DOCUMENT OF INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOC/A TION •, • -··.,.·,·1 MONTHLY OPERATIONAL SUMMARY OF BANK AND IDA PROPOSED PROJECTS (As of February 28, 1975) SecH75 - 192 FROM: The Secretary March 21, 1975 • Section CONTENTS I. - Eastern Africa 1 - 11 II, - Weetern Africa 12 - 22 III. - Eaat Asia and Pacific 23 -, 31 • IV, v. VI, VII, - - - - South Asia Europe, Middle East and North Africa Latin America and Caribbean New Projects 32 40 - - 52 - 65 66 - 68 39 51 Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency!/ Lender Project 1/ Action on Procurement !!./ • I, EASTERN AFRICA .. BOTSWANA Ministry of Worka About Roads III - Construction of the Appraisal report being prepared, • and Couaunications Botswana Development Corporation (BDC) 10,0 (Bank) To be determined Gaborone-Molepolole Road, Development Finance Company - To assist promotion of medium and small Awaiting utilization of funds in first loan. (Bank) scale industrial enterprises, Ministry of To be. Livestock II, Identification mission Agriculture determined scheduled for March. • Ministry of Worka and Communications (Bank) To be determined Roede IV - Improvement of a section of the North-South Road, Project preparation underway. (Bank) !/ If the Government is the borrower, the name of the departme~t, ministry or agency which is to implement the project ·• is given, If the Government ie to relend the proceeds to ~ther entity, the name of that entity is given, If the Government is not the borrower, the borrower's name is given in capital letters in parentheses, 2/ The amount is in millions of U.S. dollars and is approximata and tentative, J./ The letter (N) before the project means that the project is a new listing in the Summary; the letter (R) means that the information about the project has been revised since the last issue of the Summary, Section VII of the Summary contains a recapitulation of the new projects listed in this issue, !!./ This column contains available information, if any, about action with respect to the procurement of goods and services expected to be financed by the Bank or IDA, • Distribution: Executive Directors and Alternates President Senior Vice President, Operations Executive Vice President and Vice President, IFC President's Council 1 Directors and Department Heade, Bank and IFC, • 1 •' Member Country, and .Amount 2/ - 2 - Borrower or and Probable Stage of Proceeai11g and Implementing AgencY 1J Lender Action on Procurement !I " BURUNDI Offia• d•• CUltur.. Up to Second Coffee Improvement (EJCteaeion Appraisal report being • Industrielles du 10.0 of first project financed by IDA prepared, Burundi (IDA) (Cr, 147), construction of about 20 coffee washing stations and about 80 pulping centers, strengthening of extension services, and research to improve coffee production; illprove- ment of food crop production, Infra- structure and water supply, Total • costs currently estimated at $12 million, Ministry of To be (R) Fish Processing - Improvement of Project to be identified, Agriculture deter111ined traditional lake fishing and fish Identification/preparation and Livestock .(IDA) processing; establishment of pro- cessing factories along Burundi aide of Lake Tanganyika; improved marketing, mission currently in the field, • EAST AFRICAN COMMUNITY i./ (EAST AFltlCAN To be Development Finance Company II, Awaiting utilization of funds DEVELOPMENT BANK) (EAST AFRICAN POSTS AND TELECOM, CORP,) deter111ined (Bank) 30,0 (Bank) Telecmmaunicatione r.v, in first loan, Awaiting teleconnunications investment program approval by • East African Community, (EAST AFltlCAN 35,0 Harbors IV,· East African Harbors Corpora- HARBORS CORP,) (Bank) tion intends to appoint con- (EAST AFRICAN 35,0 Railways IV. sultants to prepare certain aspects of the project, Project being prepared by • RAILWAYS CORP,) (Bank) EARC, ETHIOPIA. • (BOARD OF TELE- 16,0 Telecommunications V - 2nd Tranche, Draft appraisal report being COMMUNICATIONS OP (IDA) The proposed credit would finance reviewed, ETHIOPIA) (BTE) the remaining foreign exchange coats of BTE's Fifth Development Program which aims at (1) increasing the capacity of the existing telephone systems by about 45,000 lines; (2) expanding the long distance facilities through the installation of four micro- wave links , various VHF /UHF radio links and associated trunk switching equipment; (3) improving the inter- national services by installing an earth satellite station; and (4) expanding the telegraph and telex networks, Ethiopia Highway 30.0 (R) Roads VI - Likely to include road Negotiations underway. Authority (EBA) (Bank/IDA) maintenance equipment construction of approximately 230 km, of agri- cultural roads, construction super- vision, technical assistance and • training, Seep, 1 for footnotes, 1/ Comprising Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda, Processing of projects under EAC is under close review of the Bank pending possible changes in corporate structure of EAC corporation, • - 3 - • Member Country, and Borrower or Implementing Agency·_!/ Amount 2/ and Probable Lender Proiect '}./ Stage of Processing and Action on Procurement !!