Report No: AUS11483 Latin America Consolidation, Improvement and Expansion of the Rural Water and Sanitation Information System (SIASAR) Joint output report for the Technical Assistance (TA) activities — “SIASAR Consolidation and Expansion in LAC” (P148645) and “6L Rural WSS Information System (SIASAR)” (P153736) June 9, 2017 GWA03 LATIN AMERICA AND CARIBBEAN Acknowledgements This joint output report summarizes the results of the World Bank’s Water Global Practice support to members for the consolidation, improvement and expansion of SIASAR as a decision support tool for policy formulation, planning, and resource allocation, ultimately, aiming to enhance the sustainability and quality of services in the rural water supply and sanitation sector in Latin America and the Caribbean. The World Bank team would like to express its gratitude to the Governments of the 11 members (Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, the Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, the Mexican State of Oaxaca, the Brazilian State of Ceará, Bolivia, Peru, Colombia, and Paraguay) for their collaboration. The SIASAR initiative is the result of a concerted effort conducted by all members with financial and technical support from the World Bank and contributions from strategic partners, such as the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MEC), the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), the Inter- American Development Bank (IDB), the European Union (EU), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), international NGOs, regional networks, and local organizations. This report was prepared by a World Bank team, led by Antonio Rodriguez Serrano, Senior Water and Sanitation Specialist (Task Team Leader and Lead Author), comprising: Crystal Fenwick, Water and Sanitation Consultant; David Sobel, Consultant; Gonzalo Martinez Crespo, SIASAR Coordination Consultant; Marta Fernandez Gonzalez, SIASAR IT Coordination Consultant and with the support of Christian Borja-Vega, Economist. The SIASAR IT 2.0 platform was developed by members with support by an IT consultant team, led by Marta Fernandez, comprising: Eva Reguera, Project Management; Ignacio Segura, CMS Specialist; Jamal Toutouh, IT Architect; Mauricio Miranda, GIS Specialist; and Martin Dell Oro, Web Developer. The Engineering Science and Global Development (EScGD) group of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), led by Agustí Perez-Foguet and integrated by Ricard Giné Garriga, and David Requejo Castro, with the support of Alejandro Jimenez (SIWI), played a pivotal role in providing technical expertise to support members in the review and improvement of the SIASAR conceptual model and to assess its alignment and contribution to monitoring the Sustainable Development Goals for water and sanitation. The team would also like to thank the following people for their respective contributions and support to the SIASAR initiative: Blanca Lopez Alascio, Carmen Molejon, Charles Delfieux, Christophe Prevost, Clementine Stip, Fernando Laca, Gustavo Perochena, Juliana Garrido, Lilian Pena, Luis Alfonso Alvestegui, Marco Antonio Aguero, Maria Angelica Sotomayor, Miguel Vargas-Ramirez, Mirtha Murillo, Nelson Medina, Sabrina Zimmerman, and Sophie Ayling. The report was reviewed by Alexander Danilenko, Senior Water and Sanitation Specialist; Kristoffer Welsien, Water Supply and Sanitation Specialist; Luis Alberto Andres, Lead Economist; and Miguel Campo Llopis, Spanish Water and Sanitation Fund Coordinator at the Inter-American Development Bank. The team gratefully acknowledges the support of the Global Solution Group on Rural Water and Sanitation, led by Miguel Vargas-Ramirez, Sr. Water and Sanitation Specialist, and the overall guidance and approval provided by David Michaud, Practice Manager for Europe, Central America and Haiti, Water Global Practice, The World Bank. Standard Disclaimer: This volume is a product of the staff of The World Bank. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this paper do not necessarily reflect the views of the Executive Directors of The World Bank, the participating institutions or the governments they represent. The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this work. The boundaries, colors, denominations, and other information shown on any map in this work do not imply any judgment on the part of The World Bank concerning the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. © 2017 Copyright Statement: The material in this publication is copyrighted. Copying and/or transmitting portions or all of this work without permission may be a violation of applicable law. The World Bank encourages dissemination of its knowledge, and this work may be reproduced as long as it is for noncommercial purposes and full attribution to the work is given. 2 Consolidation, Improvement and Expansion of the Rural Water and Sanitation Information System | SIASAR Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................. 9 A Introduction .......................................................................................................... 9 B Development Objective ........................................................................................ 9 C Description of SIASAR and Methodological Approach ........................................ 9 D Summary of Results and Bank Performance ...................................................... 10 E Lessons Learned and Recommendations ........................................................... 11 F Moving Forward ................................................................................................... 12 G Report Outline ..................................................................................................... 14 1 BACKGROUND AND CONTEXT ................................................................................ 15 1.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 15 1.2 The SIASAR Initiative .......................................................................................... 16 1.3 Rationale of Technical Assistance ....................................................................... 17 2 DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVE AND RESULTS FRAMEWORK ................................. 19 2.1 Development Objective ........................................................................................ 19 2.2 Intermediate Outcomes and Indicators ................................................................ 19 2.3 Components and Outputs ................................................................................... 20 2.4 Methodology ........................................................................................................ 21 3 SIASAR: DEVELOPMENT AND DESIGN ................................................................... 23 3.1 A Collaborative Process ...................................................................................... 23 3.2 Ratification of SIASAR ......................................................................................... 25 3.3 Institutional Framework of SIASAR ..................................................................... 26 3.4 Implementation Roadmap for New Members ...................................................... 27 3.5 The Conceptual Model ........................................................................................ 29 3.5.1 Core Sustainability Entities .................................................................... 29 3.5.2 The Sustainability Metric ........................................................................ 29 3.5.3 From SIASAR 1.0 to SIASAR 2.0 ........................................................... 30 3.5.4 Water and Sanitation Performance Index .............................................. 31 3.6 The SIASAR Information Ecosystem ................................................................... 33 3.6.1 The SIASAR 2.0 IT Platform and Smart Apps ........................................ 33 3.6.2 Communicating Results ......................................................................... 36 4 SIASAR IN PRACTICE ............................................................................................... 39 4.1 The Operational Process ..................................................................................... 39 4.1.1 Data Collection and Update .................................................................. 39 4.1.2 Data review and validation .................................................................... 42 4.1.3 Generating indicators, maps and reports ............................................. 43 4.2 Putting rural communities on the map ................................................................. 45 4.3 Showcasing SIASAR ........................................................................................... 46 4.4 Evidence-Based Research .................................................................................. 49 4.4.1 Preliminary Findings .............................................................................. 49 4.4.2 Leveraging SIASAR Data for Sustainable Service Provision ................. 50 4.4.3 Research Agenda .................................................................................. 51 5 PERFORMANCE AND EFFICIENCY IN IMPLEMENTING TA ................................... 53 5.1 Activity Performance ............................................................................................ 53 5.2 Bank Performance ............................................................................................... 59 5.3 Cost Overview ..................................................................................................... 60 5.3.1 SIASAR Initiative Costs .......................................................................... 60 5.3.2 Data collection and other national costs ............................................... 63 6 LESSONS LEARNED AND RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................. 65 6.1 Guiding Principles ................................................................................................ 65 6.2 Data Collection Activities ..................................................................................... 65 6.3 Cultivating a Broader Understanding of Results .................................................. 66 6.4 Value for Money ................................................................................................... 67 6.5 Understanding the Realities of the Rural WSS Sector ......................................... 68 7 MOVING FORWARD ................................................................................................... 69 7.1 Consolidation in LAC ........................................................................................... 69 7.2 Opportunities for Global Expansion ..................................................................... 72 7.3 Next frontier in Development of SIASAR Conceptual Model ............................... 73 ANNEXES ......................................................................................................................... 75 ANNEX 1. SIASAR Strategic Partners ......................................................................... 75 ANNEX 2. SIASAR Member Fact Sheets .................................................................... 76 4 Consolidation, Improvement and Expansion of the Rural Water and Sanitation Information System | SIASAR List of Figures Figure 1: Progress Over Time ....................................................................................... 24 Figure 2: Ratifying the Adoption of SIASAR .................................................................. 25 Figure 3: SIASAR Governance Structure ...................................................................... 26 Figure 4: Implementation Process Map ........................................................................ 28 Figure 5: Core Entities Influencing Sustainability of Rural WSS Services .................... 29 Figure 6: Sustainability as a Measure of Functionality over Time ................................. 30 Figure 7: Water and Sanitation Performance Index (WSP) ........................................... 32 Figure 8: SIASAR IT Platform and Associated Apps ..................................................... 33 Figure 9: SIASAR’s Homepage ..................................................................................... 34 Figure 10: Data Processing Functions ............................................................................ 35 Figure 11: Press and Media Coverage Across the Globe ............................................... 36 Figure 12: Social Media Impact Across the Globe .......................................................... 37 Figure 13: Data Collection and Transformation ............................................................... 39 Figure 14: SIASAR Questionnaires ................................................................................. 40 Figure 15: The WSP Index .............................................................................................. 44 Figure 16: Screenshot of Geo Dashboard for Nicaragua ................................................ 44 Figure 17: Summary of Data Collected to December 2016 ............................................. 45 Figure 18: Water and Sanitation Performance Index (WSI) ............................................ 49 Figure 19: Service Provider Sustainability and Female Participation .............................. 51 Figure 20: Total Costs by Year and Cost Distribution by Institution (FY14 – FY17) ............................................................................................... 60 Figure 21: Total Cost Distribution (%) and Distribution of Costs by Type and Year ......................................................................................................... 60 Figure 22: Detailed Costs by Type and Year (FY14 – FY17) ........................................... 61 Figure 23: World Bank and Countries Detailed Costs by Type and Year (FY14-FY17) .................................................................................................. 62 Figure 24: Implementation Costs by Member ................................................................. 62 Figure 25: Projected (FY18) costs per member based on historical (FY14-FY17) costs to date ............................................................................ 70 Output Report 5 List of Tables Table 1: Recommendations to Improve, Consolidate and Expand SIASAR 18 Table 2: Intermediate Outcome Indicator(s) .................................................................. 19 Table 3: Key Outputs and Associated Tasks .................................................................. 21 Table 4: Core Entities Influencing Sustainability of Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Services .......................................................................................... 31 Table 5: Commonly Employed Data Collection and Validation Process ......................... 41 Table 6: Estimated Time Required for Data Collection Activities .................................... 42 Table 7: Data Collected to Date (as at March 2017) ...................................................... 46 Table 8: Summary of Intermediate Outcomes and Indicators ........................................ 53 Table 9: Summary of Bank Performance ....................................................................... 59 Table 10: Estimated Data Collection Costs by Country ................................................... 63 Table 11: Estimated Baseline Costs Per Country ............................................................ 63 6 Consolidation, Improvement and Expansion of the Rural Water and Sanitation Information System | SIASAR Abbreviations and Acronyms AECID Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation) ARAS Asesores Regionales de Agua y Saneamiento (Regional Water and Sanitation Advisors) CAPS Comité de Agua Potable y Saneamiento (Potable Water and Sanitation Committee) CBO Community-based Organization CMS Content Management System DLI Disbursement-Linked Indicator FISE Fondo de Inversion Social Para Emergencias (Social Investment Fund for Emergencies) FOCARD-APS Foro Centroamericano y Republic Dominica de Agua Potable y Saneamiento (Central American and Dominican Republic Forum for Potable Water and Sanitation) HTML Hypertext Markup Language ICT Information and Communications Technology IDB Inter-American Development Bank INAPA Instituto Nacional de Agua Potable y Alcantarillado (National Institute for Potable Water and Sewerage) LAC Latin America and the Caribbean MOU Memorandum of Understanding MINSA Ministerio de Salud (Ministry of Health) NGO Non-Governmental Organization PforR Program-for-Results Financing PHP Hypertext Preprocessor RWSN Rural Water Supply Network SFLAC Spanish Fund for Latin America and the Caribbean SANAA Servicio Autonomo Nacional de Acueductos y Alcantarillados (National Autonomous Water and Sewerage Service) Output Report 7 SDC Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDGs Sustainable Development Goals SIASAR Sistema de Información de Agua y Saneamiento Rural (Rural Water and Sanitation Information System) TA Technical Assistance QA/QC Quality Assurance and Quality Control UEAR Unidad Ejectuora de Acueductos Rurales (Executing Unit for Rural Aqueducts) UMAS Unidad Municipal de Agua y Saneamiento (Municipal Water and Sanitation Unit) UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund UPC Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Polytechnic University of Catalonia) WGP Water Global Practice WPP Water Partnership Program WSP Water and Sanitation Program WSS Water Supply and Sanitation 8 Consolidation, Improvement and Expansion of the Rural Water and Sanitation Information System | SIASAR EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A. Introduction and TF0A3271 and the “6L Rural WSS Information System (SIASAR)” TA (P153736) supported by the The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Spanish Fund for Latin America and the Caribbean emphasize service delivery, which requires an (SFLAC) TF016023. This report presents a innovative approach to evidence-based policy- consolidated review of both TAs through a detailed making. However, service providers in rural areas discussion of the achievements and results of the often lack the technical capacity needed to effectively SIASAR initiative. deliver reliable services while a lack of up-to-date and comprehensive data means little information B. Development Objective is available for policy makers, planners and sector specialists to identify and respond to the needs of rural The primary development objective of the TA was to communities. An improved information management support the consolidation and expansion of SIASAR system that reflects local realities can help address as a decision support tool for policy formulation, these challenges. planning, and resource allocation, ultimately aiming to enhance the sustainability and quality of services In this context, the governments of Panama and in the rural water supply and sanitation sector in Latin Nicaragua, followed shortly by Honduras, articulated America and the Caribbean. The success of SIASAR the need for an enhanced information system to exceeded expectations and most of the intermediate help prioritize technical assistance and improve the outcomes were achieved or surpassed. Specifically, sustainability of service providers in rural areas. In the TA positively impacted the institutional strength of response, the World Bank consolidated resources diverse institutions and sector agencies in the region, from several ongoing operations in the region, the supported the expansion of SIASAR to 11 members Water Partnership Program (WPP) and the Water (Panama, Honduras, Nicaragua, the Dominican and Sanitation Program (WSP), and the Rural Water Republic, Costa Rica, Mexico (Oaxaca), Brazil and Sanitation Information System (SIASAR) was (Ceará), Bolivia, Peru, Paraguay, and Colombia), born. Officially launched in 2011, SIASAR is an increased capacity in the sector, influenced policy innovative information management and decision planning and decision-making at the national and support system with a strong focus on sustainability subnational level, promoted the rural water supply that aims to support a comprehensive management and sanitation sector, cultivated knowledge transfer, approach to rural WSS service delivery. SIASAR and supported ongoing improvements designed to addresses the challenges faced by the sector and enhance the SIASAR initiative and tools. promotes the long-term sustainability of rural WSS services by responding to the general lack of up-to- C. Description of SIASAR and date information, generating important information, Methodological Approach evaluating the performance of service providers, and improving the overall effectiveness of technical Critical to SIASAR’s success was the unique assistance. Following a successful pilot program in collaborative and participatory process driven by, and 2012, efforts began to focus on improving the system tailored to, the needs of each member drawing on and formalizing the institutional and operational existing experiences, and facilitated through regular arrangements to consolidate and expand its use in interactions. Underpinning this process has been the Latin American and the Caribbean and in 2013 the initiative’s strong commitment to the eight Guiding World Bank began providing dedicated non-lending Principles crafted to ensure the long-term, practical technical assistance (TA) under the “SIASAR use of information: Simple, Robust, Institutionalized, Consolidation and Expansion in LAC” TA (P148645) Open, Harmonized, Adapted, Flexible, and Current. supported by the WSP through trust funds TF093845 This approach cultivated strong ownership and Output Report 9 stimulated learning opportunities and ties between updated) using four basic questionnaires that analyze members, helping to cement SIASAR’s integration into the level of service from the perspective of four core the rural WSS sector in LAC while raising awareness entities: community, service provider, systems and of the sector and importance of sustainability overall. technical assistance. All indices, indicators and data Governed by a member-led structure espoused in collected in the field must feed into the sustainability a set of Official Regulations, SIASAR’s institutional metric, which uses ratings (ranging from a high of A to framework actively engaged senior officials from a low of D) or classifications to express functionality. national and subnational governments. This high This classification scheme is based on the premise level of commitment was essential to ensuring that sustainability will decrease i.e. descend from A to SIASAR was institutionalized within individual sector D, if a service does not receive the necessary attention frameworks and policies, anchoring the SIASAR and care required to maintain optimal functionality. initiative and paving the way for the implementation Finally, the information ecosystem supporting process. The TA supported the initiative through a SIASAR was developed with the goal of creating a two-pronged approach: institutional and operational. suite of free, open source, simple yet robust, modern The Bank’s convening power successfully leveraged ICT tools. Drawing on technological and historical significant interest at a high level leading to the experiences across the membership base, SIASAR adoption of SIASAR by national sector authorities, comprises four primary components: SIASAR however, because of the rapid expansion of SIASAR Website (Content Management System, backend the TA was unable to sustain the same level of and public website); SIASApp (multi-platform mobile intensity of institutional support, which may have applications); SIASAR Business Information (data affected SIASAR’s implementation at lower levels of integration and business analytics) and SIASAR Geo government. Nonetheless, the TA provided significant Dashboard (Geographic Information System (GIS)) financial and technical support during the operational described in detail in Chapter 3. phase, with a strong emphasis on bridging the gap in member capacity to manage the day-to-day D. Summary of Results and Bank operations of SIASAR. In particular, the TA supported Performance the development of a new conceptual model and information system (SIASAR 2.0, launched in April As of June 2017, data from more than 23,500 rural 2017) expanding and refining the methodology that communities, representing more than 11,000,000 underpins SIASAR’s data analytics leading to better, people have been collected, validated and input more stable and more reliable outcomes. into SIASAR making an often-invisible sector visible and generating important findings to inform strategic To address sustainability, the conceptual model policies and streamline technical assistance. The was conceived as a metric designed to assess the initiative expanded from three to 11 members in four functionality of water supply and sanitation services years: 198 institutions support the implementation over time. Specifically, the conceptual model aims of SIASAR, accompanied by rigorous institutional to provide a detailed perspective of different aspects strengthening and capacity building campaigns concerning water and sanitation services and defines and more than 102 initiatives and activities have methodologies to aggregate the information into been informed. Analyzing data from the universe of thematic indices. A battery of 60 indicators, classified communities registered in SIASAR offers additional into 24 components and grouped into six dimensions insights into the reality of rural WSS that complement (water service level, sanitation and hygiene service existing coverage data. Importantly, data gathered level, water system infrastructure, service provision, using SIASAR offer an enhanced picture of the technical assistance provision, and schools and sustainability of rural services, notably only 8 percent health centers) are aggregated into two sub-indices: of all communities and 7 percent of service providers the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Service Level have achieved a classification of “A” e.g. optimal Index (WSH) and the Water Services Sustainability service levels. Systems fare slightly better although Index (WSS) aggregated in turn to give rise to the final most are in need of some type of repair corresponding Water and Sanitation Performance Index (WSP). To to a startling, yet understandably, low level of assess the functionality of water supply and sanitation technical assistance. Further analyses give rise to services over time field data are collected (and interesting preliminary results suggesting a potential 10 Consolidation, Improvement and Expansion of the Rural Water and Sanitation Information System | SIASAR relationship between gender and service quality and For example, SIASAR’s autonomous approach to the TA supported a rigorous research agenda (results data collection gave rise to a novel approach in Peru forthcoming) that aims to evaluate the robustness, – where national government