NEW AVENUES FOR REMOTE SENSING APPLICATIONS FOR WATER MANAGEMENT A Range of Applications and the Lessons Learned from Implementation WATER GLOBAL PRACTICE June 2019 Contributions and Acknowledgements This report is the result of a collaborative effort led by Aleix Serrat-Capdevila (Senior Water Resources Management Specialist, and TTL of the Remote Sensing Initiative) with Stefanie Herrmann (Remote Sensing Specialist, The University of Arizona) and integrating contributions from Ivan Lalovic (Oregon State University, Gybe LLC), Fernando Miralles-Wilhelm (University of Maryland), Mutlu Ozdogan (University of Wisconsin, Madison), Jordi Cristobal Rossello (University of Alaska, Fairbanks), Hylke Beck, Colby Fisher, Myles McHugh (Princeton Climate Analytics), Justin Sheffield (University of Southampton/PCA), Eric Wood (Princeton University/PCA), Beth Tellman, Jonathan Sullivan, Jared Tomlin and Bessie Schwarz (Cloud to Street), Charles Morton (Desert Research Institute), Faisal Hossain (University of Washington) and extended PANI team including Shahryar Ahmad (University of Washington), Bharat Lohani (Geokno and Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur), Shivam Tripathi (IIT, Kanpur), Shahryar Ahmad and K Sri Harsha (Kritsnam technologies), N. Balaji (Geokno), Sandeep Goyal and Soham Adla. This work was financed by the World Bank Global Water Security & Sanitation Partnership (GWSP). The World Bank project team members with whom the Remote Sensing Initiative has implemented activities are Diego Rodriguez (Sr. Water Resources Management Sp.) for Mexico, Victor Vazquez (Sr. Water Supply and Sanitation Sp.) and Maria Catalina Ramirez (Sr. Water Supply and Sanitation Sp.) for Argentina, Marcus Wishart (Sr. Water Resources Management Sp.), Bertine Kamphuis (Senior Private Sector Sp.) and Amy Chua Fang Lim (Environmental Sp.) for Indonesia, Carole Megevand (Program Leader) and Jean-Martin Brault (Sr. Water Supply and Sanitation Sp.) for Uruguay, Marie Laure Lajaunie (Lead Water Resources Management Sp.) for Lake Chad, Ahmed Shawky (Sr. Water Resources Management Sp.), Satya Priya (Sr. Water Resources Management Sp.) and IJsbrand H. de Jong (Lead Water Resource Management Sp.) for the India irrigation advisory, Abedalrazq F. Khalil (Senior Water Resources Sp.) for ET in India, and Marcus Wijnen (Sr. Water Resources Management Sp.) for support on many activities, while Liping Jiang (Sr. Irrigation Engineer) and Luis Andres (Lead Economist) provided valuable insights. This work would not have been possible without their involvement and interest. We wish to thank peer reviewers William Young (Lead Water Resource Management Sp.), William Rex (Lead Water Resource Management Sp.), and Marcus Wishart (Lead Water Resource Management Sp.), as well as Winston Yu (Senior Water Resources Sp.), Susanne M. Scheierling (Sr. Irrigation Water Economist), and Marie- Laure Lajaunie (Lead Water Resources Management Sp.), Nagaraja Rao Harshadeep (Lead Environmental Sp.), Marcus Wijnen, and Victor Vazquez for their valuable feedback inside and outside the formal review process, as well as for the overall guidance of Maria Angelica Sotomayor Araujo (Practice Manager). This work would not have been possible without the diligent support from Isabel Duarte A. Junior, Alona Daniuk and Marie- Adele Tchakounte Sitchet (Program Assistants), as well as from the GWSP team Chunxiang Zhang (Operations Officer), Peggy Margaret Johnson (Accounts Systems Sp.), Ai-Ju Huang (Sr. Operations Officer) and Joel Kolker (Lead Water Supply and Sanitation Sp. and GWSP Manager). This work has also benefitted from direct collaboration, ideas and insights from Martha Anderson (US Dept. of Agriculture), Christopher Neale (U. of Nebraska, Lincoln), Forrest Melton (NASA Ames, California State Univ.), Christine Lee (Jet Propulsion Lab NASA), Faisal Hossain (University of Washington), Abdou Ali (AGRHYMET), Mohammed Bila (LCBC), Will Logan (Institute of Water Resources, IWR-USACE), Nicholas Tufillaro (Oregon State University), Natalia Limones Rodriguez (University of Sevilla), Koen Verbist, Abou Amani and Anil Mishra (UNESCO-IHP). We also want to acknowledge the team that started the Remote Sensing Initiative at the World Bank and edited the book Earth Observation for Water Resources Management, outcome of Phase I, on which the Applications Phase was built: Luis Garcia, Diego Rodriguez, and Marcus Wijnen, who have been a source of guidance and support for the work that led to this report. We also wish to express our appreciation for the Comisión Nacional del Agua (CONAGUA) headquarters, and the Organismo de Cuenca de la Península de Baja California, in Mexico; the Lake Chad Basin Commission; the Agencia del Agua and the Demarcación Provincial de Obras Hidráulicas, in the Rio Salado Province, Argentina; the Secretaría Nacional de Ambiente, Agua y Cambio Climático (SNAAC) and the working group they skillfully led with MVOTMA, MGAP, OSE, and CURE, for their direct involvement and efforts. 2 Table of Contents Abbreviations ................................................................................................................................................ 4 Executive Summary....................................................................................................................................... 6 Chapter 1 – Water, Development and Remote Sensing ........................................................................... 13 Goals and structure of this report .......................................................................................................... 13 Knowledge for Implementation: The Remote Sensing Initiative ............................................................ 14 Mainstreaming Remote Sensing ............................................................................................................. 15 From Earth Observation data to actionable information ....................................................................... 17 Chapter 2. Remote Sensing Applications for Water Management Challenges ........................................ 19 Operational Monitoring of Water quality ............................................................................................... 19 Lake Toba, Indonesia .......................................................................................................................... 20 Valle de Bravo, Mexico........................................................................................................................ 20 Laguna del Sauce, Uruguay ................................................................................................................. 21 An Online Dashboard: Flood monitoring in the Rio Salado, Argentina: ................................................. 24 Monitoring Irrigation Districts from Space ............................................................................................. 26 Rio Colorado Irrigation District, Mexico.............................................................................................. 26 Making ET estimation operational ...................................................................................................... 28 An Operational Hydromet Monitor for an FCV Region: The Lake Chad Basin ........................................ 30 An Irrigation Advisory Service for Small Farmers in Uttar Pradesh, India .............................................. 33 Chapter 3. Going Forward: Mainstreaming and Sustainability of Operational RS Applications: ............ 36 Chapter 4. Concluding Remarks and Main Outcomes .............................................................................. 41 Chapter 5. Going Global: Strategic Applications ....................................................................................... 43 References .................................................................................................................................................. 46 List of Knowledge Briefs of Remote Sensing Applications .......................................................................... 47 3 Abbreviations ADA Agencia del Agua (Water Agency, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina) AFDM African Flood and Drought Monitor ALEXI Atmospheric Land Exchange Inverse (ET estimation algorithm) CONAGUA Comisión Nacional del Agua (National Water Commission, México) CURE Centro Universitario Región Este (Uruguay) DLI Disbursement Linked Indicator DPOH Demarcación Provincial de Obras Hidráulicas (Provincial Demarcation of Hydraulic Works, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina) EO Earth Observations ESA European Space Agency ET Evapotranspiration EVI Enhanced Vegetation Index GFS Global Forecasting System GIS Geographical Information System GWADI Global Network on Water and Development Information for Arid Lands (UNESCO Program) DisALEXI Spatially distributed version of ALEXI (ET estimation algorithm) GEE Google Earth Engine GP Global Practice GRACE Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (satellite mission) GRDC Global Runoff Data Center (Koblenz, Germany) GW Groundwater GWSP Global Water Security and Sanitation Partnership HAB Harmful Algal Bloom ICIWaRM International Center for Integrated Water Resources Management IWR - USACE Institute of Water Resources – US Army Corps of Engineers LAC Latin America and the Caribbean LAFDM Latin American Flood and Drought Monitor LANDSAT Land Remote Sensing Satellite System LCBC Lake Chad Basin Commission MERIS Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (satellite sensor) METRIC Mapping Evapotranspiration at high Resolution with Internalized Calibration (ET estimation algorithm) MGAP Ministerio de Ganadería, Agricultura y Pesca (Uruguay) MODIS Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (satellite sensor) MSWEP Multi-Source Weighted Ensemble Precipitation (rainfall product) MVOTMA Ministerio de Vivienda, Ordenamiento Territorial y Medio Ambiente (Uruguay) NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration NDVI Normalized Difference Vegetation Index NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration OCPBC Organismo de Cuenca de la Península de Baja California (Basin entity of CONAGUA for the Península of Baja California, México) OSE Obras Sanitarias del Estado (Uruguay) PANI Provision of Advisory for Necessary Irrigation RS Remote Sensing 4 SEBAL Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land (ET estimation algorithm) SMAP Soil Moisture Active-Passive (satellite mission) SNAAC Secretaría Nacional de Ambiente, Agua y Cambio Climático SPI Standardized Precipitation Index SPOT Satellite Pour l'Observation de la Terre (satellite) SRTM Shuttle Radar Topography Mission SSEBop Simplified Surface Energy Balance (ET estimation algorithm) StarFM Spatial and Temporal Adaptive Reflectance Fusion Model TTL Task Team Leader TMPA TRMM (Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission) Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis (rainfall product) UNESCO-IHP United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization – International Hydrological Program UPID Uttar Pradesh Irrigation Department USDA United States Department of Agriculture VHR Very High Resolution VIC Variable Infiltration Capacity (land surface hydrological model) VIIRS Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (satellite sensor) WET Water Expert Team (World Bank internal technical assistance program) WPP Water Partnership Program WRM Water Resources Management 5 Executive Summary Water management agencies in many parts of the world are currently missing big opportunities to increase their capacity to monitor water resources. The wealth of remote sensing information being produced continuously and made freely available in near real-time, as well as advances in computing power, cloud storage and connectivity, has opened numerous opportunities for keeping a better eye on our planet’s water resources, complementing scarce and costly in-situ measurements. This report presents a range of remote sensing applications to support water resources management and decision-making, and discusses implementation approaches and their sustainability going forward. These were developed within the second phase of the Global Initiative on Remote Sensing for Water Resources Management, conceived to help mainstream beneficial remote sensing uses in operational projects of the Bank, and to facilitate the adoption in World Bank client countries. Bridging the gap between the supply of remote sensing data and the needs from the Bank’s operational projects, Earth Observations can better inform client country agencies by improving monitoring and predictive capabilities and supporting better water-related operations. This report is addressed to water practitioners in general, technical staff in national water agencies, and project leads from development and financing institutions. The goal of the report is to present insights from innovative remote sensing applications to help address specific water resources management challenges. The results presented here include constraints identified in the adoption of remote sensing, the approaches adopted to make applications functional in different contexts, the project applications themselves, insights on their sustainability, and ways forward. These applications can be replicated, up- scaled, and adapted in many other contexts to address similar challenges. We hope this report helps country agencies and project teams in integrating the use of remote sensing in their water resources management practices, as well as in project design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. The Remote Sensing Initiative Water is a fundamental ingredient to economic and social development, and it contributes to reducing multiple dimensions of poverty. To build resilience and progress towards water security, planning and management decisions need to be based on good quality information and understanding. Observational capabilities from ground monitoring networks and remote sensing provide the foundation for such understanding. The Global Initiative on Remote Sensing for Water Resources Management was launched in October 2013. Its first phase (2013-2016) documented and disseminating the potential and limitations of remote sensing applications in water resources management. The goal of Phase 2 (2017-2019), the Application’s Phase presented here, is to demonstrate different operational uses of remote sensing technology by implementing relevant and innovative applications within ongoing projects and country engagements. The applications were selected to cover a range of different water resources management challenges and geographical contexts, with the goal to help systematize their use in operational projects by showing how they can integrate within operational contexts. The case studies were designed to respond to client needs expressed and bottlenecks identified, namely the limited implementation capacity in client countries, concerns about operation and cost, the need for clear methodologies and recommended approaches, how to handle uncertainty, and ease of use. In each of the activities, developed in partnership with leading global and regional remote sensing organizations and development partners, dissemination and capacity building activities took place, and many are already being replicated outside the Initiative. 