The World Bank Growing Up and Learning Together: Comprehensive Early Childhood Development in El Salvador (P171316) REPORT NO.: RES42758 RESTRUCTURING PAPER ON A PROPOSED PROJECT RESTRUCTURING OF THE GROWING UP AND LEARNING TOGETHER: COMPREHENSIVE EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT IN EL SALVADOR APPROVED ON MARCH 19, 2020 TO THE REPUBLIC OF EL SALVADOR September 20, 2021 EDUCATION GLOBAL PRACTICE LATIN AMERICA AND CARIBBEAN REGION Regional Vice President: Carlos Felipe Jaramillo Country Director: Michel Kerf Regional Director: Luis Benveniste Practice Manager: Emanuela Di Gropello Task Team Leaders: Magdalena Bendini, Enrique O. Alasino Massetti The World Bank Growing Up and Learning Together: Comprehensive Early Childhood Development in El Salvador (P171316) ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS DIGESTYC General Directorate of Statistics and Censuses (Dirección General de Estadística y Censos) DIPLAN Planning Directorate (Dirección de Planificación) DUMR Unique Design as a Reference Model (Diseño Único como Modelo de Referencia) ECCE Early Childhood Care and Education ECD Early Childhood Development ECDLS Early Childhood Development and Learning Standards ESCP Environmental and Social Commitment Plan ESF Environmental and Social Framework ESMF Environmental and Social Management Framework ESPIG Education Sector Program Implementation Grant ELP Early Learning Partnership FY Fiscal Year GoES Government of El Salvador GPE Global Partnership for Education IADB Inter-American Development Bank IPPF Indigenous Peoples Planning Framework IRI Intermediate Results Indicator LMP Labor Management Procedures MINEDUCYT Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (Ministerio de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología) PDO Project Development Objective PIU Project Implementation Unit RF Results Framework RPF Resettlement Policy Framework SEP Stakeholder Engagement Plan SIGES Information System for Salvadoran Educational Management (Sistema de Información para la Gestión Educativa Salvadoreña) SQS Structural Quality Standards TF Trust Fund WASH Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Services WB World Bank The World Bank Growing Up and Learning Together: Comprehensive Early Childhood Development in El Salvador (P171316) BASIC DATA Product Information Project ID Financing Instrument P171316 Investment Project Financing Environmental and Social Risk Classification (ESRC) Substantial Approval Date Current Closing Date 19-Mar-2020 30-Jun-2026 Organizations Borrower Responsible Agency Republic of El Salvador Ministry of Education Project Development Objective (PDO) Original PDO The Project Development Objectives are to: (i) improve Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) teaching practices nationwide; (ii) upgrade physical learning environments of selected ECCE centers; and (iii) strengthen institutional capacity for education sector management. OPS_TABLE_PDO_CURRENTPDO Summary Status of Financing (US$, Millions) Net Ln/Cr/Tf Approval Signing Effectiveness Closing Commitment Disbursed Undisbursed IBRD-90670 19-Mar-2020 24-May-2021 30-Jun-2026 250.00 0 250.00 Policy Waiver(s) Does this restructuring trigger the need for any policy waiver(s)? No The World Bank Growing Up and Learning Together: Comprehensive Early Childhood Development in El Salvador (P171316) I. PROJECT STATUS AND RATIONALE FOR RESTRUCTURING 1. This Restructuring Paper seeks the approval of the Country Director for a proposed restructuring of the Growing Up and Learning Together: Comprehensive Early Childhood Development in El Salvador Project (P171316, Loan 9067-SV). The proposed restructuring responds to the request from the Ministry of Finance dated October 19, 2020 to modify the Project’s activities, costs, disbursement estimates, results framework, environmental and social analyses, and implementation arrangements to address the challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic on the education sector. These changes would also modify the Project’s design to cope with and recover from the short- and long-term effects of the pandemic, while providing timely and quality services in line with Crecer Juntos, the National Plan for Early Childhood launched on February 27, 2020. 2. Background and Project Status. The Project was approved by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors on March 19, 2020, signed on May 24, 2021 and ratified by Congress on May 25, 2021. The Project Development Objectives (PDO) are to: (i) improve Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) teaching practices nationwide; (ii) upgrade physical learning environments of selected ECCE centers; and (iii) strengthen institutional capacity for education sector management. The Project is comprised of the following components and subcomponents: i. Component 1: Ensuring ECCE Structural Quality Standards and Curriculum Nationwide i. Subcomponent 1.1 Accreditation of ECCE structural quality standards ii. Subcomponent 1.2 Review, alignment, and implementation of the ECCE curriculum nationwide ii. Component 2: Strengthening Professional Development of Teachers and Principals at ECCE Official Centers i. Subcomponent 2.1 In-service training for teachers in ECCE official centers ii. Subcomponent 2.2 In-service training for principals in ECCE official centers iii. Subcomponent 2.3 Support to pre-service training for teachers at ECCE centers iii. Component 3: Upgrading ECCE Physical Learning Environments i. Subcomponent 3.1 Pre-investment activities for the improvement of ECCE public infrastructure ii. Subcomponent 3.2 Improving physical environments in selected ECCE official centers iii. Subcomponent 3.3 Support to ECCE official centers in meeting structural quality standards. iv. Component 4: Institutional Strengthening for the Management of the Education Sector i. Subcomponent 4.1 Strengthening the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (Ministerio de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología, MINEDUCYT)’s institutional capacity for the management of the education sector ii. Subcomponent 4.2 Project Management v. Component 5: Contingency Emergency Response 3. To date, the Government of El Salvador (GoES) has complied with one of the three effectiveness conditions: establishing the Project Implementation Unit (PIU). Although the PIU was originally going to be within the MINEDUCYT’s National Directorate of Early Childhood, as part of this restructuring, the Implementation Arrangements will be modified to move the PIU to MINEDUCYT’s Planning Directorate (Dirección de Planificación, DIPLAN). The other two effectiveness conditions, namely the Borrower’s preparation and adoption of the Project’s Operations Manual and the Environmental and Social The World Bank Growing Up and Learning Together: Comprehensive Early Childhood Development in El Salvador (P171316) Instruments in a manner satisfactory to the Bank, will be completed once the adjustments requested by the Ministry of Finance through the proposed restructuring have been incorporated. 