Report No. 4800-IND Indonesia: Urban Services Sector Report (In Tnvo Volumes) Volume II Annexes I-IV June 25, 1984 East Asia and r'acific Regional Office Resident Nlission in Indonesia and Urban and Water Supplv Projects Division FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY U FILE COPY Document of the World Bank I his document has a restricted distribution and may be used by recipients only in the performance of their official duties. Its contents may not otherwise be disclosed without World Bank authorization CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS Currency Unit = Rupiah (Rp) US $1.00 = Rp 970 (Since March 1983) US $1.00 = Rp 625 (Nov. 1978 - March 1983) US $1.00 = Rp 450 (Before November 1978) FISCAL YEAR April 1 to March 31 FOR OFICIAL USE ONLY INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT VOLUME TWO: ANNEXES TABLE OF CONTENTS FOR ANNEXES ......................................... i ANNEX I - Urbanization and the Character of Urban Areas .... ....... 1 ANNEX II - Urban Services: Physical Progress and Future Needs ...... 41 ANNEX III - Administration and Manpower ..... ........................ 67 ANNEX I]V - Finance and Expenditures ...... .......................... 78 This document has a restricted distribution and may be used by recipients only in the performance of their official duties. Its contents may not otherwise be disclosed without World Bank authorization. TABLE OF CONTENTS TO ANNEXES ANNEX ][ URBANIZATION AND THE CHARACTER OF URBAN AREAS Note A Defining Urban Areas Table 1.. 1 Indicators of Urbanization - International Comparison Table 1.2 Urban Population by Kabupaten/Kotamadya - 1980 Census Table 1.3 Number of Urban and Rural Villages in Indonesia by Province Table 1.4 Level and Growth of Population of Kotamadya: 1961 - 1980 Table 1.5 Comparison of Dalam Negeri 1978 Survey and 1980 Census Urban Population Table 1.6 Urban Population by Size of City, 1978. Dalam Negeri 1978 Survey Table 1.7 Population Proportions, Census 1971, Susenas 1978, Susenas 1980 and Census 1980 Table 1.8 Estimates of Net Migration and Natural Increase Components of Population Change in Provinces, 1971-80 Table 1.9 Inter-Provincial Migration, 1975-1980, by Province Table 1.10 Historic and Projected Population by Province 1961-2000 Table 2.1 Birth and Death Rates in Urban and Rural Areas Table 2.2 Percentage of Female Population Aged 10 Years and Over in Urban and Rural Areas by Age Group and Marital Status, 1980 Table 2.3 Average Number of Children Ever Born per Married Woman in Urban and Rural Areas, 1980 Table 2.4 Average Number of Children Still Living per Woman in Urban and Rural Areas, 1980 Table 3.1 Employment by Sector in Urban and Rural Areas, 1971 and 1980 Table 3.2 Dependency Ratios From Census Data, 1971 and 1980 Table 3.3 Economic Participation Rates in Urban and Rural Areas, 1980 Table 3.4 Hours Worked per Week by Employed Work Force Table 3.5 Occupational Status of Migrants and Non-Migrants in Urban and Rural Areas Table 4.1 Population by Expenditure Classes, 1980 Table 4.2 Average Consumption of the Poorest 40 Percent of the Population in Urban and Rural Areas Table 4.3 People in Poverty and Incidence of Poverty, in Rural and Urban Areas by Province, 1980 Table 4.4 Estimates of Mid-Year Population and Population in Poverty Table 4.5 Monthly Income Distribution of Urban Households by Urban Size and Location, 1978 Table 4.6 Per Capita Daily Consumption of Foods in Urban and Rural Areas by Region, 1978 Table 4.7 Average Monthly Expenditures for Urban Households by Income Group, 1978 - 1. - Table 4.8 Proportion of Income Allocated to Various Expenditure Categories by Urban Households, by Income Group, 1978 Table 4.9 Ownership of Consumer Durables: Percentage of Households in Urban Areas Owning Bicycles, Radios and TVs, 1980 Table 5.1 Educational Attainment in Urban and Rural Areas by Age Group, 1980 Table 5.2 Access to Health Facilities in Urban and Rural Areas: Types of Treatment for Population Who Felt Unwell, 1980 Table 5.3 Indicators of Health Care in Urban and Rural Areas, 1978 Table 5.4 Electric Power: Percentage of Household Using Electricity for Lighting in Urban and Rural Areas, by Province 1971 and 1980 ANNEX II URBAN SERVICES: PHYSICAL PROGRESS AND FUTURE NEEDS WATER SUPPLY 1.1 Water and Excreta Disposal - International Comparison 1.2 Urban Water Supply: Primary Source of Drinking Water for Urban Household by Province, 1980 1.3 Rural Water Supply: Primary Source of Drinking Water for Rural Households, by Province, 1980 1.4 Urban Water Supply: Primary Source of Bathing/Washing Water for Urban Households by Province, 1980 1.5 Rural Water Supply: Primary Source of Bathing/Washing for Rural Households by Province, 1980 1.6 Water Supply: Primary Source of Drinking Water in Kotamadya, Other Areas, and Rural Areas, 1978 1.7 Water Supply: Percent of Households Paying for Water, Average Monthly Payments, and Percent of Households Boiling Water for Drinking, 1978 1.8 Water Supply: Construction of New House Connections (H.C.) and Public Standpipes (P.S.) During REPELITA III 1.9 Water Supply: Ibukota Kecamatan (IKK) Program (Small Towns Program); REPELITA III Achievements SANITATION 2.1 Human Waste: Toilet Facilities for Urban Households by Province, 1980 2.2 Human Waste: Toilet Facilities for Rural Households, by Province, 1980 2.3 Human Waste: Primary Place of Defecation of Urban and Rural Households, 1978 2.4 Comparative Costs for Sanitation Technologies: Average per Household On-Site Collection and Treatment Costs 2.5 Solid Waste: Primary Place of Disposal of Garbage of Households in Kotamadya, Other Urban Areas and Rural Areas 1978 KAMPUNG IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (KIP) 3.1 Kampung Improvement Program (KIP Perintis) REPELITA IV Program and Achievement 3.2 Kampung Improvement Program Site Planning Standards 3.3 Regional Cost Variations in the Kampung Improvement Program - 1i1 - ROADS AND PUBLIC TRANSPORT 4.1 Vehicle Registration by Vehicle Type for Indonesia and Jakarta 1975-1982 HOUSING 5.1 Urban Housing: Type of Structure and Number of Households per Dwelling Unit, 1980 5.2 Urban Housing: Floor Area per Household, 1980 5.3 Urban Housing: Distribution of Households by Households Size and Floor Space Occupied, 1980 and 1976 5.4 Materials Used in House Construction in Kotamadya, Other Urban Areas and Rural Areas, 1978 5.5 Home Ownership, and Monthly Rental and Maintenance Costs in Kotamadya, Other Urban Areas and Rural Areas 5.6 BTN Housing Finance Performance, 1976-83 5.7 BTN Housing Finance Program for 1984-88 5.8 PERUMNAS Program for REPELITA IV ANNEX III ADMINISTRATION AND MANPOWER Table 1.1 Urban Water Supply: Existing Functions and Responsibilities Table 1.2 Urban Sanitation and Sewerage: Existing Functions and Responsibilities Table 1.3 Solid Waste Management: Existing Functions and Responsibilities Table 1.4 Urban Drainage and Flood Control Table 1.5 Kampung Improvement Program: Existing Functions and Responsibilities Table 1.6 Responsibility for Urban Road Development by Jurisdiction and Type of Road Table 2.1 Total Permanent Staff of the Directorate of Sanitary Engineering(Cipta Karya) by Education and Rank/Level, September 1982 Table 2.2 Total Permanent Staff of the Directorate of Housing by Education and byRank/Level, September 1982 Table 2.3 Total Permanent Staff of Bina Marga's Directorate of Planning and Developmentby Education and Rank/Level (as of April 1982) Table 2.4 Present Staffing of Kotamadya/Kabupaten Public Works Dinas by Major Functions (Survey of Selected Cities) Table 3.1 Training Programs in Urban Water Supply Organized by DSE: Number ofInstitutions and Participants Benefiting (1974/75 - 1981/82) - iv - ANNEX IV FINANCE AND EXPENDITURES Table 1.1 Sources of Development and Routine Expenditure Incurred Regionally 1980/81 Table 1.2 Central Government Sectoral Development Expenditure Incurred Regionallyby Province (1980/81; Rp per head) Table 1.3 Regional Expenditure Per Head of Population,1976/77 to 1980/81(Province and Second Level Regions Combined) Table 1.4 Loans to First and Second Tier Regions Over the Period 1976/77 to 1980/81 by Province Table 2.1 Urban Water Supply: Expenditure by Province and Sources of Finance Table 2.2 Urban Water: Expenditure by City and Sources of Finance Table 2.3 Urban Water Supply - Loan Finance Table 2.4 Kampung Improvement Program - Expenditure by Province and Sources of Finance Table 2.5 Kampung Improvement Program: Expenditure by City and Sources of Finance Table 2.6 Kampung Improvement Program: Foreign Aid Agreements, 1974-1981 Table 2.7 Environmental Health (Sanitation, Drainage, Solid Waste, etc.): Expenditure by Province and Sources of Finance Table 2.8 Urban Roads: Development Expenditure by Province and Sources of Finance Table 2.9 Urban Roads: Central Government Development Expenditure by City (1979/80-1982/83) Table 2.10 Traffic Control Program: Central Government DIPs Table 3.1 Regional Government (Province and Dati II) Non-Grant Revenues Per Capita, 1980/81 Table 3.2 IPEDA Collection Statistics by Province 1976/77 to 1981/82 Table 3.3 IPEDA per Head 1981/82 and Average IPEDA Growth Rates 1976/77 to 1981/82 forKotamadya Ranked by Population Size Table 3.4 Analysis of Local Taxes, Local Charges and Dinas Incomes of Province and Second Tier Authorities per Head Table 3.5 Analysis of Taxes & Charges Received in Province and Second Tier Authorities Table 3.6 Analysis of Main Sources of Local Revenues in Kotamadya Table 3.7 Tax Income at Second Level of Government 1974/75 - 1978/79 ANNEX 1 Note A Page 1 of 3 Note A: DEFINING URBAN AREAS: The definition of urban areas varies greatly across countries 1/. In recent: years many developing countries have refined their definitions as data bases have been improved and as the capacity for analysis has developed. In defining an urban area most countries use a combination of population density, housing density, population size, administrative status of the area, economic activity of the population and the availability of several urban facilities 2/. In Indonesia, the distinction between urban and rural is made at the village (desa) level; a village is either urban or rural. The first effort to make such a distinction was in preparation for the 1961 census. Urban villages were defined to include: (a) all villages within a municipality; (b) all villages within a capital town of a kabupaten; and (c) other villages with 80% or more of their population not working in agriculture. This definition was modified in preparation for the 1971 census. It was assumed that all villages classified as urban in the 1961 census were still urban, but that additional villages could qualify by satisfying both of the following conditions: (a) a majority of the population were not working in agriculture; (b) within the village there was a hospital/health clinic, a school building and electric power. The resulting breakdown of urban and rural is seen in Annex 1, table 1.6. Most (1648 out of a total of 2668) urban villages were still within the boundaries of the 54 kotamadya, even although many of these villages clearly 1/ See e.g.: Sidney Goldstein and David Sly: "Basic Data Needed for the Study of Urbanization"; International Union for the Scientific Study of Population, Belgium, 1974. 2/ The complexity of definitions varies widely. For example in Malaysia, urban areas are defined simply as the total population within specified administrative areas. In Korea a combination of total population and population density is employed. India uses a similar definition, but in addition imposes a cut-off on the percentage of the population working in the agricultureal sector. Within the region the most complex definitions is probably used by the Philippines, which, in addition to population and density takes into account the availability of "urban" services, and the type of settlement and street pattern. -2- ANNEX I Note A. Page 2 of 3 exhibited rural characteristics. Similarly, many excluded villages were clearly more urban in nature that many of those that were included. A significant research effort was therefore undertaken in the mid 1970s by the Central Statistical Office (BPS) to establish a more realistic definition of urban areas. 1/ Eighteen hundred villages were surveyed in an effort to establish simple and reliable criteria of urban status. A total of forty-nine indicators were measured, falling into four broad sets: a) Indicators of population - density, total population, households, etc. b) Indicators of economic activity - percent of agricultural employment, land, etc. c) Indicators of urban facilities - health, education, entertainiment, transport, market, banks, etc. d) Indicators of isolation distance and travel time to facilities. Using correlation and discriminant analysis, an effort was made to distinguish the most efficient indicator from each set. The selected indicators were: a) population density within the village; a density of more than 5000 per Km2 is defined as urban; b) percentage of agricultural households; a percentage of less than 25 is defined as urban; c) the number of urban facilities; a village containing 8 or more types of facility (out of a possible 14) 2/ 3/ is defined as urban. A points system was devised to combine these characteristics as follows. A sum of 20 is required for any desa to be classified as urban. 4/ 1/ BPS: "A Search for a Better Definition of an Urban Village in Indonesia", 1977. 2/ These are: motorized public transportation, movie theatre, elementary, junior high or senior high school, health clinic, maternity clinic, public health center (Puskesmas), post office, bank, indoor market, shopping place, boarding house/hotel, and renting equipment for parties. 3/ Indicators of isolation were dropped due to difficulties in data collection and because such indicators were so highly correlated with the measures of urban facilities as to make their inclusion superflous. 4/ In fact it is a little more complex than this. "Mainly Urban" (20-22 points) and "Mainly Rural" (17-19 points) desa were defined and analysed. In addition special selection rules were necessary for those villages giving incomplete answers to the village survey (FASDES). -3- ANNEX I Note A. Page 3 of 3 Population Percent of Households Number of Density Engaged Primarily in "Urban" Points (per Km2) Agriculture Facilities Less than 500 More than 95 - 1 500- 999 91 - 95 0 2 1000 - 1499 86 - 90 1 3 1500 - 1999 76 - 85 2 4 2000 - 2499 66 - 75 3 5 2500 - 2999 56 - 65 4 6 3000 - 3499 46 - 55 5 7 3500 - 3999 36 - 45 6 8 4000 - 4999 26 - 35 7 9 Above 5000 Less than 25 8 or more 10 Source: "Definisi-Desa Urban Dalam Sensus Penduduk 1980"; Biro Pusat Statistik, 1979. INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Indicators of Urbanization - International Comparison Urban popu- Avg. annual % of urban % of lation as % growth rate % of urban population No. of Population Population Population Labor Force in of total of urban population in cities of cities of City's mid-1980 growth rate Agric- Indus- Servi- population population in largest over 500,000 over 500,000 Primary population (mln) 1970-81 % culture try ces 1981 1970-81 city 1980 persons 1980 persons 1980 city 1980 Indonesia 146.6 2.3 55 15 30 23 4.0 23 50 9 Jakarta 7.2 Middle-income countries 1,138.8 2.3 45 21 34 45 4.1 29 48 131 Middle-income Asia & Pacific - 2.3 52 18 30 32 3.9 - _ _ Low-income countries 2,160.9 1.9 71 15 15 21 4.4 12 41 135 Low-income Asia & Pacific - 2.0 70 15 15 17 3.3 - - - Sample Countries India 673.2 2.1 69 13 18 24 3.7 6 39 36 Calcuta 9.6 China 976.7 1.9 71 17 12 13 2.8 6 45 70 Shanghai 12.0 Philippines 49.0 2.7 46 17 37 37 3.7 30 34 2 Manila 5.6 Thailand 47.0 2.5 76 9 15 15 3.4 69 69 1 Bangkok 4.3 Pakistan 82.2 3.1 57 20 23 29 4.3 21 51 7 Karachi 6.0 Kenya 15.9 3.5 78 10 12 14 6.8 57 57 1 -- Nigeria 84.7 2.5 54 19 27 21 4.8 17 58 9 Lagos 2.9 Malaysia 13.9 2.3 50 16 34 30 3.3 27 27 1 -- _ Egypt 39.8 2.5 50 30 20 44 2.9 39 53 2 Cairo 3.4 Brazil 118.7 2.3 30 24 46 68 4.1 16 52 14 Sao Paulo 12.5 Sources: World Development Report 1982, 1983. World Atlas - 1982, and World Bank's 'Social-Indicators' ~ 5 ~ ANNEX I Table 1.2 Page 1 of 4 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Urban Population by Kabupaten/Kotamadva - Sumatra 1980 Census (in Thousands) Urban Total i Urban Total % Kabupaten/Kotamadya Population Population Urban Kabupaten/Kotamadya Population Population Urban TOTAL ACEH 233,501 2,611,271 8.9 TOTAL NORTH SUMATRA 2,127,436 8,360,894 25.4 Aceh Selatan 5,785 275,458 2.1 Tapanuli Tengah 3,080 167,161 1.8 Aceh Tenggara 5,902 159,593 3.6 Nias 5,752 468,375 1.2 Sabang *) 7,959 23,821 33.4 Dairi 13,342 241,785 5.5 Pidie 8,571 343,558 2.5 Tapanuli Utara 24,189 682,437 . 