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                                                                                         VOLUME 10      NUMBER 4             SUMMER 2016

Changes in Poverty and Female-Headed
Households in Africa
In Africa poverty is falling faster for     percentage point increase in the share             IN THIS ISSUE
households headed by women than             of the population living in female-
for those headed by men                     headed households. A one-year rise                 Changes in Poverty and Female-Headed
                                            in women’s average age at first mar-               Households in Africa 	        … page 1

                                            riage leads to a 2.5 percentage point
      oday in Africa, a very sizable mi-    increase in the population share living            Growth and Capital Inflows
      nority of households are headed       in female-headed households—an                     in Africa 	                      … page 2
      by women—26 percent according         effect almost as strong as that of an
to data from the latest Demographic         extra year of schooling. Higher overall            Are Public Works Working
                                                                                               in Malawi? 	                     … page 3
and Health Surveys. While there are         life expectancy also has a positive ef-
differences across countries, both          fect—equal to a 0.5 percentage point
                                                                                               Vulnerability to Climate Change
the share of the population living in       boost per extra year. This presumably              in Coastal Bangladesh 	         … page 4
female-headed households and the            reflects the natural survival advantage
share of households headed by wom-          of women that is revealed with higher              Improving Agricultural Data
en have been rising over time. The          life expectancy and the resulting preva-           for Better Policies 	            … page 5
data show quite clearly that the prob-      lence of widow-headed households.
ability that a woman age 15 or above        Conflict and HIV also raise a country’s            Enhancing Transparency of Large-Scale
heads a household (controlling for her      share of population in female-headed               Land Acquisition               … page 6
age) has been increasing over time in       households.
all regions and across the entire age           Thus the prevalence of female-                 Explaining the Gender Gap
distribution.                               headed households has been rising                  in Agricultural Productivity 	   … page 7
    What explains this? Milazzo and         while poverty has been falling. Past
van de Walle investigate this question      literature has been generally sugges-              Changing Patterns of Growth and Poverty
                                                                                               Reduction in India            … page 8
in a recent paper using the full series     tive that female-headed households
of Demographic and Health Surveys           tend to be poorer. But does this imply
                                                                                               Land Market Restrictions and
fielded in Africa over the past 25 years    that female-headed households have                 Rural Labor Markets 	            … page 9
and covering 89 percent of Africa’s         been left behind by recent improve-
population. Their results suggest that      ments in living standards? Female                  Deforestation Prevention Programs and
economic growth brings lower female         heads of household are a diverse                   Community-Managed Forestry …   	 page 10
headship—presumably in part because         group. Some—such as married women
of lower work-related migration by          with a nonresident (polygynous or mi-              Recent Policy Research Working Papers
men, associated with a growing local        grant) husband, or educated women                  on IDA Countries             … page 12
economy. Yet as the data show, female       who may choose, and can socially and
headship has been rising during a pe-       economically afford, not to be mar-
riod of growth. This seeming paradox        ried or remarried—can be expected to
is resolved by the fact that other things   be relatively well-off. Others—war or
are changing across Africa.                 AIDS widows, separated or abandoned
    Changes in demographic and popu-        women, and single mothers who have
lation characteristics, social norms,       not “chosen” headship but simply have
education, and the nature of the family     no options—are frequently found to
all appear to be encouraging female         head disadvantaged households.
headship. An extra year of school-
ing (for men or women) produces a 3                             (continued on page 11)
2 World Bank ResearchDigest

Growth and Capital Inflows in Africa
Questions about the relationship           The second endogeneity bias comes             literature that FDI inflows are generally
between growth and capital inflows         from the omitted variables problem:           good for growth.
have become increasingly important         we do not know whether growth and                 By contrast, sovereign borrowing
                                           capital inflows are both driven by a          shows no impact on growth. This find-
for Sub-Saharan Africa
                                           third factor, such as global growth or        ing is interesting, because developing

                                           global interest rates. It is reasonable       countries are often praised for being
        oes economic growth in devel-      to believe that global growth provides        able to raise money from the interna-
        oping countries attract more       capital to a developing country and at        tional financial markets. Doing so is
        capital inflows? And do capital    the same time helps boost the coun-           considered a new way for countries to
inflows in turn foster further economic    try’s growth through other channels           help finance their investment needs
growth? These are important ques-          (such as exporting). The literature on        without depending on aid. But the
tions for many developing countries.       aid effectiveness is well aware of the        authors’ finding casts doubt on this
If the answer to both is yes, economic     endogeneity problem and has tried to          belief. It suggests that sovereign bor-
growth and capital inflows could form      address it, with mixed results.               rowing might not be deployed most ef-
a positive feedback cycle in which one         In a recent paper Calderón and            fectively. Unlike aid, which comes with
reinforces the other.                      Nguyen revisit the causal relationship        clear purposes and stricter monitoring,
    This issue is becoming important       between economic growth and three             capital raised through sovereign bor-
for Sub-Saharan Africa in light of the     types of capital inflows—aid, FDI, and        rowing is usually more freely spent.
region’s strong economic growth and        sovereign borrowing—using a two-step          The authors speculate that sovereign
increasing capital inflows in recent       approach to address reverse causality         debt inflows could be more prone to
years. Foreign direct investment (FDI)     and omitted variables issues.                 corruption, vested interests, and irre-
into the region has grown from less            In the first step, using rainfall as an   sponsible investment decisions.
than 1 percent of GDP in the 1990s to      instrument for growth, the authors find           Overall, the findings provide evi-
as much as 4 percent of GDP in recent      that for a set of 38 developing coun-         dence to support advocating for aid
years. Meanwhile, sovereign debt in-       tries in Sub-Saharan Africa, for the pe-      to poor countries such as those in
flows have grown from almost nothing       riod 1979–2012, economic growth does          Sub-Saharan Africa. Aid could flow
in the early 2000s to about 1 percent      not attract aid, FDI, or sovereign lend-      directly toward poverty reduction, so-
of GDP.                                    ing. This result suggests that capital        cial programs such as education and
    It is commonly believed that           flows to Sub-Saharan Africa are driven        health care, and infrastructure—all of
longer-term inflows, such as FDI, aid,     either by noneconomic factors (such as        which benefit growth. By contrast, the
or sovereign debt, have positive ef-       political factors) in the recipient coun-     finding on sovereign borrowing sug-
fects on the receiving economy. Theory     tries or by “push” factors in the invest-     gests that poor countries might want
suggests that this could be the case       ing countries. In other words, the flows      to scale back their access to private
because long-term capital inflows help     could be driven by economic condi-            international financial markets. Low
countries ease their capital constraints   tions in the investing countries and          institutional and investment manage-
and also provide capital for invest-       not by those in the recipient countries.      ment quality in these countries could
ment. FDI or aid inflows could also            In the second step the authors find       make greater access to private finance
bring foreign know-how and technolo-       that aid and, to a lesser extent, FDI         counterproductive.
gies or encourage better governance        have a positive effect on economic
and support human capital develop-         growth. This is after controlling for
ment. In addition, long-term capital       global factors, commodity prices, and
inflows could insulate countries from      growth of Sub-Saharan African coun-
the inherent volatility associated with    tries’ main trade partners.
short-term capital flows.                      Aid seems to matter most to
    Empirically, however, the relation-    growth: a 1 percent increase in inflows
ship between capital flows and growth      of official development assistance
is less clear because of the endoge-       (ODA) increases growth by 0.025 per-
neity issues. The first endogeneity        centage points. This finding helps con-
bias is reverse causality: we cannot       firm the role of aid in assisting poor
tell whether a positive relationship       countries.
between capital inflows and growth             FDI inflows also seem to support          César Calderón and Ha Nguyen. 2015. “Do
means that capital inflows cause           a country’s growth, though by a much          Capital Inflows Boost Growth in Developing Coun-
growth, that growth attracts capital       smaller magnitude (about one-tenth as         tries? Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa.” Policy
inflows, or that both phenomena are        much as aid). This result is neverthe-        Research Working Paper 7298, World Bank,
simply happening at the same time.         less consistent with the finding of the       Washington, DC.
                                                                                      World Bank Research            Digest          3

