Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Project Report for the Construction of
      Ongata Rongai Parking Lot in Kajiado County of Nairobi Metropolitan Region	

                                    REPUBLIC OF KENYA


                                                   March 13, 2018

The Senior Principal Superintending Engineer                LEAD EXPERT (NEMA No. 7284)
Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure, Housing and Urban    Eng. Stephen Mwaura,
Development - State department for Housing & Urban          P. O. Box 16320-00100,
Development,                                                NAIROBI
P.O. Box 30130 - 00100
i|Pa ge
    Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Project Report for the Construction of
     Ongata Rongai Parking Lot in Kajiado County of Nairobi Metropolitan Region	

TEL 0729 377 629

Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Project Report for the Construction of Ongata Rongai
               Parking Lot in Kajiado County of Nairobi Metropolitan Region	

 Certificate of Declaration and Document Authentication

 This document has been prepared in accordance with the Environmental (Impact Assessment and
 Audit) Regulations, 2003 of the Kenya Gazette Supplement No.56 of 13th June 2003, Legal Notice
 No. 101.
 This report is prepared for and on behalf of:

 The Proponent
 Eng. Benjamin Njenga - The Project Coordinator
 Nairobi Metropolitan Services Improvement Project (NaMSIP)
 State Department of Housing & Urban Development
 Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure, Housing and Urban Development,
 P.O. Box 30130-00100,

 Signature________________________________ Date _________________________________

 Lead Expert

 Eng. Stephen Mwaura is a registered Lead Expert on Environmental Impact Assessment/Audit
 (EIA/A) by the National Environment Management Authority –NEMA (Reg. No. 7284), confirms
 that the contents of this report are a true representation of the Environmental & Social Impact
 Assessment of the proposed Construction of Ongata Rongai Parking Lots in Ongata Rongai Town
 of Kajiado County in the Nairobi Metropolitan Region. This report is issued without prejudice.

 Lead Expert – Eng. Stephen Mwaura - (NEMA License No. 7284 Copy in this report)

 Signature________________________________ Date _________________________________

Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Project Report for the Construction of Ongata Rongai
               Parking Lot in Kajiado County of Nairobi Metropolitan Region	


EA                  Environment Audit
ESIA                Environmental & Social Impact Assessment
EHS                 Environment, Occupational Health and Safety
EMCA                Environmental Management & Coordination Act, 2015
ESMMP               Environmental & Social Management and Monitoring Plan
EMS                 Environmental Management System
ISO                 International Standards Organizations
MoTIH&UD            Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure, Housing & Urban Development
NaMSIP              Nairobi Metropolitan Services Improvement Project
NEMA                National Environment Management Authority
NMT                 Non-Motorized Transport
NO                  Nitrous Oxides
OSHA                Occupational Safety & Health Act
OHS                 Occupational Health & Safety
PM                  Particulate Matter
PPC                 Public Participation& Consultation
SO                  Sulphurous Oxides
ToR                 Terms of Reference

 Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Project Report for the Construction of Ongata Rongai
                Parking Lot in Kajiado County of Nairobi Metropolitan Region	

                                                     TABLE OF CONTENTS
ACRONYMS............................................................................................................................................................. 3

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY……………………………………………………………………………………………..7

CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................... 12

1.1     Introduction and Project Objectives…………………………………………………………13
1.2    Study Approach and Methodology…………………………………………………………………. 13
1.3    Project Description and Justification…………………………………………………………………14
1.4    Scope and content of project………………………………………………………………....15
1.5    Description of the Project’s Construction Activities………………………………………...16
1.6    Description of the Project’s Operational Activities………………………………………….17
1.7    Description of the Project’s decommissioning activities…………………………………….17


2.1       National, Legal and Institutional Framework...................................................................... 18
2.2       Environmental Management and Coordination Act of 2015 ............................................... 18
2.3       Occupational Health and Safety, 2007................................................................................ 18
2.4       Public Health Act Cap 242................................................................................................. 19
2.5       Physical Planning Act, 1999 .............................................................................................. 19
2.6       Land Planning Act Cap 303 ............................................................................................... 19
2.7       Building Code 2000 ........................................................................................................... 19
2.8       Other Relevant Laws ......................................................................................................... 19
2.9       National Policy Framework ............................................................................................... 22
2.10      World Bank Environmental and Social Safeguard Policies………………………………….24

CHAPTER THREE: BASELINE INFORMATION OF THE STUDY AREA ..................................................... 26

3.1       Physical Environment ......................................................................................................... 26
3.2       Social Environment ........................................................................................................... 28

CHAPTER FOUR: PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AND CONSULTATION.......................................................... 31

4.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................ 31
4.2 Approach to Public Participation and Consultations ................................................................ 31

CHAPTER FIVE: ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT............................................. 34

5.1       Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 34
5.2       Negative environmental impacts of construction activities ................................................. 34
5.3       Negative Social Impacts .................................................................................................... 36
5.4       Positive impacts of construction activities .......................................................................... 36
5.5       Negative environmental impacts of operational activities ................................................... 37
5.6       Positive impacts of operational activities............................................................................ 37
5.7       Positive social impacts of operational activities .................................................................. 38
5.8       Negative environmental impacts of decommissioning activities ......................................... 38
5.9       Positive environmental impacts of decommissioning activities ........................................... 39

 Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Project Report for the Construction of Ongata Rongai
                Parking Lot in Kajiado County of Nairobi Metropolitan Region	

CHAPTER SIX: ANALYSIS OF PROJECT ALTERNATIVES .......................................................................... 40

6.1       Relocation Option.............................................................................................................. 40
6.2       Zero or No Project Alternative ........................................................................................... 40
6.3       Analysis of Alternative Construction Materials and Technology ........................................ 40
6.4       Solid waste management alternatives ................................................................................. 40

CHAPTER SEVEN: IMPACTS MITIGATION AND MONITORING................................................................ 42

7.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................ 42
7.2 Mitigation of construction phase impacts ................................................................................ 42
7.3 Mitigation of Social Impacts................................................................................................... 44
7.4 Mitigation of operation phase impacts .................................................................................... 45
7.5 Mitigation of decommissioning phase impacts ........................................................................ 45

(ESMMP) ................................................................................................................................................................ 47

8.1       Significance of an ESMMP ................................................................................................ 47
8.2       Duties of the Proponent ..................................................................................................... 47
8.3       Duties of the Contractor ..................................................................................................... 47

CHAPTER NINE: AUXILLIARY INFORMATION ........................................................................................... 64

9.1       Budget ............................................................................................................................... 64
9.2       Monitoring Guidelines ....................................................................................................... 64
9.3       Reporting........................................................................................................................... 64

CHAPTER TEN: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ....................................................................... 65

                   • Site Layout Plan – Google Map
                   • Design Layout
                   • Plate of Photographs of Current Proposed Site
                   • Summarized Bill of Quantities
                   • Sample Chance Find Procedures
                   • Consultations and Public Participation
                         ü Minutes of Stakeholder Meetings
                         ü Signed-in Attendance Sheets
                         ü Questionnaires - Sample
                   • Grievance Redress Mechanisms Documents

Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Project Report for the Construction of Ongata Rongai
               Parking Lot in Kajiado County of Nairobi Metropolitan Region	

                                     EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

1. Introduction

This Environmental & Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) report was prepared as per the provisions
of the Environmental Management and Coordination Act No. 8 of 2015, and the Environmental
Impact Assessment Regulations 2003. It is also in line with the World Bank Safeguards Policies,
OP4.01 (Environmental Assessment). These safeguard policies are a set of instruments to ensure that
the Bank supported lending operations minimize any adverse impacts on local people, their
livelihoods, culture and the environment and are a mandatory mechanism for evaluating Bank
financed projects during design, implementation and completion, mainly through environmental and
social impact assessments. This Project Report gives the findings of the Environmental and Social
Impact Assessment Study undertaken as an integral part of the design and construction process. The
project highlights salient social, economic and environmental issues associated with the design,
construction and operational aspects of the proposed Ongata Rongai parking lot in Ongata Rongai
Town of Kajiado County in the Nairobi Metropolitan Region.

2. Scope of the Project Report
This Environmental & Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) project report was prepared as per the
provisions of the Environmental Management and Coordination Act No. 8, 2015 and more
specifically to Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations 2003. It is also in line with the World
Bank Safeguard Policies and specifically OP4.01 (Environmental Assessment). These safeguard
policies are a set of instruments to ensure that the Bank supported lending operations minimize any
adverse impacts on local people, their livelihoods, culture and the environment and are a mandatory
mechanism for evaluating Bank financed projects during design, implementation and completion,
mainly through environmental and social impact assessments.
The study process leading to this project report was further designed to address client expectations
as stipulated in the Terms of Reference.

3. Objectives of the Project Report Study
The main objective of the Study was to identify environmental and social impacts associated with
the proposed Ongata Rongai parking lot project and to recommend an appropriate environmental
management strategy for the project. Thus, a core outcome of the Study is an Environmental and
Social Management and Monitoring Plan (ESMMP) for the project.

4. Study Approach and Methodology
The systematic investigative and reporting methodology specified for conduct of Project Report
Studies (Legal Notice 101 of EMCA) was adopted in this Study. Baseline data on project design was
generated through discussion with the client and review of project documentation. Opinions formed
were revalidated through field work entailing site investigations and interviews with potentially
affected people and secondary stakeholders.

Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Project Report for the Construction of Ongata Rongai
               Parking Lot in Kajiado County of Nairobi Metropolitan Region	

To identify, predict, analyze and evaluate potential impacts that may emanate from the project,
diverse study methods and tools including use of checklists, matrices, expert opinions and
observations were employed. An Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Plan
comprising of an impact mitigation plan and modalities for monitoring and evaluation were then
developed to guide environmental management during all phases of project development.
Once approved by the Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure, Housing and Urban Development and
NEMA, the Project Report will be disclosed as required from where accruing comments will be used
to finalize the report.
5. Policy, Legal and Regulatory Framework
This Project Report has been developed to ensure that the proposed construction of the Parking lot is
in conformity with national policy aspirations towards securing sustainable development.
Specifically, this report has been developed to ensure compliance with requirements of the
Environmental Management and Coordination Act (EMCA) 2015-Kenya’s supreme environmental
law and the National Constitution. Section 58 of EMCA requires that all proposed development in
Kenya to be subjected to environmental impact assessment and to be conducted in line with the
Second Schedule (of EMCA) and the Legal Notice 101 (Regulations for Environmental Assessment
and Audit) of June 2003. The entire study process has been designed to conform to the regulatory
framework stipulated by the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA)-the body that
will review this report and make decisions on grant of an environmental license to the development.

6. Project Description
The proponent aims to construct a parking lot in Ongata Rongai Town in Kajiado County of Nairobi
Metropolitan Region. The design for the construction works will include excavation and removal of
top soil and/or rock and back-filling with stone and finishing to paving blocks for use by parking of
public transport and private vehicles. The works are located in Ongata Rongai Township in Kajiado
County in a vacant plot of land that is adjacent to Ole Kasasi Primary School. The proposed parking
will cover an area of approximately 4730 square meters with about 78 parking slots. The current land
area is vacant with nothing on it except scanty natural grass and a few acacia shrubs. There is no
displacement of people or interruption of livelihoods occasioned by this project.
7. Project Justification
The broad aim of the project is to ease vehicle parking congestion within Ongata Rongai Township
through providing space for parking of vehicles outside the main town.

8. Scope and content of project
The works shall include but not limited to: -
     (a) Site clearance and earthworks as necessary
     (b) Excavation to remove unsuitable materials
     (c) Filling with approved materials as specified and directed.
     (d) Hand packing with approved stone as specified and directed
     (e) Base repairs as specified and directed
     (f) Repairs to existing drainage structures as specified and directed

Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Project Report for the Construction of Ongata Rongai
               Parking Lot in Kajiado County of Nairobi Metropolitan Region	

     (g)   Improvement/construction to the drainage facilities as directed
     (h)   Repairs and/or improvement/construction to footpaths and shoulders as directed
     (i)   Laying of bituminous/ paving blocks standards on the existing earth sections
     (j)   Maintenance of the works during the construction and maintenance periods specified
     (k)   Traffic Management through the works and from the works
     (l)   Relocation and/or protection of other services including but not limited to water pipes, sewer
           pipes, street lighting, power and telephone
      (m) Installation of lighting
      (n) Provision of NMT facilities
      (o) Any other works as instructed by the Engineer and/or as specified in this document
The project assessment investigates and analyses the anticipated environmental and social impacts
of the proposed development in line with the Environmental (Impact Assessment and Audit) 2003

9. Scope of environmental and social assessment

This Environmental & Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Report considers the following aspects and
others that may prove of significance during the study.
    1. Assess the project’s impacts on ecology. This will in essence cover:-
                   i. Impacts due to loss of vegetation cover, if any
                  ii. Surface run-off water, containment and flood control.

   2. Assess social     implications of the development within the locality, region and nationally to
      include: -
                   i.   Economic implications of the development.
                  ii.   Security-threats, risk and enhancement.
                 iii.   Employment.
                 iv.    Livelihoods.
                  v.    Public health implications.
                 vi.    Demand and development of infrastructure and social amenities.

   3. Assess the impacts of development on landscape and land use such as: -
                  i. Determine the impact on change on civic shape, scenery, aesthetic
                 ii. Examine the compatibility and complementarity of the development with the
                     surrounding land uses.
                iii. Examine the impacts of dumping of spoil

   4. Assess the impacts of the development on power demands, water demands, and town
      congestion as well as possible impacts on surface run-off and ground water qualities and
      quantities, if any.

Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Project Report for the Construction of Ongata Rongai
               Parking Lot in Kajiado County of Nairobi Metropolitan Region	

    5. Impacts of safety during construction to children in the near-by Ole Kasasi Primary School –
       picking and dropping. This is mainly because of increased traffic during construction
       requiring better traffic management plan during construction for the safety of workers, safety
       of motorists and safety of the school children and school staff.

    6. Develop an Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Plan (ESMMP) that
       would mitigate the possible impacts on the environment

    7. Require the contractor to develop and apply a Contractor Environmental and Social
       Management Plan (CESMP) and Environmental Social Health Safety (ESHS) plan

    10. Public Participation Process
Public participation and consultative forums were held at the site that included the neighbouring
community, business community, area chief, area political leadership and county government. The
aim of the consultative meetings was to obtain data related to the past and present operations of the
parking lot that are significant to the future environmental status of the area, the management of the
project both during and after implementation. The stakeholders responded positively to the
development as long as mitigation and mending up measures and waste management among others
are developed and implemented simultaneously with the project. The record of the consultations is
presented in this report in the form of questionnaires, attendance sheets and minutes of meetings held
that had been administered to the stakeholders seeking their views on the project and especially as
regards environmental and social management during project implementation.

