2018 Procurement Plan
      Mineral Sector Support for Economic Diversification Project (MinDiver)
I. General

1.      Project information:
        Country: Nigeria
        Borrower: Federal Government of Nigeria
        Project Name: Mineral Sector Support for Economic Diversification Project
        Credit No.: 59900
        Project ID No: P159761
        Project Implementing Agencies: Ministry of Mines and Steel Development (MMSD)

2.      Bank’s approval Date of the Original Procurement Plan: 27th March 2017

3.      Bank’s approval Date of the Revised Procurement Plan: 19th April, 2017

        Date of General Procurement Notice: Online December 27, 2017

4.      Period covered by this procurement plan: 1st January 2018 to 31st December 2018

II.     Goods, Supply and Installation and Works and non-consulting services

5.      Prior Review Threshold: Procurement Decisions subject to Prior Review by the Bank as
        stated in Appendix 1 to the Guidelines for Procurement:

                          Procurement Method                 Prior Review Threshold     Comments
             1.   ICB and LIB (Goods)                              >=1,000,000          All Contracts
             2.   ICB (Works/Supply & Installation)                >=10,000,000         All Contracts
             3.   ICB (Non-Consultant Services)                     >=500,000           All Contracts
             4.   Direct Contracting                                All Values          All Contracts
             5.   NCB (Goods)                                      <=1,000,000          All Contracts
             6.   NCB (Works)                                      <=10,000,000         All Contracts
             7.   Shopping                                          <=100,000           All Contracts

        (a)       List of contract Packages which will be procured following ICB and Direct contracting.
        (b)       ICB Contracts estimated to cost above US$500,000 equivalent or more per Contract and
                  all Direct Contracting will be subject to prior review by the Bank.

6.      Prequalification: Nil

7.      Proposed Procedures for CDD Components (as per paragraph 3.17 of the Guidelines): NA

        Reference to (if any) Project Operational/Procurement Manual: The Procurement Plan will also form
        part of the Project Implementation Manual.

        Any Other Special Procurement Arrangements: (including advance procurement and retroactive
        financing, if applicable): N/A.

8.      Procurement Packages with Methods and Time Schedule.

9.      Procurement Packages with Methods and Time Schedule for Goods and Works
Procurement Reviews and Thresholds
                   Table 2.4. Procurement of Goods and Works and Non-consulting Services
                                                  Prior Review Threshold
                      Procurement Method                                              Comments
       1    NCB (goods) packages                       Above 750,000            All
       2    Non-consultant Services packages           Above 750,000            All
       3    Shopping (goods)                           Below 100,000            None
       4    Shopping (works)                           Below 200,000            None

  Summary of the procurement packages planned during the first 18 months after project
 effectiveness (including those that are subject to retroactive financing and advanced

      18-Month Procurement Plan for Goods and Works
                           Contract               Original               Expected
     Activit                                                  Prior or        Estimated
     y           List of Type Time Procurement    Estimate           Proposal
               Contract                                        Post Submissio Completion
        #      s          Based or    Type         (US$,      Review    n       Dates
                          Lump Sum               thousands)                Dates
        1      Equipment Lump Sum        Not      2,000.00    Prior      July 1, 2017 September
               for                      Stated                                         29, 2017
        2      Office      Lump Sum      NS        200.00     Post        June 1,      30 August,
               Equipment                                                   2017           2017
               and other
        3      System      Lump Sum      NS          50.00    Post        August 1,    October 30,
               system for                                                   2017          2017
        5      Motor       Lump Sum      NS          75.00    Prior       June 1,      August 30,
               vehicles -                                                  2017          2017
        6      Motor       Lump Sum      NS        175.00     Prior        May 1,       July 30,
               vehicles -
               4                                                            2017          2017
               × 4 (seven)
        7      n           Bill of       NS          70.00    Post
               of the      Quantities
               in Kaduna
Selection of Consultants

Prior review threshold. Selection decisions subject to prior review by the World Bank as stated
in the Procurement Regulations.

      Selections Subject to Prior Review by the World Bank
                  Selection Method             Prior Review Threshold (US$)      Comments
      1.     Competitive Methods (Firms)   Above 300,000
      2.     Single Source (Firms)         All
      3.     Individual                    Above 100,000

41.    Short list consisting entirely of national consultants. A short list of consultants for
services estimated to cost less than US$300,000 equivalent per contract may consist entirely of
national consultants.

Consultancy Assignments with Selection Methods and Time Schedule

    18-Month Procurement Plan for Consultancy
                                   Contract          Original             Expected
                                            Procur              Prior or            Estimated
 Activity                         Type Time         Estimate              Proposal
                List of Contracts           ement                Post               Completion
   #                               Based or           (US$,              Submission
                                             Type               Review                Dates
                                  Lump Sum         thousands)              Dates
 A1-1.1     Functional analysis   Lump Sum QCBS      1,000.00   Prior   May 1, 2017 October 28,
            within the MMSD, its                                                       2018
            associated agencies,
            and other MDAs
            on identifying and
            reviewing the
            workflows and
            information flows
 A1-1.2     Upgrading and         Lump Sum SS          440.00   Prior    November      June 29,
            automation of the                                             1, 2017        2018
 A1-2.1     Review and update of Lump Sum QCBS         600.00   Prior   May 6, 2017 May 1, 2019
            the NMMA, 2007
 A1-4.1     Assisting the GoN to Lump Sum QCBS         250.00   Post     November     October 27,
            build the required                                            1, 2017        2018
            technical skills and
            to service and
            the mining sector
 A1-7.1     Design and develop a Lump Sum IC           300.00   Prior   May 1, 2017   March 27,
            mechanism for citizen                                                       2018
            engagement and
            accountability in the
            MinDiver project and
            the mining sector
                                    Contract          Original             Expected
                                             Procur            Prior or               Estimated
Activity                           Type Time         Estimate              Proposal
               List of Contracts             ement              Post                  Completion
  #                                 Based or           (US$,              Submission
                                              Type             Review                   Dates
                                   Lump Sum         thousands)              Dates
A2-1-3.1   Geological mapping, Lump Sum QCBS         14,000.00 Prior      May 1, 2017 December
           GIS geodata base,                                                           22, 2018
           mapping, and
           reinterpretation of
           data, and mineral
           prospectivity targeting
A2-1.2     TA on exploration       Lump Sum CQ          150.00 Post       May 1, 2017    August 24,
           embedded within the                                                             2018
A3-1.1     Scoping analysis and Lump Sum QCBS           400.00 Prior      September      November
           strategy development                                            1, 2017       25, 2018
           to create the basis for
           reintroducing and/or
           providing vocational
           training to achieve
           excellence for the
           training of the
           technical staff as well
           as private sector
           (national pole)
A3-1.2     Analyze and design a Lump Sum CQ             180.00 Post       November       August 28,
           program to address                                              1, 2017         2018
           the skill gap in the
           domestic mining
           Design and
A3-1.3     implement               Lump Sum IC          100.00 Post       November        April 30,
           partnership program                                             1, 2017         2018
           between the MMSD,
           Nigerian universities,
           and the NGSA on
           selected topics
A3-1.4     Assess and develop Lump Sum CQ               150.00 Post       November       November
           policy and strategy for                                         1, 2017       26, 2018
           achieving local
           in Nigerian mining
A4-1.1     Update SESA and         Lump Sum CQ          150.00 Post       July 1, 2017    April 27,
           prepare action plan
           for                                                                             2018
           implementation of
A4-2.1     Phase 1: Address        Lump Sum QCBS        250.00 Post       May 1, 2017 October 28,
           potential medical                                                             2018
           geology issues arising
           from interaction
           between geological
                                    Contract          Original             Expected
                                             Procur              Prior or            Estimated
Activity                           Type Time         Estimate              Proposal
               List of Contracts             ement                Post               Completion
  #                                 Based or           (US$,              Submission
                                              Type               Review                Dates
                                   Lump Sum         thousands)              Dates
           background and its
           influence on the
           plants, animals, and
           humans to explore
           general mining-
           health impacts.
A4-5.1     Support the creation Lump Sum CQ             250.00   Post    June 1, 2017 January 27,
           of opportunities for                                                          2018
           women and gender
           mainstreaming in the
           mining sector
B1-1-3.1   Providing ASM           Lump Sum QCBS      2,800.00   Prior   June 1, 2017   November
           inventory,                                                                   28, 2018
           assess scale and
B3-1.2     Analyze economic        Lump Sum QCBS        200.00   Post     January 1,    December
           drivers linking supply                                           2017        27, 2017
           of industrial minerals
           with demand for
           construction and
           industrial materials;
           analyzing benefit
           sharing aspects
           (different stages of
           value chain)
           institutional and
           Needs assessment
B3-1.3     and                     Lump Sum QCBS      4,120.00   Prior   May 1, 2017     April 26,
           evaluation for                                                                 2018
           accrediting and
           certifying laboratories
           geological research
B3-1.4     Development of          Lump Sum QCBS        500.00   Prior   December 1,    November
           support action to                                                2017        26, 2018
           improve the
           metallurgical and
           Inspectorate including
           an initial baseline
B4-1.1     Analysis and            Lump Sum QCBS        540.00   Prior    November      October 27,
           development of                                                  1, 2017         2018
           strategies for
           addressing access to
                                     Contract          Original                Expected
                                              Procur               Prior or                  Estimated
Activity                            Type Time         Estimate                 Proposal
               List of Contracts              ement                 Post             Completion
  #                                  Based or           (US$,             Submission
                                               Type                Review              Dates
                                    Lump Sum         thousands)             Dates
           finances constraints
           for local ASM, junior
           and medium scale
           Assess the SMDF
B4-1.2     and                      Lump Sum QCBS        600.00    Prior       March 1,      November
           provide                                                              2018         26, 2018
           recommendations for
           its restructuring and
           covering governance,
           strategies, and
B4-1.3     Assist in building       Lump Sum QCBS        600.00    Prior      June 1, 2017   November
           capacity for financial                                                            28, 2018
           institutions, public and
           semipublic bodies
           through the Bankers
           Committee, in
           understanding of
           mining financing,
           preparation of
           bankable FS,
           plans, and marketing
B5-1.1     Initial review and       Lump Sum QCBS      3,000.00    Prior      June 1, 2017   November
           development of                                                                    28, 2018
           potential assets in
           different mining cycle
           stages to select some
           Mineral Assets, and
           Mining Operators
           requiring Support, to
           bring those Assets to
           higher Level or
           on specific Assets.
B5-1.2     Preliminary              Lump Sum IC            40.00   Post        November      December
           identification of ‘proof                                             1, 2017      26, 2018
           of concept’
B5-2.1     Preliminary              Lump Sum CQ          180.00    Post       May 1, 2017 February 25,
           assessment and                                                                    2018
           transaction advisory
           services for State
           Enterprise NIOMCO
A2-2.2     Consultancy services Lump Sum IC              150.00    Post       May 1, 2017 January 26,
                                  Contract           Original                     Expected
                                            Procur                    Prior or                   Estimated
 Activity                        Type Time          Estimate                      Proposal
             List of Contracts               ement                     Post             Completion
    #                             Based or            (US$,                  Submission
                                              Type                    Review              Dates
                                 Lump Sum          thousands)                  Dates
         for review of legal                                                              2018
  A1-5.1 Consultancy services Lump Sum IC                75.00        Post       May 1, 2017 January 26,
         for identifying revenue                                                                2018
         strengthening the
         and oversight of
         revenue assessment
         and collection
         Consultancy service
  B5-1.1 for                     Lump Sum IC           400.00         Prior      May 1, 2017 January 26,
         prospective                                                                               2018
         mineral targets and
         mining assets to be
         analyzed as
         for transaction
         processes and
         investment promotion.
         (Geological Analyst)
   C1-1 Technical expert for Lump Sum IC               600.00         Prior         n.a.     October 23,
         the project (1 and 2)                                                                  2018
   C1-2 Specialist               Time based IC           75.00        Post          n.a.     October 23,
   C1-3      M&E Specialist        Time based IC              75.00 Post            n.a.     October 23,
   C1-4      Project Coordinator   Time based IC            120.00 Post             n.a.     October 23,
   C1-5      PMO (for subsequent Lump Sum      QCBS        1,500.00 Prior           n.a.     October 23,
             months)                                                                            2018
Note: IC = Individual Consultant; QCBS = Quality- and Cost-Based Selection; SS = Single-Source
                                Nigeria : Nigeria: Mineral Sector Support for Economic Diversification Project (MinDiver)
General Information
Country:                        Nigeria                                     Bank’s Approval Date of the Original Procurement Plan:                    2018-02-13
                                                                            Revised Plan Date(s): (comma delineated, leave blank if none)
Project ID:                     P159761                                     GPN Date:                                                                 2017-12-27
Project Name:                   Nigeria: Mineral Sector Support for Economic Diversification Project (MinDiver)
Loan / Credit No:               IDA / 59900, IDA / V0270
Executing Agency(ies): Mineral Sector Support for Economic Diversification