fiscal transfers were reliability and applicability of SIASAR further. linked to the collection and reporting of data for use in SIASAR – that could be replicated and expanded As indicated, the TA achieved and exceeded elsewhere. Additionally, whereas the initiative initially expected outcomes. Correspondingly, the Bank’s envisaged completing full national baselines – an performance and efficiency in implementing the TA approach that was highly successful in Nicaragua – has been effective. The TA supported the institutional perceptions have evolved to support and value the strengthening of national and regional institutions, application of SIASAR at different scales. Indeed, successfully consolidating and promoting the use the ability to operate across geographical scales of SIASAR in policy planning and decision-making has proven to be one of SIASAR’s strengths. The and fostering greater capacity among the initiative’s addition of new members with existing databases has members. Indeed, SIASAR’s rapid expansion is a demonstrated SIASAR’s strength as a frontend (data testament to its strategic relevance and the Bank’s analytics and reporting) tool highlighting potential convening power, which was essential to leveraging opportunities to collaborate with existing tools strategic partnerships, attracting expertise and that focus on providing backend (data collection) creating brand awareness regionally and globally. solutions. Finally, the inclusion of new members Several strategic, long-standing partners such as the has reinforced the need for indicators to remain IDB, AECID, SDC and UNICEF in addition to Non- harmonized to ensure the continued accuracy and Governmental Organizations (NGOs) have supported ongoing relevance of inter-country comparisons. the initiative, and have been equally important to its success. Notably, members have been empowered to While the application of SIASAR in practice has gradually take leadership roles, further increasing the been met with reasonable success, sustainability strong ownership cultivated through the participatory in the rural WSS sector remains a relatively new approach, however, the SIASAR initiative continues concept and limited capacities preclude members to rely on the TA’s support. The Bank’s influence from capitalizing on SIASAR’s full potential. Moving has proven to be a positive resource in generating forward, technical assistance should support the political will at the national level, however, the TA’s increased uptake of SIASAR as a decision support limited reach at the subnational level where SIASAR’s system and its application to activities within and implementation in practice has been somewhat less beyond the sector by generating and analyzing stellar is an unintended effect of the top-down approach reports to better understand the factors that affect the to generating institutional support. Furthermore, there sustainability of services. are currently no accountability mechanisms in place to ensure members meet commitments prescribed With a broad and disparate membership base, in the Regulations potentially affecting the long-term SIASAR has had to identify and promote novel sustainability of SIASAR and the implementation approaches to collaborating and working across process has been met with variable success. space and time. Virtual workspaces have paved the way for seamless transitions while video conferencing E. Lessons Learned and has enabled teams to maintain regular contact while Recommendations both initiatives have helped keep operational costs low. Notwithstanding, certain face-to-face meetings The rapid expansion of SIASAR from three to 11 are pivotal to the initiative and particularly the members in four years has led to an abundance of implementation process, including training missions lessons learned, which can be summarized into four for new members, which are typically led by existing broad themes: data collection, understanding results, members. To facilitate greater autonomy, promote value for money, and understanding sector realities. self-sustenance and support SIASAR’s long-term Many of these are linked to specific recommendations sustainability, members should develop a financial designed to improve the initiative, the information strategy and business plan that seeks to increase ecosystem or the implementation process moving the financial participation of members and identify forward. alternative sources of funding. Output Report 11 Finally, SIASAR’s success has been found to hinge and explore the universe of possible options moving strongly on the evolution of each member’s rural forward, comprising inter alia an analysis of different water supply and sanitation sector. Specifically, management models, such as creating: (i) a unifying political will, well-defined policies, a clear vision and regional association, or (ii) multiple regional bases the mechanisms to execute it have proven vital to the designed to represent the interests of a smaller, more successful adoption, implementation and operation consolidated and theoretically more manageable of SIASAR. To the contrary, a lack of sector policies group of members. and limited intuitional support for the rural water supply and sanitation sector, limits the progress and Identify alternative sources of funding and potential of SIASAR to inform the sector. sponsorship. The Bank has played a significant financial role by supporting 68 percent of the F. Moving Forward initiative’s regional operational costs over its four- year implementation period. Greater autonomy would The SIASAR initiative has grown from three members require members to identify alternative sources of to 11 members in LAC in a relatively short period of funding and sponsorship supported by a thorough cost time and has garnered international interest. Three benefit analysis and annual budget. As the initiative critical areas are considered relevant to the success continues to expand, notwithstanding the significant of the initiative moving forward: Consolidation in LAC, outlay in capital costs required to develop SIASAR Opportunities for Expansion and Next Frontier in 2.0, economies of scale are expected to lead to cost Development of the Conceptual Model and below is a advantages whereby operational costs per member summary of recommendations designed to progress will decrease with an increasing membership base. each and described in detail in Section 7. As operational costs stabilize affordability for many members should increase and the initiative should Consolidation in LAC evolve into a financially self-sustaining organization. However, the successful transfer of responsibility Recognizing the need to consolidate the rapid for the ongoing management of SIASAR would expansion of the initiative in LAC, current members be highly contingent upon securing and retaining are fleshing out an evolving vision for the initiative’s the IT expertise required, a persistent problem for trajectory that contemplates the balance between the the initiative. To this end, the Bank is supporting level of government involvement and donor support members to conduct a detailed review of regional needed to ensure the sustainability and relevance legal and policy instruments, and analyze alternative of the initiative moving forward. This approach management models, with a view to supporting the would seek to strengthen government commitments strategic business plan to be presented and discussed through active participation in the development and at a high-level meeting with the relevant Ministers at maintenance of SIASAR as a means to generate Bank headquarters in September 2017. additional buy-in and ownership and considers options at the regional and country levels. At the country level, increase member capacity to better support the onboarding of new members At the regional level, develop a two-step strategy to implement SIASAR, harness data analytics to transition from current levels of donor funding capabilities and ensure SIASAR’s uptake long- to increased autonomy. This would require term. SIASAR is a membership driven, collaborative the Regional Working Groups to be significantly process that has generated strong ownership and strengthened to support the ongoing operation and pride among members and symptoms of mistrust maintenance of SIASAR through: (i) an initial period and apathy commonly associated with externally led to create an effective management strategy; and (ii) initiatives have been avoided. To the contrary, the a transitional period to roll out the strategy to further collaborative spirit and democratic process through define the roles and responsibilities of donors and which SIASAR was created and continues to progress members. To this end, and with the Bank’s support, may have cultivated a general lack of willingness members are currently drafting a strategic business among members to assume a role of authority. plan to focus on the initiative’s wider sustainability Furthermore, the Bank’s involvement and continued 12 Consolidation, Improvement and Expansion of the Rural Water and Sanitation Information System | SIASAR support may have engendered certain expectations. balance between maintaining a consolidated Similarly, while the Members’ Memorandum of global initiative and decoupling future regional Understanding (MOU) is well-conceived conceptually, initiatives. Options include maintaining the current in practice commitment is still not embedded in each backend IT infrastructure while revising the frontend member’s approach to SIASAR and there remains a user interface to accommodate different regional lack of accountability to the implementation process requirements. Careful consideration must be given particularly evident in countries with limited sector to the maturation of a potential member’s rural WSS policies and weak or absent sector institutions. sector in order to determine the most appropriate use This highlights the need to increase ownership and of SIASAR and to craft the best pathway to success. management authority from within and could be partially achieved through strengthening SIASAR’s Assess the maturation of a potential member’s Regional Working Groups. Additionally, as members rural WSS sector to determine the most increasingly use evidence-based results generated appropriate use of SIASAR and to craft the best by SIASAR to support decision making within and pathway to success. Sector support is critical beyond the sector, SIASAR’s uptake should quickly to SIASAR’s success. Additionally, while many evolve into a self-fulfilling prophecy. commonalities between regions exist, the practical application of SIASAR to distinct realities should be Redefine the Bank’s role and leverage donor carefully evaluated to ensure the conceptual model support. With members assuming responsibility aligns with governance models for data collection for the day-to-day operation of SIASAR, the role of and decision-making. A well designed pilot program the Bank and other donors, such as the IDB and in Africa or Southeast Asia could support this AECID, can be redefined to focus efforts on providing process. strategic support to rural WSS operations and increasing capacity at the local level through targeted Draw on lessons learned from Latin America and investments and technical assistance. Specifically, the Caribbean to inform the mix of skills needed the Bank and other donors have a critical role to to successfully launch SIASAR in other regions. play addressing the gap in analytical capabilities and The Bank will likely need to continue playing a key broadening the use of SIASAR data to support the role in facilitating knowledge sharing and providing inclusion agenda, in particular gender and indigenous technical assistance to bring new members on board peoples. Additionally, donors could actively support especially in new regions. SIASAR’s successful the mainstreaming of SIASAR in strategies and deployment will hinge on identifying: (i) adequate operations throughout the region, including in human and financial resources; (ii) champions within countries where they are not currently active, the Bank and local counterparts; (iii) opportunities marketing SIASAR as the screening mechanism of to capitalize on existing datasets or leverage data choice for rural WSS interventions or supporting its collection activities (for example through PforRs); inclusion as a disbursement-linked indicator (DLI) in and (iv) partnerships with donors, NGOs and other Program-for-Results Financing (PforRs). interested stakeholders. Opportunities for Global Expansion Increase credibility by developing an effective outreach strategy to engage global actors SIASAR is poised to expand globally buoyed by involved in the rural WSS sector. Opportunities for interest from countries, the Bank, donors and NGOs synergies with complimentary organizations should in Africa and Southeast Asia. The Bank should be explored in greater detail, including the Rural continue to play a key role supporting the promotion Water Supply Network (RWSN) and international of SIASAR as a global public good, ideally through a NGOs such as SNV and WaterAid, in addition to pilot in a new region. In particular, the Bank should evaluating synergies with existing tools such as the support the following activities: Water Point Data Exchange (WPDx) and WaterAid’s Water Point Mapper, and finally, other conceptual Determine the best management strategy methodologies such as the Balanced Scorecard and moving forward, specifically, to evaluate the Proyecto-Enlace. Output Report 13 Next Frontier in Development of SIASAR Conceptual health centers are collected, SIASAR could highlight Model public facilities without access to water or sanitation Refine the conceptual model to accommodate Finally, as the Bank’s focus on sustainability in the global expansion, new contexts, emerging rural water supply and sanitation sector continues to reporting requirements, and technological grow, a concerted effort to align concurrently evolving advances and to address the next generation initiatives will be needed to ensure a coherent and of challenges and align with global monitoring cohesive approach within the Bank. initiatives. Although SIASAR was conceived prior to the establishment of the SDGs and remains first G. Report Outline and foremost a tool for monitoring the sustainability of rural WSS services, the SIASAR conceptual model Chapter 1 provides an introduction to the water was recently refined to align the current framework supply and sanitation context in Latin American and with the SDGs where possible and SIASAR has the Caribbean, the SIASAR initiative and rationale now emerged as a complementary monitoring tool of the Technical Assistance. Chapter 2 presents the to inform the SDGs incorporating, for example, a development objective, intermediate outcomes and simplified assessment of WASH in schools and health indicators, components, outputs and associated care centers. tasks and finally, a brief description of methodology. Chapter 3 provides a detailed description of SIASAR, The need to remain at the forefront of technological from conception to design to implementation, focusing advances in line with SIASAR’s final guiding principal on the institutional framework, conceptual model and is essential to ensuring the long-term relevance IT ecosystem. Chapter 4 presents a summary of and success of SIASAR. SIASAR 2.0’s ability to preliminary results to date and describes the ongoing update a single data field remotely could respond research agenda while Chapter 5 summarizes the to recent technological advances, such as low-cost Bank’s performance and efficiency in implementing sensors, which could be incorporated into SIASAR to the TA including an overview of associated costs. enable the remote monitoring of systems. Similarly, Finally, Chapter 6 presents a detailed review of the opportunities exist to expand SIASAR’s geospatial lessons learned and relevant recommendations before capabilities. For example, as data on schools and Chapter 7 summarizes options for moving forward. 14 Consolidation, Improvement and Expansion of the Rural Water and Sanitation Information System | SIASAR 1 BACKGROUND AND CONTEXT 1.1 Introduction by community-based organizations (CBOs) that frequently lack the financial resources and technical The impacts of limited access to water and sanitation know-how necessary to fulfill their duties. Moreover, on health, education and income generating public investments in the rural sector have historically opportunities are well established and underpin the favored new infrastructure with little consideration World Bank’s twin goals of ending extreme poverty for the financial and technical resources needed and promoting shared prosperity. Globally, rural to deliver sustainable services long-term including populations are disproportionately affected with operation and maintenance, and asset replacement more than half the rural population lacking access and renewal. Moreover, the expansion of WSS to improved sanitation and one-fifth lacking access networks are influenced by economies of scale to a water supply.1 This marked demographic divide meaning very small populations may be neglected is reproduced in Latin America and the Caribbean altogether. Finally, regulatory and legal frameworks (LAC) where rural populations continue to lag behind often prioritize urban areas leading to the absence their urban counterparts.2 Moreover, conventional of dedicated sector policies that clearly define the measures of access have historically focused on provision and quality of services in rural areas. This rates of coverage with little consideration for the approach has led to underserved populations and quality and level of service provided or the state of poor quality WSS services in rural communities. repair of infrastructure. A more holistic approach that includes the determinants of sustainability would A lack of accurate, up-to-date and comprehensive better reflect local realities and is essential to meeting data further compounds this problem, as little the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). information is available for policy makers, planners and technical assistance providers to identify the Important governance challenges have been found to needs and priorities of rural areas, make the case impede the effective management of WSS services in for adequate funding, better direct investments and LAC.3 Rural populations are especially affected given technical assistance programs, and monitor existing the challenge of providing services is often borne services. Specifically, many sector agencies lack 1 UNICEF, 2015. 2 Recent estimates indicate 84 percent of the rural population in Latin America and the Caribbean has access to an improved drinking water supply and 64 percent have access to improved sanitation. This contrasts with 97 percent and 88 percent in urban areas (UNICEF, 2015). 3 In a recent study on water governance in LAC (OECD, 2012), the majority of countries evaluated were found to have “very important” or “important” policy, accountability, funding, capacity and information gaps. Output Report 15 the information systems necessary to facilitate this rural WSS information and management system. In process. Where information systems do exist, the response, the World Bank consolidated resources failure to prioritize resources for training and ongoing from several ongoing and proposed projects,5 the maintenance has led to their underutilization and, Water Partnership Program (WPP), the Water and combined with their ever-changing nature, many Sanitation Program (WSP), and the Spanish Fund information systems and supporting technologies for Latin America and the Caribbean (SFLAC) and have quickly become obsolete.4 Moreover, information the Rural Water and Sanitation Information System systems, which largely focus on asset management, (SIASAR) was born. are often complex and require exhaustive data collection and specialized skills that may exceed the Information Communications Technology (ICT) capacities of local institutions. Finally, information applications in the rural WSS sector have historically systems have historically prioritized data collection focused on infrastructure. To the contrary, SIASAR’s with little to no emphasis on how data should be used innovative approach consists of a set of open-source, to benefit the sector. web-based and mobile applications to collect data on the quality and sustainability of services more To address these gaps, most countries in the region appropriate for sector planning. Specifically, SIASAR need to improve the use of resources through better comprises four basic components that define and more efficient priority setting, policy creation, sustainable and efficient provision of WSS services project planning, and budget allocation and increase in rural areas: the quality and quantity of technical assistance provided to local communities to better understand • Access to basic services as a function of the factors that contribute to the sustainability of rural coverage at the community level WSS services. This requires improved information • Quality of service as a function of service levels, and knowledge management practices including and the functionality and physical condition of the prioritizing the need to systematically collect and infrastructure serving a community regularly update data across scales and over time. An • Performance of service provider (CBO, water enhanced information system that better reflects local board or cooperative) as a function of their level realities and assists decision-making processes is of organization, commitment to operation and therefore critical to addressing persistent inequalities maintenance and financial sustainability in the rural WSS sector in LAC. • Effectiveness of technical assistance as a function of the resources and technical support 1.2 The SIASAR Initiative allocated to rural communities Many countries were acutely aware of the pressing SIASAR aims to provide reliable information enabling need to develop better tools to address the needs a comprehensive management approach to rural of rural communities yet lacked the technical and WSS with a strong focus on the sustainability of financial resources necessary. In this context, the services. To this end, it renders data analysis more governments of Panama and Nicaragua articulated the transparent, more accurate, readily accessible, and need for systematic and reliable information for policy comparable between countries. In order to transform makers, national planners, and sector practitioners this wealth of data into convenient, operational to make informed decisions for improving the rural information for practitioners and decision-makers, WSS sector followed shortly by Honduras who had the system generates performance indicators that previously experienced the collapse of a pre-existing are aggregated at several levels and automatically 4 For example, the Rural Water Information System (SIAR) in Honduras, which relied on external funding, performed reasonably well until funding ceased and all data rapidly became outdated (Smits et al., 2013). 5 The Water Supply and Sanitation in Low-Income Communities Project (PASAP, P082419) in Panama supported US$32 million of Bank lending aiming to benefit 62,000 people. In Nicaragua, the Rural WSS Project (PRASNICA, P106283) supported a US$20 million IDA grant/credit aiming to provide water supply and sanitation services to 90,000 beneficiaries in rural areas. The Rural Infrastructure Project (PIR, P086775), a US$47 million multi-sector infrastructure project to improve the access, quality, and sustainability of infrastructure services (roads, water & sanitation, and electricity) for the rural poor in Honduras, aimed to benefit 70,000 people with access to WSS services. 16 Consolidation, Improvement and Expansion of the Rural Water and Sanitation Information System | SIASAR produces rankings and summary reports detailing model, finance the development and programming the variables that factor into the performance of of the first web platform7 and coordinate, mobilize, communities, systems, service providers, and and supervise activities in-country. To improve the technical assistance. In this manner, SIASAR continuity and long-term sustainability of the system, successfully addresses the challenges faced by the the WPP also financed the development of a user rural WSS and promotes the long-term sustainability guide while the WSP facilitated a multi-institutional of rural WSS services by: agreement between participating members.8 This initial support enabled SIASAR to be successfully • responding to the general lack of up-to-date implemented in Panama, Nicaragua, and Honduras information on the status of rural WSS services and later expanded to the Dominican Republic • generating important findings that can inform to regional acclaim.9 Regional demand for the strategic policies and investment decisions consolidation and expansion of SIASAR was high • evaluating the performance of service providers by with El Salvador, Costa Rica and Mexico manifesting assessing their level of organization and financial significant interest. With requests to expand SIASAR sustainability to new countries on the rise and donors increasingly • improving the effectiveness of technical assistance focused on the rural WSS sector, the potential for SIASAR to positively enhance the quality and Officially launched in 2011, SIASAR was successfully sustainability of the provision of rural WSS services piloted in 2012.6 Drawing on lessons learned from its and decision-making in LAC became all the more application in the field, in 2013 efforts began turning relevant. To successfully meet this growing demand toward improving the conceptual model and ICT SIASAR would need to be strengthened and refined. tools, and formalizing the institutional and operational arrangements to consolidate and expand its use. Within In response to demands from the governments of this context the governments of Panama, Nicaragua Panama, Nicaragua and Honduras, the World Bank and Honduras requested support to consolidate and began providing dedicated non-lending technical expand the use of SIASAR as a decision-making tool for assistance (hereinafter referred to as the “TA”) in policy formulation, planning, and resource allocation, 2013.10 Specifically, although fully functional, the thereby improving the quality and sustainability of rural initial roll out of SIASAR revealed several areas in WSS service provision in the region. need of technical improvement and in May 2013, the Water GP retained the Polytechnic University of 1.3 Rationale of Technical Assistance Catalonia (UPC) to: (i) carry out a review of SIASAR’s technical content and assess its usability for Operations and analytical and advisory services decision-making purposes; and, (ii) develop concrete (ASA) financed by the World Bank’s Water Global recommendations to improve the initiative and Practice (Water GP) were instrumental in providing information system, which resulted in the following technical assistance to develop the initial conceptual recommendations (Table 1). 6 World Bank, 2013 7 Known as “SIASAR 1.0” by participating members. 