Labor Management Procedure Indonesia Inclusive Livelihoods for Poor Rural Communities in Eastern Indonesia Project [P174902] 1. Project Activities This project development objective (PDO) aims to increase access to livelihoods opportunities for target vulnerable and female community members in target villages in Maluku and East Nusa Tenggara provinces in Eastern Indonesia. It seeks to achieve the PDO through inclusive development planning, paired with strengthening local linkages to support community-led livelihoods initiatives. The project defines livelihoods as a broad range of activities and assets people utilize to support themselves. In target villages, communities rely heavily on a limited set of livelihoods options focused on food and commodity production from natural resources. Improving livelihoods in these areas require support to local food systems, access to and management of natural resources, and increases in social capital of the poorest. Working with BaKTI (an established NGO in Eastern Indonesia) as an implementing agency, and their partnerships with district and village governments, the project will design and implement a model for poorly connected and marginal areas that takes an inclusive, whole-of-community approach to strengthening village economies and food systems. The project will (i) support villages to develop livelihoods plans and directly support community groups and the poorest households, and (ii) strengthen institutional linkages between community groups and village government, district government and other local actors, to provide sustained, local support to livelihoods initiatives and sustainable landscape management practices, including through the village fund. This Labor Management Procedure (LMP) is prepared to facilitate planning and implementation of the project. The procedure identifies the main labor requirements and risks associated with the project, and to determine any resources necessary to address project labor issues. The LMP is a living document that will be updated throughout project implementation. The LMP is developed based on internal labor procedures applicable to the project. This procedure will set out the way in which project workers will be managed, in accordance with the requirements of national law and the WB Environmental and Social Standard 2 (ESS2) on Labor and Working Conditions. The procedures will address the way in which this ESS2 will apply to different categories of project workers including direct workers and community workers1 1 The project is not involving community workers in the design. Further details on this, please refer to section 10 in this LMP. 2. Overview of Labor Use in the Project For the purpose of project implementation, the Project will involve direct workers that are employed or engaged directly by BaKTI. The direct workers will consist of: • 7 BaKTI staff to support and directly work on the project, all staff will be employed under a BaKTI contract. • Contracted Project Personnel comprises of 9 Coordinator/Specialist, 30 facilitators and 4 trainers and 4 finance & administration staffs. The project will not include contracted workers from third parties and does not envisage engagement with primary suppliers. BaKTI will engage Government officials, at national and sub-national level as part of stakeholder engagement in project activities. In this project, the government officials are not part of project workers and will remain subject to the terms and conditions of their existing government employment. All BaKTI’s staff is based in Makassar and the project personnel/consultants will be based in Makassar and field (district/sub-district) depends on the assignment. The timing of labor requirements will be based on the project timeline and direct workers will be employed in this project throughout the project’s duration. The table below shows details of project workers and length of engagement: Position Role Skills Estimated Length of Number engagement Program Assume an overall responsibility and • Leadership 1 staff based in Within 2 months (60 Coordinator accountability for project • Financial Makassar, with days) after grant implementation and its activities, and management travel to signing and until end establish and manage processes for • Reporting district/sub- of project (46 oversight and implementation. district/ village months) • Compliance and risk management The role will have overall oversight for • Capacity building safeguarding: • implementation of SEP, • Interpersonal and communication skills • implementation of LMP, • stakeholder involvement, • ensure the project has grievance redress mechanismapplicable, • ensuring Covid19 procedure for COVID-19 prevention and control is followed during project implementation, • ensure effective engagement strategy considering the project locationshave community who speaks different languages; Position Role Skills Estimated Length of Number engagement • Ensure staff and project personnel understand the provisions relevant to the environmental and social management risks and impacts. • Monitoring, evaluation, and reporting Livelihoods • To develop the participatory • Leadership 2 staff based in Within 2 months Specialist mechanisms and framework for • Compliance and risk Makassar, with after project establishing and strengthening management travel to effectiveness until village level institutions. • Interpersonal and district/sub- end of project (46 • Establish regular field contact and communication skills district/ village months) rapport building with the • Experience in economic community, and Village empowerment and motivators, facilitators and women’s economic coordinators. empowerment program • To ensure access in equitable • Experience in provision of benefit sharing: To monitor, advisory services on inform and enable distribution of gender mainstreaming in equitable benefit sharing by the economic sector target communities through public hearing and public audits. • Experience of working in community based rural • To increase accountability: To development and create awareness and capacity livelihood support among concerned stakeholders on programmes the mainstreaming of applicable • Experience in designing indicators in monitoring and and implementing evaluation systems, particularly community-led empowerment initiatives with respect to policy formulation at all levels of relevant institutions. • Experience in advocating and working with multiple stakeholders in sub- sectors relevant to livelihood engagement e.g. entrepreneurship, private sector development, local economic development, poverty reduction, agriculture, livestock, etc. Local • Engage with local governments • Communication and 1 staff based in Within 2 months Governance who are interested in piloting Coordination with other Makassar, with after project Specialist experiment in tying allowance stakeholders travel to effectiveness until with performance and community • Managerial and district/sub- end of project (46 participation in increasing service organization of local district/ village months) delivery in their districts to governance identify: (a) key counterparts in Position Role Skills Estimated Length of Number engagement various local government • Reporting institutions, and (b) management • Training, coaching and and mechanisms that would mentoring support the implementation of • Advocating of Local the Project. Government • In close collaboration with the • Policy Formulation Technical Team to develop regulations, governmental, managerial and mechanisms to implement project in districts. • Support collaboration between stakeholders in district level in implementing the project by inter alia transferring knowledge and skills of governance and advocacy to the project team and local government. • Advise field team and district government to ensure quality implementation of the project. • Analyze, write reports findings and recommendations of project especially in local governance experimentation to reform government policy in tying allowance with performance that involve community participation. M&E • Enhance and maintain rigorous • Financial 1 staff based at Within 2 months (60 Specialist (and monitoring framework and plan, management Makassar, with days) after grant as Focal Point based on program • Reporting travel to signing and until end of E&S implementation design and work • Compliance and risk district/sub- of project (46 Management) plan, including monitoring management district/ village months) instruments to track • Capacity building implementation progress of • Interpersonal and program activities. Review results communication skills framework and key indicators, and update monitoring framework, plan and instruments • Training, coaching and mentoring accordingly. • In accordance to program work • Management Database plan and monitoring plan, arrange and conduct monitoring activities • Strong analytical, towards program forecasting, planning, implementation, which include monitoring, and effective coordination and evaluation skills; collaboration with other technical • Decision-making and Position Role Skills Estimated Length of Number engagement and operations team members in problem-solving skills; identifying progress, results, • Ability to plan and deliver issues and challenges. multiple • In collaboration with Data activities/deliverables in a Management Team throughout complex and time- the stages of data collection and pressing circumstances processing, extract and analyse with high levels of processed data that relevant to precision and quality; reporting of implementation progress and results as in line with performance indicators stated in the Result Framework; • Undertake regular monitoring of project activities against safeguard standards and guidelines of the ESCP • Ensure that appropriate environmental and social mitigation measures are proposed and met, including OHS responsibilities and undertake follow up monitoring to ensure that proposed mitigation measures are implemented in accordance to the agreed upon ESCP • Lead on developing and delivering a series of spot checks to ensure safeguards policies are properly implemented in line with the ESCP guidelines. Data & MIS • Contribute to