The World Bank                                                                                       Implementation Status & Results Report
         Ethiopia General Education Quality Improvement Program for Equity (P163050)

Ethiopia General Education Quality Improvement Program for Equity (P163050)

 AFRICA EAST | Ethiopia | Education Global Practice | Requesting Unit: AECE3 | Responsible Unit: HAEE1
 IBRD/IDA | Program-for-Results Financing | FY 2018 | Team Leader(s): Kirill Vasiliev, Girma Woldetsadik

 Seq No: 7 | ARCHIVED on 17-Nov-2020 | ISR42290 | Created by: Hiroshi Saeki on 09-Jun-2020 | Modified by: Girma Woldetsadik on 10-Nov-2020

 Program Development Objectives

  Program Development Objective (from Program Appraisal Document)
  The Program Development Objective (PDO) is to improve internal efficiency, equitable access, and quality in general education (O-Class to Grade

 Overall Ratings

 Name                                                                        Previous Rating                          Current Rating

 Progress towards achievement of PDO                                         Moderately Satisfactory                 Moderately Satisfactory
 Overall Implementation Progress (IP)                                        Moderately Satisfactory                 Moderately Satisfactory

 Implementation Status and Key Decisions

  Overall progress towards the achievement of PDO continues to be moderately satisfactory. The PDO remains relevant to the education
  sector. GEQIP-E continues to serve as the flagship Program of the Ministry of Education and contribute to sustaining the basic education system in
  the country. Following good implementation progress the first six months, performance slowed down due to, among other things, inadequate
  understanding of the Program for Results (PforR) at all levels in the MoE, considerable delays in decision making, and shortages of personnel
  designated to the Program. These contributed to missing a number of Disbursement Linked Results (DLRs) during the first year of the Program.
  The Program was back on track after the restructuring in April 2020 and it was expected to achieve all DLR targets by the end of the fiscal year in
  June 2020. However, COVID-19 significantly slowed down many Program activities or completely stopped activities at school level due to school
  closures since March 2020.
  Out of six KPIs, three have shown steady progress since October 2019 (KPI 1: improvement in Grade 2 to Grade 1 enrolment ratio; KPI 2:
  improvement in Grade 5 survival rate; KPI 4: improvement in gross enrolment ratio of Grade 8 in Afar, Somali and Benishangul-Gumuz). KPI3
  (improvement in girls to boys ratio in Afar, Somali, and Benishangul-Gumuz) has slightly declined but is generally on track to achieve the end target
  by the closing date. KPI 6 (The 2019 National Learning Assessment in Grade 8 learning outcomes in English and math in Phase 1 schools) showed
  deterioration. Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) of KPI 5 has not been conducted due to COVID-19.
  As COVID-19 hit the country, GEQIP-E had to be restructured again in June 2020 to increase the limit for disbursement of Advance.
  Overall implementation progress of the Program also remains moderately satisfactory. Out of eleven disbursement linked results (DLRs) in
  Year 2 (FY20), five results were achieved. These include: DLR 2.2. performance-based awards to best-performing primary schools; DLR 4.1 and
  4.2: disbursement of basis and additional school grants to emerging regions; DLR 7.4. Joint report published by EMIS, GEID and NEAEA on
  learning gaps; and DLR 9.0. signing of MOUs between MoE and REBs on regional incentives and their arrangements. DLR 6.1. Procurement and
  delivery of textbooks to regional and woreda education offices is under review. However, five DLRs (i.e. DLR 1.2. implementation of quality
  enhancement and assurance program for O-class; DLR 3.2. increase in Girls-to-boys ratio in Grade 8 in Afar, Somali and Benishangul-Gumuz; DLR
  5.2. school-based continuous teachers professional development; DLR 6.2. Delivery of textbooks to schools; and DLR 7.5. conducting EGRA) were
  not achieved or verified due to COVID-19 related school closures. These are expected to be restructured under the upcoming additional financing
  from the Global Partnership for Education in February 2021.

 Data on Financial Performance

 Disbursements (by loan)

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           The World Bank                                                                                           Implementation Status & Results Report
           Ethiopia General Education Quality Improvement Program for Equity (P163050)

 Project       Loan/Credit/TF     Status        Currency         Original     Revised       Cancelled     Disbursed       Undisbursed              % Disbursed

 P163050       IDA-D2620          Effective     USD              300.00        300.00            0.00          123.94           177.11                    41%

 P163050       TF-A8352           Effective     USD                64.31        64.31            0.00           29.08            35.23                    45%

 Key Dates (by loan)

 Project        Loan/Credit/TF     Status        Approval Date       Signing Date       Effectiveness Date        Orig. Closing Date     Rev. Closing Date

