DOCUMENT OF INT_ERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOC/A TION NOT FOR PUBLIC USE MONTHLY OPERATIONAL SUMMARY OF BANK AND IDA PROPOSED PROJECTS (as of November 30, 1972) SecM72-636 FROM: The Secretary December 13, 1972 Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency J_/ Lender Project]/ Action on Procurement !!._/ I, EASTERN AFRICA BOTSWANA 1.0 Mining - preliminary design and Awaiting project identification. (IDA) engineering of infrastructure to assist mining development. To be (N) Urban development - site and Pre-appraisal mission in field. determined services project in Francis- (Joint financing under consider- (IDA) town; preparation and servicing ation. of plots for low income families to construct housing, and basic community facilities. Total project cost estimated at $5 million. BURUNDI Ministry of 8.9 (R) Road construction and maintenance - Negotiations substantially Public Works (IDA) reconstruction of the Bujumbura- completed. Updating mission Nyanza-LAC road, 121 km, and imple- in field, (Parallel financing mentation of a 4-year maintenance with UNDP, Germany and Belgium program. Total project cost $12.5 expected.) million of which $10.3 million is foreign exchange component. REGIDESO To be Hydroelectric power plant (6-12MW), Government reviewing UNDP- determined south of Bujumbura on Mugere River. financed feasibility report and (IDA) securing UNDP help for market study to determine plant size. Office des Cultures To be (R) Coffee improvement II - extension of Awaiting project identification, Industrielles du determined first coffee project (financed by IDA Burundi (IDA) Cr. i47) Minis try of To be (R) Drainage in lower Ruzizi Valley-project Government preparing request Agriculture determined area about 9,500 ha. to UNDP to finance feasibility (IDA) study. J_/ If the Government is the borrower, the name of the department, ministry or agency which is to implement the.project is given. If the Government is to relend the proceeds to another entity, the name of that entity is given. If the Government is not the borrower, the borrower's name is given in capital letters in parentheses. 2/ The amount is in millions of U.S. dollars and is approximate and tentative. }/ The letter (N) before the project means that the project is a new listing in the Swnmary; the letter (R) means that the information about the project has been revised since the last issue of the Swnmary. Section VIII of the Summary contains a recapitulation of the new projects listed in this issue. !!._/ This column contains available information, if any, about action with respect to the procurement of goods and services expected to be financed by the Bank or IDA. Distribution: Executive Directors and Alternates President Senior Vice President (Opera~ions) Vice Presidents, Bank, and Officers of IFC Directors and Department Heads, Bank and IFC - 2 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency ll Lender Project }_/ Action on Procurement !!_/ EAST AFRICAN COMMUNITY 2__/ (EAST AFRICAN POST 28.3 .(R) Telecommunications III - further Negotiations expected to begi AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS (Bank) development of local and regional in mid-December. CORPORATION - EAPTC) telecommunications services. Total project cost estimated at $47.9 Procurement: Bid invitations million, including $30.5 million in issued, after Bank approval foreign exchange. for carrier and VHF systems cables and accessories ($3. million). (EAST AFRICAN HARBOURS 26.5 (R) Harbors III - improvements and addi- Approved by Executive Directo CORPORATION) (Bank) tions at Dar es Salaam, Mombasa and on November 21. (Parallel Tanga, including construction of financing by CIDA up to $26 m three new berths at Dar es Salaam and lion to be provided for equip expansion and modernization of facil- ities and equipment at all ports. Total project cost estimated at $70 million, of which about $52.5 million would be foreign exchange, (EAST AFRICAN RAIL- To be (R) Railways IV - 1973-76 phase of EARC's Awaiting submission by govern} WAYS CORPORATION - determined continuing program for development of ment of final 1972-76 program EARC) (Bank) railway facilities serving East Africa. for consideration by Bank. (EAST AFRICAN To be Development finance company II Awaiting utilization of funds DEVELOPMENT BANK) determined first loan. (Bank) ETHIOPIA Ministry of Up to 25.0 (R) "Minimum Package" agriculture - Appraisal report being prepar Agriculture - (IDA) mainly to increase grain production Extension and Project by peasant farmers through provision Implementation Depart- of credit for basic inouts, fertilizer, ment (EPID) improved seeds, implements and exten- sion services to demonstrate their use. Awash Valley 22.0 (R) Melka Sadi-Amibara irrigation - Government considering possi- Authority (IDA) development of about 14,600 hectares bility of reducing scope of in ~liddle Awash Valley; total project project. cost estimated at $30.2 million with about $18.4 million in foreign exchange. Livestock and 4.5 (R) Livestock II -· construction of stock Negotiations substantially Meat Board (IDA) routes, markets, and slaughter facilities completed. Retroactive financ with associated hide sheds, purchase of (up to $30,000) for foreign ex cattle transporters, and technical change expenditures for employ assistance; Total project cost estimated ment of senior project officia at $6.4 million including about $2.2 to be reconunended. million in. foreign exchange, Civil Aviation To be (R) Domestic airports and tourism-proposed Awaiting final consultants' Authority and determined program includes internal airports, feasibility report (expected Ethiopian Tourist (IDA) hotels along "Historic Route," res- in December.) and Hotel toration of historic monuments, and Investment possibly aircraft. Project for Bank Corporation Group financing not yet determined. See P. 1 for footnotes. 2__/ Comprising Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. - 3 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency 1/ Lender Project]./ Action on Procurement !!._/ ETHIOPIA (Cont'd) Ministry of Education 8.5 Education III - farm training centers, Preparation/appraisal mission (IDA) veterinary assistant training, train- report being prepared. ing of teacher/priests, educational materials production center, science curriculum development center, and extensions to Haile Selassie I University. Total project cost estimated at $11.3 million (including contingencies) with about $6.1 mil- lion in foreign exchange. (IMPERIAL BOARD OF To be (R) TelecoTmllunications V - Total project Awaiting project application TELECOMMUNICATIONS determined cost estimated at $40 million with $26 from Government. OF ETHIOPIA) (uncertain) million in foreign exchange. Ministry of To be Grain storage and marketing Internal market studies being Agriculture determined prepared by consultants. (IDA) Institute of To be Agricultural research Arrangements for project Agricultural determined preparation under discussion. Research (IDA) Agricultural and To be Development finance company IV Awaiting results of third credit, Industrial Develop- determined signed on May 10. ment Bank (IDA) Imperial Highway To be (R) Roads VI - likely to include road Preparation under way by Authority determined maintenance and agricultural roads. Imperial Highway Authority, (IDA) -utilizing USAID road maintenance study. Ministry of Education To be Education IV- to be based upon find- Government reviewing findings determined ings of education sector review. of sector review. (IDA) Livestock and To be Livestock III - development southern Consultants preparing feasi- Meat Board determined rangelands of market oriented beef bility study. (IDA) cattle production within framework of pastoral society. Ministry of To be Htmiera agricultural development II - Consultants preparing feasi- Agriculture determined further development in western lowlands bility study. (IDA) where substantial mechanization has taken place. Ministry of To be Shire ·1owlands regional development - Government preparing project Agriculture determined settlement of smallholder migrants with Bank assistance. (IDA) from Tigre highlands. KENYA Kenya Industrial To be (R) Development finance company Government in process of Development Bank determined establishing KIDB and selecting (KIDB) (Bank) senior staff. Ministry of To be Crop development - cotton and wheat Government preparing project Agriculture determined production in Eastern Province. with Bank assistance. (Bank/IDA) See P. 1 for footnotes. - 4 - Member Country, and Anount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and I Implementing Agency]_/ Lender Project 1_/ Action on Procurement !!./ (CITY COUNCIL To be (R) Urban development - site and service Mission in field to discuss1 OF NAIROBI) determined project - preparation and servicing project preparation by Gove1 (Bank/IDA) of plots on which low income families ment and Nairobi City Counl would erect own housing. Agricultural 6.0 (R) Agricultural credit II - credit and Credit approved by Executivl Finance Corp./ (IDA) technical assistance for about 8,000 Director on November 14 and Ministry of smallholders for dairying and various signed on November 29. Agriculture crops. Total cost $9.2 million, of which foreign exchange component about $4 million, Kenya Tea Development To be (R) Tea development III - extension of Appraisal mission in field, Authority determined support provided to Tea Authority (Bank/IDA) under two earlier credits; project likely to include additional planting and financing for tea factory development, Agricultural To be (R) Livestock development II - second Appraisal report being prep Finance Corp,/ determined phase of livestock program initiated Ministry of (Bank/IDA) under Cr. 129; project would include Agriculture funds for development of individual, group and company ranches, range water facilities, marketing, veterinary services, etc, Ministry of Tourism - development of Diani beach Government drawing up list J Tourism determined resort complex, part of Government consultants to submit propoi (Bank) program for development additional for feasibility study to bel facilities at the Coast. financed by Government, (TANA RIVER DEVELOP- 5.0 Kamburu hydroelectric II - addition Consul tan ts to prepare updat 1 MENT CO. LTD,) (Bank) of third generating unit for project report. Appraisal tentative being financed under Ln, 745, scheduled for February.· I Ministry of Works - 24,0 Highway V - additional package of Awaiting economic evaluation Roads Department (Bank) roads, largely feeder and rural of project before taking fur 1 access roads. action on appraisal. Ministry of About 5.0 (R) Family planning - assistance for im- Sector survey and appraisal Health (IDA) plementing Kenya's five-year family mission in field, planning program which includes pro- visions for training facilities, construction of national Family Plan- ning Center, upgrading of health and family planning clinics, and feasi- bility study to review structure of rural health services. Mombasa Pipeline To be (R) Water supply for Mombasa and coastal Preappraisal mission in fiel, Board or successor institution determined (Bank/IDA) region - development of new water sources and additional distribution I system. LESOTHO 3.5 (R) Malibamatso River diversion engineer- Lesotho and South Africa are (IDA) ing. Total cost about $3.5 million. at an impasse on issue of wat price. Negotiations schedulJ for November postponed in- definitely. See P. 1 for footnotes. - 5 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing·and Implementing Agency 1/ Lender Project 1/ Action on Procurement ii LESOTHO (Cont'd) To be Malibamatso River diversion scheme - Awaiting action on proposed en- determined construction of dam and 60 Km tunnel gineering credit, listed above. (Bank) for water exports to South Africa; (Funds from external sources total cost $130 million of which other than South Africa and $120 million outside Lesotho. Bank Group required.) Ministry of 5.6 (R) Thaba Bosiu rural development - Negotiations expected to begin Agriculture (IDA) dryland farming; project would affect in December. (Parallel financing 12,000 farmers on 60,000 acres and by USAID expected.) would provide agricultural inputs, credit, marketing, roads, extension services and soil conservation. Total cost about $9.8 million with $5.4 million in foreign exchange. MALAGASY REPUBLIC Ministry of Rural 15.0 (Bank) (R) Roads III - construction of about 417 Scheduled for Executive Director Planning and 15.0 (IDA) km primary roads and detailed engineer-. consideration on December 19. Development ing of about 200 km. Total project cost about $40 million, of which $29 Procurement: Pre-qualification million foreign exchange. of contractors for about one quarter of civil works completed. Ministry of Rural To be (R) Agricultural credit - scope of project Awaiting report of preparation Planning and determined being reviewed. mission that visited Madagascar Development (IDA) in November simultaneously with economic mission. (MALAGASY RAILWAYS- 9.0 (R) Railway rehabilitation - part of Five- Appraisal mission planned for RNCFM) (Bank) Year 1972-1976 Development Plan to January. (Part of program may rehabilitate and modernize railway be financed from other sources). system. Total cost estimated at about $24 million. Ministry of Rural To be Livestock II - continuation of program Project preparation under way. Planning and Development determined initiated under Loan 585; project would (IDA) aim at development of traditional live- stock occtor. About 2.0 Development finance company Project preparation under way. (IDA) Ministry of To be Forestry - pine and eucalyptus planta- Project preparation under way. Rural/Planning and determined tion. Development (Bank) Ministry of To be (R) Education II - follow-up of first project Awaiting results of overall Education determined (Ln. 510). review of education system, (IDA) currently being carried out by government. Ministry of Rural To be Rice development - in Didy area along FAC-financed feasibility study Planning and Development determined the lines of Lake Alaotra project under way. (IDA) (Cr. 214). Ministry of Education 7.5 Education II - improvement of educa- Project identification under way. (IDA) tional system and facilities. See P. 1 for footnotes. - 6 - Member Country, and Am:>unt 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency 1/ Lender Project]./ Action on Procurement !!_/ MALAWI (Cont'd) Ministry of 10.0 Rural development (Lower Shire II) - Appraisal report being prep, Agricultural and (IDA) second phase of integrated rural ; Natural Resources development program in the Lower Shire area, emphasizing expansion of agricultural production and possibly including improvement of agricultural roads, marketing facilities, health facilities, fisheries and livestock development. Electricity Supply To be (R) Tedzani hydropower - second stage of Appraisal mission scheduled Commission determined project to increase. generation capacity January. (Parallel financin (IDA) by 16 MW, together with expansion of may be considered.) transmission facilities. Total proj- ect cost estimated at about $17 million. MAURITIUS Ministry of 4.0 · Port development - d.eepening and · Consultants' study under way Conununications (IDA) expanding Port Louis harbor to improve passenger and freight services, pro- viding a deep water quay, storage facil- ities and cargo handling equipment. Central Water 3.0 Water supply and sewerage - improve- Consultants' feasibility stu Authority (IDA) ment and augmentation of three existing expected to begin in January domestic water supply schemes (Port Louis, Mare aux Vacoas and the Districts), and two sewerage schemes (Port Louis and Plain Wilhelms), to meet house.hold and industrial demand. Development Bank 3.0 Construction of industrial estate Consultants' feasibilit'y stu of Mauritius (IDA) probably at Coromandel near Port under way. Louis, including factory buildings and infrastructure. Development Works 4.5 (R) Regional development with emphasis on Appraisal report being prepa Corporation (IDA) employment creation, possibly includ- ing construction of public facilities in rural areas (e.g. roads, schools, dispensaries) and improvement and conservation of natural resources (e.g. planting of trees, maintenance of public forests). Ministry of To be (R) Integrated agricultural development - Project identification rnissio Agriculture determined smallholder tea, rice and cotton visited Rwanda in October. (IDA) . development. Ministry of To be (R) Highway II - reconstruction of Project preparation mission Public Works determined Ruhengeri-Gesinyi Road. in the field. (IDA) See P. 1 for footnotes. - 7 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency J../ Lender Project 11 Action on Procurement !!_/ RWANDA (Cont'd) Ministry of 3.3 (R) Mutara agricultural development After negotiations, Government Agriculture (IDA) (Livestock and settlement). Project objected to arrangements on would provide for infrastructure (plot project organization. Bank's and grazing area layout, road con- views have been transmitted to struction, water supply), technical and Government and as result of marketing services, tse-tse fly eradica- follow-up mission to Rwanda in tion. Total project cost $3.7 million November, Government will submit of which $1.8 million in foreign exchange. new detailed proposals. SOMALIA Somali Ports 13.0 Port of Mogadiscio - construction of Negotiations substantially Auth0rity (IDA) new port to replace lighterage completed. (Joint financing facilities; will include 3 berths and planned with FED.) livestock loading facilities. Total cost estimated at $25 million, of Procurement: Tender documents which 85% is foreign exchange. were issued in September. Livestock 8.7 (R) Livestock - in lower Juba region, Project preparation completed. Development (IDA) probably including watering points, Agency stock routes, holding ground, ir- rigated fodd_er ranch, markets, and technical assistance. Ministry of To be (R) General agriculture Identification mission in field. Agriculture determined (IDA) Rahad Corporation 25.0 Rahad irrigation - pump irrigation Appraisal report being considered. (IDA) of 300,000 acres, mainly cotton and (Parallel financing expected.) groundnuts, with water from Roseires Reservoir. Total cost $83. 