TNRTP- P157702- Procurement Arrangements and Thresholds- SUBSTANTIAL RISK

1.      Procurement for the proposed project will be carried out in accordance with the Bank’s
Procurement Regulations for Borrowers for Goods, Works, Non-Consulting and Consulting
Services dated July 1, 2016 and applicable to Investment Project Financing (IPF) here in after
referred to as “Regulations”. The project will be subject to the Bank’s anticorruption Guidelines3,
dated October 15, 2006, and revised in January 2011 and as of July 1, 2016.

2.       As per the requirement of the Regulations, a Project Procurement Strategy Document
(PPSD) has been developed, based on which the procurement plan has been prepared and sets out
the selection methods to be followed by the Borrower during project implementation in the
procurement of goods, works, non-consulting and consulting services financed by the Bank. The
Procurement Plan will be updated annually for larger procurements like NCB or as required to
reflect the actual project implementation needs and improvements in institutional capacity.

3.      Procurement methods: The table below describes various procurement methods to be used
for activities financed by the loan. These along with agreed thresholds will be reproduced in the
procurement plan. The thresholds indicated in the following table apply to the initial 18 month
implementation period and are based on the procurement performance of the project; these
thresholds may be subsequently modified.

Table 7 – Procurement method threshold
 Thresholds for Procurement                    Thresholds (US$ equivalent)
 Approaches and Methods
 Open International (Goods, IT and non-        > 3 million
 consulting services)
 Open National (Goods, IT and non-             > 100,000 and up to 3 million
 consulting services)
 National Request For Quotation (Goods /       Up to 100,000
 Open International (Works)                    > 40 million
 Open National (Works)                         > 100,000 and up to 40 million
 Direct Selection                              No threshold;
                                               For Goods / Works / non-consulting services: As
                                               per paragraph 6.8-6.10 of Regulation.

                                               For Consultants: As per paragraph 7.13-7.15 of
 Shortlist of National Consultants             Up to 800,000

4.     Procurement Prior Review Thresholds: The World Bank will prior review (thresholds
are based on SUBSTANTIAL rating) the following contracts:

   a) Works: All contracts more than US$ 10 million equivalent
   b) Goods and Information Technology: All contracts more than US$ 2 million equivalent
   c) Non-Consulting Services: All contracts more than US$ 2 million equivalent;
   d) Consultants: All contracts > US$ 1 million equivalent for firms and > US$ 300,000
   equivalent for individuals.
   e) Direct Selection: All contracts more than US$ 100,000 equivalent

5.      The above thresholds are for the initial 18 month implementation period; based on the
procurement performance of the project these thresholds may be subsequently modified. Even for
large value Post Review cases, the inputs of Bank on Technical Specifications / TORs will be
obtained by project. The prior review thresholds will also be indicated in the procurement plan.
The procurement plan will be subsequently updated annually (or at any other time if required) and
will reflect any change in prior review thresholds. The prior review thresholds will be mutually
reviewed during project implementation and modified based on the risk assessment.

6.      In the case of contracts subject to prior review, the Implementing Agency shall seek the
Bank’s no objection before granting/agreeing to (a) an extension of the stipulated time for
performance of a contract that either increases the contract price or has an impact on the planned
completion of the project; (b) any substantial modification of the scope of works, goods, non-
consulting services or consulting services, other significant changes to the terms and conditions of
the contract; (c) any variation order or amendment (except in cases of extreme urgency) which
singly or combined with all variation orders or amendments previously issued, increase the original
contract amount by more than 15 percent; (d) the proposed termination of the contract.

7.     National Procurement Procedure Conditions: National competition for the procurement
of goods, works and non-consulting services according to the established thresholds will be
conducted in accordance with paragraphs 5.3 – 5.5 of Section V of the Regulations and the
following provisions:

(a) Only the model bidding documents agreed with the GoI task force (and as amended for time to
time) shall be used for bidding.

(b) Invitations to bid shall be advertised in at least one widely circulated national daily newspaper
(or on a widely used website or electronic portal with free national and international access along
with an abridged version of the said advertisement published in a widely circulated national daily,
among others, giving the website/electronic portal details from which the details of the invitation
to bid can be downloaded) at least 30 days before the deadline for the submission of bids.

(c) No special preferences will be accorded to any bidder either for price or for other terms and
conditions when competing with foreign bidders, state-owned enterprises, small-scale enterprises,
or enterprises from any given state.