6 Remote Sensing Applications Addressing a range of WRM challenges, the following applications were carried out to help bridge the gap between available remote sensing technology and operational water resources management, while addressing the obstacles for adoption identified above: World Bank Context Remote Sensing Application Water Quality Water Quality Monitoring in Lake Toba (Indonesia): eutrophication issues in the lake Assessment in Lake were threatening the ecosystem, fish farms and tourism potential. The Government of Toba, Indonesia Indonesia requested assistance for monitoring and improving water quality. Using many sensors, a retrospective analysis of water quality in the lake and its drivers in the catchment was performed to better understand dynamics. Strengthening Water Water Quality Monitoring in Valle de Bravo (Mexico): increasing nutrient problems Security and Resilience and algal blooms were observed in this multi-purpose reservoir, one of the main in Mexico & Regional sources of water for Mexico City, and with important recreational and real estate Wastewater and Water values. After a retrospective analysis, an operational monitoring platform (for Sentinel- Quality Initiative 2 and Landsat-8) for chlorophyll and turbidity was developed as a complement to ground measurements. Operational Water Water Quality Monitoring in Laguna del Sauce (Uruguay): algal blooms in this lagoon Quality Monitoring, supplying drinking water to the second largest metropolitan area of Uruguay led the Uruguay government to explore more comprehensive solutions for monitoring water quality. After a retrospective analysis, an operational monitoring platform (for Sentinel-2 and for Landsat-8) for chlorophyll and turbidity was developed as a complement to ground measurements. Salado Integrated River Flood monitoring and analysis: In the flood-prone Salado River Basin, the lack of Basin Management historical flood extent information and capabilities to monitor are a problem. Support Project, A retrospective flood probability mapping and vulnerability analysis was produced, Argentina based on several satellite archives, leading to the design and development of the freely accessible and operational Salado Flood Dashboard. Strengthening Water ET and Crop monitoring at field level: The lack of budgets to monitor irrigation water Security and Resilience use and agricultural practices is a reality across irrigation districts in Mexico. A remote in Mexico sensing analysis of evapotranspiration (ET) and vegetation indexes (to monitor crop stage and crop type) over irrigation district 014 Rio Colorado provided new understanding of the districts’ dynamics. All projects with Operationalizing ET estimation: the need for highly specialized labor to produce ET Irrigated Agriculture estimates at the field scale (30m) is a big obstacle for regular and periodic estimation. The OpenET project is implementing and standardizing the codes of all the main ET algorithms to run in the cloud (Earth Engine) and to make them public. This enables ET estimation and the monitoring of irrigation water consumptive use, operationally, over large areas at very low cost, by a lot more people. Lake Chad Climate Hydrometeorological monitoring, understanding and prediction – The Lake Chad Change Adaptation and Flood and Drought Monitor Development Project Hydromet monitoring and prediction in this fragile and conflict-prone transboundary basin is hampered by lacking or very scarce ground observations. Here, remote sensing is the only good option for basin-wide hydromet monitoring. 7 Building on the continental-scale African Flood and Drought Monitor, the operational Lake Chad Flood and Drought Monitor was developed, also including scarce ground observations. It provides real-time monitoring and prediction capabilities, with 7-day and 6-months ahead seasonal forecasts and hydrologic predictions. This platform provides a first baseline for hydromet monitoring in the Lake Chad Basin. Irrigation Advisory for Irrigation Advisory to reduce Water Wastage: Small farmers in India The lack of specific information on crop water requirements leads to ineffective irrigation practices in many parts of the world. To help smallholder farmers in India use the right amount of irrigation water at the right time, a weekly irrigation advisory service via SMS to individual farmers has been implemented using state of the art remote sensing and weather forecast data. The system is now successfully serving 150 farmers and will be scaling-up in the next months. Customized, intuitive and timely information is needed to empower farmers to know how much to irrigate. Main Outcomes The main contributions to date of the RS Initiative to different RS application fields for World Bank projects, client countries and beyond, can be summarized as follows: Operational Water Quality Monitoring Platforms have been developed for Valle de Bravo (Mexico) and Laguna del Sauce (Uruguay). Building on the image processing and analytical work of the three sequential water quality pilots (Indonesia, Mexico and Uruguay), an operational system downloading and processing the Sentinel and Landsat Imagery as soon as it becomes available, was developed. Turbidity and Chlorophyll maps over Valle de Bravo and Laguna del Sauce are accessible in near-real time, calibrated with in-situ data over the historical period. Figure E1: Online Water Quality Monitoring Platforms for Valle de Bravo (Mexico) and Laguna del Sauce (Uruguay). The site acts as an image repository with easy browsing for dates and the numerical data of the satellite image can also be downloaded. The “open” button provides access to the turbidity and chlorophyll maps for that image. 8 Retrospective historical flood mapping in ungauged basins (Argentina): The Rio Salado activity created historical flood archives with flood detection algorithms used on MODIS, LANDSAT, and SENTINEL data, implemented in Google Earth Engine, and accessible to agency staff through a user friendly Flood Monitoring and Analysis Dashboard. The spatial and temporal patterns of flood exposure over the past decades were used to extract spatial statistics on flood frequency and duration. In combination with population and socio-economic data, they form a basis for flood probability and vulnerability assessments. This effort has led to additional work within the Bank where real-time flood extent analysis capabilities are developed. The time and labor demand of this application on the client are very low, and the opportunities for easy replication across projects and regions are very high. Figure ES2: The Rio Salado Flood Dashboard displaying the flood extents for return periods for 1, 2 and 5 years, built from the Landsat archive within google earth engine: Making field-scale evapotranspiration monitoring operational: the Remote Sensing Initiative has contributed to the OpenET Project efforts to adapt of all the main ET estimation algorithms to work in a cloud environment (Google Earth Engine). Specifically, the initiative helped the consortium secure funding from private foundations and then supported the porting of the DisALEXI algorithm into Google Earth Engine, in coordination with the porting of all other ET algorithms. This effort aims to enable regular and periodic ET monitoring at 30m resolution across all of the Bank’s relevant regions and projects. 9 Figure ES3: OpenET website online describing efforts and team composition: An Operational Hydromet Monitor for an FCV Region: The development of operational and near real- time Lake Chad Flood and Drought Monitor provides hydromet monitoring, weather forecasts (7 days ahead), seasonal forecasts (6 months ahead) and the resulting hydrologic predictions. The models within the application integrate high resolution remote sensing and other spatial data with ground data and are accessible through a user-friendly online platform. The Lake Chad Basin Commission, with lacking or scarce real-time hydromet data, now has this functioning monitor which provides a first baseline for hydromet monitoring in the Lake Chad Basin. Figure ES4: The Operational Lake Chad Flood and Drought Monitor showing a recent map of the soil moisture with variable selection pane on the left. 10 An Irrigation Advisory Service for Small Farmers (India): A disruptive technology application combining remote sensing and weather model data, in-situ measurements, and cell phone technology, the Provision of Advisory for Necessary Irrigation (PANI) system sends SMS messages to farmers weekly with a weather forecast and irrigation advisory. The system serves now 150 individual farmers and options are under discussion to scale up and work with the Uttar Pradesh Irrigation Department to adapt canal irrigation scheduling to better take into account crop water irrigation requirements from farmers. Figure ES5: Illustration of the goal and structure of the PANI Irrigation Advisory Linkage with international knowledge networks: All applications have benefited from synergies with partner efforts and international knowledge networks. These synergies are key for adoption and long term sustainability of applications, joint capacity building efforts, and knowledge spillovers. Adaptation of remote sensing tools to settings with low capacity: Owing to the rapid advancements in cloud computing, storage and data repositories, the remote sensing applications and tools created in this initiative have been developed with a focus on settings with low financial, human, technical and internet capacity. Stakeholder feedback has helped develop functional applications that best address user needs. Key Messages Remote sensing applications are powerful, low-cost and easily accessible techniques and can be combined with in situ and meteorological observations: This can result in comprehensive water quantity and quality monitoring and management supported by operational systems which provide automated data ingestion, algorithms for processing and calibration. The techniques and case studies developed through this initiative can be scaled up and extended to other applications worldwide, as the footprint of satellites is increasingly able to cover larger areas at increasing temporal and spatial resolution. 11 All the satellite imagery used in this study is completely free of cost and available to the public. With just a few in-situ measurements, periodic remote sensing data can be processed and calibrated over large spatial areas. Creating operational information flows is low cost. Overcome old obstacles with new opportunities: Old barriers for entry are: lack of capacity and human resources, pre-processing required for analysis and interpretation, perceived uncertainties in remote sensing estimates vs in-situ data, lack of clearly defined methodologies and guidelines, and overall lack of familiarity. New opportunities to lower these barriers for entry are: cloud storage and computing, global connectivity, a wealth of free RS data, low-cost online portals with visual representations, streamlined approaches to use RS data, integration with local data systems, collaboration and partnerships. Sustainability of applications is a balance between their complexity and the human resources with the right skillset needed to maintain it. From the identification of the institutions, the staff skillsets available, and the managerial constraints and intentions, several service provision models are proposed, each requiring different institutional arrangements and business models: national agency model, regional institution model, private service provision model, direct to end user model, global data production model, and others. A blend of new top-down mechanisms and bottom-up incentives must be found to make hydromet monitoring and other applications sustainable in Africa and globally. These may include a blend of global to local engagement and ownership, public and private services, and a better connection with end users demand in the short and long terms. Investments are mostly needed on human capacity: to develop capabilities for remote sensing monitoring one must invest in human resources. Computational/IT investments are modest. RS provides a multiplier value: A modest investment in remote sensing monitoring represents a large multiplier on the value of other investments, including in-situ measurements, usually much costlier and more limited in time and space. Seven global products and applications are proposed as strategic and beneficial opportunities for the international community to develop. These will lower the barriers for entry by producing or facilitating access to analysis-ready data for the benefit of local users, having a significant impact in projects across different sectors. They focus on monitoring systems for: irrigation and crops, floods, hydromet, riparian areas and the environment, water quality, transboundary reservoir systems and dam safety. 12 Chapter 1 – Water, Development and Remote Sensing Viewed from space, one of the most striking features of Earth is the abundance of water – a vital substance that, in all of its forms, sets the Earth apart from other planets of the solar system. Water is a major driving force for life on Earth, supporting primary productivity, nutrient cycling and biodiversity. Water is also key to economic and social development, and as such contributes to reducing multiple dimensions of poverty: water resources are essential for growing economies in order to sustain industrial growth and food production, generate renewable energy, and provide access to drinking water and sanitation. Figure 1: NASA “blue marble” At the same time, the world’s water is an increasingly stressed resource. Since the 1980s, global water use has been increasing by about 1% annually, driven by a combination of population growth, socio- economic development and changing consumption patterns. By 2050, global water demand is expected to rise to 20-30% above the current water use (WWAP, 2019). As demand for water continues to grow and the effects of climate change intensify, the pressure on water resources will continue to increase. As a result, water insecurity is one of the greatest risks facing the world today. Sustainable and evidence- based water resources management is therefore paramount to generate and maintain economic development. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development recognizes safe drinking water and sanitation as a basic human right and aims at ensuring availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all by 2030. This includes tackling both water scarcity and water pollution, through substantially increasing water use efficiencies across all sectors as well as improving wastewater treatment. Water resources management needs to strike a balance between competing human demands and available water resources, and between short-term needs and long-term vision. In this context, a good understanding of hydrologic processes in space and time is a key element of informed planning and decision-making. High quality data, disaggregated in space and time, constitute the foundation for this understanding. With ground monitoring networks sparse particularly in developing regions, which arguably are most in need of information, observational capabilities from a range of remote sensing (RS) platforms play an important role for complementing in-situ data, in service of both the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in general (Anderson et al. 2017; Cohen and Kharas, 2018) and improved water resources management specifically (Mishra et al., 2015; Garcia et al., 2016; Wang and Xie, 2018). Goals and structure of this report This report is addressed to technical staff from water agencies in client countries, project leads, and water practitioners in general. The goal of the report is to demonstrate the increase in knowledge and understanding that is possible by leveraging existing technologies, ongoing efforts and global know-how with modest resources, using free and publicly available remote sensing data and processing platforms. We hope the information contained in this report encourages country agencies and project teams to take advantage of available remote sensing technologies and data products in various stages of their water resources management projects, including project design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. 