Changes in Poverty since the onset of COVID-19
on Syrian Refugees and Host Communities
in Jordan, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq
and Lebanon

Changes in Poverty since the onset of Covid-19 on Syrian Refugees and        2
Host Communities in Jordan, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Lebanon

Table of contents
                             Click on the
                             topics below

              List of abbreviations                                     3

              Executive summary			                                      4

              Introduction                                              10

              Transmission channels                                     15

              Data sources and baseline characteristics                 16

              Macroeconomic assumptions				                             21

              Results and discussion				                                24

              Jordan                                                    26

              Lebanon                                                   29

              Kurdistan Region of Iraq				                              34

              Sensitivity analysis				                                  36

              A brief review of international responses to COVID-19	38

              Conclusion				                                            40

              Annex				                                                 42

              Links and sources				                                     48
Changes in Poverty since the onset of Covid-19 on Syrian Refugees and                                            3
Host Communities in Jordan, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Lebanon

List of abbreviations

                 COVID-19	                                                 The novel Coronavirus disease 2019

                 GDP		                                                                Gross Domestic Product

                 IDPs		                                                           Internally Displaced Persons

                 ILO		                                                       International Labor Organization

                 IQD		                                                                            Iraqi Dinars

                 JOD		                                                                       Jordanian Dinars

                 KRI		                                                                Kurdistan Region of Iraq

                 LBP		                                                                      Lebanese Pounds

                 MENA	                                                            Middle East and North Africa

                 NGO		                                                        Non-Governmental Organization

                 PPP		                                                                Purchasing Power Parity

                 RNA		                                                               Rapid Needs Assessment

                 SMEB	                                                  Survival Minimum Expenditure Basket

                 SRHCS	                                            Syrian Refugee and Host Community Survey

                 UNDP	                                                  United Nations Development Program

                 UNHCR	                                                        United Nations Refugee Agency

                 UNICEF	                                                       United Nations Children’s Fund

                 VAF		                                                   Vulnerability Assessment Framework

                 VASyR	                                            Vulnerability Assessment of Syrian Refugees

                 VAT		                                                          Vulnerability Assessment Tool

                 WFP		                                                                   World Food Program
Changes in Poverty since the onset of Covid-19 on Syrian Refugees and                                                     4
Host Communities in Jordan, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Lebanon

Executive summary
COVID-19 has had an enormous                                                                    Acknowledgements
impact on nearly every country in                  The poverty impact of COVID-19 and
the world. Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon                the ensuing confinement policies and         The World Bank Group in
                                                                                                collaboration with the United
were already facing difficult to                   economic contractions have been felt
                                                                                                Nations Refugee Agency
extreme circumstances even before                  throughout the world, not least by           (UNHCR), with funding
the pandemic erupted, making                       marginalized communities. However,           from the Joint Data Center
them particularly vulnerable, and                  COVID-19 has compounded existing             on Forced Displacement,
compounding the effect. This report                vulnerabilities or crises in Jordan,         prepared this study on the
looks at the impact of the pandemic,               the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) and       impact of COVID-19 and
associated lockdowns and economic                  Lebanon. Syrian refugees – most of           ensuing lockdown policies on
shocks and other misfortunes which                 whom have been displaced for up to           the welfare of refugees and
                                                                                                host communities in Jordan,
have compounded the crisis, such                   nine years – are particularly exposed
                                                                                                Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI)
as sharply lower oil revenues in Iraq              given their perilous pre-crisis situation.   and Lebanon.
and the Port of Beirut explosion in                Host communities in these three
Lebanon, as well as political instability          countries, who have supported and            This document was written
in both.                                           accommodated such large numbers              by Bilal Malaeb and Matthew
                                                   of refugees, have also been heavily          Wai-Poi (World Bank Group’s
                                                                                                Poverty and Equity Global
The report estimates that 4.4 million              affected; all three countries were in
                                                                                                Practice – MENA). The
people in the host communities and                 strained positions prior to COVID-19,        team worked under the
1.1 million refugees or IDPs have been             ranging from economic stagnation and         guidance of Saroj Kumar
driven into poverty in the immediate               high public debt in Jordan, to a collapse    Jha, Regional Director of
aftermath of the crisis, and while                 in public revenues due to international      the Middle East Department
this considers all of Lebanon, it only             oil price shocks in KRI, to complete         (Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan,
includes three governorates in Jordan              political and economic crisis in Lebanon.    Iran and Syria) at World
                                                                                                Bank, Johannes Hoogeveen,
and the Kurdistan Region of Iraq,
                                                                                                Practice Manager of the World
due to data limitations. A response                By March 2020, all three countries had
                                                                                                Bank’s Poverty and Equity
commensurate with the magnitude of                 witnessed their first cases of COVID-19      Global Practice for the MENA
the shock is needed to prevent further             and introduced stringent containment         region, Ayman Gharaibeh,
misery.                                            policies ranging from partial closures       Regional Director of the
                                                   of schools and shops to full curfew          UNHCR Regional Bureau for
                                                   (Figure ES1). While these measures were      the Middle East and North
                                                   initially largely successful in containing   Africa, and Alexander Tyler,
                                                                                                Senior External Engagement
                                                   the spread of the pandemic, they also
                                                                                                Coordinator; UNHCR Regional
                                                   led to a decline in economic activity        Bureau for MENA. We are
                                                   across most sectors, particularly in the     grateful for Laura Rodriguez
                                                   informal market. In Jordan and Iraq, the     for helpful guidance and
                                                   losses are estimated at around 8.2 and       support in the data analysis
                                                   10.5 percent of 2019’s GDP respectively.     phase, and to Nandini
                                                   In Lebanon where the COVID-19 crisis is      Krishnan and Maria Ana Lugo
                                                   compounded by economic and political         for a thorough peer review.
                                                                                                The team also benefited from
                                                   crises the losses are much higher,
                                                                                                coordination and cooperation
                                                   around 25 percent of GDP. Lebanon            with colleagues from the
                                                   has experienced inflation of over 100        UNHCR Regional Bureau for
                                                   percent, largely due to its import           MENA and UNHCR country
                                                   dependence and currency depreciation.        offices in Jordan, KRI, and
                                                   Unsurprisingly, given the magnitude          Lebanon. Preliminary findings
                                                   of these shocks, recent rapid needs          were reviewed through
                                                                                                technical consultations in
                                                   assessments and UNHCR administrative
                                                                                                Jordan, KRI and Lebanon with
                                                   data show that refugees, who are highly
                                                                                                government, United Nations
                                                   concentrated in low-skilled jobs in the      and NGO stakeholders and
                                                   informal sector, have had to reduce          through an internal review
                                                   food intake, incur additional debt           process at the World Bank.
Changes in Poverty since the onset of Covid-19 on Syrian Refugees and                                                               5
Host Communities in Jordan, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Lebanon

               and in some instances suffered eviction.                           as well as estimates based on the national
               These conditions exacerbated existing                              poverty lines for each of the three countries.
               vulnerabilities and increased pressure on
               social cohesion with their host communities.                       A key lesson of this study is that
                                                                                  underdeveloped or inaccessible national
               This joint UNHCR-World Bank study,                                 statistical systems limit the ability to
               funded by the Joint Data Center on Forced                          accurately estimate poverty and the impact
               Displacement, estimates the change in                              of crises and policy shocks. In the absence
               poverty since the onset of COVID-19 among                          of official and accessible data in two of these
               Syrian refugee and host communities in                             countries, the report necessarily relies on
               Jordan 1, KRI and Lebanon. The study employs                       non-official data and provides estimates
               a simulation exercise using macroeconomic                          based on assumptions that come with
               projections on changes in the economy and                          inherent caveats. The report underlines the
               translates these into shocks to household                          need for greater efforts to regularly collect,
               consumption and therefore poverty.                                 update and publish representative and
               Understanding the effects of COVID-19,                             reliable surveys, including on expenditure
               and of other compounding crises in the                             and welfare, to inform policy makers
               case of KRI and Lebanon, is a crucial step                         adequately. This study relies on the Syrian
               in informing the policies that need to be                          Refugees and Host Community Survey,
               adopted as the pandemic unfolds and during                         undertaken by the World Bank in 2015-16,
               the recovery period. This study is part of                         which uses a harmonized instrument across
               a multi-phase collaboration between the                            the three countries. The data are drawn from
               World Bank and UNHCR. Phase I, presented                           three governorates in Jordan with a high
               in this report, estimates the impact of the                        concentration of refugees (Amman, Mafraq,
               crisis(es) on poverty among host and refugee                       and Zarqa), and are representative of Lebanon
               communities; Phase II aims to calibrate                            and KRI. The study also uses the most recent
               these simulations with new phone survey                            projections on macroeconomic aggregates
               data reflecting current circumstances on the                       from World Bank country economists,
               ground and to delve more specifically into the                     remittances and information on changes in
               cost of mitigation and policy options.                             assistance as underlying drivers.

               This study uses dynamic simulations to
               show changes in poverty on a monthly basis.
               The impact of COVID-19 is modeled using
               macroeconomic changes in various sectors
               of the economy, changes to earnings in
               formal and informal sectors, and changes in
               remittances (domestic and international) and
               inflation. The projections estimate changes in
               poverty among host and refugee communities
               and estimate the poverty-reducing effects
               of government and UNHCR and other
               international assistance. In this summary,
               the main results are highlighted at the Upper
               Middle-Income Country poverty line of
               $5.50 per person per day for cross-country
               comparability. The full report provides
               technical details and sensitivity analyses

                    For Jordan, results reflect data in three governorates with
                    high concentrations of refugees only: Amman, Mafraq,
                    and Zarqa
Changes in Poverty since the onset of Covid-19 on Syrian Refugees and                                                                              6
Host Communities in Jordan, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Lebanon

Figure ES1
Total and new
cases of COVID-19
by month and
the stringency                                                              Key Findings
of government
response to the                                                             In Jordan, since the pandemic first struck and
pandemic                                                                    the country and society locked down, poverty
                                                                            is estimated to have increased by 38 percentage
Cases                                                                       points (p.p.) among Jordanians, and by 18 p.p.
(per million)
                                                                            among Syrian refugees (Figure ES2); the lower
                                                                            increase for refugees reflects the fact that many
25,000                                                                      refugees were already living beneath the poverty
                                                                            line so there were fewer to be drawn under by
                                                                            the crisis. The chart shows the percentage of
                                                                            the population which falls into poverty from the
10,000                                                                      beginning of the crisis, beyond the pre-COVID-19
 5,000                                                                      poverty rate. This means that at the start of the
                                                                            crisis more than 1.5 million Jordanians living in
         Mar      Apr    May   Jun   Jul   Aug    Sep   Oct   Nov     Dec   the three regions covered by this study became
                                                                            newly poor, as did more than 76,000 Syrian
                                                                            refugees 2. The impact of COVID-19 is projected
                New cases - Iraq                 Total cases - Iraq
                                                                            to last for 12 months before returning to pre-
                New cases - Jordan               Total cases - Jordan
                                                                            COVID-19 poverty levels.
                New cases - Lebanon              Total cases - Lebanon

                                                                            The cash transfers initiated by the government for
                                                                            Jordanians in the three governorates examined
                                                                            are estimated to have reduced the poverty impact
Stringency                                                                  by 12 percent (or 4 p.p.) by the fourth month
                                                                            of the crisis as a result of the expansion of the
  100                                                                       Takaful program, the introduction of a cash top-up
                                                                            for NAF and Takaful beneficiaries and temporary
                                                                            cash assistance to many eligible non-Takaful
    60                                                                      beneficiaries. The blue line in the charts shows
    40                                                                      projected poverty with no public response; the
                                                                            red line shows poverty after considering the
                                                                            impact of the shock but also the public response.
     0                                                                      For Syrian refugees, there is a 6 percent (2 p.p.)
         Mar      Apr    May   Jun   Jul   Aug    Sep   Oct   Nov     Dec
         2020                                                               mitigation of poverty impacts in the second month
                                                                            of the crisis and 30 percent (6 p.p.) of the impact
                Iraq                                                        by the fifth month of the crisis, the months that
                Jordan                                                      had the largest expansions of UNHCR’s COVID-19
                                                                            cash assistance program. In this study (and in
                                                                            the graphs that follow), month 0 represents the
                                                                            pre-COVID-19 first quarter of 2020, and month 1
                                                                            corresponds to April 2020, the first month of the
   Authors’ calculation based on data from Our World
   In Data - Max Roser and Esteban Ortiz-Ospina (2020)                      crisis.
   – “Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) – the data”.
   Published online at Retrieved on
   11 December 2020 from:

   The Stringency Index is a composite measure based
   on nine response indicators including school closures,
   workplace closures, and travel bans, rescaled to a value
   from 0 to 100 (100 = strictest). If policies vary at the                     Jordanian’s population for Amman, Mafraq, and Zarqa only is
   subnational level, the index is shown as the response                        3,994,840, as estimated by the end of 2017 based on the official
   level of the strictest sub-region.                                           census. The Syrian refugee population is based on the refugees
   December data span until 10th of the Month only.                             registered with UNHCR in these three governorates: 431,168.
Changes in Poverty since the onset of Covid-19 on Syrian Refugees and                                                                                            7
Host Communities in Jordan, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Lebanon

Figure ES2
Changes in Poverty using the International Poverty Line - JORDAN

JORDANIAN                                                                    SYRIAN

Change in Poverty from Baseline (p.p.)                                        Change in Poverty from Baseline (p.p.)
40                                                                            40                                                             international poverty
                                                                                                                                             line (5.5/day)

30                                                                            30                                                             mitigation -
                                                                                                                                             international poverty
                                                                                                                                             line (5.5/day)
20                                                                            20

10                                                                            10                                                             Source:
                                                                                                                                             Authors’ calculations
                                                                                                                                             based on SRHCS
    0                                                                          0
        0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21                    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
        Month                                                                      Month

Lebanon has been the hardest hit of the three                        have been projected only until December
countries by COVID-19, where the pandemic                            2020, given the high uncertainty around the
arrived in a country already reeling from                            country’s macroeconomic outlook (Figure
political and economic collapse, soaring                             ES3). Unlike Jordan and KRI, the increase in
inflation and declining GDP, and soon after                          poverty is not expected to abate in 2021 as
the Port of Beirut explosion. One-third of                           the macro-economic crisis continues; Phase II
Lebanese (33 p.p., or 1.7 million people)                            will explore this in more detail. For refugees in
are expected to have fallen into poverty,                            Lebanon, UNHCR assistance mitigated around
and as many as 840,000 Syrian refugees                               8 percent (3 p.p.) of the increase in poverty.
(56 p.p.); many more Syrians were living                             Further analysis highlights that much of the
just above the international poverty line                            potential reduction in poverty as a result of
when COVID-19 hit, making them much                                  the mitigation policies is undone by inflation
more vulnerable 3. The results for Lebanon

Figure ES3
Changes in Poverty using the International Poverty Line
Actual CPI changes - LEBANON

LEBANESE                                                                      SYRIAN

Change in Poverty from Baseline (p.p.)                                        Change in Poverty from Baseline (p.p.)
60                                                                            60                                                             international poverty
                                                                                                                                             line (5.5/day)

40                                                                            40                                                             mitigation -
                                                                                                                                             international poverty
                                                                                                                                             line (5.5/day)
20                                                                            20
                                                                                                                                             Authors’ calculations
    0                                                                          0                                                             based on SRHCS
        0    1      2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9                    0    1      2     3     4      5    6     7     8     9   (2015/16)
        Month                                                                      Month

    These figures are calculated based on a population of 6,855,713, according to the UN population statistics,
    which includes an unofficial estimate of 1.5 million Syrian refugees.
Changes in Poverty since the onset of Covid-19 on Syrian Refugees and                                                                                                8
Host Communities in Jordan, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Lebanon

In KRI, hosts, refugees and IDPs faced similar
initial poverty levels and experienced
increases of 24 p.p., 21 p.p., and 28 p.p.,
respectively, when lockdown measures were
most severe (Figure ES4). That means 1.2
million people in the host community will
have fallen into poverty, as well as 49,000
Syrian refugees and more than 180,000 Iraqi
IDPs 4. As is the case for Jordan, after an initial
rapid increase, poverty levels have likely
declined, and are projected to return to pre-
COVID levels some 12 to 14 months after the
onset of the pandemic. The cash assistance
provided to refugees and IDPs mitigated up to
17 percent (5.5 p.p.) of the increase in poverty
when it was administered.

