Document of The World Bank FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Report No: RES14017 RESTRUCTURING PAPER ON A PROPOSED PROJECT RESTRUCTURING OF RIO DE JANEIRO RENOVATING AND STRENGTHENING PUBLIC MANAGEMENT TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE PROJECT August 26, 2010 TO THE STATE OF RIO DE JANEIRO WITH THE GUARANTEE OF THE FEDERATIVE REPUBLIC OF BRAZIL October 30, 2014 Governance Global Practice Country Management Unit for Brazil Latin America and Caribbean Region This document has a restricted distribution and may be used by recipients only in the performance of their official duties. Its contents may not otherwise be disclosed without World Bank authorization. i ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS AF Additional Financing AGE State Audit Agency (Auditoria Geral do Estado) CPS Country Partnership Strategy DPL Development Policy Loan DRM Disaster Risk Management EMF Environmental Management Framework GDP Gross Domestic Product GORJ Government of Rio de Janeiro IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development IDA International Development Association IDEB Basic Education Development Index (Índice de Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica) IDERJ Rio de Janeiro Education Development Index (Índice de Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica do Estado do Rio de Janeiro) IFR Interim Unaudited Financial Reports INEA State Environmental Institute (Instituto Estadual do Ambiente) ISR Implementation Status Report ORAF Operational Risk Assessment Framework PAHI Program to Support Interior Regional Hospitals (Programa de Apoio aos Hospitais Regionais do Interior) PDO Project Development Objective RioPrevidência State of Rio de Janeiro Single Social Security Fund SAERJ Rio de Janeiro State Education Evaluation System (Sistema de Avaliação da Educação do Estado do Rio de Janeiro) SEEDUC State Secretariat of Education (Secretaria Estadual de Educação) SEFAZ State Secretariat of Finance (Secretaria Estadual da Fazenda) SEPLAG State Secretariat of Planning and Management (Secretaria Estadual de Planejamento e Gestão) SES State Secretariat of Health (Secretaria Estadual de Saúde) SISPAT State Real Estate Management System (Sistema de Gestão do Patrimônio Imobiliário do Estado) SUAS Social Assistance System (Sistema Único de Assistência Social) TERV Waiting time for patients with “green” risk level classification (Tempo de espera do paciente classificado como risco verde desde o acolhimento) UGP Project Management Unit (Unidade Gestora de Projeto) UPA Urgent Care Facility (Unidade de Pronto Atendimento) Regional Vice President: Jorge Familiar Country Director: Deborah L. Wetzel Senior Practice Director: Mario Marcel Cullel Practice Manager: Arturo Herrera Gutiérrez Task Team Leaders: Lorena Viñuela and Roland N. Clarke ii BRAZIL RIO DE JANEIRO RENOVATING AND STRENGTHENING PUBLIC MANAGEMENT TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE PROJECT RIO DE JANEIRO CONTENTS DATA SHEET .................................................................................................................... 4 A. SUMMARY ................................................................................................................ 13 B. PROJECT STATUS.................................................................................................... 13 C. PROPOSED CHANGES ............................................................................................ 14 ANNEX 1: RESULTS FRAMEWORK ........................................................................... 19 ANNEX 2: OPERATIONAL RISK ASSESSMENT FRAMEWORK (ORAF) ............. 30 iii DATA SHEET DATA SHEET Brazil Brazil - Rio de Janeiro Renovating and Strengthening Public Management (P106768) LATIN AMERICA AND CARIBBEAN 0000009063 Report No: RES14017 Basic Information Investment Project Project ID: P106768 Lending Instrument: Financing Regional Vice President: Jorge Familiar Calderon Original EA Category: Not Required (C) Country Director: Deborah L. Wetzel Current EA Category: Not Required (C) Senior Global Practice Mario Marcel Cullell Original Approval Date: 26-Aug-2010 Director: Practice Arturo Herrera Gutierrez Current Closing Date: 30-Jun-2015 Manager/Manager: Lorena Vinuela Team Leader: Roland N. Clarke Borrower: Secretaria de Planejamento e Gestão Rio de Janeiro Responsible Agency: Restructuring Type Form Type: Full Restructuring Paper Decision Authority: Board Approval Restructuring Level 1 Level: Financing ( as of 23-Oct-2014 ) Key Dates Approval Effectiveness Original Revised Project Ln/Cr/TF Status Signing Date Date Date Closing Date Closing Date P106768 IBRD-79550 Effective 26-Aug-2010 22-Nov-2010 27-Dec-2010 30-Jun-2015 30-Jun-2015 Disbursements (in Millions) Project Ln/Cr/TF Status Currency Original Revised Cancelle Disburse Undisbur % 4 d d sed Disburse d P106768 IBRD-79550 Effective USD 18.67 18.67 0.00 7.08 11.60 38 Policy Waivers Does the project depart from the CAS in content or in other significant Yes [ ] No [ X ] respects? Does the project require any policy waiver(s)? Yes [ ] No [ X ] A. Summary of Proposed Changes Two additional safeguard policies OP/BP4.04 (Natural Habitats) and OP/BP4.12 (Involuntary Resettlement) are being triggered as a precaution. The restructured project is expected to have positive indirect environmental impacts, given the focus on capacity building of key institutions of the Government of Rio de Janeiro including the State Institute of the Environment, and may include policy changes or actions for disaster risk management that entail temporary or permanent preventive evacuation. The safeguard policy Environmental Assessment (OP/BP 4.01) was triggered in the original project. An Environmental Management Framework and a Resettlement Policy Framework prepared by the Borrower are publicly available. Change in Implementing Agency Yes [ ] No [ X ] Change in Project's Development Objectives Yes [ ] No [ X ] Change in Results Framework Yes [ X ] No [ ] Change in Safeguard Policies Triggered Yes [ X ] No [ ] Change of EA category Yes [ X ] No [ ] Other Changes to Safeguards Yes [ ] No [ X ] Change in Legal Covenants Yes [ ] No [ X ] Change in Loan Closing Date(s) Yes [ X ] No [ ] Cancellations Proposed Yes [ ] No [ X ] Change to Financing Plan Yes [ X ] No [ ] Change in Disbursement Arrangements Yes [ ] No [ X ] Reallocation between Disbursement Categories Yes [ X ] No [ ] Change in Disbursement Estimates Yes [ X ] No [ ] Change to Components and Cost Yes [ X ] No [ ] Change in Institutional Arrangements Yes [ ] No [ X ] Change in Financial Management Yes [ ] No [ X ] Change in Procurement Yes [ ] No [ X ] Change in Implementation Schedule Yes [ X ] No [ ] Other Change(s) Yes [ X ] No [ ] Appraisal Summary Change in Economic and Financial Analysis Yes [ ] No [ X ] Appraisal Summary Change in Technical Analysis Yes [ ] No [ X ] 5 Appraisal Summary Change in Social Analysis Yes [ ] No [ X ] Appraisal Summary Change in Environmental Analysis Yes [ X ] No [ ] Appraisal Summary Change in Risk Assessment Yes [ ] No [ X ] B. Project Status Implementation progress has accelerated with the completion of major procurement processes and is now satisfactory. The project