6 million with $55.6 million in foreign exchange. Sudan Railways To be Railway III - expansion of capacity and Appraisal mission scheduled determined improvement of operations to meet grow- for December. (IDA) ing traffic demands. Central Electricity· To be .Power II - expansion of generation Preliminary preparation by & Water Corporation determined and distribution facilities. CEWC under way. (IDA) Industrial Bank To be Development Finance Company Appraisal mission scheduled of Sudan determined for January. (IDA) SWAZILAND Ministry of 3.0 (R) Irrigation - development of approx. Government's proposals for Agriculture (IDA) 8,000 acres for smallholder settle- changes in project being reviewed. ments and 2,000 acres for commercial Appraisal planned for first farms in the Usutu River Basin. half of 1973. Ministry of Power, To be (R) Highways II - improvements of second- Consultants selected for Works & determined ary roads primarily for sugar transport. UNDP-financed engineering Communications (IDA) expected to start work early in 1973. Seep. 1 for footnotes. i - 8 .,. Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency j_/ Lender Project 1/ Action on Procurement !!_/ SWAZILAND (Cont'd) Swaziland To be Thermal power - 1000 MW thermal Preliminary feasibility Electricity determined power station using Swazi coal to studies completed; Awaitin Board (Bank) produce electricity for export to further exploration of co Escom in South Africa. Total cost field and study of markets about $170 million. coal export. Ministry of Power, To be Water supply - expansion of urban Identification mission pla Works & Communications determined water and sewerage in Mbabane and for December. (IDA) Manzini. TANZANIA Ministry of Agriculture 3.0 Navy beans - development of about Appraisal report being pre and Cooperatives, (IDA) 40,000 acres for navy bean production pared. Tanzania Navy Bean on state farms and through outgrowers. Co. & Tanzania Total project cost estimated at $4.1 Investment Bank million, of which $2.7 million in foreign exchange. Ministry of 10.0 (R) Education IV - physical facilities and Appraisal report being pre National (IDA) equipment for secondary schools, Education teacher training, and technical, vocational, and health education facilities. Total project cost estimated at $14 million. (TANZANIA INVESTMENT 3.0 Development finance company - assis- Appraisal mission planned BANK - TIB) (Bank) ance chiefly for development of first half of 1973. manufacturing. 10.0 Highways IV - general improvement in Consultants' draft final r (IDA) highway maintenance. received. Min. of Works ei to complete project prepar by April. (TANZANIA ELECTRIC To be Power III - transmission and distrib- Project proposal to be SUPPLY COMPANY) determined ution lines. prepared by TANESCO. (Bank) Ministry of 15.0-20.0 Livestock II - broadly based program Appraisal report being Agriculture and (IDA) including expansion of marketing and prepared. (Joint financin Cooperatives, processing facilities and development with SIDA expected.) National of livestock production on commercial Agric. Company and ujamaa cooperative ranches. Total and Tanzania project cost estimated at around $23 Rural Development million. Bank To be (R) Cotton I (formerly "Rural Development") Appraisal mission scheduled determined - expansion of cotton production chiefly for early 1973. (IDA) through increased use of facilities and other inputs and technical services to growers. To be Dairy development I - dairy production Project to be prepared by determined and processing for domestic consumption. Government with PMEA assis- (IDA) tance. See P. 1 for footnotes. - 9 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing.Agency]./ Lender Project 1/ Action on Procurement f!./ UGANDA Ministry of Animal 6.6 Livestock development II - expansion Negotiations substantially Resources, Game & (IDA) into new areas of livestock development completed. Economic mission Fisheries started under first project. Project being planned. would finance about 140 medium-sized breeding/fattening ranches, one large steer fattening ranch and program of mixed farm development. Total cost $13. 4 million of which _foreign exchange component $4.6 million. Uganda Tea Growers 10.0 Smallholder tea II - continuation of Appraisal report prepared; Corporation (UTGC) (IDA) planting program started under phase I further action awaiting project. Additional planting of 6,800 economic mission. ha by about 7,500 smallholders and construction and expansion of tea fac- tories. Total cost $14.9 million of which foreign exchange component $7.1 million. Ministry of Mineral & 1.0 (R) Kampala/Jinja water supply and Awaiting legislation to create Water Resources and (Bank) sewerage. National Water and Sewerage National Water & Authority and appointment of Sewerage Corporation consultants to advise on its (to be established) establishment and operation. Ministry of Works, To be Highways III - further road construc- Bank comments on consultants' Communications & determined ti~n including tea feeder roads and draft final reports submitted; Housing (IDA) technical assistance. final reports awaited. Ministry of To be Integrated ·rural development - Project identification under Agriculture,· determined credit to farmers for inputs, ·im- way. Forestry & (J;DA) provements in infrastructure facil- Cooperatives ities (water and roads), strengthen- ing ·of marketing, processing and S:torag_e facilities. ZAIRE Minis try of To be (R) Rubber-plantation development and Project preparation by Goodyear Agriculture determined settlement. under way. (IDA) Ministry of To be (R) Cotton and food crops development Project preparation under way Agriculture determined for smallholders, probably in Ubangui with PAC assistance. (IDA) region. Ministry of About 5.() (~) Livestock - development of public Appraisal report being prepared. Agriculture (IDA) ranches in Shaba area. Society for To be (R) Development finance company III Awaiting determination of timing Financial Develop- determined -and amount of SOFIDE's need for ment (SOFIDE) (IDA) additional financial assistance. Bureau of National To be (R) Railway and river transport - rehabil- Project identification Transportation .determined itation of Kinshasa-Matadi railway mission in field. (ONATRA) (IDA) and inland waterways and ports. See P. 1 for footnotes. - 10.- Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency 1/ Lender Project]/ Action on Procurement !!../ ZAIRE (Cont'd) Office of Post To be Telecommunications - telephone system Awaiting receipt of project and Telecommunications determined in Kinshasa and inter-city links. proposal from the Governmen (ONPTZ) (IDA) Ministry of To be (R) Agriculture Awaiting project identifica Agriculture determined (IDA) Water Authority To be (R) Water supply and sewerage ~n Kinshasa Project identification unde1 (REG I DESO) determined and perhaps Matadi. way. Reconnaisance mission (IDA) in field. Bureau of Roads To be (R) Highways III - further road rehabili- Awaiting project identificat determined tation, construction and technical (IDA) assistance. Tobacco Board 11.5 (R) Family farming - tobacco; planting Negotiations began on Novemb of Zambia (Bank) 4900 ha tobacco and 6200 ha maize over 5 years by 5,000 new and 1,000 existing growers; provision of credit, seasonal and medium-term, and some infrastructure; only in Southern and Eastern Provinces but pilot schemes in other areas; total cost $15.5 _million of which $7.0 million in Minietry of Rural To be (R) Mixed farming - livestock and crops Preappraisal of institutiona Development determined development. aspects tentatively schedule, (Bank) for January. Ministry of Education About (R) Education III - agricultural, technical Appraisal report being prepa1 20.0 and medical traillins, Additional works (Bank) to complete secondary schools under first education project, educational services center, and technical assist- ance; total project cost estimated between $20 and $24 million. (KARIBA NORTH To be (R) Kariba North Bank (supplementary Further cost increases, due BANK COMPANY) determined financing) mainly to unforseeable advers (Bank) rock conditions, require increase in proposed loan smo Awaiting outcome of discussio with contractor regardin1 mai civil works contract. Procurement: Contract for ci works and major equipment awarded under Loan 701. Seep. 1 for footnotes. - 11 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency 1/ Lender Project ]./ Action on Procurement !±_/ ZAIRE (Cont'd) ZAMBIA ELECTRICITY 105.0 Kafue II - hydroelectric power; dam Appraisal report being prepared. ~UPPLY CORPORATION (Bank) construction at Itezhitezhi to Ltd. provide storage for eenerating plant 250 Ian downstream at Kafue Gorge where four 150 MW units are installed; project will ensure better utilization these units and enable addition of two more 150 MW units; electricity to be fed into CAPC grid; total cost likely to exceed $150 million of which 67% would be in foreign exchange. General Post 10.0 Telecommunications On basis of identification Office (Bank) mission's report, Goverrunent invited to comment on possi- bilities for Bank financing. Minis try of To be Highways III Possible scope of project being Power, determined considered with government. Transport & (Bank) Works - 12 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency ]_I Lender Project}./ Action on Procurement !!._/ II. WESTERN AFRICA CAMEROON National Ports 15.0-20.0 (R) Ports II - dredging of channel and Feasibility study being co Authority (Bank/IDA) additional berths at Douala. Total sidered. Awaiting additio cost tentatively estimated at $50 to information from Government $60 million. Preappraisal mission retur from field. (Co-financing probable with USAID, AFDB, French and German Governme ii Ministry of To be Cocoa - development of cocoa small- Awaiting feasibility study ,· ·.;! , Agriculture determined holdings in Eastern Cameroon, new (expected by May), (Bank) plantings, farm equipment, extension 11 services; upgrading of cocoa feeder roads; project size and components :1 still being discussed with Government. Ministry of 18.0 (R) Roads II - upgrading and paving, Consultants completing feas 1_' Transport (Bank/IDA) Garoua to Mora, 250 km; Douala to ity studies. Appraisal mis: Pont du Nkam, 180 km; Pont du Noun scheduled for January/Febru1 t to Foumban, 54 km. Project cost ~I tentatively estimated at $43 million with foreign exchange component of :i $30 million. ;I '.I Ministry of To be (R) Livestock development - establishment Consultants in field for fe Agriculture determined of up to 10 ranches in the Adamaoua, ibili ty study. (IDA) Batouri and Bamenda regions; stock routes; cattle markets and abattoirs. Project cost tentatively estimated at $12 million. Societe des 1.5 {R) Oil palm supplemental financing - $4.7 Negotiations started on palmeraies du (Bank) million needed to complete East Cameroon November 27, (Participatio 'I Cameroun oriental oil palm project (Ln. 593). It is pro- by CCCE and FAC expected.) I (SOP ACOR) posed that Bank, FAC, CCCE, Government and SOPACOR provide such financing. I CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC Ministry of Rural To be (R) Cotton development in Ouham and In abeyance pending Governm Development determined Ouham-Pende regions - provision reaction to findings of pre (IDA) of extension services, fertilizers tion mission. Project will and insecticides to farmers; credit longer be reported unless r to farmers; improvement of crop activated, transport roads and increase of ginning capacity. Ministry of Public Up to Bangui-Bossembele road - upgrading Feasibility study received Works, Housing and 4.0 of 156 km road. and being considered. Transport (IDA) CBAD --, 2.0 (R) Chari bridge - construction of a Further consideration of pr (IDA) bridge across the Chari River at in abeyance pending Chad an or near Fort Lamy.· Estimated Cameroon Governments' agree project cost about $3 million. on site, and AfDB action on financing feasibility and detailed engineering studie Project will not be reporte again unless reactivated. See P. 1 for footnotes. - 13 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency!/ Lender Project ll Action on Procurement !!_/ CHAD (Cont'd) Ministry of 2.0 {R) Cotton feeder roads {Phase I) - Findings of project preparation Public Works {IDA) improvement and maintenance of mission being discussed with about 300 km of selected seasonal roads Government. used for transporting seed cotton to ginneries; feasibility study and de- · tailed engineering of Phase II - improvement and maintenance of atl'- weather roads used for transporting fibre cotton from ginneries to ex- .port outlets. Ministry of To be (R) Cot ton feeder roads (Phase II) - Findings of project preparation Public Works determined improvement and maintenance to mission being discussed with {IDA) all-weather standards of about Government. 434 km of selected roads used for transporting fibre cotton from ginneries to export outlets. Ministry of Up to Sategui-Deressia irrigation - Appraisal mission in field. Agriculture and 6.0 expansion of rice production from (Joint financing with AfDB Rural Development {IDA) 9,000 ha to 11,000 ha in·sategui- possible.) Deressia Plains by constructing embankments, irrigation canals, housing and storage buildings and a rice mill; and provision of ex- tension services and agricultural credit; total project ccist about $9 million, CONGO, PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF Office du Ranch de la 3.5 {R) Livestock development of 30,000 ha for Appraisal report being considered. DIHESSE { ORD) {IDA) ranching in Niari valley, including Awaiting arrangements on project fencing, ranch access roads, watering management. facilities, housing and'cattle. Project cost about $5.3 million with $3.5 mil- lion in foreign exchange, IDA to .fi ... · nance construction and completion of ranch, water supply, roads and up to 6,600 head of cattle. Bilateral man- agement assistance envisaged. Agence Trans- To be Realignment of Holle-Dolisie (110 km) Awaiting de.tailed engineering congolaise des determined section of Congo-Ocean Railway. study, being financed by Cr. 29.7, Col!llllunications {ATC) {IDA) Estimated project cost up to $45 million. expected in early 1973. Co- financing by other lenders expected). (R) River transport - purchase of additional Project will be financed by AFDB equipment such as barges and push-boats and will no longer be reported. for timber transport. DAHOMEY Department of 8.2 (R) Roads - reconstruction of Parakou- Further consideration of project Public Works {IDA) Malanville road (320 km) and two small in abeyance pending discussions sections (11 km) of Cotonou-Bohicon road; with new government on Bank Group technical assistance for road maintenance. operations in Dahomey. {US AID Estimated total cost $21.8 million .with has agreed to provide $8 million $15 million in foreign exchange •. IDA in parallel financing). credit would finance mostly civil works contracts and technical assistance. See P, 1 for footnotes. ·I\ i ! - 14 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ Stage of Processing and Borrower or and Probable Project}/ Action on Procurement ':_/ Implementing Agency 1/ Lender DAHOMEY {Cont'd) 'Minis try of to b~ Education - possibly rural and voca- Reconnaissance in-depth miss Education determined tional education. scheduled in early 1973. {IDA) 'Ministry of Rural to be Agricultural diversification in Zou Consultants, {to be financed!, Development and determined and Borgou districts. Credit 307,) to be selected Cooperation {IDA) in 1973, to identify and pre the project. EQUATORIAL QUINEA Directorate of 2.0 (R) Roads - purchase of road maintenance Awai ting Government request Public Works {IDA~ equipment; construction or improvement UNDP to finance technical of workshops, garages and warehouses; assistance, with Bank as exe, road betterment works. Estimated agency. Bank proceeding to project cost about $2.7 million. recruit experts • Office du Chemin de Fer Transgabonais {OCTRA) To be determined {Bimk) (R) Owendo-Booue railway - about 338 km, including ancillary road construction and timber port facilities. Total project cost expected to exceed $200 Appraisal report being preps, {Co-financing by FED and other lenders expected.) I million. Water supply in Libreville - expansion 1' Societe d'Energie 8.0 (R) Appraisal report being prepar et d'Eau du Gabon (Bank) of pumping stations, pipelines, treat- {Participation by CCCE I f {SEEG) ment plant and storage. Total project expected) • Updating mission cost about $18 million. scheduled for mid-December. Procurement: Retroactive fin for engineering, about $300 being considered. 'Ministere de to be (R) Education - possibly rural and voca- UNESO'.> identification mission d'Education Nationale detennf.ned tional education. scheduled for January/Februal et de la Culture (Bank) Ghana Sugar Estates 15.6 (R) Rehabilitation of two sugar es tat es, Scheduled for Executive Direc and Agricultural (IDA) factories and plantations; replanting consideration on December 19. Development Bank {ADB) 7,300 acres of estate cane and 8,600 acres of farmers cane; expansion of Procurement: Retroactive fin I estate acreage by 3,500 acres and {up to $300,000) for factor farmers' acreage by 3,800. Project agricultural equipment undei:1 also includes employment of management consideration. team and technical assistance to ADB. Total project cost about $24 million of which foreign exchange component is about $15.6 million. IDA to finance factory and field equipment and vehi- . cles $6.0 million; expatriate staff $4. 8 million; civil works $2. 