THE OECS COMMISSION – Unleashing the Blue Economy of the Caribbean –
Project Implementation agency:
   1. Grenada - Ministry of Infrastructure Development, Transport and
      Implementation (MOIID)
   2. St. Lucia – Ministry of Finance
   3. St. Vincent and the Grenadines - Ministry of Tourism and Sustainable
      Development (MTSD)
   4. The OECS Commission

Date of the Procurement Plan: December 13, 2021
Period covered by this Procurement Plan: 2022-23


In accordance with paragraph 5.9 of the “World Bank Procurement Regulations
for IPF Borrowers” (July 2016) (“Procurement Regulations”) the Bank’s
Systematic Tracking and Exchanges in Procurement (STEP) system will be
used to prepare, clear and update Procurement Plans and conduct all
procurement transactions for the Project.

This textual part along with the Procurement Plan tables in STEP constitute the
Procurement Plan for the Project. The following conditions apply to all
procurement activities in the Procurement Plan. The other elements of the
Procurement Plan as required under paragraph 4.4 of the Procurement
Regulations are set forth in STEP.

The Bank’s Standard Procurement Documents: shall be used for all
contracts subject to international competitive procurement and those
contracts as specified in the Procurement Plan tables in STEP.

National Procurement Arrangements: In accordance with paragraph 5.3
of the Procurement Regulations, when approaching the national market (as
specified in the Procurement Plan tables in STEP), the country’s own
procurement procedures may be used.

    When other national procurement arrangements other than national open
    competitive procurement arrangements are applied by the Borrower,
    such arrangements shall be subject to paragraph 5.5 of the Procurement

Leased Assets as specified under paragraph 5.10 of the Procurement
Regulations: “Not Applicable”
Procurement of Second Hand Goods as specified under paragraph 5.11 of
the Procurement Regulations – is “Not Applicable”
Domestic preference as specified under paragraph 5.51 of the Procurement
Regulations (Goods and Works). “Not Applicable”
                Caribbean : Unleashing the Blue Economy of the Caribbean (UBEC)
General Information
Country:           Caribbean                                                                                  2022-02-08
                                                         Bank’s Approval Date of the Original Procurement Plan:
                                                         Revised Plan Date(s): (comma delineated, leave blank if none)
Project ID:        P171833                               GPN Date:
Project Name:      Unleashing the Blue Economy of the Caribbean (UBEC)
Loan / Credit No:   / , IDA / V4260, IDA / 70890, TF / C1217
                   Ministry of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Sustainable Development and Culture
Executing Agency(ies):

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                          Estimated Actual Am                                                                                                                                                                            Bid Evaluation Report
                                   Loan / Credit N                                                                    Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification High SEA/SH R Procurement D                     Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu                    Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement            Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission /                                                           Contract Complet
       Description                                          Component                Review Type       Method                                                                                     Amount (U ount (US$                                                                                                                                                                            and Recommendation                    Signed Contract
                                          o.                                                                                 h             cess           (Y/N)             isk     ocument Type                         atus         Documents               ation Report                          ent / Justification Notice / Invitation                  s Issued        Opening / Minutes                                                                    ion
                                                                                                                                                                                                      S$)       )                                                                                                                                                                                      for Award
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Planned     Actual      Planned      Actual                      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual       Planned     Actual  Planned     Actual    Planned     Actual                 Planned      Actual   Planned
                                                                                                                                                                                        Request for Bids -
                                                     Component 2 – Scale up Acc
SVGUBEC-W-RFB-2 / Expand                                                                                                                  Single Stage - One E                          Small Works SPD                                 Pending Imp                                                                                                                                                                                                        2024-07-1
                                   /                 ess to Finance and Infrastruc Post            Request for Bids   Open - National                                                                         430,000.00        0.00                                                               2023-09-12                2023-09-17                                          2023-10-15                2023-12-14                2024-01-18
Coastal and Marine Habitat.                                                                                                               nvelope                                       (1 envelope proce                               lementation                                                                                                                                                                                                            6
                                                     ture Investment

                                                                                                                                                                                        Request for Bids -
 SVGUBEC-W-RFB-3 / Closure                           Component 2 – Scale up Acc
                                                                                                                                          Single Stage - One E                          Small Works SPD                                 Pending Imp                                                                                                                                                                                                        2024-04-0
of small landfill on Union Isla    /                 ess to Finance and Infrastruc Post            Request for Bids   Open - National                                                                      1,000,000.00         0.00                                                               2023-07-28                2023-08-02                                          2023-08-30                2023-09-05                2023-10-10
                                                                                                                                          nvelope                                       (1 envelope proce                               lementation                                                                                                                                                                                                            7
nd                                                   ture Investment

                                                                                                                                                                                        Request for Bids -
 SVGUBEC-W-RFB-1 / Constru                           Component 2 – Scale up Acc
                                                                                                                                          Single Stage - One E                          Small Works SPD                                 Pending Imp                                                                                                                                                                                                        2024-10-1
ction of a Marine Recreation       /                 ess to Finance and Infrastruc Post            Request for Bids   Open - National                                                                      1,700,000.00         0.00                                                               2023-08-11                2023-08-16                                          2023-09-13                2023-09-19                2023-10-24
                                                                                                                                          nvelope                                       (1 envelope proce                               lementation                                                                                                                                                                                                            8
and Education Centre - Rich                          ture Investment
mond Beach

 SVGUBEC-CERC-W-RFQ-1 / P                                                                                                                                                               Request for Quota
                                                     Component 3 – Contingent E
reparatory works for the inst                                                                      Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E                          tions - Small Work                              Pending Imp                                                                                                                                                                                                        2024-02-1
                                   IDA / 70890       mergency Response Compo Post                                    Open - National                                                                           45,000.00        0.00                                                                                         2023-06-21                                                                                              2023-08-16
allation of chill units and rep                                                                    tions                                  nvelope                                       s (Emergency) SP                                lementation                                                                                                                                                                                                            2
                                                     nent (CERC)
airs to existing nursey faciliti                                                                                                                                                        D -Competitive
                                                                                                                                                                                        Request for Quota
 SVGUBEC-CERC-W-RFQ-2 / S                            Component 3 – Contingent E
                                                                                                   Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E                          tions - Small Work                              Under Imple                                                                                                                                                                                                        2024-03-2
mall works to repair rabbitry      IDA / 70890       mergency Response Compo Post                                    Limited                                                                                   20,120.00        0.00                                                                                         2023-07-29   2023-11-20                                                                                 2023-09-23
                                                                                                   tions                                  nvelope                                       s (Emergency) SP                                mentation                                                                                                                                                                                                              1
and stud pen at Dumbarton.                           nent (CERC)
                                                                                                                                                                                        D -Competitive

