Project Implementation agency: Ministry of Environment
Date of the Procurement Plan: 25 August 2020
Period covered by this Procurement Plan: First 18 months


In accordance with paragraph 5.9 of the “World Bank Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” (July 2016)
(“Procurement Regulations”) the Bank’s Systematic Tracking and Exchanges in Procurement (STEP) system
will be used to prepare, clear and update Procurement Plans and conduct all procurement transactions for
the Project.

This textual part along with the Procurement Plan tables in STEP constitute the Procurement Plan for the
Project. The following conditions apply to all procurement activities in the Procurement Plan. The other
elements of the Procurement Plan as required under paragraph 4.4 of the Procurement Regulations are set
forth in STEP.

The Bank’s Standard Procurement Documents: shall be used for all contracts subject to international
competitive procurement and those contracts as specified in the Procurement Plan tables in STEP.

National Procurement Arrangements: In accordance with paragraph 5.3 of the Procurement
Regulations, when approaching the national market (as specified in the Procurement Plan tables in STEP),
the country’s own procurement procedures may be used.


                                    Estimat    Bank                       Selectio

#         Contract Description      ed Cost   Oversig   Market Approach      n                                            Type

                                       $        ht                        Method

    Component 1: Enhancing the Air Quality Management (AQM) & Response System USD 4.53 M
1   Integrated Climate and Air                  Open/         RFP    Jun 21  Dec        Consulting
    Quality Management “Action” 0.43 M    Post  International                21         Services
2   Establishing an                             Open/         RFP    Sep 20  Jan        Consulting
    integrated emission                         International                21         Services
    inventory database for
    Greater pollution emission
    inventory, and its
    integration with SLCP and       0.5 M      Post
    GHG emissions inventory
    Cairo and Egypt:
    Technical Support Contract
    for EEAA to support the
    refinement of existing air

3   Establishing an                                     Open/             RFB        Sep 20    Jan                    Consulting
    SLCP/GHG monitoring                                 International                          21                     Services
    network for Greater
    Cairo: Technical support
    contract for EEAA to provide    1.5 M      Post
    recommendations on the
    deployment, operation
    and maintenance of
    proposed network.

4   AQ Skills Training and U.                           Open/             RFP        Jun 21    Dec                    Consulting
                                    0.7 M      Post
    Curriculum Development                              International                          21                     Services
5   Economic/BCA Analysis                               Open/             RFP        Jun 21    Dec                    Consulting
                                    0.6 M      Post
                                                        International                          21                     Services
6   Equipment for Improving Air                         Open/             RFB        Jan 21    Jul                    Goods
                                    0.4 M      Post
    Quality Forecasting                                 International                          21
7   Integrating and analyzing the                       Open/             RFP        Aug 21    Feb                    Consulting
                                    0.1 M      Post
    air quality forecasting data                        International                          22                     Services


                                       Estimat    Bank                       Selectio

#          Contract Description        ed Cost   Oversig   Market Approach      n                                            Type

                                          $        ht                        Method

8    Establishing institutional                   Open/          RFP      Dec 21 Jun         Consulting
     response mechanisms to high      0.3 M Post  International                   22         Services
     pollution days
     Component 2: Support the operationalization of SWM Master Plans in Greater Cairo USD 96 M
9    Preparation of detailed                      Open/ National RFP      Sep 20  Oct        Consulting
     engineering design & bidding                                                 20         Services
     documents for 10th of Ramadan 0.35 M   Post
     infrastructure and MSW landfill
     (including supervision)
10   Infrastructure construction                  Open/          RFB      Dec 20 Apr         Works
                                     15.5 M Prior
     works for 10th of Ramadan                    International                   21
11   MSW landfill construction works              Open/          RFB      Jan 21  Jun        Design, build
                                     20.5 M Prior
     for 10th of Ramadan                          International                   21         and operate
12   Project management and                       Open/          RFP      Oct 20  Mar        Consulting
     supervision consultant for the               International                   21         Services
     10th of Ramadan planning,
                                      1.7 M Post
     management and monitoring of
     works and major technical
13   10th of Ramadan-                             Open/National  RFP      Oct 20  April      Consulting
     Construction and                                                             21         Services
     demolition waste
     facility: Preparation of a
     bidding document,                 1.5 M      Post
     following a Design, Build
     and Operate modality, on
     the basis of analysis and
     studies prepared by MoE.
14   Consulting service to prepare,                        Open/             RFP        Dec 20    Jun                    Consulting
     the detailed engineering study,                       International                          21                     Services
     bidding documents and to          1.2 M      Post
     supervise closing and
     rehabilitation of Abou Zaabal
15   Consulting service to prepare,                        Open/             RFP        Sep 20    Feb                    Consulting
                                       1.8 M      Post
     detailed feasibility study,                           International                          21                     Services


                                        Estimat    Bank                       Selectio

#          Contract Description         ed Cost   Oversig   Market Approach      n                                            Type

                                           $        ht                        Method

     bidding documents, contracts,
     safeguard documents and to
     supervise the hazardous waste
     treatment and final disposal
16   Infrastructure construction wor                                          RFP        Nov 21    Jun                    Design, Build
     ks for final disposal facility     19 M       Prior    Open/                                  22                     and Operate
17   Consulting service to prepare,                                           RFP        Nov 20    May                    Consulting
     the detailed engineering study,                        Open/                                  21                     Services
     bidding documents, safeguard       0.3 M      Post     International
     documents and to supervise to
     construct the transfer stations.
18   Infrastructure construction                            Open/             RFP        Nov 21    Apr
                                         5M        Prior
     work for transfer stations.                            International                          22                     Works
19   Feasibility study for the                              Open/             RFP        May 21    Aug                    Consulting
     environmental upgrade of El-        2M        Post     International                          21                     Services
     Akrasha Area, Qalyubia.
20   Technical assistance for                               Open/             RFP        May 21    Aug                    Consulting
     establishing and/or improving       4M        Post     International                          21                     Services
     waste management systems
21   Provision of steam sterilization                       Open/             RFB        Jun 21    Dec                    Goods
     equipment (autoclaves) COVID-      7.5 M      Prior    International                          21
23   Provision of personal protective                       Open/ Local       RFP                                         Consulting
     equipment for enhanced safety                                                       Dec 20    Apr                    Services
     and security in solid waste                                                                   21
                                        0.3 M      Post
     collection – including
     identification of target groups
     and needs assessment
25   System development and                                 Open/             RFP                                         Consulting
     training for healthcare staff on                       International                                                 Services
                                        2.2 M      Post
     safe handling, transport, and                                                       April     Sep
     disposal of healthcare waste                                                        21        21
24   Institutional support to solid                         Open/             RFB                                         Goods
     waste management agencies                              International                Dec 20    Apr
     (MoE, MoLD and SW Unit in           4M                                                        21
     Qalyubia Governorate)


                                 Estimat    Bank                       Selectio

#         Contract Description   ed Cost   Oversig   Market Approach      n                                        Type

                                    $        ht                        Method

     Component 3: Vehicle Emission Reduction USD 4 M
26   Study for electric bus routes                 Open/           RFP Sep 20  Nov       Consulting
                                       0.5 M Prior
     (detailed Designs)                            International               20        Services
27   Retrofitting of existing bus                  Open/           RFP Apr 21  Jul       Works
                                       3.5 M Prior
     depot                                         International               21
28   Procurement of e-buses                        Open/           RFB May 21 Sep        Goods
                                       30 M  Prior
                                                   International               21
     Component 4: Stakeholders engagement, awareness raising and communication USD 1.91 M
29   Political economy analysis,                   Open/           RFP Nov 20 Feb        Consulting
     stakeholder mapping and           0.2 M Post  International               21        Services
30   Implementation of SEP                         Open/           RFP Feb 21  May       Consulting
                                      0.45 M Post
     activities                                    International               21        Services
31   Development and                               Open/           RFP Feb 21  May       Consulting
     implementation of                0.22 M Post  International               21        Services
     communication plans
32   Behavior change - community                   Open/           RFP Mar 21  Jun       Consulting
     based social marketing           0.28M  Post  International               21        Services
     interventions (CBSM)
33   Implementation of priority AQM                Open/           RFP Mar 21  Jun       Consulting
                                      0.22 M Post
     awareness campaigns                           International               21        Services
34   Pilot activities with NGOs, CSOs              Open/ national  RFP May 21 Aug        Consulting
                                      0.32 M Post
                                                                               21        Services
35   Communication material,                       Open/Internatio RFP May 21 Aug        Consulting
                                      0.22M  Post
     knowledge products                            nal                         21        Services
     Component 5: Project Management and Monitoring & Evaluation USD 1.9 M
36   Individual consultants to                     Open/           RFP Sep 20 Oct        Consulting
                                       0.2 M Post
     support the PCU                               International               20        Services
37   Procurement of office furniture               Open/           RFQ Sep 20 Sep        Goods
                                       0.2 M Post
     and IT equipment for PCU                      National                    20
                Egypt, Arab Republic of : Greater Cairo Air Pollution Management and Climate Change Project
General Information
Country:           Egypt, Arab Republic of                                                                 2021-04-29
                                                      Bank’s Approval Date of the Original Procurement Plan:
                                                      Revised Plan Date(s): (comma delineated, leave blank if none)
Project ID:        P172548                            GPN Date:
Project Name:      Greater Cairo Air Pollution Management and Climate Change Project
Loan / Credit No:  IBRD / 91660, TF / C0761
                   Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency
Executing Agency(ies):

