Islamic Republic of Pakistan
                                      Ministry of Commerce

                                Pakistan Goes Global (P170271)

              Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP)

                                            27 February, 2020


                                              Government of Pakistan
                                               Ministry of Commerce
                                       Pakistan Goes Global Project (P170271)

                                ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN

    1. The Islamic Republic of Pakistan will implement the Pakistan Goes Global: An Initiative for a Global &
       Technology-Driven Pakistan Project (the Project), with the involvement of the following
       Ministries/agencies/units: Ministry of Commerce (leading agency, MoC), the Trade Development
       Authority of Pakistan (TDAP), the Small and Medium Development Agency (SMEDA), and the Board of
       Investments (BoI). The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (hereinafter, the Bank)
       has agreed to provide financing for the Project.

    2. The Islamic Republic of Pakistan will implement material measures and actions so that the Project is
       implemented in accordance with the Environmental and Social Standards (ESSs). This Environmental and
       Social Commitment Plan (ESCP) sets out material measures and actions, any specific documents or plans,
       as well as the timing for each of these.

    3. The Islamic Republic of Pakistan will also comply with the provisions of any other E&S documents required
       under the ESF and referred to in this ESCP, whether they have already been or are to be adopted, such as
       the Environment & Social Assessment Report, Labor Management Procedures (LMP), Stakeholder
       Engagement Plan (SEP), E-Waste Management Plan/s (E-WMP), and Labor Management Plan (LMP), and
       the timelines specified in those E&S documents.

    4. The Islamic Republic of Pakistan is responsible for compliance with all requirements of the ESCP even
       when implementation of specific measures and actions is conducted by the Ministry, agency or unit
       referenced in 1. above.

    5. Implementation of the material measures and actions set out in this ESCP will be monitored and reported
       to the Bank by MoC as required by the ESCP and the conditions of the legal agreement, and the Bank will
       monitor and assess progress and completion of the material measures and actions throughout
       implementation of the Project.

    6. As agreed by the Bank and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, this ESCP may be revised from time to time
       during Project implementation, to reflect adaptive management of Project changes and unforeseen
       circumstances or in response to assessment of Project performance conducted under the ESCP itself. In
       such circumstances, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan will agree to the changes with the Bank and will
       update the ESCP to reflect such changes. Agreement on changes to the ESCP will be documented through
       the exchange of letters signed between the Bank and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The Islamic Republic
       of Pakistan will promptly disclose the updated ESCP.

    7. Where Project changes, unforeseen circumstances, or Project performance result in changes to the risks
       and impacts during Project implementation, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan shall provide additional
       funds, if needed, to implement actions and measures to address such risks and impacts, which may include
       risks and impacts that are relevant to the Project, such as improper disposal of E-waste, discrimination or
       exclusion of small or minority firm owners, inadequate implementation of labor management procedures,
       and/or poor performance of GRMs set up under the Project.

ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP): Pakistan Goes Global Project; Version 09 January 2020

 Material Measures and Actions                                                                 Timeframe                         Responsibility/Authority and
                                                                                                                                 Resources/Funding Committed
   A       REGULAR REPORTING                                                                   Six-monthly, by January 15        Environment and Social specialist of the
                                                                                               and July 15 of each year          PMU
           Prepare and submit to the Bank regular monitoring reports on the                    throughout the Project
           environmental, social, health and safety (ESHS) performance of the                  implementation.                   Project budget
           Project, including but not limited to the implementation of the
           ESCP, status of preparation and implementation of E&S documents
           required under the ESCP, stakeholder engagement activities,
           functioning of the grievance mechanism(s).

           INCIDENTS AND ACCIDENTS                                                             Promptly after taking notice of   Project Director
                                                                                               the incident or accident and
           Promptly notify the Bank of any incident or accident related to the                 within 48 hours of incident.
           Project, which has, or is likely to have, a significant adverse effect
           on the environment, the affected communities, the public, workers
           or any other affected party.

