$ Report No: RES00426 RESTRUCTURING PAPER ON A PROPOSED PROJECT RESTRUCTURING OF Financial Inclusion Support Project in Burkina Faso APPROVED ON 30-Apr-2019 TO Ministry of Economy, Finance and Development Finance, Competitiveness and Innovation Western And Central Africa Regional Vice President: Ousmane Diagana Regional Director: Abebe Adugna Dadi Country Director: Clara Ana Coutinho De Sousa Practice Manager: Douglas Pearce Task Team Leader(s): Tenin Fatimata Dicko, Maimouna Gueye The World Bank Financial Inclusion Support Project in Burkina Faso (P164786) ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS BCEAO West Africa Central Bank (Banque Central des Etats d’Afrique de l’Ouest) BDS Business Development Services CARFO Ouagadougou Retirees Pension Plan CETI-SFD Information management center for microfinance institution (Centre de Traitement Informatisé des Systèmes Financiers Décentratlisés) CNSS National Social Security Office (Caisse Nationale de Securité Sociale) DGD National Customs Office (Direction Générale de la Douane) FAARF Women Entrepreneurial Activities Support Fund (Fonds d’Appui aux Activités Rémunératrices des Femmes) GIM UEMOA Interbank Electronic Banking Group - West African Economic and Monetary Union (Groupement Interbancaire Monétique de l'Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest Africaine) MFI Microfinance institution MTR Mid Term Review OQSF Observatory on quality financial services PDO Project Development Objective PPCG Partial Portfolio Credit Guarantee RCPB Network of Financial cooperative (Réseau des Caisses Populaires du Burkina) RF Results Framework SICA West African Economic and Monetary Union Automated Interbank Clearing House SME Small and Medium Enterprises STAR West African Economic and Monetary Union Real Time Gross System The World Bank Financial Inclusion Support Project in Burkina Faso (P164786) @#&OPS~Doctype~OPS^dynamics@restrhybridbasicdata#doctemplate BASIC DATA Product Information Operation ID Operation Name P164786 Financial Inclusion Support Project in Burkina Faso Product/Financing Instrument Geographical Identifier Investment Project Financing (IPF) Burkina Faso Approval Date Current Closing Date 30-Apr-2019 30-Apr-2025 Original EA Category Partial Assessment (B) (PAD Approval Package-30 Apr 2019) Organizations Borrower Responsible Agency Ministry of Economy, Finance and Development Directorate of Treasury and Public Accounting @#&OPS~Doctype~OPS^dynamics@restrhybridoperationstatus#doctemplate OPERATION STATUS Project Development Objective (DO) Current Development Objective The Project Development Objective is to increase access to digital financial services and facilitate access to credit for targeted beneficiaries. Disbursement Summary (in USD million) Source of Funds Net Commitment Disbursed Undisbursed % Disbursed IBRD -- -- -- 0 i The World Bank Financial Inclusion Support Project in Burkina Faso (P164786) IDA 90.21 72.49 23.74 75.33 Grants 10.00 0.00 10.00 0.00 Policy Waivers Does this restructuring trigger the need for any policy waiver(s)? No @#&OPS~Doctype~OPS^dynamics@restrhybridmpa#doctemplate @#&OPS~Doctype~OPS^dynamics@restrhybridmpa#doctemplate ii The World Bank Financial Inclusion Support Project in Burkina Faso (P164786) TABLE OF CONTENTS I. PROJECT STATUS AND RATIONALE FOR RESTRUCTURING ........................................................................................1 II. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CHANGES ....................................................................................................................2 III. PROPOSED CHANGES ................................................................................................................................................3 IV. DETAILED CHANGE(S) ...............................................................................................................................................3 The World Bank Financial Inclusion Support Project in Burkina Faso (P164786) I. PROJECT STATUS AND RATIONALE FOR RESTRUCTURING 1. The Financial Inclusion Support Project (FISP) was approved on April 30, 2019, and became effective on September 6, 2019. The original PDO is “to increase access to digital financial services and facilitate access to credit for targeted beneficiaries.” Targeted beneficiaries refer to individuals, farmers, women, youth, and SMEs that are unserved and underserved financially. The PDO remains relevant and attainable. 2. Significant progress has been achieved since the last project restructuring following the mid-term review (MTR) to better align the project activities with the PDO, and to update the results framework to capture all the efforts the project is supporting. Thanks to these measures, both the PDO and Implementation Progress ratings were upgraded from MS to S. Indeed, out of the four PDO indicators; two reached their targets and the remaining two are on track to achieve the targets. As of 25th November 2024, the project disbursement rate was 73.62 percent on IDA Credit No. 6396-BF and 0% on Grant No. TF0B6183. 3. This Restructuring Paper seeks Senior Management approval for restructuring the Financial Inclusion Support Project (FISP). The purpose of the restructuring is to extend the project closing date. This is the first extension request of the project. An additional 12-month extension is crucial to finalize the resolution of technical issues arising from the use of IT equipment and payment platforms supported by the project and to disburse the additional financing in response to climate related shocks. The disbursement on AF grant occurs when the country is facing a shock (covid-19, climate shocks). The additional financing did not disburse yet as it became operational when the impact of COVID was already greatly mitigated (November 2021) and the scope of crises eligible was initially limited. If these issues are not addressed properly, they could hamper the full operationalization of the digital finance platforms for public implementing entities and microfinance institutions. On, the additional financing, during the second restructuring in February 2024, the scope of the eligible crisis was extended to climate shocks. Burkina has only one rainy season per year, this project extension will allow to cover next rainy season and increase the probability to disburse the additional financing grant. 4. Considering this, on June 26, 2024, the World Bank received a restructuring request from the Minister of Economy and Finance of Burkina Faso to extend the Closing Date from April 30, 2025, to April 30, 2026. 