an effective MIS of • Proven analytical , 2 staffs based in Within two to four Officer JSDF program established for problem-solving & Makassar, with months after project efficient data collection, analysis, quantitative/ qualitative travel to effectiveness until and updating serving two skills district/sub- end of project (44 purposes, i.e. activity & • Proven ability to liaise district/ village months) and coordinate with operations management. government officials • MIS established, efficiently • Ability to analyze ongoing administered and maintained to situations, adapt with track implementation progress, change, and determine results, and to support course of actions to preparation of substantive and reflect new operational reports as required situations/circumstances; for the program. It includes: • Ability to communicate complex issues in a support to effective concise and engaging way recordkeeping & archives of data Position Role Skills Estimated Length of Number engagement and information related to research design and program framework, specifically those related to monitoring indicators, i.e. baseline, progress, and end line data • IT equipment, peripherals, and software utilized by Program are effectively maintained • Direct technical support to all team members to solve technical issues related to Data/MIS. Trainers • Develop/revise training • Experience in Total 4 trainers Within two to four materials; organizing/ for Sumba months after project • Carry out duties as a trainer for a managing event Barat Daya and effectiveness until specified period of time; • Facilitation for Seram end of project (38 • Carry out post-training • Community Development Bagian Timur months) /mentoring duties; • Training, coaching and • Carry out refresher training. mentoring • Relationship • Writing Skills and Reporting District • Supports the Project Coordinator • Experience in Total 2 District Within two months Coordinator to develop planning, organizing/ Coordinator for after project implementation and monitoring managing event Sumba Barat effectiveness until plans and strategies for the • Experience in Daya and end of project (40 achievement of the program administration and Seram Bagian months) targets; finance Timur • Ensure program implementation Good knowledge and quality in accordance with experience inexcel, strategy and framework; accountingsystems and • Organize meetings, workshops, database programs trainings and also develop coordination and communication with all stakeholders at district, sub-districts and villages levels; • Collect knowledge or lessons- learned to encourage changes and replication throughout the region and outside of the region • Periodically or as needed monitor and control the implementation of programs by visiting sub-districts, villages and service units and Position Role Skills Estimated Length of Number engagement provide feedback and reports to the Project Coordinator with effective approaches and strategies. Facilitator • Facilitating community • Facilitation Total 30 Within two months involvement, including initial • Community Development Facilitator for after project meetings, regular monthly • Training, coaching and Sumba Barat effectiveness until meetings and service agreement mentoring Daya and end of project (38 amendment meetings according Seram Bagian months) • Relationship to predetermined targets and Timur • personality who has an ensure the involvement of open spirit, adventurous volunteers in each village in and likes the challenge of project implementation. working in remote and • Facilitate service providers, difficult areas service users, village • Writing Skills and administrations, sub-district Reporting governments and related stakeholders to improve basic services in the village using existing resources in the village and in the sub-district. Training & Support project staff with training and • Experience in Total 4 Training Within two months Event Officer event man organizing/ and Event after project Agreement, including administrative managing event Officer for effectiveness until and finance related to the activities. • Experience in Makassar, end of project (40 administration and Sumba Barat months) finance Daya and • Good knowledge and Seram Bagian experience inexcel, Timur accountingsystems and database programs 3. Assessment of Key Potential Labor Risks The project will be implemented in 80 villages in districts in Sumba Barat Daya, Nusa Tenggara Timur Province and Seram Bagian Timur, Maluku Provinces in the islands of Sumatra; the exact villages will be determined during project implementation. Target districts were selected based on high levels of vulnerability to climate hazards, high levels of poverty, low levels of resilience/adaptive capacity, and no significant limitations in terms of accessibility related to conflict. No civil works will be funded under the project and hence, Occupational, Health and Safety (OHS) risks are low. There are also no labor risks associated with child labor and minimum wages in this project. Workers in this project are expected to be over the age of 18 while the benefits