El 612 Vol. 3 Fundo de Investimento e Patrim6nio do Abastecimento de Agua (FIPAG) National Water Development Project - ! , -, ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Manual Interim Issue 0.1 PROJECT No: J22046A February 2003 FIPAG - National Water Development Project Environmental Management System: Manual CONTENTS Chapter Description Page PART A: MAIN TEXT I INTRODUCTION 1-1 1.1 Background 1-1 1.2 Scope of the MUnual 1-2 1.3 Purpose and Objectives of the Manual 1-2 1.4 Structure of the Manual 1-3 1.5 Use of the Manual 14 2 GLOSSARY OF TERMS, DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS 2-1 3 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 3-1 3.1 General Requiremnents for an EMS 3-1 4 ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY 4-1 4.1 Introduction 4-1 4.2 Requirements 4-1 4.3 FIPAG's Environmental Policy (2003) 4-2 5 PLANNING 5-1 5. 1 Introducton 5-1 5.2 Requirements 5-2 5.3 FIPAG's Legal Register 5-3 5.4 FIPAG's Objectves and Targets for the EMS 5-3 5.5 FIPAG's Environmental Integration Programme (EIP) 5.4 6 IMPLEMENTATION 6-1 6.1 Introduction 6-1 FIPAG: Envrorinenlal Management System MAN0. 1 Manual 6.2 Requirements 6-1 6.3 FIPAG's Organisabonal Structure for the EMS 6-2 7 OPERATION 7-1 7.1 Introduction 7-1 7.2 Requirements 7-1 8 CHECKING, CORRECTIVE ACTION AND IMPROVEMENT 8-1 8.1 Introduction 8-1 8.2 Requirements 8-1 9 MANAGEMENT REVIEW OF THE EMS 9-1 9.1 Introducton 9-1 9.2 Requirements 9-1 PART B: SUPPORTING INFORMATION Appendix A: ISO 14001: 1996 - Environmental Management Systems - Specification with Guidance for Use (First Edition). Appendix B: FIPAG EMS Document Reference Index. PART C: LEGAL REGISTER PART D: REGISTER OF SIGNIFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS AND IMPACTS PART E: ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEM PROCEDURES PART F: ENVIRONMENTAL INTEGRATION PROGRAMME PART G: ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PROCEDURES FIPAG: Environmental Management System MAN/0. 1 Manual PART A: MAIN TEXT FIPAG. Environmeental Management System MANIO. 1 Manual I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Fundo de Investimento e Patrim6nio do Abastecimernto de Agua (FIPAG) is a govemment agency tasked to co-ordinate the National Water Development Project (NWDP) for selected cities in Mozambique. Specifically, FIPAG was established to take over the dutLies and obligations of water service delivery in the four water companies of Beira, Quelimane, Nampula and Pemba, and to act as lessor in Maputo. The authorty and responsibilities of FIPAG indude: * Investmrent and financial management for rehabilitation and expansion of water supply assets; * Maximisation of efficiency and return on existing assets; and * Contract management, monitoring and enforcement of the contractual obligations of the Private Operator. The NWDP is funded by the national govemment, intemational govemments and intemational funding agencies and comprises a mixture of sub-projects for each of the selected cities which provide for. * The rehabilitabon of existing and/or provision of new water supply services (e.g. new water intakes, new boreholes, pipework, dosing plant and reservoirs) and support infrastructure (such as building repair, electrics, power supply and road access); and * Short term 'Immediate Action Plans. The planning for, protection and management of the environmtent which may be affected by the NWDP is both a Mozambican legal requiremrent (through, for example, its Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations) and a conditon of the loan agreements wth the donors. Although not a specific requirement attached to the loan agreement. the implementation of an Environmnental Management System (EMS) has been volurnteered by FIPAG in recogniton of: * The need to ensure that the development and implementation of the NWDP is undertaken in accordance with the legal and donor requirements for envirornental protection and management; and * The need to ensure the management of the potential environrmental impacts associated with the construction and operation of its water supply facilities in the selected cnies The EMS described in this Manual has been structured with due reference to the International Standards Organisation (ISO) 14001 specification (see Pasrt, B, Appendix A of this document) Muile it is not intended to produce a ful-scale EMS for FIPAG at this stage, it is expected that the EMS will be gradually upgraded over time and that accreditation will eventually be sought. FIPAG: Envirornnental Management System MAN/0.1 Manual Page 1-1 1.2 Scope of the Manual The current scope of the EMS extends to: * The activities over which FIPAG has direct control or can be expected to have an influence in association with the development of the NWDP sub-projects; * The management of the construction phase; and * The handover of the completed project to the Pnvate Operator. The EMS will be expanded in the near future to provide for the activiies, products and services that are associated with the operation of the water supply faclities in each of the cities. White FIPAG are ultimately responsible for the environmental management of the NVVDP, the responsibility for undertaking some of the required activities (such as undertaking environmental impact assessments) will be assigned to appointed consultants and contractors. FIPAG will need to monitor the actions of these appointed consultants and contractors to ensure compliance wih the requirements of the E MS 1.3 Purpose and Objectives of the Manual As part of an EMS it is necessary to produce a Manual. The Manual provides guldance on all aspects of the EMS, Including providing the frameworks for establishing the key components of the EMS and the management procedures for those areas to be specifically targeted by the EMS. Section 4.4.4 of ISO 14001 provides for the documentation of the EMS, namely: * To descnbe the core componerts of the management system and their rnreracrton, and * To pro wde direcrtion to re/ated documentation. Further to this key requirement, the purpose and objective of the Manual is to: * Provide a user-friendly reference resouroe on the philosophy for the establishment, implementation and maintenance of the EMS for FIPAG * Provide guidance and procedures on the establishment, implementation and maintenance of the EMS - this is to act as both a reference resource for the current EMS and a foundation for the future review and upgrade of the EMS. * Provide specific Instructions and procedures for the integration of the pnnciples and actions associated with effective environmental assessment, protection and management into FIPAG's activities. * To provide a training too for those persons who wiil be responsible for establishing implementing and maintaining the EMS lor FiPAG FIPAG Environmental Management System MAN10 1 Mawal Page 1-2 The EMS and all associated documentation is a 'live' document that will be reviewed and updated throughout the lifespan of FIPAG as and when required to accommodate changes to the NWDP, operational changes, new legslation and other requirements or circumstances that will require changes to the coverage of PIPAG's EMS. 1.4 Structure of the Manual This Manual has been structured as follows: Part A: Main Text Contains chapters on the planning for, implementation, operabonal control, checking and improvement, and management review of the FIPAG EMS. Part A also includes the following: * FIPAG's Environmental Policy; * FIPAG's Objectves and Targets for the EMS; * FIPAG's Organisation Structure for the Implementation of the EMS; and * Figures illustraling the components of the EMS. Part B: Supporting Information Contains appendices with supporting information to Part A, including: * A copy of ISO 14001; and * A reference index of FIPAG EMS documents, Part C: Register of Legal and Contains the current register of legal and Regulatory Requirements regulatory requirements pertinent to FIPAG and the NWDP. Part D: Register of Significant Contains the current register of significant Envitonmental Aspects environmental aspects and impacts associated and Impacts with NWDP projects. Part E: Environmental System Contains all the Environmental Systems Procedures (ESPs) Procedures pertinent to the EMS at this stage. Part F: Environmental Intogration Contains FIPAG's Environmental :ntegration Programme (EIP) Programme for the MNDP. Part G: Environmental Action Contains all the Environmental Action Procedures Procedures (EAPs) pertinent to the EMS at this stage. FIPAG: Environmental Management System MAN/0. 1 Manual Page 1-3 1.5 Use of the Manual This Manual should be used as a reference by those responsible for the mplementation, maintenance or external verification of the EMS, specifically to * Provide a background on the understanding of the structure, purpose and requirement for the EMS; * Provide a reference on the philosophy behind the development of the current content of the EMS; * Provide a reference or 'paper-trail' on the development of the EIP and EAPs; * Provide a reference or route for the future review, revision and expansion of the EMS; and * Provide an information and/or training tool for persons untamiliar wth an EMS. The Procedures for the key components of the EMS, and for meeting the oblective and targets of the EIP have been incorporated into Parts E, F and G of this Manual. A complete list of all procedures and documentation produced in connection with the EMS has been included In Part B, Appendix B of this Manual. FIPAG Environmental Management System MANIO 1 Marual Page 1-4 2 GLOSSARY OF TERMS, DEFNITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS The followng definitions have been used in the Manual and include both pertinent ISO 14001 definitons and those that are specific to FIPAG. [Listed in alphabetcal rcerl ISO 14001 BASED DEFINMONS Continual Irnprovement Process of enhancing the EMS to achieve improvements in overall environmrental performance in line with the FIPAG's Environmental Policy. Environment The surroundings in which the projects and/or water supply facilitbes will be operated Including air, water, land, natural resources, flora, fauna, humans and their interrelaion. In the context of the water supply facilibes, the 'surroundings' may extend from within the fenced boundary of the site into the areas Immediately abutting the site and beyond. Environmental Aspect Element of the project or water supply faalty activities that can interact with the environment and lead to an environmental impact - namely the 'cause' of a gven impact Environmentl Impact Any change to the environment, whether adverse or benefidal, wholly or partly resuting from the activities associated with a project orwater supply facility. Including, for example, an increase in noise levels, soil contamination, water contarmination and loss of habitat. EMS Environmental Management System Includes organisational structure, planrnig activities, responsibilibes, practices, procedures, processes and resources for developing. implementing, achieving, reviewing and maintaining the Environmental Policy. EMS Audit A systematic and documented vermfication process of objectively obtaining and evaluabing evidence to determine wheter the EMS conforms to the EMS audit criteia set by FIPAG, and for communication of the results of this process to management. Environmental Objective The overall environmental goal. arisirg from the Environmental Poficy, that FIPAG has set Itself to achieve and which is quantified as practica FIPAG: Environrental Management System MANO. 1 Manual Page 2-1 Environmental Performance Measurable results of the EMS, related to the contrdr of its environmental aspeds, based on its Environmental Policy, objecives and targets. Environmental Policy Statemnent by FIPAG of its intentions and principes in relation to its overall environmental performance of the NWDP and its water supply facilibes in the selected cities. The Environmental Poicy provides a framework for action and for the setting of its environmental objectives and targets. Environmental Target Detailed performance requirement, quantffied where pracUcable, applicable to FIPAG andlor the project or water supply facility. that arises from the environmental objectves and that needs to be set and met in order to achieve those objectives PreentIon of pollution Use of processes, practices, materials or products that avoid, reduce or control pollution, which may include recycling. treatment, process changes, control mechanisms, effident use of resouces and material substitution. The potential benefits of pdlution prevention include the reduction of adverse environmental impacts, improved efficiency and reduced costs. FIPAG SPECIFIC DEFINITONS FOR 1HE EMS AfDB Afncan Development Bank Funding agency for NWDP sub-projects in Maputo. The AfDB has a set policy and a series of guidance documents and critena for ensuring that due consideration of the envirormnent is taken into account during the design. construction and operation of AfDB ffirded proects. ARA Regional Water Admirustraton (AdmiristraXo Regonal de Aguas) Activities' An EMS addresses the envirormentai impacts assocated with activities, products and/or services for a given site. Activities wil inciude those associated wth the key development stages of the NWDP development, namely the project conceptualisation, feasibility and design stages, construction, operation and decommissioning phases. Activities associated with contract development are also included. See also entries for 'products' and 'services'. The activities, products and services associated with the NWDP wil need to be reviewed and upgraded as the scope and focus of the FIPAG EMS is expanded between 2003 and 2007. FIPAG: Enviornmental Management System MANIO. 1 Manual Page 2-2 CAP Corrective Action Plan Prepared in connection with any non-conformances or incidents that occur (see ESP 010: 'Non-Conformance, Corrective and Preventabve Actions'). Details actions to rectify a problem, to prevent its recurrence and to address any associated sipads that have occurred. CDH Controlled Document Holder Designated FIPAG staff member who wRi be responsible for holding key 'controlled' EMS documentation on behalf of their department See ESP 007 'Document Control' for fuLther detail. Consultant Consultancy or group of consultancies appointed by FIPAG to typically undertake the Investigation and design of the NWDP projects. Also normally required to prepare the bid docuxmntation for construction & evaluate bids received from contractors. A consultant may also be appointed to undertake construction supervision. Contractor A private organisation which wil be appointed by FIPAG to construct a given project as per the design and specificabon prepared by an appointed consultant. Controlling AuthoriUes Refers to all or any one of the following MICOA, WB, AfDB and/or other funding agencies DNA National Directorate of Water (Direc,cao Nacional de Aguas) Environmental Auditor Individual appointed internally or exernally to audit the level of compliance wIth environmental management irnstructions, and to assess the environmental performance achieved. Environmental Control The ECO monitors compliance with Environmental Offcer (ECO) Specificatons Incorporated into a Contractors contract for the construction phase. The ECO advises the Resident Engineer on environmental matters relating to construction Environffental Impact The process by which the environmental impacts Assessment (EA or EIA) (negative and positive) are Identified and considered for any given development is called 'Environmental Assessment' or 'Environmental Impact Assessment'. The scope and content of the EA will be determined by the nature of the project, the alternative devopments FIPAG: Envirormnental Management System MAN/0.1 Manual Page 2-3 under consideration and the physical, biological and human charactenstics of the environment to be affected by the project. Environmental Assessment The aim of the EA Report is to provide an objectve and Report (LEA Report) comprehensive account of the potential environmental impacts associated with a project in a non-technical, straight-forward manner. Environmental Management The EMP sets out instrucbons or Environmental Plan (EMP) for Construction Specifications that will be Included in a contract document for the construction phase of a project. The EMP will ensure the construction acbvibes are conducted and managed in an envirornmentally sound ard responsible manner. The EMP also details the organisational authonty and structuire required to ensure the effective implementation of the EMP and measres to monitor and improve the applicabon of the EMP. EAPs Environmental Action PFocedures Procedures which provide step by step instructions for undertaking day to day activities within FIPAG to ensure that the protection and management of the environment is integrated into the NWDP development process. The focus of the EAPs is defined by the objectrves and targets outlined in the Environmental Integration Programme (EIP). EE Environmental Engineer The FIPAG person who will be directy responsible for co- ordinaling and directng the effective and successful implementation of the EMS in accordance with the guidance and instructions presented in the Manual. The EE will also be responsible for ensuring the review, update and improvement of the EMS on a continual basis NOTE: ISO 14001 and EMS guidance usually refers to an Environmental Manager being responsible for implementng an EMS. It has been necessary to amend the definition to Environmental Engineer' for the FIPAG EMS to best suit the office sructure. The duties and responsibilities of the EE remain the sane as those typically descnbed for an Environmental Manager. EIA Regulations Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations, Artide 33 of Law no 20/97 1 October - approved and decreed through Decree no 76/98 of 29 December. These set out the Mozambican requinrets for undertaking the systematic assessment of specified 'activities' on the environment in order to allow MICOA to make an informed decision on the approvaVrejection of FIPAG. Envirorvoental Management System MAN/O. 1 Manual Page 2-4 the activity and to involve the surrounding communities in the decision making process. EIP Environmental integrabon Programme The EIP sets out the framework for achieving ddried objectives and targets for addressing specific sigrmficant environmental aspecs and activbes. It indudes a desgnation for responsbildty for achieving the objecives and targets, the methodology and timetrame for completion ISO 14001 and EMS guidance usually refers to Environmental Management Programmes' (with the acronym EMP). However due to potential confusion with terminology used by Wortd Bank, AfDB and MICOA regarding the preparabon of Environmental Management Plans (e.g. for construction). it has been necessary to define a new acronym and title for the FIPAG EMS - 'Environmental Irtegration Programme'. No changes have been made to the format and content of the document as descnbed in ISO 14001 and EMS guidance. EMP Environmental Management Plan The EMP sets out instuctons that will be induded in a contract documrent for the construction phase of a sub- project. The EMP will ensure the construction actives are conduced and managed In an environmentally sound and responsible manner. EMS Manual Environmental Management System Manual Document describing the requirements, components and associated documents needed to implemnent, maintain and improve the FIPAG EMS. ESMP Environmental and Social Management Plan Terminology used by AfDB for an EMP (see glossary entry above.) ESPa Environmental System Procedures Procedures which provide instructons on planning. implemenbng and operating, checidng, correcting and reviewing the key components of the EMS These are specifcally based on the requirements of ISO 14001 (Clause 4). FIPAG Fundo de InvesUmento e Patnm6nio do Abastecimento de Agua Goverrwnent agency tasked to co-ordinate the National FIPAG: Env rorrnental Management Sstem MAN/O 1 Manual Page 2-5 Water Development Project for the five ates (Beira, Maputo, NampiJa, Pemba and Quelimane) Specifically FIPAG was established to take over the management duties and obligations of water service delivery in the four water companies of Beira, Quelimane, Nampula and Pemba, and to act as lessor in Maputo. The authonty and responsibilites of FIPAG include (i) Investment and finandal management for rehabilation and expansion of water supply assets, (ii) manimisation of etfiaency and return on exsting assets, and (iii) contract management, monitoring and enforcement of the contractual obligations of the Private Operator. FIPAG Facilites All staff, structures, equipment and materials used in the procurement, treatment, storage and supply of water to the cities of Beira, Maputo, Nampula. Pemba and Quelimane. Mgr Manager FIPAG Mgt FIPAG Management, compnsing FIPAG's senior management. Fundirg Agency(les) Refers to the World Bank, the Afncan Development Bank, Government of the Netherlands and Agence Francaise de Developpement. HRD Human resource development I&AP Interested and Affected Party Individual or group concerned with or affected by the environmental perfofnance of the NWDP projects and/or by the activites, products and services associated with the water supply facilities IDA International Development Assoaation Part of the World Bank Group. ISO Internaional Standards Organisation KPI Key performance indicators MICOA Ministeno Para a Coordenaao da Acpo Arnbiental (Ministry for the Coordination of Environmental Affars) MICOA is the natkoa governmet department responsible for the protection of the environment and for FIPAG: Envirorwnertal Management System MAN/O. 1 Manual Page 2-6 authoxising proposed development projects. Authorisabon is provided only after appropriate studies have been undertaken to assess the environmental and social Implicabons of proposed development projects in accordance with the EtA Regulations NGO Non-govemmenal organisation NWDP National Water Development Project Title name for a strategic initiative to improve the water supply system of five cties in Mozambique, incorporating a mixture of the rehabiltatlon and upgrade of exsting systems and the provision of new facilities. PAD Project Appraisal Document Produced by the Worid Bank. This dJocument sets out the project development objectives, the strategic context, project descnption summary, project raionale, summary project analysis, sustainabibty and uisks, main loan condifions, readiness for implementabon and compliance with Bank policies. PCR Project Completion Report A requirement of World Bank, this report sets out the actual environmental impacts that occurred and the effectveness of the mibgation measures. PIC Public Information Centre Servce provided by the World Bank and AfDS through which the public may access information about projects and submit comments. PIM Project Implemenatwon Manual A Wold Bank document which provides a reference guide on the NWDP. It provides a sunmary of the project a descnption of the institutons Invlved in its implementation and an outline of the procedures to be fdlowed in the implementabon of the project. Products' An EMS addresses the environmental impacts associated with the activities, products andlor services for an organisation At this stage, and with the current focus of the EMS, the main product associated wih the NWDP will be design reports, bid documents. contracts, construction waste and sludge. See also entries for activAt,es' and 'services'. FIPAG: Envirormental Management System MAN/O. 1 Manual Page 2-7 RAP Resettlement Action Plan The aim of the RAP is to descnbe eligibility for compensation and other forms of assistance. review the extent and scope of resettlement, set out an implementation plan for delivery of assistance. evaluate the organisational capacity of involved agencies, set out a schedule for implementatbon and descnbe how affected persons may be invdved in the development of the RAP. Slvces' An EMS addresses te environrnental impacts associated with activities, products and/or servi for a given site. At this stage, and with the current focus of the EMS, the main sevices associated with the NWDP will be planning, design. constructon and water supply. See also entries for actvities' and 'products'. TOR Terms of Reference. World Bank Funding agency for the NWDP sub projects for the four citfes (Beira, Nampula, Pemba and Quelimane) The World Bank has a set policy and a series of gLidance criteria for ensuring that due consideraton of the environment is taken into aocount during the design, construction and operation of World Bank funded projects. FIPAG: Envirornmental Managemert System MAN/O. 1 Manual Page 2-8 4 ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY 4.1 Introduction The Environmental Policy represents a public statement on FIPAGs commitment to ensure that its activities are managed in an environmentally sound manner either through its own actions or through those to be delegated to other parties ISO 14001 R a. l Refer to Clause 4.2 for further detail on the Environmertal Pdicy (see Part B, AppendIx A of this Manual). 4.2 Requirements Specific to FIPAG, the foliomng -mll apply: Basic Requirements FIPAG will define its commitment to undertake its activities in connection with the NWDP in an environmentally responsible manner. FIPAG will define the execution of its commitment to establish implement and maintain the EMS through its Environmental Engineer, appointed Contractors and/or Consultants and its Private Operator. Key Components of the 1 The Environmental Policy will be appropriate to the nature Environmental Policy I of activities undertaken in connection with the NWDP and to the level of Management commitment to implementing the EMS. Key components of the Environmental Policy should include: * Reference to the physical coverage of the EMS. * A commitment to continual improvement and prevention of pollution. * A commitment to comply with relevant environmental legislabon and regulatons and co-operate with the Controlling Autrhorrties * A commitment to ensure that those parties appointed to execute described activities on behalf of FIPAG will do so in accordance with the principles of the EMS. * The provision for the regular review and updating of the objectives and targets of the EMS. FIPAG: Environmental Management System MAN/O. 1 Manual Page 4-1 * Reference to the implementaton of an EMS in compliance with the principles and requirements of ISO 14001. Key Management and These indude ensuring that: Maintenance Mleasures * The Environmental Policy is approved by FIPAG Management. * The Environmental Policy for FIPAG is documented, implemented, reviewed and revised at regular intervals. * The Environmental Policy is concise, dearly formatted and written in plain language. * The statemrents in the Environmental Policy are realistic and appropriate to FIPAG and the NWDP. ! * The statements of the Environmental Policy feature in the EIP. l The Environmental Policy is communicated to all pertinent people associated with the NWDP. Key Documentation and; Part A: Procedures * FIPAGs Obectves and Targets for the EMS [Cnmpies documents and procedures tha wvi dr influence Part C: the Envionmental Poky or be directly inleced by the rren contents or * FIPAG's Legal Register any changes to the Eonment Part E: * ESP 001: 'Updating the Environmental Policy' Part F: * FIPAGsEIP. Part G: * EAPs. 4.3 FIPAG's Environmental Policy (2003)3 FiPAG's environmental goal is to manage its activities to ensure that the design, construction, operation and decommissioning of its projects is undertaken in a controlled manner to prevent, minimise and correct tor any adverse environmental impacts and enhance positive environmental impacts. [Environmental Departmt Goan FIPAG will promote the effective environmental management of its activities in accordance mth legislative and social requiremernts through the operation of an Environmental Management System. [Policy] FIPAG will introduce, maintain and enhance an EMS to ensure the timely management and control of the environmental aspects associated with its activities The EMS will provide a structured and orderly procedure, which will be regularly updated and improved to address all 3 As described in the FIPAG Business and Acton Plan. 2003/2004. FIPAG: Envirormental Managerment Systern MAN/0. t Manual Page 4-2 Figure 1: Key Components of EMS -. ...... .. . .- ............. . --....