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                             Procureme Actual Am                                                                                                                                                                           Bid Evaluation Report
                                  Loan / Credit N                                                                     Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification High SEA/SH Ri                     Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu                   Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement            Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission /                                                               Contract Complet
       Description                                         Component                 Review Type       Method                                                                        nt Docume ount (US$                                                                                                                                                                           and Recommendation                    Signed Contract
                                         o.                                                                                  h             cess           (Y/N)             sk                              atus         Documents               ation Report                         ent / Justification Notice / Invitation                  s Issued        Opening / Minutes                                                                        ion
                                                                                                                                                                                       nt Type     )                                                                                                                                                                                     for Award
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Planned     Actual      Planned      Actual                     Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual       Planned     Actual  Planned     Actual    Planned     Actual                 Planned       Actual      Planned     Actual
                                                                                                                                                                                         Request for B
 EG-EEAA-326981-CW-RFB /
                                                    Support the Operationalizati                                                                                                         ids - Works (
Works of the Primary Infrastr                                                                                         Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   2024-11-0
                              IBRD / 91660          on of SWM Master Plans in G Prior              Request for Bids                                                                      without preq          0.00   Signed                                                         2022-11-30   2023-03-26   2022-12-05   2023-04-02                             2023-01-16   2023-05-31   2023-05-16   2023-09-02   2023-06-20   2023-09-20
ucture of the 10th of Ramada                                                                                          l                   nvelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    1
                                                    reater Cairo                                                                                                                         ualification)
n Integrated Solid Waste Man
agement Facility
                                                                                                                                                                                         Request for B
EG-EEAA-427094-CW-RFB /                                                                                                                   Single Stage - One E                           ids - Small W                Pending Imp                                                                                                                                                                                                                2026-10-1
                                  IBRD / 91660      Vehicle Emissions Reduction   Prior            Request for Bids   Open - National                                                                          0.00                                                                  2024-06-16                2024-06-21                                          2024-08-02                2024-09-16                2024-10-21
Construction of Depot                                                                                                                     nvelope                                        orks SPD (1 e                lementation                                                                                                                                                                                                                    1
                                                                                                                                                                                         nvelope proc
                                                                                                                                                                                         Request   for B
 EG-EEAA-432101-CW-RFB /                            Support the Operationalizati                                                                                                         ids - Small W
                                                                                                                                          Single Stage - One E                                                        Under Imple                                                                                                                                                                                                                2025-05-0
Municipal Waste Transfer Sta IBRD / 91660           on of SWM Master Plans in G Post               Request for Bids   Open - National                                                    orks SPD (2 e         0.00                                                                  2024-06-06   2024-06-06   2024-06-13   2024-07-13                             2024-08-07   2024-09-03   2024-09-06   2024-11-19   2024-10-11
                                                                                                                                          nvelope                                                                     mentation                                                                                                                                                                                                                      9
tions( in Marsafah,and ELkha                        reater Cairo                                                                                                                         nvelope proc
nka) in Qalyubia                                                                                                                                                                         ess)
                                                                                                                                                                                         Request for B
 EG-EEAA-467699-CW-RFB /                            Support the Operationalizati
                                                                                                                                          Single Stage - One E                           ids - Works (                Pending Imp                                                                                                                                                                                                                2026-05-0
Works for First cell in the 10t   IBRD / 91660      on of SWM Master Plans in G Post               Request for Bids   Open - National                                                                          0.00                                                                  2025-01-14                2025-01-19                                          2025-03-02                2025-04-01                2025-05-06
                                                                                                                                          nvelope                                        without preq                 lementation                                                                                                                                                                                                                    1
h of Ramadan                                        reater Cairo

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Bid Evaluation Report
                                  Loan / Credit N                                                                     Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification Actual Amount      Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu         Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement            Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission /
       Description                                         Component                 Review Type       Method                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            and Recommendation                    Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                         o.                                                                                  h             cess           (Y/N)           (US$)             atus         Documents              ation Report                ent / Justification Notice / Invitation                  s Issued        Opening / Minutes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               for Award
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Planned      Actual          Planned   Actual   Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual       Planned     Actual  Planned     Actual    Planned     Actual                 Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual

 EG-EEAA-273227-GO-RFQ / I                          Project Management and Mo                      Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E
                                  IBRD / 91660                                Post                                   Limited                                                 31,552.04   Signed                                                                                      2022-02-01   2022-01-23                                                                                 2022-03-29   2022-03-04   2022-09-25
T - Equipment                                       nitoring & Evaluation                          tions                                  nvelope

 EG-EEAA-298113-GO-RFQ / P                          Project Management and Mo                      Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E
                           IBRD / 91660                                       Post                                   Open - National                                              0.00   Signed                                                                                      2022-07-13                                                                                              2022-08-10   2022-09-25   2022-09-09
roject Vehicle                                      nitoring & Evaluation                          tions                                  nvelope

 EG-EEAA-302306-GO-RFQ / P                          Support the Operationalizati                   Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E
                           IBRD / 91660                                          Post                                Limited                                                      0.00   Signed                                                                                      2022-07-07   2022-07-31                                                                                 2022-07-31   2022-08-15   2022-08-31
roject Office Furniture                             on of SWM Master Plans in G                    tions                                  nvelope
                                                    reater Cairo

 EG-EEAA-302310-GO-RFQ / P                          Project Management and Mo                      Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E                           Under Imple
                            IBRD / 91660                                      Post                                   Limited                                                      0.00                                                                                               2022-07-07   2022-08-22                                                                                 2022-08-07                2022-09-06
roject Office Air Condition                         nitoring & Evaluation                          tions                                  nvelope                                        mentation

 EG-EEAA-302313-GO-RFQ / I                          Support the Operationalizati
                                                                                                   Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E
T Equipment for MOLD, Cairo IBRD / 91660            on of SWM Master Plans in G Post                                 Limited                                                      0.00   Signed                                                                                      2022-07-12   2023-06-13                                                                                 2022-08-15   2023-08-10   2022-09-14
                                                                                                   tions                                  nvelope
and Qualubeya Governorates                          reater Cairo

 EG-EEAA-333933-GO-RFQ /
                                                    Project Management and Mo                      Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E
White Goods and Kitchen tool IBRD / 91660                                     Post                                   Limited                                                      0.00   Signed                                                                                      2023-03-10   2023-03-29                                                                                 2023-05-05   2023-04-06   2023-11-01
                                                    nitoring & Evaluation                          tions                                  nvelope
s for Project HQ

 EG-EEAA-360720-GO-RFB / E                          Enhancing the Air Quality M
                                                                                                                      Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E                           Under Imple
quipment for SLCP/GHG moni IBRD / 91660             anagement & Response Syst Prior                Request for Bids                                                               0.00                                                                     2023-11-15   2024-08-11   2023-11-20   2024-08-19                             2024-01-01   2024-10-07   2024-01-31   2024-12-05   2024-03-06                2024-12-15
                                                                                                                      l                   nvelope                                        mentation
toring network & network re-                        em

 EG-EEAA-360729-GO-RFB / E                          Enhancing the Air Quality M
                                                                                                                      Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E                           Pending Impl
quipment for Improving Air Q IBRD / 91660           anagement & Response Syst Post                 Request for Bids                                                               0.00                                                                     2024-01-02                2024-01-07                                          2024-02-18                2024-03-19                2024-04-23                2024-07-23
                                                                                                                      l                   nvelope                                        ementation
uality Forecasting                                  em

 EG-EEAA-380798-GO-RFQ / I                          Enhancing the Air Quality M                    Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E                           Under Imple
                                  IBRD / 91660                                  Post                                 Limited                                                      0.00                                                                                               2023-09-22   2024-01-25                                                                                 2023-11-17                2024-05-15
T Equipment for component                           anagement & Response Syst                      tions                                  nvelope                                        mentation
1,3 &5                                              em

 EG-EEAA-407492-GO-RFQ / t                          Project Management and Mo                      Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E
                                  IBRD / 91660                                Post                                   Limited                                                      0.00   Signed                                                                                      2024-02-05   2024-02-04                                                                                 2024-02-18   2024-02-14   2025-02-17
he PCU office furniture Batch                       nitoring & Evaluation                          tions                                  nvelope

 EG-EEAA-407717-GO-RFQ / P
rocurement of goods (Banara
                                                    Enhanced Capacity, Behavio
s, flayers, rollups, trophies an                                                                   Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E                           Pending Impl
                                 IBRD / 91660       ral Change and Communicat Post                                   Limited - National                                           0.00                                                                                               2024-02-26                                                                                              2024-04-22                2024-10-19
d stationaries) for institution                                                                    tions                                  nvelope                                        ementation
al strengthening of awarenes
s campaigns of waste collecti
on authority

 EG-EEAA-407496-GO-RFQ / S
upply of IT equipment for Uni
                                                    Support the Operationalizati
versity Hospitals (Ain Shams                                                                       Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E                           Under Imple
                               IBRD / 91660         on of SWM Master Plans in G Post                                 Limited - National                                           0.00                                                                                               2024-02-23   2024-04-28                                                                                 2024-04-19                2024-10-16
and Qasr El-Eini, French Hosp                                                                      tions                                  nvelope                                        mentation
                                                    reater Cairo
ital), And WMRA (institutional
Support , IT equipment Batch

 EG-EEAA-427093-GO-RFB / P
                                                                                                                      Open - Internationa Single Stage - Two E                           Under Imple
rocurement of Electric Buses IBRD / 91660           Vehicle Emissions Reduction   Prior            Request for Bids                                                               0.00                                                                     2024-06-02   2024-08-26   2024-06-07   2024-11-05                             2024-07-19   2024-12-17   2024-10-31                2024-12-05                2026-11-25
                                                                                                                      l                   nvelope                                        mentation
and chargers

