Joint UNDP / World Bank Energy Sector Management As stance Programme MICROFICHE COPY Report No. :11662 Type: (MIS) Title: PHILIPPINES: DEFINING AN ENERG' Author: ESMAP Ext.: 0 Boom: Dept.: ESMAP SEPTEMBER 1992 Philippines: Def I ning an Energy Strategy for the Household Sector Results of a Joint Study by ESMAP and the Philippines Office of Energy Affairs Volume II Summary Tables from the Household Energy Consumption Survey Septemberl992 This document has restricted distribution and may be used by recipients only in the performance of their official duties. Its contents may not otherwise be disclosed without UNDP or World Bank authorization. ANNEX I PHILIPPINE HOUSEHOLD ENERGY CONSUMPIION SURVEY 1. This annex provides an overview of current residential energy consumption patterns in the Philippines based on the 1989 Philippine Household Energy Consumption Survey (HECS). The surv- forms, manuals, and a full set of simmary tables are presented in Appendix 1. TMe HECS burvey was commissioned as a joint undertaking of the National Statistics Office (NSO) and the Office of Energy Affairs (OEA). Data gathered through this survey serve as the basis for much of the analysis presented in this report. Sample Frame 2. The HECS sample included 5082 households, roughly half urban and half rural, comprising one panel of the NSO Integrated Survey of Households sample frame. As such, the HECS sample frame adopted NSO's two-stage cluster sampling design that treats urban and rural areas of each prov:.e as principal domains, draws barangays within each domain in the first stage, and households within each selected barangay in the second stage. On average, each urban household in the sample represents about 1600 actual urban households while each rural household surveyed represents approximately 2400 rural households. NSO provided exact weights (raising factors) for each sample barangay to reflect 1989 demographics as projected from 1980 census figures. The study team revised these weights in light of the more accurate distribution of urban and rural households contained in preliminary figures from the 1990 census that were made available during the main mission. All summary tables and data used in the analysis have been weighted to reflect the number and distribution of households in 1990 and have been discounted to 1989 by 2% to allow for growth in household formation. Survey Instrument and Survey Execution 3. The HECS questionnaire was designed in two parts. The main section, enumerated to the household head or other family member chiefly responsible for fuel purchasing and use, collected information on choice of fuel, source of fuel, mode of acquisition, stove and appliance ownership, and fuel consumption for different end uses. A supplementary survey form was filled out at the barangay level to determine access, availability, and prices of fuels in the market. The field survey team was composed of NSO field personnel, namely: Regional and Provincial Census Officers, Statisticians who supervised survey teams, and Census Field Workers who were principally responsible for collecting data from the respondent households. 4. The enumerators were instructed to validate reported household consumption * by refering to electricity bills, directly measuring the weight of woodfuels the household reported using daily, and verifying the size and nameplate wattages of major appliances. Separate manuals of instructions were developed for enumerators and data processing staff to guide field data collection and data entry of completed questionnaires. The survey questionnaire and these manuals are included in Appendix 1. Data Validation 5. To ensure that the data set was suitable for statistical analysis, it was first subjected to a number of data validation procedures that were designed to identify inconsistencies, keypunching errors, miscoded entries, and otherwise unreasonable responses. This was followed by a set of screens through which households that had missing, incomplete or inconsistent data for key variables were eliminated from the analysis. A household was omitted from the analysis if they: 1) said they used a fuel but reported no quantity figures; 2) did not cook; 3) did not light; or 4) did not report income. 6. Out of the 5082 households in the original sample, 610 households (about 12% of the sam'1e) were excluded from the analysis as a result of this cleaning procedure. Raising factors wi re revised to compensate for households excluded from the original sample. The distribution of the 4472 sample households used in the analysis along with the II million households they represent are shown in Table Al.1. Appendix 1 contains a detailed regional breakdown of the original sample, the cleaned sample, and the raising factors used to weight the cleaned sample to represent the 1989 national distribution of households. Modification of HECS Demand Estimates to Fit Known Supply Figures 7. After the data was cleaned and weighted to represent the 1989 household distribution, national fuel consumption estimates were compared to known supply figures as a check on consistency of the HECS results. In addition, per capita woodfuel use by households that use fuelwood or charcoal as a primary cooking fuel were checked for consistency by comparing HECS estimates with similar estimates from other asian countries with moist tropical climates. Electrfication Rates and Total Residential Electricity Sales 8. As of 1987, 5.29 million households nationwide were connected to electricity mains. An estimated breakdown of rural and urban electrified households is shown in Table A3.1. According to OEA's Medium Term Energy Plan, MERALCO planned to connect an additional 155,000 households in 1988 and 1989 and NEA cooperatives had targeted 175,000 new household connections, thereby bringing estimated total 1989 connections to 5.63 million. HECS data indicate that 6.5 million households were formally electrified in 1989, roughly 870,000 or 15% more than were projected. This indicates that within the average sample barangay, the HECS sample may have selected a higher share of electrified households than actual barangay electrification rates. Moreover, HECS results show that about 10% of urban households and 5% of rural households actually use electricity without a direct grid connection, purchasing electricity instead from neighbors. Another possible explanation for the apparent oversampling of electrified households is that a substantial share of HECS households that reported direct connections may actually be informally connected. Since urban dwellings tend to be clustered in more dense configurations than rural households, urban households may have more opportunity for informal connections. Under this interpretation, the apparent dramatic rise in formally electrified urbats households between 1987 and 1989 (Table A3.1) could be seen as an illusion. 2 9. If electrified households were not oversampled, the HECS estimate of total residential electricity use should be consistent with residential sector electricity sales data for 1989. A sectoral breakdown of 1989 electricity sales is shown in Table A3.2. Total residential sales of 6,845 GWh are estimated from all HECS households that use electricity, regardless of connection status. Sectoral breakdowns were not available for REA co-ops and private utilities. Sectoral sales for co-ops and private utilities in Table A3.2 follow from the observation that they serve mainly households. As such, it appears that the HECS estimate of total residential electricity use is broadly consistent with residential electricity sales data. The disagreement between official electrification rates and those derived from the HECS sample may largely be due to informal connections. Petroleum Products Supply and Per Capilta Woodfuels Use 10. Kerosene is mainly a household fuel used for cooking and lighting. It is commonly resold to consumers by peddlers and sara-sari shops in second-hand bottles and cans. After enumerators asked households how often these purchases were made and in what kinds of bottles, the local units were converted into volumetric equivalents that were recorded and entered into the data set. On the basis of this data, the HECS estimate of total kerosene use in households for 1989 was well above national kerosene supply figures. This overestimate was attributed to measurement error arising from the non-standard units in which most kerosen is sold. Consequently, the HECS estimate of kerosene use in each household was reduced by a uniform factor of 0.69 to bring estimates of total demand in line with total supply. 11. LPG is used mainly as a cooking fuel in the residential and commercial sectors. Since HECS estimates of LPG use in each household were derived from reported purchases of LPG which is sold in well-defined units, measurement error is far less than in the case of kerosene. Consequently, HECS estimates of LPG use in each household were not adjusted. Total residential LPG use according to HECS results were below national sales figures for 1989, the remainder being consumed in the commercial sector and industrial sectors. 12. The HECS survey reported unusually low levels of per capita biofuel consumption by households relying on fuelwood as their primary cooking fuel. A summary of detailed studies of biofuel use by rural households in other asian countries with moist tropical climates shows average annual biofuel use of 0.3 - 0.9 m3 of wood equivalent in agricultural regions, 0.9 - 1.35 m3 of wood equivalent in zones with shifting agriculture, and 1.25 - 1.8 m3 of wood equivalent in mountain regions.' HECS data showed that rural households cooking with fuelwood in the Philippines consumed, on average, only 0.35 m3 of wood equivalent per capita in 1989. An attempt was made to validate these low reported usage rates during a follow-up mission in MarchlApril 1991. Spot surveys and measurements of daily fuelwood use were administered to rural households in four regions. Daily fuelwood usage rates in these households were roughly double those reported by HECS and were well within the ranges . reported above for rural households in agricultural and shifting agricultural zones. Again, the chief causes for this discrepancy were probably measurement error and difficulties converting weekly usage volumes into kg equivalents. Enumerators asked households to estimate their * weekly fuelwood consumption when estimates of daily use or estimates of amounts purchased and collected may have yielded mor- accurate figures. After reviewing regional HECS ESMAP, 1988, Household Energy Handbook, Table 2, page 8. 3 estimates of per capita biofuels usage in urban and rural households, estimates of biofuels use in each household ware increased by the factors shown in Table Al.1 to bring per capita usage rates more in line with spot survey results. Table AI. Fuel Use Adjustment Factors for Philippines Household Energy Consumption Survey Electricky LPG Kerosene Cha oal (1) Fuelood Crop Residues Urban 1 1 0.69 2.5 1.8 1.4 Rural 1 1 0.69 2.0 2.0 1.8 (1) Charcoal use by rural households was doubled, except in regions I, II, and VII. Charcoal adjustment factors for rural households in these regions were 1.3 (1), 2.4 (EII), and 6.4 (VII). 13. Household fuel use data from the cleaned HECS data set were adjusted by the factors presented in Table A1.1. Resulting estimates are consistent with aggregate supply data for 1989 and with per capita woodfuels usage rates as determined by follow-up field studies. Thet. revised HECS results form the basis of all usage figures in this report. An overview of some of the more important results is presented in the tables belo-. A full set of summary tables, including breakdowns by region and income groups are presented in the Appendix 1. Summary of Survey Results: HECS. 1989 (revised) Table AI. HECS Sample and 1989 Demographics Original Revised Estimated Household Household Esthnated Population Sampie Saaple Total Ancome Siee Population Percent Households Households Households (PesoshoJ (O) NCR 776 682 1,538,660 5,451 5.42 8,340 13.8% Other Urban 1,730 1,588 2,797,974 5,796 5.48 15,333 25.3% Rural 2,576 2,202 6,846,776 3,200 5.39 36,904 60.9% Philippines 5,081 4,472 11,183,410 4,159 5.42 60,577 100.0% Note: Total households and population estimates are from 1990 Census (preliminary) discounted by 2%. Table AI3. Percent of Households Using Each Fuel Electricity LPG Kerosene Charcoal Fuelwood Crop Residges NCR 98.5 59.4 36.7 23.4 7.5 1.3 Other Urban 83.3 32.8 68.0 42.8 54.0 26.1 All Urban 88.7 42.2 56.9 35.9 37.5 17.5 Rural 49.5 9.0 85.7 29.6 85.9 64.7 Philippines 64.7 21.9 74.5 32.1 67.1 46.4 4 Table AI.4. Total Annual Residential Fuel Consumption Electricity LPG Kerosene Charcoal Fuebwood Crop Residues (oW) -co Tons) (000 ns) ( s Tn) (Vw oo Tr0 NCR 2,867.36 133.42 83.11 120.93 131.61 18.70 Other Urban 2,185.21 109.78 131.87 716.33 3,126.82 414.05 All Urban 5,052.57 243.20 214.98 837.26 3,258.43 432.75 Rural 1,792.53 77.93 281.20 727.67 15,058.47 2,137.70 Philippines 6,845.10 321.13 496.19 1,564.93 18,316.90 2,570.45 Table Al.S. Percent of Households Using Each Fuel as a Primary Cooking Fuel Elericity LPG Kerosene Charcoal Fuelwood CroM Residaes NCR 7.9 S5.4 29.3 3.8 3.5 0.1 Other Urban 2.4 29.0 14.2 10.4 40.4 3.5 All Urban 4.4 38.4 19.6 8.1 27.3 2.3 Rural 1.0 7.4 3.8 4.0 77.9 6.0 Philippines 2.3 19.4 9.9 5.6 58.3 4.6 Table A1.6. Share of Utilized Cooking Energy Provided by Each Fuel (percent) Blecricity LPG Kerosene Charcoal Faewood Crop Residuaes Total Enery Content 3.6 M/kl 45.2 MJ/kg 34.1 MJ/1I 30 M/kg 16 MJ/kg 14.5 M//kg Stove Effciency 70% 55% 40% 20% 15% 15% NCR 7.8 52.6 27.2 7.9 4.2 0.3 100% Other Urban 1.9 24.7 12.0 13.8 42.3 5.4 100% All Urban 4.0 34.6 17.4 11.7 28.8 3.6 100% Rural 0.7 5.8 2.9 5.1 75.8 9.6 100% Philippines 2.0 17.0 8.5 7.7 57.6 7.3 100% 5 Table A1.7. Average Purchase Prices for Households Purchasing Each Fuel NCR Other Urban All Uran Rural Philippines Electricity (Pesos/kWh) Median 1.20 1.70 1.36 1.91 1.65 Mean 1.24 1.65 1.49 1.85 1.66 Standard Deviation 0.38 0.56 0.54 0.57 0.58 LPG (Pesos/kg) Median 6.82 7.45 7.00 7.73 7.09 Mean 6.87 7.62 7.24 7.66 7.35 Standard Deviation 0.54 0.92 0.84 1.05 0.92 Kerosene (Pesos/liter) Median 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 Mean 5.49 5.68 5.64 6.00 5.89 Standard Deviation 1.80 1.90 1.88 2.07 2.02 Charcoal (Pesos/kg) Median 3.75 3.50 3.60 3.33 3.50 Mean 4.24 4.14 4.16 4.31 4.23 Standard Deviation 2.53 2.78 2.72 3.08 2.88 Fuelwood (Pesos/kg) Median 4.20 1.30 1.33 1.00 1.20 Mean 4.33 2.13 2.23 1.56 1.85 Standard Deviation 2.61 2.01 2.09 1.46 1.80 Note: Of HECS sample households using fuelwood, only 65% in urban areas outside of the National Capitol Region and 20% in rural areas purchased their fuelwood. Table Al.b. Total Annual Residential Fuels Use by Source ('000 Tons) NCR Other Urban Rural Tl Charcoal Home-Produced 2 30 317 349 Purchased 119 686 410 1,216 All Sources 121 716 728 1,565 Fuelwood Collected 65 1,463 12,788 14,316 Purchased 66 1,663 2,271 4,001 All Sources 132 3,127 15,058 18,317 Crop Residues Collected 15 317 1,999 2,330 Purchased 4 97 139 240 All Sources 19 414 2,138 2,570 6 Table A1.9. Electrification Rates and Percent of Households Using Kerosene or Charcoal by Major End-Use NCR Other Urban Rural Philippines Electricity Source: Distribution Co./Utility 83.9 76.0 45.1 58.2 All sources 98.5 83.3 49.5 64.7 Electric Ironing 78.5 45.7 19.4 34.1 Use Kerosene for: Cooking 34.1 20.3 6.6 13.8 Lighting 5.4 51.2 81.2 63.3 Fire Starting 2.6 20.7 32.6 25.5 Use Charcoal for: Cooking 23.1 27.9 10.5 16.6 Ironing 0.6 22.7 23.1 19.9 lable AI.10. Residential Electricity Consumption by End-Use (percent of total residential consumption in each am) NCR Other Urban Rural Phitppines Lighting 19.8 28.0 42.5 28.4 Refrigeration 27.4 29.0 23.8 27.0 Ironing 14.8 12.4 9.0 12.5 Fan 12.8 8.9 4.8 9.5 Television 7.3 7.6 6.3 7.1 Cooking 7.0 4.6 3.9 5.5 Air-conditioning 7.3 2.2 0.5 3.9 Water pumping 0.2 1.8 0.7 0.8 Washing machine 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 Other 3.2 5.4 8.4 5.2 All uses 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 GWhlyear 2.867 2,185 1,793 6,845 kWh/Household/mo (1) 158 78 44 79 Note: (1) Mean monthly electricity consumption for households using electricity. 