 SVGUBEC-W-DIR-1 / Rehabili                          Component 2 – Scale up Acc
                                                                                                                                                                                        Other (with field f                             Pending Imp                                                                                                                                                                                                        2025-09-0
tation works at Fort Charlotte IDA / 70890           ess to Finance and Infrastruc Post            Direct Selection   Direct - National                                                                     2,300,000.00        0.00                                                               2025-01-30                2025-02-04                                                                                              2025-03-11
                                                                                                                                                                                        or explanation)                                 lementation                                                                                                                                                                                                            7
.                                                    ture Investment

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Bid Evaluation Report
                                   Loan / Credit N                                                                    Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification Estimated Am Actual Amount             Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu   Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement            Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission /
       Description                                          Component                Review Type       Method                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          and Recommendation                    Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                          o.                                                                                 h             cess           (Y/N)        ount (US$)      (US$)                    atus         Documents              ation Report          ent / Justification Notice / Invitation                  s Issued        Opening / Minutes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             for Award
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Planned       Actual      Planned   Actual   Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual       Planned     Actual  Planned     Actual    Planned     Actual                 Planned       Actual      Planned      Actual

 SVGUBEC-G-RFQ-2 / Comput                            Component 4 - Project man                     Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E                                               Pending Impl
                                   /                                              Post                               Open - National                                        40,500.00                0.00                                                                                          2022-05-08                                                                                              2022-07-03                2022-10-19
er and Office Equipment - PIU                        agement, M&E and commun                       tions                                  nvelope                                                            ementation

 SVGUBEC-G-RFQ-3 / Vehicle                           Component 4 - Project man                     Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E                                               Pending Impl
                                   /                                              Post                               Open - National                                        40,000.00                0.00                                                                                          2022-05-03                                                                                              2022-06-22                2022-07-22
for PIU                                              agement, M&E and commun                       tions                                  nvelope                                                            ementation

                                                     Component 1 – Strengthenin
 SVGUBEC-G-RFQ-1 / Supply                                                                          Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E                                               Pending Impl
                                   /                 g Governance, Policies, and Post                                Open - National                                        50,000.00                0.00                                                                                          2023-03-05                                                                                              2023-05-07                2023-08-05
of ICT equipment                                                                                   tions                                  nvelope                                                            ementation
                                                     Capacity Building

 SVGUBEC-G-RFB-2 / Procure                           Component 2 – Scale up Acc
                                                                                                                      Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E                                               Under Imple
ment of Goods for the upgra        IDA / V4260       ess to Finance and Infrastruc Post            Request for Bids                                                        900,000.00                0.00                                                                2022-07-07   2023-08-09   2022-07-12   2023-08-11                             2022-08-23   2023-09-22   2022-09-22                2022-10-27                2023-04-25
                                                                                                                      l                   nvelope                                                            mentation
de of existing landfills.                            ture Investment

 SVGUBEC-CERC-G-RFB-1 / Pr                           Component 3 – Contingent E
                                                                                                                                          Single Stage - One E                                               Under Imple
ocurement of Farm Equipme IDA / 70890                mergency Response Compo Post                  Request for Bids   Open - National                                      996,833.33                0.00                                                                2023-06-12   2023-07-11   2023-06-17   2023-07-17                             2023-07-29   2023-10-09   2023-08-28                2023-10-02                2024-03-30
                                                                                                                                          nvelope                                                            mentation
nt.                                                  nent (CERC)

                                                     Component 3 – Contingent E
ocurement of greenhouses a                                                                                                                Single Stage - One E
                           IDA / 70890               mergency Response Compo Post                  Request for Bids   Open - National                                      711,185.19                0.00    Canceled                                                    2023-06-12   2023-07-28   2023-06-17   2023-07-28                             2023-07-29   2023-09-18   2023-08-28                2023-10-02                2024-03-30
nd accompanying accessorie                                                                                                                nvelope
                                                     nent (CERC)
s (including installation)

                                                     Component 3 – Contingent E
urchase and installation of on                                                                                        Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E                                               Under Imple
                                 IDA / 70890         mergency Response Compo Post                  Request for Bids                                                        453,703.70                0.00                                                                2023-06-12   2023-08-16   2023-06-17   2023-08-18                             2023-07-29   2023-10-10   2023-08-28   2023-11-15   2023-10-02                2024-03-30
-farm irrigation equipment (i                                                                                         l                   nvelope                                                            mentation
                                                     nent (CERC)
ncluding drip lines, timers, fil
ters etc.)

 SVGUBEC-CERC-G-RFQ-1 / P                            Component 3 – Contingent E
                                                                                                   Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E                                               Under Imple
urchase of water tanks (for cr IDA / 70890           mergency Response Compo Post                                    Open - National                                       171,230.15                0.00                                                                                          2023-06-24   2024-02-26                                                                                 2023-08-19                2024-02-15
                                                                                                   tions                                  nvelope                                                            mentation
ops and ;livestock farmers)                          nent (CERC)

                                                     Component 3 – Contingent E
urchase of refrigerator for se                                                                     Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E
                                IDA / 70890          mergency Response Compo Post                                    Limited                                                70,242.48                0.00    Canceled                                                                              2023-06-17   2024-03-12                                                                                 2023-08-12                2024-02-08
ed storage and the supply an                                                                       tions                                  nvelope
                                                     nent (CERC)
d installation of box refrigera
tor units (Chill rooms)

                                                     Component 3 – Contingent E
urchase of seeds and plantin                                                                       Request for Quota Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E
                               IDA / 70890           mergency Response Compo Post                                                                                          102,994.07                0.00    Signed                                                                                2023-06-17   2024-03-08                                                                                 2023-08-12   2024-09-03   2024-02-08
g materials 9fruit and vegeta                                                                      tions             l                   nvelope
                                                     nent (CERC)
bles seeds, citrus scion and r
ootstock, seed bags)

 SVGUBEC-CERC-G-RFB-4 / Pr                           Component 3 – Contingent E
                                                                                                                      Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E
ocurement of: General produ IDA / 70890              mergency Response Compo Post                  Request for Bids                                                      1,409,980.83                0.00    Signed                                                      2023-06-19   2023-07-11   2023-06-24   2023-07-19                             2023-08-05   2023-09-07   2023-09-04   2023-10-24   2023-10-09   2023-12-07   2024-04-06
                                                                                                                      l                   nvelope
ction implements.                                    nent (CERC)

                                                     Component 3 – Contingent E
 SVGUBEC-CERC-G-RFB-5 / P                                                                                                                 Single Stage - One E                                               Under Imple
                                   IDA / 70890       mergency Response Compo Post                  Request for Bids   Open - National                                      575,017.36                0.00                                                                2023-06-12   2023-08-04   2023-06-17   2023-08-04                             2023-07-29                2023-08-28                2023-10-02                2024-03-30
urchase of farm supplies                                                                                                                  nvelope                                                            mentation
                                                     nent (CERC)

