DISCU2SION PAP2R Report Not: UDD-86 THE DATA BASER AND DOCUMENTATIONS FOR KOREA INDUSTRIAL 14CATT0N POLICIES RESEARCHl PROJECT by Kyuee-Ha Pahk 1 October 1985 Water Supply and Urban Development,Department Operations Policy Staff The World Bank The, viw s_i p rease nt,ed IhereIiri are those of the ath,,r(s)y and they should not be interpreted a3 retlecting those of the World Bank4 Kyuee-Ra Pahk, a consultant at the World Bank, worked as a menber of the research project team. He was responsible for data preparation and management -for the project. Kyu Sik Lee, Project Director, guided and supervised preparing the data base; the local research team headed by Dr. Sang-Chuel Choe undertook the survey of establishments and assisted our data, collection efforts. Mrse Morallina F. George typed and processed this report. Research Project No. RPO 672-91 Research Project Name: An Evaluation of Industrial Location Policies for Urban Deconcentration Abstract The author describes the data files used in the research project, shows the steps taken to prepare the data for analyses, and provides in detail the information needed for future use of the data files. The data base consists of three main data files: the Mining and Manufacturing Surveys, 1973-1981, D'Ftional Bureau of Statistics; the Location Census of Manufacturing Establishments, 1978, Ministry of Trade and Industry; and the Project Establishment Survey. The technical information necessary for accessing the data files are in Chapter IV supplemented by appendixes. TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction.................................................... II. Data File Descriptions..........................................3 1. Mining and Manufacturing Survey, 1973-1980...................3 2. Mining and Manufacturing Survey, 1981........................4 3. Project Sample Establishment Survey..........................5 4. Location Census of Manufacturing Establishments..............7 III. Data Preparation...............................................10 1. Mining and Manufacturing Survey, 1973-1980..................10 2. Mining and Manufacturing Survey, 1981.......................13 3. Project Sample Establishment Survey........................22 4. Location Census of Manufacturing Establishments.............26 Annex III.1: A Fortran Program -- Stratified Random Sampling......................................29 Annex 111.2: Consistency Verification Table................31 IV. File Documentation.............................................32 1. Tape Directory..............................................32 2. Technical Memorandum........................................33 Annex IV.1: Tape Directory Annex IV.2: Record Layout Appendix 1: Coding Instructions for Open Questions, Project Sample Establishment Survey Appendix 2: The Geocode System Appendix 3: The Standard Industry Classification Codes Appendix 4: Cross Reference Matrix Appendix 5: Questionnaires Appendix 6: One-Way Frequency Distributions Available upon request. List of Tables Page 1. Annual Manufacturing Subfiles..................................1 2. Firm-Type Subfiles of Mergefile (1977-1980)...................12 3. Twenty-Variable Subfiles (1977-1980)...........................12 4. Replacement of 1977 Geocodes in Seoul..........................14 5. Replacement of 1977 Geocodes in Gyeonggi.......................15 6. Impropoer Relocation Years1....................................17 7. Invalid Geocodes and Corrections...............................18 8. Unspecified Previous Location..................................19 9. Unspecified Relocation Classifications.........................20 10. Stratified Subfiles............................................21 11. Stratification of Establishments in the Population.............23 12. Sample Composition.............................................23 13. Conversion of KID Geocode to NBS Geocode.......................27 I. INTRODUCTION This paper describes the data base used for the Korea industrial location policy research project 1/ and provides documentations and guidelines for future users. The data base consi.ts of a sample survey of 500 manufacturing establishments conducted as part of the project and two existing data sets, the Mining and Manufacturing Establishments Survey for 1973-1981 collected by the Korean National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) and the Location Census of Manufacturing Establishments conducted by the Ministry of Trade and Industry in 1978. NBS conducts the Mining and Manufacturing Survey annually covering all manufacturing establishments with five or more employees. It takes the census of manufacturing establishments every five years including a sample of firms with less than five employees; 1973 and 1978 were such census years. In response to our request made, during a mission in February 1982, the NBS included in the 1981 survey conducted in April 1982 six questions on location history of establishments including the date of foundation, the frequency of relocation, the date of relocation, previous location, and reasons for relocation. This data set was used to summarize moving patterns of relocation firms and served as the sample frame for selecting 500 sample firms. I/ "An Evaluation of Industrial Location Policies for Urban Deconcentration." RPO 672-58/91. -2- The survey instrument for the Project Sample Establishment Survey was designed by Kyu Sik Lee, Project Director, and was executed by the local project team in Korea during August-October 1983. The survey was the project's major data collection effort. The survey interviews were completed for 499 firms in the Seoul region. In 1978, under the auspices of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry (4OCI), the Korea Industrial Development Research Institute (KID) conducted a national locacion survey, the Location Census of Manufacturing Establishments. The census focused on location characteristics including information on pollution, electricity and water use, and future plans to move. This paper consists of four chapters. Chapter II describes the information available in the data files; Chapter III documents how the data sets were prepared for various research tasks; finally, Chapter IV provides technical information needed for using these data files. -3- II. DATA FILE DESCRIPTIONS 1. Mining and Manufacturing Survey, 1973-1980 The annual survey covers all mining and manufacturing establishments with five or more workers and the census which is taken every five years (including 1973 and 1978) includes a sample of establishments with less than five workers. As shown in the survey questionnaires in the Appendix 5, the following information is covered by the survey: (1) Identification and establishment characteristics: establishment identification number, goecode for present location, year of foundation, major products by SIC codes; (2) Establishment size: lot size, ground floor space, and total floor space; (3) Employment and annual wage bill: the number of production and office workers by sex, and annual wage bills for the two groups; (4) Output: value of annual shipmetns; (5) Tangible fixed assets: values of land area, buildings, machinery equipments and facilities, and transportation equipments; (6) Annual production costs: raw materials, fuels, purchased electricity and water, and repair and maintenance; -4- (7) Value of inventories: value of products, raw materials, and fuels stored at the beginning and end of the year. The original questionnaires, record layout, and one-way frequency distribution are attached in the Appendix 5 and 6 for detailed information. 2. Mining and Manufacturing Survey, 1981 As indicated earlier the 1981 survey contained the firm relocation module prepared by the research team. The questions included those listed as follows. QUESTIONNAIRE FOR LOCATION HISTORY OF MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS 1. Has your plant been located at the present site since your establishment was funded? Yes or No. If NO, go to the next question. 2. Where was your previous plant located? Six digit geocode 3. How many years have you been operating at the present site? years. 4. Did you change the line of production after you relocated to the present site? SIC code 5. If YES, what was the line of production at the previous location? SIC code 6. Did you relocate to the present site because of certain government measures? a. Incentive schemes b. Government order to relocate c. None of the above -5- Information in the 1981 Survey File NBS provided to us only a limited amount of information besides the relocation information. The file contains the following information: (1) Identification and establishment characteristics: identification number, six-digit geocode for present location, major products represented by the SIC code, and year of foundation. (2) Location history: four-digit geocode for previous location, date of relocation, and reasons for relocation. (3) Employment: the number of employees by sex and work type. This 1981 "mover" file was essential for our research. This data set made it possible to summarize moving patterns of relocating firms and to verify the extent of policy implementation. The mover file served as the sample frame for drawing a random sample of 500 firms for the project's establishment survey. Even though the mover file had a limited number of variables, it was the only data of its kind available and provided key stratification variables. The sample was stratified by types of location tenure (e.g., births, movers, and non-movers), firm size defined by employment, industry type, and location. The information on reasons for relocation made it possible to oversample those firms that were influenced by the government policy instruments such as incentive systems or relocation orders. 3. Project's Sample Establishment Survey This project's establishment survey was a major data collection effort to obtain the new data necessary for empirical -6- studies. The survey was carried out by the local research team during August-October, 1983. The survey interview was successfully completed for 499 manufacturing establishments in the Seoul region. As stated above, the establishments in the 1981 manufacturing survey were stratified by the following four categories: (1) location tenure (non-movers, movers, and births); (2) the type of industry defined by two-digit SIC codes; (3) firm size by employment; and (4) location defined by subareas in Seoul and Gyeonggi. We chose the textile industry and the fabricated metal industry as the industries to be studied. In order to study location decisions in recent yairs, the sample firms were confined to those founded or relocated in 1979 or thereafter. Movers who relocated in response to government policy actions were oversampled. Large establishments were also oversampled. Regarding the location stratification, the sample allowed equal probabilities among subareas defined by the four-digit geocode, within Seoul and Gyeonggi respectively. Although the sampling had been completed from the 1981 survey file, we needed logistical support from NBS to execute the actual survey in Korea. The 1981 file had only identification numbers and geocodes without the name and address of establishments. The NBS staff provided the name and address of our sample firms by matching their ID's with those of the NBS master file. The realized sample of 499 consists of 221 mature firms (i.e., non-movers), 141 movers, and 137 births. The sample covered all seventeen Gu's (districts) in Seoul, all four Gu's in Incheon, seven of eight satellite Si's (cities), and fifteen of twenty Gun's (counties) -7- in Gyeonggi. The textile industry had 217 firms (43.49%) and 273 (54.71%). The establishment survey questionnaire contains about 150 questions divided into the following five parts (see Appendix 5): Part 1 - A set of comprehensive questions for all establishments: It includes the firm's present location, location history with year of foundation, and plant characteristics such as industry type, lot size, floor space, and land price. It also asks type of workers, shipments of inputs and outputs, public utility services, and government incentive schemes. Part 2 - A set of questions to movers about their previous location, reasons for relocation, government policies intended to influence relocation, and site characterisitcs. Part 3 - Questions about future plans for expansion or relocation for all establishments. Part 4 - For birth firms: A set of questions about important factors considered in choosing the location including incentive schemes. Part 5 - Questions to non-movers about their on-site expansions. 4. MOCI Location Census of Manufacturing Establishment In 1978, under the auspices of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MOCI), the Korean Industrial Development Research Institute (KID) conducted the. Location Census of Manufacturing Establishments. The census was intended to cover all manufacturing industry establishments in the ertire country as of December 31, 1978. -8- Unlike the NBS census or surveys which had been regularly conducted to obtain data on the level of production and the industrial structure of the manufacturing sector, this census was designed for a special purpose -- to obtain data necessary for a, study of industrial location. A copy of the K0CI Census data was released to us on December 20, 1982. It contained 18,661 establishments in Seoul-Gyeonggi. Of these, the number of small firms with less than 5 employees is only 878. It was obvious that the MOCI Location Census did not cover all establishments in the manufacturing sector. According to the Address Coding Manual of the MOCI Census, the goecode system that was developed by the KID was different from the NBS standard system. The goecode consists of six digits for each administrative district as follows: (1) the first two-digits denote Seoul (01) or Gyeonggi (02); (2) the next two-digits denote Gu, Si, or Gun; (3) the final two-digits denote Dong, Eup, or Myeon (except for Incheon, where the final two-digits are for Gu). The fact that the MOCI census used its own geocode system makes it impossible to compare the MOCI census directly with the NBS manufacturing census at the four-digit geocode level. To overcome this problem, the KID code has been converted into the NBS standard geocode, (See section 4 of the next chapter for more details.) As shown in Appendix 5, the questionnaire for the MOCI Location Census asks 19 questions consisting of 40 variables. The follwoing information is included: -9- (1) The name and address of the establishment, major products, value of capital, annual shipment, the number of employees by type of work; (2) The zone of establishment location, lot size, and building space; (3) The amount of electricity, water, and fuel consumed; (4) The total volume of rawu materials used, and of goods produced, the means of shipment, and destination of shipment; (5) Types of pollution generated, the facilities to prevent pollution, and whether the establishment received government orders to move due to pollution; (6) Reasons for selection of the present location; (7) Information on future plans to move or expand, such as desired type of location, lot size required, and distance from the present location. - 10 - III. DATA PREPARATION 1. Mining and Manufacturing Survey, 1973-1980 Creation of Subfiles Each annual file for the 1973-1980 period was processed by a Fortran program to extract the records for Seoul and Gyeonggi. From these files mining establishments were eliminated. Diane Reedy used the SYSTEM/SORTMERGER utility to merge chese annual subfiles to create a masterfile for 1977-1980. The records were sorted first by firms' ID, then by year for the period. This merged data file was further divided by the firm type and created subfiles for births, movers, deaths, and mature firms. The birth firms were those first appeared in the file in any year, deaths were those disappeared from the file, and movers were those firms with different geocodes between two years during the 1977-1980 period. The mature firms were those appeared in all years with the same address. Particular attention was given to movers because the 1977 survey file had goecodes different from other years. After the 1977 goecodes were replaced by those corresponding to 1980 (as explained below), the new 1977 files were merged with the 1978-1980 annual subfiles, then a subfile for mover firms was created. Table I and Table 2 provide information about those subfiles created by year and by firm type, respectively. Table 3 shows a subfile with 20 key variables needed for production function estimations. - 11 - Table 1: ANNUAL MANUFACTURING SUBFILES Number of Mining Firms File Name Records (Excluded) D/REEDY/MFG73/SEOUL3 5832 23 D/REEDY/MFG74/SEOUL3 5848 22 D/REEDY/MFG75/SEOUL3 5542 18 D/REEDY/MFG76/SEOUL3 6137 18 D/REEDY/MFG77/SEOUL3 7282 25 D/REEDY/MFG78/SEOUL3 7752 19 D/REEDY/MFG79/SEOUL3 8246 15 D/REEDY/MFG80/SEOUL3 7652 14 D/REEDY/MFG73/GYEONGGI 2437 235 D/REEDY/MFG74/GYEONGGI 2386 208 D/REEDY/MFG75/GYEONGGI 2763 240 D/REEDY/MFG76/GYEONGGI 3329 245 D/REEDY/MFG77/GYEONGGI 2959 242 D/REEDY/MFG78/GYEONGGI 5229 253 D/REEDY/MFG79/GYEONGGI 5680 243 D/REEDY/MFG80/GYEONGGI 5860 234 - 12 - Table 2: FIRMTYPE SUBFILES OF MERGEFILE (1977-1980) Number of Number of First Name Records Establishments D/REEDY/SEOUL/MATURE 12914 3231 D/REEDY/SEOUL/BIRTH 8798 4235 D/REEDY/SEOUL/DEATH 4097 1716 D/REEDY/SEOUL/MOVERS 296 97 D/REEDY/GYEONGGI/MATURE 9576 2394 D/REEDY/GYEONGGI/BIRTH 6541 3258 D/REEDY/GYEONGGI/DEATH 1953 809 D/REEDY/GYEONGGI/MOVERS 149 40 Table 3: Twenty-VARIABLE SUBFILES (1977-1980)-!