The World Bank Report No: ISR15973 Implementation Status & Results Africa East Africa Trade and Transport Facilitation Project (P079734) Public Disclosure Copy Operation Name: East Africa Trade and Transport Facilitation Project Project Stage: Implementation Seq.No: 18 Status: ARCHIVED Archive Date: 04-Oct-2014 (P079734) Country: Africa Approval FY: 2006 Product Line: IBRD/IDA Region: AFRICA Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Implementing Agency(ies): Ministry of Infrastructure Development, Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, Ministry of Works and Transport, SUMATRA Key Dates Board Approval Date 24-Jan-2006 Original Closing Date 30-Sep-2011 Planned Mid Term Review Date 08-Dec-2008 Last Archived ISR Date 06-Mar-2014 Effectiveness Date 05-Jun-2006 Revised Closing Date 30-Sep-2014 Actual Mid Term Review Date 08-Dec-2008 Project Development Objectives Project Development Objective (from Project Appraisal Document) Project Development Objective (PDO): is to (i) enhance efficiency of customs agencies' clearance processes, for the EAC Partner States participating in the East Africa Customs Union, to facilitate trade; (ii) improve efficiency and reliability of transport and logistics services along the key corridors; and (iii) enhance safety in identified areas and reduce the Recipient#s fiscal transfers to railway institutions by rationalizing the work force on the Kenya-Uganda railway. Has the Project Development Objective been changed since Board Approval of the Project? Yes No Component(s) Component Name Component Cost Support to implement EAC Custom Union 15.80 Institutional support for transport facilitation 10.40 Investment support for transport facilitation 98.60 Support to the Concession of the Railways 74.20 Public Disclosure Copy Support to implement EAC Custom Union 15.80 Institutional support for transport facilitation 10.40 Investment support for transport facilitation 98.60 Support to the Concession of the Railways 74.20 Overall Ratings Previous Rating Current Rating Progress towards achievement of PDO Moderately Satisfactory Moderately Satisfactory Overall Implementation Progress (IP) Moderately Unsatisfactory Moderately Unsatisfactory Page 1 of 7 The World Bank Report No: ISR15973 Previous Rating Current Rating Overall Risk Rating Substantial Moderate Public Disclosure Copy Implementation Status Overview 1. This ISR focuses on the project's implementation progress in the period Jan to June 2014. The main objective has been to complete the implementation of key activities and to monitor key indicators of trade facilitation. The team has worked closely with Implementing Agencies in all four participating countries with good results. Though substantial progress has been made with outstanding operational issues resolved, it has been found necessary to extend the closing date of the project by one year to September 2015 to provide time to finalize some delayed activities and operationalize common facilities such as border posts through ICT. 2. Training and installation of the Integrated Border Management system (IBM) for the One Stop Border Posts (OSBP) has commenced and will be rolled out progressively in the coming 6 months. Installation of weighbridges in Tanzania and Uganda has progressed well and is planned for completion by November 2014. Rehabilitation of the Kenya-Uganda railway line and provision of rolling stock, started in 2012, continues with first batch of 20 reconditioned wagons due for delivery and track monitoring equipment received and deployed. The equipment should help in rail maintenance and consequent reduction of accidents leading to cut down on downtime which should result in increased freight volumes. RVR is up to date in remitting concession fee to the governments of Uganda and Kenya. On the security front, training for the port of Dar es Salaam is finalized but the Integrated Security System (ISS) will be implemented through another Development Partner (DP) while the Mombasa ISS is fully operational. The implementation of the railway Relocation Action Plan (RAP) in Kenya has progressed well with first relocation planned for September 2014. The construction of the Katuna OSBP on the Uganda side of Uganda/Rwanda border has commenced while the construction of Gatuna OSBP on the Rwanda side is likely to start soon, with scaled down infrastructure, which takes into account likely diversion of traffic to Kagitumba border once the ongoing OSBP developments there are completed. Finally, the task team and