2 mil- lion; surveys and studies $0.2 million; outgrowers farm development $0.6 mil- lion and unallocated $1.8 million. See P. 1 for footnotes. ------------------------------------------------------·---- - 15 - Memher Country, and Amount 2/ and Probable Stage of Processing and llorrower or Action on Procurement !!._/ Implementing Agency}_/ Lender Project]_/ GHANA (Cont'd) Public Works To be Highway - rehabilitation of up to 580 Appraisal report being updated Department determined miles of main trunk roads. Project after Government review. (IDA) may also include studies of possible future feeder road project. Ministry of 10.0 Education - construction and equipment Negotiations substantially Education (IDA) of new institutions and extension to completed. Awaiting determina- existing institutions for teacher, tion of Government's position vocational and agricultural training on project and on related and related technical assistance. Total educational reforms. (Parallel project cost about $13 million with financing possible by UK, about $8 million in foreign exchange. Canada and UNDP of part of technical assistance component.) Water and Sewerage Up to (R) Water supply II - construction of new Appraisal report being considered, Corporation 10.0 dam and improved treatment facilities (IDA) at Weija; expansion of piped water Procurement: Retroactive finan- supply in Greater Accra Region to serve cing of detailed engineering 50,000 - 70,000 people. Total cost about (up to $234,000) to be recom- $15.8 million with about $10 million in mended. foreign exchange. Postal and Telegraph To be Telecommunications - rehabilitation and Appraisal report being considered. Authority determined expansion of telecommunications network (Parallel or joint financing (IDA) over 4-year period. Includes increase under discussion). of 27,700 lines in exchange capacity and strengthening long-distance telephone and telex circuits, as well as services for improved management and engineering. To be (R) Oil palm production - establishment of a Appraisal report being prepared. determined nucleus estate and small-holder farms on (IDA) about 25,000 acres in Eastern region, of which Phase I would involve 13,000 acres; to include extension services, agri- cultural inputs, processing facilities, credit, management and research. Total project cost of Phase I over first nine years about $8 to 9 million. To be (R) Rice production - on 20,000 acres Appraisal report being prepared. determined (mostly rehabilitation of existing farms) (Possible parallel financing by (IDA) in northern region; to include extension private banks and AFDB for rice services, agricultural inputs, machinery mills), and equipment, processing facilities and credit. To be (R) Cotton production - with groundnuts as Appraisal report being prepared. determined off-season crop, on 49,000 acres, mainly (IDA) in upper region; to include agricul- tural inputs, extension, credit and agricultural implements. See P. 1 for footnotes. - 16 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency~/ Lender Project '}__/ Action on Procurement !!._/ IVORY COAST (SATMACI) To be (R) Cocoa I I - planting in western regions, Feasibility studies to be determined resettlement of farmers. prepared by consultants. (Bank) Departme11t of About Road construction in Southwest Detailed engineering in pr Pub lie Works 10.0 studies and detailed engineering for appraisal mission scheduled (Bank) Abidjan-Sikensi road (68 km), and for early 1973. realignment and reinforcing works on Abidjan-Yamoussoukro and N'douci-Gagnoa roads. (SODERIZ) 4.0 Rice production - development in Awaiting outcome of experie (Bank) forest region between Gagnoa and Daloa with pilot project financed to include terracing, irrigation works, CCCE. (Co-financing with extension services and agricultural CCCE expected) • inputs. Total project cost about $10 million. Department of To be Urban transport - East-West express- Government to prepare addit Public Works determined way and port road, and infrastructure feasibility studies identif 1 (Bank) for Banco residential area. project preparation mission Terms of reference for stud been revised; study expecte begin shortly. Procurement: Study contrac awarded to BCEOM and BNET (SODHEVEA) 7.5 (R) 13,500 ha. rubber plantation development Negotiations substantially (Bank) in southwest region to include land completed. Loan and Projec clearing and transport equipment, tech- ments being revised in line nical assistance, plantation buildings, new organizational structur~ agricultural inputs. Total cost about cided by Government at.end $30 million including $12 million in October. (Co-financing wit foreign exchange. and FED arranged). Procurement: Contract with Michelin for management an technical assistance being revised. Retroactive fin cing of start up costs re- quested. Post and Telecom- 10.0 (R) Telecouununications - interregional links, Government preparing proposa munications (Bank) new centrals in Abidjan and other major for reorganization of PTT ad Administration (PTT) ta11ns. Total cost about $16 million. ministration. Preappraisal sion scheduled for December. (FAC financing technical ass for PTT and improvement of a ing procedures.) Department of 12.0 (R) Sewerage - collector system for Feasibility and organization Public Works (Bank) Treichville, the oldest section of studies being prepared by UN Abidjan. Total project cost about Preappraisal report being pr $17 million with $10 million in pared. foreign exchange. Ministry e>f To be Education - possibly rural and voca- Sector survey to identify Technical determined. tional education and teacher training. ities to be undertaken by Education (Bank) See P. 1 for footnotes. - 17 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency 1/ Lender Project 1/ Action on P.rocurement f!_/ LIBERIA Public Works 4.7 (R) .Highways II - equipment and technica-1 Appraisal report being prepared. Ministry (Bank/IDA) assistance for four-year maintenance pro- gram; feasib11i ty studies for cons truc- tion of roads; detailed engineering and construction of Monrovia Freeway; detailed engineering of port access roads. Public Utility 1.8 Power - supplementary financing of Public Discussions completed success- Authority (Bank) Utility Authority's generation program fully on reorganization of (I.Dans 684 and 778), needed because of Public Utility Authority; awaiting requirements for larger gas-turbine units Government confirmation of agree- for Bushrod thermal power station, as ment. well as currency adjustments. Public Works 4.0 (R) Highways III - improvement of two major Feasibility study discussed at Ministry (Bank) roads and bridge in area of Port of donors meeting in late October. Monrovia. Detailed engineering to be in- cluded in Highways II project. ~ Regie ·du Che!rln · S.5 (R) Railways II - track renewal; improvement Appraisal report being prepared. de Fer du Mali (IDA) and strengthening -of bridges; replacement (Parallel financing being con- of small number of locomotives and about sidered). 70 freight cars. Total project cost about 7.7 million including 5.5 million in foreign exchange. Directior des 8.0 (R) Roads II - rehabilitation of the Bamako Appraisal report being prepared. Travaux Publics (IDA) to Segou (215 km) and Bamako to Bougouni (Parallel financing being con- (160 km) roads; supplemental equipment sidered.) and technical assistance for highway maintenance and feeder roads. Total project cost estimated at $17 million· including $12.7 million in foreign ex- change. Minis.tere. de 7.5 (R) Integrated groundnuts/food crops devel~ Feasibility study under way. l'Agriculture (IDA) opmet1t - including provision of inputs, extension service, equipment, water sup- ply, feeder roads, technical assistance and research. Total project cost $9.• 4 million. Ministere de To be Livestock development in Mopti region~ Feas ib 111 ty study under way . 1' Agriculture determinC!d well construction, animal health, (IDA) firebreaks and technical assistance. Hinistere de To be (R) Four-year cotton development program - Government expected shortly to l'Agriculture determf."ed extension of ongoing FAC-financed proj- request FAC to finance feaai- (IDA) . ect, including inputs, equipment,·. tech- b 111 ty study • nical assistance and feeder roads. 4.0 (R) Education - construction of laboratories Appraisal mission in field. (IDA) and workshops in general and technical schools; assistance in planning and man- agement of education system. See P. 1 for footnotes. - 18 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ and Probable Stage of Processing and llorrower or IinplementinS Agency 1/ Lender Project 1/ Action on Procurement !!_/ MALI (Cont'd) Ministere de To be (R) Integrated rural development - to be Feasibility study to start i 1 'Agriculture determined carried out in the Haute Vallee ·and 1973. (IDA) would comprise intensified extension services and provision of credit fa- cilities, improvement of feeder roads and development of rural infrastructure. MAURITANIA Ministry of 3.0 Extension of Nouadhibou fishing port.- Feasibility study under way. Equipment · (IDA) including wharf construction and storage facilities. Ministry of 2.0 Education - Preinvestment study on educa- Awaiting Unesco project iden Education (IDA) tional reform, centers to train in- tion report. structors for farmer training, studio facilities for educational radio, voca-. tional, technical and commercial train- ing center, establishment of mobile unit for vocational training in remote areas. Ministry of Rural 3.5 Irrigated rice development in Gorgol Feasibility study under way. Development. (IDA) Valley - including construction of regulating and storage dams, dykes, irrigation and drainage systems. Total project cost estimated at about $10 million. Ministry of 3.5 Road Maintenance II Project identification missio Equipment (IDA) scheduled for early 1973. Ministere de To be Livestock development - project expected French experts completing 1 'Agriculture determined to link live~tock sector with agricul- general livestock studies (IDA) ture • before identifying project. Ministere des To be . (R) Niamey airport - strengthening of run- Appraisal mission tentatively Travaux Publics determined way. scheduled for January. (IDA) Minis-tere des To be (R) Highways III -- upgrading and paving Feasibility study being revie,; Travaux Publics determined secondary roads. (IDA) Ministere de To be Rural development - integrated devel- Project preparation under way. 1' Agricultu_re determined opment of Maradi area, including ex- (IDA) tension services and provision of farm inputs. To be Education - possibly rural education Awaiting project identificatio determined and teacher training. (IDA) See P. 1 for footnotes. - 19 - !ember Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Sta~e of Processing and Im lementin A enc l/ Lender Project'}_/ Action on Procurement !!_/ NIGERIA Federal Ministry of 60.0 (R) Roads VI - Federal roads, to be Appraisal mission in field. Works and Housing (Dank) selected, including Lagos-Ibadan ex- pressway. Procurement: Bids for one road (lbadan-Ife) invited; retroactive financing may be requested. Federal Ministry of 10.0 (R) Livestock I - establishment and re- Appraisal report being prepared. Agriculture and (Bank) habilitation of breeding and fattening Natural Resources ranches, pasture improvement, extension of credit and tse-tse control. Esti- mated total cost $19.4 million. Bank to finance pasture improvement (seed and fertilizer), watering facilities, fencing, building, machinery and vehicles and technical services. Federal Ministry of Up to (R) Tree crops I - rehabilitation and expan- Identification mission in field. Agriculture and 10.0 sion of tree crops, including oil palm, Natural Resources (Bank) in Eastern Nigeria. Federal Ministry of 15.0 (N) Rural Development - expansion of cotton Identification mission in field. Agriculture and (Bank) production in Northern State. Natural Resources Federal Ministry of 15.0 (N) Cocoa II - further expansion of cocoa Project preparation under way. Agriculture and (Bank) production in the Western State. Natural Resources Federal and Northern Up to (R) Education III - primary teacher train- Appraisal report being prepared. State Ministries of 55.0 ing and secondary schools in Northern Education (Bank) States. Total cost being reviewed. (NIGERIAN PORTS Up to (R) Ports II - expansion at Lagos port, Appraisal mission scheduled for AUTHORITY) 30.0 equipment and technical assistance. early December. (Bank) (NIGERIAN INDUSTRIAL 15.0 (R) DFC III - to provide foreign exchange NIDB has requested postponement DEVELOPMENT BANK - (Bank) financing for industrial projects of loan as its commitments have (NIDB)) through 1975. been slower than expected. Re- appraisal scheduled for April. National Electric Up to (N) Power V - to finance foreign exchange Preappraisal mission scheduled Power Authority 75.0 component of generation, transmission for December. (NEPA) (Bank) and distribution expansion program and studies for further development. Federal Ministry of 50.0 (N) Expansion of telecommunication Identification and preparation Communications (Bank) fac:111 ties. mission planned for mid-December. SENEGAL Office des Pastes 6.25 (R) TelecOl!Dllunications - rehabilitation Loan approved by Executive Directors et Telecommunications (Bank) and expansion of local networks in- on November 28. au Senegal (OPTS) cluding the city of Dakar, improve- ment and development of microwave link and long-distance facilities between Dakar and cities in north. Total project cost about $8.6 million, of which about $6.6 million in foreign exchange. See P. 1 for footnotes. - 20 ,- Memher Country, and Amount 2/ llorrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency 1/ Lender Project}./ Action on Procurement !!._/ SENEGAL (Cont'd) Eaux et Electricite 8.0 (R) Thermal power generation - Installation New appraisal deferred pending, de l'Ouest Africain (Bank) of 27.5 MW unit in Dakar and possible settlement of issues between expansion of distribution system; total Government and private company project cost about $15.0 million. Procurement: Bid analyses and award proposal being reviewe Societe d'Amenagement 4.5 (R) Agricultural development (Senegal River Negotiations completed. et d'exploitation (IDA) Polders) - irrigation for rice and des Terres du Delta tomato production in Senegal river area; Procurement: Retroactive finar project would include three sub-projects ing to be recommended up to totalling 4,850 ha and would involve $200,000, - $100,000 for sur· improvement of existing irrigation and vey engineering and $100,000 drainage systems. Total project cost for heavy equipment purchase about $7.5 million including $3 million in foreign exchange. IDA would finance engineering services $500,000; imported machinery $600,000; construction works and vehicles $2.7 million and contin- gencies $700,000. Ministry of Rural 5.0 (R) Agricultural credit II - follow-up Appraisal mission in field. Development (IDA) project to provide: technical assis- tance to local management services; agricultural implements; reorganiza- tion of cooperative system. Agence pour la Securite de la Navigation Aerienne 3.0 (Bank) (R) Dakar airport - extension of runway and provision of two aircraft aprons. Total project cost about $4.0 million of which Loan approved by Executive Dire on November 28. I en Afrique et a $2.4 million in foreign exchange. Madagascar Ministere de 5.0 Education II - secondary schools. Awaiting Government's completio d'Education (IDA) of education reform plans. Nationale Ministere des Up to . (R) Highway maintenance - strengthening Appraisal report being consider Travaux Publics, de 8.0 about 100 km of existing roads, procure- l'Urbanisme et des (IDA) ment of highway maintenance equipment, Transports improvement of workshops and technical assistance. Total project cost about $10.9 million including about $7.7 in foreign exchange. ( DAKARMARINE) About (N) Ship repair studies - detailed engineer- Proposals for engineering and 1.5 ing and comprehensive feasibility study studies being discussed with Go (Bank) for construction of dry-dock facility ernment, private sponsors and at Dakar for repair of ships up to other interested lenders. (Co- 500,000 tons. Total cost of engineering financing expected.) and studies expected to be about $2.5 million. (Estimated cost of dry-dock project about $85 million.) Dakar Port Authority To be (N) Ports II - (Project elements not yet Awaiting receipt of Port master determined decided). plan. · (IDA) See P. 1 for footnotes. - 21 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency)__/ Lender Project'}_/ Action on Procurement !!._/ TOGO Department of 5.0 Road construction on central axis of Detailed engineering under way; Pub lie Works (IDA) Blitta-Sokode (82 km) and two auxil- appraisal mission scheduled for iary roads, Agou to Nuatja (57 km) and late November. Sokode to Tchamba (35 km). Total project cost estimated at about $7 million. (CIMENTS DE To be Cement mill - 1.2 million ton clinker Viability of project being L' AFRIQUE DE determined capacity for regional supply, infra- reviewed by Governments. L'OUEST) (Bank) structure including rail-spur, road (Joint financing with EIB and port facilities. Total cost about and AfDB expected; FED would $100 million of which project would finance infrastructure). cost $80 million. Awaiting comments from Governments on Bank's pre- liminary views. Societe de 6.0 Planting and rehabilitation of 8,000 Studies by SEDES completed. Regeneration du (IDA) ha of cocoa in Palime-Badou region, Appraisal mission planned for Cafe et du Cacao extension services, training and March. agricultural inputs. Project cost about $8 million. UPPER VOLTA Office des Postes et To be Telecommunications - telephone lines Appraisal mission scheduled for Telecommunications detennined in Ouagadougou and other cities; November. (IDA) national and international microwave links. To be Education - improvement of rural Appraisal report being prepared. determined education centers; science labora- (IDA) tories. Total cost estimated to be $3 million. Ministere de To be (R) Livestock development in southwest - Feasibility study under way. !'Agriculture detennined feedlots, transportation and marketing (IDA) facilities • Ministere de To be (R) Regional development - resettlement of Project preparation being con- l' Agriculture determined Volta Valleys after control of river- ducted by French experts. (IDA) blindness. Ministere de To be Rice - irrigation for rice development Project preparation under way. !'Agriculture determined in Banfora area. (IDA) Ministere des To be Roads - improvement of about 200 km of Awaiting Government data for Travaux Publics determined trunk roads to be selected, plus selection of trunk road (IDA) possibly maintenance of secondary roads. sections to be included in project. Feasibility study of secondary road maintenance requirements under way. Ministere· de To be (R) Cotton II - extension of cotton devel- Consultants' field work com- !'Agriculture determined opment to Dedougou region; feasibility pleted; feasibility study to (IDA) study being financed under Cr. 225. be submitted shortly. See P. 1 for footnotes. - 22 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency :J../ Lender Project]./ Action on Procurement !!