August 2017 SURVEY CONDUCT AND QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Myanmar Poverty and Living Conditions Survey 2015 Ministry of Planning and Finance ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The team would like to thank, in particular, the Minister of Planning and Finance for his support to the Myanmar Poverty and Living Conditions Survey (MPLCS) and its analysis. The team warmly thanks the Deputy Minister of Planning and Finance for guidance in the MPLCS Steering Committee. Other special thanks go to members of the MPLCS Steering Committee and the MPLCS Technical Committee for their substantial and substantive guidance and support. The study team would also like to acknowledge the key role played by the Planning Department in supporting survey operations and analysis, and specifically U Maung Maung Tint, Director General, Planning Department, Daw Thway Thway Chit, in her capacity as Deputy Director General, Planning Department, and Dr Wah Wah Maung, Director General, Central Statistics Organization. Additional contributions were made by the National Nutrition Center, the Department of Health Planning, the Department of Population, the Department of Human Resources and Educational Planning, the Department of Human Resources and Education Planning, Department of Myanmar Education Research Bureau, the Department of Labor, the Department of Agricultural Planning, the Settlements and Land Records Department, and the Department of Population. Special thanks also go to the World Bank for their support to the survey and analysis, and more specifically to Ellen Goldstein, World Bank Country Director for Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia; Abdoulaye Seck, in his capacity as Country Manager for Myanmar; and Salman Zaidi, Program Manager of the Poverty and Equity Global Practice in the East Asia and Pacific Region. The task team leader at the World Bank was Dr Reena Badiani-Magnusson, Senior Economist. The team would like to thank the fieldwork and sampling teams. The fieldwork for the MPLCS was carried out by Myanmar Survey Research (MSR). The sample design was prepared by David Megill, World Bank Sampling Consultant, in collaboration with the Department of Population of the Ministry of Labour, Immigration and Population. This report has been prepared based on inputs from MSR and David Megill. TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background 2 1.2 Institutional arrangements 3 2 Survey design 5 2.1 Sampling design 6 2.2 Questionnaire design 12 2.3 Pilot and pre-testing 14 3 Field organization and implementation 15 3.1 Selection and training of field staff 16 3.2 Listing and household selection 16 3.3 Enumeration 18 3.4 Issues faced during implementation 19 3.5 Quality assurance and management 20 4 Data entry and management 21 5 Survey data 23 5.1 Using the survey data 24 5.2 Weighting procedures for MPLCS 25 5.3 Sampling errors for estimates from the MPLCS Data 28 5.4 Non-sampling errors 29 References 34 Annex A Master sampling frame used for drawing MPLCS sample 35 Annex B Field enumeration plan 37 Annex C List of replaced enumeration areas 47 Appendix I Household questionnaire 49 Appendix II Community questionnaire 110 LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1 Distribution of Sample EAs and Sample Households 7 for the MPLCS by Zone, Region, Urban and Rural Stratum Table 2.2 Distribution of Private Households by Region and 8 Urban/Rural Stratum, Preliminary Results of the 2014 Myanmar Population and Housing Census Table 2.3 Distribution of Private Households by Zone and Urban/ 9 Rural Stratum, Preliminary Results of the 2014 Myanmar Population and Housing Census Table 2.4 Overview of MPLCS Household Questionnaire 13 Table 2.5 Overview of MPLCS Community Questionnaire 14 Table 3.1 Field Enumeration Summary 18 Table 5.1 Distribution of Data Across Datasets 24 Table 5.2 Sampling Precision (survey mean) 29 Table 5.3 Key Comparable Indicators Census 2014 and MPLCS 31 Table A.1 Distribution of Private Households by Region and 35 Urban/Rural Stratum Table A.2 Distribution of Myanmar Master Sample PSUs 36 by Region and Urban/Rural Stratum Table B.1 Enumeration Areas Selected for the MPLCS 37 Table C.1 Replaced Enumerated Areas 47 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1 The Enumerated Areas in the MPLCS 11 Introduction MYANMAR POVERTY AND LIVING CONDITIONS SURVEY 2015 1.1 Background The Myanmar Poverty and Living Conditions Survey (MPLCS) was conducted in early 2015 on a nationally representative sample of households in Myanmar. The principal objective of the survey was to provide updated estimates of socio-economic indicators and living conditions in the country. The survey was fielded as soon as possible after the 2014 Myanmar Population and Housing Census, to help strengthen the evidence on household welfare across the country based on a sample reflecting new information from the Census, thus ensuring nationally representative estimates based on the most recent and accurate population figures. In addition to filling immediate national data gaps with a household survey based on the new census, the MPLCS had two other objectives. First, the survey was designed so that it, in combination with the Census data, can produce small area estimates of poverty at a much more disaggregated geographical level than the domains of inference of the MPLCS itself. Second, the survey aimed to test methodological improvements and to strengthen institutional capacity for future survey efforts in the country. The purpose of this document is to provide an overview of the design and implementation of the MPLCS, as well as to provide basic information about the dataset available from the survey. The report summarizes and builds on various technical notes produced by the World Bank, the survey firm implementing the field work and the sampling expert involved in the project. The document does not provide details on the consumption aggregate or any information related to the welfare analysis, which is documented in a separate Technical Poverty Report. 2 SURVEY CONDUCT AND QUALITY CONTROL REPORT 1.2 Institutional arrangements The MPLCS was implemented with technical assistance from the World Bank and funding from the Korea Trust Fund for Economic and Peace-building Transitions (KTF), a fund to address the needs of state and local governance and to help build peace in conflict-prone and conflict- affected situations. The project was managed by the World Bank’s Poverty and Equity Global Practice, with technical oversight from the Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS), the household survey program housed within the Surveys & Methods Unit of the World Bank’s Development Research Group. The team worked closely with the Ministry of Planning and Finance (MOPF) in preparing the survey. The main counterparts involved in the approval and preparation of the survey was the Planning Department and the Central Statistical Organisation. The UNDP provided useful guidance based on their experience with supporting previous household surveys in Myanmar. A Steering Committee for the survey was established in July 2015 by the President’s Office. The Ministry of Planning and Finance was represented by the Chair and Secretary, and the Ministries of Health, Education, Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation were represented by members. Representatives from the development partner community participated as members of the Technical Working Group and Steering Committee. The Technical Working Group included representatives from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Asian Development Bank (ADB), United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), World Food Programme (WFP), International Labour Organization (ILO), United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and International Growth Centre (IGC). The Steering Committee included representation from the World Bank, UNDP and ADB. The World Bank hired a private survey firm to implement the field work of the survey. Through a competitive selection process, MSR was contracted to prepare and carry out the field implementation, quality control, data entry and processing of the MPLCS. Given that an objective of the survey was to contribute to the strengthening of the national statistical system, government counterparts were involved in stages of the survey process, including design, implementation and analysis. In addition to overall consultation with the government on key survey design, a team of 14 government officers from Planning Department and Central Statistical Organization of MOPF participated in the training and piloting of the survey teams and followed in the initial weeks of data collection. 3 4 Survey Design 5 MYANMAR POVERTY AND LIVING CONDITIONS SURVEY 2015 2.1 Sampling design The MPLCS sample design was developed based on the sampling frame from the April 2014 Census pre-enumeration listing data. In addition to providing statistically representative estimates at the national level, the sample was designed so that representative estimates were derived for each of four agro-ecological zones (Hills and Mountains, Dry Zone, Coastal and Delta), for the urban/rural levels overall, and specifically Yangon and surrounding area. The data are not representative at the state or region level. Sample Size and Allocation for the MPLCS The sample size for the MPLCS was determined by the accuracy required for the survey estimates for each domain, as well as by the logistical, timing and resource constraints. The accuracy of the survey results depends on both the sampling error, which can be measured through variance estimation, and the non-sampling error, which results from all other sources of error, including response and measurement errors as well as coding, keying and processing errors. The sampling error is inversely proportional to the square root of the sample size. In contrast, the non-sampling error may increase with the sample size, since it is more difficult to control the quality of a larger survey operation. It is therefore important that the overall sample size be manageable for quality and operational control purposes. This is especially important given the challenge of collecting accurate information on household income and expenditures, as well as crop area and production. For the MPLCS it was decided to limit the geographic domains of estimation to the level of four agro-ecological zones of Myanmar and Yangon, in order to limit the size of the sample and better control the quality of the data. The urban and rural areas are also domains at the national level. Each domain is further divided into sampling strata, corresponding to the stratification of the master sample by region, urban and rural areas. This stratification improves the statistical efficiency of the sample design, but the MPLCS results will not be obtained at the sampling stratum level; the only sample size requirement at this level is that at least two primary sampling units (PSUs) be selected per stratum. Another important consideration in the sample design was how many households to select in each sample cluster, or enumeration area (EA). For socio-economic surveys such as the MPLCS it has been found in various countries that the optimum number of sample households to be selected per cluster is generally close to 12, so it was decided to select 12 households per EA for the MPLCS. This provides an effective balance between the number of sample EAs and the sample households per EA, and provides a reasonable dispersion of the sample. If the number of sample households per EA were to be increased, this would result in higher design effects and sampling errors. Conducting a sample-size calculation based on observed design effects was not possible due to lack of comparable sample designs in Myanmar. However, based on the experience of similar surveys in other countries designed to measure household consumption, it has been found that sampling errors requires a sample size of least 700 households per domain of inference to obtain a reasonable level of precision for the poverty indicators at the domain level. Taking into account these different factors as well as the survey budget and resources, it was decided 6 SURVEY CONDUCT AND QUALITY CONTROL REPORT to select 60 sample EAs for all zones except Yangon, the largest zone, where the number of sample EAs was increased to 64. With a sample of 12 households selected per sample EA, this resulted in a sample size of 768 households for Yangon and 720 households for each of the remaining zones, for an overall sample size of 3,648 households. Table 2.1 Distribution of Sample EAs and Sample Households for the MPLCS by Zone, Region, Urban and Rural Stratum Urban Rural Total Zone State Sample Sample Sample Sample EAs Sample EAs Sample EAs households households households Kachin 4 48 5 60 9 108 Kayah 2 24 2 24 4 48 Hills & Kayin 3 36 7 84 10 120 Mountains Chin 2 24 2 24 4 48 Shan 8 96 25 300 33 396 Sagaing 4 48 14 168 18 216 Magway 3 36 12 144 15 180 Dry Zone Mandalay 8 96 14 168 22 264 Nay Pyi Taw 2 24 3 36 5 60 Bago 5 60 17 204 22 264 Delta Mon 3 36 6 72 9 108 (incl Yangon) Ayeyarwady 5 60 24 288 29 348 Yangon 45 540 19 228 64 768 Tanintharyi 6 72 14 168 20 240 Coastal Rakhine 7 84 33 396 40 480 Total 107 1,284 197 2,364 304 3,648 In allocating the sample EAs within each zone to the urban strata, the proportion of urban households in each zone was first multiplied by a factor of 1.3 for all zones except Yangon in order to increase the overall number of sample urban households compared to a strictly proportional allocation. Since the Yangon zone is predominantly urban, the sample allocation by stratum for this zone was based on a simple proportional allocation. At the national level, this resulted in a total sample of 108 urban EAs and 196 rural EAs, with a corresponding overall sample size of 1,296 urban households and 2,352 rural households. The sample urban EAs within each zone were allocated to the urban strata of the regions within that zone in proportion to the number of households. In a similar way, the rural EAs in each zone were allocated proportionately to the rural strata of the corresponding regions. Finally, the number of sample EAs allocated to all the strata in this way were adjusted so that that at least 2 sample EAs were assigned to each stratum, and the total number of sample EAs in each zone was consistent with Table 2.1. The final allocation of the sample EAs and households by region, urban and rural stratum is also shown in Table 2.1. 7 MYANMAR POVERTY AND LIVING CONDITIONS SURVEY 2015 Selection of Sample EAs for the MPLCS The sample from the MPLCS is based on the master sampling frame developed by the Department of Population for the Myanmar national household survey program. The methodology for the master sample design is described in the report, “Recommendations for Developing Master Sample for National Household Surveys in Myanmar: Sampling and Estimation Methodology” (Megill, 2014). The master sampling frame was stratified by region, urban and rural areas. The distribution of the households in the 2014 Myanmar Population and Housing Census frame by region, urban and rural stratum is shown in Table 2.2 , based on the preliminary Census data. The corresponding distribution of households in the sampling frame by the five zones and urban and rural strata, is shown in Table 2.3. The regions corresponding to each zone are identified in Table 2.1. Table 2.2 Distribution of Private Households by Region and Urban/Rural Stratum, Preliminary Results of the 2014 Myanmar Population and Housing Census State Urban Rural Total % by Region % Urban Kachin 91,907 174,945 266,852 2.5% 34.4% Kayah 13,730 41,162 54,892 0.5% 25.0% Kayin 63,951 237,614 301,565 2.8% 21.2% Chin 19,022 71,475 90,497 0.8% 21.0% Sagaing 179,736 909,647 1,089,383 10.1% 16.5% Tanintharyi 63,170 207,729 270,899 2.5% 23.3% Bago 234,228 891,334 1,125,562 10.4% 20.8% Magway 128,363 777,702 906,065 8.4% 14.2% Mandalay 406,173 898,061 1,304,234 12.1% 31.1% Mon 111,929 303,825 415,754 3.8% 26.9% Rakhine 74,120 493,336 567,456 5.2% 13.1% Yangon 1,051,226 499,273 1,550,499 14.3% 67.8% Shan 265,943 875,137 1,141,080 10.5% 23.3% Ayeyawady 198,294 1,286,144 1,484,438 13.7% 13.4% Nay Pyi Taw 68,639 178,654 247,293 2.3% 27.8% Total 2,970,431 7,846,038 10,816,469 100.0% 27.5% 8 SURVEY CONDUCT AND QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Table 2.3 Distribution of Private Households by Zone and Urban/Rural Stratum, Preliminary Results of the 2014 Myanmar Population and Housing Census Zone Urban Rural Total % by Zone % by Urban Hills & Mountains 454,553 1,400,333 1,854,886 17.1% 24.5% Dry Zone 782,911 2,764,064 3,546,975 32.8% 22.1% Delta 544,451 2,481,303 3,025,754 28.0% 18.0% Coastal 137,290 701,065 838,355 7.8% 16.4% Yangon 1,051,226 499,273 1,550,499 14.3% 67.8% Total 2,970,431 7,846,038 10,816,469 100.0% 27.5% A stratified multi-stage sample design was used for the MPLCS. The sample was selected from replicate 4. Since the master sample EAs were selected with probability proportional to size (PPS) within each stratum, the subsample of EAs for the MPLCS were selected from the master sample with equal probability within each region and urban/rural stratum. This will ensure that the first stage probabilities for the MPLCS will be PPS within each stratum, thus improving the efficiency of the sample design by reducing the variability of the household weights within each stratum. In order to maintain the implicit stratification of the master sample for the MPLCS, the master sample EAs were sorted in the same order in which they were selected from the Census sampling frame, that is, by stratum (region, urban/rural), district, township and ward or village tract code. The subsample of EAs for the MPLCS within each stratum were then selected from the master sample using random systematic sampling with equal probability. This sampling procedure involves the following steps: (1) All the master sample EAs in each stratum are kept in the same order in which they had been selected. Assign a serial number from 1 to nh to the master sample EAs in the stratum. (2) To obtain the sampling interval for selecting the subsample of n'h EAs within a stratum (Ih), divide the number of master sample EAs in the stratum (nh) by the number of EAs in the subsample for the MPLCS (n'h) found in Table 2.1, and keep at least two decimal places: (Ih) = nh/n'h (3) Select a random number (Rh) with at least two decimal places, between 0.01 and Ih. The EAs selected in the subsample for the MPLCS will be identified by the following selection numbers: Shi = Rh + [Ih x (i-1)] , rounded up, where i = 1, 2, 3,..., n'h The i-th selected EA is the one with a serial number equal to Shi. 9 MYANMAR POVERTY AND LIVING CONDITIONS SURVEY 2015 An SPSS Complex Samples application was developed to facilitate the selection of a subsample of EAs by stratum for the MPLCS from master sample Replicate 4 based on the methodology specified above. The number of sample EAs that were selected from the master sample in each stratum are shown in Table 2.1. Replacement of Sample EAs that Could Not Be Enumerated A total of 14 sample EAs selected for the MPLCS could not be enumerated, mostly because of security problems. In this case it was necessary to randomly select a replacement for each of these EAs. The replaced EAs were located in the following regions: Shan (10 EAs), Kachin (2 EAs), Taninthayi (1 EA) and Yangon (1 EA). Details about the replaced EAs is provided in Annex C. The areas enumerated in the MPLCS are shown in Figure 2.1. In order to maintain the geographical representativeness of the sample, the replacement EA for each of the EAs that could not be enumerated was selected from the master sample EAs in the same stratum (region, urban/rural) and within the same township when possible. Most of the replacement EAs were selected from Replicate 3 of the master sample. In this case all of the master sample EAs from the same stratum and township were identified, and one EA was selected at random. When the entire township could not be accessed because of security problems a nearby township was identified, and a random EA was selected from the master sample EAs for that township. Since the master sample EAs were selected with PPS, the measure of size (number of households in the frame) for the replacement EA is used for the calculation of the weights, as specified in Section 5.2 on Weighting Procedures. A listing of households was conducted in each sample EA prior to the MPLCS data collection in order to provide an updated frame for selecting the sample households at the last sampling stage. Last Stage Selection of Households within a Sample EA A sample of 12 households was selected systematically from the household listing for each sample EA using the following procedures: (1) All the households in valid (occupied) housing units are assigned a serial number from 1 to M’hi, the total number of households listed. (2) To obtain the sampling interval for the selection of households within the sample EA (Ihi), divide M’hi by 12, and maintain 2 decimal places. (4) Select a random number (Rhi) with 2 decimal places, between 0.01 and Ihi.The sample households within the sample EA will be identified by the following selection numbers: Shij = Rhi + [Ihi x (j-1)] , rounded up, where j = 1, 2, 3,..., 12 The j-th selected household is the one with a serial number equal to Shij. 10 SURVEY CONDUCT AND QUALITY CONTROL REPORT A detailed description on how the household listing and selection was carried out in practice is provided in Section 3.2. Information about the survey weights and sampling errors are provided in Section 5 on the survey data. Figure 2.1 The Enumerated Areas in the MPLCS Legend • Enumeration Areas Agro-Ecological Zones Hilly Dry Zone Coastal Delta Yangon 11 MYANMAR POVERTY AND LIVING CONDITIONS SURVEY 2015 2.2 Questionnaire design The MPLCS used a comprehensive multi-topic survey instrument to estimate household poverty and key welfare indicators and meet the other objectives of the survey. The survey design drew on relevant international best practice from the World Bank’s longstanding experience with the LSMS, tailored to Myanmar’s context, with a focus on linking with previous surveys in the country and improving existing and future methodologies. The household questionnaire was based on the IHLCA questionnaire, but made several alterations based on an assessment of pressing data needs in the current Myanmar context and latest best practice in survey methods. The biggest difference between the IHLCA and the MPLCS questionnaires is the inclusion of a variety of income questions. To help in the development of policy priorities, additional questions were asked to identify constraints to income generating activities and to support improvements in living standards in Myanmar. The MPLCS was also conducted to serve as a pilot survey to feed into a future larger scale household living standard measurement survey and therefore proposed several new ways of capturing the indicators. Due to these differences in the questionnaire design, many estimates from the MPLCS are not directly comparable with estimates from the IHLCA. In addition to the differences in the questionnaire design, comparability is further limited by other changes in the overall survey design, including sampling, timing of field activities and nature of field work. A more thorough discussion of comparability issues between the IHLCA and MPLCS surveys is available in a separate note: “Myanmar Poverty and Living Conditions Survey 2014/15: Construction of Consumption Aggregate: Note on Comparability between MPLCS and IHLCA” (World Bank, 2015). A detailed discussion on comparability is also found in the Technical Report on Poverty Estimation, GOM and World Bank (2016). The MPLCS household questionnaire contained 13 modules with a total of 404 questions. Table 2.4 details the main modules of the questionnaire, while the full questionnaire is available in the Appendix. 12 SURVEY CONDUCT AND QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Table 2.4 Overview of MPLCS Household Questionnaire No. Topic (Module title) No. of questions 1 Household member roster 25 2 Education 20 3 Health 3a Health Status 9 3b. Health Care 14 4 Labor and Employment 52 5 Migration 5a International Migration 9 5b. Remittances 19 6 Housing 35 7 Household Assets/Durables 7 8 Household Consumption Expenditure 8a Food Consumption in the Last 7 Days 13 8a3 Food Consumed away from Home 7 8b/c. Non-Food Consumption Expenditure 6 9a Non-farm Enterprise 10 9b Non-farm Enterprise 16 10 Agricultural activities 10a Parcel Roster 38 10b Inputs 3 10c Labor 5 10d Harvest and Crop Disposition 5 10e Livestock 21 10f Agricultural Machinery & Equipment 5 10g Aquaculture and Fisheries 23 11 Finance 11a Loans & Credit 17 11b Financial Inclusion 18 12 Food Security, Subjective Welfare & Social Protection 12a Food Security & Subjective Assessment of Well-being 17 12b Social Protection 7 13 Shocks & Coping Strategies 3 TOTAL 404 13 MYANMAR POVERTY AND LIVING CONDITIONS SURVEY 2015 In addition to the household questionnaire, a community questionnaire consisting of 94 questions over eight modules was administered in each survey cluster. The community questionnaire covered, among other things, information on availability of infrastructure, government services, communal resources and local prices. Table 2.5 provides an overview of the questionnaire. Table 2.5 Overview of MPLCS Community Questionnaire No. Modules No. of questions 1A. Key informant list 7 1B. Village Profile 27 2. Access 6 3. Economic Activity 3 4. Education & Health 19 5. Communal Organization 6 6. Agricultural Inputs 4 7. Communal Resources 11 8. Market Prices 11 TOTAL 94 The full English versions of household and community questionnaires are provided in the Appendix to this report. Translation and back-translation of questionnaires were performed by MSR. The back- translation was carried out by a translator who did not participate in the initial translation process. Extensive comments were provided by the Government of Myanmar on the questionnaire. Based on findings from the pilot tests, recommendations from the field staff and comments from the Planning Department and World Bank team, several revisions and adjustments to the translation and modification to the questionnaire took place over the course of field preparation. 2.3 Pilot and pre-testing The draft household questionnaire was pre-tested and piloted by MSR and the World Bank team in October 2014 using experienced supervisors to conduct the pilots. The questionnaire was administered to more than 50 selected households in both urban and rural areas of Yangon, Hmawbi and Pantanaw townships. Several adjustments were made to the survey instruments after the pilot, particularly with the objective to cut down on the overall length of the questionnaire to reduce respondent burden. 