Figure ES4
Changes in Poverty using International Poverty Line

RESIDENT                                                                   REFUGEE

Change in Poverty from Baseline (p.p.)                                      Change in Poverty from Baseline (p.p.)
30                                                                          30

20                                                                          20

10                                                                          10

    0                                                                        0
        0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21                  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
        Month                                                                    Month


Change in Poverty from Baseline (p.p.)                                           international poverty
30                                                                               line (5.5/day)

                                                                                 mitigation -
20                                                                               international poverty
                                                                                 line (5.5/day)

10                                                                               Source:
                                                                                 Authors’ calculations
                                                                                 based on SRHCS
        0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

    The population of the host community of KRI (5,167,166) is based on the SWIFT 2017-18 estimates of population. Syrian refugee population (237,052) is based on
    UNHCR registration numbers in KRI, and the IDPs population size (643,251) is based on the IOM Displacement Tracking Matrix for KRI. 	
Changes in Poverty since the onset of Covid-19 on Syrian Refugees and                                                    9
Host Communities in Jordan, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Lebanon

               The report’s findings should be interpreted              Finally, mitigation strategies, if done at
               with some caution. The magnitude of the                  sufficient scale and duration, can help bridge
               changes in measured poverty since the                    the gap between the onset of the crisis and
               onset of COVID-19 on refugees and host                   the economic recovery and lessen the impact
               communities would be lower if households                 of the pandemic on both refugees and host
               responded to inflation by substituting for               communities. This study has demonstrated
               cheaper goods. Yet while this would reduce               how such strategies in Jordan and KRI
               the impact on measured poverty, such                     managed to reduce the poverty impact of
               negative coping mechanisms do nonetheless                COVID-19 (new initiatives in Lebanon are
               incur welfare costs. Moreover, while UNHCR               expected and will be examined in the second
               and government assistance are included                   phase) but were insufficient to prevent
               in this study, other organizations have                  poverty rising considerably. Looking into
               also provided support which has not been                 2021, additional responses from governments
               captured.                                                and the international community are clearly
                                                                        needed to prevent continued misery. The
               Conversely, poverty during the                           second phase of the report will seek to
               economic recovery path may have been                     quantify how big such a response might
               underestimated. Some projections of the                  need to be, but given the unprecedented
               speed of recovery may be optimistic, for                 magnitude of the poverty impacts the
               example, in light of the time it will likely take        response will need to be commensurate.
               for a vaccine to be available to the majority
               of the population. The crisis may also have
               had more severe welfare repercussions given
               temporary employment or income losses can
               translate into permanent shocks if negative
               coping mechanisms are adopted, such as
               pulling children out of school, forgoing
               medical treatment or selling productive
               assets to meet the cost of living. As more
               data emerge from ongoing household phone
               surveys and the macroeconomic outlooks are
               updated, and a more complete mapping of
               assistance programs is conducted, the results
               presented in this study will be revised as part
               of the second phase of this World Bank –
               UNHCR collaboration.
Changes in Poverty since the onset of Covid-19 on Syrian Refugees and                                                              10
Host Communities in Jordan, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Lebanon

                               The poverty impact of COVID-19 and the                 Naturally, with the dearth of reliable data in
                               ensuing confinement policies have been felt            this region, assumptions need to be made. As
                               throughout the globe, not least by                     such, this report comes with caveats. First,
                               marginalized communities. In Jordan KRI and            this report does not make detailed sub-group
                               Lebanon, COVID-19 compounded already                   decompositions of the effects as doing so
                               existing vulnerabilities. Syrian refugees –            would simply reflect the underlying
                               many of whom have been displaced for nine              assumptions on how the shocks are affecting
                               years – are particularly exposed given their           households. As phone survey data come in
                               perilous pre-crisis situation. Host                    from each country on how different sectors
                               communities, especially those in Jordan, KRI           and households are being affects, the second
                               and Lebanon, who have supported and                    phase report will use these to recalibrate the
                               accommodated such large numbers of                     models and produce profiles of the new poor.
                               refugees, have also been heavily affected.             Second, the macroeconomic shocks in KRI
                                                                                      and Lebanon are applied homogenously
                               This joint UNHCR-World Bank study, funded              within economic sectors. Third, the projected
                               by the Joint Data Center on Forced                     path for recovery may be more optimistic
                               Displacement, estimates the change in                  than how it will pan out in practice as poverty
                               poverty since the onset of COVID-19 among              changes are predicated on income losses
                               Syrian refugee and host communities in                 rather than job losses. The report thus refrains
                               Jordan 1, KRI and Lebanon. Understanding the           from the consequences of scarring – because
                               magnitude of the impact of COVID-19, and of            households accumulated debt for instance, or
                               other crises in the case of Lebanon, has               search costs which need to be incurred to find
                               implications for the policies that governments         new jobs. The second phase report will
                               and international organizations may need to            incorporate information on job losses and
                               adopt as the pandemic unfolds and during the           introduce these and scarring into the model.
                               recovery period. This study the first phase of a
                               two-phase collaboration between the World              At this phase of the study, the report avoids
                               Bank and UNHCR. Phase I, presented in this             providing policy suggestions such as whom to
                               report, is a diagnostic that simulates the             target or how to best provide assistance, as
                               effects of the crisis(es) on poverty among host        doing so requires more detailed data that is
                               and refugee communities; phase II aims to              expected to become available during Phase II.
                               calibrate these simulations and to delve more          One policy implication that can be drawn is
                               concretely nto the cost of mitigation and              the critical need for more and more recent
                               policy options.                                        official statistics. The preferred data for the
                                                                                      kind of microsimulations presented in this
                               In light of the difficulty, if not impossibility, of   study, official welfare surveys, are either too
                               collecting face-to-face surveys and the limited        old or not accessible, or both. The last
                               ability of phone surveys to capture                    Household Budget Survey in Lebanon dates
                               households’ consumption and poverty levels,            from 2011-2012; the comparator survey for
                               this study relies on microsimulations using            Jordan is more recent, it dates from 2017-18
                               pre-COVID-19 surveys with information on               but is not publicly accessible. Only for KRI
                               household income and consumption. It                   (and the rest of Iraq) are survey data both
                               estimates the impact of COVID-19, as well              recent and available, although its sample
                               other confounding crises and economic                  does not cover refugee populations in
                               contractions, on poverty by analyzing the              sufficient numbers to be used for this study.
                               baseline characteristics of host and refugee           Consequently, this study relies on micro-data
                               households and projecting the effects of the           from a joint survey implemented in 2016, not
                               macro-economic trends and forecasts on                 by National Statistical Agencies but by a
                               these characteristics. To do so, a unique              collaboration between the World Bank and
                               comparable survey has been used, combined              UNHCR. This survey is exploited to its fullest
                               with the latest macro-economic growth and              extent but comes with limitations that have
                               inflation projections and related labor market         required additional assumptions and caveats
                               characteristics of hosts and refugees.                 that would not have been needed had more
Changes in Poverty since the onset of Covid-19 on Syrian Refugees and                                                           11
Host Communities in Jordan, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Lebanon

                               recent, and more representative, welfare data      Iraq’s GDP shrank by around 6.8 percent in the
                               been available.                                    first half of 2020, following a two-year period
                                                                                  of steady growth.
                               In many respects the countries in this study
                               have experienced comparable dynamics,              By March 2020, all three countries had
                               including tight fiscal space, receiving and        witnessed their first cases of COVID-19 and
                               supporting large numbers of Syrian refugees        introduced stringent containment policies
                               and have weathered the resulting pressures,        ranging from partial closures of schools and
                               including on public services. Syrian refugees      shops to full curfew. These measures were
                               registered with UNHCR in Jordan, KRI and           initially largely successful in containing the
                               Lebanon have at times exceeded a fifth of the      spread of the pandemic (Figure 1), although
                               host population. As of November 2020,              their economic effects on households (along
                               UNHCR has registered 5.6 million Syrian            with the broader contraction in demand) are
                               refugees, of which 1.8 million are hosted by       the subject of this report. The first COVID-19
                               Jordan, KRI and Lebanon. 2 The total number        case was confirmed in Jordan on 2nd March
                               of Syrians is even higher when including           2020. The country closed its borders on 19th
                               government estimates of those not registered       March. Subsequently, the government of
                               with UNHCR. Jordan, KRI and Lebanon also           Jordan issued defense orders that banned
                               differ in a number of ways: the general state of   non-essential movement nationwide and
                               their economies, labor policies for refugees,      effectively closed all economic sectors. In
                               lockdown policies and the prevalence and           early April, a comprehensive 24-hour curfew
                               impact of COVID-19 on their societies.             was introduced and a few weeks later the
                                                                                  previous lockdown measures were
                               In Lebanon, the total number of Syrians            reintroduced. In early May, restrictions on
                               refugees is estimated at 1.5 million. Lebanon      economic activity began to ease and
                               has been grappling with political instability,     businesses were permitted to reopen at full
                               an economic crisis and, most recently, the         capacity (provided 75 percent of employees
                               aftermath of the Port of Beirut explosion. The     are Jordanians). Over the course of the
                               economic crisis comes on multiple fronts:          subsequent months, intermittent curfew
                               currency and banking crises, increasing            orders were put in place and self-isolation
                               unemployment and soaring levels of inflation.      criteria were introduced. In KRI, the first cases
                               All these have had devastating effects on both     appeared on 5th March. In response, the
                               Lebanese and refugee communities.                  Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG)
                                                                                  introduced curfew measures in the areas
                               Jordan hosts 650,000 registered Syrian             affected which later turned into a complete
                               refugees in addition to Iraqi refugees and         lockdown of the region in early April. In May,
                               refugees of other nationalities. The               the more stringent restrictions were relaxed
                               government estimates that the total number         although many were re-imposed in June and
                               of Syrians refugees could reach as many as 1.4     July. In Lebanon, the first COVID-19 cases
                               million. 3 The country’s fiscal position has       appeared early March. In response, the
                               been deteriorating since 2017 and coming           government introduced a general
                               into the COVID-19 crisis unemployment had          mobilization decree to fight the coronavirus in
                               been near 19 percent.                              mid-March. This was relaxed and re-instated
                                                                                  intermittently until May 2020, after which
                               KRI hosts around 250,000 refugees – almost         curfew and car movement restrictions were
                               all the Syrian refugees in Iraq – and around       introduced. In August, following a surge in the
                               half of the country’s IDPs. While KRI has the      number of COVID-19 cases, the government
                               lowest levels of poverty in Iraq, the country as   introduced a second lockdown. In November,
                               whole continues to face macro-economic             new restrictions came into force.
                               fluctuations and the economic effects of the
                               pandemic. Iraq relies strongly on oil exports
                               which constitute around 43 percent of GDP,
                               which in turn affects the revenue transfers to
                               KRI. As such, the country was vulnerable to
                               the global drop in demand and prices of oil.
Changes in Poverty since the onset of Covid-19 on Syrian Refugees and                                                 12
Host Communities in Jordan, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Lebanon

Figure 1
Number of Cases
                                                                               Manar (4)
of COVID-19                                                                    Syrian Refugee
(per million
                                                                               Four-year-old Syrian refugee, Manar,
and stringency                                                                 is photographed at home in Beirut
of government

(per million)







         Mar      Apr    May   Jun   Jul   Aug    Sep   Oct   Nov     Dec

                New cases - Iraq                 Total cases - Iraq
                New cases - Jordan               Total cases - Jordan
                New cases - Lebanon              Total cases - Lebanon







         Mar      Apr    May   Jun   Jul   Aug    Sep   Oct   Nov     Dec


   Authors’ calculation based on data from Our World
   In Data - Max Roser and Esteban Ortiz-Ospina (2020)
   – “Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) – the data”.
   Published online at Retrieved on
   11 December 2020 from:

   The Stringency Index is a composite measure based
   on nine response indicators including school closures,
   workplace closures, and travel bans, rescaled to a value
   from 0 to 100 (100 = strictest). If policies vary at the
   subnational level, the index is shown as the response
   level of the strictest sub-region.
                                                                            UNHCR / Diego Ibarra Sánchez / Lebanon
   December data span until 10th of the Month only.
Changes in Poverty since the onset of Covid-19 on Syrian Refugees and                                                           13
Host Communities in Jordan, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Lebanon

                               COVID-19’s disruptive effects on economies         Given its ubiquity, unemployment in the
                               have become apparent in recent months. It          informal sector affects the most vulnerable
                               has wreaked havoc on markets, on the supply        – including refugees. While some refugees
                               side by disrupting supply chains and on the        have benefited from expansions in UNHCR
                               demand side through reduced employment,            and WFP cash and food programs partially
                               income shocks, and through the uncertainty         buffered its impact, refugees have been
                               that surrounds the future economic outlook.        particularly affected, borrowing more and
                               The World Bank’s 2020 Poverty and Shared           reducing consumption.
                               Prosperity Report suggests that up to 150
                               million people will fall below the extreme         In Lebanon, according to the recently
                               poverty line by 2021, reversing years of           completed annual Vulnerability Assessment
                               progress towards poverty alleviation. 4 For the    of Syrian Refugees (VASyR, 2020; see Box 2)
                               MENA region, poverty is estimated to have          88 percent of the refugee population, cannot
                               increased by roughly 12 to 15 million people       afford the Survival Minimum Expenditure
                               in 2020 alone, at the Upper Middle-Income          Basket (SMEB) 7, compared to 55 percent at
                               Country poverty line of living on $5.50 per        the end of 2019.
                               day. This estimate could rise to upwards of 23
                               million by the end of 2021.                        In Jordan, 92 percent of refugees surveyed
                                                                                  in May 2020 had less than 50 JOD of savings
                               In MENA, economic losses are estimated at          left. By June 2020, 40 percent of refugees
                               around 7.7 percent of the region’s GDP in          had debts of more than 100 JOD per capita.
                               2019, relative to a no-crisis counterfactual.      More than 90 percent reported resorting to
                               Within this headline figure, there is also great   least one negative coping strategy such as
                               variability. In Jordan and Iraq, the losses are    reducing meals or expenditure on health and
                               at around 8.2 and 10.5 percent, respectively.      education. 8
                               In Lebanon, the losses are the highest at 25
                               percent of its 2019 GDP, with the COVID-19         In KRI, early in the onset of the pandemic,
                               crisis compounded by the economic and              UNHCR protection monitoring in KRI found
                               political crises mentioned above.                  that 62 percent of households had reduced
                                                                                  food consumption; 56 percent reported
                               The impact of the pandemic on informal             that they had restricted mobility, affecting
                               markets is also marked. Jordan, KRI and            livelihood opportunities for many of them; 55
                               Lebanon have large informal markets,               percent reported entering further into debt
                               with poorer workers and precarious                 to pay for basic necessities; while 30 percent
                               employment. Informal enterprises often             had to seek support from friends and family.
                               have limited financial cushioning and would        Overall, more than 60 percent reported loans
                               naturally resort to wage cuts and job cuts         as their primary source of income during the
                               or suspensions in times of crisis. 5 Where         period August to October 2020. Refugees
                               governmental regulation may offer support          have reported an increase in child marriages
                               to workers, informal workers fall outside the      (12 percent of households), child labor (2
                               remit of such benefits. In Jordan, ILO surveys     percent), and selling household items (2
                               found that as many 39 percent of vulnerable        percent).
                               workers were not working anymore after the
                               onset of the crisis; 31 percent of vulnerable      Movement restrictions and economic
                               Jordanians had been temporarily laid off, 17       pressures have exacerbated pre-existing
                               percent permanently laid off, with 41 percent      protection risks, and, in some countries,
                               on paid leave. 6 In addition, 50 percent report    social cohesion. Refugees have experienced
                               a notable increase in food prices, and 29          a growing number of incidents of
                               percent not having enough food in the past         discrimination, stigmatization or xenophobia.
                               week mostly because they could not afford it.      Tensions with local communities have been
                                                                                  exacerbated as a result of an increasingly
                                                                                  fierce competition over jobs and resources,
                                                                                  particularly in Lebanon. 9
Changes in Poverty since the onset of Covid-19 on Syrian Refugees and                                                          14
Host Communities in Jordan, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Lebanon

                               Reduced educational opportunities because          Taken together, the impact of the COVID-19
                               of limited access to distance or home learning     crisis on poverty has been very serious. The
                               have particularly affected the poorest in          welfare consequences can be transient,
                               society, including refugee children. 10 Reduced    possibly recovering with the rebound in the
                               income has in some cases resulted in refugees      general economy, or they may be longer
                               being evicted from their homes or having to        term. For this reason, this study has applied
                               share overcrowded apartments. In Jordan,           a dynamic simulation model that shows the
                               prior to the March lockdown, refugees              effects of the crisis on a monthly basis over
                               seeking eviction-related legal assistance and      2020 and 2021. The mitigation strategies that
                               mediation services from UNHCR comprised            governments or international organizations
                               less than 1 percent of monthly referrals. After    adopted in response to the pandemic are also
                               curfew measures eased again in the third           modelled.
                               quarter of 2020, eviction-related referrals rose
                               to over 24 percent.                                This study first outlines the potential channels
                                                                                  of the impact of the pandemic on households
                               Syrian refugee women, already                      and their welfare. Next, a description is
                               disadvantaged, have been particularly              provided of the data sources and baseline
                               affected. 11 With limited access to basic          characteristics and vulnerabilities of these
                               services such as education, shelter, health        households, and of the macroeconomic
                               care, mobile technology and the labor              assumptions that shape these
                               market, the existing challenges faced by           microsimulations and the results. Finally, this
                               women and girls have been exacerbated              study concludes with a preliminary discussion
                               during the lockdowns. 12 An increase in cases      on policy implications.
                               of domestic violence against women has been
                               reported, with mental health and psycho-
                               social issues associated with COVID-19
                               lockdowns also affecting men, women, girls
                               and boys. 13

                               Strategies to mitigate the impact of COVID-19
                               have included the expansion of government
                               social safety net and humanitarian cash
                               assistance programs. In Jordan, for example,
                               in response to the COVID-19 emergency, the
                               government expanded its existing Takaful
                               social safety net in terms of the number of
                               households covered, providing a monetary
                               top-up to those already included in the
                               program and provided prompt support to
                               190,000 Jordanian households soon after
                               the onset of the crisis. In Lebanon, the
                               government is planning to expand its existing
                               safety net from covering the poorest 8 percent
                               to cover the poorest 24 percent. KRI is piloting
                               a targeted cash transfer as well. UNHCR, WFP,
                               other UN agencies and Non-Governmental
                               Organizations (NGOs) have expanded their
                               cash assistance programs in 2020. The
                               existence of well-established registration and
                               cash delivery systems prior to the COVID-19
                               crisis enabled many organizations to scale-up
                               quickly in response.
Changes in Poverty since the onset of Covid-19 on Syrian Refugees and                                                                                                                                               15
Host Communities in Jordan, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Lebanon

Transmission channels
The COVID-19 crisis has affected household welfare                 Figure 2
in a number of ways. The impacts can be monetary                   Food Price                                                                                                                        Price changes
and non-monetary, such as service disruptions in                   Changes in                                                                                                                                 <0%
health, education and other sectors. This study                    MENA between                                                                                                                               0-10%
focuses on the monetary impacts on consumption,                    February 14th                                                                                                                              10-20%
                                                                                                                                                                                                              over 20%
the welfare aggregate used to measure poverty                      and October
in the three countries. Perhaps the most direct                    30th, 2020
impact is any reduction in labor income as a result
of contracting the illness, but the more salient
are the impacts on the economic sectors in which                            Tomatoes   Onions   Lettuce    Bread       Rice   Potatoes   Processed   Cheese,     Hen eggs    Meat of     Meat of    Oranges   Bananas   Apples
                                                                                                and        and other                     liquid      fresh or    in shell,   chickens,   cattle,
individuals are employed, causing earnings and                                                  chicory,
                                                                                                                                         milk        processed   fresh       fresh or
                                                                                                                                                                                         fresh or

employment shocks.
Households also face negative effects on their non-
labor income. For instance, households may face                    BHR
a decline in remittances as a result of the global
economic slowdown. The disruptions in supply                       DIJ
chains, employment, and changes in demand
have also affected prices. The price changes vary
among countries in MENA, but for some, staples’                    EGY
prices have increased by more than 20 percent from
February to October 2020 (Figure 2). Lebanon in                    IRN
particular has experienced a large increase in price
levels, largely due to its import dependence and                   IRQ
currency devaluation, in addition to the effects of
the COVID-19 crisis. Given that the share of food                  ISR
expenditures is higher among poorer households,
the increase in food prices can have significant                   JOR
effects on their welfare.











