DOCUMENT OF INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION MONTHLY OPERATIONAL SUMMARY OF BANK AND IDA PROPOSED PROJECTS (As of January 31, 1975) SecM75 - 125 February 21, 1975 The Secretary CONTENTS Section I. - Eastern Africa 1 - 11 II. - Western Africa 12 - 22 III. - East Asia and Pacific 23 31 IV, - South Asia 32 39 v. - Europe, Kiddle East and North Africa 40 50 VI. - Latin America and Caribbean 51 66 VII. - New Projects 67 69 Country, and Amount 2/ and Probable · Stage of Processing and Lender Project'}./ Action on Procurement !!./ I, EASTERN AFRICA try of Works About (R) Roads III - Construction of the Appraisal report being prepared. Communications 10.0 Gaborone-Molepolole Road. (Bank) tana Development To be Development Finance Company - To Awaiting utilization of funds oration (BDC) determined assist promotion of medium and small in first loan, (Bank) scale industrial enterprises. j stry of To be Livestock II. Identification mission culture determined scheduled for March. (Bank) stry of Works To be Roads IV - Improvement of a section Project preparation underway, COllllllunications determined of the North-South Road. (Bank) If the Government is the borrower, the name of the department, ministry or agency which is to implement the project is given, If the Government is to relend the proceeds to another entity, the name of that entity is given. If the Government is not the borrower, the borrower's name is given in capital letters in parentheses. The amount is in millions of U.S. dollars and is approximate and tentative. The letter (N) before the project means that the project is a new listing in the Sununary; the letter (R) means that the information about the project has be.en revised since the last issue of the Summary. Section VII of the Summary contains a recapitulation of the new projects listed in this :issue. This column contains available information, if any, about action with respect to the procurement of goods and services expected to be financed by the Bank or IDA, ribution: Executive Directors and Alternates President Senior Vice President, Operations 'Executive Vice President and Vice President, IFC President's Council Directors and Department Heads, Bank and IFC, - 2 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency}_/ Lender Project '}_/ Action on Procurement !!_/ BURUNDI Office des Cultures Up to (R) Second Coffee Improvement (Extension' Appraisal report being Industrielles du 10.0 of first project financed by IDA prepared. Burundi (IDA) (Cr. 147), construction of about 20 coffee washing stations and about 80 pulping centers, strengthening of extension services, and research to improve coffee production; improve- ment of food crop production. Infra- structure and water supply, Total costs currently estimated at $12 million. Ministry of To be Fish Processing - Improvement of Project to be identified, Agriculture determined traditional lake fishing and fish and Livestock (IDA) processing; establishment of pro- cessing factories along Burundi side of Lake Tanganyika; improved marketing. EAST AFRICAN COMMUNITY }_/ (EAST AFRICAN To be Development Finance Company II, Awaiting utilization of fun~- DEVELOPMENT BANK) determined in first loan, '' (Bank) (EAST AFRICAN POSTS 30.0 (R) Telecommunications IV, Awaiting telecommunications AND TELECOM. CORP.) (Bank) investment program approval East AfrJcan Community, (EAST AFRICAN 35.0 Harbors IV. East African Harbors Corpor1 HARBORS CORP. ) (Bank) tion intends to appoint con.I sultants to prepare certain aspects of the project. (EAST AFRICAN 35.0 {R) Railways IV. Project being prepared by RAILWAYS CORP.) (Bank) EARC. ETHIOPIA (BOARD OF TELE- 16,0 {R) .Telecommunications V - 2nd Tranche. Draft appraisal report being COMMUNICATIONS OF (IDA) The proposed credit would finance reviewed, ETHIOPIA) (BTE) the remaining foreign exchange costs of BTE's Fifth Development Program which aims at (1) increasing the capacity of the existing telephone systems by about 45,000 lines; (2) expanding the long distance facilities through the installation of four micro- wave links, various VHF/UHF radio links and associated trunk switching equipment; (3) improving the inter- national services by installing an earth satellite station; and (4) expanding the telegraph and telex networks. Ethiopia Highway 30,S , (R) Roads VI - Likely to include road Draft appraisal report being Authority (EHA) (Bank/IDA) maintenance equipment construction reviewed. Maintenance equip of approximately 230 Ian. of agri- ment to be financed by bilat cultural roads, construction super- assistance, vision, technical assistance and training. Seep, 1 for footnotes, 1/ Comprising Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. Processing of projects under EAC is under close review of The Bank pending possible changes in corporate structure of EAC corporations. - 3 - I if Country, and Amount 2/ , ~er or and Probable Stage of Processing and : renting Agency y Lender Project ~_/ Action on Procurement f!_/ '?IA (Cont'd) 'l lry of 20.0 Education IV - Further assistance to the education and training sector Appraisal report under preparation. :·.. ion (IDA) consistent with Government priorities. Likely to .include assistance for expanding first and second level education and adult education; mass media and curricula development; establishment of training centers for extension workers in cooperatives, forestry, health and home economics; I I district rural development centers and University Social Science Center. i Board To be Coffee Processing II. Preparation of project underway. L determined (IDA) Wote d'Tvni.Te (F.EC:T) (Rank) mission and distribution. plant to be completed by June 1975. ociete'd'Assistance 7.0 Agricultural resettlement program of Feasibility studies being echnique pour la Modern- (Bank) cocoa and food crop planting, and prepared by consultants. sation Agricole de la general agricultural development, ote'd'Ivoire including settlement of lands in (SATMACI) Western region. RED!T DE LA COTE 4.0 Financing small enterprise - program of Appraisal report being prepared. 'IVOIRE (CCI) (Bank} assistance to Government agencies and Banks for promotion of small business. anque Ivoirienne de 8.0 DFC: - loan to provide line of credit Appraisal report being peveloppement (Bank) for small to medium size Ivorian prepared, Industriel (BID!) enterprises. Credit de la Cote 10.0 Tourism Development Fund - to provide Appraisal report being d '_Ivoire (CCI) (Bank} line of credit for hotel and related prepared. infrastructure financing, and technical assistance component for project Procurement: Retroactive execution. Project would also include financing up to $100,000 to a marketing study. be recommended to finance marketing study. Seep. 1 for footnotes. - 17 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Aaency 1/ Lender Action on Procurement LIBERIA Ministry of 6.0 (R) Agriculture - integrated rural develop- Appraisal Report being p Agriculture (IDA) ment in Lofa County. Liberia Electricity 1.8 (R) Power III - technical assistance for Other agencies which may Corporation (Bank) management improvement and hydro willing to finance proje studies. contacted before further processing of project. cussions with Government cerning content of proje taking place early Febru Ministries of Education, 6.0 (R) Education II - community school pro- Pre-Appraisal Mission sc Labor and _Agriculture (InA) gram and related teacher training; for