13 This report on remote sensing1 applications for water management presents insights from the implementation of innovative applications, which were developed to help address specific water management challenges within ongoing World Bank projects and assistance efforts with country agencies. Chapter 2 summarizes the specific project and decision contexts, the remote sensing applications developed in response to different challenges, and lessons learned from the implementation. A detailed description and discussion of each of the applications is provided in the set of Knowledge Notes published in parallel to this report. Chapter 3 discusses the sustainability of applications in country contexts and ways forward. Chapter 4 highlights the main contributions of the Remote Sensing Initiative towards closing the gap between technology and practical applications. Chapter 5 proposes a list of global products and applications going forward, to be developed by the international community and which would highly benefit projects and country agencies around the world. Knowledge for Implementation: The Remote Sensing Initiative From the World Bank’s position at the intersection between client country needs, development solutions, and the supply side of research and global information (i.e. research institutions, technical agencies and science-policy networks), emerges a role of Knowledge Producer, Implementer and Disseminator. In fast- evolving fields such as in remote sensing, global initiatives are good mechanisms for synthesizing the state of the art and bringing cutting-edge science and applications that are ripe for operationalization in projects and country contexts. The Global Initiative on Remote Sensing for Water Resources Management2 was launched in response to the need for improved data and information to support evidence-based water resources management across the World Bank’s operations. The initiative was financed by the Water Partnership Program (WPP) and later by the Global Water Security and Sanitation Partnership (GWSP) of the Water Global Practice. The initiative has unfolded in two phases: Phase 1 (2013–2016): The first phase was dedicated to research and document the potential and limitations of remote sensing applications in water resources management, as well as disseminate the results (Garcia et al., 2016). A study had found that only 18% of 800 World Bank projects with water themes had made use of remote sensing between 2002-2012, the rest relying exclusively on ground observations, often scarce and incomplete. In response, Phase 1 assessed potentially unused possibilities offered by remote sensing for several key hydrological variables: (1) precipitation, (2) evapotranspiration, (3) soil moisture, (4) vegetation, (5) groundwater, (6) surface water, (7) snow cover, and (8) water quality. A decision framework was elaborated to determine whether and which remote sensing products could make a contribution to a particular monitoring, evaluation or planning task. Phase 1 concluded that there was still a large gap between existing remote sensing technologies and operational applications in support of water resources management. Despite great potential for space-based remote sensing to enhance monitoring capabilities, remote sensing data and products are largely being underutilized in water resources management. Practitioners, especially in developing countries, would benefit from efforts to bridge the gap between research and operational uses of remote sensing technology (Garcia et al., 2016). 1 While remote sensing encompasses the acquisition of data from a distance using various platforms including drones, airplanes and satellites, the focus of this work is on satellite remote sensing. The terms ‘remote sensing’ and ‘Earth Observation’ are used interchangeably. 2 From here onwards referred to as the Remote Sensing Initiative 14 Phase 2 (2017–2019): Building on the findings from Phase 1, the goal of Phase 2 was to concretely demonstrate the different operational uses of remote sensing technology within ongoing projects and country engagements. To this end, the Remote Sensing Initiative has supported project teams and the Water Global Practice through: (1) implementation of remote sensing applications in operational Bank projects to illustrate recommended approaches and procedures, replicable in other contexts facing similar challenges; (2) targeted, short term engagement of specialized experts to advise and provide remote sensing guidance on specific challenges within investment operations; and (3) knowledge dissemination, as well as advocacy and capacity-building activities, in partnership with leading global and regional remote sensing and capacity-building organizations. The RS applications respond to demands from project teams and water management agencies and were selected to cover a range of water management challenges and geographic contexts. The activities were designed to showcase the integration of innovative remote sensing applications within operational contexts, while addressing previously identified bottlenecks of limited human and financial capacity in client countries and related concerns. Mainstreaming Remote Sensing In the life cycle of technology development, remote sensing has arguably reached the maturity stage, where it is established as a key technology and widely adopted and integrated into applications across many sectors. Earth observing satellite missions are increasingly leveraged, if not explicitly designed, for societal applications (Hossain, 2015). The benefits of remote sensing-based data collection to complement ground-based measurements are obvious: Remote sensing provides a synoptic perspective. It is global, systematic, quantitative, repeatable and timely (Table 1). Moreover, while cost had long been a prohibiting factor for the accessibility and wider adoption of remote sensing, vast data archives have become freely available throughout the past decade. Table 1: Comparison of traditional field-based and remote sensing-based approaches. Remote sensing-based approaches are to be complementary to field-based approaches. Field-based Remote sensing-based Data Direct measurement of some variables of Measurement of spectral reflectance (water acquisition interest (e.g. rain gauge, temperature, quality, rainfall), emittance (temperature), or water quality parameter concentrations). distance (altimetry), from which variables of Indirect measurements of other variables: interest are estimated. biomass, evapotranspiration, streamflow. Coverage Local, point measurements. Global, area measurements (integrated over Discontinuous in space, often not pixel size, from sub-meter to multiple km). spatially representative. Spatially continuous. Remote areas under-represented. Technical Basic requirements of technical capacity Higher requirements of technical capacity and Capacity needs and training. Usually no extensive pre- training. (Pre-)processing required to extract processing required. information from data, although increasing availability of analysis-ready data products. Cost Cost for the installation and maintenance Costs of trained staff and minimal costs of of monitoring stations (staff time and computing hardware. transport to each station). Cost increases A wealth of data is free and publicly available, as with spatial coverage. is open source processing software. Increasing If sampling is not automatic and with tele- availability of commercial very high-resolution transmission, high data collection costs. data and decreasing costs. Major Systematic lack of sufficient data and lack Some sensors are limited by cloud cover. Even limitations of spatial and temporal representativity. when low, uncertainties are difficult to quantify 15 Difficulty to relate point measurements to due to the challenges of comparing satellite pixel areal averages. averages with in-situ point measurements. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center, which holds the US Landsat archive since the 1970s, adopted a free and open Landsat data policy in 2008 (Woodcock et al., 2008). Historical data were subsequently also made more accessible through the U.S. Landsat Global Archive Consolidation (LGAC) program. This led to a rapid increase in Landsat data ordering for scientific studies as well as operational applications (Figure 2) and benefitted discoveries dependent on large numbers of Landsat scenes. In addition, the USGS implemented higher-level processing of the Landsat images, reducing the need for some preprocessing steps and making the data more immediately useful. The economic benefit arising from open access Landsat data across different economic sectors was estimated as US$1.7 billion for US users plus $400 million for international users in the year 2011 alone (Zhu et al., 2019). Figure 2: Exponentially increasing number of Landsat image downloads from the US Landsat Archive since the adoption of its free and open access policy (red dotted line) as well as increasing number of annual publications with “Landsat” and “time series” in the title. (Zhu et al., 2019 p.383) The Landsat free data policy catalyzed similar developments by other national and multi-national remote sensing programs, such as European Space Agency’s (ESA) Copernicus Program with its fleet of Sentinels. Copernicus data is provided freely to the public through the Sentinel Open Access Data Hub or through Data and Information Access Services (DIAS), which also includes processing tools. Copernicus also offers a range of operational services in six thematic areas free of charge. The increased demand for satellite data has resulted in efforts to achieve common standards and interoperability between multiple providers, such that Landsat and Sentinel-2 data now present a virtual constellation of satellites with assimilated products, further benefitting emerging applications (Wulder et al., 2015). While NASA and ESA are the largest providers of Earth Observation data, a growing number of states have acquired capacity for space-based observations leading to a rapid expansion of Earth observing satellite missions and data. Emerging economies with notable Earth observation missions include China, India and 16 Brazil. Globally, there has been a trend towards lower-cost, smaller platforms and increasing mission longevity, all of which contributed to an exponential increase in active satellites and in data volume (see Belward and Skoien, 2015). Rapidly expanding computational capabilities, with cloud computing becoming increasingly available and accessible, have created the perfect conditions for exploiting the now freely available archives of satellite data. Google Earth Engine (GEE) makes use of Google’s computing resources to provide a cloud-based platform that combines an analysis-ready data catalog of publicly available remote sensing and other geospatial dataset with a high-performance, parallel computing service for processing these datasets (Gorelick et al., 2017). Requiring only a web browser and a moderately fast internet connection, GEE substantially reduces the need for local data storage and high-power computers. This makes GEE particularly interesting for smaller institutions and for the developing world, as it essentially levels the playing field for all. Other advantages of data processing and analysis in the cloud are the easy shareability of algorithms, the scalability of applications, and easy dissemination of results. The Australian Geoscience Data Cube (AGDC) also addresses the challenge of ingesting, processing and disseminating analysis-ready “Big Earth Data” (mostly Landsat) with an open source data analysis platform. Initially focused on Australia, it has been developed with international needs and challenges in mind and has fostered technical and scientific partnerships with developing countries (Lewis et al., 2017). On the commercial end, Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers cloud-based computing resources on a metered pay-as-you-go basis. However, it has just awarded US$1.5 million worth of cloud computing services to support 21 projects in developing countries to offset the cost of developing cloud-based sustainability applications (GEO, 2019). The combination of free and open satellite data archives with data processing platforms and applications accessible to not only traditional remote sensing scientists but to a larger user base of practitioners has created the preconditions for mainstreaming remote sensing. Indeed, the value and transformative potential of remote sensing has been recognized at the highest global level. Thus, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development endorsed by the United Nations General Assembly calls for new data acquisition and exploitation of a wide range of data, explicitly mentioning earth observation and geospatial information (Anderson et al., 2017). Further, the G7 Science and Technology Ministers expressed a need for continued investment in infrastructure and services for data collection, analysis and dissemination, including remote sensing. Since 2005, the Group on Earth Observations (GEO), an intergovernmental partnership to improve availability, access and use of earth observations, has been building a Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS), integrating data from various platforms and providers to meet the need for timely, quality, long-term and global information as a basis for sound decision-making (Anderson et al., 2017). Water resources management is one of eight societal benefit areas where earth observation plays a key role in decision making and which GEO has focused on. Earth observation on water resources is also relevant to the areas of disaster resilience, food security and sustainable agriculture, and sustainable urban development. From Earth Observation data to actionable information Despite the increasingly widespread recognition of the benefits of remote sensing for diverse areas of application, the petabytes of free and open Earth Observation data, the ever-increasing suites of 17 processing tools, transitioning from research to operational applications has remained a challenge. End users – farmers, water resource managers, agency personnel – do not just want more data or new tools, but they need actionable information to generate insight and help their day-to-day management decisions. To take stock of where the World Bank portfolio was standing in this transition from research to operations, the early stages of the Remote Sensing Initiative assessed the uptake of remote sensing technology in the water sector. A number of obstacles for adoption of remote sensing applications, or barriers for entry, were identified in a range of discussions with practitioners: lack of capacity and human resources, complex processing needs, uncertainties in the remote sensing estimates and their applications, varying RS data accuracies and different decision contexts, lack of established methodologies; skepticism and mystification from end users and authorities, lack of familiarity of remote sensing scientists with realities on the ground, and difficulty in ensuring long-term operational sustainability. Many of these obstacles relate to the lack of human and technical capacity within national agencies: overcoming these barriers was a motivating factor in the design and implementation of the activities presented in this report. The following chapter presents the suite of remote sensing applications adressing a range of water resources management challenges, which also showcases the innovative approaches that were used to overcome the above barriers for entry of remote sensing. These approaches take advantage of technological developments of the last years such as the ease of cloud storage, with large satellite imagery archives available, cloud computing, internet connectivity between datasets and users, and communication technologies. The chapter also presents efforts to standardize and facilitate processes to lower complexity and costs for certain applications. It is of our opinion that these innovative approaches make applications more accessible, sustainable and operational in developing contexts. 