 P163050        IDA-D2620          Effective     19-Dec-2017         21-Dec-2017        21-Dec-2017               07-Jul-2022            07-Jul-2022
 P163050        TF-A8352           Effective     19-Dec-2017         12-Jul-2019        12-Jul-2019               31-Jul-2022            31-Jul-2022

 DLI Disbursement

                                                                                              Achievement        Disbursed amount in      Disbursement % for
 DLI ID       DLI Type      Description                    Coc               DLI Amount
                                                                                              Status             Coc                      DLI

 Loan: TFA8352-001

                            Qualty Enhncment and                                              Partially
  1           Regular                                      USD              14,000,000.00                               5,000,000.00                   36 %
                            Assurnce Prgrm                                                    Achieved
                            Prformnc bsd Awrds schl
  2           Regular                                      USD              10,000,000.00     Not Achieved                       0.00
                            tmly basis impv
                            Impved avlabilty bsic schl
  4           Regular                                      USD              10,000,000.00     Not Achieved                       0.00
                            Grnts and add
                            Impved grls-boys rtio Grde
  3           Regular                                      USD              10,000,000.00     Not Achieved                       0.00
                            8 in Afar Eth
                            Impved teacher's
  5           Regular                                      USD              13,000,000.00     Fully Achieved            5,000,000.00                   38 %
                            instructionl activities
                            Timely availability of
  6           Regular                                      USD               4,311,808.05     Not Achieved                       0.00
                            Impved avlabilty, quality
  7           Regular                                      USD               2,000,000.00     Fully Achieved            2,000,000.00                   100 %
                            and use of dat
                            Impved pre-servce teachr
  8           Regular                                      USD               1,000,000.00     Fully Achieved            1,000,000.00                   100 %
                            training for En

 Program Action Plan

  Action Description              1.1.        Prepare Program Operations Manual, including M&E, communication plan, and verification procedures

  Source                          DLI#                     Responsibility            Timing                     Timing Value              Status

  Technical                                                PRMD                      Due Date                   21-Jan-2018               Completed

  Completion Measurement          POM adopted by the Government.


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        The World Bank                                                                                    Implementation Status & Results Report
        Ethiopia General Education Quality Improvement Program for Equity (P163050)

                              1.2.      Establish PSC and PCO; hire/assign personnel for Program coordination; M&E; fiduciary; safeguards; and
  Action Description
                              technical experts for MoE and emerging regions

  Source                      DLI#                  Responsibility          Timing                  Timing Value               Status

  Technical                                         MoE, REBs               Recurrent               Yearly                     In Progress

  Completion Measurement      PSC and PCO operational; staff in place for Program coordination, implementation, M&E, fiduciary and safeguards.

                              Most of the staff are in place. Some fiduciary and safeguards staff remain to be hired. Because of low fee, MoE has
                              not been able to attract and maintain qualified staff. MoE to discuss with MoF to address the issue.

  Action Description          1.3.     Prepare guidelines for performance-based awards to schools

  Source                      DLI#                  Responsibility          Timing                  Timing Value               Status

  Technical                   DLI 4                 SIP Directorate         Due Date                06-Jul-2018                Completed

  Completion Measurement      Guidelines for performance-based awards to schools approved and disseminated.


  Action Description          1.4.     Develop on-line textbook distribution and inventory management system

  Source                      DLI#                  Responsibility          Timing                  Timing Value               Status

  Technical                   DLI 6                 EMIS, CDID              Due Date                30-Jun-2022                Not Yet Due

  Completion Measurement      Online textbook distribution and inventory management system established.

  Comments                    Deadeline for piloting the system changed to June 30, 2022 under restructuring.

  Action Description          1.5.     Ensure Program objectives are reflected in ESDP VI

  Source                      DLI#                  Responsibility          Timing                  Timing Value               Status

  Technical                                         MoE, DPs                Due Date                06-Jul-2020                Completed

                              Program scope and objectives are part of ESDP VI.
  Completion Measurement

  Comments                    The Program objectives are in line with the Government’s Ten-Year Sector Plan

  Action Description          2.1.     Create budget line at MoE level for school grant and textbooks

  Source                      DLI#                  Responsibility          Timing                  Timing Value               Status

  Fiduciary Systems                                 MoE                     Due Date                06-Jul-2018                In Progress

  Completion Measurement      Budget line for school grant created and government fund allocated.

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        The World Bank                                                                                        Implementation Status & Results Report
        Ethiopia General Education Quality Improvement Program for Equity (P163050)

  Comments                    Budget line created at MoE. But budget both for Year 1 and 2 not allocated.