14 Field organization and implementation 15 MYANMAR POVERTY AND LIVING CONDITIONS SURVEY 2015 3.1 Selection and training of field staff Selection of supervisors and enumerators was done by MSR in collaboration with the TA team from World Bank and drew on a combination of the survey firm’s roster of experienced field staff and new recruits. Supervisors were selected based on performance in the enumerator training and past experience of supervising survey teams. A larger than needed number of field staff participated in the training. Using the results of a performance-based assessment, those who were considered not qualified to administer the questionnaire in as satisfactory manner were not selected as enumerators for the survey. Three weeks (15 working days) of training of field teams took place at the MSR Head Office in Yangon in November 2014. In close collaboration with the World Bank team, MSR trained enumerators, supervisors and quality control persons to carry out the fieldwork. The training included both formal classroom training and field practice. In addition to the field staff managed by MSR, officials from Planning Department and Central Statistical Organization of MOPF also participated in all the training sessions and field practices. A set of training materials and assignments were used to facilitate the training. Research methodology, research ethics and the questionnaires were explained in detail. The trainees were strongly encouraged to ask questions and provide comments and feedback. At the end of each training day, all trainees were given assignments in order to test their understanding of the materials covered for the day. Completed assignments were assessed and returned to the trainees next morning, and all the unclear points and keys to the questions were discussed. Field practices took place in Hlegu and Kayan Townships on November 25 and December 3, 2014. One-week refresher training was provided to the field teams prior to the commencement of the field work in January 2015. 3.2 Listing and household selection Update of Household Listings Survey teams were provided household listings for the sample EAs, made available by the Department of Population (DOP) from their pre-Census listing. An update of household listings was carried out by the field teams prior to household selection and enumeration of the EAs. Before household selection, EA lists were updated. The procedure for updating the listing consisted of comparing the available pre-Census listings with the most recent records available in the administrative office of the selected ward/village. Furthermore, village/ward administrators, hundred and ten household heads, clerks and village elders were consulted about the accuracy of the household listings. Any discrepancies, such as removal of households that no longer existed or addition of new households were incorporated in the EA lists used for household selection. Some EAs did not have available household listings from the DOP, which necessitated a new complete listing of households when teams visited the EAs. In areas where household listings were not provided due to incomplete Census information, such as for selected villages 16 SURVEY CONDUCT AND QUALITY CONTROL REPORT in Rakhine State, the supervisor prepared the household listing by doing a count of all the households in the EA. In some cases where the updated household listing contained more than 250 households, the EA was segmented into two equal parts and one segment was randomly chosen. Four EAs out of 304 had a total of more than 250 households. Household Selection and Substitution Since the sample size for each EA was 12, an updated total number of households was divided by 12 to get a household selection interval for each EA. In the four cases where there were more than 250 households in selected EA, the EA was divided into two equal parts, and one part was randomly selected for enumeration. Enumeration teams were provided a random number table for each EA they were assigned. The first number from the number table that falls between 1 and the set interval was chosen as a starting point for household selection. For example, suppose the selection interval is 14, and the first number at the random number table between 1 and 14 is 10. The starting point is thus 10, and the enumeration begins at the household number 10. The next households were identified by adding the selection interval. In circumstances where some of the selected households could not be enumerated, field supervisors were allowed to substitute households—up to 4 reserved households in a rural EA and up to 6 reserved households in an urban EA. If the household members were absent, not eligible or not available for enumeration after up to three attempts, or if a refusal was encountered, the enumerator was instructed to contact the supervisor for household substitution. The procedure for household substitution was conducted as follows: (1) To get the interval, a total number of households in the selected EA is divided by 4 in a rural EA and by 6 in an urban EA. This gives the survey team 4 reserved households in a village and 6 in a ward. (2) The same procedure was applied for choosing the starting point for household substitution as in the primary household selection. (3) When the starting point for household substitution is the same as the starting point of primary household selection, the one next to the primary household starting point is used as a starting point for the substituted household. For example, if the starting point is 3 for both primary household selection and for substitution, the 4th household would be a starting point for the substitution. (4) The next households for substitution were identified by adding the selection interval. Respondents were any members of the household, who were the age of 15 and above, including the head of household. A household member who is most knowledgeable about the household is selected as a main respondent. The enumerator also asked other household members to answer whenever appropriate, as per instructions in the enumeration manual. 17 MYANMAR POVERTY AND LIVING CONDITIONS SURVEY 2015 3.3 Enumeration Field enumeration was conducted with 17 survey teams with one supervisor and three enumerators in each team. Field supervisors’ role was to oversee each team of interviewers, including day-to-day supervision and logistics, as well as to contact community authorities, to collect community level data in each EA and to arrange appointments with respondent households. They were also responsible for field level quality control of work by field staff. The enumerators were responsible for fielding the household questionnaires. Enumeration of the 3,648 households in 304 EAs began on January 26 and was completed by April 10, 2015. The detailed schedule of enumeration is available in Annex B. Table 3.1 summarizes key aspects of the fieldwork. Each EA was enumerated in less than 3 days, and the average duration of household interviews was just below three hours. Table 3.1 Field Enumeration Summary No of EAs enumerated 304 Total No. of HHs enumerated 3,648 No. of Replaced EAs 14 No of Substituted HHs 293 No of HHs interviewed after 2nd visit 178 No of HH interviewed after 3rd visit 11 No of Refusals from Primary Sample HHs 29 No of Refusals from Reserved HHs 5 No of EA changed from Rural to Urban 4 No. of Incomplete Interviews 3 No of HHs Additionally Substituted 12 (No. of Reserved HHs not being able to interview) No. of Translators hired 45 No. of Quality Control Visits 19 18 SURVEY CONDUCT AND QUALITY CONTROL REPORT 3.4 Issues faced during implementation As is normal and expected, some challenges were faced by the field teams during enumeration and are summarized below. These issues may contribute to some non-sampling errors in survey estimates (see Section 5.4 for examples). Replacements of EAs: In a few sampled EAs, the security situation made it impossible for survey teams to conduct the survey. There were a total of 14 EAs out of 304 that were not accessible, mostly due to conflict-associated risks. The procedure for EA replacement is described in Section 2.1 and the complete list of substituted EAs and cause for substitution is available in Annex C. Language limitations: There were a number of EAs in which the survey teams could not administer the questionnaire in Myanmar language. In such areas, MSR hired local interpreters, usually recruited at a town closest to the enumeration areas. Efforts were made to ensure that the interpreters had sufficient understanding of the questionnaire and spoke both the local language and dialect and Myanmar language comfortably. The local interpreters were given training by field supervisors on interpreting the questionnaire and were provided explanations of the protocols and procedures for enumerating households. There were a total of 45 EAs in Kayin, Rakhine and Shan States for which the survey teams were required to hire local interpreters. However, in some of these EAs, especially in very remote villages, the survey firm faced difficulties in finding qualified interpreters. Due to the length and complexity of the questionnaire, the available local interpreters may have experienced difficulty in correctly conveying all questions in the respondent’s language in these cases. Coordination issues: Since the tentative field plan and timelines for each EA were shared with the Ministry of Planning and Finance prior to the commencement of the fieldwork, some authorities expected the survey teams to arrive in their townships on the specific date according to the field plan. When the survey teams arrived at the townships on dates different from the field plan, some township authorities did not allow the teams to conduct the survey immediately, causing some delays in conducting the interviews. Household substitution: A total of 293 households out of 3,648 (8.03%) were substituted in this survey. Due to the short field duration for each EA (2-2.5 days per EA), a number of households did not have household members or eligible household members at home at the time of data collection. (The detailed reasons for substitutions are described in the field management Excel file, available upon request). Enumerator replacements: Due to personal reasons or health issues, 5 enumerators and 1 supervisor could not complete the assigned EAs during the fieldwork duration. Out of the 5 replaced enumerators replaced, 2 of them completed the earlier 3-week of MPLCS training but were not able to join the survey in the beginning of fieldwork. Three of the replaced enumerators were originally from the data editing team. There was no need to replace the supervisor who did not complete the fieldwork since supervisors who completed fieldwork sooner covered the remaining EAs. 19 MYANMAR POVERTY AND LIVING CONDITIONS SURVEY 2015 EA size and distances: Field teams encountered a few EAs comprised of more than two villages which were far apart and not accessible on foot, making it difficult to cover both villages within 2-2.5 days of data collection in the EA. In several cases, the geographical locations indicated in the Census map and the actual location on the ground differed substantially, making it difficult for field teams to plan the enumeration of the EA properly. Measurement of food items with travelling markets/vendors: In some EAs, households reported to buy food items from various vendors, including mobile markets that only visit the village or town every few days. During the limited time of the data collection, the field supervisors could only collect measurements from vendors that were available while the EA was being enumerated and therefore could not always capture prices from the mobile markets. 3.5 Quality assurance and management In order to ensure the best possible data quality from the survey, MSR incorporated a set of quality assurance procedures into all phases and components of the survey. MSR carried out continuous monitoring of field activities and took corrective actions whenever necessary. MSR was also in continuous communication with the World Bank team on issues that emerged in the field. Each field team comprised one supervisor and three enumerators. The supervisors identified selected sample households in EAs according to the procedures given, and the interviewers administered the questionnaire under close supervision and support. Field supervisors made daily reports on the progress to the survey management team (when communication was possible), so that any needed administrative and logistics support to the supervisors and interviewers for data collection and supervision could be arranged. A two-tiered quality control system was implemented during field work. The first tier was managed by field supervisors who continuously applied quality control measures to ensure a high level of interviewer performance. At a minimum, quality control measures included: (i) verification of the interview and proper administration of the various sections of the questionnaire; (ii) verification of proper application of the sampling procedure in the selection of households; (iii) the approximate duration of the interview; and (iv) the interviewer's general adherence to the overall survey protocol. Interviewers at all times carried a field log in which they recorded relevant information on what happened in the field, such as contact information and call-back details. The interviewer logs supplied sufficient information for the quality assurance team to locate the selected household and to identify the respondent interviewed for further verification by the quality control teams. The second tier of field quality assurance was conducted by a quality control team that visited a selection of EAs to assess the enumeration and to provide administrative and logistics support to the field supervisors and enumerators. Overall, the quality control team back-checked and verified 15 percent of all interviews. The quality control team further checked that the listing and household selection, as well as any substitutions, were carried out in accordance with the protocol. 20 Data entry and management 21 MYANMAR POVERTY AND LIVING CONDITIONS SURVEY 2015 Data entry and management A comprehensive protocol for data quality assurance and management was put in place for data entry and processing conducted by MSR. Each completed questionnaire was checked at least twice for consistency and errors. First, the field supervisor checked the questionnaires collected by the interviewers before they left the EA where the interviews were conducted so that they could reconfirm answers given with the respondents, if necessary. Next, an editing team of eight editors checked all the questionnaires for completeness of the data—coding mistakes, logical links, etc.—before data entry. Data entry was conducted using a double-entry approach using 30 data entry specialists using CSPro data management software. To ensure data entry quality control and in particular to catch keying mistakes, MSR applied a double-entry method, in which all the questionnaires are entered twice. Although the double-entry method doubles the workload of data entry, it is a very effective method of quality control in data entry. By using a function of CSPro, namely Compare Data, one can easily identify and correct data entry errors. During the data entry process a batch editing program was created for data checking including skips, links and data outliers, etc. After the data entry process, the data was again checked using the batch editing program and data analysis software. “Other (Specify)” variables are used to capture responses when the options listed in the coding structure for each question do not cover the answer given by the respondent. For these “other” variables, we do not use string variables as it requires translating the descriptions during data entry, and thus, there is a much higher chance of entry error. Separate codes were assigned to descriptions of various responses during the data entry process. When data entry was completed, the descriptions are translated and are produced as the value set along with corresponding coded values. Last some light cleaning of the data was conducted, mainly checks out of range values, violated skip patterns and logical links as well as non-standard unit conversions. 22 Survey data 23 MYANMAR POVERTY AND LIVING CONDITIONS SURVEY 2015 5.1 Using the survey data The datasets are available in Stata format. The household questionnaire consists of 20 files. Cross-referencing the questionnaires using identification fields will be necessary for accurate use of the data. Table 5.1 below tabulates the distribution of data across datasets. Table 5.1 Distribution of Data Across Datasets Dataset name Structure Module/Questions 1 Household All Household level • Housing (Module 6) • Household level questions for Consumption (Module 8a 8a2 8a3) • Non-farm enterprise filter questions (9a) • Household level Ag Questions (10a,e,f (part); 10g). • Financial inclusion (11b) • Food security (12a) • Social protection (12b) • Shocks and coping strategies (13 ) • Household weight (hh_wt) 2 Member All Member level • Household Roster (Module 1) • Education (Module 2) • Health status (Module 3a) • Labour (Module 4) • International Migration (Module 5a) 3 Health Care Health visit level • Healthcare (Module 3b) 4 Household Remittance Former HH members and remitters • Remittances and Migration former members (Module 5b) 5 Household Assets Asset items • Household Assets (Module 7) 6 Food consumption Consumption items • Food consumption (Module 8a) 7 Non-food Consumption (30 days) Consumption items • Non-food consumption 30 days (Module 8b) 8 Non-food Expenditure (6 months) Consumption items • Non-food consumption 6 mo (Module 8c) 9 Non-food Expenditure (12 months) Consumption items • Non-food consumption 12 mo (Module 8c) 10 Non-farm enterprise Enterprises • Non-farm enterprise (Module 9b) 11 Agriculture – Parcel Roster Parcels • Parcel roster (Module 10a) 12 Agriculture – Inputs Input items • Inputs (10b) 13 Agriculture – Labour Season/crop • Labour (10c) 14 Agriculture – Harvest and Crop Season/crop • Harvest and crop disposition (10d) 15 Agriculture – Livestock Livestock types • Livestock (10e) 24 SURVEY CONDUCT AND QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Dataset name Structure Module/Questions 16 Agriculture – Machinery and Equipment Machinery items • Agricultural Machinery and Equipment (10f) 17 Agricultural – Boat Boats • Aquaculture and fisheries (10g) 18 Agriculture – Assets Asset • Aquaculture and fisheries (10g) 19 Loans Loan taker in HH • Loans/credit (11a) 20 Contact sheet Household • Cover page The naming of variables in the MPLCS data files follows the instrument module numberings listed in the questionnaires. In the data files, variable labels match the question wording in the questionnaires, whenever possible. In some cases, it was necessary to modify the variable labels due to length of the questions. Further information on the use and analysis of the files is available in the ‘readme’ file included with the dataset. The next section describes the calculated survey weights necessary for tabulating representative estimates. Users of the MPLCS data should familiarize themselves with the questionnaires and manuals of the survey, available in the Appendix to this document. Please note that to increase the efficiency with which the survey instruments were administered, the MPLCS questionnaire makes extensive use of skip patterns. Data users must be aware of these skip patterns to properly interpret the data. Skip patterns are identified by an arrow by a number in parentheses (e.g. “>> 2”). The skip patterns are clearly indicated in the questionnaires in the Appendix and explained in detail in the Enumerator Manual. All publically available survey data has been anonymized by removing respondent names, addresses, telephone numbers, and any georeferenced data. The geolocation of households are only available for special use purposes and require a separate request to be accessed. A household level consumption aggregate for welfare and poverty analysis has been constructed and is available with the data. The method for the construction of aggregate is documented in the Technical Report on Poverty Estimation (GOM and World Bank, Forthcoming) and is not described in this note. 5.2 Weighting procedures for MPLCS In order for the MPLCS sample estimates to be representative of the population, it is necessary to apply sampling weights, or expansion factor. The basic weight for each sample household would be equal to the inverse of its probability of selection (calculated by multiplying the probabilities at each sampling stage).Since all survey data will be processed by computer, a weight is attached to each sample household record in the data files .The sampling probabilities at each stage of selection were maintained in an Excel spreadsheet with information from the sampling frame for each sample EA so that the corresponding overall probability and corresponding weight could be calculated. 25 MYANMAR POVERTY AND LIVING CONDITIONS SURVEY 2015 Based on the Myanmar master sample design and the sampling procedures for the MPLCS based on the master sample, the overall probability of selection for the MPLCS sample households can be expressed as follows: where: phi = probability of selection for the sample households in the i-th sample EA in stratum h for the MPLCS nh = number of sample EAs selected in stratum h for the master sample, specified in Table 2.3 Mh = total number of households in the 2014 Census frame for stratum h Mhi = total number of households in the 2014 Census frame for the i-th sample EA in stratum h n'h = number of MPLCS sample EAs selected from the master sample for stratum h, specified in Table 2.1 pShi = probability of selection for the selected segment in large sample EA that is subdivided; this probability is equal to 1 for all EAs that are not segmented mhi = number of sample households selected in the i-th sample EA in stratum h (12) M'hi = total number of households listed in the i-th sample EA in stratum h The different components of this probability of selection correspond to the individual sampling stages. The probability of selecting a segment in a large EA (pShi) depends on the type of selection procedure that is used. If one segment is selected randomly with equal probability, this probability would be calculated as follows: , where: Shi = total number of segments in the i-th large sample EA in stratum h The basic sampling weight, or expansion factor for the MPLCS sample households, is calculated as the inverse of this probability of selection. Based on the previous expression for the probability, the weight can be simplified as follows: where: Whi = basic weight for the MPLCS sample households in the i-th sample EA in stratum h 26 SURVEY CONDUCT AND QUALITY CONTROL REPORT For the MPLCS, the households that could not be interviewed were generally replaced with random households from the listing for that sample EA. In general, it is important to adjust the sample household weights to take into account the non-interview households in each sample EA. Since the weights are calculated at the level of the sample EA, it is advantageous to adjust the weights at this level. The final weight (W'hi) for the sample households in the i-th sample EA in stratum h can be expressed as follows: where: m'hi = total number of valid (occupied) sample households selected in the i-th sample EA in stratum h for the MPLCS m"hi = total number of sample households with completed MPLCS interviews in the i-th sample EA in stratum h, including replacements If each non-interview household is replaced within a sample EA, the weight adjustment factor would be equal to 1. Survey Estimates from the MPLCS Data The most common estimates to be calculated from the MPLCS data will be in the form of totals and ratios. The survey estimate of a total can be expressed as follows: where: L = number of strata (region, urban/rural) in the domain yhij = value of variable y for the j-th sample household in the i-th sample EA in stratum h The survey estimate of a ratio is defined as follows: ˆ ˆ where Y and X are estimates of totals for variables y and x, respectively, calculated as specified previously. In the case of a stratified multi-stage sample design, means and proportions are special types of ratios. In the case of the mean, the variable x, in the denominator of the ratio, is defined to equal 1 for each element so that the denominator is the sum of the weights. For a proportion, the variable x in the denominator is also defined to equal 1 for all elements; the variable y in the numerator is binomial and is defined to equal either 0 or 1, depending on the absence or presence, respectively, of a specified characteristic for the element. 