18 Chapter 2. Remote Sensing Applications for Water Management Challenges The Remote Sensing Initiative has supported several projects and country/regional engagements by developing a range of tailored applications to help address different water resources management challenges across the water sector portfolio. Within the context of these efforts, the initiative has covered a range of remote sensing application types and water resources management challenges. The costs spent by the initiative per each application showcased here range from under $30,000 up to $80,000 USD and all the remote sensing data used in the Remote Sensing Initiative is free and publicly available. This chapter provides an overview of these applications with a focus on the decision-making context, the application implementation, the benefits provided by remote sensing, insights into local ownership, scaling up, and sustainability going forward. Each of these application activities is described in detail in a set of Knowledge Briefs published in parallel to this report. Figure 3: Remote sensing applications developed within the Remote Sensing Initiative and presented here. Operational Monitoring of Water quality Multispectral remote sensing data is an extremely valuable tool to understand water quality dynamics, due to its synoptic view, multiscale and systematic data collection, and immediate transmission of the data. A range of water quality parameters can be estimated using remote sensing, including total nitrogen, total phosphorus, chlorophyll-a concentration, colored dissolved organic matter (dissolved organic carbon or total organic carbon), total suspended sediment (or turbidity), transparency (e.g., Secchi disk depth), temperature and others. In the three pilots, the main focus was to operationalize the monitoring of chlorophyll and turbidity, which are proxies for nutrient concentration and biological productivity, and concentration of suspended particulates. Within the Remote Sensing Initiative, three studies were developed at the request of government agencies and Bank teams, leading to operational and real-time online monitoring platforms: 19 • Lake Toba (Indonesia), a unique natural asset with high tourism potential threatened by declining water quality. • Valle de Bravo Reservoir (Mexico), a key supplier of water to the Mexico City Metropolitan Area with increasing eutrophication issues. • Laguna del Sauce (Uruguay), supplying water to the second largest metropolitan area of Uruguay, where nutrient problems and algal blooms are increasingly common. Lake Toba, Indonesia Lake Toba is the largest volcano-tectonic lake in the world and one of Indonesia’s prime tourist destinations. The 87km long lake drains a catchment area of 3,658 km2 and provides a wide range of economic and environmental goods and services for more than half a million people in 400 villages. Since the 1990s the Lake has suffered from a continual decline in water quality that threatens both the unique tourism potential and the long-term ecological sustainability of the lake. A range of point and non-point sources of pollution contribute to the deterioration of water quality: land use practices and deforestation, industrial development, poor investment in basic infrastructure and services resulting in poor water supply and sanitation, and unregulated expansion of caged aquaculture, among others. Information-to-decisions context: In response to the deteriorating water quality, the Government of Indonesia is preparing an integrated, cross-ministerial, and cross-sector approach for the future development of tourism in Lake Toba. This includes the development of comprehensive solutions for improved management and monitoring of the lake’s water quality. These efforts are central to understanding the drivers of deteriorating water quality and to designing the most appropriate and cost- effective interventions to reduce pollution. One of the major constraints in assessing water quality is the scarcity of primary data. Water quality data are neither systematically collected nor available over suitable periods of time and with appropriate spatial coverage. Ideally, monitoring should include several in situ measurements of parameters, such as temperature, salinity, turbidity, Secchi depth and transparency, dissolved oxygen, and oxygen demand. For Lake Toba, understanding the processes of eutrophication also requires monitoring of phosphorus, nitrogen, and chlorophyll-a concentrations, along with land use changes. Given the lack of systematic water quality data collection in Lake Toba, the Government of Indonesia requested assistance from the Bank team to explore the potential of remote sensing monitoring and analysis approaches. The decision-support goals of this application were (1) to help understand the spatial and temporal dynamics of water quality in the Lake and (2) to advise on operationalizing a monitoring system that integrates remote sensing and ground data. The team used data from multiple satellite sensors to assess water quality dynamics and land use changes, in order to inform the planning of future measures and investments. Valle de Bravo, Mexico The Valle de Bravo Reservoir, or Lake Avandaro, is a human-made lake located in the Mexican tropical highlands approximately 150 km southwest of Mexico City. It is the largest reservoir of the Cutzamala System, a system of seven interconnected reservoirs that provide part of the water supply for the over 20 million inhabitants of the Mexico City Metropolitan Area and other surrounding cities. In addition to its use for water supply and hydroelectric power generation, the Valle the Bravo Reservoir has become a popular weekend getaway for affluent families from the capital, with possibilities to boat, water ski, sail 20 and fish. With human activity rapidly increasing in its watershed and adequate sewage and wastewater treatment lacking among the rural population, the Valle de Bravo Reservoir has suffered from an ongoing process of eutrophication, resulting in frequent algae/cyanobacterial blooms. Information-to-decisions context: Concerned with ensuring water quality of the lake and ultimately of the drinking water provided to the Mexico City Metropolitan Area, Mexico’s national water authority CONAGUA as well as the regional Organismo de Cuenca Aguas del Valle de México (OCAVM) need a better understanding of the complex water quality dynamics of the lake. While the reservoir is considered the best instrumented lake in Mexico, in-situ measurements provide a limited picture for monitoring and understanding the extent and dynamics of algal blooms and the conditions under which they occur. CONAGUA therefore requested the assistance of the Bank team to identify appropriate remote sensing tools and help devise an application strategy to provide information needed to support decision-making regarding nutrient pollution prevention and mitigation measures. Laguna del Sauce, Uruguay Laguna del Sauce is a water supply reservoir located in the Department of Maldonado, supplying drinking water to more than 95% of the population in Maldonado (cities of Maldonado, Punta del Este, San Carlos, Piriápolis and its peripheral areas) since 1970. The average annual volume of drinking water production from the reservoir is around 52,000 m3 per day, while in the high season it can reach 100,000 m3 per day. A presence of microalgae blooms (cyanobacteria) in Laguna del Sauce has been recorded since the 1960s. Research carried out in different periods agree on the continued and increasing conditions of eutrophication (high concentration of nutrients) of this system. Due to these blooms, the potabilization process has presented numerous problems over the years, which have been solved through a considerable transformation of the water treatment plant over the past decade. However, the presence of cyanobacteria continues to pose a potential health risk due to its capacity to produce toxins, which can cause serious disturbances in the supply of drinking water as well as other productive and / or recreational activities. Due to this, improved management of this phenomenon is important for the good management and safety of water supply in the area in the near future. Information-to-decisions context: The pilot study supported by the Remote Sensing Initiative aimed at strengthening the Government of Uruguay’s ongoing initiatives to address the nutrient pollution problem in Uruguay’s surface waters. To this end, the technical team worked in partnership with a team of government agencies charged with water resources management (SNAACC: Secretaría Nacional de Ambiente, Agua y Cambio Climático; MVOTMA: Ministerio de Vivienda, Ordenamiento Territorial y Medio Ambiente; MGAP: Ministerio de Ganadería, Agricultura y Pesca; OSE: Obras Sanitarias del Estado). The remote sensing-based assessment of water quality issues was requested to respond to the following needs: (1) contribute to a better understanding of options for water quality remote sensing capabilities and their requirements, (2) assist the government of Uruguay in identifying appropriate remote sensing tools, (3) devise an application strategy to provide information needed to support decision-making regarding the targeting and monitoring of nutrient pollution prevention and mitigation measures. Applications: Operational Water Quality Monitoring Platforms were developed for Valle de Bravo (Mexico) and Laguna del Sauce (Uruguay), using Landsat and Sentinel imagery at 30m and 10m resolution respectively. The platforms build on the analytical work in three water quality pilots (Indonesia, Mexico and Uruguay, which includes a retrospective analysis integrating imagery and in-situ data. The operational system downloads and processes imagery as soon as it becomes available and turbidity and chlorophyll maps over Valle de Bravo and Laguna del Sauce are accessible in near-real time, calibrated with in-situ 21 data over the historical period. In the case of Indonesia, the water quality analysis (which also included a MERIS retrospective analysis), was combined with land use/cover change data using MODIS imagery, and meteorological information from the HIMAWARI satellite to understand the role of storms in nutrient mobilization and harmful algal blooms in Lake Toba. Figure 4: Automated Remote sensing data and visualization system developed for Laguna del Sauce for Landsat and Sentinel Imagery (above). Chlorophyll and turbidity product maps visualized in the online automated water quality monitoring system (below, sentinel imagery displayed in both figures). Added benefits of using earth observations: the periodic availability of a spatial distribution of the WQ parameters was new to the three cases and enables spatial monitoring and new understanding. In Valle de Bravo, the best instrumented lake in Mexico as a water source for Mexico City, the inclusion of remote sensing fully captured the spatial and seasonal cycles of nutrient dynamics, of which discrete in-situ 22 measurements had a limited view. In Indonesia, in addition to unveiling the relative importance of nutrient dynamics in different parts of the lake, EO provided new insights onto the timing and role of storms in benthic sediment and nutrient re-mobilization and the sequence of events from rainfall, runoff into the lake, turbidity, algal blooms and fish die-off. In Indonesia no in-situ measurements were available. Going Forward: client ownership and sustainability – water quality The three applications in Indonesia, Mexico and Uruguay present a gradient of mobilization of the client’s human resources to work with the bank team. Mexico and Uruguay had an established group of staff to interact and exchange with, and in the case of Uruguay a very strong motivation to absorb as much know- how as possible, and to put it in practice, was made evident by the creation of a working group comprising multiple agencies and academic institutions. By the time the restitution mission took place, technical staff had already been working with satellite image processing based on previous videoconference discussions and data exchanges. In addition, a joint workshop session was organized with government agencies, university departments and research centers, where everyone presented their expertise. This is the ideal case of a country that is willing to commit human resources to a specific task, and actively involve research centers where new advances are being tested, and where collegial exchanges between agencies and academia are commonplace. The operational platform for water quality monitoring developed here can easily be owned, run and maintained in Uruguay. Arising from this activity, the government is planning to include a remote sensing component in a WB project under preparation to systematically increase its water quality monitoring capacity over all of the nation’s water bodies. The agency engagement in Mexico (and Indonesia) was different as the technical staff dedicated to follow up the activity was limited and without remote sensing background, nor capacity to directly absorb and own image processing, nor was given the specific task to do so. Academia was not involved to directly work on the activity, and no multi-agency working group was created. On the other hand, CONAGUA (Mexico) showed a firm intention to add a RS component within a large project on water quality monitoring investments for water supply reservoirs nation-wide. Understanding the complementary benefits and low cost of remote sensing to multiply the value of costly in-situ investments, they are aiming at contracting EO service providers to process and provide information (as an alternative to developing internal capacity). Barriers of entry in these applications were lowered by (1) the pooling of expertise and skills through the creation of working groups, (2) frequent meetings with the Bank team via videoconference, (3) connection with academia and researchers working on these topics, (3) blending of EO data with familiar in-situ data for calibration, (4) the use of internet connectivity to display and deliver data and results from servers or the cloud. Upscaling the operational platforms developed here to cover all water bodies of interest in each country requires work on two fronts: (1) the expansion of image processing to cover a broader area, easily done with cloud computing and qualified minimal human resources and (2) calibration and fine-tuning of new areas with available in-situ measurements (skilled staff time). Thus, expanding RS-based water quality monitoring at the national level is easily feasible and a low-cost effort in the big picture: the main investment is on staff time with the right set of skills. The detailed description of the activity on water quality monitoring and analysis for lake Toba (Indonesia), Valle de Bravo (Mexico), and Laguna del Sauce (Uruguay), can be found in three parallel Knowledge Notes. 23 An Online Dashboard: Flood monitoring in the Rio Salado, Argentina: Floods, especially in a flat region, are a phenomenon that is better observed from space rather than from land with in-situ gauges. The vastness of the floods in the Rio Salado basin and the small elevation changes and heterogeneities that determine what land is flooded and which one is not would be impossible to map out without remote sensing images. Earth observation is a cost effective means of providing spatially detailed, temporally repetitive and systematic data coverage of large areas at a variety of scales and resolutions. Recurring flood events have severely affected Argentina’s economy, with the intensity of climate variability increasing under the influence of stronger El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events and due to climate change. Information-to-decisions context: In response to the high and increasing flood and drought risks, the Province of Buenos Aires (with the support of the World Bank) elaborated the Integrated Salado River Basin Management Plan (PMI – Plan de Manejo Integral de la Cuenca del Río Salado) in 1997-1999, which has been implemented since 2000 to (1) reduce negative impacts of floods and droughts on the basin’s economy, (2) improve the economic conditions of the basin through sustainable development and in particular economic activities in the agriculture and livestock sector, and (3) develop and preserve the environmental value of the basin, in particular the wetlands. Two agencies in the Buenos Aires province, the Agencia del Agua (ADA) and the Demarcación Provincial de Obras Hidráulicas (DPOH), routinely deal with several flood-related management decisions that can benefit from remote sensing-based flood analytics, including: • Land use planning (“Ordenacion del Territorio”): which areas to allocate for particular flood- sensitive land use types, such as farmland and urban infrastructure; and which land to expropriate from agricultural use and designate as public wetland area. • Design and impact monitoring of hydraulic structures: where to place hydraulic structures for best results, what water retention volume is needed, what is the impact of existing and new hydraulic structures • Informing and executing tax policies: tax breaks to farmers for flooded crops and determination of the extent of flooded crops Application: An historical analysis of flood extents in the Rio Salado combined multiple satellite sensors (MODIS, Landsat, and Sentinel-1) and flood detection algorithms in a parallel cloud computing platform (Google Earth Engine - GEE), resulting in flood analysis products at 250m and 30m resolutions. The flood analysis products – including maps of flood extent, flood exposure, flood frequency, flood return interval, flood probability and population affected – were archived in a cloud-based database and made available to the public through a user-friendly online dashboard: 24 Figure 5: The Rio Salado Flood Dashboard displaying the flood extents for return periods for 1, 2 and 5 years, built from the Landsat archive within google earth engine: Added benefits of the use of Earth Observations in the Salado Basin are the enabling of systematic monitoring of basin-wide flood extents and the production of flood