                                                                   WB calculations MENA Chief Economist’s Office
Changes in Poverty since the onset of Covid-19 on Syrian Refugees and                                                        16
Host Communities in Jordan, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Lebanon

Data sources and
baseline characteristics
                               This study relies on the Syrian Refugees           Figure 3 shows the distribution of refugees
                               and Host Communities Survey (SRHCS)                and host communities, those in wage labor
                               undertaken by the World Bank in                    or working on their own account, across
                               2015/2016. The SRHCS collects information          economic sectors in each of the three
                               on households’ sources of income and               countries according to the SRHCS 17. In
                               assistance, and provides information on labor      Jordan, most refugees in wage labor work in
                               market characteristics of randomly chosen          agriculture, construction, and other service
                               individuals within these households, among         activities, and Jordanians in wage labor work
                               other data gathered. The survey was designed       predominantly in professional and scientific
                               to be comparable for Syrian refugees and           jobs and in education. Among those who
                               host communities and used a unified survey         work on their own account, both refugees
                               module in KRI, Lebanon, and in three               and hosts are concentrated in wholesale and
                               governorates in Jordan with a high refugee         retail. In Lebanon, refugees are concentrated
                               concentration: Amman, Mafraq, and Zarqa.           in agriculture, wholesale, and construction,
                               For this study, SRHCS data is complemented         and the Lebanese community in wholesale
                               with auxiliary macroeconomic data, as well         and retail. KRI has a slightly different labor
                               as microdata for refugees provided by UNHCR        market composition: there seems to be more
                               and other agencies, such as the Vulnerability      similarity in sectors where both refugees/IDPs
                               Assessment Framework (VAF) from Jordan,            and host communities are concentrated, likely
                               the Vulnerability Assessment of Syrian             reflecting a combination of work permitting
                               Refugees (VASyR) from Lebanon, and the             and more similar skill levels.
                               Vulnerability Assessment Tool in KRI.

                               While the SRHCS survey design is common
                               across the three countries, the sampling
                               frames differed considerably, largely due to a
                               lack of census and other data. 14 In Jordan, due
                               to limited access to the 2015 Census sampling
                               frame, the data collected are representative
                               of Zaatari and Azraq camps. These data were
                               complemented by purposive samples of the
                               Amman, Mafraq, and Zarqa governorates.
                               As such, the results and conclusions drawn
                               from Jordan are limited to these two camps,
                               the neighboring areas of the camps, and the
                               Amman governorate. 15 In Lebanon, due to the
                               lack of a recent and reliable sampling frame,
                               the data were collected based on a frame that
                               consists of the universe of enumeration areas
                               in the country, with associated estimates of
                               population. The survey was representative
                               of host communities and Syrian refugee
                               populations in KRI and Lebanon. In KRI, it is
                               representative for refugees as well as IDPs,
                               inside and outside of camps. 16
Changes in Poverty since the onset of Covid-19 on Syrian Refugees and                                                              17
Host Communities in Jordan, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Lebanon

Figure 3
Across Sectors
of Work
(wage labor and
own account work)

                                          Sectors of work - Wage Labor - JORDAN

                                          Jordanian                                     Syrian

                    Construction                                Administrative         Accomodation     Education
                                                                & support              & food service
            Other services
            Professional, scientific
              Wholesale & retail trade
                                                                                 Wholesale                               Construction
                       Transport & storage                                       & retail trade

                                                                  Education            Other

                                          Sectors of work - Own Account - JORDAN

                                          Jordanian                                     Syrian


                    Agriculture                                                       Manufacturing
                                                                    Wholesale                                              Wholesale
                    Manufacturing                                     & retail        Other                                  & retail
                                                                        trade         services                                 trade
                    Transport & storage

                    Other services
Changes in Poverty since the onset of Covid-19 on Syrian Refugees and                                                                    18
Host Communities in Jordan, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Lebanon

                                       Sectors of work - Wage Labor - LEBANON

                                       Lebanese                                           Syrian
                                                                                                         Other services

                                Wholesale                                                                 Administrative
                                & retail trade                                                            & support services
                                                                                 & food service
         Transport & storage                                                     Human health
                                                                                 & social work

         Accomodation & food service                                             Manufacturing

   administration          Administrative
                           & support services                                           Wholesale
                                                                                        & retail trade

                                       Sectors of work - Own account - LEBANON

                                       Lebanese                                           Syrian

                                                                                                         Electricity, gas, steam
                    & food service                                                Transport
                                                                                  & storage
                    & storage                                                     Manufacturing



                                                                   Wholesale                                               Wholesale
                                                                & retail trade                                          & retail trade
   Changes in Poverty since the onset of Covid-19 on Syrian Refugees and                                                                                       19
   Host Communities in Jordan, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Lebanon

   Sectors of work - Wage Labor - KRI

                                                                                                                                 & storage
   Resident                                             Refugee          Wholesale                             IDP
                                                                         & retail trade
                                                       Education                                                                 Accomodation
                                                                          Transport                        Wholesale
                    Wholesale                                             & storage                                              & food service
                                                                                                           & retail trade
                    & retail trade                  Accomodation
Accomodation                                                                                                                                             Public
                                                    & food service                                         Human health
& food service                                                                                                                                   administration
                                                                                                           & social work
Professional,                         administration
scientific                                                                                 Construction
                                          Education                                                            Manufacturing
Manufacturing                                                                                                                                      Construction
Human health                                                                              Other services                                             Education
& social work

   Sectors of work - Own account - KRI

   Resident                                             Refugee                                                IDP

                                                         Construction       & storage
                                     Transport          Accomodation                                                                                   Transport
                                     & storage          & food service                                         Professional,                           & storage
Agriculture                                                                                                    scientific

Manufacturing                                          Manufacturing                                         Accomodation
                                                                                                             & food service

                                   Wholesale                                                 Wholesale         Manufacturing                          Wholesale
                                & retail trade                                            & retail trade                                           & retail trade

                                                                                                                    Authors’ calculations based on SRHCS (2015/16)
Changes in Poverty since the onset of Covid-19 on Syrian Refugees and                                                                          20
Host Communities in Jordan, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Lebanon

On the welfare side, there are observable                  Figure 4
differences between host communities and                   Baseline density
refugees. The consumption distribution 18 is                                                                           Jordanian
                                                           of expenditure                                              Syrian
compared against the international poverty                 (per capita)
line for Upper Middle-Income Countries ($5.5/              JORDAN                                                      national poverty line
day) for cross-country comparison as well as                                                                           international poverty line
each country’s national poverty line. These
distributions reflect the household per capita
expenditure distribution at the end of 2019,
as they are nowcast based on growth and                    .008

inflation from the year of the survey                      .006
(see Box 1).

The analysis begins by examining the pre-                  .002

COVID-19 “baseline” distributions across                     0
the three countries. Figures 4-6 show the                         0                   200          400                  600                    800
                                                                  Expenditure (adj.) in JOD
density distribution of household per capita
expenditure. The density graphs reflect
the proportion of households under the
poverty line, i.e. the area underneath the                 Figure 5
curve to the left of the poverty line is the               Baseline density
fraction of households who are considered                  of expenditure
poor by that poverty line. For Jordan, the                                                                             Syrian
                                                           (per capita)
expenditure distribution of refugees is both               LEBANON                                                     national poverty line
more concentrated and much lower than
                                                                                                                       international poverty line
that of Jordanians. Whereas the mode of
the distribution for Jordanians lies around
150 JOD per capita per month, for refugees
it is closer to 70 JOD per capita per month.              .0015

The differences between host communities                  .0010
and refugees are larger in Jordan (for the                .0005
Mafraq, Zarqa, and Amman governorates)
than they are in KRI and in Lebanon. In
                                                                  0                          500               1000                         1500
Lebanon, the similarity of the distributions                      Expenditure (adj.) in ‘000 LBP
may be influenced by the deteriorating
economic conditions from 2019. In both KRI
and Lebanon, while the refugee (and IDPs
in KRI) distribution still lies to the left of the         Figure 6
host community’s distribution, the modes                   Baseline density
                                                                                                                       Resident / Kurd
are at similar levels. As a consequence,                                                                               Syrian
                                                           of expenditure                                              IDP
many refugees are under the poverty lines                  (per capita)
in Jordan, under the national poverty line in              KURDISTAN                                                   national poverty line
Lebanon, and more refugees are under the                                                                               international poverty line
poverty lines than are the host communities
in general. This higher rate of pre-COVID                 Density
poverty among refugees in all three countries             .006

does mean that there are fewer non-poor                    .004
refugees who can potentially fall into poverty,
limiting the maximum poverty impacts of the
crisis.                                                      0
                                                                  0                   200          400                  600                    800
                                                                  Expenditure (adj.) in ‘000 IQD

                                                                                                   Authors’ calculations based on SRHCS (2015/16)
Changes in Poverty since the onset of Covid-19 on Syrian Refugees and                                                                            21
Host Communities in Jordan, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Lebanon

Macroeconomic assumptions
This section presents the macroeconomic                    Table 1: Macroeconomic Changes in Sectors
changes that underlie the microsimulation                  	        of the Economy - JORDAN
results. In particular, the changes relative
to the pre-COVID-19 baseline at the sector                                                  Q1      Q2       Q3       Q4       Q1     Q2     Q3        Q4
                                                               Economic Sector
                                                                                           2020    2020     2020     2020     2021   2021   2021      2021
level at various quarters of the year are
transformed into monthly changes and                          Agriculture, forestry
                                                                                           0.5%    -30%      -6%      -6%     -4%    0%     0%        0%
                                                                   and fishing
then used as parameters for the analysis.
For Jordan, the inputs of a computable                       Mining and quarrying          0.5%    -36%      9%       9%      5%     0%     0%        0%

general equilibrium (CGE) model are used to                    All manufacturing           -2.7%   -19.6%   -26.5%   -26.5%   -9%    0%     0%        0%
parameterize the macroeconomic changes
by economic sector for the eight quarters                    Electricity, gas, steam
                                                              and air conditioning         0.5%    -30%      2%       2%      1%     0%     0%        0%
of 2020 and 2021. 19 A palpable initial shock                        supply
to the economy is observed for the second                   Water supply; sewer-
quarter of 2020, after which the economy                     age, waste manage-
                                                                                           0.5%    -30%     -30%     -30%     -18%   0%     0%        0%
                                                            ment and remediation
begins to recover throughout 2020 and                             activities
returns in the first quarter of 2021 to pre-crisis
                                                                 Construction              0.5%    -49%     -20%     -20%     -11%   0%     0%        0%
levels.20 In Table 1 those negative effects are
                                                              Wholesale and retail
felt throughout the various economic sectors,                trade; repair of motor
                                                                                           0.5%    -35%     -35%     -35%     -21%   0%     0%        0%
but the construction and education sectors                    vehicles and motor-
are some of the worst hit by the pandemic.
These two sectors have a large concentration                  Transportation and
                                                                                           0.5%    -41%     -30%     -30%     -18%   0%     0%        0%
of refugees and Jordanians, respectively,
as shown in the previous section. In an                       Accommodation and
                                                                                           0.5%    -43%     -43%     -43%     -25%   0%     0%        0%
                                                             food service activities
extension, a second wave and lockdown
measures is examined in Jordan, and the                         Information and
                                                                                           0.5%    -31%     -25%     -25%     -15%   0%     0%        0%
economy re-shocked with the Q2 2020
parameters.                                                   Financial and insur-
                                                                                           0.5%    -31%     -15%     -15%     -9%    0%     0%        0%
                                                                 ance activities

                                                             Real estate activities        0.5%    -30%     -30%     -30%     -18%   0%     0%        0%

                                                            Professional, scientific
                                                                                           0.5%    -47%     -47%     -47%     -27%   0%     0%        0%
                                                            and technical activities

                                                             Public administration
                                                             and defense; compul-          0.5%    -10%     -10%     -10%     10%    9%     9%        9%
                                                              sory social security

                                                                   Education               0.5%    -50%     -30%     -30%     -18%   0%     0%        0%

                                                              Human health and
                                                                                           0.5%    -30%     -28%     -28%     -16%   0%     0%        0%
                                                             social work activities

                                                            Other service activities       0.5%    -38%     -26%     -26%     -15%   0%     0%        0%

                                                           Refaqat, Rodriguez, Wai-Poi,
                                                           Griffin and McCartney (2020)

                                                           The parameters shown in this
                                                           table are those of the formal
                                                           sector. We estimate that the
                                                           informal sector observes a
                                                           shock 20% more severe in all
                                                           economic sectors.
Changes in Poverty since the onset of Covid-19 on Syrian Refugees and                                                                    22
Host Communities in Jordan, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Lebanon

In Lebanon, the effects of the pandemic are
compounded by an economic crisis that
pre-dates it, and by the subsequent Port of
Beirut explosion of August 2020. The strongest
driver of poverty changes in Lebanon in 2020
has been inflation. For the simulations, the               Table 2: Macroeconomic Changes in Sectors
output of a computable general equilibrium                 	        of the Economy – Lebanon
model is used to parameterize the income
shocks for the months of 2020. 21 The model                         Economic Sector              Q1 2020   Q2 2020   Q3 2020   Q4 2020
assumes that the Lebanese economy
continues in the same downward trend as                      Agriculture, forestry and fishing    0.5%      -0.5%     -0.2%     -0.2%
2019 in the first quarter of 2020. The impacts
of COVID-19 in the second quarter are then                        Mining and quarrying            -4.2%    -20.8%     0.5%      0.5%

added, together with the impact of the                              All manufacturing             -2.7%    -19.6%    -26.5%    -26.5%
explosion in the third quarter. No recovery is
assumed in the fourth quarter. Unlike Jordan                  Electricity, gas, steam and air
                                                                                                  -2.6%    -11.0%    -19.6%    -19.6%
                                                                   conditioning supply
and KRI, in Lebanon the changes in poverty
in 2020 only are simulated, and not in 2021                  Water supply; sewerage, waste
                                                             management and remediation           -7.5%    -17.3%    -24.1%    -24.1%
due to the increasing uncertainty over the                             activities
macroeconomic outlook in the country. This
                                                                      Construction               -14.9%    -62.4%    -68.5%    -68.5%
will be revisited in
Phase II.                                                   Wholesale and retail trade; repair
                                                                                                  -2.4%    -10.7%     -6.8%     -6.8%
                                                            of motor vehicles and motorcycles

                                                               Transportation and storage         -5.3%     5.7%      2.3%      2.3%

                                                            Accommodation and food service
                                                                                                 -17.0%    -38.8%    -88.8%    -88.8%

                                                            Information and communication         -4.4%     -8.6%     -6.5%     -6.5%

                                                            Financial and insurance activities    -0.6%     20.0%     35.3%     35.3%

                                                                  Real estate activities         -10.1%    -22.7%    -30.2%    -30.2%

                                                               Professional, scientific and
                                                                                                  -1.3%     -4.1%     0.3%      0.3%
                                                                   technical activities