has disbursed to date USD 7.1 million and with the completion of several activities the Government of Rio de Janeiro anticipates that another USD 5.5 million would be disbursed by December 2014, reaching 67 percent of the loan disbursed. C. Proposed Changes Development Objectives/Results Project Development Objectives Original PDO The objective of the project is to support the State of Rio de Janeiro to introduce performance-based management and information technologies to drive service delivery improvements in key public services, including secondary education and hospital care. Change in Project's Development Objectives Change in Results Framework Explanation: The Results Framework is being revised to reflect the changes in subcomponents and the removal of indicators related to transferred subcomponents that were eliminated as they could no longer be financed with the project’s resources. Other indicators have been changed to allow for better monitoring of project activities, improving methodologies used to calculate them and clarifying responsibilities for data collection and reporting. Compliance Change in Safeguard Policies Triggered Explanation: Given the focus on capacity building of key institutions of the GORJ, including the State Institute for the Environment, the restructured Technical Assistance Project is expected to have positive indirect environmental impacts. The fourth component "Development of Institutional and Technological Capacity for Preventing and Performing during High-intensity Weather Events," which entails the strengthening of disaster risk management systems and the acquisition of two weather radar systems may have indirect environmental implications. The restructured Project would finance technical assistance activities for disaster risk management and the preparation of an Action Plan that may include policy changes and actions that may entail temporary or permanent preventive evacuation. OP/BP 4.12 (Involuntary Resettlement ) and OP/BP 4.04 (Natural Habitats) are being consequently triggered in a precautionary mode to ensure that actions for handling adverse events through preventive evacuation will: (i) take into consideration the impacts on the preventively relocated population, the population that may continue living at the sites because the areas at high risk that cannot be controlled by any other measure but relocation is not always entirely coterminous 6 with the territory of the community settled at the sites, and the host population in the neighboring communities of the new settlements; and, (ii) include proper principles and guidelines to be applied by the Borrower when any land acquisition might be undertaken for the preventive relocation of people living in risk-prone areas and/or for the post-disaster relocation of affected people in places other than their original residences and places of business; and, abandoned lands that reverted to the state for relocation were encumbered by pre-existing use claims. Additionally, the project's Environmental Assessment category has been revised from "C" to "B". Operational Policy 4.01 (Environmental Assessment) was triggered under the original project to ensure that proper consideration is given to potential future negative environmental impacts, as well as to positive ones that may result from the adoption of sustainable environmental practices (particularly in relation to management of health and other wastes). In 2010, the borrower prepared a document entitled "Protection and Guarantees" describing the project components and the potential safeguards issues concerning hospital waste management. The document summarizes the international hospital facility accreditation methodology that was to be applied under the project to ensure the proper management of medical wastes. The subcomponent dealing with hospital accreditation and, consequently medical waste management, was removed from the project under this restructuring as it could not longer be financed with the existing resources. An Environmental Management Framework (EMF) was prepared by the Borrower for the Additional Financing, later approved as a separate project, the "Strengthening Public Management and Integrated Territorial Development" Technical Assistance Project (P126735). This EMF covers activities of the original and the new project, including the activities for the strengthening of disaster risk management under Component 4. A Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) was also completed by the Government of Rio de Janeiro to set the principles and guidelines to be followed by the project and during the preparation of the Plan for Disaster Risk Management. The EMF and the RPF were disclosed on the Bank's website on December 19, 2011 and disseminated in Brazil on December 20, 2011. The Environmental and Social Safeguards Specialists assigned to the project verified during the last mission of September 2014 that the Borrower's safeguards performance continues to be satisfactory and that both the EMF and the RF continue to be suitable to guide the implementation of activities related to disaster risk management under Component 4. The updated Integrated Safeguards Data Sheet discusses the specific risks involved triggering the safeguard mentioned above. Current and Proposed Safeguards Policies Triggered: Current Proposed Environmental Assessment (OP) (BP 4.01) Yes Yes Natural Habitats (OP) (BP 4.04) No Yes Forests (OP) (BP 4.36) No No Pest Management (OP 4.09) No No Physical Cultural Resources (OP) (BP 4.11) No No Indigenous Peoples (OP) (BP 4.10) No No Involuntary Resettlement (OP) (BP 4.12) No Yes Safety of Dams (OP) (BP 4.37) No No Projects on International Waterways (OP) (BP 7.50) No No Projects in Disputed Areas (OP) (BP 7.60) No No 7 Change of EA category Current EA Category: Not Required (C) Proposed EA Category: Partial Assessment (B) Explanation: As part of the preparation of the Additional Financing, later approved as a separate ("Strengthening Public Management and Integrated Territorial Development Technical Assistance Project" P126735), a new Environmental Assessment was conducted for both the original and the new project. The Environmental Assessment was carried out by the Borrower, assessing all sub-projects for potential environmental impacts. The assessment identified potential positive but indirect environmental impacts resulting from the strengthening of the State's disaster risk management system which includes the acquisition and installation of two meteorological radar systems. The installation of the radars would involve construction activities with limited adverse environmental impacts. The project does not include conversion or degradation of critical natural habitats, and no significant impact on natural habitats is expected. However, due to potential unforeseen activities OP/BP 4.04 (Natural Habitats) is being triggered on a precautionary basis. No direct negative social impacts are expected from project activities. Nevertheless, due to activities related to the proposal of a Plan for Disaster Risk Management, OP/BP 4.12 (Involuntary Resettlement Policy) is being triggered to ensure that proper consideration is given to proper principles to guide handling