- * c 1 NorW.aoarto1Wie. c Aud & k: Intificatin of Legal & PrevrWtatfer - OttwrReqments RerdK O * Continual DdtnndOqte ~. > Improvement & Tags mOna - - j- ielopmwt of Wm l - s mpemenwion Plan Deftiron of Suture, Roles Ernergency Res onee & Responstriit Documentation Cortwl Tra*inn & Raisig Awaereess EMS iDocLnenta2n CommunMaten FIPAG: Envirownmental Management System MAN/O. 1 Manual Page 3-3 relevant environmental issues related to FIPAG projects. The EMS will be based on international standards. [Strategy] FIPAG: Environmental Management System MAN/O. 1 Manual Page 4-3 This page is intentionally blank. FIPAG Environmental Management System MAO 1 Manual >Page 4-4 S PLANNING 6.1 Introduction The overall purpose of the 'Planning' component of an EMS is to develop a reaiisic and organisation-specific strategy for managing and minimising the adverse environmental risks and impacts, as well as for enhancing the environmental benefts. It is based on the following * An understanding of the likely environmental implicalons of activites, products and services; and * An understanding of the legal requirements for environmental assessment, protection and management for the NWDP. The Planning component of the EMS culminates in the production of an Environmental Integration Programme (EIP) (see Part F of the Manual) which will describe * The environmental aspects and impacts to be controlled ana the associated objectives and targets to facilitate this control; and * The actions required and ownership of these actions and a programme for completing the actions. ISO 14001 R : Refer to ISO 14001 docunent (see PBt B, Appendix A of this Manual). Clause 4.31 fbr futher detai on the idenfitcatton and determwnation of signrdcant envronmental aspeos and inpacts. Clause 4 3 2 for hrwther detaHi on deveIoptng a regiter of legal and other regulatory requirements Clause 4 3.3 for further detaD on determning obednces and targets for the EMS. Clause 4 34 khr further detail on dveloping Enrironmental ntegration Programmes 4 4 Note: ISO 14001 and typial EMS guidance will refer to Envuronmental Management Pians - see Gloessy for explanation FIPAG: Environmental Management System MANIO 1 Manual Page 5-1 5.2 Requirements The following requirements wIll apply to FIPAG Basic Requirfements FIPAG will establshi and maintain procedures to: i ldentity and update a register of the sigruficarW environmental aspects and impacts that may be associated with the !N'MP. * Identify and update a pertinent database of the legislation, regulabons. environmental caitena and other requirements. X Identify, document and regularly review the key objectives and targets of EMS. - Update the EMS documentation where fudure EMS planning dictates | * Prepare an EIP. Key M.nagmrint and These indude, Mait,enance,Measures * ldentifyng and maintaining a 'register' of the internatonal, national. regional and local legal, regulatory and other requiremenets perirnent to FIPAG. i Ensuring that, where pertinent. the legal, regulatory and i other requirements feature as part of the objectives and targets for the EIP and associated procedures. * The systematic identfficaton of activities associated with the NWDP and the prioritisaton of the associated l environmental aspects and impacts. :* The development and documentation of realistic objectives, targets responsibilites and target dates for the management of 'significarnt' environmental aspects and impacts in the EIP. * Ensure that the objectives and targets are used as performance ctittena for the EMS and are regularly reviewed and updated. * Ensure that the EIP is reglarly reviewed and updated to take into account any changes to circumstances. * Ensure appropriate resources (manpower training. finances and equpment) are identified and provided for the effective implementabon of the EIP. * Ensure appropriate authonty is provided to those responsible for implementng the EIP and associated _ procedures. FIPAG: Environmental Managemeent System MANiO. 1 Manual Page 5-2 Key Documentation and Part A Procedures * FIPAGs Objecbves and Targets for the EMS. Part C: ,. FIPAG's Legal Register. Part D: * FIPAG's Register of Sgnificant Environmental Aspects and Impacts. Part E: . ESP 002: 'Updating of Legal Register'. * ESP 003: Register of Significant Environmental Aspects and Impacts'. * ESP 004: 'Preparation of Environmental Integrabon Programmes'. Part F: * EIP. Part G: * EAPs. 5.3 FIPAG's Legal Register See Part C of the Manual for the current version of the register for legal and other regulatory requirements relevant to FIPAG's activibes 5.4 FIPAG's Register of Significant Environmental Aspects and Impacts See Part D of the Manual for the currert version of the register for significant environmental aspects and impacts associated wth the NWDP. 5.5 FIPAG's Objectives and Targets for the EMS The 'strategic' objecd,ves and targets of FIPAG's EMS wil be the means of implementing thfe statemients made in the Environmental Policy, and will in turn be reflected in all the prowdures produced. FIPAG- Environrmental Managemere System MAN/0.1 MNnual Page 5-3 The following table demonstrates the links made between the Environmental Policy, the strategic objectves, targets and associated procedures'. STATEMENT_i OBJECTIVE TARGETS PROCEDURE Integration of To ensure consideration of Suite of Environmental EAP 001 environmenta potenfial enironmental assessment and management management into impacts associated with the reports and documents EAP 004 acbvities. NWDP. pertinent to each sub-project To ensure integration of Contract clauses for Private ESP 003 environmental protection and Operator. management controls into the NWDP. Regitr of Significnt E nvronmental Aspects and To understand the range of Impacts. potential environmental impacts associated with the NWDP. To ensure the coverage of environmertal isues (protechon and management) in all new and amended Pnvate Operator Contracts. To ensure timeous provision for resetement and compensation. Compiance with To malnain a register of legal Legal register. ESP 002 legal and requirements. Permit and written approvals ESP 003 reqarements. To demonstrate compliance. from all perinent auhorities. ESP 010 Records Implement an j To implement an EMS using a Basic Manual and associated ESP 001 EMS phased approach - stafng systems procedures. ttrough to ESP with a basic franework 012 To use ISO 14001 as Environmertal Integration EAP 001 to guidance for the EMS. Programme and associated EAP 004 acton procedures. To enable the expanson of the Programme for EMS EMS to full ISO 14001 development. ESP 012 complance at a future dabt. 5.6 FIPAG's Environmental Integration Programme (EIP) and Environmental Action Procedures (EAPs) See Part F of the Manual for the EIP. See Part G of the Manual for the EAPs which will 'implemrent' the EIP. 5 Note: these represent strategic objectives and targets for the implemenron of the EMS as a whole. Addibonal objectives and targets will be aeveloped in assocAation wvth the EiP to enable the physical implementation of the environmental controls for the specific environmental aspects and impacts identifed FIPAG: Environmental Managemernt System MANO. 1 Maual Page 54 FIPAGI Envmro,ental Management System MANIO.1 6 IMPLEMENTATION 6.1 Introduction The overall purpose of the 'Implementatfon' component of an EMS is to ensure that the strategies developed to manage and control the environmental impications of the NWDP are put into action, that responsibilities are identified, authority allocated and associated tasks are administered accordngly ISO 14 ce: Refer to Clause 4.4.1 flr futher detal on defining the arganlsetional structure for an EMS (see Part 1, Appendix A of this Manual) 6.2 Requirements The followvng requirements will apply to FIPAG: Basic Requirement | FIPAG shall * Identify an organisational structure, roles and responsibilities for the effective implernentation and maintenance of the EMS. * Ensure that the management structure is communicated to FIPAG stall at all levels. * Provide appropriate resources for the effective implementation and maintenance of the EMS. Key Management and These include: Maintenance Measures * Ensuring that the defined structure, roles and responsibilrties for the implementation and maintenance of the EMS are established and maintained between all FIPAG staff. * Ensurng that the appropriate environmental awareness and EMS training is provided to outine all roles and responsibilities * Ensuring appropriate resources are provided to ensure that defined roles and responsibilites can be carried out. FIPAG: Environmental Management System MAN1O 1 Manual Page 6-1 Key Documentation and Part A: Prooedures * Figure 2. FIPAG Organisational Structure for EMS. [These documents and procedwes will set th cornext for definwg and Part E: commun*ating ft orgnisational struture, roles and reosponsibiUeios for * ESP 005: Training'. the EMS.] * ESP 006: 'CommuniCcafons'. 6.3 FIPAG's Organisational Structure for fte EMS An organogram for the organisational structure of the implementation and maintenance of the FIPAG EMS is :llustrated in Figure 2. [For further details on the structural organisation of FIPAG, refer to the company intranet] The roles and responsibilities for each of the positions described in the organogram are listed blow. 6.3.1 Environmental Engineer (EE) The EE is the EMS Management Representative of FIPAG and vil primanly demonstrate the commitment of the FIPAG Management towards environmental management through the development, implementation and maintenance of the EMS. ROLE RESPONSIBIUTIES To plan and develop the FIPAG EMS. Including * Determining the legal requirements. * Semng the strategic objectives and targets for the EMS. * Developing an EIP and associated EAPs. To ensure the day to day mplementation lncluding maintenance and improvement of the FIPAG * Implement directly or indirectly the ESP EMS, and EAPs within FIPAG and in connection with the NWDP. * Conduct internal environmental audits and other monitoring activities of effectiveness of ESPs and EAPs * Record and *nvestigate any incidents' and/or 'non-conformances'. * Identify and communicate legal requirements within F IPAG * Conduct awareness training within FIPAG. Co-ordinate document control and record keeping, and handle communication and generate reports FiPAG: Environrnentl Management System MANI0. 1 Manual Page 6-2 6.3.2 FIPAG Management Within the context of the EMS, the F IPAG Management comprises the Chairman and CEO. ROLE RESPONSIBLITIES To commit to the planning, .mplementabon. Including checidng and improvement of the basic EMS. * To take part in the required annual management review of the EMS. * The endorsement of the Ernironmental Policy. * To provide necessary, reasonable resources for the development, implementation and maintenance of the EMS. To ensure support and authorfty for the EE to * Assist in encouraging and obtaining undertake his duties in connection with the support from the Private Operator for the Implementation, maintenance and operation of the EMS, improvement of the EMS. * Encouraging FIPAG staff to become involved in the development and operation of the EMS. To support the iniegration of the EE into all Including: aspects of FIPAG. * Parlicipatbon in the Annual Business Plan development process. 6.3.3 Investments Manager ROLE RESPONSIBIUTIES To ensure that the EE is involved in the To advise and/or involve the EE in the NWDP project development process from following: project identification through to the handover * Forthcoming 'dentification of new projects of the project to the FIPAG Construction Within the current suite of ciies or for new Manager cities. * The preparation of Bid Documents for Consultants for the feasibility and design of the project and the review of trie Tenders subsequently received. * The review of all reports produced by the Consultants and the opportunity to comment and request amendments. * The review of Bid Documents for Contractors and the review of the Tenders subsequently received. * The preparation of Bid Documents for the Construction Supervision Consultants and the review of the Tenders subsequently received. FIPAG: Environmental Managemernt System MANJ0 1 Manual Page 6-3 6.3.4 Construction Supervision Manager ROLE RESPONSIBIUTIES To support the EE in implementing and To advise andlor involve the EE on the monitonng environmental management following: practices during the construction phase for the projects through to the handover of the The review of Progress Reports received project to the FIPAG Operations Manager. from the RE during Construction and the opportunity to comment and request actions * Site visns by Construction Supervision Manager. 6.3.5 Operations Manager ROLE RESPONSIBIUTIES To support the EE in implementing and To advise and/or involve the EE on the monitoring environmental management following: practices during the operatons phase of the * The review of Progress/Monthly Reports Pre received from the Private Operator and the opportunity to comment and request actions. * Site visits by Operations Manager. 6.3.6 Legal Manager ROLE RESPONSIBIUTIES To ensure that development of all new or To advise and/or involve the EE on the amended contracts between FIPAG and its following Private Operator include reference to 0Peaaino e otat ewe environmental protectionand managemerenc FIPAG and the Pivate Operator. X Amendment of existing contracts between FIPAG and the Private Operator To provide support where significant To keep the EE up to date on all legal breaches with contracts on environmental elements relating to environmental aspects of issues or legal environmental requirements the projects. have been made by appointed organisations, as identified by the EE. FIPAG: Environmental Management System MAN/0, I Manual Page 6-4 FIGURE 2: FIPAG ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Organisational Structure for Implementatton FIPAu J.'.tim5e t t 1 F(55G C;PAG DETAILS t1SUE CDATE 1n11l (draft) lue C %rch 200 � Appoved Isu 1 0 FIPAG Environrmental Management System MAN/0 1 Manual Page 6-5 This page is intentionally blank. FIPAG Environmental Managemert System MAN/O.1 Manual .Page 6-6 7 OPERATION 7.1 Introduction The overall purpose of the 'Operation' component of an EMS is to ensure tnat the strategies developed to manage and control the environmental implications of the NWDP are put into action and administered accordingly. ISO 14001 RVefwwo: Refer to ISO 14001 document (see Pat B, Apperdlx A of ths Manual): Clause 4 4 3 for futher detail a pronwding awa-eness and competence tr sming. and for conmuncafions Clause 4 4.4 for furtheriw deta on preparng EMS documentation Clause 4.4.5 for fthbr detai on controNing EMS documentation. Clause 4 4 6 for hfther detail on preparation of documentation for operasonal contnrl (i e the implemnation of the inotnJcftons and specifications to reduce and contrd s/gniigcant envrromental impads) 7.2 Requirements The following requirements will apply to FIPAG: Basic Requirement FIPAG shall establish and maintain procedures to: * Ensure appropriate trainirg is provided to all FIPAG personnel * Enable effective communication within FIPAG. * Set up and maintain a document control system for the key EMS documentation. * Prevent and/or manage the significant environmental aspects associated with FIPAG's activites. Key Management and These include: Maiintenance Measures * Identifying the training needs and developing a training programme which incorporates providing induction training, awareness training and EMS implementation training as necessary. * Providing regular awareness training courses to enhance general environmental awareness and I _ _ _I_ promote proactive involvement within FIPAG. FIPAG: Envrorwnental Management System MAN/0. 1 Manual Page 7-1 : Establishing dear channels for communicatons for all personnel, allowing both up- and downstream communicaabons * Prepanng a document control system to manage the current versions of key EMS documentation (e.g. the Environmental Policy, ESPs, EAPs and Legal Register) and the distnbution of these documents * Preparing actions pocedures (EAPs) necessary to integWate envronmental management. to cotrol current environmental impacts and ensure compliance wfith legal requirements, at a minimum. * Providing for neW EAPs to be developed or eisting procedures to be amended or upgraded as necessary. Key Documentation and I Part E: Procedures * ESP 005: Training. I ESP 006: 'Commurmcabons'. * ESP 007: 'Document Control'. * ESP 008: Preparabon of EAPs'. Part F: * EIP. Part G: * EAPs. Other: * Training Programme. * Document Control Register. FIPAG. Errwronmental Management System MAN/0.1 Manual Page 7-2 8 CHECKING, CORREC TIVE ACTION AND IMPROVEMENT 8.1 Introduction The overall purpose of this component of the EMS is to: * Monitor and confirm the effectiveness and performance of the EIP and associated EAPs; * Monitor and confirm the performance of the EMS as a whole; and * Address any specific problems encountered and to provide for the continual improvement of the EMS. rso 14001 R -: Refer to ISO 14001 (see Part B, Appenicix A of this Manual)' Clause 4 4 3 for hurther detrail on monitonng and measunng the implementation and effectiveness of the EMS Clause 4 52 fof fuerther detas on addrsssng non-cwnformances and irmperenting corrsectve and/or preventative actions. Clause 4 3.4 for further deta/l on the recording the imnplementabon of the EMS (e.g. trainrng records and incdent records) Clause 4.5.4 for further detail on EMS Audts 8.2 Requiements The folloving requirements will apply to FIPAG Basic Requirement FIPAG shall establish and maintain documented procedures to Monitor and measure conformance with stated performance cnlena and requirements for the NWDP. j Maintain records on the implementation of the EMS. i* Perodically audit the EMS to determine the effectiveness with which the system has been I implemented and is being maintained. Key Management and These include: Maintenance Measures * Undertaking environmental performance measurement programmes for the EMS as wel as the application of the EAPs. FIPAG. Envirornnental Managemert System MAN/O. 1 Manual Page 8-1 * Reporting the results of the measurement and monitoring programmes to FIPAG Management and the relevant departments, * Providing for amendments to ESP, EIP and EAPs where measurement and monitoring results indicated the need to do so. * Ensuring that all EAPs incorporate the criteria against which compliance andlor performance can be continually measured. * Ensuring the corrective and preventative actions are appropriate to the magnitude of the problem that has occurred or has the potential to occur. * Recording changes that are made to documented procedures resulting from any corrective and preventative actions * Ensuring that the corrective and preventative actions are included in the Management Review Meetings . Providing for additional or updated 1raining programmes for the amended procedures. * Setting up a logical, manageable electronic and hardcopy documentation system which provides a .paper-trail' of all actions undertaken 'n connection with the EMS and enables easy location of material stored. * Ensunng that records are kept on, for example, training, incidents, complaints and meeting minutes. * Ensuring that records are protected against damage, loss or deterioration. * Appropriate retention times for the storage of records are established and documented. * Preparing an audit programme identifying the activities and areas of the NWDP to be audited and the i frequency of audits. # Preparing procedures to guide the management and assessment of audits. * Communicating the findings of audits to the site management team. * Correcting non-conformances found during audits. * Maintaining records of audit findings * Confirming that approved recommendations and actions produced from the audit have been implemented for the NWDP projects within the allotted time periods Key Documentation and Part E: Procedures * ESP 009: 'Measurement and Monitoring'. * ESP 010: 'Non-Conformance, Corrective and Prevention Actions'. FIPAG: Erwirornental Managemert System MAN/O. 1 Manual Page 8-2 * ESP 011: EMSandPerformanoeAudittng. * ESP 012: 'Managernent Review'. Part F: * EIP Part G: _ _ _ _ EAPs FIPAG: Enviromntental Management System MAN/I. 1 Manual Page 8-3 This page is intentionally blank FIPAG: Environmentai Managemeni System MANIO.t Manual Page 8-4 9 MANAGEMENT REV'IEW OF THE EMS 9.1 Introduction The Management Review of the EMS is an important aspect of the corntinual process for improving the EMS, as well as for ensuring continued support and cornmitment from management. ISO 14001 R c: l Refer to Clause 4.6 for htther detail on the Managemrent Review (see Part B, Appendix A of this Manua). 9.2 Requirements The following requirements will apply to FIPAG.: Basic Requirement FIPAG shall undertake a periodic formal evaluation of the EMS to assess the suitability, adequacy and effectveness of the EMS and to identify improvements that will need to be incorporated Into the EMS. Key Management and | These include: Maintenance Measures * The involvement of top level management for the EMS. * The collation of environmental information on the performance of the EMS for management to review. * Making recommendations for changes to the components of the EMS to improve environmental performance. * Obtaining appropriate managerial approval of recommended changes. * Recording the Management Review process. Key DocumentatWon and Part C: Procedures * FIPAG Legal Register. Part E: * ESP 009: Montonng and Measuring'. * ESP 010. 'Non-Conformance and Corrective and Preventative Action'. * ESP 011: 'EMS and Performance Audning'. | * ESP 012: Management RevieW. FIPAG: Environmenta Managemenr System MAN0. 1 Manual Page 9-1 EMS MANUAL REVISION TABLE DETAILS ISSUE DATE Initial (Draft) Issue 0.1 March 2003 Approved Issue 1.0 FIPAG: Environmental Management System MAN/(O 1 Manual Page 9-2 PART E: ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS PROCEDU RES (ESP) The following ESPs are incorporated into Part E: ESP 001 Updating the Environmental Policy ESP 002 Updating of Legal Register ESP 003 Register of Significant Environmental Aspects and Impacts ESP 004 Preparation of Environmental Integration Programme (EIP) ESP 005 Training ESP 006 Communications ESP 007 Document Control ESP 008 Preparation of Environmental Action Procedures (EAPs) ESP 009 Measurement and Monitoring ESP 010 Non-Conformrance, Correctve and Preventative Actions ESP O11 EMS and Performance Auditng ESP 012 Management Review FIPAG: Environmental Managemeent S)ysem MAWAO. 1 Manual FIPAG: Environmental Management System MANIO. 1 Manual - IDhE NATIONAL WATER ESP 001 EEEMPAG DEVELOPMENT fUNDoO DE WTIMtMNTOATRUO PROJECT Issue 0.1 DO AlRTEfIMUTO DI ACUA Environmental System Procedure Page 1 OF S UPDATING ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY PURPOSE AND APPLICATION OF PROCEDURE The purpose of this procedure Is to provide instructions and guidance on updating FIPAG's Environmental Policy - taking into account the phased approach and proposed gradual expansion of the FIPAG EMS This procedure should be applied where an opportunity to expand the scope and coverage of the FIPAG EMS occurs, either as a consequence of the timing for the phased development of the EMS, or where other circumstances dictate amendments are required. PROCEDURE The minimum scope of instructions and actions to be applied have been listed in chronological order below. Ownership for undertaking the stated instructions and actions have also been indicated. INSTRUCTIONS, GUIDANCE AND ACTIONS OWNERSHIP TMINNG Review current Environmental Policy against the followng. EE At least * Checklist for the review and updating of the annually. Environmental Polcy (See Atachment 1). * Records on the perfodmanc of the EMS (induding EIP and EAPs) to date. * Cunrent understarKnV of focus and acivtes of FIPAG over next year. Prepare motivation for revision to Envronrental Polky ana EE WVthin one prepare rkaff updated Envornmental Policy for FIPAG week of Management Review. review. Presert motivation and updated Environmental PoOcy for EE comment at the Annual Management Review (at a minimum). FIPAG Mgt To provide commens within one month. EIDAI NATIONAL WATER ESP 001 ENP GDEVELOPMENT rLNoo D �P.nVES o P*mwo PROJECT Issue 0.1 DO AOItWTO Df A&VA Environmental System Procedure Page 2 OF 5 UPDATING ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY INSTRUCTIONS, GUIDANCE AND ACTIONS OWNERSHIP TMING Amend EMS Docwnentation as necessary to reflect EE Mthin one amendments to the Enwonmentl Policy (including the month of stategic objecves, targets, EIP and EAPs). approval being receied. Disbtbibe and communicate new Environmental Polcy within EE WMtln one FIPAG (and others as necessary). week of amendments to EMS being comopleted. Record new version of Envwnmental Policy in me EE Before Conrbed Dwocumen Register. distribion. RESPONSIBILITIES EE: * To undertake the necessary re-assessment of FIPAG's activities in association with the NWDP (from legal through to operations) and how these may affect the environment, taking into account the environmental performance to date. * To prepare a new Environmental Policy which reflects any changes/improvements identified. * To best motivate for the adoption of an amended Environmental Policy on the basis of sound reasons. * To amend the current EMS Manual, ESPs, EIP and/or EAPs as necessary and to add any new EMS documentation required (such as new ESPs). * To ensure appropriate communication and distnbution of the revised Environmental Policy, including the provision of any awareness training FIPAG Mgt: * To evaluate the proposed revised Environmental Policy and provide appropriate teedback and/or approval. aFIPAG NATIONAL WATER ESP 001 DEVELOPMENT fUNoo wn.Two N PROJECT Istsue 0.1 00 ASMTOCMENTO DEO AGAP Environmental System Procedure Page 3 OF 5 UPDATING ENVIRONMENTAL POLCY RECORDS AND REFERENCES Records The following AIll be kept by the EE for a minimum period of three years. * A master copy of the current Environmental Policy. * A record of issue to recipients; and * Obsolete copies of the policy. References EMS Manual. Part A: FIPAG's Environmental Policy FIPAG Business and Action Plan, 2003-2004 (and subsequent revisions). * Installing Environmrental Management Systems', Earthscan. ABBREVIATIONS The following key abbreviations have been used in this procedure - see also the Glossary in the EMS Manual, Part A: EAPs Environmental Action Procedures EE Environmental Engineer EIP Environmental Integrabon Programme ESPs Environmental System Procedures FIPAG Mgt FIPAG Management - EIPAG NATIONAL WATER ESP 001 DEVELOPMENT fl -DrD IIf.1UMIN0IF P'.