April 1975. continued reinforcement of education administration; vocational training center; forest ranger training program; broadening of secondary schools curriculum. Public Works 27,5 (R) Highways III - construction of UN Appraisal report being p Ministry (Bank) Drive, and Mesurado bridge, Totota- (Co-financing under discl Ganta road and connected feeder road with ADB). study. To be 15.0 (R) Forestry - project likely to include Reconnaissance report co1 determined (Bank) financial assistance for developing IBRD/FAO has reviewed tht1 forest based industries, roads and with Government. Project port facilities, education and training paration to be carried 01 and strengthening of Governme_nt 's German Aid Fund and FA0/1 forestry services for an integrated Cooperative Program tent} I development of Liberian forests. scheduled for completion December 1975. I Ministry of 10.0 (R) Rehabilitation of existing small and Rubber industry study by Agriculture (Bank) medium sized rubber plantations and consultants and Governme clearing of old plantations as well be completed shortly. as new plantings. Ministry of 6.0 Integrated agricultural development Feasibility study by AHT Agriculture (IDA) in Bong county, including road con- sultants and Government struction, swamp clearing, land-use completed by April. planning extension services, train- ing, marketing, credit and other essential social services. MALI Ministere de 13.3 (R) Livestock development in Mopti region - Negotiations substantial! !'Agriculture (IDA) well construction, animal health, completed. Board present firebreaks and technical assistance. scheduled for February 11 Ministere de 15.0 (R) Three-year cotton and food crops de- Feasibility study complet !'Agriculture (IDA) velopment program - extension of and under review. Apprai ongoing FED financed project, includ- tentatively scheduled for ing inputs, equipment, technical June. assistance and feeder roads. Direction 10.0 (R) Highway III - cost overrun for Faladie- Project preparation for B, des Travaux (IDA) Segov road and improvement of feeder Kolokani Road financed uni Publics roads, and possible upgrading of Bamako- second roads project. Ap1! Kolokani Road (115 Ian). mission currently in fieli Seep, 1 for footnotes. - 18 - er Country, and Amount 2/ jower or and Probable Stage of Processing and 1ementing Agency 1/ Lender Project 1/ Action on Procurement !!._/ i[ (Cont'd) stere de To be Rice II - Construction and rehabili- Feasibility study carried out I riculture 1 determined tation of polders for rice cultivation by Government/IER/RHWA to be in the inland delta region of the Niger completed by Hay. valley. !TANIA stere de 4.0 (R) Nouadhibou port expansion - Negotiations substantially com- uipement (IDA) including extension of fishing and pleted. Presentation to Execu- commercial wharfs and technical assist- tive Directors scheduled for ance to increase port productivity. May, awaiting receipt and ~val- Total project cost now estimated at uation of bids, (To be co- $14 .3 million. financed by Kuwait Fund and CCCE.) stere du Developpe- 2.0 Rural development in south eastern Feasibility study being re- Rural (IDA) region - project aims at increased reviewed. production of dry crops through strengthening of extension service, farmers' credit, marketing organiza- tion and feeder roads, mainly by GuidiMaka and Southern areas of 1st, 2nd .and 3rd Regions. 4.0 (R) Gorgol Irrigat.ion - first phase of Engineering study carried out (IDA) irrigation project in Gorgol Valley by SCET consultants to be to develop 3,500 ha. of rice and completed by March. (Co- other diversified crops. financing with FED being en- visaged). /,~R 1 1 / Ctere des 10.0 (R) Highways III - construction and Appraisal report being prepared. )aux Publics (IDA) maintenance of roads; preinvest- Retroactive financing for up to ment studies. $50,000 may be recommended. ifstere de 10.0 (R) Rural development - integrated devel- Government informed Bank mission :onomie Rurale (IDA) opment of Haradi area, including ex- which visited Niger in mid- tension services and provision of llovember that the project should farm inputs. proceed. Awaiting new proposals from Government on irrigation and livestock elements as well as on project organization. Retroactive financing for up to $300,000 may be recommended. j lee des Poetes 3.0 (R) Telecommunications - expansion of Pre-appraisal completed. Appraisal I irelecommunicationa (IDA) inter-urban, and long d~stance net- tentatively scheduled for late work. 1975. !lstere de 8.0 (R) Irrigation for rice production on 1,500 Preparation report being re- 'bonomie Rurale (IDA) ha. in Namarigoungou. viewed, Appraisal tentatively scheduled for April 1975. LIA . ral Ministry of 21.0 Livestock I~ establishment and reha- Loan approved by.Executive t culture and ural Resources (Bank) bilitation of breeding and fattening ranches and grazing areas for addition- al cattle, pasture improvement, exten- sion of credit and tse-tse control. Directors on December 19, 1974. Total cost estimated at $42 million. p. 1 for footnotes. - 19 - · Member Country, and Amount 21 Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency 1/ Lender Project y Action on ·Procurement. NIGERIA (Cont'd) Federal·Ministry of 17.0 ·011 Palm I - rehabilitation and expan- Negotiations substantial] Agriculture ·and (Bank) .sion on nucleus estates ·and small completed. Presentation) Natural Resources holdings of oil palm in Western State. Executive Directors schec Total project cost is estimated at for March 1975. . I $34 million. Procurement: Retroactiv1 cing for establishment of palm nurseries in an ~mo~ up to $100,000 will be recommended. I Federal Ministry of 19.0 Oil Palm 1i - rehabilitation and ex- Negotiations substantial] Agriculture and (Bank) pansion on small holdings of oil palm completed. Presentationj Natural Resources in East-Central State. Total project Executive Directors scheo cost is estimated at $38 million. for March 1975. 1 Procurement: Retroactive cing for establishment of palm nurseries in an amoti up to $100,000 will be I recommended. Federal Ministry of 29.5 Oil Palm Ill - rehabilitation and ex-. Negotiations substantialJ Agriculture and (Bank) pansion on nucleus estates and small completed, Presentation I Natural Resources holdings of oil palm in mid-western Executive Directors ached State. Total project cost is estimated for March 1975. at $59 million. Procurement: Retroactive cing for establishment of palm nurseries in an amou up to $100,000 will be recommended. Federal Ministry of 23.0 (R) Rubber - rehabilitation of rubber Appraisal report under pr ·Agriculture and (Bank)· smallholdings in mid-Western and tion. Natural Resources Rivers States. Federal Ministry of 21.0 Agricultural development (Gombe) - ex- Loan approved by Executiv< Agriculture and (Bank) pansion of cotton, groundnuts and food Directors on December 19, Natural Resources crops production in North East State. Total cost estimated at $42 million. Federal Ministry of 29.0 Agricultural development (Funtua) - · Loan approved by Executiv Agriculture and (Bank) expansion of cotton, groundnuts and Directors on December 19, Naturai Resources foodcrops production in North Central State, Total cost estimated at $58 million. Federal Ministry of 19.0 Agricultural development (Gusau) - Loan approved by Executive Agriculture and (Bank) · expansion of cotton, groundnuts and Directors on December 19, Natural Resources foodcrops production in North West State. Estimated total cost $38 million. Federal· Minis.try lementing Agency]./ Lender Project Y Action on Procurement !!