Page 1 Gas Flaring Reduction Projects Framework for Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Baseline Methodologies THE WORLD BANK 30949 Page 2 � 2004 The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 1818 H Street, NW Washington, DC 20433 Telephone 202-473-1000 Internet E-mail All rights reserved. First printing September 2004 The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the GGFR Partners, or the Board of Executive Directors of the World Bank and the governments they represent. The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this publication and accepts no responsibility whatsoever for any consequence of their use. Rights and Permissions The material in this work is copyrighted. Copying and/or transmitting portions or all of this work without permission may be a violation of applicable law. The World Bank encourages dissemination of its work and will normally grant permission promptly. For permission to photocopy or reprint any part of this work, please send a request with complete information to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, USA, telephone 978-750-8400, fax 978-750-4470, All other queries on rights and licenses, including subsidiary rights, should be addressed to the Office of the Publisher, World Bank, 1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433, USA, fax 202- 522-2422, e-mail Page 3 iii Acknowledgments This report is one of the outputs of the Global Initiative on Gas Flaring Reduction, led by the World Bank Group in collaboration with the Government of Norway. The Initiative was transformed into the Global Gas Flaring Reduction Public Private Partnership (GGFR) at the World Summit on Sustainable Development held in Johannesburg in August 2002. The GGFR aims to support national governments and the petroleum industry in their efforts to reduce flaring and venting of gas associated with the extraction of crude oil. In addition to the World Bank this Partnership currently comprises the governments of Algeria, Angola, Equatorial Guinea, Ecuador, Indonesia, Nigeria, the region of Khanty Mansiysk in Russia, Canada, Norway, and the United States of America. The following oil companies, BP, ChevronTexaco, ENI, ExxonMobil, Norsk Hydro, Shell, SNH, Sonatrach, Statoil, and TOTAL, as well as OPEC are also partners. Torleif Haugland, Paul Parks and Randall Spalding-Fecher of ECON Analysis were the principal authors of this report. The development of the report was led by Calliope Webber from the GGFR core team in the Bank together with significant collaboration with Johannes Heister and Lasse Ringius from the Methodology and Quality Assurance t eam of the Bank�s Carbon Finance Business. Highly valuable input and support was provided by other ECON personnel, specialized consultants, the GGFR core team, World Bank Group staff, and GGFR partners. Several GGFR workshops and CDM conferences provided the basis for extensive discussions and valuable input to the development of the report. Esther Petrilli, World Bank Oil and Gas Policy Division, was responsible for editing and formatting the document. Page 4 Page 5 v Contents Acknowledgments......................................................................................iii Abbreviations and Acronyms ....................................................................ix Units of Measure..........................................................................................x Executive Summary.....................................................................................1 1 Introduction......................................................................................7 1.1 The CDM and Gas Flaring Reduction.....................................7 1.2 The CDM and Baseline Methodologies...................................7 1.3 Preparing a New Baseline Methodology.................................8 2 Structure and Scope of a Methodology........................................11 2.1 Key Concepts.......................................................................11 2.1.1 Baseline Approaches, Methodologies, and Scenarios...........................................................11 2.1.2 Project Boundaries and Leakage ..............................12 2.1.3 Additionality...............................................................13 2.2 Approaches ..........................................................................13 2.2.1 Three Approaches in the Marrakech Accords............13 2.2.2 Suitable Approaches for GFR projects......................14 2.2.3 Projects Already under Way......................................15 2.3 Guiding Principles.................................................................15 2.4 Scope and Number of Methodologies...................................17 2.4.1 Emissions Sources from the Gas Value Chain..........17 2.4.2 Options for Developing AG and Impact on the Gas Value Chain.......................................................19 2.4.3 A Modular Approach to Baseline Methodology..........20 2.4.4 New Upstream Elements...........................................20 2.4.5 Downstream Modules ...............................................21 3 Additionality ...................................................................................23 3.1 Additionality in Baseline Methodologies................................23 3.2 Tools for Demonstrating Project Additionality........................23 3.2.1 Framework for Use of the Tools................................24 3.2.2 Regulatory Requirements..........................................25 3.2.3 Economic and Financial Assessment........................26 3.2.4 Barrier Analysis.........................................................27 3.2.5 Common Practice......................................................27 3.2.6 Using Multiple Additionality Tools..............................28 3.3 Considering Country Policies................................................28 3.4 Regarding a Voluntary Standard...........................................29 4 Project Boundary and Leakage.....................................................31 4.1 How to Determine the Project Boundary...............................31 4.1.1 Principles ..................................................................31 4.1.2 Project Types............................................................31 4.1.3 Multicountry Projects.................................................33 4.2 How to Determine Leakage ..................................................33 Page 6 vi 5 Data and Monitoring.......................................................................35 5.1 Key Parameters....................................................................35 5.2 Data Sources and Availability ...............................................35 5.3 Uncertainties.........................................................................36 5.4 Transparency and Conservatism..........................................36 5.5 Monitoring Processes...........................................................37 Annex 1 CDM Primer.........................................................................39 A.1.1 The CDM after Marrakech ....................................................39 A.1.2 The CDM Project Cycle ........................................................39 Annex 2 Baseline Methodology Approval Process.........................43 Annex 3 GFR and the CDM...............................................................47 A.3.1 Key Features of GFR Projects..............................................47 A.3.2 The Gas Value Chain ...........................................................47 A.3.3 GHG Emissions along the Gas Value Chain.........................49 Annex 4 Methodology Modules........................................................53 A.4.1 Power Sector Module ...........................................................53 A.4.1.1 Introduction..............................................................53 A.4.1.2 Background to the Methodology...............................53 A.4.1.3 Step 1: Proving Additionality.....................................54 A.4.1.4 Step 2: Defining the Baseline Scenario and Calculating the Baseline Emission Rate....................54 A.4.1.5 Key Issues ...............................................................55 A.4.2 Fuel Switching Module.........................................................56 A.4.2.1 Introduction..............................................................56 A.4.2.2 Proving Additionality.................................................56 A.4.2.3 Defining the Baseline Scenario and Calculating the Baseline Emission Rate ............................................56 Annex 5 Rang Dong Case Study......................................................59 A.5.1 Applicability of the Rang Dong Case.....................................59 A.5.2 Project Background ..............................................................60 A.5.3 Methodology.........................................................................60 A.5.3.1 Section 1. Title of Proposed Methodology................60 A.5.3.2 Section 2. Description of the Methodology ...............60 A.5.3.3 Section 3. Key Parameters and Assumptions...........61 A.5.3.4 Section 4. Project Boundary.....................................62 A.5.3.5 Section 5. Assessment of Uncertainties ...................62 A.5.3.6 Section 6. Calculation of Baselines Emissions and Determination of Project Additionality........................63 A.5.3.7 Section 7. Leakage ..................................................63 A.5.3.8 Section 8. Criteria Used in Development of the Baseline, including Conservatism and Transparency................64 A.5.3.9 Section 9. Assessment of Strengths and Weaknesses .............................................................64 A.5.3.10 Section 10. Other Considerations........................64 Annex 6 Review of Methodologies Submitted as of April 1, 2004..65 Annex 7 Glossary of CDM Terms.....................................................71 Page 7 vii Annex 8 Proposed New Methodology (CDM-NMB).........................79 Baseline...........................................................................................79 Monitoring (CDM-NMM) ...................................................................83 List of Figures Figure 2.1 Relationship Among Baseline Approach, Methodology, and Scenario ..................................................................................12 Figure 2.2 Emissions Sources along the Gas Chain..............................19 Figure 2.3 Examples of Emissions Impacts along the Gas Chain ..........20 Figure 3.1 Tools to Test Additionality.....................................................25 Figure A.1.1 Steps in the CDM Project Cycle............................................41 Figure A.2.1 Steps in the Process of Methodology Approval....................44 Figure A.3.1 Overview of Upstream and Midstream Gas Industry............49 Figure A.5.1 Description of Rang Dong Project and Project Boundary.....62 List of Tables Table A.3.1 Summary of Emissions Sources and Emissions Reductions Opportunities at Each Stage of the Gas Chain......................51 Table A.4.1 Proving Addtionality..............................................................54 Table A.6.1. Review of Executive Board (EB) Methodology Approaches as of March 2004..................................................................65 Page 8 Page 9 ix Abbreviations and Acronyms AG Associated gas AIJ Activities implemented jointly API American Petroleum Institute CAPEX Capital Expenditures CDM Clean development mechanism CER Certified emission reduction CERUPT Certified Emission Reduction Unit Procurement Tender CH 4 Methane CHP Combined heat and power systems CO 2 Carbon dioxide CO 2e Carbon dioxide equivalents COP Conference of the Parties DNA Designated national authority DOE Designated operational entity EB CDM Executive Board EE Energy efficiency ERUPT Emission Reduction Unit Procurement Tender EU European Union GFR Gas flaring reduction GGFR Global Gas Flaring Reduction Public-Private Partnership GHG Greenhouse gas(es) GTL Gas-to-liquids GWh Gigawatt hours H 2 S Hydrogen sulfide HFC Hydrofluorcarbons IEA International Energy Agency IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPIECA International Petroleum Industry Environment Conservation Association IRR Internal rate of return JVPC Japan Vietnam Petroleum Company LFG Landfill gas LNG Liquefied natural gas LPG Liquefied petroleum gas LRMC Long run marginal cost Meth. Panel Baseline and Monitoring Methodology Panel MOP Meeting of the Parties N 2 0 Nitrous oxide NCDF Netherlands Carbon Development Fund NGL Natural Gas Liquids NM New methodology NMB New methodology baseline Page 10 x NMM New methodology monitoring NPV Net present value OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development OGP International Organization of Oil and Gas Producers OPEX Operational Expenditures PCF Prototype Carbon Fund PDD Project Design Document PDD-NBM PDD new baseline methodologies PSA Production sharing agreement QA Quality assurance QC Quality control RE Renewable energy UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change WBCSD World Business Council for Sustainable Development WRI World Resources Institute Units of Measure GJ Gigajoule GWh Gigawatt hour KG Kilogram KM Kilometer kWh Kilowatt hour M 3 Cubic meters MCM Million cubic meters MW Megawatt tCO 2 Tons of carbon dioxide Page 11 1 Executive Summary Abstract Flaring of associated gas contributes significantly to the global emissions of greenhouse gases; flaring emissions are currently estimated to be 300 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO 2e ) per year. The clean development mechanism (CDM) can help stimulate investments in projects that reduce flaring and venting of associated gas. Pilot projects will be instrumental in defining and furthering the role of CDM in gas flaring reductions. Rules and procedures are being established to determine under what conditions such investments can earn CDM carbon credits. According to the Marrakech Accords, a CDM project activity is additional if its emissions are below those of its baseline. The baseline for a CDM project activity is the scenario that reasonably represents the anthropogenic emissions by the sources of greenhouse gases that would occur in the absence of the proposed project activity. The business-as-usual case, in the absence of the project, typically is continued flaring. To achieve CDM designation, a project developer must use a methodology approved by the CDM Executive Board for baseline determination. To date, only one baseline methodology for flaring reduction projects has been approved, and the overall applicability of this methodology has still to be determined. Several more methodologies need to be developed and approved to cover the range of project options in this sector. Drawing on recent decisions by the CDM Executive Board and recommendations from the Methodology Panel, this report presents a framework for constructing such methodologies and outlines the tools that can be used to demonstrate additionality. This report presents developments and discussions that were held up to June 25, 2004 and the CDM Proposed New Methodology: Baseline (CDM-NMB), Version 01 (in effect as of July 1, 2004). 1 Background For more than a decade, flaring and venting of associated gas (AG) has remained stable at a level representing global emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) of about 300 million tons CO 2e per year. The Global Gas Flaring Reduction Public Private Partnership (GGFR) 2 was established to supplement and strengthen efforts made by governments and companies to reduce and eventually eliminate flaring. The GGFR considers the CDM an important means to achieve flaring reductions and also sees such projects to be central to the objectives of the Kyoto Protocol. Promoting the CDM to accelerate flaring reduction investments is therefore an important part of GGFR�s work program, of which this report is one output. The report identifies and explains salient factors in developing baseline methodologies for gas flaring reduction projects, and provides a framework that serves as a guide for project developers to use for developing baseline methodologies. 1 Annexes 7 and 8 comprise edited highlights of the guidelines and forms derived from the UNFCC website at: . These are included for reference purposes only. Please refer to UNFCC website for complete guidance documents . 2 See Page 12 2 A baseline methodology is used to select a baseline scenario, calculate baseline emissions, and determine project additionality for a particular project type or within a particular sector. The CDM rules require that any CDM project developer identify and use a baseline methodology approved by the CDM Executive Board (EB). If an applicable methodology does not exist, the project developer must develop a new baseline methodology to be put forward for approval to the EB. Currently, only one baseline methodology for gas flaring reduction (GFR) projects is approved by the EB: the Rang Dong project in Vietnam (summarized in Annex 5). Although elements of this methodology are relevant and useful for other projects, this report concludes that few project developers will be able to apply this methodology directly. This means that more baseline methodologies for GFR projects will have to be developed and approved for the CDM to have a major impact on this sector. Although the specific aim of this study is to contribute to the development of flare reduction baseline methodologies, the broad objective is to assist GGFR partners in applying the CDM as a financial incentive to use AG. A sectoral approach will align efforts, decrease CDM transaction costs, and enhance investment in flare reduction while adhering to the overall objectives of the CDM. This report does not develop methodologies for specific project categories. This is not possible because the EB requires that a baseline methodology be submitted on a project rather than class, or sector, basis (the so- called �bottom-up approach�). Rather, this report provides a framework and guidance for constructing baseline methodologies for flaring reduction projects. The report supplements other guidebooks relevant for petroleum sector project developers. 3 Key Elements The baseline methodology is the starting point when developing a CDM project proposal. A baseline methodology must set out a logical framework that clearly addresses three issues: � Selection of a baseline scenario � Determination of whether the project would be in the baseline, that is, whether the project is part of the most likely course of development � Assurance that the implementation of the project would result in a lower emission of GHG than the baseline The project is considered additional only if it is not in the baseline and has lower emissions of GHGs than that of the baseline. Hence, these two points represent the principle of CDM additionality. A methodology will be judged by the logic and transparency of its design and how well it addresses these three issues. 3 For example Petroleum Industry Guidelines for Reporting Greenhouse Gas Emissions , developed by International Petroleum Industry Environment Conservation Association (IPIECA), Oil and Gas Producers (OGP), and American Petroleum Institute (API); Compendium of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Methodologies for the Oil and Gas Industry developed by API; and The Greenhouse Gas Protocol: Project Quantification Standard developed by World Resources Institute (WRI) and World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). Page 13 3 Design Considerations The analysis of decisions and reviews of the baseline methodologies submitted thus far to the Methodology Panel identified several key lessons and principles that should guide project developers in proposing new baseline methodologies. These general guidelines are as follows: � Simplicity: Use straightforward, transparent elements that are clearly applicable to the creation of a baseline. � Project basis: The scope and its applicability should not be too general, and it should be linked closely to the submitted project. � Precedence: Elements of approved methodologies (for example, power generation, energy efficiency, industrial fuel switching) should be incorporated as appropriate to demonstrate its consistency with established methodologies. � Conservatism: If more than one element (or algorithm, factor, or assumption) is appropriate, then the one that is most accurate and generates the least emission credits should be used. Given that all GFR projects have common elements and can impact on one or more of the three sectors in the gas value chain (that is, production, transport and processing, downstream use), developing algorithms for each of these sectors will simplify the process of baseline development and project validation. 4 A project developer who proposes a new methodology could then draw on previously developed elements in designing a methodology for a new project type. For the upstream module, the baseline emissions are based on the amount of gas that would be flared and vented without the project. The issue of processing facilities will depend on the project but could be a separate module of the methodology, at least for liquefaction processes (liquefied natural gas [LNG] and gas-to-liquids [GTL]). Downstream components would be added to the core upstream component. A number of modules can be developed that addresses downstream components of projects, particularly in the power sector and industrial fuel switching, where approved methodologies are available that could be easily adapted to flaring reduction projects. Given the bottom-up process adapted by the EB, the probable course of development is that several additional methodologies will be approved, which in the future could be combined to one or more standard methodologies. Additionality The EB recommends four tools to test for project additionality. The purpose is to guide a more rigorous approach in selecting baseline scenarios and demonstrating project additionality. Regarding baseline methodology for flaring reductions projects, certain project additionality points should be noted: � Regulatory requirements: Flaring may be prohibited by law and, hence, not be a baseline activity; however, a legal prohibition can be ambiguous. Even where regulation de jure prohibits flaring, in 4 For example, the Rang Dong approved methodology contains specific algorithiums for calculating carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) emissions and emission reductions that can be used when developing new methodologies. Page 14 4 many instances flaring still occurs either because of nonenforcement, exceptions to the regulation, or the low cost of noncompliance. The methodology must be broad enough to cover such eventualities and allow them to be tested for additionality on a case-by-case basis. � Qualitative or quantitative assessment: This tool may be applied to determine whether the potential CDM project would not be viable based on a normal business analysis 5 of the project developer. Economic and financial assessments will not necessarily determine project additionality and often other factors, such as a barrier analysis, should be used to establish project additionality. � Barriers analysis: This refers to factors generally outside the direct control of the project proponent that affect the project�s likelihood of implementation. Barrier analysis can be a critical factor in justifying many CDM AG investments, but, by nature, they are specific to the area, regime, or type of project. Thus, a methodology will need to identify and provide a general means to analyze and measure the impact of such barriers in determining project additionality. � Common practice: Common practice can be used if the developer can demonstrate that the project type is not in general use in the proposed area of implementation. Applying this tool requires documentation that such a practice exists; and, in addition to the project, reference should be made to other companies developer that employ such practices. These tools are not meant to be exclusive but rather represent four ways to address and justify additionality within a proposed methodology. The tools are designed to be used in concert, however, in actual projects, use of one of the tools could be so definite that the other tools are less relevant. Generally, the additionality argument is strengthened through a combination of tools such as market and/or regulatory barriers, qualitative or quantitative assessment (economic and financial assessment), and common (prevailing) practice. Economic and financial analysis often has been discussed as the primary criteria for demonstrating additionality, and it has been prominent in many of the methodologies approved to date. 6 It is important to note that in these cases, the primary use of this analysis has been to rank different project options that is, comparing the financial attractiveness of different baseline options. As methodologies for different types of gas flaring projects are developed, they could include a range of financial indicators, although it is also possible, that in some cases, financial indicators will not be appropriate for determining project additionality. 5 Business as usual, in this case, means that the project would not be implemented under the normal course of events. 