TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents 22 July 2016 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. BRIEF PROJECT DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................... 4 2. LEGAL REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARDS ...................................................................... 7 2.1. KEY LEGAL, POLITICAL AND INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK FOR ESIA ...................... 7 2.2. POLICY AND LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK FOR LAND ACQUISITION ............................ 8 3. ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT AND ESMS ............................... 11 3.1. DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROJECT, ROUTE SELECTION .............................................. 11 3.2. ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT PROCESS ............................ 15 3.3. ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (ESMS) ............................... 21 3.3.1. Environmental and Social Management Guidelines for Contractors............................. 28 3.3.2. Alignment of Environmental and Social Management System Documentation with other Engineering documentation ................................................................................................. 30 4. ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACTS ...................................................................... 35 4.1. ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT ............................................... 35 4.2. IMPACTS & MITIGATION MEASURES ............................................................................... 35 4.3. BIODIVERSITY ACTION PLAN............................................................................................ 44 4.4. TRANSBOUNDARY IMPACT ASSESSMENT AND CUMULATIVE IMPACT ASSESSMENT .................................................................................................................................. 52 4.4.1. Transboundary impact assessment .................................................................................. 52 4.4.2. Cumulative Impact Assessment ........................................................................................ 55 5. GRIEVANCE MECHANISM AND STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT .................................. 60 5.1. GRIEVANCE MECHANISM .................................................................................................. 60 5.2. STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT ........................................................................................ 60 5.2.1. Stakeholder Engagement During ESIA Phase.................................................................. 60 5.2.2. Stakeholder Engagement During Construction ............................................................... 61 6. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT ............................................................................. 62 7. LAND ACQUISITION AND RAP........................................................................................... 65 8. SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTMENT PROGRAMS ......................................... 66 ANNEXES ........................................................................................................................................ 68 Annex 1. Terrestrial Critical Habitat Assessment ....................................................................... 69 Annex 2. Freshwater Critical Habitat Assessment ................................................................... 102 Annex 3. Assessment of the natural habitat types which intersect with the TANAP Project route ........................................................................................................................................ 109 Annex 4. Assessment of the protected and conservation areas which intersects with the TANAP Project route ..................................................................................................................... 114 Annex 5. Impact Assessment Methodology .............................................................................. 115 Page 1 of 125 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Dates of Route Revisions ......................................................................................................... 13 Table 2 Environmental and Social Components in AoI ......................................................................... 17 Table 3 Roles and Responsibilities of TANAP, EPCM Contractor, Construction Contractors and Third Party ESIA Monitoring Consultant ......................................................................................................... 23 Table 4 Communication among TANAP disciplines .............................................................................. 33 Table 5 Communication with Contractors and Consultants .................................................................. 34 Table 6 Impacts on Physical Components during Construction and Operation.................................... 37 Table 7 Impacts on Biological Components during Construction and Operation.................................. 38 Table 8 Impacts on Social Components during Construction and Operation ....................................... 41 Table 9 Key mitigation measures for terrestrial habitats and species ................................................... 49 Table 10 Key mitigation measures for freshwater habitats and species ............................................... 50 Table 11 The detailed definition of the river crossings for each type are as given below; .................... 53 Table 12 Interaction of Projects ............................................................................................................. 58 Table 13 Action status follow-up table in unavoidable archaeological sites ......................................... 63 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. The site location map showing the southern gas corridor the South Caucasus Pipeline (SCP), TANAP and the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) ............................................................................ 4 Figure 2. TANAP Project Route .............................................................................................................. 5 Figure 3. TANAP Project Route ............................................................................................................ 11 Figure 4 Route Selection Process Workflow ......................................................................................... 12 Figure 5 ESIA Process Chart ................................................................................................................ 16 Figure 6 Organization Chart for Environmental Teams of TANAP, EPCM Contractor and Construction Contractors ............................................................................................................................................ 25 Figure 7 Organization Chart for Social Teams of TANAP, EPCM Contractor and Construction Contractors ............................................................................................................................................ 26 Figure 8 The overall algorithm of the ESMS of TANAP Project ............................................................ 27 Figure 9 General view of River Crossings (RVX1, RVX2 and RVX3a) ................................................. 52 Figure 10 Posof River Impact Assessment Map ................................................................................... 54 LIST OF PHOTOS Photo 1 Kızılırmak-Kırıkkale- Surface water sampling & Photo 2 Sakarya Haymana- surface water sampling ................................................................................................................................................ 18 Photo 3 Tipula n. sp.1 & Photo 4 Hilara n. sp. 1 .................................................................................. 19 Photo 5 Focus Group Meeting with Young People ............................................................................... 20 Photo 6 Focus Group Meeting with Women.......................................................................................... 20 Photo 7 Questionnaire surveys ............................................................................................................. 21 Photo 8 Intersection with Manyas Lake Wetland & Photo 9 Intersection with Sarıkamış Forest.......... 40 Page 2 of 125 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF ESIA AND SUPPORTING ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARD DOCUMENTS FOR SUBMISSION TO WORLD BANK’S BOARD AS PER PELOSI REQUIREMENT This document is the Executive Summary (ES) of TANAP ESIA and supporting environmental and social safeguard documents. The ES is disclosed on TANAP’s website together with all the supporting documents, which are listed as follows: i) Existing ESIA (as disclosed on TANAP’s website, dated 22 June 2015, cleared by MoEU on 24 July 2014); ii) Resettlement Action Plan (RAP, as disclosed on TANAP’s website, dated 23 April 2015); iii) Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP, latest revision dated 12 July 2016) iv) Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP, latest revision dated 21 July 2016). ESMP also covers the following: - Environmental and Social Action Plans (ESAP, including the EPCM Contractor’s ESMP and Construction Contractor’s (CC) sub-management plans on environment and social such as waste management plan, traffic management plan, community safety management plan), - Environmental and Social Monitoring Plan, and - Cultural Heritage Management Plan (CHMP, with the addition of current implementations such as the signed protocol with Ministry of Culture and Tourism and archaeology Consultant’s scope of work etc.). In addition, TANAP is using an Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS)1 which can be described as the system setting the plans and procedures for the implementation of all above listed documents for TANAP, EPCM and CCs. 1 ESMS documentation of TANAP consists of ESIA Report (with generic environmental and social sub-management plans), Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP), Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) covering the Environmental Action Plan (EAP), Environmental Monitoring Plan (EMP), Social Action Plan (SAP), Social Monitoring Plan (SMP), related procedures, and relevant forms . TANAP’s ESMS is an umbrella system for any Contractor during performing of the works, supplying materials or providing services for the Project. Each contractor is communicated about the ESMS Documentation of TANAP, during bidding processes and obliged to establish its own ESMS in compliance with the requirements of ISO 14001 and TANAP Project’s ESIA Report & BAP. ESIA and BAP processes are presented in further sections of this document. Page 3 of 125 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents 1. BRIEF PROJECT DESCRIPTION Trans-Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline (TANAP) Project is part of the Southern Gas Corridor, which aims to transport natural gas from Shah Deniz 2 Gas Field and other fields in the South Caspian Sea to Turkey and Europe in Azerbaijan. The Southern Gas Corridor comprises the South Caucasus Pipeline (SCP), TANAP and the Trans- Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) as shown in Figure 1. The TANAP corridor starts from the Georgia/Turkey border at Türkgözü/Posof/Ardahan where it connects to SCP and ends at the Turkey/Greece border in İpsala/Edirne, where it feeds into the TAP Pipeline. There is an off-take station at Eskişehir, Turkey, and another one at Thrace, Turkey to connect to the Turkish natural gas distribution network. Figure 1. The site location map showing the southern gas corridor the South Caucasus Pipeline (SCP), TANAP and the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) TANAP Project is a 56-inch and 48-inch pipeline system of 1850 km, and will transport natural gas to the required specifications and quantity in stages starting with 16 bcma as initial phase leading up to a high flow case of 31 bcma which is the last phase. 6 bcma will be delivered to BOTAŞ (Boru Hatları ile Petrol Taşıma A.Ş.) to be used within the Republic of Turkey via off-take stations by Gas Transport Agreement (GTA). The construction of the Project is expected to last for 4 years, and a phased approach will be pursued where the target for completion of the construction and starting operation is by the middle of 2018. The initial capacity of 16 bcma (First Stage) is expected to expand to 24 bcma by 2023 (Second Stage) and to 31 bcma by 2026 (Third Stage), upon construction of the required additional compressor stations. TANAP is planned to begin from the Georgia/Turkey border and go through the provincial borders of Ardahan, Kars, Erzurum, Erzincan, Bayburt, Gümüşhane, Giresun, Sivas, Yozgat, Kırşehir, Kırıkkale, Ankara, Eskişehir, Bilecik, Kütahya, Bursa, Balıkesir, Çanakkale, Tekirdağ and Edirne. At the beginning of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) process the pipeline was planned to be divided into two branches after crossing Marmara Sea and the second branch would pass Tekirdağ and enter Bulgaria through Kırklareli. However, due to the change in the marketing strategy of Azerbaijan, natural gas to Europe by the Bulgarian section was cancelled. The Page 4 of 125 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents baseline studies were performed for both sections and the baseline reports include all the results. The cancelled section is indicated with yellow line in Figure 2. Figure 2. TANAP Project Route The TANAP system will be fully automated with main and back-up control centres to meet the requirements of gas transmissions and associated environmental and safety considerations. The main pipeline facilities include the required number of compression facilities, block valve stations, distribution and custody transfer metering facilities. The pipeline crosses terrain with challenging geotechnical features, including landslides and other geo-hazards, in addition to crossing regions with different levels of urbanization and economic activity. TANAP, for the purpose of the ESIA Report, includes: 1. Onshore pipeline:  A main natural gas pipeline from the Turkey/Georgia border to the Turkey/Greece border  Diameter: 56 inches to the Eskişehir Compressor Station and 48 inches from Eskişehir Compressor Station to the Turkey/Greece border  Total pipe length: 1850 km  Onshore length: 1832 km  Nominal capacity: 31 bcma in high-flow case  Design Pressure: 95.5 barg  Main design according to ASME B31.8, 2012. 2. Offshore pipeline section:  Looping at Marmara Sea crossing Page 5 of 125 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents  Diameter: 2 x 36 inches  Length: 18 km, approximately. 3. Compressor Stations:  7 compressor stations (2 at First Stage, 2 more at Second Stage, and 3 more2 at Third Stage) at intermediate points for fulfilling pressure requirements. A separate compressor train is foreseen for the gas supply to BOTAS in CST-5A (identified as CST-5AL). 4. Metering Stations:  1 custody receiving border metering station at the entry point  1 delivery border metering station at the exit point.  2 fiscal metering stations at Eskişehir and Thrace Offtakes 5. Pig Launcher and Receiver facilities:3  at each compressor station (including phase compressors)  at each metering station  at both sides of the shore approaches of the Dardanelles Strait Crossing 6. Block Valve Stations:  49 in accordance with ASME B31.8, 2012 requirements. 7. Off-take Points:  2 in Turkey, with metering stations. 8. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) automation, control and Telecommunication equipment:  Main Control Centre in Ankara, Turkey.  Back-up Control Centre located with Compressor Station CST-5A in Eskişehir, Turkey 2 The ESIA Report includes the first and second stage compressor stations. The third stage compressors stations will be subject to a separate ESIA process and report when the decision for the construction of these compressor stations will be completed. 3 Intermediate launcher/receiver facilities shall be located along the pipeline route between the compressor stations as required to facilitate effective pigging distances. Page 6 of 125 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents 2. LEGAL REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARDS 2.1. KEY LEGAL, POLITICAL AND INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK FOR ESIA Key legal framework and the international standards applicable to the Project were evaluated, defined and followed beginning from scoping phase, implementation, impact assessment and evaluation of the results during ESIA preparation. ESIA Report of the project presents these legal frameworks in detail, whereas it is summarised as follows: The Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) and Host Governmental Agreement (HGA) set forth the legal framework upon which the Project has started and has been developed. “The Intergovernmental Agreement Between the Government of the Republic of Turkey and the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan Concerning The Sales of Natural Gas To The Republic of Turkey and the Transit Passage of Natural Gas Originating From The Republic of Azerbaijan Across The Territory of The Republic of Turkey and The Development of A Standalone Pipeline For The Transportation of Natural Gas Across The Territory of the Republic of Turkey”, was signed in İzmir on 25 October 2011, which was approved by Law no 6349 dated 29 June 2012 and published in the Official Gazette on 12 July 2012. “Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the Republic of Turkey and the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan Concerning the Development of a Standalone Pipeline for the Transportation of The Natural Gas Originating and Transiting from the Republic of Azerbaijan across the Territory of the Republic of Turkey”, was signed on 24 December 2011 in Ankara, which was approved by Law no 6342 dated 29 June 2012 and was published in the Official Gazette on 12 July 2012. Following approval by Council of Ministers, the Agreement was published in the Official Gazette on 11 October 2012 and entered into force. Within the framework of this Memorandum of Understanding, Trans Anatolian Gas Pipeline Company B.V was established. “The Intergovernmental Agreement Between the Government of the Republic of Turkey and the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan Concerning The Trans- Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline System", and its attachment, "The Host Government Agreement (HGA) between the Government of the Republic of Turkey and The Trans Anatolian Gas Pipeline Company B.V. Concerning Trans-Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline System", were signed on 26 June 2012 in Istanbul. These Agreements were approved by Law no 6375 dated 02 January 2013, which was published in the Official Gazette on 17 January 2013. Following approval by Council of Ministers, the Agreements were published in the Official Gazette on 19 March 2013 and entered into force. The Trans Anatolian Gas Pipeline Company B.V. has transferred its rights and obligations under HGA to TANAP Doğalgaz İletim A.Ş. with the approval of Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources of Turkey. The companies assigned by two countries to form a project-specific joint consortium are SOCAR and the Petroleum Pipeline Corporation (BOTAŞ). The HGA requires Project Environmental and Social Standards complying with National Laws and also taking due account of international standards and practices Page 7 of 125 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents generally prevailing in the Natural Gas pipeline industry, including relevant Performance Standards of the International Finance Corporation. International Legislation, Standards and Guidelines referred during studies for compliance are Equator Principles, IFC 2012 Performance Standards (IFC 2012 PSs), IFC General Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) Guidelines, IFC Industry Specific EHS Guidelines, WHO Ambient Air quality standards, WHO Drinking Water standards as well as relevant European Directives on ESIA, protection of nature, pollution control, climate change, air quality, water quality, waste management, noise. The Turkish legal framework for environmental protection was developed in line with national and international initiatives and standards, and some of them have been revised recently to be harmonized with the EU Directives in the scope of pre-accession efforts of Turkey to the EU. The structure of the Turkish environmental legislation constitutes of primarily the Environment Law, and relevant laws, regulations, by-laws and notifications. The objective of the Environment Law is to protect the environment in accordance with the sustainable development principles. The national legislation relevant to the Project including but not limited to environment constitute the following main headings as water quality, air quality, soil quality, noise and vibration, waste management, energy and climate change, management of chemicals and hazardous substances, health and safety, nature and biological diversity, forestry, soil conservation and land use, agricultural and pasture lands, labor rights, transit transport of petroleum products, expropriation, cultural heritage, shore protection etc. Legal approval through Ministry of Environment and Urbanization for the ESIA Report of Project was received as of 24 July 2014. 2.2. POLICY AND LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK FOR LAND ACQUISITION TANAP is committed to follow international and national legal policies on land acquisition and resettlement issues for Turkish section in accordance with the HGA. HGA and Turkish laws and legislations govern the acquisition of project affected lands and assets to be obtained through amicable agreements to the best extent. HGA includes provisions to follow measures for land acquisition and social impacts in lien with the applicable operational policies of IFIs. Primarily, local laws pertaining to land acquisition are Turkish Constitution (Articles 44, 45 and 46), the Law on the Transit Transport of Petroleum through Pipelines (No. 4586), the Expropriation Law (No. 2942) and other supplementary laws such as the Forest Law (No. 6831), the Pasture Law (No. 4342), the Cadastral Law (No. 3402), the Agricultural Reform Law on Land Arrangement in Irrigated Areas (No. 3083), the Law on Soil Protection and Land Use (No. 5403), the Resettlement Law (No. 5543), the Law of Population Services (No. 5490), the Notification Law (No. 7201) and the Land Registry Code. These may be further populated in accordance with the needs arising from the stated laws. This section summarizes the underlying basic principles of the Land Acquisition process applied during expropriation activities in Turkey according to Expropriation Law. Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, as being the Designated State Authority (DSA), assigned a Land Rights Entity (BOTAŞ) to execute land acquisition on behalf of the TANAP Page 8 of 125 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents Project as per the HGA. BOTAŞ then acquires the Public Interest Decision from the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources and initiates land acquisition process with parcel based Land Acquisition Decision. In principle, the local legislation encourages a negotiated process for the acquisition of land and other immovable assets. Accordingly, negotiations are planned and executed based on the unit values calculated by the subcontractor and verified by an independent entity, which are approved by BOTAŞ. In case the landowner applies for negotiations, the landowner is informed about the details of the land acquisition process and the value proposed by the Valuation Commission for the parcel to be expropriated. In the event that the landowner accepts the land value determined by the commission; the agreement is formally established by a written report. The amount of compensation is deposited into the landowner’s personal bank account and the land is registered on behalf of BOTAS within 45 days of the agreement. The landowner may choose not to accept the land value determined by the commission or the landowner may not be able to attend or respond the negotiation for any reason, then the disagreement or non-attendance, respectively, is formally established by a written statement. Latter case, though not a desired case by TANAP policy, court case (which is called Immediate Expropriation – Article 27) will be/is applied in order to enable land access to the construction contractor as per the construction schedule securing the land rights for the sake of the project. However, still the negotiation and agreement option is open for the landowners or shareholders. Following the land delivery to the construction contractor through a protocol with the land owner/user witnessed by all related parties to be basis for land exit, court process is continued for Land Registration (Article 10) to settle the title deed records in the name of BOTAŞ and enable the land/shareholders to challenge the land values. As the land entry protocol is signed before the construction takes place in the field, the landowner is informed formally that registration is completed for mutually agreed ownerships, Article 27 compensation is blocked in bank accounts and crop payments are finalised. This stage enables identification of mis/uninformed cases if any; disputes are resolved immediately through submitting necessary documentation. Since Article 10 is a long duration process, approximately lasting for ideally 6 months but to be extended due to court workload for an unknown period; Article 27 cases are applied and corresponding land values assigned by the court is deposited in the name of the landowners/shareholders for which the landowners are allowed to draw from the bank at any time. Relevant procedure for court case is communicated to each landowner individually prior to construction that compensation is deposited in bank account through court proceedings. Landowners/shareholders are entitled to draw the court decided compensation amount with submitting sufficient documentation (inheritance registration, power of attorney or such) to the bank. This process is valid until finalisation of Article 10 cases. When those are finalised, the land is registered in the name of BOTAŞ and ready for Transfer of Rights to TANAP as defined by the HGA together with registrations through consent. Page 9 of 125 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents Acquisition of state lands also follows a similar process. Relevant state authority is contacted for negotiation. In case agreement is reached, applicable land right is established; if not, again court process is established which does not prevent access to land. Lands under the jurisdiction of forest authority, is quite different. Valuation of the forestland is made by the Forest Authorities and payment is deposited in the bank accounts of relevant district authority. There is a down payment followed by annual payments as per increments assigned by the Forest Authority. Finally, all obtained rights in the name of BOTAŞ will be transferred to TANAP Doğalgaz İletim A.Ş. where the according to article 8/e of the Transit Law (4586). A RAP Fund has been introduced to the Project as a central mechanism in parallel to land acquisition by which to address the gaps between Turkish legislation requirements and international guidelines with respect to compensating for land acquisition for the pipeline. The RAP Fund has been introduced by TANAP to specifically ensure a fair and transparent valuation and compensation process for the non-eligible users (users that are directly/indirectly affected by the project but can not be compensated through the legal process by BOTAS) during the ongoing land acquisition process. This includes squatters on public lands as well as commonly used lands. Yıldız Technical University, as being the independent consultant to TANAP, reviewed and reworked the compensation methodology and amounts derived by TANAP. Page 10 of 125 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents 3. ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT AND ESMS This section presents the start of the project with the route selection process considering various risks including environmental and social aspects, followed by the definition of the environmental and social impact assessment process, including the schedule and the results of the baseline studies. The last section demonstrates how the Environmental and Social Management System was organised in TANAP Project with explaining the current integration with EPCM and Construction Contractor’s organisational structure, defining the roles and responsibilities of each party. The documentation of EPCM for the management and monitoring of the project, ESMPs of the construction contractors, alignment of the whole documentation with the other Engineering documentation and the communication, reporting structure within TANAP and in between TANAP, EPCM, Construction Contractors and Consultants are presented, as well. The impacts assessment method, results and the mitigations are defined in Section 4. 3.1. DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROJECT, ROUTE SELECTION The objective of routing for TANAP Project was always the identification of a technically feasible pipeline centreline, with a reasonably low impact on environment and land use. The route development process has taken into consideration several route corridor alternatives and applied technical routing criteria; as well as a pre-assessment of the route alternatives’ environmental / social impact potentials to select a route corridor which, due to its more favourable properties, was identified as the “Preferred Route” as shown in Figure 3. Currently, no physical displacement is expected. Figure 3. TANAP Project Route The preferred route corridor is selected based on the following criteria:  Minimize traversing areas of difficult constructability such as steep slopes; high elevations, or rocky terrain;  Minimize overall pipeline length;  Minimize the crossing length through the Marmara Sea;  Be in proximity to transportation infrastructure to lessen impacts from road or other additional construction;  Minimize environmental and social impacts;  Minimize impacts to cultural/archaeological sites;  Avoid areas where unstable ground or other geohazards have been identified;  Avoid proximity to settlements and populated areas;  Minimize the impact on important agricultural lands; Page 11 of 125 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents  Minimize security risks;  Minimize crossing of existing and/or planned state authority infrastructure;  Minimize total cost. The workflow of the route selection process for the TANAP Project is presented in Figure 4. Assessment of the Project Area Mapping of the Major Constraints Desktop Works Data Processing by GIS Data Available to Public Definition of the Project Corridor Assessment of the Project Corridor Desktop and Field Works Mapping of the Major Constraints Publicly available data Corridor Data Processing by GIS Selection Assessment of Corridor Alternatives Definition of Corridor Alternatives Evaluate Characteristics of Corridor Alternatives by GIS Desktop and Field Works Publicly Selection of 2 km Preferred Route Corridor available data (PRC) Assessment of 2 km Preferred Route Corridor Mapping of the Constraints Data Processing by GIS Desktop and Field Works Authority Liaison data Narrow to 500 m Preferred Route Corridor Centerline Selection Assessment of 500 km Preferred Route Corridor Constraint Mapping Desktop and Field Works Evaluation by GIS Authority Liaison data Definition of Centerline and Construction Corridor Figure 4 Route Selection Process Workflow Page 12 of 125 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents A project area/corridor assessment process was performed through a high level identification of the major constraints and a subsequent evaluation of alternative route corridors. The purpose was to narrow the project area, which initially covered the northern and central part of Turkey, to an approximately 70-150 km wide project corridor. Finally, a 2 km wide preferred route corridor was determined between the entry/exit points at the Georgia, and Greece borders and Turkey’s off-take location in Eskişehir taking all the below considerations into account:  General Topographical Properties,  Soil Properties,  Land Usage Status,  General Geological-Geomorphologic Properties,  Stratigraphy,  Engineering Properties of the Rock Units,  Fault Lines and Seismicity,  Areas with Potential Geological Risks (Erosion, Landslide, Elevated Ground Water Layers and Aquifers, Karstic Zones),  Hydrological Properties,  Ecological Properties (Protected Areas (National Parks, etc.), Sensitive Habitats, Forests, Scrublands, Meadows-Pastures and Wetlands),  Archaeological Properties,  Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage,  Socio-Economic Properties (Demographics, Economic Properties),  Existing and/or planned state authority infrastructure(s) The selection of the preferred pipeline route for TANAP was performed during the summer/fall of 2012. Consequently, the route experienced changes based on the aforementioned reasons for optimization during Front-End Engineering Design (FEED) and Detailed Engineering phases. The revision dates of the routes and the route alternatives are given in Table 1. Table 1 Dates of Route Revisions Route Date ESIA Route Corridor September 2012 500 m Route Corridor for ESIA November 2012 TANAP Project KP’s & Route Alternatives December 2012 Preferred Route Rev C March 2013 Preferred Route Rev D May 2013 Preferred Route Rev E May 2013 Preferred Route Rev F July 2013 Preferred Route Rev G December 2013 Approved ESIA Corridor January 2014 Preferred Route Rev H Preferred Route Rev J January 2015 The change management process within TANAP is being implemented for the changes accepted after the Route Rev H, which was the approved ESIA Corridor. Client Advice Page 13 of 125 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents Notice (CAN) and Action Advice Notice (AAN) procedures are used in between TANAP and Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Management Contractor (EPCM) for the evaluation of the route changes in which they implement Environmental and Social Checklist/Assessment with respect to 500 m corridor as stated in Environmental Management of Change procedure of TANAP. Approved route changes are registered in the alignment sheets and shared with the construction contractors (CCs) for implementation. The average width of the Right of Way (RoW) is planned to be 36 m in accordance with the standard international pipeline construction criteria to enable depositing of the topsoil and subsoil within the construction footprint and to allow safer and more efficient access to the construction works. RoW width may be decreased or increased taking into account particular site conditions, such as wetlands, marshes, areas with side and steep slopes, agricultural fields, etc. For instance, RoW may need to be widened because fertile topsoil and subsoil need to be deposited separately in certain agricultural areas. At road, railway, or river crossings, RoW may need to be widened because the construction activities involve specialized large boring equipment that requires a bigger work area and the documents of engineering phase are prepared in line with these requirements. Similarly, RoW has been widened in rocky areas that require blasting, wetlands that require exceptional drainage, or areas that require special construction techniques due to soil characteristics. The most important component in determining the width of RoW is allowing for the construction activities to be carried out safely and to minimize the environmental and social impacts. Although it is possible to narrow the RoW for short distances, it is not possible to decrease the width less than 30 m along the whole line because of safety, security, and technical feasibility conditions. Using a 36 m standard RoW width provides the following advantages:  Conducting the studies according to international standard pipeline construction methods;  An area provided that enables construction activities in line with proper health and safety principles;  Easy access to construction areas in case of an emergency;  Minimizing the possibility for constructors to exceed RoW excluding the exceptional cases where land owners are paid for compensation;  Providing that the temporary deposition of fertile topsoil and subsoil are separate in suitable conditions and hence the environmental or agricultural impacts are minimized. For the pipeline route an Unrestricted and Exclusive Right has been established for 16m wide corridor (8m each side of the axis) and an additional temporary easement has been established for 20m along the pipeline route. Permanent land acquisition is being implemented for Above Ground Installations (AGIs). Page 14 of 125 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents 3.2. ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT PROCESS Golder Associates S.r.l and Golder Associates Ltd. Şti., collectively referred to as Golder, worked together as a global ESIA consultant for TANAP, who has also prepared the methodology for Baseline studies for local ESIA Consultant Çınar (Çınar Mühendislik Müşavirlik A.