(rIaAw PROJECT Issue 0.1 Environmental System Procedure Page 4 OF 5 UPDATING ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY PROCEDURE REVISION TABLE DETAILS ISSUE DATE Initial (Draft) Issue 0.1 March 2003 Approved Issue 1.0 ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1: Checklist for the Review of Environmental Policies See overieaf. ATTACHMENT 1: CHECKLIST FOR THE REVIEW OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY. Is/Does the Environmental Policy: ITEM YESINO ACTION Concise and written in plain language? - Drive the setting of realistic environmental objectives and targets for the EMS? Include reference to the scope of FIPAG's environmental responsibilities for the NWDP? include reference to providing adequate resourcing and the organizational structure for the implementation, management, reporting and updating of the EMS? Include a commitment to continuous improvements in environmental performance of FIPAG and the NWDP? Indude reference to maintaining the EMS and to seek appropriate accreditation in line with ISO 14001 at a future date? Include a commitment to communicaling with stakeholders, Interested and Affected Parties (induding the Controlling Authonties) and the general public on the environmental performance of the EMS? Include a commitment to communicating its environmental commitments to the workforce (FIPAG and other appointed organisatlons) and for providing appropriate training? Support the use of best practical and available technology for activities to be undertaken in connection with the NWDP" Support the use of best practical and available management practices for the NWDP? ESP 001: Updating Environmental Policy Page 5 of 5 NATIONAL WATER ESP 003 -~W DEVELOPMENT N'OOI I 'sISiNIOI PMRI4('IIJ PROJECT Issue 0.1 &) B 9A,111 1[(IMI4 Di A.41, Environmental System Procedure Page 1 OF 4 REGISTER OF SIGNIFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS AND IMPACTS PURPOSE AND APPUCATION OF PROCEDURE The purpose of this procedure is to provide instructions and guidance on preparng and updating FIPAG's Register of Significant Environmental Aspects and Impacts in order to enable effective management and monitoring of the environmental issues associated with the NWDP. This procedure should be applied with the receipt of Environmental Assessrent (EA) reports or Inspection Reports produced by appointed consultants and on the basis of any site visits, inspections or audits made by the EE. PROCEDURE The minimum scope of instructions and actions to be applied have been listed in chronological order below. Ownership for underlaking the stated instructions and actions have also been indicated. INSTRUCTIONS, GUIDANCE AND ACTIONS OWNERSHIP TIMING Review envronmental assessment documents prepared for EE One month. NWDP project by appointed consultants to date. Prepare register of activfties, envwonmernal aspects, EE Ongoing environmental impacs and other tnent envionmental during review. information For each NWDP project (see Atftachme~t I for formal of register). Maintain and update the registers. EE Within one week of new reporl received. Amend EMS documentation (such as the EIP and/or EAPs) EE WVthin one where change is indicated by the lWest update of the PFrject rnonth. Register. Obtain approval and distnbute the revised EMS documents EE As dictated by as per ESP 006: 'CommunicaIons' and ESP 007: those ,Document Conrbol'. Procedures. NATIONAL WATER ESP 003 ARFIPAG DEVELOPMENT r uNfOm NWSIm(NTOErTwm6wo PROJECT Issue 0.1 no A&MMOAT D1 AGUA Environmental System Procedure Page 2 OF 4 REGISTER OF SIGNIFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS AND IMPACTS RESPONSIBILITIES EE: To review environmental documents produced by appointed consultants on FIPAG's behalf for the NWDP projects. * To prepare and maintain a Register of Significant Environmental Aspects and Impacts. * To amend the current EMS Manual, ESPs, EIP and/or EAPs as necessary and to add any new EMS documentation required (such as new EAPs). * To ensure appropriate communication of the environmental management requirements (as dictated by the register), induding the provision of any awareness training. RECORDS AND REFERENCES Records The following will be kept by the EE for a minimum period of three years: * A master copy of the current Register of Signfficant Environmental Aspects and Impacts; and * Obsolete copies of the Register. References * EMS Manual Part D: Register of Significant Environmental Aspects and Impacts. * Environmental assessment reports (induding EMPs) produced by appointed Consultants and/or appointed contractors. * Installing Environmental Management Systems', Earnhscan. FIPAG NATIONAL WATER ESP 003 DEVELOPMENT I LXJ ltA lImINniO i AlEiAOK PROJECT I 0.1 Environmental System Procedure Page 3 OF 4 REGISTER OF SIGNIFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS AND IMPACTS ABBREVIATIONS The following key abbreviations have been used in this procedure - see also the Glossary in the EMS Manual, Part A: EA Environmental Assessment EE Environmental Engineer EIP Environmental Integration Programme EMP Environmental Management Plans ESPs Environmental System Procedures FIPAG Mgt FIPAG Management PROCEDURE REVISION TABLE DETAILS ISSUE DATE Initial (Draft) Issue 0.1 March 2003 Approved Issue 1.0 ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1: Template for Register of Environmental Aspects and Impacts See overteaf. ATTACHMENT 1: TEMPLATE FOR REGISTER OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS AND IMPACTS Project Tite: -_-_- Register Revision: Documents Reviewed: ACTIVITY ENVIRONMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL TIMNG PRIORITY RESPONSIBILfTY MITIGATION/ MANAGEMENT ASPECT IMPACT MEASURES ESP 003: Register of Significant Environmental Aspects and Impacts Page 4 of 4 I A NATIONAL WATER ESP 005 WE MEWG DEVELOPMENT f NOOw l O INvnnTO PAlttm6wI0 PROJECT Issue 0.1 DO ABA5WIWWTO Of A,' UA Environmental System Procedure Page 1 OF 8 TRAINING PURPOSE AND APPLICATION OF PROCEDURE The purpose of this procedure is to provide instructions and guidance on providing environmental awareness and/or competence training to FIPAG staff in connection wilh the EMS. This procedure should be applied prior to commencing the implementation of the EMS and/or at any stage that revisions to the existing training programme are required. PROCEDURE The minimum scope of instructions and actions to be applied have been listed in chronological order below. Ownership for undertaking the stated instructions and aclions have also been indicated. INSTRUCTIONS, GUIDANCE AND ACTIONS OWNERSHIP TIMING /dentify envronmental awareness and competency train EE Preferebly poior needs for FIPAG personnel and prepare a trang to commnencing programme (see Attnachments 1 and 2 Ibr training needs implentation maebx). of EMS. Submit tratning programme and proposed content of training EE Wthin one week peckages to FIPAG Management for review and approval, of identifying tranng needs. FIPAG Mgt To provide comnments within one month. Prepare and collate training materials. EE Within one week of approval being reeived. Present EMS induction/environmental awareness training. EE As per approved Training Programme St r @NATIONAL WATER ESP 005 __- PAG DEVELOPMENT I UNIODXEI S nIPAI16iMO PROJECT Issue 0.1 D- &1J. 1F IMI NT11 DI k(.UA Environmental System Procedure Page 2 OF 8 TRAINING INSTRUCTIONS, GUIDANCE AND ACTIONS OWNERSHIP TIANG Present environmental coinpetency training. EE As per approved Trainig Progunmm. Maintain training records for personnel (see Attachment 3 EE Ongoing. for training record form). Monitor effectiveness of training and penrbmae o EE As defined in personnel the Training Progarme. Arnd as delhed by otwer EMS pf ance monrtng results. Revise the training prpamre (including frequency of EE At least trainhig) as dictated by changing circumstances (see annually. checklist in Attachment 4). RESPONSIBILITIES EE: * To identify the training requirements for FIPAG personnel and to devise a training programme to accommodate these requirements timeously. * To prepare the training modules and provide environmental training to FIPAG personnel (and other parties as necessary). * To maintain a master set of training material. * To monitor the effectiveness of personnel training and to revise the training programme as necessary. * To revise the training programme and content as dictated by changes to the focus of the FIPAG EMS - in particular, where there are changes to the Environmental Policy, 'strategic' objectives and targets, the EIP and associated EAPs. * To maintain training records. -" A G NATIONAL WATER ESP 005 l N(V lo# INIl.&IN7 IPA rSe PROJECT Issue 0.1 Environmental System Procedure Page 3 OF 8 TRAINING To regularly review and update this procedure. FIPAG Mgt: * To evaluate amendments to the training programme and to provide appropriate feedback on the way forward. * To encourage attendance of training courses by FIPAG personnel (and others). RECORDS AND REFERENCES Records The following will be kept by the EE for a minimum period of three years: * A master copy of the current training programme: * Obsolete copies of the training programme: and * Training course attendance records. References * Manual, Part A: Environmental Policy. * Manual, Part A: Objectives and Targets for the Fl PAG EMS. * Manual, Part C: Legal Register. * Manual, Part D: Register of Significant Environmental Aspects and Impacts. * Manual, Part E: ESPs. * Manual, Part F: EIP. * Manual, Part G: EAPs. * Installing Environmental Management Systems', Earthscan. * FIPAG Business and Action Plan 2003-2004 (and subsequent revisions). 5FIDAG NATIONAL WATER ESP 005 EENUPAG DEVELOPMENT fU'~Wf Do I0,V%iE1MIN7n I PArtEi'4 PROJECT Issue 0.1 lx ~JIIP,4I"fTflul DI A(A'4 Environmental System Procedure Page 4 OF 8 TRAJNING * 'Guidance on Environmental Assessment and Management of the NWDP' (February 2003) * 'Generic Framework Environmental Management Plan for Construction Works' (January 2003). * 'Preliminary Environmental Recommendations Report' (August 2002). ABBREVIATIONS The following key abbreviations have been used in this procedure - see also the Glossary in the EMS Manual. Part A: EAPs Environmental Action Procedures EE Environmental Engineer EIP Environmental Integration Programme ESPs Environmental System Procedures FIPAG Mgt FIPAG Management PROCEDURE REVISION TABLE DETAILS ISSUE DATE Initial (Draft) Issue 0.1 March 2003 Approved Issue 1.0 NATIONAL WATER ESP 005 ME EPAG DEVELOPMENT DO DfATNVTIE DtOfrPAxwA PROJECT Issue 0.1 Environmental System Procedure Page 5 OF 8 TRAINING ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1: Training Needs Matrix - Awareness Training. See ovedeaf. Attachment 2: Training Needs Matrix - Competency Training. [Not required at this stage.] Attachment 3: Environmental Training Attendance Record Form. See overleaf. Attachment 4: Checklist for the Review and Updating of the Training Programme. See overleaf. ATTACHMENT 1: TRAINING NEEDS MATRIX - AWARENESS TRAINING. ntroduction to FIPAG Envwoiunn Manam Systun Govu NWDP X D ! - Ise Isu S ta Iti U FIPAG Pesonnel Env Env. -3 i gS 0 -- ESP- --:TaiigPge6o I ATTACHMENT 3: ENVIRONMENTAL TRAINING ATTENDANCE RECORD FORM Name of Training Course Date Course Leader NAME ORGANISATION SIGNATURE En I- I ESP 00S: Training Page 7 of 8 ATTACHMENT 4: CHECKLIST FOR THE REVIEW AND UPDATING OF THE TRAINING PROGRAMME. ITEM YES/NO ACTION Have the results of EMS measurement and monitoring (induding EMS Audit) indicated any problems relating to staff knowledge and understanding of their role? Have the results of monitoring the implementation of the EIP and EAPs indicated any problems relating the staff knowledge and understanding of their role? Have the measurements for environmental organisation and individual performance changed? For example: * Have there been any recent changes to the Environmental Policy and/or the strategic objectives and targets for the FIPAG EMS? * Have there been any recent changes to NWDP activities, products and services which have required changes to the EIP and associated EAPs? Has trainee feedback indicated a need for amending the training programme and/or specific training packages. __ ESP 005: Training Page 8 of 8 NATIONAL WATER ESP 006 DEVELOPMENT 1, .N[Xv DE INVIIINI l rUNIMl%o PROJECT Issue 0.1 LU sB&,r!( (imiTC DI .LtPOE Environmnental System Procedure Page 1 OF 8 COMMUNICATIONS PURPOSE AND APPLICATION OF PROCEDURE The purpose of this procedure is to describe the nature of communications required to ensure the effective implementation and reporting of the FIPAG EMS. The scope of this procedure Includes the communication of the EMS and FIPAG's environmental issues within FIPAG, between the Funding Agencies, between appointed consultants (and/or contractors) and with other extemal parties as identified. This procedure should be applied continuously. PROCEDURE The minimum scope of instructions and actions to be applied have been listed in chronological order below. Ownership for undertaking the stated instructons and actions have also been indicated. INSTRUCTIONS, GUIDANCE AND ACTIONS OWNERSHIP TMING Set up a conwmunications pro-amme and copilairs EE Prefeuy pnxor procedures which prodes For all irnernal and external to commecig commununations (see Attachment 1 for checklist). implementation of EMS. Submit comnunications progamme and complaints EE WtNn one week prooodures to FIPAG Management for comment and of prepardn appoval. pograrnme. FIPAG Mgt To provide comments wihin one month Finalise and implement communications programme EE WLhin one week ofrecehing approval. AU NATIONAL WATER ESP 006 --- 5P DEVELOPMENT fUNDO OE INVUSTWTOI f NI PROJECT Issue 0.1 Environmental System Procedure Page 2 OF 8 COMMUNICATIONS INSTRUCTIONS, GUIDANCE AND AC77ONS OWNERSHIP TIMING Set up and maintain a record of writen and verbal EE Ongoin. communncations between ag pertinent stakehokiers (see Attachnmt 2 for Comnunkrtns Record form). Ensure the followig up of actions desalbed in any intemal EE Ongo,n. and extwna communicaions ttyough ESP 010: 'Non- Confimun, Coffwtw and Prrvnbwve Actons'. Implement the complafrts pocedure as and when required. EE Commence immediately on receipt of complain. Revise the communications programme as dictated by EE IWhhn one changing circumstances. week. Review and update this pocedures as and when required. EE Review at least annua/Jy. RES PONSIBIUTIES EE: * For formal and informal communications on the EMS and environmental issues within FIPAG and/or extemal parties. * For identifying communication needs and drawing up a programnme for inrtiating, maintaining and responding to internal and external communications in connection with the EMS and NWDP. * To ensure that the discussion of environmental issues within FIPAG is a regular item on the agenda for staff meetings, project meetings, management retreats and the annual retreat for business development. * To ensure that any changes to the legal register are communicated within FIPAG, along with any changes to the Environmental Policy, strategic objectrves and targets, the ESPs, the EIP and associated EAPs. * To record intemal and extemal communications. 5 IPAG NATIONAL WATER ESP 006 EEEIPA DEVELOPMENT F UNDO of iP.vistIMo t rw ImNK PROJECT Issue 0.1 O A&TAtIMEtO Of AGUA Environmental System Procedure Page 3 OF 8 COMMUNICATIONS * To ensure communications from extemal parties (in particular Funding Agencies and appointed consultants and contractors) are raised at project and/or management meetings (at a minimum) and actions are incorporated into decision making where pertinent. * To record all actions/decisions made in connection with extemal parties. * To record and address all complaints received. FIPAG Mgt: * To evaluate the proposed communications programme and provide appropriate feedback andlor approval. * To encourage good communications within FIPAG. * To encourage two-way communications between FIPAG and its extemal stakeholderstparties. RECORDS AND REFERENCES Records The followng will be kept by the EE for a minimum period of three years: * Minutes from all meetings with FIPAG and extemal stakeholders parties; * Reports and other material produced/prepared for communication purposes; and * Any complaints and the actions to address these complaints. References * Installing Environmental Management Systems, Earthscan - IfDhINATIONAL WATER ESP 006 DEVELOPMENT DJOO A NToDt PROJECT Issue 0.1 Do uABMUCIMPJT DE AGIJA Environmental System Procedure Page 4 OF 8 COMMUNICATIONS ABBREVIATIONS The following key abbreviations have been used In this procedure - see also the Glossary in the EMS Manual, Part A: EAPs Environmental Acton Procedures EE Environmental Engineer EIP Environmental Integration Programme ESPs Environmental System Procedures FIPAG Mgt FIPAG Management Funding Agencies Including the World Bank. African Development Bank, Govemment of the Netherlands and Agence Francaise de Developpemem. Stakehokders Includes the Private Operator, Funding Agencies, appointed consultants and contractors, the relevant authorifties and the general public. PROCEDURE REVISION TABLE DETAILS ISSUE DATE Initial (Draft) Issue 0.1 March 2003 Approved Issue 1.0 ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1: Checklist for the Developing and Revising the Communications Programme. See overleaf. A NATIONAL WATER E8P 006 - *FIP- DEVELOPMENT IL,NDO FlX INhlflrNTOTfPA riMOWO PROJECT Issue 0.1 DO &kBA&%IF IMINTO Li ASLUA Environmental System Procedure Page 5 OF 8 COMMUNICATIONS Attachment 2: Template for Communications Record Form. See overteaf. ATTACHMENT 1: CHECKLIST FOR DEVELOPING AND REVISING THE COMMUNICATIONS 1 PROGRAMME. ITEM YESINO ACTION Has target' audience for communications regarding the EMS been identified/changed? Have the communication needs for FIPAG to ensure staff are informed, instructed, motivated and/or contribute to the EMS been identified/changed? Have the communicaton needs for external parties and stakeholders been identified/changed? Have the most appropriate mechanisms for communications between FIPAG and others been identified? Have the results of the EMS monitodng (including EMS Audit) indicated any problems relating to staff knowledge. understanding and involvement in the EMS? Have there been any need to address complaints received from the general public and/or other extemal parlies? ESP 006: Communications Page 6 of 8 | ATTACHMENT 2: TEMPLATE FOR COMMUNICATIONS RECORD FORM Date & Time received Name of stakeholder Organisation Address Tel: Fax, Email: TYPE OF COMMUNICATION: Request for information Expression of concerns General enquiry Complaint Other, please specify FOLLOW UP BY FIPAG: GENERAL COMMUNICATIONS Receipt of stakeholder communications by: Nature of stakeholder communications: Stakeholder communications raised at: Date: Record of Decision: Actions to be implemented: Date stakeholder responded to: ESP 006: Communications Page 7 of 8 FOLLOW UP BY FIPAG: COMPLAINTS Receipt of complaint by: Nature of complaint: Complaint investigated by: Incident number: Cause of Complaint: Complaint raised at: Date: Record of Decision: Actions to be implemented: ESP 006: Communications Page 8 of 8 3 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 3.1 General Requimnents for an EMS ISO 141 R : Refer to Clause 4 1 for further detael (see Part B, Appwndx A of this Manual) Specifically FIPAG will establish and maintain an EMS for its activities, services and products with due reference to Clause 4 of ISO 14001 - incorporating at a minimum, the fololAng key components and developing the associated Procedures to implement these key components: EMS COMPONENT ISO 14001 CLAUSE LOCATION IN MANUAL Environmental Pdicy ISO 14001, Clause 4.2 Chapter 4 Planning ISO 14001, Clause 4.3 Cnapter 5 implementation and Operation ISO 14001, Clause 4.4 Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 Checking and Corrective ISO 14001, Clause 4.5 Chapter 8 Action Management Review ISO 14001, Clause 4.6 Chapter 9 Figure 1 illustrates the relationship of these key components of an E MS to each other and the sequential steps to be undertaken to 'plan, implement, check and review the EMS 3.1.1 FIPAG EMS While it is not intended to produce a full scale EMS or attempt to secure ISO 14001 accreditabon at this stage, it is important that the basic framework for FIPAG's EMS incorporates the key components of ISO 14001 The proposed phased development and expansion of the FIPAG EMS is describea overleaf. FIPAG: Environmental Management System MAN/0 1 Manual Page 3-1 Table 3.1: Proposed Phased Development of tfie FIPAG EMS. PHADELPE OF SCOPE AND COVERAGE OF THE FIPAG EMS DATES * Set up basic framework for the EMS which indudes I reference to structure for the EMS as descnbed In ISO 140012. * Focus on ensuring ;ntegration of environmental protection, assessment and management into the process for project planning and development within Phasel the N1W . 2003 * Focus on ensuring that the renewal or preparation of additional Pnvate Operator contracts include reference to environmental protection and management in their activities * Audit in June 2003. * Management review in October 2003. * Expand framework for the EMS to include integration Phase 2 of environmental management into the operation of 2004 FIPAGs water supply facilities in the selected aties * Expand the EMS to cover all FIPAG's activities, services and products, includirg all those activities. E services and products undertaken by appointed Phase 3 organisalions at its facilities. 2007 9 Meet full accreditation requirements. | Obtain ISO14001 accreditabon for the FIPAG EMS. 2 The only concession to the ISO 14001 requirements wiN be that the scope of the EMS vAll be reduced to cover those items of parwcular concem at the present btme, ie. the plamning and development phase of the MNDP. This approach wiN allow a mare flexble assimiation of the priciples of environmental protection and management irto FIPAG's acivities and allow FIPAG staff to become familiar with the procedures before expanding the EMS to inrude the operabon of FIPAG s faalities and mclusion of the Private Operator. FIPAG: Environmental Management System MAN10.1 Manual Page 3-2 FIPA F4NATIONAL WATER ESP 008 AR-''A DEVELOPMENT ITuo Do. iMOI PAT3LM64K) PROJECT Issue 0.1 DO %akM0A.~CIMIO DI &GL"1 POJC Environmental System Procedure Page 1 OF 7 PREPARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PROCEDURES (EAP.) PURPOSE AND APPUCATION OF PROCEDURE The purpose of this procedure is to provide instructions and guidance on preparing new and/or revised EAPs to enable the incorporation of environmental protection, management and control for specific environmental aspects. This procedure should be applied where changes to the current EIP have been made (e.g. due to charges in the coverage of the EMS and/or legal requirements) andlor where audits have indicated improvements are required. PROCEDURE The minimum scope of instructions and actions to be applied have been listed In chronological order below. Ownership for undertaking the stated instructions and actions has also been indicated INSTRUCTIONS, GUIDANCE AND ACnONS OWNERSHIP TlAWNG Prepare new or revised EAP as folbws: * Review te cufnet EIP (whih wNll indude be gatn one requirements). week of need * ldenrfy a ctvrologcal sequene of instrucions, EE fw guvJaice and actions to address each specific new1revised envknenn al aspect (see Attachment 1 for checlist). EAP bi * Prepare a craft EAP (see Attchenbnt 2 for a powedure template). Submit dnf EAP to FIPAG Mgt for comment and approval. EE Wtin one week of repg newhevised EAP. FIPAG Mgt To provide comments wf.hin one month. aFIPAG NATIONAL WATER ESP 008 )DEVELOPMENT fJUDODE SNDITANOE t PlM6NOM PROJECT Issue 0.1 DO~ A&ASTtUIMLNO DE AGUA Environmental System Procedure Page 2 OF 7 PREPARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL ACnON PROCEDURES (EAPs) INSTRUIC71ONS, GUIDANCE AND ACTIONS OWNERSHIP TMiNG Distnbute and communicate new or reviWsed EAP wthin EE ithin one FIPAG (and others) as neessay. week of final documrents being produced. Record now EAP or revised EAP in the Corold Document EE Beihre Register and remove obsolete copies as per ESP 007: CDH distribubon. 'Document Con&o. Provde awweness b Dfn where neoessary, as per ESP EE Witht one 006: 'TraIning', week of approved EAP being issued. Regulafy review all EAPs and revise as neoessary EE UIer chans to the EIP have been made. Periodically review this procedure. EE At least annually. RESPONSIBILITIES EE: * To prepare new EAPs where the EIP has been expanded. * To regularly review and revise current EAPs where the EIP has been amended and/or in light of the findings from an environmental perfornance audi * To maintain a record of the EAPs produced, their subsequent revision and distnbution * To ensure appropriate communication and distribution of the revised or new EAPs within FIPAG, includring the provision of any awareness and/or competence training. * To penodically review and update this procedure. FIPAG NATIONAL WATER ESP 008 5 P DEVELOPMENT ,'ONOMI IMT1MF. 1I PnrWL%Uj PROJECT Issue 0.1 nnl -iJmIImIMI rDl ^(AlLA Environmental System Procedure Page 3 OF 7 PREPARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PROCEDURES (EAP9) FIPAG Mgt: * To authorise new and/or revised EAPs and to allocate the necessary resources where needed RECORDS AND REFERENCES Records The following wil be kept by the EE for a minimum perid of three years: * A master copy of the current EAPs; * A record of issue to recipients; and * Obsolete copies of EAPs. References * EMS Manual, Part F, Environmental Integralion Programme * ESP 006: Training'. * ESP 008: 'Document Control'. * 'Installing Environmental Management Systems', Earthscan. ABBREVIATIONS The following key abbreviations have been used in this procedure - see also the Glossary in the EMS Manual, Part A: CDH Controlled Document Holder EAPs Environmental Action Procedures EE Environmental Engineer EIP Environmental Integration Programme GNATIONAL WATER ESP 006 FIPAG DEVELOPMENT fuNOO DII T1NTO t fTnw51I PROJECT Issue 0.1 DO AAMCIMINTO Ol AGLUA Environmental System Procedure Page 4 OF 7 PREPARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PROCEDURES (EAPS) ESPs Environmental System Procedures FIPAG Mgt FIPAG Management PROCEDURE REVISION TABLE DETAILS ISSUE DATE Initial (Draft) Issue 0.1 March 2003 Approved Issue 1.0 ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1: Checklist for Preparation of EAPs See overleaf. Attachment 2: Template for EAP See overleaf. ATTACHMENT 1: CHECKLIST FOR PREPARATION OF EAPs. ITEM YES/NO ACTION Are the instructions, guidance and/or actions logical and systematic and listed In chronological order? Does the EAP reflect the legal requirements? Does the EAP reflect the objectives and targets of the EIP? Is it possible to measure the performance of the EAP? Are sufficient timeframes provided for undertaking and/or complefing activties Have the responsibilities of all pertinent personnel been clearly defined? Is there provision for the keeping of records? Is there provision for the periodic revision and upgrade of the EAP? Is there provision for the review and approval of amended EAPs by FIPAG Mgt_7 Is there provision for communication and/or training in connection with the EAP7 ESP 008 Preparation of Environmental Action Procedure Page 5 of 7 ABBREVIATIONS [Add text on the key abbrewations used in the procedure as well as refer to the detailed glossary in Part A of the EMS Manual I PROCEDURE REVISION TABLE [Add table which details the issue title, issue number and issue date.] ATTACHMENTS [Add any additional information referenced in the procedure.] ESP 008: Preparation of Envirorwneital Acion Procedure Page 7 of 7 NATIONAL WATER ESP 010 NFIPAG DEVELOPMENT 'tI)o EX IA1OI riAtt"NIf3l PROJECT Issue 0.1 00 )Ai[IA EZYf OAIf DAU APRJC Environmental System Procedure Page 1 OF 8 NON-CONFORMANCE, CORRECTIVE AND PREVENTATIVE ACTIONS PURPOSE AND APPUCATION OF PROCEDURE The purpose of this procedure is to provide instructions and guidance on preparing and implementing corrective and/or preventative actions in response to any non-conforTnances identified with the FIPAG EMS. This procedure should be applied where EMS audits, environmental performance audits, incidents and/or management reviews indicate non-conformances have occurred or are currently occuning. PROCEDURE The minimum scope of instructions and actions to be applied have been listed in chronological order below. Ownership for undertaking the stated instructions and actions have also been indicated. INSTRUCTIONS, GUIDANCE AND AC77ONS OWNERSHIP nAMNG Investigate the cause of the non-conformance or incident (s) EE Immediate. (see Attachment 1 for template form). fIPAG Immediate response to be provided. Prepae a draft Conrective Acion Plan (CAP) (including EE Wthi one acions to recHilJ a problem, to prevent Ns ruculence and to week of address any assocated Impads that have occurred) for investigations discussion with FIPAG Mgt (see Attachment 2 for basic be ig template forn). completed. FIPAG Mgt Immediate response to be pro wded. Implement approved CAP - including communications and EE Immediately provision of training as necessary. after receiving approval FIPAG As dictated by CAP. 5FIPAG NATIONAL WATER ESP 010 DEVELOPMENT fUNo (K ONVOnM t PROJECT Issue 0.1 DO ACAM"M(O M ACUA Environmental System Procedure Page 2 OF 8 NON-CONFORMANCE, CORRECTIVE AND PREVENTATIVE ACTIONS INSTRUCTIONS, GWDANCE AND ACTIONS OWNERSHIP TiMING Monitor, reuew and evaluate unplementation of CAP to EE As dessadbed ensure effectiveness - includin undertaking additinal in CAP. audti (as per ESP 012: 'Management RevIewj. Formally dcose' the non-contormanceAncident once all EE VWRthin one necessary actions have been compleed week of actions being compted. Ensure that the EAPs andlor EIP are revwsed to reflect the EE Within one changes made In the CAP - especially where these wdi month of CAP prevent further incidents or non-conbormances. being prepared. Maintain records of non-confonrances andor incidents (see EE Ongoing. Attachment 3). Maintain records of the CAPs and thir effectivenss. EE Ongoing. Provide a revw of non-confornances, incidents and CAP in EE At least terms of overall envronmental perfo7mance dring Annual annually. Management Review. RESPONSIBILITIES EE: * Ensure quick response to non-conforTnance and/or incident. * Identify the cause of any non conformances and/or incidents associated with the EMS as a whole or with the EAPs in particular. * Draw up, implement and review progress of CAPs. * Evaluate the effectiveness of corrective and preventative actions * Instigate adddional audits as necessary to re-confirmn the effectiveness of CAPs. * Establish and maintain a register of non conforrnances and/or any incidents. NATIONAL WATER ESP 010 DEVELOPMENT 1"1Y EX I^K Dtltlrud I mralmuiti PROJECT Issue 0.1 ,A1 IIAIE(r.qpl.11 rbl 4(.1,x Environmental System Procedure Page 3 OF 8 NON-CONFORMANCE, CORRECTIVE AND PREVENTATIVE ACTIONS * Ensure the reporting and communicaton of any non-conformances and/or incidents to FIPAG (and others as necessary) and the corrective/preventative measures undertaken. * Provide additional training as deemed necessary to correct and prevent future problems. * Report overall trends of non-conforTnances, incidents and other problems at the annual Management Review meeting. * Motivate for improvements to the ESP and/or EAPs as dictaled by the non conformnances and/or incidents and prepare revisions. * Regularly review and update this procedure. FIPAG Mgt: * To authonse and support the corrective and preventative actions required and to allocate the necessary resources where needed. FIPAG Personnel: * All personnel have a responsibility to assist with the investigations into the causes of any incidents or non-conformances. * All personnel have a responsibiliy to participate in the implementation of corrective actions when required RECORDS AND REFERENCES Records * All non-conformances and incident invesfigation formns and reports are to be kept by the EE for a minimum period of three years. * Records related to non-conformances and/or incidents with polenlial future liability should be retained for at least 15 years. * The register of non-conformances and incidents is to be managed and updated by the EE. * All CAPs and reports on their effectiveness are to be kept and maintained by the EE. NATIONAL WATER ESP 010 RFIPAG DEVELOPMENT ttJN0 OD INWt5OtvU0w E mmU6ooPROJECT Issue 0.1 DO ASAXTIMENTO Dj AGUA Environmental System Procedure Page 4 OF 8 NON-CONFORMANCE, CORRECTIVE AND PREVENTATIVE ACTIONS References * ESP 011: 'EMS and Perfornance Auditing'. * 'Installing Environmental Management Systems', Earthscan ABBREVIATIONS The following key abbreviatons have been used in this procedure - see also the Glossary in the EMS Manual, Part A: CAP Corrective Action Plan EAPs Environmental Action Procedures EE Environmental Engineer EIP Environmental Integration Programme ESPs Environmental System Procedures