6 In the approved Rang Dong methodology, the internal rate of return is used. Page 15 5 Hence, in proposing the use of a particular type of project additionality tool, its applicability and its ability to provide clear and transparent indicators should be considered and be balanced with an analysis of other barriers to the project. Project Boundary and Leakage Defining the project boundary, that is, determining which emissions are attributable to the project and assessing the potential leakage is important and requires clear definition. The project boundary should cover all emissions sources that are under the control of project participants, significant, and attributable to the project. All emissions from extraction, capture, and processing should be included in the project boundary, including any fugitive and combustion emissions at the production and processing sites. Fugitive and combustion emissions from transport and distribution infrastructure that is part of the project investment would also be included. Downstream emissions from end-use sites can be included in the project boundary if the project owner has investment in these activities, is contractually able to monitor the direct impacts of the project and claim certified emission reductions (CERs), and can identify the dedicated end use of the gas downstream. Leakage is defined as emissions outside of the project boundary that are measurable and attributable to the project. The major issue for gas flaring is if downstream emissions from the gas captured and transported have significant enough impacts so as to reduce the benefits of the emissions reduced upstream. The Global Gas Venting and Flaring Reduction Voluntary Standard In May 2004, the GGFR Partnership announced a Voluntary Global Standard for Gas Venting and Flaring Reduction. The Standard outlines a plan of action, including implementation of the Standard by partner companies and countries. The Voluntary Standard should not influence the baseline for flare reduction activities. The Standard is a process not a fixed target and should be seen as an aspiration to achieve reduction and, eventually, elimination of flaring. The approach set forth in the Standard is intended to support other flare reduction initiatives and go beyond prevailing flaring and venting practices, which would otherwise occur in many countries. One way to achieve the aspiration of the Standard is to use the CDM. When relevant, project proponents can reference the Standard in the baseline methodology and clarify how it relates to the additionality assessment. Next Steps This report has clarified concepts and outlined a framework to help project developers create transparent, consistent, and justifiable baseline methodologies, so that gas flare reduction projects can qualify for CDM status. From a GGFR perspective, it is vital that methodologies be developed and submitted to the Board that the GGFR partners believe are appropriate to their needs and are broadly applicable to gas flaring projects. Only in this way can the GGFR partners ensure that their concerns and viewpoints in this area are taken into account and are incorporated into CDM baseline methodologies. Page 16 6 Once a body of GFR baseline methodologies has been developed and approved, a process will likely be undertaken to consolidate the methodologies. The EB has already begun to consolidate methodologies in some sectors. Further initiatives by the GGFR, based on, among others, the findings of this report, can help in the process of establishing a set of robust and inclusive methodologies that are appropriate for the needs of energy companies and broadly applicable to GFR projects. This report concludes that several new gas flaring methodologies will be required to encompass the full range of gas flaring CDM projects. Judging from recent EB actions, these approved methodologies will then be consolidated and rationalized to create a set of specific and robust methodologies for developing baseline methodologies for the majority of such projects. Such a result will lower the cost of developing Project Design Documents (PDDs) and assist developers by reducing uncertainty over what qualifies as a CDM project. Page 17 7 Introduction This section presents the context of the report, the relevance of the clean development mechanism (CDM) for gas flaring reduction (GFR) projects, and an introduction to CDM baseline methodologies. � The CDM and Gas Flaring Reduction Flaring and venting of associated gas (AG) contribute significantly to the global emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs). Specifically, these activities are currently estimated to result in about 300 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO 2e ) per annum. This level may increase as oil production increases in countries and regions that currently flare a large share of their AG. The Global Gas Flaring Reduction Public Private Partnership (GGFR) works to supplement and strengthen efforts made by governments and companies to reduce and eventually eliminate flaring of AG. The CDM can be a valuable tool in achieving this goal by accelerating investments in flare reductions. The GGFR Report No. 2, Kyoto Mechanisms for Flaring Reductions , 7 explored how and under what circumstances GFR investments can earn carbon credits. The report concluded that GFR projects can offer results that are central to the objectives of the Kyoto Protocol and the CDM because often they do the following: � Offer large, real, measurable, and long-term emission reductions; � Have relatively moderate transaction costs; � Are central to the host country policies in terms of resource management, environment, and fiscal benefits; � Can serve to support other development and sustainability goals on both a national and local basis; and � Can mobilize substantial technological, financial, and political resources from international energy companies. These results formed the basis for several new activities in th e GGFR�s work program to promote the use of Kyoto Mechanisms and to accelerate flaring reduction investments. Guidelines and recommendations for establishing CDM baseline methodologies, presented here, represent one of these efforts. Although the specific aim of this study is to contribute to the development of flare reduction baseline methodologies, the broad objective is to assist GGFR partners in using the CDM. The goal is to decrease CDM transaction costs and enhance investment in flare reduction while assuring environmental integrity and the overall objectives of the CDM. � The CDM and Baseline Methodologies The CDM rules 8 require any CDM project developer to use a baseline methodology 9 approved by the CDM Executive Board (EB). If an applicable 7 See report published 2003 8 For simplicity and clarity, i n this report the term �CDM rules� will encompass the CDM modalities and procedures. Page 18 8 methodology does not exist, the project developer must develop a new baseline methodology to be put forward for approval to the EB. At the time of writing, only one baseline methodology for GFR had been approved by the EB: the Rang Dong project 10 (see Annex 5). Given the current trend of baseline methodologies being relatively narrow in scope and applicability, many more baseline methodologies for GFR projects will likely be developed and presented for approval. This trend is driven by the fact that the Executive Board requires that a baseline methodology be submitted on a project rather than class or sector basis (the so- called �bottom-up approach�). Because a new baseline methodology should be linked closely to the project it is accompanying (without including project-specific information), this report does not develop baseline methodologies for specific GFR projects, but rather it identifies and explains salient factors and provides a framework for project developers to develop baseline methodologies for GFR projects. An important part of this project has been to collect input from key stakeholders to develop guidelines and recommendations for baseline methodologies. The following activities were undertaken: � Extensive analysis of proposed baseline methodologies and the reviews and decisions of these by the EB � Consultation with a wide range of CDM experts and stakeholders � Analysis of proposed GFR activities These activities helped clarify concepts and outline a framework for project developers to assist them in creating consistent and valid baseline methodologies. Over time, it is probable that a body of GFR baseline methodologies will be developed and approved, and then a consolidation process likely will be undertaken to reduce the number of methodologies. The EB is now taking measures to consolidate some methodologies. This report, together with other related initiatives, 11 can help in the process of establishing a small number of robust and inclusive methodologies that are appropriate for the needs of energy companies and broadly applicable to GFR projects. � Preparing a New Baseline Methodology The Marrakech Accords state that the developer should �forward the proposed methodology, together with the draft Project Design Document (PDD), including a description of the project and identification of the project participants, to the 9 A baseline methodology is a means to select a baseline scenario, calculate emissions for a baseline scenario applicable to a particular project type or particular sector, and determine project additionality. 10 The Rang Dong project is the first gas flaring �related methodology to be submitted to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) process, as NM0026. Complete information is provided at . 11 Several organizations have undertaken work relevant for the development of baseline methodologies for petroleum sector CDM projects, for example, the Emission Reduction in the Natural Gas Sector through Project-Based Mechanisms developed by the International Energy Agency (IEA); Petroleum Industry Guidelines for Reporting Greenhouse Gas Emissions developed by International Petroleum Industry Environment Conservation Association (IPIECA), Oil and Gas Producers (OGP), and American Petroleum Institute ( API); and The Greenhouse Gas Protocol: Project Quantification Standard developed by World Resources Institute (WRI) and World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). Page 19 9 executive board for review.� Such a process requires that the project be in an advanced state of development. Initially, guidelines and format of presenting a new baseline methodology were presented as Annex 3 to the PDD. On July 1, 2004, the EB approved a new and freestanding form for new baseline methodologies (PDD-NMB, refer to Annex 7 & 8, available at ). The CDM-NMB form has the following sections: � Section A: Identification of methodology � Section B: Overall summary description � Section C: Choice of and justification for the baseline approaches listed in paragraph 48 of CDM modalities and procedures to be considered the most appropriate � Section D: Explanation of and justification for the proposed new baseline methodology � Section E: Data sources and assumptions � Section F: Assessment of uncertainties (sensitivity to key factors and assumptions) � Section G: Explanation of how the baseline methodology allows for the development of baselines in a transparent and conservative manner Each section of this report generally follows the outline of the CDM-NMB format, although some of the issues overlap and the final format was not available during the drafting of this report. Page 20 Page 21 11 Structure and Scope of a Methodology This section describes the key concepts and guiding principles of developing a GFR methodology. It considers the scope of methodologies and their relation to the gas value chain, before addressing the specific approaches in the language of the CDM rules. 2.1 Key Concepts This section considers the terminology and language of the Kyoto Protocol and its supporting agreements on rules and procedures. Understanding these key concepts is critical to the development of sound methodologies, particularly because, within the CDM, many of the terms have specific meanings that are different from their traditional meanings. 2.1.1 Baseline Approaches, Methodologies, and Scenarios The terms baseline or baseline scenario are used to describe the case against which the impacts of any emissions reductions measure or program are evaluated. The baseline scenario for a CDM project is a hypothetical scenario of the most likely development in the absence of the CDM. The baseline scenario is used to calculate the amount of emission reductions the potential project activity generates, and once verified and certified, the resulting credits become a marketable commodity. The certified emission reduction units (CERs) are carbon credits that can be bought, sold, banked, or used in emission trading systems. 12 Before the 2001 CDM rules, projects in the Activities Implemented Jointly 13 pilot program developed a baseline scenario for each project. Each project developer was responsible for developing a unique forecast based on an assessment of the specific conditions at the site under consideration (based on national policies, economic and energy use projections, and so on) and explaining why this was a logical and probable outcome. One of the major changes in 2001, with the approval of the CDM rules, was to require projects to use an approved baseline methodology , which is a protocol for selecting the baseline scenario and calculating baseline emissions for a particular project type or within a particular sector so as to produce a baseline scenario. A baseline methodology contains formulae and algorithms for a particular project type, as well as certain parameters for calculating the baseline scenario. The methodology also explains how additionality will be tested for that project category (see next page additionality section). In addition to requiring projects to use approved baseline methodologies, however, the CDM rules spell out three broad approaches that baseline methodologies should follow (see section 2.2) These approaches cannot be used directly to develop the baseline 12 The Marrakech Accords and national rules and regulations determine the extent to which emission reductions can be traded as certified emission reduction units ( CERs ) and used as �compliance tools� toward emission reductions targets in Annex 1 countries. 13 Activities Implemented Jointly (AIJ) was a pilot phase for project-based emissions trading established in 1995 at the first Conference of the Parties. Under AIJ, industrialized and developing countries could develop projects together, but no actual credits were created or traded. Page 22 12 scenario and calculate emissions, but rather are principles that underlie a methodology. These three concepts are illustrated in Figure 0.1. Figure 0.1 Relationship Among Baseline Approach, Methodology, and Scenario 2.1.2 Project Boundaries and Leakage GFR projects may either be part of larger and more complex energy infrastructure investments or standalone activities that use existing infrastructure. Thus a primary issue is defining the relevant extent of a CDM project in terms of its impact on emissions and how they will be covered in a baseline and monitoring methodology (that is, the project activity). The project boundary defines the physical and geographic location of the project activity and the sources and gases included in the project calculations. All GHG emissions that are under the control of the project participants and are significant and reasonably attributable to the project activity should be included within the project boundary (for example, a project that delivered gas to an existing international pipeline network). In this case, although the investment decision may consider international markets and consumers, the CDM project boundary would almost certainly end with gas processing and discharge into the pipeline, because the end use of the gas is not under the control of the project owners. Leakage is defined by United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in the CDM context as �the net change of anthropogenic emissions by sources of greenhouse gases (GHG) which occurs outside the project boundary, and which is measurable and attributable to the CDM project activity . � In other words, in the CDM, leakage does not mean physical leakage as commonly referred to in the oil and gas sector (for example, fugitive emissions from P P r r o o t t o o c c o o l l f f o o r r h h o o w w t t o o c c a a l l c c u u l l a a t t e e b b a a s s e e l l i i n n e e e e m m i i s s s s i i o o n n s s : : � � F F o o r r m m u u l l a a e e / / a a l l g g o o r r i i t t h h m m s s � � A A d d d d i i t t i i o o n n a a l l i i t t y y t t e e s s t t i i n n g g � � P P r r o o j j e e c c t t b b o o u u n n d d a a r r i i e e s s a a n n d d l l e e a a k k a a g g e e Approaches Methodology Scenario S S p p e e c c i i f f i i e e d d b b y y t t h h e e C C D D M M r r u u l l e e s s t t o o c c o o v v e e r r a a l l l l m m e e t t h h o o d d o o l l o o g g i i e e s s A A p p p p r r o o v v e e d d b b y y C C D D M M E E x x e e c c u u t t i i v v e e B B o o a a r r d d P P r r o o p p o o s s e e d d f f o o r r s s p p e e c c i i f f i i c c C C D D M M p p r r o o j j e e c c t t a a c c t t i i v v i i t t y y Increasing s s p p e e c c i i f f i i c c i i t t y y P P r r i i n n c c i i p p l l e e s s : : A A . . E E x x i i s s t t i i n n g g h h i i s s t t o o r r i i c c a a l l e e m m i i s s s s i i o o n n s s B B . . E E c c o o n n o o m m i i c c a a l l l l y y a a t t t t r r a a c c t t i i v v e e g g i i v v e e n n b b a a r r r r i i e e r r s s C C . . T T o o p p 2 2 0 0 % % p p e e r r f f o o r r m m a a n n c c e e s s l l a a s s t t f f i i v v e e y y e e a a r r s s CDM project emission Year 408.8 548.9 6.7 5.4 0 : * 408.8 554.4 6.7 5.6 0 : + 408.8 560.0 6.7 5.4 0 : * 408.8 565.4 6.7 2.3 0 : \03 408.8 567.7 6.7 4.4 0 : H 408.8 572.1 6.7 7.1 0 : P 408.8 579.2 6.7 2.3 0 : L 408.8 581.5 6.7 4.0 0 : V 408.8 585.5 6.7 4.0 0 : V 408.8 589.4 6.7 2.3 0 : L 408.8 591.8 6.7 4.6 0 : R 408.8 596.4 6.7 4.8 0 : Q Baseline emissions Project implementation : CDM project emission : Year 958.7 958.7 9.5 5.4 45 : * 964.2 964.2 9.5 5.6 45 : + 969.8 969.8 9.5 5.4 45 : * 975.2 975.2 9.5 2.3 45 : \03 977.5 977.5 9.5 4.4 45 : H 981.9 981.9 9.5 7.1 45 : P 989.0 989.0 9.5 2.3 45 : L 991.3 991.3 9.5 4.0 45 : V 995.3 995.3 9.5 4.0 45 : V 999.2 999.2 9.5 2.3 45 : L 1001.6 1001.6 9.5 4.6 45 : R 1006.2 1006.2 9.5 4.8 45 : Q Baseline emissions Project implementation : Year 958.7 958.7 9.5 5.4 45 : * 964.2 964.2 9.5 5.6 45 : + 969.8 969.8 9.5 5.4 45 : * 975.2 975.2 9.5 2.3 45 : \03 977.5 977.5 9.5 4.4 45 : H 981.9 981.9 9.5 7.1 45 : P 989.0 989.0 9.5 2.3 45 : L 991.3 991.3 9.5 4.0 45 : V 995.3 995.3 9.5 4.0 45 : V 999.2 999.2 9.5 2.3 45 : L 1001.6 1001.6 9.5 4.6 45 : R 1006.2 1006.2 9.5 4.8 45 : Q Baseline emissions Project implementation Page 23 13 pipelines) but rather impacts on GHG emissions that are outside the defined project boundary. Leakage refers to changes in emissions because of the project that occur outside the project boundaries. If an emissions source is within the project boundary, then it is not considered leakage. Any emissions source that is affected by the project, but not within the boundary, is considered leakage. 2.1.3 Additionality One difficult aspect to define is the concept of additionality and its relation to projects, baseline methodologies, and baselines scenarios. The CDM rules state that a project activity is considered additional if anthropogenic emissions of GHGs by sources are �below those, which would have occurred in the absence of the registered CDM project activity.� The �additionality test,� therefore, is a fundamental part in developing a project�s baseline emissions scenario, and the baseline methodology must specify how this will be done. Using an approved baseline methodology, however, does not automatically confer additionality on the project�s emission reductions, but rather provides a means for testing for additionality. In developing a methodology, the developer must describe how the additionality of the emissions reduced by the candidate CDM project can be determined through the application of the methodology. In the main part of the PDD the project developer should explain the additionality of a project in terms of why it is not included in the baseline scenario, that is, why the project is not part of the reasonable description of the likely course of development. 2.2 Approaches 2.2.1 Three Approaches in the Marrakech Accords As illustrated in Figure 2.1, one way of understanding the process of establishing a baseline scenario under CDM rules is to look at it moving from the general to the specific. A baseline approach is the most general step in this process and does not include any specific guidance on calculating baseline emissions and, therefore, is more a principle than a tool. Three approaches for baseline methodologies are provided in the CDM rules. 14 In section 3 of PDD-NMB, project developers must select the approach that is most consistent with the project type. The approaches are as follows: � Approach A: Existing actual or historic GHG emissions, as applicable � Approach B: Emissions from a technology that represents an economically attractive course of action, taking into account barriers to investment � Approach C: Average emissions of similar projects undertaken in the previous five years, in similar social, environmental, and technological circumstances, and whose performance is in the top 20 percent of their category 14 The Executive Board has left open the possibility of adding approaches. Page 24 14 The choice of approach has implications for the baseline methodology. For example, choosing approach B would mean that the methodology would have to address economic and financial analysis of the project in detail, while approach A could incorporate issues such as barrier and common practice issues, as well as economic information. While the EB has stated that baseline methodologies should only choose one overall approach, the additionality test may contain several different tools. As of end May 2004, almost all new methodologies applied approaches A and B, split equally between the two. Approach C was used by only one proposed methodology. The proposed methodologies and approaches used are summarized in Annex 6. 2.2.2 Suitable Approaches for GFR projects According to the experts interviewed during this project, the choice of approach will not be a key factor in the approval of the methodology, because the EB recognizes that these concepts often overlap and that a methodology may draw on several tools. Nevertheless, the baseline methodology still must choose one approach. The advantage of using approach A for the upstream portion of a project is that it provides a simple principle for constructing a baseline emissions scenario. Although approach B has a greater focus on the economics of the project, this might be combined with barrier test and common practice. Because of the lack of data on a regional or national �control group� and the fact that this data is typically confidential in the oil industry, approach C would be problematic for a GFR project. If there are only one or two facilities in a region that are already managing and using AG, these facilities could become the baseline even if they are the minority. The exception might be very specific technologies for improving flaring efficiency, but it is unlikely that major investments would use this approach. Many stakeholders have raised concerns that the baseline methodology for GFR projects, while incorporating economic and financial assessments, should not use economic analysis as the sole determinant of project additionality and baseline development. Using approach A allows the baseline methodology to incorporate additionality tests using economic attractiveness, other barriers, and common practice. An example of this is the approved baseline methodology for industrial fuel switching, 15 which uses approach A but also incorporates economic and investment barriers into the additionality test. One additional question is whether choosing approach A for GFR baseline methodologies will work for green field projects 16 as well as brown field projects. Given that current flaring and venting emissions per unit of AG production are known for a brown field site, it would make sense to use these as the basis for the baseline, as long as the additionality of the project is clear. Green field projects lack documented current and historic emissions. A project developer, however, 15 See NM0016-rev Graneros industrial fuel switching project. 16 A green field project is an investment at a site where presently there is no associated gas (AG) production and where AG production as a result of the project has to be managed. Page 25 15 will know the key characteristics of the field and project (for example, gas composition, likely flaring efficiency) in detail from feasibility studies and testing. For green field projects, using this known data combined with conservative standards (for example, 98 percent flaring efficiency) could be nearly as accurate as actual or historic emissions, but this interpretation would need to be tested with the EB. 17 Most of the baseline methodologies submitted to the Baseline and Monitoring Methodology Panel (Meth. Panel) thus far use economic analysis as part of their justification for the project, including the approved methodology for the Rang Dong project (see Annex 5 and 6). This is not a contradiction, even if approach A was proposed. In many cases the primary reason for the economic analysis is to establish project additionality, which may use economic arguments regardless of the selected approach. 2.2.3 Projects Already under Way Whether the implementation status of the project (that is, whether it is already in operation) affects the choice of approach or the development of the methodology has been raised by several stakeholders. While special provisions were made for projects that commenced operation between the January 2000 and December 2001, 18 and projects under way are not excluded from the CDM, the practical challenge for methodologies and project developers is to comply with section B.4 of the PDD. This asks for an �explanation of how and why this project is additional and therefore not the baseline scenario.