4. Progress towards achievement of PDO is rated Satisfactory and Implementation Progress is rated Moderately Satisfactory in the most recent Implementation Status and Results Report (ISR) dated May 31, 2021, and since the Project is still pending effectiveness, there have not been any fiduciary or safeguards compliance issues to date. 5. Rationale for restructuring. The GoES urgently needs to address the challenges that the education system is facing to support continuity, engagement, and quality of education through the reopening stages nationwide, while seizing opportunities for system improvements for the long term. Urgent action is needed to address learning losses and other dramatic effects of the pandemic on young children and their families. The Ministry of Finance of El Salvador requested this restructuring to support a safe and effective school reopening in El Salvador, including measures to protect students’ and staff’s health, safety, and well-being; strengthen the blended learning methodology with strong support to principals, teachers, parents, and students to recover from learning losses; and support the broader quality framework to strengthen institutional capacity, prevent dropouts, and improve quality and resilience in the long run. The proposed modifications are fully consistent with the Project’s PDO which remains relevant and achievable, and are in line with the GoES’ priorities, the Crecer Juntos Early Childhood Development (ECD) National Plan, and MINEDUCYT’s Multimodal Strategy1 to: i. Align MINEDUCYT’s national ECCE strategy and curriculum with the requirements of the blended learning methodology and platforms, with an emphasis on socioemotional support to students and teachers, the use of technology and other online/offline resources to ensure learning continuity while schools reopen nationwide, and support for a better transition to first grade; ii. Strengthen principals’ and teachers' professional development in all public ECCE centers by developing their blended learning skills, including adapting the way training is undertaken to allow for varied modalities; iii. Address all public ECCE centers' biosafety and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) gaps to protect students’ and staff’s health and well-being; and iv. Strengthen the education system’s quality through the development of a learning and teaching quality framework that will bring coherence across standards (i.e. Early Childhood Development and Learning Standards, ECDLS, teacher and principals’ training and performance, structural, and infrastructure) and align learning standards from ECCE to secondary education to increase student engagement, improve learning outcomes, and decrease dropouts. 6. In addition, the proposed changes are fully aligned with Pillar I, “Building and Reinforcing Foundations to Promote Inclusive Growth,” of the FY2016-FY2019 World Bank Group Country Partnership Framework (CPF), and with the Performance and Learning Review of the CPF by helping El Salvador recover from the impacts of the pandemic and accelerate progress towards the achievement of integral and quality early childhood education and development while taking care of 1 The Multimodal Strategy includes instruments and resources for remote learning (used during school closures) and blended learning combining face-to-face and remote learning (used after schools reopen). This Project will support the blended learning methodology for teachers and students. The World Bank Growing Up and Learning Together: Comprehensive Early Childhood Development in El Salvador (P171316) the health and well-being of the children, families and staff. Through its considerations for building capacity to mitigate the COVID-19 transmissions, the Project is also aligned with Objective #6, “Build Capacity to Manage Disasters and Environmental Challenges.” The Project is also aligned with the WBG COVID approach paper’s emphasis on protecting children’s human capital through investments in education and early childhood development, as well as the Bank’s ongoing support, through technical assistance and additional operational engagements to MINEDUCYT to ensure implementation readiness, address ECCE services demand and effectiveness during the COVID-19 crisis, and prepare for the official reopening of centers. 7. The restructuring includes adjustments to the Project’s activities, costs, disbursement estimates, results framework, and implementation arrangements as well as changes to the Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP) and Loan Agreement to reflect the updated environmental and social analyses and Environmental and Social Framework (ESF) related changes. II. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CHANGES 8. The proposed changes included in this restructuring are as follows: Changes in Components and Costs 9. Component 1: Ensuring ECCE Structural Quality Standards and Curriculum Nationwide (Current cost: US$47.00 million; revised cost: US$47.91 million). The component’s main objectives, namely the accreditation of Structural Quality Standards (SQS) for public and private ECCE centers (Subcomponent 1) and the review and implementation of the ECCE curriculum in ECCE centers (Subcomponent 2), remain largely unchanged. However, to address the challenges that COVID-19 poses to the delivery of education services in ECCE centers and to improve children’s development and learning, this component will be adjusted as follows: i. Subcomponent 1.1 Accreditation of ECCE Structural Quality Standards (Current cost: US$1.0 million; revised cost: US$0.79 million) will ensure that all ECCE centers accredited by a highly trained and equipped multidisciplinary team meet the SQS, which will now include WASH standards to guarantee students’ and staff’s health and safety. The design and development of the SQS that were part of this subcomponent will be transferred to Subcomponent 4.1. ii. Subcomponent 1.2 Review, alignment, and