3.5 Aceh Besar 9,147 236,274 3.9 Karo 32,318 219,204 14.7 Aceh Tengah 12,043 163,341 7.4 Tanjung Balai *) 41,776 41,894 99.7 Aceh Barat 19,767 288,422 6.9 Langkat 48,642 702,059 6.9 Aceh Timur 32,850 423,418 7.8 Simalungun 52,985 759,024 7.0 Aceh Utara 59,609 625,296 9.5 Sibolga t) 59,466 59,897 99.3 Banda Aceh 7) 71,868 72,090 99.7 Labuhan Batu 59,963 547,171 11.0 Tapanuli Selatan 68,945 757,159 9.1 Tebing Tinggi *) 69,569 92,087 75.5 Binjai *) 71,053 76,464 92.9 Asahan 80,209 775,656 10.3 Deli Serdang 137,173 1,241,190 11.1 Kota Siantar *) 150,296 150,376 10.0 Medan *) 1,208,678 1,378,955 87.6 TOTAL WEST SUMATRA 433,120 3,406,816 12.7 TOTAL RIAU 588,212 2,168,535 27.1 Limapuluh Kota 518 272,072 0.2 Indragiri Hulu 3,082 229,182 1.3 Sawah Lunto (Sijunjung) 3,974 224,446 1.8 Indragiri Rilir 52,140 398,276 13.1 Agam 4,346 389,027 1.1 Kepulauan Riau 165,468 425,277 38.9 Solok *) 6,976 31,724 22.0 Bengkalis 181,323 566,671 32.0 Padang Pariaman 8,473 459,666 1.8 Pekanbaru *) 186,199 186,262 10.0 Tanah Datar 8,576 319,632 2.7 Kampar 362,867 - Sawah Lunto *) 9,777 13,561 72.1 Padang Panjang *) 13,661 34,517 39.6 Payakumbuh *) 24,567 78,836 31.2 Bukit Tinggi *) 55,577 70,771 78.5 Padang *) 296,675 480,922 61.7 Pasaman 360,149 - Pesisir Selatan 315,954 - TOTAL BENGKULU 72,422 768,064 9.4 TOTAL LAMPUNG 576,872 4,624,785 12.5 Bengkulu Selatan 10,220 236,775 4.3 Lampung Utara 46,883 882,479 5.3 Bengkulu Utara 178,250 - Lampung Tengah 87,200 1,690,947 5.2 Rejang Lebong 29,724 288,256 10.3 Lampung Selatan 158,622 1,767,084 9.0 Bengkulu *) 32,478 64,783 50.1 Tanjung Karang C) 284,167 284,275 100.0 TOTAL JAMBI 182,846 1,445,994 12.0 TOTAL SOUTH SUMATRA 1,267,009 4,629,801 27.4 Sarko 4,100 217,653 2.0 Musi Banyuasin 3,258 591,074 0.1 Batang Hari 6,905 237,604 3.0 Ogan Komering Ilir 13,283 564,080 2.3 Bungo Tebo 7,090 302,386 2.3 Musi Rawas 37,025 367,037 10.1 Kerinci 8,990 241,081 4.0 Ogan Komering Ulu 43,668 750,799 1.0 Jambi 155,761 230,373 68.0 Lahat 59,931 484,893 12.4 Tanjung Jabung 216,897 - Belitung 71,243 163,815 44.0 Pangkal Pinang *) 86,849 90,096 96.4 Liot 95,648 430,834 22.2 Bangka 98,613 399,989 25.0 Palembang 757,491 787,187 96.2 TOTAL SUMATERA 5,481,418 28,016,160 19.6 Note: *) Kotamadya -6- ANNEX I Table 1.2 Page 2 of 4 Urban Population by Kabupaten/Kotamadya - Java 1980 Census (in Thousands) Urban Total t Urban Total 4 Kabupaten/Kotamadya Population Population Urban Kabupaten/Kotamadya Population Population Urban TOTAL DKI JAKARTA 6,071,748 6,503,449 93.4 TOTAL WEST JAVA 5,770,868 27,453.525 21.0 Jakarta Utara 942,286 981,272 96.0 Lebak 25,869 682, 887 3.0 Jakarta Barat 1,132,240 1,234,885 91.7 Pandeglang 47,261 694,834 6.8 Jakarta Timur 1,227,851 1,460,068 84.1 Kuningan 52,956 786,449 6.7 Jakarta Pusat 1,236,876 1,245,030 99.3 Indramayu 72,687 1,237,521 5.9 Jakarta Selatan 1,532,495 1,582,194 97.0 Sumedang 73,998 723,647 10.2 Purwakarta 78,746 458,026 17.1 Ciamis 88,398 1,367,606 6.5 Majalengka 101,571 897,850 11.3 Subang 108,349 1,065,417 10.1 Sukabumi *) 109,898 109,994 100.0 TOTAL D.I. YOGYAKARTA 607,267 2,750,813 22.0 Serang 139,984 1,109,321 12.6 Kulon Progo 18,225 380,706 4.8 Karawang 171,478 1,236,747 13.9 Gunung Kidul 21,386 659,531 3.2 Cianjur 179,188 1,387,659 12.9 Bantul 64,975 634,481 10.2 Bekasi 188,668 1,143,611 16.5 Sleman 107,686 677,368 15.9 Garut 196,902 1,483,057 13.2 Yogyakarta *) 394,965 398,727 99.0 Sukabumi 214,472 1,517,657 14.1 Cirebon ') 223,504 223,776 99.9 Tangerang 228,162 1,529,072 14.9 Cirebon 236,414 1,331,896 17.8 Bogor *) 246,946 247,409 99.8 Tasikmalaya 247,486 1,593,303 15.5 Bogor 638,039 2,493,909 25.6 Bandung 638,485 2,669,240 23.9 Bandung *) 1,461,407 1,462,637 99.9 TOTAL CENTRAL JAVA 4,756,007 25,372,889 18.7 TOTAL EAST JAVA 5,720,487 29,188,852 19.6 Demak 26,339 673,633 3.9 Pacitan 14,180 478,037 3,0 Wonogiri 36,607 935,453 3.9 Ngawi 20,887 769,286 2.7 Grobogan 40,063 1,102,791 3.6 Trenggalek 29,318 564,542 5.2 Banjarnegara 41,887 676,751 6.2 Pamekasan 42,831 539,055 7.9 Boyolali 42,623 781,616 5.5 Sampang 42,839 604,541 7.1 Wonosobo 49,334 599,622 8.2 Mojokerto 47,848 705,596 6.8 Rembang 49,676 442,594 11.2 Bondowoso 49,426 612,160 8.1 Semarang 52,565 706,287 7.4 Magetan 49,717 608,820 8.2 Temanggung 56,904 556,343 10.2 Sumenep 53,982 854,925 6.3 Purbolinggo 58,006 666,145 8.7 Ponorogo 55,523 783,381 7.1 sragen 64,101 758,461 8.5 Madiun 56,262 640,561 8.8 Purworejo 67,035 697,301 9.6 Probolinggo 59,544 866,318 6.9 Batang 70,281 530,474 13.2 Tuban 64,451 871,898 7.4 Karang Anyar 76,178 604,611 12.6 Mojokerto *) 68,507 68,849 99.5 Jepara 79,145 700,136 11.3 Bangkalan 69,303 688,362 10.1 Salatiga *) 81,716 123,484 66.2 Blitar 74,245 1,037,258 7.2 Blora 93,773 696,523 13.5 Blitar *) 75,509 78,503 96.2 Kebumen 94,323 1,032,226 9.1 Kediri 79,565 1,235,265 6.4 Pati 97,595 975,521 10.0 Bojonegoro 83,542 999,418 8.4 Magelang 98,104 934,807 10.5 Nganjuk 87,832 882,832 9.9 Kendal 99,477 702,074 14.2 Lamongan 90,006 1,049,956 8.6 Brebes 109,968 1,264,078 8.7 Pasuruan *) 91,268 95,864 95.2 Sukoharjo 122,554 596,428 20.5 Probolinggo *) 98,126 100,296 97.8 Magelang *) 123,358 123,484 99.9 Lumajang 98,512 874,516 11.3 Tegal *) 131,440 131,728 99.8 Situbondo 100,663 525,046 19.2 Pekalongan *) 132,413 132,558 99.9 Gresik 103,439 729,039 14.2 Pekalongan 138,472 651,709 21.2 Jombang 105,796 941,988 11.2 Kudus 167,193 536,382 31.2 Tulung Agung 141,094 833,232 16.9 Pemalang 170,475 945,590 18.0 Madiun *) 145,636 150,562 96.7 Cilacap 231,505 1,333,395 17.4 Pasuruan 165,038 1,034,967 15.9 Banyumas 232,043 1,225,471 18.9 Kediri *) 173,433 221,830 78.2 Tegal 262,375 1,100,048 23.9 Sidoarjo 185,354 854,298 21.7 Klaten 268,805 1,066,241 25.2 Malang 194,069 2,045,939 9.5 Surakarta *) 469,532 469,888 94.5 Jember 329,031 1,881,091 17.5 Semarang *) 820,142 1,026,671 79.9 Banyuwangi 366,564 1,420,837 25.8 Malang *) 470,128 511,780 91.9 Surabaya *) 1,737,019 2,027,913 85.7 TOTAL JAVA 22,926,377 91.269.528 25.1 Note: *) Kotamadya 7 ANNEX I Table 1.2 Page 3 of 4 Urban Population by Kabupaten/Kotamadya - Kalimantan and Sulawesi 1980 Census (in Thousands) Urban Total Urban Total % Kabupaten/Kotamadya Population Population Urban Kabupaten/Kotamadya Population Population Urban TOTAL WEST KALIMANTAN 416,923 2,486,068 16.8 TOTAL EAST KALIMANTAN 485,219 1,218,016 39.8 Kapuas Hulu 2,293 128,647 1.9 Pasir 8,181 81,296 10.1 Sanggau 9,513 323,499 2.9 Berau 10,610 45,903 23.1 Pontianak 12,207 608,893 2.0 Kutai 15,620 368,501 4.2 Ketapang 12,661 253,828 5.0 Bulongan 60,295 176,923 34.1 Sintang 13,181 263,319 5.0 Samarinda *) 182,473 264,718 68.9 Sambas 90,403 603,104 15.0 Balikpapan *) 208,040 280,675 74.1 Pontianak t) 276,665 304,778 90.8 TOTAL CENTRAL KALIMANTAN 98,257 954,353 10.3 TOTAL SOUTH KALIMANTAN 440,901 2,064,649 21.4 Kota Waringin Barat 5,082 94,544 5.4 Hulu Sei Utara 4,841 239,525 2.0 Barito Selatan 9,427 69,020 13.7 Tabalong 10,609 124,939 8.5 Kapuas 15,685 258,473 6.1 Hulu Sei Selatan 13,498 175,769 7.7 Kota Waringin Timur 16,377 183,166 8.9 Hulu Sei Tengah 15,910 200,426 7.9 Palangka Raya *) 51,686 60,447 85.5 Rota Baru 17,882 193,650 9.2 Barito Timur 51,209 Banjar 48,090 347,600 13.8 Barito Utara 63,601 Banjarmasin *) 330,131 381,286 86.6 Gunung Mas 56,034 Tanah Laut 122,929 Muring Raya 51,836 Barito Kuala 169,952 Tapin 108,573 TOTAL KALIMANTAN 1,441,300 6,723,086 21.4 TOTAL NORTH SULAWESI 354,607 2,115,384 16.8 TOTAL SOUTH SULAWESI 1,096,075 6,062,212 18.1 Gorontalo 4,731 502,695 0.9 Takalar 7,385 173,411 4.2 Sangihe Talaud 9,852 238,433 4.1 Sinjai 7,593 169,166 4.4 Bolaang Mangondow 10,962 299,696 3.7 Enrekang 8,752 131,769 6.6 Minahasa 48,417 759,773 6.4 Maros 9,286 201,702 4.6 Gorontalo *) 63,554 97,628 65.1 Soppeng 9,302 233,952 4.0 Manado *) 217,091 217,159 99.9 Selayar 11,410 95,484 12.0 Bantaeng 14,429 117,272 12.3 Pangkajene Kepulauan 15,583 219,692 7.1 Bulu Kumba 17,307 300,654 5.8 TOTAL CENTRAL SULAWESI 115,472 1,289.635 9.0 Tana Toraja 21,021 331,580 6.3 Poso 8,128 266,708 3.0 Pinrang 21,263 268,424 8.0 Luwuk/Banggai 16,820 268,203 6.3 Gowa 26,255 356,514 7.3 Bual Toli-Toli 17,382 172,952 10.1 Polewali Mamasa 29,034 360,384 8.1 Donggala 73,052 1,289,635 9.0 Majene 30,968 120,830 25.6 Wajo 32,621 372,327 8.8 Sidendeng Rappang 32,861 209,356 15.7 Bone 37,835 622,930 6.1 TOTAL SOUTH SULAWESI 88,036 942,302 9.3 Luwu 61,543 503,757 12.2 Muna 12,325 174,057 7.1 Pare-Pare *) 62,865 86,450 72.7 Kolaka 14,744 144,446 10.2 Ujung Pandang *) 638,762 709,038 90.1 Buton 17,861 317,124 5.6 Barru 136,097 Kendari 43,106 306,675 14.1 Mamuju 99,796 TOTAL SULAWESI 1,654,190 10,409,533 15.9 Note: *) Kotamadya -8- ANNEX I Table 1.2 Page 4 of 4 Urban Population by Kabupaten/Kotamadva - Other Islands 1980 Census (in Thousands) Urban Total Urban Total Kabupaten/Kotamnadya Population Population Urban Kabupaten/Kotamadya Population Population Urban TOTAL BALI 363,336 2,469,930 14.7 TOTAL NUSA TENGGARA BARAT 383,421 2,724,664 14.0 Bangli 11,996 161,542 7.4 Dompu 4,680 95,827 4.9 Karang Asem 13,263 314,346 4.2 Sumbawa 29,772 304,394 9.8 Gianjar 14,131 306,129 4.6 Lombok Tengah 31,756 577,007 5.5 Jembrana 20,117 204,963 9.8 Bima 39,921 366,740 10.9 Tabanan 20,546 342,823 6.0 Lombok Timur 59,563 725,439 8.2 Klungkung 21,683 148,747 14.6 Lombok Barat 217,729 655,257 33.2 Buleleng 87,828 487,003 18.0 Badung 173,772 504,377 34.5 TOTAL NUSA TENGGARA TIMUR 205,467 2,737,166 7,5 TOTAL MALUKU 152,944 1,411,006 10.8 Timor Tengah Utara 4,385 134,092 3.3 Maluku Tenggara 7,836 245,052 3.2 B e 1 u 5,547 181,073 3.1 Maluku Tengah 9,544 443,940 2.1 Sumba Barat 6,145 232,101 2.6 Maluku Utara 23,650 419,192 5.6 Sumba Timur 6,176 123,078 5.0 Ambon *) 111,914 208,898 53.6 Ngada 6,360 172,575 5.7 Halmahera Tengah 93,924 Timor Tengah Selatan 7,512 289,655 2.6 Manggarai 8,837 397,525 2.2 Flores Timur 12,783 257,687 5.0 Alor 13,142 124,948 10.5 Sikka 19,428 219,656 8.8 TOTAL IRIAN JAYA 237,316 1,173,875 20.2 Ende 27,249 201,609 13.5 Jayawijaya 4,459 257,791 1.7 Kupang 87,903 403,167 21.8 Yapen Waropen 7,384 59,982 12.3 Paniai 8,313 177,619 4.7 Merauke 12,395 172,662 7.2 Fak-Fak 16,365 63,903 25.6 Manokwari 24,556 84,757 29.0 Teluk Cendrawasih 24,870 71,020 35.0 Sorong 57,433 134,833 42.6 Jayapura 81,541 151,308 53.9 TOTAL OTHER ISLANDS 1,189,540 9,105,635 13.1 TOTAL INDONESIA 32,845,769 146,934,948 22.4 Note: *) Kotamadya -9- ANNEX I Table 1.3 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Number of Urban and Rural Villages in Indonesia by Province P r o v i n c e Number of Villages Percent Urban Urban Rural Total D.I. Aceh 93 5503 5596 1.7 North Sumatra 247 5389 5636 4.4 West Sumatra 177 3419 3596 4.9 Riau 68 1003 1071 6.3 Jambi 65 1236 1301 5.0 South Sumatra 160 2271 2431 6.6 Bengkulu 31 1091 1122 2.7 Lampung 56 1442 1498 3.7 SUMATRA: TOTAL 897 21354 22251 4.0 DKI Jakarta 197 39 236 83.4 West Java 448 5282 5730 7.8 Central Java 766 7692 8458 9.1 D.I. Yogyakarta 180 376 556 32.3 East Java 721 7633 8354 8.6 JAVA: TOTAL 2312 21022 23334 9.9 West Kalimantan 43 4654 4697 1.0 Central Kalimantan 9 1122 1131 0.7 South Kalimantan 63 1063 1126 5.6 East Kalimantan 45 1030 1075 4.2 KALIMANTAN: TOTAL 160 7869 8029 2.0 North Sulawesi 93 1176 1269 7.3 Central Sulawesi 22 1282 1304 1.7 South Sulawesi 96 1077 1173 8.2 South East Sulawesi 22 634 656 3.3 SULAWESI: TOTAL 233 4169 4402 5.3 Bali 48 542 590 8.1 West Nusa Tenggara 47 518 565 8.3 East Nusa Tenggara 54 1672 1726 3.1 East Timor - 403 403 - Maluku 16 1800 1816 0.9 Irian Jaya 37 869 906 4.0 EASTERN ISLANDS: TOTAL 202 5804 6006 3.4 I N D O N E S I A 3804 60218 64022 5.9 - 10 - ANNEX I Table 1.4 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Level and Growth of Population of Eotamadya: 1961 - 1980 Municipality Poulation (000) Average Growth (2 per year) i961 91 1980 1961-71 91-80 SUMATRA Banda Aceh 40 54 72 3.0 3.3 Sabang - 18 24 - 3.4 Sibolga 39 42 60 0.9 3.9 Tanjung Balai 29 34 42 1.5 2.5 Pematang Siantar 115 129 150 1.2 1.7 Tebing Tinggi 26 30 92 1.5 13.0 * Medan 479 636 1,379 2.9 8.9 * Binjai 45 60 77 2.9 2.7 Padang 144 196 481 3.2 10.4 * Solok - 25 32 - 2.8 Sawah Lunto 12 12 14 0.1 1.0 Padang Panjang 26 31 35 1.9 1.3 Bukit Tinggi 52 63 71 2.1 1.3 Payakumbuh - 63 79 - 2.4 Pekanbaru 71 145 186 7.5 2.8 Jaabi 113 159 234 3.5 4.2 Palembang 475 583 782 2.1 3.4 Pangkal Pinang 60 75 90 2.2 2.1 Bengkulu 25 32 65 2.4 8.1 Tanjung Karang 134 199 284 4.1 4.0 SUMATRA: TOTAL 1,885 2,585 4,253 3.2 5.7 JAVA Jakarta 2,973 4,579 6,503 4.5 3.9 Bogor 154 196 247 2.5 2.6 Sukabumi 80 96 110 1.8 1.5 Bandung 973 1,200 1,463 2.2 2.2 Cirebon 158 179 224 1.2 2.5 Magelang 97 110 124 1.4 1.3 Surakarta 368 414 470 1.2 1.4 Salatiga 58 70 86 1.9 2.3 Semarang 503 647 1,027 2.6 5.2 Pekalongan 102 111 133 0.8 2.0 Tegal 89 106 132 1.8 2.4 Yogyakarta 313 342 399 0.9 1.7 Kediri 159 179 222 1.2 2.4 Blitar 63 68 79 0.8 1.6 Malang 342 422 512 2.2 2.1 Probolinggo 69 82 100 1.8 2.2 Pasuruan 63 75 96 1.8 2.7 Mojokerto 52 60 69 1.5 1.5 Madiun 123 136 151 1.0 1.1 Surabaya 1,008 1,556 2,028 4.5 3.0 JAVA: TOTAL 7,746 10,629 14,172 3.2 3.2 KALIMANTAN Pontianak 150 218 305 3.8 3.8 Palangka Raya 7 27 60 14.9 9.2 * Banjarmasin 214 282 381 2.8 3.4 Balikpapan 92 137 281 4.2 8.2 * Samarinda 70 138 265 7.1 7.4 * KALIMANTAN: TOTAL 533 802 1292 4.2 5.5 SULAWESI Gorontalo 71 82 98 1.5 1.9 Manado 130 170 217 2.8 2.7 UJung Pandang 384 435 709 1.3 5.5 a Pare- Pare 68 73 86 0.7 2.0 SULAWESI: TOTAL 654 759 1,110 1.4 4.3 OTH1ER ISLANDS Ambon 56 80 209 3.6 11.2 * ALL MUNICIPALITIES 10,873 14,855 21,036 3.2 3.9 Note: *) Boundary expansion between 1971 and 1980 Censuses. Source: 1961, 1971, 1980 Census, BPS. - 11 - ANNEX I Table 1.5 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Comparison of Dalam Neqeri 1978 Survey and 1980 Census Urban Population (in thousand) Province Dalam Negeri 1978 Updated Census 1980 Survey /a to 1980 /b DKI Jakarta 5585 /c 6071 West Java 3984 5771 Central Java 4686 4756 D.I. Yogyakarta 628 607 East Java 5000 5720 JAVA: (excluding Jakarta) 14298 (15299) 16854 JAVA: (including Jakarta) 19883 (21274) 22925 D.I. Aceh 348 233 North Sumatra 2235 2127 West Sumatra 915 433 Riau 497 588 Jambi 161 183 South Sumatra 1543 1267 Bengkulu 180 72 Lampung 548 577 SUMATRA: TOTAL 6427 (7070) 5480 West Kalimantan 789 417 Central Kalimantan 199 98 South Kalimantan 588 441 East Kalimantan 492 485 KALIMANTAN: TOTAL 2068 (2229) 1441 North Sulawesi 491 355 Central Sulawesi 198 115 South Sulawesi 1703 1096 South East Sulawesi 137 88 SULAWESI: TOTAL 2529 (2777) 1654 Bali 402 363 West Nusa Tenggara 392 383 East Nusa Tenggara 152 205 Maluku 269 153 Irian Jaya 261 237 East Timor OTHER ISLANDS: TOTAL 1476 (1624) 1341 INDONESIA: TOTAL 32383 (34974) 32841 /a Some of the kotamadyas were not included in the 1978 survey. 1980 census data used assuming 8% growth between 1978 and 1980. /b 1978 survey updated to 1980 by assuming 7% growth and 10% growth in Java and other islands respectively over the 1978-1980 period. Ic Jakarta not included in 1978 survey. This figure based on 1980 census, assuming 8% growth from 1978 to 1980. Source: Dalam Negeri (1978 Survey) and 1980 Census. - 12 - ANNEX I Table 1._6 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Urban Population by Size of City - 1978 Dalam Negeri 1978 Survey /a (in thousand) Size of city/town Sumatra Java Kalimantan Sulawesi Others Total Over 1 million No. of cities 1 3 4 Total population 1140 8774 9914 500.000 - 1 million No. of cities 1 1 1 3 Total population 721 957 588 2266 100.000 - 500.000 No. of cities 5 16 4 1 2 28 Total population 1097 3205 948 200 237 5687 50.000 - 100.000 No. of cities 16 35 7 4 1 63 Total population 1067 2314 405 246 50 4082 20.000 - 50.000 No. of cities 34 117 8 24 14 197 Total population 1040 3888 257 730 426 6341 5.000 - 20.000 No. of cities 148 44 45 85 80 402 Total population 1362 745 458 765 763 4093 TOTAL No. of cities 205 216 64 115 97 670 Total population 6427 14298 2068 2529 1476 32383 /a 1978 Survey does not include some of the kotamadya or Jakarta. In these cases 1980 census data used, and adjusted assuming 8% growth in 1978-1980 period. Source: Dalam Negeri Survey 1978. - 13 - Annex I Table 1.7 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Population Proportions, Census 1971, Susenas 1978 Susenas 1980 and Census 1980 REGION SUSENAS CENSUS SUSENAS CENSUS SUSENAS 1970 1971 /1 1978 1980 1980 JAVA Urban 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.16 0.15 Rural 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.47 0.47 Total 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.63 0.62 OUTER Urban 0.06 0.06 0.07 0.07 0.07 ISLANDS Rural 0.30 0.30 0.29 0.30 0.31 Total 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.37 0.38 INDONESIA 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Source: Census and Susenas reports. - 14 - ANNEX I Table 1.8 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Estimates of Net Migration and Natural Increase Components of Population Change in Provinces, 1971-80 Growth Net Natural Provinces Rate Migration Increases Daerah Istimewa Aceh 2.93 0.17 2.76 North Sumatra 2.60 -0.22 2.82 West Sumatra 2.21 -0.36 2.57 Riau 3.11 0.37 2.74 Jambi 4.07 0.99 3.08 South Sumatra 3.32 0.37 2.95 Bengkulu 4.39 1.31 3.08 Lampung 5.77 2.04 3.73 DKI Jakarta 3.93 1.15 2.78 West Java 2.66 0.03 2.63 Central Java 1.64 -0.57 2.21 Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 1.10 0.15 0.95 East Java 1.49 -0.26 1.75 Bali 1.69 -0.14 1.82 West Nusa Tenggara 2.36 -0.12 2.48 East Nusa Tenggara 1.95 0.08 2.03 East Timor West Kalimantan 2.31 0.07 2.24 Central Kalimantan 3.43 0.68 2.75 South Kalimantan 2.16 0.13 2.03 East Kalimantan 5.73 1.50 4.23 North Sulawesi 2.31 0.06 2.25 Central Sulawesi 3.86 1.10 2.85 South Sulawesi 1.74 -0.30 2.04 South East Sulawesi 3.09 0.42 2.67 Maluku 2.88 0.24 2.64 Irian Jaya 2.67 0.26 2.41 Indonesia 2.33 0 2.33 Source: Calculations based on the 1971 and 1980 Population Censuses. See: "Demographic Patterns and Population Projections, 1980 - 2000, by Provinces", Vol. III in "Indonesia - Selected Issues in Spatial Development", World Bank 1984, forthcoming. - 15 - ANNEX I Table 1.9 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Inter-Provincial Migration, 1975 - 1980, by Province Migrants (1975-80) Province In Out Net D.I. Aceh 49,848 28,248 21,600 North Sumatra 85,534 177,289 -91,755 West Sumatra 90,603 153,239 -62,636 Riau 93,948 53,757 40,191 Jambi 105,779 36,178 69,601 South Sumatra 216,354 132,011 84,343 Bengkulu 64,583 15,899 48,684 Lampung 494,991 45,594 449,397 SUMATRA: TOTAL 1,201,640 642,215 559,425 DKI Jakarta 746,710 382,326 364,384 West Java 506,532 468,441 38,091 Central Java 174,142 908,302 -734,160 D.I. Yogyakarta 93,815 72,933 20,882 East Java 193,402 570,555 -377,153 JAVA: TOTAL 1,714,601 2,402,557 687,956 West Kalimantan 37,719 28,431 9,288 Central Kalimantan 47,894 15,989 31,905 South Kalimantan 59,669 46,061 13,608 East Kalimantan 108,392 20,334 88,058 KALIMANTAN: TOTAL 253,674 110,815 142,859 North Sulawesi 44,106 38,259 5,847 Central Sulawesi 80,494 17,282 63,212 South Sulawesi 56,888 147,855 -90,967 South East Sulawesi 49,358 29,575 19,783 SULAWESI: TOTAL 230,846 232,971 -2,125 Bali 35,993 52,404 -16,411 West Nusa Tenggara 22,396 39,987 -16,591 East Nusa Tenggara 23,291 34,713 -11,422 East Timor - - - Maluku 43,907 26,995 16,912 Irian Jaya 31,500 16,191 15,309 EASTERN ISLAND: TOTAL 157,087 170,290 -12,203 TOTAL INDONESIA /1 3,557,848 3,557,848 0 /1 Excludes migrants into and out of country. Source: Tabulations from the 1980 Population Census, See 'Demographic Patterns and Population Projections 1980-2000', World Bank, ibid. - 16 - ANNEX I Table 1.10 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Historic and Projected Population by Province 1961-2000 Average Annual Growth Rates Population /a Province 1961-71 1971-80 1980-90 1990-2000 1980 1990 2000 (projected) (projected) ................ .