Are Public Works Working in Malawi?
Malawi’s public works program             increase its effect on food security,        through reduced labor supply or in-
aims to increase food security            potentially at the cost of investment in     creased reservation wages.
and the use of fertilizer. Evidence       fertilizer.                                      While the study can rule out
                                              The program offers households the        significant improvements in the two
suggests that it is falling short
                                          opportunity to earn about $22 at plant-      outcomes specifically targeted by the

                                          ing season and another $22 later in          program—food security and the use
      abor-intensive public works         the year (in a country with a per capita     of fertilizer—there may have been
      programs are common social          income of only $320). But results show       small, diffuse increases in these or
      protection tools in low-income      that it does not have a measurable           other outcomes that are too small to
settings. These programs require that     short-term effect on lean season food        detect. For example, changes in weekly
beneficiaries work in order to receive    security for participating (treated)         spending (the interval captured in the
a cash payment or in-kind transfer.       households. Nor does rescheduling            survey period) might be too small to
Among the most widely known are           the second work cycle from the harvest       detect if households spread consump-
the National Rural Employment             season to the lean season generate           tion across the program period (four
Guarantee Act in India and the            measurable improvements in food              or eight months, depending on treat-
Productive Safety Net Project in          security.                                    ment group) or saved for even longer
Ethiopia. Such programs are wide-             The failure of Malawi’s public works     durations—especially since extra
spread in Sub-Saharan Africa, though      program to improve food security in          spending may have been spread across
on a smaller scale: 39 of 48 countries    either the short run (through con-           many different categories of goods.
in the region have government-            sumption support) or the longer run          This interpretation allows for the pos-
supported public works programs. In       (through greater use of fertilizer) is       sibility that the program was welfare-
Malawi the program doubled in size        troubling because it is the largest so-      improving for households that chose
in 2012 to cover about 500,000 house-     cial protection scheme in one of the         to participate and thus is consistent
holds annually.                           world’s poorest countries. Public works      with their revealed preferences, while
    Several studies of cash-for-work      programs in other countries differ in        still ineffective in achieving its main
programs have focused on their poten-     some elements of their structure—for         policy objectives.
tial effects in crowding out other work   example, Ethiopia’s program offers               The indirect effects of the public
(with people working less on their own    more income—and have been more               works program are small and, sur-
farms, for example) or on the extent      effective. That 24 extra days of work        prisingly, negative. In Northern and
of self-targeting (which people choose    during the lean season in Malawi do          Central Malawi food security of un-
to work at the wage rate offered). Yet    not significantly improve food security      treated households in participating
there is limited evidence about how       may be because of the low daily wage         villages is not only lower than food
such programs affect consumption          in the public works program. Longer          security among their treated neigh-
and food security. This will depend on    duration and more flexible schedules         bors, it is also lower than food security
such design features as the size of the   are avenues for future investigation.        in nonparticipating (control) villages.
transfer, the season in which the pro-        Malawi’s public works program            This is in contrast to expectations and
gram operates (an aspect associated       is timed to coincide with the plant-         to the effects of other large-scale trans-
with opportunity costs especially in      ing season to promote take-up of the         fer programs (such as Oportunidades
rural areas, where it may compete with    country’s fertilizer subsidy scheme. But     in Mexico). An explanation for this
smallholder farming), and the mode        the study’s results do not support the       unexpected finding has proven to be
of payment (whether a lump sum pay-       hypothesis that the two programs are         elusive.
ment or multiple payments).               complementary. While households par-
    Using a randomized controlled tri-    ticipating in the public works program
al, a recent study by Beegle, Galasso,    are more likely to receive fertilizer
and Goldberg evaluated Malawi’s           coupons (consistent with the policy
public works program. The study in-       of linking this participation with the
troduced two variants relative to the     fertilizer subsidy) and thus pay less for
standard model of the program as          the fertilizer they use, they do not use
implemented in 2012/13: the timing        more fertilizer.
and the payment schedule (lump sum            The study found no evidence that
or split payments). There were two lev-   the program increased the ownership          Kathleen Beegle, Emanuela Galasso, and Jessica
els of randomization: across villages     of durable goods. Nor did it find evi-       Goldberg. 2015. “Direct and Indirect Effects of
and across households in participating    dence that the program affected prices       Malawi’s Public Works Program on Food Secu-
villages. The study examined whether      by injecting cash into the economy, or       rity.” Policy Research Working Paper 7505, World
changes to the timing of the program      that it led to labor market tightening       Bank, Washington, DC.
4 World Bank ResearchDigest

Vulnerability to Climate Change
in Coastal Bangladesh
In coastal regions of Bangladesh              In densely populated, land-scarce           studied species can be purchased in
rising salinity from climate change           Bangladesh poor households face dis-        affordable quantities by the rural poor
poses serious threats to the health           advantages in accessing land and are        and shared more equitably among
                                              forced to settle in low-lying regions       household members, including women
and livelihoods of poor people
                                              close to the coast. A poverty map de-       and children.

