For more information, visit                                                      October 19, 2018

Taking Stock
U.S. industrial production continued to rise in September; retail sales growth and new housing starts were weak.
U.S. industrial production rose 0.3 percent (m/m, sa) in September, down slightly from a 0.4 gain in August (Figure 1).
Manufacturing output—the largest component of industrial production—and mining production rose 0.2 percent and 0.5
percent in September, respectively, while utility output remained unchanged after surging 1.1 percent in August. For the
second straight month, retail sales rose only 0.1 percent (m/m) in September, as spending at bars and restaurants fell 1.8
percent, the biggest drop since December 2016. Meanwhile, new-home construction fell 5.4 percent (m/m) in September,
led by a sharp drop in multifamily home starts, amid disruptions from Hurricane Florence and rising mortgage rates.

Euro Area headline inflation edged up in September; exports rebounded in August. Euro Area headline consumer
price inflation in September was confirmed at 2.1 percent (y/y), up slightly from 2 percent in August, mainly reflecting higher
costs of energy. Meanwhile, core inflation—which excludes energy, food, alcohol, and tobacco prices—was flat at 0.9 percent
(y/y) in September. Separately, the euro area trade surplus widened from a seasonally adjusted €12.6 billion in July to €16.6
billion in August as export values increased 2.1 percent (m/m, sa), while imports remained steady.

Japan’s industrial production rebounded; exports posted first decline in nearly 2 years. Japan’s industrial production
rose 0.2 percent (m/m) in August, below market expectations, after a 0.2 percent drop in July. Meanwhile, export fell 1.2
percent (y/y) in September, after growing 6.6 percent in August, suffering the first drop since November 2016. Japan’s trade
surplus fell 79 percent from a year earlier to ¥140 billion.

China GDP growth slowed in 18Q3; consumer inflation accelerated, while factory prices slowed. China’s GDP growth
edged down from 6.7 percent (y/y) in 18Q2 to 6.5 percent in 18Q3, the slowest growth since 09Q1 (Figure 2). Growth was
slightly below market expectations, but in line with the government’s annual target of around 6.5 percent. Meanwhile, China’s
consumer price index rose 2.5 percent (y/y) in September, up from 2.3 percent in August, due mainly to higher food prices.
The producer price index increased 3.6 percent (y/y) in September, down from 4.1 percent in August.

Bond issuance from EMDE decelerated in 18Q3. Sovereign and corporate borrowers across emerging market and
developing economies (EMDEs) raised only $48 billion through the international bond market in 18Q3, down sharply from
$108 billion in 18Q2 and $147 billion in 18Q1. Seasonal slowdown during the summer aside, the volume is the lowest since
15Q4 as risk appetite was low and borrowing costs increased.

   Figure 1. U.S. industrial production expanded for a fourth     Figure 2. China’s GDP growth slowed slightly in 2018Q3.
   consecutive month in September.

   U.S. industrial production growth.                             China’s real GDP growth.

   Source: Federal Reserve Board.                                 Source: National Bureau of Statistics of China.

Produced by DECPG.

Number 406 | October 19, 2018
Major Data Releases
(Percent change y-o-y)                                                                                                             (Percent change y-o-y)
     Recent releases: Friday, 12 October - Thursday, 18 October 2018                                                                  Upcoming releases: Friday, 19 October - Thursday, 25 October 2018
Country          Date      Indicator Period Actual Forecast Previous                                                               Country                          Date       Indicator Period Previous
India             10/12/18     CPI     Sep      3.8%     4.0%     3.7%                                                             Canada                            10/19/18     CPI      Sep      2.8%
China             10/16/18     CPI     Sep      2.5%     2.5%     2.3%                                                             China                             10/19/18    GDP        Q3      2.3%
U.S.              10/16/18     IP      Sep      5.1%              4.9%                                                             Japan                             10/19/18     CPI      Sep      1.3%
Euro Area         10/17/18     CPI     Sep      2.1%     2.1%     2.0%                                                             South Africa                      10/24/18     CPI      Sep      4.9%
U.K.              10/17/18     CPI     Sep      2.4%     2.6%     2.7%                                                             South Korea                       10/24/18    GDP        Q3      2.8%