actions that may require the preventive relocation/evacuation of people living in high-risk areas. For these reasons, the project's Environmental Assessment has been re-categorized from "C" to "B". An Environmental Management Framework and a Resettlement Policy Framework (publicly available at: were prepared by the Borrower to address activities' screening and eligibility and to provide guidelines for the effective and timely implementation of environmental and social safeguards during project implementation. Financing Change in Loan Closing Date(s) Explanation: The extension request is justified for the unexpected delays in the initiation of activities encountered as a result of the Borrower’s limited capacity to manage technical assistance and international tendering processes and the capacity building activities required to overcome this limitation. The time needed to implement activities related to the acquisition and installation of complex weather radars and information systems for strengthening disaster risk management, which were introduced under the first restructuring of 2011, was underestimated and 24 additional months are needed to finalize them. An extension from June 30, 2015 to June 30, 2017, if granted, would allow for enough time to complete and deliver ongoing contracts and activities related to disaster risk management. With this extension, total implementation period would be 6 years and 6 months, below the average project range. Ln/Cr/T Original Closing Current Closing Proposed Closing Previous Closing Status F Date Date Date Date(s) IBRD- Effective 30-Jun-2015 30-Jun-2015 30-Jun-2017 30-Jun-2015 79550 Change to Financing Plan Explanation: 8 The activities financed with the Borrower's own resources no longer constitute part of the project as a result of the transfer of subcomponents to the second Technical Assistance Project "Rio State Strengthening Public Management and Integrated Territorial Development” (P126735). Source(s) At Approval Current (from AUS) Proposed BORR 9,160,000.00 9,160,000.00 46,682.50 IBRD 18,673,000.00 18,673,000.00 18,673,000.00 Total 27,833,000.00 27,833,000.00 18,719,682.50 Reallocations Explanation: The Government of Rio de Janeiro has requested the reallocation of funds to better meet the funding requirements of the project's activities. The change implies transferring US$ 550,000 from the operating cost category to the first cost category, thus increasing the funding available for the contracting of services and acquisition of goods to support the implementation of Components 1, 2, 3 and 4. Current Category of Disbursement % (Type Ln/Cr/TF Currency Allocation Expenditure Total) Current Proposed Current Proposed 18,026,317. 18,576,317. IBRD-79550 USD GO, NCS, CS & TRGN 100.00 100.00 50 50 OPERATING COSTS 600,000.00 50,000.00 100.00 100.00 Designated Account 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 FRONT END FEE 46,682.50 46,682.50 0.00 0.00 18,673,000. 18,673,000. Total: 00 00 Disbursement Estimates Change in Disbursement Estimates Explanation: The disbursement schedule was revised to better reflect the implementation schedule that was initially delayed because of the complexity of tendering and contracting processes. Fiscal Year Current (USD) Proposed (USD) 2011 63,000.00 46,682.50 2012 3,800,000.00 164,356.54 2013 4,810,000.00 1,293,339.40 2014 8,500,000.00 4,630,364.19 2015 1,500,000.00 8,728,257.37 2016 0.00 3,810,000.00 Total 18,673,000.00 18,673,000.00 Components 9 Change to Components and Cost Explanation: The Level 2 restructuring is introducing two new components to better organize the activities and objectives added in the first restructuring. The new components are (i) Component 4, titled “Development of Institutional and Technological Capacity for Preventing and Performing during High-intensity Weather Events”, with US$7.1 million (the activities corresponding to disaster risk management currently under component 1 will be transferred to this component), and (ii) Component 5, titled “Project Management”, with US$ 0.2 million. Component 4 would support the strengthening of the State’s early warning system for high rainfall events. Activities supported by this component include: (i) the development and implementation of institutional and operational arrangement for the disaster risk management; and (ii) the acquisition and installation of two weather radar systems. The activities aim at substantially improving the State’s early warning system through the use of meteorological radars. This hardware will enable the tracking of storms (volume, speed, and direction) before it reaches areas at risk. While the ultimate goal is to prevent and reduce the negative effects of disasters, these activities would also help improve critical service delivery and strengthen public financial management by reducing the fiscal impact generated by extreme weather events. This component would support the GORJ in developing a core management system for disaster risk management as well as to acquire needed equipment. The component would be the responsibility of the State Institute for the Environment (INEA). Component 5 would support activities related to the overall management of the project. Under the original project, US$0.6 million had been allocated to the expenditure category “operating costs” in order to cover project management activities associated with strengthening of the GORJ’s capacity for project execution, monitoring, supervision and evaluation. However, some of the required expenditures are related to goods, consultant services, non-consultant services, and training. Therefore, a new component is being created and part of the operating costs reallocated to adequately reflect the project’s management needs. The component would be the responsibility of the State Secretariat of Planning and Management (SEPLAG) and managed by its Project Management Unit. Three subcomponents are being eliminated as they could no longer be financed with the loan proceeds. These include subcomponents 2.2 “School-level Performance Targets for State Schools”, 3.1. “Accreditation System for UPAs”, and 3.2 “Cost-Accounting Methodology for UPAs and Hospitals”. The project's budget allocations have been revised to reflect the changes made to accommodate the introduction of the disaster risk management activities and the transfer of activities that could no longer be financed by this project to the second Technical Assistance Project "Rio State Strengthening Public Management and Integrated Territorial Development," which was originally designed as an Additional Financing to this project, but later approved separately. Current Component Proposed Component Current Cost Proposed Action Name Name (US$M) Cost (US$M) 1: Core Government Systems and Management Tools for 11.87 6.87 Revised Improved Performance and Efficiency 2: Strengthening 2.77 2.39 Revised Education Management 10 Capacity, Teacher Instructional Practice and Incentives for School Effectiveness 3: Health Management 3.21 1.89 Revised and Information Systems 4: Development of Institutional and Technological Capacity 7.10 New for Preventing and Performing during High- intensity Weather Events 5: Project Management 0.20 New Total: 17.85 18.45 