8 ‘Members’ and ‘users’ are used interchangeably throughout this document to refer to national or subnational governments currently participating in the SIASAR initiative and/or where SIASAR has been implemented. 9 In 2014, the Central American and the Dominican Republic Forum for Potable Water and Sanitation (FOCARD-APS) officially adopted SIASAR in their Regional Action Plan and included the extension of SIASAR to at least two more member countries by 2016 and to all member countries by 2018. 10 “SIASAR Consolidation and Expansion in LAC” (P148645) supported by the WSP through trust funds TF093845 & TF0A3271 and “6L Rural WSS Information System (SIASAR)” (P153736) supported by the Spanish Fund for Latin America and the Caribbean (SFLAC) TF016023. This report presents a consolidated review of both TA’s through a detailed discussion of the achievements and results of the SIASAR initiative. Output Report 17 Table 1: Recommendations to Improve, Consolidate and Expand SIASAR Critical Important Operational Improve web content (maps, reports, Review and improve conceptual model (indices, rankings, etc.) indicators, performance matrix, forms, etc.) Review programming codes and associated IT Develop methodologies to collect appropriate tools data for sanitation and hygiene Improve quality control and develop Improve documentation on human and material documentation resources needed Develop a strategy for updating data Strategic Strengthen the use of SIASAR data e.g. Develop communication strategy and adopting SIASAR as the national rural WSS dissemination campaign sector monitoring tool Develop and conduct pilot assays Strengthen coordination at the regional level Develop a capacity building program at local and regional levels This TA directly supports the Water GP’s business shared prosperity in a sustainable manner. For strategy to support poor-inclusive WSS sector reform, example, in the case of the former, SIASAR facilitates scale-up rural sanitation and promote sustainable the identification of WSS systems in disrepair, which WSS provision for rural areas and small towns outlined oftentimes belong to the poorest citizens. In the case in the multi-year Programmatic Approach (PA)11 of the latter, SIASAR collects information on the entire designed to support technical assistance, analytical rural population (across wealth brackets) and permits work, capacity-building activities, South-South and a comprehensive assessment on the sustainability of North-South knowledge exchange management and systems and quality of service. Ultimately, SIASAR dissemination, and ongoing and planned operations. is intended to help governments and sector agencies The TA also directly supports the World Bank’s twin strategically design and target interventions to areas goals of reducing extreme poverty and promoting of greatest need. 11 Pillar 3 Rural WSS, PA - 6L Delivering WSS Solutions in LAC - (P147684). 18 Consolidation, Improvement and Expansion of the Rural Water and Sanitation Information System | SIASAR 2 DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVE AND RESULTS FRAMEWORK 2.1 Development Objective making tool for policy, investment planning, and technical assistance The development objective of this TA was to support • supporting the expansion of the initiative to new, the consolidation and expansion of SIASAR as a interested users in the region decision-making tool for policy formulation, planning, • assisting members to improve SIASAR and and resource allocation. Ultimately, this TA aimed associated tools to enhance the sustainability and quality of service provision in the rural WSS sector in LAC. To this end, 2.2 Intermediate Outcomes and Indicators the TA included the following specific activities: Table 2 presents a summary of the key intermediate • building capacity of participating institutions to outcome and indicators while Sections 4 and 5 consolidate the use of SIASAR as a decision- describe the initiative’s accomplishments in detail. Table 2: Intermediate Outcome Indicator(s) Intermediate Outcome(s) IO Indicator(s) Target 1 Development 1.1 Number of new operation(s) informed by 2 financing informed SIASAR 1.2 Number of existing operation(s) informed by 3 SIASAR 1.3 Mobilization of non-Bank resources 1 1.4 Government expenditure informed 4 Continue Output Report 19 Intermediate Outcome(s) IO Indicator(s) Target 2 Policy/strategy 2.1 Number of sector policies informed At least 1 informed 2.2 Number of planning tools or decision-making 4 processes informed 2.3 Number of national and/or subnational At least 1 per institutions supporting SIASAR country 2.4 Number of other stakeholders involved in the 5 initiative 3 Client capacity 3.1 Number of countries with SIASAR team 4 increased established 3.2 Number of communities registered (and Six thousand validated) in the system (6 000) communities registered 3.3 Number of countries with detailed At least 3 implementation roadmaps 3.4 Number of agreements signed At least 1 regional agreement 3.5 Number of new countries with customized At least 1 systems 4 Knowledge 4.1 Number of regional exchanges At least 2 deepened 4.2 Number of partner-led pilots At least 1 4.3 Number of regional and global events attended At least 3 4.4 Number of journal articles and technical At least 1 documents published 2.3 Components and Outputs • Component 1 (Institutional strengthening to consolidate and promote the use of SIASAR), The TA was comprised of three main components, sought to support the implementation of SIASAR supported by several tasks designed to address the by sector agencies focusing on effectively key characteristics of each component as described incorporating SIASAR data into policy design and in Table 3. decision-making processes, promoting SIASAR 20 Consolidation, Improvement and Expansion of the Rural Water and Sanitation Information System | SIASAR as an inter-institutional tool, and consolidating and 2.4 Methodology managing local databases. The three components were implemented in parallel. • Component 2 (Expanding the use of SIASAR to Parallel implementation was deemed necessary, as new countries and other stakeholders), sought to each task required an extended time frame for its support countries interested in adopting SIASAR. In development and to mobilize a different set of actors addition to providing general support and guidance for each member. The TA supported regular regional to each country or region, the project provided working meetings to take stock of ongoing progress technical assistance with developing and applying and agree next steps. implementation roadmaps in addition to organizing knowledge exchange activities with experienced For the first component, the TA directly supported SIASAR countries. During the process, the TA also institutional strengthening activities within participating aimed to support the development of specific tools government agencies. For the second component, e.g. templates and implementation guidelines, to the TA supported members interested in rolling out facilitate future incorporation of additional countries. SIASAR, first required to present an implementation Whenever possible, the TA attempted to include roadmap (in line with the guidelines established local NGOs in the process. in the SIASAR Regulations outlined in Section 3) and demonstrate adequate funds to support the • Component 3 (Enhancing SIASAR’s data collection process. The TA provided strategic effectiveness as an RWSS planning tool), guidance to members on the implementation process sought to support technological improvements and facilitated knowledge exchange activities with to SIASAR from an information technology existing members. For the third component, the TA and content standpoint. The technological supported technological improvements to SIASAR improvements arose from an in-depth assessment based on the independent assessment conducted commissioned by WSP and conducted by UPC12 in 2013 (Table 1) prioritized according to member that included extensive consultation with existing feedback and demand. This led to a membership- SIASAR members. Among other aspects, the wide review process that began in April 2014 and improvements aimed to refine existing analytical continued throughout 2016 culminating in the launch matrices, strengthening how SIASAR captures of SIASAR 2.0 in April 2017 at the 3rd Regional sanitation data, and improving the functionality of Assembly in Cali, Colombia. the public website (see Table 1). Table 3: Key Outputs and Associated Tasks Output Proposed Tasks Indicators Informed O.1 P.T.1.1 Institutional strengthening and capacity building IO Indicator 1.4 Institutional strengthening of national WSS agencies to support the IO Indicator 3.4 of national and regional coordinated implementation of SIASAR institutions to consolidate and promote the use of SIASAR P.T.1.2 Institutional strengthening of regional institutions IO Indicator 1.4 in policy planning decision- (e.g. FOCARD-APS) to support hosting and IO Indicator 3.1 making managing SIASAR at a broader Central American level, to promote self-sustenance and long-term sustainability Continue 12 UPC, 2013. Output Report 21 Output Proposed Tasks Indicators Informed P.T.1.3 Regional assemblies (one per year at grant IO Indicator 4.1 closure) and working meetings to review the updated status of SIASAR and to evaluate implementation progress against agreed recommendations P.T.1.4 Institutionalization of SIASAR within IO Indicator 2.1 participating members’ sector frameworks IO Indicator 2.2 IO Indicator 2.3 IO Indicator 2.4 O.2 P.T.2.1 Regional knowledge sharing activities in IO Indicator 4.1 Expansion of SIASAR to different countries (south-south knowledge new interested countries and exchange between experienced and new others stakeholders members) P.T.2.2 Technical assistance and guidance to new IO Indicator 3.3 members to help coordinate and define IO Indicator 2.4 implementation roadmaps P.T.2.3 ICT/programming support to customize SIASAR IO Indicator 3.5 P.T.2.4 Disseminate the SIASAR initiative in regional IO Indicator 4.3 and global forums IO Indicator 4.4 O.3. P.T.3.1 Technical assistance to SIASAR members IO Indicator 1.1 Support to enhance SIASAR’s in the implementation of activities to improve IO Indicator 1.2 effectiveness as a rural WSS SIASAR’s technological content and usability IO Indicator 1.3 planning tool for decision-making following the key concept of IO Indicator 3.2 sustainable rural WSS service provision13 P.T.3.2 Implementation of pilot assays (to improve data IO Indicator 4.2 collection, incorporate more actors, and explore new applications of SIASAR) P.T.3.3 Follow-up research based on new areas for IO Indicator 4.5 improvement that may emerge from technical assistance provided 13 Based on recommendations agreed upon by the countries during the September, 2013 workshop and related to the consultancy “In-Depth Review of the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Information System” carried out by the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC). 22 Consolidation, Improvement and Expansion of the Rural Water and Sanitation Information System | SIASAR 3 SIASAR: DEVELOPMENT AND DESIGN 3.1 A Collaborative Process upon which SIASAR was founded promoting a collaborative approach to its development and The SIASAR initiative is a collaborative process driven implementation. Regional cooperation facilitated by by the needs of the rural WSS sector as experienced SIASAR’s flexibility to adapt to the needs of different by each member. In the early stages, regular users has also been fundamental. Finally, the need interactions between the governments of Panama, for dedicated expertise comprising sector and IT Nicaragua and Honduras and the World Bank helped specialists from each of the participating members – shaped the SIASAR initiative. Specifically, SIASAR a practice since enshrined in the MOU signed by all was developed collaboratively based on the technical members – was identified early on in the process and experiences of various national agencies from each has been pivotal to SIASAR’s implementation and of the three original members, including Panama’s expansion objectives. Ministry of Health (MINSA),14 Nicaragua’s New Social Investment Fund for Emergencies (Nuevo FISE), Shortly after SIASAR was successfully piloted, other and the Honduran National Autonomous Water and countries manifested interest in joining the initiative. Sewerage Service (SANAA), culminating in the first With strong support from the TA, the expansion of conceptual model in 2011. Thereafter efforts shifted SIASAR began, starting with the Dominican Republic towards developing preliminary ICT tools and later in early 2014. In April 2014 the Central American the data collection process, leading to the first pilot and Dominican Republic Forum for Potable Water studies in 2012. Based on experiences gained through and Sanitation (Foro Centroamericano y Republic its successful application in the field, members then Dominica de Agua Potable y Saneamiento, turned their attention to improving and refining the FOCARD-APS) formally adopted SIASAR as its conceptual model, IT ecosystem and broadening the regional information system for the rural WSS sector. suite of ICT tools. To date, data has been collected The initiative then expanded to Costa Rica, the State from more than 23,500 rural communities across of Oaxaca in Mexico, and Peru in 2015 and finally eight countries enabling some members to begin the Bolivia, Colombia, Paraguay, and the State of Ceará analytical process, facilitating decision-making and in Northeast Brazil in early 2016, successfully scaling informing sector policies. knowledge from lower- to upper-middle-income countries. Existing members were instrumental to Critical to the development process has been the facilitating the smooth entry of new members and ongoing commitment to the Guiding Principles interest continues to grow both within the region and 14 Represented by DISAPAS, the Director for Potable Water and Sanitation. Output Report 23 globally. For example, Argentina, Guatemala, and Mozambique (who participated in the most recent General Assembly in Colombia), have all expressed interest in joining. Figure 1: Progress Over Time PHASE 1 Conceptualization PHASE 2 Operationalization and improvement PHASE 3 Consolidation and expansion FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 SIASAR 1.0 initial SIASAR 1.0 SIASAR 1.0 SIASAR SIASAR 2.0 SIASAR 2.0 concept and first operational expansion and conceptual multilingual launched more working prototype and first 5,000 consolidation model review working prototype than 20,000 communities surveyed 10,000 communities continued Expansion to South communities surveyed expansion America surveyed 24 Consolidation, Improvement and Expansion of the Rural Water and Sanitation Information System | SIASAR SIASAR’s attractiveness stems from its ability to offer 3.2 Ratification of SIASAR users a free and open, fully operational information system with global relevance that responds directly As defined in the Guiding Principles (Box 1) to client demands. Moreover, its unique participatory institutionalization is critical to the implementation process engenders ownership and pride, and creates process and SIASAR must be incorporated into genuine learning exchanges and ties among users, each member’s rural WSS sector framework prior to further cementing its integration into rural WSS rollout. However, despite forming part of SIASAR’s sector management. Since its inception, SIASAR has official regulations, institutionalization is a political achieved a high degree of ownership and support. process supported by the initiative primarily at the To date, 11 countries have joined the initiative in regional level and, if members do not mainstream the Latin America and data from more than 23,500 process, has limited impact at the subnational and rural communities, representing 10 percent of all municipal levels in practice. Moreover, as compliance rural communities in those countries, or some 11 is self-governed, members are only accountable to million people, have been collected and validated by themselves. members using SIASAR (Table 3). Beyond the Guiding Principles that require sector institutions to formally adopt SIASAR as their primary tool for managing rural WSS systems, numerous members have noted the importance of coordination Box 1: SIASAR: Characteristics of an among actors to achieve SIASAR’s main objectives innovative decision-making tool of enhancing the sustainability of WSS services and improving decision-making by ensuring the availability of reliable and up-to-date information, an integral part of the open and collaborative process that underpins SIASAR’s development. Figure 2: Ratifying the Adoption of SIASAR SIASAR seeks to improve the operational value of existing rural WSS information systems. To ensure the long-term, practical use of information, it emphasizes eight guiding principles: • SIMPLE Limited to key information needed by practitioners and policy makers. • CONCEPTUALLY ROBUST Based on a solid technical conceptual model. • INSTITUTIONALIZED Incorporated into the processes of each country or region’s WSS sector. • OPEN Transparent to all actors. • HARMONIZED Adapted to each country or region but harmonized among them to ensure information comparability. • ADAPTED Responding to needs identified at various levels within government, civil society, and multilaterals. • FLEXIBLE Capable of evolution and replication. • UP-TO-DATE Using state-of-the-art technology to simplify data collection, updating, and analysis. Output Report 25 3.3 Institutional Framework of SIASAR two to four times per year to discuss the strategic aspects related to SIASAR, such as budget, election In 2014, existing members formerly established the of Pro Tempore Coordination or the entry of new structure governing the SIASAR initiative (Figure 3). members. The Sector Group is composed of WSS A member is elected Pro Tempore Coordinator during sector specialists from the institutions responsible a given annual assembly and holds the position for for SIASAR’s implementation. This group meets bi- one calendar year. Thus far Panama, Nicaragua, monthly and may form smaller technical working Honduras, Costa Rica and the 2017 coordinator, the groups dedicated to a particular aspect e.g. improving Dominican Republic, have assumed responsibility fieldwork methodology. This group is responsible for for this role. The Pro Tempore coordination team questionnaires, indicators, indices, data validation, is responsible for convening regular coordination reports, etc. The IT Group is formed of IT specialists from meetings, presenting agendas, following up the institutions implementing SIASAR and meets twice agreements and agreed activities, and representing per month, but may also form specific working groups SIASAR at the international level. Different groups that meet more frequently. This group is responsible assume the day-to-day coordination and operation for programming developments, maintenance of local of SIASAR and most work is conducted virtually at servers, training and technical assistance for ITC tools, varying frequencies. user management, etc. The Communication Group is the newest group and meets bi-monthly, or before The Regional Steering Committee comprises each individual event to prepare specific media plans SIASAR Coordinators from each country or region tailored to each activity and, is comprised of members (typically the director or coordinator of rural WSS for who are commonly, though not always, communication their respective institution). The Committee meets specialists in their respective institutions. Figure 3: SIASAR Governance Structure Regional Coordination Heads of Lead Institutions Directorship SIASAR Regional Committee Advisory and Regional Consultative Support Group Operations/ WSS Sector IT Specialists Communication Administration Specialists Specialists 26 Consolidation, Improvement and Expansion of the Rural Water and Sanitation Information System | SIASAR Coordination and collaboration are enshrined in The experience, capacities and ownership cultivated the institutional framework and various agreements over the course of the SIASAR initiative have ratifying the adoption and use of SIASAR, such as: empowered members to increasingly take leadership roles and responsibilities in the day-to-day operation • The Regional Agreement signed by the Council of the information system. Beyond data collection of FOCARD-APS dated April 1, 2014 adopting requirements, the terms and conditions of membership SIASAR as the regional information system, also outline each member’s nominal financial freely accessible as a common, public good for contribution and staff commitments. Members member countries.15 All agreements signed by currently contribute approximately US$1,000 (paid new members who join the SIASAR initiative, in cash) for the use and maintenance of servers to irrespective of their region, are based on this host the SIASAR information system.16 Although agreement. The Regional Agreement also served the level of financial contribution is manageable, to formalize SIASAR’s Regional Regulations, which complying with national procurement rules created define the operation of the initiative at the country minor administrative challenges for some members.17 and regional levels, establishes governance and Additionally, each member agrees to dedicate one outlines the rights and responsibilities of each sector specialist, two fulltime IT specialists to maintain member. local databases and provide general programming • Decree No. 32.024 dated August 2016 published support to SIASAR, and one communication in the Official Gazette of the State of Ceará specialist. Discussions are underway among member formalizing the adoption of SIASAR as the state’s countries to boost the financial contribution to cover information system for rural WSS management additional dedicated personnel. (Chapter I, Article 2, section 4) and mandating all state institutions to comply. 3.4 Implementation Roadmap for New • In November 2016, SIASAR was integrated Members into Colombia’s National Water and Sanitation Investment System (SINAS) as a key instrument Given SIASAR’s unique position as a collaborative for the implementation of the national policy on initiative between countries, there was a need to water supply and basic sanitation in rural areas design a formal implementation process to: (i) ensure established by the National Council for Economic expectations remain transparent and achievable; and Social Policy (CONPES 3810 of 2014). and, (ii) define a framework to facilitate the effective • In December 2016, Bolivia included SIASAR in and efficient integration of new members into the its National Water and Sanitation Strategy for initiative. The implementation roadmap is based the Rural Sector and Small Localities (2017) as on the initiative’s Guiding Principles as well as the official information system of the Ministry of lessons learned acquired by members during the on- Environment and Water. boarding process and is organized around two main components: institutional and operational. 15 Signatory members included: Panama, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic. 16 After power losses in Central America led to unreliable access and concerns about loss of data on locally stored servers, data were moved to a cloud server, currently managed by a US-based firm. However, countries provide the use of local servers for some testing activities. 17 It has been difficult to identify a mechanism through which countries can easily transfer funds internationally. In Central America, member countries transfer funds to FOCARD-APS who subsequently forward funds to the Central American Integration System (SICA), an internationally recognized political and economic regional organization with the capacity to transfer funds internationally. Output Report 27 Figure 4: Implementation Process Map Institutional Operational Lead O cial SIASAR Database and Strategy, plan institution Committee Team IT Tools and pilots • Written request • Sector and IS maps • First planning • Parametric • Define strategy • Lead institution • Official meeting tables uploaded • Define plan 1 - Letter of Intent 3 - Team and resources 4 - Database 5 - Strategy 2 - Institutional framework identified committee • SIASAR • Database • Develop pilots • Preliminary created specialists operational • Field teams meetings • Roles and identified • IT Tools working responsabilities • Technical and operational define financial • Regional resources agreement signed identified The lead institution is generally the sector authority Although these steps are fundamental to a new and is responsible for identifying participating member joining the SIASAR initiative they may evolve institutions and agencies as well as defining the differently in each case. In addition - and perhaps implementation strategy. The Official Committee more decisive - each new member must understand comprises the lead institution and other interested they are not acquiring a system, but instead joining a agencies, in addition to donors, Non-Governmental collaborative effort. As a result, each member must Organizations (NGOs) and CBOs that can ideally ensure ownership and commitment while adding their provide technical or financial assistance. Together capabilities to the existing pool of knowledge. To with the Official Committee, the lead institution must reinforce this aspect, various preparatory missions define the implementation strategy that specifies how are conducted in addition to an official implementation the member’s objectives would benefit from SIASAR mission led by more experienced members. The and identify sources of funding. The detailed plan latter focuses on training, preparing teams to join the then defines the implementation timeline, operational relevant regional working groups, conducting pilots roles and responsibilities of participating actors, as in the field and culminates with publishing the first well as the expected costs of implementing SIASAR. community data point in SIASAR. A crucial component of the implementation process Members that have followed the implementation is the adaptation of SIASAR to the local context, process thus far include the Dominican Republic, for example, administrative divisions, lists of Mexico (Oaxaca), Bolivia, Paraguay and Brazil communities, languages, sources of funding, sector (Ceará). The Dominican Republic, Ceará and Bolivia institutions, etc. This forms what is commonly have successfully completed their integration process known as the parametric tables that populate the and participated in an implementation mission. In the information system. Moreover, the vocabulary of all case of Bolivia, the process resulted in a roadmap instruments must be adapted to the local context. with clearly defined objectives, processes, schedule In practice, this implies a complete translation from and costs, and is currently helping the government standard academic language to the day-to-day local to leverage collaborations with other administrative vernacular used by each member. This is supported units, strategic partners, donors and NGOs. The by the Dictionary of Terms, developed to ensure implementation process in Ceará was challenging the harmonization of concepts and processes given the need to translate SIASAR into a new fundamental to data analysis and comparability. The language, Portuguese. Nevertheless, the process final step is to define the operational and logistical was a success and the state has since managed means necessary to implement SIASAR in practice, to leverage federal resources to support large data such as: vehicles, fuel, computers, Internet access, collection efforts scheduled for 2017 and 2018. etc., which are primarily defined through pilot studies. In Oaxaca, while there was full support for the 28 Consolidation, Improvement and Expansion of the Rural Water and Sanitation Information System | SIASAR Figure 5: Core Entities Influencing Sustainability of Rural WSS Services SYSTEM SERVICE COMMUNITY TECHNICAL TECHNICAL PROVIDER ASSISTANT ASSISTANCE PROVIDER PROVIDER • Service typology • Tariff / Rate • Access • Water point • Legal status • Location • Jurisdiction • Infrastructure • Performance of board • Population • Periodicity of • Treatment • Income / costs • Coverage interventions • O&M Practices • Households • Competence • Health and • Resources Hygiene Practices implementation mission and the process began well, quality, tariffs, type of service provider, legal status the budget for data collection activities was tied to a of the service provider, gender equity, accountability Bank PforR that was subsequently postponed thereby frequency of technical assistance, technical and halting the implementation process.18 Activities are financial resources, etc. Data are collected through expected to recommence in July 2017, as the PforR four basic field questionnaires (one per core entity). has been recently reactivated. Finally, Paraguay is This particular concept has proven effective and has still immersed in the initial steps of the implementation remained unchanged since SIASAR’s inception in process, which has been affected by changes to their 2011. team. However, the instrument continues to guide institutions during this process. 