World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

      FY16 Bangladesh
Country Opinion Survey Report

      Public Opinion Research Group

                                                                 March 2017
                                                 World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

The Bangladesh Country Opinion Survey is part of the County Opinion Survey Program series of
the World Bank Group. This report was prepared by the Public Opinion Research Group
(PORG) team, led by Sharon Felzer (Senior Communications Officer, Head of PORG). Jessica
Cameron, Svetlana Markova, Jing Guo oversaw design, reporting, and analysis. Calita Woods
and Dania Mendoza provided data support. PORG acknowledges the significant contribution
from the Bangladesh country team and the local fielding agency The Nielsen Company
(Bangladesh) Limited. In particular, PORG is grateful for the support from Mehrin A. Mahbub
(Communications Officer), who coordinated the survey related activities from Dhaka,

                                                        World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

Table of Contents

     I. Objectives ...................................................................................3

     II. Methodology ...............................................................................3

    III. Demographics of the Sample.......................................................4

    IV. General Issues Facing Bangladesh ...............................................8

    V. Overall Attitudes toward the World Bank Group .......................13

    VI. Sectoral Effectiveness................................................................20

   VII. How the World Bank Group Operates .......................................23

   VIII. World Bank Group’s Knowledge and Instruments .....................29

    IX. The Future Role of the World Bank Group in Bangladesh..........34

     X. Communication and Outreach ..................................................38

    XI. Appendices ................................................................................42


                                                     World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

I. Objectives
This survey was designed to assist the World Bank Group (WBG) in gaining a better understanding
of how stakeholders in Bangladesh perceive the WBG. The survey explored:
     General Issues Facing Bangladesh
     Overall Attitudes toward the World Bank Group
     World Bank Group’s Effectiveness and Results
     The World Bank Group’s Knowledge Work and Activities
     Working with the World Bank Group
     The Future Role of the World Bank Group in Bangladesh
     Communication and Information Sharing
     Background Information

II. Methodology
From April to July 2016, 700 stakeholders of the WBG in Bangladesh were invited to provide
their opinions on the WBG’s work in the country by participating in a Country Opinion Survey.
Participants were drawn from the office of the President/Prime Minister, office of a Minister,
office of a Parliamentarian, employees of ministries/ministerial departments/implementation
agencies, Project Management Units (PMUs) overseeing implementation of WBG projects or
consultants/contractors working on WBG-supported projects/programs, local government office
or staff, bilateral/multilateral agencies, private sector organizations, private foundations, the
financial sector/private banks, NGOs/community-based organizations (CBOs), the media,
independent government institutions, trade unions, faith-based groups, youth groups,
academia/research institutes/think tanks, and the judiciary branch.

A total of 332 stakeholders participated in the survey (47% response rate). Respondents either
received the questionnaire via post or courier and returned it accordingly, received an invitation
via email and completed the questionnaire online, or completed the questionnaire with a
representative from the fielding agency.

Every country that engages in the Country Opinion Survey must include specific indicator
questions that will be aggregated for the WBG’s annual Corporate Scorecard. These questions
are identified throughout the survey report.

The results of this year’s Country Survey were compared to those in the Country Survey
conducted in FY ’13 (response rate was 52%, N = 366). The data were weighted to reach similar
stakeholder compositions across the two survey years, allowing for more statistically reliable
comparisons. Note, there were insufficient numbers of respondents from bilateral/multilateral
agencies or local government in either year to be included in these analyses. Also, stakeholders
who identified themselves as “Other” in the stakeholder category options were not included in
these comparisons. As a result, mean ratings, percentages of respondents, and the total number of
respondents in both years are slightly different from those of the original data reported in the FY
’13 COS report and the non-weighted data presented in this report. For the weighted stakeholder
breakdown and year comparison results, please refer to Appendix E (see page 86).

                                                   World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

III. Demographics of the Sample
Current Position
      For all further analyses, the small number of respondents from the office of the
       President/Prime Minister were combined with those from the office of a Minister, the
       small number of respondents from the financial sector/private banks were combined with
       those from the private sector, and the few respondents from bilateral/multilateral
       agencies, private foundations, trade unions, and faith-based groups were grouped together
       into an “Other Civil Society” category. The few respondents from the office of a
       Parliamentarian and the judiciary branch were included in the “Other” category

                                     World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

III. Demographics of the Sample (continued)
Area of Primary Specialization

                                                 World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

III. Demographics of the Sample (continued)
Geographic Locations

     For all further analyses, respondents from divisions outside Dhaka were combined to
      create an “Other Areas” category.

Exposure to Agencies within the World Bank Group

                                                           World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

III. Demographics of the Sample (continued)
Familiarity with the World Bank Group
        Year comparison: Respondents in this year’s Country Survey indicated statistically
         similar levels of familiarity with the WBG compared to respondents from the FY ’13
         Country Survey (weighted mean in FY ’16 = 7.1; weighted mean in FY ’13 = 7.0)1.
        Collaboration: Respondents who collaborate with the WBG gave significantly higher
         ratings of familiarity with the WBG (mean rating = 7.7) than respondents who do not
         collaborate with the WBG (mean rating = 6.7).
        Impact of Familiarity: Respondents’ ratings of familiarity with the WBG were
         moderately, significantly correlated with their ratings of the WBG’s overall effectiveness
         in Bangladesh, the extent to which the WBG’s work helps to achieve development results
         and the extent to which the WBG plays a relevant role in development in Bangladesh.

  Please refer to Appendix E (page 86) for more details on weighting. The means in the chart were calculated
 based on un-weighted data.

                                                 World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

IV. General Issues Facing Bangladesh
Headed in the Right Direction
      Year comparison: The majority of respondents in the FY ’13 Country Survey indicated
       that Bangladesh was headed in the right direction (percentage of respondents = 61%),
       with much smaller numbers indicating that Bangladesh was headed in the wrong
       direction (23%) or that they were not sure (16%).

                                                 World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

IV. General Issues Facing Bangladesh (continued)
Development Priority
     Year comparison: Respondents in the FY ’13 Country Survey indicated that the most
      important development priorities in Bangladesh were public sector governance/reform
      (percentage of respondents = 43%) and education (41%), followed by transport (28%)
      and energy/power (27%).

                                               World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

IV. General Issues Facing Bangladesh (continued)
Factors Contributing to Poverty Reduction
    Year comparison: Respondents in the FY ’13 Country Survey indicated that the area that
     would contribute most to poverty reduction in Bangladesh was job creation/employment
     (percentage of respondents = 57%), followed by education (37%) and anti-corruption (23%).

                                        World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

IV. General Issues Facing Bangladesh (continued)
Factors Contributing to “Shared Prosperity”

                                     World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

IV. General Issues Facing Bangladesh (continued)
Gap between the Rich and the Poor

Global Climate Change

                                          World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

V. Overall Attitudes toward the World Bank Group
Attributing Failed/Slow Reform Efforts

                                                                World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

V. Overall Attitudes toward the World Bank Group (continued)
As noted in the “Methodology” section, the indicator questions referred to throughout the survey
report are questions that are asked in every country that engages in the Country Opinion Survey.
These will be aggregated for the World Bank Group’s annual Corporate Scorecard.

The World Bank Group’s Overall Effectiveness (Indicator Question)
        Year comparison: Respondents in this year’s Country Survey had significantly higher
         ratings for the WBG’s overall effectiveness in Bangladesh (weighted mean = 6.5)
         compared to respondents from the FY ’13 Country Survey (weighted mean = 6.1)2.
        Collaboration: Respondents who are collaborating with the WBG gave significantly
         higher ratings for the WBG’s overall effectiveness in Bangladesh (mean rating = 7.0)
         compared to respondents who are not collaborating (mean rating = 6.3).

 Please refer to Appendix E (page 86) for more details on weighting for year comparisons. The mean in the chart was calculated
based on un-weighted data.

                                                                World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

V. Overall Attitudes toward the World Bank Group (continued)
Achieving Development Results (Indicator Question)
        Year comparison: Respondents in this year’s Country Survey gave significantly higher
         ratings for the extent to which the WBG achieves development results (weighted mean =
         6.3) compared to respondents from the FY ’13 Country Survey (weighted mean = 5.9) 3.

WBG Staff Preparedness
        Year comparison: Respondents in this year’s Country Survey gave significantly higher
         ratings for the WBG’s staff being well prepared (weighted mean = 6.3) compared to
         respondents from the FY ’13 Country Survey (weighted mean = 5.7)3.

 Please refer to Appendix E (page 86) for more details on weighting for year comparisons. The means in the charts were
calculated based on un-weighted data.

                                               World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

V. Overall Attitudes toward the World Bank Group (continued)
Overall Ratings for Indicator Questions by Stakeholder Groups
      Stakeholders: Respondents from PMUs/Consultants on WBG-supported projects had the
       highest mean ratings for the aggregated responses to the twenty-six COS indicator
       questions whereas respondents from local government and other organizations had
       significantly lower mean ratings. Responses for individual indicator questions by
       stakeholder groups can be found in Appendix B (see page 58).
      Collaboration: Respondents who collaborate with the WBG had a significantly higher
       mean rating for the aggregated responses to the twenty-six COS indicator questions
       (mean rating = 6.3) compared to respondents who do not collaborate with the WBG
       (mean rating = 5.8). Responses for individual indicator questions by exposure to the
       WBG can be found in Appendix F (see page 92).

                                               World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

V. Overall Attitudes toward the World Bank Group (continued)
Greatest Value
     Year comparison: Respondents in the FY ’13 Country Survey indicated that the WBG’s
      greatest value to Bangladesh was its financial resources for investment lending
      (percentage of respondents = 61%), followed by its financial resources for policy-based
      lending/budget support to the Government (39%) and technical assistance (32%).

                                       World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

V. Overall Attitudes toward the World Bank Group (continued)
Effectiveness of WBG’s Instruments in Reducing Poverty

                                                World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

V. Overall Attitudes toward the World Bank Group (continued)
Greatest Weakness
   Year comparison: Respondents in the FY ’13 Country Survey indicated that the WBG’s
    greatest weakness in its work in Bangladesh was being too influenced by developed countries
    (percentage of respondents = 34%), followed by its processes being too slow and complex
    (23%) and not being adequately sensitive to political/social realities (22%).

                                               World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

VI. Sectoral Effectiveness
Effectiveness of WBG’s Support in Sectoral Areas
      Collaboration: Respondents who are collaborating with the WBG gave significantly
       higher ratings for the WBG’s effectiveness at “Regulatory framework” (mean rating =
       6.0) compared to respondents who are not collaborating (mean rating = 5.3).

                                                                    World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

VI. Sectoral Effectiveness (continued)
Effectiveness of WBG’s Support in Sectoral Areas: Year Comparison4

    All means presented in this chart are calculated based on weighted data. See Appendix E (page 86) for details.

                                      World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

VI. Sectoral Effectiveness (continued)
The WBG Promoting Private Public Partnerships

Helping the Poorest

                                                                World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

VII. How the World Bank Group Operates
The World Bank Group’s Work in Bangladesh
        Year comparison: Respondents in this year’s Country Survey had statistically similar
         levels of agreement that “Overall the World Bank Group currently plays a relevant role
         in development in Bangladesh” (weighted mean rating = 6.0) compared to respondents
         from the FY ’13 Country Survey (weighted mean rating = 5.9), but significantly higher
         levels of agreement that “The WBG’s work is aligned with what I consider the
         development priorities for Bangladesh” (FY ’16 weighted mean rating = 6.0) compared
         to respondents from the FY ’13 Country Survey (weighted mean rating = 5.6)5.

 Please refer to Appendix E (page 86) for more details on weighting for year comparisons. The means in the chart were
calculated based on un-weighted data.

                                                  World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

VII. How the World Bank Group Operates (continued)
Overall Perceptions
   Stakeholders: Respondents from PMUs/Consultants on WBG-supported projects had the
    highest levels of agreement that “The World Bank Group disburses funds promptly” and that
    “The World Bank Group takes decisions quickly in Bangladesh” whereas respondents from the
    private sector/financial sector/private banks had significantly lower levels of agreement for the
    former and respondents from independent government intuitions had significantly lower levels
    of agreement for the latter (refer to Appendix B, page 58, for a complete breakdown).
   Location: Respondents from Dhaka Division had significantly higher levels of agreement
    that “The World Bank Group takes decisions quickly in Bangladesh” (mean rating = 5.7)
    compared to respondents from Other Areas (mean rating = 5.0).
   Collaboration: Respondents who are collaborating with the WBG had significantly higher
    levels of agreement that “The World Bank Group disburses funds promptly” (mean rating =
    5.9) and that “The World Bank Group’s conditions on its lending are reasonable” (mean
    rating = 6.0) compared to respondents who are not collaborating (mean rating = 4.4 and 5.3,

                                                                    World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

VII. How the World Bank Group Operates (continued)
Overall Perceptions: Year Comparison6

    All means presented in this chart are calculated based on weighted data. See Appendix E (page 86) for details.

                                                World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

VII. How the World Bank Group Operates (continued)
The WBG as an Effective Development Partner
   Stakeholders: There were significant stakeholder group differences across four of these
    aspects of how the WBG operates in Bangladesh (see Appendix B, page 58). For the most
    part, respondents from PMUs/Consultants on WBG-supported projects tended to have the
    highest ratings whereas respondents from local government and the media tended to have
    significantly lower ratings.

                                                                    World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

VII. How the World Bank Group Operates (continued)
The WBG as an Effective Development Partner: Year Comparison7

    All means presented in this chart are calculated based on weighted data. See Appendix E (page 86) for details.

                                        World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

VII. How the World Bank Group Operates (continued)
Internal Measuring and Monitoring

Reimbursable Advisory Services (RAS)

                                                                    World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

VIII. World Bank Group’s Knowledge and Instruments
Frequency of Consulting WBG Knowledge Work and Activities
       Stakeholders: Respondents from the media and academia indicated the most frequent usage
        of the WBG’s knowledge work (percentage of respondents = 54% and 44% weekly/monthly,
        respectively) whereas respondents from the private sector/financial sector/private banks and
        independent government intuitions indicated significantly less frequent usage (53% and 67%
        rarely/never, respectively).

Frequency of Consulting WBG Knowledge Work and Activities: Year Comparison8

    All percentages presented in this chart are calculated based on weighted data. See Appendix E (page 86) for details.

                                                                World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

VIII. World Bank Group’s Knowledge and Instruments (continued)
Meeting Bangladesh’s Knowledge Needs (Indicator Question)
   Year comparison: Respondents in this year’s Country Survey had statistically similar levels of
    agreement that the WBG meets Bangladesh’s needs for knowledge services (weighted mean =
    6.0) compared to respondents from the FY ’13 Country Survey (weighted mean = 5.8)9.

Contribution of the WBG’s Knowledge Work and Activities (Indicator Question)
   Year comparison: Respondents in this year’s Country Survey had significantly higher ratings
    for the significance of the contribution of the WBG’s knowledge work and activities (weighted
    mean = 6.5) compared to respondents from the FY ’13 Country Survey (weighted mean = 6.0)9.

Technical Quality of the WBG’s Knowledge Work and Activities (Indicator Question)
   Year comparison: Respondents in this year’s Country Survey gave statistically similar ratings
    for the technical quality of the WBG’s knowledge work and activities (weighted mean = 6.9)
    compared to respondents from the FY ’13 Country Survey (weighted mean = 6.7)9.

 Please refer to Appendix E (page 86) for more details on weighting for year comparisons. The means in these charts were
calculated based on un-weighted data.

                                              World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

VIII. World Bank Group’s Knowledge and Instruments (continued)
Qualities of the WBG’s Knowledge Work and Activities
     Stakeholders: Respondents from the office of the President/Prime Minister/Minister and
      PMUs/Consultants on WBG-supported projects gave the highest ratings that the WBG’s
      knowledge work “Are adequately disseminated” whereas respondents from local
      government and other organizations gave significantly lower ratings (refer to Appendix
      B, page 58, for a complete breakdown).

                                                                    World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

VIII. World Bank Group’s Knowledge and Instruments (continued)

Qualities of the WBG’s Knowledge Work and Activities: Year Comparison10

     All means presented in this chart are calculated based on weighted data. See Appendix E (page 86) for details.

                                                               World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

VIII. World Bank Group’s Knowledge and Instruments (continued)
Meeting Bangladesh’s Needs for Financial Instruments (Indicator Question)
        Year comparison: Respondents in this year’s Country Survey had statistically similar
         levels of agreement that the WBG’s financial instruments meet Bangladesh’s needs
         (weighted mean = 5.6) compared to respondents from the FY ’13 Country Survey
         (weighted mean = 5.4)11.

        Collaboration: Respondents who are collaborating with the WBG had significantly
         higher levels of agreement that the WBG’s financial instruments meet Bangladesh’s
         needs (mean rating = 6.1) compared to respondents who are not collaborating with the
         WBG (mean rating = 5.3).

 Please refer to Appendix E (page 86) for more details on weighting for year comparisons. The mean in the chart was calculated
based on un-weighted data.

                                                 World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

IX. The Future Role of the WBG in Bangladesh
Making the World Bank Group of Greater Value
   Year comparison: Respondents in the FY ’13 Country Survey indicated that, to make itself
    of greater value, the WBG should reduce the complexity of obtaining WBG financing
    (percentage of respondents = 65%), followed by reaching out more to groups outside of
    Government (33%), improving the quality of its experts as related to Bangladesh’s specific
    challenges (33%), and working faster (22%).

                                               World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

IX. The Future Role of the WBG in Bangladesh (continued)
World Bank Group Should Collaborate More with…
   Year comparison: Respondents in the FY ’13 Country Survey indicated that the WBG
    should collaborate more with local government (percentage of respondents = 52%) and
    private sector (47%).

                                             World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

IX. The Future Role of the WBG in Bangladesh (continued)
Where the World Bank Group Should Focus its Resources
     Year comparison: Respondents from the FY ’13 Country Survey indicated that the WBG
      should focus its resources on basic infrastructure (percentage of respondents = 39%),
      public sector governance/reform (30%), transport (28%), poverty reduction (28%),
      energy/power (27%), and education (23%).

                                         World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

IX. The Future Role of the WBG in Bangladesh (continued)
Future Combination of the WBG services

                                                World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

X. Communication and Outreach
When considering the World Bank Group’s future outreach with key constituencies, please see
Appendix B (page 58) for all responses by stakeholder groups.

Information Sources
      Year comparison: Respondents in the FY ’13 Country Survey indicated that they got
       most of their information about economic and social development issues from local
       newspapers (percentage of respondents = 87%), followed by the Internet (42%) and local
       television (39%).

                                              World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

X. Communication and Outreach (continued)
Preferred Information Sources
     Year comparison: Respondents in the FY ’13 Country Survey indicated that they
      preferred to get their information from the WBG’s website (percentage of respondents =
      73%), followed by WBG publications and other written materials (31%), the WBG’s
      seminars/workshops/conferences (26%), direct contact with the WBG (19%), and
      e-Newsletters (18%).

                               World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

X. Communication and Outreach (continued)
Access to Information

Access to the Internet

WBG Website Usage

                               World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

X. Communication and Outreach (continued)
WBG Website Internet Access

WBG Social Media Usage

                                              World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

XI. Appendices

     A. Responses to All Questions across All Respondents...................... 43

     B. Responses to All Questions by Stakeholder Groups ...................... 58

     C. Responses to Indicator Questions by Geographic Location........... 76

     D. Responses to Select Questions by Collaboration with WBG ......... 79

     E. Responses to Select Questions by Year......................................... 86

     F. Indicator Questions as a Function of Exposure to the WBG .......... 92

     G. WBG Country Opinion Survey FY16 – Bangladesh......................... 93


                                                         World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

Appendix A: Responses to All Questions across All Respondents (N=332)
All rating scale questions are presented with the total number of respondents that provided a rating (N), the
number of respondents who indicated that they “Don’t know” (DK), the mean rating across all respondents (Mean),
and the standard deviation of this mean (SD). Indicator questions are noted with an asterisk (*).