Other Change(s) Change in Implementation Schedule Explanation: The schedule was extended by two years to provide sufficient time to complete the implementation of activities related to the acquisition and installation of complex weather radars and information systems for strengthening disaster risk management, which were introduced under the first restructuring of 2011. Other Change(s) Explanation: In addition to the proposed Level 1 restructuring triggering two additional safeguard policies, a Level 2 restructuring has been approved. The Level 2 restructuring includes: (i) the introduction of two new components; (ii) the elimination of three subcomponents; (iii) the reallocation of loan proceeds across components and expenditure categories; (iv) the reduction of the counterpart funding from US$ 9.16 million to US$ 0.047 million; (v) the change of the Environmental Assessment (OP/BP 4.01) safeguards category from "C" to "B"; and (iv) the extension of the closing date resulting in a new date 24 month beyond the original closing date and the corresponding adjustment of disbursement estimates. Change(s) in Appraisal Summary Appraisal Summary Change in Environmental Analysis Explanation: Two additional safeguard policies OP/BP4.04 (Natural Habitats) and OP/BP4.12 (Involuntary Resettlement) are being triggered as a precaution. The restructured project is expected to have positive indirect environmental impacts, given the focus on capacity building of key institutions of the Government of Rio de Janeiro including the State Institute of the Environment, and may include policy changes or actions for disaster risk management that entail temporary or permanent preventive evacuation. The safeguard policy Environmental Assessment (OP/BP 4.01) was triggered in the original project. The Environmental Management Framework and the Resettlement Policy Framework prepared by the Borrower address subcomponents screening and eligibility and provide guidelines for the effective and timely implementation of environmental and social safeguards during project implementation. 11 12 BRAZIL RIO DE JANEIRO RENOVATING AND STRENGTHNING PUBLIC MANAGEMENT TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE PROJECT A. SUMMARY 1. This restructuring paper seeks the approval of the Executive Directors to trigger two additional safeguard policies, Operations Policy 4.04 Natural Habitats and Operational Policy 4.12 Involuntary Resettlement. The project’s development objective is to assist the Government of Rio de Janeiro (GORJ) to introduce performance-based management and information technologies to drive service delivery improvements in key public services, including secondary education and hospital care. This objective is being achieved through the adoption of core government systems and management tools, strengthening of the education management capacity, improvement of health management and information systems, and the development of institutional and technological capacity for preventing and managing high- intensity weather events. Operations Policy 4.04 (Natural Habitats) and Operational Policy 4.12 (Involuntary Resettlement) are to be triggered during the implementation of activities to strengthen the Borrower’s disaster risk management practices. An Environmental Management Framework and a Resettlement Policy Framework prepared by the Borrower to guide the implementation of these activities are publicly available. 2. In addition to the proposed Level 1 restructuring, other changes have been approved. The changes include the following: (i) the introduction of two new components; (ii) the elimination of three subcomponents; (iii) the reallocation of loan proceeds across components and expenditure categories; (iv) the reduction of the counterpart funding from US$ 9.16 million to US$ 0.047 million; (v) the change of the safeguards category from “C” to “B”; and (iv) the extension of the closing date resulting in a new date 24 month beyond the original closing date. 3. There are no changes to PDO, institutional arrangements or overall design. B. PROJECT STATUS 4. The loan supporting the project, in the total amount of US$ 18.673 million, became effective on December 27, 2010 and has to date disbursed US$7 million, or 38 percent of the total amount. Project implementation progress is satisfactory. The GORJ expects to have concluded all major tendering processes and several subcomponents by the end of December 2014. The GORJ estimates that an additional US$6 million would be disbursed by December of 2014. Overall, the implementing team is very committed and prepared to conduct the project’s activities. 5. The original operation was restructured for the first time in February 2011 in response to an emergency request of the GORJ to introduce activities to improve the State 13 capacity to reduce disaster risks. New intermediate outcome indicators to measure the effects of the added activities were included at that time. These activities were designed in the wake of unprecedented disasters caused by extreme weather events that exposed weaknesses in the State’s disaster risk management system. With the restructuring, the State Environmental Institute (INEA) was incorporated as an executing agency of activities aiming to strengthen disaster risk management. However, adding the new activities reduced the resources available to complete the original activities. 6. The preparation of an Additional Financing to the loan was initiated in 2011 to supplement funding and incorporate the changes proposed in this restructuring, which was later approved as a separate project. As part of the preparatory work, an Environmental and Social Assessment of all activities of the original project was completed by the Borrower with World Bank support. The Assessment identified the need to trigger additional safeguard policies. At the request of the Borrower, the Additional Financing was approved as the stand- alone project “Rio State Strengthening Public Management and Integrated Territorial Development Technical Assistance Project” in February 12, 2014, making necessary the proposed restructuring. C. PROPOSED CHANGES New Safeguard Policies 7. The restructured loan is expected to have positive indirect environmental impacts, given the focus on capacity building of key institutions of the GORJ, including the State Institute for the Environment. The fourth component “Development of Institutional and Technological Capacity for Preventing and Performing during High-intensity Weather Events”, which entails activities for the strengthening of disaster risk management systems and the acquisition of two weather radar systems, may have indirect environmental implications. 