11. Findings from the Study
(i) Potential positive impacts anticipated:
The core observation of this study is that the proposed parking lot construction project is aimed at
reducing congestion in the main Ongata Rongai town to improve commuter services and the broad
transport sector. As such, the project in itself is already an activity in mitigation of an existing concern
and this is the prime justification of the proposed investment. Other positive implications of the
project will accrue from its potential to create short-term business and employment opportunities to
both professional staff and workers during the design phase while, at construction phase, traders will
benefit from opportunities to supply construction material while locals will be employed in works.
Upon commissioning, the project will afford motorists ample parking that will to some extent reduce
the congestion in the main Ongata Rongai township.
(ii) Potential adverse impacts:
Construction activities will introduce nuisances such as dust, noise, vibrations and fumes which
however can be effectively managed through shortening the construction period. Social vices
associated with influx of job seekers can disturb the social order and even lay the ground for
escalation of HIV/AIDS cases whose impacts are likely to be prolonged in prevalence. The land of
the proposed construction of the parking lot is vacant and therefore there is no displacement of

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Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Project Report for the Construction of Ongata Rongai
               Parking Lot in Kajiado County of Nairobi Metropolitan Region	

persons or any interruption of livelihoods. The notable potential negative environmental impacts that
were identified include among others:
        i.      Air pollution due to noise, vibration and dust;
       ii.      Material sourcing and supply for the construction and maintenance works;
      iii.      Any effects from uncontrolled storm-water run-off
      iv.       The project construction should also ensure management of influx of workers and
                other persons and adherence to a Code of Conduct to manage this influx
These have to be mitigated sufficiently for the project to progress. Mitigation measures include dust
abatement, traffic management, and material sourcing from licensed quarries and borrow pits. The
mitigation measures to manage these impacts are as identified in the Environmental and Social
Management and Monitoring Plan (ESMMP) in this report.
(iii) Residual and cumulative impacts:
The project has no residual or cumulative impacts as all can be effectively mitigated.

12. The ESMMP
An ESMMP has been developed whose pursuit can greatly improve the overall net effect of the
project. This report observes that the bulk of adverse impacts will manifest at the construction stage
in which case, the core effort in mitigation will be concentrated in the contract for construction. This
report therefore requires that the ESMMP be integrated into the design report with appropriate
allocation of funds in the Bills of Quantities. The contract for construction should bear clauses
binding the contractor to implement impact mitigation as part of the civil works. The NaMSIP’s PCT
will mount own internal monitoring to ascertain environmental and social sensitivity at all stages of
project development. During project development, a grievance redress mechanism will also be in
place to handle all complaints and there will be creation of awareness and sensitization on HIV-
AIDS. The project will also address other social areas that include child protection strategy, gender
based violence and labour influx management. The ESMMP budget is estimated at about Kshs.
2,485,000. Moreover, this project’s potential benefits and positive impacts far outweigh the negative

12. Total Cost of the Project
Total cost of the project is approximated to be Kshs. 45,708,286/20 and a summarized bill of
quantities is part of this report in the annexure.

13. Recommendations and Conclusions of this Project Report
In the view of this study, the project as currently proposed is environmentally sound. An ESMMP
has been outlined to guide resolution of potential adverse impacts while enhancing the positive ones.
Further, all negative impacts need to be mitigated and it is recommended that this project is granted
NEMA licensing and other clearances to pave way for implementation.
Our conclusion is that the project is important for economic development of Kajiado County and has
balanced environmental considerations and benefits. The ESIA team has given adequate measures to
mitigate the negative impacts and a management plan proposed which the proponent should adhere

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Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Project Report for the Construction of Ongata Rongai
               Parking Lot in Kajiado County of Nairobi Metropolitan Region	

                           CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION

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Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Project Report for the Construction of Ongata Rongai
               Parking Lot in Kajiado County of Nairobi Metropolitan Region	

1.1 Introduction and Project Objectives
Rapid urbanization has left Kenyan cities with huge unmet demand for critical infrastructure and
basic services. Nairobi Metropolitan Service Improvement Project (NaMSIP) is part of a wide
municipal development initiative by the Government and the development partners to address these
problems. NaMSIP is an initiative of the Kenya Government with the support of the World Bank
under the Country Partnership Strategy (CPS). Investment in infrastructure also contributes to the
growth agenda by improving the competitiveness of Kenya’s cities as places to live and invest.
NaMSIP is intended to improve services in the metropolitan area which are critical for economic
development that include solid waste management, transport systems, storm water management,
water supply and sanitation, disaster management and security/street lighting among many others. In
addition, the implementation of the project will give the Ministry an opportunity to build its human
resource and technical capacity in carrying out metropolitan-wide activities. NaMSIP is in line with
the Government’s national development priorities and policies as well as ongoing public sector
reform agenda. The project also supports strengthening of public sector management and

1.2 Study Approach and Methodology
The systematic investigative and reporting methodology specified for conduct of project report
studies (Legal Notice 101 of EMCA) was adopted in this Study. Baseline data on project design was
generated through discussion with the client and review of project documentation. Opinions formed
were revalidated through field work entailing site investigations and interviews with potentially
affected people and secondary stakeholders.
To identify, predict, analyze and evaluate potential impacts that may emanate from the project,
diverse study methods and tools including use of checklists, matrices, expert opinions and
observations were employed. An Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Plan
comprising of an impact mitigation plan and modalities for monitoring and evaluation were then
developed to guide environmental management during all phases of project development.
Once approved by the Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure, Housing and Urban Development and
NEMA, the report will be disclosed as required from where accruing comments will be used to
finalize the report.
Consequently, this report provides the following;
    Ø The location of the project including the physical environment that may be affected by the
        project’s activities.
    Ø The activities that shall be undertaken during the project design, construction, operation and
        of the project
    Ø The materials to be used, products and by-products including waste to be generated by the
        project and the methods of disposal.
    Ø The potential environmental and social impacts of the project and mitigation measures to be
        taken during and after the implementation of the parking lot project.
    Ø An action plan for prevention and management of possible accidents during the project cycle
    Ø A plan to ensure the health and safety of the workers and the neighboring communities

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Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Project Report for the Construction of Ongata Rongai
               Parking Lot in Kajiado County of Nairobi Metropolitan Region	

    Ø The economic and social cultural impacts to local community.
    Ø The project cost – Kshs. 45,708,286/20. The ESMMP budget is estimated at about Kshs.
    Ø Any other information that the proponent may be requested to provide by NEMA
This report also seeks to ensure that all the potential environmental and social impacts are identified
and that workable mitigation measures are adopted. The report also seeks to ensure compliance with
the provisions of the EMCA 2015, Environmental (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations 2003
as well as other regulations and World Bank OP4.12.
The report emphasizes the duties of the proponent and contractor during the construction phase as
well as the operation phase of this project. All the materials and workmanship used in the execution
of the work shall be of the best quality and description. Any materials condemned by the proponent
shall be immediately removed from the site at the contractors cost.
The premises should also be planned to be landscaped and with adequate drainage facilities.
Environmental concerns need to be part of the planning and development process and not an
afterthought, it is therefore advisable to avoid land use conflicts with the surrounding area. To avoid
unnecessary conflicts that retard development in the project area, the proponent undertook this ESIA
and incorporated environmental concerns as advised by the Authority. Finally, a comprehensive
Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Plan (ESMMP) is mandatory for a project
of this magnitude and nature because large quantities of solid wastes are likely to be generated with
temporary interference to the general public and services during project execution. The proposed
work at the parking lot includes upgrading the parking lot by removal of the underlying soil and
replacing it with pavement of concrete works and paving blocks and concrete, allowing for drainage
and other necessary works as per the bills of quantities. This is as described in the scope of works in
this report and in the table below. This is the subject and objective of this ESIA.

1.3     Project Description and Justification
The works are located in Ongata Rongai Township of Kajiado County. The project covers a total area
of approximately 4730 square meters and will involve construction of about seventy eight parking
slots on current unoccupied virgin land. The broad aim of the project is to ease congestion within
Ongata Rongai Township and reduce traffic jam especially during peak hours. This will also enhance
mobility and restore order within the public transport sector.

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Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Project Report for the Construction of Ongata Rongai
               Parking Lot in Kajiado County of Nairobi Metropolitan Region	

                                                                       Ole Kasasi Road

                         Ole Kasasi

Google map of the proposed site of the parking lot

1.4    Scope and content of project
The works shall include but not limited to: -
     (p) Site clearance and earthworks as necessary
     (q) Excavation to remove unsuitable materials
     (r) Filling with approved materials as specified and directed.
     (s) Hand packing with approved stone as specified and directed
     (t) Base repairs as specified and directed
     (u) Repairs to existing drainage structures as specified and directed
     (v) Improvement/construction to the drainage facilities as directed
     (w) Repairs and/or improvement/construction to footpaths and shoulders as directed
     (x) Laying of bituminous/ paving blocks standards on the existing earth sections
     (y) Maintenance of the works during the construction and maintenance periods specified
     (z) Traffic Management through the works and from the works
     (aa) Relocation and/or protection of other services including but not limited to water pipes, sewer
          pipes, street lighting, power and telephone
     (bb) Installation of lighting
     (cc) Provision of NMT facilities
     (dd) Any other works as instructed by the Engineer and/or as specified in this document

15 | P a g e
Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Project Report for the Construction of Ongata Rongai
               Parking Lot in Kajiado County of Nairobi Metropolitan Region	

The project assessment investigates and analyses the anticipated environmental and social impacts
of the proposed development in line with the Environmental (Impact Assessment and Audit) 2003
                                   General GPS Coordinates

   Construction of Ongata            Latitude                   Longitude                 Altitude
                                    o                            o
    Rongai parking lot in          1 24’ 1.98’’S              36 46’ 22.7’’E             1701 masl
    Ongata Rongai Town
                                    -1.4005506                       36.77296
     of Kajiado County

        1.5   Description of the Project’s Construction Activities
                1.5.1 Pre-construction investigations
The implementation of the project’s design and construction phase will start with thorough
investigation of the site biological and physical resources in order to minimize any unforeseen
adverse impacts during the project cycle.
                1.5.2 Excavation works
Any unwanted wastes or debris arising from any excavations will be transported to licensed site for
                1.5.3 Sourcing and transportation of construction materials
Construction materials will be transported to the project site from their extraction, manufacture, or
storage sites using transport trucks. The materials to be used in construction of the project will be
sourced from neighboring areas of Ongata Rongai Town. Greater emphasis will be laid on
procurement of construction materials from within the local area, which will make both economic
and environmental sense as it will reduce negative impacts of transportation of the materials to the
project site through reduced distance of travel by the materials transport vehicles.
                1.5.4 Storage of materials
Construction materials will be stored on site, if need be. Bulky materials such as rough stones, ballast,
sand and suchlike will be brought to site only when needed owing to space constraints. To avoid
piling large quantities of materials on site, the contractor should order bulky materials such as sand,
gravel and stones in batches.
                1.5.5 Excavation and foundation works
Excavation will be carried out to prepare the site for construction of foundations, pavements and
drainage systems. This will involve the use of heavy earthmoving machinery, human effort and
appropriate equipment.
                1.5.6 Construction
This involves putting the different layers – sub-base, base and final finish – in aggregates and a final
finish in blocks as well as compaction as required of different levels.
                1.5.7 Landscaping
To improve the aesthetic value or visual quality of the site once construction ceases, the contractor
will carry out landscaping.

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Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Project Report for the Construction of Ongata Rongai
               Parking Lot in Kajiado County of Nairobi Metropolitan Region	

      1.6 Description of the Project’s Operational Activities
               1.6.1 General repairs and maintenance
The parking lot will be repaired and maintained by Kajiado County Government during its
operational phases.

       1.7 Description of the Project’s decommissioning activities
                1.7.1 Demolition works
Upon decommissioning (unlikely), the project components including pavements and drainage
systems will be demolished. This will produce a lot of solid waste, which will be reused for other
construction works or if not reusable, disposed of appropriately by a licensed waste disposal
                1.7.2 Site restoration
Once all the waste resulting from demolition and dismantling works is removed from the site, the site
will be restored through replenishment of the topsoil.

                                          Photo of Site

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Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Project Report for the Construction of Ongata Rongai
               Parking Lot in Kajiado County of Nairobi Metropolitan Region	


         2.1    National, Legal and Institutional Framework
Kenya has approximately 77 statutes that guides on environmental management and conservation.
Most of these statutes are sector specific, covering issues such as public health, soil conservation,
protected areas conservation and management, endangered species, public participation, water rights,
water quality, air quality, excessive noise control, vibration control, land use among other issues.
The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) in conjunction with the various lead
agencies studies proposed projects to ensure all aspects of the proposed project adheres to all
Institutional Frameworks requirements. The institutional framework directly governing road
development projects are: Environmental Management and coordination Act (EMCA) of 1999 and
its subsequent supplements the Environmental (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulation, 2003;
EMCA (Waste Management) Regulations, 2006 and EMCA (Water Quality) Regulations, 2006;
EMCA (Controlled Substance) Regulations, 2007; EMCA (Noise and Vibration Control)
Regulations,2009; EMCA (Emissions Control) Regulations,2006; EMCA (Wetlands, River Banks,
Lake Shores and Sea Shore Management) Regulations, 2009; EMC (Conservation of Biological
Diversity and Resources, Access To Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing) Regulations,2006, Land
Acquisition Act (Cap.295), Land Act Way Leaves Act (Cap. 292), Public Roads and Roads Access
Act (Cap. 399), Forest Act, Physical Planning Act (CAP 286), Local Government Act (CAP 265),
Traffic Act Chapter 295, Water Act 2002, Public Health Ac (Cap. 242), Lakes and River Act Chapter
409, Wildlife Conservation and Management Act, Cap 376 and the Penal Code (CAP 63) 514. The
project should adhere to these legislations.
         2.2    Environmental Management and Coordination Act of 2015
This project report has been undertaken in accordance with the Environment (Impact Assessment
and Audit) regulation 2003, which operationalize the environment management and coordination act
1999. The report is prepared in conformity with the requirements stipulated in the environmental
management and coordination act no 8 of 1999 (EMCA) and the Environmental Impact Assessment
and audit regulations 2003 regulation7 (1) and the second schedule. Part II of the said act states that
every person is entitled to a clean and healthy environment and has the duty to safeguard the same.
In order to achieve the goal of a clean environment for all, new projects listed under the second
schedule of Section 58 of EMCA No 8 0f 1999 shall undergo an Environmental Impact Assessment
that will systematically examine the impacts to the environment by the projects as indicated in the
second schedule of this Act and propose measures how the adverse or negative ones will be mitigated.
This includes development activities such as this new project.
         2.3    Occupational Health and Safety, 2007
The Occupational Safety and Health Act, 2007, is an Act of Parliament to provide for the safety,
health and welfare of all workers and all persons lawfully present at workplaces, to provide for the
establishment of the National Council for Occupational Safety and Health and for connected
purposes. The Act applies to all workplaces and workers associated with it; whether temporary or
permanent. The main aim of the Act is to safeguard the safety, health and welfare of workers and
non-workers. Part 9 states that the occupier or employer shall establish a health and safety committee