/ Number of Records b/ File Name Seoul Gyeonggi Total D/CHUN/MFG73/SF20 5832 2437 8269 D/CHUN/MFG74/SF20 5848 2386 8234 D/CHUN/MFG75/SF20 5542 2763 8305 D/CHUN/MFG76/SF20 6137 3329 9466 D/CHUN/MFG77/SF20 7282 2959 10241 D/CHUN/MFG78/SF20 7752 5229 12981 D/CHUN/MFG79/SF20 8246 5680 13926 D/CHUN/MFG80/SF20 7652 5860 13512 a/ See record layout in Annex IV.2 for the descriptions of 20 variables. bk Manufacturing establishments only. - 13 - Geocode System in Survey Files The Korean government revised the geocode system in 1980. Because the original survey files for 1978 and 1979 had only the first two digits of the geocodes, NBS staff entered the 1980 six-digit geocodes to replace the two-digit codes appearing in the original 1978 and 1979 files to produce a consistent geocode system. But the 1977 file still had old geocodes. Replacement of Geocodes in 1977 Files In 1980 Seoul had 17 Gu's, an increase of four new Gu's over 1977. Replacing the 1977 geocodes by those of 1980 required identifying those Dong's in the four new Gu's and assigning the new geocodes to them. Those affected Gu's were: 1117 split into 1118 and 1119, 1120 split into 1122 and 1123, 1121 split into 1124 and 1125, 1122 split into 1126 and 1127. A similar change occured in Gyeonggi. In 1980 Gyeonggi gained one Gun over 1977, resulting from the breakup of Gun 3131 into two, 3131 and 3132. Tables 4 and 5 show the details of the replacement work done. 2. Mining and Manufacturing Survey, 1981 The preparation of the 1981 manufacturing survey data needed extra attention for the following reasons: Since the survey file was released to us before it was finalized, we first had to go through a data cleaning process. Particularly, we concentrated on identifying consistencies existing between variables in the relocation module, a set of information on firm's relocation history. Next, for the purpose of -14- Table 4: REPLACEMENT OF 1977 GEOCODES SEOUL Former Geocode (1977) Replacement Geocode (1980) 1111nn 1111nn 1112nn 1112nn 1113nn 111400 1114nn 1114nn 1115nn 111600 1116nn 111700 111701-111706 111900 111707-111708 111800 1118nn 112000 1119nn 111300 112001-112012, 112014 112300 112013, 112015-112029 112200 112101-112105 112500 112101-112103, 112106 112400 112201 112600 112202-112206 .112700 1123nn 112100 - 15 - Table 5: REPLACEMENT OF 1977 GEOCODES GYEONGGI Former Geocode (1977) Replacement Geocode (1980) 3101nn 3101nn 3102nn 3102nn 3103nn 3103nn 3104nn 3104nn 3111nn 3111nn 3112nn 3112nn 3113nn 3113nn 3114nn 3114nn 3115nn 3115nn 313101 313101 313102-313104 313200 132nn 313300 3133nn 313400 3134nn 313500 3135nn 313600 3136nn 313700 3137nn 313800 3138nn 313900 3139nn 314000 3140nn 314100 3141nn 314200 3142nn 314300 3142nn 314400 3144nn 314500 3145n 314600 3146nn 314700 3147nn 314800 3148nn 314900 n.a. (Banweol) (31500) - 16 - using this file as the sample frame we prepared various subfiles according to the stratification criteria. The steps taken for data cleaning and creating the subfiles were as follows. Relocation Classification (RC) Relocation classification code is a variable which identifies whether a firm is a mover or not. RC takes values of 0, 1, or 2 as 4 follows: (1) If the RC value is 0, then the firm is a non-mover. Consequently, the.previous location and the date of relocation are coded as zero; (2) If the RC value is 1, the firm is a mover who has relocated within the Si, Gu, or Gun where the firm is currently located. Thus, the first four digits of the present location are equal to those of the previous location. The date that the firm relocated is represented in MMDDYY; (3) If the RC value is 2, then the firm is a mover, who has relocated from one Si, Gu or Gun to another. Therefore, the four digit location code has changed. The date of relocation is also given as MMDDYY. Data Editing Data cleaning was the first task required in order to process the 1981 manufacturing survey data. For this purpose, a Fortran program was written to verify coding-and conduct consistency checks. The coding verification was focused on the relocation years and the geocodes of previous location and present location. The consistency check was done by examining the previous location and the present location based on the - 17 - Table 6: IMPROPER RELOCATION YEARS Present Date of Firm ID Location SIC Relocation 3101588 311420 35113 830331 1115567 112220 35299 831000 2104706 211821 37103 840000 relocation classification (RC). In validating the geocodes, the 1980 NBS geocode system served as the base. The following summarizes the results found from the verification and consistency check. The obvious errors, given below, were corrected on a copy file created for back-up: 1. Three firms in Table 6 having '83 or '84 as the year of relocation are removed from the file. 2. Table 7 lists twelve firms which have invalid geocodes representing the previous location or the present location. One of them (ID:2202352) has 215 for its present location. The 215 has been changed to 2215 so that the first two digits of the geocode (22), denoting Si or Do, are consistent with the first two digits of the firm ID. Two of them (ID's 1116431 and 1116447) which are mover firms (RC=2) have invalid geocodes in their previous location (1612, 1515 respectively). These firms are left in the file unchanged. Particular care should be paid to them when they are actually encountered. Finally, the rest of the firms (nine firms) have the previous location geocodes -18- of which the first two digits indicating Gu or Gun are valid but the next two indicating Gu or Gun are not. Since these firms are useful at two-digit geocode level, the first two valid digits have been saved, but the next two invalid ones have been replaced by "00" (uncertain Gu, Si or Gun). Table 7: INVALID GEOCODES AND THE CORRECTIONS Present Previous Date of Firm ID Location SIc RC Location Relocation Corrections 3701441 374212 32132 2 2205 810501 2200 2203352 ?21519 33111 0 0 221519 3800684 381232 35302 2 2300 790000 unchanged 1116431 112233 35599 2 1612 790510 remained 1115446 112218 35609 2 2300 790310 unchanged 3106884 315033 36996 2 2303 810329 2300 3801255 381519 38120 2 1143 80110A 1100 1116447 112233 38192 2 1515 801010 remained 1120858 112322 38196 2 2300 810430 unchanged 1100702 111122 38293 2 3123 80108 3100 1112906 111818 38321 2 1129 740601 1100 1118153 112323 38525 2 2300 770310 unchanged 3. As explained earlier, if the RC value is 1, then the previous location should be the same as the present location. Although the thirteen firms listed in Table 8 have an RC value of 1, the date relocated and their previous location were unspecified (value of 0). Thus, the previous location has been replaced by the first four digits of the present location. - 19 - Table 8: UNSPECIFIED PREVIOUS LOCATION Present Previous Date of Firm ID Location SIC RC Location Relocation 1114263 112121 32135 1 0 810410 1106466 111427 32135 1 0 810310 1114419 112128 33132 1 0 81101Q 2103045 211724 34193 1 0 800311 1101066 111124 34212 1 0 800210 3600455 360228 35113 1 0 810818 3801540 381812 35302 1 0 811210 2102760 211639 35592 1 0 781201 3107527 311522 35609 1 0 811020 3107464 311520 35609 1 0 790928 2200610 221228 36991 1 0 820218 1106838 111432 39010 1 0 800308 2103021 211724 39097 1 0 731020 4. Twelve firms in Table 9 had zeros as the values of the relocation classifications. However, they specified their previous location and the date of relocation as in the table. Since they should certainly be regarded as movers, their RC values were revised as 2 according to the RC definition. - 20 - Table 9: UNSPECIFIED RELOCATION CLASSIFICATIONS Present Previous Date of RC Values Firm ID Location SIC Location Relocation Revised 2202808 221515 32163 2213 810615 2 2105370 211875 34119 2215 790714 2 2204411 221622 34199 2212 820329 2 1119073 112532 34213 1111 790412 2 3402474 344411 33116 3131 801210 2 3402548 344441 34116 1114 810510 2 2105411 211825 35291 2113 731295 2 2105358 211825 35592 2115 760809 2 2105357 211825 35609 2114 780710 2 2105455 211825 38239 2115 770610 2 2105196 211825 38235 2115 740325 2 2105461 211825 38432 2116 810107 2 - 21 - Creation of Subfiles According to the sampling strategy described earlier, a number of subfiles (Table 10) were created to perform stratified random sampling. Three subfiles were first created according to the location history -- mature (non-movers), movers, and births. Then each of them was divided by employment size. The movers were further divided into three subgroups according to the reasons for relocation -- voluntary, government incentives, and government orders. It should be noted here that all subfiles prepared above contained only the establishments in the textile and the fabricated metal industries to be studied. More details of the sampling procedures are described in the next section. Table 10: STRATIFIED SUBFILES File Name Records Comments D/PAHK/MFG81/SAMPLE/RCTMVR/RSN1L 371 Recent Movers-Large Voluntary D/PAHK/MFG81/SAMPLE/RCTMVR/RSNIS 425 Recent Movers-Small Voluntary D/PAHK/MFG81/SAMPLE/RCTMVR/RSN3 84 Recent Movers by Government Incentives D/PAHK/MFG81/SAMPLE/RCTMVR/RSN4 72 Recent Movers by Government Orders D/PARK/MFG81/SAMPLE/BIRTH/LARGE 733 Birth-Large D/PAEK/MFG81/SAMPLE/BIRTH/SMALL 1744 Birth-Small D/PAHK/MFG81/SAMPLE/MATURE/LARGE 1726 Mature-Large D/PAHK/MFG81/SAMPLE/MATURE/SMALL 2115 Mature-Small - 22 - 3. The Project Sample Establishment Survey This section describes sample stratification, random sampling algorithm, and data cleaning done for the establishment survey. Sample Stratification The sample stratification criteria were described before. Table 11 shows that a total of 7,297 establishments in two industries were stratified by those criteria. Table 12 shows the planned sample composition resulted from the stratification with the following controls: (1) Three strata by firm type have equal shares; (2) over- sample large size firms with movers and mature firms; and (3) for births over-sample small firms in Seoul. The actual drawing of sample firms however was performed for 750 firms to maintain reserves for possible replacement of firms that would fail to respond to the survey. Sample Algorithm The final step for sampling was to develop an algorithm to perform the random sampling with strata defined above. The following algozithm receives a stratum of N firms (input size) as an input and produces a set of [A sample firms (output size) as an output. For convenience, this algorithm uses Fortran intrinsic function RANDOM to generate random numbers: Al. Generate a random number R by using RANDOM in such a way that R = RANDOM(X), where X is a seed and 0 < R < 1; A2. Convert the random number R to random observation S of n-digit integer by multiplying 10n, i.e., S = R x 10n, where n is the number of digits of the input size N; - 23 - Table 11: STRATIFICATION OF ESTABLISHMENTS IN THE POPULATION Strata Region Firm Type Size Seoul Gyeonggi Total Births: small 1,195 549 1,744 Large 394 339 733 Mature: Small 1,532 583 2,115 Large 981 745 1,726 Movers: Voluntary Small 304 148 425 Large 190 181 371 Incentives 4 80 84 Orders 13 59 72 Total 4,613 2,684 7,297 Table 12: PLANNED SAMPLE COMPOSITION Strata Region Firm Type Size Seoul Gyeonggi Total Births (168): Small 56 28 84 Large 42 42 84 Mature (168): Small 37 19 56 Large 56 56 112 Movers (168): Voluntary Small 12 6 18 Large 12 26 38 Incentives 56a/ 56 Orders 56a! 56 Total 504 a/ Firms rlocated by government policy actions were targeted without controlling te Isribution between Seoiil and Gyeonggi. -24- A3. If 1 < S < N and POPSZ(S)=O, then take out Sth firm from the stratum being processed and leave a mark indicating the Sth firm has been selected, where POPSZ is defined as an array of size N; A4. &epeat Al - A3 until the sample of M would have been obtained. In the above algorithm, we assumed that establishments had sequential numbers from I through N in the input stratum. When coding it in Fortran, the Fortran conventional array served as a sequential number generator. The executed Fortran program is attached as Annex III.l. Data Cleaning iuch effort was expended on the data cleaning task, especially to computerize the process systematically from error detection through editing. For this purpose, we divided the data cleaning process into the five steps listed below and prepared a Fortran program for each step: Fundamental Check - A firm in the original file had 18 input cards of 80 columns. Each card had a card serial number (1 through 18) and a firm ID number for the convenience of data entry and the management of the cards. This step examined those serial numbers and ID numbers. The program S/PAHK/SURVEY/IDCHECK served to check whether each card number was properly positioned and whether each firm ID number on each of the 18 cards fully identified the firm. As a result, we found five invalid firm ID numbers, three missing cards (blank cards), two identical card serial numbers, and eighteen improper firm type codes. - 25 - Coding Verification -- Coding errors and outliers were verified by a one-way frequency distribution which was produced by STATJOB, a cross-tab program. A one-way frequency distribution revealed all data values coded for the entire 427 variables. TLere were 1,728 coding errors and outliers. They were listed by firm ID number and by variable number to be corrected in Seoul. Consistency Check -- As shown in Annex 111.2, a total of 13 consistency checks were made between value-related variables such as annual wage bill and employment, annual shipment and cost, etc. Also, each firm type was checked by the year of foundation, and the year of relocation was validated. As a result, we found 18 firm type errors and 754 inconsistencies. Error Correction -- All errors found by the above checking procedure were separated into two groups of errors: those correctable in Washington and those to be corrected in Seoul. Those corrected in Washington were further confirmed by Seoul. For the latter group of errors, the local project team in some cases had to revisit the firms in order to make corrections. Data Editing -- The local project team sent us an error correction table; 2,408 corrections had been made. Soon after, a long Fortran program of 4,000 lines performed editing and produced a final data set named D/PAHK/SURVEY499/FINAL. As an additional step, we ran the coding verification program and the consistency check program again. The one-way distribution reproduced on the final data set showed only 370 errors or error assumed values including outliers on all of 427 variables of 499 establishments. - 26 - 4. MOCI Location Census of Manufacturing Establishments As mentioned earlier, KID used its own geocode system (KID Code) for the MOCI location census. This section describes the procedure followed for replacing the KID geocodes by those of NBS. It also presents the subfiles which were created for the study of location characteristics using the MOCI data. The 1977 NBS goecode system was entered into the OCI census file according to the code conversion table (see Table 13). It should be noted that during the process, the record format or file attribute was unaltered from that of the original file, but the 1977 NBS geocodes were additionally stored into empty disk space at the end of the records. Subfiles and other Outputs (1) Created subfiles by employment size; File Name Number of Records Comments D/PAHK/MOCI/GE5 17,783 5 or more workers D/PAHK/MOCI/LS5 8'8 less than 5 workers D/PAaK/MOCI/GE5LS1O 5,295 5 or more and less than 10 D/PAHK/M0CI/GE1OLS2, 4,583 10 or more and less than 20 D/PAkK/MOCI/GE20LS50 4,048 20 or more and less than 50 D/PAHK/MOCI/GE50LSIOO 1,803 50 or more and less than 100 D/PAiK/X0CI/GE100 2,054 100 or more (2) Produced one-way frequency tables for each of subfiles created above; (3) Produced standard cross-tabs for the original MOCI file and D/PAHK/MOCI/GE5 which includes employees with 5 or more; (4) Produced cross-tabs by zone and industry for public sector variables and electricity, water and pollution; - 27 - Table 13: Conversion of KID Geocode to NBS Geocode Name KID Code NBS Code Seoul Jonglo 011200 1111 Jung 011300 1112 Dongdaemun 010500 1113 Seongdong 010800 1114 Seongbug 010900 1115 Dobong 010400 1116 Seodaemun 010700 1117 Mapo 010600 1118 Yeongsan 011100 1119 Yeongdeungpo 011000 1120 Gwanag 010300 1121 Gangnam 010100 1122 Gangseo 010200 1123 Gyeonggi Incheon Jung 020602 3101 Dong 020601 3102 Nam 020603 3103 Bug 020604 3104 Suweon 020300 3111 Seongnam 020200 3112 Euijeongbu 020500 3113 Anyang 020400 3114 Bucheon 020100 3115 Yangju 021400 3131 Yeoju 021600 3132 Pyeongtaeg 022200 3133 Hwaseong 022400 3134 Siheung 021200 3135 Paju 022100 3136 Goyang 020900 3137 Gwangju 021000 3138 Yeongcheon 021700 3139 Pocheon 022300 3140 Gapyeong 020700 3141 Yangpyeong 021500 3142 Icheon 022000 3143 Yongin 021900 3144 i Anseong 021300 3145 Gimpo 021100 3146 Ganghwa 020800 3147 Ongjin 021800 3148 Banweol 022401 3150 * KID (Korea industrial Developmptn) code was used for MOCI Census in 1978. ** NBS (National Bureau of Statistics) code was used for 1977 MFG Survey. ―… S/PAHK/SAMPLE/ALGORITHM (09/09/83) 3:29 PM FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9. 