_/ III. ASIA AUSTRALIA Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea 5.0 (R) Agriculture III - lending for three Credit approved by Executive Development Bank (IDA) years to indigenous smallholders, Directors on October 31. mostly for beef cattle development and for pig and poultry production. Total project cost about $9.5 mil- lion. To be Education Project reconnaisance mis- determined sion in field. (IDA) Dept. of Transport 20.0 (Bank) Highways II - upgrading of existing Consultants appointed for 5.0 (IDA) road from Lae to the Highlands. feasibility study. Electricity 7.0 Power II Identification mission Conunission (ELCOM) (Bank) preparing report. BANGLADESH 50.0 (R) Reconstruction imports program Credit approved by Executive (IDA) credit - to assist in financing Directors on November 21 and part of various import requirements signed on November 30. related to reconstruction program. 5.0 (R) Cereal seeds - construction of Appraisal mission in field. (IDA) facilities for seed production, processing, distribution, storage, and technical assistance. BURMA Inland Water Up to (R) Inland water transport rehabilitation - Pre-appraisal mission pre- Transport 15.0 replacement of over-age vessels, pro- paring report. Appraisal Corporation (IDA) curement of spare parts and provision mission tentatively scheduled of repair facilities. for January. Burma Up to (R) ·Rehabilitation of railways - renewal Appraisal mission scheduled Railways 17.0 of over-age equipment, procurement of for January. Corporation (IDA) spare parts and provision of repair facilities. Agricultural Up to (R) Agricultural credit for private cul- Reconnaissance mission's Corporation 5.0 tivators for purchase of pumps and report being prepared. (IDA) other equipment, probably in Irrawaddy delta area. Details not yet determined. Agricultural Up to (R) Irrigation and embankment works in Report of identification Corporation 5.0 Irrawaddy delta area - details not yet mission being prepared. (IDA) determined. State Timber Up to (R) Forestry -- rehabilitation and expansion Reconnaissance mission pre- Corporation 10.0 of capacity for felling, logging, and paring report. extraction of timber; provision of transport. See P. 1 for footnotes. - 23 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ llorrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency l/ Lender Project '}_/ Action on Procurement !!_/ FIJI Ministry of 5.0 Tourism - probably infrastructure at Awaiting completion of UNDP- Communications, (Bank) Natandola site, financed feasibility study, Works and Tourism under way with Bank as executing agency, Ministry of Communications 4.2 (R) Supplementary financing for Highvay I Awaiting government approval Co1111111micat1ons, Works (Bank) project (Lu 771). of legal documents. and Tourism Industrial 25.0 (R) Development ·finance company - funds for Negotiations began on November Development Bank (!DA) government-owned DFC, which supports 20 and have been substantially of India State Finance Corporations which finance completed. small and medium scale industry. Total IDBI lending to SFC's estimated at $100 million during 1972-74, of which $37 million is for imported capital equip- ment, IDA financing will cover foreign exchange costs of imported capital goods required by SFC-financed industries. State Governments 12.0 CR) Agricultural universities - construc- Credit signed on November 10. of Bihar and Assam (IDA) tion and equipment for main in Bihar and Assam; technical assist- ance; equipment for Institute of Agri- cultural Research Statistics. Total project cost about $18 million in- cluding about $5 million in foreign exchange. Fertilizer 55,0 (R) Nangal fertilizer plant - expansion Negotiations expected to Corporation of (IDA) of capacity of plant from 80,000 begin on December 4. India (FCI) nutrient tons of nitrogen ~o 230,000 tons. Total project cost estimated Procurement: FCI has selected at about $100 million including about Uhde as ammonia plant con- $55 million in tractor. State Electricity 80.0 (R) Power transmission III - continuing Appraisal report being completed. Boards (IDA) support for extension of transmission facilities to be undertaken during the remainder of the fourth Five-Year Plan by five State Electricity Boards and other power entities. ARC and State 35.0 (R) Agricultural credit in Madhya Pradesh Appraisal report being prepared. Land Development (IDA) - groundwater development and land de- !lank velopment, Total cost of 1973-75 pro- gram estimated at $50 million includ- ing about $10 million in foreign exchange. Bombay Municipal 50.0- Bombay water supply and sewerage - Appraisal report being prepared. Corporation (BMC) 60.0 1972-77 expansion program. Total (IDA) cost estimated at $160 million. Procurement: Retroactive finan- IDA credit to finance cost of cing of consultants' services equipment, materials, consultant's and of some materials under services and training. consideration, See P. 1 for footnotes. - 24 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency]_/ Lender Project}/ Action on Procurement !!_I INDIA (Cont'd) ARC and State 30.0 Agricultural credit in Bihar - ground- Appraisal nission tentatively Land Development (IDA) water development, r.iechanization and scheduled for early 1973. !lank land development. ARC and State 30.0 Agricultural credit in Uttar Pradesh Appraisal mission in field. Land Development (IDA) groundwater and land development. State of Madhya 25.0 (R) Tawa irrigation - completion of on- Further processing deferred Pradesh· (IDA) going project involving earth and pending resolution of civil masonry dam, construction of water dis- works procurement issue. tribution system, land shaping and sup- porting infrastructure. Project would irrigate 240,000 ha at estimated cost of over $71 million including $17 million in foreign exchange. State of 20.0 Jayakwadi irrigation - completion of on- Appraisal mission postponed Maharashtra (IDA) going project involving an earth and pending resolution of civil masonry dam on the Godavari River; con- works procurement issue. struction of water distribution system and other infrastructure to support agri- cultural development. Project would ir- rigate 350,000 acres. State of Kerala 15.0 Pamba irrigation - completion of on- Appraisal mission postponed (IDA) going project to develop irrigation pending resolution of civil potential of Kakkad River. works procurement issue. Fertilizer 20.0 Trombay fertilizer - modernization and Modernization program being Corporation of (IDA) expansion of existing plant to produce prepared. India (FCI) additional 130,000 tons of phosphate and 130,000 tons of nitrogen annually. Total project cost estimated at about $60 million although it may be revised 'downward to about $30 million. P&T Department 60.0 (R) Telecommunications V - 1974-75 invest- Appraisal mission scheduled (IDA) ment program of P & T Department, in- for January. cluding expansion of local exchanges and long distance network. Indian Railways 75.0 (R) -Railways XII - financing for part of Timing of appraisal will depend (IDA) foreign exchange requirement of 1974-75 on progress under the on-going investment program of Indian Railways, project (Cr. 280). including motive power, rolling stock and track improvement and expansion. State of Himachal 9.0 (R) Apple Processing - improvement of trans- Appraisal report being prepared. Pradesh (IDA) portation facilities including con- struction of new feeder roads; installa- tion of 40 km cableways, construction of apple collection and packing stations, cold storage, apple processing plant with annual capacity of 12,000 tons; provision of training facilities. Total project cost estimated at $15 million including $5 million in foreign exchange. Seep. 1 for footnotes. - 25 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency ]_I Lender Project'.}_/ Action on Procurement ~/ INDIA (Cont'd) (ICICI) 60.0 Development finance company - con- Appraisal scheduled for January. (Bank) tinuation of support of industrial finance. (TATA CHEMICAL CO.) 30.0 Tata fertilizer - construction of Awaiting feasibility study (Bank) facility to produce urea and ammonium before scheduling preappraisal chloride. mission. 75.0 (R) Industrial imports VIII - further Appraisal scheduled for December. (IDA) importation of components and materials for selected groups of high priority industries. National Minerals 40.0 Kudremukh iron ore - extraction of Appraisal of project dependent Deve loprnen t (IDA) ore for export at rate of 7.5 million on completion of project plans, Corporation tons per year. Large open pit mining including transport and operation followed by upgrading of ore. marketing arrangements. Regrounds of this concentrate to be pumped by pipeline to port of Panambur and via submarine pipeline to tankers anchored offshore for shipping to Europe and Japan. Total project cost estimated at $232 million, including $80 million in foreign exchange. State of 5.0 (R) Forestry in Uttar Pradesh - includes Appraisal scheduled for Spring, Uttar Pradesh (IDA) planting of 22,000 ha annually of 1973 following further prep- quick growing and industrial species; aratory work. construction and upgrading of about 2000 Km of forest roads and estab- lishing cableway, logging units and sawmills. Total project cost estimated at $8 million. State of 12.0 (R) Wholesale markets in Uttar Pradesh - five Appraisal report being prepared. Uttar Pradesh (IDA) year development program for market fa- cilities and marketing cooperatives and training for market personnel - financing to be through Agricultural Refinance Cor- poration and commercial banks to local market committee. State of Karnacak 8.0 (R) Wholesale markets in Mysore - five year Appraisal report being prepared. (Mysore) (IDA) development program for market facili- ties and marketing cooperatives and training for market personnel - financ- ing to be through Agricultural Refinance Corporation and commercial banks to local market committee. State of 30.0 Krishna -irrigation - construction of State government carrying out Maharashtra (IDA) three earthfill darns, two on River preparatory studies. Krishna and one on River Vennar, to- gether with water distribution and related on-farm works and infrastruc- ture to support agricultural develop- ment. Project would irrigate 160,000 acres. See P. 1 for footnotes. - 26 - Member Country, and Amount ~/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency]_/ Lender Project]./ Action on Procurement !!_/ INDIA (Cont'd) Calcutta Metro- 30.0 Calcutta urban development - construc- Appraisal mission in field. politan Develop- (IDA) tion of water supply, sewerage, trans- ment Author! ty port facilities and other urban infra- structure as identified in Calcutta Development Program. 40.0 Drought prone areas - to promote minor Project preparation mission (IDA) irrigation works, roads and afforesta- scheduled for early 1973. tion in 16 drought prone areas. Total project cost estimated at $85 million. State of Rajasthan 40.0 (R) Rajasthan canal area development - on Preparation mission scheduled (IDA) farm credit and minor works. for January/February. Rural Electrification 40.0 (N) Rural electrification Preappraisal mission schedule Corp. and State (IDA) for December. Electricity Boards ARC and State Land 30.0 (N) Agricultural credit, Haryana II - To Awaiting project preparation Development Bank (IDA) follow Haryana I, agricultural credit (expected by September 1973). for groundwater development, mechaniza- tion and land development. State of West Bengal 25.0 (N) Wholesale markets in West Bengal - five Preappraisal mission schedule (IDA) year development program for rural devel- for February. opment centers including market facil- ities and training of market personnel; financing to be through Agricultural Refinance Corporation and commercial banks to local market committee. State of Rajasthan 15.0 (N) Livestock improvement in Rajasthan in- Reconnaissance/sector mission (IDA) cluding sheep breeding and wool grading scheduled for February. and marketing. INDONESIA 5.0 Smallholder development - to assist Negotiations substantially (IDA) smallholders in North Sumatra to grow completed. rubber and oil palm by provision of financing, agricultural inputs and improvement of extension services and processing and marketing facilities. Total project cost about $10 million, of which about $5 million in foreign exchange. Ministry of Public 18.0 (R) Highways III - road construction in Appraisal report being prepare l./orks & Power (IDA) Sulawesi; pre-investment studies for preparation of future highway proj- ects. Total project cost about $26 million, including $18 million in foreign exchange. Bali Development Up to Bali tourism - site development and Project preparation under way. Corporation 15.0 infrastructure in Nusa Dua beach area (To be established) (IDA) at southern tip of island of Bali; first phase would provide infrastruc- ture for hotel accommodations with 2,000 to 2,500 rooms. See P. 1 for footnotes. - 27 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency]__/ Lender Project 1/ Action on Procurement !!_I INDONESIA (Cont'd) Government limited 3.6 (R) Livestock - to develop six Government Negotiations completed. liability company, (IDA) ranches in South Sulawesi and one in (to be established) Sumba, and to initiate small pilot program of lending to selected private farmers. Total project cost about $6.5 million including about $3.0 in foreign exchange. Jatiluhur 30.0 Irrigation (Jatiluhur extension) - Project preparation substan- Authority (IDA) New construction and rehabilitation tially completed. Optimum use for second stage of Jatiluhur irriga- study for Jatiluhur Reservoir tion system in West Java, flood pro- being prepared. tection and coastal fish development. Total project cost about $63 million with $25 million in foreign exchange. National Sugar 30.0 Sugar industry rehabilitation Appraisal report being prepared. Corporation, a (IDA) Government Agency (to be established.) Ministry of 23.0 (R) Education III - procurement of text- Appraisal report being prepared. Education and. Culture (IDA) books for elementary and secondary schools, elementary school teacher upgrading. Total project cost up to $46 million including about $18 million in foreign exchange. Ministry of Communi- 20.0 (R) Telecommunications II Appraisal mission scheduled for cations and PERUMTEL (IDA) November 30. Perusahaan Umun 30.0 (R)' Thermal power (West Java). 200 M;/ Appraisal mission in field. Listrik Negara (IDA) steam plant to be located near Jakarta; total project cost about $50 million with $30 million in foreign exchange. Government limited Up to Fisheries II - shipjack (tuna) fishing Report of FAQ project identi- liability company (to 20.0 at Ambon and Sarong, brackish water fication/preparation mission be established) (IDA) fish ponds in Java. being prepared. Municipality of 12.0 Industrial estate at Pule Gadung - Appraisal report being Jakarta (IDA) joint venture of municipality of prepared. Jakarta and Westinghouse Group. Ministry of To be (R) Highways IV - road construction in Detailed engineering by Public Works and determined Sumatra consultants, financed under Power (IDA) second highways credit (Cr. 260), to start in February/March. Ministry of Agri- 10.0 Agricultura.l estates V Project preparation under way. culture (IDA) i' Nunicipali ty of 5.0 - 10.0 (R) Waste disposal for Jakarta Project preparation under way. I Jakarta (IDA) I Ministry of Public 5.0 Water supply for seven towns Project preparation under way. Works and Power (IDA) See P. 1 for footnotes. - 28 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency ]_I Lender Project}./ Action on Procurement '!../ INDONESIA (Cont'd) Ministry of Agriculture 15.0 (IDA) Irrigation rehabilitation V Project preparation unde~ w~ I Ministry of 5.0 (R) Agricultural extension and research Project identification m1ss10 Agriculture (IDA) in field. Ministry of 10.0 Agricultural Processing I Project identification under Agriculture (IDA) way. Ministry of 15.0 (R) Tea - smallholder and private estate Appraisal report being prepar Agriculture (IDA) tea development of about 32,000 ha in West Java and factory construction and rehabilitation; total project cost about $25 million with $15 million in foreign exchange. Municipal Agency To be Urban development - site and services Project identification under (to be determined) determined for low income self-help housing in way. (IDA) Udyung Pandang/Surabaya. Ministry of Up to (R) Railways Project identification missio Communications 10.0 in field. (IDA) Development Finance Up to Narine Transport II Project identification under Company (BAPINDO) 10.0 way. (IDA) Pe rt arnina ( the Up to Fertilizer II - second large nitrogen Terms of reference of feasi- Government-owned 40.0 fertilizer plant to produce ammonia bility study agreed with oil and gas (IDA) phosphate and urea. Government. (Joint financing corporation) expected with Japan and Europe lenders.) KOREA Ministry of 5.0 (R) Seed production - support for breeding Awaiting final project sub- Agriculture (IDA) and processing of HYV's of rice, barley, mission by government; and Forests wheat, corn and other crops. Estimated appraisal mission scheduled total cost $8.8 million including $6.2 for April. million in foreign exchange. Korea National 40.0 (R) Railways IV - includes electrification Loan approved by Executive Railroad (Bank) of major trunk line; electrification of Directors on November 14 and Seoul suburban area; track renewals, signed on November 22. bridge strengthening; acquisition of rolling stock, signalling and sophis- tica·ted communication equipment; plant and machinery for workshops. Project is part of borrower's overall railway program for third five-year plan (1972-76); estimated cost of program $274 million including $156 million in foreign exchange. Ministry of 20.0 (R) Education II - secondary and higher Appraisal mission in field. Education (uncertain) level vocational-technical teacher training; and health and management training. Final project elements to be determined by appraisal mission. See P. 1 for footnotes. - 29 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency.!