A. General Issues Facing Bangladesh

                                                                                     Percentage of Respondents
 1. In general would you say that Bangladesh is headed in ...?                                  (N=319)
 The right direction                                                                            66.5%
 The wrong direction                                                                            11.0%
 Not sure                                                                                       22.6%

 2. Listed below are a number of development priorities in Bangladesh. Please
 identify which of the following you consider the most important development         Percentage of Respondents
 priorities in Bangladesh? (Choose no more than THREE)                               (Responses Combined; N=329)
 Public sector governance/reform                                                                45.3%
 Poverty reduction                                                                              27.4%
 Job creation/employment                                                                        23.7%
 Food security                                                                                  22.8%
 Anti-corruption                                                                                20.4%
 Education and skill development                                                                17.9%
 Energy/Power                                                                                   12.5%
 Health and nutrition                                                                           11.2%
 Law and justice                                                                                10.9%
 Gender equity                                                                                  10.3%
 Climate change                                                                                 9.1%
 Transport                                                                                      9.1%
 Economic growth                                                                                7.3%
 Equality of opportunity                                                                        7.0%
 Information and communications technology                                                      6.7%
 Disaster preparedness and management                                                           6.4%
 Private sector development                                                                     6.1%
 Rural development                                                                              5.8%
 Global/regional integration                                                                    5.5%
 Social protection                                                                              5.2%
 Agricultural development                                                                       4.9%
 Water and sanitation                                                                           4.6%
 Environmental sustainability                                                                   4.6%
 Foreign direct investment                                                                      3.6%
 Urban development                                                                              3.6%
 Financial markets                                                                              2.4%
 Trade and exports                                                                              2.1%
 Regulatory framework                                                                           2.1%

                                                       World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

A. General Issues Facing Bangladesh (continued)

 3. The World Bank Group has committed itself to twin goals: ending extreme
 poverty by 2030 and boosting shared prosperity. Poverty reduction is a broad
 term that encompasses work in many different areas. Which THREE areas of
 development listed below do you believe would contribute most to reducing         Percentage of Respondents
 poverty in Bangladesh? (Choose no more than THREE)                                (Responses Combined; N=332)
 Job creation/employment                                                                      44.0%
 Education and skill development                                                              39.5%
 Rural development                                                                            27.1%
 Economic growth                                                                              21.1%
 Equality of opportunity                                                                      19.3%
 Anti-corruption                                                                              18.7%
 Public sector governance/reform                                                              16.3%
 Social protection                                                                            10.2%
 Transport                                                                                    9.9%
 Law and justice                                                                              9.6%
 Climate change                                                                               8.4%
 Gender equity                                                                                7.8%
 Agricultural development                                                                     7.8%
 Private sector development                                                                   6.6%
 Energy/Power                                                                                 5.7%
 Food security                                                                                5.7%
 Health and nutrition                                                                         5.4%
 Water and sanitation                                                                         4.8%
 Urban development                                                                            4.5%
 Disaster preparedness and management                                                         4.5%
 Global/regional integration                                                                  4.2%
 Foreign direct investment                                                                    4.2%
 Information and communications technology                                                    3.0%
 Environmental sustainability                                                                 2.7%
 Trade and exports                                                                            2.4%
 Financial markets                                                                            2.1%
 Regulatory framework                                                                         1.8%

                                                           World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

A. General Issues Facing Bangladesh (continued)

 4. The World Bank Group’s “Shared Prosperity” goal captures two key elements,
 economic growth and equity. It will seek to foster income growth among the
 bottom 40 percent of a country’s population. Improvement in the Shared
 Prosperity Indicator requires growth and well-being of the less well-off. When
 thinking about the idea of “shared prosperity” in your country, which of the
 following TWO best illustrate how this would be achieved in Bangladesh?                Percentage of Respondents
 (Choose no more than TWO)                                                              (Responses Combined; N=320)
 Education and training that better ensure job opportunity                                         29.1%
 Better employment opportunities for young people                                                  26.3%
 Consistent economic growth                                                                        25.9%
 Better opportunity for the poor who live in rural areas                                           19.4%
 Greater voice and participation for citizens to help ensure greater accountability                17.2%
 More reliable and well targeted social safety net                                                 15.9%
 Better entrepreneurial opportunities (i.e., to start small and medium sized
 Greater access to micro-finance for the poor                                                      11.3%
 Greater access to health and nutrition for citizens                                               9.1%
 Better employment opportunities for women                                                         8.1%
 Better quality public services                                                                    6.6%
 Better opportunity for the poor who live in urban areas                                           5.3%
 Greater equity of fiscal policy                                                                   5.0%
 A growing middle class                                                                            3.8%
 Other                                                                                             0.6%

 5. Do you think the gap between the rich and the poor is a very big problem,
 a moderately big problem, a small problem or not a problem at all in                   Percentage of Respondents
 Bangladesh? (Select only ONE response)                                                           (N=328)
 A very big problem                                                                                63.4%
 A moderately big problem                                                                          28.4%
 A small problem                                                                                   6.4%
 Not a problem at all                                                                               .9%
 Don’t know                                                                                         .9%

 6. In your view, is global climate change a very serious problem, somewhat             Percentage of Respondents
 serious, not too serious, or not a problem? (Select only ONE response)                           (N=329)
 A very serious problem                                                                            72.9%
 A somewhat serious problem                                                                        23.7%
 Not too serious problem                                                                           3.0%
 Not a problem                                                                                        -
 Don’t know                                                                                         .3%

                                                             World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

B. Overall Attitudes toward the World Bank Group

 (1-Not familiar at all, 10-Extremely familiar)                                      N        DK      Mean        SD
1.   How familiar are you with the work of the World Bank Group in
                                                                                    330        0       7.00      2.26

(1-Not effective at all, 10-Very effective)                                          N        DK      Mean        SD
2.   Overall, please rate your impression of the World Bank Group’s
                                                                                    316        12      6.52      2.07
     effectiveness in Bangladesh.*

 (1-To no degree at all, 10-To a very significant degree)                            N        DK      Mean        SD
3.   To what extent do you believe the World Bank Group’s staff is well
     prepared to help Bangladesh solve its most complicated development             301        28      6.26      2.10

 4. When thinking about how the World Bank Group can have the most impact
 on development results in Bangladesh, in which sectoral areas do you believe
 the World Bank Group should focus most of its resources (financial and                   Percentage of Respondents
 knowledge services) in Bangladesh? (Choose no more than THREE)                           (Responses Combined; N=329)
 Job creation/employment                                                                            33.1%
 Transport                                                                                          28.0%
 Education and skill development                                                                    27.1%
 Public sector governance/reform                                                                    25.8%
 Health and nutrition                                                                               19.8%
 Economic growth                                                                                    17.9%
 Rural development                                                                                  13.7%
 Climate change                                                                                     12.2%
 Energy/Power                                                                                       11.2%
 Poverty reduction                                                                                  10.3%
 Anti-corruption                                                                                    10.3%
 Agricultural development                                                                           8.8%
 Food security                                                                                      7.0%
 Information and communications technology                                                          6.7%
 Environmental sustainability                                                                       6.4%
 Social protection                                                                                  6.1%
 Water and sanitation                                                                               6.1%
 Foreign direct investment                                                                          5.5%
 Regulatory framework                                                                               5.5%
 Global/regional integration                                                                        5.2%
 Law and justice                                                                                    5.2%
 Equality of opportunity                                                                            4.9%
 Disaster preparedness and management                                                               4.6%
 Private sector development                                                                         4.3%
 Urban development                                                                                  4.0%
 Gender equity                                                                                      3.3%
 Trade and exports                                                                                  2.4%
 Financial markets                                                                                  0.9%

                                                          World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

B. Overall Attitudes toward the World Bank Group (continued)

 5. When thinking about the World Bank Group’s role, which                 Percentage of Respondents (N=321)
 activity do you believe is of greatest VALUE and which activity is       Greatest      2nd Greatest
 of second greatest value in Bangladesh?                                   Value            Value     Combined
 Policy advice, studies, analyses                                          20.6%           14.5%        35.1%
 Financial resources: investment lending                                   17.4%           12.9%        30.4%
 Capacity development                                                      16.2%           11.7%        27.9%
 Help to bring discipline/effective supervision to implementation of
                                                                           11.5%            11.7%           23.2%
 investment projects
 Financial resources: policy based lending/budget support to the
                                                                            8.4%            12.9%           21.3%
 Technical assistance                                                       7.5%             9.5%           16.9%
 Donor coordination                                                         4.0%             7.9%           11.9%
 Data and statistics                                                        6.2%             4.7%           11.0%
 Mobilizing third party financial resources                                 0.6%             6.9%           7.6%
 Convening/Facilitating                                                     5.3%             1.9%           7.2%
 Linkage to non-Bank expertise                                              1.2%             4.4%           5.7%
 Other                                                                      0.9%             0.6%           1.6%

6. Which of the following do you identify as the World Bank Group’s greatest           Percentage of Respondents
   WEAKNESSES in its work in Bangladesh? (Choose no more than TWO)                     (Responses Combined; N=326)
Too influenced by developed countries                                                             48.8%
Not collaborating enough with stakeholders outside the Government                                 22.4%
Not enough public disclosure of its work                                                          22.1%
World Bank Group’s processes too complex                                                          21.2%
Its advice and strategies do not lend themselves to practical problem solving                     14.7%
Imposing technocratic solutions without regard to political realities                             12.0%
Not exploring alternative policy options                                                          10.1%
Not adequately sensitive to political/social realities in Bangladesh                              9.8%
World Bank Group’s processes too slow (e.g., too bureaucratic in its operational
policies and procedures)
Not aligned with country priorities                                                                 5.5%
Not willing to honestly criticize policies and reform efforts in the country                        4.9%
Arrogant in its approach                                                                            4.6%
Not aligned with other donors’ work                                                                 2.5%
Not client-focused                                                                                  2.1%
The credibility of its knowledge/data                                                               2.1%
Other                                                                                               1.5%
Staff too inaccessible                                                                              1.2%
Don’t know                                                                                          1.2%

                                                       World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

B. Overall Attitudes toward the World Bank Group (continued)

7. Which World Bank Group’s instruments do you believe are the most effective       Percentage of Respondents
   in reducing poverty in Bangladesh? (Choose no more than TWO)                     (Responses Combined; N=329)
Investment lending                                                                               42.9%
Capacity development                                                                             39.5%
Technical assistance                                                                             35.0%
Knowledge products/services                                                                      20.1%
Policy based lending / budget support to the Government                                          19.1%
Trust Fund management                                                                            16.1%
Multi-sectoral approaches                                                                        13.4%
Don’t know                                                                                       2.7%
Other                                                                                            1.2%

8. To what extent do you believe that the World Bank Group’s work and support       Percentage of Respondents
   help the poorest in Bangladesh? (Select only ONE response)                                    (N=330)
To a fully sufficient degree                                                                     14.2%
To a somewhat sufficient degree                                                                  50.9%
To a somewhat insufficient degree                                                                23.3%
To a very insufficient degree                                                                    6.1%
Don't know                                                                                       5.5%

9. In addition to the regular relations with the national government, which TWO
    of the following groups should the World Bank Group collaborate with more in    Percentage of Respondents
    your country? (Choose no more than TWO)                                         (Responses Combined; N=327)
Local Government                                                                                 42.8%
NGOs/Community-Based Organizations (CBOs)                                                        30.0%
Academia/think tanks/research institutes                                                         27.8%
Private sector                                                                                   25.7%
Youth/university groups                                                                          15.3%
Media                                                                                            14.1%
Beneficiaries                                                                                    13.1%
Parliament                                                                                       12.8%
Donor community                                                                                  10.4%
Foundations                                                                                      2.1%
Other                                                                                            1.2%
Don’t know                                                                                       0.9%

To what extent do you agree with the following statements about the World                Level of Agreement
Bank Group’s work in Bangladesh? (1-Strongly disagree, 10-Strongly agree)            N       DK Mean        SD
10. Overall the World Bank Group currently plays a relevant role in development
                                                                                    319      9       6.00   2.08
    in Bangladesh*
11. The World Bank Group’s work is aligned with what I consider the
                                                                                    318      8       5.95   2.00
    development priorities for Bangladesh*

                                                             World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

B. Overall Attitudes toward the World Bank Group (continued)

 To what extent is the World Bank Group an effective development partner in                  Level of Agreement
 Bangladesh, in terms of each of the following?
 (1-To no degree at all, 10-To a very significant degree)                                  N      DK     Mean     SD
12. Responsiveness to needs*                                                              299     24     5.44    1.89
13. Flexibility (in terms of the institution’s products and services)*                    287     28     5.24    2.00
14. Flexibility (in terms of changing country circumstances)*                             297     20     5.36    2.00
15.   Being inclusive*                                                                    312     11      5.48   2.20
16.   Openness (sharing data and other information)*                                      303     13      5.90   2.21
17.   Collaboration with the Government*                                                  315     5       6.69   2.00
18.   The speed in which it gets things accomplished on the ground*                       308     14      5.91   2.07
19. Ease of access to the people at the World Bank Group who are making
                                                                                          295     26      5.56   2.18
    decisions important to my work*
20. Collaboration with civil society*                                                     304     20      5.53   2.23
21. Staff accessibility*                                                                  294     27      5.36   2.20
22. Collaboration with other donors and development partners*                             291     27      6.24   2.12
23.   Collaboration with the private sector*                                              291     31      5.80   2.05
24.   Straightforwardness and honesty*                                                    284     32      6.30   2.28
25.   Treating clients and stakeholders in Bangladesh with respect*                       300     20      6.10   2.23
26.   Being a long-term partner*                                                          309     13      6.93   2.27

 27. When World Bank Group assisted reform efforts fail or are slow to take              Percentage of Respondents
 place, which of the following would you attribute to? (Choose no more than TWO)         (Responses Combined; N=325)
 The World Bank Group is not sensitive enough to political/social realities on the
 Reforms are not well thought out in light of country challenges                                       24.9%
 Lack of/inadequate levels of capacity in Government                                                   23.1%
 The Government works inefficiently                                                                    22.8%
 Political pressures and obstacles                                                                     22.5%
 Poor donor coordination                                                                               20.0%
 There is not an adequate level of citizen/civil society participation                                 18.5%
 The World Bank Group works too slowly                                                                 14.2%
 The World Bank Group does not do adequate follow through/follow-up                                    9.8%
 Other                                                                                                 1.5%

                                                       World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

C. World Bank Group’s Effectiveness and Results

 1. In your opinion, how IMPORTANT is it for the World Bank Group to be involved              Importance
 in the following areas of development in Bangladesh?
 (1-Not important at all, 10-Very important)                                           N      DK    Mean       SD
 1.    Financial markets                                                              302     19    6.29      2.55
 2.    Transport                                                                      320      8    7.91      2.03
 3.    Anti-corruption                                                                321      6    7.16      2.51
 4.    Law and justice                                                                311     10     6.51     2.57
 5.    Urban development                                                              316     7      7.56     2.05
 6.    Environmental sustainability                                                   315     5      7.81     2.15
 7.    Trade and exports                                                              310     10     7.03     2.21
 8.    Information and communications technology                                      317     8      7.58     2.15
 9.    Poverty reduction                                                              318     8      8.27     2.07
 10.   Gender equity                                                                  314      9     7.58     2.30
 11.   Private sector development                                                     311      5     7.51     2.16
 12.   Foreign direct investment                                                      311      9     7.27     2.33
 13.   Water and sanitation                                                           314      7     7.67     2.11
 14.   Regulatory framework                                                           312      9     6.57     2.53
 15.   Economic growth                                                                314      8     7.83     2.12
 16.   Energy/Power                                                                   318     5      7.86     2.06
 17.   Disaster preparedness and management                                           312     8      7.72     2.16
 18.   Public sector governance/reform                                                314     12     7.47     2.39
 19.   Job creation/employment                                                        318     9      8.11     2.13
 20.   Equality of opportunity                                                        310     14     7.50     2.25
 21.   Social protection                                                              312     11     7.12     2.26
 22.   Rural development                                                              313     10     7.84     2.09
 23.   Global/regional integration                                                    307     9      7.30     2.09
 24.   Food security                                                                  310     10     7.42     2.17
 25.   Health and nutrition                                                           316     10     7.94     2.05
 26.   Climate change                                                                 310     11     7.91     2.30
 27.   Agricultural development                                                       310     11     7.61     2.21
 28. Education and skills development                                                 314     10     8.32     1.98

                                                             World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

C. World Bank Group’s Effectiveness and Results (continued)

 How EFFECTIVE do you believe the World Bank Group is in terms of the work it                      Effectiveness
 does in the following areas of development in Bangladesh?
 (1-Not effective at all, 10-Very effective)                                                 N      DK    Mean       SD
1.    Gender equity                                                                         253     73    6.04      2.19
2.    Information and communications technology                                             252     72    6.14      2.14
3.    Transport                                                                             285     39    6.73      2.19
4.    Law and justice                                                                       218    104     5.23     2.19
5.    Urban development                                                                     275    44      6.28     2.08
6.    Environmental sustainability                                                          266    54      6.46     2.15
7.    Regulatory framework                                                                  232    86      5.57     2.16
8.    Poverty reduction                                                                     281    36      6.75     2.18
9.    Anti-corruption                                                                       239    78      5.46     2.53
10.   Private sector development                                                            257     64     6.17     2.21
11.   Foreign direct investment                                                             236     85     6.12     2.18
12.   Water and sanitation                                                                  272     50     6.54     2.08
13.   Trade and exports                                                                     236     85     6.07     2.04
14.   Economic growth                                                                       269     47     6.52     2.08
15.   Health and nutrition                                                                  266     53     6.74     1.97
16.   Disaster preparedness and management                                                  266     56     6.65     2.11
17.   Public sector governance/reform                                                       254     68     6.13     2.30
18.   Job creation/employment                                                               253     68     5.93     2.21
19.   Financial markets                                                                     229     87     5.76     2.20
20.   Equality of opportunity                                                               238     83     5.77     2.31
21.   Energy/Power                                                                          260     59     6.08     2.20
22.   Rural development                                                                     270     44     6.36     2.14
23.   Global/regional integration                                                           244     72     6.18     2.14
24.   Food security                                                                         259     54     6.03     2.24
25.   Education and skills development                                                      276     44     6.49     2.22
26.   Social protection                                                                     250     70     5.78     2.25
27.   Climate change                                                                        272     53     6.40     2.24
28. Agricultural development                                                                268     53     6.13     2.14

 (1-To no degree at all, 10-To a very significant degree)                                    N      DK    Mean      SD
3.    To what extent does the World Bank Group’s work help to achieve development
                                                                                            304     22     6.26     2.05
      results in Bangladesh?*

To what extent do you agree with the following statements about the World Bank
Group in Bangladesh? (1-Strongly disagree, 10-Strongly agree)                                N      DK    Mean      SD
4. The World Bank Group’s financial instruments (i.e., investment lending,
    Development Policy Loan, Trust Funds, Program 4 Result, etc.) meet the needs            304     24     5.59     1.99
    of Bangladesh*
5. The World Bank Group meets Bangladesh’s needs for knowledge services (e.g.,
                                                                                            300     25     5.97     2.09
    research, analysis, data, technical assistance)*

                                                                 World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

C. World Bank Group’s Effectiveness and Results (continued)

 (1-To no degree at all, 10-To a very significant degree)                                        N      DK     Mean     SD
6.   To what extent do you believe the World Bank Group measures and corrects its
                                                                                                239     88      5.65    2.18
     work in real time in Bangladesh?

 (1-To no degree at all, 10-To a very significant degree)                                        N      DK     Mean     SD
7.   To what extent do you believe that Bangladesh received value for money from
                                                                                                156    169      5.99    2.10
     the World Bank Group’s Reimbursable Advisory Services (RAS)?

D. The World Bank Group’s Knowledge Work and Activities

 1. How frequently do you consult World Bank Group’s knowledge work and                         Percentage of Respondents
 activities in the work you do?                                                                            (N=324
 Weekly                                                                                                      13.0%
 Monthly                                                                                                     21.6%
 A few times a year                                                                                          43.8%
 Rarely                                                                                                      19.4%
 Never                                                                                                        2.2%

In Bangladesh, to what extent do you believe that the World Bank Group’s                                  Degree
knowledge work and activities: (1-To no degree at all, 10-To a very significant degree)          N      DK Mean          SD
2. Are timely                                                                                   279     43    5.86      2.04
3. Include appropriate level of stakeholder involvement during preparation                      291     34    5.59      1.91
4.   Lead to practical solutions                                                                301     24      5.78    1.97
5.   Are accessible (well written and easy to understand)                                       300     24      6.33    2.15
6.   Are source of relevant information on global good practices                                272     50      6.61    1.99
7.   Are adequately disseminated                                                                293     30      5.90    2.22
8.   Are translated enough into local language                                                  274     46      5.43    2.37
9.   Are adaptable to Bangladesh’s specific development challenges and country
                                                                                                298     26      5.98    1.98

Overall Evaluations                                                                              N      DK     Mean     SD
10. Overall, how significant a contribution do you believe the World Bank Group’s
    knowledge work and activities make to development results in your country?*                 313     15      6.53    2.02
     (1-Not significant at all, 10-Very significant)
11. Overall, how would you rate the technical quality of the World Bank Group’s
    knowledge work and activities?*                                                             307     20      6.89    1.94
     (1-Very low technical quality, 10-Very high technical quality)

                                                             World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

E. Working with the World Bank Group

 To what extent do you agree/disagree with the following statements?                           Level of Agreement
 (1-Strongly disagree, 10-Strongly agree)                                                    N     DK Mean        SD
1.   The World Bank Group disburses funds promptly                                          278    49     4.96   2.43
2.   The World Bank Group effectively monitors and evaluates the projects and
                                                                                            301     25       6.40   2.18
     programs it supports
3.   The World Bank Group’s approvals and reviews are done in a timely fashion              282     41       5.99   2.02
4.   The World Bank Group’s “Safeguard Policy” requirements are reasonable                  226     99       6.20   2.08
5.   The World Bank Group’s conditions on its lending are reasonable                        274     52       5.53   2.35
6.   The World Bank Group takes decisions quickly in Bangladesh*                            274     48       5.53   2.26
7.   Working with the World Bank Group increases Bangladesh’s institutional
                                                                                            304     22       6.55   2.08
8.   Where country systems are adequate, the World Bank Group makes appropriate
                                                                                            251     74       6.28   2.04
     use of them*
9.   The World Bank Group provides effective implementation support                         294     32       6.24   2.03

 (1-To no degree at all, 10-To a very significant degree)                                    N      DK     Mean         SD
10. To what extent do you believe that the World Bank Group’s work helps to find
                                                                                            266     62       6.21   2.07
    solutions that promote private public partnerships in Bangladesh?

11. Which of the following best describes the World Bank Group’s support in                 Percentage of Respondents
  Bangladesh? (Select only one response)                                                              (N=320)
The WBG is sufficiently selective and focuses on the most important development
challenges in Bangladesh
The WBG is not sufficiently selective in Bangladesh, and it is involved in too many
areas of development
Don’t know                                                                                               19.7%

F. The Future Role of the World Bank Group in Bangladesh

 1. Which of the following SHOULD the World Bank Group do to make itself of               Percentage of Respondents
     greater value in Bangladesh? (Choose no more than TWO)                               (Responses Combined; N=326)
 Increase the level of capacity development in the country                                           26.7%
 Reach out more to groups outside of Government                                                      25.5%
 Improve the quality of its experts as related to Bangladesh’s specific challenges                   24.2%
 Ensure greater selectivity in its work                                                              23.3%
 Provide more adequate data/knowledge/statistics/figures on Bangladesh’s
 Reduce the complexity of obtaining World Bank Group financing                                       22.7%
 Offer more innovative financial products                                                            16.3%
 Work faster                                                                                         10.7%
 Offer more innovative knowledge services                                                            8.9%
 Collaborate more effectively with Government clients (e.g., national, state, local)                 8.3%
 Improve the competitiveness of its financing compared to markets (e.g., cost,
 timeliness, other terms)
 Other                                                                                               0.6%

                                                          World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

F. The Future Role of the World Bank Group in Bangladesh (continued)
 2. When considering the combination of services that the World Bank Group
 offers in Bangladesh, and taking into account its limited level of resources, which
 ONE of the following do you believe the World Bank Group should offer more of         Percentage of Respondents
 in Bangladesh? (Select only ONE response)                                                       (N=325)
 Financial services                                                                               52.9%
 Knowledge products                                                                               26.8%
 Convening services                                                                               3.7%
 None of the above                                                                                2.2%
 The combination is appropriate for Bangladesh                                                    8.9%
 Don't know                                                                                       5.5%

G. Communication and Information Sharing
 1. How do you get most of your information about economic and social                  Percentage of Respondents
   development issues in Bangladesh? (Choose no more than TWO)                         (Responses Combined; N=329)
 Local newspapers                                                                                 62.0%
 Internet                                                                                         43.8%
 Local television                                                                                 31.9%
 Social media (e.g., Facebook, blogs, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr)                                   25.8%
 International television                                                                         8.5%
 Periodicals                                                                                      7.3%
 International newspapers                                                                         7.0%
 Other                                                                                            4.3%
 Local radio                                                                                      0.6%
 International radio                                                                              0.3%

 2. How would you prefer to receive information from the World Bank Group?             Percentage of Respondents
 (Choose no more than TWO)                                                             (Responses Combined; N=327)
 World Bank Group’s website                                                                       52.6%
 World Bank Group’s seminars/workshops/conferences                                                38.5%
 World Bank Group’s publications and other written materials                                      35.5%
 Direct contact with World Bank Group (i.e., face to face meetings/discussions)                   25.1%
 e-Newsletters                                                                                    17.4%
 Social media (e.g., Facebook, blogs, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr)                                   14.4%
 Other                                                                                            0.9%

 3. Are you aware of the World Bank Group’s Access to Information Policy under
 which the WBG will now disclose any information in its possession that is not on      Percentage of Respondents
 a list of exceptions?                                                                           (N=295)
 Yes                                                                                              36.9%
 No                                                                                               63.1%