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where twenty or more people are employed and such an employee shall prepare a written statement
of his general policy with respect to the safety and health at the work place. Further, the occupier
shall prepare annual safety and health audits by a qualified person.
The contractor shall adhere to all sections of this Act as it relates to this project, such as observing
safety guidelines, ensuring sanitary conditions on site, provision of personal protective clothing,
clean water, and insurance cover are observed so as to protect all from work related injuries or other
health hazards. These provisions apply to this parking lot project.
         2.4     Public Health Act Cap 242
Part IX section 115 of the Act states that no person or institution shall cause nuisance or condition
liable to be injurious or dangerous to human health section 116 requires that local authorities take all
lawful necessary and reasonable practicable measures to maintain their jurisdiction clean and sanitary
to prevent occurrence of nuisance or condition liable to injuries or dangerous to human health. This
will have to be provided for this project.
         2.5     Physical Planning Act, 1999
The said Act section 29 empowers the local authorities to reserve and maintain all land planned for
open spaces, parks, urban forests and green belts. The same section allows for prohibition or control
of the use and development of an area.
Section 30 states that any person who carries out development without development permission will
be required to restore the land to its original condition. It also states that no other licensing authority
shall grant license for commercial or industrial use or occupation of any building without a
development permission granted by the respective local authority.
         2.6     Land Planning Act Cap 303
Section 9 of the subsidiary legislation (the development and use of land Regulations 1961) under
which it requires that before the local authority submits any plans to the minister for approval, steps
should be taken as may be necessary to acquire the owners of any land affected by such plans.
Particulars of comments and objections made by the landowners should be submitted, which intends
to reduce conflict of interest with other socio economic activities.
         2.7     Building Code 2000
Section 194 requires that where sewer exists, the occupants of the nearby premises shall apply to the
Local Authority for permit to connect to the sewer line and all the wastewater must be discharged in
to sewers. The code also prohibits construction of structures or building on sewer lines.
         2.8     Other Relevant Laws
                 2.8.1 EMCA (Waste Management) Regulations, 2006
These Regulations guides on the appropriate waste handling procedures and practices. It is
anticipated that, the proposed project will generate large quantity of solid waste (mostly excavated
top soil) during construction which will need to be managed through reuse, appropriate disposal.
Others include solid waste from the generated from construction materials such as cement bags,
bitumen, empty drums, among others. This regulation requires that:-
       i.        The contractor should not dispose any waste on the highway, street road, recreational
                 area and public places;

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       ii.     Waste should be segregated and grouped according to their similarity for example
               plastics, toxic, organic etc;
      iii.     All waste should be deposited in a designated dumping are approved by the local
      iv.      All waste handlers engaged by the proponent should be licensed by NEMA and posses
               all relevant waste handling documents such as waste transport license, tracking
               documents, license to operate a waste yard, insurance cover, vehicle inspection
               documents among others;
       v.      Contractor should implement cleaner production principles of waste management
               strategy namely reduce, reuse and recycle;
      vi.      All hazardous wastes are labeled as specified in section 24 (1-3) of the regulation.
     vii.      The fourth schedule lists wastes considered as hazardous and solvents,
               emulsifiers/emulsion, waste oil/water and hydrocarbon/water mixtures. Road and
               parking lots projects involve use of inputs which are likely to generate the mentioned
               wastes and thus will need to be handled as required by the regulations.

This law requires that all wastes generated by this project in all its phases are managed in an
environmentally friendly manner.
                 2.8.2 EMCA (Noise and Vibrations Control) Regulations, 2009
These Regulations provides guidelines for acceptable levels of noise and vibration for different
environments during the construction and operation phase. Section 5 of the regulation warns on
operating beyond the permissible noise levels while section 6 gives guidelines on the control
measures for managing excessive noises and copy of the first schedule indicating the permissible
noise levels for different noise sources and zones. The project team should observe the noise regimes
for the different zones especially when working in areas termed as silent zones which are areas with
institutions and worship places. These areas are permitted exposure to sound level limits of not
exceeding 40 dB (A) during the day and 35 dB (A) at night. The regulation states that a day starts
from 6.01 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. while night starts from 8.01 p.m. – 6.00 a.m. Construction sites near the
silent zones are allowed maximum noise level of 60 dB (A) during the day and night levels are
maintained at 35 dB (A). The time frame for construction sites is adjusted and the day is considered
to start at 6.01 a.m. and ends at 6.00 pm while night duration from 6.01 p.m. to 6.00 a.m. Part III of
the regulation gives guidelines on noise and vibration management from different sources. Sections
11, 12 and 13 of the stated part give guidelines on noise and vibration management from machines,
motor vehicles and night time construction respectively. Section 15 requires owners of activities
likely to generate excessive noise to conduct an ESIA to be reviewed and approved by NEMA. It is
anticipated that the proposed project will generate excessive noise and/or vibrations due to
earthworks and this noise will originate from the construction equipments, vehicles and the workers.
This legal notice also requires that maximum permissible noise levels for construction sites be 75
dB(A) during the day and 60 dB(A) during the night. It is also required from this notice that no person
shall make or cause to be made excessive vibrations which annoy, disturb, injure or endanger the
comfort, repose, health or safety of others and the environment; or

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cause to be made excessive vibrations which exceed 0.5 centimeters per second beyond any source
property boundary or 30 metres from any moving source. It is therefore recommended that the
construction team develops mitigations to reduce noise propagation in the project area and also ensure
that the project works are only conducted during the day. It is also important that the vibrations are
                 2.8.3 EMCA (Air Regulations), 2014
This Act is meant to ensure that all activities at least maintain ambient quality standards of air and
any pollution to air (in particulate matter, dust or obnoxious and poisonous gases) needs to be
sufficiently mitigated. On this, World Bank and WHO standards require that PM10, NO2 and SO2 do
not exceed 50, 20 and 200 ug /m3 respectively.
                 2.8.4 Way Leave Act Cap 292
Section 3 of the Act states that the Government may carry any works through, over or under any land
whatsoever, provided it shall not interfere with any existing building or structure of an ongoing
activity. Notice, however, should be given one month before carrying out any such works (section 4)
with full description of the intended works and targeted place for inspection.
Any damages caused by the works would then be compensated to the owner as per Section 8 of the
Act that states that any person whom without consent causes any building to be newly erected on a
way leave, or cause hindrance along the way leave shall be guilty of an offence and any alterations
will be done at his/her costs.
                 2.8.5 Public Roads and Roads of Access Act (Cap 399)
Sections 8 and 9 of the Act provides for the dedication, conservation or alignment of public travel
lines including construction of access roads adjacent to lands from the nearest part of a public road.
Sections 10 and 11 allows for notices to be served on the adjacent land owners seeking permission
to construct the respective roads.
                 2.8.6 Traffic Act Chapter 403
This Act consolidates the law relating to traffic on all public roads. The Act also prohibits
encroachment on and damage of roads including land reserved for roads. This Ongata Rongai Parking
lot project is under the provisions of the Act.
                 2.8.7 County Governments Act, 2012
This Act delineates the roles and responsibilities of county governments with their administrations
as well as the role of county citizens in public participation and consultations regarding projects at
the county level. CPP is part of this Parking lot project involving the county government and other
                 2.8.8 HIV Aids Prevention and Control (Cap 246A)
This Act is to promote public awareness about the causes, modes of transmission, consequences,
means of prevention and control of HIV and AIDS. It also seeks to positively address and seek to
address conditions that aggravate the spread of HIV infection. In the Ongata Rongai Parking lot
project, there will be awareness creation and sensitization on the workers and other persons on the
risks of infections and fostering prevention and control. It is also recommended that condoms for use
by workers will be availed at site to prevent infections as well as creation of awareness and
sensitization on HIV-AIDS to prevent and control its spread and infections.

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                2.8.9 The Water Act, 2002
The Act vests the water in the State and gives the provisions for the water management, including
irrigation water, pollution, drainage, flood control and abstraction. It is the main legislation
governing the use of water.
The proposed project shall require some quantities of water during the construction phase and
generation of equally large volumes of surface run-off during operations. The water supplied by the
local water provider and local rivers might be the sources of water for construction. Any water body
near the project will be receiving bodies for the surfaces run-off, as all the drainage systems shall be
designed to discharge into them.
The contractor shall ensure that there will be no pollution to the nearby drainage system, and will
seek the necessary permits to abstract the water from the rivers, or any other sources, and shall abide
by the conditions attached to the permit(s).
                2.8.10 The Water Resources Management Rules (2007)
These Rules are described in Legal Notice Number 171 of the Kenya Gazette Supplementary Number
52 of 2007. They apply to all water resources and water bodies in Kenya, including all lakes, water
courses, streams and rivers, whether perennial or seasonal, aquifers, and shall include coastal
channels leading to territorial waters.
The Water Resources Management Rules empower Water Resources Management Authority
(WRMA) to impose management controls on land use falling under riparian land. It also enables any
person with a complaint related to any matter covered by these rules to the appropriate office in
WRMA as per the Tenth Schedule which provides a format for report on complaints. WRMA is to
reply to the complainant with “copies to all other relevant parties within twenty one days of receiving
the complaint, starting with what action is being taken, the position of the Authority on the matter
and any recommendation to the complainant.”
The contractor shall seek the necessary permits to abstract the water from the rivers, or any other
sources, and shall abide by the conditions attached to the permit(s).
The contractor/proponent will adhere to the provision of this regulation by obtaining relevant water
permit from WRMA or consult with the relevant Water and Sewerage Company for its water sources.
         2.9    National Policy Framework
Several policies have been developed over the years to guide the development and management of
proposed projects to ensure both economic and social sustainability these policies are discussed
         2.9.2 The National Poverty Eradication Plan (NPEP)
The objective of the NPEP is to reduce the incidences of poverty in both rural and urban areas by 50
percent by the year 2015, as well as to strengthen the capabilities of the poor and vulnerable groups
to earn income. It also aims to narrow gender and geographical disparities and create a healthy, better-
educated and more productive population. This plan has been prepared in line with the goals and
commitments of the World Summit for Social Development (WSSD) of 1995.
The plan focuses on the four WSSD themes of poverty eradication; reduction of unemployment;
social integration of the disadvantage people and creation of an enabling economic, political, and
cultural environment which can be achieved through developing the transport and communication

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sector. The plan will be implemented by the Poverty Eradication Commission (PEC) formed in
collaboration with Government ministries, Community Based Organization (CBO), private sector,
Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), bilateral and multilateral donors.
          2.9.3 The Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP)
The PRSP has the twin objectives of poverty reduction and enhancing economic growth. The paper
articulates Kenya’s commitment and approach to fighting poverty; with the basic rationale that the
war against poverty cannot be won without the participation of the poor themselves. The proposed
project through improving transport in the area will, contribute towards economic growth, as well as
relieve the daily pressure of poverty for sustainable number of people by enabling them reach the
markets and suppliers on time.
          2.9.4 National Environmental Action Plan (NEAP)
The NEAP for Kenya was prepared in mid 1990s. It was a deliberate policy whose main effort is to
integrate environmental considerations into the country’s economic and social development.
The integration process was to be achieved through multi-sectoral approach to develop a
comprehensive framework to ensure that environmental management and the conservation of natural
resources forms an integral part of societal decision-making.
The application of this plan is widening as the government through NEMA does not approve a
development project unless the impacts of the proposed project are evaluated and mitigation
measures proposed for incorporation in the project’s development plan which is in line with the
requirements of the NEAP.
          2.9.5 Environmental and Development Policy (Session Paper No.6 1999)
As a follow-up to the foregoing, the goal of this policy is to harmonize environmental and
developmental goals so as to ensure sustainability. The paper provides comprehensive guidelines and
strategies for government action regarding environment and development. It is recommended that
the requirements of this policy are observed, as much by:
        i.     Taking measures to enhance the water catchment by replanting trees, using clean energy
               to reduce deforestation;
       ii.     Undertaking environment friendly practices during project implementation;
      iii.     Take measures to reduce pollutants leading to eutrophication of water bodies both above-
               and underground water bodies; and
      iv.      Rehabilitate project affected areas and public infrastructure among other
          2.9.6 International Policy Framework
Kenya is a signatory as well as a party to various international conventions, treaties and protocols
relating to the environment which aims at achieving sustainable development. According to the
Registrar of International Treaties and other Agreements in Environment (UNEP 1999), there are
216 treaties, 29 of which are of interest to Kenya. The country is a signatory to 16 such agreements,
which range from use of oil, protection of natural resources and protection of the atmosphere. The
agreements are both regional and international and became legally binding on Kenya upon
ratification thereof by the rightfully designated Kenyan Authority. The agreements of interest to
Kenya can be categorized as those for protecting natural resources, atmosphere and social wellbeing
of man.

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                2.9.7 The National Environment Management Authority
The responsibility of the National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) is to exercise
general supervision and, co-ordination of all matters relating to the environment and to be the
principal instrument of government in the implementation of all policies relating to the environment.
The Authority shall review the project report for the proposed project, visit the project site to verify
information provided in the report and issue an ESIA license if it considers that all the issues relevant
to the project have been identified and mitigation measures to manage them proposed.
        2.10 World Bank Environmental and Social Safeguard Policies
Like in any project financed by, or with financial participation of, the World Bank, the environmental
and social safeguards as defined in the Bank's Operational Procedures (OPs) will be respected for the
purposes of this project implementation. The WBG EHS guidelines as stipulated by the Bank should
be strictly adhered to in this project and the more stringent between the Bank’s or local legislation
should be complied with.
WB classifies its projects into four Environmental Assessment categories according to the likely
impacts on the environment they will have. This classification is as follows (only main conditions
         (a) Category A: A proposed project is classified as Category A if it is likely to have significant
             adverse environmental impacts.
         (b) Category B: A proposed project is classified as Category B if its potential adverse
             environmental impacts on human populations or environmentally important areas—
             including wetlands, forests, grasslands, and other natural habitats—are less adverse than
             those of Category A projects. These impacts are site-specific; few if any of them are
             irreversible; and in most cases mitigatory measures can be designed more readily than for
             Category A projects. This particular NaMSIP subproject has been categorized as B.
         (c) Category C: A proposed project is classified as Category C if it is likely to have minimal
             or no adverse environmental impacts. Beyond screening, no further EA action is required
             for a Category C project.
         (d) Category FI: A proposed project is classified as Category FI if it involves investment of
             Bank funds through a financial intermediary, in subprojects that may result in adverse
             environmental impacts; this case, in any way, is not applicable to the NaMSIP project.
The table below shows the applicability of World Bank Operational Safeguards as it applies to this
construction of this Ongata Rongai parking lot in Kajiado County of Nairobi Metropolitan Region.

