March 2016 –September 2017

                  Neeranchal – National Watershed Management Project (NNWMP)
                                        Project ID : P132739

I. General

1. Project information

   Country                               : India

   Borrower                              : Government of India

   Project Name                          : Neeranchal National Watershed Management Project.

   Project Identification No (ID)      : P132739

   Project Implementing Agency (PIA): Department of Land Resources, Ministry of Rural
                                        Development, Government of India
                                      Partner Implementing Agencies - State level Nodal
                                      Agencies      (SLNA) for Integrated Watershed
                                      Management Programme of Andhra Pradesh,
                                      Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh,
                                      Maharashtra, Orissa Rajasthan and National Institute of
                                      Hydrology (NIH) for component 2.3

2. Bank’s approval Date of the Initial: July 17 ,2014 with effectiveness Feb 8,2016
   procurement Plan

3. Date of General Procurement Notice: 26 June 2013

4. Period covered by this procurement plan: March 2016 to March 2017
II. Goods, Works and Non-Consulting Services

(a) Civil Works

 Expenditure      Procurement Method       Value* (Threshold         Contracts subjected to Prior
 Category                                  per contract)             Review/Post Review by Bank#
 Civil Works      (i) International        Civil Works estimated     All ICB contracts irrespective of
                       Competitive         to cost more than the     value will be subject to prior review.
                       Bidding (ICB)       equivalent of US$ 40
                                           million per contract
                  (ii) National            Civil Works estimated     First NCB contract for works
                       Competitive         to cost more than the     regardless of value and all other
                       Bidding (NCB)       equivalent    of US$      contracts with estimated cost
                                           100,000 and less than     equivalent of US$ 5 million and
                                           the equivalent of US$     above per contract will be subject to
                                           40 million per contract   prior review. All other contracts
                                                                     shall be subject to post review
                                                                     provided      procurement     is   in
                                                                     accordance with agreed processes
                                                                     and procedures.
                  (iii) Shopping           Civil Works estimated [i] All procurement in accordance
                        (Minimum 3         to cost equivalent of with para 3.5 of the procurement
                        quotations         US$ 100,000 or less guideline. All contracts subject to
                                           per contract.             Post review
                  (iv) Direct Contracting Civil Works estimated All procurement to be carried out in
                                           to cost equivalent of accordance with para 3.7 of the
                                           US$ 10,000 or less        Guideline and will subject to prior
                                                                     review. Direct contracting estimated
                                                                     to cost more than US$10000 shall be
                                                                     prior approved by the Bank
                  (v) Force Account                                  All procurement under Force
                                                                     Account method shall prior
                                                                     approved by the Bank provided it is
                                                                     justified in terms of Para 3.9 of the
                                                                     Procurement Guidelines.
                  (vi) Community           Civil Works estimated Procurement to be carried out in
                        participation in   to cost equivalent of accordance with para 3.19 of Bank
                        procurement #      US$ 100,000 or less       guideline. All contracts to be post
* If a transaction comprises several contracts, lots or slices, the aggregate estimated value of all
   contracts, lots or slices will determine the applicable threshold amount.
# Community Procurement would be applicable to Watershed Projects’ activities under innovative
   pilots or urban watersheds funded under Neeranchal only. It would be based on World Bank
   “Guidance Note For Management Of Procurement Responsibilities In Community-Driven
   Development Projects dated December 2009 and as included in the Procurement manual.
(b) Goods, IT and Non-Consulting Services

 Expenditure    Methods                        Value Threshold          Prior or Post Review
 Category                                                               Arrangements
 Goods and      (i) International              (i) Contracts            All ICB contracts will be subject
 Non-               Competitive Bidding        estimated to cost        to Prior review by the Bank
 Consulting         (ICB)                      more than the            irrespective of value.
 Services                                      equivalent of US$ 3
                                               million per contract.
                (ii) Limited international     (ii) Contracts           Wherever agreed by Bank in
                     Bidding                   estimated to cost        accordance with para 3.2 of the
                                               more than the            guideline. All LIB contracts
                                               equivalent of US $       equivalent of US$ 1.5 Million
                                               100,000 per contract     and above will be subject to prior
                                                                        review by Bank irrespective of
                (iii) National Competitive     (ii) Contracts           First NCB contract for goods
                       Bidding (NCB)           estimated to cost        regardless of value and all other
                                               more than the            contracts with estimated cost
                                               equivalent of US$        equivalent of US$ 1.5 Million
                                               100,000 but less than    and above will be subject to
                                               the equivalent of US$    Bank’s prior review. All other
                                               3 million                contracts are subject to post
                (iv) Shopping# (Minimum 3      (iii) Contracts          All contracts are subject to Post
                      quotations)              estimated to cost the    review
                                               equivalent of US$
                                               100,000 or less per
                (v) Direct Contracting         (iv) Proprietary         All procurement to be justified in
                                               equipment; software;     terms of para 3.7 of Bank
                                               educational              guideline.
                                               publications; and
                                               other learning
                                               resources estimated to
                                               cost equivalent of
                                               US$ 10,000 or less
                                               per contract
               (vi) Framework Agreement                                As per Para 3.6 of Procurement
                     (FA)@ Subject to                                  Guideline. All FAs are subject to
                     inclusion of “FA” as                              prior review by Bank.
                     procurement method
                     for specific items in the
                     procurement plan.
* If a transaction comprises several contracts, lots or slices, the aggregate estimated value of all
  contracts, lots or slices will be considered to determine the applicable threshold amount.
# State Rate Contracts cannot be used at par with Shopping. If state rate contract exists for an
  item, the same can be considered as one of the 3 quotations to be sought under shopping
  procedures. However DGS&D rate contracts are acceptable under any procurement under the
  Shopping procedure
@    use of DGS&D rate contracts under Framework Agreement (FA) method can be used, provided that:
     • Use of DGS&D rate contracts as FA must be reflected on the procurement plan agreed by the
         Bank for particular goods.
     • Before issuing the purchasing order, the borrower carries-out a price analysis on the specific good
         that is intended to be purchased. If after this due diligence the borrower concludes (and Bank
         agrees) that the DGS&D rate contract is not suitable, then the borrower will have to proceed
         using NCB or shopping depending on the value.
     • To meet the Bank's requirements for right to audit and F&C, these clauses may be included in the
         Purchase Orders (in case the purchasers are directly placing the purchase orders to DGS&D rate
         contract holders). On the other hand, if indent is placed through DGS&D, the Purchaser has the
         option to sign a separate undertaking with DGS&D rate contract holder, where Bank’s right to
         audit and F&C clauses could be mentioned.

1.        Pre-qualification : Not Applicable

2. Reference to (if any) Project Procurement Manual: A Procurement Manual is based on World
   Bank Guidelines. “Procurement of Goods, Works, and Non-Consulting Services under IBRD Loans
   and IDA Credits & Grants by World Bank Borrowers, January 2011” Upon Bank clearance to
   Procurement Manual, all procurement in the project will be governed by the procedures described in
   the Manual. In case of any inconsistency between the Procurement Manual and the World Bank
   Guidelines 2011, the provision of the Guidelines shall prevail.

3. Any Other Special Procurement Arrangements (Goods & Works )

     A.     Contracts procured in advance will be financed under retroactive financing within the specified
            limits, as agreed to in the Credit Agreement provided they are procured in accordance with
            agreed processes and procedures for the project and have been cleared as part of procurement

     B.     National Competitive Bidding (NCB) method for procurement of goods and works as per the
            above value thresholds will be conducted in accordance with paragraph 3.3 and 3.4 of the World
            Bank Procurement Guidelines and the following provisions:
            (i)    Only the model bidding documents for NCB agreed with the GOI Task Force (and as
                   amended for time to time), shall be used for bidding;
            (ii)   Invitations to bid shall be advertised in at least one widely circulated national daily
                   newspaper (or on a widely used website or electronic portal with free national and
                   international access ) along with an abridged version of the said advertisement published
                   in a widely circulated national daily inter-alia giving the website/electronic portal details
                   from which the details of the invitation to bid can be downloaded), at least 30 days prior
                   to the deadline for the submission of bids;
            (iii)  No special preference will be accorded to any bidder either for price or for other terms
                   and conditions when competing with foreign bidders, state-owned enterprises, small-
                   scale enterprises or enterprises from any given State.
            (iv)   Except with the prior concurrence of the Bank, there shall be no negotiation of price
                   with the bidders, even with the lowest evaluated bidder;
            (v)    Extension of bid validity shall not be allowed with reference to contracts subject to prior
                   review without the prior concurrence of the World Bank (i) for the first request for
                   extension if it is longer than four weeks; and (ii) for prior approved packages, all
                   subsequent requests for extension irrespective of the period. (Such concurrence will be
                   considered by the Bank only in cases of Force Majeure and circumstances beyond the
                   control of the Purchaser/Employer);
         (vi)     Re-bidding shall not be carried out with reference to Contracts subject to Bank prior
                  review without the prior concurrence of the Bank.
         (vii)    The system of rejecting bids outside a pre-determined margin or "bracket" of prices
                  shall not be used in the project.
         (viii)   Rate contracts entered into by Directorate General of Supplies and Disposals will not
                  be acceptable as a substitute for NCB procedures unless agreed with the Bank on case
                  to case basis. Such contracts will be acceptable however for any procurement under the
                  Shopping procedures.
         (ix)     Two or three envelop system will not be used (except when using e-Procurement system
                  assessed and agreed by the Bank).
         (x)      As per 1.1(e) of World Bank Procurement Guidelines, the Association’s right to inspect
                  accounts and records of the bidders, suppliers and contractors will be included in the
                  bidding document.

4.   Summary of Procurement Packages planned during the first 18 months after project
     effectiveness (including those that are subject to retroactive financing and advanced

 Procurement plan with Method & Time              Procurement plan with Method & Time Schedule
 Schedule for Civil Works                         for Goods & Equipment

 (i) Annex CW 1 - Civil Works by DoLR             (i) Annex GE 1 - Goods & Equipment by DoLR
 (ii) Annex CW 2 – Civil Works by SLNA            (ii) Annex GE 2 – Goods & Equipment by SLNA
       Andhra Pradesh                                   Andhra Pradesh
 (iii) Annex CW 3 – Civil Works by SLNA           (iii) Annex GE 3 – Goods & Equipment by SLNA
       Chattisgarh                                      Chattisgarh
 (iv) Annex CW 4 – Civil Works by SLNA            (iv) Annex GE 4 – Goods & Equipment by SLNA
       Gujarat                                          Gujarat
 (v) Annex CW 5 – Civil Works by SLNA             (v) Annex GE 5 – Goods & Equipment by SLNA
       Jharkhand                                        Jharkhand
 (vi) Annex CW 6 – Civil Works by SLNA            (vi) Annex GE 6 – Goods & Equipment by SLNA
       Madhya Pradesh                                   Madhya Pradesh
 (vii) Annex CW 7 – Civil Works by SLNA           (vii) Annex GE 7 – Goods & Equipment by SLNA
       Maharashtra                                      Maharashtra
 (viii)Annex CW 8 – Civil Works by SLNA           (viii)Annex GE 8 – Goods & Equipment by SLNA
       Orissa                                           Orissa
 (ix) Annex CW 9 – Civil Works by SLNA            (ix) Annex GE 9 – Goods & Equipment by SLNA
       Rajasthan                                        Rajasthan
 (x) Annex CW10 – Civil work for SLNA NIH         (x) Annex GE 10 – Goods & Equipment by NIH
III.             Selection of Consultants

 1.    Methods and Value thresholds for Consultancy Services

   Consulting       Methods                       Value Threshold*          Review Arrangements
   Consulting       i)     Quality and Cost                                 First QCBS Contract irrespective
   Services                Based Selection                                  of value and all subsequent
   (Firms)                 (QCBS)                                           contracts valued above US$
                    ii)    Quality Based                                    500,000 will be subject to Prior
                           Selection (QBS)                                  Review by the World Bank. All
                    iii)   Selection based on a                             other contracts will be subject to
                           Fixed Budget (FBS)                               post review.
                    iv)    Selection Based on
                           Least Cost Basis
                    v)     (Selection based on
                           Qualification (CQ)

                    vi) Single Source
                        Selection (SSS)#
                        provided the                                        All SSS procurement to be in
                        conditions stipulated                               accordance with para 3.9-3.11 of
                        in paragraph 3.8 to                                 the Bank guideline.
                        3.11 of Consultant
                        Guidelines are met.

   Individual       i)     Competitive            Contracts estimated to    1)All contracts estimated to cost
   Consultants             Selection              cost equivalent of US$    equivalent of more than US$
                                                  200,000 or less per       200,000 will be prior reviewed
                                                  contract                  .All other subject to post review
                                                                            provided procurement is in
                                                                            accordance with Section V of
                    ii) Single Source                                       the Bank guideline
                        Selection (SSS)                                     2) All SSS contracts to be in
                                                                            accordance with Section V of the
                                                                            Bank guideline.