8. Operational Policy 4.04 (Natural Habitats) and Operational Policy 4.12 (Involuntary Resettlement) are being triggered in a precautionary mode. An Environmental Management Framework (EMF) was prepared by the Borrower for the Additional Financing. The EMF covers the activities for the strengthening disaster risk management in the State of Rio de Janeiro included under Component 4. The EMF was disclosed on the Bank’s website on December 19, 2011 and disseminated in Brazil on December 20 of the same year. A Resettlement Policy Framework (RFP) was also prepared by the GORJ to set the principles and guidelines to guide the preparation of the Action Plan for implementing the new institutional arrangements for disaster risk management. The RPF has been published and disseminated at the same time as the EMF. The updated Integrated Safeguards Data Sheet (ISDS) of Setember 26, 2014 discusses the specific risks involved and the features of the policy environment and capacity of the State to implement the principles and guidelines. During the update of the ISDS, the Bank’s Safeguards team verified that both the EMF and the RF continue to be suitable to guide the implementation of activities related to disaster risk management. 9. The acquisition and installation of two meteorological radar systems involve construction activities with limited adverse environmental impacts. For this reason, the project Environmental Assessment has been re-categorized from “C” to "B". Operational 14 policy OP/BP 4.01 (Environmental Assessment) was triggered under the original project to ensure that proper consideration is given to potential future negative environmental impacts, as well as to positive ones that may result from the adoption of sustainable environmental practices. In 2010, the Borrower prepared a document entitled "Protection and Guarantees" describing the project components and the potential safeguards issues concerning hospital waste management. The document summarizes the hospital facility accreditation methodology that was to be applied under the project to ensure the proper management of medical wastes. The subcomponent dealing with hospital accreditation and, consequently medical waste management, was removed from the project under the present restructuring as it could not longer be financed with the existing resources. 10. The project would not include conversion or degradation of critical natural habitats, and no significant impact on natural habitats is expected. However, due to potential unforeseen activities related to disaster risk management Operational Policy 4.04 is being triggered on a precautionary basis. 11. The project would support technical assistance for improving disaster risk management and the preparation of an Action Plan that may include policy changes or actions entailing temporary or permanent preventive evacuation. Operational Policy 4.12 (Involuntary Resettlement) is being triggered as a precaution to ensure that actions for handling adverse events through preventive evacuation would: (i) take into consideration the impacts on the preventively relocated population, the population that may continue living at the sites because the areas at high risk that cannot be controlled by any other measure but relocation is not always entirely coterminous with the territory of the community settled at the sites, and the host population in the neighboring communities of the new settlements; and, (ii) include proper principles and guidelines to be applied by the state when any land acquisition might be undertaken by the state for the preventive relocation of people living in risk-prone areas and/or for the post-disaster relocation of affected people in places other than their original residences and places of business; and, abandoned lands that reverted to the state for relocation were encumbered by pre-existing use claims. 12. The safeguard performance continues to be satisfactory and the Government of Rio de Janeiro is making significant progress to improve its environmental management system and involuntary resettlement framework. The EMF proposes institutional capacity strengthening measures and institutional arrangements to implement the project. The State Environmental Institute (INEA), the agency that is responsible for implementing Component 4, is fully capable of overseeing the implementation of the Framework and the resulting plans. Additionally, the State of Rio de Janeiro has notably improved its involuntary resettlement legislation and procedures in recent years and is capable of handling, monitoring, and implementing the social safeguards issues that may indirectly arise from future projects and programs or changes in the disaster risk management policy that involve resettlement of populations living in areas at high risk of landslides. Decree 41,148/2008 introduces as its main guidelines: (i) the participation of the affected people in all states of the resettlement process; (ii) the provision of resettlement options; (iii) strong mechanisms of communication with the population; and (iv) extensive consultation processes with the main stakeholders to address their concerns during implementation. These procedures are in accordance with most of the provisions of the Bank's resettlement policies. 15 Other Changes 13. Project Components. The Level 2 restructuring is introducing two new components to better organize the activities and objectives added in the first restructuring. The new components are (i) Component 4, titled “Development of Institutional and Technological Capacity for Preventing and Performing during High-intensity Weather Events”, with US$7.1 million (the activities corresponding to disaster risk management currently under component 1 will be transferred to this component), and (ii) Component 5, titled “Project Management”, with US$ 0.2 million. 14. Component 4 would support the strengthening of the State’s early warning system for high rainfall events. Activities supported by this component include: (i) the development and implementation of institutional and operational arrangement for the disaster risk management; and (ii) the acquisition and installation of two weather radar systems. The activities aim at substantially improving the State’s early warning system through the use of meteorological radars. This hardware will enable the tracking of storms (volume, speed, and direction) before it reaches areas at risk. While the ultimate goal is to prevent and reduce the negative effects of disasters, these activities would also help improve critical service delivery and strengthen public financial management by reducing the fiscal impact generated by extreme weather events. This component would support the GORJ in developing core management system for disaster risk management as well as to acquire needed equipment. The component would be the responsibility of the State Institute for the Environment (INEA). 15. Component 5 would support activities related to the overall management of the project. Under the original project, US$0.6 million had been allocated to the expenditure category “operating costs” in order to cover project management activities associated with strengthening of the GORJ’s capacity for project execution, monitoring, supervision and evaluation. However, some of the required expenditures are related to goods, consultant services, non- consultant services, and training. Therefore, a new component is being created and part of the operating costs reallocated to adequately reflect the project’s management needs. The component would be the responsibility of the State Secretariat of Planning and Management (SEPLAG) and managed by its Project Management Unit. 16. Three subcomponents are being eliminated as they could no longer be financed with the loan proceeds. These include subcomponents 2.2 “School-level Performance Targets for State Schools”, 3.1. “Accreditation System for UPAs”, and 3.2 “Cost-Accounting Methodology for UPAs and Hospitals”. 