% per year .............. (thousands) D.I. Aceh 2.14 2.93 2.49 2.09 2,592 3,325 4,098 North Sumatra 2.96 2.60 2.40 2.10 8,301 10,552 13,023 West Sumatra 1.82 2.21 1.57 1.58 3,390 3,967 4,645 Riau 2.99 3.11 2.80 2.43 2,147 2,841 3,622 Jambi 3.25 4.07 3.13 2.70 1,429 1,955 2,560 South Sumatra 2.21 3.32 2.81 2.40 4,589 6,079 7,731 Bengkulu 2.55 4.39 3.59 3.05 759 1,087 1,475 Lampung 5.82 5.77 4.13 3.26 4,550 6,874 9,528 DKI Jakarta 5.09 3.93 3.58 2.77 6,413 9,170 12,093 West Java 2.05 2.66 1.93 1.81 27,282 33,089 39,643 Central Java 1.70 1.64 1.23 1.02 25,293 28,595 31,669 D.I. Yogyakarta 1.02 1.10 1.72 1.44 2,747 3,263 3,768 East Java 1.55 1.49 1.17 0.96 29,099 32,704 36,010 West Kalimantan 2.07 2.31 2.52 2.16 2,472 3,179 3,945 Central Kalimantan 3.60 3.43 3.25 2.67 946 1,309 1,709 South Kalimantan 1.44 2.16 2.03 1.84 2,054 2,516 3,023 East Kalimantan 2.92 5.73 3.52 2.91 1,195 1,700 2,275 North Sulawesi 2.79 2.31 3.09 2.42 2,104 2,866 3,650 Central Sulawesi 2.82 3.86 3.48 2.86 1,271 1,801 2,398 South Sulawesi 1.37 1.74 2.27 1.91 6,040 7,576 9,174 South East Sulawesi 2.47 3.09 3.22 2.68 935 1,290 1,687 Bali 1.74 1.69 1.45 1.33 2,462 2,846 3,251 West Nusa Tenggara 2.00 2.36 1.82 1.74 2,709 3,251 3,870 East Nusa Tenggara 1.55 1.95 2.25 1.98 2,726 3,415 4,165 Maluku 3.24 2.88 2.92 2.54 1,397 1,870 2,411 Irian Jaya 2.04 2.67 3.50 2.67 1,101 1,563 2,042 TOTAL INDONESIA 2.10 2.33 2.04 1.78 146,003 178,683 213,554 Note: The assumption in this projection is that fertility will fall to replacement levels (i.e. the net reproduction rate (NRR) will be reduced to 1) by 2005 to 2025 (depending on the province) according to existing progress in fertility reduction. Migration patterns are assumed to continue. /a Mid year populations. For 1980 therefore they are slightly less than the (October 31) census data, figures exclude East Timor. Sources: 1961, 1971, 1980 Censuses. Projection from 'Demographic Patterns and Population Projections, 1980 - 2000"; World Bank, ibid. - 17 - ANNEX I Table 2.1 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Birth and Death Rates in Urban and Rural Areas Urban Rural Total 1967-1970 1978-1979 1967-1970 1978-1979 1967-1970 1978-1979 Birth per year per 1000 woman, by age of woman 15 - 19 115 80 167 121 155 111 20 - 24 263 211 293 243 286 235 25 - 29 270 210 275 219 273 217 30 - 34 207 153 213 162 211 159 35 - 39 118 89 126 96 124 94 40 - 44 47 32 57 41 55 39 44 - 49 12 9 18 14 17 13 Fertility rate /a 5.16 3.92 5.75 4.48 5.61 4.34 Crude Birth Rate /b 39.83 30.35 45.01 35.20 43.77 33.99 Crude Death Rate /c 15.27 11.50 20.04 13.96 18.81 13.38 Rate of Natural Increase /d 24.56 18.85 24.97 21.24 24.29 20.61 /a Number of children born to average woman between age of 15 and 49. /b Annual number of births per thousand population. Ic Annual number of deaths per thousand population. Id Annual rate of growth of population per thousand population in absence of migration (equals CBR minus CDR). Source: 1967-1970 data: 1971 census. 1978-1979 data: 1980 census. See: 'Tingkat Kelahiran dan Kematian di Indonesia, BPS 1982. - 18 - ANNEX I Table 2.2 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Percentage of Female Population Aged 10 Years and Over in Urban and Rural Areas by Age Group and Marital Status, 1980 Urban Rural Urban + Rural Age Group Single Mar- Wid- Di- Single Mar- Wid- Di- Single Mar- Wid- Di- ried owed vorced ried owed vorced ried owed vorced 10 - 14 99,0 0,9 0,1 0,0 97,9 1,9 0,1 0,2 98,2 1,6 0,0 0,2 15 - 19 81,9 16,8 0,2 1,1 65,6 31,2 0,3 2,9 70,0 27,3 0,3 2,4 20 - 24 36,8 59,5 0,6 3,1 17,3 76,6 0,8 5,3 22,2 72,3 0,7 4,8 25 - 29 13,7 80,2 1,4 4,7 5,8 87,8 1,5 4,9 7,6 86,0 1,5 4,9 30 - 34 6,4 85,5 3,1 5,0 2,6 89,4 3,0 5,0 3,5 88,5 3,1 4,9 35 - 39 3,6 86,5 5,0 4,9 1,5 88,4 5,4 4,7 2,0 88,0 5,3 4,7 40 - 44 2,4 81,5 10,3 5,8 1,2 81,8 11,3 5,7 1,5 81,7 11,1 5,7 45 - 49 1,9 74,7 16,2 7,2 1,1 75,9 17,1 5,8 1,3 75,6 16,9 6,2 50 + 2,4 47,0 44,2 6,4 1,6 46,5 45,9 6,0 1,8 46,6 45,5 6,1 Total 38,1 49,5 8,8 3,6 28,2 56,7 10,9 4 3 55,1 10,4 4,1 Source: 1980 Population Census, Series S No. 1. 19 - ANNEX I Table 2.3 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Average Number of Children Ever Born per Married Woman in Urban and Rural Areas - 1980 Age of Married Woman Urban Rural Total 15 - 29 0.69 0.57 0.59 20 - 24 1.57 1.52 1.53 25 - 29 2.67 2.77 2.74 30 - 34 3.84 4.01 3.98 35 - 39 4.91 4.98 4.96 40 - 44 5.33 5.35 5.35 45 - 49 5.55 5.46 5.48 50 - 54 5.21 5.18 5.18 55 - 59 5.02 5.05 5.04 60 - 64 4.58 4.71 4.69 Over 65 4.43 4.67 4.63 Total 3.79 3.81 3.81 Source: 1980 Census, Series S No. 2, March 1983. - 20 - ANNEX I Table 2.4 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Average Number of Children Still Living per Woman in Urban and Rural Areas, 1980 Age of Woman Urban Rural Total 15 - 19 0.11 0.17 0.15 20 - 24 0.89 1.09 1.04 25 - 29 2.04 2.23 2.18 30 - 34 3.14 3.23 3.21 35 - 39 4.00 3.93 3.94 40 - 44 4.23 4.09 4.12 45 - 49 4.32 4.07 4.12 50 - 54 3.91 3.68 3.73 55 - 59 3.71 3.53 3.57 60 - 64 3.26 3.20 3.21 Over 65 3.02 3.10 3.09 Total 1.90 2.11 2.06 Source: 1980 Census, Series S, No. 2. - 21 - ANNEX I Table 3.1 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Employment by Sector in Urban and Rural Areas, 1971 and 1980 Rural Urban Total Number % Number % Number % (000) (000) (000) A. MID-1980 Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing 27,521 67.3 887 9.3 28,408 56.3 Mining, Quarrying 300 0.7 104 1.1 404 0.8 Manufacturing 3,252 7.9 1,340 14.1 4,592 9.1 Utilities 19 - 31 0.3 50 - Construction 1,084 2.6 531 5.6 1,615 3.2 Trade, Restaurants, Hotels 4,192 10.3 2,367 24.9 6,559 13.0 Transport, Storage,Communications 733 1.8 730 7.7 1,463 2.9 Finance, Insurance, etc. 90 0.2 213 2.2 303 0.6 Other Services 3,751 9.2 3,313 34.8 7,064 14.0 Total 40,938 100.0 9,519 100.0 50,458 100.0 B. MID-1971 Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing 27,063 76.2 656 11.3 27,719 67.1 Mining, Quarrying 44 0.1 39 0.7 83 0.2 Manufacturing 2,190 6.2 661 11.4 2,851 6.9 Utilities 10 - 31 0.5 41 0.1 Construction 423 1.2 279 4.8 702 1.7 Trade, Restaurants, Hotels 2,995 8.4 1,508 26.1 4503 10.9 Transport, Storage,Communications 456 1.3 535 9.3 991 2.4 Finance, Insurance, etc. 20 - 104 1.8 124 0.3 Other Services 2,328 6.6 1,969 34.1 4,297 10.4 Total 35,530 100.0 5,781 100.0 41,311 100.0 Sources: 1980 data from 1980 Census, Series S, No. 2; seasonally adjusted to mid-year. In addition, employment in unspecified sectors is allocated proportionally to all sectors. 1971 data from 1971 census adjusted to make consistent with definitions in 1980 census. Total employment is from series C while the sectoral breakdown is from series D. The data are also adjusted to include estimates for E. Timor, and rural Irian Jaya (excluded from 1971 census). - 22 - ANNEX I Table 3.2 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Dependency Ratios From Census Data, 1971 and 1980 Urban /1 Rural Java Outer Total Java Outer Total Islands Islands 1971 Census Employed ('000) /2 3,705 1,589 5,294 20,984 11,350 32,334 Total Population ('000) 13,675 6,790 20,465 62,354 35,548 97,902 Dependency Ratio /3 3.7 4.3 3.9 3.0 3.1 3.0 1980 Census Employed ('000) /2 7,190 2,590 9,780 25.650 15,762 41,412 Total Population ('000) 22,926 9,920 32,846 68,291 45,640 113,931 Dependency Ratio /3 3.2 3.8 3.4 2.7 2.9 2.8 /1 Urban Areas are classified by different criteria in the two censuses; see Annex 1, table 1.5, and Note A. /2 Note that these figures do not exactly correspond with those in the previous table. These figures are taken directly from the census (October) while in the previous table employment figures have been adjusted to mid-year. /3 Dependency ratio is calculated by dividing the total population by the total employment; i.e. it measures the number of people supported by the average worker. To the extent that urban workers support relatives in rural areas, the dependency ratio in urban areas is understated. Source: 1971 Census, Series D, March 1975. 1981 Census, Series S, No. 1. - 23 - ANNEX I Table 3.3 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Economic Participation Rates /1 in Urban and Rural Areas, 1980 (Male and Female) Age Group Urban Rural Total 10 - 14 3.7 13.2 11.1 15 - 19 23.5 44.9 39.1 20 - 24 46.3 57.9 54.8 25 - 29 59.1 65.1 63.7 30 - 34 62.4 67.9 66.6 35 - 39 63.9 69.5 68.3 40 - 44 65.7 70.9 69.8 45 - 49 63.0 71.3 69.6 50 - 54 58.6 69.0 67.0 55 - 59 50.0 66.0 62.7 60 - 64 40.8 56.6 53.8 Over 65 23.4 37.0 34.5 Total 41.4 52.6 50.0 /1 Defined as the ratio of 'economically active' population (working or looking for work) to total population. Employment is defined here as having worked at least two days in the previous week or temporarily not working. Source: 1980 Census, Series S, No. 2. - 24 - ANNEX I Table 3.4 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Hours Worked Per Week by Employed Work Force October 1980 (Cummulative Percentage) Hours worked in All Occupations All Excluding Agriculture Previous Week Urban Rural Urban Rural 50 or more 21.4 8.5 22.3 16.2 45 - 49 52.5 27.9 54.6 39.8 35 - 44 79.5 56.2 81.5 65.9 25 - 34 86.5 71.4 88.0 77.7 10 - 24 94.5 93.2 95.0 92.7 Less than 10 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Source: 1980 Census, Series S, No. 2. - 25 - ANNEX r Table 3.5 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Occupational Status of Migrants and Non- migrants in urban and rural areas (percentage distribution) Migrants la to Non-Migrants Type of occupation Urban Rural Urban Rural White Collar 38.4 15.7 40.6 14.0 Service Workers 26.3 4.9 10.3 2.5 Farm Workers 2.2 59.8 11.1 66.7 Blue Collar 28.8 17.0 35.3 15.8 Unclassified 4.4 2.7 2.7 1.0 Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 /a Refers only to recent migrants (0-5 years). Urban and rural refers to present residence, having moved from another province (unknown whether rural or urban) within the last five years. Source: 1980 Census. See: "The Interprovincial Migration Study", Volume IV in "Indonesia Selected Issues in Spatial Development", World Bank, 1984 forthcoming. - 26 - ANNEX I Table 4.1 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Population by Expenditure Classes, 1980 (in thousand) Monthly per Urban Rural Capita Expenditure Java Outer Indonesia Java Outer Indonesia Class (Rp.) Islands Islands Less than Rp.2000 44 6 50 1,411 331 1,742 2000 - 2999 448 51 499 6,483 1,503 7,986 3000 - 3999 1,265 182 1,448 11,446 3,109 14,555 4000 - 4999 1,975 404 2,379 11,739 4,521 16,260 5000 - 5999 2,062 641 2,703 10,217 5,316 15,532 6000 - 7999 4,116 1,593 5,710 12,348 9,703 22,051 8000 - 9999 2,966 1,657 4,622 6,029 7,124 13,153 10000 - 14999 4,747 2,697 7,444 5,263 8,267 13,530 15000 - 19999 2,382 1,179 3,561 1,264 2,522 3,787 20000 - 29999 1,836 798 2,634 669 1,252 1,921 30000 + 1,117 393 1,509 188 448 636 TOTAL 22,958 9,601 32,559 67,058 44,095 111,153 Note: Totals may not exactly add up due to rounding Source: SUSENAS, 1980. - 27 - ANNEX I Table 4.2 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Average Consumption of the Poorest 40 Percent of the Population in Urban and Rural Areas (Rp. per capita per month) Java Outside Java Indonesia Year Rural Urban Rural Urban Rural Urban Total Expenditure in Current Prices 1970 /1 541 828 824 1,074 645 911 691 1976 /2 1,968 3,271 2,610 3,384 2,200 3,313 2,408 1978 /2 2,108 3,903 2,848 4,197 2,376 4,014 2,681 1980 /3 3,470 5,402 4,832 6,777 3,814 5,696 4,240 Expenditure in 1980 Prices /4 1970 2,652 3,528 3,622 4,512 3,007 3,862 3,156 1976 3,061 5,079 4,293 5,621 3,502 5,280 3,840 1978 2,872 5,466 4,023 6,292 3,284 5,770 3,757 1980 3,470 5,402 4,823 6,777 3,814 5,696 4,240 Average Annual Growth Rate (%) /5 1970-76 2.3 5.8 2.7 3.5 2.4 5.0 3.1 1976-78 -3.2 3.7 -3.3 5.8 -3.3 4.5 -1.1 1978-80 13.4 -0.8 12.8 5.1 10.4 -0.9 8.4 1970-80 2.8 4.4 2.9 4.2 2.4 4.0 3.0 /1 January - April. /2 Average for year. /3 February. /4 Deflated by price index of 9 essential commodities. /5 Average annual growth rates. The time intervals are 6.4 years for 1970-76, 2 years for 1976-78 and 1.5 for 1978-80. Source: SUSENAS 1970, 1976, 1978, 1980. - 28 - ANNEX I Table 4.3 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT People in Poverty and Incidence of PovertY, in Rural and Urban Areas by Province, 1980 Rural Areas Urban Areas Province Rural People in Poverty Urban People in Poverty Population Poverty Incidence Population Poverty Incidence (000) (000) (%) (000) (000) (%) D.K.I. Jakarta 6,321 1,006 16.9 West Java 21,316 7,313 34.3 5,678 1,498 26.4 Central Java 20,387 12,595 61.8 4,705 1,935 41.1 D.I. Yogyakarta 2,131 1,465 68.8 598 169 28.2 East Java 23,224 13,714 59.1 5,656 2,134 37.7 JAVA: TOTAL 67,058 35,087 52.3 22,958 6,802 29.6 D.I. Aceh 2,333 222 9.5 228 3 1.1 North Sumatra 6,128 1,309 21.4 2,076 367 17.7 West Sumatra 2,935 431 14.7 425 39 9.1 Riau 1,553 233 15.0 578 51 8.8 Jambi 1,230 101 8.3 180 10 5.6 South Sumatra 3,289 429 13.1 1,244 188 15.1 Bengkulu 683 149 21.9 71 9 12.3 Lampung 3,936 1,862 47.3 558 181 32.5 SUMATRA: TOTAL 22,086 4,739 21.5 5,361 847 15.8 West Kalimantan 2,036 211 10.4 411 19 4.6 Central Kalimantan 839 110 13.2 95 5 4.7 South Kalimantan 1,602 216 13.5 430 38 8.8 East Kalimantan 712 105 14.8 469 53 11.3 KALIMANTAN: TOTAL 5,189 642 12.4 1,406 114 8.1 North Sulawesi 1,730 620 35.8 351 61 17.4 Central Sulawesi 1,144 347 30.3 113 15 13.7 South Sulawesi 4,894 2,269 46.4 1,082 256 23.7 South East Sulawesi 834 441 52.9 86 11 12.6 SULAWESI: TOTAL 8,601 3,6767 42.7 1,632 344 21.1 Bali 2,083 841 40.4 358 94 26.3 West Nusa Tenggara 2,310 1,214 52.6 376 129 34.2 East Nusa Tenggara 2,493 1,480 59.4 204 47 23.1 Maluku 1,227 520 42.4 152 18 11.7 Irian Jaya 107 13 12.1 113 4 3.8 OTHERS: TOTAL /1 8,619 4,108 47.7 1,202 292 24.3 INDONESIA: TOTAL 111,553 48,251 43.3 32,559 8,400 25.8 /1 For total, poverty incidence in East Timor assumed equal to average for *Other Islands". Source: See note on following page. - 29 - Note to Annex I Table 4.3: Page 1 of 2 CONSTRUCTION OF POVERTY LINES: The poverty lines (below which an individual is considered to be poor) are calculated by establishing the minimum purchasing power required to satisfy a norm energy requirement and then inflating this minimum purchasing power to approximately cover non-food basic needs. After consideration of alternative food bundles to generate the basic nutritional requirements, it was found that the cost of 16 kg of rice per month multiplied by 1.25 was a good approximation of the minimum cost of the required food intake. /1 There are then two variables that differentiate poverty lines by region and by an urban/rural breakdown. These are a) the price of rice in different locations; b) the proportion of total spending allocated to non-food items. Since urban dwellers tend to spend a higher proportion of their incomes on non-food items, the poverty lines are higher for urban areas. The derivation of the poverty lines for 1980 summarized below. /1 90% of 2150 calories is assumed to be the minimum energy intake. This is assumed throughout the country. To the extent that urban dwellers require less calories (due to different lifestyles) the calorie requirements of urban dwellers may be exaggregate . This would tend strengthen the conclusion in the text that poverty is lower in urban than rural areas. - 30 - J a v a Outside Java Rural Urban Rural Urban Minimum rice requirement (per person per month) 16 Kg 16 Kg 16 Kg 16 Kg Price of Rice (Rp.per Kg) 190 210 215 220 Required Rice Expenditure (Rp.) 3040 3360 3440 3520 Minimum food requirement (1.25 x Rice) 3800 4200 4300 4400 Proportion of Food Expenditure in total /a 0.70 0.65 0.75 0.68 Poverty Line (Rp. per month) 5429 6462 5733 6471 /a Proportion spent by income group consuming the minimum requirement of food. For more details see: Bhanoji Rao: "Poverty in Indonesia: Incidence and Associated Factors"; World Bank, 1983 (internal memorandum). - 31 - ANNEX I Table 4.4 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Estimates of Mid-Year Population /1 and Population in Poverty (Million) Region Population 1970 1976 1978 1980 I /2 II /2 JAVA Urban Total 13.4 16.0 16.8 17.6 22.0 Poor (7.5) (5.4) (4.6) (3.7) (6.5) Rural Total 60.9 69.5 72.6 74.8 68.9 Poor (40.8) (43.6) (47.2) (39.6) (36.4) Total Total 74.3 85.5 89.4 92.4 90.9 Poor (48.3) (49.0) (51.8) (43.3) (42.9) OUTER Urban Total 6.9 9.4 9.8 10.3 10.3 ISLANDS Poor (2.8) (2.6) (2.1) (1.8) (1.8) Rural Total 35.2 38.3 40.5 43.9 45.4 Poor (15.4) (15.4) (13.9) (13.3) (13.8) Total Total 42.1 48.2 50.3 54.2 55.7 Poor (18.2) (18.0) (16.0) (15.1) (15.6) INDONESIA Urban Total 20.3 25.4 26.6 27.9 32,3 Poor (10.3) (8.0) (6.7) (5.5) (8.3) Rural Total 96.1 108.3 113.1 118.7 114.3 Poor (65.2) (59.0) (61.1) (52.9) (50.2) Total Total 116.4 133.7 139.7 146.6 146.6 Poor (66.5) (67.0) (67.8) (58.4) (58.5) /1 Consistent with the 1971 and 1980 census totals. /2 'I' is the set that reflects the 1978 urban-rural population distribution. wII" is the set that reflects the 1980 SUSENAS urban-rural distribution; this is consistent with the 1980 census definition of urban and rural, although it varies slightly due to seasonal variation in the urban-rural breakdown. (The SUSENAS 1980 definition refers to February, while the census was enumerated in October). INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Monthly Income Distribution of Urban Households by Urban Size and Location, 1978 Size of City (Population in thousands) Urban Location Income per household Less than Over DKI Inland Total in Rupiah 20 20-50 50-100 100-300 300 Jakarta Coastal Lowland Upland Urban Less than 20,000 29.0 7.8 31.7 15.5 22.8 6.2 21.3 19.6 28.3 20.4 20,000 - 30,000 17.7 21.9 11.0 20.4 19.2 10.4 18.8 19.9 15.2 16.7 30,000 - 40,000 14.9 20.7 15.3 16.7 14.6 13.3 14.8 16.4 12.3 14.7 40,000 - 50,000 9.1 11.3 14.3 11.9 11.8 11.6 12.1 13.3 7.2 11.1 t Cumulative (less than 50,000) (70.7) (61.7) (72.3) (64.5) (68.4) (41.5) (67.0) (69.2) (63.0) (62.9) 50,000 - 75,000 15.9 19.8 9.8 19.1 16.8 20.5 21.9 14.7 16.7 17.3 75,000 - 100,000 7.6 11.7 6.1 6.3 5.7 10.9 5.5 7.3 3.9 7.5 100,000 - 500,000 5.7 6.0 9.9 9.4 8.7 26.0 5.3 8.3 14.8 11.6 More than 500,000 0.2 0.9 1.8 0.7 0.4 1.1 0.3 0.4 1.7 0.6 Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 (number in sample /a (1,349) (37) (204) (564) (1,508) (998) (547) (1,153) (427) (4,660) /a The number of households in the sample for some town sizes (e.g. 20,000 - 50,000) is too small to be able to draw general conclusions about income distribution. I-3g Source: 1978 SUSENAS tapes. - 33 - ANNEX Table 4.6 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Per Capita Daily Consumption of Foods in Urban and Rural Areas by Region - 1978 (in grams) Rice Corn Wheat Cassava Potatoes Fish Meat & Eggs Dairy Vegetables Legumes Fruits Other Poultry Products DKI Jakarta 300 42 19 47 32 29 26 22 95 62 86 241 236 Urban 300 42 19 47 32 29 26 22 95 62 86 241 236 West Java 402 86 23 129 69 29 31 20 136 47 93 234 184 Urban 345 50 28 75 42 28 31 26 130 68 121 279 242 Rural 409 89 21 132 74 29 31 17 137 44 89 229 167 Central Java 270 267 147 209 130 15 20 19 151 47 74 202 166 Urban 263 67 18 73 53 16 19 26 129 72 97 208 225 Rural 270 275 172 219 145 15 21 14 154 43 69 202 146 D.I. Yogyakarta 209 224 13 207 