 * If a transaction comprises several packages, lots or slices, the aggregate estimated value
   of contracts will determine the applicable threshold amount.
 # It is envisaged to hire Govt. Institutions and Research Institutes having unique and exceptional
   capacities, as consultants for different assignments with prior no objection of the World Bank,
   on case to case basis

 2. Short list comprising entirely of national consultants: Short list of consultants for services, estimated
    to cost less than US $800,000 equivalent per contract, may comprise entirely of national consultants in
    accordance with the provisions of Para 2.7 the World Bank Consultant Guidelines.
3.   Any Other Special Selection Arrangements( Consulting Services)

          (a)      Contracts procured in advance will be financed under retroactive financing within the
                   specified limits, as agreed to in the Credit Agreement provided procurement is in
                   accordance with agreed processes and procedures for the project..
           (b) Requests for Expression of Interest (REOI) for assignments expected to cost more than
                   US$ 300,000 shall be advertised in UNDB online in accordance with Para 2.5 of the
                   Consultant Guidelines.
           (c) At least two procurement personnel of DoLR shall attend training program on “SEPA” to
                   be conducted by World Bank

4.   Consultancy Assignments with Selection Methods and Time Schedule

Procurement plan with Method & Time Schedule for Consultancy Services
                    India : Neeranchal National Watershed Project
General Information
Country:               India                                Banks Approval Date of the Original Procurement Plan:         2017-05-05
                                                            Revised Plan Date(s): (comma delineated, leave blank if none) 2018-02-08
Project ID:            P132739                              GPN Date:
Project Name:          Neeranchal National Watershed Project
Loan / Credit No:      IDA / 55240
Executing Agency(ies): State Level Nodal Agency - Rajasthan, State Level Nodal Agency - Jharkhand, State Level Nodal Agency - Gujarat, State Level Nodal Agency - Chhattisgarh, Department of Land Resources, State Level Nodal Agency - Maharashtra, State Level Nodal Agency - Telangana, State Level Nodal Agency - Madhya Pradesh, State Level Nodal Agency - Odisha, State Level Nodal Agenc

  Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Bid Evaluation Report
                                                                                                                                       Procurement       Prequalification    Estimated       Actual Amount      Process        Draft Pre-qualification     Prequalification   Draft Bidding Document Specific Procurement    Bidding Documents as   Proposal Submission /
         Description             Loan / Credit No.           Component                Review Type        Method   Market Approach                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           and Recommendation         Signed Contract    Contract Completion
                                                                                                                                         Process             (Y/N)          Amount (US$)         (US$)           Status             Documents             Evaluation Report        / Justification     Notice / Invitation          Issued            Opening / Minutes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  for Award
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Planned       Actual      Planned     Actual    Planned     Actual     Planned     Actual     Planned     Actual     Planned      Actual     Planned       Actual    Planned      Actual   Planned      Actual
CW-RFQ / Office refurbishment
of S                                                                                                Request for                     Single Stage - One                                                        Pending
                                 IDA / 55240         National Innovation Support   Post                           Limited                                                        16,667.00             0.00                                                                                          2017-04-17                                                                                     2017-04-27            2017-05-09
                                                                                                    Quotations                      Envelope                                                                  Implementation
Office refurbishment of SLNA

                                                                                                    Request for                     Single Stage - One                                                        Under
CW-RFQ / Office refurbishment    IDA / 55240         National Innovation Support   Post                           Limited                                                         8,333.00             0.00                                                                                          2017-04-17                                                                                     2017-04-27            2017-05-09
                                                                                                    Quotations                      Envelope                                                                  Implementation
of WCDC office

                                                                                                    Request for                     Single Stage - One                                                        Pending
CW-RFQ / Office refurbishment    IDA / 55240         National Innovation Support   Post                           Limited                                                         8,333.00             0.00                                                                                          2017-04-17                                                                                     2017-04-27            2017-05-09
                                                                                                    Quotations                      Envelope                                                                  Implementation
of WCDC office

8498-CW-RFQ / CGSWMA                                 Support to IWMP in                             Request for                     Single Stage - One                                                        Pending
                                 IDA / 55240                                       Post                           Limited                                                        33,333.00             0.00                                                                                          2017-08-21                                                                                     2017-10-16            2018-04-16
Office Premises Renovation &                         Participating States                           Quotations                      Envelope                                                                  Implementation

8499-CW-RFQ / SAMETI                                 Support to IWMP in                             Request for                     Single Stage - One                                                        Pending
                                 IDA / 55240                                       Post                           Limited                                                        66,667.00             0.00                                                                                          2017-09-25                                                                                     2017-11-20            2018-05-21
Training Centre Renovation &                         Participating States                           Quotations                      Envelope                                                                  Implementation

8500-CW-RFQ / Jashpur WCDC                           Support to IWMP in                             Request for                     Single Stage - One                                                        Pending
                           IDA / 55240                                             Post                           Limited                                                        33,333.00             0.00                                                                                          2017-08-21                                                                                     2017-10-16            2018-04-14
office Renovation &                                  Participating States                           Quotations                      Envelope                                                                  Implementation

8501-CW-RFQ / Jashpur Training                       Support to IWMP in                             Request for                     Single Stage - One                                                        Pending
                               IDA / 55240                                         Post                           Limited                                                        50,000.00             0.00                                                                                          2017-08-14                                                                                     2017-10-09            2018-04-07
centre Renovation &                                  Participating States                           Quotations                      Envelope                                                                  Implementation

                                                     Support to IWMP in                             Request for                     Single Stage - One                                                        Pending
8503-CW-RFQ / Kanker WCDC        IDA / 55240                                       Post                           Limited                                                        33,333.00             0.00                                                                                          2017-08-15                                                                                     2017-10-10            2018-04-09
                                                     Participating States                           Quotations                      Envelope                                                                  Implementation
office Refurbishment

8504-CW-RFQ / Kanker Training                        Support to IWMP in                             Request for                     Single Stage - One                                                        Pending
                              IDA / 55240                                          Post                           Limited                                                        50,000.00             0.00                                                                                          2017-08-14                                                                                     2017-10-09            2018-04-07
Centre Renovation &                                  Participating States                           Quotations                      Envelope                                                                  Implementation

                                                     Support to IWMP in                             Request for                     Single Stage - One                                                        Pending
8505-CW-RFQ / Jashpur 5 PIA      IDA / 55240                                       Post                           Limited                                                        25,000.00             0.00                                                                                          2017-09-18                                                                                     2017-11-13            2018-05-14
                                                     Participating States                           Quotations                      Envelope                                                                  Implementation
office Refurbishment

                                                     Support to IWMP in                             Request for                     Single Stage - One                                                        Pending
8506-CW-RFQ / Kanker 6 PIA       IDA / 55240                                       Post                           Limited                                                        30,000.00             0.00                                                                                          2017-09-18                                                                                     2017-11-13            2018-05-14
                                                     Participating States                           Quotations                      Envelope                                                                  Implementation
office Refurbishment

9223-CW-RFQ / Renovation &                           Support to IWMP in                             Request for                     Single Stage - One                                                        Pending
                                 IDA / 55240                                       Post                           Open - National                                                66,666.67             0.00                                                                                          2017-04-27                                                                                     2017-06-22            2017-12-18
Refurbishment of Office Premises                     Participating States                           Quotations                      Envelope                                                                  Implementation

9226-CW-RFQ / Renovation &                           Support to IWMP in                             Request for                     Single Stage - One                                                        Pending
                                  IDA / 55240                                      Post                           Open - National                                                66,666.67             0.00                                                                                          2017-04-28                                                                                     2017-06-22            2017-12-18
Refurbishment of Training Center-                    Participating States                           Quotations                      Envelope                                                                  Implementation

9229-CW-RFQ / Renovation &                           Support to IWMP in                             Request for                     Single Stage - One                                                        Pending
                                  IDA / 55240                                      Post                           Open - National                                                66,666.67             0.00                                                                                          2017-04-28                                                                                     2017-06-26            2017-12-22
Refurbishment of Training Center-                    Participating States                           Quotations                      Envelope                                                                  Implementation

DOLR/ W-1 / Renovation and                           Project Management and                         Request for                     Single Stage - One                                                        Pending
                                 IDA / 55240                                       Post                           Limited                                                        33,000.00             0.00                                                                                          2017-09-04                                                                                     2017-09-25            2017-11-30
Refurbishment of Office Premises                     Coordination                                   Quotations                      Envelope                                                                  Implementation

 IN-SLNA - AP-7920-CW-RFQ /
Renovation & upgradation of
District Livelihood Resource                                                                        Request for                     Single Stage - One                                                        Pending
                                 IDA / 55240         National Innovation Support   Post                           Limited                                                        83,333.33             0.00                                                                                          2017-05-20                                                                                     2017-07-15            2018-01-11
Centers at                                                                                          Quotations                      Envelope                                                                  Implementation
1. Ananthapur
2. Chittoor

IN-SLNA - AP-7923-CW-RFQ /
Renovation & upgradation of                                                                         Request for                     Single Stage - One                                                        Pending
                                 IDA / 55240         National Innovation Support   Post                           Limited                                                        83,333.33             0.00                                                                                          2017-05-20                                                                                     2017-07-15            2018-01-11
Cluster Livelihood Resource                                                                         Quotations                      Envelope                                                                  Implementation
Centers at Ananthapur

IN-SLNA - AP-7924-CW-RFQ /
Renovation & upgradation of                                                                         Request for                     Single Stage - One                                                        Pending
                                 IDA / 55240         National Innovation Support   Post                           Limited                                                        83,333.33             0.00                                                                                          2017-05-20                                                                                     2017-07-15            2018-01-11
Cluster Livelihood Resource                                                                         Quotations                      Envelope                                                                  Implementation
Centers at Chittoor

 IN-SLNA - MP-12402-CW-RFQ /
Refurbishment of Training Centre                     Support to IWMP in                             Request for                     Single Stage - One                                                        Pending
                                 IDA / 55240                                       Post                           Limited                                                        83,000.00             0.00                                                                                          2017-08-23                                                                                     2017-10-18            2018-04-16
- Water and Land Management                          Participating States                           Quotations                      Envelope                                                                  Implementation
Institute (WALMI), Bhopal

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Page 1
 IN-SLNA - MP-12882-CW-RFQ /
Refurbishment of Training Centre                      Support to IWMP in                             Request for                          Single Stage - One                                                        Pending
                                 IDA / 55240                                        Post                                Limited                                                        83,000.00             0.00                                                                                          2017-06-17                                                                                       2017-08-12            2018-02-08
- Regional Rural Development                          Participating States                           Quotations                           Envelope                                                                  Implementation
Training Centre-(RRDTC), Bhopal

 IN-SLNA - MP-12884-CW-RFQ /
                                                      Support to IWMP in                             Request for                          Single Stage - One                                                        Pending
Refurbishement of Project    IDA / 55240                                            Post                                Limited                                                        66,667.00             0.00                                                                                          2017-09-13                                                                                       2017-11-08            2018-05-07
                                                      Participating States                           Quotations                           Envelope                                                                  Implementation
Implementation Agency Office

CW-RFB / Establishment of                             Support to IWMP in                             Request for                          Single Stage - One                                                        Pending
                             IDA / 55240                                            Post                                Open - National                                                83,333.30             0.00                                                                                          2017-08-14                                                                                       2017-09-27            2018-02-24
Training Centre - 2 at State                          Participating States                           Quotations                           Envelope                                                                  Implementation
Neeranchal Office

CW-RFQ / Approach road to
State Neeranchal Office is
proposed to be taken up. An
                                                      Support to IWMP in                             Request for                          Single Stage - One                                                        Pending
amount of Rs. 12.20 lakh is   IDA / 55240                                           Post                                Open - National                                                20,333.30             0.00                                                                                          2017-08-08                                                                                       2017-09-19            2017-10-19
                                                      Participating States                           Quotations                           Envelope                                                                  Implementation
approved by NPIU under Office
refurbishment category under
which the above work is
proposed to be taken up.

                                                      Support to IWMP in                             Request for                          Single Stage - One                                                        Under
RFQ / Refurbishment of SLNA IDA / 55240                                             Post                                Open - National                                                65,917.00             0.00                                                                                          2017-11-06   2017-12-04                                                                          2017-12-08            2018-03-08
                                                      Participating States                           Quotations                           Envelope                                                                  Implementation
Odisha - Part - II

CW-RFQ / Training Centre-1                            Support to IWMP in                             Request for                          Single Stage - One                                                        Pending
                                IDA / 55240                                         Post                                Limited                                                        16,666.67             0.00                                                                                          2017-11-13                                                                                       2017-12-03            2018-01-02
Revamping of Office building to                       Participating States                           Quotations                           Envelope                                                                  Implementation
uses as training centre

CW-RFQ / Training Centre2-                            Support to IWMP in                             Request for                          Single Stage - One                                                        Pending
                                  IDA / 55240                                       Post                                Limited                                                        16,666.67             0.00                                                                                          2017-11-13                                                                                       2017-12-03            2018-01-02
_Office building will be revamped                     Participating States                           Quotations                           Envelope                                                                  Implementation
to use for training purpose

CW-RFQ / The present activity
(Training centre - 1) is for civil
construction work for establishing                    Support to IWMP in                             Request for                          Single Stage - One                                                        Pending
                                   IDA / 55240                                      Post                                Open - National                                                83,333.00             0.00                                                                                          2017-12-02                                                                                       2018-01-27            2018-07-26
GIS laboratory which is being                         Participating States                           Quotations                           Envelope                                                                  Implementation
built in an area of 2700 sft (251
sqm) in 3rd floor of existing

RFB / Training Center at DWDU,
Kachchh. Activity will be                             Support to IWMP in                             Request for                          Single Stage - One                                                        Pending
                               IDA / 55240                                          Post                                Open - National                                                66,666.67             0.00                                                                                          2018-01-23                                                                                       2018-03-06            2018-09-02
completed through open                                Participating States                           Quotations                           Envelope                                                                  Implementation
advertisement and following e-
tendering procedure.