3.5.2 The Sustainability Metric 3.5 The Conceptual Model Based on the principle that all data must facilitate the decision-making process, the model was conceived 3.5.1 Core Sustainability Entities as a sustainability metric designed to assess functionality of a given service and its components SIASAR aims to address the sector’s historical over time. The same four levels (or states) of bias toward new infrastructure by analyzing the sustainability apply to all elements and indices used level of service from the perspective of four core in SIASAR. These levels, called ABCD ratings or entities: Community, Service Provider, System, and classifications, are determined when each indicator Technical Assistance Provider (Figure 5). Each of or index reaches a certain score: the four core entities is assessed through different variables known to affect the sustainability of rural • “A” corresponds to the optimum service level. WSS services, such as: community hygiene, status of This is the usual score for new infrastructure or infrastructure, quality and continuity of service, water services, and should be maintained. 18 Oaxaca Water and Sanitation Sector Modernization PforR - MAS Oaxaca (P145578). Output Report 29 • “B” corresponds to an acceptable level of 3.5.3 From SIASAR 1.0 to SIASAR 2.0 performance, though certain problems have emerged. The service requires attention, but Like all information systems, SIASAR has had to the community has the financial resources and evolve in order to remain relevant, as well as adaptable, technical knowhow to address the problems. flexible and up-to-date in line with its Guiding • “C” indicates an inadequate level of operation that Principles. Notably, in 2013, an in-depth evaluation must be corrected or rehabilitated. In this case, identified a series of critical recommendations to the community needs external support in order to improve the model (see Table 1). This led to a formal solve the problem. review process that began in April 2014 with the • “D” represents the lowest level and is indicative of following specific objectives: a non-existent service or an offline system in need of full recovery. In this case, the community needs • Capitalize on lessons learned: While most external financial and technical support. data were adequate, the results indicated there were specific situations in which the ABCD This classification scheme is based on the premise classification did not reflect reality. For example, that sustainability will decrease i.e. descend from A to despite obvious problems being observed in the D, if a service does not receive the necessary attention field, very few conventional systems resulted in a and care required to maintain optimal functionality. As C or D classification. such, sector efforts should focus on guaranteeing the maximum classification possible or to increase efforts • Refine the indices to more accurately reflect whenever a decrease in classification occurs. All indices, each component of service: After two years indicators and data collected in the field must feed into of use, the map illustrating the ABCD index for the Sustainability Metric. This method of constructing a communities had become the benchmark for model has informed all iterations of the system. members; however, water supply was not being Figure 6: Sustainability as a Measure of Functionality over Time Target - Level A 100% A Functional service B Functionality level Service requires attention Problems can be solved by the community Service requires rehabilitation C Community needs external support Service does not exist or is o ine and need full recovery Community needs external nancial and technical D 0% Time 30 Consolidation, Improvement and Expansion of the Rural Water and Sanitation Information System | SIASAR effectively captured and final classifications were redefining the conceptual model specifically focused disproportionately influenced by sanitation and on: (i) identifying basic data gaps; (ii) redefining hygiene. indicators; and (iii) conceptualizing the classification rules through the multi-attribute utility theory and • Harmonize SIASAR with the main global aggregate indices. The following sections describe monitoring standards: The Sustainable SIASAR 2.0, officially launched in April 2017. Development Goals (SDGs) created after SIASAR’s inception include aspects that had not been taken 3.5.4 Water and Sanitation Performance Index into consideration, but which members considered important. The conceptual model provides a detailed perspective of different aspects concerning water • Adapt SIASAR to the changing needs of and sanitation services and defines methodologies members: Latin America and the Caribbean to aggregate the information in thematic indices. is not a homogenous region and the needs of The conceptual model is first made up of a battery each member must be carefully considered. For of sixty 60 indicators, classified into 24 components, example, while Spanish is the most widely spoken which in turn are grouped into a reduced number of language in LAC, English, French, and Portuguese, six dimensions (Table 4)19. At a higher level, these in addition to a multitude of indigenous languages, dimensions are aggregated into two sub-indices: are also spoken throughout the region. (i) the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Service Level Index (WSHL), and (ii) the Water Services Based on findings from the review process, the TA Sustainability Index (WSSI). These two partial supported the development of a new model (SIASAR indices generate a final aggregated index: the 2.0) over the course of 2014, 2015, and 2016 while Water and Sanitation Performance Index (WSP). remaining true to the initiative’s original Guiding Furthermore, the conceptual model incorporates two Principles and preserving the four core entities complementary indices, providing additional useful known to impact sustainability of rural WSS services. information: (i) Lack of Components Index (LOC), Using SIASAR 1.0 as a starting point, the process of and (ii) Low Performance Components Index (LPC). Table 4: Core Entities Influencing Sustainability of Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Services Water and Sanitation Performance index for rural communities (WSP) Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Service Level Index (WSHL) Water Services Sustainability Index (WSSI) Water Service Level (WSL) Water System Infrastructure (WSI) Accessibility (ACC) System Autonomy (AUT) Continuity (CON) Production Infrastructure (INF) Seasonality (SEA) Water Catchment Area Protection (PRO) Quality (QUA) Treatment system (TRE) Sanitation and Hygiene Service Level (SHL) Service Provision (SEP) Sanitation Service Level (SSL) Organization (ORG) Personal Hygiene (PER) Operation & Maintenance (OPM) Household Hygiene (WAT) Economic Management (ECO) Community Hygiene (COM) Environmental Management (ENV) Continue 19 An analysis was undertaken to determine the most appropriate weighting technique for each indicator and resulting indices. Based on the results obtained, equal weighting was determined to be the most appropriate. This offers greater transparency and simplicity when implementing and interpreting results. A second analysis was undertaken to determine the most appropriate aggregation technique. Based on the results achieved, additive aggregation (summation of results) was determined to be the most appropriate method for the four components while indices are constructed using geometric aggregation. Output Report 31 Water and Sanitation Performance index for rural communities (WSP) Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Service Level Index (WSHL) Water Services Sustainability Index (WSSI) Schools and Health Centers (SHC) Technical Assistance Provision (TAP) Water Supply in Schools (SWA) Information Systems (ICT) Water Supply in Health Centers (HWA) Institutional Capacity (INS) Sanitation and Hygiene in Schools (SSH) Community Coverage (COV) Sanitation and Hygiene in Health Centers (HSH) Assistance Intensity (INT) The entire review of the framework of indices and was modified to allow the flexibility to accommodate indicators led to the logical redefinition of the field different configurations (an uncommon approach in questionnaires. For example, in order to respond to other models) whereby systems may have several the challenge of adequately monitoring sanitation, catchments, storage tanks, treatment types or this component was strengthened, focusing less distribution networks. In the case of the service on classical infrastructure, and more on its use, as provider, the questionnaire includes information from well as hygiene practices within the community. In community associations as well as other entities such the case of water supply systems, the questionnaire as public companies, associations, etc. Figure 7: Water and Sanitation Performance Index (WSP) Community Water Service TA Forms System Providers Providers 11 questions 21 questions 34 questions 12 questions Schools and Sanitation Water State of Service TA Index and Health and Hygiene Service Level Infrastructure Provision Provision Indicators Center Service Level (WSL) 2 data 3 data 9 data 5 data 14 data 8 data Partial Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Water Services Sustainability Index Indices Service Level (WSHL) (WSSI) Components Improvement Water and Sanitation Index (CII) Global Performance Index If IMCI = o Index WSP Index Missing Components Index (MCI) 32 Consolidation, Improvement and Expansion of the Rural Water and Sanitation Information System | SIASAR 3.6 The SIASAR Information Ecosystem Moreover, stress tests were never conducted using the maximum working load of the system and as the 3.6.1 The SIASAR 2.0 IT Platform and Smart Apps amount of data collected increased, problems began to emerge. SIASAR was designed with the goal of creating a free, open source platform aligned with the guiding With increasing technical problems and an evolving principles of the SIASAR initiative to be simple, robust, conceptual model, the decision was made to develop flexible and up-to-date. Initially, the IT team included a new platform. Supported by the TA, specialized IT staff from the founding members (Honduras, Panama consultants were recruited to assist the members’ IT and Nicaragua) who, despite limited resources, staff with this process. Bearing in mind the variable developed an optimized platform tailored to the unique profiles and capacities of local IT teams, the selected needs and requirements of the rural WSS sector. In technologies were designed to be as simple as possible addition, they created a public website with a private from their conception through to their implementation backend using a number of programming languages and end use. Furthermore, the methodological (PHP, HTML and Java) linked to an open-source approach aimed to encourage a collaborative work database management system (MySQL) resulting environment that promoted knowledge sharing with in SIASAR 1.0. Data were subsequently published the final objective of developing a sustainable and on a Google-based map to the public website. To easy to manage platform. Analyzing the technological produce technical reports and graphs (known as requirements, resources, staff profiles and timing, the inner dashboard) and due to a lack of time, they the TA supported local IT teams to select the most opted to use a licensed software solution. However, appropriate technology and design of the new platform when the license expired their ability to update data (SIASAR 2.0) as well as the suite of associated tools, was restricted affecting the platform’s sustainability. using the following free, open source technologies: Figure 8: SIASAR IT Platform and Associated Apps Smartphone Laptop/PC Tablet SIASAR Website SIASApp Content Management System Multi-platform mobile Back end and public website applications (Drupal + Entityforms) (Adobe Phonegap) SIASAR BI SIASAR Geo Dashboard Data Integration and Business Analytics Geographic Information System (Pentaho + Django) (GeoServer) Output Report 33 SIASAR 2.0 Collaborative Workspace. The IT team tasks and trainings, with the idea of sharing knowledge is decentralized, fast-growing and suffers from a high and responsibility among the different members and turnover rate, thus the need for a collaborative, on- technicians. Coding requirements, document creation, line workspace and management system is critical technical problems and assignments are defined and to SIASAR’s success. The IT team developed a managed through GITLab. collaborative workspace using GITlab,20 a cloud-based application for managing digital content. Specifically, it SIASAR Website ( Using a Content records and manages historical changes to projects, Management System (CMS) to manage content for files and documents enabling teams to recall particular the platform’s backend and public website reduces versions at a later date. In addition, it facilitates the time and knowledge needed to program, update collaboration between staff despite their distance. and maintain the platform. The SIASAR 2.0 website Working together, the local IT Team and specialized was developed using Drupal,21 a modular, extendable IT consultants designed a work plan that included open source CMS for web content management numerous training components in order to transfer and digital experiences with strong capabilities and the knowledge needed to support the new system endless flexibility. Using Drupal’s Entityform module and build the capacity of member staff. The team was integrates frontend user-defined survey forms with divided into four subgroups, in order to allocate the Drupal content. Figure 9: Water and Sanitation Performance Index (WSP) 20 21 34 Consolidation, Improvement and Expansion of the Rural Water and Sanitation Information System | SIASAR SIASApp. Mobile applications facilitate the data SIASAR Business Intelligence (BI) Engine. collection and update process eliminating the need SIASAR’s strengths lie in its ability to analyze data for paper-based surveys if desired. The SIASAR and generate relevant management reports to support 2.0 mobile application was developed using Adobe decision-making underpinned by BI technologies. Phonegap,22 a free and open source development Pentaho24 is a comprehensive data integration and program that enables the design of a single mobile business analytics platform that provides tools to application for use across multiple platforms (iOS, prepare, analyze, visualize, explore and report data. Android, Windows) without modification. This suite of tools was tailored to SIASAR needs and is currently used to calculate the indicators and indices SIASAR Geo Dashboard. The visual representation and generate dashboard content and technical reports. of data is integral to SIASAR’s mission to remain Notably, an alternative package had originally been accessible and transparent. The TA supported the selected, however, with the integration of Ceará (Brazil) development and implementation of a Geo Dashboard into the SIASAR initiative and with a view to capitalizing using Geoserver,23 an open source server for sharing on existing in-country capacities with the foresight of geospatial data. Integrated into the website, the ensuring future capacity building initiatives/knowledge SIASAR Geo Dashboard illustrates geospatial transfer between members, the IT team unanimously information in addition to graphs and additional data. opted to adopt Pentaho given Ceará’s vast experience and pre-existing knowledge of the program. Figure 10: Data Processing Functions EXTERNAL DATA SOURCE DATA INPUT DATA PROCESSING DATA PRESENTATION API Application Programming Interface (API) data sources interconnectivity GEODASHBOARD App SIASApp FRONTEND REPORTS SIASApp: Data upload and update BUSINESS SIASAR INTELLIGENCE WEB SERVICES AND BACKEND CUSTOM CORPORATE Web Forms: Data APPLICATION INFORMATION upload, update, and INDICATORS validation NEWS & MEDIA 22 23 24 Output Report 35 3.6.2 Communicating Results result, SIASAR’s visibility, popularity and social media impact have grown exponentially with 590 followers on The Regional Communications Group was formerly Facebook, more than 370 followers on Twitter and more established in 2016 and is responsible for promoting than 55 online news articles published in 13 countries. and advertising the SIASAR initiative, creating quality SIASAR’s engagement with followers and media content and implementing the SIASAR Communication exposure is growing with 158,745 Twitter accounts Strategy developed with support from the TA. The reached in one day and 2,685 users reacting to one initiative currently maintains a public website, blog feed, Facebook post while online and app-based website Facebook page and finally a Twitter account.25 As a traffic from across the globe have also increased. Figure 11: Press and Media Coverage Across the Globe News Blog News- letter Video 25 SIASAR has also received coverage from within the Bank, for example: El reto de llevar agua y saneamiento a toda Centroamérica (http://blogs.worldbank. org/latinamerica/node/9090, Improving the Rural Water and Sanitation Information Systems in Latin America and the Caribbean Region (http://www., and Benchmarking rural water systems by a simple score ( 36 Consolidation, Improvement and Expansion of the Rural Water and Sanitation Information System | SIASAR Figure 12: Social Media Impact Across the Globe TWEETREACH SNAPSHOT FOR Output Report @SIASAR_org ESTIMATED REACH EXPOSURE 158,745 IMPRESSIONS 59,817 ACCOUNTS REACHED Bars show number of tweets sent by users with that many followers 37 38 Consolidation, Improvement and Expansion of the Rural Water and Sanitation Information System | SIASAR 4 SIASAR IN PRACTICE 4.1 The Operational Process 4.1.1 Data Collection and Update A systematic and harmonized approach to data The basic building block for all data collection collection and management is critical to ensuring activities is the community. Data are collected the comparability of data between countries. Data using four questionnaires corresponding to each of collection26 is the first step in a series of steps that also the four entities (Figure 5). Populating the system includes data review and validation, data analysis, requires surveying communities, service providers and finally generating reports to support improved and technical assistance providers, conducting decision-making processes (Figure 13). site visits to schools and health centers, and finally Figure 13: Data Collection and Transformation DATA UPDATE Data Data review Data Generating collection and validation analysis reports and decision-making 26 Data collection refers equally to baseline data collection activities as well as ongoing updates. Output Report 39 visually inspecting systems. All communities should from headquarters. Finally, some members have be surveyed, irrespective of whether or not they have successfully used students to collect data, a technique a system or service provider. that has proven especially beneficial in countries with compulsory social services. Namely, a scheme Members adhere to a common fieldwork protocol, appropriately known as SIASAR Joven (SIASAR however, each member designs a data collection Youth) was piloted in Honduras with the support of an strategy tailored to its sector framework and local NGO that trained senior secondary students to collect reality, including adapting the questionnaires to data and which was subsequently exported to the local languages as needed. Data collection activities Dominican Republic. Senior secondary and university should form part of community capacity building or students have also been employed to collect data in technical assistance programs being conducted by Nicaragua where they first undergo intense training the sector. One scheme that has already proven and evaluation. Only the top performing students are effective entrusts data collection activities to the retained to participate longer term and rewarded with municipal level while the regional or central level plays valuable professional experience that culminates in a supporting role. In contrast, the lead agency can a coveted government reference. Table 5 presents a assume responsibility for all data collection activities, simplified matrix of the most common data collection through either local or regional delegates or directly schemes employed to date. Figure 14: SIASAR Questionnaires 3 COMMUNITY SURVEY B SANITATION AND HYGIENE F WATER DISTRIBUTION Version 10 - November 2016 2 GENERAL INFORMATION Process Used to Complete This Form Water Distribution F 1. General information gathering approach (interviews, partial control of the Network Code households) 1 Application Data B Hours of Service per 1 Day 2. Complete information gathering using the auxiliary form (see Annex II) Enumerator 3. Sample information gathering the No. of auxiliary form (see Annex II): Households in Yes the Sample: Distribution Network Number of Distribution Network Connections Name of Community F 2 Lowest-Level Local Agency Number of Installed Micro-meters Sanitation. Existing Household Infrastructure [national parameter] Highest-level Local Number of households that HAVE their OWN improved type 1 sanitation Number of Micro-meters with Recorded Consumption Agency infrastructure: [national parameter] • Water discharge (automatic or manual) to a sewage network or a septic tank Number of households that HAVE their OWN improved type 2 sanitation Average Distance from houses to the Public Standpipes Regional Agency B infrastructure: A [national parameter] • Ventilated improved pit latrine (VIP) State the approximate distance from the installed public standpipes to users’ houses. 