1983 100 ?JOB SAMPLING/PAHK/DiOO/75770; % SAMPLE FIRMS FOR BIRTHS 00000100 ilo DESTNAME=RJE2; OOoOOilo 120 PRIORITY=3; 00000120 130 OPTION=XEROXALL: 00000130 140 BEGIN 00000140 150 COMPILE OBJECT/PAHK/SAMPLING FORTRAN GO; 00000150 160 FILE FILE6(XEROX,XEROXCOPIES=2); 00000160 170 DATA 00000170 180 FILE 7(TITLE="D/PAHK/MFGSI/MVS/BIRTHSG/SSF".KIND=DISK. 00000180 190 MAXRECSIZE=130.BLOCKSIZE=1300,UNITS=CHARACTERS) 00000190 200 FILE 8(TITLE="D/PAHK/MFGSI/SAMPLE/BIRTHSG/SSt",KIND=DISK, 00000200 210 MAXRECSIZE=130.BLOCKSIZE=1300,UNITS=CHARACTERS) 00000210 220 C 00000220 230 C THIS IS FOR SAMPLING FIRMS FROM BIRTH SMALL 00000230 240 C GENERATE RANDOM NUMBER RN BY USING INT'kINSIC FUNCTION. -00000240 250 C CONVERT RN TO INTEGER RANDOM OBSERVATION N. 00000250 260 C RETRIEVE N TH RECORD FROM THE BIRTH-SMALL FILE 00000260 270 C 00000270 280 C ARRAY POPSZ IS PREPARED FOR FLAGS THAT INDICATE N TH 00000280 290 C RECORD HAS BEEN SELECTED OR NOT AS A SAMPLE. ARRAY POPSZ IS 00000290 300 C INITIALLY CLEAR WITH ZEROS, IF N TH RECORD IS MATCHED BY 00000300 310 c GENERATED RANDOM OBSERVATION. POPSZ(N) HAS VALUE OF N. OTHERWISE, 00000310 320 c IT HAS VALUE OF 0 00000320 330 C 00000330 340 INTEGER V(21).POPSZ(2200) 00000340 350 DATA POPSZ/2200*0/ 00000350 360 C 00000360 370 C DEFINE POPULATION SIZE AND SAMPLE SIZE OF SEOUL AND GYEONGGI 00000370 380 C 00000380 390 M=1744 % POPULATION SIZE 00000390 400 MS=il95 % SEOUL POPULATION 00000400 410 MG=549 % GYEONGGI POPULATION 00000410 420 N=126 % SAMPLE SIZE 00000420 430 NS=84 % SEOUL SAMPLE 00000430 440 NG=42 % GYEONGGI SAMPLE 00000440 450 C 00000450 460 X=25.8 % SEED 00000460 470 C 00000470 480 C GENERATE N (NS+NG) RANDOM NUMBERS 00000480 490 C 00000490 Soo C FOR SEOUL SAMPLING 00000500 sio C 00000510 520 DO 10 I=I,NS 00000520 530 15 RN=RANDOM(X) 00000530 540 IRN=IFIX(RN*iOOOO) % CONVERT TO RANDOM OBSERVATION 00000540 550 IF((IRN.EQ.O).OR.(IRN.GT.MS))GO TO 15 % IF NOT IN PROPER RANGE 00000550 5CO IF(POPSZ(IRN).NE.O)GO TO 15 % IF ALREAD SELECTED 00000560 0 (D 570 POPSZ(IRN)=IRN % SET FLAG INDICATING A SAMPLE 00000570 580 10 CONTINUE 00000580 590 C 00000590 600 C FOR GYEONGGI SAMPLING 00000600 610 C 00000610 620 DO 20 I=I,NG 00000620 630 25 RN=RANDOM(X) 00000630 640 IRN=IFIX(RN*1OOOO) 00000640 650 IF((IRN.LE.MS).OR.(IRN.GT.M))GO TO 25 00000650 660 IF(POPSZ(IRN).NE.O)GO TO 25 00000660 670 POPSZ(IRN)=IRN 00000670 680 20 CONTINUE 00000680 690 C 00000690 700 C IF POPSZ IS NOT ZERO, COPY CORRESPONDING DATA TO FILE 8 00000700 710 C 00000710 720 DO 100 I=1,MS % SEOUL AREA 00000720 730 READ(7,30)V 00000730 740 30 FORMAT(12.17.16,15.II.14,12,16,11,1218) 00000740 750 C 00000750 760 IF(POPSZ(J).EQ.0)GO TO 100 % IF ZERO. NOT SELECTED. 50 SKIP 00000760 770 WRITE(8.30)V % COPY DATA OF SELECTED RECORD 00000770 780 100 CONTINUE 00000780 790 C 00000790 800 DO 200 I=MS+1,M % GYEONGGI AREA 00000800 810 READ(7,30)V OOOOO810 820 IF(POPSZ(I).EQ.0)GO TO 200 00000820 830 WRITE(8,30)V 00000830 840 200 CONTINUE 00000840 850 C 00000850 860 LOCK 8 00000860 870 STOP 00000870 880 END 00000880 890 ?END JOB 00000890 C) - 31 - Annex 111.2 Annex 111.2: Identitites for Consistency Check [V: Variable] Check #1. Sum of male vorkers: Office workers(V48) + skilled workers(V50) + unskilled workers(V52) = total male workers(V54) Check #2. Sum of female workers: Office workers(V49) + skilled workers (V51) + unskilled workers(V52) = total female workers(V54) Check #3. Annual wage bill: Skilled worker's salary(V59) x 12 x number of skilled workers (V50+V51) + unskilled worker's salary(V60) x 12 x number of unskilled workers (V52+V53) < total annual wage bill (V184) x 106 Check #4. Office workers' residence location sun: V63 + V65 + V67 + V69 + V71 = 100% Check #5. Production workers' residence location sum: V64 + V66 + V68 + V70 + V72 = 100% Check #6. Commuting mode sun: V73 + V74 + V75 + V76 + V77 + V78 + V79 + V80 = 100% Check #7. Product shipment mode sun: V81 + V82 + V83 + V84 + V85 + V86 = 100% Check #8. Raw material shipnent mode sum: V87 + V88 + V89 + V90 + V91 + V92 = 100% Check #9. Product destination sum: V101 + V102 + V103 + V104 = 100% Check #10. V119 + V120 + V121 + V122 = 100% Check #11. Waste disposal nethods sum: V151 + V152 + V153 + V154 = 100% Check #12. Wasre water treatnent methods sum V 156 + V157 + V158 + V159 + V160 = 100% Check #13. Arnual Shipment: V181(export) + V182(donestic shipnent) > V183(cost of raw materials) + V184(Total annual wage bill) + V185(transportation cost) + V186(cost of electricity) + V187(cost of water) - 32 - IV. FILE DOCUMENTATION All files collected for the project were copied into tape files for back-up purposes. The tape files which are residing in the Joint Computer Center (JCC) were created by using the Burroughs System Convention. The system convention which is made of system softwares requires particular Knowledge on the part of the potential user in accessing the back-up tapes. In addition, every back-up file has its own attributes and record format which the user must specify when attempting to retrieve data. Thus, this final section is prepared for users to provide the following: (1) The tape directory, (2) An example of how to retrieve a back-up file, and (3) The record layout and format. 1. Tape Directory This tape directory, as shown in Annex IV.1, consists of twenty back-up tapes. It should be noted that the first ten tapes for the mining and manufacturing survey with tape title "BPSCZX" have been merged into five tapes with the tape title "Bb7258". Therefore, for convenience the merged tapes should be used instead of the ten orignal tapes. Tape Identification Each back-up tape has a unique serial number and a title for identification. The serial number and title help easy access to the tape. The serial number is a six-digit integer generated by the system and the title is a name given by the person who creates the tape. The title consists of two parts: the security code and the name. The security code consists of six characters followed by one digit tape track indicator. The name is an option by which one can give a file - 33 - name of ten characters or less. For the convenience of tape maintenance, only nine-track tapes are used for back-up. For example, the first part of the title, for example, B672589, has two parts: B67258 for the security code and 9 for tape task indicator. Tape Attributes In particular, users who want to use back-up tapes created by others should pay attention to the attributes of the tapes. Any mistake in the attributes will not allow the user to retrieve the exact file desired. The following are some of the useful ones to know: KIND The storage unit where data set is stored in. eg., KIND=PETAPE, KIND=DISK. MAXRECSIZE Maximum logical record, length. BLOCKSIZE The block length, i.e., physical record size. UNITS Unit in which the record or block size is given. Either one of characters or words. SAVEFACTORS The number of days the file saved. DENSITY The recording density of magnetic tape. 6250 BPI used for backing-up. The Security Policy All of our tapes have private security which protects data on the disk or tape from being accessed by other users. Users can release the private security to public only with the user code holder's approval. 2. A Technical Memorandum -- Tape File Access The Burroughs 7000 series computer, one of the main Bank-Fund computer systems, provides a system convention entitled COPY so that end-users may conveniently create back-up files and retrieve them. The COPY moves data from one storage to another by allowing the end-user to specify only the data files and storage units to be copied. As far as I -34- know, the convention is accurate, reliable, and very easy to use. However, the convention requires users to follow exactly the syntax the system provides. An E22ple Now suppose that we want to retrieve file D/PAHK/SURVEY499/MOVER from our data base. Looking for this file in the directory given as Annex IV.1, we would find that the file is on tape B672589SURVEY499 and that the serial number of the tape is K05876. Using this information, we present a small program which copies the file D/PAHK/SURVEY499/MOVER from the back-up tape onto disk. ? JOB COPY/PAHK/N-858/61200; DESTINAME RJE5; PRIORITY = 3; PRELIST TAPE (B672589SURVEY499, H05876); BEGIN COPY D/PAHK/SURVEY499/MOVER FROM B672589SURVEY499 (KIND = PRETAPE) TO DISK; ? END JOB More conveniently, we can copy as many files as we want by specifying all file names at the COPY statement we desire. If we want to copy all files on a back-up tape to disk, we may simply write "COPY D/PAHK =" instead of all file names. It is important to understand that even though we did not specify file attributes above, the file D/PAHK/SURVEY499/MOVER which is now on disk has exactly the same attributes as the original file. Annex IV.1: Tape Directory This tape directory provides information on the original and back-up tapes which include all data files collected for the research project. On the first page, the name of the data set, tape title, serial numbers, and creation dates are listed. The following pages show the attributes of data files included in individual tapes marked with asterisks, which are compactly packaged tapes recreated for use in the project. The Tape Directory Original Back-up Serial Creation Data Sets _Tae Tape Title Number Date Files INcluded Mining & Manufacturing Survey, 73-80 F1498 BPSCZX9MFG173 24995 3/26/82 1973 Small Firm Survey, 23870 1978 Small Firm Survey, and 1973-1979 Mining & Manufacturing Survey Reel 1 F1499 BPSCZX9MFG273 13220 3/29/82 1979-1980 Mining & Manufacturing Survey Reel 2 BPSCZX9MFC73 25568 3/05/82 1973 Manufacturing Survey BPSCZK9MFG74 26168 3/05/82 1974 Manufacturing Survey BPSCZX9MFG75 25812 3/05/82 1975 Manufacturing Survey BPSCZX9MFG76 25955 3/05/82 1976 Manufacturing Survey BPSCZX9MFG77 20083 3/05/82 1977 Manufacturing Survey BPSCZX9MFG78 25408 3/05/82 1973 Manufacturing Survey BPSCZX9MFG79 12577 3/05/82 1979 Manufacturing Survey BPSCZX9MFG8 28805 3/05/82 1908 Manufacturing Survey * B672589MFG73TO76 H07332 9/10/85 1973-1976 Manufacturing Survey * B672589MFG77TO80 H06375 4/03/85 1977-1980 Manufacturing Survey * B672589MFGSF20 H06390 4/03/95 Subfiles of Annual Manufacturing Survey B672589MFG173 101260 9/06/85 A copy of BPSCZX9MFG173 B672589MFG273 H01543 9/06/85 A copy of BPSCZX9MFG273 with 20 variables, 1973-1980 Mining & Manufacturing Survey, 1981 F1960 * B672589MFG81 H05837 3/28/85 1981 Manufacturing Survey, Firm-type subfiles, and sample firms for Project Sample Establishment Survey Project Sample Establishment Survey F7086 * B672589SURVEY499 805876 3/06/85 Project Sample Survey, 1st & 2nd editions Subfiles with 95 variables B6725893V499FINAL H03119 7/30/85 The Final edition of Project Sample Survey Location Census and Manufacturing F1887 * B672589H0CI 105649 4/01/85 MOCI Location Census, Estatlishments, MOCI Employment size subfiles, A bacu-up with 1977 NBS geocode system Basic Statistics * B672589STATICs 1102825 4/19/85 Distance, population, area, and households. Number of establishments and employees by industry in Seoul Region, 1977-1981. Note- 1. Star marks Indicate those tapes in which files are presented on the following pages. 2. The tapes that were created by D. Reedy using the old usercode BPSCZK are not accessible through the current usercode B67258. They are available only with the approval of DRD withholding tb the BPSCZX and password. For convenience, two tapes B672589MFG173 and B672589MFG273 have been re-created using the current usercode. Mining and Manufacturing Survey, 1973-2980 (1) Mining and Manufacturing Survey, 1973-1976 Serial Number: H07352 Tape Title: B672589MFG73TO76 Creation Date: September 10, 1985 Save Factor: 999 Number of Files Included Records Maxrecsize Blocksize Comments D/REEDY/MFG73 24,881 500 3000 1973 Mining & Manufacturing Survey D/REEDY/MFG74 24,215 500 3000 1974 Mining & Manufacturing Survey D/REEDY/MFG75 24,229 500 3000 1975 Mining & Manufacturing Survey D/REEDY/MFG76 26,565 500 3000 1976 Mining & Manufacturing Survey (2) Annual Manufacturing Survey, 1977-1980 Serial Number: H06375 Tape Title: B672589MFG77TO80 Creation Date: April 3, 1985 Save Factor: 365 Number of Files Included Records Maxrecsize Blocksize Comments D/REEDY/MFG77/SEOUL3 7,282 500 3000 1977 Manufacturing Survey for Seoul D/REEDY/MFG77/GYEONGGI 3,959 500 3000 1977 Manufacturing Survey for Gyeonggi D/REEDY/MFG78/SEOUL3 7,752 500 3000 1978 Manufacturing Survey for Seoul D/REEDY/MFG78/GYEONGGI 5,229 500 3000 1978 Manufacturing Survey for Gyeonggi D/REEDY/MFG79/SEOUL3 8,246 500 3000 1979 Manufacturing Survey for Seoul D/REEDY/MFG79/GYEONGGI 5,680 - 500 3000 1979 Manufacturing Survey for Gyeonggi D/REEDY/MFG80/SEOUL3 7,652 500 3000 1980 Manufacturing Survey for Seoul D/REEDY/MFG80/GYEONGGI 5,860 500 3000 1980 Manufacturing Survey for Gyeonggi Note: UNITS = CHARACTERS (3) Twenty Variable Subfiles, 1973-1980 Serial Number H06390 Tape Title B672589MFGSF20 Creation Date April 3, 1985 Save Factor 365 Number of Files Included Records Maxrecsize Blocksize Comments D/CHUN/MFG73/SF20 8,269 240 1200 1973., Seoul and Gyeonggi D/CHUN/MFG74/SF20 8,234 240 1200 1974, Seoul and Gyeonggi D/CHUN/HFG75/SF20 8,305 240 1200 1975, Seoul and Gyeonggi D/Chun/MFG76/SF20 9,466 240 1200 1976, Seoul and Gyeonggi D/CHUN/MFG77/SF20 11,241 240 1200 1977, Seoul and Gyeonggi D/CHUN/MFG78/SF20 12,981 240 1200 1978, Seoul and Gyeonggi D/CHUN/MFG79/SF20 13,926 240 1200 1979, Seoul and GYeonggi D/CHUN/MFG80/SF20 13,512 240 1200 1980, Seoul and Gyeonggi * UNITS = CHARACTERS MINING AND MANUFACTURING SURVEY,1981 Serial Number H05837 Tape Title B672589MFG81 Creation Date March 28, 1985 Save Factor 365 Nmeof** ** Piles Included Neordof Maxrecsize Blocksize Comments D/PAHK/MFG81/M100 775 80 3200 All firms with 100 or more workers D/PAHK/MFG8l/BACKUP 33,428 130 1300 1981 MFG Survey, 5 or more workers D/PAHK/MFG81/CLEAN 33,425 130 1300 Clean data set of above D/PAHK/MFG81/ALLSG 15,119 130 1300 All firms in Seoul and Gyeonggi D/PAHK/MFG81/MOVER 5,305 130 1300 All mover firms D/PAHK/MFG81/NONMOVER 28,120 130 1300 All non-mover firms D/PAHK/MFG81/MOVERSG 2,881 130 1300 Mover firms in Seoul and Gyeonggi D/PAHK/MFG81/NONMOVERSG 12,238 130 1300 Non-movers in Seoul and Gyeonggi D/PAHK/MFG81/BIRTHSG 4,352 130 1300 Birth firms in Seoul and Gyeonggi D/PAHK/MFG81/MATURESG 7,896 130 1300 Mature firms in Seoul and Gyeonggi D/PAHK/MFG81/RECENTMOVER 1,975 130 130G Recent movers in Seoul and Gyeonggi D/PAHK/MFG81/SAMPLE/BIRTH/LARGE 733 130 1300 Sample firms, Birth-large z D/PAIBK/MFG81/SAMPLE/BIRTH/SMALL 1,744 130 1300 Birth-small D/PAHK/MFG81/SAIPLE/MATURE/LARGE 1,726 130 1300 Mature-large D/PAHK/MFG81/SAMPLE/MATURE/SMALL 2,115 130 1300 Mature-small D/PAHK/MFG81/SAMPLE/RCTMVR/RSNlL 371 130 1300 Large recent movers by reason 1 D/PAHK/MFG81/SANPLE/RCTMVR/RSNlS 452 130 1300 Small recent movers by reason-1 D/PARK/MFG81/SAMPLE/RCTMVR/RSN3 84 130 1300 Recent movers by reason 3 D/PARK/MFG81/SAMPLE/RCTMVR/RSN4 72 130 1300 Recent movers by reason 4 D/PAHK/MFG81/SAMPLE/ALL745 745 130 1300 All sample firms with 50% extra * Three firms which were relocated after 1983 and 1984 have been removed. See page 31 for more information. ** UNITS = CHARACTERS PROJECT'S SAMPLE ESTABLISHMENT SURVEY Serial Number H05876 Tape Title B672589SURVEY499 Creation Date March 6, 1985 Save Factor 365 Number of Files Included Records Maxrecsize* Blocksize* Comments D/PAHK/SURVEY499/ORG 8,982 80 800 Back-up of the original survey data D/PAHK/SURVEY10/EDIT1 180 80 800 10 bad data firms D/PAHK/SURVEY489/EDIT1 8,802 80 800 489 firms edited at 1st stage