Ş.), in order to be in compliance with International Framework as described in the above sections. In addition impact assessment methodology was set and the impact assessment, as well as the cumulative and transboundary impact assessment were conducted by Golder.The general methodology used by Golder for Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Studies is based on the Drivers-Pressures-State-Impact- Response (DPSIR) Framework developed by European Environmental Agency (EEA) which has been designed to be a highly transparent and a semi-quantitative analysis of the impacts on the various environmental and social components through the life cycle of the project. The GIS based methodology of Golder used in the environmental and social impact assessment of the project is summarized in Annex 5. TANAP has checked, commented and approved during each phase of ESIA process. Final quality control was conducted by ERM after TANAP comments were also incorporated. The ESIA studies were started in the middle of 2012 including the route selection and determination process as stated in the above section 3.1. An integrated approach with the aim of meeting all national regulatory requirements and, in addition, of meeting the requirements of the relevant International Finance Institutions (IFIs) was followed during the ESIA process that was initiated in order to evaluate the environmental impacts of TANAP Project according to the Regulation on Environmental Impact Assessment which was issued on the Official Gazette dated 17 July 2008 and numbered 26939. The ESIA documentation was subject to the review of the competent Turkish authorities to assess the compliance with requirements applicable to the Project. Stakeholder engagement and consultation with public was performed continuously to identify their concerns on the Project and to reflect these concerns into the ESIA process. ESIA process for the TANAP Project is summarized in Figure 5, which was started in mid-2012. Page 15 of 125 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents Scoping Categorization of the Project, MoEU EIA Project Scoping report Special Format Baseline Studies Secondary data and baseline site data Baseline reporting collection Impact Assessment Impact analysis Impact assessment Management Plans Definition of mitigation measures Management Plans for Significant Impacts Disclosure Public Disclosure of the project information Finalisation of the ESIA report by reflecting and ESIA findings public concerns Monitoring Plans Plans for the monitorng of the establishment and effectiveness of mitigation measures Monitoring Follow up of Management plans Figure 5 ESIA Process Chart During the scoping phase a scoping report has been prepared for the Project in line with IFI requirements. The Ministry of Environment and Urbanization has defined the Special Format for the Project on 29 March 2013 after the completion of Public Participation Meetings held between the dates 25 February – 11 March 2013 in 214 provinces in total. Within the scope of the ESIA study of the TANAP Project, first data on the Baseline Study Areas were collected aiming to determine the existing physical, biological and social status. Desktop studies in this phase were based on the publicly available data such as Database of Turkish Institute of statistics, Reports of State Hydraulic Works, City Based Environmental Status Reports etc. 4 After cancellation of second branch to Bulgarian Border, number of provinces was decreased to 20. Page 16 of 125 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents The Baseline Study Areas were based on the likely area of influence (AoI) of the Project in which a direct or an indirect impact on the physical, biological and social components might occur. These areas were spatially identified for the environmental and social components as given in below Table 2: Table 2 Environmental and Social Components in AoI Physical Onshore Components Physical Offshore Components Meteorology and climatology, Bottom morphology &Sediments Air quality Seismology Geology and geomorphology, Sea water Seismology , Physical oceanography Soil Noise and vibration Hydrology and surface water quality Hydrogeology and groundwater quality Noise and vibration Visual aesthetics Biological Onshore Components Biological Offshore Components Terrestrial flora Marine flora Terrestrial fauna Marine fauna Freshwater flora Marine habitats and ecosystems Freshwater fauna Marine biodiversity Terrestrial habitats and ecosystems Marine protected areas Freshwater habitats and ecosystems Biodiversity Protected areas Onshore social components Offshore social components Infrastructure Infrastructure Education Education Land Use Land Use Demographics (Population) Demographics (Population) Economic Conditions Economic Conditions Employment Employment Health (Including Health Facilities) Health (Including Health Facilities) Cultural Heritage and Archaeology Cultural Heritage and Archaeology Industry Industry Page 17 of 125 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents During physical baseline data collection: Data collection for the description of the current conditions of the physical environment was performed. The sampling locations were defined considering the potential impacts of the Project at these locations depending on their distance to the pipeline and current sensitivity.  PM-10 and PM-2.5 sampling was performed at a total of 162 points selected. Samplings were conducted by Çınar Laboratory during July, August and September 2013 and March and May of 2014.  SO2, NOX, and O3 sampling was performed at a total 40 points in May, August, October 2013 and February 2014 by Çınar Environmental Laboratory.  Noise and vibration measurement was performed at a total 69 points. The field studies were conducted in May and July-September, 2013 and March and May, 2014 by Çınar Environmental Laboratory.  Field studies for baseline soil contamination has been conducted in September, October and November 2013 and May 2014 at 105 sampling stations by Ç ınar Laboratory.  For the wet season (spring/May 2013) and dry season (summer/July) 327 and 218 sampling points were determined for surface water quality measurements. (please refer to some sample photos as photo 1 and 2 for surface water sampling at site during wet season)  Groundwater sampling was conducted at 37 locations in June-October 2013 and February 2014. Photo 1 Kızılırmak-Kırıkkale- Surface water sampling Photo 2 Sakarya Haymana- surface water sampling Page 18 of 125 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents During biological baseline data collection: TERRESTRIAL & FRESHWATER:  A total of 246 sampling stations were visited / chosen for terrestrial flora studies, 87 SCC,  A total of 43 sampling stations were visited / chosen for aquatic flora studies, no SCC,  A total of 133 sampling stations for mammals, five SCC,  A total of 152 sampling stations for birds, two SCC and five potential SCC,  A total of 133 sampling stations for reptiles, four SCC and seven potential SCC,  A total of 133 sampling stations for amphibian species, one potential SCC,  A total of 243 stations for terrestrial invertebrates, 34 SCC,  A total of 12 high sensitivity habitats, which are defined in accordance with National Biological Diversity Strategy and Action Plan5 (Please refer Annex 3).  A total of 189 sampling stations for freshwater fish and macroinvertebrates studies, 13 SCC fish species and one potential SCC macroinvertebrate were identified as a result of the field studies and literature analysis. These studies were conducted by a group of specialists coordinated by local ESIA Consultant, Çınar, on terrestrial flora and fauna, freshwater flora and fauna in May-June 2013 (according to Turkey climate May to June for west part of Turkey, July to August for east part of Turkey) Among the various endemics identified along the route following new species to science were identified as arthropods; Chrysolina n. sp., Tipula n. sp.1 (pls. see photo 3), Dioctria n. sp. 1, Dioctria n. sp. 2, Muzimes n. sp., Hilara n. sp. 1 (pls. see photo 4), Hilara n. sp. 2, Hilara n. sp. 3, Hextoma n. sp., as flora; Verbascum sp. Nov.. Photo 3 Tipula n. sp.1 Photo 4 Hilara n. sp. 1 5 MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTRY, 2007, The National Biological Diversity Strategy and Action Plan. General Directorate of Nature Conservation and National Parks. Department of Nature Conservation. National Focal Point of Convention on Biological Diversity. Page 19 of 125 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents MARINE:  A total of 45 fishermen surveys for marine mammals and turtles studies, four potential SCC, no breeding area;  A total of 6 sampling stations were visited / chosen for marine fish studies, no SCC or their breeding area;  A total of 17 sampling stations were visited / chosen for marine soft bottom macrobenthos and marine flora studies, 11 sampling stations were visited / chosen for marine hard bottom macrobenthos, no SCC were identified as a result of the field studies and literature analysis. During social baseline data collection: Social Baseline Studies were conducted to obtain updated and sound socio-economic data about potential Project-affected settlements as well as to identify any possible concerns and feedbacks of the local communities regarding the Project. These activities represented an important opportunity to collect baseline information from stakeholders as well as to inform them on the Project, allowing them to express opinions and comments. Surveys were conducted in five main forms:  Key informant interviews - A total of 151 interviews  Focus groups meetings - A total of 307 meetings (pls. see photos 5&6)  Questionnaires to settlement heads - A total of 396 questionnaires (pls. see photo 7)  Questionnaires to households - A total of 2253 questionnaires  Phone surveys - A total of 117 calls Photo 5 Focus Group Meeting with Young Photo 6 Focus Group Meeting with Women People Page 20 of 125 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents Photo 7 Questionnaire surveys 3.3. ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (ESMS) TANAP has established an ESMS in order to meet national and international standards and best practices as well as to assure appropriate management of environmental and social risks that could compromise the efficiency of project development and execution. TANAP and its Contractors of each level from management to third party monitoring services and from implementation to logistics and procurement are responsible for the development and implementation of their own environmental and social management systems (ESMS). The systems ultimately have the aim of ensuring that: • The Project meets its legal and other Project requirements; • The Project Environmental and Social aspects are identified and potential impacts are controlled (or enhanced in the case of positive impacts) as far as possible and as per Project commitments which are presented in the Appendix 4.7 of the ESIA Report; and • The Project demonstrates continual improvement in its environmental and social management. TANAP’s ESMS documentation establishes and maintains information to describe the core elements of the management system and their interaction. ESMS documentation of Project is managed (created, tracked, stored and maintained) in accordance with document control plans and procedures of the Project. The core ESMS documentation of TANAP consists of ESIA Report, Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP), Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP), Environmental Action Plan (EAP), Environmental Monitoring Plan (EMP), Social Action Plan (SAP), Social Monitoring Plan (SMP), Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) related procedures, and relevant forms. Page 21 of 125 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents The ESIA Report forms the basis for the environmental and social management system of construction,operation and decommissioning phases of the Project. It reflects the Project’s environmental and social aspects and impacts and the respective mitigations throughout the entire project life cycle. The “Environmental and Social Management Plan” (TNP-PLN-ENV-GEN-001) explains general approach of environmental and social management system of Project and how the principles of ISO 14001:2004 are applied. The ESMP is revised and reissued periodically to reflect the current status of environmental and social management system and its documentation. Environmental Action Plan (TNP-PLN-ENV-GEN-002) and Social Action Plan (TNP-PLN-SOC-GEN-002) outline how TANAP manages the requirements of ESIA for engineering, procurement and construction processes, such as defining the third party monitoring services, internal and external audit processes, compliance checks. Environmental Monitoring Plan (TNP-PLN- ENV-GEN-003) and Social Monitoring Plan (TNP-PLN-SOC-GEN-00) ensure that the appropriate monitoring requirements for environmental and social are implemented regarding the Project requirements. The roles and responsibilities of TANAP, EPCM contractor, Construction contractors and third party ESIA monitoring consultant as per ESMS are briefly described in Table 3 below. Page 22 of 125 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents Table 3 Roles and Responsibilities of TANAP, EPCM Contractor, Construction Contractors and Third Party ESIA Monitoring Consultant TANAP Environmental and Social Teams  Fully responsible for ensuring that the environmental and social Project requirements, goals and objectives are met and being operated in accordance with the project ESMS.  Fully responsible for organizing, managing and monitoring the environmental and social activities in the scope of TANAP Project.  Review and approve the ESMS of each Contractor, involved in the TANAP Project, including EPCM.  Monitor performance through review of information provided by EPCM (through Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), reports, etc.), audits, and meetings.  Ensure that third party monitoring of project activities are conducted. EPCM Environmental and Social Teams  Manage and monitor the implementation of TANAP’s Environmental and Social Requirements for the Contractors, all other commitments in ESIA and ESMS components within the scope of EPCM activities.  Reviews and approves E&S documentation of Contractors that are under the supervision of EPCM. Contractor Environmental and Social  Responsible for the development and the Teams implementation of their own ESMS in compliance with TANAP’s Environmental and Social Requirements for the Contractors and all relevant ESIA commitments Third party ESIA monitoring consultant  Monitors quarterly the implementation of the commitments and mitigations of the ESIA Report as a legal requirement of MoEU and daily as per TANAP technical scope of work, which was set forth within the Environmental Monitoring Plan of TANAP. In addition, during monitoring, reviews the specific documentation prepared both by EPCM and CCs, for the implementation of ESIA commitments and then reports the non-compliances with daily reports as well as within weekly and monthly reports, officially to TANAP. The organization charts depicting environmental and social teams of TANAP, EPCM Contractor and Construction Contractors are given in Figures 6 and 7. This structure will be enlarged with the Contract award of the other sections of the pipeline such as Stations, Off-shore etc.. Figure 8 presents the overall algorithm of the ESMS of TANAP Project. Page 23 of 125 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents Environmental and social management guidelines for Contractors, in general, as defined further in Section 3.3.1, such as pollution prevention plan, community safety plan, are the documents/sub-plans explaining how environmental and social issues of specific concern are managed by TANAP and its Contractors and set out in broad terms how TANAP intends to manage these specific issues. These sub- plans were prepared within the ESIA Report considering the impact assessment results, commitments, as well as the confronting mitigations. During the ESMS set up phase, these sub plans become a part of the Environmental and Social Action Plans as a Guideline for Contractors. EPCM, has a management role and responsibility to have the TANAP Project requirements being implemented. After the contract award, Contractors prepare their own site-specific environmental and social management plans in line with the requirements set in TANAP E&S generic management plans to perform their Contractual obligations. The Contractors’ management plans are subject to TANAP approval. Procedures relate to management controls for handling key environmental issues and contain details in terms of how an activity is undertaken, who does it, when it is done and what records are generated as a result of conducting the procedure. Procedures are developed and diversified as the system is improved. Contractors develop their own procedures pursuant to Contracts and submit to TANAP for approval. Page 24 of 125 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents Figure 6 Organization Chart for Environmental Teams of TANAP, EPCM Contractor and Construction Contractors Page 25 of 125 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents Figure 7 Organization Chart for Social Teams of TANAP, EPCM Contractor and Construction Contractors Page 26 of 125 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents TANAP PROJECT ESMS TANAP PROJECT ESMS TANAP PROJECT ESMS TANAP EPCM PROJECT CONTRACTORS Start ESMS Documents* Start IGA Start HGA EPCM Contract Contract Project ESMS HSSE Policy (BOD) Documents of Develop ESMS EPCM** Develop ESMS Project ESMS Documents of Turkish & Turkish & CCs*** International E&S International E&S ESIA, BAP Legislation Legislation ESMS Documents* Develop ESMS Review and Confirm ISO14001 Contractors’ ESMS ISO9001 OHSAS18001 ISO14001 ISO14001 ISO27001 ISO9001 ISO9001 OHSAS18001 OHSAS18001 ISO27001 ISO27001 Implement Monitor & Measure Project Contracts Performance of ESMS Implement ESMS Turkish & International E&S Improve Legislation Reports & Registers Reports & Registers Environmental and Social Management Reports & Register Plan Reports & Register Improve ESMS End End End Phase Phase Phase Figure 8 The overall algorithm of the ESMS of TANAP Project6 6* ESMS Documents: ESMS documentation of TANAP consists of ESIA Report, Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) Report, Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP), Environmental Action Plan (EAP), Environmental Monitoring Plan (EMP), Social Action Plan (SAP), Social Monitoring Plan (SMP), related procedures, and relevant forms. ** Project ESMS Documents of EPCM: Environmental and Social Management Plan of EPCM and relevant procedures, specifications *** Project ESMS Documents of CCs: Environmental and Social Sub-management Plans for the implementation of the requirements, commitments and mitigations of ESIA Report & BAP: Construction Impacts Management Plan, Community Safety Management Plan, Community Relations Plan, Employment and Training Plan,Procurement and Supply Management Plan, Aggregates Management Plan, Traffic Management Plan, Cultural Heritage Management Plan, Erosion, Reinstatement and Landscaping Plan, Pollution Prevention Plan, Waste Management Plan, Emergency Response Plan Page 27 of 125 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents 3.3.1. Environmental and Social Management Guidelines for Contractors Under the umbrella of TANAP ESMS, which is defined in Section 3.3, sub-plans are developed as key components, required for managing the environmental and social aspects during the TANAP Project’s design, construction and operation phases. These include both the environmental and social components affected by the Project and specifically the affected construction corridor and the Project AoI and the supply chain depending on site specific requirements. These plans presented as follows are first prepared within the ESIA reflecting the mitigations required based on the impact assessment requirements and authority commitments:  Construction Impacts Management Plan  Community Safety Management Plan  Community Relations Plan  Employment and Training Plan  Procurement and Supply Management Plan  Aggregates Management Plan  Traffic Management Plan  Cultural Heritage Management Plan  Erosion, Reinstatement and Landscaping Plan  Pollution Prevention Plan  Waste Management Plan  Emergency Response Plan TANAP’s Environmental and Social Management Plan (TNP-PLN- ENV-GEN-001), Environmental Action Plan (TNP-PLN-ENV-GEN-002), Social Action Plan (TNP-PLN-SOC-GEN-002), Environmental Monitoring Plan (TNP-PLN-ENV-GEN-003), Social Monitoring Plan (TNP-PLN-SOC- GEN-00) together with the ESIA Report and the sub management plans given above also form a framework for ESMS of EPCM and construction contractors. In this respect, with the handover of the project, EPCM and CC’s formed their own Environmental and Social Management Systems with respect to ESIA Report and TANAP ESMS documentation, as well as ISO 14001 requirements. These ESMSshave been approved by EPCM/TANAP before site mobilization. Additionally, Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP), which is explained in Section 4.3 of this Executive Summary, has been prepared and shared with both EPCM and Contractors as a complementary documentation to ESIA. BAP is also adopted to the ESMS of TANAP Project,and it is incorporated both within the ESMS of EPCM and Contractors. Page 28 of 125 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents EPCM, as a supervision and monitoring unit on behalf of TANAP, ensures that all design, procurement construction and operation related mitigations stipulated by ESIA Report and the above sub management plans are adequately integrated into the engineering, procurement, construction and operation plans and procedures and all other related documentation of the Project. Contractors’ own procedures defined in their ESMS required for controlling environmental and social commitments including NCR procedure and Incident procedure are prepared in accordance with the relevant EPCM/TANAP plans and procedures. In addition, CCs are responsible for preparing Method Statements in order to define the mitigations required for some site specific cases such as some road crossings, river crossings, steep slopes, RoW clearing and grading, and site specific reinstatement or erosion control. These Method Statements are also subject to approval of EPCM/TANAP. In addition to the package submitted to Contractors during bid phases including ESIA Report, BAP Report and ESMS documentation of TANAP, Contractors’ site specific environmental and social plans should address the following groups of issues:  Flora and Fauna (Construction impacts management plan) – identification of measures to be taken to minimize potential impacts on the biological environment; outline management actions to reduce loss or alteration of ecologically sensitive areas; define seasonal construction periods; etc.  Waste Management – including the identification of waste streams and management actions including minimization, recycling, collection, storage, treatment and disposal of waste which is generated during site preparation, construction and pre- commissioning phases of the project.  Pollution Prevention – including the actions to manage and monitor impacts to air, land, and water, and also manage/monitor noise and vibration impacts.  Water Management - including the identification of the project water sources such as surface water and groundwater, and management actions associated with Project industrial and domestic water use, as well as the minimization and control of use, and the recycling, treatment and disposal of water which is used and generated during site preparation, construction and pre- commissioning phases of the project.  Erosion Control and Reinstatement - aims at preventing, minimizing and controlling the production of sediments during the construction activities, through design and defines adequate erosion control and management during construction, as well as ensuring an Page 29 of 125 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents adequate reinstatement and rehabilitation of the area and of its original landscape characteristics.  Aggregate Management - identify estimated quantities and possible sources of aggregates as well as potential impacts and recommendations for impact mitigation.  Greenhouse Gas Emissions – aim to decrease GHG emissions throughout the construction period and provide input into TANAP’s carbon footprint measuring and monitoring tool.  Traffic Management – addressing traffic safety, traffic planning and management of environmental issues (dust, vibration) associated with heavy traffic.  Cultural Heritage Management – ensure avoidance of significant impacts on cultural and archaeological resources within the project area and protect late find through implementation of the procedure for chance findings during the construction and land preparation phases.  Emergency Response - define the actions and procedures which are implemented to prevent emergencies and/or to respond in a planned manner to minimize the respective potential damages owing to emergencies, including spill response.  Camp Management – aim to define the management of the camp activities.  Community Relations - aim to build and consolidate relationships with all stakeholders (involving people, institutions, groups and other stakeholders who may be affected by the Project) during the site preparation, construction and pre-commissioning phases of the Project.  Community Safety- aim to reduce any project impacts on the safety of local residents due to project activities during the site preparation, construction and pre-commissioning phases of the project, with specific focus on community safety awareness and training of workers.  Worker Management – aim to address the mobilization of workers, recruitment strategy/plan, recruitment procedure, contracts, HR policies, communication, retrenchment and training.  Procurements and Supply –aim to maximize the local supply of products and services to be used during the site preparation, construction and pre-commissioning phases. 3.3.2. Alignment of Environmental and Social Management System Documentation with other Engineering documentation The Project changes and the changes in key control documents which impact the conditions and commitments stated in approved ESIA documentation are subject to Environmental Management of Change procedure of TANAP (TNP-PCD-ENV-GEN-002) of which has Page 30 of 125 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents been one of the main documents shared with EPCM to be implemented during Project activities. This procedure is applied when:  Engineering/Design changes  Route/location changes  Applicable legislation changes related to environmental issues  Authority provision changes  Any new environmental/social data is introduced  Construction/operation strategy changes  TANAP’s policies and strategies change  Stakeholders influence the project The Facilitator of the Change ensures that the Environmental Department is informed of any change, as specified above, which could have a potential environmental impact and which could cause a deviation from the approved ESIA Report. ESMS of EPCM has set the system for the environmental management of change process, regarding the TANAP Environmental Management of Change Procedure. If the proposed change, such as using a camp site which is not proposed as one of the alternatives in the ESIA Report, is arriving from Construction Contractors, environmental and social aspects are evaluated by them, regarding the environmental management of change system requirements and presented to the approval of EPCM/TANAP as well as to the authority approval. If the change is proposed by EPCM/TANAP, then internal processes; Client Advice Notice (CAN) and Action Advice Notice (AAN) procedures defined in Section 3.1 are used in between TANAP and EPCM for the evaluation of these changes, in which Environmental and Social Checklist/Assessment is implemented and the additional mitigations can be referred, if required such as the preparation of Environmental and Social Assessment reports, monitoring of Archaeologists, CH mitigations etc.. Approved changes are registered in the alignment sheets and shared with the construction contractors (CCs) for implementation. Alignment sheets have been produced by EPCM and checked/approved by TANAP for the whole pipeline route. These sheets presents information on environmental-cultural heritage restrictions, construction constraints, bioremediation and slope breaker notes or refer to related technical specifications etc. Page 31 of 125 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents Alignment sheets are revised and re-issued to be implemented during construction, whereever it is required. The progress of the Construction has been followed-up by March Charts which are prepared by Construction Contractors in which environmental and archaeological constraints are also incorporated as well as the other items. ESIA Report findings and the BAP report results are reflected on these charts such as CHs, closed construction period, river crossings etc. These March charts demonstrates the schedule of Construction considering each activity in a given time frame by the contract. As stated in above paragraphs, these documentation are all subject to approval of EPCM/TANAP. EPCM reviews and checks the environmental documents from CCS to verify that these meet the environmental requirements included in respective Project Contracts. Throughout the design phases, EPCM verifies that all design safety aspects are reviewed and included by design contractors. In addition as per the scope of services of EPCM; EPCM ensures that each Project Contract sets out the respective obligations and undertakings of the Project Contractor as far as applicable including the requirements for Health, Safety, Security and Environmental (HSSE) protection to be adhered to by the Project Contractors and the requirements for Project Contractor bidding and procurement. TANAP has established the following communications methods to improve the coordination and communication among the other disciplines and also within the environmental and social teams as given in Table 4. Page 32 of 125 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents Table 4 Communication among TANAP disciplines Communication type Subject of the Communication Participants TANAP Weekly Social and Environmental and social issues are TANAP Environmental Manager, Lead Environmental Team discussed in these meetings within Environmental Engineers, Meetings the respective teams. Environmental Engineers in Ankara Office. TANAP Social Impact Manager, Social Impact Specialist, SEIP Specialist, Social Impact Assistant Specialist TANAP Monthly Site Current status of the environmental TANAP Environmental Team in Ankara Environmental Coordination issues at site is discussed and site Office and Site Environmental Meetings challenges during construction Specialists of each Construction Site activities are evaluated. under the leader of Environmental Manager TANAP Ad-hoc Environmental Issues arisen during TANAP Environmental Manager, Environmental-Engineering Detailed Engineering phase was Senior Environmental Expert, Meetings discussed and evaluated. Engineering Manager, Pipeline Engineer and/or other specific experts TANAP Ad-hoc Site Social Social issues at site are discussed and TANAP Ankara Office Social Impact Coordination Meetings evaluated. Team and Site Social Impact Specialists of each Construction Site under the leader of Social Manager TANAP Weekly Report TANAP reports weekly progress to N/A senior management TANAP Monthly Report TANAP reports monthly progress to N/A senior management and shareholders Communication with Contractors and Consultants is ensured as per the following communication methods given in Table 5. Page 33 of 125 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents Table 5 Communication with Contractors and Consultants Communication type Subject of the Communication Participants Weekly Environmental and Weekly issues regarding TANAP Environmental and Social Social Progress Meetings environmental and social Managers, EPCM E&S Manager, EPCM with EPCM Environmental management of EPCM are discussed in Environmental Compliance Lead, and Social Team these meetings. EPCM Social Complaince Lead Monthly EPCM/ CC TANAP attends to monthly meetings TANAP Construction, Contracts, meetings of EPCM-CC to follow-up the progress Quality, HS, Environmental, Social at site Managers and/or experts, EPCM Construction, Contracts, Quality, HS, Environmental, Social Managers and/or experts, CC Construction, Contratcs, Quality, HS, Environmental, Social Managers and/or experts Progress Reports of EPCM TANAP reviews weekly and monthly N/A EPCM reports to follow up progress of EMS Additional monthly environmental summary reports are prepared and sent by EPCM, in order to ensure the regular review of the progress of Construction Contractors. Bi-weekly Meeting of TANAP holds these meetings for the TANAP Environmental and Social Archaeological and communication of Third party Team, EPCM Environmental and Social Environmental Consultants Monitoring Company, Çınar and Team, TPMC’s Project Manager and Archaeological Consultant, Regio relevant required personnel. (Regio Raporlama Etüd Geliştirme Org. TANAP Environmental Manager, Lead Dan. Eğitim A.Ş.) Environmental Engineer, Archaeologist, Archaeological Consultant’s Project Director and Manager, TANAP Contracts Specialist, when required. Progress Reports of TANAP reviews daily, weekly, monthly N/A Archaeological and and quarterly reports of Third party Environmental Consultants Monitoring Company, Çınar and Archaeological Consultant, Regio. Page 34 of 125 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents 4. ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACTS This section presents the basic understanding of the Environmental and Social Impact assessment methodology, which is further explained in detail in Annex 5. The potential major impacts and major mitigations including the community safety aspects, as well as describing the process of third party monitoring are stated. BAP study, which was conducted right after the ESIA approval, was explained considering major findings and mitigations. The last section defines the transboundary impact assessment results, considering both the impact assessment results and the additional modelling study. 4.1. ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT The impact assessment process as defined in a general perspective in Section 3.2 used a methodology, which is highly transparent and semi-quantitative based on the DPSIR Framework of EEA. The methodology is also based on cartographical outputs to identify the hot-spot areas, where significant impacts are likely to occur. Overall the methodology is based on the identification of the following elements:  Project components (Drivers): units with specific physical, technological and location that are part of the Project  Project activities: each activity that are necessary for the construction, operation or decommissioning of the various project components;  Impact factors (Pressures): forms of direct or indirect interference produced by the Project actions on the environment and society, able to influence the environmental and social state or quality;  Sensitivity (State): sum of the conditions which characterize the present quality and/or trends of specific environmental and social components and/or of their resources;  Impacts (Impacts): changes undergone by the environmental and social state or quality because of the different impact factors generated by the Project actions;  Mitigation measures (Responses): actions adopted in order to avoid or minimize potential adverse impacts, or to enhance positive impacts. The GIS based methodology of Golder used in the environmental and social impact assessment of the project is summarized in Annex 5. 4.2. IMPACTS & MITIGATION MEASURES Studies were conducted for the estimation of the extent of the potential impacts of TANAP project and also for the assessment of their significance. Required mitigation measures were also identified in the assessment phase (pls. see Tables 6-8). Computer programs were used for the estimation of the extent of the potential impacts of noise and air emissions by conducting modelling studies. Page 35 of 125 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents Informing the parties (public and other stakeholders) who may be affected by the Project and taking their opinions, collecting baseline data and progress and design of the project were all carried out in parallel schedules providing continuous interaction. After the ESIA process was completed, monitoring activities started to be conducted by Third Party Monitoring Company (TPMC), i.e. Çınar as shown in Table 3, for the construction, operation and decommissioning periods in order to follow up the implementation and the efficiency of the environmental and social mitigation measures. Defined mitigation measures and monitoring requirements are considered during the detailed design of the Project. These mitigation measures and monitoring requirements are reflected for the construction, operation and decommissioning phases, of which are incorporated to the management and monitoring plans included in the tender documentation, which ensures the Project Contractors to be informed on these requirements, and enforces their compliance with these environmental and social requirements. Reported non-compliances by TPMC are followed-up continuously through the daily, weekly and monthly reports as stated in Table 5, which are shared with EPCM as well for their action. Page 36 of 125 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents Table 6 Impacts on Physical Components during Construction and Operation Potential significant impacts during Proposed Mitigation measures construction Air quality associated with the dust and air Emissions from vehicle exhausts used for transport of workers, pollutants associated with the construction construction material, vehicles and equipment will be minimised earthworks, vehicle traffic. through good practices e.g. proper maintenance, restriction on idling and running of vehicle engines only when required. Frequent mist spraying should be applied on dusty areas. The frequency of spraying will depend upon local conditions such as rainfall, temperature, wind speed and humidity. The amount of mist spraying should be just enough to dampen the material without over- watering which could result in surface water runoff. Soil and land use associated with the erosion and A designated right of way (ROW) working strip has been defined sedimentation along pipeline routes; changes in and restrictions of works will be performed in the designated ROW. land use capability and loss of agricultural land. The ROW will be reduced at forest and ecologically sensitive areas. Existing roads will be used as much as possible and development of new roads will be minimized. Top soil management measures will be in place. The top soil will be stripped, salvaged and stored to be laid back after the completion of construction works. Procedures will be in place to prevent soil contamination during construction works. Temporary erosion control measures will be in place during construction. The disturbed areas will be reinstated/ re-vegetated and appropriate biorestoration techniques will be used to bring the disturbed areas to original conditions. Hydrology and surface water quality associated Construction activities at the river crossings will be limited to with water pollution through the mobilisation of periods of low flow, when sediments are minimal. sediments due to river crossing activities and release of sewage and wastewater. Trenchless or isolation methods will be used at selected river crossings as per the engineering specifications. Hydrostatic testing will be planned so that the opportunities for water re-use are maximized: First priority is to use surface water for hydro testing, if this is not possible groundwater resources can be used with permission and ensuring no impact on public use and environmental sensitivities. Air quality associated with air emissions mainly The limited noise and air emissions generated from the compressor from dust from ongoing management of the stations will be minimized through design and operating procedures. pipelines and compressor station functioning. During the operation of the pipeline TANAP, landscaping measures Visual aesthetics associated with the above ground will be in place to minimize the visual impacts of the compressors installations. stations. Page 37 of 125 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents Table 7 Impacts on Biological Components during Construction and Operation Proposed mitigation measures Potential significant majorimpacts during construction Terrestrial habitats, Flora and Fauna associated with;  Implement strategies for surface water and groundwater protection Loss or alteration of ecologically sensitive  Re-locate project components, where practical, if some Project areas and wetlands due to direct or indirect impacts areas contain rare species or environmentally sensitive areas from land clearing or project construction  Transport Project workforce by bus to reduce traffic volumes  Implement dust control measures on access roads Loss or alteration of rare plants and rare  Locate project components on previously disturbed areas rather plant communities due to direct or indirect impacts than new areas where possible from land clearing or project construction  Locate project components away from wetlands to the extent practicable Loss or alteration of forests due to direct or  Maximize the use of existing corridors/roads indirect impacts from land clearing or project  Avoid using sensitive areas if extra land is required for project construction activities  Construction Works will be completed in shorter periods, during- low flow and/or non-breeding/spawning seasons at sensitive areas. Negative effects (pathogen or contaminant  Reduce construction width (30 m) at sensitive areas introduction, reduction of photosynthetic capacity, or light availability) on plant species adjacent to roads  Implement Special Method statements for construction and due to increased road dust from project traffic reinstatement at special/sensitive areas  Implement strategies to minimize impacts to soil structure, quality and capability Soil erosion or change in quality affecting vegetation communities Alteration of vegetation communities due to indirect impacts of changes to surface water or groundwater quality or quantity Altered community structure due to the proliferation of weed species.  