 SVGUBEC-CERC-G-DIR-1 / Pu                           Component 3 – Contingent E
rchase of broiler hatching eg IDA / 70890            mergency Response Compo Post                  Direct Selection   Direct - National                                     37,200.00                0.00    Signed                                                      2023-06-25   2023-07-12   2023-06-30   2023-07-31                                                                                 2023-08-04   2023-10-31   2024-01-31
gs                                                   nent (CERC)

 SVGUBEC-CERC-G-DIR-2 / Pu                           Component 3 – Contingent E
rchase of layer day-old chick IDA / 70890            mergency Response Compo Post                  Direct Selection   Direct - National                                     27,750.00                0.00    Signed                                                      2023-06-26   2023-07-13   2023-07-01   2023-07-31                                                                                 2023-08-05   2023-09-01   2024-02-01
s                                                    nent (CERC)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Page 1
                                                Component 3 – Contingent E
 SVGUBEC-CERC-G-RFQ-6 / P                                                      Request for Quota                          Single Stage - One E
                                  IDA / 70890   mergency Response Compo Post                     Limited                                           6,000.00   0.00   Canceled                                                                                      2023-06-24   2024-04-30                                                       2023-08-19                2024-02-15
urchase of Farrowing crates.                                                   tions                                      nvelope
                                                nent (CERC)

                                                Component 3 – Contingent E
 SVGUBEC-CERC-G-RFQ-5 / P                                                      Request for Quota Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E                            Under Imple
                                  IDA / 70890   mergency Response Compo Post                                                                      37,037.04   0.00                                                                                                 2023-07-01   2024-02-26                                                       2023-08-26                2024-02-22
urchase of cattle chutes.                                                      tions             l                   nvelope                                         mentation
                                                nent (CERC)

 SVGUBEC-CERC-G-RFQ-8 / S                       Component 3 – Contingent E
                                                                               Request for Quota Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E
upply and Installation of a liq   IDA / 70890   mergency Response Compo Post                                                                      56,111.11   0.00   Signed                                                                                        2023-07-22   2023-08-18                                                       2023-09-16   2023-11-10   2024-03-14
                                                                               tions             l                   nvelope
uid nitrogen machine.                           nent (CERC)

                                                Component 3 – Contingent E
 SVGUBEC-CERC-G-DIR-9 / Pu                                                                                                                                           Pending Impl
                           IDA / 70890          mergency Response Compo Post   Direct Selection    Direct - National                               3,200.00   0.00                                                                       2023-07-17                2023-07-22                                                                    2023-08-26                2024-02-22
rchase of liquid nitrogen.                                                                                                                                           ementation
                                                nent (CERC)

 SVGUBEC-CERC-G-DIR-8 / Pu                      Component 3 – Contingent E
                                                                                                   Direct - Internation                                              Under Imple
rchase of hormones and liqui IDA / 70890        mergency Response Compo Post   Direct Selection                                                    5,662.95   0.00                                                                       2023-07-31   2023-09-07   2023-08-05   2024-04-23                                                       2023-09-09                2024-03-07
                                                                                                   al                                                                mentation
d nitrogen cannisters.                          nent (CERC)

 SVGUBEC-CERC-G-RFQ-7 / P                       Component 3 – Contingent E
                                                                               Request for Quota Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E
urchase of AI equipment and       IDA / 70890   mergency Response Compo Post                                                                      22,222.22   0.00   Canceled                                                                                      2023-07-29   2023-10-13                                                       2023-09-23                2024-03-21
                                                                               tions             l                   nvelope
materials.                                      nent (CERC)

 SVGUBEC-CERC-G-DIR-7 / Pu                      Component 3 – Contingent E
rchase of livestock feeds (Bro IDA / 70890      mergency Response Compo Post   Direct Selection    Direct - National                             296,607.41   0.00   Signed                                                              2023-07-24   2023-07-28   2023-07-29   2023-07-31                                                       2023-09-02   2023-10-10   2024-02-29
iler, layer, cattle, goats, pigs,               nent (CERC)
rabbit sheep)

                                                Component 3 – Contingent E
Purchase of livestock product                                                  Request for Quota Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E
                              IDA / 70890       mergency Response Compo Post                                                                     157,407.40   0.00   Canceled                                                                                      2023-07-29   2023-10-13                                                       2023-09-23                2024-03-21
ion kits and veterinary drugs                                                  tions             l                   nvelope
                                                nent (CERC)
and supplements.

                                                Component 3 – Contingent E
 SVGUBEC-CERC-G-RFQ-14 /                                                       Request for Quota                          Single Stage - One E
                                  IDA / 70890   mergency Response Compo Post                     Open - National                                  66,666.67   0.00   Canceled                                                                                      2023-08-02   2023-10-11                                                       2023-09-27                2024-03-25
Purchase of a vehicle: Bus                                                     tions                                      nvelope
                                                nent (CERC)

 SVGUBEC-CERC-G-RFB-7 / P                       Component 3 – Contingent E
                                                                                                   Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E
urchase of two (2) refrigerate IDA / 70890      mergency Response Compo Post   Request for Bids                                                  300,000.00   0.00   Signed                                                              2023-07-28   2023-07-28   2023-08-02   2023-07-28   2023-09-13   2023-09-22   2023-10-13   2023-10-19   2023-11-17   2023-12-01   2024-05-15
                                                                                                   l                   nvelope
d Trucks.                                       nent (CERC)

 SVGUBEC-CERC-G-RFQ-13 /                        Component 3 – Contingent E
                                                                               Request for Quota                          Single Stage - One E                       Under Imple
Procurement of fish landing e IDA / 70890       mergency Response Compo Post                     Limited                                         100,000.00   0.00                                                                                                 2023-07-22   2024-02-28                                                       2023-09-16                2024-03-14
                                                                               tions                                      nvelope                                    mentation
quipment .                                      nent (CERC)

                                                Component 3 – Contingent E
Supply and installation of ice                                                 Request for Quota                          Single Stage - One E                       Under Imple
                                  IDA / 70890   mergency Response Compo Post                     Open - National                                 232,000.00   0.00                                                                                                 2023-07-29   2024-09-19                                                       2023-09-23                2024-03-21
holds, fixed canopies and bai                                                  tions                                      nvelope                                    mentation
                                                nent (CERC)
t well in pirogues.