_/ ETHIOPIA (Cont'd) Ministry of 20.0 Education IV - Further assistance Appraisal report under Educatipn (IDA) to the edu·cation and training sector preparation. • consistent with Government priorities, Likely to include assistance for expanding first and second level education and adult education; mass media and curricula development; establishment of training centers for extension workers in cooperatives, forestry, health and home economics; district rural development centers and University Social Science Center. Coffee Board To be Coffee Processing II. Preparation of project underway. determined (IDA) National Water To be Rural Water Supply I - Development of Water sector study report Resources determined community water systems in small completed. External financing • Commission {NWRC) (IDA) towns and rural areas. institutions bei'ng approached by Govermnent.for assistance in strengthening of central and regional institutions concerned with water supply; evaluation. of existing rural water s·upply facilities; and financing a few pilot water supply systems • • Agricultural and Industrial Development Bank (AIDB) 9.0 (IDA) Development Finance Company IV - Industrial lending program. Procese delayed pending clarifi- cation of the effecte of the Government's recently announced nationalization policies on AIDB and thie project. Livestock and 21.0 (R) Livestock III - Development of market Appraisal mission.returned. Heat Board (IDA) oriented beef., sheep, and cattle (African Development Bank and AID (LMB) production within framework of considering parallel financing.) pastoral society. Likely to include three areas - Southern Rangelands, Jijiga, and Northeast Rangelands. . Ministry of To be Livestock rv - Dairy development Project preparation underway. Agriculture determined project following up first dairy {IDA) .project (Livestock I). Ministry of 25.0 {R) Grain Storage and Marketing-· Construc- Mission scheduled for early March. ·•. (IDA) tion.of marketing centers, including (AID has expressed interest in Agriculture storage facilities and procurement of joint financing and is .participa- cleaning, drying, weighing equipment, ting in appraisal.) plus construction of large scale cen- tral storage facilities, also technical assistance. • Ministry of . · Agriculture To be determined (IDA) Humers Agricultural Development II - Further development in western lowlands. Government considering modifica- tions to consultants' proposals. See p. 1 for footnotes.- •· • . Member Country, and Amount 2/ - 4 - Borrower or . . and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency!/ ETHIOPIA (Cont'd) Lender Action on Procurement !!_/ • Ministry of 20,0 Agriculture Settlement - (a) Integrated Preliminary project preparation Agriculture .(IDA) rural development project in Highlands underway. based on lend reorganization and (b) resettlement of landless peasants Addie Ababa To be on unused Government land in ·provinces, Water Supply - Addis· Ababa II - the Western Project to be identified; • Water and Sewerage determined . Further expansion of the water supply Authority (AWSA) (Bank) system and development of the sewerage system of Addis Ababa, Ministry of 25.0 .Agricultural Minimum Package Project Project preparation underway, Agriculture (IDA) II (MPP) - Provision of a package of inputs (fertilizer, seed, credit and extension services) to small farmers, This will be a follow up to HPP I, CITY COUNCIL 8.0 (R) Urban Development - Sites and services Negotiations underway, OF NAIROBI (Bank) 8,0 (IDA) project, including preparation and servicing of plots on which low income families would erect own housing, re- lated infrastructure, com1111.1nity facili- • ties, trunk sewer, technical assistance. Ministry of To be (R) Parks and Tourism - Assistance for Appraisal scheduled for Hay, Tourism determined parks and reserves development (Bank) including road construction, viewing Ministry of Tourism To be determined facilities, wildlife management and research and planning, Tourism - Development of Diani Beach resort complex, part of Government Feasibility study underway, --·. (Bank) program for development of additional facilities at the Coast, Tana River Development Company (TRDC) 45.0 (Bank) (R) Power II - Expansion of hydro genera~ ting capacity and associated trans- mission lines. Total estimated cost $105 million, Design work underway. Appraisal report being prepared, Procurement: Export/suppliers' •,.J credits being sought for part of the project cost. Ministry of Power and Conununications Ministry of Natural 20.0 (Bank) 15,0 (Bank) Oil Pipeline - To transport refined fuel oild from Mombasa refinery to Nairobi. Total estimated cost is $82 million. Forestry 11 - Second phase of forestry development project financed by Design work underway, Appraisal report being prepared. Procurement: Export/suppliers' credits being sought for part of the project, Appraisal report being prepared. ·~ Resources Ln, 641, Ministry of Education To be determined (Bank/IDA) Education 111 - To support qualitative improvements to primary school educa- tion, including technical assistance, Appraisal report under preparation. • Seep, 1 for footnotes, • • - 5 - Member Country, and Amount :!J • Borrower or Im2lernenting Agenci ~ (Cont'd) y and Probable Lender Prolect 1/ Stage of Processing and Action on Procurement !!.l Ministry of Water 35,0 Water supply for Mombasa and coastal Appraisal report being prepared·. Development. (Bank) region~ Development of new water (Co-financing by Germany likely.) sources and additional distribution • Ministry of To be (R) system, Total coat estimated at $73 million, Integrated Crop Production - Mixed Appraisal tentatively scheduled Agriculture determined farming, baaed primarily on cotton, for May. (Bank/IDA) sunflower, maize and pulses produc- tion in Western and Eastern provinces. Ministry of 7.5 (R) Rehabilitation of Group Farms - Board presentation scheduled for Agriculture (Bank) Financial and management support March. 