and wages for the workers will follow the Government of Indonesia’s labor law regulation that meets the national requirements of minimum wage for working. BaKTI will recruit the consultants through the procurement system that has been agreed upon between BaKTI and the Bank. Potential OHS risks may include travels to project locations (by air, land, and/or water related travels) as well as other workplace-related safety risks. Potential risks may stem from public health risks in the context of COVID-19 pandemic, especially for activities requiring face-to- face meetings and travels. Virtual engagement will be sought to the extent feasible and public health measures, including social distancing, provision and use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)2 – masks at minimum and proper hygiene practices will be applied to prevent contracting and spreading of COVID-19. Protocols for travels and meetings for all project workers in the context of COVID-19 will follow the WHO guidance as well as the official direction from the national authorities and health facilities. World Bank’s Technical Note: Public Consultations and Stakeholder Engagement in WB-supported operations when there are constraints on conducting public meetings will also be followed3. BaKTI’s Occupational Health and Safety Policy related to Covid-19 will be applied as well to prevent contracting and spreading of Covid-19. 4. Responsible Entity for LMP Implementation The Project will be implemented and coordinated by BaKTI. BaKTI will be responsible for leading the project implementation; ensuring quality control of all programmatic and financial aspects; undertaking regular monitoring and evaluation of project activities; engagement and management project workers, monitoring compliance with occupational health and safety standards, training of workers, and ensuring that the grievance redress mechanism for project workers is established and implemented. 2 For further information, refer to WHO interim guidance on rational use of personal protective equipment (PPE) for COVID-19. 3 -10-01-11-04-717aa8e02835a7e778b2fff46f531a8c.pdf BaKTI Management, in this case the HR & Administration Officer with support from the Operations Unit and Focal Point for Environmental and Social Management will ensure full compliance of the provisions in this LMP. This includes ensuring that all consultants follow the same provisions as required under the LMP in their contracts. Operations Manager and the assigned Focal Point for Environmental and Social Management will ensure all OHS requirements for staff and project workers are duly followed and provide oversight to OHS compliance and will inform BaKTI Management on any breaches of the LMP. 5. Brief Overview of Labor Legislation BaKTI’s Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) on Labour management builds on the existing Indonesia’s Labor legislation. The National Labor Legislation refers to Law No 13/ 2003 on Manpower, Law No. 40/2004 on the National Social Security System, Law No. 24/2011 on the National Social Security (BPJS), with the latest amendments in the Omnibus Law No 11/ 2020. The Law sets out the primary rules for establishing employment relationships, employment terms and conditions. These include working hours and over time arrangements, workers’ organization and collective bargaining/labor agreements, social protection, and employment termination. The National Labor Regulations have been mainstreamed from the ILO fundamental conventions ratified by the Government of Indonesia, as follows: a. Forced Labor Convention b. Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organize Convention c. Right to Organize and Collective Bargaining Convention d. Equal Remuneration Convention e. Abolition of Forced Labor Convention f. Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Conventions g. Minimum Age Convention h. Worst Forms of Child Labor Convention Law No. 13/2003 on Manpower requires employers to establish consensual terms and conditions with their workers in the form of a contract signed by both parties. These include occupation and types of work, along with agreed job deliverables, duty stations or workplace, amount of wages and method of payment, rights and obligations of the worker and the employer, starting date and duration of the contract, place and date of the work agreement, and hours of work and overtime. Enterprises with ten or more workers are required to establish an institution regulation. These provisions have been institutionalized within BaKTI in its labor management SOP on Employment and Employment Agreements in Personnel Section of the SOP and Protection, Remuneration and Welfare in Personnel Section in the SOP. In terms of minimum wage, the law acknowledges the rights of workers to earn wages to meet a decent living (penghidupan yang layak). The minimum wage rates differ across the geographical locations and by economic sectors, formulated by the Provincial Governor in consultation with provincial and district wage councils, which also represent worker organizations/associations. Non-permanent workers, including those