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        The World Bank                                                                              Implementation Status & Results Report
        Climate Resilience: Transforming Hydro-Meteorological Services (P131049)

Climate Resilience: Transforming Hydro-Meteorological Services (P131049)

AFRICA | Mozambique | Water Global Practice |
Recipient Executed Activities | Specific Investment Loan | FY 2013 | Seq No: 9 | ARCHIVED on 22-Jun-2017 | ISR28601 |

Implementing Agencies: National Directorate of Water Resources Management (DNGRH), The National Institute for Meteorology (INAM, Instituto
Nacional de Meteorologia), Government of Mozambique

Key Dates

  Key Project Dates

  Bank Approval Date:25-Apr-2013                                              Effectiveness Date:02-Sep-2013
  Planned Mid Term Review Date:01-Aug-2016                                    Actual Mid-Term Review Date:29-Aug-2016
  Original Closing Date:31-Dec-2018                                           Revised Closing Date:31-Dec-2018

Project Development Objectives

 Project Development Objective (from Project Appraisal Document)
 To strengthen hydrological and meteorological information services to deliver reliable and timely climate information to local communities and to
 support economic development.

 Has the Project Development Objective been changed since Board Approval of the Project Objective?



Component A: Strengthening Hydrological Information Management:(Cost $8.80 M)
Component B: Strengthening Weather and Climate Information Management:(Cost $4.20 M)
Component C: Piloting resilience through delivery of improved weather and water:(Cost $2.00 M)

Overall Ratings
Name                                                                        Previous Rating                          Current Rating

Progress towards achievement of PDO                                          Moderately Satisfactory                 Moderately Satisfactory
Overall Implementation Progress (IP)                                         Moderately Satisfactory                 Moderately Unsatisfactory
Overall Risk Rating                                                          Substantial                             Moderate

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        The World Bank                                                                                Implementation Status & Results Report
        Climate Resilience: Transforming Hydro-Meteorological Services (P131049)

Implementation Status and Key Decisions

 Overall implementation is significantly delayed. The project achieved reasonable progress in the implementation of activities for sub-components
 A1, A2, A3, A4 and B1. But all other components are significantly delayed. A protracted process to agree on the design of the optimized hydro-met
 network and procurement-related delays on the strategic technical assistance to INAM as well as weak cooperation among the implementing agencies
 are the main reasons for the slow implementation to date. Thus, there is a risk of unbalanced achievements by the end of the project between the
 hydrological and meteorological components.
 A major accomplishment is the Data-sharing Protocol between the hydrological and meteorological institutions. A data sharing protocol and
 memorandum of understanding (MoU) between INAM and DNGRH is now effective. It will guide data collection, transmission, verification and storage
 and inter-agency exchange. This is a major achievement under the project towards improving communication between the two institutions and access to
 hydro-met data in general.
 Implementation during the first half of the project life focused on improving the quality and quantity of hydrological and meteorological data. However, it
 should be noted that the success of the project will be to a great extent a function of how the different stakeholders receive and use the weather and
 climate information.
 The Bank team recommended the following actions to further strengthen the alignment of the project with main PPCR goals to foster resilient
 development through climate-informed planning and investments:
    • Knowledge exchange and shared learning: setting up of a mechanism to distill land disseminate lessons learned throughout the project duration,
    Since PPCR is a pilot program and demonstrative in nature. It would also be helpful to ensure that future participation in international climate
    services events are closely tied to one or more project activities and directly benefits the project.
    • Service delivery: Stakeholder/user consultation is key to ensure effective information service delivery and uptake of the information by user
    groups. Therefore it would be critical that hydrological and meteorological products that are envisaged under sub-components A.6 and B.7 are
    designed and developed in close consultation with specific user groups/sectors from the outset.
    • Gender sensitive interventions: The project seems to make assumptions on the benefits to women, based on the demography of the project
    locations. More deliberate attempts needs to be made to reach and engage with different beneficiary groups during stakeholder consultations. The
    training activities should also be gender targeted and tracked.
    • Synergy/complementarity with the other PPCR projects in Mozambique: Under the Mozambique PPCR program, six investment projects and two
    technical assistance projects are being implemented in addition to this PPCR hydro-met project. There are important synergies among these projects
    in terms of locations, beneficiary groups as well as tools and technologies used. The Hydro-met project has the potential to inform and influence the
    PPCR portfolio in Mozambique through the provision of climate information. More emphasis needs to be placed on sharing hydro-met data and
    related climate information across the PPCR portfolio.