                              2.2.      Align preparation of AWPB with the government’s budget calendar; submit supplementary budget request
  Action Description
                              timely; and monitor budget utilization through quarterly IFRs and annual re-planning sessions

  Source                      DLI#                    Responsibility           Timing                   Timing Value                Status

  Fiduciary Systems                                   MoE                      Recurrent                Yearly                      In Progress

  Completion Measurement      AWPB aligned with government budget calendar.

                              Aligning AWPB is still in progress as discrepancies are still noted which need to be adjusted through government's
                              supplementary budget procedures.

                              2.3.        Monitor school grant utilization by (i) providing SIP committees with simplified checklist for monitoring; and
  Action Description
                              (ii) allocating adequate budget to woreda internal audit units to monitor schools

  Source                      DLI#                    Responsibility           Timing                   Timing Value                Status

                                                      MoFEC; MoE,
  Fiduciary Systems                                                            Recurrent                Yearly                      In Progress
                                                      REBs, WEOs

  Completion Measurement      Budget monitoring and internal audit strengthened.

  Comments                    Checklist for monitoring school grant utilization prepared. This needs to be shared with regions, woredas and schools

                              2.4 Ensure that 3% of schools are included in annual audits and FMoE, MoFEC and REBs to take timely action on all
  Action Description
                              audit report

  Source                      DLI#                    Responsibility           Timing                   Timing Value                Status

                                                      MoE, REBs, WEOs,
  Fiduciary Systems                                   universities, CTEs, &    Recurrent                Yearly                      In Progress

  Completion Measurement      Action taken on external audit findings within three months of receipt of audit findings.

  Comments                    Status on actions taken on the findings of 2019/20 audit reports pending

                              2.5. Disclose Program audit and financial information on MoE website or other modalities. Post annual allocation and
  Action Description
                              utilization school grant on school notice boards

  Source                      DLI#                    Responsibility           Timing                   Timing Value                Status

  Fiduciary Systems                                   MoE, Schools             Recurrent                Yearly                      In Progress

                              MoF has disclosed the audit report of the Program for the year ended July 7,2019 on its website. Regular follow up on
  Completion Measurement
                              school notice boards should be made once schools reopen

                              Regular follow up on school notice boards should be made. Once audit report for the Program is issued (Jan 2020) it
                              should be disclosed.

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        The World Bank                                                                                    Implementation Status & Results Report
        Ethiopia General Education Quality Improvement Program for Equity (P163050)

                              2.6. Strengthen procurement system & capacity establish procurement
                              performance standards; maintain 3 procurement & 2 contract administration
  Action Description
                              staff in MoE, 1 each in REB, university & CTE; improve procurement information
                              tracking system; appoint IPR

  Source                      DLI#                  Responsibility           Timing                 Timing Value               Status

                                                    MoE, REBs,
  Fiduciary Systems                                 universities, and        Recurrent              Yearly                     Delayed

  Completion Measurement      Performance standards attained for key procurement processes.

                              Standards not developed; recruitment of staff delayed; monthly procurement review meetings not held; procurement
                              tracking system not prepared; independent procurement auditor not yet hired.

  Action Description          2.7.     Assign fulltime EAC officer at woreda education offices

  Source                      DLI#                  Responsibility           Timing                 Timing Value               Status

                                                    MoE, REB and
  Fiduciary Systems                                                          Recurrent              Yearly                     In Progress

  Completion Measurement      EAC officers assigned in WEOs.

  Comments                    Government structures in place up to woredas; officers assigned in some woredas (ongoing)

                              3.1.        Establish ESMS at MoE (and some regions if required), including functional GRM; E&S specialist with
  Action Description
                              facilities; guidelines, checklists, manuals and ESMP for E&S management system; training on E&S at all levels

  Source                      DLI#                  Responsibility           Timing                 Timing Value               Status

  Environmental and Social
                                                    MoE, REBs                Recurrent              Yearly                     In Progress

                              Before effectiveness: ESMS established; and ESM guidelines and ESMP, waste management plan, & protocol
  Completion Measurement      prepared.
                              Y1-Y2: GRM system strengthened; training plan prepared and implemented.

                              ESMS guidelines prepared. Consultants hired/focal persons assigned by half of the regions. Remaining regions to
  Comments                    hire staff. Regions to assign woreda focal persons. Grievance Redress Mechanism yet to be established and make it

                              3.2.      Conduct proper and timely awareness raising briefings/consultations on E&S impacts of program activities,
  Action Description
                              established GRM and ESMS for community/project affected persons

  Source                      DLI#                  Responsibility           Timing                 Timing Value               Status

  Environmental and Social                          MoE, REBs, WEOs,
                                                                             Recurrent              Yearly                     In Progress
  Systems                                           schools

  Completion Measurement      Report on briefings and consultations, including number of participants by gender.

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            The World Bank                                                                                       Implementation Status & Results Report
            Ethiopia General Education Quality Improvement Program for Equity (P163050)

                                   Awareness raising events organized for MoE and Regions participants. Such events will continue to be organisd for
                                   relevant people once Woreda focal persons are in place. MoE to report on this by June 2020.

  Action Description               3.3.     Include vulnerable school children with non-special needs to share Program benefits

  Source                           DLI#                   Responsibility           Timing                 Timing Value                  Status

  Environmental and Social                                REBs, WEOs,
                                                                                   Recurrent              Yearly                        Delayed
  Systems                                                 schools

  Completion Measurement           Report on types of benefits delivered and number of beneficiaries by gender.

  Comments                         Report not provided.

  Action Description               3.4.     Conduct bi-annual E&S management performance review and annual E&S audit

  Source                           DLI#                   Responsibility           Timing                 Timing Value                  Status

  Environmental and Social
                                                          MoE, REBs                Recurrent              Yearly                        Delayed

  Completion Measurement           Reports on biannual technical review meetings, and annual E&S audit.

  Comments                         Report not provided.


 Systematic Operations Risk-rating Tool

  Risk Category                                               Rating at Approval               Previous Rating               Current Rating

  Political and Governance                                    High                            High                         High
  Macroeconomic                                               Substantial                     Substantial                  Substantial
  Sector Strategies and Policies                              Low                             Low                          Low
  Technical Design of Project or Program                      Moderate                        Substantial                  Substantial
  Institutional Capacity for Implementation and
                                                              Substantial                     Substantial                  Substantial
  Fiduciary                                                   Substantial                     Substantial                  Substantial
  Environment and Social                                      Moderate                        Moderate                     Moderate
  Stakeholders                                                Moderate                        Moderate                     Moderate
  Other                                                       --                               --                            --
  Overall                                                     Substantial                     Substantial                  Substantial

  Risk ratings have been reviewed and updated based on the SORT guidelines. All ratings above have taken into account residual risks.

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           The World Bank                                                                                     Implementation Status & Results Report
           Ethiopia General Education Quality Improvement Program for Equity (P163050)

  The risk of Technical Design of Project or Program remains substantial. Prior to the April 2020 restructuring, there were several risks in technical
  design, including the limited incentives for Regional Education Bureaus (REBs) to meet DLR deadlines; DLRs that did not allow partial achievements
  (i.e. not scalable); and DLR documents that allowed only the Minister to sign (i.e., no designation allowed). These risks are addressed and reduced
  in the restructured Program. First, all applicable DLIs have become scalable. Disbursements will be made proportional to the achievement level of
  each DLR, thereby assuring that at least some funds, even if partially achieved, are available in each school year for financing priority inputs to
  learning. Second, administrative burden with regards to DLI documentation at the MoE management is expected to be reduced by
  delegating signatory authorities to State Ministers or their acting. Third, the restructuring would strengthen collaborations between the MoE and
  REBs, providing financial incentives to REBs. However, there are still some DLRs which have failed to meet the deadline, mainly to due to COVID-
  Risks of Institutional Capacity for Implementation and Sustainability is still substantial. In the restructured Program, US$5 million was reallocated
  from the PforR to the IPF component to further strengthen the capacity of the Ministry and the REBs. This would allow the Ministry and the REBs to
  hire adequate and competent staff in planning, fiduciary, and safeguards with adequate training. However, it is too early to observe any
  improvements. Besides, COVID-19 has affected implementation capacity.
  Risks of stakeholders remains moderate. A financial commitment from Norway indicates that donor harmonization has worked very well over the
  past years. Monthly meetings of four Results Areas have become an implementation norm, and they are open to a wide range of stakeholders
  including academia, civil societies, and non-pooling donors. The monthly meetings incorporate voices from stakeholders into project implementation
  and nurture the cohesion among the stakeholders. However, because of recent allegations related to textbooks procurement under GEQIP II, there
  is a concern that partners (eg. UK) might withdraw their funds.
  The overall risk rating remains substantial.


 PDO Indicators by Objectives / Outcomes

  Improvement in Grade 2 to Grade 1 enrolment ratio (disaggregated by gender)
    ►G2/G1 enrolment ratio – nation-wide (Percentage, Custom)

                                      Baseline                     Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                             76.00                        76.30                        79.81                     83.00

    Date                              07-Jul-2016                  31-Mar-2020                  30-Sep-2020               07-Jul-2022


  Improvement in Grade 5 survival rate (disaggregated by gender)
    ►Survival rates to G5 – nation-wide (Percentage, Custom)

                                      Baseline                     Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                             56.50                        41.70                        59.30                     65.00

    Date                              07-Jul-2016                  31-Mar-2020                  30-Sep-2020               07-Jul-2022


  Improvement in girls-boys ratio in Grade 8 in Afar, Ethiopia Somali and Benishangul-Gumuz
    ►Improved girls-to-boys ratio in Grade 8 in Afar, Ethiopia Somali and Benishangul-Gumuz (Percentage, Custom)

                                      Baseline                     Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)          End Target

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           The World Bank                                                                                 Implementation Status & Results Report
           Ethiopia General Education Quality Improvement Program for Equity (P163050)

    Value                             63.00                     69.10                       68.30                       71.00

    Date                              07-Jul-2016               31-Mar-2020                 30-Sep-2020              07-Jul-2022


  Improvement in GER of G1-8 in Afar, Somali, and Benishangul-Gumuz (disaggregated by gender)
    ►Gross enrolment rate in Afar, Ethiopia Somali and Benishangul-Gumuz, Grades 1-8 (Percentage, Custom)

                                      Baseline                   Actual (Previous)          Actual (Current)            End Target

    Value                             92.00                     82.80                       86.00                       96.00

    Date                              07-Jul-2016               31-Mar-2020                 30-Sep-2020              07-Jul-2022


  Improvement in Grade 2 learning outcomes in Mother Tongue Reading in Phase 1 schools (by gender)
    ►Average % of students in Grade 2 who can read at functional fluency level or above in Mother Tongue (Text, Custom)

                                      Baseline                   Actual (Previous)          Actual (Current)            End Target

    Value                             33.00                     --                          25% in 2017/2018            50.00

    Date                              07-Jul-2016               31-Mar-2020                 30-Sep-2020              07-Jul-2022


  Improvement in Grade 8 learning outcomes in English and Math in Phase 1 schools (by gender)
    ►Average % of students in G8 who perform @ basic proficiency level or above in English in P1 schools (Text, Custom)

                                      Baseline                   Actual (Previous)          Actual (Current)            End Target
                                                                                            ENG: 51.94;
                                      ENG: 74%                                              M= 55.34                    ENG: 85%
                                      M: 77%                                                F= 48.06                    M: 88%
    Value                                                       --
                                      F: 73%                                                (NLA 2019)                  F: 84%
                                      (NLA 2015)                                                                        (NLA 2021)

    Date                              07-Jul-2016               31-Mar-2020                 30-Sep-2020              07-Jul-2022

    ►Average % of students in G8 who perform @ basic proficiency level or above in maths in P1 schools (Text, Custom)

                                      Baseline                   Actual (Previous)          Actual (Current)            End Target
                                      Math: 62%                                             Math: 54.97%                Math: 72%
                                      M: 64%                                                M= 59.17                    M: 74%
    Value                                                       --
                                      F: 59%                                                F= 50.15                    F: 69%
                                      (NLA 2015)                                            (2019 NLA)                  (NLA 2021)
    Date                              07-Jul-2016               31-Mar-2020                 30-Sep-2020              07-Jul-2022

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           The World Bank                                                                                    Implementation Status & Results Report
           Ethiopia General Education Quality Improvement Program for Equity (P163050)


 Intermediate Results Indicators by Results Areas

  Improved internal efficiency
    ►IR Indicator 1.1: Gross intake ratio (GIR) at Grade 1 (Percentage, Custom)

                                      Baseline                    Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                             175.80                      158.50                       153.00                    140.00

    Date                              07-Jul-2016                 31-Mar-2020                  30-Sep-2020              07-Jul-2022


  Improved internal efficiency
    ►IR Indicator 1.2: Number of schools with quality-enhanced O-Classes (Text, Custom)

                                      Baseline                    Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)         End Target
                                                                  Teaching and learning        Teaching and learning
                                                                  materials provided for       materials provided for
                                                                  2,160 Phase 1 O-class        2,160 Phase 1 O-class
    Value                             Not available                                                                     18,000
                                                                  schools; and training        schools; and training
                                                                  given for 2,349 teachers     given for 2,349 teachers
                                                                  in the target schools.       in the target schools.
    Date                              07-Jul-2016                 31-Mar-2020                  30-Sep-2020              07-Jul-2022


  Improved internal efficiency
    ►IR Indicator 1.3: % of O-Classes in Phase 1 schools upgraded through the QEAP (Text, Custom)

                                      Baseline                    Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                             0.00                        Not yet due                  Not yet due               70.00

    Date                              07-Jul-2016                 31-Mar-2020                  30-Sep-2020              07-Jul-2022

                                      To be achieved by the end of Year 3 (2020/21) i.e. June 2021

  Improved internal efficiency
    ►IR Indicator 2.1: % of best performing schools, having largest improvement in the G2/G1 enrolment ratio and G5 survival rates, that receive
    performance-based awards by March 31 (Text, Custom)

                                      Baseline                    Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)          End Target

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           The World Bank                                                                                    Implementation Status & Results Report
           Ethiopia General Education Quality Improvement Program for Equity (P163050)

                                                                  Only schools in Dire
                                                                  Dawa achieved the target
    Value                             Not available                                            92.70                     90.00
                                                                  by March 31, 2019.

    Date                              07-Jul-2016                 31-Mar-2020                  30-Sep-2020               07-Jul-2022


  Improved internal efficiency
    ►IR Indicator 2.2: % of schools that publicly display school report cards (Percentage, Custom)

                                      Baseline                    Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                             0.00                        0.00                         0.00                      75.00

    Date                              07-Jul-2016                 31-Mar-2020                  30-Sep-2020               07-Jul-2022


  Improved equitable access
    ►IR Indictor 3.1: GER of girls in upper primary in Afar, Ethiopia Somali and Benishangul-Gumuz (Percentage, Custom)

                                      Baseline                    Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                             39.00                       43.30                        41.40                     60.00

    Date                              07-Jul-2016                 31-Mar-2020                  30-Sep-2020               07-Jul-2022


  Improved equitable access
    ►IR Indicator 3.2: % of primary schools with grade 5 and higher in Afar, Somali and B Gumuz that have girls’ clubs operational according to
    improved GC guidelines, and delivering life skills training (Text, Custom)

                                      Baseline                    Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)       End Target
                                                                                               Girls Club Guideline
                                                                  Girls Club Guideline
                                                                                               developed; approved by
                                                                  developed; approved by
    Value                             0.00                                                     MoE; and circulated to 70.00
                                                                  MoE; and circulated to
                                                                                               REBs in electronic
                                                                  REBs in electronic copy.
    Date                              07-Jul-2016                 31-Mar-2020                  30-Sep-2020               07-Jul-2022


  Improved equitable access
    ►IR Indicator 4.1: % of schools that receive basic and additional school grants in emerging regions b (Percentage, Custom)

                                      Baseline                    Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)          End Target

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           The World Bank                                                                                    Implementation Status & Results Report
           Ethiopia General Education Quality Improvement Program for Equity (P163050)

    Value                             0.00                        0.00                         94.00                     70.00

    Date                              07-Jul-2016                 31-Mar-2020                  30-Sep-2020              07-Jul-2022

                                      By November 30, 2019.

  Improved equitable access
    ►IR Indicator 4.2: Number of IERCs with community outreach activities and support of special needs ch (Number, Custom)

                                      Baseline                    Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                             113.00                      212.00                       413.00                    800.00

    Date                              07-Jul-2016                 31-Mar-2020                  30-Sep-2020              07-Jul-2022


  Improved equitable access
    ►IR Indicator 4.3: Enrolment of students with special needs in cluster schools benefiting from servic (Number, Custom)

                                      Baseline                    Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                             3,000.00                    37,000.00                    43,199.00                 24,000.00

    Date                              07-Jul-2016                 31-Mar-2020                  30-Sep-2020              07-Jul-2022


  Improved equitable access
    ►IR Indicator 4.4: % of PCDP schools with TLM (Percentage, Custom)

                                      Baseline                    Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                             0.00                        0.00                         47.00                     100.00

    Date                              07-Jul-2016                 31-Mar-2020                  30-Sep-2020              07-Jul-2022


  Improved quality
    ►IR Indicator 6.1: Number of schools benefiting from cascade training in school-based teacher profess (Number, Custom)

                                      Baseline                    Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                             0.00                        0.00                         800.00                    18,000.00

    Date                              07-Jul-2016                 31-Mar-2020                  30-Sep-2020              07-Jul-2022

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           Ethiopia General Education Quality Improvement Program for Equity (P163050)


  Improved quality
    ►IR Indicator 6.2: % of Phase 1 schools are visited by cluster supervisors and key teachers at least (Text, Custom)

                                       Baseline                    Actual (Previous)             Actual (Current)            End Target

    Value                             Not available                Not yet due                   Not available               95.00

    Date                              07-Jul-2016                  31-Mar-2020                   30-Sep-2020                07-Jul-2022
                                      This was expected at the end of second year of the Program (i.e., June 2020) but not achieved. To be
    Comments                          undertaken in Year 3 (2020/21)

  Improved quality
    ►IR Indicator 6.3: Average score of composite index of school inspection standards on teaching practi (Text, Custom)

                                       Baseline                    Actual (Previous)             Actual (Current)            End Target

    Value                             54.00                        Not yet due                   Not yet due                 70.00

    Date                              07-Jul-2016                  31-Mar-2020                   30-Sep-2020                07-Jul-2022

                                      This is expected at the end of third year of the Program, i.e. June 2021.

  Improved quality
    ►IR Indicator 6.4: % of actual teaching time relative to scheduled instructional time in P1 schools (Text, Custom)

                                      Baseline                  Actual (Previous)                Actual (Current)            End Target
                                      Time-on-task survey to be
    Value                             conducted in Year 1 and   Not available                    Not available               To be determined
                                      Year 2
    Date                              06-Jul-2016                  31-Mar-2020                   30-Sep-2020                06-Jul-2022


  Improved quality
    ►IR Indicator 6.5: % of students having textbooks (Text, Custom)

                                       Baseline                    Actual (Previous)             Actual (Current)            End Target

    Value                             58.00                        Not available                 Not available               70.00

    Date                              07-Jul-2016                  31-Mar-2020                   30-Sep-2020                07-Jul-2022

                                      Changed to Year 3 (2020/21)

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           Ethiopia General Education Quality Improvement Program for Equity (P163050)

  Improved quality
    ►IR Indicator 6.6: % of L1, L2, and L3 in school inspection (Text, Custom)

                                      Baseline                       Actual (Previous)    Actual (Current)          End Target
                                                                                          (a) Primary


                                                                     Primary              L2=70.1%
                                                                     L1: 19%
                                                                                                                    L1: 15%
                                                                     L2: 71%              L3=8.4%
                                      Baseline will be set by re-                                                   L2: 50%
    Value                             inspection in 2016/17-
                                                                     Secondary            (b) Secondary
                                      2017/18                                                                       Secondary
                                                                     L1: 9%
                                                                                                                    L1: 8%
                                                                     L2: 60%              L1=13.1%,
                                                                                                                    L2: 50%


    Date                              07-Jul-2016                    31-Mar-2020          30-Sep-2020              07-Jul-2022


  System strengthening for planning, policy formulation and reform
    ►IR Indicator 7.1: Use of unique school IDs by EMIS, NLA, EGRA, and Inspection (Yes/No, Custom)

                                      Baseline                       Actual (Previous)    Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                             No                             Yes                  Yes                       Yes

    Date                              07-Jul-2016                    31-Mar-2020          30-Sep-2020              07-Jul-2022


  System strengthening for planning, policy formulation and reform
    ►IR Indicator 7.2: Timely availability of EGRA and NLA scores (Text, Custom)

                                      Baseline                       Actual (Previous)    Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                             N0                             --                   Yes (NLA)                 Yes

    Date                              07-Jul-2016                    31-Mar-2020          30-Sep-2020              07-Jul-2022

                                      EGRA not undertaken in 2020 due to COVID-19 caused school closure

  System strengthening for planning, policy formulation and reform
    ►IR Indicator 7.3: New concurrent program for Grades 5-8 piloted (Yes/No, Custom)

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           Ethiopia General Education Quality Improvement Program for Equity (P163050)

                                       Baseline                    Actual (Previous)           Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                              No                          --                          No                        Yes

    Date                               07-Jul-2016                 --                          30-Sep-2020               07-Jul-2022

                                       Dropped following the April 2020 restructuring.

 Disbursement Linked Indicators
    ►DLI 1 Quality enhancement and assurance program for O-Class (Intermediate Outcome, 51,000,000.00, 20%)

                                                                                                                          July 2021 to July
                                 Baseline                        Actual (Previous)           Actual (Current)             2022
                                                                                             DLR 1.0, 1.1 achieved.
    Value                        Not available                   DLR 1.1. is achieved.                                    DLR 1.4
                                                                                             DLR 1.2 not achieved

    Date                         --                              31-Mar-2020                 30-Sep-2020                  --


    ►DLI 2 Performance-based awards to school on a timely basis to improve internal efficiency (Intermediate Outcome, 30,000,000.00, 0%)

                                                                                                                          July 2021 to July
                                 Baseline                        Actual (Previous)           Actual (Current)             2022
                                                                                             DLR 2.1 not achieved.
                                                                 DLR 2.1 is not achieved.
                                                                                             awards disbursed to all
    Value                        Not available                   awards disbursed to all                                  DLR 2.4
                                                                                             selected schools but with
                                                                 selected schools but with
                                                                                             DLR 2.2 achieved.
    Date                         --                              31-Mar-2020                 30-Sep-2020                  --
                                 The DLR 2.1 “60% of best-performing primary schools receive performance-based rewards awards” (US$12
                                 million) missed the deadline of March 31, 2019, and only one region Dire Dawa achieved the target on time by
                                 March 31, 2019.

    ►DLI 3 Improved girls-to-boys ratio in Grade 8 in Afar, Ethiopia Somali and Benishangul-Gumuz (KPI 3) (Process, 30,000,000.00, 17%)

                                                                                                                          July 2021 to July
                                 Baseline                        Actual (Previous)           Actual (Current)             2022
                                                                                             DLR 3.1 achieved.
    Value                        63%                             DLR 3.1 is achieved.                                     DLR 3.4
                                                                                             DLR 3.2 not achieved.

    Date                         --                              31-Mar-2020                 30-Sep-2020                  --


   ►DLI 4 Improved availability of Basic School Grants and Additional School Grants( Additional SG in emerging region (Intermediate Outcome,
   45,000,000.00, 11%)

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           Ethiopia General Education Quality Improvement Program for Equity (P163050)

                                                                                                                          July 2021 to July
                                 Baseline                      Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)              2022
                                                                                            DLR 4.0 achieved.
                                                               The deadline of
                                                                                            DLR 4.1 achieved (after
                                                               November 30, 2018 for
                                                                                            deadline changed to June
    Value                        50%                           DLR 4.1 is revised to                                      DLR 4.4
                                                                                            30, 2019 under
                                                               June 30, 2019 under
                                                                                            4.2 achieved.
    Date                         --                            31-Mar-2020                  30-Sep-2020                   --
                                 The deadline for DLR 4.1 is revised under restructuring due to security issues and subsequent reorganization
                                 in Somali region in 2018/19. Somali region accounts for about a half of primary and secondary schools of four
                                 emerging regions.

    ►DLI 5 Improved teachers’ instructional activities (Intermediate Outcome, 86,000,000.00, 29%)

                                                                                                                          July 2021 to July
                                 Baseline                      Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)              2022
                                 IR 6.2: not available                                      DLR 5.0, 5.1 achieved.
    Value                                                      DLR 5.1 is achieved.                                       DLR 5.5, DLR 5.6
                                 IR 6.3: 54%                                                DLR 5.2 not achieved.

    Date                         --                            31-Mar-2020                  30-Sep-2020                   --


    ►DLI 6 Timely availability of text books (Intermediate Outcome, 20,000,000.00, 0%)

                                                                                                                          July 2021 to July
                                 Baseline                      Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)              2022
                                                               DLR 6.1 is not achieved.     DLR 6.1 under verification
                                                               Deadline changed to          (after deadline changed to
    Value                        58% (2013)                                                                               DLR 6.4. DLR 6.5
                                                               April 30, 2020 under         March 31, 2020 under
                                                               restructuring.               restructuring)
    Date                         --                            31-Mar-2020                  30-Sep-2020                   --
                                 DLR 6.1 “At least 80% of required textbooks are at regional centers or Woreda education offices by June 30,
                                 2019” (US$15 million) was not achieved. Under restructuring, the deadline is changed to March 31, 2020, and
                                 the DLR is changed to scalable from 0-70%.
    Comments                     Textbooks under DLR 6.2 (Students in Target Grades have Target Textbooks by May 31, 2020) include
                                 English 7-8 textbooks which quality was questioned by the MoE and there is an ongoing GoE investigation
                                 related to these textbooks.

    ►DLI 7 Improved availability, quality and use of data (Intermediate Outcome, 12,000,000.00, 50%)

                                                                                                                          July 2021 to July
                                 Baseline                      Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)              2022
                                                               DLR 7.2 and DLR 7.3 are      DLR 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4
    Value                        Not available                 achieved.                    achieved.                     DLR 7.7
                                                                                            DLR 7.5 not achieved.
    Date                         --                            31-Mar-2020                  30-Sep-2020                   --


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           Ethiopia General Education Quality Improvement Program for Equity (P163050)

    ►DLI 8 Improved pre-service teacher training for English & Maths (Intermediate Outcome, 2,000,000.00, 150%)

                                                                                                                     July 2021 to July
                                 Baseline                      Actual (Previous)         Actual (Current)            2022

    Value                        Not available                 DLR 8.1 is achieved.      DLR 8.0, 8.1 achieved.      --

    Date                         --                            31-Mar-2020               30-Sep-2020                 --
                                 DLR 8.2-8.4 dropped under restructuring.

    ►DLI 9 Strengthened linkage between funding for REBs and results achieved by each region (Process, 9,000,000.00, 0%)

                                                                                                                     July 2021 to July
                                 Baseline                      Actual (Previous)         Actual (Current)            2022

    Value                        N/A                           --                        DLR 9.0 achieved.           DLR 9.2

    Date                         --                            --                        30-Sep-2020                 --

                                 This is a new DLI added under restructuring.

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