                                  Table 1: Applicability of WB OPs

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     OP        Title               Comments
     4.01      Environmental       Applicable. As a result of environmental and social
               Assessment          screening, the project was identified as Category B
     4.04      Natural Habitats    Not applicable.
     4.09      Pest Management     Not applicable.
     4.10      Indigenous          Not applicable.
     4.11      Physical Cultural   Not applicable. Site visits and inventories have not indicated
               Resources           the presence of any cultural (historical, archaeological) sites in
                                   the proposed land. However, to manage “chance finds” an
                                   appropriate procedure is included in this ESIA. Such procedure
                                   must be followed by the Contractor during the construction
     4.12      Involuntary         Not Applicable

     4.36      Forests             Not applicable.
     4.37      Safety of Dams      Not applicable.

     7.50      Projects on         Not applicable.
     7.60      Projects in         Not applicable.
               Disputed Areas

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3.1 Physical Environment
         3.11 Climate
The climate in Ongata Rongai is warm and temperate with a significant amount of rainfall during the
year with temperatures averaging at 18.3 °C. Precipitation here averages 844 mm. The driest month
is July, with 12 mm of rain. With an average of 185 mm, the most precipitation falls in April. March
is the warmest month of the year. The temperature in March averages 19.9 °C. July has the lowest
average temperature of the year. It is 16.0 °C. The figure below summarizes the climatic conditions:

Figure 3-1: Summary of Climatic Conditions of Ongata Rongai

        3.12 Topography and Physiographic Features
Kajiado County has a beautiful and diverse topography ranging from volcanic hills and valleys to
expansive plains. The main physical features of Kajiado County are plains, valleys and occasional
volcanic hills ranging from an altitude of 500 metres above sea level at Lake Magadi to 2500 metres
above sea level in Ngong Hills. Topographically, the county is divided into three different areas
namely; Rift Valley, Athi Kapiti plains and Central Broken Ground.
The Rift Valley is a low depression on the western side of the county running from north to south. It
is made up of steep faults giving rise to plateau, scarps and structural plains. The depression has
important physical features such as Mount Suswa and Lake Magadi. The lake has substantial deposits
of soda ash and it is commercially exploited. The altitude ranges between 600 and1740metres above
sea level. The Athi Kapiti Plains consist mainly of gently undulating slopes, which become rolling

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and hilly towards the Ngong hills. The altitude ranges from 1580 to 2460 metres above sea level.
The hills are the catchment areas for Athi River, which is fed by Mbagathi and Kiserian tributaries.
The Central Broken Ground is an area stretching 20-70 kilometres wide from the north-eastern
boarder across the county to the southwest where altitude ranges from 1220 to 2073 metres above
sea level.
        3.1.3 Geology and soils
The county consists of three geological regions: quaternary volcanic, Pleistocene and basement rock
soils. Alluvia soils are also found in some areas. Quaternary Volcanic soil is found in the Rift Valley.
Basement System Rocks which comprise various gneisses, cists, quartzite and crystalline limestone,
are found mainly along the river valleys and some parts of the plains. Pleistocene soils are found in
the inland drainage lake system around Lake Amboseli. Quarrying of building materials is also done
within the county.
        3.1.4 Hydrology
Within Ongata Rongai there is the Kandisi River, a tributary of the Mbagathi River which is adjacent
to the proposed project location. Studies have indicated that pollution of the river was found to
increase downstream. Minimal pollution was noted upstream before entry to Ongata Rongai.
However, water quality had deteriorated before the river’s entry to Nairobi National Park which
borders Ongata Rongai. This is an indication that Ongata Rongai Township is indeed responsible for
pollution of Mbagathi River. Pollution of the river was found to be mainly due to human activities.
Such activities are washing of clothes and motorcycles into the river, uncontrolled disposal of solid
wastes and release of raw sewerage into the river. Other minor causes include are surface run off and
agricultural activities.
        3.1.5 Biological Environment (Flora and Fauna)
The county has a total forest area of 16,866.9 ha comprising of indigenous and exotic forests. A total
of 15,626.8 ha of the forest land is gazetted forest while 1,240 ha is Trust land. The local forest area
has been diminishing rapidly because of excessive logging for firewood and also heavy destruction
by wild animals congested in the parks and animal conservation centres.
Most parts of the county are Arid and Semi-Arid (ASAL) with livestock rearing being the
predominant economic activity. Most of the land is not arable, with a small proportion of the
population undertaking subsistence farming. The main food crops produced in the county are maize,
beans, potatoes, cassava and vegetables. Commercial farming of cotton, onions and tomatoes is done
throughout the county though some are grown in small quantities. Horticulture is also gaining
popularity through irrigation schemes mainly in Isinya and Kajiado North Sub-Counties.
        The main livestock types are sheep, goat, beef and dairy cattle, exotic commercial chicken,
indigenous chicken, donkeys, pigs and camels. Livestock products in the county include: beef, milk,
skins and hides. The number of group ranches has greatly reduced following major sub-divisions and
sale of land. Parts of population embrace bee keeping as an alternative method of livestock farming,
an effort that is bearing fruit. Fish farming is also being promoted in various parts of the county.
        3.1.6 Air Quality
A limited spot check survey and analysis was undertaken in the project area as part of this ESIA
process. Measurements of the baseline PM10, SO2 and NO2 levels were undertaken at proposed

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parking lot market (1°24'1.98"S 36°46'22.7"E). The results obtained were well within WHO and
Kenyan standards; Environmental Management and Coordination (Air Quality) Regulations 2014.
The air quality is expected to be impacted by construction, operation and demolition activities;
however, implementation of the proposed recommended measures will keep the levels within the
acceptable limits. The results are presented in the following Table 3-1.
Table 0-1: Air Quality Results for Proposed Parking Lot Area
           Site /        GPS           Parameter Results        Kenyan      IFC/WB           EU
          Location    Coordinates                                limits    guidelines    standards*
                                                                                           / WHO
            Unit                                     ug /m3     ug /m3       ug /m3         ug /m3
         Ole Kasasi                       PM 10      32.00       100           50             50
         Proposed      1°24'1.98"S         NO2        0.78        80          200              -
          Parking     36°46'22.7"E         SO2        <0.76        80          20         12520

        3.1.7 Ambient Noise levels
Noise surveys were undertaken on 20th October, 2016 as part of this assessment. Measurements were
undertaken at one location along longitude 1°23'32.31"S and latitude 36°44'45.95"E at the proposed
project site using Type 1 Precision Impulse Integrating Sound Level Meter, in accordance with
international standards for sound level meter specifications IEC 61672:1999, IEC 61260:1995 and
IEC 60651, as well as ISO 19961:2003 and ISO 3095:2001 for the measurement and assessment of
environmental noise. Ambient noise levels measured at the site during this study averaged at 51dB
(A). The levels are expected to increase during construction operation and demolition phases;
however, implementation of the proposed recommended measures will keep the levels within the
acceptable limits.
3.2     Social Environment
        3.2.1 Demographics
The county population as per the 2009 population census was 687,312(345,146 males and 342,166
females). The 2012 projected population based on a growth rate of 5.5% was 807,069 (405,285 males
and 401,784 females). By 2015, the population is projected to grow to 898,291 (451,093 males and
447,198 females) and to 999,819 (502,077 males and 497742 females) by 2017. The increase in the
overall population calls for more investment in economic and social facilities, education, agriculture,
health as well as creating employment opportunities. Population Projections by Constituency
indicates that Kajiado North is the most populated constituency, and the population is expected to
keep on increasing through the years. Table 3-2 shows population projections by constituency.
Table 0-2: Population Projections by Constituency in Kajiado County
Constituenc    2009 Census          2012 Projection       2015 Projection        2017 Projection
y              Male Femal Total     Male Femal Total      Male Femal Total       Male Femal Total
                      e                    e                     e                      e

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  Kajiado          10114    101505    20265     11874    119167   23791   13219   132667   26486   14716   147690   29485
                   6                  1         5                 2       8                5       7                7
  Kajiado          50466    52512     10297     59247    61649    12089   65959   68633    13459   73428   76405    14983
                                      8                           6                        2                        3
  Kajiado          70779    66474     13725     83095    78040    16113   92508   86882    17939   10298   96720    19970
                                      4                           5                        0       3                3
  Kajiado          53575    53318     10693     62897    62595    12549   70023   69687    13970   77952   77578    15552
                                      3                           2                        9                        9
  Kajiado          68837    68659     13749     80815    80606    16142   89970   89737    17970   10015   99899    20005
                                      6                           0                        7       8                7
  Total            34480     342468     68731    40479   402057   80685   45065   447606   89826   50168   498291   99997
                   3                    2        9                6       8                3       8                9
Source: Kajiado County Development plan 2013-2017

        3.2.2 Land use
Land is mainly used for livestock rearing and crop growing. There is a significant change in land
use in the urban areas where industrial and commercial use is gaining momentum. Only 16% (3,468.4
km2) of the total county land is arable, with the average land holding size being approximately 9 ha
on small scale and 70 ha on large scale. There is growing level of land speculation in the urban areas
of the county, leading to excessive subdivision of land to small and sometimes uneconomical plots.
        3.2.3 Administrative and political Units
The county is divided into five administrative sub-counties, 17 administrative divisions, 105
locations and five parliamentary constituencies. Although largely located within Nairobi
metropolitan, it does not fall within the administrative boundaries of the city and is separated from
Nairobi city proper by the Mbagathi River. It is itself divided into two administrative locations,
Nkaimurunya and Rongai, which are separated by the Magadi road.

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Figure 0-1 Constituencies
         Source: Kajiado North Constituency Map.

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4.1 Introduction
Legal Notice 101 of EMCA 2015 (The Environmental Regulations, 2003) requires that all
environmental assessment process in Kenya to incorporate public participation and consultations.
The aim is to ensure that all stakeholder interests are identified and incorporated in project
development, implementation and operation. Of necessity, stakeholder consultations should take
place alongside project design and implementation to ensure that the project puts in place measures
to cater for stakeholder concerns in all project phases.

4.2 Approach to Public Participation and Consultations
 In case of the proposed Ongata Rongai parking lot project, public participation and consultations
followed these steps:
    1) Identification of Stakeholders
Like in all civil works projects, the core stakeholders comprised people to be directly served by the
parking lot and include surrounding community (including Ole Kasasi Primary School), matatu and
bus drivers and their conductors, businessmen and owners of private vehicles. This is the group that
is likely to benefit or be affected by the proposed development hence the primary stakeholders. This
study also identified a second category of stakeholders comprised of County Government officers
who are likely to be impacted by the parking lot construction project. This category was also
consulted as key informants on sectoral policy and to advise this ESIA study on mitigation measures
to be put in place so as to minimize adverse impacts in respective sectors. Each category of
stakeholders called for a different approach to consultation.

   2) Modalities for stakeholder consultation
The following techniques and instruments were used for public participation and consultation;
    Ø Photography and direct observation
Photography was particularly useful as it captured the real situation on the ground that was relevant
to the study. Direct observation involved site viewing of the proposed project location as well as
observing those who participated in the interviews.

    Ø Interviews
Interviews and stakeholder engagements were carried out in the form of a public meeting where
attendance sheets were filled in and minutes of meeting taken. It also included filling in of
questionnaires to solicit views regarding this project from these persons. The status of the project as
well as its design was disclosed to the stakeholders at this point. The questionnaire initially gave
introduction and created awareness to these stakeholders of the proposed project. Afterwards, the

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ESIA team enquired on the acceptance of the project and whether the project would cause any
negative impacts on the following;
a) Local residents and their businesses; b) Ecology of the area; c) Human environment;
d) Recreational and leisure facilities; e) Public health and safety; f) Effect on water resources and
quality; g) Effect on the soils; h) Effect on road transport and; i) Waste disposal. The said parameters
were directly mentioned to foresee which could have intense negative impact.

4.3 Issues Raised
The issues raised in the public meeting included the following;
 Linus Njeru, requested that the project to commence as Eng. Malika Badiribu, the County
 soon as possible since it is long overdue and approved Engineer, responded that the parking
 drawings to be available and whether the adjacent occupies 0.15Ha just adjacent to the
 project of the market will be done together.              market. She also assured them the
                                                           approvals delayed the work but by the
                                                           end of the week they will be ready.

 Mr. Peter Nyanchio recommended the project and Eng. Malika said that the project will
 observed that it should improve the livelihood of the definitely improve the face of Ongata
 people.                                               Rongai town besides bringing job
                                                       opportunities to the residents.

 Mrs. Violet Ogutu asked whether casual jobs will be Eng. Stephen Mwaura (NaMSIP
 offered to locals as well as having committee to work Environmental Expert) assured that
 with contractor.                                      casual jobs will be given to locals by the
                                                       contractor by liaising with the area Mca
                                                       Hon Mwathi Pere. He also assured them
                                                       that the works will be to high quality and
                                                       will be supervised by a Resident
                                                       Engineer of the client. There will also be
                                                       a grievance redress system where
                                                       grievances will be attended to and
                                                       responded to in a timely manner.

 Mrs Beverly Kaosa asked whether the parking lot and Eng. Mwaura assured them that the
 the market will be supervised by different contractors. parking and market projects are two
                                                         different contracts and will be done by
                                                         the contractors who qualify during

Further issues are as reflected in the minutes of meetings in the Annexure. The attendance sheets,
questionnaires and minutes of meeting for CPP are as attached in this report.