2 (Wells or gravity/pump-operated systems. Not applicable to systems with supply to households. If 1 • Pit latrine with slab F Latitude • Composting latrine/toilet this questions is marked yes, SIASAR interprets that water distribution is done through public 3 standpipes) Number of households that HAVE A DIFFERENT unimproved type of sanitation infrastructure of their OWN: Logitude • Water discharge (automatic or manual) to somewhere else (the street, backyard More than 100 meters Less than 100 meters or open land, open sewage, trench, open drain or any other location) Altitude • Pit latrine without a slab, open pit, bucket or hanging latrine. Community Code Physical Condition of Water Distribution Infrastructure Sanitation. Use of IMPROVED Infrastructure type 1 or type 2 A B C D Good Acceptable Deficient Poor Other Divisions Level of use Level of Number of households Number of households Water distribution Water distribution Water distribution Water distribution ownership using type 1 using type 2 infrastructure is infrastructure is infrastructure does not infrastructure does not working and all of working but it requires always work; there is a work; there is a need for Hydrographic F components are in better maintenance need for investment to investment that goes basin PARTIAL use: members Use their OWN 4 good physical condition replace components for beyond the community’s [national parameter] B infrastructure but NOT all Infrastructure which the community has financial capacity 3 of them or NOT all of the Use SHARED the financial capacity time Area or planning Infrastructure [national parameter] TOTAL use: ALL members Use their OWN A use ALWAYS the Infrastructure Comments on infrastructure (including 2 Other divisions elderly, men, women, Use SHARED Distribution [national parameter] Infrastructure and children) Infrastructure 40 Consolidation, Improvement and Expansion of the Rural Water and Sanitation Information System | SIASAR SIASAR uses state of the art technology to facilitate system, the GPS coordinates of each component data collection using a mobile app; however, data of water supply infrastructure are recorded, flow is can also be collected using paper-based surveys. estimated and the amount of residual chlorine in the The survey process begins by engaging with network measured. If possible, water samples are the community to ensure their collaboration and also collected for further analysis. Finally, interviewers participation while the field protocol guides the visually inspect the state of infrastructure with a view surveyor through the entire drinking water supply to optimizing the system and, above all, improving its process from source to tap. Beginning with the long-term sustainability. Table 5: Commonly Employed Data Collection and Validation Process Active Member Data collection Data validation Support Coordination participation National level Local level Regional level Regional level Regional level Bolivia National level NGOs National level National level Local level NGOs State level Local level National level Ceará (including private State level State level SISAR SISAR firms) National level Costa Rica (including private National level - National level National level firms) Dominican National level National level National level - National level Republic NGO NGO National level Regional level Regional level Regional level Honduras Local level National level National level National level Local level NGO NGO NGO National level Regional level Nicaragua Local level Regional level National level Regional level National level Local level Oaxaca Regional level State level State level National level Regional level Panama National level - National level National level National level Local level National level Peru (Including private National level National level Local level consultants) Output Report 41 Once in the community, the local water committee Table 6: Estimated Time Required for Data or community water board is interviewed to collect Collection Activities data on service provision, and when applicable, supporting documentation must be provided. At Community typology Average time (hours) the same time, basic community data are reviewed Without improved drinking 1 -2 with local authorities. With respect to sanitation and water supply or service hygiene, there are two options for data collection: provider interviewing community leaders and the service provider or surveying a representative sample of With improved drinking 4 – 8 (varies according households within the community. In the case of the water supply and service and complexity and latter, a specific protocol and auxiliary form have been provider distance to source) designed to facilitate the process. Finally, site visits to Technical assistance 1 the water and sanitation facilities of any schools and provider health centers are conducted. Technical assistance providers are typically interviewed in their normal place of business, for Box 2: Incentivizing Data Collection example municipal offices, which are generally Activities in Peru conducted by lead sector agencies, such as FISE in Nicaragua or the Ministry of Environment and Water Peru offers an instructive example of linking data in Bolivia. collection to fiscal incentives at the municipal level. The country’s recently created Ministry Finally, data collection must continue throughout the of Development and Social Inclusion has been system’s lifecycle and routine updates are critical experimenting with various approaches to tie to understanding longitudinal trends. Updates are national transfers to municipal government facilitated through the use of mobile technology and performance. One incentive scheme entails the interconnectivity of SIASAR’s tools by ensuring transfers to municipalities based on municipal data collection teams have easy access to previously collection of data to be included in SIASAR. Within collected data at all times enabling the quick review four months of the launch of the scheme, some and update of individual data fields as needed 40,000 communities collected data for inclusion in involving significantly less effort and less financial SIASAR. Data are still being validated and cleaned commitments. As of 2017, only Nicaragua has begun before publication, though once published this the updating process at the national level, although will represent the single largest concentration of some municipalities and NGOs in Honduras and the communities to date. This innovative approach to Dominican Republic are also preparing updates of data collection sidesteps the traditional model of specific information at the community level. sending consultants from community to community to gather data, resulting in a potentially significant 4.1.2 Data review and validation reduction in costs per community. At the same time, the incentive structure places a greater burden Following the data collection process, data are for quality control on the national government to reviewed for quality assurance and quality control ensure that municipalities accurately report data. (QA/QC) prior to publication. This step is crucial to ensure the reliability of information and must be carried out by knowledgeable sector specialists. 42 Consolidation, Improvement and Expansion of the Rural Water and Sanitation Information System | SIASAR The validation process typically takes less than results are presented in a simple and concise an hour per community, provided any problems manner, ensuring their accessibility by everyone. can be resolved by consulting the data collection Data can be accessed and visualized in several team or by contacting the interviewee directly. In ways: the case of more serious problems or if there is a • Maps: users can create customized maps lack of critical information, field verification may be according to pre-defined options while basic necessary, delaying the validation process. Some indices support the interpretation of data. countries have additional mechanisms to strengthen • Reports: There are three types of reports in the validation process. Such is the case in Nicaragua SIASAR: a list of data, indicators or indices by where municipal workshops are conducted and data community or region and automatically generated are reviewed jointly with municipal staff and certified reports pre-defined by each member based on the directly by the mayor. needs of local institutions. SIASAR 2.0 includes a new set of tools that will allow users to build QA/QC mechanisms are continuously being improved customized reports through the website. and include: • Downloading data: data can be directly downloaded in multiple formats e.g. Word, PDF, • Automatic checks and balances: SIASAR includes Excel, .csv, enabling allows to analyze data as a series of automatic checks and balances to needed. guide the data collection and validation process minimizing errors SIASAR’s primary objective is to facilitate decision- • Restricted access: access to the database is making from improving the provision of technical restricted to registered users and SIASAR actively assistance to ultimately improving service delivery monitors each user’s activity ensuring potential and promoting the long-term sustainability of errors in data collection are tracked rural water supply and sanitation services. The • Public disclosure: knowing anyone can review the dissemination of information to primary beneficiaries, information and report inaccuracies encourages specifically, communities and technical assistance accurate data collection providers should be prioritized and ideally combined with capacity building programs. In this context, 4.1.3 Generating indicators, maps and reports members are currently establishing mechanisms to ensure communities and technical service providers • Once data have been reviewed and validated, receive timely information and are empowered to SIASAR automatically processes the data to act (see Section 4.3). A more detailed explanation generate indices, indicators, reports and maps at of SIASAR’s technology and tools is presented in which point data are disclosed to the public. The Section 3.6. Output Report 43 Figure 15: The WSP Index junio 12, 2017 - 11:50 SIASAR - Sistema de Información de Agua y Saneamiento Rural Tabla Síntesis de Nivel de Servicios de Agua Brasil Community Water Cear - Aracati Sanitation Service Cantidad de Cantidad de Cantidad de and Horas de Caudal de Viviendas que Sistemas con Viviendas que Level Nombre de la Comunidad Poblacin Viviendas Servicio as los Cloro Residual Pasa Prueba Pasa Prueba NSA Da Sistemas Fisico Hygiene Adecuado Quimicos Bacteriologicos ALBUQUERQUE 440 115 24 17 0 0 0 D AREIAS 40 10 24 0 0 0 0 B AROEIRAS 460 115 - 0 0 0 0 C B ASSENTAMENTO CAMPOS 608 152 24 0 0 0 0 B C VERDES ASSENTAMENTO PORTO JOSE ALVES 1.600 400 24 17 0 0 0 D BOCA DO FORNO 820 205 9 9 102 102 0 C CABREIRO 540 135 24 13 0 0 0 D B Schools CACIMBA FUNDA 2.880 720 24 56 650 650 650 C State of CANOA QUEBRADA 2.800 689 24 0 0 0 0 B A D and CANTINHO DE CIMA 869 230 - 0 0 0 0 C Water Health CARAO 100 25 4 0 0 0 0 D Infrastructure COHAB 815 348 12 0 0 0 0 C Centers CRREGO DA INVEJA 280 70 24 17 0 0 0 D CRREGO DA NICA 480 120 24 0 0 0 0 B CRREGO DO RETIRO 986 268 - 1,81 0 0 0 D CRREGO DOS FERNANDES 1.220 320 24 17,9 0 0 0 C CRREGO DOS MACACOS 260 62 24 14,4 0 0 0 C CRREGO DOS RODRIGUES 760 271 24 0 0 0 0 B B CROAT 36 9 24 3,2 0 0 0 B A CURRAL DE CIMA GAMELEIRA 32 112 8 35 24 - 0 0,5 0 0 8 0 8 0 - D ILHA DO MEIO 120 30 - 0 0 0 0 C JIRAU 560 124 24 9 0 0 0 C Provision KATU VILANY 584 146 12 0 0 0 0 C Service LAGOA DA CRUZ E DOS 272 68 14 0 0 0 0 D of Technical ENCANTOS Provision LAGOA DA QUIXABA II 96 24 12 4,6 0 0 0 C Assistance LAGOA DAS CARABAS 352 88 0 0 0 0 0 D LAGOA DAS PEDRAS 61 27 6 1.400 0 0 0 C LAGOA DO CEDRO 56 28 24 0 0 0 0 C LAGOA DO JU 200 53 24 0 0 0 0 C LAGOA DO MATO 312 78 - 0 0 0 0 C LAGOA DO PRE 808 202 14 0 0 0 0 D LAGOA DOS CURRAIS 80 20 24 0 0 0 0 - LAGOA DOS FERREIRAS 260 65 14 0 0 0 0 D LAGOA DOS PORCOS 324 81 14 0 0 0 0 D LAGOA DO TEODSIO 245 77 24 0 0 0 0 C B WSSI LAGOA NOVA 140 43 21 0 0 0 0 D LAGOINHA 120 56 24 0 0 0 0 C Water and Sanitation Service Index MARJOLNDIA MATA FRESCA 2.480 272 620 68 1 - 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C C MORRINHOS 480 120 - 1.200 0 0 0 D SIASAR junio 12, 2017 - 11:50 Figure 16: Screenshot of Geo Dashboard for Nicaragua 44 Consolidation, Improvement and Expansion of the Rural Water and Sanitation Information System | SIASAR 4.2 Putting rural communities on the map SIASAR aggregates information collected at the community level to generate important findings that can strategically inform policy and investment decisions to promote the long-term sustainability of rural WSS systems. As more data become available, local and national policy makers are increasingly relying on SIASAR to inform their policy and decision-making processes. Figure 17: Summary of Data Collected to December 2016 Moreover, by putting rural communities on the map, the sector, and developing projects, was created in SIASAR is helping to make an often-invisible sector 2016. visible in the planning and investment frameworks at all levels. Incorporating the results of SIASAR into Eleven members have joined the SIASAR initiative strategic and operational plans is reinforcing the (Table 7) to date, supported by more than 200 national importance, value and relevance of the rural WSS and municipal partner institutions.27 At present, more sector and the dedicated professionals who, after than 23,000 rural communities have been entered witnessing growth in their sector and an increased into SIASAR, covering approximately 19,500 water demand for their services, are developing renewed supply systems serviced by 17,500 service providers. pride in their work. These impacts are evidenced in SIASAR coverage data reaches approximately 30 the Brazilian State of Ceará, where a dedicated Rural percent of targeted rural communities, amounting to Water and Sanitation Unit, responsible for promoting 68 percent of the rural populations of members, or public policies in rural areas, analyzing and monitoring some 11 million people. 27 See Appendix 2 for a full list of projects, institutions and partners. Output Report 45 Table 7: Data Collected to Date (as at March 2017) Member Number of Communities Total28 Target Validated29 Progress (%) 2012 30 2013 2014 2015 2016 Bolivia 19,179 19,179 - - - - 2 0.1% Ceará 17,500 17,500 - - - - 90 0.5% Colombia* 40,000 12,000 - - - - - 0% Costa Rica 5,000 5,000 - - - 5 5 0.1% Dominican 10,600 10,600 - - 257 761 1,034 9.8% Republic Honduras 28,000 14,000 211 546 1,721 3,319 3,852 27.5% Nicaragua 7,334 7,334 542 3,998 7,033 7,153 7,334 100.0% Oaxaca 10,306 4,500 3 26 0.6% Panama 11,850 4,598 60 300 420 544 1,130 24.6% Paraguay* 4,300 4,300 - - - - - 0% Peru 85,000 35 000 - - - 4,143 10,097 28.9% TOTAL 238,799 134,011 813 4,844 9,431 15,928 23,570 17.6% Source: Author’s calculations from SIASAR data *Colombia and Paraguay recently joined the initiative and data collection activities have yet to commence. 4.3 Showcasing SIASAR as part of SIASAR. After completing data collection activities, Nicaragua began adjusting its operations While data are critical to SIASAR’s functionality, the and responding to the needs of the sector identified substance of SIASAR is in its analytical (decision- by SIASAR. To date, 64 municipal rural water and making) capabilities. Below are only a few of the more sanitation plans have been prepared. A diagnostic salient examples of how SIASAR is being applied in report is prepared for each municipality visited, practice by members.31 including a sustainability chart and budget with technical specifications for any repairs required for Nicaragua has made the most progress of all each water system that was given a score of “C” members to date having collected data for all of its or “D”. A sustainable service plan is also prepared rural communities between 2013 and 2015, totaling to provide technical assistance to CAPS as well as more than three million people across more than 7 training in administration, operation and maintenance 000 communities, and that are now being monitored of systems. 28 Per national institutes of statistics or sector agencies. 29 Data have been collected in 83,952 communities to date. The figures in this table represent the number of communities where data have been collected and validated. Where no data exist, the country had yet to begin. 30 In 2012 the validating tool was yet developed, therefore the number of communities equals the number of communities where data were collected. 31 See Annex 2 for detailed country fact sheets. 46 Consolidation, Improvement and Expansion of the Rural Water and Sanitation Information System | SIASAR Box 3: Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Sustainability Chain in Nicaragua Each of these communities was visited by the teams responsible for data collection, the Municipal Water and Sanitation Units (UMAS) and the municipal promoters, which form part of the sector’s sustainability chain that has been key to SIASAR’s success in Nicaragua. UMAS not only collects information for SIASAR but also provides technical assistance to the Potable Water and Sanitation Committees (CAPS), which operate services in rural communities. Regional Water and Sanitation Advisors (ARAS), sector specialists responsible for validating the data and providing technical and social support, support UMAS. Through this approach, the national authority responsible for rural water supply and sanitation (FISE) has consistent access to critical information for decision- making on the entire sector. Recognizing the importance of service delivery and Plans. These municipal Development Plans are technical assistance to sustainability, Nicaragua an instrument used by Honduran municipalities to developed a municipal training program within its formally request the transfer of national funds for local technical assistance strategy for communities. Applying investments. By incorporating data from SIASAR, results-based learning methods, the program aims municipalities were able to evidence their needs and to strengthen the capacity of municipalities leading to strengthen their case to the national government for improved investments and integrated sustainability greater capital investments. of rural water and sanitation systems. Results are measured through an increase in the service provision Dominican Republic SIASAR expanded to the score with “A” being the desired result as well as Dominican Republic in January 2014 where the having identified the mechanisms necessary to Executing Unit for Rural Aqueducts (UEAR) of the maintain the level of service. SIASAR is being used to National Institute of Potable Water and Sewerage inform the rural component of several sector strategies (INAPA) assumed its strategic and operational and plans, including: the National Rural Water and leadership mobilizing their own resources to conduct Sanitation Plan, the National Water Resources Plan pilot projects throughout 2014. At the time, UEAR and the Adaptation to Climate Change Project. didn’t have an information system or the operational capacity to fulfill its technical assistance functions for In Honduras, in accordance with the SIASAR the estimated 3,000 rural aqueducts in the country. Regulations, the National SIASAR Committee After witnessing SIASAR’s capabilities,32 several was formally created in May 2014, the first of such teams were set up within UEAR to collect data and Committees to be created. This committee is tasked with coordinate with other actors in the sector, especially assisting the implementation, updating, development NGOs and INAPA, to leverage the need for operational and management of SIASAR within the country or and financial support e.g. vehicles and fuel to rollout region, which assisted the Government in developing SIASAR. Supported by the national water authority, profiles on the status of rural WSS services in 28 the Dominican Republic has been using SIASAR to municipalities based on SIASAR to target technical identify and recover systems in need of repair and assistance activities and inform Municipal Development providers in need of assistance (see Box 4). 32 In 2015, a representative sample of rural communities in the provinces of Dajabón and Elías Piña bordering Haiti was evaluated, to better understand the problems afflicting community WSS services in those areas. In 2016, full baselines were completed for the provinces of Dajabón and San Juan. Output Report 47 Box 4: Improving Technical Assistance in the Dominican Republic were designed one of which is already being implemented with the support of a local NGO. Approximately 12 000 people have benefitted from these improvements. In the province of Dajabón multiple interventions have been undertaken as a result of SIASAR: (i) eight new community service providers were created (known as ASOCAR in the Dominican Republic) in communities with existing systems but without formal provision benefitting 2,285 people; (ii) in the Yaque del Norte river basin nine project profiles have been prepared and an ACOSAR created for each benefiting 5,010 people. Finally, 40 chlorine dispensers were installed in water supply After using SIASAR to evaluate 105 communities in San systems where SIASAR identified they had been missing Pedro de Macorís 36 water systems were rehabilitated or non-operational. In Elías Piña, the Red Cross used in coordination with the NGO La Finca repairing leaks and information from SIASAR to prioritize the execution of structural problems disinfecting tanks wells and networks projects in 2016 identifying four systems one of which is and analyzing water quality. In addition four new systems already under construction. Box 5: Targeting Investments to Indigenous Peoples The Government of Panama is using SIASAR to better direct investments and technical assistance to indigenous communities. The National Indigenous Peoples Integrated Development Plan guides the transfer of resources from the Ministry of Governance to indigenous communities, traditionally, developed by the longstanding Indigenous Roundtable. The Government used SIASAR to collect a representative sample of WSS services from 150 indigenous communities and is now in the process of analyzing this data to generate evidence about the status of services, investment needs, and TA requirements in these areas. These data are facilitating evidence-based dialogue at the Indigenous Roundtable.33 33 This initiative was implemented as part of the World Bank financed technical assistance “Country Water Supply, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) Poverty Diagnostic in Panama” (P150563) and was completed in June 2017. 48 Consolidation, Improvement and Expansion of the Rural Water and Sanitation Information System | SIASAR Brazil (Ceará) The State of Ceará had already 4.4 Evidence-Based Research developed and implemented a highly successful rural WSS management model (SISAR) yet lacked an 4.4.1 Preliminary Findings information system thus their integration into SIASAR in 2016 was opportune. The first SIASAR pilot was Analyzing data from the universe of communities developed in the municipality of Aracati, collecting registered in the system offers additional insights into data from approximately 100 rural communities, the reality of rural WSS that complements coverage serving to create a map of rural water and sanitation data.34 Specifically, SIASAR provides a snapshot of needs and informing the municipal development the current status of WSS systems, providers, and plan, the first time a municipal plan in the region has communities, and factors that contribute positively or included innovative, rural components. This pilot has negatively to the sustainability of WSS services over paved the way for a second survey using SIASAR time. Importantly, data gathered using SIASAR offer and that will inform municipal plans in 10 other a disconcerting picture of the sustainability of rural municipalities. WSS services provided in communities. Figure 18: Water and Sanitation Performance Index (WSI). Preliminary Findings System Service Provider Community TA Provider A 1.61% Sustainability 7.53% 8.37% 22.35% 26.61% B 30.26% 44.20% 59.49% C 39.83% 66.94% 37.18% D 13.71% 21.55% 11.03% 4.55% 4.84% Analysis based on a sample of 10,000 communities, 5,000 systems, 5,000 service providers, and 150 TA providers with validated data from Dominican Republic, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama Source: author’s calculations from SIASAR data. 34 Rodriguez and Pena Weiss, 2016. The “Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Information System” (SIASAR) – Addressing Sustainability Gaps Through Visual Data in Latin America, presented at the 7th Rural Water Supply Network Forum 2016 – Cote d’Ivoire: full_paper_0252_submitter_0308_vargas_ramirez_miguel.pdf. Output Report 49 Communities. When looking at the community level Reports indicate35 that approximately 84 percent index, which aggregates indicators from the system of the rural population in countries where SIASAR and service provider level, we observe a similarity is in use has access to an improved drinking water of the community level classification distribution source. Of that 84 percent, however, SIASAR indicate with that of service providers. Only 8 percent of that only 45 percent of the systems they rely on communities have achieved a classification of “A” as deliver sustainable services. Thus, without effective shown in Figure 18. Fully 60 percent of communities maintenance, technical assistance, and financing, fall in categories “C” or “D,” suggesting a relationship the gains made to expand WSS services are at stake. between the sustainability of the service providers and of the WSS service they are tasked with delivering— 4.4.2 Leveraging SIASAR Data for Sustainable stronger service providers deliver more sustainable Service Provision service. Digging deeper into the single and cross-country Service Providers. Similarly, only 7 percent of data, factors that contribute to sustainability of service providers are in the “A” bracket, while 44 WSS systems have begun to emerge and inform percent face issues that they can resolve on their the policy-making process. This section presents a own, landing them in category “B.” On the other hand series of findings from analysis undertaken by the nearly 60 percent of service providers have been authors. The open source database enables citizens, assessed to need outside technical assistance or policy makers, researchers and academics, the financial support. 11 percent of rural communities media, NGOs, and others to build custom analytical lack a service provider, those in category “D,” and 37 work and in doing so expand the knowledge base. percent have a service provider face problems that The analytical agenda, led by UPC, was launched exceed their capacities. Taken together with the data during the final stages of the TA. Nevertheless, initial above on WSS systems, this suggests that there is findings, including on gender, suggest that analysis of not only a need for technical assistance for the the data gathered through the SIASAR initiative will maintenance and upkeep of systems, but, moreover, be highly relevant in the policy dialogue. there a need exists to provide support to service providers to ensure that they can sustainability Gender. Female participation in the administration manage those existing systems. of public services is thought to improve service quality. Data in the SIASAR system allows us to Systems: Twenty-two percent of systems are begin to test this hypothesis in the WSS service classified as category “A” thus fully functional context. At this point we cannot state that having and considered sustainable. A further 59 percent women participating in community WSS service of systems have been classified as category “B” provider administrative boards guarantees service encompassing systems in need of repair, but within sustainability. Data from the SIASAR system indicate the community’s capacity. Conversely, some 18 no substantial difference in sustainability between percent of systems have been classified as category service providers with a male or a female president. “C” or “D,” suggesting the system is on the verge of Nevertheless, Figure 19 shows a positive correlation failure or is completely offline and repairs are beyond between the number of women on the board and the community’s capacity. The corresponding maps service sustainability: Category “A” service providers indicate where systems are failing and where they have higher percentages of women board members. are performing well, and point to spatial trends that In sum, greater female participation in water board could inform policymaking. management appears to translate to more sustainable service. Further analytical work is underway to better These data contrast with the headline figures for understand how the different roles of female board access to drinking water services and sanitation. members factor into sustainability. 35 JMP, 2015 50 Consolidation, Improvement and Expansion of the Rural Water and Sanitation Information System | SIASAR Figure 19: Service Provider Sustainability and Female Participation Percentage of Rural Service Providers 100% 12.17% 35.12% 80% 23.48% 51.00% 55.16% 3 or more women 60% 2 women 28.70% 27.74% 1 women 40% 26.55% 17.97% No women 19.91% 20% 35.65% 13.523% 13.03% 17.23% 13.35% 9.42% 0% A B C D Sustainability Classification Source: author’s calculations from SIASAR data. 4.4.3 Research Agenda • Community hygiene and sanitation followed by water treatment and water quality drive sustainability. To further evaluate the robustness, reliability and applicability of SIASAR a rigorous research agenda In addition preliminary findings were presented at the supported by the TA is currently underway. Although 7th Rural Water Supply Network Forum (RWSN) in preliminary, initial findings confirm the need to shift the Ivory Coast in 2016 where presenters effectively emphasis away from building new infrastructure demonstrated SIASAR’s capacity to address common toward ensuring reliability of service provision. challenges faced by the rural WSS sector globally Moreover, they highlight the importance of behavioral and SIASAR was well-received generating interest as well as institutional interventions, to encourage among conference participants. the uptake of safe water management practices, not just on behalf of the service provider, but also the Finally, one journal article has been selected for community as whole. publication in the Journal of Water Practice and Technology. This article37 presents SIASAR’s Specifically, researchers36 performed a Principle comprehensive framework for data collection, analysis Components Analysis (PCA) of data collected in and dissemination from the viewpoint of stakeholder Nicaragua, Honduras and the Dominican Republic involvement. This peer-reviewed paper illustrates using SIASAR with a view to explaining the variability how SIASAR represents a suitable monitoring of a water system’s sustainability. While analyses are framework to analyze sustainable services and the ongoing, key findings include: level of service delivered while highlighting some of the advantages of adopting a continued participatory • The key drivers affecting the sustainability of approach in system development, including: (i) the rural WSS services are related to the service stimulation of experience exchange and knowledge provider’s organizational ability and in particular sharing between recipient countries; (ii) the promotion their capacity to implement proper environmental of learning-by-doing; and (iii) an increase of regional protection mechanisms; and understanding, collaboration and comparisons. 