   2024-01-25
                                                         Bank’s Approval Date of the Original Procurement Plan:
                                                         Revised Plan Date(s): (comma delineated, leave blank if none)
Project ID:        P178921                               GPN Date:
Project Name:      Integration of Social Accountability into National and Subnational Systems Phase II
Loan / Credit No:  TF / C1738
                   National Committee for Sub-National Democratic Development Secretariat
Executing Agency(ies):

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                      Estimated Actual Am                                                                                                                                                                        Bid Evaluation Report
                               Loan / Credit N                                                                    Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification High SEA/SH R Procurement D                     Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu                     Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement       Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission /                                                           Contract Complet
       Description                                      Component                Review Type       Method                                                                                     Amount (U ount (US$                                                                                                                                                                        and Recommendation                    Signed Contract
                                      o.                                                                                 h             cess           (Y/N)             isk     ocument Type                         atus         Documents               ation Report                           ent / Justification Notice / Invitation             s Issued        Opening / Minutes                                                                    ion
                                                                                                                                                                                                  S$)       )                                                                                                                                                                                  for Award
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Planned     Actual      Planned      Actual                       Planned       Actual      Planned     Actual    Planned     Actual  Planned     Actual    Planned     Actual                 Planned      Actual   Planned

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Bid Evaluation Report
                               Loan / Credit N                                                                    Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification Estimated Am Actual Amount              Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu    Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement           Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission /
       Description                                      Component                Review Type       Method                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           and Recommendation               Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                      o.                                                                                 h             cess           (Y/N)        ount (US$)      (US$)                     atus         Documents              ation Report           ent / Justification Notice / Invitation                 s Issued        Opening / Minutes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          for Award
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Planned      Actual     Planned     Actual    Planned      Actual      Planned       Actual       Planned     Actual  Planned     Actual    Planned     Actual            Planned       Actual      Planned      Actual

 ISAF/NCDDS/G/02/24 / Printi
ng ISAF Phase II manuals, ISA                    Transparency and Access to                    Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E
                              TF / C1738                                       Post                              Open - National                                                 19,620.00         0.00   Signed                                                                                2024-02-06                                                                                         2024-04-02   2024-07-26   2024-05-31
F Supply Side Operational Gu                     Information                                   tions                                  nvelope
idelines and other materials

 ISAF/NCDDS/G/03/24 / E-lear                                                                   Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E
                             TF / C1738          Capacity Development          Post                              Open - National                                                 17,666.67         0.00   Signed                                                                                2024-03-06                                                                                         2024-05-01   2024-07-24   2024-09-30
ning supported materials                                                                       tions                                  nvelope

 ISAF/NCDDS/G/01/24 / Printi                     Transparency and Access to                                                           Single Stage - One E
                               TF / C1738                                      Post            Request for Bids   Open - National                                               154,777.78         0.00   Signed                                                      2024-03-01   2024-03-01   2024-03-06                                     2024-04-17   2024-04-05   2024-05-17   2024-05-24   2024-06-21   2024-06-26   2024-12-27
ng I4C Banners                                   Information                                                                          nvelope

ISAF/NCDDS/G/09/24 / Video                       National and Subnational Co                   Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E
                               TF / C1738                                      Post                              Limited                                                          3,555.56         0.00   Signed                                                                                2024-03-06   2024-06-12                                                                            2024-05-01   2024-07-12   2024-07-30
Conference Equipment                             ordination and Support                        tions                                  nvelope

 SA/NCDDS/G/10/24 / Printing
Information and Visibility Pro                   Transparency and Access to                    Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E
                               TF / C1738                                      Post                              Limited                                                          5,206.22         0.00   Signed                                                                                2024-05-06   2024-07-01                                                                            2024-07-01   2024-07-30   2024-12-28
ducts (40 I-roller stands, 746                   Information                                   tions                                  nvelope
Case study books)

 ISAF/NCDDS/G/06/24 / Office
                                                 National and Subnational Co                   Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E
Equipment (1 Smart Screen    TF / C1738                                        Post                              Limited - National                                               4,333.33         0.00   Signed                                                                                2024-03-08   2024-06-07                                                                            2024-05-03   2024-06-26   2024-08-01
                                                 ordination and Support                        tions                                  nvelope
Monitor, 3 Air Conditioners)

 ISAF/NCDDS/G/08/24 / Printi
                                                 Transparency and Access to                    Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E
ng Calendars and Diaries (4, TF / C1738                                        Post                              Limited - National                                              24,700.00         0.00   Signed                                                                                2024-03-06   2024-02-15                                                                            2024-05-01   2024-02-29   2024-12-31
                                                 Information                                   tions                                  nvelope
000 calendars, 2,700 diaries)