74 8 14 15 145 38 53 224 169 Urban 247 173 16 67 37 12 16 22 138 59 73 196 224 Rural 202 225 10 217 85 7 13 10 146 35 47 229 150 East Java 241 234 101 206 97 22 21 21 156 50 85 177 148 Urban 264 112 35 75 43 23 22 24 140 65 75 197 164 Rural 237 239 110 222 113 22 21 18 158 47 88 174 142 Sumatra 406 108 52 179 92 68 36 18 150 52 112 247 181 Urban 349 49 39 90 47 68 28 19 148 52 98 209 191 Rural 418 114 57 194 104 68 38 18 151 52 116 256 177 Bali and Nusa- 349 276 83 213 281 43 58 24 169 41 122 202 164 tenggara Urban 369 151 52 100 54 45 33 21 157 39 68 192 211 Rural 347 281 87 219 292 43 61 25 170 41 126 203 157 Kalimantan 411 104 44 153 75 92 38 19 141 54 118 286 163 Urban 342 73 50 94 52 95 29 20 159 58 92 275 177 Rural 433 114 42 168 84 91 41 18 135 53 127 290 158 Sulawesi 361 199 57 150 171 91 41 20 119 41 129 276 170 Urban 359 152 51 103 84 100 44 20 141 40 105 234 210 Rural 361 205 59 157 184 89 40 21 114 41 134 285 161 Maluku and Irian 231 60 55 258 136 121 30 22 146 44 137 231 204 Jaya Urban 295 61 41 121 84 108 23 25 186 54 110 263 237 Rural 183 60 75 315 173 131 52 18 118 28 166 208 140 Indonesia 334 212 67 175 106 43 32 20 145 49 99 222 174 Source: SUSENAS 1978 data tapes; D. Chernochovsky and 0. Meesok: "Patterns of Food Consumption and Nutrition in Indonesia; World Bank, draft, July 1982. INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Average MonthlY Expenditures for Urban Households by Income Group, 1978 Income per Total Expenditure on (Rp) Household in Rp. Saving Expend. Food Housing Tax Education Health Transp. Energy Water Less than 20,000 738 13,046 9,576 2,095 104 156 148 13 870 85 (3,428) (4,713) (3,726) (1,502) (188) (432) (432) (171) (524) (252) 20,000 - 30,000 2,661 22,790 16,065 3,393 193 409 313 7 1,224 191 (5,428) (5,866) (5,550) (2,141) (357) (985) (777) (81) (739) (546) 30,000 - 40,000 3,398 31,368 21,119 5,302 362 705 580 60 1,537 187 (6,464) (6,566) (6,143) (3,792) (658) (1,519) (1,321) (394) (996) (422) 40,000 - 50,000 5,605 39,652 26,524 6,508 508 809 748 101 1,650 313 (9,120) (9,564) (7,864) (4,331) (892) (1,442) (1,972) (536) (979) (718) 50,000 - 75,000 9,059 52,822 33,312 8,852 758 1,329 1,050 264 2,117 388 (13,279) (13,823) (10,788) (7,382) (1,250) (2,217) (2,293) (906) (1,32.0) (825) 75,000 - 100,000 14,010 72,713 41,324 14,237 1,545 2,302 1,280 409 2,908 467 (24,419) (25,147) (1.5,235) (10,984) (2,844) (3,369) (4,334) (1,011) (2,100) (768) 100,000 - 500,000 36,942 145,046 61,903 33,777 3,858 5,287 3,399 2,121 4,917 724 (40,727) (71,936) (27,946) (31,574) (6,111) (6,530) (6,981) (4,64) (3,288) (1,080) More than 500,000 270,502 426,297 112,126 164,472 10,004 30,473 10,871 6,846 10,832 657 (403,177) (244,748) (33,232) (186,311) (14,104) (76,748) (22,755) (10,992) (8,139) (1,154) Note: Figures in parenthesis are the standard deviation, indicating a high degree of variation of spending on various items within each income group. m 1t Source: 1978 SUSENAS tapes. p -35 - ANNEX I Table 4.8 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT ProPortion of Income Allocated to Various Expenditure Categories by Urban Households, by Income Group, 1978 Income per Household Percent of Income spent on (Rupiah) Total Spending Food Housing Education Health Transport Energy Water Less than 20,000 96.9 71.2 16.0 1.2 1.0 0 6.8 0.6 20,000 - 30,000 89.7 63.1 14.5 1.6 1.2 0 4.8 0.7 30,000 - 40,000 90.5 60.8 15.4 2.1 1.7 0.2 4.5 0.5 40,000 - 50,000 87.6 58.6 14.4 2.0 1.7 0.2 3.6 0.7 50,000 - 75,000 85.6 54.2 14.3 2.1 1.7 0.4 3.4 0.6 75,000 - 100,000 83.7 47.7 16.4 2.6 1.5 0.5 3.4 0.5 100,000 - 500,000 80.1 36.2 17.9 3.0 1.9 1.0 2.8 .0.4 More than 500,000 64.5 17.7 24.7 3.6 1.5 1.0 1.7 0.1 Urban Total 88.6 57.8 15.5 2.0 1.5 0.3 4.4 0.6 DKI Jakarta 92.4 53.4 18.7 2.4 1.9 0.5 3.7 1.0 All other Urban 87.6 59.0 14.6 1.8 1.4 0.2 4.6 0.5 Source: 1978 SUSENAS tapes. - 36 - ANNEX I Table 4.9 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Ownership of Consumer Durables: Percentage of Households in Urban and Rural Areas Owning Bicycles, Radios and T.V.'s, 1980 Bicycle Radio/Cassette Recorder T.V. Set Urban Rural Urban Rural Urban Rural Aceh 62.4 61.4 60.3 38.0 40.9 7.3 North Sumatra 54.6 54.2 60.7 42.4 38.1 5.8 West Sumatra 42.2 32.7 58.0 41.9 34.8 5.3 Riau 48.1 40.6 67.2 51.7 40.9 9.7 Jambi 42.1 40.4 64.6 48.3 35.2 6.1 South Sumatra 36.6 37.6 57.6 44.1 36.8 5.7 Bengkulu 31.4 26.6 49.9 41.0 22.7 5.4 Lampung 23.6 42.7 54.4 41.4 29.3 3.1 DKI Jakarta 20.7 31.3 66.4 60.6 47.3 22.2 West Java 18.9 19.5 57.1 38.5 30.9 4.5 Central Java 50.4 36.1 57.0 35.9 24.7 2.3 D.I. Yogyakarta 58.0 56.6 64.9 53.8 28.3 4.1 East Java 47.0 43.1 52.1 33.4 28.4 2.8 Bali 46.6 29.8 56.8 44.7 31.8 4.4 West Nusa Tenggara 20.0 6.9 35.7 14.6 15.4 1.0 East Nusa Tenggara 13.2 2.1 56.0 11.2 20.9 0.5 Maluku 6.4 5.9 61.4 35.3 39.0 3.9 Irian Jaya 13.2 1.9 54.0 9.1 17.2 0.6 West Kalimantan 56.3 34.3 58.6 41.5 39.4 4.9 Central Kalimantan 61.8 17.1 60.5 47.7 34.6 4.5 South Kalimantan 37.4 46.9 54.1 46.3 41.7 7.7 East Kalimantan 27.3 23.1 62.6 49.1 46.5 8.2 North Sulawesi 17.6 11.5 54.8 32.6 32.7 7.0 Central Sulawesi 22.7 14.9 54.2 21.9 28.4 1.4 South Sulawesi 40.5 25.9 51.7 25.8 31.8 2.4 South East Sulawesi 17.0 19.6 45.7 21.2 20.8 2.3 TOTAL 35.4 33.2 57.9 36.4 35.5 3.8 Source: 1980 Census, Series S. No. 2. - 37 - ANNEX I Table 5.1 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Educational Attainment in Urban and Rural Areas by Age Group, 1980 (Percentage distribution) 15 -19 Years 20 - 30 Years Above 30 Years Urban Rural Urban Rural Urban Rural A. Highest Level of Education Attained Less than Primary 23 46 24 52 34 65 Primary 42 42 29 34 30 26 Junior High 32 10 18 7 15 4 Senior High 4 1 26 6 18 5 Higher - La - a 3__ 1 3 - /a 100 100 100 100 100 100 B. Percent Illiterate 5.2 16.0 6.6 21.8 27.7 51.7 La Less than 0.5%. Source: 1980 Census, Series S, No. 2. - 38 - ANNEX I Table 5.2 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Access to Health Facilities in Urban and Rural Areas - Types of Treatment for Population Who Felt Unwell - 1980 Urban Rural General Practitioner 25.2 6.0 Hospital 18.1 9.3 Public Health Center 14.5 17.8 Po'Liclinic 4.0 4.4 Health Service Extension Worker 7.4 18.3 Traditional Doctor 2.9 9.7 Self Treated 21.0 24.7 No Treatment 2.3 6.1 Not Stated 4.4 3.6 100.0 100.0 Source: 1980 Population Census, Series S. No. 2. - 39 - ANNEX I Table 5.3 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Indicators of Health Care in Urban and Rural Areas, 1978 Java Outer Islands Indonesia Urban Rural Total Urban Rural Total Urban Rural Total Percent of Pregnant Woman who have had an examination /1 62 38 43 68 32 37 63 36 42 Percent of births at home /2 52 88 81 52 92 83 52 89 82 Percent of households reporting expenditure on physician,nurse or health worker 27 12 14 19 13 14 24 12 14 Average expenditure on physician,nurse or health worker (Rp.) /3 2848 1373 2294 2232 1152 1710 2527 1234 1962 /1 By a physician, midwife or paramedic in the year prior to survey. /2 As opposed to in a clinic, hospital etc., in the year prior to the survey. /3 For household reporting some expenditure only. Source: 1978 SUSENAS tapes. - 40 - ANNEX I Table 5.4 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Electric Power: Percentage of Household Using Electricity for Lighting in Urban and Rural Areas, by Province 1971 and 1980 Urban (1980) Rural (1980) Urban (1971) Aceh 52.0 5.7 30.7 North Sumatra 52.7 6.8 31.7 West Sumatra 55.4 7.2 33.4 Riau 43.6 9.7 27.1 Jambi 37.7 17.5 10.6 South Sumatra 54.6 17.2 35.6 Bengkulu 45.8 8.4 44.9 Lampung 31.4 3.2 23.5 DKI Jakarta 50.3 16.1 23.4 West Java 50.8 5.6 45.6 East Java 37.7 1.7 35.4 D.I. Yogyakarta 46.9 1.7 34.5 East Java 49.2 3.9 34.9 Bali 61.8 11.8 34.5 West Nusa Tenggara 36.8 2.7 16.8 East Nusa Tenggara 45.2 1.7 13.5 West Kalimantan 59.6 8.4 24.5 Central Kalimantan 49.5 8.8 9.8 South Kalimantan 63.3 11.7 13.4 East Kalimantan 61.5 16.3 21.8 North Sulawesi 46.3 17.5 23.4 Central Sulawesi 44.2 5.9 7.6 South Sulawesi 55.8 6.8 26.8 South East Sulawesi 42.4 3.1 7.7 Maluku 49.8 11.4 24.3 Irian Jaya 47.8 1.8 50.6 TOTAL 48.5 5.4 31.3 Source: 1980 Census, Series S, No.2; 1971 Census - 41 - ANNEX II Table 1.1 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Water and Excreta Disposal - International Comparison (1978 - 1980) Access to excreta disposal as % of Access to safe water population as % of population Total Urban Rural Total Urban Rural Indonesia 15.0 60.0 5.0 12.0 35.0 6.0 Middle-income countries - Middle-income Asia & Pacific 18.0 73.0 5.0 33.0 71.0 22.0 Low-income countries - - - - - India and China - Low-income Asia & Pacific Sample Countries India 20.0 87.0 2.0 33.0 83.0 20.0 China - - - - - Philippines 56.0 76.0 44.0 43.0 66.0 33.0 Thailand 40.0 58.0 36.0 22.0 49.0 12.0 Pakistan 6.0 21.0 - 29.0 60.0 17.0 Kenya 55.0 98.0 48.0 17.0 100.0 4.0 Nigeria - - - - - - Malaysia 60.0 100.0 43.0 62.0 93.0 49.0 Egypt - - - 66.0 88.0 50.0 Brazil 64.8 83.7 31.7 77.1 87.0 56.8 Note: These figures are derived from surveys undertaken in the period 1978 - 1980. Source: World Bank: Social Indicators, World Development Report, 1982; and various World Bank country reports. INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Urban Water Supply: Primary Source of Drinking Water for Urban Household by Province, 1980 PiPe PUmP Well Spring River Others /1 Total (000) (%) (000) 1%) (000) (%) (000) (%) (000) W%) (000) (%) (000) (%) D.I. Aceh 10.4 23 3.3 7 27.1 60 0.1 - 0.1 - 4.4 10 45.4 100 North Sumatra 127.6 35 16.9 5 194.3 54 9.7 3 7.9 2 6.2 1 362.6 100 West Sumatra 17.4 22 6.1 8 48.1 60 6.0 8 0.1 - 1.2 2 79.0 100 Riau 18.2 19 0.9 1 49.5 50 0.2 - 0.5 - 28.9 29 98.1 100 Jambi 1.9 6 1.2 4 25.9 79 0.6 2 2.7 8 0.2 - 32.6 100 South Sumatra 81.9 38 5.9 3 95.9 44 0.6 - 30.8 14 2.2 1 217.5 100 Bengkulu 1.5 10 0.6 4 11.7 81 0.3 2 0.1 1 0.1 1 14.4 100 Lampung 3.3 3 3.9 4 79.4 84 2.0 2 0.5 - 5.8 6 95.0 100 DKI Jakarta 323.5 30 348.6 32 276.0 26 0.3 - 0.1 - 128.9 12 1077.4 100 WesL Java 147.8 13 131.8 12 739.6 66 66.8 6 12.3 1 24.4 2 1122.8 100 Central Java 219.0 23 54.2 6 614.8 66 23.8 3 9.2 1 15.7 1 936.7 100 D.I. Yogyakarta 14.4 11 3.5 3 109.2 86 0.2 - - - 0.2 - 127.6 100 East Java 419.5 36 67.6 6 641.4 55 21.3 2 5.6 - 16.1 1 1171.5 100 West Kalimantan 13.6 18 0.1 - 4.9 7 4.1 6 8.3 11 42.8 58 73.9 100 Central Kalimantan 0.5 3 5.4 29 8.0 43 0.1 1 4.1 22 0.2 1 18.4 100 South Kalimantan 42.8 49 3.8 4 12.3 14 1.4 2 25.8 30 1.0 1 87.0 100 East Kalimantan 20.5 23 13.4 15 31.1 34 4.7 5 13.8 15 7.2 8 90.7 100 North Sulawesi 20.7 31 0.6 1 40.9 62 1.8 3 0.4 1 1.4 2 65.8 100 Central Sulawesi 5.3 29 4.3 23 7.7 42 0.2 1 0.6 3 0.4 2 18.5 100 South Sulawesi 55.6 31 9.6 5 105.0 59 1.4 1 3.4 2 2.6 1 177.5 100 South East SulaWesi 2.2 15 0.2 1 11.5 80 0.4 3 0.1 1 - - 14.4 100 Bali 28.7 42 2.2 3 29.4 44 3.0 5 1.2 2 2.6 4 67.1 100 West Nusa Tenggara 5.3 7 3.9 5 60.9 77 7.8 10 0.4 - 0.8 1 79.1 100 East Nusa Tenggara 17.2 58 0.2 - 6.1 20 3.5 12 0.5 2 2.3 8 29.9 100 Maluku 12.6 53 0.1 - 9.9 41 1.2 5 - - 0.1 - 24.0 100 Irian Jaya 19.3 48 0.2 - 11.1 28 6.3 16 1.3 3 1.9 5 40.2 100 TOTAL 1630.8 26.4 688.7 11.7 3251.8 52.7 167.8 2.7 129.9 2.1 298.2 4.8 6167.2 100 /1 Includes e.g. collection of rain water (Riau, West Kalimantan), purchase from water vendor (Jakarta). Note: Totals may not add due to rounding. Source: 1980 Census, Series S, No. 2. INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Rural Water Supply: Primary Source of Drinking Water for Rural Households, by Province, 1980 Pipe Pump Well Spring River Others /1 Total (000) Z%) (000) (%) (000) 1%) (000) V%) (000) 1%) (000) 1%) (000) (%) D.I. Aceh 4.3 1 4.4 1 371.9 77 35.7 7 58.4 12 10.6 2 485.2 100 North Sumatra 46.8 4 19.9 2 599.7 51 253.8 21 216.9 18 48.6 4 1185.7 100 West Sumatra 12.3 2 10.8 2 257.1 41 215.9 34 92.6 15 36.3 6 625.0 100 Riau 3.5 1 1.4 1 135.9 43 4.5 2 89.6 28 80.2 25 315.2 100 Jambi 3.8 1 7.6 3 95.9 36 8.8 3 106.9 40 44.4 17 267.4 100 South Sumatra 12.9 2 8.1 13 279.5 44 30.0 47 283.6 44 25.6 4 639.8 100 Bengkulu 2.9 2 1.2 1 67.0 49 19.4 14 43.6 32 1.6 2 135.8 100 Lampung 9.2 1 5.4 1 569.6 73 103.5 13 72.6 9 16.5 2 776.6 100 DKI Jakarta 4.7 5 13.9 16 60.4 70 0.2 - 3.3 4 4.2 5 86.6 100 West Java 78.7 2 204.6 4 2856.6 57 1375.6 28 364.3 7 98.1 2 4977.9 100 Central Java 70.1 2 60.4 1 2731.5 63 1053.2 24 314.8 7 119.5 3 4349.5 100 D.I. Yogyakarta 5.5 1 2.9 - 350.1 75 55.2 12 7.9 2 43.4 9 464.9 100 East Java 104.0 2 79.1 1 3704.7 70 998.3 19 288.2 5 132.9 3 5307.1 100 West Kalimatan 0.7 - 0.3 - 82.4 21 8.9 2 217.3 57 74.6 19 384.3 100 Central Kalimantan 0.2 - 0.6 - 21.6 13 4.9 3 137.8 82 2.2 1 167.1 100 South Kalimantan 97.3 3 27.4 8 119.9 33 4.1 1 192.8 54 3.6 1 357.4 100 East Kalimantan 1.5 1 1.0 - 40.1 28 2.7 2 84.9 59 13.7 10 143.8 100 North Sulawesi 15.0 5 4.8 1 200.2 60 76.4 23 24.4 7 12.3 4 333.1 100 Central Sulawesi 3.7 2 10.5 5 88.9 41 41.3 19 66.6 31 3.6 2 214.6 100 South Sulawesi 11.1 1 15.7 2 661.8 70 143.8 15 94.9 10 12.4 1 939.7 100 South East Sulawesi 2.7 2 1.4 1 93.7 59 32.6 20 24.9 15 4.0 3 159.2 100 Bali 32.2 8 7.0 2 140.9 34 159.8 38 64.6 15 13.6 3 418.1 100 West Nusa Tenggara 0.6 - 14.3 3 338.9 65 106.0 20 51.4 10 3.8 1 515.0 100 East Nusa Tenggara 47.0 10 3.2 1 113.7 24 229.5 49 60.3 13 12.3 3 466.0 100 Maluku 11.1 5 1.5 1 117.3 57 44.3 22 25.5 12 4.8 2 204.6 100 Irian Jaya 2.6 1 2.4 1 28.9 17 60.3 34 68.1 39 13.0 7 175.2 100 TOTAL 496.7 2 509.8 2 14128.2 59 5069.0 21 3056.1 13 836.4 3 24096.1 100 P1 m x INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Urban Water Supply: Primary Source of Bathing/Washing Water for Urban Households by Province, 1980 Pipe Pump Well Sprinq River Others /1 Total (000) (w) (000) (M) (000) (%) (000) (%) (000) (%) (000) 1%) (000) 1%) D.I. Aceh 7.3 16 3.4 8 30.1 66 0.1 - 0.6 1 3.9 9 45.3 100 North Sumatra 90.2 25 18.8 5 207.2 57 8.3 2 30.2 8 7.9 2 362.6 100 West Sumatra 12.3 16 5.3 7 48.8 62 5.7 7 5.9 7 1.1 1 78.9 100 Riau 15.9 16 1.1 1 70.1 71 0.2 - 3.9 4 6.9 7 98.1 100 Jambi 1.9 6 0.4 1 24.0 73 0.3 1 5.8 18 0.4 1 32.6 100 South Sumatra 67.4 31 6.3 3 95.7 44 0.4 - 44.2 20 3.6 2 217.4 100 Bengkulu 1.2 8 0.5 3 11.0 77 0.1 1 0.5 3 1.0 7 14.3 100 Lampung 2.5 3 6.2 6 74.3 78 1.7 2 7.5 8 2.8 3 94.9 100 DKI Jakarta 139.3 13 469.4 44 400.8 37 1.1 - 11.6 1 54.7 5 1077.4 100 West Java 110.8 10 125.6 11 693.3 62 62.8 6 82.6 7 47.7 4 1122.7 100 Central Java 92.6 10 67.8 7 664.4 71 25.8 3 71.8 8 14.3 1 936.6 100 D.I. Yogyakarta 13.5 11 4.1 3 101.5 79 1.0 1 6.4 5 1.2 1 127.6 100 East Java 196.2 17 77.1 6 767.1 65 20.7 2 92.5 8 18.0 2 1171.5 100 West Kalimantan 9.8 13 0.4 1 22.9 31 3.0 4 32.5 44 5.3 7 73.9 100 Central Kalimantan 0.1 - 4.4 24 9.3 51 - - 4.4 24 0.2 1 18.3 100 South.Kalimantan 21.8 25 2.9 3 15.1 18 0.3 - 45.6 52 1.2 1 86.9 100 East Kalimantan 14.1 16 13.6 15 34.9 38 4.5 5 18.1 20 5.5 6 90.6 100 North Sulawesi 19.3 29 0.6. 1 39.0 59 2.2 3 3.2 5 1.6 2 65.8 100 Central Sulawesi 3.1 17 4.0 22 8.1 43 0.6 3 2.4 13 0.4 2 18.5 100 South Sulawesi 29.3 16 10.5 6 126.9 71 1.5 1 7.0 4 2.4 1 177.5 100 South East Sulawesi 1.9 13 0.2 1 11.6 81 0.3 2 0.4 3 - - 14.3 100 Bali 20.0 30 1.5 2 28.8 43 1.7 3 14.2 21 0.9 1 67.0 100 West Nusa Tenggara 3.1 4 2.8 3 44.3 56 6.5 8 19.3 24 3.2 4 79.1 100 East Nusa Tenggara 15.3 51 0.3 1 7.5 25 2.5 8 2.1 7 2.2 7 29.9 100 Maluku 7.5 31 0.5 2 15.1 63 0.5 2 0.2 1 0.2 1 24.0 100 Irian Jaya 17.4 43 0.4 1 13.1 33 6.1 15 2.2 5 1.0 2 40.2 100 TOTAL 913.7 15 828.6 13 3564.6 58. 157.6 3 515.1 8 187.5 3 6167.1 100 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Rural Water Supply: Primary Source of Bathing/Washing Water for Rural Households by Province, 1980 Pipe PumP Well Spring River Others /1 Total (000) (%) (000) (9) (000) (%) (000) (%) (000) (%) (000) 1%) (000) 1%) D.I. Aceh 3.9 1 4.1 1 338.0 69 24.4 5 102.1 21 12.7 3 485.2 100 North Sumatra 34.3 3 17.4 1 540.0 46 170.4 14 381.2 32 42.5 4 1185.7 100 West Sumatra 6.1 1 3.8 - 173.7 28 134.2 21 260.0 41 47.2 8 625.0 100 Riau 3.2 1 1.3 - 159.0 50 5.5 2 120.9 38 25.4 8 315.2 100 Jambi 3.6 1 1.5 - 89.1 33 5.8 2 148.6 56 18.9 7 267.4 100 South Sumatra 11.6 2 4.1 1 188.3 29 26.9 4 384.6 60 24.3 4 639.8 100 Bengkulu 2.5 2 0.7 - 44.5 33 11.7 9 72.1 53 4.3 3 135.8 100 Lampung 7.1 1 5.5 1 470.2 61 97.3 12 173.6 22 23.0 3 776.6 100 DKI Jakarta 4.3 5 14.5 17 61.3 71 0.3 - 3.9 4 2.3 3 86.6 100 West Java 56.2 1 149.7 3 2383.5 48 1125.5 23 940.9 19 322.1 6 4977.9 100 Central Java 38.8 1 47.3 1 2274.8 52 858.9 20 958.0 22 171.7 4 4349.5 100 D.I. Yogyakarta 5.2 1 3.7 1 278.1 60 66.5 14 63.6 14 47.9 10 464.9 100 East Java 56.6 1 63.4 1 2942.5 55 733.6 14 1354.7 26 156.3 3 5307.1 100 West Kalimantan 0.6 - 1.0 - 94.7 25 6.3 2 271.1 71 10.7 3 384.3 100 Central Kalimantan 0.2 - 0.5 - 17.7 11 4.7 3 142.6 85 1.4 1 167.1 100 South Kalimantan 7.9 2 16.9 5 109.3 31 3.5 1 218.0 61 1.8 1 357.4 100 East Kalimantan 0.5 - 0.6 - 43.1 30 1.4 1 91.9 64 6.5 5 143.8 100 North Sulawesi 9.0 3 3.6 1 144.9 44 57.3 17 97.8 29 20.6 6 333.1 100 Central Sulawesi 3.2 1 4.6 2 62.1 29 36.5 17 100.0 47 8.1 4 214.6 100 South Sulawesi 8.8 1 12.6 1 615.4 65 116.7 12 169.9 18 16.3 2 939.7 100 South East Sulawesi 2.1 1 1.5 1 82.6 52 26.9 17 38.4 24 7.8 5 159.2 100 Bali 17.2 4 4.1 1 99.9 24 87.0 21 182.0 43 27.9 7 418.1 100 West Nusa Tenggara 0.4 - 5.6 1 211.1 41 68.3 13 196.0 38 33.7 7 515.0 100 East Nusa Tenggara 34.1 7 3.1 1 101.7 22 174.8 37 135.1 29 17.2 4 466.0 100 Maluku 7.0 3 1.8 1 106.1 52 27.6 13 55.1 27 7.0 3 204.6 100 Irian Jaya 2.4 1 0.6 - 20.1 11 36.4 21 99.8 57 16.0 9 175.2 100 TOTAL 326.9 1 373.4 2 11651.7 48 3908.5 16 6761.9 28 1073.9 4 24096.0 100 1- H - 46 - ANNEX II Table 1.6 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Water Supply: Primary Source of Drinking Water in Kotamadya, Other Urban Areas, and Rural Areas, 1978 (percent distribution) Urban Rural Kotamadya Non-kotamadya Total Piped 33.9 11.5 27.4 0.5 Pump Well 10.0 1.9 7.6 0.8 Bucket Well 49.0 73.5 56.1 63.6 Spring 1.7 2.8 2.0 18.3 River 2.2 6.3 3.4 12.9 Rainfall 2.6 3.8 3.0 1.3 Other 0.7 0.2 0.5 2.5 Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Source: Derived from 1978 SUSENAS, Second Round (May). - 47 - ANNEX II Table 1.7 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Water Supply: Percent of Households paying for Water, Average Monthly Payments, and Percent of Households boiling Water for drinking, 1978 Urban Rural Kotamadya Non-kotamadya Percent of households paying for water 36.9 16.2 4.7 Cost of water per month (1978 Rupiah) 367 143 23 Percent of households boiling water for drinking 99.5 96.1 93.6 Source: 1978 SUSENAS tapes. - 48 - ANNEX II Table 1.8 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Water Supply: Construction of New House-Connections (H.C.) and