                                              veloped by the Bangladesh Bureau of             Health risks from drinking water
   n a changing climate Bangladesh            Statistics, the World Food Programme,       salinity are also significant. Earlier re-
   is exceptionally vulnerable to sea-        and the World Bank identifies a high        search in coastal Bangladesh indicated
   level rise—because two-thirds of its       incidence of poverty in the southwest       links between drinking water salinity
territory is less than 5 meters above         coastal region, home to 9.9 million         and maternal hypertension during
sea level. Sea-level rise is virtually cer-   poor people in 2010. Alarmingly, this       pregnancy. In a third paper Dasgupta,
tain to continue beyond 2100, even in         figure includes 5.9 million extremely       Huq, and Wheeler extended the analy-
the most optimistic emissions scenar-         poor individuals who cannot afford          sis by studying the postnatal impact
ios, so Bangladesh needs to anticipate        even the basic-needs food expen-            of prenatal salinity exposure in coastal
potential impacts and plan for adapta-        diture. Living conditions are harsh;        Bangladesh. After controlling for many
tion. Most research has focused on the        the area is prone to tidal surges and       other determinants, they found that
long-run effects of progressive inun-         cyclones; and residents have already        saline water ingestion during the final
dation from sea-level rise and losses         experienced widespread inundation           month of pregnancy significantly af-
from heightened cyclone-induced               and salinization of soil and water. GIS     fects mortality risk for infants less than
surges. Less attention has been paid          overlays of poverty and salinity maps       two months old. The estimated impact
to salinity from saltwater intrusion,         show that salinization is already affect-   is comparable in magnitude to the
along with its impact on livelihoods          ing 2.5 million poor residents, includ-     estimated effects of traditionally cited
and adaptation alternatives, though           ing 1.4 million who are extremely poor.     determinants of infant mortality, such
soil and water salinity monitors indi-        By 2050 these numbers rise to 2.9 mil-      as maternal age and education, gen-
cate increasing salinization in many          lion and 1.7 million in the best-case       der of the household head, household
coastal areas. A set of recent papers         climate scenario, and 5.2 million and       wealth, toilet facilities, drinking water
explored issues relating to saltwater         3.2 million in the worst-case scenario.     sources, and cooking fuels.
intrusion in coastal Bangladesh, fo-              Empirical research on the implica-          Worldwide, about 600 million
cusing on the effects on poor people.         tions for livelihoods is progressing        people inhabit low-elevation coastal
    In one paper Dasgupta, Kamal,             as better data become available. In a       zones that will be affected by progres-
Khan, Choudhury, and Nishat assessed          second paper Dasgupta, Huq, Mustafa,        sive salinization. Recent research sug-
the vulnerability of coastal Bangladesh       Sobhan, and Wheeler studied the im-         gests that the sea level may rise by
to saltwater intrusion by 2050, using         pact of salinization on the habitats of     one meter or more in the 21st century,
information from monitoring stations,         fish species that are important sources     which would increase the vulnerable
hydrological models, and forecasts of         of protein and market revenue for tens      population to about one billion by
rainfall, temperature, and sea-level          of thousands of poor people in the          2050. Experience with salinization in
rise for alternative climate change           coastal region. Progressive saliniza-       Bangladesh therefore offers a caution-
scenarios. Their analysis focused on          tion will affect freshwater fish species    ary case from a global perspective.
the southwest coastal region, which           in several ways, including reproductive     Many countries still lack systematic re-
already has a salinization problem that       cycles, reproductive capacities, spawn-     search on the impacts of saltwater in-
will only worsen as climate change            ing areas, and migration patterns. The      trusion on livelihoods and adaptation
continues. Scientists have not reached        study focused on 83 species consumed        options. The estimated magnitudes of
consensus on the timing and spatial           by households in the region.                these impacts in Bangladesh suggest
impacts of climate change, so the                 Using species-specific salinity         that such research is urgently needed
study used alternative climate sce-           tolerance ranges and poverty maps,          in other poor countries with low-lying
narios to predict low- and high-salinity      the study estimated that salinization-      coastal areas.
trends from a March 2012 baseline. It         induced species losses will outnumber
                                                                                          Susmita Dasgupta, Mainul Huq, Md. Golam
concluded that by 2050 salinization           gains by a factor of six in high-poverty
                                                                                          Mustafa, Md. Istiak Sobhan, and David Wheeler.
of river water in coastal Bangladesh          areas. In Bangladesh chronic and acute      2016. “The Impact of Aquatic Salinization on Fish
will pose major risks to drinking wa-         malnutrition levels are already higher      Habitats and Poor Communities in a Changing
ter quality, irrigation water for dry-        than the World Health Organization’s        Climate: Evidence from Southwest Coastal
season agriculture, and coastal aquatic       thresholds for public health emergen-       Bangladesh.” Policy Research Working Paper
ecosystems.                                   cies. This finding therefore has po-        7593, World Bank, Washington, DC.
    Rising salinity has particularly se-      tentially serious implications for food
rious implications for poor people.           security and malnutrition, since the                                   (continued on page 7)
                                                                                          World Bank Research               Digest              5

Improving Agricultural Data
for Better Policies
By supporting better policies, better       of agriculture, sometimes in collabora-        The LSMS-ISA initiative offers a num-
agricultural data could improve the         tion with the national statistics office.      ber of suggestions. Countries could
lives of poor people, especially in         Sample surveys such as farm surveys            take a tremendous step forward if
                                            are a third source of agricultural data.       they were to regularly collect reliable,
Sub-Saharan Africa
                                            These surveys, the backbone of agri-           nationally representative agricultural

                                            cultural statistics in Africa, vary greatly    data through a multitopic, multisec-
   n Sub-Saharan Africa, where most         in content, frequency, and quality. In         tor household survey instrument that
   people in extreme poverty live in        many countries farm surveys are of-            accounts for differences across indi-
   rural areas and are engaged largely      ten complemented by other types of             viduals within households. Another
in agricultural activities, the devel-      household surveys that capture some            important improvement would be
opment of agriculture, particularly         data on agriculture, usually conducted         the construction of comprehensive
smallholder agriculture, remains a          by the national statistics office or by        libraries for all possible nonstandard
critical driver of poverty reduction. Yet   private firms.                                 units in each specific region of a coun-
despite the key role of agriculture, se-        What are some of the current prob-         try—something that should be car-
rious weaknesses persist in the mea-        lems with agricultural data? Lack of           ried out to the extent possible for all
surement of agricultural outcomes           institutional links is a common issue;         countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. And
and in our understanding of the fac-        in many countries the data collected           as GPS technology becomes more ac-
tors hampering growth in smallholder        by the ministry of agriculture are             curate, affordable, and user-friendly,
agriculture.                                underutilized and are not analyzed             GPS-based area measurement can
    Past investments and technical          in conjunction with data available             provide a practical alternative to self-
assistance in the area of agricultural      from the national statistics office or         reporting by farmers. This approach is
statistics have failed to produce sus-      from other line ministries. In addi-           being increasingly applied in surveys
tainable systems, and existing sta-         tion, the data often have limited policy       worldwide.
tistics continue to suffer from poor        relevance because of their failure to              Knowledge gaps in agricultural sta-
quality, lack of relevance, and limited     capture a comprehensive set of infor-          tistics remain prevalent, and the chal-
use in national policy dialogues.           mation on rural households—informa-            lenges ahead are daunting. Given the
Further compounding the problem is          tion that is crucial for understanding         importance of agriculture in promoting
that the poorest countries often have       the links between agriculture and such         growth and poverty reduction, improv-
the poorest data. These countries, for      aspects of well-being as health, nutri-        ing the quality, availability, and policy
which agriculture can be most criti-        tion, and food security.                       relevance of agricultural data is of
cal as a source of livelihood, are least        Methodological standards for mea-          paramount importance—particularly
able to direct their limited resources      suring agricultural productivity are par-      for African countries, which lack funda-
to improving the quality of agricultural    ticularly weak. There are challenges in        mental information to inform the de-
statistics.                                 quantifying both agricultural produc-          sign of effective policies. Doing so will
    In a recent paper Carletto, Jolliffe,   tion and land area. Those in quantify-         require a concerted effort by individual
and Banerjee address the challenge of       ing agricultural production include dif-       countries and stakeholders to develop
improving agricultural statistics that      ficulties in recall for extended-harvest       and implement global standards and
come from household surveys. Taking         crops, use of nonstandard units, lack          best practices in agricultural statis-
a targeted and selective approach,          of information on the state of the crop,       tics. A strategy centered on improving
they investigate a number of issues         difficulties in valuing own production,        methodologies, building capacity, and
that are the focus of a recent World        lack of adequate price data, and the           strengthening institutions could lead
Bank initiative, the Living Standards       practice of intercropping, to name a           to better-informed agricultural policies
Measurement Study–Integrated                few. Challenges in quantifying land            with the potential to improve the lives
Surveys on Agriculture (LSMS-ISA).          area include known inaccuracies of             of the millions of people involved in
    Where do agricultural data come         self-reporting by farmers, current limi-       the agricultural sector worldwide.
from? They generally come from dif-         tations of satellite imagery, and use
ferent institutional sources, a situa-      of nonstandard units. Another is the
tion that typically results in conflict-    time-consuming and costly nature of
ing estimates. Virtually all countries      techniques such as traversing (based
have routine data systems based on          on the use of compass and tape), often
resident or local extension officers        considered the gold standard for mea-          Gero Carletto, Dean Jolliffe, and Raka Banerjee.
employed by the ministry of agricul-        suring land area.                              2015. “From Tragedy to Renaissance: Improv-
ture. A second source of agricultural           How can we improve the ways that           ing Agricultural Data for Better Policies.” Policy
data is the agricultural census, also       we collect agricultural data, particu-         Research Working Paper 7150, World Bank,
usually implemented by the ministry         larly data on agricultural productivity?       Washington, DC.
6 World Bank ResearchDigest