Activity and Inflation
(Percent change y-o-y, except quarterly data on industrial production, which are percent change q-o-q, annualized)

                                                                                    2017                2018                            2017                                                     2018
                                                             2016      2017        Q3          Q4      Q1        Q2        Sep         Oct       Nov           Dec    Jan        Feb     Mar    Apr     May    Jun    Jul    Aug
Industrial Production, sa
    World                                                      2.1       4.0       3.7       5.5       3.9       3.0        4.3        4.1         4.4         4.6     4.6        4.7    4.3     4.4     4.0   3.7    3.7     3.4
     Advanced Economies                                        0.0       2.8       2.1       5.3      -0.2       3.1        3.0        3.1         3.5         3.6     2.7        3.0    3.2     2.5     2.7   2.5    2.1     2.2
     Emerging Market and Developing Economies                  4.2       5.2       5.3       5.7       8.0       3.0        5.7        5.1         5.4         5.6     6.6        6.4    5.3     6.3     5.3   4.9    5.4     4.6
      Commodity-exporting EMDE                                 0.6       2.6       4.4       1.1       5.6       0.1        3.7        3.0         2.5         2.3     3.9        3.3    3.3     5.1     1.8   1.5    3.2     2.9
      Other EMDE                                               5.3       6.0       5.5       7.0       8.6       3.7        6.2        5.7         6.2         6.5     7.3        7.3    5.9     6.6     6.3   5.7    5.9     5.1
      East Asia and Pacific                                    5.9       6.1       4.9       5.6      10.1       4.8        6.4        5.8         5.7         5.8     7.2        7.1    5.7     7.1     6.7   5.2    5.9     5.9
        East Asia excl. China                                  4.6       3.7       6.6       0.3      14.9      -2.2        5.3        2.7         3.0         2.9     7.5        6.0    3.8     7.6     5.9   0.7    4.9     4.1
      Europe and Central Asia                                  3.4       5.9       6.1       5.9       7.0       1.7        7.9        5.9         5.8         6.4     7.8        7.5    5.9     5.8     5.3   4.3    5.8     3.6
      Latin America and Caribbean                             -2.2       0.7       4.1       2.4       3.4      -1.7        0.8        1.7         1.6         2.1     1.6        1.8    3.0     4.4    -1.3   3.0    2.2     2.0
      Middle East and North Africa                            -1.1       5.9      17.2       1.2      -9.1       3.7        3.1        6.1         7.1         8.6     2.2        2.7    4.5     2.0     1.4   5.1    3.6    -5.5
      South Asia                                               5.3       4.7       7.2      12.4       4.9      -2.3        4.7        3.7         8.9         7.6     8.1        7.3    5.5     5.6     4.5   6.1    5.7     1.9
      Sub-Saharan Africa                                       1.2       0.1       2.9       8.1      -7.4       0.3       -1.0        2.1         2.4         3.2     1.7        0.9    1.2    -1.3     1.8   2.0    2.4     1.5
Inflation, sa 2
    World                                                      1.4       2.2       2.2         2.2     2.3       2.3        2.2        2.3         2.3         2.3     2.4        2.3    2.4    2.3     2.1    2.4    2.4    2.5
    Advanced Economies                                         0.3       1.4       1.5         1.4     1.3       1.8        1.5        1.4         1.5         1.5     1.5        1.4    1.4    1.6     1.9    2.1    2.1    2.0
    Emerging Market and Developing Economies                   2.6       3.2       3.0         2.8     3.0       2.7        3.2        3.0         2.9         3.0     2.9        3.0    2.7    2.6     2.8    2.9    2.9    3.2
     Commodity-exporting EMDE                                  3.5       3.4       3.3         2.8     2.9       2.5        3.2        3.0         2.9         2.9     2.9        2.9    2.7    2.5     2.4    2.5    2.5    2.6
     Other EMDE                                                1.3       2.9       2.7         2.8     3.6       3.2        3.0        2.8         2.9         3.0     3.7        3.5    3.1    3.2     3.0    3.2    3.5    3.5
      East Asia and Pacific                                    2.0       2.3       1.7         2.4     2.2       3.0        2.3        2.6         2.4         2.4     2.3        2.5    2.3    2.4     2.9    2.6    2.5    2.6
      Europe and Central Asia                                  0.4       2.4       2.7         2.8     2.7       2.2        2.8        2.6         2.8         2.8     2.5        2.7    2.5    2.2     2.1    2.3    2.4    3.0
      Latin America and Caribbean                              2.4       2.6       2.5         2.5     2.9       3.1        2.6        2.3         2.5         2.6     2.9        2.9    3.1    3.0     3.0    3.2    2.9    3.2
      Middle East and North Africa                             2.1       1.6       1.1         2.2     2.8       2.7        1.6        2.1         1.7         1.9     2.9        2.9    2.6    2.6     2.8    3.0    3.2    3.1
      South Asia                                               4.4       3.8       3.5         3.7     4.2       4.6        3.5        3.6         3.8         4.3     4.4        4.1    3.7    4.1     4.8    5.2    5.6    5.5
      Sub-Saharan Africa                                       5.3       5.7       5.5         4.7     3.5       3.3        5.4        5.2         4.6         4.6     4.3        3.4    3.3    3.3     3.3    3.1    3.0    3.2
Sources: World Bank, Haver Analytics, and IMF International Financial Statistics.
 Industrial production is total production (may exclude construction). When data are unavailable, "industrial production, manufacturing" is used as a proxy.
 Median inflation rate for each grouping.