Public Standpipes (P.S.) During REPELITA III. Total Number of 1979/1980 1980/1981 1981/1982 1982/1983 1983/1984 REPELITA III Cities/ H.C. P.S. H.C. P.S. H.C. P.S. H.C. P.S. H.C. P.S. H.C. P.S. Towns D.I. Aceh 925 30 1,154 38 1,497 12 2,805 135 2,731 115 9,112 330 14 North Sumatra 1,380 60 115 93 1,930 80 2,950 134 6,130 328 12,505 695 21 West Sumatra 2,368 82 5,165 218 668 77 1,070 83 3,182 187 12,453 647 24 Jambi - - 400 7 747 25 1,426 50 1,645 80 4,218 162 9 Bengkulu - - - - 500 35 950 10 1,905 78 3,355 123 6 R i a u 775 45 80 7 2,636 80 540 70 600 55 4,631 257 11 South Sumatra 1,178 68 650 5 1,266 48 1,560 55 3,841 63 8,495 239 10 Lampung - - 1,962 102 500 20 1,050 90 2,005 111 5,517 323 8 Total Sumatra 6,626 285 9,526 470 9,744 377 12,351 627 22,039 1,017 60,286 2,776 103 DKI Jakarta - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 West Java 3,590 149 19,178 345 3,857 199 12,914 177 16,016 371 55,555 1,241 57 Central Java 1,985 205 3,570 133 242 29 .2,936 135 4,390 307 13,123 809 34 D.I. Yogyakarta 225 8 302 10 405 6 775 24 1,184 70 2,891 118 7 East Java 1,677 273 2,981 296 3,440 206 4,175 218 3,795 83 16,068 1,076 57 Total Java 7,477 635 26,031 784 7,944 440 20,800 554 25,385 831 87,637 3,244 156 West Kalimantan 2,500 83 1,691 25 1,634 35 1,832 52 2,055 63 9,712 258 12 Central Kalimantan 150 10 500 30 1,411 106 1,127 21 2,416 105 5,604 272 8 East Kalimantan 700 15 778 56 606 25 860 79 1,371 55 4,315 230 9 South Kalimantan 1,000 60 800 50 1,650 95 800 30 1,801 84 6,051 319 12 Total Kalimantan 4,350 168 3,769 161 5,301 261 4,619 182 7,643 307 25,682 1,079 41 North Sulawesi - - 1,323 100 748 25 1,970 70 2,568 96 6,609 291 15 South East Sulawesi 200 20 150 - 700 67 1,265 31 1,145 20 3,460 138 7 South Sulawesi 1,950 70 2,730 143 1,424 38 2,442 98 3,190 209 11,736 558 21 Central Sulawesi 200 16 815 10 1,111 15 1,150 20 500 11 3,776 72 9 Total Sulawesi 2,350 106 5,018 253 3,983 145 6,827 219 7,403 336 25,581 1,059 52 B a 1 i 600 35 3,503 59 723 12 760 18 190 30 5,776 154 15 West Nusa Tenggara 480 74 927 36 785 90 1,296 48 800 - 4,288 248 15 East Nusa Tenggara 150 40 2,190 209 258 112 820 203 203 71 5,080 635 16 Maluku 2,256 26 583 21 1,676 33 1,205 50 2,697 15 8,417 145 4 Irian Jaya 205 18 200 8 551 32 551 26 574 61 2,081 145 6 East Timur - 8 - - - - - - - - - 8 1 Total Eastern Islands 3,691 201 7,403 333 3,993 279 4,632 345 5,923 177 25,642 1,335 57 TOTAL INDONESIA 24,494 1,395 51,747 2,001 30,965 1,502 49,229 1,927 68,393 2,668 224,828 9,493 409 - 49 - ANNEX II Table 1.9 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Water Supply - Ibukota Kecamatan (IKK) Program (Small Towns Program); REPELITA III Achiements Program Completed or Underway Number of Kecamatan By End REPELITA III (March 1984) Total Satisfying To be Number of Capacity Estimated IKK Covered Towns Liters per 1985 Population Criteria /a Under Second ('000) Programs/b D.I. Aceh 129 101 4 31 87 127 North Sumatra 182 134 11 51 178 283 West Sumatra 96 61 13 56 185 345 R i a u 70 48 5 11 25 52 Jambi 38 24 2 12 32 57 South Sumatra 85 61 8 17 60 67 Bengkulu 23 16 3 11 25 37 Lampung 71 56 5 19 63 91 DKI Jakarta 30 - - - - - West Java 412 290 18 85 310 558 Central Java 496 376 8 46 195 387 D.I. Yogyakarta 73 47 - 9 57 120 East Java 548 415 2 106 470 846 West Kalimantan 106 81 4 13 32 52 Central Kalimantan 86 69 1 14 45 92 East Kalimantan 85 47 3 13 25 30 South Kalimantan 101 68 - 8 20 38 North Sulawesi 84 61 3 15 55 98 Central Sulawesi 63 48 3 19 56 79 South Sulawesi 85 124 - 19 70 140 South East Sulawesi 172 34 2 12 30 45 B a 1 i 53 40 - 18 72 138 West Nusa Tenggara 59 44 2 13 55 107 East Nusa Tenggara 110 86 1 24 65 96 East Timor 64 48 - - - - Irian Jaya 134 92 - - - Maluku 52 40 - 5 12 24 Total Indonesia 3,445 2,511 98 627 2,227 3,909 /a See note to this table on following page. lb Principally Department of Health. Source: Ministry of Public Works, Cipta Karya. - 50 - ANNEX II Table 2.1 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Human Waste: Toilet Facilities for Urban Households by Province, 1980 Private with Private without Shared,public Septic Tank Septic Tank or Other Total (000) % (000) (000) % (000) % D.I. Aceh 15.7 35 9.4 21 20.1 44 45.4 100 North Sumatra 134.7 37 113.7 31 112.8 31 362.6 100 West Sumatra 14.9 19 13.8 17 49.6 63 79.0 100 Riau 36.0 37 25.8 26 36.1 37 98.2 100 Jambi 8.0 25 7.9 24 16.5 51 32.6 100 South Sumatra 71.4 33 55.7 26 89.8 41 217.5 100 Bengkulu 1.8 12 3.3 23 9.3 65 14.4 100 Lampung 23.9 25 28.0 29 42.7 45 95.0 100 DKI Jakarta 450.4 42 125.1 12 500.2 46 1077.4 100 West Java 210.0 19 214.0 19 693.4 62 1122.8 100 Central Java 221.8 24 124.8 13 583.5 62 936.7 100 D.I. Yogyakarta 38.7 30 21.5 17 67.1 53 127.6 100 East Java 324.1 28 163.0 14 697.0 59 1171.5 100 West Kalimantan 17.1 23 35.4 48 21.1 29 73.9 100 Central Kalimantan 4.3 23 3.5 19 10.4 57 18.4 100 South Kalimantan 15.7 18 19.1 22 51.7 59 87.0 100 East Kalimantan 34.5 38 20.8 23 35.2 39 90.7 100 North Sulawesi 21.3 32 16.3 25 27.4 42 65.8 100 Central Sulawesi 5.0 27 3.8 21 9.6 52 18.5 100 South Sulawesi 61.5 35 31.6 18 83.8 47 177.5 100 South East Sulawesi 3.4 24 3.7 26 7.4 51 14.4 100 Bali 25.0 37 5.1 8 36.6 55 67.1 100 West Nusa Tenggara 12.1 15 7.6 9 59.0 75 79.1 100 East Nusa Tenggara 9.7 32 6.6 22 12.8 43 29.9 100 Maluku 9.0 38 2.6 11 12.2 51 24.0 100 Irian Jaya 11.2 28 9.7 24 19.3 48 40.2 100 TOTAL 1781.3 29 1072.0 17 3287.8 53 6167.2 100 Source: 1980 Census, Series S, No. 2. - 51 - ANNEX II Page 2.2 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Human Waste: Toilet Facilities for Rural Households, by Province, 1980 Private with Private without Shared,public Septic Tank Septic Tank or Other Total (000) % (000) % (000) % (000) % D.I. Aceh 24.2 5 112.7 23 348.3 72 485.2 100 North Sumatra 42.0 3 400.3 34 743.5 63 1185.7 100 West Sumatra 13.1 2 35.7 6 576.2 92 625.0 100 Riau 13.7 4 80.4 26 221.2 70 315.2 100 Jambi 10.9 4 42.1 16 214.4 80 267.4 100 South Sumatra 32.9 5 96.9 15 510.1 80 639.8 100 Bengkulu 6.3 5 15.8 12 113.8 83 135.8 100 Lampung 36.3 5 340.5 44 399.9 51 776.6 100 DKI Jakarta 19.6 23 6.8 8 60.2 69 86.6 100 West Java 201.1 4 229.2 5 4547.7 91 4977.9 100 Central Java 120.4 3 870.3 20 3358.8 77 4349.5 100 D.I. Yogyakarta 30.0 6 165.7 36 269.3 58 464.9 100 East Java 187.1 4 1241.4 23 3878.6 73 5307.1 100 West Kalimantan 9.3 2 43.7 11 331.3 86 384.3 100 Central Kalimantan 2.1 1 8.9 5 156.1 93 167.1 100 South Kalimantan 12.7 4 38.4 11 306.4 85 357.4 100 East Kalimantan 6.4 5 17.8 12 119.7 83 143.8 100 North Sulawesi 34.8 10 68.5 21 229.9 69 333.1 100 Central Sulawesi 12.6 6 27.7 13 174.3 81 214.6 100 South Sulawesi 34.4 4 156.4 17 749.0 79 939.7 100 South East Sulawesi 4.4 3 56.5 35 98.3 62 159.2 100 Bali 32.3 8 24.5 6 361.3 86 418.1 100 West Nusa Tenggara 6.9 1 11.9 2 496.4 96 515.0 100 East Nusa Tenggara 14.3 3 165.9 36 285.8 61 466.0 100 Maluku 11.7 6 10.2 5 182.7 89 204.6 100 Irian Jaya 5.6 3 27.7 16 142.0 81 175.2 100 TOTAL 925.1 4 4295.9 18 18771.7 78 24096.0 100 Source: 1980 Census, Series S No. 2. - 52 - ANNEX II Table 2.3 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Human Waste: Primary Place of Defecation of Urban and Rural Households, 1978 (Percentage Distribution) Urban Rural Kotamadya Non-kotamadya Total Private Toilet 56.9 44.6 53.4 30.0 Public Toilet 11.8 6.6 10.3 4.0 River or Ditch 15.8 31.7 20.4 42.8 Fishpond 2.8 3.4 2.9 5.9 Garden 1.3 2.2 1.5 6.0 Shared Toilet 8.7 8.2 8.5 7.5 Other 2.8 3.3 2.9 3.9 Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Source: Derived from 1978 SUSENAS, Second Round (May). - 53 - ANNEX II Table 2.4 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Comparative Costs for Sanitation Technologies Average per Household On-Site Collection and Treatment Costs (1978 US$) Facility Mean On-site Collection Treatment total costs costs costs Low Cost PF toilet 18.7 18.7 Pit privy 28.5 28.5 Communal toilet 34.0 34.0 Vacuum-truck cartage 37.5 16.8 14.0 6.6 Low-cost septic tanks 51.6 51.6 - - Composting toilets 55.0 47.0 - 8.0 Bucket cartage /a 64.9 32.9 26.0 6.0 Medium Cost Sewerage aquaprivy /a 159.2 89.8 39.2 30.2 Aquaprivy 168.0 168.0 - - Japanese vacuum truck 187.7 128.0 34.0 26.0 High Cost Septic tanks 369.2 332.3 25.6 11.3 Sewerage 400.3 201.6 82.8 115.9 /a To account for large differences in the number of users, per capita costs were used and scaled up by the cross-country average for six persons per household. Source: World Bank. Note: This table draws upon data from a number of countries. These costs are not necessarily applicable to Indonesia. The table is merely intended to facilitate comparison of various technologies. - 54 - ANNEX II Table 2.5 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Solid Waste: Primary Place of Disposal of Garbage of Households in Kotamadya, Other Urban Areas and Rural Areas, 1978 (Percentage Distribution) Urban Rural Kotamadya Non-kotamadya Trash Cans 34.0 15.0 5.4 Burned 29.9 42.3 40.7 Buried in Holes 12.2 16.8 23.9 Other 23.9 25.9 30.0 Total 100.0 100.0 2.1 Source: 1978 SUSENAS tapes. - 55 - ANNEX II Table 3.1 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Kampung Improvement Program (KIP Perintis) REPELITA III Program and Achievement (DIP expenditures only, excludes foreign aid and local programs) Total 1979/ REPELITA III 1980 up to Target 1979/1980 1980/1981 1981/1982 1982/1983 1983/1984 1983/1984 Ha Towns Ha Towns Ha Towns Ha Towns Ha Towns Ha Towns Ha Towns D.I. Aceh 390 7 - - 70 1 40 3 100 7 63 6 273 7 North Sumatra 925 15 75 1 100 5 80 6 215 13 170 9 640 13 West Sumatra 680 9 - - 60 2 97 3 181 9 114 9 452 9 Riau 320 6 - - 10 1 30 1 64 6 64 5 168 6 Jambi 270 5 - - 30 1 30 1 70 5 65 5 195 5 South Sumatra 579 7 - - 40 1 66 2 188 7 135 7 429 7 Bengkulu 200 3 - - 10 1 30 1 50 3 65 3 155 3 Lampung 260 4 - - 10 1 30 1 60 4 65 4 165 4 West Java 2,160 23 275 5 260 6 342 7 664 23 267 19 1,809 23 Central Java 2,255 49 155 2 285 9 254 11 470 47 280 28 1,445 47 D.I. Yogyakarta 505 3 50 1 20 1 30 2 180 5 125 5 405 5 East Java 1,980 30 216 1 200 4 314 10 360 30 267 29 1,357 30 West Kalimantan 445 4 - - 40 1 53 2 137 4 135 4 365 4 Central Kalimantan 190 3 - - 20 1 40 1 60 3 65 3 185 3 South Kalimantan 421 4 - - 40 1 57 2 140 4 114 4 351 4 East Kalimantan 345 4 - - 50 2 70 4 85 4 83 4 288 4 North Sulawesi 500 6 - - 80 2 60 4 110 6 110 6 360 6 Central Sulawesi 195 3 - - 20 1 30 1 60 3 65 3 175 3 South Sulawesi 937 10 128 1 180 4 176 3 185 10 115 10 784 8 South East Sulawesi 150 3 - - - - - - 60 3 65 3 125 3 Bali 835 10 30 1 50 3 93 5 275 9 222 9 670 9 West Nusa Tenggara 360 6 - - 10 1 40 3 90 6 70 6 210 6 East Nusa Tenggara 300 5 - - 10 1 40 3 90 5 70 5 210 5 Maluku 160 3 - - 10 1 30 1 50 3 65 3 155 3 Irian Jaya 90 3 - - - - - - 40 4 45 3 85 3 Temporary Settlement 300 100 200 300 TOTAL 15,752 227 929 12 1,605 51/a 2,032 79 4,084 222 3,104 190 11,757 200 /a Including those financed under supplementary budget. Source: Dit. Perumahan, Cipta Karya. Note : For financial expenditures, see Annex IV, Table 2.4. -56- AlNEg II Table 3.2 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Kampung Improvement Program Site Planning Standards Item Standard provision under Standards for Urban II /b Standards for Cibotabak /c Standards for Urban II /s Desirable level of service Minimum level of service KIP Perintis /d Roads All dwellings 100 a max. All dwellings to be withia 100 a of All dwellings to be within At least 70% of the dwell- from a one-way road and a one-way road (6 i), 300 m of a 100 m of a strengthened road- ings should be within 300 m } 300 a from a two-way road. two-way road; one-way roads 50 a/ha way capable of carrying from a 4 a road having an (100 a/ha sax.); two-way roads emergency service vehicles. 8 a right of way, which can 20 a/ha (33 a/ha max.). be reduced to 6 m in dense- ly populated areas. 95% of dwelliags within } 150 m from a 3 m road with a 5 m right of way (3 m in densely populated areas). } Footpaths Paved footpaths to within Combination of footpaths and miro Paved footpaths to within 95% of dwellings within 50 a m 20 a of every dwelling not footpaths to within 20 a of every 20 m of every dwelling not of paved footpaths having j located on a road. dwelling not located on a road; located on a road; ae. pro- 11.05 m to 2.0 a width. } provision: 200 n/ha. vision 150 m/ha. Drainage Second.ary drainage along Secondary drainage along roads and As for desirable level. Side drainage along roads } roads and footpaths, and footpaths based on 1-year flood in- and footpaths, or under- primary drainage as terval; provision of main drains and aeath narrow width footpaths.) These compo- required. primary drains based on 5 year flood Drains omitted on footpaths n ents are in- interval. less than 1.05 a. } cluded in Iprogram bet Water Connection to city main Safe water supply at 30 1/cap/day Safe water supply at 20 One tap for each mck } no consistent supply or tube-wells as from public water taps or deep I/cap day fron public water Keluarga. Max. 50 m pipe } planning appropriate. Public stand- wells; provision of one tap per RT taps or deep wells; all connection length. hand- } standards are pipes: 1 per 5 ha in Worth, (20-50 families). dwellings to be within 125 m pumps where no PDAM system } established 1 per 20 ha in South and of a public standpipe. available. } beyond a re- East, I per S ha in West, } quirement of 1 per 3 ha in Central. maximum em- Individual connections } penditure of where feasible. R Rp 2.8 mil- lion/ha. Human Waste For each dwelling, one toi- One pity privy (water seal, pour- Public sanitation facilities One single-squat MCK-Kelmarga} Disposal let with pit privy where flush type) per family where feasi- (MCKs and MCs) provided on per 4 to 5 dwellings needing feasible; otherwise one toi- ble; otherwise one per 3-5 families; basis of one seat per 12 sanitary facilities. MCK let for multiple dwellings conmunal toilet, washing, bathing families. provided with tap/handpup,} depending on local facility (MCK) based on one seat per and septic tank or pit privy conditions 12 families. with 1 and 3 sq m volume respectively. Solid 11aste One garbage box to serve Daily house collection; 1 garbage House collectios at least One receptacle of 0.20 sq a } Disposal about 65 dwellings; one cart (0.75 m) + I sweeper cart twice per week. for every 5 families along- } garbage truck per 150,000 (0.5 =) per 1,000 pop.; one truck side paved footpaths or drum } population. per 13,300 pop. for disposal. or bucket per house. Collar-) tion carts of 1 sq a for every 30 receptacles or every) 100 houses. Along vehicular road, garbage box of 6 sq a } for every 30 receptacles at } every 100 houses. Schools Provision of 90 primary 1 standard school per 6,000 popula- As for desirable standards. No standards. Not included in schools in 3-year program tion on a double-shift basis. program. to raise attendance levels from 40% to 75% of school age children. Health Provision 45 clinics (Pus- I 8ealth station (Pos Kesehatan) per As for desirable standards. No standards. Not included in Clinics kesnas) and 30 health sta- RW (3,000 population). program. tions (Pos Kesehatan) in a 3-year program. Recreation Along roads and footpaths and in As for desirable standards. No standards. Not included in Area/Land- available open space. program. scaping /a For Jakarta and Sirabaya. /b For Jakarta, Surabaya, Semarang, Surakarta and Ujung Pandang. /c For Cirebon, Bogor, Tangerang, Bekasi. 7i For ahout 40 medium-sire cities, where only the KIP Perintis program has been undertaken. Sources: IBRD appraisal reports. JUDC consultant reports (Cisarua seminar). - 57 - ANNEX II Table 3.3 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Regional Cost Variations in the Kampung Improvement Program DKI A B C D E F G 1.00 0.47 0.55 0.67 0.86 0.90 1.26 1.57 Roads 1.00 0.55 0.65 0.75 0.88 1.02 1.32 1.54 Footpaths 1.00 0.54 0.64 0.75 0.93 1.01 1.30 1.55 Drains 1.00 0.57 0.68 0.81 0.93 1.06 1.23 1.80 MCK 1.00 0.54 0.65 0.79 0.90 1.04 1.18 1.75 Solid Waste 1.00 0.69 0.71 0.81 0.87 0.96 1.07 1.13 PAM connections 1.00 0.69 0.71 0.81 0.87 0.96 1.07 1.13 Pumps -------------------------------------------------------------- 1.00 0.56 0.65 0.77 0.91 1.01 1.23 1.57 Average Regions/Province A : Yogyakarta B : Jawa Timur, Jawa Tengah, Sulawesi Selatan, Sulawesi Tengah C : Jawa Barat, Bali, Sumatera Barat, Lampung, Jambi D : Sumatera Utara, Sumatera Selatan, Riau, Kalimantan Selatan E : Aceh, Nusa Tenggara Tengah/Timur, Bengkulu, Sulawesi Utara F : Kalimantan Tengah, Maluku, Kalimantan Timur, Kalimantan Barat G : Irian Jaya Source: - 58 - ANNEX II Table 4.1 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Vehicle Registrations by Vehicle Type for Indonesia and Jakarta 1975-1982 Total Year Passenger Cars Trucks Bus Motor Cycles Motor Vehicles Total Jakarta Total Jakarta Total Jakarta Total Jakarta Total Jakarta 1975 383 196 35 1,192 1,806 1976 420 222 40 1,417 2,100 1977 479 178 279 53 48 13 1,705 340 2,511 584 1978 536 191 336 58 59 17 1,983 369 2,913 636 1979 577 203 384 65 69 22 2,266 404 3,297 693 1980 646 221 479 75 87 30 2,714 429 3,925 755 1981 722 247 591 96 112 38 3,197 495 4,622 877 1982 747 609 123 3,406 4,886 (II) Average Annual Growth /a ! % ) 10.8 8.6 19.0 30.1 21.2 16.1 17.5 9.9 16.5 10.7 /a For Indonesia, growth rate calculated for 1975 to 1982; for Jakarta from 1977 to 1981. Source: Department of Communication, D.G. Perhubungan Darat, and Dinas Lalu Lintas, DKI Jakarta. - 59 - ANNMU 1I Table S.1 URBAN SURVICIS SECTOR REPORT Urban Housing: Type of Structure and Number of Eoas.holds per Dwellino Unit, 1980 (thousands of households) Number of Units in Independent Number of Households in Structure Dwelling Unit Total One TWo Three of More One Two Three or Kore ouseholds Aceh 21 7 17 38 5 2 45 North Sumatra 206 65 90 300 39 24 363 west Sumatra 55 7 17 56 11 12 79 Riau 59 14 26 85 9 4 98 Jambi 20 4 8 28 2 3 33 South Sumatra 158 24 36 189 13 15 217 *Bengkulu 11 1 2 12 1 1 14 Lampung 78 9 8 84 7 6 95 Total Sumatra 608 131 204 792 87 67 944 DKI Jakarta 569 166 341 975 63 39 1077 west Java 838 129 152 918 121 84 1123 Central Java 828 56 47 746 123 68 937 D.I. Yogyakarta 113 7 8 97 14 17 128 East Java 978 98 90 992 115 65 1172 Total Java 3326 456 638 3728 436 273 4437 West Kalimantan 49 7 18 60 8 6 74 Central Kalinantan 15 1 2 15 1 2 18 South Kalimantan 64 10 13 69 11 7 87 -ast Kalimantan 64 14 13 76 10 5 91 Total Kalimantan 192 32 46 220 30 20 270 North Sulawesi 60 3 2 46 12 12 66 Central Sulawesi 16 1 1 16 2 1 19 South Sulawesi 134 21 24 153 17 8 178 South East Sulawesi 11 1 2 11 2 1 14 Total Sulawesi 221 26 29 226 33 22 277 Bali 45 9 13 55 7 5 67 West