7.5 to rehabilitate and optimize use (IDA) of under-utilized farmland, Total project coat estimated at $23,2 million. Ministry of To be (R) Irrigation scheme to irrigate land Project scope being enlarged. Agriculture determined in lower Tana River Basin for cotton, Revised consultant's report •• (Bank/IDA) maize, sugar, and groundnut production, Project would offer employment for several thousand families. expected in March • Ministry of To be (R) Highways VI - To assist implementation Appraisal tentatively scheduled Works determined of rural access ·roads programs with for September, (Several aid (Bank) emphasis on training and evaluation, agencies will finance constru- tion of roads . ) • .Ministry of Finance and Planning 30.0 (Bank). (R) Program Loan, To help finance import of raw materials, intermediate goods and capital equipment, Report of appraisal mission being prepared, Industrial 10.0 Second DFC line of credit to IDB, Appraisal report being Development (Bank) prepared. Bank (IDB) • Ministry of Agriculture To be determined (Bank) Assistance ·for sugar development in Kenya, Identification underway. LESOTHO Ministry of (R) Livestock improvement and conservation CIDA to provide $6 million to Agriculture to prevent soil erosion in the finance project, No other donor • mountain areas, assistance required, ·and there will be no need for Bank Group .) assistance, Ministry· of 3.0 (R) Roads II-. Construction of a mountain UK financed consultants Works (IDA) road from· St. Mic~aels to Tsung, and preparing detailed engineer- provision for technical assistance to ing studies. Appraisal the Ministry of ·works. mission scheduled for April, (Co-financing with several • Ministry of Agriculture 5.0 (IDA) Thaba Bosiu Rural Development II - project would expand the successful agencies. being explored,) Project identification/prepara- tion scheduled for mid-1975 Thaba Bosiu project to an additional (Co-financing with several 300,000 acres and would provide agencies to be explored.) seed, fertilizer, credit ·extension services, soil conservation techniques, and improved livestock practices to • Seep, 1 for footnotes, rural smallholders, Member Country, and - i; - Amount 2/· Borrower or Implementing Agency MALAGASY REPUBLIC 1/ and Probable Lender Stage -of Processing and Action on Procurement !!/ • Ministry of To be (R) Education II .- Improvement of educa- Unesco preparation mission Education determined tion system and facilities in light postponed until further notice (IDA) of Government's new education plan at Government's request, • currently being devised, Directorate To be Hydroelectric power plant (80-100 MW) Feasibility study in progress, of Mines and Power determined on Vohitre River at Rogez, about 130 (Co-financing being explored.) (Bank) Ian east of Tananarive, Total project costs currently estimated at $80 million, BNM (Malagasy To be Development Finance Company. Project being prepared by Development Bank) determined· Government and BNM, Appraisal (Bank) mission tentatively acheduled for mid-1975. Ministry of Rural To be (R) Irrigation - Likely to consist of rice FAO/IBRD Cooperative Program Development determined development in several areas possibly preparation mission postponed, {Bank/IDA) combined with rehabilitation schemes, • Ministry of To be Highways IV - ConstructioQ of Appraisal scheduled for April Public Works determined Antsohihy-Ambanja road (about 200 km) 1975. (Bank/IDA) in the North· and establishment of a road maintenance program, Total cost estimated at $40-50 million. ~ Ministry of To be Education II - Improvement of educa- Appraisal scheduled for Education determined (IDA) tional system and facilities in support of recently approved education plan. March, • Ministry of 8.5 (R) Lilongwe Rural Development III - Provi- Negotiations substantially. Agriculture (IDA) sion of infrastructure works and completed, (Co-financing by support services for third stage of UN Capital Development Fund Lilongwe Rural Development Program. expected in amount of $1.6 Total cost estimated at $12 million, million,} Ministry of Agriculture· . To be determined (IDA) Karonga Rural Development Program II - Extension of first project finan- ced by Credit 282-MAI, Provision of Project being prepared, • agricultural inputs, extension services, marketing facilities, credit, the introduction of improved farming methods· and new crops and development of Viphya Pulp and Paper To be determined infrastructure, Woodpulp Mill and Infrastructure - construction of 150,000 TPA long Project being prepared. Pre- qualification of contractors • (VIPCOR) (Bank) fiber pulpmill to exploit existing for the civil works is expected Viphya forest resources, Mill will to be undertaken before be located at Chinteche, in the negotiations. (Co-financing northern region, Infrastructure- being explored°.) particularly roads and ports facili- ties - will also be required, Total project costs currently estimated at $330 million, • Seep, 1 for footnotes. • • • - 7 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Proceaaing and Im2lementing !!senc~ 1./ Lender Project y Action on Procurement '!.f MAURITIUS Central Water 5,0 Water Supply and Sewerage - Improve- Timing of appraisal contingent Author~ty (Bank) ment snd augmentation of three existing upon reaching agreement with • domestic water supply schemes (Port Louis, Mare aux Vacoas and the Districts), and two sewerage schemes (Port Louis and Plain Wilhelms), to Government on appropriate level of water tariffs. meet household and industrial demand, Development Bank To be Financing may include: (a) specific Timing of project processing of Mauritius determined development projects through loans to contingent upon reaching agree- • (Bank) and investments in enterprises in Mauritius and (b) establishment of an industrial estate at Vacoas/Phoenix. ment with Government on amount of local contributions and various economic policy measures including the level of interest rates. Ministry of About (R) Commercial Crops - Coffee improvement Appraisal report being prepared. • Agriculture 9.0 (IDA) program and chinchona production; plus land rehabilitation for fo!)dcrop production; includes construction of 12 coffee washing stations and esta- blishment of extension services; improve- ment and-maintenance of access roads, planting of chinchona trees. Total cost estimated at $11 million • • Ministry of Agriculture To be determined (IDA) Agricultural Development (livestock) - Settlement of 5,000 farmers' families in Bugasera area; would include water supply, pasture development, livestock Appraisal scheduled for September 1975. and foodcrop improvement; lake fishing; · eradication of tae-tse fly infestation. Ministry of About (R) Education - improvement of quality and Government has been invited for • Education 8.0 (IDA) efficiency of primary education in support