IN-SLNA - MP-12401-CW-RFQ /
                                                      Support to IWMP in                                                                  Single Stage - One                                                        Pending
Refurbishment of SLNA and   IDA / 55240                                             Post             Request for Bids   Open - National                                               100,000.00             0.00                                                                   2018-02-28             2018-03-05                                       2018-04-16              2018-05-16              2018-06-20            2018-12-17
                                                      Participating States                                                                Envelope                                                                  Implementation
Associated Office Premises

 IN-SLNA - MP-12883-CW-RFQ /
                                                      Support to IWMP in                                                                  Single Stage - Two                                                        Pending
Refurbishment of WCDC office IDA / 55240                                            Post             Request for Bids   Open - National                                               133,000.00             0.00                                                                   2018-02-28             2018-03-05                                       2018-04-16              2018-06-29              2018-08-03            2019-01-30
                                                      Participating States                                                                Envelope                                                                  Implementation
(Jabalpur and Dewas)

 IN-NIH-43883-CW-RFQ /
Refurbishment of Neeranchal Cell
by making appropriate                                                                                Request for                          Single Stage - One                                                        Pending
                                 IDA / 55240          National Innovation Support   Post                                Limited                                                         8,333.00             0.00                                                                                          2018-02-03                                                                                       2018-03-31            2018-09-27
partitioning of existing Project                                                                     Quotations                           Envelope                                                                  Implementation
cell to accommodate all project

  Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Bid Evaluation Report
                                                                                                                                             Procurement       Prequalification    Estimated       Actual Amount      Process        Draft Pre-qualification     Prequalification   Draft Bidding Document Specific Procurement      Bidding Documents as   Proposal Submission /
         Description              Loan / Credit No.           Component                Review Type        Method        Market Approach                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             and Recommendation         Signed Contract    Contract Completion
                                                                                                                                               Process             (Y/N)          Amount (US$)         (US$)           Status             Documents             Evaluation Report        / Justification     Notice / Invitation            Issued            Opening / Minutes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          for Award
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Planned       Actual      Planned     Actual    Planned     Actual     Planned      Actual      Planned     Actual     Planned      Actual     Planned       Actual    Planned      Actual   Planned      Actual
GO-RFQ / Supply of GPS/GNS                            Support to IWMP in                                                                  Single Stage - One                                                        Pending
                                  IDA / 55240                                       Post             Request for Bids   Open - National                                               344,167.00             0.00                                                                   2017-04-17             2017-04-24                                       2017-05-24              2017-05-31              2017-06-19            2017-07-19
equipment for all 295 blocks of                       Participating States                                                                Envelope                                                                  Implementation
the state

                                                                                                     Request for                          Single Stage - One                                                        Pending
GO-RFQ / Establishment of         IDA / 55240         National Innovation Support   Post                                Limited                                                        33,333.33             0.00                                                                                          2017-07-12                                                                                       2017-09-06            2018-03-05
                                                                                                     Quotations                           Envelope                                                                  Implementation
Digital Liabrary

RFQ / Water level Indicators for                      Support to IWMP in                             Request for                          Single Stage - One                                                        Pending
                                 IDA / 55240                                        Post                                Limited                                                         2,000.00             0.00                                                                                          2017-05-17                                                                                       2017-07-12            2017-10-10
Ground water level monitoring at                      Participating States                           Quotations                           Envelope                                                                  Implementation
different intervals

RFQ / Auto level with staffs,                         Support to IWMP in                             Request for                          Single Stage - One                                                        Pending
                                 IDA / 55240                                        Post                                Limited                                                         3,000.00             0.00                                                                                          2017-05-31                                                                                       2017-07-21            2017-09-04
Measuring tapes etc for                               Participating States                           Quotations                           Envelope                                                                  Implementation
surveying and monitoring purpose

7881-GO-RFQ / Purchases of                            Support to IWMP in                             Request for                          Single Stage - One                                                        Pending
                                  IDA / 55240                                       Post                                Limited                                                        60,750.00             0.00                                                                                          2017-04-22                                                                                       2017-06-19            2017-09-18
Table, chair, almirah, cabins,                        Participating States                           Quotations                           Envelope                                                                  Implementation

7889-GO-DIR / GeM - Purchase
of Office Equipments such as
Desktops, Laptops, printers
(B/W), Printers (colour), scanner,                    Support to IWMP in                             Request for                          Single Stage - One                                                        Pending
                                   IDA / 55240                                      Post                                Limited                                                        75,000.00             0.00                                                                                          2017-03-30                                                                                       2017-05-25            2017-08-23
FAX, Digital Network copier-                          Participating States                           Quotations                           Envelope                                                                  Implementation
multifunctional, Projector and
screens, UPS, LED screens,
camera, setup (for video

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Page 2
7915-GO-RFQ / purchase of LED
                                                   Support to IWMP in             Request for                          Single Stage - One                          Pending
TVs, Still camera GPS enabled, IDA / 55240                                Post                       Limited                                17,667.00      0.00                                           2017-04-19   2017-06-14                2017-09-12
                                                   Participating States           Quotations                           Envelope                                    Implementation
Video Camera, Smart Phone, Air

7938-GO-RFQ / purchase of                          Support to IWMP in             Request for                          Single Stage - One                          Pending
                                   IDA / 55240                            Post                       Limited                                 2,500.00      0.00                                           2017-05-05   2017-06-30                2017-09-28
Generators and Fire                                Participating States           Quotations                           Envelope                                    Implementation

8031-GO-DIR / Weather
Stations, Rain gauge,water level
recorders ,Stream guage
                                                   Support to IWMP in             Request for                          Single Stage - One                          Pending
station,silt monitoring station      IDA / 55240                          Post                       Limited                                17,850.00      0.00                                           2017-04-05   2017-05-31                2017-11-27
                                                   Participating States           Quotations                           Envelope                                    Implementation
water monitoring kits,water
testing kits,Soil moisture kits,soil
testing kits & water level

8264-GO-DIR / GIS workstation,                     Support to IWMP in             Request for                          Single Stage - One                          Pending
                               IDA / 55240                                Post                       Limited                                29,000.00      0.00                                           2017-04-03   2017-05-29                2017-08-28
A0 size scanner, Plotter, DGPS                     Participating States           Quotations                           Envelope                                    Implementation
sets, Light table, UPS

8884-GO-DIR / Purchase of
Satellite imagery(Seen Cartoseet-                  Support to IWMP in                                                                                              Under
                                  IDA / 55240                             Prior   Direct Selection   Direct                                 19,133.00      0.00                              2017-04-25   2017-05-01   2017-06-05                2017-09-03
1) 2.5 resolution mtr (3 time                      Participating States                                                                                            Implementation
period) from Regional Remote
sensing centre, Nagpur

                                                   Support to IWMP in             Request for                          Single Stage - One                          Pending
9366-GO-RFQ / Furniture (Table IDA / 55240                                Post                       Open - National                         1,000.00      0.00                                           2017-05-03   2017-06-28                2017-12-25
                                                   Participating States           Quotations                           Envelope                                    Implementation
and Chair)

 IN-SLNA - MAHARASHTRA-                            Support to IWMP in             Request for                          Single Stage - One                          Pending
                                   IDA / 55240                            Post                       Open - National                          833.00       0.00                                           2017-05-03   2017-06-28                2017-12-25
9372-GO-RFQ / Fittings                             Participating States           Quotations                           Envelope                                    Implementation

                                                   Support to IWMP in             Request for                          Single Stage - One                          Pending
9375-GO-RFQ / Almirahs/            IDA / 55240                            Post                       Open - National                          400.00       0.00                                           2017-05-03   2017-06-28                2017-12-25
                                                   Participating States           Quotations                           Envelope                                    Implementation

                                                   Support to IWMP in             Request for                          Single Stage - One                          Pending
9380-GO-RFQ / cabins/ work         IDA / 55240                            Post                       Open - National                         1,000.00      0.00                                           2017-04-28   2017-05-19                2017-11-15
                                                   Participating States           Quotations                           Envelope                                    Implementation

 IN-SLNA - MAHARASHTRA-                            Support to IWMP in             Request for                          Single Stage - One                          Pending
                                   IDA / 55240                            Post                       Open - National                         5,000.00      0.00                                           2017-05-03   2017-06-28                2017-12-25
9383-GO-RFQ / Desktop                              Participating States           Quotations                           Envelope                                    Implementation

 IN-SLNA - MAHARASHTRA-                            Support to IWMP in             Request for                          Single Stage - One                          Pending
                                   IDA / 55240                            Post                       Open - National                         5,000.00      0.00                                           2017-05-03   2017-06-28                2017-12-25
9388-GO-RFQ / Laptop                               Participating States           Quotations                           Envelope                                    Implementation

 IN-SLNA - MAHARASHTRA-                            Support to IWMP in             Request for                          Single Stage - One                          Pending
                                   IDA / 55240                            Post                       Open - National                         1,000.00      0.00                                           2017-05-03   2017-06-28                2017-12-25
9400-GO-RFQ / Printers B/W                         Participating States           Quotations                           Envelope                                    Implementation

 IN-SLNA - MAHARASHTRA-                            Support to IWMP in             Request for                          Single Stage - One                          Pending
                                   IDA / 55240                            Post                       Open - National                         3,000.00      0.00                                           2017-05-03   2017-06-28                2017-12-25
9446-GO-RFQ / Printers Colour                      Participating States           Quotations                           Envelope                                    Implementation

9450-GO-RFQ / Digital copiers                      Support to IWMP in             Request for                          Single Stage - One                          Pending
                                 IDA / 55240                              Post                       Open - National                         1,667.00      0.00                                           2017-04-28   2017-05-19                2017-11-15
(desktop)- scanner, printer, FAX                   Participating States           Quotations                           Envelope                                    Implementation

                                                   Support to IWMP in             Request for                          Single Stage - One                          Pending
9530-GO-RFQ / Digital Network      IDA / 55240                            Post                       Open - National                        16,667.00      0.00                                           2017-05-03   2017-06-28                2017-12-25
                                                   Participating States           Quotations                           Envelope                                    Implementation
copier - multifunctional

                                                   Support to IWMP in             Request for                          Single Stage - One                          Pending
9537-GO-RFQ / Projector and        IDA / 55240                            Post                       Open - National                         6,667.00      0.00                                           2017-05-03   2017-06-28                2017-12-25
                                                   Participating States           Quotations                           Envelope                                    Implementation

 IN-SLNA - MAHARASHTRA-                            Support to IWMP in             Request for                          Single Stage - One                          Pending
                                   IDA / 55240                            Post                       Open - National                         1,167.00      0.00                                           2017-05-03   2017-06-28                2017-12-25
9541-GO-RFQ / LED TVs                              Participating States           Quotations                           Envelope                                    Implementation

                                                   Support to IWMP in             Request for                          Single Stage - One
9544-GO-RFQ / Still camera         IDA / 55240                            Post                       Open - National                         3,333.00   3,604.28   Signed                                 2017-05-03   2017-06-28   2018-01-31   2017-12-25
                                                   Participating States           Quotations                           Envelope
GPS enabled

 IN-SLNA - MAHARASHTRA-                            Support to IWMP in             Request for                          Single Stage - One                          Pending
                                   IDA / 55240                            Post                       Open - National                         1,667.00      0.00                                           2017-05-03   2017-06-28                2017-12-25
9550-GO-RFQ / Video Camera                         Participating States           Quotations                           Envelope                                    Implementation

                                                   Support to IWMP in             Request for                          Single Stage - One                          Pending
9552-GO-RFQ / LAN                  IDA / 55240                            Post                       Open - National                         1,250.00      0.00                                           2017-05-03   2017-06-28                2017-12-25
                                                   Participating States           Quotations                           Envelope                                    Implementation
Connectivity & other peripherals

                                                   Support to IWMP in             Request for                          Single Stage - One                          Pending
9560-GO-RFQ / Data cards(          IDA / 55240                            Post                       Open - National                          533.00       0.00                                           2017-05-03   2017-06-28                2017-12-25
                                                   Participating States           Quotations                           Envelope                                    Implementation
wireless mutiuses

 IN-SLNA - MAHARASHTRA-                            Support to IWMP in             Request for                          Single Stage - One                          Pending
                               IDA / 55240                                Post                       Open - National                         4,167.00      0.00                                           2017-05-03   2017-06-28                2017-12-25
9562-GO-RFQ / Air conditioners                     Participating States           Quotations                           Envelope                                    Implementation

                                                   Support to IWMP in             Request for                          Single Stage - One                          Pending
9564-GO-RFQ / UPS 5Kv for GIS IDA / 55240                                 Post                       Open - National                         5,000.00      0.00                                           2017-05-03   2017-06-28                2017-12-25
                                                   Participating States           Quotations                           Envelope                                    Implementation