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    Plate of Photographs of the Public Participation and Consultation Meetings Held at Site

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        5.1    Introduction
This chapter outlines the potential negative and positive impacts that will be associated with the
parking lot project. The impacts will be related to activities to be carried out during construction of
the project and the operation stage of the project. The operational phase impacts of the project will
be associated with the activities carried out within the premises. In addition, closure and
decommissioning phase impacts of the parking lot project are also highlighted. The impacts of the
project during each of its life cycle stages (construction, operation and decommissioning) can be
categorized into: impacts on the biophysical environment; health and safety impacts and socio-
economic impacts.

        5.2    Sensitive Receptors
Ole Kasasi Primary School on the far side of the land of the proposed parking lot is a key receptor of
the negative impacts of noise during construction and possibly dust and vehicle emissions. The school
has an enrolment of 464 with a total of about 15 teaching and non-teaching staff.

         5.3   Negative environmental impacts of construction activities

        5.3.1           Extraction and use of construction materials
Construction materials such as rough stone, ballast and bitumen required for construction of the
parking lot project will be obtained from quarries and bitumen dealers. Since substantial quantities
of these materials will be required for construction of the parking lot, the availability and
sustainability of such resources at the extraction sites will be negatively affected, as they are not
renewable in the short term. In addition, the sites from which the materials will be extracted may be
significantly affected in several ways including landscape changes, displacement of animals and
vegetation, poor visual quality and opening of depressions on the surface leading to several human
and animal health impacts.
        5.3.2           Dust emissions
During construction and transportation of materials, the project may or will generate substantial
quantities of dust at the construction site and its surrounding. The sources of dust emissions will
include excavation and leveling works, and to a small extent, transport vehicles delivering building
materials. Emission of large quantities of dust may lead to significant impacts on construction
workers and the local residents, which will be accentuated during dry weather conditions.
        5.3.3           Exhaust emissions
The trucks used to transport various building materials from their sources to the Parking lot project
site will contribute to increases in emissions of CO2, NO2 and fine particulate along the way as a
result of diesel combustion. Such emissions can lead to several environmental impacts including
global warming and health impacts. Because large quantities of building materials are required, some
of which are sourced outside Ongata Rongai, such emissions can be enormous and may affect a wider
geographical area. The impacts of such emissions can be greater in areas where the materials are

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sourced and at the construction site as a result of frequent running of vehicle engines, frequent vehicle
turning and slow vehicle movement in the loading and offloading areas.
        5.3.4            Noise and vibration
The construction works, delivery of construction materials by heavy trucks and the use of
machinery/equipment including bulldozers, generators, tippers and concrete mixers will contribute
to high levels of noise and vibration within the construction site and the surrounding area. Elevated
noise levels within the site can affect project workers and the residents, passers-by and other persons
within the vicinity of the project site. .The movement of trucks and other equipment in the project
area during the works implementation will cause noise and dust if the works will be in dry weather.
This noise and dust may also affect the schools in the vicinity of the construction works.
        5.3.5            Risks of accidents and injuries to workers
Because of the intensive engineering and construction activities including concrete work,
construction workers will be exposed to risks of accidents and injuries. Such injuries can result from
accidental falls, injuries from hand tools and construction equipment and risk of vehicular accidents.
        5.3.6            Increased soil erosion
Excavation works associated with this project may lead to increased soil erosion at the project site
and release of sediments into the drainage systems. Uncontrolled soil erosion can have adverse effects
on any local water bodies. This may be exacerbated due to the slight slope of the area.
        5.3.7            Solid waste generation
Quantities of solid wastes will be generated as a result of excavations in the existing unused land as
well as during the actual construction of the parking lot. Such solid waste materials can be injurious
to the environment through blockage of drainage systems, choking of water bodies and negative
impacts on human and animal health. This may be accentuated by the fact that some of the waste
materials contain hazardous substances such as paints, cement, adhesives and bitumen, while some
of the waste materials including plastic containers are not biodegradable and can have long-term and
cumulative effects on the environment.
        5.3.8            Energy consumption
The parking lot project will consume fossil fuels (mainly diesel) to run transport vehicles and
construction machinery. Fossil energy is non-renewable and its excessive use may have serious
environmental implications on its availability, price and sustainability.
The project may also use electricity supplied by Kenya Power & Lighting Company (KPLC) Ltd.
Electricity in Kenya is generated mainly through natural resources, namely, water and geothermal
resources. In this regard, there will be need to use electricity sparingly since high consumption of
electricity negatively impacts on these natural resources and their sustainability.
        5.3.9            Water use
The construction activities will require large quantities of water mainly for concrete mixing, dust
suppression and sanitary and washing purposes. Excessive water use may negatively impact on the
water source and its sustainability.

         5.3.10        Increased Traffic

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The construction phase will be characterized by increased traffic that may cause traffic jams and
inconvenience to transporters and commuters.
        5.3.11        Oil Spills
The construction phase could be characterized by oil spills especially if the construction vehicles are
not well maintained that they spill oils onto the soil or environment whilst operating or even when
stationary. Poor handling of oils in containers could result in spills onto the soil or environment.
Additionally, if the contractor has a garage or oil pit for oil change of construction vehicles or
equipment, there could be poor management of waste oil or waste oil containers and oil-soaked rags
or cartons that would pollute the environment or soils. Such spilt oil can soak and seep into the
subterranean environment polluting it as well as any near-by water sources like streams or rivers.

         5.4 Negative Social Impacts

        5.4.1 HIV-AIDS Infections
There is risk of infections to workers and other persons to sexually transmitted diseases and HIV-
AIDS during project implementation following increased incomes of workers as well as some of the
contractor workers being away from their homes.
        5.4.2 Labour Influx
The construction works may result in workers moving in to the area seeking employment in the
        5.4.3 Gender Mainstreaming
Construction works may favour one gender over the other especially when allocating tasks to
different gender.
        5.4.4 Community Health and Safety
The construction works may adversely affect the surrounding community especially if they can
access the active site.
        5.4.5 Children at Site
Some contractors use children at site as they are cheaper and easy to manipulate. Sometimes, children
are able to access the site uncontrolled or unrestricted.
        5.4.6 Complaints and grievances from surrounding community
There is likelihood that the surrounding community and the school may express some complaints
regarding one matter or another for the construction of the parking lot.

       5.5     Positive impacts of construction activities
       5.5.1           Creation of temporary employment opportunities
Several employment opportunities will be created for construction workers during the construction
phase of the project. This will be a significant impact since unemployment is currently quite high in
Ongata Rongai and the surrounding areas.
       5.5.2           Provision of market for supply of construction materials
The project will require supply of large quantities of construction materials most of which will be
sourced locally in Kajiado County and the surrounding areas. This provides ready market for

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construction material suppliers such as quarrying companies, hardware shops and individuals with
such materials.
       5.5.3          Increased business opportunities
The large number of project staff required will provide ready market for various goods and services,
leading to several business opportunities for small-scale traders such as food vendors around the
construction site.

         5.6   Negative environmental impacts of operational activities

       5.6.1           Increased storm water flow
The pavements will lead to increased volume and velocity of storm water or run-off flowing across
the area covered by the roads. This will lead to increased amounts of storm water entering the
drainage systems, resulting in overflow and damage to such systems in addition to increased erosion
or water logging in the neighboring areas if not adequately mitigated.
        5.6.2           Oil Spills
The operations phase could be characterized by oil spills especially if the parking lots are
uncontrollably used as garages or for storing unmaintained, un-serviced or broken down vehicles.
Poor handling of oils in containers in this case could result in spills onto the ground or environment.
Additionally, if the vehicle owners decide to go for oil change in the parking lot, there could be poor
management of waste oil or waste oil containers and oil-soaked rags or cartons that would pollute
the environment or soils. Such spilt oil can soak and seep into the subterranean environment polluting
it as well as any near-by water sources like streams or rivers.
        5.6.3           Exhaust emissions
Idling of vehicles in the parking lot would result in generation of exhaust emissions to the
environment of the parking lot. This will contribute to increases in emissions of CO2, NO2 and fine
particulates in the environment of the parking lots.
       5.6.4           Solid wastes generation
Quantities of solid wastes will be generated from motorists using the parking lots. Such solid waste
materials can be injurious to the environment through blockage of drainage systems, choking of water
bodies and negative impacts on human and animal health.
         5.7   Positive impacts of operational activities

         5.7.1          Revenue to national and local governments
Through payment of relevant taxes, rates and fees to the government and the local authority, the roads
project will contribute towards the national and local revenue earnings from those using the improved

         5.7.2 Other positive impacts

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Other positive impacts include reduction of dust emissions in the use of a modern parking facility
as well as decongesting Ongata Rongai Township.

         5.8   Positive social impacts of operational activities

The operational activities after this project is commissioned will have several positive long-term
social impacts that include the following;
               o       Convenience of affordable and organized parking for motorists
               o       Potential convenient utilization once the proposed market on the same piece
                       of land is constructed and functional
               o       Improved drainage will reduce the flood damage and improve accessibility
                       of households in the area
               o       Long term spurring of physical development in the area leading to increased
                       jobs for Ongata Rongai Town residents
               o       Cleaner and orderly environment
               o       Improved safety and security
               o       Reduction of dust since the ground of the parking lot will be paved.

         5.9   Negative environmental impacts of decommissioning activities

        5.9.1          Solid waste
Demolition of the parking lot and related infrastructure will result in large quantities of solid waste.
The waste will contain the materials used in construction including concrete, metal, kerbs, bitumen,
stones and ballast. Although demolition waste is generally considered as less harmful to the
environment since they are composed of inert materials, there is growing evidence that large
quantities of such waste may lead to release of certain hazardous chemicals into the environment. In
addition, even the generally non-toxic chemicals such as chloride, sodium, sulphate and ammonia,
which may be released as a result of leaching of demolition waste, are known to lead to degradation
of groundwater quality.
       5.9.2           Dust
Dust will be generated during demolition works. This will affect demolition staff as well as the
neighboring residents.
        5.9.3           Noise and vibration
The demolition works will lead to significant deterioration of the acoustic environment within the
project site and the surrounding areas.

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         5.10   Positive environmental impacts of decommissioning activities

         5.10.1          Rehabilitation
Upon decommissioning the project, rehabilitation of the project site will be carried out to restore the
site to its original status. This will include replacement of topsoil that will lead to improved visual
quality of the area.
       5.10.2       Employment Opportunities
Several employment opportunities will be created for demolition staff.

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This section analyses the project alternatives in terms of site, technology scale and waste management

6.1     Relocation Option
Relocation option to a different site is not an option available for the project implementation as this
project is to improve parking lot facilities in Ongata Rongai to assist in decongesting it and there is
hardly space for such a facility in the main township area.

6.2     Zero or No Project Alternative
The No Project option in respect to the proposed project implies that the status quo is maintained.
This option is the most suitable alternative from an extreme environmental perspective as it ensures
non-interference with the existing conditions. This option will however, involve several losses both
to the county and the community as a whole. The township will continue being congested. The No
Project Option is the least preferred from the socio-economic and partly environmental perspective
due to the following factors:
    • The economic status of the Kenyans and the local people would remain unchanged.
    • The parking lot would remain unconstructed and unutilized.
    • No employment opportunities will be created for construction workers
    • Increased urban poverty and crime in Kenya.
    • Discouragement for investors and loaners
    • Development of infrastructural facilities will not be undertaken.
From the analysis above, it becomes apparent that the No Project alternative is no alternative to the
local people, Kenyans, and the Government of Kenya.

6.3     Analysis of Alternative Construction Materials and Technology
The proposed project will be constructed using modern, locally and internationally accepted materials
to achieve public health, safety, security and environmental aesthetic requirements. Equipment that
saves energy and water will be given first priority without compromising on cost or availability
factors. The parking lot will be made using locally sourced stones, cement, sand (washed and clean)
and other materials that meet the Kenya Bureau of Standards requirements.
The alternative technologies available include the conventional concrete, prefabricated concrete
panels, or even temporary structures. These may not be desirable from a cost and durability
perspective. The technology to be adopted will be the most economical and one sensitive to the

6.4    Solid waste management alternatives
Solid wastes will be generated from the proposed project. An integrated solid waste management
system is recommendable. First, the proponent will give priority to reduction at source of the

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materials. This option will demand a solid waste management awareness program in the management
and the staff. Recycling and reuse options of the waste will be the second alternative in priority. This
will call for a source separation program to be put in place. The third priority in the hierarchy of
options is combustion of the waste that is not recyclable. Finally, the proponent will need to establish
agreement with the Kajiado County to ensure regular waste removal and disposal in an
environmentally-friendly manner. In this regard, a NEMA registered solid waste handler would have
to be engaged. This is the most practical and feasible option for solid waste management considering
the delineated options.

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7.1 Introduction
This chapter highlights the necessary mitigation measures that will be adopted to prevent or minimize
significant negative environmental, health and safety impacts associated with the project during its
construction, operation and decommissioning phases as identified earlier. Allocation of
responsibilities, time frame and estimated costs for implementation of these measures are presented
in the Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Plan (ESMMP).

7.2     Sensitive Receptors
There should be dust management at the site through sprinkling of water to protect Ole Kasasi
Primary School students and staff from dust emissions. To reduce vehicle exhaust emissions to the
school, there should be no idling of vehicles or running their engines unnecessarily. This should also
be applied for no or reduced noise and vibrations during construction works. The construction area
also needs to be barricaded with warning signs and children from the school kept off the site. As
much as possible, the contractor needs to maximize weekends to attain more works progress when
the school is not running.

7.3 Mitigation of construction phase impacts
7.3.1 Efficient sourcing and use of raw materials
The contractor will source construction materials such as sand, ballast and hard core from registered
quarry and sand mining firms, whose establishments have undergone satisfactory environmental
impact assessment/audit and received NEMA approval. Since such firms are expected to apply
acceptable environmental performance standards, the negative impacts of their activities at the
extraction sites are considerably well mitigated.
To reduce the negative impacts on availability and sustainability of the materials, the contractor will
only order for what will be required through accurate budgeting and estimation of actual construction
requirements. This will ensure that materials are not extracted or purchased in excessive quantities.
Moreover, the proponent will ensure that wastage, damage or loss (through run-off, wind, etc) of
materials at the construction site is kept minimal, as these would lead to additional demand for and
extraction or purchase materials.
In addition to the above measures, the contractor shall consider reuse of construction materials and
use of recycled materials. This will lead to reduction in the amount of raw materials extracted from
natural resources as well as reducing impacts at the extraction sites.
7.3.2 Reduction of dust generation and emission
Dust emission during construction will be minimized through strict enforcement of on-site speed
controls as well as limiting unnecessary traffic within the project site. Traffic routes on site have to
be sprinkled with water regularly to reduce amount of dust generated by the construction trucks. In
addition, workers are to wear suitable respirators to protect them against dust.
7.3.3 Minimization of exhaust emissions
This will be achieved through proper planning of transportation of materials to ensure that vehicle
fills are increased in order to reduce the number of trips done or the number of vehicles on the road.