implementation of the ECCE curriculum nationwide (Current cost: US$46.0 million; revised cost: US$47.12 million) will now also focus on strengthening socioemotional support to students and teachers and will include the design and distribution of materials for families. These new materials will allow parents to become more involved in their children’s learning under the blended learning methodology. iii. In line with updating the ECCE curriculum and the development of the ECDLS for children up to 7 years old (including students in first grade), Subcomponent 1.2 will also support MINEDUCYT in the implementation of its Transition Strategy from ECCE to first grade, which has become even more important in the COVID-19 context. This Strategy includes strengthening ECCE students' initial literacy, ECCE and first grade teacher training to ease the transition between education levels and monitoring the development of communication skills in first grade. The World Bank Growing Up and Learning Together: Comprehensive Early Childhood Development in El Salvador (P171316) 10. Component 2: Strengthening Professional Development of Teachers and Principals at ECCE Official Centers (Current cost: US$28.50 million; revised cost: US$32.62 million). The component’s objectives remain unchanged; however, its activities will be adjusted to address the short-term challenges teachers and principals will encounter during the school reopening process and the blended learning methodology. These include: i. Subcomponents 2.1 In-service training for teachers in ECCE official centers (Current cost: US$20.0 million; revised cost: US$25.09 million) and 2.2 In-service training for principals in ECCE official centers (Current cost: US$6.0 million; revised cost: US$5.56 million) will be adjusted to address teachers’ and principals’ training needs to perform under a blended learning modality. This includes training in pedagogical strategies, the use of technology and management of virtual spaces, and the use of learning outcomes to design remedial learning strategies to help students overcome losses caused by the closure of ECCE centers. Training will also include the improvement of teachers’ and principals’ socioemotional well-being and socioemotional support to students. Training will be conducted in a blended learning format, leveraging the remote education experiences gained throughout the pandemic. The design and development of the Performance and Training Standards that were part of these Subcomponents will be transferred to Subcomponent 4.1. ii. Subcomponent 2.3 Support to pre-service training for teachers at ECCE centers (Current cost: US$2.5 million; revised cost: US$1.97 million) will revise and adapt the initial teacher training curriculum to include content to develop teachers’ socioemotional skills to help them support children’s socioemotional needs and recover from learning losses. Likewise, mentoring will be introduced as a strategy with university training programs. This program will be piloted with 30 teaching students who will receive scholarships. Training will also be delivered through a blended learning format. iii. Additionally, laptop computers will be provided to each teacher at the ECCE Official Centers to facilitate their blended learning training and teaching format. iv. Training will be provided for higher education teachers to help ensure quality in the implementation of the revised early childhood pre-service teacher training curriculum referred to in (ii) above. 11. Component 3: Upgrading ECCE Physical Learning Environments (Current cost: US$154.50 million; revised cost: US$153.93 million). The component’s objectives remain unchanged; however, in response to the emerging needs of the COVID-19 pandemic, the provision of WASH services in ECCE centers will be prioritized to ensure a safe return to schools. Component activities will be adjusted as follows: i. Subcomponent 3.1 Pre-investment activities for the improvement of ECCE public infrastructure (Current cost: US$5.5 million; revised cost: US$5.63 million). Activities under this subcomponent remain unchanged, but its costs will be adjusted to reflect revised estimations made by MINEDUCYT. ii. Subcomponent 3.2 Improving physical environments in selected ECCE Official Centers (Current cost: US$129.0 million; revised cost: US$128.4 million). The investments to transform ECCE centers into safe physical learning environments meeting the SQS to promote learning will now include a focus on the provision of WASH services and the assurance of biosecurity measures to reduce risks and gaps in ECCE centers. Centers that also provide educational services for other educational levels will not be excluded. Additionally, the Project will ensure that the Unique Design as a Reference Model (Diseño Único como Modelo de Referencia, DUMR), which is the model designed by the GoES on The World Bank Growing Up and Learning Together: Comprehensive Early Childhood Development in El Salvador (P171316) which the Project’s infrastructure will be based, will be aligned with MINEDUCYT’s My New School program (Mi Nueva Escuela)2 and the ECDLS. The revision of the subcomponent’s cost reflects a revised estimation made by MINEDUCYT. i. Subcomponent 3.3 Support to ECCE Official Centers in meeting structural quality standards (Current cost: US$20.0 million; revised cost: US$19.9 million) will now include interventions only to close the WASH services gaps in ECCE centers to ensure the biosecurity of students and school staff. Following the original plan under the subcomponent, centers that also provide educational services to other educational levels will not be excluded. Since the focus would be only on closing WASH services gaps, more ECCE centers will benefit with almost the same budget. 