Trade and Finance
(Percent change y-o-y, except quarterly trade data, which are percent change q-o-q, annualized, and international reserves data, which are percent change over the previous period)

                                                                                    2017                2018                            2017                                                     2018
                                                             2016      2017        Q3          Q4      Q1        Q2        Sep         Oct       Nov           Dec     Jan       Feb     Mar    Apr     May    Jun    Jul    Aug
Exports, Nominal, US$, sa
    World                                                     -3.0      10.3      14.5      14.6      24.3      -2.4       11.1       12.4        13.2         11.7   17.0       16.8     9.2   16.3    10.6   10.2   12.0      -
     Advanced Economies                                       -0.8       9.5      18.2      11.3      22.0      -3.5       10.9       12.0        12.9         11.3   17.5       12.0    10.8   16.5     9.2    9.3   10.2      -
     Emerging Market and Developing Economies                 -6.4      11.7       8.0      20.9      28.6      -0.2       11.4       13.3        13.8         12.3   16.1       25.8     6.4   16.1    13.4   11.8   15.4      -
      Commodity-exporting EMDE                                -8.8      17.7      19.5      26.7      31.3      -1.4       17.0       20.9        15.9         14.5   20.9       15.3    13.3   23.6    15.3   16.2   23.4      -
      Other EMDE                                              -4.5       9.5       3.6      18.5      27.5      -0.2        9.2       10.3        12.9         11.4   14.1       30.3     3.7   13.1    12.5    9.9   12.4      -
      East Asia and Pacific                                   -6.1       9.9       2.7      16.1      28.8       1.3        9.9       10.0        12.9         10.9   14.0       33.1     0.9   12.4    11.9   10.8   12.9    9.5
      Europe and Central Asia                                 -6.1      16.5      17.1      30.3      40.3      -1.9       16.5       22.3        19.5         16.2   26.6       21.0    15.1   27.8    19.8   14.0   23.8      -
      Latin America and Caribbean                             -2.4      12.0       7.8      15.5      21.2      -6.0       10.5       15.8         9.3          8.7   12.0       11.8    10.4   13.9     7.0    6.6   12.6      -
      Middle East and North Africa                               -         -         -         -         -         -          -          -           -            -      -          -       -      -       -      -      -      -
      South Asia                                               0.6       5.6      12.3      22.9       6.8      11.4        4.7        4.1        12.2         11.6    7.3       10.1     5.5    9.0    20.3   10.7   11.7      -
      Sub-Saharan Africa                                     -13.1      15.4      12.3      31.4      24.4         -        8.4       17.5        17.8         17.1   14.5       15.2    12.3      -       -      -      -      -
Imports, Nominal, US$, sa
    World                                                     -5.3      12.2       1.7      31.2      16.1       3.1        5.8       18.2        13.3         19.6   16.3       21.4     9.1   24.9     4.3   10.0   12.3      -
     Advanced Economies                                       -3.4       9.1      14.2      18.0      23.1      -3.5        9.1       14.7        14.1         13.9   18.6       15.3    12.1   18.5    10.0    9.2   11.6      -
     Emerging Market and Developing Economies                 -6.4      13.9      -4.4      38.8      12.6       6.8        4.0       20.2        12.8         22.7   15.1       24.7     7.5   28.5     1.6   10.4   12.6      -
      Commodity-exporting EMDE                                -7.3      13.2      -8.8      46.0       3.2      12.5       -0.2       21.2        11.3         25.9   10.1       29.3     6.1   31.9    -2.3    9.9      -      -