Implementing Agencies (IA) are actively working with concerned authorities to expedite progress where possible. Locations Country First Administrative Division Location Planned Actual Rwanda Not Entered Republic of Rwanda Tanzania Not Entered United Republic of Tanzania Tanzania Pwani Kibaha Tanzania Shinyanga Region Isaka Tanzania Dar es Salaam Region Dar es Salaam Kenya Coast Province Taveta Public Disclosure Copy Kenya Rift Valley Province Namanga Kenya Coast Province Mombasa Kenya Coast Province Mariakani Kenya Western Province Malaba Kenya Coast Province Lunga-Lunga Kenya Nairobi Area Kibera Page 2 of 7 The World Bank Report No: ISR15973 Country First Administrative Division Location Planned Actual Kenya Not Entered Republic of Kenya Public Disclosure Copy Kenya Nyanza Province Isebania Sub-Location Kenya Western Province Busia Kenya Eastern Athi River Rwanda Not Entered Rusumo Falls Rwanda Kigali City Kigali Uganda Not Entered Republic of Uganda Uganda Rakai District Mutukula Uganda Kampala District Kampala Uganda Busia District Busia Uganda Kabale Kabale District Kenya Nairobi Area Mukuru Results Project Development Objective Indicators Indicator Name Core Unit of Measure Baseline Current End Target Variance of transit time through the Northern Text Value 14 days (NC). 3 days 2 days (NC). and Central Corridor is significantly reduced. Date 27-Dec-2005 04-Sep-2014 30-Sep-2014 Comments Data to be reconfirmed Retained from original project. through the proposed time release study. Public Disclosure Copy Rwanda meets the technical requirements to Text Value Application made Full member Full member become a member of the EAC CU by end of Date 01-Dec-2005 04-Sep-2014 30-Sep-2014 project Comments Project supports the RRA Project supports the RRA Seamless Cargo tracking is operatinal on the Text Value No Cargo tracking Achieved. Operational in KE Cargo tracking operational in Northern Corridor and UG at least 2 countries on the NC. Date 01-Dec-2005 04-Sep-2014 30-Sep-2014 Comments Uganda has installed the ECT and Rwanda has awarded the Page 3 of 7 The World Bank Report No: ISR15973 installation contract. KE's has resumed. Kenya Railways Pension Scheme (KRPS) set Text Value Non existent KRPS already set up and Fully operatinal and up and is financially sustainable operational with challenges in Sustainable with known Public Disclosure Copy respect of the management of sources of revenue. assets. Date 01-Dec-2005 04-Sep-2014 30-Sep-2014 Comments Some members have challenged the rationale of sale of prime assets. Safety railway operation zones established in Text Value Non existant Good progress made in Safety zone established. Mv Kibera and Mukuru areas, Wagon Ferry establishing safety railway Kaawa operational services resume in Uganda operation zones in Kibera and Mukuru areas. MV Kaawa operational Date 01-Dec-2005 04-Sep-2014 30-Sep-2014 Comments RAP works contracts that will MV Kaawa operational MV Kaawa operational help establish the safety zone likely to commence by Jan 2012. Transit time along the NC (Mombas to Kigali) is Number Value 19.00 6.00 5.00 reduced. Date 01-Dec-2005 04-Sep-2014 30-Sep-2014 Comments Core indicator of transit There is good progress on facilitation this target. Dwell time for standard 2 TEU container Text Value Mombasa 13 days; Dar 18 Mombasa 5 days. Dar 9 days Mombasa 4days; Dar 8 days domestic cargo reduced days Date 01-Dec-2005 04-Sep-2014 30-Sep-2014 Comments Original 2005 data Currently-- Mombasa 5 days. Dar 9 days Intermediate Results Indicators Public Disclosure Copy Page 4 of 7 The World Bank Report No: ISR15973 Indicator Name Core Unit of Measure Baseline Current End Target Regional Customs Systems Interconnection Text Value Interconnection not The IBM is being tested Substantial regional functions in all 4 participating countries operational waiting progressive rolling out. interconnection amongst Public Disclosure Copy participating EAC countries Date 01-Dec-2005 04-Sep-2014 30-Sep-2014 Comments Rudimentary connections The EATTF project provides equipment to facilitate interconnection however with KE and TZ installing new Customs systems progress may be interrupted. Customs procedures and documents are Text Value Complex documentation Ongoing simplification to be Simplified documents as simplified in accordance with WCO standards. assessed as part of the time adjudged by WCO consultant release study Date 02-Jan-2006 04-Sep-2014 30-Sep-2014 Comments HOS Initiative has helped the simplification process. Corridor Authorities (NCTTCA and CCTTFA) Text Value None Transit traffic monitoring data Fully operational Data base set a transit traffic monitoring data base base set up for both CC and NC Date 23-Jun-2011 04-Sep-2014 30-Sep-2014 Comments Non Review of data to be carried out. MOT in Kenya is also setting up a transport Data Center NSW establised in Kenya and CBS ESW at the Text Value None existant Kenya's eSW was Established systems Dar port commissioned in Nov 2013. Tanzania's will be implemented through another DP support. Indicator dropeed in proj restructuring. Public Disclosure Copy Date 01-Dec-2005 04-Sep-2014 30-Sep-2014 Comments Rwanda has implemented the Kenya'S ESW was Likely to be met but for KE ESW commissioned in Nov 2013 and RW. while Tanzania's is at procurement stage. Decrease in border crossing time (in hours) Text Value Malaba - KE 15; UG 30 hrs Malaba, Kenya 5hours; Serare - 5 hours Serare/Isebania - No data Uganda, 6hours Gatuna - 2 hours Gatuna/Katuna - RW13 hrs UG no data Date 01-Dec-2005 04-Sep-2014 30-Sep-2014 Page 5 of 7 The World Bank Report No: ISR15973 Comments Challenge has been Data to be updated after time Achievable once sustainability which should be release study under TMEA. infrastructure is completed in possible once the concept of November 2014 OSBP is fully operational. Public Disclosure Copy Railway ICD in Uganda built and functional Text Value Non existant Due to be completed in Sep/ Operational ICD October 2014 Date 01-Dec-2005 04-Sep-2014 30-Sep-2014 Comments originally planned to be Completion and handover of Important facility for the located in Kamplala station an ICD planned around restructured K-U railway. area later found unsuitable September 2014. Updated RAP is implemented in Kibera and Text Value Chaotic Ongoing with construction of 3km safety zone established Mukuru areas and safety zone created safety and resettlement at in both Kibera and Mukuru halfway complete. Date 01-Dec-2005 04-Sep-2014 30-Sep-2014 Comments Original RAP prepared. The RAP civil works are 41% Objective to resettle 9,005 complete and 1st batch of households and provide a PAPS relocation planned for safety operating zone for September2014. railway. Data on Financial Performance (as of 05-Sep-2014) Financial Agreement(s) Key Dates Project Ln/Cr/Tf Status Approval Date Signing Date Effectiveness Date Original Closing Date Revised Closing Date P079734 IDA-41470 Effective 24-Jan-2006 07-Apr-2006 02-Apr-2007 30-Sep-2011 30-Sep-2014 P079734 IDA-41480 Effective 24-Jan-2006 05-Apr-2006 05-Jul-2006 30-Sep-2011 30-Sep-2014 P079734 IDA-41490 Effective 24-Jan-2006 09-Mar-2006 09-Jun-2006 30-Sep-2011 30-Sep-2014 P079734 IDA-49770 Effective 23-Jun-2011 03-Aug-2011 07-Feb-2012 30-Sep-2014 30-Sep-2014 P079734 IDA-H2020 Effective 24-Jan-2006 06-Mar-2006 05-Jun-2006 31-Mar-2011 30-Sep-2014 Disbursements (in Millions) Public Disclosure Copy Project Ln/Cr/Tf Status Currency Original Revised Cancelled Disbursed Undisbursed % Disbursed P079734 IDA-41470 Effective XDR 18.20 18.20 0.00 12.09 6.11 66.00 P079734 IDA-41480 Effective XDR 83.30 83.30 0.00 67.97 15.33 82.00 P079734 IDA-41490 Effective XDR 25.50 25.50 0.00 16.49 9.01 65.00 P079734 IDA-49770 Effective XDR 18.60 18.60 0.00 8.45 10.15 45.00 P079734 IDA-H2020 Effective XDR 10.40 10.40 0.00 6.32 4.08 61.00 Disbursement Graph Page 6 of 7 The World Bank Report No: ISR15973 Public Disclosure Copy Key Decisions Regarding Implementation 3. Key developments noted in the past 6 months are; (i) substantial progress in the implementation of the railway RAP in Kenya, ii) acceleration of construction of OSBP (with those for TZ substantially completed and those for KE and UG nearing completion) and commencement of the installation of Integrated Border Management (IBM) systems, (ii) independent overall review of the project's impact and progress towards achieving its PDO and iv) restructuring of the project involving extension of the closing date to provide sufficient time to complete key activities and modification of the Results Framework (captured in this ISR). 4. The project continues to make good overall progress with over 90 percent commitments made, over 67 percent disbursement achieved and several development objective targets met and is thus on track to achieve its PDO. Restructuring History There has been no restructuring to date. Public Disclosure Copy Related Projects P098770-East Africa Trade and Transport Facilitation Project, P121354-East Africa Trade and Transport Facilitation Program (EATTFP) - Additional Financing Page 7 of 7