 EG-EEAA-437065-GO-RFQ /                            Enhancing the Air Quality M
                                                                                                   Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E                           Under Imple
Air Quality Monitoring Shelter IBRD / 91660         anagement & Response Syst Post                                   Limited - National                                           0.00                                                                                               2024-08-05   2024-08-11                                                                                 2024-09-30                2025-03-29
                                                                                                   tions                                  nvelope                                        mentation
s and laboratory Supplies (2                        em

 EG-EEAA-437066-GO-DIR / P                          Enhancing the Air Quality M
                                                                                                                                                                                         Under Imple
rovision of Spare parts for Io    IBRD / 91660      anagement & Response Syst Post                 Direct Selection   Direct - National                                           0.00                                                                     2024-07-21   2024-07-30   2024-07-26   2024-08-08                                                                                 2024-08-30                2025-02-26
n Chromatography                                    em

 EG-EEAA-437069-GO-DIR / P                          Enhancing the Air Quality M
                                                                                                                                                                                         Under Imple
rovision of Spare Parts for W     IBRD / 91660      anagement & Response Syst Post                 Direct Selection   Direct - National                                           0.00                                                                     2024-07-21   2024-07-30   2024-07-26   2024-08-08                                                                                 2024-08-30                2025-02-26
ater Purification System                            em

 EG-EEAA-437071-GO-DIR / P                          Enhancing the Air Quality M
                                                                                                                                                                                         Under Imple
rovision of Spare Parts for NO IBRD / 91660         anagement & Response Syst Post                 Direct Selection   Direct - National                                           0.00                                                                     2024-07-07   2024-07-30   2024-07-12   2024-08-08                                                                                 2024-08-16                2025-02-12
x, SO2, CO, O3 Monitors                             em

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Page 1
 EG-EEAA-437072-GO-DIR / P                        Enhancing the Air Quality M
                                                                                                                      Direct - Internation                                                             Under Imple
rovision of Spare Parts for Or IBRD / 91660       anagement & Response Syst Post                 Direct Selection                                                                               0.00                                                                        2024-07-07   2024-07-30   2024-07-12   2024-08-08                                                                                 2024-08-16                2025-02-12
                                                                                                                      al                                                                               mentation
ganic and Elemental Carbon I                      em

 EG-EEAA-442541-GO-RFQ / I                        Enhancing the Air Quality M
                                                                                                 Request for Quota                           Single Stage - One E                                      Pending Impl
T and Network Equipments fo IBRD / 91660          anagement & Response Syst Post                                   Limited - National                                                           0.00                                                                                                  2024-08-05                                                                                              2024-09-30                2025-03-29
                                                                                                 tions                                       nvelope                                                   ementation
r Black Could Period                              em

 EG-EEAA-445409-GO-RFB /                          Enhancing the Air Quality M
                                                                                                                      Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E                                         Pending Impl
Monitoring and Analyzing Eq     IBRD / 91660      anagement & Response Syst Post                 Request for Bids                                                                               0.00                                                                        2024-10-03                2024-10-08                                          2024-11-19                2024-12-19                2025-01-23                2025-07-22
                                                                                                                      l                   nvelope                                                      ementation
uipment for Black Cloud                           em

 EG-EEAA-466215-GO-RFQ / L                        Enhancing the Air Quality M
                                                                                                 Request for Quota                           Single Stage - One E                                      Under Imple
aboratory chemicals, supplie IBRD / 91660         anagement & Response Syst Post                                   Limited - National                                                           0.00                                                                                                  2024-12-23   2024-12-24                                                                                 2025-02-17                2025-08-16
                                                                                                 tions                                       nvelope                                                   mentation
s ,glassware, and spare parts                     em

 EG-EEAA-467056-GO-RFQ / P                        Enhancing the Air Quality M
                                                                                                 Request for Quota Limited - Internatio      Single Stage - One E                                      Under Imple
urchasing data loggers for th IBRD / 91660        anagement & Response Syst Post                                                                                                                0.00                                                                                                  2024-12-30   2024-12-25                                                                                 2025-02-24                2025-08-23
                                                                                                 tions             nal                       nvelope                                                   mentation
e EEAA air monitoring station                     em

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Bid Evaluation Report
                                Loan / Credit N                                                                       Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification Actual Amount                    Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu            Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement            Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission /
       Description                                       Component                 Review Type       Method                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               and Recommendation                    Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                       o.                                                                                    h             cess           (Y/N)           (US$)                           atus         Documents              ation Report                   ent / Justification Notice / Invitation                  s Issued        Opening / Minutes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                for Award
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Planned       Actual        Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual       Planned     Actual  Planned     Actual    Planned     Actual                 Planned       Actual      Planned      Actual

EG-EEAA-355105-NC-DIR / O                         Enhancing the Air Quality M
                                IBRD / 91660                                  Post               Direct Selection     Direct - National                                                         0.00   Signed                                                               2022-11-15   2022-11-21   2022-11-20   2022-11-23                                                                                 2022-12-25   2023-01-01   2023-06-23
UDA Payment Services                              anagement & Response Syst

 EG-EEAA-407699-NC-DIR / C
                                                  Enhancing the Air Quality M
hassis Dynamometer Mainte                                                                                                                                                                              Under Imple
                            IBRD / 91660          anagement & Response Syst Post                 Direct Selection     Direct - National                                                         0.00                                                                        2024-05-01   2024-07-14   2024-05-06   2024-08-08                                                                                 2024-06-10                2024-12-07
nance and the Exhaust Emiss                                                                                                                                                                            mentation
ions Analysis system

 EG-EEAA-419513-NC-RFQ /                          Enhanced Capacity, Behavio
                                                                                                 Request for Quota                           Single Stage - One E
Media Production Agency to      IBRD / 91660      ral Change and Communicat Post                                   Limited - National                                                           0.00   Canceled                                                                                       2024-04-04                                                                                              2024-05-30                2024-06-28
                                                                                                 tions                                       nvelope
produce a looping demo                            ion

 EG-EEAA-439429-NC-RFQ / V                        Enhancing the Air Quality M                    Request for Quota                           Single Stage - One E                                      Under Imple
                               IBRD / 91660                                   Post                                 Limited - National                                                           0.00                                                                                                  2024-07-23   2024-08-11                                                                                 2024-09-17                2025-03-16
ehicles Rental for black cloud                    anagement & Response Syst                      tions                                       nvelope                                                   mentation
campaign                                          em

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Combined Evaluation
                                Loan / Credit N                                                                       Market Approac          Contract Type         Actual Amount                                                  Expression of Interest Short List and Draft R Request for Proposals Opening of Technical                  Evaluation of Technic
       Description                                       Component                 Review Type        Method                                                                         Process Status     Terms of Reference                                                                                                                                         Report and Draft Neg            Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                       o.                                                                                    h                                          (US$)                                                             Notice          equest for Proposals        as Issued         Proposals / Minutes                       al Proposal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      otiated Contract
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Planned        Actual       Planned        Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned      Actual    Planned     Actual           Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual
 EG-EEAA-170002- CS-QCBS /
Maximize the newly establish                      Support the Operationalizati
                                                                                                 Quality And Cost-    Open - Internationa
ed WMRA financial resources IBRD / 91660          on of SWM Master Plans in G Post                                                                                       73,455.52   Signed            2021-04-21     2021-04-20   2021-04-21     2021-05-04   2021-05-04   2021-06-10                             2021-05-18   2021-07-07   2021-05-19   2021-07-07   2021-05-20   2021-07-11   2021-05-24   2021-08-16   2021-11-17
                                                                                                 Based Selection      l
in line with the most recent                      reater Cairo
Waste Management Regulati
on Law No. 202 of 2020

 EG-EEAA-170001- CS-QCBS /                        Project Management and Mo                      Quality And Cost-
                           IBRD / 91660                                     Post                                      Open - National                                         0.00   Canceled          2021-04-21     2021-04-30   2021-04-25     2021-05-04   2021-05-10                                          2021-05-30                2021-05-30                2021-06-03                2021-07-01                2022-07-01
Project Coordinator                               nitoring & Evaluation                          Based Selection

 EG-EEAA-239496-CS-QCBS /
Consultancy for 10th of Ram
adan for the Integrated Wast
                                                  Support the Operationalizati
e Management Facility                                                                            Quality And Cost-
                                IBRD / 91660      on of SWM Master Plans in G Post                                    Open - National                                   115,849.41   Signed            2021-06-16     2021-06-30   2021-06-17     2021-06-30   2021-07-08   2021-09-21                             2021-08-29   2021-11-07   2021-08-29   2021-11-30   2021-09-09   2022-01-02   2021-10-10   2022-02-11   2022-01-10
Preparation of Detailed Engin                                                                    Based Selection
                                                  reater Cairo
eering Design and Tender Do
for Basic Infrastructure & Site
Supervision of Construction
 EG-EEAA-252242-CS-QCBS /
Electric Bus (e-bus) Demonst
                                                                                                 Quality And Cost-    Open - Internationa
ration Project Detailed Planni IBRD / 91660       Vehicle Emissions Reduction   Prior                                                                                         0.00   Signed            2021-09-16     2021-10-20   2021-10-07     2021-11-17   2021-11-20   2022-02-08                             2022-01-04   2022-03-27   2022-01-04   2022-06-26   2022-02-08   2022-11-17   2022-02-27   2022-12-01   2023-05-30
                                                                                                 Based Selection      l
ng and Design Study for Cair
o Transport Authority (CTA)