      Other EMDE                                              -3.0      16.3      12.3      17.1      50.3      -9.7       17.7       16.8        18.1         12.6   32.5       11.1    12.1   17.7    17.2   11.8   18.2   11.7
      East Asia and Pacific                                   -3.7      17.4      15.1      15.1      68.3     -12.6       19.2       18.0        18.8          9.7   37.8        9.3    12.0   21.8    20.9   11.9   21.5   14.9
      Europe and Central Asia                                 -1.2      18.6      20.3      17.3      38.8     -21.4       20.2       21.4        23.7         23.4   29.6       21.8    17.7   19.2     9.0    6.5    6.6      -
      Latin America and Caribbean                             -7.3       8.3       9.9      17.8      23.8       6.7        5.0       16.3         9.2          6.8   13.9       14.3     4.1   21.4    12.8    9.6   23.8      -
      Middle East and North Africa                               -         -         -         -         -         -          -          -           -            -      -          -       -      -       -      -      -      -
      South Asia                                              -5.4      22.8      -8.2      32.0      23.5      10.7       18.6       11.0        20.8         19.1   24.3       11.9     7.8    4.3    16.0   20.7   22.2   21.4
      Sub-Saharan Africa                                     -13.7         -         -         -         -         -          -          -           -            -      -          -       -      -       -      -      -      -
International Reserves, US$ 1
    World                                                     -2.0       7.2       1.7          1.2    1.4      -1.2         0.3        0.0        0.5          0.7     1.4       -0.5    0.5   -0.5    -0.5   -0.2    0.0   -0.1
     Advanced Economies                                        3.2      10.0       1.7          1.1    1.3      -0.8         0.3       -0.3        0.7          0.8     1.3       -0.5    0.5   -1.0    -0.2    0.4   -0.1    0.1
     Emerging Market and Developing Economies                 -5.2       5.3       1.7          1.3    1.4      -1.5         0.4        0.2        0.4          0.6     1.4       -0.5    0.5   -0.2    -0.7   -0.6    0.0   -0.2
      Commodity-exporting EMDE                                -4.4       3.5       0.7          1.2    2.1         -         0.1        0.6        0.4          0.2     1.4       -0.3    1.0      -       -      -      -      -
      Other EMDE                                              -5.7       6.1       2.2          1.3    1.1      -1.9         0.5        0.1        0.4          0.8     1.5       -0.6    0.3   -0.6    -0.8   -0.6    0.2   -0.5
      East Asia and Pacific                                   -7.3       5.6       2.1          1.3    0.6      -1.4         0.6        0.0        0.4          0.9     1.1       -0.8    0.4   -0.5    -0.5   -0.3    0.1   -0.2
      Europe and Central Asia                                  3.4      10.2       3.1          0.9    4.3      -3.3         0.3        0.2        1.0         -0.3     3.5        0.2    0.6   -0.5    -1.2   -1.6    0.9   -1.1
      Latin America and Caribbean                              1.4       2.1       0.9         -0.9    1.8      -1.7        -0.1        0.5       -0.4         -0.9     1.5        0.0    0.3   -0.3    -0.4   -1.2    0.4   -0.2
      Middle East and North Africa                           -10.7         -         -            -      -         -           -          -          -            -       -          -      -      -       -      -      -      -
      South Asia                                               3.6      11.8       2.5          2.3    2.5      -3.5         0.1       -0.1        0.2          2.1     2.4       -0.2    0.3   -0.2    -2.5   -1.2   -0.8   -0.6
      Sub-Saharan Africa                                      -2.9      10.2       1.1          6.1    8.7         -         0.9        1.3        3.3          1.4     1.8        0.9    5.8    1.2       -      -      -      -
Sources: World Bank, Haver Analytics, and IMF International Financial Statistics.
 Total reserves excluding gold are used as proxies when total reserves data are unavailable.