� Methodologies can be designed so that they can apply to either projects under consideration or projects already under way. This is already happening in several proposals where a series of barrier tests are being proposed that would include not only financial viability but also capital availability, institutional barriers, and so on. The comments by the Meth. Panel on the Rang Dong project methodology (as well as one for cement kiln replacements), and discussions with experts, suggest that the implementation status of the project will not affect the review of the baseline methodology. Clearly applying additionality tests based on project economics and common practice will be important at the stage of submitting a PDD, however, because this could show that the project was a higher cost option or unlikely to be implemented under normal local and regional business practices and, thus, not part of the baseline. 2.3 Guiding Principles The analysis of decisions and reviews of the baseline methodologies submitted thus far to the Meth. Panel identified several key lessons and principles that 17 Because the principle component of both green field and brown field GFR projects is the forecast of gas production, the actual degree of uncertainty between the two types of projects could be very small. 18 The CDM modalities and procedures (paragraph 13, p. 23, FCCC/CP/2001/13/ad2) allow for projects begun in 2000 and 2001 to be eligible for validation and registration as a CDM project activity if submitted for registration before December 31, 2005. Page 26 16 should guide project developers in proposing new baseline methodologies. These general guidelines for developing a methodology are as follows: � Keep the methodology simple : Complex approaches that are difficult to understand and illustrate are not well-received with reviewers. For example, methodologies involving energy sector models have been criticized as impenetrable �black boxes� that are difficult to understand. Conceptually simple, transparent methodologies with well-defined applicability have been among the first to be approved. � Incorporate elements from approved methodologies : To a large degree, CDM methodologies are being developed on a precedent basis, so if elements of approved methodologies can be incorporated into a new proposal, this should serve to validate the consistency of the new methodology with previous applications. For example, if a GFR project has downstream emission reductions from fuel displacement at an industrial site, an approved industrial fuel switching methodology could be incorporated for that component of the project. � Using multiple additionality tests : As will be discussed in section 3.3, a methodological argument is strengthened through a combination of tools�� such as market and/or regulatory barriers, economic and financial assessment��and common (prevailing) practice. Together, these arguments should be employed to show that the project activity is additional and, thus, not the baseline. � Ensure the methodology is conservative : As required by the Marrakech Accords, baseline methodologies should be demonstrably conservative. This means that if more than one methodology (or algorithm, factor, or assumption) could be applied appropriately, then the one that generates the least emission credits should be used. � The methodology should be based on project experience : While a methodology should not incorporate project-specific information, the scope should not be too general. For example, the power sector methodologies generally have been for a particular technology and, in some cases, had additional restriction on the applicability. The proposed new baseline methodology format also asks for the �conditions under which the methodology is applicable to CDM project activities,� where the proponents can specify how broadly the methodology can be applied within the sector. � Emphasize the monitoring plan : The baseline methodology should be accompanied by a monitoring plan applicable to the project. The monitoring plan should include provision for collecting data necessary to calculate emissions reduction accurately, including ex post calculation of emissions factors when appropriate. 19 In this 19 While monitoring should be used to track impacts, such as fugitive emissions from production, processing, and transport, the EB has cautioned against the use of ex post emissions factors for power generation (EB9 Page 27 17 way, the baseline methodology provides the rationale for additionality, while the monitoring methodology shows how to calculate carbon credits. � Incorporate national policies : The methodology must include a component that explains how the CDM project scenario and baseline scenario will be tested for conformity with national and sectoral policies of the host country. 2.4 Scope and Number of Methodologies As previously mentioned, one of the key issues in defining methodologies is the scope. How broadly applicable should a given methodology be across different sectors, technologies, regions, and so on? 20 Should it, for example, be applied to a particular technology or restricted to that technology in countries with certain regulatory environments? When proposing a baseline methodology, proponents must specify the applicability of the methodology (section 1.3 of PDD-NMB), and this is a key area where the Methodology Panel provides recommendations to the EB on new methodologies. This is particularly important for GFR projects, because this sector spans a number of complex project types, which are further described in this section 2.4.1 Emissions Sources from the Gas Value Chain In addition to the flaring of AG itself, three basic categories of GHG emissions occur along the gas value chain: vented gas, fugitive emissions, and emissions from combustion for energy use. These emissions occur at the three primary stages in the gas value chain: production and processing, transport and distribution, and end-use consumption, as shown in Figure 2.2. 21 Venting occurs when AG from the oil wells is released directly into the atmosphere as methane (CH 4 ). Given that CH 4 is 21 times more powerful as a GHG than carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), even a small amount of venting has a relatively large impact on climate change. Even if the AG is routinely flared, not all will be combusted and converted to CO 2 ��a fraction will be vented. International studies suggest that best-practice flare efficiency is 98 percent, which means that 2 percent of the gas is vented. 22 Report, Annex 3, page 2). For downstream baseline methodology modules, therefore, emissions factors should be established ex ante and reported in the PDD, using the protocols laid out in the baseline methodology. 20 If methodologies are too narrow, the number of methodologies could be too large, causing difficulty in determining the appropriate methodology for a given project and reducing the ability to lower transaction costs. Conversely, if methodologies are too broad, they may not sufficiently capture the specific characteristics of a given project and, thus, be less accurate at projecting baseline emissions. 21 Although these three stages can be further broken down, it is not necessary for the purposes of the baseline methodology; we have simplified the presentation of the value chain. 22 It should, however, be noted that actual flare efficiency can vary substantially depending largely on wind speeds. See The Flare Research project at University of Alberta at Page 28 18 Fugitive emissions refer to unintentional emissions from leaky valves, loose dry seals in compressors, flanges, and intentional venting away from the production site. Gas is normally vented to prevent a dangerous build up of pressure in the system, or to release gas to undertake maintenance on a section of the system. Fugitive emissions of CH 4 also occur during loading and unloading of liquefied natural gas (LNG) carrier vessels. Combustion either along the production chain or at the point of end use is the third source of emissions. The equipment that drives the gas production, processing, and transport system, including LNG processing, is generally powered by a portion of the gas produced, so the operation of this equipment leads to CO 2 emissions. CO 2 is also released when the gas is consumed as a fuel by the final end user. Page 29 19 Figure 0.2 Emissions Sources along the Gas Chain Flaring and venting Energy use emissions Fugitive emissions 2.4.2 Options for Developing AG and Impact on the Gas Value Chain All of the development options for AG begin with the capture of the gas at the production site, rather than allowing it to be flared or vented. What happens to the gas after capture depends on a variety of factors, including upstream conditions, such as field characteristics and the oil-to-gas ratio, downstream market opportunities for the recovered gas, and the legal and fiscal frameworks that may include various incentives and penalties. Major options that would be evaluated include the following: � Capture and transport by pipeline to end users. � Reinject the gas at the site. � Process the gas into liquids (for example, Liquefied Natural Gas [LNG], gas-to-liquids [GTL], or liquefied petroleum gas [LPG]) that can be transported and sold locally or internationally. Capturing gas at the production site will result in the largest amount of the emissions reduction, as illustrated in Figure 2.3. Switching fuels at the point of end use could also reduce emissions, depending on the amount of carbon in the replaced fuel and the efficiency rates. Because the project infrastructure for capture and transport in most cases does not exist in the baseline, some increase in emissions from processing and transport may occur, but this should not overly affect the net carbon emissions reductions. The impact on emissions at each step will need to be calculated to arrive at net emissions changes. Even reinjection may essentially be similar to capture and transport projects, if the reinjected gas eventually is extracted and marketed. The difference is in the timing of the emissions reductions, and this likely will be outside of the crediting period for a CDM project in any case. Although emissions may occur eventually, for purposes of this document, the gas is captured and not burned. Production Processing Transport Consumption Page 30 20 Figure 0.3 Examples of Emissions Impacts along the Gas Chain Increase Emissions Baseline Decrease Upstream Midstream Downstream Flare/venting elimination Fugitive emissions & energy use Fuel switching Increase Emissions Baseline Decrease Upstream Midstream Downstream Flare/venting elimination Fugitive emissions & energy use Fuel switching Emissions Baseline Decrease Upstream Midstream Downstream Flare/venting elimination Fugitive emissions & energy use Fuel switching 2.4.3 A Modular Approach to Baseline Methodology Given that all GFR reduction projects have common elements and can affect one or more of the three sectors in the gas value chain, developing algorithms for each of these sectors will simplify the process of baseline development and project validation. A project developer that proposes a new methodology could draw on previously developed elements in designing a methodology for a new project type. This would accomplish two goals: (1) the methodology still would be fairly narrow and project based; and (2) by drawing on elements that are already available (in the form of concepts and frameworks or fully developed methodology element), the methodology will take less time and effort to develop and be more consistent with other approaches in the sector. 2.4.4 New Upstream Elements Because Rang Dong is the only methodology approved at this point, and its range of applicability is not yet known, upstream project proponents probably will choose to propose new methodologies. The net upstream baseline emissions are just those from the gas that would be flared and/or vented ��it is only the project case in which we must net out the emissions increases in transport and processing. 23 The issue of processing facilities will be dependent on the project but could be a separate segment of the methodology, at least for LNG and GTL. In terms of emissions from venting and flaring, the amount of emissions would be based on gas production, the composition of the gas, and flare efficiency. The composition and flaring efficiency could be used to calculate a standard emissions factor related to gross AG production (for example, tCO 2 -equivalent/million cubic meters [MCM]). If the project is a green field site, gas composition would still be known but flaring efficiency would be estimated based on industry standards and 23 For a brown field project, the historic emissions serve as the basis, while for a green field project the emissions are a project based on tests and production forecasts. Page 31 21 similar regional sites. To be conservative, a high flare efficiency should be used, although not necessarily 100 percent (all the gas is combusted) as in the Rang Dong methodology (see Annex 5). Fugitive and combustion emissions from the production site would be based on either historic measurements for brown field sites or on appropriate industry standards for green field sites. Even if no processing, transport, and distribution infrastructure is constructed as part of the project, these emissions would need to be monitored and included in the monitoring methodology. 2.4.5 Downstream Modules A modular approach should be adopted, with downstream components being added to the core upstream component. A number of modules can be developed that address downstream components of projects. � For grid-connected power generation, projects could draw from El Gallo methodology (NM0023), which uses a combined margin methodology 24 and is quite comprehensive, or from the monitoring methodology for Durban landfill gas project, which uses average grid emissions calculated ex post (the second monitoring methodology under NM0010-rev). These are described in more detail in Annex 4. � For fuel switching, Graneros methodology for industrial fuel switching (NM0016) has been approved; this methodology is applicable for fuel switching from coal or oil to gas. � For energy efficiency of compressors, project developers could draw on the small-scale CDM rules for industrial energy efficiency. 25 Although developers would still need to propose a new methodology for large-scale efficiency projects, they could draw on accepted procedures for small projects as a starting point. 24 The �combined margin� approach means that both the impact of the project on current grid dispatch (�operating margin�) and the impact on the development of the power sector (�build margin�) are used to estimate the overall impact of the project on power sector emissions. For small CDM projects, for example, project developers can simply use the average of the build margin and operating margin emissions factors as their baseline emissions factor. See Practical Baseline Recommendations for Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Projects in the Electric Power Sector , 2002. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and IEA Information Paper, International Energy Agency, Paris. 25 See Appendix B Simplified Methodologies for Baseline Determination and Monitoring Plans for Small- Scale Projects , available at . Page 32 Page 33 23 Additionality This section explains how CDM baseline methodologies should address the concept of additionality as well as the process and tools that can be used to test for additionality. 3.1 Additionality in Baseline Methodologies As discussed in section 2.1, additionality means that the project is not in the baseline and that the emissions from the project scenario reduce emissions below the baseline scenario. The latter concept is articulated in the CDM rules, which state that a CDM project activity is additional if anthropogenic emissions of GHGs by sources are below those, which would have occurred in the absence of the registered CDM project activity . 26 The former concept is articulated in section D.3 of PDD-NMB, which asks for an, �explanation of how, through the methodology, it can be demonstrated that a project activity is additional and therefore not the baseline scenario.� The centrality of this issue is shown by the fact that five of the first eight nonapproved methodologies were rejected because they did not provide sufficient basis to establish that the project was not part of the baseline. 27 The baseline methodology must lay out the means by which to test the additionality for particular projects. For example, the methodology can specify a list of questions to be addressed or contain a flow chart to demonstrate the additionality of the project. When completing the PDD, the project developer applies the tests in the methodology to the specific characteristics of that project. The designated operational entity (DOE) will validate the assumptions used by the project developer and check that they have applied the baseline methodology correctly to test for additionality. 3.2 Tools for Demonstrating Project Additionality To ensure that the additionality component is addressed rigorously and clearly in the methodology the EB has recommended four tools to be used: 28 � Tool 1: A flow chart or series of questions that lead to a narrowing of potential baseline scenario options � Tool 2 : A qualitative or quantitative assessment of different potential baseline scenarios and an indication of why the non-project is more likely � Tool 3: A qualitative or quantitative assessment of one or more barriers facing the proposed project activity 26 Marrakech Accords, Decision 17 /CP.7, Section G, paragraph 43. 27 NM0006 El Canada Hydroelectric Project, NM0008 Penas Blancas, NM0009 Risk Husk Power Displacement of Grid Electricity, NM0011 Bagasse biomass cogeneration, Koppa, NM0014 Risk Husk Power Displacement of Stream, NM0015 Rice Husk Power Methane Avoidance. 28 See report from the Tenth Meeting of the EB, at Page 34 24 � Tool 4: An indication that the project type is not common practice in the proposed area of implementation These tools are not meant to be exclusive but rather represent four ways to address and justify additionality. The tools are designed to be used in concert, but in certain cases, one of the tools could be so definitive concerning additionality that the other tools are not needed or relevant. Of the approved methodologies to date, most use more than one tool, and while the new PDD format implies that more than one will often be necessary, there may be cases where one is sufficient. The baseline methodology should clearly identify which additionality tools will be used and how, so that each project using the methodology would then insert project-specific data and parameters into the tests to determine the additionality of that particular project. The additionality test, when applied to the relevant parameters and characteristics of project, clearly shows whether that project would be implemented for existing and identifiable reasons. 3.2.1 Framework for Use of the Tools Figure 0.1 below illustrates how the four tools could be used in a sequential approach. Note, however, that methodologies do not all have to include all four tools. In cases where more than one tool is applied, different methodologies will use a different combination of tools, and they might be given different priorities or weightings (see discussion in section 3.2.6 of this document on multiple additionality tools). The EB does not provide advice on the sequence by which the tools should be applied. The appropriate sequence may vary from one project category to another. The first tool narrows the potential baseline options considered as permissible and plausible development options for AG. Often reference is made to three sets of screening criteria: (a) regulatory requirements, (b) geophysical conditions, and (c) technological feasibility. Regulatory requirements are central in the context of GFR projects because many developing countries have stringent flaring regulations, particularly for green field projects. This needs to be addressed in PDD-NMB and is discussed in greater detail below. The second tool is a quantitative and qualitative assessment of the plausible and permissible options identified by the first tool. In the case of a green field project, this would typically be a comparison between various options for handling the AG, such as flaring and venting, reinjection, liquefaction, or pipeline transport for downstream use. Normally, the most attractive project option, if feasible from an investor�s perspective, would be considered the most likely option and, hence, the baseline scenario. In the case of a brown field project, the comparison generally would be between continued flaring and venting and one or more of the other options identified as plausible and permissible by the first tool. In this case, ranking of options according to economic attractiveness is more complex than for green field projects because continuing �business-as-usual� activity (for example, the baseline scenario of continued flaring and venting) does not require investment. Therefore, comparing the economic attractiveness of the different options may not be as straightforward as for green field projects. Page 35 25 Figure 0.1 Tools to Test Additionality* Narrowing of Baseline Options Plausible and permissible AG development options � Regulatory requirements � Technological feasibility � Geophysical conditions Qualitative or Quantitative Assessment � Green field: compare attractiveness of investment options � Brown field: compare investment against �business-as-usual� based on a suit of relevant economic and financial indicators Barriers Analysis � Domestic fuel prices, risk related to local markets � Fiscal regimes, PSA, and other regulatory risks � Technological and implementation risks Reference to Common Practice � Empirical evidence of common practice required � Not a standalone tool? * NOTE: This figure illustrates the use of these tools. However, as noted above, no specific sequence may be appropriate for all GFR project categories. (�The Greenhouse Gas Protocol: Project Quantification Standard,� developed by WRI and WBCSD, recommends that barriers analysis should be conducted before any economic and financial assessment, and the latter only be applied if the barriers analysis does not give any conclusive result.) Quantitative and qualitative assessment may provide a definitive answer as to which option is the most likely and, hence, the baseline. For brown field projects in particular, however, supplementary testing is often required. Options that are deemed attractive based on the second tool, for example, may in the end be unattractive and/or unlikely when barriers and common practices are considered. Tentative conclusions based on the second tool may therefore be inconclusive and necessitate the application of the third and fourth tools . Again, however, it should be stressed that, depending on the project category, one tool may be sufficient and others not relevant. The description above gives a description of how the tools can be used in the case of GFR projects. Any actual baseline methodology, however, needs to be more specific on the key characteristics of the project category to which the methodology is applicable. This framework, and further considerations on these tools, is meant to help the project developer apply the tools to additionality testing. 3.2.2 Regulatory Requirements The reason for assessing regulatory requirements, as well as technical feasibility, is to ensure that the project is not a priori prohibited from being additional. For gas flaring projects, this is often determined by law. If flaring is not allowed, then extinguishing the flare is obligatory and, therefore, the project is not additional. Yet even a legal prohibition can be ambiguous, particularly if it is not enforced or exemptions are granted. In some countries, flaring is prohibited but still accepted to maintain oil production, or the fines imposed are so low that flaring continues. Page 36 26 In essence, the first tool acts to verify whether the proposed project investment is already required, either de jure or de facto. 3.2.3 Economic and Financial Assessment Given that a project passes the first set of criteria, the issue is to determine whether a project exists that would be viable and implemented based on a normal business analysis of the project developer. While this is normally a question as to whether the project justifies investment from an economic standpoint, it can also include issues related to the project�s position relative to overall company priorities and strategies. Economic and financial assessment has been prominent in discussions on additionality for all project types. In the case of flare reduction projects, it is often assumed that AG is flared because the economic benefits of capturing and transporting the gas to market are not sufficient to justify the investment. Factors that may provide disincentives for recovery and marketing of gas can include the following: � High infrastructure costs. � Development costs. � Limited local markets that necessitate large investments (such as LNG) to reach international markets. � Relatively small quantity or value of the gas compared with the oil. � Limited value (or different ownership) of the gas in areas that are developed as oil concessions. The implication is that the financial return in such projects is below that required by a prudent investor to justify the investment. While financial return is important, other factors may be equally relevant in making capital allocation decisions. Companies and investors operate under capital constraints, and the estimated financial returns of such projects may not justify the diversion of capital from high-return or more strategic projects. Financial and economic measures, such as internal rate of return or net present value, are based on assumptions and the specific financial and policy regime under which the developer works. Any one measure may not provide an accurate understanding of the project�s overall economic and financial status. Therefore, care should be taken in using such measures and the assessment should be as robust as possible. For example, a developer wishing to show why a project is not in its business-as-usual scenario could demonstrate that the following: � The project is below the financial returns normally required for a project of this type and in this risk category. � The project does not contribute significantly to the firm�s operational and strategic priorities. � The firm�s capital limitations do not justify development of the project at this time. Another important point is that most AG flaring projects will be in concession areas. In many concessions, the legal requirements are such that the only potential CDM project developers are the existing partners whose return from the project might differ substantially among one another (this is particularly true when the Page 37 27 state is a partner or cases in which gas pipelines are owned by outside interests). Furthermore, cases exist in oil concessions in which ownership of the AG is different than that of the oil and, thus, any CDM project economics could differ among partners. This is exemplified in the most extreme case in which the AG belongs exclusively to the state and the private partners derive no benefit from its sale; the legal requirement, however, could well be that the partners must share equally in all investments. Finally, the use of any single project economic indicator is directly influenced by the financial regime under which the project falls and the financial status of the investor. For example, AG projects in areas that have higher taxes are a priori more marginal than those in low tax areas. To the investor, the financial return of any one project is dependent on the company�s overall tax situation and its cost of raising money. Such factors suggest that any the financial indicators used to test for additionality often will vary by location and investor. Additionally, subjective but necessary assessments of geologic, political, and price risks add an additional level of complexity to investment decisions. It is suggested that the test for additionality related to economics should be based on a suite of economic and financial indicators that clearly demonstrate why the project would not be implemented. 