/ bERIA (Cont'd) ~eral Ministry of Up to (R) Water Supply (North-Central State) - Appraisal mission scheduled for 'nance 32.0 package of new water schemes to town- March 1975. · (Bank) ships in rural areas and extensions to urban schemes, eral Ministry of Up to Establishment of small-scale indus- Draft appraisal report being ustries 20.0 trial centers. prepared; project content under (Bank) discussion with Government. eral Ministry of Up to (R) Expansion of teleconununication Pre-appraisal mission postponed nmunica t ions 50.0 facilities, to fourth quarter of ·FY75. (Bank) eral Ministry of 17.5 Rice Development I - low cost Loan approved by Executive 1 iculture and (Bank) irrigation for rice in Eastern Nigeria, Directors on December 19, 1974. tural Resources Total cost estimated at $35 million. .I.era! Ministry of ~iculture and . tural Resources Up to 30.0 (Bank) (R) Irrigation - development of about 60,000 acres of land in the Kano River region. Appraisal report under review. >OS State To be Extension of Lagos water supply Appraisal tentatively scheduled fistry of Works determined system, for second half 1975, (Bank) .~EGAL ~istere de 15,0 (R) Education II - science blocks for Approved by Executive Directors ~ducation (IDA) secondary schools; replacement on January 28, 1975. tionale secondary schools; post primary _practical education; vocational training center; tourism training school; training and technical assistance, nistere du Developpe- About 6,0 Livestock development in Eastern Appraisal tentatively scheduled 'nt Rural (IDA) region; will likely include watering for May 1975, points, pasture improvement, fire breaks, well maintenance equipment. About Terres Neuves II - follow-up Appraisal report being prepared. 1.3 project, Resettlement and studies (Bank) on integrated development in Eastern Procurement: Bank considering Senegal. Government request for retro- active financing for part of first year costs of project. nistere des Travaux 1 About Highways III - second phase of pavement Detailed engineering financed rlics et des Transports 12.0 strengthening program; construction under ongoing project. (Bank) of secondary roads. nistere du Developpe- 15.0 Intensification of agriculture in Appraisal report being 1 •ntRural (Bank) Sine Saloum. prepared, (Co-financing with CCCE,) karmarine Up to (R) Ship repair - dry docks and repair Studies financed by Loan S-3 30.0 facilities for ships up to 500,000 dwt. being reviewed, (Bank) legation enerale About Tourism - infrastructure facilities Studies financed by UNDP Tourisme 8,0 in the Petite Cote area. began mid-June, 1974. (Bank) rt Autonome 6.0 (R) Dakar Port - extension of fishing Revised engineering and prepara- Dakar (PAD) (Bank) wharf and facilities, tion of economic studies likely to be necessary within next 4 to 6 months. le p. 1 for footnotes, - 21 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency!/ Lender Project 'l/ Action on Procurement 4 SENEGAL (Cont'd) Ministere des 5.0 Highways IV - Construction and Feeder road survey financE Travaux Publics et des Transports (Bank) improvement of feeder roads. under on-going project. I Ministere du About 1.0 (R) Debi Lampsar preparation and final Appraisal report being coll1 I Developpement {IDA) designs and tender documents for (Retroactive financing bei Rural 5,000 ha irrigation. considered from some stud:i!. SIERRA LEONE Ministry of 7.0 (R) Education II - support of first project Appraisal report being pre Education (IDA) objectives at secondary level; educa- tional planning, curricula development, in-service teacher training; and manage- ment and rural development personnel training. Ministry of 10.0 {R) Rural development II - development in Appraisal report to be Agriculture (IDA) northern province of inland valley completed shortly. swamps for irrigation of rice and other foodcrops; development of upland farms for rainfed crops cultivation; study of possible livestock develop- ment; assistance to help strengthen Ministry of Agriculture. Also exten- sion of existing Eastern province pro- Ministry of Public Works Up to 13.0 ject. Highways II - Highway maintenance, construction of urban section of Highway maintenance program being prepared by consultanl I (Bank) Freetown-Waterloo road and pre- Detailed engineering of investment studies; technical assist- Freetown-Waterloo Road to b ance, urban planning study. Total financed by. UNDP. estimated cost up to $18 million. Sierra Leone 7.5 Power III - diesel generators, distri- Appraisal planned for March Electricity (Bank) bution facilities for rehabilitation Corporation (SLEC) and extension of SLEC's system, and Procurement : Advanced prod studies for the Bumbua hydro plant ment for about 60% of the j (about 30 mw). project and retroactive fin, cing of about $0.8 million envisaged. !QQQ (CIMENTS DE To be Cement mill - 1 .2 million-ton clinker Additional geological drilli\ L'AFRIQUE DE determined capacity for regional supply, infra- campaign - necessary to fina1 L'OUEST) (Bank) structure including rail-spur, road appraisal - to begin in Janu 1 • and port facilities. Total cost about and to be substantially compl $150 million of which project would by summer 1975. (Joint fina cost about $120 million. with EIB, CCCE and AfDB expe CIDA may finance part of inf structure.) Regie des Eaux 2.0 Expansion of Lome water supply and Awaiting Government decision (IDA) sewerage systems. arrangements and financing f, feasibility study. I Sorad Maritime 7.0 (R) Maritime Region integrated rural UNDP financed feasibility stt i (IDA) development. being reviewed. Seep. 1 for footnotes, - 22 - Country, and Amount 2/ u or and Probable Stage of Proceaaing and \nuns Aaency !/ Lmder -ProJect y Action on Procurement 2./ ~OLTA lre de 8,0 (R) Livestock development in southwest - Appraisal report being prepared. l.ulture (IDA) nine group ranches on 200,000 ha around Samorogovan. Renovation of stock routes, the market, holding grounds and slaughterhouse all in Bobo-Dioulasso and technical assistance for project l'IIBnagement. re des 7.0 (R) Roads II - Program for improvement Appraisal report being pre- Publics (IDA) and maintenance of 3,000 Ian of feeder pared, roads and tracks of which 2,000 Ian have been partially improved. Tech- nical assistance and procurement of equipment for a Rural Road Mainte- nance Unit which is to be created within the Ministry of Public Works. re des 20.0 Roads III - improvement of .about Feasibility study has been Publics (IDA) 200 km of trunk roads, Banfora- completed. Detailed engineering Bobo-Dioulasso-Hounde. underway. re de 6.0 (R) Rural Development Fund II - Continua- Appraisal scheduled for fall 1 ulture (IDA) tion of Rural Development Fund I 1975. (Credit 317) will concentrate efforts in four heavily populated O.R.D's (Organisme Regional de Developpement) - Kaya, Koudougou, Yatenga and Ouagadougou, Hain components of project include tubewells, dug wells, bottom lands · and erosion con~rol measures. for footnotes, - 23 - ~ember Country, and Amount 2/ ~orrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and mplementing Agency l/ Lender Project 1,/ Action on Procurement f!/ UI. EAST ASIA AND PACIFIC .USTRALIA apua New Guinea ept. of Transport 30.0 (R) Highways II - upgrading of existing Appraisal report being pre- (Bank) road from Lae to the Highlands. Also pared. to be included under the project is an integrated development study of ept. of Agriculture, 23. 