(d) Extension of bid validity shall not be allowed with reference to contracts subject to Bank prior
review without the prior concurrence of the Bank (i) for the first request for extension if it is longer
than four weeks and (ii) for all subsequent requests for extension irrespective of the period (such
concurrence will be considered by the Bank only in cases of force majeure and circumstances
beyond the control of the purchaser/employer).
(e) Rebidding shall not be carried out with reference to contracts subject to Bank prior review
without the prior concurrence of the Bank. The system of rejecting bids outside a predetermined
margin or ‘bracket’ of prices shall not be used in the project.

(f) Rate contracts entered into by the Directorate General of Supplies and Disposals (DGS&D)
will not be acceptable as a substitute for national competition procedures unless incorporation of
right to audit and fraud corruption clauses. DGS&D contracts and its new version will be
acceptable, however, for any procurement under the shopping procedures.

(g) No negotiations are conducted even with the lowest evaluated responsive bidders.

8.     Domestic Preference. The provision of domestic preference will be applied in the
evaluation of bids in accordance with Annex VI of the Regulations.

9.      Record keeping. All records pertaining to award of tenders, including bid notification,
register pertaining to sale and receipt of bids, bid opening minutes, bid evaluation reports and all
correspondence pertaining to bid evaluation, communication sent to/with the Bank in the process,
bid securities, and approval of invitation/evaluation of bids would be retained by IAs.

10.     Disclosure of procurement information. The following documents shall be disclosed on
the project/state websites: (a) a Procurement Plan and updates; (b) an invitation for bids for goods
and works for all contracts; (c) request for expression of interest for selection/hiring of consulting
services; (d) contract awards of goods and works procured following international and national
procedures; (e) a list of contracts/ purchase orders placed following shopping procedures on a
quarterly basis; (f) a list of contracts following direct contracting (DC) on a quarterly basis; (g) a
monthly financial and physical progress report of all contracts; and (h) an action taken report on
the complaints received on a quarterly basis.

11.    The following details shall be sent to the Bank for publishing on the United Nations
Development Bank and Bank external website: (a) an invitation for bids for procurement of goods
and works using open international procedures; (b) contract award details of all procurement of
goods and works using open international procedure; and (c) a list of contracts/ purchase orders
placed following DC procedures on a quarterly basis.

12.    Further, SPIU will also publish on their website any information required under the
provisions of ‘suo moto’ disclosure as specified by the Right to Information Act.

13.     Oversight and Monitoring by the Bank. All contracts not covered under prior review by
the Bank will be subject to post review during implementation support missions and/or special
post review missions, including missions by consultants hired by the Bank. To avoid doubts, the
Bank may conduct, at any time, Independent Procurement Reviews of all the contracts financed
under the loan.

14.    The high risk and high value procurements, if any will be identified for increased
contract management support and indicated in the procurement plan. The SPIU will develop key
performance indicators (KPIs) for such identified contracts and the KPIs would be monitored
during actual execution of contracts. Bank team will provide additional due diligence and
independent review of the contract performance of such identified procurements.

Frequency of procurement supervision, the World Bank will normally carry out
implementation support missions, including review and support on procurement, on a semi-
annual basis. Mission frequency may be increased or decreased based on the procurement
performance of the project.

                              India : Tamil Nadu Rural Transformation Project (TNRTP)
General Information
Country:                      India                                         Bank’s Approval Date of the Original Procurement Plan:                    2018-12-05
                                                                            Revised Plan Date(s): (comma delineated, leave blank if none)
Project ID:                   P157702                                       GPN Date:
Project Name:                 Tamil Nadu Rural Transformation Project (TNRTP)
Loan / Credit No:             IBRD / 87950
Executing Agency(ies): Tamil Nadu Rural Transformation Society

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Bid Evaluation
Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                   Procurement      Estimated        Actual                                                                       Draft Bidding
                              Loan / Credit                                                                         Market         Procurement        Prequalification   High SEA/SH                                                      Process      Draft Pre-qualification    Prequalification                              Specific Procurement       Bidding Documents      Proposal Submission /          Report and                                      Contract
           Description                                  Component             Review Type       Method                                                                                      Document         Amount         Amount                                                                         Document /                                                                                                                   Signed Contract
                                      No.                                                                          Approach           Process              (Y/N)             Risk                                                          Status           Documents            Evaluation Report                               Notice / Invitation            as Issued          Opening / Minutes        Recommendation for                                 Completion
                                                                                                                                                                                              Type             (US$)         (US$)                                                                        Justification
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Planned      Actual      Planned     Actual   Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual       Planned     Actual      Planned      Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned      Actual   Planned