 SVGUBEC-CERC-G-RFQ-11 /                        Component 3 – Contingent E
                                                                               Request for Quota                          Single Stage - One E                       Under Imple
Purchase and installation of r IDA / 70890      mergency Response Compo Post                     Open - National                                 120,000.00   0.00                                                                                                 2023-08-12   2024-03-20                                                       2023-10-07                2024-04-04
                                                                               tions                                      nvelope                                    mentation
etractable canopies.                            nent (CERC)

                                                Component 3 – Contingent E
Procurement of training equi                                                   Request for Quota                          Single Stage - One E                       Under Imple
                             IDA / 70890        mergency Response Compo Post                     Open - National                                  19,320.00   0.00                                                                                                 2023-07-29   2024-09-19                                                       2023-09-23                2024-03-21
pment and consumables for t                                                    tions                                      nvelope                                    mentation
                                                nent (CERC)
raining in fish hygiene.

 SVGUBEC-CERC-G-RFB-6 / Pr                      Component 3 – Contingent E
                                                                                                   Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E
ocurement of : Lot 1 - Trainin IDA / 70890      mergency Response Compo Post   Request for Bids                                                  426,000.00   0.00   Signed                                                              2023-07-17   2023-07-11   2023-07-22   2023-07-17   2023-09-02   2023-09-29   2023-10-02   2023-11-03   2023-11-06   2024-01-19   2024-05-04
                                                                                                   l                   nvelope
g Equipment and Lot 2- Safet                    nent (CERC)
y grab bags

athymetric Surveys, Construc                    Component 3 – Contingent E
                                                                               Request for Propo   Open - Internationa Single Stage - Two E                          Under Imple
tion and Deployment of: Lot    IDA / 70890      mergency Response Compo Post                                                                     881,224.00   0.00                  2023-07-24    2023-08-04   2023-10-09   2023-09-26   2023-10-09   2023-10-06   2023-07-29   2023-08-04   2023-12-18   2023-11-23   2024-03-01   2024-01-18   2024-04-05                2025-09-27
                                                                               sals                l                   nvelope                                       mentation
1 - Six (6) sub-surface FADs a                  nent (CERC)
nd Lot 2 - Nine (9) surface FA

                                                Component 3 – Contingent E
 SVGUBEC-CERC-G-DIR-5 / Pu                                                                         Direct - Internation                                              Under Imple
                           IDA / 70890          mergency Response Compo Post   Direct Selection                                                   33,333.33   0.00                                                                       2023-06-26   2023-07-12   2023-07-01   2024-04-12                                                       2023-08-05                2024-02-01
rchase of semen (Bovine)                                                                           al                                                                mentation
                                                nent (CERC)

 SVGUBEC-CERC-G-DIR-4 / Pr                      Component 3 – Contingent E
ocurement of live pedigree s      IDA / 70890   mergency Response Compo Post   Direct Selection    Direct - National                             212,037.04   0.00   Completed                                                           2023-07-17   2023-07-12   2023-07-22   2023-07-28                                                       2023-08-26   2023-08-25   2024-02-22   2023-11-11
heep                                            nent (CERC)

 SVGUBEC-CERC-G-DIR-6 / Pu                      Component 3 – Contingent E
                                                                                                   Direct - Internation                                              Under Imple
rchase of semen (caprine an IDA / 70890         mergency Response Compo Post   Direct Selection                                                   16,666.67   0.00                                                                       2023-06-26   2023-07-12   2023-07-01   2024-04-23                                                       2023-08-05                2024-02-01
                                                                                                   al                                                                mentation
d Bovine)                                       nent (CERC)

 SVGUBEC-CERC-G-DIR-3 / Pr                      Component 3 – Contingent E
ocure pedigree stock for lives IDA / 70890      mergency Response Compo Post   Direct Selection    Direct - National                             593,222.22   0.00   Signed                                                              2023-07-17   2023-07-12   2023-07-22   2023-07-28                                                       2023-08-26   2023-12-01   2024-02-22
tock breeding programme.                        nent (CERC)

 SVGUBEC-CERC-G-RFQ-15 /                        Component 3 – Contingent E
                                                                               Request for Quota                          Single Stage - One E
Purchase of office equipment IDA / 70890        mergency Response Compo Post                     Open - National                                  30,000.00   0.00   Signed                                                                                        2023-07-26   2023-08-18                                                       2023-09-20   2024-01-31   2024-03-18
                                                                               tions                                      nvelope
and supplies                                    nent (CERC)

 SVGUBEC-CERC-G-RFQ-16 /                        Component 3 – Contingent E
                                                                               Request for Quota                          Single Stage - One E
Purchase of materials for use IDA / 70890       mergency Response Compo Post                     Limited                                          10,000.00   0.00   Canceled                                                                                      2023-10-28   2023-11-30                                                       2023-12-23                2024-06-20
                                                                               tions                                      nvelope
in dropline technique for FAD                   nent (CERC)
fishing training

                                                Component 3 – Contingent E
he supply of materials and th
                               IDA / 70890      mergency Response Compo Post   Direct Selection    Direct - National                               7,000.00   0.00   Signed                                                              2023-12-21   2024-01-17   2023-12-26   2024-01-18                                                       2024-01-30   2024-02-09   2024-07-28
e installation of a 3-phase ge
                                                nent (CERC)
nerator at Dumbarton

 SVGUBEC-CERC-G-RFQ-17 /                        Component 3 – Contingent E
                                                                               Request for Quota                          Single Stage - One E
Purchase of materials for use IDA / 70890       mergency Response Compo Post                     Limited - National                               10,000.00   0.00   Completed                                                                                     2024-03-28   2024-04-12                                                       2024-05-23   2024-09-24   2024-06-21   2024-11-09
                                                                               tions                                      nvelope
in dropline technique for FAD                   nent (CERC)
fishing training

                                                Component 3 – Contingent E
urchase of Livestock Producti                                                                      Open - Internationa Single Stage - Two E                          Under Imple
                              IDA / 70890       mergency Response Compo Post   Request for Bids                                                  180,000.00   0.00                                                                       2024-04-10   2024-05-16   2024-04-10   2024-05-17   2024-06-19   2024-07-18   2024-09-01                2024-10-06                2026-03-30
on Kits, Veterinary Drugs and                                                                      l                   nvelope                                       mentation
                                                nent (CERC)
Supplements and AI Equipme
nt and Materials

                                                Component 3 – Contingent E
 SVGUBEC-CERC-G-RFB-10 /                                                                                                  Single Stage - One E
                                  IDA / 70890   mergency Response Compo Post   Request for Bids    Open - National                               528,000.00   0.00   Signed                                                              2024-03-28   2024-04-27   2024-03-28   2024-05-17   2024-06-06   2024-07-17   2024-07-06   2024-08-21   2024-08-10   2024-09-09   2026-02-01
Purchase of pesticides                                                                                                    nvelope
                                                nent (CERC)