                                                           Public administration and defense;
                         World Bank (2020), Beirut                                                22.7%    -37.6%    -37.0%    -37.0%
                                                               compulsory social security
                         Rapid Damage and Needs
                         Assessment, August 2020
                                                                        Education                 -0.3%    -16.1%    -24.3%    -24.3%
                         assumptions are based on the        Human health and social work
                                                                                                  -4.4%    -20.0%    -31.6%    -31.6%
                         inputs of a computable general              activities
                         equilibrium model. For Q1, we
                         take the baseline value added         Administrative and support
                                                                                                  1.1%      23.7%     16.1%     16.1%
                         growth in sectors in 2019,                     services
                         for Q2 we take the baseline
                         estimates of 2020 including
                                                             Arts, entertainment and recre-
                                                                                                  1.1%      23.7%     16.1%     16.1%
                         the impact of COVID-19 and
                         the economic crisis, for Q3 we
                         add to the baseline estimates           Other service activities         1.1%      23.7%     16.1%     16.1%
                         the estimated impact of the
                         Beirut blast of August 2020,
                         and for Q4 we assume no             Activities of households, other
                                                                                                  1.1%      23.7%     16.1%     16.1%
                         recovery. Further, assume that            goods and services
                         the formal sector estimates
                         at 10% higher than reported
                                                              Extraterritorial organizations
                         in this table, and the informal                                          1.1%      23.7%     16.1%     16.1%
                                                                       and bodies
                         sector’s 10% lower.
Changes in Poverty since the onset of Covid-19 on Syrian Refugees and                                                                                            23
Host Communities in Jordan, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Lebanon

In KRI, the model relies on macroeconomic                     Table 3
forecasts for 2020 and 2021 and then adjusts                  Macroeconomic Changes in Sectors of the Economy
them to quarterly and monthly levels. 22 There                – Kurdistan
are two limitations in KRI. First, the forecasts
are based on three sectors – Agriculture,                                                      Q1      Q2        Q3        Q4          Q1      Q2       Q3        Q4
                                                                  Economic Sector
Services, and Industry – which is why there is                                                2020    2020      2020      2020        2021    2021     2021      2021
less variation between sectors as compared
                                                                      Agriculture             5.0%    -1.0%     3.6%      4.0%        4.0%    5.0%     6.0%      7.5%
to the cases of Lebanon and Jordan. Second,
the macroeconomic projections are for Iraq                          Manufacturing             4.3%    -4.8%     0.5%      1.0%        1.0%    1.4%     2.0%      3.0%
nationally and are not disaggregated to KRI.
Nonetheless, a decline in economic activity                            Services               4.7%     -4%      0.5%      1.0%        1.0%    5.0%     7.0%      8.0%

in the second quarter of 2020 is observed. A
recovery is forecasted starting from the third                Source:
                                                              Macro Poverty Outlook – Iraq, World Bank (October 2020)
It is important to highlight that these                       assumptions are based on the annual estimates and forecasts of
estimates are based on forecasts and that                     the Macro Poverty Outlook of Iraq and spread over the quarters
                                                              to obtain quarterly estimates. We assume that the formal sector
the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve,                   estimates at 10% higher than reported in this table, and the
as such these estimates will be updated as                    informal sector’s 10% lower.
further data is gathered.

The World Bank estimates an 8.5 percent
decline in remittances to low- and middle-
income MENA countries as a result of the
pandemic in 2020 followed by fall of 7.7
percent in 2021. 23 Naturally, the rebound in
remittances to pre-crisis levels will depend
on the recovery in the global economy. In
Jordan, KRI and Lebanon, remittances play
an important role in household finances.
Further, non-labor income may be affected,                Figure 7
including private transfers as well as property,          Assumptions on                                                               International Remittances
asset, and other business income. An initial              the changes in                                                               Domestic Remittances
10 percent drop in international remittances              Remittances
is assumed, as well as a 50 percent drop in
domestic remittances and a gradual recovery               Percentage Reduction
                                                          from baseline
for all three countries. Given that the micro-
data on the source of remittances, domestic              0

or international, is not available, the models
assumes an average remittances shock at
each month.





                                                              0 1 2      3   4    5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14     15    16    17   18   19   20    21
Changes in Poverty since the onset of Covid-19 on Syrian Refugees and                                                        24
Host Communities in Jordan, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Lebanon

Results and discussion
                               The microsimulation model takes as               Two poverty lines are used: the international
                               parameters the macroeconomic changes             poverty line for upper middle-income
                               in various sectors of work, formal and           countries ($5.5/person/day) to allow
                               informal, the changes in remittances, and        comparability across the three contexts, and
                               shocks households’ various income sources        a national poverty line to offer a country
                               accordingly on a month-by-month basis. The       specific benchmark. These poverty lines are
                               model assumes that there are no behavioral       adjusted for inflation on a monthly basis using
                               responses by households, a one-to-one            CPI data.
                               transmission of the shock from income to
                               consumption, that households do not adopt        In the analysis below, the change in poverty
                               any consumption smoothing mechanisms             from the pre-COVID-19 baseline is modelled,
                               via asset liquidation or savings depletion 24,   i.e. this does not show the levels of poverty
                               and that there are no poverty traps. Notably,    but rather the change from the initial level
                               it models the changes in income and not          of poverty before the pandemic. As such, at
                               employment, and assumes individuals return       baseline – month 0 – the change is set to zero,
                               to their initial sector of work as the economy   and the subsequent months are the increases,
                               recovers. Further data from phone surveys        in percentage points, from the baseline
                               as well as work permits may be required          level. In terms of the timeline of the analysis,
                               to recalibrate assumptions on return to          month 0 corresponds to the projected level
                               employment. See Box 1 (and a technical           of poverty in the first quarter of 2020, and
                               annex) for further discussion on the modelling   month 1 is April 2020, till month 21 which
                               methodology and important limitations to the     corresponds to December 2021. In Jordan, the
                               approach.                                        results below show a hypothetical scenario
                                                                                of a second wave of the pandemic, while for
                               The SRHCS survey used includes income            Lebanon and KRI, show the first wave only.
                               data by source: labor income (wages), own
                               account income, remittances, asset earnings,     It is acknowledged that some of the
                               pensions, assistance from government/            assumptions presented above may
                               NGO/WFP /UNHCR (cash or in-kind), auto-          underestimate the extent of the crisis as it
                               consumption, and other income. The               unfolds in various ways in different countries,
                               aggregate income measure was transformed         as such, future phases of this work will refine
                               to the national household consumption            the parameters of the model based on new
                               distributions used to measure poverty            (phone-survey and COVID) data.
                               (see Box 1). The macroeconomic shocks
                               on the sectors of the economy are then
                               transformed onto the labor income and
                               own account income, depending on the
                               sector of work reported by the reporting
                               individuals in the household. Remittances
                               are adjusted according to the estimated drop
                               in international and domestic remittances,
                               and changes in government or international
                               organizations assistance programs are
                               factored in.
Changes in Poverty since the onset of Covid-19 on Syrian Refugees and                                                             25
Host Communities in Jordan, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Lebanon

Box 1                                                                   The application of household-specific shocks (based
Methodological                                                          on mix of income sources and sector and formality of
Note on                                                                 employment) to the transformed household per capita
Surveys and                                                             consumption then rests upon the assumption that while
Transformations                                                         the SRHCS income distribution is far more compressed
                                                                        than the national survey consumption distribution, it
                                                                        provides a much more comparable rank ordering of
The 2015/16 SRHCS has some limitations. It does not                     households. Given the lack of savings in the poorer half of
include a consumption module and has only relatively                    the distribution in the Jordan HEIS (and likely in Iraq and
limited income data – from eight different sources. It also             especially Lebanon pre-COVID-19 but post-economic crisis),
has a number of important advantages over using national                this assumption seems defensible. This transformation is
socioeconomic surveys from each country. First, it is                   implemented separately for host communities and refugees
more recent than the 2012 HBS survey in Lebanon, which                  in Jordan and Iraq (where data allow disaggregation);
predates the Syrian refugee crisis and its subsequent                   in Lebanon, the Lebanese distribution is transformed to
impacts on the economy (see, for example, The Fallout of                the Lebanese subsample, and the refugees to the non-
War (World Bank 2020). Second, the income categories it                 Lebanese subsample.
does include, as well as detailed sector of employment of
each respondent, are important for being able to transmit               It is important to note that consumption is shocked only
different types of shock to different households. Finally, it           by changes to particular income sources. Social assistance
is comparable across all three countries as well as between             for both host communities and refugees is modelled
host communities and refugees within each country in                    separately from labor market income and remittances, so
a manner that the available national surveys for each                   those relying more on assistance are in fact less vulnerable
country are not.                                                        to the economic contraction. Moreover, the expansion
                                                                        of the social safety net in Jordan since the survey was
The lack of a consumption module, however, is a serious                 conducted has been modelled and included in the
impediment to producing poverty estimates. To address                   nowcasted incomes. Formal and informal incomes in each
this, the per capita income distributions in the SRHCS are              sector are treated differently under COVID, with informality
transformed for both host communities and refugees to                   defined as not having a contract of employment and no
the per capita consumption distribution from the national               insurance, and treated as being affected 20% worse than
surveys (the 2012 HBS in Lebanon, the 2017-18 SWIFT in                  the formal sector by the crisis.
Iraq and the 2017-18 HEIS in Jordan, which are used to
estimate the national poverty rate in each country). A                  Several cautionary words should be said about applying
common method for such a transformation is survey-to-                   the largely standard macro-microsimulation approach
survey imputation. For example, per capita consumption                  in countries and communities with high rates of
in SWIFT could be regressed upon common indicators                      informality and reliance on assistance, such as refugees.
of welfare in both SWIFT and SRHCS and resulting                        Macroeconomic growth may not translate equally to formal
coefficients used to predict per capita consumption in                  and informal workers as it is assumed to here. Second,
SRHCS. One drawback with this approach is that the                      Jordan introduced a work permit scheme for refugees after
predicted distribution tends to be more compact than the                the survey used here was conducted and around 150,000
true distribution, which in turn affects poverty estimates              permits have been issued, allowing refugees to work in
derived from the predicted distribution. As an alternative,             the formal market. This means a minority but significant
a more mechanical transformation is applied, whereby                    number of households in the survey may have their
a scaling factor is calculated for each percentile of the               nowcasted income levels underestimated due to improved
SRHCS income distribution to expand it to match the same                working opportunities since the survey was conducted.
percentile of the national survey consumption distribution.             Third, due to lack of data, earnings shocks are assumed
This process, while not analytically grounded, produces an              to all households’ incomes and no unemployment is
accurate replication of the consumption distribution (see               modelled. In reality, some households are likely to
Technical Annex).                                                       have lost all labor market income and some households
                                                                        relatively little. Moreover, household incomes are expected
                                                                        to recover in line with economic growth, but temporary
                                                                        income and job losses may become more permanent (a
                                                                        phenomenon known as “scarring”) or at least slower to
                                                                        recover due to negative coping mechanisms used during
                                                                        the shock, such as selling productive assets. All of these
                                                                        caveats will be further explored in Phase II using data
                                                                        collected from phone surveys (unemployment, income
                                                                        losses, characteristics of households most affected) and the
                                                                        work permit program.
                            COMPOUNDING MISFORTUNES
                            Changes in Poverty since the onset of Covid-19 on Syrian Refugees and                                                                                                                      26
                            Host Communities in Jordan, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Lebanon

                                                                      For Jordan, the 2011 national poverty line                                          the poverty line prior to the crisis; in simple
                                                                      has been inflated to around 67 JOD per                                              terms, many Syrians were already below the
                                                                      person per month for 2019, which is very                                            poverty line, limiting how many more could
                                                                      close to the 2019 $5.5/day international                                            fall into poverty, while many Jordanians
                                                                      poverty line of 72.14 JOD, calculated at 2011                                       were above the poverty line, increasing the
                                                                      prices (PPP) and adjusted for inflation to                                          number who could fall below it. Under the
                                                                      2019. Based on the assumptions presented                                            assumptions of Table 1, these increases in
                                                                      in Table 1, Figure 8 and Figure 9 show the                                          poverty return back to their pre-crisis levels a
                                                                      changes in poverty headcount, percentage                                            year after the onset of the pandemic.
                                                                      points from the baseline poverty rate, at
                                                                      month 0 (March 2020). Since refugees were                                           Another way of thinking about poverty is not
                Al Mafraq
                Al Mafraq                                             poorer than Jordanians before the crisis                                            by using a poverty headcount rate as in the
                                                                      began, their baseline starting point reflects                                       last paragraph, but instead by considering the
                                                                      the difference in poverty levels between                                            poverty gap. The gap measures how far below
a                                                                     the two communities of approximately 33.3                                           the line, on average, poor households are.
                                                                      percentage points, based on the international                                       For example, a poverty gap of 0.07 indicates
                                                                      poverty line.                                                                       that poor households are on average 7
                                                                                                                                                          percent below the poverty line. In Jordan,
                                                                           At the onset of the crisis, there is a 38                                      in the first month of the crisis, not only did
                                                                           percentage point (p.p.) increase in poverty                                    the poverty headcount rate leap up for both
                                                                           rates among Jordanians, and a 18 p.p.                                          groups, but the poverty gap did as well. As
                                                                           increase in poverty rates among Syrian                                         with the poverty rate, the increase in the gap
                            Syrian Refugee Population                      refugees,
                                                               Host Community               noting, as shown in Figure 4, that
                                                                                       Population                                                         was larger for Jordanians than Syrians, a
                            ( 661,9Refugee
                                    97)    Population          Host
                                                               ( 10M  Community
                                                                       )               Population
                            (661,997)                          ( 1 0 M ) Syrian refugees were poorer than Jordanians                                      fact driven by different factors. As previously
                                 0 - 15,000
                                 0 - 15,000
                                                                           in pre-crisis period. The higher increase
                                                                       0 - 100,000
                                                                       0 - 100,000
                                                                                                                                                          noted, the rate went up more for Jordanians
                                 15,001 - 50,000                           among
                                                                       100,001  - 200,000 Jordanians reflects that the mode of                            because so many Syrians already lived below
                                 15,001 - 50,000                       100,001 - 200,000
                                                                           their consumption distribution was above                                       the poverty line. The poverty gap increased
                                 50,001 - 100,000
                                 50,001 - 100,000
                                                                    200,001 - 1,000,000
                                                                    200,001 - 1,000,000                                                                   less for Syrians because they were less reliant
                    Irbid                                                                                                                                 on labor market income and remittances
                                  >= 100,001
                                  >= 100,001
                                                                      >= 1,000,001
                                                                                                                                                          and more reliant on UN and NGO support,
                                                                        Al Mafraq                                                                         insulating them to a greater degree.
               Al Balqa
               Al Balqa
                                                                                                                                                          Annex 3 presents full results for each country
                                                  Irbid                                                                                                   and sub-population at both international and
               Madaba         Amman
                                                                                                       Al Mafraq
                                                                                                                                                          national poverty lines, and also shows that
                                                                                                                                                          the poverty gap is projected to recover faster
                  Al Karak                    Al Balqa                                                                                                    for Jordanians as the economy and their
                  Al Karak                                Amman
                                                                                                                                                          incomes recover along with it, although the
                                                                                                                                                          gap ends slightly higher for both groups by
               Al Tafilah                                    Amman
               Al Tafilah                      Madaba                                                                                                      the end of the forecast period.
                                                 Al Karak                        Syrian Refugee Population           Host Community Population                         In addition to modelling the income shocks,
                                                                                 Syrian Refugee Population
                                                                                                                     Host Community Population
                                                                                 (661,997)                           (10M)                                             mitigation strategies were also simulated.
                                                                                          0 - 15,000
                                                                                          0 - 15,000
                                                                                                                               0 - 100,000
                                                                                                                               0 - 100,000
                                                                                                                                                                       In Jordan, the Government had planned
                                            Al Tafilah
                                                                                          15,001 - 50,000                     100,001 - 200,000                        to expand its social safety net, Takaful, for
    Al Aqaba                                                                              15,001 - 50,000                     100,001 - 200,000
    Al Aqaba                                                          Ma'an                                                                                            Jordanian nationals in 2020 and 2021 prior
                                                                                          50,001 - 100,000
                                                                                          50,001 - 100,000
                                                                                                               Syrian Refugee
                                                                                                                                200,001 - 1,000,000
                                                                                                                                200,001  - 1,000,000 Host Community    toPopulation
                                                                                                                                                                           the pandemic, with an expectation of
                                                                                                               (661,997)                             (10M)
                                                                                                                                                                       an additional 25,000 and 40,000 Jordanian
                                                                                           >= 100,001
                                                                                           >= 100,001
                                                                                                                     0 - 15,000 >= 1,000,001
                                                                                                                                  >= 1,000,001
                                                                                                                                                           0 - 100,000
                                                                                                                                                                       households to receive Takaful assistance in
                                                                                                                     15,001 - 50,000                                   2020 and 2021, respectively. In response to
                                                                                                                                                           100,001 - 200,000
                                 Al Aqaba
                                                                                                                                                                       the COVID-19 emergency, the Government
                                                                                                                     50,001 - 100,000                       200,001 - 1,000,000
                                                                                                                                                                       added a further 10,000 households in 2020
                                                                                                                                                                       (accelerated entry from the 2021 quota) and
                                                                                                                     >= 100,001                   >= 1,000,001
Changes in Poverty since the onset of Covid-19 on Syrian Refugees and                                                                                27
Host Communities in Jordan, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Lebanon

provided a monetary top-up to those who                        regular cash assistance, for 2 months. The
are already in the program. In addition, the                   amount received varied based on household
Government provided six months’ temporary                      size, and whether they receive food assistance
assistance to 190,000 Jordanian households                     from WFP. In addition, 2,134 camp households
at the onset of the crisis.                                    who were outside the camp and remained out
                                                               of camp due to the restrictions on movement
UNHCR also expanded its cash program in                        were also provided with emergency cash
response to the COVID-19 crisis in Jordan.                     assistance. Both UNHCR and the Government
It provided COVID-19 emergency cash                            of Jordan’s responses are included in the
assistance to 47,046 non-camp vulnerable                       models that show mitigation strategies.
households who did not receive UNHCR’s