7 Table A1.11. Residential Kerosene and Charcoal Consumption by Major End-Use (percent of total residential consumption in each area) NCR Other Urban Rural Philippines Kerosene Cooking 93.4 46.4 11.4 34.5 Lighting 3.2 35.6 68.7 48.9 Fire starting 0.4 13.7 18.4 14.2 Other 3.0 4.2 1.4 2.4 All uses 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Charcoal Cooking 93.5 79.8 70.9 76.7 Ironing 1.1 16.9 26.4 20.1 Other 5.4 3.3 2.7 3.2 All uses 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 8 Table AI.12. Annual Residential Fuel Consumption by Region, Urban and Rural Areas . Electricity LPG Kerosene Charcoal Fuebwood Crop Residues (Go) ppo nons (COorn- ( rons> ()COO Tons) (W00 Tons) Urban NCR 2.867.36 133.42 83.11 120.93 131.61 18.70 I 59.36 4.07 7.26 18.76 308.61 22.27 II 42.92 3.75 1.07 8.02 114.02 18.16 III 496.94 34.88 15.67 88.37 203.84 24.65 IV 692.26 29.50 31.42 189.17 389.88 33.66 V 76.11 4.92 4.55 67.30 271.84 14.29 VI 142.70 7.04 13.39 165.41 385.S8 137.87 VII 128.52 5.90 11.61 52.68 330.03 23.89 VIII 54.02 3.47 8.91 24.69 216.51 68.98 IX 45.31 1.13 4.64 12.04 127.01 13.88 X 116.79 1.98 10.46 17.79 221.05 36 P' XI 260.36 6.64 18.30 57.23 365.49 XII 49.65 1.32 3.04 12.04 142.33 1.92 CAR 20.27 5.18 1.55 2.82 50.34 2.34 All 5,052.57 243.20 214.98 837.26 3,258.43 432.75 Rural 1 125.07 7.88 14.14 41.75 1,467.86 58.59 II 148.17 9.42 10.98 15.69 992.04 38.07 W 270.12 17.98 27.31 83.19 1,178.59 128.41 IV 318.11 i6.69 35.01 276.85 2,073.03 130.29 V 75.44 3.06 25.92 76.96 1,122.29 121.74 VI 78.61 1.16 32.14 83.80 1,830.05 483.62 VII 83.11 1.02 16.64 32.97 1,221.45 41.25 VIII 34.06 0.77 23.31 25.46 868.26 199.14 IX 86.40 5.48 25.09 48.05 692.26 233.30 X 189.85 3.39 20.29 9.41 1,335.67 157.68 XI 1A5.82 1.03 23.86 12.61 1,050.08 317.89 XnI 222.08 4.04 21.30 9.42 808.99 154.83 CAR 25.68 6.02 5.23 11.53 417.90 72.87 All 1,792.53 77.94 281.20 727.67 15,058.47 2,137.70 Philippines 6,845.10 321.13 496.19 1,564.93 18,316.90 2,570.45 9 ANNEX 2 PHILIPPINES RESIDENTIAL FUEL USE PROJECTIONS Table A2.1. The Philippines: 1989 - 2000 Demographic Projections Area III Size 198908 1995 200* Urban NCR P 8,339,537 9.614,832 10,615,SS1 5.42 HH 1,538,660 1,773.954 1.958,589 O 2.4% 2.0% Non-NCR P 15,332,898 19,401.00' 23.832,130 5.48 HH 2,797,974 3,540,330 4348,929 G 4.0% 4.2% All Urban P 23,672,435 29,015,839 34,447,681 5.46 HH 4,336,634 5,314,284 6,307,518 G 3.4% 3.5% Rural P 36,904,123 39,877,834 42,328,621 5.39 HH 6,846,776 7,398,485 7,853,176 G 1.3% 1.2% Philippines P 60,576,557 68,893,672 76,776,302 5.42 HH 11.183,410 12,712.769 14,160,694 G 2.2% 2.2% Notes: (1) P = population; H/h = Households; G = growth rate. (2) 1989 estimates are revised HECS figures. Assumptions: Projections assume constant mean household size 1989-2000. Urban growth rates extend current urbanization rates through 2000. Sarce: Mission estimates. Table A21. The Philippines: Electrification and Fuel Penetration Projections (% of Households) 1989 1995 2000 NCR Electrification: Electric Utility 83.9% 87.4% 90.4% All Electricity Sources 98.5% 98.5% 98.5% Kerosene Lighting 5.4% 5.1% 4.9% Charcoal Ironing 0.6% 0.6% 0.6% Cooking Fuel: Electricity 21.3% 2.2% 23.0% LPG 59.3% 64.4% 69.1% Kerosene 34.1% 31.4% 29.0% Charcoal 23.1% 21.3% 19.6% Puelwood 7.5% 6.9% 6.4% Crop Residues 0..'% 0.5% 0.4% Other Urban Electrification: Electric Utility 76.0% 79.0% 81.0% All Electricity Sources 83.3% 85.8% 87.5% Kerosene Lighting 51.2% 48.3% 46.3% Charcoal Ironing 22.7% 21.3% 20.3% Cooking Fuel: Electricity 7.4% 7.7% 7.9% LPG 32.8% 42.2% 52.0% Kerosene 20.3% 18.6% 16.8% Charcoal 28.0% 25.7% 23.2% Fuelwood 54.0% 49.5% 44.7% Crop Residues 9.8% 9.0% 8.1% Rural Electrification: Electric Utility 45.1% 51.5% 53.3% All Electricity Sources 49.5% 55.9% 57.6% Kerosene Lighting 81.2% 69.8% 66.3% Charcoal Ironing 23.1% 19.9% 18.9% Cooking Fuel: Electricity 2.4% 2.7% 2.8% LPG 8.9% 12.6% 16.7% Kerosene 6.6% 6.4% 6.2% Charcoal 10.5% 10.2% 9.8% Fuelwood 85.9% - 80.5% Crop Residues 22.4% 21.7% 21.0% 11 Table A2.3. The Philippines: Residential Fuel Consumption Projections 1989 1995 2000 % Increase Thousands Thousands Thousands 1989 - 2000 NCR Electricity (MWh) 2,867.36 3,655.71 4,416.31 54 LPG (Tons) 133.42 167.17 197.81 48 Kerosene (m3) 83.11 88.54 90.61 9 Charcoal (Tons) 120.93 129.04 132.18 9 Fuelwood (Tons) 131.61 139.77 142.43 8 Crop Residues (Tons) 18.70 19.86 20.24 8 Other urban Electricity (MWh) 2,185.21 2,977.80 3,875.03 77 LPG (Tons) 109.78 178.64 270.63 147 Kerosene (m3) 131.87 156.90 181.55 38 Charcoal (Tons) 716.33 836.58 941.67 31 Fuelwood (Tons) 3,126.82 3,625.86 4.028.16 29 Crop Residues (Tons) 414.05 480.13 533.40 29 All urban Elect (MWh) 5,052.57 6,633.50 8,291.33 63 LPG (Tons) 243.20 345.81 468.45 93 Kerosene (m3) 214.98 245.44 272.16 26 Char (Tons) 837.26 965.62 1,073.85 28 Wood (Tons) 3,258.43 3,765.62 4,170.59 28 Crop R (Tons) 432.75 499.99 553.64 28 Rural Electricity (MWh) 1,792.53 2.265.60 2,532.70 41 LPG (Tons) 77.93 118.87 168.17 116 Kerosene (m3) 281.20 271.94 277.90 -1 Charcoal (Toas) 727.67 741.12 757.66 4 Fuowood (Tons) 15,058.47 15,796.22 16,190.79 8 Crop Residues (fons) 2,137.70 2,242.43 2,298.44 3 Philippines Electricity (MWh) 6,845.10 8,899.10 10,824.03 58 LPG (Tons) 321.13 464.68 636.62 98 Kerosene (m3) 496.18 517.38 550.05 11 Charcoal (Tons) 1,564.93 1,706.74 1,831.51 47 Fuelwood (Tons) 18,316.90 19,561.84 20,361.38 11 Crop Residues (Tons) 2,570.44 2,742.41 2,852.08 11 Projections were made separately for households in each major area. Income elasticities of fuel choice were derived for each end use from HECS 1989. These elasticities were used to project fuel choice for each end use assuming annual real income growth of 1.8% for all households. The pure income effect on LPG adoption was increased to extend current adoption trends throughout the projection period. Electrification rates (including informal connections) were projected separately. The mean fuel use of households using each fuel for each end use from HECS 1989 were then applied to these projected adoption rates and household growth in each major area to obtain the total fuel use estimates reposted in this table. 12 ANNEX 3 RESIDENTIAL ELECTRICITY STATISTICS Table A3.: Electrification Estimates Urban Rural Total 1987 Official Figures Potential Connections ('000) 3,923 5,812 9,735 Actual Connections ('000) 2,434 2,857 5,291 Percent Electrified 62% 49% 54% 1989 HECS Estimates Households ('000) 4,336 6,847 11,183 Pormally Connected ('000) 3,416 3,088 6,504 Percent Formally Electrified ('000) 79% 45% 58% Percent Using Electricity 89% 50% 65% Note: 1987 estimates are from OBA, 1989. Potential connections do not include all households. Urban figures are for Meralco and 15 private utilities while rural figures are for NEA coops. HECS percentages include all households and are classified urban or rural by NSO. More households use electricity than are actually fonnally electrified since some households obtain electricity from neighbors, nearby industrial plants, or comercial enterprises. Table A3.2: 1989 Sectoral Electricity Sales (GWh) Residential Commercial Industrial Other Total NPC 4,025 4,025 Meraloo 3,415 3,659 3.890 117 11,081 Rural Electric Cooperatives 2,000 550 50 38 2,638 Private Utilities 1,430 225 250 19 1,924 Self-Generating Industries 983 983 Total 6,845 4,434 9,198 174 20,651 Sector % 33.1% 21.5% 44.5% 0.8% 100% Source: Total sales and sectoral sales for Meralco are from OBA staff. Sectoral breakdowns for rural cooperatives and private utilities are mission estimates. It is assumed that 75% of co-op and private utility sales are to households. 13 Table A3.3. Characteristics of Refrigerators in the Philippines and Other Countries Elecricity Consumpdon Sire Power (klVh/mO) 1) Price 03) (Was) Technical Manfacturer (Pesos) SANYO SR145SF,Single Door 5.0 60 22 Semi-Auto Defrost SR703D, Single Door 6.0 75 27 Semi-Auto Defrost SR803D, Single Door 7.0 100 36 Semi-Auto Defrost NATIONAL NR659DJ, Double Door 6.5 105 38 76 Quick Defrost NR759DJ, Double Door 7.5 120 43 88 7,835 Quick Defrost NR509J, Single Door 4.9 70 25 56 6,075 Auto Defrost NR609J, Single Door 6.0 85 31 6.625 Auto Defrost NR709J, Single Door 7.1 120 43 66 Auto Defrost NR-D30AHS,4 Dr.Import 10.6 160 58 57 KELVINATOR Two Door 7.5 156 56 8,600 Semi-Auto Defrost One Door 7.5 97 35 6,150 Manual Two Door 10.0 156 71 11,750 Auto Defrost WESTINGHOUSE 19.0 104 34,945 BRAZIL (2) Manual Defrost 7.5 - 9.3 34 Average Single Door 9.3-11.1 36 Average SOUTH KOREA (3) Manual Defrost 7.4 20 BEST AVAILABLE U.S. (4) Kenmore 11.0 30 Single dr, man. def Kemnore 13.7 61 Semi-Auto Defrost Figidaire 16.0 64 Auto Defrost (1) Technical estimates based on technology, insulation and operating conditions in the Philippines provided by Jayant Sathaye, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. Manuafacurer's estimates are from published materials. (2) Test data published by CEPEL, Rio de Janeiro reported by Howard Geller in Electricity Conservation in Brazil: Statms Report (prepared for U.S. EPA), August, 1990. (3) Test data published by KEMCO for several Korean manufacturers. (4) ACEEE, The Most Energy Aficient Appliances, 1989-90 Edition. 14 Table A3.4. Characteristics of Air Conditioners in the Philippines and Other Countries Cooling Capacity Input Power Energy Ff9icency ( RAlh) (Wans) Ratio CARRIER WC-120 12.000 1,530 7.8 WC-150 15,000 1,590 9.4 CLINETTE SK115 11,500 1,355 8.5 SK135 13,500 1,500 9.0 SK166 16,600 2,250 7.4 ALEN ENGINEERING AS-1SF 12,000 2,070 5.8 AS-1.5SF 18,000 2,480 7.3 AS-2SF 24,000 3,220 7.5 AS-3SF 36,000 4,930 7.3 SANSIO AWE209BK 8,000 866 9.2 AWE3299K 12,600 1,400 9.0 AWE459BK 18,000 2,045 8.8 AWE639BK 25,200 2,970 8.5 CONDURA SPLIT UNITS SWM 155 15,500 1,525 10.2 SWM 235 23,500 2,750 8.5 NATIONAL CW900FPH 9,000 1,060 8.5 CW 1200PPH 12,000 1,410 8.5 CW 1801VPH 18,000 2,250 8.0 KOREA (1) Small 4,800 530 - 550 8.7-9.0 Medium 6,100 620 - 640 9.9 -9.9 Large 7,600 895 8.5 BEST AVAILABLE U.S. (2) X-small 5,900 -6,500 9.5 -9.8 Small 7,200 - 8,200 9.6-11.0 Medium 9,000- 10,300 11.6- 12.0 Large 11,400 - 12,500 9.5-10.0 X-Large 13,500 - 14,000 10.0 - 10.5 XX-Large 15,000 - 16,400 9.0-9.2 Ultra Larme 18,000 - 19,000 9.3 - 9.5 (1) Test data published by KEMCO for several Korean manufacturers. (2) ACEEE, The Most Energy Effcient Appliances, 1989 - 90 Edition. 15 ANNEX 4 ESTIMATES OF WOODFUEL RESOURCES Table A4.1. The Philippines: 1987 Land Classification Units 000 hectares a) By Broad Land Type b)Dejure Classification Area Area Forest I.=a Forest Land 15,923 Pine 80 Mossy 247 Dipterocarp Closed 2,434 Dipterocarp Open 4,196 Mangrove 145 Extensive Cultivation 11,957 Open in Forest 30 Grassland 1,813 A & D Land 14,158 Mixed Grass, Brush, Including Plantation & other Crops 10,114 Miscellaneous Intensive Cultivation 9.729 Coconut Plantation 1,133 Mixed Coconut/Cropland 3,748 Other Plantation 91 Other Plantation/Cropland 365 Cropland 4,392 Other 1,293 Fishponds 205 Other Land/Lakes 542 Unclassified 546 Total Area 30,081 30,081 Source. World Bank (1989); Philippines Environment and National Resources Management Study. 16 Table A4.2. Price Buld-up for Urban Fuelood and Charcoal Average SeMg Price (Pesoon) Me~-o Mania Cebu Chy Caavn de Oro Tan~an isobella Puclwood Wood Gaderers 140 630 210 260 500 Rural Trds 650 820 630 630 650 Urban Trad~r 930 1,100 930 1,000 NIA Charcoal CharcoalMaker 1,700 1,800 1,600 1,430 1,120 Rurat Tradors 2,700 2,900 2,600 1,640 2,100 Urban Trader 3,350 3.800 4,000 4,000 N/A Source: Fuctwood Supply Studies, NCRD in coujunctio. with ANECs. 17 ANNEX 5 PETROLEUM PRODUCT PRICES Table AS.I. Kerosene: Economic and Financial Price Structure (Manila, 1989) Economic Cost Official Price Structure US$ Pesos Pesos/liter Average 1989 crude price (US$/bbl fob) 16.64 Kerosene price (USS/bbl) 21.14 Freight - 0.82 Wharfage 0.06 BOE fee 0.10 Ocean loss (4%) 0.88 Documentary stamp (0.15%) 0.03 Demurrage (5% of freight) 0.04 Landed cost (US$/bbl) 23.08 3.15 DOCT 0.99 Ad Valorem Tax -0.74 OPSF Impost Landed cost (Pesos/liter) 4.28 3.41 WPP Transport to retailer 0.16 0.06 Hauling charge Dealer's margin 0.25 0.23 Dealer's mark-up 1989 Retail cost (Pesos/liter) 4.69 3.70 1989 Retail Price (Sari-Sari store) May 1990 crude price (USS/bbl fob) 23.40 May 1990 retail cost (Pesos/liter) 6.00 6.50 1990 Retail Price (Sari-Sari store) Notes: Kerosene price - crude price + USS 4.50/bbl. Shadow exchange rate = Pesos 30/USS. 159 Liters per barrel. Conversion 60F to air. = 0.9832. Table A5.2. LPG: Economic and Financial Price Structure (Mania: August,1989) Economic Cost Official Price Structure US$ Pesos Pesos/kg Average 1989 crude price (US$/bbl fob) 16.64 LPG price (USS/ton) 112 Freight 45 Ocean loss 6 Import cost (USS/ton cif) 163 Handling and depot 35 S.60 DOCT 1.77 Ad Valorem Tax -1.78 OPSF impost 5.59 WPP according to "Price Build-Up" 4.99 WPP ex-Refinery 0.09 Transport to Depot Manila Bulk price/ton, ex-depot 198 5933.86 Bulk price/kg, ex-depot 5.93 5.07 WPP Metro Manila Margin for filling-plant 0.66 0.66 Transfer prices C minus WPP Manila Dealer's margin 0.61 0.61 Retail Price IA minus WPP C Transport to retailer 0.09 0.09 Retail Price 1.B minus R.P. I.A Retailer's margin 0.26 0.26 Ultimate R.P. minus R.P. 1.B 1989 retail cost (Pesos/kg) 7.56 6.70 1989 Retail Price (Sari-Sari store) May 1990 crude price (US$/bbl fob) 23.40 May 1990 retail cost (Pesos/kg) 8.92 9.87 1990 Retail Price (Sari-Sari store) Notes: Government Established Price (GEP) for LPG in thermal equivalent of Arab Light: 82.5%. Million BTUs I barrel of Saudi Light: 5.78. Million BTUs / ton of LPG: 47.07. LPG tons / cubic meter: 0.51. Shadow exchange rate Pesos/US$: 30. 