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AFRICA | Gambia, The | Education Global Practice |
IBRD/IDA | Investment Project Financing | FY 2014 | Seq No: 5 | ARCHIVED on 22-Jun-2016 | ISR23762 |

Implementing Agencies: Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education, Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education

Key Dates

  Key Project Dates

  Bank Approval Date:06-Mar-2014                                            Effectiveness Date:25-Apr-2014
  Planned Mid Term Review Date:05-Dec-2015                                  Actual Mid-Term Review Date:05-Dec-2015
  Original Closing Date:28-Feb-2018                                         Revised Closing Date:28-Feb-2018

Project Development Objectives

 Project Development Objective (from Project Appraisal Document)
 To increase access to basic education, improve quality of teaching and learning in lower basic schools, and strengthen education systems.

 Has the Project Development Objective been changed since Board Approval of the Project Objective?



Component 1: Increase access to basic education:(Cost $13.20 M)
Component 2: Improve quality of teaching and learning:(Cost $10.80 M)
Component 3: Technical and Institutional Support:(Cost $7.20 M)
Component 4: Strengthening the education system with a focus on governance and management results:(Cost $3.60 M)

Overall Ratings
Name                                                                      Previous Rating                         Current Rating

Progress towards achievement of PDO                                        Satisfactory                           Satisfactory
Overall Implementation Progress (IP)                                       Moderately Satisfactory                Moderately Satisfactory
Overall Risk Rating                                                        Substantial                            Substantial

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Implementation Status and Key Decisions

 Component 1: Increase access to basic education- Civil works:
 Lower Basic Schools (LBS): The construction of 40 multi-grade schools in the remote regions 3, 4, 5 and 6 has been completed and students are
 enrolled in these schools.
 Early Childhood Development (ECD): The project originally planned to build 40 community-based early childhood development (ECD) structures under
 the project. However, since an evaluation showed a greater positive impact in settings where ECDs were attached to LBS (referred to as an Annexed
 ECD design), the Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education (MoBSE) decided to build two schools under the READ project with three classrooms each
 (two multi-grade classrooms and one ECD classroom) using the Annexed ECD design, because the cost of building 40 community based ECD
 structures would be similar to building 2 schools with three classrooms each, staff quarters and a toilet block. The Terms of Reference (TOR) to design
 the two schools has been developped.

 Component 2: Improve quality of teaching and learning
 1. Classroom observation tool: The classroom observation tool, designed to support the development of good pedagogical practices, has been
 developed and is being used. Sample based data have been collected and analyzed. There are still some head teachers who have not been trained in
 its usage. The MoBSE is planning to train them in August 2016.
 2. Enhancing teacher training: The consultants are currently reviewing The Gambia College (GC) program’s existing curricula content, assessments and
 standards with the aim of redesigning the GC program to focus on relevant subject content knowledge, pedagogical skills, and relevant use of
 Information and Communications Technology (ICT). The work will be completed in July 2016, and subsequently, the GC instructors and tutors of the in-
 service teacher training will be trained on the revised program.
 3. Early Literacy in National Language (ELINL) and Reading strategy: “Gambia Reads” program training: The Gambia has decided to have one literacy
 approach in which children start to learn letters through national languages in ECD, and learn literacy through national languages and English in parallel
 in grades 1-3. The MoBSE has developed a single unified approach to teaching literacy which was introduced in all schools (for ECD to grade 3)
 beginning in September 2015. LBS teachers teaching Grades 1 -3 received training on the single unified approach. Recently, the issue of teachers’
 unfamiliarity in national language orthographies was raised. This was discovered on the basis of an In-Service Education & Training (INSET) Unit’s
 report which found that the efficiency of the training was partly limited by the varying teacher competencies on the knowledge and skills to teach
 reading. It is unclear whether the current training design and material are effective in addressing this issue and in ensuring that skills in reading
 comprehension are developed in the classroom. Therefore, the MoBSE is currently seeking suitable technical assistance (TA) to strengthen the
 “Gambia Reads” program and revise materials.
 4. Learn, Education, Activities, and Resources Network (LEARNET) – ICT UBS and SSS: This subcomponent intended to provide broadband, electricity
 and curriculum-linked e-content to all public upper basic schools (UBS) and senior secondary schools (SSS). However, since initial set-up costs and
 recurrent costs of broadband are extremely expensive and would not be sustainable, it was decided that the provision of broadband would be dropped
 from this sub-component. This subcomponent will provide solar electricity to 24 public UBS and SSS and provide training to teachers on the remaining
 subjects from the Progressive Science Initiative and Progressive Math Initiative (PSI-PMI) pilot program. Also, the New Jersey Center of Teaching
 (NJCTL) is currently developing the digital content for Grades 7-12 English, Math and Science, which is progressing very well. The work will be
 completed by the end of the project.