3.2.4 Barrier Analysis Barrier analysis can be thought of as those factors that are outside the direct control of the project proponent and yet impact the project�s likelihood of implementation. Some of these factors can be economic, such as when the domestic gas price is controlled by the host government at a level below that needed to justify the investment in gas recovery. The fiscal regime may be designed for oil and thus provide de facto disincentives for gas recovery or even assign the ownership of the gas to a different entity than the operators of the field. A lack of access to capital may prevent project implementation (regardless of the project�s economic attractiveness). � A proposed new technology may have higher technological and implementation risk, higher operating cost, less experience, and greater performance uncertainty than the baseline technology. � Local market conditions, institutional weaknesses, or structural issues (for example, lack of open access to the gas transmission lines) could prevent implementation of certain projects. � Limited information, managerial resources, organizational capacity, and so on could affect project implementation. Barrier analysis can be a critical factor in justifying many CDM AG investments but are, by nature, specific to the area, regime, or type of project. Thus, a methodology needs to identify and provide a general means to analyze and measure the impact of such barriers in determining the baseline scenario. 3.2.5 Common Practice In some cases, common practice could be a major deterrent to capture and transport of AG, especially in smaller fields. A company can have a standard Page 38 28 practice to flare AG that is small in volume or distant from the existing gas infrastructure. To present such a factor within additionality tests implies that the existence of such a practice could be documented, and reference should be made to companies other than the project developer and its established practices. 3.2.6 Using Multiple Additionality Tools All the tools discussed are useful and can have a place within a methodology. To date, the approved methodologies generally use more than one of these tools, and some include all four. If more than one tool is used, the methodology should indicate (a) whether answers are needed for all of the tests, (b) the order in which the tools should be applied, and (c) the role of different tools in addressing various aspects of additionality. Often, but not always, economic and financial analysis has been an important factor in CDM proposals (refer to Annex 6 for a list of EB projects submitted up to 1 April 2004) for demonstrating additionality since CER revenues to a project increases its economic rationale. However, it is possible to develop the CDM case without economic analysis. The key point is: the methodology needs to recognize that any such test needs to cover a range of indicators and be balanced with an analysis of other barriers to the project. In addition, economic issues can play a major role in other barriers. For example, if a controlled domestic market for gas results in low gas prices, it clearly is a market barrier with direct implications on a project�s economics. Indeed almost all the barriers, except the purely technical, have economic implications that are, or can be, addressed by economic means. 29 3.3 Considering Country Policies The CDM rules state that baselines should take into consideration national policies of the host country, and the EB has given the Meth. Panel the task of clarifying how this should be implemented in baseline methodologies. The evaluations of new methodologies explicitly ask how factors such as national policy have been considered (refer to Annex 8). As noted above, national policies and, in particular, flaring regulations are also addressed in the PDD-NMB. These considerations are particularly important for GFR projects, because many countries in the developing world have or are likely to implement laws preventing flaring, and this could make flaring reduction projects in those countries non- additional��albeit in many countries such legislation applies only to green field projects, and, in a number of cases, legislation is not enforced or does not change operational practices. The general consensus among experts consulted in this project is that national policies of the host country will almost certainly be considered, because considerable language exists in the Marrakech Accords regarding national circumstances in baselines. As discussed in the GGFR Report No. 2 on the Kyoto 29 For example, the risk of a project is often offset not by reducing the risk but by requiring a higher economic return to compensate for that risk. Page 39 29 Mechanisms, statements, commitments, and targets for flaring reductions might be incorporated into an additionality assessment. Generally, they are indicative of the baseline for flaring, but, because the types and implementation of policies can vary greatly, this does not mean that they automatically exclude a project on this basis. Most countries have instituted direct regulations, although application and implementation differ significantly. In almost all oil-producing countries, flaring may take place only after it is authorized by a regulatory body. When authorized, flaring is subject to a variety of conditions. Emission standards and technical requirements may help to provide a concise description of the baseline conditions, so that if an investment/technology does not offer greater flaring reductions than mandatory standards do, the project is not additional. However, direct regulation of flaring is often ambiguous; and physical, technological, and economic opportunities to avoid flaring will typically vary from site to site. Regulations may restrict flaring only where it is economically viable to do so, in which case a CDM project in such an area could be considered additional. While technical and economic assessments of this sort form the basis for flaring prohibition or permits, the rigor of such assessments differs greatly among countries. It is important to judge whether national policies are binding regulations on producers or softer policy aspirations to meet certain targets. For example, it is one thing for a national government to state that they want to progressively phase out flaring by 2008, but another for the government to make it illegal to flare after that date, with binding and enforceable consequences. 3.4 Regarding a Voluntary Standard In May 2004, GGFR partners endorsed a Global Gas Venting and Flaring Reduction Voluntary Standard. The Standard outlines a plan of action, including adoption within one year of the Standard by partner companies and countries. This Voluntary Standard, 30 at the outset should not influence the baseline for flare reduction activities. It is a process not a fixed target and should be seen as an aspiration a means to achieve reduction and, eventually, elimination of flaring. One way to achieve this aspiration objective is to use the CDM. The CDM can make an important contribution to stimulating investments in flaring reductions; hence, it can also make an important contribution to objectives of the GGFR Voluntary Standard. When relevant, project proponents can reference the Standard in the baseline methodology and clarify how it relates to the additionality assessment. 30 GGFR Report No. 4, A Voluntary Standard for Global Gas Flaring and Venting Reduction , May 2004. Page 40 Page 41 31 Project Boundary and Leakage This section explains how to set the project boundary and related leakage issues for GFR projects and recommends how these can be best addressed in baseline methodologies. Leakage is defined as the net change of GHG, which occurs outside the project boundary and which is measurable and attributable to the CDM project activity. Project boundary and leakage are interrelated because emissions outside the project boundary that are directly influenced by the project are considered leakage and must be identified. These issues are addressed primarily in sections 4.5 and 4.8 of PDD-NMB. 4.1 How to Determine the Project Boundary 4.1.1 Principles Determining CDM project boundaries is naturally a project-specific exercise. The baseline methodology must, however, specify the process and principles to be applied to determine the boundary for the category of projects covered. The project boundary should include all GHG emissions that are: � Under the control of the project participants �implies direct control or influence, including, where appropriate, the scope of Production Sharing Agreements. � Significant �determined as significant if they can be calculated with a reasonable level of accuracy (for example, to be more 1 percent of the total emissions/emission reductions of the project). 31 � Reasonably attributable to the GFR project activity �closely linked to �control over,� and project developers may wish to consider the boundary of the gas infrastructure or investment made for the GFR component, or the capture, transport, and utilization of the AG. 32 When applying these principles, the key issue is the extent to which the project partners control different stages of the gas value chain. The following subsections apply these principles to different project types. 4.1.2 Project Types For the GFR projects categories considered in this report, the project participants control the upstream activities, including processing. These activities normally are the key components of the investment and give rise to the largest emissions reductions. In addition, any transport and distribution infrastructures that are constructed for the project may also be significant components of the investment. 31 This is a rule of thumb used by the Dutch Certified Emission Reduction Unit Procurement Tender (CERUPT/ERUPT) guidelines, and this rule is included in one of the approved methodologies (NM0021 CERUPT methodology for landfill gas recovery). Some of the concerns pointed out in this section may, in the end, not be deemed material to the project and, thus, not pass a significance test. As the CDM process develops, more guidance should be forthcoming on what constitutes appropriate project boundaries. 32 These points are based on Decision 17/CP.7, Draft decision article, Section G, paragraph 52. The EB stated in its fifth meeting that it would develop further guidance on the terms of �under the control of,� �significant,� and �reasonably attributable.� At the time of writing, this guidance has not yet been published. Page 42 32 For investments in reinjection , the project boundary would include the production site and any processing requirements. Because the Meth. Panel asked that the Rang Dong methodology include onsite fugitive emissions within the project boundary, these should be included for all projects. For projects that capture and transport the gas for end-use consumption , the transport and distribution infrastructure may be included within the boundary, but whether the end-use site is included will depend on the contractual arrangements among project partners. The expert reviewers of the Rang Dong methodology recommended that the fugitive emissions from the pipeline and compressor combustion emissions be included in the boundary. While small, the emission in the Rang Dong case were judged to be under the control of the project participants and directly attributable to the project activity. 33 To determine whether to include the end-user site within the project boundary, the following questions should be asked: � Are project partners for the upstream project also the investors in the downstream activities? � Do the contractual arrangements between the end user and gas supplier give the supplier the right to monitor the use of the gas (so it can be attributed to the project) and the right to the CERs that result from the emissions reductions at the end-use site? � Is the gas supplied to a single dedicated point of end use in which case the end user could possibly be included within the boundary? If any one of these questions is answered in the affirmative, then the end-use site may be included in the project boundary. In the case of the first question, it is because the project partners own at least part of the whole value chain, and thus the emissions from that chain are under their control. In the case of the second, monitoring the impact of the gas means that the project participants can justify that the emission reductions are attributable to the CDM project activity. The third question determines whether the emissions reductions can be attributed to the project with certainty, although some form of monitoring would be needed in this case. If the gas is discharged into a pipeline network that feeds multiple end users and has multiple sources, then it is more difficult to attribute changes at these various sites to the CDM project activity. The first two questions also identify who is considered a �participant� in the project. The official CDM glossary defines project participants as, �parties or private and/or public entities that take decisions on the allocation of CERs from the project activity under consideration.� This means that national law on allocation of CERs and contractual arrangements regarding CER ownership are key determinants of who is a project partner and in setting the project boundary. Capture and processing of liquids is treated similarly to any other project that supplies gas for end-use consumption. The project boundary may include the production site, processing, and loading onto a tanker. These activities normally are all under the control of the project developer. To determine whether the end 33 The transport infrastructure for Rang Dong was built specifically for this project. Page 43 33 user of the liquids should be included in the project boundary, the project developer would ask the same three questions. 4.1.3 Multicountry Projects A project may include more than one country (for example, capture of gas in one country and use of it in a neighboring country). For example, the West African Gas Pipeline project�s flaring reductions occur in Nigeria, whereas fuel switching from diesel to natural gas for power generation could be achieved in Benin, Togo, and Ghana. 34 One issue is the role of national Designated National Authorities (DNAs) in approving the PDDs for such multicountry projects. No case has yet looked at how carbon credits would be approved and allocated in such instances, especially if one or more of the host countries had not ratified the Kyoto Protocol. Until sufficient precedence is established, these issues will probably be addressed on a case-by-case basis. This would depend on the location and contractual arrangements among the various project participants. Nothing stops the same project developer from submitting a CDM project in the individual host countries, and the overall project does not need to be treated as a whole entity. In some cases, this may be easier, because it would not require negotiations among countries about credit ownership and would simplify the legal and contractual process��and the project developers would still earn all of their credits. Actual project proposals evaluated by the Meth. Panel and EB will set the precedents for how these issues will be addressed. 4.2 How to Determine Leakage The question of leakage is closely linked to the definition of the project boundary. Leakage is defined in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) CDM glossary as �the net change of anthropogenic emissions by sources of greenhouse gases (GHG) which occurs outside the project boundary, and which is measurable and attributable to the CDM project activity . � As previously noted, in the CDM context, leakage does not mean physical leakage (for example, fugitive emissions from pipelines) but rather impacts on GHG emissions that are outside the defined project boundary. If the GFR investment affects emissions downstream, then this could constitute leakage. However, in practice, this is unlikely to be common, because in cases where it is possible to measure the impacts downstream, the project proponents are likely to include the end-use site in the project boundary; thus, these emissions reductions will not be leakage. It is not that these emissions are not significant as leakage, but that they are encompassed within the project boundary and counted as project emissions, not leakage. If the downstream emission cannot be quantified, then the changes in emissions, while outside of the project boundary, are not �measurable and attributable� and, therefore, cannot be counted as leakage. For example, if the gas captured goes into a pipeline that has multiple sources and multiple users, then the impact of the 34 A short description of West African Gas Pipeline as a GFR project can be found in GGFR Report No. 2 Kyoto Mechanisms for Flaring Reductions . Page 44 34 gas on end-use emissions is not quantifiable. This, therefore, could not be treated as leakage. One leakage issue for GFR projects raised by some stakeholders is the impact of reinjection on current oil production (through enhanced oil recovery) and future/postponed production of gas. It is unlikely that these increases in production are measurable and can be attributed to the project as leakage. In terms of local market impacts, the project developers should demonstrate that gas from the project is not significant enough to affect local market prices and demand by showing that the increase in gas availability is not significant and will not change the supply-demand balance. Additional information provided by the Rang Dong project developers in response to Meth. Panel comments, for example, demonstrated ��through comparison with local demand��that the supply of gas products from the project were insufficient to impact price or consumption In cases where the downstream consumption is not known or under the control of the project developers, there still may be fugitive emissions along the transport system that should be considered, perhaps even with emissions from LNG tankers. The question is whether these emissions can be measured and whether they are attributable to the project activity. For example, they should be estimated as leakage if initial calculations suggest that they are more than 1 percent of total project emissions. This 1 percent significant rule has been used by several proposed methodologies (see footnote 28). Gas deliveries into the international market or integrated pipeline networks with no dedicated user of the gas normally would be outside the project boundary. These also would not be considered leakage because it would not be possible to measure the impact of an individual input on consumption demand patterns of the overall market. Whether standard leakage rates from these pipeline systems would need to be considered when calculating the net impact of flaring reduction projects is not clear, but this most likely would depend on whether the captured gas affected the overall volume transported by the pipeline and whether the pipeline operated within international norms concerning losses. Page 45 35 Data and Monitoring The purpose of this section is to identify the key parameters, data, and monitoring issues for GFR methodologies. 5.1 Key Parameters Sections 4.6 and 4.7 of PDD-NBM require that the developer elaborate and justify all of the formulae, algorithms, variables, and parameters that are used in the baseline methodology, while section 5 should contain specific data and assumptions used. Any standard values should be reported here. For GFR projects, AG production is the key variable in terms of assessing mitigation potential. Because AG production levels and characteristics can change over time, all of the methodologies should lead to some form of standardized, or rate-based, baselines. This means that baseline emissions would be related to activity level (that is, production). For example, emissions from flaring AG could be expressed as tCO 2 /MCM of gas production. Setting a standard emission factor for the baseline means that the credits awarded to the project can be adjusted based on actual gas production, so any uncertainty in ex ante production projections will not affect the actual number of CERs issued. If the baseline emissions factor is fixed, the monitoring for the project should establish the project emissions per MCM of gas production. The product of the difference between these two emissions factors and actual measured gas production gives the number of CERs. Other standardized measures for the baseline could include emissions from pipeline systems (tCO 2 /kilometer [km]) and compressor stations (tCO 2 /megawatt [MW]), as well as emissions from LNG processing (tCO 2 /MCM of gas processed) within the designated monitoring period. 35 The gross carbon emissions for a given AG production site and the investment required are known with relatively high certainty. The emission projections are based on the forecasted oil production, the gas-to-oil ratio, and the flaring efficiency. The first two factors are based on historic production (or well tests) and the reservoir models, while the last factor is based on gas composition and estimated efficiency. Other key parameters include fractional composition of AG before combustion (for example, proportion of methane [CH 4 ], CO 2 , and other hydrocarbons, accurately quantified and usually expressed as a percentage). 5.2 Data Sources and Availability Section 5 of the proposed new format covers the data sources and assumptions that should be used in the baseline methodology. For baseline emissions, data availability and standards used are particularly important issues for green field projects, since brown field projects normally will have existing data. The baseline scenario will need to forecast the emissions at 35 For more examples, see Table 13 in the IEA report Emission Reduction in the Natural Gas Sector through Project-Based Mechanisms, 2003, at: Page 46 36 various stages of the gas chain, based on relevant comparisons in the region or internationally. As discussed in section 2.4 of this document, fugitive emissions can occur at each stage along the gas value chain, because of leaks, venting during maintenance, and the use of gas in pneumatic devices. National regulations may specify what levels of fugitive gas are acceptable, in which case these will be useful for constructing the baseline. If national regulations do not exist, then regional or international standards can be used (see examples in the International Energy Agency [IEA] report Emission Reduction in the Natural Gas Sector through Project-Based Mechanisms ). After projects are implemented, the monitoring plan will include quantification of fugitive emissions and compressor/on-site energy use. The project developer should conservatively estimate these factors/standards using established factors and practices (for examples, compressor energy use). It is important to remember that, in most cases, gas is monitored along the value chain, so limited additional project monitoring is required for a CDM project. The project and baseline emissions factors will be used to calculate the avoided GHGs. 5.3 Uncertainties Section 6 of the proposed new format addresses uncertainties in the baseline methodology. The uncertainties for GFR projects relate both to the assessment of additionality (for example, the accuracy of the barrier assessment or economic analysis of alternatives) and to the main parameters and assumptions outlined above. These assumptions include quantity of AG; fractional composition of the gas, which is directly measurable using commercially available metering equipment; and the emissions from energy consumption for compressors and processing facilities. The uncertainties are managed insofar as emissions reductions are accrued only for actual gas recovered and used (for example, gas delivered to the power plant). 