probability maps (and all sorts of derived flood statistics), which would be impossible to produce otherwise due to the flatness of the region and the difficulties to do so with in-situ gauges. Going Forward: client ownership and sustainability – flood mapping High level officials are very focused on the infrastructure dimension of the project under implementation and more importance should be given to knowledge and “soft” tools to manage flood risk. The flood mapping application presented here has the potential to be adopted, as technical staff within the agencies has some background on remote sensing and clearly saw the value of the methodology used here. During a workshop Q&A session, the Bank team was given the dates of a flood and processed a Landsat image on the spot, in the cloud, a process that usually takes local staff a couple of weeks. Numerous members of academia attended the restitution workshop alongside agency staff and the technology behind the flood mapping application developed here could easily be owned and run locally. Once there is some experience on flood mapping algorithms, the transfer and running in the cloud (in this case GEE) can easily be developed by putting the right mix of skill and interest into it (graduate students doing their research, a programmer). The use of the Earth Engine cloud with all the satellite imagery archives from MODIS, Landsat and Sentinel the use of cloud computing to process all the imagery over the entire province, and the development of a user-friendly interface, all contributed to lowering the barriers of entry of remote sensing technology. Flood maps and other results are online, a click-away for everyone, and local agencies did not have to invest anything in hardware, and not even a single image had to be downloaded through their network. The natural next step in this context, is to adapt the system to ingest imagery in real-time and display flood extents from the last satellite overpass. The consultant team was encouraged to develop capabilities for the real-time ingestion and processing of new satellite imagery to assist in real-time monitoring and 25 decision-making during flood events. This was done in subsequent contracts within WB projects after dissemination of this work. Once higher management levels realize the RS application developed here is key to properly monitor the evolving impacts of millions of dollars’ worth of investments in infrastructure under implementation (in the context of current WB project), the use of this low-cost application should be systematic. This is the perfect example of how a very small investment in a monitoring tool that enables better understanding can have a big impact in the implementation of a $375 million on basin management and flood control works. The detailed description of the activity on flood mapping and analysis for the Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, can be found in the parallel Knowledge Note. Monitoring Irrigation Districts from Space Irrigation water use and cropping patterns in irrigation districts can be difficult to monitor. Vegetation indexes (informing on crop type and biomass) and evapotranspiration are relevant variables that can be monitored with earth observation. Time series of vegetation indices allow us to follow crop stage through the year, as well as to distinguish different types of crops. Evapotranspiration (ET) is the water evaporated from the fields (from soil and by the plants) which depends on water availability resulting from rainfall or irrigation. Complemented with ground knowledge or measurements, this remote sensing-derived information can lead to an improved understanding of the crop and water dynamics within an irrigation district. The Remote Sensing Initiative supported several activities to address monitoring challenges in irrigation districts, in contexts with both surface water irrigation and groundwater irrigation. It was clear from the beginning that the main limitation of this application is the periodic estimation of field-scale (30m) ET due to the high costs of specialized human resources needed to produce the ET estimates. This led to the involvement and support of the initiative to the OpenET project. This section focuses on: • The Distrito de Riego 014 – Rio Colorado (Mexico), one of the largest irrigation districts in Mexico, whose monitoring agency has no funding for monitoring. • The OpenET project, aiming to lower the costs of field-scale ET estimation and enable regular and periodic monitoring over large areas and globally. Rio Colorado Irrigation District, Mexico The Distrito de Riego 014 – Rio Colorado is located along the lower reaches of the Colorado River, between the US-Mexican border and the Sea of Cortez, covering parts of the states of Baja California and of Sonora. With an irrigated area of 207,965 ha, the Distrito de Riego 014 is one of the largest irrigation districts in Mexico. Irrigation critically depends on the Colorado River delivering surface water directly as well as providing a major source of shallow groundwater recharge. Groundwater and surface water are coupled tightly, so that additions or subtractions to one are felt by the other. The use of Colorado River water turns this otherwise arid region into one of the most fertile and productive areas of Mexico, with over 50 different crops grown. However, with growing water demand from the city of Tijuana and local urban centers, the pressure on water managers to optimize water use efficiencies has been on the rise. 26 Information-to-decisions Context: The Mexican Comisión Nacional del Agua (CONAGUA) is responsible for monitoring, managing and protecting Mexico’s water resources and ensure their sustainable use. However, over the last years, CONAGUA has seen its monitoring budget severely reduced, including a loss of personnel. In this context of having to achieve more with very little, CONAGUA through its Organismo de Cuenca de la Peninsula de Baja California has a keen interest in taking up remote sensing applications to monitor this large irrigation district. The need has been expressed for remote sensing to address the following questions: o Monitor irrigated cropped area: As field expansions were found to go unreported, CONAGUA needs to be able to verify that farmers cultivate an area for which they hold water rights. o Monitor crop types and cropping patterns: It was found that farmers may report a certain crop but later plant a crop with higher water use requirements. Also, more farmers are doing double cropping (winter and summer crops) than reported. CONAGUA needs to be able to verify that farmers plant what they declared each year in August/September in their “permiso unico de siembra” (i.e. sowing permit) which determines the amount of water needed and the water rights to be used in each field, effectively tying the agricultural land to a water use amount. o Monitor ET and understand field water productivity: Both CONAGUA and the farmers themselves expressed interest in monitoring ET to better understand irrigation dynamics, consumptive water use, and system productivity and efficiencies at various levels. Application: using several datasets including Landsat imagery at 30m resolution, vegetation indexes and actual daily evapotranspiration estimates were derived for years 2016, 2017 and 2018, providing a detailed picture of consumptive water use and crop stage in each field throughout the years. Canal water deliveries were available for some fields in three of the twenty-two modules of the district and were used to validate the approach and close the field water balance. In addition, a crop production model was implemented for wheat The district and the national water agency, CONAGUA is using this new remote sensing information to detect problem areas and understand dynamics in fields with different water use productivities. This information enables to monitor farmers’ water use and sowing patterns in relation to their water allocations and sowing permits. This can inform future hydro-agricultural policies aimed at improving water use efficiency and especially at increasing productivity. 27 Figure 6: Schematic depicting time series evapotranspiration estimates from remote sensing at field scales in District 14 Rio Colorado. Added benefits of the use of Earth Observations include the overall capacity to monitor what crops are planted where in this 200,000 ha district, find the fields that do double cropping, and see when fields are irrigated and how much water is lost to the atmosphere. Doing this with ground resources is much costlier and it was not being done due to the lack of budget. Thus, RS is enabling field monitoring capabilities for the first time across the district. In other contexts, the initiative tried to infer changes in groundwater use through the estimation of evapotranspiration. This was the case of the India National Groundwater Management Improvement Program, a payment for results project aiming to reduce groundwater extraction and arresting the decline in the groundwater table. A study looked at the feasibility of using ET estimates and other variables for the calculation of Disbursement Linked Indicators (DLIs) for the project. It was found that the main obstacle to accomplishing the above goal was the lack of capacity to produce operational field-scale (30m) ET estimates over large areas in a periodic and cost-effective manner. Such field-scale estimates at 30m would enable a better attribution of reduced pumping rates and consumptive use across farmers, districts and municipalities, a prerequisite for its potential use for DLI indicators. Given this gap in the state of the art of ET monitoring, the Remote Sensing Initiative has coordinated with other experts and partners to push forward efforts to develop capabilities for operational field-scale estimation of ET over large areas (see next section). Making ET estimation operational While in the past ET estimation has been done in an inconsistent manner depending on project needs and availability of funding, typically in retrospect and for limited periods of time, capacity to produce operational field-scale (30m) ET estimates over large areas in a periodic and cost-effective manner has been lacking. The regular estimation of field-scale ET estimates provides an invaluable operational monitoring tool to irrigation districts and farmers as the growing season unfolds. 28 Given this gap in the state of the art of ET monitoring, the Remote Sensing Initiative worked to develop capabilities for operational field-scale estimation of ET over large areas, teaming up with the OpenET project. To this end, the DisALEXI algorithm, one of the current cutting-edge models of ET estimation, was translated into cloud language for implementation within Google Earth Engine (GEE), so that it can be run periodically over large areas taking advantage of the GEE public data catalog and the cloud’s computing power. These efforts are a contribution to the OpenET Project, which is adapting and standardizing all of the main field-scale ET algorithms (METRIC, SEBAL, DisALEXI, SSEBop, etc) to run in a cloud environment. Partners in the project include NASA, Environmental Defense Fund, US Department of Agriculture, Desert Research Institute, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, Google and others, including the developers of the main ET algorithms. These have all given their agreement to make the new codes fully available and open- source, significantly lowering the costs of ET estimation. Through conference calls and email exchanges with donors, the Remote Sensing Initiative has supported the OpenET partners in securing funding from private foundations. The operational 30m resolution ET estimation capabilities are expected to be functional soon and will be able to assist and inform Irrigation Projects across the globe with regular and periodic estimation of ET at the field scale over large areas, using several ET algorithms at once. Initially the geographic focus of the OPEN ET Framework Project was on the Western US, but the Remote Sensing Initiative team expressed the need to open it to international case studies in the near future. Given the Rio Colorado Irrigation District’s geographical proximity to the Western US, and the Initiative’s ongoing efforts in the district, it emerged as an appropriate first international case study. Figure 7: OpenET website online describing efforts and team composition: Going Forward: client ownership and sustainability – irrigation district monitoring The district and CONAGUA have seen this is a valuable tool, which was not operationalized due to the current complexities of ET estimation (and the limited scope and budget of the current activity), which the ET project is overcoming. Now CONAGUA needs to invest in the right skillset to own a certain level of capability to monitor all of Mexico’s irrigation districts in the face of the lack of ground budgets for much more costly monitoring. With the tools of OpenET coming up soon, CONAGUA should gear up for the 29 systematic estimation of ET over Mexico’s districts and the monitoring of crop types and growth stage. CONAGUA should incentivize and develop collaborative programs with university departments that can help achieve this goal by aligning efforts and research resources. While (in)accuracies are always raised in discussion, the question of whether estimated ET has a 10% or 15% accuracy pales in comparison to questions about what fields were irrigated, how many times, and how much water was lost to the atmosphere approximately, in addition to what crops were planted during each season in each field. All of these are questions about information that is reported at the beginning of the growing season but that is not verified or monitored. Remote Sensing enables these answers, but an institutional effort must be made. In addition, efforts for ET monitoring are the only low-cost method to estimate consumptive use from groundwater resources, as was demonstrated for the Costa de Hermosillo Irrigation district in Sonora. Aquifer extractions are a big unknown in many aquifers of Mexico. The OpenET project is a high-impact effort, as it is enabling the periodic estimation of field-scale ET over large areas, in an operational manner. While this important information will from now on be easily produced, political will is needed to start investing in the institutionalization of this data and the decision- making arising from its use. The fruits of this effort will directly benefit Water Accounting efforts in basins across the world in a systematic manner. The detailed description of the activity on irrigation district monitoring and analysis for the Distrito de Riego 014 Rio Colorado in Baja California, Mexico, can be found in the parallel Knowledge Note. An Operational Hydromet Monitor for an FCV Region: The Lake Chad Basin The Lake Chad Basin is an endorheic basin covering parts of Niger, Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad, Sudan, and Central African Republic. The lake itself is shallow – only 10.5 meters at its deepest – which makes it very susceptible to seasonal and interannual fluctuations in area. The variability in the Lake’s size is explained by rainfall fluctuations, particularly in the basin of the Chari-Logone River, which accounts for about 85 percent of water inflows to the lake. The only water loss from the basin is through evapotranspiration, amounting to a relatively invariant 2,200 mm/year (Geerken et al. 2010). The lake, its banks and its islands are a source of livelihood for nearly two million people. They are also a food-exporting hub, playing a key role for food security of a hinterland with nearly 13 million inhabitants and two metropolitan centers, N’Djamena (Chad) and Maiduguri (Nigeria). The entire basin was home to about 50 million people as of 2015. The rich biodiversity of the Lake has enabled riparian communities to develop productive activities based on fishing, agriculture, and livestock farming – all of which are adapted to the aridity, variability and unpredictability of the Sahelo-Saharan environment. In 2014 and 2015, the Lake Chad region was struck by extensive violence, associated with the Boko Haram movement. Tens of thousands of people have been displaced, trade interrupted and the regional economy destabilized. Hydrometeorological (or hydromet) monitoring refers to the regular measurement and assessment of the key components of the water cycle (precipitation, evaporation and surface and ground water levels) and