D/PAHK/SURVEY499/EDIT1 8,982 80 800 499 firms having 1st editing D/PAHK/SURVEY499/EDIT2 8,982 80 800 499 firms having 2nd editing U, D/PAHK/SURVEY499/FINAL 499 1101 6606 Clean data set, 1 firm 1 record image D/PAHK/SURVEY499/BIRTH, 137 1101 6606 Birth firms D/PAHK/SURVEY499/MOVER 141 1101 6606 Mover firms D/PAHK/SURVEY499/MATURE 221 1101 6606 Mature firms D/PAHK/SURVEY499/SUBFILE95 2,495 80 2400 Subfiles with 95 variables Each firm has five 80-column records * UNITS = CHARACTERS LOCATION CENSUS OF MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENT Serial Number H05649 Tape Title B672589M0CI Creation Date April 1, 1985 Save Factor 365 Number of Files Included Records Maxrecsize Blocksize Comments D/PAHK/MOCI/BACKUP 18,661 160 1600 Back-up D/PAHK/MOCI/GE5 17,783 160 1600 5 or more workers D/PAHK/MOCI/LS5 878 160 1600 Less than 5 workers D/PAHK/MOCI/GE5LS10 5,295 160 1600 5 or more and less than 10 D/PAHK/MOCI/GE1OLS20 4,583 160 1600 10 or more and less than 20 D/PAHK/MOCI/GE20LS50 4,048 160 1600 20 or more and less than 50 D/PAHK/MOCI/GE50LS100 1,803 160 1600 50 or more and less than 100 D/PARKIMOCI/GE100 2,054 160 1600 100 or more workers * UNITS = CHARACTERS BASIC STATISTICAL DATA FILE Serial Number H02825 Tape Title B672589STATICS Creation Date April 19, 1985 Save Factor 365 Number of * * Files Included Records Maxrecsize Blocksize Comments ** D/PARK/POP/AREA/DIST66 31 84 2400 1966 population,area, distance D/PAHK/POP/AREA/DIST70 31 84 2400 1970 Population, area, distance D/PAHK/POP/AREA/DIST75 36 84 2400 1975 Population, Area, distance D/PAHK/MFG77/SGEMP 44 84 2400 1977 employment by industry D/PAHK/MFG78/SGEMP 46 84 2400 1978 employment by industry D/PAHK/MFG79/SGEMP 46 84 2400 1979 employment by industry D/PAHK/MFG80/SGEMP 46 84 2400 1980 employment by industry D/PAHK/MFG81/SGEMP 46 84 2400 1981 employment by industry D/PAHK/MFG77/SGEST 44 84 2400 1977 number of firms by industry D/PAOK/MFG78/SGEST 46 84 2400 1978 number of firms by industry D/PAHK/MFG79/SGEST 46 84 2400 1979 number of firms by industry D/PAHK/MFG80/SGEST 46 84 2400 1980 number of firms by industry D/PAHK/MFG81/SGEST 46 84 2400 1981 number of firms by industry D/PAHK/DISTANCE80 45 50 1000 1980 distance from CBD D/PAHK/STATISTICS 48 100 1000 1980 area, population, households etc. * UNITS = CHARACTERS ** In the order of appearence, region, population, area, distance in the format(Al2,2X,I7,2F7.2) Annex IV.2 Record Layout 1. Mining and Manufacturing Survey, 1973-1980 2. Mining and Manufaxturing Survey, 1973-1980 (For Twenty-Variable Subfiles) 3. Mining and Manufacturing Survey, 1981 4. Mining and Manufacturing Survey, 1981 (For Statified Sample files) 5. Project Sample Establishment Survey 6. Location Census of Manufacturing Establishments 1. MINING AND MANUFACTURING SUPVEY, 1973-1980 Var. No. Format Columns Variable Descltption Code or Range 12 1 - 2 Year of survey. 73-80 2. 16 3 - 8 Geocode (Admi.nstrative Units: 1100nn-3932nn Special Ctly or Province = cots 3, (See the pubitcatton on the Classification 4; CIty, Gu, or Gun = cols '>, 6; of AdministratLve UnIts.) Dong, Eup, or Mycon = cols 7, 8). IX 9 Blank. 3. 15 10 - 14 Establishment 11) number. I - n 4. 15 15 - 19 Industry code. 210nn-390nn (See the published Standard Industrial Code 5. 12 20 - 21 Year founded. 0 - 99 6. 113 22 - 34 Lot size In planned district (Pyung). 0- - 3,000,000 7. 113 35 - 47 Lo! siZe in unplanned district (Pyung). 0 - 3,000,000 8. 113 48 - 60 Building space (Pyung). 1' 0 - 500,000 I/ Information of lot size and butiding space is available only for 1977 - 1980. 2/ The dLstincton between planned and unplanned districts was made for the 1978 census only. For other years, information of Lotal lot size is stored in coLumns 22-34; accordingly, columns 35-47 are blank for these years. Var. No. Format Columns Variable Description Code or Range 9. 113 61 - 73 Amount of capital investment (1000 Won) 0-100,000,000+ 10. 17 74 - 80 Total number of owners and unpaid workers at the end of December. 0 - 60 11. 17 81 - 87 The number of male owners and unpaid workers at the end of December. 0 - 40 12. 17 88 - 94 The number of female owners and unpaid workers at the end of December. 0 - 19 13. 17 95 - 101 Total number of production workers 14. 17 102 - 108 The number of male production workers at the end of December. 0 - 5000+ 15. 17 109 - 115 The number of female production workers at the end of December. 0 - 5000+ 16. 17 116 - 122 Total number of office and other workers at the end of December. 0 - 5000 17. 17 123 - 129 The number of male office and other workers at the end of December. 0 - 4000 18. 17 130 - 136 The number of female office and other workers at the end of December. 0 - 2000 19. 17 137 - 143 Monthly work days of production workers In December. 0 - 31 Var. No. Format Columns Vartable Description Code or Range 20. 17 144 - 150 Average monthly labor input of product Ion workers (minutes). 1 0 - 6000 21. 113 151 - 163 Annual wage b1il of production workers (10,00 Won) 0 - 100,000,000 22. 113 164 - 176 Amount of annual bonus paid to tihe product ton workers (1000 Won). -20 - 100,000,000 23. 113 177 - 189 Annual wage hill of offtie and ot her workers (1000 Wotn). 0 - 100,000,000 24. 113 190 - 202 Amount of anui h lous pa td to t he office and other workers (1000 Won) . 0 - 3,000,000 25. 113 203 - 215 Value of annual shipment. of products (1000 Won). 0 - 100,000,000+ 26. 113 216 - 228 Value of finished goods inventory at the beginulng of the year (1000 Won). 0 - 100,000,000 27. 113 229 - 241 Value of iin(shed goods inventory at the end of 'he year (1000 Won). 0 - 1{30,000,000 28. 113 242 - 2')4 Amount of annual purchase of elect ricity (W) 0 - 3,000,000 Variables of Vixed Tangible Assets at , he end of the year. - 29. 113 2r,5 - 267 Value of the lot (1000 Won). 0 - 100,000,000 30. 113 268 - 20iVahue of the u0iding (1000 Won). 9 0 - 100,000,000 1/ Available only for 1977 - 1979. 2/ Available only for 1980. For other years, wage bill Includes bonus paid. 1/ Not available for 1977, 1979, and 1980. T/ Avatlable only for 1977 - 1980. 'i/ The distinction betwoen buildiig and structure was made for the 1978 census only. For other years, information of lotal v.ilue of the building and structure Is stored Ln columns 268-280; accordingly, columns 281-293 are blank for these years. Var. No. Format Columns Vartable Descrtptton Code or Range 31. 113 281 - 293 Value of the structure (1000 Won). 0 - 1,000,000 32. 113 294 - 306 Value of machinery and factilIttes (1000 Won). 0 - 100,000,000+ 33. 113 307 - 319 Value of tools and other equtpment (1000 Won). 1' 0 - 100,000,000+ 34. 113 320 - 332 Annual amount ot sli -generated electricLty ( 21t). (1 - 100,000,000+ Variables of water used by source of wa te r.3 35. 113 333 - 345 Amount of Indu:;trIat water used per day (in3). 0 - 15,000+ 36. 113 345 - 358 Amount of pi ped water used per day (m13). 0 - 15,000+ 37. 113 359 - 371 Total amount of water used per day (n) 38. 113 372 - 384 Total v ,n eroduct ion (1000 Won). 0 - 100,000,000+ 39. 113 385 - 397 Total val.. '" 00 Won). 0 - 10(0,000,000+ 40. 11 398 Type of productioni/ 1=production for market 2=producLLon by order 3=production by export 1/ Available only for 1978. For other years, machinery and facilities includes tools and equipment. 2/ Available only for 1978. 3/ Avallable only for 1978. 4/ Available only for 1979. Var. No. Format Columns Variable Description Code or Range Types of Pollution Generated. - 0=pollution not generated 41. It 399 Alt 1=air pollution generated 42. 11 400 Water 2=water pollution generated 43. 11 401 Noise 3=nofqe pollution generated 44. II 402 Bad smell 4=bad smell generated 45. II 403 Not applicable 5=not applicable Facilittes to Prevent Pollution.!Y 46. 11 404 All facilities 0=not applicable 47. 11 405 Some facilities I=has all facilities 48. 11 406 No facilities 2=ias some facilities on 3=no facilities 49. 19 407 - 415 Amount of I.nvestment for the facilities (1000 Won). 0-1000,000,000+ I! Available only for 1979. Var. No. Format Columns Variable Description Code or Range 50. 11 416 Size categories of the establishment. A I=1arge 2=small and medium Variables of Employment of Skilled Workers. 2/ 51. 19 417 - 425 Total number of production workers. 0 - 5000+ 52. 19 426 - 434 Number of skilled workers. 0 - 3000 53. 19 435 - 443 Number of technicians with license. 0 - 3000 54. 19 444 - 452 Number of technicians without license. 0 - 5000+ 55. 19 453 - 461 Number of apprentices. 0 - 5000+ on 56. 19 462 - 470 Others. 0 - 5000+ 57. 19 471 - 479 Total value of annual export (1000 dollars). 2! 0 - 4000,000 58. 113 480 - 492 Number of average employees 0 - 5000+ 493 - 500 Blink 1/ Available only for 1979 - 1980. 2/ Available only for 1979. 31 Available only for 1979 - 1980. 2. MINING AND MANUFACTURING SURVEY, 1973-1980 (For Twenty Variable Subfiles) Var.No Format Columns Variable Description Code and Range 1 12 1-2 Year of survey 73 - 80 2 16 3-8 Geocode(present location) 1100nn - 3932nn 3 15 9-13 Establishment ID number 4 15 14-18 Industry code 31nnn - 39nnn 5 12 19-20 Year founded 6 113 21-33 Lot size in planned district In Pyeong 7 113 34-46 Lot size in unplanned district In Pyeong 8 113 47-59 Building space In Pyeong 9 17 60-66 Total number of owners and unpaid workers 10 17 67-73 Number of production workers 11 17 74-80 Number of office workers 12 113 81-93 Annual wage bill of production workers In 1000 Won 13 113 94-106 Annual wage bill of office workers In 1000 Won 14 113 107-119 Value if lot In 1000 Won 15 113 120-132 Value of the building In 1000 Won 16 113 133-145 Value of the structure In 1000 Won 17 113 146-158 Value of machinery and facilities In 1000 Won 18 113 159-171 Value of tools and equipment In 1000 Won 19 113 172-184 Total value Pf production In 1000 Won 20 113 185-197 Total value added In 1000 !V4on Note: Refer to the record layout of the original survey file appended previously for more detailed variable description 3. MINING AND MANUFACTURING SURVEY, 1981 Var.No Format Columns Variables Description Code or Range 1 12 1-2 Year of survey 81 2 17 3-9 Establishment ID number 3 16 10-15 Geocode(present location) 1100nn-3932nn 4 15 16-20 Standard Industry Code 31nnn-39nnn 5 II 21 Relocation classification(RC) O=non-mover 1=moved within same Si or Do 2=moved to other Si or Do 6 14 22-25 Previous location 1111-3932 7 12 26-27 Year of foundation YY 8 16 28-33 Date of relocation YYMMDD 9 Il 34 Reason for relocation 1=volutary,2=aggromeration, 3=government incentives, 4=government orders, 5=land expropriation, 6=miscellaneous 10 18 35-42 Total number of owners 11 18 43-50 Number of male owners 12 18 51=58 Number of female owners 1' 18 59-b6 Total number of production workers 14 18 67-74 Number of male production workers 15 18 75-82 Number of female production workers 16 18 83-90 Total number of office workers 17 18 91-98 Number of male office workers 18 18 99-106 Number of female office workers 19 18 107-114 Total number of workers 20 18 115-122 Total number of male workers 21 18 123-130 Total number of female workers 4. MINING AND MANUFACTURING SURVEY, 1981 (For Stratified Sample Files) Var.No Format Columns Variable description 'Code, Unit or Range 1 A2 1-2 Star mark(*) indicating extra sample 2 17 3-9 Establishment ID number 3 16 10-15 Geocode(present location) 1100nn-3150nr. 4 15 16-20 Standard industry code(STC) 31nnn-39nnn 5 18 21-28 Total number of employees 6 II 29 Relocation classification O=non-movers l=moved within same Si or Do 2=moved to different Si or Do 7 14 30-33 Previous location 1100 -3150 8 12 34-35 Year founded 9 16 36-41 Date of relocation YYM4DD 10 II 42 Reason for relocation 1=voluntary, 2=agglomeration, 3=government incentives 4=government orders 5=land expropriation 6=miscellaneous 11 110 43-52 Total number of owners 12 110 53-62 Number of production workers 13 110 63-72 Number of office workers 14 110 73-82 Number of male workers 15 110 83-92 Number of female workers 5. Project Sample Establishnent Survey CARD 1: General Infornation on Plant and Headquarter Variable # Fornat Columns Variable Description Code or range 1 17 1-7 EstablishMEnt NBS ID number 2 17 8-14 Telephone nunber 3 14 15-18 Geocode of present location See geocodes of Appendix 2 4 I 19 lype of plant operation-single or multiple 1 = single plant 2 = headquarter of miti-plants 3 = branch of nulti-plants 5 17 20-26 Telephone number of headquarter 6 14 27-30 Geocode of headquarter See geocodes of Appendix 2 7 12 31-32 Number of plants 8-10 314 33-34 Geocodes of plant locations in Seoul See geocodes of Appendix 2 11-13 314 45-56 Geocodes of plant locations in Gyeonggi See geocodes of Appendix 2 14-16 314 57-68 Geocodes of other plants location See geocodes of Appendix 2 17 II 69 Multi-plant nanagenant strategy 1 = to specialize in products 2 = to cover specific markets 3 = to specialize in special aspects 4 =other 18 12 70-71 Year founded 19 12 72-73 Year relocated in the present location Variable # Format Columns Variable Description Code or range 20 11 74 Finn type (movers, mature and birth, etc.) 1 = mature 2 =birth 3 = nover from Seoul or Gyeonggi 4 = mover from outside of Seoul or Geonggi CARD 2: Information on Products and Space 21-23 3L4 75-78 Products manufactured (SIC) See Standard Industry Codes of Appendix 3 24 11 87 Type of production process I = simple assembly-line 2 = nulti-products 3 = combination of I and 2 4 = other 25 16 88-93 Land space rented (Peyong) 26 16 94-99 land space owned (Pyeong) 27 16 100-105 Building space rented (Pyeong) 28 16 106-111 Building space owned (Pyeong) 29 16 112-117 Office space (Pyeong) 30 13 118-120 Proportion of land occupied by buildings (%) 0-1007 31 17 121-127 Current price of lot per Peyong (1000 bn) 32 16 128-133 Annual rental of building (1000 Wbn) 33 16 134-139 Annual rental of land (1000 bn) 34 12 140-141 Age of main building 35 II 142 land reserved for expansion in plant side 1 = sufficient, 2 modest, 3 = insufficient, 4 = none, Variable # Fornat Colums Variable Description Code or range 36 11 143 land reserved for expansion near plant Same as variale 35 37 I 144 NuTnber of floors of building 1 = one, 2 = two, 3 = three, 4 = four or more, 5 = various floors CARD 3: Information on Uhrehouse and Employnent Location of Warehouse 38 II 145 Storage for products 1 = indoor, 2 = outdoor 39 II 146 Storage for raw materials Sane as above 40 Il 147 Location of warehouse (1) 1 = in plant site, 2 = in Seoul 3 = in Gyeonggi, 4 = other 41 15 148-152 Vhrehouse space in the plant site (Pyeong) 42 II 153 Location of warehouse (2) Sane as variable 40 43 13 154-156 Distance to the warehouse (km) 44 Il 157 location of warehouse (3) Sane as variable 40 45 13 158-160 Distance to the warehouse (k) 46 II 161 Location of warehouse (4) Sane as variable 40 47 I 162-164 Distance to the warehouse (km) Employment of Full-time Workers 48 15 165-169 Nunber of male office uDrkers 49 15 170-174 umber of fenale office workers 50 15 175-179 Nmnber of skilled male workers Variable # Fornt Cluns Variable Description Code or range 51 15 180-184 Nunber of skilled female workers 52 15 185-189 Number of unskilled unle workers 53 15 190-194 Nnber of unskilled female workers 54 15 195-199 Total nunber of nale enployees 55 15 200-204 Total nunber of female enployees Etploynent of Part-tine Workers 56 15 205-209 Nunber of part-tine sale workers 57 15 210-214 Nunber of part-tine fanale workers CARD 4: Euployees' Salary, Residence Location and Cannuting bodes 58 15 215-219 Maxinun nunler of workers when fully operating Employees' Salary 59 17 220-226 Ynthly salary of skilled workers (bn) 60 17 227-233 Mnthly salary of unskilled workers (Won) 61 II 234 Nunber of shifts 1 = once, 2 = twice, 3 three tines 62 13 235-237 Percent of unionized enployees Enployees' Residence Location 63 13 238-240 Percent of office workers in dr-itory 0 - 100% 64 13 241-243 Percent of production workers in dormitory 65 13 244-246 Percent of office workers in neighborhood 66 13 247-249 Percent of production workers in neighborhood Variable # Format Columns Variable Description Code or range 67 13 250-252 Percent of office workers in same city 68 13 253-255 Percent of production workers in same city 69 13 256-258 Percent of office workers in adjacent city 70 13 262-264 Percent of production workers in adjacent city 71 13 262-264 Percent of office workers in other cities 72 13 265-267 Percent of production workers in other cities Fuployees' Conmuting Mdes 73 13 268-270 Percent of emploees in dormitory 0 - 100% 74 13 271-273 Percent of eqployees walcing to work. 75 13 247-276 Percent of employees commuting by bicycle 76 13 277-279 Percent of employees commauting by bus 77 13 280-282 Percent of employees commuting by subway CARD 5: Shipment hdes and Product Destination 78 13 283-285 Percent of employees commuting by company vehicles 0 - 100% 79 