 SA/NCDDS/G/04/24 / Purchas                      National and Subnational Co                                                          Single Stage - One E
                             TF / C1738                                        Post            Request for Bids   Open - National                                               144,000.00         0.00   Signed                                                      2024-02-25   2024-03-01   2024-02-25                                     2024-05-05   2024-04-25   2024-06-04   2024-05-08   2024-07-09   2024-05-29   2024-10-07
e Vehicles (2 SUV and 1 Pick                     ordination and Support                                                               nvelope
Up Truck)

 SA/NCDDS/G/07/24 / Comput
er Equipment (6 Office Lapto
ps, 5 High Speed Laptops, 1                      National and Subnational Co                   Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E
                               TF / C1738                                      Post                              Open - National                                                 35,666.67         0.00   Signed                                                                                2024-03-04                                                                                         2024-04-29   2024-07-24   2024-07-28
MacBook Pro, 2 Desktops, 2                       ordination and Support                        tions                                  nvelope
Surfaces, 2 Monitors, 1 Printe
r Color, 1 Printer Black & Whi
te, 1 LCD Projector).

 SA/NCDDS/G/12/25 / Printing
Social Accountability Operati                    Transparency and Access to                    Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E                                                Pending Impl
                               TF / C1738                                      Post                              Limited - National                                              24,500.00         0.00                                                                                         2025-06-06                                                                                         2025-07-13                2025-12-31
onal, Sustainability Guideline                   Information                                   tions                                  nvelope                                                             ementation
at Commune/Sangkat Level

 SA/NCDDS/G/14/25 / Printing
                                                 Transparency and Access to                    Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E                                                Pending Impl
Information and Visibility Pro TF / C1738                                      Post                              Limited - National                                              16,000.00         0.00                                                                                         2025-09-06                                                                                         2025-10-01                2026-03-30
                                                 Information                                   tions                                  nvelope                                                             ementation
(2,000 diaries, 2,000 calenda
 SA/NCDDS/G/13/25 / Printing                     Transparency and Access to                    Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E                                                Pending Impl
                               TF / C1738                                      Post                              Open - National                                                 35,500.00         0.00                                                                                         2025-10-06                                                                                         2025-10-31                2025-12-31
SA Framework next phase                          Information                                   tions                                  nvelope                                                             ementation

 SA/NCDDS/G/15/25 / Equipm
ent for Support Digital Citize                   Transparency and Access to                    Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E                                                Pending Impl
                               TF / C1738                                      Post                              Open - National                                                 90,000.00         0.00                                                                                         2025-02-08                                                                                         2025-03-05                2025-09-01
n Monitoring Process (Digital                    Information                                   tions                                  nvelope                                                             ementation
Scorecard and JAAP Develop

 SA/NCDDS/G/16/25 / Office E
quipment (1 Smart Screen M
                                                 National and Subnational Co                   Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E                                                Pending Impl
onitor, 2 cameras with wide a TF / C1738                                       Post                              Limited - National                                              11,444.00         0.00                                                                                         2025-02-06                                                                                         2025-03-03                2025-12-31
                                                 ordination and Support                        tions                                  nvelope                                                             ementation
nd close-up, 1 printer black a
nd white, and 1 printer color)

SA/NCDDS/G/11/25 / Printing                      Transparency and Access to                    Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E                                                Pending Impl
                            TF / C1738                                         Post                              Open - National                                                 87,481.00         0.00                                                                                         2025-06-07                                                                                         2025-07-02                2025-12-31
Revised I4C Banners                              Information                                   tions                                  nvelope                                                             ementation

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Bid Evaluation Report
                               Loan / Credit N                                                                    Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification Estimated Am Actual Amount              Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu    Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement           Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission /
       Description                                      Component                Review Type       Method                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           and Recommendation               Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                      o.                                                                                 h             cess           (Y/N)        ount (US$)      (US$)                     atus         Documents              ation Report           ent / Justification Notice / Invitation                 s Issued        Opening / Minutes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          for Award
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Planned      Actual     Planned     Actual    Planned      Actual      Planned       Actual       Planned     Actual  Planned     Actual    Planned     Actual            Planned       Actual      Planned      Actual

 ISAF/NCDDS/G/05/24 / Upgra
                                                                                                                                      Single Stage - One E                                                Pending Impl
ding data center equipment  TF / C1738           Capacity Development          Post            Request for Bids   Open - National                                               166,666.67         0.00                                                               2025-01-02                2025-01-02                                     2025-02-03                2025-03-05                2025-03-25                2025-07-23
                                                                                                                                      nvelope                                                             ementation
and maintenance service