 4. If yes, from which of the following sources did you learn about the World          Percentage of Respondents
   Bank Group's Access to Information Policies? (Select only ONE response)             (Responses Combined; N=109)
 World Bank Group’s website                                                                       45.0%
 World Bank Group’s seminars/workshops/conferences                                                32.1%
 News/Media                                                                                       11.0%
 Colleagues/Friends/Peer organizations                                                            8.3%
 World Bank Group’s e-Newsletters                                                                 3.7%
 Social media                                                                                       -
 Other                                                                                              -

                                                         World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

G. Communication and Information Sharing (continued)

 5. Have you requested information from the World Bank Group on its activities        Percentage of Respondents
     in the past year?                                                                             (N=295)
 Yes                                                                                               28.1%
 No                                                                                                71.9%

                                                                                      Percentage of Respondents
 6. Were you able to obtain this information?                                                      (N=81)
 Yes                                                                                               86.4%
 No                                                                                                13.6%

                                                                                      Percentage of Respondents
 7. Do you have access to the Internet?                                                            (N=302)
 Yes                                                                                               93.7%
 No                                                                                                6.3%

                                                                                      Percentage of Respondents
 8. Do you use/have you used the World Bank Group website?                                         (N=303)
 Yes                                                                                               74.9%
 No                                                                                                25.1%

 9. Do you currently consult the World Bank Group social media sites (e.g., blogs,    Percentage of Respondents
     Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr)?                                                          (N=302)
 Yes                                                                                               43.7%
 No                                                                                                56.3%

 10. Which Internet connection do you use primarily when visiting a World Bank        Percentage of Respondents
     Group website?                                                                                (N=265)
 High speed/WiFi                                                                                   86.4%
 Dial-up                                                                                           3.8%
 Mobile                                                                                            9.8%

 Please rate how much you agree with the following statements.                             Level of Agreement
 (1-Strongly disagree, 10-Strongly agree)                                             N       DK     Mean     SD
11. I find the World Bank Group’s websites easy to navigate.                         249      40      7.09  2.06
12. I find the information on the World Bank Group’s websites useful.                247      40      7.34  1.90
13. The World Bank Group’s social media channels are valuable sources of
                                                                                     208     106       6.81   2.07
    information about the institution
14. When I need information from the World Bank Group I know how to find it          260      56       6.95   2.18
15. The World Bank Group is responsive to my information requests and inquiries      226      73       6.47   2.13

                                                          World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

H. Background Information

 1. Which of the following best describes your current position?                       Percentage of Respondents
 (Select only ONE response)                                                                      (N=320)
 Media                                                                                            28.4%
 Academia/Research Institute/Think Tank                                                           17.8%
 NGO/Community-Based Organization                                                                 13.4%
 Employee of a Ministry, Ministerial Department or Implementation Agency                          10.3%
 PMU overseeing implementation of project/Consultant/Contractor working on
 WBG supported project/program
 Office of Minister                                                                               5.3%
 Private Sector Organization                                                                      4.7%
 Other                                                                                            3.1%
 Local Government Office or Staff                                                                 2.8%
 Private Foundation                                                                               2.2%
 Independent Government Institution                                                               1.9%
 Judiciary Branch                                                                                 1.3%
 Trade Union                                                                                      .9%
 Office of Parliamentarian                                                                        .6%
 Bilateral/ Multilateral Agency                                                                   .6%
 Office of the President/Prime Minister                                                           .3%
 Financial Sector/Private Bank                                                                    .3%
 Faith-Based Group                                                                                .3%

 2. Please identify the primary specialization of your work.                           Percentage of Respondents
 (Select only ONE response)                                                                      (N=324)
 Macroeconomics and fiscal management                                                             11.4%
 Other                                                                                            9.9%
 Generalist (specialized in multiple sectors)                                                     9.0%
 Governance                                                                                       8.3%
 Urban, rural, and social development                                                             8.0%
 Jobs                                                                                             7.4%
 Education                                                                                        5.6%
 Poverty                                                                                          5.6%
 Gender                                                                                           5.2%
 Social protection and labor                                                                      4.9%
 Environment and natural resources                                                                4.6%
 Health, nutrition, and population                                                                3.4%
 Water                                                                                            2.8%
 Finance and markets                                                                              2.5%
 Transport and ICT                                                                                2.5%
 Public-private partnerships                                                                      1.9%
 Trade and competitiveness                                                                        1.9%
 Climate change                                                                                   1.9%
 Agriculture                                                                                      1.5%
 Energy and extractives                                                                           1.2%
 Fragility, conflict and violence                                                                  .6%

                                                        World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

H. Background Information (continued)

 3. Currently, do you professionally collaborate/work with the World Bank Group      Percentage of Respondents
 (IBRD, IFC, or MIGA) in your country? (Select only ONE response)                              (N=326)
 Yes                                                                                            32.2%
 No                                                                                             67.8%

 4. Which of the following agencies of the World Bank Group do you primarily         Percentage of Respondents
   engage with in Bangladesh? (Select only ONE response)                                       (N=121)
 The World Bank (IBRD/IDA)                                                                      82.6%
 The International Finance Corporation (IFC)                                                    10.7%
 The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA)                                            0.8%
 Other                                                                                          5.8%

                                                                                    Percentage of Respondents
 5. Do your projects involve both the World Bank and the IFC?                                  (N=313)
 Yes                                                                                            16.3%
 No                                                                                             83.7%

 6. If yes, what was your view of how the two institutions work together in          Percentage of Respondents
   Bangladesh? (Choose no more than TWO)                                                        (N=52)
 The two institutions work well together                                                        71.2%
 The way the two institutions work together needs improvement                                   19.2%
 Don't know                                                                                     9.6%
 The two institutions do not work well together                                                   -

 7. Which of the following describes most of your exposure to the World Bank         Percentage of Respondents
   Group in Bangladesh? (Choose no more than TWO)                                    (Responses Combined; N=327)
 Collaborate as part of my professional duties                                                  39.4%
 Use World Bank Group reports/data                                                              39.1%
 Observer                                                                                       29.1%
 Engage in World Bank Group related/sponsored events/activities                                 28.7%
 Use World Bank Group website for information, data, research, etc.                             27.5%

                                                                                     Percentage of Respondents
 8. What’s your gender?                                                                        (N=328)
 Female                                                                                         15.9%
 Male                                                                                           84.1%

                                                                                     Percentage of Respondents
 9. Which best represents your geographic location?                                            (N=330)
 Dhaka Division                                                                                 69.7%
 Khulna Division                                                                                8.8%
 Chittagong Division                                                                            4.8%
 Sylhet Division                                                                                3.6%
 Barisal Division                                                                               2.7%
 Mymensing Division                                                                             2.1%
 Rangpur Division                                                                               0.9%
 Other                                                                                          7.3%

                                                                                                                                                         World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

Appendix B: Responses to All Questions by Stakeholder Groups12
Office of the President/Prime Minister/Minister N=18  Employee of a Ministry N=33  PMU/Consultant on WBG-supported project N=18 
Local Government N=9  Private Sector/Financial Sector/Private Bank N=16  NGO/CBO N=43  Other Civil Society N=13  Media N=91 
Independent Government Institution N=6  Academia N=57  Other N=16

A. General Issues facing Bangladesh

In general, would you say that Bangladesh is headed in...?

                                                         Office of the                PMU/                                                  Private Sector/                            Independent
                                                       President/Prime Employee of Consultant on   Local                     Other Civil   Financial Sector/      NGO/                 Government
Percentage of Respondents                              Minister/Minister a Ministry WBG project Government                    Society        Private Bank          CBO      Media       Institution Academia        Other
The ri ght di recti on                                        82.4%            74.2%           77.8%            50.0%          61.5%              81.3%           69.8%     58.0%         66.7%        60.8%        75.0%
The wrong di recti on                                         5.9%                                                              7.7%              6.3%            7.0%      19.3%         16.7%        15.7%        12.5%
Not s ure                                                     11.8%            25.8%           22.2%            50.0%          30.8%              12.5%           23.3%     22.7%         16.7%        23.5%        12.5%

B. Overall Attitudes toward the World Bank Group

                                                         Office of                  PMU/                                           Private/                                  Independent
                                                       President/PM Employee of Consultant on   Local                Other Civil   Financial                                 Government
                                                         /Minister   a Ministry WBG project Government                Society    Sector/ Bank       NGO/CBO          Media    Institution         Academia         Other
                                                         N    Mean   N    Mean    N    Mean   N    Mean              N     Mean    N    Mean        N   Mean       N    Mean   N     Mean         N    Mean    N      Mean

How fami l i ar are you wi th the work of the
                                                         18    7.78     33    8.00     18     7.22     9     6.44    13     6.92    15     6.27     43     6.37    91     6.78     6    7.50      57   7.61    15     6.33
Worl d Bank Group i n Bangl ades h?*
(1-Not familiar at all, 10-Extremely familiar) *Significantly different between stakeholder groups

                                                         Office of                  PMU/                                           Private/                                  Independent
                                                       President/PM Employee of Consultant on   Local                Other Civil   Financial                                 Government
                                                         /Minister   a Ministry WBG project Government                Society    Sector/ Bank       NGO/CBO          Media    Institution         Academia         Other
                                                         N    Mean   N    Mean    N    Mean   N    Mean              N     Mean    N    Mean        N   Mean       N    Mean   N     Mean         N    Mean    N      Mean

Overall, please rate your impression of the
                                                         18    7.33     32    6.81     18     7.39     8     6.63    12     7.50    15     7.07     43     5.98    84     6.23     6    7.17      54   6.15    15     6.40
WBG’s effectiveness in Bangladesh.
(1-Not effective at all, 10-Very effective)

     Only 320 respondents provided the information about their current positions. Thus, only these respondents were included in the across-stakeholder analysis presented in this Appendix.

                                                                                                                                         World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

B. Overall Attitudes toward the World Bank Group (continued)

                                                     Office of                   PMU/                                  Private/                                 Independent
                                                   President/PM Employee of   Consultant on  Local     Other Civil     Financial                                Government
                                                     /Minister   a Ministry   WBG project Government    Society      Sector/ Bank   NGO/CBO           Media      Institution   Academia        Other
                                                     N     Mean   N    Mean    N    Mean   N   Mean    N     Mean     N    Mean     N     Mean    N      Mean    N    Mean     N    Mean   N      Mean
To what extent do you believe the WBG's staff
is well prepared to help Bangladesh solve its        17    7.06   30   6.47    17   7.12   8    5.75   12    7.42     15    6.53    38     6.29   80     5.81    5     6.80    54   5.98   14     5.64
most complicated development challenges?
(1-To no degree at all, 10-To a very significant degree)

                                                                                                                                World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

B. Overall Attitudes toward the World Bank Group (continued)

When thinking about how the World Bank Group can have the most impact on development results in Bangladesh, in which sectoral areas do you believe the World Bank Group should focus
most of its resources (financial and knowledge services) in Bangladesh? (Choose no more than THREE)

                                                   Office of the                PMU/                                  Private Sector/                    Independent
Percentage of Respondents                        President/Prime Employee of Consultant on   Local     Other Civil   Financial Sector/   NGO/            Government
(Responses combined)                             Minister/Minister a Ministry WBG project Government    Society        Private Bank       CBO    Media    Institution Academia   Other
 Hea l th a nd nutri tion                             16.7%        24.2%       16.7%        11.1%        23.1%            13.3%           9.3%   31.1%     0.0%        19.3%      6.7%
 Tra ns port                                          22.2%        21.2%       27.8%        44.4%        23.1%            33.3%          20.9%   33.3%     66.7%       21.1%     33.3%
 Agri cul tura l devel opment                         0.0%          9.1%       11.1%        22.2%        7.7%             13.3%           9.3%   13.3%     16.7%        3.5%      0.0%
 Gl oba l /regi ona l i ntegra tion                   5.6%          0.0%       16.7%         0.0%        7.7%             6.7%            0.0%    4.4%     0.0%         5.3%     13.3%
 Job crea tion/empl oyment                            22.2%        24.2%       22.2%        55.6%        53.8%            20.0%          27.9%   34.4%     50.0%       33.3%     33.3%
 Publ i c s ector governa nce/reform                  55.6%         9.1%       16.7%        22.2%        15.4%            26.7%          30.2%   25.6%     16.7%       29.8%     33.3%
 Soci a l protection                                  11.1%         6.1%       11.1%         0.0%        23.1%            6.7%            4.7%    1.1%     0.0%         8.8%     13.3%
 Rura l devel opment                                  0.0%         12.1%       11.1%        11.1%        23.1%            26.7%          16.3%   13.3%     33.3%       15.8%      0.0%
 Forei gn di rect i nves tment                        16.7%         3.0%       16.7%         0.0%        0.0%             0.0%            7.0%    3.3%     16.7%        7.0%      0.0%
 Educa tion a nd s ki l l devel opment                16.7%        21.2%       27.8%        22.2%        15.4%            33.3%          20.9%   33.3%     33.3%       36.8%     20.0%
 Energy/Power                                         5.6%         21.2%       16.7%        22.2%        30.8%            6.7%           11.6%    5.6%     33.3%        8.8%     13.3%
 Gender equi ty                                       0.0%          0.0%       0.0%         11.1%        7.7%             6.7%            4.7%    3.3%     0.0%         3.5%      0.0%
 Fi na nci a l ma rkets *                             11.1%         3.0%       0.0%          0.0%        0.0%             0.0%            0.0%    0.0%     0.0%         0.0%      0.0%
 Urba n devel opment                                  0.0%          3.0%       5.6%          0.0%        0.0%             0.0%            4.7%    3.3%     0.0%        10.5%      0.0%
 Envi ronmental s us tai na bi l i ty                 16.7%        12.1%       5.6%         11.1%        15.4%            0.0%            4.7%    3.3%     0.0%         7.0%      0.0%
 Economi c growth                                     16.7%        33.3%       5.6%         11.1%        15.4%            20.0%          23.3%   15.6%     0.0%        12.3%     26.7%
 Pri va te s ector devel opment                       5.6%          9.1%       0.0%          0.0%        7.7%             0.0%            7.0%    4.4%     0.0%         1.8%      6.7%
 Wa ter a nd s a ni tation*                           11.1%        18.2%       5.6%          0.0%        7.7%             20.0%           2.3%    4.4%     0.0%         0.0%      0.0%
 Food s ecuri ty                                      0.0%          9.1%       11.1%         0.0%        0.0%             6.7%            7.0%    7.8%     0.0%         8.8%     13.3%
 Cl i ma te cha nge*                                  11.1%        27.3%       27.8%         0.0%        0.0%             6.7%           14.0%    6.7%     16.7%       10.5%      6.7%
 Informa tion a nd communi ca tions
                                                      27.8%         3.0%        0.0%        33.3%        0.0%             6.7%           7.0%    5.6%       0.0%        5.3%      6.7%
 technol ogy*
 Tra de a nd exports                                  5.6%          0.0%       0.0%         11.1%        0.0%             6.7%            2.3%    3.3%     0.0%         0.0%      6.7%
 Equa l i ty of opportuni ty                          0.0%          0.0%       5.6%          0.0%        0.0%             0.0%            0.0%    7.8%     0.0%         8.8%     20.0%
 La w a nd jus tice                                   5.6%          0.0%       0.0%          0.0%        7.7%             6.7%           11.6%    2.2%     0.0%         8.8%     13.3%
 Regul a tory fra mework                              5.6%          3.0%       5.6%         11.1%        0.0%             13.3%           4.7%    5.6%     0.0%         8.8%      0.0%
 Poverty reduction                                    5.6%         15.2%       11.1%         0.0%        0.0%             13.3%          20.9%    5.6%     16.7%       10.5%      0.0%
 Anti-corruption                                      0.0%          6.1%       0.0%          0.0%        15.4%            6.7%           16.3%   15.6%     0.0%         7.0%     20.0%
 Di s a s ter prepa rednes s a nd ma na gement        5.6%          6.1%       11.1%         0.0%        0.0%             0.0%            2.3%    2.2%     0.0%         1.8%     13.3%
*Significantly different between stakeholder groups

                                                                                                                                       World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

B. Overall Attitudes toward the World Bank Group (continued)

When thinking about the World Bank Group’s role, which activity do you believe is of greatest VALUE and which activity is of second greatest value in Bangladesh?

                                                          Office of the                PMU/                                  Private Sector/                    Independent
Greatest Value                                          President/Prime Employee of Consultant on   Local     Other Civil   Financial Sector/   NGO/            Government
Percentage of Respondents                               Minister/Minister a Ministry WBG project Government    Society        Private Bank       CBO    Media    Institution Academia   Other
Pol i cy a dvi ce, s tudi es , a na l ys es *                5.6%         12.9%       11.8%        22.2%        8.3%             6.7%           21.4%   35.6%     16.7%       13.0%     13.3%
Da ta a nd s tatis tics                                      5.6%          0.0%        0.0%        0.0%         0.0%             0.0%           7.1%    10.0%      0.0%       13.0%      0.0%
Conveni ng/Fa ci l i tating                                 22.2%          3.2%       11.8%        11.1%        0.0%             0.0%           9.5%    2.2%       0.0%        3.7%      6.7%
Fi na nci a l res ources : i nves tment l endi ng           27.8%         25.8%       17.6%        44.4%        16.7%            20.0%          16.7%   11.1%     33.3%       13.0%     26.7%
Ca pa ci ty devel opment                                    11.1%         16.1%       23.5%        0.0%         33.3%            13.3%          7.1%    17.8%      0.0%       25.9%      0.0%
Techni ca l a s s i s tance                                  0.0%          6.5%        5.9%        11.1%        16.7%            26.7%          9.5%    5.6%      33.3%        3.7%      6.7%
Hel p to bri ng di s ci pl i ne/effective
s upervi s i on to i mpl ementation of                      16.7%         19.4%       17.6%        0.0%         8.3%             13.3%          19.0%   6.7%       0.0%        5.6%     26.7%
i nves tment projects
Mobi l i zi ng thi rd pa rty fi na nci a l res ources        0.0%          0.0%        0.0%        0.0%         0.0%             0.0%           0.0%    2.2%       0.0%        0.0%      0.0%
Donor coordi na tion                                         0.0%          3.2%        0.0%        0.0%         0.0%             6.7%           2.4%    1.1%       0.0%        7.4%      6.7%
Li nka ge to non-Ba nk expertis e                            0.0%          0.0%        0.0%        0.0%         8.3%             0.0%           0.0%    2.2%       0.0%        0.0%      6.7%
Fi na nci a l res ources : pol i cy ba s ed
l endi ng/budget s upport to the                            11.1%         12.9%       11.8%        11.1%        8.3%             13.3%          7.1%    3.3%      16.7%       14.8%      0.0%
 Other                                                       0.0%          0.0%        0.0%        0.0%         0.0%             0.0%           0.0%    2.2%       0.0%        0.0%      6.7%
*Significantly different between stakeholder groups

                                                                                                                                   World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

B. Overall Attitudes toward the World Bank Group (continued)

When thinking about the World Bank Group’s role, which activity do you believe is of greatest VALUE and which activity is of second greatest value in Bangladesh?

                                                      Office of the                PMU/                                  Private Sector/                    Independent
2nd Greatest Value                                  President/Prime Employee of Consultant on   Local     Other Civil   Financial Sector/   NGO/            Government
Percentage of Respondents                           Minister/Minister a Ministry WBG project Government    Society        Private Bank       CBO    Media    Institution Academia   Other
Pol i cy a dvi ce, s tudi es , a na l ys es             11.1%         16.1%       11.8%        12.5%        8.3%             6.7%           4.8%    18.2%      0.0%       24.5%     13.3%
Da ta a nd s tatis tics                                  0.0%          6.5%        5.9%        0.0%         0.0%             20.0%          7.1%    3.4%       0.0%        3.8%      6.7%
Conveni ng/Fa ci l i tating                              0.0%          0.0%        0.0%        0.0%         8.3%             0.0%           4.8%    1.1%       0.0%        3.8%      0.0%
Fi na nci a l res ources : i nves tment l endi ng        5.6%         16.1%       11.8%        0.0%         16.7%            20.0%          14.3%   9.1%       0.0%       11.3%     13.3%
Ca pa ci ty devel opment                                22.2%         12.9%       23.5%        12.5%        0.0%             6.7%           11.9%   10.2%     33.3%       11.3%      0.0%
Techni ca l a s s i s tance                              5.6%          0.0%       11.8%        12.5%        16.7%            13.3%          11.9%   9.1%      16.7%       11.3%     13.3%
Hel p to bri ng di s ci pl i ne/effective
s upervi s i on to i mpl ementation of                  33.3%          9.7%        5.9%        25.0%        16.7%            6.7%           16.7%   11.4%     16.7%        7.5%      0.0%
i nves tment projects
Mobi l i zi ng thi rd pa rty fi na nci a l
                                                         5.6%          3.2%       11.8%        25.0%        8.3%             26.7%          2.4%    5.7%      16.7%        0.0%     20.0%
res ources *
Donor coordi na tion*                                    0.0%          9.7%        5.9%        0.0%         8.3%             0.0%           0.0%    17.0%      0.0%        5.7%      6.7%
 Li nka ge to non-Ba nk expertis e                      11.1%          3.2%        0.0%        0.0%         8.3%             0.0%           11.9%   5.7%       0.0%        0.0%      0.0%
 Fi na nci a l res ources : pol i cy ba s ed
 l endi ng/budget s upport to the                        5.6%         22.6%        5.9%        12.5%        8.3%             0.0%           14.3%   8.0%      16.7%       20.8%     20.0%
 Other                                                   0.0%          0.0%        5.9%        0.0%         0.0%             0.0%           0.0%    0.0%       0.0%        0.0%      6.7%
*Significantly different between stakeholder groups

                                                                                                                                         World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

B. Overall Attitudes toward the World Bank Group (continued)
Which of the following do you identify as the World Bank Group’s greatest WEAKNESSES in its work in Bangladesh? (Choose no more than TWO)

                                                            Office of the                PMU/                                  Private Sector/                    Independent
Percentage of Respondents                                 President/Prime Employee of Consultant on   Local     Other Civil   Financial Sector/   NGO/            Government
(Responses combined)                                      Minister/Minister a Ministry WBG project Government    Society        Private Bank       CBO    Media    Institution Academia   Other
Too i nfl uenced by devel oped countri es                     66.7%         39.4%       27.8%        55.6%        30.8%            40.0%          58.1%   56.8%     66.7%       49.1%     40.0%
Not expl ori ng a l terna tive pol i cy options               11.1%          6.1%       11.1%        0.0%         15.4%            13.3%          7.0%    8.0%      33.3%       12.3%      6.7%
Not col l a bora ting enough wi th
                                                               0.0%         12.1%       16.7%        33.3%        46.2%            20.0%          39.5%   17.0%     16.7%       21.1%     33.3%
s takehol ders outs i de the Government*
Its a dvi ce a nd s tra tegi es do not l end
                                                              27.8%         18.2%       33.3%        0.0%         23.1%            20.0%          16.3%   12.5%     16.7%        8.8%      6.7%
thems el ves to pra ctica l probl em s ol vi ng
Not enough publ i c di s cl os ure of i ts work               22.2%         21.2%       11.1%        11.1%        7.7%             26.7%          23.3%   26.1%      0.0%       24.6%     26.7%
Arroga nt i n i ts a pproa ch*                                 0.0%          0.0%        5.6%        0.0%         7.7%             0.0%           7.0%    1.1%      33.3%        7.0%      6.7%
Not cl i ent-focus ed*                                        16.7%          0.0%        0.0%        0.0%         0.0%             0.0%           2.3%    1.1%       0.0%        1.8%      0.0%
The credi bi l i ty of i ts knowl edge/da ta                   0.0%          0.0%        5.6%        0.0%         7.7%             0.0%           0.0%    5.7%       0.0%        0.0%      0.0%
WBG’s proces s es too compl ex                                16.7%         36.4%       22.2%        22.2%        7.7%             33.3%          14.0%   14.8%     16.7%       22.8%     33.3%
Not wi l l i ng to hones tly cri tici ze pol i ci es
                                                               5.6%          3.0%        0.0%        0.0%         15.4%            0.0%           9.3%    4.5%       0.0%        3.5%     13.3%
a nd reform efforts i n the country
Staff too i na cces s i bl e                                   0.0%          0.0%        5.6%        0.0%         0.0%             0.0%           0.0%    2.3%       0.0%        1.8%      0.0%
Impos i ng technocra tic s ol utions wi thout
                                                              11.1%         15.2%       33.3%        33.3%        15.4%            6.7%           4.7%    14.8%     16.7%        5.3%      0.0%
rega rd to pol i tica l rea l i ties *
WBG’s proces s es too s l ow                                   5.6%         18.2%        5.6%        22.2%        7.7%             6.7%           7.0%    4.5%       0.0%        5.3%      0.0%
Not a l i gned wi th other donors ’ work                       0.0%          3.0%        0.0%        11.1%        0.0%             0.0%           2.3%    1.1%       0.0%        3.5%      6.7%
Not a l i gned wi th country pri ori ties                      5.6%          9.1%        0.0%        0.0%         0.0%             6.7%           2.3%    3.4%       0.0%        5.3%     20.0%
Not a dequa tel y s ens i tive to
                                                               5.6%         12.1%       22.2%        0.0%         15.4%            0.0%           4.7%    11.4%      0.0%       15.8%      0.0%
pol i tica l /s oci a l rea l i ties i n Ba ngl a des h
Other                                                          5.6%          0.0%        0.0%        0.0%         0.0%             0.0%           0.0%    2.3%       0.0%        3.5%      0.0%
 Don’t know                                                    0.0%          0.0%        0.0%        0.0%         0.0%             6.7%           0.0%    2.3%       0.0%        1.8%      0.0%
*Significantly different between stakeholder groups

                                                                                                                                 World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

B. Overall Attitudes toward the World Bank Group (continued)

Which World Bank Group’s instruments do you believe are the MOST effective in reducing poverty in Bangladesh? (Choose no more than TWO)

                                                    Office of the                PMU/                                  Private Sector/                    Independent
Percentage of Respondents                         President/Prime Employee of Consultant on   Local     Other Civil   Financial Sector/   NGO/            Government
(Responses combined)                              Minister/Minister a Ministry WBG project Government    Society        Private Bank       CBO    Media    Institution Academia   Other
Trus t Fund ma na gement*                             61.1%         15.2%       16.7%        33.3%        23.1%            14.3%          25.6%   8.8%       0.0%        1.8%     13.3%
Knowl edge products /s ervi ces                       11.1%         18.2%       27.8%        22.2%        15.4%            7.1%           27.9%   18.7%     16.7%       29.8%      6.7%
Ca pa ci ty devel opment                              11.1%         39.4%       66.7%        44.4%        38.5%            50.0%          30.2%   42.9%     16.7%       40.4%     46.7%
Techni ca l a s s i s tance                           44.4%         33.3%       22.2%        44.4%        46.2%            35.7%          32.6%   40.7%     33.3%       31.6%     26.7%
Inves tment l endi ng*                                33.3%         48.5%       27.8%        22.2%        30.8%            28.6%          41.9%   49.5%     100.0%      33.3%     53.3%
Pol i cy ba s ed l endi ng / budget s upport to
                                                      16.7%         18.2%       11.1%        22.2%        46.2%            35.7%          20.9%   12.1%     16.7%       21.1%     26.7%
the Government
Mul ti-s ectora l a pproa ches                        16.7%         12.1%        5.6%        0.0%         0.0%             28.6%          14.0%   9.9%       0.0%       22.8%     13.3%
Other                                                  0.0%          0.0%        0.0%        0.0%         0.0%             0.0%           0.0%    1.1%       0.0%        5.3%      0.0%
Don’t know                                             0.0%          3.0%       11.1%        0.0%         0.0%             0.0%           2.3%    2.2%       0.0%        3.5%      6.7%
*Significantly different between stakeholder groups

                                                                                                                                          World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

B. Overall Attitudes toward the World Bank Group (continued)

In addition to the regular relations with the national government, which TWO of the following groups should the World Bank Group collaborate with more in your country?
(Choose no more than 2)

                                                   Office of the                PMU/                                          Private Sector/                               Independent
Percentage of Respondents                        President/Prime Employee of Consultant on   Local             Other Civil   Financial Sector/      NGO/                    Government
(Responses combined)                             Minister/Minister a Ministry WBG project Government            Society        Private Bank          CBO         Media       Institution Academia       Other
Pa rl i a ment*                                            50.0%        15.2%         5.6%           0.0%         7.7%              6.7%            9.5%         13.5%         0.0%         8.8%        20.0%
Donor communi ty*                                          27.8%        12.1%         0.0%           0.0%        15.4%              26.7%           7.1%         6.7%         50.0%         7.0%        20.0%
Medi a *                                                   5.6%          0.0%         5.6%           0.0%         0.0%              6.7%            4.8%         41.6%        16.7%         3.5%        0.0%
Loca l Government*                                         50.0%        51.5%         50.0%        100.0%        53.8%              33.3%           31.0%        37.1%        50.0%        43.9%        60.0%
Pri va te s ector                                          5.6%         21.2%         44.4%         22.2%        38.5%              53.3%           16.7%        25.8%        16.7%        22.8%        26.7%
Aca demi a /thi nk tanks /res ea rch
                                                           33.3%        30.3%         33.3%         33.3%        15.4%              13.3%           16.7%        20.2%         0.0%        54.4%        33.3%
i ns titutes *
NGOs /CBOs *                                               11.1%        21.2%         27.8%         22.2%        23.1%              13.3%           78.6%        19.1%        33.3%        24.6%        20.0%
Youth/uni vers i ty groups                                 5.6%         15.2%         5.6%          11.1%         7.7%              40.0%           4.8%         16.9%         0.0%        19.3%        20.0%
Benefi ci a ri es                                          5.6%         24.2%         22.2%         11.1%        23.1%              0.0%            4.8%         15.7%        16.7%        12.3%        0.0%
Founda tions *                                             5.6%          3.0%         0.0%           0.0%        15.4%              6.7%            4.8%         0.0%          0.0%         0.0%        0.0%
Other                                                      0.0%          0.0%         0.0%           0.0%         0.0%              0.0%            7.1%         0.0%          0.0%         1.8%        0.0%
Don’t know                                                 0.0%          3.0%         0.0%           0.0%         0.0%              0.0%            2.4%         1.1%          0.0%         0.0%        0.0%
*Significantly different between stakeholder groups

To what extent do you agree with the following statements about the World Bank Group’s work in Bangladesh? (1-Strongly disagree, 10-Strongly agree)
                                                   Office of                  PMU/                                     Private/                                     Independent
                                                 President/PM Employee of Consultant on   Local          Other Civil   Financial                                    Government
                                                   /Minister   a Ministry WBG project Government          Society    Sector/ Bank    NGO/CBO             Media       Institution      Academia         Other
                                                   N    Mea n  N    Mea n   N    Mea n  N    Mea n       N     Mea n   N    Mea n     N     Mea n    N      Mea n    N       Mea n    N    Mea n   N      Mea n

Overall the WBG currently plays a relevant
                                                      18    6.94   31   6.19    18   6.83     9   5.78   12   6.75    14     6.71    43     5.93     84     5.48        6    5.67     57   5.98    15     5.53
role in development in Bangladesh
The WBG’s work is aligned with what I
consider the development priorities for               18    6.39   31   6.23    17   7.06     9   5.33   12   6.75    14     6.36    43     5.79     84     5.54        6    5.67     57   6.04    15     5.33

                                                                                                                                      World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

B. Overall Attitudes toward the World Bank Group (continued)

To what extent is the World Bank Group an effective development partner in Bangladesh, in terms of each of the following? (1-To no degree at all, 10-To a very significant degree)
                                                    Office of                  PMU/                                 Private/                              Independent
                                                  President/PM Employee of Consultant on   Local      Other Civil   Financial                             Government
                                                    /Minister   a Ministry WBG project Government      Society    Sector/ Bank   NGO/CBO         Media     Institution    Academia         Other
                                                    N    Mea n  N    Mea n   N    Mea n  N    Mea n   N     Mea n   N    Mea n   N   Mea n     N    Mea n   N     Mea n   N    Mea n   N      Mea n
Responsiveness to needs*                           16    6.44   31   5.97   18   6.50    9    4.67    12    5.83   14    5.64    41     5.20   76   4.78    5     6.00    54   5.57    13     5.31
Flexibility (in terms of the institution’s
                                                   18    5.61   29   5.24   18   5.83    8    5.13    11    6.09   14    6.14    39     5.15   72   4.74    6     6.33    52   5.02    10     5.00
products and services)
Flexibility (in terms of changing country
                                                   17    6.29   30   5.50   17   5.53    8    4.88    12    6.25   15    5.53    41     5.51   76   4.93    6     4.33    54   5.17    11     5.64
Being inclusive                                    18    6.17   30   5.83   18   6.50    9    5.11    12    6.00   14    6.00    42     4.71   84   5.20    6     5.33    55   5.38    13     5.31
Openness (sharing data and other
                                                   18    6.11   31   6.29   17   7.24    8    5.88    12    5.17   14    5.79    42     5.86   82   5.48    5     5.60    51   6.18    12     5.58
Collaboration with the Government                  18    7.00   32   6.31   17   7.59    9    6.67    13    7.46   15    6.87    41     7.02   83   6.30    6     6.83    57   6.81    13     6.31
The speed in which it gets things accomplished
                                                   18    6.44   31   5.74   18   6.61    9    5.11    12    7.17   14    6.50    40     5.78   81   5.62    5     6.00    55   5.95    13     5.46
on the ground
Ease of access to the people at the WBG who
                                                   18    5.78   31   6.42   17   6.88    9    5.00    11    6.09   14    5.14    38     5.13   81   5.23    5     6.40    49   5.27    12     5.17
are making decisions important to my work*
Collaboration with civil society                   18    5.83   29   6.14   17   6.53    9    4.22    12    6.17   15    5.47    41     4.78   81   5.21    6     5.83    53   5.66    13     6.08
Staff accessibility*                               18    6.11   31   6.58   18   6.78    9    3.67    13    5.62   14    4.93    38     4.92   74   4.78    6     5.33    50   5.28    12     5.08
Collaboration with other donors and
                                                   16    6.88   29   6.17   18   7.11    9    5.67    12    7.58   14    6.00    38     5.42   80   6.26    5     6.20    48   6.27    10     5.50
development partners
Collaboration with the private sector*             18    6.61   28   5.89   16   6.50    8    3.75    11    6.91   15    5.47    38     5.58   80   5.34    5     6.80    50   6.14    12     5.75
Straightforwardness and honesty                    18    7.00   29   6.62   14   7.50    7    5.86    12    7.00   14    6.43    33     5.97   80   5.80    6     6.83    46   6.37    13     6.23
Treating clients and stakeholders in
                                                   17    6.59   31   6.48   17   7.18    9    4.89    12    6.33   15    6.40    39     5.92   79   5.65    6     7.00    52   6.02    11     6.55
Bangladesh with respect
Being a long-term partner                           18   7.11   32   7.22   17   7.71    9    6.22    13    7.23   15    7.87    39     6.97   82   6.60    6     7.67    53   6.75    13     6.31
*Significantly different between stakeholder groups

                                                                                                                                       World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

B. Overall Attitudes toward the World Bank Group (continued)

When World Bank Group assisted reform efforts fail or are slow to take place, which of the following would you attribute this to? (Choose no more than TWO)

                                                        Office of the                PMU/                                  Private Sector/                      Independent
Percentage of Respondents                             President/Prime Employee of Consultant on   Local     Other Civil   Financial Sector/    NGO/             Government
(Responses combined)                                  Minister/Minister a Ministry WBG project Government    Society        Private Bank        CBO    Media     Institution Academia   Other
The Government works i neffi ci ently                     27.8%          6.1%       17.6%        11.1%        46.2%            20.0%           16.7%    24.4%      33.3%      25.5%     33.3%
Poor donor coordi na tion                                 16.7%         15.2%       11.8%        22.2%        15.4%            26.7%           21.4%    25.6%      0.0%       21.8%     20.0%
The WBG i s not s ens i tive enough to
                                                          61.1%         45.5%       47.1%        55.6%        15.4%            53.3%           47.6%    35.6%      33.3%      36.4%      6.7%
pol i tica l /s oci a l rea l i ties on the ground*
La ck of/i na dequa te l evel s of ca pa ci ty i n
                                                           5.6%         33.3%       23.5%        22.2%        23.1%            13.3%           14.3%    30.0%      0.0%       23.6%     40.0%
There i s not a n a dequa te l evel of
                                                          11.1%         15.2%        5.9%        22.2%        46.2%            13.3%           35.7%    12.2%      0.0%       18.2%     20.0%
ci tizen/ci vi l s oci ety pa rtici pa tion*
The WBG works too s l owl y                               16.7%          6.1%       17.6%        0.0%         7.7%             40.0%           7.1%     17.8%      16.7%       9.1%     13.3%
The WBG does not do a dequa te fol l ow
                                                          27.8%          6.1%        0.0%        0.0%         7.7%             13.3%           9.5%     12.2%      0.0%        7.3%     13.3%
through/fol l ow-up
Pol i tica l pres s ures a nd obs tacl es                 11.1%         33.3%       29.4%        44.4%        15.4%            13.3%           23.8%    22.2%      16.7%      18.2%     20.0%
Reforms a re not wel l thought out i n l i ght
                                                          22.2%         27.3%       47.1%        22.2%        23.1%             6.7%           19.0%    18.9%      83.3%      32.7%     33.3%
of country cha l l enges *
 Other                                                     0.0%          6.1%        0.0%        0.0%         0.0%              0.0%           2.4%     0.0%       0.0%        3.6%      0.0%
*Significantly different between stakeholder groups

                                                                                                                                      World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

C. World Bank Group’s Effectiveness and Results

How EFFECTIVE do you believe the World Bank Group is in terms of the work it does in the following areas of development in Bangladesh? (1-Not effective at all, 10-Very effective)
                                                    Office of                  PMU/                                 Private/                              Independent
                                                  President/PM Employee of Consultant on   Local      Other Civil   Financial                             Government
                                                    /Minister   a Ministry WBG project Government      Society    Sector/ Bank   NGO/CBO         Media     Institution    Academia         Other
                                                    N    Mea n  N    Mea n   N    Mea n  N    Mea n   N     Mea n   N    Mea n   N   Mea n     N    Mea n   N     Mea n   N    Mea n   N      Mea n
Gender equity                                      15    5.67   26   6.00   14   6.36    7    5.29    10   7.30    11    5.82    31     5.77   72   5.57    3     7.67    44   6.80    12     5.92
Information and communications technology*         15    6.53   26   6.85   14   6.43    8    5.63    10   7.60    12    5.83    36     6.19   72   5.26    4     7.75    35   6.74    11     5.82
Transport                                          17    6.76   24   7.12   15   6.87    8    6.50    11   7.45    13    5.62    39     7.18   80   6.09    6     7.17    50   7.22    14     6.29
Law and justice                                    14    5.93   16   5.94   13   5.69    7    4.71    9    5.33    10    4.90    31     5.19   61   4.70    3     6.33    37   5.62    9      4.33
Urban development                                  16    5.88   26   6.88   14   7.07    7    5.86    11   6.18    13    6.23    38     6.16   80   5.85    5     6.80    45   6.69    13     5.69
Environmental sustainability                       17    6.82   27   7.11   16   7.06    7    6.86    11   6.27    12    6.25    39     6.38   71   6.14    5     6.60    41   6.61    12     5.75
Regulatory framework                               15    6.60   21   5.29   12   5.92    7    5.00    11   5.64    12    5.58    32     5.47   67   5.31    3     8.00    33   5.55    11     4.91
Poverty reduction                                  17    6.71   26   7.65   14   7.50    7    6.29    12   6.58    13    6.46    39     6.72   82   6.34    4     7.00    43   6.84    13     6.38
Anti-corruption                                    15    5.80   18   6.17   14   6.14    7    5.14    12   4.92    10    5.60    33     5.12   73   5.19    4     4.25    36   5.94    11     4.55
Private sector development                         16    6.13   23   6.13   13   6.46    6    5.50    11   7.00    13    6.62    38     6.42   73   5.44    4     6.75    40   6.73    11     5.55
Foreign direct investment                          14    6.50   20   6.90   12   6.42    6    5.33    9    6.00    13    6.23    36     6.28   66   5.36    2     8.00    38   6.42    10     5.70
Water and sanitation                               16    6.50   26   7.04   15   6.80    8    5.88    11   5.91    13    6.62    37     6.81   75   6.12    5     6.00    45   7.00    10     5.60
Trade and exports                                  16    6.00   20   6.40   11   5.73    7    5.14    10   6.30    12    6.33    34     6.18   68   5.71    6     6.17    35   6.57    9      5.89
Economic growth*                                   16    6.19   26   7.31   11   7.27    7    5.29    10   6.80    13    6.38    37     6.92   79   5.94    4     6.75    46   6.98    10     5.00
Health and nutrition                               16    6.75   25   7.40   13   6.92    7    5.86    11   6.73    14    6.21    37     6.86   76   6.62    4     6.75    45   7.00    9      5.11
Disaster preparedness and management               16    7.25   26   7.08   15   6.93    7    6.71    11   7.00    13    6.15    38     6.55   77   6.25    4     7.25    40   6.87    10     5.80
Public sector governance/reform                    16    6.94   24   6.71   13   7.00    6    6.50    12   6.67    12    5.50    35     6.09   75   5.67    4     7.25    38   5.82    11     5.73
Job creation/employment*                           16    6.81   22   6.59   14   6.79    5    4.20    9    5.33    14    6.29    36     6.22   70   5.23    4     5.25    43   6.23    12     5.25
Financial markets                                  16    5.88   19   6.42   13   6.85    6    4.83    9    5.78    10    5.50    36     5.83   64   5.19    4     3.75    32   6.47    12     5.33
Equality of opportunity                            16    6.00   21   6.24   14   7.00    6    6.00    8    5.25    11    5.73    37     5.65   64   5.30    5     3.40    36   6.44    12     4.83
Energy/Power                                       16    6.06   25   6.76   16   7.00    6    5.50    9    6.78    12    6.17    36     6.22   71   5.45    5     6.20    43   6.23    12     5.33
Rural development                                  16    6.31   27   6.93   15   7.13    6    5.83    11   6.45    14    6.00    38     6.16   75   6.03    4     7.00    43   6.63    13     5.46
Global/regional integration                        16    6.69   22   6.27   14   6.71    7    5.86    9    6.33    11    6.00    33     6.48   68   5.79    4     6.25    40   6.38    11     5.36
Food security                                      15    6.47   21   6.86   12   6.75    8    4.75    11   7.00    13    5.69    39     5.82   74   5.57    5     5.80    42   6.40    11     5.27
Education and skills development*                  16    6.69   26   7.38   15   7.27    8    5.38    10   7.00    14    7.00    36     6.56   81   5.78    4     8.00    45   6.87    11     5.00
Social protection                                  16    6.31   20   6.10   14   6.43    6    4.83    11   6.18    12    6.42    35     5.63   73   5.41    4     6.50    43   5.88    9      5.22
Climate change                                     17    6.47   24   6.67   15   6.93    8    6.25    9    7.56    12    5.83    40     6.08   77   6.45    5     7.00    44   6.34    11     5.09
Agricultural development                            16   6.12   25   6.48   15   7.00    7    6.86    10   6.10    12    6.33    37     5.86   75   5.73    5     6.40    43   6.35    13     5.46
*Significantly different between stakeholder groups

                                                                                                                                            World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

C. World Bank Group’s Effectiveness and Results (continued)

                                                      Office of                    PMU/                                   Private/                                  Independent
                                                    President/PM Employee of    Consultant on  Local      Other Civil     Financial                                 Government
                                                      /Minister   a Ministry    WBG project Government     Society      Sector/ Bank   NGO/CBO           Media       Institution   Academia         Other
                                                      N    Mean    N    Mean     N    Mean    N   Mean    N     Mean     N    Mean     N     Mean    N      Mean     N    Mean     N    Mean    N      Mean

 To what extent does the WBG’s work help to
                                                      17   7.00    29   6.59     17   7.47    9   5.33    13    6.31     14    6.64    42     6.24   80     6.09     6     5.17    55   6.02    12     5.92
 achieve development results in Bangladesh?
(1-To no degree at all, 10-To a very significant degree)

To what extent do you agree with the following statements about the World Bank Group in Bangladesh? (1-Strongly disagree, 10-Strongly agree)
                                                      Office of                    PMU/                                   Private/                                  Independent
                                                    President/PM Employee of    Consultant on  Local      Other Civil     Financial                                 Government
                                                      /Minister   a Ministry    WBG project Government     Society      Sector/ Bank   NGO/CBO           Media       Institution   Academia         Other
                                                      N    Mea n   N    Mea n    N    Mea n   N   Mea n   N     Mea n    N    Mea n    N     Mea n   N      Mea n    N    Mea n    N    Mea n   N      Mea n

The WBG's financial instruments meet the
                                                     17    6.24    29   5.86     18   6.50    9   4.89    13     6.00    15    5.60    41     5.68   83     5.11     5     5.40    52   5.65    14     5.21
needs of Bangladesh
The WBG meets Bangladesh’s needs for
                                                     18    6.89    29   6.14     17   6.59    9   4.67    11     5.55    15    6.20    38     5.95   82     5.85     5     5.00    53   6.13    14     5.21
knowledge services

                                                      Office of                  PMU/                                   Private/                               Independent
                                                    President/PM Employee of Consultant on   Local        Other Civil   Financial                              Government
                                                      /Minister   a Ministry WBG project Government        Society    Sector/ Bank     NGO/CBO         Media    Institution        Academia         Other
                                                      N    Mean   N    Mean    N    Mean   N    Mean      N     Mean    N    Mean      N   Mean      N    Mean   N     Mean        N    Mean    N      Mean
To what extent do you believe the WBG
measures and corrects its work in real time in       16    6.88    25   5.68     13   6.38    8   7.13    9      5.11    10    5.10    36     5.56   61     5.26     4     4.50    35   5.31    13     5.54
(1-To no degree at all, 10-To a very significant degree)

                                                      Office of                  PMU/                                   Private/                               Independent
                                                    President/PM Employee of Consultant on   Local        Other Civil   Financial                              Government
                                                      /Minister   a Ministry WBG project Government        Society    Sector/ Bank     NGO/CBO         Media    Institution        Academia         Other
                                                      N    Mean   N    Mean    N    Mean   N    Mean      N     Mean    N    Mean      N   Mean      N    Mean   N     Mean        N    Mean    N      Mean

To what extent do you believe that Bangladesh
received value for money from the World Bank         14    6.14    16   5.44     10   6.80    4   5.75    8      5.63    6     6.33    20     6.45   41     5.98     2     6.50    21   5.29    7      5.71
Group’s reimbursable advisory services (RAS)?
(1-To no degree at all, 10-To a very significant degree)

                                                                                                                                                 World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

D. The World Bank Group’s Knowledge Work and Activities

How frequently do you consult World Bank Group’s knowledge work and activities in the work you do?* (Select only ONE response)

                                                   Office of the                PMU/                                                Private Sector/                                Independent
                                                 President/Prime Employee of Consultant on   Local                  Other Civil    Financial Sector/       NGO/                    Government
Percentage of Respondents                        Minister/Minister a Ministry WBG project Government                 Society         Private Bank           CBO         Media       Institution Academia       Other
Weekl y                                                    5.6%          18.2%           5.6%         11.1%           15.4%                                9.3%         18.0%                     20.4%
Monthl y                                                   16.7%         21.2%          33.3%                         23.1%                                11.6%        36.0%                     24.1%
A few ti mes a yea r                                       77.8%         30.3%          44.4%         66.7%           46.2%                46.7%           53.5%        31.5%        33.3%        40.7%        73.3%
Ra rel y                                                                 30.3%          16.7%         22.2%               7.7%             46.7%           25.6%        11.2%        66.7%        13.0%        20.0%
 Never                                                                                                                    7.7%             6.7%                         3.4%                       1.9%        6.7%
*Significantly different between stakeholder groups

In Bangladesh, to what extent do you believe that the World Bank Group’s knowledge work and activities: (1-To no degree at all, 10-To a very significant degree)
                                                    Office of                       PMU/                                      Private/                                     Independent
                                                  President/PM Employee of       Consultant on  Local       Other Civil       Financial                                    Government
                                                    /Minister   a Ministry       WBG project Government      Society        Sector/ Bank    NGO/CBO             Media       Institution      Academia         Other
                                                      N     Mea n   N    Mea n    N    Mea n    N   Mea n   N     Mea n      N    Mea n      N     Mea n    N      Mea n    N       Mea n    N    Mea n   N      Mea n
Are timely                                            17    6.47    32   5.94     17   6.18     9   4.89    13    5.62       13    5.62     30     5.43     76     5.80        5    6.40     47   6.40    13     4.92
Include appropriate level of stakeholder
                                                      18    6.50    30   5.73     17   6.53     9   5.22    13    5.38       15    5.33     38     5.18     74     5.42        5    6.00     51   5.78    12     4.50
involvement during preparation
Lead to practical solutions                           18    6.50    32   5.69     17   6.47     8   5.00    13    5.92       15    5.73     39     5.46     78     5.94        5    5.00     53   5.77    14     5.00
Are accessible (well written and easy to
                                                      17    6.53    32   6.50     17   6.41     9   5.44    13    5.62       13    5.85     40     6.20     80     6.23        5    5.40     53   7.00    12     6.17
Are source of relevant information on global
                                                      17    6.29    24   6.21     14   6.93     9   6.44    12    6.42       12    5.67     37     6.57     71     6.68        4    6.75     51   7.27    13     5.85
good practices
Are adequately disseminated*                          17    6.82    29   5.86     16   6.94     9   4.67    13    5.46       14    5.36     40     5.27     77     6.19        5    5.20     52   6.12    13     4.69
Are translated enough into local language             17    5.71    27   5.74     15   6.27     9   5.78    11    6.00       14    4.79     37     5.41     73     5.23        5    5.40     44   5.25    14     4.79
Are adaptable to Bangladesh’s specific
development challenges and country                  18      6.50    30   6.27     16   6.56     8   6.50    13    6.77       14    5.71     40     5.43     79     5.99        5    4.40     53   5.79    13     5.62
*Significantly different between stakeholder groups

                                                                                                                                                 World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

D. The World Bank Group’s Knowledge Work and Activities (continued)

                                                       Office of                  PMU/                                         Private/                              Independent
                                                     President/PM Employee of Consultant on   Local              Other Civil   Financial                             Government
                                                       /Minister   a Ministry WBG project Government              Society    Sector/ Bank   NGO/CBO         Media     Institution    Academia         Other
                                                       N    Mea n  N    Mea n   N    Mea n  N    Mea n           N     Mea n   N    Mea n   N   Mea n     N    Mea n   N     Mea n   N    Mea n   N      Mea n
Overall, how significant a contribution do you
believe the WBG's knowledge work and
                                                      18     7.22    30     6.67    18     6.89     8     6.25   13   6.46    14    6.21    42     6.26   86   6.64    6     5.50    54   6.56    14     5.36
activities make to development results in your
Overall, how would you rate the technical
quality of the World Bank Group's knowledge           18     7.11    32     7.13    17     7.59     8     6.37   13   7.31    14    6.36    41     6.59   81   6.99    6     5.83    54   6.87    13     6.08
work and activities?
(1-Not significant at all, 10-Very significant; 1-Very low technical quality, 10-Very high technical quality)

E. Working with the World Bank Group

To what extent do you agree/disagree with the following statements? (1-Strongly disagree, 10-Strongly agree)
                                                       Office of                  PMU/                                         Private/                              Independent
                                                     President/PM Employee of Consultant on   Local              Other Civil   Financial                             Government
                                                       /Minister   a Ministry WBG project Government              Society    Sector/ Bank   NGO/CBO         Media     Institution    Academia         Other
                                                       N    Mea n  N    Mea n   N    Mea n  N    Mea n           N     Mea n   N    Mea n   N   Mea n     N    Mea n   N     Mea n   N    Mea n   N      Mea n
The WBG disburses funds promptly*                     18     6.00    30     6.40    18     6.89     9     5.22   12   5.17    14    3.29    31     4.23   76   4.04    5     6.40    45   5.29    12     5.17
The WBG effectively monitors and evaluates
                                                      18     7.11    31     6.81    18     7.50     8     6.13   12   5.75    15    6.00    39     6.05   81   6.10    6     6.50    51   6.63    12     5.58
the projects and programs it supports
The World Bank Group’s approvals and
                                                      18     6.56    30     6.20    18     6.56     9     5.33   11   6.36    15    5.60    34     5.82   77   5.61    5     6.00    44   6.39    12     5.67
reviews are done in a timely fashion
The World Bank Group’s “Safeguard Policy”
                                                      16     6.50    24     5.88    17     7.18     7     6.43   8    6.63    11    6.64    25     6.08   60   5.88    4     5.00    37   6.30    9      5.56
requirements are reasonable
The World Bank Group’s conditions on its
                                                      18     6.06    26     5.62    16     6.50     8     5.38   10   5.80    12    5.42    34     5.74   75   5.11    5     4.20    47   5.68    13     5.31
lending are reasonable
The World Bank Group takes decisions quickly
                                                      18     5.89    30     5.80    18     6.89     7     4.71   12   5.42    13    5.08    33     5.03   72   5.01    6     4.00    44   6.14    12     5.83
in Bangladesh*
Working with the World Bank Group increases
                                                      17     6.88    33     6.39    18     7.56     9     6.00   11   7.27    15    6.13    39     6.62   80   6.51    6     6.00    53   6.74    12     5.67
Bangladesh’s institutional capacity
Where country systems are adequate, the WBG
                                                      17     6.47    27     6.15    16     6.94     9     6.22   10   7.50    13    5.62    29     6.07   69   6.06    3     5.67    39   6.74    11     5.82
makes appropriate use of them
The World Bank Group provides effective
                                                    17       6.59    32     6.47    18     7.28     8     5.38   12   6.50    14    6.36    36     6.28   79   5.85    6     5.50    49   6.59    12     5.33
implementation support
*Significantly different between stakeholder groups

                                                                                                                                          World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

E. Working with the World Bank Group (continued)

                                                      Office of                  PMU/                                  Private/                               Independent
                                                    President/PM Employee of Consultant on   Local       Other Civil   Financial                              Government
                                                      /Minister   a Ministry WBG project Government       Society    Sector/ Bank    NGO/CBO          Media    Institution      Academia         Other
                                                      N    Mean   N    Mean    N    Mean   N    Mean     N     Mean    N    Mean     N   Mean       N    Mean   N     Mean      N    Mean    N      Mean
To what extent do you believe that the WBG’s
work helps to find solutions that promote            17     6.88   24   5.67    14   7.14     6   6.67   13   6.31    14     5.79    36     6.61    71     6.13   4    5.25     45   5.76    12     5.75
private public partnerships in Bangladesh?
(1-To no degree at all, 10-To a very significant degree)

Which of the following best describes the World Bank Group’s support in Bangladesh? (Select only ONE response)

                                                      Office of the                PMU/                                       Private Sector/                         Independent
                                                    President/Prime Employee of Consultant on   Local          Other Civil   Financial Sector/     NGO/               Government
Percentage of Respondents                           Minister/Minister a Ministry WBG project Government         Society        Private Bank         CBO      Media     Institution Academia       Other
The WBG i s s uffi ci entl y s el ecti ve a nd
focus es on the mos t i mporta nt                          72.2%        30.3%         76.5%         55.6%        53.8%              20.0%          43.9%     55.8%      50.0%        44.6%        53.3%
devel opment cha l l enges i n Ba ngl a des h
The WBG i s not s uffi ci entl y s el ecti ve i n
Ba ngl a des h, a nd i t i s i nvol ved i n too            16.7%        42.4%         17.6%         33.3%        15.4%              53.3%          46.3%     25.6%      16.7%        32.1%        33.3%
ma ny a rea s of devel opment
Don’t know                                                 11.1%        27.3%          5.9%         11.1%        30.8%              26.7%          9.8%      18.6%      33.3%        23.2%        13.3%

                                                                                                                                  World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

F. The Future Role of the World Bank Group in Bangladesh
Which of the following SHOULD the World Bank Group do to make itself of greater value in Bangladesh? (Choose no more than TWO)

                                                     Office of the                PMU/                                  Private Sector/                    Independent
Percentage of Respondents                          President/Prime Employee of Consultant on   Local     Other Civil   Financial Sector/   NGO/            Government
(Responses combined)                               Minister/Minister a Ministry WBG project Government    Society        Private Bank       CBO    Media    Institution Academia   Other
Offer more i nnova tive fi na nci a l products *       50.0%         12.5%       35.3%        22.2%        23.1%            6.7%           21.4%   16.7%      0.0%        5.3%      0.0%
Ens ure grea ter s el ectivi ty i n i ts work          22.2%         25.0%       29.4%        33.3%        38.5%            33.3%          28.6%   22.2%     33.3%       10.5%     20.0%
Provi de more a dequa te da ta/
knowl edge/s tatis tics /fi gures on                   11.1%         21.9%        5.9%        33.3%        15.4%            0.0%           26.2%   28.9%     33.3%       28.1%     13.3%
Ba ngl a des h’s economy
Improve the competitivenes s of i ts
fi na nci ng compa red to ma rkets (e.g., cos t,       11.1%          3.1%       11.8%        22.2%        0.0%             13.3%          7.1%    7.8%      16.7%        7.0%      0.0%
timel i nes s , other terms )
Rea ch out more to groups outs i de of
                                                       11.1%         12.5%       23.5%        11.1%        38.5%            20.0%          35.7%   24.4%      0.0%       33.3%     20.0%
Increa s e the l evel of ca pa ci ty
                                                       22.2%         28.1%       23.5%        55.6%        23.1%            40.0%          11.9%   25.6%     16.7%       33.3%     40.0%
devel opment i n the country
Improve the qua l i ty of i ts experts a s
rel a ted to Ba ngl a des h’s s peci fi c              38.9%         34.4%       23.5%        0.0%         23.1%            20.0%          21.4%   17.8%      0.0%       29.8%     40.0%
cha l l enges
Offer more i nnova tive knowl edge s ervi ces           5.6%          9.4%        5.9%        0.0%         0.0%             6.7%           7.1%    10.0%     16.7%       14.0%     13.3%
Col l a bora te more effectivel y wi th
                                                        0.0%         15.6%       17.6%        11.1%        0.0%             6.7%           7.1%    4.4%      50.0%        7.0%      6.7%
Government cl i ents *
Work fa s ter                                          16.7%         12.5%        0.0%        11.1%        15.4%            13.3%          11.9%   11.1%      0.0%       10.5%     13.3%
Reduce the compl exi ty of obtai ni ng Worl d
                                                        5.6%         21.9%       17.6%        0.0%         23.1%            33.3%          16.7%   28.9%     33.3%       21.1%     26.7%
Ba nk Group fi na nci ng
Other                                                   5.6%          3.1%        0.0%        0.0%         0.0%             0.0%           0.0%    0.0%       0.0%        0.0%      0.0%
*Significantly different between stakeholder groups

                                                                                                                                   World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

G. Communication and Information Sharing
How would you prefer to receive information from the World Bank Group? (Choose no more than TWO)

                                                   Office of the                PMU/                                     Private Sector/                    Independent
Percentage of Respondents                        President/Prime Employee of Consultant on   Local        Other Civil   Financial Sector/   NGO/            Government
(Responses combined)                             Minister/Minister a Ministry WBG project Government       Society        Private Bank       CBO    Media    Institution Academia   Other
Di rect contact wi th WBG                             38.9%        30.3%        27.8%         11.1%         46.2%            40.0%          21.4%   23.6%     16.7%        19.3%    13.3%
WBG’s s emi na rs /works hops /
                                                      66.7%        48.5%        33.3%         55.6%         61.5%            40.0%          50.0%   25.8%     16.7%        33.3%    46.7%
conferences *
Worl d Ba nk Group’s publ i ca tions a nd
                                                      11.1%        33.3%        22.2%         11.1%         23.1%            13.3%          35.7%   36.0%     66.7%        54.4%    60.0%
other wri tten ma teri a l s *
Worl d Ba nk Group’s webs i te                        61.1%        45.5%        72.2%         44.4%         30.8%            40.0%          50.0%   51.7%     66.7%        52.6%    60.0%
Soci a l medi a (e.g., Fa cebook, bl ogs ,
                                                      16.7%        15.2%         5.6%         33.3%         7.7%             26.7%          21.4%   16.9%     16.7%        5.3%      6.7%
Twi tter, YouTube, Fl i ckr)
e-News l etters *                                      0.0%         9.1%        22.2%         11.1%         7.7%             20.0%          14.3%   23.6%      0.0%        28.1%     0.0%
 Other                                                 0.0%         3.0%         0.0%          0.0%         0.0%             0.0%           2.4%    1.1%       0.0%        0.0%      0.0%
*Significantly different between stakeholder groups

Are you aware of the World Bank Group's Access to Information Policy under which the WBG will now disclose any information in its possession that is not a list of exceptions?*

                                                   Office of the                PMU/                                     Private Sector/                    Independent
                                                 President/Prime Employee of Consultant on   Local        Other Civil   Financial Sector/   NGO/            Government
Percentage of Respondents                        Minister/Minister a Ministry WBG project Government       Society        Private Bank       CBO    Media    Institution Academia   Other
Yes                                                   78.6%        32.3%        33.3%         22.2%         30.8%            7.1%           30.8%   43.2%     16.7%        45.1%    23.1%
 No                                                   21.4%        67.7%        66.7%         77.8%         69.2%            92.9%          69.2%   56.8%     83.3%        54.9%    76.9%
*Significantly different between stakeholder groups

Do you have access to the Internet?

                                                   Office of the                PMU/                                     Private Sector/                    Independent
                                                 President/Prime Employee of Consultant on   Local        Other Civil   Financial Sector/   NGO/            Government
Percentage of Respondents                        Minister/Minister a Ministry WBG project Government       Society        Private Bank       CBO    Media    Institution Academia   Other
Yes                                                   100.0%       93.8%       100.0%         85.7%         83.3%            86.7%          90.2%   92.9%     100.0%       96.0%    100.0%
No                                                                  6.3%                      14.3%         16.7%            13.3%          9.8%    7.1%                   4.0%

                                                                                                                                World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

G. Communication and Information Sharing (continued)

Do you use/have used the World Bank Group website?*

                                                   Office of the                PMU/                                  Private Sector/                    Independent
                                                 President/Prime Employee of Consultant on   Local     Other Civil   Financial Sector/   NGO/            Government
Percentage of Respondents                        Minister/Minister a Ministry WBG project Government    Society        Private Bank       CBO    Media    Institution Academia   Other
Yes                                                   88.9%        78.8%       94.1%        37.5%        50.0%            41.7%          75.6%   77.4%     66.7%       84.6%     61.5%
 No                                                   11.1%        21.2%        5.9%        62.5%        50.0%            58.3%          24.4%   22.6%     33.3%       15.4%     38.5%
*Significantly different between stakeholder groups

Do you currently consult the World Bank Group social media sites?*

                                                   Office of the                PMU/                                  Private Sector/                    Independent
                                                 President/Prime Employee of Consultant on   Local     Other Civil   Financial Sector/   NGO/            Government
Percentage of Respondents                        Minister/Minister a Ministry WBG project Government    Society        Private Bank       CBO    Media    Institution Academia   Other
Yes                                                   83.3%        46.9%       31.3%        50.0%        25.0%            14.3%          36.6%   52.9%     16.7%       37.3%     46.2%
 No                                                   16.7%        53.1%       68.8%        50.0%        75.0%            85.7%          63.4%   47.1%     83.3%       62.7%     53.8%
*Significantly different between stakeholder groups

H. Background Information

Which of the following describes most of your exposure to the World Bank Group in Bangladesh? (Choose no more than TWO)

                                                   Office of the                PMU/                                  Private Sector/                    Independent
Percentage of Respondents                        President/Prime Employee of Consultant on   Local     Other Civil   Financial Sector/   NGO/            Government
(Responses combined)                             Minister/Minister a Ministry WBG project Government    Society        Private Bank       CBO    Media    Institution Academia   Other
Obs erver                                             38.9%        22.6%        5.6%        33.3%        15.4%            25.0%          44.2%   31.1%     50.0%       28.1%     25.0%
 Us e WBG reports /da ta *                            27.8%        16.1%       27.8%        44.4%        15.4%            12.5%          37.2%   54.4%     16.7%       47.4%     50.0%
 Enga ge i n WBG rel a ted/ s pons ored
                                                      11.1%        45.2%       27.8%        22.2%        61.5%            25.0%          39.5%   21.1%      0.0%       26.3%     37.5%
 events /a cti vi ti es *
 Col l a bora te a s pa rt of my profes s i ona l
                                                      33.3%        67.7%       77.8%        55.6%        53.8%            50.0%          34.9%   30.0%     66.7%       28.1%     25.0%
 duti es *
 Us e WBG webs i te for i nforma ti on, da ta ,
                                                      11.1%        25.8%        5.6%        11.1%        15.4%            37.5%          18.6%   30.0%     16.7%       40.4%     37.5%
 res ea rch, etc.
*Significantly different between stakeholder groups

                                                                           World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

Appendix C: Responses to Indicator Questions by Location13
Dhaka Division N=230              Other Areas N=100

B. Overall Attitudes toward the World Bank Group

                                                                                             Dhaka Division                Other Areas
                                                                                         N      Mean        SD        N       Mean     SD
How familiar are you with the work of the World Bank Group in
                                                                                        228      7.34      2.08      100       6.30     2.45
(1-Not familiar at all, 10-Extremely familiar) *Significantly different between locations.

                                                                                             Dhaka Division                Other Areas
                                                                                         N      Mean        SD        N       Mean     SD
 Overall, please rate your impression of the World Bank Group’s
                                                                                        223      6.48      2.04       92       6.58     2.14
 effectiveness in Bangladesh.
(1-Not effective at all, 10-Very effective)

                                                                                             Dhaka Division                Other Areas
                                                                                         N      Mean        SD        N       Mean     SD
 To what extent do you believe the WBG's staff is well prepared to help
                                                                                        217      6.19      2.05       83       6.45     2.26
 Bangladesh solve its most complicated development challenges?
(1-To no degree at all, 10-To a very significant degree)

To what extent do you agree with the following statements about the World Bank Group’s work in Bangladesh?

                                                                                             Dhaka Division                Other Areas
                                                                                         N      Mean        SD        N       Mean     SD
Overall the World Bank Group currently plays a relevant role in
                                                                                        223      5.98      2.09       94       6.05     2.08
development in Bangladesh
 The WBG’s work is aligned with what I consider the development
                                                                                        221      5.91      1.98       95       6.02     2.09
 priorities for Bangladesh
(1-Strongly disagree, 10-Strongly agree)

  Only 330 respondents provided the information about their geographic location. Thus only these respondents were included in the analysis
presented in this Appendix.

                                                                          World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

B. Overall Attitudes toward the World Bank Group (continued)

To what extent is the World Bank Group an effective development partner in Bangladesh, in terms of each of the following?

                                                                                            Dhaka Division           Other Areas
                                                                                        N      Mean        SD   N       Mean     SD
Responsiveness to needs                                                               210       5.53     1.94   88      5.22   1.77
Flexibility (in terms of the institution’s products and services)                     204       5.12     1.96   82      5.48   2.02
Flexibility (in terms of changing country circumstances)                              211       5.30     2.01   85      5.53   1.97
Being inclusive                                                                       217       5.53     2.09   94      5.32   2.43
Openness (sharing data and other information)                                         210       5.98     2.20   91      5.73   2.24
Collaboration with the Government                                                     217       6.63     1.95   97      6.82   2.13
The speed in which it gets things accomplished on the ground*                         213       5.75     2.08   93      6.27   1.96
Ease of access to the people at the World Bank Group who are making
                                                                                      208       5.63     2.08   86      5.41   2.40
decisions important to my work
Collaboration with civil society                                                      214       5.51     2.18   89      5.52   2.33
Staff accessibility                                                                   212       5.47     2.14   81      5.10   2.37
Collaboration with other donors and development partners                              208       6.23     1.95   81      6.26   2.47
Collaboration with the private sector                                                 204       5.77     1.93   86      5.83   2.30
Straightforwardness and honesty*                                                      201       6.06     2.28   81      6.88   2.16
Treating clients and stakeholders in Bangladesh with respect                          206       5.99     2.17   92      6.33   2.31
 Being a long-term partner                                                             213      6.85     2.25   94      7.09   2.29
(1-To no degree at all, 10-To a very significant degree) *Significantly different between locations.

C. World Bank Group’s Sectoral Effectiveness and Results

                                                                                            Dhaka Division           Other Areas
                                                                                        N      Mean        SD   N       Mean     SD

To what extent does the WBG’s work help to achieve development results
                                                                                      218       6.23     1.97   86      6.34   2.26
in Bangladesh?
(1-To no degree at all, 10-To a very significant degree) *Significantly different between locations.

To what extent do you agree with the following statements about the World Bank Group in Bangladesh?

                                                                                            Dhaka Division           Other Areas
                                                                                        N      Mean        SD   N       Mean     SD
The World Bank Group's financial instruments meet the needs of
                                                                                      215       5.61     1.90   89      5.54   2.21
The World Bank Group meets Bangladesh’s needs for knowledge services                  214       5.99     2.01   86      5.91   2.31
(1-Strongly disagree, 10-Strongly agree)

                                                                            World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

D. The World Bank Group’s Knowledge Work and Activities

In Bangladesh, to what extent do you believe that the World Bank Group’s knowledge work and activities:

                                                                                              Dhaka Division            Other Areas
                                                                                          N      Mean        SD    N       Mean     SD
 Are adaptable to Bangladesh’s specific development challenges and
                                                                                         209      6.00      1.93   88      5.89   2.07
 country circumstances
(1-To no degree at all, 10-To a very significant degree)

                                                                                              Dhaka Division            Other Areas
                                                                                          N      Mean        SD    N       Mean     SD
Overall, how significant a contribution do you believe the WBG's
knowledge work and activities make to development results in your                        222      6.43      1.99   90      6.74    2.05
Overall, how would you rate the technical quality of the World Bank
                                                                                         213      6.85      1.89   93      6.94    2.05
Group's knowledge work and activities?
(1-Not significant at all, 10-Very significant; 1-Very low technical quality, 10-Very high technical quality)

E. Working with the World Bank Group

To what extent do you agree/disagree with the following statements?

                                                                                              Dhaka Division            Other Areas
                                                                                          N      Mean        SD    N       Mean     SD
The World Bank Group takes decisions quickly in Bangladesh*                              199      5.73      2.15   75      4.99    2.44
Where country systems are adequate, the World Bank Group makes
                                                                                         179      6.30      2.02   72      6.22    2.12
appropriate use of them
(1-Strongly disagree, 10-Strongly agree) *Significantly different between locations.

                                                                           World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

Appendix D: Responses to Select Questions by Collaboration with the WBG14
Currently collaborating with the WBG N=105                        Not collaborating with the WBG N=221

B. Overall Attitudes toward the World Bank Group

                                                                                            Collaborating              Not Collaborating
                                                                                            with the WBG                 with the WBG
                                                                                          N     Mean      SD           N     Mean      SD
How familiar are you with the work of the World Bank Group in
                                                                                       105      7.71     1.92    219     6.67     2.32
(1-Not familiar at all, 10-Extremely familiar) *Significantly different between those who collaborate with the WBG and those who do not.

                                                                                            Collaborating              Not Collaborating
                                                                                            with the WBG                 with the WBG
                                                                                          N     Mean      SD           N     Mean      SD
Overall, please rate your impression of the World Bank Group’s
                                                                                        105     7.00      1.87   206      6.25    2.14
effectiveness in Bangladesh.*
(1-Not effective at all, 10-Very effective) *Significantly different between those who collaborate with the WBG and those who do not.

                                                                                            Collaborating              Not Collaborating
                                                                                            with the WBG                 with the WBG
                                                                                          N     Mean      SD           N     Mean      SD
To what extent do you believe the WBG's staff is well prepared to help
                                                                                         102      6.58      1.94      194      6.09      2.19
Bangladesh solve its most complicated development challenges?
(1-To no degree at all, 10-To a very significant degree)

  Only 326 respondents provided the information about their collaboration with the World Bank Group (question H3 in the questionnaire). Thus,
only these respondents were included in the analysis presented in this Appendix.

                                                                      World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

B. Overall Attitudes toward the World Bank Group (continued)

When thinking about how the World Bank Group can have the most impact on development results in Bangladesh, in which
sectoral areas do you believe the World Bank Group should focus most of its resources (financial and knowledge services) in
Bangladesh? (Choose no more than THREE)
 Percentage of Respondents                                               Currently collaborating       Not collaborating
 (Responses combined)                                                         with the WBG              with the WBG
 Health and nutrition                                                             21.9%                     18.8%
 Transport                                                                        30.5%                     27.1%
 Agricultural development*                                                         3.8%                     11.5%
 Global/regional integration                                                       6.7%                      3.7%
 Job creation/employment                                                          34.3%                     33.0%
 Public sector governance/reform                                                  29.5%                     24.8%
 Social protection                                                                 9.5%                      4.6%
 Rural development                                                                12.4%                     14.2%
 Foreign direct investment                                                         8.6%                      4.1%
 Education and skill development                                                  21.0%                     30.7%
 Energy/Power                                                                     14.3%                     10.1%
 Gender equity                                                                     1.0%                      4.6%
 Financial markets*                                                                2.9%                      0.0%
 Urban development                                                                 6.7%                      2.8%
 Environmental sustainability                                                      4.8%                      6.0%
 Economic growth                                                                  19.0%                     17.9%
 Private sector development                                                        4.8%                      4.1%
 Water and sanitation                                                              7.6%                      5.5%
 Food security                                                                     3.8%                      8.3%
 Climate change                                                                   13.3%                     11.0%
 Information and communications technology                                         7.6%                      6.4%
 Trade and exports                                                                 1.0%                      3.2%
 Equality of opportunity                                                           2.9%                      6.0%
 Law and justice                                                                   1.9%                      6.9%
 Regulatory framework                                                              5.7%                      5.0%
 Poverty reduction                                                                 8.6%                     10.6%
 Anti-corruption*                                                                  4.8%                     12.8%
 Disaster preparedness and management                                              3.8%                      4.6%
*Significantly different between those who collaborate with the WBG and those who do not.

To what extent do you agree with the following statements about the World Bank Group’s work in Bangladesh?
                                                                               Collaborating         Not Collaborating
                                                                               with the WBG            with the WBG
                                                                             N     Mean      SD      N     Mean      SD
Overall the World Bank Group currently plays a relevant role in
                                                                                   103      6.39    2.08     211      5.81     2.08
development in Bangladesh*
 The WBG’s work is aligned with what I consider the development priorities
                                                                                     102      6.37      1.89   211      5.74    2.05
 for Bangladesh*
(1-Strongly disagree, 10-Strongly agree) *Significantly different between those who collaborate with the WBG and those who do not.

                                                                         World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

B. Overall Attitudes toward the World Bank Group (continued)

To what extent is the World Bank Group an effective development partner in Bangladesh, in terms of each of the following?
                                                                                Collaborating          Not Collaborating
                                                                               with the WBG              with the WBG
                                                                             N      Mean      SD       N     Mean      SD
Responsiveness to needs*                                                             100    5.91    1.94     195    5.19    1.84
Flexibility (in terms of the institution’s products and services)                    98     5.44    1.94     186    5.11    2.00
Flexibility (in terms of changing country circumstances)                             98     5.47    1.88     195    5.29    2.06
Being inclusive                                                                      103    5.71    2.02     204    5.32    2.28
Openness (sharing data and other information)                                        98     6.17    2.12     200    5.75    2.26
Collaboration with the Government                                                    104    6.79    1.93     207    6.64    2.06
The speed in which it gets things accomplished on the ground                         104    6.01    1.97     199    5.83    2.08
Ease of access to the people at the World Bank Group who are making
                                                                                     101    5.97    1.99     189    5.34    2.25
decisions important to my work*
Collaboration with civil society*                                                    96     5.90    2.09     204    5.33    2.28
Staff accessibility*                                                                 102    5.72    2.20     188    5.17    2.19
Collaboration with other donors and development partners*                            96     6.61    1.71     190    6.02    2.26
Collaboration with the private sector                                                94     6.01    1.83     192    5.66    2.15
Straightforwardness and honesty                                                      96     6.66    2.20     183    6.10    2.30
Treating clients and stakeholders in Bangladesh with respect                         100    6.40    2.00     195    5.91    2.32
Being a long-term partner*                                                           102    7.32    1.96     202    6.72    2.39
(1-To no degree at all, 10-To a very significant degree)
*Significantly different between those who collaborate with the WBG and those who do not.

                                                                       World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

C. World Bank Group’s Sectoral Effectiveness and Results

In your opinion, how IMPORTANT is it for the World Bank Group to be involved in the following areas of development in
                                                                                 Collaborating          Not Collaborating
                                                                                with the WBG              with the WBG
                                                                              N      Mean      SD       N     Mean      SD
Financial markets                                                                   95      6.28     2.40     203      6.27     2.63
Transport                                                                          103      8.01     1.83     212      7.88     2.12
Anti-corruption*                                                                   102      6.75     2.50     214      7.37     2.51
Law and justice*                                                                   100      6.01     2.52     207      6.73     2.59
Urban development                                                                  102      7.49     2.02     210      7.63     2.05
Environmental sustainability                                                       101      7.82     2.19     209      7.77     2.15
Trade and exports                                                                  101      6.84     2.13     205      7.17     2.25
Information and communications technology                                          103      7.49     2.06     210      7.64     2.21
Poverty reduction                                                                  102      8.20     2.04     212      8.29     2.10
Gender equity*                                                                     101      7.11     2.32     209      7.81     2.26
Private sector development                                                         100      7.23     2.23     206      7.65     2.12
Foreign direct investment                                                          100      7.39     2.06     207      7.21     2.47
Water and sanitation                                                               102      7.79     1.86     208      7.61     2.24
Regulatory framework                                                               102      6.50     2.40     205      6.61     2.61
Economic growth                                                                    101      7.74     2.18     208      7.88     2.11
Energy/Power                                                                       103      7.90     2.06     211      7.85     2.06
Disaster preparedness and management                                               101      7.55     2.02     207      7.81     2.23
Public sector governance/reform                                                    103      7.60     2.15     206      7.41     2.52
Job creation/employment                                                            100      7.90     2.23     213      8.22     2.11
Equality of opportunity                                                             98      7.46     2.18     208      7.53     2.30
Social protection                                                                  101      6.98     2.19     207      7.17     2.31
Rural development                                                                  101      7.69     2.08     208      7.91     2.10
Global/regional integration                                                        100      7.58     1.75     203      7.17     2.23
Food security                                                                      100      7.24     2.07     206      7.50     2.22
Health and nutrition                                                               101      7.87     1.85     210      7.98     2.16
Climate change                                                                     100      7.89     2.07     205      7.94     2.42
Agricultural development*                                                           99      7.18     2.20     207      7.83     2.19
 Education and skills development                                                    101      8.28     1.89    208      8.36    2.05
(1-Not important at all, 10-Very important) *Significantly different between those who collaborate with the WBG and those who do not.

                                                                        World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

C. World Bank Group’s Sectoral Effectiveness and Results (continued)

How EFFECTIVE do you believe the World Bank Group is in terms of the work it does in the following areas of development in
                                                                                Collaborating           Not Collaborating
                                                                                with the WBG              with the WBG
                                                                              N      Mean      SD       N     Mean      SD
Gender equity                                                                        85      5.96      2.11     164      6.08     2.26
Information and communications technology                                            86      6.27      2.00     162      6.08     2.21
Transport                                                                            95      6.76      2.16     188      6.72     2.23
Law and justice                                                                      74      5.24      1.89     141      5.25     2.35
Urban development                                                                    92      6.24      1.93     182      6.30     2.17
Environmental sustainability                                                         93      6.57      1.96     170      6.40     2.25
Regulatory framework*                                                                84      5.96      1.87     145      5.32     2.29
Poverty reduction                                                                    93      6.91      1.86     183      6.65     2.33
Anti-corruption                                                                      78      5.53      2.43     159      5.43     2.58
Private sector development                                                           85      6.21      2.11     169      6.11     2.26
Foreign direct investment                                                            77      6.18      2.05     156      6.06     2.23
Water and sanitation                                                                 94      6.59      1.82     173      6.51     2.22
Trade and exports                                                                    79      5.92      1.99     154      6.13     2.08
Economic growth                                                                      87      6.68      1.82     179      6.41     2.20
Health and nutrition                                                                 90      6.81      1.92     173      6.70     2.00
Disaster preparedness and management                                                 90      6.74      1.86     172      6.58     2.24
Public sector governance/reform                                                      87      6.48      2.09     163      5.93     2.40
Job creation/employment                                                              86      6.23      2.18     165      5.77     2.23
Financial markets                                                                    76      5.95      2.15     151      5.67     2.24
Equality of opportunity                                                              78      5.83      2.16     157      5.73     2.39
Energy/Power                                                                         90      6.16      2.08     167      6.02     2.29
Rural development                                                                    92      6.43      2.01     176      6.30     2.21
Global/regional integration                                                          81      6.30      1.88     160      6.09     2.27
Food security                                                                        86      6.23      1.99     171      5.92     2.35
Education and skills development                                                     91      6.76      2.04     182      6.34     2.30
Social protection                                                                    83      6.17      1.97     165      5.61     2.36
Climate change                                                                       89      6.63      1.87     179      6.27     2.40
 Agricultural development                                                                90      6.48     1.96    175      5.97    2.21
(1-Not effective at all, 10-Very effective) *Significantly different between those who collaborate with the WBG and those who do not.

                                                                       World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

C. World Bank Group’s Sectoral Effectiveness and Results (continued)

                                                                                       Collaborating            Not Collaborating
                                                                                       with the WBG               with the WBG
                                                                                     N     Mean      SD         N     Mean      SD
To what extent does the WBG’s work help to achieve development results in
                                                                                   103      6.45     1.90     197      6.18     2.14
(1-To no degree at all, 10-To a very significant degree)
*Significantly different between those who collaborate with the WBG and those who do not.

To what extent do you agree with the following statements about the World Bank Group in Bangladesh?
                                                                               Collaborating        Not Collaborating
                                                                               with the WBG           with the WBG
                                                                             N     Mean      SD     N     Mean      SD
The WBG's financial instruments meet the needs of Bangladesh*                      102      6.14     1.86     198      5.32     2.02
The WBG meets Bangladesh’s needs for knowledge services                            101      6.17     1.88     196      5.87     2.21
(1-Strongly disagree, 10-Strongly agree) *Significantly different between those who collaborate with the WBG and those who do not.

                                                                                       Collaborating            Not Collaborating
                                                                                       with the WBG               with the WBG
                                                                                     N     Mean      SD         N     Mean      SD
 To what extent do you believe the WBG measures and corrects its work in
                                                                                   85       5.79     2.00     150      5.55     2.27
 real time in Bangladesh?
(1-To no degree at all, 10-To a very significant degree)
*Significantly different between those who collaborate with the WBG and those who do not.

                                                                                       Collaborating            Not Collaborating
                                                                                       with the WBG               with the WBG
                                                                                     N     Mean      SD         N     Mean      SD
 To what extent do you believe that Bangladesh received value for money
                                                                                    61      6.26     1.97      92      5.84     2.10
 from the World Bank Group’s reimbursable advisory services (RAS)?
(1-To no degree at all, 10-To a very significant degree)

D. The World Bank Group’s Knowledge Work and Activities
In Bangladesh, to what extent do you believe that the World Bank Group’s knowledge work and activities:
                                                                               Collaborating            Not Collaborating
                                                                               with the WBG              with the WBG
                                                                             N     Mean      SD       N      Mean       SD
Are timely*                                                                         99      6.27     2.07     178      5.63     2.00
Include appropriate level of stakeholder involvement during preparation*           100      5.93     1.99     188      5.41     1.86
Lead to practical solutions*                                                       102      6.18     1.99     196      5.59     1.94
Are accessible (well written and easy to understand)                               102      6.52     2.07     194      6.26     2.20
Are source of relevant information on global good practices                         94      6.89     1.84     175      6.48     2.05
Are adequately disseminated*                                                        98      6.53     2.25     192      5.57     2.15
Are translated enough into local language                                           91      5.59     2.30     180      5.36     2.41
 Are adaptable to Bangladesh’s specific development challenges and country
                                                                                   101      6.45     1.83     193      5.71     2.00
(1-To no degree at all, 10-To a very significant degree)
*Significantly different between those who collaborate with the WBG and those who do not.

                                                                            World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

D. The World Bank Group’s Knowledge Work and Activities (continued)

                                                                                             Collaborating            Not Collaborating
                                                                                             with the WBG               with the WBG
                                                                                           N     Mean      SD         N     Mean      SD
Overall, how significant a contribution do you believe the WBG's knowledge
                                                                                          104      6.78      1.83    204    6.37    2.08
work and activities make to development results in your country?
 Overall, how would you rate the technical quality of the World Bank Group's
                                                                                          103      7.11       1.78   200    6.77    2.02
 knowledge work and activities?
(1-Not significant at all, 10-Very significant; 1-Very low technical quality, 10-Very high technical quality)

E. Working with the World Bank Group
To what extent do you agree/disagree with the following statements? (1-Strongly disagree, 10-Strongly agree)
                                                                                  Collaborating            Not Collaborating
                                                                                 with the WBG                with the WBG
                                                                              N       Mean       SD       N      Mean      SD
The World Bank Group disburses funds promptly*                                            100      5.94      2.27    176    4.38    2.35
The World Bank Group effectively monitors and evaluates the projects and
                                                                                          103      6.71      2.11    195    6.22    2.22
programs it supports
The World Bank Group’s approvals and reviews are done in a timely fashion                 99       6.16      1.92    180    5.86    2.06
The World Bank Group’s “Safeguard Policy” requirements are reasonable                     88       6.47      1.79    134    5.98    2.22
The World Bank Group’s conditions on its lending are reasonable*                          99       5.99      2.28    172    5.27    2.33
The World Bank Group takes decisions quickly in Bangladesh                                100      5.60      2.31    171    5.45    2.23
Working with the WBG increases Bangladesh’s institutional capacity                        102      6.83      2.03    198    6.42    2.08
Where country systems are adequate, the World Bank Group makes
                                                                                          92       6.57      2.01    156    6.09    2.06
appropriate use of them
The World Bank Group provides effective implementation support                            102      6.57      1.86    188    6.09    2.08
*Significantly different between those who collaborate with the WBG and those who do not.

                                                                                             Collaborating            Not Collaborating
                                                                                             with the WBG               with the WBG
                                                                                           N     Mean      SD         N     Mean      SD
 To what extent do you believe that the WBG’s work helps to find solutions
                                                                                          91       6.33      1.80    171    6.13    2.20
 that promote private public partnerships in Bangladesh?
(1-To no degree at all, 10-To a very significant degree)

G. Communication and Information Sharing
Please rate how much you agree with the following statements. (1-Strongly disagree, 10-Strongly agree)
                                                                                    Collaborating                     Not Collaborating
                                                                                   with the WBG                         with the WBG
                                                                                N       Mean       SD                 N     Mean      SD
I find the World Bank Group’s websites easy to navigate.                                  93       7.16      1.98    153    7.04    2.12
I find the information on the World Bank Group’s websites useful.                         91       7.52      1.81    153    7.22    1.96
The World Bank Group’s social media channels are valuable sources of
                                                                                          69       6.75      2.08    137    6.81    2.07
information about the institution
When I need information from the World Bank Group I know how to find it                   91       7.26      2.08    167    6.78    2.23
The WBG is responsive to my information requests and inquiries*                           82       6.93      1.82    142    6.19    2.25
*Significantly different between those who collaborate with the WBG and those who do not.

                                                                                World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

Appendix E: Responses to Select Questions by Year15
Comparing responses across Country Surveys reflect changes in attitudes over time, but also changes in respondent
samples and changes to the survey instrument itself. To reduce the influence of the latter factor, only those
questions with similar response scales/options were analyzed. To reduce the influence of the former, the samples
from both FY13 and FY16 were weighted to have equivalent stakeholder groups.

                                                                                                   Original Distribution
 Percentage of Respondents                                                                  FY13                            FY16
 Office of the President/Prime Minister/Minister                                            2.6%                            6.0%
 Government institutions (includes office of Parliamentarian,
 employees of ministries, independent government institutions,                             25.3%                           21.1%
 PMU/Consultants on WBG supported projects, and judiciary)
 Private sector (includes financial sector/private banks)                                  16.2%                            5.4%
 Academia                                                                                  14.5%                           19.1%
  Media                                                                        29.8%                       30.4%
  Civil society (includes NGOs/CBOs, private foundations, trade
                                                                               11.6%                       18.1%
  unions, and youth groups)
  Total Number of Respondents (Un-Weighted)                                     352                         299
(Note, there were insufficient numbers of respondents from bilateral/multilateral agencies or local government in either year to be
included in these analyses. Also, stakeholders who identified themselves as “Other” in the stakeholder category options were not
included in these comparisons.)

The weighted stakeholder breakdown is presented below:
                                                                                                Weighted Distribution
 Percentage of Respondents                                                                  FY13                            FY16
 Office of the President/Prime Minister/Minister                                           4.3%                            4.2%
 Government Institutions                                                                   23.5%                           23.3%
 Private Sector                                                                            10.7%                           10.6%
 Academia                                                                                  16.0%                           16.9%
 Media                                                                                     30.6%                           30.1%
 Civil Society                                                                             14.9%                           14.8%
 Total Number of Respondents (Weighted)                                                      343                             302

All data presented in this Appendix are weighted. As a result, means of the FY16 data and the total number of
respondents indicated will be slightly different than the aggregated responses in Appendix A. Similarly, responses
from FY13 respondents and the total number of respondents indicated may differ from those reported in the FY13
COS report.

A. General Issues facing Bangladesh

In general would you say that Bangladesh is headed in?

 Percentage of Respondents                                                                           FY13                       FY16
 The right direction                                                                                59.8%                      67.7%
 The wrong direction                                                                                23.5%                      11.2%
 Not sure                                                                                           16.7%                      21.1%

     Only those questions that were asked in the FY ’13 and FY ’16 country opinion surveys, with similar response scales/options, are presented.

                                                                         World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

B. Overall Attitudes toward the World Bank Group

                                                                                              FY13                     FY16
                                                                                       N      Mean        SD       N   Mean   SD

How familiar are you with the work of the World Bank Group in Bangladesh?             343      7.04       1.78   300   7.06   2.26
(1-Not familiar at all, 10-Extremely familiar)

                                                                                              FY13                     FY16
                                                                                       N      Mean        SD      N    Mean   SD
Overall, please rate your impression of the World Bank Group’s
                                                                                      341      6.08       1.72   289   6.53   2.08
effectiveness in Bangladesh.*
(1-Not effective at all, 10-Very effective) *Significantly different between FY16 and FY13 respondents.

                                                                                              FY13                     FY16
                                                                                       N      Mean        SD       N   Mean   SD

To what extent do you believe the World Bank Group’s staff is well prepared
                                                                                      326      5.74       1.86   274   6.27   2.10
to help Bangladesh solve its most complicated development challenges?*
(1-To no degree at all, 10-To a very significant degree) *Significantly different between FY16 and FY13 respondents.

To what extent do you agree with the following statements about the World Bank Group’s work in Bangladesh?
                                                                                              FY13                     FY16
                                                                                       N      Mean        SD       N   Mean   SD
 Overall the World Bank Group currently plays a relevant role in
                                                                                      339     5.90        1.95   288   6.01   2.11
 development in Bangladesh
 The World Bank Group’s work is aligned with what I consider the
                                                                                      340     5.57        1.89   287   5.99   2.02
 development priorities for Bangladesh*
(1-Strongly disagree, 10-Strongly agree) *Significantly different between FY16 and FY13 respondents.

To what extent is the World Bank Group an effective development partner in Bangladesh in terms of each of the following?
                                                                                              FY13                     FY16
                                                                                       N      Mean        SD       N   Mean   SD
Responsiveness to needs                                                               335      5.65       1.93   273   5.46   1.91
Flexibility (in terms of the institution’s products and services)                     331      5.00       1.91   264   5.25   1.99
Flexibility (in terms of changing country circumstances)                              325      5.13       1.90   274   5.32   2.03
Being inclusive                                                                       333      5.29       1.98   284   5.47   2.24
Openness (sharing data and other information)                                         338      5.91       2.06   277   5.91   2.21
Collaboration with the Government                                                     340      6.91       1.67   287   6.69   2.02
Collaboration with civil society*                                                     323      5.98       1.80   279   5.52   2.25
Staff accessibility                                                                   320      5.18       2.12   268   5.37   2.19
Collaboration with other donors and development partners*                             323      6.94       1.70   265   6.22   2.11
Straightforwardness and honesty                                                       324      6.08       1.98   259   6.30   2.30
Treating clients and stakeholders in Bangladesh with respect                          326      5.90       2.21   274   6.12   2.23
(1-To no degree at all, 10-To a very significant degree) *Significantly different between FY16 and FY13 respondents.

                                                                         World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

C. World Bank Group’s Effectiveness and Results

How EFFECTIVE do you believe the World Bank Group is in terms of the work it does in the following areas of development in
                                                                                               FY13                    FY16
                                                                                        N      Mean       SD      N    Mean   SD
Gender equity                                                                         319      6.18       1.89   231   6.03   2.22
Information and communications technology                                             317      5.90       1.78   229   6.12   2.16
Transport*                                                                            337      6.10       1.98   261   6.65   2.25
Law and justice                                                                       302      4.93       1.82   196   5.24   2.20
Urban development*                                                                    324      5.68       1.83   255   6.29   2.07
Environmental sustainability*                                                         322      5.85       1.93   244   6.48   2.17
Regulatory framework                                                                  312      5.73       1.94   211   5.52   2.17
Poverty reduction*                                                                    335      6.23       1.82   255   6.75   2.21
Anti-corruption                                                                       320      5.73       2.17   217   5.47   2.55
Private sector development*                                                           317      5.33       1.77   235   6.14   2.25
Foreign direct investment*                                                            310      5.09       2.09   216   6.11   2.19
Water and sanitation*                                                                 328      6.14       1.79   248   6.55   2.11
Trade and exports*                                                                    299      5.06       1.87   217   6.09   2.04
Economic growth*                                                                      325      5.71       1.81   247   6.55   2.11
Health and nutrition*                                                                 329      6.12       1.66   244   6.76   1.99
Public sector governance/reform*                                                      335      5.69       1.96   233   6.07   2.34
Job creation/employment*                                                              314      5.19       1.96   236   5.97   2.22
Financial markets                                                                     302      5.43       1.80   207   5.78   2.22
Equality of opportunity*                                                              310      5.10       1.97   218   5.75   2.35
Energy/Power*                                                                         314      5.35       2.01   240   6.10   2.21
Rural development*                                                                    326      5.96       1.67   251   6.35   2.15
Global/regional integration*                                                          299      5.25       1.91   221   6.19   2.19
Food security*                                                                        308      5.64       1.90   237   6.04   2.25
Education and skills development*                                                     332      6.21       1.82   255   6.55   2.25
Social protection                                                                     315      5.76       1.84   229   5.85   2.30
Climate change*                                                                       323      5.76       1.86   248   6.39   2.29
Agricultural development*                                                             324      5.58       1.78   244   6.11   2.18
(1-Not effective at all, 10-Very effective) *Significantly different between FY16 and FY13 respondents.

                                                                                               FY13                    FY16
                                                                                        N      Mean       SD      N    Mean   SD
To what extent does the World Bank Group’s work help to achieve
                                                                                       339      5.90     1.71    277   6.31   2.09
development results in Bangladesh?*
(1-To no degree at all, 10-To a very significant degree) *Significantly different between FY16 and FY13 respondents.

                                                                            World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

C. World Bank Group’s Effectiveness and Results (continued)

To what extent do you agree with the following statements about the World Bank Group in Bangladesh?
                                                                                                  FY13                       FY16
                                                                                           N      Mean        SD      N      Mean    SD
The World Bank Group’s financial instruments meet the needs of Bangladesh                 336      5.40      1.89    280      5.57   2.00
The World Bank Group meets Bangladesh’s needs for knowledge services                      341      5.76      1.86    275      6.02   2.10
(1-Strongly disagree, 10-Strongly agree)

D. The World Bank Group’s Knowledge Work and Activities

How frequently do you consult World Bank Group’s knowledge work and activities in the work you do?

 Percentage of Respondents                                                                      FY13                      FY16
 Weekly*                                                                                        24.9%                     13.3%
 Monthly                                                                                        27.9%                     22.7%
 A few times a year                                                                             33.7%                     40.9%
 Rarely*                                                                                        11.3%                     20.8%
 Never                                                                                          2.1%                      2.3%
*Significantly different between FY16 and FY13 respondents.

In Bangladesh, to what extent do you believe that the World Bank Group’s knowledge work and activities:
                                                                                                  FY13                       FY16
                                                                                           N      Mean        SD      N      Mean    SD
Are timely                                                                                327      5.66      1.90    257      5.88   2.03
Include appropriate level of stakeholder involvement during preparation                   326      5.51      1.89    268      5.60   1.96
Lead to practical solutions                                                               331      5.92      1.83    277      5.81   2.00
Are accessible (well written and easy to understand)                                      334      6.22      1.84    273      6.36   2.16
Are source of relevant information on global good practices                               323      6.57      1.79    244      6.60   2.03
Are adequately disseminated                                                               327      5.68      2.02    269      5.93   2.23
Are translated enough into local language*                                                305      6.10      2.06    252      5.39   2.36
 Are adaptable to Bangladesh’s specific development challenges and country
                                                                                        336     5.75     1.79    273          5.94   1.96
(1-To no degree at all, 10-To a very significant degree) *Significantly different between FY16 and FY13 respondents.

                                                                                                  FY13                       FY16
                                                                                           N      Mean        SD      N      Mean    SD
Overall, how significant a contribution do you believe the WBG’s knowledge
                                                                                          337      6.01      1.66    286      6.51   2.00
work and activities make to development results in your country?*
 Overall, how would you rate the technical quality of the World Bank Group's
                                                                                          331      6.70       1.59   282      6.87   2.00
 knowledge work and activities?
(1-Not significant at all, 10-Very significant; 1-Very low technical quality, 10-Very high technical quality)
*Significantly different between FY16 and FY13 respondents

                                                                       World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

E. Working with the World Bank Group

To what extent do you agree/disagree with the following statements?
                                                                                            FY13                      FY16
                                                                                     N      Mean       SD      N      Mean    SD
The World Bank Group disburses funds promptly                                       315      4.94      2.10   257      4.89   2.46
The World Bank Group effectively monitors and evaluates the projects and
                                                                                    335      6.41      1.80   279      6.38   2.19
programs it supports
The World Bank Group’s approvals and reviews are done in a timely fashion           326      5.73      2.02   261      5.98   2.02
The World Bank Group’s “Safeguard Policy” requirements are reasonable               293      6.01      1.94   210      6.19   2.13
The World Bank Group’s conditions on its lending are reasonable                     328      5.40      2.11   250      5.51   2.43
Working with the World Bank Group increases Bangladesh’s institutional
                                                                                    336      6.56      1.89   280      6.58   2.13
Where country systems are adequate, the World Bank Group makes
                                                                                    293      5.80      1.85   232      6.25   2.10
appropriate use of them*
The World Bank Group provides effective implementation support                      330      6.14      1.87   271      6.28   2.01
(1-Strongly disagree, 10-Strongly agree) *Significantly different between FY16 and FY13 respondents.

G. Communication and Information Sharing

Are you aware of the World Bank Group's Access to Information Policy under which the WBG will now disclose any information
in its possession that is not a list of exceptions?
 Percentage of Respondents                                                                FY13                     FY16
 Yes                                                                                      40.2%                    35.8%
 No                                                                                       59.8%                    64.2%

Have you requested information from the World Bank Group on its activities in the past year?*
 Percentage of Respondents                                                                FY13                     FY16
 Yes                                                                                      19.6%                    27.4%
 No                                                                                       80.4%                    72.6%
*Significantly different between FY16 and FY13 respondents.

Were you able to obtain this information?
 Percentage of Respondents                                                                FY13                     FY16
 Yes                                                                                      76.6%                    85.0%
 No                                                                                       23.4%                    15.0%

Do you have access to the Internet?*
 Percentage of Respondents                                                                FY13                     FY16
 Yes                                                                                      99.6%                    93.2%
 No                                                                                       0.4%                     6.8%
*Significantly different between FY16 and FY13 respondents.

Do you use/have used the World Bank Group website?*
 Percentage of Respondents                                                                FY13                     FY16
 Yes                                                                                      92.9%                    75.9%
 No                                                                                       7.1%                     24.1%
*Significantly different between FY16 and FY13 respondents.

                                                                        World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

G. Communication and Information Sharing (continued)

Which Internet connection do you use primarily when visiting a World Bank Group website?*
 Percentage of Respondents                                                                FY13                     FY16
 High speed/WiFi                                                                          94.8%                    86.8%
 Dial-up                                                                                  5.2%                     3.6%
 Mobile                                                                                     -                      9.7%
*Significantly different between FY16 and FY13 respondents.

Please rate how much you agree with the following statements.
                                                                                            FY13                      FY16
                                                                                     N      Mean       SD      N      Mean    SD
I find the information on the World Bank Group’s websites useful.*                  310      6.85      1.99   228      7.35   1.95
When I need information from the World Bank Group I know how to find it*            314      6.43      2.45   237      6.89   2.27
The World Bank Group is responsive to my information requests and
                                                                                    245      6.46      2.22   208      6.44   2.19
(1-Strongly disagree, 10-Strongly agree) *Significantly different between FY16 and FY13 respondents.

H. Background Information

Currently, do you professionally collaborate/work with the World Bank Group (IBRD/IDA, IFC, or MIGA) in your country?*
 Percentage of Respondents                                                                FY13                     FY16
 Yes                                                                                      42.1%                    31.4%
 No                                                                                       57.9%                    68.6%
*Significantly different between FY16 and FY13 respondents.

Which of the following describes most of your exposure to the World Bank Group in Bangladesh?
(Choose no more than TWO)
 Percentage of Respondents
 (Responses combined)                                                                     FY13                     FY16
 Observer*                                                                                39.2%                    29.6%
 Use World Bank Group reports/data*                                                       48.1%                    36.9%
 Engage in World Bank Group related/sponsored events/activities                           22.7%                    28.9%
 Collaborate as part of my professional duties                                            35.4%                    41.5%
 Use World Bank Group website for information, data, research, etc.*                      41.1%                    27.0%
*Significantly different between FY16 and FY13 respondents.

                                                                                                                                                                World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

Appendix F: Indicator Questions as a Function of Exposure to the World Bank Group
                                                                                            Which of the following
                                                                                                                             Which of the following describes your exposure to the World Bank in Bangladesh? (Choose no more than TWO)
                                                                                             describes your level of
                                                                                          interaction with the WBG?           Observer          Use WBG reports/data   Engage in WBG activities       Collaborate        Use WBG website
                                                                                               Not        Currently
                                                                                                                        No Mean     Yes Mean    No Mean    Yes Mean     No Mean     Yes Mean      No Mean    Yes Mean   No Mean   Yes Mean
Indicator Question                                                                        Collaborating Collaborating
Overa l l , pl ea s e ra te your i mpres s i on of the Worl d Ba nk Group’s
                                                                                              6.25          7.00         6.56            6.37     6.55        6.44        6.48         6.59        6.32        6.80      6.54       6.41
effecti venes s i n Ba ngl a des h.
Overa l l the Worl d Ba nk Group currentl y pl a ys a rel eva nt rol e i n devel opment
                                                                                              5.81          6.39         6.09            5.80     6.06        5.93        5.95         6.14        5.82        6.29      6.01       5.99
i n Ba ngl a des h
The Worl d Ba nk Group’s work i s a l i gned wi th wha t I cons i der the
                                                                                              5.74          6.37         6.10            5.61     5.98        5.93        5.90         6.10        5.81        6.19      5.94       6.00
devel opment pri ori ti es for Ba ngl a des h
Res pons i venes s to needs                                                                   5.19          5.91         5.51            5.26     5.46        5.41        5.42         5.49        5.35        5.57      5.39       5.59
Fl exi bi l i ty (i n terms of the i ns ti tuti on’s products a nd s ervi ces )               5.11          5.44         5.36            4.88     5.21        5.25        5.11         5.49        5.23        5.20      5.19       5.32
Fl exi bi l i ty (i n terms of cha ngi ng country ci rcums ta nces )                          5.29          5.47         5.33            5.39     5.37        5.32        5.27         5.56        5.35        5.35      5.28       5.53
Bei ng i ncl us i ve                                                                          5.32          5.71         5.63            5.09     5.51        5.43        5.38         5.74        5.33        5.70      5.48       5.49
Opennes s (s ha ri ng da ta a nd other i nforma ti on)                                        5.75          6.17         5.95            5.77     5.81        6.03        5.78         6.20        5.85        5.97      5.93       5.81
Col l a bora ti on wi th the Government                                                       6.64          6.79         6.71            6.66     6.69        6.70        6.64         6.82        6.51        6.96      6.79       6.45
The s peed i n whi ch i t gets thi ngs a ccompl i s hed on the ground                         5.83          6.01         5.91            5.87     6.03        5.70        5.85         6.02        5.88        5.92      5.86       6.01
Ea s e of a cces s to the peopl e a t the Worl d Ba nk Group who a re ma ki ng
                                                                                              5.34          5.97         5.56            5.48     5.64        5.37        5.46         5.74        5.48        5.61      5.46       5.76
deci s i ons i mporta nt to my work
Col l a bora ti on wi th ci vi l s oci ety                                                    5.33          5.90         5.60            5.30     5.59        5.40        5.58         5.36        5.38        5.71      5.31       6.06
Sta ff a cces s i bi l i ty                                                                   5.17          5.72         5.45            5.10     5.45        5.21        5.31         5.45        5.25        5.50      5.35       5.36
Col l a bora ti on wi th other donors a nd devel opment pa rtners                             6.02          6.61         6.28            6.04     6.25        6.17        6.20         6.27        6.09        6.40      6.17       6.33
Col l a bora ti on wi th the pri va te s ector                                                5.66          6.01         5.76            5.90     5.74        5.88        5.90         5.53        5.76        5.85      5.73       5.97
Stra i ghtforwa rdnes s a nd hones ty                                                         6.10          6.66         6.34            6.18     6.49        6.00        6.27         6.35        6.14        6.52      6.16       6.67
Trea ti ng cl i ents a nd s ta kehol ders i n Ba ngl a des h wi th res pect                   5.91          6.40         6.06            6.15     6.14        6.00        6.03         6.21        6.08        6.09      6.08       6.10
Bei ng a l ong-term pa rtner                                                                  6.72          7.32         6.93            6.85     7.03        6.72        6.94         6.84        6.81        7.05      6.86       7.05
To wha t extent does the Worl d Ba nk Group’s work hel p to a chi eve
                                                                                              6.18          6.45         6.27            6.22     6.31        6.17        6.25         6.28        6.13        6.45      6.21       6.38
devel opment res ul ts i n Ba ngl a des h?
The Worl d Ba nk Group’s fi na nci a l i ns truments meet the needs of
                                                                                              5.32          6.14         5.75            5.20     5.58        5.62        5.55         5.71        5.56        5.65      5.53       5.77
Ba ngl a des h
The Worl d Ba nk Group meets Ba ngl a des h’s needs for knowl edge s ervi ces                 5.87          6.17         6.07            5.71     5.88        6.10        5.90         6.16        5.91        6.06      5.86       6.24
Are a da pta bl e to Ba ngl a des h’s s peci fi c devel opment cha l l enges a nd
                                                                                              5.71          6.45         6.01            5.82     6.06        5.81        5.98         5.90        5.85        6.13      5.85       6.23
country ci rcums ta nces
Overa l l , how s i gni fi ca nt a contri buti on do you bel i eve the WBG’s knowl edge
                                                                                              6.37          6.78         6.56            6.39     6.48        6.56        6.56         6.39        6.47        6.57      6.56       7.14
work a nd a cti vi ti es ma ke to devel opment res ul ts i n your country?
Overa l l , how woul d you ra te the techni ca l qua l i ty of the Worl d Ba nk Group's
                                                                                              6.77          7.11         6.93            6.71     6.73        7.08        6.90         6.80        6.83        6.94      7.24       7.26
knowl edge work a nd a cti vi ti es ?
The Worl d Ba nk Group ta kes deci s i ons qui ckl y i n Ba ngl a des h                       5.45          5.60         5.64            5.21     5.63        5.35        5.47         5.65        5.49        5.57      6.52       6.73
Where country s ys tems a re a dequa te, the Worl d Ba nk Group ma kes
                                                                                              6.09          6.57         6.32            6.15     6.25        6.30        6.32         6.16        6.17        6.43      7.37       7.31
a ppropri a te us e of them
Yellow highlight indicates significant difference between Yes and No means.

                                                              World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

Appendix G: Bangladesh FY16 Questionnaire

                            World Bank Group Country Survey FY16 – Bangladesh

The World Bank Group is interested in gauging the views of clients and partners who are either involved in
development in Bangladesh or who observe activities related to social and economic development. The following
survey will give the World Bank Group’s team that works in Bangladesh, greater insight into how the Bank’s work
is perceived. This is one tool the World Bank Group uses to assess the views of its stakeholders, and to develop
more effective strategies that support development in Bangladesh.

A local independent firm has been hired to oversee the logistics of this survey. This ensures anonymity and
confidentiality. We hope you’ll be candid.

Finally, the survey relates to the World Bank Group’s work. The World Bank Group consists of IBRD, IDA, I FC,
MIGA, and ICSID. When responding to the survey, please consider the area of the World Bank Group with which
you are most familiar.

To complete the survey, please circle/check the response that most accurately reflects your opinion.
If you prefer not to answer a question, please leave it blank. If you feel that you do not have an
adequate amount of information on a subject, please check “Don’t know”.



  A1. In general would you say that Bangladesh is headed in ... ?
  1   The right direction
  2   The wrong direction
  3   Not sure

                                                                   World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh


 A2. Listed below are a number of development priorities in Bangladesh.
 Please identify which of the following you consider the most important development priorities in
 Bangladesh? (Choose no more than THREE)
  1    Global/regional integration                           15   Equality of opportunity (i.e., equity)
  2    Food security                                         16   Health and nutrition
       Public sector governance/ reform (i.e., government
  3    effectiveness, public financial management, public    17   Climate change (e.g., mitigation, adaptation)
       expenditure, fiscal system reform)
       Social protection (e.g., pensions, targeted social
  4                                                          18   Poverty reduction
  5    Gender equity                                         19   Transport (e.g., roads, bridges, transportation)
  6    Private sector development                            20   Education and skill development
  7    Foreign direct investment                             21   Agricultural development
  8    Urban development                                     22   Trade and exports
  9    Energy/Power                                          23   Anti corruption
 10    Job creation/employment                               24   Law and justice (e.g., judicial system)
 11    Rural development                                     25   Regulatory framework
 12    Financial markets                                     26   Economic growth
 13    Water and sanitation                                  27   Disaster preparedness and management
 14    Environmental sustainability                          28   Information and communications technology

 A3. The World Bank Group has committed itself to twin goals: ending extreme poverty by 2030 and
 boosting shared prosperity. Poverty reduction is a broad term that encompasses work in many different
 Which THREE areas of development listed below do you believe would contribute most to reducing
 poverty in Bangladesh? (Choose no more than THREE)
  1    Water and sanitation                                  15   Education and skill development
  2    Equality of opportunity (i.e., equity)                16   Foreign direct investment
  3    Rural development                                     17   Energy/Power
                                                                  Public sector governance/ reform (i.e., government
  4    Climate change (e.g., mitigation, adaptation)         18   effectiveness, public financial management, public
                                                                  expenditure, fiscal system reform)
  5    Global/regional integration                           19   Private sector development
  6    Gender equity                                         20   Environmental sustainability
  7    Economic growth                                       21   Health and nutrition
  8    Urban development                                     22   Agricultural development
  9    Regulatory framework                                  23   Disaster preparedness and management
       Social protection (e.g., pensions, targeted social
  10                                                         24   Job creation/employment
  11   Law and justice (e.g., judicial system)               25   Financial markets
  12   Transport (e.g., roads, bridges, transportation)      26   Trade and exports
  13   Information and communications technology             27   Food security
  14   Anti corruption

                                                                     World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

 A4. The World Bank Group’s “Shared Prosperity” goal captures two key elements, economic growth
 and equity. It will seek to foster income growth among the bottom 40 percent of a country’s
 population. Improvement in the Shared Prosperity Indicator requires growth and well-being of the
 less well-off. When thinking about the idea of “shared prosperity” in your country, which of the
 following TWO best illustrate how this would be achieved in Bangladesh? (Choose no more
 than TWO)
  1    Consistent economic growth
  2    More reliable and well targeted social safety net
  3    Greater access to micro-finance for the poor
  4    Greater voice and participation for citizens to help ensure greater accountability
  5    Greater access to health and nutrition for citizens
  6    Better entrepreneurial opportunities (i.e., to start small and medium sized businesses)
  7    A growing middle class
  8    Better opportunity for the poor who live in rural areas
  9    Better opportunity for the poor who live in urban areas
  10   Better employment opportunities for young people
  11   Better employment opportunities for women
  12   Greater equity of fiscal policy
  13   Education and training that better ensure job opportunity
  14   Better quality public services
  15   Other (please specify):_____________________________________

 A5. Do you think the gap between the rich and the poor is a very big problem, a moderately big
 problem, a small problem or not a problem at all in Bangladesh?              (Select only ONE response)
  1    A very big problem
  2    A moderately big problem
  3    A small problem
  4    Not a problem at all
  5    Don’t know

 A6. In your view, is global climate change a very serious problem, somewhat serious, not too
 serious, or not a problem?        (Select only ONE response)
  1    A very serious problem
  2    A somewhat serious problem
  3    Not too serious problem
  4    Not a problem
  5    Don’t know


                                                                            World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

 B1. How familiar are you with the work of the World Bank Group in Bangladesh?
          1            2      3     4          5         6            7           8               9                     10
 Not familiar at all                                                                                            Extremely familiar

 B2. Overall, please rate your impression of the World Bank Group’s effectiveness in Bangladesh.
         1             2      3     4      5       6         7         8          9             10                       
 Not effective at
                                                                                             Very effective          Don't know

 B3. To what extent do you believe the World Bank Group’s staff is well prepared (e.g., skills and
 knowledge) to help Bangladesh solve its most complicated development challenges?
          1            2      3     4      5       6         7         8          9             10                       
 To no degree at                                                                                  To a very
                                                                                                                     Don't know
 all                                                                                     significant degree

 B4. When thinking about how the World Bank Group can have the most impact on development results
 in Bangladesh, in which sectoral areas do you believe the World Bank Group should focus most of its
 resources (financial and knowledge services) in Bangladesh? (Choose no more than THREE)
  1   Health and nutrition                                        15       Environmental sustainability
  2   Transport (e.g., roads, bridges, transportation)            16       Economic growth
  3   Agricultural development                                    17       Private sector development
  4   Global/regional integration                                 18       Water and sanitation
  5   Job creation/employment                                     19       Food security
      Public sector governance/ reform (i.e., government
  6   effectiveness, public financial management, public          20       Climate change (e.g., mitigation, adaptation)
      expenditure, fiscal system reform)
      Social protection (e.g., pensions, targeted social
  7                                                               21       Information and communications technology
  8   Rural development                                           22       Trade and exports
  9   Foreign direct investment                                   23       Equality of opportunity (i.e., equity)
 10   Education and skill development                             24       Law and justice (e.g., judicial system)
 11   Energy/Power                                                25       Regulatory framework
 12   Gender equity                                               26       Poverty reduction
 13   Financial markets                                           27       Anti corruption
 14   Urban development                                           28       Disaster preparedness and management

                                                                      World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

 B5. When thinking about the World Bank Group’s role, which activity do you believe is of greatest
 VALUE and which activity is of second greatest value in Bangladesh?
                                                                      Greatest Value           Second Greatest Value
                                                                   (Choose only ONE)           (Choose only ONE)
  1   Policy advice, studies, analyses                                                                  
  2   Data and statistics                                                                               
  3   Convening/Facilitating                                                                            
  4   Financial resources: investment lending                                                           
  5   Capacity development                                                                              
  6   Technical assistance                                                                              
      Help to bring discipline/effective supervision to
  7                                                                                                     
      implementation of investment projects
  8   Mobilizing third party financial resources                                                        
  9   Donor coordination                                                                                
      Linkage to non-Bank expertise (i.e., South-South
 10                                                                                                     
      knowledge sharing)
      Financial resources: policy based lending/budget
 11                                                                                                     
      support to government
 12   Other (please specify): ________________________                                                  

 B6. Which of the following do you identify as the World Bank Group’s greatest WEAKNESSES in its work
 in Bangladesh? (Choose no more than TWO)
  1   Too influenced by developed countries
  2   Not exploring alternative policy options
  3   Not collaborating enough with stakeholders outside the Government
  4   Its advice and strategies do not lend themselves to practical problem solving
  5   Not enough public disclosure of its work
  6   Arrogant in its approach
  7   Not client focused
  8   The credibility of its knowledge/data
  9   World Bank Group’s processes too complex
 10   Not willing to honestly criticize policies and reform efforts in the country
 11   Staff too inaccessible
 12   Imposing technocratic solutions without regard to political realities
 13   World Bank Group’s processes too slow (e.g., too bureaucratic in its operational policies and procedures)
 14   Not aligned with other donors’ work
 15   Not aligned with country priorities
 16   Not adequately sensitive to political/social realities in Bangladesh
 17   Other (please specify): __________________________________________________
 18   Don’t know

                                                                        World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

 B7. Which World Bank Group’s instruments do you believe are the MOST effective in reducing poverty
 in Bangladesh? (Choose no more than TWO)
 1     Trust Fund management
 2     Knowledge products/services (analytical work, studies, surveys, etc.)
 3     Capacity development
 4     Technical assistance (advice, best practice, international experience, etc.)
 5     Investment lending (financing specific projects)
 6     Policy based lending / budget support to the Government
 7     Multi-sectoral approaches
 8     Other (please specify): __________________________________________________
 9     Don’t know

 B8. To what extent do you believe that the World Bank Group’s work and support help the poorest in
 Bangladesh? (Select only ONE response)
 1     To a fully sufficient degree
 2     To a somewhat sufficient degree
 3     To a somewhat insufficient degree
 4     To a very insufficient degree
 5     Don’t know

 B9. In addition to the regular relations with the national government, which TWO of the following
 groups should the World Bank Group collaborate with more in your country?
 (Choose no more than TWO)
  1    Parliament                                             7        NGOs/Community Based Organizations (CBOs)
  2    Donor community                                        8        Youth/university groups
  3    Media                                                   9       Beneficiaries
  4    Local Government                                       10       Foundations
  5    Private sector                                         11       Other (please specify): _____________________
  6    Academia/think tanks/research institutes               12       Don’t know

 To what extent do you agree with the following statements about the World Bank Group’s work in
                                                                   Strongly                                   Strongly   Don't
                                                                   disagree                                      agree   know
        Overall the World Bank Group currently plays a
 B10                                                               1      2    3   4    5   6    7   8    9       10      
        relevant role in development in Bangladesh
        The World Bank Group’s work is aligned with what I
 B11                                                               1      2    3   4    5   6    7   8    9       10      
        consider the development priorities for Bangladesh

                                                            World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh


 To what extent is the World Bank Group an effective development partner in Bangladesh, in terms of
 each of the following?
                                                        To no
                                                        degree at

                                                                      World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

 C1. In your opinion, how IMPORTANT is it for the World Bank Group to be involved in the following
 areas of development in Bangladesh?
                                                                  Not important                              Very    Don't
                                                                  at all                                 important   know
  1    Financial markets                                          1      2    3   4   5   6    7   8    9     10      
  2    Transport (e.g., roads, bridges, transportation)           1      2    3   4   5   6    7   8    9     10      
  3    Anti corruption                                            1      2    3   4   5   6    7   8    9     10      
  4    Law and justice (e.g., judicial system)                    1      2    3   4   5   6    7   8    9     10      
  5    Urban development                                          1      2    3   4   5   6    7   8    9     10      
  6    Environmental sustainability                               1      2    3   4   5   6    7   8    9     10      
  7    Trade and exports                                          1      2    3   4   5   6    7   8    9     10      
  8    Information and communications technology                  1      2    3   4   5   6    7   8    9     10      
  9    Poverty reduction                                          1      2    3   4   5   6    7   8    9     10      
  10   Gender equity                                              1      2    3   4   5   6    7   8    9     10      
  11   Private sector development                                 1      2    3   4   5   6    7   8    9     10      
  12   Foreign direct investment                                  1      2    3   4   5   6    7   8    9     10      
  13   Water and sanitation                                       1      2    3   4   5   6    7   8    9     10      
  14   Regulatory framework                                       1      2    3   4   5   6    7   8    9     10      
  15   Economic growth                                            1      2    3   4   5   6    7   8    9     10      
  16   Energy/Power                                               1      2    3   4   5   6    7   8    9     10      
  17   Disaster preparedness and management                       1      2    3   4   5   6    7   8    9     10      
       Public sector governance/ reform (i.e., government
  18   effectiveness, public financial management, public         1      2    3   4   5   6    7   8    9     10      
       expenditure, fiscal system reform)
  19   Job creation/employment                                    1      2    3   4   5   6    7   8    9     10      
  20   Equality of opportunity (i.e., equity)                     1      2    3   4   5   6    7   8    9     10      
       Social protection (e.g., pensions, targeted social
  21                                                              1      2    3   4   5   6    7   8    9     10      
  22   Rural development                                          1      2    3   4   5   6    7   8    9     10      
  23   Global/regional integration                                1      2    3   4   5   6    7   8    9     10      
  24   Food security                                              1      2    3   4   5   6    7   8    9     10      
  25   Health and nutrition                                       1      2    3   4   5   6    7   8    9     10      
  26   Climate change (e.g., mitigation, adaptation)              1      2    3   4   5   6    7   8    9     10      
  27   Agricultural development                                   1      2    3   4   5   6    7   8    9     10      
  28   Education and skill development                            1      2    3   4   5   6    7   8    9     10      

                                                                       World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

 C2. How EFFECTIVE do you believe the World Bank Group is in terms of the work it does in the following
 areas of development in Bangladesh? (If you have NO exposure to/experience in working in any of the
 sectors listed below, please respond “Don’t know”)
                                                                  Not effective                                   Very    Don't
                                                                  at all                                      effective   know
  1    Gender equity                                               1     2        3   4   5   6   7   8   9        10      
  2    Information and communications technology                   1     2        3   4   5   6   7   8   9        10      
  3    Transport (e.g., roads, bridges, transportation)            1     2        3   4   5   6   7   8   9        10      
  4    Law and justice (e.g., judicial system)                     1     2        3   4   5   6   7   8   9        10      
  5    Urban development                                           1     2        3   4   5   6   7   8   9        10      
  6    Environmental sustainability                                1     2        3   4   5   6   7   8   9        10      
  7    Regulatory framework                                        1     2        3   4   5   6   7   8   9        10      
  8    Poverty reduction                                           1     2        3   4   5   6   7   8   9        10      
  9    Anti corruption                                             1     2        3   4   5   6   7   8   9        10      
  10   Private sector development                                  1     2        3   4   5   6   7   8   9        10      
  11   Foreign direct investment                                   1     2        3   4   5   6   7   8   9        10      
  12   Water and sanitation                                        1     2        3   4   5   6   7   8   9        10      
  13   Trade and exports                                           1     2        3   4   5   6   7   8   9        10      
  14   Economic growth                                             1     2        3   4   5   6   7   8   9        10      
  15   Health and nutrition                                        1     2        3   4   5   6   7   8   9        10      
  16   Disaster preparedness and management                        1     2        3   4   5   6   7   8   9        10      
       Public sector governance/ reform (i.e., government
  17   effectiveness, public financial management, public          1     2        3   4   5   6   7   8   9        10      
       expenditure, fiscal system reform)
  18   Job creation/employment                                     1     2        3   4   5   6   7   8   9        10      
  19   Financial markets                                           1     2        3   4   5   6   7   8   9        10      
  20   Equality of opportunity (i.e., equity)                      1     2        3   4   5   6   7   8   9        10      
  21   Energy/Power                                                1     2        3   4   5   6   7   8   9        10      
  22   Rural development                                           1     2        3   4   5   6   7   8   9        10      
  23   Global/regional integration                                 1     2        3   4   5   6   7   8   9        10      
  24   Food security                                               1     2        3   4   5   6   7   8   9        10      
  25   Education and skill development                             1     2        3   4   5   6   7   8   9        10      
       Social protection (e.g., pensions, targeted social
  26                                                               1     2        3   4   5   6   7   8   9        10      
  27   Climate change (e.g., mitigation, adaptation)               1     2        3   4   5   6   7   8   9        10      
  28   Agricultural development                                    1     2        3   4   5   6   7   8   9        10      

                                                                        World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

 C3. To what extent does the World Bank Group’s work help to achieve development results in
        1            2      3      4       5       6        7       8        9                 10                   
 To no degree at                                                                                To a very
                                                                                                                Don't know
 all                                                                                   significant degree

 To what extent do you agree with the following statements about the World Bank Group in
                                                        Strongly                                            Strongly     Don't
                                                        disagree                                               agree     know
        The World Bank Group’s financial
        instruments (i.e., investment lending,
  C4    Development Policy Loan, Trust Funds,           1       2       3    4     5       6    7     8     9     10      
        Program 4 Result, etc.) meet the needs of
        The World Bank Group meets Bangladesh’s
  C5    needs for knowledge services (e.g., research,   1       2       3    4     5       6    7     8     9     10      
        analysis, data, technical assistance)

 C6. To what extent do you believe that Bangladesh received value for money from the World Bank
 Group’s Reimbursable Advisory Services (RAS)?
        1            2      3      4       5       6        7       8        9                 10                   
 To no degree at                                                                                To a very
                                                                                                                Don't know
 all                                                                                   significant degree

 C7. To what extent do you believe the World Bank Group measures and corrects its work in real time
 in Bangladesh?
        1            2      3      4       5       6        7       8        9                 10                   
 To no degree at                                                                                To a very
                                                                                                                Don't know
 all                                                                                   significant degree


                                                                          World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

 D1. How frequently do you consult World Bank Group’s knowledge work and activities in the work you
 1     Weekly
 2     Monthly
 3     A few times a year
 4     Rarely
 5     Never

 In Bangladesh, to what extent do you believe that the World Bank Group’s knowledge work and
                                                         To no                                                  To a very
                                                         degree at                                             significant
                                                         all                                                      degree
  D2     Are timely                                       1       2       3    4     5     6     7     8       9     10        
         Include appropriate level of stakeholder
  D3                                                      1       2       3    4     5     6     7     8       9     10        
         involvement during preparation
  D4     Lead to practical solutions                      1       2       3    4     5     6     7     8       9     10        
         Are accessible (well written and easy to
  D5                                                      1       2       3    4     5     6     7     8       9     10        
         Are source of relevant information on global
  D6                                                      1       2       3    4     5     6     7     8       9     10        
         good practices
  D7     Are adequately disseminated                      1       2       3    4     5     6     7     8       9     10        
  D8     Are translated enough into local language        1       2       3    4     5     6     7     8       9     10        
         Are adaptable to Bangladesh’s specific
  D9     development challenges and country               1       2       3    4     5     6     7     8       9     10        

 D10. Overall, how significant a contribution do you believe the World Bank Group's knowledge work
 and activities make to development results in your country?
           1              2    3      4      5       6        7       8         9               10                        
 Not significant at all                                                                     Very significant       Don't know

 D11. Overall, how would you rate the technical quality of the World Bank Group's knowledge work
 and activities?
           1              2    3      4      5       6        7       8         9               10                        
 Very low technical                                                                      Very high technical
                                                                                                                   Don't know
 quality                                                                                             quality

                                                                         World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh


 To what extent do you agree/disagree with the following statements?
                                                           Strongly                                                    Strongly   Don't
                                                           disagree                                                       agree   know
       The World Bank Group disburses funds
 E1                                                        1         2   3     4       5      6      7     8       9       10      
       The World Bank Group effectively monitors
 E2    and evaluates the projects and programs it          1         2   3     4       5      6      7     8       9       10      
       The World Bank Group’s approvals and
 E3                                                        1         2   3     4       5      6      7     8       9       10      
       reviews are done in a timely fashion
       The World Bank Group’s “Safeguard Policy”
 E4                                                        1         2   3     4       5      6      7     8       9       10      
       requirements are reasonable
       The World Bank Group’s conditions on its
 E5                                                        1         2   3     4       5      6      7     8       9       10      
       lending are reasonable
       The World Bank Group takes decisions quickly
 E6                                                        1         2   3     4       5      6      7     8       9       10      
       in Bangladesh
       Working with the World Bank Group increases
 E7                                                        1         2   3     4       5      6      7     8       9       10      
       Bangladesh’s institutional capacity
       Where country systems (e.g., procurement,
       financial management, etc.) are adequate, the
 E8                                                        1         2   3     4       5      6      7     8       9       10      
       World Bank Group makes appropriate use of
       The World Bank Group provides effective
 E9    implementation support (i.e., supervision of        1         2   3     4       5      6      7     8       9       10      

 E10. To what extent do you believe that the World Bank Group’s work helps to find solutions that
 promote private public partnerships in Bangladesh?
          1             2      3      4      5         6        7        8         9               10                        
                                                                                           To a very significant
 To no degree at all                                                                                                    Don't know

 E11. Which of the following best describes the World Bank Group’s support in Bangladesh?
 (Select only one response)
      The World Bank Group is sufficiently selective and focuses on the most important development challenges in
      The World Bank Group is not sufficiently selective in Bangladesh, and it is involved in too many areas of
 3    Don’t know

                                                                      World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

 F1. Which of the following SHOULD the World Bank Group do to make itself of greater value in
 Bangladesh? (Choose no more than TWO)
  1   Offer more innovative financial products
  2   Ensure greater selectivity in its work
  3   Provide more adequate data/knowledge/statistics/figures on Bangladesh’s economy
  4   Improve the competitiveness of its financing compared to markets (e.g., cost, timeliness, other terms)
  5   Reach out more to groups outside of Government
  6   Increase the level of capacity development in the country
  7   Improve the quality of its experts as related to Bangladesh’s specific challenges
  8   Offer more innovative knowledge services
  9   Collaborate more effectively with Government clients (e.g., national, state, local)
 10   Work faster
 11   Reduce the complexity of obtaining World Bank Group financing
 12   Increase availability of Reimbursable Advisory Services (RAS)
 13   Other (please specify): ______________________________________________

 F2. When considering the combination of services that the World Bank Group offers in
 Bangladesh, and taking into account its limited level of resources, which ONE of the following do
 you believe the World Bank Group should offer more of in Bangladesh? (Select only ONE
  1   Financial services
  2   Knowledge products
  3   Convening services
  4   None of the above
  5   The combination is appropriate for Bangladesh
  6   Don’t know

                                                                  World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

 G1. How do you get most of your information about economic and social development issues in
 Bangladesh? (Choose no more than TWO)
      Social media (e.g., Facebook, blogs, Twitter,
  1                                                        6    International television
      YouTube, Flickr)
  2   International newspapers                             7    Local newspapers
  3   Local radio                                          8    Internet
  4   International radio                                  9    Periodicals
  5   Local television                                    10    Other (please specify): ____________________

 G2. How would you prefer to receive information from the World Bank Group?
 (Choose no more than TWO)
      Direct contact with World Bank Group (i.e., face
  1                                                        5    World Bank Group’s website
      to face meetings/discussions)
                                                                Social media (e.g., Facebook, blogs, Twitter,
  2   Mobile phones                                        6
                                                                YouTube, Flickr)
      World Bank Group’s
  3                                                        7    e-Newsletters
      World Bank Group’s publications and other
  4                                                        8    Other (please specify): ____________________
      written materials

      Are you aware of the World Bank Group's Access to Information Policies under which the
 G3   World Bank Group discloses any information in its possession that is not on a list of          Yes        No
      exceptions? (If YES please go to Question G4; if NO please go to G5)

 G4. If yes, from which of the following sources did you learn about the World Bank Group's Access
 to Information Policies? (Select only ONE response)
  1   World Bank Group’s seminars/workshops/conferences
  2   World Bank Group’s website
  3   World Bank Group’s e-Newsletters
  4   News/Media
  5   Colleagues/Friends/Peer organizations
  6   Social media
  7   Other (please specify): _____________________

      Have you requested information from the World Bank Group on its activities in the past
 G5                                                                                                  Yes        No
      year? (If YES please go to Question G6; if NO please go to G7)
 G6   Were you able to obtain this information?                                                      Yes        No
 G7   Do you have access to the Internet?                                                            Yes        No
 G8   Do you use/have you used the World Bank Group website?                                         Yes        No
      Do you currently consult the World Bank Group social media sites (e.g., Facebook, blogs,
 G9                                                                                                  Yes        No
      Twitter, YouTube, and Flickr)?

                                                                  World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh


 G10. Which Internet connection do you use primarily when visiting a World Bank Group website?
  1    High speed/WiFi
  2    Dial-up
  3    Mobile

 Please rate how much you agree with the following statements.
                                                                 Strongly                             Strongly   Don't
                                                                 disagree                                agree   know
       I find the World Bank Group’s websites easy to
 G11   navigate. (Only answer if you have used a World Bank      1     2    3   4   5    6   7    8   9    10     
       Group website)
       I find the information on the World Bank Group’s
 G12   websites useful. (Only answer if you have used a World    1     2    3   4   5    6   7    8   9    10     
       Bank Group website)
       The World Bank Group’s social media channels (e.g.,
 G13   blogs, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr) are valuable   1     2    3   4   5    6   7    8   9    10     
       sources of information about the institution
       When I need information from the World Bank Group I
 G14   know how to find it (e.g., whom to call, where to reach   1     2    3   4   5    6   7    8   9    10     
       them, etc.)
       The World Bank Group is responsive to my information
 G15                                                             1     2    3   4   5    6   7    8   9    10     
       requests and inquiries

                                                                World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh


 H1. Which of the following best describes your current position?       (Select only ONE response)
 1    Office of the President, Prime Minister       11    NGO/Community Based Organization
 2    Office of Minister                            12    Media (press, radio, TV, web, etc.)
                                                          Independent Government Institution (i.e., Regulatory
 3    Office of Parliamentarian                     13
                                                          Agency, Central Bank/oversight institution)
      Employee of a Ministry, Ministerial
 4                                                  14    Trade Union
      Department or Implementation Agency
      Project Management Unit (PMU) overseeing
      implementation of project/
 5                                                  15    Faith-Based Group
      Consultant/Contractor working on World Bank
      Group supported project/program
 6    Local Government Office or Staff              16    Youth Group
 7    Bilateral/Multilateral Agency                 17    Academia/Research Institute/Think Tank
 8    Private Sector Organization                   18    Judiciary Branch
 9    Private Foundation
                                                    19    Other (please specify): ________________________
 10   Financial Sector/Private Bank

 H2. Please identify the primary specialization of your work. (Select only ONE response)
 1    Water                                         12    Gender
 2    Social protection and labor                   13    Transport and ICT
 3    Fragility, conflict and violence              14    Urban, rural, and social development
 4    Environment and natural resources             15    Governance
 5    Public-private partnerships                   16    Poverty
 6    Education                                     17    Jobs
 7    Health, nutrition, and population             18    Agriculture
 8    Energy and extractives                        19    Climate Change
 9    Macroeconomics and fiscal management          20    Generalist (specialized in multiple sectors)
 10   Trade and competitiveness                     21    Other (please specify): ____________________
 11   Finance and markets

 H3. Currently, do you professionally collaborate/work with the World Bank Group (IBRD/IDA, IFC, or
 MIGA) in your country? (Select only ONE response)
 1    Yes
 2    No

                                                                     World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey 2016: Bangladesh

 H4. Which of the following agencies of the World Bank Group do you primarily engage with in
 Bangladesh? (Select only ONE response)
 1   The World Bank (IBRD/IDA)
 2   The International Finance Corporation (IFC) 
 3   The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA)
 4   Other (please specify):___________________________

 H5. Do your projects involve both the World Bank and the IFC?
 (If YES please go to Question H6; If NO please go to H7)
 1   Yes
 2   No

 H6. If yes, what was your view of how the two institutions work together in Bangladesh?
 (Select only ONE response)
 1   The two institutions work well together
 2   The way the two institutions work together needs improvement
 3   The two institutions do not work well together
 4   Don’t know

 H7. Which of the following describes most of your exposure to the World Bank Group in
 Bangladesh? (Choose no more than TWO)
 1   Observer (i.e., follow in media, discuss in informal conversations, etc.)
 2   Use World Bank Group reports/data
 3   Engage in World Bank Group related/sponsored events/activities
 4   Collaborate as part of my professional duties
 5   Use World Bank Group website for information, data, research, etc.

 H8. What’s your gender?
 1   Female
 2   Male

 H9. Which best represents your geographic location?
 1   Dhaka Division
 2   Chittagong Division
 3   Sylhet Division
 4   Khulna Division
 5   Mymensing Division
 6   Rangpur Division
 7   Barisal Division

                              Thank you for completing the survey!