Figure 8
Changes in Poverty using the International Poverty Line - JORDAN

JORDANIAN                                                          SYRIAN

Change in Poverty from Baseline (p.p.)                             Change in Poverty from Baseline (p.p.)
40                                                                 40                                                             international poverty
                                                                                                                                  line (5.5/day)

30                                                                 30                                                             mitigation -
                                                                                                                                  international poverty
                                                                                                                                  line (5.5/day)
20                                                                 20

10                                                                 10                                                             Source:
                                                                                                                                  Authors’ calculations
                                                                                                                                  based on SRHCS
 0                                                                  0
     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21            0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
     Month                                                              Month

Figure 9
Changes in Poverty using the National Poverty Line - JORDAN

JORDANIAN                                                          SYRIAN

Change in Poverty from Baseline (p.p.)                             Change in Poverty from Baseline (p.p.)
40                                                                 40                                                             national
                                                                                                                                  poverty line

30                                                                 30                                                             mitigation -
                                                                                                                                  poverty line
20                                                                 20

10                                                                 10                                                             Source:
                                                                                                                                  Authors’ calculations
                                                                                                                                  based on SRHCS
 0                                                                  0
     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21            0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
     Month                                                              Month
Changes in Poverty since the onset of Covid-19 on Syrian Refugees and                                                                            28
Host Communities in Jordan, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Lebanon

In terms of mitigation among Jordanians in the three                       The same microsimulations are then modelled but
governorates analyzed, there is a mitigation of 4 p.p.                     including a potential second lockdown in Jordan that
(around 12 percent) of the increase in poverty by the fourth               delays recovery. The simulation re-introduces the COVID-19
month of the crisis, as a result of the expansion of the                   shock in the eighth month of the crisis. Under this more
Takaful program, the introduction of the cash top-up, and                  severe scenario, poverty rates take substantially longer
the cash assistance to eligible non-Takaful beneficiaries.                 to return to pre-crisis as shown in Figure 10 and Figure
For Syrian refugees, there is a 2 p.p. (6 percent) mitigation              11, showing recovery 20 months later for both refugees
in the second month of the crisis and 6 p.p. (30 percent)                  and host communities to pre-pandemic levels. In terms of
at the fifth month of the crisis - the months that had the                 mitigation, a new mitigation response is not assumed given
largest expansions of UNHCR’s COVID cash assistance                        that this might not be fiscally feasible. Instead it is assumed
program.                                                                   that the longer-term Takaful program continues to expand
                                                                           as originally planned.

Figure 10
Changes in Poverty using the International Poverty Line - Severe Scenario - JORDAN

JORDANIAN                                                      SYRIAN

Change in Poverty from Baseline (p.p.)                         Change in Poverty from Baseline (p.p.)
40                                                             40                                                             international poverty
                                                                                                                              line (5.5/day)

30                                                             30                                                             mitigation -
                                                                                                                              international poverty
                                                                                                                              line (5.5/day)
20                                                             20

10                                                             10                                                             Source:
                                                                                                                              Authors’ calculations
                                                                                                                              based on SRHCS
 0                                                              0
     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21        0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
     Month                                                          Month

Figure 11
Changes in Poverty using the National Poverty Line - Severe Scenario - Jordan

JORDANIAN                                                      SYRIAN

Change in Poverty from Baseline (p.p.)                         Change in Poverty from Baseline (p.p.)
40                                                             40                                                             national
                                                                                                                              poverty line

30                                                             30                                                             mitigation -
                                                                                                                              poverty line
20                                                             20

10                                                             10                                                             Source:
                                                                                                                              Authors’ calculations
                                                                                                                              based on SRHCS
 0                                                              0
     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21        0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
     Month                                                          Month
                         COMPOUNDING MISFORTUNES
                         Changes in Poverty since the onset of Covid-19 on Syrian Refugees and                                                                                                                            29
                         Host Communities in Jordan, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Lebanon

                                                                   Similar to Jordan, two poverty lines are                                               Given the rate of inflation 25, the impact of
                                                                   applied: the international poverty line                                                price changes on household consumption is
                                                                   for upper middle-income countries ($5.5/                                               ambiguous. For instance, households may
                                                                   person/day) as well as a national poverty                                              choose to substitute imported products with
                                                                   line. The national poverty line is nowcast                                             locally produced products at lower prices and
                                                                   in 2019 at around 457,520 LBP per person/                                              quality than captured in the Consumer Price
                                                                   month and the international poverty line at                                            Index. Additionally, households may adjust
                                                                   around 171,944 LBP per person/month (at                                                their consumption basket and eliminate some
                                                                   2011 PPP   levels and nowcast to 2019). Crucial
                                                                          LEBANON SITUATION MAP
                                                                                                                                                          goods and services from it due to the surge in
                                                                   in the LEBANON
                                                                          case       SITUATION
                                                                                of Lebanon       is thatMAP  the poverty                                  prices.
                                                     Syrian Refugees and Host Community     Populations
                                                     Syrian Refugees and Host Community
                                                                   lines are adjusted for   Populations
                                                                                       (As of 30              on a monthly
                                                                                                 September 2020)
                                                                                       (As of 30 September 2020)
                                                                   basis, given the soaring levels of inflation the                                       As such, various scenarios are presented
                                                                   country experienced in 2020 (Figure 12).                                               below with different levels of pass-through
                                                                                                                                                          of inflation. Figure 13 shows the changes in
                                                                                                                                                          poverty rates from baseline according to the
                          Akkar                                            Figure 12
                          Akkar                                                                                                                           macroeconomic shocks, as well as the actual
                                                                           Inflation rates in Lebanon
                                                                                                                                                          monthly changes in CPI. Figure 15 assumes
                                                                           based on CPI
                                                                                                                         month on month                   that only 50 percent of inflation reduces real
           North                                                                                                         change from Dec 2019             spending power due to substitution. Figure 17
                                                                           120.00%                                                                        provides the counterfactual of the changes in
                                                                           100.00%                                                                        poverty due to the sectoral macroeconomic
                                                                            80.00%                                                                        shocks without any inflation.
                                        Source:                             60.00%
                                        Authors’ calculations               40.00%
                                                                                                                                                          The results show a higher baseline poverty
                                        based on data from                  20.00%                                   LEBANON SITUATION MAP
                                        CAS Lebanon                          0.00%                                   LEBANON SITUATION             MAP
                                                                                                                                                 rate   among refugees 26 than host communities.
                                                                                             Syrian Refugees and Host Community Populations
ount                                                                                  Jan FebSyrian Refugees
                                                                                              Mar Apr          and
                                                                                                      May Jun Jul   Host
                                                                                                                  Aug SepCommunity
                                                                                                                         Oct Nov Dec   Populations
                                                                                                                                  (AsLEBANON     It is
                                                                                                                                      of 30 September   around
                                                                                                                                                      2020)    10 p.p.
                                                                                                                                                        SITUATION  MAP higher at the international
anon                                                                                                                              (As of 30 September 2020)
                                                                                                             Syrian Refugees and Host Community             Populations
                                                                                                                                                 poverty line   and 20 percentage points higher
                                                                                                                                                          at the national poverty line. In Figure 13,
                                                                                                                                                                   (As of 30 September 2020)

       Bekaa                                                                                                                                              based on macroeconomic shocks and the CPI
                          Syrian Refugee Population                    Host Community Population                                                          changes, there is a 33 p.p. increase in poverty
                          Syrian Refugee Population                    Host Community
                                                                            Akkar     Population
                          (879,529)                                    (3.86M)
                                                                       (3.86M)                                                                            among the Lebanese and 56 p.p. among the
                                  0 - 50,000
                                  0 - 50,000
                                                                             0 - 100,000
                                                                             0 - 100,000             Akkar                                                Syrian refugees by the end of 2020 at the
                                  50,001 - 100,000                           100,001 - 500,000                                                            international poverty line, and an increase by
                                  50,001 - 100,000             North         100,001 - 500,000
                                                               North                                                                                      55 p.p. and 42 p.p. respectively at the national
                                  100,001 - 150,000                           500,001 - 1,000,000
                                  100,001 - 150,000                           500,001 - 1,000,000
                                                                                     North                                                                poverty line (Figure 15). As discussed,
                                                                                                                                                          this may not reflect poverty if it were to
                                   >= 150,001
                                   >= 150,001
                                                                                >= 1,000,001
                                                                                >= 1,000,001                    20km
                                                                                                                                                          be measured, as it does not capture any
                                                                                                                                                          behavioral responses. However, it does reflect
                              Beirut                                                                                                                      true household welfare impacts. Substituting
                         Beirut                                                                                                                           to cheaper but poorer quality goods and
                         Beirut      Mount
                                                           Beirut                                                                                         services reduces utility even if it means a
                                                                                                                                                          higher consumption can be maintained.

                                                        Bekaa                                                                                                           In Lebanon, the poverty gap was low at
                                                                           Syrian Refugee Population             Host Community Population                              baseline for both Lebanese and Syrians
                                                                           Syrian Refugee Population
                                                                              Bekaa                              Host Community Population
                                                                                                                    (3.86M)                                             (Annex 3). However, it not only leaps
                                                                                                     Syrian Refugee Population               Host Community Population
                                                                                 0 - 50,000
                                                                                 0 - 50,000          (879,529)
                                                                                                                            0 - 100,000
                                                                                                                            0 - 100,000
                                                                                                                                                                        considerably higher for Syrians in the first
                          El Nabatieh                                            50,001 - 100,000
                                                                                                          0 - 50,000
                                                                                                                            100,001 - 500,000
                                                                                                                            100,001 - 500,000       0 - 100,000
                                                                                                                                                                        month of the shock, but the gap continues
                          El Nabatieh                                            50,001 - 100,000
                                                                                                                                                                        to grow and remains considerably higher at
               Lebanon                                                           100,001 - 150,000        50,001 - 100,000    500,001 - 1,000,000  100,001 - 500,000
                                                       El Nabatieh
               Lebanon                                                           100,001 - 150,000                            500,001 - 1,000,000                       the end of the first year. This likely reflects
                                      Lebanon                                                             100,001 - 150,000
                                                                                                                                                                        the much higher reliance on wage work (88
                                                                                                                                                      500,001 - 1,000,000
                                                                                  >= 150,001
                                                                                  >= 150,001
                                                                                                                                >= 1,000,001
                                                                                                                                >= 1,000,001                     20km
                                                                                                                                                                        percent of refugee households compared
                                                                                                           >= 150,001
                                                                                                                                                        >= 1,000,001
                                                                                                                                                                        to 56 percent of Lebanese households)
Changes in Poverty since the onset of Covid-19 on Syrian Refugees and                                                                        30
Host Communities in Jordan, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Lebanon

and refugee worker concentration in construction and                         While the assistance to Syrian refugees mitigates around
manufacturing which were particularly affected.                              3 p.p. of their increase in poverty (8 percent) in the second
                                                                             month but mitigates around 2 p.p. (4 percent) over
The mitigation policies adopted by UNHCR in Lebanon to                       the months following the crisis, when measured at the
assist the refugees in response to the COVID-19 crisis are                   international poverty line (Figure 13), it does not show a
also modelled 27, in particular, two interventions. The first is             noticeable reduction using the national poverty line (Figure
a COVID-19 cash assistance program which targeted 11,500                     14). The reason is that much of the reduction in poverty as
households in May 2020 with 320,000 LBP for three months,                    a result of the mitigation policies is offset by inflation over
and 12,000 households in August 2020 with 400,000                            time. Indeed, Figure 15 to Figure 18 show scenarios with
LBP for three months. Additionally, UNHCR Lebanon                            lower levels of inflation where the effect of the mitigation
expanded their existing multi-purpose cash assistance by                     strategies become more noticeable.
approximately 16,000 households in June and by another
6,000 households in August.

Figure 13
Changes in Poverty using the International Poverty Line
Actual CPI changes - LEBANON

LEBANESE                                                       SYRIAN

Change in Poverty from Baseline (p.p.)                         Change in Poverty from Baseline (p.p.)
60                                                             60                                                         international poverty
                                                                                                                          line (5.5/day)

40                                                             40                                                         mitigation -
                                                                                                                          international poverty
                                                                                                                          line (5.5/day)
20                                                             20
                                                                                                                          Authors’ calculations
 0                                                              0                                                         based on SRHCS
     0    1    2    3     4     5        6   7   8   9              0    1       2   3    4    5        6   7   8   9     (2015/16)
     Month                                                          Month

Figure 14
Changes in Poverty using the National Poverty Line
Actual CPI changes - LEBANON

LEBANESE                                                       SYRIAN

Change in Poverty from Baseline (p.p.)                         Change in Poverty from Baseline (p.p.)
60                                                             60                                                         national poverty line

                                                                                                                          mitigation − national
40                                                             40                                                         poverty line

20                                                             20

 0                                                              0
     0    1    2    3     4     5        6   7   8   9              0    1       2   3    4    5        6   7   8   9
     Month                                                          Month
Changes in Poverty since the onset of Covid-19 on Syrian Refugees and                                                                      31
Host Communities in Jordan, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Lebanon

Figure 15 and Figure 16 show a scenario with a 50 percent                    Refugees, however, experience a 47 p.p. increase at
inflation pass-through to consumption, reflecting likely                     the national poverty line and a 38 p.p. increase at the
substitution, and resulting in a slightly lower increase in                  international poverty line. In this scenario, the mitigation
poverty. For the host community, the crises result in a near                 strategies mitigate around 4 p.p. (14 percent) of the
39 p.p. increase in 2020 at the national poverty line, and a                 increase in poverty among refugees at the onset of the
16 p.p. increase at the international poverty line.                          crisis, to 1 p.p. (3 percent) at the end of 2020, at the
                                                                             international poverty line, but with minimal reduction
                                                                             when measured at the national poverty line. These changes
                                                                             also seem to be reflected by other measures of welfare,
                                                                             such as the survival and minimum expenditure basket
                                                                             (SMEB) approach by UNHCR, WFP and UNICEF in the VASyR
                                                                             2020 (see Box 2).

Figure 15
Changes in Poverty using International Poverty Line
50% inflation pass-through - LEBANON

LEBANESE                                                       SYRIAN

Change in Poverty from Baseline (p.p.)                         Change in Poverty from Baseline (p.p.)
60                                                             60                                                       international poverty
                                                                                                                        line (5.5/day)

40                                                             40                                                       mitigation -
                                                                                                                        international poverty
                                                                                                                        line (5.5/day)
20                                                             20
                                                                                                                        Authors’ calculations
 0                                                              0                                                       based on SRHCS
     0    1    2    3     4     5        6   7   8   9              0    1      2   3    4     5        6   7   8   9   (2015/16)
     Month                                                          Month

Figure 16
Changes in Poverty using National Poverty Line
50% inflation pass-through - LEBANON

LEBANESE                                                       SYRIAN

Change in Poverty from Baseline (p.p.)                         Change in Poverty from Baseline (p.p.)
60                                                             60                                                       national poverty line

                                                                                                                        mitigation − national
40                                                             40                                                       poverty line

20                                                             20
                                                                                                                        Authors’ calculations
 0                                                              0                                                       based on SRHCS
     0    1    2    3     4     5        6   7   8   9              0    1      2   3    4     5        6   7   8   9   (2015/16)
     Month                                                          Month
Changes in Poverty since the onset of Covid-19 on Syrian Refugees and                                                                        32
Host Communities in Jordan, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Lebanon

Under the assumption of no inflation, in Figure 17 and                       that refugees received. Indeed, in this scenario the UNHCR
Figure 18, the impact of COVID-19 crisis (month 1) and                       assistance to refugees mitigates about 3 p.p. (17 percent)
the Beirut port explosion (month 5) are more clearly                         of the increase in poverty at the onset of the crisis and
discerned, despite both being obscured by the effects of                     remains around 3 p.p. (11 percent) in the last month of
the economic crisis. Clearly, the impact on refugees is more                 2020, when measured at the international poverty line.
marked than it is for host communities. This is primarily
because refugees are more likely to be employed in the                       As such, given the levels of inflation in the country, any
informal sector which experiences more severe shocks. The                    assistance must be scaled up significantly in size and in
mitigation strategies also become more evident, as is the                    reach to mitigate the effects of the compounded crises.
role of inflation in offsetting the effects of the assistance

Figure 17
Changes in Poverty using International Poverty Line
No inflation counterfactual - LEBANON

LEBANESE                                                       SYRIAN

Change in Poverty from Baseline (p.p.)                         Change in Poverty from Baseline (p.p.)
60                                                             60                                                         international poverty
                                                                                                                          line (5.5/day)