1988 distribution mark-ups adjusted for inflation: 15%. 19 PHILIPPINB HOUSEHOLD ENERGY CONSUMPION SURVEY 1. This document presents an overview of current residential energy consumption patterns in the Philippines based on the 1989 Philippine Household Energy Consumption Survey (HECS). It includes the survey forms, manuals for enumerators, and a full set of summary tables. The HECS survey was commissioned as a joint undertaking of the National Statistics Office (NSQ) and the Office of Energy Affairs (OEA). Data analysis and major findings are briefly reviewed in this overview which is followed by HECS summary tables. Details of the sample design and enumeration procedures can be found in the NSO manuals included after the summary tables. Sampe rame 2. The HECS sample included 5082 households, roughly half urban and half rural, comprisi-q one panel of the NSO Integrated Survey of Households sample frame. As such, the HECS sample frame adopted NkO*s two-stage cluster sampling design that treats urban and rural areas of each province as principal domains, draws barangays within each domain in the first stage, and households within each selected barangay in the second stage. On average, each urban household in the sample represents about 1600 actual urban households while each rural household surveyed represents approximately 2400 rural households. NSO provided exact weights (raising factors) for each sample barangay to reflect 1989 demographics as projected from 1980 census figures. The study team revised these weights in light of the more accurate distribution of urban and rural households contained in preliminary figures from the 1990 census that were made available during the main mission. All summary tables have been weighted to reflect the number and distribution of households in 1990 and have been discounted to 1989 by 2% to allow for growth in household formation. Surve Instrument and Survey Execution 3. The HECS questionnaire was designed in two parts. The main section, enumerated to the household head or other family member chiefly responsible for fuel purchasing and use, collected information on choice of fuel, source of fuel, mode of acquisition, stove and appliance ownership, and fuel consumption for different end uses. A supplementary survey form was filled out at the barangay level to determine access, availability, and prices of fuels in the market. The field survey team was composed of NSO field personnel, namely: Regional and Provincial Census Officers, Statisticians who supervised survey teams, and Census Field Workers who were principally responsible for collecting data from the respondent households. 4. The enumerators were instructed to validate reported household consumption by refering to electricity bills, directly measuring the weight of woodfuels the household reported using daily, and verifying the size and nameplate wattages of major appliances. Separate manuals of instructions were developed for enumerators and data processing staff to guide field data collection and data entry of completed questionnaires. The survey questionnaire and these manuals are included at the end of this document. Data Validation 5. To ensure that the data set was suitable for statistical analysis, it was first subjected to a number of data validation procedures that were designed to identify inconsistencies, keypunching errors, -In HECS Swnmnay Tables page 2 miscoded entries, and otherwise unreasonable responses. This was followed by a set of screens through which households that had missing, Incomplete or inconsistent data for key variables were eliminated from the analysis. A household was omitted from the analysis if they: 1) said they used a fuel but reported no quantity figures; 2) did not cook; 3) did not light; or 4) did not report income. 6. Out of the 5082 households in the original sample, 610 households (about 12% of the sample) were excluded from the analysis as a result of this cleaning procedure. Raising factors were revised to compensate for households excluded from the original sample. The distribution of the 4472 sample households used in the analysis along with the 11 million households they represent are shown in Table 1. A detailed regional breakdown of the original sample, the cleaned sample, and the raising factors used to weight the cleaned sample to represent the 1989 national distribution of households are presented in the summary tables. Table 1: Number of Sample Howhold and 1989 Demographics Origdnal Resed Swre Estbated Total Fsdimared Popedation Sample Hoareholds HoAeholds Populadton Percent Households (WOr) NCR 776 682 1,538,660 7,780 13.1% Other Urban 1,730 1,588 2,797,974 15,255 25.6% Rural 2,576 2,202 6,846,776 36,515 61.3% Philinines 5.081 4.472 11.183.410 59.550 100.0% Note: Total households and population estimates are from 1990 Census (preliminary) discounted by 2%. Modification of HECS Demand Estimates to Fit Known Supply Figures 7. After the data was cleaned and weighted to represent the 1989 household distribution, national fuel consumption estimates were compared to known supply figures as a check on consistency of the HECS results. In addition, per capita woodfuel use by households that use fuelwood or charcoal as a primary cooking fuel were checked for consistency by comparing HECS estimates with similar estimates from other asian countries with moist tropical climates. Electr#caton Rates and Total Residential Electricity Sales 8. As of 1987, 5.29 million households nationwide were connected to electricity mains. An estimated breakdown of rural and urban electrified households is shown in Table 2. According to OEA's Medium Term Energy Plan, MERALCO planned to connect an additional 155,000 households in 1988 and 1989 and NEA cooperatives had targeted 175,000 new household connections, thereby bringing estimated total 1989 connections to 5.63 million. HECS data indicate that 6.5 million households were formally electrified in 1989, roughly 870,000 or 15% more than were projected. This indicates that within the average sample barangay, the HECS sample may have selected a higher share of electrified households than actual barangay electrification rates. Moreover, HECS results show that about 10% of urban households and 5% of rural households actually use HECS Swnmary Tables page 3 electricity without a direct grid connection, purchasing electricity instead from neighbors. Another possible explanation for the apparent oversampling of electrified households is that a substantial share of HECS households that reported direct connections may actually be informally connected. Since urban households tend to be configured in more dense configurations than rural householes, urban households may have more opportunity for informal connections. Under this interpretation, the apparent dramatic rise in formally electrified urban households between 1987 and 1989 (Fable 2) could be seen as an illusion. Table 2 Eletrification EItimsas Urban Rral Total 1987 Official Figures Potential Connections ('000) 3,923 5,812 9,735 Actual Connections ('000) 2,434 2,857 5,291 Percent Electified 62% 49% 54% 1989 HECS Estimates Households ('000) 4,336 6,847 11,183 Formally Connected ('000) 3,416 3,088 6,504 Percent Formally Electrified ('000) 79% 45% 58% Percent Usin& Electricity 89% 50% 65% Note: 1987 estimates are from OEA, 1989. Potential connections do not include all households. Urban figures are for Meralco and 15 private utilities while rural figures are for NEA coops. HECS percentages include all households and are classified urban or rural by NSO. More households use electricity than are actually formally electrified since some households obtain electricity from neighbors, nearby industrial plants, or comercial enterprises. 9. If electrified households were not oversampled, the HECS estimate of total residential electricity use should be consistent with residential sector electricity sales daa for 1989. A sectoral breakdown of 1989 electricity sales is shown in Table 3. Total residential sales of 6,845 GWh are estimated from all HECS households that use electricity, regardless of connection status. Sectoral breakdowns were not available for REA co-ops and private utilities. Sectoral sales for co-ops and private utilities in Table 3 follow from the observation that they serve mainly households. As such, it appears that the HECS estimate of total resitantial electricity use is broadly consistent with residential electricity sales data. The disagreement between official electrification rates and those derived from the HECS sample may largely be due to informal connections. HECS Swnmary Tables page 4 Thble 3: 1989 Sectoral Blekriciy Sales (GWh) Residential Camercial Industrial Other Total NPC 4,025 4,025 Meraloo 3,415 3,659 3,890 117 11,081 Rural Electric Cooperatives 2,000 550 so 38 2,638 Private Utilities 1,430 225 250 19 1,924 SelfO-Generating Industries 983 983 Total 6,845 4,434 9,198 174 20,651 Sftor % 33.1% 21,5s 44sM 0.8% loML Source: Total sales and setoral sales for Meralco are from OEA staff. Sectoral breakdowns for rural cooperatives and private utilities are mission estimates. It is assumed that 75% of co-op and private utility sales are to households. Petrolewn Producs Supply and Per Capita Woodfiels Use 10. Kerosene is mainly a household fuel used for cooking and lighting. It is commonly resold to consumers by peddlers and sara-sari shops in second-hand bottles and cans. After enumerators asked households how often these purchases were made and in what kinds of bottles, the local units were converted into volumetric equivalents that were recorded and entered into the data set. On the basis of this data, the HECS estimate of total kerosene use in households for 1989 was well above national kerosene supply figures. This overestimate was attributed to measurement error arising from the non-standard units in which most kerosene is sold. Consequently, the HECS estimate of kerosene use in each household was reduced by a uniform factor of 0.69 to bring estimates of total demand in line with total supply. 11. LPG is used mainly as a cooking fuel in the residential and commercial sectors. Since HECS estimates of LPG use in each household were derived from reported purchases of LPG which is sold in well-defined units, measurement error is far less than in the case of kerosene. Consequently, HECS estimates of LPG use in each household were not adjusted. Total residential LPG use according to IECS results were below national sales figures for 1989, the remainder being consumed in the commercial sector and industrial sectors. . 12. The HECS survey reported unusually low levels of per capita biofuel consumption by households relying on fuelwood as their primary cooking fuel. A summary of detailed studies of biofuel use by rural households in other asian countries with moist tropical climates shows average annual biofuel use of 0.3 - 0.9 m' of wood equivalent in agricultural regions, 0.9 - 1.35 m of wood equivalent in zones with shifting agriculture, and 1.25 - 1.8 m of wood equivalent in mountain regions.' HECS data showed that rural households cooking with fuelwood in the Philippines . consumed, on average, only 0.35 m! of wood equivalent per capita in 1989. An attempt was made to ESMAP, 1988, Household Bnergy Handbook, Table 2, page 88. 23 IECS Swnmary Tables page 5 validate these low reported usage rates during a follow-up mission in March/April 1991. Spot surveys and measurements of daily fuelwood use were administered to rural households in four regions. Daily fuelwood usage rates in these households were roughly double those reported by HECS and were well within the ranges reported above for rural households in agricultural and shifting agricultural zones. Again, the chief causes for this discrepancy were probably measurement error and difficulties converting weekly usage volumes into kg equivalents. Enumerators asked households to estimate their weekly fuelwood consumption when estimates of daily use or estimates of amounts purchased and collected may have yielded more accurate figures. After reviewing regional HECS estimates of per capita biofuels usage in urban and rural households, estimates of biofuels use in each household were increased by the factors shown in Table 4 to bring per capita usage rates more in line with spot survey results. 7bble 4: Fol Use Ajustmet actrs for Philippinea Nousehold Energy Consumption Survey Electriciy LPG Kerosene Charcoal (1) Fuetwood Crop Residues Utban 1 1 0.69 2.5 1.8 1.4 Rural 1 1 0.69 2.0 2.0 1.8 (1) Charcoal use by rural households was doubled, except in tgios I, III, and VII. Charcoal adjustment factors for rural households in these regions were 1.3 (I), 2.4 (Ill), and 6.4 (VII). 