12. Component 4: Institutional Strengthening for the Management of the Education Sector (Current cost: US$20.0 million; revised cost: US$15.54 million). The component’s objective remains unchanged; however, the scope of some of the activities will be limited. Two new activities will be added to Subcomponent 4.1: the development of a learning and teaching quality framework and the development of an infrastructure management system, while the learning assessment framework activity will be removed. Adjustments to subcomponents will be as follows: i. Subcomponent 4.1 Strengthening MINEDUCYT’s institutional capacity for the management of the education sector (Current cost: US$8.0 million; revised cost: US$3.40 million) will include a new activity, the development of a teaching and learning quality framework. This activity will focus on the creation of a learning and teaching quality framework that will include: (a) for ECCE, the development of SQS, Performance and Training Standards for teachers and principals, and Infrastructure Standards (activities previously included under other components); and (b) the alignment of Learning Standards from ECCE to secondary education. The framework will serve as the reference for other reforms from ECCE to secondary education. ii. Subcomponent 4.1 will also include the development of a Management System for School Infrastructure that will include the carrying out of an educational infrastructure inventory, the preparation of an investment plan based on inventory, and the improvement of social and environmental management of school infrastructure. iii. The implementation of an evaluation system for decision-making will be removed from the component as it will be part of the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) Trust Fund under preparation. iv. Activities under Subcomponent 4.2 Project Management (Current cost: US$12.0 million; revised cost: US$12.14 million) remain unchanged, but the budget was slightly modified based on revised estimations made by MINEDUCYT. Changes in Results Framework (RF) 13. The RF will be adjusted to reflect the changes made in the Project’s activities and the delay in the Project’s effectiveness. In addition, given the delays in effectiveness, the last intermediate target for all indicators will be eliminated to adjust for a 5-year implementation, instead of the originally envisioned 6- 2 My New School program, launched in January 2021, seeks to renew school infrastructure and, at the same time, improve students’ learning through the involvement of the community and the carrying out of recreational and learning activities. The World Bank Growing Up and Learning Together: Comprehensive Early Childhood Development in El Salvador (P171316) year implementation. Despite the reduced timeline, end targets would still be feasible under the Government’s adjusted implementation plans. 14. PDO indicators: i. PDO Indicator 1 “ECCE teachers with improved teaching practices” and Sub-PDO Indicator 1.1 “ECCE teachers improve their gender-equality attitudes and behaviors:” the definition will be adjusted to reflect that the instrument to be used as the datasource could be a classroom observation or online assessment of teaching practices that, in addition to measuring best teaching practices, will also measure the new skills teachers need to help students recover from learning losses. This will grant flexibility to carry out the pilot according to the operating status of ECCE centers and the blended education service provision. ii. PDO Indicator 2 “ECCE official centers supported by the Project with safe physical learning environments and meeting quality conditions to promote learning:” the end target will be increased from 110 to 114 ECCE centers to reflect a costing adjustment that allows for a larger scope with the available budget. iii. PDO indicator 3 “ECCE centers accredited through the structural quality standards accreditation system:” intermediate targets will be revised to reflect an adjustment in the timeline of the implementation of activities; the end target remains the same. 15. Intermediate results indicator (IRI): i. IRI 1 “ECCE teachers nationwide receive the new ECCE curriculum:” intermediate targets will be increased to reflect the number of teachers that will be trained under the new curriculum and the teaching and learning quality framework (see IRI 5). ii. IRI 2 “Classrooms in ECCE official centers that receive learning materials aligned to the new curriculum:” intermediate targets will be revised to reflect an adjustment in the timeline of the implementation of activities; the end target remains the same. iii. IRI 3 “ECCE teacher and principal training plans aligned with the ECDLS and new curriculum ready for delivery:” the definition will be adjusted to clarify that all training plans now include the needed skills to recover from learning losses and support students emotionally. The intermediate targets will be adjusted to reflect the revision in the implementation timeline of activities. The end target remains the same. iv. IRI 4 “ECCE principals trained in school management and leadership aligned to the performance standards and the ECDLS:” the end target will be reduced from 4,000 to 3,400 to reflect that principals who also teach are now considered under IRI 5. v. IRI 5 “ECCE teachers trained in new professional development process aligned to training standards and ECDLS:” the end target will be increased from 7,000 to 8,000 to include principals who also teach and all preschool teachers (including special education), considering the increase in the financing allocated to Component 2. vi. IRI 7 “Pre-investment studies for all ECCE official centers intervened by the Project:” the end target will be increased from 70 to 74 after MINEDUCYT reviewed the costing of the pre- investment studies and confirmed they could increase the end target. vii. IRI 8 “Infrastructure projects for ECCE official centers completed under the Project:” the end target will be increased from 110 to 114. Even though this is a small change, it helps generate evidence on the use of resources. Additionally, the definition will be adjusted to specify that the infrastructure projects are to be aligned with the ECDLS and the DUMR. The World Bank Growing Up and Learning Together: Comprehensive Early Childhood Development in El Salvador (P171316) viii. IRI 9 “ECCE official centers supported by the Project to reduce the SQS gap:” the name and definition of this indicator will be adjusted to reflect that the centers to be supported will seek to reduce the biosecurity and WASH services’ gap, instead of the SQS. The end target will increase from 400 to 483 given the adjustment in the amount allocated per school. ix. IRI 10 “Department delegations that have initiated the organizational transformation:” the indicator’s name will be changed from “department delegations” to “department directorates” given a change in official government designation. x. Old IRI 7 “New prototype of ECCE official centers infrastructure aligned to ECDLS and SQS that ensure safe, inclusive and learning oriented spaces completed:” this indicator will be eliminated because the GoES has already developed the prototype guidelines (DUMR). xi. Old IRI 12 “Basic education official schools implement improvement plans based on the results of the standardized tests:” this indicator will be eliminated because the implementation of an evaluation system for educational decision-making will no longer be included under the Project, as it will be moved to the GPE Trust Fund under preparation. xii. A new IRI will be added under Component 1: IRI 12 “Teachers trained in strategies to develop students’ language and communication skills for educational transition:” this indicator will reflect the Project’s support to the implementation of MINEDUCYT’s Transition Strategy. xiii. New Corporate Results Indicator: IRI 6 “Students benefitting from direct interventions to enhance learning” will be included to monitor the Project’s beneficiaries as required by the Bank’s Education Global Practice. xiv. IRI 11 and IRI 13: the intermediate targets will be adjusted to reflect the revision in the implementation timeline of activities. Change in Implementation Arrangements 16. The Project will be implemented by a PIU located in MINEDUCYT’s DIPLAN and led by the Strategic Projects Management team, a qualified and trained group dedicated full-time to the Project to ensure that its coordination and administration, fiduciary processes, and environmental and social framework are carried out in accordance with Bank policies and procedures. The PIU will also be responsible for coordination with the authorities of MINEDUCYT (Office of the Minister) and the Office of the First Lady. This change will ensure that the Project is implemented within the institutional decision-making processes and is, at the same time, implemented in a timely and effective manner. Given the extension of the alignment of learning standards to all educational levels, this change would ensure the needed decision- making power to ensure full coordination across all education levels in a timely and effective manner. The cost of the specialized personnel that will be incorporated into the PIU, covered under Component 4, represents 1.65 percent of the total value of the Project. 17. The Project’s new governance arrangements, led by the Strategic Projects Management team, will include two committees, the Strategic and the Operating committees, which will support the efficient implementation of the Project. These committees play a dynamic and decisive role in the plans to achieve Project results and favor the institutionalized implementation of the operation in the different technical units across the MINEDUCYT, contributing to the Project’s overall sustainability. The World Bank Growing Up and Learning Together: Comprehensive Early Childhood Development in El Salvador (P171316) 18. The Strategic Committee will be composed of Directors of MINEDUCYT’s technical units involved in the Project3 and staff involved in the implementation of the Project, a representative from the Office of the Minister, a delegate from the Presidency of the Republic, a delegate from the Ministry of Finance, a delegate from the Bank, and a delegate from the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB). Its role is to energize and guarantee the efficient execution of the Project, aligned with MINEDUCYT's institutional operations and in accordance with the Institutional Strategic Plan and Bank policies. The Committee facilitates inter-institutional coordination, offers strategic support to the PIU in the fulfillment of its functions, and contributes to guaranteeing dialogue and constant exchange of strategic information on the Project, promoting timely resolutions to any difficulties encountered. This Committee will hold semi- annual meetings that will be summoned by the ministerial office and from which minutes will be drawn up on the agreements assumed. 19. The Operating Committee is coordinated by the PIU and is composed by managers delegated by each level management and staff directly involved in the Project, who will act as liaison with the PIU. The delegates will guarantee the start-up of Project activities in accordance with the established plans and standards; prepare and submit reports and dynamize actions in the territories; prepare and coordinate terms of reference and technical specifications for contracting; participate in the procurement process evaluation commissions; and manage the coordination of service contracts under the Project according to their level of competence. 20. Environmental and Social Analyses: The changes proposed in the restructuring were consulted with civil society groups and Indigenous organizations in July and August of 2021 and the environmental and social analyses have been updated accordingly based on feedback from these sessions. The Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP)4 will be updated with a summary of this process and how feedback has been incorporated and redisclosed after approval of the restructuring and prior to project effectiveness. For this reason, an updated SEP is not included in the restructuring package. As part of the restructuring, the ESCP will be revised to reflect the proposed changes in terms of potential environmental and social impacts, as well as revise the timeline for the review and update of the Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF), Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF), Indigenous Peoples Planning Framework (IPPF), and Labor Management Procedures (LMP).5 The adoption of the revised ESMF, IPPF, and RPF will no longer be effectiveness conditions for the Project and will be revised, adopted, and redisclosed by MINEDUCYT as disbursement conditions for component 3 of the Project. The LMP is being prepared and will be disclosed no later than 60 days after effectiveness. The PIU will hire the Project's environmental and social specialists as soon as it is feasible and no later than 60 days after effectiveness. With this capacity in place, the PIU will finalize the instruments, as described above, with sufficient quality to adequately guide E&S risk management in the Project, and in time to inform pre- investment activities related to infrastructure interventions. 3 The 10 MINEDUCYT technical units are: (i) Dirección de Educación de Primera Infancia; (ii) Dirección de Planificación; (iii) Dirección Educación Básica I y II ciclo; (iv) Dirección Educación Media General y Técnica y III ciclo; (v) Dirección Nacional de Educación Superior; (vi) Dirección de Infraestructura; (vii) Dirección de Educación Inclusiva; (viii) Dirección de Administración y Gestión Territorial; (ix) Dirección Nacional de Formación Docente; and (x) Dirección Nacional de Educación y Currículo. 