 IN-SLNA - MAHARASHTRA-                            Support to IWMP in             Request for                          Single Stage - One                          Pending
                                   IDA / 55240                            Post                       Open - National                        13,333.00      0.00                                           2017-04-28   2017-05-19                2017-11-15
9568-GO-RFQ / UPS 2 KVA                            Participating States           Quotations                           Envelope                                    Implementation

                                                   Support to IWMP in             Request for                          Single Stage - One                          Pending
9577-GO-RFQ / Fire                 IDA / 55240                            Post                       Open - National                          167.00       0.00                                           2017-05-03   2017-06-28                2017-12-25
                                                   Participating States           Quotations                           Envelope                                    Implementation

                                                                                                                                                                                    Page 3
                                                 Support to IWMP in                 Request for                          Single Stage - One                            Pending
9578-GO-RFQ / High Resolution IDA / 55240                                    Post                      Open - National                        150,000.00        0.00                                                       2017-05-03                2017-06-28   2017-12-25
                                                 Participating States               Quotations                           Envelope                                      Implementation
Satelite imates 0.5m

 IN-SLNA - MAHARASHTRA-                          Support to IWMP in                 Request for                          Single Stage - One                            Pending
                              IDA / 55240                                    Post                      Open - National                         25,000.00        0.00                                                       2017-05-03                2017-06-28   2017-12-25
9586-GO-RFQ / GIS workstation                    Participating States               Quotations                           Envelope                                      Implementation

 IN-SLNA - MAHARASHTRA-                          Support to IWMP in                 Request for                          Single Stage - One                            Pending
                              IDA / 55240                                    Post                      Open - National                         16,667.00        0.00                                                       2017-05-03                2017-06-28   2017-12-25
9588-GO-RFQ / A0 size scanner                    Participating States               Quotations                           Envelope                                      Implementation

 IN-SLNA - MAHARASHTRA-                          Support to IWMP in                 Request for                          Single Stage - One                            Pending
                                  IDA / 55240                                Post                      Open - National                         13,333.00        0.00                                                       2017-05-03                2017-06-28   2017-12-25
9590-GO-RFQ / Plotter                            Participating States               Quotations                           Envelope                                      Implementation

                                                 Support to IWMP in                 Request for                          Single Stage - One                            Pending
9592-GO-RFQ / GPS enabled         IDA / 55240                                Post                      Open - National                           167.00         0.00                                                       2017-05-03                2017-06-28   2017-12-25
                                                 Participating States               Quotations                           Envelope                                      Implementation
Mobile hand sets

                                                 Support to IWMP in                 Request for                          Single Stage - One                            Pending
9594-GO-RFQ / Water level         IDA / 55240                                Post                      Open - National                           833.00         0.00                                                       2017-05-03                2017-06-28   2017-12-25
                                                 Participating States               Quotations                           Envelope                                      Implementation

                                                 Support to IWMP in                 Request for                          Single Stage - One                            Pending
9597-GO-RFQ / silt monitoring     IDA / 55240                                Post                      Open - National                         33,333.00        0.00                                                       2017-05-03                2017-06-28   2017-12-25
                                                 Participating States               Quotations                           Envelope                                      Implementation

                                                 Support to IWMP in                 Request for                          Single Stage - One                            Pending
9598-GO-RFQ / water monitoring IDA / 55240                                   Post                      Open - National                           833.00         0.00                                                       2017-04-28                2017-05-19   2017-11-15
                                                 Participating States               Quotations                           Envelope                                      Implementation

 IN-SLNA - MAHARASHTRA-                          Support to IWMP in                 Request for                          Single Stage - One                            Pending
                                  IDA / 55240                                Post                      Open - National                          6,667.00        0.00                                                       2017-05-03                2017-06-28   2017-12-25
9602-GO-RFQ / soil testing kit                   Participating States               Quotations                           Envelope                                      Implementation

9612-GO-RFQ / Printing Of                        Support to IWMP in                 Request for                          Single Stage - One                            Pending
                               IDA / 55240                                   Post                      Open - National                         50,000.00        0.00                                                       2017-04-28                2017-05-19   2017-11-15
Brochures, pamphlets,hoarding,                   Participating States               Quotations                           Envelope                                      Implementation
wall writing,IEC materials.

GO-RFQ / Purchase of furniture                   Support to IWMP in                 Request for                          Single Stage - One                            Pending
                                   IDA / 55240                               Post                      Limited                                 11,117.00        0.00                                                       2017-04-26                2017-05-31   2017-06-14
for SLNA office and District                     Participating States               Quotations                           Envelope                                      Implementation
offices in Neeranchal project area

GO-RFQ / Purchase of
Workstation, A0 size scanner,
                                                 Support to IWMP in                 Request for                          Single Stage - One                            Under
UPS and plotter(Large format      IDA / 55240                                Post                      Limited                                 42,500.00   32,163.96                                                       2017-05-01   2017-08-09   2017-06-12   2017-07-03
                                                 Participating States               Quotations                           Envelope                                      Implementation
Digital Image plotter)under
Neeranchal Project for GIS lab at
state Office.

GO-DIR / Erdas image                             Support to IWMP in                                                                                                    Under
                            IDA / 55240                                      Post   Direct Selection   Direct                                  16,667.00        0.00                             2017-05-17                2017-05-22                2017-06-19   2017-06-28
processing software for                          Participating States                                                                                                  Implementation
Neeranchal at SLNA.

GO-DIR / AutoCad, Adobe
                                                 Support to IWMP in                                                                                                    Pending
Photoshop and Microsoft office IDA / 55240                                   Post   Direct Selection   Direct                                  19,167.00        0.00                             2017-05-17                2017-05-22                2017-06-19   2017-06-28
                                                 Participating States                                                                                                  Implementation
required for Neeranchal at SLNA

8260-GO-DIR / Purchase of Arc                    Support to IWMP in                                                                                                    Under
                                  IDA / 55240                                Post   Direct Selection   Direct                                  40,000.00        0.00                             2017-03-25   2017-03-25   2017-03-30                2017-05-04   2017-06-03
GIS full set & ERDAS Imagine                     Participating States                                                                                                  Implementation

7944-GO-DIR / Purchase of                        Support to IWMP in                                                                                                    Under
                                  IDA / 55240                                Post   Direct Selection   Direct                                   7,000.00        0.00                             2017-04-24                2017-04-29                2017-06-05   2017-07-05
accounting software(Tally                        Participating States                                                                                                  Implementation

8886-GO-DIR / Purchase of                        Support to IWMP in                                                                                                    Under
                                  IDA / 55240                                Post   Direct Selection   Direct                                  20,333.00        0.00                             2017-04-26   2017-07-19   2017-05-02   2017-06-22   2017-06-06   2017-09-04
Digital toposheets from survey of                Participating States                                                                                                  Implementation

 DOLR/ G-6 TO G-7 /
                                                 Project Management and             Request for                          Single Stage - One                            Pending
Procurement of Office furniture   IDA / 55240                                Post                      Limited                                 33,000.00        0.00                                                       2017-08-26                2017-10-21   2017-11-20
                                                 Coordination                       Quotations                           Envelope                                      Implementation
such as Chairs, tables, etc.

 DOLR/ G-1 / Procurement of IT
                                                 Project Management and             Request for                          Single Stage - One                            Pending
Equipment such as computers,      IDA / 55240                                Post                      Limited                                 16,700.00        0.00                                                       2017-07-08                2017-09-02   2017-10-02
                                                 Coordination                       Quotations                           Envelope                                      Implementation
printers, scanners, etc.

DOLR/ G-8 TO G-12 /
Procurement of Electrical
                                                 Project Management and             Request for                          Single Stage - One                            Pending
Equipment such as ACs, Fans,      IDA / 55240                                Post                      Limited                                 33,000.00        0.00                                                       2017-08-26                2017-10-21   2017-11-20
                                                 Coordination                       Quotations                           Envelope                                      Implementation
Heaters, Water Coolers, Water
Purifiers, etc for office use

 DOLR/ G-13 / Procurement of
                                                 Central Institutional and          Request for                          Single Stage - One                            Pending
Training and IT Equipment for     IDA / 55240                                Post                      Limited                                 50,000.00        0.00                                                       2017-10-08                2017-12-03   2018-06-01
                                                 Capacity Building                  Quotations                           Envelope                                      Implementation
Knowledge Cell & Data Centre

                                                 Support to IWMP in                 Request for                          Single Stage - One                            Pending
DIR / GPS sets for monitoring IDA / 55240                                    Post                      Limited                                  2,916.66        0.00                                                       2017-04-25                2017-06-06   2017-07-21
                                                 Participating States               Quotations                           Envelope                                      Implementation

DIR / Digital Network copier -
                                                 Support to IWMP in                 Request for                          Single Stage - One                            Pending
Multifunctional. Procurement will IDA / 55240                                Post                      Limited                                  9,333.33        0.00                                                       2017-04-11                2017-05-18   2017-06-17
                                                 Participating States               Quotations                           Envelope                                      Implementation
be done through DGS &G

IN-SLNA - GUJARAT-7786-GO-                       Support to IWMP in                 Request for                          Single Stage - One                            Pending
                                 IDA / 55240                                 Post                      Limited                                   350.00         0.00                                                       2017-04-17                2017-05-22   2017-06-21
DIR / Data cards for office use.                 Participating States               Quotations                           Envelope                                      Implementation

                                                                                                                                                                                        Page 4
                                                  Support to IWMP in                   Request for                          Single Stage - One                       Pending
DIR / Air Conditioners in state IDA / 55240                                     Post                      Limited                                  5,000.00   0.00                                          2017-04-03                                          2017-05-11   2017-06-15
                                                  Participating States                 Quotations                           Envelope                                 Implementation
level office

                                                  Support to IWMP in                   Request for                          Single Stage - One                       Pending
DIR / Digital planimeter for IDA / 55240                                        Post                      Limited                                   833.33    0.00                                          2017-05-03                                          2017-06-08   2017-07-10
                                                  Participating States                 Quotations                           Envelope                                 Implementation
measurement purpose

DIR / Printers (B/W) for office use
                                                  Support to IWMP in                   Request for                          Single Stage - One                       Pending
at GSWMA and District/PIA level IDA / 55240                                     Post                      Limited                                   800.00    0.00                                          2017-04-08                                          2017-05-13   2017-06-13
                                                  Participating States                 Quotations                           Envelope                                 Implementation
offices.Procurement will be done
through DGS &G Platform.

RFB / Furniture and fittings and
other essentials in the Training
Center at DWDU-Kachchh.                           Support to IWMP in                   Request for                          Single Stage - One                       Pending
                                   IDA / 55240                                  Post                      Limited                                 33,333.34   0.00                                          2017-04-01                                          2017-06-01   2017-11-28
Activity will be completed through                Participating States                 Quotations                           Envelope                                 Implementation
open advertisement and following
e-tendering procedure at DWDU-

 IN-SLNA - MP-11199-GO-RFQ /
                                                  Support to IWMP in                   Request for                          Single Stage - One                       Pending
Procurement of Office Furniture IDA / 55240                                     Post                      Limited                                 36,000.00   0.00                                          2017-05-17                                          2017-07-12   2018-01-08
                                                  Participating States                 Quotations                           Envelope                                 Implementation
and Fixtures

 DOLR/ G-2 / Procurement of
                                                  Project Management and               Request for                          Single Stage - One                       Pending
office equipment such as            IDA / 55240                                 Post                      Limited                                 16,700.00   0.00                                          2017-07-08                                          2017-09-02   2017-10-02
                                                  Coordination                         Quotations                           Envelope                                 Implementation
Photocopier, fax machines, etc.

DOLR/ G-3 / Procurement of
                                                  Project Management and               Request for                          Single Stage - One                       Pending
Office equipment such as LCD        IDA / 55240                                 Post                      Limited                                 16,700.00   0.00                                          2017-07-08                                          2017-09-02   2017-10-02
                                                  Coordination                         Quotations                           Envelope                                 Implementation
with OHP, etc

 DOLR/ G-4 / Procurement of
                                                  Project Management and               Request for                          Single Stage - One                       Pending
Video Conferencing equipment,       IDA / 55240                                 Post                      Limited                                 16,700.00   0.00                                          2017-07-08                                          2017-09-02   2017-10-02
                                                  Coordination                         Quotations                           Envelope                                 Implementation

 DOLR/ G-5 / Telecoms and LAN                     Project Management and               Request for                          Single Stage - One                       Pending
                              IDA / 55240                                       Post                      Limited                                 16,700.00   0.00                                          2017-07-08                                          2017-09-02   2017-10-02
instruments for office                            Coordination                         Quotations                           Envelope                                 Implementation

GO-DIR / Purchase of satellite                    Support to IWMP in                                                                                                 Pending
                                    IDA / 55240                                 Post   Direct Selection   Direct                                 166,667.00   0.00                             2017-05-10   2017-05-17                                          2017-05-29   2017-06-28
imageries, orthorectified DEM                     Participating States                                                                                               Implementation
from NRSC, Hyderabad

GO-DIR / Software licenses-
ERDAS Images professional or
                                                  Support to IWMP in                                                                                                 Under
Advantage with extensions,          IDA / 55240                                 Post   Direct Selection   Direct                                  66,667.00   0.00                             2017-05-15   2017-05-23   2017-08-02                             2017-06-05   2017-06-25
                                                  Participating States                                                                                               Implementation
imagine photogrammetry with
extensions and ERDAS
imaginary UAV modules.