                                                                                                                                                                                         Page 2
                                                  Component 3 – Contingent E
 SVGUBEC-CERC-G-RFQ-18 /                                                                        Request for Quota                          Single Stage - One E                                                     Under Imple
                                IDA / 70890       mergency Response Compo Post                                    Open - National                                                     94,000.00              0.00                                                                                                 2024-03-26   2024-04-09                                                                              2024-05-21                2024-06-19
Purchase of a bus                                                                               tions                                      nvelope                                                                  mentation
                                                  nent (CERC)

                                                  Component 3 – Contingent E
                           IDA / 70890            mergency Response Compo Post                  Direct Selection     Direct - National                                               230,000.00              0.00   Signed                                                              2024-04-03   2024-04-05   2024-04-08   2024-04-12                                                                              2024-05-13   2024-06-14   2024-11-09
he Supply of Fertilizers
                                                  nent (CERC)

 SVGUBEC-CERC-G-DIR-12 / S                        Component 3 – Contingent E
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Under Imple
upply of citrus budwood and IDA / 70890           mergency Response Compo Post                  Direct Selection     Direct - National                                                35,000.00              0.00                                                                       2024-04-09   2024-04-05   2024-04-14   2024-04-10                                                                              2024-05-19                2024-11-15
rootstock seeds                                   nent (CERC)

                                                  Component 3 – Contingent E
 SVGUBEC-CERC-G-RFB-8 / P                                                                                            Open - Internationa Single Stage - Two E                                                       Under Imple
                                IDA / 70890       mergency Response Compo Post                  Request for Bids                                                                     711,200.00              0.00                                                                       2024-04-05   2024-05-21   2024-04-05   2024-05-21                          2024-04-25   2024-07-17   2024-06-12                2024-07-10                2024-11-07
urchase of greenhouses                                                                                               l                   nvelope                                                                    mentation
                                                  nent (CERC)

                                                  Component 3 – Contingent E
 SVGUBEC-CERC-G-RFQ-19 /                                                                        Request for Quota                          Single Stage - One E                                                     Under Imple
                                IDA / 70890       mergency Response Compo Post                                    Open - National                                                     10,000.00              0.00                                                                                                 2024-09-04   2024-09-17                                                                              2024-10-16                2024-11-15
Purchase of refrigerators                                                                       tions                                      nvelope                                                                  mentation
                                                  nent (CERC)

                                                  Component 3 – Contingent E
 SVGUBEC-CERC-G-RFQ-20 /                                                                        Request for Quota Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E                                                          Under Imple
                                IDA / 70890       mergency Response Compo Post                                                                                                        60,000.00              0.00                                                                                                 2024-09-08   2024-09-17                                                                              2024-10-20                2024-12-19
Purchase of chill units                                                                         tions             l                   nvelope                                                                       mentation
                                                  nent (CERC)

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Bid Evaluation Report
                                Loan / Credit N                                                                      Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification Estimated Am Actual Amount                     Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu           Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement            Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission /
       Description                                       Component                Review Type       Method                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            and Recommendation                 Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                       o.                                                                                   h             cess           (Y/N)        ount (US$)      (US$)                            atus         Documents              ation Report                  ent / Justification Notice / Invitation                  s Issued        Opening / Minutes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            for Award
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Planned        Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual       Planned     Actual  Planned     Actual    Planned     Actual              Planned       Actual      Planned      Actual
                                                  Component 1 – Strengthenin
 SVGUBEC-NCS-G-2 / Destina                                                                      Request for Quota                          Single Stage - One E                                                     Pending Impl
                                /                 g Governance, Policies, and Post                                Open - National                                                    100,000.00              0.00                                                                                                 2023-04-12                                                                                           2023-06-07                2023-08-06
tion Dive Site Maps/Guide                                                                       tions                                      nvelope                                                                  ementation
                                                  Capacity Building

                                                  Component 1 – Strengthenin
 SVGUBEC-NCS-G-3 / Advertis                                                                     Request for Quota                          Single Stage - One E                                                     Pending Impl
                                /                 g Governance, Policies, and Post                                Open - National                                                     10,000.00              0.00                                                                                                 2022-09-07                                                                                           2022-11-02                2023-05-01
ement and promotion                                                                             tions                                      nvelope                                                                  ementation
                                                  Capacity Building

 SVGUBEC-NCS-G-1 / Producti                       Component 1 – Strengthenin
                                                                                                Request for Quota                          Single Stage - One E                                                     Pending Impl
on of a National History Field IDA / V4260        g Governance, Policies, and Post                                Open - National                                                     10,000.00              0.00                                                                                                 2023-01-08                                                                                           2023-03-05                2023-05-04
                                                                                                tions                                      nvelope                                                                  ementation
Guide                                             Capacity Building

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Combined Evaluation
                                Loan / Credit N                                                                      Market Approac         Contract Type         Estimated Amo Actual Amount                                                    Expression of Interest Short List and Draft R Request for Proposals Opening of Technical              Evaluation of Technic
       Description                                       Component                Review Type        Method                                                                                   Process Status         Terms of Reference                                                                                                                                      Report and Draft Neg           Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                       o.                                                                                   h                                        unt (US$)      (US$)                                                               Notice          equest for Proposals        as Issued         Proposals / Minutes                   al Proposal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                otiated Contract
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Planned        Actual        Planned      Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual    Planned      Actual    Planned     Actual          Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual
 SVGUBEC-C-QCBS-1 / Econo                         Component 1 – Strengthenin
                                                                                                Quality And Cost-    Open - Internationa                                                          Pending Impleme
mic Impact study - Communit     /                 g Governance, Policies, and Post                                                                                    400,000.00           0.00                     2022-07-01                   2022-07-22                2022-09-04                                          2022-10-16             2022-11-15                2022-12-20                2023-01-24                2024-01-24
                                                                                                Based Selection      l                                                                            ntation
y based Eco-Tourism Strateg                       Capacity Building

 SVGUBEC-C-LCS-1 / Develop
                                                  Component 1 – Strengthenin
ment of Market Assessment                                                                       Least Cost Selecti   Open - Internationa
                                /                 g Governance, Policies, and Post                                                                                    100,000.00           0.00   Under Review      2023-04-14     2024-12-12    2023-05-05                2023-06-18                                          2023-07-30             2023-08-29                2023-10-03                2023-11-07                2024-05-05
and Feasibility Study for Lee                                                                   on                   l
                                                  Capacity Building
ward coastal water taxi and f
erry component