of education reform being con- sidered by Government, ·construction and equipment of 150 workshops for negotiations in March, subject to nomination of project director. (Co-financing with Germsny·under consideration.) teaching of practical subjects related to agriculture and craftsmanship. Pro- vision of paper and textbook printing equipment, end transport means; est~b- lishment of school financing and construction unit in Ministry of Education for project execution. Technical assistance. Total project cost estimated at $9 million. SOMALIA Ministry·of 4.0 (R) Agricultural development in the Appraisal report being prepared. • Agriculture (IDA) North-West Region, including land conservation,· extension services, small-scale irrigation, water supply and preinvestment studies. (Joint financing being sought_•) . See·p. 1 for footnotes • • • I ~ - 8 - ·Member country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and- !i 1/ • Implementing Agency Lender Project Action on Procureinent ~/ SOMALIA (Cont'd) Ministry of To be Roads Ill - loip~ovement of the Hargeiaa- Consultants preparing feasi- Public Works determined Borama highway (about 144 lane) with a bility study. (joint finan- (IDA) apur to Tug Wajale (about 20 kma). cing likely to be required.) Ministry of Public Works Drought 3.0 (IDA) Port of Mogadiacio - extension of breakwater and addition of one berth to the new port now under construction. Appraisal report under preparation. • 8.0 (N) Drought Rehabilitation. Reconnaissance/identification . Rehabilitation (iDA) mission scheduled to arrive in Commission Somalia in March. To be To be (N) Technical Assistance - assistance in Preiiminary diacuss1ona with determined determined project preparation. Government planned for May. (IDA) Central Electricity 23.0 (R) Power II. - Expansion of hydro-electric Negotiations aubatantially & Water Corporation (IDA) generation at Roaeirea and d:i.eaei completed. Government action on (CEWC) generation in Khartoum and juba; expan- agreed issues awaited, sion of transmission and distribution facil!tiea. Total project cost esti- mated at $39 million; Procurement: CF.WC working with consultants on preparation of bidding documents, Management • consultants to be financed under the project have signed a contract with CEWC. Retroactive financing· of about $300,000 for consulting services recommended, Civil Aviation Department To be determined (IDA) Domestic Aviation - Improvement of air- ports and facilities in southern pro- vincial capitals and at Port Sudan, Coneuitanta preparing feasibility study, • Roads and Bridges To be Highways II - Further development of List of high priority roads Corporation determined roads on iines indicated by pre- for which feasibility studies (IDA) paratory work under existing road to be undertaken agreed and Ministry of Education 10,0 (IDA) (R) project. Education II - Development of primary education for children, adult education, and technical consultants appointed, Negotiations substantially completed. • _j educational facilities appropriate to the rural· context. Total project coat a~out $17 million, Ministry of Agriculture To be determined (IDA) Livestock i - Development of livestock potential. Project being prepared by Government, RMEA and FAD, • Industrial Bank 5.0 (R) Second credit to Industrial Bank Appraisal report being reviewed...___ . of Sudan (IDA) of Sudan. ~ .... Mechanized Farming To be Third credit to the Mechanized Project under preparation by consul tanta. · • Corporation determined Farming Corporation. (IDA) Seep. 1 for footnotes. • • - 9 - Me!Dber Country, and Aamunt Y • Borrower or Implementiy Agenc:Y SWAZILAND J.J and Probable ·Lender Project I/ Stasa of Proceaains and Action on Procurement ~ (SWAZILAND ELECTRICITY 3.0 (R) Design, engineering, legal services and Government has decided to proceed BOARD) (Bank) other preliminary work for 200 MW ther- .with design, ensineering, and mal power station to export electricfty 'othar preliminary work without • (SWAZILAND ELECTRICITY 20.0 (Bank) (R) to South Africa. Thermal Power~ 200 MW thermal pover station fueled by Swazi coal to . applying for a BSDk engineering loan • . Preliminary feasibility studies compieted; diacuaaiona on BOARD) produce electricity for export to financing plan with South African Electricity Supply Commission in in prosreaa; drilling prosram South Africa. Total project cost underway to prove necessary coal estimated to be.more than $100 reserves. (Co-financing will be • Ministry of Works, Power and 7.0 (Bank) (R) million. · Highways II - Bituminization·of two sections of road; from Relehele to required.)· Negotiations scheduled for March. Comlnunicationa Phuzumoya and Tahaneni to Hlawula. Total cost of the project la estimated at $10 million. TANZANIA • ·office of Priine Minister 9.0 (IDA) (R) Ru~iilDevelopment II (Tabora) .. Inte- grated rural development project. Project being prepared·· by Govern- ment with RHEA assistance. Ministry of 9.0 (R) Dairy Development.I. - Development of Appraisal report being Agriculture and (IDA) 18 dairy -production unite end Ujamaa prepared. . Cooperatives dairy faruie and development of processing. for domestic consumption. 1• Ministry of ·Natural Resources and 8.0 (IDA) (R) Fisheries - Development of inland and coastal fishing. · Appraisal mission scheduled for early May. ·. Toarism · Ministry of Natural (R). Forestry I - Development of the fores- Preparation mission scheduled.· for Resources and Tourism (IDA) . try resources • mid-March. ·K1ni&try of Commerce 15.0 (R) Industry I - Expansion of the cotton Apprai~ai' report being prepared. •• 1~ and Industries Textile Corporation of Tanzania (Bank) textile plant at Hwanza. (Kuwait Fund will co-finance this project with a $15 million loan.) I Ministry of Commerce 23.0 (R) Industry II - Development of an Project being.prepared by and Industries (Bank) industrial estate at Morogoro. NDC and consultants. National Development Corporation (NDC) J• Ministry of Water and Power 1.