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Bid Evaluation
Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                         Draft Pre-                               Draft Bidding
                                Loan / Credit                                                                       Market         Procurement        Prequalification    Estimated           Actual            Process                            Prequalification                         Specific Procurement      Bidding Documents   Proposal Submission        Report and
          Description                                  Component              Review Type       Method                                                                                                                          qualification                              Document /                                                                                                   Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                      No.                                                                          Approach           Process              (Y/N)         Amount (US$)      Amount (US$)            Status                         Evaluation Report                          Notice / Invitation          as Issued       / Opening / Minutes   Recommendation for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Documents                                 Justification
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Planned     Actual   Planned    Actual   Planned      Actual   Planned       Actual      Planned    Actual   Planned      Actual   Planned      Actual   Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual

                                                Facilitating Downstream                                                                                                                                       Pending
RFB / Rehabilitation of Ladi                                                                                                     Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 59900     Sector Development &        Post            Request for Bids   Limited                                                        70,000.00                0.00   Implementati                                            2019-05-16            2019-05-21                                    2019-07-02            2019-08-01            2019-09-05                2020-03-03
Kwali Centre on Poetry                                                                                                           Envelope
                                                Enhancing Competitiveness                                                                                                                                     on

RFQ / Refurbishment of                          Facilitating Downstream
                                                                                            Request for                          Single Stage - One
Building in JOS zones of        IDA / 59900     Sector Development &        Post                               Limited                                                        25,000.00         26,267.17     Signed                                                                        2019-05-14   2019-05-10                                                                   2019-07-09   2019-06-19   2020-01-05
                                                                                            Quotations                           Envelope
the Mining Cadastre Office                      Enhancing Competitiveness
for online application

Refurbishment of Identified                     Facilitating Downstream
                                                                                            Request for                          Single Stage - One
Building in 6 Geopolitical      IDA / 59900     Sector Development &        Post                               Limited                                                        25,000.00         27,082.68     Completed                                                                     2019-04-29   2019-05-10                                                                   2019-06-24   2019-06-19   2019-12-21   2019-11-21
                                                                                            Quotations                           Envelope
zones of the Mining                             Enhancing Competitiveness
Cadastre for Online

Refurbishment of the                            Facilitating Downstream
                                                                                            Request for                          Single Stage - One
identified building in          IDA / 59900     Sector Development &        Post                               Limited                                                        25,000.00         28,187.06     Signed                                                                        2019-04-29   2019-05-10                                                                   2019-06-24   2019-06-19   2019-12-21
                                                                                            Quotations                           Envelope
Kaduna Geopolitical area of                     Enhancing Competitiveness
the Mining Cadastre office
for online application.

Refurbishment of the                            Facilitating Downstream
                                                                                            Request for                          Single Stage - One
identified building in Enugu    IDA / 59900     Sector Development &        Post                               Limited                                                        25,000.00         34,144.43     Signed                                                                        2019-04-29   2019-06-10                                                                   2019-06-24   2019-06-19   2019-12-21
                                                                                            Quotations                           Envelope
Geopolitical area of the                        Enhancing Competitiveness
Mining Cadastre office for
online application.

 MINDIVER/RFB/W-004/18 /
                                                Establishing a Strong
Construction of feeder roads                                                                                                     Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 59900     Foundation for Mining       Post            Request for Bids   Open - National                                              2,000,000.00               0.00   Canceled                                                2018-01-01            2018-01-06                                    2018-02-17            2018-03-19            2018-04-23                2018-10-20
and bridges under proof of                                                                                                       Envelope
                                                Sector Development

Refurbishment of the                            Facilitating Downstream                                                                                                                                       Under
                                                                                            Request for                          Single Stage - One
identified building in Benin    IDA / 59900     Sector Development &        Post                               Limited                                                        60,000.00                0.00   Implementati                                                                  2019-08-14   2019-05-17                                                                   2019-10-09                2020-04-06
                                                                                            Quotations                           Envelope
Geopolitical area of the                        Enhancing Competitiveness                                                                                                                                     on
Mining Cadastre office for
online application.

Refurbishment of the                            Facilitating Downstream
                                                                                            Request for                          Single Stage - One
identified building in Ibadan   IDA / 59900     Sector Development &        Post                               Limited                                                        50,000.00         41,825.32     Signed                                                                        2019-08-11   2019-05-10                                                                   2019-10-06   2019-06-19   2020-04-03
                                                                                            Quotations                           Envelope
Geopolitical area of the                        Enhancing Competitiveness
Mining Cadastre office for
online application.

RFB / Renovation of                             Facilitating Downstream
                                                                                                                                 Single Stage - One
National Steel Raw Material     IDA / 59900     Sector Development &        Prior           Request for Bids   Limited                                                       550,000.00                0.00   Canceled                                                2020-02-10            2020-02-15                                    2020-03-28            2020-04-27            2020-06-01                2020-11-28
and Exploration Agency                          Enhancing Competitiveness
(NSRMEA), Kaduna

RFQ / Renovation of Server
Rooms at the Nigeria
Geological Survey Agency
                                                Facilitating Downstream                                                                                                                                       Pending
(NGSA) and The National                                                                     Request for                          Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 59900     Sector Development &        Post                               Limited                                                       100,000.00                0.00   Implementati                                                                  2020-02-12                                                                                2020-04-08                2020-05-23
Steel Raw Material and                                                                      Quotations                           Envelope
                                                Enhancing Competitiveness                                                                                                                                     on
Exploration Agency
(NSRMEA) for the delivery
of Nigeria Geodata centre in
both Location

RFB / Renovation of                             Facilitating Downstream
                                                                                                                                 Single Stage - One
National Metallurgical          IDA / 59900     Sector Development &        Prior           Request for Bids   Limited                                                       600,000.00                0.00   Canceled                                                2020-02-06            2020-02-11                                    2020-03-24            2020-04-23            2020-05-28                2020-11-24
Development centre (NMDC),                      Enhancing Competitiveness

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Page 1
                                                Facilitating Downstream
/ Renovation of National                                                                                                         Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 59900     Sector Development &        Post            Request for Bids   Open - National                                               700,000.00               0.00   Canceled                                                2019-09-15                2019-09-20                                    2019-11-01                2019-12-01                2020-01-05                2020-07-03
Metallurgy Development                                                                                                           Envelope
                                                Enhancing Competitiveness
Centre (NMDC) – Jos.

 MINDIVER/RFB/W-001/18 /                        Facilitating Downstream
                                                                                                                                 Single Stage - One
Renovation of Labouratory       IDA / 59900     Sector Development &        Post            Request for Bids   Open - National                                               500,000.00               0.00   Canceled                                                2018-01-01                2018-01-06                                    2018-02-17                2018-03-19                2018-04-23                2018-10-20
(NGSA Kaduna)                                   Enhancing Competitiveness

RFB / Renovation of                             Facilitating Downstream
                                                                                                                                 Single Stage - One
Laboratory for Nigeria          IDA / 59900     Sector Development &        Prior           Request for Bids   Limited                                                       550,000.00               0.00   Canceled                                                2020-02-10                2020-02-15                                    2020-03-28                2020-04-27                2020-06-01                2021-01-27
Geological Survey Agency                        Enhancing Competitiveness
(NGSA) Laboratory, Kaduna.

                                                Facilitating Downstream
RFB / Renovation of Nigeria                                                                                                      Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 59900     Sector Development &        Prior           Request for Bids   Limited                                                       630,000.00               0.00   Canceled                                                2020-02-13                2020-02-18                                    2020-03-31                2020-04-30                2020-06-04                2021-01-30
Institute of Mining and                                                                                                          Envelope
                                                Enhancing Competitiveness
Geosciences (NIMG), Jos

 MINDIVER/RFB/W-003/18 /                        Facilitating Downstream
                                                                                                                                 Single Stage - One
Completion of the dimension     IDA / 59900     Sector Development &        Post            Request for Bids   Open - National                                               500,000.00               0.00   Canceled                                                2018-01-01                2018-01-06                                    2018-02-17                2018-03-19                2018-04-23                2018-10-20
stone labouratory in Kaduna                     Enhancing Competitiveness

RFB / Renovation of                             Facilitating Downstream                                                                                                                                      Pending
                                                                                                                                 Single Stage - One
National Steel Raw Material     IDA / 59900     Sector Development &        Post            Request for Bids   Limited                                                       550,000.00               0.00   Implementati                                            2020-04-10                2020-04-15                                    2020-05-27                2020-06-26                2020-07-31                2021-03-28
and Exploration Agency                          Enhancing Competitiveness                                                                                                                                    on
(NSRMEA) – KadunA.

                                                Facilitating Downstream                                                                                                                                      Pending
RFB / Renovation of Nigeria                                                                                                      Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 59900     Sector Development &        Post            Request for Bids   Limited                                                       550,000.00               0.00   Implementati                                            2020-04-17                2020-04-22                                    2020-06-03                2020-07-03                2020-08-07                2021-04-04
Geological Survey Agency                                                                                                         Envelope
                                                Enhancing Competitiveness                                                                                                                                    on
Labouratory (NGSA Kaduna)

RFB / Renovation of                             Facilitating Downstream                                                                                                                                      Pending
                                                                                                                                 Single Stage - One
National Metallurgy             IDA / 59900     Sector Development &        Post            Request for Bids   Limited                                                       600,000.00               0.00   Implementati                                            2020-04-10                2020-04-15                                    2020-05-27                2020-06-26                2020-07-31                2021-03-28
Development Centre (NMDC)                       Enhancing Competitiveness                                                                                                                                    on
– Jos.

                                                Facilitating Downstream                                                                                                                                      Pending
RFB / Renovation of                                                                                                              Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 59900     Sector Development &        Post            Request for Bids   Limited                                                       630,000.00               0.00   Implementati                                            2020-04-13                2020-04-18                                    2020-05-30                2020-06-29                2020-08-03                2021-03-31
Nigerian Institute of Mining                                                                                                     Envelope
                                                Enhancing Competitiveness                                                                                                                                    on
and Geosciences (NIMG), Jos

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Bid Evaluation
Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                        Draft Pre-                               Draft Bidding
                                Loan / Credit                                                                       Market         Procurement        Prequalification    Estimated          Actual            Process                            Prequalification                             Specific Procurement      Bidding Documents   Proposal Submission            Report and
          Description                                  Component              Review Type       Method                                                                                                                         qualification                              Document /                                                                                                               Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                      No.                                                                          Approach           Process              (Y/N)         Amount (US$)     Amount (US$)            Status                         Evaluation Report                              Notice / Invitation          as Issued       / Opening / Minutes       Recommendation for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Documents                                 Justification
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Planned     Actual   Planned    Actual   Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned    Actual   Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual

/ Procurement of Office                         Project Management and                      Request for                          Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 59900                                 Post                               Limited                                                       100,000.00        67,232.55     Completed                                                                         2018-02-10   2018-06-25                                                                           2018-04-07   2018-08-01   2018-10-04   2018-09-24
Equipment for MinDiver                          Coordination                                Quotations                           Envelope
Project use

/ Project Management                            Project Management and
                                IDA / 59900                                 Post            Direct Selection   Direct                                                         65,000.00               0.00   Canceled                                                2018-04-15                2018-04-20                                                                                        2018-06-08                2018-12-05
Server, Softwares and                           Coordination

                                                Establishing a Strong
/ Procurement of Office                                                                     Request for                          Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 59900     Foundation for Mining       Post                               Limited                                                       100,000.00        60,921.44     Signed                                                                            2018-02-20   2018-06-25                                                                           2018-04-24   2019-12-03   2018-10-21
Furniture for MinDiver                                                                      Quotations                           Envelope
                                                Sector Development