13. Household fuel use data from the cleaned HECS data set were adjusted by the factors presented in Table 4. Resulting estimates are consistent with aggregate supply data for 1989 and with per capita woodfuels usage rates as determined by follow-up field studies. These modified HECS results form the basis of all summary tables presented below. HECS Sunary Tables pag i HECS Summary Tables Distribution of HECS Sgle Households Urban/Rural TOTAL URBAN RURAL Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Region NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION 776 15.3% 0 .0% 776 15.3% REGION I (ILOCOS) 90 1.82 196 3.9% 286 5.6% REGION II (CAGAYAN VALLEY) 63 1.2% 133 2.6% 196 3.9% REGION III (CENTRAL LUZON) 254 5.0% 245 4.8% 499 9.8% REGION IV (SOUTHERN LUZON) 349 6.9% 357 7.0% 706 13.9% REGION V (BICOL) 93 1.8% 219 4.3% 312 6.1% REGION VI (WESTERN VISAYAS) 153 3.02 259 5.1% 412 8.1% REGION VII (CENTRAL VISAYAS) 159 3.1% 222 4.4% 381 7.5% REGION VIII (EASTERN VISAYAS) 87 1.7% 170 3.3% 257 5.1% REGION IX (WESTERN MINDANAO) 57 1.1% 161 3.2% 218 4.3% REGION X (NORTHERN NINDANAO) 112 2.2% 192 3.82 304 6.0% REGION XI (SOUTHERN MINDANAO) 150 3.0% 186 3.7% 336 6.6% REGION XII (CENTRAL MINDANAO) 79 1.62 170 3.3% 249 4.9% CAR (CORDILLERA ADNINISTR. REGION) 84 1.72 66 1.3% 150 3.0% TOTAL 2506 49.3% 2576 50.7% 5082 100.0% Distribution of HECS Sample Households After Cleaning Urban/Rural TOTAL URBAN RURAL Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Region NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION 682 15.3% 0 .0% 682 15.3% REGION I (ILOCOS) 87 1.9% 187 4.2% 274 6.1% REGION II (CAGAYAN VALLEY) 57 1.3% 106 2.4% 163 3.6% REGION III (CENTRAL LUZON) 238 5.3% 223 5.0% 461 10.3% REGION IV (SOUTHERN LUZON) 308 6.9% 294 6.6% 602 13.5% REGION V (BICOL) 89 2.01 190 4.2% 279 6.2% REGION VI (WESTERN VISAYAS) 144 3.2% 213 4.8% 357 8.0% REGION VII (CENTRAL VISAYAS) 155 3.5% 204 4.6% 359 8.0% REGION VIII (EASTERN VISAYAS) 82 1.8% 128 2.9% 210 4.7% REGION IX (UESTERN MINDANAO) 50 1.1% 132 3.0% 182 4.1% REGION X (NORTHERN MINDANAO) 101 2.3% 174 3.9% 275 6.1% REGION XI (SOUTHERN NINDANAO) 141 3.2% 150 3.4% 291 6.5% REGION XII (CENTRAL NINDANAO) 66 1.5% 157 3.5% 223 5.0% CAR (CORDILLERA ADMINISTR. REGION) 70 1.6% 44 1.0% 114 2.5% TOTAL 2270 5P.8% 2202 49.2% 4472 100.0% HECS Swmnay Tables page 7 HECS Sample Households Weighted by Original *SO Raising Factors for 1989 (based on 1980 census projections) Urban/Rural TOTAL URBAN RURAL Number Percent Number Percent Nulmber Percent Region NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION 1464359 13.5% 0 .0% 1464359 13.5% REGION I (ILOCOS) 14441 1.31 489854 4.5% 633295 5.8% REGION II (CAGAYAN VALLEY) 64 4 .6% 376675 3.5% 440790 4.1% REGION III (CENTRAL LUZON) 41695 4.1% 614168 5.7% 1055863 9.7% REGION IV (SOUTHERN LUZON) 553419 5.1% 895611 8.2% 1449029 13.3% REGION V (BICOL) 158252 1.5% 592100 5.5% 750351 6.9% REGION VI (WESTERN VISAYAS) 268257 2.5% 703961 6.5% 972219 9.0% REGION VII (CENTRAL VISAYAS) 268714 2.5% 572600 5.3% 841314 7.7% REGION VIII (EASTERN VISAYAS) 146843 1.4% 470378 4.3% 617221 5.7% REGION IX (WESTERN NINDANAO) 94642 .9% 453379 4.2% 548022 5.0% REGION X (NORTHERN NINDANAO) 159646 1.5% 458761 4.2% 618407 5.7% REGION XI (SOUTHERN MINDANAO) 270629 2.5% 478458 4.4% 749087 6.9% REGION XII (CENTRAL MINDANAO) 82721 .8% 419538 3.9% 502259 4.6% CAR (CORDILLERA ADMINISTR. REGION) 51258 .5% 165842 1.5% 217100 2.01 TOTAL 4167991 38.4% 6691325 61.6% 10859316 100.0% HECS Sample Households Weighted by Updated NSO Raising Factors for 1989 (based on 1990 census distribution and adjusted for etiminated cases) (basis for summary tables) Urban/Rural TOTAL URBAN RURAL Number Percent Nmber Percent Number Percent Region NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION 1538660 13.81 0 .0% 1538660 13.8% REGION I (ILOCOS) 146494 1.31 500278 4.5% 646772 5.81 REGION II (CAGAYAN VALLEY) 63590 .6% 373594 3.3% 437184 3.9% REGION III (CENTRAL LUZON) 477119 4.3% 663424 5.9% 1140543 10.2% REGION IV (SOUTHERN LUZON) 592368 5.3% 958644 8.6% 1551012 13.9% REGIGN V (BICOL) 146079 1.3% 546555 4.9% 692634 6.2% REGION VI (WESTERN VISAYAS) 266063 2.4% 698203 6.2% 964266 8.6% REGION VII (CENTRAL VISAYAS) 274432 2.5% 584785 5.2% 859217 7.7% REGION VIII (EASTERN VISAYAS) 136990 1.2% 438816 3.9% 575805 5.1% REGION IX (WESTERN MINDANAO) 97586 .9% 467480 4.2% 565065 5.1% REGION X (NORTHERN MINDANAO) 161476 1.4% 464018 4.1% 625494 5.6% REGION XI (SOUTHERN MINDANAO) 292334 2.6% 516830 4.6% 809164 7.2% REGION XII (CENTRAL MINDANAO) 92604 .8% 469664 4.2% 562269 5.3' CAR (CORDILLERA ADNINISTR. REGION) 50839 .5% 164485 1.5% 215324 1.91 TOTAL 4336634 38.81 6846776 61.2% 11183410 100.0% 26 lECS Swnmwy Tables page 8 Socio-economic Prof I to Average Household Size and Income By Incame Quintile NCR Al Inces Quinti to 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Household Size 4.77 5.09 5.44 5.82 6.03 5.42 Income (Pesos/mo) 1383.35 268.74 3717.87 5271.82 14314.37 5451.23 No. of Households 301093 345965 284465 298655 308483 1538660 PERCENT 19.6% 22.5% 18.5% 19.4% 20.0% 100.0% Other Urban All Income Quintite 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Household Size 4.65 5.26 5.52 5.75 6.19 5.48 Income (Pesos/mo) 861.36 1677.81 2586.32 4012.84 19986.78 5795.63 No. of Households 554684 564454 559372 565296 554167 2797974 PERCENT 19.8% 20.2% 20.0% 20.2% 19.81 100.0% Rural Alt Income Guintile 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Household Size 4.42 5.19 5.60 5.74 5.98 5.39 Income (Pesos/mo) 563.00 1115.15 1681.79 2607.70 10100.52 3199.63 No. of Households 1343986 1372117 1476394 1290865 1363414 6846776 PERCENT 19.61 20.01 21.61 18.9% 19.9% 100.0% Philippines All Income Quintile 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Household size 4.49 5.39 5.50 5.69 6.02 5.42 Income (Pesos/mo) 680.39 1335.11 2068.49 3327.89 13310.35 4158.91 No. of Households 2280373 2162171 2264442 2223327 2253098 11183410 20.4% 19.3% 20.21 19.9% 20.1% 100.0% 27 HECS Swmnay Tables page 9 Fuel Penetration Percent of Households Using Each Fuel Electricity LPG Kerosene Charcoal FueLwood Crop Residues NCR 98.5% 59.4% 36.7% 23.4% 7.5% 1.82 Other Urban 83.3% 32.8% 68.0% 42.8% 54.0% 26.1% All Urban 88.7% 42.2% 56.9% 35.9% 37.5% 17.5% Rural 49.5% 9.02 85.7% 29.6% 85.9% 64.7% Philippines 64.7% 21.9% 74.5% 32.1% 67.12 46.4% Percent of Households Using Each Fuel for Cooking Electricity LPG Kerosene Charcoal Fuetwood Crop Residues NCR 21.3% 59.32 34.1% 23.1% 7.5% .4% Other Urban 7.5% 32.8% 20.3% 27.9% 54.1% 9.1% All Urban 12.4% 42.2% 25.2% 26.2% 37.6% 6.0% Rural 2.4% 8.9% 6.6% 10.5% 85.9% 18.7% Phi t fppines 6.3% 21.82 13.8% 16.6% 67.2% 13.8% Percent of Households Using Each Fuel as Primary Cooking Fuel Electricity LPG Kerosene Charcoal FueLwood Crop Residues NCR 7.9% 55.4% 29.3% 3.8% 3.5% .1% Other Urban 2.4% 29.0% 14.22 10.4% 40.4% 3.5% All Urban 4.4% 38.4% 19.62 8.1% 27.3% 2.3% Rural 1.0% 7.4% 3.8% 4.0% 77.9% 6.0% Philippines 2.3% 19.4% 9.9% 5.6% 58.3% 4.6% liECS Saonary Tables page 10 Fuel Prices Average Purchase Prices for Households Purchasing Each Fuel NCR Other Urban All Urban Rural Philippines Electricity (Pesos/kWh) Median 1.20 1.70 1.36 .91 1.65 Mean 1.24 1.65 1.49 1.85 1.66 Standard Deviation .38 .56 .54 .57 .58 LPG (Pesos/kg) Median 6.82 7.45 7.00 7.73 7.09 Mean 6.87 7.62 7.24 7.66 7.35 Standard Deviation .54 .92 .84 1.05 .92 Kerosene (Pesos/titer) Nedian 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 Mean 5.49 5.68 5.64 6.00 5.89 Standard Deviation 1.30 1.90 1.88 2.07 2.02 Charcoal (Pesos/kg) Median 3.75 3.50 3.60 3.33 3.50 Mean 4.24 4.14 4.16 4.31 4.23 Standard Deviation 2.53 2.78 2.72 3.08 2.88 Fuetwood (Pesos/kg) Nedian 4.20 1.30 1.33 1.00 1.20 Mean 4.33 2.13 2.23 1.56 1.85 Standard Deviation 2.61 2.01 2.09 1.46 1.80 Mote: Of HECS saple households using fuetwood, only 65% in urban areas outside of the Nationat Capitol Region and 20% in rural areas purchased their fuetwood. 7Q RECS Swnmay Tables page 11 Fuel Use: ALL fuel use figures were modified by the factors presented below to rectify NECS demand estimates with overall supply figures and reasonable per capita usage rates. Fuel Use Adjustment Factors for Philippines Household Energy Consuption Survey Electricity LPG Kerosene Charcoal Fuetwood Crop Residues Urban 1 1 0.69 2.5 1.8 1.4 Rural 1 1 0.69 2.0 2.0 1.8 Charcoal use by rural households was doubled, except in regions I, III, and VII. Charcoal adjustment factors for rural households in these regions: Region 1: 1.3 Region III: 2.4 Region VII: 6.4. Annual Total Residential Fuel Consiption Electricity LPG Kerosene Charcoal Fuetwood Crop Res. (GUh) (000 Tons) (000 a3) (000 Tons) (000 Tons) (000 Tons) Sun Sum Su Sun Sum Sue NCR 2867.36 133.42 83.11 120.93 131.61 18.70 Other Urban 2185.21 109.78 131.87 716.33 3126.82 414.05 All Urban 5052.57 243.20 214.98 837.26 3258.43 432.75 Rural 1792.53 77.93 281.20 727.67 15058.47 2137.70 Philippines 6845.10 321.13 496.19 1564.93 18316.90 2570.45 30 HECS Sanomary Tables page 12 Annual Per Capita Residential Fuel Consumption Electricity LPG Kerosene Charcoal Fuetwood Crop Residues * *kMhcap/yr) (kg/cap/yr) (tt/cap/yr) (kg/captyr) (kg/cap/yr) (kg/cap/yr) Nean Nean Nean Nean Mean Nean NCR 384.03 17.98 10.73 15.00 15.30 1.84 Other Urban 167.66 8.46 10.30 55.12 220.52 26.06 Alt Urban 244.43 11.84 10.45 40.89 147.71 17.47 Rural 52.45 2.29 9.44 23.03 466.26 64.69 PhitIppines 126.90 5.99 9.83 29.95 342.73 46.38 Annual Per Capita Residential Fuel Consumption for Fust Users Only Electricity LPG Kerosene Charcoal Fuetwood Crop Residues (kMhcapyr) (kg/cap/yr) (It/cap/yr) (kg/cap/yr) (kg/cap/yr) (kg/cap/yr) Neon Nean Nean Nean Nean Nean NCR 389.99 30.29 29.20 64.15 205.18 364.17 Other Urban 201.16 25.82 15.15 128.92 408.22 250.96 Alt Urban 275.53 28.05 18.36 113.94 393.90 253.91 Rural 105.91 25.41 11.01 77.70 542.79 265.72 Philippines 196.06 27.39 13.19 93.43 510.54 263.93 Monthly Residential Fuel Consumption Electricity LPG Kerosene Charcoal Fuetuood Crop Residues (kWhlhh/m) (kg/hh/mo) (tt/hh/mo) (kg/hh/mo) (kg/hh/mo) (kg/hh/mo) NeOn Nen Mean Nean Mean Neon NCR 155.30 7.23 4.50 6.55 7.13 1.01 Other Urban 65.08 3.27 3.93 21.33 93.13 12.33 At Urban 97.09 4.67 4.13 16.09 62.61 8.32 Rural 21.82 .95 3.42 8.86 183.28 26.02 Philippines 51.01 2.39 3.70 11.66 136.49 19.15 Monthly Residential Fuel Consumption for Fuel Users Only Electricity LPG Kerosene Charcoal Fuetuood Crop Residues (kuh/hhles) (kg/hhla) (tt/hh/o) (kg/hh/=o) (kg/hh/mo) (kg/hhlam) Mean Neon Mean Mean Mean Mean NCR 157.71 12.17 12.25 28.00 95.60 200.36 Other Urban 78.09 9.98 5.77 49.90 172.39 118.77 Alt Urban 109.44 11.07 7.26 44.83 166.98 120.90 Rural 44.05 10.55 3.99 29.88 213.36 106.87 Philippines 78.81 10.94 4.96 36.37 203.31 109.00 HECS Swmnary Tables page 13 Fuet Penetration by Income Percent of Households Using Each Fuet by Income Electricity LPS Kerosene Charcoat FuetWood Crop Residues 1st Quinti e 93.6% 36.0% 50.6% 25.8% 12.5% .0% 2nd Guintite 99.4% 52.5% 45.3% 21.2% 7.4% .0% 3rd Guintite 100.0% $5.9% 38.9% 23.3% 4.7% 3.6% 4th Quintite 99.3% 73.3% 30.8% 26.0% 5.8% .6% 5th Quintite 100.0% 79.5% 17.2% 20.9% 6.7% 5.3% Att 98.5% 59.4% 36.7% 23.4% 7.5% 1.8% Other Urban 1st Quintite 60.4% 6.3% 82.7% 3S.1% 69.7% 36.5% 2nd Gutntite 77.5% 16.6. 76.0% 43.9% 61.3% 18.7% 3rd Quinti to 88.7% 27.9% 64.8% 43.7% 51.6% 40.3% 4th Guintite 92.3% 51.6% 61.0% 40.5% 43.1% 17.0% 5th Quintfle 97.8% 61.4% 55.6% 47.6% 44.5% 18.0% Att 83.3% 32.82 68.0% 42.8X 54.0% 26.1% Rurat 1st Qufnt to 22.3% .5% 93.8X 21.6% 93.5% 87.2% 2nd Quintile 35.9% 2.3% 92.3% 30.12 89.2% 83.8% 3rd Quintite 47.6% 2.6% 87.3% 32.4% 91.0% 50.2% 4th Guintite 67.1% 11.6% 83.2% 34.7% 82.7% 53.42 5th Quintite 75.6% 28.6% 71.6% 29.3% 72.5% 49.6% Att 49.5% 9.0% 85.7% 29.6% 85.9% 64.7% Phitippines 1st Quintile 33.6% 3.1% 88.82 23.5% 85.0% 83.2% 2nd Quintile 46.1% 5.2% 87.6% 35.2% 82.6 45.3% 3rd Guintile 70.8% 15.9% 77.2% 33.9% 70.6% 41.3% 4th ouintite 84.6% 31.6% 67.5% 34.92 52.4% 37.4% 5th Gufntite 88.5% 53.2% 51.9% 33.1% 45.2% 24.1% Att 64.7% 21.9% 74.5% 32.1% 67.1% 46.42 HECS Swnmary Tables page 14 Percent of Households Using Each Fuel for Cooking by Income Electricity LPG Kerosene Charcoal Fuetwood Crop Residues NCR let Quintile 7.4% 36.0% 46.9% 25.1% 12.5% .0% 2nd Quintile 14.4% 52.5% 44.7% 21.2% 7.4% .0% 3rd Quintile 22.8% 55.2% 37.5% 23.3% 4.7% .9% 4th Quintile 25.3% 73.3% 28.7% 25.3% 5.8% .2% 5th Quintile 37.4% 79.5% 11.8% 20.9% 6.7% 1.3% All 21.3% 59.3% 34.1% 23.1% 7.5% .4% Other Urban let Quintile 2.1% 6.3% 17.5% 21.12 69.7% 10.7% 2nd Quintile 3.82 16.6% 21.3% 27.4% 61.7% 10.5% 3rd Quintile 4.7% 27.9% 21.2% 26.4% 51.6% 12.3% 4th Quintile 9.3% 51.6% 24.1% 28.9% 43.1% 7.1% 5th Quintile 17.5% 61.4% 17.5% 35.8% 44.5% 4.8% All 7.5% 32.8% 20.3% 27.9% 54.1% 9.1% Rural 1st Quintile .0% .5% 1.3% 6.0% 93.5% 18.6% 2nd Quintile .6% 2.3% 3.0% 9.5% 89.2% 23.5% 3rd Quintile .7% 2.6% 5.3% 9.4% 91.0% 19.4% 4th Quintile 3.3% 11.1% 11.8% 13.6% 82.9% 19.3% 5th Quintile 7.7% 28.6% 11.9% 13.8% 72.5% 12.7% All 2.4% 8.92 6.6% 10.5% 85.9% 18.7% Philippines 1st Quintile .7% 3.1% 6.0% 9.4% 85.0% 18.8% 2nd Quintile 1.7% 5.2% 8.62 14.1% 82.6% 17.3% 3rd Quintile 3.3% 15.6% 16.3% 16.1% 70.9% 14.4% 4th Quintile 7.7% 31.5% 22.82 21.0% 52.4% 12.1% 5th Quintile 18.02 53.2% 15.4% 22.3% 45.2% 6.3% ALL 6.3% 21.8% 13.8% 16.6% 67.2% 13.8% HECS Swmary Tables page 15 Percent of Households Using Each Fuel as Primary Cooking Fuel by Income Electricity LPG Kerosene Charcoal Fuetwood Crop Residues NCR 1st Quintile 4.2% 34.4% 44.5% 10.1% 6.8% .0% 2nd Quintile 4.5% 48.6% 40.8% 3.0% 3.1% .01 3rd Quintile 9.6% 51.4% 33.9% 3.5% .9% .8% 4th Quintile 9.2% 67.7% 17.1% 1.7% 4.2% .0% 5th Quintile 12.71 75.2% 8.9% .71 2.6% .0% Alt 7.9% 55.4% 29.3% 3.81 3.5% .1% Other Urban 1st Quintile .0% 5.9% 11.9% 11.2% 64.4% 6.5% 2nd Gufntile .3% 14.4% 17.8% 15.91 47.3% 4.3% 3rd Quintile 3.0% 25.6% 16.3% 10.5% 40.3% 4.2% 4th Quintile 3.7% 47.81 14.5% 6.95 24.9% 2.21 5th Quintile 5.1% 51.4% 10.6% 7.6% 25.0% .4% Alt 2.4% 29.0% 14.2% 10.4% 40.4% 3.5% Rural 1st Guintile .0% .5% .7% 2.7% 89.1% 7.0% 2nd Quintile .4% 2.3% 1.7Z 4.0% 83.3% 8.2% 3rd Guintile .6% 2.0% 3.0% 2.7% 86.6% 5.1% 4th Quintile 1.0% 8.8% 7.1% 6.6% 72.6% 4.0% 5th Quintile 3.11 23.7% 6.7% 4.2% 56.7% 5.41 All 1.0% 7.4% 3.81 4.0% 77.9% 6.0% Philippines let Quintile .3% 3.0% 4.5% 4.5% 80.1% 7.5% 2nd Quintile .6% 4.7% 6.8% 6.1% 76.1% 5.8% 3rd Quinti e 1.4% 13.4% 12.3% 5.9% 63.0% 3.9% 4th Quintile 3.11 28.6% 17.2% 7.7% 39.8% 3.5% 5th Quintile 6.1% 47.01 8.7% 3.7% 32.51 2.1% Alt 2.31 19.4% 9.91 5.61 58.31 4.61 *4 4 IECS Swnmary Tables page 16 Fuel Use by Income Annual Total Residential Fuel Consumption by Income Electricity LPG Kerosene Charcoal Fuetwood Crop Res. (GUh) (000 Tons) (000 m3) (000 Tons) (000 Tons) (000 Tons) Sum Sun Sun SUn Sun Su NCR lb. Quintile 268.48 16.18 19.22 47.87 33.35 .00 2nd Quintile 472.48 23.80 22.16 24.32 29.36 .00 3rd Quintile 495.89 21.52 22.72 21.26 23.94 4.13 4th Quintile 616.89 31.86 13.14 15.91 14.24 1.51 5th Quintile 1013.61 40.06 5.87 11.56 30.72 13.06 All 2867.36 133.42 83.11 120.93 131.61 18.70 other Urban let Quintile 126.57 4.54 28.10 73.93 727.21 95.24 2nd Quintile 227.45 9.86 26.74 176.27 647.10 58.50 3rd Quintile 400.70 17.19 27.63 125.35 591.21 148.15 4th Quintile 596.51 34.15 25.59 113.16 517.37 57.87 5th Quintile 833.97 44.04 23.81 227.62 643.92 54.29 Alt 2185.21 109.78 131.87 716.33 3126.82 414.05 Rural 1st Quintile 60.04 .43 51.36 66.79 2675.83 440.53 2nd Quintile 114.76 2.90 49.78 126.21 3212.22 541.21 3rd Quintile 383.48 5.60 62.51 179.89 3437.10 380.25 4th Quintile 378.66 16.77 56.12 173.12 3025.88 402.17 5th Quintile 855.59 52.24 61.44 181.65 2707.45 373.54 All 1792.53 77.93 281.20 727.67 15058.47 2137.70 Philippines 1st Quintile 258.61 8.60 93.99 157.53 4316.98 768.72 2nd Quintile 388.88 13.24 87.13 324.16 4388.20 491.71 3rd Quintile 1141.90 41.58 111.76 318.90 3947.59 522.84 4th QuintiLe 1709.01 91.18 116.08 375.78 2929.09 505.34 5th Quintile 3346.70 166.54 87.21 388.56 2735.03 281.83 All 6845.10 321.13 496.19 1564.93 18316.90 2570.45 HECS Summmy Tables page 17 Annual