27 MYANMAR POVERTY AND LIVING CONDITIONS SURVEY 2015 5.3 Sampling errors for estimates from the MPLCS Data In the publication of the results for the MPLCS data it is important to include a statement on the accuracy of the survey data. In addition to presenting tables with calculated sampling errors and confidence intervals for the most important survey estimates, the different sources of non-sampling error should be described. Section 5.4 in this report summarizes sources of such errors, including issues faced during enumeration described in Sections 3.4 and 3.5. Estimates below the level of the agro-ecological zones, such as those for state/regions, will not be statistically representative and should not be used for analysis. The standard error, or square root of the variance, is used to measure the sampling error, although it may also include a small variable part of the non-sampling error. The variance estimator should take into account the different aspects of the sample design, such as the stratification and clustering. Programs available for calculating the variances for survey data from stratified multi-stage sample designs, such as the MPLCS, include Stata’s ‘svyset’ command, which manages the survey analysis settings of a dataset, including survey design, such as the sampling units and weights. The Complex Samples module of SPSS provides comparable functionality. Both of these software packages use a linearized Taylor series variance estimator. Either Stata’s ‘svyset’ command or the Complex Samples module of SPSS can be used for calculating the sampling errors for survey estimates of totals, means, proportions and other types of ratios. For each estimate, the output tables from these programs can show the standard error, coefficient of variation (CV), 95 percent confidence interval, the design effect (DEFF) and the number of observations. The design effect is defined as the ratio of the variance of an estimate from a complex (stratified, multi-stage) sample to the variance of a simple random sample of the same size. It is a relative measure of the sampling efficiency. Most of the design effects are greater than 1 given the clustering effects in the sample design. The DEFF from the MPLCS should be taken into account in estimating the sample size requirements for future surveys. The variance estimator for a total used by Stata and SPSS Complex Samples can be expressed as follows: Variance Estimator of a Total where: 28 SURVEY CONDUCT AND QUALITY CONTROL REPORT The variance estimator of a ratio used by these statistical software packages can be expressed as follows: Variance Estimator of a Ratio where: ˆ are calculated according to the formula for the variance of a total. ˆ and V(X) V(Y) Table 5.2 illustrates the sampling precision of the survey mean, including DEFFs. Table 5.2 Sampling Precision (survey mean) Domain Mean Linearized Std. Err. 95% Conf. Interval DEFF DEFT CV (%) Hills & Mountains 1798.1 96.6 1608.0 1988.2 2.3 1.5 5.4 Dry Zone 1960.9 69.6 1823.8 2097.9 3.6 1.9 3.6 Delta (incl Yangon) 2579.9 361.8 1867.8 3292.1 6.1 2.5 14.0 Coastal 1728.1 95.0 1541.2 1915.1 1.7 1.3 5.5 Urban 3390.0 534.2 2338.8 4441.3 6.0 2.5 15.8 Rural 1687.1 38.0 1612.2 1762.0 3.8 1.9 2.3 Total 2175.9 158.3 1864.2 2487.5 5.9 2.4 7.3 5.4 Non-sampling errors Mistakes made in the implementation of field activities can cause errors in survey estimates, often referred to as non-sampling errors. These can be caused by failures in implementing the survey field activities correctly, such as inability to locate and interview the sampled household, mistakes in the administration of the questionnaire by enumerators or supervisors, data entry errors, etc. Efforts to minimize such non-sampling errors in field implementation and data entry are described in Sections 3.5 and 4. Misunderstanding of the questions or incorrect memory on the part of the respondent may lead to errors in answers. The relatively long duration of the MPLCS interview could lead to respondent fatigue which could lead to some errors in answers provided. Moreover, the survey deployed recall methods for recording consumption and purchases. Research has shown that recall methods can cause inconsistent and biased estimates of consumption (e.g. Beegle 29 MYANMAR POVERTY AND LIVING CONDITIONS SURVEY 2015 et al, 2012). However, for the MPLCS recall periods were chosen to be the best suitable for each question in line with best practice, and substantially reduced the recall period of many questions in comparison with previous surveys in Myanmar. Non-sampling errors are impossible to avoid entirely and difficult to quantify and estimate analytically without experimental designs. Some sources of non-sampling errors, such as the substitution of EAs in conflict areas and difficulties with translation in certain parts of the country, are described in Section 3.4. Given the relatively small number of survey teams and high ratio of highly experienced supervisors to enumerators, as well as compact enumeration period and extensive training, we expect that non-sampling errors are not a major issue with this survey. An illustrative indication of both the sampling and non-sampling errors can be inferred by comparing key indicators both available in the Census and in the survey. Table 5.3 compares a set of readily comparable indicators between the two. One of the most stable and time invariant characteristics measured in both the census and the survey is educational attainment of adult age-cohorts since educational attainment for adults are unlikely to change between the time of the Census and survey. The first part of the table therefore tabulates the difference in observed educational attainment. The latter part compares other key household characteristics. Notably mobile phone ownership estimates are quite different, but this is explained by a rapid expansion of mobile phone penetration between the Census and the survey. Overall, most differences in estimates do not appear large and thus do not raise concerns about substantial errors originating from sampling and non-sampling errors in the survey implementation. 30 SURVEY CONDUCT AND QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Table 5.3 Key Comparable Indicators Census 2014 and MPLCS Completed Education/Birth Year Census MPLCS No Education 1975-1979 0.12 0.13 1980-1984 0.11 0.12 1985-1989 0.08 0.13 Primary (Grades 1-5) 1975-1979 0.48 0.48 1980-1984 0.44 0.43 1985-1989 0.38 0.35 Middle (Grades 6 to 9) 1975-1979 0.20 0.19 1980-1984 0.20 0.20 1985-1989 0.21 0.22 High (Grades 10 to 11) and above 1975-1979 0.20 0.20 1980-1984 0.25 0.26 1985-1989 0.32 0.31 Key household characteristics/ownership Census MPLCS Household size 4.4 4.53 Electricity for lighting 0.32 0.34 Motorcycle 0.39 0.42 Car/Van/Truck 0.03 0.03 Mobile Phone 0.33 0.52 Computer (any type) 0.03 0.03 TV 0.49 0.50 Radio 0.35 0.25 31 32 References & Annexes 33 MYANMAR POVERTY AND LIVING CONDITIONS SURVEY 2015 References Beegle, Kathleen, Joachim DeWeert, Jed Friedman and John Gibson (2012) “Methods of Household Consumption Measurement through Survey: Experimental Results from Tanzania”. Journal of Development Economics 98(1): 3-18. Government of Myanmar and World Bank (Forthcoming) “Myanmar Poverty and Living Conditions Survey: Technical Report”. Megill, David (2014) “Recommendations for Developing Master Sample for National Household Surveys in Myanmar: Sampling and Estimation Methodology”. Mimeo. World Bank (2015) “Myanmar Poverty and Living Conditions Survey 2014/15: Construction of Consumption Aggregate: Note on Comparability between MPLCS and IHLCA”. Mimeo. 34 SURVEY CONDUCT AND QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Annexes Annex A Master sampling frame used for drawing MPLCS sample The stratified multi-stage sample design used for the MPLCS was based on the recent master sampling frame developed by the Department of Population for the Myanmar national household survey program. Here follows a brief description of the master sample frame methodology which is further described in a separate report (Megill, 2014). The master sampling frame was stratified by state/region, urban and rural areas. The distribution of the households in the 2014 Myanmar Population and Housing Census frame by region, urban and rural stratum is shown in Table A.1, based on the preliminary Census data. The corresponding distribution of households in the sampling frame by the five zones, urban and rural strata, is shown in Table 2.2. Table A.1 Distribution of Private Households by Region and Urban/Rural Stratum State Urban Rural Total % by Region % Urban Kachin 91,907 174,945 266,852 2.5% 34.4% Kayah 13,730 41,162 54,892 0.5% 25.0% Kayin 63,951 237,614 301,565 2.8% 21.2% Chin 19,022 71,475 90,497 0.8% 21.0% Sagaing 179,736 909,647 1,089,383 10.1% 16.5% Tanintharyi 63,170 207,729 270,899 2.5% 23.3% Bago 234,228 891,334 1,125,562 10.4% 20.8% Magway 128,363 777,702 906,065 8.4% 14.2% Mandalay 406,173 898,061 1,304,234 12.1% 31.1% Mon 111,929 303,825 415,754 3.8% 26.9% Rakhine 74,120 493,336 567,456 5.2% 13.1% Yangon 1,051,226 499,273 1,550,499 14.3% 67.8% Shan 265,943 875,137 1,141,080 10.5% 23.3% Ayeyawady 198,294 1,286,144 1,484,438 13.7% 13.4% Nay Pyi Taw 68,639 178,654 247,293 2.3% 27.8% Total 2,970,431 7,846,038 10,816,469 100.0% 27.5% 35 MYANMAR POVERTY AND LIVING CONDITIONS SURVEY 2015 The primary sampling units (PSUs) for the master sample are the Census enumeration areas (EAs), with an average of about 135 households each (140 for urban EAs and 133 for rural EAs). A master sample of 4,000 enumeration areas (EAs) was selected from the 2014 Census frame. The master sample EAs within each stratum were selected systematically with probability proportional to size (PPS). The master sample EAs are divided into four nationally- representative replicates of 1,000 sample EAs each. The distribution of the sample EAs in the master sample by region, urban and rural stratum is shown in Table A.2. Table A.2 Distribution of Myanmar Master Sample PSUs by Region and Urban/Rural Stratum Full Master Sample 1 Replicate State Urban Rural Total Urban Rural Total Kachin 80 96 176 20 24 44 Kayah 40 60 100 10 15 25 Kayin 52 136 188 13 34 47 Chin 40 64 104 10 16 26 Sagaing 76 280 356 19 70 89 Tanintharyi 56 124 180 14 31 45 Bago 100 264 364 25 66 91 Magway 60 264 324 15 66 81 Mandalay 160 232 392 40 58 98 Mon 80 140 220 20 35 55 Rakhine 44 216 260 11 54 65 Yangon 272 128 400 68 32 100 Shan 112 252 364 28 63 91 Ayeyawady 72 328 400 18 82 100 Nay Pyi Taw 64 108 172 16 27 43 Total 1,308 2,692 4,000 327 673 1000 36 SURVEY CONDUCT AND QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Annex B Field enumeration plan The table below shows the Enumeration Areas selected for the MPLCS and the date of visit by the field team. The overview shows how the enumeration actually took place. See also discussion on EA replacement in Section 2.1. Table B.1 Enumeration Areas Selected for the MPLCS ID State/Region District Township/Sub Township Field Date 1 Rakhine Thandwe Gwa 30-31 Jan 2 Rakhine Thandwe Kyeintali(Sub-Tsp) 2-3 Feb 3 Rakhine Thandwe Kyeintali(Sub-Tsp) 5-6 Feb 4 Rakhine Thandwe Thandwe 7-8 Feb 5 Rakhine Thandwe Thandwe 10-11 Feb 6 Rakhine Thandwe Toungup 17-19 Feb 7 Rakhine Kyaukpyu Ramree (Yanbyae) 26-27 Feb 8 Rakhine Kyaukpyu Manaung 21-22 Feb 9 Rakhine Kyaukpyu Kyaukpyu 2-3 Mar 10 Rakhine Kyaukpyu Kyaukpyu 5-6 Mar 11 Rakhine Kyaukpyu Kyaukpyu 8-10 Mar 12 Rakhine Maungdaw Maungdaw 16-18 Mar 13 Rakhine Maungdaw Maungdaw 22-24 Mar 14 Rakhine Maungdaw Maungdaw 19-21 Mar 15 Rakhine Maungdaw Buthidaung 28-30 Mar 16 Rakhine Maungdaw Buthidaung 26-27 Mar 17 Rakhine Maungdaw Buthidaung 31 Mar - 2 Apr 18 Magway Pakokku Pauk 28-29 Jan 19 Magway Gangaw Kyaukhtu( Sub-tsp) 31 Jan - 1 Feb 20 Magway Gangaw Kyaukhtu( Sub-tsp) 3-4 Feb 21 Chin Mindat Mindat 6-8 Feb 22 Chin Hakha Hakha 12-13 Feb 23 Chin Falam Tedim 16-18 Feb 24 Mandalay Pyinoolwin Madaya 21-22 Feb 25 Mandalay Pyinoolwin Mogok 25-26 Feb 26 Mandalay Pyinoolwin Mogok 28 Feb - 1 Mar 37 MYANMAR POVERTY AND LIVING CONDITIONS SURVEY 2015 ID State/Region District Township/Sub Township Field Date 27 Shan (North) Kyukme Naung Cho 6-7 Mar 28 Shan (North) Kyukme Thepae 11-12 Mar 29 Shan (North) Kyukme Namhsan (North) 20-21 Mar 30 Shan (North) Kyukme MineNgot 17-19 Mar 31 Shan (North) Muse Kutkai 24-26 Mar 32 Shan (North) Muse Pan Sai (KYU KUTE) (Sub-tsp) 2-3 Apr 33 Shan (North) Muse Nanhkan 30-31 Mar 34 Mandalay Myingyan Kyaukpadaung 27-28 Jan 35 Mandalay Myingyan Thaungtha 31 Jan - 1 Feb 36 Mandalay Myingyan Myingyan 3-5 Feb 37 Mandalay Myingyan Natogyi 6-8 Feb 38 Mandalay Kyaukse Myittah 9-11 Feb 39 Mandalay Myingyan Nganzun 13-14 Feb 40 Sagaing Sagaing Myinmu 17-19 Feb 41 Sagaing Monywa Monywa 21-23 Feb 42 Sagaing Monywa Monywa 24-26 Feb 43 Sagaing Yinmabin Salingyi 28 Feb - 2Mar 44 Sagaing Monywa Ayadaw 4-5 Mar 45 Sagaing Shwebo Wetlet 7-9 Mar 46 Sagaing Shwebo Shwebo 11-12 Mar 47 Sagaing Shwebo Shwebo 13-15 Mar 48 Sagaing Shwebo Kanbalu 17-19 Mar 49 Sagaing Katha Kawlin 21-23 Mar 50 Sagaing Katha Wuntho 25-26 Mar 51 Sagaing Katha Katha 29-30 Mar 52 Yangon Yangon (North) Mingaladon 26-28 Jan 53 Yangon Yangon (East) North Dagon 29-31 Jan 54 Yangon Yangon (East) North Dagon 2-4 Feb 55 Yangon Yangon (North) Hlaingthaya 5-7 Feb 56 Yangon Yangon (North) Hlaingthaya 9-11 Feb 57 Yangon Yangon (North) Hlaingthaya 13-15 Feb 58 Yangon Yangon (North) Hlaingthaya 17-18 Feb 59 Yangon Yangon (North) Hlaingthaya 19-21 Feb 60 Yangon Yangon (North) Hlaingthaya 23-25 Feb 38 SURVEY CONDUCT AND QUALITY CONTROL REPORT ID State/Region District Township/Sub Township Field Date 61 Yangon Yangon (North) Hlaingthaya 26-28 Feb 62 Yangon Yangon (West) Kyimyindaing 2-4 Mar 63 Yangon Yangon (West) Mayangon 5-7 Mar 64 Yangon Yangon (East) North Okkalapa 9-11 Mar 65 Yangon Yangon (East) North Okkalapa 12-14 Mar 66 Yangon Yangon (East) North Okkalapa 16-18 Mar 67 Yangon Yangon (East) East Dagon 1-21 Mar 68 Yangon Yangon (East) East Dagon 23-25 Mar 69 Yangon Yangon (West) Pabedan 26-28 Mar 70 Yangon Yangon (West) Sanchaung 30 Mar -1 April 71 Yangon Yangon (East) Mingala Taungnyunt 2-4 April 72 Yangon Yangon (East) Tamwe 6-8 Apri 73 Taninthayi Dawei Yebyu 28-29 Jan 74 Taninthayi Dawei Yebyu 31 Jan - 1 Feb 75 Mon Mawlamyaing KHAW ZAR(Sub-Tsp) 5-6 Feb 76 Mon Mawlamyaing Thanbyuzayat 8-9 Feb 77 Mon Mawlamyaing Mudon 11-12 Feb 78 Kayin Kawkareik Kyain seikgyi 14-16 Feb 79 Kayin Kawkareik Kawkareik 23-24 Feb 80 Kayin Kawkareik Kawkareik 20-21 Feb 81 Kayin Myawaddy Myawaddy 2-3 Mar 82 Kayin Myawaddy Myawaddy 26-27 Feb 83 Mon Mawlamyaing Mawlamyaing 8-9 Mar 84 Mon Mawlamyaing Kyaikmaraw 10-11 Mar 85 Mon Mawlamyaing Chaungzon 13-15 Mar 86 Kayin Hpa-an Hpa-an 17-18 Mar 87 Kayin Hpa-an Hpa-an 19-21 Mar 88 Kayin Hpa-an Hpa-an 23-25 Mar 89 Kayin Hpa-an Hlaignbwe 27-28 Mar 90 Kayin Hpa-an PAINGKYONE 29-31 Mar 91 Shan (South) Taunggyi Taunggyi 28-30 Jan 92 Shan (South) Taunggyi Taunggyi 31 Jan - 2 Feb 93 Shan (South) Taunggyi Nyaungshwe 4-5 Feb 94 Shan (South) Taunggyi Nyaungshwe 6-7 Feb 39 MYANMAR POVERTY AND LIVING CONDITIONS SURVEY 2015 ID State/Region District Township/Sub Township Field Date 95 Shan (South) Taunggyi Taunggyi 10-11 Mar 96 Shan (South) Taunggyi Kalaw 10-11 Feb 97 Shan (South) Taunggyi Naungtayar (Sub-tsp) 13-15 Feb 98 Shan (South) Taunggyi Pekon 18-20 Feb 99 Kayah Loikaw Loikaw 22-23 Feb 100 Kayah Loikaw Loikaw 25-26 Feb 101 Kayah Loikaw Demoso 1-2 Mar 102 Kayah Loikaw Demoso 5-6 Mar 103 Shan (South) Loilen Loilen 14-15 Mar 104 Shan (South) Loilen Pinlon (Sub-tsp) 17-18 Mar 105 Shan (South) Loilen Namhsan (North) 20-22 Mar 106 Ayeyarwaddy Labutta Mawlamyine gyun 27-29 Jan 107 Ayeyarwaddy Labutta Mawlamyine gyun 30-31 Jan 108 Ayeyarwaddy Labutta Labutta 5-6 Feb 109 Ayeyarwaddy Pathein Ngapudaw 9-10 Feb 110 Ayeyarwaddy Pathein Pathein 13-14 Feb 111 Ayeyarwaddy Pathein Pathein 15-16 Feb 112 Ayeyarwaddy Pathein Thabaung 19-21 Feb 113 Ayeyarwaddy Pathein Shwethaungyan (Sub -Tsp) 25-27 Feb 114 Ayeyarwaddy Pathein Kangyidaunk 2-3 Mar 115 Ayeyarwaddy Pathein Kyaunggon 4-6 Mar 116 Ayeyarwaddy Pathein Ngathaingchaung (Sub-Tsp) 9-10 Mar 117 Ayeyarwaddy Hinthada Laymyethna 11-13 Mar 118 Ayeyarwaddy Hinthada Hinthada 16-17 Mar 119 Ayeyarwaddy Hinthada Hinthada 19-20 Mar 120 Ayeyarwaddy Hinthada Ingapu 23-24 Mar 121 Ayeyarwaddy Hinthada MyanAung 26-27 Mar 122 Ayeyarwaddy Hinthada Kyangin 30-31 Mar 123 Yangon Yangon (North) Insein 26-28 Jan 124 Yangon Yangon (North) Insein 29-31 Jan 125 Yangon Yangon (North) Insein 2-4 Feb 126 Yangon Yangon (North) Shwepyitha 5-7 Feb 127 Yangon Yangon (North) Shwepyitha 9-11 Feb 128 Yangon Yangon (East) South Dagon 12-14 Feb 40 SURVEY CONDUCT AND QUALITY CONTROL REPORT ID State/Region District Township/Sub Township Field Date 129 Yangon Yangon (East) South Dagon 16-18 Feb 130 Yangon Yangon (East) South Dagon 19-21 Feb 131 Yangon Yangon (North) Tantabin 23-25 Feb 132 Yangon Yangon (East) Thaketa 26-28 Feb 133 Yangon Yangon (East) Thaketa 2-4 Mar 134 Yangon Yangon (East) Thingangyun 5-7 Mar 135 Yangon Yangon (East) Thingangyun 9-11 Mar 136 Yangon Yangon (East) Pazundaung 12-14 Mar 137 Yangon Yangon (East) South Okkalapa 16-18 Mar 138 Yangon Yangon (East) South Okkalapa 19-21 Mar 139 Yangon Yangon (South) Khayan 23-25 Mar 140 Yangon Yangon (South) Thonegwa 26-28 Mar 141 Yangon Yangon (South) Twante 1-3 April 142 Yangon Yangon (South) Twante 30-31 Mar 143 Yangon Yangon (South) Kungyangon 1-3 April 144 Sagaing Shwebo Tabayin 27-29 Jan 145 Sagaing Yinmabin Kani 31 Jan -1 Feb 146 Sagaing Kalay Mingin 3-4 Feb 147 Sagaing Kalay Kale 6-8 Feb 148 Sagaing Tamu Tamu 11-12 Feb 149 Sagaing Hkamti Homalin 16-18 Feb 150 Magway Pakokku Myaing 22-23 Feb 151 Magway Pakokku Pakokku 25-26 Feb 152 Magway Magway Yenan gyaung 1-2 Mar 153 Magway Minbu Minbu 4-5 Mar 154 Magway Minbu Ngape 8-9 Mar 155 Magway Magway Myothit 11-12 Mar 156 Magway Magway Taung dwingyi 14-15 Mar 157 Magway Magway Taung dwingyi 17-19 Mar 158 Magway Thayet Sinbaungwe 21-23 Mar 159 Magway Thayet Aunglan (Myayde) 25-26 Mar 160 Magway Thayet Thayet 28-29 Mar 161 Magway Thayet Kamma 31 Mar -2 Apri 162 Yangon Yangon (South) Thanlyin 27-29 Jan 41 MYANMAR POVERTY AND LIVING CONDITIONS SURVEY 2015 ID State/Region District Township/Sub Township Field Date 163 Yangon Yangon (South) Thanlyin 31 Jan -1 Feb 164 Yangon Yangon (South) Thanlyin 2-3 Feb 165 Yangon Yangon (South) Kyauktan(Tadar) Sub-Tsp 6-7 Feb 166 Yangon Yangon (South) Kyauktan 9-10 Feb 167 Yangon Yangon (South) Kyauktan 12-13 Feb 168 Yangon Yangon (South) Kawthmu 17-18 Feb 169 Yangon Yangon (North) Hmawbi 21-22 Feb 170 Yangon Yangon (North) Hmawbi 23-25 Feb 171 Yangon Yangon (North) Hlegu 28 Feb - 1 Mar 172 Yangon Yangon (North) Hlegu 2-4 Mar 173 Yangon Yangon (North) Hlegu 5-6 Mar 174 Bago (East) Bago Bago 10-11 Mar 175 Bago (East) Bago Kawa 13-14 Mar 176 Bago (East) Bago Waw 16-18 Mar 177 Mon Thaton Kyaikto 19-20 Mar 178 Mon Thaton Paung 23-24 Mar 179 Mon Thaton Paung 26-27 Mar 180 Ayeyarwaddy Pyapon Pyapon 27-29 Jan 181 Ayeyarwaddy Pyapon Bogale 30 Jan - 1 Feb 182 Ayeyarwaddy Pyapon Ahmar (Sub -Tsp) 4-6 Feb 183 Ayeyarwaddy Pyapon Kyaiklat 7-9 Feb 184 Ayeyarwaddy Maubin Maubin 12-14 Feb 185 Ayeyarwaddy Maubin Maubin 15-17 Feb 186 Ayeyarwaddy Maubin Nyaungdon 20-22 Feb 187 Ayeyarwaddy Maubin Nyaungdon 23-25 Feb 188 Ayeyarwaddy Maubin Pantanaw 27 Feb - 1 Mar 189 Ayeyarwaddy Myaungmya Einme 3-5 Mar 190 Ayeyarwaddy Myaungmya Wakema 7-9 Mar 191 Ayeyarwaddy Myaungmya Myaungmya 11-13 Mar 192 Yangon Yangon (West) Ahlon 4-5 April 193 Yangon Yangon (West) Dagon 7-9 April 194 Yangon Yangon (East) Dagon Seikkan 20-21 Mar 195 Yangon Yangon (South) Dala 23-26 Mar 196 Yangon Yangon (South) Dala 31 Mar - 3 April 42 SURVEY CONDUCT AND QUALITY CONTROL REPORT ID State/Region District Township/Sub Township Field Date 197 Yangon Yangon (West) Hlaing 1-3 April 198 Yangon Yangon (West) Kamayut 7-9 April 199 Rakhine Sittwe Sittwe 28-29 Jan 200 Rakhine Sittwe Sittwe 30-31 Jan 201 Rakhine Sittwe Sittwe 2-4 Feb 202 Rakhine Sittwe Sittwe 6-8 Feb 203 Rakhine Sittwe Rathedaung 11-12 Feb 204 Rakhine Sittwe Rathedaung 14-15 Feb 205 Rakhine Sittwe Ponnagyun 17-18 Feb 206 Rakhine Sittwe Ponnagyun 20-21 Feb 207 Rakhine Mrauk-U Kyauktaw 24-25 Feb 208 Rakhine Mrauk-U Kyauktaw 4-5 Mar 209 Rakhine Mrauk-U Kyauktaw 1-2 Mar 210 Rakhine Mrauk-U Kyauktaw 26-27 Feb 211 Chin Mindat Paletwa 10-11 Mar 212 Rakhine Mrauk-U Mrauk-U 16-17 Mar 213 Rakhine Mrauk-U Mrauk-U 19-20 Mar 214 Rakhine Mrauk-U Minbya 22-23 Mar 215 Rakhine Mrauk-U Minbya 25-26 Mar 216 Rakhine Sittwe Pauktaw 29-30 Mar 217 Rakhine Kyaukpyu Ann 30-31 Jan 218 Rakhine Kyaukpyu Ann 1-3 Feb 219 Rakhine Kyaukpyu Ann 28-30 Jan 220 Rakhine Mrauk-U Myebon 7-9 Feb 221 Rakhine Mrauk-U Myebon 10-11 Feb 222 Rakhine Mrauk-U Myebon 12-13 Feb 223 Bago (West) Pyay Pyay 18-19 Feb 224 Bago (West) Pyay Paukkhaung 21-22 Feb 225 Bago (West) Pyay Shwedaung 26-27 Feb 226 Bago (West) Pyay Thegon 2-3 Mar 227 Bago (West) Pyay Paungde 6-7 Mar 228 Bago (West) Thayarwady Zigon 9-10 Mar 229 Bago (West) Thayarwady Gyobingauk 12-13 Mar 230 Bago (West) Thayarwady Minhla 15-16 Mar 43 MYANMAR POVERTY AND LIVING CONDITIONS SURVEY 2015 ID State/Region District Township/Sub Township Field Date 231 Bago (West) Thayarwady Monyo 18-19 Mar 232 Bago (West) Thayarwady Thayarwady 21-22 Mar 233 Yangon Yangon (North) Taikkyee 24-25 Mar 234 Yangon Yangon (North) Taikkyee 26-27 Mar 235 Yangon Yangon (North) Taikkyee 28-29 Mar 236 Taninthayi Dawei Dawei 27-29 Jan 237 Taninthayi Dawei Launglon 30-31 Jan 238 Taninthayi Dawei Launglon 3-5 Feb 239 Taninthayi Dawei Thayetchaung 6-8 Feb 240 Taninthayi Dawei Thayetchaung 10-11 Feb 241 Taninthayi Myeik Palauk (Sub - Tsp) 15-16 Feb 242 Taninthayi Myeik Palaw 19-20 Feb 243 Taninthayi Myeik Myeik 24-25 Feb 244 Taninthayi Myeik Myeik 28 Feb - 1 Mar 245 Taninthayi Myeik Myeik 4-6 Mar 246 Taninthayi Myeik Myeik 9-10 Mar 247 Taninthayi Myeik Kyunsu 14-15 Mar 248 Taninthayi Myeik Kyunsu 18-19 Mar 249 Taninthayi Myeik Taninthayi 20-22 Mar 250 Taninthayi Kawthoung Pyi Gyi Mandaing(Sub -Tsp) 24-26 Mar 251 Taninthayi Kawthoung Karathuri(Sub-Tsp) 5-7 April 252 Taninthayi Kawthoung Kawthoung 30 Mar - 1 Apr 253 Taninthayi Kawthoung Kawthoung 2-4 April 254 Shan (North) Lashio Lashio 5-7 Feb 255 Shan (North) Lashio Lashio 30 Mar -1 April 256 Shan (North) Lashio Kyaukme 27-28 Mar 257 Shan (North) Lashio Tan Yan 1-3 Feb 258 Shan (North) Lashio Mong Yang 29-30 Jan 259 Shan (South) Taunggyi Pindaya 13-15 Feb 260 Shan (South) Taunggyi Yatsut 16-17 Feb 261 Shan (South) Linkhae Linkhae 21-22 Feb 262 Shan (South) Linkhae MongPan 24-25 Feb 263 Shan (East) Tachileik Tachileik 4-5 Mar 264 Shan (East) Tachileik Tachileik 15-16 Mar 44 SURVEY CONDUCT AND QUALITY CONTROL REPORT ID State/Region District Township/Sub Township Field Date 265 Shan (East) Tachileik Tarlay (Sub-tsp) 7-8 Mar 266 Shan (East) Tachileik Kenglat Sub Tsp. 20-21 Mar 267 Shan (East) Kengtung Kengtung 30-31 Mar 268 Shan (East) Kengtung Kengtung 26-27 Mar 269 Bago (East) Bago Thanatpin 27-29 Jan 270 Bago (East) Bago Thanatpin 29-31 Jan 271 Bago (East) Bago Daek-U 2-4 Feb 272 Bago (East) Bago Kyauktaga 6-8 Feb 273 Bago (East) Taungoo Kyaukkyi 11-12 Feb 274 Bago (East) Taungoo Phyu 15-16 Feb 275 Bago (East) Taungoo Taungoo 18-20 Feb 276 Bago (East) Taungoo Taungoo 23-24 Feb 277 Bago (East) Taungoo Htantabin 26-27 Feb 278 NayPyitaw NayPyitaw (S) Leiway 3-4 Mar 279 NayPyitaw NayPyitaw (S) Pyinmana 5-7 Mar 280 NayPyitaw NayPyitaw (S) Pyinmana 9-11 Mar 281 NayPyitaw NayPyitaw(S) Za Bu Thi Ri 13-14 Mar 282 NayPyitaw NayPyitaw(N) Zayarthiri 15-16 Mar 283 Mandalay Yamethin Yamethin 18-20 Mar 284 Mandalay Yamethin Pyawbwe 22-23 Mar 285 Mandalay Meiktila Thazi 26-27 Mar 286 Mandalay Meiktila Meiktila 29-30 Mar 287 Mandalay Meiktila Mahlaing 27-29 Jan 288 Mandalay Kyaukse Kyaukse 31 Jan - 1 Feb 289 Mandalay Mandalay Aungmyethazan 3-4 Feb 290 Mandalay Mandalay Chanayethazan 9-10 Feb 291 Mandalay Mandalay Chanmyathazi 6-7 Feb 292 Mandalay Mandalay Pyigyidagun 11-12 Feb 293 Mandalay Mandalay Amarapura 14-15 Feb 294 Mandalay Mandalay Amarapura 16-17 Feb 295 Mandalay Mandalay Patheingyi 19-20 Feb 296 Kachin Mohnyin Mohnyin 24-25 Feb 297 Kachin Mohnyin Mohnyin 27-28 Feb 298 Kachin Mohnyin Hpakant 2-3 Mar 45 MYANMAR POVERTY AND LIVING CONDITIONS SURVEY 2015 ID State/Region District Township/Sub Township Field Date 299 Kachin Myitkyina Myitkyina 7-8 Mar 300 Kachin Myitkyina Myitkyina 11-12 Mar 301 Kachin Myitkyina Waingmaw 14-16 Mar 302 Kachin Bhamo Bhamo 17-18 Mar 303 Kachin Bhamo Bhamo 23-24 Mar 304 Kachin Bhamo Bhamo 20-21 Mar 46 SURVEY CONDUCT AND QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Annex C List of replaced enumeration areas Following table shows original and replaced EAs, and reasons for each replacement. The first line is an original EA and the second, the corresponding replaced EA. EAs were replaced for reasons of security and logistics, or when a community had moved in its entirety; replacements were only made when deemed absolutely necessary. Table C.1 Replaced Enumerated Areas State District Township Ward/Village U_R 1 Kachin Bhamo Mansi La Khum Yar Ma 2 Kachin Bhamo Bhamo Wet Kone 2 2 Shan (N) Matman Matman Hsut Woe 2 Shan(E) Kengtong Kengtong Nam Inn 2 3 Shan(E) MongHsat MongPing Nawng Hkit 2 Shan(E) Tachileik Tachileik Mong Koe 2 4 Shan(N) Wan Hong MongHsat Hsaik Hkawng 2 Shan(E) Tachileik Kenglat (Sub-tsp) Mong Pa Hlyo 2 5 Shan (N) Mine Pauk Nam Mai Nan Pon 2 Shan(E) Kengtong Kengtong Mong Naw/Hpar Ta 2 6 Shan (S) Taunggyi Hopong Mong Ping 2 Shan (S) Taunggyi Taunggyi Kun Long 2 7 Shan (N) Kyukme Thepae Ong Mu 2 Shan (N) Kyukme Thepae Kyin Thi 2 8 Kachin Bhamo Bhamo Mya Zay Di 2 Kachin Bhamo Bhamo Man Ma Lin 2 9 Shan (N) Muse Pan Sai (Kyu Kute ) (Sub-tsp) Nam Tawng 2 Shan (N) Muse Muse Se Lant 2 10 Shan (N) Muse Nanhkan Man Awng 2 Shan (N) Muse Kutkai En Man Ho Kyan 2 11 Taninthayi Kawthoung Karathuri (Sub-Tsp) Ma Thay 2 Taninthayi Kawthoung Karathuri (Sub-Tsp) Ma Thay 2 12 Yangon Yangon (West) Ahlon Saw Ran Paing(West)/Sayar Hmat 1 Gyi(West) Yangon Yangon (West) Ahlon Lut Lat Yay 1 47 MYANMAR POVERTY AND LIVING CONDITIONS SURVEY 2015 State District Township Ward/Village U_R 13 Shan (N) Maing Maw Pan Waing Mut Laung 2 Shan (N) Lashio Lashio Han Nar 2 14 Shan (N) Laukkaing Chin Shwe Haw (Sub-tsp) No (2) 1 Shan (N) Kyukme Kyukme No (1) 1 48 Appendix I Household questionnaire MYANMAR POVERTY AND LIVING CONDITIONS SURVEY 2014/2015 1 2 3 4 5 6 State/division District Township ward/village tract Urban/rural EA URBAN...1 RURAL...2 7. Household number: 8. Name of household head: 9. Name of household head's father: 10. Latitude: __ __ . __ __ . __ __ __ 11. Longitude: __ __ . __ __ . __ __ __ 12a. Enumerator name: 12b. Enumerator ID CODE 13a. Field Supervisor name: 13b. Field Supervisor ID CODE 14a. District/Town supervisor name: 14b. District/Town ID CODE FIRST INTERVIEW 15. DATE OF FIRST INTERVIEW VISIT: / / [DATE / MONTH / YEAR] MODULES 16. TIME FIRST INTERVIEW STARTED : 1. ROSTER 17. TIME FIRST INTERVIEW ENDED : 2. EDUCATION 18. INTERVIEW COMPLETED? YES..1 ►Q26 NO....2 3. HEALTH SECOND INTERVIEW 4. LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT 19. DATE OF SECOND INTERVIEW VISIT: / / [DATE / MONTH / YEAR] 5. MIGRATION 20. TIME SECOND INTERVIEW STARTED : 6. HOUSING 21. TIME SECOND INTERVIEW ENDED : 22. INTERVIEW COMPLETED? YES..1 ►Q26 7. ASSETS/DURABLES NO....2 8. CONSUMPTION THIRD INTERVIEW 9. NON-FARM ENTERPRISES 23. DATE OF THIRD INTERVIEW VISIT: / / [DATE / MONTH / YEAR] 10. AGRICULTURAL ACTIVITIES 24. TIME THIRD INTERVIEW STARTED : 11. FINANCE 25. TIME THIRD INTERVIEW ENDED : 12. FOOD SECURITY/SUBJECTIVE WELFARE/SOCIAL PROTECTION 26. Language used for interview: 13. SHOCKS QUALITY CONTROL REPORT SURVEY CONDUCT AND 27. Number I___ I of I____I questionnaires used for this household 49 50 MYANMAR POVERTY AND LIVING CONDITIONS SURVEY 2014/2015 Respondent: Head of the Household or any other competent adult at home at the time of the visit Respondent name:_________________________ Respondent's HH Member ID code Read the following to the respondent: Good morning/afternoon, my name is __________________, I am an enumerator for the Myanmar Poverty and Living Conditions Survey 2014/2015, which is currently being conducted in all of Myanmar as part of a collaboration between the World Bank and Myanmar's Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development. The objective of this survey is to gain a better understanding of household living conditions in the country. For that purpose, your address was randomly selected to be included in this survey, one of the thousands of households that is being interviewed in all regions of the country. I would appreciate if you and your household members participated in this survey, answering a group of questions on different topics. The interview will take approximately two hours. We would ask for your cooperation to complete this questionnaire. First, I would like to make a complete list of all the members of this household, that is, all the persons who usually sleep in this dwelling, eat most of their meals here, and share expenses together. Include all the members of your family, including any children or other persons who may be away for study or work, but who consider this their permanent residence. Also include any other persons not related to you but who normally sleep, eat most of their meals here, and share expenses (for example, servants, lodgers, or other persons who is not relatives). IN ORDER TO MAKE A COMPREHENSIVE LIST OF INDIVIDUALS CONNECTED TO THE HOUSEHOLD, USE THE FOLLOWING PROBE QUESTIONS: First, give me the names of all the members of your immediate family who have lived and eaten their meals together here for at least 6 months (in total) during the past 12 months. WRITE DOWN NAMES, RELATIONSHIP, SEX, AND AGE (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4). LIST HOUSEHOLD HEAD ON LINE 1. Then, give me the names of any other persons related to you or other household members who normally live and eat their meals together here. FILL IN Q1 TO Q4. Are there any other persons not here now who normally live and eat their meals here? For example, household members studying elsewhere or traveling. FILL IN Q1 TO Q4. Then, give me the names of any other persons not related to you or other household members, but who normally live and eat their meals together here, such as servants, lodgers, or other who are not relatives. FILL IN Q1 TO Q4. DO NOT LIST SERVANTS WHO HAVE A HOUSEHOLD ELSEWHERE, AND GUESTS WHO ARE VISITING TEMPORARILY AND HAVE A HOUSEHOLD ELSEWHERE. 