 058/TNRTP/2018 /
                                              Project Management, Results
Refurbishment of Identified
                                              Monitoring and                                                                     Single Stage - One
Space for Setting up of       IBRD / 87950                                  Post            Request for Bids   Open - National                                                                                384,615.00         0.00    Canceled                                                     2018-12-07                2018-12-12                                        2019-01-11                2019-01-18                2019-02-01            2019-05-02
                                              Implementation Support                                                             Envelope
State Project Management
Unit (SPMU)

 IN-TNRTS-152334-CW-RFB                       Project Management, Results
/ Office Refurbishment for                    Monitoring and                                                                     Single Stage - One
                              IBRD / 87950                                  Post            Request for Bids   Open - National                                                                                214,285.00         0.00    Implementat                                                  2019-12-30   2019-12-31   2020-01-05   2020-05-13                           2020-02-05   2020-02-18   2020-02-12   2020-05-11   2020-02-26            2020-05-26
State Project Management                      Implementation Support                                                             Envelope
Unit of TNRTP.                                Systems

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Bid Evaluation
Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Draft Bidding
                              Loan / Credit                                                                         Market         Procurement        Prequalification    Estimated       Actual Amount       Process      Draft Pre-qualification        Prequalification                            Specific Procurement      Bidding Documents         Proposal Submission /        Report and
           Description                                  Component             Review Type       Method                                                                                                                                                                              Document /                                                                                                                Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                      No.                                                                          Approach           Process              (Y/N)         Amount (US$)         (US$)           Status            Documents                Evaluation Report                             Notice / Invitation            as Issued            Opening / Minutes      Recommendation for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Planned        Actual       Planned      Actual      Planned     Actual   Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual       Planned     Actual      Planned      Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned      Actual

                                              Project Management, Results
 043/TNRTP/2018 / Purchase
                                              Monitoring and                                Request for                          Single Stage - One
of Vehicles for SPMU of       IBRD / 87950                                  Post                               Limited                                                        70,000.00         46,501.12   Signed                                                                                    2018-12-20   2018-12-20                                                                               2019-01-04   2018-12-29   2019-02-03
                                              Implementation Support                        Quotations                           Envelope

 ROC.NO.045/TNRTP/2018 /                      Project Management, Results
Purchase of Desktops,                         Monitoring and                                Request for                          Single Stage - One
                              IBRD / 87950                                  Post                               Open - National                                                57,392.00         50,862.42   Signed                                                                                    2019-10-01                                                                                            2019-11-26   2019-09-23   2020-05-24
Laptops and Printers in                       Implementation Support                        Quotations                           Envelope
TNRTP SPMU                                    Systems

 ROC.NO.101/TNRTP/2018 /                      Project Management, Results
Printing of Diaries, Note                     Monitoring and                                Request for                          Single Stage - One
                              IBRD / 87950                                  Post                               Open - National                                                34,632.00         34,544.81   Signed                                                                                    2019-11-23                                                                                            2020-01-18   2019-10-23   2020-07-16
Books, Binding Pads &                         Implementation Support                        Quotations                           Envelope
Wrapper Sheets                                Systems

 090/TNRTP/2019 / Printing
of PGP Manuals for                            Rural Enterprise Ecosystem                    Request for                          Single Stage - One
                              IBRD / 87950                                  Post                               Limited                                                        20,000.00         18,346.76   Signed                                                                                    2020-02-12   2019-12-03                                                                               2020-04-08   2019-12-18   2020-10-05
Participatory Growth plan                     Development                                   Quotations                           Envelope

 ROC NO:90A/TNRTP/2019 /
Designing and printing of                     Rural Enterprise Ecosystem                    Request for                          Single Stage - One
                              IBRD / 87950                                  Post                               Limited                                                        70,140.00         52,738.34   Signed                                                                                    2020-03-22   2020-03-19                                                                               2020-05-17   2020-03-30   2020-11-13
PGP pamphlet for PGP                          Development                                   Quotations                           Envelope