                                                  Support to IWMP in                                                                                                 Pending
GO-DIR / Purchase of digital topo IDA / 55240                                   Post   Direct Selection   Direct                                 125,000.00   0.00                             2017-05-09   2017-05-15                                          2017-05-28   2017-06-27
                                                  Participating States                                                                                               Implementation
sheets from Survey of India

 IN-SLNA - AP-7927-GO-RFQ /
Wooden Tables-20,Wall mounted
shelves-20,Plat forms-10, Store
wells-15 ,Chairs & visitors-50,                                                        Request for                          Single Stage - One                       Pending
                                 IDA / 55240      National Innovation Support   Post                      Limited                                 89,166.00   0.00                                          2017-06-17                                          2017-08-12   2017-11-10
Sofa with table-4. for the staff                                                       Quotations                           Envelope                                 Implementation
working at State & District
Neernachal Cells, board room
and Visitors.

 IN-SLNA - AP-7934-GO-RFQ /
Desktops (IT-IT All in
One),Desktops (Workstations)                                                           Request for                          Single Stage - One                       Under
                                    IDA / 55240   National Innovation Support   Post                      Limited                                 94,333.33   0.00                                          2017-05-15   2017-05-26                             2017-07-10   2017-10-08
for GIS ,Laptops and Colour                                                            Quotations                           Envelope                                 Implementation
Laser jet printers etc. for State
and District Neernachal Cells.

 IN-SLNA - AP-7937-GO-RFQ /
rinters(Small) for PH
Stations,UPS & Accessories for
PH stations,UPS - 5KV Online
for Neernachal Cells,Dgital copier                                                     Request for                          Single Stage - One                       Pending
                                   IDA / 55240    National Innovation Support   Post                      Limited                                 64,916.67   0.00                                          2017-07-20                                          2017-09-14   2017-12-13
A3 MFP -Color for NCs,Dgital                                                           Quotations                           Envelope                                 Implementation
copier A3 MFP Mono for
NCs,Digital Printers (Small) for
NCs,Lan - installation of cables,
switches & other p

 IN-SLNA - AP-7990-GO-RFB /
Microsoft Office-60,Microsoft
SQL Server Enterprise-2,Visual
studio professional-2,ArcGIS
                                                                                                                            Single Stage - One                       Pending
Desktop software and others-        IDA / 55240   National Innovation Support   Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                        139,833.33   0.00                             2017-07-05   2017-07-10                2017-08-21   2017-09-20   2017-10-25   2018-01-23
                                                                                                                            Envelope                                 Implementation
3,ESRI maps for office-2,Auto
CAD Map 3D-2,Upgrading of
existing software-1 at State
Neeranchal cell and Dist. cells

IN-SLNA - AP-7992-GO-RFB /
                                                                                                                            Single Stage - One                       Pending
ArcGIS advanced Server software IDA / 55240       National Innovation Support   Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                        383,333.33   0.00                             2017-07-05   2017-07-10                2017-08-21   2017-09-20   2017-10-25   2018-01-23
                                                                                                                            Envelope                                 Implementation
with Extensions including IMS

 IN-SLNA - AP-7996-GO-DIR /
Rain gauge stations with
installation,Steam gauge
stations,Silt Monitoring
stations,Soil Moisture monitoring                                                                                           Single Stage - One                       Pending
                                  IDA / 55240     National Innovation Support   Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                        259,333.33   0.00                             2017-09-10   2017-09-25                2017-10-05   2017-11-04   2017-12-09   2018-03-09
equipment,Soil testing kit,Water                                                                                            Envelope                                 Implementation
testing kit,Water level
recorder,Well discharge
measuring equipment,Other field
supplies,Monitoring of wells,Tota

                                                                                                                                                                                      Page 5
 IN-SLNA - AP-7943-GO-RFB /
Data base Server with
OS,Windows server along with                                                                                                Single Stage - One                       Pending
                                   IDA / 55240   National Innovation Support   Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                        258,333.33   0.00                             2017-07-15   2017-07-20                2017-08-31   2017-09-30   2017-11-04   2018-02-02
other Microsoft addon                                                                                                       Envelope                                 Implementation
applications,Oracle data base-
11G (12 core)

 IN-SLNA - AP-7986-GO-RFQ /
Erdas Imagine Software with
Virtual GIS and add-on software
                                                                                       Request for                          Single Stage - One                       Pending
extension,Raster to Vector         IDA / 55240   National Innovation Support   Post                       Limited                                101,000.00   0.00                                          2017-07-10                                          2017-09-04   2017-12-03
                                                                                       Quotations                           Envelope                                 Implementation
conversion software,Image
enhancing software,Mobile GIS
for windows,Oracle spatial

 IN-SLNA - MP-12898-GO-RFQ /
                                                 Support to IWMP in                    Request for                          Single Stage - One                       Pending
Digital Photocopiers - 3 and IDA / 55240                                       Post                       Limited                                  7,500.00   0.00                                          2017-08-30                                          2017-10-25   2018-04-23
                                                 Participating States                  Quotations                           Envelope                                 Implementation
Facsimile Machine-1

IN-SLNA - MP-12900-GO-RFQ /
                                                 Support to IWMP in                    Request for                          Single Stage - One                       Pending
Video and Digital Cameras,  IDA / 55240                                        Post                       Limited                                  2,500.00   0.00                                          2017-07-06                                          2017-08-31   2018-02-27
                                                 Participating States                  Quotations                           Envelope                                 Implementation
CCTV system

 IN-SLNA - MP-12901-GO-RFQ /
                                                 Support to IWMP in                    Request for                          Single Stage - One                       Pending
LED TVs and Video Conference IDA / 55240                                       Post                       Limited                                  2,500.00   0.00                                          2017-06-07                                          2017-08-02   2018-01-29
                                                 Participating States                  Quotations                           Envelope                                 Implementation

 IN-SLNA - MP-12902-GO-RFB /
                                                 Support to IWMP in                                                         Single Stage - Two
GIS Server with rack and     IDA / 55240                                       Prior   Request for Bids   Open - National                          7,000.00   0.00   Canceled                  2017-11-03   2017-11-08                2017-12-20   2018-03-04   2018-04-08   2018-10-05
                                                 Participating States                                                       Envelope

9605-GO-RFQ / video                              Support to IWMP in                    Request for                          Single Stage - One                       Pending
                                   IDA / 55240                                 Post                       Open - National                         60,000.00   0.00                                          2017-06-13                                          2017-08-08   2018-02-04
Conferencing Equipment at two                    Participating States                  Quotations                           Envelope                                 Implementation

19766-GO-RFQ / Round Table                       Support to IWMP in                    Request for                          Single Stage - One                       Pending
                                   IDA / 55240                                 Post                       Open - National                          6,667.00   0.00                                          2017-06-13                                          2017-08-08   2018-02-04
For Video Conference at Two                      Participating States                  Quotations                           Envelope                                 Implementation

 IN-SLNA - AP-13342-GO-RFB /
Cartosat -1 PAN Ortho Corrected
imagery Digital data WITH 2.5m
resolution for land resources
inventoryIRS-P6 LISS-IV 5m       IDA / 55240     National Innovation Support   Post    Direct Selection   Direct                                 154,100.00   0.00                             2017-09-01   2017-09-06                                          2017-10-11   2018-01-09
resolution precision Geo-Coded
two season data for entire state
IRS P6 LISS-IV 5m merged with
Cartosat PAN 2.5m Mandal etc.

 IN-SLNA - MP-13545-GO-RFB /
                                                 Support to IWMP in                                                         Single Stage - Two
Database server with rack and IDA / 55240                                      Prior   Request for Bids   Open - National                          5,000.00   0.00   Canceled                  2017-07-10   2017-07-15                2017-08-26   2017-11-08   2017-12-13   2018-06-11
                                                 Participating States                                                       Envelope

 IN-SLNA - MP-13546-GO-RFB /
                                                 Support to IWMP in                                                         Single Stage - Two
Backup server with rack and  IDA / 55240                                       Prior   Request for Bids   Open - National                          4,000.00   0.00   Canceled                  2017-07-10   2017-07-15                2017-08-26   2017-11-08   2017-12-13   2018-06-11
                                                 Participating States                                                       Envelope

IN-SLNA - MP-13547-GO-RFB /                      Support to IWMP in                                                         Single Stage - Two
                            IDA / 55240                                        Prior   Request for Bids   Open - National                          4,200.00   0.00   Canceled                  2017-07-10   2017-07-15                2017-08-26   2017-11-08   2017-12-13   2018-06-11
Workstation for GIS                              Participating States                                                       Envelope

IN-SLNA - MP-13549-GO-RFB /                      Support to IWMP in                                                         Single Stage - Two
                            IDA / 55240                                        Prior   Request for Bids   Open - National                          1,150.00   0.00   Canceled                  2017-07-10   2017-07-10                2017-07-10   2017-07-10   2017-07-31   2018-01-27
High End Desktops                                Participating States                                                       Envelope

IN-SLNA - MP-13551-GO-RFQ /                      Support to IWMP in                    Request for                          Single Stage - One                       Pending
                            IDA / 55240                                        Post                       Limited                                  1,400.00   0.00                                          2017-07-16                                          2017-09-10   2018-03-09
GPS Sets and DGPS Sets                           Participating States                  Quotations                           Envelope                                 Implementation

IN-SLNA - MP-13554-GO-RFQ /                      Support to IWMP in                    Request for                          Single Stage - One                       Pending
                            IDA / 55240                                        Post                       Limited                                  2,000.00   0.00                                          2017-08-09                                          2017-10-04   2018-04-02
Projector Screens LED TVs                        Participating States                  Quotations                           Envelope                                 Implementation

IN-SLNA - MP-13555-GO-RFQ /                      Support to IWMP in                    Request for                          Single Stage - One                       Pending
                            IDA / 55240                                        Post                       Limited                                  2,500.00   0.00                                          2017-08-02                                          2017-09-27   2018-03-26
AUTOCAD                                          Participating States                  Quotations                           Envelope                                 Implementation

 IN-SLNA - AP-7932-GO-RFQ /
Procurement of Air conditioners                                                        Request for                          Single Stage - One                       Pending
                                   IDA / 55240   National Innovation Support   Post                       Limited                                 21,250.00   0.00                                          2017-08-20                                          2017-10-15   2018-01-13
for State and Two District                                                             Quotations                           Envelope                                 Implementation
Neernachal Cells

 IN-SLNA - AP-7939-GO-RFQ /
Telephone instruments (Digital)
for State Neeranchal Unit for use
                                                                                       Request for                          Single Stage - One                       Pending
of Subject matter experts and     IDA / 55240    National Innovation Support   Post                       Limited                                   933.33    0.00                                          2017-08-25                                          2017-10-20   2018-01-18
                                                                                       Quotations                           Envelope                                 Implementation
supported staff. This
procurement will be made in
accordance with the cost table.

 IN-SLNA - AP-7947-GO-RFQ /
Advanced Server for ArcGIS
Server,Backup Server for Spatial
database,Procurement of A0 size
                                                                                                                            Single Stage - One                       Pending
Plotter,Procurement of A0 size IDA / 55240       National Innovation Support   Post    Request for Bids   Limited                                100,500.00   0.00                             2017-07-13   2017-07-18                2017-08-29   2017-09-28   2017-11-02   2018-05-01
                                                                                                                            Envelope                                 Implementation
scanner,Planimeter,Hand held
GPS,PDA with inbuilt camera
(Garmin/Trimble make) for State
Neeranchal Cell

 IN-NIH-14311-GO-RFQ /
Workstation (05 nos.), PC                                                              Request for                          Single Stage - One                       Under
                                   IDA / 55240   National Innovation Support   Post                       Open - National                         29,668.00   0.00                                          2017-05-31                                          2017-07-26   2018-01-22
(Desktop-08 nos.), LED colour                                                          Quotations                           Envelope                                 Implementation
Monitor (05 nos.)

 IN-NIH-14315-GO-RFQ /
Notebook/Laptop (12 nos.),
                                                                                       Request for                          Single Stage - One                       Under
Tablets (15 nos.), Multi Function IDA / 55240    National Innovation Support   Post                       Open - National                         31,667.00   0.00                                          2017-05-31                                          2017-07-26   2018-01-22
                                                                                       Quotations                           Envelope                                 Implementation
Printer (10 nos.), Color Printer
(10 nos.)