36 Perez-Foguet et al. In progress. 37 Requejo-Castro et al. Forthcoming. Output Report 51 52 Consolidation, Improvement and Expansion of the Rural Water and Sanitation Information System | SIASAR 5 PERFORMANCE AND EFFICIENCY IN IMPLEMENTING TA 5.1 Activity Performance significantly to cultivating collaboration and knowledge transfer between members. The TA supported the SIASAR’s success has exceeded expectations; expansion of SIASAR to several new members and most of the intermediate outcomes were achieved the Bank played a significant role in this process or surpassed. Specifically, the TA supported the by supporting coordinating activities and providing adoption of SIASAR by FOCARD-APS as the technical and financial assistance. Moreover, the information system of choice for the rural WSS sector Bank has successfully supported the widespread firmly establishing SIASAR in Central America while dissemination of SIASAR through its participation in expanding regionally. Additionally, SIASAR has been regional and global forums, such as World Water Week embedded in the sector frameworks of participating and RWSN. Finally, the TA has provided essential members and used to mobilize financial and technical support to improving SIASAR’s technological content support from NGOs, consolidating its role as an inter- and usability for decision-making while ensuring its institutional tool. The level of member participation, integrity as demonstrated by preliminary research national and regional NGOs and stakeholder interest, activities. Table 8 presents a summary of the technical has been high and assemblies have contributed assistance activity performance and key achievements: Table 8: Summary of Intermediate Outcomes and Indicators Indicator(s) Baseline Value Target Value Achieved Intermediate Outcome 1: Development financing informed Rating: Rationale: 8 – Effective One of SIASAR’s main objectives is to serve decision-making in the sector by supporting the monitoring and diagnosis of rural WSS services. This has been achieved by using SIASAR in donor-supported operations throughout LAC. Specifically, SIASAR has been used in 13 World Bank operations to: conduct country surveys and prioritize investments in Nicaragua; develop statistically representative samples for future operations in Bolivia and Panama; support an impact assessment and analysis of results in Nicaragua and Panama; and strengthen the capacities of sector agencies in in Oaxaca, Ceará, Nicaragua and Colombia. The number of World Bank lending operations that will rely on SIASAR suggests the initiative is valued within the region.38 Other donors have also begun to use SIASAR to inform decision-making and prioritize investments e.g. the IDB and AECID in Honduras and Panama. Continue 38 For example, SIASAR was showcased in Results in the Latin America & Caribbean Region 2017 (Volume 9), accessible here. Output Report 53 Indicator(s) Baseline Value Target Value Achieved IO Indicator 1.1 Number of new operation(s) informed by SIASAR Value 0 2 7 Comments The preparation of seven operations has been informed by SIASAR: • Nicaragua - Sustainable Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Sector – PROSARS (P147006, US$30 million IDA Credit) • Mexico - Oaxaca Water and Sanitation Sector Modernization - MAS (P145578, US$55 million PforR) • Panama - Second Shared Prosperity Development Policy Loan (P154819, US$300 million DPF) • Panama - Indigenous Peoples Integral Development - (P157575) • Brazil - Paraiba Sustainable Rural Development - (P147158) • Colombia - Enhancing Waterway Connectivity and Water Service Provision in Colombia’s Plan Pacifico (P156880, US$40 million IPF) • Bolivia - Rural Water and Energy Access Project - (P161731) IO Indicator 1.2 Number of existing operation(s) informed by SIASAR Value 3 3 7 Comments The following existing operations were informed by SIASAR: • Nicaragua - Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project - PRASNICA (P106283) • Honduras - Rural Infrastructure Project - PIR (P08677) • Panama - Water Supply and Sanitation in Low-Income Communities Project - PASAP (P082419) • Brazil - Federal Integrated Water – INTERAGUAS (P112073) • Brazil - Ceará Rural Sustainable Development and Competitiveness - SAO JOSE (P121167) • Paraguay - Water & Sanitation Sector Modernization - PMSAS (P095235) • Colombia - CO Plan PAZcifico: Water Supply and Basic Sanitation Infrastructure and Service Delivery Project (P156239) IO Indicator 1.3 Mobilization of non-Bank resources Value 0 1 3 Comments The SIASAR initiative has leveraged resources from the following non-bank projects: • IDB: Sanitation and Water Program in Honduras (HND-0007-M) (US$25 million grant from Spain) • AECID: Rural and Indigenous Water and Sanitation Program with Focus on Local Management in Panama (PAN-009-B) (US$5.17 million grant) • CABEI: Co-finance the Program for Rural Water and Sanitation Sustainability in Nicaragua (US$30 million loan) IO Indicator 1.4 Government expenditure informed by SIASAR (number of countries ensuring budget allocation) Value 3 4 11 Comments Members have a dedicated budget to cover the costs of technical staff and field visits, servers and annual hosting fees. Resources for data collection activities, however, depend on projects and external contributions in the majority of the cases. 54 Consolidation, Improvement and Expansion of the Rural Water and Sanitation Information System | SIASAR Indicator(s) Baseline Value Target Value Achieved Intermediate Outcome 2: Policy/strategy informed Rating: Rationale: 7 – Moderately Members are incorporating SIASAR into sector policies and plans, but in a disparate Effective way. Where there a clear commitment to SIASAR exists, as is the case in Nicaragua, SIASAR has already informed several national and local plans. In other cases, such as Bolivia or Ceará, where new rural policies are being prepared and strong investments are being made in the sector, the use of SIASAR is considered fundamental in the short and medium term. However, in other contexts where the institutional framework is not as strong or where the sector is under served, SIASAR has had less impact on public policies than sector strategies and planning. IO Indicator 2.1 Number of sector policies informed by SIASAR in each member country or region Value 0 At least 1 4 Comments SIASAR has been enshrined in sector policy in several countries. For example: • The National Rural Water and Sanitation (2016) and National Water Resource Management (2017) Plans in Nicaragua. • Decree No. 32.024 formalizing the adoption of SIASAR as the Ceará’s information system for rural WSS management. • National Water and Sanitation Strategy for the Rural Sector and Small Localities (2017) in Bolivia. • Colombia’s National Water and Sanitation Investment System (SINAS) for the implementation of the national policy on water supply and basic sanitation in rural areas established by the National Council for Economic and Social Policy (CONPES 3810 of 2014). Other countries, such as Paraguay, are developing specific decrees or legal instruments to ratify the use of SIASAR as the primary rural WSS sector information system. IO Indicator 2.2 Number of planning tools or decision-making processes designed based on data from SIASAR Value 0 4 102 Comments 102 planning tools/decision-making processes have been developed based on information provided by SIASAR, including: 28 municipal plans in Honduras; the National Water Plan, the National Hydrological Resources Plan, the Climate Change Adaptation Project and 64 rural WSS municipal plans and climate change studies in Nicaragua; the rural WSS National Strategic Plan and the Integrated Development Plan for Indigenous Peoples under preparation in Panama; rural WSS funding proposals in the Dominican Republic and finally one WSS municipal plan in Ceará. IO Indicator 2.3 Number of national and/or subnational institutions supporting the implementation of SIASAR in each member country or region Value 1 (per country) At least 1 (per 198 country) Continue Output Report 55 Indicator(s) Baseline Value Target Value Achieved Comments • 1 Regional: FOCARD-APS • 24 National: Honduras, SANAA, CONASA, ERSAPS; FHIS; Nicaragua, FISE; Panama, DISAPAS, IDAAN, PRONADEL, CONADES; Dominican Republic, INAPA; Costa Rica, AyA; Peru, MVCS, MIDIS; Oaxaca, CEA; Bolivia, VAPSB, SENASBA and AAPS; Colombia, MVCT; Paraguay, DAPSAN, SENASA, ERSSAN; and Ceará, Ciudades, CAGECE and SDA • 173 Subnational: Honduras: AMHON, MANOFM, 4 municipalities; Nicaragua, 153 municipalities; Bolivia, one department and 11 municipalities; and Ceará, one SISAR and one municipality. IO Indicator 2.4 Number of other stakeholder involved in the initiative Value 3 5 10 Comments UNICEF, IRC and the UPC have collaborated on SIASAR since 2012, while other stakeholders have supported data collection activities or provided technical assistance, for example: Water for People (Honduras and Bolivia); Pure Water for the World (Honduras); Oxfam, La FINCA NGO, Red Cross, Plan Sierra NGO, FUNDASEP (in the Dominican Republic); Peace Corps (Panama). Intermediate Outcome 3: Client capacity increased Rating: Rationale: 8 – Effective Maintaining SIASAR has been an important challenge for members’ without the requisite technological capacity in addition to suffering from high staff turnover. The TA has taken this reality into consideration providing training and support documentation, and opportunities for cross-collaboration where possible. The number of members has almost quadrupled since the beginning of the TA. Responding to the needs of new members has also been challenging and resulted in an increase in financial and human resources above and beyond the initial forecast, which explains the success achieved to date, especially in terms of new members and the number of communities registered in the system. IO Indicator 3.1 Number of countries with SIASAR team established and trained Value 3 4 9 Comments The TA supported several training and capacity building meetings, specifically: three dedicated IT meetings, three sector and IT training sessions linked to Regional Meetings and Assemblies, six implementation missions with capacity building components, 13 missions with training components, and one communications webinar. Training activities are critical given high staff turnover. At the end of 2016 only 56 percent of original staff remained and Peru and Oaxaca lack fulltime staff dedicated to SIASAR. Indicator 3.2 Number of communities registered in the system Value 3,969 6,000 23,570 56 Consolidation, Improvement and Expansion of the Rural Water and Sanitation Information System | SIASAR Indicator(s) Baseline Value Target Value Achieved Comments The baseline value includes communities in Honduras, Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic. The target was estimated based on the participation of four members, but that number was significantly exceeded and in 2016 a total of nine members have input data into SIASAR: Oaxaca, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, the Dominican Republic, Peru, Bolivia and Ceará. Indicator 3.3 Number of countries with detailed roadmaps for future implementation of SIASAR Value 0 At least 3 8 Comments The TA has supported the following members with the preparation and implementation of their SIASAR roadmap: Oaxaca, the Dominican Republic, Bolivia, and Ceará. The TA also supported the development of roadmaps in El Salvador, Costa Rica, Colombia and Paraguay. Progress has stalled in El Salvador and Costa Rica. Paraguay is progressing slower than anticipated due to a recent change in staff. Colombia recently began the implementation process and is expected to complete the process this year. Indicator 3.4 Number of agreements signed for continued implementation and expansion of SIASAR Value 0 At least 1 regional 6 Comments A total of 10 out of 11 members have signed the SIASAR Regional Agreement. Five members of FOCARD-APS signed the Regional Agreement in 2014 and five additional members signed regional agreements through December 2016. Paraguay, who recently joined, has not yet signed the agreement, but is participating as an official member. Indicator 3.5 Number of new countries with customized systems Value 0 At least 1 8 Comments SIASAR has been customized for all eight additional members: Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Oaxaca (Mexico), Ceará (Brazil), Peru, Colombia, Bolivia, and Paraguay. Intermediate Outcome 4: Knowledge deepened Rating: Rationale: 8 – Effective As a regional initiative, coordination between members is fundamental. Although work is primarily conducted at a distance, occasional face-to-face meetings are necessary to facilitate strategic decision-making, advance the most critical lines of work and strengthen capacities among teams. As the initiative has grown and results have become available, there has been a strong demand to showcase SIASAR at regional and international forums. The TA has supported the participation of members throughout this process. Indicator 4.1 Number of regional exchanges to facilitate implementation of SIASAR in new countries Value 0 At least 2 9 Continue Output Report 57 Indicator(s) Baseline Value Target Value Achieved Comments The following regional exchanges were conducted: • Implementation mission in Dominican Republic (01/2014) with Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama • SIASAR Regional Meeting in Panama (04/2014) with the participation of 8 countries or states • 1st SIASAR Regional Assembly in Honduras (12/2014) with the participation of 9 countries or states • Implementation mission in Oaxaca (04/2015) with Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama and the Dominican Republic • Ceará Technical Exchange in Honduras (11/2015) • 2nd SIASAR Regional Assembly in Peru (03/2016) with the participation of 13 countries or states • Implementation mission in Ceará (05/2016) with Honduras, Costa Rica, Bolivia and Paraiba (Brazil) • Implementation mission in Bolivia (10/2016) with Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Costa Rica, Colombia and Paraguay • 3rd SIASAR Regional Assembly in Colombia (04/2017) with the participation of 11 countries or states Indicator 4.2 Number of partner-led pilots implemented Value 0 At least 1 4 Comments The TA contributed to the development of four pilots to improve the conceptual model and data entry process, and to test the new questionnaires and IT tools, including: • Pilot in Honduras with Water for People in Sula Valle (04/2014) • Pilot in Nicaragua with SDC in Matagalpa and Jinotega (09/2015) • Pilot with Panama regional actors in the municipality of Penonome (09/2015) • Pilot in Ceará in the municipality of Aracati (05/2016) Indicator 4.3 Number of regional and global events in which SIASAR has been presented Value 0 At least 3 14 Comments SIASAR has been presented in several regional events including: the WASH Sustainability Forum in Amsterdam, Netherlands (06/2014); 1st Rural Water and Sanitation Inter-American Congress in Cuenca, Ecuador, (08/2014); VII ABES Regional Rural Sanitation Seminar in Vitoria, Brazil (11/2014); Rural WSS project for Low Income States in India (, Monitoring and Evaluation Framework International Workshop in New Delhi, India, (03/2015); WB Water Week 2015 (05/2015); 58th ACODAL International Congress in Santa Marta, Colombia (09/2015); IV Latin-American Sanitation Conference LATINOSAN in Lima, Peru, (03/2016); WB Water Week 2016 (04/2016); VIII ABES National Rural Sanitation Seminar in Fortaleza, Brazil (05/2016); Rural Water Supply Regional Event, Bangkok Thailand (05/2016); 7th Rural Water Supply Network Forum 2016 in Abidjan, Ivory Coast (12/2016); and WB Water Week 2017 (03/2017). SIASAR was also presented at the RWSN Mapping and Monitoring Webinar Series (10/2014) and in the RWSN 2016 miniseries (10/2016). 58 Consolidation, Improvement and Expansion of the Rural Water and Sanitation Information System | SIASAR Indicator(s) Baseline Value Target Value Achieved I.O. Indicator 4.4 Number of journal articles and technical documents published Value 0 At least 1 4 Comments One article has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Water Practice and Technology and a second article is underway. A Technical Brief was published in 2014 and a second one is ready to be published. The 2017 International Sustainable Development Research Society (ISDRS) have accepted two additional articles for presentation and publication. 5.2 Bank Performance Table 9: Summary of Bank Performance Bank Performance Areas to be rated Rating Overall Bank Performance 8 – Effective Strategic Relevance & Ownership 8 – Effective Technical Quality 8 – Effective Client Engagement/Dissemination 9 – Very Effective Timeliness 7 – Moderately Effective Comments SIASAR’s rapid expansion is a testament to the Bank’s convening power and its strategic relevance, which has been essential to leveraging strategic partnerships, attracting external expertise and creating brand awareness both regionally and globally. Several partners have complimented the Bank’s support and the initiative will continue to engage with longstanding strategic partners, such as the IDB and AECID, for overall coordination at the regional level. NGOs including IRC Wash and Water for People will continue supporting local efforts and data collection activities through bilateral agreements with national governments. SIASAR’s participatory approach and member-driven implementation process has been critical to cultivating strong ownership and empowering members to increasingly take leadership roles and responsibilities in day-to-day operations. The UPC has played a pivotal role in providing technical expertise to support the strategic direction of the conceptual model and preliminary research attests the high level of technical quality achieved. Moreover, SIASAR is considered relevant as a tool for monitoring the SDGs. SIASAR’s reputation has been further cemented by its adoption at the regional level in Central America and the widespread dissemination of results has led to growing interest regionally and globally. The Bank’s support was essential during the initial phase (and to support the development of SIASAR 2.0), and the Bank’s convening power has proven to be a positive resource in generating political will, however, it has less reach at the subnational level where SIASAR is implemented in practice. Furthermore, there are currently no accountability mechanisms in place to ensure members meet commitments prescribed in the Regulations potentially affecting the long-term sustainability of SIASAR. The definition and implementation of roadmaps has been met with partial success. While Bolivia, Ceará and Paraguay have all developed, and as necessary, updated their roadmaps, the Dominican Republic and Oaxaca (Mexico) have only developed preliminary implementation plans while Costa Rica, Peru and Colombia have not progressed this activity at all. Consequently, the Bank’s current challenge is to empower the membership to ensure ongoing sustainability of the initiative while disengaging from day-to-day operations. Output Report 59 5.3 Cost Overview 32 percent. Importantly, this amount should be weighed against the increasing number of members 5.3.1 SIASAR Initiative Costs over time (Figure 20). The total estimated cost of the SIASAR regional Recurring costs for activities such as the General initiative from FY14 to date is US$2.69 million,39 of Assembly (average cost US$85,000) and regional which the Bank provided approximately US$1.83 coordination meeting have decreased over time as million from Trust Fund (TF)40 resources.41 new members and other donors have increased their Members42 and other donors provided the remaining contributions (Figure 20). Figure 20: Service Total Costs by Year and Cost Distribution by Institution (FY14 – FY17) $1,200,000 FY14 - FY17 $1,000,000 Countries $800,000 26.08% $600,000 SDC $400,000 0.37% IDB $200,000 WB 5.57% 67.98% $0 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 WB IDB SDC Countries Figure 21: Total Cost Distribution (%) and Distribution of Costs by Type and Year 100% FY14 - FY17 IT 90% Sector 2% 3% 13% 80% Implementation 70% Members support 20% 60% TA Transaction 15% 50% Research and dissemination 40% Assembly 30% Coordination 7% 20% 10% 32% 8% 0% FY 14 FY 15 FY 16 FY 17 39 Data collection costs were excluded from this analysis, as well as other costs incurred at the national level by each member, such as the acquisition of equipment or internal dissemination costs. 40 Including US$400,000 from Spain’s Ministry of Finance and Commerce administered through the SFLAC Trust Fund (FY14-FY16) and US$150,000 from the SDC (FY14-FY16), through the WSP Trust Fund in addition to contributions from other donors. 41 Resources spent as part of Bank-financed operations, such as PRASNICA or PROSASR in Nicaragua and São Jose in Ceará, Brazil are considered expenses incurred by members and were excluded from this analysis. 42 Member contributions are estimates based on the time spent of sector and IT teams, as provided by members. 60 Consolidation, Improvement and Expansion of the Rural Water and Sanitation Information System | SIASAR Figure 22: Detailed Costs by Type and Year (FY14 – FY17) Coordination Assembly Research and dissemination TA Transaction Members support Implementation Sector IT $1,200,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $800,000.00 $600,000.00 $400,000.00 $200,000.00 $0.00 FY 14 FY 15 FY 16 FY 17 IT milestones Review of IT tools SIASAR new SIASAR 2.0 New website website development began New database New Apps New framework New dashboard (maps) BI tools (reports) Water quality App (in progress) Sector milestones SIASAR new index SIASAR 2.0 new SIASAR adapted to and indicators questionnaires SDGs Portuguese and New user’s manual and English versions field manual Dictionary of Terms Implementation in Dominican Republic Oaxaca Peru Bolivia new countries Costa Rica Colombia Ceará Existing members Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras supporting Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua implementation process Panama Panama Panama Panama Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Oaxaca Oaxaca Oaxaca Costa Rica Costa Rica Peru Peru Ceará Ceará Bolivia Colombia Paraguay Output Report 61 Figure 23: World Bank and Countries Detailed Costs by Type and Year (FY14-FY17) WB costs Countries costs $800,000.00 $800,000.00 $700,000.00 $700,000.00 $600,000.00 $600,000.00 $500,000.00 $500,000.00 $400,000.00 $400,000.00 $300,000.00 $300,000.00 $200,000.00 $200,000.00 $100,000.00 $100,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 FY 14 FY 15 FY 16 FY 17 FY 14 FY 15 FY 16 FY 17 Coordination Assembly Coordination Assembly Research and dissemination TA Transaction Research and dissemination TA Transaction Members support Implementation Members support Implementation Sector IT Sector IT To the contrary, implementation costs have increased Figure 24: Implementation Costs by Member as the initiative has expanded to support more members. The costs of dissemination and research $100,000 activities have also increased due to targeted efforts $90,000 $80,000 to disseminate the initiative in multiple regional and $70,000 global forums $60,000 $50,000 $40,000 The increase in sector and IT costs (Figure 22) is $30,000 $20,000 related to the development of SIASAR 2.0, launched $10,000 in April 2017, which led to an increase in external $0 Bolivia Ceara Oaxaca Dominican Republic Paraguay Peru Colombia Costa Rica El Slavador expertise supported by the TA, as well as the expansion of SIASAR, which led to an increase in SIASAR staff whose costs are borne by members in their entirety. The benefits of this extraordinary effort and capital investment in developing a harmonized and robust conceptual model and easy-to-maintain, free IT ecosystem capable of supporting data from more than one hundred million communities43 will be reaped in the future as fewer resources will be The costs of implementation support missions vary required to consolidate results and to expand the with the level of ownership and participation from initiative to additional members. Furthermore, this other members (Figure 24). The average cost ranged share will decrease dramatically in the coming year, from US$45,000, (for new members44 requiring as no further changes are expected in the near future intensive support and the participation of several given the conceptual model has been approved, members), to US$4,000, (for new members45 with the IT platform is up and running, and members are the existing capacity to take ownership of the process focused on generating results and mainstreaming and little need for implementation support from other SIASAR. members). 43 SIASAR 1.0 began having performance problems once data for more than 10,000 communities had been entered into the system and IT specialists estimated the SIASAR 1.0 database could not support more than 100,000 communities. 44 The Dominican Republic, Oaxaca, Ceará, Bolivia and Colombia. 45 Costa Rica and Peru. The process is still ongoing in the case of Paraguay and unfinished in the case of El Salvador. 62 Consolidation, Improvement and Expansion of the Rural Water and Sanitation Information System | SIASAR 5.3.2 Data collection and other national costs However, moving forward these costs are expected to be incorporated into operational and TA activities Table 10 presents cost estimates for data collection potentially lowering costs significantly over time. activities in different countries. The average cost per community using SIASAR is estimated to be US$154. Table 11 presents estimated costs associated with These estimates should be interpreted with caution, as completing a national baseline limited to members they may not represent the reality of other members or having completed a national baseline or expected to even the reality of different regions within each country. use that approach. Table 10: Estimated Data Collection Costs by Country Member Estimated data collection cost per Source community* Nicaragua Central Region US$109 Update data report, FISE (2016) Caribbean South US$228 Coast Honduras Lepaterique US$123 Lepaterique Pilot (2012) Panama Indigenous US$222 Concept Note: Indigenous territories US$100 regions collect data plan (2015) Non-Indigenous regions Dominican Republic US$50 Dominican Republic SIASAR National Plan (2014) Bolivia US$215 Bolivian SIASAR National Implementation Plan (2017) Ceará Aracati US$187 Aracati Pilot (2016) Average cost per community US$154 * Including costs for staff, vehicles, fuel, data collection, processing and validation, capacity building and dissemination activities. Table 11: Estimated Baseline Costs Per Country Member Estimated baseline cost* Data source Nicaragua US$2,000,000 Estimate based on Nicaragua WB Operations information Bolivia US$5,503,705 Bolivian SIASAR National Implementation Plan (2017) Ceará US$3,587,500 Aracati Pilot (2016) Output Report 63 64 Consolidation, Improvement and Expansion of the Rural Water and Sanitation Information System | SIASAR 6 LESSONS LEARNED AND RECOMMENDATIONS 6.1 Guiding Principles data relevant to policy makers should encourage sector authorities to gather and maintain current data The Guiding Principles are fundamental to the for use in decision-making processes to improve the development and implementation process. sustainability of WSS services, particularly in the Adherence to the Guiding Principles throughout furthest afield communities. successive reviews of the conceptual model has united efforts and ensured a consolidated focus Fiscal transfer mechanisms can be used to moving forward. Since its original design, subsequent incentivize data collection activities. The Peruvian iterations of SIASAR’s conceptual model and model of linking national government transfers to the information system (SIASAR 2.0) have emphasized collection and reporting of data for use in SIASAR creates a harmonized approach while remaining flexible an interesting incentive for local authorities to report and versatile enough to adapt to differences in rural data on WSS systems in their jurisdictions (see Box 2). realities between members and SIASAR’s open This model could be taken a step further to ‘transfer for access platform has facilitated the participation results.’ In this scheme, national governments could of external stakeholders. Notwithstanding, some use the change in SIASAR indicators — for instance members perceive the review and evolution of from category “C” to “B” as a trigger to allocate fiscal SIASAR’s conceptual model and indicator framework resources to a given municipality. as contrary to the first Guiding Principle to remain simple and finally, although the institutionalization A strong regional presence engenders healthy of SIASAR by lead agencies lays the necessary competition incentivizing SIASAR’s uptake. The groundwork for its adoption, this top-down approach adoption of SIASAR by Peru, the first Andean country hasn’t necessarily translated into its implementation in to join SIASAR, proved to be a determining factor practice. Future modifications to the conceptual model in Bolivia’s participation. SIASAR’s transparency need to respect the capacity and threshold for change enables members, national governments, media of participating members while refocusing efforts outlets and interested stakeholders to monitor their to include local governments in the implementation progress in the regional context. A stronger focus process should help contribute to SIASAR’s long- on disseminating achievements could be used as term sustainability. a motivational tool to encourage data collection activities and new membership. 6.2 Data Collection Activities Data collection activities need not be limited to a Putting communities on the map has proven to be specific scale. Where countries have not been able an effective way to ensure their inclusion in the to complete widespread data collection activities, planning process. Refining mechanisms to make mechanisms have been put in place to ensure the Output Report 65 information gathered is useful for decision-making. the reliability of spatial comparisons and hinder inter- For example, in Panama the initiative to collect data agency collaboration. Specifically, rural areas are in indigenous communities began by first designing commonly and simplistically defined as ‘not urban’ a statistically representative sample to ensure the yet the definition of urban varies from country to pilot of 150 communities accurately reflected the country, primarily as a factor of population, political realities of all indigenous peoples within the country. administration or even access to basic services.47 Nonetheless, the lack of a complete national baseline However, because this approach is defined to conform may mask realities at the national scale. Focusing to national statistics and census data requirements, on indigenous communities where sustainable WSS a rural area’s smallest unit is a single household. services were already limited served to increase the This contrasts with the reality of rural WSS provision. visibility of historically underserved communities and While SIASAR is designed to operate across scales,48 facilitate evidence-based dialogue at the Indigenous including individual households, the determination of Roundtable in Panama. Efforts to ensure data the management unit is subjective and determined collection activities are successfully scaled up should by the lead institution in each member’s region. be preserved while regional comparisons should be To ensure the continued accuracy and ongoing conducted with caution. relevance of regional comparisons, standards should be continually harmonized, especially as new Facilitating the transfer of data to SIASAR from members with variable needs join the initiative. existing databases could broaden its appeal. To consolidate itself as a sector standard with a robust Delinking system revisions from data collection and versatile conceptual model, index and operating activities will facilitate the implementation platform that potential members consider highly process. Tailoring SIASAR to the specific needs useful, SIASAR must allow for data to be captured of institutions and strategic partners and staying using different methods and for the model to be well informed of global monitoring systems such as populated in different ways. For example, SIASAR’s the SDGs will ensure SIASAR’s use in the future. questionnaires remain the most popular option Members and strategic partners have established in countries without a comprehensive database; mechanisms49 that, moving forward, will allow data however, countries with an existing database may collection activities and day-to-day operations to prefer to migrate their data to SIASAR. This option has continue while at the same time improving the been successfully tested in Costa Rica and Peru.46 conceptual model and its associated IT tools. These Based on these experiences and the expectation mechanisms may need to be reviewed and expanded this situation will present itself more frequently in the as the conceptual model evolves to ensure continued future, SIASAR is poised to become the benchmark relevance moving forward. conceptual model (front end) of choice. Adapting SIASAR to these situations will require well-defined 6.3 Cultivating a Broader rules to guide the data migration process and to Understanding of Results ensure quality control and compatibility of the input data as well as the collection of any missing data. Increasing capacity in the rural WSS sector This approach should be conceived more broadly will improve SIASAR’s applicability in practice. and not on a member-by-member basis. Sustainability as it applies to the rural WSS sector is a relatively new concept that remains loosely defined. Harmonizing indicators has been key to This lack of general consensus makes its application establishing benchmarks for the rural WSS in practice challenging, especially for members who sector. Disparate urban rural classifications affect lack the technical know-how needed to tailor the 46 Bespoke data migration processes were designed to accommodate the transfer of data directly into SIASAR and to then extract compatible information for the associated sustainability metrics. While the data migration processes were successful, in order for the indices to be fully populated, both countries would need to design bespoke surveys to collect complementary data required by SIASAR. 47 For example, in Bolivia and Mexico urban areas are defined as conurbations with populations of 2,000 or 2,500 people or more respectively. To the contrary, in Panama and Honduras, an urban population is an area with more than 1,500 or 2,000 people respectively with access to basic services, while in Nicaragua 1,000 people is the defining threshold (CEPAL, 1999). 48 For example, SIASAR is adaptable to rural communities, small towns and small cities. 49 For example: (i) designing and agreeing specific equivalencies between different versions of questionnaires and indicators during annual assemblies thereby ensuring all historical information always remains relevant (“live”); and, (ii) establishing transitional periods between different versions of the model so that countries can better plan their data collection campaigns. 66 Consolidation, Improvement and Expansion of the Rural Water and Sanitation Information System | SIASAR concept to local realities yet sustainability underpins In addition, GitLAB, SIASAR’s collaborative, on-line SIASAR’s framework. As a result, some members workspace and management system, has been vital to may not have the capacity to fully capitalize on day-to-day IT management. As the initiative expands SIASAR’s functionality. Moving forward, the SIASAR regionally and globally, the ongoing commitment to initiative should continue to support members to virtual collaborations will become even more critical. generate and analyze reports and conduct research to better understand the factors that contribute to External facilitation continues to be essential to the sustainability of rural WSS services. Engaging keep members engaged. In 2013 when the Bank stakeholders — from local communities to service experimented with giving member countries a greater provider associations to NGOs to universities — to degree of responsibility for planning and executing conduct deep dives into the growing dataset could events, a slowdown in participation indicated the also help quantify and understand these factors further Bank still had an important role to play. Such events while disseminating findings to a broader audience. are costly and members, particularly middle-income countries, are aware they will need to carry more 6.4 Value for Money of the financial burden moving forward. Thus far the message has been well received and sector Integrating data collection and updates into authorities have expressed confidence in their ability routine technical assistance could better utilize to mobilize resources beyond the Bank, due in part existing resources allocated to rural communities. to the recognition received from their governments of As a public good, SIASAR’s information system has SIASAR’s added value, as well as strong interest from limited financial outlays and members can effectively other donors. To facilitate greater autonomy, promote hit the ground running. As members move from initial self-sustenance and support SIASAR’s long-term data collection activities to the updating of existing sustainability, members (with support from the Bank), data, fewer resources will be required to maintain should develop a financial strategy and business plan high quality results. To this end, the SIASAR initiative that seeks to increase the financial participation of intends to build a ‘technical assistance roadmap’ that members and identify alternative sources of funding. indicates regular checkpoints, much in the way a new car comes with a maintenance schedule. The schedule The Regional Agreement promotes stability could indicate what kinds of technical assistance and continuity across political transitions. The would benefit a particular type of community and at initiative’s ability to withstand political uncertainty has what frequency. By following the technical assistance withstood the test of time in several countries. For roadmap, service providers — and the governments example, during multiple changes in administration in and donors who support them — should reduce Panama, progress on the SIASAR initiative stalled, at long-term costs by providing technical assistance one point for over a year, until the new administration systematically, rather than on an ad hoc basis. decided to reinitiate the process and in Nicaragua, SIASAR was successfully implemented despite Virtual workspaces decrease operational costs. several changes in administration within the lead Regional assemblies are essential to promote sector institution. Had the initiative lacked the institutional ranking and maintain momentum while increasing momentum defined in the Regional Agreement and SIASAR’s visibility regionally and globally. The Bank promoted through regular in-person meetings, it may and other donors, including inter alia SDC, IDB, not have recovered. Still, it’s instructive to recognize AECID, the Spanish Ministry of Economy, the EU, where efforts have yet to meet expectations. Peru, and UNICEF have provided financial and human for example, was quick to adopt SIASAR exceeding resources for these events, supported logistics data collection targets more than ten-fold; yet the and covered airfares for national sector authorities. initiative’s implementation has since ground to an However, in-person meetings increase operational unexpected halt. In the case of Oaxaca, Mexico, costs. The Bank’s WebEx system has proven despite a successful implementation mission, political essential to mitigating some of these costs and 31 maneuvering and legal complications between the out of 37 regional working group meetings were federal and state governments quickly affected data conducted at a distance over a three-year period. collection activities50 that, two years later, have yet 50 The Government of Oaxaca envisioned collecting data from approximately 4,500 communities as part of the World Bank financed Oaxaca Water and Sanitation Sector Modernization Operation Project (P145578) a US$55 million Program-for-Results (PforR) Loan. However, the program’s priorities were subsequently modified deemphasizing data collection in rural areas and causing delays in its implementation, in addition to a change in government. As a result, only 24 communities were surveyed. Output Report 67 to recommence. These examples demonstrate the example as it demonstrates how SIASAR promotes potential consequences of tying data collection a better understanding of local realities and has led activities to external funds. To mitigate these to the creation of a series of mechanisms to support eventualities in the future, active monitoring programs rural communities both technically and socially while should be established within local and national promoting stronger coordination between public frameworks. In addition, improved coordination within agencies and NGOs. To some extent, Honduras has the Bank could help address any shortcomings tied to experienced a similar renaissance through improved Bank operations. coordination with NGOs, and the regional and local entities often responsible for data collection activities 6.5 Understanding the Realities of the and participating in sector discussions at the highest Rural WSS Sector level. SIASAR’s implementation is closely linked to the Limited institutional strength impedes the reality of each member’s rural WSS sector. To the implementation process. Finally, where public extent the initiative’s success can be measured by its policies are sorely lacking and there is limited degree of implementation, it is closely linked to the institutional support for the rural WSS sector, development of each member’s rural WSS sector, SIASAR’s implementation has not progressed which can be classified into three groups: members significantly, for example in Oaxaca. However, it’s that have prioritized the sector through clearly defined worth noting the opportunity to participate remains policies; members without well-defined policies, but a open independent of a particular member’s progress. strong institutional presence; and members that lack institutional presence and political will. Thus it would appear SIASAR’s success is contingent upon strong political will, a clearly Existing capacity improves the likelihood of defined vision and the appropriate mechanisms implementing SIASAR successfully. Where to execute it. As a result, the implementation process members have prioritized the sector such as should be closely linked to the reality of the sector. Nicaragua, Bolivia, Peru or Ceará, information systems Countries where the Bank is supporting sector reform are critical for monitoring progress against specific may benefit from early engagement with SIASAR during goals, for example, drinking water coverage or access project identification and preparation. For example, to improved sanitation. Correspondingly, the rural preliminary support may be better invested in policy WSS sector has been strengthened and the capacity development and institutional strengthening of different needed to integrate SIASAR into the decision-making actors. Specifically, SIASAR has evolved as the result process or the political will to increase capacity exists. of a successful participatory process and the initiative Moreover, in countries where SIASAR has become a has focused closely on product development and proven concept, SIASAR routinely informs the planning political engagement at the national scale while existing process ensuring the government’s ongoing support. members are largely responsible for supporting the For example, in the case of Nicaragua, SIASAR’s implementation process in country. While this approach rollout was supported by well-articulated objectives has resulted in noteworthy achievements and SIASAR and adequate funding and in the case of Peru, a well- is now enshrined in national policy, implementation designed incentive scheme. at the local scale is less rigorous. Strengthening the institutional capacity of local governments and WSS Political will positively influences implementation partners would promote a systematic transition from outcomes even in the absence of sector policy. In policy to practice, increase stakeholder awareness cases where rural WSS policies are not well defined, and better enable local governments to fully exploit but where the sector exists alongside a strong the capabilities of SIASAR. This could be achieved presence of rural actors, SIASAR has contributed to through technical assistance directed at the regional the institutional strengthening of the overall sector. scale e.g. supporting the development of the business Such is the case in Honduras and the Dominican and leadership skills required to manage a regional Republic where SIASAR has inspired the sector program, or targeted technical assistance in-country to surmount historical challenges cultivating new during the adoption and implementation process. This opportunities and leading to improved WSS services. would also serve to promote accountability moving The Dominican Republic is a particularly interesting forward. 68 Consolidation, Improvement and Expansion of the Rural Water and Sanitation Information System | SIASAR 7 MOVING FORWARD The SIASAR initiative has grown from an initial means to generate additional buy-in and ownership three members to 11 members in LAC in a relatively based on several core recommendations to be short period of time while garnering substantial implemented at the regional and country level: international interest. Based on the lessons learned and experiences in LAC over the course of the TAs Regional Level implementation, three critical areas are considered relevant to the future success of the initiative: Develop a two-step strategy designed to transition Consolidation in LAC, Opportunities for Expansion from current levels of donor funding to increased and Next Frontier in Development of the Conceptual autonomy. Such an endeavor would require Model. The following sections describe a series of the Regional Working Groups to be significantly detailed recommendations designed to support each strengthened to support the ongoing operation and area moving forward. maintenance of SIASAR through: (i) an initial period to create an effective management strategy; and (ii) 7.1 Consolidation in LAC a transitional period to roll out the strategy to further define the roles and responsibilities of donors and Recognizing the need to consolidate this rapid members. To this end, members are currently drafting expansion, members are fleshing out an evolving a strategic business plan to focus on the initiative’s vision for the initiative’s trajectory that contemplates wider sustainability and explore the universe of the balance between the level of government possible options moving forward, comprising inter involvement and donor support needed to ensure the alia an analysis of different management models, sustainability and relevance of the initiative moving such as creating: (i) a unifying regional association,51 forward. One end of the spectrum envisions the need or (ii) multiple regional bases designed to represent for ongoing TA support, while the other envisions the interests of a smaller, more consolidated and greater autonomy of the SIASAR initiative. The latter theoretically more manageable group of members.52 approach would seek to strengthen government To further this process, the Bank is supporting a commitments through active participation in the detailed review of the legal and policy instruments development and maintenance of SIASAR as a regionally. 51 For example, ADERASA, the regional association of WSS regulators 52 For example: Central America and the Caribbean; the Andean Region, Middle-Income Countries, etc. Output Report 69 Identify alternative sources of funding, including Evaluate membership contributions moving preparing an annual budget in line with national forward. Implementation costs are highly variable budgets as well as considering regional sources and depend largely on the existing capacity of the of funding and sponsorship. In terms of financial joining member and the particular implementation impacts, the TA supported 68 percent of the initiative’s approach, with lower-capacity members resulting in total regional operational costs over its four-year higher costs. These findings could form the basis implementation period (from FY14 to FY17), while for re-evaluating membership contributions moving members and other donors supported the remaining forward. One possibility might be to develop a sliding costs. More than half of all costs can be attributed to scale of membership fees based on, for example, Sector and IT-related work, specifically to support the technical support needs or to the contrary, technical development of SIASAR 2.0, a major capital investment support provided to the wider initiative. Moving to be amortized over time. The use of freeware is forward, funding could be pooled to help countries intended to mitigate major capital investments by new establish a self-managed association to which the members up front as would be required if acquiring a Bank could transfer functions currently supported new information system. Furthermore, although minor by the TA i.e. sector specialists, IT specialists and adjustments to the conceptual model will be required administrative support. The association could then: in the future, the associated costs are unlikely to be (a) convene sector authorities among and between significant. However, should a significant, unexpected members, including logistical support for the annual capital outlay be required in the future, the costs would SIASAR assembly; (b) provide technical support for be shared between the entire membership. Although new members; (c) support overall IT coordination; the cost overview (Section 5.3) is only indicative several (d) offer limited financial support for strategic patterns have emerged that can be used to guide future knowledge sharing and dissemination events; and, decision-making. Specifically, the effects of economies (e) continue refining the conceptual model and of scale are evident and total costs per member research agenda. decrease with increased membership (Figure 25). Figure 25: Projected (FY18) costs per member based on historical (FY14-FY17) costs to date $80,000 $70,000 11 11 $60,000 $50,000 7 $40,000 $30,000 4 $20,000 3 $10,000 $0 FY 14 FY 15 FY 16 FY 17 FY 18 Assembly Coordination Sector IT N° Members 70 Consolidation, Improvement and Expansion of the Rural Water and Sanitation Information System | SIASAR Country Level to require minimal specialized expertise ensuring members with low technological capacity can Increase member capacity to operate and operate, maintain, and use the system. Nevertheless, manage SIASAR from onboarding new members some members have allocated staff that either lack to implementation to long-term use. SIASAR the necessary skills or lack availability. This is further has been member-led and driven from the outset compounded by high staff turnover. In this context and the TA sought to cultivate self-determination by and to better serve the initiative moving forward, embedding concepts of relatedness, competence one of the alternative management models currently and autonomy53 within the approach. Members being analyzed includes creating centralized Working now lead the implementation process, a critical Groups enabling members to align themselves component designed to promote self-learning and according to their expertise, instead of the current south-south knowledge transfer. This has generated model that requires each member to provide a strong ownership and avoided symptoms of mistrust designated minimum number of specialists. This and apathy commonly associated with externally led could prove particularly helpful in bridging the current initiatives. Regular milestones provide the momentum technological gap, however, in the interim members needed to accelerate the process and produce will need continued external IT support. results, for example, annual assemblies provide the ideal platform to showcase new findings, benefitting Redefine the Bank’s role and leverage donor the evolution of SIASAR. support. This strategy would have the added benefit of enabling the Bank, and other donors such as the Nonetheless, some members are less invested than IDB and AECID, to provide strategic support to rural others in part because their personnel aren’t actively WSS operations and increase capacity at the local involved in working groups or they simply don’t have level through targeted investments and technical any personnel to participate. The role of existing assistance. Specifically, the Bank and other donors members in transferring knowledge to new members have a critical role to play addressing the gap in is well established, yet there is a noticeable lack of analytical capabilities and broadening the use of overall capacity to take on the regional leadership SIASAR data to support the inclusion agenda, in role, a responsibility that has often been left to the particular gender and indigenous peoples. Decreasing Bank. Conceivably, the democratic process through the Bank’s presence in the day-to-day management which SIASAR was created may have cultivated a of SIASAR could promote greater participation of general lack of willingness to assume roles of authority external stakeholders, particularly other international beyond members’ boundaries. To the contrary, the donors such as IDB and AECID. For example, all Bank’s continued support may have engendered donors could actively support the mainstreaming certain expectations. Similarly, long-term commitment of SIASAR in strategies and operations throughout is still not embedded in each member’s approach to the region, including in countries where they are not SIASAR at the country level. For example, despite currently active. Specifically, the Bank could capitalize the volume of data collected to date, activities are on existing experiences in Brazil and Mexico to brand heavily reliant on uncertain sources of funding and and market SIASAR as the screening mechanism members would benefit from a systematic approach of choice for rural WSS interventions or support its that goes beyond the political will leveraged to inclusion as a disbursement-linked indicator in PforRs. adopt SIASAR. Specifically, SIASAR’s successful Additionally, the Bank could actively collaborate with implementation requires dedicated capacity, budget members and other donors to strengthen coordination and sector ranking. between sector authorities and increase the uptake of SIASAR by other Ministries such as Finance and The SIASAR information system was designed with Health. Finally, the Bank could coordinate technical the long-term sustainability of the initiative in mind. expertise motivating participating governments to The platform uses open source, freeware to minimize take a more active role in the day-to-day operations costs. Additionally, the CMS has been custom built of the initiative. 