_/ Lender Project ll Action on Procurement ':._/ KOREA (Cont'd) Ministry of 60.0 - 75.0 (R) Ports - improvements at Ports of Pusan Appraisal mission in field. Transportation (Bank) and Mukho in operations, organization and financial management. Estimated total cost has risen to $192 million with $112 million in foreign exchange. Consultants requested to submit pro- posals for a two stage project and phased Bank loan, possibly between $60 and $75 million. Kyongju Development 10.0 Tourism - tourist resort planning and Awaiting project preparation. Office (Bank) development; access roads to historical sites; and water and sewerage systems for Kyongju city area. 1 (KDFC) 35.0 Development finance company Awaiting further commitment (Bank) of present loan; appraisal mission scheduled for January. Ministry of Up to (R) Highways II - construction of Scope of project to be identi- Construction 40.0 Wonju-Kangnung and Samchok-Sokcho fied by consultants financed (Bank) highway, procurement of highway under first highways project maintenance equipment and paving (Ln.769); appraisal mission of existing road (40 km.) tentatively scheduled for March. Ministry of Agriculture 15.0 (N) Agricultural products processing - Project request received and and Forests ( uncertain) integrated agricultural project to under review. develop facilities for growing com- mercial crops for export and modern facilities for processing and packaging. Korean Development Bank 20.0 (N) Public sector development finance Report of exploratory mission to (KDB) ( uncertain) company. KDB in November, now being pre- pared, will provide ba·sis for further discussions with Govern- ment and KDB. Pohang Steel Co. Up to (N) Expansion of Pohang Steel Company Financial preappraisal mission (POSCO) 60.0 facilities from 1.0 to 2.6 million in field; appraisal mission (Banlt) tons per year. Total foreign ex- planned for first quarter of 1973. change cost estimated at $220 to (Parallel financing with Japan .$235 million. possible.) Ministry of Construction 20.0 (N) Urban development - site and services Exploratory mission in field to ( uncertain) development in a secondary city; pro- discussion selection of project bably in less developed Southwest city and possible elements of province. project. MALAYSIA (BANK PERTANIAN) 10.0 (R) Agricultural credit - medium and long Pre-appraisal mission in field. (Bank) term credit for rubber and oil palm, cocoa, poultry development and agri- business investment. Federal Land Development 15.0 Jengka land settlement III - further Appraisal report being considered. Authority (FELDA) (Bank) forest clearing,·planting and settle- ment in Jengka Triangle Public Works Dept. 10.0 Kuala Lumpur water supply II Appraisal report being prepared. Selangor State (Bank) See P. 1 for footnotes. - 30 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stace of Processing and Implementing Agency]._/ Lender Project 1/ Action on Procurement ii MALAYSIA (Cont'd) :-lat ion al Family 5.0 (R) Population - construction and equipment, Negotiations substantially Planning Board (Bank) technical assistance, advisory services completed. (Parallel financi and training. Total project costs with UN Fund for Population estimated at $14.5 million including Activities.) $7.2 million in foreign exchange. (NATIO:-IAL ELECTRICITY Up to Power VI - Temengor hydroelectric (350 Project preparation under way. BOARD) 40.0 }nn. Estimated total cost $90 million (Canada and Japanese bilateral (Bank) including foreign exchange $60 million. aid as well as suppliers credi expected to finance major part of project) Public Works To be (R) Highway Route I - improvement and up- Detailed engineering under way Department determined grading of three different sections of Appraisal mission in field. (Bank) the main north-south highway known as Federal Route I. Portions to be im- proved are between Seremban - Kuala LlDllpur; Rawang - Taujong Malim and upgrading of 17 miles north and south of Butterworth. To be Kuala Lumpur sewerage - additions to Awaiting preparation of determined and improvement of sewerage system. project. (Bank) To be Land settlement in Johore Project preparation under way. determined (Bank) Ministry of To be (R) Education Ill Project identification mission Education determined in field. (Bank) Malayan Railway To be Railways II Possible project tentatively Administration determined identified by supervision nis- (Bank) sion, now preparing report. NEPAL Birganj Irrigation 6.0 (R) Birganj irrigation - related project Awaiting fulfillment of condi- Project Authority (IDA) elements as follows: (a) completion tions by Government before (to be established) of distributary system and on-farm starting negotiations. development of 28,700 ha to be irri- gated with water from the Gandak River (the primary canal system being constructed by India); (b) pilot groundwater project consisting of rehabilitation of 14 existing tubewells and construction of 14 new tubewells to irrigate 2,700 ha; and (c) development of agricultural sup- porting activities. Total cost esti- mated at $9.8 million, including about $3.6 million in foreign exchange. Nepal Teleco1D111unications 5.2 (R) Telecommunications II - continuation of Appraisal report being pre- Board (NTB) (IDA) NTB's development program. Four year pared. project costing about $8.1 million (in- cluding $5.2 million foreign exchange) and expected to include increase in capacity of existing exchanges and long distance routes plus extension of system to new areas in Western Nepal. See P. 1 for footnotes. - 31 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency ]_I Lender Project l/ Action on Procurement !!_/ i~t:PAL (Cont'd) To be (R) Forestry/land settlement - possibly in Awaiting new proposals from determined western part of Nepal. Details not yet government regarding scope of (IDA) determined. project. Roads Department To be (R) Highways II - construction of secondary Selection of project elements determined roads (to open up new areas) connecting awaiting completion of UNDP- (IDA) with East-West Highway; construction of financed feasibility study porter-trail suspensio~ bridges. (expected by January/February). Water Supply lloard Up to (R) Water supply and sewerage - to include Government preparing preliminary or Corporation to be 13.0 works in Kathmandu Valley and possibly engineering and cost estimates, established (IDA) in some provincial towns. with help of consultants. Procurement: Retroactive fi- nancing of consultants' serv- ices and preparatory works may be recommended. NEW ZEALAND (DEVELOPMENT FINANCE To be Development finance company II Timing and amount dependent CORPORATION) determined on utilization of first loan. (Bank) PAKISTAN Lahore Improvement To be (R) Lahore water supply and sewerage II - Revised proposal being considered. Trust (LIT) determined Water supply works comprising tube- (IDA) wells, chlorination plant, main grid and distribution pipelines; sewerage and drainage works including pumping stations. (Stage I of project, financed under Cr. 106, jointly with Sweden, is completed.) (PICIC) 20.0 (R) Development finance company IX - for Appraisal mission in field. (Uncertain) onlending in foreign currencies to various private manufacturing industries. Trustees of 18.0 Karachi port - construction of four Draft of final engineering and Port of Karachi (IDA) new berths, remodelling of a railway economic feasibility report, (KPT)' yard and reconstruction of a bridge. financed with Cr.S-9, submitted. Total project cost estimated at $32 Appraisal report being prepared. million, including about $18 million in foreign exchange. (W.P INDUSTRIAL To be (R) Fertilizer plant, possibly in Multan Additional information being DEVELOPMENT determined for production of urea and complex prepared. CORPORATION (WPIDC) (Uncertain) fertilizer. State Bank of To be (R) Industrial imports - to finance imports Appraisal mission scheduled for Pakistan determined of components and materials needed to February /March. (IDA) increase industrial production utiliz- ing the existing capacity. Telephone and Telegraph Up to (N) Telecommunications - microwave systems, T & T Dept. preparing proposals. Dept. or Corporation 20.0 cable, line plant materials and materials Appraisal mission tentatively (to be established) (IDA) for local manufacture for domestic scheduled for September 1973. communications. See P. 1 for footnotes. - 32 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency]._/ Lender Project 1f · Action on Procurement !!._/ PHILIPPINES Department of 12. 7 (R) Education II - agricultural education Scheduled for Executive Direc Education (IDA) and training, technical education and consideration on December 12. vocational training, curriculum de- velopment and teacher training. Total project cost about $17.7 million with foreign exchange component about $12.4 million. Development llank of 10.0 Fisheries - program of relending to Appraisal mission in field. the Philippines (DBP) (Bank) private sector for coastal fisheries and fishpond development. Bureau of Pacific 4 7 .o (R) Highways II - construction of about 700 Detailed engineering under wa Highways (Bank) kre of roads in Luzon and rehabilitation Preappraisal mission schedule of minor roads and bridges. for December. Procurement: Retroactive fi- nancing of detailed enginee (about $400,000) to be reco mended. 5.0 Ports II - improving and expanding port Appraisal mission scheduled fo (IDA) facilities at possibly two ports in December. Luzon and two in Mindanao. Total pro- ject cost estimated at $10 million with foreign exchange component of about $3 million. 10.0 Ports III - improving and expanding port UNDP-financed feasibility stud (Bank) facilities at additional ports. being arranged with Bank as ex ecuting agency. (METROPOLITAN WATER 35.0 (R) Water supply II - further expansion of Preappraisal of MWSS's managem \WRKS AND SEWERAGE (Bank) water supply facilities for Manila area. and operations tentatively sch SYSTEM (MWSS)) uled for February. (CENTRAL BANK OF 15.0 (R) Rural credit III - to assist in finan- CBP expected to submit THE PHILIPPINES (IDA) cing medium and long term loans by rural project preparation study (CBP)} banks for purchase of farm equipment, by August 1973. construction of off-farm facilities and crop development. (NATIONAL POWER 35.0 Power VI - hydro or thermal plant for Feasibility studies being CORPORATION (NPC)) (Bank) further expansion of Luzon grid. undertaken by consultants under Bank loan for Power V project. Development Bank of 20.0 (R) Inter-island shipping - to assist in Collection of basic data to the Philippines (DBP) (Bank) financing medium and long term loans be discussed with government or other suitable to private shipping companies for in December and January. intermediary replacement of existing fleet or purchase of new ships. National Irrigation 40.0 Irrigation II - Magat River Feasibility study under Authority (Bank) way with USAID financial assistance; expected to be completed by mid-1973. Population 8.0 (R) Population - assistance to Government Appraisal mission planned for Commission (IDA) in expanding rural health infrastruc- March. ture, staff training facilities and research and communications capacity. Development Bank of 30.0 (R) To assist in financing medium and Preappraisal of DBP's opera- the Philippines (DBP) (Bank) long term loans for industry. tions tentatively scheduled for February. See P. 1 for foonotes. - 33 - Arnount 2/ and Probable Stage of Processing and A enc 1_/ Lender Project 11 Action on Procurement !!_/ SINGAPORE Public Works 10.0 {R) Sewerage II - additions and irnprove- Appraisal tentatively sche- Department (Bank) rnents to system. duled for January. Ministry of To be Mass transit UNDP-financed study underway Communications determined with Bank as Executing Agency. (Bank) Phase I will identify most desirable mass transit system for Singapore and Phase II will be detailed feasibility study of recommended system. }linistry of Health To be Solid waste disposal Pre-appraisal scheduled for determined February. (Bank) SRI LANKA (CEYl.DN) Up to (R) Livestock development program directed Identification mission in field. 5.0 primarily at expanding output of dairy (IDA) products to substitute for imports. Details not yet determined. Ceylon Electricity 5.3 (R) Power - expansion of transmission and Appraisal report being prepared. Board (CEB) (IDA) distribution network. THAILA.'lD Departrnent of 28.6 {R) Highways V - construction of three Scheduled for Executive Directors' Highways (Bank) highway sections (about 285 km) and consideration on December 5. about 387 km of provincial roads; procurement of some maintenance Procurement: Three contracts equiprnent; feasibility, engineering for two highway sections and highway maintenance studies; tech- awarded. Total cost·of these nical assistance. Total project cost contracts about $17 million estimated at $58.6 million, including of which about $8 million $28.6 million in foreign exchange. foreign exchange. Retro- active financing up to $4 million to be recommended. (ELECTRICITY GENERATING 30.0 {R) Quai Yai Dam - construction of darn and Appraisal mission in field. AUTHORITY OF THAILAND) (Bank) power house (2 x 120 MW W1its) and {Japan may finance part of transmission facilities. Project project costs). would also provide water for Stage II of Mekong irrigation project. Foreign exchange cost about $55 million - $30 mill.ion civil works and $25 million for equiprnent and engineering. (TELEPHONE ORGANIZATION 37.0 {R) Telecommunications - project is first Approved by Executive Directors OF THAILAND) (Bank) stage of TOT's 1972-76 investment pro- on November 14. (Part of project gram costing $177 million ($87 million costs may be financed from other foreign exchange) and includes addi- external sources). tional automatic exchanges and replace- ment of old exchanges in the Bangkok and provincial systems and erecting of new and expansion of long distance system. (STATE RAILWAY OF 37.0 (R) Railways IV - project is part of Rail- Appraisal report being prepared; IBA! I.AND) (Bank) ways' 1972-76 dieselization and mod- (Possible parallel financing.) ernization program and includes pro- curement of 54 diesel locomotives and Procurement: Bids for 54 diesel_ spares, additional rolling stock locomotives opened in June and and rails. Total project cost about award was expected in October. $60 million. Bank reviewing evaluation process, to check adherence to "Guidelines". See P. for footnotes. - 34 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and !!!!£lementing Agensr ]_I Lender Project'}_/ Action on Procurement !!._/ THAILAND (Cont'd) (INDUSTRIAL FINANCE 10.0 Development finance company II On basis of appraisal mis- CORPORATION OF (Bank) sion's findings consideration TllA!LAND) deferred lDltil 1973/74. Ministry of 15.0 (R) Education III - construction and/or Negotiations expected to begin Education (IDA) equipment of about 10 elementary in mid-December or early Janua teacher training colleges and related practice schools, additional facilities for about 32 secondary schools, a cur- riculum development and educational technology center and additional facil- ities for Faculties of Science and Eneineering·; Songkhla University. Total project cost estimated at $33 million with $14.1 million in foreign exchange. (INDUSTRIAL ESTATES 6.0 Development of industrial estates. Awaiting enactment of legisla- AUTHORITY) (Bank) tion establishing industrial estates authority. Bank of Thailand 5.0 Agricultural development fund - to Sector mission's proposal (IDA) help finance range of agricultural being considered by Government and related activities. Ministry of 5.0 (R) Seeds multiplication - to strengthen Report of project reconnaissan Agriculture (IDA) and expand government seed breeding mission being prepared, stations. Ministry of 5.0 Northeast crop improvement - Government preparinB project Agriculture (IDA) completion and improvement of existing with assistance of Bank. irrigation schemes plus provision of supporting services. Ministry of 10.0 Northeast urban infrastructure - to im- Project preparation mission Interior (IDA) prove urban services and facilities in preparing report. four cities in Northeast Thailand. Ministry of 5.0 Chao-Phya Irrigation development - im- Appraisal report being consider Agriculture (IDA) provements and extensions to existing distribution system to help facilitate introduction of second cropping plus necessary supporting services. Total project costs about $10 million. Royal Irrigation 20.0 (R) Pitsanuloke irrigation - structures to Pre-appraisal mission scheduled Department (Bank) divert Nan River, main and secondary for December. canals to irrigate about 145,000 ha plus on-farm development and support- ing services. Total project cost about $160 million, estimated foreign exchange cost of first stage about $20 million. (PORT AUTHORITY To be Port development - project would comprise Feasibility of converting OF THAILAND) determined either construction of additional facil- Sattahip to civilian use being (Bank) ities at Klang Toi in Bangkok or conver- studied by consultants financed sion of existing facilities at Sattahip by U.S. AID; report expected by on Gulf of Thailand for civilian use or end of 1972. construction of new facilities. (METROPOLITAN WATER- Up to Bangkok water supply - surface water Appraisal report being prepared. WORKS AUTHORITY) $40.0 facilities, treatment plant, trans- (Parallel financing with ADB (Bank) mission tunnels, service reservoirs, and Japan.) pumping stations, and tubewells; engineering services for detailed design, Procurement: Retroactive construction supervision and assistance financing of foreign exchange for management improvement. Total proj- cost of engineering, $1.6 ect cost about $185 million, with about million, being considered. $60 million in foreign exchange. See P. 1 for footnotes. - 35 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency]_/ Lender Project 1/ Action on Procurement !!._/ IV. EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA AFGHANISTAN Afghanistan Air 2.3 (R) Aviation - relocation and replacement Appraisal report being prepared. Authority (IDA) of obsolete Flight Information Center; technical assistance to Afghan Air Authority; preliminary engineering and feasibility study of proposed new air- port at Logar to serve Kabul; and if justified by feasibility study, detailed engineering for airport at Logar. Total cost about $2.9 million of which $2.3 million in foreign exchange. Herst Livestock 4.0 (R) Livestock - farm development, a Appraisal report being prepared. Development (IDA) slaughterhouse for meat exports, (DANIDA of Denmark expected to Corporation ( to refrigerated vehicles, technical participate in financing some be established) assistance and training. Total project parts of slaughterhouse. Nature cost estimated at about $10.6 million and scope of DANIDA participation including $6.4 million in foreign ex- under review.) change. Industrial Development 2.0 Development finance company - to Appraisal report being reviewed. Bank of Afghanistan (IDA) be established by private Afghan shareholders with expected for- eign participation of approximate- ly 40%. Afghan Tourist 2.0 (R) Tourism - development of hotel and Project preparation under way. Organization/Afghan (IDA) ancillary facilities in Bamiyan, Air Authority North Afghanistan and possibly Kabul; technical assistance and training. Cost of total project, which may be implemented in stages, estimated at $11 million, of which about $8 mil- lion in foreign exchange. Road Maintenance 8.0 (R) Highways II - expansion beyond Preparation pre-appraisal mission First Department - (IDA) Eastern Region of existing highway returned. Ministry of Roads maintenance project (158-AF), for maintenance of primary roads and betterment of secondary roads; estimated cost about $11 millton, includ:fng $8 million in foreign exchange. ALGERIA Ministry of Education Up to (R) Education I - equipment for several Appraisal mission in field. 