17. The Results Framework is being revised to reflect the changes in subcomponents. In addition, several indicators are being changed to improve the capacity of the Government and the World Bank to assess the impact of the project activities, refining methodologies used to calculate them and clarifying responsibilities for data collection and reporting. 18. Changes to Allocation of Resources. Table 1 below presents the proposed reallocation. Component 1 has a total allocation of US$11.87 million to support core government systems and management tools for improved performance and efficiency, including disaster risk management. With the restructuring, activities to strengthen the performance of the disaster risk prevention system would be included in Component 4, leading to a reallocation of 16 US$7.1 million from components 1, 2, and 3 to component 4. The funding of Component 2 and 3 would be reduced to US$ 2.39 and 1.89 million respectively, as activities have been eliminated in each of them. Component 5 would receive US$ 0.2 million dedicated to project management. Table 1: Proposed Reallocation Project Financial Resources to Components Original 1st 2nd Restructuring Restructuring Components US$ millions 1. Core Government Systems and Management Tools for 7.65 11.87 6.87 Improved Performance and Efficiency 1.1. Design and Application of Public Sector Performance 1.72 5.94 0.5 Indicators 1.2. Real Estate Property Management 3.50 3.5 3.0 1.3. Management Information System for Social Security 2.43 2.43 3.37 2. Strengthening Education Management Capacity, Teacher 4.83 2.77 2.39 Instructional Practice and Incentives for School Effectiveness 2.1. Building SEEDUC’s Technical Capacity for Conducting 2.35 1.0 0.5 Studies and Evidence-based Policy 2.2. School-level Performance Targets for State Schools 0.98 0.27 0 [ELIMINATED] 2.3. Developing the Escola SEEDUC as an Effective In-Service 1.5 Teacher Training Network 1.51 1.89 3. Health Management and Information Systems 5.37 3.21 1.89 3.1. Accreditation System for UPAs [ELIMINATED] 1.50 0.75 0 3.2. Cost-Accounting Methodology for UPAs and Hospitals 2.02 0.5 0 [ELIMINATED] 3.3. Information System for Health Supply Chain Management 1.81 0.87 1.09 3.4. Evaluation of Financial Incentive Programs for 0.05 1.09 0.8 Municipalities 4. Development of Institutional and Technological Capacity 7.10 for Preventing and Performing during High-intensity Weather Events [NEW] 4.1. Design of the Institutional and Operational Arrangement for 0.5 the Disaster Risk Management 4.2. Acquisition and Installation of Two Weather Radar Systems 6.6 5. Project Management [NEW] 0.20 Price Contingencies 0.440 0.176 0.176 Front-end Fee 0.047 0.047 0.047 19. Counterpart Funding and Expenditure Categories. Counterpart funding is reduced from US$ 9.16 to US$ 0.047 million and resources in the amount of US$ 0.55 million from the expense category 2 “Operating Costs” to category 1. The activities co-financed with counterpart resources have been removed from the Project and/or transferred to the second Technical Assistance Project. The Borrower’s contributions are being accordingly updated. The Table of Category of Expenses of the Loan Agreement of Item 2 of Section IV of the Loan Agreement are being modified in the following way: 17 Table 2: Category of Expenses Original 2nd Restructuring Category Amount of the Loan Amount of the Loan Percentage of Allocated (expressed inAllocated (expressed in Expenditures to be USD) USD) financed (inclusive of Taxes) (1) Goods, Non- 18,026,317.50 18,576,317.50 100% consultant services, consultant services and training under the Project (2) Operating Costs 600,000.00 50.000,00 100% (3) Front-end Fee 46,682.50 46.682,50 Amount payable pursuant to Section 2.03 of this Agreement in accordance with Section 2.07 (b) of the General Conditions TOTAL AMOUNT 18,673,000.00 18.673.000,00 20. No changes will be made to procurement methods and arrangements. D. APPRAISAL SUMMARY 21. Two additional safeguard policies OP/BP4.04 (Natural Habitats) and OP/BP4.12 (Involuntary Resettlement) are being triggered as a precaution. The restructured project is expected to have positive indirect environmental impacts, given the focus on capacity building of key institutions of the Government of Rio de Janeiro including the State Institute of the Environment, and may include policy changes or actions for disaster risk management that entail temporary or permanent preventive evacuation. The safeguard policy Environmental Assessment (OP/BP 4.01) had been triggered in the original project. An Environmental Management Framework and a Resettlement Policy Framework prepared by the Borrower to guide the implementation of thease activities are publicly available. 18 ANNEX 1: RESULTS FRAMEWORK Project Brazil - Rio de Janeiro Renovating and Strengthening Public Project Restructuring Status: DRAFT Name: Management (P106768) Stage: Team Requesting Lorena Vinuela LCC5C Created by: Lorena Vinuela on 08-Mar-2014 Leader: Unit: Product Responsible IBRD/IDA GGODR Modified by: Lorena Vinuela on 03-Oct-2014 Line: Unit: Country: Brazil Approval FY: 2011 LATIN AMERICA AND Lending Region: Technical Assistance Project CARIBBEAN Instrument: Project Development Objectives Original Project Development Objective: The objective of the project is to support the State of Rio de Janeiro to introduce performance-based management and information technologies to drive service delivery improvements in key public services, including secondary education and hospital care. Results Core sector indicators are considered: Yes Results reporting level: Project Level Project Development Objective Indicators Status Indicator Name Core Unit of Measure Baseline Actual(Current) End Target Marked for Waiting time for UPA patients Minutes Value 59.60 58.00 52.00 Deletion with #green# risk classification Date 30-Jun-2009 25-Feb-2014 30-Jun-2015 19 (TERV) Comment The subcomponent related to this indicator has been removed from the project. Marked for UPAs with at least ten Number Value 2.00 5.00 9.00 Deletion #treatment protocols# adopted Date 30-Jun-2009 25-Feb-2014 30-Jun-2015 by health care staff Comment Activities have been completed without project financing. Marked for Secondary school completion Percentage Value 33.40 45.00 Deletion rate Date 30-Jun-2009 25-Feb-2014 30-Jun-2015 Comment The methodology t-2 = 2012 for calculating this rate has been changed and it is no longer possible to measure progress towards the agreed end target. Marked for RioPrevidência permanent Number Value 350.00 262.00 300.00 Deletion personnel Date 30-Jun-2009 25-Feb-2014 30-Jun-2015 Comment The reduction of personnel is not 20 considered to be an adequate indicator of increased efficiency. Marked for Real Property Management Days Value 65.00 22.00 15.00 Deletion Date 30-Jun-2009 25-Feb-2014 30-Jun-2015 Comment This indicator is no longer being measured as a result of difficulties in reproducing the methodology used to end target. New Number of the State's Number Value 363.00 1988.00 2468.00 properties regularized Date 30-Jun-2009 31-Dec-2013 30-Jun-2017 Comment Revised Average number of days to Days Value 120.00 120.00 30.00 record debt owned by renters of Date 30-Jun-2009 31-Dec-2013 30-Jun-2017 State Government's properties Comment Rio Previdência performance Days Value 110.00 110.00 30.00 Date 30-Jun-2009 25-Feb-2014 30-Jun-2015 Comment Average As part of the elapsed time restructuring, the 21 (days) to measurement of collect Social this indicator Security changes from employment "days" to "hours". tax debts Revised Points improved in the Index of Number Value 0.40 0.70 1.40 Educational Development of Date 30-Jun-2009 31-Dec-2013 30-Jun-2017 Rio de Janeiro (IDERJ) by the 30 percent worst performing Comment schools Schools with #critical# IDEB Number Value 372.00 200.00 scores (2.9 or lower) Date 30-Jun-2009 05-Feb-2014 30-Jun-2015 Comment (2009 IDEB As part of the (2013 IDEB results) restructuring, this results) indicator will be revised to: Increase in the Rio de Janeiro Education Development Index (IDERJ) for secondary school. The IDEB and IDERJ use the same methodology, but the IDERJ is more useful for program monitoring 22 because it is measured annually, rather than every 2 years. New Percentage of false alerts Percentage Value 56.00 56.00 44.00 issued by the Flooding Date 31-Dec-2013 31-Dec-2013 30-Jun-2017 Warning System Comment Intermediate Results Indicators Status Indicator Name Core Unit of Measure Baseline Actual(Current) End Target Marked for Casa do Educador - teachers Number Value 0.00 800.00 Deletion who have taken a face-to-face Date 30-Jun-2009 25-Feb-2014 30-Jun-2015 course Comment The design of the program is being changed substantially based on a consultancy financed by the project and the indicator is no longer considered adequate to measure progress towards the activity' objectives. 23 Marked for Casa do Educador - teachers Number Value 0.00 300.00 Deletion who have taken an online Date 30-Jun-2009 25-Feb-2014 30-Jun-2015 training course Comment The design of the program is being changed substantially based on a consultancy financed by the project and the indicator is no longer considered adequate to measure progress towards the activity' objectives. Marked for Casa do Educador - Website Number Value 0.00 500.00 Deletion Downloads Date 30-Jun-2009 25-Feb-2014 30-Jun-2015 Comment The design of the program is being changed substantially based on a consultancy financed by the project and the indicator is no longer considered 24 adequate to measure progress towards the activity' objectives. Marked for UPAs reporting the full cost of Number Value 0.00 0.00 4.00 Deletion medical services by Cost Date 30-Jun-2009 25-Feb-2014 30-Jun-2015 Center in their Annual Reports Comment The subcomponent affecting this indicator has been removed from the component. Marked for UPAs with completed quality Number Value 0.00 5.00 8.00 Deletion accreditation by Joint Date 30-Jun-2009 25-Feb-2014 30-Jun-2015 Commission Methodology Comment The subcomponent affecting this indicator has been removed from the component. Marked for Schools with annual targets for Number Value 0.00 1255.00 400.00 Deletion learning improvement Date 30-Jun-2009 25-Feb-2014 30-Jun-2015 established with SEEDUC Comment The target has been achieved in 2011 with the passing of a 25 decree that made mandatory for all schools to have annual targets. The number of 1255 schools is equivalent to 96% of all state schools. The total number of state school has decreased. Marked for Schools that use SAERJ results Number Value 0.00 600.00 Deletion in school-level Improvement Date 30-Jun-2009 25-Feb-2014 30-Jun-2015 Plans Comment The Government of Rio de Janeiro has already implemented this system for all state schools. Marked for Real Property Management: Percentage Value 8.30 90.00 Deletion Responses provided to requests Date 30-Jun-2009 31-Dec-2013 30-Jun-2015 from public bodies concerning the availability for use of a Comment A new indicator GORJ property has been added to replace this and better reflect the content of activities aiming to improve asset 26 management. Revised Number of State secretariats Number Value 0.00 4.00 12.00 and agencies with signed Date 30-Jun-2009 31-Dec-2013 30-Jun-2017 results agreements Comment #Results Agreements# between Number Value 0.00 3.00 8.00 the Governor and line Date 30-Jun-2009 25-Feb-2014 30-Jun-2015 departments or other government bodies Comment When restructured, the indicator will be changed to "Contracting Instruments (Result Agreements) signed". Revised Average number of working Days Value 90.00 5.00 days to issue a reminder letter Date 30-Jun-2014 31-Dec-2013 30-Jun-2017 Comment RioPrevidência: Average Days Value 20.00 20.00 10.00 number of working days to Date 30-Jun-2009 25-Feb-2014 30-Jun-2015 prepare and deliver information demanded for judicial Comment This indicator proceedings will be revised and the measurement changed from "working days" to 27 "hours" to be aligned with the Public Administration core indicator. Marked for RioPrevidência: Average Days Value 15.00 15.00 7.00 Deletion elapsed time (working days) to Date 30-Jun-2009 25-Feb-2014 30-Jun-2015 transfer financial data to SIAFEM-RJ (Sistema Comment Integrado de AdministraçãoFinanceira para Estados e Municípios) New Number of public real estate Number Value 728.00 2176.00 3376.00 properties with records Date 30-Jun-2009 31-Dec-2013 30-Jun-2017 registered and updated in System of Real Estate Comment Management New Percentage of public servants Percentage Value 0.00 0.00 100.00 in strategic positions of the Date 30-Jun-2009 31-Dec-2013 30-Jun-2017 Secretariat of Education receiving performance Comment evaluation New Number of hospitals Number Value 0.00 0.00 70.00 participating of the Program Date 30-Jun-2009 31-Dec-2013 30-Jun-2017 PAH I with targets monitored through the System of Comment Management of Indicators and Targets New Percentage of unmet requests Percentage Value 35.00 5.00 28 of the State Hospital "Rocha Date 30-Jun-2009 31-Dec-2013 30-Jun-2017 Faria" for hospital supplies Comment 29 ANNEX 2: OPERATIONAL RISK ASSESSMENT FRAMEWORK (ORAF) Brazil: Brazil - Rio de Janeiro Renovating and Strengthening Public Management (P106768) Project Stakeholder Risks Stakeholder Risk Rating Low Risk Description: Risk Management: If the State Government changes as a result of the October State Secretariats of Planning (SEPLAG) is strongly committed to managing and 2014 elections, there is a risk of a loss of political support implementing project activities and has created a technically strong Project Management for the project from State government. Given the Unit, staffed with civil servants. The Unit has been active in defining project activities advanced stage in the implementation of all activities this and indicators and is committed to reporting on progress throughout the project life. The risk is low. Operation Manual clearly defines the roles and responsibilities of each implementing agency and those of the Coordination Committee. The Vice-Governor’s Office oversees the Coordination Committee responsible for coordinating deliverables and communication with the Bank. The World Bank is working closely with the implementing agencies to ensure that the necessary transition arrangements are made to warrant the continuity of the ongoing activities. Resp: Status: Stage: Recurrent: Due Date: Frequency: Both In Progress Implementation Implementing Agency (IA) Risks (including Fiduciary Risks) Capacity Rating Low Risk Description: Risk Management: The project has been under implementation since its approval in 2010 and during this State governments generally have a poor track record in period the Project Management Unit of the Secretariat of Planning and Management has 30 implementing information technology (IT) systems and acquired considerable experience working with World Bank procurement procedures. face difficulties in handling managerial and procedural The unit also supports the other agencies participating in the project, which have a more requirements for project implementation, including uneven capacity in Bank procedures and safeguards. fiduciary and safeguard issues. The Secretariat of Finance has an adequate capacity to generate and report on financial data. The Bank team is working closely to build capacity in safeguards. Both the UGP staff and secretariat staff has been offered safeguards training. Resp: Status: Stage: Recurrent: Due Date: Frequency: Both In Progress Implementation Risk Management: The Bank team is working closely to build capacity in the implementing agencies. Both the UGP staff and secretariat staff has been offered procurement, fiduciary, and safeguards training. Additional training and support will be provided as needed. Resp: Status: Stage: Recurrent: Due Date: Frequency: Bank In Progress Implementation Governance Rating Low Risk Description: Risk Management: Complex institutional framework of the State Government The Coordination Committee ensures communication and support to the four and competing priorities would create a challenge to implementing Secretariats at all stages to ensure the successful design of appropriate project oversight. governance measures. All implementing Secretariats have agreed to the terms set out in However, SEPLAG has been successful in overseeing the the Operational Manual detailing governance mechanisms. original project. The Vice- Governor’s office supports Resp: Status: Stage: Recurrent: Due Date: Frequency: project coordination and oversight. Both In Progress Implementation Risk Management: The Operational Manual contains an adequate procurement section and guidelines. Line secretariats responsible for procurement have adequate capacity to do so and guidance is 31 given to Implementing Agency on how to verify compliance with procurement rules and identify red flags. The Implementing Agency provides assurances that supervision is undertaken, serious issues are being flagged, and action taken. Bidders and other local stakeholders have access to information on procurement procedures, sanctionable practices, and on the sanctions imposed by the World Bank and the government. Resp: Status: Stage: Recurrent: Due Date: Frequency: Both In Progress Implementation Risk Management: Forms of direct social control over government, through participatory budgeting and transparent expenditure notices, are evolving in Brazil. Resp: Status: Stage: Recurrent: Due Date: Frequency: Client In Progress Implementation Project Risks Design Rating Low Risk Description: Risk Management: The multi-sectoral nature of the project makes clear Regular quarterly meetings are held to facilitate coordination and identify potential implementation, coordination and oversight rules crucial. problems at an early stage between SEPLAG and the line secretariats. There are clear There is a risk of fragmentation in project implementation. implementation and coordination mechanisms in place that are being used regularly. Resp: Status: Stage: Recurrent: Due Date: Frequency: Both In Progress Implementation Social and Environmental Rating Moderate Risk Description: Risk Management: The activities are not expected to generate negative The State has engaged in strong dialog and consultation with civil society and groups of environmental or social impacts. Nonetheless, Component citizens affected by the landslides of 2011 during the preparation of the second 4 that entails the acquisition of two weather radar systems Technical Assistance Project preparation, originally designed to be an Additional 32 will be closely monitored to ensure that they do not lead to Financing to this project. This has been continued through implementation and will future safeguard risks. The Natural Habitats (OP/BP 4.01) continue to be given high priority in the remaining time. The activities of Component 4 and Involuntary Resettlement (OP/BP 4.12) have been will be closely monitored to ensure that they do not have adverse impacts. An triggered in a precautionary mode and the project has been Environmental Management Framework and a Resettlement Policy Framework have re-categorized from “C” to “B”. been developed for the project by the Government of Rio de Janeiro with support from Bank specialists. These documents are available to the public at: Resp: Status: Stage: Recurrent: Due Date: Frequency: Both In Progress Implementation Program and Donor Rating Low Risk Description: Risk Management: The project is part of a broader Government and Bank engagement on integrated territorial development in Rio Resp: Status: Stage: Recurrent: Due Date: Frequency: de Janeiro, including three DPLs already closed and a fourth in implementation. Several Trust Funds have also supported advisory services to the state including PSIA, SFLAC funds and Korean Trust Fund. Low risk of withdrawal of funds or programmatic support for the project. Delivery Monitoring and Sustainability Rating Low Risk Description: Risk Management: The number of components and Secretariats involved in Mechanisms and responsibilities for delivering project documents and information are this project increase the risk that monitoring progress and clearly defined in the Operational Manual, which describes in detail all implementing delivery of information will be delayed. Some Secretariats responsibilities and the rules guiding the Coordination Committee. An implementing Secretariats may find it difficult to oversee emphasis has been placed on state-wide integrated planning and the implementation of the implementation of activities outside of their own information management systems in the project activities, encouraging the availability Secretariat. and integration of databases across sectors. This will increase the sustainability of improvements made in public management and disaster risk management. 33 Resp: Status: Stage: Recurrent: Due Date: Frequency: Both In Progress Implementation Other (Optional) Rating Risk Description: Risk Management: Resp: Status: Stage: Recurrent: Due Date: Frequency: Other (Optional) Rating Risk Description: Risk Management: Resp: Status: Stage: Recurrent: Due Date: Frequency: Overall Risk Overall Implementation Risk: Rating Low Risk Description: Given the advanced state of implementation of all components and subcomponents the overall risk is low. The World Bank team will continue to work closely with the Project Management Unit and provide implementation support as needed. 34