 EG-EEAA-273225-CS-QCBS /
Project Structuring and Trans
                                                  Support the Operationalizati
action Advisory Services for t                                                                   Quality And Cost-    Open - Internationa
                               IBRD / 91660       on of SWM Master Plans in G Post                                                                                            0.00   Signed            2022-01-20     2022-01-18   2022-02-10     2022-03-31   2022-03-26   2022-07-08                             2022-04-23   2022-08-18   2022-05-23   2022-10-05   2022-06-27   2022-09-29   2022-08-01   2023-02-01   2023-08-01
he establishment of an Integr                                                                    Based Selection      l
                                                  reater Cairo
ated Solid Waste Manageme
nt Facility for Qalyubia Gover

 EG-EEAA-273226-CS-QCBS /
                                                  Support the Operationalizati
Management and Technical S                                                                       Quality And Cost-    Open - Internationa
                            IBRD / 91660          on of SWM Master Plans in G Prior                                                                                           0.00   Signed            2022-01-20     2022-03-21   2022-02-10     2022-03-31   2022-03-26   2022-07-26                             2022-04-23   2022-09-08   2022-05-23   2022-10-17   2022-06-27   2023-01-15   2022-08-01   2023-02-01   2025-08-01
upport for Solid Waste Mana                                                                      Based Selection      l
                                                  reater Cairo
gement Component

 EG-EEAA-273277-CS-FBS / M                        Enhanced Capacity, Behavio                     Quality And Cost-
                           IBRD / 91660                                      Post                                     Open - National                                         0.00   Canceled          2022-02-06                  2022-02-27                  2022-04-12                                          2022-05-10                2022-06-09                2022-07-14                2022-08-18                2025-08-18
edia and Branding                                 ral Change and Communicat                      Based Selection

 EG-EEAA-289919-CS-CQS / T                        Project Management and Mo                      Consultant Qualifi
                           IBRD / 91660                                     Post                                      Limited                                                 0.00   Signed            2022-04-14     2022-06-02                               2022-04-21   2022-10-10                                                                                 2022-04-28   2022-12-15   2022-05-15   2022-12-22   2023-05-15
ranslation Service                                nitoring & Evaluation                          cation Selection

EG-EEAA-292985-CS-CQS /                           Enhanced Capacity, Behavio                     Consultant Qualifi
                                IBRD / 91660                                 Post                                     Limited                                                 0.00   Signed            2022-05-01     2022-05-16                               2022-05-15   2022-07-06                                                                                 2022-06-14   2022-12-19   2022-07-19   2023-01-03   2023-07-19
Media and Branding (1)                            ral Change and Communicat                      cation Selection

 EG-EEAA-308070-CS-LCS / E                        Project Management and Mo                      Least Cost Selecti
                                IBRD / 91660                                Post                                      Open - National                                         0.00   Signed            2022-08-14     2022-08-15   2022-09-04     2022-09-25   2022-10-18   2022-12-25                             2022-11-15   2023-02-05   2022-12-15   2023-02-12   2023-01-19   2023-02-19   2023-02-23   2023-02-23   2025-03-02
xternal Financial Audit                           nitoring & Evaluation                          on

 EG-EEAA-247116-CS-QCBS /
Management and Technical S
upport Consultant for AQM -
advisory services and technic                     Enhancing the Air Quality M
                                                                                                 Quality And Cost-    Open - Internationa
al assistance in managing an IBRD / 91660         anagement & Response Syst Prior                                                                                             0.00   Canceled          2021-09-16     2021-10-13   2021-09-22     2021-11-11   2021-10-27   2022-01-17                             2021-12-11   2022-03-10   2021-12-11   2022-04-21   2021-12-22   2023-01-04   2022-01-26                2026-07-11
                                                                                                 Based Selection      l
d implementing the project a                      em
cross a range of topics relate
d to AQM planning to address
air pollution and climate miti
gation in Greater Cairo.

 EG-EEAA-346347-CS-QCBS /
Technical Support for providi                     Enhancing the Air Quality M
                                                                                                 Quality And Cost-    Open - Internationa
ng recommendations for the      IBRD / 91660      anagement & Response Syst Post                                                                                              0.00   Signed            2023-03-06     2023-03-11   2023-03-14     2023-03-20   2023-04-27   2023-05-03                             2023-05-25   2023-06-14   2023-06-24   2023-07-09   2023-07-29   2023-07-30   2023-09-02   2023-09-04   2024-10-26
                                                                                                 Based Selection      l
deployment, operation and                         em
maintenance of an SLCP/ GH
G monitoring network

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Page 2
 EG-EEAA-346356-CS-QCBS /
                                                 Enhancing the Air Quality M
Developing Mobile Source E                                                                     Quality And Cost-    Open - Internationa
                               IBRD / 91660      anagement & Response Syst Post                                                                                     0.00   Canceled          2023-03-12   2023-03-12   2023-04-02     2023-03-20   2023-05-16   2023-06-11                             2023-06-13   2023-07-26   2023-07-13   2023-08-15   2023-08-17                2023-09-07                2024-12-31
missions Inventory and Emis                                                                    Based Selection      l
sions Inventory Integration

 EG-EEAA-346366-CS-CQS / T
echnical Support for Source                      Enhancing the Air Quality M
                                                                                               Consultant Qualifi   Open - Internationa
Apportionment Analysis - sa    IBRD / 91660      anagement & Response Syst Post                                                                                     0.00   Signed            2023-06-15   2023-03-30   2023-07-06     2023-04-11   2023-08-19   2023-06-11                                                                                 2023-09-18   2023-08-24   2023-10-02   2023-09-01   2025-03-25
                                                                                               cation Selection     l
mpling, laboratory analysis, a                   em
nd statistical analysis

 EG-EEAA-360722-CS-QCBS /
                                                 Enhancing the Air Quality M
Developing an Integrated Cli                                                                   Quality And Cost-    Open - Internationa
                             IBRD / 91660        anagement & Response Syst Prior                                                                                    0.00   Canceled          2023-05-15   2023-06-05   2023-06-01     2023-06-10   2023-07-02   2023-10-17                             2023-07-30   2023-12-05   2023-08-17   2024-02-27   2023-09-04                2023-09-28                2024-12-26
mate and Air Quality Manage                                                                    Based Selection      l
ment (IC-AQMP) “Action” Pla

 EG-EEAA-362805-CS-CQS / H                       Support the Operationalizati
                                                                                               Consultant Qualifi
ealthcare Waste Managemen IBRD / 91660           on of SWM Master Plans in G Post                                   Limited                                         0.00   Signed            2023-06-15   2023-07-09                               2023-06-29   2023-10-15                                                                                 2023-07-29   2023-12-01   2023-09-02   2023-12-10   2024-02-29
                                                                                               cation Selection
t consultant for Hospital asse                   reater Cairo

 EG-EEAA-360587-CS-CQS / E                       Support the Operationalizati
                                                                                               Consultant Qualifi
nvironmental and Social impl IBRD / 91660        on of SWM Master Plans in G Post                                   Open - National                                 0.00   Signed            2023-05-10   2023-09-03   2023-05-31     2023-10-04   2023-07-04   2023-11-27                                                                                 2023-07-24   2024-02-14   2023-08-28   2024-01-31   2024-02-24
                                                                                               cation Selection
ementation support                               reater Cairo

 EG-EEAA-381784-CS-QCBS /
Communication Consulting Fi                      Enhanced Capacity, Behavio
                                                                                               Quality And Cost-    Open - Internationa
rm for developing and imple IBRD / 91660         ral Change and Communicat Post                                                                                     0.00   Canceled          2023-09-13   2023-10-01   2023-10-04                  2023-11-17                                          2023-12-15                2024-01-14                2024-02-18                2024-03-24                2025-03-24
                                                                                               Based Selection      l
menting a Communication St                       ion
rategy and Operational Plan f
or the project

 EG-EEAA-391891-CS-CQS / H
ire a Firm in Behavioral Scien                   Enhanced Capacity, Behavio
                                                                                               Consultant Qualifi   Open - Internationa                                    Under Implement
ce Advisory Services to desig IBRD / 91660       ral Change and Communicat Post                                                                                     0.00                     2023-11-15   2023-11-19   2023-12-06     2024-06-12   2024-01-19   2024-08-13                                                                                 2024-02-18   2024-08-13   2024-03-24                2024-09-20
                                                                                               cation Selection     l                                                      ation
n five BI interventions to sup                   ion
port the project’s objectives

 EG-EEAA-391255-CS-FBS / D
                                                 Enhanced Capacity, Behavio
eveloping and implementing                                                                     Fixed Budget Sele                                                           Under Implement
                               IBRD / 91660      ral Change and Communicat Post                                     Open - National                                 0.00                     2023-11-22   2023-11-21   2023-12-13     2024-01-21   2024-01-26   2024-03-04                             2024-02-23                2024-03-24                2024-04-28                2024-06-02                2025-06-02
a comprehensive awareness                                                                      ction                                                                       ation
raising campaign on Black Cl

 EG-EEAA-387499-CS-QCBS /
                                                 Enhancing the Air Quality M
Developing mobile source e                                                                     Quality And Cost-    Open - Internationa
                             IBRD / 91660        anagement & Response Syst Prior                                                                                    0.00   Canceled          2023-10-23   2023-11-27   2023-11-13     2024-01-22   2023-12-27                                          2024-01-24                2024-02-23                2024-03-29                2024-05-03                2025-05-03
missions inventory & emissio                                                                   Based Selection      l
ns inventory integration

 EG-EEAA-360728-CS-QCBS /
                                                 Enhancing the Air Quality M
Develop advanced AQ Foreca                                                                     Quality And Cost-    Open - Internationa
                                IBRD / 91660     anagement & Response Syst Prior                                                                                    0.00   Canceled          2023-06-01   2023-11-01   2023-06-22     2023-12-28   2023-07-20                                          2023-08-17                2023-09-01                2023-10-06                2023-10-30                2025-06-30
sting system - integrating an                                                                  Based Selection      l
d analyzing the air quality for
ecasting data