• 0 (IDA) (R) Water Supply I - Water supply and sewerage development in secondary urban centers. Project being prepared by Governm.ent with consultant's aaaiatance. Ministry of 9.0 Education V. Uneaco undertaking project Education (IDA) preparation. Tanunia Electric · 24.0 (R) Power III - Sec~nd stage of Kidatu Appraisal mission scheduled for • ' Supply Company (TANESCO) (B'ank) ~ydroelectric project. April. . See·p. 1 for footnotes. -~ - 10 - Member Country• and Borrover or Imple1i1Bllti11a Aaencx 11 . Amount 2/ aild Probable Lader ·.. : .. St:age af Praceaaias and · ·. ·•·Action an Procurement y • TANZANIA (Cont'd) Tanll4nia ·. To ·be· Second Bmak Group operation for TIB, .T~ng of appraisal is depend- Industrial determilled . 'eiat an TIB 1 s projected foreign (Banlt)° . • BanIt (TIB) exchange requirements, M11liatry of 6,2 Technical Assistance - assistance in Requirements will be discussed PlaGDillg and (IDA) project preparatian. especially for with Govel'lllllent in light af Development . the industrial sector, tha concluaiollB of Industrial and Mining Sector mission which visited Tanzania in September, Ministry of ·20.0 (ll) Maize Developm81lt Project - to assist Project under preparation by Agriculture and (Banlt/IDA) in expanding productian of maize, the Gavermnent with assiet8Jlce from Cooperatives major staple of Tanaan1a, RHEA, Procurem81lt: Retroactive financing to be recommended far certain :Lnputs for 1975 planting season and for technical asaiat:ance, !:!!!!. Departm81lt of Agriculture 10,0 (IDA) (R) Cotton and food crops developmBllt for Slllallholdera, probably 1n Ubangui and Uelea regiollB, PAO preparation mission visited country in October, Appraisal _mission scheduled for April, • Office Nationals About 8.0 Livestock II~- Livestock dnelopment Gavel'lllllent preparing project ' de. L'elnage (IDA) in traditlollal ·herding sector• and . feasibility study~ of small C0111111ercial and state ra~hea, Bureau of National Tranaportatlon (ONATBA); Milliatry of 26.0 (IDA) (R) Railway and River Tranaport - Rehabil- itation of Kioshaaa-Hatadi railway and 1Jlland water transport, Eugineer- Appraisal report under conaider- atian, · • Tranapori:atian and ina study for Ilebo - Kioshaaa Railway, Procurement: Gavel'tllllent has lliver Navigatian port feasibility study, training pro- awarded contract far engineering Administration (RVP) gram for ONATRA and technical assist- of Ilebo-Kinahaaa Railway to ance, ·Total project coat is $62 SEGTRACO, Contract for study million, of KillBhasa and Hatadi ports was awarded .to Tractionnel of Belgium and the training program for ONATRA to ORT (Geneva), • L Procurement: Retroactive finan- cing of $1,5 million to be recommended, SOPIDE To be Credit for Agro-Industries and • (ll) Project identification mission determlued General Agriculture, to be scheduled, UNDP/PAO (IDA) assisting SOFIDE in estsblis~ng ssricultural lendiag operations, Water Authority About 12,0 (R) Water supply and aawerage 1n six Project being prepared by (REGIDBSO) (IDA) regiollBl urban ·centers.: Total project collBultants, ApJiraisal·mission 611d coat about $60 million, preparing its report. (Co- Department of financing with ADB expected,) Public Works · Bureau of Roads 26,0 (IDA) (ll) Highways III~ 600 km of road rehabili- tation, 3,000 km of road maintenance, Approved by Executive Directors February 11, • technical assistance and road studies, Total project coat is $40 ~llion and Procurements Retroactive finan- foreign'exchange component is $28 cing for technical assistance, million, feasibility studies, detailed · engineering of road rehabilitation wo~ks_costing approximately $700,000, . • , See p, 1 for footnotes. • • Member Country, and Amount 2/ - 11 - Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency 1/ Lender Project 1/ Action on Procurement !!J • ~ (Cont'd) Department of Up to 20.0 (R) Bclucation .11 - Technical education, Appraisal mission preparing its Education (IDA) focusing ·especially on agricultural report, education and secondary teacher training. Total project coat about $40 million • • GECAMINES 100.0 (Bank) Development of copper mining and infrastructure. Approved by Executive Directors January 16. . Department of To be (R) Rehabilitation and extension of Reconnaissance mission to be Agriculture determined existing oil palm plantations. undertaken in April. (IDA) Bureau of National To be (R) Rehabilitation and expansion of Matadi Project being prepared by Transportation (ONATRA) determined and Kinshasa ports. consultants, (IDA) Ministry of Rural To be (R) Mixed Farming - Livestock and crops Negotiations delayed at Development determined development, involving the resettle- Government request, Project (Bank) ment of farmers • may be withdrawn, • Ministry of Rural Development 10.0 (Bank) Intensive agricultural development in specific areas and focused on subsis- tence farmers. Appraisal report being prepared. General Post 25.0 Telecommunications, Total project Negotiations interrupted to Office (Bank) coat estimated at $54.1 million ·of allow additional time for Govern- which $37.S million in foreign ment to review certain issues • exchange • and to prepare legislation, Negotiations scheduled to resume in March. (Co-financing by ADB and SIDA.) Development 10.0 (R) To help finance newly formed develop- Appraisal mission in field, Bank of Zambia (Bank) ment finance company. Forest 10.0 Forest planting and wood processing. Awaiting project preparation, •• Department Ministry of (Bank) 10.0 Provision and extension of water Project identification underway. Rural Development (Bank) supply in towns and rural areas. Ministry of Power, To be Roads III. Project identification underway. Transport and Works determined (Bank) • Seep. 1 for footnotes • • • - 12 - • Member Country, and Borrower or Implementing Agency :J../ Amount 2/ and Probable Lender Project~/ Stage of Processing and Action on Procurement !!