5.4 Transparency and Conservatism Section 7 of the proposed new format must show how the baseline methodology was developed in a transparent and conservative manner. The transparency requirement is best met by ensuring that the methodology is logical; fully documented; and, to the degree possible, developed using established factors, algorithms, and protocols. Where possible, approved methodologies (either in whole or in part) should be used to construct the new methodology proposal. The methodology should also require the project developer to clearly cite all reference documents, such as oil field development plans or protocols. The issue of conservatism is crucial both in the calculation of baseline GHG emissions and the justification of the additionality of the project. Concerning emissions, the implication is that all of the relevant emissions impacts (positive and negative) should be fully incorporated and, when an uncertainty exists in the factors used for calculating emissions, the one providing the lowest emissions reductions must be used. In the Rang Dong example, a measure of conservatism Page 47 37 was the assumption that all CH 4 would be converted to CO 2 , thus having the impact of lowering the baseline emission scenario. 36 Concerning the assessment of economic attractiveness, fuel prices and other variables should be consistent with the firm�s policy, because these are important for the project�s economic attractiveness. Any risk premium incorporated into the economic analysis, or anywhere else within the evaluation, should be clearly identified, quantified, and justified. When applying an approved methodology to a specific project, the project developer should bear in mind that assumptions, statements, algorithms, or data will be subject to validation by an independent third party. 5.5 Monitoring Processes While the focus on this report is on baseline methodologies for GFR projects, the EB has stated that monitoring methodologies should accompany new baseline methodologies, because both are used in combination to calculate emissions reductions. The format for a new monitoring methodology is included in Annex 4 of the PDD. The main areas covered are as follows: � A brief description of new methodology. � Data to be collected or used to monitor emissions from the project activity, and how these data will be archived. � Potential sources of emissions, which are significant and reasonably attributable to the project activity, but which are not included in the project boundary, and identification of whether and how data will be collected and archived on these emission sources. � Assumptions used in elaborating the new methodology. � Quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA) procedures are being undertaken for the items monitored. � The potential strengths and weaknesses of this methodology. � Whether the methodology has been applied successfully elsewhere and, if so, in which circumstances. Sections 2, 3, and 4 have tables to indicate data to be monitored, how it will be collected and archived, and what QC procedures will be applied to each process. As for baseline methodologies, it is useful to break up a project into modules each of which could have their own baseline and monitoring methodology (see section 2.4 of this document). For the upstream elements, the key data to be monitored would be as follows: AG captured, gas composition, flaring efficiency (if there is any emergency flaring in the project case), fugitive emissions on site and during processing, and gas consumption for energy use on site. 37 Gas use for energy in compressors and processing can be calculated indirectly from the difference in gas production and gas export from the processing site. The monitoring protocol should specify where along the gas chain the flow of gas would be measured, and 36 The methodology recognizes that some gas would be uncombusted, that is, up to 2 percent released into the atmosphere, but argues that, because of difficulties in measuring this, it should be assumed that all methane would be flared in the interest of conservatism. 37 For the Rang Dong project, the project proponents argued that fugitive emissions on site and during processing would be negligible because of safety concerns and local regulations. Page 48 38 the data should then be used to estimate gas utilized for energy in production and processing. For pipeline transport, monitoring will occur in any case to ensure the safety and integrity of the pipeline network. This monitoring plan should be referenced in the PDD. Page 49 39 Annex 1 CDM Primer A.1.1 The CDM after Marrakech The clean development mechanism (CDM) is one of three market-based mechanisms established in the Kyoto Protocol to assist Annex I 38 countries in meeting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction and limitation targets. 39 It enables project developers and investors to earn credits (certified emission reductions [CERs]), which can be used against domestic emission reduction targets 40 (now or in a defined future period), or sold on the various carbon markets that are currently evolving. The CDM became operational following the conclusion of the seventh session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of the Parties (COP-7). It was at COP-7 that the majority of the rules and procedures for the CDM were adopted as expressed in Decision 16/CP.7 of the Marrakech Accords. For simplicity and clarity, in this report, the term �CDM rules� will encompass the CDM modalities and procedures 41 and any guidance issued by the CDM Executive Board (EB) and the COP. The EB held its first meeting following COP-7. Since then, the board has held twelve meetings, issued guidance on various issues, and established advisory panels to assist it in accomplishing its goals. Three panels have been established: (a) the small-scale panel, responsible for developing modalities and procedures for small CDM projects; 42 (b) the accreditation panel, responsible for setting up the accreditation system and for accrediting entities as validators and verifiers (the first step in becoming a designated operational entity [DOE]); and (c) the baseline and monitoring methodology panel (often referred to as the Meth. Panel), responsible for providing guidance to the EB on baseline and monitoring methodologies, among other issues. A.1.2 The CDM Project Cycle The main steps of the CDM project cycle are as follows (see Figure A.1.1): 38 Annex I countries are defined as countries that have signed the Kyoto Protocol. A list of these countries can be found at: 39 For a more thorough introduction of the CDM, please see GGFR report on Kyoto Mechanisms for Flaring Reduction available at For detailed information, the reader is referred to the UNFCCC CDM website at 40 Validity of CERs within a domestic emissions trading schemes (ETS) will be dependent on the scheme�s design. For instance, the European Union (EU) will allow CERs into its ETS, but may impose limits. Clearly, the value of a CER is likely to be higher if it can be used in a domestic or regional ETS than if the CERs cannot enter into any established systems. 41 In many reports, the term Marrakech Accords is used to refer to the CDM modalities and procedures. Strictly speaking, the Marrakech Accords, however, encompasses 24 Decisions taken by the COP covering a range of issues, many of which have no relation to the CDM. 42 The three main project types are (a) projects that do not exceed 15 megawatts (MW) of nominal capacity, (b) EE [Energy Efficiency ]projects that do not save more than 15 GWh per year, and projects that do not directly emit more than 15,000 tCO 2 e annually. Page 50 40 � Project identification and design : The project owner/project developer identifies an opportunity, conducts a prefeasibility study, and develops an official Project Design Document (PDD). � Host country approval : The designated national authority (DNA) of the host country ap proves the project, based on the country�s evaluation criteria and assessment of the project�s contribution to sustainable development. � Third-party validation of project design and baseline : The PDD is validated by a DOE that serves as an independent third-party auditor. � Registration : Once a project is validated and approved by the host country, it is registered by the EB. � Financing and implementation: The project is financed and implemented like a normal investment project. � Monitoring : Project performance, including baseline conditions, is measured by the project developer in the commissioning process and throughout the crediting lifetime of the project, to calculate the actual emissions reductions. � Verification of project performance : The DOE verifies project performance, against the validated design and baseline, to certify the credits. � Issuance : Based on the successful performance of these steps, the CERs are issued by the EB. Page 51 41 Figure A.1.1 Steps in the CDM Project Cycle P roject design document Host country approval Designated national authority Operational entities Project owner Executive Board Validation Registration Financing & implementation Monitoring Verification & certification Issue CERs Selecting a baseline methodology relates to the first step of the CDM project cycle. Activities in this step include (a) designing the CDM project (or, if it is a subset of a larger project, defining the CDM portion of the project), (b) reviewing host country regulations, (c) developing a baseline scenario and monitoring plan, and (d) soliciting stakeholder comments. Page 52 Page 53 43 Annex 2 Baseline Methodology Approval Process Initially, the CDM Executive Board (EB) has chosen to take a bottom-up approach to baseline methodology development, where individual project developers are responsible for proposing new methodologies, if no appropriate methodology exists for their type of project. This is opposed to a �top-down� approach in which the EB specifies a list of methodologies, and their content, in advance. In practice, this has meant that all of the early CDM proposals to the EB included a proposed new methodology. Still, the large and growing CDM baseline literature on �top-down� studies greatly influences the actual development of baseline methodologies. If an appropriate approved methodology does not exist for a specific project type, then project developers must develop one and apply it to the development of a baseline scenario for the project. The CDM rules require that, at a minimum, a draft Project Design Document (PDD) be submitted to the EB for approval of a new methodology. A draft PDD differs from a complete PDD in that an environmental assessment, stakeholder comments, and host country approval are not required. In the first rounds of methodology approval, however, project developers have generally submitted full or almost complete PDDs. The EB agreed on a process for reviewing and approving new methodologies, which is shown in Figure A.2.1. The EB has chosen to take a conservative and deliberate approach in approving methodologies. During the first round of reviews, no methodologies were initially approved; however, two of the methodologies were subsequently resubmitted and approved. From this process, the EB provided information that clarifies the distinction between a baseline methodology and a baseline scenario for a project. The EB also provided additional guidance in subsequent meetings. The approved methodologies provide a framework for developing new methodologies. Page 54 44 Figure A.2.1 Steps in the Process of Methodology Approval As of end March 2004, the EB had approved 11 methodologies, of which 1 addressed gas flaring reduction projects (see Annex 5 and 6 for more detail). Because additionality is mentioned in both the baseline methodology (Annex 3 of the PDD) and in the PDD itself, some early confusion existed regarding whether the EB and Meth. Panel have the responsibility to ensure additionality by approving sound methodologies, or whether the designated operational entity (DOE) has primary responsibility during validation to determine whether the PDD has adequately justified additionality. While it is clear that DOE will validate whether the project is additional, to date, the rulings of the EB show how important the issue of additionality is in the methodology development itself. In the negotiations on the CDM rules, parties proposed several different kinds of tests for additionality. These included whether the project: � Had an economic return that was below an investor�s hurdle rate without carbon revenues (�investment additionality� or �financial additionality�) � Used technology that was significantly better than average (�technological additionality�) � Would not have happened without the CDM (sometimes called �program additionality�) The final agreement was to conduct a test of whether GHG emissions were reduced by the project. The rationale for using only an emissions reduction test was that it is more quantifiable and less susceptible to gaming than the other tests. This was confusing, however, because whether emissions are reduced by the Page 55 45 project depends on the baseline, so the two concepts are difficult to separate. Practically, however, project developers still need some tools to justify why emissions are reduced by the project. The fact that the PDD requires developers to explain why the project is not in the baseline implicitly means that developers must justify why the project would not have occurred without CDM intervention. Therefore, in practice, almost all of the approved methodologies include financial tests, barriers analysis, or other decision tools to show why the project would not have occurred in the baseline scenario. Page 56 Page 57 47 Annex 3 GFR and the CDM A.3.1 Key Features of GFR Projects Associated gas (AG) 43 is a blend of various hydrocarbons that are released when crude oil is brought to the surface. The composition and amount of such gases varies from one field to another. AG combusted or released as uncombusted gas produce the primary greenhouse gases (GHG), carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), and methane (CH 4 ). 44 The ratio of combusted to uncombusted gas is crucial because the impact of CH 4 on global warming is greater than that of CO 2 . Therefore, a small change in the ratio of flaring to venting has a disproportionate change in the impact on the global environment. A flare reduction project typically reduces GHG emissions by one or more of the following development options for AG that is currently or expected to be flared: � Capture and reinjecting the gas into the oil reservoir, � Capture and delivery through a pipeline to an end user, and � Capture and process the gas into liquids (that is, liquefied natural gas [LNG], gas-to-liquids [GTL], or liquefied petroleum gas [LPG]) that can be transported and sold locally or internationally. In general, choosing the appropriate option(s) depends on upstream conditions, such as field characteristics and the oil-to-gas ratio, downstream market opportunities for the recovered gas, and the legal and fiscal frameworks that may include various incentives and penalties. Understanding and documenting how these factors influence decisions made by the petroleum industry are critical for the CDM to become an effective instrument that supports the objectives of the Kyoto Protocol and the UNFCCC. A.3.2 The Gas Value Chain Disaggregation of the gas value chain for the purposes of baseline methodology development is useful and appropriate, because it reflects industry practice (that is, a closed chain of activities involving distinct processes, often under the control of different actors and stakeholders) and the nature of emission reductions in each stage are materially different. This annex and the next describe each step of the gas chain, and the emissions that occur in each stage. 45 Because the focus is on AG from oil production, issues that relate only to dedicated natural gas production are not discussed. Extraction/production: Oil reserves are identified through a combination of seismic analysis and remote sensing technology, after which exploratory wells are 43 Sometimes called solution gas. 44 Flaring and venting of AG also give rise to relatively small quantities of nitrous oxide (N 2 O) emissions, also listed as a GHG and covered by the emission targets of the Kyoto Protocol. 45 This section of the annex is adapted from �Developing Baselines for Natural Gas Projects� published by the IEA ( ). An additional source of information on the identification and evaluation of GHG emissions and the reporting of these is the Petroleum Industry Guidelines for Reporting GHG Emissions available at Page 58 48 drilled to evaluate the quality and quantity of reserves. Even where the wells are drilled primarily for oil production, the AG exits the well under high pressure. In the past, because the focus was solely on crude oil extraction, the natural AG from these wells was often flared or vented into the atmosphere. Processing: While gas from some fields meets the quality conditions necessary for transport through a pipeline, generally AG must be processed before it can be used. Gas processing removes the water and any acidic substances such as hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S) and/or CO 2 . In addition, if heavier hydrocarbons are present in the gas (such as ethane, propane, butane, and/or pentane), they must be processed before transporting the dry gas by pipeline. These heavier hydrocarbons are referred to as natural gas liquids once they are removed from the gas stream. Pipeline transmission: After processing, gas may be used on site (for example, for power generation), reinjected, transported to market via a pipeline, or liquefied and transported in a tanker by sea. The decision on transmission mode is based on the economics of transport, because pipelines require a large capital investment to cover significant distances. Pipeline systems include compressor stations to efficiently move gas through the pipelines, as well as period valves used to close off sections for maintenance and repairs. Depending on the distance from the market, the cost of pipeline infrastructure can often be a major barrier to marketing gas. LNG: For long distances, gas can be liquefied, put into tankers, and then vaporized at the destination port. LNG liquefaction, transport, and regasification are separate procedures logistically and geographically, often operated by separate companies. The process requires a large investment in port facilities, and, thus, is done only when large quantities of gas are involved. A number of different processes can be used to vaporize the gas at the destination before it is charged into a pipeline network. Storage: Storage facilities are used at many stages of the gas chain to balance supply and demand in the gas market. Facilities include geologic storage in aquifers, depleted oil fields, and salt caverns, as well as dedicated LNG storage facilities. Distribution: Local gas distribution companies take the gas from pipelines, reduce the pressure, add an odorant, and move the gas into a smaller diameter pipeline system for local end users. End-use consumption: Gas is a versatile fuel that can be used for power generation, industrial boilers and process heat, commercial and residential heating, cooling, and cooking, and even as a transport fuel. Other end-use applications are gas as feedstock in the chemical industry and GTL processes. Figure A.3.1 provides an overview of the facilities and processes to take produced gas to market. Page 59 49 Figure A.3.1 Overview of Upstream and Midstream Gas Industry Source : International Energy Agency. 2003. �Developing Baselines for Natural Gas Projects.� A.3.3 GHG Emissions along the Gas Value Chain There are basically three categories of GHG emissions along the gas value chain: vented gas, fugitive emissions, and emissions from combustion for energy use. These emissions are summarized in Table A.3.1. Venting occurs when AG from the oil wells is released directly into the atmosphere as CH 4 . Given that CH 4 is more potent as a GHG than carbon CO 2 , even a small amount of venting has a major impact on climate change. Even if the AG is routinely flared, not all will be combusted and converted to CO 2 : a fraction will be vented. International studies suggest that best-practice efficiency of combustion is 98 percent, which means that 2 percent of the gas would be released as CH 4 . It should, however, be noted Page 60 50 that actual flare efficiency can vary substantially, depending largely on gas composition and wind speeds. 46 Fugitive emissions refer to unintentional emissions from leaky valves, loose dry seals in compressors, flanges, and/or intentional venting away from the production site. Gas is normally vented to prevent a dangerous build up of pressure in the system, or to release gas to undertake maintenance on a section of the system. Gas is often emitted during the decompression of equipment, before maintenance, to help ensure a safe working environment during repair activities. Typically, operators will block the smallest segment of pipeline needed to make the repair and vent the contained CH 4 into the atmosphere. An alternative to this direct CH 4 release is to capture, recompress, and reinject the gas back into the system. In addition, pneumatic devices are often powered by pressurized natural gas and are used as liquid level and valve controllers, as well as pressure and temperature regulators. Gas- powered devices such as this �bleed� CH 4 emissions. Fugitive emissions also occur during loading and unloading of LNG into ships. The equipment that drives the gas production, processing, and transport system is generally powered by a portion of the gas produced, so the operation of this equipment leads to CO 2 emissions. Onsite equipment for extraction, compressors, and processing facilities all burn gas for energy. In the production of LNG, liquefaction requires significant amounts of energy as well. The focus of this report is on mitigation projects whose primary aim is to eliminate or reduce flaring and venting of associated gas. These projects will reduce emissions at the production site, but they could actually increase emissions in processing, transport, and distribution if these facilities are not present in the baseline. At a site where all AG is flared and there is no equipment for processing, there cannot be any fugitive emissions from processing. Of course, projects that collect, process, and market the gas will result in downstream emission reductions as well. The net carbon reductions are estimated (or measured), thus, the carbon emission from gas that is marketed instead of flared will be the sum of carbon reductions at the wellhead minus any losses along the chain, plus the reductions from end-use fuel switching. It is important to quantify the net carbon emission changes from production to burner tip. The mitigation options for each stage of the gas chain are summarized in Table A.3.1. 46 See The Flare Research project at the University of Alberta at . Page 61 51 Table A.3.1 Summary of Emissions Sources and Emissions Reductions Opportunities at Each Stage of the Gas Chain Stage of the Gas Chain Nature of Emissions Opportunities for Emission Reductions Natural gas extraction and production Venting and flaring of associated gas Emissions from on-site energy use Fugitive CH 4 emissions from production facilities and gathering lines Reinjection of associated gas Improve energy efficiency of operations; convert from higher to lower carbon fuels (for example, oil to gas). Eliminate venting or enhance flaring efficiency (increase proportion of methane converted to CO 2 ) Capture of AG and use on site or downstream Processing Fugitive CH 4 emissions from the following: � Treating gas to remove liquids and other gases � Compressor use in pipelines and LNG liquefaction and regasification � Maintenance Energy use emissions from processing plant, including liquefaction During maintenance, capture, recompress, and reinject the gas into the system Enhance energy efficiency in compressors to reduce fuel consumption (for example, replacement of compressors, or components such as wet seals with dry seals and compressor rod and ring replacement) Waste heat recovery and use of high- efficiency turbines Transmission and storage Fugitive CH 4 losses from the following: � Compressor use in pipeline transportation � Leaks in pipelines � Tanker loading and unloading � Gas not recaptured in LNG boil off � Maintenance Energy use emissions in transport Reduce fugitive emissions by replacing compressor components, installing vapor locks on tanker loading, and capturing and reinjecting gas during maintenance Enhancing energy efficiency in compressors to reduce fuel consumption (see above) Distribution Fugitive emissions from pipelines, meters, pneumatic devices, and maintenance Replacement of gas-fired pneumatic devices with compressed air systems or other �low-bleed devices� Consumption Energy use emissions from power sector, commercial and industrial, or domestic use Fuel switching to less carbon-intensive fuels Domestic uses displace unsustainably forested (traditional) biomass Page 62 Page 63 53 Annex 4 Methodology Modules A.4.1 Power Sector Module A.4.1.1 Introduction This is an example of a module that can be used for a power sector downstream component of a gas flaring reduction (GFR) project activity. The approved methodology 47 is composed of two parts: � Proving additionality through demonstrating the use of prohibitive barriers to investment and demonstrating that the proposed project activity is not common practice in the relevant circumstances � Describing the baseline scenario through an ex ante value for the emissions based on a weighted average of the operating and build margin of the electricity sector ��the monitoring plan then allows for the ex post measurement of the emissions rate. The methodology is applicable when the following occurs: � There is sufficient publicly available information on the nature of the barriers and the common practice in the sector, � The project supplies a grid whose geographic and system boundaries are well known and information is available on its characteristics, � The grid is not dominated by zero- or low-cost generating sources (hydro, geothermal, wind, solar, nuclear, and low-cost biomass). A.4.1.2 Background to the Methodology When considering the emission reductions gained from downstream activities, such as consumption of gas by power stations, a standardized baseline approach may be required for the electric power sector, taking into account regional, national, or subnational circumstances. Simply expressed, these are benchmarks in the form of emissions rate per unit of activity kilograms carbon dioxide per kilowatt hour (kg CO 2 /kWh). This module is based on recommendations for baseline methodologies developed by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)/International Energy Agency (IEA). 