53 Based on Self-Determination Theory (Ryan and Deci, 2000). Output Report 71 7.2 Opportunities for Global Expansion to distinct realities in practice should be carefully evaluated, particularly to ensure the proposed SIASAR is poised to expand globally driven by a conceptual model aligns with existing governance concerted effort to disseminate SIASAR in global models for data collection activities and decision- forums resulting in increased interest within the making. A carefully designed pilot program in Africa Bank and from countries, NGOs and donors in or Southeast Asia55 could support this process. other regions particularly Africa and Southeast Asia.54 The Bank will continue to play a key role in Draw on lessons learned from LAC to inform facilitating knowledge sharing and providing technical the mix of skills needed to successfully launch assistance to bring new members on board and should SIASAR in other regions. A sense of realism continue to actively support the global expansion concerning local capacities and timeframes required of SIASAR as a global public good through either to launch the initiative in other regions will be undertaking or supporting the following activities: required. SIASAR’s successful deployment will hinge on identifying: (i) adequate human and financial Determine the best management strategy moving resources; (ii) champions within the Bank and local forward, specifically, evaluate the balance between counterparts; (iii) opportunities to capitalize on maintaining a consolidated global initiative and existing datasets or leverage data collection activities decoupling future regional initiatives. Either (for example through PforRs), and; (iv) partnerships alternative would maintain a harmonized approach with donors, NGOs and other interested stakeholders. and harness existing experiences of cultivating ownership in LAC. Options include maintaining the Increase credibility by developing an effective current backend IT infrastructure while revising the outreach strategy to engage global actors involved frontend user interface to accommodate different in the rural WSS sector. Opportunities for synergies regional requirements. Expansion beyond LAC would with complimentary organizations should be explored likely necessitate adopting a name with greater in greater detail including the Rural Water Supply resonance in other languages and contexts. Network (RWSN) and international NGOs such as SNV, Water for People and WaterAid in addition to Assess the maturation of a potential member’s evaluating synergies with existing tools such as the rural WSS sector to determine the most Water Point Data Exchange (WPDx) and WaterAid’s appropriate use of SIASAR and to craft the best Water Point Mapper, and finally, other conceptual pathway to success. While many countries and methodologies such as the Balanced Scorecard strategic partners may be keen to capitalize on and Proyecto-Enlace. The RWSN provides a great SIASAR to collect and analyze data, a lack of sector springboard for global dissemination and learning support will limit SIASAR’s capabilities and ongoing exchanges while interfacing with the WPDx (which relevance (see Section 6.4). Additionally, while is designed to rapidly collect and collate extensive there are many commonalities between countries, data), and the Balanced Scorecard initiative (which there are also practical differences, for example, the focuses on data processing and reporting). Such an widespread use of hand pumps in rural Africa versus exchange would be cross beneficial for expanding the predominance of networked-systems in LAC. data analytics to promote decision-making, policy Although SIASAR is designed to accommodate such planning and guide investments in countries or regions eventualities – and indeed hand pumps are common where efforts have historically focused predominantly in rural Nicaragua – the application of SIASAR on data collection activities. 54 Mozambique recently participated in the third Annual Assembly held in Colombia in April 2017. The decision to invite Mozambique hinged in part on SIASAR’s recent adoption by Brazil (Ceará) and SIASAR’s corresponding translation into Portuguese, which was part of a strategic vision designed to promote exchanges between Portuguese-speaking countries. SIASAR can accommodate multiple languages, including non-Latin writing systems, without the need to reprogram the information system or operating tools and applications and which facilitates the rapid entry of new members. Notwithstanding, the questionnaires upon which all SIASAR data are based must first be translated. 55 Several countries have demonstrated interest or present viable opportunities for expansion, including: Mozambique, Tanzania, and Vietnam. 72 Consolidation, Improvement and Expansion of the Rural Water and Sanitation Information System | SIASAR 7.3 Next frontier in Development of Although SIASAR was conceived prior to the SIASAR Conceptual Model establishment of the SDGs and remains first and foremost a tool for monitoring the sustainability of rural Refine the conceptual model to accommodate WSS services, the Bank, in partnership with member global expansion, new contexts, emerging countries and the support of the UPC, recently reporting requirements, technological advances refined the SIASAR conceptual model to align the and to address the next generation of challenges current framework with the SDGs where possible and align with global monitoring initiatives such and SIASAR has now emerged as a complementary as the SDGs. Monitoring the SDG targets for drinking monitoring tool to inform the SDGs.56 In particular, water and sanitation will require a holistic approach SIASAR 2.0 incorporates a simplified assessment of and credible data will be needed to stimulate political WASH in schools and health care centers. Moreover, commitment, inform decision-making, underpin sector SIASAR can be adapted to changing monitoring advocacy and trigger well-placed investments toward requirements as needed. sustainable access to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) initiatives. In addition, SDG monitoring Refining the conceptual model to ensure alignment systems will need to be robust enough to adapt to with concurrently evolving Bank initiatives that similarly advances in technology and accommodate the address sustainability in the rural water sector, capacity of stakeholders, especially national sector specifically “Sustainability Assessment of Rural Water and regulatory authorities. Service Delivery Models: Findings of a Multi-Country Review”57 and “Developing Rural Water Metrics for SDG targets for drinking water and sanitation imply a Sustainability: An Assessment of Existing Indicators transformation in current approaches to monitoring. of Sustainability”58 is equally important to ensuring a On the one hand, developing methods to collect, coherent and cohesive approach within the Bank. analyze and report new indicators and expanding the existing JMP database will depend on continued Finally, the need to remain at the forefront of improvements of national monitoring systems technological advances in line with SIASAR’s final and processes. On the other hand, it will require guiding principal is critical to ensuring the long-term continued technical advice and support from experts, relevance and success of SIASAR. SIASAR 2.0’s ability policymakers, practitioners and donors committed to update a single data field remotely could respond to the progressive realization of the human rights to recent technological advances, such as low-cost to water and sanitation. Furthermore, strengthened sensors, which could be incorporated into SIASAR collaboration between global monitoring initiatives enabling the remote monitoring of systems. Similarly, will be needed, including among others the opportunities exist to expand SIASAR’s geospatial Joint Monitoring Program (JMP) and the Global capabilities. For example, as data on schools and Assessment and Analysis of Drinking Water and health centers are collected, SIASAR could highlight Sanitation (GLAAS). public facilities without access to water or sanitation. 56 UPC, 2017. 57 (P159391) A desk review of existing service delivery approaches from 16 countries was undertaken to identify the “conditions, challenges and emerging good practices that support sustainability” with a view to “building sector capacity and strengthening sustainable service delivery models for rural areas” (World Bank, 2017a). One finding of particular relevance to SIASAR is the variability in local capacities between countries. Consequently, the ability to achieve a universally defined sustainability metric is highly relative and a tiered approach whereby a country’s progress is aligned to the maturation of its rural WSS sector may be more appropriate. Similarly, given service level standards differ and are similarly linked to the strength of a country’s rural WSS sector, service level thresholds may need to be revised moving forward. 58 (P159391) This initiative assessed 40 sustainability indicator frameworks currently in use with a view to determining their structure and use and commonalities and differences (World Bank, 2017b). While the assessment revealed diversity among the various frameworks, key similarities were also identified including, among others, indicator groups addressing: performance of water supply schemes whereby the number of indicators increases with system complexity, user satisfaction, and service provider performance giving rise to a set of “performance metrics.” The SIASAR conceptual model currently addresses some of the proposed indicators, such as service provider performance, yet would nevertheless benefit from a careful review to identify potential streamlining opportunities prior to undergoing further expansion. Output Report 73 References CEPAL, 1999. “Definición De Población Urbana UPC, 2013. “Consultancy to review the Conceptual Y Rural Utilizadas En Los Censos De Los Países Model of the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Latinoamericanos” in Boletín Demográfico No. 63, de Information System (SIASAR): Indicators, Indices, enero de 1999. and Sanitation and Hygiene Module - Deliverable 4: def_urbana_rural.pdf. Accessed: May 2017. Technical report.” Consultant’s Report. Smits et al., 2013. “Institutionalizing monitoring of UPC, 2017. “SIASAR and its contribution in monitoring rural water services in Latin America. Lessons from the Sustainable Development Goals on water and El Salvador, Honduras and Paraguay. Technical sanitation: an opportunity to move from coverage to Note IDBTN-526. service level.” Consultant’s Report. bitstream/handle/11319/6023/SMITS%20271113a. pdf?sequence=1. Inter-American Development Bank, UPC, 2017. “SIASAR 2.0 Conceptual Model” Washington, DC. Accessed: April 2017. Consultant’s Report. McMahon, Gary, 1999. “Applying Economic Analysis World Bank, 2013. “The SIASAR Initiative: An to Technical Assistance Projects.” http://elibrary. Information System for More Sustainable Rural Water and Sanitation Services.” WPP Briefing Note Accessed: November 2016. # 76977. en/709121468339566486/pdf/769770BRI0Wate00Bo OECD, 2012. “Water Governance in Latin America x374393B00PUBLIC0.pdf. World Bank, Washington, and the Caribbean: A Multi-level Approach.” http:// DC. Accessed: April, 2017. nlatinamericaandthecaribbeanamulti-levelapproach. World Bank, 2017. “Results in the Latin America & htm. Accessed: April, 2017. Caribbean Region 2017” Volume 9. http://regions. JMP, 2015. UNICEF and World Health Organization. Stories/Results_Stories_Apr_17.pdf?Web=1. “Progress on sanitation and drinking water – 2015 update and MDG assessment.” https://www.wssinfo. World Bank, 2017a. “Sustainability Assessment of org/fileadmin/user_upload/resources/JMP-Update- Rural Water Service Delivery Models: Findings of a report-2015_English.pdf. Accessed: February 2017. Multi-Country Review.” [in progress] Perez-Foguet, et al., in progress. “Principal Component World Bank, 2017b. “Developing Rural Water Metrics Analysis and determinants of rural water sustainability: for Sustainability: An Assessment of Existing Indicators A multi-country case using monitoring data.” of Sustainability.” [in progress] Requejo-Castro et al., forthcoming. “SIASAR: A World Bank, 2017. “Country Water Supply, Sanitation, country-led indicator framework for monitoring the and Hygiene (WASH) Poverty Diagnostic in Panama.” rural water and sanitation sector in Latin America and the Caribbean.” Journal of Water Practice and Ryan and Deci, 2000, “Self-Determination Theory Technology, IWA, London. and the Facilitation of Intrinsic Motivation, Social Development, and Well-Doing” in American Rodriguez Serrano and Pena Weiss, 2016. The Psychologist Vol. 55, No. 1 68-78. http://www.uvi. “Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Information edu/files/documents/College_of_Liberal_Arts_and_ System” (SIASAR) – Addressing Sustainability Gaps Social_Sciences/social_sciences/OSDCD/National_ Through Visual Data in Latin America, the 7th Rural Self_Determination_Richard_Ryan_and_Edward_ Water Supply Network Forum 2016, (Cote d’Ivoire). Deci.pdf. Accessed: May 2017. full_paper_0252_submitter_0308_vargas_ramirez_ miguel.pdf. Accessed: April 2017. 74 Consolidation, Improvement and Expansion of the Rural Water and Sanitation Information System | SIASAR ANNEXES ANNEX 1. SIASAR Strategic Partners by Country Strategic Partners • AECID – Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation • CABEI – Central American Bank for Economic Integration • CAF – Development Bank of Latin America • EC – European Commission • KFW – German Development Bank • IDB – Inter-American Development Bank • MEC – Spanish Ministry of Economic and Competitiveness • SFLAC – Spanish Fund for Latin American and Caribbean. • SDC – Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation • WB – World Bank Regional networks • CLOCSAS – Latin American Confederation of Water and Sanitation Communitarian Organizations • FOCARD-APS – Central American and Dominican Republic Water and Sanitation Forum International NGO, Research and Academic Partners • IRC – Water and Sanitation International Research Center • UPC – Polytechnic University of Catalonia • UNICEF - United Nations Children’s Fund • WfP – Water for People (NGO) • CRS – Catholic Relief Service (NGO) Output Report 75 ANNEX 2. SIASAR Member Fact Sheets Basic Data Capital Tegucigalpa Area 112,492 sq km Total Population 8,570,154 Rural population 46% People per sq km 46 HDI 0.617 No. Communities 28,000 (est.) No. Systems 7,000 (est.) No. Service Providers 6,300 (est.) Date of Membership 2011 SIASAR Management Structure SIASAR in Practice Contact Information Lead Agency Servicio Autónomo Nacional de Acueductos y Alcantarillados (SANAA) • 28 rural WSS Contact Javier Rivera profiles developed Person Data Collection SANAA, Fondo Hondureño de Inversión Social (FHIS), municipalities, to inform municipal NGOs (WfF, CRS, etc.) Institution SANAA development plans Data Validation SANAA Address Primera Avenida 13 Strategic Partners Consejo Nacional de Agua Potable y Saneamiento (CONASA), Ente calle, Comayaguela Regulador de los Servicios de Agua Potable y Saneamiento (ERSAPS) MDC Honduras Main Source(s) of Funding National budget, IDB, World Bank e-mail 76 Consolidation, Improvement and Expansion of the Rural Water and Sanitation Information System | SIASAR Basic Data Capital Managua Area 129,494 sq km Total Population 6,039,000 Rural population 38% People per sq km 42.6 HDI 0.615 No. Communities 7,334 (est.) No. Systems 3,000 (est.) No. Service Providers 2,800 (est.) Date of Membership 2011 SIASAR Management Structure SIASAR in Practice Contact Information Lead Agency Nuevo Fondo de Inversión Social y Emergencias (FISE) • 64 municipal rural water and Contact - sanitation plans prepared Person Data Collection FISE, municipalities • SIASAR results-based municipal Data Validation FISE Institution Nuevo FISE training program developed Strategic Partners Instituto Nicaragüense de Fomento Municipal (INIFOM), Empresa • National Rural Water and Sanitation Address Altamira D'Este Nicaragüense de Acueductos y Alcantarillados (ENACAL) Plan informed (2016) (Contiguo a Clínica • National Water Resources Tiscapa), Managua Main Source(s) of National budget, World Bank Management Plan informed (2017) Funding e-mail Output Report 77 Basic Data Capital Panama City Area 75,517 sq km Total Population 3,773,252 Rural population 38% People per sq km 49 HDI 0.765 No. Communities 11,580 (est.) No. Systems 4,000 (est.) No. Service Providers - Date of Membership 2011 SIASAR Management Structure SIASAR in Practice Contact Information Lead Agency Ministerio de Salud (MINSA) • Data from 150 Contact Ricardo Cerrud indigenous Person Data Collection MINSA communities were Institution MINSA/DISAPAS Data Validation MINSA collected, validated and processed and Address Antiguo Hospital Strategic Partners Instituto de Acueductos y Alcantarillados Nacionales (IDAAN), Consejo are being used to Gorgas, detrás del Nacional para el Desarrollo Sostenible (CONADES) inform the National Instituto Oncológico, Indigenous Peoples Ancón. Main Source(s) of Funding National budget Development Plan World Bank, IDB/AECID e-mail 78 Consolidation, Improvement and Expansion of the Rural Water and Sanitation Information System | SIASAR Basic Data Capital Oaxaca de Juárez Area 93,757 sq km Total Population 3,802,000 Rural population 53% People per sq km 41 HDI 0.681 No. Communities 10,301 (est.) No. Systems 3,900 (est.) No. Service Providers 3,900 (est.) Date of Membership 2014 SIASAR Management Structure SIASAR in Practice Contact Information Lead Agency Comisión Estatal del Agua de Oaxaca (CEA Oaxaca) • Expected to collect data from Contact Antonio Santibáñez 600 communities in 2017 Person Data Collection CEA Oaxaca • SIASAR will be used to improve Institution CEA Oaxaca Data Validation CEA Oaxaca rural sector knowledge and Address Reyes Mantecon Strategic Partners Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI), Secretaria design specific rural plans to San Bartolo Coyotepec de Finanzas (SEFIM) prioritize water investments Oaxaca de Juárez CP. 7125 Main Source(s) of National budget, World Bank Funding e-mail Output Report 79 Basic Data Capital Santo Domingo Area 48,311 sq km Total Population 9,378,818 Rural population 25% People per sq km 204 HDI 0.732 No. Communities 11,488 (est.) No. Systems 3,000 (est.) No. Service Providers 400 (est.) Date of Membership 2014 SIASAR Management Structure SIASAR in Practice Contact Information Lead Agency Instituto Nacional de Aguas Potables y Alcantarillados • 36 water systems Contact Gumercindo Vásquez (INAPA) rehabilitated through Person targeted technical assistance Institution Instituto Nacional de Agua Data Collection INAPA, NGOs Potable y Alcantarillado (INAPA) • 8 community service Data Validation INAPA Address Calle Guarocuya # 419, providers created Edificio INAPA, El Millón, Santo Strategic Partners AECID, IDB • 9 project profiles Domingo prepared Main Source(s) of Funding National budget e-mail 80 Consolidation, Improvement and Expansion of the Rural Water and Sanitation Information System | SIASAR Basic Data Capital San José Area 51,100 sq km Total Population 5,001,000 Rural population 41% People per sq km 95 HDI 0.764 No. Communities 5,000 (est.) No. Systems - No. Service Providers - Date of Membership 2014 SIASAR Management Structure SIASAR in Practice Contact Information Lead Agency Instituto Costarricense de Acueductos y • Data collection began in 2015 using Contact Tomás Cavanillas Alcantarillados (AyA) existing information system Person • Team is now working to migrate Data Collection AyA Institution Instituto Costarricense de data from approximately 500 Acueductos y Alcantarillados (AyA) Data Validation AyA communities into SIASAR • SIASAR will help AyA to improve Address Rohrmoser 104 Strategic Partners Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos (INEC) the level of technical assistance San José provided to community service Costa Rica Main Source(s) of National budget providers (ASADAS) Funding e-mail Output Report 81 Basic Data Capital Lima Area 1,285,216 sq km Total Population 30,380,000 Rural population 24% People per sq km 24 HDI 0.737 No. Communities 85,000 (est.) No. Systems 22,000 (est.) No. Service Providers - Date of Membership 2015 SIASAR Management Structure SIASAR in Practice Contact Information Lead Agency Ministerio de Vivienda, Construcción y Saneamiento • Data collected using a proprietary Contact - (MVCS) information system Person • Data from 10,000 communities have been migrated to SIASAR, and data Institution Ministerio de Vivienda, Data Collection Municipalities from 65,000 communities expected to Construcción y Data Validation MVCS be migrated in 2017 Saneamiento • Created 1,426 municipal technical teams Address Paseo de la República Strategic Partners Ministerio de Desarrollo e Inclusión Social (MIDIS) • Date have been used to schedule 3361 - Edificio Petroperú operation restoration work for 2,278 rural systems and to monitor chlorine San Isidro, Lima Main Source(s) of SDC, national budget Funding treatment performance e-mail 82 Consolidation, Improvement and Expansion of the Rural Water and Sanitation Information System | SIASAR Basic Data Capital Fortaleza Area 148,920 sq km Total Population 8,843,000 Rural population 23% People per sq km 60 HDI 0.682 No. Communities 17,500 (est.) No. Systems - No. Service Providers - Date of Membership 2016 SIASAR Management Structure SIASAR in Practice Contact Information Lead Agency Secretaria das Cidades (SCidades) • First pilot conducted in the Contact - Municipality of Aracati in 2016 Person Data Collection Companhia de Água e Esgoto do Ceará (CAGECE), Sistema Integrado de Saneamento Rural (SISAR), Municipalities • Date used to inform the Institution Secretaria das Cidades Municipal Water and Sanitation Data Validation SCidades, CAGECE Address Av. Gal Afonso Plan Albuquerque Lima - Ed. Strategic Partners Ministry of National Integration, Secretaria do Desenvolvimento • Data from approximately 10,000 SEPLAG 1ºAndar – Agrário (SDA) communities is expected to Fortaleza be collected between 2017 Ceará Main Source(s) of World Bank, national budget and 2018 Funding e-mail Output Report 83 Basic Data Capital Sucre Area 1,098,581 sq km Total Population 10,059,856 Rural population 33% People per sq km 9 HDI 0.662 No. Communities 19,179 (est.) No. Systems 13,215 (est.) No. Service Providers 13,215 (est.) Date of Membership 2016 SIASAR Management Structure SIASAR in Practice Contact Information Lead Agency Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Agua (MMAyA) • Pilots scheduled to commence Contact Viceministro de Agua in 2017 supported by Water for Person Potable y Saneamiento Data Collection MMAyA, NGOs, Municipalities People, UNICEF, World Bank, Básico IDB and AECID Data Validation MMAyA Institution Dirección General • Data from approximately 19,000 de Agua Potable y communities expected to be Strategic Partners Servicio Nacional para la Sostenibilidad de Servicios Alcantarillado Sanitario collected between 2017 and 2018 e Saneamiento Básico (SENASBA), Autoridad de Address Calle Capitán Castrillo Fiscalización y Control Social de Agua Potable y • SIASAR will help to inform the water indicators in the 2025 No. 434, zona San Saneamiento Básico (AAPS), NGOs, UNICEF Patriotic Agenda and the National Pedro. La Paz Main Source(s) of Funding World Bank, AECID, IDB, NGOs, national budget Water and Sanitation Plan e-mail 84 Consolidation, Improvement and Expansion of the Rural Water and Sanitation Information System | SIASAR Basic Data Capital Bogotá Area 1,141,748 sq km Total Population 48,747,632 Rural population 24% People per sq km 42.70 HDI 0.702 No. Communities 40,000 (est.) No. Systems 11,000 (est.) No. Service Providers 9,000 (est.) Date of Membership 2016 SIASAR Management Structure SIASAR in Practice Contact Information Lead Agency Ministerio de Vivienda, Ciudad y Territorio (MVCT) • First pilots scheduled for 2017 Contact Karen López, supported by World Bank, AECID Person Data Collection Departments, Municipalities and SDC, in partnership with Institution Viceministerio de Data Validation MVCT, Departments departments and municipalities Vivienda, Ciudad • SIASAR is part of the official y Territorio, y Strategic Partners Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística (DANE), sector information system in Viceministerio de Agua NGOs Colombia and will be used Address - Main Source(s) of World Bank, AECID, SDC, national budget to inform Departmental and Funding Municipal Water Plans e-mail Output Report 85 Basic Data Capital Asunción Area 406,752 sq km Total Population 6,854,536 Rural population 17% People per sq km 42.70 HDI 0.679 No. Communities 4,300 (est.) No. Systems 3,200 (est.) No. Service Providers 3,200 (est.) Date of Membership 2017 SIASAR Management Structure SIASAR in Practice Contact Information Lead Agency Ministerio de Obras Públicas y Comunicaciones (MOPC) • Full implementation Contact Claudia Crosa scheduled for 2017 Person Data Collection Servicio Nacional de Saneamiento Ambiental (SENASA), Ente Regulador de Servicios Sanitarios (ERSSAN), • First pilots expected Institution Dirección de Agua Potable y Municipalities, NGOs end 2017 with Saneamiento strategic partner’s Ministerio de Obras Públicas y Data Validation SENASA, ERSSAN support, specifically Comunicaciones Strategic Partners PNUD, NGOs World Bank, IDB Address Alberdi e/ Oliva. Asunción and AECID Main Source(s) of Funding World Bank, IDB, AECID, national budget e-mail 86 Consolidation, Improvement and Expansion of the Rural Water and Sanitation Information System | SIASAR Output Report 87