_/ II. WESTERN AFRICA CAMEROON • Ministere de l' Equipement 3.0 (IDA) 3,0 Supplemental Loan - Second Highway Pro- ject, Participation together with Gov- ernment in expected cost overrun ten- Timing and terms of proposed loan/credit being discussed with Government, (Bank) tatively estimated around $40 million. Office National 20.0 (R) Ports II - dredging of channel, re- As agreed with Government and des Ports (Bank/IDA) r• location and/or improvement of fishing co-donors, consultants have re- port, construction of new log handling viewed proposed project to re- facilities and additional berths at duce total cost; report discussed Douala, Total cost estimated at with consultants in Paris; next $75 million, co-donors meeting expected to be scheduled for early March, (Co- financing probably with FED, EIB, AfDB and French, Canadian, U.S. and German Governments.) -• Banque Camerounaise de Developpement 3,0 (IDA) Small-scale enterprises. Appraisal report being prepared, Awaiting Government reaction to Bank proposal, (Possible co- financing with CCCE and UNDP,) Procurement: Possible retroactive financing for technical assistance, • Ministere de !'Agriculture 14.0 (IDA) (R) Integrated rural development in the West Benoue area. Government reaction to identifi- cation mission report on the West Benoue component awaited, Further studies to be financed by FAC expected to be completed by fall 1975. Ministere des Mines 5,0 (R) Water II & Sewerage I - extension of Informal comments received from de l'Energie (Bank) water· supply in urban centers; sewer- Government on draft sector report, • 10.0 (IDA) age in Yaounde and Douala; storm drainage in Douala, Discussions between Government and IBRD/WHO Cooperative Program planned for March 1975. Ministere de 10,0 (R) Education III - creation or extension Appraisal mission in the field, 1' Education Nationale et (IDA) of rural and technical education and Ministere de !'Agriculture training facilities. Total cost may exceed $20 million, • Societe Nationale d'Electricite du Cameroun (SONEL) 15.0 (Bank) (R) Hydroplane - transmission and distribution lines, Feasibility studies on alternative hydro-plants expected to be com-· pleted by consultants by early 1975, Sector mission in field. Ministere de 16,0 (R) Creation of first part of 15,000 ha Appraisal report being prepared, l 'Agriculture (Bank/IDA) rubber estate in the empty southern (Possible co-financing with part of the coastal region • CCCE and FAC,) • Procurement: Possibie retro- active financing for land clearing equipment, Ministere de 20.0 (R) Roads III_- highway maintenance, Consultant's technical proposal l 'Equipement (Bank) under consideration by Govern- ment, Maintenance study • scheduled to commence in mid-1975, Seep, 1 for footnotes. • - 13 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing 'and Implementing Agenc_y CAMEROON (Cont'd) !/ Lender . Pro1ect j_/ Action on Procurement !!_/ • Ministere de 10.0 (N) Rural development of platn·e des M'b·o. Feasibility study u'nd'erway. 1.-Agriculttire (Bank) CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC Ministere des Travaux Publics et des Transports 8.0 (IDA) Bangui-Bossembele Road - :l.inprovement of 1'56 km of road'. Detailed engineering underway by consultants financed under on- going highway maintenance pro- • j'ect. CHAD' • Miti.ilitere des Travaux To be Third highway proJec_t - constru·cuon Prep1iration of project to Publics et de 1 'Amenage- determined to af:i-wea'ther standard.a of about be financed under second meti.t dti Territoire (IDA) 120·1tm of lielecteci' roads used for highway project. trarisport:Lng fibre cotton from · ginrieries to export outlets; road ma:ln-tenati.ce (second phase)'; ferry- boat rehabilitation program. Hiriistere des Trsvaux Up' to fo.O l'olders - irr!gated development of App'raisai report being prepared; Publ1cs et de l 'Ameti.age- ment du Terr:l!toire (IDA) 1,200 ha of very fertile soi:ts located' in north eastern part of Lake Chad', for production of cotton and' whea't. Proj'- ect cost originally estimated at $1'5 scope of project lieirig reviewed, (Possible co-financing ~it:h FAC, and ADF.) . • million· being reviewed.· To be 10.0 Rural Development. Ident:1:ficatfon report being determined (IDA) prepared· by RMWA. · I determined 6_.o (IDA) · .(R) Agriciiittir~l E·ducat:lon. ·.. Identification report being .. prepared· by Unesco/IDA.· •· CONGO, PEOPLE'·s REPUBLIC OF TIIE Agence Trans- 25.0 (R) Railva)' II - Project comprises of Appraisal report being pr~pared. congols:lse des (Bank) ATC's 1974-78 investment plan (total Board presentation scheduled for Communications ~ATC) cost $217.2 million of which $1'40.7 November 1975 although Government million foreign exchange). Bank loari intended for real'igriment of Holle- Do11sie section (110 km) of CFCO railway (total cost $117. 1 million intends to start realignment works in September f97'5·. (Co-financing exp!3cted from FED, PAC, CCCE, EIB, AfDB and CIDA. )' •J of which $83. 6 milli'on foreign ex.change)' ., and training. Procurement: · Retroacti,;e ·finan- cing of tip to $250,000 envis.aged for tra:lnfog aiid telecomm~nica~ioii equipment. Bids for civi'l works have been invited. f Ministere de To be (R) Second Hfghway - c~nstruction of Project: befog- prepare:d· by · Transports et des determined' Sibi'ti-Zanaga-Lotidima road·, and roal Government and' consu !'tan.ts. Travatix Ptitilfcs (Bank) mainteilaili:e component. . Detai'led engi;neering of ih.e Sil>iti- 1.:oiidima section to conuneilce in mid-1975. (Possible co'-f!riancing vi'tli FED,) DAHOMEY Minilitere de fa Fonction Publfcjue et du 4.1 (IDA) Education - ruraf youth and adi.tft vocatfonal trafning. Appraisal report befog sirepared', (Parai'lel' financing wfrh UNDP/ILO • Travail, et Ministere du coritemplated for technical Devel'oppement' Rural et d°e aslifstance for vocatiorial train- 1: 1 Ac.tion Cooperative . ing component,) See p. 1 for footnotes. • 1 • - 14 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ • Borrower or Implementing Agency]_/ and Probable Lender Project'}./ Stage of Processing and Action on Procurement !!