48 These are based on a model of the energy sector as a whole in that country and an understanding of the project activity within that generating mix. An electric power grid usually has different types of power plants that are operated simultaneously, including thermal plants (coal, gas, and oil), hydroelectric, nuclear, renewables, and so on. Some are operated as baseload power plants at a high capacity factor, and others as intermediate and peaking plants, depending on economics and availability. Thus, 47 Based on the El Gallo methodology, Barrier analysis, baseline scenario development, and baseline emission rate calculation for a proposed grid-connected project that displaces power from the operation and expansion of the electric sector , available at 48 See Practical Baseline Recommendations for Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Projects in the Electric Power Sector , 2002. OECD and IEA Information Paper, International Energy Agency, Paris. Page 64 54 establishing a baseline for a greenhouse gas (GHG) reducing electricity project requires determining how that project affects the operation or future construction of other plants on an interconnected grid. Simple models include calculating average emission rates, which uses an overly simplistic assumption that the project activity displaces a proportion of all plants on the grid. Others exclude nuclear, hydro, or other renewable plants, because of their low operating costs or because it is not possible to shift the hours of generation. Another approach is to use marginal plant only, that is, assuming that those running at highest cost will be displaced first. It requires modeling of the generation of each plant for each hour in a year to determine what is being displaced and, hence, an hourly emissions rate. This approach, while most accurate, is subject to a lack of sufficient data in many developing country contexts. A.4.1.3 Step 1: Proving Additionality The methodology adopts a two-stage process for demonstrating additionality: barrier analysis and assessment of common practice as described in Table A.4.1. Table A.4.1 Proving Additionality Analyze barriers to proposed project � Identify relevant (prohibitive) barriers to investment and provide documented evidence � Explain how the approval and registration of the project as a clean development mechanism (CDM) project would enable these barriers to be overcome, for example, by providing the following: � Financial benefit through carbon revenue � Credibility benefits of having an international partner who purchases the emissions reduction and has undertaken due diligence Analysis of other activities Undertake a comprehensive analysis of activities similar 49 to the proposed project to demonstrate that the project does not constitute common practice A.4.1.4 Step 2: Defining the Baseline Scenario and Calculating the Baseline Emission Rate The OECD/IEA recommends a combined margin methodology for most grid- connected projects, where the counterfactual scenario is the ongoing expansion and operation of the overall grid. This approach reflects the fact that grid projects 49 Activities are considered similar if they are in the same country or region, using similar technologies, of similar scale, and operating in comparable environments with respect to regulatory framework, investment climate, access to technology, access to financing, and so on. Page 65 55 are likely to both affect the operation of current or future plants as well as the building of new facilities. The approach is a weighted average of the emissions in tonnes of carbon dioxide per gigawatt hour (CO 2 /GWh) of the following: � Operating margin (assuming that the project activity affects the operation of existing and new plants on the grid in the short term) � Build margin (assuming that the project activity will delay or replace the implementation of a new plant in the long term). Operating margin reflects the proje ct�s impact on the operation of the existing plant. This requires detailed information about the last plants to be dispatched to meet demand at any time, including historic dispatch data, the hourly cost of different plants, and so on. Because much of this information is difficult to obtain in the developing country context, 50 a proxy is used. The proxy is a weighted average of all plants in operation on the grid, excluding �must run� plants and those that have zero-cost fuels (hydro, geothermal, wind, low-cost biomass, for example, sugar cane bagasse and paper and pulp residues). In situations where hydro is a major component of the generating mix, an adjustment is required. The build margin attempts to predict the type of generating facility that would have been built in the absence of the CDM project. Even if the project does not displace new plant additions, it is likely to delay them, affecting all new prospective capacity. The methodology should reflect all plant types being added to the grid system, based on the recent and ongoing power plant construction activity. The IEA recommends a build margin baseline emission rate based on the generation-weighted average emissions of the most recent 20 percent of power plants or the last five plants commissioned, whichever is smaller capacity. These should be representative of the sector�s development. The methodology uses the combined margin emissions rate, which is the simple average of the operating margin and build margin rates, expressed in tonnes CO 2 /GWh. A.4.1.5 Key Issues Importance of the Monitoring Methodology. The baseline should be considered in parallel with the monitoring methodology, which provides for the following elements: � Measuring generation from the project activity � Determining on an ex post basis (that is, observable operation) the electricity sector generation and fuel consumption and plants recently commissioned to allow ex post recalculation of the baseline emissions rate � An ongoing check on the additionality of the project based on an assessment of the common practice indicator Availability of Data. In all cases, the availability of key information sources is a constraint, and collaboration with local sources is identified as an important 50 For their application to the developing country context in Chile, South Africa, and Brazil, see Road Testing Baselines for Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Projects in the Electric Power Sector , 2002. OECD and IEA Information Paper, International Energy Agency, Paris. Page 66 56 conclusion of the original IEA work. The approach offers a consistent and transparent calculation, which is readily verifiable, and offers an opportunity for a standardized baseline for use by other project proponents. Only for Grid-Connected Projects. For off-grid projects, different methodologies are proposed, and are generally simpler because off-grid electricity is typically generated using a single power source such as a diesel generator. In this case, a project-specific analysis should be undertaken. A.4.2 Fuel Switching Module A.4.2.1 Introduction This is an example of a module that can be used for a downstream component of a GFR project activity. The approved methodology 51 is composed of the following: � Proving additionality through demonstrating that the fuel switching option (the project activity) is less economically attractive than the status quo, and � Describing the baseline scenario in terms of a simple algorithm of actual fossil fuel consumption and relevant emission factors. The methodology is applicable when the following occurs: � There is an industrial fuel switching component from coal and petroleum fuels to natural gas. A.4.2.2 Proving Additionality Project additionality is proven by demonstrating that fuel switching is less financially attractive than the baseline scenario (the status quo of using higher carbon intensive fuels). This is proven by investment analysis using the computation of net present value (NPV) for the baseline and project activity using historic and projected fuel consumption and cost data. A.4.2.3 Defining the Baseline Scenario and Calculating the Baseline Emission Rate The baseline emissions are based on actual or historic emissions of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) and methane (CH 4 ) through the combustion of coal and petroleum fuels (diesel and liquefied petroleum gas [LPG]) using standard emission factors (for example, kgCO 2 per gigajoule [GJ] of lower heating value basis, kilograms methane (kgCH 4 ) per ton of coal used) and projected fuel consumption based on plant output. 51 Based on the methodology associated with the Graneros Plant Fuel Switching Project, Baseline Methodology for Industrial Fuel Switching from Coal and Petroleum Fuels to Natural Gas (NM0016) available at Page 67 57 The emission reductions are simply those of the baseline (status quo) less those of the project activity (the fuel switch). These are computed using the monitoring and verification protocol, using the following key parameters: � Quantities of fossil fuels used � Quantity of natural gas � Estimates of fugitive CH 4 emissions from pipelines � Production at the plant � Emission factors (specified by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [IPCC]) � Lower heating values (measured, LHV used for conservatism) Page 68 Page 69 59 Annex 5 Rang Dong Case Study This overview draws on the submission of the Rang Dong Oil Field Associated Gas Recovery and Utilization Project, submitted to the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Executive Board (EB) in September 2003, and subsequent public documents released by the EB. 52 It is the first gas flaring project methodology to be submitted to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). It was approved by the EB at the thirteenth meeting in March 2004, but it will still be edited before being published. Once available, it can be used by any project that meet the conditions for its use. A.5.1 Applicability of the Rang Dong Case Many aspects of the methodology are relevant and transferable to other gas flaring reduction (GFR) projects, and the process of approval, including comments made by expert reviewers, provides important information for subsequent methodologies to be developed. However, it appears unlikely that many project developers will be able to apply this methodology directly. The methodology is closely related to the accompanying project and it includes project-specific information, which is not to be recommended. No project-specific information or even references to the project should be included. The methodology applied for the Rang Dong project has several features that restrict its applicability, even for projects similar to the Rang Dong flaring reduction: � The additionality assessment put nearly all weight on the economic and financial analysis by comparing the projects internal rate of return (IRR) against a hurdle rate. The methodology states the level of the hurdle rate and the actual hurdle rate (as well as the IRR of the project). Clearly, this hurdle rate (set by the Japan Vietnam Petroleum Company Ltd. [JVPC] for overseas investments) is not generally applicable. Moreover, as argued in section 3 of this report, economic and financial analysis is often not appropriate as the only tool of additionality assessments (let alone using IRR as the sole variable of economic and financial analysis). � The methodology does not account for venting elimination, for the sake of conservatism. Instead any vented gas (in the baseline) is accounted for as carbon dioxide (CO 2 ). It seems likely that project proponents of future GFR projects would seek credits for elimination of uncombusted gas, given the fact that flare efficiency never can be 100 percent. � The methodology does not include downstream use of the gas as part of the project boundary, even if gas from Rang Dong replaces other fuel use downstream. In many similar cases, it is likely that project 52 The full PDD and the Annexes are available at as NM0026 Oil Field Associated Gas Utilization Baseline Methodology, along with expert reviewer�s reports and the Preliminary Recommendation by the Methodology Panel. Page 70 60 proponents will include these emissions in the project boundaries and seek credits for any possible emission reductions. In the overview below, key aspects with the methodology are presented. It follows the current format of the Project Design Document (PDD) Annex 3 Baseline Methodology as indicated by the headlines below. The relationship between the sections of this format (Annex 3) and the format of the new baseline methodologies (PDD-NMB), are referred to in the sections below. A.5.2 Project Background The project participants are JVPC, Vietnam Oil and Gas Corporation (PetroVietnam, state owned), PetroVietnam E&P Company, and Conoco Phillips Gama Ltd (UK). The field is located 140 kilometers off the southeast coast of Vietnam. The project activity is defined in the PDD as the recovery and utilization of associated gas (AG), which otherwise would be flared. The project activity involves the retrofitting of installation of gas compression facilities (9 MW) to recover and transport AG, and the construction of a 46 km pipeline to the neighboring field for onward transmission to an onshore gas processing plant. The AG will then be processed to dry gas, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), and condensate to be used for power supply, home cooking fuel, and octane enhancer of gasoline, respectively. The project is stated to have commenced in December 2001 (when the pipeline went into operation). The baseline of the project is considered to be flaring and in-house combustion of the AG. The greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions are achieved by using the oil field gas, compressing it, and processing it to LPG, condensates, and dry gas. These gas products replace the same or other fossil fuels sources with identical or higher carbon intensity. The methodology only takes into account emissions reductions at the production site, not at the end-use site. The project generates 6.7 million tCO 2 e over the fixed crediting period of 10 years. A.5.3 Methodology A.5.3.1 Section 1. Title of Proposed Methodology Oil field AG utilization baseline methodology. The project type is of the second category discussed in the text of this report (that is, report, capture, and transport for downstream use). The project is located at an existing installation (that is, a brown field site). 53 A.5.3.2 Section 2. Description of the Methodology The Rang Dong project methodology proposes the use of the approach in paragraph 48 (b) of the CDM modalities and procedures (that is, GHG emissions 53 The expert reviewers suggest the methodology is transferable to other gas use projects if the current practice is flaring or in-house combustion of oil field gas. Page 71 61 from technologies representing an economically attractive course of action, taking into account barriers to investment). This is based on an investment analysis methodology after evaluating legal, technical, and economic barriers to investment. The expert reviewers and the Baseline and Monitoring Methodology Panel (Meth. Panel) agreed this to be an appropriate approach. The overall approach to selecting the baseline scenario is that of the standard investment analysis. This identifies all plausible project alternatives including �business-as-usual� activity, the proposed project activity itself, and all other options that satisfy the relevant legal, regulatory, and environmental requirements��including host country priorities. The methodology then ranks all the alternatives or scenarios according to their risk-adjusted IRR, costs, or net benefits, or through qualitative arguments. The project alternative with the highest IRR (or least cost or highest net benefit) is selected as the baseline scenario. The principal types of development options for AG include the following: � Option 1: Venting, or release to the atmosphere � Option 2: Reinjection into the oil reservoir to enhance oil recovery � Option 3: Recovery, transport, and use � Option 4: Local (on-site) consumption � Option 5: Flaring, that is, conversion to CO 2 In the Rang Dong case: � Option 1 is prohibited by law in Vietnam and therefore eliminated. � Option 2 is technically feasible 54 but is expensive and less efficient compared with water injection. � Option 3 is judged to be commercially unattractive. � Option 4 is currently in use for onsite consumption of power generation, but the amount used is very small. � Option 5 is currently in use. These latter two options form the current situation, and the natural course of action would be to continue these and, hence, they are the baseline. It is demonstrated through the use of the methodology that the project activity is not the baseline. A.5.3.3 Section 3. Key Parameters and Assumptions The calculation includes the following: � Volume of AG produced (measured, usually expressed in 1,000 cubic meters [m 3 ]). � Fractional composition 55 of AG before flaring (proportion of methane and CO 2 , accurately measurable and usually expressed as percentage). 54 In many cases, the reinjection of AG offers significant resource savings and improved project economics, and would form the business-as-usual (BAU) or baseline scenario in terms of economic attractiveness. The project proponent would need to clearly justify why this is not the case for the project activity, through the identification and justification of barriers to investment. 55 The reviewers recommended that the frequency of this be reconsidered in the monitoring methodology. Page 72 62 � Carbon content of AG (calculated from the first two, usually expressed as tones of C per 1,000 m 3 ). A.5.3.4 Section 4. Project Boundary In this case, the project boundary is drawn around the Rang Dong oil field, that is, the point of production and shipping. (See Figure A.5.1) The expert reviewers also recommended including the fugitive emissions from the pipeline and gas compressor emissions in the boundary (these were previously considered negligible). Downstream emissions are not included. 56 Figure A.5.1 Description of Rang Dong Project and Project Boundary Source : Rang Dong Project Documents, 2004. The emission reductions are calculated by a simple carbon mass balance approach using monitoring points located inside and outside the project boundary. A.5.3.5 Section 5. Assessment of Uncertainties The uncertainties relate to the main parameters and assumptions outlined above, namely quantity of AG, fractional composition of the gas (which is directly measurable using commercially available metering equipment), and the loss of gas due to internal consumption (for example providing energy for gas compressor and processing facilities). The uncertainties are managed insofar as certified emission reduction (CERs) are only accrued for actual gas recovered and used (that is, delivered to the market). Projection of AG production is linked to the oil production profile. This is simulated by computer models of the reservoir. A base case of emissions and a high case are presented in the documents. The Meth. Panel has recommended a low case scenario to be presented as well. 56 For a multicomponent project this could include the downstream consumption of the AG produced by power sectors, industrial consumers, or local, household, and transport sectors. However, the end consumer is not under the control of the project participants or attributable to the project, and no credit is being sought in this particular case. Page 73 63 Finally, a change in the commercial scheme could trigger a large change in end consumption ��the output then may be used in other applications or, in the worst case, flared. A.5.3.6 Section 6. Calculation of Baselines Emissions and Determination of Project Additionality While the methodological approach for baseline development was considered appropriate, further clarification was sought by expert reviewers and the Meth. Panel on demonstrating additionality. The argument for additionality is based on economic attractiveness (that is, that the project would not have been implemented without the CDM revenue). The assessment of economical attractiveness (and IRR calculation) is complex and will take into account the following factors: � Gas reserves � Gas production profile � In-house consumption and flaring volume � Sales volume � Capital expenditure (CAPEX) � Operational expenditure (OPEX) � Cost recovery principle � Gas price escalation � Profit sharing ratio � Gas specification Option 3 ��recovery, land transport, and use��while desirable environmentally and from a resource efficiency point of view, is judged to attract an IRR of 8 to 9 percent against a minimum investment criteria of 10 percent. The proximity of IRR calculated for the project and the minimum investment criteria (hurdle rate) of the project developer was a cause for some concern for the reviewers, and additional information on the financial analysis was requested, including the following: � Justification of costs and revenue categories � Assumptions about project lifetime � Sources of data (for example, gas prices) � Justification of the proposed IRR threshold This information was subsequently supplied, including submission of a spreadsheet summary. A.5.3.7 Section 7. Leakage It is assumed that there are negligible fugitive emissions in the upstream shipping point of the gas products due to state-of-the-art infrared gas leakage detection equipment. Fugitive emissions of methane could occur as gas leaks, and this is addressed through the use of a United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Page 74 64 calculation method for fugitive emissions. 57 The Meth. Panel recommends that pipeline situations in similar socioeconomic environments are used for comparison. An important assumption is that the additional supply of gas products from the oil field does not lead to lower prices and higher consumption in the market, which would increase GHG emissions. Market share analysis of the gas products (dry gas, LPG, and condensates) from the project was compared with demand in the local market to illustrate that these supply volumes are small compared with the similar products being displaced ��in this case, imported��and will not affect prices or increase consumption. A.5.3.8 Section 8. Criteria Used in Development of the Baseline, including Conservatism and Transparency The following measures are proposed: � The assumption that all methane would be converted to CO 2 is a measure of conservatism, 58 that is, having the impact of lowering the baseline emission profile. � The CERs do not take into account the displacement of diesel consumption at the end consumer plant (which is fired by a combination of gas and diesel). � The additional financial analysis information and supporting information (for example, the full Oil Field Development Plan reference) provided by the project developer provides further transparency. A.5.3.9 Section 9. Assessment of Strengths and Weaknesses Simplicity of approach and conservatism of assumptions regarding all gases to be flared are regarded as strengths. Some weaknesses in measurements are overcome through calculation between gas recovered and delivered. A.5.3.10 Section 10. Other Considerations National and sectoral policies are taken into account in the elimination of projected development options on legal/regulatory, economic, and technical grounds. 57 Based on work undertaken by the API and referenced in the Preliminary Recommendations of the Meth. Panel. 58 The methodology recognizes that some venting would occur, that is, up to 2 percent released into the atmosphere, but argues that because of difficulties in measuring this, it should be assumed that all methane would be flared in the interest of conservativeness. Page 75 65 65 A n n e x 6 R e v i e w o f M e t h o d o l o g i e s S u b m i t t e d a s o f A p r i l 1 , 2 0 0 4 T a b l e A . 6 . 1 R e v i e w o f E x e c u t i v e B o a r d ( E B ) M e t h o d o l o g y A p p r o a c h e s a s o f M a r c h 2 0 0 4 P r o j e c t N u m b e r ( N M 0 0 0 ) N a m e a n d P r o j e c t T y p e C a r b o n P u r c h a s e r H o s t C o u n t r y E B D e c i s i o n A p p r o a c h ( R e f e r e n c e P a r a g r a p h 4 8 ) C o m m e n t s 1 V a l e d o R o s a r i o B a g a s s e C o g e n e r a t i o n B r a z i l A 4 8 ( b ) a n d 4 8 ( a ) b e c a u s e i t u s e s c o m b i n e d ( o p e r a t i n g + b u i l d ) m a r g i n . 4 8 ( a ) r e v 2 . M e t h a n e e m i s s i o n s s h o u l d b e c o n s i d e r e d p a r t o f b o u n d a r y n o t a s l e a k a g e . 2 V & M d o B r a z i l F u e l S w i t c h B r a z i l C 4 8 ( a ) a c c o r d i n g t o p r o j e c t p r o p o n e n t . 4 8 ( b ) j u d g e d t o h a v e b e e n m o r e a p p r o p r i a t e . P r o j e c t b o u n d a r i e s a n d l e a k a g e s n o t a d d r e s s e d p r o p e r l y . K e y e c o n o m i c i n f o r m a t i o n n o t p r o v i d e d . N o t a p p r o v e d . 3 M e t h a n o l P r o d u c t i o n P l a n t T r i n i d a d & T o b a g o C 4 8 ( c ) M e t h . P a n e l r e c o m m e n d s u s e o f 4 8 ( b ) . N o t t r a n s p a r e n t a n d k e y a s s u m p t i o n s n o t j u s t i f i e d . D r a f t i n g i n c o n s i s t e n c i e s . N o t a p p r o v e d . 