5 Rural development - including Mission scheduled for early tock and Fisheries (Bank/IDA) planting of oil palm, rural and February to update cost economic infrastructure, town estimates in light of recent development & extension services. inflation and devaluation of Australian dollar. Comple- mentary investment under consideration by Japan and CDC. inistry of To be (R) Highways - improvement of middle Decision made to dro.p project 'ommunications, detennined section of Suva Nadi road. from lending program. orks and Tourism (Bank) inistry of 5.0 (R) Telecommunications II - first phase Appraisal report being ommunications, Works (Bank) of the 1976-80 development program prepared. nd Tourism of the Department of Ports and Tele- communications, including installa- tion of automatic switching equipment, of local distribution network and of telephone apparatus for local service; installation of microwave and radio equipment and of radio base stations for long distance service; expansion of telex and international exchanges and purchase of teleprinters; at a total project cost of $12.9 million. linistry of 10.0 Sugar infrastructure development - Project preparation underway. ;.griculture, (Bank) including bulk handling facilities, fisheries and tram-railway, extension of Seaqaqa '•ores ts resettlement project, and drainage. NOONESIA jlinistry of Up to (R) Highways IV - bettennent of existing Project preparation underway. (ublic Works and 100.0 roads. ower (Bank) Procurement: Invitation to pre-qualify for part of the civil works contract has been published in accordance with the Bank's guidelines. Unistry of 1 50.0 Smallholder/Estates - assistance to Project preparation underway, \griculture (Bank) smallholders through estates in Sumatra and assistance in improving estates management. , ee p, 1 for footnotes. Member Country, and Amount 2/ - 24 - Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency!/ Lender Project 1/ Action on Procurement I INDONESIA (Cont'd) Ministry of Public Works and Power 58.0 (Bank) Irrigation Rehabilitation VI - construc- tion of irrigation system at Sampean Baru, irrigation rehabilitation at ~ .... ,••, •• ,x,,,,., J February. (Possible pa financing from Austral~ Cirebon, and Rentang Barrage rehabili- Cimanuk preliminary woj tation, on-farm development and training. Total project cost is about Procurement: Retroact~ $165 million of which $58 million financing for mapping in foreign exchange. recommended. Ministry of 20.0 Agricultural extension and research Appraisal report being Agriculture (Bank) assistance to upgrade Government's agricultural research facilities and Procurement: Retroacti to improve extension services. Total cing of consulting serv cost of the project is about $40 be reconunended. million and the foreign exchange cost about $20 million. Mapping Agency 11.0 National Resources Survey and Mapping Appraisal report being of Government (Bank) project -·technical assistance and (Possible parallel fina equipment to assist in the surveying by Canadian Internatio and initial production of consistent Development Agency.) base maps for Indonesia for economic, financial and technical planning and project preparation and implementation. PUSRI Up to (R) PUSRI III - large nitrogen fertilizer Negotiations completed. 115.0 plant to produce 570,000 TPY urea. presentation scheduled (Bank) Total cost about $190 million with February. about $150 million in foreign exchange. Procurement: Contracts equipment having long d time have been awarded, additional calls for tet underway. All procurem./ being conducted in accot with the Bank's guideli1 Ministry of Interior Up to (R) Rural Development I - to strengthen Project has been droppe~ 6.5 and expand training program in support the lending program at t (Bank) of Government's Kabupaten Program, a request of Government. labor-intensive rural infrastructure construction program. Ministries of Interior Up to (R) Transmigration I - rural infra- Appraisal report being JP and Transmigration 75.0 structure and institutional support (Bank) for a transmigration project in Procurement: Retroacti South Sumatra. financing for consultant vices and start-up equip1 may be recotm11ended. ' I National Family 25.0 Population and Nutrition Project I - Project preparation unde 1 Planning Coordinating (Bank) Nutrition and assistance for Govern- ment's on-going population program. Ministry of Education 35.0 (R) Education IV - support to strengthen Appraisal mission schedu and Culture (Bank) Government's administrative capability for February. and to improve technical/vocational education to meet specific manpower shortages. PLN (National 38.0 Power IV - expansion of Muara Karang Appraisal report being p Electricity Authority) (Bank) generating plant financed by IDA Credit No. 399-IND. Seep. 1 for footnotes. '.:mber Country, and Amount 2/ - 2S - rrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and lplementing Agency!/ Lender Project 'l_/ Action on Procurement !!_/ 1 /00NESIA (Cont'd) I i nistry of Public 60.0 Irrigation VII - on farm development Feasibility study underway. I rks and Power (Bank) and preliminary work for Pemali-Comal storage. nistry of 85.0 (R) Sugar Industry Rehabilitation II - Project preparation underway. , riculture (Bank) construction and rehabilitation of I ' sugar factories, Ink Rakyat 20.0 Rural Credit I - credit program Project preparation underway, ronesia (Bank) to be undertaken by Bank Rakyat including intensive review of for smallholder agriculture; and training in accounting and production, marketing and distri- other management procedures. bution improvements, ,' nistry of 60.0 (R) Marine Transport II - assistance for Appraisal report being I mmunications (Bank) inter-island shipping. Total Project prepared, cost is $200 million of which $194 million will be in foreign exchange. Procurement: Retroactive financing of consultant ser- vices may be recommended. i l/·ivate Development 30.0 PDFCI II - additional assistance Supervision mission will review ,rnance Company of (Bank) to PDFCI to continue financing PDFCI's future financial needs. fdonesia (PDFCI) Indonesian business expansion. 1 Ii :[nistry of 20.0 Small Industries I - assistance for Project preparation underway. \dustry (Bank) development of small industries in ,I Indonesia. I itN (National 100.0 Thermal generation station III - Project preparation underway. (Bank) transmission and distribution i:~•in for Spinning determined rehabilitation and modernization of !I Weaving (Bank) selected textile and garment production complexes. I!xandria Port To be (N) Improvement and modernization of Mission to guide Egypt team in '(,hority determined existing port facilities at forthcoming detailed project pro- (Bank) Alexandria Port. posal scheduled for end February. f n.AND - ~ :ional Water 20.0 Pollution control - the project is Appraisal report being prepared. lrd (Bank) part of a 10-year national program I : I for the abatement of water pollution created by urban and industrial wastes, and would concentrate on the paper and pulp industry over a period of four years. Estimated total cost of the I liECE project is $133 million. I : lraulic Works I To be (R) Irrigation III - groundwater irriga- Appraisal mission in the field, :ivice of the determined tion in northern Greece as follow-up :listry of {Bank) to ongoing program under Irrigation I. ;riic Works , 1istry of To be (R) Construction of Lamia-Larisa road Appraisal mission preparing iflic Works determined possibly including highway mainte- report. (Bank) nance and technical assistance for transport planning. 