 29/TNRTP/2020 / Printing
of Vouchers,Registers and                     Project Management, Results
binding pads for                              Monitoring and                                Request for                          Single Stage - One
                              IBRD / 87950                                  Post                               Limited                                                        15,567.00         13,621.03   Signed                                                                                    2020-05-31   2020-01-03                                                                               2020-07-26   2020-01-14   2021-01-22
DPMU,BPMU                                     Implementation Support                        Quotations                           Envelope
and SPMU office use for                       Systems

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Page 1
 ROC.NO:045A/TNRTP/2018 /                       Project Management, Results
Purchase of Printers,                           Monitoring and                                Request for                           Single Stage - One
                                IBRD / 87950                                  Post                                Limited                                                           5,000.00                   0.00   Implementati                                                                                 2020-06-27                                                                                              2020-08-22                2021-02-18
Laptop/Ipad, and CCTV                           Implementation Support                        Quotations                            Envelope
camera for TNRTP SPMU.                          Systems

 ROC.NO:045B/TNRTP/2018 /                       Project Management, Results
Fully Digital conference hall                   Monitoring and                                Request for                           Single Stage - One
                                IBRD / 87950                                  Post                                Limited                                                         38,237.00                    0.00   Implementati                                                                                 2020-08-21                                                                                              2020-10-16                2021-04-14
for the new office at                           Implementation Support                        Quotations                            Envelope
TNSIDCO Complex                                 Systems

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Bid Evaluation
Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Draft Bidding
                                Loan / Credit                                                                          Market         Procurement        Prequalification     Estimated         Actual Amount              Process   Draft Pre-qualification        Prequalification                               Specific Procurement      Bidding Documents         Proposal Submission /          Report and
          Description                                     Component             Review Type        Method                                                                                                                                                                                      Document /                                                                                                                    Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                      No.                                                                             Approach           Process              (Y/N)          Amount (US$)            (US$)                 Status         Documents             Evaluation Report                                   Notice / Invitation            as Issued            Opening / Minutes        Recommendation for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned      Actual       Planned      Actual      Planned       Actual       Planned      Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned      Actual

 099/TNRTP/2018 / Selecting                     Project Management, Results
an Outsourcing Agency for                       Monitoring and                                Request for                           Single Stage - One
                                IBRD / 87950                                  Post                                Limited                                                         30,000.00                2,356.92   Signed                                                                                       2018-12-20   2019-02-18                                                                                 2019-01-07   2019-05-31   2020-01-07
recruiting Non-Technical                        Implementation Support                        Quotations                            Envelope
Basic staff for TNRTP                           Systems

 098/TNRTP/2018 / Taking                        Project Management, Results
Video film and Documentary                      Monitoring and                                Request for                           Single Stage - One
                                IBRD / 87950                                  Post                                Limited                                                         96,000.00                    0.00   Implementati                                                                                 2018-12-24                                                                                              2019-01-10                2019-03-26
about TNRTP and its                             Implementation Support                        Quotations                            Envelope
components                                      Systems

                                                Project Management, Results
 43/TNRTP/2018 / Hiring of
                                                Monitoring and                                Request for                           Single Stage - One
Vehicles for SPMU of            IBRD / 87950                                  Post                                Limited                                                         37,000.00                 601.47    Signed                                                                                       2018-12-22   2018-12-20                                                                                 2019-01-01   2018-12-31   2019-01-03
                                                Implementation Support                        Quotations                            Envelope

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Combined Evaluation
                                Loan / Credit                                                                          Market        Contract Type         Estimated            Actual                                                             Expression of Interest Short List and Draft Request for Proposals Opening of Technical                      Evaluation of
          Description                                     Component             Review Type        Method                                                                                       Process Status         Terms of Reference                                                                                                                                            Report and Draft            Signed Contract        Contract Completion
                                      No.                                                                             Approach                           Amount (US$)        Amount (US$)                                                                  Notice           Request for Proposals             as Issued         Proposals / Minutes        Technical Proposal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Negotiated Contract
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Planned         Actual       Planned     Actual        Planned      Actual      Planned       Actual     Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual

 096/TNRTP/2018 / Hiring of
Agency for Capacity Building
                                                Rural Enterprise Ecosystem                    Quality And Cost-
Support for Development and IBRD / 87950                                      Prior                               Open - National                             2,000,000.00      1,680,270.92    Signed                 2018-12-15    2019-12-04    2018-12-20                2019-01-19   2019-04-09                            2019-02-18   2019-05-28   2019-02-28   2019-12-27   2019-03-13   2020-03-11   2019-04-17   2020-05-22   2022-04-16
                                                Development                                   Based Selection
Strengthening for Producer
Collectives under TNRTP.