2 of 61 SECTION 1: ROSTER 1 NAMES OF HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS INTERVIEWER: MAKE A I COMPLETE LIST OF ALL N HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS AND D FILL IN QUESTIONS 1-3 I BEFORE GOING ON TO V QUSTIONS 4- PERSON BY I PERSON D U A L I D AGE (FROM Q 4) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 51 3 of 52 SECTION 1: ROSTER 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 What is the relationship of Is [NAME] How old is In what month and year was [NAME] born? Is What type of identity card does [NAME] What is What is [NAME]'s What is [NAME]'s [NAME] to the head of the male or [NAME]? CALCULATE AGE, COMPARE TO Q4 AND [NAME] have? [NAME]'s religion? mother tongue? household? female? RESOLVE age 10 marital status? RECORD IN IF DO NOT KNOW MONTH, WRITE '99' years or CITIZENSHIP SCRUTINY CARD HEAD...............1 COMPLETED above? (PINK).....................1 SPOUSE.............2 I YEARS. ASSOCIATE SCRUTIY CITIZENSHIP SON/DAUGHTER.......3 CODES FOR MONTH N RECORD "0" CARD (BLUE)....2 SON/DAUGHTER-IN- JAN.....1 D IF LESS THAN NATURALIZED SCRUTINY LAW................4 FEB.....2 SINGLE....1 BUDDHIST....1 I STEPCHILD..........5 1 YEAR. CITIZENSHIP CARD (GREEN)...3 KACHIN.......1 MAR.....3 MARRIED...2 ANIMIST.....2 KAYAH........2 V GRANDCHILD.........6 MALE...1 NATIONAL REGISTRATION CARD APR.....4 (THREE FOLD CARD, GREEN WIDOWED...3 HINDU.......3 KAYIN........3 I PARENT.............7 FEMALE.2 MAY.....5 FOR MEN, PINK FOR WOMEN)...4 DIVORCED..4 MUSLIM......4 CHIN.........4 D PARENT-IN-LAW......8 JUN.....6 SEPARATED.5 CHRISTIAN...5 BROTHER/SISTER.....9 YES..1 RELIGIOUS CARD.............5 MON..........5 U JUL.....7 TEMPORARY REGISTRATION CARD OTHER RELIGION MYANMAR......6 BROTHER/SISTER-IN- AUG.....8 (SPECIFY)...6 A LAW...............10 NO...2 (WHITE)....................6 RAKINE.......7 SEP.....9 NO RELIGION.7 L GRANDPARENT.......11 ►Q10 FOREIGN REGISTRATION CARD..7 SHAN.........8 OCT....10 FOREIGN PASSPORT...........8 OTHER OTHER RELATIVE....12 NOV....11 I ADOPTED/FOSTER NONE, CONFISCATED..........9 INDIGENOUS...9 DEC....12 NONE, APPLIED BUT NOT CHINESE.....10 D CHILD... .........21 SERVANT/DOMESTIC RECEIVED..................10 ARABIC......11 WORKER............22 NONE, DID NOT APPLY.......11 HINDI/OTHER LODGER............23 NONE, CANNOT APPLY........12 INDIAN......12 OTHER UNRELATED WESTERN WESTERN BURMESE BURMESE OTHER FOREIGN LANGUAGE....13 PERSON............24 YEARS MONTH YEAR MONTH YEAR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4 of 61 SECTION 1: ROSTER (CONT.) 11 12a 12b 12c 13a 13b 13c 14 15 16 17 How many Does Please write Why doesn't Does Please Why doesn't In the last Has In what What was the main days did [NAME]'s the ID code [NAME]'s [NAME]'s write the [NAME]'s 12 months, [NAME] year did reason for moving to [NAME] biological of the biological mother biological ID code of biological father how many always [NAME] this township? eat in this mother live biological live in the father live in the live in the months has lived in this move to household in the mother. household? the biological household? [NAME] township? this I during the TO WORK/LOOK household? household? father. been absent current FOR WORK.....1 N last 7 from this LIVING township? TO JOIN D days? household? ELSEWHERE IN FAMILY/MARRY.2 I MYANMAR.....1 TO MOVE WITH LIVING V ELSEWHERE IN IF LESS FAMILY.......3 I LIVING IN MYANMAR.....1 THAN ONE HEALTH.......4 D ANOTHER LIVING IN MONTH EDUCATION....5 U YES...1 COUNTRY YES...1 ANOTHER YES...1 TO ESCAPE NO....2 NO....2 WRITE 0 ►NEXT A ►Q12c TEMPORARILY.2 ►Q13c COUNTRY PERSON CONFLICT/WAR.6 L TEMPORARILY.2 TO MAINTAIN LIVING IN LIVING IN SEEK SHELTER ANOTHER ANOTHER NO....2 FROM NATURAL I COUNTRY DISASTER.....7 COUNTRY D PERMANENTLY.3 PERMANENTLY.3 RESIDENCY....8 DEAD........4 RESETTLEMENT DEAD........4 AFTER EVICTION.....9 THEN, THEN, OTHER ►Q13a ►Q14 MONTHS YEAR (SPECIFY)..10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 53 5 of 54 18 19 20 21 22 In which region/ state or country was the place you/ What type of Was [NAME] born In what year did In which [NAME] moved from? place was in [response from [NAME] move to region/state [response from Q18]? [response from or country Q18]? Q18]? was [NAME] born? I N USE D CODES I REGION CODES COUNTRY CODES SAGAING REGION....1 THAILAND.....21 ►Q20 FROM Q18 V YES...1 THANITARYI REGION.2 MALAYSIA.....22 ►Q20 I BAGO REGION.......3 SINGAPORE....23 ►Q20 ►NEXT D MAGWAY REGION.....4 INDIA........24 ►Q20 PERSON U MANDALAY REGION...5 KOREA........25 ►Q20 A YANGON REGION.....6 JAPAN........26 ►Q20 VILLAGE/ NO....2 L AYEYAWARDY REGION.7 CHINA........27 ►Q20 VILLAGE KACHIN STATE......8 PHILIPPINES..28 ►Q20 TRACT.....1 USA..........29 ►Q20 WARD......2 I KAYAH STATE.......9 KAYIN STATE......10 AUSTRALIA....30 ►Q20 D CHIN STATE.......11 OTHER MON STATE........12 (SPECIFY)....31 ►Q20 RAKHINE STATE....13 SHAN STATE.......14 NAYPITAW REGION..15 YEAR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 6 of SECTION 2. EDUCATION AND LITERACY 1 2a 2b 3 4 5 6 7 8a 8b 8c IS THIS Is the information Who is Can Has [NAME] Has [NAME] What was the main reason for What is the highest Did [NAME] What grade Is [NAME] MEMBER self-reported or is reporting the [NAME] ever attended ever never attending school? standard/diploma/degree that enrol in is [NAME] currently 3 it being provided information for read and preschool? attended any [NAME] has passed? school the enrolled in? attending YEARS by another the individual? write in school IF ATTENDING GRADE 1, PUT 2014-15 school? OR household any (including '98' school year? I OLDER? member? language? monastic or COSTS NOT AFFORDABLE.1 IF SCHOOL N other DISABILITY/ILLNESS...2 HAS D REFER religious LACK OF INTEREST.....3 FINISHED I TO school)? CARE FOR FAMILY......4 ASK: AGRICULTURE WORK.....5 NONE............00 V FLAP. GRADE 1.........01 Did [NAME] I YES.1 YES.1 OTHER(NON-AGR) WORK..6 GRADES 2-11..02-11 YES.1 GRADES attend school D NO..2 NO..2 SCHOOL TOO FAR.......7 NO..2 ►Q11 YES.1 ►Q7 COLLEGE.........12 1-11 any day in PARENTS DON'T U NO..2 THINK IT'S IMPORTANT.8 UNDERGRADUATE ..01-11 February? A DEATH OF PARENT/S....9 DIPLOMA.........13 ►Q12 L YES..1 TOO YOUNG...........10 GRADUATE........14 ►Q12 CONFLICT/UNREST.....11 POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA.........15 ►Q12 I NO...2 LANGUAGE BARRIER....12 ►NEXT SELF- MASTERS DEGREE..16 ►Q12 OTHER (SPECIFY).....13 D PERSON REPORTED..1 PHD.............17 ►Q12 YES.1 ►Q3 OTHER (SPECIFY).20 NO..2 OTHER HH MEMBER....2 THEN, ► Q12 ROSTER ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 55 56 SECTION 2. EDUCATION AND LITERACY (CONT.) 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Which type of Where is the school What was the main reason for Has [NAME] Did [NAME] attend [TRAINING]? If yes, was the training In the last 12 Did the household school was located? not continuing [NAME]'s studies? ever attended completed? months, how spend anything on [NAME] enrolled any vocational much has the [NAME]'s education in during the training for at household spent from just after the STILL ATTENDING.....1 current school COSTS NOT least one week? COMPLETED...........2 on [NAME]'s end of the last year? AFFORDABLE............1 DID NOT COMPLETE....3 voctional training? school year (March DIABILITY/ILLNESS.....2 READ THE NOT ATTENDED........9 2014) until now, or LACK OF INTEREST......3 RESPONDENT IF DID NOT expect to spend SAME VILLAGE....1 CARE FOR FAMILY.......4 ALL TYPES OF ATTEND anything from now AGRICULTURAL WORK.....5 SAME WARD/ SAME VOCATIONAL VOCATIONAL until the end of this MONASTIC....1 VILLAGE TRACK...2 OTHER(NON-AGR)WORK....6 TRAINING ADDITIONAL TRAINING IN school year SCHOOL TOO FAR........7 OTHER TRAINING GOV'T.......2 SAME TOWNSHIP...3 LISTED IN Q13. LEARNING LAST 12 (February 2015)? PRIVATE.....3 SAME DISTRICT...4 PARENTS DON'T OTHER SAME STATE......5 THINK IT'S IMPORTANT..8 MONTHS, (SPECIFY)...4 OTHER STATE.....6 DEATH OF PARENT/S.....9 WRITE '0'. OUT OF COUNTRY..7 TOO OLD..............10 CONFLICT/UNREST......11 LANGUAGE BARRIER.....12 GOT MARRIED YES..1 /PREGNANT............13 NO...2 ►NEXT NO TEACHER...........14 YES.1 PERSON NO SCHOOL SUPPLIES...15 NO..2 THEN, ► Q12 COMPLETED STUDIES....16 ►Q15 OTHER................17 KYAT LANGUAGE COMPUTER PRIMARY SECTOR (AGRI, LIVESTOCK, FORESTRY, FISHERY, MINING) INDUSTRIAL, REPAIRS, FIXING, AND MACHINERY OPERATION CRAFT RELATED CLERICAL AND BUSINESS OPERATION OTHER (EDUC, HEALTH, HOSPITALITY, PERSONAL SERVICE) 16 17 How much has the household spent on [NAME]'s education from How much do just after the end of last school year (March 2014) until now? you expect PUT "0" IF NO EXPENDITURES. the household INCLUDE ESTIMATE OF IN-KIND DONATIONS/EXPENSES. to spend on [NAME]'s IF RESPONDENT CANNOT DISAGGREGATE EXPENDITURES, education PUT "99" FOR EACH CATEGORY, AND ENTER TOTAL AMOUNT from now until UNDER "TOTAL". the end of the school year (February 2015)? KYATS KYAT SCHOOL/TRAINING FEES DONATION TO SCHOOL, CLASS, CONSTRUCTION FUND UNIFORMS TEXTBOOKS/REFERENCE BOOKS/STATIONARY COACHING SESSIONS (TUTORING) ROOM & BOARD TRANSPORT COSTS POCKET MONEY OTHER TOTAL 57 58 SECTION 3a. HEALTH STATUS 1 2 3 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Is the information Who is Did you/ NAME What was the illness or What action did [NAME] take to find Which reason best explains why During the Did Has the net been self-reported or is it reporting have any injury injury? relief for the MOST SERIOUS [NAME] did not seek treatment with a past 30 [NAME] treated with being provided by the or health illness(es) or injury in the past 30 days? health care provider for the MOST days, for sleep insecticide? another household information complaints in LIST UP TO TWO SERIOUS illness(es) or injury in the how many under a I member? for the the past 30 past 30 days? days did mosquito N BACK PAIN........1 individual? days? For DID NOTHING...........1 [NAME] net last D DIARRHEA.........2 example, a USED MEDICINE HAD NOT SERIOUS ENOUGH......1 have to stop night? I STOMACHACHE......3 COULDN'T AFFORD cold/ cough, HEADACHE.........4 IN STOCK..............2 normal V SOUGHT TREATMENT COST OF VISIT...........2 diarrhoea, back COUGH/CHEST activities I WITH TRADITIONAL NO MEANS OF TRANSPORT...3 SELF- pain, fever, PROBLEM..........5 COULD NOT AFFORD COST because of YES..1 YES..1 HEALER................3 ►Q7 stomach ache, FLU..............6 (these) D REPORTED.1 NO...2 NO...2 WENT TO LOCAL OF TRANSPORTATION.......4 U ►Q3 headache etc.? INJURY...........7 illness(es)? ►NEXT DON'T PHARMACY..............4 ►Q7 DID NOT HAVE TIME.......5 A OTHER HH DIABETES.........8 PERSON KNOW.3 SOUGHT TREATMENT DIDN'T KNOW WHERE TO GO.6 L MEMBER...2 HEART PROBLEM....9 JOINT PROBLEM...10 AT HEALTH SUB- DID NOT THINK IT IF NONE, FEVER...........11 CENTER/CENTER.....5 ►Q7 WOULD HELP..............7 RECORD I YES.1 FACILITY CLOSED/OUTSIDE MALARIA.........12 SOUGHT TREATMENT ZERO. THEN, ►NEXT D AT PRIVATE HEALTH BUSINESS HOURS..........8 NO..2 ►Q8 DENGUE FEVER....13 PERSON. FACILITY..............6 ►Q7 HAD BAD EXPERIENCE TOOTHACHE.......14 WITH PROVIDER...........9 IF LAST PERSON, SOUGHT TREATMENT OTHER (SPECIFY).15 AT HOSPITAL...........7 ►Q7 NO FEMALE PROVIDER FOR ►SECTION 3B. OTHER (SPECIFY).......8 ►Q7 FEMALE PATIENT.........10 ROSTER MOST 2ND MOST OTHER (SPECIFY)........11 SERIOUS SERIOUS DAYS ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 10 of 61 SECTION 3b. HEALTHCARE 11. Has anyone in the household visited medical establishments or traditional healers or had home visits by health care persons for check- YES..1 ups and treatment over the last 12 months? This includes health and pregnancy checks, abortions, insertion of intrauterine device, birth NO...2 ►(NEXT delivery... as well as for sickness/diseases/injuries) THIS INCLUDES VISITS LISTED IN SECTION 3a, Q5. SECTION) 12 13 14 15 Who in the household has used medical services over the last 12 months, and which How many visits Reasons for [NAME]'s medical visit(s)? How much money medical establishments has [NAME] visited or had home visits from ? has [NAME] made LIST UP TO TWO. did the household to spend on [NAME]'s BACK PAIN......................1 ASK ABOUT EACH MEMBER, AND WRITE NAMES AND ROSTER ID CODE AND [ESTABLISHMENT] outpatient treatment DIARRHEA.......................2 ESTABLISHMENT FOR ALL MEDICAL SERVICE USERS IN THE LAST 12 MONTHS. in the past 12 STOMACHACHE....................3 and services at I WRITE IN A MEMBER'S NAME AS MANY TIMES AS MEDICAL ESTABLISHMENTS months or had HEADACHE.......................4 [ESTABLISHMENT] N HE/SHE HAS VISITED. home visits from COUGH/CHEST PROBLEM............5 in the last 12 D the FLU............................6 months? CHOICES FOR ESTABLISHMENT [ESTABLISHMENT] INJURY ........................7 I personnel? DIABETES.......................8 Please include SUB-CENTER (URBAN OR RURAL)...1 GEN'L PRACTITIONER(PRIVATE)12 V HEALTH CENTER (URBAN OR RUAL).2 PRIVATE POLYCLINIC.........13 HEART PROBLEM..................9 I the consulting fee STATION HOSPITAL..............3 PRIVATE HOSPITAL...........14 JOINT PROBLEM.................10 D TOWNSHIP HOSPITAL.............4 PRIVTAE TRADITIONAL MEDICINE FEVER.........................11 and any expenses U DISTRICT HOSPITAL.............5 CLINIC.....................15 MALARIA.......................12 for other items A STATE/REGION HOSPITAL.........6 NGO CLINIC.................16 DENGUE FEVER..................13 including tests. L TREATMENT FOR OTHER ILLNESS GENERAL/SPECIALIST HOSPITAL...7 CHARITY CLINIC.............17 MATERNAL/CHILD HEALTH CENTERS.8 CHARITY HOSPITAL...........18 (SPECIFY).....................14 INCLUDE CHILDBIRTH....................15 EXPENSES FOR PUBLIC POLYCLINIC.............9 ASSISTANT MIDWIFE..........19 I TRADITIONAL MEDICINE HOSPITAL TRADITONAL HEALER/LOCAL SURGERY.......................16 MEDICATIONS. D (GOVERNMENT)................10 VACCINATION...................17 MIDWIFE....................20 TRADITIONAL MEDICINE CLINIC OTHER (SPECIFY)............21 PREGNANCY CHECK, INSERTION OF (GOVERNMENT)...............11 IUD, ABORTION, BIRTH CONTROL..18 HEALTH CHECK OR CONSULTANCY...19 IF NO COST, OTHER (SPECIFY)...............20 WRITE "0" NAME OF INDIVIDUAL ESTABLISHMENT CODE NUMBER REASON #1 REASON #2 KYAT 59 11 of 60 SECTION 3b. HEALTHCARE (CONTINUED) 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 How much money did Was any of the costs associated with Did the Did the How satisfied was Why was [NAME] not satisfied How long did it take How much did the How long did the household spend visits to [ESTABLISHMENT] covered by household household [NAME] with the care with the care received? [NAME] to travel to household spend [NAME] have to on [NAME]'s […]? need to need to sell received at this [ESTABLISHMENT] on transport for all wait to be attended inpatient treatment borrow assets in facility? MAIN REASON ? of [NAME]'s visits to during an and services money in order to to and from average visit to I (treatment and order to cover the READ RESPONSES ONLY INCLUDE [ESTABLISHMENT] [ESTABLISHMENT] N services where cover the cost of the TIME FOR ONE in last 12 months? ? D NAME stayed for YES..............1 cost of the treatment VERY POOR QUALITY OF CARE..1 WAY - DO NOT I overnight) at NO...............2 treatment and/or SATISFIED.1 ►Q22 POOR QUALITY/KNOWLEDGE OFINCLUDE ROUND IF NONE, WRITE V [ESTABLISHMENT] DON'T KNOW.......3 and/or services SATISFIED.2 ►Q22 TREATING DOCTOR....2 TRIP. "0". services (inpatient NOT NO SPECIALISTS........3 I in the last 12 months? SATISFIED.3 NO DIAGNOSTIC/LAB D (inpatient and FACILITIES............4 U Please include any and outpatient)? NO DRUGS AVAILABLE/POOR A charges for laboratory outpatient)? QUALITY OF DRUGS......5 L tests or other items. UNFRIENDLY TREATMENT.............6 FACILITY UNCLEAN......7 I INCLUDE YES....1 YES....1 TOO CROWDED...........8 D EXPENSES FOR NO.....2 NO.....2 WAIT TIME TOO LONG....9 MEDICATIONS. TOO EXPENSIVE........10 OTHER (SPECIFY)......11 IF NO COST, WRITE "0" HOURS SOCIAL SECURITY MEDICAL CARE SCHEME FREE MEDICINES PROGRAM FREE CARE TO CHILDREN UNDER-5 NATIONAL NUTRITION PROGRAMS OTHER PROGRAM (SPECIFY) KYAT MINS. KYAT HOURS MINS. 12 of 61 SECTION 4: LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT Eligibility: All household members 5 years and above READ THE FOLLOWING TO EACH RESPONDENT: "As you know, some people take up jobs for which they are paid in cash or kind. Others sell things, have a small business, or work on the family business. I would like to ask you some questions about your own work activities." Work in past 7 days 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 IS THIS During the past During the past During the past 7 What was the Enumerator: If What was the main reason [NAME] did If a job or In the last 4 What did [NAME] do to look MEMBER 7 days, has 7 days, did days, did [NAME] purpose of the response not work in the past 7 days? business weeks, was for a job? 5 [NAME] worked [NAME] work in work on household these to Q2, Q3 or opportunity [NAME] LOOKED FOR WORK BUT I YEARS for someone, any kind of agricultural activities agricultural Q4 is "Yes", became looking for REGISTERED WITH A COULDN'T FIND.........1 RECRUITMENT AGENCY.1 N OR who is not a nonfarm (incl.farming, raising activities? then [NAME] NOT BUSY SEASON.......2 available, any kind of REPLIED TO ADS IN D OLDER? member of the income activity livestock, fishing, or READ worked in the RETIRED/TOO OLD/ could a job or I household, even or business run forestry) even if just OPTIONS past 7 days. [NAME] start trying to NEWSPAPERS, POSTERS TOO YOUNG.............3 ► Q41 OR INTERNET........2 V REFER if just for one by him/herself for one hour? FRIRST NO NEED/DO NOT WANT working start a INQUIRING WITH PUBLIC I TO FLAP. hour? or by anyone in (COUNT EXCHANGE TO WORK......,........4 within the business OR PRIVATE SECTOR D this household, LABOUR WITH TEMPORARY ABSENCE FROM next two activity? JOB CONTACTS.......3 WORKED U THIS CAN BE even if just for NIEGHBOURS AS SALE IN PAST WORK (DUE TO HEALTH, weeks? NETWORKING WITH A FORMAL OR one hour? HOUSEHOLD ONLY......1 7 DAYS...1 VACATION, OTHER)......5 ► Q41 FRIENDS/RELATIVES..4 L YES..1 HOUSEHOLD ILL/DISABLED..........6 APPLIED FOR PERMIT.5 NO...2 CASUAL WORK AGRICULTURE CONSUMPTION ►Q12 FULL-TIME HOUSEWORK...7 ► Q41 APPLIED FOR LOAN...6 ►NEXT LABOUR) ONLY......2 FAMILY YES...1 YES...1 DID NOT SOUGHT MATERIALS, LAND I PERSON BOTH......3 RESPONSIBILITIES......8 ► Q41 NO....2 NO....2 EQUIPMENT, ETC. TO D WORK IN IN SCHOOL.............9 YES..1 PAST ►Q11 START BUSINESS..7 FULLTIME RELIGIOUS OTHER (SPECIFY)....8 YES...1 YES...1 NO...2 7 DAYS...2 PERSONNEL............10 ► Q41 THEN ►Q41 NO....2 ►Q6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 of 61 61 62 SECTION 4: LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT (CONT.) Main Work in the past 7 days 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 18b What is the main reason What is [NAME]'s main occupation in What kind of trade or business is [NAME]'s In the last 7 In the last 7 In the last In the last For this main occupation What is the [NAME] did not look for a job? the last 7 days? main occupation during the last 7 days days, how days on the 12 months, 12 months, of the last 7 days, what status of this connected to? many days days how many in the was [NAME]'s job? I FULLTIME HOUSEWORK..1 did [NAME] worked, months did months employment status? N IN SCHOOL...........2 AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY, FISHING.1 work in this what was [NAME] worked, READ D MINING AND QUARRYING...........2 RELIGIOUS PERSONNEL.3 MANUFACTURING..................3 main the average work at least what was RESPONSE I ILL/DISABLED........4 occupation? number of one day in the average CHOICES TO ELECTRICITY, GAS, WATER SUPPLY, EMPLOYEE....1 V RETIRED/TOO YOUNG...5 WASTE MANAGEMENT...............4 hours per this main number of RESPONDENT I WAITING FOR REPLY FROM CONSTRUCTION...................5 day [NAME] occupation? days per EMPLOYER.......6 WORKED ON OWN D WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TRADE.....6 spent on this month HOUSEHOLD WAITING FOR BUSY U TRANSPORATION AND STORAGE......7 main [NAME] FARM, PERMANENT..1 SEASON..............7 TEMPORARY..2 A TRYING TO START A HOSPITALITY, COMMUNICATION, occupation? spent on this LIVESTOCK, SEASONAL...3 L BUSINESS............8 FINANCE, REAL ESTATE...........8 main OR FISHING PROFESSIONAL/SCI. ACTIVITIES...9 OCCASIONAL.4 ACTIVITIES..2 ►Q30 NO NEED/DO NOT WANT ADMINISTRATIVE, PUBLIC ADMIN..10 occupation? I TO WORK.............9 EDUC., HEALTH, SOCIAL WORK....11 WORKED IN OWN D DISCOURAGED/NO JOBS ARTS, ENTERTAINMENT...........12 OUT THERE..........10 HOUSEHOLD OTHER (SPECIFY)....11 OCC. OTHER (SPECIFY)...............13 NON-FARM THEN ►Q41 WRITTEN DESCRIPTION CODE DAYS HOURS MONTHS DAYS BUSINESS....3 ►Q30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 of 61 SECTION 4: LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT (CONT.) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 For this main occupation Where was [NAME]'s place of work? For this main occupation of How many Does Does Would Does Is How much did [NAME] receive of the last 7 days, where the last 7 days, who was the people [NAME] [NAME] [NAME] [NAME] [NAME] for the last wage/salary and/or was [NAME]'s place of employer? work for have a have a receive receive allotted bonus/benefit payment IN REGION CODES I work located? SAGAING REGION....1 this same formal social a annual sick CASH? What period did this N COUNTRY CODES employer? contract security pension leave leave for payment cover? THANITARYI REGION.2 THAILAND.....21 D for this board from this from this this job? BAGO REGION.......3 MALAYSIA.....22 PRIVATE COMPANY.1 job? card with job? job? CODES FOR TIME UNIT I WITHIN MAGWAY REGION.....4 SINGAPORE....23 PRIVATE V COMPOUND....1 ►Q21 MANDALAY REGION...5 INDIA........24 INVDIVIDUAL/ this job? HOUR.....1 I WITHIN SAME YANGON REGION.....6 KOREA........25 DAY......2 FAMILY..........2 WEEK.....3 D VILLAGE.....2 ►Q21 AYEYAWARDY REGION.7 JAPAN........26 GOVERNMENT......3 ►Q23 MONTH....4 U WITHIN SAME KACHIN STATE......8 CHINA........27 PUBLIC WORKS 1-5...1 YEAR.....5 A WARD........3 ►Q21 KAYAH STATE.......9 PHILLIPPINES.28 PROGRAM.........4 ►Q23 6-10..2 YES...1 YES..1 YES..1 YES..1 YES..1 L WITHIN SAME KAYIN STATE......10 USA..........29 CHURCH/RELIGIOUS >10...3 NO....2 NO...2 NO...2 NO...2 NO...2 IF RECEIVED NO PAYMENT, TOWNSHIP....4 ►Q21 CHIN STATE.......11 AUSTRALIA....30 ORGANIZATION....5 PUT '0'. WITHIN SAME MON STATE........12 OTHER INTERNATIONAL I DISTRICT....5 ►Q21 RAKHINE STATE....13 ORGANIZATION/ D WITHIN SAME SHAN STATE.......14 NGO.............6 REGION......6 ►Q21 NAYPITAW REGION..15 POLITICAL PARTY.7 ►Q23 AT SEA......7 ►Q21 OTHER (SPECIFY).8 KYAT TIME UNIT ESLSEWHERE..8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 of 61 63 64 SECTION 4: LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT (CONT.) Secondary Work in the past 7 days 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 37b How much did [NAME] receive Did [NAME] What is [NAME]'s secondary What kind of In the last 7 In the last 7 In the last 12 In the last 12 For this secondary What is the for the last wage/salary and/or have any occupation in the last 7 days? trade or days, how days, on the months, how months in the occupation of the last 7 status of this bonus/benefit payment IN other job in business is many days days worked, many months months days, what was job? I KIND? What period did this the last 7 [NAME]'s did [NAME] what was the did [NAME] worked, what [NAME]'s employment N payment cover? days, in secondary work in this average work at least was the status? D PRIVATE INCLUDE MEALS AS A FORM addition to occupation in secondary number of one day in average COMPANY..... I OF IN-KIND PAYMENT this main the last 7 days occupation? hours per day this number of EMPLOYEE.......1 PRIVATE V occupation? connected to? [NAME] spent secondary days per INVDIVIDUAL/ I on this occupation? month WORKED ON OWN PERMANENT..1 FAMILY...... D secondary [NAME] spent HOUSEHOLD TEMPORARY..2 GOVERNMENT.. U CODES FOR TIME UNIT occupation? on this FARM, LIVESTOCK, SEASONAL...3 PUBLIC WORKS HOUR....1 MONTH...4 OCCASIONAL.4 A secondary OR FISHING PROGRAM..... DAY.....2 YEAR....5 ACTIVITIES.....2 L OTHER...6 YES...1 occupation? RELIGIOUS WEEK....3 NO....2 ►Q41 ORGANIZATION REFER TO IF RECEIVED NO IN-KIND ►Q41 INT'L I PAYMENT, PUT '0'. CODES WORKED IN OWN ORG./NGO.... D FROM Q13 HOUSEHOLD NON-FARM POLITICAL OCC. BUSINESS..3 ►Q41 PARTY....... KYAT TIME UNIT WRITTEN DESCRIPTION CODE DAYS HOURS MONTHS DAYS OTHER(SPECIF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 16 of 61 SECTION 4: LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT (CONT.) Working last 12 months 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 44b 45 For this secondary How much did [NAME] receive How much did [NAME] receive Did [NAME] What was [NAME]'s main During the For this main What was the In the last occupation of the last 7 for the last wage/salary and/or for the last wage/salary and/or do any other occupation for this job? last 12 occupation of the last status of this 12 months, days, who was the bonus/benefit payment IN bonus/benefit payment IN work in the months, 12 months, what was job? for how I employer? CASH? What period did this KIND? What period did this last 12 what kind of [NAME]'s employment many N payment cover? payment cover? months in trade or status? months did D PRIVATE INCLUDE MEALS AS FORM addition to business is [NAME] COMPANY........1 I OF IN-KIND PAYMENT the job(s) this work EMPLOYEE.......1 work at least PRIVATE V INVDIVIDUAL/ CODES FOR TIME UNIT [NAME] has connected one day in HOUR.....1 PERMANENT..1 I FAMILY.........2 told me to? WORKED ON OWN this job? DAY......2 HOUSEHOLD TEMPORARY..2 D GOVERNMENT.....3 about? SEASONAL...3 U PUBLIC WORKS WEEK.....3 CODES FOR TIME UNIT FARM, LIVESTOCK, MONTH....4 HOUR.....1 MONTH...4 OR FISHING OCCASIONAL.4 A PROGRAM........4 YEAR.....5 DAY......2 YEAR....5 ACTIVITIES.....2 L RELIGIOUS REFER TO ORGANIZATION...5 OTHER....6 WEEK.....3 OTHER...6 ►NEXT PERSON IF RECEIVED NO CASH IF RECEIVED NO IN-KIND YES...1 CODES INT'L I PAYMENT, PUT '0'. PAYMENT, PUT '0'. NO....2 FROM Q13 WORKED IN OWN ORG./NGO.......6 ►NEXT D POLITICAL HOUSEHOLD NON- PERSON PARTY..........7 OCC. FARM BUSINESS..3 OTHER(SPECIFY).8 ►NEXT PERSON KYAT TIME UNIT KYAT TIME UNIT WRITTEN DESCRIPTION CODE MONTHS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 17 of 61 65 66 46 47 48 49 During the During How much did [NAME] How much did [NAME] receive months these days receive for the last for the last wage/salary and/or worked at this worked, wage/salary and/or bonus/benefit payment IN I job in the what was bonus/benefit payment IN KIND? What period did this N past 12 the CASH? What period did payment cover? D months, what average this payment cover? INCLUDE MEALS AS FORM I was the number of OF IN-KIND PAYMENT V average hours per I CODES FOR TIME UNIT number of day HOUR.....1 D days per [NAME] DAY......2 CODES FOR TIME UNIT U month spent on