The location of the marine crossing is going to be in a location that Marine habitats, Flora and Fauna associated with has already been significantly altered/degraded by due to the the pipe laying at coastal areas construction activities of the existing pipeline.  No liquid or solid substance will be disposed into the sea;  Necessary precaution to avoid accidental dropping of the construction wastes into the sea will be taken into account;  Appropriate measures will be implemented in case of any accidental release and/or leakage (e.g. site specific pollution prevention plan, emergency response plan).  Water discharge permits and approvals will be obtained from relevant authorities for all kind of wastewater discharge, including the water used in the hydro-test;  If necessary, assess in detail the presence and distribution of sea grass in the LSA.  Avoid as much as possible the destruction of sea grasses, most of which are a remarkable habitat7;  Minimize the unavoidable impacts of suspended sediment in the LSA;  According to the results of the sea grass distribution map, if necessary, a modelling of the sediment dispersion during the trenching activities should be elaborated; 7 According UNEP(OCA)/MED WG 149/5 rev.1 – Annex IV Page 38 of 125 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents  Anchoring activities should be avoided as much as possible on sea bottoms colonized by sea grasses;  For the hydro-test, if possible, use environmental-friendly, non- toxic and biodegradable chemicals and then treat wastewater before their (careful and regulated) discharge into the environment; Aquatic habitats, Flora and Fauna associated with  Discharge of wastewater to surface water resources after treatment the crossing river with open-cut method. in compliance with the applicable regulatory requirements.  Avoid vehicle crossings across the watercourse to the extent practicable.  Limit construction activities to the extent practicable to periods of low flow, when sediments are minimal.  Design and install buried pipeline and road crossings in accordance with applicable best practices.  Ensure all equipment working in or near watercourses is clean and free of fluid leaks  Use appropriate sediment and erosion control techniques (e.g., silt fences) during construction  Restore and stabilize channel banks immediately after backfilling to prevent bank erosion  Use clean, native materials during bed and bank restoration works  Monitor watercourse turbidity during construction and take corrective actions where required  Prevent turbid water from re-entering the watercourse using natural or mechanized filtration processes  Install and maintain appropriate erosion control measures such as silt fences around all riparian disturbance areas and watercourse crossings  Implement a re-growth of riparian vegetation programme  Record all volumes of water withdrawal from natural resources for project related activities for demonstration of no exceedance of the allowance  Obtain applicable water abstraction permits  Install temporary vehicle crossings/bridges  Restrict fuelling/refilling, chemical handling activities in close vicinity of the watercourses  Plan construction to consider seasonal sensitivities  Strictly prohibit fishing at watercourses  Implement special construction mitigations to protect sensitive species Potential impacts during operation Proposed Mitigation measures During the operation phase no biological components are expected to be particularly impacted, since the bio-restoration works will be correctly conducted. Page 39 of 125 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents Photos 8 and 9 show the unavoidable intersections with protected areas Manyas and Sarıkamış of which authority correspondences were completed and permits were received. Photo 8 Intersection with Manyas Lake Wetland Photo 9 Intersection with Sarıkamış Forest Page 40 of 125 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents Table 8 Impacts on Social Components during Construction and Operation Potential Significant Impacts During Proposed Mitigation Measures Construction During the construction phase main impacts on traffic and Access to properties will be guaranteed or appropriate roads will occur in crossings between the pipeline corridor alternative accesses that are agreed with owners or users will and existing roads. be implemented. Access to settlements will always be guaranteed either through diversions or by allowing the passage of vehicles and livestock at certain hours through the use of appropriate solutions. The need to transport material, products and staff will lead to Trainings will be provided to the adults and children in the increased traffic, mainly of heavy vehicles, on the existing settlement areas along and around the pipeline route in order road network. to increase traffic awareness. Temporary traffic control and appropriate signs will be used to highlight warnings and to improve safety. With reference to the land use the main social impact will There will be Compensation measures for the impacts on occur primarily during the construction phase when livelihood of the community. restriction will be applied to land use (e.g. agriculture, grazing). The corridor crosses a number of existing infrastructure Any damage to utility distribution networks will be facilities. The pipeline routes has been planned to limit repaired promptly. interference with residential areas. Nevertheless some temporary impacts are expected during the construction Access to utility distribution networks for Project needs phase (e.g. routes; irrigation systems). will be agreed with affected land owners or land users. Any planned disruption of utility distribution services will be communicated to local authorities and local communities with at least 72 hours’ notice in advance; where planned disruptions are expected to last more than 12 hours, a specific risk analysis will be performed to assess impacts expected on local communities and to identify additional mitigation measures Due to the scale of the Project a large number of workers . will be needed during the construction phase generating impacts (positive and negative) on the social context. Code of Conduct, containing rules that workers are to Accommodations at the camp sites will be available for the workers. follow both during working hours and in campsites; and recommendations on behavior during free-time, is a part of the Employment and Training Plans, which each CC will prepare. Code of Conduct is a component of the induction training for construction workers. The induction training will also include training on interacting with local communities and local customs. Implementation of the Code of Conduct is the responsibility of the CC and the violation is addressed in the discipline procedure. Local hiring procedure is described in the Employment and Training Plans. Local hiring will be carried out through local recruitment agencies and announcement through local district offices. Impacts on cultural heritage are at two different levels: the Local communities and authorities will be consulted to risk that project activities may damage monuments and identify if Project activities restrict access to elements of sites and the risk that Project activities may disrupt traditional culture and/or interfere with traditional intangible heritage such as festivities and traditional celebrations or festivities; alternative solutions will be agreed beliefs. with the parties. 41 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents Potential Significant Impacts During Operation Proposed Mitigation Measures During the operation phase of the Project, the component The local employment and procurement will be most likely to be impacted is employment and livelihoods. maximized to increase the positive impact on the socio- The pipeline is expected to imply minor long-term economic conditions of the region. restrictions on the current land use along the pipeline right of way, no tree planting, constructing building, using heavy vehicles, etc. Landowners will be able to use their lands back for former agricultural purposes under the specified conditions. The engineering design of the TANAP Pipeline System has minimized hazards and reduced risks, following the ALARP (As Low as Reasonably Practicable) principle, according to best industry practice. An overview of the activities undertaken to identify the hazards and assess the risks potentially generated by the TANAP Pipeline and, on the basis of the findings, the defined relevant prevention and mitigation measures that are embedded in the design for both the process safety, environmental impact prevention and community safety purposes during operation phase, are as presented below. The design of the pipeline system includes the following principles:  Minimizing hazardous inventories.  Minimizing the likelihood of leakage through design integrity, i.e. use of appropriate materials of construction, use of welded rather than screwed fittings where practicable, minimizing the number of valves, flanges, fittings, instruments and other leak sources.  Employing a fully automated process monitoring and control system resulting in reduced personnel in process areas.  Employing a basic process control system (PCS) with a separate Safety Instrumented System (SIS) combining the functions for process shutdown, emergency shutdown and fire and gas detection.  Ensuring facility separation/segregation (manned locations remote from process).  Employing overpressure protection inclusive of pressure relief.  Minimizing ignition sources.  Preventing the build-up of flammable gas mixtures.  Providing active/passive fire and explosion protection.  Providing adequate escape, evacuation and rescue systems for personnel. To ensure the implementation of these principles, during the project design various risk analysis studies have been performed for the project such as: 1. Environmental Hazards Identification Study (ENVID) 2. Hazard Identification Study (HAZID) 3. Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP) 4. Safety Integrity Level Analysis (SIL) 5. Fire and Explosion Hazard Analysis (FEHA) 6. Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) 7. Project Health & Safety and Environmental Review (PHSER) 42 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents In addition to the above items; during the ESIA preparation phase, distances of health protection strip was defined regarding the required actions identified within the Regulation on Enterprise Opening and Operating Licenses that came into force by being published in the Official Gazette dated 10.08.2005 and numbered 25902. Health Protection Strip distances cannot be defined out of land acquisition borders and the areas to be expropriated are determined based on the health protection strip; meaning that the land acquisition border should cover the health strip zone. Current situation is based on this criterion; fence borders defined for the above ground installations are indicated including the health strip area. Therefore, there will be no additional restrictions to be applied around the fenced area. As there is no opportunity to build fence over the pipeline to enable re-use by the owners/users, the 16m is acquired as per the HGA which includes the health strip which fits with the health protection regulation with certain restrictions such as not constructing any building, animal shelter for communities’ health protection within the specified zone. Furthermore, according to the Article 6 of the Regulation, “activities won’t be initiated before opening and operating licenses are received”. Health Protection Strip is proposed around the facilities such as camp sites, block valve, compressor and pigging stations that are installed and will be installed on NGP route and necessary pre-cautions will be taken for the Health Protection Strip not to be violated. In case the pipeline passes close to the residential areas, safety pre-cautions will be taken, safety distance will be provided on both sides of the pipeline, other construction works won’t be permitted on these areas. Health protection strip distances will be signed on master plans by the related Development Directorate and related authorities for this purpose. The distances of Health Protection Zone for the project are approved by Ministry of Health as given below: Pipeline: 7 meters from edge of the pipeline, 14 meters in total along the pipeline route Compressor stations: 75 meters from compressor units Metering stations: 30 meters from the metering units Pigging stations: 30 meters from pigging facilities Block valve stations: 20 meters from the block valves However, compared to the pipelines in other countries, which has restricted land, proximity to residential areas are kept in very long distances in TANAP pipeline, as long as possible. The pipeline route will be highlighted and signed in order to make community aware of the pipeline route. The above ground installations will be fenced to prevent unauthorized entry of the people. Operation phase Community Safety Plan will be prepared by TANAP and required communication will be ensured by Community Liaison Officers as conducted during the Construction phase by EPCM and Construction Contractors. 43 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents 4.3. BIODIVERSITY ACTION PLAN The purpose of the Biodiversity Action Plan, prepared within the scope of the TANAP Project, is to identify the species and habitats, considering the priorities of national, international and local species and habitats and consequently to determine the applicable and area-specific actions to protect and conserve the biodiversity on the 36 m ROW during the construction, operation and decommissioning phases of the Project. The presence of natural habitats (Please see Annex 3), intersections of the ROW with the protected or conservation areas (Please see Annex 4) and ecologically sensitive species was observed in detail along the ROW. This screening procedure was done on the ground by a team of specialists, selected for their detailed knowledge of the study area. Within the BAP process, the findings produced in the baseline studies carried out during the TANAP EIA studies were re-evaluated. Within this context, in the desktop studies:  The findings of the field studies performed during the EIA studies in a 500 m LSA were re-assessed for 36 m ROW.  Natural habitats, SCC’s and potential SCC’s were re-assessed, and field studies for potential SCC’s were also planned.  Field studies for considered species and habitats were planned by experts in the relevant disciplines.  Intersects of the ROW with the protected areas or high biodiversity areas were reviewed. Biodiversity Action plan was prepared by local ESIA Consultant, Çınar right after the completion of ESIA and receiving the approval from MOEU on 24th of July, 2014. The Project team includes several professors and associated professors from universities, who are expertized in their field, most of which have been attended the ESIA process as well. During desktop studies, findings of the TANAP ESIA, in which critical species were identified in baseline studies and EUNIS habitat maps have already been prepared, were re-evaluated. The findings of the 500 m local study area of ESIA Report were re-assessed for 36 m right of way. Field studies were conducted in August-October 2014 period and KP specific critical habitat sections were identified both for terrestrial and freshwater critical habitat types, specifying each related specie under these critical habitat sections. Critical habitats are defined as areas of high biodiversity value that include at least one or more of the five values specified in paragraph 16, IFC (2012)8 Performance Standard 6 and/or other recognised high biodiversity values. These values are as follows: (i) habitat of significant importance to Critically Endangered and/or Endangered species, (ii) habitat of significant importance to endemic and/or restricted-range species, (iii) habitat supporting globally significant concentrations of migratory species and/or congregatory species, (iv) highly 8 IFC, 2012, IFC Sustainability Framework - Effective January, 1, 2012, 1st January 2012. ed. International Finance Corporation, Washington DC, USA. 44 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents threatened and/or unique ecosystems and/or (v) areas associated with key evolutionary processes. However, according to IFC (2012), identifying a critical habitat does not have to be limited to these criteria. Other recognised high biodiversity values may support the assessment of a habitat as critical and the suitability of such a decision is assessed at case basis. As a result of the studies conducted within the framework of BAP, the followings were assessed: a. TERRESTRIAL & FRESHWATER:  54 flora taxa belonging to 22 families,  Three mammalian species belonging to three families,  Seven bird species belonging to five families,  Three reptilian species belonging to two families,  One amphibian specie belonging to one family,  16 arthropod species belonging to 10 families and  23 natural terrestrial EUNIS habitat types,  Nine fish species belonging to five families,  One freshwater macroinvertebrate specie,  Two natural freshwater EUNIS habitat types. The final SCC identified according to the IFC (2012) criterions and tiers, based on the SCC determined during the ESIA studies. 14 of 94 identified SCC species (14.9% of SCC Species) have CR (Critically Endangared) category according to the IUCN Red List. These are:  Alyssum dudleyi (Plant)  Astragalus aytatchii (Plant)  Cephalaria aytachii (Plant)  Dianthus goekayi (Plant)  Gypsophila heteropoda subsp. minutiflora (Plant)  Gypsophila osmangaziensis (Plant)  Hieracium sarykamyschense (Plant)  Salvia tchihatcheffii (Plant)  Verbascum sp. nov. (Plant)  Vanellus gregarius (Bird)  Montivipera wagneri (Reptile)  Anguilla anguilla (Fish)  Cobitis puncticulata (Fish)  Oxyneomacheilus simavica (Fish) According to the impact assessment, there will be no long term or permanent significant impact for these “CR” category SCC’s.There is no expectation of;  the long-term decrease in the size of population,  fragment or increase fragmentation of an ecological community,  reduce the area of occupancy of the species,  fragment an existing population into two or more populations, 45 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents  substantially modify, destroy or isolate an area of important habitat for a migratory species,  seriously disrupt the lifecycle of an ecologically significant proportion of the population of a migratory species,  adversely affect CH to the survival of a species,  disrupt the breeding cycle of a population,  modify, destroy, remove, isolate or decrease the availability or quality of habitat to the extent that the species is likely to decline,  areas of the wetland being destroyed or substantially modified. Determined SCC criterions, tiers and special mitigation measures are given in Annex 1 and Annex 2. There are 67 terrestrial and 27 freshwater critical habitats identified. Terrestrial critical habitats cover only 0.39% of the ESIA (500 m) corridor and 5.6% of the ROW (36 m) and regarding OP 4.04 WB definitions, according to the quantitative impact assessment, of which have been conducted based on the methodology used in Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Studies (DPSIR framework, GIS based approach), there is low degree of impacts expected on natural and critical habitats, therefore significant permanent and long term impacts are not expected and the defined mitigation measures are sufficient for the recovery of habitats, therefore offsets are not required according to the local experts. b. MARINE: There are no critical habitats for marine environment, neither critical marine species nor marine protected & conservation areas elaborated along the project route during the ESIA process. In addition, the area where the offshore section of TANAP route passes from is determined as a corridor for energy and infrastructure projects. There is an existing pipeline, Turkey – Greece Natural Gas Pipeline, in the area of offshore section of TANAP route. Thus, the area is already disturbed due to the construction activities of the existing pipeline. IMPACTS: Impact factors are considered to have a potential effect on habitats; the intensity of the impact factors during construction for the various project components is presented in the ESIA Report. Project activities will affect habitats in many ways (emission of dust, emission of gaseous pollutants, changes of local morphology etc.) but mainly through the;  Removal of natural vegetation  Reduction of topsoil quality/availability  Introduction of alien species Construction activities will affect habitats mainly through the removal of natural vegetation related to the site preparation phase prior to construction; typically trees are felled along the pipeline Row direction, while shrubs and grass species are removed by scraping. , ultimately If the presence of forest coverage of the area is compared with the ROW corridor, there is only low degree impacts expected. Their magnitude will not cause major change in land use or not cause modification that substantially minimizes the habitat’s ability to maintain viable populations of its native species. Also their flora and fauna species 46 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents elaborated and if some species could be affected, some mitigation measures for them, species-specific, were defined. At the end of construction works, reforestation for compensation will be done at least equal to the number of trees cut during site preparation in line with the view of the Regional Directorates of Forestry. “Erosion, Reinstatement and Landscape Plan” was prepared, for removal of natural vegetation and reduction of topsoil quality/availability; before the construction works started and “Alien Invasive Species Guidance Document” is prepared for the prevention of ROW from the introduction of alien invasive species. The mitigation measures for the pre and post-construction periods are determined in the light of the successful experiences gained during the biorestoration process of anexisting pipeline project that is passing from a parallel route to TANAP route, in the north-eastern part of Turkey. The biorestoration monitoring conducted on the RoW for several years after construction and ecologically sensitive areas in the existing pipeline project prove that very high vegetation cover percentages (over 95%) on RoW and species diversity composition, same as the one in areas undisturbed by the project activities, are obtained when the determined pre-and post-construction measures are implemented.Currently within the framework of BAP, in order to ensure the conservation of these highly sensitive habitats and species, future monitoring programmes including monitoring schedule and achievement criteria and the species/habitat action plans have been developed. Environmental Monitoring Plan of TANAP outlines the required monitoring activities and frequencies. Contractors are responsible for maintaining and monitoring biorestoration requirements, regarding their Erosion, Reinstatement and Landscaping Plan. Site specific method statements will be prepared by Contractors and submitted to approval of EPCM/TANAP. In addition, a long term effective physical and ecological monitoring program, considering the methodology and schedule, will be prepared and implemented by TANAP in order to measure the success of biorestoration and physical condition of the pipeline route (i.e. erosion etc.) For the reduction of topsoil quality/availability and introduction of alien species, mitigation measures are stated in ESIA and BAP Reports. The top soil management and invasive species control are important for them. Some special mitigation measures are stated for some habitats. For example, gypsum steppes is one of the most important habitat type which intersect with the project route, one mitigation measure for this habitat is the storing the gypsum rocks/stones near the ROW without mixing the top soil, thus after construction activities, it will be spreading over the ROW and habitat will be renewed. “Invasive flora species control should be done in all critical habitats” is the mitigation measure for introduction of alien species, of which have been defined in the BAP and ESIA Report. General preventive measures for invasive species are listed below and a guidance document for the control of alien invasive species is prepared and presented in the BAP Report:  Designate sites for cleaning tools, vehicles, and equipments (Clean tools, equipment, vehicles and animals before transporting materials and before entering and leaving worksites.)  Avoid working during rain events and high winds. Wet conditions make it easier for seeds to be picked up by a vehicle and spread kilometres down the road.  Avoid driving off-road whenever possible.  Stop movement of invasive species materials.  Minimize soil and vegetation disturbance. 47 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents  If the alien invasive species are observed in the area, a combination of farm tractors (grass cutter) and a manual team equipped with scythes to access and manually cut the weeds where access by machinery is unachievable. Also hand pulling or digging, constructing barriers, grazing by livestock and trapping are the examples of some eradication options for alien invasive species. The detailed procedures for alien invasive species are given in the Alien Invasive Species Guidance Document. Based on the analysis of the project; impact factors are considered to have a potential effect on terrestrial ecosystems and certain mitigation measures were suggested by local experts. There are many mitigation measures elaborated in both ESIA and BAP Reports. Key mitigation measures for habitats and species are given below (Please see Table 9 and Table 10). 48 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents Table 9 Key mitigation measures for terrestrial habitats and species • Top soil management • Collect endemic and/or non-endemic seeds of natural plants of the regions to control erosion at sloping areas • Use certain endemic flora species seeds for bio-restoration (additional seeds will be collected from nearby areas against erosion on sloping areas) • Locate project components on previously disturbed areas rather than new areas where possible • Maximize the use of existing corridors/roads FOR HABITATS • Avoid using sensitive areas if extra land is required for project activities • Plan construction to complete works in shorter periods at sensitive areas • Reduce construction width at sensitive areas (30 m) • RestoreRestora stone and rocks • Scrap the top soil as a layer • Rehabilitate the riparian vegetation, aquatic and semi aquatic area • Control invasive flora species • Avoid construction during reproduction seasons of sensitive wildlife (Time constraints) • Seed or bulb collection, translocation, relocation • Minimize habitat loss • Minimize habitat fragmentation • Minimize habitat alteration • Minimize traffic and speed of traffic to prevent vehicle- wildlife collisions as well as dust and air emissions FOR SPECIES • Use existing corridors for main access roads and ROW • Giving some of the collected seeds of endemic species to the gene bank, use some of these seeds for biorestoration • Carrying some SCC fauna species to the appropriate and close areas • Harvesting and storing herbaceous plants (which carrying SCC arthropod species eggs) near the ROW in the aerated conditions, so eggs can be hatched and individuals will not has any damage. 49 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents Table 10 Key mitigation measures for freshwater habitats and species • Conduct construction works during the time when flow is low and limited timeframe (Time constraint: April-June) • Restore the water passages to the condition before the construction where possible • Minimize impact to riparian vegetation FOR HABITATS • Plan construction to complete works in shorter periods at sensitive areas • Avoid impact and removal of gravel • Minimize erosion • Install silt screens and sediment traps • Restore riparian vegetation • Avoid construction during reproduction seasons of freshwater fish (Time constraints) FOR SPECIES • Minimize habitat loss • Restore the bottom structure • Restore the riparian vegetation (spawning areas) Besides these mitigation measures, there are special mitigation measures given for certain species:  Time constraints for these SCC hibernation, breeding, vegetation period or migration seasons;  Carrying the individuals of certain fauna SCC to the appropriate and closed areas by specialist;  Carrying and placing the nest materials (stored food found in the excavated gallery systems) to the new transferred nesting area;  Stopping the construction works if any risk forseen for congregatory bird species Phalacrocorax carbo, Phalacrocorax pygmeus, Cygnus olor, Cygnus cygnuscygnus and Pelecanus onocrotalus which constitute groups at critical habitats CH64 & CH67, the. The habitat locations are becomebecame a flooded wetland during their breeding season between February-MarchMarch.),construction Construction works will be stopped .during this breeding period. There is no seasonal constraint for marine construction because there is no breeding area in the sea crossing for marine fauna species. The construction activities are carried out outside the fish migration season (September-November) because of social constraints of fishermen. BAP and ESIA Reports (Chapter 8.2., Appendix 4.5 and Appendix 5.1) have detailed information for mitigation measures of which have been considered and incorporated in the ESMPs of CCs. Also, monitoring periods, given in the BAP Report, will be 1st, 3rd, 5th, 8th and 10th years. In these periods, achievement criteria given in the BAP Report will be monitored as presented below: 50 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents 1st year: The main purpose is to prevent erosion. To this end, especially in highly sloped areas, the seeds of the endemic plants of the region should be collected and planted on the ROW for erosion control. In the 1st year, observing 10% plant diversity in the area is a criterion of achievement. 3rd year: The main purpose is that the vegetation cover growing on the ROW is 30% similar to the nearby natural vegetation; the flora and fauna species diversity being 40% identical is a criterion of achievement. 5th year: The main purpose is that the vegetation cover growing on the ROW is 50% similar to the nearby natural vegetation; the flora and fauna species diversity being 60% identical is a criterion of achievement. 8th year: The main purpose is that the vegetation cover growing on the ROW is 70% similar to the nearby natural vegetation; the flora and fauna species diversity being 80% identical is a criterion of achievement. 10th year: The main purpose is that the vegetation cover growing on the ROW is 100% similar to the nearby natural vegetation; the flora and fauna species diversity being 100% identical is a criterion of achievement. The BAP ecological field survey includes a database that offer consistent and useful information for the characterization and management of the ecological conditions of the pipeline right of way (ROW) and to ensure that the impacts that may occur can be controlled and managed during the construction activities. The ecological field survey covers and focus on a 36m wide swath centred on the proposed ROW and the study area in some places up to 70 meters in width along the TANAP route. For the purposes of the BAP, the ESIA was considered as a regional overview and the BAP ecological field survey as a more specific, local approach, considering that the ESIA had a 500m wide study corridor and the BAP ecological field survey was restricted to a 36m-wide area. BAP ecological field survey focused on potential impacts within and along and immediately adjacent to the ROW (36-70m) and used the ESIA as a macro perspective of the ROW surroundings9. BAP Report constitutes the technical report and KP based drawings including both terrestrial and freshwater habitat locations. Terrestrial critical habitat mitigations were defined for each estimated construction periods; Spring (March-May), Summer (June-August), Autumn (September-November), as well as closed construction period and the ideal time for soil stripping. Freshwater critical habitat mitigations were defined as pre-construction and post-construction mitigations demonstrating the time constraint for construction based on the desktop and site-specific studies conducted. 9 PERU LNG, Environment, Social, Health and Safety Management System (ESHSMS), Biodiversity Action Plan, Document Number: 02/ES/PJ/PN/009/A01. 51 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents 4.4. TRANSBOUNDARY IMPACT ASSESSMENT AND CUMULATIVE IMPACT ASSESSMENT 4.4.1. Transboundary impact assessment Some sections of the project route, due to the construction of the river crossings, are intersecting with the rivers and their tributaries, which are on the international waterways such as Posof River, Kura River, Karasu River. Figure 8 presents only the crossings on the main rivers as RVX1, RVX2 and on some major streams as RVX3a, on the international waterways that are being crossed by TANAP Project at three catchment basins; Aras, Fırat and Meriç-Ergene (based on Ministry classification). The classification of the river crossings are as defined in Table 11. TANAP classification system takes the size and the nature of the river (natural/man made) into account. However, regardless of the classification, TANAP’s policy is to equally protect all the rivers which have to be crossed using the appropriate mitigation measures, which are defined in the ESIA and summarized in the below sections. In addition, a site visit to all RVXs has been conducted, in which screen shots of the situation of them as dry or wet, have been taken on the day of the site visit to be used during the Design phase. Figure 9 General view of River Crossings (RVX1, RVX2 and RVX3a) 52 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents Table 11 The detailed definition of the river crossings for each type Class/Type Crossed Object Notes RVX1 Large River, width > 30m Natural, major river, site specific design RVX2 River, 10m < width < 30m Natural, major river, site specific design RVX3a Stream, 3m < width < 10m Natural, major stream, site specific design RVX3b Stream, 3m < width < 10m Natural, minor stream, typical design RVX4 Small Stream, width < 3m Natural, minor stream, typical design Man-made ditch, typical design unless trenchless RVX5 Ditch, width > 5m crossing technique is used Man-made channel, typical design unless trenchless RVX6 Concrete Channel crossing technique is used RVX7 Ditch, width < 5m Man-made ditch, typical design Either site specific design or typical design depending RVX8 Natural river/stream that has been trained by DSI on the size ESIA Report evaluated the transboundary impacts as a separate chapter as well as evaluating the impact assessment results of the RVX1, RVX2 and RVX3a type rivers and streams that the project will cross, considering the physical, biological and social components defined during the ESIA scoping phase, in order to review and set clear mitigations for the prevention of the beyond regional impacts of the project. The matrices given in Annex 3 were used in the impact assessment methodology. Referring to the methodology, it can be identified that the spatial extent (area of influence: AoI) per impact factor in each project phase for the related project components ranges from footprint to 1000 m. Therefore, the potential impacts that was set forth to be generated on the local environment of Georgia during the whole construction activities is identified to be not affected by the river crossing construction activities. Some of the poteantial impacts considered during evaluation were; increase in the concentration of air pollutants, increase in the noise level, discharge of wastewater, and degradation of natural habitats that could impact fauna moving across the border. Considering that the nearest village in Georgia is at more than 3.2 km from the construction site, the impacts on the local communities can be considered negligible, as it is outside the AoI of the identified potential impacts. The results have been assessed using the baseline data and reports gathered during the ESIA Report preparation phase as defined in Section 3.2 of this document. Considering the Cevizlik and Söğütlük river crossings within the Meriç (Evros)-Ergene Catchment Basin, these are far beyond the AoI of the potential identified impacts as they are located approximately 27 and 40 km away from the Greece border. In addition, baseline data collected both by the TAP project and the TANAP project did not show the presence of protected species of birds. Impacts on the river from hydrotesting, including 53 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents impacts on downstream users are considered to be negligible as there is good availability of water in the river. Posof river crossing impact assessment has been evaluated as a sample in the below drawing, Figure 9. Although the impact level identified for the Posof River is high for the biological assessment end points, the area of influence is from footprint to 1000m. and is not reaching the beyond regional geographical extent. Figure 10 Posof River Impact Assessment Map The other river crossings on the Fırat Catchment Basin has a negligible potential to demonstrate any transboundary impacts during construction due to sediment dispersion, as there are existing damns at the downstream. No transboundary impacts are foreseen during operation. In addition to these assessments, as a supportive document, TANAP recently had a transboundary impact study prepared for Posof and Karasu creeks which is using the 4 km distance as a working domain from the river crossing towards the downstream in order to evaluate the sediment impact by Local ESIA Advisor Çınar. The study covers a sediment modelling as well as the evaluation of other physical factors. Together with the results of this study, a guidance note was prepared for the corporate interpretation of the impact assessment data on physical and biological components onof these rivers, which shows the negligible impact as a result of these detailed 54 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents studies and together with the interpretation and impelementation of the required mitigation measures. Taking into account the potential impacts mentioned above, mitigations measures are recommended within the ESIA Report, incorporated and being implemented within the ESMS of the CCs such as; Using methods for avoiding sediment formation and preventing of sediment movement to water bodies with e.g. silt fences, hay bale barriers or dry haystacks, taking into account the direction of water flow, flow rate and other characteristics of the area (e.g. soil structure, slope, plant cover, etc.), Limiting construction activities to periods of low flow, when sediments are minimal, Ensuring all equipment working in or near watercourses is clean and free of fluid leaks, Restoring and stabilizing channel banks immediately after backfilling to prevent bank erosion, Preventing turbid water from re-entering the watercourse using natural or mechanized filtration processes, Planning hydrostatic testing so that the opportunities for water re-use are maximized, Obtaining applicable water abstraction permits with the information of required amounts from the authority and record all volumes of water withdrawal from natural resources for project related activities for demonstration of no exceedance of the allowance, Restricting fuelling/refilling, chemical handling activities in close vicinity of the watercourses. Considering the above mitigations are being implemented at site, being followed-up by TANAP/EPCM and being monitored by TPMC and as a result of the sediment modelling study recently conducted, no transboundary impacts are foreseen due to construction of the river crossings on the international waterways. 