           Provide sufficient detail regarding the incident or accident,
           indicating immediate measures taken or that are planned to be
           taken to address it, and any information provided by any contractor
           and supervising entity, as appropriate. Subsequently, as per the
           Bank’s requests, prepare a report on the incident or accident and
           propose any measures to prevent its recurrence.
  1.1      ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE                                                                                              Project Director MoC
                                                                                               E&S specialist: by not later      Project budget
           Establish and maintain an organizational structure with qualified                   than three months after
           staff and resources to support management of E&S risks, including                   Effective Date
           the hiring of a fulltime Environmental and Social Specialist in/by the
           Project Management Unit (PMU) and the designation of an                             E&S focal points: by Effective
           environmental and social focal point by and for each PIU                            Date
  1.2      ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL ASSESSMENT                                                 Throughout Project                MoC

ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP): Pakistan Goes Global Project; Version 09 January 2020

           Update, adopt, and implement, the Environmental and Social
           Screening Report that has been prepared for the Project, in a
           manner acceptable to the Bank
  1.3      MANAGEMENT TOOLS AND INSTRUMENTS                                                    Prior to the issuance of the    PMU, through E&S Specialist and E&S Focal
                                                                                               first bidding document and/or   Person/s
           Prepare, adopt, and implement the Inclusive E-Waste Management                      procurement order
           Plan in a manner acceptable to the Bank, throughout Project

  1.4      MANAGEMENT OF CONTRACTORS                                                           Prior to the issuance of the    PMU, through E&S Specialist, with support
                                                                                               first bidding document and/or   from Procurement Specialist
           Develop and implement procedures for managing contractors and                       procurement order
           subcontractors and thereafter ensure that contractors comply with                                                   Project budget
           said procedures.

  1.5      PERMIT, CONSENTS AND AUTHORIZATIONS                                                 Throughout Project              Project Director
           Obtain and/or assist in obtaining, as appropriate on recurrent basis,
           the permits, consents and authorizations that are applicable to the
           Project from relevant national authorities.

           Comply, or cause to comply, as appropriate, with the conditions
           established in these permits, consents and authorizations
           throughout Project implementation.
  1.6      THIRD PARTY MONITORING                                                              Annually throughout Project     Project Director
           Hire an independent third-party monitoring agent to verify                                                          Project budget
           compliance against ESCP and all the instruments prepared under it.
  2.1      LABOR MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES:                                                        Throughout Project              MoC
           Update, adopt, and thereafter implement, the Labor Management                                                       Project budget

ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP): Pakistan Goes Global Project; Version 09 January 2020

  2.2      LABOR MANAGEMENT PLAN & RISK ANALYSIS                                                                               Project Director

           Prepare a labor risk analysis.                                                      Throughout            Project   Project budget
           Prepare, adopt, and thereafter implement, the Labor Management
  2.3      GRIEVANCE MECHANISM FOR PROJECT WORKERS                                             Prior to the issuance of the    Project Director
                                                                                               first bidding document and/or
           Develop, maintain, and operate a grievance mechanism for Project                    procurement order               Project budget
  2.3      OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY (OHS) MEASURES                                       Prior to the issuance of the    Project Director
                                                                                               first bidding document and/or
           Prepare, adopt, and implement occupational, health and safety                       procurement order               Project budget
           (OHS) measures.

  2.4      EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE                                                 Prior to the issuance of the    Project Director
                                                                                               first bidding document and/or
           As part of the OHS measures specified in 2.3, include measures on                   procurement order               Project budget
           emergency preparedness and response, and ensure coordination
           with measures under 4.5.
  2.5      PROJECT WORKERS TRAINING                                                            Prior to the issuance of the    Project Director
                                                                                               first bidding document and/or
           Provide training for Project workers to heighten awareness of risks                 procurement order and           Project budget
           and to mitigate impacts on Project stakeholders.                                    thereafter, annually
  3.1      MANAGEMENT OF WASTE AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS                                         Prior to the issuance of the    Project Director
                                                                                               first bidding document and/or
           Develop, and thereafter implement, the E-Waste Management                           procurement order               Project budget
           Plan, consisting of measures and actions to manage electronic
           waste (e-waste) and hazardous materials and include the Good
           International Industry Practice
  4.1      TRAFFIC AND ROAD SAFETY                                                             Not applicable                  Not applicable

           Develop and implement measures and actions to assess and
           manage traffic and road safety risks.

ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP): Pakistan Goes Global Project; Version 09 January 2020

  4.2      COMMUNITY HEALTH AND SAFETY                                                         Not applicable   Not applicable

           Develop and implement measures and action to assess and manage
           specific risks and impacts to the community arising from Project
           activities, including in relation to Project Workers and any risks of
           labor influx.

           ESA and EWMP will report on relevance of ESS4, and accordingly an
           instrument will be prepared.
  4.3      GBV AND SEA RISKS                                                                   Not applicable   Not applicable

           Develop and implement measures and actions to assess and
           manage the risks of gender-based violence (GBV) and sexual
           exploitation and abuse (SEA).

  4.4      GBV AND SEA RISKS DURING PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION                                     Not applicable   Not applicable

           Specify additional funds available to implement measures to
           address GBV and SEA risks and impacts that may arise during
           Project implementation.
  4.5      SECURITY PERSONNEL                                                                  Not applicable   Not applicable

           Develop and implement measures and actions to assess and
           manage the risks to human security of project-affected
           communities and Project workers that could arise from the use of
           security personnel.
  5.1      RESETTLEMENT PLANS: Develop and implement resettlement plans                        Not applicable   Not applicable
           (RAPs) consistent with the requirements of the RPF and and ESS5.
  5.2      GRIEVANCE MECHANISM                                                                 Not applicable   Not applicable
 6.1       BIODIVERSITY RISKS AND IMPACTS                                                      Not applicable   Not applicable

ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP): Pakistan Goes Global Project; Version 09 January 2020

 7.1       INDIGENOUS PEOPLES PLAN                                                             Not applicable       Not applicable

           Develop and implement a [name of the plan] consistent with the
           requirements of ESS7.

 7.2       GRIEVANCE MECHANISM                                                                 Not applicable       Not applicable

           Develop and implement the arrangements for the grievance
           mechanism for indigenous people (if established separately for the
           grievance mechanism under ESS10).
 8.1       CHANCE FINDS: Develop and implement a chance finds procedure.                       Not applicable       Not applicable

 9.1       ESMS                                                                                Not applicable       Not applicable

           Prepare, adopt, and maintain an environmental and social
           management system (ESMS).
 9.2       FI ORGANIZATIONAL CAPACITY                                                          Not applicable       Not applicable

           Establish and maintain an organizational capacity and competency
           for implementing the ESMS with clearly defined roles and
           responsibilities [where relevant, identify specific positions/resources
           for E&S management that are a part of the organizational

           Maintain as necessary throughout Project implementation.
 9.3       SENIOR MANAGEMENT REPRESENTATIVE: Designate a senior                                Not applicable       Not applicable
           management representative to have overall accountability for
           environmental and social performance of FI subprojects.
 10.1      STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT PLAN PREPARATION AND                                         Throughout Project   MoC Project Director
           IMPLEMENTATION                                                                      implementation
                                                                                                                    Project budget MOC

ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP): Pakistan Goes Global Project; Version 09 January 2020

            Update, adopt, and implement a Stakeholder Engagement Plan
 10.2       PROJECT GRIEVANCE MECHANISM                                                        Prior to issuance of first       Project Director
                                                                                               bidding document and/or
            Prepare, adopt, maintain and operate a grievance mechanism, as                     procurement order
            described in the SEP

 Capacity Support
                          Specify Training to be provided                                       Specify Targeted                       Specify Training Completed
                                                                                                  Groups and
                                                                                                 Timeframe for

        •   Stakeholder mapping and engagement                                               First round of           First set of the trainings will be completed after SSU has
        •   E- waste management protocols                                                    trainings to be          been set up and staff is in place, and after implementing
        •   Labor management procedures                                                      completed within first   agencies designate E&S Focal Points, with annual
        •   Occupational health and safety                                                   six months of SSU set-   refreshers throughout the Project implementation.
        •   Emergency preparedness and response                                              up and designation of
        •   GRM operationalization and management.                                           E&S Focal Points;        Project budget
                                                                                             Annual refresher on
                                                                                             each throughout