FIPAG Mgt FIPAG Management PROCEDURE REVISION TABLE DETAILS ISSUE DATE Initial (Draft) Issue 0.1 March 2003 Approved Issue 1.0 NATIONAL WATER ESP 010 *FIPAG DEVELOPMENT IUNOO ODf (VItNlIMO DE rAUIMm6ft PROJECT Issue 0.1 DO) &ARMTKIM(N1 DE AC&UA Environmental System Procedure Page 5 OF 8 NON-CONFORMANCE, CORRECTIVE AND PREVENTATIVE ACTIONS ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1: Template for Investigation of Non-Confonnances, Incidents and Others See overleaf. Attachment 2: Template for Basic Corrective Action Plan See oveuleaf. Attachment 3: Template for Non-Confornance and/or Incident Register See overleaf. ATTACHMENT 1: TEMPLATE FOR INVESTIGATION OF NON- CONFORMANCES, INCIDENTS & OTHER Title: ID Number: Date: Time: Location: People/ Dept/ Other Involved: Description: Causes (immediate & root cause) Associated Impacts: ESP 010 Non-Cornformance, Corrective and Preventative Actions Page 6 of 8 | ATTACHMENT 2: TEMPLATE FOR BASIC CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Tile: ID Number Action (chronological Person! Target Dde Completed Commnts order) Organisation (YIN) Further Action Required: Tick one ] No further action required Supplementary Investigation Report attached/to be attached Incident logged by: Date: Investigated by: Date: Comments: ESP 010: Non-Conformance, Corrective and Preventative Actions Page 7 of 8 NATIONAL WATER ESP Oil oFIPAG DEVELOPMENT fLiXJ DC l MfsnmtO t PAmWim(N4O PROJECT Issue 0.1 DO A5A%DIt(CM(W0 IX AGUA Environmental System Procedure 1 OF6 EMS AND PERFORMANCE AUDITING PURPOSE AND APPLICATION OF PROCEDURE The purpose of this procedure is to provide instructions and guidance on auditing the FIPAG EMS in order to determnine the environmental performance and to enable appropriate improvements to be made. This procedure should be applied prior to commencing a scheduled audit - whether this is for an EMS Audit (i.e. to verify that (t) the fundamental components of the EMS have been applied) or an Environmental Performance Audit (i.e. to determine how effective the EMS is within the context of FIPAG) PROCEDURE The minimum scope of instructions and actions to be applied have been listed in chronological order below. Ownership for undertaking the stated instructions and actions have also been indicated. INSTRUCTIONS, GUIDANCE AND ACTIONS OWNERSHIP TIMNG Prepare an audit schedule for a given yew - including EE At start of reference to EMS audits and environmental performanoe calendar year. audits (see Attachment 1 for generic schedule). Prepare an audit protool for each type audit to be EE Prepare two undertaken prior to undertanW the audit (see Atachment 2 weeks before for checklist). undertaking the audit. Ensure avaHability of personnel for data coflecton phase. EE Provide between two and four weeks advance notice for audit. NATIONAL WATER ESP 011 N)FIPAG DEVELOPMENT am .I5rn rISIM7omt)2X6Nm 0 PROJECT Issue 0.1 Environmental System Procedure 2 OF 6 EMS AND PERFORMANCE AUDMNG INSTRUCTIONS, GUIDANCE AND ACTIONS OWNERSHIP T1WNG Gather and assess data as per the audit protocol. EE As dictated by Audit Protocol. FIPAG Mgt To assist as pre-arranged. FIPAG To assist as pr-rale. Prepare an Audit Repor and CAP for submission to FIPAG EE VMihin one Mgt during te regular management meetings. week of aud# exit meetng' Amend EMS documentation as necessary to refet the EE Within one approved amendments. month of identffyig need to revise documents. Distrbdte and communicate the results of the audit(s) andVor EE Wthin one approved revised EMS documentation witn FIPAG (and week of others as necessary) - as per ESP 007: 'Documon revising Control' and ESP 006: 'Communcaton'. documents. Provide training as rnecessary. EE As ard when required. Provide a review of audit findings in terins of over EE Arnnualy. environmental perlbrmance during Annual Management Review. RESPONSIBILITIES EE: * Undertake the auditing process, including planning, data collection and assessment, and reporting the resufts of the audit * Communicate the results of the audit findings to FIPAG Mgt and motivate for the necessary revisions to the EMS through a 'CAP'. * Revise the EMS and associated documentation and disinbute the revised documents as per ESP 007: 'Document Control'. FIA f NATIONAL WATER ESP 011 - *- -G DEVELOPMENT -IU Z&E I MVl O 1 Of n( AI.IO PROJ ECT ISSUe 0.1 Environmental System Procedure 3 OF 6 EMS AND PERFORMANCE AUDITING * Ensure the appropriate communication and distribution of the results of the audit and the revised EMS documents as per ESP 006: 'Communications' and/or including the provision for any additional training. * Monitor the implementation of the amendments to the EMS. * Penodically review and update this procedure. FIPAG Mgt: * Authorse and support the audit programme, including allocating the necessary resources to undertake the audit and make the necessary corrective actions. FIPAG Personnel: * All personnel involved in the activities being audited have a responsibility to paricipate in the audit programme when required. * Implement any corrective actions identified dunng the audit. RECORDS AND REFERENCES Records * Records and documents relating to the audit programme are to be kept by the EE. References * ESP 006 'Communications'. * ESP 010: 'Non-Conformances. Corrective and Preventative Actions'. * ESP 012: Management Review'. * 'Installing Environmental Management Systems', Earthscan. NATIONAL WATER ESP 011 5FIPAG DEVELOPMENT I D( [LFIST.ThrIsE*lTnE lrsl! PROJECT Issue 0.1 DO 1 5A5 s1f l 0 OIlb f l GUA PLRa Environmental System Procedure 4 OF 6 EMS AND PERFORMANCE AUDITING ABBREVIATIONS The following key abbreviations have been used in this procedure - see also the Glossary in the EMS Manual, Part A: CAP Corrective Action Plan EAPs Environmental Action Procedures EE Environmental Engineer EIP Environmental Iniegration Programme ESPs Environmental System Procedures FIPAG Mgt FIPAG Management PROCEDURE REVISION TABLE DETAILS ISSUE DATE Initial (Draft) Issue 0.1 March 2003 Approved Issue 1.0 ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1: Types of Audits and Frequency of Audits See overleaf. Attachrnent 2: Checklist for an Environmental Audit See overleaf. | ATTACHMENT 1: TYPES OF AUDITS AND FREQUENCY OF AUDITS. l ACTIVTES TO BE MINMUMFREQ CY AUDIT TO VERIFY AUDITED QUEN ADHERENCE TO: Audit of EMS . Twice in 2003 * Specific requirements of the FIPAG EMS (pending . Annually thereafler. full compliance with IS014001). . Legislation. EnvironnernPal . Quarterly for Year 1 (2003). * Legislation. EnSpciicorquirmensao Performnance . Annually thereafter the EIP. (Extemal) Audit of EMS Annually starting from 2007 (or once accreditation with ISO ISO 14001. 14001 is sought). ESP 011: EMS and Performance Auditing Page 5 of 6 ATTACHMENT 2: CHECKLIST FOR AN ENVIRONMENTAL AUDIT. ITEM YESINO ACTION Does the Audit Schedule avoid public holidays? Does the Audit Schedule take into account the results of previous audits (e.g. the need for follow-up audits)? Does the Audit Protocol provide details on the activity (ies) to be audted, a step by step guide for collecting information and audit crntera to be used to evaluate performance? Does the selection of activities include those which are current, incorporate previously identified problem areas and/or those activiies not previously covered by an audil? Are the audi criteria clear? Does the Audit Protocol provide for the right questions to be asked during the audit, given the specific activnies to be addressed? Has sufficient advance waming to the person(s) or departments to be audited been provided? Does the data gathenng phase for the audit include an 'opening meeting, interviews, document collection and an 'exit meeting? Can checklists or questionnaires be used for data collection? Has a timescale for the preparation of the Audit Report been confirmed? Has a Corrective Action Plan been prepared (see ESP 011: 'Non-Conformance, Corrective and Preventative Actions')? ESP 011: EMS and Performance Auditng Page 6 of 6 NATIONAL WATER ESP 012 RFIPAG DEVELOPMENT NDO Of SNTW1IMPA5nOE PROJECT Issue 0.1 DO A&WE~COMENTO Of ACUA Environmenfl System Procedure Page 1 OF 5 MANAGEMENT REVIEW PURPOSE AND APPUCATION OF PROCEDURE The purpose of this procedure is to provide instructions and guidance on the process for reviewing the FIPAG EMS with top level management. This procedure should be applied for the gathering of appropriate information required for the review, to assess the continued suitability and effectiveness of the FIPAG EMS and to help identify the opportunities to improve the EMS. PROCEDURE The minimum scope of instructions and actions to be applied have been listed In chronological order below. Ownership for undertaking the stated instructions and actions have also been indicated. INSTRUCTIONS, GUIDANCE AND ACTIONS OWNERSHIP 7IMING Schedule a Managerent Review Meeting for reviewing the EE At least FIPAG EMS Wil FIPAG Mgt. @nnually. Collate and summanse the requied envnmetral EE At least four informaion for the Managemert Review MeetLn (see weeks in Attachment I for a checklist of Infolimion). advance of meetin Distnbute the Managemrent Review Information prior to the EE At least two Management Review Meetng weeks in advance Review and assess the available infonnation to determine EE Prior to the effecfiveness of the FIPAG EMS and to identify meeting opportunities for improvement FIPAG Mgf Pnior to meeting Propose amendrments to EMS, discuss, mnotiate for and EE and FIPAG make decisions at the Management Review Meeting. Mgt NATIONAL WATER ESP 012 - P DEVELOPMENT fUNDO OD INVESTIM!TO I mmo-ob PROJECT Issue 0.1 DO AIAMEIMENTO DE AGUA Environmnental System Procedure Page 2 OF 5 MANAGEMENT REVIEW INSTRUCTIONS, GUIDANCE AND ACTIONS OWNERSHIP TlING Revise EMS documents as dictated by the decisions made EE UVthin two during the Management Review Meeting and submit for weeks aftr approval Management MeeDn. FIPAG Mgt To review and approve within one month. Distribute and commurncate the approved changes to the EE Immediate. EMS documents as per ESP 007: 'Document Control' ana ESP 006: 'Communilcallons'. RESPONSIBIUTIES EE: * Schedule the Management Review meetings on an annual basis and provide advance notice of the next meeting to ensure attendance. * Collate and summarise the environmental informatnon required for the Management Review Meeting. * Circulate the environmental information to top level management of FIPAG at least two weeks in advance of the scheduled Management Review Meeting * Attend and provide inputs on the EMS at the Management Review Meeting. * Maintain records of the Minutes of the Management Review Meetings. * Make the required amendments to EMS documents and securing approval for the amended documrents. * Record and distnbute the revised EMS documents and collecting obsolete copies. * Review and update this Procedure on an annual basis. FIPAG NATIONAL WATER ESP 012 EEEIPA DEVELOPMENT ' ,Nil NniivsnfNo I TIm6N) .ROJECT Issue 0.1 lAB .%ASI( lMFN70t Dl P.R IC Environmental System Procedure Page 3 OF 6 MANAGEMENT REVIEW FIPAG Mgt: * Attend the Management Review Meeting or sending an appropriate appointee. * Review the environmental information distributed by the EE in preparation of the Management Review Meeting * Make and approve dedsions at the Management Review Meeting to ensure the continual suitability. effectiveness and improvement of the EMS. * Review and approve the revised EMS documents produced lhereafter RECORDS AND REFERENCES Records * A copy of information collated for each Management Review Meeting must be held on file for a minimum period of 3 years. * Minutes of the Management Review Meeting must be held on file for a minimum period of 3 years. References * Installing Environmental Management Systems', Earthscan ABBREVIATIONS The following key abbreviations have been used in this procedure - see also the Glossary in the EMS Manual, Part A: EAPs Environmental Action Procedures EE Environmental Engineer EIP Environmental Integration Programme ESPs Environmental System Procedures FIPAG Mgt FIPAG Management NATIONAL WATER ESP 012 FIPAG DEVELOPMENT I l.'h DtI I1N1SMINIO I PAYFiIMO PROJECT Issue 0.1 [JO A2&s1L,Ml.I%[I DI 4(..UA Environmental System Procedure Page 4 OF 5 MANAGEMENT REVIEW PROCEDURE REVISION TABLE DETAILS ISSUE DATE Initial (Draft) Issue 0.1 March 2003 Approved Issue 1.0 ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1: Checklist for the Management Review The following provides prompts for informatlon that may be of use during an annual Management Review of the FIPAG EMS. ATTACHMENT 1: CHECKLIST FOR THE MANAGEMENT REVIEW. l ITEM YESINO ACTION What is the level of compliance of the EMS with Its stated Environmental Policy, legal requirements, strategic objectives and targets, the EIP and associated EAPs? Have there been any incidents associated with the implementation of the EMS? Have there been any internal audits of the EMS? What has been the focus of any corrective/preventative actions undertaken? Have there been any extemal cornments or complaints regarding elements of the EMS? Is the focus of the FIPAG EMS still relevant - for example: * Have Ihere been any changes to the legal register or the nature of environmental issues associated with the NWDP? * Have there been any new cities or scope of projects added to the NWDP? * Is the coverage of the EMS to be expanded as per the planned phases for its development? Have there been any administrative difficulties associated with the EMS? Have there been any difficuhties associated with environmental management resources? What improvements can be made to the EMS and why? How can these improvements be made? ESP 012: Management Review Page 5 of 5 PART C: LEGAL REGISTER FIPAG: Environrmental Management Systemr MAN/O. 1 Manual PART C: LEGAL REGISTER The foilowing compnses a register of the legislabon, regulations and Funding Agency requirements relating to the provision for environmental assessment, protection and management in the NWDP. The following documents have been reviewed. * World Bank OP 4.01, Environmental Assessment, 1999; * World Bank Environmental Assessment Guidance; * World Bank Project Appraisal Document, 1999. * World Bank Projeci Implementation Manual, 2000; * African Development Bank Environmental and Social Assessment Procedures, 2002; * Environmental Assessment of the Mozambique Nalional Water Development Project Document, Noragric 1996/1997; and * MICOA's EIA Regulabons, 1997. RtEFERENCE DETAILS AND EXTRACTS ON ENVIRONMENTAL COMMENTARY ON FIPAG RESPONSIBIUTIES World Bank OP 4.01 Environmental Assessment This document sets out the Wodld Bank's policy on and the process of environmenbtl impact assessment fbr projects it may provide funding for. It is important to note that the World Bank's requirements generally take precederce unless national egrslation, regulations and other administrative requrements are more stringent. Requires ervironmendal ass*ssmet (EA) of projects proposed for Bank financing FIPAG, the borrowsr' has genaraly delegated the respons.blity of undertadn EAS (wher 'EA ks lnitistd as arly as posble In project processing and is Inrtgrated otSely with the required) to appolnted Consultants. economic, finanial, isUhtlbnal, social and technical analyses of a proposed project' However, FIPAG wil remain uftimately responsible for environmental complance. The borrower Is responsibhe for carrying out the EA.' * 'The Bank may. t eppropriate, require addlional EA work, Including public consultaton and disclosure-' FIPAG NiWDP Page 1 of 15 Register of Legal and Funding Agency Requirements LegaLregister-1 PART C: LEGAL REGISTER REFERENCE DETAIL8 AND EXTRACTS ON ENVIRONMENTAL COMMENA ON FFAG RESONIBI ES REQUIREMENTS CMETR NFPGRSOSBL E Envirorvnertal Screening, Category B proiects (Para 8(b)) This process has already been complted 'Tho scope of EA for a Category B project may vary from proect to project.' The lHOP has been defined ms a Category B projet - aee below, screnng] *sexamnes the proecta's ptenial negative and poskive environmental impacts and recommends any measue needed to preent, mininise, migate or compensate for adverse impacts and Improve envionmental performance.' EA for Special Project Typos, Sctor Investnwnt Landing (Para 9) The MNDP Is a 'Special Project Typo' and as a conseqence thore is a need to consider '-durng the preparation of eech proposed subproject, the project co-ordinating tty or assessing the environmnrtal impact of all sub-projects. enpleenting Inttitution carres out an appropriate EA according to country requirements and An EA Report vas prepared for the World Bank on the NWDP in 1996 (updated in 1997 and the requirements of this policy [World Bank 00 4.011.' 1999) (see below for more detalD) There is still a requiremenlt to consider the potential environmental issues associated with each sub-project on account of more recent changes to or new design detahls being avaable than covered In the orghal EA Reports. Public Consultation (Para 16) FIPAG, Vth borrower' has generalsy delegated th responsibiiy of undertaking pub"lc during the EA process, the borrower consults project alfcted groups and local participation to the appointed Consultants as part of their EA services nongovemmental organisations (NGOs) about the project's envWonmental aspects and takes Whe MICOA request public consulation for a given projet, this is nornmaly organised their views Into account.' througthby MICOA (sae for more data). 'In addtion, the borrower consults ith such groups throughout project implementation as Direct compensation and resetUement Issues wit be addressed by FIPAG's Investment and necessary to address EA-r#lated issues that affect them'. [See Note 20 to this section which Legal Managers. states that for any major social components, additional consulation requirements may apply, such as for involuntary resettlement.] Disclosure (Pare 16 and 18) the borrower provides relevant materil in a timely manner prior to consultation and in a form and language that are undrstandable and accewibl to the groups being consufted.' 'Any separate Category B report for a project proposed for IDA funding is made avallable to projet aeded groups and local NGOs. FIPAG NWDP Page 2 of 15 Register of Legal and Funding Agency Requirements Legal register_1 PART C: LEGAL REGISTER REFERENCE DETAILS AND EXTRACTS ON ENVIRONMENTAL COMMENTARY ON FIPAG RESPONSIBILMITES REQUJIREMENTS mnplmenntation (Para 20) FIPAG wl Littimately be resownsible for ensuring comppnance with World Bank requIremnfts and wi1 undertakle pernodlc audits and creck5 55s n.cessay. Durig project implementation the borrower report on: Howeer, FIPAG may dehgae other consulanta to urKertake more regular site Irpctions * Compliance with neasures agreed wtth the Bank on the basis of the findings and results d and the mornitonnng progararms during the construction andfor operation of the sub-project. the EA, incdinga rnplementation of any EMP, as set out in the project documents FIPAG has developed a framework for an EMS to enable FIPAG to manage the environmental * The status of mitigatory measures: and issues associated with is activifis as well as thc design, conatructbon, operational and * The findings of monitoring programs. decomm.asoning phases of tne NwDP sub-projects FIPAG wil need to monitor all environmental assessment and/or management actIviti6 * The Bank bases supervision of fth projac's environmenital aspects on the findings and undertaken on Its behalf. recommendatons of the EA, including measures set out in the legal agreemernts any EMP and other project documents.' Appenrbx B Whlb the NWDP has been defined as a Category B projed (see below), the general layout described for a Category A project is stil deemied applicable for the EA documenits to be Contains details on the content of an EA Report for a Category A prolct prepared or the NWDP sub- Arojects This ifornmUon has been taken into account in the Chekdit for EA Reports (see Appendix C of SGui0d*ne fwr the Ewftonmet Asm ent and Managemoem of the NWDP). Apperndx C This information has been icorporsted hto the 'Generc Framewoi.* EMP for Constructon Contains details on the content of an Environmental Management Plan (EMP). Worksand the EMS World Bank Gtidance on EA This document provides further guidance on EA and supports World Bank OP 4.01. Includes reference to the forrmat for the EA Report. including: The checlist of potential environmentsl isses has been referred to in Appendix E of the Guidance for Ut Envtronmetl Aaessnenf antd Manageme0nt ot the NW1PI * Refers to format of the EA Report - with an emphasis on allowing easy reproduction and dissermnation. * Outlns a nwnber of EA documents and other material typically required for public disserination. * Contains a Checidist of Potential Issues of an EA. This lists the potentbi range of issues an EA should consider, where relevant. FIPAG:NWDP Page 3 of 15 Register of Legal and Funding Agency Requirements Legal-register-l PART C: LEGAL REGISTER REERNC ETIL ADEXTIR ACTNS ONEVROMNA COblMENTARY ON FIPAG RESP0NS1811ZTES World Bank EA SourcebooK 1999 This document prosides guidance on the EA process specific to World BEak OP4.01 and includes reference to project screening through to project completion and post implementation auditing It also provides guidance on the EA process and environmental issues associated wifth specfk sectors, including water suppiy, sanitation, petrochemical industry and chemniocl industry. Environmental Roeew, Polices and Priniples. itm 6 A 199U1997 copy of the EA for MiVDP is avalable. The updated version has not boon located. * Sedor Investmenwt projects and the nvesrn�ent componert of hybrid loans and credits are subled to the environmental review requiremrent' Overall Relationship to the Project Cycle, Item 10 FIPAG il be responsible for the prepratbon of the PRC. * After Implmntaiton L complete the Project CompletIon Report (PCR) includes The PRC wil, at a minimurn, be based on the results of the regular construction and operations evaluation of both the Impacts that actualy occurred and the effecttreness of the phase audi. mdigtion measures.' Overall Relationshiptothi Project Cycie ltemn 13 An EA has beencarried out onrthe NWDPas a whobe iNoragic 1998) 'Category B projects are a derwsoe group. and the scope of the environrmntal analise TORs are prepared for the appointed Consultants and include refrence to the scala of nay vary from a detailed study of cronin components thatis a lMosa as complex as envirorital studWs required, The World Bank reviws and approves both the TOR and the that for an 'A' projct, to a routine check that project design conforms to applicable bidding Consultants' proposa. standards,' FIPAG wvI be responsible for issuin the TOR at the proper time and to monitor compliance with the TOR during the assignment. On a national context, K wil be necessay for the appointed Consultant to submit a 'Pro- screening' document to MICOA in order to receive guidance on the scale of environme ntal studie required. Preparing for an Environmertal Assessment, Item 1B A generic ervironmental TOR has beon prepared by FIPAG. * 'It is the borrowees responsibilty to prepare TORs for the EA or other analysis and to A copy has been submitted to the World Bank for approval (September 2002). No comments obtain the necessry experts to csrry it out-' have been received to date (March 2003). * 'The task of debrmining the scope of the EA Is critical and is therefore one in which the Bank normily participates.' Conducting the Environrmntal Assessment, Item 24 FIPAG. te borrower' has generaly delegated the responsibility of undertakng EAs (where * tanying out the actual EA is the borfower's responsibility.' required) to appointed Consultants. As FIPAG vwi rem ain uitneatay responsible for environmental compliance, FIPAG wil mnonitor the pefformance of the appointed Consultants. FIPAG:NWDP Page 4 of 15 Register of Legal and Funding Agency Requi'ements Legal_regster_1 PART C: LEGAL REGISTER REFERENCE DETAILS AND EXTRACTS ON ENVIRONMENTAL [ COMMENTARY ON FIPAG RESPONSIBIUTIES REQUIREMENTS Conducting the Environmental Assesmnert Item 28 The 'G"ance for the Envkonmontal As-essment and Management of the NWDP sets out guidance on the contnt anrd structure of a* enyvronmental docurents to b produced in � 'The IEAJ report should provide an Exectuive Summwary h�ighhght,ng the significat conb wk the NWP. findins and reconurended actions. in order of importance. in relmively non-technical nguage and not more then 20 pages in length. These checkidts' may be used by the FIPAG Environmental Engineer to assess the adequacy of the environmental docurrmnts prepared. * 'More detaild nforrmaton such as summaries of baseline date, the model result, records of communiy Involvement activities and reports of pcial studies, should be placed In a sepsrate volume as a technia annex to the main report,' Conducting the Environmental Assessment, Item 29 The Consutants appointed by FIPAG to undertake the EAs for sub-projects wil undertake * 'The Bank recommnnds that interim EA and related studies be released to interested public participation as required. agencies and to affected cormmunities, and to NGOs rnvolved in project preparahon * 'Howemr, as the EA is Ihe property of the borrower, public release of the document can onty be rmade with the borrower's consent.' Environmental Assessment Review nd Projcct Appraisal, Item 30 The 'Gudanfce for the Envronmental Assess-ent and Mnagenent of the WOP' sets out guidance, on the content and structure of all environmental documents to be produced in . The borrower should review the EA to ense that the consultants or agency staff connection with the NWDP. Ths document ab incldes checklists which may be spefhally follwowd the TORs and meeat both Bank and country requiremients. used durng fth techntical reviews. Implementation and Supervston, Item 34 FIPAG has developd a framework for an EMS to mamage plnning, construction and opoerationali environmnental hwous for the lieaspan od the NWDP. * 'EA recommendations provide the basis for supervising the environrnental aspects of project inplementaton.' * 'The borrower is obiged to implment measures to mitigate anticipated environmental impacts, to monitor prograns, to corred unanticipated Impacts and to comply with any enviroraentel condltonalitles.' * Proper stafing. staff traInrng, and procurement of spare parts and equipment to support preventativ, predictive and correctio maintenance re also necessary elemernts of Inplementation' ImplemntatIon and Supervision, Item 36 FIPAG will generally appoint Consultnts to supervise the constnrctin of the NWDP sub- * 'Supervision is carried out through a combination of.. (compiance reporting, Bank projects suprvisIon missions and Bank site visits].' FIPAG will maintain an overseer role to ensure compliance with World Bank requirements during the construction phase. This may hdclude undertaking periodic audts andlor revewing the results of audits undertken by others FIPAG has developed a framework for an EMS to manage the operational environmerntal isues for the iifespan of the NWDP. FIPAG:MNDP Page 5 of 15 Register of Legal and Funding Agency Requirements Legairegister-1 PART C: LEGAL REGISTER REFERENCE DETAILS AND EXTRACTS ON ENVIRONMENTAL COMMENTARY ON FFAG RESPONSILMES REQUJIREMENTS Impementation and SuprvIsIon Item 38 FIPAG wil usa Information coected and produced drting the monitoring of the construction and * At the conclusion of the project.. the (Projet Completion Report] Is prepared and operatonal phase of the NWDP sub-projects to: subrnbed to the Operations Evaluation Department. The borrower Is responsible for * Confirrn actual envronmontal wnpacts nd problm encountered; submitting information that wi be the basis of the report.' * Confirtmn extent to which erinronmental recommendations wero folowed * Corfirm worall complance with World Bank requirements; and * Evaluate envronmerta benefits achieved. Sectoral Envirtnmenta Assessment. ttem 43 The 19961197 copy of the EA for iNOP hashwi be made available to aN Consultants appointed to prepare EAs and/or EMPs to ensure the environmentl concerns raised in this * fSectoral EA.] can in some cases substtute for proect spcific EAs by produing document re addressed or icorporated accordingly. gu nes and criteria for the design and implenmetaion of prolects In the sector * More oftn, ey is rwsult in identification of the major environmental issues In the sector and development of a database. enaDlong pf oject s teic EAs to proceed more expdously. Cost and Time to Prepare Envrornmental Assessments, Item 56 The 'Gudnce on tO Envs"onmientlAsesrssrnent and M ranagment of tue NMVP' and the EMS framework wii provide guidance on the timing for undetaking the pertinent EA activities. * 'EAs conducted according to Bank procedures do nod delay projects; on the contrary. in many cases, they have shortened the total time from identificron to operatfion, by revealing promptly envronmental ss-ues that might have halted work atogether, had they emerged at a tater stage.' Cost and Time to Prepre Environmertal Assemerts, Item 57 This guidance vill be taken into account during the review of the Tender proposal documents produced by bidding ConsuRtarts for EA or related vwrk * 'EA prepration coas rarely exceeds one percent of the total capital cost of the project and is frequently less than that.' * 'The cost of Implementing mligation measures can range from 0 to 10 percent of