hired for a specified period or to complete certain outputs, including contracted workers are entitled to receive the prevailing district minimum wage for ordinary hours. The law stipulates that workers should be paid on a timely basis and at least once per month, although they may be paid more frequently on a specified date as agreed. Regular working hours are 40 working hours per week, which can be arranged into five or six working days or other shift arrangements. Employers must pay overtime compensation if the working hours exceed the above with written consent from the employees for all overtime work. Such overtime work can only reach a maximum of three hours in a day and/or 14 hours in a week. These provisions are fully in line with BaKTI’s labor management SOP in the Personnel Section. Based on Law No. 40/2004 on the National Social Security System and Law No. 24/2011 on the National Social Security (BPJS), employers are required to register the organization, their employees/staffs and participate in social security programs, which include healthcare, pension, work accidents, old age, and death insurance. This requirement is reflected in BaKTI’s labor management SOP in the Personnel Action. Detailed arrangements on the implementation and administrative sanctions are set out in several government and presidential regulations. In addition to this, the workers are also entitled to receive religious holiday allowance as stipulated by the Minister of Manpower Regulation No. PER- 04/MEN/1994 on Religious Holiday Allowance. The labor law protects workers from discrimination at the workplace. This encompasses entitlements to equal treatment as well as equal rights and responsibilities with no discrimination based on sex, ethnicity, race, religion, skin color, and/or political orientation. Commitments to enforce this principle are strengthened by the ratification of the ILO Convention on Discrimination in Respect of Employment and Occupation (C111), as stated in Law No. 21/1999 and Law No. 80/1957 on the Ratification of ILO Convention No. 100 Concerning Equal Remuneration for Men and Women for Work of Equal Value. BaKTI SOP stipulates such provisions under Labor Management Section, sub-chapter 4.1 on the basic principles of labor management which value equal opportunity, fairness and transparency in recruitment and work assignment. Law No. 13/2003 has several articles laying out the framework for Occupational, Health and Safety (OHS). The law stipulates that every worker has a right to receive OHS (articles 86 – 87). Every enterprise is under an obligation to apply ‘an occupational safety and health management system that shall be integrated into the enterprise’s management system.’ It further adds that rulings concerning the application of the occupational safety and health management system shall be determined and specified with government regulations. Such provisions have been institutionalized within BaKTI labor management SOP in the Personnel Section. On the provisions of workers’ rights to organize, including rights to collective bargaining, workers have the freedom to choose how they are represented, and employers must not interfere in the process as mandated in Law No. 21/2000 on Trade Unions. The Government of Indonesia has also ratified the ILO Convention on the Application of the Principles of the Right to Organize (C98), as stated in Law No. 18/1956. These laws acknowledge the fundamental right of workers to strike in a legal, orderly, and peaceful fashion as the last resort to resolve disputes if negotiations fail. 6. Terms and Condition This section outlines the general terms and conditions of employment at BaKTI. If conflict arises with the Indonesia labor law, BaKTI will abide by national labor laws. In most cases, BaKTI’s terms and conditions provide better protection and benefits for employees than the minimum requirements stated in the Indonesia labor law. BaKTI provide their employee with the employment social security/ Jamsostek that protects employees from work accidents, illness and death. BaKTI is an equal opportunity employer and the recruitment processes reflect BaKTI’s commitment to this process. The best candidate is selected based on their ability to perform the position. No discrimination will be tolerated that is based on: gender, ethnicity, religious backgrounds, people with a disability, age or other factor not related to the person’s ability to perform the job. BaKTI has a duty to act towards its employees in good faith. BaKTI has developed a comprehensive and clear package of employment policies and procedures that included in employee’s individual contract. BaKTI’s Personnel SOP4 contains a detailed description and application of the HR policies that are to be consistently applied to all employees. Employees are required to familiarize themselves with all the HR policies, and in particular: confidentiality and privacy, working hours, position classification framework, leave. The HR Policy is written in detail in BaKTI’s Personnel SOP. The HR Policy will be socialized at the time of induction and refreshed at least once a year. Salaries and Benefits BaKTI has a salary scale based on current market rates for position classifications. Salaries for each position are determined based on the job qualifications an external salary surveys. The salary scale is reviewed every three years and adjusted as necessary. BaKTI adheres to the rules and regulations of the Government of Indonesia in respect to taxation. BaKTI follows tax law by withholding income tax from the monthly salary of employees and making this payment to the tax department. Pertaining to minimum wage, BaKTI labor management SOP is in line with the law (Articles 30, 31 and 34). 