WEEK.....3 HOUR.....1 MONTH...4 A [NAME] spent this job? MONTH....4 DAY......2 YEAR....5 L on this job? YEAR.....5 WEEK.....3 OTHER...6 OTHER....6 IF RECEIVED NO CASH IF RECEIVED NO IN-KIND I PAYMENT, PUT '0'. PAYMENT, PUT '0'. D DAYS HOURS KYAT TIME UNIT KYAT TIME UNIT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 18 of SECTION 5a: INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION (CURRENT HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS) Eligibility: All household members 15 and older 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Is this Has [NAME] In what What was [NAME]'s occupation Where did [NAME] What was [NAME]'s occupation In which month and year did [NAME] return How many years What was the main member ever worked year did prior to the first time moving to work abroad most during this most recent work from the most recent migration abroad? and months did reason [NAME] 15 years (or is [NAME] work abroad? recently? abroad? IF DO NOT KNOW, this MOST moved back to or older? working) first WRITE '99' IF STILL ABROAD, WRITE "88". RECENT WORK Myanmar most abroad for at work ABROAD work recently? I least one abroad? last? N month? IF STILL ABROAD, D CODES FOR MONTH WRITE "88". I JAN.....1 V YES..1 YES..1 COUNTRY CODES FEB.....2 I NO...2 NO...2 THAILAND.....21 MAR.....3 ►NEXT ►NEXT MALAYSIA.....22 APR.....4 FAMILY D REASONS.......1 MEMBER MEMBER SINGAPORE....23 MAY.....5 U INDIA........24 JUN.....6 TO GET A KOREA........25 JUL.....7 MARRIED.......2 L JAPAN........26 AUG.....8 HEALTH........3 CHINA........27 SEP.....9 HOMESICK......4 I PHILLIPPINES.28 OCT....10 BETTER OPTIONS AT HOME.......5 D USA..........29 NOV....11 AUSTRALIA....30 DEC....12 JOB ENDED.....6 OTHER VISA EXPIRED..7 (SPECIFY)....31 EXPELLED......8 OTHER WRITTEN OCC. WRITTEN OCC. WESTERN WESTERN BURMESE BURMES (SPECIFY).....9 YEAR DESCRIPTION CODE DESCRIPTION CODE MONTH YEAR MONTH E YEAR YEARS MONTHS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 19 of 61 67 68 SECTION 5b. REMITTANCES (FORMER HH MEMBERS & OTHERS) YES...1 1. Are there any individuals who were part of your household during the last 10 years, but currently live abroad or elsewhere in Myanmar and NO....2 are no longer members of your household? YES...1 2. Has anyone in your household received remittances (money or in-kind) from anyone outside of the household (either abroad or elsewhere NO....2 in Maynmar) in the last 12 months? YES...1 3. Did the respondent answer "Yes" for at least one of Q1 and Q2? NO....2 ►Section 6 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Please list the names of all How old What is What is [NAME]'s relationship to Was [NAME] What was the highest In what What was [NAME]'s occupation prior to leaving In what individuals who have been part of was [NAME]'s the head of the household? ever a member level of schooling year did the household? year did your household in the last 10 [NAME] gender? of this [NAME] completed before [NAME] [NAME] years, but currently live abroad or on his/her household? he/she left the household? leave the move to elsewhere in Myanmar. most SPOUSE................2 household? his/her recent SON/DAUGHTER..........3 current L Please list the names of all birthday? SON/DAUGHTER-IN-LAW...4 location I individuals from whom your STEPCHILD.............5 NONE.............0 (where N household has received GRANDCHILD............6 GRADE 1..........1 he/she E remittances, either in the form of PARENT................7 GRADES 2-11...2-11 lives money or in-kind, in the last MALE....1 PARENT-IN-LAW.........8 COLLEGE.........12 now)? FEMALE..2 BROTHER/SISTER........9 YES..1 twelve months, whether or not NO...2 VOCATIONAL N BROTHER/SISTER-IN- are a former household member. ►Q13 TRAINING........13 U LAW..................10 UNDERGRADUATE M GRANDPARENT..........11 DIPLOMA.........14 OTHER RELATIVE.......12 B GRADUATE........15 ADOPTED/FOSTER CHILD.21 POSTGRADUATE E THIS LIST MUST NOT INCLUDE OTHER UNRELATED DIPLOMA.........16 R ANY INDIVIDUALS LISTED ON PERSON...............24 MASTERS DEGREE..17 THE HOUSEHOLD ROSTER. PHD.............18 MONASTIC SCHOOL.19 OTHER (SPECIFY).20 OCC. YEARS YEAR WRITTEN DESCRIPTION CODE YEAR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20 of 61 SECTION 5b. MIGRATION (FORMER HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS) & REMITTANCES (CONT.) 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 In which country or region does [NAME] currently What is [NAME]'s current occupation? Has [NAME] What types of remittances did In the past 12 months, what In the past 12 How much in total did live? IF DO NOT KNOW, WRITE '99' sent [NAME] send to your was the main system months, how [NAME] send to your remittances household during the last 12 [NAME] used to send many times household during the (either money months? remittances to your did [NAME] last 12 months? or in-kind) to household? send money to the household your ESTIMATE A L REGION CODES in the last 12 household? MONETARY VALUE I SAGAING REGION....1 COUNTRY CODES months? SENT MONEY & WESTERN UNION.....1 OF ALL IN-KIND N THANITARYI REGION.2 THAILAND......21 IN-KIND ITEMS...1 MONEYGRAM.........2 TRANSFERS. BAGO REGION.......3 E MAGWAY REGION.....4 MALAYSIA......22 SENT ONLY MONEY.2 MYANMAR BANK......3 MANDALAY REGION...5 SINGAPORE.....23 SENT ONLY IN- CARRIER/MERCHANT..4 INDIA.........24 YES..1 KIND ITEMS......3 ►Q19 THROUGH RELATIVES N YANGON REGION.....6 KOREA.........25 AND FRIENDS.......5 AYEYAWARDY REGION.7 NO...2 U JAPAN.........26 HUNDI.............6 KACHIN STATE......8 ►NEXT ROW M CHINA.........27 BROUGHT IT BACK KAYAH STATE.......9 B KAYIN STATE......10 PHILLIPPINES..28 PERSONALLY DURING E CHIN STATE.......11 USA...........29 VISIT.............7 R MON STATE........12 AUSTRALIA.....30 OTHER RAKHINE STATE....13 OTHER (SPECIFY).........8 SHAN STATE.......14 (SPECIFY).....31 NAYPITAW REGION..15 OCC. NUMBER WRITTEN DESCRIPTION CODE KYAT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 21 of 61 69 70 SECTION 6. HOUSING If Houeshold Head is not available, find another responsible adult member of the household who can provide information on the household's dwelling characteristics. Respondent's HH Member ID code: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DO NOT ASK. OBSERVE AND DO NOT ASK. OBSERVE AND DO NOT ASK. DO NOT ASK. OBSERVE DO NOT ASK. OBSERVE AND How long has your household How many rooms do the members WRITE CODE. WRITE CODE. OBSERVE AND AND WRITE CODE. WRITE CODE. been living in this dwelling? of your household occupy, including Type of building: Type of dwelling: WRITE CODE. Major construction Main construction material of the bedrooms, living rooms, and rooms Major construction material of the floor of the roof of the dwelling: used for household business? material of the external dwelling: SINGLE FAMILY HOUSE...1 CONDOMINUM/ (outer) walls of dwelling: (DO NOT COUNT TOILET, LESS THAN 1 MULTI-FAMILY HOUSE....2 APARTMENT/FLAT.....1 THATCH/LARGE YEAR..........1 KITCHENS, BALCONIES AND MULTY-DWELLING BUILDING BUNGALOW/BRICK LEAVES/PALM/DHANI..1 CORRIDORS) WITH 3 OR MORE HOUSE..............2 BAMBOO............1 1 TO 5 YEARS..2 BAMBOO.............2 FLATS/APARTMENT.......3 SEMI-PACCA HOUSE...3 THATCH/LARGE EARTH.............2 6 TO 10 EARTH..............3 APARTMENT/HOUSE ATTACHED WOODEN HOUSE.......4 LEAVES/PALM/ WOOD..............3 YEARS.........3 WOOD...............4 TO BUSINESS/ BAMBOO.............5 DHANI...........1 TILE/BRICK/ MORE THAN 10 CORRUGATED SHEET...5 SHOP..................4 HUT WITH POST LIFE BAMBOO..........2 CONCRETE/PARQUET..4 YEARS.........4 TILE/BRICK/ ROOM IN A HOSTEL......5 2-3 YEARS..........6 EARTH...........3 OTHER (specify)...9 CONCRETE...........6 HUT/IMPROVISED HOUSING HUT WITH POST LIFE ONE WOOD............4 OTHER (specify)....9 UNIT..................6 YEAR...........7 TILE/BRICK/ OTHER (SPECIFY):......9 OTHER (specify)....9 CONCRETE........5 OTHER (specify).9 NUMBER 8 9 10 11 12a 12b 12c 12d 13 14 How many of How many of What is the residency status of Who in this household owns this Does your Whose names are listed on the ENUMERATOR If you sell Can you sell the If you sell your these rooms these rooms this dwelling? dwelling? household ownership document for this : Is this your dwelling right to use the dwelling and are used for are used for currently have dwelling? dwelling an at present, plot that your the right to the sleeping? household IF PARTIALLY OWNED WITH a title (or LIST UP TO 2 HOUSEHOLD apartment/ how much dwelling is on? plot the business or OWNED..........1 NON-HOUSEHOLD MEMBER, legal right to a MEMBERS. condominium, will you dwelling is on, trade, if any? RENTED FROM PUT '88' UNDER ROSTER ID #3. title because or a house? obtain for it? at present, how GOVERNMENT.....2 ►Q15 of inheritance) IF IN NAME OF PARENT OR much will you IF NONE, RENTED FROM for this GRANDPARENT (INCLUDING obtain for it? EMPLOYER.......3 ►Q15 WRITE "0" dwelling? DECEASED) WRITE "77". APARTMENT/ YES..1 RENTED FROM RELATIVE.......4 ►Q15 CONDO.....1 NO...2 ►Q16 RENTED IF IN NAME OF OTHER HOUSE.....2 THEN, PRIVATELY......5 ►Q15 FAMILY MEMBER (NOT ►Q16 BORROWED/LIVE YES..1 HOUSEHOLD MEMBER) THEN, ►Q16 FOR FREE.......6 ►Q16 NO...2 WRITE "88". OTHER ►Q12c (SPECIFY)......7 ►Q17 ROSTER ROSTER ROSTER NUMBER NUMBER ID #1 ID #2 ID #3 ROSTER ID #1 ROSTER ID #2 KYAT KYAT 22 of 61 SECTION 6. HOUSING (CONT.) 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 How much do you If you had to What is the main source of water used by the household for How many minutes does it take to get What is the main source of water Who is What type of toilet facility is used by the pay per month to pay to rent drinking in each season? to the source of drinking water, get used by your household for mainly household? rent this dwelling? this dwelling, water and come back (ROUNDTRIP), cooking? responsible how much PUBLIC TAP....................1 during: for fetching FLUSH, TO PIPED SEWER would you PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM.INTO PUBLIC TAP.............1 water in the SYSTEM................1 have to pay DWELLING OR PLOT..............2 PUT "00" IF WATER SOURCE PIPED WATER INTO household? FLUSH, TO SEPTIC TANK.2 per month? TUBE WELL, BOREHOLE...........3 WITHIN DWELLING/ DWELLING OR PLOT.......2 FLUSH, TO PIT LATRINE.3 PROTECTED WELL/SPRING.........4 TUBE WELL, BOREHOLE....3 FLUSH, TO ELSEWHERE...4 IF IN COMPOUND UNPROTECTED WELL/SPRING.......5 PROTECTED WELL/SPRING..4 VENTILATED IMPROVED VILLAGE POOL/POND/LAKE/DAM/ STAGNANT UNPROTECTED WELL/ PIT LATRINE...........5 THEN, ►Q17 AND WATER.........................6 SPRING.................5 PIT LATRINE WTIH SLAB.6 CANNOT RIVER/STREAM/CANAL............7 POOL/POND/LAKE.........6 IF NO ONE PIT LATRINE WITHOUT ESTIMATE , RAINWATER COLLECTION/TANK.....8 RIVER/STREAM/CANAL.....7 FETCHES SLAB/OPEN PIT.........7 WRTE '9999' BOTTLED WATER ................9 RAIN...................8 WATER, COMPOSTING TOILET.....8 TANKER/TRUCK.................10 BOTTLED WATER .........9 WRITE '99' BUCKET................9 OTHER (SPECIFY)..............11 TANKER/TRUCK..........10 HANGING TOILET ......10 OTHER.................11 NO FACILITIES, KYAT/ KYAT/ DRY SEASON WET SEASON COOL SEASON DRY WET COOL OR BUSH OR FIELD.....11 ►Q23 MONTH MONTH (MAR-MAY) (JUNE-OCT) (NOV-FEB) SEASON SEASON SEASON ROSTER ID OTHER (SPECIFY)......12 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Is this toilet shared What is the primary source of In the last 30 days, How much did What is the main Where do you normally do In the last 12 Is your What is the How much Does with other electricity in the household in the how often did you your household source of lighting for your cooking? months, what was dwelling primary source did your anyone in households? last 12 months? face unpredictable spend on your your dwelling in the the main fuel used connected to of your household the interruptions of your primary source of last 12 months? IN HOUSE IN A to cook your meals a fixed-line dwelling's fixed spend on household primary source of electricty last SEPARATE KITCHEN.....1 in the primary internet line internet this primary have a GOVERNMENT GRID.....1 electricity? month? IN A SHARED ROOM THAT cookstove? source? connection? source of mobile ALSO ACTS AS A BORDER COUNTRY GRID.2 ELECTRICITY...1 internet last phone with KEROSENE......2 KITCHEN..............2 COMMUNITY-BASED IN A SEPARATE ELECTRICITY.1 month? connection PROVISION...........3 CANDLE........3 BUILDING.............3 LIQUIFIED to the FOSSIL FUEL-BASED J BATTERY.......4 YES...1 YES..1 > ONCE/DAY.1 GENERATOR.....5 IN A VERANDA (ROOFED PETROLUM....2 internet? NO...2 GENERATOR...........4 ►Q25 U KEROSENE....3 NO....2 SOLAR HOME SYSTEM...5 ►Q25 L ONCE/DAY...2 WATER MILL....6 PLATFORM WITH AT LEAST ►Q32 TWO OPEN SIDES)......4 FIREWOOD....4 MPT SOLAR LANTERN.......6 ►Q25 . 2-3 TIMES/ SOLAR SYSTEM CHARCOAL....5 OUTDOORS.............5 (PUBLIC)..1 RECHARGEABLE BATTERY . WEEK.......3 ENERGY........7 BRIQUETTE...6 NO FOOD COOKED BY REDLINK YES..1 SYSTEM..............7 ►Q25 . WEEKLY.....4 OTHER COAL........7 HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS....6 (PRIVATE).2 NO...2 WATER MILL..........8 ►Q25 LESS THAN (specify).....8 STRAW/GRASS.8 ►Q29 OTHER NO ELECTRICITY......9 ►Q26 ONCE/WEEK..5 KYAT/ OTHER (SPECIFY).3 OTHER (SPECIFY).....10 MONTH KYAT 23 of 61 71 SECTION 7: HOUSEHOLD ASSETS/DURABLES Respondent: Head of household (If household head is not available, find another responsible adult member of the houshold) who can provide information on the the household's home assets.) Respondent's HH Member ID code: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Does any member How many IF MORE THAN ONE OWNED, ASK FOR MOST of your household functioning VALUABLE ITEM own (including ones [ITEM] does How long ago How much If you If you sold rented to others) or your was [ITEM] did you purchased a [ITEM] have access to household bought? spend on brand new today, how [ITEM]? ASK Q1 own (including [ITEM] at the model of much FOR ALL ITEMS ones rented to IF LESS THAN 1 time of [ITEM] today, would you BEFORE ASKING others)? YEAR, PUT '0'. purchase? how much obtain for Q2-Q6 FOR ITEMS would you it? OWNED IF >=10 YRS., pay? ►Q5. Item YES..1 Code Description of Items NO...2 YEARS KYAT KYAT KYAT Home assets 7101 Battery 7102 Electric inverter 7103 Generator 7104 Gas stove 7105 Charcoal stove Electrical products 7106 Hot plate 7107 Electric stove 7108 Rice cooker 7109 Electric iron 7110 Electric fan/ Air cooler 7111 Refrigerator/ Deep freezer 7112 Washing machine 7113 Air conditioner 7114 Water heater 7115 Electric heater Audio/ visual products 7116 Radio 7117 Stereo/ Hi-Fi cassette (with CD player) 7118 Color TV 7119 Satellite dish (any type including Paid TV) 7120 VCD/DVD player 7121 Loudspeaker Computer/ Communication equipments 7122 Computer (any type) 7123 Printer 7124 Line telephone 7125 Mobile phone (including SIM card) Transportation 7126 Bicycle 7127 Motorcycle/moped/tuk tuk 7128 Motor vehicle 7129 Canoe/Boat (not used fishing) 7130 Trishaw 7131 Truck (6 Wheels and above) Other business transportation means 7132 (Specify_______) Other household assets 7133 Specify 1 _______ 7134 Specify 2 _______ Enterprise (business) equipment/assets (non-agriculture business) 7135 Specify 1 _______ 7136 Specify 2 _______ 7137 Specify 3 _______ 72 24 of SECTION 8: HOUSEHOLD CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE SECTION 8a: FOOD CONSUMPTION IN THE LAST 7 DAYS 1. Identify the most knowledgable person about household food consumption expenditures and administer this section. If this person is not available, find another responsible adult member of the IDCODE household who can provide information on the household's food consumption expenditures. Record respondent's HH Member ID code. 2. Who mostly shops for food for the household? 3. In the last 7 days, how many meals (person*meals) were taken in your household by non-household members? MEALS 4a. In the last 7 days, how many meals did your household donate to non-household members (such as a monastery or to monks or to others)? MEALS 4b. What is the approximate value of the food your household donated to non-household members (such as a monastery, monks or others) in the past 7 days? KYAT READ THE FOLLOWING TO THE RESPONDENT: I WOULD LIKE TO ASK YOU SOME QUESTIONS ABOUT THE FOODS AND BEVERAGES ACQUIRED BY ANY MEMBER OF YOUR HOUSEHOLD FOR HOUSEHOLD CONSUMPTION.THIS INCLUDES PURCHASES MADE IN CASH OR IN KIND, AS WELL AS ITEMS ACQUIRED AS GIFTS, PAYMENTS OR WAGES, PLUS CONSUMPTION FROM HOME PRODUCTION. BY HOUSEHOLD CONSUMPTION, THIS MEANS DO NOT INCLUDE THOSE ACQUIRED FOR FARM OR NON-FARM BUSINESS ACTIVITIES (FOR EXAMPLES, DO NOT INCLUDE EXPENDITURE FOR FEEDING DAILY WORKERS.). DO INCLUDE FOOD EATEN AWAY FROM HOME IF IT WAS PREPARED IN YOUR HOUSEHOLD. Consumption in the last 7 days… Last purchase (during past 30 days) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 During the past 7 What was the How much How much came When was the last time you or What was the quantity How much ASK QUESTION 5 FOR ALL days, did you or quantity of came from from gifts and other members of your household of [ITEM] purchased did you ITEMS BEFORE COMING other members of [ITEM] own other sources? purchased [ITEM]? last time? spend in BACK TO ASK Q 6-11 FOR your household consumed in production? (not from total this last ANY ITEMS THAT THE consume [ITEM]? the last 7 purchase) PAST DAY.....1 UNIT CODES AT END time? days? IF NONE, IF NONE, PAST WEEK....2 HOUSEHOLD ANSWERED YES PAST 30 DAYS.3 UNIT CODES WRITE "0". WRITE "0". MORE THAN 30 AT END DAYS AGO.....4 YES.1 ►NEXT ITEM Item NO..2 NEVER........5 code Item name QTY. UNIT QTY. QTY. QTY. UNIT KYAT Rice and cereals 8001 Rice (Ngasein) 8002 Rice (Emata) 8003 Rice (Medone) 8004 Rice (Nga kywe) 8005 Kaukhnyin (Sticky Rice) 8006 Other rice (local variety) 8007 Corn 8008 Other rice & cereals(specify) 8009 Other rice & cereals(specify) Pulses, beans, nuts, and seeds 8010 Pegyi (lablab beans) 8011 Pegya 8012 Pe poke 8013 Sadawpe (green peas) 8014 Gram (Chick pea) 8015 Green gram (Pedesane) 25 of 61 73 74 Consumption in the last 7 days… Last purchase (during past 30 days) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 During the past 7 What was the How much How much came When was the last time you or What was the quantity How much ASK QUESTION 5 FOR ALL days, did you or quantity of came from from gifts and other members of your household of [ITEM] purchased did you ITEMS BEFORE COMING other members of [ITEM] own other sources? purchased [ITEM]? last time? spend in BACK TO ASK Q 6-11 FOR your household consumed in production? (not from total this last ANY ITEMS THAT THE consume [ITEM]? the last 7 purchase) PAST DAY.....1 UNIT CODES AT END time? days? IF NONE, IF NONE, PAST WEEK....2 HOUSEHOLD ANSWERED YES PAST 30 DAYS.3 UNIT CODES WRITE "0". WRITE "0". MORE THAN 30 AT END DAYS AGO.....4 YES.1 ►NEXT ITEM Item NO..2 NEVER........5 code Item name QTY. UNIT QTY. QTY. QTY. UNIT KYAT 8016 Penilay (Peyaza) 8017 Butter Bean 8018 Other peas 8019 Sesame 8020 Groundnut without shell 8021 Coconut 8022 Other (specify):_________ 8023 Other (specify):_________ 8024 Other (specify):_________ Roots and tubers 8025 Sweet potatoes 8026 Potatoes 8027 Radish 8028 Taro 8029 Pemyit 8030 Palm shoot 8031 Other (specify):_________ 8032 Other (specify):_________ 8033 Other (specify):_________ Meat, dairy, eggs 8034 Chicken 8035 Duck 8036 Beef 8037 Pork 8038 Mutton 8039 Dried Meat 8040 Chicken eggs 8041 Duck eggs 8042 Quail eggs 8043 Fresh milk 8044 Branded condensed milk 8045 Other (specify):_________ 26 of Consumption in the last 7 days… Last purchase (during past 30 days) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 During the past 7 What was the How much How much came When was the last time you or What was the quantity How much ASK QUESTION 5 FOR ALL days, did you or quantity of came from from gifts and other members of your household of [ITEM] purchased did you ITEMS BEFORE COMING other members of [ITEM] own other sources? purchased [ITEM]? last time? spend in BACK TO ASK Q 6-11 FOR your household consumed in production? (not from total this last ANY ITEMS THAT THE consume [ITEM]? the last 7 purchase) PAST DAY.....1 UNIT CODES AT END time? days? IF NONE, IF NONE, PAST WEEK....2 HOUSEHOLD ANSWERED YES PAST 30 DAYS.3 UNIT CODES WRITE "0". WRITE "0". MORE THAN 30 AT END DAYS AGO.....4 YES.1 ►NEXT ITEM Item NO..2 NEVER........5 code Item name QTY. UNIT QTY. QTY. QTY. UNIT KYAT 8046 Other (specify):_________ 8047 Other (specify):_________ Fish and other seafood 8048 Ngamyitchin 8049 Ngagyin 8050 Ngayant 8051 Ngakhu 8052 Ngagyee 8053 Ngapyayma 8054 Ngaton/ Ngamyinn 8055 Ngathalauk 8056 Fish meat 8057 Other small river fishes (<= 4") Other medium river fishes (5" - 8058 10") 8059 Other large river fishes (11+") 8060 Kakatit 8061 Ngamoke 8062 Ngapokethin 8063 Sardine (All Kinds) 8064 Pazun Kyawt 8065 Pazun Doke 8066 Squid/ octopus Other small sea water fishes 8067 (<=4") Other medium sea water fishes 8068 (5" - 10") Other large sea water fishes 8069 (11+") 8070 Nga Yantchauk 8071 Other dried small river fish (<=4") 75 27 of 76 Consumption in the last 7 days… Last purchase (during past 30 days) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 During the past 7 What was the How much How much came When was the last time you or What was the quantity How much ASK QUESTION 5 FOR ALL days, did you or quantity of came from from gifts and other members of your household of [ITEM] purchased did you ITEMS BEFORE COMING other members of [ITEM] own other sources? purchased [ITEM]? last time? spend in BACK TO ASK Q 6-11 FOR your household consumed in production? (not from total this last ANY ITEMS THAT THE consume [ITEM]? the last 7 purchase) PAST DAY.....1 UNIT CODES AT END time? days? IF NONE, IF NONE, PAST WEEK....2 HOUSEHOLD ANSWERED YES PAST 30 DAYS.3 UNIT CODES WRITE "0". WRITE "0". MORE THAN 30 AT END DAYS AGO.....4 YES.1 ►NEXT ITEM Item NO..2 NEVER........5 code Item name QTY. UNIT QTY. QTY. QTY. UNIT KYAT Other dried medium river fish 8072 (5"-10") Other dried large river fishes 8073 (11+") 8074 Ngakunshutchauk Other dried small sea water fish 8075 (<=4") Other dried medium sea water 8076 fish (5"-10") Other dried large sea water 8077 fishes (11+") 8078 Dried Prawns 8079 Shrimp paste 8080 Fish/ shrimp sauce 8081 Ngapiyae 8082 Nagpikaung/ Salted fish 8083 Ar Bye Gyauk 8084 Dried Prawn powder 8085 Other (specify):_________ 8086 Other (specify):_________ 8087 Other (specify):_________ Vegetables 8088 Pumpkin 8089 Ash pumpkin 8090 Brinjal/ Egg plant 8091 Tomato 8092 Cabbage 8093 Cauliflower 8094 Chayote 8095 Water leaf 8096 Roselle leaf 8097 Horseradish leaf 28 of Consumption in the last 7 days… Last purchase (during past 30 days) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 During the past 7 What was the How much How much came When was the last time you or What was the quantity How much ASK QUESTION 5 FOR ALL days, did you or quantity of came from from gifts and other members of your household of [ITEM] purchased did you ITEMS BEFORE COMING other members of [ITEM] own other sources? purchased [ITEM]? last time? spend in BACK TO ASK Q 6-11 FOR your household consumed in production? (not from total this last ANY ITEMS THAT THE consume [ITEM]? the last 7 purchase) PAST DAY.....1 UNIT CODES AT END time? days? IF NONE, IF NONE, PAST WEEK....2 HOUSEHOLD ANSWERED YES PAST 30 DAYS.3 UNIT CODES WRITE "0". WRITE "0". MORE THAN 30 AT END DAYS AGO.....4 YES.1 ►NEXT ITEM Item NO..2 NEVER........5 code Item name QTY. UNIT QTY. QTY. QTY. UNIT KYAT 8098 Radish leaf 8099 Pumpkin leaf 8100 Cucumber 8101 Horseradish 8102 Bean/ Long bean 8103 Bamboo shoots 8104 Bean sprouts 8105 Carrots 8106 Lettuce 8107 Fresh chillie 8108 Mustard leaf 8109 Kinmoon 8110 Gourd leaf 8111 Vegetable gourd 8112 Other (specify):_________ 8113 Other (specify):_________ 8114 Other (specify):_________ Fruits 8115 Bananas 8116 Papaya 8117 Grapefruit 8118 Watermelon 8119 Apple 8120 Pomelo 8121 Oranges 8122 Plums 8123 Mango 8124 Lime 8125 Lemon 8126 Pineapple 8127 Grapes 8128 Guava 8129 Mangosteen 77 29 of 78 Consumption in the last 7 days… Last purchase (during past 30 days) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 During the past 7 What was the How much How much came When was the last time you or What was the quantity How much ASK QUESTION 5 FOR ALL days, did you or quantity of came from from gifts and other members of your household of [ITEM] purchased did you ITEMS BEFORE COMING other members of [ITEM] own other sources? purchased [ITEM]? last time? spend in BACK TO ASK Q 6-11 FOR your household consumed in production? (not from total this last ANY ITEMS THAT THE consume [ITEM]? the last 7 purchase) PAST DAY.....1 UNIT CODES AT END time? days? IF NONE, IF NONE, PAST WEEK....2 HOUSEHOLD ANSWERED YES PAST 30 DAYS.3 UNIT CODES WRITE "0". WRITE "0". MORE THAN 30 AT END DAYS AGO.....4 YES.1 ►NEXT ITEM Item NO..2 NEVER........5 code Item name QTY. UNIT QTY. QTY. QTY. UNIT KYAT 8130 Other (specify):_________ 8131 Other (specify):_________ 8132 Other (specify):_________ Oil and fats 8133 Groundnut oil 8134 Sesamum oil 8135 Palm oil 8136 Mustard oil 8137 Other (specify):_________ 8138 Other (specify):_________ 8139 Other (specify):_________ Spices and condiments 8140 Dried chilies 8141 Chilly powder 8142 Lemon grass 8143 Onions 8144 Garlic 8145 Tumeric powder 8146 Ginger 8147 Salt 8148 Seasoning powder 8149 Black pepper 8150 Marsala 8151 Other (specify):_________ 8152 Other (specify):_________ 8153 Other (specify):_________ Other food products 8154 Dried rice noodle 8155 Dried wheat noodle 8156 Rice vermicelli 8157 Bread 8158 Cake 8159 Biscuits 30 of Consumption in the last 7 days… Last purchase (during past 30 days) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 During the past 7 What was the How much How much came When was the last time you or What was the quantity How much ASK QUESTION 5 FOR ALL days, did you or quantity of came from from gifts and other members of your household of [ITEM] purchased did you ITEMS BEFORE COMING other members of [ITEM] own other sources? purchased [ITEM]? last time? spend in BACK TO ASK Q 6-11 FOR your household consumed in production? (not from total this last ANY ITEMS THAT THE consume [ITEM]? the last 7 purchase) PAST DAY.....1 UNIT CODES AT END time? days? IF NONE, IF NONE, PAST WEEK....2 HOUSEHOLD ANSWERED YES PAST 30 DAYS.3 UNIT CODES WRITE "0". WRITE "0". MORE THAN 30 AT END DAYS AGO.....4 YES.1 ►NEXT ITEM Item NO..2 NEVER........5 code Item name QTY. UNIT QTY. QTY. QTY. UNIT KYAT 8160 Pone Ye Gyi 8161 Bean curd (white) 8162 Tofu 8163 Soy bean paste 8164 Vermicilli (bean) 8165 Green tea leaves 8166 Sugar 8167 Palm jaggery 8168 Cane jaggery 8169 Fermented tea leaves 8170 Fritters with pea kun yar (packet of betel leaf & areaca or betel nuts & lime 8171 paste) OPTIONS FOR UNITS GRAM................1 8172 Coffee mix or tea mix KILOGRAM............2 8173 Cereal mix OUNCE...............3 8174 Ovaltine, horlick, Prepared etc. to eat at food bought LITER...............4 home - rice or noodle based NUMBER(NO) PIECE....5 8175 dishes PYI.................6 KYATTHA.............7 Prepared food bought to eat at BOTTLE..............8 8176 home - snacks TIKE................9 Prepared food bought to eat at 8177 Other - other home food products (specify): 8178 ___________ Other food products (specify): CONDENSED MILK CAN.10 8179 ___________ Other food products (specify): BASKET (16 PYI)....11 8180 ___________ 25 KG BAG..........12 50 KG BAG..........13 Alcoholic beverages RICE BAG (24 PYI)..14 8181 Beer SMALL BUNDLE.......15 8182 Toddy alcohol / palm alcohol BIG BUNDLE.........16 8183 Local liquors/alcohol OTHER (SPECIFY)....17 8184 Imported liquor/alcohol 31 of 61 79 SECTION 8: HOUSEHOLD CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE SECTION 8a2: FOOD CONSUMPTION IN THE LAST 7 DAYS (CONT.) 12 Over the past one week (7 days), how many days did you or others in your household consume any [FOOD GROUP]? IF NONE CONSUMED, WRITE ZERO. Food group code FOOD GROUP NAME NUMBER OF DAYS Cereals, Grains and Cereal Products [Previous Page: 8001-8009] 1 (Rice, maize, millet, bread, palatta, donut "E Kyar Kyway") Roots and Tubers [Previous Page: 8025-8033] 2 (Potato, sweet potato, radish, pemyit and/or other tubers) Nuts and Pulses [Previous Page: 8010-8024] (Beans, soybeans, mung beans, lablab beans, butter beans, etc.; lentils; 3 chick peas; pedesane; ground nuts) Orange vegetables 4 (Carrots, pumpkins, orange sweet potatoes) Green leafy vegetables 5 (Water leaf, gourd/pumpkin leaves, mustard leaves, supo leaves, roselle) Other vegetables (Tomato, gourds, cucumber, radishes, eggplant, cabbage, cauliflower, 6 onion, green beans, peas, etc.) Fruits [Previous Page: 8115-8132] (Orange; Banana; Papaya; Grapefruit, Pomelo, Apple; Watermelon, Other 7 Fruit) Meat (Goat, beef, chicken, pork, mutton, frog; meat in large quantities and not as 8 a condiment) Fish/Shellfish [Previous Page: 8048-8087] (All fish, canned fish, squid, prawns; fish in large quantitites and not as a 9 condiment) Milk/Milk Products [Previous Page: 8043-8044] (Fresh milk, condensed milk; Yogurt; Cheese; Other Milk Product - 10 Excluding Margarine/Butter or Small Amounts of Milk for Tea/Coffee) Fats/Oil/Eggs [Previous Page: 8133- 8139; 8040-8042] 11 (Cooking Oil; Butter; Margarine; Other Fat/Oil; Eggs) Sugar/Sugar Products/Jaggery [Previous Page: 8158-8159; 8166-8168] (Sugar; Sugar Cane; Jaggery; Honey; Jam; Jelly; Sweets/ 12 Candy/Chocolate; cookies, pastries, and cakes; Other Sugar Product) Spices/Condiments [Previous Page: 8140-8153; 8172; 8174] (Tea; Coffee/; Salt; Spices; Yeast/Baking Powder; Tomato/Hot Sauce;Fish 13 Powder/Sauce; Other Condiment - Including Small Amounts of Milk 32 of 61 80 SECTION 8: HOUSEHOLD CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE SECTION 8a3: FOOD CONSUMED AWAY FROM HOME 1. In the last 7 days, has any household member consumed food away from home, for example in a teashop, a friend's house, from an employer or a government program? YES..1 NO...2 ►(NEXT SECTION) 2. In the last 7 days, who in the household has consumed the most food away from home? RECORD HH MEMBER ID CODE. ASK THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS TO THE HH MEMBER IDENTIFIED IN Q1. IF NOT AVAILABLE, ASK ANOTHER HH MEMBER WHO ATE OUTSIDE THE HOUSEHOLD IN THE LAST SEVEN DAYS, AND RECORD THE MEMBER ID CODE: DO NOT INCLUDE FOOD CONSUMED AT SCHOOL USING POCKET MONEY. 