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In addition truck drivers will be sensitized to avoid unnecessary racing of vehicle engines at
loading/offloading areas, and to switch off vehicle engines at these points. Vehicles should be
maintained to manufacturers’ specifications.
7.3.4 Minimization of noise and vibration
Noise and vibration will be minimized in the project site and surrounding areas with strict adherence
to designated working hours; and through sensitization of construction truck drivers to switch off
vehicle engines while offloading materials. In addition, they will be instructed to avoid running of
vehicle engines or hooting especially when passing through sensitive areas such as residential areas
and schools. In addition, construction machinery shall be kept in good condition to reduce noise
generation and maintained in accordance with manufacturers’ specifications. It is recommended that
all generators and heavy duty equipment be insulated or placed in enclosures to minimize ambient
noise levels. They should also be located in areas of the site where they cause minimum nuisance.
7.3.5 Reduction of risks of accidents and injuries to workers
The contractor will have to be committed to adherence to the occupational health and safety rules
and regulations stipulated in Occupational Health and Safety Act, OSHA and its subsidiary
legislations. In this regard, the contractor is committed to provision of appropriate personal protective
equipment, as well as ensuring a safe and healthy environment for construction workers as outlined
in the ESMMP. This will also include use of an emergency response and disaster management plan
as well as training some workers on first aid and fire safety.
7.3.6 Minimization of run-off and soil erosion
The contractor will put in place some measures aimed at minimizing soil erosion and associated
sediment release from the project site during construction. These measures will include silt traps,
barriers, vegetation planting, terracing and leveling the project site to reduce run-off velocity and
increase infiltration of rainwater into the soil. In addition, construction vehicles will be restricted to
designated areas to avoid soil compaction within the project site, while any compacted areas will be
ripped to reduce run-off.
7.3.7 Minimization of construction wastes
It is recommended that demolition and construction waste is properly collected, stored, recycled or
reused to ensure that materials that would otherwise be disposed off as waste are diverted for
productive uses. In this regard, the proponent is committed to ensuring that construction materials
left over at the end of construction will be used in other projects rather than being disposed off. The
proponent shall put in place measures to ensure that construction materials requirements are carefully
budgeted and to ensure that the amount of construction materials left on site after construction is kept
Additional recommendations for minimization of solid waste during construction of the project
         • Use of durable, long- lasting materials that will not need to be replaced as often, thereby
             reducing the amount of construction waste generated over time.
         • Provision of facilities for proper handling and storage of construction materials to reduce
             the amount of waste caused by damage or exposure to weather elements

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         •   Purchase of perishable construction materials such as paints incrementally to ensure
             reduced spoilage of unused materials
         • Use of building materials that have minimal packaging to avoid the generation of
             excessive packaging waste
         • Use of construction materials containing recycled content when possible and in
             accordance with accepted standards
         • Disposal of unneeded wastes should be undertaken by licensed wastes handlers.
7.3.8 Reduction of energy consumption
The proponent shall ensure responsible electricity use at the construction site through sensitization
of staff to conserve electricity by switching off electrical equipment or appliances when they are not
being used.
In addition, proper planning of transportation of materials will ensure that fossil fuels (diesel, petrol)
are not consumed in excessive amounts. Complementary to these measures, the proponent shall
monitor energy use during construction and set targets for reduction of energy use.
7.3.9 Minimization of water use
The contractor shall ensure that water is used efficiently at the site by sensitizing construction staff
to avoid irresponsible water usage.
7.3.10 Traffic Management
Traffic flagmen and use of warning signs and bumps where necessary should be applied to manage
and control traffic employed in the construction works.
7.3.11 Oil Spills Management
The Contractor must use well maintained vehicles and equipment for no oil spills. If found necessary
to have an oil change pit in the site office area, this needs to be constructed such that it is paved for
no oil spills into the ground and with an oil interceptor so that oil does not spill and percolate to the
ground to pollute it. All waste oil removed from vehicles needs to be disposed off by NEMA
registered oil handlers. Oil soaked materials like rags and cartons have to be disposed off by this
handler. Under no circumstances should oil be spilt to pollute the soil or nearby streams or rivers or
any water sources. The proponent also needs to be involved in the construction of this oil pit and
approve it before it is operationalized.

7.4 Mitigation of Social Impacts
7.4.1 HIV-AIDS Management
It is recommended that there is sensitization and awareness creation to safeguard workers and other
persons against infections from sexually transmitted diseases including HIV-AIDS.
7.4.2 Labour Influx
As much as possible, the contractor should draw casual and semi-skilled or unskilled workers from
the local community to minimize conflicts with the surrounding community.
7.4.3 Gender Mainstreaming
It is important that both men and women are considered for the works. A situation whereby there is
preponderance of men even for tasks that women can do is a negative impact on gender. All need to
have equitable opportunities.

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7.4.4 Community Health and Safety
It is important that during the construction phase, the project considers the health and safety of the
surrounding community including proper barricading or fencing of site, management and control of
construction vehicles – low speed limits, flagmen assigned to control traffic and designation of routes
for bringing materials to and from site - use of warning signs and optimizing on number of vehicles
trips through better material inventory management. There should be a safety officer on site to ensure
elimination or reduction of accidents to workers and surrounding community.
7.4.5 Child Protection
It is important that during the construction phase, no under-age children are employed as workers
and neither should they be allowed to be in the active site especially during construction works.
7.4.6 Grievance Redress Mechanisms
Grievance redress mechanisms will be employed for this project to handle and manage any
complaints or grievances received from concerned persons. Documentation for this that will be
applied is attached to this report. It is expected that a standard form is applied to receive complaints
/ grievances and a grievance log is kept on site by the Resident Engineer.

7.5 Mitigation of operation phase impacts
7.5.1 Management of storm-water runoff
The contractor will ensure that proper drainage is provided and regularly maintained for storm-water
run-off management. The maintenance and repairs fall under the jurisdiction of the county
7.5.2 Oil Spills Management
The County Government of Kajiado must ensure that the parking lot is not used to park un-serviced,
broken down or unmaintained vehicles and neither should the lots be used as garages. The use of the
parking lot at operations must be controlled by the county government.
7.5.3 Exhaust Emissions Management
The County Government of Kajiado must ensure that the parking lot is used responsibly with no
unnecessary idling of vehicles once parked. The county government has the sole rights on the usage
of the parking lot and is at their discretion to ensure no vehicles that pollute the environment through
unnecessary emissions use the parking.
7.5.4 Solid Wastes Management
The county government of Kajiado will be responsible for managing the solid wastes generated from
the parking lot by providing waste receptors and engaging a licensed wastes handler to empty and
dispose off in an environmentally friendly manner.

7.5 Mitigation of decommissioning phase impacts

7.5.1 Efficient solid waste management
Solid waste resulting from demolition or dismantling works will be managed as described above.
7.5.2 Reduction of dust concentration
High levels of dust concentration resulting from demolition or dismantling works will be minimized
as described earlier.

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7.5.3 Minimization of noise and vibration
Significant impacts on the acoustic environment will be mitigated as described.

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Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Project Report for the Construction of Ongata Rongai
               Parking Lot in Kajiado County of Nairobi Metropolitan Region	

                         MONITORING PLAN (ESMMP)
8.1     Significance of an ESMMP
An Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Plan (ESMMP) for developing projects
is used to provide a logical framework within which identified negative environmental impacts can
be avoided, mitigated and monitored. In addition, the ESMMP assigns responsibilities of actions to
various actors and provides a timeframe within which mitigation measures and monitoring can be
done. The ESMMP is a vital output of an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment as it provides
a checklist for project monitoring and evaluation. The ESMMP outlined below will address the
identified potential negative impacts and mitigation measures of the parking lot project based on the
chapters on environmental and social impacts and mitigation measures of the negative impacts.

    8.1.1     Pre-Construction & Construction Phases ESMMP
The necessary objectives, activities, mitigation measures, and allocation of costs and responsibilities
pertaining to prevention, minimization and monitoring of significant negative impacts and
maximization of positive impacts associated with the construction phase of the project are shown in
the ESMMP table that is a part of this report.

8.2     Duties of the Proponent
It will be the duty of the proponent to ensure that all legal requirements as pertaining to the
development are met as specified by the law, including World Bank Safeguards and specifically
OP4.01 (Environmental Assessment).
    • The proponent shall hand over the site to the Contractor for implementation of the project
    • The proponent will fund the project
    • The Proponent will acquire the NEMA license
    • The proponent will supervise the project and will also ensure its satisfactory implementation
    • The proponent shall ensure that there is a functional stakeholder engagement plan and
        grievance redress mechanism.
    • The proponent shall define the area of the site, which will be occupied by the contractor for
        construction purposes

8.3      Duties of the Contractor
            • Prepare and maintain an approved time and progress work-chart, showing clearly the
                period allowed for each section of the work.
            • The contractor is to comply with all regulations and by-laws of the local authority
                including serving of notices and paying of the fees.
            • During the night, public holidays and any other time when no work is being carried
                out on-site, the contractor shall accommodate only security personnel and never
                should a labor camp be allowed onsite.

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Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Project Report for the Construction of Ongata Rongai
               Parking Lot in Kajiado County of Nairobi Metropolitan Region	

               •   The contractor shall make good at his own expense any damage he may cause to the
                   public and private roads, drainages and pavements in the course of carrying out the
                   parking lot work.
               •   The contractor shall provide at his own risk, and cost all water required for use in
                   connection with the works including the work of subcontractors, and shall provide
                   temporary storage tanks , if required
               •   The contractor shall make his own arrangements for sanitary conveniences for his
                   workmen. Any arrangements so made shall be in conformity with the public health
                   requirements for such facilities and the contractor shall be solely liable for any
                   infringement of the requirements.
               •   The contractor shall be responsible for all the actions of the subcontractor in the first
               •   The contractor shall take all possible precautions to prevent nuisance, inconvenience
                   or injury to the neighboring properties and to the public generally, and shall use proper
                   precaution to ensure the safety of wheeled traffic and pedestrian.
               •   All work operations which may generate noise, dust, vibrations, or any other
                   discomfort to the workers and/or guests of the client and the neighbors must be
                   undertaken with care, with all necessary safety precautions taken.
               •   The contractor shall take all effort to muffle the noises from his tools, equipment and
                   workmen to not more than 80dBA. This should also comply with the requirements of
                   the WBG EHS Guidelines, whichever is the more stringent.
               •   The contractor shall upon completion of working, remove and clear away all plant,
                   rubbish and unused materials and shall leave the whole site in a clean and tidy state
                   to the satisfaction of the Proponent. He shall also remove from the site all rubbish and
                   dirt as it is produced to maintain the tidiness of the premises and its immediate
               •   No blasting shall be permitted without the prior approval of the proponent and the
                   local authorities.
               •   Borrow pits will only be allowed to be opened up on receipt of permission from the
                   proponent and with NEMA ESIA license
               •   The standard of workmanship shall not be inferior to the Kenya Bureau of Standards
                   and/or current British codes of practice where existing. No materials for use in the
                   permanent incorporation into the works shall be used for any temporary works or
                   purpose other than that for which it is provided. Similarly, no material for temporary
                   support may be used for permanent incorporation into the works.
               •   The contractor shall maintain good working relationship with the community and
                   implement the stakeholder engagement plan and the grievance redress mechanism
               •   The Contractor shall provide and engage a Safety Officer on site to manage
                   occupational health and safety matters

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Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Project Report for the Construction of Ongata Rongai
               Parking Lot in Kajiado County of Nairobi Metropolitan Region	

               The contractor shall also submit and commit to comply with an Environmental and
               Social Health and Safety (ESHS) Plan and a Code of Conduct regarding Contractor
               Environmental and Social Management Plan, CESMP
This section will be reviewed carefully against the contract documentation to ensure it is included in
the contract documentation. As well, the contractor has to submit and have approved by the proponent
the ESHS and the Code of Conduct.

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    Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Project Report for the Construction of Ongata Rongai Parking Lot in Kajiado County of
                                                    Nairobi Metropolitan Region	

     Table 3: The ESMMP for the Construction Phase of Ongata Rongai parking lot project in Ongata Rongai Town of Kajiado
 Objective/Plan               Recommended Mitigation Measures                     Responsible   Monitoring Mechanism      Approximate
                                                                                    Party –                               Cost (Kshs)
1) Efficient    § Maximize sourcing of construction materials from                Contractor    Throughout construction        -
   sourcing and   suppliers who use environmentally friendly processes in                              period
   use of raw     their operations. Only suppliers that have the relevant
   materials      permits and consents etc in place shall be used as sources
                  of material for the project, also as required by the National
                  Construction Authority, NCA.
                § Ensure accurate budgeting and estimation of actual              Contractor    Throughout construction        -
                  construction material requirements to ensure that the least                          period
                  amount of material necessary is ordered
                § Ensure that damage or loss of materials at the construction     Contractor    Throughout construction        -
                  site are kept minimal through proper storage                                         period
                § Through accurate estimation of the sizes and quantities of      Contractor    Throughout construction        -
                  materials required, order materials in the sizes and                                 period
                  quantities they will be needed, rather than cutting them to
                  size, or having large quantities of residual materials.
2) Reduction of § Sprinkle water on access routes as necessary to reduce          Contractor    Throughout construction   50,000/month
   dust           dust generation by construction vehicles                                             period
   generation   § Sprinkle water at the construction site to prevent dust and
                  also protect Ole Kasasi Primary School

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    Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Project Report for the Construction of Ongata Rongai Parking Lot in Kajiado County of
                                                    Nairobi Metropolitan Region	

 Objective/Plan              Recommended Mitigation Measures                    Responsible Monitoring Mechanism Approximate
                                                                                  Party –                            Cost (Kshs)
    and             § Sensitize truck drivers to avoid unnecessary racing of Contractor Monitoring Indicators (Based      -
    emissions         vehicle engines at loading/offloading points and parking              on IFC, WB, EU and WHO
                      areas. Switch off or keep vehicle engines at these points                     Standards
                    § Provide workers with suitable respirators for those Contractor             SO2 – 20 ug /m3       20,000
                      exposed to dust                                                            PM10- 50 ug /m 3