12.0 technological institutes • . (Bank) To be Industry I - existing cement plant to Awaiting more detailed economic, determined be expanded from 400,000 tons to 1 mil- geological and other pre- (Bank) . lion tons per year. Total project cost feasibility s tudiea. about $40 million, of which about $25 million in foreign exchange. See P. 1 for footnotes. - 36 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ llon::-ower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency ]_I Lender Project '}_/ Action on Procurement ~/ ALGERIA (Cont'd) Ministry of Up to Highways I - partial improvement of Appraisal report being prepar Public Works 17.4 about 150 km of roads, including con- UNDP may finance about $1 mil (Bank) nections, between Constantine-Skikda- of consultant's services. Annaba; purchase of vehicles, spare parts and laboratory equipment for Procurement: Tenders invited maintenance; consultant services for for parts of project locate engineering and feasibility study in Constantine-Skikda-Annab for possible future projects ($4.1 triangle. Retroactive fina million), Total project cost about of up to $3 million may be $32 million, including about $17.4 commended, million in foreign exchange. Ministry of Public Up to Port of Arzew - breakwater, berth for Feasibility studies in Works 28.0 LNG transport, and dredging. Total progress; awaiting further (Bank) project cost about $55 million, of information on gas export which about $28 million in foreign projects from Government. exchange. SOCIETE NATIONALE To be Agro-Industries I - expansion and Awaiting information on revis DES SEMOULERIES, determined modernization of Algeria's flour investment plan. MEUNERIES, FABRIQUES (Bank) milling ind us try, DE PATES ALIMENTAIRES ET COUSCOUS - S.N. SEMPAC) Public Works 4.0 Nicosia-Morphou Road - construction of Appraisal report being prepare Department (Bank) new road (about 24 miles); consulting services for completion of final en- Procurement: Retroactive gineering and preparation of highway financing (about $100,000) planning and organization study. _for consultants being considered, Government planning to issue pre- qualification notices for road work, 9.0 Paphos irrigation - dam and related Feasibility study received and (Bank) facilities in Paphos District in being considered. Wes tern Cyprus • EGYPT I ARAB REPUBLIC OF Supreme Council for 6.0 (R) Population - provision of facilities, Appraisal mission in field. Family Planning (IDA) equipment and technical assistance to reinforce the national population planning program, Irrigation Ministry 10.0-15.0 Soil improvement - improvement of soils Project being prepared with (IDA) by deep tillage and gypsum application assistance of IBRD/FAO co- and provision of necessary drainage in operative program. selected areas, Egyp.tian Cotton 0.175 (R) · Design and engineering of Cotton Credit approved by Executive Organization (IDA) Ginning Rehabilitation I Project, Directors on November 7 and signed on November 17. Egyptian Cot ton 10.0-15.0 (R) Cotton ginning rehabilitation I - first Appraisal mission in field, Organization (IDA) phase of program for renewal and re- habilitation of cotton ginning facilities. See P, 1 for footnotes. - 37 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ and Probable Stage of Processing and Borrower or Actton on Procurement !!_/ Lender Project]_/ Implementing Agency 1./ EGYPT, ARAB REPUBUC OF (Cont'd) Egyptian General 30.0 (R) Upper Egypt drainage - i_ns tallation of Appraisal report being Authority for (IDA) open and tile drainage, pumping station, reviewed. Drainage and improvements to existing drains in about 600,000 feddans in Upper Egypt. Estimated project cost about $126 million, including $30 million in foreign exchange. Bank of Alexandria 10.0 (R) Development finance company Appraisal mission in field, Telecol!Dllunication 30.0 (R) Telecol!Dllunications I - first phase of Identification completed; Organization (IDA) program for expansion and rehabilita- project data being prepared tion of internal and external tele- by Government. 1 communication facilities. FINLAND Ministry of 20.0 R) Forestry - seeding and planting, seedling Negotiations completed. Agriculture (Bank) stand improvement,fertilization, drainage and road construction for private forests in south and central Finland; estimated total cost $122 million including $22 million in foreign exchange. National Water 20.0 Pollution control - abatement of water Project being prepared. Board (Bank) pollution by pulp and paper industry. GREECE Hydraulic Works 15.0 (R) Irrigation II - surface irrigation in Appraisal report being prepared. Service of the (Bank) Aliakmon, Lake Yannitsa and Lestos areas. Ministry of Public Works Hydraulic Works To be Irrigation III - groundwater irriga- Project being prepared; Service of the determined tion in northern Greece as follow- Ministry of (Bank) up to ongoing program under Irriga- Public Works tion I, ICELAND (NATIONAL POWER COMPANY) 6.0 (R) Sigalda power - 150 Mo/ hydroelectric Appraisal mission tentatively (Bank) generating station on the Tungnaa. scheduled for January. Total project cost estimated at $40 million, including $26 million in Procurement: Pre-qualification foreign exchange, ·of contractors for civil works completed, IRAN Telecommunications 50.0 Telecommunications II - expansion of lo- Appraisal report being prepared. Comp·any of Iran (TCI) (Bank) cal, long distance and international telephone and telegraph services in 1973-75. Main items to be included are ·cables, local and long distance switching · equipment. Total project cost about $194 million including $102 million in foreign exchange. See P. 1 for footnotes. - 38 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processinr, and Implementing Agency l/ Lender Project}./ Action on Procurement !!_/ IRAN (Cont'd) TAVANlR (Generation 50.0 Thermal power generation - construc- Consultants have begun feasib1 and Distribution r.o.) (Bank) tion of thermal power station (capac- studies, which are expected t ity of 400 JIM) and installation of completed in early 1973. gas turbines (200 M,T). Industrial Credit 10.0 Industrial finance - to open up a Appraisal report being consid Bank of Iran (ICB) (Bank) second DFC channel in Iran by sup- porting a two-year lending program mainly for widely-dispersed medium- sized private sector industrial projects. Ministry of Health 5.0 Population - construction and equip- Appraisal report being prepare (Bank) ment of 78 provincial health centers, 9 family planning training centers, 7 training schools, provision of vehicles, and a management study of program. Total project cost estimated at $30 million. Minis tries of 20.0 Education II - Project elements not Awaiting discussions with F.ducation and (Bank) yet determined; a number of priority government on project contents Agriculture items have been tentatively identified in fields of curriculum development, and agricultural education and training, both formal and non-formal. Agricultural Development 20.0 (N) Agricultural Credit III. Awaiting further commitment of Fund of Iran (ADFI) · · (Bank) second loan to the ADFI. Industrial and Mining 50.0 (N) Development Finance Company VIII. Awaiting further commitment of Development Bank of Iran (Bank) seventh loan to the IMDBI. (IMBDI) Ministry of Finance 30.0 (N) Ports II - construction of required Project content to depend on (Ports and Shipping (Bank) facilities at major ports. findings of Master Plan Ports Organization) Study being conducted under Ports I project (Loan 855). Khalis Agricultural 40.0 Lo.>er Khalis - irrigation, drainage .Negotiations completed. Administration (Bank) and on-farm development of 57,000 ha in the Lower Khalis area; consultant services and studies; total project cost estimated at $78 million including $40 million in foreign exchange. Grain Board 20.0 Grain storage - construction of about Appraisal report being (Bank) 9 additional and expansion of 3 ex- considered. isting grain storage and hanling facilities. Total project cost esti- mated at $30 million including $20 mil- lion in foreign exchange. 10.0 Shemamok agricultural development - Project preparation underway (Bank) irrigation, drainage and on-farm devel- with IBRD/FAO cooperative opment of 9600 ha of the Shemamok plains program assistance. in northern Iraq. 20.0 - 25.0 Highways II - construction of selected Awaiting preparation of (Bank) roads and bridges. detailed project and eco- nomic feasibility studies. See P. 1 for footnotes. - 39 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ and Probable Stage of Processing and Borrower or Action on Procurement !!_/ Implementing Agency]./ Lender Project 11 IRELAND 25.0 (R) Livestock - agricultural credit for beef Appraisal report being Department of (Bank) breeding, rearing and fattening farms, considered. Finance including pasture improvement and drain- age; building and fence construction, equipment installation, and stock pro- vision. Total cost estimated at $80 million including $25 million in for- eign excha~ge. (INDUSTRIAL CREDIT To be Development finance company II Awaiting further commitment COMPANY - ICC) determined of first loan to ICC. (Bank) Department of To be (R) Technical, vocational and agricultural Project preparation under way. Education determined education and community schools. (Bank) Office of Water 30.0 (R) Sewerage - installation of sewerage Loan approved by Executive Commissioner (Bank) systems in 75 communities. Total Directors on November 28. project cost estimated at $75 million with foreign exchange component of $30 million. (ISRAEL BANK OF To be Agricultural Credit II Project being prepared. AGRICULTURE) determined (Bank) ~ (NATIONAL PLANNING 7.5 (R) Water supply and sewerage - AJDman Appraisal report being.prepared. BOARD AND MUNICIPALITY) (IDA) Procurement: Retroactive financing for consultants services under consideration·. Electricity 6.5 (R) Zerqa power project Appraisal mission in field. Authority (IDA 1.EBANON (OFFICE NATIONAL 12.0 South-Beqaa irrigation - project Economic justification of DU LITANI) (Bank) composition being defined. project being examined; further Bank consideration depends on final feasibility study which has been received. Ministry of Education 6.6 (R) Education - construction and equip- Negotiations substantially (Bank) ment of 39 primary schools 24 lower completed. secondary schools, and 3 primary . teacher training institutes; equipment for one lower secondary teacher training institute; technical assistance in re- forming upper secondary education. Pro- ject cost estimated at $15.8 million, including $7.0 million in foreign ex- change. See P. 1 for footnotes. - 40 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency']__/ Lender Project 1_/ Action on Procurement !!_/ LEBANON (Cont'd) Conseil Executif 27.0 Highway - construction of three (or Appraisal report being prepar · des Grands Projets (Bank) four) sections of the Tabarja-Tripoli expressway and consulting services. Procurement: Bids received f~; I: Total project cost estimated at $50 one section; awaiting Gover million. Retroactive financing may b recormnended. MOROCCO (BANQUE NATIONALE Up to Development finance company VI - to cover Appraisal report being POUR LE DEVELOPPE- 20.0 part of BNDE's foreign exchange require- considered. MENT ECONOMIQUE} (Bank) ments for financing investment projects in industry and other sectors. (MAROC-PHOSPHORE) 30.0 (R) Phosphoric acid plant - two or three Awaiting completion of project (Bank) sulfuric acid units, two phosphoric preparation and marketing ar- acid units and possibly one MAP line. rangements. Preappraisal/appr mission scheduled for early December, following award of c struction contract. (Joint or rallel financing will probably be necessary; Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau, French authorities and Exinbank have expressed tentative interest.) Procurement: Technical bids reviewed mid-July. Priced bids being reviewed. (OFFICE NATIONAL DE Up to (R) Electric power transmission - new Appraisal report being prepare L'ELECTRICITE - ONE) 21.0 power transmission lines for Fes and (Bank) / Rabat, corresponding extension of 7 Procurement: Bank approved te5 main substations, additions to existing documents for gas turbines an lines and 220 Kl gas turbines. Total proposals of awards for trans\ project cost about $35 million; foreign formers, tractors, insulator~s exchange component to be determined. switching equipment. Prooos 'of award for conductors being reviewed. Retroactive financ of about $500,000 to be recOllt mended. Ministry of To be (R) Road construction II - construction of Detailed engineering being Public Works determined first stage of Casablanca-Rabat four- prepared by consultants. (uncertain) lane highway improvement of various Appraisal mission in field. sections of primary and secondary roads and possibly construction of Procurement: Retroactive finan Kenitra-Larache highway. Total proj- of studies recommended.! ect cost could reach $75 million, in- cluding up to $45 million in foreign exchange. To be Irrigation - Oum er R'bia (Dechra El Consultants to be selected determined Oued) dam and related canals and ir- to prepare feasibility study. (uncertain) rigation equipment. (OFFICE NATIONAL DE Up to Water supply II - distribution facil- Feasibility studies to be L'EAU POTABLE-ONEP) 10.0 ities in medium-si·ze cities to be prepared by consultants. (Bank) selected. See P. 1 for footnotes. - 41 - !ITlber Country, and Amount 2/ lhrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and [~plementing Agency ]_I Lender Project]./ Action on Procurement !:./ 11 I ~ROCCO (Cont'd) I To be Tourism infrastructure - Bay of Agadir. UNDP has approved financing determined of pre-investment study. (Bank) Consultants being selected. lnis try of To be Urbanization - site and service project Awaiting Government's final 1 rbanization and determined in cities to be selected. comments on policy recom- I 1°using (uncertain) mendations of the urbanization mission report. 1 I To be (R) Ports Identification mission scheduled I determined for December. (Bank) To be Integrated development of rainfed agri- Bank/FAO cooperative program determined culture in Heknes area. project identification mission's (uncertain) report being reviewed. To be Fruits and vegetables. Awaiting Government decision determined on consultants and project ( uncertain) preparation. 25.0 (R) Sebou II - civil works for flood pro- Further project preparation by (uncertain) tection; feeder roads and bridge con- Government needed before appraisal. struction; railway line protection; and construction and equipment of a sugar-cane processing factory. ',MAN i ~ational Power 5.0-6.0 PCMer - generation and distribution Feasibility study being prepared ;rrrCYWer c>r and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency ]_I Lender Project}./ Action on Procurement ii YEMEN ARAB REPUBLIC (Cont'd) Ministry of Economy 2.0-3.0 Industrial estate - physical infra- Project preparation under wa (IDA) structure, machinery and equipment for assisted by UNIDO and Bank. small-scale industries estate in Sanaa. YEMEN, PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF Public Corporation for 3.0 (R) Fisheries development - construc- Appraisal report being consi Fish Wealth (IDA) tion of cold storage and freezing facilities at two points; procurement of traditional fishing vessels; services and credit facilities; tech- nical assistance and demonstration services; feasibility study for fur- ther fisheries development and agri- cultural credit. Total cost estimated at $3.6 million, including foreign exchange component of $3 million. Ministry of 0.6 (R) Detailed engineering for about 140 km Approved by Executive Direct Public Works (IDA) of roads and technical assistance for November 14 and signed Novemb. Ministry of Public Works. Ministry of To be Highways construction - paved roads Consultants' final report unJ: Public Works determined of about 300 Km. study. (Joint financing poss (IDA) YUGOSLAVIA (NATIONAL BANK) 20.0 Development finance company New proposals for Bank fi- (Bank) nancing being explored. (J/,2. ENTERPRISE) 15.0 Jaz Tourism - 5,000-bed integrated Project preparation under way (Bank) tourism complex located near Budva. Procurement: Prequalificatio of engineering, architectur and management consultants in progress. (DUBROVNIK WATER AND 5.0 Dubrovnik tourism infrastructure - Awaiting completion of SEWERAGE ENTERPRISE) (Bank) expansion of existing water and consultant's feasibility sewerage system, including treatment studies (expected in November) facilities. Appraisal mission tentatively scheduled for January. (HARBOR BAR ENTERPRISE) Up to 30.0 (R) Harbor Bar - expansion of port facil- Pre-appraisal mission schedule (Bank) ities. for January. (STOPANSKA BANKA About (R) Agro-industry in Macedonia - construc- Appraisal report being prepare SKOPJE) 30.0 tion of facilities for meat, wine and Pre-negotiation mission in fiel! (Bank) wine-by-product processing, tobacco drying and grain/cold storage; on-farm development (including cattle breeding, dairy cattle production, pig produc- tion, baby beef feeding, farm improve- ments); and technical assistance. (INCEL) To be Incel, Banja Luka - pulp mill Sponsor reviewing market study determined and capital cost estimates for (Bank) discussion with Bank on future strategy. (Joint or parallel financing may be involved.) See P. 1 for footnotes. - 45 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrc,wer or and Probable Star,e of Processinr, and Implementing Agency]./ Lender Action on Procurement !!