 Component 3: Technical and Institutional Support
 1. Development and implementation of a strong communications strategy: A consultant who will develop a communications strategy has been identified.
 The contract with the consultant is expected to be signed by June 2016.
 2. Institutional support and capacity building: All activities are going well: (i) Standardized and classroom based assessments have been conducted on a
 regular basis, (ii) the provision of support to West Africa Examination Council (WAEC) has been continuously providing through supplying the necessary
 equipment and financially supporting the exams, (iii) linking the Education Management Information System (EMIS) and Human Resources (HR) data
 was completed in March 2016, (iv) a national qualifications framework for higher education has been completed, (v) Project Coordination Unit (PCU)
 salaries have been paid on time, (vi) MoBSE staff have participated in a statistical training program, and (vii) data collection on student and teacher
 absenteeism using the mobile phone system is ongoing.

 Component 4: Disbursement Linked Indicators (DLIs):
 This is described in the ‘Key Issues and Actions for Management Attention’ section above.


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               READ: Results for Education Achievement and Development Project (P133079)

 Systematic Operations Risk-rating Tool

 Risk Category                                                  Rating at Approval               Previous Rating             Current Rating

 Political and Governance                                        --                              Moderate                   Moderate
 Macroeconomic                                                   --                              High                       High
 Sector Strategies and Policies                                  --                              Moderate                   Moderate
 Technical Design of Project or Program                          --                              High                       High
 Institutional Capacity for Implementation and
                                                                 --                              High                       High
 Fiduciary                                                       --                              Moderate                   Moderate
 Environment and Social                                          --                              Moderate                   Moderate
 Stakeholders                                                    --                              Moderate                   Moderate
 Other                                                           --                              --                         --
 Overall                                                         --                              Substantial                Substantial


 Project Development Objective Indicators

          Direct project beneficiaries (Number, Core)

                                               Baseline                      Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)          End Target

         Value                                 0.00                          326062.00                    300463.00                 290000.00

         Date                                  15-Aug-2013                   09-Dec-2015                  01-Jun-2016               28-Feb-2018

         The value in the previous ISR was miscalculated. It should have been 286,967 in the previous ISR. The target of this indicator will be
         revised upward during the restructuring because more than an estimated annual increase of 3 percent of students are enrolling to schools.


          Female beneficiaries (Percentage, Core Supplement)

                                               Baseline                      Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)          End Target

         Value                                 0.00                          51.40                        52.00                     50.00

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          Additional students in public ECD, LBS and UBS (Total) (Number, Custom)

                                                 Baseline                       Actual (Previous)           Actual (Current)            End Target

         Value                                   0.00                           40191.00                    45702.00                    35000.00

         Date                                    15-Aug-2013                    09-Dec-2015                 01-Jun-2016                 28-Feb-2018

         The target will be revised upward at the restructuring to take account of additional students in public schools targeted by the project.
         Baseline (EMIS 2013): Government ECD: 18,152, Public LBS: 184,080, Public UBS: 69,372.
         Current (EMIS 2016): Government ECD: 23,897, Public LBS: 221,204, Public UBS: 72,205


          Mean scores in (English) in grade 3 in National Assessment Test (NAT) (Percentage, Custom)