3 4 5 6 7 During the past 7 days, During the past 7 During the past 7 During the How much did any member of your days, where were days, how much did past 7 days, would your household consume most of these your household were any of household [MEAL] away from [MEAL]s spend in total on all the [MEAL]s have spent if home? consumed away [MEAL]s consumed consumed you had to from home eaten? away from home? away from pay for these DO NOT INCLUDE home [MEAL]s MEALS THAT WERE RESTAURANT.1 obtained in- obtained in- PREPARED AT YOUR TEA SHOP...2 kind? kind? HOME. STREET VENDOR/ SMALL SHOP.....3 YES.1 FRIEND'S YES.1 NO..2 HOUSE......4 NO..2 ►NEXT ITEM GOV'T ►NEXT PROGRAM....5 ITEM EMPLOYER...6 AT A DONATION PLACE.......7 Meal OTHER code Meal name (SPECIFY)..8 KYAT KYAT 8201 Breakfast 8202 Lunch 8203 Dinner 8204 Other (including snacks, drinks, etc.) 33 of 61 81 SECTION 8b:NON-FOOD CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE IN THE LAST 30 DAYS Description of Items 1 2 3 During the last 30 days, did How much did In addition to purchases in cash, any member of your members of your what was the value of [ITEM] that household spend money on household spend in your household received in kind for or receive in kind [ITEM] for cash in total on [ITEM] household consumption during the household consumption? for household last 30 days? consumption during the last 30 days? IF 'NONE',WRITE '0' YES.1 Item code Item name NO..2 ►NEXT ITEM KYAT KYAT Energy for household use 8301 Firewood 8302 Charcoal 8303 Kerosene 8304 Diesel 8305 Public electricity 8306 Electricity from private source 8307 Candles 8308 Battery charging 8309 Other energy sources Water 8310 Drinking water (if purchased) Water for other use:cooking, washing (if 8311 purchased) Household water one source - drinking and other 8312 water combined (if purchased) Personal apparel- COSMETICS 8313 Thanakha (solid) 8314 Thanakha (ready made) 8315 Tooth paste 8316 Personal soap 8317 Cleaning materials and laundry supply 8318 Shampoo 8319 Haircut, hair dressing, beauty parlor services 8320 Other expenditures for personal care Medicines/drugs (including traditional medicine)- do not include medicines counted in Section 3b, Q15 8321 Traditional medicines Medicines obtained with voucher (prescription 8322 from doctor or other health professional) Other medicines/drugs (cold remedies, vitamins, 8323 etc.) Local transport (daily travel excluding that for health and education) 8324 Local bus/ boat/ trawlargee daily travel Inter-city bus/ boat/ trawlargee (for same-day 8325 travel) Trishaw/ horse cart/ boat/ trawlargee/ motor cycle 8326 (for same-day travel) 8327 Petrol/Diesel for family cars Maintenance and repairs for transportation 8328 vehicles (car, bicycle) 8329 Other daily transportation costs Other non-food items Telephone line services (including rental and repairs fees from other). Not including telephone 8330 installation costs. Mobile phone services (including rental and 8331 repairs fees from other) 8332 Cable TV monthly fee Newspapers or journal or magazines or non-text 8333 books (purchased or rent) 8334 Internet café 8335 Payment for shared internet wifi access 8336 Garbage disposal services Cinema, video house, video tape (purchased or 8337 rent) 8338 Cigarettes, cigars 8339 Cheroot 8340 Lottery expense (any) 82 34 of SECTION 8c:NON-FOOD CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURES IN 6 AND 12 MONTHS Description of Items 1 2 3 In the last 6 months, did How much did In addition to purchases any member of your members of your in cash, what was the household purchase or household spend in value of [ITEM] that your receive in-kind [ITEM] for cash in total on household received in household consumption? [ITEM] for household kind for household consumption during consumption during that that 6 month period? 6 months period? YES.1 IF 'NONE', WRITE '0' Item NO..2 ►NEXT ITEM code Item name KYAT KYAT Clothing and Apparel 8401 Various types of ready-made clothing (e.g. shirts, sport shirt, men/women longyi, pants, underwear (excluding school uniforms) 8402 Shoes, slippers 8403 Cloth, fabric and materials (excluding for school uniforms) 8404 Tailoring including clothing repairs (excluding for school uniforms) 8405 Umbrella 8406 Gold jewelery, jems and precious stones 8407 Watch Home equipment 8408 Blankets, linen, bedclothes, curtains, table clothes 8409 Crockery, pots, pans, glasses, dishes 8410 Mosquito nets 8411 Insecticides/ products that kill mosquitoes 8412 Mattress, sleeping mats Description of Items 1 2 3 In the last 12 months, How much did In addition to purchases did any member of your members of your in cash, what was the household spend money household spend in value of [ITEM] that your for or receive in-kind cash in total on household received in [ITEM] for household [ITEM] for household kind for household consumption? consumption during consumption during that that 12 month period? 12 months period? IF 'NONE', WRITE '0' YES.1 Item code Item name NO..2 ►NEXT ITEM KYAT KYAT House repairs and expenses 8413 Bamboo material for house repair/additions 8414 House repairs excluding bamboo material 8415 Property/ground taxes 8416 Telephone line installation 8417 Electricity installation 8418 Other house repairs (Specify ) Travel/trips (overnight travel excluding for health and education) 8419 Long distance bus/ship/ train travel 8420 Lodging and meal expenses (during travel) 8421 Other travelling expenses in over night travel Other expenses 8422 Wedding expenses 8423 Funeral expenses 8424 Other celebrations Gifts given: can be made in cash or in kind for a 8425 wedding, birthday, funeral or other occasion 8426 Religious donation 8427 Non-religious donations 8428 Transfers to non-household members in Myanmar 8429 Transfers to non-household members abroad 83 35 of 84 SECTION 9a: NON-FARM ENTERPRISE Over the past 12 months has anyone in this household… YES..1 NO...2 … owned a non-agricultural business or provided a non-agricultural service from home or a household-owned shop, as a carwash owner, metal worker, mechanic, carpenter, mason, tailor, 1. barber, etc.? 2. … sold any agricultural by-products, including flour, and including livestock by-products, such as eggs, milk, hides, or blood? 3. … sold processed fish directly to consumers or fish traders that may have been subject to techniques such as smoking, sun-drying, and salting? 4. … sold (in wholesale or retail) fresh or processed fish bought from other fishers or fish processors? … offered any service or sold anything on a street or in a market, including firewood, home-made charcoal, construction timber, woodpoles, traditional medicine, mats, bricks, cane furniture, 5 weave baskets, thatch grass etc.? 6 … owned a professional office or offered professional services from home as a doctor, accountant, lawyer, translator, private tutor, midwife, , etc? 7 … driven a household-owned taxi or pick-up truck to provide transportation or moving services? 8 … owned a bar or restaurant? 9 … owned any other non-agricultural business, even if it is a small business run from home or on a street? YES..1 10 ENUMERATOR: IS THERE A "1" FOR ANY OF Q1 TO Q9? NO...2 ►SECTION 10a INCLUDE HOUSEHOLD BUSINESS VENTURES THAT HAVE BEEN SHUT DOWN PERMANENTLY OR TEMPORARILY DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS. 36 of 61 SECTION 9b: NON-FARM ENTERPRISE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. What income generating businesses did individuals in Who from Who owns/owned Who in the For how long has this Where is the To whom does this this household operate over the last 12 months? the this enterprise in the household makes business been in business located? enterprise mostly sell N PROBE FOR ALL TYPES (PRODUCTION, TRADING, household household? decisions regarding operation? its products? O AND SERVICES), INCLUDING SALE OF CROP OR is providing the earnings from N LIVESTOCK BY-PRODUCTS. the LIST UP TO 2 this enterprise? IF LESS THAN 1 YEAR, - responses MEMBERS FROM RECORD IN MONTHS AND HOUSEHOLD ROSTER RECORD "0" FOR YEARS. F DO NOT INCLUDE SALE OF CROPS OR LIVESTOCK. to these LIST UP TO 2 HOME, INSIDE LOCAL CONSUMERS A questions? MEMBERS FROM IF 3 YEARS OR OLDER, RESIDENCE...1 OR PASSERS BY.1 R HOUSEHOLD RECORD IN YEARS ONLY. HOME, OUTSIDE TRADERS.......2 M ROSTER RESIDENCE...2 COOPERATIVES..3 TRADITIONAL NGOS..........4 B MARKET......3 GOVERNMENT....5 U SHOP IN OTHER S COMMERCIAL SPECIFY)......6 AREA........4 I ROADSIDE....5 N OTHER FIXED E LOCATION....6 S MOBILE......7 S RIVER/LAKES/ PONDS.......8 I OTHER D SECTOR CODES (SPECIFY)...9 WRITTEN DESCRIPTION OF PRIMARY SECOND. ROSTER ROSTER ROSTER ROSTER ROSTER ACTIVITIES CODE CODE ID ID #1 ID #2 ID #1 ID #2 YEARS MONTHS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 85 37 of 86 SECTION 9b: NON-FARM ENTERPRISE (continued) 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. During the last During the How does [value During the last month of opeartion, what were the How many hired workers did Besides the Which household members worked in this enterprise in the last 12 12 months, for last month of listed in Q9] operating costs (including stocks and hired labour)? this enterprise employ in the owner, did any months? N how many operation, compare to the months in which the other O months was the what were average monthly ALL OTHER OPERATING COSTS INCLUDES enterprise was operating in household N business in monthly revenue during UTLITIES. the last 12 months? members work RECORD HOUSEHOLD ROSTER ID OF EACH PERSON WHO - operation? revenues? the last 12 in this business WORKED IN THE ENTERPRISE. PROMPT FOR ALL PAID AND AGRICULTURA F months? EXCLUDE MEMBERS OF in the last 12 UNPAID WORKERS. NON L CONSUMERS A INCLUDE ANY THE HOUSEHOLD months? INCOME..... R MONTH FOR READ WAGE OR SAL M WHICH THE REMITTANCES CHOICES TO RECORD "0" IF NONE BUSINESS WAS SALE OF ASS RESPONDENT IN OPERATION BANK OR COO B BEFORE DURING ANY LOAN....... U PART OF THE SELECTING YES.1 FAMILY OR F S MONTH. ANSWER NO..2 ►Q15 PAWN SHOPS/ I MONEYLENDER N MICRO CREDI E AND SAVINGS S HIGHER THAN INSTITUTION AVERAGE....1 DIDN'T STAR S ABOUT SAME AS CAPITAL.... AVERAGE.2 OTHER (SPEC I LOWER THAN D AVERAGE....3 PAID UNPAID PAID IN- ROSTER ROSTER ROSTER ROSTER ROSTER ROSTER PAID IN CASH KIND ID ID ID ID ID ID WAGES (NOT TO HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS) PURCHASE OF GOODS FOR SALE RAW MATERIALS TRANSPORTATION ALL OTHER OPERATING COSTS KYAT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 38 of 61 SECTION 9b: NON-FARM ENTERPRISE (continued) 15. 16. What were the two main sources During the past 12 months, what have been the three biggest constraints to of start-up capital for this operation and/or growth of the business? N enterprise? LIST UP TO THREE O N IRREGULAR SUPPLY OF ELECTRICITY....................1 - AGRICULTURAL INCOME....1 IRREGULAR SUPPLY OF RAW MATERIAL...................2 F NON-FARM SELF-EMPLOYMENT LACK OF AVAILABLE MACHINE EQUIPMENT/SPARE PARTS....3 A INCOME.................2 LACK OF ACCESS TO MODERN TECHNOLOGY................4 LACK OF AVAILABLE FUEL/ENERGY......................5 R WAGE OR SALARY INCOME..3 GOVERNMENT TAXES...................................6 M REMITTANCES............4 PRIVATE/INFORMAL FEES..............................7 SALE OF ASSETS.........5 BANK OR COOPERATIVE LACK OF TRANSPORTATION FOR GOODS...................8 B LOAN...................6 INADEQUATE WATER SUPPLY/ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION...9 U FAMILY OR FRIENDS......7 DIFFICULTY FINDING MARKET.........................10 S PAWN SHOPS/PRIVATE FLUCTUATION OF COMMODITY PRICES...................11 I MONEYLENDERS...........8 LACK OF AVAILABLE SKILLED WORKERS.................12 N MICRO CREDIT LACK OF CAPITAL...................................13 LACK OF CREDIT....................................14 E AND SAVINGS LACK OF LICENSING.................................15 S INSTITUTIONS...........9 INADEQUATE BUILDING SPACE.........................16 DIDN'T START WITH ANY S BUREAUCRACY/RED TAPE..............................17 CAPITAL...............10 OTHER (SPECIFY).......11 CUSTOMERS BUY ON CREDIT BUT DON'T PAY BACK........18 I OTHER (SPECIFY)...................................19 D NO PROBLEM........................................20 1ST SOURCE 2ND SOURCE 1ST 2ND 3RD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 87 39 of 88 SECTION 10a: PARCEL ROSTER YES..1 1. During the last 12 months, did you OR any member of your household own any land OR cultivate any land? NO...2 ► SECTION 10E 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Please list all PARCELS you or anyone in your What is the area of What is the tenure Do you Under whose Do you Would you Who in your household owned or cultivated in the LAST 12 [PARCEL]? status of [PARCEL]? have a land name(s) was the plan to be willing to household has the MONTHS. use certificate apply for a pay for the rights to use this certificate acquired? land use land use [PARCEL]? A PARCEL IS A CONTINUOUS PIECE OF LAND for this certificate? certificate? P UNDER SAME OWNERS AND SHOULD NOT BE CODES FOR UNIT: OWNED......1 parcel? LIST UP TO 2 A SPLIT BY A RIVER OR A PATH WIDE ENOUGH TO RENTED IN..2 ►Q17 FROM HH R FIT AN OX-CART OR VEHICLE. ACRE.......... .1 BORROWED/ ROSTER. C SQUARE FEET.....2 FREE-LEASED LIST UP TO 2 E SQUARE YARDS....3 IN.........3 ►Q17 FROM HH ROSTER. L HECTARE.........4 COMMUNAL...4 ►Q17 OTHER SHARECROPPED (SPECIFY).......5 IN.........5 ►Q17 I OTHER YES.1 (THEN, ►Q10) YES..1 YES.1 D (SPECIFY)..6 ►Q17 NO..2 NO...2 NO..2 ►Q7 ►Q9 HH HH HH HH ROSTER ROSTE ROSTER ROSTER Parcel name Location/description ID #1 R ID #2 ID #1 ID #2 AREA UNIT 1 __ __ __ __.__ __ 2 __ __ __ __.__ __ 3 __ __ __ __.__ __ 4 __ __ __ __.__ __ 5 __ __ __ __.__ __ 6 __ __ __ __.__ __ 7 __ __ __ __.__ __ 8 __ __ __ __.__ __ 9 __ __ __ __.__ __ 10 __ __ __ __.__ __ 40 of SECTION 10a: PARCEL ROSTER (CONT.) SECTION 10a: PARCEL ROSTER (CONT.) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 When did your household aquire [PARCEL]? How did your Does anyone in Who has the right Do you What is the likelihood What is the In what Did you need to pay household acquire your household to sell [PARCEL]? need of being expropriated likelihood of year did someone to use CODES FOR MONTH [PARCEL]? have the right to approval from this [PARCEL] receiving you first [PARCEL] during the JAN.....1 sell [PARCEL]? from in the next five years? compensation for start using last 12 months? (This FEB.....2 GIVEN BY THE authorities this [PARCEL] in [PARCEL]? is just for the land and P MAR.....3 LIST UP TO 2 to sell the case of should exclude water APR.....4 STATE/LOCAL A AUTHORITY.....1 FROM HH [PARCEL]? expropriation? and any other MAY.....5 R JUN.....6 INHERITED.....2 ROSTER. services)? C JUL.....7 GIFT FROM E AUG.....8 RELATIVE......3 L SEP.....9 GIFT FROM OCT....10 FRIEND........4 NOT AT NOT AT YES..1 PURCHASED.....5 I NOV....11 CLEARED LAND/ NO...2 ►Q15 ALL......1 ►Q20 ALL......1 ►Q20 YES, DEC....12 YES.1 SOMEWHAT D OCCUPIED FOR DON'T NO..2 SOMEWHAT BY YEAR..1 KNOW.3 ►Q15 LIKELY...2 LIKELY...2 YES, BY FREE..........6 LIKELY...3 LIKELY...3 GROWING TO REPAY DEBT.7 VERY VERY SEASON...2 OTHER (SPECIFY).....7 HH HH LIKELY...4 LIKELY...4 NO.......3 ►Q22 CERTAINLY, CERTAINLY, WESTERN WESTER BURMESE BURMESE ROSTER ROSTER YEAR FOR SURE.5 FOR SURE.5 MONTH N YEAR MONTH YEAR ID #1 ID #2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 41 of 61 89 90 SECTION 10a: PARCEL ROSTER (CONT.) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 How much do you pay for this plot of land in If you If you Have you What was this dispute Was this How was the conflict resolved What land type is What soil What is the each season? (rent/lease cost excluding any wanted to wanted to had any about? dispute or is trying to be resolved? this [PARCEL]? type is in slope of taxes) rent a buy a dispute resolved? [PARCEL]? [PARCEL]? similar similar about the PROVIDE ESTIMATED VALUE FOR parcel in parcel in use of P PAYMENTS IN KIND. (THEN, ►Q22) this village this [PARCEL] LOWLAND A BOUNDARIES......1 INFORMAL ARBITRATION (LAL)........1 for 12 village, in the last IN-LAWS WANTING BY LOCAL LEADERS....1 UPLAND R months , how 12 months? LAND BACK UPON FORMAL ARBITRATION..2 LOAM....1 (YAR)........2 C how much much DEATH OF SPOUSE.2 FORMAL RULING BY CLAY....2 FLAT...1 KAILAND......3 E would you would DISPUTED MILITARY GOVERNOR...3 SILTED/ SANDY...3 SLIGHT.2 L STEEP..3 have to you have OWNERSHIP AMONG FORMAL RULING BY A ISLAND.......4 OTHER pay? to pay? YES...1 FAMILY MEMBERS..3 FARMLAND MANAGEMENT HORTICULTURE.5 SPECIFY.4 I NO....2 CLAIMS OF FORMER YES.....1 BODY (PER CHAPTER VIII WATER D ►Q26 OWNERSHIP.......4 OF FARMLAND LAW, AT SURFACE......6 IN KYAT PER OWNERSHIP CLAIMS LEVELS RANGING FROM NIPA PALM KYAT PER SEASON FROM PARTY USING PROCESS.2 VILLAGE TO UNION)...4 YEAR NO......3 (DENI LAND)..7 LAND............5 JUDICIAL RULING.....5 DRY WET COOL ►Q26 OTHER OTHER (SPECIFY).6 OTHER (SPECIFY).....6 SPECIFY......8 SEASON SEASON SEASON ALL (MAR- (JUN- (NOV- KYAT KYAT SEASONS MAY) OCT) FEB) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 42 of 61 SECTION 10a: PARCEL ROSTER (CONT.) SECTION 10a: PARCE 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Is there any What is the original What are the main irrigation techniques Who in your household During the DRY SEASON (March- How much rent During the WET SEASON (June- How much rent erosion on used on [PARCEL]? source of water on makes decisions May), was this [PARCEL]… or output is October), was this [PARCEL]… or output is owed [PARCEL]? [PARCEL]? concerning the owed to you for to you for this LIST UP TO THREE RESPONSES. [PARCEL] (can include READ ANSWERS this [PARCEL], READ ANSWERS [PARCEL], if IF HOUSEHOLD IS crops to be planted, if any, during any, during the P RENTING/ DIRECTLY COLLECT RAINWATER.1 input use, decisions to the DRY WET SEASON? A SHARECROPPING- USE DAM TO CONTAIN WATER...2 sharecrop, rent, etc.)? SEASON? CULTIVATED BY CULTIVATED BY R OUT LAND, PUT DIVERT STREAM/RIVER/CANAL..3 HOUSEHOLD.........1 ►Q37 PROVIDE HAND PUMP..................4 HOUSEHOLD.........1 ►Q35 C NONE...1 "999" AND THEN RENTED/ PROVIDE RENTED/ ESTIMATED TREADLE PUMP...............5 E MILD...2 ►Q32. LIST UP TO 2 JOINT SHARECROPPED OUT..2 ESTIMATED SHARECROPPED OUT..2 VALUE FOR MOTOR PUMP.................6 L SEVERE.3 BUCKET/WATERING CAN........7 MANAGERS FROM GAVE OUT FOR FREE.3 ►Q35 VALUE FOR GAVE OUT FOR FREE.3 ►Q37 PAYMENTS IN PIPE.......................8 HOUSEHOLD FALLOW............4 ►Q35 PAYMENTS IN FALLOW............4 ►Q37 KIND. I SPRINKLER..................9 ROSTER FOREST/ WOODED KIND. FOREST/ WOODED D RAINWATER.....1 DRIP IRRIGATION...........10 LAND..............5 ►Q35 LAND..............5 ►Q37 RIVER/STREAM..2 SELF-MADE CANALS..........11 PASTURE...........6 ►Q35 PASTURE...........6 ►Q37 LAKE..........3 OTHER (SPECIFY)...........12 NOT RENTED-IN IN NOT RENTED-IN IN FROM DAM WATER THIS SEASON.......7 ►Q35 THIS SEASON.......7 ►Q37 (DO NOT KNOW HH HH OTHER(SPECIFY)....8 ►Q35 OTHER(SPECIFY)....8 ►Q37 SOURCE OF 1ST 2ND 3RD ROSTER ROSTER KYAT KYAT WATER)........4 ID #1 ID #2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 43 of 61 91 92 SECTION 10a: PARCEL ROSTER (CONT.) 37 38 During the COOL SEASON (November- How much rent or February), was this [PARCEL]… output is owed to READ ANSWERS you for this [PARCEL], if any, CULTIVATED BY during the COOL P HOUSEHOLD.........1 ►NEXT PARCEL SEASON? A RENTED/ R SHARECROPPED OUT..2 PROVIDE C GAVE OUT FOR FREE.3 ►NEXT PARCEL ESTIMATED VALUE E FALLOW............4 ►NEXT PARCEL FOR PAYMENTS IN L FOREST/ WOODED KIND. LAND..............5 ►NEXT PARCEL PASTURE...........6 ►NEXT PARCEL I NOT RENTED-IN IN (THEN ►NEXT D THIS SEASON.......7 ►NEXT PARCEL PARCEL). OTHER(SPECIFY)....8 ►NEXT PARCEL KYAT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 44 of SECTION 10b: INPUTS ENUMERATOR: REFER TO SECTION 10A, Q33, Q36, and Q39 FOR ALL PARCELS. IF THE HOUSEHOLD DID NOT CULTIVATE ANY LAND DURING THE LAST 12 MONTHS (THAT IS, THEY RENTED OUT ALL PARCELS DURING ALL SEASONS), YOU MAY SKIP TO SECTION 10E. OTHERWISE, CONTINUE ON WITH SECTION 10B. 1 2 3 During the last 12 How much in total Did any government offices months, did you pay for did you pay for all of the states, regions or any [INPUT] for [INPUT] purchases Union provide help I agricultural production during the last 12 acquiring [INPUT], either in- N purposes? months? kind or in cash? P U INCLUDE CASH DO NOT INCLUDE LOANS T YES.1 PAYMENTS AND RECEIVED FROM NO..2 ►NEXT ESTIMATED MYANMAR C ROW VALUE OF IN- AGRICULTURAL O KIND PAYMENTS. DEVELOPMENT BANK. D E YES.1 NO..2 Input name KYAT 101 ORGANIC FERTILIZER (manure, compost, other organic fertilizer) 102 INORGANIC FERTILIZER 103 PESTICIDES, HERBICIDE, FUNGICIDE, INSECTICIDES AND OTHER AGRO-CHEMICALS 104 SEED 105 SEEDLINGS 106 ELECTRICITY 107 IRRIGATION 108 FUELS: FIREWOOD, PETROL, KEROSENE, DIESEL, OIL, COAL/BRIQUETTE, LPG, METHANE, NATURAL GAS 109 HIRE OF ASSETS,MACHINES,VEHICLES AND MECHANICAL WORK,HIRE OF TRANSPORT 110 HIRE OF PLOUGHING CATTLE 111 OTHER (specify)______________ 112 OTHER (specify)______________ 93 45 of 94 SECTION 10c: LABOR LIST ALL CROPS CULTIVATED IN THE SEASON THEY WERE PLANTED AS APPLICABLE, BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS ON EACH CROP, ROW BY ROW. INCLUDE PERMANENT AND TREE CROPS UNDER PREMANENT/TREE CROPS, AND ASK ABOUT LABOR FOR THESE CROPS IN PAST 12 MONTHS. 1 2 3 How many days did you utilize household labor for How many days did you hire adults / children (<15 years of age) How many days did you hire adults/ children (<15 [CROP] for any agricultural activity, such as land for planting [CROP]? years of age) for harvesting [CROP]? preparation, planting, weeding and fertilizing, harvesting and threshing? COUNT ANY EXCHANGE LABOUR What was the TOTAL amount paid for hired labour for planting What was the TOTAL amount paid for hired labour WITH NEIGHBOURS AS HOUSEHOLD LABOUR [CROP]? for harvesting [CROP]? S S E E IF NONE, PUT "0". IF NONE, WRITE "0" UNDER NUMBER OF DAYS AND IF NONE, WRITE "0" UNDER NUMBER OF DAYS A A LEAVE PAYMENT BLANK. AND LEAVE PAYMENT BLANK. S S ENUMERATOR: NUMBER OF DAYS IS TOTAL NUMBER O O N N OF PEOPLE DAYS WORKED. FOR EXAMPLE, IF 2 MEN ENUMERATOR: NUMBER OF DAYS IS THE TOTAL NUMBER WORKED FOR 4 DAYS EACH, PUT "8". OF PEOPLE DAYS WORKED. FOR EXAMPLE, IF 10 ADULTS WORKED FOR 3 DAYS EACH, PUT "30". C N O A D M E E HOUSEHOLD LABOR: ALL ACTIVITIES HIRED LABOR: PLANTING HIRED LABOR: HARVESTING MEN WOMEN CHILDREN ADULT CHILDREN TOTAL PAYMENT ADULT CHILDREN TOTAL PAYMENT NUMBER OF NUMBER OF NUMBER OF NUMBER OF Crop NUMBER OF DAYS NUMBER OF DAYS NUMBER OF DAYS KYAT KYAT DAYS DAYS DAYS DAYS Crop name code 1 DRY SEASON (MAR-MAY) 2 WET SEASON (JUN-OCT) 3 COOL SEASON (NOV-FEB) 4 TREE PERM./ CROPS 46 of 61 4 5 How many days did you hire adults/ children (<15 years of age) How many days did you hire adults / children (<15 years of age) for any other for threshing [CROP]? activities involving [CROP], such as land preparation, weeding, etc.? What was the TOTAL amount paid for hired labour for threshing What was the TOTAL amount paid for hired labour for these activities for [CROP]? [CROP]? S S E E IF NONE, WRITE "0" UNDER NUMBER OF DAYS AND LEAVE IF NONE, WRITE "0" UNDER NUMBER OF DAYS AND LEAVE PAYMENT A A PAYMENT BLANK. BLANK. S S O O ENUMERATOR: NUMBER OF DAYS IS THE TOTAL NUMBER OF PEOPLE N N DAYS WORKED. C N O A D M E E HIRED LABOR: OTHER ACTIVITIES (INCLUDING LAND PREPARATION, HIRED LABOR: THRESHING WEEDING, FERTILIZER, ETC.) ADULT CHILDREN TOTAL PAYMENT ADULT CHILDREN TOTAL PAYMENT Crop NUMBER OF DAYS NUMBER OF DAYS KYAT NUMBER OF DAYS NUMBER OF DAYS KYAT Crop name code 1 DRY SEASON (MAR-MAY) 2 WET SEASON (JUN-OCT) 3 COOL SEASON (NOV-FEB) 4 TREE PERM./ CROPS 95 96 SECTION 10d: HARVEST AND CROP DISPOSITION LIST ALL CROPS HARVESTED IN EACH SEASON, AS APPLICABLE, BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS ON EACH CROP, ROW BY ROW. WRITE PERMANENT AND TREE CROPS NEXT TO SEASON CODE "4" AND ASK ABOUT TOTAL HARVEST FROM THE LAST 12 MONTHS. 