1 listry of 40.0 Education III - vocational, teacher Appraisal report being lional Education (Bank) training and secondary education, reviewed. I Religion (noNAL INVESTMENT 25.0 (R) Development Finance Company - Appraisal mission in the field. 1K FOR mDUSTRIAL (Bank) HIBm v· - Industrial Financing. IELOPHENT (NIBm) erage Board of To be Urban Sewerage Development - main Project preparation underway • ( .ssaloniki and determined interceptors and treatment facilities OS (Bank) for second and fourth largest cities in Greece, and related technical assistance. p. 1 for footnotes, Member Country, and Amount 2/ - 43 - and Probable Stage of Processing and Borrower or Implementing Agency]./ Lender Project '}./ Action on Procurement !!_/ IRAN Ministry of To be Education II - project··elements not Main education mission to, Education determined yet determined. Iranian Education Task For (Bank) now preparing its report. Tehran Regional 50.0 LAR River Multipurpose - expansion of Awaiting Government reacti Water Board (Bank) domestic and industrial water supply ·on outstanding issues rais1 for Tehran and irrigation supplies to during negotiations; Mazanderan region north east of Tehran. Also includes engineering studies, Procurement: Awards for tl a national training program for water two main construction cont! supply and feasibility studies.for have been made. agriculture. Total estimated project cost $400 mill~on, including $210 million in foreign expenditures. Mineral To be Fund to expand exploration and exploi- Awaiting further preparatio Exploration Fund determined tation of minerals - fund (now being of project by Government an (Bank) established by Government) will lend consultants, to explorers after determining that further expenditure at particular site is justified, and will supervise expenditures. Ministry of 17.5 (R) Livestock - project to stimulate produc- Project preparation report Agriculture (Bank) tion of mutton, covering on-farm items from the Agricultural Task and including processing works in currently under study. Kerinanshah, Ministry of To be Regional development - aimed at develop- Regional mission preparing Agriculture determined ing a prototype for providing essential report. (Bank) infrastructure and social services in Kermanshah Region. Ministry of· To be Small Farm Consolidation Program - Appraisal report is under Cooperatives and determined mainly' aimed at establishing farm cor- preparation. Rural Affairs (Bank) porations and development of small rural industries scheme, concentrating in the West Azerbaijan and Fars. regions. Agricultural 40.0 Agricultural Credit I - to provide Appraisal report is under Cooperative (Bank) agricultural credit to medium-and preparation. · Bank small-size farms through a supervised c.redit. program. Tehran Regional To be Village Electrification - expansion in Appraisal report is under Electricity Company determined electrici.ty distribution in the Central preparation. (TREC) (Bank) Province outside Tehran to about 2,128 v'iilages. Project estimated total cost $110 million; foreign exchange about $40-60 million. · Ministry of Housing To be Urban development outside of Tehran--to .An urban review report is bej and City Planning determined assist in developing a new town in the prepared. (Bank) Bandar Shahpur area near the Gulf where considerable growth has taken place and more is planned for _the future. Seep. 1 for footnotes. Amount 2/ - 44 - Stage of Processing and and Probable Action on Procurement !!./ enc )_/ Lender Project 'l_/ (Cont'd) an Regional To be Urban sewage system development--con- A preappraisal mission is sched- r Board determined struction of a wastewater system for uled for March 1975, (Bank) Tehran. Project would assist in de- ·veloping organization, management and training arrangements for implementing this comprehensive water/sewage plan. Total project cost $894 million with foreign exchange component of $285 million. and Budget To be Population II/Nutrition !--extending Discussions on this project have nization determined maternal and child care population pro- been postponed to August 1975, (Bank) grams to rural areas and initiating a due to delays in project imple- first program aimed at improving nutri- mentation of the first project, tional resources for the country. upon which the second will be based, To be Regional industrial development. Timing of completion of project determined preparation is indefinite. (Bank) To be (R) Development Finance Company II. Appraisal mission scheduled for determined February. (Bank) EL ·stries of Commerce, 35.0 Industrial finance, including voca- Appraisal mission,preparing stry and of Labor, (Bank) tional t'raining and industrial · report, atrial Development research, of Israel (IDBI) stry of 6.0 (R) Education II - Construction of seven Board presentation scheduled for ation (IDA) schools as part of a program to expand March, 1975. vocational, technical and non-formal basic education. Total project cost $17,5 million, including $11 million foreign cost. an Electricity 5.0 (R) Provision of a third 33 HW steam elec- Appraisal report being ority (IDA) tric generating unit at the .Hussein prepared. Power Station (Zerqa) and related system improvement. dan Potash 1.0 (R) Potash engineering credit for pilot Appraisal scheduled for pany (IDA) dyke testing. March, ustrial Development 3.0 (R) Medium Scale Industry. Appraisal scheduled for (IDA) October 1975, dan Phosphate To be (N) Expansion of phosphate rock mining Identification mission scheduled ing Company determined ',to About· B·lliillion tons by 19ao. for February, (Bank/IDA) .istry of To be (N) Expansion of railway, road and port Identification mission scheduled nsportation and determined facilities related to mining develop- for February. lie Works (Bank/IDA) ment. p. 1 for footnotes, Member Country, and Amount 2/ - 45 - Borrower or and Probable Stage· of Processing and Implementing Agency)_/ Lender Action on Procurement !!_/ LEBANON (OFFICE NATIONAL About South-Beqaa irrigation - sprinkler Negotiations completed. Leg DU LITANI) 45.0 irrigation scheme for 23,000 hectares tion related to project befo (Dank) 1t1 upper Litani Valley in Central Parliament, Lebanon, Total project cost estimated at $120 million including $61 million in foreign exchange. Conseil Executif 20.0 Highways II - construction of high Project being prepared. des Grands Projets (Bank) priority highway section to be identified in studies to be carried out under first highway loan. MOROCCO Ministry of Tourism To be determined Tourism infrastructure - Bay of Agadir, UNDP financed pre-investment 1 I study underway by consultanjt. fl (Bank) Ministry of To be Urbanization - Casablanca sites and Project preparation by Gove -t Urbanization and determined services project. ment underway. I Housing (Bank) Ministry of Agriculture To be Integrated development of rainfed agri- Appraisal report being and Agrarian Reform determined culture in Meknes area. prepared. (IDA) 17.0 Sousa Irrigation - irrigation develop- Appraisal report being prepa1 (Bank) ment of about 7,000 ha based on groundwater. To be (R) Doukkala/Beni Amir irrigation - reha- Preparation of Beni Amir com determined bilitation of