_/ YUGOSLAVIA (Cont'd) Republican Road Up to 30.0 (R) Highways VI Consultants working on coordi- Councils or Road (Bank) nation of feasibility studies Funds (NAITAGAS) To be (R) Naftagas pipeline - construction of Appraisal mission in field. determined natural gas transmission and dis- (Bank) tribution pipeline. (RAILWAY To be (R) Railways IV - continuation of railway Appraisal mission in field. ENTERPRISES) determined modernization program. (ENTERPRISE To be Power Generation Study of power market and CONCERNED) determined investment pr.iori ties under way. (Bank) - 46 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency)_/ Lender Project'}_/ Action on Procurement !!._/ V. ~ATIN AMERICA AND CARIBBEAN ARGENTINA Vialidad Nacional 48.0 (R) Roads IV - improvement of 21 road Appraisal report being prepar (Bank) sections, about 1600 km, scattered over the country, construction of 150 km of expressway and provision of consulting services. Total cost estimated at about $120 million including about $34 million in foreign exchange. ( includes former Up to Livestock II - credit on national scale Under preliminary consideratio~ "meat packing" project) ao.o for livestock development, meat process- Government organizing preparat (Bank) ing, mixed agriculture, and agricultural work, to be assisted by Bank. marketing and processing industries. 3.0 - 5.0 (R) Fisheries - fishing vessels and shore Project identification report (Bank) facilities for ocean fishing at Mar being reviewed by Bank. del Plata. (SERVICIOS ELECTRICOS 60.0 Power - expansion of transmission and Under preliminary consideratio t DEL GRAN BUENOS AIRES (Bank) distribution system, calling for pro- S.A.) curement of cables, transformers, meters, etc., and for civil works on substations and network. (HIDROELECTRICA 25.0 Hydropower at Alicura (upstream from Under preliminary consideration NORPATAGONICA S.A.) (Bank) Chocon) - loan to cover foreign ex- Equipment to be financed throug change cost of civil works, consisting bilateral arrangements. of dam and powerhouse. Total project cost estimated at about $90 million, of which about $35 million in foreign exchange. BOLIVIA Bolivian Power 4.6 (R) Power transmission and distribution Appraisal report being prepared. Co., Ltd. (IDA) expansion in La Paz. Company revising financial pro- jections after currency deval- uation. Empresa Nacional 5.9 (R) Power generation and transmission Appraisal report being prepared. de Electricidad, (IDA) in Santa Cruz, transmission and sub- Company revising financial pro- S.A. station extensions in Cochabamba area, jections after currency deval- and provision of consulting services. uation. Total project cost estimated at about $10 million. Procurement: Retroactive financ (up to $150,000) may be recom- mended to cover consultants' services and foreign exchange cost of power line. Empresa Metalurgica Up_ to (R) . Expansion of tin tailings recovery Awaiting finalization of financi Boliv'iana, S.A. 2.5 plant based on flotation process, plan by sponsor. (EMBOSA) (Bank) located at Catavi. Total project cost estimated at $4.5 million. See P. 1 for footnotes. - 47 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency]_/ Lender Project]_/ Action on Procurement !!/ BOLIVIA (Cont'd) Empresa Nacional de 8.0 (R) Railways - financing first two yP.ars of Credit approved by Executive Ferrocarriles (IDA) 5-year investment and rehabilitation Directors on November 28 and program. IDA credit would cover $7 signed on December 1. million out of 2-year foreign exchange cost of $8 million and $1 million out of $3 million local cost. Remaining foreign exchange required for technical assistance, to be financed by UNDP, Proposed credit would finance track materials, 200 freight cars, 13 rail tractors, two diesel railcar sets and improvement of workshops and maintenance facilities , Banco Agricola de 7.0 (R) Credit for agriculture and dairy and Project identification/ Bolivia (IDA) poultry production in Santa Cruz and preparation report being Cochabamba areas. reviewed. 6.0 (R) Credit program for medium-size mining Project preparation mission (IDA) enterprises for development of mines to arrive in early December. with proven reserves. BRAZIL (BANCO CENTRAL DO 26.0 (R) Interim livestock development II - con- Negotiations completed. llRASIL) (Bank) tinuation of first livestock development project (Ln 516), designed to continue project until more comprehensive proj- ect, livestock development III, has been prepared and appraised. Interim loan will assist ranch and pasture development. Total cost of interim project would be about $40 million, (LIGHT-SERVI COS 20.0 (R) Power distribution - expansion of Appraisal report being prepared. DE ELETRICIDADE, (Bank) "Light's" transmission and distribution (Bank involvement would assist S.A.) network in Southeast Brazil, Total cost Company in raising other finan- of program in 1972-74 about $380 million. cing for program in private capital markets outside Brazil,) Departamento 10.0 Port II - rehabilitation of Recife Port Awaiting additional technical Nacional de Portos (Bank) including a quay wall, a two-berth and economic information. e Vias Navegaveis petrolewn cargo terminal, transit sheds, warehouses, ancillary buildings, rail- way tracks, roads and paved open stor- age areas and new grain-unloading equip- ment,· dry bulk hoppers and other cargo handling equipment, Project cost esti- mated at $25 million. (BANCO CENTRAL DO 50.0 (R) Development of agricultural industries - Appraisal mission in field. BRASIL) (Bank) credit program to assist investors in setting up or expanding agricultural processing industries and storage, in- volving meat, milk, fruit juices and soybeans, whose pr_oducts are directed principally to export markets. See~. 1 for footnotes, - 48 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency)_/ Lender Project '}_/ Action on Procurement !!} BRAZIL (Cont'd) (FURNAS CENTRAIS 120.0 (R) Itumbiara hydropower. Awaiting feasibility and deman ELETRICAS, S .A.) (Bank) studies. (Bilateral financing also planned.) (BANCO NACIONAL VO To be (R) Rehabilitation and modernization of Project identification report DESENVOLVIMENTO determined traditional industries - textiles and being prepared. ECONOMICO) (Bank) others. 35.0 (R) Water supply and sewerage Ill - in co- Additional preappraisal mission (Bank) operation with the National Housing scheduled for January. Bank (BNH), the State Government of Bahia and EMBASA (state water supply company) are preparing a project de- signed ultimately to provide 80% of the state's urban population (3.1 million in 1970) with piped water supply and extend sewerage services in the cities. The loan wo~ld assist the first phase of this program. (BANCO DO NORDESTE To be Development finance company - finan- Further action dependent on DO BRASIL) determined cing of industrial projects in North- rate of commitments under (Bank) east Brazil. existing loan. (COMPANHIA HIDRO 40.0 Sc~radinho/Paulo Afonso IV hydropower - CHESF preparing final engineer- ELETRICA DO SAO (Bank) regulating dam, generation and trans- ing and market reports. (Finan FRANCISCO - CHESF) · mission facilities for Northeast Brazil. cing by Inter-American Developm Project cost estimated at $518 million. Bank and bilateral lending also planned.) (SAO PAULO STATE) To be (R) Sao Paulo beltway - construction of Detailed engineering in determined those portions of proposed beltway progress. Mission preparing (Bank) which are of high priority from stand- report on organization of urban point of relieving urban congestion. transport system and pricing. In addition, loan would assist in financing Sao Paulo-Jundiai section of norther.n access highway which will be complementary to beltway in pro- viding through route for freight traffic from interior of Sao Paulo State to port of Santos. (BANCO CENTRAL DO 50.0 (R) Livestock development (enlarged Project preparation in progress. BRASIL) (Bank) program). (REDE FERROVIARIA To be Railway II - rehabilitation and modern- Railway rehabilitation and FEDERAL, S. A.) determined ization. investment program under (Bank) preparation. (CENTRAIS ELETRICAS 70.0 (R) Agua Vermelha hydropower. Awaiting demand study and addi- DE SAO PAULO, S.A.) (Bank) tional information on feasibility study, (Bilateral financing also planned.) To be (R) Telecommunications Identification report being determined prepared. (Bank) See P. 1 for footnotes. - 49 - 1tember Country, and Amount 2/ ~orrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and / lm lementin A enc ]_I Lender Project]_/ Action on Procurement !!./ RAZIL Cont'd) epartamento Nacional 100.0 (R) Highways V - construction, paving and Feasibility and engineering e Estrada de Rodagem (Bank) preinvestment studies of highways in- studies being prepared concur- cluded in Federal Government's highway rently with implementation of investment program. Highways III loan (Ln. 676). To be Land settlement (Amazon) - assistance Government preparing project determined for settlement of migrants from North- with assistance from Bank/FAO (Bank) east· Brazil along new trans-Amazonia cooperative program. highway near Itaituba. Project being designed to provide land, technical assistance, credit and social services by Government at low cost per settler, on pattern of Alto Turi land settlement project. llEPARTAMENTO To be Port development III (Rio Grande) - Studies financed by Government NACIONAL DE PORTOS determined construction of nei, port near the city under way. E VIAS NAVEGAVEIS (Bank) of Rio Grande in South Brazil. Port will serve area of rapidly growing agricultural production for export. To be· Education - in northeast states. Awaiting completion of Govern- determined ment survey of educational (Bank) system of northeastern states. COLOMBIA (INSTITUTO DE FOMENTO 15.0 Development finance institute - relend- Awaiting receipt of financial INDUSTRIAL) (Bank) ing to industry. data. (FEAAOCARRILES 21.0 (R) Railway rehabilitation - 1972-73 program Mission to discuss project ' NACIONAL DE (Bank) to rehabilitate track and bridges; provi- issues and update appraisal COLOMBIA) sion of maintenance equipment, ballast in field. cars; parts and technical assistance. Ministry of To be Highways VII Awaiting definition and Public Works determined further preparation of (Bank) project by Government. Banco de la Up to Development finance companies V - re- Appraisal report being Republica 55.0 lending to industry through six to eight prepared. (Bank) intermediary credit institutions. To be Cerro Matoso nickel development - joint Awaiting receipt of project determined venture of Colombian and American com- proposal from Government and (Bank) panies to process about 50 million pounds sponsors. of nickel per year. Total cost about $150 million. (EMPRESAS PUBLICAS 56.0 (R) Guatape hydroelectric power II - second Negotiations substantially com- DE MEDELLIN (EPM)) (Bank) stage (280 MW) of existing 280 MW plant, pleted. (Parallel financing 220 KV transmission line to Medellin and for major equipment items .and expansion of distribution system in expected (about $7 million.) EPM service area. Total cost about $98 million including about $49 million in Procurement: Tenders invited foreign exchange, excluding interest for civil construction of during construction. Santa Rita Dam (cost estimated at $13.5 million). Tenders being analyzed. Contract will not be awarded by borrower before consideration of proposed loan by Executive Directors. See P. 1 for footnotes. - so - Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agen'cl. ]_/ Lender Project }../ Action on Procurement !:._/ COLOMBIA (Cont'd) Ministry of Educatiin 10.0 (R) Education - common facilities centers Appraisal mission in field. (Bank) (workshops, laboratories, etc.) to help group of secondary schools implement diversified curricula; rural development centers; and technical teachers training programs. (INSTITUTO DE FOMENTO To be Medium size cities water supply - Awaiting identification of MUNICIPAL) determined Group II suitable subprojects. (Bank) (ACERIAS PAZ DEL To be Steel plant expansion Awaiting feasibility study RIO, S.A.) determined for next expansion. (Bank) (INSTITUTO To be (R) Second Caqueta land colonization - agri- Project being prepared. COLOMBIANO DE LA determined cultural credit, roads, education and REFORMA AGRARIA) (Bank) health facilities for second phase of project which is opening new areas for settlement and development. COSTA RICA (INSTITUTO co"sTA- Up to (R) Power V - thermal power generation. Feasibility study being RICENSE DE ELECTRI- 20.0 prepared. CIDAD) (Bank) Ministerio de 1.4 (R) Highways III - feasibility and engineer- Negotiations completed. Obras Publicas (Bank) ing studies of San Jose-Siquirres and San Jose-Puerto Viejo roads. Procurement: Retroactive finan cing for consultants' service (up to $200,000) to be recom- mended. Ministerio de s.o (R) Education I - teacher training; lower Appraisal report being prepared Educacion (Bank) secondary schools (agricultural); voca- cational centers; and related technical assistance. Total project cost estimated at $10.1 million, including about $5.1 million in foreign exchange. Ministerio de Up to Highways IV - construction of San Jose- Feasibility study being prepare Obras· Publicas 12.0 Siquirres and San Jose-Puerto Viejo (Bank) roads. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Institute Nacional Up to (R) Yaque del Norte irrigation - construction Negotiations substantially com- de Recurses Hidrau- 13.0 of headworks and canal system for area pleted. (IDB likely to finance licos (IDA) of about 23,000 ha at present grow- part of project.) ing mainly sugarcane, rice, tobacco and vegetables. Total cost estimated at Procurement: Retroactive financ, $39 million. up to $200,000 to cover consul tants' services for detailed engineering to be recommended. Secretaria de Obras Up to Road rehabilitation and maintenance UNDP considering Government's Publicas y Comuni- s.o program. application for financing of caciones (IDA) feasibility and organization study. See P. 1 for footnotes. - 51 - I 'Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and : Implementing Agency 'J../ Lender Project'}_/ Action on Procurement ~./ i DOMINICAN REPUBLIC (Cont'd) ' : (BANCO CENTRAL) Up to Puerto Plata Tourism - development of Awaiting completion of feasibility 5.0 new resort area on North coast. study, now in progress with UNDP (IDA) financing. l ECUADOR (CAYAPAS) To be Mechanical forest industry - possibly Awaiting UNDP approval of determined including production of pulp. application for feasibility (Bank) study. Instituto Ecuatoriano 5.5 (R) Milagro irrigation - to develop 7,000 Appraisal report being prepared. , de Recursos (Bank) ha. in Guayas River basin, east of Hidraulicos Guayaquil, with the aim of intensifying cultivation of annual crops and creat- ing extra employment and substantial saving of foreign exchange. (EMPRESA ELECTRICA Up to (R) Power IV - power generation and/or Awaiting feasibility study by QUITO, S .A.) 12.0 distribution for Quito. consultants. (Bank) / Banco Nacional 6.0 (R) Agricultural credit for on-farm Appraisal report being prepared. r de Fomento (Bank) investment and poultry development. 1/I cCORPORACION 15.0 (R) Development finance company II - re- Apprar'-sal mission in field, ji FINANCIERA (Bank) lending to industry through two devel- j AND ECUATORIANA opment finance companies. DE DESARROLLO) Instituto Ecuatoriano To be (N) Irrigation II - to develop about Awaiting feasibility report, de Recursos determined 20,000 ha in Chane-Carrizal area of being financed by Federal Republic Hidraulicos (Bank) Manabi Province. of Germany. (Joint financing with KfW being considered by Government.) Corporacion 8.0 (R) Fisheries II - including construction of Consideration of project postponed Financier a (Bank) fishing vessels, improvement of fishing pending further progress in imple- Nacional ports and technical assistance for train- mentation of Fisheries I and review ing fishermen, in continuation of of future plans by newly created ongoing Fisheries I project. Undersecretary of Fisheries. Reporting of project will be suspended. Ministry of Education 8.0 (R) Education II Report of identification mission (Bank) being prepared. (BANCO CENTRAL) 5.0 (R) Small scale industries. Preparation mission in field. (Bank) EL SALVADOR (COMISION EJECUTIVA 27.0 (R) Power VI - hydroelectric plant at Appraisal report being prepared. HIDROELECTRICA DEL (Bank) Cerron Grande (135 MW); and geo- (IDB considering financing part RIO LEMPA) thermal power plant at Ahuachapan of project.) ·(30 MW) and related transmission facilities. Procurement: Retroactive finan- cing for consultants' services and construction (up to $1.8 million) to be recommended. Ministerio de Up to Education II - teacher training, voca- Preparation/appraisal mission Educacion 5.0 tional education, non-formal rural edu- postponed; awaiting new (Bank) cation and administration. Government's views on priority and content of project. See P. 1 for footnotes. - 52 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ llorrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency!_/ Lender Project }/ Action on Procurement ~/ EL SALVADOR (Cont'd) (FUNDACION SALVADORENA Up to (N) Urban Development - site and services Preparation mission in field.I DE DESARROLLO Y 9.0 for homes for about 14,000 families. VIVIENDA MINIMA) (Bank) Total project cost estimated at $16 million, GUATEMALA (INSTITUTO NACIONAL 24.0 (R) Power III - 2 x 50 MW thermal genera- Negotiations completed, DE ELECTRIFICACION) (Bank) tion units, transmission facilities and studies. Total project cost about Procurement: Bids issued $33 million, of which about $24 million for electro-mechanical equi in foreign exchange. ment on October 26. (INSTITUTO NACIONAL Up to (R) Power IV - electric power generating Awaiting preparation of DE ELECTRIFICACION) 25.0 facilities. Several alternatives being feasibility study. (IDB may (Bank) considered, finance part of project,) Ministerio de Up to Education II Unesco project identification Educacion Publica 6.0 mission report being prepared, (Bank) Ministerio de Up to Livestock II Timing of project dependent o J Agricultura 5.0 progress of first project and (Bank) action by Government to prepar second project. GUYANA (GUYANA ELECTRICITY 6.0 (R) Power I - thermal generation, transmis- Negotiations substantially com· CORPORATION) (Bank) sion and frequency conversion. pleted. (Parallel financing by U.K. and Canada.) Procurement: Retroactive financing for consultants' services (up to $750,000) to be recommended. Ministry of Works Up to Sea defense Ill - third phase of Mission scheduled in November t and Communications s.o twelve-year sea defense program review priority of project with (Bank/IDA) (1968-79), government. Up to F.isheries - shrimp and fishing trawlers Final report of IBRD/FAO 4.0 and port facilities. preparation mission being (Bank) reviewed. Up to Forestry - access roads in upper Awaiting market and technical s.o Demerara River area and processing study on access roads. (Bank) plant. Up to Rehabilitation and extension of Black- USAID-financed feasibility 4.0 bush and Tapakuma land development study under way. (IDA) schemes. HAITI Ministere des Travaux Up to 10.0 (R) Rehabilitation of northern road from Project identified but scope and Publics, des Transports (IDA) Port-au-Prince to·Cap Haitien. timing still to be determined. et des Communications Application to UNDP for feasibil and detailed engineering studies approved. Proposals from consul tant firms being reviewed, See P. 1 for footnotes. - 53 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ llorrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency]_/ Lender Project 'l/ Action on Procurement _ !!._/ HONDURAS ,linis terio de 8.0 (R) Highway VI - construction of Tegucigalpa Awaiting completion of detailed Comunicaciones y (Bank) - Talanga road and improvement of some engineering, expected in late Transporte feeder roads. 1972. Appraisal mission in field. ' (BANCO CENTRAL) Up to (R) Livestock credit II - continuing pro- Appraisal mission scheduled for 9.0 gram for channelling medium and long- early February. (IDA) term credit to ranchers through private commercial and public development banks.· Ministerio de Up to (R) Education I - teacher training. Project content under review. Educacion Publica J.O Preparation mission scheduled (IDA) for February. Up to (R) Irrigation I - Consultants selected to prepare 2.0 feasibility study. (IDA) (EMPRESA NACIONAL Up to (R) Power VI - hydroelectric power generat- Further consideration of project DE ENERGIA 20.0 ing facilities (El Cajon) would provide being postponed until feasibility ELECT RICA) (Bank) power also to Nicaragua. Total project of project determined. cost estimated at $150 million, of which about $85 million in foreign exchange. JAMAICA (WATER COMMISSION 5.0 Sewerage - Kingston Government reviewing long-range OF KINGSTON) (Bank) master plan for Kingston sewer- age to define first phase project. (JAMAICA DEVELOPMENT Up to (R) Development finance company - industry Mission to update appraisal BANK) 4.0 and tourism. scheduled for December. (Bank) Ministry of Works 7.0 Highway II - maintenance program. Field work under way for UNDP- (Bank) financed study of highway main- tenance, including review of organization, equipment and budgeting. Ministry of To be (R) Education III Awaiting Government's views Education determined on scope of project; review (Bank) mission planned for December. Ministry of Up to Highways III - arterial Feasibility studies financed !forks 10.0 highway reconstruction by CIDA under way. (Bank) Ministry of Housing and 5.0 (R) Urban development - site and services Preparation mission in field. Ministry of Mining and (Bank) project in Kingston area. Natural Resources Ministry of Works 10.0 Airports - reconstruction and expansion Bank's comments on consultant's (Bank) -of Kingston and Montego Bay terminal draft final feasibility report buildings; extension of Kingston runway. sent to Government. Secretaria de 15.0 Forest industries in State of Durango Report of project identifica- Agricultura (Bank) - establishment of sawmills, liner board tion mission being reviewed. plant and infrastructure such as forestry Decision to go ahead with roads, water supply, etc. project expected shortly. Ser, P. 1 for footnotes. - ,54 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency).._/ Lender Project'}_/ Action on Procurement 1:!._/ MEXICO (Cont'd) Comision de Aguas 75.0 to 100.Q (R) Bulk water supply and distribution in Appraisal report being prepar del Valle de Mexico (Bank) Mexico City area. Total cost estimated at $250 million, of which about $100 million in foreign exchange. (SIDERURGICA LAZARO Up to (R) New government steel plant on Pacific Appraisal mission with IDB te~ CARDENAS LAS TRUCHAS 75.0 Coast with projected initial capacity in field. (Parallel financing S.A. (SICARTSA)) (Bank) of 1,0 to 1.2 million tons of ingot with IDB and supplier countrie steel. Total cost estimated at $600 being arranged by Government.) million. (BANCO DE MEXICO) Up to (R) Livestock/agriculture credit IV - con- Appraisal report being prepare 110.0 tinuing program for channelling medium (Bank) and long-term credit through commercial and government banks. Includes $25 mil- lion sub-project for credit to low-income farmers. Secretaria de Educacion Publica 15.0 (Bank) Education - training schools for indus- trial and agricultural technicians, agricultural and primary teachers and Report of project identifica- tion mission being reviewed j with Mexican authorities. laboratories, Decision expected shortly. Secretaria de Re- Up to (R) Rural development in upper Papaloapan Bank/FAQ project identificatio cursos Hidraulicos 10.0 Basin, comprising program to increase report being reviewed with Gov (Bank) agricultural output and improve social ernment. infrastructure and irrigation. Secretaria de 18.0 (N) Drainage of 72,000 ha., of which 20,000 Feasibility study being reviewe Recursos Hidraulicos (Bank) ha. to be irrigated, at Los Naranjos in Lower Papaloapan Basin. Secretaria de Re- Up to (R) Irrigation V - rehabilitation of 18,000 Appraisal mission in field. cursos Hidraulicos 10.0 ha and development of 22,000 ha in the Rio Sinaloa basin; total project cost $27 million with foreign exchange com- ponent of $10 million. Secretaria de To be (R) Highways VII - construction/improvement Appraisal tentatively scheduled Obras Publicas Determined of about 1,200 km of roads. for early 1973. (Bank) NICARAGUA (AUTORIDAO 9.6 (R) Port of Corinto - shore protection works Negotiations expected to begin i PORTUARIA DE CORINTO) (Bank) to protect rail and road access, deepen- early December, ing of approach channels; new wharf about 240 m long; container handling installa- Procurement: Retroactive tion; administration and other buildings. financing for consultants and emergency shore pro- tection will be recommended. Ministerio de Up to Education II - Secondary education, vo- Project preparation by Governmentj Educacion 3.0 cational training and agricultural edu- under way. (Bank) cation. See P. 1 for footnotes. - 55 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency 1./ Lender Project '}./ Action on Procurement !!_/ NICARAGUA (Cont'd) (BANCO CENTRAL) Up to (R) Agricultural credit - investments in Appraisal mission tentatively 7.0 beef and milk production (400-500 scheduled for January. (Bank) farmers), in crop production (about 1,000 loans) and technical assistance. Total project cost about $15.3 million. PA.t'IAMA (BANCO NACIONAL DE 4.5 (R) Livestock - ranch investments, tech- Appraisal report being reviewed. PANAMA) (Bank) nical assistance and new ranch de- velopment. Ministerio de Comercio Up to Fishing port and related facilities. Feasibility study of selected e Industria 6.0 site (Punta Vacamonte) about (Bank) to start. (INSTITUTO DE RECURSOS Up to (R) Power III - up to 40 MW of new thermal UNDP-financed feasibility study HIDRAULICOS Y ELECTRI- 20.0 generation; expansion of transmission being prepared. (Parallel finan- FICACION) (Bank) and distribution; and engineering of cing may be involved.) staged hydropower development at La Fortuna. PARAGUAY Ministry of 5.6 (R) Road improvement - paving 76 km from Appraisal report being prepared; Public Works (Bank) Encarnacion to Hohenau and Pirapo. awaiting C,overnrnent views on Bank's Estimated total cost $8.4 million. proposal for financing. Ministry of Education 5.1 (R) Secondary education - construction and Scheduled for Executive Director (IDA) improvement of eight general secondary consideration on December 12. schools, one upper-secondary level tech- nical school and one vocational training center, and related technical assistance and out-of-country training. Total cost estimated at $7.3 million, of which $4.4 million in foreign exchange. (llANCO NACIONAL 1. 2 .(R) Tourism - construction of two motels and Awaiting Government's reply to DE FOMENTO) (IDA) one roadside inn and related technical invitation to negotiate. assistance. Estimated total cost of project $2 million. Ministry of To be Agricultural credlt II - for relending to Report of FAQ project identi- Agriculture determined small farmers previously settled under fication mission under review (IDA) Government colonization programs. by Government. PERU (BANCO DE FOMENTO 25.0 (R) Agricultural credit - for cooperatives Appraisal report being prepared. AGROPECUARIO) (Banlt) and on-farm investments of individual small and medium size farmers. (EMPRESAS 15.0 (R) Power distribution Awaiting feasibility report. ELECT-RIGAS (Bank) ASOCIADAS) See P. 1 for footnotes. - 56 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency 1/ Lender Project]./ Action on Procurement !!_/ PERU (Cont'd) National Port To be River ports improvement Consultants preparing studies Authority determined leading to project identifica (Bank) Ministry of 30.0 (R) Highways VI - construction of stage II Awaiting completion of Transport and (Bank) of central highway from La Oroya to project preparation. Communications Aguaytia. Ministry of Education 22.0 (R) Education - implementing educational Appraisal report being prepare (Bank) reform at secondary level. ( CORPORAC ION 20.0 (R) Development finance company Industrial sector report being FINANCIERA DE (Bank) reviewed. DES ARROLLO) 10.0 . {R) Livestock I Awaiting information on projec (Bank) To be Expansion program for mining and Pre-appraisal report being determined refining of non-ferrous metals. prepared. (Bank) TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO (PORT AUTilORITY) 2.3 Port-of-Spain port improvement - con- Negotiations substantially com (Bank) struction of wharf, sheds, cargo handling pleted. Awaiting action of Por equipment. Total project cost estimated Authority and Government fort at $5.5 million, of which $2.3 million revision. Borrower also consid in foreign exchange, inclusion of dredger in project ·procurement: Retroactive finan cing for consulting services be recommended. 3.0 (R) Fisheries - provision of shrimp and fish Project priority being reviewed. (Bank) trawlers. (CARON!, LTD) To be Sugar rehabilitation - re-equipment and Appraisal report being prepared. determined modernization of factories, transport (Bank) and field facilities. Ministry of Agricul- To be Land settlement and/or rural rehabilita- Identification/preparation missi ture deter- tion. scheduled for late November. mined (Bank) URUGUAY Ministry of Livestock 14.4 {R) Livestock development IV (second stage) - Appraisal report being prepared. and Agriculture - (Bank) financial and technical assistance for Livestock Commission cattle and sheep ranch development and pig and dairy beef production. Financing would be on same basis as first stage. Ministry of To be Highway Maintenance - including also Discussions under way with Govern Public Works determined preinvestment studies in transport ment regarding four to six month (Bank) sector. highway maintenance study which would lead to preparation of a project. See P. 1 for footnotes. - 57 - ber Country, and Amount 2/ rower or and Probable Stage of Processing and lementin A enc 1/ 1---C-----'~'"-'="'- - Lender Project 1,/ Action on Procurement !!_I 1-~CUAY (Cont'd) /iistry of Livestock To be Livestock development V Awaiting implementation of ;~ Agriculture - determined second stage of livestock IV. r~estock Commission (Bank) MINISTRACION To be (R) Power V - seventh thermal unit in Timing of appraisal mission ERAL DE LAS USINAS determined Montevideo; possibly including trans- under consideration. OS TELEFONOS DEL (Bank) mission and distribution facilities. ADO (UTE)) nistry of Economy To be (R) Development Bank - relending to industry Law establishing development bank d Finance determined and agriculture-. under consideration by Government. (Bank) , EZUELA nisterio de To be Caracas Metro - civil works and engineer- Awaiting congressional action before ras Publicas determined ing services for first phase of construc- completing appraisal. (Parallel fi- (Bank) tion. nancing being considered.) f 1nisterio de "''°" 11.0 (Bank) Secondary education - teacher training, school buildings and education televi- sion. Total cost estimated at $27.4 million, of which $11 million in for- eign exchange, Appraisal report completed; awaiting Congressional action. I 15.0 Tourism - first phase of integrated devel- UNDP-financed master plan and feasi- I (Bank) opment of Los Caracas-Higuerote coastal bility study under way. area. See P. 1 for footnotes. - 58 - VI. NEW PROJECTS ADDED IN THIS ISSUE Amount and Probable Member Country Lender Project Stage of Processing EASTERN AFRICA BOTSWANA To be Urban development - site and Pre-appraisal mission in field. determined services project in Francis- (Joint financing under consider· (IDA) town; preparation and servicing ation.) of plots for low income families to construct housing, and basic community facilities. Total project cost estimated at $5 million. WESTERN AFRICA NIGERIA 15.0 Rural Development - expansion of cotton Identification fieldl (Bank) production in Northern State. 15.0 Cocoa II - further expansion of cocoa Project preparation under way. (Bank) production in the Western State. Up to Power V - to finance foreign exchange Preappraisal mission scheduled 75.0 component of generation, transmission for December. (Bank)· and distribution expansion program and studies for further development. 50.0 Expansion of telecommunication Identification and preparation (Bank) facilities. mission planned for mid-December SENEGAL About Ship repair studies - detailed engineer- Proposals for engineering and 1. 5 ing and comprehensive feasibility study studies being discussed with Gov (Bank) for construction of dry-dock facility ernment, private sponsors and at Dakar for repair of ships up to other interested lenders. (Co- 500,000 tons. Total cost of engineering financing expected.) and studies expected to be about $2.5 million. (Estimated cost of dry-dock project about $85 million.) To be Ports II - (Project elements not yet Awaiting receipt of Port master determined decided). plan. (IDA) ' 40.0 Rural electrification Preappraisal mission scheduled (IDA) for December. - 59 - (New Projects) Amount and Probable Member Country Lender Project Stage of Processing INDIA (Cont'd) 30.0 Agricultural credit, Haryana II~ to Awaiting project preparation (IDA) follow Haryana I, agricultural credit for (expected by September 1973). groundwater development, mechanization and land development. 25.0 Wholesale markets in West Bengal - five Preappraisal mission scheduled (IDA) year development program for rural de- for February. velopment centers including market fa- cilities and training of market personnel; financing to be through Agricultural Refinance Corporation and commercial banks to local market committee. 15.0 Livestock improvement in Rajasthan - Reconnaissance/sector mission (IDA) including sheep breeding and wool scheduled for February. ' grading and marketing. KOREA" 15.0 Agricultural products processing - Project request received and (uncertain) integrated agricultural project to under review. develop facilities for growing ·com- mercial crops for export and modern .. facilities for processing and pack- aging • 20.0 Public sector development finance Report of exploratory mission to (uncertain) company. KDB in November, now being pre- pared, will provide basis for further discussions with Govern- ment and KDB. Up to Expansion of Pohang Steel Company Financial preappraisa~ mission 60.0 facilities from 1.0 to 2.6 million in field; appraisal mission (Bank) tons per year. Total foreign ex- planned for first quarter of 1973. change cost estimated at $220 to (Parallel financing with Japan $235 million. possible.) 20.0 Urban development - site and services Exploratory mission in field to (uncertain) development in a secondary city, prob- discussion selection of project ably in less developed Southwest city and possible elements of province. PAKISTAN Up to Telecommunications - microwave systems, T & T Dept. preparing proposals. 20.0 cable, line plant materials and materials Appraisal mission tentatively (IDA) for local manufacture for domestic scheduled for September 1973. communications. EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA IRAN 20.0 Agricultural Credit III. Awaiting further commitment of (Bank) second loan to the ADFI. 50.0 'Development Finance Company VIII. Awaiting further commitment of (Bank) seventh loan to the IMDBI. j,1-- .. ,,, C-~· -,\, •. ,) I - 60 - (New Projects) A.mount and Probable Member Country Lender Project Stage of Processing IRAN (Cont'd) 30,0 Ports II - construction of required Project content to depend on (Bank) facilities at major ports. findings of Master Plan Porte Study being conducted under Ports I project (Loan 855). TURKEY To be Irrigation rehabilitation - rehabilita- Project preparation to be und determined tion and completion of existing schemes, taken by D.S.I. (uncertain) to be determined. LATIN AMERICA AND CARIBBEAN ECUADOR To be Irrigation II - to develop about Awaiting feasibility report, determined 20,000 ha in Chane-Carrizal area of being financed by Federal Rep\ (Bank) Manabi Province. of Germany. (Joint financingj KfW being considered by Goven EL SALVADOR Up to Urban Development - site and services Preparation mission in field. 9.0 for homes for about 14,000 families. (Bank) Total project cost estimated at ·$16 million. MEXICO 18.0 Drainage of 72,000 ha., of which 20,000 Feasibility study being review (Bank) ha. to be irrigated, at Los Naranjos in Lower Papaloapan Basin.