4.4.2. Cumulative Impact Assessment In the context of the ESIA of the project, the cumulative impacts are the impacts arising from the concurrent presence of impact factors caused by the TANAP project and the other development projects; as an example it the emission of dust from the construction of the pipeline and the concurrent construction of a new road or industrial development at the same location are considered. The analysis of the potential cumulative impacts is carried out based on limited information collected from the relevant authorities, and in particular without the knowledge of the construction timeline. 55 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents The cumulative impact assessment was performed considering the same VECs idendified for the environmental and social impact assessment. These VECs are soilare as presented below:  Physical environment: o Meteorology and climatology o Air Quality o Noise and Vibration o Hydrogeology and groundwater quality o Geology and Geomorphology o Seismology o Soil o Visual aesthetics o Hydrology and surface water quality o Bottom morphology o Physical oceanography o Sea water o Marine Sediments  Biological environment o Protected areas o Terrestrial Flora o Terrestrial Fauna  Birds  Amphibians  Reptiles  Mammals  Invertebrates o Freshwater flora o Freshwater fauna  Fish  Invertebrates o Freshwater habitats and ecosystems o Terrestrial habitats and ecosystems o Biodiversity o Marine Flora o Marine Fauna  Fish  Zoobenthos  Mammals and reptiles o Marine habitats and ecosystems o Marine biodiversity o Marine protected areas  Social environment o Politics and Governance o Settlement location o Demographic profile 56 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents o Infrastructure facilities o Transportation and traffic o Economic conditions o Land use and agriculture o Employment and livelihoods o Social maladies o Social capital o Health issues and facilities o Education issues and facilities o Vulnerable groups o Cultural heritage and archaeology o Ecosystem services o Resettlement and economic displacement. The significance of the potential cumulative impacts are defined at four levels:  Not significant (NS): the interaction is unlikely to generate cumulative impacts.  Low significance (Low): the interaction could potentially generate some cumulative impacts on one or few VECs and a limited number of receptors.  Significant (Medium): the interaction is likely to generate cumulative impacts on several VECs and/or over an extended geographical area involving several receptors.  Very significant (High): the interaction is likely to generate extensive cumulative impacts over the majority of the VECS considered and potentially trigger exceedances in the levels of emissions. Using the available information for each project, the significance of the cumulative impacts was evaluated and defined based on the following factors:  Proximity of the other development projects to the TANAP pipeline route: o For projects crossing the pipeline route in one point the interaction is considered significant o For projects crossing the pipeline route in more than one point or over a continuous area the interaction is considered very significant o For projects adjacent to the pipeline the interaction is considered of low significant or not significant depending on the distance  Extent of the predictable impacts of the other development projects: o For linear project involving excavation activities overlapping with the pipeline route excavation activities (roads, railways, pipelines, etc.) the interaction is considered significant o For projects do not involving excavation activities overlapping with the pipeline route (electrical lines) the interaction is considered of low significance. 57 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents The analysis of the projects was resulted in the identification of 14 projects with a high potential in terms of cumulative impacts in the TANAP project AoI, while 23 projects have a medium potential, 20 a low potential and 3 are considered non-significant. The projects considered for cumulative impact assessment together with significance level are presented in Table 12. Table 12 Interaction of Projects Name Type Province Significance ITE pipeline Gas pipeline Various High Nabucco pipeline Gas pipeline Various High Erzincan-Erzurum Railway Erzurum High Sivas-Erzincan High-Speed Train Railway Sivas High Sivas-Erzurum High-Speed Train Railway Sivas – Erzurum High Yerköy-Sivas High-Speed Train Railway Yozgat- Sivas High Erzurum – Kars Railway Erzurum High Güllüce Irrigation Channel system Irrigation Channel Bursa High Gelibolu Gökbüet Irrigation Channel Edirne High Çokal Irrigation System Water Line Çanakkale High Bayburt Dam Dam Kars High Karakurt Dam Dam Kars High Mining Licenses Mining Site Various High Ankara-Pozantı Highway Ankara Medium E90-D750(Ankara-Konya) Highway Ankara Medium Ardahan-Hanak Highway Ardahan Medium Manyas Highway Balıkesir Medium Susurluk-Balıkesir Highway Balıkesir Medium Tavşanlı,Kütahya-Bozüyük Highway Bilecik Medium Bursa-Susurluk Highway Bursa Medium Gebze-Orhangazi-İzmir Highway Bursa Medium Ankara-İzmir Highway Eskişehir Medium Eskişehir-Antalya Highway Eskişehir Medium Günyüzü-Yunak Highway Eskişehir Medium Şenkaya-Sarıkamış Highway Kars Medium Keskin-Çelebi Highway Kırıkkale Medium Highway Highway Kırşehir Medium Kınalı-Tekirdağ-Savaştepe-Çanakkale Highway Tekirdağ Medium Ardahan-Çıldır Railway Ardahan Medium Bandırma-İzmir Railway Balıkesir Medium Bandırma-İçdaş Power Transmission Line Electricity Balıkesir Medium (380 KW) Gazdaş Pipeline Gas Pipeline Edirne Medium Bandırma Industrial Zone Industrial Zone Balıkesir Medium Taşoluk Irrigation Channel Irrigation Channel Çanakkale Medium Biga Plain Irrigation Channel Irrigation Channel Çanakkale Medium Bahçeköy Irrıgatıon Irrigation Channel Edirne Medium Esendurak Irrigation Channel Irrigation Channel Erzincan Medium D230 (Eskişehir-Kütahya) Highway Eskişehir Low Horasan-Karakurt Highway Kars Low 58 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents Name Type Province Significance Gelibolu-Unimar Power Transmission Line Electricity Çanakkale Low (380 KW) Cenal-Bandırma Power Transmission Line Electricity Çanakkale Low (380 KW) Çamoluk-Hamza-Refahiye Transmission Line Electricity Erzincan Low (154KW) Elif-Hamza Power Transmission Line Electricity Erzurum Low (154KW) Borçka-İspir-Erzurum Power Transmission Electricity Erzurum Low Line (380KW) High Tension Line Electricity Eskişehir Low İspir Power Transmission Line (380KW) Electricity Gümüşhane Low Önerler Gas Pipeline Gas Pipeline Çanakkale Low Ardahan and Kartalpınar Industrial Zone Industrial Zone Ardahan Low Mustafakemalpaşa Industrial Area Industrial Zone Bursa Low Natural Gas Combined Cycle Plant Industrial Zone Tekirdağ Low Anadolu, Karakoy and diğer Somon Fish Fish Farms Kütahya Low Farms High Tension Line Electricity Eskişehir NS Karadivan Irrigation Channel Irrigation Channel Erzincan NS Merekler and Algölü HEP Hydroelectric Power Ardahan NS After the detailed evaluation of impacts on the identified VECs, mitigation starategies have been formed and recommended for each specific interacting projects in order to decrease the significance to a certain level. Recommended mitigations in general are as follows;  Establish a contact with the relevant authority to determine the project construction timeline.  Exchange information with the relevant authority in order to minimize potential interactions.  If the project timeline overlaps with the TANAP project: o Establish a cooperation protocol with the relevant authority, o Assess in detail the cumulative impacts on specific receptors, o Share and align the TANAP management plans and monitoring plans with the relevant authority. Due to the nature of the project, potential interactions are assumed to be temporary and limited with the construction phase, and therefore, cumulative impacts are not expected during operation phase. 59 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents 5. GRIEVANCE MECHANISM AND STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT 5.1. GRIEVANCE MECHANISM Online Stakeholder Interaction Database (Darzin software) has been in use by the social Teams of TANAP, EPCM and Construction Contractors. This software is being used as a contact database for Project stakeholders as well as to record and follow-up complaints, feedbacks, requests and questions. From the beginning of the Project; 274 complaints were received, of which 223 have been closed and 40 are still open. Top 5 complaint issues recorded up-to date can be listed as; Incidents regarding Land Acquisition and Compensation Process, Outstanding Subcontractor Payments, Employee Complaints, Decrease or Loss of Livelihood & Agriculture and Damage to Property & Land. 5.2. STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT 5.2.1. Stakeholder Engagement During ESIA Phase A total of 63 public participation meetings (Official & Additional) have been held during the ESIA process to inform the Project-affected communities about TANAP Project and to gather any concerns, feedbacks and suggestions to be considered in ESIA studies. The meetings were held in each district affected by TANAP Project and a total of 1250 participants attended all the meetings. Land acquisition and Project details were the mostly discussed topics in the meetings. The details of public participation meetings are compiled in a separate report (“Report for Public Participation Meetings”). Three consultation meetings with local and international NGOs were held, as part of Turkish legislation requirements, where in about 1250 people participated. A project brochure was distributed in these meetings and a power point presentation was made, and question and answer sessions were conducted. In addition, 88 focus group meetings (with women, youngsters and fishermen) and 151 key informant interviews (with representatives of governmental and civil organizations) were carried out as part of ESIA. Additionally, 17 focus group meetings with women and 135 village head meetings were also held as part of RAP preparation. Most of the issues raised in the meetings were about the project and compensation related issues. The impacts to land and livestock, and grievance redress mechanism to deal with construction related impacts during construction were also raised. One significant issue brought out during consultations was the local employment opportunities during construction and reinstatement works. The other issues raised were gas distribution and improvements to supply, social investment in villages along the route, water quality, agriculture impacts and potential limitation on crops, waste management, damages to existing roads from construction traffic, security of pipelines as well as safety of people and animals, and health risks. 60 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents After the approval of the ESIA, a total of 83 ESIA disclosure meetings have been held to disclose outcomes of ESIA to Project-affected settlements inform them about the Project and gather any concerns. Directly affected 572 settlements were invited to the meetings and a total of 1288 participants attended all the meetings. Land acquisition and Project details were the mostly discussed topics in the meetings. The details of ESIA disclosure meetings are compiled in a separate report (“Report for ESIA Disclosure Meetings”). The Final ESIA is disclosed at TANAP web page on 22 June 2015 (pls refer www.tanap.com/reference-documents/). 5.2.2. Stakeholder Engagement During Construction As part of Community Relation Plans, the Community Liaison Officers from TANAP and Supervision consultant and contractors are in place work sites. These officers engage with the villagers on ongoing basis to explain and inform them about risks and safety measures. The grievances and complaints from the villagers are also reported by these officers to TANAP and seek resolutions.Stakeholder engagement activities to be implemented during construction are detailed in Stakeholder Engagement Plan. These activities/tools include face-to-face meetings, presentations/reports, written Project brochures/updates, technical workshops, corporate website, hotline, Grievance mechanism and media advertisements. 61 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents 6. CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT After the approval of the ESIA Report, 6 camp sites10 at Kars-Selim, Erzurum-Pasinler, Erzincan- Çadırkaya, Sivas-Hafik, Yozgat-Doğankent and Ankara-Polatlı, which have already been presented in the ESIA Report, were constructed by TANAP in order for the construction contractors to be mobilized for the start of the construction of the pipeline in Lot 1, Lot 2 and Lot 3. Lot 1 starts from Ardahan/Posof/Türkgözü village ends in Erzurum/Aşkale/Toplaçavuş village, Lot 2 starts from Erzurum/Aşkale/Güneyçam village ends in Sivas/Yıldızeli/Ekecik village. Lot 3 starts from Sivas/Yıldızeli/Şeyhalil-Selçuklu quarter ends in Eskişehir/Odunpazarı/Kıravdan village. Lot 4 starts from- Eskişehir/Odunpazarı/Karapazar village ends in Edirne/İpsala/Sarıçalı village. After the signature of the contracts with Fernas İnşaat A.Ş., Sicim-Yuksel-Akkord (SYA) Joint Venture and Tekfen İnşaat ve Tesisat A.Ş. for Lot 1, Lot 2 and Lot 3 respectively; contractors submitted their own site specific health safety and environmental and sub-management plans, the guidelines of which were subject to approval of TANAP/EPCM, before mobilization to these camp sites. As soon as the mobilization of the Construction Contractors to Site was completed, Third Party Monitoring Company Environmental and Soil Experts were mobilized to each Lot for the start-up of monitoring activity on May 2015. The site activities have started in compliance with ESIA Report, BAP Report and under the assurance of the teams given in organisation charts in Section 3.3. The progress of the Construction has been followed-up by March Charts prepared by Construction Contractors in which environmental and archaeological constraints were incorporated as well as the construction sections. Each Construction Contractor conducts their own pre-construction surveys considering the environmental and social items throughout the relevant section of the pipeline. Specific method statements and /or plans are being prepared for some specific construction activities upon identification through pre-construction surveys and requirements due to ESIA Report. The required mitigations, such as for some freshwater critical habitats and hydrotesting activities of river crossings, and seed collection, harvesting, plant translocation and reinstatement for some specific environmental activities, are defined accordingly. During ESIA Studies, cultural heritage management investigations have been conducted on all of the identified sites by using intensive survey method. 55 of these identified 161 archaeological and cultural heritage sites were registered as Protection Sites by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, 106 were not previously known or registered. The 106 newly discovered sites were presented to the Ministry and revisited together with the representatives of Regional Preservation Boards for Cultural Assets which act as the local authority and approximately 20% of these have been registered. Considering the current status of cultural heritage management activities, 20 chance finds were discovered during the construction activities in all Lots in compliance with the legal requirements, of some of which are small settlements, some are ancient cemeteries/graves and/or terra cotta, waterline etc. Corrective actions implemented during this process were as; stopping the site activities, informing relevant museum authority, taking the actions upon their advice, route change if required upon the evaluation of the relevant Regional Protection Board decision. Along the TANAP pipeline route, there is no above ground structure as Cultural Assets. Both chance finds and unavoidable areas are all under the ground. 10 There are two camps in each construction lot with capacity for 850 people. The work camps provide accommodation, sanitary facilities, two food cantinas, and medical and recreational facilities for workers. There is a separate accommodation for women who live in the work camps. Contractors will document that the camps’ housing quarters are designed and operated according to internationally accepted he alth and safety standards, including such aspects as the number of occupants per room, number of sanitary facilities per worker, ventilation and temperature requirements to provide the required comfort and prevent the transmission of respiratory diseases, and similar design criteria applicable to the eating and recreational installations of the camp. 62 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents The archaeological sites that could not be avoided during routing studies are presented below in Table 13. Within these sites either test pit and salvage excavations were conducted and permission were received, or test pit and salvage excavation were conducted and route changes were done. Table 13 Action status follow-up table in unavoidable archaeological sites No Location Location LOT KP (km) Name Status Before Erzurum LOT Test pit and salvage excavations were completed/ 1 Take Off 220 DEVEAĞILI KURGANI /Horasan 1 Route permission was received. 56 inch Before Erzurum / LOT Test pit and salvage excavations were conducted/ 2 Take Off 307 TASMASOR II Yakutiye 1 Then, Route Change was done. 56 inch Before Erzurum / LOT Test pit and salvage excavations were completed/ 3 Take Off 272 DEMİRDÖVEN Pasinler 1 Route permission was received. 56 inch After Take Eskişehir / LOT EMİR ÇİFTLİĞİ-1 (1 st Test pit and salvage excavations completed/ 4 Off 1369 Center 4 degree) Route permission was received. 48 inch Before Eskişehir / LOT 5 Take Off 1245 ÖRENBAĞLARI Test pits were opened. Then, route change was done. Sivrihisar 3 56 inch After Take Eskişehir / LOT EMİR ÇİFTLİĞİ-2 (3 rd Test pit and salvage excavations were completed/ 4 Off 1369 Center 4 Degree) Route permission was received. 48 inch After Take Balıkesir / LOT Kavaktepe 6 Off 1671 Test pit was opened and permission was received. Gönen 4 3 rd Degree 48 inch Balıkesir / After Take LOT 1632 Şevketiye Test pit and salvage excavations were conducted/ 7 Manyas Off 4 3 rd Degree Route Change was done. 48 inch Before LOT 8 Erzurum / Take Off 300 Dolangez Bastion Test pits were opened and permission was received. 1 56 inch After Take Balıkesir / LOT Hamamlı 9 Off 1628 Test pits were opened and route change was done. Manyas 4 1st and 3 rd Degree 48 inch After Take Balıkesir / LOT Kalebayırı Test pit and salvage excavations were conducted/ 10 Off 1627 Manyas 4 1st and 2 nd Degree Route Change was done. 48 inch Test pits were opened, the archaeological settlement After Take Balıkesir / LOT was prevented with a route change, remaining still 11 Off 1673 Kınalar 1st Degree Gönen 4 inside the archaeological site. Permission was 48 inch received. As a result, route change was implemented wherever possible. In some of the locations, permissions were received for the areas, which were judged to be not of high value site by the authority. Therefore, the excavated sections were closed. In the locations where route change was presented not to be conducted, it was identified that there is no archaeology potential and the borders of the archaeological site has been kept wider to be on the safe side. LOT-4 Onshore 48’’ Pipeline Contract has been awarded to Punj Lloyd Ltd. - Limak İnşaat Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. on 25 January 2016. Stations Construction Contract has been awarded to Tekfen İnşaat ve Tesisat A.Ş. on 17 February 2016. Telecom/SCADA Contractor (TSC) has been awarded to ABB Elektrik Sanayi A.Ş. on 26 October 2015. Regarding the off-shore contract, the bids have been received from relevant qualified contractors, which is currently under the technical and commercial evaluation. 63 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents The environmental and social safeguards due-diligence study of the WB is nearing completion. Based on the review to date, there may be the need for some minor revisions or supplementation of the ESIA or related documentation, which will be completed during WB’s Project Appraisal Stage. For example, one area where supplementary information may be needed is specifying mitigation measures for avoiding entry of invasive species into the temporarily disturbed critical habitats. Alien invasive species guidance note was prepared and implementation practices will be revised according to the agreed actions to be decided by WB and TANAP teams. 64 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents 7. LAND ACQUISITION AND RAP Land Acquisition Impacts: Though, the project requires large scale land acquisition (about 5000 hectares of private and 2200 hectares of public lands), most of the lands required for pipeline construction are being obtained on unrestricted exclusive rights basis for pipeline construction corridor of 16 meters, on temporary easement basis (for about 3 years) for 20 meter construction contract corridor and the permanent land acquisition on ownership basis for the above ground installations (AGIs) which is expected to be only a small proportion. Total number of affected land owners is estimated to be about 95.000 and include some informal settlers of about 200 families cultivating public lands. Since most of the land acquisition is for a temporary period of about 3 years, the impact of land acquisition is not considered a major issue in this project. Further, the physical displacement is unlikely or very minimum, mostly for AGIs. The acquisition of public lands includes forest, pasture and village common lands. Land Valuation: The compensation valuation is clearly defined by the Land Acquisition Law; includes considerations of net income, capitalization and sale transaction from Title Registration office and real estate prices, etc. The compensation for 16 meters corridor corresponding to long term of exclusive rights basis is the range of 70-90% of the compensation as available under permanent land acquisition, In case of 20 meters of temporary easement rights that will be used only for construction period, the compensation is estimated around 20% of the permanent land acquisition. .This applies to all each and every land owner on acquired parcels depending on the user rights established on the parcel. Although the Land Acquisition Law does not stipulate, an additional amount for net income loss due to productivity loss in construction corridor 36m estimated at 30% for first year, 20% for second year and 10% for third year is also paid by the project referring to best international practice (i.e.RAP) in order to encourage amicable agreements and minimize effect of construction. At the same time, the valuation amounts are also subjected to control and approval by an independent entity before implemetation, i.e. Yıldız Technical University, in order to secure a fair and transparent assignment. In addition, as referenced in Section 2.2, a RAP Fund has been introduced to the Project as a central mechanism in parallel to land acquisition by which to address the gaps between Turkish legislation requirements and international guidelines with respect to compensating for land acquisition for the pipeline. The RAP Fund has been introduced by TANAP to specifically ensure a fair and transparent valuation and compensation process for the non-eligible users (users that are directly/indirectly affected by the project but can not be compensated through the legal process by BOTAS) during the ongoing land acquisition process. This includes squatters on public lands as well as commonly used lands. A Resettlement Action Plan (RAP)11 has been prepared and is under implementation for pipeline construction. The full version of RAP is available at TANAP web page (www.tanap.com/reference- documents/) and under WB due diligence review. The RAP presents the overall impacts, policy and legislative framework, land acquisition process, consultations and disclosure details and implementation arrangements, indicative implementation schedules and budgets with supporting details in the attachments. The house hold survey has been carried out among a sample 876 households with 481 Kms (about 25% of the pipeline route) and the RAP also includes the socio-economic characteristics of affected population and an outcome of consultations and focus group discussions. As on date, 64% of required private land for pipe line construction is completed and about 62% of about 95,000 affected 11 The World Bank, as part of its proposed financing, is carrying out a due diligence on the policy provisions, implementation arrangements and risks associated with the land acquisition and its related impacts. Simultaneously, TANAP has commissioned an independent consultant to assess the RAP implementation. Based on the outcome of the due diligence process and RAP assessment report , TANAP will prepare an Addendum to RAP to propose measures to adjust in the implementation of remaining land acquisition impacts and include additional support for livelihood improvement especially to the poor and vulnerable groups ,as needed to meet the standards of World Bank’s Operational Policy 4.12 on Involuntary Resettlement 65 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents land owners have received compensation12. The compensation provided is expected to take care of the temporary livelihood impacts during the temporary 3 year period. The neediest people will be assisted with jobs with contractors to supplement the household incomes. The land acquisition assessment and preparation of RAP for AGIs has been initiated. The draft RAP for AGIs will be prepared by mid-August 2016 and finalised and disclosed by mid-September 2016. The entitlements for land acquisition impacts and assistance available for pipeline impacts will be suitably updated to reflect the impacts in the permanent land acquisition and thus ensure compensation and assistance in line with the World Bank’s operational policy on Involuntary Resettlement. 8. SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTMENT PROGRAMS13 The main objective of the Social and Environmental Investment Programme is to contribute to economic and social development and protection of natural resources by establishing a harmonious unity with the ecosystem throughout TANAP pipeline route. The purpose of this program is to maintain good community relations with the neighbourhood villages where the pipeline route is passing through and create sustainable development for local populations, and steadily improve the quality of life including Social and Environmental aspects during the construction and operations phases of the TANAP Project. TANAP’s priorities under this program regarding social side are: (i) Supporting of tourism service diversification investment such as agro-tourism; (ii) Equipment supports to schools, libraries, sport areas and common social areas; (iii) Supporting of penetration and increasing quality of health services in rural areas ; (iv) Increasing the capacity of vocational centres; (v) Increasing product diversification, value added and productivity in agriculture ; (vi) Supporting of production local and traditional products . On environment side, the program will focus on : (i) sustainable management of natural resources, soil and water; (ii) development and efficient usage of renewable energy resources; (iii) management of environmental infrastructure and increasing awareness on environment; (iv) supporting of breed medical and aromatic plants and economic usage; (v) protecting and developing bio-diversification and eco- systems; (vi) supporting of social capital investments. 12 Since substantial land acquisition has been completed, TANAP has commissioned an independent consultant firm to assess the outcome of RAP implementation experiences including land owners satisfaction with land acquisition process and compensation received. Based on study findings any adjustments required in the remaining implementation will be made. 13 These programs are intended to maintain good neighborhood relations and are not for mitigating adverse social impacts. 66 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents SEIP funding will be mainly based on a grants scheme, which is a "completely non-refundable support type". According to the outputs of the Needs Analysis Study, priority investment areas were defined both for social and environmental disciplines. Within this context, the total budget will be allocated to the beneficiary institutionsand will be performed through three support mechanisms as: 1. Direct Grant 2. Direct Investment 3. Programme Contribution Direct Grant Programmes: Grant system is basically defined by a method of choosing potential local institutions that are allowed to benefit from the grant mechanism by gathering project proposals in accordance with established procedures and evaluation criteria. In this context, TANAP will announce Call for Proposals and evaluate the submitted project proposals. Direct Investment Programmes: Direct investment programmes are based on the principle of regionally selected beneficiary institutions to propose their projects through open invitation. Then, the parties (TANAP and the applying party/beneficiary institution) evaluate the projects mutually and finalise negotiation/the agreement. Programme Contribution as support programmes: Unlike the open calling system for grant aid, this mechanism consists of financial support to transfer to programmes through projects submitted by beneficiary institutions on provincial/regional level with open invitation procedure, including evaluating mutual projects, based on implementation principles approved and determined between the organizations that provide the project with TANAP. TANAP CONTACT INFORMATION The contact details are presented below for any queries and feedbacks about TANAP Project: Address: Kızılırmak Mah. Ufuk Üniversitesi Caddesi Farilya İş Merkezi No:8/18 Kat:2 Çukurambar - Çankaya / Ankara Phone: 0 312 999 11 11 Fax: 0 312 287 11 10 E-mail: info@tanap.com Web page: www.tanap.com Free hotline : 0 800 314 11 22 67 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TANAP Project’s Executive Summary of ESIA and Supporting Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents ANNEXES 68 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Annex 1. Terrestrial Critical Habitat Assessment PROTECTED AREA / HIGH CRITICAL TOTAL INDICATIVE TIER IMPACT LEVEL BIODIVERSITY EUNIS HABITAT FINAL HABITAT KP LENGTH PRIORITY* PROVINCE CRITERION SCC SPECIES PRIORITY CRITERION (QUANTITATIVE (QUANTITATIVE MITIGATION MEASURES AREA HABITAT SENSITIVITY* CRITERION NO (km) ASSESSMENT) ASSESSMENT)* (IF INTERSECTS) CH1 003+000- 0,735 M Ardahan POSOF WDA + Criterion 4 G1.A H Zygaena armena M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Criterion 2 & L * Closed construction period: 1 May-1 June because of the 003+735 POSOF (Arthropoda) 4 vegetation period of flora species PBA+POSOF For Flora Species (Reseda armena var. armena) FOREST (KBA) * The top soil between 003+000-003+735 KP’s should be G1.1 M Reseda armena var. armena M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and should be stored near (Flora) the ROW. The seeds of Reseda armena var. armena shall be collected Mertensiella caucasica M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) near the ROW between 15 July-30 August. Caucasian Salamander For Arthropoda species (Zygaena armena) (Amphibia) * The seeds of Coronilla and Onobrychis species, which are the feeding plants of Zygaena armena shall be collected near the ROW between 15 July-30 August. For Amphibia Species (Mertensiella caucasica) * At the beginning of April, a field study should be carried out by experts, and if Mertensiella caucasica will be observed, individuals should be carried to the appropriate and close aquatic areas by specialists according to the methodology. * If Mertensiella caucasica species will be observed in the ROW, the construction works cannot be done before the April, because this species is going to hibernation. * If Mertensiella caucasica species is observed in the area, it should be ensured that the habitat is restored by restoring the stones and rocks in and near the aquatic environment after construction. For Habitat * The top soil between 003+000-003+735 KP’s should be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and should be stored near the ROW. * The seeds of the non-endemic native plants of the region shall be collected. * The seeds of non-endemic native plants shall be planted on the ROW for erosion control in dip slopes after construction works. 