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Combined Evaluation
                               Loan / Credit N                                                                    Market Approac       Contract Type         Estimated Amo Actual Amount                                             Expression of Interest Short List and Draft R Request for Proposals Opening of Technical        Evaluation of Technic
       Description                                      Component                Review Type       Method                                                                                Process Status    Terms of Reference                                                                                                                              Report and Draft Neg         Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                      o.                                                                                 h                                      unt (US$)      (US$)                                                        Notice          equest for Proposals        as Issued         Proposals / Minutes             al Proposal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              otiated Contract
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Planned       Actual       Planned     Actual    Planned     Actual     Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual    Planned      Actual    Planned     Actual        Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Page 1
 ISAF/NCDDS/F/01/24 / Consu
lting firm to produce informa
tion and visibility products an                    Transparency and Access to                    Consultant Qualifi                                                                      Under Implement
                                TF / C1738                                       Post                                 Open - National                          69,000.00          0.00                     2024-04-15   2024-10-11    2024-05-06                2024-06-19                                                                2024-07-19   2024-08-23   2025-06-30
d increase public audience o                       Information                                   cation Selection                                                                        ation
n ISAF and Social Inclusion (i
nfo-graphic, animations, spot
, and TVC)

Activity Reference No. /
                                 Loan / Credit N                                                                      Market Approac      Contract Type   Estimated Amo Actual Amount                                                 Invitation to Identifie Draft Negotiated Cont
       Description                                        Component                Review Type        Method                                                                          Process Status       Terms of Reference                                                               Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                        o.                                                                                   h                               unt (US$)      (US$)                                                     d/Selected Consultant            ract
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Planned       Actual        Planned      Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned      Actual
 ISAF/NCDD/IC/12/24 / E-Lear                                                                     Individual Consult                                                                      Under Implement
                                 TF / C1738        Capacity Development          Post                                 Open - National                          18,112.50          0.00                     2024-02-15   2024-07-08    2024-04-04                2024-04-25                2024-05-30                2024-06-07
ning Consultant (National Sh                                                                     ant Selection                                                                           ation
ort Term)

 ISAF/NCDDS/IC/05A/22 / Info                       Transparency and Access to                    Individual Consult
                                 TF / C1738                                      Post                                 Direct - National                        38,860.80          0.00   Signed            2024-01-25   2024-01-01    2024-02-04   2024-01-22   2024-02-25   2024-01-23   2024-03-31   2024-01-24   2025-12-31
rmation and Communication                          Information                                   ant Selection

 ISAF/NCDDS/IC/17/24 / End p                       National and Subnational Co                   Individual Consult
                              TF / C1738                                         Post                                 Open - National                          22,252.50          0.00   Signed            2024-02-25   2024-03-12    2024-04-14   2024-07-03   2024-05-05   2024-07-04   2024-06-09   2024-07-15   2024-08-08
roject Phase I evaluation con                      ordination and Support                        ant Selection

 ISAF/NCDDS/IC/06B/23 / Info                       Transparency and Access to                    Individual Consult
                             TF / C1738                                          Post                                 Direct - National                        38,640.00          0.00   Signed            2024-01-25   2024-07-01    2024-02-04   2024-06-28   2024-02-25   2024-06-28   2024-03-31   2024-07-01   2025-12-31
rmation Technology Consulta                        Information                                   ant Selection
nt (IT)

 ISAF/NCDD/IC/10/22 / Financ                       National and Subnational Co                   Individual Consult
                             TF / C1738                                          Post                                 Direct - National                        26,716.80          0.00   Signed            2024-01-25   2024-01-01    2024-02-04   2024-01-22   2024-02-25   2024-01-23   2024-03-31   2024-01-24   2026-01-06
e Assistant                                        ordination and Support                        ant Selection

 ISAF/NCDDS/IC/03/20 / Finan                       National and Subnational Co                   Individual Consult
                             TF / C1738                                          Post                                 Direct - National                        69,888.72          0.00   Signed            2024-01-25   2024-01-01    2024-02-04   2024-01-22   2024-02-25   2024-01-23   2024-03-31   2024-01-24   2025-12-31
cial Management Consultant                         ordination and Support                        ant Selection

 ISAF/NCDD/IC/14/24 / Softwa
                                                                                                 Individual Consult                                                                      Under Implement
re Engineer on Learning Man TF / C1738             Capacity Development          Post                                 Open - National                          15,525.00          0.00                     2024-03-15   2024-07-08    2024-05-03                2024-05-24                2024-06-28                2024-12-25
                                                                                                 ant Selection                                                                           ation
agement System (Short term

                                                   Transparency and Access to                    Individual Consult
ystem Improvement Consulta TF / C1738                                            Post                                 Open - National                          17,480.00          0.00   Signed            2024-06-03   2024-06-28    2024-07-22   2024-09-10   2024-08-12   2024-09-12   2024-09-16   2024-09-20   2024-11-15
                                                   Information                                   ant Selection
nt (Short Term)