Per Capita Residential Fuel Consuption by Incole Electricity LPG Kerosene Charcoal Fuetwood Crop (klh/cap/yr) (ks/caplyr) (tt/cap/yr) (kg/cap/yr) (kg/cap/yr) Residues (kg/cap/yr) Nean Mean Mean Neon Mean Mean NCR 1st Quintile 217.78 13.44 14.36 34.68 25.69 .00 2nd Quintilo 307.30 15.20 13.12 13.08 18.31 .00 3rd Quintile 393.34 17.31 15.65 12.21 9.32 3.63 4th Quintile 395.79 20.21 7.27 9.30 6.34 .56 Sth Quintile 612.36 24.02 3.30 6.05 15.97 5.29 All 384.03 17.98 10.73 15.00 15.30 1.84 Other Urban let Quintile 69.86 2.71 12.96 38.98 303.23 36.52 2nd Quintile 90.34 4.53 9.58 74.56 218.83 18.66 3rd Quintile 162.56 6.92 12.21 42.09 217.07 40.30 4th Quintile 225.32 12.84 8.94 36.95 160.09 16.96 5th Quintitle 290.66 15.28 7.82 83.18 204.59 18.01 All 167.66 8.46 10.30 55.12 220.52 26.06 Rural let Quintile 16.34 .32 10.87 14.56 538.60 87.21 2nd Quintile 18.71 .46 8.57 20.58 503.69 83.83 3rd Quintile 48.92 .70 8.99 22.29 470.69 50.25 4th Quintile 66.60 2.89 8.90 30.18 44S.25 53.37 5th Quintile 112.44 7.20 9.89 27.87 372.38 49.60 All 52.45 2.29 9.44 23.03 466.26 64.69 Philippines 1st Quintil 36.45 1.39 10.99 19.69 485.10 83.23 2nd Quintile 42.81 1.60 8.99 31.18 414.78 45.33 3rd Quintite 107.65 4.02 10.86 30.65 345.15 41.28 4th Quinti te 167.05 8.97 10.76 34.83 240.37 37.41 5th Quintile 278.85 13.89 7.52 33.65 228.10 24.06 Alt 126.90 5.99 9.83 29.95 342.73 46.38 IECS Sanmary Tabls page 18 Annual Per Capita Residential Fuel Consamtion by Inccme for Fuel Users Only Electricity LPS Kerosene Charcoal Fuetwood Crop . (kh/caplyr) (kg/cap/yr) (tt/cap/yr) (kg/cap/yr) Ckg/caplyr) Residues (kg/cap/yr) Mean Mean Mean Mean Mean Mean NCR lst Quintile 232.59 37.28 28.35 134.30 205.76 2nd Qufntie 309.26 28.92 28.94 61.58 246.50 3rd Quintile 393.34 30.98 40.22 52.29 196.16 472.50 4th Quintile 398.70 27.57 23.58 35.75 109.78 56.00 5th Quinti to 612.36 30.19 19.16 28.95 238.26 630.00 ALl 389.99 30.29 29.20 64.15 205.18 364.17 Other Urban let Quintile 115.68 43.12 15.68 108.03 435.09 239.60 2nd QuIntite 116.56 27.37 12.61 162.52 356.94 157.60 3rd Quintile 183.33 24.78 18.86 96.35 420.38 j327.21 4th Quintle 244.10 24.90 14.66 91.27 371.80 218.67 Sth Quintile 297.31 24.89 14.06 174.58 459.79 378.55 All 201.16 25.82 15.15 128.92 408.22 250.96 Rural 1st Quintile 73.29 66.f2 11.58 67.24 575.86 289.80 2nd Quintile 52.18 19.86 9.28 68.44 564.73 292.25 3rd Quintile 102.74 26.93 10.29 68.76 516.96 204.19 4th Quintile 99.25 24.94 10.70 87.10 538.34 257.11 5th Quintile 148.81 25.21 13.82 95.07 513.47 284.61 All 105.91 25.41 11.01 77.70 542.79 265.72 PhilUppines 1st QuIntil e 108.64 44.13 12.38 83.61 570.91 324.02 2nd Quintito 92.96 30.67 10.27 88.68 502.01 203.41 3rd QuIntite 152.15 25.34 14.07 90.53 488.66 215.91 4th Guintite 197.56 28.37 15.93 99.87 458.32 294.65 5th Quintile 314.92 26.11 14.48 101.63 504.78 297.28 ALl 196.06 27.39 13.19 93.43 510.54 263.93 HECS Swmary Tabes page 19 Monthly Residential Fuel Consuiption by Income Electricity LPG Kerosene Charcoal Fuetwood Crop (klh/hhlmo) (kg/hhlmo) (tt/hh/mo) (kg/hh/mo) (kg/hh/mo) Residues (ko/hh/ma) Mean Mean Mean Mean Mean Nean NCR 1st Quintile 74.31 4.48 5.32 13.25 9.23 .00 2nd Quintile 113.81 5.73 5.34 5.86 7.07 .00 3rd auintile 145.27 6.31 6.66 6.23 7.01 1.21 4th Quintile 172.13 8.89 3.67 4.44 3.97 .42 5th Quintile 273.82 10.82 1.59 3.12 8.30 3.53 All 155.30 7.23 4.50 6.55 7.13 1.01 Other Urban ist Quintile 19.02 .68 4.22 11.11 109.25 14.31 2nd Quintile 33.58 1.46 3.95 26.02 95.54 8.64 3rd Quintile 59.70 2.56 4.12 18.67 88.08 22.07 4th Quintile 87.93 5.03 3.77 16.68 76.27 8.53 Sth Qufntile 125.41 6.62 3.58 34.23 96.83 8.16 All 65.08 3.27 3.93 21.33 93.13 12.33 Rural ist Quintile 3.72 .03 3.18 4.14 165.91 27.32 2nd Quintile 6.97 .18 3.02 7.67 195.09 32.87 3rd Quintile 21.65 .32 3.53 10.15 194.00 21.46 4th Quintile 24.44 1.08 3.62 11.18 195.34 25.96 5th Quintile 52.29 3.19 3.76 11.10 165.48 22.83 All 21.82 .95 3.42 8.86 183.28 26.02 Philippines 1st Quintile 9.45 .31 3.43 5.76 157.76 28.09 2nd Quintile 14.99 .51 3.36 12.49 169.13 18.95 3rd Quintile 42.02 1.53 4.11 11.74 145.27 19.24 4th Quintite 64.06 3.42 4.35 14.08 109.79 18.94 Sth Quintile 123.78 6.16 3.23 14.37 101.16 10.42 All 51.01 2.39 3.70 11.66 136.49 19.15 38 IECS Swnnary Tables page 20 Monthly Residential Fuel ConsWption by income for Fuel Users Only Electricity LPG Kerosene Fuetwood Crop (kh/hhlao) (kg/hh/=e) (tt/hh/mo) (kg/hhim) (kg/hh/mo) Residues (kg/hh/l) Mean pean Mean Mean Mean Mean NCR 1st Guintile 79.36 12.42 10.51 51.30 73.92 2nd Quintile 114.53 10.91 11.78 27.57 95.20 3rd Quintile 145.27 11.29 17.11 26.69 147.70 157.50 4th Quintile 173.40 12.12 11.88 17.07 68.81 42.00 5th Quintile 273.82 13.60 9.20 14.93 123.80 420.00 Al 157.71 12.17 12.25 28.00 95.60 200.36 Other Urban Ist Quintile 31.49 10.85 5.11 30.78 156.76 93.87 2nd Quintile 43.32 8.79 5.19 56.73 155.83 72.93 3rd Quintile 67.32 9.16 6.36 42.75 170.57 179.18 4th Quintile 95.26 9.76 6.19 41.21 177.13 109.99 Sth Quintile 128.28 10.79 6.43 71.84 217.61 171.57 Alt 78.09 9.98 5.77 49.90 172.39 118.77 Rural 1st Quintite 16.70 5.58 3.39 19.13 177.39 90.77 2nd Quintile 19.44 7.52 3.27 25.49 218.73 114.59 3rd GuintiLe 45.46 12.11 4.04 31.32 213.08 87.21 4th Quintile 36.43 9.36 4.35 32.25 236.18 125.07 Sth Quintile 69.21 11.18 5.24 37.87 228.18 131.02 Alt 44.05 10.55 3.99 29.88 213.36 106.87 Philippines let Quintite 28.17 10.01 3.87 24.45 185.67 109.37 2nd Quintile 32.55 9.80 3.84 35.53 204.70 85.03 3rd Quintile 59.39 9.63 5.33 34.66 205.68 100.64 4th Quintile 75.75 10.81 6.44 40.38 209.33 149.17 5th Quintile 139.79 11.58 6.21 43.41 223.86 128.81 Alt 78.81 10.94 4.96 36.37 203.31 109.00 HECS Stmmary Tables page 21 Fuel Penetration by Region Percent of Households Using Each FueL by Region, Urban and Rural Areas Electricity LPG Kerosene Charcoat Fuetwood Crop Residues URBAN NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION 98.5% 59.4% 36.7% 23.4% 7.5% 1.8% REGION I (ILOCOS) 73.9% 26.4% 77.1% 31.4% 83.9% 22.3% REGION II (CAGAYAN VALLEY) 87.61 51.2% 48.8% 34.8 62.1% 59.9% REGION III (CENTRAL LUZON) 93.4% 57.5% 57.8% 34.8% 29.2% 8.3% REGION IV (SOUTHERN LUZON) 87.0% 42.8% 63.3% 37.8% 33.4% 8.5% REGION V (BICOL) 74.3% 28.2% 73.91 43.2% 57.71 19.6% REGION VI (tESTERN VISAYAS) 81.9% 22.3% 77.0Y 76.8% 69.91 87.5% REGION VII (CENTRAL VISAYAS) 72.3% 21.31 62.5% 53.2% 66.81 17.0% REGION VIII (EASTERN VISAYAS) 74.7% 15.1% 94.85 34.0% 63.0% 82.0% REGION IX (WESTERN NINDANAO) 71.1% 9.1% 72.6% 31.9% 54.9% 37.0% REGION X (NORTHERN NINDANAO) 81.8% 14.3% 77.2% 28.9% 77.9% 43.2% REGION XI (SOUTHERN MINDANAO) 84.2% 19.6% 71.9% 58.0% 69.3% 8.61 REGION XII (CENTRAL MINDANAO) 93.9% 11.3% 67.7% 21.21 78.2% 11.5% CAR (CORDILLERA ADNINISTR. REGION) 89.4% 75.5% 49.9% 21.9% 34.9% 13.0% At 88.7% 42.2% 56.9% 35.9% 37.5% 17.5% RURAL REGION I (ILOCOS) 72.1% 14.0% 79.2% 21.61 85.9% 25.4% REGION II (CAGAYAN VALLEY) 72.3% 21.61 75.6% 26.81 92.3% 23.9% REGION III (CENTRAL LUZON) 71.9% 20.6% 78.6% 31.2% 75.1% 47.9% REGION IV (SOUTHERN LUZON) 51.0% 13.7% 86.5% 36.8% 81.5% 30.3% REGION V (BICOL) 45.5% 5.2% 90.5% 29.5% 92.9% 32.7% REGION VI (WESTERN VISAYAS) 34.0% 2.0% 96.2% 38.7% 95.81 142.3% REGION VII (CENTRAL VISAYAS) 35.2% 2.9% 86.3% 23.0% 96.5% 18.1% REGION VIII (EASTERN VISAYAS) 29.9% 1.3% 97.3% 31.0% 83.3% 108.2% REGION IX (WESTERN MINDANAO) 37.81 6.2% 90.5% 48.2% 71.1% 109.3% REGION X (NORTHERN MINDANAO) 54.0% 2.5% 77.61 18.81 90.1% 54.9% REGION XI (SOUTHERN MINDANAO) 43.9% 1.5% 82.1% 22.8% 90.6% 133.7% REGION XII (CENTRAL MINDANAO) 46.0% 7.2% 84.5% 18.F% 82.7% 56.7% CAR (CORDILLERA ADNINISTR. REGION) 61.6% 30.3% 83.21 26.3% 69.3% 77.9% At 49.5% 9.0% 85.7% 29.6% 85.9% 64.71 Philippines 64.71 21.9% 74.5% 32.1% 67.1% 46.4% 40 RECS Samnary Tables page 22 Percent of Households Using Each Fuet for Cooking by Region, Urban and Rural Areas Electricity LPG Kerosene Charcoat Fuetwood Crop Residues URBAN NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION 21.3% 59.3% 34.1% 23.1% 7.5% .4% REGION I (ILOCOS) 4.9% 26.4% 2.4% 21.4% 83.9% 6.5% REGION II (CAGAYAN VALLEY) 2.6% 51.2% 6.0% 15.9% 66.0% 10.8% REGION III (CENTRAL LUZON) 9.8K 57.5% 25.7% 31.4% 29.2% 5.6% REGION IV (SOUTHERN LUZON) 12.5% 42.8% 26.3% 29.9X 33.4% 3.0% REGION V (81COL) 3.4% 28.2% 6.7% 28.1% 57.7% 7.1% REGION VI (WESTERN VISAYAS) 3.8K 22.3% 14.3% 52.4% 69.9% 28.2% REGION VII (CENTRAL VISAYAS) 1.4% 21.3% 13.1% 11.1% 66.8K 9.0% REGION VIII (EASTERN VISAYAS) .0% 15.1% 27.85 13.9% 63.0% 19.3% REGION IX (UESTERN MINDANAO) 6.9% 9.1% 8.6% 17.7% 54.9% 17.3% REGION X (NORTHERN NINDANAO) 10.7% 14.3% 29.9X 14.4% 77.91 13.4% REGION XI (SOUTHERN MINDANAO) 9.8% 19.6% 25.01 41.5% 69.3% 4.5% REGION XII (CENTRAL NINDAMAD) 5.0% 11.3% 15.9% 12.4% 78.2% 4.4% CAR (CORDILLERA ADNINISTR. REGION) 5.7% . 75.5% 33.8K 19.3% 34.9% 2.3% Ail 12.4% 42.2% 25.2% 26.2% 37.6X 6.0% RURAL REGION I (ILOCOS) 1.6% 14.0% 6.3% 10.91 85.9% 9.8% REGION II (CAGAYAN VALLEY) .7% 21.6% 3.1% 5.7% 92.3% 8.0% REGION III (CENTRAL LUZON) 3.8 20.1% 16.3% 16.1% 75.1% 11.7% REGION IV (SOUTHERN LUZON) 5.3% 13.4% 4.2% 23.6% 81.5% 6.5% REGION V (8tCOL) 2.5% 5.2% 8.5% 13.1% 92.9% 10.1% REGION VI (WESTERN VISAYAS) .8% 2.0% 4.9% 15.0% 95.8% 34.0K REGION VII (CENTRAL VISAYAS) 1.0% 2.9% 4.0% .5% 96.9% 24.8% REGION VIII (EASTERN VISAYAS) .0% 1.3% 1.9% 3.9% 83.3% 36.9% REGION IX (WESTERN MINDANAO) 1.7% 6.2% 4.2% 9.7% 71.1% 25.3% REGION X (NORTHERN MINDANAO) 5.5% 2.5% 5.6% 4.1% 90.1% 13.3% REGION XI (SOUTHERN NINDANAO) 2.2% 1.5% 8.8% 4.1% 90.6% 38.4% REGION XII (CENTRAL NINDANAO) 1.2% 7.2% 5.9% 3.3% 82.7% 14.3% CAR (CORDILLERA ADNINISTR. REGION) 2.4" 30.3% 18.2% 5.4% 69.3% 9.9% AIL 2.4% 8.9% 6.6% 10.5% 85.9% 18.7% Philippines 6.3% 21.81 13.8% 16.6% 67.2% 13.8% 41 HECS Swnmary Tables page 23 Percent of Households Using Each Fuel as Primary Cooking Fuel by Region, Urban and Rural Areas Electricity LPG Kerosene Charcoal Fuetwood Crop Residues URBAN NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION 7.9% 55.4% 29.3% 3.8% 3.5% .1% REGION I CILOCOS) .0% 17.4% 1.1% 6.3% 71.1% 4.1% REGION II (CAGAYAN VALLEY) .0% 46.1% 2.7% 2.9% 42.1% 6.3% REGION III (CENTRAL LUZON) 2.6% 55.0% 17.9% 7.8% 14.8 2.0% REGION IV (SOUTHERN LUZON) 4.95 38.5% 20.9% 15.5% 18.9% 1.22 REGION V (BICOL) .05 25.9% 4.4% 15.4% 48.4% 5.9% REGION VI (WESTERN VISAYAS) 2.2% 16.6% 4.4% 27.9% 48.3% .6% REGION VII (CENTRAL VISAYAS) .0% 20.5% 10.7% 6.2% 61.1% 1.5% REGION VIII (EASTERN VISAYAS) .0% 12.6% 16.6% 2.5% 55.4% 12.9% REGION IX (WESTERN MINDANAO) 4.8% 3.0% 6.9% 7.1% 53.1% 25.2% REGION X (NORTHERN MINDANAO) 3.0% 7.82 21.8% 1.3% 58.5% 7.6% REGION XI (SOUTHERN MINDANAO) 3.4% 17.5% 19.2% 6.5% 52.9% .5% REGION XII (CENTRAL MINDANAO) .7% 9.4% 13.7% 6.9% 67.4% 1.9% CAR (CORDILLERA ADNINISTR. REGION) .0% 70.2% 9.8% .0% 20.0% .0% Average 4.4% 38.4% 19.6% 8.1% 27.3% 2.3% RURAL REGION I (ILOCOS) 1.6% 10.92 3.1% 3.1% 81.3% .0% REGION II (CAGAYAN VALLEY) .0% 18.5% 1.5% 1.5% 76.6% 1.9% REGION III (CENTRAL LUZON) 1.3% 17.6% 11.9% 5.1% 58.3% 5.8% REGION IV (SOUTHERN LUZON) 1.6% 11.1% 1.82 12.2% 71.5% 1.8% REGION V (BICOL) 2.1% 2.6% 5.62 4.9% 83.2% 1.6% REGION VI (WESTERN VISAYAS) .0% .9% 1.0% 5.8% 86.3% 6.1% REGION VII (CENTRAL VISAYAS) .5% 1.5% 2.62 .0% 95.5% .0% REGION VIII (EASTERN VISAYAS) .0% 1.3% .0% 3.02X 82.7% 13.0% REGION IX (WESTERN MINDANAO) .0% 6.2% 3.5% 2.2% 63.5% 24.7% REGION X (NORTHERN MINDANAO) 3.0% 2.5% 3.6% .4% 83.7% 6.7% REGION XI (SOUTHERN MINDANAO) 1.0% .9% 3.5% 1.0% 83.62 9.9% REGION XII (CENTRAL NINDANAO) .7% 6.7% 3.7% .0% 80.5% 8.4% CAR (CORDILLERA ADNINISTR. REGION) .0% 28.6% 13.3% 2.0% 56.1% .0% Average 1.0% 7.4% 3.82 4.0% 77.9% 6.0% Philippines 2.3% 19.42 9.9% 5.6% 58.3% 4.6% HECS Swnmary Tables page 24 Fuel Use by Region Annual Total Residential Fuel Consumption by Region, Urban and Rural Areas Electricity LPG Kerosene Charcoal FueLwood Crop Res. (G1) (000 Tons) (000 m3) (000 Tons) (000 Tons) (000 Tons) sum Sun Sum Sun Sun Sun URBAN NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION 2867.36 133.42 83.11 120.93 131.61 18.70 REGION I (ILOCOS) 59.36 4.07 7.26 18.76 308.61 22.27 REGION II (CAGAYAN VALLEY) 42.91 3.74 1.07 8.02 114.02 18.16 REGION III (CENTRAL LUZON) 496.93 34.88 15.67 88.37 203.84 24.65 REGION IV (SOUTHER" LUZON) 692.27 29.50 31.42 189.17 389.88 33.66 REGION V (BICOL) 76.12 4.92 4.55 67.30 271.84 14.29 REGION VI (WESTERN VISAYAS) 142.70 7.03 13.39 165.41 385.88 137.87 REGION VII. (CENTRAL VISAYAS) 128.52 5.90 11.61 52.68 330.03 23.89 REGION VIII (EASTERN VISAYAS) 54.02 3.47 8.91 24.69 216.51 68.98 REGION IX (WESTERN NINDANAO) 45.31 1.13 4.64 12.04 127.01 13.88 REGION X (NORTHERN MINDANAO) 116.79 1.99 10.46 17.79 221.05 36.13 REGION XI (SOUTHERN MINDANAO) 260.36 6.64 18.30 57.23 365.49 14.02 REGION XII (CENTRAL MINDANAO) 49.65 1.32 3.04 12.04 142.33 3.92 CAR (CORDILLERA ADMINISTR. REGION) 20.26 5.18 1.55 2.82 50.34 2.34 All 5052.57 243.20 214.98 837.26 3258.43 432.75 RURAL REGION I (ILOCOS) 125.07 7.88 14.14 41.75 1467.86 58.59 REGION II (CAGAYAN VALLEY) 148.18 9.42 10.98 15.69 992.04 38.07 REGION III (CENTRAL LUZON) 270.12 17.98 27.31 83.19 1178.59 128.41 REGION IV (SOUTHERN LUZON) 318.11 16.69 35.01 276.85 2073.03 130.29 REGION V (BICOL) 75.43 3.06 25.92 76.96 1122.29 121.74 REGION VI (WESTERN VISAYAS) 78.61 1.16 32.14 83.80 1830.05 483.62 REGION VII (CENTRAL VISAYAS) 83.12 1.02 16.64 32.97 1221.45 41.25 REGION VIII (EASTERN VISAYAS) 34.05 .77 23.31 25.46 868.26 199.14 REGION IX (WESTERN NINDANAD) 86.41 5.48 25.09 48.05 692.26 233.30 REGION X (NORTHERN MINDANAO) 189.86 3.39 20.29 9.41 1335.67 157.68 REGION XI (SOUTHERN NINDANRAD) 135.83 1.03 23.86 12.61 1050.08 317.89 REGION XII (CENTRAL NINDANAO) 222.08 4.04 21.30 9.42 808.99 154.83 CAR (CORDILLERA ADMINISTR. REGION) 25.68 6.02 5.23 11.53 417.90 72.87 All 1792.53 77.93 281.20 727.67 15058.47 2137.70 Philippines 6845.10 321.13 496.19 1564.93 18316.90 2570.45 HECS Swmanoy Tables page 25 Annual Per Capita Residential Fuel Consumption by Region, Urban and Rural Areas Electricity LPG Kerosene Charcoal Fuetwood Crop (kUh/cap/yr) (kg/cap/yr) (tt/captyr) (kg/cap/yr) (kg/cap/yr) Residues (kg/cap/yr) Nean Mean Mean Mean Mean Mean URBAN NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION 384.03 17.98 10.73 15.00 15.30 1.84 REGION I (ILOCOS) 81.22 5.83 9.38 25.87 434.66 22.34 REGION II (CAGAYAN VALLEY) 146.50 14.72 4.32 22.82 452.68 59.87 REGION III (CENTRAL LUZON) 236.84 15.68 7.74 46.33 86.29 8.30 REGION IV (SOUTHERN LUZON) 265.17 11.64 11.42 75.33 126.72 8.47 REGION V (BICOL) 96.66 7.08 8.22 75.39 389.45 19.55 REGION VI (WESTERN VISAYAS) 109.02 5.28 9.10 129.93 269.14 87.50 REGION VII (CENTRAL VISAYAS) 97.90 4.04 9.52 42.04 237.22 16.96 REGION VIII (EASTERN VISAYAS) 69.91 4.19 11.30 30.48 258.15 81.95 REGION IX (WESTERN MINDANAO) 113.36 2.60 18.72 20.97 342.40 36.95 REGION X (NORTHERN NINDANAO) 165.34 2.56 13.56 25.49 293.19 43.24 REGION XI (SOUTHERN MINDANAO) 155.13 4.19 13.10 39.73 215.11 8.61 REGION XII (CENTRAL MINDANAO) 108.11 3.62 7.28 29.61 289.23 11.48 CAR (CORDILLERA ADINISTR. REGION) 100.93 22.58 8.20 8.86 175.72 13.04 Att 244.43 11.84 10.45 40.89 147.71 17.47 RURAL REGION I (ILOCOS) 57.81 3.50 6.89 16.36 623.69 25.41 REGION II (CAGAYAN VALLEY) 82.09 5.28 7.30 11.11 608.52 23.91 REGION III (CENTRAL LUZON) 83.49 4.98 9.24 27.48 385.25 47.89 REGION IV (SOUTHERN LUZON) 68.77 3.51 9.32 58.90 497.81 30.34 REGION V (BICOL) 26.18 1.38 9.63 37.74 415.45 32.67 REGION VI (WESTERN VISAYAS) 25.99 .53 9.72 26.86 493.93 142.33 REGION VII (CENTRAL VISAYAS) 37.83 .40 7.23 12.17 521.23 18.11 REGION VIII (EASTERN VISAYAS) 18.61 .34 11.60 16.33 417.69 108.19 REGION IX (WESTERN MINDANAO) 31.21 2.15 13.99 20.60 330.44 109.33 REGION X (NORTHERN MINDANAO) 64.98 1.24 8.38 3.18 520.04 54.91 REGION XI (SOUTHERN MINDANAO) 55.51 .30 11.31 5.15 426.77 133.68 REGION XII (CENTRAL NINDANAO) 77.90 1.90 9.28 3.00 342.29 56.73 CAR (CORDILLERA ADNINISTR. REGION) 33.18 6.83 8.35 10.96 505.07 77.88 Att 52.45 2.29 9.44 23.03 466.26 64.69 Philippines 126.90 5.99 9.83 29.95 342.73 46.38 IIECS Smnmay Tables page 26 Annual Per Capita Residential Fuel Consumption by Region, Urban and Rural Areas: for Fuet Users Onty Electricity LPG Kerosene Charcoal Fuetwood Crop . (kh/cap/yr) (kg/captyr) Cit/cap/yr) (kg/cap/yr) (kg/capyr) Residues (kg/cap/yr) Mean Mean Mean Mean Mean Mean URBAN NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION 389.99 30.29 29.20 64.15 205.18 364.17 REGION I (ILOCOS) 109.91 22.12 12.17 82.35 518.17 292.44 REGION II (CAGAYAN VALLEY) 167.15 28.75 8.85 65.50 728.60 481.05 REGION III (CENTRAL LUZON) 253.61 27.29 13.38 133.31 295.94 178.81 REGION IV (SOUTHERN LUZON) 304.92 27.22 18.03 199.07 379.38 344.08 REGION V (BICOL) 130.15 25.06 11.13 174.46 674.40 156.92 REGION VI (YESTERN VISAYAS) 133.06 23.65 11.81 169.14 384.79 369.56 REGION VII (CENTRAL VISAYAS) 135.35 18.96 15.23 78.97 355.14 159.75 REGION VIII (EASTERN VISAYAS) 93.63 27.74 11.92 89.65 409.78 341.21 REGION IX (WESTERN NINDANAO) 159.34 28.50 25.79 65.66 624.21 129.24 REGION X (NORTHERN NINDANAD) 202.01 17.9? 