_/ DAHOMEY (Cont'd) Ministere du Developpe- 6.0 (R) Rural development·- Agricultural Appraisal report being prepared, ment Rural et de (IDA) diversification in the Atakora, Borgou !'Action Cooperative and Zou districts with emphasis on • maize, sorghum and rice production, Cotton program financed by Zou-Borgou project (Cr. 307) will also be expanded. Ministere des 8,0 (R) Cotonou port expansion including Feasibility study underway Travaux Publics, (IDA) construction of 2 to 4 additional for Government by BCEOH with Transports, Postes et berths. FAC financing. Preparation Communications mission in the field, Minis tere des 8.0 (N) Highways III - Feeder roads; extension Consultants finalizing report Travaux Pul1lics, (IDA) of maintenance program; strengthening on feeder roads and maintenance 'fra11sports! l>ostes et of Godomey-Bohicon Road. program. Communications GABON Ministere de 5.0 (R) Education II - Technical and vocational Loan signed on February 7, 1975. !'Education Nationale (Bank) education, including technical lycee, • et de la Culture application center for technical education, publication center, techni~ cal assistance, and fellowships. Total project cost about $8 million, with foreign exchange component of about $5 million. THE GAMBIA • To be determined 4.0 (IDA) Development of.tourism infrastructure, including extension of access roads to resort areas, water supply, electric Appraisal report being prepared. (joint financing being considered.) power and beach facilities and construc- tion of hotel training facilities. · Procurement: Bank considering retroactive financing for part of equipment for public utili- ties to be commissioned during • Ministry of Agriculture 4,0 (IDA) Rural development - comprising develop- ment of irrigated and dryland farming, the first year of the pro.1 ect • Field study underway as follow-up of on-going rice livestock, ·essential _-infrastructure project. Report expected and agricultural extension, marketing by June 1975. and credit; Ministry of To be (R) Cocoa II - follow-up of first cocoa Project prepared by Cocoa-. Market- Cocoa Affairs. determined project consisting of planting of ing Board and RMWA. Appraisal (IDA) . cocoa areas· in Ashant.i Region. report b_eing prepared,_ Posts and Tele- 22,0 (R) Telecommunications - rehabi-1-itation Appraisal report being prepared. communications (Bank) and expansion of telecommunications Corporation network over 4~year period. Includes • increase of 27, 700 lines in exchange capacity and s·trengthening long- distance telephone and telex circuits, as well as services for improved Procurement: Retroactive financ- ing for consur"tants' services (up to $45,000) may. be recommended. management and engineering, Seep. 1 for footnotes • • • • - 15 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower o~ and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency!/ GHANA (Cont'd) Lender Action on Procurement !!_/ • Ministry of 5.0 Fisheries II - follow up of ongoing Revised lending program no Agriculture (Bank) fisheries project, · longer currently includes this project. Reporting will be discontinued, Ghana Oil Palm Development Corpora- tion (GOPD) 13.6 (IDA) (R) Oil palm production - establishment of nucleus estate and small-holder farms on about 13,000 acres in Eastern Region, Approved by Executive nirectors on February 18, • which would be first phase of 25,000 acre project and processing facilities; and technical assistance to ADB, Total project coat over first eight years 'I about $13.5 million, of which $6,1 million in foreign exchange, Ministry of To be Upper Region Integrated Agricultural/ RHWA assisting Government in Agriculture determined Rural Development project, project preparation. Project (Bal!k/IDA) preparation report being prepared, Electricity 10.0 (R) Expansion of low voltage distribu- Project being prepared, Corporation of Ghana (ECG) Volta River (Bank) To be {R) tion system, Expansion of power generation Pre-appraisal mission in the • Authority determined facilities at Kpong, field. Feasibility study to be completed by April 1975, Ghana Highway 25.0 (R) Highways II - follow-up of ongoing Appraisal report being prepared, • Authority (Bank/IDA) - project, Includes assistance for (Share to be road maintenance and improvement of determined) a trunk road and strengthening of domestic construction industry. National Investment 10.0 {R) To provide import financing require- Appraisal report in preparation. Bank (Bank) ments for NIB, To be determined Up to 7,0 (IDA) Production of irrigated pineapple and vegetables; improvement of trad- itional foodcrope. Appraisal report being pre- pared, • Ministere des 6,0 Highways I - road maintenance consist- Updated feasibility study to be Tra,vaux Publics (IDA) ing of technical assistance, equipment completed in April by Government procurement, workshop construction and and consultants, · preinveetrnent, IVORY COAST Societe de Developpement 10,0 {R) Rice development in forest region Appraisal report being prepared, • du Riz (SODIREZ) (Bank) between Gagnoa and Daloa to include terracing, irrigation works, exten- sion services and agricultural inputs. Total project coat about $21 million. Direction des Travaux Publics 35.0 (Bank) Urban Development - East-West express- way and port road, and infrllStructure for Banco residential area. Awaiting completion of feasi- bility study identified by project preparation mission, • Procurement: Study contract awarded to BCEOH and BNETD under Ln. 837, Seep, 1 for footnotes, • • • Member Country, and Amount 2/ - 16 - Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency 1/ Lender Project '}./ Action on Procurement !!