how they vary in time and space. The costs of in-situ measurement networks and the lack of investment in infrastructure and human capacity severely limits monitoring and forecasting capabilities in developing regions. The exponential growth of satellite remote sensing provides opportunities to complement data from existing in-situ observational networks, or act as the only feasible source of information in regions 30 with sparse in-situ networks. It provides the large spatial coverage and high temporal resolution needed for hydromet monitoring, filling gaps and allowing to extrapolate in-situ data in space and time. Information-to-decisions Context: In response to challenges and destabilization following outbreaks of violence, the states bordering the lake worked out a ten-year Multi-Sectoral Development and Climate Resilience Action Plan, which aims to turn Lake Chad into a pole of regional rural development. The objective of the Plan is to improve in a sustainable manner the livelihoods and the resilience of the populations living on the shores of the Lake Chad and their role in the food security of their countries. In April 2012, the Heads of States of member countries of LCBC (Lake Chad Basin Commission) adopted the Water Charter for the Lake Chad Basin as a binding framework to promote sustainable development in the Basin through the integrated, equitable and coordinated management of natural resources, in particular the basin’s water resources. The Water Charter was ratified and became effective in 2018 and is now the Law of the Lake. The Lake Chad Basin Commission is responsible for implementing the water charter provisions, and requested support including for monitoring and analysis of water resources variables in real time and in the context of short term and seasonal forecasts. In such an FCV context, the development of a remote sensing based hydromet platform integrating past, present and forecast data provides the very best possible baseline for the region. A Transboundary Application: The Remote Sensing Initiative supported two operational hydromet monitoring applications, in the Lake Chad Basin and in the Rio Salado Basin (Argentina), developed by the same team of experts. Due to client engagement issues and the need to prioritize resources, the Rio Salado monitor only includes the historical period and was put on hold, while the Lake Chad Flood and Drought Monitor is now functional and operational in real-time integrating historical data, real-time remote sensing data, short term forecasts and seasonal forecasts. Figure 8: The Operational Lake Chad Flood and Drought Monitor showing a recent map of the soil moisture with variable selection pane on the left. 31 The added benefits of remote sensing in the transboundary Lake Chad Basin, aside from the spatial dimension of rainfall and vegetation in a region without ground measurements, are the combination of remote sensing with models enables a basin-wide water balance, which would be very partial with just a handful of gauges spread across countries that have difficulties sharing data. Remote sensing facilitates access to an integrative real-time picture of transboundary waters in the basin and democratizes access to this information. This provides a starting point for data sharing, anchoring discussions on specific issues, and trust building. Going Forward: client ownership and sustainability – hydromet monitoring Of all the agencies the Remote Sensing Initiative has worked with, the Lake Chad Basin Commission is the one with the least implementing capacity of them all in terms of number of specialized staff dedicated to technical work. Even if the staff is diligent and qualified, they are alone under a broad range of tasks and requests. For this reason, the CHADFDM hydromet platform delivers relevant information through a user- friendly online dashboard. But it is a hyper-specialized application blending remote sensing datasets, various forecasts, and complex modeling, all operational and updating every day using newly available information. It builds on decades of specialized technical know-how, building on the work of numerous PhD students, postdocs and professors. The CHADFDM is likely the most integrative hydromet platform to date, and the great majority of African (and other continents) hydromet agencies will never be able to own, run and maintain platforms of this complexity in the foreseeable future. The production of analysis-ready data, especially when customized for a basin or a region, locally calibrated and including ground data, has a cost, especially if it is to be updated and maintained over-time to keep up with new technological advances, fixings and updates. How do we solve the puzzle of sustainable hydromet monitoring in Africa? Below are two operational needs for the monitors to function: • Managing the systems: Past experiences (from the African Flood and Drought Monitor, AFDM) with establishing data centers in Niamey (Niger), Nairobi (Kenya) and Harare (Zimbabwe), is that data systems are fragile. Agencies like NASA, NOAA or ESA change their file structures or formats without notice, and systems using this data must adapt. In many operational agencies, the capacity to adjust is limited. Currently, the AFDM/LAFDM data centers receive processed data from the AFDM/LAFDM central computer system, and when there is a data system change the team can address this at the central computer and all local data centers are corrected and updated. In the past, the ADFM/LAFDM team has been doing this for the greater good and using piece-meal project support when available, but it is not a sustainable model going forward. An alternative model would be a data license and service agreement, established with local end-user agencies, which would be less expensive and specially more reliable than each agency/country doing this ‘in house’. In addition, such a license agreement or “subscription” model would also enable the following point. • Adding new capabilities: The Latin American and the African Flood and Drought Monitors are the product of extensive research and development efforts over many years. As these efforts advance to improve the monitors (a unique operational application that fills an important gap), a sustainable mechanism to periodically update the regional monitors and applications is needed. As new remote sensing and modeling capabilities get developed, they should be added to the continental and regional systems. Some, like high resolution evapotranspiration or flood inundation products from remote sensing will be central to the interest of operational agencies, but their capacity to effectively adopt and incorporate these can often be limited. 32 While training workshops are taking place, the future improvement and maintenance of the system will have to continue to be done by a very specialized entity running it in the cloud and sharing results with various users through online visualizations and data portals. A discussion on sustainable models for this type of service can be found in the next chapter. The detailed description of the Lake Chad Flood and Drought Monitor activity can be found in the parallel Knowledge Note. An Irrigation Advisory Service for Small Farmers in Uttar Pradesh, India Efficient irrigation water management is a complex task, which requires accurate knowledge of crop water demands as well as expected precipitation amounts in order to maximize water use efficiencies. Irrigation advisory services fulfill an important role in providing this knowledge, customized to the needs of the individual farmer, an irrigation district or agricultural management agency. Often farmers use their own experience, or that passed down from previous generations, to determine when and how much to irrigate – an approach that has turned out not very water-efficient. The benefits of recent earth observation tools include the possibility of covering large areas, temporal and spatial resolutions suitable to monitor within- season crop development, and data delivery and processing in near real-time. The technology has matured enough to provide a basis for remote sensing-based irrigation advisory services that help farmers increase their water use efficiencies and crop yield, while minimizing excess water use. Information-to-decisions context: Based on crop growth, atmospheric demand for water and soil moisture, farmers need to make decisions on how much to irrigate each week. At the same time, they have to combine this information with rotational canal deliveries and the use of well pumping if they have a well. Even if too little or too much water will both hinder productivity, farmers tend to over-irrigate. Better information in a timely manner is needed to help use the right amount of water at the right time and minimize excess water use. Achieving better water use efficiencies increases yields and farmer’s incomes, improving their food and water security, which are important incentives to keep them on their land. The irrigation advisory presented below is addressed to the beneficiaries directly, the marginal farmers cultivating small plots. Application: The Remote Sensing Initiative supported the development and implementation of a pilot termed Provision of Advisory for Necessary Irrigation (PANI) near Kanpur (Uttar Pradesh, India), currently serving 150 small farmers. This project builds on the successful experience of setting up an irrigation advisory based on satellite and weather model data for farmers in Pakistan two years prior (Hossain et al., 2017). One hundred and fifty farmers participated in the project. The expected benefit was twofold: prevent reductions in crop yield resulting from over- or under-watering, and at the same time water is conserved, both of which increase farmers’ net income. 33 Figure 9: Illustration of the goal and structure of the PANI Irrigation Advisory. The added benefits of remote sensing in this context were assessed in May 2019, immediately after the spring wheat season, in a telephone survey gathering feedback from 39 farmers, of which 38 were receiving the text messages, and 34 could read them. Farmers were asked about the types of modifications they did based on PANI text messages, and whether there was an effect from using them. Figure 10 summarizes the answers, with 29 farmers reporting a positive effect, through five types of decisions influenced by the text messages. Figure 10: Changes implemented from receiving the PANI irrigation advisory messages (left), and effects reported from these modifications (right). 34 Going Forward: client ownership and sustainability – irrigation advisories This irrigation advisory system in India will be successful and will go forward one way or another, as a potentially disruptive technology. It is already operational and is already owned and run locally by a consortium composed of academia (IIT-Kanpur) and spin-off companies (Geokno, Kritsnam). It is the only application presented here where the suppliers of the information (providers of the service) are targeting the individual end-users directly, with little involvement of the government agency as far as the application itself is concerned. The caveat is that the involvement of the irrigation department is needed to adapt the canal deliveries rotational scheduling to be able to make better use of the new information. The scale-up depends mostly of agricultural extension work and the running of the system can both be done by the government in the future (investment of human resources and capacity) as is the case in Pakistan, or through a public-private engagement with a niche for a private service provider, once the system has scaled up. To overcome the barriers of entry, the team has started with extensive engagement with farmers in the pilot area from the planning to the implementation, in order to build understanding of farmer’s needs, familiarize farmers with the concept, and get their buy-in. It has started small and given farmers a sense of co-ownership of the project maximize success. It has ensured their support in the deployment and safekeeping of in-situ sensors and equipment, as well as overall data collection. Its customized information delivery via text messages to farmers phones in a timely manner addresses farmers’ needs. Farmers are communicated weather forecasts and associated plot scale crop water requirements, as well as recommendations on whether to irrigated and how much. Continued interaction with participating farmers to better understand their concerns as well as preferences on advisory media ensured that the most helpful format was selected for the advisories, and impact can be evaluated. To target the advisory to the needs of small farmers cultivating on small plots of land, additional technology was required in the Uttar Pradesh case to capture field-specific ground information and use it to downscale coarser, remote sensing-based models. A network of inexpensive, low-power ground sensors was setup to measure air temperature, wind speed and relative humidity at the plot level, as well as soil moisture and soil temperature. The sensor data is sent through low-power wide-area network (LPWAN) gateway towers to a central database, where they are processed and fused with remote sensing- based data products. The system operates independently from the electric grid, with the LPWAN towers running on solar power and the ground sensors on batteries. With a mobile phone that can receive text messages, a farmer can subscribe to basic irrigation information for an estimated US$5 annual fee. The benefit of the advisories will increase if canal discharge scheduling is also based on real-time information of irrigation water requirements, rather than outdated records of cropping patterns. The Uttar Pradesh Irrigation Department needs to be brought on board. Dialog and coordination is key to adapting rotational schedules to farmer needs and to avoiding limitations arising from inflexible irrigation scheduling. Also, the rotational schedule of the irrigation canal supplies should be shared with farmers in advance. The detailed description of the PANI irrigation advisory activity in Uttar Pradesh, India, can be found in the parallel Knowledge Note. 35 Chapter 3. Going Forward: Mainstreaming and Sustainability of Operational RS Applications: How to overcome obstacles for adoption? Based on the approaches adopted and the insights gained from each of the applications described in the previous chapter, the following general recommendations are relevant to overcome the obstacles for adoption of remote sensing applications in any operational management contexts and ensure their sustainability going forward: 1. Free and accessible satellite imagery and global analysis-ready data: Promote awareness of all the useful data that exists and is freely available to anyone. Many satellite archives and real time imagery are already being made available in cloud platforms which enable in-cloud processing in near real time. 2. Cloud Storage and Computing: take advantage of not having to download imagery and of the capabilities to process large amounts of data in the cloud and provide relevant results to the end user without having to navigate and invest in IT equipment (servers, computers, etc.). The Rio Salado Flood Dashboard, the Lake Chad Flood and Drought Monitor, the OpenET project efforts, and the Water Quality monitoring platforms are illustrations of how to benefit from these new capabilities as well as the following point. 3. Create online portals: they are a great way to deliver information and are a click away in a computer. They are low cost and help filter internet needs by providing processed data, results and visualizations from large computations that are better done in the cloud. All applications presented had GWSP expenditures of $30,000 to $80,000, in some cases partnering with outside efforts and matching funds, or building on past work. 4. Be visual: make imagery and videos easily accessible, videos were produced here showing the historical evolution of land cover, the spatial-temporal variation in water quality parameters, and the variability and frequency of cloud cover. Videos are an intuitive way of delivering information that can easily reach high-level decision makers. 5. Blend RS data with local in-situ measurements and decision context (of the same parameter, and of different ones), as it shows the end-users the complementarity of RS data and how it relates to the data they are familiar with. Produce retrospective analysis and develop a systematic approach to integrating other local data whenever possible. A flood extant image is valuable in itself, but a flood probability map based on all available satellite images is much more valuable. 