 EG-EEAA-418890-CS-QCBS /
                                                 Enhancing the Air Quality M
Developing mobile source e                                                                     Quality And Cost-    Open - Internationa
                             IBRD / 91660        anagement & Response Syst Prior                                                                                    0.00   Under Review      2024-03-31   2024-05-16   2024-04-21     2024-06-29   2024-06-04   2024-11-19                             2024-07-02   2024-11-18   2024-08-01                2024-09-05                2024-10-10                2025-10-10
missions inventory & emissio                                                                   Based Selection      l
ns inventory integration-3

 EG-EEAA-424705-CS-QCBS /
                                                 Enhancing the Air Quality M
Developing an Integrated Cli                                                                   Quality And Cost-    Open - Internationa                                    Under Implement
                             IBRD / 91660        anagement & Response Syst Prior                                                                                    0.00                     2023-05-15   2024-05-29   2023-06-05                  2023-07-19                                          2023-08-16                2023-09-15                2023-10-20   2024-09-30   2023-11-24                2024-11-23
mate and Air Quality Manage                                                                    Based Selection      l                                                      ation
ment (IC-AQMP) “Action” Pla

 EG-EEAA-289928-CS-CQS / E                       Enhancing the Air Quality M                   Consultant Qualifi
                           IBRD / 91660                                      Post                                   Limited                                         0.00   Canceled          2022-04-24                                            2022-05-08                                                                                              2022-06-07                2022-07-12                2023-07-12
SIA Advisory Services                            anagement & Response Syst                     cation Selection

 EG-EEAA-439492-CS-QCBS /
                                                                                               Quality And Cost-
Consultancy Services for Am    IBRD / 91660      Vehicle Emissions Reduction   Post                                 Open - National                                 0.00   Under Review      2024-08-11                2024-09-01                  2024-10-15                                          2024-11-12                2024-12-12                2025-01-16                2025-02-20                2026-02-20
                                                                                               Based Selection
eriyah Depot and Admin Buil
ding Retrofitting

 EG-EEAA-439435-NC-RFQ / D                       Enhanced Capacity, Behavio                    Consultant Qualifi                                                          Pending Impleme
                           IBRD / 91660                                     Post                                    Open - National                                 0.00                     2024-08-07                2024-08-17                  2024-09-02                                                                                              2024-09-17                2024-10-08                2025-04-06
evelop GCCC website                              ral Change and Communicat                     cation Selection                                                            ntation

 EG-EEAA-437111-NC-RFP / hi                      Enhanced Capacity, Behavio                    Quality And Cost-    Open - Internationa
                            IBRD / 91660                                    Prior                                                                                   0.00   Under Review      2024-08-12   2024-11-08   2024-09-02                  2024-10-16                                          2024-11-13                2024-12-13                2025-01-17                2025-02-21                2026-02-21
ring the marketing communi                       ral Change and Communicat                     Based Selection      l
cation firm                                      ion

 EG-EEAA-446406-CS-CQS / E
ngineering Supervision for Co                    Support the Operationalizati
                                                                                               Consultant Qualifi                                                          Pending Impleme
nstruction of Two Municipal S IBRD / 91660       on of SWM Master Plans in G Post                                   Open - National                                 0.00                     2024-08-28                2024-09-07                  2024-10-12                                                                                              2024-10-22                2024-11-13                2025-08-20
                                                                                               cation Selection                                                            ntation
olid Waste Transfer Stations i                   reater Cairo
n Khanka and/or Marsafah, Q
alyubia Governorate

 EG-EEAA-450629-CS-CQS / A                       Support the Operationalizati                  Consultant Qualifi                                                          Under Implement
                             IBRD / 91660                                     Post                                  Limited - National                              0.00                     2024-09-16   2024-12-04                               2024-09-30                                                                                              2024-10-30                2024-12-04                2025-06-02
dvisory services for DBFO co                     on of SWM Master Plans in G                   cation Selection                                                            ation
ntract                                           reater Cairo

 EG-EEAA-455983-CS-CQS / D                       Improved E-Waste and HCW
                                                                                               Consultant Qualifi                                                          Under Implement
evelopment of e Waste legal TF / C0761           management for Reduction      Post                                 Open - National                                 0.00                     2024-10-31   2024-12-17   2024-11-21                  2025-01-04                                                                                              2025-02-03                2025-03-10                2026-03-10
                                                                                               cation Selection                                                            ation
system and Standard Operati                      of uPOPs
ng Procedures

 EG-EEAA-459006-CS-CQS / s
ervices of a design and engin                                                                  Consultant Qualifi                                                          Pending Impleme
                              IBRD / 91660       Vehicle Emissions Reduction   Post                                 Open - National                                 0.00                     2024-11-11                2024-12-02                  2025-01-15                                                                                              2025-02-14                2025-03-21                2025-09-17
eering consultancy firm for d                                                                  cation Selection                                                            ntation
ope administrative building

 EG-EEAA-458996-CS-CQS / A                       Improved E-Waste and HCW
                                                                                               Consultant Qualifi                                                          Under Implement
ssessment and Technical Ass TF / C0761           management for Reduction      Post                                 Open - National                                 0.00                     2024-12-24   2024-12-22   2025-01-14                  2025-02-27                                                                                              2025-03-29                2025-05-03                2026-05-03
                                                                                               cation Selection                                                            ation
istance for E-waste Recyclers                    of uPOPs

Activity Reference No. /       Loan / Credit N                                                                      Market Approac                        Actual Amount                                                Invitation to Identifie Draft Negotiated Cont
                                                        Component                Review Type       Method                                 Contract Type                    Process Status    Teams of Reference                                                                Signed Contract         Contract Completion
       Description                    o.                                                                                   h                                  (US$)                                                    d/Selected Consultant            ract
                                                                                                                                                                                             Planned       Actual       Planned       Actual    Planned      Actual          Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual

 EG-EEAA-233536-CS-INDV /                        Project Management and Mo                     Individual Consult
                               IBRD / 91660                                Post                                     Open                                       53,554.35   Signed            2021-05-10   2021-04-30   2021-06-14     2021-07-07   2021-06-16   2021-07-28   2021-07-01   2021-09-02   2022-07-31
Project Coordinator                              nitoring & Evaluation                         ant Selection

 EG-EEAA-244229-CS-CDS / S                       Project Management and Mo
                             IBRD / 91660                                  Post                Direct Selection     Direct                                     35,143.95   Signed            2021-07-16   2021-07-27   2021-07-26     2021-08-16                             2021-08-01   2021-08-23   2022-08-01
enior Procurement Specialist                     nitoring & Evaluation

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Page 3
 EG-EEAA-244233-CS-CDS / S
                                              Project Management and Mo
enior Legal and Governance IBRD / 91660                                 Post       Direct Selection     Direct                40,303.53   Signed            2021-07-18   2021-07-27   2021-07-28     2021-08-16                             2021-08-01   2021-08-23   2022-08-01
                                              nitoring & Evaluation

 EG-EEAA-244235-CS-CDS / S                    Support the Operationalizati
                           IBRD / 91660                                    Post    Direct Selection     Direct                40,303.53   Signed            2021-07-18   2021-07-27   2021-07-28     2021-08-16                             2021-08-01   2021-08-23   2022-08-01
enior Waste Management Pro                    on of SWM Master Plans in G
fessional                                     reater Cairo

 EG-EEAA-250539-CS-INDV /                     Enhancing the Air Quality M          Individual Consult
                               IBRD / 91660                               Post                          Limited               18,479.21   Signed            2021-08-30   2021-08-31   2021-09-06     2021-08-15   2021-09-12   2021-08-20   2021-09-17   2021-09-23   2022-09-17
Environmental Specialist                      anagement & Response Syst            ant Selection

 EG-EEAA-253220-CS-INDV /                     Project Management and Mo            Individual Consult
                               IBRD / 91660                             Post                            Limited               37,211.67   Signed            2021-09-21   2021-10-01   2021-09-26     2021-09-01   2021-09-29   2021-09-15   2021-10-04   2021-10-27   2022-09-29
Senior Financial Specialist                   nitoring & Evaluation                ant Selection

 EG-EEAA-253225-CS-INDV /                     Project Management and Mo            Individual Consult
                               IBRD / 91660                             Post                            Limited                    0.00   Signed            2021-09-21   2021-10-01   2021-09-26     2022-10-01   2021-09-28   2022-10-01   2021-10-04   2021-10-02   2022-09-29
Project Assistant                             nitoring & Evaluation                ant Selection

 EG-EEAA-253333-CS-CDS / P
reparation of Environmental
                                              Support the Operationalizati
and social instrument for the
                              IBRD / 91660    on of SWM Master Plans in G Post     Direct Selection     Direct                24,626.86   Signed            2021-09-26   2022-03-14   2021-10-06     2022-05-08                             2021-10-31   2022-06-08   2022-04-29
10th of Ramadan Basic Infras
                                              reater Cairo
tructure of the Integrated Wa
ste Management Facility pac

 EG-EEAA-253222-CS-INDV /                     Project Management and Mo            Individual Consult
                             IBRD / 91660                               Post                            Limited                    0.00   Canceled          2022-01-15   2022-01-25   2022-01-20     2022-02-10   2022-01-24   2022-02-15   2022-02-01                2023-01-31
Senior Procurement Specialis                  nitoring & Evaluation                ant Selection
t (2)

 EG-EEAA-250536-CS-INDV /                     Enhancing the Air Quality M
                                                                                   Individual Consult
Social Development and Gen     IBRD / 91660   anagement & Response Syst Post                            Open                  14,362.93   Signed            2022-01-05   2021-10-07   2022-02-23     2021-11-21   2022-02-25   2022-02-26   2022-03-12   2022-05-30   2023-03-11
                                                                                   ant Selection
der Specialist                                em