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               The World Bank                                                                    Implementation Status & Results Report
               Climate Resilience: Transforming Hydro-Meteorological Services (P131049)


 Systematic Operations Risk-rating Tool

 Risk Category                                            Rating at Approval              Previous Rating           Current Rating

 Political and Governance                                  --                             Moderate                 Moderate
 Macroeconomic                                             --                             Substantial              Moderate
 Sector Strategies and Policies                            --                             Moderate                 Moderate
 Technical Design of Project or Program                    --                             Moderate                 Moderate
 Institutional Capacity for Implementation and
                                                           --                             Substantial              Substantial
 Fiduciary                                                 --                             Moderate                 Substantial
 Environment and Social                                    --                             Moderate                 Moderate
 Stakeholders                                              --                             Substantial              Substantial
 Other                                                     --                             --                       --
 Overall                                                   --                             Substantial              Moderate


 Project Development Objective Indicators

          Improved accuracy meteorological forecasts for temperature (Percentage, Custom)

                                           Baseline                   Actual (Previous)          Actual (Current)          End Target

         Value                             0.00                       50.00                      50.00                     70.00

         Date                              02-Sep-2013                13-Dec-2016                09-Jun-2017               31-Dec-2018


          Improved accuracy of flood forecasts in Zambezi and Limpopo river basins (Percentage, Custom)

                                           Baseline                   Actual (Previous)          Actual (Current)          End Target

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               The World Bank                                                                  Implementation Status & Results Report
               Climate Resilience: Transforming Hydro-Meteorological Services (P131049)

         Value                              0.00                        40.00                  40.00                 80.00

         Date                               02-Sep-2013                 13-Dec-2016            09-Jun-2017           31-Dec-2018


          Evidence of strengthened government capacity and coordination mechanism to mainstream climate resilience (Text, Custom)

                                            Baseline                    Actual (Previous)      Actual (Current)      End Target

         Value                              MOU hydromet work group     --                     MOU effective         Effective

         Date                               01-Jun-2013                 13-Dec-2016            09-Jun-2017           31-Dec-2018


          Interministerial protocol on data sharing approved and implemented (Text, Custom)

                                            Baseline                    Actual (Previous)      Actual (Current)      End Target

         Value                              Non-existant                Effective              Effective             Effective

         Date                               02-Sep-2013                 13-Dec-2016            09-Jun-2017           31-Dec-2018


          Evidence of Incorporation of hydromet data into PPCR portfolio (Text, Custom)

                                            Baseline                    Actual (Previous)      Actual (Current)      End Target

                                                                                                                     Effective (in
         Value                              None                        None                   None                  other PPCR

         Date                               02-Sep-2013                 13-Dec-2016            09-Jun-2017           31-Dec-2018

 Overall Comments

 Intermediate Results Indicators

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                  The World Bank                                                               Implementation Status & Results Report
                  Climate Resilience: Transforming Hydro-Meteorological Services (P131049)


              River gauge stations open and reporting (Percentage, Custom)

                                                Baseline                   Actual (Previous)   Actual (Current)      End Target

               Value                            37.00                      37.00               37.00                 60.00

               Date                             02-Sep-2013                30-Dec-2016         09-Jun-2017           31-Dec-2018


              Real-time hydrological monitoring stations reporting (Number, Custom)

                                                Baseline                   Actual (Previous)   Actual (Current)      End Target

               Value                            8.00                       24.00               24.00                 40.00

               Date                             02-Sep-2013                13-Dec-2016         09-Jun-2017           31-Dec-2018


              DNA and ARAs staff trained (Number, Custom)

                                                Baseline                   Actual (Previous)   Actual (Current)      End Target

               Value                            0.00                       73.00               73.00                 150.00

               Date                             02-Sep-2013                13-Dec-2016         09-Jun-2017           31-Dec-2018


              Synoptic weather stations open and reporting (Number, Custom)

                                                Baseline                   Actual (Previous)   Actual (Current)      End Target

               Value                            41.00                      34.00               34.00                 60.00

               Date                             02-Sep-2013                13-Dec-2016         09-Jun-2017           31-Dec-2018

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                  The World Bank                                                               Implementation Status & Results Report
                  Climate Resilience: Transforming Hydro-Meteorological Services (P131049)


              Daily weather forecasts provided at downscaled areas (Number, Custom)

                                                Baseline                   Actual (Previous)   Actual (Current)      End Target

               Value                            3.00                       3.00                3.00                  6.00