total project cost, wlth 3 to 5 percent beWng common' World Bank Project Appraisal Document for the NWDP 11 This document was prepareo for the NWDP and was published on 12 May 1999. It desaibes the project development objectives, the strategic conte4 project description summary, project rationale, summary prcject anatysis, sustainablity and risks, main loan condtons, reaciness for implemertation and compliance with Bank policies Pg Is, 'EnvWoiwnt Assessme-t' A 1996t1997 copy of the EA for NWDP is avadablb. The updated version has not been located. * NWOP - Category B project. The requirements of the EMP In ths docixnent have been Incorporated into the Venrwc Framework EMP f)b Constructlon Works' and in the EMS. Enfvirorinental Assessment for NWDP I and 11 completed in 199i6. Reviewed and updated 1999. Contains guidsnco on those sub-rojects that are likely to have a signtcarit and minor environmental impact. FIPAG:NWDP Pap 6 of 15 Register of Legal and Funding Agency Requirements Legal_regster1 PART C: LEGAL REGISTER REFERENCE DETALS AND EXTRACTS ON EMVIRONMENTAL COMMbENTARY ON FIPAG RESPONSIBULTES REQUIREMENT * Flow and water quality mnitoring for intake weir on Umtbeluzi Rhver and at uwgar company Intake on Pungwv River, * Hydrological mondorlng program * Trainin and HRD - which inrludes the irafning of FIPAG In environmental skils and awreness.' Annex 2, Pg 8 -10 anagemnent of Environmental Impact' - Performance Indlcators This normaon is currently used as part of the Operators monthly reportng The reoular provision of this data and tnra quality of the data should be monitored by FIPAG. Pag 9 andj 10 contains a data sheet hor colectIon df basic iriforniaton World Bank Project ImplementatIon Manual This document was prepared for the NWDP and was pubished in January 2000. It provides a reference guide on the NWDP for the partes hivolved and specfialy provides .'a sunwne,y of the pr4ed, a descrphon of the institubons involved in its implementation and an outline of the piocedures to be followed in implementing ttis prt#ecd The main text in the PIM is supporled by addional project informabion contained in the annexes. Section 7 Para 1, Pg Note: The World Bank's EA Addendum has not been located - only a copy of the 190W1997 EA l. managernmnt of the environmental Inpact of the project vAl be in accordance with the port I3 avaie. Environmental Management Plan given in the Environmental Assessment updated by the EA See below for e summry of the 199697 version Addendum'. The envitonmental management requirmwents stated In the World Bnk's EA Report (1996/1997) have ben Inorporated Into the appropdiate checklists contained In the 'Guidasce for tm Envronmental Aa-eesmen and Manageent of h HWDP' and Irto the EMS for FIPAG. Afrcan Deveopment Bank Environmental and Social Assessmient Procedures This document sets out the Afrcan Development BanKs policy on and the process of environmental impact assessment for projects it may provide funding for. It is important to note that the African Development Banles requirements generally take precedence untess national legslation, regulations and other administrative requirements are more stringent 2 Context, Para 2.5 A TOR for btdding conwsutant has been prepared by FIPAG to ensure that consideaon is ghven to ADS environmental assessment and management requirements in the provision of 'The projcs financed by the Bank shall compy wih the Regional Member Courtry's their services. environmnntal and social legisaion, policies and gideline, vth local and natonal requirements on public consutdions and disdosure, as wet as wth Inernaional ageements ratid by the borrowing courntry 3. Assesment Process FIPAG, 'the Borrower has generally delegated the responsiblity of undertaking EAs (where The Environmental and Social Assessmoent of projects, plans and programnmns Is primarily the required) to the appointed Consutants. reaponsibUlty of the Borrower'.' The appointed Consultnts will be required to provide their services in accordance wIth AfDB environmental requirements. FIPAG NVDP Page 8 of 15 Register of Legal and Funding Agency Requirements Legal register_1 PART C: LEGAL REGISTER REFERENCE DETAILS AND EXTRACTS ON EN RONMENTAL COMMENTARYONFIAG RESPONSIBILIES REOU IRE MENTSCOMNAYO FIA REP SBITS 3-8 Project ldarllcatMon, Par 3.7 The NWDP has been defkied as a Category 2 project 'Catogory 2 projocts require the development of an Environmental and Social Management Plan FIPAG, has generaly delegated the responsibiliy for preparation of the ESMP to an appointed [ESMP]. These proects ar ikely to have detrirrntal and sAespecf1c environmental and/or Consultant. social inpact that are less adverse than those of Category I project and that can be mir*nrsed by the application of mitiabon measuros or the incorporation of iternationally FIPAG has prepared a 'Genei Frsmowo,* EMP for Conftrucn WorkU'for the NWIP which recognised design crit and standards.' shag be used as a framework for the preparation of projet specflic Management Plans duwing the construion phase. 3-F Project ImplementatIon and Supervsiorn, Para 3.46 - 3.61 FIPAG Wil ulitrataly be responsible for ensuring complince wIth ANDB requirements and wil 'It is under the Borrower's responsiblity to implment Environmental and Social Management underta perti audls and checks dunng constnon as necssary Plans, Inctuding comrslance with Indicators Identified In projet irnplemrentation documents, the However, FIPAG may delegate other consutants to undertake more reguwr site inspections aanlCs policies and guidelines as well as environmental and social covenants included in the and the monitoring programmes dunng the construcimon end/or operation of the sub- prroect loan documents.' FIPAG has developed a framework for an EMS to manage construction and operational The Borrower reports. on the impl mentrtion of the Environmental and Social Management enviroiontm l issues for the ifespan of the NWDP. Plan in regular qurterly reports.' The EMS provides for aol appraisal and Improvement of the environmental management Whenever non-comphlance to agreed requiremrents or unexpected mnpacts are noted, - the procedures on an annual beaI3 Borrower shalli revoiw the ESMP... as appropriate.' 4. Responsibilltles, 4-A Borrower FIPAG Vihe Borrower' has generally delgatted the responsibfty of undertaidng EAs (where 'The Borrower is 'espon5rble for integratitn nvironmentat and sodal consideratbons irto requiracri to the appointed Consultants. sponsored projects sacordign to the Bank's requirements ' The appointed Consuttnt vwill be required to provide thetr services in accordance wih AIDS environmental requirmwents. FIPAG has developed a framework for an EMS to ensure *nvironmertal issues are addressed at all key development. constrcton and operatonal stages of the NWOP. S. Public Consultations FtPAG, 'the Broorw has generaly delegated the responsiblity of undertaking public 'For Category 2 projects.. the Borrower (may be requiredi to consut with potentilaly affected participation to the appoited Consulta as pert of thr EA services. stakeholders eary in the project cycle 6. Pubik Disclosure 'For Category 2 projects, the ESMP Suwrnary Is released to the pubhc through the PiC [AIDB s public Information centre] FIPAG:Nl'WDP Page 9 of 15 Register of Legal and Funding Agency Requirements Legalregister-1 PART C: LEGAL REGISTER REFERENCE DETAILS AND EXTRACTS ON ENVIRONM ENTAL |COMIMENTARY ON FIPAG RESPONSIBIIJTIES Environmental Asessment of tho Mozambique National Watr Development Project Documet, Noragrlc 199B11997 This document details the results of an environmental assessment of the NWDP and hi prtcular refers to a given range of sub-projects (known at the tkne of the assessment) for each the five cities. On the basis of the assessment an EMP has been developed and included in the back of the document The EMP details the environmental managemert requrements for the constucbon and operabon of the sub-projects assessment This document is referred to in the Wodd Bank PIM. Note: Refer to World Bank documentation for definition of EMP as tere is a subtle diference between tie definitions or EMPs as used by MICOA, World Bank and AfDB. 7. Environmental Manageent Plan, 7.3 ConstructIon The �Gena' Fhmewor* EMP for Consrucftn Works as prepared by FIPAG. Includes detiid specifications which cover aN the aspects Wated for the construction phase of NWP It is vti that -ShStandard environmental construction requiremernts for the proelcd ...a re b-ots Incorporaed irito general and apecftic constructdon contract spedcfications for aN wsorls beinvg funded by the NWDP 7.3 Construction. Section 7.3.1 to 7.33 The FIPAG Environmental EngWieer wil be reoqired to review EMPs produced by the appointed Consultant to ensure appropriate coverage has beon made for the management of specif Lists a series of standard environmntal constnxton requirements for the following groups of construction impcts listed. NWDP sub-projects * Water sources and treatment plants. * Transmission and storage. * Distnbition systems 7.4 Operation The EMS wMll ensure that appropriate environmental protection and management requiremnts are kioorporated fInto the operation plans df the sub-projects. LUsts a sedes of standard environmental operational requtremrens for the following groups of NWDP sub-projects * Water souce" and treatment plants. * Transmison and storage. * Distribution system.s 7.6 Resettlement The appownted Consultants wvI generally be required to identify the need for resettlement during Recommends a seris of procedures for involuntary resetternent. including: their EA studs FIPAG will undertke the required negotiations for the compensation of terporary and(or * Attempting to avoid need for resettlement. permanent loss of prop.ty * Appointment of consultant with socio-economic and lgal experence. FIPAG:NWDP Page 10 of 15 Register of Legal and Funding Agency Requirements Legai_regsterl1 PART C: LEGAL REGISTER REFEtENCE DETAILS AND EXTRACTS ON ENVIRONMENTAL COMMENTARY ON FIPAG RESPONSIBILUTES REQUJIREMENTS * Assess reslement needs and develop resettlement plan. * Provde 3 months notice and negotlate with afFected people. * Report on execution of the resettbment plan. * Alowance for conpenstko. 7.6 Environmnl Monrtorlnp and Mangemennt The 'G6nt Frcrtawor* EMP for ConafructIM Wrw*s 'and the EMS set the minimum atandads required to ensure that the NWDP sub-projects are designed, constructed and operated in an environmental monitoring and rnannagment dunng projea implerentation are expected to be environmntalty sound manner. This Inckudes the moniorhg of the effectiveness of argely iimted to ensuring comphance wth .mplemelstion of the construction and operational marnagment controls. 1 Environmental specifcations contained in construction contracts as discussed in Section Tho specifc construction specifications have been incorporated into the 'Geenc Framework 7.3 above. EIP for Conaftin Works'for the NMDP. 2. Resettlement plann,ng and implementation as discussed in Section 7 5 above.' 7.7 Environmental Awareness BuildIng Training The EAP will provide for environmental awareness traIning of the labour force during the construton phase. 'Training wilt be required to monitor and supervise environmental perormance during construction of new and refurbished works being funded by the project.' The FIPAG Environmental Enguieer wit be responsible for overseeing the environmental awareness trahning od opeational staf and FIPAG staff should make staff aware of environmetal provisions of construction cortracts, and train them i ialsinatrme practices for dealing wa envilronmentls concerfns on ste' MICOA Reguladtons on the Procedure for ErnvIronmental Impact Assessment 1997 This document is sets out the nationaI requirements for EA It is important that MICOA are consulted on all key MNDP sub-projects. Article 2, Scope of Application See beiow. 2. 'The .ctvtles contained in the appended Itst require an obligatory environmental impact study, whIch must bo carried out In the trms of this set of regulations.' Appendx: it is important to note: should MICOA Indicate that an EA ts not rquIred, t wil stUl generaly be 'Acti" which may have signiticant impact on the environment and which require ecesary to undexake an EA in acodance wih the Funding Agency Requirements environmental inpact studies: S. Uran wser supply end sanitton systems, their piping, treatment stabons and eftluent disposal systrns. 19. Programmes and projects that inpty the permanent or temporary dispiscemert of populations and communItis. FIPAG:NWDP Page 11 of 15 Register of Legal and Funding Agency Requirements Legal-reister-1 PART C: LEGAL REGISTER REFERENCE DETAILS AND EXTRACTS ON ENVIRONMENTAL COMMENTARY ON FIAG RESPONSIBILTES REQUJIREMENTSCOMNAYO FIA REPN BUT- 21t Pns, programmMes and projects that may afect, directy or Indirectly, sensive areas sch isee above] as: * Mangroves * Wolands Artcle 4, Procehgs: FIPAG has delegted the responaibity for all environmental assssmnwt studies to appointed Submit foiowhig hformation to' begin the ernvronmemnal anpect assesment procedurse-' Cowlbtnts. The appointed Consultants will be required to enswe compliance with MICOA's requirwents * 'Deosrazton. location and characterisation of the acty and to provide al infornation as requsted by MIOOA. * Executive sumrnny of the project Thea" dtails have been Included in the chockit for the Pre-Screenig docunmnt (see * Data on the environment hi the pace where the acdviy Is to be Impeemented ' Appendix A of the 'Gidenoa for One Endronm*nal Asameaarnt end Managemat of the NWDP) Article , Envirownental Impact Study: These detals have been ricluded h the checidiat for EA Reports (see Appendix C of the 'Guance fhr the Envrormveitl Asaeaainer e Man.g'pnfn ol f he M'v)P~ 'The environmental bnpact study may contain at ioast the IdkvwingG * The delmitatlon and geographical representation of the ae of influence of the activity, as wel as is reference *nvwonrnental situton * The description of the actvity and its aiternatives, hI the planning, construction, operation and (in the case of a temporary actrvty) de activellon stages * The comprisn of the alernatives considered and the forcast of the fture environ mental situstion of the are of iftenc in the went of adoptng eacn afermative * The Identification and ssessment of mtigabon measures * The undertaling's environmental managent programrne, Including the montoring of inpacts, and accident prevention and contingency plans * Identilcation of the team that drew up the study. * Non-technical summary. * Environmental impact study shal be presented to the Ministry in the form of a report written in Portuguese.' FIPAG NVVDP Page 12 of 15 Register of Legal and Funding Agency Requirements Legaljreoster_1 PART C: LEGAL REGISTER REFERENCE DETAILS AND EXTRACTS ON ENVIRONMENTAL COMMENTARY ON FIPAG RESPONSBILUTIES REQUJIREMENTS Article 7, Public Consultation The appointed Consutants will be rseponibb tot taking pt in any such aectivities, as required Tls appears to be generally mitsai by MICOA by MICOA * The publc consulaton period and procedures shall be made widely know by the proposer, according to the guidelnes to MCOA... * MICOA 'shall call public hearings... * 'The final desciptive report fromn th public consutatlon shall specify the diqigences undertaken. the participation thrt took place, the questions raised In the debates, the submissions and presentation received in due tine, accomnpanied by the respective reples and conclusions.' Article 8, Assessment Criteria t s iS mportant to ensure that the Appointed Consultants have ciearly dftined their assnsment criteria when reviwlng their documents before submission to all relevant authorities. 'The results shall be determined on the basis of the blowiong factors: Thes" critetia have been referred to in the appropriate checklists, in parcular Appendix E of the * Number of persons and conmiunities covered 'Guidnce for fe Envkonmena Asvsswnt end Mww.gemnt of the A&VDP' * Ecosystems, plants and animals afected * The location and si2e of the area affected * The duration and intensity of the impact * The diroct, Indrect, potential overa* and cumulative effects of the impact * The reversibilty or othrwise of the irnpact' 'Until specifc national standards are adopted, the standards establshed by international bodies and the interational conventions ratified by Mozwnbique shall be observed' Article 1t, Time LimIts hr Commtilcating Decisions These time periods must be Incorporated into the programming for environmental studies for the * Pre-assessment up to five days sub-projects, * Review of environmental impact study, up to 80 clear days * Issuing environsental Icenses or communicating rejection, up to 10 dear days after the expiry of the period of analysis,' FIPAG:NWDP Page 13 of 15 Register of Legal and Funding Agency Requirements Leg8alregster-1 PART C: LEGAL REGISTER REFERENCE DETAILS AND EXTRACTS ON ENViRONMENTAL COMMENTARY ON FPAO RESPONiBIUTIES REQtIREMENTS Article 12, Vaiditry 'An erwlronentl license shal be considered nu0l and void f the actmty to which K refers does not begin within tvo years of the lcens being bssued.' Article 13, egister of Environmenta Consultrats Aii appointed Consultarts wil be required to corifimn that they are .egisleoe witih MICOA during Only the specialists and middle and higher level technial staff who are registered in terms of the tender proces. this article rmy carry out environrenral kmpact studies in Mozarnbique.' Articde 14, ResponaibllltV of Erivironnienlol Conauitants ' shall bear civi and criminal responsibiity for the data they provide in the environmnntal impact study report'. Article 16. inspection and audits MICOA '-shell undetake regular Inspoctions of the monitoring and environmerntl management work of the acthivty. It may request an environrmenta imrpact audit or undertake nvironmental inspections...' Article 16, Responsibility for dmagea 'Any proposer shal bear civil and criinal responsibity for damages he has caused to the environment in cases where: * Does not subrnit his projectiactMty to the procedure of environmental Icensing' * Substantialy changes the project after an environmental report has been submitted without informing MICOA * ' does not irplement the nmasures proposed In the study and in the environmental license.' I FIPAG:1NNP Page 14 of 15 Register of Legal and Fisnding Agency Requirements Legalregster-1 PART G: ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PROCEDURES The following EAPs are incorporated into Part G: EAP 001 Integration oF Envirorunental Planning EAP 002 Document Qualiy Review EAP 003 Environmental and Sodal Management duiing Construction Phase EAP 004 Environrnental Conbactual Controls for the Private Operator FIPAG: Envrornental Management System MAN/0. 1 Manual A:FIPAG NATIONAL WATER EAP 001 DEVELOPMENT DUNDO IADtUCITO (TXlHIO PROJECT Issue 0.1 DW ASSTOMNT Df AGuA Environmental Action Procedure Page 1 OF 20 INTEGRATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING PURPOSE AND APPLICATION OF PROCEDURE The purpose of this procedure is to provide instructions and guidance on ensuring that environmental planning, assessment and development of environmental management controls is incorporated into the project development and construction phases for the NWDP. The specific scope of application of this procedure includes all new and current projects that are iniiated under the multiple phases of the NWDP, including. * Any new immediate action plans; * New development projects: and * Upgrading projects. This procedure should be applied on an ongoing basis. PROCEDURE The minimum scope of instructions and actions to be applied have been listed in chronological order below. Refer also to Figure 1, Attachment I for a diagrammatic representation of these insiructions/actions Ownership for undertaking the stated instructions and actions have also been indicated. INSTRUCTIONS, GUIDANCE AND ACTIONS OWNERSHIP TMING Inriate arx4or attend investment deparment meetkgs to EE Weekly to obtain available information on new roposed jects and fotn . updated infomimtion on current prject ). Review new project informalton. EE Prepare TOR for kidusion in Consultants Bid Documnens (see Attachmnt 2 for generc TOR). Inv My To advise EE on need for TOR ASAP. FE A NATIONAL WATER EAP 001 U EU NE DEVELOPMENT IL'NI}O Dl t flSnMEN 010 PArTuJMKI PROJECT Issue 0.1 Environmental Action Procedure Page 2 OF 20 INTEGRATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING INSTRUCTIONS, GUIDANCE AND ACTIONS OWNERSHIP TIMING Submit TOR to Inv Mgr and confirm inclusion in Consultants EE Vlltwin one Bid Docurnents. week. /nv Mgr Obtain copies of ConsuKtants Proposals from Inv Mgr. EE Inv Mgr To provide copy of proposals within one day of receipt. Review Consultant's Proposal and assess adequacy of EE Provide proposed methodology to addmss TOR (see Attchment 3 comments for checkllist). Wthin one week. Submit comments to Inv Mgr. Set up and maintain a record of progress for the Project (see EE Weekly to Attachment 4 for a suggested format). fobtnightly. Hold start up meeting wdh AppoWned Consultant's to confirn environmental requirements and tw approach. wek o weeks of Provide suppong material to Consultant as requested of EE appointment deemed necessary (e.g. provide copy of 'Genenc FramrewoM being EMP for Construction Works' to assist Consultant with con*r,med preparation of proect EMP for construdion). Review documents prepared by Consultants as per EAP 002: 'Documont QuIity Review'. To complete Submit comnents to Inv Mgr and/or discuss dietly wt EE neviewewekh Consultant. reaeipt of Review response of Consultant to comments and advise Inv report. Mgr as necessary. To provide inv Mgr copy of reports within one day of receipt. a X IA G NATIONALWATER EAP 001 - * *AG- DEVELOPMENT Ut,NDO D INVbTIaNO pfTttM6IO PROJECT Issue 0.1 DO A*AIKMOMWO W7 ACUA Environmental Action Procedure Page 3 OF 20 INTEGRATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING INSTRUC77ONS, GUIDANCE AND ACTIONS OWNERSHIP TtMING Ensure Consultant has produoed aHl the required environmental repwts for the projet, such as. * Pre-Screening Document; *Scopig DocuCwnen EE Ongoing. * Preiminary Envronmental Scan or EA Report; RAP; and EMP for Construction Works. Record envrorvnental aspects and Impacts identifed in the Register of Sigrifiant Environmental Aspects and Impacts On receipt of (see ESP 003). EE final version of envkvnmental Also record proposed mitigation measures for the reports. construction and operation phases of the project. Ensure Consultant has submitted aN pertinent reports to EE Ongoing. MICOA (as required by MICOA) Obtain a copy of commvnunicatlons fmm MICOA from me EE At each Consultant. pertinent stage of prcoec Review the implications of the Permit on the Pnlject EE Within one Advise the hnv Mgr on addtional environmental actions weekof required as necessary. permit. Advise the Consultant on addtional environeal actions EE Wthin one requird as agreed with Inv Mgr. week of confirmation wih nv Mgr. Ensure the following is included in he Bid Documents for the EE I Uthin one detailed design and construction of the project, as prepared week of by the Consultent: reoeipt of Bid * EMP and provisin for (te monioring of its docuernets. imp/mientation. * Provision for preparation of detailed RAP and its implementation. Advise the Inv Mgr on any comments. G NATIONAL WATER EAP 001 FIPAG DEVELOPMENT It INK Dl .V1.7TsOu llI PAOILVA1MO PROJECT Issue 0.1 Dl . . -- 3TI.a.,I-. DI .UA--. Environmental Action Procedure Page 4 OF 20 INTEGRATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING Inv Mgr To provide copies of the Bid documents within one day of receipt. Ensure inclusion of an ECO or oher envwrornental EE As descrabed mondoring role in the bid documrents for the Constution in EAP 003. Supervisor, as needed, and as per EAP 003; 'Environmental Matnagement dung Constucton'. Inv Mgr To advise as necessary As per EAP 003: 'Environmental Managemont during EE As described Construction': in EAP 003. * Take part in the propahon for and review proposais received from biddk g Contrators and Construcion Supenisors and comment accordingly. * Oversee and audit the impemertation of the EMP and activities of the ECO. Ensue inclusion of env&ronrnental management EE As described specifications into the operational phase of te project, as in EAP 004 per EAP 004: 'Environmental Conractuad Controis tor the PO'. Undertake a periodic review of this procedure and update as EE At least necessary annuaffy. KEY PERFORMANCE CRITERIA The tollowing is a list of the key performnance cntena for this procedure. These criteria have been highlighted for easy reference and may be used during a performance audit of the FIPAG EMS (see ESP 011: 'EMS and Performance Audit). * Inclusion of Environmental TOR in bid documents for design consultants. * Compliance with Environmental TOR in terms of speafic deliverables received. * Compliance with ihe Environmental TOR in terms of the technical coverage of the deliverables received. NATIONAL WATER EA 001 AFIPAG DEVELOPMENT FL ND f fNI14fMNO PAT I FAMM(Pdtl PROJECT Issue 0.1 DO A<T[CIMIFNOn Di 4GLA Environmental Action Procedure Page 5 OF 20 INTEGRATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING * Receipt of necessary approvals and permits from MICOA, World Bank andlor AfDB. * Inclusion of EMP and RAP in bid documents for contractors. * Register of Significanl Environmental Aspects and Impacts. * Inspection or audit reports on the implementation of the EMP and RAP. * Inspection or audit reports on the implementation of environmental management during the operations phase. * Project progress record. * No significant delays to the project programme or addiftional expenses incurred due to poor environmental planning * No significant problems recorded by the Authorities on the environmental assessment and management of the project. RESPONSIBILITIES EE: * To keep records on project progress with respect to monitoring and thereby ensuring the integration of environmental requirements and good practice into the individual projects of the NWDP (see 'Records and Referencesi asnd Attachment 4 below). * To initiate and maintain regular meetings with the Inv Mgr, with particular reference to: - Keep up to date on the development of new projects and the potential environmental needs for these projects. -- Keep up to date on the progress of current projects - Provide feedback to the Inv Mgr on the environmental aspects of the projects. - Establish and maintain a good working relationship with the Inv Mgr throughout the lifespan of the NWDP * Prepare environmental TORs for bid documents. hFIPAG NATIONAL WATER EAP 001 DEVELOPMENT RJNDO cf tmnVwo MtNO PVA610 PROJECT Issue 0.1 DO AWATCCIMUDOO DE A(GUA Environmental Action Procedure Page 6 OF 20 INTEGRATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING * Review proposals received and provide feedback on the suitability for undertaking the environmental aspects of the work for the project. * Issue clear instructions on the quality of documents expected from the Consultants. * Establish and maintain good communications and working relationships with the appointed Consultants for the duraton of their contract. * Assist and provide the appointed Consultants with appropriate information (e.g. the 'Generic Framework EMP for the Construction Works', the Wodd Bank's EA Report (Noragric) and Funding Agency requirements). * Monitor the appointed Consultant's activties relative to the environmental TOR and advise the inv Mgr accordingly of any issues. * Review deliverables produced by the appointed Consultant, ensure lhe produdion of good quality documents and advise the Inv Mgr of any issues (see EAP 002: 'Document Quality Review'). * Record the significant environmental impacts and mitigation measures identified by the Consultants in the 'Register of Significant Environmental Aspects and Impacts' for future reference (see ESP 003: 'Register of Significant Environmental Aspects and Impacts'). * Ensure that the Bid Documents produced by the Consullant include the EMP and reference to an RAP as necessary. * Ensure provision for an ECO or other environmental monatoring role in either the Contractor or Construction Supervisory consultant's scope of works andlor contract. * Oversee the implementation of environmental management controls during construction * Periodically review and update this procedure as necessary. Inv Mgr * Participate in meetings (or send a representative) with the EE and provide infom)ation on the projects. * Disinbule copies of the bidding Consultant's/Contractor's proposals and the appointed Consultant's/Contractor's deliverables to the EE for review and comment, and to pass on comments to the appointed Consultants/Contractor as necessary. -S A G NATIONAL WATER EAP 001 - g gg *AG DEVELOPMENT DOANMTKIMENTOE^G o PROJECT Issue 0.1 Environmental Action Procedure Page 7 OF 20 INTEGRATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING * Assist the EE with resolving any environmental issues that may arise where activities and tasks have been omitted by the appointed Consultant/Contractor (e.g. the omnission of an EMP from the bidding documents for the Contractof). RECORDS AND REFERENCES Records EE is to maintain records of the following for each project: * Terms of Reference. * Minutes of all intemal meelings. * Minutes of all meetings with Consullants/Contractors * Correspondence with Consultants and authorities * Copies of documents received from Consulants. * Copies of document review notes. * Significant Environmental Impacts identified (see ESP 003: 'RegJster of Significant Environmental Aspects and Impacts). * Project progress. References * EAP 002: 'Document Quality Review. * EAP 003: 'Environmental Management During Construction'. * EAP 004: Environmental Contractual Controls for the PO'. * ESP 003: 'Regisler of Significant Environmental Aspects and Impacts'. * 'Generic Framework EMP for Construction Works' (January 2003). * 'Guidance on Resettlement and Compensation for the NWDP' (TO FOLLOW). 