 SVGUBEC-C-LCS-3 / Strength                       Component 1 – Strengthenin
                                                                                                Least Cost Selecti   Open - Internationa
ening policies and capacity f   /                 g Governance, Policies, and Post                                                                                    100,000.00           0.00   Under Review      2022-08-02     2024-12-12    2022-08-23                2022-10-06                                          2022-11-17             2022-12-17                2023-01-21                2023-02-25                2023-08-24
                                                                                                on                   l
or Control and Surveillance o                     Capacity Building
f illegal fishing

 SVGUBEC-C-QCBS-2 / Updat                         Component 1 – Strengthenin
                                                                                                Quality And Cost-    Open - Internationa                                                          Under Implement
e of Solid waste Management     /                 g Governance, Policies, and Post                                                                                    300,000.00           0.00                     2023-11-07     2022-07-15    2023-11-28   2024-02-29   2024-01-11                                          2024-02-22             2024-03-23                2024-04-27                2024-06-01                2025-06-01
                                                                                                Based Selection      l                                                                            ation
Plan                                              Capacity Building

 SVGUBEC-C-LCS-7 / Staff trai                     Component 1 – Strengthenin
                                                                                                Least Cost Selecti   Open - Internationa                                                          Pending Impleme
ning - Solid Waste Managem      /                 g Governance, Policies, and Post                                                                                    100,000.00           0.00                     2024-12-17                   2025-01-07                2025-02-20                                          2025-04-03             2025-05-03                2025-06-07                2025-07-12                2026-01-08
                                                                                                on                   l                                                                            ntation
ent Department                                    Capacity Building

 SVGUBEC-C-QCBS-4 / Design
                                                  Component 1 – Strengthenin
and supervision of constructi                                                                   Quality And Cost-    Open - Internationa                                                          Pending Impleme
                                /                 g Governance, Policies, and Post                                                                                    300,000.00           0.00                     2022-06-01                   2022-06-22                2022-08-05                                          2022-09-16             2022-10-16                2022-11-20                2022-12-25                2023-12-25
on of Marine Recreation and                                                                     Based Selection      l                                                                            ntation
                                                  Capacity Building
Education Centre - Richmond

 SVGUBEC-C-QCBS-5 / Design                        Component 2 – Scale up Acc
                                                                                                Quality And Cost-    Open - Internationa                                                          Pending Impleme
and Supervision of creation o   /                 ess to Finance and Infrastruc Post                                                                                  400,000.00           0.00                     2022-09-01                   2022-09-22                2022-11-05                                          2022-12-17             2023-01-16                2023-02-20                2023-03-27                2024-03-26
                                                                                                Based Selection      l                                                                            ntation
f the North-West Recreation                       ture Investment

                                                  Component 2 – Scale up Acc
 SVGUBEC-C-LCS-9 / Investm                                                                      Least Cost Selecti   Open - Internationa                                                          Pending Impleme
                                /                 ess to Finance and Infrastruc Post                                                                                  200,000.00           0.00                     2023-04-03                   2023-04-24                2023-06-07                                          2023-07-19             2023-08-18                2023-09-22                2023-10-27                2024-04-24
ent in pre-harvest fisheries                                                                    on                   l                                                                            ntation
                                                  ture Investment

 SVGUBEC-C-LCS-10 / Design                        Component 2 – Scale up Acc
                                                                                                Least Cost Selecti   Open - Internationa                                                          Pending Impleme
and supervision of works for    /                 ess to Finance and Infrastruc Post                                                                                  150,000.00           0.00                     2022-08-02                   2022-08-23                2022-10-06                                          2022-11-17             2022-12-17                2023-01-21                2023-02-25                2023-08-24
                                                                                                on                   l                                                                            ntation
upgrading harvest and post h                      ture Investment
arvest fisheries.

 SVGUBEC-C-LCS-11 / Design
                                                  Component 2 – Scale up Acc
and supervision of constructi                                                                   Least Cost Selecti   Open - Internationa                                                          Pending Impleme
                                /                 ess to Finance and Infrastruc Post                                                                                   40,000.00           0.00                     2023-03-06                   2023-03-27                2023-05-10                                          2023-06-21             2023-07-21                2023-08-25                2023-09-29                2024-03-27
on of investments in aquacul                                                                    on                   l                                                                            ntation
                                                  ture Investment
ture technology improvemen

 SVGUBEC-C-CQS-5 / Annual                         Component 4 - Project man                     Consultant Qualifi                                                                                Under Implement
                                /                                              Post                                  Limited                                           30,000.00           0.00                     2022-05-02     2023-08-24                              2022-05-16                                                                                           2022-06-15                2022-07-20                2023-01-16
Financial Audit                                   agement, M&E and commun                       cation Selection                                                                                  ation

 SVGUBEC-C-CQS-2 / Training                       Component 1 – Strengthenin
                                                                                                Consultant Qualifi                                                                                Pending Impleme
on production of indigenous f   /                 g Governance, Policies, and Post                                   Open - National                                   20,000.00           0.00                     2023-01-10                   2023-01-31                2023-03-16                                                                                           2023-04-15                2023-05-20                2023-11-16
                                                                                                cation Selection                                                                                  ntation
oods                                              Capacity Building

                                                  Component 1 – Strengthenin
 SVGUBEC-C-LCS-6 / Feasibili                                                                    Least Cost Selecti   Open - Internationa                                                          Pending Impleme
                                /                 g Governance, Policies, and Post                                                                                    200,000.00           0.00                     2023-06-23                   2023-07-14                2023-08-27                                          2023-09-24             2023-10-24                2023-11-28                2024-01-02                2024-06-30
ty Study                                                                                        on                   l                                                                            ntation
                                                  Capacity Building

 SVGUBEC-C-LCS-8 / Design a                       Component 2 – Scale up Acc
                                                                                                Least Cost Selecti   Open - Internationa                                                          Pending Impleme
nd supervision of works for e   /                 ess to Finance and Infrastruc Post                                                                                   70,000.00           0.00                     2022-11-14                   2022-12-05                2023-01-18                                          2023-03-01             2023-03-31                2023-05-05                2023-06-09                2025-06-08
                                                                                                on                   l                                                                            ntation
xpanding coastal and marine                       ture Investment

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Page 3
 SVGUBEC-C-LCS-12 / Detaile                        Component 2 – Scale up Acc
                                                                                                 Least Cost Selecti   Open - Internationa                                                   Pending Impleme
d design and supervision of a    /                 ess to Finance and Infrastruc Post                                                                             40,000.00          0.00                     2022-08-15                 2022-09-05                2022-10-19                                      2022-11-30            2022-12-30   2023-02-03   2023-03-10   2023-09-06
                                                                                                 on                   l                                                                     ntation
doption of Fish Aggregating                        ture Investment
Deviced (FADS).