40                                                             40                                                         mitigation -
                                                                                                                          international poverty
                                                                                                                          line (5.5/day)
20                                                             20
                                                                                                                          Authors’ calculations
 0                                                              0                                                         based on SRHCS
     0    1    2    3     4     5        6   7     8   9            0    1      2    3    4    5        6   7     8   9   (2015/16)
     Month                                                          Month

Figure 18
Changes in Poverty using National Poverty Line
No inflation counterfactual - LEBANON

LEBANESE                                                       SYRIAN

Change in Poverty Headcount from Baseline (p.p.)               Change in Poverty Headcount from Baseline (p.p.)
60                                                             60                                                         national poverty line

                                                                                                                          mitigation − national
40                                                             40                                                         poverty line

20                                                             20
                                                                                                                          Authors’ calculations
 0                                                              0                                                         based on SRHCS
     0    1    2    3     4     5        6   7     8   9            0    1      2    3    4    5        6   7     8   9   (2015/16)
     Month                                                          Month
Changes in Poverty since the onset of Covid-19 on Syrian Refugees and                                                                   33
Host Communities in Jordan, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Lebanon

Box 2
Findings from
the Vulnerability
Assessment of
Syrian Refugees
in Lebanon
(VASyR) 2020

The Vulnerability Assessment of Syrian                                   Main findings
Refugees in Lebanon (VASyR) is conducted
jointly by WFP, UNHCR and UNICEF. 2020                                   •   Only 31 percent of HHs have at least one member with legal
is the eighth annual survey assessing the                                    residency. 69 percent of households have no members with
situation of a representative sample of                                      legal residency. Refugees under the age of 30 are less likely
refugee households to identify situational                                   to hold legal residency than those 30 years and above: and
changes and trends. It covers all sectors                                    20 percent of individuals above 15 years old have legal
and is the cornerstone of the Lebanon Crisis                                 residency. Having legal residency has a positive impact on
Response Plan and programming for many (I)                                   the physical and emotional health of displaced Syrians and
NGO, UN and development actors. Between                                      their families.
August and September 2020, survey teams
visited 4,563 randomly selected Syrian
refugee households, covering all districts                               •   Between March and September of 2020, when asked about
across Lebanon.                                                              how they were coping with the COVID-19 outbreak, around
                                                                             70 percent of displaced Syrian households reported going
The 2020 round of the VASyR provides further                                 further into debt to pay for basic necessities, 70 percent
insight on the welfare impact of the political                               and 20 percent asking for support from extended family or
and economic crisis that hit Lebanon in late                                 relatives. Some 70 percent also reported a reduction in food
2019, which was then followed by a more                                      consumption.
severe shutdown of the economy in March
2020 resulting from the COVID-19 outbreak.
                                                                         •   When asked about the top priority needs for their family
                                                                             in relation to the COVID-19 outbreak, around 50 percent of
                                                                             displaced Syrian households report need for assistance to
                                                                             cover food costs and 40 percent to cover rent.

Percentage of households
under the MEB and SMEB                                                   •   Families with limited finances are downgrading their
   MEB                                                                       residential shelter conditions or are moving from residential
   SMEB                                                                      shelters into informal settlements or into structures not
                                                                             originally built for human inhabitation (non-residential
                                                                             shelters). Almost half of displaced Syrian households
                                                    91%                      (48 percent) are living in shelters that are either below
                                                                             humanitarian standards, overcrowded or in danger of
                      75%                                                    collapse.
 69%                             68%

                                                                         •   The overlapping crises are exacerbating economic
                                       55%                                   vulnerabilities, with the share of displaced Syrians spending
 52%       53%
                                 51%                                         less than the Minimum Expenditure Basket (MEB) or the
                                                                             Survival Minimum Expenditure Basket (SMEB) increasing
                                                                             in 2020 compared to 2019. As a result of the economic
  2015       2016       2017      2018       2019      2020
                                                                             and COVID-19 crisis, almost the entire refugee population
  SMEB: LBP 130,500 per capita                       SMEB: LBP 308,722
  MEB: LBP 169,500 per capita                        per capita              have been pushed below the SMEB of 87 USD. Preliminary
  2014 SMEB/MEB basket                               MEB: LBP 350,200
                                                     per capita
                                                                             estimates show that 88 percent had expenditures below the
                                     COMPOUNDING MISFORTUNES
                                     Changes in Poverty since the onset of Covid-19 on Syrian Refugees and                                                                                                                                                              34
                                     Host Communities in Jordan, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Lebanon

                                     Kurdistan Region of Iraq                                                              Dahuk

                        Host Community Population
                        Host Community Population
                                                                                        For KRI, it is possible to identify Iraq Internally                                            reflects that more households in the host
                                 0 - 1,000,000
                                                                                                        Ninewa (IDPs) asErbil
                                                                                        Displaced Persons                    well as Syrian                                            community who are near the national poverty
                                                                                                        Ninewa             Erbil
                                 0 - 1,000,000                                          refugees which allows for a comparison                                                         line engage in informal labor, and experience
                                1,00,001 - 2,000,000                                                                                     Sulaymaniyah
                                1,00,001 - 2,000,000                                    between residents i.e., host communities,        Sulaymaniyah                                  a more severe shock compared to formal
                                  2,000,001 - 3,000,000
                                                                                        refugees, and IDPs. As shown      Kirkuk
                                                                                                                          Kirkukin Figure 19                                           labor.
                                  2,000,001 - 3,000,000
                                                                                        and Figure 20, the displaced population
                                    >= 3,000,001
                                                                                        experiences a similar poverty
                                                                                                                   Salah         rate to that                                           Based on the assumptions presented in Table
                                    >= 3,000,001
                                                                                        of the host community at baseline.                 When
                                                                                                                                                                                        3, the poverty rate among the host community
                                                                                        measured at the international poverty                                                           recovers to pre-crisis levels around 12 months
                                                                                        line, there is a higher spike in the          refugees
                                                                                                                                                                                        after the onset of theRefugee   Camp
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        while for
                                                                                        and IDPs’ poverty rates at the           onset of the
                                                                                                                           Baghdad                                                      refugees and IDPs a slower
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Refugee Camp
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             recovery is
                                                                                                                                                                                                               National capital
                                                                                                 Anbar                                                                                                         National capital
                                                                                        pandemic,    while at the national poverty
                                                                                                                                                  Wassit                                observed and poverty       remains higher even at
                                                                                                                                                                                                               International Boundary
                                                                                                                                                                                                               International Boundary
                                                                                                                      Kerbala     Babil           Wassit
                                                                                        line there is the oppositeKerbala         Babil Indeed,                                         21 months. This slower       recovery           for refugees
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Armistice Demarcation line
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Armistice Demarcation line
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Boundary of former Palestine Mandate
                                                                                        at the onset of the crisis, hosts experience    Qadissiya
                                                                                                                                                                                        can  be attributed to the         of former proportion
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Palestine Mandate of
                                     Syrian Refugee Population                          an increase of 24 p.p., refugees a 21 p.p.,                                                     refugee and IDP communities
                                                                                                                                                                                    Missan                                        who rely on

                                     Syrian Refugee Population
                                      (241,738)                                         and IDPs 28 p.p. increase Najafin poverty at the                                                remittances, domestic and international, that
                                             0 - 15,000                                                                                                  Thi-Qar
                                             0 - 15,000                                 international poverty line,       and a 9 p.p., 8 p.p.,
                                                                                                                       Najaf                             Thi-Qar                        are assumed to take longer to recover.
                                             15,001 - 50,000
                                             15,001 - 50,000                            and 7 p.p. respectively at the national poverty                                                 Basrah
                                             50,001 - 100,000                           line.                                               Muthanna                                   In KRI, where poverty rates are more similar
                                             50,001 - 100,000                                                                                             Muthanna
                                                                                                                                                                                       between IDPs, hosts and refugees, the
                                                                                        However, it is worth noting that in KRI the                                                    baseline poverty gap is higher for both
                                                 >= 100,001
                                                 >= 100,001

                                                                                        national poverty line reflects very low levels                                                 displaced populations (8 percent for refugees,
                                                                                        of poverty at baseline, compared
                                                                                                                    Dahuk  to the                                                      9 percent for IDPs compared to      5 percent

                                     Host Community Population                          international poverty line. The spike seen for                                                 for non-IDPs; see Annex Three). When the
                                     Host Community Population
                                                                                                              at the national
                                                                                        the host communityNinewa               poverty
                                                                                                                                                                                       shock hits, the increase is also projected to
                                             0 - 1,000,000
                                             0 - 1,000,000                              line compared to displaced
                                                                                                                                                                                       be similar for all groups, with an initial leap
                                             1,00,001 - 2,000,000
                                             1,00,001 - 2,000,000
                                                                                                                                                                                       of 9-11 percentage points. The recovery path
                                                                                                                                                                                       is similar for all three groups, and all remain
                                                 2,000,001 - 3,000,000
                                                 2,000,001 - 3,000,000                                                                                                                 above their baseline rate by the end of the
                                                                                                                                                                                       forecast period, albeit refugees by a greater
                                                   >= 3,000,001                                Dahuk                                          al-Din
                                                   >= 3,000,001                                                                                                  Diyala                degree than both IDPs and non-IDPs.
Community Population
                                                                                      Ninewa                  Erbil
                                                                                                                                                            Baghdad                      In terms of mitigation strategies, UNHCR
 0 - 1,000,000                                                                                                                                             Baghdad                                                                      Refugee Camp
                                                                                                                                                        Baghdad                          provided a one-off COVID-19                       emergency
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Refugee  Camp
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        National capital
 1,00,001 - 2,000,000
                                                                                                                    Anbar Sulaymaniyah
                                                                                                                                                                                         assistance        for   the      value    of  200    USD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        National capital
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        International    to
                                                                                                                                                              Babil                                                                     International Boundary
                                                                                                                                                 Kerbala      Babil
                                                                                                                                                                                         camp-based refugees and IDPs                           at the start
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Armistice Demarcation line
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Armistice Demarcation line
  2,000,001 - 3,000,000
                                                                                                                                                                                         of the pandemic, and the same                           amount           toMandate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Boundary of former Palestine Mandate
                                                                                                                                                                    Qadissiya                                                           Boundary   of former Palestine
                                                                                                                                                                    Qadissiya                                                           syr_polbnd_l_adm1_1m
                                                    Syrian Refugee Population
                                                                                                                                                                                              Missan        refugees         and     IDPs    outside
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        syr_polbnd_l_adm1_1m  camps
      >= 3,000,001                                  Syrian Refugee Population
                                                                                                                           Diyala                                                        in June 2020. For modelling purposes these
                                                    (241,738)                                                                                      Najaf                             Thi-Qar
                                                              0 - 15,000
                                                              0 - 15,000
                                                                                                                                                   Najaf                                 one-off assistance programs are assumed
                                                              15,001 - 50,000
                                                              15,001 - 50,000                                      Baghdad                                                               to be spread
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Basrah     out over three months. When
                                                                                                                                                                                                Refugee  Camp

                                                              50,001 - 100,000
                                                                                                                                                                                         both programs
                                                                                                                                                                                                National capital
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   are in place at the second
                                                              50,001 - 100,000Anbar                                                                                   Muthanna
                                                                                                                                                                                         month,      they
                                                                                                                                                                                                International  mitigate
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Boundary         approximately 3.5 p.p.

                                                                                                          Kerbala    Babil
                                                                                                                                                                                         for refugees         (14 percent)            and 1p.p. for IDPs

                                                               >= 100,001                                                                                                                       Armistice Demarcation  line
                                                               >= 100,001
                                                                                                                           Qadissiya                                                     (3 percent)        of the increase in poverty when
                                                                                                                                                                                                Boundary of former Palestine Mandate

      Syrian Refugee Population
                                                                                                                                                                                         measured at the international poverty                                 line,
       (241,738)                                                                                                                                                                         and around 1 p.p. (6 percent) and 0.4 p.p. (5
                                                                                                           Najaf                            Thi-Qar
              0 - 15,000                                                                                                                                                                 percent) respectively at the national poverty
              15,001 - 50,000
                                                                                                                                                                                         line. Around the third and fourth months,
              50,001 - 100,000                                                                                                 Muthanna
                                                                                                                                                                                         there is a higher mitigation for IDPs (5 p.p. or
                                                                                                                                                                                         17 percent of the increase in poverty at the

                 >= 100,001                                                                                                                                                              international poverty line, and 0.2 p.p. or 3
                                                                                                                                                                                         percent at the national poverty line).
Changes in Poverty since the onset of Covid-19 on Syrian Refugees and                                                                              35
Host Communities in Jordan, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Lebanon

Figure 19
Changes in Poverty using International Poverty Line

RESIDENT                                                        REFUGEE

Change in Poverty from Baseline (p.p.)                          Change in Poverty from Baseline (p.p.)
30                                                              30

20                                                              20

10                                                              10

 0                                                               0
      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21         0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
      Month                                                           Month


Change in Poverty from Baseline (p.p.)                                                                                          international poverty
30                                                                                                                              line (5.5/day)

                                                                                                                                mitigation -
20                                                                                                                              international poverty
                                                                                                                                line (5.5/day)

10                                                                                                                              Source:
                                                                                                                                Authors’ calculations
                                                                                                                                based on SRHCS
      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Figure 20
Changes in Poverty using National Poverty Line

RESIDENT                                                        REFUGEE

Change in Poverty from Baseline (p.p.)                          Change in Poverty from Baseline (p.p.)
15                                                              15

7.5                                                             7.5

 0                                                               0
      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21         0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
      Month                                                           Month

IDP                                                                                                                             national poverty line

Change in Poverty from Baseline (p.p.)                                                                                          mitigation − national
15                                                                                                                              poverty line

 0                                                                                                                              Authors’ calculations
      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21                                                                   based on SRHCS
      Month                                                                                                                     (2015/16)
Changes in Poverty since the onset of Covid-19 on Syrian Refugees and                                                                            36
Host Communities in Jordan, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Lebanon

Sensitivity analysis
In the analysis thus far, it has been assumed that the                     To allow for these possibilities a simple sensitivity analysis
macroeconomic shock (e.g. negative sectoral GDP                            can be conducted – particularly for Jordan and KRI.
growth) is fully transmitted into the households’ incomes                  Lebanon is excluded from this analysis because in the
and therefore consumption. While this is a reasonable                      previous section the sensitivity to inflation pass-through,
assumption given the strict lockdown restrictions                          which is the main driver of poverty in Lebanon, was already
and limited household savings, it is possible that the                     presented. It is assumed that the shock is transmitted to
transmission is less than 100 percent. Some households                     households’ consumption at 75 percent pass-through – e.g.
may resort to coping strategies such as borrowing, selling                 a 50 percent reduction in GDP at a particular sector, only
assets, using child labor, or shifting their consumption                   reduces the household’s consumption by 37.5 percent. This
towards cheaper items. While a 100 percent transmission                    allows a lower bound estimate of the poverty increase. For
does reflect the loss in welfare due to the lower utility                  consistency, the analysis also assumes a 75 percent pass-
derived from a reduced or less balanced diet, or from the                  through during the recovery as well.
necessity to make children work, it is possible, in terms of
modelled consumption and hence poverty, that the impact                    For Jordan, comparing Figure 8 and 10 with Figure 21 and
is higher than it would be compared to a situation where                   23, respectively, there is a lower spike in poverty under the
consumption had been measured directly.                                    lower pass-through rate, which naturally leads to a faster
                                                                           recovery back to baseline levels, for both the national and
It is also possible, indeed likely, that the reduction in                  international poverty lines. For KRI, the same pattern is
income is varied across the distribution – some lower                      observed in Figure 23 and 25, compared to Figure 19 and
skilled and poorer households may have lost 100 percent                    21, respectively, albeit with lower magnitudes.
of their income, while other types of households may have
lost little or nothing at all. 28

Figure 21
Changes in Poverty using International Poverty Line
75% growth pass-through - JORDAN

JORDANIAN                                                      SYRIAN

Change in Poverty from Baseline (p.p.)                         Change in Poverty from Baseline (p.p.)
30                                                             30                                                             international poverty
                                                                                                                              line (5.5/day)

20                                                             20                                                             mitigation -
                                                                                                                              international poverty
                                                                                                                              line (5.5/day)
10                                                             10
                                                                                                                              Authors’ calculations
 0                                                              0                                                             based on SRHCS
     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21        0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21   (2015/16)
     Month                                                          Month
Changes in Poverty since the onset of Covid-19 on Syrian Refugees and                                                                            37
Host Communities in Jordan, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Lebanon

Figure 22
Changes in Poverty using National Poverty Line
75% growth pass-through - JORDAN

JORDANIAN                                                      SYRIAN

Change in Poverty from Baseline (p.p.)                         Change in Poverty from Baseline (p.p.)
30                                                             30                                                             national poverty line

                                                                                                                              mitigation -
20                                                             20                                                             national poverty line

10                                                             10
                                                                                                                              Authors’ calculations
 0                                                              0                                                             based on SRHCS
     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21        0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21   (2015/16)
     Month                                                          Month

Figure 23
Changes in Poverty using National Poverty Line
75% growth pass-through - KRI

RESIDENT                                                       REFUGEE

Change in Poverty from Baseline (p.p.)                         Change in Poverty from Baseline (p.p.)
 8                                                              8

 6                                                              6

 4                                                              4

 2                                                              2

 0                                                              0
     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21        0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
     Month                                                          Month


Change in Poverty from Baseline (p.p.)
 8                                                                                                                            national poverty line

                                                                                                                              mitigation − national
 4                                                                                                                            poverty line

 0                                                                                                                            Authors’ calculations
     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21                                                                  based on SRHCS
     Month                                                                                                                    (2015/16)
Changes in Poverty since the onset of Covid-19 on Syrian Refugees and                                                                                    38
Host Communities in Jordan, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Lebanon

Figure 24
Changes in Poverty using International Poverty Line
75% growth pass-through - KRI

RESIDENT                                                       REFUGEE

Change in Poverty from Baseline (p.p.)                         Change in Poverty from Baseline (p.p.)
30                                                             30

20                                                             20

10                                                             10

 0                                                              0
     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21        0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
     Month                                                          Month

IDP                                                                                                                                  international poverty
                                                                                                                                     line (5.5/day)

Change in Poverty from Baseline (p.p.)
                                                                                                                                     mitigation -
                                                                                                                                     international poverty
20                                                                                                                                   line (5.5/day)

 0                                                                                                                                   Authors’ calculations
     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21                                                                         based on SRHCS
     Month                                                                                                                           (2015/16)

A brief review of international
responses to COVID-19
As discussed in the introduction, the second phase of                                Table 4
this work will incorporate phone survey data from each                               Types of interventions used around
country to recalibrate the models and characterize                                   the world to respond to COVID-19
which households have become newly poor due to the
crisis, taking into account characteristics such as gender,                                  Social                   Social            Labor Market
education, sector of employment and so forth. This will                                    Assistance               Insurance           Interventions
inform the design and targeting of government and INGP                                    Cash transfers
responses in each country. Although this country-specific                                  (conditional,          Paid sick leave
                                                                                                                                        Wage subsidies
                                                                                        unconditional and            support
guidance will come in the next phase, there are still lessons                            social pensions)
which can be learned from a review of how other countries
                                                                                                                    Healthcare             Activation
have responded. Gentilini et al. (2020, version 13) have                                  In-kind food /
                                                                                                                    insurance              (training)
                                                                                        voucher schemes
compiled a global summary across 212 countries including                                                             support               measures

what types of programs are being used and how much is                                     School feeding             Pensions
                                                                                                                                       Labor regulation
being spent. The responses around the world can generally
be classified into three types: social assistance, social                              Utility and financial
                                                                                                                  Social security
                                                                                       obligation support                                Shorter work
insurance, and labor market interventions. There are a                                                             contribution
                                                                                              (waiver /                                  time benefits
                                                                                                                 waiver / subsidy
range of different interventions which can fall within each
of these three categories as listed in Table 4.                                           Cash for work

                                                                                     Source: Adapted from Gentilini et al (2020, version 13).
Changes in Poverty since the onset of Covid-19 on Syrian Refugees and                                                                      39
Host Communities in Jordan, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Lebanon

In upper middle-income countries (UMIC) such as Iraq,                          Jordan, KRI, and Lebanon entered the COVID crisis in a
Jordan and Lebanon, social protection responses                                fiscally constrained position, as such, they had little space
constituted of 65 percent social assistance, 24 percent                        to provide social protection. In Jordan, the government
social insurance and 11 percent labor market interventions;                    expanded the social assistance programs (Takaful/NAF),
in MENA, the composition was 57 percent, 32 percent                            including with a temporary top-up payment for COVID-19,
and 11 percent respectively. Social assistance is the most                     made temporary cash payments to 190,000 informal
common category of response in all countries except for                        workers who were not existing SP beneficiaries, provided
high income ones (Figure 25) and within social assistance,                     in-kind support in terms of food distribution, and the
cash transfers are by the far the most common. Out of                          Ministry of Labor provided a two-week paid leave for public
724 total social assistance measures across 188 countries,                     sector workers and allowed private companies to reduce
cash transfers represented 340 measures in 156 countries.                      their social security contributions. The average spending in
Food or food voucher schemes (133 measures in 93                               Jordan is estimated at 24 USD per capita.
countries) and utility or financial obligation waivers or
postponements (174 measures in 101 countries) are also                         In KRI, there is not an active social assistance program, but
very popular.                                                                  a pilot of a new cash transfer program for a duration of 12
                                                                               months is being planned and led by the Ministry of Labor
                                                                               and Social Affairs. It includes 100,000 – 225,000 Iraqi Dinars,
                                                                               depending on the size of the household, and the gender
                                                                               of its head. The average spending in KRI is thus currently 0
Figure 25                                                                      USD per capita, but expected to rise to increase.
Composition of social protection
COVID-19 responses by region                                                   In Lebanon, in response to COVID-19, the government
and income level                                                               launched a “National Social Solidarity Program” (NSSP),
                                                                               aimed at assisting households impacted by the lockdown
                                                                               restrictions. The program aims to provide temporary
                 61%                             24%                14%        emergency aid of LBP400,000 to approximately 200,000
                                                                               households, which is around 4 USD per capita (for a 5.9M
          HIC    48%                     30%                  22%              population size and LBP3500 to the dollar). However, a
                                                                               significantly expanded response is planned in 2021 and will
        UMIC     65%                                  24%            11%       be fully analyzed in the Phase II report.

         LMIC    69%                                   20%           11%       The average spending per capita in UMICs is 57 USD per
                                                                               capita, and 86 USD per capita in MENA, meaning the size of
           LIC   88%                                                8% 4%      the response in Jordan is lower than for peers, albeit from
                                                                               much constrained fiscal positions, while a host community
                                                                               response has yet to significantly materialize in similarly
                                                                               constrained KRI.

        World    61%                             24%                14%

          SAR    80%                                          16%         4%

North America    50%                      44%                         6%

         MNA     57%                            32%                  11%

          LAC    72%                                    18%          11%         Social Assistance
                                                                                 Social Insurance
          ECA    46%                    34%                   20%                Labor Markets

          EAP    59%                            23%            18%
                                                                                 Gentilini et al
          AFR    84%                                            9% 7%            (2020, version 13)
Changes in Poverty since the onset of Covid-19 on Syrian Refugees and                                                              40
Host Communities in Jordan, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Lebanon

                                                                        Prior to the pandemic, poverty incidence among refugees
                                                                        was considerably higher than among host communities
                                                                        particularly in Jordan and Lebanon, although less so
                                                                        in KRI. By carrying out microsimulation models based
                                                                        on macroeconomic assumptions, poverty is found to
The COVID-19 crisis has impacted all. In Jordan, Lebanon                have increased rapidly and substantially among both
and KRI its impact has been disproportionate as it has                  communities, with the impact being most pronounced for
compounded pre-existing vulnerabilities. Those living on                refugees in Lebanon and Jordan. The situation in KRI is
the economic margins of society, with few assets, more                  noteworthy because pre-COVID poverty among refugees
debt, and a dependence on informal sources of income,                   and IDPs was close to that among hosts, and during
have been particularly affected. Existing vulnerabilities               COVID refugees appear affected in similarly ways as host
have left poorer Jordanian, Lebanese, Iraqi and Syrian                  communities.
refugees with few coping mechanisms, resulting in
difficult choices. Families have been unable to pay for                 Recovery largely depends on the health of the economy
basic household needs, risking eviction for non-payment                 at large, the differences between host communities and
of rent. Both refugee and host community children have                  refugees’ poverty rates at baseline, and the mitigation
faced further challenges in accessing education – limited               responses to the crisis. Generally, two years after the
by distance and home-schooling opportunities and the                    onset of COVID, poverty levels could be expected to have
digital divide. Reports of domestic violence linked to the              returned to pre-COVID levels.
lockdowns have increased. Specific risks for women and
girls have been exacerbated. Social tensions are rising as              Mitigation strategies, if done at scale and for a sufficient
resources and jobs become even more scarce.                             length of time, can bridge the gap between the onset of the
                                                                        crisis and the recovery of the economy to lessen the impact
Understanding the effects of COVID-19 on host and                       of the pandemic on both refugees and host communities.
refugee communities has important implications on the                   Other complementary programs such as enabling self-
policies that need to be adopted as the pandemic unfolds                reliance could potentially ensure more sustainable
and during the recovery period. This report analyzes                    support at the household level, the effectiveness and
the changes in poverty rates among refugees and host                    impact of which will require further research. The
communities as a result of the COVID-19 crisis and the                  second phase of this report will seek to quantify the
ensuing lockdown policies that have impacted people’s                   size of the response needed from governments and the
livelihoods both in terms of their labor and non-labor                  international community. Needless to say, it will have to be
income.                                                                 commensurate to the magnitude of the impact of the crises
                                                                        on households estimated in this report.

Key findings         •   In Jordan, at the onset of the crisis, there is a 38 percentage point increase in poverty rates among
JORDAN                   Jordanians, and a 18 percentage point increase in poverty rates among Syrian refugees (who started
                         offer with higher rates of poverty than Jordanians pre-crisis).

                     •   At the height of its impact, the number of poor Jordanians in the three governorates increased by
                         more than 1.5 million Jordanians; the number of Syrian refugees 29 who became poor is 76,000.

                     •   Under the current assumptions, poverty returns to its pre-crisis levels a year after the onset of the
                         pandemic. Given the possibility of a second wave and the likely timeline for a vaccine this may be

                     •   Among Jordanians in the three governorates analyzed, social policies mitigated 4 p.p. (around 12
                         percent) of the increase in poverty by the fourth month of the crisis; for refugees there is a 2 p.p. (6
                         percent) mitigation in the second month of the crisis and 6 p.p. (30 percent) at the fifth month of the
Changes in Poverty since the onset of Covid-19 on Syrian Refugees and                                                                41
Host Communities in Jordan, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Lebanon

Key findings         •   In Lebanon, inflation is the main driver of poverty, with the impact of the COVID crisis in country
LEBANON                  compounded by other crises: economic and political, and the effects of the Beirut blast.

                     •   There is a 33 p.p. increase in poverty among the Lebanese and 56 p.p. among the Syrian refugees
                         at the international poverty line, and an increase by 55 p.p. and 42 p.p. respectively at the national
                         poverty line.

                     •   Expressed in absolute numbers, the projected increase in the number of poor persons is around 1.7
                         million Lebanese and 840,000 refugees 30 at the international poverty line, and 2.9 million Lebanese
                         and 630,000 refugee at the national poverty line 31.

                     •   As the increase in poverty is mostly driven by inflationary pressures –with no sign of abating, and
                         unlike Jordan and KRI there is no projected return to pre-COVID levels of poverty in 2021 for Lebanon.

                     •   Mitigation strategies for refugees in Lebanon, while potentially having positive short-term effects,
                         from a welfare perspective are largely negated over time by the increasing levels of inflation,
                         especially if households had not adopted consumption behavioral strategies.

Key findings         •   In KRI at the onset of the crisis, hosts experience an increase in poverty of 24 p.p., refugees a 21 p.p.
KRI                      increase, and IDPs 28 p.p. increase in poverty at the international poverty line, and a 9 p.p., 8 p.p., and
                         7 p.p. respectively at the national poverty line.

                     •   Using the international poverty line and at the height of the crisis, the number of poor persons
                         increased by 1.2 million persons in host communities, 49,000 among Syrian refugees and more than
                         180,000 IDPs; at the national poverty line the equivalent increase in poor people is close to 500,000
                         among host communities, 21,000 among refugees and 48,000 among IDPs32.

                     •   UNHCR assistance in KRI mitigates between 14 and 17 percent of the increase in poverty at the
                         international poverty line for the displaced community, and 3 percent to 5 percent at the national
                         poverty line.

A lack of recent and good quality data constituted the                  “For poverty to be measured effectively, it is crucial that
biggest challenge for this report which was prepared in the             the current crisis not prompt governments to reduce their
absence of recent household survey data and informed                    investment in surveys and other forms of data collection.
by relatively crude macro estimates. It is possible that the            Under crisis conditions, reliable poverty data are even
estimates are too optimistic. As the crisis unfolds it is not           more important for guiding response and recovery policies
implausible that the length of recovery will be significantly           that will not leave vulnerable groups behind.”
longer than what has been modelled. It is equally possible
that the results are too pessimistic: households may                    Fortunately, some of the most glaring data gaps are
have been able to cope better with the crisis at hand than              currently being addressed: phone surveys have been
expected. This points to the importance of better and more              launched in KRI and Jordan; in Lebanon a new household
frequent data collection. Or as noted in the World Bank’s               survey is being prepared. As more data becomes available,
Shared Prosperity report 2020:                                          the results of this report will be updated in future revisions.
Changes in Poverty since the onset of Covid-19 on Syrian Refugees and                                                               42
Host Communities in Jordan, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Lebanon

This Annex describes some of the technical approaches and assumptions used when preparing the report.
This Annex discusses the following aspects:

1. Transforming the income distribution to a consumption distribution
2. Imputations: sectors of work and assistance
3. Poverty Gap
4. Quarterly estimates

1. Transforming the income                                              As an alternative, a more mechanical transformation was
                                                                        applied, whereby a scaling factor is calculated for each
distribution to a consumption                                           percentile of the SRHCS income distribution to expand
distribution                                                            it to match the same percentile of the national survey
                                                                        consumption distribution. The scaling factor can be
                                                                        defined as follows:
As discussed in the main text, the SRHCS is a dataset highly
suitable for this exercise, primarily because it is comparable                                      NatSurvey
across the three countries and comparable between the                            mean_cons p
refugees and their host communities. As such, for a cross-              Sp =
country report that compares these two communities,                              mean_income p SRHCS
it provides clear advantages over other datasets which
may either be older than the SRHCS or capture only one
of the two communities, or sacrifice representativity of                Where s is the scaling factor, p is the percentile subscript,
the underlying population. In addition, the data includes               mean_cons and mean_income are the mean consumption
an income module that captures eight different income                   and income in that percentile, respectively. This process,
sources: wage income, business earnings, pensions, asset                while not analytically grounded, produces an accurate
earnings, government/UN/NGO assistance, remittances,                    replication of the consumption distribution and preserves
auto-consumption, and other income sources.                             the rank order of the income distribution. The application
                                                                        of household-specific shocks (based on a mix of income
One drawback in relation to this analysis and in the effort             sources and sector and formality of employment) to the
to producing credible poverty estimates, is that the SRHCS              transformed household per capita consumption then
lacks a consumption module. To address this impediment,                 rests upon the assumption that while the SRHCS income
the income distributions in the SRHCS were transformed                  distribution is far more compressed than the national
to reflect relevant consumption distributions obtained                  survey consumption distribution, it provides a much more
from respectively the 2017-18 HEIS in Jordan, the 2017-                 comparable rank ordering of the households. Given the
2018 SWIFT in Iraq, and the 2012 HBS in Lebanon. One                    lack of savings in the poorer half of the distribution in the
option is to transform the distributions using survey-to-               Jordan HEIS (and likely in Iraq and especially in Lebanon
survey imputation techniques. For example, per capita                   pre-COVID-19 but post-economic crisis), this assumption
consumption in the 2017-18 SWIFT in Iraq could be                       seems defensible. This transformation is implemented
regressed upon common indicators of welfare in both                     separately for host communities and refugees in Jordan
SWIFT and SRHCS and the result coefficients would then                  and KRI, and in Lebanon, the refugees’ distribution is
be used to predict the per capita consumption in SRHCS.                 mapped onto the non-Lebanese distribution of HBS 2012.
One drawback with this approach is that the predicted
distributions tend to be more compact than the true
distribution, which in turn affect the poverty estimates
derived from the predicted distribution.
Changes in Poverty since the onset of Covid-19 on Syrian Refugees and                                                                                                  43
Host Communities in Jordan, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Lebanon

As shown in Figure 26, Figure 27, and Figure 28, the income                            For the analysis of the report, under the assumption of 1:1
distribution in SRHCS is very narrow and concentrated. In                              income to consumption pass-through, it is assumed that
all cases, the income distribution is consistently lower than                          the percentage contribution of the various income sources
the consumption distribution. In addition, the technique                               (wages, business earnings, remittances etc.) represent the
used to transform the distribution results replicates the                              same percentage contribution of the adjusted expenditure
original consumption distribution.                                                     distribution.

Figure 26
Income Distribution Transformation - JORDAN
                                                                                                                                Unadjusted SRHC Distribution
                                                                                                                                Adjusted SRHC distribution
JORDANIAN                                                                                      SYRIAN                           HEIS Distribution

 .008                                                                                           .025

 .006                                                                                           .020
   0                                                                                                  0
        0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700              800   900   1000                                       0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700             800   900   1000
        Monthly Income / Expenditure Per Capita (JOD)                                                     Monthly Income / Expenditure Per Capita (JOD)

Figure 27
Income Distribution Transformation - LEBANON
                                                                                                                                        Unadjusted SRHC Distribution
                                                                                                                                        Adjusted SRHC distribution
LEBANESE                                                                                       NON-LEBANESE                             HBS Distribution

.0025                                                                                           .005
.0020                                                                                           .004
.0015                                                                                           .003
.0010                                                                                           .002
.0005                                                                                           .001
   0                                                                                                  0
        0         1000           2000           3000           4000                                       0             1000              2000                  3000
        Monthly Income/Expenditure Per Capita in ’000 LBP                                                 Monthly Income/Expenditure Per Capita in ’000 LBP

        This graph uses HBS 2012, nowcast to 2019, moves the PC expenditure distribution to start at zero
        and stretches the HBS distribution to it assuming 1:1 income to consumption relationship.

Figure 28
Income Distribution Transformation - KRI                                                                                                Unadjusted SRHC Distribution
                                                                                                                                        Adjusted SRHC distribution
                                                                                                                                        SWIFT Distribution
RESIDENT                                                                                       REFUGEE / IDP

 .005                                                                                           .008
 .004                                                                                           .006
 .001                                                                                           .002

   0                                                                                                  0
        0                500               1000                1500                                       0             500               1000                  1500
        Monthly Income/Expenditure Per Capita in ’000 IQD                                                 Monthly Income/Expenditure Per Capita in ’000 IQD

        This graph uses SWIFT 2017, moves the PC expenditure distribution to start at zero
        and stretches the SRHCS distribution to it assuming 1:1 income to consumption relationship.
Changes in Poverty since the onset of Covid-19 on Syrian Refugees and                                                                 44
Host Communities in Jordan, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Lebanon

2. Imputations:                                                         the two individuals report working, and the household is
Sectors of work and assistance                                          reported to have wage income or own-account income,
                                                                        their sector of work is imputed based on observable
                                                                        characteristics (age, sex, nationality and education of the
The SRHCS dataset includes information about the                        randomly selected adults who do report on sector) using
households’ sources of income including wage income and                 a multinomial logit model. The same logic is followed
income from own-account work. As the micro simulation                   for determining informality of the household, where
models are based on the macro-sectoral shocks, it is                    informality is defined as having a contract or having
necessary to make assumptions on households’ main                       insurance.
sector of work to determine the level of macroeconomic
shock that they face.                                                   Similarly, because it is not possible to match the assistance
                                                                        programs to individual households in the dataset, benefits
The survey also includes two modules (for wage work                     are randomly assigned to beneficiaries according to the
and own-account workers) collected for two randomly                     conditions of the program and by relying on secondary
selected adults within the household where they are asked               data. For instance, Takaful program is randomly assigned
about their current employment status and the sector in                 to a percentage within each decile of the consumption
which they work. For most households, only one of the                   distribution based on the HEIS data, and the UNHCR
two randomly selected adults report working. As such,                   assistance similarly using VASyR 2019 for Lebanon, VAF
the household is assigned the sector of that individual.                2019 for Jordan, and VAT 2019 for KRI. Where blanket
Where two of the individuals report their employment,                   assistance is given to certain group (e.g. camp residents in
and they differ on sector, one of the two individuals’ sector           KRI), this is assigned to each household that satisfies its
were randomly selected. For some households, none of                    criteria.

3. Poverty gap                                                          In KRI, where poverty rates are more similar between IDPs,
                                                                        non-IDPs and refugees, the baseline poverty gap is higher
                                                                        for both displaced populations (8 percent for refugees, 9
The Poverty Gap measures how far below the line on                      percent for IDPs compared to 5 percent for non-IDPs). When
average poor households are. For example, a Poverty Gap                 the shock hits, the increase is also projected to be similar
of 0.07 indicates that poor households are on average 7                 for all groups, with an initial leap of 9-11 percentage points.
percent below the poverty line. The table below presents                The recovery path is similar for all three groups, and all
the Poverty Gap each month during the crisis. In Jordan                 remain above their baseline rate by the end of the forecast
at the pre-COVID-19 baseline, poor Jordanian households                 period, albeit refugees by a greater degree than both IDPs
were on average only 1 percent below the International                  and non-IDPs. Again, the story is similar if the NPL is used
Poverty Line (IPL or $5.50) while poor Syrians were 4                   instead.
percent below. In the first month of the crisis, not only
did the poverty headcount rate leap for both groups, but                In Lebanon, the poverty gap was low at baseline for
the poverty gap did as well. As with the poverty rate, the              both Lebanese and Syrians. However, it not only leaps
increase in the gap was larger for Jordanians than Syrians.             considerably higher for Syrians in the first month of the
This is driven by different factors. The rate went up more              shock, the gap continues to grow and remains considerably
for Jordanians because so many Syrians already lived                    higher at the end of the first year. This likely reflects
below the line; there were less Syrians to be driven below              the much higher reliance on wage work (88 percent of
the line by the crisis than there were Jordanians (Figure               refugee households compared to 56 percent of Lebanese
4). However, the poverty gap increased less for Syrians                 households) and refugee worker concentration in
because they were less reliant on labor market income and               construction and manufacturing which were particularly
remittances and more on INGO support, insulating them                   affected.
to a greater degree. The table also shows that the poverty
gap is projected to recover faster for Jordanians as the
economy and their incomes recover along with it, although
the gap ends slightly higher for both groups by the end
of the forecast period. The story is similar if instead the
National Poverty Line (NPL) is used.	
Changes in Poverty since the onset of Covid-19 on Syrian Refugees and                                                   45
Host Communities in Jordan, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Lebanon

Poverty Gap at the National and
International Poverty Lines

                              Month              Jordanian (IPL)        Syrian (IPL)   Jordanian (NLP)   Syrian (NPL)
                                0                      0.01                0.04             0.01             0.03

                                1                      0.24                0.13             0.22             0.11

                                2                      0.23                0.12             0.22             0.11

                                3                      0.23                0.12             0.22             0.11

                                4                      0.18                0.08             0.17             0.07

                                5                      0.16                0.07             0.14             0.06

                                6                      0.14                0.06             0.13             0.05

                                7                      0.14                0.06             0.13             0.05

                                8                      0.14                0.06             0.13             0.05

                                9                      0.14                0.06             0.13             0.05

                                10                     0.07                0.05             0.06             0.04

                                11                     0.04                0.05             0.03             0.04

                                12                     0.03                0.05             0.02             0.04

                                13                     0.02                0.05             0.02             0.04

                                14                     0.02                0.05             0.02             0.04

                                15                     0.02                0.05             0.02             0.04

                                16                     0.02                0.05             0.02             0.04

                                17                     0.02                0.05             0.02             0.04

                                18                     0.02                0.05             0.02             0.04

                                19                     0.02                0.05             0.02             0.04

                                20                     0.02                0.05             0.02             0.04

                                21                     0.02                0.05             0.02             0.04

                           2020 average                0.16                0.08             0.15             0.07

                           2021 average                0.02                0.05             0.02             0.04

                              Month              Lebanese (IPL)         Syrian (IPL)   Lebanese (NPL)    Syrian (NPL)
                                0                      0.00                0.01             0.13             0.21

                                1                      0.04                0.12             0.28             0.46

                                2                      0.05                0.15             0.31             0.50

                                3                      0.08                0.20             0.39             0.58

                                4                      0.10                0.24             0.43             0.62

                                5                      0.13                0.30             0.46             0.65

                                6                      0.14                0.31             0.48             0.66

                                7                      0.15                0.32             0.49             0.67

                                8                      0.15                0.33             0.50             0.68

                                9                      0.16                0.34             0.52             0.69

                           2020 average                0.10                0.23             0.40             0.57
Changes in Poverty since the onset of Covid-19 on Syrian Refugees and                                            46
Host Communities in Jordan, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Lebanon

                                          Resident       Syr Refugee     IDP    Resident   Syr Refugee    IDP
                                            (IPL)            (IPL)      (IPL)    (NPL)        (NPL)      (NPL)

                           0                 0.05            0.08       0.09      0.01        0.02       0.01

                           1                 0.14            0.19       0.18      0.04        0.08       0.05

                           2                 0.13            0.19       0.17      0.04        0.08       0.05

                           3                 0.13            0.18       0.17      0.04        0.08       0.04

                           4                 0.12            0.18       0.17      0.03        0.08       0.04

                           5                 0.12            0.17       0.16      0.03        0.08       0.04

                           6                 0.12            0.17       0.16      0.03        0.08       0.04

                           7                 0.11            0.17       0.15      0.03        0.08       0.04

                           8                 0.10            0.16       0.15      0.03        0.07       0.04

                           9                 0.10            0.15       0.14      0.03        0.07       0.04

                           10                0.09            0.15       0.14      0.03        0.07       0.04

                           11                0.08            0.14       0.13      0.03        0.07       0.03

                           12                0.08            0.13       0.12      0.03        0.07       0.03

                           13                0.07            0.13       0.11      0.02        0.07       0.03

                           14                0.07            0.13       0.11      0.02        0.07       0.03

                           15                0.07            0.12       0.11      0.02        0.07       0.03

                           16                0.07            0.12       0.11      0.02        0.07       0.03

                           17                0.07            0.12       0.11      0.02        0.07       0.03

                           18                0.07            0.12       0.11      0.02        0.07       0.03

                           19                0.06            0.12       0.11      0.02        0.07       0.03

                           20                0.06            0.12       0.11      0.02        0.07       0.03

                           21                0.06            0.12       0.10      0.02        0.07       0.03

                      2020 average           0.11            0.16       0.15      0.03        0.07       0.04

                      2021 average           0.07            0.13       0.11      0.02        0.07       0.03
Changes in Poverty since the onset of Covid-19 on Syrian Refugees and                                                     47
Host Communities in Jordan, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Lebanon

4. Quarterly estimates

In this section, estimates of the poverty changes at the quarterly level are also
provided. In Q2 of 2020, Jordanians face a 37 p.p. increase at the international
poverty line and a 36 p.p. at the national poverty line, while Syrian refugees face
a 18 p.p. and 15 respectively, and both groups recover by Q2 of 2021. In Lebanon,
by Q4 of 2020, Lebanese experience a 32 p.p. increase at the international poverty
line and a 54 p.p. at the national poverty line, and the Syrian refugees experience
54 p.p. and 42 p.p. increase, respectively. In KRI, in Q2 of 2020, the host community
experiences a 22 p.p. and 9 p.p. increase in poverty, and the refugees a 20 p.p. and
9p.p., and the IDPs a 27 p.p. and 8 p.p. at the international poverty line and national
poverty line respectively.

Estimated Quarterly Changes in Poverty at the National
and International Poverty Lines

                                  International Poverty Line                    National Poverty Line
                              Jordanian                Refugee          Jordanian                 Refugee

        Q1 2020                   0                        15               0                       12

        Q2 2020                   37                       33              36                       27

        Q3 2020                   29                       22              27                       16

        Q4 2020                   24                       17              23                       12

        Q1 2021                   11                       15               9                       10

        Q2 2021                   0                        14               0                       10

        Q3 2021                   0                        16               0                       11

        Q4 2021                   0                        16               0                       12

                                  International Poverty Line                    National Poverty Line
                              Lebanese                 Refugee          Lebanese                  Refugee

        Q1 2020                   0                        6                0                       18

        Q2 2020                   13                       37              33                       52

        Q3 2020                   27                       53              50                       58

        Q4 2020                   32                       60              54                       60

                              International Poverty Line                                    National Poverty Line
                  Resident                Refugee                IDP        Resident               Refugee          IDP

  Q1 2020             0                     5                    3               0                      2           0

  Q2 2020            22                     25                   30              9                      11          8

  Q3 2020            16                     23                   27              7                      7           7

  Q4 2020            11                     18                   20              5                      6           5

  Q1 2021             6                     14                   11              2                      5           4

  Q2 2021             1                     8                    5               0                      5           2

  Q3 2021             0                     8                    5               0                      4           2

  Q4 2021             -1                    7                    5               0                      4           1
Changes in Poverty since the onset of Covid-19 on Syrian Refugees and                                                                                                      48
Host Communities in Jordan, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Lebanon

Links and sources
1                                                                                     17
     For Jordan, results reflect data in three governorates only: Amman, Mafraq,           A household’s sector is based on the sector reported by randomly chosen
     and Zarqa.                                                                            individuals within the household. Where this information is not available
                                                                                           despite a household reporting wage labor or own-account income, it has been
2; World Bank. 2020. The Fallout             imputed based on observable characteristics.
     of War : The Regional Consequences of the Conflict in Syria. Washington,
     DC: World Bank. © World Bank.                    The SRHCS survey does not include a consumption module but does include an
     handle/10986/33936 License: CC BY 3.0 IGO                                             income module. The resulting income distributions have been transformed to
                                                                                           national consumption distributions as described in a following section.
     The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Ministry of Planning and International
     Cooperation, Jordan Response Plan 2020-2022,             Refaqat et al, World Bank, Jordan Economic Monitor: Weathering the Storm:
     JRP%202020-2022%20web.pdf                                                             Spring 2020
     World Bank. 2020. Poverty and Shared Prosperity 2020: Reversals of Fortune.
     Washington, DC: World Bank. doi: 10.1596/978-1-4648-1602-4. License: Creative    It is acknowledged that these assumptions are constantly changing as the
     Commons Attribution CC BY 3.0 IGO,          crisis unfolds and the pandemic takes its course. As more data emerge, these
     bitstream/handle/10986/34496/9781464816024.pdf                                   assumptions and ensuing results will be revised.

5                                                                                     21
     International Labour Organization, COVID-19 crisis and the informal economy           See World Bank (2020), Beirut Rapid Damage and Needs Assessment, August
     Immediate responses and policy challenges, May 2020, https://www.ilo.                 2020.
     briefingnote/wcms_743623.pdf                                                          These projections come from the October 2020 World Bank Macroeconomic
                                                                                           and Poverty Outlook for Iraq.
     International Labour Organization, COVID-19 crisis and the informal economy
     Immediate responses and policy challenges, May 2020, https://www.ilo.                 World Bank, Migration and Development Brief 33, October 2020.
     briefingnote/wcms_743623.pdf                                                          Survey data in Jordan on debt and savings suggest this is not a strong
                                                                                           assumption for the bottom half of the distribution, while the months long
     WFP Lebanon, Minimum expenditure basket for Syrian refugees in Lebanon:               economic crisis in Lebanon preceding the COVID-19 crisis means many
     Rights-based versus expenditure-based approaches (March 2020), https://               households likely have depleted savings (or cannot access them due to banking              restrictions).
                                                                                           These figures are based on the Central Administration of Statistics of Lebanon
     UNICEF, WFP, UNHCR, Multi-Sectoral Rapid Needs Assessment: COVID-19 –        - other
     Jordan: Exploring the impact of COVID-19 on families in Jordan’ https://www.          estimates exist (e.g. TradingEconomics and WFP estimates) that can be used for             further analysis.
                                                                                      26          Similar to Jordan, the baseline poverty rate is assumed at the poverty of the
     assessment-may-2020-enar                                                              host community, which is why the graph starts at 0 for the Lebanese graph.

9                                                                                     27
     ARK/UNDP Lebanon Perception Survey (Wave 8) July 2020: both Lebanese (67              The planned response by the Government of Lebanon for Lebanese citizens
     percent) and Syrians (44 percent) consider competition for low-skilled jobs as        discussed earlier will be modelled and included in a later version of this
     the main source of inter-community tensions.                                          paper. Simulations have found that it would reduce the impact of COVID-19
                                                                                           significantly (perhaps by around half), although the underlying data and
     UNHCR, MENA COVID-19 Emergency Education Response Update, November                    methodology differ from this three-country report and are not comparable and
     19 2020,                           not reported here (see World Bank (forthcoming) Project Appraisal Document
                                                                                           for Lebanon Emergency Crisis and Covid-19 Response Social Safety Net).
   UN Women, 2018, Unpacking Gendered Realities in Displacement - Syrian
   Refugees (Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq); UN, March 2019: http://arabstates.unwomen.    To ensure consistency with the macro-economic assumptions there is not
   org/en/digital-library/publications/2018/12/unpacking-gendered-realities-in-    variation in the shock within the sector in which households work in. Doing so
   displacement                                                                    is an extension to be implemented as soon as new phone survey data emerge
                                                                                   which would then allow a better assessment of the distributional impact of the
   Ibid                                                                            shock.

13                                                                                    29
     UNHCR, Mental Health and Psychosocial Response during COVID-19                        Jordanian’s population for Amman, Mafraq, and Zarqa only is 3,994,840, as
     Outbreak, June 2020, available at          estimated by the end of 2017 based on the official census. The Syrian refugee
     files/UNHCR%20MENA%20Mental%20Health%20and%20Psychological%20                         population is based on the refugees registered with UNHCR in these three
     support%20during%20COVID-19%20-%20June%202020.pdf                                     governorates: 431,168.

14                                                                                    30
     Krishnan et al, Coping with the Influx Service Delivery to Syrian Refugees and        Calculated in relation to the total estimated number of refugees in Lebanon,
     Hosts in Jordan, Lebanon, and Kurdistan, Iraq, 2016 https://openknowledge.            at 1.5million
     Delivery-to-Syrian-Refugees-and-Hosts-in-Jordan-Lebanon-and-Kurdistan-Iraq.           These figures are calculated based on a population size of 6855713, according
     pdf?sequence=4&isAllowed=y                                                            to the UN population statistics, of which an unofficial estimate of 1500000
                                                                                           Syrian refugee.
     For analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on Jordanians nationally, see Refaqat,
     Rodriguez, Wai-Poi, Griffin and McCartney (2020).                                     The population of the host community of KRI (5,167,166) is based on the SWIFT
                                                                                           2017-18 estimates of population. Syrian refugee population (237,052) is based
     See Krishnan et al., 2016, for detailed information of the survey design.             on UNHCR registration numbers in KRI, and the IDPs population size (643,251)
                                                                                           is based on the IOM Displacement Tracking Matrix for KRI.
Changes in Poverty since the onset of Covid-19 on Syrian Refugees and   49
Host Communities in Jordan, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Lebanon