 IN-NIH-14317-GO-RFQ / UPS-                                                            Request for                          Single Stage - One                       Under
                                   IDA / 55240   National Innovation Support   Post                       Limited                                  2,600.00   0.00                                          2017-05-31   2017-06-06                             2017-07-26   2018-01-22
Line Interactive (1 KVA)-12 nos.                                                       Quotations                           Envelope                                 Implementation

                                                                                                                                                                                      Page 6
 IN-NIH-15587-GO-RFQ / Air
Conditioners-05 Nos. (Tower                                                             Request for                          Single Stage - One                            Under
                                  IDA / 55240     National Innovation Support   Post                       Limited                                  3,750.00        0.00                                          2017-05-29   2017-08-11                             2017-07-20                2018-01-16
Type/Split), Capacity- 2/1.5/1                                                          Quotations                           Envelope                                      Implementation
tone, Rating 5 star

 IN-NIH-16149-GO-RFQ /
Purchase of ENVI with IDL latest
version data processing software
                                                                                        Request for                          Single Stage - One                            Pending
(01 no.), IBM-SPSS Ver. 24.0     IDA / 55240      National Innovation Support   Post                       Open - National                         47,667.00        0.00                             2017-06-09   2017-06-23                                          2017-08-04                2018-01-31
                                                                                        Quotations                           Envelope                                      Implementation
statistical software with 15
modules (01 no.), Microsoft
Visual Studio Pro 2017 (01 nos.)

                                                  Support to IWMP in                    Request for                          Single Stage - One                            Under
Desktops,Laptops,Printers,Photo IDA / 55240                                     Post                       Limited                                 25,000.00        0.00                                          2017-04-11                                          2017-04-29                2017-05-19
                                                  Participating States                  Quotations                           Envelope                                      Implementation
copy machines, and other
computer peripherals

GO-RFQ / Supply of Air                            Support to IWMP in                    Request for                          Single Stage - One                            Pending
                                  IDA / 55240                                   Post                       Limited                                  4,583.00        0.00                                          2017-04-17                                          2017-05-01                2017-05-11
Conditioners for SLNA and two                     Participating States                  Quotations                           Envelope                                      Implementation
Neeranchal districts

GO-RFQ / supply of workstation                    Support to IWMP in                    Request for                          Single Stage - One                            Under
                               IDA / 55240                                      Post                       Limited                                 20,833.00        0.00                                          2017-04-24                                          2017-05-05                2017-05-30
with three D monitors, topo                       Participating States                  Quotations                           Envelope                                      Implementation
mouse and other accessories.

GO-DIR / Furniture for SLNA and                   Support to IWMP in                    Request for                          Single Stage - One                            Under
                                 IDA / 55240                                    Post                       Limited                                 25,666.67        0.00                             2017-06-15   2017-06-17                                          2017-06-21                2017-07-12
two Neeranchal Districts through                  Participating States                  Quotations                           Envelope                                      Implementation
DGS&D rate contracts

GO-DIR / ArcGIS software for                      Support to IWMP in                                                                                                       Under
                             IDA / 55240                                        Prior   Direct Selection   Direct                                  33,334.00        0.00                             2017-06-09   2017-06-09                                          2017-06-23                2017-06-30
Neeranchal Project at state                       Participating States                                                                                                     Implementation
SLNA for mapping.

GO-RFQ / Video conference
equipment at state SLNA office                    Support to IWMP in                    Request for                          Single Stage - One                            Pending
                               IDA / 55240                                      Post                       Open - National                         16,667.00        0.00                             2017-06-20   2017-06-20                                          2017-07-11                2017-09-11
for Neeranchal project. It is                     Participating States                  Quotations                           Envelope                                      Implementation
proposed to take up the work
through RFQ / Shopping

 IN-NIH-18615-GO-RFQ / Rugged
Field data collection device with                                                       Request for                          Single Stage - One                            Pending
                                  IDA / 55240     National Innovation Support   Post                       Open - National                         12,500.00        0.00                                          2017-08-08                                          2017-10-03                2018-04-01
Global Navigation Satellite                                                             Quotations                           Envelope                                      Implementation
System (10 No.)

 IN-NIH-18618-GO-RFQ / Water
level Indicator (10 No.), Portable
                                                                                        Request for                          Single Stage - One                            Pending
Soil Moisture meter(2No.),         IDA / 55240    National Innovation Support   Post                       Open - National                         40,833.00        0.00                                          2017-08-13                                          2017-10-08                2018-04-06
                                                                                        Quotations                           Envelope                                      Implementation
Portable Multi-Parameter WQ
Kit/Sonde(1 No.)

GO-RFQ / 8-Laptops(Note book
Computers) and 14-Desktops (All
in one) for Neeranchal project are
proposed to be procured against                   Support to IWMP in                    Request for                          Single Stage - One
                                   IDA / 55240                                  Post                       Open - National                         17,167.00   16,076.17   Completed                              2017-07-14                                          2017-08-18   2017-10-30   2017-09-01   2017-10-30
the NPIU approved figure of 6                     Participating States                  Quotations                           Envelope
Laptops and 6 desktops. The
increase in count is due increase
in Neeranchal project districts
from 2 to 6

 IN-NIH-19896-GO-RFQ / Office
Furniture& goods: Office Almirah
(20), Book case (20), Visitor
chairs (50), Computer chairs
                                                                                        Request for                          Single Stage - One                            Pending
(20), Office Chairs (20), Sofa set IDA / 55240    National Innovation Support   Post                       Limited                                 24,417.00        0.00                                          2017-08-23                                          2017-10-18                2018-04-16
                                                                                        Quotations                           Envelope                                      Implementation
(5), Centre Table (5),Office Table-
size 5'x3' (10 nos.), Office Table-
size 6'x4' (10 nos.), Vertical 4
drawer cabinet (5)

 IN-NIH-19899-GO-RFQ / Office
Equipment (Refrigerator-02, TV-                                                         Request for                          Single Stage - One                            Pending
                                  IDA / 55240     National Innovation Support   Post                       Limited                                  4,667.00        0.00                                          2017-08-23                                          2017-10-18                2018-04-16
01, Self contained drinking water                                                       Quotations                           Envelope                                      Implementation
cooler with compressor-02

IN-NIH-19901-GO-RFQ / Room                                                              Request for                          Single Stage - One                            Under
                                  IDA / 55240     National Innovation Support   Post                       Limited                                  1,133.00        0.00                                          2017-08-30   2017-09-14                             2017-10-25                2018-04-23
Heater/Blower (20)                                                                      Quotations                           Envelope                                      Implementation

IN-NIH-19904-GO-RFQ / Digital                                                           Request for                          Single Stage - One                            Pending
                                  IDA / 55240     National Innovation Support   Post                       Limited                                 10,167.00        0.00                                          2017-08-30                                          2017-10-25                2018-04-23
Color Photocopier (2)                                                                   Quotations                           Envelope                                      Implementation

IN-SLNA - AP-23093-GO-RFP /
                                                                                        Request for                          Single Stage - One                            Pending
Procurement of Generators for     IDA / 55240     National Innovation Support   Post                       Limited                                 75,000.00        0.00                                          2017-08-26                                          2017-10-21                2018-04-19
                                                                                        Quotations                           Envelope                                      Implementation
State & District Neernachal Cells

 IN-SLNA - AP-7940-GO-RFB /
The Video Conference
equipment either MCU or ECU
consists of LED TV, Camera
and other broadcasting                                                                                                       Single Stage - One                            Pending
                                    IDA / 55240   National Innovation Support   Post    Request for Bids   Limited                                193,666.67        0.00                             2017-08-16   2017-08-21                2017-10-02   2017-11-01   2017-12-06                2018-06-04
peripherals. This is most                                                                                                    Envelope                                      Implementation
essential to have regular
interaction with District & Field
Staff and also useful for imparting
training through Video conf .

 IN-SLNA - AP-23110-GO-RFP /
Procurement of Mobile
                                                                                        Request for                          Single Stage - One                            Pending
Instruments for use Neeranchal IDA / 55240        National Innovation Support   Post                       Limited                                 10,000.00        0.00                                          2017-08-15                                          2017-10-10                2018-04-08
                                                                                        Quotations                           Envelope                                      Implementation
Staff working at State & District

                                                                                                                                                                                            Page 7
IN-SLNA - AP-23113-GO-RFP /
Procurement of Digital & Video
                                                                                                      Request for                           Single Stage - One                                                           Pending
Cameras for use of Subject      IDA / 55240            National Innovation Support   Post                                 Limited                                                        12,500.00                0.00                                                                                                  2017-08-28                                                                                            2017-10-23                2018-04-21
                                                                                                      Quotations                            Envelope                                                                     Implementation
matter experts working at State
& District Neeranchal Cells.

GO-RFQ / Video Conferencing-
                                                       Support to IWMP in                             Request for                           Single Stage - One                                                           Pending
VC Equipment, ACs, Furniture    IDA / 55240                                          Post                                 Limited                                                        21,666.67                0.00                                                                                                  2017-09-06                                                                                            2017-10-01                2017-10-31
                                                       Participating States                           Quotations                            Envelope                                                                     Implementation
(VC Table,partition,chairs etc)
and manpower

GO-RFQ / NPIU approved AAP
2016-17 activity Purchase of
                                                       Support to IWMP in                             Request for                           Single Stage - One
printers (B/W and color) - 11 nos. IDA / 55240                                       Post                                 Open - National                                                 4,667.00            5,925.46   Completed                                                                                      2017-09-09                                                                                            2017-10-07   2017-11-23   2017-10-21   2017-11-23
                                                       Participating States                           Quotations                            Envelope
at an estimate cost of Rs. 2.80
lakh ($4667) for Neeranchal
(state and district offices)

GO-RFQ / Furniture for
Neeranchal staff at State and
                                                       Support to IWMP in                             Request for                           Single Stage - One                                                           Pending
District level. An amount of Rs. IDA / 55240                                         Post                                 Open - National                                                11,167.00                0.00                                                                                                  2017-11-06                                                                                            2017-12-18                2018-01-02
                                                       Participating States                           Quotations                            Envelope                                                                     Implementation
6.67 lakh is approved by NPIU for
purchase of Furniture under
Annual Action Plan 2016-17

IN-NIH-36095-GO-RFQ /
                                                                                                      Request for                           Single Stage - One                                                           Pending
Multimedia Projector (3 nos.) and IDA / 55240          National Innovation Support   Post                                 Open - National                                                 6,000.00                0.00                                                                                                  2017-11-18                                                                                            2018-01-13                2018-07-12
                                                                                                      Quotations                            Envelope                                                                     Implementation
Projection Screen (3 nos.)

GO-RFQ / 2 Desktop (Aii-in-One)
                                                       Support to IWMP in                             Request for                           Single Stage - One                                                           Pending
and 2 Laptops are proposed for IDA / 55240                                           Post                                 Open - National                                                 2,807.00                0.00                                                                                                  2017-12-21                                                                                            2018-01-03                2018-01-05
                                                       Participating States                           Quotations                            Envelope                                                                     Implementation
procurement for State
Neeranchal office.

 IN-NIH-41651-GO-DIR /
Purchase of identified Satellite
data scene (2016 and 2017)of                                                                                                                                                                                             Under
                                   IDA / 55240         National Innovation Support   Post             Direct Selection    Direct                                                         16,745.00                0.00                                                                        2018-01-12   2018-01-09   2018-01-17                                                                                            2018-02-21                2018-08-20
selected districts of 9 States                                                                                                                                                                                           Implementation
under NNWP from NRSC (GoI)

DIR / 11 Laptops for office use at                     Support to IWMP in                             Request for                           Single Stage - One                                                           Pending
                                   IDA / 55240                                       Post                                 Open - National                                                11,000.00                0.00                                                                                                  2018-01-20                                                                                            2018-02-24                2018-08-23
SLNA and district level.                               Participating States                           Quotations                            Envelope                                                                     Implementation
Procurement through GeM

DIR / 4 nos of Colour Printers to
be procured for office use at                          Support to IWMP in                             Request for                           Single Stage - One                                                           Pending
                                  IDA / 55240                                        Post                                 Open - National                                                 1,666.67                0.00                                                                                                  2018-01-20                                                                                            2018-02-19                2018-08-18
GSWMA and District level                               Participating States                           Quotations                            Envelope                                                                     Implementation
offices. Procurement will be done
through GeM platform

DIR / 4 number of Digital camera
                                                       Support to IWMP in                             Request for                           Single Stage - One                                                           Pending
GPS enabled (DSLR) for office    IDA / 55240                                         Post                                 Open - National                                                 5,000.00                0.00                                                                                                  2018-01-27                                                                                            2018-02-27                2018-08-26
                                                       Participating States                           Quotations                            Envelope                                                                     Implementation
use at GSWMA and District level

DIR / 8 number of desktops for
official use at GSWMA and                              Support to IWMP in                             Request for                           Single Stage - One                                                           Pending
                                  IDA / 55240                                        Post                                 Open - National                                                 6,000.00                0.00                                                                                                  2018-01-20                                                                                            2018-02-23                2018-08-22
District/PIA offices. Procurement                      Participating States                           Quotations                            Envelope                                                                     Implementation
will be done through GeM

IN-SLNA - MP-12897-GO-RFQ /
                                                       Support to IWMP in                             Request for                           Single Stage - One                                                           Pending
Desktop Computers and Laptop IDA / 55240                                             Post                                 Limited                                                        25,000.00                0.00                                                                                                  2018-02-12                                                                                            2018-04-09                2018-10-06
                                                       Participating States                           Quotations                            Envelope                                                                     Implementation

GO-RFB / Hydro-meteorological
equipment NPIU approval is for
Rs. 75,00,000/ (US $ 1,25,000).
However, the cost of equipment                         Support to IWMP in                                                                   Single Stage - Two
                                IDA / 55240                                          Prior            Request for Bids    Open - National                                               125,000.00                0.00   Canceled                                                             2017-09-21                2017-09-26                                        2017-10-24                2017-11-21                2017-12-19                2018-02-17
likely to reach Rs. 1,00,00,000                        Participating States                                                                 Envelope
(US $ 1,66,667). Proc of Rain
gauge, silt monitoring station,
stream gauge station and water
level meters.

GO-RFQ / Procurement of                                Support to IWMP in                             Request for                           Single Stage - One                                                           Pending
                           IDA / 55240                                               Prior                                Open - National                                                 7,500.00                0.00                                                                                                  2018-02-10                                                                                            2018-04-02                2018-04-16
Resistivity meter under                                Participating States                           Quotations                            Envelope                                                                     Implementation
Hydrometrology euqipment.

  Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Bid Evaluation Report
                                                                                                                                               Procurement       Prequalification    Estimated        Actual Amount        Process        Draft Pre-qualification      Prequalification       Draft Bidding Document Specific Procurement         Bidding Documents as    Proposal Submission /
         Description               Loan / Credit No.           Component                Review Type        Method         Market Approach                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           and Recommendation           Signed Contract        Contract Completion
                                                                                                                                                 Process             (Y/N)          Amount (US$)          (US$)             Status             Documents              Evaluation Report            / Justification     Notice / Invitation               Issued             Opening / Minutes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          for Award
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Planned        Actual      Planned      Actual       Planned      Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned     Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual

  Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Combined Evaluation
                                                                                                                                              Contract Type       Estimated         Actual Amount                                                       Expression of Interest    Short List and Draft     Request for Proposals     Opening of Technical    Evaluation of Technical
         Description               Loan / Credit No.           Component                Review Type        Method         Market Approach                                                            Process Status        Terms of Reference                                                                                                                                            Report and Draft           Signed Contract        Contract Completion
                                                                                                                                                                 Amount (US$)           (US$)                                                                 Notice             Request for Proposals          as Issued            Proposals / Minutes           Proposal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Negotiated Contract
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Planned         Actual       Planned       Actual     Planned        Actual     Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual    Planned       Actual      Planned      Actual       Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual
CS-QCBS / Hiring of
Consultancy Services for                                                                              Quality And Cost-                                                                              Pending
                                 IDA / 55240           National Innovation Support   Post                                 Open - National                              133,333.33             0.00                        2017-05-01                    2017-05-22               2017-07-05                                          2017-08-02              2017-09-01                2017-10-06                2017-11-10                2018-11-10
Landscape level Watershed                                                                             Based Selection                                                                                Implementation
Assessment & Planning, Water
Management for Project Districts

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Page 8
CS-FBS / Consultancy Services                                                          Fixed Budget                                                Pending
                              IDA / 55240        National Innovation Support   Post                        Open - National     66,666.67    0.00                    2017-05-17            2017-06-07   2017-07-21   2017-08-18   2017-09-17   2017-10-22   2017-11-26   2018-11-26
for Baseline Survey of                                                                 Selection                                                   Implementation
Neeranchal Districts

CS-QCBS / Hiring of                                                                    Quality And Cost-                                           Pending
                                  IDA / 55240    National Innovation Support   Prior                       Open - National    500,000.00    0.00                    2017-05-25            2017-06-15   2017-07-29   2017-08-26   2017-09-25   2017-10-30   2017-12-04   2020-08-30
Consultancy Services for                                                               Based Selection                                             Implementation
Community Based Monitoring

CS-QCBS / Hiring of
                                                                                       Fixed Budget                                                Pending
Consultancy Services for          IDA / 55240    National Innovation Support   Post                        Open - National     58,333.33    0.00                    2017-05-25            2017-06-15   2017-07-29   2017-08-26   2017-09-25   2017-10-30   2017-12-04   2018-04-03
                                                                                       Selection                                                   Implementation
Detailed Project Report (DPR)

CS-QCBS / Hiring of
Consultancy Services for                                                               Quality And Cost-                                           Pending
                                  IDA / 55240    National Innovation Support   Prior                       Open - National    500,000.00    0.00                    2017-06-30            2017-07-21   2017-09-03   2017-10-01   2017-10-31   2017-12-05   2018-01-09   2019-01-09
Information, Education and                                                             Based Selection                                             Implementation
Communication (IEC) and
Documentation Services

 DOLR/ C-5 / Consultancy
                                                 Project Management and                Quality And Cost-                                           Pending
services for Monitoring and       IDA / 55240                                  Post                        Open - National   2,583,000.00   0.00                    2017-09-01            2017-09-22   2017-11-05   2017-12-03   2018-01-02   2018-02-06   2018-03-13   2022-03-31
                                                 Coordination                          Based Selection                                             Implementation

 DOLR/ C-7 / Consultancy
services for Design and
                                                 Project Management and                Quality And Cost-                                           Pending
Development of MIS and web-       IDA / 55240                                  Post                        Open - National    333,000.00    0.00                    2017-10-02            2017-10-23   2017-12-06   2018-01-03   2018-02-02   2018-03-09   2018-04-13   2022-03-31
                                                 Coordination                          Based Selection                                             Implementation
based knowledge and data
management system

 DOLR/ C-10 / Consultancy
services for Design, Development                 Central Institutional and             Quality And Cost-                                           Pending
                                 IDA / 55240                                   Post                        Open - National    333,000.00    0.00                    2017-06-01            2017-06-22   2017-08-05   2017-09-02   2017-10-02   2017-11-06   2017-12-11   2022-03-31
and Implementation of Integrated                 Capacity Building                     Based Selection                                             Implementation
ICT services

 IN-SLNA - CHHATTISGARH-                                                               Consultant
                                                 Support to IWMP in                                                                                Pending
8894-CS-QCBS / Consultancy for IDA / 55240                                     Post    Qualification       Open - National     66,667.00    0.00                    2017-08-21            2017-09-11   2017-10-25                             2017-11-24   2017-12-29   2018-06-27
                                                 Participating States                                                                              Implementation
development of web portal                                                              Selection

 DOLR/ C-11 / Consultancy                        Project Management and                Quality And Cost-                                           Pending
                                IDA / 55240                                    Prior                       Open - National    833,000.00    0.00                    2017-03-07            2017-03-28   2017-05-11   2017-06-08   2017-07-08   2017-08-12   2017-09-16   2022-03-31
services for Project Management                  Coordination                          Based Selection                                             Implementation

 DOLR/ C-12 / Consultancy
services for Procurement Agency                  Project Management and                Quality And Cost-                                           Pending
                                IDA / 55240                                    Post                        Open - National    615,385.00    0.00                    2017-07-03            2017-07-24   2017-09-06   2017-10-04   2017-11-03   2017-12-08   2018-01-12   2023-01-11
for Advisory and Support                         Coordination                          Based Selection                                             Implementation

10053-CS-CQS / Preparation of                    Support to IWMP in                                                                                Pending
                                  IDA / 55240                                  Post    Qualification       Open - National     66,666.67    0.00                    2017-04-28            2017-05-19   2017-07-02                             2017-08-01   2017-09-05   2018-03-04
Baseline survey of Neeranchal                    Participating States                                                                              Implementation

 IN-SLNA - MAHARASHTRA-                                                                Consultant
                                                 Support to IWMP in                                                                                Pending
10197-CS-CQS / Value chain        IDA / 55240                                  Post    Qualification       Open - National     41,666.67    0.00                    2017-04-28            2017-05-19   2017-07-02                             2017-08-01   2017-09-05   2018-03-04
                                                 Participating States                                                                              Implementation
promotion                                                                              Selection

8887-CS-QCBS / Consultancy
Services for landscape level                     Support to IWMP in                    Quality And Cost-                                           Pending
                               IDA / 55240                                     Post                        Open - National    133,333.00    0.00                    2017-08-01            2017-08-22   2017-10-05   2017-11-02   2017-12-02   2018-01-08   2018-02-12   2019-02-12
Watershed Assessment &                           Participating States                  Based Selection                                             Implementation
Planning, Water Management for
Project Districts

8893-CS-QCBS / Consultancy                       Support to IWMP in                    Quality And Cost-                                           Pending
                                  IDA / 55240                                  Post                        Open - National    316,667.00    0.00                    2017-08-21            2017-09-12   2017-10-26   2017-11-23   2017-12-23   2018-01-27   2018-03-05   2019-03-05
Services for Preparation Training                Participating States                  Based Selection                                             Implementation
Modules and Capacity Building

8888-CS-QCBS / Consultancy                       Support to IWMP in                                                                                Pending
                                  IDA / 55240                                  Post    Qualification       Open - National     66,667.00    0.00                    2017-05-01            2017-05-22   2017-07-05                             2017-08-04   2017-09-08   2018-03-07
Services for Baseline Survey of                  Participating States                                                                              Implementation
Neeranchal Districts

8896-CS-QCBS / Consultancy
                                                 Support to IWMP in                    Quality And Cost-                                           Pending
services Information, Education   IDA / 55240                                  Prior                       Open - National    500,000.00    0.00                    2017-10-06            2017-10-27   2017-12-11   2018-01-08   2018-02-07   2018-03-14   2018-04-18   2019-04-18
                                                 Participating States                  Based Selection                                             Implementation
and Communication (IEC) and
Documentation Services

 DOLR/ C-6 / Consultancy
services for Livelihood
                                                                                       Quality And Cost-                                           Pending
improvement through Market        IDA / 55240    National Innovation Support   Prior                       Open - National    833,000.00    0.00                    2017-10-15            2017-11-05   2017-12-19   2018-01-16   2018-02-15   2018-03-22   2018-04-26   2022-03-31
                                                                                       Based Selection                                             Implementation
Linkages and Value Chain

 DOLR/ C-9 / Consultancy
services for Design, Development                 Central Institutional and             Quality And Cost-                                           Pending
                                 IDA / 55240                                   Prior                       Open - National    666,000.00    0.00                    2017-10-03            2017-10-24   2017-12-07   2018-01-04   2018-02-03   2018-03-10   2018-04-14   2022-03-31
and Implementation of                            Capacity Building                     Based Selection                                             Implementation
Communication Strategy

/ Hiring of an agency to conduct                 Support to IWMP in                    Quality And Cost-                                           Pending
                                 IDA / 55240                                   Post                        Open - National    125,000.00    0.00                    2017-04-21            2017-05-12   2017-06-25   2017-07-23   2017-08-27   2017-10-11   2017-11-15   2018-11-15
Baseline Survey in Selected                      Participating States                  Based Selection                                             Implementation
Districts of Madhya Pradesh

/ Consultancy Services for Hydro
logical Analysis and Its Use in                  Support to IWMP in                    Quality And Cost-                                           Pending
                                 IDA / 55240                                   Post                        Open - National    125,000.00    0.00                    2017-04-21            2017-05-12   2017-06-25   2017-07-23   2017-08-22   2017-09-26   2017-10-31   2018-10-31
Planning of of Water Shed                        Participating States                  Based Selection                                             Implementation
Activities and Designing of

/ Hiring of an agency for Training               Support to IWMP in                    Quality And Cost-                                           Pending
                                   IDA / 55240                                 Post                        Open - National    125,000.00    0.00                    2017-07-04            2017-07-04   2017-07-04   2017-07-04   2017-07-04   2017-07-04   2017-07-25   2018-07-25
and Capacity Building of Staffs                  Participating States                  Based Selection                                             Implementation
and Community

                                                                                                                                                                                 Page 9
 IN-SLNA - ODISHA-12560-CS-                     Support to IWMP in                                                                               Pending
                                 IDA / 55240                                  Post    Least Cost Selection Open - National    50,000.00   0.00                    2017-06-12             2017-07-03   2017-08-16   2017-09-13   2017-10-13   2017-11-17   2017-12-22   2018-06-20
LCS / Baseline Survey                           Participating States                                                                             Implementation

LCS / Consultancy for
                                                Support to IWMP in                                                                               Pending
preparation of 2 DPRs for      IDA / 55240                                    Post    Least Cost Selection Open - National    17,000.00   0.00                    2017-06-12             2017-07-03   2017-08-16   2017-09-13   2017-10-13   2017-11-17   2017-12-22   2018-06-20
                                                Participating States                                                                             Implementation
upgradation of Farms - SCTI
Koraput & SCDC Tangi, Cuttack.

 IN-SLNA - AP-9039-CS-CQS /
Consultancy services for making                                                       Consultant
district specific strategies and IDA / 55240    National Innovation Support   Post    Qualification        Open - National    75,000.00   0.00                    2017-10-04             2017-10-25   2017-12-08                             2018-01-07   2018-02-11   2018-08-10
implementing Capacity Building                                                        Selection

 IN-SLNA - AP-9042-CS-CQS /
Consultancy Services for                                                              Consultant
Baseline Survey, concurrent and IDA / 55240     National Innovation Support   Post    Qualification        Open - National   100,000.00   0.00                    2017-11-04             2017-11-25   2018-01-08                             2018-02-07   2018-03-14   2018-09-10
impact assessment and web                                                             Selection
based monitoring

IN-SLNA - AP-9046-CS-CQS /                                                            Consultant
Consultancy Services of External IDA / 55240    National Innovation Support   Post    Qualification        Open - National    20,000.00   0.00                    2017-11-04             2017-11-25   2018-01-08                             2018-02-07   2018-03-14   2018-09-10
Auditors                                                                              Selection

 IN-SLNA - AP-9048-CS-CQS /
Consultancy services for making                                                       Consultant
district specific strategies and IDA / 55240    National Innovation Support   Post    Qualification        Open - National    75,000.00   0.00                    2017-09-18             2017-10-09   2017-11-22                             2017-12-22   2018-01-26   2018-07-25
implementing Capacity Building                                                        Selection

IN-SLNA - AP-8951-CS-CQS /                                                                                                                       Pending
                                IDA / 55240     National Innovation Support   Post    Qualification        Open - National   103,333.33   0.00                    2017-07-05             2017-07-26   2017-09-08                             2017-10-08   2017-11-12   2018-05-11
Consultancy for GIS & DSS tools                                                                                                                  Implementation

 IN-SLNA - AP-8952-CS-CQS /
Consultancy Services for Basic                                                                                                                   Pending
                                 IDA / 55240    National Innovation Support   Post    Qualification        Open - National    68,333.33   0.00                    2017-09-04             2017-09-25   2017-11-08                             2017-12-08   2018-01-12   2018-07-11
hydrology, geohydrology and                                                                                                                      Implementation
water budgeting

 IN-SLNA - AP-8953-CS-CQS /
Consultancy Services for Land                                                                                                                    Pending
                                 IDA / 55240    National Innovation Support   Post    Qualification        Open - National    30,000.00   0.00                    2017-09-04             2017-09-25   2017-11-08                             2017-12-08   2018-01-12   2018-07-11
use and farming systems                                                                                                                          Implementation
planning etc

 IN-SLNA - AP-8954-CS-CQS /
Consultancy Services for                                                              Consultant
Landscape level Watershed        IDA / 55240    National Innovation Support   Post    Qualification        Open - National    60,000.00   0.00                    2017-10-04             2017-10-25   2017-12-08                             2018-01-07   2018-02-11   2018-08-10
Assessment & Planning for                                                             Selection
Project District

IN-SLNA - AP-8962-CS-CQS /
Consultancy Services for                                                                                                                         Pending
                                 IDA / 55240    National Innovation Support   Post    Qualification        Open - National    80,000.00   0.00                    2017-07-04             2017-07-25   2017-09-07                             2017-10-07   2017-11-11   2018-05-10
Preparation Training Modules and                                                                                                                 Implementation
Capacity Building

/ Hiring of the Consultancy
Services for up gradation of
                                                Support to IWMP in                    Quality And Cost-                                          Pending
Watershed Atlas and integration IDA / 55240                                   Prior                        Open - National   500,000.00   0.00                    2017-07-03             2017-07-24   2017-09-06   2017-10-04   2017-11-03   2017-12-08   2018-01-12   2019-01-12
                                                Participating States                  Based Selection                                            Implementation
with Ground Water Potential and
Socio-Economic Parameters for
the Entire State

/ Consultancy Services for
                                                Support to IWMP in                    Quality And Cost-                                          Pending
Aquifer Mapping, Hydrogeological IDA / 55240                                  Post                         Open - National   250,000.00   0.00                    2017-07-07             2017-07-28   2017-09-10   2017-10-08   2017-11-07   2017-12-12   2018-01-16   2019-01-16
                                                Participating States                  Based Selection                                            Implementation
Investigation and Identification of
Recharge Sites

/ Consultancy Services for
application of Remote Sensing                   Support to IWMP in                    Quality And Cost-                                          Pending
                                 IDA / 55240                                  Post                         Open - National   125,000.00   0.00                    2017-09-29             2017-10-20   2017-12-03   2017-12-31   2018-01-30   2018-03-06   2018-04-10   2019-04-10
Input With Traditional Data Sets                Participating States                  Based Selection                                            Implementation
using GIS for WS Planning,
Implementation and monitoring

 IN-SLNA - MAHARASHTRA-                                                               Consultant
                                                Support to IWMP in                                                                               Pending
10188-CS-CQS / Consultancy on IDA / 55240                                     Post    Qualification        Open - National   133,333.33   0.00                    2017-06-15             2017-06-15   2017-06-15                             2017-06-15   2017-07-06   2018-01-02
                                                Participating States                                                                             Implementation
IEC and documentation services                                                        Selection

10187-CS-CQS / Consultancy on                   Support to IWMP in                                                                               Pending
                              IDA / 55240                                     Post    Qualification        Open - National    83,333.33   0.00                    2017-06-15             2017-07-06   2017-08-19                             2017-09-18   2017-10-23   2018-04-21
Training module and Capacity                    Participating States                                                                             Implementation

 IN-SLNA - MAHARASHTRA-                                                               Consultant
                                                Support to IWMP in                                                                               Pending
10196-CS-CQS / Landscape level IDA / 55240                                    Post    Qualification        Open - National    66,666.67   0.00                    2017-06-15             2017-07-06   2017-08-19                             2017-09-18   2017-10-23   2018-04-21
                                                Participating States                                                                             Implementation
watershed assessment                                                                  Selection

10186-CS-CQS / Consultancy                      Support to IWMP in                                                                               Pending
                                 IDA / 55240                                  Post    Qualification        Open - National    58,333.33   0.00                    2017-06-15             2017-07-06   2017-08-19                             2017-09-18   2017-10-23   2018-04-21
Services for Detailed proiect                   Participating States                                                                             Implementation

IN-SLNA - AP-8963-CS-CQS /                                                            Consultant
Consultancy Services for         IDA / 55240    National Innovation Support   Post    Qualification        Open - National    90,000.00   0.00                    2017-10-18             2017-11-08   2017-12-22                             2018-01-21   2018-02-25   2018-08-24
Community Based Monitoring                                                            Selection

 IN-SLNA - AP-8966-CS-CQS /
Consultancy Services for                                                              Consultant
Information, Education and       IDA / 55240    National Innovation Support   Post    Qualification        Open - National    90,000.00   0.00                    2017-07-15             2017-08-05   2017-09-18                             2017-10-18   2017-11-22   2018-05-21
Communication (IEC) and                                                               Selection
Documentation Services

 IN-SLNA - AP-9041-CS-CQS /
Consultancy services for                                                                                                                         Pending
                                  IDA / 55240   National Innovation Support   Post    Qualification        Open - National    16,666.67   0.00                    2017-07-01             2017-07-22   2017-09-04                             2017-10-04   2017-11-08   2018-05-07
providing procurement support for                                                                                                                Implementation
the project .

                                                                                                                                                                               Page 10
 IN-SLNA - ODISHA-23083-CS-
CQS / Hiring of HR Service                                                                           Consultant
                                                      Support to IWMP in                                                                                                                           Pending
Provider for providing human    IDA / 55240                                         Post             Qualification        Open - National                             148,680.00            0.00                    2017-08-16                2017-08-31              2017-09-17                                                                     2017-09-27   2017-10-19   2020-10-31
                                                      Participating States                                                                                                                         Implementation
resources to Neeranchal Project                                                                      Selection
in Odisha

 IN-SLNA - MAHARASHTRA-                                                                              Consultant
                                                      Support to IWMP in                                                                                                                           Pending
10192-CS-CQS / Appointment of IDA / 55240                                           Post             Qualification        Open - National                              40,000.00            0.00                    2017-04-28                2017-05-19              2017-07-02                                                                     2017-08-01   2017-09-05   2018-03-04
                                                      Participating States                                                                                                                         Implementation
Auditors lnternal and External                                                                       Selection

CS-CQS / Individual consultant-                       Support to IWMP in                                                                                                                           Under
                                IDA / 55240                                         Post             Qualification        Open - National                               5,000.00            0.00                    2017-07-26                2017-08-05              2017-08-11                                                                     2017-08-14   2017-08-24   2018-02-20
Procurement expert for a period                       Participating States                                                                                                                         Implementation
of six months at SLNA level

 DOLR/ C-8 / Consultancy
                                                      Central Institutional and                      Quality And Cost-                                                                             Pending
services for capacity Building   IDA / 55240                                        Prior                                 Open - National                             833,000.00            0.00                    2017-03-06                2017-03-27              2017-05-10                                  2017-06-07            2017-07-07   2017-08-11   2017-09-15   2022-03-31
                                                      Capacity Building                              Based Selection                                                                               Implementation
Support Agency at National Level

DOLR/ C-1 / Consultancy
Services for Agricultural
                                                                                                     Quality And Cost-                                                                             Pending
Performance and Improving         IDA / 55240         National Innovation Support   Prior                                 Open - International                      8,000,000.00            0.00                    2017-07-03                2017-07-24              2017-09-06                                  2017-10-04            2017-11-03   2017-12-08   2018-01-12   2022-03-31
                                                                                                     Based Selection                                                                               Implementation
Watershed Management

 DOLR/ C-3 / Consultancy
                                                                                                     Quality And Cost-                                                                             Pending
services for Farming Systems      IDA / 55240         National Innovation Support   Prior                                 Open - International                     10,000,000.00            0.00                    2017-09-01                2017-09-22              2017-11-05                                  2017-12-03            2018-01-02   2018-02-06   2018-03-13   2022-03-31
                                                                                                     Based Selection                                                                               Implementation

/ Consultancy Services for
                                                      Support to IWMP in                             Quality And Cost-                                                                             Pending
Information, Education and  IDA / 55240                                             Post                                  Open - National                             125,000.00            0.00                    2018-02-28                2018-03-21              2018-05-04                                  2018-06-01            2018-07-01   2018-08-05   2018-09-09   2019-09-09
                                                      Participating States                           Based Selection                                                                               Implementation
Communication (IEC) and
Documentation Services

                                                      Support to IWMP in                             Fixed Budget                                                                                  Pending
/ Appointment of Statutory  IDA / 55240                                             Post                                  Open - National                              41,667.00            0.00                    2018-03-07                2018-03-28              2018-05-11                                  2018-06-08            2018-07-08   2018-08-12   2018-09-16   2019-09-16
                                                      Participating States                           Selection                                                                                     Implementation

  Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Invitation to
                                                                                                                                                 Contract Type    Estimated        Actual Amount                                                                        Draft Negotiated
         Description              Loan / Credit No.           Component                Review Type         Method          Market Approach                                                         Process Status    Terms of Reference        Identified/Selected                             Signed Contract    Contract Completion
                                                                                                                                                                 Amount (US$)          (US$)                                                                                Contract
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Planned      Actual       Planned        Actual   Planned      Actual   Planned      Actual   Planned      Actual
                                                      Support to IWMP in                             Individual Consultant                                                                         Pending
8895-CS-QCBS / Consultancy       IDA / 55240                                        Post                                   Limited                                     66,667.00            0.00                    2017-07-20                2017-07-25              2017-08-15            2017-09-19            2018-03-18
                                                      Participating States                           Selection                                                                                     Implementation
services for procurement support

DOLR/ C-4 / Consultancy
Services for Remote Sensing
&Geo-spatial Technical Support    IDA / 55240         National Innovation Support   Prior            Direct Selection     Direct                                    1,078,000.00            0.00                    2017-09-15                2017-09-25                                    2017-11-29            2022-03-31
System for Planning &
Monitoring of Watershed

CS-CDS / Consultancy services
                                                      Support to IWMP in                                                                                                                           Under
for hydro-logical planning &  IDA / 55240                                           Post             Direct Selection     Direct                                      250,000.00            0.00                    2017-05-15                2017-06-01                                    2017-06-14            2020-06-13
                                                      Participating States                                                                                                                         Implementation
monitoring tools & equipments
from MNIT Jaipur

 IN-SLNA - AP-9047-CS-CQS /
Consultancy for development of
MIS portal, eFMS Module and
maintenance support for                                                                                                                                                                            Under
                               IDA / 55240            National Innovation Support   Post             Direct Selection     Direct                                      208,333.33            0.00                    2017-08-08                2017-11-06                                    2018-01-10            2019-01-10
Neernachal portal. M/s TCS has                                                                                                                                                                     Implementation
already supporting to IWMP and
the same consultancy will be
hired for Neernachal too.

CS-CDS / The M/s Suresh &
Babu, approved Auditors for 2016-
17 for PMKSY-WDC-IWMP will
be utilised for auditing                              Support to IWMP in                                                                                                                           Pending
                                  IDA / 55240                                       Post             Direct Selection     Direct                                        4,167.00            0.00                    2017-08-29                2017-09-04                                    2017-09-25            2017-10-25
Neeranchal Accounts for 2106-17                       Participating States                                                                                                                         Implementation
as the exp. under Neeranchal for
2016-17 is just Rs. 1.29 lakh.
Bids will be invited for auditing
Neeranch2017-18 onwards

DOLR/ C-2 / Consultancy
Services for Studies on Climate   IDA / 55240         National Innovation Support   Prior            Direct Selection     Direct                                    1,700,000.00            0.00                    2017-09-01                2017-09-11                                    2017-11-15            2022-03-31

Consultancy services for                              Central Institutional and                                                                                                                    Pending
                             IDA / 55240                                            Prior            Direct Selection     Direct                                      833,000.00            0.00                    2017-10-30                2017-11-29                                    2018-02-03            2022-04-11
Capacity Building Support                             Capacity Building                                                                                                                            Implementation
Agency at the National Level

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Page 11