69 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROTECTED AREA / HIGH CRITICAL TOTAL INDICATIVE TIER IMPACT LEVEL BIODIVERSITY EUNIS HABITAT FINAL HABITAT KP LENGTH PRIORITY* PROVINCE CRITERION SCC SPECIES PRIORITY CRITERION (QUANTITATIVE (QUANTITATIVE MITIGATION MEASURES AREA HABITAT SENSITIVITY* CRITERION NO (km) ASSESSMENT) ASSESSMENT)* (IF INTERSECTS) CH2 003+940- 0,111 M Ardahan POSOF WDA + Criterion 4 G1.A H Zygaena armena M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Criterion 2 & L * Closed construction period: 1 May-1 June because of the 004+051 POSOF G1.1 M Tier 2 (b) 4 vegetation period of flora species (Arthropoda) PBA+POSOF E4.4 M Tier 2 (b) For Flora Species (Reseda armena var. armena) FOREST (KBA) M Criterion 2 * The top soil between 003+000-003+735 KP’s should be Reseda armena var. armena scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and should be stored near (Flora) the ROW. The seeds of Reseda armena var. armena shall be collected Mertensiella caucasica M Criterion 2 near the ROW between 15 July-30 August. Caucasian Salamander For Arthropoda species (Zygaena armena) (Amphibia) * The seeds of Coronilla and Onobrychis species, which are the feeding plants of Zygaena armena shall be collected near the ROW between 15 July-30 August. For Amphibia Species (Mertensiella caucasica) * At the beginning of April, a field study should be carried out by experts, and if Mertensiella caucasica will be observed, individuals should be carried to the appropriate and close aquatic areas by specialists according to the methodology. * If Mertensiella caucasica species will be observed in the ROW, the construction works cannot be done before the April, because this species is going to hibernation. * If Mertensiella caucasica species is observed in the area, it should be ensured that the habitat is restored by restoring the stones and rocks in and near the aquatic environment after construction. * The seeds of non-endemic native plants shall be planted on the ROW for erosion control in dip slopes after construction works. For Habitat * The top soil between 003+940-004+051 KP’s should be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and should be stored near the ROW. * The seeds of the non-endemic native plants of the region shall be collected. * The seeds of non-endemic native plants shall be planted on the ROW for erosion control in dip slopes after construction works. CH3 20+700- 2,3 H Ardahan POSOF WDA + Criterion 4 G1.9 H Tipula n.sp H Criterion 2 Tier 1 (a) Criterion 2 & L * Closed construction period: 1 June-1 July because of the 23+000 POSOF FOREST 4 vegetation period of flora species. (Arthropoda) (KBA) For Flora Species (Centaurea macrocephala and Lilium E2.1 M Centaurea macrocephala M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) kesselringianum) * The top soil shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm (Flora) between 20+700-23+000 KP’s and shall be stored near the ROW. E4.4 M Erebia ottomana M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) * The seeds of Centaurea macrocephala species shall be collected near the ROW between 15 July-30 August. Ottoman Ringlet * The bulbs of Lilium kesselringianum shall be collected (Arthropoda / Butterfly) between (21+529-22+070) KP's before or during the top soil H Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) scraping and shall be stored near the ROW. Lilium kesselringianum For Arthropoda Species (Erebia ottomana) (Flora) * The areas which Poaceae is very dense (between 20+725- 21+078 / 22+235-22+615 KP's) shall be harvested and shall be stored near the ROW. For Habitat * The top soil shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm between 20+700-23+000 KP’s and shall be stored near the ROW. 70 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROTECTED AREA / HIGH CRITICAL TOTAL INDICATIVE TIER IMPACT LEVEL BIODIVERSITY EUNIS HABITAT FINAL HABITAT KP LENGTH PRIORITY* PROVINCE CRITERION SCC SPECIES PRIORITY CRITERION (QUANTITATIVE (QUANTITATIVE MITIGATION MEASURES AREA HABITAT SENSITIVITY* CRITERION NO (km) ASSESSMENT) ASSESSMENT)* (IF INTERSECTS) CH4 23+670- 3,411 M Ardahan POSOF WDA + Criterion 4 E4.4 M Prometheomys H Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Criterion 2 & L * Closed construction period: 15 May-15 August because of 27+081 POSOF FOREST schaposchnikowi 4 breeding period for Prometheomys schaposchnikowi (KBA) Long-clawed Mole Vole For Mammalian Species (Prometheomys (Mammalia) schaposchnikowi) * The top soil shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm between 23+670-27+081KP’s and shall be stored near the ROW. * Prometheomys schaposchnikowi individuals shall be carried to the appropriate and close areas by specialists according to the methodology. * When the nest gallery system is being excavated, the nest material and the stored food found in the nest should also be carried to the new transferred nesting area and should be placed inside the gallery entrance so that the members can take them in their new nests they are building. For Habitat * The top soil shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm between 23+670-27+081KP’s and shall be stored near the ROW. CH5 62+320- 0,82 H Ardahan ARDAHAN Criterion 4 E4.4 M Lathyrus karsianus M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Criterion 1, 2 L * Closed construction period: 1 June-15 July because of the 63+140 FOREST (Flora) &4 vegatation period of flora species (IBA, KBA) G1.9 H Tanacetum coccineum ssp. M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) For Flora Species (Lathyrus karsianus, Tanacetum chamaemelifolium coccineum ssp. chamaemelifolium) (Flora) * The top soil between 62+320-63+140 KP’s shall be scraped G3.F L Phengaris nausithous H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (e) at a depth of 10-15 cm with the plants on it as tufts (including Dusky Large Blue Sanguisorba sp.), and shall be stored near the ROW, and shall Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) be irrigated once every two weeks. (Arthropoda / Butterfly) *The seeds of Lathyrus karsianus species shall be collected G3.4 H Tipula n.sp H Criterion 2 Tier 1 (a) near the ROW between 1 July-1 August; the seeds of (Arthropoda) 71 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROTECTED AREA / HIGH CRITICAL TOTAL INDICATIVE TIER IMPACT LEVEL BIODIVERSITY EUNIS HABITAT FINAL HABITAT KP LENGTH PRIORITY* PROVINCE CRITERION SCC SPECIES PRIORITY CRITERION (QUANTITATIVE (QUANTITATIVE MITIGATION MEASURES AREA HABITAT SENSITIVITY* CRITERION NO (km) ASSESSMENT) ASSESSMENT)* (IF INTERSECTS) E2.1 M Erebia ottoman M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Tanacetum coccineum ssp. chamaemelifolium species shall be Ottoman Ringlet collected near the ROW between 15 July-15 August. (Arthropoda) For Arthropoda Species (Phengaris nausithous, Erebia ottomana, Tipula n.sp) * The top soil between 62+320-63+140 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm with the plants on it as tufts (including Sanguisorba sp.), and shall be stored near the ROW, and shall be irrigated once every two weeks. * Stones and rocks of 30 cm or larger on the soil shall be stored nearby the construction site, without mixing them with the top soil. * Herbaceous plants shall be harvested and stored near the ROW. For Habitat * The top soil between 62+320-63+140 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm with the plants on it as tufts (including Sanguisorba sp.), and shall be stored near the ROW, and shall be irrigated once every two weeks. * Stones and rocks of 30 cm or larger on the soil shall be stored nearby the construction site, without mixing them with the top soil. CH6 84+758- 2,242 H Ardahan - - E4.4 M Phengaris nausithous H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (e) Criterion 1 & L For Arthropoda Species (Phengaris nausithous) 72 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROTECTED AREA / HIGH CRITICAL TOTAL INDICATIVE TIER IMPACT LEVEL BIODIVERSITY EUNIS HABITAT FINAL HABITAT KP LENGTH PRIORITY* PROVINCE CRITERION SCC SPECIES PRIORITY CRITERION (QUANTITATIVE (QUANTITATIVE MITIGATION MEASURES AREA HABITAT SENSITIVITY* CRITERION NO (km) ASSESSMENT) ASSESSMENT)* (IF INTERSECTS) 87+000 Dusky Large Blue Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) 2 * The top soil between 84+758-87+000 KP’s shall be scraped (Arthropoda / Butterfly) at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * The seeds of Sanguisorba, which is the feeding plant of Phengaris nausithous, shall be collected near the ROW. * Top soil shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm with the plants on it as tufts (including Sanguisorba sp.), and shall be stored near the ROW, and shall be irrigated once every two weeks if the construction works start at summer. * Stones and rocks of 30 cm or larger on the soil shall be stored nearby the construction site, without mixing them with the top soil. For Habitat * The top soil between 84+758-87+000 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * Stones and rocks of 30 cm or larger on the soil shall be stored nearby the construction site, without mixing them with the top soil. CH7 115+393- 0,607 H Kars ALLAHUEKBER Criterion 4 E4.4 M Phengaris nausithous H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (e) Criterion 1, 2 L For Arthropoda Species (Phengaris nausithous) 116+000 MOUNTAINS Dusky Large Blue &4 * The top soil between 115+393-116+000 KP’s shall be (KBA) E3.4 M (Arthropoda / Butterfly) Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * The seeds of Sanguisorba, which is the feeding plant of Phengaris nausithous, shall be collected near the ROW. * Top soil shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm with the plants on it as tufts (including Sanguisorba sp.), and shall be stored near the ROW, and shall be irrigated once every two weeks if the construction works start at summer. * Stones and rocks of 30 cm or larger on the soil shall be stored nearby the construction site, without mixing them with the top soil. For Habitat * The top soil between 115+393-116+000 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * Stones and rocks of 30 cm or larger on the soil shall be stored nearby the construction site, without mixing them with the top soil. CH8 116+069- 0,568 H Kars ALLAHUEKBER Criterion 4 E4.4 M Phengaris nausithous H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (e) Criterion 1, 2 L For Arthropoda Species (Phengaris nausithous) 73 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROTECTED AREA / HIGH CRITICAL TOTAL INDICATIVE TIER IMPACT LEVEL BIODIVERSITY EUNIS HABITAT FINAL HABITAT KP LENGTH PRIORITY* PROVINCE CRITERION SCC SPECIES PRIORITY CRITERION (QUANTITATIVE (QUANTITATIVE MITIGATION MEASURES AREA HABITAT SENSITIVITY* CRITERION NO (km) ASSESSMENT) ASSESSMENT)* (IF INTERSECTS) 116+637 MOUNTAINS E3.4 M Dusky Large Blue Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) &4 * The top soil between 116+069-116+637 KP’s shall be (KBA) (Arthropoda / Butterfly) scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the E2.1 M ROW. * The seeds of Sanguisorba, which is the feeding plant of Phengaris nausithous, shall be collected near the ROW. * Top soil shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm with the plants on it as tufts (including Sanguisorba sp.), and shall be stored near the ROW, and shall be irrigated once every two weeks if the construction works start at summer. * Stones and rocks of 30 cm or larger on the soil shall be stored nearby the construction site, without mixing them with the top soil. For Habitat * The top soil between 116+069-116+637 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * Stones and rocks of 30 cm or larger on the soil shall be stored nearby the construction site, without mixing them with the top soil. CH9 164+345- 0,221 M Kars - - E1.2E H Darevskia uzzelli H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (e) Criterion 1 & L * Closed prior to 15th of July because of the species 164+566 Uzzell's Lizard 2 hibernation period Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) (Reptilia) For Reptilian Species (Darevskia uzzelli, Darevskia Darevskia unisexualis H Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) unisexualis) Unisexual Lizard * The top soil between 164+345-164+566 KP’s shall be (Reptilia) scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * Darevskia uzzelli and Darevskia unisexualis individuals shall be carried to the appropriate and close areas by specialists according to the methodology at the beginning of the July. * Stones and rocks of 30 cm or larger on the soil shall be stored nearby the construction site, without mixing them with the top soil For Habitat * The top soil between 164+345-164+566 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * Stones and rocks of 30 cm or larger on the soil shall be stored nearby the construction site, without mixing them with the top soil CH10 167+000- 0,154 M Kars - - E1.2E H Darevskia uzzelli H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (e) Criterion 1 & L * Closed prior to 15th of July because of the species 167+154 Uzzell's Lizard 2 hibernation period (Reptilia) For Reptilian Species (Darevskia uzzelli, Darevskia Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) unisexualis) 74 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROTECTED AREA / HIGH CRITICAL TOTAL INDICATIVE TIER IMPACT LEVEL BIODIVERSITY EUNIS HABITAT FINAL HABITAT KP LENGTH PRIORITY* PROVINCE CRITERION SCC SPECIES PRIORITY CRITERION (QUANTITATIVE (QUANTITATIVE MITIGATION MEASURES AREA HABITAT SENSITIVITY* CRITERION NO (km) ASSESSMENT) ASSESSMENT)* (IF INTERSECTS) Darevskia unisexualis H Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) * The top soil between 167+000-167+154 KP’s shall be Unisexual Lizard scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the (Reptilia) ROW. * Darevskia uzzelli and Darevskia unisexualis individuals shall be carried to the appropriate and close areas by specialists according to the methodology at the beginning of the July. * Stones and rocks of 30 cm or larger on the soil shall be stored nearby the construction site, without mixing them with the top soil For Habitat * The top soil between 167+000-167+154 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * Stones and rocks of 30 cm or larger on the soil shall be stored nearby the construction site, without mixing them with the top soil CH11 169+000- 5 M Kars SARIKAMIŞ Criterion 4 E3.4 M Otis tarda M Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) Criterion 1 & L For Bird Species (Otis tarda) 174+000 FOREST The great bustard 4 * If the Otis tarda individuals will be seen, they shall be (IBA, KBA) (Bird) removed from the area by specialists. G3.4 H * If the nest, eggs or mature individuals in the incubation will G3.F L be seen, the construction works shall be stopped until the chicks feed themselves. * The top soil between169+000 - 174+000 shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * If adult Otis tarda individuals are observed, they shall be removed by specialist. * If incubating adults or nests or eggs of Otis tarda are observed, construction shall be stopped and is prohibited until eggs hatch and the chicks feed themselves * If adult Otis tarda individuals are observed, they shall be removed by specialist. * If incubating adults or nests or eggs of Otis tarda are observed, construction shall be stopped and is prohibited until eggs hatch and the chicks feed themselves For Habitat * The top soil between169+000 - 174+000 shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. CH12 174+412- 1,588 H Kars SARIKAMIŞ Criterion 4 G3.4 H Eulasia chrysopyga M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Criterion 1, 2 L * Closed construction period: 1 June-1 July because of the 176+000 FOREST (IBA, (Arthropoda) &4 vegetation period of flora species KBA) G3.F L Hieracium sarykamyschense H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) For Flora Species (Hieracium sarykamyschense) (Flora) * The top soil between 174+412-176+000 shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * The seeds of Hieracium sarykamyschense species shall be collected near the ROW between 15 July-15 August. For Arthropod Species (Eulasia chrysopyga) and for habitat * The top soil between 174+412-176+000 shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. CH13 187+557- 5,443 M Kars SARIKAMIŞ Criterion 4 E4.4 M Lathyrus karsianus M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Criterion 1, 2 L * Closed construction period: 1 June-1 July because of 193+000 FOREST (IBA, (Flora) &4 vegetation period of the flora species KBA) G3.4 H Eulasia chrysopyga M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) For Flora Species (Lathyrus karsianus, Hieracium (Arthropoda) sarykamyschense) E2.1 M Phengaris nausithous H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (e) * The top soil between 187+557 - 193+000 shall be scraped Dusky Large Blue at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) (Arthropoda / Butterfly) * The seeds of Lathyrus karsianus and Hieracium E3.4 M Zonitis nigriventris M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) sarykamyschense species shall be collected near the ROW (Arthropoda) 75 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROTECTED AREA / HIGH CRITICAL TOTAL INDICATIVE TIER IMPACT LEVEL BIODIVERSITY EUNIS HABITAT FINAL HABITAT KP LENGTH PRIORITY* PROVINCE CRITERION SCC SPECIES PRIORITY CRITERION (QUANTITATIVE (QUANTITATIVE MITIGATION MEASURES AREA HABITAT SENSITIVITY* CRITERION NO (km) ASSESSMENT) ASSESSMENT)* (IF INTERSECTS) G3.F L Hieracium sarykamyschense H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) between 1 July-1 August (Flora) For Fauna Species (Eulasia chrysopyga, Phengaris nausithous, , Zonitis nigriventris) * The top soil between 187+557 - 193+000 shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW * Tall plants belonging to the Compositae, Labiatae, Leguminosae families in the area shall be harvested at the end of August, at the end of the vegetation period from the between (191+117-191+251 / 191+690-191+947) KP's and shall be stored nearby the construction site. * Stones and rocks of 30 cm or larger on the soil shall be stored nearby the construction site, without mixing them with the top soil For Habitat * The top soil between 187+557 - 193+000 shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW * Stones and rocks of 30 cm or larger on the soil shall be stored nearby the construction site, without mixing them with the top soil CH14 202+930- 0,779 M Kars - - E4.4 M Zonitis nigriventris M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Criterion 2 L For Arthropoda species (Zygaena armena) 203+709 (Arthropoda) * The top soil between 202+930-203+709 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * Tall plants belonging to the Compositae, Labiatae, Leguminosae families in the area shall be harvested at the end of the vegetation period from the between (202+930-203+709) KP's and shall be stored nearby the construction site. For Habitat * The top soil between 202+930-203+709 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW CH15 214+885- 5,641 M Erzurum - - E1.2E H Montivipera wagneri H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (c) Criterion 1 & L * Closed construction period: 1 March – 15 July because of 219+641 Wagner's Viper 2 the vegatition period of flora species and hibernation period (Reptilia) of reptilian species E2.1 M Salvia huberi H Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) For Flora Species (Salvia huberi, Cephalaria sparsipilosa, (Flora) Eryngium wanaturi, Cousinia bicolor) E4.4 M Cephalaria sparsipilosa M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) * The top soil between 214+885-219+641 shall be scraped at (Flora) a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * The seeds of Salvia huberi species shall be collected from Eryngium wanaturi M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) the ROW between 1 July-1 August and the seeds of (Flora) Cephalaria sparsipilosa, Eryngium wanaturi and Cousinia Polyommatus merhaba H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (e) bicolor species shall be collected from the ROW between 15 Hi Blue July-15 August. (Arthropoda – Butterfly) For Reptilia Species (Montivipera wagneri) Cousinia bicolor H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) * Montivipera wagneri individuals shall be carried to the 76 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROTECTED AREA / HIGH CRITICAL TOTAL INDICATIVE TIER IMPACT LEVEL BIODIVERSITY EUNIS HABITAT FINAL HABITAT KP LENGTH PRIORITY* PROVINCE CRITERION SCC SPECIES PRIORITY CRITERION (QUANTITATIVE (QUANTITATIVE MITIGATION MEASURES AREA HABITAT SENSITIVITY* CRITERION NO (km) ASSESSMENT) ASSESSMENT)* (IF INTERSECTS) (Flora) Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) appropriate and close areas by specialists according to the methodology and to the (38 T 268212.00-4446232.00) coordinates at the begining of the July. * Stones and rocks of 30 cm or larger on the soil shall be stored nearby the construction site, without mixing them with the top soil. For Arthropoda Specie (Polyommatus merhaba) * The seeds of Onobrychis and Astragalus flora species shall be collected from the ROW between 15 July – 30 August. * Stones and rocks of 30 cm or larger on the soil shall be stored nearby the construction site, without mixing them with the top soil. For Habitat * The top soil between 214+885-219+641 shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * Stones and rocks of 30 cm or larger on the soil shall be stored nearby the construction site, without mixing them with the top soil. * In the regions between the (219+415-219+540) KP's terracing shall be carried out to prevent erosion. CH16 232+172- 0,615 M Erzurum - - E1.2E H Cousinia bicolor H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) Criterion 1 & L For Flora Specie (Cousinia bicolor) 232+787 (Flora) 2 Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) * The top soil between 232+172-232+787 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. *The seeds of Cousinia bicolor species shall be collected near the ROW between 15 July-15 August. For Habitat * The top soil between 232+172-232+787 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. CH17 306+365- 5,873 H Erzurum ERZURUM Criterion 4 E6.2 M Hilara n. sp. 1 H Criterion 2 Tier 1 (a) Criterion 1, 2, L * Closed construction period: March and between 15 312+319 MARSHES (Arthropoda) 3&4 September-30 October because of the migration period of (except BUFFER ZONE E1.2E H Vanellus gregarious H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (c) bird specie highway) (WETLAND, The sociable lapwing For Flora Species (Lepidium caespitosum) KBA) Criterion 3 Tier 2 (b) * The top soil between 306+365-312+319 (except highway, (Bird) 77 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROTECTED AREA / HIGH CRITICAL TOTAL INDICATIVE TIER IMPACT LEVEL BIODIVERSITY EUNIS HABITAT FINAL HABITAT KP LENGTH PRIORITY* PROVINCE CRITERION SCC SPECIES PRIORITY CRITERION (QUANTITATIVE (QUANTITATIVE MITIGATION MEASURES AREA HABITAT SENSITIVITY* CRITERION NO (km) ASSESSMENT) ASSESSMENT)* (IF INTERSECTS) E3.4 M Lepidium caespitosum M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) 0,081 m) shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be (Flora) stored near the ROW with harvested wet meadows with their soil if construction works starts in spring. * The top soil between the (306+365-306+460) KP’s shall be removed in layers of 10-15 cm depth, together with the plants on it, and shall be stored nearby the construction site and shall be irrigated once every two weeks if construction works start at spring or autumn. * The seeds of Lepidium caespitosum species shall be collected between 15 July-15 August. For Arthropod Species (Hilara n. sp. 1) * The top soil between 306+365-312+319 (except highway, 0,081 m) shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW with harvested wet meadows with their soil if construction works starts in spring. * The top soil between the (306+365-306+460) KP’s shall be removed in layers of 10-15 cm depth, together with the plants on it, and shall be stored nearby the construction site and shall be irrigated once every two weeks if construction works start at spring or autumn. For Bird Species (Vanellus gregarius) No construction activities should be carried out in March and between 15 September-30 October, when it is the migration periods. For Habitat * The top soil between 306+365-312+319 (except highway, 0,081 m) shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW with harvested wet meadows with their soil if construction works starts in spring. * The top soil between the (306+365-306+460) KP’s shall be removed in layers of 10-15 cm depth, together with the plants on it, and shall be stored nearby the construction site and shall be irrigated once every two weeks if construction works start at spring or autumn. CH18 369+037- 0,089 H Erzurum - - E1.00 H Thymus canoviridis H Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Criterion 2 L For Flora Species (Thymus canoviridis) 369+126 (Flora) * The top soil between 369+037-369+126 shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * Thymus canoviridis species shall be collected near the ROW between 15 July-15 August. * The Thymus canoviridis species individuals shall be collected as tufts and shall be transferred to the (37 S 642551.00- 423058.00) coordinates between 15 July-15 August. For Habitat * The top soil between 369+037-369+126 shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * Gypsum rocks excavated during activity shall be stored nearby the construction site. CH19 385+169- 4,831 M Erzurum - - E1.2E H Polyommatus antidolus H Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Criterion 2 L For Arthropoda Species (Polyommatus antidolus) 78 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROTECTED AREA / HIGH CRITICAL TOTAL INDICATIVE TIER IMPACT LEVEL BIODIVERSITY EUNIS HABITAT FINAL HABITAT KP LENGTH PRIORITY* PROVINCE CRITERION SCC SPECIES PRIORITY CRITERION (QUANTITATIVE (QUANTITATIVE MITIGATION MEASURES AREA HABITAT SENSITIVITY* CRITERION NO (km) ASSESSMENT) ASSESSMENT)* (IF INTERSECTS) 390+000 G1.7 M Anatolian Furry Blue * 20 cm of top soil between 385+169-390+000 KP’s of the (Arthropoda – Butterfly) ROW (which is ant's nest depth) shall be scraped 15 days before the construction works and shall be stored near the ROW. * The stones and rocks shall be stored nearby the construction site. * The seeds of the plants of the Onobrychis and Astragalus genus, which are the food plants of the larvae, shall be collected between 15 July – 30 August. For Habitat * 20 cm of top soil between 385+169-390+000 KP’s of the ROW (which is ant's nest depth) shall be scraped 15 days before the construction works and shall be stored near the ROW. * The stones and rocks shall be stored nearby the construction site. CH20 393+489- 0,85 M Erzincan - - E1.2E H Zonitis nigriventris M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Criterion 2 L For Arthropoda Species (Zonitis nigriventris) 394+339 (Arthropoda) * The top soil between 393+489-394+339 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * Tall plants belonging to the Compositae, Labiatae, Leguminosae families in the area shall be harvested at the end of August, at the end of the vegetation period and shall be stored nearby the construction site. For Habitat * The top soil between 393+489-394+339 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. CH21 432+592- 2,227 M Erzincan - - E1.2E H Salvia huberi H Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Criterion 2 L For Flora Species (Salvia huberi, Cousinia halysensis) 434+819 (Flora) * The top soil between 432+592-434+819 KP’s shall be Cousinia halysensis M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the (Flora) ROW. * The seeds of Salvia huberi species shall be collected between 1 July-1 August, the seeds of Cousinia halyensis species shall be collected between 15 July-15 August. For Habitat * The top soil between 432+592-434+819 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW CH22 451+458- 2,662 M Erzincan - - E1.2E H Isatis glauca ssp. sivasica M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Criterion 2 L For Flora Species (Isatis glauca ssp. sivasica) 454+120 (Flora) 79 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROTECTED AREA / HIGH CRITICAL TOTAL INDICATIVE TIER IMPACT LEVEL BIODIVERSITY EUNIS HABITAT FINAL HABITAT KP LENGTH PRIORITY* PROVINCE CRITERION SCC SPECIES PRIORITY CRITERION (QUANTITATIVE (QUANTITATIVE MITIGATION MEASURES AREA HABITAT SENSITIVITY* CRITERION NO (km) ASSESSMENT) ASSESSMENT)* (IF INTERSECTS) Polyommatus actis H Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) * 20 cm of top soil between451+458-454+120 KP’s of the Actis Blue ROW (which is ant's nest depth) shall be scraped together (Arthropoda – Butterfly) with rocks and stones 15 days before the construction works and shall be stored near the ROW. * The seeds of Isatis glauca ssp. sivasica, Onobrychis and Astragalus species shall be collected between 15 July-15 August. For Arthropoda Species (Polyommatus actis) * 20 cm of top soil between451+458-454+120 KP’s of the ROW (which is ant's nest depth) shall be scraped together with rocks and stones 15 days before the construction works and shall be stored near the ROW. For Habitat * 20 cm of top soil between451+458-454+120 KP’s of the ROW (which is ant's nest depth) shall be scraped together with rocks and stones 15 days before the construction works and shall be stored near the ROW. * Terracing shall be carried out at the (451+966-452+070/ 453+894-454+000) KP's to prevent erosion. CH23 518+154- 3,333 M Gümüşhane - - E1.2E H Tanacetum densum ssp. M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Criterion 2 L * Closed construction period: 1 May – 1 June because of the 521+487 sivasicum vegetation period of flora species (Flora) For Flora Species (Tanacetum densum ssp. sivasicum) Polyommatus actis H Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) * The seeds of Tanacetum densum ssp. sivasicum, Onobrychis Actis Blue and Astragalus species shall be collected between 1 July-1 (Arthropoda – Butterfly) August. * 20 cm of top soil between 518+154-521+487 KP’s of the ROW (which is ant's nest depth) shall be scraped together with rocks and stones 15 days before the construction works and shall be stored near the ROW. For Arthropa Species (Polyommatus actis) * 20 cm of top soil between 518+154-521+487 KP’s of the ROW (which is ant's nest depth) shall be scraped together with rocks and stones 15 days before the construction works and shall be stored near the ROW. For Habitat * 20 cm of top soil between 518+154-521+487 KP’s of the ROW (which is ant's nest depth) shall be scraped together with rocks and stones 15 days before the construction works and shall be stored near the ROW. * The seeds of non-endemic native plants shall be collected and planted on the ROW for erosion control in dip slopes after construction. CH24 537+806- 5,905 M Erzincan- - - E1.2E H Tanacetum albipannosum M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Criterion 2 L * Closed construction period: 1 May – 1 June because of the 543+711 Gümüşhane (Flora) vegetation period of flora species For Flora Species (Tanacetum albipannosum) * The top soil between 537+806-543+711 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * The seeds of Tanacetum albipinnosum species shall be collected between 1 July-1 August. For Habitat * The top soil between 537+806-543+711 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. 80 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROTECTED AREA / HIGH CRITICAL TOTAL INDICATIVE TIER IMPACT LEVEL BIODIVERSITY EUNIS HABITAT FINAL HABITAT KP LENGTH PRIORITY* PROVINCE CRITERION SCC SPECIES PRIORITY CRITERION (QUANTITATIVE (QUANTITATIVE MITIGATION MEASURES AREA HABITAT SENSITIVITY* CRITERION NO (km) ASSESSMENT) ASSESSMENT)* (IF INTERSECTS) CH25 564+425- 0,7 M Erzincan - - X18 L Isatis undulata M Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) Criterion 1 & L * Closed construction period: 1 May – 1 June because of the 565+125 (Flora) 2 vegetation period of flora species Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) For Flora Species (Isatis undulata) * The top soil between 564+425-565+125 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * The seeds of Isatis undulata species shall be collected between 1 July-1 August For Habitat * The top soil between 564+425-565+125 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW CH26 588+880- 1,478 M Erzincan REFAHİYE Criterion 4 G3.F L Cochlearia sintenisii M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Criterion 2 & L * Closed construction period: 1 June – 1 July because of the 590+358 FOREST (KBA) (Flora) 4 vegetation period of flora species E1.2B H For Flora Species (Cochlearia sintenisii) * The top soil between 588+880- 590+358 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * The seeds of Cochleria sintenisii species shall be collected between 1 July-1 August. For Habitat * The top soil between 588+880- 590+358 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW CH27 604+940- 03.Haz M Erzincan- REFAHİYE Criterion 4 E1.2B H Cochlearia sintenisii M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Criterion 2 & L * Closed construction period: 1 June – 1 July because of the 608+000 Sivas FOREST (KBA) (Flora) 4 vegetation period of flora species G3.4 H For Flora Species (Cochlearia sintenisii) F2.2 M * The top soil between 604+940-608+000 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the E2.5 H ROW. * The seeds of Cochleria sintenisii species shall be collected between 1 July-1 August For Habitat * The top soil between 604+940-608+000 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW CH28 614+648- 11,352 H (E1.2B), Sivas REFAHİYE Criterion 4 E1.2B H Bellevalia crassa H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) Criterion 1, 2 L * Closed construction period: 1 June – 1 July because of the 626+000 M (G3.4, FOREST (KBA) (Flora) &4 vegetation period of flora species Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) F2.2, G1.7) For Flora Species (Bellevalia crassa, Asperula capitellata, G3.4 H Asperula capitellata M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Cochlearia sintenisii, Thymus cappadocicus var. (Flora) pruinosus, Achillea sintenisii) F2.2 M Cochlearia sintenisii M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) * The top soil between614+648-626+000 KP’s shall be (Flora) scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * The bulbs of G1.7 M Thymus cappadocicus var. M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Bellevalia crassa species shall be collected near the ROW and pruinosus carried to out of the ROW. (Flora) 81 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROTECTED AREA / HIGH CRITICAL TOTAL INDICATIVE TIER IMPACT LEVEL BIODIVERSITY EUNIS HABITAT FINAL HABITAT KP LENGTH PRIORITY* PROVINCE CRITERION SCC SPECIES PRIORITY CRITERION (QUANTITATIVE (QUANTITATIVE MITIGATION MEASURES AREA HABITAT SENSITIVITY* CRITERION NO (km) ASSESSMENT) ASSESSMENT)* (IF INTERSECTS) Achillea sintenisii M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) * The seeds of the Asperula capitellata, Cochleria sintenisii, (Flora) and Thymus cappadocicus var. pruinosus species shall be collected near the ROW between 1 July-1 August; the seeds of the Achillea sintenisii species shall be collected near the ROW between 15 July-15 August. For Habitat * The top soil between614+648-626+000 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. CH29 632+635- 1,548 M Sivas - - E1.2E H Isatis undulata M Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) Criterion 1 & L * Closed construction period: 1 June – 1 July because of the 634+183 (Flora) 2 vegetation period of flora species Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) For Flora Species (Isatis undulata, Cochlearia sintenisii,) Cochlearia sintenisii M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) 632+635 - 634+183 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 (Flora) cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * Seeds of Isatis undulata and Cochleria sintenisii species shall be collected near the ROW, from the (37 S 431034.20- 4418698.72) coordinates between 1 July-1 August. For Habitat 632+635 - 634+183 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * Terracing shall be carried out at the (633+257-633+562) KP's to prevent erosion on the dip slopes after construction works. CH30 634+285- 0,579 M Sivas - - E1.2E H Isatis undulata M Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) Criterion 1 & L * Closed construction period: 1 June – 1 July because of the 634+864 (Flora) 2 vegetation period of flora species Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) For Flora Species (Isatis undulata, Cochlearia sintenisii) Cochlearia sintenisii M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) 634+285- 634+864KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 (Flora) cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * The seeds of Isatis undulata and Cochleria sintenisii species shall be collected between 1 July-1 August. For Habitat 634+285- 634+864KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * Terracing shall be carried out at the (634+736-634+858) KP's to prevent erosion on the dip slopes after construction. CH31 634+906- 0,026 H Sivas - - G1.3 M Hexatoma n. sp. H Criterion 2 Tier 1 (a) Criterion 2 L For Arthropoda Species (Hexatoma n. sp., Tipula n.sp) 634+932 (Arthropoda) and for Habitat E1.2E H Tipula n.sp H Criterion 2 Tier 1 (a) * The top soil between 634+906- 634+932 KP’s shall be (Arthropoda) scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. 82 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROTECTED AREA / HIGH CRITICAL TOTAL INDICATIVE TIER IMPACT LEVEL BIODIVERSITY EUNIS HABITAT FINAL HABITAT KP LENGTH PRIORITY* PROVINCE CRITERION SCC SPECIES PRIORITY CRITERION (QUANTITATIVE (QUANTITATIVE MITIGATION MEASURES AREA HABITAT SENSITIVITY* CRITERION NO (km) ASSESSMENT) ASSESSMENT)* (IF INTERSECTS) CH32 652+000- 2,878 H Sivas - - E1.00 H Gypsophila heteropoda ssp. H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) Criterion 1 & L * Closed construction period: 1 May – 1 June because of the 654+878 minutiflora 2 vegetation period of flora species (Flora) For Flora Species (Gypsophila heteropoda ssp. minutiflora, Astragalus zaraensis, Chrysocamela noeana, Minuartia corymbulosa var. gypsophiloides, Achillea sintenisii, Centaurea sivasica, Gypsophila aucheri, Isatis glauca ssp. sivasica, Scorzonera aucherana, Scrophularia Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) lepidota, Thesium stelleroides) Astragalus zaraensis H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) * The top soil between 652+000-654+878 shall be scraped at (Flora) Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. Chrysocamela noeana H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) * The seeds of Gypsophila heteropoda ssp. minutiflora and (Flora) Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Chrysocamela noeana species shall be collected between1 Minuartia corymbulosa var. H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) June-20 July; the seeds of Astragalus zaraensis and Minuartia gypsophiloides Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) corymbulosa var. gypsophiloides, Achillea sintenisii, Centaurea (Flora) sivasica, Gypsophila aucheri, Isatis glauca ssp. sivasica, Achillea sintenisii M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Scorzonera aucherana, Scrophularia lepidota, Thesium (Flora) stelleroides species shall be collected between 15 June-15 July. Centaurea sivasica M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) * Some of the collected seeds of Chrysocamela noeana, Isatis (Flora) glauca ssp. sivasica species must be given to the seed gene Gypsophila aucheri M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) bank. (Flora) For Arthropoda Species (Tipula n.sp) Isatis glauca ssp. sivasica M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) * The top soil between 652+000-654+878 shall be scraped at (Flora) a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. Scorzonera aucherana M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) * Gypsum rocks excavated during activity shall be stored (Flora) nearby the construction site. Scrophularia lepidota M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) For Habitat (Flora) * The top soil between 652+000-654+878 shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. Thesium stelleroides M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) * Gypsum rocks excavated during activity shall be stored (Flora) nearby the construction site. Tipula n.sp H Criterion 2 Tier 1 (a) (Arthropoda) CH33 656+000- 0,431 H Sivas - - E1.00 H Gypsophila heteropoda ssp. H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) Criterion 1 & L * Closed construction period: 1 May – 1 June because of the 656+431 minutiflora 2 vegetation period of flora species Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) (Flora) For Flora Species (Gypsophila heteropoda ssp. Astragalus zaraensis H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) minutiflora, Astragalus zaraensis, Chrysocamela noeana, (Flora) Minuartia corymbulosa var. gypsophiloides, Achillea Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) sintenisii, Centaurea sivasica, Gypsophila aucheri, Isatis 83 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROTECTED AREA / HIGH CRITICAL TOTAL INDICATIVE TIER IMPACT LEVEL BIODIVERSITY EUNIS HABITAT FINAL HABITAT KP LENGTH PRIORITY* PROVINCE CRITERION SCC SPECIES PRIORITY CRITERION (QUANTITATIVE (QUANTITATIVE MITIGATION MEASURES AREA HABITAT SENSITIVITY* CRITERION NO (km) ASSESSMENT) ASSESSMENT)* (IF INTERSECTS) Chrysocamela noeana H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) glauca ssp. sivasica, Scorzonera aucherana, Scrophularia (Flora) lepidota, Thesium stelleroides) Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) * The top soil between 656+000-656+431 shall be scraped at Minuartia corymbulosa var. H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. gypsophiloides * The seeds of Gypsophila heteropoda ssp. minutiflora and Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Chrysocamela noeana species shall be collected between 1 (Flora) Achillea sintenisii M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) June-20 July; the seeds of Astragalus zaraensis and Minuartia (Flora) corymbulosa var. gypsophiloides, Achillea sintenisii, Centaurea sivasica, Gypsophila aucheri, Isatis glauca ssp. sivasica, Centaurea sivasica M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Scorzonera aucherana, Scrophularia lepidota, Thesium (Flora) stelleroides species shall be collected between 15 June-15 Gypsophila aucheri M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) July. (Flora) * Some of the collected seeds of Chrysocamela noeana, Isatis Isatis glauca ssp. sivasica M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) glauca ssp. sivasica species must be given to the seed gene (Flora) bank. Scorzonera aucherana M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) For Arthropoda Species (Tipula n.sp) (Flora) * The top soil between 656+000-656+431 shall be scraped at Scrophularia lepidota M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. (Flora) * Gypsum rocks excavated during activity shall be stored Thesium stelleroides M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) nearby the construction site. (Flora) For Habitat * The top soil between 656+000-656+431 shall be scraped at Tipula n.sp H Criterion 2 Tier 1 (a) a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. (Arthropoda) * Gypsum rocks excavated during activity shall be stored nearby the construction site. CH34 660+353- 0,103 H Sivas - - E1.00 H Gypsophila heteropoda ssp. H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) Criterion 1 & L * Closed construction period: 1 May – 1 June because of the 660+456 minutiflora 2 vegetation period of flora species Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) (Flora) For Flora Species (Gypsophila heteropoda ssp. Astragalus zaraensis H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) minutiflora, Astragalus zaraensis, Chrysocamela noeana, (Flora) Minuartia corymbulosa var. gypsophiloides, Achillea Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) sintenisii, Centaurea sivasica, Gypsophila aucheri, Isatis 84 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROTECTED AREA / HIGH CRITICAL TOTAL INDICATIVE TIER IMPACT LEVEL BIODIVERSITY EUNIS HABITAT FINAL HABITAT KP LENGTH PRIORITY* PROVINCE CRITERION SCC SPECIES PRIORITY CRITERION (QUANTITATIVE (QUANTITATIVE MITIGATION MEASURES AREA HABITAT SENSITIVITY* CRITERION NO (km) ASSESSMENT) ASSESSMENT)* (IF INTERSECTS) Chrysocamela noeana H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) glauca ssp. sivasica, Scorzonera aucherana, Scrophularia (Flora) lepidota, Thesium stelleroides) Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) * The top soil between 660+353 - 660+456 shall be scraped Minuartia corymbulosa var. H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. gypsophiloides * The seeds of Gypsophila heteropoda ssp. minutiflora and Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Chrysocamela noeana species shall be collected between 1 (Flora) Achillea sintenisii M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) June-20 July; the seeds of Astragalus zaraensis and Minuartia (Flora) corymbulosa var. gypsophiloides, Achillea sintenisii, Centaurea sivasica, Gypsophila aucheri, Isatis glauca ssp. sivasica, Centaurea sivasica M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Scorzonera aucherana, Scrophularia lepidota, Thesium (Flora) stelleroides species shall be collected between 15 June-15 Gypsophila aucheri M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) July. (Flora) * Some of the collected seeds of Chrysocamela noeana, Isatis Isatis glauca ssp. sivasica M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) glauca ssp. sivasica species must be given to the seed gene (Flora) bank. Scorzonera aucherana M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) For Arthropoda Species (Tipula n.sp) (Flora) * The top soil between 660+353 - 660+456 shall be scraped Scrophularia lepidota M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. (Flora) * Gypsum rocks excavated during activity shall be stored Thesium stelleroides M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) nearby the construction site. (Flora) For Habitat Tipula n.sp H Criterion 2 Tier 1 (a) * The top soil between 660+353 - 660+456 shall be scraped (Arthropoda) at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * Gypsum rocks excavated during activity shall be stored nearby the construction site. CH35 661+206- 0,503 H Sivas - - E1.00 H Gypsophila heteropoda ssp. H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) Criterion 1 & L * Closed construction period: 1 May – 1 June because of the 661+709 minutiflora 2 vegetation period of flora species Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) (Flora) For Flora Species (Gypsophila heteropoda ssp. Astragalus zaraensis H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) minutiflora, Astragalus zaraensis, Chrysocamela noeana, (Flora) Minuartia corymbulosa var. gypsophiloides, Achillea Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) sintenisii, Centaurea sivasica, Gypsophila aucheri, Isatis 85 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROTECTED AREA / HIGH CRITICAL TOTAL INDICATIVE TIER IMPACT LEVEL BIODIVERSITY EUNIS HABITAT FINAL HABITAT KP LENGTH PRIORITY* PROVINCE CRITERION SCC SPECIES PRIORITY CRITERION (QUANTITATIVE (QUANTITATIVE MITIGATION MEASURES AREA HABITAT SENSITIVITY* CRITERION NO (km) ASSESSMENT) ASSESSMENT)* (IF INTERSECTS) Chrysocamela noeana H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) glauca ssp. sivasica, Scorzonera aucherana, Scrophularia (Flora) lepidota, Thesium stelleroides) Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) * The top soil between 661+206 - 661+709 KP’s shall be Minuartia corymbulosa var. H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the gypsophiloides ROW. Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) * The seeds of Gypsophila heteropoda ssp. minutiflora and (Flora) Achillea sintenisii M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Chrysocamela noeana species shall be collected near the (Flora) ROW between 1 June-20 July; the seeds of Astragalus zaraensis and Minuartia corymbulosa var. gypsophiloides, Centaurea sivasica M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Achillea sintenisii, Centaurea sivasica, Gypsophila aucheri, (Flora) Isatis glauca ssp. sivasica, Scorzonera aucherana, Scrophularia Gypsophila aucheri M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) lepidota, Thesium stelleroides species shall be collected near (Flora) the ROW between 15 June-15 July. Isatis glauca ssp. sivasica M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) * The Astragalus zaraensis, Achillea sintenisii, Scorzonera (Flora) aucherana, Thymus pectinatus, Gypsophila eriocalyx species Scorzonera aucherana M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) individuals shall be removed as tufts from the (661+236- (Flora) 661+267 / 661+353-661+387 / 661+432-661+461 / Scrophularia lepidota M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) 661+531-661+576) KP's and shall be transferred to the (37 S (Flora) 407182.00-4414267.00) coordinates. Thesium stelleroides M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) * Some of the collected seeds of Chrysocamela noeana, Isatis (Flora) glauca ssp. sivasica species must be given to the seed gene Tipula n.sp H Criterion 2 Tier 1 (a) bank. (Arthropoda) For Arthropoda Species (Tipula n.sp) * The top soil between 661+206 - 661+709 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * Gypsum rocks excavated during activity shall be stored nearby the construction site. For Habitat * The top soil between 661+206 - 661+709 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * Gypsum rocks excavated during activity shall be stored nearby the construction site. Thymus pectinatus, Gypsophila eriocalyx species individuals shall be removed as tufts from the (661+236-661+267 / 661+353-661+387 / 661+432-661+461 / 661+531-661+576) KP's and shall be transferred to the (37 S 407182.00- 4414267.00) coordinates. * Terracing shall be carried out between the (661+448- 661+704) KP’s. CH36 683+613- 0,035 H Sivas HAFİK ZARA Criterion 4 E1.00 H Dysmachus safranboluticus H Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Criterion 1, 2 L * Closed construction period: 1 May – 1 June because of the 683+648 HILLS (IBA, (Arthropoda) &4 vegetation period of flora species KBA, IPA) Astragalus zaraensis H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) For Flora Species (Astragalus zaraensis, Achillea (Flora) sintenisii, Astragalus aytatchii, Centaurea sivasica, Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Chrysocamela noeana, Gypsophila heteropoda ssp. Achillea sintenisii M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) minutiflora, Minuartia corymbulosa var. gypsophiloides) (Flora) * The top soil between 683+613-683+648 KP’s shall be 86 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROTECTED AREA / HIGH CRITICAL TOTAL INDICATIVE TIER IMPACT LEVEL BIODIVERSITY EUNIS HABITAT FINAL HABITAT KP LENGTH PRIORITY* PROVINCE CRITERION SCC SPECIES PRIORITY CRITERION (QUANTITATIVE (QUANTITATIVE MITIGATION MEASURES AREA HABITAT SENSITIVITY* CRITERION NO (km) ASSESSMENT) ASSESSMENT)* (IF INTERSECTS) Astragalus aytatchii H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the (Flora) ROW. Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) * The seeds of Astragalus zaraensis, Achillea sintenisii, Centaurea sivasica M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Astragalus aytatchii, Centaurea sivasica, Minuartia (Flora) corymbulosa var. gypsophiloides and Thymus pectinatus Chrysocamela noeana H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) species shall be collected near the ROW between 15 June-15 (Flora) July; the seeds of Chrysocamela noeana, Gypsophila Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) heteropoda ssp. minutiflora species shall be collected near Gypsophila heteropoda ssp. H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) the ROW between 1 June-20 June. minutiflora * The Astragalus zaraensis species individuals shall be Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) removed as tufts from the (37 S 386761.62 4408728.69) (Flora) coordinates and shall be transferred to the (37 S 386759.46- Minuartia corymbulosa var. H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) 4408680.42) coordinates. gypsophiloides Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) * The individuals of the Achillea sintenisii species shall be (Flora) transferred to the (37 S 386759.46-4408680.42) coordinates. * Some of the collected seeds of Chrysocamela noeana species must be given to the seed gene bank. For Arthropoda Species (Dysmachus safranboluticus) * The top soil between 683+613-683+648 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * Herbaceous plants shall be harvested and 10-15 cm of top soil of the ROW shall be scraped and stored near the ROW. * Gypsum rocks excavated during activity shall be stored nearby the construction site For Habitat * The top soil between 683+613-683+648 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * Gypsum rocks excavated during activity shall be stored nearby the construction site CH37 683+924- 0,039 H Sivas HAFİK ZARA Criterion 4 E1.00 H Dysmachus safranboluticus H Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Criterion 1, 2 L * Closed construction period: 1 May – 1 June because of the 683+963 HILLS (IBA, (Arthropoda) &4 vegetation period of flora species KBA, IPA) Astragalus zaraensis H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) For Flora Species (Astragalus zaraensis, Achillea (Flora) sintenisii, Astragalus aytatchii, Centaurea sivasica, Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Chrysocamela noeana, Gypsophila heteropoda ssp. Achillea sintenisii M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) minutiflora, Minuartia corymbulosa var. gypsophiloides) (Flora) * The top soil between 683+613-683+648 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the Astragalus aytatchii H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) 87 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROTECTED AREA / HIGH CRITICAL TOTAL INDICATIVE TIER IMPACT LEVEL BIODIVERSITY EUNIS HABITAT FINAL HABITAT KP LENGTH PRIORITY* PROVINCE CRITERION SCC SPECIES PRIORITY CRITERION (QUANTITATIVE (QUANTITATIVE MITIGATION MEASURES AREA HABITAT SENSITIVITY* CRITERION NO (km) ASSESSMENT) ASSESSMENT)* (IF INTERSECTS) (Flora) Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) ROW. * The seeds of Astragalus zaraensis, Achillea sintenisii, Centaurea sivasica M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Astragalus aytatchii, Centaurea sivasica, Minuartia (Flora) corymbulosa var. gypsophiloides and Thymus pectinatus Chrysocamela noeana H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) species shall be collected near the ROW between 15 June-15 (Flora) July; the seeds of Chrysocamela noeana, Gypsophila Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) heteropoda ssp. minutiflora species shall be collected near the Gypsophila heteropoda ssp. H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) ROW between 1 June-20 June. minutiflora * The Astragalus zaraensis, Achillea sintenisii, Thymus Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) (Flora) pectinatus species individuals shall be removed as tufts Minuartia corymbulosa var. H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) between the (683+934-683+954) KP’s and shall be gypsophiloides transferred to the (37 S 386463.44-4408686.64) Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) (Flora) * Some of the collected seeds of Chrysocamela noeana species must be given to the seed gene bank. For Arthropoda Species (Dysmachus safranboluticus) * The top soil between 683+613-683+648 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * Herbaceous plants shall be harvested and 10-15 cm of top soil of the ROW shall be scraped and stored near the ROW. * Gypsum rocks excavated during activity shall be stored nearby the construction site. For Habitat * The top soil between 683+613-683+648 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * Herbaceous plants shall be harvested and 10-15 cm of top soil of the ROW shall be scraped and stored near the ROW. * Gypsum rocks excavated during activity shall be stored nearby the construction site. CH38 700+549- 0,538 H Sivas MAĞARA LAKE Criterion 4 E1.00 H Astragalus aytatchii H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) Criterion 1, 2 L * Closed construction period: 1 May – 1 June because of the 701+087 BUFFER ZONE (Flora) &4 vegetation period of flora species Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) (WETLAND) + For Flora Species (Astragalus aytatchii, Gypsophila HAFİK ZARA Gypsophila heteropoda ssp. H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) heteropoda ssp. minutiflora, Astragalus zaraensis, HILLS (IBA, minutiflora Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Chrysocamela noeana, Minuartia corymbulosa var. KBA, IPA) (Flora) gypsophiloides, Onobrychis stenostcahya ssp. krausei, Astragalus zaraensis H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) Achillea sintenisii, Achillea sipikorensis, Centaurea 88 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROTECTED AREA / HIGH CRITICAL TOTAL INDICATIVE TIER IMPACT LEVEL BIODIVERSITY EUNIS HABITAT FINAL HABITAT KP LENGTH PRIORITY* PROVINCE CRITERION SCC SPECIES PRIORITY CRITERION (QUANTITATIVE (QUANTITATIVE MITIGATION MEASURES AREA HABITAT SENSITIVITY* CRITERION NO (km) ASSESSMENT) ASSESSMENT)* (IF INTERSECTS) (Flora) Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) sivasica, Isatis glauca ssp. sivasica) * The top soil shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and Chrysocamela noeana H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) shall be stored near the ROW. (Flora) Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) * The seeds of Astragalus aytatchii, Astragalus zaraensis, Minuartia corymbulosa var. gypsophiloides, Onobrychis Minuartia corymbulosa var. H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) stenostcahya ssp. krausei, Achillea sintenisii, Achillea gypsophiloides sipikorensis, Centaurea sivasica, Isatis glauca ssp. sivasica Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) (Flora) species shall be collected near the ROW between 15 June-15 Onobrychis stenostcahya ssp. H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) July; the seeds of Gypsophila heteropoda ssp. minutiflora, krausei Chrysocamela noeana species shall be collected near the Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) (Flora) ROW between 1 June-20 June. Achillea sintenisii M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) * The Astragalus zaraensis, Achillea sintenisii, Achillea (Flora) sipikorensis and Thymus pectinatus species individuals shall be Achillea sipikorensis M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) removed as tufts between the (700+757-701+006) KP’s and (Flora) shall be transferred to the (37 S 370016.63-4408569.92 /37 S Centaurea sivasica M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) 370096.00-4408596.00) coordinates. (Flora) * Some of the collected seeds of Chrysocamela noeana and Isatis glauca ssp. sivasica M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Isatis glauca ssp. sivasica species must be given to the seed (Flora) gene bank. For Habitat * The top soil shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * Gypsum rocks excavated during activity shall be stored nearby the ROW. * The Astragalus zaraensis, Achillea sintenisii, Achillea sipikorensis and Thymus pectinatus species individuals shall be removed as tufts between the (700+757-701+006) KP’s and shall be transferred to the (37 S 370016.63-4408569.92 /37 S 370096.00-4408596.00) coordinates. * The removed individuals of the Astragalus zaraensis, Achillea sintenisii, Achillea sipikorensis and Thymus pectinatus species as tufts shall be planted at the (700+757-701+006) KP’s, where the terracing shall be carried out to prevent erosion and shall be irrigated until they root again after construction works. CH39 708+677- 0,213 H Sivas BATAKLIKDÜZÜ Criterion 4 E1.00 H Achillea sintenisii M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Criterion 1, 2 L * Closed construction period: 1 May-1 June because of the 708+890 2 BUFFER (Flora) &4 vegetation period of flora species ZONE Astragalus zaraensis H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) For Flora Species (Achillea sintenisii, Astragalus (WETLAND) + (Flora) zaraensis, Chrysocamela noeana, Minuartia corymbulosa HAFİK ZARA Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) var. gypsophiloides) HILLS (IBA, Chrysocamela noeana H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) * The top soil between 708+677-708+890 KP’s should be KBA, IPA) (Flora) scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and should be stored near Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) the ROW. 89 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROTECTED AREA / HIGH CRITICAL TOTAL INDICATIVE TIER IMPACT LEVEL BIODIVERSITY EUNIS HABITAT FINAL HABITAT KP LENGTH PRIORITY* PROVINCE CRITERION SCC SPECIES PRIORITY CRITERION (QUANTITATIVE (QUANTITATIVE MITIGATION MEASURES AREA HABITAT SENSITIVITY* CRITERION NO (km) ASSESSMENT) ASSESSMENT)* (IF INTERSECTS) Minuartia corymbulosa var. H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) * The seeds of Achillea sintenisii, Astragalus zaraensis, gypsophiloides Minuartia corymbulosa var. gypsophiloides species shall be Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) (Flora) collected near the ROW between 15 June-15 July; the seeds of Chrysocamela noeana species shall be collected near the ROW between 1 June-20 June * Some of the collected seeds of Chrysocamela noeana species must be given to the seed gene bank. For Habitat * The top soil between 708+677-708+890 KP’s should be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and should be stored near the ROW. * Gypsum rocks excavated during activity shall be stored nearby the ROW. CH40 713+855- 0,101 H Sivas ÇETME LAKE Criterion 4 E1.00 H Achillea sintenisii M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Criterion 1, 2 L * Closed construction period: 1 May-1 June because of the 713+956 BUFFER ZONE (Flora) &4 vegetation period of flora species (WETLAND) + Gypsophila aucheri M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) For Flora Species (Achillea sintenisii, Gypsophila aucheri, HAFİK ZARA (Flora) Gypsophila heteropoda ssp. minutiflora, Onosma HILLS (IBA, Gypsophila heteropoda ssp. H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) sintenisii, Centaurea sivasica) KBA, IPA) minutiflora * The top soil between 713+855- 713+956 shall be scraped at Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. (Flora) * The seeds of Achillea sintenisii, Gypsophila aucheri, Onosma Onosma sintenisii M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) sintenisii, Centaurea sivasica species shall be collected near (Flora) the ROW between 15 June-15 July; the seeds of Gypsophila Centaurea sivasica M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) heteropoda ssp. minutiflora species shall be collected near the (Flora) ROW between 1 June-20 June. * Some of the collected seeds of Onosma sintenisii species must be given to the seed gene bank. For Habitat * The top soil between 713+855- 713+956 shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * Gypsum rocks excavated during activity shall be stored nearby the ROW. CH41 720+035- 0,255 H Sivas TUZLU LAKE Criterion 4 E1.00 H Gypsophila heteropoda ssp. H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) Criterion 1, 2 L * Closed construction period: 1 May-1 June because of the 720+290 BUFFER ZONE minutiflora &4 vegetation period of flora species Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) (WETLAND) + (Flora) For Flora Species (Gypsophila heteropoda ssp. HAFİK ZARA Astragalus zaraensis H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) minutiflora, Astragalus zaraensis, Minuartia corymbulosa HILLS (IBA, (Flora) var. gypsophiloides, Achillea sintenisii, Gypsophila KBA, IPA) Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) aucheri, Onosma sintenisii) Minuartia corymbulosa var. H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) * The top soil between 720+035-720+290 shall be scraped at 90 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROTECTED AREA / HIGH CRITICAL TOTAL INDICATIVE TIER IMPACT LEVEL BIODIVERSITY EUNIS HABITAT FINAL HABITAT KP LENGTH PRIORITY* PROVINCE CRITERION SCC SPECIES PRIORITY CRITERION (QUANTITATIVE (QUANTITATIVE MITIGATION MEASURES AREA HABITAT SENSITIVITY* CRITERION NO (km) ASSESSMENT) ASSESSMENT)* (IF INTERSECTS) gypsophiloides Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. (Flora) *The seeds of Gypsophila heteropoda ssp. minutiflora species Achillea sintenisii M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) shall be collected near the ROW between 1 June-20 June; the (Flora) seeds of Astragalus zaraensis, Minuartia corymbulosa var. Gypsophila aucheri M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) gypsophiloides, Achillea sintenisii, Gypsophila aucheri, Onosma (Flora) sintenisii species shall be collected near the ROW between 15 June-15 July. Onosma sintenisii M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) * Some of the collected seeds of Onosma sintenisii species (Flora) must be given to the seed gene bank. For Habitat * The top soil between 720+035-720+290 shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * Gypsum rocks excavated during activity shall be stored nearby the ROW. * Terracing shall be carried out at the (720+035-720+083) KP's to prevent erosion after construction. CH42 729+485- 0,086 H Sivas BALIKLIKAYA Criterion 4 E1.00 H Astragalus zaraensis H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) Criterion 1, 2 L * Closed construction period: 1 May-1 June because of the 729+571 BUFFER ZONE (Flora) &4 vegetation period of flora species (WETLAND) + Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) For Flora Species (Astragalus zaraensis, Achillea HAFİK ZARA Achillea sintenisii M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) sintenisii) HILLS (IBA, (Flora) * The top soil between 729+485-729+571 shall be scraped at KBA, IPA) a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * The seeds of Astragalus zaraensis and Achillea sintenisii species shall be collected near the ROW between 15 June-15 July. * The species individuals shall be removed as tufts between the (729+485-729+571) KP’s and shall be transferred to the (37 S 343055.79-4409365.90) coordinates. For Habitat * The top soil between 729+485-729+571 shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW.” * Gypsum rocks excavated during activity shall be stored nearby the ROW. CH43 733+201- 0,165 H Sivas HAFİK ZARA Criterion 4 E1.00 H Onosma sintenisii M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Criterion 2 & L * Closed construction period: 1 May-1 June because of the 733+366 HILLS (IBA, (Flora) 4 vegetation period of flora species KBA, IPA) Isatis glauca ssp. sivasica M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) For Flora Species (Onosma sintenisii, Isatis glauca ssp. (Flora) sivasica, Achillea sintenisii) 91 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROTECTED AREA / HIGH CRITICAL TOTAL INDICATIVE TIER IMPACT LEVEL BIODIVERSITY EUNIS HABITAT FINAL HABITAT KP LENGTH PRIORITY* PROVINCE CRITERION SCC SPECIES PRIORITY CRITERION (QUANTITATIVE (QUANTITATIVE MITIGATION MEASURES AREA HABITAT SENSITIVITY* CRITERION NO (km) ASSESSMENT) ASSESSMENT)* (IF INTERSECTS) Achillea sintenisii M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) * The top soil between 733+201- 733+366 KP’s shall be (Flora) scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * The seeds of Onosma sintenisii, Isatis glauca ssp. sivasica and Achillea sintenisii species shall be collected near the ROW between 15 June-15 July. * The Onosma sintenisii and Achillea sintenisii species individuals shall be collected between the (733+205-733+234 / 733+262-733+292 / 733+327-733+350) KP’s and shall be transferred to the (37 S 339751.11-4407877.07) coordinates. * Some of the collected seeds of Onosma sintenisii and Isatis glauca ssp. sivasica species must be given to the seed gene bank. * The removed individuals of the Astragalus zaraensis, Gypsophila eriocalyx, Thymus pectinatus species as tufts shall be planted at the (741+305-741+339) KP’s, where the terracing shall be carried out to prevent erosion and shall be irrigated until they root again after construction works For Habitat * The top soil between 733+201- 733+366 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * Gypsum rocks excavated during activity shall be stored nearby the ROW. * The removed individuals of the Astragalus zaraensis, Gypsophila eriocalyx, Thymus pectinatus species as tufts shall be planted at the (741+305-741+339) KP’s, where the terracing shall be carried out to prevent erosion and shall be irrigated until they root again after construction works CH44 741+301- 0,145 H Sivas - - E1.00 H Achillea sintenisii M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Criterion 1 & L * Closed construction period: 1 May-15 July because of the 741+446 (Flora) 2 vegetation period of flora species Chrysocamela noeana H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) For Flora Species (Chrysocamela noeana, I Astragalus 92 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROTECTED AREA / HIGH CRITICAL TOTAL INDICATIVE TIER IMPACT LEVEL BIODIVERSITY EUNIS HABITAT FINAL HABITAT KP LENGTH PRIORITY* PROVINCE CRITERION SCC SPECIES PRIORITY CRITERION (QUANTITATIVE (QUANTITATIVE MITIGATION MEASURES AREA HABITAT SENSITIVITY* CRITERION NO (km) ASSESSMENT) ASSESSMENT)* (IF INTERSECTS) (Flora) Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) zaraensis, Achillea sintenisii, Cousinia sivasica) * The top soil between 741+301-741+446 KP’s shall be Astragalus zaraensis H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the (Flora) Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) ROW. * The seeds of Achillea sintenisii, Cousinia sivasica and Cousinia sivasica M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Astragalus zaraensis species shall be collected near the ROW (Flora) (for erosion control) between 15 June-15 July, the seeds of Chrysocamela noeana species shall be collected near the ROW between 1 June-20 June. * The Astragalus zaraensis, Gypsophila eriocalyx, Thymus pectinatus species individuals shall be removed as tufts between the (741+305-741+339) KP’s and shall be transferred to the (37 S 332575.24-4408252.16) coordinates. * Some of the collected seeds of Cousinia sivasica and Chrysocamela noeana species must be given to the seed gene bank. For Habitat * The top soil between 741+301-741+446 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * The seeds of Achillea sintenisii, Cousinia sivasica and Astragalus zaraensis species shall be collected near the ROW (for erosion control) between 15 June-15 July, the seeds of Chrysocamela noeana species shall be collected near the ROW between 1 June-20 June. * The Astragalus zaraensis, Gypsophila eriocalyx, Thymus pectinatus species individuals shall be removed as tufts between the (741+305-741+339) KP’s and shall be transferred to the (37 S 332575.24-4408252.16) coordinates. * Gypsum rocks excavated during activity shall be stored nearby the ROW. CH45 746+599- 3,073 M Sivas - - E1.2E H Dysmachus safranboluticus H Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Criterion 2 For Arthropoda Species (Dysmachus safranboluticus) 749+672 (Arthropoda) * The top soil between 746+599-749+672 shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * Herbaceous plants shall be harvested and stored near the ROW. For Habitat * The top soil between 746+599-749+672 shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. CH46 802+361- 0,067 H Sivas - - E2.5 H Hexatoma n. sp. H Criterion 2 Tier 1 (a) Criterion 2 L * Closed construction period: 1 May-15 July because of the 802+428 (Arthropoda) vegetation period of flora species E1.2E H Cousinia halysensis M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) For Flora Species (Cousinia halysensis) (Flora) * The top soil between 802+361-802+428 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * The seeds of Cousinia halysensis species shall be collected near the ROW between 15 June-15 July. For Arthropoda Species (Hexatoma n. sp.) * The top soil between 802+361-802+428 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * Juncus species individuals between the (802+409-802+422) KP’s shall be removed and transferred at the (37 S 276993.99- 4415718.69) coordinates. For Habitat * The top soil between 802+361-802+428 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. 93 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROTECTED AREA / HIGH CRITICAL TOTAL INDICATIVE TIER IMPACT LEVEL BIODIVERSITY EUNIS HABITAT FINAL HABITAT KP LENGTH PRIORITY* PROVINCE CRITERION SCC SPECIES PRIORITY CRITERION (QUANTITATIVE (QUANTITATIVE MITIGATION MEASURES AREA HABITAT SENSITIVITY* CRITERION NO (km) ASSESSMENT) ASSESSMENT)* (IF INTERSECTS) CH47 802+454- 0,301 H Sivas - - E1.2E H Hexatoma n. sp. H Criterion 2 Tier 1 (a) Criterion 2 L * Closed construction period: 1 May-15 July because of the 802+755 (Arthropoda) vegetation period of flora species Cousinia halysensis M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) For Flora Species (Cousinia halysensis) (Flora) * The top soil between 802+454-802+755 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * The seeds of Cousinia halysensis species shall be collected between 15 June-15 July. For Arthropoda Species (Hexatoma n. sp.) and for habitat * The top soil between 802+454-802+755 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. CH48 815+368- 0,012 H Sivas - - E1.2E H Hilara n. sp. 3 H Criterion 2 Tier 1 (a) Criterion 2 L For Arthropoda Species (Hilara n. sp 3) and for habitat 815+380 (Arthropoda) E3.4 M * The top soil between 815+368-815+380KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * The riparian vegetation at the creek bank between the (815+368-815+380) KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm as a layer and stored at the creek side. CH49 846+021- 0,203 H Yozgat - - G1.7 M Dioctria n. sp. 2 H Criterion 2 Tier 1 (a) Criterion 2 For Arthropoda Species (Dioctria n. sp. 2, Dysmachus 846+224 (Arthropoda) safranboluticus) Dysmachus safranboluticus H Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) * The top soil between 846+021-846+224 KP’s shall be (Arthropoda) scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * Herbaceous plants shall be harvested at the (846+021-846+224) KP's and stored near the ROW. For Habitat * The top soil between 846+021-846+224 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. CH50 945+058- 0,387 M Yozgat - - E1.2E H Cousinia halysensis M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Criterion 2 L * Closed construction period: 1 May-1 June because of the 945+445 (Flora) vegetation period of flora species For Flora Species (Cousinia halysensis) * The top soil between 945+058-945+445 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. *The seeds of Cousinia halysensis species shall be collected near the ROW between 15 June-15 July. For Habitat * The top soil between 945+058-945+445 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. CH51 993+073- 0,722 M Yozgat - - E1.2E H Cousinia halysensis M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Criterion 2 * Closed construction period: 1 May-1 June because of the 993+795 (Flora) vegetation period of flora species For Flora Species (Cousinia halysensis) * The top soil between 993+073-993+795 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * The seeds of Cousinia halysensis species shall be collected between 15 June-15 July For Habitat * The top soil between 993+073-993+795 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. CH52 1029+605- 0,199 M Yozgat - - E1.00 H Thymus leucostomus M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Criterion 2 L * Closed construction period: 1 May-1 June because of the 1029+804 (Flora) vegetation period of flora species 94 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROTECTED AREA / HIGH CRITICAL TOTAL INDICATIVE TIER IMPACT LEVEL BIODIVERSITY EUNIS HABITAT FINAL HABITAT KP LENGTH PRIORITY* PROVINCE CRITERION SCC SPECIES PRIORITY CRITERION (QUANTITATIVE (QUANTITATIVE MITIGATION MEASURES AREA HABITAT SENSITIVITY* CRITERION NO (km) ASSESSMENT) ASSESSMENT)* (IF INTERSECTS) Cousinia halysensis M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) For Flora Species (Cousinia halysensis, Thymus (Flora) leucostomus) * The top soil between 1029+605-1029+804 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * The seeds of Thymus leucostomus and Cousinia halysensis species shall be collected between 15 June-15 July. For Habitat * The top soil between 993+073-993+795 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. CH53 1030+091- 0,219 M Yozgat - - E1.00 H Thymus leucostomus M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Criterion 2 L * Closed construction period: 1 May-1 June because of the 1030+310 (Flora) vegetation period of flora species Cousinia halysensis M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) For Flora Species (Cousinia halysensis, Thymus (Flora) leucostomus) * The top soil between 1030+091-1030+310 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * The seeds of Thymus leucostomus and Cousinia halysensis species shall be collected between 15 June-15 July. For Habitat * The top soil between 1030+091-1030+310 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. CH54 1139+490- 0,81 M Ankara - - E1.2E H Cousinia halysensis M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Criterion 2 L * Closed construction period: 1 May-1 June because of the 1140+300 (Flora) vegetation period of flora species For Flora Species (Cousinia halysensis) * The top soil between 1139+490 -1140+300 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * The seeds of Cousinia halysensis species shall be collected between 15 June-15 July. For Habitat * The top soil between 1139+490 -1140+300 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. CH55 1149+730- 0,17 M Ankara - - E1.01 H Thymus leucostomus M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Criterion 2 L * Closed construction period: 1 May-1 June because of the 1149+900 (Flora) vegetation period of flora species Cousinia halysensis M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) For Flora Species (Cousinia halysensis, Thymus (Flora) leucostomus) * The top soil between 1149+730-1149+900 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * The seeds of Thymus leucostomus and Cousinia halysensis species shall be collected between 15 June-15 July. For Habitat * The top soil between 1149+730-1149+900 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. 