13 286-288 Percent of employees commuting by private car 80 13 289-291 Percent of employees commting by subway & bus Product Shipnt Mdes 81 13 292-294 Percent of products shipped by truck 0 - 100% 82 13 295-297 Percent of products shipped by rail 83 13 298-300 Percent of products shipped by truck and rail Variable # Format (blunns Variable Iescription Code or range 84 13 301-303 Percent of products shipped by truck and water 85 13 304-306 Percent of products shipped by air 86 13 307-309 Percent of products shipped by other means Raw Material ShipgEnt Itdes 87 13 310-312 Percent of raw materials shipped by truck 0 - 100 % 88 13 313-315 Percent of raw material shipped by rail 89 13 316-318 Percent of raw materials shipped by truck and rail 90 13 319-321 Percent of raw materials shipped by truck and water 91 13 322-324 Percent of raw materials shipped by air 92 13 325-327 Percent of raw materials shipped by other neans 93 13 328-330 DiaY -ce to the nearest railroad station (kin) 94 II 331 N road used by truck 1-9, See V94 of Appendix 1 95 11 332 Nearest interchange on Kyeongbu highway 1-7, See V95 of Appendix 1 96 13 333-334 Distance to the interchange on Kyeongbu highway (kin) 97 II 335 Nearest interchange on Kyeong in highway 1-5, See V97 of Appendix I 98 13 336-337 Distance to the interchange on Keyong in highway (Km) 99 II 338 Nearest interchange on other highway 1-4, See V99 of Appendix 1 100 13 339-340 Distance to the interchange on others (kn) Product Destination 101 13 341-343 Percent of products sold in Seoul 0 - 100% Variable # Formt Colums Variable Description Code or range 102 13 344-346 Percent oR products sold in Gyeonggi 103 13 347-349 Percent of products sold outside Seoul and Gyeonggi 104 13 350-352 Percent of products exported CARD 6: Product Delivery and Raw Material Origin Product Shipment Location and Distance 105 14 353-356 Geocode of product shipment location (1) See geocodes of Appendix 2 106 13 357-359 Distance to the product shipment location (km) 107 14 360-363 Geocode of product shipment location (2) See geocodes of Appendix 2 108 13 364-366 Distance to the product shipment location (km) 109 14 367-370 Geocode of product shipment location (3) See geocodes of Appendix 2 110 13 371-373 Distance to the product shipnent location (km) 111 14 374-377 Geocode of product shipment location (4) See geocodes of Appendix 2 112 13 378-380 Distance to the product shipment location (km) 113 14 381-384 Geocode of product shipment location (5) See geocodes of Appendix 2 114 13 385-387 Distance to the product shipnent location (km) Products as Input of Other Industries 115 11 388 Percent of products used as input of other industries 116-118 314 389-40 Industries using product as input See Standard Industry Codes of Appendix 3 Variable # Format Colums Variable Description Code or range Raw Material Origin 119 13 401-403 Percent of raw materials coming from Seoul 120 13 404-406 Percent of raw materials coming from Gyeonggi 121 13 407-409 Percent of raw materials coming from other area 122 13 410-412 Percent of raw materials impo)rted CARD 7: Raw Material Delivery and Public Services Raw Material Delivery location and Distance 123 14 413-416 Geocode of raw material delivery location (1) See geocodes of Appendix 2 124 13 417-419 Distance to the location (km) I oa 125 14 420-423 Geocode of raw material delivery location (2) See geocodes of Appendix 2 I 126 13 424-426 Distance to the location (km) 127 14 427-430 Geocode of raw material delivery location (3) See geocodes of Appendix 2 128 13 431-433 Distance to the location (kn) 129 14 434-437 Geocode of raw material delivery location (4) See geocodes of Appendix 2 130 13 438-440 Distance to the location (km) 131 14 441-444 Geocode of raw material delivery location (5) See geocodes of A 2 132 13 445-447 Distance to the location (kn) Input as Output of Other Industries 133 II 448 Percent of input using as output of other industries 1 = 0%, 2 = 1-20%, 3 21-40%, 4 = 41-60%, 5 = 61-80%, 6 = 81-99%, 7 = 100% Variable # Format Colums Variable Description Code or range 134-136 314 449-460 Industries supplying input See Standard Industry Codes 137-139 311 461-463 Three main comanuting problems of employees 1-7, see V137 of Appendix I Public Services 140 I 464 Quantity of,electricity needed I = much, 2 = not much, 3 = little, 4 = almost nothing 141 II 465 Quantity of industrial uater needed San as variable 140 142 II 466 Quantity of teleplne use Same as variable 140 143 Il 467 Quantity of telegraph use Same as variable 140 144 Il 468 Frequency of electricity interruption I = almost never, 2 = once a month, 3 = once a week, 4 = twice a week 5 = twice or more a week 145 Il 469 Frequency of industrial water interruption Same as variable 144 146 Il 470 Do you have self-generated electricity? I = yes, 0 = no 147 Il 471 Do you have self-supplied industrial water? 1 = yes, 0 = no 148 Il 472 Fire protection facility 1 = good, 2 = fair, 3 = insufficient, 4 = poor 149 II 473 Telephone service facility Same as variable 148 150 Il 474 Telegraph service facility Same as variable 148 151 13 475-477 Ubstes disposal by firm itself 0 - 100% 152 13 478-480 Wastes disposal by local government 0 - 100% 153 13 481-483 lstes disposal by service corps 0 - 100% 154 13 484-486 Wastes disposal bv other nethods 0 - 100 Variable # Format Columns Variable Description Code or range 155 II 487 Opinion on the wastes disposal by local Same as variable 148 government CARD 8: Public services, Taxes and Growth Expectation 156 13 488-490 Waste water treated by Firm itself 0 - 100% 157 13 491-493 Waste water treated by groups 0 - 100% 158 13 494-496 Waste water treated by local government 0 - 100% 159 IB 497-499 Wste water treated by Frim and local govt. 0 - 100% 160 I3 500-502 Waste water treated by other methods 0 - 100% 161 II 503 Opinion on the waste water treated by local government Same as variable 148 0 162-164 311 504-506 Type of pollutions generated by operating 1 = air, 2 = water, 3 = noisy, 4 = odor, 5 = soil, 6 = other, 7 = none 165 II 507 Facilities to prevent pollutions generated 1 = excellent, 2 = poor 3 = nothing, 4 = modest 166 II 508 Did you receive restrictions from government due I = yes, 0 = no to pollutions? 167 II 509 Type of the government restrictions 1 = induce to change product line 2 = induce to produce pollution preventing facility 3 = order to move, 4 = fines, 5 = education program 168 II 510 Government support for facility of pollution prevention I = yes, 0 = no 169 17 511-517 Amount of subsidy for the facility (Won) 170 13 518-520 Percent of subsidy to total cost for the facility 0 - 100% Variable # Fornet Columns Variable Description Cbde or range Taxes 171 16 521-526 Annual property tax for building (1000 Won) 172 16 527-532 Annual proprty tax for land (1000 kbn) 173 II 533 Opinion on the property taxes 1 = too much, 2 = considerable, 3 = little 174-176 312 534-539 Taxes affecting business 1-14, see V174 of Appendix 1 Business Expectation 177 II 540 Change in output during last five years I = decreased, 2 = unchanged, 3 = increased 178 13 541-543 Annual grcwth rate of output during last five years (%) 179 II 544 Charges in products during last five years I = no fundamental change 2 = new product lines 3 = new products of sane line 4 = complete change in products and line 180 II 545 Expected growth rate after five years 1 = increase greatly 2 = increase considerably 3 = increase slightly 4 = sane level as today 5 = decrease, 6 = no prospect CARD 9: Annual Shipmnt and Costs 181 17 546-552 Annual shipment - export (Million Won) 182 I7 553-559 Annual shipnent - donestic (Million Won) 183 17 560-566 Annual input cost (Million Won) 184 17 567-573 Annual wage bill (Million Tbn) 185 110 574-583 Annual transportation cost (1000 Won) 186 110 584-59Z Annual electricity cost (1000 Won) Variable # Format Columns Variable Description Code or range 187 110 594-603 AnnJ industrial water cost (1000 Wbn) 188 17 604-610 Replacement value of plant and equipment (Million Abn) 10: Evaluation on Present location - Degree of Satisfaction 189 II 611 Plant capacity - lot 1 = very satisfied, 2 satisfied, 3 = not satisfied 190 II 612 Plant capacity - building Same as variable 189 191 II 613 Rent payment Same as variable 189 192 II 614 Availability of skilled workers Same as variable 189 193 11 615 Cost of skilled workers Same as variable 189 194 II 616 Availability of unskilled workers Same as variable 189 195 II 617 Cost of unAilled workers Same as variable 189 196 Il 618 Cost of public services Same as variable 189 197 II 619 Quality of public services Same as variable 189 198 11 620 Proximity to suppliers Same as variable 189 199 II 621 Proxhity to clients Same as variable 189 200 11 622 Proxinity to competitors Same as variable 189 201 Il 623 Highway accessibility Same as variable 189 202 Il 624 Railroad accessibility Same as variable 189 203 II 625 Lot expandability Same as variable 189 Variable # Fbrmat Columns Variable Description Code or range 204 II 626 Cost of lot for expansion Same as variable 189 205 11 627 Proximity to business services Same as variable 189 206 II 628 Property tax Same as variable 189 207 II 629 Service of local government Same as variable 189 208 II 630 Cost of service af local government Same as variable 189 209 II 631 Security Same as variable 189 210 II 632 Annity of environment Same as variable 189 211 II 633 Recreation facilities Same as variable 189 212 II 634 Community attitudes Same as variable 189 CARD 11: Changes Made after Relocation 213 14 635-638 Geocode of previous location See geocodes of Appendix 2 214 13 639-641 Distance to the previous location (km) 215 II 642 Condition of the plant before move 1 = good, but congested 2 = good, but obsolete 3 =acceptable, 4 = unusable 216 II 643 Changes of facilities after relocation 1 = allnew, 2 =partially new, 3 old Comparisons of Before and After Relocation 217 II 644 Change in output 0= no change, 1 = increase, 2 = decrease 218 13 645-647 Change rate in output (%) 219 II 648 Change in plant space Same as variable 217 Variable 11 Fornat (blums Variable Description (bde or range 220 13 649-651 Change rate in plant space (%) 221 11 652 Change in building space Same as variable 217 222 13 653-655 Change rate in building space (%) 223 I 656 Change in rent Sane as variable 217 224 13 657-659 Change rate in rent (%) 225 II 660 Change in skilled workers Sane as variable 217 226 13 661-663 Change rate in skilled workers (%) 227 II 664 Change in skilled workers' wages Same as variable 217 228 13 665-667 Change rate in skilled wrker's wages (%) 229 II 668 Change in unskilled workers Sane as variable 217 230 I3 669-671 Change rate in unskilled workers (%) 231 II 672 Change in unskilled rtkers' wages Sane as variable 217 232 13 673-675 Change rate in unskilled workers' wages (%) 233 II 676 Change in oftice workers' comuting distance Sane as variable 217 234 13 677-679 Change rate in officer workers' cannuting distance (%) 235 II 680 Change in production workers' coauting distance Sane as variable 217 236 13 681-683 Change rate in production workers' comuting distance (%) 237 11 684 Change in product delivery distance Sane as variable 217 238 13 685-687 Change rate in product delivery distance (%) Variable # Format Columns Variable Description Code or range 239 II 688 Change in input delivery distance Same as variable 217 240 13 689-691 Change rate in input delivery distance (%) 241 II 692 Change in local taxes Same as variable 217 242 13 693-695 Change rate in local taxes (%) 243 Il 696 Change in profits Same as variable 217 244 13 697-699 Change rate in profits (%) 245 II 700 Change in public service cost Same as variable 217 246 13 701-703 Change rate in public service cost (%) CARD 12: Changes in Public Services after Move, Relocation Factors Ln 247 II 704 Change in electricity 1 = very improved, 2 =slightly improved 3 = no change, 4 = worse 248 II 705 Change in indistrial water Same as variable 247 249 Il 706 Change in telephone service Same as variable 247 250 II 707 Change in telegraph service Same as variable 247 251 II 708 Change in fire fighting facility Same as variable 247 252 II 709 Change in police service Same as variable 247 253 II 710 Change in wastes disposal Same as variable 247 254 II 711 Change in road naintenance Sae as variable 247 255 11 712 Change in sewerage service Same as variable 247 Variable # Format Columns Variable Description Code or range 256 II 713 Reason for relocation 1 = order to move, 2 = goverment incentives 3 = for business 257-261 512 714-723 Five factors iTportant for relocation site 1-35, See V257 of Appendix 1 262 II 724 Did you consider an alternative plant site? 1 = yes, 0 = no 263 14 725-728 Geocode of alternative plant site considered (1) See geocodes of Appendix 2 264 II 729 Reason for not taken above plant site 1-8, see V264 of Appendix I 265 14 730-733 Ceocode of alternative plant site considered (2) See geocodes of Appendix 2 266 II 734 Reason for not taken above plant site Same as variable 264 267 14 735-738 Geocode of alternative plant site considered (3) See geocode of Appendix 2 268 I 739 Reason for not taken above plant site Same as variable 264 Employee's Ebve and Benefits 269 13 740-742 Percent of workers stayed after relocation 0 - 100% 270 13 743-745 Percent of workers moved after relocation within one year 0 - 100% 271 13 746-748 Percent of workers moved after relocation - current 0 - 100% 272-274 311 749-751 Housing aids for employees moved 1-8, see V272 of Appendix 1 275-277 311 752-754 Benefits for employes moved 1-8, see V275 of Appendix 1 278-280 311 755-757 Unavoidable reasons relocated to present site 1-8. see V278 of Appendix 1 281 II 758 Did you receive a loan for expansion after relocation? I = yes, 0 = no 282 13 759-761 Percent of the loan to total capital investments 0 - 100% 283 13 762-764 Interest rate of the loan (%) Variable # Format Coluas Variable Description Code or range 284 12 765-766 Grace period of the loan (year) 285 12 767-768 Terms of the redenption of the loan (year) 286 11 769 Loan possibility for other location? 1 = yes, 2 = no 287 13 770-772 Expected interest rate of the possible loan (%) CARD 14: Changes in Taxes after Relocation 288 Il 773 Change in corporate tax after relocation 1 = tax exemption, 2 = tax reduction, 3 = unchange, 4 = tax increase 289 13 774-776 Corporate tax rate 290 II 777 Change in added-vale tax after relocation Same as variable 288 291 13 778-780 Added-value tax rate 292 II 781 Change in defence tax after relocation Same as variable 288 293 13 782-784 Defence tax rate 294 II 785 Change in property tax after relocation Same as variable 288 295 13 786-788 Property tax rate 296 Il 789 Change in aoquisition tax after relocation Same as variable 288 297 13 790=792 Acquisition tax rate 298 II 793 Change in registration tax after relocation Same as variable 288 299 13 794-796 Registration tax rate 300 II 797 Investment tax credit? 1 = yes, 0 = no Variable # Fornet Columns Variable Description Code or range 301 II 798 Special depreciation credit? Same as above 302 13 799-801 Percent of the investment tax credit 303 12 802-803 Period of the investment tax credit 304 13 804-806 Percent of the special depreciation credit 305 12 807-808 Period of the special depreciation credit 306 17 809-815 Purchasing price of land per Pyeong (Hon) 307 17 816-822 Neighboring land price per Pyeong (Won) 308 II 823 Government benefits for employees noved? 1 = yes, 0 = no 309 12 824-825 Type of the benefits for employees mved (1) 1 = housing loan 2 = exemption of capital gains tax 3 = priority of apartment allotnent 4 = other 310 13 826-828 Percent of the total for above benefit 311 12 829-930 Type of the benefits for employees moved (2) Same as variable 309 312 13 831-833 Percent of the total for above benefit 313 12 834-835 Type of the benefits for employees moved (3) San as variable 309 314 13 836-838 Percent of the total for above benefit 315 12 839-840 Type of the benefits for employees moved (4) Same as variable 309 316 13 841-843 Percent of the total for above benefit Variable # Format Columns Variable Description Code or range CARD 14: Government Benefits and Policies for Hovers 317 II 844 Did you benefit government subsidy for relocating? 1 = yes, 0 = no 318 II 845 Did you benefit exemption of capital gains tax for 1 = yes, 0 = no relocating? 