5FIPA NATIONAL WATER EAP 001 DEVELOPMENT 1.%oE 1r.'t^1j0 f DlTv(no I ral11M6K) PROJECT Issue 0.1 Environmental Action Proceure Page 8 OF 20 INTEGRATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING * EMS Manual, Part D: Register of Significant Environmental Aspects and Impacts. * EMS Manual, Part F: Environmental Integration Programme. ABBREVIATIONS The following key abbreviations have been used in this procedure - see also the Glossary In the EMS Manual, Part A: AfDB African Development Bank Authorities Refers to all or any one of the following: MICOA, WB, AfDB and/or other funding agencies. EA Environmental Assessment EAPs Environmental Action Procedures EE Environmental Engineer EIP Environmental integralion Programme EMP Environmental Management Plan ESP Environmental System Procedure FIPAG Mgt FIPAG Management Funding Agencies Collective reference for WB, AfDB and other associated NWDP funding agencies. Inv Mgr Investments Manager MICOA Ministtrio Para a Coordenaoo da Acgao Ambiental (Ministry for the Coordination of Environmental Affairs) RAP Resettlement Action Plan TOR Terms of Reference WB World Bank EI DhI NATIONAL WATER EAP 001 ME 55WG DEVELOPMENT I 'rfDOtX imtsm INIO m t1moN) PROJECT Issue 0.1 [XI .AWK 'IMfNTO Dt %CLIA Environmental Action Procedure Page 9 OF 20 INTEGRATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING PROCEDURE REVISION TABLE DETAILS ISSUE DATE lnitial (Draft) Issue 0.1 March 2003 Approved Issue 1.0 ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1: Figure 1 - Integration of Environmental Management into the NWDP from Inception through to Handover for Operations. See overleaf. Attachment 2: Generic Environmental TOR for Consultants See overleaf. The generic TOR should be amended as necessary to suit the nature of the project (and hence the level of environmental assessment required), and In the event that there are any changes to national environmental assessment requirements. The generic TOR should also be amended depending on the key Funding Agency associated with the project - for example the attached TOR provides for a World Bank funded project and the associated World Bank requirements for environmental issues. Attachment 3: Generic Checklist for Consultant Proposals for Environmental Studies. See overleaf. Attachment 4: Template for Monitoring Project Status See overleaf. ATTACHMENT 1: FIGURE 1 Integration of Environmental Management into the NWDP from Inception through to Handover for Operations FIPAG: lnv.sImUt|/ConstIteI jo Preparation of TOR for nraw pos d Enwse inclusion of Ef*onnrntl - -Trm of Refeence Receipt of Techniai and Finncial F edback Proposas fromn Bid & Pparation mew of Tender Review Report - Rviw quality of responme fr e-er aonmental studies in Proposal signing of Contra - receivd. Proviin of pis to Tender Review Report --------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- Review quality of Screenirng Receipt of DeitverabbsW from ScopWn EA Reports S EMPs Consutarts - - and provide feedback on roports @ Chrecsteivd Preparation to stixni design Febccreied anobc uments for En ureEMP is Ickded in bid WBAfDB approval -- documerls for consftrucon --------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- rparaton of TORfor -f ErsweuinclusionoflEnvirornmeral coitractomandor supervi Feedack Terms of Reernce, EMP andfor consubnt "-' W ECO in corc dociorts Reoipt of Techniul and Financbl Review qulty of response for Proposah from Bidders & Praratin - Fee*dback k, er*orrmertal monagement In of TnderRevew Rpor w ~ ~ , ProposasI recolved. Provision of Inpr*s ofT nerRvr Review R- to Tender Review Report Recat ofProressRepots n ___ ~Revie#w of 5CO reports and Rore4t of Pogr ss Repoan on C ol. wiancew th EMP, undertake Condruction Phaseandmontor F e pback periodic audit and make reooorrieondslons for frnprovemne Ensure inlusion of environmental trat edback docwnnert in ntract PreparstiontAmendment - dc Pepare itrutdions & prooedues for environmental rmanagemeot & monkonng. Recopt of Monthl Reoports from - - Review Uonthly Reports and Operator - Feadt*, undertake periodic audits to onitor - c-rompr noe ESP 001: integration of Envonmental Pianning Page 10 of 20 ATTACHMENT 2: GENERIC ENVIRONMENTAL TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR CONSULTANTS FUNDO DE INVESTiMENTO E PATRIM6NIO DO ABASTECIMENTO DE AGUA - FIPAG REPUBLIC OF MOZAMBIQUE Second National Water Development Project - NWDP II TERMS OF REFERENCE - ADDENDUM NAME OF PROJECT (WORLD BANK FUNDED PROJECT) I Background 1.1 The Project FIPAG issued a Terms of Reference for the PROJECT NAME on DATE to undertake the SHORT DETAIL The following is to be regarded as an addendum to the original terms of reference and must be Incorporated In the planning and development of the project accordingly. 1.2 The Role of FIPAG - Environmental Issues FIPAG are required to ensure that the National Water Development Projects (NWDP) incorporate appropriate consideration of the positive and negative environmental impacts that may be associated with each NWDP sub-project and that appropriate actions are undertaken during the design, construction and operation of the sub-project to: * Prevent, minimize, mitigate or compensate for the adverse environmental and social impacts; and * Enhance the positive environmental and social impacts and improve the environmental performance of the sub-project. This general requirement includes providing an opportunity for the communities and other key stakeholders to be affected by the NWDP sub-project to take part in the environmental assessment process and to voice their concems and comments about the project. Specifically, FIPAG must demonstrate and ensure compliance with the following requirements, ig a minimum * Article 33 of Law no 20/97 (1 October 1997) 'Regulations on the Procedure for Environmental Impact Assessment'; * World Bank Operations Policy 4.01 'Environmrental Assessment'; Compliance will be demonstrated by the receipt of licensesdauthonsations to proceed with the NWDP sub-project from the Mozambican Ministry of Environmental Co-ordination (MICOA) and the World Bank after submission of the required environmental documents. ESP 001: Integration of Environmental Planning Page 11 of 20 It is important to note that World Bank environmental requirements aenerally take precedence over national environmental requirements The application of Worltd Bank environmental requirements (e.g. for resettlement and public participation) will need to be confirmed at local level by the Consultant to accommodate any practical, logistical, resource, costs or law enforcement constraints that may apply for the Project. 2 Objectives of Additional Services While the Client is ultimately responsible for the environmental issues pertaining to the NVDP, the responsibility for the preparation of the environmental documents for a given NWDP sub- project will be assigned to the Consultant. This responsibility will include: * Investigating the environmental consequences of Ihe PROJECT NAME during the design process (incorporating consideralion of alternatives) and identifying options for mitigation * Identifying appropriate and practical environmental mitigation, management and monitoring requirements for the PROJECT NAME: and * Preparing the required environmental documents for submission to MICOA and World Bank; FIPAG will review, approve and then submit the documents prepared by the Consultant to the appropriate authonties for final official approvaVauthonsation. Taking this into account, the general objectives of the additional services to be performed by the Consultant are to: * Ensure compliance with MICOA's 'Environmental Impact Assessment Procedure' and the World Banks' Environmental Assessment Policy (OP 4.01) by confirming the exact environmental requirements for the PROJECT NAME: * Obtain the necessary wntten approvals from MICOA to proceed with the PROJECT NAME by producing documents which will satisfy MICOA requirements. * Assist in obtaining the necessary approvals from the World Bank by producing documents which will satisfy Wodd Bank's requirements. 3 Scope of Additional Environmental Services 3.1 General The general scope of additional environmental services is to carry out environmental and social investigations for the PROJECT NAME in accordance with the requirements of the World Bank and MICOA. It is important to note that irrespective of MICOA's specific requirements for the PROJECT NAME. the NWDP (Phase II) as a whole has been calegorised by the World Bank as a Category B development. Consequently, it will be necessary to undertake an environmental assessment as per the requirements of Worid Bank OP 4.01 for PROJECT NAME. Taking this into account, the scope of environmental services to be undertaken during the design stages for PROJECT NAME will include the following, but may not be limited to: ESP 001: ntegrathon of Environmental Planning Page 12 of 20 * Preliminary consuhations with MICOA and preparation of a Pre-Screening' Document for submission to MICOA as part of process to request advice on the environmental license requirements for the PROJECT NAME. * Preparation of a short Scoping Report to describe the focus and target of the environmental assessment for the PROJECT NAME This should include collating baseline information of the area to be affected, identifying the intemational, national, regional and local legal, regulatory and administrative framework applicable to the PROJECT NAME, a discussion of the key environmental impacts that may result, and recommendations on further environmental assessment work required during the design process. * Preparation of an Environmental Assessment Report in accordance with Wortd Bank's OP 4.01, at a minimum, and incorporating, where relevant, consideration of additional, perlinent World Bank policies, such as: - OP 4.12, 'Involuntary Resettlement'; - OP 4.04, 'Protection of Natural Habitat'; and - OP 4.11, 'Cultural Property". * Preparation of an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for the construction and operations phase of the PROJECT NAME 2 This will incorporate any comments received from MICOA and Worid Bank on the Environmental Assessment Report. * Preparation of an Environmental Monitorng Plan, as deemed necessary for the PROJECT NAME. * Preparation of a Resettlemnent Action Plan, as deemed necessary for the PROJECT NAME It is important to note that the World Bank typically requires public particpation meetings to aisplay project details and provide a forum for discussion for those communities and other stakeholders that will be directy affected (positvely or negatively) by a project. In contrast MICOA will norrmally faciitate a public participation process should the full envionmental assessment procedure be required for a given project. It will be the responsibility of the Consultant to confimn the specific public participabon requirements In consultation with both MICOA and the World Bank for the PROJECT NAME The Consuhant shall be responsible for working with the Client, and MICOA and/or the World Bank to ensure that the environmental assessment documents and associated material get the necessary clearance/approval from the Bank. The Consultant shall work with FIPAG to incorporate Into the documentation any comments associated with MICOA's and/or the World Banks review, and will assist the client as necessary in seeking clarification on any comments raised. Aaditional details of the specific environmental services required is descnbed in the following sections See the Checklist of Potential Issues for an EA, as described in the World Bank's Guidance for Environmental Assessment 2 NOTE: A generic EMP is to be prepared for FIPAG in October 2002 for the NWDP. This will set out guidance on the minimum coverage for environmental management for the NWDP as a whole and may be used by the Consultant as a starting point for the PROJECT NAME specific EMP. A copy of the Worid Bank ESP 001: ntegranon of Environmental Planning Page 13 of 20 THE CONSULTANT ALONE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SUFFICIENCY OF HIS/HER WORK AND THE TERMS OF REFERENCE ARE NOT INTENDED TO BE EXHAUSTIVE BUT TO GENERALLY INDICATE THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR THE OUTPUTS. 3.2 Pre-Screening and Scoping Report The Pre-Screening document for the PROJECT NAME will be prepared in accordance with Article 4 of the Mozambican 'Regulations on the Procedure for Environmental Impact Assessment' The Scoping Report will summarise any specific comments received from MICOA and/or World Bank on the environmental approval requirements, provide appropriate motivation for the actions to be undertaken by the Consultant for the PROJECT NAME, and the methodology for implementing these actions. 3.3 Environmental Assessment The idenlificalion of environmental impacts and corresponding mitigation measures shall generally cover three phases for the PROJECT NAME as follows * Pre-construction Phase in which the siting and design (including altematives) of the PROJECT NAME are the most important consideration; * Construction Phase in which the potenlial construction activities that may impact the environment are identified; and * Post-Construction Phase in which the operation and maintenance are the crucial activities for consideration. Taking into account MICOA's and World Bank's requirements, the content of the Environmental Assessment Report, including the proposed mitigation measures, will reflect the scale of the Project and the sensitivity of the area to be affected by the Project. During the assessment of the Pre-Construction Phase, in particular, environmental impacts and corresponding mitigabon measures will be identified for each of the design altematives and appropriate environmental critera will be used as part of the preferred design selection process. Environmental recommendations will be made for consideration by the Client of the preferrea solution. It Is important that appropriate justification for the conclusions made during the environmental assessment be provided - particularly where is it deemed that a particular World Bank policy does not apply (e.g. intemational waterways) to the PROJECT NAME. 3.4 Environmental Management and Monitoring An Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for the NWDP, as a whole, was prepared by the Worid Bank in 1999. FIPAG have updated and prepared a generic EMP for the NWDP - this document forms the framework for appropriate environmental management for the PROJECT NAME and other NWDP projects. The Consultant shall prepare the EMP for the PROJECT NAME. This will be based on the following: ESP 001: ntegration of Environmental Planning Page 14 of 20 * The conclusions of the environmental assessment; * Any comments received from FIPAG, MICOA and/or the World Bank durng their review of the Environmental Assessment Report; and * The generic EMP document, as referred to above. The need for environmental monitoring (e.g. for water quality monitoring) will be determined by the results of the environmental assessment and/or any specific concems raised by the World Bank in particular. In the preparation of the Bidding Documents for the PROJECT NAME. the Consultant shall ensure that the approved EMP (and/or any environmental monltonng programme) is incorporated accordingly. 3.5 Deliverables Deliverables from the Consultant Aill be expected to include, but may not be limited to: * Pre-Screening Document; * Scoping Report; * Environmental Assessment Report: * Environmental Management Plan, * Environmental Monitoring Plan; * Resettlement Action Plan; and * Written approval from MICOA and World Bank for the PROJECT NAME to proceed. The Pre-Screening Document and Environmental Assessment Report will be structured in accordance with a format that will satisfy MICOA and World Bank's requirements, combined. In particular, attention should be paid to the World Bank's comment on the format of the report as descnbed in the Guidance on Environmental Assessment Illustrations and photographs will be incorporated as necessary and where these serve to embellish the written details. Draft versions of each of the deliverables are to be reviewed by the Client before final versions are submitted to MICOA and/or World Bank. 4 Reports and Time Schedule The Consultant shall submit the reports and associated illustrations described in Section 3. All reports and documentation shall, as far as practicable, be printed on both sides of A4 paper. Draft and final versions of the reports shall be submitted loose leaf. All drawings shall be to ISO scales and sizes. ESP 001. ntegraton of Environmental Planning Page 15 of 20 Documents and reports shall be prepared in English. Documents to be submitted to MICOA shall be produced in Portuguese and English. 5 Payments Payments shall be made as per the original Terms of Reference, with the following amendments: * An Environmental Assessment Report will be produced and submitted with the Prelminary Design Report. * A Final Environmental Assessment Report will be produced and submitted with the Draft Final Design Documents. 6 Inputs - Personnel and Staff Months The Consultant shall propose appropriate staff for the assignment, but it is anticipated that the following key personnel will be required: - * Senior Environmental Scientist 10 years Specraling in water supply and dislion, and major infratrurture proteds * Social Economist 5 years Specislising n resetrement and conpensation ssues and public partkpation It is acknowledged that the estimated number of professional staff months for the environmental scope of works will depend on the results of consulations with MICOA and the World Bank on the way forward with the PROJECT NAME. 7 Data, Local Services, Personnel and Facilities to be Provided by the Client The Consultant will be granted access to available information and previous studies as described in the original Terms of Reference. The Consultant will be required to obtain all appropriate environmental assessment guidance documentation from MICOA and World Bank. A copy of the generic EMP will be provided to the Consultant by the Client The Client will be available to assist and/or advise the Consultant on local environmental requirements as necessary. The Consultant will be expected to keep the Client fully appraised of progress with the environmental works (through verbal and/or written updates) - this may include attending key consultalion meetings with MICOA and the World Bank as arranged by the Consultant. Draft copies of the deliverables will be submitted to the Client for review and comment. The Client will provide any comments on the deliverables received within 10 working days of receipt of the document(s). Beyond the above, the Client shall not provide any other inputs in respect of data, local services, personnel and facilities for the additional services. ESP 001: Integration of Environmental Planning Page 16 of 20 8 Preparation of Fee and Cost Estimate Work Where applicable, the Tenderer is required to produce fee and cost estimates for the environmental scope of works as per the following stages, as appropriate to the scale of the project: *0 Pre-Assessment Consultation Stage - induding Pre-Screening and Scoping. * Environmental Assessment Stage - including provision for public partipabon in accordance with World Bank requirements; * Environmental Management and Monitoring Planning Stage; * Submission to MICOA and/or World Bank for ApprovaVAuthofisation Stage. and � Resettlement and Compensation Stage ESP 001: Integranon of Environmental Planning Page 17 of 20 ATTACHMENT 3: GENERIC CHECKLIST FOR CONSULTANrS PROPOSALS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES This checklist is designed to help assess the adequacy of a Consultant's proposal submitted in connection with the design and environmental assessment Of a project. PROPOSAL ASPECT COVERED/ COMMENTS I APPLICABLE? Does the Proposal Demonstrate Compliance with Environmenal TOR in terms of: Presenting an overall understanding of the requirements of the TOR? Presenting an uncerstanding of MICOA and the Funding Agency's (e.g. World Bank or AfDB) requirements for environmental assessment? Motivatng for and describing a clear methodology of the environmental studies required - including � Reference to aims and objectives, * Activities to be undertaken; * Crieria to be used to assess environmental impacts; and * Reference to any deviabons from the TOR and the reasons why. Describing the programme for undertaking the proposed activities? Listing the deliverables to be provided and the programme for their delivery? Does the Proposal Demonstrate the Consultant's Qualifications in terms of: Complying wrth the minimum requirements stated in the TOR for Environmental Specialist" Describing a suitabty qualified project team to undertake the works and provide CVs? Illustrating previous project experience - including: * World Bank or AtDB funded projects? * Environmental assessment and management of water supply projects in general? * Environmental assessment and management of water supply projects in Mozambique? * Environmental assessment and management of water supply projects in other parts of the world? indicating that the Consultant is registered with MICOA to undertake environmental assessment studies, Either being a local environmental consultancy or including a local environmental consultancy? ESP 0012 integration of Environmental Planning Page 18 of 20 PROPOSAL ASPECT | COVERED/ J COMMENTS APPLICABLE? Quality of the Proposal Is the proposal well presented and well written? Does the proposal suggest that sufficent thought has gone into the preparation of detail for the environmental aspects of the project? ESP 001: ntegration of Environmental Planning Page 19 of 20 | ATTACHMENT 4: TEMPLATE FOR MONITORING PROJECT STATUS Project rTie: ITEM COMPLETED? DATE COMMENT COMPLETEDCOMN tnctuson of Env TOR In Consulants Bid -o tsrent Receipt and Review of Proposals Start Up Meeting wvth Consultants Review Drat and Final Pre-Screening Report Review Draft and Final Scoping Report_ Review Draft and Final PreHtrinary Etw Scan or EA Report Review RAP and EMP Colate copies of MICOA approvals Ilusion of RAP, EMP and ECO in Contractor's Bid Docunents Receipt and review of proposals Oversee and/or audit kmpemntatlon of RAP Oversee and/or audit Impr mntaton of EMP Inclusion of operations env. maamr ent specifcatons in PO contracts Oversee and/or audIt hirplementation of operations enY. Spefcations. - ESP 001: ntegration of Environmentat Planning Page 20 of 20 NATIONAL WATER EAP 002 DEVELOPMENT 1 .Vt0 ENOM P. rMNTF �iw.6NKj IX) kt IL"WMEN1 EXO A GEI PROJECT Issue 0.1 .A4J 1E(t lMENl OD P1. ' Environmental Action Procedure Page 1 OF 19 DOCUMENT QUALITY REVIEW PURPOSE AND APPLICATION OF PROCEDURE The purpose of this procedure is to provide instructions and guidance on reviewing the quality of environmental documents produced by appointed Consultants in connection with the NWDP. The scope of this procedure covers all environmental documents produced in connection with the MICOA and Funding Agency permnitting process, including (but not restricted to): * Pre-screening document; * Scoping document: * Preliminary environmental scan and/or EA Report; * EMP; and * RAP. This procedure should be applied whenever environmental documents (or documents incorporating environmental Infofmation) are received from the appointed Consultant. PROCEDURE The minimum scope of instructions and actions to be applied have been listed in chronological order below. Ownership for undertaking the stated instructions and actions have also been indicated. INSTRUCTIONS, GUIDANCE AND ACTIONS OWNERSHIP TIMNG Hold start up nmetig wih Consulants as per EAP 001: 'Integraton of Environmental Panning . Provide ciear instuctions to the Consultants on qualy o0 EE As per EAP documents expected. 001. Distribute copres of checklists to Consutants for thei guidance and use durwng heif envmnmernal studies. - I DhI NATIONAL WATER EAP 002 WE NEWG DEVELOPMENT Il"DoD(tKIMINY1Di '(AIA PROJECT Issue 0.1 {Xl ASA%IKIMINIO0 11^.' Environmental Action Procedure Page 2 OF 19 DOCUMENT QUALITY REVIEW INSTRUCTIONS, GUIDANCE AND ACTIONS OWNERSHIP TIMNG Review the dft Pre -Screening document as per the Wthin one checklist in Attachment 1. week of Provide comments to the Inv Mgr for distribution to the recuent. ConsuffantdoL nt Discuss comments wih the Consultart on agmerent wih EE the hnv Mgr. Review the final Pre-Screening document to conirn Wlthin one inclusion of suggested amendments. week of Discuss implication of any non-changes vwth kw Mg as receivfinal necessary. dC7W Review draft Scoping docDuent as per the chec*fist in Witn one Attachment 2 week of Provide comments to the Inv Mgr for distribution to the recueingdr8t Consufantdocurnent. Consultant Discuss comments with the Consultant on agreement with EE the Inv Mgr. Review the &1il Scoping document to confirrm incusion ot Uiin one suggested amendmnents. week of Discuss implication of any non-changes with nv Mgr as reced ng final necessary. Review "ft Prelimninary Envkonmental Scan and/or EA fithin one Report as per the checkiist in Attahment 3. week of Provide commrents to the Imv Mgr for distribution to the recent Consultant Discuss comments with the Consultant on agreerent with EE the Inv Mgr. Review the AMl Prelimitwy Environmental Scan and/or EA Within one Report to confirm inclusion of suggested amendments. week of Discuss implication of any non-changes with Inv Mgr as receum final necessary. FlA NATIONAL WATER EAP 002 DEVELOPMENT FUNIOO ! IANEPnSa MO PROJECT Issue 0.1 D>O AAFMCro DOf MGUA Environmental Action Procedure Page 3 OF 19 DOCUMENT QUALITY REVIEW INSTRUCTIONS, GUIDANCE AND ACTIONS OWNERSHIP TMIlNG Review &aft EMP document as per the chdecklist UWithin one Attchment 4. week of Provide comments to the hv Mgr for distnbution to the dmeit Consultanl Discuss comments wit the Consultant on agreement wh EE Me Inv Mgr. Review the 1inal EMP to confwmr inclusion of suggested Wthi one amendmrents. week of Discuss implication of any non-changes with Inv Mgr, as redomwfur necessary. Review rft RAP document as per the checkst in Within one Attachment 5. week of Provide comments to the Inv Mgr for disffibuton to te deciving draft Consultant document. Discuss commernts with the Consultant on ageement with EE the Inv Mgr. Review the inaI RAP to confirm inclusion of suggested Within one amendrments. week of Discuss implication of any non-changes with Inv Mgr, as eivnal necessary. Undertake periodic review of this procedure (and associated EE At least attachments) and update as necessary. annually. KEY PERFORMANCE CRITERIA The following is a list of the key perfofmance criteria for this procedure. These cntena have been highlighted for easy reference and may be used during a performance audit of the FIPAG EMS (see ESP 011: 'EMS and Peofonnance Autd). * Completed checklists and comment reports for each draft and final environmental document received. * No signifcant delays to the projecl programme or additional expenses incurred due to poor quality environmental documents. NATIONAL WATER EAP 002 rN.FIPAG DEVELOPMENT h '%DDonI rViTsn"r0no I AMTM6IO PROJECT Issue 0.1 LM) A0Ilmip.To nf ArIA Environmental Action Procedure Page 4 OF 19 DOCUMENT QUAUTY REVIEW * No significant problems recorded by the Authorities on the environmental assessment and management of the project. RESPONSIB1LITES EE: * Provide clear instructions to the Consutarnts on the quality of documents expected. * Review the quality of environmental documents submitted by Consultants in terms of content and coverage of issues, compliance with Authority requirements and the quality of presentation. * List and provide comments made on environmental documents received to the Inv Mgr for distnbution to the Consultant for feedback and for inclusion in the environmental documents. * Meet with the Consultant to further discuss the comments and environmental documents as necessary. * Keep the Inv Mgr informed on the status of the environmental documents, and in particular to advise of any significanl problems encountered. * Update the checklists as necessary. * Update this procedure as necessary. RECORDS AND REFERENCES Records EE is to maintain records of the following for each project * Copies of draft and flnal documents received. * Copies of document review notes. * Copies of notes, correspondence or minutes of intemal meetings. * Copies of minutes of meetings and correspondence with the Consultants. NATIONAL WATER EAP 002 AxFIPAG DEVELOPMENT WUNDO O VM'EM(nT0 ItAM6VO PROJECT Issue 0.1 DO A8TrCrMsEO DE AGLuA Environmental Action Procedure Page 6 OF 19 DOCUMENT QUALITY REVIEW References * EAP 001: 'Integration of Environmental Planning'. * 'Guidance on Environmental Assessment