Beni Amir and extension complete. Preparation of Do (Bank) of Doukkala perimeters. Project compo- component by consultants und sition is tentative. (Joint financing contemplate Arab Fund for Economic and So Development,) Maghreb Cement 35.0 Cement plant near Oujda - under joint Project preparation by CIMA Company (CIMA) (Bank) ownership with Algeria. consultants underway. (Join financing contemplated with Fund for Economic and Social Development,) Housing and Hotel To be CIH III - Hotel financing. Project preparation underway. Development Bank determined (CIH) (Bank) Ministries of Higher To be Education III. Project being prepared by Education and of Primary determined Government with assistance fr and Secondary Education (Bank) Unesco/IBRD Cooperative Prog ROMANIA (Agriculture 70,0 (R) Giurgiu - Razmiresti irrigation - Loan was approved by Executiv Bank) (Bank) sprinkler irrigation for an area of Directors on January 28, 1975 about 100,000 ha for the production of maize, wheat, soybeans, alfalfa and sunflower; estimated total cost $141 million. Seep. 1 for footnotes. I , ember Country, and Amount 2/ - 46 - orrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and mplementing Agency!/ Lender Project]./ Action on Procurement ii toHANIA (Cont'd) l Agr icul ture ank) 30.0 (Bank) (R) Sadova-Corabia agricultural credit project. Program to intensify agricultural production in an area Loan was approved by Executive Directors on January 28, 1975. of 74,600 ha serviced by an irriga- tion scheme which is to be completed shortly; estimated total cost $59.5 million. INVESTMENT To be Pulp and Paper - integrated pulp and Project scope and steps for ANK) determined paper production facility; total cost additional preparation under (Bank) estimated at roughly $200 million discussion. with foreign exchange costs of about $50 million. AGRICULTURE To be (R) Rasova-Vederosa Irrigation - 65,000 ha Appraisal scheduled for May 1975. ANK) determined irrigation scheme and related farm (Bank) development for production of maize, wheat, sunflower, vegetables and other 1 · crops. Possible livestock component also under consideration. Total cost tentatively estimated at $100 million. I ·I .INVESTMENT To be Riul Mare Retezat - 335 MW hydro- Government preparing feasibility ANK) determined electric power plant, dam and river study. (Bank) diversions. Total cost estimated at $340 million with foreign exchange costs of $75 million. inistry of 33.0 (R) Livestock II - credit and technical Negotiations scheduled for inance (Bank) assistance for livestock producers. February. Total cost about $149 million, foreign exchange component about $33 million. Goods to be financed include building and fencing materials, farm machinery, seeds, fertilizer, and livestock. inistry of 15.0 Industrial research - possible Project preparation by Government ndustry (Bank) components being studied. underway. YRIA I- inistry of the To be First stage of drainage and reclamation Final negotiations underway with uphrates determined (up to 55,000 ha) in a salt-affected consultants for feasibility (Bank) area amounting to about 200,000 ha in study (55,000 ha) and water the lower Euphrates Valley. master plan for whole area (200,000 ha). 1 tablissement Public To be Construction of a second 125 MW stage Appraisal report being e l 'Electricite determined of the Mehardeh station and other prepared. (Bank) substations. lee p. 1 for footnotes, Member Country, and Amount 2/ - 47 - and Probable Stage of-Processing and Borrower or Pro:! ect '}_I Action on Procurement ,i Implementing Agency l/ Lender TUNISIA Implementing Agency To be (R) Livestock and rural development in AppSTA RICA NSTI'IUl'O COSTA- To be (R) Power V - additional units for exist- Appraisal report being prepared. lICENSE DE ELECTRI- determined ing hydroplants; new 30 MW diesel (Parallel financing with CABE! DAD) (Bank) plant; transmission lines and is likely,) substations. Procurement: Up to $0.8 million retroactive financing may be recommended in order to gain lead time in procurement of additional units for existing hydro-plants, ANCO CENTRAL) To be Agricultural credit III - credit for Appraisal report being prepared. determined livestock, dairying, crops, forestry (Bank) and agro-industries. Total project cost estimated at $49 million of which $23 million in foreign exchange. inisterio de II To be (R) San Jose Highway - construction of Appraisal report being prepared. ,bras Publicas determined San Jose-Rio Sucio-Siquirres and Rio (Bank) Sucio-Puerto Viejo roads. Total project cost estimated at $76 million of which $52 million in foreign exchange. ·OMINICAN REPUBLIC ecretarta de Obras Up to (R) Road rehabilitation, maintenance and Appraisal report being considered. blicas y Comuni- 14.5 studies for future projects. Total aciones (Bank) estimated project cost $22.5 million Procurement: Retroactive finan- of which $14.5 million in foreign cing up to $450,000 being con- exchange. · sidered for final engineering of up 230 km~. of road and technical assistance for project preparation. Borrower intends, with Bank's agreement, to call for bids on 67 !ans. of highways prior to Board consideration; award would be made subject to and after Board approval, ,ee p, 1 for footnotes, Member Country, and Amount 2/ 58 Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency l/ Lender Project 1,/ Action on Procurement 4 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC (Cont'd) Secretaria de 8.0 (R) Education II - rural community educa- Negotiations expected lat1 Educacion (Bank) tion and training centers, farmer February. training and vocational training centers. Total estimated project cost $13.5 million of which $7.5 million in foreign exchange. Secretaria de Up to Population - project to include rural Appraisal report being pre Salud Publica y 3.0 clinics and training of para-medical Aaistencia Social (Bank) personnel for maternal/child health care and family planning. (CONSEJO ESTATAL To be (R) Expansion of sugar production involving CEA has retained consultan, DEL AZUCAR) determined improvement in agricultural productivity prepare feasibility study, (Bank) and modernization of transportation and industrial equipment. ECUADOR (CAYAPAS) 5.0 Mechanical Forest Industry - project UNDP financed feasibility (Bank) not yet completely defined but various studies being reviewed. alternatives of exploitation of the forestry resources under study, in- cluding sawmilling, manufacture of corrugating medium and linerboard. Ministerio Trabajo 1 To be (R) Education II - vocational training Appraisal report being rev y Bienestar Social determined centers. Total project cost estimated (Bank) at $7.9 million of which $4 million in foreign exchange. Comision de Valores - Up to (R) Development Finance Companies III - Industrial sector review m] Corporacion Financiera 10.0 industrial relending including a planned for fall 1975. Nacional, Corporacion de (Bank) component for small industry. Ecuatoriana de Desarrollo Port Authority of To be (R) Guayaquil Port II - expansion of Feasibility study under re Guayaquil determined Guayaquil port to provide facilities Appraisal scheduled for Ma~ ·I (Bank) for liquid cargo and container traffic. Ministerio de Up to Seed Production I - development Additional preparatory work Agricultura 3.0 of seed multiplication schemes and FAQ Cooperative Program (Bank) improvement of extension services. scheduled for February. Ministerio de Up to (R) Highways