4 Disclosed on January 20th, 2020 in MINEDUCYT’s website ( divulgacion-proceso) 5All documents are disclosed on January 20th, 2020 in MINEDUCYT’s website ( The World Bank Growing Up and Learning Together: Comprehensive Early Childhood Development in El Salvador (P171316) 21. Effectiveness conditions: the condition that reads “Article IV. 4.01 (b). The Borrower through MINEDUCYT has prepared and adopted the Environmental and Social Instruments in form and substance acceptable to the Bank” will be revised to only include the SEP and a disbursement condition will be added for the revision, adoption and disclosure of the other instruments. This change will allow the Project to become effective and initiate the activities of Components 1, 2 and 4, without further delay with the existing measures as described in the ESCP, while MINEDUCYT concludes the ESF instruments updates required for component 3 activities. 22. Disbursement condition: A new disbursement condition has been added for MINEDUCYT to revise, adopt, and redisclose the ESMF, RPF, and IPPF as set out in the ESCP in order to be able to disburse under Component 3. 23. Reallocation between disbursement categories: an additional disbursement Category (4) is added to reflect the disbursement condition for Component 3 activities while the allocation to Category 1 is reduced. 24. Disbursement Estimates: Disbursement estimates will be updated to reflect the changes in the activities and their implementation period, and the delay in project effectiveness. 25. Implementation Schedule: The implementation schedule has been revised to reflect the reduced implementation period from a six-year implementation period to a five-year implementation period, and the adjustment in the timeline of the implementation of activities due to delays in project effectiveness. 26. Risks: There are no changes to the risk categories or ratings and no new material risks from the restructured activities have been identified. 27. The Disbursement & Financial Information Letter does not require revision since there have been no changes to the Statement of Expenditure formats, the flow of funds, or the designated account. III. SUMMARY OF CHANGES Changed Not Changed Results Framework ✔ Components and Cost ✔ Reallocation between Disbursement Categories ✔ Disbursement Estimates ✔ Institutional Arrangements ✔ Implementation Schedule ✔ Other Change(s) ✔ Social Analysis ✔ The World Bank Growing Up and Learning Together: Comprehensive Early Childhood Development in El Salvador (P171316) Environmental Analysis ✔ Implementing Agency ✔ DDO Status ✔ Project's Development Objectives ✔ PBCs ✔ Loan Closing Date(s) ✔ Cancellations Proposed ✔ Disbursements Arrangements ✔ Overall Risk Rating ✔ Legal Covenants ✔ Financial Management ✔ Procurement ✔ Economic and Financial Analysis ✔ Technical Analysis ✔ IV. DETAILED CHANGE(S) OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_COMPONENTS_TABLE COMPONENTS Current Current Proposed Proposed Cost Action Component Name Component Name Cost (US$M) (US$M) Ensuring ECCE Structural Quality Ensuring ECCE Structural Standards and Curriculum 47.00 Revised Quality Standards and 47.91 Nationwide Curriculum Nationwide Strengthening Professional Strengthening Professional Development of Teachers and Development of Teachers and 28.50 Revised 32.62 Principals at ECCE Official Principals at ECCE Official Centers Centers Upgrading ECCE Physical Upgrading ECCE Physical 154.50 Revised 153.93 Learning Environments Learning Environments Institutional Strengthening for Institutional Strengthening for the Management of the 20.00 Revised the Management of the 15.54 Education Sector Education Sector Contingency Emergency Contingency Emergency 0.00 0.00 Response Response The World Bank Growing Up and Learning Together: Comprehensive Early Childhood Development in El Salvador (P171316) TOTAL 250.00 250.00 OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_REALLOCATION _TABLE REALLOCATION BETWEEN DISBURSEMENT CATEGORIES Financing % Current Allocation Actuals + Committed Proposed Allocation (Type Total) Current Proposed IBRD-90670-001 | Currency: USD iLap Category Sequence No: 1 Current Expenditure Category: GO,CW,NCS,CO,OP,TR Parts 1, 2 and 4 249,375,000.00 0.00 249,375,000.00 100.00 100.00 iLap Category Sequence No: 2 Current Expenditure Category: Emergency Expenditures Part 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 iLap Category Sequence No: 4 Current Expenditure Category: GO,CW,NCS,CO,OP,TR Part 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 249,375,000.00 0.00 249,375,000.00 OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_DISBURSEMENT_TABLE DISBURSEMENT ESTIMATES Change in Disbursement Estimates Yes Year Current Proposed 2020 0.00 0.00 2021 19,398,250.00 0.00 2022 31,083,250.00 7,734,320.00 2023 44,939,750.00 9,018,320.00 2024 46,003,250.00 60,008,400.00 2025 47,460,750.00 99,509,680.00 The World Bank Growing Up and Learning Together: Comprehensive Early Childhood Development in El Salvador (P171316) 2026 47,493,000.00 73,729,280.00 2027 13,621,750.00 0.00 . The World Bank Growing Up and Learning Together: Comprehensive Early Childhood Development in El Salvador (P171316) . Results framework COUNTRY: El Salvador Growing Up and Learning Together: Comprehensive Early Childhood Development in El Salvador Project Development Objectives(s) The Project Development Objectives are to: (i) improve Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) teaching practices nationwide; (ii) upgrade physical learning environments of selected ECCE centers; and (iii) strengthen institutional capacity for education sector management. Project Development Objective Indicators by Objectives/ Outcomes RESULT_FRAME_TBL_PDO Indicator Name PBC Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target 1 2 3 4 5 Improve Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) teaching practices nationwide. Piloting and adaptation of PDO 1: ECCE teachers with instrument for Collection of baseline The target will be set The target will be set The target will be set The target will be set The baseline will be improved teaching practices assessing teaching with adapted when the baseline is when the baseline is when the baseline is when the baseline is collected in Year 2. (Text) practices in line with instrument. collected. collected. collected. collected. the blended education strategy. Rationale: The indicator’s