O H RLDBA EBlock 3, Arundel Office PWWi-H ' -Tel:' (7263A) 7633 3200 T WORLD B107 Norfolk Road, Mount Pleasant Fax: (+263-4) 7633 3268 19RD - tOA I WORLDBANKOROUP P.O. Box 2960, Harare, Zimbabwe September 2, 2015 Honorable Minister Patrick Chinamasa, M.P. Minister of Finance and Economic Development Ministry of Finance and Economic Development 61 Floor. Block B, New Government Complex Corner Samora Machel Ave/4th Street Harare. Zimbabwe Dear Honorable Minister. Republic of Zimbabwe: Multi-Donor Trust Fund for Health Results Innovation TF 015111 Extension of Closing Date and Reallocation of Proceeds Pursuant to your letter dated July 22, 2015 requesting us to extend the Closing Date of the above-referenced grant and to reallocate grant proceeds across Budget Categories 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the eligible expenditures, I am pleased to inform you that the INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT and the INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION (collectively, *World Bank") concurs with your request. Accordingly, the World Bank hereby reallocates the proceeds of the Grant allocated in the table in Section IV.A.2 of Schedule 2 as set out in the attachment to this letter, and establishes March 31, 2016 as the new closing date for purposes of Section IV.B.2 of Schedule 2 to the Financing Agreement between the Republic of Zimbabwe ("Recipient") and the World Bank. acting as administrator of the Multi-Donor Trust Fund For Health Results Innovation (TF 015111). dated July 30. 2013. Very truly sours. THE WORLD BANK uang Zhe Chen Country Director Zimbabvwe, Botswana. Lesotho. Namibia. South Africa. Swaziland and Zambia Honorible imi ter Patrick Chmamasa, M P -2 - September 2, 20 15 Attachment: Approved Reallocation of Proceeds Category Amount of the Additional Grant Percentage of Expenditures Allocated to be Financed (expressed in USD) (inclusive of Taxes) (1) Payments inder Results- 12,923,798 100% of amounts paid by the based Contracts under Part A(1) Project Implementing Entity of the Project (2) Payments under Results- 1.474.960 100% of amounts paid by the based Contracts, Vouchers, and Project Implementing Entity Operating Costs under Part A(Il) of the Project (3) Goods. services. Training 4.362.342 100% and Workshops, and Operating Costs under Parts B and C of the Project (4) Monitoring. 1,238.900 100% Documentation, and Verification of Results under Performance-based Contracts under Part C of the Project Total Amount 20,000,000 Ionorable Mnister Patnck Chnainasa, M P - 3 - September 2, 201 5 cc: Honorable Minister D. Parirenyatwa, M. P. Minister of Health and Child Care Ministry of Health and Child Care Mr. W. L. Manungo Permanent Secretary Ministry of Finance and Economist Development Brigadier General Dr. G. Gwinji Permanent Secretary Ministry of Health and Child Care Dr. W. Nyamayaro Principal Director, Policy, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Ministry of Health and Child Care Ms. M. Makuwaza Director. Department for International Cooperation Ministry of Finance and Economic Development Mr. B. Shayanewako Deputy Director, Aid Coordination Department for International Cooperation Ministry of Finance and Economic Development Mr. K. Mudereri Advisor to Treasury Secretary Ministry of Finance & Economic Development Mr. B. T. Zinhu Acting Chief Economist/Desk Officer for the World Bank Department for International Cooperation Ministry of Finance and Economic Development Honorablc Minster Patrick Chmarmusa, M P -4 - September 2. 20 1 bcc: Messrs/Mmes: Nuarnah, Sekeramay i-Noble (AFMZW); Zindela. Ndoro, Papu, Jardine (AFCS I); Qamruddin, Lindelow. Yazbeck, Mutasa, Atkins, Shelton, Viedder. Makumba. Javed. Sisimayi (GHNDR); Velev, Gricker, Soko (AFCZA); Owino, Nieuwoudt, Barnes, Okwako, Dialo, (WFALA); Anglio (WFATF); Soubbotin. Kolovou; Augustin (LEGAM); AFMZW-Technical Staff- WBDocs files