Enhancing Transparency of Large-Scale
Land Acquisition
Reliable data on commercial farms               Policy decisions on these as well as        Beyond providing analytical in-
could support policy actions aimed          private investment will require regu-       sights that are of interest in their
at improving performance and                lar access to up-to-date information.       own right, having reliable data on
                                            Yet few countries have developed the        outcomes by commercial farms can
investment levels in the sector
                                            systems to regularly provide the data       generate feedback loops for policy

                                            needed. Even much of the empirical          formulation. In Ethiopia these include
      he 2007/08 commodity price            literature is still based on case studies   a continued impetus to improve the
      boom triggered a global “land         whose representativeness is difficult       survey instruments used, efforts to
      rush,” with investors seeking         to establish, often focusing on pro-        better link to existing data (such as on
to acquire agricultural land in Sub-        cess rather than on quantification of       investment licenses and survey plans)
Saharan Africa. Nearly a decade             outcomes. Lack of reliable and regular      that are issued and maintained by
later, there appears to be agreement        information will make it difficult to       the Investment Agency and regional
on some stylized facts about this           manage investment risks or country          land authorities, and exploration of
phenomenon. One is that weak or             risks, enforce laws, and document           techniques (such as yield monitoring
fragmented institutions compromised         compliance with global standards so         based on remotely sensed data) that
countries’ ability to channel this          as to attract capable and responsible       could help complement, cross-check,
demand toward areas where it would          (institutional) investors.                  and eventually even partially replace
yield the highest returns or to reject          In a recent paper Ali, Deininger, and   survey information.
nonviable proposals from inexperi-          Harris explore ways of satisfying such          While the descriptive evidence
enced investors. As a consequence,          information needs sustainably and ef-       reported in the study only scratches
the benefits have been less than were       fectively. In doing so, they draw on a      the surface, it provides an interesting
expected and a sizable share of inves-      nationally representative large-farm        basis for future research. For example,
tors either went out of business or         survey in Ethiopia conducted between        the commercial-farm survey could be
failed to fully utilize all the land that   2010/11 and 2013/14. Ethiopia is an         linked more directly to ongoing data
was allocated to them.                      interesting case because it has a long      collection efforts in the smallholder
    Another of these stylized facts is      tradition of collecting systematic data     sector to look at the interaction be-
that while the demand for land has          on the performance of large (state)         tween large farms and neighboring
retreated from the 2008 levels, it is       farms—data that, because of poor            smallholders—particularly the poten-
expected to continue, though at levels      quality, were often not reported or         tial spillover effects and the channels
much lower than those observed at           whose collection was even intermit-         through which they materialize. Also
the height of the land rush. Indeed, if     tently stopped.                             interesting would be to investigate
guided by a coherent and enforceable            Data collected with an improved         the determinants of entry and exit for
policy, responsible agricultural invest-    survey instrument allow the authors to      commercial farms and, more generally,
ment could provide countries whose          draw interesting conclusions on com-        the dynamics of firm performance over
economy depends on agriculture with         mercial farming in the country. First,      time.
opportunities to add value and gener-       even at the peak of the land rush the
ate local benefits.                         vast majority of land transferred to
    To realize these benefits will re-      investors in at least partly operational
quire policy decisions on a number of       commercial farms went to Ethiopians
issues, including the following: First,     rather than to foreigners. Second,
where in the value chain—upstream           about 55 percent of the land trans-
in agroprocessing, in mixed nucleus         ferred remains unutilized, with the
estate models with outgrowers, or fully     main constraints to expansion relating
own production—investment would be          to technology and labor. Third, with
most desirable and what complemen-          one permanent job per 20 hectares
tary public inputs may encourage such       plus some temporary jobs, commercial
investment. Second, how well land           farms fail to generate much employ-
that has been transferred to investors      ment. Finally, for most crops the yields
is utilized and, if poorly, what reme-      of commercial farms are roughly twice
dial action (for example, canceling li-     those of smallholders; however, the
censes) may be needed or appropriate.       highest yields are normally obtained        Daniel Ali, Klaus Deininger, and Anthony Har-
And third, how performance compares         by those in the 10- to 20-hectare cat-      ris. 2015. “Using National Statistics to Increase
between local producers and outside         egory, which often also managed to          Transparency of Large Land Acquisition: Evidence
investors and what this implies for         expand their cultivated area quite          from Ethiopia.” Policy Research Working Paper
regulating the sector.                      rapidly.                                    7342, World Bank, Washington, DC.
                                                                                        World Bank Research             Digest              7

Explaining the Gender Gap
in Agricultural Productivity
Women play a vital part in Ugandan           of this unexplained gap is attributed           Programs designed to encour-
agriculture, yet have much lower             to differential returns to the child        age women to plant high-value cash
productivity than men. What could            dependency ratio and one-fifth to dif-      crops could also be explored. But such
                                             ferential returns to transport access.      programs should carefully assess the
help close this gap?
                                             This implies that women’s greater           risk that male farmers might claim a