                                                                                                 NO2 – 200 ug /m3

3) Minimization § Ensure proper planning of transportation of materials to Contractor         Throughout construction       -
   of    exhaust     ensure that vehicle fills are increased in order to reduce                        period
   emissions         the number of trips done per vehicle or the number of                 Monitoring Indicators (Based
                     vehicles on the road                                                   on IFC, WB, EU and WHO
                  § Sensitize construction vehicle drivers and machinery Contractor                SO2 – 20 ug /m3          -
                     operators to switch off engines of vehicles or machinery                     PM10- 50 ug /m3
                     not being used. This will protect Ole Kasasi Primary                         NO2 – 200 ug /m3
4) Minimization § Sensitize construction drivers to avoid gunning of vehicle Contractor       Throughout construction       -
   of noise and      engines or hooting especially when passing through                    period. Maximum permissible
   vibration         sensitive areas such as residential areas and schools and              noise levels for construction
                     on site to protect Ole Kasasi Primary School                          sites – Legal Notice No. 61 –
                 § Ensure that construction machinery are kept in good          Contractor     EMCA Noise Control           -
                    condition to reduce noise generation and serviced in                            Regulations
                    accordance with manufacturers requirements                                    Day – 75 dB (A)

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    Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Project Report for the Construction of Ongata Rongai Parking Lot in Kajiado County of
                                                    Nairobi Metropolitan Region	

 Objective/Plan              Recommended Mitigation Measures               Responsible Monitoring Mechanism Approximate
                                                                             Party –                                Cost (Kshs)
                  § Ensure that all generators and heavy duty equipment are Contractor   Night – 60 dB(A) – No           -
                    insulated or placed in enclosures to minimize ambient                   working at night.
                    noise levels and located in areas that cause minimum                  Monitor for 80 dB(A)
                    nuisance.                                                          continuous for 8 hrs or one-
                  § Provide workers in high noise areas with suitable Contractor off at 140 dB(A) for provision       60,000
                    earmuffs                                                                of ear protection.
                                                                                            Vibration levels do not exceed
                                                                                              0.5 centimeters per second
                                                                                             beyond any source property
                                                                                             boundary or 30 metres from
                                                                                                  any moving source.
5) Reduction of §      Ensure that provisions for reporting incidents, accidents Contractor           Continuous             -
   risks      of       and dangerous occurrences during construction using                   Monitor for Zero Fatalities
   accidents and       prescribed forms obtainable from the local Occupational              and Zero Accidents/Incidents
   injuries    to      Health and Safety Office (OHSO) are in place.
   workers        §    Ensure that the premises are insured as per statutory Proponent                 Annually              _
                       requirements (third party and workman’s compensation)
                   §   Develop, document and display prominently an Contractor                         One-off               -
                       appropriate SHE policy for construction works
                   §   Provisions must be put in place for the formation of a Contractor               One-off               -
                       Health and Safety Committee, in which the employer and
                       the workers are represented

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   Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Project Report for the Construction of Ongata Rongai Parking Lot in Kajiado County of
                                                   Nairobi Metropolitan Region	

Objective/Plan              Recommended Mitigation Measures                     Responsible Monitoring Mechanism Approximate
                                                                                  Party –                                 Cost (Kshs)
                 §    Provide suitable PPE (gloves, hard hats, overalls and Contractor       Throughout construction        200,000
                      safety shoes) to manage workplace hazards                                       period
                  §   Ensure that equipment and work tasks are adapted to fit Contractor            Continuous                  _
                      workers and their ability including protection against
                      mental strain
                  §   All machines and other moving parts of equipment must Contractor               One-off                    _
                      be enclosed or guarded to protect all workers from injury
                  §   Arrangements must be in place to train and supervise Contractor               Continuous             5,000 per
                      inexperienced workers regarding construction machinery                                                training
                      use and other procedures/operations
                  §   Equipment such as fire extinguishers must be examined Contractor              Continuous                  -
                      by a government authorized person. The equipment may
                      only be used if a certificate of examination has been
                  §   Reports of such examinations must be presented in Contractor                  Continuous                  -
                      prescribed forms, signed by the examiner and attached to
                      the general register
                  §   Ensure that materials (cement bags, aggregates, bitumen Contractor            Continuous                  -
                      drums) are stored or stacked in such manner as to ensure
                      their stability and prevent any fall or collapse
                  §   Conduct sensitization campaign for the public on risks Contractor Twice (before construction              -
                      related to construction sites.                                       begins) and a repeated after 1

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   Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Project Report for the Construction of Ongata Rongai Parking Lot in Kajiado County of
                                                   Nairobi Metropolitan Region	

Objective/Plan              Recommended Mitigation Measures                    Responsible Monitoring Mechanism Approximate
                                                                                 Party –                                Cost (Kshs)
                  §    Ensure that machinery, equipment, personal protective Contractor             One-off                  _
                      equipment, appliances          and hand tools used in
                      construction do comply with the prescribed safety and
                      health standards and be appropriately installed
                      maintained and safeguarded
                  §   Design suitable documented emergency preparedness and Contractor          Every 3 months               -
                      evacuation procedures to be used during any emergency.
                      Such procedures must be tested at regular intervals
                  §   Ensure that adequate provisions are in place to Contractor                    One-off                  -
                      immediately stop any operations where there in an
                      imminent and serious danger to health and safety and to
                      evacuate workers
                  §   Ensure that the most current emergency telephone Contractor                   One-off                  -
                      numbers posters are prominently and strategically
                      displayed within the construction site
                  §   Provide measures to deal with emergencies and accidents Contractor           Continuous                -
                      including adequate first aid arrangements
                  §   Sensitize the public on potential emergency situations    Contractor Twice (before construction
                                                                                           begins) and a repeat after 1
                  §   Provision must be made for persons to be trained in first Contractor          One-off                  -
                      aid, with a certificate issued by a recognized body.

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    Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Project Report for the Construction of Ongata Rongai Parking Lot in Kajiado County of
                                                    Nairobi Metropolitan Region	

 Objective/Plan               Recommended Mitigation Measures                      Responsible   Monitoring Mechanism      Approximate
                                                                                     Party –                               Cost (Kshs)
                   §   Fire-fighting equipment such as fire extinguishers should Contractor             One-off              50,000
                       be provided at strategic locations such as stores and
                       construction areas.
                   §   Regular inspection and servicing of the equipment must Contractor             Every 3 months           5,000
                       be undertaken by a reputable service provider and records
                       of such inspections maintained
                   §   Signs such as “NO SMOKING” must be prominently Contractor                        One-off                 -
                       displayed within the premises, especially in parts where
                       inflammable materials are stored
                   §   Enough space must be provided within the premises to Contractor                  One-off                _
                       allow for adequate natural ventilation through circulation
                       of fresh air
                   §   Well stocked first aid box which is easily available and Contractor              One-off                 -
                       accessible should be provided within the premises
6) Minimization §      Apply soil erosion control measures such as leveling of Contractor        Throughout construction        -
   of soil run off     the project site to reduce run-off velocity and increase                         period
   and        soil     infiltration of storm water into the soil, e.g. silt traps,
   erosion             barriers, tree planting.
                   §   Ensure that construction vehicles are restricted to existing Contractor   Throughout construction        -
                       graded roads to avoid soil compaction within the project                         period

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    Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Project Report for the Construction of Ongata Rongai Parking Lot in Kajiado County of
                                                    Nairobi Metropolitan Region	

 Objective/Plan             Recommended Mitigation Measures                  Responsible     Monitoring Mechanism      Approximate
                                                                               Party –                                 Cost (Kshs)
                  § Ensure that any compacted areas are ripped to reduce run- Contractor            6 months                -

7) Minimization §    Ensure that construction materials left over at the end of Contractor          One-off                 -
   of                construction will be used in other projects rather than
   construction      being disposed of.
   wastes       §    Ensure that damaged or wasted construction materials Contractor                One-off                 -
                     will be recovered for refurbishing and use in other

                  § Utilize opportunities for donating recyclable/reusable or Contractor            One-off                 -
                    residual materials to local community groups, institutions
                    and individual local residents or home owners.

                  § Use of durable, long-lasting materials that will not need Contractor     Throughout construction        _
                    to be replaced as often, thereby reducing the amount of                         period
                    construction waste generated over time

                  § Provide facilities for proper handling and storage of Contractor                One-off              20,000
                    construction materials to reduce the amount of waste
                    caused by damage or exposure to the elements

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    Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Project Report for the Construction of Ongata Rongai Parking Lot in Kajiado County of
                                                    Nairobi Metropolitan Region	

 Objective/Plan             Recommended Mitigation Measures                Responsible     Monitoring Mechanism       Approximate
                                                                             Party –                                  Cost (Kshs)
                   § Purchase of perishable construction materials such as Contractor      Throughout construction          -
                     paints should be done incrementally to ensure reduced                        period
                     spoilage of unused materials

                   § Use construction materials that have minimal or no Contractor         Throughout construction          -
                     packaging to avoid the generation of excessive packaging                     period

                   § Reuse packaging materials such as cartons, cement bags, Contractor    Throughout construction          -
                     empty metal and plastic containers to reduce waste at the                    period

                   § Dispose waste more responsibly by dumping at Contractor               Throughout construction    10,000/month
                     designated dumping sites or engaging the use of a & Nairobi                  period
                     registered waste disposal company or Nairobi City   City
                     County                                             Council
8) Reduction of § Ensure planning of transportation of materials to ensure Contractor      Throughout construction          -
   energy         that fossil fuels (diesel, petrol) are not consumed in                          period
   consumption    excessive amounts
                § Monitor energy use during construction and set targets for Contractor    Throughout construction          -
                  reduction of energy use.                                                        period

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    Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Project Report for the Construction of Ongata Rongai Parking Lot in Kajiado County of
                                                    Nairobi Metropolitan Region	

 Objective/Plan              Recommended Mitigation Measures                    Responsible Monitoring Mechanism Approximate
                                                                                  Party –                              Cost (Kshs)
9) Minimization   §    Promote recycling and reuse of water as much as possible. Contractor  Throughout construction        -
   of water use   §    Organize collection of rainwater on site                                      period
                  §    Sensitize workers on proper water use
10) Traffic       §    Employ traffic flagmen to direct traffic                  Contractor       Continuous            100,000
    management    §    Use of warning signs
                  §    Erect bumps where necessary
11) HIV-AIDS      §    Awareness creation and sensitization to workers and Contractor        Throughout construction    750,000
Management             other persons engaged in the project to reduce or                             period
                       eliminate chances of infections of HIV-AIDS and other                Number of infected persons
                       sexually transmitted diseases
                  §    Provide on a regular basis condoms to workers on site
12) Labour influx §    Engage local community to provide casual, semi-skilled Contractor          Continuous                -
                       and unskilled workers
13)Gender          §   Engage both men and women in the works without Contractor                  Continuous                -
mainstreaming          discrimination

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    Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Project Report for the Construction of Ongata Rongai Parking Lot in Kajiado County of
                                                    Nairobi Metropolitan Region	

 Objective/Plan                   Recommended Mitigation Measures                           Responsible       Monitoring Mechanism            Approximate
                                                                                              Party –                                         Cost (Kshs)
14) Community           §Barricade / fence construction site                                          Number of
                                                                                             Contractor                                          400,000
Health and              §Use of warning signs                                                complaints/accidents/incidents
Safety                  §Sensitize public on hazards of the works
                        §Enforce vehicle low speed limits
                        §Use flagmen to control traffic and construction vehicles
                        §Optimize on number of trips to reduce accidents and
                         better materials inventory management
                       § Designate routes with minimum community persons
                       § Optimize work to gain maximum output during non-
                         market days
15)              Child § No under-age children are to be employed on site         Contractor         Continuous                                      _
protection              § Children including from Ole Kasasi Primary School are              Contractor              Continuous                      _
                          strictly not allowed on the site
16) Grievance           § Grievance redress mechanisms will be employed for this             Grievance               Continuous                  100,000
redress                   project to handle and manage any complaints or                    Chairman /
mechanisms                grievances received from concerned persons                        Committee
                                                                                            by Resident
TOTAL ESMMP                                                                                                                                       Kshs.
  BUDGET                                                                                                                                        2,485,000
           NaMSIP* - The key responsibilities regarding compliance to the above ESMMP mainly rests on the Contractor. However, it is important that the project
           proponent (NaMSIP) ensures adequate monitoring and evaluation of the project for no non-conformances to safeguards through NaMSIP’s Safeguards
           Team, Resident Engineer and Assistant Resident Engineer.
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  Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Project Report for the Construction of Ongata Rongai Parking Lot in Kajiado County of
                                                  Nairobi Metropolitan Region	

         The key responsibilities regarding compliance to the above ESMMP rest on the Contractor. However, it is important that the project
         proponent ensures adequate monitoring and evaluation for the Contractor for no non-conformances.

         8.1.1 Operational Phase ESMMP
         The necessary objectives, activities, mitigation measures, and allocation of costs and responsibilities pertaining to prevention,
         minimization and monitoring of significant negative impacts and maximization of positive impacts associated with the operational
         phase the project are outlined below.

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      Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Project Report for the Construction of Ongata Rongai Parking Lot in Kajiado County of
                                                      Nairobi Metropolitan Region	

    Table 4: ESMMP for the Operational Phase of the Project

    Objective/Plan                                                                                    Responsible      Monitoring         Cost
                                             Recommended Mitigation Measures
                                                                                                         Party         Mechanism         (Kshs)
1) Storm Water Run- § Provide proper storm water drainage from the paved roads.                                                          Part of
    off Management                                                                                     Contractor        One-off         project
                     § Provide regular inspection and maintenance of the drains.                           County       Continuous          -
2) Health and Safety § Implement all necessary measures to ensure health and safety of
    Risks.             workers and the general public during operation of the project as                   County       Continuous          -
                       stipulated in OSHA 2007
3) Solid       waste § Implement measures to ensure adequate solid waste management in
                                                                                                           County       Continuous          -
    management         the parking lot including putting wastes receptacles and disposal
4) HIV-AIDS          § Awareness creation and sensitization to workers and other persons
    Management         post- project to reduce or eliminate chances of infections of HIV-                  County       Continuous          -
                       AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases

             8.1.2 Decommissioning Phase
             In addition to the mitigation measures provided above, it is necessary to outline some basic mitigation measures that will be required
             to be undertaken once all operational activities of the project have ceased. The necessary objectives, mitigation measures, allocation
             of responsibilities, time frames and costs pertaining to prevention, minimization and monitoring of all potential impacts associated
             with the decommissioning and closure phase of the project are outlined in below.