319 13 846-848 Percent of the exemption to total capital gains 320 Il 849 Did you receive other benefits when relocating? I = yes, 0 = no 321 12 850-851 Type of the benefits (1) 1 = subsidy for prooting small and medium firms 2 = housing loan 3 = subsidy for pollution preventing facilities 4 =other 322 13 852-854 Interest rate (1) 323 12 855-856 Period of the benefits (1) 324 12 857-858 Type of the benefits (2) Same as variable 321 325 13 859-861 Interest rate (2) 326 12 862-863 Period of the benefits (2) 327 12 864-865 Type of the benefits (3) Same as variable 321 328 13 866-868 Interest rate (3) 329 12 869-870 Period of the benefits (3) 330 12 871-872 Type of the benefits (4) Same as variable 321 331 I3 873-875 Interest rate (4) 332 12 876-877 Period of the benefits (4) Variable # Fornt Colums Variable Description Code or range 333-337 512 878-887 Five important government policies affecting relocation 1-11, See V333 of Appendix 1 CARD 15: Plan for Expansion 338 II 888 Do you have a plan to expand within the next five yetrs? I = yes, O = no 339 11 889 Area for expansion 1 = in plant site, 2 = in Seoul, 3 = in Gyeonggi, 4 = others, 340 14 890-893 Geocode of the area for expansion See geocodes of Appendix 2 341 14 894-897 Additional employees after expansion 342 15 898-902 Additional building space after expansion (Pyeong) 343 II 903 Do you have. a plan to move within the next five years? I = yes, 0 = no 344 II 904 Area to be relocated 1 = in Seoul, 2 in Gyeonggi, 3 = in others 345 14 905-908 Geocode of the area to be relocated See geocodes 346 14 909-912 Expected nuber of employees to be increased after move 347 14 913-916 Expected nunber of employees to be decreasd after move 348 15 917-921 Additional building space after move (Pyeong) 349-353 512 922-931 Five inportant factors for site selection decision Same as variable 257 CARD 16: Site Selection, Subsidy and Taxation for New Firms 354 II 932 Did you consider other sites? I = yes, 0 = no 355 13 933-936 Ceocode of other site considered (1) See geocodes of Appendix 2 Variable # Format Columns Variable Description Code or range 356 II 937 Reason for not selecting the site Same as variable 263 357 13 938-941 Geocode of other site considered (2) See geocodes of Appendix 2 358 I 942 Reason for not selecting the site Same as variable 356 359 13 943-946 Geocode of other site considered (3) See geocodes of Appendix 2 360 II 947 Reasons for not selecting the site Same as variable 356 361 II 948 Did you receive loan for establishing? 1 = yes, 0 no 362 13 949-951 Percent of the loan to total capital investment 0 - 100% 363 13 952-954 Interest rate of the loan 0 - 100% 364 12 955-956 Grace period of the loan (year) 365 12 957-958 Term of redemption of the loan (year) 366 I 959 loan possibility for other site selection 1 = yes, 0 no 367 13 960-962 Expected interest rate of the possible loan Tax Benefits for Establishing 368 II 963 Income tax 1 = none, 2 = tax exemption, 3 = tax reduction, 4 = tax increase 369 13 964-966 Corporate tax rate 370 Il 967 Added-value tax Same as variable 368 371 13 968-970 Added-value tax rate 372 II 971 Defense tax Same as variable 368 373 13 972-974 Defense tax rate Variable # Format Colums Variable Description Cbde or range 374 II 975 Property tax Same as variable 368 375 13 976-978 Property tax rate 376 II 979 Acquisition tax Same as variable 368 377 13 980-982 Acquisition tax rate 378 1I 983 Registration tax Same as variable 368 379 13 984-986 Registration tax rate 380 II 987 Did you receive investment tax credit? 1 = yes, 0 = no 381 11 988 Did you receive special depreciation credit Same as above 382 13 989-991 Percent of the investment tax credit 383 13 992-993 Period of the investment tax credit (year) 384 13 994-996 Percent of the special depreciation credit 385 12 997-998 Period of the special depreciation credit (year) CARD 17: Governmwnt Benefits and Policies for Births 386 I7 999-1005 Purchasing price of land per Pyeong wben locating (Won) 387 I7 1006-1012 Neighboring land price per Pyeong when locating (Wbn) 388 Il 1013 Did you receive government benefits for employees when 1 = yes, 0 no founding? 389 12 1014-1015 Type of the benefits (4) Same as variable 309 390 13 1016-1018 Percent of the total for above benefit Variable # Format Cluis Variable Description Ocde or range 391 12 1019-1020 Type of the benefits (2) Same as variable 309 392 13 1021-1023 Percent of the total for above benefit 393 12 1024-1025 Type of the benefits (3) SaE as variable 309 394 13 1026-1028 Percent of the total for above benefit 395 12 1029-1030 Type of the benefits (4) Same as variable 309 396 13 1031-1033 Percent of the total for above benefit 397 Il 1034 Did you receive other government benefits when founding I = yes, 0 = no firm? 398 12 1035-1036 Type of the governent benefits or loans Same as variable 321 399 13 1037-1039 Interest rate of the loan (1) 400 12 1040-1041 Period of the loan (1) 401 12 1042-1043 Type of government benefits or loans (2) Same as variable 321 402 13 1044-1046 Interest rate of the loan (2) 403 12 1047-1048 Period of the loan (2) 404 12 1049-1050 Type of the government benefits or loans (3) Same as variable 321 405 13 1051-1053 Interest rate of the loan (3) 406 12 1054-1055 Period of the loan (3) 407 12 1056-1057 Type of the government benefits or loans (4) Same as variable 321 408 13 1058-1060 Interest rate of the loan (4) 409 12 1061-1062 Period of the loan (4) Variable # Format Columns Variable Description Code or range 410-414 511 1063-1067 Five important government policies for establishing See V410 of Appendix 1 CARD 18 Information on Sationaries 415 II 1068 Did you consider move since 1979? 1 = yes, 0 = no 416 II 1069 Did you consider opening branches since 1979? 1 = yes, 0 =uo 417 I 1070 Did you open a branch after 1979? 1 = yes, 0 = no 418 14 1071-1074 Geocode of the branch See geocodes of Appendix 2 419 Il 1075 Did you expand on present site? 1 = yes, 0 = no 420 Il 1076 Did you absorbe other firms since 1979? 1 = yes, 0 = no 421-423 314 1070-1088 Geocodes of the absorbed firms See geocodes of Appendix 2 424 II 1089 Did you acquire other firms since 1979? 1 = yes, 0 = no 425-427 314 1090-1101 Geocodes of the acquired firms See geocodes of Appendix 2 6. I)CI Location Census of Manufacturing Establishnnts Var. # Format Colums Variable Description Value Range Code or Unit 1 16 1-10 KID Geocode* 010100-022401 Olnnnn = Seoul 02nann = Cyeonggi 2 15 11-15 Standard Industry Gode 31nnn-39nnn 31=food & beverages 32= Textile & Leather 33--bods & Wod Products 34-aper & publish 35=0Cemical 36=Non-uetal 374ttals 38=Fabricate MEtals 39=Others 3 I5 16-20 AnMunt of investmnat for production capital 1-nan In million In 4 15 21-25 Value of annual shipment of products 1-nm In million won 5 15 26-30 Total nunber of employees 6 15 31-35 Total number of production morkers 7 15 36-40 Total number of office urkers 8 II 41 Zone categories of the establishnent location 1-7 1I=Manufacturing-only zone 2=Manfacturing zone 3=Para-mAnufacturing zone 4=(bnmrcial zone 5=Greenbelt zone 6=Residential zone 7=0Wtside of the planned zone of the city 9 17 42-48 Total lot size In Pyeong * KiID geocode system has been converted into the NBS systan corresponding to 1977, D/PAHK/DCI/NBS77{)DE has the NBS system. Var. # Format Columns Variable Description Value Range Code. or Unit 10 17 49-55 Size of the building base In Pyeong 11 17 56-62 Total building space In Pyeong 12 II 63 Type of industry location: private lot 0-2 O=bad value I-oastal region 2=inland 13 Il 64 Type of industry location: planned region 0-2 0=bad value l=coastal region 2-inland 14 15 65-69 Contracted amount of electricity per month In wh 15 15 70-74 Amount of electricity being used per month In Kwh 16 15 75-79 Annount of selfgenerated electricity per month In 147 h 17 14 80-83 Amount of piped water used per day in IP 18 14 84-87 Amount of industrial water used per day In N3 19 14 88-91 Amount of under-ground water used per day In M3 20 14 92-95 Amount of other water used per day InM3 21 15 96-100 Amount of Kerosene used per day In K1 22 15 101-105 Amount of coal used per day In Fon 23 15 106-110 Amxunt of fuel gas used per day In Kg 24 15 111-114 Amount of shipuent of raw materal per month In Ton 25 Il 115 eans of shipment of raw material 1-4 l=automobiles 2-railroads 3=ships 4=airplane Var. # Format Columans Variable Description Vale Range Code or Unit 26 I 116 Destination of major shipment of raw material 1-4 1=nation-wide 2=region within 30 km 3=region beyond 30km 4=Toreign country 27 14 117-120 Amount of shipment of products per month In Ton 28 Il 121 Means of shipnent of products 1-4 See codes in Var. 25 29 II 122 Destination of major shipment of products 1-4 See codes in Var. 26 30 Il 123 Types of pollution generated 1-5 1=air 2=water 3=noise 4=odor 5=soil a 31 Il 124 Facilities to prevent pollution 1-3 1=allI 2=sone 3=none 32 11 125 Order to move due to pollution 1-2 1=received 2=never received 33 II 126 Reasons for the choice of present city (Si or Gun) 1-91=raw unterials 2=markets 3=1abor 4=water resource 5=dealer 6=local government 7=personal reason 8=related establishments 9=coastal region 34 Il 127 Reasons for the choice of present lot 1-8 =Shipping 2=adverstisnment 3=10w land price 4=government inducement Var. # Format Coluums Variable Description Value Range Code or Unit 5=Lot purchasing convenience 6=personal reason 7=related establistments 8=intrastructure [Qestions for firm's future plans] 35 I 128 Desired types of location? 1-2 1=individual (by choice) 2=industrial (planned) 36 Il 129 Necessary size of lot? 1-5 1=present size 2=1.5 times 3=2 times 4=2.5 times 5=mre than 2.5 times 37 Il 130 Distance form the present firm? 1-4 1=within 20 Km 2=20-30 Km 3-30-40 Km 4=ware than 40 Km 38 Il 131 Distance from the City Hall? 1-4 1=within 10 Km 2=10-20 Km 3=20-30 Km 4=uwre than 30 Km 39 Il 132 Do you understand the contents of Industrial 1-3 1=very small location Act? 2=a little 3=None 40 11 133 To what extent does the implement of the Industrial 1-31=a great deal Location Act affect your firm's operation? 2=some what 3=none APPENDICES Appendix 1: Coding Instructions for Open Questions, Project Sample Establishment Survey Appendix 2: The Geocode System Appendix 3: The Standard Industry Classification Codes Appendix 4: Cross Reference Matrix Appendix 5: Questionnaires a. Mining and Manufacturing Survey, 1981 b. Location Census of Manufacturing Establishments c. Project Sample Establishment Survey Appendix 6: One-Way Frequency Distributions l- a. Mining and Manufacturing Survey, 1973-1980 b. Mining and Manufacturing Survey, 1981 c. Location Census of Manufacturing Establishments d. Project Sample Establishment Survey Available upon request. Appendix 1 Coding Instructions for Open Question Project Sample Establishment Survey A. General Coding Instruction I. "N/A (Not Applicable): Coded as "9" for variables 140-145, 148-150, 162-164, 189-212, 217-255. All other cases, remained as blanks. 2. "Zero Value": Coded as "0". 3. "Dont't know": Filled all columns with 8's. 4. "Others" in the multiple choice questions: Coded as "7". B. Special Coding Instruction V94. National Roads 1. Suin Industrial Road 2. Kyeongin National Road 3. Kyeongsu Industrial Road 4. Kyeongchun National Road 5. Kyeongchun Industrial Road 6. Roads i seoul 7. National Road 43 (Gwangju - Hwaseong) 8. Tongil Road 9. Kyeongwon National Road V95. Interchanges on Kyeongbu Highway 1. Seoul Gangnam Interchange 2. Pangyeo Interchange 3. Suwon Interchange 4. Seongnam Interchange 5. Osan Interchange 6. Singal Interchange 7. Anseong - Pyeongtaeg Interchange V97. Interchanges on Kyeongin Highway 1. Bucheon Interchange 2. Yangpyeongdong Interchange 3. Bupyeong Interchange 4. Hwagokdong Interchange 5. Juan interchange V99. Interchanges on Yeongdong Highway 1. Singal Interchange 2. Yongin Interchange 3. Yeoju Interchange 4. Icheon Interchange -2- V137. Transport Problems of Employees 1. No Bus or Subway Lines 2. There is, but long waiting time 3. Expensive fare 4. Crowded 5. Long riding time 6. No problem 7. Other V174. Taxes Affecting Business 1. Corporate Tax 2. Composite Income Tax 3. Value Added Tax 4. Defence Tax 5. Property Tax 6. Acquisition Tax 7. Registration Tax 8. City Planning 9. Inhabitant Tax 10. Garbage Collection Fee 11. Automobile Tax 12. Miscellaneous fees 13. Custom Duties 14. Unused Land Tax V257. Important Factors for Relocation Site 1. Plant capacity - lot 2. Plant capacity - building 3. Rent payment 4. Availability of skilled workers 5. Cost of skilled workers 6. Availability of unskilled workers 7. Cost of unskilled workers 8., Cost of public services 9. Quality of public services 10. Proximity to suppliers 11. Proximity to clients 12. Proximity to competitors 13. Highway accessibility 14. Railroad accessibility 15. Lot expandability 16. Cost of lot for expansion 17. Proximity to business services 18. Property tax 19. Service of local government 20. Cost of service of local governments 21. Security 22. Amenity of environmnet 23. Recreation facilities -3- 24. Community attitudes 25. Purchasing price of lot 26. Simpleness of lot purchase 27. Distance to Seoul 28. Distance of relocation 29. Industrial area 30. Co-operation with government policies 31. Expectation of future development 32. Proximity to harbors V257. Important Factors for Relocation Site 33. Home ground of owner 34. Proximity to the headquarter 35. Business of authorization for establishing V264. Reasons for Not Selecting 1. High cost of rent 2. Heavy taxation 3. Poor public service facilities 4. Disavailability of workers 5. Disavailabiliy of lot or expansion 6. Transportation problems 7. Others 8. I don't know V272. Housing Aids for Employees 1. Provide dormitory 2. Rent subsidy 3. Housing loan 4. Provide company's housing quarters 5. Payment in advance 6. Pay deposits for house rent 7. Others 8. I don't know V275. Benefits for Employees 1. Subsidy for sons'/daughters' education 2. Aid for traffic expenses 3. Provide company's buses 4. Aid for living expenses 5. Increase salaries 6. Family allowance 7. Other 8. I don't know -4 V278. Unavoidable Reasons for Relocating to Present Site 1. Removal due to new road or road expansion 2. Removal due to district development plan 3. Order to move due to pollution 4. Located an improper area 5. To expand firms 6. N/A 7. Government incentives 8. Others V333. Government Policies for Relocating 1. Subsidy or loan 2. Government pay for losing money due to relocation 3. Exemption of capital gains tax and income tax redemption 4. Exemption of capital gains tax or special assessment tax 5. Asset investment tax credit on special depreciation credit 6. Exemption of property tax 7. Exemption of registration and acquisition taxes 8. Low price for purchasing plant space 9. Priority for purchasing plant space 10. Benefits of public services (roads, waterworks, sewage works, housing, etc.) 11. Government purchasing of old plant space V410. Government Policies for Establishing 1. Subsidy or loan 2. Asset investment tax credit or special depreciation credit 3. Reduction of property tax 4. Reduction of registration and acquisition taxes 5. Low price for purchasing plant space 6., Priority for purchasing plant space 7. Benefits of public services (roads, waterworks, sewage works, housing, etc.) 8. None of these Appendix 2 The Geocode System City of Seoul (1100) 1111 Jonglo Gu 1112 Jung Gu 1113 Yongsan Gu 1114 Seongdong Gu 1115 Dongdaemun Gu 1116 Seongbug Gu 1117 Dobong Gu 1118 Eungpyeong Gu 1119 Seodaemun Gu 1120 Mapo Gu 1121 Gangseo Gu 1122 Guro Gu 1123 Yeongdeungpo Gu 1124 Dongjag Gu 1125 Gwanag Gu 1126 Gangnam Gu 1127 Gangdong Gu Gyeonggi Do (3000) 3101 Incheon Si-Jung Gu 3102 Dong Gu 3103 Nam Gu 3104 Bug Gu 3111 Suwon Si 3112 Seongnam Si 3113 Euijeongbu Si 3114 Anyang Si 3115 Bucheon Si 3116 Gwangmyeong Si** 3117 Songtan Si** 3118 Dongducheon Si** 3131 Yangju Gun 3132 Namyangju Gun 3133 Yeoju Gun 3134 Pyeongtaeg Gun 3135 Hwaseong Gun 3136 Siheung Gun 3137 Paju Gun 3138 Goyang Gun Korea Economic Planning Board, 1980 Revision. These three Si's which were raised to the status of Si from Eup in 1981 appear in only the Project's Sample Establishment Survey conducted in 1983. -2- 3139 Gwangju Gun 3140 Yeoncheon Gun 3141 Pocheon Gun 3142 Gapyeong Gun 3143 Yangpyeong Gun 3144 Incheon Gun 3145 Yongin Gun 3146 Anseong Gun 3147 Gimpo Gun 3148 Ganghwa Gun 3150 Banweol Chuljangso Other Provinces 2111-2120 Busan Si 2211-2216 Daegu Si 3211-3235 Gangwon Do 3311-3340 Ghungcheongbug Do 3400-3445 Chungcheongnam Do 3511-3543 Jeonlabug Do 3600-3653 Jeonlanam Do 3711-3754 Gyeongsangbug Do 3811-3849 Gyeongsangnam Do 3911-1932 Jeju Do Apendix 3 Korea Standard Industry Codes 1. Textile Wearing Apparel and Leather Industries 3211 Spinning Textiles and Silk Reeling 3212 Manufacture of Made-up Textile Goods 3213 Knitting Mills 3214 Manufacture of Carpets and Rugs 3215 Cordage, Rope and Twine Industries 3216 Weaving Textiles 3217 Bleaching, Dyeing and Finishing Textiles 3219 Manufacture of Textiles, n.e.c. 3220 Manufacture of Weaving Apparel 3231 Tanneries and Leather Finishing 3232 Fur Dressing and Dyeing Industries 3233 Manufacture of Products of Leather and Leather Substitutes 3240 Manufacture of Footwear 2. Manufacture of Fabricated Metal Products, Machinery and Equipment 3811 Manufacture of Cutlery, Hand Tools and General Hardware 3812 Manufacture of Furniture and Fixtures Primarily of Metal 3813 Manufacture of Structural Metal Products 3819 Manufacture of Fabricated Metal, n.e.c. 3821 Manufacture of Engines and Turbines 3822 Manufacture of Agricultural Machinery and Equipment 3823 Manufacture of Metal - and Wood - Working Machinery 3824 Manufacture of Special Industrial Machinery and Equipment 3825 Manufacture of Office, Computing and Accounting Machinery 3829 Manufacture of Machinery and Equipment, n.e.c. 3831 Manufacture of Electrical Machinery and Apparatus 3832 Manufacture of Radio, Television set and Communication Equipment 3833 Manufacture of Electrical Appliances and Housewares 3841 Ship Building and Repairing 3842 Manufacture of Railroad Equipment 3843 Manufacture of Motor Vehicles 3844 Manufacture of Motorcycles and Bicycles 3849 Manufacture of Transport Equipment, n.e.c. 3851 Manufacture of Professional, Scientific and Measuring Equipment 3852 Manufacture of Photographic and Optical Goods 3853 Manufacture of Watches and Clocks Korea Economic Planning Board, 1975 Revision. Appenciix д , (�i'дb:Э L«:.fCYC,.L�CC iiцt.Y1]i 1973-198о кrкг.lч личилl, sua'аеУ цР vlulsc лх0 чдvиЕ•лсr;кгис 5цrеlдкУ ое олал оиц.1ТУ: уич-гЕ:но f�sPds5e5 УлR1лВtЕ 1! 