                                             child-care responsibilities and their       stake in plots on which cash crops are
           omen make up about half           greater difficulty accessing input and      planted, resulting in heavy leakage of
           the agricultural labor force      output markets from areas without           benefits from female to male farmers.
           in Sub-Saharan Africa. But        transport are the largest drivers of the    Such programs also should carefully
evidence shows that plots managed by         gap. Others include differences in the      ensure access to adequate output mar-
women are 20–30 percent less produc-         uptake of cash crops and differences in     kets before the switch to a new crop
tive on average than those managed           the uptake of and returns to improved       and provide complementary inputs
by men. This agricultural productivity       seeds and pesticides.                       and extension services critical to its
gap contributes to income inequality             These findings have far-reaching        success.
between women and men. In some               policy implications. One implication is         Female farmers’ limited use of hired
cases the productivity gap is also           that low-cost interventions designed to     labor provides weak evidence that
accompanied by an inefficient over-          ease child-care constraints on female       they face constraints in hiring workers.
allocation of inputs to male-managed         plot managers have the potential to         Evaluating projects that provide agents
plots, resulting in large aggregate          substantially improve equality in the       to help women farmers find, supervise,
productivity losses for the agricultural     distribution of resources between male      and finance payment of hired labor
sector.                                      and female managers within Ugandan          could offer useful insight.
    Estimates from the Food and              households. Community-based child-
Agriculture Organization of the United       care interventions are one possibility,
Nations have shown that closing the          though there is little existing evidence    Daniel Ali, Derick Bowen, Klaus Deininger, and
agricultural productivity gap globally       of their efficacy.                          Marguerite Duponchel. 2015. “Investigating the
could increase agricultural output in            Given the disproportionate travel       Gender Gap in Agricultural Productivity: Evidence
lower-income countries by 2.5–4 per-         costs faced by female farmers, inter-       from Uganda.” Policy Research Working Paper
cent—enough to reduce the number             ventions that bring extension services      7262, World Bank, Washington, DC.
of people who are undernourished by          closer to dwellings, provide access to
12–17 percent, or by 100–150 million.        market information through mobile
Thus the size of a country’s gender gap      phones, or provide better access to
in agricultural productivity, and the        transport may help close the produc-
factors that drive it, are of great inter-   tivity gap. Another possibility would
est to policy makers.                        be to promote use of existing women’s
    Using national data from the             groups for commercial purposes, such
Uganda National Panel Survey for             as collective access to input and out-
2009/10 and 2010, a recent paper by          put markets.
Ali, Bowen, Deininger, and Duponchel             The use of inputs (improved seeds,
estimates the gender gap in agricultur-      chemical fertilizer, and pesticides) is     (continued from page 4)
al productivity in Uganda. The analysis      not widespread enough to contribute
also unpacks this gap into portions          substantially to the aggregate pro-
                                                                                         Vulnerability to Climate Change
accounted for by differences in house-       ductivity gap. But the extremely large
hold, plot-manager, and parcel charac-       difference between male and female          in Coastal Bangladesh
teristics and in returns to these charac-    farmers in the use of physical inputs,
teristics. Overall, the results show that    and the statistically significant con-
                                                                                          Susmita Dasgupta, Mainul Huq, and David
output per unit of land is 17.5 percent      tribution of such inputs to the pro-         Wheeler. 2015. “Drinking Water Salinity and
lower on female-cultivated than male-        ductivity gap, suggest that programs         Infant Mortality in Coastal Bangladesh.” Policy
cultivated plots.                            to encourage their adoption should           Research Working Paper 7200, World Bank,
    Although men have greater access         incorporate elements to ensure equal         Washington, DC.
to inputs, input use is so low and in-       adoption by male and female farm-
                                                                                          Susmita Dasgupta, Farhana Akhter Kamal,
verse returns to plot size so strong in      ers. For example, programs could be          Zahirul Huque Khan, Sharifuzzaman Choudhury,
Uganda that smaller female-managed           explored that finance the purchase of        and Ainun Nishat. 2014. “River Salinity
plots have a net endowment advantage         inputs through such mechanisms as            and Climate Change: Evidence from Coastal
of 12 percent, revealing a larger unex-      vouchers, loans, or transfers that are       Bangladesh.” Policy Research Working Paper
plained gap of 29.5 percent. Two-fifths      aligned with farmers’ cash flow cycle.       6817, World Bank, Washington, DC.
8 World Bank ResearchDigest

Changing Patterns of Growth and Poverty
Reduction in India
As the structure of India’s economy        if it is measured using the national       overall contribution to the decline in
has changed, urban growth has              accounts.                                  poverty has also dwindled. Whereas
become the new engine of poverty                Did the changing pattern of India’s   before 1991 the primary sector ac-
                                           growth affect the pace of poverty de-      counted for about two-fifths of the
reduction in the country
                                           cline—and if so, in what way? The          total decline in poverty, after 1991 its

                                           authors’ research shows that during        contribution fell to less than 10 per-
   ndia’s economic take-off during the     the past two decades the poor gained       cent of the total—and larger—decline
   1990s and early 2000s is now part       more from urban than from rural            in poverty.
   of the country’s economic folklore.     growth, marking a change in the earlier        At the same time, the contribution
After 1991 per capita income grew          relationship between the pattern of        of the other sectors to poverty reduc-
nearly two and a half times as fast in     growth and poverty reduction. Before       tion has risen substantially. While
real terms as in the preceding three       1991 rural growth largely determined       growth in the secondary sector (mainly
and a half decades. During this time       poverty reduction in the country be-       manufacturing and construction) ac-
poverty also fell more quickly. But did    cause traditionally the vast majority      counted for about 25 percent of the
the faster pace of poverty reduction       of poor Indians lived in rural areas       fall in poverty after 1991, the tertiary
after 1991 simply reflect faster growth,   and depended on the rural economy          sector alone (mainly services) con-
or did poverty become more respon-         for sustenance. While urban growth         tributed more than 60 percent of the
sive to growth? And did the changing       reduced urban poverty, it contributed      decline. Since 2000 India’s construc-
pattern of India’s growth matter?          little to national poverty reduction.      tion boom—which has made intensive
    Datt, Ravallion, and Murgai investi-        Since the early 1990s, however,       use of low-skilled labor—has helped
gate these questions in a recent paper.    this pattern has undergone a strik-        secondary sector growth become more
The authors begin with the question        ing change. Urban growth has now           pro-poor.
of whether India’s growth has become       emerged as a major driver of national          In short, the Indian economy is
more pro-poor. One measure of the          poverty reduction. Since 1991 urban        changing, and so is the relationship
extent to which growth is pro-poor is      growth has been responsible for about      between economic growth and poverty
the elasticity of poverty reduction to     80 percent of the total decline in pov-    reduction in the country. The process
growth—in other words, by how much         erty. This happened directly, through      of structural transformation of the
poverty declines for every 1 percent       urban growth having a larger impact        economy has intensified, displacing
increase in per capita income or con-      on urban poverty—but even more im-         the traditional sources of both eco-
sumption. Thus the question of wheth-      portant, it also happened indirectly,      nomic growth and poverty reduction.
er poverty in India has become more        through urban growth having a sub-         As this process continues, the country
responsive to growth can be rephrased      stantial impact on rural poverty. This     can be expected to increasingly turn
as whether the elasticity of poverty re-   indicates that the growth of urban         to growth in its urban and nonagri-
duction to growth has increased.           areas, which have both bigger popula-      cultural sector to drive future poverty
    It turns out that the answer to this   tions and higher productivity, has been    reduction.
question depends to some extent on         good for poverty reduction as a whole
how growth is measured. If it is mea-      in India.
sured by mean changes in per capita             The authors next investigate which
consumption derived from household         sectors have emerged as the primary
surveys, there is strong evidence that     drivers of India’s growth. Before 1991
growth in the post-1991 period was         rural growth, especially in the farm
not only faster but also more pro-poor:    sector, mattered most for poverty
the elasticity of the headcount index      reduction. But in recent times it has
to growth increased from 1.5 (before       become more difficult to attribute pov-
1991) to 2.7 (after 1991). If growth is    erty reduction to any specific sector.
measured by per capita income or con-      Since 1991 all sectors have contrib-
sumption from the national accounts,       uted to reducing poverty. Indeed, with
the evidence still points to a higher      the greater integration of the Indian
elasticity for the headcount index after   economy, growth in one sector has
1991. For poverty measures that take       begun to transmit gains elsewhere to
the depth or severity of poverty into      a greater extent than before, and the
account, the evidence is mixed: higher     imbalance in the growth process has        Gaurav Datt, Martin Ravallion, and Rinku Mur-
elasticity of poverty reduction after      ceased to matter.                          gai. 2016. “Growth, Urbanization, and Poverty
1991 holds only if growth is measured           Because the primary sector (mainly    Reduction in India.” Policy Research Working
using the household surveys, but not       agriculture) has declined in size, its     Paper 7568, World Bank, Washington, DC.
                                                                                        World Bank Research       Digest          9