               Date                             02-Sep-2013                13-Dec-2016         09-Jun-2017           31-Dec-2018


              Real-time meteorological monitoring stations reporting (Number, Custom)

                                                Baseline                   Actual (Previous)   Actual (Current)      End Target

               Value                            3.00                       11.00               11.00                 25.00

               Date                             02-Sep-2013                13-Dec-2016         09-Jun-2017           31-Dec-2018


              Increased climatology data entered into WMO's international system used in GCM/GFM (Percentage, Custom)

                                                Baseline                   Actual (Previous)   Actual (Current)      End Target

               Value                            0.00                       50.00               50.00                 60.00

               Date                             02-Sep-2013                13-Dec-2016         09-Jun-2017           31-Dec-2018


              INAM Staff trained (Number, Custom)

                                                Baseline                   Actual (Previous)   Actual (Current)      End Target

               Value                            0.00                       36.00               36.00                 130.00

               Date                             02-Sep-2013                13-Dec-2016         09-Jun-2017           31-Dec-2018

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                  The World Bank                                                                 Implementation Status & Results Report
                  Climate Resilience: Transforming Hydro-Meteorological Services (P131049)


              INAM Decree on Data Standards, modelling & forecasting (Text, Custom)

                                                Baseline                    Actual (Previous)    Actual (Current)         End Target

               Value                            n/a                         --                   --                       Implemented

               Date                             02-Sep-2013                 13-Dec-2016          09-Jun-2017              31-Dec-2018


              Direct project beneficiaries (Number, Custom)

                                                Baseline                    Actual (Previous)    Actual (Current)         End Target

               Value                            0.00                        174,000.00           130,000.00               174,000.00

               Date                             02-Sep-2013                 13-Dec-2016          09-Jun-2017              31-Dec-2018


              Female beneficiaries (Percentage, Custom Supplement)

                                                Baseline                    Actual (Previous)    Actual (Current)         End Target

               Value                            0.00                        54.00                54.00                    54.00


            Proportion of farmers receiving daily weather forecasts and early warnings in target areas of Gaza province (Percentage,

                                                Baseline                    Actual (Previous)    Actual (Current)         End Target

               Value                            0.00                        0.00                 0.00                     50.00

               Date                             02-Sep-2013                 13-Dec-2016          09-Jun-2017              31-Dec-2018

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                  The World Bank                                                                       Implementation Status & Results Report
                  Climate Resilience: Transforming Hydro-Meteorological Services (P131049)


            Proportion of fishermen receiving daily weather forecasts and early warnings in target areas of Inhambane province
           (Amount(USD), Custom)

                                                    Baseline                   Actual (Previous)       Actual (Current)            End Target

               Value                                0.00                       0.00                    0.00                        50.00

               Date                                 02-Sep-2013                13-Dec-2016             09-Jun-2017                 31-Dec-2018


              Standards for hydrological data for DNGRH and ARAs (Text, Custom)

                                                    Baseline                   Actual (Previous)       Actual (Current)            End Target

               Value                                None                       None                    None                        Approved

               Date                                 28-Sep-2012                13-Dec-2016             09-Jun-2017                 31-Dec-2018


              Proportion of farmers receiving flood forecasts in target areas of Gaza province (Percentage, Custom)

                                                    Baseline                   Actual (Previous)       Actual (Current)            End Target

               Value                                0.00                       0.00                    0.00                        50.00

               Date                                 28-Sep-2012                13-Dec-2016             09-Jun-2017                 31-Dec-2018

 Overall Comments

Data on Financial Performance

Disbursements (by loan)

Project                Loan/Credit/TF   Status        Currency      Original   Revised     Cancelled   Disbursed     Undisbursed                 Disbursed

P131049                TF-14031         Effective     USD             15.00      15.00          0.00          4.64         10.36                         31%

Key Dates (by loan)

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           The World Bank                                                                    Implementation Status & Results Report
           Climate Resilience: Transforming Hydro-Meteorological Services (P131049)

 Project       Loan/Credit/TF     Status      Approval Date   Signing Date   Effectiveness Date   Orig. Closing Date   Rev. Closing Date

 P131049       TF-14031           Effective   22-May-2013     22-May-2013    02-Sep-2013          31-Dec-2018          31-Dec-2018

Cumulative Disbursements

 Restructuring History

  Level 2 Approved on 12-May-2017

 Related Project(s)

 There are no related projects.

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