197З l974 1475 197гч (Э77 t9i8 1979 1Э°� Сеосода (Ь d:g1c) l00 1G0 100 10D Wp 100 197 1рС indu■е_ry (3 д1д1е) 1о0 1о� 10о 1оо 1оа !оо 1оо 1�о Уеаг EвeablLshed Х Х Х Х К д К 190 Locaiгe {Planne� U1ыc-Lcc) N!А N/А N/А V/A 9Ъ 11 9[ 95 Laeafr,a tUпpl.tnned J!ысгiсс) 4/А И1А Ч/А У/А t1/А 81 ц/А Ч1л 8и1},ding Sрисе н!А N1A н/л `1/А 93 9: 94 94 Сврlеаl ?nveecment 13 1б l9 20 21 �( '11 12 ' Тоеи1 гhrпыгя 74 74 Т2 7L 72 7З 72 70 riale Оvпегм 70 70 68 ЬЭ б9 70 69 67 Fema!с 'ктеся l2 l1 11 t0 10 l2 t0 IO Tota1 7coduccioa цо-kегя 89 90 90 89 91 9) 92 91 !tale Pcoductlon uorke'•ы 83 • 86 86 83 88 89 89 87 Fe:aale Рсодиес`_оп �orke^а 38 41 44 47 50 34 33 53 Тоеа1 Оf:;ди '�а:kигя 49 57 58 57 64 67 5Т Ь9 !'�1е GtE:ce »о.lсе:ч b4 41 51 5l 56 57 S6 48 Fетл[е UCE1ce koecece Z7 73 ]8 41 49 32 54 4Т .ork I�aya 88 90 91 90 92 а] 92 91 Чогх М.lnиеея N/А NjA ч1А YjA 92 84 Э2 И/А Ргодиссlоп ЧаRел L00 (00 t00 100 49 100 t00 10о Ргодиссlоп Еопиаеа и/А ;г/А н/А ч/л ы/А И!А ч/А Т1 ОЕЕ1га Ча;аа 51 3S 61 ЬО бб 69 69 49 ���fflce Bonuaes N/л N/А М/А Ч/А У/А N/А N/А ]3 51�1?аапее 8I 84 90 ЭЬ 91 38 89 99 ecgtnпLng tп�епСагу 48 32 SO 49 49 56 46 S1 г.пдlп� G пепсосу 32 38 36 ;3 57 60 37 5Т КЧ1! ри^chnaed 8b - 90 - урА - Ч/А NГА Lot Vл1ия И/А Ч!А 4/А Ч/А 5 Т2 57 69 $u11B1ng Уаtиг и/А :1/А У!л Я/А 5 ТЬ 17 13 Stcuacuce V�1ue N/А К/А 9,/А N(А ЧГА �3 V/А К/А �лсh1^еп Nx1us н/А ЯiА ЧlА V;A Ь 91 96 93 Тап и v]1ие И/А м/А н/А н/л чrА s? s1s ч/А 5е11-г'.апегпtед xw� х/л ч!л s/А н/л :+1л 2 �/А и/л 1пGивсгСаl vacec r NiA N!А v1л ч!А ;г�л 9 :�/А ндА Plped '+"лсег М/А К1л �/А S/А \/.� 1b 9/А Ч/А Тосл1 ::асес н!л N/А нtА и/А ч/А ;3 .r'/А N/А Уа1ие оЕ Ргодисс:оп ^_ 100 100 to0 (00 160 !00 100 lГ0 Ул3иа Addtd t00 (00 t00 lOC lG0 10� .00 lCU Produt::on '1'чри (Екрпгс иг ;iue) Н1А 8/А NIA V!А 9Fл Ч/h (00 н/А I А1г Роllисiоп И(А ч/в •н/л �/л ч/А �!л ? и/А � �леег P�11uc1on �/А s/л н1л ч; ы чг.1 vl.� 9 :+/А Ур1ьа Ри ц uctnn Н/А N/А ti/А ti1A 5iA :ilА 10 н1А o.tu^ Potluc:on s;A У1л ы/А х1А ч/л х/А з �/л ?i/д Ро1lис:оп н/А hJA нiА У/А Чiл Ч/А 57 ,1/А А11 Po1luz:or� Сопсгоl F,•�.'_psene И1А н/А :V!А Ч/А Ч/А tiг`i b Н1А 5лте Рn1lис:од Со'гг_^�1 �аи;,,:еас 9/А У(д У/А V/А V/А Чг.� 10 ajA " Чо Ра1lие:ип Сипсгоl zcuip�aenc ;1iA S/А Ч(А NfA YJ? Vjл 83 У/А Соас оЕ Ро11.+г.:оп Соиссоl С,иlртепс У/А N/А нJА У/А V1A ti!А ii N/А F1;ц 5:_е мrА н�а И/л v/А r1A ч!л toa - Tata1 P:rodueeion uorkeca д/А ч/А :1/А Ч1А a,'л 'tr`А Э2 и1А + 5кilled uoFkeca N1A N1A У/А V/А '7/� VJA 24 Ч/А :echnlclana �•1с`� :.lcense Ч/А 9/А 4/A У/А N!д Ч/А 21 Ч/k Тесhпlсlапя vlchouc ;.Ccenae И1А н/А ;i/А И/А YiA ;1lА д2 У/А Аррсепе:еа 'г нi�t ч/л Ч!А Ч/А Ч1А 41А бз Ч/А Othгra N/А иf А N/А д; А ЧJА Sr A 3� VjA Va1ua of Ехросеа н/А У/А 9/А ;t/А :ifx :17А ,1 -• Numlюс оС Втрlоуееа н!А 9/А Ч/А Я/А Ч/л N/А 1�о 100 Il Foc more Lnfoc�acton оп che vяcSaolea� асе Annez з. К: У х � 8ад Va1ue• NaZ • : Xon-Zeeu Response И1А - Иае лррl:гаоlа - � Мое AvailaDla Appendix 5 Questionnaires a. Mining and Manufacturing Survey, 1981 b. Location Census of Manufacturing Establishments c. Project Sample Establishment Survey 島 奋 丫主., 口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口一 Appendix 5-b LOCATION CENSUS OF MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS (MOCI, December 3i,,1978) Name of Establishment; Name of Representative: Address of Establishment: Major Products: (a) (b) 1. Value of capital (in million Won) 2. Value of shiDment for the year (in million Won) 3. Number of permanent workers a. Total workers b. Production workers c. Office workers 4. Zone categories of the establishment location a. Manufactuinrg-only zone b. Manufacturing zone c. Para-manufacturing zone d. Commercial zone e. Green-belt zone f. Residential zone g. Zone outside the planned zone of the city 5. Size of the establishment (in Pyeong) a. Lot size b. Area of the building base c. Total building space 6. Type of location a. Individual (by choice) lot: M near sea (ii) inside land b. Individual (planned) estate: W near sea (ii) inside land 7. Electricity a. Contrated amount of electricity to use b. Amount being used (Kwh per month) c. Amount of self-generated electricity (Kwh per month) 8. Water resources (m**3 per day) a. Public water 1). Piped water 2). Piped water designated for industrial use only b. Water in the ground and others 1). Water in the ground 9. Fuels 2). Others (waste water, sea water) a. Kerosene (Kl per month) b. Coal (ton per month) c. Gas (Kg per month) 10. Shipment a. Amount of shipment (ton per month) 1). Raw material 2). Products b. Means of shipment 1). Automobiles 2). Railroads 3). Ships 4) A-irplains c. Destination of major shipment 1). Nation 2). Near region (within 30 Km) 3). Far region (beyond 30 K.m) 4). Foreign country -2-. 11. Facilities for pollution a. Kinds of pollution being generated 1). Air 2). Water 3). Noise 4). Odor 5). Soil b. Facilities to prevent pollution 1). All installed 2). Some installed 3). No installed c. Whether received relocation order according to the act of environment protection 1). Yes 2). No 12. Reason for the selection of the present location (city) a. Convenience in buying raw materials b. Convenient shipment to the market c. Abundant sources of labor d. Good water resources e. Nearness to the dealers f. Inducement and cooperation by the local government g. Personal reason of the manager h. Easy cooperation with other related establishments i. The industry should be located near sea 13. Reason for the selection of the present lot a. Convenient facilities of shipment b. Advertisement effects c. Low land price d. Inducement by the administrative organization e. Conveniencd in purchasing the lot f. Personal reason of the manager g. Other related establishment h. Possibility of using public facilities Answer the following questions provided that you have a plan to move or expand the present establishment. 14. Desired type of the location a. Individual location by choice b. Individual (planned) estate 15. Necessary size of lot a. Present size b. 1.5 times c. 2 times d. 2.5 times e. 2.5 times or more 16. Distance from the present establishment a. Within 20 Km b. 20-30 Km c. 30-40 Km d. 40 or more 17. Distance from the city (the City Hall) a. Within 10 Km b. 10-20 Km c. 20-30 Km d. 30 or more 18. Knowledge on the contents of the act of industrial location a. Know well b. Know a little c. Don't know at all 19. Is there any conflict between the administration of the act of industrial location and operation of the establishment! a. Yes b. A little c. No. Appendix 5-c PROJECT SAMPLE ESTABLISHMENT SURVEY Survey Number Interviewer Date of Interview SIC/Firm Type/Size / / EMPLOYMENT LOCATION SURVEY Name of person responding to survey Position Part I ESTABLISHMENT CHARACTERISTICS Card No. 01 1. National Bureau of Statistics establishment ID (pre-coded) 2. Name of establishment * Telephone number * 3. Address of establishment * Si (Gun) Gu Dong (Eup, Myeon) Street No. 4. This establishment is: (1) a single-establishment operation (2) headquarters of a multi-establishment operation (3) a branch of a multi-establishment operation If (3), answer 5. If (2), answer 6 through 8. 5. Name of parent company: Telephone number: Address of parent company: Si (Gun) Gu Dong (Eup, Myeon) Street No. 6. How many establishments does your firm operate? 7. Where are they located? within Seoul: (1) .(2) (3) (Gu) in Gyeonggi province: (1) (2) (3) (Si, Gun, Gu) outside Seoul and Gyeonggi: (1) (2) (3) (Si, Gun, Gu) 8. Which of the following best describes your startegy for multiplant operation? (1) product specialization by each plant (2) market share (3) specialize in a certain part of production process (4) other, please specify * Entered before the interview. -2- A. Location History Al. When was this establishment founded? year A2. When did this establishment first operate at this location? _ year A3. Which of the following 4 categories describes your establishment's location history? (1) It began operation at this location in 1978 or before (Ask Parts III and V after completing Part I). If began operation at this location in 1979 or after, it (2) was newly founded (Ask Part III and IV after completing Part I). (3) was relocated from another location in Seoul and Gyeonggi (Ask Part II and III after completing Part I). (4) was relocated from another location outside Seoul and Gyeonggi (Ask Part II and III after completing Part I). (All questions from here-on are with respect to the establishment located at the address as specified in Question No. 3 above). B. Plant Characteristics Card No. 02 Bl. What are the major products manufactured at this establishment? List up to three in order of importance (For example, women's clothes, leather shoes, automobile parts, etc.). (1) (2) (3) B2. Which of the following production processes does your plant most closely resemble? (1) assembly-line type process for a few kinds of products. (2) batch process for many different kinds of products. (3) combination of both (4) other, please specify: B3. Roughly, how many pyeongs is the land area of plant site? Rent pyeong Own pyeong B4. Roughly, how many pyeongs of total floor space does your plant have? Rent pyeong Own __pyeong B5. Roughly, how many pyeongs are used as office space? pyeong B6. Roughly, what proportion of the land is occupied by buildings on this site? % B7. How much is the current value of your plant lot per pyeong? (won) B8. How much rent do you pay per year (For renter only)? building (1,000 won) land (1,000 won) B9. How old are the main buildings of-this establishment? years BIO. Do you have some land space reserved for plant expansion? -3- At present plant site: (1) substantial (2) adequate (3) not much (4) none Next to the present plant site: (1) substantial (2) adequate (3) not much (4) none B11. Is this building (excluding office space) used for your primary operation single-story or mutli-story? (1) single-story (2) two-story (3) three-story (4) four-story or more (5) mixed single & multi-story Card No. 03 B12. Do you store your products and raw materials in-door or out-door? (In-door = 1, Out-door = 2) (1) products (2) raw materials B13. Where is the warehousing for your finished goods done? (Check all applicable) (1) on this site; warehousing area pyeong (2) within Seoul; roughly Km from here (3) outside Seoul but within Gyeonggi; roughly Km from here (4) outside Seoul and Gyeonggi; roughly Km from here C. Employment Cl. How many full-time employees at this establishment? male female (1) management (2) skilled workers (3) unskilled workers total C2. How many part-time employees at this establishment? (1) male (2) female Card No. 04 C3. Roughly, what will be the maximum number of employees in case of full-capacity operation (including part-time workers)? C4. Roughly, what are the average monthly wage rates (including bonus payment)? (1) skilled workers _(won) (2) unskilled workers (won) CS. On the average, how many (8-hour) shifts are run at the plant? (1) one shift (2) two shifts (3) three shifts C6. Roughly, what proportion of workers are unionized? % C7. Where do most of your employees live? Please give rough percentage estimates to the following categories. management non-management -4- dormitory at plant site % % immediate neighborhood (Dong) % % within this Gu or Gun (Si) % _ _ adjacent Gu or Gun (Si) % % other Gu or Gun (Si) % % total 100% total 100% C8. What proportion of your employees travel to work by: dormitory at plant site % foot % bicycle (or motorcycle) % commercial bus % subway % Card No. 05 company bus %. car % combination of subway and bus % total 100% D. Shipment of Outputs and Inputs D1. Roughly, the percentage of the value of output shipped within Korea by: truck only % rail only % truck-rail combination % truck-water combination % air (during any part of trip) % other, please specify % total 100% D2. Roughly, the percent of the value of raw material inputs shipped within Korea by: truck only % rail only % truck-rail combination __% truck-water combination % air (during any part of trip) % other, please specify total 100% D3. If you use rail for making and/or receiving deliveries, how far is the nearest railway station? Km (If you have a railroad siding, enter zero.) D4. If you use trucking for making and/or receiving deliveries, give names of the nearest highway, and highway interchange and the distance from the plant. (1) name of the highway (2) name of the highway interchanges Gyeongbu Highway Km Gyeongin Highway Km other Km -5- D5. What percent of your products are sold in the following areas? within Seoul % within Gyeonggi % outside Seoul and Gyeonggi, but within Korea % internationally % total 100% Card No. 06 D6. On the average, how far and to where are your products delivered from this location within Korea? destination (Si, Gu, or Gun) distance (Km) (1) (2) (3) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (4) __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ (5) D7. Roughly, what proportion of your products is used mainly as inputs of other industries? (1) 0% (2) 1-20% (3) 21-40% (4) 41-60% (5) 61-80% (6) 81-99% (7) 100% D8. What industries are they? (1) (2) (3) D9. What percent of your raw materials and/or input components are bought in the following areas? within Seoul % within Gyeonggi % outside Seoul and Gyeonggi but within Korea % internationally %_ Total 100% DIO. On average, how far and from where in Korea do you receive the raw materials and/or input components? place of origin (Si, Gu, or Gun) distance (Km) (1) Card No. 07 (2) (3) (4) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ (5) D11. Roughly, what proportion of your inputs is outputs of other industries? (1) 0% (2) 1-20% (3) 21-40% (4) 41-60% (5) 61-80% (6) 81-99% (7) 100% D12. What industries are they? (1) (2) (3) -6- D13. Do your employees have any problems with commuting to this location? (Choose three in order of importance) (1) There is no bus or subway route. (2) There is a route, but needs a long wait. (3) The fare is too high. (4) Too crowded. (5) Takes too much time. (6) No problems (7) Other, please specify E. Public Services and Government Incentive Schemes E1. How much public utility services does your plant require? substantial: 1 modest: 2 little: 3 almost none: 4 (1) electricity (2) water (3) telephone (4) telegraph E2. On the average, how frequently public utility services are interrupted? almost none: 1 once a month: 2 once a week: 3 twice a week: 4 more than twice a week: 5 (1) electricity (2) water E3. Do you supply electricity or water with your own facilities? Yes = 1 No = 0 (1) electricity (2) water E4. What do you think of the following public service in this area? excellent: I good enough: 2 not enough: 3 very poor: 4 (1) fire protection service (2) telephone (3) telegraph ES. Who removes and treats the waste? Please estimate the percentage of wastes treated by the following: your firm %' local authority % private contractor % others % total 100% E6. In case the local authority removes the waste, what do you think of their service? (1) excellent (2) good enough (3) not enough (4) very poor E7. How the waste water is treated? Please estimate the percentage of waste water treated by the following: self-treatment at the plant % collective-treatment facility in the area % local authority (Si, Gun) % combination of self-treatment and local authority %__2. other, please specify total _U_._ total 100% E8. In case the local authority treats the waste water, what do you think of their service? (1) excellent (2) good enough (3) not enough (4) very poor