17.56 88.26 376.50 225.28 REGION XI (SOUTHERM MINDANAO) 184.34 21.42 18.23 68.55 310.29 144.72 REGION XII (CENTRAL MINDANAO) 115.09 32.18 10.75 139.97 370.07 117.83 CAR (CORDILLERA ADNINISTR. REGION) 112.86 29.90 16.44 40.36 504.06 108.15 Att 275.53 28.05 18.36 113.94 393.90 253.91 RURAL REGION I (ILOCOS) 80.15 25.08 8.70 75.90 726.24 339.09 REGION II (CAGAYAN VALLEY) 113.58 24.45 9.65 41.52 659.29 78.90 REGION III (CENTRAL LUZON) 116.18 24.21 11.75 88.13 512.99 307.91 REGION IV (SOUTHERN LUZON) 134.87 25.51 10.78 160.25 - 610.61 256.37 REGION V (BICOL) 57.54 26.47 10.64 128.00 447.24 184.87 REGION VI (WESTERN VISAYAS) 76.50 25.94 10.11 69.32 515.51 333.84 REGION VII (CENTRAL VISAYAS) 107.56 13.98 8.37 53.01 540.20 81.04 REGION VIII (EASTERN VISAYAS) 62.13 26.08 11.92 52.65 501.57 288.36 REGION IX (WESTERN NINDANAO) 82.62 34.89 15.46 42.75 464.75 243.60 REGION X (NORTHERN NINDANAO) "20.22 48.59 10.80 16.94 577.01 445.62 REGION XI (SOUTHERN NINDANAO) 126.41 20.35 13.77 22.60 471.23 430.15 REGION XII (CENTRAL MINDANAO) 169.52 26.43 10.99 16.23 414.13 187.28 CAR (CORDILLERA ADNINISTR. REGION) 53.85 22.50 10.04 41.59 728.50 319.95 At 105.91 25.41 11.01 77.70 542.79 265.72 Philippines 196.06 27.39 13.19 93.43 510.54 263.93 45 IECS Swunmary Tables page 27 Monthly Residentiet Fuel Constaption by Region, Urban and Rural Areas Electricity LPG Kerosene CharcoaL Fuetwood Crop (kuhhh/ao) (kg/hh/ao) (Itlhhles) (kg/hh/o) (kg/hh/m) Residues (kg/hh/mo) Mean Mean Mean - Mean Mean Kean URBAN NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION 155.30 7.23 4.50 6.SS 7.13 1.01 REGION I (ILOCOS) 33.77 2.32 4.13 10.67 175.55 12.67 REGION II (CAGAYAN VALLEY) 56.24 4.91 1.40 10.51 149.42 23.80 REGION III (CENTRAL LUZON) 86.79 6.09 2.74 15.43 35.60 4.31 REGION IV (SOUTHERN LUZON) 97.39 4.15 4.42 26.61 54.85 4.74 REGION V (8ICOL) 43.42 2.81 2.60 38.39 155.08 8.15 REGION VI (WESTERN VISAYAS) 44.69 2.20 4.19 51.81 120.86 43.18 REGION VII (CENTRAL VISAYAS) 39.03 1.79 3.52 16.00 100.21 7.25 REGION VIII (EASTERN VISAYAS) 32.86 2.11 5.42 15.02 131.70 41.96 REGION IX (lESTERN MINDANAO) 38.70 .96 3.96 10.29 108.46 11.85 REGION X (NORTHERN NINDANAO) 60.27 1.03 5.40 9.18 114.08 18.65 REGION XI (SOUTHERN MINDANAO) 74.22 1.89 5.22 16.31 104.19 4.00 REGION XII (CENTRAL MINDANAO) 44.68 1.19 2.73 10.84 128.08 3.52 CAR (CORDILLERA ADMINISTR. REGION) 33.21 8.50 2:55 4.63 82.52 3.83 Atl 97.09 4.67 4.13 16.09 62.61 8.32 RURAL REGION I (ILOCOS) 20.83 1.31 2.36 6.95 244.51 9.76 REGION II (CAGAYAN VALLEY) 33.05 2.10 2.45 3.50 221.28 8.49 REGION III (CENTRAL LUZON) 33.93 2.26 3.43 10.45 148.04 16.13 REGION IV (SOUTHERN LUZON) 27.65 1.45 3.04 24.C7 180.21 11.33 REGION V (BICOL) 11.50 .47 3.95 11.73 171.12 18.56 REGION VI (WESTERN VISAYAS) 9.38 .14 3.84 10.00 218.42 57.72 REGION VII (CENTRAL VISAYAS) 11.84 .15 2.37 4.70 174.06 5.88 REGION VIII (EASTERN VISAYAS) 6.47 .15 4.43 4.83 164.89 37.82 REGION IX (WESTERN NINDANAO) 15.40 .98 4.47 8.57 123.40 41.59 REGION X (NORTHERN MINDANAO) 34.10 .61 3.64 1.69 239.87 28.32 REGION XI (SOUTHERN NINDANAO) 21.90 .17 3.85 2.03 169.31 51.26 REGION XII (CENTRAL MINDANAO) 39.40 .72 3.78 1.67 143.54 27.47 CAR (CORDILLERA ADMINISTR. REGION) 13.01 3.05 2.65 5.84 211.72 36.92 Atl 21.82 .95 3.42 8.86 183.28 26.02 Philippines 51.01 2.39 3.70 11.66 136.49 19.15 HECS Swnary Tables page 28 Monthly Residentiat Fuel Consumption by Region, Urban and Rural Areas: for Fuel Users Only Electrictty LPG Kerosene Charcoat Fuetwood Crop * (kUh/hh/wo) (kg/hh/mo) (Lt/hh/mo) (kg/hhlmo) (kg/hh/mo) Residues (kg/hh/mo) Nean Mean Neon Mean Nean Mean URBAN NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION 157.71 12.17 12.25 28.00 95.60 200.36 REGION I (ILOCOS) 45.70 8.78 5.36 33.96 209.28 165.80 REGION II (CAGAYAN VALLEY) 64.17 9.58 2.88 30.17 240.49 191.25 REGION III (CENTRAL LUZON) 92.94 10.60 4.73 44.41 122.11 92.82 REGION IV (SOUTHERN LUZON) 111.99 9.71 6.98 70.33 164.20 192.31 REGION V (BICOL) 58.47 9.94 3.52 88.84 268.54 65.41 REGION VI (WESTERN VISAYAS) 54.55 9.87 5.44 67.44 172.80 182.38 REGION VII (CENTRAL VISAYAS) 53.96 8.41 5.64 30.05 150.03 68.31 REGION VIII (EASTERN VISAYAS) 44.00 13.98 5.72 44.18 209.06 174.70 REGION IX (WESTERN MINDANAO) 54.39 10.53 5.46 32.20 197.73 41.46 REGION X (NORTHERN MINDANAO) 73.64 7.18 6.99 31.79 146.50 97.15 REGION XI (SOUTHERN NINDANAO) 88.19 9.67 7.26 28.15 150.28 67.15 REGION XII (CENTRAL NINDANAO) 47.56 10.53 4.03 51.22 163.88 36.17 CAR (CORDILLERA ADNINISTR. REGION) 37.14 11.25 5.11 21.10 236.70 31.75 Att 10 .44 11.07 7.26 44.83 166.98 120.90 RURAL REGION I (ILOCOS) 28.88 9.39 2.97 32.26 284.71 130.26 REGION II (CAGAYAN VALLEY) 45.73 9.73 3.24 13.08 239.74 28.02 REGION III (CENTRAL LUZON) 47.22 10.98 4.36 33.51 197.13 103.71 REGION IV (SOUTHERN LUZON) 54.23 10.56 3.52 65.48 221.04 95.70 REGION V (8ICOL) 25.27 8.95 4.37 39.80 184.21 105.03 REGION VI (WESTERN VISAYAS) 27.61 6.82 3.99 25.81 227.96 135.39 REGION VII (CENTRAL VISAYAS) 33.68 5.09 2.75 20.47 180.39 26.30 REGION VIII (EASTERN VISAYAS) 21.59 11.15 4.55 15.58 198.00 100.80 REGION IX (WESTERN MINDANAO) 40.77 15.87 4.94 17.78 173.56 92.66 REGION X (NORTHERN MINDANAO) 63.09 23.88 4.70 8.99 266.15 229.82 REGION XI (SOUTHERN MINDANAO) 49.88 11.15 4.68 8.93 186.95 164.93 REGION XII (CENTRAL MINDANAO) 85.75 9.97 4.47 9.05 173.66 90.69 CAR (CORDILLERA ADNINISTR. REGION) 21.11 10.05 3.19 22.17 305.38 151.67 At 44.05 10.55 3.99 29.88 213.36 106.87 PhiLippines 78.81 10.94 4.96 36.37 203.31 109.00 4 47 IIECS Sumary Tables page 29 Fuel Source Tables Share of Households Obtaining Fuels from Each Source NCR Other Urban Rural Philippines Electricity Source Not used 1.5% 16.7% 50.5% 35.3% Distribution Co. / Utility 83.9% 76.0% 45.1% 58.2% Neighboring Household 14.0% 6.9% 3.7" 5.9% industry / Business .4% .1% .7% .5% Other .1% .3% .0% .1% All Households 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Source of LPG Not used 40.6% 67.2% 91.0% 78.1% Pick up from major distr/dealer 19.5% 15.6% 4.81 9.6% Pick up from small shop setting LPG 27.4% 14.4% 3.8% 9.7% Delivered from major distr/dealer 7.81 1.9% .2% 1.7% Delivered from small, shop 4.6% .9% .1% .9% other mode of purchase .21 .0% .0% .0% All Households 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Source of Kerosene Not used 63.3% 32.0% 14.3% 25.5% Kerosene agent/dealer 5.9% 23.8% 25.6% 22.4% Sari-sari store 30.2% 42.9% 58.1% 50.4% Kerosene peddler .4% .4% 1.0% .8% Others .2% .9% 1.0% .9% All Households 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Source of Charcoal Not used 76.6% 57.2% 60.4% 67.9% Home-Produced .3% 3.7% 13.0% 8.9% Purchased 23.4% 39.7% 16.8% 23.4% At( Households 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Source of Fuetwood Not used 92.5% 46.0% 14.1% 32.9% Collected 5.0% 30.41 75.4% 54.5% Purchased 3.1% 30.7% 17.5% 18.8% All Households 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Source of Agricultural Residues Not used 99.5% 89.6% 75.7% 82.4% Collected .4% 8.9% 22.7% 16.2% Purchased .1% 2.5% 2.2% 2.0% All Households 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 4 8 IWCS Swnmay Tables page 30 Total Annual Residential Fuel Consumption by Source NCR Other Urban Rural Philippines Electricity (GWh/yr) Distribution Co. I Utility 2657.81 2119.42 1654.72 6431.95 Neighboring Household 197.16 62.84 80.77 340.77 Industry / Business 7.92 .79 57.04 65.75 Other 4.47 2.15 . 6.63 Atl Sources 2867.36 2185.21 1792.53 6845.10 LPG (000 Tons/yr) Pick up from major distr/dealer 44.75 53.62 44.16 142.52 Pick up from smatt shop setting tpg 61.54 47.75 31.06 140.35 Delivered from major distr/dealer 16.05 5.60 2.00 23.65 Delivered from seall shop 10.76 2.81 .72 14.30 Other made of purchase .32 . . .32 All Sources 133.42 109.78 77.93 321.13 Kerosene (000 m3lyr) Kerosene agent/dealer 14.37 68.66 125.76 208.79 sari-sari store 65.76 58.58 148.95 273.29 Kerosene peddler 2.54 1.34 2.25 6.13 Others .43 3.29 4.25 7.97 All Sources 83.11 131.87 281.20 496.19 Charcoal (000 Tons/yr) Home-Produced 1.87 29.94 317.49 349.30 Purchased 119.05 686.40 410.19 1215.64 All Sources 120.93 716.33 727.67 1564.93 Fuetwood (000 Tons/yr) Collected 65.27 1463.47 12787.65 14316.39 Purchased 66.34 1663.35 2270.82 4000.51 All Sources 131.61 3126.82 15058.47 18316.90 Crop Residues (000 Tons/yr) Collected 14.57 317.21 1998.72 2330.50 Purchased 4.13 96.84 138.97 239.94 All Sources 18.70 414.05 2137.70 2570.45 49 HECS Swnmary Tables page 31 End-use Tables Percent of Households Using Each Fuel by End Use NCR Other Urban Rural Phi lppines LPG For Cooking 59.3% 32.82 8.9% 21.8% LPG For 020 Heating .5% .4% .1% .2% LPG 59.4% 32.8% 9.0% 21.9% Kerosene for Cooking 34.1% 20.3% 6.6% 13.8% Kerosene for Water Heating 3.0% 3.1% .7% 1.6% Kerosene for Lighting 5.4% 51.2% 81.2% 63.3% Kerosene for Refrigeration .0% .0% .1% .0% Kerosene for Fire Starting 2.6% 20.7% 32.6% 25.5% Kerosene 36.7% 68.0% 85.7% 74.5% Charcoal for Cooking 23.1% 27.92 10.5% 16.6% Charcoal for Water Heating 2.1% 2.8% 1.2% 1.7% Charcoal for Ironing .6% 22.7% 23.1% 19.9% Charcoal 23.4% 42.8% 29.6% 32.1% Fuetwood for Cooking 7.5% 54.0% 85.9% 67.1% Fuetwood for Water Heating 1.5% 4.6% 6.8% 5.5% Fuetwood 7.5% 54.0% 85.9% 67.1% Biomass Residues for Cooking .5% 9.9% 22.4% 16.3% Biomass For ater Heating .2% .5% 1.1% .9% Crop Residues .5% 10.4% 24.3% 17.6% ECS Sanmary Tables page 32 Total Annual Residential Fuel Consumption NCR Other Urban Rural Philippines . LPS For Cooking (000 T/yr) 132.98 109.38 77.49 319.85 LPG For I20 Heating (000 T/yr) .44 .40 .34 1.18 LPG For Lighting (000 T/yr) .00 .00 .00 .00 LPG (000 T/y.) 133.42 109.78 77.93 321.13 Kerosene for Cooking (000 0&/yr) 77.63 61.16 32.19 170.98 Kerosene for Water Heating (000 e/yr) 2.46 5.46 2.58 10.50 Kerosene for Lighting (000 h3lyr) 2.63 47.01 193.19 242.83 Kerosene for Refrigeration (000 a3/yr) .00 .00 1.29 1.29 Kerosene for Other Uses (000 a/yr) .00 .01 .01 .02 Kerosene for Fire Starting (000 mS/yr) .34 18.12 51.88 70.33 Kerosene (000 a3/yr) 83.11 131.87 281.20 496.19 Charcoal for Cooking (000 T/yr) 113.13 571.82 515.66 1200.62 Charcoal for Water Heating (000 T/yr) 6.20 23.24 18.62 48.06 Charcoat for Ironing (000 T/yr) 1.28 121.03 192.05 314.35 Charcoal for Other Uses (000 T/yr) .32 .24 1.35 1.91 Charcoal (000 T/yr) 120.93 716.33 727.67 1564.93 Fuewood for Cooking (000 T/yr) 115.08 3035.05 14710.21 17860.34 Fuetwood for Water Heating (000 T/yr) 16.53 91.77 348.26 456.55 Fuelood (000 T/yr) 131.61 3126.82 15058.47 18316.90 Biomass Residues for Cooking (000 T/yr) 12.17 392.03 2062.75 2466.94 Biomess For Water Heating (000 T/yr) 6.53 18.44 39.87 64.84 Biomass For Other Purposes (000 T/yr) .00 3.08 29.80 32.89 Crop Residues (000 T/yr) 18.70 414.05 2137.70 2570.45 51 .IECS Sanmary Tables page 33 Mean Monthly Residentiat Fuel Consupption by End Use NCR Other Urban Rural Philippines LPG For Cooking (kg/mo) 7.20 3.26 .94 2.38 LPG For I20 Heating (kg/mo) .02 .01 .00 .01 LPG For Lighting (kg/m) .00 .00 .00 .00 LPG (kg/NH/mo) 7.23 3.27 .95 2.39 Kerosene for Cooking (titers/mo) 4.20 1.82 .39 1.27 Kerosene for Water Heating (Mtters/mo) .13 .16 .03 .08 Kerosene for Lighting (liters/mo) .14 1.40 2.35 1.81 Kerosene for Refrigeration (liters/mo) .00 .00 .02 .01 Kerosene for Other Uses (liters/o) .00 .00 .00 .00 Kerosene for Fire Starting (liters/me) .02 .54 .63 .52 Kerosene (tt/NH/mo) 4.50 3.93 3.42 3.70 CharcoaL for Cooking (kg/mo) 6.13 17.03 6.28 8.95 Charcoat for Water Heating (kg/mo) .34 .69 .23 .36 Charcoat for Ironing (kg/mo) .07 3.60 2.34 2.34 Charcoat for Other Uses (kg/mo) .02 .01 .02 .01 Charcoat (kg/IN/mo) 6.55 21.33 8.86 11.66 Fuetwood for Cooking (kg/mo) 6.23 90.39 179.04 133.09 Fueluood for tater Heating (kg/mo) .90 2.73 4.24 3.40 Fuetwood (kg/NH/mo) 7.13 93.13 183.28 136.49 iomass Residues for Cooking (kg/mo) .66 11.68 25.11 18.38 For Water Heating (kg/mo) .35 .55 .49 .48 Blamss For other Purposes (kg/mo) .00 .09 .36 .25 Crop Residues (kg/NH/m) 1.01 12.33 26.02 19.15 IECS Sonmary Tables page 34 ,Nean Monthly Residential Fuel Consunption by End Use for Users Only NCR Other Urban Rural Philippines LPG For Cooking (ke/mo) 12.15 9.95 10.59 10.94 LPG For H20 *eating (kg/a) 4.87 3.20 3.09 3.62 LPG (kg/NHN/m) 12.17 9.98 10.55 10.94 Kerosene for Cooking (liters/mo) 12.33 8.96 5.94 9.22 Kerosene for Water fleating (liters/mc) 4.44 5.25 4.33 4.79 Kerosene for Lighting (titers/mo) 2.65 2.74 2.89 2.86 Kerosene for Refrigeration (titers/mo) . . 