Produced by DECPG.

Number 406 | October 19, 2018
Financial Markets
                                                                          2017             2018                    2017                                                  2018                                          MRV 1
                                                           2016    2017      Q4     Q1        Q2    Q3      Oct      Nov      Dec      Jan      Feb      Mar      Apr      May       Jun      Jul      Aug      Sep
 Interest rates and LIBOR (percent)
   U.S. Fed Funds Effective                                   0.39   0.97   1.17   1.40   1.67   1.88       1.13     1.13     1.27     1.38     1.38     1.45     1.63      1.63     1.77     1.88     1.88     1.90       2.13
   ECB repo                                                   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00       0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00      0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00       0.00
   US$ LIBOR 3-months                                         0.74   1.26   1.47   1.93   2.34   2.34       1.36     1.43     1.61     1.73     1.87     2.18     2.35      2.34     2.33     2.34     2.32     2.35       2.47
   EURIBOR 3-months                                          -0.26  -0.33 -0.33 -0.33 -0.33 -0.32          -0.33    -0.33    -0.33    -0.33    -0.33    -0.33    -0.33     -0.33    -0.32    -0.32    -0.32    -0.32      -0.32
   US 10-yr Treasury yield                                    1.84   2.33   2.37   2.76   2.92   2.92       2.36     2.35     2.41     2.58     2.86     2.84     2.87      2.97     2.91     2.89     2.89     3.00       3.17
   German Bund, 10 yr                                         0.11   0.37   0.38   0.57   0.42   0.28       0.43     0.37     0.36     0.50     0.67     0.54     0.48      0.46     0.33     0.25     0.26     0.35       0.35
 Spreads (basis points)
   JP Morgan Emerging Markets                                  410    325    313    309    351    378       306      320      312      299      309      319      322       353      377      366      383      386        375
     Asia                                                      221    164    151    157    185    189       148      153      151      146      156      168      171       186      197      193      185      189        190
     Europe                                                    302    243    233    221    275    313       226      244      229      212      217      234      246       277      301      291      329      318        296
     Latin America & Caribbean                                 537    429    416    418    455    487       407      422      419      410      420      423      422       459      486      471      493      498        491
     Middle East                                               517    385    400    367    429    464       381      421      398      359      366      374      385       432      472      451      464      478        444
     Africa                                                    518    376    350    320    385    440       360      359      332      305      317      337      342       379      436      420      445      455        438
 Stock Indices (end of period)
   Global (MSCI)                                               424    508    508    500    505    524       497      505      508      502      517      500      510        509     505      520      524      524        501
     Advanced Economies ($ Index)                             1761  2086 2086 2042 2089 2184               2037     2077     2086     2053     2113     2042     2087       2093    2089     2153     2179     2184       2091
       United States (S&P 500)                                2258  2668 2668 2590 2718 2923               2575     2648     2668     2631     2711     2590     2648       2729    2718     2816     2902     2923       2809
       Europe (S&P Euro 350)                                  1475  1558 1558 1493 1533 1548               1600     1563     1558     1518     1522     1493     1556       1545    1533     1581     1547     1548       1476
       Japan (Nikkei 225)                                   19302 22530 22530 21203 22305 24021           22198    22730    22530    21650    21794    21203    22488      22095   22305    22554    22788    24021      22841
     Emerging Market and Developing Economies (MSCI)           861  1139 1139 1167 1070 1048               1119     1121     1139     1158     1202     1167     1164       1121    1070     1087     1055     1048        985
       EM Asia                                                 419    577    577    589    552    537       571      572      577      584      603      589      587        582     552      553      546      537        490
       EM Europe                                               295    341    341    350    312    313       330      330      341      354      370      350      335        316     312      319      294      313        305
       EM Europe & Middle East                                 248    275    275    280    253    259       268      265      275      285      295      280      271        257     253      263      246      259        253
       EM Latin America & Caribbean                           2341  2811 2811 3008 2477 2577               2809     2719     2811     2945     3095     3008     2988       2561    2477     2702     2466     2577       2774
 Exchange Rates (LCU / USD)
   Advanced Economies
     Euro Area                                                 0.90  0.89   0.85   0.81   0.84   0.86       0.85     0.85     0.84     0.82     0.81     0.81     0.81     0.85      0.86     0.86     0.87     0.86      0.87
     Japan                                                  108.80 112.11 112.75 107.94 109.16 111.52     112.93   112.81   112.51   109.83   107.96   106.02   107.62   109.72    110.13   111.45   111.03   112.09    112.60
   Emerging and Developing Economies
     Brazil                                                    3.49  3.19   3.24   3.24   3.61   3.95      3.19      3.26    3.28     3.19     3.25     3.28     3.41       3.64    3.79     3.82     3.93     4.10       3.68
     China                                                    6.65   6.76   6.61   6.35   6.38   6.81      6.62      6.62    6.59     6.41     6.32     6.32     6.30       6.37    6.47     6.72     6.85     6.86       6.93
     Egypt                                                   10.12 17.85 17.71 17.68 17.80 17.90          17.64     17.68   17.81    17.74    17.67    17.63    17.68      17.83   17.88    17.90    17.88    17.92      17.92
     India                                                   67.19 65.11 64.71 64.40 66.99 70.19          65.07     64.85   64.20    63.72    64.44    65.06    65.69      67.49   67.79    68.74    69.62    72.22      73.61
     Russia                                                  67.06 58.31 58.47 56.96 62.03 65.64          57.76     58.97   58.70    56.93    56.81    57.15    61.01      62.28   62.81    62.83    66.48    67.60      65.48
     South Africa                                            14.71 13.31 13.62 11.93 12.65 14.09          13.71     14.06   13.11    12.15    11.82    11.84    12.10      12.52   13.33    13.39    14.13    14.75      14.24
   Memo: U.S. nominal effective rate (index)                 119.7 119.6 117.5 114.1 116.6 120.4          117.5     117.7   117.4    114.7    113.7    113.9    113.9      117.0   118.9    119.6    120.6    120.9      121.7
 Sources: World Bank, Bloomberg, Haver Analytics, and J.P. Morgan.
   MRV = Most Recent Value.