III - construction of about Appraisal scheduled for Obras Publicas 15.0 250 Ian of main highways, feeder roads mid-February. (Bank) and technical assistance component. Instituto Ecuato- Up to Rural development I - project elements Additional preparatory workl riano de Recursos 10.0 not yet determined but likely to in- FAO Cooperative Program Hidraulicos (Bank) clude irrigation, credit and technical scheduled for February. assistance, feeder roads and infra- structure. EL SALVADOR Comision Executiva To be (R) Power VII - Hydroelectric power gen- Feasibility study under pre1 Hidroelectrica Del determined erating and transmission facilities. tion, Rio Lempa (CEL) (Bank) See p, 1 for fo.otnotes. · r Country, and Amount 2/ - 59 - er or and Probable Stage of Processing and entin A enc l/ Lender Project~/ Action on Procurement !!./ VADOR (Cont'd) istracion Nacional To be (N) Telecommunications Ill - expansion Feasibility study being prepared. lecommunicaciones determined program. Project content not yet L) (Bank) determined, MALA ITUTO NACIONAL Up to Power III - electric power generating Feasibility study under review. ,ECTRIFICACION) 30.0 facilities. Several alternatives being (Possible joint or parallel (Bank) considered. financing with IDB and CABEI.) terio de Up to Livestock II - financial and technical Timing of project dependent on ultura 6.0 assistance for beef breeding and fat- progress of first project and (Bank) tening ranches. action by Government to prepare second project, terio de Obras To be Highways II - project content not yet Awaiting Government proposals, cas y Comunicaciones determined determined. (Bank) sa Guatemalteca Up to (R) Telecommunications II - expansion Negotiations expected late February. lecomunicaciones 26.0 program. Includes increase of 82,900 !£EL) (Bank) lines in exchange capacity, expansion Procurement: Up to $2 million of long distance network and rural direct purchase of extensions to telephone system, as well as related exchange equipment originally pro- technical assistance and training. cured under first Bank loan through Total estimated project cost $45.9 international bids to be recommend- million of which about $32.9 million ed. Because of long procurement in foreign exchange. lead time, commitment of up to an additional $1 million for equipment purchases before approval of Bank loan may be recommended. Up to Fisheries - fish processing plant. Project being prepared by 10.0 Government. (Bank) ST DEVELOPMENT Up to (R) Forestry - access road in upper Appraisal scheduled for ORATION) 5,0 Demerara River area and processing February. (Bank) plant for exploitation of mixed tropical hardwood forests in central Guyana. stry of Up to (R) Education II - general and secondary Negotiations substantially ation 12.0 education, teacher training, and completed. Consideration by (Bank) agricultural education. Total esti- Executive Directors scheduled mated project cost $18.9 million of for March. which $9.5 million in foreign exchange. 'stry of Works Up to (R) Transportation I - project components UNDP financed feasibility I Communications 5.0 not yet determined. studies to start by early 1975. (Bank) Reporting will be discontinued pending outcome of discussions with Government and Caribbean Development Bank on whether CAB will provide entire external financing required. 1 for footnotes. Member Country, and Amount 2/ - 60 - Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency!/ Lender Project}/ Action.on Procurement !!/ GUYANA (Cont'd) (GUYANA ELECTRICITY Up to Power II - Expansion of electricity Project preparation awaitin CORPORATION) 10.0 generation and distributi'on facilities, further progress in complet (Bank) of first project. Ministere des Travaux 20,0 (R) Highways IV - Second phase of rehabil- Appraisal report being prep Publics, des Transports (IDA) itation of Northern Road, Total cost Consultants are reviewing et des Communications estimated at $26.3 million of which engineering design of road $20 million in foreign exchange, sections to be rehabilitate also designing new Sonde Br Procurement: Retroactive f cing (up to $100,000) may b recommended for consultant services, (ELECTRICITE 5,0 (R) Power I - additional generating · Consultants' proposals bein D'HAITI) (IDA) capacity; expansion and improvement evaluated. Bank and UNDP af of distribution system, Government considering Government prop has agreed on need to prepare inter~ that Bank act as Executing im thermal generation plant as well Agency for UNDP financed st~ as to undertake a national survey of energy sector expansion of water resources to maximize uses sequent to the project, CI of hydro power potential and to will finance survey of the formulate long-term plans for the hydro energy resources part power sector. the overall study, ' . Procurement: Retroactive f cing (up to $200,000) may b1 recommended for consulting services. Ministere de !'Agri- Up to (R) Rural Development I - Northern Plains. PAO Cooperative Program pref culture, des Resources 5.0 tion aiaaion in the field, Naturelles et du (IDA) Developpement Rural Ministere de !'Education Up to (R) Education I - project elements not Draft IDB/Unesco sector repol Nationale; Ministere de 5.0 yet determined. being reviewed by Government !'Agriculture, des (IDA) IDA and IDB, Reconnaissanc Resources Naturelles mission scheduled for late et du Developpement Rural February. HONDURAS 7,0 Irrigation I - integr,ated·rural Project being prepared with (IDA) development of Comayagua Valley, PAO assistance. PAO Coopera tive Program follow-up missi scheduled for April, Ministerio de 20,0 Highway VII - construction of Talanga- Feasibility studies for fee~ Comunicaciones, (Bank) Juticalpa road and improvement of roads being prepared. Obras Publicas y about 400 Ian of feeder roads. Transporte Seep, 1 for footnotes, !ember Country, and Amount 2/ - 61 - orrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and lmplementing Agency l/ Lender Project'}_/ Action on Procurement !!_/ ~ONDURAS (Cont'd) 'EMPRESA NACIONAL 35.0 (R) Power VI - river diversion scheme in Loan approved by Executive DE ENERGIA ELECTRICA) (Bank) Lake Yojoa area and addition of 2 x 20 Directors on January 7 and MW units to Rio Lindo hydroelectric signed on January 27. plant; extension of distribution system to rural areas not presently served; improvements to existing distribution system; rehabilitation of hurricane- damaged facilities; studies of future projects. Total cost estimated at $60 million of which $45 million in foreign exchange. Central Bank 15.0 (R) Program Loan - Rapidly disbursing Recently announced Venezuelan (Bank/lDA) assistance to ensure an adequate and oil facility is expected to timely transfer of resources in sup- eliminate need for Bank program port of Honduras' Development Program loan. Reporting will be and hurricane reconstruction effort. discontinued. Development momentum was threatened by effects of hurricane in September added to impact of higher petroleum prices and unexpected deterioration in markets for main exports. (EMPRESA NACIONAL DE Up to Power VII - El Cajon hydro power dev- Feasibility report being updated. ENERGIA ELECTRICA) 75.0 elopment with related interconnection, (Joint financing from IDB, CABE! (Bank) transmission and distribution and other lenders likely.) facilities. (EMPRESA NACIONAL Up to Ports Ill - Development of a new port Project preparation underway. PORTUARIA) 10.0 at Puerto Castilla to handle wood