 EG-EEAA-271141-CS-INDV /                     Enhanced Capacity, Behavio           Individual Consult
                               IBRD / 91660                              Post                           Open                       0.00   Canceled          2021-12-30   2022-01-18   2022-02-17                  2022-03-10                2022-04-01                2023-03-30
Communication Senior Advis                    ral Change and Communicat            ant Selection
or                                            ion

 EG-EEAA-253428-CS-INDV /                     Project Management and Mo            Individual Consult
                             IBRD / 91660                               Post                            Limited                8,533.92   Signed            2021-12-30   2022-01-18   2022-01-04     2022-01-27   2022-01-09   2022-01-27   2022-01-16   2022-05-02   2023-01-15
Operational Manual Preparati                  nitoring & Evaluation                ant Selection

 EG-EEAA-286893-CS-INDV /
Technical Evaluation Consult
ant - Electric Bus (e-bus) De                                                      Individual Consult
                               IBRD / 91660   Vehicle Emissions Reduction   Post                        Limited                2,056.39   Signed            2022-03-26   2022-04-05   2022-03-27     2022-04-08   2022-03-29   2022-04-08   2022-03-30   2022-04-22   2022-04-30
monstration Project Detailed                                                       ant Selection
Planning and Design Study fo
r Cairo Transport Authority (C

 EG-EEAA-288479-CS-INDV /
Technical Evaluation Consult
ant (2) - Electric Bus (e-bus)                                                     Individual Consult
                               IBRD / 91660   Vehicle Emissions Reduction   Post                        Limited                1,503.92   Signed            2022-04-06   2022-04-10   2022-04-07     2022-04-13   2022-04-07   2022-04-12   2022-04-10   2022-04-18   2022-05-10
Demonstration Project Detail                                                       ant Selection
ed Planning and Design Stud
y for Cairo Transport Authorit
y (CTA)

EG-EEAA-291298-CS-INDV /                      Enhanced Capacity, Behavio           Individual Consult
                               IBRD / 91660                              Post                           Limited               14,023.09   Signed            2022-04-24   2022-04-27   2022-05-15     2022-08-07   2022-05-19   2022-08-07   2022-06-01   2022-09-05   2023-05-28
Communication Specialist                      ral Change and Communicat            ant Selection

 EG-EEAA-298186-CS-CDS / S                    Support the Operationalizati
                           IBRD / 91660                                    Post    Direct Selection     Direct                     0.00   Signed            2022-06-05   2022-12-11   2022-06-12     2022-08-01                             2022-06-15   2023-08-01   2023-06-15
olid Waste Management Con                     on of SWM Master Plans in G
sultant                                       reater Cairo

EG-EEAA-302288-CS-INDV /                      Project Management and Mo            Individual Consult
                               IBRD / 91660                             Post                            Limited                    0.00   Signed            2022-07-14   2022-08-07   2022-07-17     2022-09-07   2022-07-24   2022-09-11   2022-08-10   2022-11-01   2023-08-09
M&E Specialist                                nitoring & Evaluation                ant Selection

 EG-EEAA-308069-CS-INDV /                     Project Management and Mo            Individual Consult
                             IBRD / 91660                               Post                            Limited               28,842.66   Signed            2022-08-07   2022-07-15   2022-08-07     2022-06-15   2022-08-07   2022-06-15   2022-08-07   2022-07-23   2023-07-31
2. Senior Procurement Specia                  nitoring & Evaluation                ant Selection

 EG-EEAA-310322-CS-CDS / 1                    Project Management and Mo
                             IBRD / 91660                               Post       Direct Selection     Direct - National     30,400.79   Signed            2022-08-19   2022-09-15   2022-08-24     2022-08-02                             2022-08-25   2022-08-06   2023-07-30
.Senior Procurement Speciali                  nitoring & Evaluation

 EG-EEAA-310335-CS-CDS / P                    Project Management and Mo
                           IBRD / 91660                                 Post       Direct Selection     Direct - National          0.00   Signed            2022-08-19   2022-09-15   2022-08-24     2022-08-02                             2022-08-28   2022-08-02   2023-07-30
roject Coordinator                            nitoring & Evaluation

 EG-EEAA-310342-CS-CDS / S                    Support the Operationalizati
enior Solid Waste Manageme IBRD / 91660       on of SWM Master Plans in G Post     Direct Selection     Direct - National          0.00   Signed            2022-08-19   2022-09-15   2022-08-25     2022-08-08                             2022-08-28   2022-08-08   2023-07-30
nt Advisor                                    reater Cairo

 EG-EEAA-322061-CS-CDS / E                    Project Management and Mo
                           IBRD / 91660                                 Post       Direct Selection     Direct - National          0.00   Signed            2022-10-20   2022-08-15   2022-10-25     2022-08-09                             2022-10-25   2022-09-01   2023-08-30
nvironmental Specialist                       nitoring & Evaluation

 EG-EEAA-326989-CS-INDV /                     Enhancing the Air Quality M
                                                                                   Individual Consult   Open - Internationa
Lead Advisory Consultant for   IBRD / 91660   anagement & Response Syst Post                                                       0.00   Signed            2022-11-24   2022-11-27   2023-01-12     2023-01-10   2023-02-02   2023-01-31   2023-03-09   2023-02-01   2023-09-05
                                                                                   ant Selection        l
Component (1)                                 em

 EG-EEAA-330433-CS-INDV /                     Project Management and Mo            Individual Consult
                               IBRD / 91660                             Post                            Limited                    0.00   Signed            2022-12-14   2023-01-30   2022-12-19     2023-12-05   2022-12-22   2022-12-21   2023-01-01   2023-02-01   2024-01-01
Financial Assistant                           nitoring & Evaluation                ant Selection

 EG-EEAA-355594-CS-INDV /                     Project Management and Mo            Individual Consult
                          IBRD / 91660                                  Post                            Limited                    0.00   Signed            2023-04-09   2023-04-02   2023-04-14     2023-05-18   2023-05-05   2023-05-24   2023-06-09   2023-05-01   2023-12-06
SENIOR PROCUREMENT SPEC                       nitoring & Evaluation                ant Selection

EG-EEAA-356469-CS-INDV /                      Project Management and Mo            Individual Consult
                               IBRD / 91660                             Post                            Limited                    0.00   Signed            2023-04-13   2023-04-02   2023-04-18     2023-04-18   2023-05-09   2023-04-18   2023-06-13   2023-05-01   2023-12-10
M&E Specialist                                nitoring & Evaluation                ant Selection

 EG-EEAA-360655-CS-INDV /                     Support the Operationalizati         Individual Consult
                               IBRD / 91660                                Post                         Limited                    0.00   Signed            2023-05-14   2023-05-01   2023-05-19     2023-05-02   2023-06-09   2023-05-04   2023-06-30   2024-04-02   2023-12-27
Project engineer                              on of SWM Master Plans in G          ant Selection
                                              reater Cairo

 EG-EEAA-360727-CS-INDV /
                                              Enhancing the Air Quality M
Provide recommendations for                                                        Individual Consult                                     Under Implement
                            IBRD / 91660      anagement & Response Syst Post                            Open - National            0.00                     2023-05-08   2023-06-04   2023-06-02     2023-08-14   2023-06-05                2023-06-27                2023-07-27
improving Emergency Respo                                                          ant Selection                                          ation
nse Mechanism for the Black

 EG-EEAA-360731-CS-INDV /
                                              Enhancing the Air Quality M
Environmental Expert in Air                                                        Individual Consult
                               IBRD / 91660   anagement & Response Syst Post                            Open - National            0.00   Signed            2023-06-08   2023-06-04   2023-07-11     2023-08-01   2023-07-20   2023-08-15   2023-07-31   2023-08-15   2024-01-27
Quality Monitoring Networks                                                        ant Selection
and Source Apportionment

 EG-EEAA-363375-CS-CDS / S                    Enhancing the Air Quality M
ocial Development and Gend IBRD / 91660       anagement & Response Syst Post       Direct Selection     Direct - National          0.00   Signed            2023-05-29   2023-08-02   2023-06-08     2023-09-07                             2023-08-12   2023-06-01   2024-02-08
er Specialist                                 em

 EG-EEAA-363391-CS-CDS / S                    Project Management and Mo
                           IBRD / 91660                                 Post       Direct Selection     Direct - National          0.00   Signed            2023-06-14   2023-08-02   2023-06-24     2023-09-07                             2023-08-28   2023-07-01   2024-02-24
ENIOR PROCUREMENT SPECI                       nitoring & Evaluation

                                                                                                                                                                                            Page 4
 EG-EEAA-374966-CS-INDV /                      Support the Operationalizati        Individual Consult
                                IBRD / 91660                                Post                        Direct - National      0.00   Signed            2023-07-31   2023-08-01   2023-08-10     2023-07-06   2023-08-31   2023-07-07   2023-10-05   2023-08-01   2024-04-02
Project Coordinator for Comp                   on of SWM Master Plans in G         ant Selection
onent II                                       reater Cairo

 EG-EEAA-253223-CS-INDV /                      Project Management and Mo           Individual Consult
                                IBRD / 91660                             Post                           Limited                0.00   Canceled          2021-09-21                2021-09-23                  2021-09-26                2021-10-01                2022-09-29
Secretary                                      nitoring & Evaluation               ant Selection

 EG-EEAA-322049-CS-CDS / T                     Support the Operationalizati
echnical Consultant (2) - SUP IBRD / 91660     on of SWM Master Plans in G Post    Direct Selection     Direct - National      0.00   Canceled          2022-10-20   2023-01-03   2022-10-27                                            2022-10-27                2023-02-27
B (Single Use of Plastic Bags)                 reater Cairo