6. Use multiple sensors to estimate related variables of the same issue, as it provides deeper insights and tells a fuller story. For example, it would be difficult to use the ET data to improve irrigation water use efficiency without comparing time-series of ET in specific fields with time series of vegetation indexes (crop growth); or difficult to understand the dynamics of algal blooms in Lake Toba without looking at influence of storms and runoff into the lake. Show the analyses that can easily be made, such as for instance a map over an irrigation district of water use productivity for all the fields growing a specific crop. 36 7. Break down the processing of RS data into simple steps, streamline it: once the problem or the process is broken down in a series of concrete steps to be addressed systematically, it becomes much more specific and tractable. Pans can be made and resources can be mobilized to address each of them. For example, the automatic water quality monitors require a system with the following components: (i) automatic retrieval and pre-processing of Landsat and Sentinel imagery once the images are taken and available, to obtain the top-of-the atmosphere reflectance, (ii) atmospheric correction to remove the effects of the atmosphere and obtain the corrected multispectral reflectance over the water body, (iii) application of the algorithms to obtain the desired water quality parameters (chlorophyll, turbidity, others), and (iv) portal to display the parameter maps and associated 8. Develop Fit for Purpose Applications and exploit the low hanging fruits first. Keep it simple and targeted to what is most needed by the end-user by adapting the application to the capacity context. 9. Ensure two-way feedback with end-users during design and implementation of the application. Make sure the application is targeting the needs of the users in the best possible way and fine- tune it to incorporate their feedback and preferences. 10. Align parallel efforts and build on past work: Support and align other efforts that can feed into the process. In different ways each of the applications has benefited from either building on previous efforts, partner synergies and intentions, and parallel work. Having an ecosystem of multiple partners (for profit and not for profit) invested in the same goal is the best receipt for success. Local ownership and sustainability? Achieving sustainability beyond the project duration of computer models and data applications developed by technical teams presents a challenge, especially in developing regions. Often developed within the setting of a Project by specialized technical teams, a large percentage falls in disuse as client agencies may not have the means to update or maintain them. Remote sensing applications merging complex data and models belong in the same category, even if they leverage all of the above points to lower the barriers for entry and facilitate adoption. As we need a mechanic to repair and service our car when needed, we also need arrangements to fix and update data and modeling applications when changes occur or systems evolve. In most developing regions, these arrangements to ensure long-term sustainability have not yet been established, and mistakes of the past should be avoided. In that regard, the sustainability of new applications in water agencies depends mainly on the combination of the following two factors: (1) the level of complexity of the new application, and (2) available human resources with the right skillset to update and maintain the application (inside and outside the agency). This is assuming that basic resources such as internet access and computers are covered. Thus, depending on the complexity of the applications, the geographic extent of their coverage (scale), and the capacity and institutional budgeting of end-user agencies, application functionality may be better achieved through different service provision models, as follows. National Agency model: the agency is able to own, run and maintain the application “in-house” with dedicated staff and budget line. The skillset of the human resources invested needs to be 37 commensurate with the complexity of the application. The application may use analysis-ready data and imagery that are regionally or globally produced. The resources allocated to the task within the agency are mirrored by an equal value of the information produced for planning and decision-making. Resources in this model come from national budgets (can partially come from projects, although projects cannot cover agency staff salaries). A healthy relationship between national agencies and research groups in academia, with small mechanisms to engage with each other, can help access the right expertise, troubleshoot through problems and stay current. The flood monitor in Argentina, the Water Quality Monitors in Indonesia, Mexico, and Uruguay, and the monitoring of irrigation districts in Mexico can fit within model. Regional Institution model: a regional center such as AGRHYMET, SADC, ICPAC, RCMRD, etc., runs the application and serves relevant information to its member states. This model is useful for applications that can cover large areas and for those countries with little capacity or budget in their agencies. Applications such as hydromet monitoring and water accounting in basins, which can monitor a range of variables, draw from a number of sensors and in combination with models and forecasts, may be especially better suited for regional institutions due to its complexity. For countries with low capacity, regional institutions can cover a large range of needs over large scales with improved cost-efficiency. In transboundary basins these institutions can help democratize information access by capitalizing on Earth Observations. However, certain regional centers may also have constraints in terms of stable labor and financial resources, as many depend significantly on projects that are time-bound and come with their own agendas. Investments should be coordinated and build upon each other and mechanisms should be found to secure permanent lines of funding in alignment with projects to capitalize and sustain applications into the future. AGRHYMET is making efforts to produce a rainfall dataset which blends satellite precipitation estimates with in-situ gauge networks covering all member states. It is also looking into a multi-model hydrology platform that would ingest satellite data. While aligning piece-meal project funding to realize a vision, these efforts could be supported with more continuity. Strengthening regional institutions, which can in turn help strengthen national agencies is a good investment. This can be done through trainings, developing synergies with knowledge networks and academic and professional exchanges. These networks are efficient in disseminating new ideas and applications, and in creating knowledge overspills. Private Service Provision model: a highly-specialized service provider owns and maintains the application and provides relevant and timely information to a range of end-users, within a country or across many countries. The case of the Lake Chad Flood and Drought Monitor is a good example of an application that is most likely to be sustainable through a private service provision model, given the complexity of data processing, maintenance and updates. Future improvements and maintenance of the system will have to continue to be done by a hyper-specialized agency running it in the cloud and sharing results with various users through online visualizations and data portals. Several business models exist for private service provision. To date, the African and Latin America Flood and Drought Monitors have been funded through a range of contributions: started with researchers’ after-work voluntary work for the greater good; later with minimal research funding, UNESCO centers’ encouragement and support, and modest contributions from the RS Initiative for the CHADFDM. But who will fund the maintenance and updates to the monitor? How do we solve the puzzle of sustainable hydromet monitoring in Africa? Mechanisms could be found for: 38 1. a service provision with good customer service through a membership subscription that can be paid yearly for the provision of these services. Publicly or privately, this can be paid by member states or international organizations: a data license and service agreement, established with local end-user agencies. This would be much more cost effective and reliable than each country or agency trying to do something similar but more basic with usual understaffing and structural lack of financial means (IFI funds are country and project specific and have little influence on the growth of human capacity within agencies). 2. a specialized institution performing this tasks going forward with international funding. With the millions of dollars that have been spent in the last decades on hydromet systems that are not working and in software tools that became outdated or can only be used in a very limited area, a different solution in the 21st century is possible, in light of new technologies and global connectivity to go to scale. Direct to End-User model: tailored information is sent directly to individual users (such as farmers), which can adapt decisions based on this new information. The irrigation advisory in India illustrates this model, where farmers are sent text messages with indication of how much to irrigate. The producer of this information can be public agencies as is the case of the Pakistan irrigation advisory on which the India experience builds on, or private. In the case of the India activity, it is a team of two universities with two private companies who have a business plan for the advisory service to be financially sustainable after a few initial years of investments to increase farmer client-base. Global Data Production models: a range of institutions are producing global and continental data systematically as a public good, without a specific connection to an end-user. The institutional and business models for the production of global data products are many, ranging from research centers, to national or supra-national agencies and international organizations. Examples of this are very broad, ranging from the many rainfall satellite products, and other variables, to global surface water extents, to global lake level variations, to many others. Many of these global products are analysis- ready data. This data can be used directly or as inputs to locally tailored applications. As more satellite are launched and new possibilities unveiled, these global products are fast evolving and its availability is increasing. Other models: with new low-cost sensors, new technologies, IoT and connectivity, new models are possible and will arise. In the end it is not the technical aspects that are difficult, but the governance ones. Finding the incentives to sustainably connect data with those that can benefit from it is the key issue to developing sustainable systems that will last and evolve in time. A blend of new top-down mechanisms and bottom-up incentives must be found to make water resources monitoring sustainable in Africa and globally. These will be a blend of global products, regional engagements and ownership, private service provision and a better connection with end users demand in the short and long terms. To help design the best course of action to develop a remote sensing application to address a water resources challenge in a given context, and taking into account the balance between complexity, capacity and skillsets, the following practical points are relevant. These may hint as to what service provision model will be best suited to ensure a sustainable application in the long term: Understand managerial intention and constraints, as these will determine ownership and sustainability, and the business model to follow. An agency may see little possibilities to mobilize the human resources 39 needed to own an application “in-house” and may prefer the option of contracting a data service through a private provider. Also, political shifts may bring about changes to be navigated. Identify and communicate the mix of skills needed, and which ones are available or not within the end- user agencies, and which ones need to be secured externally, brought inn or reinforced. Identify the institutions and individuals that can use it and own it: engage them from the beginning and identify all the steps or actions that will be required to achieve a sustainable operationalization. These may include developing new capacity within existing staff (i.e. through technical assistance or trainings), or complementing existing skillset with new staff, or support from another agency. 40 Chapter 4. Concluding Remarks and Main Outcomes Remote sensing applications complementing and integrating in-situ observations are effective, low-cost and reliable tools for monitoring water resources dynamics. Used operationally, these can provide timely, periodic, and spatially explicit information to support management and planning. The applications presented here can be easily scaled up, and have already seen adoption within other projects. All the satellite imagery used in this study is completely free of cost and available to the public . The three water quality activities highlight the ability to generate new insights about the water quality dynamics using remote sensing, and the benefits of incorporating remote-sensing to the existing streams of in-situ measurements that were not capturing seasonal dynamics. With just a few in-situ measurements, periodic remote sensing data can be processed and calibrated over large spatial areas. Satellite data is made public and exchanged by cooperative agreements, between the source government agencies in Europe, USA, Canada, Japan, Korea, etc. Agency data is typically free. Creating operational information flow is low cost — some development is needed for calibration / validation of atmospheric correction, regional tuning and operational processing towards system reliability. Investments are mostly needed on human capacity: operationalizing remote sensing monitoring of water quantity and quality needs the right human resources skillset: data acquisition from the satellite streams; calibration of algorithm parameters to translate satellite data into water quantity and quality variables; integration with ground-based data sources; and interpretation, analysis and mapping techniques through GIS platforms. Computational/IT investments required are very modest to access, process and visualize data derived from satellite measurements, often in the cloud. RS provides a multiplier value: Remote sensing enables quantitative insight into spatial and temporal dynamics of physical and biogeochemical processes in river basins, groundwater, lakes, estuaries, near coastal and ocean zones; it is a scalable technique across bodies of water, regions and applications. A modest investment in remote sensing will represent a large multiplier on the value of in-situ measurements, usually much costlier and more limited in time and space. Taking advantage of recent technological developments to lower barriers of entry and adapt applications for contexts with low capacity, the main contributions of the Remote Sensing Initiative for projects, client countries and beyond can be summarized as follows: 1. Operational Water Quality Monitoring Systems have been developed for Valle de Bravo (Mexico) and Laguna del Sauce (Uruguay). Building on the image processing and analytical work of the three sequential water quality pilots (Indonesia, Mexico and Uruguay), an operational system downloading and processing the Sentinel and Landsat Imagery as soon as it becomes available, was developed: a. For Valle de Bravo (Mexico): online viewers for Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8. b. For Laguna del Sauce (Uruguay): online viewers for Sentinel-2 and for Landsat-8. Turbidity and Chlorophyll maps over Valle de Bravo and Laguna del Sauce are accessible in near- real time, calibrated with in-situ data over the historical period. 