data source, methodology for data collection, and first intermediate target will be adjusted to allow for the instrument to be piloted as a classroom observation or online assessment of best teaching practices and the new skills required by teachers to recover from learning losses; this will grant Action: This indicator has flexibility according to the operating status of ECCE centers, and align the instrument with the blended education strategy. Responsibility of data collection will been Revised be shared between MINEDUCYT's National Directorate of Early Childhood and the Directorate of Territorial Administration and Management (Institutional Accreditation Management and Gender Management). Piloting and Collection of baseline The target will be set The target will be set The target will be set The target will be set PDO 1.1. ECCE teachers The baseline will be adaptation of with adapted when the baseline is when the baseline is when the baseline is when the baseline is improve their gender- collected in year 2. instruments for instrument. collected. collected. collected. collected. The World Bank Growing Up and Learning Together: Comprehensive Early Childhood Development in El Salvador (P171316) RESULT_FRAME_TBL_PDO Indicator Name PBC Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target 1 2 3 4 5 equality attittudes and assessing teaching behaviors (Text) practices in line with the blended education strategy. Rationale: The indicator’s data source, methodology for data collection, and first intermediate target will be adjusted to allow for the instrument to be piloted as a classroom observation or online assessment of best teaching practices and the new skills required by teachers to recover from learning losses; this will grant Action: This indicator flexibility according to the operating status of ECCE centers, and align the instrument with the blended education strategy. Responsibility of data collection will has been Revised be shared between MINEDUCYT's National Directorate of Early Childhood and the Directorate of Territorial Administration and Management (Institutional Accreditation Management and Gender Management). Upgrade physical learning environments of selected ECCE centers. PDO 2: ECCE official centers supported by the Project with safe physical learning 0.00 0.00 0.00 40.00 40.00 34.00 114.00 environments and meeting quality conditions to promote learning (Number) Rationale: Action: This indicator has The end target will be increased to reflect a costing adjustment that allows for a larger scope with the available budget. been Revised Strengthen institutional capacity for education sector management. No Structural Quality No Structural Quality SQS accreditation A SQS virtual portal in SQS developed and PDO 3: ECCE centers Standards (SQS), no Standards (SQS), no system officially operation and the validated through a accredited through the SQS accreditation SQS accreditation operating for ECCE SQS accreditation participatory process 140.00 140.00 structural quality standards system, and zero system, and zero public and private system published in and approved by the accreditation system (Text) ECCE centers ECCE centers centers to start the Official Gazette of Borrower. accredited. accredited. accreditation. the country The World Bank Growing Up and Learning Together: Comprehensive Early Childhood Development in El Salvador (P171316) RESULT_FRAME_TBL_PDO Indicator Name PBC Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target 1 2 3 4 5 Rationale: Action: This indicator has Intermediate targets are being adjusted to reflect the revision of the implementation of activities; the end target remains the same. Responsibility of data been Revised collection has being revised. PDO Table SPACE Intermediate Results Indicators by Components RESULT_FRAME_TBL_IO Indicator Name PBC Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target 1 2 3 4 5 6 Component 1: Ensuring ECCE Structural Quality Standards and Curriculum Nationwide IRI 1: ECCE teachers Launch of the Early Curricular review Technical delivery Technical delivery nationwide receive the Child Development and adaptation of curriculum to 0.00 of curriculum to NA 8,000.00 new ECCE curriculum and Learning process completed 4,000 additional 4,000 teachers. (Text) Standards (ECDLS). and validated. teachers. Rationale: Action: This indicator has Intermediate targets will be increased reflecting the number of teachers that will be trained under the new curriculum and the teaching and learning quality been Revised framework (see IRI 5). Methodology of data collection, data source, and Responsibility of data collection have being revised. IRI 2: Classrooms in ECCE official centers that receive learning materials 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 8,000.00 aligned to the new curriculum. (Number) Action: This indicator has Rationale: been Revised Intermediate targets will be adjusted to reflect an adjustment in the timeline of the implementation of activities. The World Bank Growing Up and Learning Together: Comprehensive Early Childhood Development in El Salvador (P171316) RESULT_FRAME_TBL_IO Indicator Name PBC Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target 1 2 3 4 5 6 Component 2: Strengthening Professional Development of Teachers and Principals at ECCE Official Cent Training and performance standards for ECCE teacher and IRI 3: ECCE teacher and teachers and principal training principal training plans principals Current training plan ready for aligned with the ECDLS developed and 150.00 NA NA NA plan delivery and 150 and new curriculum validated through mentor-trainers ready for delivery. (Text) a participatory trained. process. Mentors- trainers are selected. Rationale: Action: This indicator has The definition will be adjusted to include that all training plans now include also the needed skills to recover from learning losses and support students’ been Revised emotionally. The intermediate targets will be adjusted to reflect the revision in the timeline of the implementation of activities. The end target remains the same. IRI 4: ECCE principals trained in school management and 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,700.00 1,700.00 0.00 3,400.00 leadership aligned to the performance standards and the ECDLS. (Number) Rationale: Action: This indicator has The final target will be reduced from 4,000 to 3,400 to reflect that principals who also teach are now considered under IRI 5. been Revised IRI 5: ECCE teachers 