 381/TNRTP/2017 / Matching                      Enterprise Business Plan
                                IBRD / 87950                                  Post            Qualification       Open - National                               21,000.00         43,940.35     Signed                 2019-01-31    2019-02-19    2019-02-21                2019-03-17   2019-08-21                                                                                2019-04-16   2019-10-18   2019-05-21   2019-11-22   2019-11-17
Grants Program                                  Financing

 002-A/TNRTP/2019 /                             Project Management, Results
Statutory Auditor                               Monitoring and                                                                                                                                  Pending
                                IBRD / 87950                                  Post            Qualification       Limited                                         4,500.00               0.00                          2019-04-05                                            2019-04-19                                                                                             2019-05-04                2019-05-18                2022-05-17
procurement for 3 Years                         Implementation Support                                                                                                                          Implementation
(2018-19,2019-20 and 2020-                      Systems

 001/TNRTP/2019 / Internal
Auditor procurement for 3                       Project Management, Results
Years (2019-20,2020-21 and                      Monitoring and                                Least Cost
                                IBRD / 87950                                  Post                                Open - National                               90,270.00                0.00   Canceled               2019-04-05    2019-09-25    2019-04-26                2019-06-09                                         2019-07-07                2019-07-22                2019-08-26                2019-09-30                2022-09-29
2021-22) - Converted Rupees                     Implementation Support                        Selection
in Current Dollar Rate                          Systems

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Page 2
 ROC.NO.051/TNRTP/2019 /
Transaction Manager        is an
agency who will identify
and enter into partnership                         Enterprise Business Plan                      Quality And Cost-                                                                          Under
                                   IBRD / 87950                                  Post                                Open - National                        249,000.00               0.00                    2019-09-25   2019-10-17    2019-10-16                2019-11-29                                          2019-12-27                2020-01-26                2020-03-01                2020-04-05   2021-04-05
with different financial                           Financing                                     Based Selection                                                                            Implementation
Institution for
implementation of Matching
Grant Program.

 ROC.NO.122/MIS/2019 /
System Integrator to Design,
                                                   Project Management, Results
Develop, Deploy and
                                                   Monitoring and                                Quality And Cost-                                                                          Under
Operation &                        IBRD / 87950                                  Prior                               Open - National                      1,714,286.00               0.00                    2019-12-03   2019-12-30    2019-12-24   2020-02-09   2020-02-06   2020-03-31                             2020-03-05   2020-05-21   2020-04-04                2020-05-09                2020-06-13   2021-06-13
                                                   Implementation Support                        Based Selection                                                                            Implementation
Maintenance(OM) of
Integrated Digital Platform
for TNRTP.

 068/TNRTP/2019 / Hiring
agency to design, develop                          Project Management, Results
and effectively deploy the                         Monitoring and                                Quality And Cost-                                                                          Under
                                   IBRD / 87950                                  Post                                Open - National                        500,000.00               0.00                    2020-01-05   2020-01-06    2020-01-26   2020-02-24   2020-03-10   2020-07-07                             2020-04-07   2020-08-10   2020-05-07   2020-08-13   2020-06-11   2020-08-29   2020-07-16   2021-07-16
knowledge management and                           Implementation Support                        Based Selection                                                                            Implementation
communication strategy for                         Systems
the project .

02/TNRTP/ESMF/2020 /
Hiring State Resource
                                                   Project Management, Results
Environment Agency for
                                                   Monitoring and                                Quality And Cost-                                                                          Under
developing EA tools, EMF           IBRD / 87950                                  Post                                Open - National                        147,158.78               0.00                    2020-02-10   2020-02-13    2020-03-02   2020-02-26   2020-04-15   2020-07-11                             2020-05-13   2020-08-11   2020-06-12   2020-08-18   2020-07-17                2020-08-21   2021-08-21
                                                   Implementation Support                        Based Selection                                                                            Implementation
manual, Capacity Building,
Environment Audit and
Internal Monitoring of EMF

 ROC.NO.002-B/TNRTP/2019                           Project Management, Results
/ Statutory Auditor                                Monitoring and
                                   IBRD / 87950                                  Post            Qualification       Limited                                 47,285.00               0.00   Canceled         2020-02-14   2020-03-20                              2020-02-28                                                                                              2020-03-29                2020-05-03   2020-10-30
procurement for 3 Years                            Implementation Support
(2019-20,2020-21 and 2021-                         Systems