Land Market Restrictions and
Rural Labor Markets
Restricting land sales can slow             the costs of migration out of villages       channels. If labor is mobile, rural
the shift of labor out of agriculture,      due to inability to sell the land. The       wages will remain largely unaffected by
reduce rural wages, and increase            increase in migration costs results          land market restrictions if either col-
                                            from the fact that a household loses its     lateral value or insecurity of property
women’s labor force participation
                                            income stream from the land when it          rights is the main channel of causa-

                                            decides to leave the village. The papers     tion. In contrast, wages will be lower in
          any developing countries          develop theoretical models to investi-       areas with a higher proportion of land
          impose restrictions on sales      gate the effects of increasing migration     under restrictions if migration costs
          and rentals of agricultural       costs arising from land market restric-      are the primary channel through which
land. One rationale for doing so is to      tions on structural shifts from agricul-     the restrictions affect the rural labor
promote own farming: self-farming is        ture to nonagriculture and on female         market and the structural transforma-
considered conducive to increasing          labor force participation and wages.         tion of employment.
agricultural productivity, since the            In the case of the structural trans-         To provide empirical evidence on
owner of a farm has a self-interest in      formation of rural employment, the           the effects of land market restrictions,
conserving the quality of the land and      theoretical model finds that land            Emran and Shilpi take advantage of
investing in its improvement. Another       market restrictions reduce rural-urban       a historical natural experiment in Sri
rationale is to guard against landless-     migration and increase the employ-           Lanka, where malaria played a unique
ness—reflecting a concern that in           ment share of agriculture—under the          role in land policy during precolonial
the face of income and consumption          assumptions that agriculture is more         times. After people fled malaria-
shocks, poorer farmers may be forced        labor intensive than nonagriculture          afflicted areas, the government took
to sell their land at unfavorable prices,   and that demand for locally produced         ownership of abandoned land under
depriving them of their most valuable       nonfarm goods and services is income         the Crown Lands Ordinance of 1840.
asset.                                      inelastic. Under these two assump-           After Sri Lanka’s independence in
     Emran and Shilpi examine the           tions, sales restrictions in land mar-       1948, these lands were distributed
longer-term consequences of land            kets may result in a “reverse structural     among households under settlement
market restrictions on rural labor mar-     change” in the rural economy, with the       programs following the imposition
kets in two recent papers. The authors      labor share in agriculture increasing in     of sales and rental restrictions. The
address two main questions: Do land         response to the restrictions.                identification strategy relies on the
market restrictions affect the struc-           In the case of female labor force        fact that malaria was eradicated from
tural transformation from agriculture       participation, the theoretical model         Sri Lanka by 1951 and that eradication
to nonagriculture (manufacturing and        shows that women face higher migra-          was made possible by an exogenous
services) in rural areas? And how do        tion costs than men because of their         breakthrough in technology (the in-
these restrictions affect rural labor       higher productivity in the provision of      troduction of the pesticide DDT). Both
market outcomes for women? Both             home goods (child and family care). As       papers thus rely on the incidence of
issues have important bearings on           a consequence, female participation in       malaria more than half a century ago
economic welfare and development.           the village labor force can increase as a    to identify the effects of land market
Recent studies have found that labor        result of land market restrictions.          restrictions. The strength of the identi-
productivity is significantly higher in         Considering other channels through       fication scheme also derives from the
nonagricultural activities than in agri-    which land market restrictions work,         fact that, unlike China and Vietnam,
culture and concluded that a structural     the authors argue that the “reverse          Sri Lanka imposes no formal restric-
transformation from agriculture to          structural change” can also occur if the     tion on the geographic mobility of
nonagriculture is desirable for eco-        restrictions destroy the collateral value    households.
nomic growth and poverty reduction.         of land and thus act as impediments              The empirical results show that
If land market restrictions tie the rural   to entrepreneurship in nonagricultural       land market restrictions significantly
labor force, particularly women, to low-    activities. How lower collateral value       reduce the probability of participation
paid agricultural jobs, they may lead to    affects female labor force participa-        in nonagricultural activities: starting
adverse poverty outcomes—contrary           tion depends on the substitutability         from its mean value, a one percent-
to their policy objectives.                 of labor and capital. If land market re-     age point increase in the share of
     Many economic studies show that        strictions lead to insecurity of property    land under restrictions reduces this
land market restrictions can affect eco-    rights, they can decrease female labor       probability by 1.38 percent. At a more
nomic outcomes through their effects        force participation, though the effects      disaggregate level, the adverse effects
on the insecurity of property rights        on employment transformation are             are more pronounced for employment
and the collateral value of land. The       ambiguous.
papers by Emran and Shilpi focus on             Both theoretical models indicate
a different mechanism: an increase in       a way to discriminate among different                             (continued on page 11)
10World Bank ResearchDigest

Deforestation Prevention Programs
and Community-Managed Forestry
Evidence from Nepal suggests that          how such contracts should be struc-        example, CF households that believe
community-managed forests can be           tured. For example, would community        they have equitable access to their
an effective part of deforestation         members prefer that REDD+ payments         CF community forest funds are more
                                           go to forest user groups for commu-        likely to accept REDD+ contracts. But
prevention programs like REDD+
                                           nity projects or to households? What       respondents are less likely to accept