                                                   Component 1 – Strengthenin
 SVGUBEC-C-CQS-1 / Training                                                                      Consultant Qualifi                                                                         Pending Impleme
                                 /                 g Governance, Policies, and Post                                   Open - National                             30,000.00          0.00                     2023-02-28                 2023-03-21                2023-05-04                                                                         2023-06-03   2023-07-08   2024-01-04
coastal communities (6)                                                                          cation Selection                                                                           ntation
                                                   Capacity Building

                                                   Component 1 – Strengthenin
w and revise proposal and de                                                                     Quality And Cost-    Open - Internationa                                                   Pending Impleme
                                 /                 g Governance, Policies, and Post                                                                              990,000.00          0.00                     2022-06-17                 2022-07-08                2022-08-21                                      2022-10-02            2022-11-01   2022-12-06   2023-01-10   2024-01-10
signs and supervision for clos                                                                   Based Selection      l                                                                     ntation
                                                   Capacity Building
ure and upgrading landfills

 SVGUBEC-C-CQS-4 / Benefici                        Component 4 - Project man                     Consultant Qualifi                                                                         Pending Impleme
                                 /                                              Post                                  Open - National                             24,000.00          0.00                     2024-01-10                 2024-01-31                2024-03-15                                                                         2024-04-14   2024-05-19   2024-11-15
ary Feedback survey                                agement, M&E and commun                       cation Selection                                                                           ntation

                                                   Component 1 – Strengthenin
 SVGUBEC-C-CQS-3 / Training                                                                      Consultant Qualifi                                                                         Pending Impleme
                                 /                 g Governance, Policies, and Post                                   Open - National                             20,000.00          0.00                     2023-02-15                 2023-03-08                2023-04-21                                                                         2023-05-21   2023-06-25   2023-12-22
product marketing                                                                                cation Selection                                                                           ntation
                                                   Capacity Building

 SVGUBEC-C-LCS-2 / Capacity
                                                   Component 1 – Strengthenin
building for Departments, inc                                                                    Least Cost Selecti   Open - Internationa                                                   Pending Impleme
                                 /                 g Governance, Policies, and Post                                                                              200,000.00          0.00                     2022-08-01                 2022-08-22                2022-10-05                                      2022-11-02            2022-12-02   2023-01-06   2023-02-10   2023-08-09
luding training programmes                                                                       on                   l                                                                     ntation
                                                   Capacity Building
and operational manuals

                                                   Component 1 – Strengthenin
 SVGUBEC-C-LCS-5 / Develop                                                                       Least Cost Selecti   Open - Internationa
                                 /                 g Governance, Policies, and Post                                                                              100,000.00          0.00   Canceled          2023-05-02                 2023-05-23                2023-07-06                                      2023-08-03            2023-09-02   2023-10-07   2023-11-11   2024-11-10
aquaculture policies                                                                             on                   l
                                                   Capacity Building

                                                   Component 1 – Strengthenin
 SVGUBEC-C-LCS-4 / Phytosa                                                                       Least Cost Selecti   Open - Internationa
                                 /                 g Governance, Policies, and Post                                                                               65,000.00          0.00   Canceled          2022-05-03                 2022-05-24                2022-07-07                                      2022-08-18            2022-09-17   2022-10-22   2022-11-26   2023-05-25
nitary standards/Action Plan                                                                     on                   l
                                                   Capacity Building

                                                   Component 2 – Scale up Acc
upervision of construction an                                                                    Least Cost Selecti   Open - Internationa                                                   Pending Impleme
                              IDA / 70890          ess to Finance and Infrastruc Post                                                                             50,000.00          0.00                     2023-07-14                 2023-08-04                2023-09-17                                      2023-10-15            2023-11-14   2023-12-19   2024-01-23   2024-07-21
d deployment of sub-surface                                                                      on                   l                                                                     ntation
                                                   ture Investment
and surface FADs.

 SVGUBEC-C-CQS-7 / Creatio                         Component 1 – Strengthenin
                                                                                                 Consultant Qualifi   Open - Internationa                                                   Pending Impleme
n of a destination dive map/g TF / C1217           g Governance, Policies, and Post                                                                              100,000.00          0.00                     2024-11-15                 2024-12-06                2025-01-19                                                                         2025-02-18   2025-03-25   2025-09-21
                                                                                                 cation Selection     l                                                                     ntation
uide                                               Capacity Building

Activity Reference No. /
                                 Loan / Credit N                                                                      Market Approac         Contract Type   Estimated Amo Actual Amount                                                 Invitation to Identifie Draft Negotiated Cont
       Description                                        Component                Review Type        Method                                                                             Process Status       Terms of Reference                                                           Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                        o.                                                                                   h                                  unt (US$)      (US$)                                                     d/Selected Consultant            ract
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Planned       Actual        Planned      Actual      Planned      Actual   Planned       Actual      Planned      Actual

SVGUBEC-C-IC-8 / Technical                         Component 4 - Project man                     Individual Consult                                                                         Pending Impleme
                                 /                                              Post                                  Open                                       153,000.00          0.00                     2022-03-01                 2022-04-19                2022-05-10            2022-06-14                2022-12-11
Blue Economy Specialist                            agement, M&E and commun                       ant Selection                                                                              ntation

 SVGUBEC-C-IC-2 / Procurem                         Component 4 - Project man                     Individual Consult                                                                         Under Implement
                                 /                                              Post                                  Open                                       153,000.00          0.00                     2022-03-01   2022-07-19    2022-04-19                2022-05-10            2022-06-14                2024-06-13
ent Officer                                        agement, M&E and commun                       ant Selection                                                                              ation

 SVGUBEC-C-IC-11 / Fishery r                       Component 4 - Project man                     Individual Consult                                                                         Pending Impleme
                                 /                                              Post                                  Open                                        50,000.00          0.00                     2022-06-01                 2022-07-20                2022-08-10            2022-09-14                2023-03-13
egistry update                                     agement, M&E and commun                       ant Selection                                                                              ntation

SVGUBEC-C-IC-3 / Financial                         Component 4 - Project man                     Individual Consult                                                                         Under Implement
                                 /                                              Post                                  Open                                       153,000.00          0.00                     2022-03-01   2022-07-19    2022-04-19                2022-05-10            2022-06-14                2024-06-13
Management Officer, PIU                            agement, M&E and commun                       ant Selection                                                                              ation

 SVGUBEC-C-IC-7 / Environm                         Component 4 - Project man                     Individual Consult                                                                         Under Implement
                                 IDA / V4260                                    Post                                  Open                                       153,000.00          0.00                     2022-03-01   2022-07-19    2022-04-19                2022-05-10            2022-06-14                2024-06-13
ental Specialist                                   agement, M&E and commun                       ant Selection                                                                              ation