Procurement of Office                           Establishing a Strong
                                                                                                                                 Single Stage - One
Furniture for Mining            IDA / 59900     Foundation for Mining       Post            Request for Bids   Open - National                                               400,000.00               0.00   Canceled                                                2018-02-10                2018-02-15                                    2018-03-29                2018-04-28                2018-06-02                2018-11-29
Cadastre office (MCO) -6                        Sector Development
Geopolitical Zones

                                                Establishing a Strong                                                                                                                                        Pending
/ Supply and Installation of                                                                Request for                          Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 59900     Foundation for Mining       Post                               Limited                                                       100,000.00               0.00   Implementati                                                                      2018-02-20                                                                                        2018-04-17                2018-10-14
ICT equipment for MinDiver                                                                  Quotations                           Envelope
                                                Sector Development                                                                                                                                           on
Project Office

 MINDIVER/NCB/G-007/18 /
Supply and Installation of                      Facilitating Downstream                                                                                                                                      Under
                                                                                                                                 Single Stage - One
ICT equipment for 6             IDA / 59900     Sector Development &        Post            Request for Bids   Open - National                                               400,000.00               0.00   Implementati                                            2018-02-15   2019-05-17   2018-03-01                                    2018-04-12   2019-07-15   2018-05-12   2019-08-01   2018-06-16                2018-12-13
Geopolitical Zones of the                       Enhancing Competitiveness                                                                                                                                    on

/ Procurement of Stationeries                   Project Management and                      Request for                          Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 59900                                 Post                               Limited                                                       100,000.00        13,783.60     Signed                                                                            2018-03-01   2018-03-13                                                                           2018-04-26   2018-11-08   2018-10-23
and Printing materials for                      Coordination                                Quotations                           Envelope
Mindiver Project office

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Page 2
    MINDIVER/GO/RFB/006/18 /
Procurement of Office
                                              Establishing a Strong
Equipment, Stationeries and                                                                                            Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 59900   Foundation for Mining       Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                         600,000.00            0.00   Canceled                2018-04-01                2018-04-15                2018-05-27                2018-06-26                2018-07-31                2019-01-27
Printing materials for 6                                                                                               Envelope
                                              Sector Development
Geopolitical Zones of the
Mining Cadastre Office

    MINDIVER/GO/RFB/012/18 /                  Facilitating Downstream                                                                                                     Pending
                                                                                                                       Single Stage - One
Equiping of the dimension       IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                         300,000.00            0.00   Implementati            2018-02-15                2018-02-20                2018-04-03                2018-05-03                2018-06-07                2019-06-07
stone laboratory in Kaduna                    Enhancing Competitiveness                                                                                                   on

    MINDIVER/GO/RFQ/014/18                    Facilitating Downstream
                                                                                  Request for                          Single Stage - One
/ Solar Panel system for        IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post                       Limited                                  95,000.00      82,362.76    Signed                                            2018-03-15   2019-05-30                                                       2018-05-10   2019-07-28   2018-11-06
                                                                                  Quotations                           Envelope
NGSA, Kaduna                                  Enhancing Competitiveness

    MINDIVER/GO/RFB/005/18 /                  Facilitating Downstream
                                                                                                                       Single Stage - One
Laboratory Equipment for        IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Prior   Request for Bids   Open - National                        1,500,000.00   2,985,098.37   Signed                  2018-03-15   2019-06-24   2018-03-20                2018-05-01   2019-09-12   2018-05-31   2020-01-29   2018-07-05   2020-03-18   2019-01-01
NGSA Kaduna                                   Enhancing Competitiveness

    MINDIVER/RFQ/G-004/18 /
Procurement of Motor                          Facilitating Downstream
                                                                                  Request for                          Single Stage - One
Vehicles for Project office -   IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post                       Limited                                 500,000.00     471,052.40    Completed                                         2018-02-15   2018-03-29                                                       2018-04-19   2018-04-26   2018-10-16   2018-06-26
                                                                                  Quotations                           Envelope
Saloon Cars (4NOS), 4X4                       Enhancing Competitiveness

/ Procurement of Hardware                     Establishing a Strong                                                                                                       Pending
                                                                                  Request for                          Single Stage - One
upgrade for Information         IDA / 59900   Foundation for Mining       Post                       Limited                                 100,000.00            0.00   Implementati                                      2018-02-20                                                                    2018-04-17                2018-10-14
                                                                                  Quotations                           Envelope
Management System at the                      Sector Development                                                                                                          on
NGSA (DSS, Exploration, IT)

                                              Establishing a Strong
/ Procurement of                                                                  Request for                          Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 59900   Foundation for Mining       Post                       Limited                                  50,000.00      48,377.13    Completed                                         2018-09-05   2018-08-16                                                       2018-10-31   2018-09-19   2019-04-29   2018-09-24
Topographical Maps covering                                                       Quotations                           Envelope
                                              Sector Development
the entire country, Nigeria

/ Procurement of Office                       Project Management and              Request for                          Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 59900                               Post                       Limited                                  20,000.00            0.00   Implementati                                      2019-04-20                                                                    2019-06-15                2019-12-12
Furniture for PMO                             Coordination                        Quotations                           Envelope

    MINDIVER/GO/RFB/102/19 /
Procurement and installation
of Manual Shelving/Rack                       Project Management and              Request for                          Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 59900                               Post                       Limited                                  25,000.00      21,604.91    Signed                                            2019-03-20   2019-05-28                                                       2019-05-15   2019-08-01   2019-11-11
system for safekeping of                      Coordination                        Quotations                           Envelope
documents for
MinDiverProcurement unit)

                                              Facilitating Downstream                                                                                                     Under
/ Printing of NGSA                                                                Request for                          Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post                       Limited                                  50,000.00            0.00   Implementati                                      2019-08-20                                                                    2019-10-15                2020-04-12
Technical Reports and                                                             Quotations                           Envelope
                                              Enhancing Competitiveness                                                                                                   on

RFQ / Procurement of office                   Project Management and              Request for                          Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 59900                               Post                       Limited                                  20,000.00            0.00   Implementati                                      2019-08-06   2019-10-14                                                       2019-10-01                2020-03-29
Equipment for Mindiver                        Coordination                        Quotations                           Envelope

    MINDIVER/GO/RFB/009/19 /
                                              Establishing a Strong                                                                                                       Pending
Procurement of efficient                                                                             Open -            Single Stage - Two
                                IDA / 59900   Foundation for Mining       Prior   Request for Bids                                          1,200,000.00           0.00   Implementati            2019-06-05                2019-06-10                2019-07-22                2019-10-04                2019-11-08                2020-05-06
Technology Equipmemt for                                                                             International     Envelope
                                              Sector Development                                                                                                          on
safer and Cleaner Mining

    MINDIVER/GO/RFB/306/18 /
/ Procurement of Office
Equipment, Stationeries and
                                              Facilitating Downstream                                                                                                     Pending
Printing materials for                                                                                                 Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                         300,000.00            0.00   Implementati            2019-03-21                2019-03-26                2019-05-07                2019-06-06                2019-07-11                2020-01-07
Headquarters and 6                                                                                                     Envelope
                                              Enhancing Competitiveness                                                                                                   on
Geopolitical Zones of the
Mining Cadastre Office

RFB / Procurement of Solar                    Facilitating Downstream                                                                                                     Under
                                                                                                                       Single Stage - One
Panel System for 6 Zonal        IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                         150,000.00            0.00   Implementati            2019-05-01   2019-06-05   2019-05-06   2019-07-19   2019-06-17   2019-08-15   2019-07-17   2019-11-14   2019-08-21                2020-02-17
offices of the Mining                         Enhancing Competitiveness                                                                                                   on
Cadastre Office (MCO)

/ Procurement of 4X4 wheel
                                              Facilitating Downstream                                                                                                     Under
drive Double cabin pick-up                                                                                             Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                        1,200,000.00           0.00   Implementati            2019-05-24   2019-05-17   2019-05-29                2019-07-10   2019-07-10   2019-08-09   2019-07-14   2019-09-13                2020-03-11
vehicles MCO 6/ASM 2/M1                                                                                                Envelope
                                              Enhancing Competitiveness                                                                                                   on
2/SMDF 1 /Metal and Steel

/ Procurement and
installation of Laboratory
Equipment for Nigerian                        Facilitating Downstream                                                                                                     Under
                                                                                                     Open -            Single Stage - One
Metallurgical and               IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Prior   Request for Bids                                          1,700,000.00           0.00   Implementati            2019-05-25   2019-08-04   2019-05-30   2019-08-06   2019-07-11   2019-09-23   2019-08-10   2020-02-24   2019-09-14                2020-03-12
                                                                                                     International     Envelope
Development Centre                            Enhancing Competitiveness                                                                                                   on
(NMDC),Jos and Nigerian
Geosciences (NIMG), Jos .

                                                                                                                                                                                         Page 3
 MINDIVER/GO/RFB/106/19 /
Procurement and installation
                                              Facilitating Downstream
of Laboratory Equipment for                                                                                            Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Prior   Request for Bids   Open - National                        500,000.00        0.00   Canceled                2019-05-01                2019-05-06                2019-06-17                2019-07-17   2019-08-21                2020-02-17
Nigerian INSTITUTE of                                                                                                  Envelope
                                              Enhancing Competitiveness
MINING and Geosciences

RFQ / Procurement of 45kva                    Facilitating Downstream
                                                                                  Request for                          Single Stage - One
Solar/inverter system for the   IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post                       Limited                                 90,000.00   83,951.17   Signed                                            2019-06-12   2019-05-30                                          2019-08-07   2019-07-08   2020-02-03
                                                                                  Quotations                           Envelope
Mining Cadastre Office                        Enhancing Competitiveness
(CO)Headquarters, Abuja

RFQ / Procurement of                          Facilitating Downstream
                                                                                  Request for                          Single Stage - One
Furniture for the Solid         IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post                       Limited                                 75,000.00   72,231.77   Signed                                            2019-06-07   2019-05-28                                          2019-08-02   2019-07-08   2020-01-29
                                                                                  Quotations                           Envelope
Mineral Development Fund                      Enhancing Competitiveness

RFQ / Procurement of IT                       Facilitating Downstream                                                                                                Under
                                                                                  Request for                          Single Stage - One
and Communication               IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post                       Open - National                        100,000.00        0.00   Implementati                                      2019-08-02                                                       2019-09-27                2020-03-25
                                                                                  Quotations                           Envelope
Equipment for Solid Mineral                   Enhancing Competitiveness                                                                                              on
Development Fund (SMDF)

/ Procurement of Office                       Establishing a Strong                                                                                                  Under
                                                                                  Request for                          Single Stage - One
Furniture for Mining            IDA / 59900   Foundation for Mining       Post                       Limited                                100,000.00        0.00   Implementati                                      2019-08-02   2019-04-18                                          2019-09-27                2020-03-25
                                                                                  Quotations                           Envelope
Cadastre office (MCO) -6                      Sector Development                                                                                                     on
Geopolitical Zones

/ Procurement of Furniture                    Facilitating Downstream
                                                                                  Request for                          Single Stage - One
for training on Remote          IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post                       Limited                                 35,000.00   29,034.52   Signed                                            2019-08-30   2019-07-23                                          2019-10-25   2019-08-30   2020-04-22
                                                                                  Quotations                           Envelope
sensing for the Formalisation                 Enhancing Competitiveness
of ASM

                                              Facilitating Downstream                                                                                                Pending
/ Procurement of Goods and                                                        Request for                          Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post                       Limited                                100,000.00        0.00   Implementati                                      2019-09-05                                                       2019-10-31                2020-04-28
Licences for the MMSD                                                             Quotations                           Envelope
                                              Enhancing Competitiveness                                                                                              on
portal solution.