1 2 3 4 5 How much [CROP] How much of the What was How much of the How much of the OPTIONS FOR UNITS was harvested in total harvested [CROP] has the total harvested [CROP] has harvested [CROP] is GRAM.............1 S S during the [SEASON]? been sold up until now? value of been consumed as still in household's KILOGRAM.........2 E E [CROP] food by the household? storage? OUNCE............3 A A INCLUDE HARVEST IF NOTHING, RECORD sales? LITER............4 THAT WAS LATER ZERO FOR INCLUDE PRODUCT IF NOTHING, NUMBER...........5 S S PYI..............6 O O LOST OR GIVEN "QUANTITY" ESTIMATE THAT WAS RECORD ZERO KYATTHA..........7 N N AWAY THE VALUE CONSUMED AFTER FOR "QUANTITY" BOTTLE...........8 OF IN-KIND PROCESSING. IF TIKE.............9 C N REFER TO UNIT PAYMENTS. NOTHING, RECORD CONDENSED MILK O A CODES AT END OF ZERO FOR CAN.............10 D M SECTION. "QUANTITY" BASKET (16 PYI).11 E E 25 KG BAG.......12 50 KG BAG.......13 RICE BAG Crop (24 PYI)........14 Crop name code QUANTITY UNIT QUANTITY UNIT KYAT QUANTITY UNIT QUANTITY UNIT SMALL BUNDLE....15 BIG BUNDLE......16 OTHER (SPECIFY).17 1 DRY SEASON (MAR-MAY) 2 WET SEASON (JUN-OCT) 3 YEAR COOL SEASON (NOV-FEB) LAST CROP 4 TREE PERM./ CROPS 48 of SECTION 10e: LIVESTOCK YES.1 1. Have you or any member of your household owned any livestock during the last 12 months? NO..2 ►Section 10f Respondent's HH Member ID code: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 During the last 12 What are the household's major purposes How many How many Who owns If you How many During the last L months, have you or any for owning [LIVESTOCK]? [LIVESTOCK] of the [LIVESTOCK]? wanted to [LIVESTO 12 months, I member of your are owned by [LIVESTO sell one of CK] did how many V SALE OF ADULT ANIMALS.........1 household owned any SALE OF YOUNG ANIMALS.........2 your CK] are USE HH ROSTER the your [LIVESTOCK] E [LIVESTOCK]? household now improved/ ID FOR [LIVESTOCK household were born? SALE OF LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS....3 S FOOD FOR THE FAMILY...........4 (present at exotic? HOUSEHOLD ] today, how own T RECORD AN ANSWER COPE WITH UNEXPECTED EXPENSES.5 your farm or MEMBERS. much would exactly 12 IF NONE, O FOR EACH TYPE OF COPE WITH SEASONAL EXPENSES...6 away)? USE "99" FOR NON- you receive months RECORD C LIVESTOCK BEFORE DRAUGHT POWER.................7 HOUSEHOLD from the ago? ZERO. K GOING THROUGH THE MANURE........................8 IF NONE, MEMBERS. sale? TRANSPORT.....................9 ENTIRE MODULE FOR WEALTH STATUS................10 RECORD C EACH APPLICABLE ZERO AND SAVINGS......................11 O ROW, ONE ROW AT A WAGE.........................12 ►Q8 D TIME. REPRODUCTION.................13 E OTHER (SPECIFY)..............14 YES.1 Livestock type NO..2 1ST PURPOSE 2ND PURPOSE ID #1 ID #2 ID #3 KYAT 501 Buffaloes 502 Cattle: Cows (female who has had calf) 503 Calves (under 10 months old) 504 Bulls (male used for breeding) 505 Oxen (male or female trained for draft work (pulling)) 506 Heifers (young female, no calves) 507 Steers (male, castrated; used for beef) 508 Male Goats 509 Female Goats 510 Male Sheep 511 Female Sheep 512 Pigs 513 Donkeys, Mules 514 Horses 515 Dual-Purpose Chicken 516 Layers 517 Broilers 518 Ducks/ Other fowl 519 Rabbits 520 Other (Specify) _____ 49 of 61 97 98 SECTION 10e: LIVESTOCK (CONT.) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 During the last During the What was the During the last During the last During the What was During the During the last During the last 12 During the last 12 During the last 12 L 12 months, how last 12 total value of 12 months, how 12 months, how last 12 the total last 12 12 months, months, how much months, how much months, how much I many months, how [LIVESTOCK] many many months, value of months, how How many did your household did your household did your household V [LIVESTOCK] many purchases [LIVESTOCK] [LIVESTOCK] how many [LIVESTOCK] many [LIVESTOCK] spend in total on spend in total on spend in total on E did your [LIVESTOCK] during the last did your got lost or have you sales during [LIVESTOCK] were lost to hired labor for all animal feed for all medicine and S household did your 12 months? household give stolen? sold alive? the last 12 did your disease/ types of livestock livestock owned by vaccinations for all T receive as gifts household away as gifts or months? household injury? owned by your your household? livestock owned by O or payment for buy to raise? ESTIMATE payment for IF NONE, IF NONE, slaughter for household? your household? C services THE VALUE services RECORD RECORD ESTIMATE sales or THEN, ►NEXT EXCLUDE OWN- K rendered? IF NONE, OF IN-KIND received? ZERO. ZERO THE VALUE consumption? ROW. IF NONE, RECORD CROPS USED. IF NONE, RECORD RECORD PAYMENTS. AND OF IN-KIND IF LAST ROW, "0". IF NONE, RECORD "0". C INCLUDE ZERO AND IF NONE, ►Q17. PAYMENTS. IF NONE, ►Q19 "0". O THOSE FROM ►Q13 RECORD '0'. RECORD '0'. D NGOs. IF E NONE, RECORD '0'. KYAT KYAT KYAT KYAT KYAT 501 502 503 504 22. 23. 24. 505 During the last 12 During the last 12 How do you 506 months, how much months, how much dispose of your did your household did your household livestock's manure? 507 spend in total on spend in total on 508 other veterinary housing equipment, DUMP IN 509 services, such as feeding utensils or RIVER/LAKE.1 510 dipping, deworming, any other input for SPREAD ON 511 etc., for all livestock all types of livestock CROP AS owned by your owned by your FERTILIZER.2 512 household? household? SELL AS 513 FERTILIZER.3 DUMP ON 514 IF NONE, RECORD IF NONE, RECORD WASTE DUMP 515 "0". "0". SITE.......4 516 DO NOT DISPOSE....5 517 OTHER 518 KYAT KYAT 519 520 50 of 61 SECTION 10f: AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT Respondent: Head of household (if Household head is not available, find another responsible adult member of the household who can provide information on the household's assets.) Respondent's HH member ID code YES.1 ►Q3 1. ENUMERATOR: Has this household cultivated any crops or owned any livestock in the past 12 NO..2 months? 2. Has your household or any member done any forestry work in the past 12 months? YES.1 NO..2 ►Section 10g 3 4 5 Does any member of How many functioning If you co-own this your household own [ITEM]s does your [ITEM], with how (including ones rented household own or co- many households or to others) or have own with others businesses other than access to [ITEM]? (including ones rented yourself do you co- to others)? own? YES..1 IF NONE, PUT '0'. IF ENTIRELY NO...2 ► THEN, ►NEXT ITEM OWNED BY YOUR Item NEXT ITEM HOUSEHOLD, PUT '0' Code Description of Items Agricultural machinery equipment 10001 Tractor 10002 Tractor dishes (3/ 4 dishes) 10003 Tractor harrow (16/ 18 numbers) 10004 Tractor operated cultivator/intercultivator Tractor operated other implements 10005 (Specify_______________) 10006 Power tiller Other implementations operated by power 10007 tiller (Specify_______________) 10008 Diesel/ petrol engine for agriculture use 10009 Harvester (mechanical) 10010 Thresher (mechanical) 10011 Water pump ( mechanical) 10012 Sprayer (mechanical) Other motorized or mechanical implements 10013 (Specify___________) Hand equipment or animal-drawn equipment 10014 Animal pulled plough stalk 10015 Ploughshare 10016 Animal pulled harrow 10017 Animal pulled rotary harrow or pulverizer 10018 Animal pulled harvester/ thresher Other animal pulled implements 10019 (Specify_________________________) 10020 Sickle 10021 Mattock 10022 Hoe 10023 Hand thresher 10024 Fork 10025 Rake 10026 Hand water pump Other hand or animal agricultural 10027 equipment (Specify_____________) Forestry 10028 Equipment for forestry work 51 of 61 99 SECTION 10g: AQUACULTURE AND FISHERIES Respondent: Head of household (if Household head is not available, find another responsible adult member of the household who can provide information on the household's aquaculture or fisheries) Respondent's HH member ID code 1. Has your household or any member of your household engaged in aquaculture or fishing inYES.1 the past 12 months? NO..2 ►NEXT SECTION 2. Did your household or any member harvest any aquaculture products (for own YES.1 consumption or for sale) in the past 12 months? NO..2 ►Q7 3. What was the main aquaculture product your household harvested in the past 12 FISH............1 months? CRAB............2 SHRIMP..........3 POLYCULTURE.....4 OTHER (SPECIFY).5 4. How much money did your household earn in the last 12 months from selling aquaculture products? KYAT 5. What is the value of the aquaculture products you harvested that was consumed by the members of your household, during the past 12 months? KYAT 6. What is the value of the aquaculture products you harvested that was given away to others for free, during the past 12 months? KYAT 7. Did your household or any member capture any fish (for own consumption or for sale) in the YES.1 past 12 months? NO..2 ►Q20 YES.1 8. Do you use a boat for fishing? 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. What is the Does your How many other Do you have a If you were to length in feet of household own (or households share motor on this sell this boat this boat used co-own) this boat? ownership of this boat? (with motor if BOAT NUMBER for fishing boat? applicable) (either rented, today, how much BOAT USED FOR FISHING (IF used for free or would you get for MORE THAN 6 BOATS LIST THE owned)? YES.1 WRITE ZERO IF it? YES.1 MOST VALUABLE) NO..2 ►NEXT NONE NO..2 BOAT Description FEET NUMBER KYAT 1 BOAT #1 2 BOAT #2 3 BOAT #3 4 BOAT #4 5 BOAT #5 6 BOAT #6 14. In 2014, which months were good (high) fishing months, which were low fishing months, and which GOOD (HIGH)...1 months did you not fish? LOW...........2 IF CANNOT DISTINGUISH BETWEEN HIGH AND LOW, MARK AS HIGH DID NOT FISH..3 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC 100 2/18/2015 MPLCS- HH Questionnaire- FINAL.xlsx 15. What was the main type of targeted fish your household captured in the past 12 months? 16. What was the main type of by-catch fish your household captured in the past 12 months? GIANT SEA PERCH........1 YELLOW PIKE-CONGER......12 SHARP-NOSED STING RAY..2 BOMBAY DUCK.............13 WALKING CATFISH........3 HILSA...................14 DWARF CATFISH..........4 LOBSTER.................15 CHACUNDA GIZZARD SHAD..5 WHITE SHRIMP............16 HAIR TAIL..............6 OCTOPUS.................17 INDIAN ANCHOVY.........7 CLAM....................18 TILAPIA................8 SQUID...................19 GOBY...................9 SILVER POMFRET..........20 TONGUE SOLE...........10 OTHER (SPECIFY).........21 CROAKER...............11 17. How much money did your household earn in the last 12 months from selling fish you caught? KYAT 18. What's the value of the fish you caught that was consumed by the members of your household, during the past 12 months? KYAT 19. What's the value of the fish you caught that was given away to others for free, during the past 12 months? KYAT 20. 21. 22. Does your How many does If you were to sell all ASSET CODE household own your household this [ASSET] today, any [ASSET]? own? how much would you get for it? YES.1 NO..2 ►NEXT Asset Description ROW NUMBER KYAT 1 TANKS 2 CAGES 3 NETS 4 TRAPS 5 FISHING GEAR 6 OTHER (SPECIFY_______) 7 OTHER (SPECIFY_______) 23. EXPENSE CODE How much did you spend on the following items during the past 12 months? WRITE ZERO IF NOTHING TYPE OF EXPENDITURE KYAT 1 Hired labour (cash plus in-kind) 2 Refrigeration facility 3 Repair and maintenance of nets and traps 3 Repair and maintenance of tanks and cages 4 Boat fuel and repair and maintenance of boat 5 Boat rent (cash) Transportation of fish or aquaculture products to market 6 7 Fishing licenses 8 Services (technical assistance) received 9 OTHER (SPECIFY___) 101 2/18/2015 MPLCS- HH Questionnaire- FINAL.xlsx 102 SECTION 11a: LOANS/CREDIT YES.1 1. Has any member of the household received a loan in the last 12 months? NO..2 ►SECTION 11B READ THE FOLLOWING TO EACH RESPONDENT: "Now I would like to ask you some questions about each loan you have received in the last 12 months." 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Who in the Who is What was the main For which non- For which purpose did What was the source of How much When was this Was this loan What was the length household providing reason for borrowing farm business was your household this loan? was was loan received for a fixed of the loan? received information this loan? this loan received? receive this loan for a received in (even if already term, or not a this loan? on this non-farm business? MYANMAR cash (or in- repaid)? fixed length loan? WRITE AGRICULTURAL kind) for this of time? CORRESPONDIN PURCHASE DEVELOPMENT BANK.1 loan? INPUT.........1 OTHER GOV. BANK..2 L AGRICULTURE.1 ►Q7 GNONFARM BUSINESS ID PURCHASE EVER-GREEN ESTIMATE NON-FARM O EQUIPMENT/ VILLAGE FUND.....3 BUSINESS....2 FROM SECTION VALUE OF A MACHINERY.....2 PRIVATE BANK.....4 HEALTH......3 ►Q7 9b. IN-KIND N EDUCATION...4 ►Q7 PURCHASE LAND.3 LOCAL CREDIT CODES FOR PERIOD PURCHASE/REPAIR UNIONS/NGOS/ FIXED HOUSE DAY.........1 BUILDINGS.....4 MICROFINANCE.....5 TERM.....1 I MORTGAGE....5 ►Q7 NOT FIXED MONTH.......2 RENTING LAND..5 INTERNATIONAL YEAR........3 D HOME RENTING ORGANIZATION.....6 LENGTH...2 IMPROVEMENT.6 ►Q7 OTHER BUILDING......6 RELATIVES/ ►Q14 DURABLE (SPECIFY)...4 INVENTORY FRIENDS..........7 GOOD........7 ►Q7 CAPITAL.......7 PAWN SHOP/ GOLD FOOD HH HH OPERATING SHOP.............8 CONSUMPTION.8 ►Q7 CAPITAL.......8 MONEY ROSTER ROSTER OTHER NON-FARM OTHER LENDER...........9 ID ID BUSINESS ID KYAT MONTH YEAR NUMBER PERIOD (SPECIFY).....9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 54 of SECTION 11a: FINANCE (CONT.) 12 13 14 15 16 17 What is the payment schedule for this loan? How much is Was any What is the amount paid in Was any How much of the needed to repay this interest interest, and how often, for collateral original loan amount IF FINAL PAYMENT IS NOT THE SAME AS THE OTHER PAYMENTS, loan in total? charged on the loan? given when has been repaid up FILL IN FINAL PAYMENT AMOUNT IN THE LAST COLUMN. this loan? taking this until now? loan? (gold, PERIOD IF THERE WAS ONLY ONE PAYMENT ON THE LOAN, WRITE IT IN DAILY...........1 valuable item, THE COLUMN OF FINAL PAYMENTAMOUNT AND LEAVE THE OTHER WEEKLY..........2 land deed, THEN, L COLUMNS BLANK. EVERY 15 DAYS...3 etc.) ►NEXT LOAN. O MONTHLY.........4 A PERIOD EVERY 4 MONTHS..5 IF LAST LOAN, N DAILY..........1 YES....1 EVERY 6 MONTHS..6 ►SECTION 11B. WEEKLY.........2 ANNUAL (YEAR)...7 YES....1 NO.....2 I EVERY 15 DAYS..3 ONE TIME-ALL NO.....2 ►Q16 D MONTHLY........4 AT ONCE.........8 EVERY 6 MONTHS.5 OTHER (SPECIFY).9 OTHER (SPECIFY)......6 REGULAR # OF REGULAR PAYMENT FINAL PAYMENT THEN, ►Q16 AMOUNT PAYMENTS PERIOD AMOUNT (KYAT) AMOUNT (KYAT) (KYAT) PERIOD KYAT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 103 104 SECTION 11b. FINANCIAL INCLUSION [IDEALLY ASK OF A RANDOMLY CHOSEN ADULT MEMBER OF THE HOUSEHOLD; IF NOT POSSIBLE ASK OF HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD] Respondent's HH Member ID code: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Do you personally, either by An ATM card is a A debit card is a Is this debit card In the last 12 months, In the last 12 months, has In a typical month, about how In the last 12 months, has money yourself or together with card that allows card that allows connected to an account have you personally money been deposited into many times is money deposited been taken out of your personal someone else, currently have you to withdraw you to make with your name on it? used your debit card your personal account(s)? into your personal account(s)? account(s)? an account at a bank, credit cash from your payments, get to DIRECTLY make a union, or microfinance account at an money, or buy purchase? THIS INCLUDES CASH OR THIS INCLUDES CASH OR THIS INCLUDES CASH instiution? ATM machine. Do things, and the ELECTRONIC DEPOSITS, ELECTRONIC DEPOSITS, OR WITHDRAWALS IN PERSON OR you have an ATM money is taken OR ANY TIME MONEY IS ANY TIME MONEY IS PUT INTO USING AN ATM CARD, AN ACCOUNT CAN BE USED card? out of your bank PUT INTO THE ACCOUNT YOUR ACCOUNT(S) BY ELECTRONIC PAYMENTS OR TO SAVE MONEY, TO MAKE account right BY YOURSELF, AN YOURSELF OR OTHERS. PURCHASES, CHECKS OR ANY OR RECEIVE PAYMENTS, OR away. Do you EMPLOYER, OR OTHER TIME MONEY IS TO RECEIVE WAGES AND have a debit card? ANOTHER PERSON. REMOVED BY YOUR OR REMITTANCES. ANOTHER PERSON OR 1-2 TIMES.............1 INSTITUTION. YES....1 YES..1 3 OR MORE.............2 YES..1 YES....1 YES....1 YES..1 NO...2 MONEY IS NOT DEPOSITED YES..1 NO...2 ►Q12 NO.....2 NO.....2 NO.....2 NO...2 ►Q6 ►Q8 IN A TYPICAL MONTH....3 NO...2 ►Q10 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. In a typical month, about how How do you How do you Why do you, personally, not have an account at In the past 12 In the past In the past 12 In the past 12 In the past 12 In the last 12 many times is money taken out usually get cash usually put cash\ a bank, credit union, microfinance institution, or months, have 12 months, months, have months have you, months, have months, have of your personal account(s)? from your into your other financial institution? you saved or have you you saved or personally, saved you saved or set you, personally, account(s)? account(s)? READ ALL OPTIONS. LIST UP TO TWO. set aside any saved or set set aside any or set aside any aside money saved or set THIS INCLUDES CASH money to aside any money for money by using using an informal aside any WITHDRAWALS, ELEC. AT AN ATM..1 AT AN ATM..1 THEY ARE TOO FAR..............1 start, money for education or an account at a savings club money for any PAYMENTS OR PURCHASES, OVER COUNTER OVER COUNTER THEY ARE TOO EXPENSIVE........2 operate, or old age? school fees? bank, credit (such as reason? AT BANK....2 AT BANK....2 DON'T HAVE NECESSARY DOCS.....3 CHECKS, OR ANY OTHER grow a union, community OTHER BANK COMES DON'T TRUST THEM..............4 TIME MONEY IS REMOVED TO WORK....3 NOT ENOUGH MONEY TO USE THEM..5 business or microfinance insurance (SPECIFY)..3 FROM YOUR ACCOUNT(S) BY DO NOT OTHER RELIGIOUS REASONS.............6 farm? institution, or any system) or a YOURSELF OR OTHERS. WITHDRAW (SPECIFY)..4 ANOTHER HH MEMBER HAS ACCOUNT.7 other financial person outside CASH.......4 DO NOT CANNOT GET AN ACCOUNT.........8 institution? the family? WITHDRAW NO NEED FOR FINANCIAL SERVICES 1-2 TIMES.............1 CASH.......5 AT A FORMAL INSTITUTION.......9 3 OR MORE.............2 YES..1 YES..1 OTHER (SPECIFY)..............10 YES..1 MONEY IS NOT WITHDRAWN NO...2 NO...2 YES..1 NO...2 YES..1 YES..1 IN A TYPICAL MONTH....3 THEN, ►Q13 REASON #1 REASON #2 NO...2 NO...2 NO...2 56 of 61 SECTION 12a: FOOD SECURITY & SUBJECTIVE ASSESSMENT OF WELL-BEING [RESPONDENT SHOULD BE SAME AS IN 11b] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. During the last 12 During the last 12 During the last 12 During the last 12 During the last During the last 12 During the last 12 ENUMERATOR: During the last 12 During the last 12 MONTHS, was there MONTHS, was MONTHS, was MONTHS, was 12 MONTHS, MONTHS, was MONTHS, was DOES THIS MONTHS, was MONTHS, was there a time when you there a time there a time there a time was there a time there a time when there a time HOUSEHOLD there a time when a time when any of were unable to eat when you ate when you had to when you ate when your you were hungry when you went HAVE ANY any of the children the children younger healthy and nutritious only a few kinds skip a meal less than you household ran but did not eat without eating for MEMBERS younger than 5 than 5 years old were food because of a of foods because because there thought you out of food because there was a whole day LESS THAN 5 years old did not eat hungry but did not eat lack of money or of a lack of was not enough should because because of a not enough money because of a lack YEARS OLD? healthy and because there was other resources? money or other money or other of a lack of lack of money or or other resources of money or other nutritious food not enough money or resources? resources to get money or other other resources? for food? resources? because of a lack of other resources for food? resources? money or other food? resources? YES.......1 YES.......1 YES........1 YES........1 YES........1 YES........1 YES........1 YES...1 YES.......1 YES........1 NO........2 NO........2 NO.........2 NO.........2 NO.........2 NO.........2 NO.........2 NO....2 ►Q11 NO........2 NO.........2 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Concerning your Concerning your Concerning your Concerning the Imagine six steps, where on the bottom, the first step, 6- household's food housing, which of household's standard of stand the poorest people, and on the highest step, the rich consumption over the the following is clothing, which of health care you sixth step, stand the rich. past one month, true? the following is receive for 5 which of the following true? household SHOW THE PICTURE OF THE STEPS ON THE RIGHT. is true? members, which of the following is true? 4 IT WAS LESS THAN ADEQUATE FOR HOUSEHOLD NEEDS. 1 3 IT WAS JUST ADEQUATE FOR HOUSEHOLD NEEDS.. . . 2 IT WAS MORE THAN ADEQUATE FOR HOUSEHOLD NEEDS. 3 On which step On which step are On which step DO NOT KNOW (MAID/ SERVANT/ NON-FAMILY MEMBER).4 are you today? most of your are most of your neighbors today? friends today? 2 (NOTE THAT 'ADEQUATE' MEANS NO MORE OR NO LESS THAN WHAT THE RESPONDENT CONSIDERS TO BE THE MINIMUM CONSUMPTION NEEDS OF THE HOUSEHOLD.) 1 - poor 105 57 of 106 SECTION 12b: SOCIAL PROTECTION [RESPONDENT: Household head or most knowlegable person] 1. 2. 3. Has any member of this How many In the last 12 household received Old household months, what was Age Pension benefits in members the total amount of the last 12 months? (THIS received Old Old Age Pension INCLUDES CIVIL Age Pension benefits received SERVANT PENSION benefits in the by all household SCHEME, MILITARY last 12 months? members, per PENSION SCHEME, OR month ? POLITICAL PENSION SCHEME) YES...1 NO....2 ►Q4 NUMBER KYAT/MONTH 4 5. 6 7 R E In the last 12 Did your household receive aid for [REASON] How much has your What is the value of all A months, has from the government, an NGO/ foundation, or a household received in cash in-kind assistance S anyone in your religious institution in the last 12 months? for [REASON] in the last 12 received for [REASON] O household received months from governemnt, in the last 12 months? N cash or in-kind NGO and religious IF NO AID WAS support for YES...1 institutions? GIVEN IN-KIND, C [REASON]? NO....2 IF NO AID WAS GIVEN IN WRITE '0'. O CASH, WRITE '0'. YES..1 D NO...2 NGO/ RELIGIOUS E ►NEXT ITEM GOVERNMENT KYAT KYAT REASON FOR ASSISTANCE FOUNDATION INSTITUTION 1 The education of children 2 Health care or health problems 3 Due to flood/ drought/ other weather related event 4 (Government): War invalids, families of fallen combatants, and individuals/ families with revolutionary merits 5 Other reasons (specify):__________________________ 5 SECTION 13: SHOCKS & COPING STRATEGIES [ASK OF HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD] 1 2 3 During the Rank the What did your household do in response to this [SHOCK] last 12 three most to try to regain your former level of well-being? S months, was significant H your shocks ENUMERATOR: THIS QUESTION SHOULD ONLY BE O household [NAME] ANSWERED FOR THE THREE MOST SEVERE C affected experienced SHOCKS IDENTIFIED IN Q2. K negatively by MOST [SHOCK]? SEVERE (1) FOR EACH OF THE THREE MOST SEVERE SHOCKS C SECOND LIST UP TO 2 ANSWERS BY ORDER OF O MOST IMPORTANCE. IF MORE THAN ONCE IN LAST 12 D YES..1 SEVERE(2), MONTHS, ASK ABOUT MOST RECENT INCIDENT. USE E NO...2 THIRD (3). CODES BELOW. ►NEXT SHOCK SHOCK 1ST 2ND 101 Drought 102 Irregular Rains 103 Floods 104 Landslides 105 Earthquakes 106 Forest fires 107 Confiscation of land 108 Unusually High Level of Crop Pests or Disease 109 Unusually High Level of Livestock Disease 110 Unusually Low Prices for Agricultural Output 111 Unusually High Costs of Agricultural Inputs 112 Unusually High Prices for Food 113 End of Regular aid/remittances from outside household 114 Reduction in government assistance/aid Reduction in earnings from/failure of non-agricultural 115 household business (Not due to Illness/accident) Reduction in earnings/loss of employment of Household 116 Member(s) (Not due to Illness/accident) 117 Serious Ilness o/Accident of Household Member(s) 118 Death of Income Earner(s) 119 Death of Other Household Member(s) 120 Break-Up of Household 121 Theft of Money/Valuables/Assets/Agricultural Output 122 Physical assault 123 Impacted by military/rebel activity/violence 124 Other (Specify) CODES FOR Q3 RELIED ON OWN-SAVINGS.................................1 SOLD DURABLE ASSETS....................14 RECEIVED UNCONDITIONAL HELP FROM RELATIVES/FRIENDS....2 SOLD LAND/BUILDING.....................15 RECEIVED UNCONDITIONAL HELP FROM GOVERNMENT..........3 SOLD CROP STOCK........................16 RECEIVED UNCONDITIONAL HELP FROM NGO/RELIGIOUS SOLD LIVESTOCK.........................17 INSTITUTION...........................................4 INTENSIFY FISHING......................18 CHANGED EATING PATTERNS (RELIED ON LESS PREFERRED FOOD SENT CHILDREN TO LIVE ELSEWHERE........19 OPTIONS, REDUCED PROPORTION OR NUMBER OF MEALS/DAY, OR TOOK CHILD OUT OF SCHOOL...............20 HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS SKIPPED DAYS OF EATING, ETC.).......5 ENGAGED IN SPIRITUAL EFFORTS - PRAYER, EMPLOYED HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS TOOK ON MORE EMPLOYMENT....6 SACRIFICES, DIVINER CONSULTATIONS......21 ADULT HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS WHO WERE PREVIOUSLY NOT DID NOT DO ANYTHING....................22 WORKING HAD TO FIND WORK/START WORKING................7 OTHER (SPECIFY)........................23 NON-ADULT (UNDER 15 YEARS) WHO WERE NOT PREVIOUSLY WORKING HAD TO WORK...................................8 ASK FOR REMITTANCES FROM THOSE OUTSIDE THE HOUSEHOLD..9 HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS MIGRATED...........................10 REDUCED EXPENDITURES ON HEALTH AND/OR EDUCATION......11 OBTAINED CREDIT......................................12 SOLD AGRICULTURAL ASSETS.............................13 59 of 61 107 CROP CROP CROP CROP CODE NAME CODE NAME 101 Paddy 317 Peboke(Soy bean) 102 Wheat 401 Chillies 103 Maize 402 Onion 104 Millet 403 Garlic 201 Groundnut(Rain) 501 Tobacco(Virginia) 202 Groundnut(Winter) 502 Tobacco(Myanmar) 203 Sesame(Early) 503 Betel nut 204 Sesame(Late) 504 Betel leaves 205 Mustard 601 Tea 301 Matpe(Black gram) 602 Coffee 302 Pedisein(Green gram) 603 Sugarcane 303 Butter bean 604 Toddy Palm 304 Bocate(Cow pea) 701 Potato 305 Sultani 702 Vegetables 306 Sultapya 703 Fruits 307 Pelun 801 Cotton(Wagyi) 308 Pesigon(Pigeon pea) 802 Cotton(Mahlaing 5/6) 309 Peyin(Rice bean) 803 Cotton(Long Staple) 310 Pebyugale(Duffin bean) 804 Jute 311 Pegyi(Lablab bean) 901 Rubber 312 Pegya(Lima bean) 902 Coconut 313 Sadawpe(Garden pea) 903 Plants(Medicinal) 314 Peyazar(Lentil bean) 904 Thanatphet 315 Penauk(Krishna mung) 905 Dhani 316 Gram(Chick pea) 906 Flowers 108 60 of 6 Occupation Codes (code) (Occupation title) Managers Armed Forces Occupations 11 Chief executives, Senior Officials, and Legislators 01 Commissioned Armed Forces Officers 12 Administrative and Commercial Managers 02 Non-commissioned Armed Forces Officers 13 Production and Specialized Services Managers 03 Armed Forces Occupations, Other Ranks 14 Hospitality, Retail and Other Services Managers Elementary Occupations Professionals 91 Cleaners and Helpers 