 EG-EEAA-322034-CS-CDS / T                     Support the Operationalizati
echnical Consultant - SUPB (S IBRD / 91660     on of SWM Master Plans in G Post    Direct Selection     Direct - National      0.00   Canceled          2022-10-20   2023-01-03   2022-10-27                                            2022-10-27                2023-02-27
ingle Use Plastic Bags)                        reater Cairo

 EG-EEAA-360725-CS-INDV /                      Enhancing the Air Quality M
                                                                                   Individual Consult
AQM Skills Training, and dev IBRD / 91660      anagement & Response Syst Post                           Open - National        0.00   Canceled          2023-09-13   2023-10-01   2023-11-01                  2023-11-22                2023-12-27                2024-06-24
                                                                                   ant Selection
eloping University Curriculum                  em

 EG-EEAA-381776-CS-INDV /                      Enhancing the Air Quality M
                                                                                   Individual Consult                                 Under Implement
Environmental Expert for Em IBRD / 91660       anagement & Response Syst Post                           Open - National        0.00                     2023-09-13   2023-10-01   2023-11-01     2023-11-22   2023-11-22   2023-11-22   2023-12-27                2024-06-24
                                                                                   ant Selection                                      ation
issions Inventory                              em

 EG-EEAA-346369-CS-INDV /                      Enhanced Capacity, Behavio          Individual Consult
                                IBRD / 91660                              Post                          Limited                0.00   Canceled          2023-03-05                2023-03-10                  2023-03-15                2023-03-16                2023-04-16
Project Logo Designer                          ral Change and Communicat           ant Selection

 EG-EEAA-385477-CS-CDS / T                     Support the Operationalizati
echnical Consultant (1) - SUP IBRD / 91660     on of SWM Master Plans in G Post    Direct Selection     Direct - National      0.00   Signed            2022-07-10   2023-11-01   2022-07-14     2022-09-04                             2022-08-09   2022-10-15   2022-12-07
B (Single Use of Plastic Bags)                 reater Cairo

 EG-EEAA-385479-CS-CDS / T                     Support the Operationalizati
echnical Consultant (2) - SUP IBRD / 91660     on of SWM Master Plans in G Post    Direct Selection     Direct - National      0.00   Signed            2022-07-10   2022-09-04   2022-07-14     2022-10-11                             2022-07-27   2022-10-16   2022-12-24
B (Single Use of Plastic Bags)                 reater Cairo

 EG-EEAA-385485-CS-INDV /
                                               Enhancing the Air Quality M
Provide technical support in                                                       Individual Consult                                 Under Implement
                               IBRD / 91660    anagement & Response Syst Post                           Open - National        0.00                     2023-10-11   2023-10-11   2023-11-29     2023-12-24   2023-12-20                2024-01-24                2024-07-22
developing Environmental Ex                                                        ant Selection                                      ation
perts Registration & Certifica
tion Program

EG-EEAA-391137-CS-INDV /                       Enhanced Capacity, Behavio          Individual Consult
                                IBRD / 91660                              Post                          Limited                0.00   Signed            2023-11-02   2023-11-16   2023-11-07     2024-01-15   2023-11-28   2024-01-25   2023-11-28   2024-02-01   2024-05-26
Communication Specialist                       ral Change and Communicat           ant Selection

 EG-EEAA-393528-CS-INDV /
project engineer for supervis                  Support the Operationalizati
                                                                                   Individual Consult
or for Works of the primary i IBRD / 91660     on of SWM Master Plans in G Post                         Limited                0.00   Signed            2023-11-16   2024-01-25   2023-11-21     2023-12-19   2023-11-28   2023-12-27   2023-12-01   2024-01-01   2024-05-29
                                                                                   ant Selection
nfrastructure of the 10th of R                 reater Cairo
amadan Integrated Solid Was
te Management Facility.

 EG-EEAA-399274-CS-INDV /                      Support the Operationalizati
                                                                                   Individual Consult
Senior Solid Waste Managem IBRD / 91660        on of SWM Master Plans in G Post                         Open - National        0.00   Canceled          2023-12-28   2024-02-06   2024-02-15                  2024-03-07                2024-04-11                2024-10-08
                                                                                   ant Selection
ent Advisor contract                           reater Cairo

 EG-EEAA-400051-CS-INDV /                      Project Management and Mo           Individual Consult                                 Under Implement
                                IBRD / 91660                             Post                           Limited                0.00                     2023-12-31   2024-01-14   2024-01-05     2024-01-22   2024-01-18                2024-02-04                2025-02-03
Project Technical Assistant                    nitoring & Evaluation               ant Selection                                      ation

EG-EEAA-400057-CS-INDV /                       Project Management and Mo           Individual Consult
                                IBRD / 91660                             Post                           Limited                0.00   Signed            2023-12-31   2024-01-14   2024-01-05     2024-02-15   2024-01-12   2024-02-18   2024-02-05   2024-02-21   2024-08-03
Mid-term Review Consultant                     nitoring & Evaluation               ant Selection

 EG-EEAA-407498-CS-INDV /                      Improved E-Waste and HCW            Individual Consult                                 Under Implement
                             IBRD / 91660                                  Post                         Limited                0.00                     2024-02-13   2024-02-12   2024-02-18                  2024-03-10                2024-04-14                2025-04-14
Senior advisor for Competent                   management for Reduction            ant Selection                                      ation
6                                              of uPOPs

 EG-EEAA-408054-CS-INDV /
                                               Project Management and Mo           Individual Consult
Project Operation Manual(PO     IBRD / 91660                             Post                           Limited                0.00   Signed            2024-02-27   2024-01-18   2024-03-03     2024-02-20   2024-03-24   2024-02-20   2024-04-28   2024-03-01   2024-10-25
                                               nitoring & Evaluation               ant Selection
M) Volume III

 EG-EEAA-415774-CS-INDV /                      Support the Operationalizati
                                                                                   Individual Consult                                 Under Implement
Senior Solid Waste Managem IBRD / 91660        on of SWM Master Plans in G Post                         Limited - National     0.00                     2024-03-13                2024-03-17                  2024-03-24                2024-04-01                2025-03-31
                                                                                   ant Selection                                      ation
ent Advisor                                    reater Cairo

 EG-EEAA-419485-CS-INDV /                      Project Management and Mo           Individual Consult                                 Under Implement
                             IBRD / 91660                                Post                           Limited - National     0.00                     2024-03-28   2024-03-17   2024-03-30                  2024-03-30                2024-04-01                2024-04-01
Senior Procurement Specialis                   nitoring & Evaluation               ant Selection                                      ation
t full time

 EG-EEAA-423524-CS-CDS / D                     Enhancing the Air Quality M
                                                                                                        Direct - Internation          Under Implement
eveloping Advanced Air Quali IBRD / 91660      anagement & Response Syst Post      Direct Selection                            0.00                     2024-04-24   2024-05-12   2024-05-04     2024-05-08                             2024-07-08                2025-01-04
                                                                                                        al                            ation
ty Forecasting System                          em

 EG-EEAA-408057-CS-INDV /                      Enhanced Capacity, Behavio
                                                                                   Individual Consult
Social media consultant for a   IBRD / 91660   ral Change and Communicat Post                           Limited                0.00   Canceled          2024-02-11                2024-02-16                  2024-03-08                2024-04-12                2024-10-09
                                                                                   ant Selection
wareness campaigns                             ion

 EG-EEAA-375491-CS-INDV /
                                               Project Management and Mo           Individual Consult
Renewal of the Senior Financ    IBRD / 91660                             Post                           Direct - National      0.00   Canceled          2023-08-31                2023-09-10                  2023-10-01                2023-11-05                2024-05-03
                                               nitoring & Evaluation               ant Selection
ial Specialist contract.

 EG-EEAA-374975-CS-INDV /
                                               Project Management and Mo           Individual Consult
Renewal of the Environmenta IBRD / 91660                                 Post                           Direct - National      0.00   Canceled          2023-08-02                2023-08-12                  2023-09-02                2023-10-07                2024-04-04
                                               nitoring & Evaluation               ant Selection
l Specialist contract.