4 S a l v a d o r d e B a h i a l a n d f i l l g a s � � n o w A M 0 0 0 2 B r a z i l A 4 8 ( b ) P u b l i c c o n c e s s i o n c o n t r a c t d e f i n e s e c o n o m i c a t t r a c t i v e n e s s . A p p l i e s w h e r e a c o n t r a c t u a l a g r e e m e n t e x i s t s t h r o u g h a p u b l i c c o n c e s s i o n c o n t r a c t , w h i c h s p e c i f i e s h o w m u c h L F G w i l l b e c a p t u r e d o r f l a r e d . 5 N o v a G e r a r L a n d f i l l G a s t o E n e r g y � � n o w A M 0 0 0 3 N C D F B r a z i l A 4 8 ( b ) A p p l i e s w h e r e C E R s a r e n o t c l a i m e d f o r a v o i d e d e l e c t r i c i t y s e c t o r e m i s s i o n s . 6 E l C a n a d a H y d r o e l e c t r i c p r o j e c t P C F G u a t e m a l a C 4 8 ( b ) l e a s t c o s t a n a l y s i s . D i s p l a c e m e n t o f t h e r m a l g e n e r a t i o n i n r e v e r s e d i s p a t c h o r d e r . I n s u f f i c i e n t m e t h o d o l o g y t o s h o w p r o j e c t a c t i v i t y i s n o t t h e b a s e l i n e . A p p r o a c h n o t w e l l d o c u m e n t e d . N o t a p p r o v e d . 7 H F C D e c o m p o s i t i o n P r o j e c t , U l s a n � � n o w A M 0 0 0 1 S o u t h K o r e a A 4 8 ( a ) I f t h e q u a n t i t y o f H F C d e s t r o y e d b y p r o j e c t e x c e e d s l e g a l r e q u i r e m e n t s , i t i s a d d i t i o n a l b e c a u s e o f h i g h e r c o s t s i n c u r r e d . A p p l i e s w h e r e l e g i s l a t i o n d o e s n o t p r o h i b i t e m i s s i o n s o f H F C t o a t m o s p h e r e . 8 P e n a s B l a n c a s H y d r o e l e c t r i c C E R U P T C o s t a R i c a C C o m b i n a t i o n o f 4 8 ( a ) a n d 4 8 ( b ) . I n s u f f i c i e n t m e t h o d o l o g y t o s h o w p r o j e c t a c t i v i t y i s n o t t h e b a s e l i n e . I n c o n s i s t e n c i e s a n d l a c k i n g i n f o r m a t i o n . N o t a p p r o v e d . 9 R i c e H u s k P o w e r � � d i s p l a c e m e n t o f g r i d e l e c t r i c i t y T h a i l a n d C 4 8 ( a ) u s i n g w e i g h t e d a v e r a g e c a r b o n e m i s s i o n f a c t o r f o r g r i d . N o m e t h o d o l o g y t o s h o w p r o j e c t a c t i v i t y i s n o t t h e b a s e l i n e . N o t a p p r o v e d . 1 0 D u r b a n L a n d f i l l G a s t o E n e r g y P C F S o u t h A f r i c a A 4 8 ( b ) T h e m e t h o d o l o g y s h o w s t h a t t h e c o s t s o f t h e p r o j e c t o p t i o n a r e g r e a t e r t h a n t h e L R M C o f t h e b a s e l i n e . A p p l i e s w h e r e p o w e r g e n e r a t i o n i s i n c l u d e d . B a s e l i n e f o r e l e c t r i c i t y g e n e r a t i o n b a s e d o n a v e r a g e g r i d e m i s s i o n f a c t o r . Page 76 66 P r o j e c t N u m b e r ( N M 0 0 0 ) N a m e a n d P r o j e c t T y p e C a r b o n P u r c h a s e r H o s t C o u n t r y E B D e c i s i o n A p p r o a c h ( R e f e r e n c e P a r a g r a p h 4 8 ) C o m m e n t s 1 1 B a g a s s e b i o m a s s ( s u g a r ) c o g e n e r a t i o n , K o p p a n . a . I n d i a C 4 8 ( a ) w e i g h t e d a v e r a g e o f g r i d e m i s s i o n s , e x c l u d i n g l a r g e h y d r o . N o m e t h o d o l o g y t o s h o w p r o j e c t a c t i v i t y i s n o t t h e b a s e l i n e . N o t a p p r o v e d . 1 2 W i g t o n W i n d F a r m P r o j e c t C E R U P T J a m a i c a B 4 8 ( a ) U s e s b u i l d m a r g i n m e t h o d o l o g y , e x c l u d i n g r e n e w a b l e s . P a n e l s u g g e s t s t h a t a l l p l a n t s s h o u l d b e i n c l u d e d i n t h e b u i l d m a r g i n . 1 3 F E L D A L e p a r H i l i r p a l m o i l m i l l b i o g a s p r o j e c t M a l a y s i a C 1 4 R i c e H u s k P o w e r � � d i s p l a c e m e n t o f s t e a m T h a i l a n d C 4 8 ( a ) N o c o n s i d e r a t i o n o f a d d i t i o n a l i t y . N o t a p p r o v e d . 1 5 R i c e H u s k P o w e r � � m e t h a n e a v o i d a n c e T h a i l a n d C 4 8 ( a ) N o c o n s i d e r a t i o n o f a d d i t i o n a l i t y . N o t a p p r o v e d . 1 6 G r a n e r o s p l a n t f u e l s w i t c h p r o j e c t ( f o o d p r o d u c t i o n s i t e ) C h i l e A 4 8 ( a ) b e c a u s e C E R s a r e b a s e d o n h i s t o r i c f u e l c o n s u m p t i o n . A d d i t i o n a l i t y , h o w e v e r , p r o v e n b y e c o n o m i c a n a l y s i s t o s h o w i t i s n o t l e a s t c o s t o p t i o n . A p p l i e s t o i n d u s t r i a l f u e l s w i t c h p r o j e c t s f r o m c o a l a n d p e t r o l e u m f u e l s t o n a t u r a l g a s , w h e r e c a p a c i t y o r l i f e t i m e o f p l a n t a r e n o t e x t e n d e d b y t h e p r o j e c t a n d w h e r e c o a l i s c h e a p e r t h a n g a s . 1 7 S t e a m s y s t e m e f f i c i e n c y a t r e f i n e r i e s i n F u s h a n C h i n a n . a . 4 8 ( b ) / 4 8 ( c ) 1 8 M e t r o g a s p a c k a g e n a t u r a l g a s c o g e n e r a t i o n C h i l e n . a . 4 8 ( a ) A p p l i e s w h e r e C H P o w n e r i s n o t i n d u s t r i a l o f f - t a k e r , s o p r o j e c t b o u n d a r y i s o n l y C H P u n i t , a n d w h e r e p l a n t s u p p l i e s o n l y a p o r t i o n o f h e a t a n d p o w e r t o i n d u s t r i a l p l a n t . 1 9 P i c h i t , R i c e H u s k P r o j e c t � � g r i d - c o n n e c t e d b i o m a s s p o w e r t h a t a v o i d s u n c o n t r o l l e d b u r n i n g o f b i o m a s s n o w A M 0 0 0 4 T h a i l a n d A 4 8 ( b ) T w o s o u r c e s o f C E R s : d i s p l a c i n g e l e c t r i c i t y a n d a v o i d e d m e t h a n e e m i s s i o n s f r o m b u r n i n g h u s k s . A p p l i e s t o g r i d - c o n n e c t e d b i o m a s s p o w e r t h a t a v o i d s u n c o n t r o l l e d b u r n i n g o f b i o m a s s . U s e s o p e r a t i n g m a r g i n / g r i d a v e r a g e c a r b o n e m i s s i o n s f a c t o r . 2 0 L a V u e l t a & L a H e r r e d u r a h y d r o e l e c t r i c C o l o m b i a n . a . 4 8 ( a ) U s e s l e a s t c o s t d i s p a t c h s i m u l a t i o n m o d e l f o r p o w e r s e c t o r b a s e l i n e , d i s p l a c e m e n t o f t h e r m a l a n d h y d r o g e n e r a t i o n . B a s e l i n e m e t h o d o l o g y f o r n e w c a p a c i t y t h a t d i s p l a c e s c e n t r a l l y d i s p a t c h e d h y d r o p o w e r ( l a r g e s h a r e o f h y d r o ) . 2 1 C E R U P T l a n d f i l l g a s m e t h o d o l o g y ( O n y x T r e m e m b e p r o j e c t ) B r a z i l A 4 8 ( b ) B a s e l i n e a s l o w e s t c o s t / h i g h e s t I R R o p t i o n a f t e r t a k i n g i n t o a c c o u n t i n v e s t m e n t b a r r i e r s a n d c o m m o n p r a c t i c e . N o C E R s f r o m e l e c t r i c i t y g e n e r a t i o n . R e c o m m e n d e d c o n s o l i d a t i o n w i t h N M 0 0 0 5 . Page 77 67 P r o j e c t N u m b e r ( N M 0 0 0 ) N a m e a n d P r o j e c t T y p e C a r b o n P u r c h a s e r H o s t C o u n t r y E B D e c i s i o n A p p r o a c h ( R e f e r e n c e P a r a g r a p h 4 8 ) C o m m e n t s 2 2 P e r a l i l l o m e t h a n e c a p t u r e a n d c o m b u s t i o n f r o m s w i n e m a n u r e t r e a t m e n t C h i l e n . a . 4 8 ( b ) A p p l i e s t o t r a d i t i o n a l o p e n l a g o o n s f o r e f f l u e n t t r e a t m e n t . D i f f e r e n t a p p r o a c h t o N M 0 0 0 3 4 b u t s a m e p r o j e c t t y p e . 2 3 E l G a l l o 3 0 M W h y d r o p r o j e c t P C F M � x i c o A 4 8 ( b ) P o w e r s e c t o r b a s e l i n e u s i n g o p e r a t i n g a n d b u i l d m a r g i n . 2 4 J e p i r a c h i W i n d p o w e r P r o j e c t P C F C o l o m b i a n . a . 4 8 ( b ) L e a s t c o s t a n a l y s i s a n d o p t i m i z a t i o n m o d e l i n g . D i s p l a c e m e n t o f g a s a n d c o a l g e n e r a t i o n . F o r R E p r o j e c t o f s m a l l c a p a c i t y a n d u n c e r t a i n a v a i l a b i l i t y , s u c h a s a w i n d f a r m , t o e x i s t i n g g r i d s y s t e m s . 2 5 R a g h u R a m a , 1 8 M W B i o m a s s P o w e r P r o j e c t i n T a m i l n a d u I n d i a n . a . 4 8 ( a ) C o m b i n e d m a r g i n g e n e r a t i o n w e i g h t e d a v e r a g e e m i s s i o n s i n e l e c t r i c i t y g r i d f o r s m a l l r e n e w a b l e s . 2 6 R a n g D o n g O i l F i e l d A s s o c i a t e d G a s R e c o v e r y a n d U t i l i z a t i o n P r o j e c t V i e t n a m A 4 8 ( b ) S t a n d a r d i n v e s t m e n t a p p r a i s a l a p p r o a c h o f t h e l i k e l y c o u r s e s o f a c t i o n . I t u s e s I R R o r N P V c a l c u l a t i o n f o r t h e m o s t l i k e l y p e r m i s s i b l e d e v e l o p m e n t o p t i o n s t h r o u g h e l i m i n a t i o n o n t h e b a s i s o f j u s t i f i a b l e q u a l i t a t i v e f a c t o r s ( o r b a r r i e r s ) . 2 7 A l t e r n a t i v e I n v e s t m e n t A n a l y s i s : C a t a n d u v a S u g a r c a n e M i l l C E R U P T B r a z i l n . a . 4 8 ( b ) i n v e s t m e n t a p p r a i s a l i s b a s e l i n e . A d d i t i o n a l i t y e s t a b l i s h e d t h r o u g h d e m o n s t r a t i n g n o t m o s t l i k e l y c o u r s e o f a c t i o n . A p p l i e s t o g r i d - c o n n e c t e d p r o j e c t s w h e r e d e m a n d a n d c a p a c i t y a r e e x p e c t e d t o g r o w , g r i d i s l a r g e ( 2 0 t i m e s p r o j e c t ) , a n d n a t i o n a l e x p a n s i o n p l a n s e x i s t . 2 8 T A S u g a r s c o g e n e r a t i o n a n d f u e l s w i t c h p r o j e c t � � f u e l s w i t c h c o m p o n e n t P C F I n d i a n . a . 4 8 ( b ) s t a n d a r d i n v e s t m e n t a p p r a i s a l a p p r o a c h . A n a l y s i s o f l e a s t c o s t f u e l o p t i o n f o r c o g e n e r a t i o n p l a n t . 2 9 V & M d o B r a s i l A v o i d e d F u e l S w i t c h P r o j e c t ( c h a r c o a l t o c o k e ) B r a z i l n . a . 4 8 ( b ) s t a n d a r d i n v e s t m e n t a p p r a i s a l a p p r o a c h . 3 0 H a i d e r g a r h S u g a r B a g a s s e B a s e d C o g e n e r a t i o n P o w e r P r o j e c t I n d i a n . a . 4 8 ( a ) m o d i f i e d c o m b i n e d m a r g i n m e t h o d i s b a s e l i n e . A d d i t i o n a l i t y e s t a b l i s h e d t h r o u g h b a r r i e r s a p p r o a c h . A p p l i c a t i o n t o g r i d - c o n n e c t e d R E p r o j e c t s . 3 1 O S I L � � 1 0 M W W a s t e H e a t R e c o v e r y B a s e d C a p t i v e P o w e r P r o j e c t I n d i a n . a . 4 8 ( a ) b e c a u s e c a p t i v e p o w e r r e p l a c e s o r a v o i d s / d e l a y s e q u i v a l e n t a m o u n t o f g r i d e l e c t r i c i t y . O p e r a t i n g m a r g i n e l e c t r i c i t y s e c t o r a p p r o a c h . 3 2 M u n i c i p a l S o l i d W a s t e T r e a t m e n t c u m E n e r g y G e n e r a t i o n , L u c k n o w P C F I n d i a A 4 8 ( a ) M a s s b a l a n c e a p p r o a c h ( t h e o r e t i c a l g a s y i e l d ) f o r m e t h a n e e m i s s i o n s . 3 3 C a r t a g o C e m e n t P l a n t E x p a n s i o n P r o j e c t C E R U P T C o s t a R i c a n . a . 4 8 ( b ) T o s h o w p r o j e c t a c t i v i t y i s n o t e c o n o m i c a l l y m o s t l i k e l y c o u r s e o f a c t i o n . A p p l i e s t o s i t e w h e r e k i l n i s r e p l a c e d r a t h e r t h a n u p g r a d e d b e f o r e e n d o f e c o n o m i c l i f e . Page 78 68 P r o j e c t N u m b e r ( N M 0 0 0 ) N a m e a n d P r o j e c t T y p e C a r b o n P u r c h a s e r H o s t C o u n t r y E B D e c i s i o n A p p r o a c h ( R e f e r e n c e P a r a g r a p h 4 8 ) C o m m e n t s 3 4 G r a n j a B e c k e r G H G P r o j e c t , A n i m a l F e e d O p e r a t i o n B r a z i l n . a . 4 8 ( c ) T h e b a s e l i n e i s d e r i v e d f r o m a G H G e m i s s i o n s m o d e l t h a t c h a r a c t e r i z e s p e r f o r m a n c e o f d i f f e r e n t a n i m a l w a s t e m a n a g e m e n t p r a c t i c e s i n t h e r e g i o n , i n c l u d i n g a n y h o s t c o u n t r y r e q u i r e m e n t s t o m i t i g a t e e m i s s i o n s f r o m a n i m a l m a n u r e . A p p l i c a b l e t o a n y l i v e s t o c k f e e d i n g o p e r a t i o n i n a d e v e l o p i n g c o u n t r y t h a t d o e s n o t r e q u i r e c a p t u r e , u s e , a n d / o r d e s t r u c t i o n o f g a s e s e m i t t e d f r o m t h e d e c o m p o s i t i o n o f a n i m a l e f f l u e n t s ( m e t h a n e a n d n i t r o u s o x i d e ) . 3 5 T A S u g a r s c o g e n e r a t i o n a n d f u e l s w i t c h p r o j e c t � � c a p a c i t y a u g m e n t a t i o n c o m p o n e n t P C F I n d i a n . a . 4 8 ( b ) i n v e s t m e n t a p p r a i s a l a p p r o a c h . A p p l i e s t o f i n a n c i a l a n a l y s i s o f e x p a n s i o n o f c o g e n e r a t i o n a c t i v i t y f o r g e n e r a t i o n a n d d e l i v e r y o f e l e c t r i c i t y t o a g r i d . 3 6 Z a f a r a n a 1 2 0 M W W i n d P o w e r P l a n t P r o j e c t E g y p t n . a . 4 8 ( a ) b e c a u s e m e t h o d o l o g y i s b a s e d o n O E C D c o m b i n e d m a r g i n b a s e l i n e , u s i n g h i s t o r i c d a t a . B a r r i e r s a p p r o a c h u s e d f i r s t t o e s t a b l i s h a d d i t i o n a l i t y . 3 7 E n e r g y e f f i c i e n c y p r o j e c t b y m o d i f i c a t i o n o f C O 2 r e m o v a l s y s t e m o f A m m o n i a P l a n t t o r e d u c e s t e a m c o n s u m p t i o n I n d i a n . a . 4 8 ( a ) 3 8 M e t h a n e G a s C a p t u r e a n d E l e c t r i c i t y P r o d u c t i o n a t C h i s i n a u W a s t e w a t e r T r e a t m e n t P l a n t D e n m a r k M o l d o v a n . a . 4 8 ( b ) b a s e d o n e c o n o m i c a t t r a c t i v e n e s s ( I R R ) . 3 9 B u m i b i o p o w e r M e t h a n e E x t r a c t i o n a n d P o w e r G e n e r a t i o n P r o j e c t J a p a n M a l a y s i a n . a . 4 8 ( a ) E x t r a c t i o n o f m e t h a n e f r o m p a l m o i l m i l l e f f l u e n t f o r b i o g a s g e n e r a t i o n . 4 1 K h o r a t W a s t e t o E n e r g y P r o j e c t , T h a i l a n d n . a . 4 8 ( a ) w i t h u s e o f b a r r i e r s f o r a d d i t i o n a l i t y t e s t i n g . A p p l i c a b l e t o e x i s t i n g i n d u s t r i a l w a s t e w a t e r t r e a t m e n t w i t h h i g h o r g a n i c l o a d i n g . 4 2 E n e r g y E f f i c i e n c y I m p r o v e m e n t s i n M u n i c i p a l W a t e r U t i l i t i e s i n K a r n a t a k a � � p u m p i n g e f f i c i e n c y i m p r o v e m e n t P C F I n d i a n . a . 4 8 ( a ) 4 3 B a y a n o H y d r o e l e c t r i c E x p a n s i o n a n d U p g r a d e P r o j e c t P a n a m a n . a . 4 8 ( a ) u s i n g c o m b i n e d m a r g i n a p p r o a c h f o r g r i d - c o n n e c t e d e l e c t r i c i t y . Page 79 69 P r o j e c t N u m b e r ( N M 0 0 0 ) N a m e a n d P r o j e c t T y p e C a r b o n P u r c h a s e r H o s t C o u n t r y E B D e c i s i o n A p p r o a c h ( R e f e r e n c e P a r a g r a p h 4 8 ) C o m m e n t s 4 4 E n e r g y E f f i c i e n c y I m p r o v e m e n t s i n M u n i c i p a l W a t e r U t i l i t i e s i n K a r n a t a k a � � p o w e r f a c t o r i m p r o v e m e n t s P C F I n d i a n . a . 4 8 ( a ) w i t h c o m m o n p r a c t i c e f o r a d d i t i o n a l i t y t e s t . 4 5 O p t i m a l U t i l i z a t i o n o f C l i n k e r a n d C o n v e r s i o n F a c t o r I m p r o v e m e n t I n d i a n . a . 4 8 ( c ) 4 6 A n d i j a n D i s t r i c t H e a t i n g P r o j e c t P C F U z b e k i s t a n n . a . 4 8 ( b ) s i m p l i f i e d l e a s t c o s t a n d s c e n a r i o a n a l y s i s . 4 7 I n d o c e m e n t � s S u s t a i n a b l e C e m e n t P r o d u c t i o n P r o j e c t � � B l e n d e d C e m e n t C o m p o n e n t P C F I n d o n e s i a n . a . 4 8 ( a ) A d d i t i o n a l i t y b a s e d o n b a r r i e r s a n d d e m o n s t r a t i n g c o m m o n p r a c t i c e . 4 8 I n d o c e m e n t � s S u s t a i n a b l e C e m e n t P r o d u c t i o n P r o j e c t � � A l t e r n a t i v e F u e l C o m p o n e n t P C F I n d o n e s i a n . a . 4 8 ( a ) A d d i t i o n a l i t y b a s e d o n b a r r i e r s a n d d e m o n s t r a t i n g c o m m o n p r a c t i c e . S i m i l a r t o N M 0 0 2 3 . S o u r c e : R e v i e w o f p u b l i c d o c u m e n t s f r o m U n i t e d N a t i o n s F r a m e w o r k C o n v e n t i o n o n C l i m a t e C h a n g e ( U N F C C C ) w e b s i t e h t t p : / / c d m . u n f c c c . i n t / m e t h o d o l o g i e s a s o f A p r i l 1 , 2 0 0 4 . Page 80 Page 81 71 7 1 Annex 7 Glossary of CDM Terms Annexes 7 and 8 are provided for reference purposes only and comprise edited highlights of the guidelines and forms taken from the UNFCC website. Please refer to the UNFCC 59 website for complete guidance documents. The following CDM glossary intends to assist in clarifying terms used in the Project Design Document (CDM-PDD), the Proposed New Methodology: Baseline (CDM-NMB) and the Proposed New Methodology: Monitoring (CDM-NMM) and the in the CDM modalities and procedures in order to facilitate the completion of the CDM-PDD, CDM-NMB and CDM-NMM by project participants. Clean development mechanism (CDM): Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol defines the clean development mechanism. "The purpose of the clean development mechanism shall be to assist Parties 60 not included in Annex I in achieving sustainable development and in contributing to the ultimate objective of the Convention, and to assist Parties included in Annex I in achieving compliance with their quantified emission limitation and reduction commitments under article 3." At its seventh session, the Conference of the Parties (COP) adopted modalities and procedures for a clean development mechanism (CDM modalities and procedures, see annex to decision 17/CP.7, document FCCC/CP/2001/13/Add.2) and agreed on a prompt start of the CDM by establishing an Executive Board and agreeing that until the entry into force of the Kyoto Protocol (a) this Board should act as the Executive Board of the CDM and (b) the Conference of the Parties (COP) should act as the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (COP/MOP) as required by the Protocol and the CDM modalities and procedures. Terms in alphabetical order: "Attributable": See "measurable and attributable". Authorization of a private and/or public entity to participate in a CDM project activity: The authorization of a private and/or public entity, to participate in a CDM project activity referred to in paragraph 33 of the modalities and procedures, is provided in writing by the DNA of the Party pursuant to the laws of which the private and/or public entity is constituted as a legal entity. In the case of a bilateral or multilateral fund wishing to be a project participant, Party(ies) which is/are directly or indirectly party(ies) to the fund shall provide the required authorization. In the case of a private equity fund wishing to be a project participant, the DNA of the Party in which the entity is a legal entity shall provide the required authorization. The authorization referred to in the above three paragraphs: 59 60 In this glossary, the term "Party" is used as defined in the Kyoto Protocol: "Party" means, unless the context otherwise indicates, a Party to the Protocol. "Party included in Annex I" means a Party included in Annex I to the Convention, as may be amended, or a Party which has made a notification under Article 4, paragraph 2(g), of the Convention. Page 82 72 � may be included in the written approval referred to in paragraph 40 (a) of the CDM modalities and procedures. � can pertain to a specific project activity or be of a general character. The DOE shall receive documentation of the authorization. Baseline: See baseline scenario. Baseline approach: A baseline approach is the basis for a baseline methodology. The Executive Board agreed that the three approaches identified in sub- paragraphs 48 (a) to (c) of the CDM modalities and procedures be the only ones applicable to CDM project activities. They are: � Existing actual or historical emissions, as applicable; or � Emissions from a technology that represents an economically attractive course of action, taking into account barriers to investment; or � The average emissions of similar project activities undertaken in the previous five years, in similar social, economic, environmental and technological circumstances, and whose performance is among the top 20 per cent of their category. Baseline methodology: A methodology is an application of an approach as defined in paragraph 48 of the CDM modalities and procedures, to an individual project activity, reflecting aspects such as sector and region. No methodology is excluded a priori so that project participants have the opportunity to propose a methodology. In considering paragraph 48, the Executive Board agreed that, in the two cases below, the following applies: � Case of a new methodology: In developing a baseline methodology, the first step is to identify the most appropriate approach for the project activity and then an applicable methodology; � Case of an approved methodology: In opting for an approved methodology, project participants have implicitly chosen an approach. Baseline �new methodology: Project participants may propose a new baseline methodology established in a transparent and conservative manner. In developing a new baseline methodology, the first step is to identify the most appropriate approach for the project activity and then an applicable methodology. Project participants shall submit a proposal for a new methodology to a designated operational entity by forwarding a completed "Proposed New Methodology: Baseline (CDM-NMB)" along with a completed "Proposed New Methodology: Monitoring (CDM-NMM)" and the Project Design Document (CDM-PDD) with sections A to E completed in order to demonstrate the application of the proposed new methodology to a proposed project activity. The proposed new methodology will be treated as follows: If the designated operational entity determines that it is a new methodology, it will forward, without further analysis, the documentation to the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall expeditiously, if possible at its next meeting but not later than four months review the proposed methodology. Once approved by the Executive Board it shall make the approved methodology publicly available along with any relevant guidance and the designated operational entity may proceed with the validation of the project activity (applying the approved methodology) Page 83 73 and submit the project design document for registration. In the event that the COP/MOP requests the revision of an approved methodology, no CDM project activity may use this methodology. The project participants shall revise the methodology, as appropriate, taking into consideration any guidance received. Baseline - approved methodology: A baseline methodology approved by the Executive Board is publicly available along with relevant guidance on the UNFCCC CDM website ( or through a written request sent to or Fax: (49-228) 815-1999. Baseline scenario: The baseline for a CDM project activity is the scenario that reasonably represents the anthropogenic emissions by sources of greenhouse gases (GHG) that would occur in the absence of the proposed project activity. A baseline shall cover emissions from all gases, sectors and source categories listed in Annex A (of the Kyoto Protocol) within the project boundary. A baseline shall be deemed to reasonably represent the anthropogenic emissions by sources that would occur in the absence of the proposed project activity if it is derived using a baseline methodology referred to in paragraphs 37 and 38 of the CDM modalities and procedures. Different scenarios may be elaborated as potential evolutions of the situation existing before the proposed CDM project activity. The continuation of a current activity could be one of them; implementing the proposed project activity may be another; and many others could be envisaged. Baseline methodologies shall require a narrative description of all reasonable baseline scenarios. To elaborate the different scenarios, different elements shall be taken into consideration, including related guidance issued by the Executive Board. For instance, the project participants shall take into account national / sectoral policies and circumstances, ongoing technological improvements, investment barriers, etc. (see Appendix C paragraph b (vii) and paragraphs 45 (e), 46, 48 (b) of decision 17/CP.7). Crediting period: The crediting period for a CDM project activity is the period for which reductions from the baseline are verified and certified by a designated operational entity for the purpose of issuance of certified emission reductions (CERs). Project participants shall choose the starting date of a crediting period to be after the date the first emission reductions are generated by the CDM project activity. A crediting period shall not extend beyond the operational lifetime of the project activity. The crediting period may only start after the date of registration of the proposed activity as a CDM project activity. In exceptional cases, for project activities starting between 1 January 2000 and the date of the registration of a first clean development mechanism project, the starting date of the crediting period may be prior to the date of registration of the project activity if the project activity is submitted for registration before 31 December 2005 (please refer to paras 12 and 13 of decision 17/CP.7, paragraph 1 (c) of decision 18/CP.9 and clarifications by the Executive Board, available on the UNFCCC CDM website). The project participants may choose between two options for the length of a crediting period: (i) fixed crediting period or (ii) renewable crediting period, as defined in paragraph 49 (a) and (b) of the CDMM&P. Page 84 74 Crediting period �fixed (also fixed crediting period): "Fixed Crediting Period" is one of two options for determining the length of a crediting period. In the case of this option, the length and starting date of the period is determined once for a project activity with no