and Management of the NWDP' (March 2003) * 'Guidance on Resettlement and Compensation forthe NWDP' (TO FOLLOW). * 'Generic Framework EMP for Construction Works' (January 2003). ABBREVIATIONS The following key abbreviations have been used in this procedure - see also the Glossary in the EMS Manual, Part A: AfDB African Development Bank Authorities Refers to all or any one of the followng MICOA, WB, AfDB and/or other funding agencies. EA Environmental Assessment EAPs Environmental Action Procedures Environmental Refers to all documents produced in connection with the environmental Documents assessment process (such as the pre-screening document, scoping document, preliminary scan and/or EA report), EMPs and RAPs. These may be standalone documents or incorporated into other documents. EE Environmental Engineer EIP Environmental Integration Programme EMP Environmental Management Plan ESP Environmental System Procedure FIPAG Mgt FIPAG Management Funding Agencies Collectrve reference for WB, AfDB and other associated NWDP funding agencies. Inv Mgr Investments Manager MICOA Ministerio Para a Coordenagao da Accao Ambiental (Ministry for the Coordination of Environmental Affairs). RAP Resettlement Action Plan TOR Terms of Reference NATIONAL WATER EAP 002 swFIPAG DEVELOPMENT fwoDiVriTOE immIO PROJECT Issue 0A DO A8ASEC1 IMNTO M UAPRJA Environmental Action Procedure Page 6 OF 19 DOCUMENT QUALITY REVIEW WB World Bank PROCEDURE REVISION TABLE DETAILS ISSUE DATE Initial (Draft) Issue 0.1 March 2003 Approved Issue 1.0 ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1: Generic Checklist for Pre-Screening Document See overleaf. Further guidance on assessing the quality of environmental documents produced by others is provided In 'Guidance for Environmental Assessment and Management of the NWDP (March 2003). Attachment 2: Generic Checklist for Scoping Report See overleaf. Further guidance on assessing the quality of environmental documents produced by others is provided in 'Guidance for Environmental Assessment and Management of the NWDP' (March 2003). Attachment 3: Generic Checklist for Preliminary Environmrental Scan or EA Report See overleaf. Further guidance on assessing the qualty of environmental documents produced by others is provided in 'Guidance for Environmental Assessment and Management of the NWDP' (March 2003) Attachment 4: Generic Checklist for EMPs. sFIPAG NATIONAL WATER EAP 002 DEVELOPMENT NOOA�AMCNTOEpAjM OGIJ PROJECT Issue 0.1 DO MABMrECIMrNTO 01 AGUA Environmental Action Procedure Page 7 OF 19 DOCUMENT QUALTY REVIEW See overleaf Further guidance on assessing the quality of environmental documents produced by others is provided in 'Guidance for Environmental Assessment and Management of the NWDP (March 2003) and 'Genenc Framework EMP for Construction Works' (January 2003). Attachment 5: Generic Checklist for RAPs See overleaf. Further guidance on assessing the quality of environmental documents produced by others is provided in 'Guidance on Resettlement and Compensation for the NWDP' (TO FOLLOW) ISSUE COVERED/ ACTIONS REQUIRED APPLICABLE? Does the Pre-Screening Document include reference to the following: Description, location and characterisation of the activity? An Executive Summary of the Project - including: * Motivation for the project * Project statistics * Programme for the project development . Map Data on the environment in the place where the activity is to be implemented - including * Description of the potential sensitivity of the area to be affected. * Likely key positive and negative impacts associated with the project. -- _l * LiKely focus of environmental management Quality of Presentation: Is the document logically organised and clearly structured for easy reference? Is the presentation of information comprehensive and concise and likely to be understood by a lay member of the public? Are there sufficient tables, figures, maps, photographs and other graphics) Is there sufficient evidence to support the analyses and conclusions drawn? Is the presentation of the results of the assessment objective and unbiased? Is consistent terminology used? [Note: Based on detaIl provided In MICOA EIA Regulationsr EAP 002: Document Quality Review Page 8 of 19 ATTACHMENT 2: GENERIC CHECKLIST FOR SCOPING REPORT ISSUE COVERED/ ACTIONS REQUIRED IAPPUCAEILE?I Does the Scoping Report include chapters and/or information on the fonowing: Introduction Study Methodology - including: * Information sources and consultations made. * Methods of assessment and determining potential significance of impacts. Project Description - including (where available): * Site location and characteristics. * Motivation for the project * Key features of the project, � Forecast operabonal specifications. * Altematives. Location and Baseline Environmental Characteristics. Provide a brief description of: * Key features of the physical environment (natural and man-made). * Main features of the biological environment * Key community and socio-economic features. * Main pollution issues present. EAP 002. Document Quality Revew Page 9 of 19 ISSUE COVERED/ ACTIONS REQUIRED APPLICABLE? Potential Key Environmental Issues - including reference to: * Potential issues for all environmental topics. * The likely nature, duration and magniude of these impacts` * Likely extent of the potential impacts. * Prooability of potential impacts occurring, their frequency and/or likely reversitility * An indication of the key mitigabon measures that will be necessary to offset potential impacts. * Information gaps and uncertainties identified. * Sufficient, justified motivation to clarify need to undertake further studies or to clarify no further work is required. Terms of Reference for full EIA - ncluding * Description of areas to be studied in more detail, including objectives and scope of work needed. * Description of additional public and authority consultations required. * Proposed format and content for the full EIA. Non Technical Summary - including * The EA process and need for EA process. * Key features of the project and need for the project. * Key potential environmental issues and potential mitigation measures- * Any uncertainties, problems encountered. * Conclusions. See also, Appendix E of the 'Guidance for Endronmental Assessment and Managen?rnt of the NWDPM for a checklist on the potenbial range of environmental impacts associated with bulk water supply schemes. 2 For example, positive, negative, direct, indirect cumulatve, short or long term, -iegligible, moderate or substantial impacts, etc. EAP 002, Document Quality Review Page 10 of 19 ISSUE COVEREDI ACTIONS REQUIRED APPLICABLE? * The way forward. Figures - including * Location plan. * Project layout. * Areas of potential senstvrty to the project Appendices - including * List of organisations consulted for informnation. Quality of Presentation: Is the document logically organised and dearly structured for easy reference? Is there a clear description of the process followed? Is the presentation of information comprehensive and concise and likely to be understood by a lay member of the public? Are there sufficient tables, figures, maps, photographs and other graphics? Are there sufficient annexes and appendices for detailed information to support the main text? Is there sufficlent evidence to support the analyses and conclusions drawn? Is the presentation of the results of the assessment onlecnve and unbiased? Is consistent lerrninology used? Does it read as a single document and include sufficient referencing to allow the reader to navigate through the aocument(s)? EAP 002. Document Quality Review Page 11 of 19 ATACHMENT 3: GENERIC CHECKUST FOR PRELIMINARY ENVIRONMENTAL SCAN ANDIOR EA REPORTS ISSUE COVERED/ ACTIONS REQUIRED IAPPLICABLE? Does the Prelirinary Environmental Scan Report or EA Report include chapters and/or inforrnation on he following: Study Metnodology - including: * Information sources and consuitations made * Methods of data collection, analysis, assessment and determining potential significance of impacts. * Reference to any important information gaps or problems encountered. The legal and institutional framework for the project - including * Local, regional, national and intemational. * A description of how the project may comply or contravene the pertinent legal and institutional requirements. * A summary of the environmental standards and criteria that are pertinent to the project The Project - including: * Motivation for the project. * Detailed description of the nature, size and scale of the project. * Description of resources needed and any residues, emissions, risks or hazards associated with the project * Project alternatives. * Comparison of the atematives considered The Existing Environment - including * A description of the key features of the physical environment (natural and man-made). * A description of the key features of the biological environment. EAP 002: Document Quality Review Page 12 of 19 ISSUE COVERED/ ACTIONS REQUIRED APPLICABLE? * A description of key community and socio-economic features. * A description of key pollution issues present. * A description of any known future changes to aspects of the environment (e.g. new development proposals). * A description of concerns, issues and comments made during any public particpation aetivities. 3 The Potential Environmental Impacts - including3 * Physical, biological, community and socio-economic aspects, and/or poilution related impacts. * Assessment of concerns raised during public consultations . Reference to Worid Bank operational policies on cultural property, resettlement, wetands etc. * OR reference to the AfDB policies and guidance on resettlement and gender. * Identification, description and quantification of significance of impacts for all pertinent phases of the project (e.g. from final design tnrough to decommissioning) * Reference to short and long term impacts, cumulative impacts, direct and indirect impacts etc. V Description of impacts associated with any likely emergency scenarios associated with the project Mitigation Measures and Environmental Management - including * Coverage for all pertinent phases of the project (e.g from final design through to decommissioning). * Identification and assessment ot mitgation and/or enhancement measures. * Contingency mitigation and clear-up measures for the likely emergency scenarios associated with the projects. 3 See also Appendix E of the Gutdance fot Environmental Assessment and Management of the NlDPfor a checklist of the potential range of environmental impacts associated with bulk water supply schemes EAP 002: Document Quality Review Page 13 of 19 ISSUE COVERED/ ACTIONS REQUIRED APPLICABLE? * Reference to significance of any residual environmental impacts (i.e. the remaining impact after taking into account the proposed mitigation measures). * An EMP and/or Monnonng Programme - including: Reference to the management/ monitoring of the construction and operation phases of the project, at a minimum - Due reference to the pertinent requirements of World Bank and/or AfDB for environmental management and montoring. Details of the team who prepared the EA Report. A Non-Technical Summary - including * The EA process and need for EA process. * Key features of the project and need for the project. * Key potential environmental issues and potential mrtigation measures. * Any uncertainties, problems encountered. * Conclusions. * The way forward. Quality of Pe sntation: Is the document 'ogically organised and clearly structured for easy reference? Is there a clear description of the process followed? is the presentation of information comprehensive and concise and likely to be understood by a lay member of the public? Are there sufficient tables, figures, maps, photographs and other graphics) Are there sufficient annexes and appendices for detailed information to support the main text? Is there sufficient evidence to support the analyses and conclusions drawn? EAP 002: Document Quality Review Page 14 of 19 ISSUE COVERED/ ACTIONS REQUIRED APPUCABLE? Is the presentation of the results of the assessment objective and unbiased? is consistent terminology used? Does it read as a single document and include sufficient referencing to allow the reader to navigate through the document(s)? {Nate: Incorporates details provided in the Noragnc EA Report for the NWDP] EAP 002: Document Quality Review Page 15 of 19 ISSUE COVERED/ I ACTIONS REQUIRED APPUCABLE? Does the EMP include chapters and/or information on the following: Introduction - including * Reference to purpose of EMP. * Scope of application of EMP (e.g. area of junsdiction for the EMP). Statement on Environmental Management - including * A simple statement on the commitment to :mplemnenting the EMP, * A simple statement regarding the management of the EMP itself. Organisation and Management Structure - including * Description of roles and responsibilities for those people involved with the implementation of the EMP. * Description of reporting structure. Environmental Specificanons - induding (were pertinent) provision for the following (at a rninimum) * Planning * Site establishment � Site cearance. * Site Housekeeping. * Construction Activities. * Rehabilitation * Contract Completion and demobilisation EAP 002: Document Quality Review Page 18 of 19 ISSUE COVERED/ ACTIONS REQUIRED APPUCABLE? Coverage of erironmental aspects should indude (at a minimum) * Managing soil erosion. * Managing noise, dust and air emissions. * Managing use of polentially toxic substances * Proper sanitary facilites * Managing use of oil and chemicals. * Health and safety- * Backfilling of trenches. * Restoration of disturbed areas, * Removal of temporary features upon completion * Managing traffic and access to areas for works. Programme for mplementatnon. including (where pertinent): * Procurement of equipment and materials and programme for arrival on site * Environmental training programme * Timing of construction actvdiies lnked to implementation of the Environmental Specifications * Preparation of Method Statements * Environmental and other auditing schedules * Plans and drawings EAP 002: Document Quality Review Page 17 of 19 ISSUE COVERED/ ACTIONS REQUIRED APPLICABLE? Management and Monitoring * Have a list of incidents and associated penalties been defined" Measurement and Payment Annexures - including (for example): * List of definitions, terms and abbreviations * Site staff and other contact details * Forms and checklists to be used during the implementation and./or monioring of the EMP. Quality of Presentation: Is the document logically organised and clearly structured for easy reference? is the presentation of information clear, comprehensive and concise. Are there sufficient annexes and appendices for detailed information to support the main text? Is consistent terminology used? Does it include sufficient referencing to allow the reader to navigate through the document? Is it suitable to be included in the Schedule of Specifications to be Issued to the potential contractor? [Nete: Incorporates details provided In the Noragric EA Report for the NWDP. Based on the Generic Framework EMP for Cwsrucwon Wbrks' ) EAP 002: Document Quality Review Page 18 of 19 ATrACHMENT 5: GENERIC CHECKLST FOR RAP TO FOLLOW EAP 002: Document Quality Review Page 19 of 19 - I DhI NATIONAL WATER EAP 003 x* E PA6 DEVELOPMENT 1U-NLZ DX .NrIVN TO I PAr PROJECT Issue 0.1 DC) 4AA-Ti(,AI'.O Di AX.UtrP OJ C Environmental Action Procedure Page 1 OF 23 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT DURING CONSTRUCTION PURPOSE AND APPLICATION OF PROCEDURE The purpose of this procedure is to provide instructions and guidance on ensuring that environmental management is incorporated into, implemented and monitored durng the construction works of the project. The specific scope of application of this procedure includes all new and current projects where construction is due to or currently taking place. This procedure also applies to monitonng the compiiance of the appointed Contractor and/or appointed Construction Supervisor This procedure should be applied on an ongoing basis during construction. PROCEDURE The minimum scope of instructions and actions to be applied have been listed In chronological order below. Ownership for undertaking the stated instructions and actions have also been indicated. INSTRUCTIONS, GUIDANCE AND ACTiONS OWNERSHIP TIMING InitHate andor attend construction department meetings to EE Weekly to obtain available Infrrnation on construction progress, fwtnigtly. * Bid Stage. * Appointrent & Detailed Design Stage. * Constucin Works Stage. See instrucions per each stage below. Review Bid Stsoe progess infomration: EE Ia. Prepare TOR for inidusion of ECO (or similgr role) in Construction Supennsors Bld Documerts as and when needed (see AtUachment I for generk TOR). tnv Mgr or To advise EE Cons Mgr on need for TOR ASAP. mFIPAG NATIONAL WATER EAP 003 DEVELOPMENT h 0JTOm tINrwrmoFr7 DiMlUNIO PROJECT Issue 0.1 Environmental Action Procedure Page 2 OF 23 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT DURING CONSTRUCTION INSTRUCTIONS, GUIDANCE AND ACTIONS OWNERSHIP TIMNG lb. Submit TOR to Inv MgrfCons Mgr and confirm EE Wthin one inclusion in Constrion Supervisor's Bid Documents. week Inv Mgr or Cons Mgr Ic. Obtain copies of Proposals for Construcfion EE Supervisor fron Inv MgrfCons Mgr. Inv Mr/Cons To provide Mgr copy or proposats within one day of receipt. Id. Review proposals and assess adequacy of prposed EE Provide methodoogy to address TOR (see Attachment 2 fo comments checklist). wthin one SubrIt comments to Inv MgrCons Mgr week. 2. Ensure inclusion of EMP into Bid Documents and EE As per EAP Contrctor's Contract as per EAP 001: 'Interato of 001. Environmentil Planning'. 3. Ensure inclusion of provisin for defailed RAP into Bid EE - Documents and Contacts Conract. 4a Obtain copies of bidding Contracos Proposals from EE the Inv Mgr/Cons Mgr. Inv Mgr/Cons To provide Mgr copy of proposals within one day of recelpt. 4b Review proposals reoeived from biddk g Contractors EE Provide end assess adequacy of approach towards corments Implementing the EMP, and developing and within one implementing the RAP. See Attachment 3 for week. checklist.) Submit comments to the kv Mgr/Cons Mgr. 5. INCLUDE REFERENCE TO OBTAINING PERMITS? EE TIMhNG? Legal Mgr FIP NATIONAL WATER EAP 003 AOFIPAG DEVELOPMENT -IN AtSTIKkEN1OE CmT'I, PROJECT Issue 0.1 Environmental Action Procedure Page 3 OF 23 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT DURING CONSTRUCTION INSTRUCT7ONS, GUIDANCE AND ACTIONS OWNERSHIP TJWNG Cons Mgr Review Aopointment & Detailed Desu r prwress EE infrmnation. 1a Attend start-up meeting with appointed Construction Supervisor to confirm environmental and social requiremnents. Provide supporting material as requested or deemed necessary. Provide clear instructians on EMP progress reporting requked (see Attachment 4 thr reportin template). Provide clear instruction on RAP progress reporting requied (see Atachment 5 for reporting template). lb Review RAP prepared by Contractor as per EAP 002: EE To complte 'Document Quality Review' review within Submt comments to Cons Mgr andhor discuss dfdcty one week of wih the Croeeoript of RAP. Review response of Contactor to comments and advise Cons Mgr as necessary. Cons Mgr To prow'de copy of RAP whn one day of receipt. Ic. Confirm receipt of all approprate pennits, licenses Prior to and/or certifications needed (see Attachment 6 for construction checklist), works commencirig DO VW WANT TO PROVIDE FOR ANY REFINEMENT TO THE EMP AS A CONSEQUENCE OF DETAILED DESIGN CHANGES? Review Constuction Vlorks progress information la Maintain regular communications with the ECO on EE Weekly to agreement with the Cons Mgr. lb Review progress reports recenved on RAP and EMP EE To compete Implmentation review within -- JFIP DEVELOPMENT I 1-.DO Dr Ih%T5ri1W-0 1 PAMI0 PROJECT Issue 0.1 tXI UtkSTlf lMFPWlO Df 4CLL'4 Environmental Action Procedure Page 4 OF 23 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT DURING CONSTRUCTION INSTRUCTIONS, GUIDANCE AND ACTIONS OWNERSHIP TIMING implementation. one week of receipt of Provide commrents to the Cons Mgr for distibution and report action Cons Mgr To provide copy of reports within one day of receipt. To distribute comnrwts withn one week of receipt from EE. INSTRUCTIONS, GUIDANCE AND ACTIONS OWNERSHIP TIM1NG ic. Undertake periodc site inspections and audits of the construction works to as per 'ESP 011: EMS and Pejfowmnce Audir. At lest quarterly * Confirm effectiveness of EMP implementation as a whole. EE AM * Conflrm effectiveness of the ECO pnor to demobdisation. * Confirm appropriateness of rinal RAP and effecffieness of its unplemntation. Id. Provide results of perfodc site inspections to Cons EE l.Whin one Mgr and advise on any additonal environmental and week of social actions requied as necessary completion of audit report. Cons Mgr To distribute commrents within one week of receipt from EE. Undertake a perlodic review of this procedure and update as EE At least necessary. annuay. FI A NATIONAL WATER EAP 003 .uu.PAG DEVELOPMENT frutDot ft v1s ENTOI,'AaSM6N. PROJECT Issue 0.1 00 AMMEC"WO ACUJA Environmental Action Procedum Page 6 OF 23 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT DURING CONSTRUCTION KEY PERFORMANCE CRITERIA The following is a list of the key perfornance criteria for this procedure. These critera have been highlighted for easy reference and may be used during a perforTnance audit of the FIPAG EMS (see ESP 011: 'EMS and P*nro,mance Audlt). * Inclusion of EMP in all construction contracts. * Inclusion of RAP development and implementation in all construction contracts. * Receipt of all appropriate perTns, licenses and certificates for area to be affected during construction * Provision for ECO or other environrmental monitoring role in enher the Contractor's Contract or a Construction Supervisor's Contract. * Zero non-conformances wih requirements of the EMP. * Zero significant pollution events during construction * Zero significant complaints from the public and/or Authorities during construction. * Zero non-confoffnances with the requirements of the RAP. * Zero serious disputes with regard to payment of compensation/resettlement. RESPONSIBILITIES EE: * To keep records on project progress with respect to monitoring and thereby ensuring the integration of environmental and social requirements and good practice into the individual projects of the NWDP (see 'Records and References' and Attachment 4 below). * To initiate and maintain regular meetings with the Inv Mgr and/or Cons Mgr, with particular reference to: - Keeping up to date on the construction programme for the project. NATIONAL WATER EAP 003 5EW A DEVELOPMENT ,.....OLt amy%rPANiu 1 PATUIIM PROJECT Issue 0.1 .EI A'I-IT( I&4I.'T( 0I kl& P OJEC Environmental Action Procedure Page S OF 23 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT DURING CONSTRUCTION ABBREVIATIONS The following key abbreviations have been used in this procedure - see also the Glossary in the EMS Manual, Part A: AfDB African Development Bank Authoritles Refers to all or any one of the following: MICOA, WB, AIDB and/or other funding agencies. Cons Mgr Construction Manager EA Environmental Assessment EAPs Environmental Action Procedures ECO Environmental Control Officer EE Environmental Engineer EIP Environmental Integration Programme EMP Environmental Management Plan ESP Environmental System Procedure FIPAG Mgt FIPAG Management Funding Agencies Collective reference for WB, AfDB and other associated NWDP funding agencies. Inv Mgr Investments Manager MICOA MinistAno Para a Coordenago da Accao Ambiental (Ministry for the Coordination of Environmental Affairs). RAP Resettlement Action Plan TOR Terms of Reference WB World Bank NATIONAL WATER EAP 003 FIPAG DEVELOPMENT rMWIJOOf 1ST,AE4O PAt AM6WO PROJECT Issue 0.1 00 A8MTECMEtfO CM AGUA Environmental Action Procedure Page 9 OF 23 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT DURING CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURE REVISION TABLE DETAILS ISSUE DATE Initial (Draft) Issue 0.1 March 2003 Approved Issue 1.0 ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1: Guidance on the TOR forthe Construction Supervisor (ECO) See overleaf. The guidance is based on Inputs provided for the Beira New Intake Project TOR for the Construction Supervisor (November 2002). The generic TOR should be amended as necessary to suit the nature of the project and in the event that there are any changes to national environmental assessment requirements. The generic TOR should also be amended depending on the key Funding Agency associated with the project - for example the attached TOR provides for a World Bank funded project and the associated Wodd Bank requirements for environmental and Issues. Attachment 2: Generic Checklist for Proposal for Construction Supervision See overleaf. Attachment 3: Generic Checklist for Proposal fbr Contractor See overdeaf. Attachment 4: Template for EMP Monitoring and Progress Reporting See overleaf. Attachment 5: Checklist for RAP Monitoring and Progress Reporting NATIONAL WATER EAP 003 oFIPAG DEVELOPMENT [UNDOM VEtINOEP f nArU6No PROJECT Issue 0.1 00o AASITMMENTO D ACUA Environmental Action Procedure Page 10 OF 23 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT DURING CONSTRUCTION TO FOLLOW Attachment 6: Checklist of Permits, Licenses and Certificates Required before Construction See ovedleaf. ATTACHMENT 1: GUIDANCE ON THE TOR FOR THE CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR REPUBLIC OF MOZAMBIQUE SECOND NATIONAL WATER DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (NWDP II) TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR A CONSULTANT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION OF THE ALTERNATIVE SOLUTIONS FOR WATER SOURCE PROBLEMS OF THE BEIRA WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM PHASE I EMERGENCY SOLUTION Background 1.1 General The Government of Mozambique (GOM) has decided to undertake a dynamic reform of urban water supply provision. The program commenced with far reaching institutional reform, moving away from central management towards more decentmaUsed management, involving better regulation and financial planning, and private sector managemrent of operations with incentives for improved perfornance. Specifically, the GOM has taken steps to provide for * Full private sector management for water supply services in 5 major cities: Maputo, Beira, Quelimane. Nampula and Pemba. * Tariff reforms that aim at financial sustainability; and * The establishment of a Regulatory Board for the sector The program for urban water supply also includes investments in rehabiltation and extension of systems GOM's implementation agency for the new urban water program is FUNDO DE INVESTIMENTO E PATRIMONIO DO ABASTECIMENTO DE AGUA (Water Supply Investment and Assets Fund - FIPAG) A project entitled the Second National Water Development Project, supported by the World Bank, the African Development Bank and the Govemment of the Netherlands, became effective on 8 March 2000. Its objedives are to improve the performance, sustainability and coverage of water supply services in the five cities FIPAG is responsible for the fixed assets of the 5 aty water supplies and for the future investment in the systems It has the mandate to ensure that the public receives an adequate and safe water supply that meets Mozambique standards for health and hygiene (the public service obligation), and is empowered to ensure these systems achleve autonomous, effent and profitable water operations. In order to achieve these objectives, FIPAG has contracted with a private sector operator for each of the 5 systems under its control. For Maputo, FIPAG has let a lease (affermage) contract to Aguas de Mocambique (the Private Operator - PO), which Is a Joint Venture of IPE/Aguas de Portugal, and 4 Mozambican companies. EAP 003: Environmental & Social Management dunng Constructon Page 11 of 23 FIPAG has also taken over duties and obligations of the four water companies of Beira, Quelimane, Nampula and Pemba and has entered into Management Contracts with the same private sector operator for the provision of water supplies in these cibes The specific responsibilibes of FIPAG are as follows * investment and financial management for rehabilitaton and expansion of water supply assets; * Maximisation of efficiency and return on existing assets; * Contract management, monitonng and enforcement of the contractual obligabons of the selected operator and * Procurement of projects in accordance with the World Bank / co-financiers' guidelines. 1.2 Beira Beira is the second largest city in Mozambique and is the capital of Sofala Province. It is centrally located on the Indian Ocean. The town accommodates the main port in the centre of Mozambique transporting goods to the central part of the country and further afield to the countries of Malawi and Zimbabwe The harbour, railway and road systems create a large potential for further development of the city. The very low coverage of potable water supply is seriously affectng the social and economic growth of the city. The current populabon of Beira is estimated at some 488,000 inhabitants (based on the 1992 population census) and the population growth over the past few decades has averaged between 3.7% and 4.7%. However, the current urban water coverage is less than 30% and the majority of those who have access to safe water receive only intermittent supplies The existing water source for Beira is the Pungue river. The current intake works is owned and operated by the Mafambisse Sugar Estate. Although 75 km upstream of the mouth of the Pungue. the intake is subject to tidal influences and experienoes saline intusion during periods of high tide and low flow. At such bmes the intake is closed by the Sugar Estate as the levels of salinity are detrimental to crop growth. 