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 8,000.00 trained in new The World Bank Growing Up and Learning Together: Comprehensive Early Childhood Development in El Salvador (P171316) RESULT_FRAME_TBL_IO Indicator Name PBC Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target 1 2 3 4 5 6 professional development process aligned to training standards and ECDLS. (Number) Rationale: Action: This indicator has The end target will be increased from 7,000 to 8,000 to include principals who also teach and all preschool teachers (including special education), considering the been Revised increase in the financing allocated to this Component. Teachers recruited or 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,500.00 7,000.00 8,000.00 trained (CRI, Number) Teachers recruited or trained - Female (RMS 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 4,000.00 requirement) (CRI, Number) Students benefiting from direct interventions to 0.00 0.00 0.00 553,477.00 367,926.00 23,162.00 944,565.00 enhance learning (CRI, Number) Rationale: Action: This indicator is The indicator will be included to monitor the Project’s beneficiaries as per the Bank’s Education Global Practice’s guidelines. New Students benefiting from direct interventions to 0.00 0.00 269,144.00 181,311.00 11,604.00 0.00 462,059.00 enhance learning - Female (CRI, Number) The World Bank Growing Up and Learning Together: Comprehensive Early Childhood Development in El Salvador (P171316) RESULT_FRAME_TBL_IO Indicator Name PBC Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target 1 2 3 4 5 6 Rationale: Action: This indicator The indicator “Students benefitting from direct interventions to enhance learning” will be included to monitor the Project’s beneficiaries as per the Bank’s is New Education Global Practice’s guidelines. Component 3: Upgrading ECCE Physical Learning Environments IRI 7: Pre-investment studies for all ECCE official centers 0.00 40.00 34.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 74.00 intervened by the Project. (Number) Rationale: Action: This indicator has The final target will be increased from 70 to 74 to reflect the increased budget allocation. been Revised IRI 7: New prototype of ECCE official centers infrastructure aligned to ECDLS and SQS that No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ensure safe, inclusive and learning oriented spaces completed (Yes/No) Rationale: Action: This indicator has This indicator will be removed from the RF given that the GoES has already completed the prototype guidelines “Unique Design as a Reference Model” (Diseño been Marked for Único como Modelo de Referencia, DUMR) outside of the Project. Deletion IRI 8: Infrastructure 0.00 0.00 0.00 40.00 40.00 34.00 114.00 projects for ECCE official The World Bank Growing Up and Learning Together: Comprehensive Early Childhood Development in El Salvador (P171316) RESULT_FRAME_TBL_IO Indicator Name PBC Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target 1 2 3 4 5 6 centers completed under the Project. (Number) Rationale: Action: This indicator has The indicator's name and definition will be adjusted to specify that the infrastructure projects are to be aligned with the ECDLS and the DUMR. The end target will been Revised be increased from 110 to 114 given the increased budget. IRI 9: ECCE official centers supported by the Project to reduce 0.00 0.00 100.00 150.00 150.00 83.00 483.00 biosafety and WASH services' gap. (Number) Rationale: The indicator’s name, description, and intermediate targets will be adjusted to reflect that the centers to be supported will seek to reduce the biosafety and WASH Action: This indicator has services’ gap, instead of the SQS, and that support will begin as of Year 1 of implementation. The end target will increase from 400 to 483 given the adjustment in been Revised the amount allocated per school. Component 4: Institutional Strengthening for the Management of the Education Sector IRI 10: Department directorates that have initiated the 0.00 0.00 0.00 14.00 0.00 0.00 14.00 organizational transformation (Number) Rationale: Action: This indicator has The indicator’s name will be changed from “department delegations” to “department directorates” given a change in official government denomination. been Revised IRI 11: School Technical design of Automated Status quo NA 0.60 1.00 1.00 infrastructure inventory the inventory inventory system The World Bank Growing Up and Learning Together: Comprehensive Early Childhood Development in El Salvador (P171316) RESULT_FRAME_TBL_IO Indicator Name PBC Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target 1 2 3 4 5 6 system operating for system completed piloted decision making (Text) Rationale: Action: This indicator has The last intermediate target will be eliminated to adjust to a 5-year implementation. been Revised 175 ATPI and 1,000 IRI 12: Basic education Methodological school principals official schools National learning frameworks, National learning trained on the use implement improvement assessment Status quo instruments, and assessment of the results of 300.00 600.00 900.00 plans based on the implemented standardized tests implemented the National results of the revised and piloted learning standardized tests (Text) assessment Rationale: Action: This indicator has This indicator will be removed from the RF because the implementation of an evaluation system for educational decision-making will be eliminated from the been Marked for Project, as it will now be funded through the GPE Multiplier Trust Fund being prepared. Deletion IRI 12: Teachers trained in strategies to develop students’ language and 0.00 0.00 3,400.00 3,400.00 3,400.00 3,400.00 17,000.00 communication skills for educational transition (Number) Rationale: Action: This indicator is This indicator will be added to reflect that the Project will now support the implementation of MINEDUCYT’s Transition Strategy. New IRI 13: Grievances related 0.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 to the Project recorded in The World Bank Growing Up and Learning Together: Comprehensive Early Childhood Development in El Salvador (P171316) RESULT_FRAME_TBL_IO Indicator Name PBC Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target 1 2 3 4 5 6 the GRM system that are processed and communicated back to the concerned citizens stakeholder within 21 days (Percentage) Rationale: Action: This indicator has The last intermediate target will be eliminated to adjust to a 5-year implementation. been Revised IO Table SPACE