EG-EEAA-374968-CS-INDV /                       Project Management and Mo           Individual Consult
                                IBRD / 91660                             Post                           Direct - National      0.00   Canceled          2023-08-02                2023-08-12                  2023-09-02                2023-10-07                2024-04-04
Renewal Project Coordinator                    nitoring & Evaluation               ant Selection

EG-EEAA-356471-CS-INDV /                       Enhanced Capacity, Behavio          Individual Consult
                                IBRD / 91660                              Post                          Limited                0.00   Canceled          2023-04-13                2023-04-18                  2023-05-09                2023-06-13                2023-12-10
Communication Specialist                       ral Change and Communicat           ant Selection

 EG-EEAA-374972-CS-INDV /                      Support the Operationalizati
                                                                                   Individual Consult
Renewal contract Senior Soli IBRD / 91660      on of SWM Master Plans in G Post                         Direct - National      0.00   Canceled          2023-08-03   2023-08-01   2023-08-13                  2023-09-03                2023-10-08                2024-04-05
                                                                                   ant Selection
d Waste Management Adviso                      reater Cairo

 EG-EEAA-375492-CS-INDV /                      Project Management and Mo           Individual Consult
                                IBRD / 91660                             Post                           Direct - National      0.00   Canceled          2023-08-31   2023-09-03   2023-09-10                  2023-10-01                2023-11-05                2024-05-03
Renewal of Project Assistant                   nitoring & Evaluation               ant Selection

 EG-EEAA-407497-CS-INDV / t                    Enhancing the Air Quality M         Individual Consult
                              IBRD / 91660                                 Post                         Limited - National     0.00   Canceled          2024-02-13                2024-02-18                  2024-03-10                2024-04-14                2024-08-12
he project Legal Consultant (                  anagement & Response Syst           ant Selection
Part-time)                                     em

 EG-EEAA-385482-CS-INDV / I                    Project Management and Mo           Individual Consult
                            IBRD / 91660                                 Post                           Limited                0.00   Canceled          2023-08-10   2023-09-10   2023-08-15                  2023-09-05                2023-09-29                2024-09-30
nternal Audit                                  nitoring & Evaluation               ant Selection

                                                                                                                                                                                        Page 5
 EG-EEAA-330429-CS-CDS / S                      Project Management and Mo
                           IBRD / 91660                                   Post       Direct Selection     Direct - National    0.00   Canceled          2022-12-08   2022-12-21   2022-12-11                                            2022-12-15   2023-12-15
enior Financial Specialist                      nitoring & Evaluation

 EG-EEAA-427097-CS-INDV /                                                            Individual Consult                               Under Implement
                                 IBRD / 91660   Vehicle Emissions Reduction   Post                        Direct - National    0.00                     2024-05-26   2024-06-02   2024-06-07                  2024-06-28                2024-08-02   2025-07-28
Part-time E-bus expert                                                               ant Selection                                    ation

 EG-EEAA-430554-CS-INDV / I                     Enhancing the Air Quality M
                                                                                     Individual Consult
ndividual Consultant for Blac IBRD / 91660      anagement & Response Syst Post                            Open - National      0.00   Canceled          2024-06-09   2024-05-29   2024-07-28                  2024-08-18                2024-09-22   2025-03-21
                                                                                     ant Selection
k Cloud Combat                                  em

 EG-EEAA-427098-CS-INDV /                                                            Individual Consult                               Under Implement
                                 IBRD / 91660   Vehicle Emissions Reduction   Post                        Direct - National    0.00                     2024-05-26   2024-05-29   2024-06-05                  2024-06-26                2024-07-31   2025-08-01
Part-time Retrofitting Expert                                                        ant Selection                                    ation

 EG-EEAA-437053-CS-INDV /
Raising public awareness abo                    Enhancing the Air Quality M
                                                                                     Individual Consult                               Pending Impleme
ut preserving the environme IBRD / 91660        anagement & Response Syst Post                            Limited - National   0.00                     2024-07-28                2024-08-02                  2024-08-23                2024-09-27   2025-03-26
                                                                                     ant Selection                                    ntation
nt and Maximizing the econo                     em
mic utilization of recycling ag
ricultural residues

 EG-EEAA-437057-CS-INDV /
                                                Enhancing the Air Quality M
Technical support services fo                                                        Individual Consult                               Pending Impleme
                                 IBRD / 91660   anagement & Response Syst Post                            Limited - National   0.00                     2024-07-28                2024-08-02                  2024-08-23                2024-09-27   2025-03-26
r implementing the practical                                                         ant Selection                                    ntation
part related to recycling agri
cultural waste

 EG-EEAA-437059-CS-INDV / I
                                                Enhancing the Air Quality M
ntroduction and promotion of                                                         Individual Consult                               Pending Impleme
                              IBRD / 91660      anagement & Response Syst Post                            Limited - National   0.00                     2024-07-28                2024-08-02                  2024-08-23                2024-09-27   2025-03-26
simple ecological methods to                                                         ant Selection                                    ntation
maximize the benefits of agri
cultural wastes

 EG-EEAA-437061-CS-INDV /
                                                Enhancing the Air Quality M
Agrarian environmental tech                                                          Individual Consult                               Pending Impleme
                                 IBRD / 91660   anagement & Response Syst Post                            Limited - National   0.00                     2024-07-28                2024-08-02                  2024-08-23                2024-09-27   2025-03-26
nologies and current trends i                                                        ant Selection                                    ntation
n agricultural residues

 EG-EEAA-448242-CS-INDV /                       Support the Operationalizati
                                                                                     Individual Consult                               Pending Impleme
Senior Solid Waste Managem IBRD / 91660         on of SWM Master Plans in G Post                          Limited - National   0.00                     2024-08-29                2024-08-30                  2024-08-31                2024-09-02   2025-08-31
                                                                                     ant Selection                                    ntation
ent Advisor (3)                                 reater Cairo

 EG-EEAA-446407-CS-CDS / A                      Enhanced Capacity, Behavio
                                                                                                                                      Pending Impleme
dvertising agency for Black C IBRD / 91660      ral Change and Communicat Post       Direct Selection     Direct - National    0.00                     2024-09-23                2024-10-03                                            2024-12-07   2024-12-08
loud Media Campaign                             ion

EG-EEAA-448246-CS-INDV /                        Support the Operationalizati         Individual Consult                               Under Implement
                                 IBRD / 91660                                Post                         Limited - National   0.00                     2024-09-24   2024-10-23   2024-09-27                  2024-10-02                2024-10-10   2025-10-10
Medical Waste Officer                           on of SWM Master Plans in G          ant Selection                                    ation
                                                reater Cairo

 EG-EEAA-448248-CS-INDV /                       Support the Operationalizati         Individual Consult                               Pending Impleme
                                 IBRD / 91660                                Post                         Limited - National   0.00                     2024-09-23                2024-09-28                  2024-10-05                2024-10-16   2025-10-16
PPP senior Advisor                              on of SWM Master Plans in G          ant Selection                                    ntation
                                                reater Cairo

 EG-EEAA-455982-CS-INDV /
                                                Improved E-Waste and HCW
Supporting the preparation o                                                         Individual Consult
                                 TF / C0761     management for Reduction      Post                        Limited - National   0.00   Canceled          2024-11-10   2024-10-29   2024-11-15                  2024-12-06                2025-01-10   2026-01-10
f Egypt’s application to Mina                                                        ant Selection
                                                of uPOPs
mata Convention

 EG-EEAA-455986-CS-INDV /                       Project Management and Mo            Individual Consult                               Under Implement
                             IBRD / 91660                                 Post                            Limited - National   0.00                     2024-11-12   2024-10-14   2024-11-17     2024-11-14   2024-12-08   2024-11-14   2025-01-12   2026-01-12
Senior Procurement Specialis                    nitoring & Evaluation                ant Selection                                    ation

 EG-EEAA-455987-CS-INDV /                       Enhancing the Air Quality M          Individual Consult                               Under Implement
                                 IBRD / 91660                               Post                          Limited - National   0.00                     2024-10-13   2024-11-15   2024-10-18                  2024-11-08                2024-12-13   2025-12-13
Procurement Specialist                          anagement & Response Syst            ant Selection                                    ation

 EG-EEAA-455988-CS-INDV /                                                            Individual Consult                               Pending Impleme
                                 IBRD / 91660   Vehicle Emissions Reduction   Post                        Limited - National   0.00                     2024-10-17                2024-10-22                  2024-11-12                2024-12-17   2025-12-17
Transport Advisor                                                                    ant Selection                                    ntation

 EG-EEAA-467020-CS-INDV /                       Project Management and Mo            Individual Consult                               Under Implement
                                 IBRD / 91660                             Post                            Limited - National   0.00                     2024-12-24   2024-12-19   2024-12-29                  2025-01-12                2025-02-04   2026-02-04
Environmental Specialist II                     nitoring & Evaluation                ant Selection                                    ation

 EG-EEAA-467029-CS-INDV /
                                                Project Management and Mo            Individual Consult
Social Development and Gen       IBRD / 91660                             Post                            Limited - National   0.00   Under Review      2024-12-24   2024-12-19   2024-12-29                  2025-01-19                2025-02-23   2026-02-23
                                                nitoring & Evaluation                ant Selection
der Specialist II

EG-EEAA-467032-CS-INDV /                        Project Management and Mo            Individual Consult
                                 IBRD / 91660                             Post                            Limited - National   0.00   Under Review      2024-12-24   2024-12-29   2024-12-29                  2025-01-19                2025-02-23   2026-02-23
Administrative Assistant II                     nitoring & Evaluation                ant Selection

EG-EEAA-467034-CS-INDV /                        Project Management and Mo            Individual Consult
                                 IBRD / 91660                             Post                            Limited - National   0.00   Under Review      2024-12-24   2024-12-29   2024-12-29                  2025-01-19                2025-02-23   2026-02-23
Administrative Assistant III                    nitoring & Evaluation                ant Selection

 EG-EEAA-467046-CS-INDV /                       Improved E-Waste and HCW
                                                                                     Individual Consult
Design of Pilot Project for Coll TF / C0761     management for Reduction      Post                        Limited - National   0.00   Under Review      2024-12-24                2024-12-29                  2025-01-19                2025-02-23   2026-02-23
                                                                                     ant Selection
ection of E-Waste                               of uPOPs

 EG-EEAA-467049-CS-INDV /
                                                                                     Individual Consult
Technical Evaluation Consult     IBRD / 91660   Vehicle Emissions Reduction   Post                        Limited - National   0.00   Under Review      2024-12-24   2024-12-19   2024-12-29                  2025-01-19                2025-02-23   2026-02-23
                                                                                     ant Selection
ant (3) - Electric Bus (e-bus)

EG-EEAA-467052-CS-INDV /                        Project Management and Mo            Individual Consult                               Under Implement
                                 IBRD / 91660                             Post                            Limited - National   0.00                     2024-12-24   2024-12-22   2024-12-29                  2025-01-19                2025-02-23   2026-02-23
Healthy and safety specialist                   nitoring & Evaluation                ant Selection                                    ation

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