/ Procurement of Jewellery
making and Gemmology                          Facilitating Downstream                                                                                                Under
                                                                                                     Open -            Single Stage - One
Equipment for the               IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post    Request for Bids                                          500,000.00        0.00   Implementati            2019-08-20   2019-10-22   2019-08-25   2019-11-27   2019-10-06   2020-01-14   2019-11-05   2019-12-10                2020-06-07
                                                                                                     International     Envelope
Development of the                            Enhancing Competitiveness                                                                                              on
Gemstone and Jewellery

/ Procurement of Equipment                    Facilitating Downstream                                                                                                Under
                                                                                  Request for                          Single Stage - One
for Remote sensing in the       IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post                       Limited                                100,000.00        0.00   Implementati                                      2019-09-30   2019-07-19                                          2019-11-25                2019-12-25
                                                                                  Quotations                           Envelope
Formalisation of Artisanal                    Enhancing Competitiveness                                                                                              on
Miners- Phase 1

RFQ / Procurement of IT
infrastructure and Data                       Facilitating Downstream                                                                                                Pending
                                                                                  Request for                          Single Stage - One
Systems at the Nigeria          IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post                       Limited                                100,000.00        0.00   Implementati                                      2019-09-10                                                       2019-11-05                2020-01-04
                                                                                  Quotations                           Envelope
Geological Survey Agency for                  Enhancing Competitiveness                                                                                              on
the   automation information

Procurement of 6 nos
tabletop X-ray Fluorescence                   Facilitating Downstream                                                                                                Under
                                                                                                                       Single Stage - One
(XRF) machine and 20 nos        IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                        600,000.00        0.00   Implementati            2019-09-25   2019-10-18   2019-10-09   2019-11-18   2019-11-20   2020-01-28   2019-12-20   2020-01-24                2020-07-22
handheld X-ray Fluorescence                   Enhancing Competitiveness                                                                                              on
(XRF) analysers for exit

 MINDIVER/GO/RFB/011/17 /                     Facilitating Downstream
                                                                                                                       Single Stage - One
XRF Analyzer X-Ray              IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                        300,000.00        0.00   Canceled                2018-03-15                2018-03-29                2018-05-10                2018-06-09   2018-07-14                2019-01-10
machines for exit Ports (10)                  Enhancing Competitiveness

DIR / Procurement of      Arc
                                              Facilitating Downstream
GIS Software for utilisation
                                IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post    Direct Selection   Direct                                 150,000.00   83,887.20   Completed               2019-09-30   2019-09-13   2019-10-05   2019-09-18                                          2019-11-09   2019-10-17   2019-12-09   2019-11-20
of the Remote sensing
                                              Enhancing Competitiveness
system for the Formalisation
of Artisanal miners.

                                              Facilitating Downstream
/ Procurement of Thematic                                                         Request for                          Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post                       Limited                                100,000.00        0.00   Canceled                                          2019-08-25                                                       2019-10-20                2019-12-19
Maps for restricted areas of                                                      Quotations                           Envelope
                                              Enhancing Competitiveness
the Country.

/ Acquisition, Georeferencing                 Facilitating Downstream
                                                                                  Request for                          Single Stage - One
and Geocoding of                IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post                       Limited                                100,000.00        0.00   Canceled                                          2019-09-14                                                       2019-11-09                2020-05-07
                                                                                  Quotations                           Envelope
Topographic maps for the                      Enhancing Competitiveness

                                                                                                                                                                                    Page 4
RFB / Procurement of I.T
                                                  Facilitating Downstream                                                                                                                                       Under
Equipment to support the                                                                                                           Single Stage - One
                                  IDA / 59900     Sector Development &        Post            Request for Bids   Open - National                                               250,000.00        267,614.68     Implementati                                            2019-09-30   2019-10-07   2019-10-14   2019-10-07                       2019-11-25   2019-12-03   2019-12-25   2020-01-09   2020-01-29            2020-07-27
Nigeria Geodata Centre at                                                                                                          Envelope
                                                  Enhancing Competitiveness                                                                                                                                     on

/ Procurement of     Project                      Project Management and                      Request for                          Single Stage - One
                                  IDA / 59900                                 Post                               Limited                                                        65,000.00                0.00   Implementati                                                                      2019-09-30                                                                                        2019-11-25            2020-05-23
Management Server,                                Coordination                                Quotations                           Envelope
Softwares and Hardware.

RFB / Procurement of IT                           Facilitating Downstream
                                                                                                                                   Single Stage - One
and Communication                 IDA / 59900     Sector Development &        Post            Request for Bids   Open - National                                               200,000.00                0.00   Canceled                                                2019-06-03                2019-06-08                                    2019-07-20                2019-08-19                2019-09-23            2020-03-21
Equipment for Solid Mineral                       Enhancing Competitiveness
Development Fund (SMDF)

/ Procurement of office                           Project Management and                      Request for                          Single Stage - One
                                  IDA / 59900                                 Post                               Limited                                                        50,000.00                0.00   Implementati                                                                      2020-04-05                                                                                        2020-05-31            2020-06-30
Stationery amd printing                           Coordination                                Quotations                           Envelope
supplies for MinDiver Project

RFQ / Procurement of office                       Project Management and                      Request for                          Single Stage - One
                                  IDA / 59900                                 Post                               Limited                                                        50,000.00                0.00   Implementati                                                                      2020-04-20                                                                                        2020-06-15            2020-07-30
equipment for Mindiver                            Coordination                                Quotations                           Envelope
Project (2020)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Bid Evaluation
Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                           Draft Pre-                               Draft Bidding
                                  Loan / Credit                                                                       Market         Procurement        Prequalification    Estimated           Actual            Process                            Prequalification                             Specific Procurement      Bidding Documents   Proposal Submission            Report and
         Description                                     Component              Review Type       Method                                                                                                                          qualification                              Document /                                                                                                               Signed Contract     Contract Completion
                                        No.                                                                          Approach           Process              (Y/N)         Amount (US$)      Amount (US$)            Status                         Evaluation Report                              Notice / Invitation          as Issued       / Opening / Minutes       Recommendation for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Documents                                 Justification
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Planned     Actual   Planned    Actual   Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned    Actual   Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned      Actual   Planned      Actual

Airborne Geophysical Survey
of selected areas under proof
                                                  Establishing a Strong
of concept programme- High                                                                    Request for        Open -            Single Stage - Two
                                  IDA / 59900     Foundation for Mining       Prior                                                                                           4,500,000.00               0.00   Canceled                                                2019-05-23                2019-05-28                                    2019-07-09                2019-09-21                2019-10-26            2020-04-23
resolution magnetic &                                                                         Proposals          International     Envelope
                                                  Sector Development
Radiometric.     Areas A-1, A-2
and c-1 (100 sheets (TLM50

RFP / Production of
Topographic Mapping
                                                  Establishing a Strong
(Geodata Base) using                                                                          Request for        Open -            Single Stage - Two
                                  IDA / V0270     Foundation for Mining       Prior                                                                                           4,000,000.00               0.00   Canceled                                                2019-05-22                2019-05-27                                    2019-07-08                2019-09-20                2019-10-25            2020-04-22
international Standards                                                                       Proposals          International     Envelope
                                                  Sector Development
(MGCPOVmap2) for Areas A-
1 , A-2 and c-1 (100 sheets
(TLM50 (38-32percent.

RFB / Airborne Geophysical
Survey of selected areas
                                                  Facilitating Downstream
under proof of concept                                                                                           Open -            Single Stage - One
                                  IDA / 59900     Sector Development &        Prior           Request for Bids                                                               10,000,000.00               0.00   Canceled                                                2019-04-21   2019-12-15   2019-05-12   2020-01-15                       2019-06-23                2019-07-23                2019-08-27            2020-02-23
programme- High resolution                                                                                       International     Envelope
                                                  Enhancing Competitiveness
magnetic & Radiometric.
Areas A-1 , A-2 and c-1
(100 sheets (TLM50 )

RFB / Production of
Topographic Mapping
                                                  Facilitating Downstream
(Geodata Base) using                                                                                             Open -            Single Stage - One
                                  IDA / 59900     Sector Development &        Prior           Request for Bids                                                                4,000,000.00               0.00   Canceled                                                2019-07-31   2019-12-15   2019-08-21                                    2019-10-02                2019-11-01                2019-12-06            2020-06-03
international Standards                                                                                          International     Envelope
                                                  Enhancing Competitiveness
(MGCPOVmap2) for Areas A-
1 , A-2 and c-1 (100 sheets

/ Scanning and digitization                       Facilitating Downstream                                                                                                                                       Under
                                                                                                                                   Single Stage - One
of License documents for E-       IDA / 59900     Sector Development &        Post            Request for Bids   Open - National                                               200,000.00                0.00   Implementati                                            2019-08-29   2020-01-16   2019-09-03   2020-03-24                       2019-10-15                2019-11-14                2019-12-19            2020-06-16
recording and Archiving of                        Enhancing Competitiveness                                                                                                                                     on
the Mining Cadastre office

RFB / Production of
Thematic Mapping of                               Facilitating Downstream                                                                                                                                       Under
                                                                                                                                   Single Stage - One
Mineral Title of restricted       IDA / 59900     Sector Development &        Post            Request for Bids   Open - National                                               120,000.00                0.00   Implementati                                            2019-10-03   2019-11-04   2019-10-08                                    2019-11-19                2019-12-19                2020-01-23            2020-02-28
(Protected)Areas and                              Enhancing Competitiveness                                                                                                                                     on
integration into the Nigeria
Digital Cadastral Database

RFQ / Acquisition,
Georeferencing and                                Facilitating Downstream                                                                                                                                       Under
                                                                                                                                   Single Stage - One
Geocoding of Topographic          IDA / 59900     Sector Development &        Post            Request for Bids   Open - National                                               125,000.00                0.00   Implementati                                            2019-09-30   2019-11-01   2019-10-05   2020-01-17                       2019-11-16                2019-12-16                2020-01-20            2020-07-18
maps for the country in the                       Enhancing Competitiveness                                                                                                                                     on
Nigeria Mining Cadastre

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Page 5
RFB / Procurement of Firm
to undertake Airborne
                                                Facilitating Downstream                                                                                                                                         Under
Geophysical Survey of                                                                                           Open -            Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 59900     Sector Development &        Prior           Request for Bids                                                                15,000,000.00                0.00   Implementati                                                        2020-02-25   2020-03-30   2020-03-17                                          2020-04-28                2020-05-28                2020-07-02                2021-06-27
selected areas under the                                                                                        International     Envelope
                                                Enhancing Competitiveness                                                                                                                                       on
proof of concept programme
using High resolution
magnetic & Radiometric.

RFB / Procurement of firm
for the Production of
Topographic Mapping                             Facilitating Downstream                                                                                                                                         Under
                                                                                                                Open -            Single Stage - One
(Geodata Base) using            IDA / 59900     Sector Development &        Prior           Request for Bids                                                                 6,000,000.00                0.00   Implementati                                                        2020-02-25   2020-03-23   2020-03-17   2020-03-26                             2020-04-28                2020-05-28                2020-07-02                2021-06-27
                                                                                                                International     Envelope
international Standards                         Enhancing Competitiveness                                                                                                                                       on
(MGCPOVmap2) for
identified Areas under the
Proof of concept.

DIR / Engagement of                             Facilitating Downstream                                                                                                                                         Pending
Security outfit for the 6       IDA / 59900     Sector Development &        Post            Direct Selection    Direct                                                        100,000.00                 0.00   Implementati                                                        2020-03-31                2020-04-05                                                                                              2020-05-10                2020-11-06
Zonal Offices of the Nigerian                   Enhancing Competitiveness                                                                                                                                       on
Mining Cadastre Office

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Short List and Draft                                                                                    Combined Evaluation
                                Loan / Credit                                                                        Market        Contract Type        Estimated            Actual                                                              Expression of                                        Request for          Opening of Technical          Evaluation of
        Description                                    Component              Review Type        Method                                                                                      Process Status      Terms of Reference                                         Request for                                                                                         Report and Draft           Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                      No.                                                                           Approach                           Amount (US$)       Amount (US$)                                                          Interest Notice                                  Proposals as Issued       Proposals / Minutes        Technical Proposal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Proposals                                                                                         Negotiated Contract
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Planned        Actual       Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual

/ Advisory Firm to
Strengthen the Institutional
Frameworks Governing the                        Establishing a Strong
                                                                                            Quality And Cost-                                                                                Under
Mining Sector (Functional       IDA / 59900     Foundation for Mining       Prior                               Open - National                            1,200,000.00               0.00                       2018-01-15    2018-07-23    2018-02-05   2018-10-23   2018-03-21                                          2018-04-18                2018-05-18                2018-06-22                2018-07-27                2019-07-27
                                                                                            Based Selection                                                                                  Implementation
analysis and institutional                      Sector Development
restructuring) and Sector
Administrative Capacity