21 Science and Engineering Professionals 92 Agricultural, Forestry, and Fishery Labourers 22 Health Professionals 93 Labourers in Mining, Construction, Manufacturing, and Transport 23 Teaching Professionals 94 Food Preparation Assistants 24 Business and Administration Professionals 95 Street and Related Sales and Services Workers 25 Information and Communications Technology Professionals 96 Refuse Workers and Other Elementary Workers 26 Legal, Social and Cultural Professionals Technicians and Associate Professionals 31 Science and Engineering Associate Professionals 32 Health Associate Professionals 33 Business and Administration Associate Professionals 34 Legal, Social, Cultural, and Relates Associate Professionals 35 Information and Communications Technicians Clerical Support Workers 41 General and Keyboard Clerks 42 Customer Services Clerks 43 Numerical and Material Recording Clerks 44 Other Clerical Support Workers Services and Sales Workers 51 Personal Services Workers 52 Sales Workers 53 Personal Care Workers 54 Protective Services Workers Skilled Agricultural, Forestry, and Fishery Workers 61 Market-oriented Skilled Agricultural Workers 62 Market-oriented Skilled Forestry, Fishery and Hunting Workers 63 Subsistence Farmers, Fishers, Hunters and Gatherers Craft and Related Trades Workers 71 Building and Related Trades Workers (excluding Electricians) 72 Metal, Machinery and Related Trades Workers 73 Handicraft and Printing Workers 74 Electrical and Electronic Trades Workers 75 Food Processing, Woodworking, Garment and Other Craft and Related Trades Workers Plant and Machine Operators and Assemblers 81 Stationary Plant and Machine Operators 82 Assemblers 83 Drivers and Mobile Plant Operators 61 of 61 109 110 Appendix II Community questionnaire MYANMAR POVERTY AND LIVING CONDITIONS SURVEY 2014/2015 1 2 3 4 5 6 State/division District Township Ward/village tract Urban/rural Ward segment/village URBAN...1 RURAL...2 7a. Field Supervisor name: 7b. Field Supervisor ID CODE 8a. District/Town supervisor name: 8b. District/Town ID CODE FIRST INTERVIEW 9. DATE OF FIRST INTERVIEW: / / [DATE / MONTH / YEAR] 10. TIME FIRST INTERVIEW STARTED : 11. TIME FIRST INTERVIEW ENDED : 12. INTERVIEW COMPLETED? YES..1 ►Q20 NO....2 SECOND INTERVIEW 13. DATE OF SECOND INTERVIEW VISIT: / / [DATE / MONTH / YEAR] MODULES 14. TIME SECOND INTERVIEW STARTED : 1a. ROSTER OF INFORMANTS 15. TIME SECOND INTERVIEW ENDED : 1b. VILLAGE PROFILE 2. ACCESS 16. INTERVIEW COMPLETED? YES..1 ►Q20 NO....2 3. ECONOMIC ACTIVITY THIRD INTERVIEW 4. EDUCATION & HEALTH 17. DATE OF THIRD INTERVIEW VISIT: 5. COMMUNAL ORGANIZATION / / [DATE / MONTH / YEAR] 6. AGRICULTURAL INPUTS 18. TIME THIRD INTERVIEW STARTED : 7. COMMUNAL RESOURCES 19. TIME THIRD INTERVIEW ENDED : 20. Language used for interview: MYANMAR POVERTY AND LIVING CONDITIONS SURVEY 2014/2015 COMMUNITY QUESTIONNAIRE Read the following to the respondent: Good morning/afternoon, my name is __________________, I am a supervisor for the Myanmar Poverty and Living Conditions Survey 2014/2015, which is currently being conducted in all of Myanmar as part of a collaboration between the World Bank and Myanmar's Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development. The objective of this survey is to gain a better understanding of living conditions in the country. For that purpose, your ward/village was randomly selected to be included in this survey, one of hundreds of wards/villages that are being interviewed in all regions of the country. This community questionnaire is being administered to complement a household survey that is being conducted at the same time. Your personal responses will not be disclosed and, after all questionnaires are processed by the computer, they will be used for summary purposes only. I would appreciate if you (the key informants) participated in this survey, answering a group of questions on different topics I want to thank you in advance for your participation in this survey. Please answer all questions to the best of your ability. However, if at any time you think someone else has a better knowledge of a particular subject, please let me know and direct me to him/her. 111 112 SECTION 1A: ROSTER OF KEY INFORMANTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ENUMERATOR: MAKE A COMPLETE LIST ENUMERATOR: How old are you? What is your For how many What is the highest What language do you OF ALL INDIVIDUALS WHO ARE PART OF RECORD SEX title/position? years have educational qualification speak at home? K THE GROUP OF INFORMANTS FOR THE you lived in attained? E COMMUNITY QUESTIONNAIRE. this KACHIN........1 Y community? NONE.............0 KAYAH.........2 WARD/VILLARD GRADE 1..........1 AUTHORITY....1 GRADES 2-11...2-11 KAYIN.........3 I COLLEGE.........12 CHIN..........4 GOV'T N VOCATIONAL MON...........5 OFFICER..2 F OTHER GOV'T TRAINING........13 MYANMAR.......6 O STAFF........3 UNDERGRADUATE RAKINE........7 R NGO DIPLOMA.........14 SHAN..........8 OTHER M MEMBER.....4 GRADUATE........15 POSTGRADUATE INDIGENOUS....9 A COMMUNITY CHINESE......10 N ELDER........5 DIPLOMA.........16 GENERAL MASTERS DEGREE..17 ARABIC.......11 T PHD.............18 HINDI/OTHER PUBLIC......6 MALE.....1 MONASTIC/RELIGIOUS INDIAN.......12 OTHER I FEMALE...2 (SPECIFY)...... SCHOOL......... 19 OTHER FOREIGN D YEARS YEARS OTHER (SPECIFY).20 LANGUAGE.....13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SECTION 1b. VILLAGE PROFILE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 How many What are the main languages spoken by the What is the What are the most common How many Which term best What is the type of main Do vehicles During the past During the households residents? land area of uses of land in this village/ward? acres of describes the access road surface in thispass on the 12 months, past 12 are in this this RECORD UP TO 2 land area in topography of this village/ward? main road in how many months, how village/ LIST UP TO THREE. village/ward? RESPONSES. this village/ village/ward? READ RESPONSES. IF THERE this months was many months ward? ward are IS NO ROAD, REPORT ON ROAD village/ward the main road was the road HOUSING WITH NO being used THAT PASSES CLOSEST TO throughout passable by a passable by a KACHIN........1 OTHER SQUATTER.............1 for VILLAGE/WARD (at most 3 the year? mini-bus? delivery lorry? KAYAH.........2 INDIGENOUS....9 COASTAL miles far away from the HOUSING WITH SQUATTER agriculture? PLAINS......1 KAYIN.........3 CHINESE......10 SETTLEMENT...........2 (Actual village) CHIN..........4 ARABIC.......11 FARMING..............3 INLAND MON...........5 HINDI/OTHER FORESTRY/FISH Cultivated PLAINS......2 MYANMAR.......6 INDIAN.......12 POND/PRAWN POND......4 Acres) HILLS.......3 MOUNTAINS...4 BITUMINOUS/ RAKINE........7 OTHER FOREIGN MINING/INDUSTRIAL CONCRETE........1 YES...1 SHAN..........8 LANGUAGE.....13 ENTERPRISES..........5 PLATEAU.....5 GRAVEL..........2 ►Q11 SHOPS/BUSINESSES.....6 DELTA.......6 LITERITE/BRICK..3 NO....2 OTHER (SPECIFY)......7 VALLEY......7 OTHER DIRT............4 NUMBER SQUARE (SPECIFY)...8 WATER ROUTE.....5 OF HHs MOST 2ND 3RD MILES 1ST 2ND ACRES OTHER (SPECIFY).6 MONTHS MONTHS 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Is motorized How frequently Are boats an During the Is there What is the main What is the most common What is the most Does this village/ward In the last On the days In the last 12 public is this public important last 12 piped water source of water method of disposing waste common method of have a public month, what that electricity months, did transport transport means of months, for that flows for this piped water in this village/ward? disposing garbage in this communal electricity was the has been the available to available? transport in how many into this water? village/ward? supply for households? average supplied in the performance take people this months village/ price/kWh last 7 days, of this from this community? could boats ward? SPRING......1 FOR EXAMPLE, ARE for the how many communal PICKED UP BY village/ward travel on the POOL/POND CONNECTION TO GARBAGE COLELCTION HOUSEHOLDS IN electricity hours on source of to other main /LAKE.......2 SEWAGE SYSTEM....1 SERVICE.........1 THIS VILLAGE from this average was electricity vary towns or MORE THAN waterway? RIVER/ DRAINAGE DITCH BURNT...........2 CONNECTED TO communal electricity across regions? (FLOWING)........2 SAME ELECTRICITY available out of seasons? ONCE/DAY...1 STREAM......3 THROWN TO RIVER.3 supply? RAINWATER...4 DRAINAGE DITCH ONCE/DAY...2 YES...1 YES...1 (STAGNANT).......3 DUMPED TO GRID? 24 hours? 2-3 TIMES/ NO....2 GROUNDWATER.5 YARD/GARDEN.....4 NO....2 OTHER PONDS............4 YES...1 WEEK.......3 ►Q17 BURIED..........5 YES...1 ►Q15 (SPECIFY)...6 RIVERS...........5 NO....2 WEEKLY.....4 OTHER (SPECIFY).6 NO....2 ►Q13 DON'T KNOW THROWN BY HOUSE..6 YES...1 ►Q25 LESS THAN ONCE/WEEK..5 MONTHS SOURCE......7 OTHER (SPECIFY)..7 NO....2 ►Q25 KYAT HOURS 4 of 16 113 114 23 24 25 26 27 In the last 12 months, During the Is there any What portion of If someone would like to rent [HOUSE TYPE] in your village, how much would the household have to pay for rent per when was the most worst season form of this village/ward month? difficult period for [FROM Q23], street is covered by electricity performance how many lighting in street lighting? RECORD ANSWER IN KYAT/MONTH. in your village/ward? hours on this Indicate start and end average was village/ward? RECORD "999" IF NO SUCH DWELLING TYPE IN COMMUNITY. (No need to ask in the villages) month. electricity available out CODES FOR MONTH of 24 hours? <25%....1 JAN.....1 JUL...7 25-49%..2 FEB.....2 AUG...8 YES...1 50-74%..3 MAR.....3 SEP...9 NO....2 75-99...4 APR.....4 OCT..10 ►Q27 100%....5 MAY.....5 NOV..11 CONDO/ SEMI-PACCA HUT W/ POST HUT W/ POST JUN.....6 DEC..12 APARTMENT/FLAT BRICK HOUSE HOUSE WOODEN HOUSE LIFE 2-3 YRS. LIFE 1 YR. START END MONTH MONTH HOURS MIN. MAX MIN. MAX MIN. MAX MIN. MAX MIN. MAX MIN. MAX 5 of 16 SECTION 2. ACCESS 1 2 3 4 5 6 Is there a What is Is it possible to How often is What is the most How long does it [PLACE] in the travel from the public common mode of take to travel this distance village/ward transportation transport to travel from village/ward village/ward? to the center to available for travel from the center to nearest [PLACE] using to [PLACE]? village/ward to [PLACE] using [PLACE]? public transport? [PLACE]? [TRANSPORT FROM Q5]? MORE THAN BUS/MINIBUS.1 ONCE/DAY.1 TAXI........2 ONCE/DAY...2 CART DRAWN BY 2-3 TIMES/ ANIMAL......3 WEEK.......3 BOAT........4 YES..1 YES..1 WEEKLY.....4 TRAIN.......6 ►NEXT ROW NO...2 ►Q5 WALKING.....7 NO...2 LESS THAN ONCE/WEEK..5 OTHER Place MOTORCYCLE..8 code Description of place MILES HOURS MINS Administrative Township 2001 (services) 2002 Railway station 2003 City/ Town Bus stand 2004 Intercity Bus terminal 2005 Jetty/ port 2006 Local market 2007 Regional market 2008 Grocery/general store 2009 Post office 2010 Place to use a telephone Place to access internet 2011 connection 2012 Police station 2013 Fire brigade 2014 Petrol station 2015 Public library 2016 Private bank 2017 Money lender 2018 Pawn shop 2019 Microfinance organization 2020 Private clinic 2021 Social security hospital 2022 Rural Health Center 2023 Sub Rural Health Center 2024 District clinic/hospital 2025 Pharmacy/ Drug store 2026 Nursery school 2027 Primary school 2028 Middle schol 2029 High school 2030 Private tutors 2031 Monastic school 2032 Monastery 2033 Pagoda Other religious building 2034 (specify) 2035 Factory 2036 Mechanic 2037 Store with repair parts 6 of 16 115 SECTION 3. ECONOMIC ACTIVITY 1 What is the average base wage of a worker in this community in the following occupations? RECORD EITHER DAILY OR MONTHLY WAGE, DEPENDING ON MOST COMMON FORM OF PAYMENT FOR EACH OCCUPATION. IF LABOR TYPE IS NOT APPLICABLE TO VILLAGE/WARD, PUT "98". IF LABOR TYPE IS NOT APPLICABLE FOR A CERTAIN TYPE OF WORKER (FOR DAILY (KYAT) MONTHLY (KYAT) Labor ADULT ADULT CHILDREN ADULT ADULT CHILDREN code Description of labor type MALE FEMALE <15 YRS. MALE FEMALE <15 YRS. Agriculture 3101 Land preparation Planting related (from sowing workers to transplanting) related workers adding fertilizer and pesticide related 3102 Weeding, 3103 workers 3104 Harvesting related workers Livestock and fishery 3105 No skill/casual 3106 Semi-skilled 3107 Skilled Construction 3108 No skill/casual 3109 Semi-skilled 3110 Skilled Factory 3111 No skill/casual 3112 Semi-skilled 3113 Skilled Shop/business 3114 No skill/casual 3115 Semi-skilled 3116 Skilled Transport 3117 No skill/casual 3118 Semi-skilled 3119 Skilled Other (specify):_______ 3120 No skill/casual 3121 Semi-skilled 3122 Skilled 2 3 F List the names of the five factories that employ the What type of manufacturing industry is [FACTORY] involved in? A largest number of village/ward residents. C FOOD AND BEVERAGES..........1 MINERAL AND PETROLEUM T LIST ALL FACTORIES FIRST, BEFORE MOVING CLOTHING & WEARING APPAREL..2 PRODUCTS..................8 O CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS......3 AGRICULTURAL EQUIPMENT....9 TO Q3. R PERSONAL GOODS..............4 NON-AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY AND Y HOUSEHOLD GOODS & SERVICES..5 EQUIPMENT............10 PRINTING AND PUBLISHING.....6 TRANSPORT VEHICLES.......11 I RAW MATERIAL FOR INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICAL GOODS.........12 D USE.........................7 OTHER (SPECIFY)..........13 3201 3202 3203 3204 3205 7 of 16 116 4 What is the most important way that residents of this community typically save? LIST UP TO THREE IN ORDER OF IMPORTANCE. GOLD/JEWELRY.......1 BANK - CURRENT ......9 LAND...............2 SAVING CERTIFICATE..10 LIVESTOCK..........3 STOCKS/BONDS........11 PADDYSTOCK.........4 BUYING PRIVATE HOUSE..............5 COMPANY SHARES......12 BUSINESS EQUIPMENT.6 OTHER (SPECIFY).....13 CASH...............7 BANK - PERSONAL SAVINGS ACCOUNT....8 MOST 2ND 3RD 8 of 16 117 118 SECTION 4. EDUCATION AND HEALTH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 At the At the What material is used for Is the At the At the At the At the How many Do How often do government What services do these nearest nearest the walls at the nearest nearest nearest nearest nearest nearest monastic government health workers visit this government health workers government government government primary government government government government government schools are health village/ward to provide provide when they visit this primary primary school? primary middle middle high school, high school, there in this workers ever outreach health services? village/ward? school, how school, how school school, how school, how how many how many village/ward? visit this LIST UP TO FIVE SERVICES. many many pupils electrified? many many pupils teachers are pupils are village/ward IF GOVERNMENT HEALTH teachers are are there THATCH/LARGE teachers are are there there? there who to provide WORKERS BASED IN THIS EXAMINE SICK PEOPLE....1 WRITE PRESCRIPTIONS....2 there? who are LEAVES/PALM/DHANI.1 there? who are are regularly outreach COMMUNITY, USE CODE '1'. IMMUNIZE CHILDREN......3 regularly in BAMBOO............2 regularly in in health GIVE INJECTIONS........4 attendance? EARTH.............3 attendance? attendance? services? ONCE/DAY.......1 GIVE VITAMINS..........5 WOOD..............4 2-3 TIMES/WEEK.2 PROVIDE CONRACEPTIVE...6 CORRUGATED SHEET..5 WEEKLY.........3 WEIGH PEOPLE...........7 TILE/BRICK/ YES...1 MONTHLY........4 MEASURE BLOOD PRESSURE/ CONCRETE..........6 NO....2 YES...1 A FEW TIMES/ OTHER VITALS...........8 OTHER (specify)...7 NO....2 YEAR...........5 EXAMINE TEETH..........9 ►Q13 YEARLY.........6 OTHER (SPECIFY).......10 LESS THAN NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER YEARLY.........7 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Has there In what year Are there any groups or What is the Is there a How far must How long would it take one ever been a did the most programs in this cost of these traditional one travel to to travel from this mass recent such village/ward that provide treated bed birth reach the village/ward to the nearest immunization/ campaign insecticide-treated bed nets attendent or nearest birth birth attendent/midwife? vaccination take place in nets for free or at a very (SINGLE midwife attendent/ campaign for this low cost? BED SIZE)? based in this midwife? children in community? village/ward? this IF FREE, village/ward? WRITE 'ZERO'. YES..1 ►NEXT YES...1 SECTION YES...1 NO....2 NO...2 NO....2 ►Q17 ►Q15 YEAR KYAT MILES HOURS MINS 9 of 16 SECTION 5. COMMUNAL ORGANIZATION 1 2 3 4 5 6 Does [GROUP] How many How often do the members How many members does How many female members How many members under the exist in this [GROUP]s are of the [GROUP] meet? the [GROUP] have? does the [GROUP] have? age of 30 does the [GROUP] village/ward there in the have? community? village/ward? IF MORE THAN ONE REFERS NOT ONLY TO REFERS NOT ONLY TO GROUP EXISTS, ASK EXECUTIVE MEMBERS EXECUTIVE MEMBERS REFERS NOT ONLY TO ASK FOR EACH ABOUT THE ONE WITH BUT OVERALL BUT OVERALL EXECUTIVE MEMBERS BUT GROUP BEFORE THE LARGEST MEMBERSHIP. MEMBERSHIP. OVERALL MEMBERSHIP. ASKING THE FOLLOWING IN THE FOLLOWING VILLAGE/WARD. IF MORE THAN ONE IF MORE THAN ONE IF MORE THAN ONE GROUP QUESTIONS ON GROUP EXISTS, ASK GROUP EXISTS, ASK EXISTS, ASK ABOUT THE ONE THOSE THAT ABOUT THE ONE WITH ABOUT THE ONE WITH WITH THE LARGEST EXIST IN THE WEEKLY...........1 THE LARGEST THE LARGEST FOLLOWING IN THE MONTHLY..........2 VILLAGE/WARD. FOLLOWING IN THE FOLLOWING IN THE VILLAGE/WARD. QUARTERLY........3 SEMI-ANNUALLY....4 VILLAGE/WARD. VILLAGE/WARD. ANNUALLY.........5 YES..1 OTHER (SPECIFY)..6 Org. NO...2 ►NEXT code Description of organization /group ROW NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER Village Development Support 5001 Committee 5002 Water User Group 5003 Savings & Credit Coop 5004 Village Property Group 5005 Youth Group 5006 Religious Group 5007 Cultural Group 5008 Health Committee 5009 School Committee 5010 Parent-Teacher Assoc. 5011 Football Club 5012 NGO 5013 Other (Specify) 5014 Other (Specify) 5015 Other (Specify) 5016 Other (Specify) 5017 Other (Specify) 10 of 16 119 120 SECTION 6. AGRICULTURAL INPUTS 1. Is agriculture practiced in this community? YES..1 NO...2 ►NEXT SECTION 2 3 4 Can village How far do village If someone wanted to purchase [INPUT] in the village/ward, how much would members members need to he/she have to pay? purchase travel to purchase [INPUT] in the [INPUT]? CODES FOR UNITS: village/ward? GRAM..............1 KILOGRAM..........2 OUNCE.............3 THEN, ►NEXT LITER.............4 INPUT. 25 KG BAG........11 50 KG BAG........12 YES..1 ►Q4 MINIMUM MAXIMUM NO...2 Input code Description of input MILES QTY. UNIT KYAT QTY. UNIT KYAT ORGANIC FERTILIZER (manure, 601 compost, other organic fertilizer) 602 INORGANIC FERTILIZER 603 PESTICIDES 604 HERBICIDE FUNGICIDE, INSECTICIDES AND 605 OTHER AGRO-CHEMICALS 606 OTHER (specify)______________ 607 OTHER (specify)______________ SECTION 7. COMMUNAL RESOURCES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Does the Is the Is the Is the communal Is the communal Does the community How does the community manage to exclude village/ward own village/ward able communal [RESOURCE] [RESOURCE] sometimes have any specific outsiders from using communal [RESOURCE] any communal to determine [RESOURCE] challenged or used by outsiders or exclusion mechanism without consulting village headman? [RESOURCE]? independently the recognized by disputed by neighboring villagers without targeted at keeping rules of access the neighboring consulting the proper village outsiders from using READ RESPONSES. LIST UP TO 3 IN ORDER and use of its government? villages or authorities? communal OF IMPORTANCE. communal estates? [RESOURCE]? [RESOURCE]? GUARDS..............1 FINE................2 YES..1 RELIGIOUS SANCTIONS.3 NO...2 ► YES..1 PHYSICAL PUNISHMENT.4 YES..1 YES..1 YES..1 YES..1 NEXT ROW NO...2 OTHER (SPECIFY).....5 NO...2 NO...2 NO...2 NO...2 ►Q8 Resource Code Description of resource 1ST 2ND 3RD 701 Unallocated Arable Land 702 Forest 703 Pasture 704 Water Body: Specify 705 Other (Specify) 8 9 10 11 What forms of restriction does the community place Since 2010, has What was the reason for the Since 2010, has a on its members regarding access and use of government government takeover? neighboring village communal [RESOURCE]? taken over any taken over any LIST UP TO 3 IN ORDER OF IMPORTANCE. communal AGRICULTURAL SCHEME.1 communal CONSTRUCT PUBLIC TIME RESTRICTIONS.........1 [RESOURCE]? [RESOURCE]? FACILITIES..........2 LIMITATIONS ON NUMBER CONVERT INTO FOREST OF USERS AT A GIVEN TIME..2 RESERVE.............3 ROTATION AMONG GROUPS OF CONVERT INTO NATIONAL FAMILIES..................3 PARK LAND...........4 YES..1 YES..1 NO...2 NO RESTRICTIONS...........4 CONVERT INTO WILDLIFE NO...2 ►Q11 OTHER (SPECIFY)...........5 PARK LAND...........5 Resource Code Description of resource 1ST 2ND 3RD OTHER (SPECIFY).....6 701 Unallocated Arable Land 702 Forest 703 Pasture 704 Water Body: Specify 705 Other (Specify) 12 of 16 121 8. MARKET PRICES NON-STANDARD UNITS FOUND IN INTERVIEW 1. Location of main source: SOURCE OF CONVERSION TO STANDARD UNIT: MARKETPLACE....1 MEASURED AT MARKET.....1 SHOPS/STALLS...2 MEASURED AT HOUSEHOLD..2 2. Name of location: _______________________________________ 3. GPS coordinates of market: Latittude: __ __ . __ __ . __ __ __ Longitude: __ __ . __ __ . __ __ __ 4. Date of price data collection: / / [DATE / MONTH / YEAR] MARKET HOUSEHOLD 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 QTY. UNIT WEIGHT PRICE QTY. LOCAL UNIT WEIGHT (NAME ) (SEE BELOW FOR CODES OR SPECIFY LOCAL UNIT NAME) Item code Description of item KGS GRAMS KYAT KGS GRAMS Rice and cereals 8001 Rice (Ngasein) 8002 Rice (Emata) 8003 Rice (Medone) 8004 Rice (Nga kywe) 8005 Kaukhnyin (Sticky Rice) 8006 Other rice (local variety) 8007 Corn Other rice and 8008 cereals(specify) Other rice and 8009 cereals(specify) Pulses, beans, nuts, and seeds 8010 Pegyi (lablab beans) 8011 Pegya 8012 Pe poke 8013 Sadawpe (green peas) 8014 Gram (Chick pea) 8015 Green gram (Pedesane) 8016 Penilay (Peyaza) 8017 Butter Bean 8018 Other peas 8019 Sesame 8020 Groundnut without shell 8021 Coconut 8022 Other (specify):_________ 8023 Other (specify):_________ 8024 Other (specify):_________ Roots and tubers 8025 Sweet potatoes 8026 Potatoes 8027 Radish 8028 Taro 8029 Pemyit 8030 Palm shoot 8031 Other (specify):_________ 8032 Other (specify):_________ 8033 Other (specify):_________ Meat, dairy, eggs 8034 Chicken 8035 Duck 8036 Beef 8037 Pork 8038 Mutton 8039 Dried Meat 8040 Chicken eggs 8041 Duck eggs 8042 Quail eggs 8043 Fresh milk 13 of 16 122 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 QTY. UNIT WEIGHT PRICE QTY. LOCAL UNIT WEIGHT (NAME ) (SEE BELOW FOR CODES OR SPECIFY LOCAL UNIT NAME) Item code Description of item KGS GRAMS KYAT KGS GRAMS 8044 Branded condensed milk 8045 Other (specify):_________ 8046 Other (specify):_________ 8047 Other (specify):_________ Fish and other seafood 8048 Ngamyitchin 8049 Ngagyin 8050 Ngayant 8051 Ngakhu 8052 Ngagyee 8053 Ngapyayma 8054 Ngaton/ Ngamyinn 8055 Ngathalauk 8056 Fish meat Other small river fishes 8057 (<= 4") Other medium river fishes 8058 (5" - 10") Other large river fishes 8059 (11+") 8060 Kakatit 8061 Ngamoke 8062 Ngapokethin 8063 Sardine (All Kinds) 8064 Pazun Kyawt 8065 Pazun Doke 8066 Squid/ octopus Other small sea water 8067 fishes (<=4") Other medium sea water 8068 fishes (5" - 10") Other large sea water 8069 fishes (11+") 8070 Nga Yantchauk Other dried small river fish 8071 (<=4") Other dried medium river 8072 fish (5"-10") Other dried large river 8073 fishes (11+") 8074 Ngakunshutchauk Other dried small sea 8075 water fish (<=4") Other dried medium sea 8076 water fish (5"-10") Other dried large sea 8077 water fishes (11+") 8078 Dried Prawns 8079 Shrimp paste 8080 Fish/ shrimp sauce 8081 Ngapiyae 8082 Nagpikaung/ Salted fish 8083 Ar Bye Gyauk 8084 Dried Prawn powder 8085 Other (specify):_________ 8086 Other (specify):_________ 8087 Other (specify):_________ Vegetables 8088 Pumpkin 8089 Ash pumpkin 8090 Brinjal/ Egg plant 8091 Tomato 8092 Cabbage 14 of 16 123 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 QTY. UNIT WEIGHT PRICE QTY. LOCAL UNIT WEIGHT (NAME ) (SEE BELOW FOR CODES OR SPECIFY LOCAL UNIT NAME) Item code Description of item KGS GRAMS KYAT KGS GRAMS 8093 Cauliflower 8094 Chayote 8095 Water leaf 8096 Roselle leaf 8097 Horseradish leaf 8098 Radish leaf 8099 Pumpkin leaf 8100 Cucumber 8101 Horseradish 8102 Bean/ Long bean 8103 Bamboo shoots 8104 Bean sprouts 8105 Carrots 8106 Lettuce 8107 Fresh chillie 8108 Mustard leaf 8109 Kinmoon 8110 Gourd leaf 8111 Vegetable gourd 8112 Other (specify):_________ 8113 Other (specify):_________ 8114 Other (specify):_________ Fruits 8115 Bananas 8116 Papaya 8117 Grapefruit 8118 Watermelon 8119 Apple 8120 Pomelo 8121 Oranges 8122 Plums 8123 Mango 8124 Lime 8125 Lemon 8126 Pineapple 8127 Grapes 8128 Guava 8129 Mangosteen 8130 Other (specify):_________ 8131 Other (specify):_________ 8132 Other (specify):_________ Oil and fats 8133 Groundnut oil 8134 Sesamum oil 8135 Palm oil 8136 Mustard oil 8137 Other (specify):_________ 8138 Other (specify):_________ 8139 Other (specify):_________ Spices and condiments 8140 Dried chilies 8141 Chilly powder 8142 Lemon grass 8143 Onions 8144 Garlic 8145 Tumeric powder 8146 Ginger 8147 Salt 8148 Seasoning powder 124 15 of 16 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 QTY. UNIT WEIGHT PRICE QTY. LOCAL UNIT WEIGHT (NAME ) (SEE BELOW FOR CODES OR SPECIFY LOCAL UNIT NAME) Item code Description of item KGS GRAMS KYAT KGS GRAMS 8149 Black pepper 8150 Marsala 8151 Other (specify):_________ 8152 Other (specify):_________ 8153 Other (specify):_________ Other food products 8154 Dried rice noodle 8155 Dried wheat noodle 8156 Rice vermicelli 8157 Bread 8158 Cake 8159 Biscuits 8160 Pone Ye Gyi 8161 Bean curd (white) 8162 Tofu 8163 Soy bean paste 8164 Vermicilli (bean) 8165 Green tea leaves 8166 Sugar 8167 Palm jaggery 8168 Cane jaggery 8169 Fermented tea leaves 8170 Fritters with pea kun yar (packet of betel leaf & areaca or betel nuts 8171 and lime paste) 8172 Coffee mix or tea mix 8173 Cereal mix 8174 Ovaltine, horlick, etc. Prepared food bought to eat at home - rice or 8175 noodle based dishes Prepared food bought to 8176 eat at home - snacks Prepared food bought to 8177 eat at home - other Other food products 8178 (specify): ___________ Other food products 8179 (specify): ___________ Other food products 8180 (specify): ___________ Alcoholic beverages 8181 Beer Toddy alcohol / palm 8182 alcohol 8183 Local liquors/alcohol 8184 Imported liquor/alcohol OPTIONS FOR UNITS TIKE...............9 OPTIONS FOR UNITS GRAM................1 CONDENSED MILK CAN.10 GRAM................1 KILOGRAM............2 BASKET (16 PYI)....11 KILOGRAM............2 OUNCE...............3 25 KG BAG..........12 OUNCE...............3 LITER...............4 50 KG BAG..........13 LITER...............4 NUMBER..............5 RICE BAG (24 PYI)..14 NUMBER..............5 PYI.................6 SMALL BUNDLE.......15 PYI.................6 KYATTHA.............7 BIG BUNDLE.........16 KYATTHA.............7 125 16 of 16 126 The World Bank Myanmar No 57, Pyay Road, (Corner of Shwe Hinthar Road) 61/2 Mile, Hlaing Township, Yangon, Republic of the Union of Myanmar