95 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROTECTED AREA / HIGH CRITICAL TOTAL INDICATIVE TIER IMPACT LEVEL BIODIVERSITY EUNIS HABITAT FINAL HABITAT KP LENGTH PRIORITY* PROVINCE CRITERION SCC SPECIES PRIORITY CRITERION (QUANTITATIVE (QUANTITATIVE MITIGATION MEASURES AREA HABITAT SENSITIVITY* CRITERION NO (km) ASSESSMENT) ASSESSMENT)* (IF INTERSECTS) CH56 1208+945- 0,163 M Ankara - - E1.01 H Thymus leucostomus M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Criterion 2 L * Closed construction period: 1 May-1 June because of the 1209+108 (Flora) vegetation period of flora species For Flora Species (Thymus leucostomus) * The top soil between 1208+945 - 1209+108 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * The seeds of Thymus leucostomus species shall be collected between 15 June-15 July. For Habitat * The top soil between 1208+945 - 1209+108 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. CH57 1223+54- 0,452 H Eskişehir ACIKIR STEPPE Criterion 4 E1.01 H Neolycaena soezen H Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Criterion 1, 2 L * Closed construction period: 1 May-30 June because of the 1223+506 (KBA, IPA) Soezen's Pseudocopper &4 vegetation period of flora species (Arthropoda – Butterfly) For Flora Species (Scutellaria yildirimli, Achillea Scutellaria yildirimli H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) ketenoglui, Astragalus physodes ssp. acikirensis, (Flora) Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Minuartia corymbulosa var. gypsophiloides, Astragalus kochakii, Cyathobasis fruticulosa, Onobrychis paucijuga, Achillea ketenoglui H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) Thymus leucostomus) (Flora) * The top soil between 1223+54 -1223+506 KP’s shall be Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the Astragalus physodes ssp. H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) ROW. acikirensis * The seeds of Scutellaria yildirimli, Achillea ketenoglui , (Flora) Astragalus kochakii, Onobrychis paucijuga species shall be Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) collected near the ROW between 1 June- 1 July; the seeds of Minuartia corymbulosa var. H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) Astragalus physodes ssp. acikirensis species shall be collected gypsophiloides near the ROW between 15 May-15 June; the seeds of (Flora) Thymus leucostomus species shall be collected near the ROW between 15 June-15 July; the seeds of Minuartia corymbulosa Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) var. gypsophiloides species shall be collected near the ROW Astragalus kochakii M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) between 15 July-15 August; the seeds of Cyathobasis (Flora) fruticulosa species shall be collected near the ROW between 1 Cyathobasis fruticulosa M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) July-1 August. (Flora) * Some of the collected seeds of Achillea ketenoglui, Astragalus physodes ssp. acikirensis, Minuartia corymbulosa Onobrychis paucijuga M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) var. gypsophiloides, Astragalus kochakii, Cyathobasis (Flora) 96 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROTECTED AREA / HIGH CRITICAL TOTAL INDICATIVE TIER IMPACT LEVEL BIODIVERSITY EUNIS HABITAT FINAL HABITAT KP LENGTH PRIORITY* PROVINCE CRITERION SCC SPECIES PRIORITY CRITERION (QUANTITATIVE (QUANTITATIVE MITIGATION MEASURES AREA HABITAT SENSITIVITY* CRITERION NO (km) ASSESSMENT) ASSESSMENT)* (IF INTERSECTS) Thymus leucostomus M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) fruticulosa, Onobrychis paucijuga species must be given to the (Flora) seed gene bank. For Arthropoda Species (Neolycaena soezen) * The top soil between 1223+54 -1223+506 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * The seeds of the Caragana grandiflora species which is a food plant of Neolyceana soezen, shall be collected. * Caragana grandiflora individuals shall be collected with their soils and planted near the ROW at the (36 S 405664.19- 4363111.56) coordinates. For Habitat * The top soil between 1223+54 -1223+506 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * The area shall be surrounded by a wire mesh or fence to protect the area from grazing and other pressures after construction works. CH58 1362+917- 0,836 L Eskişehir - - E1.2E H Thymus leucostomus M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Criterion 2 L * Closed construction period: 1 May-1 June because of the 1363+753 (Flora) vegetation period of flora species For Flora Species (Thymus leucostomus) * The top soil between 1362+917- 1363+753 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * The seeds of Thymus leucostomus species shall be collected between 15 June-15 July. For Habitat * The top soil between 1362+917- 1363+753 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. CH59 1366+493- 0,199 M Eskişehir - - G1.7 M Salvia tchihatcheffii M Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) Criterion 1 & L * Closed construction period: 1 May-1 June because of the 97 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROTECTED AREA / HIGH CRITICAL TOTAL INDICATIVE TIER IMPACT LEVEL BIODIVERSITY EUNIS HABITAT FINAL HABITAT KP LENGTH PRIORITY* PROVINCE CRITERION SCC SPECIES PRIORITY CRITERION (QUANTITATIVE (QUANTITATIVE MITIGATION MEASURES AREA HABITAT SENSITIVITY* CRITERION NO (km) ASSESSMENT) ASSESSMENT)* (IF INTERSECTS) 1366+692 (Flora) Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) 2 vegetation period of flora species For Flora Species (Salvia tchihatcheffii) * The top soil between 1366+493 - 1366+692 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * If the construction works start in March 2015; the seeds of Salvia tchihatcheffii species shall be collected near the ROW between 1 June-1 July. * The Salvia tchihatcheffii species individuals shall be collected as tufts between the (1366+512-1366+537) KP’s and shall be transferred to the (36 S 276899.00-4396448.00) coordinates. * The translocated individuals of the Salvia tchihatcheffii species as tufts shall be planted at the (1366+512-1366+537) KP’s, where the terracing shall be carried out to prevent erosion and shall be irrigated until they root again after construction works. For Habitat * The top soil between 1366+493 - 1366+692 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * The Salvia tchihatcheffii species individuals shall be collected as tufts between the (1366+512-1366+537) KP’s and shall be transferred to the (36 S 276899.00-4396448.00) coordinates. * The translocated individuals of the Salvia tchihatcheffii species as tufts shall be planted at the (1366+512-1366+537) KP’s, where the terracing shall be carried out to prevent erosion and shall be irrigated until they root again after construction works. CH60 1372+340- 0,343 H Eskişehir - - E1.01 H Dioctria n. sp. 1 H Criterion 2 Tier 1 (a) Criterion 1 & L * Closed construction period: 1 May-15 June because of the 1372+683 (Arthropoda) 2 vegetation period of flora species G3.5 H Cephalaria aytachii H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) For Flora Species (Cephalaria aytachii, Gypsophila (Flora) osmangaziensis, Alyssum niveum, Scabiosa hololeuca, Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Salvia tchihatcheffii) Gypsophila osmangaziensis H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) * The top soil between 1372+340- 1372+683 KP’s shall be (Flora) scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) ROW. * The seeds of Cephalaria aytachii, Gypsophila Alyssum niveum H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) osmangaziensis, Scabiosa hololeuca species shall be collected (Flora) Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) between 1 July-August, the seeds of Alyssum niveum and Salvia tchihatcheffii species shall be collected between 15 Scabiosa hololeuca H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) July-15 August. (Flora) Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) For Habitat 98 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROTECTED AREA / HIGH CRITICAL TOTAL INDICATIVE TIER IMPACT LEVEL BIODIVERSITY EUNIS HABITAT FINAL HABITAT KP LENGTH PRIORITY* PROVINCE CRITERION SCC SPECIES PRIORITY CRITERION (QUANTITATIVE (QUANTITATIVE MITIGATION MEASURES AREA HABITAT SENSITIVITY* CRITERION NO (km) ASSESSMENT) ASSESSMENT)* (IF INTERSECTS) Salvia tchihatcheffii M Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) * The top soil between 1372+340- 1372+683 KP’s shall be (Flora) scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) ROW. * In the regions between the (1372+552-1372+683) KP's terracing shall be carried out to prevent erosion after construction works. CH61 1430+920- 1,385 M Kütahya - - G1.7 M Erodium sibthorpianum ssp. H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) Criterion 1 & L * Closed construction period: 1 May-1 June because of the 1432+305 sibthorpianum 2 vegetation period of flora species (Flora) For Flora Species (Erodium sibthorpianum ssp. sibthorpianum, Astragalus densifolius ssp. ayashensis) Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) * The top soil between 1430+920- 1432+305 KP’s shall be G3.5 H Astragalus densifolius ssp. M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ayashensis ROW. (Flora) *The seeds of Erodium sibthorpianum ssp. sibthorpianum and Astragalus densifolius ssp. ayashensis species shall be collected between 1 June-1 July. For Habitat * The top soil between 1430+920- 1432+305 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. CH62 1477+452- 0,381 M Bursa - - G4.B M Onosma briquetii M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Criterion 2 * Closed construction period: 1 May-1 June because of the 1477+833 (Flora) vegetation period of flora species For Flora Species (Onosma briquetii) * The top soil between 1477+452 - 1477+833 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. *The seeds of Onosma briquetii species shall be collected between 1 June-1 July. For Habitat * The top soil between 1477+452 - 1477+833 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. CH63 1491+767- 4,573 H (G3.75, Bursa - - G3.F L Alyssum dudleyi H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) Criterion 1 & L * Closed construction period: 1 May-1 June because of the 1496+340 G4.B), M (Flora) 2 vegetation period of flora species G3.75 M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) (E3.4, G3.F) For Flora Species (Alyssum dudleyi, Verbascum n.sp., E3.4 M Verbascum n.sp. H Criterion 1 Tier 1 (b) Dianthus goekayi) (Flora) * The top soil between 1491+767 - 1496+340 KP’s shall be Criterion 2 Tier 1 (a) scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the G4.B M Dianthus goekayi H Criterion 1 Tier 2 (d) ROW. 99 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROTECTED AREA / HIGH CRITICAL TOTAL INDICATIVE TIER IMPACT LEVEL BIODIVERSITY EUNIS HABITAT FINAL HABITAT KP LENGTH PRIORITY* PROVINCE CRITERION SCC SPECIES PRIORITY CRITERION (QUANTITATIVE (QUANTITATIVE MITIGATION MEASURES AREA HABITAT SENSITIVITY* CRITERION NO (km) ASSESSMENT) ASSESSMENT)* (IF INTERSECTS) (Flora) Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) * The seeds of Alyssum dudleyi species shall be collected between 1 June-1 July; Dianthus goekayi species shall be collected between 15 June-15 July, Verbascum n.sp. species shall be collected from the (35 S 679080.00-4403701.00/35 S 679921.00-4403502.00/35 S 679810.00-4403499.00/35 S 679185.00-4403189.00) coordinates between 15 June-15 July. For Habitat * The top soil between 1491+767 - 1496+340 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. CH64 1736+000- 2,3 M Çanakkale - - Modified L Phalacrocorax carbo M Criterion 3 Tier 2 (e) Criterion 3 L * Closed construction period: 1 February-30 March because 1738+300 habitats The great cormorant of the flood season which constitute a wetland for (I1.1, I1.4, (Bird) congregatory bird species. I1.2, J5.4) Phalacrocorax pygmeus M Criterion 3 Tier 2 (e) For Bird Species (Phalacrocorax carbo, Phalacrocorax Pygmy cormorant pygmeus) (Bird) * The top soil between 1736+000 - 1738+300 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * If the activity is intensive on the construction site and if the construction works have the risk of disturbing the members of the populations, construction should be stopped until the species leave the site. For Habitat * The top soil between 1736+000 - 1738+300 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. CH65 1741+100- 0,4 M Çanakkale - - E1.22 H Spermophilus citellus L Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Criterion 2 L For Mammalian Species (Spermophilus citellus) 1741+500 The European ground * The top soil between 1741+100 - 1741+500 KP’s shall be squirrel scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the (Mammalia) ROW. * If Spermophilus citellus individuals will be seen, they shall be carried to the appropriate and close areas by specialists according to the methodology. For Habitat * The top soil between 1741+100 - 1741+500 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. CH66 1788+300- 0,2 M Edirne - - G2.1 M Myomimus roachi L Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Criterion 2 L For Mammalian Species (Spermophilus citellus) 1788+500 Mouse-tailed Dormouse * The top soil between 1788+300 - 1788+500 KP’s shall be (Mammalia) scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. * If Spermophilus citellus individuals will be seen, they shall be carried to the appropriate and close areas by specialists according to the methodology. For Habitat * The top soil between 1788+300 - 1788+500 KP’s shall be scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. CH67 1800+600- 4,4 H Edirne - - G1.3 M Phalacrocorax carbo L * Closed construction period: 1 February-30 March because 1805+000 The great cormorant M Criterion 3 Tier 2 (e) of the flood season which constitute a wetland for (Bird) congregatory bird species. Criterion 3 Phalacrocorax pygmeus For Bird Species (Phalacrocorax carbo, Phalacrocorax Pygmy cormorant M Criterion 3 Tier 2 (e) pygmeus, Cygnus olor, Cygnus Cygnus, Pelecanus (Bird) onocrotalus) 100 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROTECTED AREA / HIGH CRITICAL TOTAL INDICATIVE TIER IMPACT LEVEL BIODIVERSITY EUNIS HABITAT FINAL HABITAT KP LENGTH PRIORITY* PROVINCE CRITERION SCC SPECIES PRIORITY CRITERION (QUANTITATIVE (QUANTITATIVE MITIGATION MEASURES AREA HABITAT SENSITIVITY* CRITERION NO (km) ASSESSMENT) ASSESSMENT)* (IF INTERSECTS) Cygnus olor * The top soil between 1800 + 600 -1805+000 KP’s shall be The mute swan M Criterion 3 Tier 2 (e) scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the (Bird) ROW. Cygnus cygnus * If the activity is intensive on the construction site and if the The whooper swan M Criterion 3 Tier 2 (e) construction works have the risk of disturbing the members (Bird) of the populations, construction should be stopped until the species leave the site. Pelecanus onocrotalus For Habitat The great white pelican M Criterion 3 Tier 2 (e) * The top soil between 1800 + 600 -1805+000 KP’s shall be (Bird) scraped at a depth of 10-15 cm and shall be stored near the ROW. *H: High M: Medium L: Low 101 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Annex 2. Freshwater Critical Habitat Assessment PROTECTED CRITICAL AREA / HIGH INDICATIVE TIER IMPACT LEVEL CRITICAL HABITAT NAME EUNIS HABITAT KP PROVINCE BIODIVERSITY PRIORITY SCC (IF ANY) PRIORITY CRITERION (QUANTITATIVE (QUANTITATIVE MITIGATION MEASURES (RIVER NAME) HABITAT NO AREA ASSESSMENT) ASSESSMENT) (IF INTERSECTS) *No activities should be carried out in the spawning periods (end of April-begining of July). *Control sediment release into the river bed. *Minimize construction activities to avoid or minimize soil erosion, sedimentation and impacts to riparian PUTKA-GÖLBAŞI vegetation at the crossing. FCH1 Kura River 71+710-71+755 Ardahan C2.2 M - - Criterion 4 - L BUFFER ZONE *Avoid impacts and removal to gravel areas at the crossing. *Install silt screens and sediment traps prior to initiating construction crossing activities and maintain the screens and traps during the crossing to prevent or minimize downstream sedimentation. *No activities should be carried out in the spawning periods (end of April-begining of July). *Control sediment release into the river bed. *Minimize construction activities to avoid or minimize soil erosion, sedimentation and impacts to riparian vegetation at the crossing. FCH2 Unknown Creek 166+450-166+571 Kars - C2.3 L - - - - L *Avoid impacts and removal to gravel areas at the crossing. *Install silt screens and sediment traps prior to initiating construction crossing activities and maintain the screens and traps during the crossing to prevent or minimize downstream sedimentation. *No activities should be carried out in the spawning periods (end of April-begining of July). *Control sediment release into the river bed. *Minimize construction activities to avoid or minimize soil erosion, sedimentation and impacts to riparian vegetation at the crossing. FCH3 Süngütaşı River 220+177-220+211 Erzurum - C2.3 L - - - - L *Avoid impacts and removal to gravel areas at the crossing. *Install silt screens and sediment traps prior to initiating construction crossing activities and maintain the screens and traps during the crossing to prevent or minimize downstream sedimentation. *No activities should be carried out in the spawning periods (end of April-begining of July). *Control sediment release into the river bed. *Minimize construction activities to avoid or minimize soil erosion, sedimentation and impacts to riparian vegetation at the crossing. FCH4 Kızıllararkı River 269+680-269+696 Erzurum C2.3 M - - - - L *Avoid impacts and removal to gravel areas at the crossing. *Install silt screens and sediment traps prior to initiating construction crossing activities and maintain the screens and traps during the crossing to prevent or minimize downstream sedimentation. 102 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROTECTED CRITICAL AREA / HIGH INDICATIVE TIER IMPACT LEVEL CRITICAL HABITAT NAME EUNIS HABITAT KP PROVINCE BIODIVERSITY PRIORITY SCC (IF ANY) PRIORITY CRITERION (QUANTITATIVE (QUANTITATIVE MITIGATION MEASURES (RIVER NAME) HABITAT NO AREA ASSESSMENT) ASSESSMENT) (IF INTERSECTS) *No activities should be carried out in the spawning periods (end of April-begining of July). *Control sediment release into the river bed. *Minimize construction activities to avoid or minimize soil erosion, sedimentation and impacts to riparian vegetation at the crossing. FCH5 Büyükdere River 280+401-280+414 Erzurum - C2.3 L - - - - L *Avoid impacts and removal to gravel areas at the crossing. *Install silt screens and sediment traps prior to initiating construction crossing activities and maintain the screens and traps during the crossing to prevent or minimize downstream sedimentation. *No activities should be carried out in the spawning periods (end of April-begining of July). *Control sediment release into the river bed. *Minimize construction activities to avoid or minimize soil erosion, sedimentation and impacts to riparian vegetation at the crossing. FCH6 Abıtçayırlığı River 332+830-332+845 Erzurum - C2.3 L - - - - L *Avoid impacts and removal to gravel areas at the crossing. *Install silt screens and sediment traps prior to initiating construction crossing activities and maintain the screens and traps during the crossing to prevent or minimize downstream sedimentation. *No activities should be carried out in the spawning periods (end of April-begining of July). *Control sediment release into the river bed. *Minimize construction activities to avoid or minimize soil erosion, sedimentation and impacts to riparian vegetation at the crossing. FCH7 Baş River 353+584-353+613 Erzurum - C2.3 L - - - - L *Avoid impacts and removal to gravel areas at the crossing. *Install silt screens and sediment traps prior to initiating construction crossing activities and maintain the screens and traps during the crossing to prevent or minimize downstream sedimentation. *No activities should be carried out in the spawning periods (end of April-begining of July). *Control sediment release into the river bed. *Minimize construction activities to avoid or minimize soil erosion, sedimentation and impacts to riparian vegetation at the crossing. FCH8 Karasu River 372+760-372+903 Erzurum - C2.3 M - - - - L *Avoid impacts and removal to gravel areas at the crossing. *Install silt screens and sediment traps prior to initiating construction crossing activities and maintain the screens and traps during the crossing to prevent or minimize downstream sedimentation. 103 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROTECTED CRITICAL AREA / HIGH INDICATIVE TIER IMPACT LEVEL CRITICAL HABITAT NAME EUNIS HABITAT KP PROVINCE BIODIVERSITY PRIORITY SCC (IF ANY) PRIORITY CRITERION (QUANTITATIVE (QUANTITATIVE MITIGATION MEASURES (RIVER NAME) HABITAT NO AREA ASSESSMENT) ASSESSMENT) (IF INTERSECTS) Criterion 1 Tier 1 (a/b) *No activities should be carried out in the spawning periods (end of April-begining of July). Oxyneomacheilus simavica H *Control sediment release into the river bed. (Fish) *Minimize construction activities to avoid or minimize Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) soil erosion, sedimentation and impacts to riparian vegetation at the crossing. FCH9 Değirmendere River 504+756-504+770 Gümüşhane - C2.3 L L *Avoid impacts and removal to gravel areas at the crossing. *Install silt screens and sediment traps prior to initiating Cobitis fahirae construction crossing activities and maintain the screens Aegean spined loach M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) and traps during the crossing to prevent or minimize (Fish) downstream sedimentation. *No activities should be carried out for Salmonid between December-November; for Oxynemacheilus kosswigi between May-June in the spawning periods Oxyneomacheilus kosswigi M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) (end of April-begining of July). (Fish) *Control sediment release into the river bed. *Minimize construction activities to avoid or minimize soil erosion, sedimentation and impacts to riparian FCH10 Unknown Creek-Öğütlü village 508+498-508+510 Gümüşhane - C2.3 M L vegetation at the crossing. *Avoid impacts and removal to gravel areas at the crossing. Salmo macrostigma *Install silt screens and sediment traps prior to initiating Macrostigma trout M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) construction crossing activities and maintain the screens (Fish) and traps during the crossing to prevent or minimize downstream sedimentation. *No activities should be carried out in the spawning periods (April-July). *Control sediment release into the river bed. *Minimize construction activities to avoid or minimize soil erosion, sedimentation and impacts to riparian HAFİK ZARA Gobio obtusirostris vegetation at the crossing. FCH11 Hafik 709+815-709+897 Sivas HILLS (KBA, IPA, C2.3 L M Criterion 2, 4 Tier 2 (b) L (Fish) *Avoid impacts and removal to gravel areas at the IBA) crossing. *Install silt screens and sediment traps prior to initiating construction crossing activities and maintain the screens and traps during the crossing to prevent or minimize downstream sedimentation. *No activities should be carried out in the spawning periods (April-July). *Control sediment release into the river bed. *Minimize construction activities to avoid or minimize soil erosion, sedimentation and impacts to riparian vegetation at the crossing. FCH12 Yıldız River 763+361-763+381 Sivas - C2.3 L - - - - L *Avoid impacts and removal to gravel areas at the crossing. *Install silt screens and sediment traps prior to initiating construction crossing activities and maintain the screens and traps during the crossing to prevent or minimize downstream sedimentation. 104 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROTECTED CRITICAL AREA / HIGH INDICATIVE TIER IMPACT LEVEL CRITICAL HABITAT NAME EUNIS HABITAT KP PROVINCE BIODIVERSITY PRIORITY SCC (IF ANY) PRIORITY CRITERION (QUANTITATIVE (QUANTITATIVE MITIGATION MEASURES (RIVER NAME) HABITAT NO AREA ASSESSMENT) ASSESSMENT) (IF INTERSECTS) *No activities should be carried out in the spawning periods (April-June). *Control sediment release into the river bed. *Minimize construction activities to avoid or minimize soil erosion, sedimentation and impacts to riparian Cobitis simplicispinna vegetation at the crossing. FCH13 Delice Stream 983+388-983+432 Yozgat - C2.3 M M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) L (Fish) *Avoid impacts and removal to gravel areas at the crossing. *Install silt screens and sediment traps prior to initiating construction crossing activities and maintain the screens and traps during the crossing to prevent or minimize downstream sedimentation. *No activities should be carried out in the spawning periods (April-June) *Control sediment release into the river bed. Cobitis simplicispinna FCH14 Kılıçözü River 1035+368-1035+377 Kırıkkale - C2.3 L - - - L *Manage all construction activities to the maximum (Fish) extent possible in order to avoid or minimize soil erosion, sedimentation and impacts to aquatic and riparian vegetation at the crossing. *No activities should be carried out in the spawning periods (April-June). *Control sediment release into the river bed. *Minimize construction activities to avoid or minimize soil erosion, sedimentation and impacts to riparian vegetation at the crossing. FCH15 Kızılırmak River 1087+890+1087+980 Kırıkkale - C2.2 M - - - - L *Avoid impacts and removal to gravel areas at the crossing. *Install silt screens and sediment traps prior to initiating construction crossing activities and maintain the screens and traps during the crossing to prevent or minimize downstream sedimentation. *No activities should be carried out in the spawning periods (April-June). *Control sediment release into the river bed. *Minimize construction activities to avoid or minimize soil erosion, sedimentation and impacts to riparian vegetation at the crossing. *Avoid impacts and removal to gravel areas at the crossing. *Install silt screens and sediment traps prior to initiating construction crossing activities and maintain the screens ACIKIR STEPPES FCH16 Sakarya River 1214+260-1214+290 Eskişehir C2.3 M - - Criterion 4 - L and traps during the crossing to prevent or minimize (KBA, IPA) downstream sedimentation. 105 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROTECTED CRITICAL AREA / HIGH INDICATIVE TIER IMPACT LEVEL CRITICAL HABITAT NAME EUNIS HABITAT KP PROVINCE BIODIVERSITY PRIORITY SCC (IF ANY) PRIORITY CRITERION (QUANTITATIVE (QUANTITATIVE MITIGATION MEASURES (RIVER NAME) HABITAT NO AREA ASSESSMENT) ASSESSMENT) (IF INTERSECTS) *No activities should be carried out in the spawning Cobitis simplicispinna M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) periods (April-June). (Fish) *Control sediment release into the river bed. *Minimize construction activities to avoid or minimize soil erosion, sedimentation and impacts to riparian FCH17 Seydi Stream 1315+643-1315+665 Eskişehir - C2.3 L L vegetation at the crossing. *Avoid impacts and removal to gravel areas at the crossing. Gobio obtusirostris M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) *Install silt screens and sediment traps prior to initiating (Fish) construction crossing activities and maintain the screens and traps during the crossing to prevent or minimize downstream sedimentation. Cobitis simplicispinna *No activities should be carried out in the spawning M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) (Fish) periods (April-June). *Control sediment release into the river bed. *Minimize construction activities to avoid or minimize soil erosion, sedimentation and impacts to riparian Gobio obtusirostris vegetation at the crossing. FCH18 Seydi Stream 1323+270-1323+300 Eskişehir - C2.3 L M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) L (Fish) *Avoid impacts and removal to gravel areas at the crossing. *Install silt screens and sediment traps prior to initiating construction crossing activities and maintain the screens Chondrostoma angoranse and traps during the crossing to prevent or minimize M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) (Fish) downstream sedimentation. *No activities should be carried out in the spawning periods (April-June). *Control sediment release into the river bed. *Minimize construction activities to avoid or minimize soil erosion, sedimentation and impacts to riparian Gobio obtusirostris vegetation at the crossing. FCH19 Tributary of Uludere 1396+221-1396+237 Eskişehir - C2.3 L M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) L (Fish) *Avoid impacts and removal to gravel areas at the crossing. *Install silt screens and sediment traps prior to initiating construction crossing activities and maintain the screens and traps during the crossing to prevent or minimize downstream sedimentation. Criterion 1 Tier 1 (a/b) *No activities should be carried out in the spawning periods (April-June). *Control sediment release into the river bed. *Manage all construction activities to the maximum Oxyneomacheilus simavica FCH20 Tributary of Kocasu Stream-Soğucak 1461+293-1461+349 Kütahya - C2.3 M H L extent possible in order to avoid or minimize soil (Fish) erosion, sedimentation and impacts to aquatic and Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) riparian vegetation at the crossing. 106 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROTECTED CRITICAL AREA / HIGH INDICATIVE TIER IMPACT LEVEL CRITICAL HABITAT NAME EUNIS HABITAT KP PROVINCE BIODIVERSITY PRIORITY SCC (IF ANY) PRIORITY CRITERION (QUANTITATIVE (QUANTITATIVE MITIGATION MEASURES (RIVER NAME) HABITAT NO AREA ASSESSMENT) ASSESSMENT) (IF INTERSECTS) *No activities should be carried out in the spawning Criterion 1 Tier 1 (a/b) periods (April-June). *Control sediment release into the river bed. *Minimize construction activities to avoid or minimize Oxyneomacheilus simavica soil erosion, sedimentation and impacts to riparian FCH21 Aliova Stream 1553+697-1553+730 Bursa - C2.3 M H L (Fish) vegetation at the crossing. *Avoid impacts and removal to gravel areas at the crossing. Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) *Install silt screens and sediment traps prior to initiating construction crossing activities and maintain the screens and traps during the crossing to prevent or minimize downstream sedimentation. *No activities should be carried out in the spawning periods (April-June). Cobitis fahirae *Control sediment release into the river bed. FCH22 Sarp Creek 1565+865-1565+885 Bursa - C2.3 L Aegean spined loach M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) L *Manage all construction activities to the maximum (Fish) extent possible in order to avoid or minimize soil erosion, sedimentation and impacts to aquatic and riparian vegetation at the crossing. *No activities should be carried out in the spawning periods (April-June). Criterion 1 Tier 1 (a/b) *Control sediment release into the river bed. *Manage all construction activities to the maximum Oxyneomacheilus simavica extent possible in order to avoid or minimize soil FCH23 Simav Stream 1590+290-1590+362 Balıkesir - C2.3 M H L (Fish) erosion, sedimentation and impacts to aquatic and riparian vegetation at the crossing. Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) *No activities should be carried out in the spawning Criterion 1 Tier 1 (a/b) periods (April-June). Oxyneomacheilus simavica *Control sediment release into the river bed. H (Fish) *Minimize construction activities to avoid or minimize Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) soil erosion, sedimentation and impacts to riparian vegetation at the crossing. *Avoid impacts and removal to gravel areas at the Criterion 1 Tier 1 (a/b) crossing. Cobitis puncticulata *Install silt screens and sediment traps prior to initiating H L FCH24 Mürvetler Stream 1605+400-1605+425 Balıkesir - C2.3 M (Fish) construction crossing activities and maintain the screens Criterion 2 Tier 1 (a) and traps during the crossing to prevent or minimize downstream sedimentation. Cobitis fahirae M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) Aegean spined loach (Fish) 107 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROTECTED CRITICAL AREA / HIGH INDICATIVE TIER IMPACT LEVEL CRITICAL HABITAT NAME EUNIS HABITAT KP PROVINCE BIODIVERSITY PRIORITY SCC (IF ANY) PRIORITY CRITERION (QUANTITATIVE (QUANTITATIVE MITIGATION MEASURES (RIVER NAME) HABITAT NO AREA ASSESSMENT) ASSESSMENT) (IF INTERSECTS) Criterion 1 Tier 1 (a/b) Cobitis puncticulata *No activities should be carried out in the spawning H (Fish) periods (April-June). Criterion 2 Tier 1 (a) *Control sediment release into the river bed. FCH25 Manyas-Kocacay Stream 1613+360-1613+419 Balıkesir - C2.3 M L *Manage all construction activities to the maximum extent possible in order to avoid or minimize soil Cobitis fahirae erosion, sedimentation and impacts to aquatic and Aegean spined loach M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) riparian vegetation at the crossing. (Fish) *No activities should be carried out in the spawning periods (April-June). *Control sediment release into the river bed. *Minimize construction activities to avoid or minimize soil erosion, sedimentation and impacts to riparian Anguilla Anguilla Criterion 1 Tier 2 (c) vegetation at the crossing. FCH26 Gönen Stream 1651+548-1651+598 Balıkesir - C2.3 M European eel H L Criterion 3 Tier 2 (b) *Avoid impacts and removal to gravel areas at the (Fish) crossing. *Install silt screens and sediment traps prior to initiating construction crossing activities and maintain the screens and traps during the crossing to prevent or minimize downstream sedimentation. *No activities should be carried out in the spawning periods (April-June). *Control sediment release into the river bed. *Minimize construction activities to avoid or minimize soil erosion, sedimentation and impacts to riparian Cobitis fahirae vegetation at the crossing. FCH27 Biga Stream 1689+784-1689+838 Çanakkale - C2.3 M Aegean spined loach M Criterion 2 Tier 2 (b) L *Avoid impacts and removal to gravel areas at the (Fish) crossing. *Install silt screens and sediment traps prior to initiating construction crossing activities and maintain the screens and traps during the crossing to prevent or minimize downstream sedimentation. H: High M: Medium L: Low 108 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Annex 3. Assessment of the natural habitat types which intersect with the TANAP Project route Coverage in Degree of Degradation for 36 Coverage in EUNIS HABITAT TYPE Sensitivity * 500 m Corridor m in 500 m Corridor Impact Level Mitigation Measures Remarks 36 m (ha) (ha) (%) Along the entire TANAP Project route, this habitat type can be seen only in semi- * Top soil management (Topsoil strripping at full depth humid areas right behind the coastal dunes within the borders of Tekirdağ. before construction,storing near the ROW B1.6 EUNIS Level III classification for whole Turkey isn't known for now. We know that H 6,124 0,2373 3,87 L appropriately during the construction and spread Coastal dune scrub dune habitats are present along to the Blacksea, Marmara Sea, Aegean Sea and properly on ROW in reinstatement phase) Mediterranean Sea1. Top soil management is sufficient for the recovery of this * Minimise scrub clearance habitat according to the local experts. Along the entire TANAP Project route of 500m study corridor, this habitat type exists only in the seaside of Çanakkale, which is located near the Marmara Sea. * Top soil management (Topsoil strripping at full depth B2.2 However, regarding the literature data1, it is known that dune habitats are before construction with shingles on it,storing near Unvegetated mobile shingle H 0,182 0,041 22,53 L present along the Blacksea, Marmara Sea, Aegean Sea and Mediterranean Sea, the ROW appropriately during the construction and beaches above the driftline despite the EUNIS Level III classification for whole Turkey is not currently spread properly on ROW in reinstatement phase) available. Therefore, top soil management is sufficient for the recovery of this habitat according to the local experts. B3.3 Rock cliffs, ledges and shores, M 0,703573 - - - - 36 m ROW corridor no longer intersects with B3.3 habitat. with angiosperms * Top soil management (Topsoil strripping at full depth before construction,storing near the ROW This habitat type is quite common around Sivas, Çankırı and Erzincan in Turkey. It appropriately during the construction and spread can also be seen in small fragments in several provinces of the Central Anatolia, properly on ROW in reinstatement phase) including Eskişehir and Kırşehir. Along the route, this habitat type was identified E1.00 * Implement strategies for soil protection H 1483,487 78,45 5,29 L in Sivas, Eskişehir and Kırşehir. As gypsum habitat differs slightly from province to Anatolian gypsum steppes * Storing the gypsum rocks without mixing them with province, the endemic species distributed in the gypsum habitats in each the top soil (for some parts) province vary as well. Mitigation measures are sufficient for the recovery of this * Seed collection from endemic flora species habitat according to the local experts. * Translocation for some endemic flora species * Relocation for some endemic flora species * Top soil management (Topsoil strripping at full depth before construction,storing near the ROW Marl steppe habitat can be seen in discrete forms in several parts of the Central appropriately during the construction and spread Anatolia. The composition of plant communities differ from region to region. It E1.01 H 477,819 27,304 5,71 L properly on ROW in reinstatement phase) can be seen in Ankara and Eskişehir along the project route. The soil is very poor Marl Steppe * Terracing to prevent erosion (for some parts) in organic matter. Mitigation measures are sufficient for the recovery of this * Seed collection from endemic flora species habitat according to the local experts. * Implementation of re-vegetation * Top soil management (Topsoil strripping at full depth Arid subcontinental steppic grassland habitat can be seen in Bursa, Balıkesir, E1.22 before construction,storing near the ROW Çanakkale and Edirne along the route. This habitat type is the Marmara Region Arid subcontinental steppic H 576,032 42,768 7,42 L appropriately during the construction and spread vicariant of the Irano-Turanian-Anatolian Steppe habitat, widely distributed in grassland properly on ROW in reinstatement phase) the Central and East Anatolia Regions. Mitigation measures are sufficient for the recovery of this habitat according to the local experts. * Top soil management (Topsoil strripping at full depth before construction,storing near the ROW Serpentine steppe is found in Erzincan and Sivas along the route. This habitat appropriately during the construction and spread type is also present in Burdur Province3. Vegetation cover of the plants growing E1.2B properly on ROW in reinstatement phase) H 800,674 54,594 6,82 L in this habitat is poor, whereas the rate of endemism is quite high. Mitigation Serpentine steppes * Implement strategies to minimize impacts to soil measures are sufficient for the recovery of this habitat according to the local structure, quality and capability experts. * Seed collection from endemic flora species * Implementation of re-vegetation * Top soil management (Topsoil strripping at full depth before construction,storing near the ROW appropriately during the construction and spread Irano-Anatolian steppe, one of the most frequent habitat types along the route, properly on ROW in reinstatement phase) can be seen in Erzurum, Kars, Erzincan, Sivas, Gümüşhane, Bayburt, Giresun, E1.2E H 14409,69 941,7738 6,54 L * Seed collection from endemic flora species Yozgat, Kırşehir, Ankara, Eskişehir and Bilecik. This habitat type is also present in Irano-Anatolian steppes * Stones and rocks should be stored nearby the Burdur Province3. Mitigation measures are sufficient for the recovery of this construction site (for some parts) habitat according to the local experts. * Terracing to prevent erosion (for some parts) * Implementation of re-vegetation 109 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Coverage in Degree of Degradation for 36 Coverage in EUNIS HABITAT TYPE Sensitivity * 500 m Corridor m in 500 m Corridor Impact Level Mitigation Measures Remarks 36 m (ha) (ha) (%) This habitat type is quite common in the East Anatolia Region. Natural E2.1 * Top soil management (top soil strripping at a depth mesotrophic pastures are harvests by local people in late June and July each year Permanent mesotrophic of 10 – 15 cm and storing near the ROW appropriately to provide winter feed for livestock. Therefore, this habitat can be considered as M 2073,965 153,263 7,39 L pastures and aftermath- for use in bio restoration phase) a modified habitat. This habitat type can be seen in the Ardahan, Kars and grazed meadows Erzurum along the TANAP Project route. Top soil management is sufficient for the recovery of this habitat according to the local experts. * Top soil management (Topsoil strripping at full depth This habitat type can be seen in Erzincan, Sivas, Ankara and Tekirdağ along the before construction,storing near the ROW route. It develops around small water sources within the Irano-Turanian steppe E2.5 appropriately during the construction and spread and is characterised by herbaceous species. The water demand of these species H 287,2358 16,049 5,59 L Meadows of the steppe zone properly on ROW in reinstatement phase) is more than those of the steppe species. In this habitat, in general, cosmopolitan * Seed collection from endemic flora species species are distributed. Mitigation measures are sufficient for the recovery of * Implementation of re-vegetation this habitat according to the local experts. * Top soil management (Topsoil strripping at full depth before construction,storing near the ROW appropriately during the construction and spread properly on ROW in reinstatement phase) Moist or wet eutrophic and mesotrophic grassland formations can be seen in E3.4 * Seed collection from endemic flora species Ardahan, Kars, Erzurum, Sivas and Çanakkale along the route. Plants with a high Moist or wet eutrophic and M 587,3364 33,598 5,72 L * Minimise riparian disturbance wherever water demand grow in this habitat. Mitigation measures are sufficient for the mesotrophic grassland practicable recovery of this habitat according to the local experts. * Rehabilitation of the riparian vegetation, aquatic and semi aquatic areas (Plant nursery trees of minimum 2 years old up to 5 years old, transplantation, translocation etc.) Calcareous alpine and subalpine grassland formations can be seen in Ardahan, * Top soil management (Topsoil strripping at full depth Kars and Erzurum along the route. This habitat type is very common particularly before construction,storing near the ROW above 2,000 m in Ardahan. The E4.4 habitat type covers wide areas in the East E4.4 appropriately during the construction and spread Anatolia Region. Occasionally, the subalpine grassland and wet grassland Calcareous alpine and M 3934,294 283,532 7,21 L properly on ROW in reinstatement phase) habitats merge into each other depending upon the level of the groundwater. subalpine grassland * Seed collection from endemic flora species Both habitat types can be observed in this area nearby a temporary creek, fed by * Implementation of re-vegetation the waters of this creek. Mitigation measures are sufficient for the recovery of this habitat according to the local experts. * Top soil management (Topsoil strripping at full depth before construction,storing near the ROW appropriately during the construction and spread properly on ROW in reinstatement phase) Along the project route, one of the most interesting, most sensitive and most * Top soil stripping in layers of 10-15 cm depth, important (in terms of biodiversity) habitat is the continental inland salt steppes. E6.2 together with the plants on it, and storing nearby the This habitat type can only be seen in the Erzurum Plain along the TANAP Project Continental inland salt H 81,662 5,351 6,55 L ROW route. But according to the literature studies, E6.2 habitat type is distributed in steppes and marshes * Seed collection from endemic flora species Ankara2. Mitigation measures are sufficient for the recovery of this habitat * Rehabilitation of the riparian vegetation, aquatic and according to the local experts. semi aquatic areas (Plant nursery trees of minimum 2 years old up to 5 years old, transplantation, translocation