                                                 Baseline                       Actual (Previous)           Actual (Current)            End Target

         Value                                   41.50                          --                          --                          46.00

         Date                                    31-Jul-2012                    09-Dec-2015                 01-Jun-2016                 28-Feb-2018

         The data will be available after the NAT is counducted in 2017. The target will change at the restructuring to take of account an increase of
         grade 1 intake by 22 percent from 2012 to 2015. Many of these additional students are from disadvantaged families. International
         experience shows that performance in language tests by students with this background in general is lower compared to the average


      Teachers in grades 1-3 showing good teaching performance as observed through the new classroom observation tool
     (Percentage, Custom)

                                                 Baseline                       Actual (Previous)           Actual (Current)            End Target

         Value                                   0.00                           0.00                        0.00                        60.00

         Date                                    15-Aug-2013                    09-Dec-2015                 01-Jun-2016                 28-Feb-2018

         The indicator will not change at the restructuring. However, the data source and methodology will be revised to: Annual sample of 15% of
         randomly selected public LBS generated by MoBSE Planning Directorate during second term January-March with collection of all classroom
         observation tool (COT) forms from the selected schools.

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                   READ: Results for Education Achievement and Development Project (P133079)


            Head Teachers in lower basic schools adjusting School Development Plans in response to NAT results and approved by
           Regional Directorates using an agreed upon check list (DLI year 3) (Percentage, Custom)

                                                       Baseline                        Actual (Previous)           Actual (Current)             End Target

               Value                                   0.00                            0.00                        0.00                         80.00

               Date                                    15-Aug-2013                     09-Dec-2015                 01-Jun-2016                  28-Feb-2018

               The training on head teachers is ongoing to achieve this target. This indicator will drop the funding implication at the restructuring but will
               be kept as a PDO indicator.

 Overall Comments

 Intermediate Results Indicators

              Stationery packages provided to students in lower basic schools in hardship areas (Number, Custom)

                                                       Baseline                        Actual (Previous)           Actual (Current)             End Target

               Value                                   0.00                            35633.00                    46731.00                     36500.00

               Date                                    15-Aug-2013                     14-Dec-2015                 01-Jun-2016                  28-Feb-2018

               The end target will be revised upward at the restructuring based on the revised school mapping on hardship areas.
               Hardship data were not updated in the EMIS data system when the project was prepared, and the final updating of EMIS data on hardship
               schools has just been completed. To determine if each school is in hardship area or not requires mapping of each school, as schools are
               considered 'hardship' if they are more than 3 km from the main road.


              Number of additional classrooms built or rehabilitated at the primary level resulting from project interventions. (Number, Core)

                                                       Baseline                        Actual (Previous)           Actual (Current)             End Target

               Value                                   0.00                            34.00                       80.00                        80.00

               Date                                    15-Aug-2013                     14-Dec-2015                 01-Jun-2016                  28-Feb-2018

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              Communities with > 3 km to nearest lower basic school in Region 3,4,5,6 (Percentage, Custom)

                                                    Baseline                      Actual (Previous)        Actual (Current)   End Target

               Value                                17.00                         12.50                    12.50              14.00

               Date                                 15-Aug-2013                   14-Dec-2015              01-Jun-2016        28-Feb-2018


              Number of additional qualified primary teachers resulting from project interventions. (Number, Core)

                                                    Baseline                      Actual (Previous)        Actual (Current)   End Target

               Value                                0.00                          994.00                   994.00             1750.00

               Date                                 15-Aug-2013                   14-Dec-2015              01-Jun-2016        28-Feb-2018


              Student teachers enrolled in revised PTC program (Number, Custom)

                                                    Baseline                      Actual (Previous)        Actual (Current)   End Target

               Value                                0.00                          0.00                     0.00               900.00

               Date                                 15-Aug-2013                   14-Dec-2015              01-Jun-2016        28-Feb-2018

               The PTC program has currently being revised. The revision will be completed by July 2016.