possibility of renewal or extension once the project activity has been registered. The length of the period can be a maximum of ten years for a proposed CDM project activity. (paragraph 49 (b) of CDM modalities and procedures). Crediting period�renewable (also renewable crediting period): "Renewable crediting period" is one of two options for determining the length of a crediting period. In the case of this option, a single crediting period may be of a maximum of seven years. The crediting period may be renewed at most two times (maximum 21 years), provided that, for each renewal, a designated operational entity determines that the original project baseline is still valid or has been updated taking account of new data, where applicable, and informs the Executive Board accordingly (paragraph 49 (a) of the CDM modalities and procedures). The starting date and length of the first crediting period has to be determined before registration. Certification: Certification is the written assurance by the designated operational entity that, during a specified time period, a project activity achieved the reductions in anthropogenic emissions by sources of greenhouse gases (GHG) as verified. Certified emission reductions (CERs): A certified emission reduction or CER is a unit issued pursuant to Article 12 and requirements thereunder, as well as the relevant provisions in the CDM modalities and procedures, and is equal to one metric tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent, calculated using global warming potentials defined by decision 2/CP.3 or as subsequently revised in accordance with Article 5 of the Kyoto Protocol. Conservative: See "Transparent and conservative". Designated operational entity (DOE): An entity designated by the COP/MOP, based on the recommendation by the Executive Board, as qualified to validate proposed CDM project activities as well as verify and certify reductions in anthropogenic emissions by sources of greenhouse gases (GHG). A designated operational entity shall perform validation or verification and certification on the same CDM project activity. Upon request, the Executive Board may however allow a single DOE to perform all these functions within a single CDM project activity. COP at its eight session decided that the Executive Board may designate on a provisional basis operational entities (please refer to decision 21/CP.8). Fixed Crediting Period: See crediting period �fixed. Host Party: A Party not included in Annex I to the Convention on whose territory the CDM project activity is physically located. A project activity located in several countries has several host Parties. At the time of registration, a Host Party shall meet the requirements for participation as defined in paragraphs 28 to 30 of the CDM modalities and procedures. Issuance of certified emission reductions (CERs): Issuance of CERs refers to the instruction by the Executive Board to the CDM registry administrator to issue a specified quantity of CERs for a project activity into the pending account of the Page 85 75 Executive Board in the CDM registry, in accordance with paragraph 66 and Appendix D of the CDM modalities and procedures. Upon issuance of CERs, the CDM registry administrator shall, in accordance with paragraph 66 of CDM modalities and procedures, promptly forward the CERs to the registry accounts of project participants involved, in accordance with their request, having deducted the quantity of CERs corresponding to the share of proceeds to cover administrative expenses for the Executive Board and to assist in meeting costs of adaptation for developing countries vulnerable to adverse impacts of climate change, respectively, in accordance with Article 12, paragraph 8, to the appropriate accounts in the CDM registry for the management of the share of proceeds. Leakage: Leakage is defined as the net change of anthropogenic emissions by sources of greenhouse gases (GHG) which occurs outside the project boundary, and which is measurable and attributable to the CDM project activity. Measurable and attributable: In an operational context, the terms measurable and attributable in paragraph 51 (project boundary) of the CDM modalities and procedures should be read as "which can be measured" and "directly attributable", respectively Monitoring of a CDM project activity: Monitoring refers to the collection and archiving of all relevant data necessary for determining the baseline, measuring anthropogenic emissions by sources of greenhouse gases (GHG) within the project boundary of a CDM project activity and leakage, as applicable. Monitoring methodology: A monitoring methodology refers to the method used by project participants for the collection and archiving of all relevant data necessary for the implementation of the monitoring plan. Monitoring methodology �approved: A monitoring methodology approved by the Executive Board and made publicly available along with relevant guidance. Monitoring methodology�new: Project participants may propose a new monitoring methodology. In developing a monitoring methodology, the first step is to identify the most appropriate methodology bearing in mind good monitoring practice in relevant sectors. Project participants shall submit a proposal for a new methodology to a designated operational entity by forwarding a completed "Proposed New Methodology: Baseline (CDM-NMB)" along with a completed "Proposed New Methodology: Monitoring (CDMNMM)" and the project design document (CDM-PDD) with sections A to E completed in order to demonstrate the application of the proposed new methodology to a proposed project activity. A new proposed methodology will be treated as follows: If the designated operational entity determines that it is a new methodology, it will forward, without further analysis, the documentation to the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall expeditiously, if possible at its next meeting but not later than four months review the proposed methodology. Once approved by the Executive Board it shall make the approved methodology publicly available along with any relevant guidance and the designated operational entity may proceed with the validation of the project activity (applying the approved methodology) and submit the project design document for registration. In the event that the COP/MOP requests the revision of an approved methodology, no CDM project Page 86 76 activity may use this methodology. The project participants shall revise the methodology, as appropriate, taking into consideration any guidance received. Operational lifetime of a project activity: It is defined as the period during which the project activity is in operation. No crediting period shall end after the end of the operational lifetime (calculated as from starting date). Project activity: A project activity is a measure, operation or an action that aims at reducing greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions. The Kyoto Protocol and the CDM modalities and procedures use the term "project activity" as opposed to "project". A project activity could, therefore, be identical with or a component or aspect of a project undertaken or planned. Project boundary: The project boundary shall encompass all anthropogenic emissions by sources of greenhouse gases (GHG) under the control of the project participants that are significant and reasonably attributable to the CDM project activity. The Panel on methodologies (Meth Panel) shall develop specific proposals for consideration by the Executive Board on how to operationalize the terms "under the control of", "significant" and "reasonably attributable", as contained in paragraph 52 and appendix C, paragraphs (a) (iii) and (b) (vi) of the CDM modalities and procedures. Pending decisions by the Executive Board on these terms, project participants are invited to explain their interpretation of such terms when completing and submitting the CDM-NMB and CDM-NMM. Project participants: In accordance with the use of the term project participant in the CDM modalities and procedures, a project participant is (a) a Party involved, and/or (b) a private and/or public entity authorized by a Party to participate in a CDM project activity. In accordance with Appendix D of the CDM modalities and procedures, the decision on the distribution of CERs from a CDM project activity shall exclusively be taken by project participants. Project participants shall communicate with the Executive Board, through the secretariat, in writing in accordance with the "modalities of communication" submitted together with the registration form. If a project participant does not wish to be involved in taking decisions on the distribution of CERs, this shall be communicated to the Executive Board through the secretariat at the latest when the request regarding the distribution is made. See also. "Authorization of a private and/or public entity to participate in a CDM project activity " and "Request for distribution of CERs " Renewable crediting period: See Crediting period �renewable. Request for distribution of CERs: The request regarding the distribution of CERs can only be changed if all signatories of the previous instruction have agreed to the change and signed the appropriate document. A change of project participants shall immediately be communicated to the Executive Board through the secretariat. The indication of change shall be signed by all project participants of the previous communication and by all new and remaining project participants. Each new project participant needs authorization, as required. Page 87 77 Stakeholders: Stakeholders mean the public, including individuals, groups or communities affected, or likely to be affected, by the proposed CDM project activity or actions leading to the implementation of such an activity. Starting date of a CDM project activity: The starting date of a CDM project activity is the date at which the implementation or construction or real action of a project activity begins. Project activities starting between 1 January 2000 and the date of the registration of a first clean development mechanism project have to provide documentation, at the time of registration, showing that the starting date fell within this period, if the project activity is submitted for registration before 31 December 2005. Transparent and conservative: Establishing a baseline in a transparent and conservative manner (paragraph 45 (b) of the CDM modalities and procedures) means that assumptions are made explicitly and choices are substantiated. In case of uncertainty regarding values of variables and parameters, the establishment of a baseline is considered conservative if the resulting projection of the baseline does not lead to an overestimation of emission reductions attributable to a CDM project activity (that is, in the case of doubt, values that generate a lower baseline projection shall be used). Registration: Registration is the formal acceptance by the Executive Board of a validated project activity as a CDM project activity. Registration is the prerequisite for the verification, certification and issuance of CERs related to that project activity. Validation: Validation is the process of independent evaluation of a project activity by a designated operational entity against the requirements of the CDM as set out in decision 17/CP.7 its annex and relevant decisions of the COP/MOP, on the basis of the project design document (CDM-PDD). Verification: Verification is the periodic independent review and ex post determination by a designated operational entity of monitored reductions in anthropogenic emissions by sources of greenhouse gases (GHG) that have occurred as a result of a registered CDM project activity during the verification period. There is no prescribed length of the verification period. It shall, however, not be longer than the crediting period. Page 88 Page 89 79 7 9 Annex 8 Proposed New Methodology (CDM-NMB) Baseline Section A. Identification of Methodology A.1. Proposed methodology title: Provide an unambiguous title for a proposed methodology. Avoid project-specific titles. The title, once approved, should allow project participants to get an indication of the applicability of an approved methodology. A.2. List of category (ies) of project activity to which the methodology may apply: Use the list of categories of project activities and of registered CDM project activities by category available on the UNFCCC CDM website, please specify the category (ies) of project activities for which this proposed new methodology may be used. If no suitable category (ies) of project activities can be identified, please suggest a new category (ies) descriptor and its definition, being guided by relevant information on the UNFCCC CDM website. A.3. Conditions under which the methodology is applicable to CDM project activities: Provide conditions under which the methodology is applicable to CDM project activities: (e.g. circumstances, region, data, availability, resource availability). Please indicate if an approved methodology exists for the same conditions of application. A.4. What are the potential strengths and weaknesses of this proposed new methodology? Please outline how the accuracy and completeness of the new methodology compares to that of approved methodologies, in particular with regard to approved methodologies for the same conditions of application. Section B. Overall Summary Description Summarize the description of the proposed new methodology. Provide information on how baseline emissions are determined. Provide step �by� step instructions for the baseline methodology, including how through the methodology, it can be demonstrated that a project activity is additional and therefore not the baseline scenario (detailed explanation of the methodology to be provided in section 6). Please do not exceed more than 1 page. Page 90 80 Section C. Choice of and Justification As to Why One of the Baseline Approaches Listed in Paragraph 48 of CDM Modalities and Procedures is Considered to be the Most Appropriate C.1 General baseline approach: Please check a single option. If the third approach is being checked kindly refer to additional guidance provided by the Executive Board �(see guidance and clarifications by the Executive Board on the �guidance�clarifications� web page of the UNFCCC CDM website). C.2. Justification of why the approach chosen in C.1 above is considered the most appropriate: Section D. Explanation and Justification of the Proposed New Baseline Methodology In accordance with the guidance of the Executive Board, a proposed new methodology shall explain how a project activity using the methodology can demonstrate that it is additional, that is different, from the baseline scenario. Project participants shall therefore describe how to develop the baseline scenario and �how the baseline methodology addresses� the determination of whether the project is additional.� In addition, the methodology shall provide elements to calculate the emissions of the baseline. The project participants shall ensure consistency between the elaboration of the baseline scenario and the procedure and formulae to calculate the emissions of the baseline. D.1 Explanation of how the methodology determines the baseline scenario (that is, indicate the scenario that reasonably represents the anthropogenic emissions by sources of greenhouse gases (GHG) that would occur in the absence of the proposed project activity): Please state the basic assumptions of the baseline methodology and describe the key analytical steps that should be followed in determining the baseline scenario. Describe how the methodology determines the most likely scenario�the baseline scenario�from among the plausible scenario alternatives. D.2. Criteria used in developing the proposed baseline methodology: Page 91 81 D.3. Explanation of how, through the methodology, it can be demonstrated that a project activity is additional and therefore not the baseline scenario (section B.3 of the CDM � PDD): Paragraph 43 of the CDM modalities and procedures stipulates that a CDM project activity is additional if its emissions are below those of its baseline (see guid ance by the EB at its fifth meeting). �The baseline for a CDM project activity is the scenario that reasonably represents the anthropogenic emissions by sources of greenhouse gases that would occur in the absence of the proposed project activity� (paragraph 44 CDM modalities and procedures). Please refer to guidance and clarifications on baseline and monitoring methodologies in the Guidance/Clarifications section of the UNFCCC CDM website. Please also include information on algorithms and formulae, if used. D.4. How national and/or sectoral policies and circumstances can be taken into account by the methodology: D.5. Project boundary (gases and sources included, physical delineation): Please describe and justify the project boundary bearing in mind that it shall encompass all anthropogenic emissions by sources of greenhouse gases under the control of the project participants that are significant and reasonably attributable to the project activity. Please describe and justify which the boundary. D.6. Elaborate and justify formulae/algorithms used to determine the baseline scenario. Variables, fixed parameters and values have to be reported (e.g. fuel(s) used, fuel consumption rates): Elaborate and justify formulae/algorithms used to determine the emissions from the project activity. Variables, fixed parameters and values have to be reported (e.g. fuel(s) used, fuel consumption rates): D.8. Description of how the baseline methodology addresses any potential leakage of the project activity: Please note: Leakage is defined as the net change of anthropogenic emissions by sources of greenhouse gases which occurs outside the project boundary and which is measurable and attributable to the CDM project activity. Please explain how leakage is to be estimated ax-ante and indicate in the monitoring methodology form (CDM-NMM) how it is to be monitored ex-post. Explain if leakage will be assumed or calculated either as a relative amount (i.e. percentage) of the total emission reduction due to the project activity or as an absolute amount of emissions. Please describe algorithms, data, information and assumptions and provide the total estimate of leakage. Also include formulae and algorithms to be used in section E of the CDM-PDD attached. D.9. Elaborate and justify formulae/algorithms used to determine the emissions reductions from the project activity. Variables, fixed parameters and values have to be reported (e.g. fuel(s) used fuel consumption rate): Page 92 82 Section E. Data Sources and Assumptions E.1. Describe parameters and/or assumptions (including emission factors and activity levels): E.2. List of data used indicating sources (e.g. official statistics, expert judgment, proprietary data, IPCC, commercial and scientific literature) and precise references and justify the appropriateness of the choice of such data: E.3. Vintage of data (e.g. relative to starting date of the project activity): E.4. Spatial level of data (local, regional, national): Section F. Assessment of Uncertainties (Sensitivity to Key Factors and Assumptions) Please highlight any factors and assumptions that would have a significant impact on the baseline and/or the calculation of baseline emission levels and how uncertainty related to those assumptions and factors are to addressed. Section G. Explanation of How the Baseline Methodology Allows for the Development of Baselines in a Transparent and Conservative Manner Page 93 83 Monitoring (CDM-NMM) Section A: Identification of methodology: A.1. Proposed methodology title: Provide an unambiguous title for a proposed methodology. Avoid project-specific titles. The title, once approved, should allow project participants to get an indication of the applicability of an approved methodology. A.2. List of category (ies) of project activity to which the methodology may apply: Use the list of categories of project activities and of registered CDM project activities by category available on the UNFCCC CDM website, please specify the category (ies) of project activities for which this proposed new methodology can be used. If no suitable category (ies) of project activities can be identified, please suggest a new category (ies) descriptor and its definition, being guided by relevant information on the UNFCCC CDM website. A.3. Conditions under which the methodology is applicable to CDM project activities: Provide conditions under which the methodology is applicable to CDM project activities: (e.g. circumstances, region, data, availability, resource availability). Please indicate if an approved methodology exists for the same conditions of application. A.4. What are the potential strengths and weaknesses of this proposed new methodology? Please outline how the accuracy and completeness of the new methodology compares to that of approved methodologies, in particular with regard to approved methodologies for the same conditions of application. Section B. Proposed new monitoring methodology Please provide a detailed description plan, including the identification of data and its quality with regard to accuracy, comparability, completeness and validity. Different types of project activities will have different monitoring requirements. For some project activities, emissions reductions are calculated as the differences between the project activity and the baseline emissions. For others emission reductions are monitored directly. Depending on the type of project activity, please fill out their option 1 or option 2. Option 1 (section 2.2): Please describe the data and information that will be collected in order to monitor the emissions in the baseline scenario and the project scenario. Option 2 (section 2.3): Please describe the data and information that will be collected in order to directly monitor and calculate the emission reductions from the project activity. B.1. Brief description of the new methodology: Page 94 84 Please outline the main points and give a reference to a detailed description of the monitoring methodology. B.2. Option 1: Monitoring of the emissions in the project scenario and the baseline scenario: B.2.1. Data to be collected or used in order to monitor emissions from the project activity, and how this data will be archived: Monitored data shall be archived for 2 years following the end of the crediting period. Header of table and titles of columns shall not be modified and columns shall not be deleted. Please add rows to the table below, as needed. B.2.2. Description of formulae used to estimate project emissions (for each gas, source, formulae/algorithm, emissions units of CO 2e ): Formulae should be consistent with the formulae outlined in the description of the baseline methodology. B.2.3. Relevant data necessary for determining the baseline of anthropogenic emissions by source of greenhouses gases (GHG) within the project boundary and how such data will be collected and archived: Monitored data shall be archived for 2 years following the end of the crediting period. Header of table and titles of columns shall not be modified and columns shall not be deleted. Please add rows to the table below, as needed. B.2.4. Description of formulae used to estimate baseline emissions (for each gas, source, formulae/algorithm, emissions units of CO 2e ): Formulae should be consistent with the formulae outlined in the description of the baseline methodology. B.3. Option 2: Direct Monitoring of Emission Reductions from the Project Activity Value should be consistent with those in section E of the CDM-PDD. B.3.1. Data to be collected or used in order to monitor emissions from the project activity, and how data will be archived. Monitored data shall be archived for 2 years following the end of the crediting period. Header of table and titles of columns shall not be modified and columns shall not be deleted. Please add rows to the table below, as needed. B.3.2. Description of formulae used to calculate project emissions (for each gas, source, formulae/algorithm, emissions units of CO 2e ): Formulae should be consistent with the formulae outlined in the description of the baseline methodology. B.4. Treatment of leakage in the monitoring plan: Page 95 85 Please explain if leakage will be monitored during the implementation of the project activity. If relevant, please explain and justify if leakage will not be estimated ex-post. Explain if leakage will be calculated as the difference between emissions occurring outside the boundaries of the project and emissions in the baseline scenario, or if leakage will be monitored directly. B.4.1. If applicable, please describe the data and information that will be collected in order to monitor leakage effects of the project activity: Monitored data shall be archived for 2 years following the end of the crediting period. Header of table and titles of columns shall not be modified and columns shall not be deleted. Please add rows to the table below, as needed. B.4.2. Description of formulae used to estimate leakage (for each gas, source, formulae/algorithm, emissions units of CO 2e ): Formulae should be consistent with the formulae outlined in the description of the baseline methodology. B.5. Description of formulae used to estimate emission reductions for the project activity (for each gas, source, formulae/algorithm, emissions units of CO 2e ): Formulae should be consistent with the formulae outlined in the description of the baseline methodology. B.6. Assumptions used in elaborating the new methodology: Please list information used in the calculation of emissions which is not measured or calculated, for example use of any default emission factors. B.7. Please indicate whether quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA) procedures are being undertaken for the items monitored: See tables in sections B.2 or B.3 and B.4 above. Header of table and titles of columns shall not be modified and columns shall not be deleted. Rows are allowed to be added, as needed. B.8. Has the methodology been applied successfully elsewhere and, if so, in which circumstances?