/ Review of legal &
regulatory frameworks for
environmental mgt, the
design of policy frameworks
                                                Establishing a Strong
to apply WB safeguards                                                                      Quality And Cost-                                                                                Under
                                IDA / 59900     Foundation for Mining       Prior                               Open - National                            2,000,000.00               0.00                       2018-05-02    2018-03-20    2018-05-23   2018-07-28   2018-07-06   2019-02-20                             2018-08-03   2019-04-23   2018-09-02   2019-06-11   2018-10-07   2019-10-18   2018-11-11                2019-11-11
policies & the devt of                                                                      Based Selection                                                                                  Implementation
                                                Sector Development
mitigation measures &
guidelines for addressing
potential conflicts between
ASM operators & other land

/ Consultancy to design and
                                                Facilitating Downstream
implement safer and cleaner                                                                 Quality And Cost-
                                IDA / 59900     Sector Development &        Prior                               Open - National                            1,650,000.00               0.00   Canceled            2018-01-16                  2018-02-06                2018-03-22                                          2018-04-19                2018-05-19                2018-06-23                2018-07-28                2019-07-28
mining programmes, efficient                                                                Based Selection
                                                Enhancing Competitiveness
technologies and practies in
the mining and steel sector

/ Develop Mines Inspectorate
for ASM field inspection and
                                                Facilitating Downstream
recommend how to equip the                                                                  Quality And Cost-                                                                                Under
                                IDA / 59900     Sector Development &        Prior                               Open - National                             450,000.00                0.00                       2018-03-30    2018-03-06    2018-04-20   2018-03-27   2018-06-03   2018-08-24                             2018-07-01   2018-10-18   2018-07-31   2019-06-23   2018-09-04   2020-02-24   2018-10-09                2019-10-09
Mines Inspectorate with                                                                     Based Selection                                                                                  Implementation
                                                Enhancing Competitiveness
appropriate and modern
technical and logistics
equipment and tools

/ Consultancy to assist with
identification of revenue                       Establishing a Strong
                                                                                            Quality And Cost-                                                                                Under
leakages, strengthen revenue    IDA / 59900     Foundation for Mining       Post                                Open - National                             450,000.00                0.00                       2018-03-30    2018-04-25    2018-04-20                2018-06-03   2018-10-22                             2018-07-01   2019-01-28   2018-07-31   2019-03-20   2018-09-04   2019-05-27   2018-10-09                2019-10-09
                                                                                            Based Selection                                                                                  Implementation
assessment and develop                          Sector Development
action plan to combat

 MINDIVER/IC/CS/015-17 /
Consultancy to provide
support to NGSA and
MMSD for mineral                                Establishing a Strong
                                                                                            Quality And Cost-   Open -
prospectivity testing,          IDA / 59900     Foundation for Mining       Prior                                                                         12,600,000.00               0.00   Canceled            2018-08-01                  2018-08-22                2018-10-05                                          2018-11-02                2018-12-02                2019-01-06                2019-02-10                2020-02-10
                                                                                            Based Selection     International
integration and packaging                       Sector Development
using satellite data-based
foundation layers and
collection of geodata

/ Development of support
                                                Facilitating Downstream
action to improve the                                                                       Quality And Cost-
                                IDA / 59900     Sector Development &        Post                                Open - National                             480,000.00        404,061.01     Signed              2018-02-05    2018-02-19    2018-02-26   2018-03-15   2018-04-11   2018-07-25                             2018-05-09   2018-09-17   2018-06-08   2018-10-25   2018-07-13   2019-01-15   2018-08-17   2019-04-17   2019-08-17
Metallurgical and steel                                                                     Based Selection
                                                Enhancing Competitiveness
Inspectorate including an
initial baseline study

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Page 6
/ Consultancy to assess and
build capacity in mining                        Establishing a Strong
                                                                                    Quality And Cost-   Open -
financing through design and      IDA / 59900   Foundation for Mining       Prior                                         1,300,000.00         0.00   Canceled         2018-01-04                 2018-01-25                2018-03-10                2018-04-07                2018-05-07                2018-06-11                2018-07-16                2019-07-16
                                                                                    Based Selection     International
implementation of training                      Sector Development
programmes and support
within financing institutions

                                                Facilitating Downstream
/ Institutional and                                                                 Quality And Cost-
                                  IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post                        Open - National    450,000.00          0.00   Canceled         2018-02-15   2017-11-20    2018-03-08   2018-03-15   2018-04-21                2018-05-19                2018-06-18                2018-07-23                2018-08-27                2019-08-27
Administrative restructuring                                                        Based Selection
                                                Enhancing Competitiveness
of the SMDF

/ Design and implementation                     Facilitating Downstream
                                                                                    Quality And Cost-
of a public/Private sector        IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Prior                       Open - National    450,000.00          0.00   Canceled         2018-02-15   2018-07-23    2018-03-08                2018-04-21                2018-05-19                2018-06-18                2018-07-23                2018-08-27                2019-08-27
                                                                                    Based Selection
Investment funding                              Enhancing Competitiveness
framework for the SMDF

/ Consultancy to advance
selected 'proof of concept'                     Facilitating Downstream
                                                                                    Quality And Cost-   Open -
assets, assess their              IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Prior                                         3,000,000.00         0.00   Canceled         2017-11-30                 2017-12-21                2018-02-03                2018-03-03                2018-04-02                2018-05-07                2018-06-11                2019-06-11
                                                                                    Based Selection     International
infrastructure needs and also                   Enhancing Competitiveness
assist with development of a
tender strategy

                                                Establishing a Strong
/ Design, develop and                                                               Quality And Cost-   Open -                                        Pending
                                  IDA / 59900   Foundation for Mining       Prior                                         1,500,000.00         0.00                    2018-01-12                 2018-02-02                2018-03-18                2018-04-15                2018-05-15                2018-06-19                2018-07-24                2019-07-24
implement an integrated                                                             Based Selection     International                                 Implementation
                                                Sector Development
MMIS for the mining sector

 MINDIVER/QCBS/CS/046-18                        Project Management and              Quality And Cost-   Open -
                                  IDA / 59900                               Prior                                         1,200,000.00   920,973.62   Signed           2017-11-12   2018-03-06    2017-12-03   2018-03-27   2018-01-16   2018-07-23   2018-02-13   2018-09-28   2018-03-15   2018-11-28   2018-04-19   2019-01-28   2018-05-24   2019-02-20   2019-05-24
/ Project Management Office                     Coordination                        Based Selection     International

/ Design and implement a                        Facilitating Downstream
                                                                                    Quality And Cost-   Open -                                        Under
strategy for developing           IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post                                           450,000.00          0.00                    2018-01-31   2018-03-06    2018-02-21   2018-06-08   2018-04-06                2018-05-04                2018-06-03   2019-04-11   2018-07-08   2019-05-17   2018-08-12                2019-08-12
                                                                                    Based Selection     International                                 Implementation
Nigeria’s gemstone and                          Enhancing Competitiveness
jewellery industry

 MINDIVER/CQ/CS/058-18 /
Consultancy Service for                         Establishing a Strong               Consultant
design and Supervision of         IDA / 59900   Foundation for Mining       Post    Qualification       Open - National    200,000.00          0.00   Canceled         2018-05-21                 2018-06-11                2018-07-25                                                                    2018-08-24                2018-09-28                2019-03-27
Road Construction under                         Sector Development                  Selection
'proof of concept' .

/ Needs assessment and
evaluation for accrediting                      Facilitating Downstream
                                                                                    Quality And Cost-   Open -                                        Under
and certifying laboratories       IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Prior                                         3,000,000.00         0.00                    2018-02-15   2019-05-01    2018-03-08   2019-05-23   2018-04-21                2018-05-19                2018-06-18                2018-07-23                2018-08-27                2021-08-26
                                                                                    Based Selection     International                                 Implementation
including operationalization                    Enhancing Competitiveness
geological research

 MINDIVER/CQ/CS-059/18 /
                                                Establishing a Strong               Consultant
Consultancy Service     for the
                                  IDA / 59900   Foundation for Mining       Post    Qualification       Open - National     50,000.00          0.00   Canceled         2018-06-05                 2018-06-26                2018-08-09                                                                    2018-09-08                2018-10-13                2019-04-11
Design and Supervision of
                                                Sector Development                  Selection
Renovation of NIMG,Jos

 MINDIVER/CQ/CS-054/18 /
Consultancy Service     for the
                                                Establishing a Strong               Consultant
Design and Supervision of
                                  IDA / 59900   Foundation for Mining       Post    Qualification       Open - National    100,000.00          0.00   Canceled         2018-06-05                 2018-06-26                2018-08-09                                                                    2018-09-08                2018-10-13                2019-04-11
Renovation of NGSA and
                                                Sector Development                  Selection
Dimension stone Laboratories
in Kaduna

 MINDIVER/CQ/CS-034/18 /
                                                Establishing a Strong               Consultant
Consultancy Services for the                                                                                                                          Under
                                  IDA / 59900   Foundation for Mining       Post    Qualification       Limited            250,000.00          0.00                    2018-01-25   2017-11-22                              2018-02-08   2018-02-15                                                       2018-03-10   2018-03-20   2018-04-14                2018-10-11
update of the Mineral and                                                                                                                             Implementation
                                                Sector Development                  Selection
Mining Act of 2007

 MINDIVER/CQ/CS-028/18 /
Consultancy services for the                    Establishing a Strong               Consultant
Development and                   IDA / 59900   Foundation for Mining       Post    Qualification       Limited            250,000.00          0.00                    2018-01-28   2017-12-06                              2018-02-11                                                                    2018-03-13   2018-02-12   2018-04-17                2018-10-14
Implementation of                               Sector Development                  Selection
Communication Strategies

/ Formalization of artisanal
miners into cooperatives and
small-scale miners into
                                                Facilitating Downstream
larget mineral and financial                                                        Quality And Cost-   Open -
                                  IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Prior                                         3,500,000.00         0.00   Canceled         2018-03-15   2018-03-06    2018-04-05   2018-03-27   2018-05-19   2018-08-16   2018-06-16                2018-07-16                2018-08-20                2018-09-24                2019-09-24
enterprises together with the                                                       Based Selection     International
                                                Enhancing Competitiveness
design and implememtation
of an ASM remote sensing
montoring system in the
mining and steel sector

 MINDIVER/CQ/CS/0070-18 /
                                                Establishing a Strong               Consultant
                                  IDA / 59900   Foundation for Mining       Post    Qualification       Limited            250,000.00    332,263.22   Signed           2018-07-16   2018-08-15                              2018-07-30   2018-08-01                                                       2018-08-29   2018-12-18   2018-10-03   2019-01-11   2019-04-01
                                                Sector Development                  Selection

                                                                                                                                                                                         Page 7
 MINDIVER/CQ/CS-071/ -18
/ Engagement of a
Consulting firm to carry out                  Establishing a Strong               Consultant
a review of implemented         IDA / 59900   Foundation for Mining       Post    Qualification       Limited            250,000.00    0.00                    2018-07-16   2018-08-24                              2018-08-15   2018-09-06                                                       2018-08-30   2018-11-13   2018-10-04   2019-04-02
Nigeria Mineral Resources                     Sector Development                  Selection
Decision Support System

/ Formalization of artisanal
miners into cooperatives                      Establishing a Strong
                                                                                  Quality And Cost-   Open -                                  Under
the design and                  IDA / 59900   Foundation for Mining       Prior                                         3,500,000.00   0.00                    2018-07-30                 2018-08-20                2018-09-10   2018-08-27   2018-10-08   2018-11-30   2018-11-07   2019-02-11   2018-12-12   2019-05-22   2019-01-16   2020-01-16
                                                                                  Based Selection     International                           Implementation
implememtation of an ASM                      Sector Development
remote sensing montoring

/ Institutional and                           Facilitating Downstream
                                                                                  Quality And Cost-   Open -                                  Under
Administrative restructuring    IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Prior                                          900,000.00    0.00                    2018-08-10                 2018-08-31                2018-10-14   2018-10-24   2018-11-11   2018-12-14   2018-12-11   2019-02-18   2019-01-15   2019-05-07   2019-02-19   2020-02-19
                                                                                  Based Selection     International                           Implementation
of the Solid Mineral                          Enhancing Competitiveness
Development Fund (SMDF)

 MINDIVER/CQ/CS/088-18 /
Engagement of Consultant to
                                              Establishing a Strong               Consultant
Support the MMSD in                                                                                                                           Under
                                IDA / 59900   Foundation for Mining       Post    Qualification       Open - National    100,000.00    0.00                    2018-11-20   2018-11-29    2018-12-11                2019-01-24                                                                    2019-02-23                2019-03-30   2019-09-26
developing and implementing                                                                                                                   Implementation
                                              Sector Development                  Selection
a strategy to revive the Tin
Industry in Nigeria