1.3 Proposed Scheme To overcome the supply limitations described in section 1.2, consulting engineers Mott MacDonald were appointed to carry out a study and design of an alternative water source that would meet the immediate needs of the city of Beira. The proposed Scheme indudes the following works * River Intake, capacity 64,200m3/day, with associated control buildings located adjacent to the river Pungue. The intake to include all necessary pumnps, control and electrical equipment, avits work and building services * Access road approximately 6.9 km in length, connecting the river intake to the nearest highway, namely EN6. * Transmission main laying, approximately 10.9 km in length of 900 mm diameter Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) pipe and approximately 0.5 km of 900 mm diameter steel pipe with associated valves and washouts. Approximately 6 km of the main laying will be EAP 003: 'Envirorynental & Social Managernent during Construction Page 12 of 23 located in grassland or agricultural land with the remainder located adjacent to the highway * Distribution main laying, approximately 3 km in length of 600 mm diameter Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) pipe with associated valves and washouts. The main will be laid in the highway * Discharge control structure, located adjacent to the highway and the existing raw water supply canal structure. * Provision of permanent electricity supply with emergency standby The contract for the construction of the works is being let through lntemational Competitive Bidding using World Bank Standard Bidding Documents for the Procuremrent of Works. The estimated construcbon cost is US$11.5 million and construction durabon will be twetve months. 2 Consultant's Responsibilities 2.1 Supervision 1. Generally to carry out the duties of "The Engineer and 'Engineer's Representative' as specified in the Conditions of Contract, and the duties of the Environmental Control Officer, as specified in the Environmental Managernent Plan. 2. After the selecton of the winning bid, the Consultant shall meet with representatives of the winning bidder, together with representatives from FIPAG and the PO to initiate the Scheme. 3. The Consultant shall be responsible for the development and implementabon of a construction phase Environmental Management Plan (EMP) which is to be based on the Generic Environmental Management Plan' prepared by FIPAG. 4. The Consultant shall be responsible for the day-to-day supervision of the construction, commissioning and harNer of the Scheme in accordance with the drawings and specifications prepared by the consultants Mott MacDonald, the Conditions of Contract, the EMP and for the review and approval of all payment documentabon for the Works, Goods and Services procured under the Scheme. 5. The Consultant shall be responsible for reviewing and approval of the Contractor's design drawings and other proposals for the works. 6. The Consultant shall be responsible for instrucbng and monitoring the Contractor regarding compliance wth health and safety precautions and actions to comply with all the environmental requirements of the Scheme during constructon, as specified in the EMP. 7. The Consultant shall maintain all necessary engineering and environmental records pertaining to civil engineering works of this nature, including but not limited to rainfall and other climatc conditions, contractor's manpower levels, minutes of meetings, photographic records, financial reconciliations, Environmental Method Statements etc. EAP 003: 'Environmental & Social Management dunig Construction Page 13 of 23 8. The Consultant shall monitor the Contractor's wvrk progress in accordance with the Contractual Program and will arrange, chair and take minutes of regular progress meetings 9. The Consultant shali review all payment applications and approve all eligible payments for the Employers acfion and wll maintain and submit to the Employer reconciliations of payments and cost predictons to the end of the Scheme. 10. The Consultant shall manage all engineering and environmental variations to the Contract and submit all documentation to FIPAG for their no-objecton'. 11. The Consultant shall manage all claims submitted and make recommendations to FIPAG on the preferred resolution of the claim. 2.2 Completion and Commissioning 1 The Consultant shall supervise and approve the commissioning before completion certificates are issued. 2. Before and during the Defects Liabilty Period the Consultant shall be responsible for the issuance of defects lists and the supervision of remedial works by the Contractor. 3. The Consultant shall ensure the provision of and take delivery of all 'as-built' drawings. specifications, and certificates of testing relating to the completed projects and hand them to FIPAG. 4. On satisfactory completion of the Scheme, the Consultant shall issue all necessary documents of completion 3 Documents and Correspondence All documents, correspondence, instructions, communications, etc related to the project shall be in English and translated where necessary to Portuguese. The principle shall apply to the Employer, Consultant. suppliers, contractors and any other associated party 4 Expertise Required The Consultant shall be a reputable Civil Engineering Consultancy firm with 30 years experience in Water Engineering and intake structure, pipeline and road construction supervision. In particular, the Consultancy shall be fulty conversant with World Bank procurement documents, FIDIC Condibons of Contrad and construcbon projects in developing countries. The Consultant shall provide the service of an environmental scientist or environmental engineer with expenence in environmental protection and management 5 Specific Outputs Required The Consultant shall be responsible for supervision, commissioning (with the PO) and hand-over works to FIPAG The Specific Outputs of the Consultant shall be:- 1. The convening of an inibal meeting with the successful bidder (if necessary) and the production of an Outline Programn (with the successful bidder) for the EAP 003: Environmental & Social Management during Construction Page 14 of 23 implementation and completion of the Scheme The Outline Program is required to demonstrate the feasibility of completing the works on time and wil not relieve the Contractor of his obligabon to prepare and submit a detailed contractual program in terms of the Conditions of Contract. 2. The consultant shall submit monthly progress reports to FIPAG in a format and with content agreed with FIPAG. 3. The issuance of all certificates for payment to FIPAG including any necessary Varation Orders. 4. The management of any claims arising from the works and the recommendation of the preferred resolution of the claim to FIPAG. 5. The issuance of Certificates of Substantial Completion at the start, and Certificates of Completion at the end, of the defects liability period 6. The receipt, checking and handing over of all as-built' drawings, specifications and certificates of testing relating to the completed works. 7. The completion of hand-over certificates signed by the PO, FIPAG and the successful bidder. 8. Reports (5 hard copies plus one electronic copy in an agreed fommat) as follows (a) Monthly Progress Report A brief, concise report format for monthly progress reports will be prepared by the Consultants and agreed with FIPAG during contract negotiations During the construction phase, progress reports will reflect contractors' monthly payments and provide a means of closely monitoring and forecasting implementation costs. The monthly reports shall as a minimum present the progress of the works against the contractual program, problems and proposed solutions, environmental management issues, summary of payments, a schedule of claims and potential settlement, cost predictions to the end of the Scheme. (b) Completion Report A Completion Report shall be prepared by the Consultant and submitted to FIPAG with as-built drawings, prepared by the implementaton contractor and reviewed and approved by the Consultants. 6 Level Of Effort The Consultant shall propose appropriate full time and part-time staff and time inputs for the assignment but it is anacipated that the following key personnel will be required: Post Experience Senior Resident Engineer 15 years, water engineering, construction, developing countries Assistant Resident Engineer 10 years, water engineering, construction EAP 003: Environental & Social Management during Construction Page 15 of 23 Environmental Control Officer 4 years, environmental management The estimated number of professional staff-months required for the assignment, excluding clerks of orks and support staff. is 32 man months 7 Timing of Scherne It is anticipated that the construction contract will be signed in April 2003 and that the construction will be completed in May 2004. The Consultant's services will be required from April 2003 to May 2005 to include short-term inputs during the Defects bability Penod. 8 Reporting The Consultant will report to FIPAG's Chief Executive Officer, Mr M Alves or his designated representative. 9 Procurment of Consultant The Consultancy wil be selected by World Bank procurement rules for time based assignments and the bids submitted for the vvrk in the appropriate forrnat descnbed in the bidding documents EAP 003: Environmental & Social Management during Construction Page 16 of 23 | ATTACHMENT2:GENERICCHECKLIST FOR PROPOSALS FROM CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION BIDDERS This checkdist is designed to help assess the adequacy of proposals submitted in connection with the supervision of construction works. PROPOSAL ASPECT |COVERED/ COMMENTS IAPPLICABLE?4 Does the Proposal Demonstrate Compliance with environmental management requirements of the TOR in terms of: Presenting an overall understanding of the environmental management requirements of the TOR? Presenting an understanding of MICOA and the Funding Agencys (e.g. World Bank or AfDB) requirements for environmental management? Motivating for and describing a dear approach towards mnonitonng the implementation of the EMP - including * Reference to aims and objectives; * Activities to be undeftaken; * Criteria to be used to assess effective implementation; and * Reference to any deviations from the TOR and the reasons why. Describing the programme for undertaking the proposed activities? Listing the environmental deliverables to be provided, the likely content of the deliverables and the programrne for their delivery? Does the Proposal Demonstrate the Consultant's Qualifications in terms of: Complying 'vth the minimum requirements stated in the TOR for an ECO01 Describing a suitably qualified project team to undertake the ECO role and provide CVs? Illustrating previous project experience - including: * World Bank or AfDB funded projects9 * Environmental management of water supply projects n general? * Environmental management of water supply projects in Mozambique? * Environmental management of water supply projects in other parts of the world? Either being a local environmental consuttancy or induding a local environmental consuhancy) EAP 003: Environmental & Social Management during Construction Page 17 of 23 PROPOSAL ASPECT COVERED/ COMMENTS APPLICABLE? Quality of the Proposal Is the proposal well presented and well wntten? Does the proposal suggest that sufficient thought has gone into the preparation of detail for the environmental aspects of the project? EAP 003: 'Environmental & Social Management during Construction Page 18 of 23 AT'TACHMENT 3: GENERIC CHECKLIST FOR PROPOSALS FROM BIDDERS FOR CONSTRUCTION II This checklist is designed to help assess the adequacy of proposals submitted in connection with the detailed design and construction of the project PROPOSAL ASPECT | COVERED! [COMMMENTS APPLICABLE? Does the Proposal Demonstrate Compliance with the environmental and social management requirements of the TOR in teris of: Presenting an overall understanding of the environmental and social management requirements of the TOR? Preseniing an understanding of MICOA and the Funding Agencys (e.g. World Bank or AtDB) requirements for environmental and social management? Motivating for and describing a clear approach towards developing and implementing tne RAP - including * Reference to aims and objectves. * Activities to be undertaken; * Criteria to be used to assess need for compensation/resettlement; * Reference to any deviations from the TOR and the reasons why. Motivating for and descnbing a clear approach towards implementng the EMP - including: * Reference to aims and objecbves; * Actrvites to be undertaken; * Criteria to be used to assess the implementation of the EMP; * Reference to any deviations from the TOR and the reasons why. Describing the programme for undertaking the proposed actvities? -isiing the environmental and social deliverables to be provided, the likely content of the deliverabjes and the programme for their delivery and implementation? Does the Proposal Demonstrate the Contractor's Qualifications in terms of: Complying with the minimum requirements stated in the TO R "_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Describing a suitably qualified project team to undertake the preparation and implementation of the RAP role and provide CVs? EAP 003: Envirornmental & Social Management during Construction Page 1 9 of 23 PROPOSAL ASPECT COVEREDI COMMENTS APPUCABLE? Illustrating previous detailed design, RAP and environmental management during construction experience - induding: * World Bank or AfDB funded projects? * Water supply projects in general7 * Water supply projects in Mozambique? * Water supply projects in other parts of the world? Either being a local company or including a local environmerntal and/or social consultancy as part of the project team? Quality of the Proposal - Is the proposal well presented and well ritten7 Does the oroposal suggest that sufficient thought has gone into the preparation of detail for the environmental aspects of the project? EAP 003: 'Environmental & Social Management during Construction Page 20 of 23 ATTACHMENT 4: TEMPLATE FOR EMP MONITORING AND PROGRESS REPORTING l The following report structure is suggested for reporting the resulls of site inspections/construction progress reports: Introduction By way of setting the context for the Site Inspection Report, this section should outline the following: * The need for the Stte Inspections, and reporting. * Purpose of the Site Inspection Report. * The scope of coverage of the Site Inspection Report. Environmental This section should summarise the environmental Management Requirements requirements for the contract and for the construction works, and against which environmental performance Is assessed. Methodology This should describe the activties undertaken during the particular sie inspection, such as: * A site walkabout with the RE. * A review of documents and records, such as complaints records and/or incidents reports maintained by the Contractor and/or ECO. * Consultations wth pertinent parties on site. Findings of the Site This should contain reference to the following: Inspection * A commentary on the level of compliance with key aspects of the Environmental Speafications, as listed in the checklist(s). * Details of issues. infringements, problems and non- compliances encountered. * Recommendations on actions to be undertaken to address any issues, infringements and/or non-compliances Conclusions This should include an overall statement on the level of compliance observed during the site inspection. Annexures Annexures should be used to store supporting informnation to the main document, such as: * Photographs. * A quick reference, summary table of issues of concem and the necessary corrective measures required to address these issues. EAP 003: Environmental & Social Management during Constructfon Page 21 of 23 | ATTACHMENT 5: TEMPLATE FOR RAP MONITORING AND PROGRESS REPORTING The follownng report structure Is suggested for reporting the progress with the implemenlation of the RAP: TO FOLLOW EAP 003 'Environmental & Social Management during Construction Page 22 of 23 ATTACHMENT 6: CHECKLIST OF PERMITS, LICENSES AND CERTIFICATES REQUIRED BEFORE CONSTRUCTION Have the followAng perfnits, licenses and certificates been obtained? PERMITILICENSE/CERTIFICATE OBTAINED? DATE COMMENTS MICOA approval Funding Agency approval RAP sign-off from Mozambican Authornty RAP sign-off from Funding Agency Water abstraction permit Mine Clearance certificate OTHERS?? EAP 003: Environmental & Social Management during Construction Page 23 of 23 FIPA G NATIONAL WATER EAP 004 DEVELOPMENT tUNDO DC INVtUtA4 L PROJECt Issue 0.1 DO AUASTfCtML%*NO 0* AGU POJC Environmental Action Procedures Page 1 OF 5 ENVIRONMENTAL CONTRACTUAL CONTROLS FOR THE PRIVATE OPERATOR PURPOSE AND APPLICATION OF PROCEDURE The purpose of this procedure Is to provide instructions and guidance on ensuring that environmental management is incorporated into new Private Operator contracts. This procedure should be applied wherever a new PO contract is to be prepared or an existing contract is to be revised. PROCEDURE The minimum scope of instructions and actions to be applied have been listed in chronological order below. Ownership for undertaking the stated instiructions and actions have also been indicated INSTRUCTIONS, GUIDANCE AND ACTiONS OWNERSHIP TINNG Attend Operains department meetings to discuss the EE forthcomlng prepaation of new/evised conbwct or the PO. Ops Mgr To advise EE on lAyhcomnin meetaig. Review curret contrad EE Either provide advice or prepare envkorvnental management 1tin on clauses for inclusion in the prvposed new/revised PO week of contrad EE request for See Attachment 1 for guidance on conterd. inpds. Submit proposed environmental clauses to Legal Mgr and EE Within one discuss accordingly. week of request for inputs. Legal Mg Assist with any futher revisions made during nhtations EE As requred. with the PO. NATIONAL WATER EAP 004 AwFIPAG DEVELOPMENT rlPROJECT Issue 0.1 ,'0 ,Lk1F4 1MEMN D0t (.Ux Environmental Action Procedures Page 2 OF 5 ENVIRONMENTAL CONTRACTUAL CONTROLS FOR THE PRIVATE OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS, GUIDANCE AND ACTIONS OWNERSHIP TIMING Obtain copy of flinal, signed contkt for records. EE lWin one week of conrct comrn,defon. KEY PERFORMANCE CRITERIA The following is a list of the key performance criteria for this procedure. These criteria have been highlighled for easy reference and may be used during a performance audit of the FIPAG EMS (see ESP 011: 'EMS and Peflmance Audt'3. * Inclusion of environmental management clauses in final signed contract for PO. RESPONSIBILITIES EE: * To initiate and maintain regular communications with the Ops Mgr and Legal Mgr, with particular reference to: - Keeping up to date on the development of new or revised contracts with the PO. - Raise awareness on the need for environmental management during operations. - Establishing and maintaining a good working relationship with the Ops Mgr and Legal Mgr. * To prepare environmental management clauses for inclusion in the contracts. * To advise on any revisions during contract negotiations * To penodically review and update this pmcedure as necessary. sFIPAG NATIONAL WATER EAP 004 DEVELOPMENT fVNOo D iNVOfNTO f PATM4O PROJECT Issue 0.1 Environmental Action Procedures Page 3 OF 5 ENVIRONMENTAL CONTRACTUAL CONTROLS FOR THE PRIVATE OPERATOR Ops Mgr * To participate in meetings (or send a representative) with the EE and provide inforTnation on the current contracts and need for new contracts. Legal Mgr * To provide copies of the current and newly signed contract to the EE. * To review and incorporate environmental management clauses into the new/revised contracts. * To assist the EE with resolving any issues that may arise during the contract negotiations RECORDS AND REFERENCES Records EE is to maintain records of the following for each project: * Minutes of all intemal meelings * Minutes of all meetings with PO. * Correspondence with PO. References * EMS Manual, Part F: Environmental Integration Programme ABBREVIATIONS The following key abbreviations have been used in this procedure - see also the Glossary in the EMS Manual, Part A: EE Environmental Engineer 5FIPAG NATIONAL WATER EAP 004 WEE GDEVELOPMENT jtNno "Nf0EAV o PROJECT Issue 0.1 1> ARRCM T Mr 1 -.- ---A Environmental Action Procedures Page 4 OF 5 ENVIRONMENTAL CONTRACTUAL CONTROLS FOR THE PRIVATE OPERATOR EIP Environmental Integration Programme EMP Environmental Management Plan ESP Environmental System Procedure Funding Agencies Collective reference for WB, AfIB and other associated NWDP funding agencies. Legal Mgr FIPAG Legal Manager Ops Mgr FIPAG Operations Manager PO Private Operator PROCEDURE REVISION TABLE DETAILS ISSUE DATE Initial (Draft) Issue 0.1 March 2003 Approved Issue 1.0 ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1: Guidance on Contractual Environmental Management Clauses forthe PO. The guidance is based on inputs provided for revisions to the Lease Contract for Maputo (September 2002). The guidance should be amended as necessary to suit the nature of the contract and in the event that there are any changes to national environmental management requirements. See overleaf. ATTACHMENT 1: GUIDANCE ON CONTRACTUAL ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT A A N 1CLAUSES FOR THE PO The Operator shall prepare and implement an Environmental Management Plan for its operations in Maputo. The Environmental Management Plan shall include: a. A descnption of key personnel who will be responsible for implementing the Environmental Management Plan and a list of their specific responsibilibes and authority b. A register of legal and regulatory requirements for the protection and management of the environment which are relevant to the operation of the Maputo water supply system c. A register of key environmental impacts associated with specific operational activities d. A series of procedures and specifications which are to be implemented on a day to day basis, to reduce, prevent and/or control the identified operational environmental impacts. e. A series of procedures and specafications which are to be implemented during any emergency siuations, to reduce, prevent and/or control environmental impacts. f. A system to ensure the effective implementation of the Environmental Management Plan, including reference to awareness training programmes and a montonng system, and appropriate documentation control; 9. A system for the regular review and improvement of the Environmental Management Plan. The Environmental Management Plan shall be developed with due reference to FIPAG's Environmental Management SystemI In the execution of its capital investments planning role the Operator will be required to ensure that the process of concept planning, design, construction and future operation of a given project is compliant with FIPAG's environmental requirements. These requirements wiN be described in FIPAG's Environmental Management System The framework for the FIPAG Environmental Management System is expected to be completed by end of March 2003. EAP 004: Environmental Contractual Controls for the PO Page 5 of 5 PART F: FtPAG ENVIRONMENTAL INTEGRATION PRO(GRAMME FIPAG: Envwirormental Management System MANIO. 1 Manual PART F: ENVIRONMENTAL INTEGRATION PROGRAMME (EIP) NWDP Activities The current NWDP activities that will result in a number of significant environmental aspects (and in turn, environmental impacts) of potential concern include the following: * Project development from initiation through to handover for operation * Delegation of environmental studies and environmental control to appointed consultants" * Construction Dhase, and * Delegation of operational management to a Private Operator. Of these activities, the following key significant environmental aspects are ant,cipated NWDP ACTIVITY SIGNIFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECT Project development (from initiation through to handover for operation). Absence of environmental planning during project initiation and concept phases. Delegation of environmental studies and environmental control to appointed Poor quality and/or inadequate environmental coverage in environmental consultants. reports produced by others Construction phase. Absence of environmental management during construction Delegation of operational management to a Private Operator. Omission of environmental management in Private Operator's contract(s). The control and management of these key significant environmental aspects (and impacts) forms the focus of the EIP. The following table sets out in tabular format the information which wil be used to prepare the detailed Environmental Action Procedures lEAPs. and will also be used as performance criteria for future auditing of the effectiveness of the EMS FIPAG:NWDP Page 1 of 4 EMS: Environmental Integration Programme FIPAG-EIP-1 PART F: ENVIRONMENTAL INTEGRATION PROGRAMME (EIP) ASPOMNTAL WVRONIMENTAL OBJECTIVES TANGET| KEY ACTIONS OWNERSIHP TIMSCALE FOR PROCEDUJRE ASPECT IMtPACoT ACTION Omission of Potential delays to Ensure environmental Receipt of approvals from Attnd projet planning environmeontal and project programme and social plannrng is MICOA and donors meetbigs. social planning integrated Into the project Ieodly opoec rpr o during pbnn Potenil additional procZo days to propt I Pr rep TOR for hptslo n onep expem's kIcurred1. prcs-programnme or additional consultanfts piais". n onetepme nwe Comply with leal and exp ns rr roctinlid. phase Poteal problerms v oh F if h Agency e Initite environmental P ct deasibily Funding Agencies and/or requiremnents Zero problem wth assessment process. EE and dedgn MICOA. Fundfing Agencies andlor csr rprbo f IvMr Po sHno i A 0 FunIn encesan/o re wruirementse MICQA on enirntnetlI Ensure preparaton of lnvMgr Prearor ds Poor public relations and raTo than reactive compiance Docum EMP and RAP forents for posabbl damage o environmentl and social Construction hcites manaeenrnt and control. Ensure operational mitgation measures are incorporated Into the EMS through the EIP Poor quality and/or Poor quality Review documents Compliance wh TOR. Ensure paticipdion in inadequate environmental before submission to tender process for snvironmental and management during ater authorties Compliance orth comultants. Project Initiaton e erin stamesntheproect. Obtain required perfrnd Zo c ejlas Review enviromnental EE Propect feasibility ot r Potent delays wth approval on AtM Zero delys to proj reports produced by nvdMgr ad dosign EAPf002 ohr.project programfme, applicatIon. progrwme. iothers and provide peaaino 1 Potentil problems with Zero problems with feedback. Cons Mgr Popertson Funding Agencies ard/or " und. ng Ag encir e ado ULise with Inv Mgr, and Construction MIOOA MICOA on enionmetalCons Mgr to ailplement compliaince Jmprovements. FIPAG:MNVDP Page 2 of 4 EMS: Environmental Integration Programme FIPAG-EIP-1 PART F: ENVIRONMENTAL INTEGRATION PROGRAMME (EIP) UPiMCT IIIIIPACT OECTrES TA|I KEY ACTIONS OWNERSHIP ACTIONS -C U Absence of Adver rrnpacts on Ensure *nvironr ntd EMP to be included In ao Ensure EMP b environmertal an biophysical and social management contruction contracts. hcotpored ito onrsct social mangenrstt environmernt. during construction. RAP to be inuded In rn . drnsg cti b Pot ental delays to contricton contract. Ensure RAP is propect programme In Icorporoted into contract evort of stoppage by Zero nrnuconforrm ncs docuiornt MICOA and.or others with P aquirerre ORs o EMP. Pr"rs TOR for Poor public retions and suprvision consltants possle damage to Zero pollubon evets to ensure EUAP and RAP Zero omplalnts Implemortation and Cons Mgr nroueh to ido EAP 003 [Consultant dernobiliastion Provide for enviroryental jECO)j and social awareness at site Inspection. Oveeo mrnonoring of aEMP nd RAP end | envmntl performance by appoIted supervison consultant Omission of Potentiil problems wit Ensure enviroinental Zero stakeholder Ensure particpaion in environmental Funding Agenciet andtor mrangement is complaints, contrct negotiations, nanagement In MICOA Incorporated Into the Private Operator's Private Operatora Zero non-conformance Prepare nvlrorrnentat EE contracts. Stakceholder complaints. conth contract cluses for Inclusion in Resource ni requirmwtc. Ops Mgr/Legal Controt management and Conformance wlth EMP Mgr Negcsiont EAP00D4 potrntial associated cost by Prvte Operator. Prate implcations Slgned contraict wvith Operator Private Operator containing environmrntal controls. FIPAG:MNDP Page 3 of 4 EMS Environmental integrabon Programme FIPAG-EIP-1 PART F: ENVIRONMENTAL INTEGRATION PROGRAMME (EIP) EIP REVISION TABLE DETAILS ISSUE DATE Initial (Draft) Issue 0.1 March 2003 Approved 1.0 FIPAG:NWDP Page 4 of 4 EMS Environmental Integrabon Programme FIPAG-EIP_1