20.16 20.16 Kerosene for Fire Starting (titers/mo) .71 2.61 1.93 2.OS Kerosene MAt/N/mo) 12.25 5.77 3.99 4.96 Charcoal for Cooking (kg/mo) 26.51 60.97 60.06 54.00 Charcoal for Water Heating (kg/ao) 15.64 24.97 18.62 20.65 Charcoat for Ironing (kg/mo) 11.16 15.91 10.10 11.76 Charcoal (kg/Nfl/do) 28.00 49.90 29.88 36.37 Fuewood for Cooking (kg/mo) 83.59 167.34 208.43 198.25 Fuetwood for Water Heating (kg/a.) 59.08 59.47 62.73 61.91 Fuetwood (kg/NN/mo) 95.60 172.39 213.36 203.31 8iomass Residues for Cooking (kg/mo) 130.40 118.33 112.04 113.08 Bionss For Water Heating (kg/mo) 210.00 101.11 42.56 56.37 Crop Residues (kg/H/m) 200.36 118.77 106.87 109.00 53 HECS Stanmary Tables page 35 Cooking Fuel Shares (Utilized Energy) Share of Cooking Energy Delivered by Each Fuel Electricity LPG Kerosene Charcoat Fuetwood Crop Residues Total Energy Content 3.6 NJ/kih 45.2 NJ/kg 34.1 NJ/I 30 NJ/kg 16 NJ/kg 14.5 NJ/kg Stove Efficiency 70% 55% 40% 20% 15% 15% NCR 7.8K 52.6% 27.2% 7.9% 4.2% .3% 100 other Urban 1.9% 24.7% 12.0 13.8% 42.3% 5.4% 100% Alt Urban 4.0% 34.6 17.4% 11.7% 28.8% 3.6% 100% Rural .7% 5.81 2.9% 5.1% 75.8% 9.6% 100% Philippines 2.0% 17.0% 8.5% 7.7% 57.6% 7.3% 100% Share of Cooking Energy Delivered by Each Fuel by Region, Urban and Rural Areas Electricity LPG Kerosene Charcoal Fuetwood Crop Residues URBAN NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION 7.81 52.6% 27.21 7.9% 4.2% .3% REGION I CILOCOS) .1% 13.2% 1.1% 8.2% 72.1% 5.2% REGION II (CAGAYAN VALLEY) .1% 39.3% 3.3% 6.21 44.61 6.5% REGION III (CENTRAL LUZON) 2.61 47.4% 16.11 11.9% 19.7% 2.4% REGION IV (SOUTHERN LUZON) 3.9% 35.2% 17.0% 18.4% 23.9% 1.6% REGION V (BICOL) .1% 22.81 4.61 18.5% 47.3% 6.61 REGION VI (WESTERN VISAYAS) .81 10.7% 4.9% 29.6% 46.9% 7.11 REGION VII (CENTRAL VISAYAS) .4% 16.4% 10.0% 8.21 61.1% 3.9% REGION VIII (EASTERN VISAYAS) .0% 9.71 15.4% 6.0% 52.6% 16.4% REGION IX (WESTERN NINDANAD) 1.21 5.8% 6.3% 11.1% 49.0K 26.7% REGION X (NORTHERN MINDANAD) 2.7K 7.5% 15.5% 4.7% 56.6% 13.0% REGION XI (SOUTHERN MINDANAO) 2.4% 12.01 14.11 14.6% 55.2% 1.7% REGION XII (CENTRAL NINDANAO) 1.1% 9.5% 9.9% 6.8% 70.1% 2.5% CAR (CORDILLERA ADNINISTR. REGION) .7% 59.0% 8.3% 3.1% 26.6% 2.3% ALl 4.0% 34.6% 17.4% 11.7% 28.81 3.6% RURAL REGION I (ILOCOS) 1.61 8.91 2.6% 5.0% 79.3% 2.6% REGION II (CAGAVAN VALLEY) .3% 12.5% .8% 1.7% 81.7X 3.1% REGION III (CENTRAL LUZON) 1.21 13.9% 8.21 7.3% 62.3% 7.0% REGION IV (SOUTHERN LUZON) 1.3% 7.9 1.81 16.3% 69.2% 3.5% REGION V (BICOL) .2% 3.3% 3.1% 6.5% 82.6% 4.4% REGION VI (WESTERN VISAYAS) .1% .7% .5% 5.1% 77.7% 15.9% REGION VII (CENTRAL VISAYAS) .3% 1.5% 2.6% .0% 93.21 2.4% REGION VIII (EASTERN VISAYAS) .0% 1.0% .0K 3.2% 75.3% 20.5% REGION IX (WESTERN MINDANAD) .3% 5.6% 2.81 3.2% 59.02 29.1% REGION X (NORTHERN MINDANAD) 1.81 1.9% 2.9% .9% 84.7% 7.7% REGION XI (SOUTHERN MINDANAO) .7% .7% 3.0% 1.4% 81.2% 13.0% REGION XII (CENTRAL NINDANAD) .81 6.0% 4.0% .3% 74.7% 14.1% CAR (CORDILLERA ADNINISTR. REGION) .1% 22.3% 7.5% .5% 62.9% 6.8% Alt .7% 5.8% 2.9% 5.1% 75.8% 9.6% Philippines 2.0% 17.0% 8.5% 7.7% 57.6% 7.3% · ECS Swnmary Tables page 36 Share of Cooking Eneroy Delivered by Each Fuet by nc me Electricity LPG Kerosene Charcoat Fuetwood Crop Total Residues NCR Ist Declt* 4.2% 38.1% 35.5% 12.8% 9.4% .0% 100% 2ndeclte 2.4% 30.5% 47.0% 15.0% 5.1% .0% 100% 3rd Declt* 5.9% 39.6% 39.1% 11.3% 4.1% .0% 100% 4th Decite 4.4% 51.7% 32.8% 4.9% 6.1% .0% 100% Sth Dele* 4.9% 47.8% 39.5% 7.3% .5% .0% 100% 6th Decilt 12.6% 48.5% 27.8% 6.8% 3.6% .7% 100% 7th Decil te 10.1% 62.8% 18.4% 5.9% 2.8% .0% 1002 ath Deetle 8.7% 64.1% 18.1% 5.9% 2.6% .6% 100% 9th Dect te 7.8% 71.1% 11.6% 5.6% 3.9% .0% 1002 loth ecite 16.0% 71.7% 3.1% 4.5% 3.2% 1.4% 100% Alt 7.8% 52.6% 27.2% 7.9% 4.2% .3% 100% Other Urban lst Decie .1% 3.2% 10.8% 12.4% 63.9% 9.6% 100% 2nd Decl te .9% 7.5% 10.2% 10.8% 62.6% 8.0% 100% 3rd Decte 1.3% 10.8% 11.8% 16.2% 51.5% 8.5% 100% 4th Decie .1% 14.6% 15.7% 18.2% 47.7% 3.8% 100% sth Decile 2.2% 20.3% 13.3% 12.5% 44.6% 7.1% 100% 6th Declie 2.4% 24.9% 14.9% 15.7% 35.8% 6.2% 100% 7th Deit* 1.4% 36.4% 14.5% 13.3% 31.2% 3.2% 100% 8th Doef te 4.1% 43.8% 11.6% 9.2% 27.6% 3.7% 100% 9th Declt1 2.4% 46.5% 11.3% 12.0% 26.6% 1.2% 100% loth Decite 3.7% 38.1% 5.7% 18.4% 31.9% 2.2% 100% A11 1.9% 24.7% 12.0% 13.8% 42.3% 5.4% 100% Ruret ist Deofte .0% .0% .0% 1.8% 87.8% 10.4% 1002 2nd Doolte .0% .8% 1.4% 4.3% 80.2% 13.2% 100% 3rd Doef te .0% 1.6% .8% 4.1% 80.5% 13.1% 100% 4th Deelte .5% 1.2% 1.2% 4.6% 79.1% 13.5% 100% Sth Dectie .2% .8% 1.7% 6.2% 83.8% 7.4% 100% 6th Decfte .5% 2.4% 3.0% 4.0% 81.0% 9.1% 100% 7th Delt* .4% 6.2% 4.8% 4.7% 76.5% 7.4% 100% Sth Doelte .7% 7.6% 6.4% 9.3% 68.1% 8.0% 100% 9th Docite 2.0% 17.9% 5.9% 8.3% 57.6% 8.2% 100% loth Deef te 3.1% 20.5% 3.7% 4.2% 62.2% 6.3% 100% Att .7% 5.8% 2.9% 5.1% 75.8% 9.6% 100% Phi tippln-s ist DeciLe .2% 2.1% 2.9% 4.9% 79.7% 10.3% 100% 2nd Decti e .5% 3.5% 5.6% 4.6% 72.7% 13.2% 100% 3rd DeciLe .3% 3.5% 3.5% 6.8% 74.6% 11.3% 100% 4th Decite .8% 4.3% 7.2% 8.6% 72.1% 7.0% 100% Sth Doctite .4% 9.0% 8.8% 8.5% 66.6% 6.7% 100% 6th Deit 1.6% 14.7% 12.7% 7.9% 56.5% 6.6% 100% 7th Decie 2.2% 21.3% 13.7% 10.1% 47.1% 5.6% 100% 8th Dectle 3.5% 29.2% 15.6% 9.9% 36.1% 5.6% 1002 9th Def lt* 4.8% 40.4% 9.8% 7.5% 34.1% 3.4% 100% 1oth Deelt 5.6% 41.5% 5.3% 8.1% 36.2% 3.2% 1002 AtL 2.0% 17.0% 8.5% 7.7% 57.6% 7.3% 100% 55 IECS Stumnary Tables page 37 Electricity End-use Tables Percent of Households Using Electricity by End Use NCR Other Urban Rural Ali Philippines Distribution Co./Utility 83.9% 76.0% 45.1% 58.2% Att sources 98.5% 1C.3% 49.5% 64.7% Incandescent 67.8% 65.7X 41.6% 51.2% Fluorescent 87.2% 66.1% 35.3% 50.7% Ordinary fridge 48.1% 25.9% 9.3% 18.8% Frost*free fridge 5.2% 3.5% 1.2% 2.3% Freezer .9% 1.0% .3% .5% B8V TV 55.0% 34.3% 15.0% 25.3% Color TV 34.4% 16.3% 4.5% 11.6% Air conditioner 2.5% .75 .0% .6% Iron 78.5% 45.7% 19.4% 34.1% Fan 86.2% 43.1% 15.3% 32.0% Mater heating device 3.0% 1.1% .3% .8% Cooking device 21.3% 7.4% 2.4% 6.3% Water pump .8 3.1% .7% 1.3% Masher 2.7% 1.0% .1% .7% 56 JIECS Ssmnary Tables page 38 Mean Residential Electricity Consumption by End Use (kuh/mo/HH) NCR Other Urban Rural All PhiLippines Lighting 30.80 18.20 9.28 14.47 Incandescent 11.63 9.36 6.10 7.68 Fluorescent 19.17 8.85 3.18 6.80 Refrigeration 42.56 18.87 5.20 13.76 ordinary fridge 37.42 15.95 4.31 11.78 Frost-free fridge 4.25 2.22 .66 1.54 Freezer .89 .70 .23 .44 Television 11.33 4.92 1.37 3.63 8o TV 5.13 *2.58 .97 1.95 Color TV 6.20 2.33 .41 1.69 Air conditioner 11.30 1.44 .10 1.98 Iran 23.03 8.04 1.96 6.38 Fan 19.90 5.82 1.05 4.84 Cooking 10.94 3.02 .85 2.79 Mater heating device .66 .26 .05 .19 Cooking device 10.29 2.76 .80 2.60 Mater pump .29 1.20 .15 .43 Masher .20 .06 .01 .05 Other 4.93 3.50 1.82 2.67 All uses 155.30 65.08 21.82 51.01 IMCS Swnmary Tables page 39 Mean Residential Electricity Consumption for Using Households onty: by End Use (kMh/me/IN) NCR Other Urban Rural Alt Philippines Lighting 31.33 21.90 18.87 22.46 Incandescent 17.16 14.25 14.67 14.99 Fluorescent 21.99 12.99 8.99 13.41 Refrigeration 79.38 64.12 49.01 64.80 Ordinary fridge 77.86 61.69 46.48 62.79 Frost-free fridge 81.36 62.81 56.62 66.67 Freezer 95.69 72.48 87.55 82.67 Television 13.99 9.96 7.28 10.36 gaw TV 9.32 7.53 6.47 7.68 Color TV 18.01 14.28 9.05 14.56 Air conditioner 448.10 197.39 233.04 355.55 Iron 29.33 17.59 10.08 18.69 Fan 23.08 13.52 6.87 15.11 Cooking 50.98 39.22 35.15 43.72 ater heating device 22.01 24.98 19.13 22.40 Cooking device 48.25 37.34 33.09 41.43 Mater pump 35.89 39.28 21.22 33.12 Masher 7.45 6.22 15.92 7.61 Other 6.30 5.62 5.26 5.61 Alt uses 157.71 78.09 44.05 78.81 53 HECS Sunmary Tables page 40 Total Residential Electricity Consiption by End Use (GWh/year) NCR Other Urban Rural ALt * Philippines Lighting 568.76 611.11 762.66 1942.53 Incandescent 214.78 314.10 501.58 1030.46 Fluorescent 353.97 297.01 261.08 912.07 Refrigeration 785.89 633.57 426.92 1846.37 Ordinary fridge 690.95 535.52 353.98 1580.45 Frost-free fridge 78.46 74.58 53.92 206.96 Freezer 16.48 23.46 19.02 58.96 Television 209.24 165.09 112.97 487.30 88N TV 94.76 86.76 79.52 261.05 Color TV 114.48 78.33 33.44 226.25 Air conditioner 208.72 48.22 8.50 265.44 Iron 425.25 269.90 160.66 855.81 Fan 367.38 195.48 86.61 649.46 Cooking 202.01 101.54 70.21 373.76 Water heating device 12.10 8.81 4.12 25.03 Cooking device 189.91 92.72 66.09 348.72 Mater pump 5.39 40.39 12.03 57.81 Masher 3.76 2.14 1.08 6.99 Other 90.97 117.64 149.69 358.30 ALI uses 2867.36 2185.21 1792.53 6845.10 59 IECS Swnary Tables page 41 Residential Electricity Consumption by End Use (Percent Share) NCR Other Urban Rural ALL Philippines Lighting 8.3% 8.9% 11.1% 28.4% Incandescent 3.1% 4.6% 7.3% 15.1% Fluorescent 5.22 4.3% 3.8% 13.3% Refrigeration 11.5% 9.3% 6.2% 27.0% Ordinary f ridge 10.1% 7.82 5.22 23.1% Frost-free fridge 1.1% 1.1% .82 3.0% Freezer .2% .3% .3% .9% Television 3.1% 2.4% 1.7% 7.1% S8M TV 1.4% 1.3% 1.2% 3.82 Color TV 1.7% 1.1% .5% 3.3% Air conditioner 3.0% .72 .1% 3.9% Iron 6.22 3.9% 2.3% 12.5% Fan 5.4% 2.9% 1.3% 9.5% Cooking 3.0% 1.5% 1.0% 5.5% Mater hesting device .2% .1% .1% .42 Cooking device 2.82 1.4% 1.0% 5.1% Mater pimp .1% .6% .2% .82 Masher .1% .0% .0% .1% Other 1.3% 1.7% 2.2% 5.2% ALL u ses 41.9% 31.9Z 26.2% 100.0% 60 IECS Summary Tables page 42 Electricity Penetration by Incme Percent of Households Using Electricity by End Use and Income NCR Alt Other Urban Alt . 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Quintile Guintile Quintile Quintile Quintile Quintile Quintile Quintile Quintile Quintile Distribution Co./Utility 63.4% 83.0% 88."% 89.3% 95.5% 83.9% 48.6% 67.5% 81.5% 86.82 95.7% 76.01 Alt sources 93.6K 99.4% 100.0% 99.3% 100.0K 98.5% 60.4% 77.5% 88.7% 92.3% 97.8% 83.3% Incandescent 54.9% 66.0% 66.5% 73.3% 78.2Z 67.8% 43.8% 54.1% 69.1% 76.3% 85.0% 65.7% Fluorescent 72.4% 84.1% 92.1% 91.7% 96.2% 87.2% 41.3% 59.6% 70.2K 82.2% 87.0% 68.1% Ordinary fridge 18.2% 40.9% 48.7% 60.7% 72.4% 48.1% 3.5% 11.6% 21.41 39.3% 53.5% 25.9% Frost-free fridge .0% .9% 3.0% 10.4% 12.2% 5.21 .4% .6% 1.7% 5.1% 9.91 3.5% Freezer 1.9K .0% .0% 1.0% 1.9% .9% .0% .0% 1.0% 1.6% 2.2% 1.01 &9w TV 44.8% 63.1% 62.2% 56.2K 48.3% 55.0% 14.8% 29.9% 37.0% 47.4% 42.1% 34.3% Color TV 8.2K 20.9% 31.5% 45.3% 67.4% 34.4% 1.1% 5.1% 8.7% 25.2% 41.8 16.3% Air conditioner .0K .0% .0% 1.0K 11.6% 2.5% .0% .0% .0% .7% 2.9% .7% Iron 53.4% 73.3% 83.1% 87.5% 96.0K 78.5% 13.5% 30.85 48.4K 62.7% 73.1% 45.7 Fan 67.4% 84.3% 93.1% 89.7% 97.0% 86.21 13.3% 26.2% 42.8K 58.3% 74.8% 43.1% Water heating device .7% 1.5% 1.6% 4.4% 6.7X 3.0% .3% .3% .4% 1.4% 2.9% 1.1% Cooking device 7.4% 14.41 22.8K 25.3% 37.4% 21.3X 2.1% 3.5% 4.7% 9.3% 17.5% 7.4% Water pulp .0% .0K .0% 1.6% 2.5% .81 .0% .3% 2.6K 4.3% 8.2% 3.1% Washer .0% 1.3% 2.5% 2.5% 7.4% 2.7% .0% .3% .0% 1.1% 3.81 1.0% (continued) 61 . HECS Summary Tables page 43 Percent of Househouds Using Etectricity by End Use and Incom Rurat ALt Phi t lppines AtL Ist 2nd 3rd 4th Sth Ist 2nd 3rd 4th Sth Buintite Guintite Quintile Guintite Quintile Quintile Guintile luintile Guintile Quintile Distribution Co./Utitity 19.3% 32.3% 44.2% 62.0% 68.6% 45.1% 27.8% 39.7% 63.4% 77.1% 82.9% 58.2% Att sources 22.3% 35.9% 47.6% 67.1% 75.6% 49.5% 33.6% 46.1% 70.8% 84.6% 88.52 64.7% Incandescent 17.4% 28.7% 41.8% 55.0% 65.7% 41.6% 24.3% 35.5% 55.8% 67.1% 73.3% 51.2% Ftuorescent 13.7X 25.22 28.8% 48.5% 61.5% 35.3% 22.4% 31.1% 50.6% 70.1% 79.02 50.7% Ordinary fridge .6% 1.0% 4.0% 11.8% 29.4% 9.3% 1.3% 4.1% 12.1% 27.1% 49.0% 18.8% Frost-free fridge .0% .0% 1.2% 1.7% 2.9% 1.2% .1% .4% 1.5% 2.1% 7.5% 2.3% Freezer .0% .0% .0% .2% 1.1% .3% .0% .3% .1% .6% 1.7% .5% Bu TV 2.1% 6.0% 11.4% 22.8% 33.1% 15.0% 5.1% 12.4% 26.8X 40.5% 41.6% 25.3% Cotor TV .2% .4% 2.0% 5.1% 14.9% 4.5% .6% 1.8% 4.9% 14.8% 35.6% 11.6% Air conditioner .0% .0% .0% .0% .2% .0% .0% .0% .0% .0% 2.8% .6% Iron 2.8% 7.0% 12.0% 27.4% 48.6% 19.4% 5.6% 12.5% 32.7% 50.2% 69.3% 34.1% Fan 2.4% 5.1% 9.6% 19.0% 41.2% 15.3% 6.3% 10.6% 28.3% 47.5% 67.1% 32.0% Water heating device .0% .0% .0% .3% 1.1% .3% .1% .1% .4% .6% 3.0% .8% Cooking device .0% .6% .7% 3.3% 7.7% 2.4% . / 1.6% 3.3% 7.7% 18.0% 6.3% Water puip .0% .0% .22 .6% 2.6% .7% .0% .0% .8% .9% 4.7% 1.3% Wsher .0% .0% .0% .0% .4% .1% .0% .0% .2% .6% 2.62 .7% JECS Summary Tables page 44 Electricity Use by Income Mean Residential Electricity Consulption by End Use and Incase (kMh/1a/11) NCR ALI Other Urban ALl 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Quintile Quintite Quintile Quintile Quintile Quintile Quintile Quintite Quintile Quintite Lighting 22.88 22.67 26.75 35.29 47.06 30.80 10.61 13.30 18.56 20.69 27.89 18.20 Incandescent 9.83 9.02 8.26 12.47 18.63 11.63 5.52 6.54 9.76 10.57 14.41 9.36 Fluorescent 13.05 13.65 18.49 22.82 28.44 19.17 5.09 6.76 8.80 10.12 13.48 8.85 Refrigeration 15.33 30.04 40.23 48.89 79.21 42.56 2.11 8.72 16.58 28.36 38.62 18.87 Ordinary fridge 13.56 29.16 37.77 40.85 66.33 37.42 1.97 8.30 14.42 23.95 31.11 15.95 Frost-free fridge .01 .89 2.46 7.13 11.03 4.25 .13 .41 1.19 3.00 6.40 2.22 Freezer 1.75 .00 .00 .91 1.86 .89 .00 .01 .97 1.41 1.11 .70 Television 5.38 9.70 11.30 13.62 16.79 11.33 1.86 2.72 4.19 7.06 8.76 4.92 88 TV 4.16 6.17 5.93 5.30 4.01 S.13 1.60 1.85 2.89 3.54 3.03 2.58 Color TV 1.22 3.52 5.37 8.32 12.78 6.20 .26 .86 1.30 3.52 5.73 2.33 Air conditioner .02 * .00 .00 6.69 49.89 11.30 .00 .00 .00 .56 6.68 1,4 Iron 11.16 22.52 24.82 27.06 29.64 23.03 1.20 3.02 6.96 12.43 16.60 8.04 Fan 13.49 18.96 24.67 22.72 20.06 19.90 1.46 2.50 5.19 7.95 12.05 5.82 Cooking 1.96 6.81 11.61 11.65 23.04 10.94 .73 .57 3.08 5.09 5.66 3.02 ater heating device .02 .30 .09 1.03 1.84 .66 .02 .01 .06 .50 .74 .26 Cooking device 1.94 6.52 11.52 10.62 21.20 10.29 .71 .57 3.02 4.59 4.92 2.76 Mater pimp .00 .00 .00 .81 .67 .29 .00 .08 1.38 1.66 2.90 1.20 Masher .00 .07 .25 .09 .62 .20 .00 .00 .00 .01 .31 .06 Other 4.09 3.04 5.64 5.31 6.83 4.93 1.06 2.67 3.76 4.11 5.93 3.50 At l uses 74.31 113.81 145.27 172.13 273.82 155.30 19.02 33.58 59.70 87.93 125.41 65.08 (continued) 63 HECS Swmnary Table page 45 Mean Residential Etectricity Consumption by End Use and Income (kWh/o/NN) Rural ALI Phitippines Atl Ist 2nd 3rd 4th sth lst 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Guintite Guintite Guintile Quintile Guintite Guintile Guintite uintile Guintite Quintite Ltghting 2.69 4.94 12.89 10.41 15.18 9.28 5.61. 