                                           direct-use ecosystem services are most     REDD+ contracts if they believe that
          ost deforestation today is       costly for villagers to give up? And how   village authorities engage in more for-
          occurring in developing coun-    does community-level enforcement af-       est monitoring (in contrast to outside
          tries. But the consequences      fect acceptance of REDD+ contracts?        enforcement) and if they think that
are global, with forest degradation             In a recent study Dissanayake         those authorities do not appropri-
accounting for 11–20 percent of            and nine coauthors attempted to            ately enforce CF rules and regulations.
annual greenhouse gas emissions.           fill the gaps in knowledge through a       These results suggest that good gover-
Curbing deforestation and forest           choice experiment carried out in rural     nance—including ensuring equitable
degradation is believed to be a highly     Nepalese communities. The goal of          access to CF funds, preventing the
cost-effective way to address climate      this experiment was to understand          misuse of funds, and ensuring proper
change and also support adaptation.        respondents’ preferences on the insti-     monitoring of forests—can support the
One approach aimed at reducing             tutional structure of REDD+ contracts.     REDD+ program by reducing costs.
deforestation and forest degradation       Specific objectives included identifying       Using the results, the study cal-
in developing countries is to provide      household preferences on the attri-        culated the opportunity costs of the
payments for ecosystem services—           butes of REDD+ contracts, estimating       REDD+ contract obligations. It esti-
such as through the REDD+ (Reducing        the opportunity costs faced by house-      mated the costs per ton of carbon at
Emissions from Deforestation and           holds when participating in REDD+,         $24.20 for CF communities and $17.90
Forest Degradation) program created        and evaluating the impact of belong-       for non-CF communities. These esti-
under the United Nations Framework         ing to legally sanctioned community-       mates are consistent with findings in
Convention on Climate Change. In           managed forest groups on these             the current literature that the oppor-
addition to sequestering carbon,           preferences and opportunity costs. To      tunity cost of carbon sequestration in
REDD+ may bring important benefits         address the last objective, the study      community forests is low compared
to developing country households           split the sample into households that      with other abatement options. But the
and communities through poverty            are members of the legally recognized      estimates are higher than many of the
reduction.                                 Nepal Community Forestry Program           other estimates for the avoided costs
    About 18 percent of forests world-     (CF) and those that are not part of that   of deforestation, which are typically
wide, and 25 percent of those in de-       program (non-CF).                          based on engineering or land use mod-
veloping countries, are controlled by           In both CF and non-CF communi-        els and do not account for community-
communities either by law or in prac-      ties the study found that households       and household-level opportunity costs.
tice, and this share is rapidly increas-   prefer higher REDD+ payments and               The study shows that community-
ing with ongoing forest decentraliza-      would rather not take on REDD+ obli-       controlled forests, at least in Nepal,
tion. The effectiveness of programs like   gations or reduce firewood collection      can be an effective part of the REDD+
REDD+ in preventing deforestation          and grazing without adequate com-          program. When implementing the con-
is linked to their adoption by com-        pensation. On the key policy question      tracts, however, it is vital to account for
munities with community-controlled         of how to divide up REDD+ payments,        proper enforcement and governance.
forests. For these communities, the        the study found that respondents           Most important, given the relatively
decision to accept REDD+ contracts         prefer that more of the payments go        high opportunity costs, REDD+ deals
depends on incentives, benefit-sharing     to communities rather than to house-       may need to be more remunerative
arrangements, the opportunity costs of     holds. This result indicates a high de-    than previously envisioned.
carbon sequestration, the allocation of    gree of trust in forest user group com-
forest management decision-making          munities, mirroring the study’s focus
rights, and community interactions.        group findings. As REDD+ contract
    Yet there is limited evidence-based    requirements become more stringent,        Sahan T. M. Dissanayake, Prakash Jha, Bhim
knowledge about community and              respondents would like to be sure          Adhikari, Rajesh Bista, Randall Bluffstone, Har-
                                                                                      isharan Luintel, Peter Martinsson, Naya Sharma
household preferences and the oppor-       that their households receive more
                                                                                      Paudel, E. Somanathan, and Michael Toman.
tunity costs of carbon sequestration in    direct benefits in exchange for those      2015. “Community Managed Forest Groups and
developing countries in the context of     sacrifices.                                Preferences for REDD+ Contract Attributes: A
community-managed forests for initia-           The study found that community        Choice Experiment Survey of Communities in Ne-
tives such as the REDD+ program. Very      dynamics play a very important part in     pal.” Policy Research Working Paper 7326, World
basic knowledge is needed even about       the adoption of REDD+ contracts. For       Bank, Washington, DC.
                                                                                        World Bank Research           Digest11
(continued from page 1)

Changes in Poverty and Female-Headed
Households in Africa
    So what has happened to the living      a male adult household member,               decline in poverty despite their smaller
standards of female-headed house-           and the same for nonmarried heads.           overall share in the population.
holds in the aggregate? The authors         And the finding that poverty is falling          But why has poverty fallen faster for
examine this question by calculating        faster for female-headed households          female-headed households? Perhaps
country-specific changes in the head-       is robust to allowing for the generally      poor female-headed households face
count index of poverty based on real        smaller size of such households and          relatively high economic returns to
household per capita consumption            economies of scale in consumption.           the new opportunities unleashed by
expenditures, in 2005 dollars adjusted          The living standards of the different    growth. Perhaps they have benefited
for purchasing power parity, separately     types of female-headed households            disproportionately from the expan-
for male- and female-headed house-          followed dissimilar paths across coun-       sion of social protection in Africa. Or
holds. Spells of comparable survey          tries and periods with no one type           perhaps the group of people living in
pairs for the same country allow this to    consistently outperforming the oth-          female-headed households is funda-
be done for 27 spells and 24 countries      ers, yet with at least one type usually      mentally changing over time. A super-
that account for about 80 percent of        outperforming male-headed house-             ficial examination does not support
Africa’s current population.                holds. There is little discernible pat-      any of these explanations, but this new
    The results show that poverty de-       tern across countries. One category of       stylized fact about poverty in Africa
clined for both groups of households,       female-headed households does well           warrants a closer look.
but in most countries it fell faster for    in one country or period while another
female-headed households. This is           category does best elsewhere.
also true when one allows for the di-           A decomposition of the change
versity among female-headed house-          in poverty indicates that rather than        Annamaria Milazzo and Dominique van de Walle.
holds—for example, comparing house-         putting a brake on poverty reduction,        2015. “Women Left Behind? Poverty and Head-
holds with widowed and nonwidowed           female-headed households are con-            ship in Africa.” Policy Research Working Paper
heads, married heads with and without       tributing appreciably to the overall         7331, World Bank, Washington, DC.

(continued from page 9)

Land Market Restrictions and
Rural Labor Markets
in manufacturing and services, with         a greater burden of land market restric-     costs in rural areas—both through
a particularly large negative effect for    tions on older women and a much              slower transformation from agricul-
services. An increase in the land under     smaller effect on men.                       tural to nonagricultural activities and
restrictions has a positive effect on the       Emran and Shilpi also estimate           through lower wages and lower per
probability of being employed in ag-        the effect of land market restrictions       capita consumption. The burden of the
ricultural wage work, but no effect on      on overall wages (for both men and           restrictions falls disproportionately on
the probability of being self-employed      women) and per capita household              older women who take up the work left
in nonagricultural activities. Land         consumption. The results show signifi-       behind by men and younger women.
market restrictions thus hold back the      cant negative effects on both. A one         These longer-term costs should be
structural change from agricultural to      percentage point increase in the share       weighed against possible benefits
nonagricultural employment in a rural       of land under restrictions reduces per       before imposing restrictions on land
economy.                                    capita consumption in a village by           sales and rentals.
    In investigating the effects on labor   0.084 percent. Overall, the evidence on
market outcomes for women, Emran            wages in both papers indicates that
and Shilpi find that their labor force      the effects of land market restrictions
participation increases in response to      work primarily through the migration         M. Shahe Emran and Forhad Shilpi. 2015. “Do
land market restrictions: a one per-        cost channel.                                Land Market Restrictions Hinder Structural
centage point increase in the share of          While concerns about agricultural        Change in a Rural Economy? Evidence from Sri
land under restrictions leads to about      productivity and poverty among farm-         Lanka.” Policy Research Working Paper 7525,
a 2.3 percent increase in women’s la-       ers often underlie the restrictions im-      World Bank, Washington, DC.
bor force participation. But this same      posed on land sales and rentals, the         ———. 2015. “Land Market Restrictions, Wom-
increase in the land under restrictions     studies by Emran and Shilpi show that        en’s Labor Force Participation, and Wages in a
leads to a 1.7 percent decrease in the      by increasing migration costs, these         Rural Economy.” Policy Research Working Paper
female wage. The results also suggest       restrictions can impose significant          7524, World Bank, Washington, DC.
12World Bank ResearchDigest