E9. What types of pollution are generated by your plant operation? (1) air (2) water (3) noise (4) odor (5) soil (6) other, please specify __(7) none ElO. If your plant generates pollution, how good are your pollution control facilities? (1) complete (2) adequate (3) not enough (4) none Eli. Did you receive any instruction from the government because of the pollution control problem? Yes = 1 No = 0 E12. If yes, which of the following applies to your case? (1) to change the production process (2) to install pollution-control facilities (3) to relocate to other location (4) to pay fine (5) other, please specify E13. Have you received any government subsidies to install for pollution- control facilities? Yes = 1 No = 0 E14. If yes, how much did you receive and what percent of the total cost of the facility was it? (1,000 won) ____ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___(%) E15. Roughly, how much property taxes do you pay per year? (1) building (1,000 won) (2) land (1,000 won) E16. What do you think of this amount? (1) excessive (2) about right (3) on the low side E17. What taxes that you pay affect your business operations most seriously? (1) (2) (1) _______________________________ -8- F. Past Trends and Future Prospects Fl. What has been the average growth rate of your establishment in terms of output (or sales) overthe past 5 years? (1) declined: % per year (2) no growth (3) Increased: % per year F2. How have the natures of the products manufactured changed over the past five years? (1) no fundamental change (2) same products but introduced new production methods (3) same production methods but different products (4) changed both production methods and products F3. How much do you anticipate your establishment will grow in the next five years? (1) grow quite substabtially (2) gro4 substantially (3) grow slightly (4) remain the same (5) decrease (6) not sure Card No. 09 F4. Roughly, can you give information on the following for 1982? (1) annual sales: export (million won) domestic Sales (million won) (2) annual purchase of raw materials: (million won) (3) annual wage bill (million won) (4) annual transportation costs for products and raw materials: (1,000 won) (5) annual electricity bill: _ (1,000 won) (6) annual water bill: (1,000 won) (7) appraised market value of plant and equipment (excluding land): (million won) Card No. 10 G. Summary Evaluation of Present Location G1. Please evaluate how you ,feel about your present location by the factors listed below: very satisfactory: 1 satisfactory: 2 not satisfactory: 3 (1) land area: (2) building space; (3) rent payment (including building and land): (4) availability of skilled workers: (5) wage of skilled workers: (6) availability of unskilledd workers: (7) wage of unskilled workers: (8) cost of public utilities (electricity, water, etc.) (9) quality of public utility services: -9- (10) proximity to suppliers: (11) proximity to customers: (12) proximity to competitors: (13) highway access: (14) railroad access: (15) availability of nearby land for plant expansion: (16) cost of nearby land for plant expansion: (17) proximity to related services: repair and maintenance, banks and other business services: (18) property tax burden: (19) local government services (fire protection, road maintenance, etc): (20) cost of local government services: (21) security (crimes, etc.) (22) pleasant surroundings: (23) recreational facilities: (24) local community attitudes towards this establishment: Part II. COMPARISONS WITH PREVIOUS LOCATION Card No. 11 A. Previous Location Al. The address of previous location: Si (Gun) Gu, Dong (Eup, Myeon) Street No. A2. Roughly what is the distance between the present and the previous location? Km A3. How would you best describe the condition of your previous plant just prior to your move from it? (1) in good condition, but cramped (2) in good condition, but obsolete (3) still serviceable (4) worn out A4. How have the plant and equipment changed after the move to the new site? (1) replaced all with new facilities (2) replaced part of old facilities (3) not changed B. Experiences After Relocation Bl. Compare the situation at the present location as of one year after che move with those at the previous location for the following items. O = no change 1 = increase changed by 2 = decrease (%) (1) production (or sales) (2) land area (3) building space (4) rent payment per pyeong (5) number of skilled workers (6) monthly wages of skilled - 10 - workers (7) number of unskilled workers (8) monthly wages of unskilled workers (9) commuting distance for managers (10) commuting distance for workers (11) output delivery distance (12) input delivery distance (13) local tax payment (14) profits (15) public utility costs Card No. 12 B2. Any changes in the quality of the following public services after the relocation? substantially improved: I somewhat improved: 2 unchanged: 3 became worse: 4 (1) electricity (2) water (3) telephone (4) telegraph (5) fire protection (6) police service (7) waste removal (8) road maintenance (9) sewerage C. Important Factors For Relocation C1. What was the main reason for your relocation? (1) received a government relocation order (2) to receive the benefits from government incentive schemes (3) factors related to plant operations C2. List five location characteristics that you considered to be most important (excluding the government incentive schemes such as credit subsidies or tax exemption) when you chose the present location. (List in order of importance, if needed, the interviewer should assist the respondent by referring to GI in part I). (1) (2) (3) (4) ______ (5) C3. Did you consider the alternative sites before you made the decision to choose the present location? Yes = 1 No = 0 C4. If considered, where were the locations, and what were the main reasons for not choosing these locations? Location Reason (1) Si (Gun) Gu (2) Si (Gun) Gu (3) Si (Gun) Gu C5. Roughly, what percent of your labor force stayed with you when your firm moved to the new location (as of about 1 year after the move)? C6. Roughly, what percent of your employees relocated their residences when your establishment moved to the present location? (1) within one year after the move of establishment % as of now %. C7. Did you provide any housing aid programs for your employees? (List three in order of importance). (1) provided dormitory (2) paid deposit money (3) gave housing loan (4) other, please specify C8. Have you provided any type of incentive or benefit to the employees who moved their residences with your astablishment to the new site? (List three in order of importance). (1) subsidy related to the child education expense (2) subsidy related to the commuting expense (3) provision of commuting bus (4) other, please specify C9. Was your relocation forced because of public action? Choose three in order of importance. (1) highway construction or expansion (2) urban renewal project (3) relocation order because of pollution (4) zoning regulation (5) other, please specify (6) not applicable C1O. Did you receive a credit subsidy for plant expansion when you moved to this relocation? Yes = 1 No = 0 CI. If yes, what percent of your total capital investment for expansion was this credit? C12. What were the interest rate and the repayment period? (1) interest rate: % per year (2) grace period:* year(s) repayment period: year(s) 013. Do you think that you could have received a credit subsidy if you had moved to other locations instead of the present location? - 12 - (1) Yes = 1 No = 2 (2) If Yes, what would have been the likely lending rate for such a credit? Card No. 13 C14. After relocation, how did your tax burden change? Roughly, indicate the amount of change as percent of total payment for each of the following taxes. exempted: 1 reduced: 2 unchanged: 3 increased: 4 (1) national tax - Corporate Tax % Value added Tax % Defense Tax % (2) local tax - Property Tax % Acquisition Tax % Registration Tax % C15. Did you receive any investment tax credit or special depreciation allowance when you moved? Yes = 1 No = 0 (1) investment tax credit (2) special depreciation allowance C16. If yes, roughly how much were they as percent of the totai paid by your firm and how long the benefit periods? (1) investment tax credit % year(s) (2) special depreciation allowance % year(s) C17. Roughly, how much was the purchase price of land per pyeong when your firm moved to this location? (won) C18. Roughly, how much was the market price of land per pyeong in this area when your firm moved to this location? (won) C19. Did your employees receive any benefits from government when they moved here with your firm? Yes = 1 No = 0 C20. If yes, what were they, and how much was the amount as percent of the total for each of the following? (1) housing loan % (2) exemption of capital gain tax % (3) other,, please specify % (4) other, please specify % Card No. 14 C21. Did you receive any type of relocation subsidy (i.e., funds for relocation preparation or loss carry-over of relocation expense in calculating corporate tax, etc.)? Yes = 1 No = 0 - 13 - C22. Did you receive any capital gain tax exemption from the sale of plant and land at the previous location? Yes = 1 No = 0 C23. If yes, roughly what was the amount as percent of the total tax? C24. Did you receive any other benefits from government when you relocated? Yes = 1 No = 0 C25. If yes, which were they? (please specify the type of benefit, interest rate and benefit or repayment period. interest rate (%) period (years) (1) promotion loan for small and medium-scale firms (2) housing loan (3) subsidy for pollution- control facilities (4) other, please specify C26. List five items among the following government incentive measures that you considered to be most important when you made the decision to relocate your establishment to the present location. (List in order of importance). (1) credit subsidies (plant site preparation, relocating expenses, plant construction expense, energy conservation support, etc.) (2) loss carry-over in corporate tax calculation for the relocating expense (3) corporate tax exemption for the capital gains and relocation compensation grants (4) exemption of capital gain tax and surcharge (5) capital investment tax credit after relocation or special depreciation allowance for the first year after relocation (6) property tax exemption - (7) exemption of acquisition or registration tax (8) low purchase price of land area (9) priority right for purchasing the plant site (10) high priority given to the location for installation of basic urban infrastructure (road, water, sewerage, housing, etc.) (11) government purchase of the previous plant site Part III. PLANS FOR CAPACITY EXPANSION OR RELOCATION Card No. 15 Al. Do you have any plans for expanding your operations within the next five years? Yes = 1 No = 0 A2. If yes: 1) Is this expansion likely to take place: (1) here at this location - 14 - (2) another location in Seoul: Gu (3) another location in Gyeonggi Si (Gun), Gu (4) another location outside Seoul and Gyeonggi: Si (Gun), Gu 2) Roughly how many new workers will you hire as a result of this expansion? 3) How many additional floor space will you require? pyeong A3. Do you have any plans for relocating entire operation from the present site to another location in the next five years? Yes = 1 No = 0 A4. If yes: 1) Is the new location likely to be: (1) in Seoul: Gu (2) in Gyeonggi: Si (Gun), Gu (3) outside Seoul and Gyeonggi: Si (Gun), Gu 2) Roughly how would your labor force change? Will increase by persons Will decrease by persons 3) How much additional floor space will you require? pyeong AS. If you have plans for expanding your operations at another location or for relocating your establishment, what factors would you consider to be most important in selecting the new location? List five in order of importance. (If needed, the interviewer should assist the respondent by referring to G1 in Part I). (1) (2) (3) (4) __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (5) Part IV ALTERNATIVE LOCATION CONSIDERATION OF NEWLY ESTABLISHED FIRMS (This part is to be completed for newly established firms in or after 1979). Card No. 16 Al. Did you consider other locations than this one when you were looking for a plant site? Yes = 1 No = 0 A2. If yes, where were the locations, and what were the main reasons for not choosing these locations? Specify reasons for each location. Si (Gun), Gu reasons (1) (2) (3) - 15 - A3. Did you receive a credit subsidy relating to the construction of new plant? Yes = 1 No 0 A4. If yes, what percent of your total capital investment was this credit? , _% A5. What were the interest rate and repayment period? (1) interest rate: % per year (2) grace period: year(s) repayment period: year(s) A6. Do you think that you could have received a credit subsidy if you had chosen other locations instead of the present location? (1) Yes = 1 No = 0 (2) If yes, what would have been the likely lending rate for such a credit? A7. Did you receive any tax benefits by establishing your firm at this site? none: 1 exempted: 2 reduced: 3 increased: 4 (If 3 or 4, please specify the amount of change as percent of total payment for each of the following taxes.) (1) national tax: Corporate Tax % Value Added Tax % Defense Tax % (2) local tax: Property Tax % Acquisition Tax % Registration Tax % A8. Did you receive any investment tax credit or special depreciation allowance by establishing your plant at this site? Yes = 1 No = 0 (1) investment tax credit (2) special depreciation allowance A9. If yes, roughly how much were they as percent of the total paid by your firm and how long the benefit periods? (1) investment tax credit % years (2) special depreciation allowance % years Card No. 17 AlO. Roughly, how much was the purchase price of land per pyeong when you established your firm at this site? won All. Roughly, how much was the market price of the land per pyeong in this area when you established your firm at the present site? won - 16 - A12. Did your employees receive any benefits from government when your firm was newly established at this site? - Yes = 1 No = 0 A13. If yes, what were they, and how much was the amount as percent of the total for each of the following? (1) housing loan % (2) exemption of capital gain tax % (3) other, please specify % (4) other, please specify % A14. When you newly established your firm, did you receive any other benefits from government? Yes = 1 No = 0 Al5. If yes, which were they? (Please specify the type of the benefit, interest rate, and benefit or repayment period). interest rate period (%) (years) (1) promotion loan for small and medium-scale firms (2) housing loan (3) other, please specify (4) other, pelase specify A16. List five items among the following government incentive measures that you considered to be most important when you chose this site? (List in order of importance). (1) credit subsidies (plant site preparation, plant construction expense, energy conservation support, etc.) (2) capital investment tax credit or special depreciation allowance for the first year (3) property tax exemption (4) exemption of acquisition or registration tax (5) low purchase price of land area (6) priority right for purchasing the plant site (7) high priority given to the relocation for installation of basic urban infrastructure (road, water, sewerage, housing, etc.) Part V. EXPANSION OR RELOCATION CONSIDERATION OF FIRMS LOCATED AT THE PRESENT SITE IN OR BEFORE 1978. Card No. 18 Al. Since 1979, have you seriously considered relocating to another location? Yes = 1 No = 0 A2. Since 1979, have you seriously considered opening a branch plant? Yes = 1 No = 0 A3. Since 1979, has your,firm established a branch plant at another location? - 17 - Yes = 1 No = 0 If yes, where is the branch plant? Si (Gun), Gu A4. Instead of relocating or opening a branch, have you expanded your plant at this location? Yes= No = 0 A5. Since 1979, has your plant absorbed operations of other plant(s) that were closed down? Yes = 1 No = 0 A6. If yes, where were those plants located? (1) Si (Gun), Gu (2) Si (Gun), Gu (3) Si (Gun), Gu A7. Since 1979, has your plant acquired other plant(s) in the same production line? Yes = 1 No = 0 A8. If yes, where were those plants located? (1) Si (Gun), Gu (2) Si (Gun), Gu (3) Si (Gun), Gu Interviewer's Remarks Immediately after the interview, write your opinions about the reli- ability of responses, the extent of cooperation, names and titles of other people who were present at the interview and their influences, the parts which were more difficult to answer, and the parts with unclear answers. If the interview was rejected, or was impossible to carry out explain why (for example, busy; too many questions; such a firm does not exist, etc.)