 001A/TNRTP/2019 / Internal
Auditor procurement for 3                          Project Management, Results
Years (2020-21,2021-22 and                         Monitoring and                                Quality And Cost-                                                                          Under
                                   IBRD / 87950                                  Post                                Open                                    84,818.00               0.00                    2020-03-18   2020-05-18    2020-04-08   2020-06-13   2020-05-22   2020-07-28                             2020-06-19   2020-08-27   2020-07-19   2020-09-03   2020-08-23                2020-09-27   2021-09-27
2022-23) - Converted Rupees                        Implementation Support                        Based Selection                                                                            Implementation
in Current Dollar Rate                             Systems

 ROC.NO.002B/TNRTP/2019 /
                                                   Project Management, Results
Statutory auditor
                                                   Monitoring and                                Quality And Cost-                                                                          Under
procurement for 3 Years (          IBRD / 87950                                  Post                                Open - National                         47,285.00               0.00                    2020-05-27   2020-05-27    2020-06-17   2020-07-24   2020-07-31                                          2020-08-28                2020-09-27                2020-11-01                2020-12-06   2021-12-06
                                                   Implementation Support                        Based Selection                                                                            Implementation
2019-20, 2020 - 21 and 2021
- 2022 )

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Invitation to
                                   Loan / Credit                                                                            Market     Contract Type    Estimated           Actual                                                                                  Draft Negotiated
          Description                                        Component             Review Type        Method                                                                                Process Status   Terms of Reference          Identified/Selected                                  Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                         No.                                                                             Approach                      Amount (US$)      Amount (US$)                                                                                   Contract
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Planned       Actual       Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual

                                                   Project Management, Results
 002/TNRTP/2019 / Statutory
                                                   Monitoring and                                                                                                                           Under
Auditor procurement for            IBRD / 87950                                  Post            Direct Selection    Direct                                   1,500.00               0.00                    2019-02-14                 2019-02-17                                          2019-02-20                2019-03-12
                                                   Implementation Support                                                                                                                   Implementation

 ROC.NO.115/MIS/2019 /
Developing a Field Level
                                                   Rural Enterprise Ecosystem
Data Capturing Mobile              IBRD / 87950                                  Post            Direct Selection    Direct                                  41,907.00        38,163.04     Signed           2019-11-26   2019-11-26    2019-12-06   2019-11-12                             2020-02-09   2019-12-10   2020-08-07
Application For Participatory
Growth Plan (PGP) Exercise.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Page 3
 ROC. NO:
496/KMC/TNRTP/2020 /                          Project Management, Results
Engaging creative agency for                  Monitoring and
                               IBRD / 87950                                 Post   Direct Selection   Direct   21,430.00   17,814.69   Signed           2020-05-27   2020-05-27    2020-06-06   2020-06-01   2020-08-10   2020-07-15   2021-02-06
TNRTP's Covid-19 Assistance                   Implementation Support
Package (CAP)                                 Systems
Communication activities.

 ROC.NO:631/MIS/2020 /
Design and Development of                     Project Management, Results
Web Portal for TNRTP                          Monitoring and                                                                           Under
                               IBRD / 87950                                 Post   Direct Selection   Direct   24,000.00        0.00                    2020-07-13   2020-07-14    2020-07-23                2020-09-26                2021-03-25
Project with integrated web                   Implementation Support                                                                   Implementation
application for COVID-19                      Systems
Assistance Package (CAP)

 ROC.NO: 309/FIN/2020 /
PROCUREMENT/                                  Project Management, Results
CUSTOMIZATION OFTALLY                         Monitoring and                                                                           Under
                               IBRD / 87950                                 Post   Direct Selection   Direct   11,321.00        0.00                    2020-07-23   2020-07-25    2020-08-02                2020-10-06                2021-04-04
BASED FINANCIAL                               Implementation Support                                                                   Implementation
MANAGEMENT SYSTEM                             Systems

 ROC.NO:848/MIS/2020 /
                                              Project Management, Results
Security Audit of the Web
                                              Monitoring and                                                                           Pending
Portal developed for Tamil     IBRD / 87950                                 Post   Direct Selection   Direct    5,445.00        0.00                    2020-09-07                 2020-09-17                2020-11-21                2021-05-20
                                              Implementation Support                                                                   Implementation
Nadu Rural Transformation

                                                                                                                                                                          Page 4