etc.) * Top soil management (Topsoil strripping at full depth before construction,storing near the ROW This habitat type is seen only in Erzincan along the route. This habitat type is F2.2 appropriately during the construction and spread observed in elevations of the northern part of the Central Anatolia Region and in Evergreen alpine and M 24,009 0,748 3,12 L properly on ROW in reinstatement phase) the elevations of the East Anatolia Region. This habitat type, characterised by subalpine heath and scrub * Minimise scrub clearance short and creeping plants and shrubs. Mitigation measures are sufficient for the * Seed collection from endemic flora species recovery of this habitat according to the local experts. * Implementation of re-vegetation * Top soil management (Topsoil strripping at full depth Pseudomaquis formation can be seen only in Balıkesir along the route. In before construction,storing near the ROW consequence of the destruction of the maquis vegetation in the Marmara F5.3 M 77,806 4,409 5,67 L appropriately during the construction and spread Region, a pseudomaquis habitat developed, which is mainly dominated by Pseudomaquis properly on ROW in reinstatement phase) species in the form of thornbush. Top soil management is sufficient for the recovery of this habitat according to the local experts. G1.1 * Top soil management (Topsoil strripping at full depth Such woodlands are distributed only around Posof in Ardahan along the route. M 31,65 1,86 5,89 L Riparian and gallery before construction,storing near the ROW This habitat type is also present in Burdur Province3. This habitat found along 110 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Coverage in Degree of Degradation for 36 Coverage in EUNIS HABITAT TYPE Sensitivity * 500 m Corridor m in 500 m Corridor Impact Level Mitigation Measures Remarks 36 m (ha) (ha) (%) woodland, with dominant appropriately during the construction and spread river banks. Mitigation measures for trees are compensation and other [Alnus], [Betula], [Populus] or properly on ROW in reinstatement phase) mitigatiton measures are sufficient for the recovery of this habitat according to [Salix] * Minimise tree felling the local experts. * Minimise riparian disturbance wherever practicable * Seed collection from non-endemic natural plants of the region to control erosion * Rehabilitation of the riparian vegetation, aquatic and semi aquatic areas (Plant nursery trees of minimum 2 years old up to 5 years old, transplantation, translocation etc.) * Implementation of biorestoration techniques soon after construction prevents erosion * Reforest at least equal to the cut trees appointed by the Regional Directorates of Forestry * Top soil management (Topsoil strripping at full depth before construction,storing near the ROW appropriately during the construction and spread properly on ROW in reinstatement phase) * Minimise tree felling Mediterranean riparian woodlands, one of the most frequent habitat types along * Minimise riparian disturbance wherever practicable the route, can be seen in Erzurum, Sivas, Gümüşhane, Yozgat, Bilecik, Bursa, G1.3 * Implementation of biorestoration techniques soon Balıkesir, Çanakkale and Edirne along the route. This habitat found along river Mediterranean riparian M 839,895 53,58 6,38 L after construction to prevents erosion banks. Mitigation measures for trees are compensation and other mitigatiton woodland * Rehabilitation of the riparian vegetation, aquatic and measures are sufficient for the recovery of this habitat according to the local semi aquatic areas (Plant nursery trees of minimum 2 experts. years old up to 5 years old, transplantation, translocation etc.) * Reforest at least equal to the cut trees appointed by the Regional Directorates of Forestry * Top soil management (Topsoil strripping at full depth before construction,storing near the ROW appropriately during the construction and spread properly on ROW in reinstatement phase) Thermophilous deciduous woodland habitat, one of the most frequent habitat * Minimise tree felling types along the route, was observed in Sivas, Gümüşhane, Yozgat, Eskişehir, G1.7 * Store stones and rocks nearby the ROW (for some Bilecik, Kütahya, Bursa, Balıkesir, Çanakkale, and Kırklareli along the route. The Thermophilous deciduous M 3497,033 165,92 4,74 L parts) characteristic tree species of such woodlands are oaks. Mitigation measures for woodland * Seed collection from endemic flora species trees are compensation and other mitigatiton measures are sufficient for the * Translocation (for some endemic flora species) recovery of this habitat according to the local experts. * Reforest at least equal to the cut trees appointed by the Regional Directorates of Forestry * Implementation of re-vegetation * Top soil management (Topsoil strripping at full depth before construction,storing near the ROW appropriately during the construction and spread properly on ROW in reinstatement phase) G1.9 * Narrowed down the construction corridor (in Posof Natural Betula pendula woodlands are distributed only in Ardahan in along the Non-riverine woodland with WDA) project route. Mitigation measures for trees are compensation and other H 202,86 9,94 4,9 L [Betula], [Populus tremula] or * Time constraint (Complete construction works mitigatiton measures are sufficient for the recovery of this habitat according to [Sorbus aucuparia] between August-October) the local experts. * Minimise tree felling * Reforest at least equal to the cut trees appointed by the Regional Directorates of Forestry * Top soil management (Topsoil strripping at full depth G1.A before construction,storing near the ROW Meso- and eutrophic appropriately during the construction and spread This habitat type is rather seen around Posof, Ardahan along the route. This [Quercus], [Carpinus], properly on ROW in reinstatement phase) habitat is more arid compared to Betula pendula woodlands. Mitigation H 211,075 12,032 5,70 L [Fraxinus], [Acer], [Tilia], * Minimise tree felling measures for trees are compensation and other mitigatiton measures are [Ulmus] and related * Reforest at least equal to the cut trees appointed by sufficient for the recovery of this habitat according to the local experts. woodland the Regional Directorates of Forestry 111 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Coverage in Degree of Degradation for 36 Coverage in EUNIS HABITAT TYPE Sensitivity * 500 m Corridor m in 500 m Corridor Impact Level Mitigation Measures Remarks 36 m (ha) (ha) (%) * Top soil management (Topsoil strripping at full depth before construction,storing near the ROW Although this habitat is widespread in the Mediterranean Basin and in Turkey in appropriately during the construction and spread G2.1 the Mediterranean and the Aegean Regions, it is seen in the Thrace Region, properly on ROW in reinstatement phase) Mediterranean evergreen M 1800,649 7,172 3,97 L Çanakkale, Edirne and Tekirdağ along the route. Mitigation measures for trees * Minimise tree felling [Quercus] woodland are compensation and other mitigatiton measures are sufficient for the recovery * Reforest at least equal to the cut trees appointed by of this habitat according to the local experts. the Regional Directorates of Forestry * Top soil management (Topsoil strripping at full depth before construction,storing near the ROW appropriately during the construction and spread Natural Pinus sylvestris woodlands can be seen in Ardahan, Erzincan, Kars and properly on ROW in reinstatement phase) Sivas along the route. One of the best representatives of this habitat is the * Minimise tree felling Sarıkamış Forest. The dominant tree species of this habitat is Pinus sylvestris. G3.4 * Seed collection from endemic flora species However, Populus tremula woodlands can also be found, albeit infrequently, in [Pinus sylvestris] woodland H 1038,144 54,265 5,23 L * Reforest at least equal to the cut trees appointed by the openings of Pinus sylvestris woodlands. This habitat is locally important both south of the taiga the Regional Directorates of Forestry for their habitat characteristics and the local range species they host. Mitigation * Implementation of re-vegetation measures for trees are compensation and other mitigatiton measures are * Store stones and rocks of 30 cm or larger without sufficient for the recovery of this habitat according to the local experts. mixed them with the top soil (for some parts of the habitat) * Top soil management (Topsoil strripping at full depth before construction,storing near the ROW appropriately during the construction and spread properly on ROW in reinstatement phase) Pinus nigra woodlands can be seen in Bilecik and Bursa along the route. G3.5 * Minimise tree felling Mitigation measures for trees are compensation and other mitigatiton measures H 997,723 52,73 5,28 L [Pinus nigra] woodlands * Seed collection from endemic flora species are sufficient for the recovery of this habitat according to the local experts. * Terracing to prevent erosion (for some parts) * Reforest at least equal to the cut trees appointed by the Regional Directorates of Forestry * Implementation of re-vegetation * Top soil management (Topsoil strripping at full depth before construction,storing near the ROW appropriately during the construction and spread This habitat type is widespread in the Mediterranean Basin in the world, and in properly on ROW in reinstatement phase) Turkey in the Mediterranean and the Aegean Regions between 0-1,000 m. Pinus G3.75 * Minimise tree felling brutia forests can be seen in Bursa and Edirne along the route. Mitigation M 281,1905 16,54 5,88 L [Pinus brutia] forests * Seed collection from endemic flora species measures for trees are compensation and other mitigatiton measures are * Reforest at least equal to the cut trees appointed by sufficient for the recovery of this habitat according to the local experts. the Regional Directorates of Forestry * Implementation of re-vegetation * Top soil management (Topsoil strripping at full depth before construction,storing near the ROW appropriately during the construction and spread Juniperus woodlands can be seen only in Kars and Kütahya along the route. properly on ROW in reinstatement phase) G3.9 Mitigation measures for trees are compensation and other mitigatiton measures M 175,186 9,2129 5,26 L * Minimise tree felling Juniperus woodland are sufficient for the recovery of this habitat according to the local experts. * Reforest at least equal to the cut trees appointed by the Regional Directorates of Forestry * Implementation of re-vegetation Highly artificial coniferous plantation habitat can be seen in Ardahan, Erzincan, * Top soil management (Topsoil strripping at full depth Bursa, Çanakkale, Edirne and Tekirdağ along the TANAP Project route. The before construction,storing near the ROW planted pines vary from region to region. While plantations of Pinus sylvestris are G3.F appropriately during the construction and spread common in Ardahan and Erzincan, Pinus pinaster, Pinus pinea, Pinus brutia and Highly artificial coniferous L 2146,199 140,79 6,56 L properly on ROW in reinstatement phase) Cupressus sempervirens plantations exist in the western provinces. Mitigation plantations * Reforest at least equal to the cut trees appointed by measures for trees are compensation and other mitigatiton measures are the Regional Directorates of Forestry sufficient for the recovery of this habitat according to the local experts. * Top soil management (Topsoil strripping at full depth Along the route, in the Bursa province the Pinus nigra woodlands developing on before construction,storing near the ROW serpentine main rock and the mixed oak woodlands are locally important, both G4.B appropriately during the construction and spread for their habitat characteristics and the local range species they host. In Bursa Mixed mediterranean [Pinus] M 674,463 37,24 5,52 L properly on ROW in reinstatement phase) section of the route, black pine and deciduous mixed oak forests form pure - thermophilous [Quercus] * Minimise tree felling communities at some points, while black pines and deciduous oaks together woodland * Seed collection from endemic flora species form mixed forests in some other areas. Mitigation measures for trees are * Reforest at least equal to the cut trees appointed by compensation and other mitigatiton measures are sufficient for the recovery of 112 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Coverage in Degree of Degradation for 36 Coverage in EUNIS HABITAT TYPE Sensitivity * 500 m Corridor m in 500 m Corridor Impact Level Mitigation Measures Remarks 36 m (ha) (ha) (%) the Regional Directorates of Forestry this habitat according to the local experts. * Implementation of re-vegetation * Top soil management (Topsoil strripping at full depth before construction,storing near the ROW This habitat represents the line of trees between fields and can be seen only in appropriately during the construction and spread G5.1 Ardahan along the route. Mitigation measures for trees are compensation and properly on ROW in reinstatement phase) Line of trees on field and L 121,8357 7,70 6,32 L other mitigatiton measures are sufficient for the recovery of this habitat * Minimise tree felling roadside according to the local experts. * Reforest at least equal to the cut trees appointed by the Regional Directorates of Forestry H5.3 M 10,2148 - - - - 36 m ROW corridor no longer intersects with H5.3 habitat. Sparsely-vegetated habitats * Top soil management (Topsoil strripping at full depth before construction,storing near the ROW This habitat type is widespread in Turkey, can be seen in Erzincan, Giresun, appropriately during the construction and spread Kütahya and Bursa along the route. The trees are sparse and the openings are X18 L 789,0951 50,56 6,41 L properly on ROW in reinstatement phase) steppes. Thus, steppe species are more widespread. Mitigation measures for Wooded step * Minimise tree felling trees are compensation and other mitigatiton measures are sufficient for the * Seed collection from endemic flora species recovery of this habitat according to the local experts. * Implementation of re-vegetation 1 Ertek, A., Formation of coastal dunes, their progression, distribution and some problematic dune areas from Türkiye, 7th Coastal Engineering Symposium, 15-22 pp. 2 Mergen, O, Karacaoğlu, C, 2015, Tuz Lake Special Environment Protection Area, Central Anatolia, Turkey: The EUNIS Habitat Classification and Habitat Change Detection between 1987 and 2007, Ecology, 24, 95, 1-9 (In Turkish). 3 Özçelik, H, Çinbilgel, İ, Muca, B, Koca, A, Tavuç, İ, Bebekli, Ö, 2014, Burdur İli Karasal ve İç Su Ekosistem Çeşitliliği, Koruma ve İzleme Çalışmaları, SDU Journal of Science (E-Journal), 9 (2): 12-43 (In Turkish). * The sensitivity levels of habitats are defined in accordance with National Biological Diversity Strategy and Action Plan. H: High M: Medium L: Low NOTE: EUNIS Level III classification for whole Turkey isn't known for now. The Level 3 EUNIS Habitat Map for 500 m study corridor, created from CORINE Land Cover, satellite imagery, aerial photos and existing literature. Baseline data collection was collected to confirm the distribution of the habitats defined at desktop level adopting the EUNIS standardized habitat system within the 500 m corridor. 113 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Annex 4. Assessment of the protected and conservation areas which intersects with the TANAP Project route Degree of habitat Area intersected by the 36 m corridor loss/degradation/conversion pre Protected and conservation area name National or International Status Province Area size [ha] Impact Level [ha] mitigation % Posof Wildlife Development Area (Posof Forests) including Posof Wildlife Development Area, KBA, PBA Ardahan 65666,81 117,25 0,18 L PBA Ardahan Forests IBA, KBA Ardahan 25562,01 66,69 0,26 L Putka Gölbaşı Wetland (buffer zone) Wetland Ardahan 4181,536 25,28 0,60 L Allahuekber Mountains KBA Erzurum, Kars 295918,9 127,589 0,04 L Sarıkamış National Park (Sarıkamış Forests) including Sarıkamış National Park, Wildlife Protection Area, Kars, Erzurum 78927 80,86 0,10 L PBA IBA, KBA, PBA Erzurum Marsh Wetland Wetland, KBA Erzurum 15911,13 70,68 0,44 L Gölova Lake(s) Wetland, KBA Sivas 4932 6,19 0,13 L Refahiye Forests KBA Erzincan, Sivas 240610,78 117,77 0,05 L Hafik and Zara Hills IBA, KBA, IPA Sivas 103108,95 199,1 0,19 L Mağara Lake Buffer Zone Wetland Sivas 1310,68 8,85 0,68 L Bataklıkdüzü 2 Wetland Wetland Sivas 674,96 8,52 1,26 L Çoraklık Lake Wetland Wetland Sivas 391,44 7,81 2,00 L Tuzlu Lake Wetland Wetland Sivas 55,05 1,63 2,96 L Balıklıkaya Wetland Wetland Sivas 1129,03 2,7 0,24 L Acıkır Steppe KBA, IPA Eskişehir, Ankara 98399,99 148,25 0,15 L National Park, Ramsar Area, Natural Sit Manyas Lake (row, buffer zone) Balıkesir 43462,18 18,18 0,04 L Area, IBA, KBA Saros Gulf SEPA, IBA, KBA Çanakkale 81971,12 11,07 0,01 L 114 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Annex 5. Impact Assessment Methodology The overall methodology for impact assessment is described in Chapter 3; this appendix provides details of the impact calculation methodology based on the GIS system. The basic elements of the methodology are:  Project components:  Impact factors  Sensitivity elements  Assessment endpoints  Impacts Project Components These elements are summarised below and the various calculations criteria and elements are provided in printed form as practical; the entire system is available on a geodatabase format. The following is the complete list of project components used within the GIS systems for the Impact Assessment.  T01 Pipeline onshore  T02 Pipeline offshore  T03 Road crossing open cut  T04 Road crossing trenchless  T05 Railroad crossing  T06 Channel crossing open cut  T07 Channel crossing trenchless  T08 River crossing open cut  T09 River crossing trenchless  T10 Pipeline in HGWC  T11 Compressor stations  T12 Camp sites  T13 Block valve/pigging/ metering station  T14 Pipe stock yards  T15 Pipeline landing  T16 Temporary access roads  T17 Permanent access roads The project components are all represented on a GIS layer as polygons, built according to existing project drawings and according to some assumptions related to the production of potential impact factors during construction, operation or decommissioning phases of the Project. The project footprint is the geographic layer that collects all project components in a single feature class or shapefile. This layer has been the basis for the creation of the impact factors layers. The polylines representing the design pipeline limits have been completed and joined in order to generate a closed area (the pipeline section) for all the pipeline project length. This resulting polygon has been split in 4 different project components according to the type of installation:  the onshore pipeline (T01), the pipe segments along the Route onto land;  the offshore pipeline (T02), the sub-sea section where it crosses the Dardanelles strait and the pipeline is laid on the seabed;  the pipeline in HGWC (T10), the pipeline in High Ground Water Conditions, where a specific type of assembly is required to support the pipe segment: this project component class has been derived intersecting the design limit polygon with the map of the water logging surrounding the pipeline;  the pipeline landing (T15), a specific land-to-water transition zone for pipeline immersion extending 500 meters offshore from the European shoreline and 200 meters offshore from the Asian shoreline. The components from T03 to T09 have been built on a subset of selected pipeline crossing points that have been surveyed and described. Conventionally, the crossing zones of these project components have been constructed applying a buffer of 50 meters around the surveyed point. The resulting buffer polygon has been cut in order to not exceed the boundary of the construction limit area so that conventionally a crossing point is 50 meters long and wide as the construction limit. 115 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Compressor stations (T11), Camp sites (T12), Block valve, pigging and metering stations (T13), Pipe stock yards (T14) and access roads (T16 and T17) have been directly imported as polygons from project’s plants sections and drawings. These areas and crossing zones are separate polygon objects within the project footprint and could overlap the above described pipeline sections. The following Table 1 details the GIS data sources used to produce all the project components. Table 1. GIS data source and description of the project components (PC) Id PC Description GIS data source T01 Pipeline onshore PPL_ConstructionLimit_BCH_WGS84 T02 Pipeline offshore PPL_ConstructionLimit_BCH_WGS84 T03 Road crossing open cut PPL_CrossingPoints_BCH_RevH_WGS84 T04 Road crossing trenchless (Highway crossing) PPL_CrossingPoints_BCH_RevH_WGS84 T05 Railroad crossing PPL_CrossingPoints_BCH_RevH_WGS84 T06 Channel crossing open cut PPL_CrossingPoints_BCH_RevH_WGS84 T07 Channel crossing trenchless PPL_CrossingPoints_BCH_RevH_WGS84 T08 River crossing open cut PPL_CrossingPoints_BCH_RevH_WGS84 T09 River crossing trenchless PPL_CrossingPoints_BCH_RevH_WGS84 PPL_ConstructionLimit_BCH_WGS84 T10 Pipeline in HGWC (Wetland crossing) GHZ_WaterLogging_BCH_WGS84 T11 Compressor stations PPL_AGI_CS_BCH_Optimum_WGS84 T12 Camp sites PPL_CampSites_PipeYards_BCH_TM PPL_AGI_BVS_AccessRoad_BCH_WGS84 PPL_AGI_BVS_BCH_WGS84 T13 Block valve/pigging/ metering station PPL_PST_AN_BCH_Optimum_WGS84 PPL_FMS_GR_BCH_Optimum_WGS84 PPL_FMS_GE_BCH_Optimum_WGS84 T14 Pipe stock yards PPL_CampSites_PipeYards_BCH_TM T15 Pipeline landing PPL_ConstructionLimit_BCH_WGS84 T16 Temporary access roads PPL_AGI_BVS_AccessRoad_BCH_WGS84 T17 Permanent access roads PPL_AGI_BVS_AccessRoad_BCH_WGS84 Impact factors Impact factors (IF) are associated to each project component (PC) in the three project phases (PH): Construction, Operation, and Decommissioning; the list of Impact Factors is presented below, and they are described in detail in Chapter 3.6:  IF01 Emission of dust and particulate  IF02 Emission of gaseous pollutants 116 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY  IF03 Changes of local morphology  IF04 Reduction of topsoil quality/availability  IF05 Site restoration  IF06 Demand for freshwater  IF07 Demand for potable water  IF08 Discharge of wastewater  IF09 Cathodic protection pollutants release  IF10 Changes in flow/circulation in natural water bodies  IF11 Sediment suspension  IF12 Emission of noise  IF13 Emission of vibration  IF14 Introduction of new buildings/infrastructures  IF15 Removal of buildings/infrastructures  IF16 Demand for waste disposal services  IF17 Demand for industrial minerals (sand, gravel, etc.)  IF18 Removal of natural vegetation  IF19 Introduction of alien species  IF20 Change in land use  IF21 Demand for workforce  IF22 Demand for goods, materials and services  IF23 Demand for energy  IF24 Increase of traffic  IF25 Interruption/limitation of infrastructures/services  IF26 Influx of workers. Impact factor intensity calculation Within each factor and phase, every project component may generate a specific level of impact intensity that is the combination of the following assessment parameters:  Direction: it can be negative (N), when the impact factor causes a worsening of the environmental state or quality, or positive (P), when the impact factor causes an improvement of the environmental state or quality.  Magnitude: it is the extent of the impact factor.  Reversibility: it is the possibility to restore the qualitative state of the component following the modifications occurred, considering a period from 0 to 5 years (short term) or from 6 to 50 years (long term). Over 50 years, the modifications are considered irreversible.  Geographic extent: it is the area where the impact factor exerts its influence, within the route corridor (Local) or beyond (Regional) or national or more.  Duration: it is the length of time when the impact factor is effective, considering less than 1 year (short) or from 1 to 3 years (medium) or more than 3 years (long).  Frequency: it is how often the potential impact factor occurs.  Probability of occurrence: it is the likelihood that the impact factor occurs. The above assessment parameters are defined by specific features with a score assigned with professional judgment for each impact factor acting during a specific project phase. The quantification of the environmental consequence of each impact factor is obtained by assigning a value to each feature of the assessment parameters on the basis of an expert opinion, according to the following numerical system (Table 2). 117 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Table 2. Features considered for the definition of the IF Intensity and scoring scheme Geographic Probability of Magnitude Reversibility Duration Frequency extent occurrence Low Short term reversible Local Short Rare Unlikely 5 1 0 0 0 0 Medium Long term reversible Regional Medium Intermittent Likely 10 3 1 1 +1 1 High Irreversible Beyond regional Long Continuous Certain 15 5 2 2 +2 2 The tables used for the calculation of the Impact Factor Intensity for each project component and for each phase. Each Impact Factor intensity is calculated summing the value of the assessment criteria (Magnitude, Duration, ecc.); this value can range between 7 and 27. Then, the value obtained is normalized to 1, according to the difference between the highest and lowest values. Finally, the class is calculated as follows:  L < 0,33  M 0,34 ÷ 0,66  H > 0,67 The tables from Table 3 -Table 5 summarise the potential intensity in impact units of each impact factor per project component in the three phases of construction, operation and decommissioning. Table 3. Potential intensity per project component of each IF in the construction phase IF01 IF02 IF03 IF04 IF05 IF06 IF07 IF08 IF09 IF10 IF11 IF12 IF13 IF14 IF15 IF16 IF17 IF18 IF19 IF20 IF21 IF22 IF23 IF24 IF25 IF26 T01 20 14 17 20 20 0 18 0 0 14 14 0 15 25 24 18 20 0 0 0 15 0 0 T02 10 14 12 0 20 0 18 0 0 9 0 0 9 15 0 13 0 0 0 0 9 15 0 T03 14 14 17 10 0 0 9 0 0 14 14 0 10 20 14 18 0 0 0 0 8 18 0 T04 9 9 12 15 9 0 9 0 0 14 19 0 10 20 14 13 0 0 0 0 8 8 0 T05 9 9 12 15 9 0 9 0 0 14 19 0 10 20 14 18 0 0 0 0 8 8 0 T06 14 14 17 10 0 0 9 20 10 14 14 0 10 20 14 18 0 0 0 0 8 15 0 T07 9 9 12 10 9 0 9 0 0 14 19 0 10 20 14 13 0 0 0 0 8 8 0 T08 14 14 17 10 0 0 9 20 20 14 14 0 10 20 24 19 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 T09 9 9 12 10 9 0 9 0 0 14 19 0 10 20 19 13 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 T10 14 14 17 15 0 0 19 20 20 14 9 0 10 20 24 18 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 T11 20 20 11 23 16 0 14 0 0 20 19 27 22 25 24 18 25 0 0 0 21 0 0 T12 21 21 0 17 17 25 22 0 0 16 11 21 22 25 24 18 21 24 24 22 21 0 21 T13 9 9 10 12 9 0 9 0 0 14 14 16 10 15 14 18 20 0 0 0 16 0 0 T14 16 16 0 19 0 0 9 0 0 16 9 16 10 15 24 18 21 24 24 12 21 0 16 T15 9 14 18 0 0 0 13 0 20 14 14 0 10 15 0 13 11 0 0 0 11 0 0 T16 14 9 13 12 9 0 0 0 0 14 14 0 10 14 18 13 11 0 0 0 10 8 0 T17 14 9 15 13 9 0 0 0 0 14 14 0 10 20 18 13 15 0 0 0 10 8 0 118 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Table 4. Potential intensity per project component of each IF in the operation phase IF01 IF02 IF03 IF04 IF05 IF06 IF07 IF08 IF09 IF10 IF11 IF12 IF13 IF14 IF15 IF16 IF17 IF18 IF19 IF20 IF21 IF22 IF23 IF24 IF25 IF26 T01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 T02 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T03 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T04 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T05 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T06 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T07 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T08 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T09 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T11 11 22 0 24 11 17 17 0 0 22 12 27 11 11 13 24 18 18 24 11 T12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T13 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 12 12 16 11 11 13 19 13 13 19 11 T14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T17 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 11 0 14 0 0 0 11 Table 5. Potential intensity per project component of each IF in the decommissioning phase IF01 IF02 IF03 IF04 IF05 IF06 IF07 IF08 IF09 IF10 IF11 IF12 IF13 IF14 IF15 IF16 IF17 IF18 IF19 IF20 IF21 IF22 IF23 IF24 IF25 IF26 T01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T02 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T03 9 9 0 8 0 0 7 0 9 0 0 7 9 9 9 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 T04 9 9 0 8 0 0 7 0 9 0 0 7 9 9 9 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 T05 9 9 0 8 0 0 7 0 9 0 0 7 9 9 9 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 T06 9 9 0 8 0 0 7 0 9 0 0 7 9 9 9 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 T07 9 9 0 8 0 0 7 0 9 0 0 7 9 9 9 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 T08 9 9 0 8 0 0 7 0 9 0 0 7 9 14 14 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 T09 9 9 0 8 0 0 7 0 9 0 0 7 9 14 14 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 T10 9 9 0 8 0 0 7 0 9 0 0 7 9 9 9 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 T11 19 14 0 0 17 10 14 0 19 14 21 21 10 0 15 21 17 17 16 15 13 11 T12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T13 14 9 0 0 12 0 9 0 9 9 16 16 10 0 15 21 12 12 11 10 8 11 T14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T17 14 9 0 0 12 0 0 0 14 14 0 11 9 0 15 11 12 12 11 10 8 11 Impact Factors spatial extent Every IF has a typical spatial extension that can vary in width from phase to phase. This spatial extension ranges from just the project footprint (i.e. the combination of the different PC footprints) to a larger buffer, a polygon representing the region within a specified distance from a geographic object. For instance, during the construction phase, noise can impact a region of 500 meters surrounding the pipeline footprint. The severity of the IF is considered constant – not varying in intensity - within the buffer region. The intensity of an impact factor can therefore be limited to the project footprint or extend to a buffer around the project component generating the specific impact factor. The Table 6 shows the spatial extent (in meters) per impact factor in each project phase. 119 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Table 6. Spatial extent per impact factor in each project phase Id PC Construction Operation Decommissioning IF01 200 5000 200 IF02 500 5000 500 IF03 footprint footprint footprint IF04 footprint footprint footprint IF05 - - footprint IF06 5000 5000 5000 IF07 1000 1000 - IF08 1000 1000 1000 IF09 - 500 - IF10 500 - 500 IF11 1000 - - IF12 500 1000 500 IF13 200 200 200 IF14 3000 3000 3000 IF15 - - 3000 IF16 footprint footprint footprint IF17 footprint footprint IF18 footprint footprint footprint IF19 footprint footprint footprint IF20 footprint footprint footprint IF21 footprint footprint footprint IF22 footprint footprint footprint IF23 footprint footprint footprint IF24 5000 5000 5000 IF25 footprint - footprint IF26 footprint footprint footprint 120 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In the GIS analysis environment, each impact factor has been spatially represented using the above Impact factor intensity and spatial extent tables. Where the impact extent is not limited to the project footprint, each feature class object of a project component has been buffered according to the impact factor spatial extent and the specific severity value has been assigned to the resulting polygon. Where the project component buffers overlap, the impact factor intensity cumulates to account for a concurrent, simultaneous and consequently higher potential impact. According to this additive rule and to the different spatial extents, each of the impact layers has a different range of values and a different area of influence. Each Impact factor is represented as a geographic layer, where the impact factor intensity varies across the geographic area surrounding the pipeline project. If the same impact factor exists in all three phases, three distinct layers will be created for that specific impact factor. Sensitivity The sensitivity is the sum of the conditions which characterize the present quality and/or trends of specific environmental and social components and/or of their resources. The Valued Environmental and Social Components (VECs) are characterized by a sensitivity, or propensity to change, which is function of one or more intrinsic features of the components, like the presence of elements of particular value or vulnerability, or function of existing high levels of environmental degradation. The list of VECs that have been considered in the ESIA based on the results of the scoping stage is the following:  Physical environment: o Meteorology and climatology o Air Quality o Noise and Vibration o Hydrogeology and groundwater quality o Geology and Geomorphology o Seismology o Soil o Visual aesthetics o Hydrology and surface water quality o Bottom morphology o Physical oceanography o Sea water o Marine Sediments  Biological environment o Protected areas o Terrestrial Flora o Terrestrial Fauna  Birds  Amphibians  Reptiles  Mammals  Invertebrates o Freshwater flora o Freshwater fauna  Fish  Invertebrates o Freshwater habitats and ecosystems o Terrestrial habitats and ecosystems o Biodiversity o Marine Flora o Marine Fauna  Fish  Zoobenthos 121 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY  Mammals and reptiles o Marine habitats and ecosystems o Marine biodiversity o Marine protected areas  Social environment o Politics and Governance o Settlement location o Demographic profile o Infrastructure facilities o Transportation and traffic o Economic conditions o Land use and agriculture o Employment and livelihoods o Social maladies o Social capital o Health issues and facilities o Education issues and facilities o Vulnerable groups o Cultural heritage and archaeology o Ecosystem services o Resettlement and economic displacement. The sensitivity of the VECs is evaluated on the basis of the presence/absence of some features called sensitivity elements which define both the current degree of quality and the component’s susceptibility to environmental changes. The sensitivity level of each element is assigned according to the following scale:  low;  medium;  high. A sensitivity layer is a geographic feature composed by the geometries of one or more receptor types with a sensitivity value for every assessment endpoint. The values of sensitivity are classified in an ordinal scale of sensitivity units of 1, 2 and 3 or Low, Medium and High (L, M, H). For instance, the sensitivity layer for soil potential pollution is spatially defined according to Corine Landcover polygon patches. A sensitivity of 1 (L) is assigned to the Corine Landcover class industrial areas, a sensitivity of 2 (M) to urban areas, a sensitivity of 3 (H) to agricultural areas. Receptor geometries can be polygons (e.g. settlements, archaeological sites, protected areas, habitats), lines (e.g. roads), or points (e.g. watercourses crossings, groundwater resources) according to the resolution of the available geographic data. The sensitivity value is assigned according to a simple reclassification (see the corine landcover example above) or sp atial rule and it is based on the discipline experts’ evaluation. The sensitivity value is constant for the three phases and is not specific for the impact factor. Sensitivity level calculation The quantification of the sensitivity level is obtained by assigning a value to each sensitivity element on the basis of an expert opinion, using the available data provided with the Geodatabase. The elements and GIS layer/attribute used to evaluate the sensitivity level of each VEC are presented in the tables below, for the three main disciplines: physical, biological and social. Assessment endpoints and impacts The Assessment Endpoints (AEs) are the set of physical, biological and social parameters based on which the impacts on each VECs are measured. Furthermore, some features of VECs (e.g. landslides, seismic areas, marine erosion areas) could be regarded as risk elements for the Project. 122 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The impact layers are derived as a spatial overlay of impact factors and sensitivity layers. For every AE the impact level is calculated for each of the individual receptors identified; from a geographical standpoint these can be a point, a line or an area. From an environmental and social standpoint receptors can be an individual settlement, a river, or an area like a homogeneous soil patch or ecosystem patch or a protected area. There are different methods of assigning impact factor intensity to a receptor according to its spatial dimension, as described in the following scheme (Figure 1). POINT If the sensitivity element unit is a point, e.g. a river crossing, the intensity value SENSITIVITY is merely assigned according to the value of the impact factor choropleth area ELEMENT where the point falls. IMPACT If the sensitivity element unit is a line, e.g. a road, it can intersect multiple values along the impact factor layer; the value that is assigned to this element will be the maximum incident value LINE (conservative approach) or the weighted average value determined by the length SENSITIVITY of the section that intersects that specific impact factor intensity. The impact has ELEMENT IMPACT been averaged only along the line of impact resulting from the intersection between the impact layer and the sensitivity element line and has been assigned to the whole sensitivity element (conservative approach). If the sensitivity element is a polygon, e.g. a settlement, a protected area or a habitat, the assigned value is the maximum incident value (for the POLYGON settlements, conservative approach) or the weighted average value. The impact SENSITIVITY has been averaged only within the effective area of impact resulting from ELEMENT IMPACT the intersection between the impact layer and the sensitivity element polygon and has been assigned to the whole sensitivity element unit (conservative approach). 123 TANAP DOĞALGAZ İLETİM A.Ş. TRANS ANATOLIAN NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (TANAP) PROJECT ESIA REPORT AND RAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Figure 1. Methods of assigning an impact factor intensity to a sensitivity element according to its spatial dimension Each receptor can be affected by one or more impact factors deriving from one or more project components. The potential interactions between IF and sensitivity elements are provided in 9 matrices for the three phases of construction, operation and decommissioning and for physical, biological and social environments, respectively, presented in Chapter 3. Using the above methods, every sensitivity element is assigned a value for each of the impact factors that apply to the specific assessment endpoint. The results of the GIS analysis are then stored in a database for the computation of the impact values and for reporting. The total impact is given by the sum of all the impact factors intensity values overlaying a receptor and multiplied by its intrinsic sensitivity. The result is then weighted according to the sum of the maximum absolute measured values (in impact units) for the impact factors concurring to the specific impact multiplied by the maximum theoretical value of sensitivity (H or 3 in sensitivity units) × = ∑ × =1 The Impact values could range from 0% to 100% and the final class of impact is assigned using the following allocation scheme: N Negligible if impact < 10% L Low if 10% <= impact < 40% M Medium if 40% <= impact < 70% H High if impact >=70% 124