7.23 16.48 16.90 26.00 14.47 Incandescent 1.57 2.94 10.03 6.45 9.18 6.10 2.96 4.34 10,41 8.33 12.27 7.68 Fluorescent 1.12 2.00 2.86 3.96 6.00 3.18 2.64 2.89 6.07 8.56 13.73 6.80 Refrigeration .22 .32 2.64 5.72 17.29 5.20 .79 2.84 8.94 18.04 37.98 13.76 Ordinary fridge .22 .32 1.67 5.01 14.55 4.31 .76 2.32 7.91 16.39 31.33 11.78 Frost-free fridge .00 .00 .97 .63 1.65 .66 .03 .27 .93 1.22 5.23 1.54 Freezer .00 .00 .00 .08 1.09 .23 .00 .24 .10 .43 1.42 .44 Tetevision .11 .40 1.08 1.75 3.56 1.37 .54 1.24 2.75 5.01 8.57 3.63 88w TV .10 .39 .92 1.36 2.09 .97 .43 1.02 2.02 3.15 3.1C 1.95 Color TV .02 .01 .16 .40 1.47 .41 .11 .23 .73 1.86 5.47 1.69 Air conditioner .00 .00 .00 .00 .52 .10 .00 .00 .00 .00 9.81 1.98 Iran .15 .36 .94 3.02 5.43 1.96 .50 1.21 5.03 9.61 15.44 6.38 Fan .13 .21 .50 1.10 3.37 1.05 .96 1.06 3.57 7.43 11.12 4.84 Cooking .00 .08 .11 .70 3.43 .85 .23 .32 1.23 3.57 8.54 2.79 later heating device .00 .00 .00 .03 .22 .05 .00 .00 .06 .13 .73 .19 Cooking device .00 .08 .11 .66 3.21 .80 .23 .31 1.17 3.44 7.80 2.60 Water pump .00 .00 .02 .15 .58 .15 .00 .00 .30 .45 1.39 .43 Washer .00 .00 .00 .00 .07 .01 .00 .00 .00 .04 .21 .05 Other .40 .64 3.45 1.59 2.88 1.82 .80 1.08 3.72 3.01 4.70 2.67 At us 3.72 6.97 21.65 24.44 52.29 21.82 9.45 14.99 42.02 64.06 123.78 51.01 64 I IECS Sknary Tables page 46 Mean Residential Electricity Consumption for Using Households only: by End Use and Income (kWhlmo/HN) NCR All other Urban Alt * lt 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Quintile Quintile Quintile Quintile Quintile Guintile Quintile Quintile Quintile Quintite Lighting 24.43 22.96 26.75 35.55 47.06 31.33 17.57 17.21 20.94 22.50 28.68 21.90 Incandescent 17.92 13.68 12.41 17.00 23.81 17.16 12.60 12.08 14.12 13.87 16.95 14.25 Fluorescent 18.02 16.23 20.08 24.89 29.56 21.99 12.33 11.34 12.53 12.32 15.50 12.99 Refrigeration 76.49 71.81 77.81 68.73 93.81 79.38 53.96 71.07 69.97 63.78 61.39 64.12 Ordinary fridge 74.60 71.23 77.61 67.25 91.63 77.86 56.39 71.37 67.40 60.94 58.16 61.69 Frost*free fridge 56.39 98.38 81.04 68.50 90.72 81.36 33.01 65.65 69.49 58.64 64.89 62.81 Freezer 94.37 . . 95.86 96.87 95.69 . 61.29 95.87 85.83 51.14 72.48 Television 10.34 12.08 13.03 15.04 17.57 13.99 11.69 7.77 9.17 9.82 11.19 9.96 8aw TV 9.29 9.78 9.53 9.44 8.31 9.32 10.79 6.19 7.82 7.46 7.19 7.53 Color TV 14.98 16.84 17.02 18.37 18.96 18.01 24.01 17.07 14.93 14.00 13.72 14.28 Air conditioner 43.37 . . 703.18 429.52 448.10 . . . 78.88 226.80 197.39 Iron 20.92 30.70 29.86 30.93 30.88 29.33 8.92 9.79 14.37 19.85 22.70 17.59 Fan 20.02 22.48 26.50 25.34 20.68 23.08 10.97 9.52 12.12 13.63 16.11 13.52 Cooking 24.00 47.36 51.02 45.99 61.53 50.98 35.29 15.25 65.96 51.00 31.16 39.22 Water heating device 2.54 19.77 5.59 23.35 27.48 22.01 5.47 1.84 15.82 35.13 25.33 24.98 Cooking device 26.08 45.30 50.62 41.93 56.62 48.25 34.51 16.31 64.70 49.44 28.03 37.34 ater pump . . . 50.89 26.64 35.89 . 28.09 53.86 38.59 35.47 39.28 Vasher . 5.24 9.91 3.52 8.40 7.45 . 1.21 . .88 8.19 6.22 Other 6.87 4.27 6.75 6.17 7.42 6.30 3.46 4.98 5.56 5.55 6.90 5.62 All uses 79.36 114.53 145.27 173.40 273.82 157.71 31.49 43.32 67.32 95.26 128.28 78.09 (continued) 65 HECS Swmnary Tables page 47 Meon Residential Electricity Consumption for Using Households Only: by End Use and Income (kMh/moHl) Rural ALl Philippines All lst 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Quintite Quintile Quintite Quintile Quintie Guintile Quintile Quintile Quintile Quintile Lighting 12.32 14.01 27.18 15.56 20.14 18.87 16.96 15.78 23.31 20.05 29.45 22.46 Incandescent 9.05 10.25 24.00 11.73 13.98 14.67 12.17 12.22 18.65 12.41 16.74 14.99 Ftuorescent 8.21 7.92 9.91 8.16 9.75 8.99 11.83 9.28 11.99 12.22 17.38 13.41 Refrigeration 36.82 30.85 50.59 41.71 52.41 49.01 58.45 59.80 66.02 60.90 67.08 64.80 Ordinary fridge 36.82 30.85 41.61 42.47 49.45 46.48 60.45 56.53 65.46 60.53 63.92 62.79 Frost-free fridge . . 80.28 37.36 56.49 56.62 33.01 71.52 63.75 57.65 69.98 66.67 Freezer . . . 34.25 98.20 87.55 . 94.37 94.42 73.53 83.30 82.67 Television 4.98 6.21 8.02 6.31 7.87 7.28 9.49 8.84 8.73 9.35 12.21 10.36 88 TV 4.65 6.54 8.04 5.94 6.33 6.47 8.45 8.23 7.54 7.76 7.45 7.68 Color TV 8.15 1.73 7.95 7.71 9.88 9.05 18.53 12.37 14.75 12.60 15.38 14.56 Air conditioner . . . . 233.04 233.04 28.50 . 67.67 . 356.28 355.55 Iron 5.23 5.11 7.82 11.04 11.18 10.08 8.90 9.70 15.41 19.14 22.29 18.69 Fen 5.40 4.17 5.20 5.81 8.17 6.87 15.18 9.99 12.63 15.62 16.57 15.11 Cooking . 13.36 15.65 21.09 44.50 35.15 31.46 18.69 36.55 46.62 46.55 43.72 Water heating device . . . 13.09 20.47 19.13 5.47 2.56 15.59 21.75 24.46 22.40 Cooking device . 13.36 15.65 20.09 41.64 33.09 30.92 19.72 35.45 44.98 43.31 41.43 Water puop . . 8.05 23.71 21.71 21.22 . . 36.62 49.87 29.39 33.12 Washer . . . . 15.92 15.92 . . 2.57 6.74 8.18 7.61 Other 3.42 3.25 10.89 3.36 4.51 5.26 4.39 4.01 7.57 4.58 6.05 5.61 All uses 16.70 19.44 45.46 36.43 69.21 44.05 28.17 32.55 59.39 75.75 139.79 78.81 66 IMCS Sunmary Tables page 48 Total Residential Electricity Consumption by End Use and Income (06il/year) CR Alt Other Urban All ist 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Gufntf to Quind e Gutntoie Guinti to Quintf e Quintile Quintilo Quintile Quintile Quintile Lighting 82.66 94.10 91.32 126.47 174.21 568.76 70.62 - 90.06 124.60 140.38 185.45 611.11 Incandescent 35.52 37.45 28.19 44.68 68.95 214.78 36.74 44.27 65.53 71.73 95.83 314.10 Fluorescent 47.13 56.6" 63.13 81.79 105.27 353.97 33.88 45.78 59.07 68.65 89.62 297.01 Refrigeration 55.38 124.73 137.32 175.22 293.24 785.89 14.03 59.03 111.26 192.41 256.84 633.57 ordinary fridge 49.01 121.04 128.94 146.41 245.SS 690.95 13.14 56.21 96.78 162.49 206.90 535.52 Frost-free fridge .04 3.68 8.38 25.54 40.81 78.46 .89 2.77 7.96 20.38 42.58 74.58 Freezer 6.34 .00 .00 3.27 6.87 16.48 .00 .05 6.52 9.54 7.35 23.46 Television 19.45 40.26 38.58 48.81 62.14 209.24 12.35 18.42 28.14 47.92 58.26 165.09 uall TV 15.04 25.63 20.25 18.99 14.85 94.76 10.63 12.56 19.42 24.02 20.13 86.76 Color TV 4.41 14.63 18.33 29.82 47.29 114.48 1.72 5.85 8.72 23.90 38.13 78.33 Air conditioner .08 .00 .00 23.97 184.67 208.72 .00 .00 .00 3.83 44.39 48.22 Iron 40.32 93.47 84.73 96.99 109.73 425.25 7.99 20.46 46.69 84.35 110.40 269.90 Fan 48.76 78.72 84.21 81.44 74.24 367.38 9.71 16.91 34.82 53.93 80.11 195.48 Cooking 7.08 28.28 39.63 41.74 85.30 202.01 4.84 3.88 20.70 34.51 37.61 101.54 tater hosting device .07 1.23 .31 3.68 6.81 12.10 .11 .03 .39 3.37 4.91 8.81 Cooking device 7.01 27.05 39.32 38.05 78.48 189.91 4.73 3.84 20.30 31.15 32.70 92.72 tater pulp .00 .00 .00 2.91 2.47 5.39 .00 .57 9.27 11.23 19.32 40.39 Masher .00 .29 .84 .31 2.31 3.76 .00 .02 .00 .06 2.05 2.14 Other 14.76 12.63 19.26 19.02 25.29 90.97 7.03 18.10 25.22 27.88 39.42 117.6 Alt uses 268.48 472.48 495.89 616.89 1013.61 2867.36 126.57 227.45 400.70 596.51 833.97 2185.21 (continued) IMCS Swnmwy Tables page 49 Total Residential Electricity Consumption by End Use and Income (GWhlyear) Rural All Phitippines All let 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Gufntito Gufntf to oufntile Guntfte Quintfto Guintite Quintfte Guint to Quinti to Guinti to Lighting 43.44 81.33 228.30 161.26 248.33 762.66 153.45 187.50 447.79 450.81 702.98 1942.53 Incandescent 25.35 48.46 177.66 99.91 150.20 501.58 81.11 112.51 282.89 222.32 331.63 1030.46 Fluorescent 18.09 32.87 50.64 61.35 98.13 261.08 72.34 74.98 164.90 228.49 371.35 912.07 Refrigeration 3.52 5.19 46.75 88.62 282.83 426.92 21.65 73.59 242.98 481.29 1026.87 1846.37 Ordinary fridge 3.52 5.19 29.53 77.66 238.08 353.98 20.75 60.21 215.05 437.36 847.08 1580.45 Frost-free fridge .00 .00 17.23 9.72 26.97 53.92 .89 7.04 25.19 32.54 141.29 206.96 Freezer .00 .00 .00 1.24 17.78 19.02 .00 6.34 2.73 11.39 38.50 58.96 Television 1.85 6.58 19.11 27.15 58.27 112.97 14.82 32.28 74.80 133.64 231.77 487.30 88 TV 1.57 6.45 16.26 21.01 34.24 79.52 11.85 26.41 54.99 83.96 83.83 261.05 Color TV .29 .13 2.85 6.15 24.03 33.44 2.97 5.87 19.80 49.68 147.94 226.25 Air conditioner .00 .00 .00 .00 8.50 8.50 .03 .00 .04 .00 265.37 265.44 Iron 2.37 5.93 16.67 46.85 88.85 160.66 13.69 31.36 136.71 256.48 417.57 855.81 Fan 2.06 3.54 8.83 17.05 55.12 86.61 26.16 27.56 96.97 198.18 300.59 649.46 Cooking .00 1.29 1.99 10.80 56.12 70.21 6.26 8.18 33.34 95.20 230.77 373.76 Vater heating device .00 .00 .00 .51 3.6. 4.12 .11 .07 1.66 3.34 19.86 25.03 Cooking device .00 1.29 1.99 10.29 52.51 66.09 6.16 8.11 31.68 91.86 210.91 348.72 Water pup .00 .00 .28 2.34 9.41 12.03 .00 .00 8.17 11.93 37.71 57.81 Washer .00 .00 .00 .00 1,08 1.08 .00 .00 .13 1.08 5.77 6.99 Other 6.49 10.46 61.09 24.58 47.07 149.69 21.80 27.96 100.96 80.40 127.18 358.30 All uses 60.04 114.76 383.48 378.66 855.59 1792.53 258.61 388.88 1141.90 1709.01 3346.70 6845.10 68 HECS Swnary Tables page 50 Residential Etectricity Consption by End Use and lmc=n (Prcent Share) CR AtL Other Urban AtL Ist 2nd 3rd 4th Sth ist 2nd 3rd 4th Sth Quintite Quintite Guintite GuintiLe Quintite Quintile Guintile Quintile Quintite GuintiLe Lighting 1.2% 1.4% 1.3% 1.8% 2.5% 8.3% 1.0% 1.3% 1.8% 2.1% 2.7% 8.9% Incendescent .5% .5 .4% .7% 1.0% 3.1% .5% .6% 1.0% 1.0% 1.4% 4.62 Fluorescent .7X .82 .9% 1.2% 1.5% 5.2% .5% .7% .9% 1.0% 1.3% 4.32 Refrigeration .8% 1.8% 2.0x 2.6% 4.32 11.5% .2x .9% 1.6% 2.8% 3.82 9.3% Ordinary fridge .7% 1.8% 1.9% 2.1% 3.6% 10.1% .2% .8% 1.4% 2.4% 3.0% 7.82 Frost-free fridge .0% .1% .1% .4% .6x 1.1% .0% .0% .1% .3% .6% 1.1% Freezer .1% .0% .0% .0% .1% .2% .0% .0% .1% .1% .1% .3% Tetevision .3% .6x .6% .7% .9% 3.1% .2% .3% .4% .7% .9% 2.4% hu T .2% .4% .3% .3% .2% 1.4% .2% .2% .3% .4% .3% 1.3% CoLor TV .1% .22 .3% .4% .7% 1.7% .0% .1% .1% .3% .6% 1.1% Air conditioner .0% .02 .0% .4% 2.7% 3.0% .0% .0% .0% .1% .6% .7% Iran .6% 1.4% 1.2% 1.4% 1.6% 6.2% .1% .3% .7% 1.2% 1.6% 3.9% Fan .7% 1.2% 1.2% 1.2% 1.1% 5.4% .1% .2% .5% .8% 1.2% 2.9% Cooking .1% .4% .62 .6% 1.2% 3.02 .12 .1% .3% .5% .5% 1.5% Water heating device .0% .0% .0% .1% .1% .2% .0% .0% .0% .0% .1% .1% Cooking device .1% .4% .6% .6% 1.1% 2.8% .1% .1% .3% .5% .5% 1.4% Water piup .0% .0% .0% .0% .0 .1% .0x .0% .1% .2% .3% .6% Washer .0% .0% .0% .0% .0% .1% .0% .0% .0% .0% .0% .0x Other .2% .2% .32 .3% .4% 1.3% .1% .3% .4% .4% .6% 1.7% Att us 3.92 6.9% 7.2% 9.0% 14.8% 44.9% 1.8% 3.3% 5.9% 8.7% 12.2% 31.9% (continued) 69 ECS Smmary Tabks page S1 Residential Electricity Consumption by End Usa and Incom. (Percent Share) Rural Att Philippines Att lst 2nd 3rd 4th Sth Ist 2nd 3rd 4th Sth Ouintite Quintite Quintite Quintite Quintile Quintite uintile Guintile Guintite uintite Lighting .6% 1.2% 3.3% 2.4% 3.6% 11.1% 2.2% 2.7X 6.5% 6.6% 10.3% 28.4% Incandscent .4% .7 2.6% 1.5% 2.2% 7.3% 1.2% 1.6% 4.1% 3.2% 4.8% 15.1% Fluerescmnt .3% .5% .7% .9% 1.4% 3.8% 1.1% 1.1% 2.4% 3.3% 5.4% 13.3% Refrigeration .1% .1% .7% 1.3% 4.1% 6.2% .3% 1.1% 3.5X 7.0% 15.0% 27.0% ordinory frie .1% .1% .42 1.1% 3.5% 5.22 .3% .9% 3.1% 6.4% 12.4% 23.1% Prost-free fridge .0% .0% .3% .1% .4% .8% .0 .1% .4% .5% 2.1% 3.0% Freeer .0% .0% .01 .0% .3x .3% .0% .1% .0% .2% .6% .9% Tetevisimn .0% .1% .3% .42 .9% 1.72 .2% .5% 1.1x 2.0% 3.4% 7.1% =8 TV .0% .1% .2% .3% .5% 1.2% .2% .4% .8% 1.2% 1.2% 3.8% Color TV .0% .0% .0x .1% .4% .5% .0% .1% .3% .7% 2.2% 3.3% Air conditioner .0% .0% .0% .0% .1% .1% .0% .0% .02 .0% 3.9% 3.9% Iran .0 .1% .2% .7% 1.3% 2.3% .2% .5% 2.0% 3.7% 6.1% 12.5% Fan .0% .1% .1% .2% .8% 1.3& .4% .4x 1.4% 2.9% 4.4% 9.5% Cooking .0% .0% .0% .22 .8 1.0% .1% .1% .5% 1.4% 3.4% 5.5% Uater heating device .0% .0% .0% .0% .1% .1% .0% .0% .02 .0% .3% .4% Cooking device .0% .0% .0x .2% .8 1.02 .1% .1% .5% 1.3% 3.1% 5.1% Uater punp .0% .0% .0% .0% .1 .2% .0% .0% .1% .2% .62 .8% washer .0% .0% .0% .0x .0% .0% .0% .0x .0% .0% .1% .1% Other .1% .2% .9x .4Z .72 2.2% .3% .4% 1.5% 1.2% 1.9% 5.2% Att us .9% 1.7% 5.6% 5.5% 12.5% 26.2% 3.8 5.7% 16.7% 25.0% 48.9% 100.02 70 HECS Saummiy Tables page 52 Electricity Penetration by Region Percent of Households Using Electricity by Region Distr All Incan Fluor Ordin Frost Freezer EUM Color A/C Iran Fan Water Cook Water wash Co./ sources fridge free TV TV heater device pwp mach Util fridge UR NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION 84% 98% 68 87% 482 5.2% .9% 55% 34% 2.5% 79 862 3.0% 21% .8% 2.7% REGION l (ILOCOS) 702 74% 46% 61% 21X 4.0% .0% 38% 9.6% .0% 27% 34% .0% 4.9% .0% 1.1% REGION 11 (CAGAYAN VALLEY) 84% 882 75% 75% 302 172 .1% 43% 19% .0% 46% 582 8.9% 2.6% .0% 2.9% REGION III 89 892 85% 45% 4.1% 1.6% .0% 35% 9.5% .0% 60% 8.8% .0% 5.7% .0% .0% At 79% 89 66% 75% 34% 4.1% 1.0% 42% 23% 1.4% 57% 58% 1.7% 12% 2.3% 1.6% RURAL REGION I (ILOCOS) 71% 722 67% 44% 132 .5% .0% 302 3.6% .0% 382 22% .0% 1.6X 1.0% .0% REGION II (CAGAYAN VALLEM> 692 72% 68% 53% 12% .0% .0% 14% 5.4% .0% 21% 33% .0% .7% .7% .0% REGION III (CENTRAL LUON) 65% 722 67% 45% 13% .4% .4% 35% 11% .02 382 35% .4% 3.8% 1.3% .0% REGION IV (SOUTNERN LU2N) 44% 51% 41% 33% 11% 1.2% .0% 21% 6.9% .0% 23% 20% 1.3x 5.3% 2.4% .3% REGION V (SICOL) 44% 46% 42 34% 4.9% .5% .6% 6.1% 2.2% .0% 10% 12% .0% 2.5% .5% .0% REGION VI (WESTERN VISAYAS) 31% 34% 27% 26% 4.1% .8% .0% 12% 3.2% .0% 8.1% 4.9% .0x .8% .4% .0% REGION VII (CENTRAL VISAYAS) 34% 35% 28% 33% 2.6% 1.8% .5% 7.9% 2.9% .0% 6.3% 9.6% .0% 1.0% .5% .0% REGION VIII (EASTERN VISAYAS) 302 302 16% 2% 1.9& .7% .0% 3.1% .7% .0% 8.9% 5.4% .0% .0% .0% .0% REGION IX (WESTERN NINDANAO) 322 382 31% 282 6.8% 1.4% .0% 8.4% 2.9% .0% 13% 7.2Z .0% 1.7% .0% .0% REGION X (NORTNERN KINDANAO) 482 54% 49% 34% 19% .0% 1.3% 11% 7.4% .7% 23% 8.7% .7% 5.5% .0% .0% REGION XI (SITNERN NINDANAO) 382 44% 34% 35% 9.3% 5.8% .6% 102 .5% .0% 17% 11% .0% 2.2% .0% .6% REGION XII (CENTRAL NINDANAO) 40% 46X 34% 38 15% .7% .0% 9.4% 4.2% .0% 17% 12% .0% 1.2% .0% .0% CAR (CORDILLERA ADNINISTR.) 45% 62% 45% 43% 10% .0% .0% 12% 2.4% .0% 40% 19% .02 2.4% .0% .0% Att 45% 502 42% 35% 9.3% .1.22 .3% 15% 4.5% .0% 19% 15% .3% 2.4% .7% .1% All PhIlippines 582 65% 51% 51% 19% 2.3% .52 25% 12% .6% 34% 32% .8% 6.3% 1.3% .7% 71 iECS Sammmy Tabes page S3 Electricity Use by Region Mean Residentisl Electricity Consuption by End Use and Region (kWh/mo/NN) Light Refrig Tele- Air Iran Fan Cooking Water Vasher Other ALt ing eretor vision cond. pwp uses URAN NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION 30.80 42.56 11.33 11.30 23.03 19.90 10.94 .29 .20 4.93 155.3 REGION I (ILOCOS) 10.37 13.44 2.69 .00 2.65 2.45 .19 .00 .03 1.95 33.77 REGION II (CAGATAN VALLEY) 14.09 22.37 2.97 .00 8.30 3.91 .62 .00 .13 3.85 56.24 REGION III (CENTRAL LUZON> 20.62 20.82 7.48 1.37 16.89 10.74 4.33 .41 .01 4.13 86.79 REGION IV 24.08 30.21 8.04 2.85 10.40 9.52 4.77 3.60 .10 3.80 97.39 REGION V 10.80 7.21 3.78 .00 5.0C 3.53 1.17 .49 .00 1.95 33.93 REGION IV (SOLTNERN LUZON) 9.93 6.59 2.56 .00 2.64 1.71 2.10 .63 .01 1.36 27.65 REGION V (BICOL) 4.88 3.63 .27 .00 .45 .84 .33 .01 .00 1.09 11.50 REGION VI (ESTERN VISAYAS) 5.03 1.68 1.05 .00 .22 .21 .18 .00 .00 1.02 9.38 REGION VII (CENTRAL VISAYAS) 5.59 2.79 .64 .00 .63 1.00 .17 .03 .00 .98, 11.84 REGION VIII (EASTERN VISAYAS) 4.15 1.26 .22 .00 .37 .12 .00 .00 .00 .34 6.47 REGION IX (WESTERN MINDANAO) 7.19 3.70 .81 .00 1.92 .53 .47 .00 .00 .79 15.40 REGION X (NORTNERN MINDANAO) 14.19 9.66 1.15 1.53 2.34 .20 2.87 .00 .00 2.16 34.10 REGION XI (S THERN MINDANAO> 7.10 9.40 .78 .00 2.31 .31 .42 .00 .15 1.43 21.90 REGION XII