4 Link to access BaKTi’s SOP: 7. Age of Employment The Project is committed to apply the applicable national labor laws and regulations including the minimum age and employment terms and conditions as set above. In general, the project is prohibited from employing children less than 18 years of age, this is in accordance to the National Labor Legislation and become reference for BaKTI’s SOP on Labor Management and recruitment/hiring of staff and consultants. This provision is also in line with ILO Convention on Minimum Age for Admission to Employment (C138) as well as the ILO Convention on the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labor (C182). BaKTi will be required to verify the identity and age of all workers through official documentation, such as national ID card, passport, and/ or other additional official documents based on BaKTI’s recruitment policies. 8. Policies and Procedures This section outlines main policies and procedures to be followed during the implementation of the project and will be updated and amended as needed, after contracts have been awarded. Employee Code of Conduct and Standards of Behaviours BaKTI expects all employees including consultants, volunteers and interns to adhere to certain standards of conduct in the workplace, in managing people and in our humanitarian, development and emergency work. The purpose of the Employee Code of Conduct policy is to provide advice on the standards of behaviour that are required for all employees, volunteers/interns and consultants. It provides guidance, promotes ethical behaviour and sets expectations of employees, volunteers/interns and consultants, across all locations. Employee Code of Conduct and Standards of Behaviours as part of BaKTI’s personnel SOP. Anti-fraud and Corruption BaKTI maintains a zero-tolerance attitude and approach towards fraud and corruption. BaKTI adopts a risk management approach to the prevention, detection and investigation of suspected fraudulent activity that is incorporated into business processes, management practices, internal controls and related practices, as specified in BaKTI’s financial and procurement procedures. Protection from Sexual Harassment, Exploitation and Abuse (PSHEA) BaKTI’s commitment to the welfare of vulnerable populations from sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse is documented in the BaKTI’ SOP on Sexual Harassment, Exploitation and Abuse policy and Employee Code of Conduct. Sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse is unacceptable to BaKTI and the institution is committed to abiding, upholding and promoting appropriate risk-based standards at all times. BaKTI provides training and guidance for employees to meet these standards. Occupational Health and Safety BaKTI is committed to: (i) Complying with applicable laws and regulations related to occupational health and safety; (ii) Maintaining healthy and safe working conditions as required by legislation and requirements of Environmental and Social Standards (ESS2); such as safe working conditions, safety of project travels, protection from Gender Based Violence (GBV)/ Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) – Sexual Harassment (SH)/ Violence Against Children (VAC) and safe protocol on COVID-19 prevention. (iii) General safety measures for travel include: • Share your travel itinerary with other project personnel. Provide daily “check-ins” to the project office/colleagues when deemed necessary • Carry with you, your personal emergency contact numbers • Identify and take note of the local emergency medical services and contact numbers at site • Pack a basic first aid kit, including any personal prescribed and/or non-prescribed medications • Avoid traveling at night unless there is no other feasible option • Prioritize traveling on more reliable airlines acknowledged for their safety standards and performance (Garuda Indonesia and/or Citi link) • Adequately assess and select options for air versus land travel. Generally, air travels has lower likelihood of an accident but higher severity when compared to land travels • Identify and engage trusted third-party sources for vehicle rentals and/or boat rentals (Trac and/or Bluebird group rentals) • Ensure cars/vehicles are equipped with safety equipment such as seat belts Covid-19 Protocol for Project Workers BaKTI is committed to following protocol on COVID-19 prevention to mitigate COVID-19 risks for project workers. The COVID-19 protocol will be in line with the WHO guidance as well as the