5. The 12-month extension is needed for component 1.1 on digitalization of government payments, to allow the completion of the activities and to stabilize the solutions. The Treasury e-banking solution and CNSS biometric identification solution and the hyperconverged servers, are at contract signature stage. Up to 10-12 months is needed to ensure effective deployment of these IT solutions, given the potential for initial implementation and technical issues to arise. This estimation of the stabilization period is based on the experience of platforms already deployed by the project after deployment completion. The insecurity context contributes to slow down the deployment of Treasury digital payment platform. As the deployment of payment platform requires an upgrade of the power system, the client deliberately excluded some remote offices from the rollout to avoid them being the target of attacks. On component 1.2, the digital transformation of MFIs (IT equipment (hardware) of the shared MFI platform) is being delivered, however the platform procurement was interrupted since July 2024 due to a complaint. Following the ARCOP (national public procurement authority) decision in early November 2024, the project will be able to proceed with the contract signing for the platform. Considering this interruption, the procurement stage, and the deployment time of the platform and stabilization, will only be completed by February 2026. 6. The extension is also needed for component 2, to allow the full deployment of the core IT system of the largest network of financial cooperatives in the microfinance sector (Réseau des Caisses Populaires du Burkina- RCBP). Project support to Page 1 The World Bank Financial Inclusion Support Project in Burkina Faso (P164786) RCBP was requested by the client during the February 2024 restructuring, as this institution is the largest microfinance provider in the country and represents a systemic risk for the entire microfinance sector. 7. Finally, this extension will give more time to disburse on the additional financing grant (TF0B6183) supporting the project component 3. Indeed, the disbursement on AF grant occurs when the country is facing a shock impacting SMEs, agriculture producers and women entrepreneurs such as Covid-19 and climatic shocks (floods and drought). As the country has one rainfall season, this extension will cover one additional rainy season, thus increase the probability to disburse the AF for climate related shocks. 8. Below is the status of the project procurement that would not be completed by end of April 2025. Without the extension, the potential undisbursed amount under IDA Credit and grant (TF0B6183) could be ranging between $19 million to $24 million. Activity Procurement Under Completion Comments stage implementatio date n E-banking solution Contract signed Not yet 5/30/2025 on 11/15/2025 CNSS-Biometric identification Contract signed Not yet 8/30/2025 solution on 11/25/2025 Require a stabilization period of CNSS IT equipment and servers Contract signed Not yet 12/30/2025 up to 90 days following on 11/25/2025 deployment completion Shared platform for MFIs Contract signed Not yet 8/31/2025 on 11/21/2025 Establishment of the entity in charge The shared MIS 2/28/2026 of managing the shared MIS (CETI- hardware is SFD) and institutional support for 15 delivered, and months the entity is established RCBP core IT system strengthening Selection Ongoing 9/30/2025 Require a stabilization period of completed inception up to 90 days following deployment completion II. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CHANGES 9. The Team recommends a Level 2 restructuring to ensure the achievement of the PDO by: ✓ Extending the Financing Agreement of IDA Credit No. 6396-BF and the Trust Fund Grant Agreement No. TF0B6183 Closing Dates from April 30, 2025, to April 30, 2026, as requested by the Government. ✓ This is the first extension of Closing Date for the Project. ✓ This the third level 2 restructuring for the Project. 10. Changes to the PDO. There are no proposed changes to the PDO. It will remain as follows “to increase access to digital financial services and facilitate access to credit for targeted beneficiaries”. Targeted beneficiaries include farmers, women, youth and SMEs that are unserved and underserved financially. 11. Changes to Components. There are no proposed changes to the five components of the project. Page 2 The World Bank Financial Inclusion Support Project in Burkina Faso (P164786) 12. Changes in the Results Framework (RF). There are no proposed changes to the project results framework. 13. Reallocation of Funds Among Components and Categories. There are no proposed changes to the reallocation of funds among components and categories. 14. Financial management: the project financial management has been rated as satisfactory since the project started. There are no pending audit reports either an interim financial report. This restructuring is not aiming to modify the financial management arrangements in place. The FM’s residual risk at the approval was rated substantial, however, the latest FM’s supervision rated the FM’s risk as moderate. No changes are planned in the FM arrangements. @#&OPS~Doctype~OPS^dynamics@restrhybridsummarychanges#doctemplate Summary changes III. PROPOSED CHANGES Operation Information Proposed Changes Operation Information Proposed Changes Development Objective No Loan Closing Date Extension Yes Safeguard Policies Triggered No Loan Cancellations No ISDS No Reallocations No MFD/PCE No Financial Management No Results No Procurement No Risks No Institutional Arrangement No Legal Covenants No Implementation Schedule No Conditions No Implementation Modalities No Disbursements Estimates No Disbursements Arrangements No DDO No Clients No Appraisal Summary No Components No @#&OPS~Doctype~OPS^dynamics@restrhybriddetailedchanges-disclose#doctemplate IV. DETAILED CHANGE(S) COSTS & FINANCING Page 3 The World Bank Financial Inclusion Support Project in Burkina Faso (P164786) Private Capital Facilitation Is this an MFD-Enabling Project (MFD-EP)? Is this project Private Capital Enabling (PCE)? LOANS Loan Closing Original Revised Proposed Proposed Deadline Loan/Credit/Trust Status Closing Closing(s) Closing for Withdrawal Fund Applications IDA-63960-001 Effective 30-Apr-2025 30-Apr-2025 30-Apr-2026 30-Aug-2026 TF-B6183-001 Effective 30-Apr-2025 30-Apr-2025 30-Apr-2026 30-Aug-2026 Page 4