Recent Policy Research Working Papers on IDA Countries
7164       Promoting Handwashing and Sanitation:            7296       Preferences for REDD+ Contract Attributes in     7416        Oral Democracy and Women’s Oratory
           Evidence from a Large-Scale Randomized                      Low-Income Countries: A Choice Experiment                    Competency in Indian Village Assemblies: A
           Trial in Rural Tanzania                                     in Ethiopia                                                  Qualitative Analysis
           Bertha Briceño, Aidan Coville, and Sebastian                Sahan T. M. Dissanayake, Abebe Damte                         Paromita Sanyal, Vijayendra Rao, and Umang
           Martinez                                                    Beyene, Randall Bluffstone, Zenebe                           Prabhakar
7183       Short-Term Impacts of Formalization                         Gebreegziabher, Peter Martinsson, Alemu          7419        Pronatal Property Rights over Land and
           Assistance and a Bank Information Session on                Mekonnen, Michael Toman, and Ferdinand                       Fertility Outcomes: Evidence from a Natural
           Business Registration and Access to Finance                 M. Vieider                                                   Experiment in Ethiopia
           in Malawi                                        7305       Firms’ Locational Choice and Infrastructure                  Daniel Ayalew Ali, Klaus Deininger, and
           Francisco Campos, Markus Goldstein, and                     Development in Tanzania: Instrumental                        Niels Kemper
           David McKenzie                                              Variable Spatial Autoregressive Model            7426        Changing Wage Structure in India in the
7219       Advanced-Country Policies and Emerging-                     Atsushi Iimi, Richard Martin Humphreys, and                  Post-Reform Era: 1993–2011
           Market Currencies: The Impact of U.S.                       Sevara Melibaeva                                             Hanan G. Jacoby and Basab Dasgupta
           Tapering on India’s Rupee                        7306       Crop Choice and Infrastructure Accessibility     7435        Formalizing Rural Land Rights in West Africa:
           Yuki Ikeda, Denis Medvedev, and Martin                      in Tanzania: Subsistence Crops or Export                     Early Evidence from a Randomized Impact
           Rama                                                        Crops?                                                       Evaluation in Benin
7241       Are Women Less Productive Farmers? How                      Atsushi Iimi, Richard Martin Humphreys, and                  Markus Goldstein, Kenneth Houngbedji,
           Markets and Risk Affect Fertilizer Use,                     Sevara Melibaeva                                             Florence Kondylis, Michael O’Sullivan, and
           Productivity, and Measured Gender Effects in     7334       Quality and Accountability in Healthcare                     Harris Selod
           Uganda                                                      Delivery: Audit Evidence from Primary Care       7440        The Impact of Violence on Individual Risk
           Donald F. Larson, Sara Savastano, Siobhan                   Providers in India                                           Preferences: Evidence from a Natural
           Murray, and Amparo Palacios-López                           Jishnu Das, Alaka Holla, Aakash Mohpal,                      Experiment
7244       Household Responses to Shocks in Rural                      and Karthik Muralidharan                                     Pamela Jakiela and Owen Ozier
           Ethiopia: Livestock as a Buffer Stock            7347       Gold Mining and Proto-Urbanization: Recent       7466        Quantifying Spillover Effects from Large Farm
           Daniel Ayalew Ali                                           Evidence from Ghana                                          Establishments: The Case of Mozambique
7278       Firm Productivity and Infrastructure Costs in               Marcel Fafchamps, Michael Koelle, and                        Klaus Deininger, Fang Xia, Aurelio Mate, and
           East Africa                                                 Forhad Shilpi                                                Ellen Payongayong
           Atsushi Iimi, Richard Martin Humphreys, and      7370       Promoting Democracy in Fragile States:           7473        Households or Locations? Cities, Catchment
           Sevara Melibaeva                                            Insights from a Field Experiment in Liberia                  Areas and Prosperity in India
7279       Firms’ Locational Choice and Infrastructure                 Eric Mvukiyehe and Cyrus Samii                               Yue Li and Martin Rama
           Development in Rwanda                            7384       The Impact of Secondary Schooling in Kenya:      7551        Managing Food Price Volatility in a Large
           Atsushi Iimi, Richard Martin Humphreys, and                 A Regression Discontinuity Analysis                          Open Country: The Case of Wheat in India
           Sevara Melibaeva                                            Owen Ozier                                                   Christophe Gouel, Madhur Gautam, and Will
7280       Firm Inventory Behavior in East Africa           7394       Can Improved Biomass Cookstoves                              J. Martin
           Atsushi Iimi, Richard Martin Humphreys, and                 Contribute to REDD+ in Low-Income                7557        The Distribution of Consumption Expenditure
           Sevara Melibaeva                                            Countries? Evidence from a Controlled                        in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Inequality among
7281       Agriculture Production and Transport                        Cooking Test Trial with Randomized                           All Africans
           Infrastructure in East Africa: An Application               Behavioral Treatments                                        La-Bhus Fah Jirasavetakul and Christoph
           of Spatial Autoregression                                   Abebe D. Beyene, Randall Bluffstone, Sahan                   Lakner
           Atsushi Iimi, Liangzhi You, Ulrike Wood-                    Dissanayake, Zenebe Gebreegziabher, Peter        7646        Decomposing Response Errors in Food
           Sichra, and Richard Martin Humphreys                        Martinsson, Alemu Mekonnen, and Michael                      Consumption Measurement: Implications for
7285       Smallholders’ Land Ownership and Access in                  Toman                                                        Survey Design from a Survey Experiment in
           Sub-Saharan Africa: A New Landscape?             7411       Recasting Culture to Undo Gender: A                          Tanzania
           Klaus Deininger, Fang Xia, and Sara                         Sociological Analysis of Jeevika in Rural                    Jed Friedman, Kathleen Beegle, Joachim De
           Savastano                                                   Bihar, India                                                 Weerdt, and John Gibson
7290       Costs and Benefits of Land Fragmentation:                   Paromita Sanyal, Vijayendra Rao, and Shruti      7665        Short-Term Effects of India’s Employment
           Evidence from Rwanda                                        Majumdar                                                     Guarantee Program on Labor Markets and
           Daniel Ayalew Ali, Klaus Deininger, and          7412       Job Opportunities along the Rural-Urban                      Agricultural Productivity
           Loraine Ronchi                                              Gradation and Female Labor Force                             Klaus Deininger, Hari K. Nagarajan, and
7295       The Economic Viability of Jatropha Biodiesel                Participation in India                                       Sudhir K. Singh
           in Nepal                                                    Urmila Chatterjee, Rinku Murgai, and Martin
           Govinda R. Timilsina and Ujjal Tiwari                       Rama
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