official direction from the national authorities and health facilities. This protocol will be disseminated and applied to all project workers. The protocol will include the following measures: • Management (Executive Director (DE), Deputy Executive Director (DDE) and Operations Manager (OM)) consult with Staff and health authorities, plan and implement measures to prevent and mitigate COVID-19 in the workplace through technical and administrative controls, and provide equipment and protection in accordance with the risk assessment. • Virtual engagement will be sought to the extent feasible during the COVID-19 pandemic. Public health measures will be applied for offline engagement to prevent contracting and spreading of COVID-19, including social distancing, provision and use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) – masks at minimum and proper hygiene practices. World Bank’s Technical Note: Public Consultations and Stakeholder Engagement in WB- supported operations when there are constraints on conducting public meetings will be followed. • Employees are responsible for following occupational safety and health and infection prevention and control measures established in the workplace and participating in training provided by the organization. • Staff must report to their supervisor on any situation that could pose an imminent and serious hazard to health and safety in the workplace. 9. Grievance Mechanism for Project Workers BaKTI strives to provide an environment that manages difficult issues and provides mechanism for employees to bring work related issues or concerns to the attention of management with the assurance that the matter will be given serious attention. The PIM will include grievance and dispute resolution procedure. Step 1: Discuss Complaint with Program Coordinator Employee who have a grievance, should raise the matter to the Program Coordinator immediately either verbally or in writing. If the matter itself concerns the staff member’s line manager, then the grievance should be taken to BaKTI Operations Manager. • The Program Coordinator should then respond within one (1) working days; and • The response will give a full written explanation of the line manager’s decision and who to appeal to if still aggrieved. Step 2: Submit Complaint in written to BaKTI Management / HR and the next Line Supervisor In most instances the line supervisor’s decision would be final and the matter closed. However, in some circumstances the staff member may remain aggrieved and can appeal against the decision of the supervisor concerned. • The employee appeal to BaKTI Management /HR and the next supervisor, must be made within ten (10) working days of the receipt of the Step 1 response in writing. • The next Supervisor and BaKTI Management/HR will review the employee appeal and attempt to resolve the grievance. A formal response and full explanation of how to solve the grievance will be given in writing within seven (7) days; and • Where the 'next in line' supervisor at this stage is the Executive Director (ED), then the grievance should immediately progress from step 1 to step 3. Step 3: Submit Complaint in written to the Executive Director After step 2, if the employee remains aggrieved, he/she can appeal to the ED. • This appeal must be made in writing enclosing a copy of the original appeal in the previous steps to the ED within ten (10) working days of receipt of the step 2 response.; and • The ED will arrange and hear the appeal from all relevant people and respond formally with a full explanation within twenty (20) working days. Time scales have been fixed to ensure that grievances are dealt with quickly, however these may be extended if it is agreed upon by both parties. The employee may have a support person accompany them to the meetings. The employee can withdraw his/her complaint at any time. While the dispute resolution process is being conducted work is to continue normally subject to any reasonable concerns about health and safety. The employee must not unreasonably fail to comply with a direction by BaKTI to perform work whether at the same or another workplace that is safe and appropriate for the employee to perform. BaKTI staffs are orientated on BaKTI’s policies and have accessibility to the Personnel manual. BaKTI’s HR team are available to provide support and more detailed advice to employees and line managers as required. 10.Community Workers By project design, the project does not envisage the hiring of community workers. Towards the end of the project, in the process of handover and transition of activity implementation, this project will work with local government (district and village) to involve and engage with the village facilitators and cadres in taking over the role of project facilitator to continue the activities. Given the nature of such activities, the application of the LMP may not be fully appropriate. If needed, relevant procedures pertaining to community workers will be regulated separately in the 3rd year of implementation together with village governments. Annex BaKTI’s personnel SOP can be accessed through this link: