GESP Procurement Plan
                                                 MARCH 2017

I. General

1.          Bank’s approval Date of the procurement Plan [Original: April 2016]: Updated
            Procurement Plan, March 2017]
2.          Date of General Procurement Notice: N/A
3.          Period covered by this procurement plan: The procurement period of project covered
            from March 2017 to September 2018

II. Goods and Works and non-consulting services.

Prior Review Threshold: Procurement Decisions subject to Prior Review by the Bank as stated
in Appendix 1 to the Guidelines for Procurement. ICB contracts estimated to cost above
US$3,000,000 per contract for works, US$300,000 per contract for goods and non-consulting
services, the first contract irrespective of the cost estimate and all direct contracting will be subject
to prior review.

List of contract packages to be procured:
                                     Table 1. Initial Prior Review Thresholds
                     Procurement Method                 Prior Review Threshold             Comment
                                                                                    ICB for goods will be
       1.    ICB (Goods)                                  = or > US$1,500,000       used for US$300,000
                                                                                    and above
                                                                                    ICB for works will be
       3.    ICB (Works)                                  = or > US$5,000,000       used for US$3,000,000
                                                                                    and above
                                                                                    ICB for non-consultant
       5.    ICB (Non-Consultant Services), if any           US$1,500,000           services will be used for
                                                                                    US$300,000 and above

Table 2: Contracts for goods and works
     Activity Reference    Review                 Market     Prequalification   Procurement
                                     Category                                                     Amount
     No. / Description:     Type                 Approach        (Y/N)            Process

 GESP/GOODS/C1/03                                                               Single Stage
 / Kotu A Auxiliary        Prior     Goods       ICB         N                  One             1,500,000.00
 Equipment Rehab                                                                Envelope

 / Power Transformer                                                            Single Stage
 Upgrade and               Post      Works       NCB         N                  One             1,000,000.00
 Installation of Switch                                                         Envelope
                                                                               Single Stage
 / Delivery and
                            Prior   Goods      ICB          N                  One            3,000,000.00
 installation of
 NAWEC IT systems
                                                                               Single Stage
 / Kotu and Brikama
                            Prior   Goods      ICB          N                  One            4,000,000.00
 / Delivery, installation                                                      Single Stage
 and calibration of         post    Goods      ICB          N                  One            700,000.00
 13,000 Prepayment                                                             Envelope
 / Delivery, installation
                                                                               Single Stage
 and calibration of
                            Post    Goods      ICB          N                  One            500,000.00
 smart meters for big
 customers including
 IT system
                                                                               Single Stage
 / Brikama G1
                            Prior   Goods      ICB          N                  One            1,500,000.00
 generation capacity

 GESP/GOODS/C1/04                                                              Single Stage
 / Brikama generation       Prior   Goods      ICB          N                  One            1,500,000.00
 capacity rehabilitation                                                       Envelope

 / Procurement of T &
                                                                               Single Stage
 D lines, materials,
                            Prior   Goods      ICB          N                  One            2,300,000.00
 accessories and
 / Procurement of
 T&D lines materials,                                                          Single Stage
 accessories and            Prior   Goods      ICB          N                  One            1,800,000.00
 distribution                                                                  Envelope
 transformers and
 heavy duty truck
 / Works on T&D                                                                Single Stage
 lines, accessories and     POST    Works      NCB          N                  One            500,000.00
 distribution                                                                  Envelope

III. Selection of Consultants

                                    Table 3. Initial Prior Review Thresholds

                       Selection Method                Prior Review Threshold            Comments
           Competitive methods (firms)                 US$500,000                     QCBS will be used for
                                                                                      US$300,000 and above
     2.    ICs                                         US$200,000
     3.    Single source for individual and firms      US$100,000
           Contract for specific consulting services   US$100,000
           such as procurement, FM, legal

                                   Table 4. Contracts for Consulting Services

   Activity Reference No. /                             Review                         Market      Estimated
                                     Component                       Category
         Description:                                    Type                         Approach    Amount (US$)

 GESP/SERVICES/C3/01 /           Strengthening and
 Consulting services for the     Project               Prior                     QCBS             1,000,000.00
 Owners Engineer of GESP         Implementation
 GESP/SERVICES/C3/02 /           Strengthening and
 Recruitment of Service          Project               Prior                     QCBS             2,000,000.00
 Contractor for GESP             Implementation
 GESP/SERVICES/C3/03 /           Strengthening and
 recruitment of external         Project               Prior                     QCBS             150,000.00
 auditors                        Implementation
 GESP/SERVICES/C3/05 /           Strengthening and
 Recruitment of a                Project               Prior                     IC               100,000.00
 procurement expert              Implementation

Short lists of consultants for services estimated to cost less than US$200,000 equivalent per
contract may be composed entirely of national consultants in accordance with the provisions of
paragraph 2.7 of the Consultant Guidelines.
                               Gambia, The : Gambia Electricity Support Project
General Information
Country:                       Gambia, The                                   Bank’s Approval Date of the Original Procurement Plan:                    2016-06-08
                                                                             Revised Plan Date(s): (comma delineated, leave blank if none)
Project ID:                    P152659                                       GPN Date:
Project Name:                  Gambia Electricity Support Project
Loan / Credit No:              IDA / 57870, IDA / D1140, IDA / 54910

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Bid Evaluation
Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Draft Bidding
                               Loan / Credit                                                                         Market         Procurement        Prequalification    Estimated        Actual Amount           Process   Draft Pre-qualification    Prequalification                         Specific Procurement   Bidding Documents   Proposal Submission /        Report and
        Description                                      Component             Review Type       Method                                                                                                                                                                          Document /                                                                                                  Signed Contract     Contract Completion
                                     No.                                                                            Approach           Process              (Y/N)         Amount (US$)          (US$)               Status         Documents            Evaluation Report                          Notice / Invitation       as Issued        Opening / Minutes      Recommendation for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Planned      Actual      Planned    Actual   Planned      Actual   Planned      Actual    Planned    Actual    Planned     Actual     Planned      Actual   Planned      Actual   Planned      Actual

                                               Reduction of technical and                                                                                                                                      Under
Power Transformer Upgrade                                                                                       Open -            Single Stage - One
                               IDA / 57870     commercial losses in the      Prior           Request for Bids                                                                1,000,000.00        393,485.00    Implementati                                                 2017-01-16            2017-01-21                                 2017-03-04              2017-04-03            2017-05-08            2017-11-04
and Installation of Switch                                                                                      International     Envelope
                                               Greater Banjul Area (GBA)                                                                                                                                       on

                                               Reduction of technical and                                                                                                                                      Pending
Works on T&D lines,                                                                                                               Single Stage - One
                               IDA / D1140     commercial losses in the      Prior           Request for Bids   Open - National                                               500,000.00                0.00   Implementati                                                 2017-03-09            2017-03-14                                 2017-04-25              2017-05-25            2017-06-29            2017-12-26
accessories and distribution                                                                                                      Envelope
                                               Greater Banjul Area (GBA)                                                                                                                                       on

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Bid Evaluation
Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Draft Bidding
                               Loan / Credit                                                                         Market         Procurement        Prequalification    Estimated        Actual Amount           Process   Draft Pre-qualification    Prequalification                         Specific Procurement   Bidding Documents   Proposal Submission /        Report and
        Description                                      Component             Review Type       Method                                                                                                                                                                          Document /                                                                                                  Signed Contract     Contract Completion
                                     No.                                                                            Approach           Process              (Y/N)         Amount (US$)          (US$)               Status         Documents            Evaluation Report                          Notice / Invitation       as Issued        Opening / Minutes      Recommendation for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Planned      Actual      Planned    Actual   Planned      Actual   Planned      Actual    Planned    Actual    Planned     Actual     Planned      Actual   Planned      Actual   Planned      Actual

 GESP/GOODS/C1/03 / Kotu                       Expansion of available
                                                                                                                Open -            Single Stage - One
A Auxiliary Equipment          IDA / 57870     generation capacity at Kotu   Prior           Request for Bids                                                                1,500,000.00       1,388,913.83   Signed                                                       2016-12-19            2016-12-24                                 2017-02-04              2017-03-06            2017-04-10            2017-10-07
                                                                                                                International     Envelope
Rehab                                          and Brikama

 GESP/GOODS/C3/01 /                            Reduction of technical and                                                                                                                                      Pending
                                                                                                                Open -            Single Stage - One
Delivery and installation of   IDA / 57870     commercial losses in the      Prior           Request for Bids                                                                3,000,000.00               0.00   Implementati                                                 2017-04-18            2017-04-23                                 2017-06-04              2017-07-04            2017-08-08            2018-02-04
                                                                                                                International     Envelope
NAWEC IT systems                               Greater Banjul Area (GBA)                                                                                                                                       on

                                               Institutional Strenghtening
 GESP/GOODS/C3/02 /                                                                          Request for                          Single Stage - One
                               IDA / 57870     and Project Implementation    Post                               Limited                                                        50,000.00          44,058.74    Signed                                                                             2016-06-14                                                                               2016-08-11            2017-02-07
Vehicle for PMT                                                                              Quotations                           Envelope

 GESP/GOODS/C3/04 /                            Institutional Strenghtening                                                                                                                                     Under
                                                                                             Request for                          Single Stage - One
Purchase of Office             IDA / 57870     and Project Implementation    Post                               Limited                                                          8,000.00               0.00   Implementati                                                                       2016-07-26                                                                               2016-09-20            2017-03-19
                                                                                             Quotations                           Envelope
Equipment & furniture                          Support                                                                                                                                                         on

                                               Institutional Strenghtening                                                                                                                                     Pending
 GESP/GOODS/C3/05 / Office                                                                   Request for                          Single Stage - One
                               IDA / 57870     and Project Implementation    Post                               Limited                                                          7,500.00               0.00   Implementati                                                                       2016-07-19                                                                               2016-09-13            2017-03-12
supplies and stationeries                                                                    Quotations                           Envelope
                                               Support                                                                                                                                                         on

                                               Institutional Strenghtening                                                                                                                                     Pending
 GESP/GOODS/C3/06 /                                                                          Request for                          Single Stage - One
                               IDA / 57870     and Project Implementation    Post                               Limited                                                          7,650.00               0.00   Implementati                                                                       2016-07-19                                                                               2016-09-13            2017-03-12
Procurement Fuel                                                                             Quotations                           Envelope
                                               Support                                                                                                                                                         on

 GESP/GOODS/C1/01 / Kotu                       Expansion of available
                                                                                                                Open -            Single Stage - One
and Brikama capacity           IDA / 57870     generation capacity at Kotu   Prior           Request for Bids                                                                4,000,000.00       3,781,813.66   Signed                                                       2017-01-17            2017-01-22                                 2017-03-05              2017-04-04            2017-05-09            2017-11-05
                                                                                                                International     Envelope
reinforcement                                  and Brikama

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Page 1
 GESP/GOODS/C3/03 /                           Institutional Strenghtening
                                                                                      Request for                          Single Stage - One
Accounting Software &           IDA / 57870   and Project Implementation      Post                       Limited                                   31,500.00            0.00   Canceled                             2016-07-26                             2016-09-20   2017-03-19
                                                                                      Quotations                           Envelope
Antivirus                                     Support

 GM-NAWEC-1815-GO-DIR /                       Institutional Strenghtening
Accounting Software and         IDA / 57870   and Project Implementation      Post    Direct Selection   Direct                                    31,500.00        7,008.63   Signed                  2016-09-28   2016-10-03                             2016-10-19   2016-11-30
Antivirus                                     Support

                                              Reduction of technical and
Delivery, installation and
                                IDA / 57870   commercial losses in the        Prior   Direct Selection   Direct                                   700,000.00            0.00   Canceled                2016-09-12   2016-09-17                             2016-10-22   2017-04-20
calibration of 13,000 Pre-
                                              Greater Banjul Area (GBA)
payment meters

                                              Reduction of technical and
Delivery, installation and                                                                               Open -            Single Stage - One
                                IDA / D1140   commercial losses in the        Prior   Request for Bids                                            700,000.00     388,940.00    Signed                  2016-11-22   2016-11-27   2017-01-11   2017-01-26   2017-02-22   2017-08-21
calibration of 13,000                                                                                    International     Envelope
                                              Greater Banjul Area (GBA)
Prepayment meters

Delivery, installation and                    Reduction of technical and
calibration of Smart meters     IDA / 57870   commercial losses in the        Prior   Direct Selection   Direct                                   500,000.00            0.00   Canceled                2016-08-15   2016-08-20                             2016-09-24   2017-03-23
for big customers including                   Greater Banjul Area (GBA)
IT systems

Delivery, installation and                    Reduction of technical and
                                                                                                         Open -            Single Stage - One
calibration of smart meters     IDA / D1140   commercial losses in the        Prior   Request for Bids                                            500,000.00     120,020.00    Signed                  2016-11-16   2016-11-21   2017-01-02   2017-01-23   2017-02-27   2017-08-26
                                                                                                         International     Envelope
for big customers including                   Greater Banjul Area (GBA)
IT system

 GESP/GOODS/C1/02 /                           Expansion of available
                                                                                                         Open -            Single Stage - One
Brikama G1 generation           IDA / 57870   generation capacity at Kotu     Prior   Request for Bids                                           1,500,000.00           0.00   Canceled                2016-07-18   2016-07-23   2016-09-03   2016-10-03   2016-11-07   2017-05-06
                                                                                                         International     Envelope
capacity rehabilitation                       and Brikama

                                              Reduction of technical and
Procurement of T & D lines,                                                                                                Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 57870   commercial losses in the        Prior   Request for Bids   Open - National                         2,300,000.00           0.00   Canceled                2016-10-26   2016-10-31   2016-12-12   2017-01-11   2017-02-15   2017-08-14
materials, accessories and                                                                                                 Envelope
                                              Greater Banjul Area (GBA)
distribution Transformers

Procurement of T&D lines                      Reduction of technical and                                                                                                       Under
                                                                                                         Open -            Single Stage - One
materials, accessories and      IDA / D1140   commercial losses in the        Prior   Request for Bids                                           1,800,000.00           0.00   Implementati            2017-03-07   2017-03-12   2017-04-23   2017-05-23   2017-06-27   2017-12-24
                                                                                                         International     Envelope
distribution transformers and                 Greater Banjul Area (GBA)                                                                                                        on
heavy duty truck

                                              Expansion of available
 GESP/GOODS/C1/05 / Fuel
                                IDA / D1140   generation capacity at Kotu     Prior   Direct Selection   Direct                                  8,000,000.00           0.00   Canceled                2017-03-31   2017-04-05                             2017-05-10   2017-11-06
                                              and Brikama

 GESP/GOODS/C1/05BIS /                        Expansion of available                                                                                                           Under
                                                                                                                           Single Stage - One
Procurement and Supply of       IDA / 57870   generation capacity at Kotu     Prior   Request for Bids   Open - National                        11,130,000.00   8,000,000.00   Implementati            2017-03-07   2017-03-08   2017-03-15   2017-04-07   2017-04-24   2017-08-22
Heavy Fuel Oil                                and Brikama                                                                                                                      on

 GESP/GOODS/C1/04 /                           Expansion of available
                                                                                                         Open -            Single Stage - One
Brikama generation capacity     IDA / D1140   generation capacity at Kotu     Prior   Request for Bids                                           1,500,000.00           0.00   Canceled                2017-03-03   2017-03-08   2017-04-19   2017-05-19   2017-06-23   2017-12-20
                                                                                                         International     Envelope
rehabilitation                                and Brikama

Replacement of Wartsila                       Component 1: Improve
                                IDA / 54910                                   Prior   Direct Selection   Direct                                  2,100,000.00   2,477,580.00   Signed                  2017-05-24   2017-05-25                             2017-06-09   2020-12-31
Engine at Brikama Power                       reliability of energy supply.

 GESP/GOODS/C2/O9 /                           Expansion of available
Senegal / Gambia Electricity    IDA / D1140   generation capacity at Kotu     Post    Direct Selection   Direct                                   600,000.00     312,070.05    Signed                  2017-07-26   2017-07-31                             2017-08-28   2018-02-24
interconnection                               and Brikama

                                                                                                                                                                                              Page 2
 GM-NAWEC-25415-GO-DIR                        Reduction of technical and
/ Cross Border                IDA / D1140     commercial losses in the      Post            Direct Selection   Direct                                                         300,000.00              223,868.75   Signed                                                              2017-08-21                2017-08-25                                                                                      2017-09-29                2018-03-28
Interconnection                               Greater Banjul Area (GBA)

Procurement, Supply and                       Reduction of technical and
Installation of Switch gear   IDA / D1140     commercial losses in the      Prior           Direct Selection   Direct                                                         600,000.00              591,578.59   Signed                                                              2018-10-18                2018-10-23                                                                                      2018-11-27                2019-05-26
System at Kotu Power                          Greater Banjul Area (GBA)

                                              Reduction of technical and                                                                                                                                           Under
RFQ / Procurement and                                                                       Request for                          Single Stage - One
                              IDA / D1140     commercial losses in the      Post                               Limited                                                         50,000.00                    0.00   Implementati                                                                                  2019-09-23                                                                                      2019-11-18                2020-05-16
Supply of Billing Printer                                                                   Quotations                           Envelope
                                              Greater Banjul Area (GBA)                                                                                                                                            on
and Plotter

                                              Reduction of technical and                                                                                                                                           Under
RFQ / Procurement and                                                                       Request for                          Single Stage - One
                              IDA / D1140     commercial losses in the      Post                               Limited                                                         18,000.00                    0.00   Implementati                                                                                  2019-12-02                                                                                      2020-01-27                2020-07-25
Supply of Current                                                                           Quotations                           Envelope
                                              Greater Banjul Area (GBA)                                                                                                                                            on
Transformers (CTs) for
Smart Meters

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Bid Evaluation
Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Draft Bidding
                              Loan / Credit                                                                           Market       Procurement        Prequalification     Estimated         Actual Amount              Process   Draft Pre-qualification        Prequalification                                Specific Procurement      Bidding Documents      Proposal Submission /       Report and
           Description                                  Component             Review Type        Method                                                                                                                                                                                     Document /                                                                                                             Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                    No.                                                                            Approach           Process              (Y/N)          Amount (US$)            (US$)                 Status         Documents              Evaluation Report                                   Notice / Invitation          as Issued           Opening / Minutes      Recommendation for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned    Actual       Planned     Actual     Planned    Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned      Actual

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Combined Evaluation
                              Loan / Credit                                                                           Market      Contract Type         Estimated            Actual                                                             Expression of Interest Short List and Draft Request for Proposals Opening of Technical                     Evaluation of
           Description                                  Component             Review Type        Method                                                                                      Process Status         Terms of Reference                                                                                                                                         Report and Draft         Signed Contract       Contract Completion
                                    No.                                                                            Approach                           Amount (US$)        Amount (US$)                                                                  Notice           Request for Proposals             as Issued          Proposals / Minutes     Technical Proposal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Negotiated Contract
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Planned         Actual       Planned      Actual       Planned      Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned      Actual    Planned       Actual     Planned     Actual    Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual

 GESP/SERVICES/C3/02 /                        Institutional Strenghtening
                                                                                            Quality And Cost- Open -
Recruitment of Service        IDA / 57870     and Project Implementation    Prior                                                                          2,000,000.00               0.00   Canceled               2016-08-03                  2016-08-24                2016-10-07                                          2016-11-04             2016-12-04              2017-01-08             2017-02-12                2018-02-12
                                                                                            Based Selection    International
Contractor for GESP                           Support

 GESP/SERVICES/C3/03 /                        Institutional Strenghtening
                                                                                            Quality And Cost- Open -
recruitment of external       IDA / 57870     and Project Implementation    Prior                                                                           150,000.00        113,479.20     Under Review           2016-07-12                  2016-08-02                2016-09-15                                          2016-10-13             2016-11-12              2016-12-17             2017-01-21                2018-01-21
                                                                                            Based Selection    International
auditors                                      Support

 GESP/SERVICES/C3/05 /                        Institutional Strenghtening
                                                                                            Quality And Cost- Open -
Recruitment of a              IDA / 57870     and Project Implementation    Prior                                                                           100,000.00                0.00   Canceled               2016-07-01                  2016-07-22                2016-09-04                                          2016-10-02             2016-11-01              2016-12-06             2017-01-10                2018-01-10
                                                                                            Based Selection    International
procurement expert                            Support

 GESP/SERVICES/C3/01 /                        Institutional Strenghtening
                                                                                            Quality And Cost- Open -
Consulting services for the   IDA / 57870     and Project Implementation    Prior                                                                          1,000,000.00               0.00   Canceled               2016-08-15                  2016-09-05                2016-10-19                                          2016-11-16             2016-12-16              2017-01-20             2017-02-24                2018-02-24
                                                                                            Based Selection    International
Owners Engineer of GESP                       Support

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Invitation to
                              Loan / Credit                                                                           Market      Contract Type         Estimated            Actual                                                                                         Draft Negotiated
           Description                                  Component             Review Type        Method                                                                                      Process Status         Terms of Reference            Identified/Selected                                 Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                    No.                                                                            Approach                           Amount (US$)        Amount (US$)                                                                                          Contract
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Planned         Actual       Planned      Actual       Planned      Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned      Actual

 GESP/SERVICES/C3/04 /                        Institutional Strenghtening                   Individual
ESMP Independent              IDA / 57870     and Project Implementation    Post            Consultant         Open - National                                 6,000.00               0.00   Canceled               2016-10-10                  2016-11-28                2016-12-19                2017-01-23                2017-07-22
Environmental Auditing                        Support                                       Selection

 GESP/SERVICES/C3/06 /                        Institutional Strenghtening                   Individual
Recruitment of     a          IDA / D1140     and Project Implementation    Prior           Consultant         Open                                         100,000.00        213,312.00     Signed                 2016-08-09                  2016-09-27                2016-10-18                2016-11-22                2017-05-21
procurement Expert                            Support                                       Selection

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Page 3
 GESP/SERVICES/C3/08 /                    Institutional Strenghtening
Debt management and         IDA / D1140   and Project Implementation    Post    Direct Selection   Direct    50,000.00   80,000.00                    2017-02-03            2017-02-13                2017-04-19   2017-10-16
restructuring expert                      Support

 GESP/SERVICES/C3/07 /                    Institutional Strenghtening
Debt management and         IDA / D1140   and Project Implementation    Prior   Direct Selection   Direct    50,000.00        0.00   Canceled         2016-12-29            2017-01-08                2017-03-14   2017-09-10
restructuring Expert                      Support

                                          Institutional Strenghtening
Environmental Expert -                                                                                                               Under
                            IDA / 57870   and Project Implementation    Post    Direct Selection   Direct     8,500.00    8,500.00                    2017-06-21            2017-07-01                2017-09-04   2018-03-03
ESMP Update for Cross                                                                                                                Implementation
border lines

 GESP/SERVICES/C3/10 /                    Institutional Strenghtening           Individual
RAP - Cross border:         IDA / 57870   and Project Implementation    Post    Consultant         Direct    11,600.00        0.00   Canceled         2018-02-02            2018-02-12   2018-03-05   2018-04-09   2018-10-06
Amdalai-Kanuma Line                       Support                               Selection

RAP and COMPENSATION                      Institutional Strenghtening           Individual
FOR AMDALAI-KARANG          IDA / 57870   and Project Implementation    Post    Consultant         Direct    21,600.00   21,600.00   Signed           2018-02-26            2018-03-08   2018-03-29   2018-05-03   2018-10-30
CROSS BORDER                              Support                               Selection

 GESP/SERVICES/C3/04BIS /                 Reduction of technical and            Individual
ESMP Independent            IDA / D1140   commercial losses in the      Post    Consultant         Limited   13,000.00   12,794.26   Signed           2019-06-17            2019-06-22   2019-07-13   2019-08-17   2020-02-13
Environmental Auditing                    Greater Banjul Area (GBA)             Selection

INDV / Third party                        Reduction of technical and            Individual
Occupational Health and     IDA / D1140   commercial losses in the      Post    Consultant         Limited   25,000.00        0.00                    2019-11-28            2019-12-03   2019-12-24   2020-01-28   2020-07-26
Safety (OHS) audit of the                 Greater Banjul Area (GBA)             Selection

 GM-NAWEC-146731-CS-CDS                   Reduction of technical and
/ Recruitment of Debt       IDA / D1140   commercial losses in the      Post    Direct Selection   Direct    25,000.00        0.00                    2019-11-29            2019-12-09                2020-02-12   2020-08-10
Expert                                    Greater Banjul Area (GBA)

                                                                                                                                                                   Page 4