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 Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Project Report for the Construction of Ongata Rongai Parking Lot in Kajiado County of Nairobi
                                                         Metropolitan Region	

Table 5: ESMMP for the Decommissioning Phase

      Environmental Impact
                                  Recommended Mitigation Measures           Responsible Party          Time Frame          Cost (Kshs)

                              § All removed materials that will not be
    Sold Waste Generation.      used for other purposes must be
                                                                               Contractor                One-off                -
                                removed and recycled/reused as far as
                              § Where recycling/reuse of the removed
                                materials and other demolition waste
                                is not possible, the materials should
                                                                               Contractor                One-off              10,000
                                be taken to a licensed waste disposal
                                site or dumpsite or arrangements
                                made with Kajiado County
                              § Donate reusable demolition waste to
                                charitable organizations, individuals          Contractor                One-off                -
                                and institutions
Degeneration of vegetation at § Implement an appropriate re-
the construction site           vegetation program to restore the site         Contractor                One-off                -
                                to better status
                              § Consider use of indigenous plant
                                                                               Contractor                One-off                -
                                species in re-vegetation
                              § Trees should be planted at suitable
                                locations so as to interrupt slight lines      Contractor                Once-off               -
                                (screen planting), between the

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 Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Project Report for the Construction of Ongata Rongai Parking Lot in Kajiado County of Nairobi
                                                         Metropolitan Region	

                                  adjacent commercial premises area
                                  and the development.

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  Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Project Report for the Construction of Ongata
          Rongai Parking Lot in Kajiado County of Nairobi Metropolitan Region	


9.1     Budget
The summary of the certified Bills of Quantities that form the cost of the project is as attached
in the Annexes. The total project cost is Kshs. 45,708,286/20.

9.2     Monitoring Guidelines
Continuous observations and assessment is essential so that if unforeseen safety dangers are
noticed, alternatives must be sought. Risk assessment of accidents, and other adverse impacts
should not be ignored in the construction plan. Waste management in the construction should be
strictly followed. Mitigation measures of storm water management are essential. Safety
standards should constantly be maintained, with indicators like condition of equipment,
contractor compliance with the set regulations, and tracking of accidents and grievances on-site
logged regularly.
9.3      Reporting
Constant reporting by the site resident engineer to the contractor and proponent is necessary to
ensure the project is executed as per the designs, plans and drawings. The safety officer should
always remain on site to report any safety concerns for urgent mitigation. The officer should also
at all times enforce safety requirements as per the relevant legislation and as per this report. The
contractor must consult the proponent to maintain a clear understanding of all the aspects of the
project. Kajiado County Government should be involved where necessary in early stages of the
project to increase acceptance and ensure necessary partnership is in place (e.g. waste removal

  Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Project Report for the Construction of Ongata
          Rongai Parking Lot in Kajiado County of Nairobi Metropolitan Region	


During the preparation of this report for the development of the proposed parking lot in Ole
Kasasi area of Ongata Rongai, it was observed and established that most of the negative
environmental and social impacts on the environment can be mitigated and have potentially short
term low significant effects. The positive impacts are highly rated and will benefit all
stakeholders and Ongata Rongai residents at large. The project proponents have proposed to
adhere to prudent implementation of the environmental and social management and monitoring
plan. The contractor is committed to obtaining all necessary permits and licenses from the
relevant authorities and have qualified and adequate personnel to do the project as proposed. The
proponent has proposed adequate safety and health mitigation measures as part of the relevant
statutory requirements

It is the duty of NEMA to consider licensing the project subject to annual environmental audits
once it has been commissioned. This will be in compliance with the Environmental Management
and Coordination Act, EMCA of 2015 and the Environmental Impact Assessment and Audit
Regulations, Legal Notice No. 101 of 2003. The World Bank also is to clear the project report
consistent with the Bank’s safeguards requirements.

Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Project Report for the Construction of Ongata
        Rongai Parking Lot in Kajiado County of Nairobi Metropolitan Region	


 Kenya gazette supplement Acts 2000, Environmental Management and Coordination Act
 Number 8 of 2015. Government printer, Nairobi

 Kenya gazette supplement Acts Building Code 2000 by government printer, Nairobi

 Kenya gazette supplement Acts Land Planning Act (Cap. 303) government printer, Nairobi

 Kenya gazette supplement Acts Local Authority Act (Cap. 265) government printer, Nairobi

 Kenya gazette supplement Acts Penal Code Act (Cap.63) government printer, Nairobi

 Kenya gazette supplement Acts Physical Planning Act, 1999 government printer, Nairobi

 Kenya gazette supplement Acts Public Health Act (Cap. 242) government printer, Nairobi

 Kenya gazette supplement number 56. Environmental Impact Assessment & Audit
 Regulations 2003.Government Printer, Nairobi

 Resettlement Policy Framework

 The Environmental Management & Coordination Act 1999 (EMCA 2015).

 World Bank Safeguards Documents
   o Environmental Assessment (OP 4.01) Safeguard
   o Involuntary Resettlement (OP 4.12) Safeguard

Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Project Report for the Construction of Ongata
        Rongai Parking Lot in Kajiado County of Nairobi Metropolitan Region	

                            i.   Site Layout Plan – Google Map
                                    ii. Design Layout
                    iii. Plate of Photographs of Current Proposed Site
                            iv. Summarized Bill of Quantities
                            v. Sample Chance Find Procedures
                         vi. Consultations and Public Participation
                                a. Minutes of Stakeholder Meetings
                                  b. Signed-in Attendance Sheets
                                     c. Questionnaires - Sample
                     vii. Grievance Redress Mechanisms Documents

  Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Project Report for the Construction of Ongata
          Rongai Parking Lot in Kajiado County of Nairobi Metropolitan Region	

                       Site Layout Plan – Google Map

                                                               Ole Kasasi Road

Ole Kasasi Primary School

 Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Project Report for the Construction of Ongata
         Rongai Parking Lot in Kajiado County of Nairobi Metropolitan Region	

                                  Design Layout

Parking lot area of approximately 4730 M2 with 78No. parking slots

                  Plate of Photographs of Proposed Site

Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Project Report for the Construction of Ongata
        Rongai Parking Lot in Kajiado County of Nairobi Metropolitan Region	

                                    Bare land

                           Little or no biodiversity

                          Near-by primary school

Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Project Report for the Construction of Ongata
        Rongai Parking Lot in Kajiado County of Nairobi Metropolitan Region	

                     Summarized Bills of Quantities

                     Sample Chance Find Procedures

  Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Project Report for the Construction of Ongata
          Rongai Parking Lot in Kajiado County of Nairobi Metropolitan Region	

Chance find procedures are an integral part of the project EMMP and civil works contracts. The
following is proposed in this regard:
If the Contractor discovers archeological sites, historical sites, remains and objects, including
graveyards and/or individual graves during excavation or construction, the Contractor shall:
                   • Stop the construction activities in the area of the chance find;
                   • Delineate the discovered site or area;
                   • Secure the site to prevent any damage or loss of removable objects. In
                      cases of removable antiquities or sensitive remains, a night guard shall be
                      arranged until the responsible local authorities or the Ministry of State for
                      National Heritage and Culture take over;
                   • Notify the supervisor, Project Environmental Officer and Project
                      Engineer who in turn will notify the responsible local authorities and the
                      Ministry of State for National Heritage and Culture immediately (within
                      24 hours or less);

Responsible local authorities and the Ministry of State for National Heritage and Culture would
then be in charge of protecting and preserving the site before deciding on subsequent appropriate
procedures. This would require a preliminary evaluation of the findings to be performed by the
archaeologists of the National Museums of Kenya. The significance and importance of the
findings should be assessed according to the various criteria relevant to cultural heritage, namely
the aesthetic, historic, scientific or research, social and economic values.

Decisions on how to handle the find shall be taken by the responsible authorities and the Ministry
of State for National Heritage and Culture. This could include changes in the layout (such as
when finding irremovable remains of cultural or archeological importance) conservation,
preservation, restoration and salvage.

Implementation for the authority decision concerning the management of the finding shall be
communicated in writing by relevant local authorities.

Construction work may resume only after permission is given from the responsible local
authorities or the Ministry of State for National Heritage and Culture concerning safeguard of
the heritage.

                    Consultations and Public Participation

 Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Project Report for the Construction of Ongata
         Rongai Parking Lot in Kajiado County of Nairobi Metropolitan Region	

                       ON ESIA AT THE SITE AT 1030AM
In Attendance
 1. Eng. Stephen Mwaura                   NaMSIP
 2. Eng. Malika Badiribu Wachira          PIT, Kajiado County
 3. Purity Wanjiku                        Kajiado County
Stakeholders In Attendance
As per the attached list.
   1. Introduction
   2. Project Briefing
   3. Plenary
   4. A.O.B

Minute No.    Details                                           Response/ Action
1.00          Introduction

              The meeting started with a word of
              prayer from Linus Njeru.

              Eng. Malika thanked all the stakeholders
              for turning up for the meeting.
2.0           Project Briefing

2.01          Eng. Malika told stakeholders that the
              project was a NaMSIP project, a
              program sponsored by World Bank. In
              brief, the program was started back in
              the year 2012, and Kajiado County,
              among other 5 counties within the metro
              region, had benefited. Kajiado county
              was given USD 6,000,000 in which, where
              Kitengela, Ngong and Ongata Rongai
              got USD 2,000,000 each. Some projects
              were selected and the parking is one of

2.02          Eng. Stephen Mwaura from NaMSIP
              added that, as a World Bank
              requirement, it is important to carry out
              ESIA (environmental and Social
              Infrastructure Assessment) for any project
              before its commencement. This is to

Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Project Report for the Construction of Ongata
        Rongai Parking Lot in Kajiado County of Nairobi Metropolitan Region	

             ensure that all stakeholders that are
             directly and indirectly affected by the
             project are safe of any environmental
             hazards that they feel the project could
             bring about. He also noted that the
             Kenyan Constitution 2010 greatly
             emphasizes on Public Participation. He
             added that each person’s views will be
             captured and all questions pertaining
             the project shall be answered

             He continued saying that he had a set of
             questionnaires which, though his
             guidance be filled by each person in
             attendance and the report shall be
             submitted to National Environmental
             Management Authority (NEMA) for
             approval and subsequent issuance of
3.0          Plenary

3.01         Linus Njeru, requested that the project to        Eng. Malika
             commence as soon as possible since it’s           responded that the
             long overdue and approved drawings to             parking occupies
             be available and whether the project of           0.15Ha just
             the market will be done together.                 adjacent to the
                                                               market .she also
                                                               assured them the
                                                               approvals delayed
                                                               the work but by the
                                                               end of the week
                                                               they will be ready.

3.02         Mr. Peter Nyanchio, recommended the               Eng. Malika said that
             project and should improve the                    the project will
             livelihood of the people.                         definitely improve
                                                               the face of Ngong
                                                               town besides
                                                               bringing job
                                                               opportunities to the

Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Project Report for the Construction of Ongata
        Rongai Parking Lot in Kajiado County of Nairobi Metropolitan Region	

3.03          Mrs. Violet Ogutu, asked whether casual          Eng. Mwaura
               jobs will be offered to locals as well as       assured that casual
                   having committee to work with               jobs will be given
                              contractor.                      locals by the
                                                               contractor by liaising
                                                               with the area Mca
                                                               Hon Mwathi Pere.
                                                               Hence assured them
                                                               no world bank
                                                               project is done
                                                               shoddy work and
                                                               their grievances will
                                                               be written to the
                                                               community and
                                                               responded to if it is
                                                               within their scope in
                                                               three days.

3.04         Mrs, Bevarly Kaosa asked whether the              Eng. Mwaura
             parking lot and the market will be                assured them that
             supervised by different contractors.              the parking and
                                                               market are two
                                                               different contracts
                                                               and will be done by
                                                               the contractors who
                                                               qualified during

 Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Project Report for the Construction of Ongata
         Rongai Parking Lot in Kajiado County of Nairobi Metropolitan Region	

4.0           A.O.B
              There being no other business, all                Evans Gitiri
              stakeholders were given copies of
              questionnaires and with assistance of
              Eng. Mwaura they filled and handed
              them back to him.

              The meeting ended at 12.30.00pm with a
              word of prayer from Violet Ogutu.



                               Attendance Sheets

Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Project Report for the Construction of Ongata
        Rongai Parking Lot in Kajiado County of Nairobi Metropolitan Region	

Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Project Report for the Construction of Ongata
        Rongai Parking Lot in Kajiado County of Nairobi Metropolitan Region	

Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Project Report for the Construction of Ongata
        Rongai Parking Lot in Kajiado County of Nairobi Metropolitan Region	

 Public Participation Questionnaires – Sample of one (Several
           others will be attached in the final copy)

Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Project Report for the Construction of Ongata
        Rongai Parking Lot in Kajiado County of Nairobi Metropolitan Region	

  Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Project Report for the Construction of Ongata
          Rongai Parking Lot in Kajiado County of Nairobi Metropolitan Region	

                  Grievance Redress Mechanisms Documents

1. Steps in dealing with grievances
     1.1. Complaint received in writing from affected person
     1.2. Recording of grievance in standard form to make a grievance log
     1.3. Reconnaissance site visit with the complainant.
     1.4. Submission of detailed complaint to Resident Engineer for resolution by negotiation.
     1.5. Submission of detailed complaint to the Grievance Committee for resolution by
     1.6. Submission of complaint to NaMSIP for resolution.

2. Composition of grievance committee
             Name            Designation              Organization                 Position
 1       Eng. Michael          Resident            Nairobi City County           Committee
           Nderitu             Engineer                                           Secretary
 2                          County Ward              Kajiado County              Committee
                            Administrator                                         Assistant
 3                              Site                    Contractor                 Member
                            Administrator /
 4                           Community              Local communities            Community
                              Member                                            Representative
 5                            Business              Business members              Business
                              Member                                            Representative

  Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Project Report for the Construction of Ongata
          Rongai Parking Lot in Kajiado County of Nairobi Metropolitan Region	

                       Grievance Resolution Procedure
                       Recording of grievance in standard         Receipt of Complaint
                             forms / grievance log
                                                                      Form/ Person

                            Reconnaissance site visit

                       Can the grievance be resolved by      Yes – 3 days
                        the Resident Engineer’s office?

                                                                                 STORAGE OF ALL GRIEVANCE RELATED DOCUMENTS


                        Can the grievance be resolved by    Yes – 7 days
                             Grievance Committee?

                           Submission of grievance to
                             NaMSIP for resolution.

                            Grievance resolved

  o All complaints should be received in the standard form to authenticate them
   o All resolved grievances need to be stored in the form of a retrievable grievance log
   o All complaints need to be resolved within 7 days from receipt of complaint.
   o All need to be made aware of the existence and utility of this grievance mechanism.