 SVGUBEC- C-IC-13 / Consult
                                                   Component 1 – Strengthenin
ancy to conduct the analytica                                                                    Individual Consult                                                                         Pending Impleme
                              IDA / V4260          g Governance, Policies, and Post                                   Open                                       100,000.00          0.00                     2022-07-18                 2022-09-05                2022-09-26            2022-10-31                2023-04-29
l work to inform the aquacult                                                                    ant Selection                                                                              ntation
                                                   Capacity Building
ure species to be targeted

 SVGUBEC-C-IC-1 / Project Ma                       Component 4 - Project man                     Individual Consult
                                 /                                              Post                                  Open                                       178,500.00          0.00   Canceled          2022-03-01   2022-07-15    2022-04-19                2022-05-10            2022-06-14                2024-06-13
nager                                              agement, M&E and commun                       ant Selection

 SVGUBEC-C-IC-6 / Waste Ma                         Component 4 - Project man                     Individual Consult
                                 /                                              Post                                  Open                                       153,000.00          0.00   Canceled          2022-03-01                 2022-04-19                2022-05-10            2022-06-14                2024-06-13
nagement Specialist                                agement, M&E and commun                       ant Selection

 SVGUBEC-C-IC-10 / Commun                          Component 4 - Project man                     Individual Consult
                          IDA / V4260                                           Post                                  Open                                        45,500.00          0.00   Canceled          2022-07-01                 2022-08-19                2022-09-09            2022-10-14                2024-10-13
ication Specialist                                 agement, M&E and commun                       ant Selection

 SVGUBEC-C-IC-9 / Monitorin                        Component 4 - Project man                     Individual Consult
                               IDA / V4260                                      Post                                  Open                                        49,500.00          0.00   Canceled          2022-07-08                 2022-08-26                2022-09-16            2022-10-21                2024-10-20
g and Evaluation Specialist PI                     agement, M&E and commun                       ant Selection
U                                                  ication

 SVGUBEC-C-IC-5 / Tourism S                        Component 4 - Project man                     Individual Consult
                                 IDA / V4260                                    Post                                  Open                                       153,000.00          0.00   Canceled          2022-03-01                 2022-04-19                2022-05-10            2022-06-14                2024-06-13
pecialist                                          agement, M&E and commun                       ant Selection

 SVGUBEC-C-IC-15 / Social Sa                       Component 4 - Project man                     Individual Consult
                             IDA / V4260                                        Post                                  Open                                       153,000.00          0.00   Canceled          2022-04-04                 2022-05-23                2022-06-13            2022-07-18                2024-07-17
feguard Specialist                                 agement, M&E and commun                       ant Selection

 SVGUBEC-C-IC-4 / Fisheries                        Component 4 - Project man                     Individual Consult
                                 /                                              Post                                  Open                                       153,000.00          0.00   Canceled          2022-03-01                 2022-04-19                2022-05-10            2022-06-14                2024-06-13
Specialist                                         agement, M&E and commun                       ant Selection

                                                   Component 3 – Contingent E
onsultancy services to build                                                                                          Direct - Internation                                                  Pending Impleme
                                IDA / 70890        mergency Response Compo Post                  Direct Selection                                                 22,000.00          0.00                     2023-07-17                 2023-07-27                                      2023-09-30                2024-03-28
Capacity in artificial insemina                                                                                       al                                                                    ntation
                                                   nent (CERC)
tion technology.

 SVGUBEC-CERC-CS-DIR-2 / P                         Component 3 – Contingent E
                                                                                                                      Direct - Internation
rovision of training in fish hy IDA / 70890        mergency Response Compo Post                  Direct Selection                                                309,640.00          0.00   Canceled          2023-07-03                 2023-07-13                                      2023-09-16                2024-03-14
giene                                              nent (CERC)

                                                   Component 3 – Contingent E
he provision of training in Int                                                                                       Direct - Internation                                                  Pending Impleme
                                IDA / 70890        mergency Response Compo Post                  Direct Selection                                                 37,100.00          0.00                     2023-07-02                 2023-07-12                                      2023-09-15                2024-03-13
egrated Crop Management u                                                                                             al                                                                    ntation
                                                   nent (CERC)
nder Protected Cultivation (G
reenhouse) Systems

                                                   Component 3 – Contingent E
apacity Building in Safety at
                              IDA / 70890          mergency Response Compo Post                  Direct Selection     Direct - National                          221,000.00          0.00   Signed            2024-04-19   2024-08-06    2024-04-26   2024-08-14                         2024-06-11   2024-09-05   2024-12-08
Sea, Onboard Fish Handling a
                                                   nent (CERC)
nd Dropline Techniques for S
VG Fishers

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Page 4
 SVGUBEC-C-IC-20 / Prepare
a Strategic Action Plan (SAP)
                                             Component 1 – Strengthenin
for fisheries and aquaculture                                                     Individual Consult   Open - Internationa                        Under Implement
                              IDA / 70890    g Governance, Policies, and Post                                                 100,000.00   0.00                     2024-06-28   2024-12-12    2024-08-16   2024-09-06   2024-10-11   2025-04-09
to implement the Fisheries a                                                      ant Selection        l                                          ation
                                             Capacity Building
nd Aquaculture Policy for Sai
nt Vincent and the Grenadine

 SVGUBEC-C-IC-21 / Design o
                                             Component 1 – Strengthenin
f a 5 Year Seafood Sanitary a                                                     Individual Consult   Open - Internationa                        Under Implement
                              IDA / 70890    g Governance, Policies, and Post                                                  65,000.00   0.00                     2024-06-28   2024-12-12    2024-08-16   2024-09-06   2024-10-11   2025-04-09
nd Quality Inspection Service                                                     ant Selection        l                                          ation
                                             Capacity Building
s Development Plan

 SVGUBEC-CERC-CS-DR-2 / Pr                   Component 3 – Contingent E
                                                                                                       Direct - Internation                       Under Implement
ovision of training in Boat ma IDA / 70890   mergency Response Compo Post         Direct Selection                            152,000.00   0.00                     2024-08-16   2024-08-26    2024-08-26                2024-09-23   2024-12-22
                                                                                                       al                                         ation
ster III                                     nent (CERC)

 SVGUBEC-C-DIR-1 / Supervis                  Component 2 – Scale up Acc
                                                                                                       Direct - Internation                       Pending Impleme
ion consultancy for the rehab IDA / 70890    ess to Finance and Infrastruc Post   Direct Selection                            300,000.00   0.00                     2025-01-30                 2025-02-09                2025-04-15   2025-10-12
                                                                                                       al                                         ntation
ilitation of the Fort Charlotte.             ture Investment

                                                                                                                                                                                      Page 5