 ISAF/NCDDS/IC/18/24 / Digit
                                                   National and Subnational Co                   Individual Consult                                                                      Under Implement
al and technology strategic p TF / C1738                                         Post                                 Open - National                          34,500.00          0.00                     2024-03-01   2024-06-28    2024-04-19                2024-05-10                2024-06-14                2024-09-02
                                                   ordination and Support                        ant Selection                                                                           ation
lan development consultant

 ISAF/NCDD/IC/09/21 / Senior
                                                   National and Subnational Co                   Individual Consult
Project Management and M&        TF / C1738                                      Post                                 Direct - National                        88,499.40          0.00   Signed            2024-01-25   2024-01-01    2024-02-04   2024-01-22   2024-02-25   2024-01-23   2024-03-31   2024-01-24   2025-12-31
                                                   ordination and Support                        ant Selection
E Consultant

 ISAF/NCDDS/IC/02/20 / Socia                                                                     Individual Consult
                             TF / C1738            Capacity Development          Post                                 Direct - National                        66,852.72          0.00   Signed            2024-01-25   2024-01-01    2024-02-04   2024-01-22   2024-02-25   2024-01-23   2024-03-31   2024-01-24   2025-12-31
l Accountability Consultant                                                                      ant Selection

 ISAF/NCDDS/IC/01/20 / Senio                       National and Subnational Co                   Individual Consult
                             TF / C1738                                          Post                                 Direct - National                        67,125.96          0.00   Signed            2024-01-25   2024-01-01    2024-02-04   2024-01-22   2024-02-25   2024-01-23   2024-03-31   2024-01-24   2026-01-06
r National Operation Consult                       ordination and Support                        ant Selection

 ISAF/NCDD/IC/15/24 / Senior
                                                   Transparency and Access to                    Individual Consult
ISAF Database Management         TF / C1738                                      Post                                 Open - National                          60,720.00          0.00   Signed            2024-02-29   2024-05-21    2024-04-18   2024-09-23   2024-05-09   2024-09-26   2024-06-13   2024-10-07   2025-12-31
                                                   Information                                   ant Selection
Consultant (Long term)

 ISAF/NCDD/IC/13/24 / Senior                                                                     Individual Consult
                                 TF / C1738        Capacity Development          Post                                 Open - National                          63,250.00          0.00   Signed            2024-02-29   2024-05-21    2024-04-18   2024-08-29   2024-05-09   2024-09-05   2024-06-13   2024-09-13   2025-12-31
Multimedia Consultant (Long                                                                      ant Selection

 SA/NCDDS/IC/13A/25 / Senio                                                                      Individual Consult                                                                      Pending Impleme
                                 TF / C1738        Capacity Development          Post                                 Open - National                          31,625.00          0.00                     2025-01-31                 2025-02-25                2025-02-27                2025-03-03                2025-12-31
r Multimedia Consultant (Ne                                                                      ant Selection                                                                           ntation

 SA/NCDDS/IC/19/24 / Gender
                                                   Transparency and Access to                    Individual Consult                                                                      Pending Impleme
, Disability and Inclusion Con TF / C1738                                        Post                                 Open - National                          28,405.00          0.00                     2025-01-20                 2025-02-20                2025-02-22                2025-02-26                2025-12-31
                                                   Information                                   ant Selection                                                                           ntation
sultant (GDIC)

 SA/NCDDS/IC/19/25 / Consul
                                                                                                 Individual Consult                                                                      Pending Impleme
tant for Social Accountability   TF / C1738        Citizen Monitoring            Post                                 Open - National                          51,750.00          0.00                     2025-02-28                 2025-04-18                2025-04-20                2025-04-24                2025-12-31
                                                                                                 ant Selection                                                                           ntation
Digital Scorecard Developme
nt (Short-term)

 SA/NCDDS/IC/20/25 / Consul
tant for Development Social
                                                                                                 Individual Consult                                                                      Pending Impleme
Accountability Operational, S TF / C1738           Capacity Development          Post                                 Open - National                          34,500.00          0.00                     2025-03-25                 2025-05-13                2025-05-15                2025-06-07                2025-12-04
                                                                                                 ant Selection                                                                           ntation
ustainability Guideline at Co
mmune/Sangkat Level (Short

 SA/NCDDS/IC/21/25 / Consul
tant for Development Social                        National and Subnational Co                   Individual Consult                                                                      Pending Impleme
                             TF / C1738                                          Post                                 Open - National                          34,500.00          0.00                     2025-06-02                 2025-07-21                2025-07-23                2025-08-15                2026-02-11
Accountability Implementatio                       ordination and Support                        ant Selection                                                                           ntation
n Framework Next Phase (Sh

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Page 2