            Externally controlled end-of-year examination in place for students completing second year of revised PTC and HTC programs
           at Gambia College (Yes/No, Custom)

                                                    Baseline                      Actual (Previous)        Actual (Current)   End Target

               Value                                N                             N                        N                  Y

               Date                                 15-Aug-2013                   14-Dec-2015              01-Jun-2016        28-Feb-2018

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              Average teachers attendance on time (Percentage, Custom)

                                                      Baseline                        Actual (Previous)          Actual (Current)             End Target

               Value                                  90.00                           97.00                      95.00                        95.00

               Date                                   15-Aug-2013                     14-Dec-2015                01-Jun-2016                  28-Feb-2018


              ECD monitoring tool developed by ECD Unit in MOBSE (Yes/No, Custom)

                                                      Baseline                        Actual (Previous)          Actual (Current)             End Target

               Value                                  N                               Y                          Y                            Y

               Date                                   15-Aug-2013                     15-Dec-2015                01-Jun-2016                  28-Feb-2018


              Public upper basic and senior schools connected to broadband (Number, Custom)

                                                      Baseline                        Actual (Previous)          Actual (Current)             End Target

               Value                                  28.00                           0.00                       0.00                         147.00

               Date                                   15-Aug-2013                     15-Dec-2015                01-Jun-2016                  28-Feb-2018

               The provision of broadband to all UBS and SSS will not be supported under the Project. This will be dropped at the restructuring. The
               project will provide solar panels to 24 PSI-PMI schools. The reason that the provision of broadband will be canceled was due to the
               unsustainable high cost. Field-based research reported that setting up and maintaining broadband services is too costly. Estimates indicate
               that the initial set-up cost to just 19 PSI-PMI schools only, which are close enough to be connected to the pop sites of fiber optics, would be
               approximately US$500,000, and the recurrent cost for broadband would be approximately US$50,000 for 19 schools per every 10 months.
               Provision of solar panels to the 24 PSI-PMI schools are essential because the program requires electricity to operate and the power grid is
               very unstable.

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              Basic Education Sector communication strategy developed by STED (Yes/No, Custom)

                                                      Baseline                       Actual (Previous)          Actual (Current)            End Target

               Value                                  N                              N                          N                           Y

               Date                                   15-Aug-2013                    15-Dec-2015                01-Jun-2016                 28-Feb-2018

               A consultant has been identified and the contract will be signed by the end of June 2016.


            Reading curriculum guidelines developed by Directorate of Curriculum at MOBSE based on evaluation results of early reading
           strategies (Yes/No, Custom)

                                                      Baseline                       Actual (Previous)          Actual (Current)            End Target

               Value                                  N                              Y                          Y                           Y

               Date                                   15-Aug-2013                    15-Dec-2015                01-Jun-2016                 28-Feb-2018


            HR supplementary data (personnel details, qualifications, promotion and postings history) updated in HR database at
           Directorate of HR at MOBSE (Yes/No, Custom)

                                                      Baseline                       Actual (Previous)          Actual (Current)            End Target

               Value                                  N                              N                          Y                           Y

               Date                                   15-Aug-2013                    15-Dec-2015                01-Jun-2016                 28-Feb-2018


           DLI #4: Annual formal and informal school fees paid by parents to public lower basic schools (DLI year 1) (Amount(USD),

                                                      Baseline                       Actual (Previous)          Actual (Current)            End Target

               Value                                  12.00                          0.00                       0.00                        0.00

               Date                                   15-Aug-2013                    15-Dec-2015                01-Jun-2016                 28-Feb-2018

               The field survey by a third party consultant firm has been completed and the data are currently under analysis. The results will be available
               by September 2016.

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           DLI #7: Annual formal and informal school fees paid by parents to public upper basic schools (DLI year 2) (Amount(USD),

                                                      Baseline                       Actual (Previous)          Actual (Current)            End Target

               Value                                  17.00                          0.00                       0.00                        0.00

               Date                                   15-Aug-2013                    15-Dec-2015                01-Jun-2016                 28-Feb-2018

               The field survey by a third party consultant firm has been completed and the data are currently under analysis. The results will be available
               by September 2016.