Commodity Prices
                                                                          2017             2018                    2017                                             2018                                               MRV 1
                                                           2016    2017      Q4     Q1        Q2    Q2      Oct      Nov      Dec       Jan     Feb      Mar       Apr       May      Jun      Jul      Aug      Aug
    Energy 2                                                 55      68       75     82       82    90        71       76       78       85       81       81       86        92       91       92       90       95           95
    Non-energy 2                                             79      84       84     88       88    89        84       85       84       87       88       88       90        90       88       84       83       81           81
     Agriculture 2                                           87      87       85     88       88    91        85       85       85       87       88       90       92        92       89       86       85       83           83
     Metals and minerals 2                                   64      79       84     88       88    88        84       84       85       89       89       85       87        88       88       81       79       79           79
    Memo items:
     Crude oil, average ($/bbl)                              43      53       59     64       64     71       55       60       61       66       63       64       69        73       72       73       71       75         77
     Gold ($/toz)                                          1249    1258 1275 1329           1329   1307     1280     1282     1264     1331     1331     1325     1335      1303     1282     1238     1202     1198       1198
     Baltic Dry Index                                       676    1152 1509 1171           1171   1256     1484     1455     1589     1234     1130     1149     1126      1289     1352     1649     1710     1447       1578
 Sources: World Bank, World Bank Commodities Price Data (The Pink Sheet), and Bloomberg.
   MRV = Most Recent Value.
   Indexes, 2010 = 100.

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Number 406 | October 19, 2018