 MINDIVER/CQ/CS/014-18 /
Design and develop a
mechanism for citizens                        Establishing a Strong               Consultant
engagement and social           IDA / 59900   Foundation for Mining       Post    Qualification       Open - National    200,000.00    0.00                    2019-03-31   2019-11-06    2019-04-21   2020-01-22   2019-06-04                                                                    2019-07-04                2019-08-08   2020-02-04
accountability in the                         Sector Development                  Selection
MinDiver Project and the
Mining sector

 MINDIVER/CS/CQ/122-19 /
Engagement of a Firm to
                                              Facilitating Downstream             Consultant
prepare/update the Strategic                                                                                                                  Under
                                IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post    Qualification       Open - National    200,000.00    0.00                    2019-02-05   2019-02-08    2019-02-26                2019-04-11                                                                    2019-05-11                2019-06-15   2019-12-12
Environment and Social                                                                                                                        Implementation
                                              Enhancing Competitiveness           Selection
Assesment (SESA) Report for
Mindiver Project

 MINDIVER/CQ/CS/209-19 /
Consultancy to design and
                                              Facilitating Downstream             Consultant
implement safer and cleaner                                                                                                                   Under
                                IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post    Qualification       Open - National    300,000.00    0.00                    2019-05-01   2019-05-28    2019-05-22   2019-09-24   2019-07-05                                                                    2019-08-04                2019-09-08   2020-03-06
mining programmes, efficient                                                                                                                  Implementation
                                              Enhancing Competitiveness           Selection
technologies and practices in
the mining and steel sector

19 / Consultancy to assess
and build capacity in mining                  Facilitating Downstream
                                                                                  Quality And Cost-                                           Under
financing through design and    IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Prior                       Open - National    500,000.00    0.00                    2019-06-05   2019-09-10    2019-06-26   2019-12-04   2019-08-09                2019-09-06                2019-10-06                2019-11-10                2019-12-15   2020-12-14
                                                                                  Based Selection                                             Implementation
implementation of training                    Enhancing Competitiveness
programmes and support
within financing institutions

 MINDIVER/CS/CQ/121/19 /
Engagement of Firm for                        Facilitating Downstream
                                                                                  Quality And Cost-                                           Under
overall Quality Asurance of     IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post                        Open - National    350,000.00    0.00                    2019-06-19   2019-04-05    2019-07-10   2019-05-03   2019-08-23   2019-10-22   2019-09-20                2019-10-20                2019-11-24                2019-12-29   2020-12-28
                                                                                  Based Selection                                             Implementation
the Production of                             Enhancing Competitiveness
Topographic Maps

CQS / Engagement of Firm                      Facilitating Downstream
                                                                                  Quality And Cost-                                           Under
for overall Quality Assurance   IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post                        Open - National    350,000.00    0.00                    2019-04-20   2019-04-05    2019-05-11   2019-05-03   2019-06-24   2019-10-22   2019-07-22                2019-08-21                2019-09-25                2019-10-30   2020-10-29
                                                                                  Based Selection                                             Implementation
of   Airborne Geophysical                     Enhancing Competitiveness
Survey- 5percent

 MINDIVER/CQ/CS/082-19 /
Engagement of Consultant to
                                              Facilitating Downstream
design and implement a                                                            Quality And Cost-
                                IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Prior                       Open - National    400,000.00    0.00   Canceled         2019-04-26                 2019-05-17                2019-06-30                2019-07-28                2019-08-27                2019-10-01                2019-11-05   2020-11-04
Framework to restructure                                                          Based Selection
                                              Enhancing Competitiveness
and reposition the Women in
Mining in Nigeria

                                              Project Management and              Quality And Cost-
/ Quality Assurance             IDA / 59900                               Prior                       Open - National    600,000.00    0.00   Canceled         2018-05-30                 2018-06-20                2018-08-03                2018-08-31                2018-09-30                2018-11-04                2018-12-09   2019-12-09
                                              Coordination                        Based Selection

/ Design and implement an                     Establishing a Strong
                                                                                  Quality And Cost-   Open -
Electronic Archiving            IDA / 59900   Foundation for Mining       Prior                                          500,000.00    0.00   Canceled         2018-02-28                 2018-03-21                2018-05-04                2018-06-01                2018-07-01                2018-08-05                2018-09-09   2019-09-09
                                                                                  Based Selection     International
Management System for                         Sector Development

CQS / Engagement of
Consultant to design and                      Facilitating Downstream             Consultant
implement a Framework to        IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post    Qualification       Limited            175,000.00    0.00                    2019-05-14   2019-05-13                              2019-05-28                                                                    2019-06-27                2019-08-01   2020-01-28
restructure and reposition                    Enhancing Competitiveness           Selection
the Women in Mining in

                                                                                                                                                                                 Page 8
 MINDIVER/CQ/CS-018/18 /
Conduct needs assessment of                   Establishing a Strong               Consultant
NIMG training infrastructure    IDA / 59900   Foundation for Mining       Post    Qualification       Open - National    250,000.00    0.00   Canceled         2018-02-05   2019-03-15    2018-02-26   2018-04-11                                          2018-05-11                2018-06-15   2018-12-12
and setup procurement                         Sector Development                  Selection
process for refurbishment

CQS / Engagement of
Consulting Firm for                           Facilitating Downstream
                                                                                  Quality And Cost-
preparation of BOQ and          IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post                        Open - National    300,000.00    0.00   Canceled         2019-03-13                 2019-04-03   2019-05-17                2019-06-14   2019-07-14   2019-08-18                2019-09-22   2020-09-21
                                                                                  Based Selection
Supervision of ALL Works                      Enhancing Competitiveness
activities for the Mindiver

CQS / Engagement of
Consulting Firm for                           Facilitating Downstream             Consultant
preparation of BOQ and          IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post    Qualification       Limited            300,000.00    0.00                    2019-05-20   2019-05-02                 2019-06-03   2019-04-19                             2019-07-03   2019-05-28   2019-08-07   2020-02-03
Supervision of ALL Works                      Enhancing Competitiveness           Selection
activities for the Mindiver

/ Consultancy to provide
advice in the dissemination
of geological knowledge and                   Establishing a Strong
                                                                                  Quality And Cost-
in particular by the            IDA / 59900   Foundation for Mining       Prior                       Open - National    720,000.00    0.00   Canceled         2018-08-01                 2018-08-22   2018-10-05                2018-11-02   2018-12-02   2019-01-06                2019-02-10   2020-02-10
                                                                                  Based Selection
development of a web                          Sector Development
application portal and
system architecture to
support MMIS

/ Consultancy to undertake
needs assessment and
evaluation addressing                         Facilitating Downstream
                                                                                  Quality And Cost-   Open -
mineral value chain             IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Prior                                         1,150,000.00   0.00   Canceled         2018-08-03                 2018-08-24   2018-10-07                2018-11-04   2018-12-04   2019-01-08                2019-02-12   2020-02-12
                                                                                  Based Selection     International
technical skills demand gap                   Enhancing Competitiveness
including analysis of
extension benefits and

/ Advisory firm to prepare
and implement a Road Map                      Establishing a Strong
                                                                                  Quality And Cost-
to catalyse the mineral         IDA / 59900   Foundation for Mining       Post                        Open - National    480,000.00    0.00   Canceled         2018-03-31                 2018-04-21   2018-06-04                2018-07-02   2018-08-01   2018-09-05                2018-10-10   2019-10-10
                                                                                  Based Selection
Sector for Regional                           Sector Development

/ Design policy, regulatory
framework & programmes to
add value to mineral
                                              Facilitating Downstream
support centers, processing                                                       Quality And Cost-   Open -
                                IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Prior                                         3,650,000.00   0.00   Canceled         2018-02-15                 2018-03-08   2018-04-21                2018-05-19   2018-06-18   2018-07-23                2018-08-27   2019-08-27
& fabricating activities                                                          Based Selection     International
                                              Enhancing Competitiveness
together with the analysis of
ecoN drivers to develop &
impl a strategy to utilise
domestic SS of minerals

 MINDIVER/CQ/CS/049-18 /
                                              Facilitating Downstream             Consultant
Economic impact analysis
                                IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post    Qualification       Limited            220,000.00    0.00   Canceled         2017-03-12                              2017-03-26                                          2017-04-25                2017-05-30   2017-11-26
(and Economic Linkages)in
                                              Enhancing Competitiveness           Selection
the Mining Sector

 MINDIVER/CQ/CS/047-18 /
International Consultant to
Provide technical assistance
on the geological and                         Establishing a Strong               Consultant
                                                                                                      Open -
mineralization                  IDA / 59900   Foundation for Mining       Post    Qualification                          200,000.00    0.00   Canceled         2017-09-19   2018-05-24    2017-10-10   2017-11-23                                          2017-12-23                2018-01-27   2018-07-26
characterisation of                           Sector Development                  Selection
pegmatites with potentials of
Lithium, metals & REE in
the Mining sector

QCBS / Engagement of Firm
to develop strategy and
Design programmes to                          Facilitating Downstream
                                                                                  Quality And Cost-   Open -                                  Under
support education, training     IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Prior                                          750,000.00    0.00                    2019-08-25   2019-10-18    2019-09-15   2019-10-29                2019-11-26   2019-12-26   2020-01-30                2020-03-05   2021-03-05
                                                                                  Based Selection     International                           Implementation
and expansion of skills                       Enhancing Competitiveness
necessary for the
development of the Mining

QCBS / Consultancy services
for the Local Capacity
                                              Facilitating Downstream
building in Environmental                                                         Quality And Cost-                                           Under
                                IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post                        Open - National    400,000.00    0.00                    2019-09-30   2019-09-10    2019-10-21   2019-12-04                2020-01-01   2020-01-31   2020-03-06                2020-04-10   2021-04-10
management for regulators                                                         Based Selection                                             Implementation
                                              Enhancing Competitiveness
and Practitioners in the
Nigerian Mineral and
Mining Sector

/ Consultancy for Geological                  Establishing a Strong
                                                                                  Quality And Cost-   Open -
Advisory Services (TA           IDA / 59900   Foundation for Mining       Prior                                         3,000,000.00   0.00   Canceled         2018-02-05   2018-07-23    2018-02-26   2018-04-18                2018-05-16   2018-06-15   2018-07-20                2018-08-24   2021-08-23
                                                                                  Based Selection     International
embed) in the Mining and                      Sector Development
Steel sector

                                                                                                                                                                                 Page 9
/ Consultancy for the
development of a
comprehensive action plan to                   Establishing a Strong
                                                                                   Quality And Cost-
create opportunities for         IDA / 59900   Foundation for Mining       Post                        Open - National    450,000.00    0.00   Canceled         2018-02-15   2018-03-26     2018-03-08   2018-04-21   2018-05-19   2018-06-18   2018-07-23   2018-08-27   2019-08-27
                                                                                   Based Selection
women in the mining and                        Sector Development
steel sector and to mitigate
risks that are unique to

/ Consultancy to provide                       Establishing a Strong
                                                                                   Quality And Cost-
skills building and education    IDA / 59900   Foundation for Mining       Prior                       Open - National   6,000,000.00   0.00   Canceled         2018-02-01   2018-07-23     2018-02-22   2018-04-07   2018-05-05   2018-06-04   2018-07-09   2018-08-13   2019-08-13
                                                                                   Based Selection
support for mining sector                      Sector Development
development to MMSD

CQ / Engagement of an
advisory firm to undertake
an assessment of the                           Establishing a Strong               Consultant
                                                                                                       Open -
identified prospective mineral   IDA / 59900   Foundation for Mining       Post    Qualification                          300,000.00    0.00   Canceled         2019-12-31   2020-03-20     2020-01-21   2020-03-05                             2020-04-04   2020-05-09   2020-11-05
targets and mining assets                      Sector Development                  Selection
selected as potential Proof of
Concept support and/or
investment promotion 

QCBS / Engagement of a
firm to design a special
incubation programme to                        Facilitating Downstream
                                                                                   Quality And Cost-   Open -                                  Pending
create viable, homegrown         IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Prior                                          600,000.00    0.00                    2019-12-31                  2020-01-21   2020-03-05   2020-04-02   2020-05-02   2020-06-06   2020-07-11   2021-04-07
                                                                                   Based Selection     International                           Implementation
junior mining companies and                    Enhancing Competitiveness
the incorporation of an SPV
for investing in brownfield
mines development

QCBS / Engagement of a
Consultant to support the                      Establishing a Strong
                                                                                   Quality And Cost-   Open -                                  Under
MMSD in analyzing and            IDA / 59900   Foundation for Mining       Post                                           500,000.00    0.00                    2020-01-20   2020-03-16     2020-02-10   2020-03-25   2020-04-22   2020-05-22   2020-06-26   2020-07-31   2022-07-31
                                                                                   Based Selection     International                           Implementation
implementing a Roadmap for                     Sector Development
economic corridor

CQS / Engagement of
Consulting Firm to carry out
a Gender impact assessment                     Facilitating Downstream             Consultant
and development of a             IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post    Qualification       Limited            250,000.00    0.00   Canceled         2019-10-16   2019-09-19                  2019-10-30                             2019-11-29   2020-01-03   2020-07-01
comprehensive action plan to                   Enhancing Competitiveness           Selection
create opportunities for
women in the mining and
steel sector

QCBS / Engagement of
Consulting Firm to
undertake the preparation of
(Abbreviated) Resettlement
Action Plan (ARAP)      for                    Facilitating Downstream             Consultant
Ladi Kwali pottery centre        IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post    Qualification       Limited            150,000.00    0.00   Canceled         2019-09-15   2019-09-13                  2019-09-29                             2019-10-29   2019-12-03   2020-03-02
and Environmental and                          Enhancing Competitiveness           Selection
Social Management Plan
(ESMP) for Ladi Kwali,
Kaduna, NIMG Jos &

CQS / / Consulting firm to
carry out enhancements to
                                               Facilitating Downstream             Consultant
the Nigerian Mineral                                                                                                                           Pending
                                 IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post    Qualification       Open - National    200,000.00    0.00                    2020-03-31                  2020-04-21   2020-06-04                             2020-07-04   2020-08-08   2021-02-04
Resources Decision Support                                                                                                                     Implementation
                                               Enhancing Competitiveness           Selection
System (NMRDSS) including
Transaction Areas in an
Open System Architecture-

QCBS / Engagement of a
Consulting Firm to Conduct
a Gender Impact Assessment
of MinDiver Project and the                    Facilitating Downstream
                                                                                   Quality And Cost-   Open -                                  Pending
Nigerian Mining Sector and       IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post                                           275,000.00    0.00                    2020-04-30                  2020-05-11   2020-06-24   2020-07-22   2020-08-21   2020-09-25   2020-10-30   2021-10-30
                                                                                   Based Selection     International                           Implementation
to Develop a Comprehensive                     Enhancing Competitiveness
Action Plan to Create
Opportunities for Women in
the Mining and Steel Sector
and to Mitigate Risks

QCBS-CS / Engagement of a
Consultant to support the                      Establishing a Strong
                                                                                   Quality And Cost-   Open -                                  Pending
MMSD in analyzing and            IDA / 59900   Foundation for Mining       Prior                                          750,000.00    0.00                    2020-04-15                  2020-05-06   2020-06-19   2020-07-17   2020-08-16   2020-09-20   2020-10-25   2022-10-25
                                                                                   Based Selection     International                           Implementation
implementing a Roadmap for                     Sector Development
economic corridor

                                                                                                                                                                                  Page 10
QCBS / Engagement of an
advisory firm to undertake
an assessment of the                             Establishing a Strong
                                                                                             Quality And Cost-   Open -                                                              Pending
identified prospective mineral   IDA / 59900     Foundation for Mining       Prior                                                                   750,000.00               0.00                    2020-04-15                  2020-05-06                2020-06-19                                          2020-07-17                2020-08-16   2020-09-20   2020-10-25   2021-10-25
                                                                                             Based Selection     International                                                       Implementation
targets and mining assets                        Sector Development
selected as potential proof of
concept support and/or
investment promotion

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                              Invitation to
                                 Loan / Credit                                                                        Market     Contract Type    Estimated          Actual                                                                                   Draft Negotiated
        Description                                     Component              Review Type        Method                                                                             Process Status   Terms of Reference           Identified/Selected                                  Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                       No.                                                                           Approach                    Amount (US$)     Amount (US$)                                                                                    Contract
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Planned       Actual        Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual

 MINDIVER/SS/CS/001-17 /
Upgrading and automation
of the MCO for online
                                                 Establishing a Strong
applications, e-recording,
                                 IDA / 59900     Foundation for Mining       Prior           Direct Selection    Direct                              700,000.00       504,718.66     Signed           2018-01-16   2018-03-06     2018-02-02   2018-04-12                             2018-04-08   2018-09-27   2018-10-05
archiving & establishment of
                                                 Sector Development
the Mining Cadastre Offices
in the Six Geo-Political

 MINDIVER/IC/CS/005-18 /
Review the existing Strategic                    Establishing a Strong                       Individual
Environmental and Social         IDA / 59900     Foundation for Mining       Post            Consultant          Limited                             100,000.00        39,888.00     Signed           2018-01-25   2017-06-29     2018-02-08   2018-03-27   2018-03-01   2018-05-01   2018-04-05   2019-05-15   2018-11-01
Assessment (SESA) and                            Sector Development                          Selection
update where necessary

 MINDIVER/IC/CS/010-18 /
                                                 Facilitating Downstream                     Individual
Development of Small
                                 IDA / 59900     Sector Development &        Post            Consultant          Limited                              60,000.00        17,124.80     Completed        2018-02-08   2017-06-19     2018-02-13   2018-02-28   2018-03-06   2018-04-12   2018-04-10   2018-06-01   2018-10-07   2019-11-13
Grants Manual for the
                                                 Enhancing Competitiveness                   Selection
Mining and Steel Sector.

 MINDIVER/IC/CS/038-18 /                                                                     Individual
                                                 Project Management and                                                                                                              Under
Environmental Safeguard          IDA / 59900                                 Post            Consultant          Limited                              50,000.00               0.00                    2017-11-01   2017-06-29     2017-11-06   2018-03-21   2017-11-27   2019-07-30   2018-01-01                2018-06-30
                                                 Coordination                                                                                                                        Implementation
Specialist                                                                                   Selection

 MINDIVER/SS/CS//044-17 /
Consultant to design a                           Establishing a Strong
workplan for the                 IDA / 59900     Foundation for Mining       Prior           Direct Selection    Direct                              150,000.00               0.00   Canceled         2018-03-15                  2018-03-30                                          2018-06-03                2018-11-30
Implementation of Mineral                        Sector Development
Assets around NIOMCO

 MINDIVER/IC/CS-037/18 /                         Project Management and
                                 IDA / 59900                                 Post            Consultant          Limited                              50,000.00               0.00   Canceled         2018-01-25                  2018-01-30                2018-02-20                2018-03-27                2018-09-23
Social Safeguard Specialist                      Coordination

 MINDIVER/SS/CS-056/18 /
Engagement of an Advisory
Firm to convert Analogue
                                                 Facilitating Downstream
Datasets into Digital Format
                                 IDA / 59900     Sector Development &        Prior           Direct Selection    Direct                              480,000.00      1,107,929.94    Signed           2018-01-31   2018-07-23     2018-02-22   2018-08-08                             2018-04-28   2019-08-01   2018-10-25
and installation of IT
                                                 Enhancing Competitiveness
infrastructure and Data
systems at the Nigeria
Geological Survey Agency

 MINDIVER/IC/CS/017-18 /
Analysis, development and
implementation of adequate
dissemination results for                        Establishing a Strong                       Individual
geosciences activities and to    IDA / 59900     Foundation for Mining       Post            Consultant          Limited                             100,000.00       109,900.00                      2018-03-05   2018-07-16     2018-03-10   2018-06-28   2018-03-31   2018-08-16   2018-05-05                2018-11-01
transfer knowledge to all                        Sector Development                          Selection
interested stakeholders, via
organizing seminars

 MINDIVER/IC/CS/024-18 /
Assesment of                                     Facilitating Downstream                     Individual
Recommendation on SMDF           IDA / 59900     Sector Development &        Post            Consultant          Limited                             100,000.00               0.00                    2018-02-19   2017-11-20     2018-02-24                2018-03-17                2018-04-21                2018-10-18
restructuring and Investment                     Enhancing Competitiveness                   Selection

 MINDIVER/CQ/CS/048-18 /
National Consultant to assist
International Consultant to
Provide technical assistance
                                                 Establishing a Strong                       Individual
on the geological and
                                 IDA / 59900     Foundation for Mining       Post            Consultant          Limited                              75,000.00        33,676.97     Signed           2018-02-01   2018-04-24     2018-02-06   2018-04-27   2018-02-27   2019-05-07   2018-04-03   2019-04-15   2018-09-30
                                                 Sector Development                          Selection
characterisation of
pegmatites with potentials of
Lithium, metals & REE in
the Mining sector

 MINDIVER/IC/CS/077-18 /
National Consultant for the
Promotion of Mining Projects
and Facilitation of the                          Establishing a Strong                       Individual
Nigerian Delegation              IDA / 59900     Foundation for Mining       Post            Consultant          Limited                              50,000.00        41,305.00     Signed           2018-08-15   2018-08-16     2018-08-29   2018-09-03   2018-09-19   2018-10-15   2018-10-24   2018-11-01   2019-04-22
Participation in National and                    Sector Development                          Selection
International Mining
Conferences, Workshops and
Trade shows.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Page 11
 MINDIVER/IC/CS/076-18 /
Engagement of an Individual
Consultant to Conduct
Training and Capacity                        Establishing a Strong               Individual
Building Needs Assessment      IDA / 59900   Foundation for Mining       Post    Consultant         Limited    50,000.00   0.00   Canceled         2018-08-13   2018-08-16     2018-08-27                2018-09-17                2018-10-22   2019-04-20
to the personnel of the                      Sector Development                  Selection
Ministry of Mines and Steel
Development and its

 MINDIVER/DS/CS/078-18 /                     Facilitating Downstream             Individual
Engagement of Mining           IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post    Consultant         Open       50,000.00   0.00   Canceled         2018-11-20                  2019-01-08                2019-01-29                2019-03-05   2019-09-01
Cadastre Expert                              Enhancing Competitiveness           Selection

 MINDIVER/IC/CS/037-18 /
                                             Facilitating Downstream             Individual
Engagement of Social                                                                                                              Under
                               IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post    Consultant         Open       50,000.00   0.00                    2018-11-20   2018-12-10     2019-01-08                2019-01-29                2019-03-05   2019-09-01
Safeguard Specialist for                                                                                                          Implementation
                                             Enhancing Competitiveness           Selection
MinDiver Project

 MINDIVER/IC/CS/090-18 /                     Establishing a Strong               Individual
Engagement of Geological       IDA / 59900   Foundation for Mining       Post    Consultant         Open      100,000.00   0.00                    2018-11-30   2019-03-21     2019-01-18                2019-02-08                2019-03-15   2019-09-11
Analyst for Mindiver Project                 Sector Development                  Selection

 MINDIVER/SS/CS/001-18 /
Upgrade of the Mining                        Facilitating Downstream
Cadastre office for Online     IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Prior   Direct Selection   Direct     30,000.00   0.00                    2019-12-01                  2019-12-11                                          2020-02-14   2020-08-12
Application - SYSTEM                         Enhancing Competitiveness

 MINDIVER/IC/CS/123-19 /
Engagement of Consultant to
                                             Facilitating Downstream             Individual
prepare the Grievance
                               IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post    Consultant         Limited    75,000.00   0.00   Canceled         2019-05-01                  2019-05-06                2019-05-27                2019-07-01   2019-12-28
Redress Mechanism (GRM)
                                             Enhancing Competitiveness           Selection
for the MinDiver Project and
the Mining Sector.

 MINDIVER/CQ/CS/051-17 /
Promotion and Export                         Project Management and
                               IDA / 59900                               Post    Consultant         Limited    80,000.00   0.00   Canceled         2018-01-17                  2018-01-22                2018-02-12                2018-03-19   2019-03-19
Strategist for the Mining                    Coordination

 MINDIVER/IC/CS/075-018 /
Individual Consultant for                    Establishing a Strong               Individual
supervision of renovation      IDA / 59900   Foundation for Mining       Post    Consultant         Limited    25,000.00   0.00   Canceled         2018-08-13   2018-08-16     2018-08-18                2018-09-08                2018-10-13   2019-04-11
works of dimension stone                     Sector Development                  Selection
lab of NGSA in Kaduna.

INDV / Engagement of an
individual Consultant to
                                             Facilitating Downstream             Individual
carry out needs assessment
                               IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post    Consultant         Limited    25,000.00   0.00   Canceled         2019-05-08                  2019-05-13                2019-06-03                2019-07-08   2020-01-04
and Evaluation of
                                             Enhancing Competitiveness           Selection
Equipment of the National
Metallurgical Development
centre, Jos

INDV / Engagement of                         Facilitating Downstream             Individual
Individual Consultant to       IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post    Consultant         Limited    45,000.00   0.00   Canceled         2019-07-01                  2019-07-06                2019-07-27                2019-08-31   2020-02-27
carry out Gender impact                      Enhancing Competitiveness           Selection
assesment in Mining Sector

CDS / Eengagement of a
Consulting firm to carry out
enhancements to the                          Facilitating Downstream
Nigerian Mineral Resources     IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Prior   Direct Selection   Direct    200,000.00   0.00   Canceled         2019-05-25                  2019-06-04                                          2019-08-08   2020-02-04
Decision Support System                      Enhancing Competitiveness
(NMRDSS) including
Transaction Areas in an
Open System Architecture

Procurement of Consultant                    Facilitating Downstream             Individual
to provide MMSD Advisory       IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post    Consultant         Limited    60,000.00   0.00                    2019-08-30                  2019-09-04                2019-09-25                2019-10-30   2020-04-27
services on change                           Enhancing Competitiveness           Selection

                                             Facilitating Downstream             Individual
Engagement of M& E                                                                                                                Under
                               IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post    Consultant         Limited    45,000.00   0.00                    2019-08-30   2019-09-10     2019-09-04                2019-09-25                2019-10-30   2020-10-29
Specialist for Mindiver                                                                                                           Implementation
                                             Enhancing Competitiveness           Selection

International Technical                      Facilitating Downstream             Individual
Assistant for National Steel   IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post    Consultant         Limited   100,000.00   0.00                    2019-10-08   2019-10-21     2019-10-13   2019-12-13   2019-11-03   2020-01-27   2019-12-08   2020-06-05
Raw Material Exploration                     Enhancing Competitiveness           Selection
Agency (NSRMEA), Kaduna

 MINDIVER/IC/CS/099-19 /
Engagement of International                  Establishing a Strong               Individual
Consultant for Quality         IDA / 59900   Foundation for Mining       Post    Consultant         Limited    75,000.00   0.00   Canceled         2019-05-01   2019-05-28     2019-05-22                2019-06-12                2019-07-17   2020-01-13
Assurance of the Geodata                     Sector Development                  Selection
Centre of NGSA

                                                                                                                                                                     Page 12
 MINDIVER/IC/CS/073/018 /
Individual Consultant for the
supervision and quality
assurance of the upgrade
and automation of Mining                       Establishing a Strong               Individual
Cadastre Office for online       IDA / 59900   Foundation for Mining       Post    Consultant         Limited    60,000.00         0.00   Canceled         2018-07-16   2018-07-18     2018-07-26                2018-08-16   2018-09-20                2019-09-20
applications, e-recording,                     Sector Development                  Selection
archiving and the
establishment of Mining
Cadastre Offices in six
geopolitical zones

/ Engagement of firm for
                                               Facilitating Downstream
the Management,                                                                                                                           Pending
                                 IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post    Direct Selection   Direct    200,000.00         0.00                    2019-10-04                  2019-10-14                             2019-12-18                2020-06-15
Maintenance and integration                                                                                                               Implementation
                                               Enhancing Competitiveness
of all Data system for the
Mining Sector.

INDV / Engagement of
Individual Consultant for the
supervision and Quality
assurance   Of the                             Establishing a Strong               Individual
establishment of a Nigerian      IDA / 59900   Foundation for Mining       Post    Consultant         Limited   100,000.00         0.00                    2019-09-25   2019-10-10     2019-09-30                2019-10-21   2019-11-25                2020-05-23
geodata centre at NGSA                         Sector Development                  Selection
and the upgrade and
automation of MCO for
online applications, e-
recording, archiving.

INDV / Engagement of
                                               Facilitating Downstream             Individual
Individual Consultant for the                                                                                                             Under
                                 IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post    Consultant         Limited    30,000.00         0.00                    2019-10-15   2019-12-16     2019-10-20                2019-11-10   2019-12-15                2020-06-12
preparation of   (Abbreviated)                                                                                                            Implementation
                                               Enhancing Competitiveness           Selection
Resettlement Action Plan for
Ladi Kwali Pottery Centre.

INDV / Engagement of a
                                               Establishing a Strong               Individual
Consultant to develop
                                 IDA / 59900   Foundation for Mining       Post    Consultant         Limited    50,000.00         0.00   Canceled         2019-01-05                  2019-01-10                2019-01-31   2019-03-07                2019-09-03
Grievance Redress
                                               Sector Development                  Selection
Mechanism for the MinDiver

 MINDIVER/IC/CS/072/018 /
National Consultant to
                                               Facilitating Downstream             Individual
design and implement a
                                 IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post    Consultant         Limited    60,000.00         0.00   Canceled         2018-07-16   2019-10-15     2018-07-31                2018-08-21   2018-09-25                2019-09-25
strategy for developing
                                               Enhancing Competitiveness           Selection
Nigeria's gemstone and
jewellery industry

Engagement of Expert
Geoscientist to provide
technical support and advice
to the Nigerian Geological
                                               Facilitating Downstream             Individual
Survey Agency (NGS)-
                                 IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post    Consultant         Limited   100,000.00         0.00   Under Review     2019-08-30   2020-03-13     2019-09-04                2019-09-25   2019-10-30                2020-04-27
Consultancy for Geological
                                               Enhancing Competitiveness           Selection
Advisory Services (TA
Embedded) for the mining
and Steel Sector (NGSA)-
(Technical Advisor for

CDS / Engagement of                            Project Management and
                                 IDA / 59900                               Prior   Direct Selection   Direct     85,000.00   105,385.06   Signed           2020-01-01   2019-12-23     2020-01-11   2019-12-15                2020-03-16   2019-12-31   2021-12-31
Procurement Specialist for                     Coordination
Mindiver Project

CDS / Engagement of
                                               Project Management and
Monitoring and Evaluation        IDA / 59900                               Prior   Direct Selection   Direct     85,000.00   106,982.79   Signed           2019-12-16   2019-12-23     2019-12-26   2019-12-15                2020-02-29   2019-12-31   2021-12-31
Specialist for Mindiver

                                               Facilitating Downstream
CDS / Engagement of                                                                                                                       Under
                                 IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Prior   Direct Selection   Direct    100,000.00         0.00                    2019-12-01   2019-12-19     2019-12-11   2019-12-15                2020-02-14                2021-12-31
Technical Advisor for                                                                                                                     Implementation
                                               Enhancing Competitiveness
Mindiver Project

                                               Facilitating Downstream
CDS / Engagement of
                                 IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Prior   Direct Selection   Direct     85,000.00   105,385.06   Signed           2019-12-18   2019-12-19     2019-12-28   2019-12-15                2020-03-02   2019-12-31   2021-12-31
Mineral Sector Policy and
                                               Enhancing Competitiveness
Governance Advisor

Engagement of an Individual
Consultant for the
Supervision and Quality                        Facilitating Downstream             Individual
Assurance of the Design and      IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post    Consultant         Limited    60,000.00         0.00                    2019-12-12   2020-01-09     2019-12-17                2020-01-07   2020-02-11                2021-02-10
implementation of a Strategy                   Enhancing Competitiveness           Selection
for the Development of
Nigeria’sGemstone and
Jewellery Industry

                                                                                                                                                                             Page 13
                                                  Facilitating Downstream             Individual
INDV / Engagement of
                                    IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post    Consultant         Open      100,000.00   0.00   Canceled         2019-12-15                  2020-02-02                2020-02-23                2020-03-29   2020-05-04
Geoscience Advisor for the
                                                  Enhancing Competitiveness           Selection
Mindiver Project

                                                  Facilitating Downstream             Individual
Consultant Geologist to
                                    IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post    Consultant         Limited   100,000.00   0.00   Canceled         2019-05-01   2019-04-05     2019-05-06                2019-05-27                2019-07-01   2019-12-28
asssist MMSD on Geology
                                                  Enhancing Competitiveness           Selection
and GIS

INDV / Engagement of
Individual Geophycist to                          Facilitating Downstream             Individual
assist the Ministry of Mines        IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Prior   Consultant         Direct    180,000.00   0.00   Canceled         2019-10-31                  2019-11-10                2019-12-01                2020-01-05   2021-01-04
and Steel Development                             Enhancing Competitiveness           Selection
(MMSD) on Geology and

INDV / Engagement of an
expert Consultant to develop
                                                  Establishing a Strong               Individual
a strategy for the                                                                                                                     Under
                                    IDA / 59900   Foundation for Mining       Post    Consultant         Open       45,000.00   0.00                    2020-01-14   2020-01-09     2020-03-03                2020-03-24                2020-04-28   2020-10-25
development of baryte                                                                                                                  Implementation
                                                  Sector Development                  Selection
production, processing and
marketing in the mining
and steel sector

CDS / Engagement of a                             Facilitating Downstream             Individual
Consultant Expert                   IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post    Consultant         Direct    110,000.00   0.00                    2020-01-14   2020-01-09     2020-01-24   2019-11-15   2020-02-14   2020-01-15   2020-03-20   2021-03-20
Geoscientist to assist MMSD                       Enhancing Competitiveness           Selection
on Geology and GIS.

                                                  Facilitating Downstream             Individual
INDV / Engagement of                                                                                                                   Pending
                                    IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post    Consultant         Limited    50,000.00   0.00                    2020-01-31                  2020-02-05                2020-02-26                2020-04-01   2021-03-27
Procurement Consultant for                                                                                                             Implementation
                                                  Enhancing Competitiveness           Selection
Mindiver Project

INDV / Engagement of
Individual consultant to
undertake the preparation of
Environmental and Social                          Facilitating Downstream             Individual
Management Plan (ESMPs)             IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post    Consultant         Limited    45,000.00   0.00                    2020-02-25   2020-03-04     2020-03-01                2020-03-22                2020-04-26   2020-06-25
for the rehabilitation and                        Enhancing Competitiveness           Selection
construction works of
priority infrastructures in
Niger, Kaduna and Plateau

INDV / Engagement of an
Individual Consultant to                          Facilitating Downstream             Individual
develop a strategy for the          IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post    Consultant         Direct    100,000.00   0.00   Canceled         2020-02-05                  2020-02-15                2020-03-07                2020-04-11   2020-10-08
development of barite                             Enhancing Competitiveness           Selection
production, processing and
marketing in Nigeria.

                                                  Facilitating Downstream             Individual
INDV / Engagement of                                                                                                                   Pending
                                    IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post    Consultant         Direct     55,000.00   0.00                    2020-04-30                  2020-05-10                2020-05-31                2020-07-05   2021-01-01
Social Safeguard Specialist                                                                                                            Implementation
                                                  Enhancing Competitiveness           Selection
for MinDiver Project

                                                  Facilitating Downstream             Individual
INDV / Engagement of                                                                                                                   Pending
                                    IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post    Consultant         Direct     55,000.00   0.00                    2020-04-30                  2020-05-10                2020-05-31                2020-07-05   2021-01-01
Environmental      Specialist for                                                                                                      Implementation
                                                  Enhancing Competitiveness           Selection
Mindiver Project

INDV / Engagement of
International Individual
                                                  Facilitating Downstream             Individual
Consultant to develop a                                                                                                                Pending
                                    IDA / 59900   Sector Development &        Post    Consultant         Open      175,000.00   0.00                    2020-04-15                  2020-06-03                2020-06-24                2020-07-29   2021-01-25
strategy for the Development                                                                                                           Implementation
                                                  Enhancing Competitiveness           Selection
of Gemstone and Jewellery
trading and Marketing

2020 / Consulting services
                                                  Project Management and                                                               Pending
for the engagement of               IDA / 59900                               Prior   Direct Selection   Direct    850,000.00   0.00                    2020-03-19                  2020-03-29                                          2020-06-02   2020-11-29
                                                  Coordination                                                                         Implementation
project management firm for
the project management unit

                                                                                                                                                                          Page 14