            DLI#2: First tranche (40%) of annual school grants transferred from MOBSE by Sept 15 in year 0 to all public lower basic
           schools (DLI year 0) (Yes/No, Custom)

                                                      Baseline                       Actual (Previous)          Actual (Current)            End Target

               Value                                  N                              Y                          Y                           Y

               Date                                   15-Aug-2013                    15-Dec-2015                01-Jun-2016                 28-Feb-2018


            DLI #3: First tranche (40%) of annual school grants transferred from MOBSE by Sept 15 in year 1 to all public upper basic
           schools (DLI year 1) (Yes/No, Custom)

                                                      Baseline                       Actual (Previous)          Actual (Current)            End Target

               Value                                  N                              Y                          Y                           Y

               Date                                   15-Aug-2013                    15-Dec-2015                01-Jun-2016                 28-Feb-2018


            DLI #5 and #8: Average attendance by students in public schools in NAT for grade 3, 5 and 8 for full two days (DLI year 1 and
           2) (Percentage, Custom)

                                                      Baseline                       Actual (Previous)          Actual (Current)            End Target

               Value                                  88.00                          90.00                      90.00                       95.00

               Date                                   31-Jul-2012                    15-Dec-2015                01-Jun-2016                 28-Feb-2018

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            Annual training, promotion and postings exercise based on annually updated personnel records in interfaced EMIS and HR
           systems (Yes/No, Custom)

                                                    Baseline                    Actual (Previous)   Actual (Current)   End Target

               Value                                N                           N                   Y                  Y

               Date                                 15-Aug-2013                 15-Dec-2015         01-Jun-2016        28-Feb-2018


           DLI #6: Annual School Census data collection carried out including Madrassas and min. 95% response rate and results and
           analytical report released by May 2014 (Yes/No, Custom)

                                                    Baseline                    Actual (Previous)   Actual (Current)   End Target

               Value                                N                           Y                   Y                  Y

               Date                                 15-Aug-2013                 15-Dec-2015         01-Jun-2016        28-Feb-2018


              Head Teachers skilled to interpret NAT results (Percentage, Custom)

                                                    Baseline                    Actual (Previous)   Actual (Current)   End Target

               Value                                0.00                        95.00               95.00              95.00

               Date                                 15-Aug-2013                 15-Dec-2015         01-Jun-2016        28-Feb-2018


              UBS and SSS English teachers benefited from training programs using the newly developed e-curriculum (Number, Custom)

                                                    Baseline                    Actual (Previous)   Actual (Current)   End Target

               Value                                --                          0.00                0.00               200.00

               Date                                 15-Aug-2013                 15-Dec-2015         01-Jun-2016        28-Feb-2018

               The new English e-curriculum is currently under development.

 Overall Comments

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           READ: Results for Education Achievement and Development Project (P133079)

 Data on Financial Performance

Disbursements (by loan)

 Project       Loan/Credit/TF     Status      Currency        Original   Revised     Cancelled    Disbursed    Undisbursed                Disbursed

 P133079       IDA-H9160          Effective   USD               11.90      11.90           0.00         9.37            2.17                       79%

 P133079       TF-16496           Effective   USD                6.90       6.90           0.00         4.67            2.23                       68%

Key Dates (by loan)
 Project       Loan/Credit/TF    Status       Approval Date      Signing Date      Effectiveness Date   Orig. Closing Date     Rev. Closing Date

 P133079       IDA-H9160         Effective    06-Mar-2014        09-Apr-2014       25-Apr-2014          28-Feb-2018            28-Feb-2018
 P133079       TF-16496          Effective    09-Apr-2014        09-Apr-2014       25-Apr-2014          28-Feb-2018            28-Feb-2018

Cumulative Disbursements

 Restructuring History

  There has been no restructuring to date.

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 Related Project(s)
P159540-Results for Education Achievement and Development Project Additional Financing ,P160282-Results for Education Achievement and
Development Project (READ)

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