and (Bank) agricultural products exports; improve- ment of other national port facilities. JAMAICA (WATER COMMISSION Up to (R) Sewerage I and Water Supply in Appraisal report being OF KINGSTON) 13.0 Kingston - wells and water distribution prepared. Awaiting action (Bank) works, collector sewers, lift stations regarding sewerage tariffs. and force mains, and water studies. Total cost estimated at $25 million Procurement: Retroactive finan- of which $10.6 million in foreign cing (up to $500,000) of studies exchange. Loan could include $2.4 for engineering design, investi- million interest during construction. gation works and well drilling may be recoumended. Ministry of To be Education III - Project content not Awaiting Government definition Education determined yet determined. of ·scope of project and progress (Bank) in execution of second education project. Borrower To be Sugar Rehabilitation - factory rehabil~ Project being prepared. To be determined determined itation; irrigation, drainage and field (Bank) equipment for improved cane production. (WATER COMMISSION To be Water Supply II - Kingston Blue Studies for design and invest- OF KINGSTON) determined Mountain Scheme. igation work to begin in 1975. (Bank) Seep. 1 for footnotes. Member country, and Amount 2/ - 62 - Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency l/ Lender Project }_/ Action on Procurement JAMAICA (Cont'd) Ministry of Health 3.0 (Bank) Population II and Nutrition - scope of project not yet finalized but may Project preparation under 1 include rural health facilities, midwife training school, production and distri- bution of weaning foods and research and evaluation studies. Ministry of 10.0 Rilral Development I - crop production Project being prepared by Agriculture (Bank) and assistance for small farms. Government with FAO/IBRD assistance, MEXICO Secretaria de To be Highways VIII - construction and im- Project under preparation Obras Publicas determined provement of highway network. (Bank) Secretaria de To be (R) Integrated Rural Development II - (in Appraisal report being la Presidencia determined selected regions) including a wide reviewed, (Bank) variety of different components for production, productive support and social infrastructure. Total project cost estimated at $210 million of which about $45 million in foreign exchange. (PRODUCTOS FORESTALES To be Forest Industries in State of Durango Revised feasibility study DE MEXICO (PROFORMEX)) determined ~ establishment of sawmills, plywood prepared by Government. (Bank) factories, liner board plant and infra- structure such as forestry roads, water supply. Ferrocarriles To be (R) Railways III - rehabilitation and Project preparation underw 1 Nacionales de determined modernization. Appraisal·scheduled for Mexico (Bank) April/May, (BANCO DE MEXICO) To be Livestock/Agricultural Credit V - will Appraisal scheduled for determined continue the program developed under April/May, (Bank) Credit IV, but with greater emphasis on low-income farmers. (COMISION FEDERAL To be Power XII. Investment program and fin DE ELECTRICIDAD) determined plan being reviewed by Gov (Bank) Timing of appraisal will d11 on results of review, j Secretaria de To be (R) Ports II - expansion and modernization Feasibility studies underw Marina determined of major ports. Civil works and Appraisal scheduled for Ap- (Bank) equipment for handling containers and bulk minerals at Veracruz and/or Tampico, dredging, cargo handling and port equipment, consulting services and training. Total project cost estimat~d at about $60 million of which over $25 million would be foreign exchange. Secretaria de To be Irrigation VII - irrigation and rehabil- Appraisal report being prep Recurses Hidraulicos determined itation in lower Rio Bravo and Rio San (Bank) Juan area, Total project cost estimated at about $380 million of which about $150 million in foreign exchange. Seep. 1 for footnotes. her Country, and Amount 2/ - 63 - , rower or and Probable Stage of Processing and lementing AgencI 1/ Lender Project 1/ Action on Procurement ii . ICO (Cont'd) tretaria de To be Irrigation IX - Ciudad Delicias, Feasibility studies being ursos Hidraulicos determined completed. Local interests in (Bank) project still to be resolved. be determined To be Tourism II, Selection of sites and preparation determined of feasibility study underway. (Bank) CO DE MEXICO) To be {R) FONEI II - continuing program to pro- Appraisal mission in the field, determined vide long-term financing for equipment (Bank) of mainly export-oriented industries. · nos y To be Fertilizer Industry - expansion of Appraisal report being If tilizantes determined facilities of Guanomex for production prepared. OANOMEX) (Bank) of various fertilizers. Total project cost estimated at about $142 million Procurement: Retroactive finan- of which about $50 million in foreign cing of up to $3.6 million for exchange, engineering services and critical long-delivery equipment to be procured in accordance with Bank guidelines, will be reco11D11ended, f 1 . :retaria de , '"°' Hidmlim To be determined (Bank) (R) Medium-size Cities Water Supply - water supply and sewerage infra- structure to be provided for a number of cities throughout Mexico, Project preparation underway • Preappraisal mission findings under review, Appraisal scheduled for March/April, nision de Aguas del To be Mexico City Water Supply II, Market study underway. I I.le de Mexico determined I (Bank) I I be determined To be Aviation II • Project preparation underway. determined (Bank) lcretaria de To be Irrigation VIII - second stage of Project being prepared by bursos Hidraulicos determined Panuco project, Government, (Haiilt.) l!,mada de To be determined Agricultural Education - basic agri- cultural secondary schools and Project being prepared by Government, :ras Publicas (Bank) agricultural teacher training, 1CARAGUA Up to Education II - project content not Sector work being undertaken 6,0 yet determined, locally with periodic Bank (Bank) staff assistance. Identifi- cation mission tentatively scheduled for second quarter of 1975. AMA ~ANCO NACIONAL 5,0 Fisheries II - financing of replace- Preparation is dependent on , PANAMA) (Bank) .ment of obsolete shrimp trawlers, progress in implementation of Fisheries I and future demand for trawler financing, I •e p. 1 for footnotes, Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or - 64 - and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency l/ Lender P.roject 1/ Action on Procurement !!_/ ~ (Cont'd~ (AUTORIDAD Up to (R) Fishing Port - construction of Appraisal report being rev PORTUARIA 24,0 new fishing port in Punta Vacamonte, NACIONAL) (Bank) about 30 km outside of Panama City, for shrimp processing, and tuna trans~ shipping and other services, Total project cost estimated at $37,5 million of which $24 million in foreign exchange. Ministerio de Obras Up to (R) Highways III - phase I reconstruction Additional traffic studies Publicas 28.0 of Panama City-Colon highway including be carried out to determin1 (Bank) widening to 4 lanes of 12 km (Sabanita whether project content sh to Colon) and construction of new modified in light of conau' section of 23 km (Buenos Aires to recommendationa, · Panama City), Instituto de Recursos To be (R) Power IV - Civil works and equipment Awaiting IRHE's interim Hidraulicos y determined for La Fortuna Hydroelectric power investment program and act ' Electricos (IRHE) (Bank) plant, = t&