2. Hydromet monitoring and prediction: The development of operational and near real-time Lake Chad Flood and Drought Monitor, provides hydromet monitoring, weather forecasts (7 days ahead), seasonal forecasts (6 months ahead) and the resulting hydrologic predictions. The models 41 within the application integrate high resolution remote sensing and spatial data with ground data, and are accessible through a user friendly online platform. The Lake Chad Basin Commission, without no monitoring capabilities and very scarce ground data, has now a functioning monitor providing a baseline of the best possible representation of water resources in the basin. 3. Retrospective historical flood archive in ungauged basins: The Rio Salado activity created historical flood archives with flood detection algorithms used on MODIS, LANDSAT, and SENTINEL data, implemented in Google Earth Engine, and accessible to agency staff through a user friendly Flood Monitoring and Analysis Dashboard. The spatial and temporal patterns of flood exposure over the past decades were used to extract spatial statistics on flood frequency and duration. In combination with population and socio-economic data, they form a basis for flood probability and vulnerability assessments. 4. Historical flood monitoring and analysis application, potentially near real-time: In addition to historical flood extents, the Rio Salado case study led to near real-time flood extent monitoring in follow-up efforts. Leveraging real-time image availability, this is key for rapid and immediate disaster assessment and response planning. For client country agencies, the capability to spatially monitor floods while they are occurring (and shortly after) with algorithms running operationally in the cloud and producing maps in near real-time is an important step forward. The time and labor demands on the client are very low, and the opportunities for easy replication across projects and regions are very high. 5. A functional irrigation advisory system for small farmers in India: A disruptive technology application combining remote sensing and weather model data, in-situ measurements, and cell phone technology, the Provision of Advisory for Necessary Irrigation (PANI) system sends SMS messages to farmers weekly with a weather forecast and irrigation advisory. The system serves now 150 individual farmers and options are under discussion to scale up and work with the Uttar Pradesh Irrigation Department to adapt canal irrigation scheduling to better take into account crop water irrigation requirements from farmers 6. Making field-scale ET estimation operational over large areas: the Remote Sensing Initiative has contributed to the OpenET Project efforts to adapt of all the main ET estimation algorithms to work in a cloud environment (Google Earth Engine). Specifically, the initiative helped the consortium secure funding from private foundations and then supported the porting of the DisALEXI algorithm into Google Earth Engine, in coordination with the porting of all other ET algorithms. These efforts are producing capabilities for regular and periodic ET monitoring across large areas, which will benefit irrigated agriculture projects globally. The Remote Sensing Initiative has supported this consortium of partners in securing support from private foundations and requested them to adopt a global scope in their approach. 7. Linkage with national and international knowledge networks: efforts have been made to connect with networks of partners and parallel efforts. The OpenET project has a broad range of partners, and a close coordination also exists with UNESCO centers and programs (IHP, ICIWaRM, GWADI) for the development of the Lake Chad Flood and Drought Monitor. This UNESCO network is committed to work with similar case studies in other countries to improve hydromet monitoring capabilities using remote sensing. Coordination with such parallel efforts is key for the long-term benefits in the regions and for benefitting from future opportunities, such as joint capacity building activities, other funded projects and initiatives, and knowledge spillovers. 42 Chapter 5. Going Global: Strategic Applications Based on the insights from applications and recent technological advances used within this initiative to lower the barriers for entry in developing regions, several global products are of a strategic interest, beneficial to countries and projects globally. Applications until now complex or costly to implement and operate, are currently able to produce periodic results over large areas by taking advantage of (i) large archives and ongoing mission imagery is currently being stored in public clouds, and (ii) cloud computing allows processing of large amounts of data and complex algorithms over large areas. The future of water resources monitoring will routinely combine ground measurements with remote sensing, weather predictions, seasonal and climate projections, and models. In addition, most applications will consist of a compound eye of various sensors to monitor related variables, all contributing to gain a holistic perspective on a specific management challenge. For governments and regional institutions, this means a need to invest in human capacity for remote sensing applications such as those highlighted in this report, since the ease of access to data and information acts as a value multiplier when used for decision making and investments. For the Bank, remote sensing is also a value multiplier and a cost- lowering tool when used systematically in the portfolio at different stages of the projects cycle: project preparation, project implementation, monitoring and evaluation. Looking forward, the following global products and applications are suggested as strategic and beneficial for the global community to develop. These global products and capabilities are opportunities to keep lowering the barriers for entry and producing, or facilitating access to, analysis-ready data for the benefit of local users (as is, or as inputs to local tailored applications). They would have a significant impact in projects across different sectors, as mentioned in each application below. 1. Periodic Evapotranspiration (ET) and Crop monitoring at the field scale (resolution ~30m): • Evapotranspiration: The OpenET Project is producing easily usable open source codes to regularly estimate ET over large areas, with multiple ET algorithms running in a cloud environment. • Crop monitoring: The use of EVI and NDVI at 30m, easily computed in the cloud from the Landsat and other mission imagery enables, with an easy validation of crop types from the ground, the periodic monitoring of crop evolution during the growing season. • Compound Eye: Combining ET and crop variables (Veg. Indices) provides a powerful tool to monitor irrigation districts in near real-time globally. Institutions around the world can use and build on this achievement to operationalize irrigation district monitoring. • A multi-product platform to periodically estimate field-scale ET over large areas would directly impact 13% of the World Bank portfolio (Water in Agriculture) and indirectly 30% (Water Resource Management). 2. Flood Extent Monitoring and Analysis: • Retrospective Flood Archive and Flood Extent Analysis: flood detection algorithms within the Google Earth Engine database is an efficient and cost-effective way to produce historical analysis on past floods, using all available imagery from Modis, Landsat and Sentinel. This is an easily scalable application which should also ingest higher resolution imagery in the near-future. This also provides a low-cost tool to monitor the effects of new infrastructure and related interventions on flood dynamics, i.e. flood risk changes in the basin. • Recent and real-time flood monitoring: With the launch of the Sentinels and their 10m resolution imagery complementing Landsat at 30m, the frequency of observations increases. The availability 43 of high-resolution commercial imagery is fast increasing at lower costs. Capabilities to monitor flood extents in real-time provide additional benefits to national agencies and inform flood mitigation and recovery decisions. • Rainfall estimates over the basin are helpful to understand the context of the rainfall event and the timing of the overpass of the flood detecting satellite sensor within the event. Rainfall estimation products are operationally available at sub-daily aggregation periods (3h and less), thus much more frequently than flood-detection satellite sensors. • Compound Eye: Combining increasingly frequent satellite sensors, with historical imagery, and using satellite rainfall products to understand the spatial dynamics of rainfall and observed flooding. • Global flood monitoring capabilities would inform and support projects ranging from water resources management (30% of the WB water sector portfolio, including disaster risk reduction and land use planning) as well as all of the Transport GP portfolio, poverty, environment and other portfolios. 3. Hydrometeorological Monitoring and Prediction (Including Floods and Droughts): • An easily accessible monitor integrating historical datasets, real-time satellite rainfall, evapotranspiration and soil moisture estimates, meteorological forecasts (7-14 days ahead), seasonal forecasts (6 to 9 months ahead) and ground data is a baseline tool beneficial for countries to monitor the state of their basins in near real-time, for water balance accounting purposes and to inform management and planning. A land surface atmosphere model can be used to assimilate different real-time input data and produce other variables in a predictive way. Currently only the Latin American and African Flood and Drought Monitors exists as continent- wide platforms running operationally and freely available online, albeit at low resolution, merging limited ground data, and using only rainfall estimates and forecasts. • The inclusion of actual evapotranspiration estimates at a moderate resolution (~5 km), available in near real-time, would greatly improve hydrologic modeling. Estimates of soil moisture data would also be beneficial to constrain and update model runs and improve flood predictions. • For streamflow monitoring and prediction, the above hydrologic modeling can also be coupled with hydrodynamic modeling to transform streamflow predictions into river stage and flood propagation predictions. In that regard, river altimetry measurements are a great complement for river stage applications, and the projects with lidar surveys of the river channels are ideal candidates for implementation. • Compound Eye: Satellite estimates of rainfall, basin-wide ET, soil moisture (+model outputs such as weather forecasts and seasonal forecasts) to monitor the state of the basin and constrain model runs. Also, Lidar for detailed Digital Elevation Models and altimetry estimates for river stage discharge. • The basic and real-time hydromet monitoring tools presented in this report should be the baseline for any hydromet or water related agency in any country as the foundation of water management (supporting all of the water portfolio of the World Bank, including water supply). This application would also support downstream riparian states in transboundary basins. 4. Monitoring of Riparian Ecosystems and the Environment • Natural riparian ecosystem monitoring through vegetation indices and the estimation of riparian ET are a good way to monitor changes in the area and the health of such ecosystems. In arid and semi-arid areas, riparian systems may rely for part or all of the year on the proximity of shallow groundwater which they tap with their roots. Water abstractions upstream in the basin or in the 44 vicinity will directly affect the eco-hydrologic balance of these systems, resulting in decreased groundwater recharge, lesser dry-season flows, and a decline in groundwater tables, resulting in a reduction of ecosystem area and even disappearance. • Compound Eye: Vegetation monitoring (area and health) and evapotranspiration estimation. • This application will enable the monitoring of impacts on riparian environments from projects and other interventions: water for agriculture and the environment portfolios. 5. Water Quality Monitoring Systems • Remote sensing can provide a much needed spatial and temporal view of water quality dynamics and relate it to other processes such as land use change and meteorology (rainfall, temperature, etc.). In regions with observable water surfaces such as lakes, reservoirs or large rivers, capabilities to complement ground measurements of water quality with remote sensing will provide key information to inform the prioritization of measures and investments to improve and protect water quality. • Compound Eye: Satellite sensors for water quality parameters, vegetation indexes and land use change observations, and meteorological satellite estimates. • The Bank’s Environment GP stated recently that pollution reduction will be its main priority. This application will enable the monitoring of a range of water quality parameters related to pollution in waters and watersheds. Also, it will directly inform 30% of the portfolio (Water Resource Management) and indirectly 13% (Water for Agriculture) and 55% (Water Supply and Sanitation). 6. Transboundary Reservoir Systems Monitoring: • In large transboundary basins with upstream and downstream states, with challenges of information-sharing, transboundary flood risks, water flow allocation issues, and the operation of reservoirs in each country, remote sensing can level the field by providing a transboundary view of the state of the basin, its flows, and the observed operation of reservoirs. • Digital Elevation Models can provide approximate reservoir volume-to-area curves, which combined with altimetry observations of reservoir levels, enables the estimation of water storage changes. Rainfall and other met estimates over the basin region, with hydrologic models, provide a quantification of inflows into reservoirs. Combining the above, reservoir releases can be inferred and operation policies derived. This system can inform downstream states about the state of the basin and reservoirs in upstream states, making water information more public. • Compound Eye: Digital Elevation Models, Altimetry estimates, Rainfall and other hydromet parameters for hydrologic modeling. • This application has relevance for any transboundary basin with reservoirs where riparian states do not share enough information regarding reservoir operations. In transboundary basins without dams, application investment #3 would be enough. 7. Dam Safety Monitoring: • In many regions of the world dam inventories are not up to date and national agencies don’t have the means for periodic dam safety assessments. This poses a risk. Remote sensing can support the inventorying as well as with dam safety monitoring. • With visual imagery and pattern recognition regions can be scanned to identify new dams. Once found, Interferometry Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) can systematically be used to measure millimeter-scale deformations in dams over time. • Compound Eye: visual imagery and radar to detect deformations. • This application has global relevance for dam safety monitoring. 45 References Anderson, K., Ryan, B., Sonntag, W., Kavvada, A., and Friedl, L. (2017). Earth observation in service of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Geo-spatial Information Science, 20(2), 77-96. Belward, A. S., & Skøien, J. O. (2015). Who launched what, when and why; trends in global land-cover observation capacity from civilian earth observation satellites. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 103, 115-128. Cohen, J. and Kharas, H. (2018): Using big data and artificial intelligence to accelerate global development. Report Produced by Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies Initiative of the Brookings Intitution. development/ García, Luis E., Diego J. 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Remote Sensing of Environment, 224, 382-385. 46 List of Knowledge Briefs of Remote Sensing Applications 1. Better Data, Better Results: Remote Sensing as a Tool for Monitoring Water Quality in Lake Toba, Indonesia 2. Remote Sensing of Water Quality in the Valle de Bravo Reservoir, Mexico 3. Remote Sensing of Water Quality in the Laguna del Sauce, Uruguay 4. An Online Flood Dashboard: Mapping Flood Dynamics in the Rio Salado Basin, Argentina 5. Monitoring Irrigation Districts from Space: the case of the Rio Colorado Irrigation District, Mexico 6. An Operational Hydromet Monitor for an FCV Region: The Lake Chad Flood and Drought Monitor 7. An Irrigation Advisory Service for Small Farmers in Uttar Pradesh, India 47