Nusa Tenggara 63 8 8 68 8 3 79 East Nusa Tenggara 25 2 2 25 2 3 30 Maluku 19 2 3 19 3 2 24 Irian Jaya 29 3 8 35 4 1 40 Total Eastern Islands 181 24 34 202 24 14 240 TOTAL INDONESIA 4528 670 949 5170 608 389 6167 Note: Figures may not add due to rounding, and to incomplete responses to questionaire. Source: 1980 Census, Series S,. No. 2. - 60 - ANNEX II Table 5.2 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Urban Housing: Floor Area per Household, 1980 (in thousand of households) Floor Area (M2) Less than 20 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-69 70-99 Over 100 Total Aceh 1.9 5.1 9.3 10.3 8.5 6.5 3.5 45 North Sumatra 30.2 43.7 54.6 64.5 66.5 58.2 43.3 363 West Sumatra 16.4 12.2 9.5 8.8 13.1 11.8 6.5 79 Riau 7.0 14.3 14.4 16.6 16.1 15.9 13.8 98 Jambi 1.2 5.7 5.1 7.4 5.3 5.2 2.6 33 South Sumatra 24.6 37.3 28.2 35.7 35.4 34.7 21.0 217 Bengkulu 2.9 2.7 1.8 2.0 1.9 2.0 0.9 14 Lampung 5.6 8.8 11.5 14.3 25.6 17.7 11.4 95 Total Sumatra 89.8 129.8 134.4 159.6 172.4 152 103 944 DKI Jakarta 213.2 160.0 134.6 117.5 159.6 134.2 155.5 1077 West Java 188.9 197.4 183.7 159.1 167.4 122.1 97.8 1123 Central Java 75.5 73.9 89.9 131.5 186.7 189.0 183.6 937 D.I. Yogyakarta 20.9 11.2 9.4 13.3 22.0 22.8 27.2 128 East Java 164.5 136.2 154.5 189.6 197.9 164.5 158.5 1172 Total Java 663 578.7 572.1 611 733.6 632.6 622.6 4437 West Kalimantan 3.4 6.9 11.8 16.7 13.1 13.8 7.8 74 Central Kalimantan 1.0 3.5 3.2 2.6 2.8 3.2 1.9 18 South Kalimantan 11.7 14.9 14.8 12.7 10.9 11.8 9.7 87 East Kalimantan 6.5 10.5 12.9 19.6 18.0 12.7 9.5 91 Total Kalimantan 22.6 35.8 42.7 51.6 44.8 41.5 28.9 270 North Sulawesi 4.4 10.7 15.4 10.3 10.1 7.5 6.9 66 Central Sulawesi 0.5 2.6 2.9 2.6 3.6 2.5 3.7 19 South Sulawesi 16.1 27.9 34.5 28.3 33.0 21.7 15.6 178 South East Sulawesi 0.7 1.7 2.7 4.1 2.6 1.6 0.9 14 Total Sulawesi 21.7 42.9 55.5 45.3 49.3 33.3 27.1 277 Bali 11.6 7.6 9.5 8.7 10.7 8.8 9.8 67 West Nusa Tenggara 23.1 17.2 11.9 8.7 6.9 5.5 5.5 79 East Nusa Tenggara 2.8 4.0 6.0 5.9 4.2 3.3 2.9 30 Maluku 2.1 3.6 4.9 5.2 3.7 2.4 2.0 24 Irian Jaya 4.5 6.0 7.4 7.3 6.7 6.0 4.2 40 Total Eastern Islands 44.1 38.4 39.7 35.8 32.2 26 24.4 240 TOTAL INDONESIA 841.2 825.6 844.4 903.3 1032.3 885.4 806.0 6168 Note: Totals may not add due to rounding and to incomplete response to questionaire. Source: 1980 Census, Series S, No. 2. INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Urban Housing: Distribution of Households by Households Size and Floor Space Occupied, 1980 and 1976. Average Floor Percent Floor Space Occupied (K2) - Percent of Households Space per of Total Less 20 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-69 70-99 100-149 150-199 200-299 Over 300 Total Household Person Household 1 34.6 16.3 11.9 10.5 10.2 8.5 4.0 1.7 1.1 1.0 100.0 45.7 45.7 5.0 2 25.7 17.1 14.1 12.7 12.7 9.8 4.4 1.6 1.1 0.9 100.0 48.9 24.5 10.5 3 20.0 17.3 14.9 14.3 14.1 10.7 5.0 1.7 1.2 0.8 100.0 51.6 17.2 14.5 4 15.8 15.4 15.2 15.4 15.9 12.5 5.9 2.0 1.4 0.8 100.0 55.2 13.8 15.1 5 11.6 14.1 15.3 15.6 17.4 14.0 6.9 2.4 1.6 1.1 100.0 60.6 12.1 14.2 6 8.8 12.5 14.3 15.8 18.8 15.9 7.8 2.6 1.9 1.2 100.0 64.6 10.8 12.4 7 6.6 10.7 13.4 16.1 19.3 17.8 9.5 3.1 2.3 1.3 100.0 69.9 10.0 9.9 8 4.9 9.4 8.2 15.6 20.6 19.0 10.1 3.8 2.7 1.8 100.0 73.8 9.2 7.2 9 3.9 7.8 11.3 15.2 21.1 20.0 11.2 4.2 3.0 2.2 100.0 79.5 8.8 5.2 10+ 2.4 5.8 8.3 13.3 20.1 22.1 13.8 5.4 4.7 3.4 100.0 91.9 n.a. 6.4 Percent of Total households 13.6 13.4 13.7 14.6 16.8 14.4 7.3 2.6 1.9 1.3 100.0 62.0 11.39 100.0 Average size of household - 5.44 Source: Calcuaated from 1980 Census, Series S, No. 2. It is not clear how comparable these two sets of data are; the definition of urban areas is different, and the process of averaging may be different. - 62 - ANNEX II Table 5.4 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Housing: Materials Used in House Construction in Kotamadva, other Urban areas and rural areas, 1978 (Percentage Distribution) Urban Rural Kotamadya Non-Kotamadya Well Construction Masonrup 41.7 30.1 15.3 Lumber 32.3 34.3 26.9 Bamboo 25.1 33.7 55.1 Earth 0.1 0.2 0.4 Other 0.9 1.6 2.3 Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 Floor Tile 28.9 12.7 1.9 Concrete 32.3 33.2 14.2 Lumber 14.0 21.3 19.9 Bamboo 1.2 5.8 11.4 Earth 23.1 21.1 51.4 Other 0.5 0.8 1.2 Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 Source : 1978 SUSENAS Tapes - 63 - ANNEX II Table 5.5 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Housing : Home Ownership, and MonthlY Rental and Maintenance Costs in Kotamadya, Other Urban Areas and Rural Areas Urban Rural Kotamadya Non-Kotamadya Percent of houses owner - occupied 76.8 89.4 98.2 Percent living in government or agency housing 1.0 0.3 - Average monthly value/Rental of (1978 Rp) Owner Occupied (imputed) /1 10,332 2,874 693 Leased house 5,088 2,554 n.a. Rented house 3,247 1,854 n.a. Government/Agency House 2,652 4,421 n.a. Average monthly cost of maintaining house : 396 482 171 Monthly cost of housing, fuel, lighting and water 12,046 5,157 2,118 1/ Owner occupier is asked to estimate rental value of their houses. Source : 1978 SUSENAS Tapes INDCtESIA URBAN SERVICES SB17 REIORT 8TN HDusirg Finaance Performance, 1976-1983 Up to 1980 1981 1982 1983 /a TUTAL Units Awunt Units Amunt Units Ammnt Units Amunt Units hmunt % of p % of % of Rp % of % of Rp % of % of Rp % of X of Rp % of TYPE # Total Billion Total # Total Billion Total # Total Billion Total # Total Billion Total # Total Billion Total PER1a 9,225 32.5 16.8 23.6 23,338 54.1 34.3 29.5 36,023 56.3 47.4 25.8 13,794 36.0 21.8 16.7 82,380 47.4 120.3 23.0 NDn-PEM4-14S 19,174 67.5 54.5 76.4 19,791 45.9 81.9 70.5 27,985 43.7 136.0 74.2 24,5C2 64.0 130.5 83.3 91,452 52.6 403.0 77.0 TUrAL 28,399 100.0 71.3 100.0 43,129 100.0 116.2 100.0 64,008 100.0 183.4 100.0 38,296 100.0 152.3 100.0 173,832 100.0 523.3 100.0 CJUATM1 28,399 71.3 71,528 187.5 135,536 370.9 173,832 523.3 Average Mortgage Values ( Million) Up to 1980 1981 1982 1983 2UrAL PEiNAS 1.82 1.47 1.32 1.58 1.46 MoS-PERMAS 2.84 4.14 4.86 5.33 4.41 TDTAL 2.51 2.69 2.87 3.98 3.01 /a Thwough Septemiber 1983. Source: Bamk Tshm Negara* 2MIA URBM SEwICES CIOR 1R ElM iboing Finance Program for 1984-1988 /1 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 rTAL (1984-88) Units Amxunt Units Ahount Units Anomt Units Amint Units Ammunt Units Anwnt % of Rp Xof %of Rp % of % of Rp X of % of Rp % of Z of Rp Z of Xof Rp % of TYPE 1 Total BiUion Total # Total Billion Total I Total Billion Total # Total Billion Total # Total Billion Total J Total Billion Total Nnl[mS 39,271 60.4 243.4 82.4 40,00)0 59.8 268.0 81.9 40,000 59.0 288.0 81.9 45,0(0 61.2 346.5 83.5 45,030 60.0 382.5 83.6 209,271 60.1 1,528.4 82.8 Avg. Price/Norr- PERLMAS Unit (Rp Millions) (6.2) (6.7) (7.2) (7.7) (8.5) (7.3) PERT1tlAS 25,723 39.6 52.1 17.6 26,900 40.2 59.2 18.1 27,750 41.0 63.8 18.1 28,500 38.8 68.4 16.5 30,0D0 40.0 75.0 16.4 138,873 39.9 318.5 17.2 Avg. Price/ PEHIHNAs Unit (Rp Millions) (2.0) (2.2) (2.3) (2.4) (2.5) (2.3) T0L 64,994 100.0 295.5 100.0 66,900 100.0 327.2 100.0 67,750 100.0 351.8 100.0 73,500 100.0 414.9 100.0 75,00D 100.0 457.5 100.0 348,144 100.0 1,846.9 100.0 Avg. Price/ Unit (Rp MIllions) (4.5) (4.9) (5.2) (5.6) (6.1) (5.3) /1 As of SepteiIber 1983. It has siwe been scaled down to the program disacssed in the text, but its structure renains roughly similar. Scurce: Bank Tahmgsn Negara tr3 - 66 - ANNEX II Table 5.8 PERUMNAS PROGRAM FOR REPELITA IV: CONSTRUCTION AND SALES Construction Sales Low Cost Housing RI 94,340 106,770 RS 62,409 67,080 Sub-Total 156,749 173,850 REMAH-KTM 13,014 13,014 FLATS 6,538 6,131 Total Units 176,301 192,995 KTM (Developed Plots) 11,255 13,436 Developed Commercial + Industrial Land (Hectares) 250 192.5 Source: PERUMNAS - 67 - ANNEX III INDONESIA Table 1.1 URBAN SERVT=SSECTOR REPORT Urban Water Supply: Existing Functions and Responsibility Long-range planning Lnnual programming/ Overseeing Actual System/program operations and policy setting budgeting constructicn Construction + + (Dup - Dip) (including project Responsibility for Five-year planning/ (including specific design, tendering, maintenance programming project selection hiring consultants, and approval) supervision, procurement, financial control) 'CEWrRAL Dir.Gen. Water gasour es (Pengairan) for large (macro) wa er supply systems beyond city-scale. Dir.Gen. Cipta Karya Dept. of Home Affairs for physical develo ant of all other -Dir.Gen. PUOD urban water supply/d stribution systems Dir.of Urban Development (basic responsibility Directorate of Ho sing for supervising and KIP may include eighborhood water training local water supply extension schemes enterprises) Directorate of Sa itary Cngineering Basic technical esponsibility for urban water supply dev lopment A PROVINCIAL Prov. Dfnas P.U. Provincial Water only consulted on Project ("PAB") ) project selection/Fund reporting directly t ) -- Private Contr c ore (DIP) and control from Dir.of Sanitary Pusat, Engineering ) (responsible for prelim.survey and design/design super vision/tendering/ supervision of cons tructifn) This function will gradually be turned over to Kanwil P.U. . MUNICIPAL OR DISTRICT (TK. II) "BPAM": Interim. wate ) "BPAIP', In theory, these spply developmentbo- ) bodies are temporary and Hen g to7con- __-Private Conrcos build systeMS under Dir. diledeon ) - eontractors of Sanit. Eng.; in prac- of ) tice they may also operat systems. (usually with direct |respon. for const. su- "PDAMf': Permanent local . , per vision) water enterprise with ba- scrso.for system 1"PDAIP: Can also over- ) operation and maintenanee see construction: nor- )--Private Contractors ) Supposed to take over thil mally involved in sys- ) respon. from BPAM or Dimsa tem extensions. )P.U. KIP Unit (if existing) KIP unit may be respon Private Contractors Lurah/RW/RT may be respon. may program const. of for overseeing con- (if piped extension, F for operating + maintain- neighberhood water ii struction. turned over to water ing wells/pumps supply schemes enterprise) Source: Mission discussions with Government. - 68 - ANNEX III INDONESIA Page 1.2 URBAN StanVICSS SECTOR REPORT Urban Sanitation and Sewerage: Extsting Functions and Responsibilities Long-range planning Annual programming/ Overseeing Actual System/program operations and policy setting budgeting construction Construction + + (Dup - Dip) (including project Responsibility for Five-year planning/ (including specific design, tendering, maintenance programning project selection hiring consultants, and approval) supervision, procurement, financial control) NATIONAL Dir.- Gen. Cipta Karya for physical developm, nt of urban sewerage systems Dir. of Housing RIP may include n ighborhood MCRs or toilets Directorate of Sani ary Engineering Basic technical r sponsibility for urban sanitation/sewera e system development PROVIllCIAL Provincial Project Private Contractors 'PLP" reportinR direct- ly to Dir. of Sanit. EngB (respon. for prelim. survey'design/design su ervision/ o construction of ma: r schemes). These ~unctions will gr dually be tu ed over to Ranwi P.U. M1UNICIPAL OR DISTRICT (TK. II) Dinas P.U. or -. Private Contractors Dins P.U. Kebersihan then respon. ("Seksi Kebersihan") Dinas P.U. or for overseeing const. Kebersihan may initiate of MCKs or toilets or const. of local MCKs built with TK. II or or toilets built with INPRES funds. Dinas Kebersihan TK.II funds (or INPRES) (responsibility for opera- tion + maint. of urban sanit. /sewerage systema) RIP Unit (if existing) RIP Unit may be responr Private Contractor - KIP Unit and Lurah/RW/RT may program const. of for overseeing con- respon. for operation + neighborhood MCKs or struction maint. of MCKs or toilets toilets Source: Mission discussions with Government. -69 - ANNEX III INDONESIA Table 1.3 URBAN SERVTCE`S-=TOR REPORT Solid Waste Management: Existing Functions and Responsibilities Long-range planning Annual programming/ Overseeing Actual - System/program operations and policy setting budgeting construction Construction + + (Dup - Dip) (including project Responsibility for Five-year planning/ (including specific design, tendering, maintenance programming project selection hiring consultants, and approval) suipervision, procurement, financial control) NATIONAL Dir.Gen. CiPta Karya For development of u ban solid waste managem mt systems Directorate of Eol Ing Dept. of Home Affairs Dir. Gan. PUOD KIP may include neighborhood Dir. of Urban Dev. garbage bins + andcarts Basic a Iministrative res- Directorate of San tary Ensineering- pon. for supervising and upgradil g management capa- Basic technical responsibility for urba bility or local SWM. solid waste man gement. However, since SWM more management than strictly capital c nstruction, respon. is not as strong/shared more wi h Dept. o Home Affairs PROVINCIAL Dinas P.U. (since largely local program aid role of Pusat is pot highly developedL Provincial level plats weak role) MUNICIPAL OR DISTRICT (TK. II) ''DnsPO Dinas P.U. or Keber- Dinas P.U. or Kebersi- Private sihan -anhan Contractors for limits or capital construction Inifiates capital con- has major respon. for eDines Kebersihan struction (of transfer overseeing capital (Generally in la-rger depots and disposal construction (limited cities) sites) and most equip- in this case and also ment acquisition, acquiring equipment. I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I KIP Unit (if existing) DIP Unit - b Private Contractors - Lurah/RW/T resPon. for may program const. or oversees limited (turned over to Lurait for collection of garbage acquisition of neigh- construction RW/RT for operations + within neighborhoods and berhood bins + hand Maint. transport to trnsofer depo carts Source: Mission discussionswith Government - 70 - INDONESIA ANNEX III URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Table 1.4 LUrban Drainage/Flood Control Long-range planning Annual programming/ Overseeing Actual System/program operations and policy setting budgeting construction Construction + +. (Dup - Dip) (including project Responsibility for Five-year planning/ (including specific design, tendering, maintenance programming project selection hiring consultants, and approval) supervision, procurement, financial control) NATiONAL Dir. Gen. Water Resour:es (Pengairan) for large (macro) dr4inage works beyond city-scale; and surface water quality criteria (latter joi Ltly with Dept. of Health). Dir. Gen. Cipta Karya for physical develop lent of all other draina| Directorate of Housi n KIP includes small scale/neighborhood drainage Directorate of San tary Engineering basic responsibi ity for urban drainage l .' PROVINCIAL (TK. I) Prov. Dinas P.U. only Provincial Pro ect 4 Private Contractors consulted on project ("PLP') reportinR di- selection/Funds (DIP) rectl:to Dir. of Sa- and control from Pusat. nit. Ers. _ prespon. or vey of design supe rvision/ten ering/ supervision of constru tion of major scheme). These funct ons will g adually be turned over to Kn i1 P.U. |UMNICIPAL OR DISTRICT (TK. II) Dinas P.U. - Private Contractors Dinas P.U. - responsible for over eeing responsible for operation construction of INPB S + maint. of most drains. drains, sidewalks + oads Dinas P.U. may initiat - also respon. for ove seeing const. of local drains + construction of drai s built built with TK.II funds with TK.II funds * KIP Unit if separate from Dinas P.U.) may be respon. for maint. of neighborhood drains KIP Unit (if existing KIP Unit may be respon tPrivate Contractor- * lurah/RW/RT respon. may program const. of for overseeing con- for organizing clearance neighborhood drains struction cleaning of local drains within KIP areas * Dinas Rebersihan (if it exists) may be respon. for clearing drains. Source: Mission discussions with Government - 71 - INDONESIA ANNEX III URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Table 1.5 Kampung Improvement Program: Existing Functions and Responsibility Long-range planning Annual programming/ Overseeing Actual Sys temJ/program operations and policy setting budgeting construction Construction + + (Dup - Dip) (including project Responsibility for Five-year planning! (including specific design, tendering, maintenance programming project selection hiring consultants, and approval) supervision, procurement, financial control) NATIONAL Dit. - Gen. Cipta Kary& Dit. - Gen. PUOD Dit, of Housing (Pe ahan) Dit. of Urban Develop- (Basic responsib lity for all aspects of the KIP, incl ding planning/program/ (General administrative/ budgeting - for aation of national supervisory responsibility) standards, desig criteria, selection of cities, etc.) PROVINCIA Governor's Office Project Office For Governor's Office Bappeda Tk. I KI lementation (Within the Dfinas P.U. Tk.I, but with strong link to Central Dit. of Housing) (Responsibility for overseeing project de- sign, tendering, hirinl consultants and finan- cial control; contract- or supervision varies) MUNICIPAL OR DISTRICT (TI. II) RIP Unit ("Unit Pelak-- Private Contractors KIP Unit ("Unit Pelakeana") sana") (Operations and maintaince (Set up usually on pro- rests entirely with local ject basis within lo- government; although KIP cal govt.) Unit oversees, other agen- (Responsibility for cies and lurah/RW also in- overseeing implementa- volved). tion shared with pro- vince level P2LPK, de- pending on city/town capability; Tk.II nor- mally supervises con - tractors). Source: Mission discussions with Government - 72 - INDONESIA ANNEX III URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Table 1.6 Responsibility for Urban Road Development by Jurisdiction and Type of Road Development Functions Jurisdiction and Long-range Annual Overseeing of Actual Road Type of Roads planning programming implementation construction maintenance and and for new roads+ of new Five-year budgeting "betterment" roads and planning/ (new road (from project "betterment" programming construction design, hiring and contractors, "betterment') to supervision and financial control) National Highways Dit.Gen. Bina Marga DG Bina Marga Private (Primary arterials Dit. Highway Planning Dit. Highway Contractors or Development Primary collectors) (responsible for planning + rrogramming (design carried ("DIP Pusat) all National roads out in Jakarta/ passing through tendering, urban areas) hiring contractors, supervision by province - based Project Officer - to become part of Kanwil P.U Maintenance Tk. I) responsibili- ___________________ ____________ _____________ ty v aries according to Provincial (Tk.I) Dinas P.U. (Tk. I), Dinas P.U. Private specific Roads sometimes assisted (Tk. I) Contractors province/city (Secondary by Dit. Gen. Bina (either Kanwil arterials or Marga/Dit. Highway or Seksi P.U. collectors) Planning or Dinas P.U. ("DIP Daerah") (Tk.II) Local (Tk. II) Dinas P.U. Dinas P.U. Private Dinas P.U. Roads (Tk. II) (Tk. II) Contractors (Tk. II) (Secondary normally collectors or by owua local) staff Source: Bina Marga INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Total Permanent Staff of the Directorate of Sanitary Engineering (Cipta Karya) by Education and Rank/Level - September 1982 Level of Education Jakarta-Based Project Staff Total Rank/Level Jakarta-.ased Project Staff Total Staff in Provinces No. X ("Goloigan/Ruang Staff in Provinces No. % Pangkat") 1. Masters Degree 1.1 Technical (Ir.) 116 22.8 IV. c 1 1 0.2 * Civil Engineers 3 17 20 3.9 b 2 - 2 0.4 * Sanitary Engineers 32 50 82 16.1 a - - - - * Others 8 6 14 2.8 Total IV 3 - 3 0.6 1.2 Non-Technical (Drs.) 30 5.9 * Economists 8 9 17 3.3 III. d 12 1 13 2.6 *Others 7 6 13 2.6 c 8 9 17 3.3 b 10 10 20 3.9 2. Bachelors Degree a 26 68 94 18.5 2.1 Technical (B.E./B.Sc.) 75 14.8 Total III 56 88 144 28.3 * Civil Engineers 14 20 34 6.7 * Sanitary Engineers 2 7 9 1.8 II d 8 6 14 2.7 * Others 15 17 32 6.3 c 27 28 55 10.8 b 41 69 110 21.6 2.2 Non-Technical 17 32 49 9.6 a 36 109 145 28.5 Total II 112 212 324 63.6 3. Higher Secondary Degree 3.1 Technical (STM) 29 109 138 27.1 I d 2 _ 2 0.4 3.2 Non-Technical 26 26 52 10.2 c 5 - 5 1.0 b 6 2 8 1.6 4. Lower Secondary Degree a 10 13 23 4.5 4.1 Technical (ST) 3 2 5 1.0 Total I 23 15 38 7.5 4.2 Non-Technical 12 5 17 3.3 5. Others 18 8 26 5.1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------__-----__--------------------------------------------- T O T A L 194 314 508 100.0 T O T A L 194 314 508 100.0 Source: Directorate of Sanitary Engineering, Cipta Karya, Jakarta. m H - 74 - ANNEX III Table 2.2 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Total Permanent Staff of the Directorate of Housing by Education and by Rank/Level (September 1982) Educational Level Rank/Level No. % ("Golongan/Ruang Pangkat") No. % 1. Masters Degree IV b 3 1.2 1.1. Technical (Ir) 36 14.3 a 6 2.4 Architects 30 12.0 Others 6 2.3 Total IV 9 3.6 1.2. Non-Technical (Drs) 24 9.6 III d 1 0.4 c 12 4.8 2. Bachelors Degree b 13 5.2 2.1. Technical (BE/BSc) 3.6 a 37 14.7 Architects 9 3.6 Total III 63 25.1 others 2.2. Non-Technical 19 7.6 II d 4 1.6 c 12 4.8 3. Higher Secondary Degree b 38 15.1 3.1. Technical (STM) 71 28.3 a 97 38.6 3.2. Non-Technical 53 21.1 Total II 151 60.1 4. Lower Secondary Degree I d 3 1.2 4.1. Technical (ST) 6 2.4 c 4 1.6 4.2. Non-Technical 10 4.0 b 11 4.4 a 10 4.0 5. Others 23 9.2 Total I 28 11.2 Total 251 100.0 Total 251 100.0 Source: Directorate of Housing (Perumahan), Cipta Karya, Jakarta. - 75 - ANNEX III Table 2.3 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Total Permanent Staff of Bina Marga's Directorates of Planning and Development by Education and Rank/Level (as of April 1982) Dit. of Dit of Combined Total Planning Development of 2 Directorates (Bina Program (Jalan Jalan) Pembangunan) No % 1. Masters Degree 1.1. Technical (Ir) 110 110 220 12.8 Civil Engineers 74 90 164 13.3 Others 36 20 56 4.5 1.2. Non-Technical (Drs) 31 10 41 3.3 2. Bachelors Degree 2.1. Technical (BE/B.Sc) 36 161 197 16.0 Civil Engineers Others 2.2. Non-Technical 9 26 35 2.8 3. Higher Secondary Degree 3.1. Technical (STM) 73 241 314 25.5 3.2. Non-Technical 65 207 272 22.1 4. Lower Secondary Degree 32 122 134 12.5 and others T O T A L 356 877 1233 100.0 "Structural" "Project" Total Rank Jakarta Province Jakarta Province Jakarta Province (Golongan) Based Based Based Based Based Based Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff IV 9 - - - 9 - III 193 - 39 112 232 112 II 410 - 81 130 491 130 1 147 - 55 57 202 57 Total 759 - 175 299 934 299 Source: Directorate General Bina Marga, Secretariat, Jakarta 1982. - 76 - ANNEX III Table 2.4 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Present Staffing of Kotamadya/Kabupaten Public Works Dinas by Major Functions (Survey of Selected Cities) Kodya Kodya Kodya Kabupaten Kodya Malang Padang Cirebon Bekasi Bukit Tinggi 1. Road/Bridges 246 45 50 85 34 (supervision of new construction and upgrading/maintenance/design for local roads) 2. Drainage (included 20 30 (included NA (supervision of construction/ with 1 with 1 maintenance) above) above) 3. Public Buildings 65 16 40 18 12 (supervision of construction) 4. P a r k s 175 (handled by 55 20 (handled by (development/maintenance) separate separate Dinas) Dinas) 5. Fire Fighting and Cementaries 100 15 16 25 16 Task Forces 6. Solid Waste 510 (handled by 185 (separate (handled by (collection/transfer/disposal) separate Dinas Keber- separate Dinas Keber- sihan Kota Dinas Keber- sihan now esta- sihan blished) 7. Sanitation and Street Cleansing (included (included with 6 with 6 above) above) 8. Miscellaneous 36 30 127 23 17 Total Staff 1132 126 503 171 69 Source: Mission survey. For more details see: Training and Manpower Development in the Urban Sector; background paper to this report, January 1983. INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Training Programs in Urban Water Supply Organized by DSE Number of Institutions and Participants Benefiting (1974/75 - 1981/82) Year DSE PABs BPAMs/PDAMs Other Total Participants Institutions Participants Institutions Participants Participants Participants 1973/74 7 2 2 29 62 28 99 1974/75 14 3 3 19 28 15 60 1975/76 11 - - 28 114 24 159 1976/77 8 4 13 47 107 7 135 1977/78 23 5 19 41 122 - 164 1978/79 3 11 45 38 94 142 1979/80 14 23 101 48 98 - 213 1980/81 - 23 74 77 107 35 216 1981/82 23 26 129 52 175 41 488 Total for 8 years 103 - 386 - 927 150 1566 Source: Directorate of Sanitary Engineering. x>4 I. H- INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Sources of Development and Routine Expenditure Incurred Regionally 1980/81 Source of funds for regional budget Development budget Devel. Routine Total % Total Central Routine budget Source of Development All % Gov't % Gov't grant in Direct Local Central expenditure incurred regional grant in X Gov-t grant in total spending Gov't Gov-t regionally Gov't regional grant in total re- regional + Foreign Inpres contri- sub- % Sec- % % Local non-grant Gov't regional gional & routine + Province aid etc. grants butions/a Total sidies Total toral Inpres funds & income develop- routine develop- development -------------(Rp/head)------------- ---(Rp/head)--- funds funds loans (Rp/head) ment exp. exp. ment exp. income Aceh 19,467 6,849 2,594 28,910 8,069 9,102 67.3 23.7 9.0 6,887 72.5 88.7 80.4 68.4 Sumatera Utara 10,908 5,034 2,628 18,570 8,530 10,566 58.7 27.1 14.2 6,490 65.7 80.7 74.4 67.6 Sumatera Barat 17,400 5,653 1,863 24,916 7,563 8,880 69.8 22.7 7.5 5,040 75.2 85.2 80.6 72.4 Riau 23,557 7,292 2,259 33,108 10,187 13.238 71.2 22.0 6.8 9,027 76.3 77.0 79.5 65.9 Jambi 26,864 9,497 2,854 39,215 7,541 10,389 68.5 24.2 7.3 10,064 75.8 72.6 74.9 62.9 Sumatera Selatan 18,131 6,507 2,483 27,121 5,276 7,030 66.9 24.0 9.1 6,097 72.4 75.0 73.6 65.9 Bengkulu 34,319 14,185 610 49,114 8,106 9,303 69.9 28.9 1.2 4,664 95.9 87.1 92.5 82.7 Lampung 8,293 4,629 656 13,578 7,038 8,103 61.1 34.1 4.8 3,315 87.6 86.9 87.1 77.9 DKI Jakarta 94,031 2,042 11,184 107,257 6,690 12.086 87.7 1.9 10.4 20,601 15.4 55.4 34.5 29.8 Jawa Barat 8,176 3,015 1,464 12,655 6,353 7,821 64.6 23.8 12.6 3,754 67.3 81.2 76.2 71.4 Jawa Tengah 4,967 2,830 455 8,252 6,305 7,050 60.2 34.3 5.5 2,408 86.1 89.4 88.4 79.1 D.I. Jogyakarta 10,801 4,697 3,014 17,792 9,084 10,719 60.7 26.4 12.9 5,096 67.2 84.7 74.8 73.0 Jawa Timur 4,902 3,022 1,271 9,195 5,479 6,435 53.3 32.9 13.8 3,087 70.4 85.1 79.2 73.4 Kalimantan Barat 13,756 8,339 2,429 24,524 8,267 12,754 56.1 34.0 9.9 9,891 77.4 64.8 70.6 62.7 Kalimantan Tengah 21,794 13,075 5,817 40,686 11,359 19,106 53.6 32.1 14.3 25,411 68.8 59.5 64.3 49.0 Kalimantan Selatan 22,712 7,804 4,146 34,662 10,266 10,983 65.5 22.5 12.0 9,602 65.3 93.5 78.8 65.3 Kalimantan Timur 25,344 10,431 17,013 52,788 8,007 19,812 48.0 19.8 32.2 56,180 38.0 40.4 39.0 24.7 Sulawesi Selatan 9,754 4,968 2,641 17,363 7,045 10,037 56.2 28.6 15.2 6,482 65.3 70.2 68.1 65.0 Sulawesi Tenggara 36,618 13,523 4,776 54,917 10,177 12,557 66.7 24.6 12.7 9,798 73.9 81.0 76.8 70.8 Sulawesi Tengah 20,110 10,896 2,669 33,675 8,973 12,275 59.7 32.4 7.9 12,647 80.3 73.1 76.9 61.1 Sulawesi Utara 16,364 7,920 3,337 27,621 13,609 14,794 59.2 28.7 12.1 6,971 70.4 92.0 82.6 75.5 Bali 12,288 6,889 1,258 20,433 8,220 9,432 60.1 33.7 6.2 7,095 84.6 87.2 85.9 68.0 Nusa Tenggara Barat 10,342 5,692 195 16,229 6,536 7,260 63.7 35.1 1.2 2,388 96.7 90.0 93.0 83.7 Nusa Tenggara Timur 9,805 5,704 1,546 17,055 11,406 16,291 57.5 33.4 9.1 6,269 78.7 70.0 72.7 73.2 Maluku 16,275 8,801 3,543 28,619 8,998 13,146 56.9 30.8 12.3 11,345 71.3 68.4 69.8 61.1 Irian Jaya 28,016 11,365 3,117 42,498 27,197 27,663 65.9 26.7 7.4 7,423 78.5 98.3 91.5 83.9 Timor Timur 17,973 16,029 NA NA 11,790/b NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA - All Indonesia 13,667 4,465 2,105 20,237 7,111 8,934 67.5 22.1 10.4 5,710 68.0 79.6 74.7 67.0 Excl. DKI Jakarta 4,577 1,686 16,224 7,130 8,789 61.4 28.2 10.4 5,023 73.1 81.1 77.8 70.0 /a Assigned revenues, "own' revenues, loans other income. Tb Different source from other figures. Source: Central Statistical Office (BPS) and Ministry of Finance. mx - 79 - ANNEX IV Table 1.2 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Central Government Sectoral Development Expenditure Incurred Regionally by Province (1980/81) (Rp per head) Central Government sectoral development budget Popula- Supple- tion mentary Foreign Rank Province DIP DIP(ABT)/a aid/b Other/c Total 13 Aceh 18,340 57 1,070 19,467 4 Sumatera Utara 9,834 14 1,030 30 10,908 9 Sumatera Barat 15,749 4 1,600 47 17,400 16 Riau 23,401 10 146 23,557 19 Jambi 24,473 41 2,350 26,884 7 Sumatera Selatan 17,855 - 210 66 18,131 26 Bengkulu 33,815 - 260 244 34,319 8 Lampung 6,993 - 1,300 - 8,293 5 DKI Jakarta 92,571 - 1,460 - 94,031 2 Jawa Barat 7,734 24 400 18 8,176 3 Jawa Tengah 4,813 36 90 28 4,967 10 D.I. Jogyakarta 10,801 - - - 10,801 1 Jawa Timur 4,557 26 310 9 4,902 14 Kalimantan Barat 13,506 - 80 170 13,756 24 Kalimantan Tengah 21,524 - - 270 21,794 18 Kalimantan Selatan 22,200 - 350 162 22,712 22 Kalimantan Timur 25,010 - 100 234 25,344 6 Sulawesi Selatan 9,452 47 230 25 9,754 25 Sulawesi Tenggara 36,268 - 350 - 36,618 21 Sulawesi Tengah 19,133 23 870 84 20,110 17 Sulawesi Utara 15,698 56 610 - 16,364 15 Bali 11,569 189 530 - 12,288 12 Nusa Tenggara Barat 10,272 30 - 40 10,342 11 Nusa Tenggara Timur 9,444 361 - - 9,805 20 Maluku 16,275 - - - 16,275 23 Irian Jaya 26,457 1,559 - - 28,016 27 Timor Timur 17,973 - - - 17,974 All Indonesia 13,128 50 460 29 13,667 Excl. DKI Jakarta 9,464 52 414 31 9,961 /a "Anggaran Biaya Tambahan." Identified for water supply and KIP only. /b Estimated for Cipta Karya and Bina Marga Programs only. /c "Crash programme" for water supply equipment. /d Totals are likely to be understated since data on ABT, "other" and foreign aid probably incomplete. Source: Department of Finance. INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Regional Expenditure Per Head of Population 1976/77 to 1980/81 (Province and Second Level Regions Combined) (Rp per head) Routine budget Development budget Total Routine & Development Average Average Average growth growth growth 1976/77 1980/81 % p.a. 1976/77 1980/81 % p.a. 1976/77 1980/81 % p.a. Aceh 3,346 9,102 28.4 2,949 9,443 33.8 6,295 18,545 31.0 Sumatera Utara 4,435 10,566 24.2 2,705 7,662 29.7 7,140 18,228 26.4 Sumatera Barat 3,226 8,880 28.8 2,258 7,516 35.1 5,484 16,396 31.5 Riau 3,175 13,238 42.9 3,020 9,551 33.4 6,195 22,789 38.5 Jambi 6,579 10,389 12.1 3,927 12,531 33.7 10,506 22,930 21.5 Sumatera Selatan 2,470 7,030 29.9 2,602 8,990 36.3 5,072 16,020 33.3 Bengkulu 5,534 9,303 13.9 3,548 14,795 42.9 9,082 24,098 27.6 Lampung 2,553 8,103 33.5 1,794 5,285 31.0 4,347 13,388 32.5 DKI Jakarta 6,248 12,086 17.9 8,940 13,226 10.3 15,181 25,312 13.6 1 Jawa Barat 2,785 7,821 29.5 1,526 4,479 30.9 4,311 12,300 30.0 0 Jawa Tengah 2,677 7,050 27.4 1,628 3,285 19.2 4,305 10,335 24.5 ° D.I. Jogyakarta 3,912 10,719 28.7 1,815 6,991 40.1 5,727 17,710 32.6 Jawa Timur 2,434 6,435 27.5 1,745 4,293 25.2 4,179 10,728 26.6 Kalimantan Barat 2,885 12,754 45.0 2,636 10,769 42.2 5,521 23,523 43.7 Kalimantan Tengah 8,210 19,106 23.5 4,467 18,992 43.6 12,677 38,098 31.7 Kalimantan Selatan 3,928 10,983 29.3 3,328 11,950 37.7 7,256 22,933 33.3 Kalimantan Timur 9,118 19,812 21.4 6,512 27,434 43.3 15,630 47,246 31.9 Sulawesi Selatan NA 10,037 NA NA 7,609 NA NA 17,466 NA Sulawesi Tenggara 4,109 12,557 32.2 3,050 18,299 56.5 7,159 30,856 44.1 Sulawesi Tengah 7,393 17,275 23.6 3,694 13,565 38.4 11,087 30,840 29.1 Sulawesi Utara 5,213 14,794 29.8 2,107 11,257 52.0 7,320 26,051 37.3 Bali 3,175 9,432 31.3 2,551 8,147 33.7 5,726 17,579 32.4 Nusa Tenggara Barat 4,166 7,260 14.9 2,575 5,887 23.0 6,741 13,147 18.2 Nusa Tenggara Timur 5,992 16,291 28.4 1,782 7,250 42.0 7,774 23,541 31.9 Maluku 5,212 13,146 26.0 2,597 12,344 47.7 7,809 25,490 34.4 Irian Jaya NA 27,663 NA NA 14,482 NA NA 42,145 NA Timor Timur NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA All Indonesia 3,405 8,934 27.3 2,355 570 29.2 5,760 15,504 28.1 Excl. DKI Jakarta 3 8,789 27.9 2,070 6,263 31.9 5,352 15,052 29.5 m X Source: Province, Kabupaten and Kotamadya budget statements. - 81 - ANNEX IV Table 1.4 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Loans to First and Second Tier Regions Over the Period 1976/77 to 1980/81 By Province /a (Rp million) PDAM Average Inpres RDI BPD PDAM (Foreign Per head Province Pasar/b Ipeda (Water) (Equity) (Equity) aid)/c Total (Rp) Aceh 1,183 - - 250 - - 1,433 549 Sumatera Utara 2,452 - - 150 - - 2,602 311 Sumatera Barat 1,754 - - 200 - - 1,954 574 Riau 862 - - 250 - - 1,112 513 Jambi 527 40 1,165 132 1,724 700 4,288 2,965 Sumatera Selatan 1,620 523 3,690 120 4,113 5,700 15,766 3,406 Bengkulu 446 - - 280 - - 726 945 Lampung 713 - - 250 - - 963 208 DKI Jakarta 6,439 - - 150 7,570 6,400 20,559 3,161 Jawa Barat 5,213 493 9,831 200 9,020 13,400 38,157 1,390 Jawa Tengah 8,020 81 559 500 934 3,400 13,494 532 D.I. Jogyakarta 998 - 411 100 1,294 3,400 6,203 2,255 Jawa Timur 5,055 1,417 1,073 500 2,380 4,500 14,925 511 Kalimantan Barat 1,004 - - 175 - - 1,179 474 Kalimantan Tengah 450 - - 150 - - 600 629 Kalimantan Selatan 1,270 5 - 250 - - 1,525 738 Kalimantan Timur 584 - 1,210 175 1,788 1,100 4,857 3,988 Sulawesi Selatan 1,198 1,268 158 250 400 738 4,012 662 Sulawesi Tenggara 747 - - 300 - - 1,047 1,111 Sulawesi Tengah 5,052 - - 280 - - 5,332 4,137 Sulawesi Utara 1,206 - - 250 - - 1,456 688 Bali 943 - - 250 - - 1,193 483 Nusa Tenggara Barat 919 - - 250 - - 1,169 429 Nusa Tenggara Timur 1,080 - - 200 - - 1,280 468 Maluku 750 - 390 150 524 1,120 2,934 2,079 Irian Jaya - 230 - 150 - - 380 324 Timor Timur - - - 250 - - 250 450 Total 50,485 4,057 18,487 6,162 29,747 40,458 149,396 1,013 /a Excludes KIP. lb Excludes 1981/82. /c Estimates only. Source: Department of Finance. INDONES IA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Urban Water Supply: Expenditure by Province and Sources of Finance (Rp million) Supplementary Crash program Central Government DIP budget (ABT) /a (KEPPRES 10) /b Average expenditure /d per year Total Total Total Loan finance (1979/80-1982/83) /c (r 7 r9/80-19827 r3) 1979/80- 1980/81- 1980/81- RDI Foreign PMP Total Total per head (Rg) Province 1979/80 1980/81 1981/82 1982/83 1982/83 1980/81 1982/83 1982/83 1980/81 1981/82 1982/83 (PDAM) (BPAM+PDAM) (PDAM) Total (Rp mln) Whole pop. Urban pop. Aceh 141 691 1,050 1,342 3,224 - 81 81 - 1,260 1,260 - 436 _ 436 1,248 478 2,356 Sumatera Utara 450 727 1,250 1,990 4,417 - 85 85 1,597 4,220 5,817 - 3,860 - 3,860 3,542 424 1,834 Sumatera Barat 674 698 1,050 1,237 3,659 - 158 158 891 3,300 4,191 - - _- 1,999 239 2,924 Riau 293 639 900 589 2,421 - 34 34 1,533 3,820 5,353 - 45 - 45 1,962 905 4,130 Jambi 256 500 650 691 2,097 _ 86 86 - 1,260 1,260 1,666 - 800 2,466 1,475 1,020 4,514 Sumatera Selatan 249 750 1,099 854 2,952 - 52 52 1,689 - 1,689 2,908 4,560 3,237 10,705 3,848 831 3,846 Bengkulu 121 399 626 298 1,444 - 57 57 551 230 781 - - - - 569 741 4,384 Lapung 280 590 700 663 2,233 - 70 70 - 2,510 2,510 - 4,834 - 4,834 2,413 522 4,555 DXI Jakarta 24 114 25 189 352 - - - - - 25,180 6,495 31,675 8,007 1,231 1,231 Jawa Barat 2,190 1,850 2,500 3,942 10,482 300 123 423 3,481 1,180 4,661 10,575 14,975 8,237 33,787 12,328 449 5,613 Jawa Tengah 1,519 1,550 2,800 3,663 9,532 700 117 817 2,406 2,620 5,026 554 5,390 692 6,636 5,483 216 1,176 Yogyakarta 117 408 500 509 1,534 - 75 75 - 630 630 235 2,565 1,096 3,896 1,533 557 2,316 Jawsa Timur 2,132 1,500 2,250 3,116 8,998 602 88 690 1,308 1,620 2,928 1,134 5,290 1,886 8,310 5,215 179 887 Kalimantan Barat 736 698 1,100 906 3,440 - 66 66 2,008 1,470 3,478 - - - - 962 387 1,388 Kalimantan Tengah 261 600 900 465 2,226 - 89 89 1,253 1,660 2,913 - - - - 1,305 1,368 11,446 Kalimantan Selatan 333 639 950 687 2,609 - 27 27 1,341 1,110 2,451 - 645 - 645 1,432 661 3,358 Kalimantan Timur 587 1,063 1,309 2,189 5,148 - 48 48 1,141 1,420 2,561 1,210 7,730 1,269 10,209 4,490 3,686 13,180 Sulawesi Selatan 804 796 1,200 1,466 4,266 - 212 212 806 1,660 2,466 158 2,540 650 3,348 2,569 424 2,125 Sulawesi Tenggara 453 688 910 899 2,950 - 95 95 - 630 630 - - - - 917 973 5,752 Sulawesi Tengah 299 593 850 761 2,503 - 95 95 456 2,260 2,716 - 3,360 - 3,360 2,166 1,679 12,639 Sulawesi Utara 374 706 960 1,300 3,340 - 134 134 - 1,260 1,260 - 2,610 - 2,610 1,833 867 3,275 Bali 676 705 755 917 3,053 437 56 493 - - - - - - _ 874 354 3,271 Nusa Tenggara Barat 355 650 900 987 2,892 83 146 229 457 2,260 2,717 - - - - 1,454 534 5,442 r Nusa Tenggara Timur 499 613 925 822 2,859 989 - 989 - - - - - - - 938 343 1,790 Maluku 371 461 837 492 2,161 - - - - - - 506 1,590 742 2,838 1,250 886 6,289 Irian Jaya 164 442 950 1,081 2,637 1,830 - 1,830 - 640 640 - - - - 1,231 1,049 4,071 Timor Timur - - - - - - - - - 1,280 1,280 - - - - 320 577 N/A Total Indonesia 14,358 19,070 27,946 32,055 93,429 4,941 1,994 6 935 20,910 38,300 59,210 18,946 85,619 25,104 129,669 72,137 489 2,321 Memo Items Local government contribution /e 4,000 27 129 Total central snd local government 76,137 516 2,452 /a In addition to these regionally allocated funds, an additional Rp 659 million and Rp 3,664 million were spent centrally in 1980/81 and 1982/83 respectively. /b Although the totals are accurate, some assumptions have been made in allocating the funds among provinces. /c Data on loan finance (especially foreign loans) are very weak. It is probable that some loans have been missed. /d This attempts to measure actual expenditure (outlays) as opposed to budget figures which are given in all other columns. Since no data on actual expenditure are available, assumptions (based on survey evidence) have been made concerning the relationship between budget and outcome. For water supply, expenditures are assumed to be 100% of budgets for DIP, KEPPRES 10 and loan finance, and 90% for A8T. /e This is an aggregate estimate based upon sample data. It cannot be broken down by province. Source: Ministry of Finance and staff estimates. -83 - ANNEX IV Table 2.2 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Urban Water: Expenditure by City and Sources of Finance (Rp million) Central Government DIP Loan finance 1979/80-1982/83 /b Popula- Total /a Foreign Total DIP tion Kotamadya (ranked 1979/80- RDI (BPAM+ PMP & loan /c range by population) 1979/80 1980/81 1981/82 1982/83 1982/83 (PDAM) PDAM) (PDAM) Total (Rp/head) 6.5M DKI Jakarta 24 114 25 189 238 - 25,180 6,495 31,675 1,230 2 M Jatim, Surabaya - - - - - - 2,650 - 2,650 327 Jabar, Bandung - - - - - 9,738 4,540 3,736 18,014 3,079 Sumut, Medan 147 N/A 541 325 1,013 - 2,740 - 2,740 742 I M Jateng, Semarang 351 351 21 723 - - - - 872 1 M Sumsel, Palembang - 80 - 80 2,908 4,390 3,257 10,555 3,388 Sulsel, Ujung Pandang 259 132 207 598 - - - - 282 Jatim, Malang 117 - - 117 631 - 455 1,086 607 Sumbar, Padang 180 152 225 557 - - - - 387 Jateng, Surakarta 314 417 145 876 - 3,890 - 3,890 2,691 DI Yogyakarta - - 54 54 235 2,570 1,096 3,901 2,489 Kalsel, Banlarmasin - 200 127 327 - - - - 286 0.3M Kalbar, Pontianak 562 247 112 921 - - - - 1,007 0.3M Lampung, Tg. Karang 280 97 - 377 - 4,840 - 4,840 4,704 Kaltim, Balikpapan 265 680 1,739 2,684 - 6,180 - 6,180 8,683 Kaltim, Samarinda - 41 81 122 1,210 1,550 1,269 4,029 3,955 Jabar, Bogor - - - - - - - - - Jambi, Jambi - 110 - 110 1,666 - 798 2,464 2,839 Jabar, Cirebon - - - - 4,489 3,200 2,110 9,799 - Jatim, Kediri 48 - 38 86 - - - - 131 Sulut, Menado - - - - - - - - - 0.2M Maluku, Ambon 143 281 122 546 506 1,590 742 2,838 4,268 0.2M Riau, Pekanbaru - 174 90 264 - - - - 3,215 Jatim, Madiun - - - - - _ - - - Sumut, Pematang Siantar 119 29 46 194 - 690 - 690 1,587 Jateng, Pekalongan 87 46 78 211 - - - - 526 Jateng, Tegal 37 - - 37 - - - - 91 Jateng, Magelang - - 95 95 - - - - 260 Jabar, Sukabumi - - 73 73 - - - - 218 O.1M Jatim, Probolinggo 43 161 6 210 - - - - 700 0.1M Sulut, Gorontalo 45 670 593 1,308 - 2,610 - 2,610 11,112 Jatim, Pasuruan - - - - - - - - - Sumut, Tebing Tinggi - 95 415 510 - 120 - 120 3,587 Sumsel, Pangkal Pinang - - - - - - - - - Sulsel, Pare Pare 75 76 104 225 158 1,280 650 2,088 7,058 Jateng, Salatiga - - - - - - - - - Sumbar, Payakumbuh 54 16 21 91 - - - - 380 Jatim, Blitar - 75 162 237 - - - - 1,000 Sumut, Binjai 49 1 - 50 - - - - 224 Aceh, Banda Aceh - 329 52 381 - - - - 1,764 0.07M Sumbar, Bukittinggi 70 48 - 118 - - - - 549 0.07M Jatim, Mojokerto - 65 133 198 - - - - 957 Bengkulu, Bengkulu - 300 107 407 - - - - 2,092 Kalteng, Palangka Raya - 144 125 269 - - - - 1,500 Sumut, Sibolga - 11 79 90 - - - - 500 Sumut, Tanjung Balia 115 117 24 256 - 140 - 140 2,857 Sumbar, Pandang Panjang - - - - - - - - - Sumbar, Solok 133 11 19 163 - - - - 1,688 Aceh, Sabangi - - - - - - - - - Sumbar, Sawahlunto 161 31 45 237 - - - - 5,643 0.013M Total Kotamadya 3,678 N/A 5,753 5,652 15,083 21,541 68,160 20,608 110,309 1,612 Total Excl. DKI Jakarta 3,654 N/A 5,728 463 14,845 21,541 42,980 14,113 78,634 1,783 Kabupaten Bekasi 275 162 190 627 - 180 - 180 /a Excluding 1980/81. /b Although close, these figures are not always consistent with those in Annex 4, Table 2.1 7- Includes only DIP and loans; ABT and KEPPRES 10 could not be broken down by Kotamadya. Source: Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Public Works. -84- ANNEX IV Table 2.3 Page 1 of 2 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Urban Water Supply - Loan Finance A. DOMESTIC LOANS (RDI) Province Town Date of Agreement Amount of Loan (Rp million) Jambi Jambi 08/79 2,021 Sumatera Selatan Palembang 02/78 3,830 Jawa Barat Bandung 03/79 9,738 Cirebon 07/77 1,217 Tanggerang 12/80 118 Jawa Tengah Purwokerto 08/79 439 Klaten 12/80 120 DI Yogyakarta Yogyakarta 07/77 411 Jawa Timur Malang 08/79 631 Banyuwangi 08/79 257 Jember 12/80 246 Kalimantan Timur Samarinda 08/79 1,210 Sulawesi Selatan Pare-Pare 12/80 158 Maluku Ambon 12/80 549 B. EQUITY LOANS (PMP) Total Advances Province Town 1976/77 to 1981/82 (Rp million) Jambi Jambi 1,724 Sumatera Selatan Palembang 4,113 DKI Jakarta 7,570 Jawa Barat Tanggerang 620 Purwakarta 784 Bandung 5,283 Cirebon 2,352 Jawa Tengah Purwokerto 614 Klaten 320 DI Yogyakarta Yogyakarta 1,294 Jawa Timur Malang 1,062 Banyuwangi 685 Jember 632 Kalimantan Timur Samarinda 1,789 Sulawesi Selatan Pare-Pare 400 Maluku Ambon 524 - 85 - ANNEX IV Table 2.3 Page 2 of 2 C. FOREIGN LOANS /a Province Town Lender Date of Total of Loan Agreement (millions) Aceh Banda Aceh Australia ? A$ 0.47 (Others) Switzerland FR 1.12 Sumatera Utara Medan ? ? $ 2.32 Medan ADB 05/82 $ 9.63 Pematang Siantar Australia ? A$ 1.3 Tg. Balai Australia ? A$ 0.26 Riau (Unclear) ? ? $ 0.11 Jambi Jambi IBRD 02/75 $ 22 Sumatera Selatan (Unclear) Australia ? A$ 0.10 Palembang Netherlands 03/78 Gld. 25.55 Lampung Tg. Karang ? ? Rp 6,245 DKI Jakarta ? ? Rp 37,400 Jakarta OECF 07/78 -Y 2,943 Jawa Barat (Unclear) ? ? $ 4.38 (Unclear) ? ? DM 0.02 Bandung ADB 02/75 $ 11.5 Bandung ADB 09/79 $ 8.0 Cirebon Switzerland 10/77 FR 17.4 Purwakarta IBRD 01/80 $ 4.93 Tanggerang IBRD 01/80 $ 6.68 Jawa Tengah Surakarta ? ? $ 6.8 Surakarta USAID 01/80 $ 6.28 (Unclear) ? ? FF 9.27 (Unclear) ? ? $ 1.13 Klaten IBRD 03/80 $ 2.83 Purwokerto IBRD 02/75 $ 2.0 DI Yogyakarta Yogyakarta Swiss 03/78 FR 11.6 Jawa Timur Surabaya IBRD 04/81 $ 8.0 Malang IBRD 02/75 $ 5.3 Banyuwangi IBRD 02/75 $ 0.4 Jember IBRD 02/80 $ 3.42 (Unclear) ? ? Rp 736 Kalimantan Barat Pontianak ? ? FF 40.05 (Unclear) ? ? $ 0.99 Kalimantan Selatan (Unclear) ? ? $ 1.37 Kalimantan Timur Balikpapan ? ? $ 13.1 Samarinda IBRD 02/79 $ 2.4 Sulawesi Selatan (Unclear) ? ? Rp 1,681 Pare-Pare IBRD 01/80 $ 2.38 Sulawesi Tenggara (Unclear) ? ? $ 0.24 (Unclear) ? ? FF 30.0 Sulawesi Utara Gorontalo ? ? $ 5.52 Bali (Unclear) ? ? $ 4.5 Maluku Ambon IBRD 01/80 $ 3.73 /a Although individual loans have been identified from Ministry of Finance and local Government records, it has not always been possible to identi- fy the lender, the date of agreement or even the recipient city. INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Kampung Improvement Program - Expenditure by Province and Sources of Finance (Rp million) Foreign aid Average expenditure Central Government DIP Supplementary Budget (ABT) loans /a per year /b Total Total Total Total per head 1979/80- 1979/80- 1979/80- (Rp whole Urban Province 1979/80 ]980/81 1981/82 1982/83 1982/83 1980/81 1982/83 1982/83 1982/83 million) pop. pop. (Rp) (Rp) Aceh - 60.5 128 155 344 148 171 319 - 133 51 251 Sumatera Utara 215 201.0 256 454 1,126 114 269 383 60 335 40 174 Sumatera Barat - 173.5 224 328 726 12 202 214 110 228 27 334 Riau - 32.5 96 133 262 - 96 96 - 76 35 160 Jambi - 32.5 96 152 281 59 86 145 - 88 61 269 Sumatera Selatan - 116.5 192 457 766 - 186 186 480 325 70 325 Rengkulu - 32.5 96 104 233 - 65 65 - 63 82 485 Lampung - 32.5 96 120 249 - 92 92 - 72 15 136 DKI Jakarta - - - - - - - - 12,230 3,058 470 470 Jawa Barat 792 458.5 640 814 1,914 349 552 901 2,330 1,172 43 534 Jawa Tengah 284 512.5 576 1,391 2,480 279 111 390 2,570 1,269 50 272 Yogyakarta 144 60.5 96 433 734 - 114 114 - 185 67 279 Jawa Timtir 116 179.0 576 520 1,391 335 867 1,202 5,590 1,921 66 327 Kalimantan Barat - 116.5 160 511 788 - 60 60 460 303 122 437 1 Kalimantan Tengah - 60.5 96 114 271 - 87 87 - 76 80 667 X Kalimantan Selatan - 116.5 160 371 648 - 60 60 590 305 141 715 Kalimantan Timur - 116.5 160 215 492 - 86 86 400 226 186 663 Sulawesi Selatan 255 263.0 320 404 1,242 282 152 434 2,740 1,040 172 860 Sulawesi Tenggara - - - 110 110 - 86 86 - 40 42 251 Sulawesi Tengah - 32.5 96 112 241 30 87 117 - 74 57 432 Sulawesi Utara - 117.5 192 167 477 118 187 305 - 160 76 286 Bali 88 117.5 192 389 7R7 30 240 270 320 304 123 1,138 Nusa Tenggara Barat - 32.5 128 115 276 - 190 190 - 95 35 356 Nusa Tenggara Timur - 32.5 128 175 336 - 124 124 - 98 36 187 Maluku - 32.5 96 103 232 - 61 61 - 63 45 317 Irian Jaya - - - 107 107 - 31 31 - 78 66 258 Timor Timur - - - - - - - - - - n.a. Total Indonesia 1,894 2,930 4,800 7,954 17,578 1,756 4,262 6,018 27,720 11,938 81 384 Local Government Contribution /c 6,000 41 193 Total Central + Local 17,938 122 577 /a Data on Foreign Aid is particulary weak. 7Tb See footnote Annex 4, Table 2.1. Actual expenditure as ratio of budget assum figure respectively. ed to be 90%, 70%, 100% for DIP, ABT and loan X /c This is an aggregate estimate based on sample data. It can not be broken down by region. Sources: D.C. Cipta Karya, Ministry of Finance and sample regional budgets. -87 - ANNEX IV Table 2.5 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Kampung Improvement Program: Expenditure by City and Sources of Finance (Rp million) Average annual expenditure 1979/80-1982/83 Central Government DIP Total Central Gor- Popula- Total Supplementary ABT Foreign aid erinent and loan /a tion Kotamadya (ranked 1979/80- Total (est. over Total Total per range by population) 1979/80 1980/81 1981/82 1982/83 1982/83 1980/81 1982/83 1981-83 1979-83) (Rp aln) head (Rp) 6.5M DiI Jakarta - - - - - - - - 12,230 3,058 470 2 M Jatim, Surabaya 116 163 523 - 802 175 152 327 5,590 1,635 806 Jabar, Bandung 213 189 264 251 917 - - - 850 419 286 Sumut, Medan 215 50 63 193 521 - - - 60 132 96 1 M Jateng, Semarang 160 285 321 55 821 - - - 2,090 708 689 1 M Sumsel, Palembang - 83 136 321 540 - - - 480 242 307 Sulsel, Ujung Pandang 255 81 99 202 637 175 - 175 2,740 828 1,168 Jatim, Malang - 10 32 30 72 68 28 96 - 33 64 Sumbar, Padang - 96 124 132 352 - 29 29 110 112 233 Jateng, Surakarta 124 21 24 20 189 77 - 77 480 176 374 DI Yogyakarta 144 38 60 343 585 - - - - 132 331 Kalsel, Banjarmasin - 14 19 301 334 - - - 590 223 585 0.3M Kalbar, Pontianak - 95 130 447 672 - - - 460 266 872 0.3M Lampung, Tg. Karang - 33 97 30 160 - 57 57 - 46 162 Kaltim, Balikpapan - 23 32 39 94 - 28 28 - 26 93 Kaltim, Samarinda - 102 140 153 395 - - - 400 189 713 Jabar, Bogor 144 130 181 392 847 89 - 89 350(grant) 295 1,194 Jambi, Jambi - 32 97 60 189 59 29 88 - 58 252 Jabar, Cirebon 143 65 90 618 916 - 58 58 680(grant) 386 1,723 Jatim, Kediri - 10 32 30 72 - 28 28 - 21 95 Sulut, Menado - 40 65 65 170 59 57 116 - 58 267 0.2M Maluku, Ambon - 33 97 65 195 - 31 31 - 49 234 0.214 Riau, Pekanbaru - 32 96 42 170 - - - - 38 204 Jatim, Madiun - 10 32 30 72 - 28 28 - 21 139 Sumut, Pematang Siantar - 25 32 32 89 - 29 29 - 25 167 Jateng, Pekalongan - 28 32 41 101 - 4 4 - 24 180 Jateng, Tegal - 28 32 41 101 28 4 32 - 29 220 Jateng, Magelang - 27 30 41 98 - 4 4 - 23 187 Jabar, Sukabumi - - - - - 5 - 5 - 1 9 01.1M Jatim, Probolinggo - - - 40 40 - - - - 9 90 0.1M Sulut, Gorontalo - 40 65 32 137 59 - 59 - 41 418 Jatim, Pasuruan - - - 40 40 - - - - 9 94 Sumut, Tebing Tinggi - - - 30 30 6 29 35 - 13 141 Sumsel, Pangkal Pinang - - - - - - - - - - - Sulsel, Pare Pare - 32 39 32 103 30 - 30 - 28 326 Jateng, Salatiga - 28 32 41 101 28 2 30 - 28 326 Sumbar, Payakumbuh - - - 40 40 - - - 9 114 Jatim, Blitar - - - 10 10 - 28 28 - 7 89 Sumut, Binjai - 50 63 32 145 28 29 57 - 43 566 Aceh, Banda Aceh - 30 60 30 120 148 - 148 - 53 736 0.07M Sumbar, Bukittinggi - 38 49 32 119 - 29 29 - 32 451 0.07M Jatim, Mojokerto - 20 65 32 117 30 - 30 - 31 449 Bengkulu, Bengkulu - 33 97 60 190 - 29 29 - 48 738 Kalteng, Palangka Rays - 61 97 65 223 - 57 57 - 60 1,000 Sumut, Sibolga - - - 10 10 - - - - 2 33 Sumut, Tanjung Balia - - - 30 30 6 29 35 - 13 310 Sumbar, Pandang Panjang - 38 49 30 115 6 29 35 - 32 914 Sumbar, Solok - - - 30 30 6 29 35 - 13 406 Aceh, Sabangi - - - 40 40 - 29 29 - 14 583 0.013M Sumbar, Sawahlunto - - - 6 6 - 29 29 - 6 429 Total Kotamadya /b 1,514 2,113 3,496 4,636 11,759 1,082 914 1,96 27,110 9,776 465 Total Excl. DIKI Jakarta 1,514 2,113 3,496 4,636 11,759 1,082 914 1,996 14,880 6,718 462 /a See footnote /d to Annex 4, Table 2.1. Ratio of actual expenditure to budget here assumed to be 902, 90X and 100l for DIP, ART and loans respectively. /b Some non-Kotamadya cities, notably Bekasi and Denpasar, also benefited from the prograe during this period. Source: Ministry of Finance, Department of Public Works and sample local budgets. - 88 - ANNEX IV Table 2.6 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Kampung Improvement Program: Foreign Aid Agreement, 1974-1981 Year of Amount of aid Province City Lender agreement (millions) Sumatera Utara Medan ADB 1981 Rp 328 Sumatera Barat Padang IBRD 1981 Rp 1,614 Sumatera Selatan Palembang IBRD 1981 Rp 1,915 DKI Jakarta IBRD 1974 Rp 25,900 Jakarta IBRD 1976 Rp 8,842 Jakarta IBRD 1979 Rp 9,670 Jawa Barat Cirebon Netherlands 1977 GW 2.5 /a Bandung ADB 1979 $ 1.35 Botabek Netherlands 1977 GW 3.5 /a Jawa Tengah Semarang IBRD 1979 Rp 2,278 Surakarta IBRD 1979 Rp 898 Jawa Timur Surabaya IBRD 1976 Rp 965 Surabaya IBRD 1979 Rp 5,093 Kalimantan Barat Pontianak IBRD 1981 Rp 1,754 Kalimantan Selatan Banjarmasin IBRD 1981 Rp 1,739 Kalimantan Timur Samarinda IBRD 1981 Rp 1,373 Sulawesi Selatan Ujung Pandang IBRD 1979 Rp 2,803 Bali Denpasar IBRD 1981 Rp 1,310 /a Understood to be grants. Source: Department of Finance. - 89- ANNEX IV Table 2.7 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Environmental Health (Sanitation, Drainage, Solid Waste, Etc.) - Expenditure by Province and Sources of Finance /a (Rp million) Central Government DIP Foreign aid Average Expenditure per Year Total Total 1979/80-1982/83 Province 1979/R0 1980/81 1981/82 1982/83 1979/80- 1979/80- Total Total per head (Rp) 1982/83 1982/83 (whole pop.) (urban pop.) Aceh 193 100 150 199 642 144 55 272 Sumatera Utara 90 125 100 374 689 1,300 480 57 249 Sumatera Barat 100 110 182 392 190 136 16 199 Riau 77 77 17 8 36 Jambi R2 R2 18 12 55 Sumatera Selatan 100 100 247 447 300 176 38 176 Bengkulu Lampung - - DKI Jakarta 104 318 300 393 1,115 5,200 1,551 238 238 Jawa Barat 100 491 700 1,079 2,370 4,900 1,758 64 800 Jawa Tengah 120 200 200 321 841 189 7 41 Yogyakarta 99 99 22 8 33 Jawa Timur 49 100 206 292 647 1,900 621 21 106 Kalimantan Barat 39 95 100 125 359 730 264 106 381 Kalimantan Tengah - - Kalimantan Selatan 50 74 85 95 304 68 31 159 Kalimantan Timur 97 97 22 18 65 Sulawesi Selatan 147 124 130 98 499 1,300 437 72 361 Sulawesi Tenggara - - Sulawesi Tengah Sulawesi Utara - - Bali 75 75 85 159 394 1,120 367 149 1,374 Nusa Tenggara Barat - - Nusa Tenggara Timur Maluku Irian Jaya Timor Timur Total Indonesia 967 1,902 2,266 3,919 9,054 16,940 6,272 43 202 Estimated Local Government Contribution /b 16,500 112 531 Total Central & Local 22,772 155 733 /a Excludes amounts which may be allocated to flood prevention under "Program Penyelamatan Hutan, Tanah dan Air" - notably Rp 7 billion p.a. for Jakarta. /b Aggregate estimate, based on survey of sample cities. It cannot be broken down by province. Source: Department of Public Works, D.G. Cipta Karya -90- ANNEX IV Table 2.8 INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Urban Roads - Development Expenditure by Province and Sources of Finance (Rp million) Average annual DIP expenditure 1979/80-1982/83 Central Government DIP Total per head Total Whole Urban 1979/80- pop, pop. Province 1979/80 1980/81 1981/82 1982/83 1982/83 Total ---- (Rp) ---- Aceh 213 165 105 520 1,003 251 96 474 Sumatera Utara 1,034 1,045 620 1,828 4,527 1,132 135 586 Sumatera Barat 1,742 573 631 1,247 4,193 1,048 125 1,533 Riau _ _ _ _ Jambi - - 88 - 88 22 15 67 Sumatera Selatan 39 275 358 1,348 2,020 505 109 505 Bengkulu - - - - - - - - Lampung - 1,728 352 880 2,960 740 160 1,397 DKI Jakarta 1,684 1,008 1,389 1,261 5,342 1,336 205 205 Jawa Barat 3,535 5,223 2,304 3,800 14,862 3,671 134 1,671 Jawa Tengah 469 2,846 952 1,511 5,778 1,445 57 310 Yogyakarta 1,147 1,743 264 681 3,835 959 349 1,449 Jawa Timur 3,542 721 236 3,458 7,957 1,989 68 338 Kalimantan Barat - 4,257 123 55 4,435 1,109 446 1,600 Kalimantan Tengah - - - - - - - - Kalimantan Selatan 100 482 151 456 1,189 297 137 696 Kalimantan Timur 81 161 189 1,750 2,181 545 447 1,600 Sulawesi Selatan 150 653 904 388 2,095 524 86 433 Sulawesi Tenggara - - - - - - - - Sulawesi Tengah - - - - - - - - Sulawesi Utara 395 537 631 408 1,971 493 233 881 Bali - 858 783 716 2,357 589 238 2,204 Nusa Tenggara Barat - - - - - - - - Nusa Tenggara Timur - 270 140 364 774 194 71 370 Maluku 55 141 110 360 666 167 118 840 Irian Jaya - - 245 320 565 141 120 466 Timor Timur 36 665 490 80 1,271 318 573 n/a Total Indonesia 14,222 23,351 11,065 21,431 70,069 17,517 119 564 Estimated local government contribution /a 40,000 237 1,288 Total Central Plus Local 57,517 356 1,852 /a Aggregate estimate only, based on survey of sample local budgets. Local contribution cannot be broken down by province. Source: Dept.Public Works, D.G. Bina Marga; local government budgets. INDONESIA URBAN SERVICES SECTOR REPORT Tax Income at Second Level of Government /a 1974/75 - 1978/79 (Rp million) 1974/75 1975/76 1976/77 1977/78 1978/79 Per head % of % of % of x of xof rate of growth (x) Type of tax Receipts total Receipts total Receipts total Receipts total Receipts total 1974/75 - 1978/79 Entertainment tax 2,665.16 38.7 3,006.24 35.5 3,933.38 37.0 5,543.98 37.6 5,999.61 37.0 19.7 Development tax 1,069.37 15.5 1,235.56 14.6 1,615.25 15.2 2,304.94 15.6 2,916.35 18.0 25.6 Radio tax 514.54 7.5 491.33 5.8 468.01 4.4 519.45 3.5 459.09 2.8 -5.0 Tax on foreigners 556.28 8.1 876.42 10.3 782.29 7.4 1,202.60 8.1 1,120.50 6.9 16.4 Slaughterhouse tax 240.59 3.5 328.97 3.9 425.46 4.0 536.53 3.6 751.65 4.6 29.9 Tax on nonmotorized vehicles 304.34 4.4 350.68 4.1 382.29 3.6 439.36 3.0 406.60 2.5 5.1 Advertising tax 129.11 1.9 167.95 2.0 247.68 2.3 385.76 2.6 413.44 2.5 30.7 Dog tax 5.31 0.07 8.76 0.1 8.52 0.08 12.80 0.09 34.00 0.2 55.5 Alcohol tax 22.54 0.3 51.25 0.6 41.62 0.4 52.82 0.4 65.25 0.4 27.5 Road tax 381.29 5.5 700.48 8.3 692.45 6.5 858.83 5.8 904.66 5.6 21.3 Company registration tax 316.49 4.6 532.23 6.3 462.31 4.3 743.54 5.0 834.79 5.1 24.6 Other taxes 683.56 10.0 725.15 8.6 1,574.73 14.8 2,155.56 14.6 2,320.19 14.3 32.7 Total 6 888.58 100.0 8 475.04 100.0 10,634.16 100.0 14,756.16 100.0 16,226.16 100.0 20.6 /a Kabupaten and kotamadya tax receipts, total throughout Indonesia (realizations, not budgets). Source: Ministry of Finance. r-x Ht (D >