_I IVORY COAST (Cont'd) Societe des Eaux de 10.0 (R) Extension of existing and construc- Identification mission report La Cote d'Ivoire (Bank) tion of new water supply systems in being prepared. • secondary centers • Ministere de l'Educa- 5,0 (R) Education - Preinvestment studies for Negotiations completed. Pre- tion National1i°" et (Bank) subsequent project; construction and sentation to Executive Directors Ministere de l'Enseigne- equipping of two teachers' training planned for March, ment Technique et de la colleges; conversion of and comple- Formation Professionnelle mentary equipment for four vocational Procurement: Retroactive training centers, financing up to $160,000 may be required for consultants' fees • Regie Abidjan- Niger (RAN) 30,0 (Bank) (R) RaHroad - reconstruction of Abidjan- Ouagadougou rail line from Bouake and technical assistance • Preparation report being prepared, (FED financed reconstruction of to Tafire (175 km) and possibly section between Agboville and provision of rolling stock. Dimbokro, EIB/FED is financing Dimbokro-Bouake section.) 28,0 Roads V - construction of Abidjan- Appraisal report being prepared, • Direction des Travaux Publics (Bank) Agboville road and realignment and pavement strengthening of Abidjan- Yamoussoukro and N'Douci-<;agnoa roads, and pre-investment studies, technical assistance, training and overseas fellowships. Total cost about $44 million, • Energie ·Electrique de Cote d'Ivoire (EEC!) 15,0 (Bank) Hydroplant on Sassandra River - trans- mission and distribution, Feasibility studies for hydro- plant to be completed by June 1975. Societe'd'Assistance· 7,0 (R) Agricultural development program of Feasibility studies being Technique pour la Modern- (Bank) cocoa and ;food crop planting·, and prepared by consultants. isation Agricole de la general agricultural development, Cote'd'Ivoire including settlement of lands in {SATMACI) Western region, • (CREDIT DE LA COTE D'IVOIRE (CCI)) 5.0 (Bank) Financing.small enterprise - program of assistance to Government agencies and Banks for promotion of small business. Appraisal report being prepared, Banque Ivoirienne de a.o DFC - loan to provide line of credit Appraisal report being Developpement (Bank) for small .to.. medium size Ivorian prepared, Industriel (BIDI) enterprises • •• '/ (CREDIT DE LA COTE D'IVOIRE {CCI)) 10.0 (Bank) Tourism Development Project - to provide line of· credit for hotel and related infrastructure financing, and technical Appraisal report being prepared. ·assistance component for project Procurement: Retroactive execution, Project would also include financing up to $.1 00, 000 to s marketing study, be recommended marketing study • • LIBERIA Hin:i.etry of Agriculture. 6.0 (IDA) Agriculture - integrated rural develop- ment in Lofa County, Appraisal report being prepared,. Seep, 1 for footnotes • •• • • .r I - 17 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of ·Processing and Implementing Agency!/ LIBERIA (Cont'd) Lender Action on Procurement !!._/ • Liberia Electricity 1.8 (R) Power Ill - technical assistance for President's report being prepare~. Corporation (Bank) management improvement and hydro studies, Ministries of Education, Labor ·and Agriculture 6.0 (IDA) Education 11 - community school pro- gram and related teacher training; continued reinforcement of education administration; vocational training Pre-appraisal mission scheduled for April 1975. · • center; forest ranger training program; broadening of secondary schools curriculum. Public Works 27.5 Highways Ill - construction of UN Appraisal report being prepared, Ministry (Bank) Drive, and Mesurado bridge, Totota- (Co-financing under discussion Ganta road and connected feeder road with AOB), study. To be 15.0 (R) Forestry - project likely to include Reconnaissance report completed. determined (Bank) financial assistance for developing FAO/IBRD Cooperative Program forest based industries, education and has reviewed the report with training and strengthening of Govern- Government, Project preparation ment's forestry services for an integrated development of Liberian forests, to be carried out by German Aid Fund and FAO/IBRD Cooperative Program tentatively scheduled for completion by December 1975, • Ministry of 10.0 Rehabilitation of existing small and Rubber industry study by AHT Agriculture (Bank) medium sized rubber plantations and consultants and Government to clearing of old plantations as well be completed shortly, • as new plantings. Ministry of 6.0 Integrated agricultural development Feasibility study by AHT con- Agriculture (IDA) in Bong county, including road con- sultants and Government to be struction, swamp clearing, land-use completed by April. planning extension services·, train- ing, marketing, credit and other essential social services. Ministere de l'Agriculture 13.3 (IDA) (R) Livestock development in Mopti region - well construction, animal health, Credit approved by Executive Directors on February 11, • firebreaks and technical assistance. Ministere de 15.0 Three-year cotton and food crops de- Feasibility study completed l'Agriculture (IDA) velopment program - extension of and under review. Appraisal ·- ongoing FED financed project, includ- tentatively scheduled for ing inputs, equipment, technical June. assistance and feeder roads. \ ~ Direction 10.0 (R) Highway Ill - co"et overrun for Faladie- Project preparation for Bainako- des Travaux (IDA) Segou road; continuation of Feeder Kolokani Road financed under Publics Road and Highway Maintenance Programs. second roads project, Appraisal report being prepared, (Joint financing being considered.) Ministere de l'Agriculture To be determined Rice II - Construction and rehabili- tation of polders for rice cultivation in· the inland delta region of the Niger Feasibility study carried out by Government/IER/RMWA to be completed by Hay. • valley. Seep, 1 for footnotes. • • • - 16 - • Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Implementing ~ency]:/ Lender Stage of Processing and Project ll Action on Procurement !!_I MAURITANIA Ministere de 4.0 (R) Nouadhibou port expansion - Negotiations substantially com- l'Equipement (IDA) including extension of fishing and pleted. Presentation .to Execu- commercial wharfs and technical assist- tive Directors scheduled for • ance to increase port productivity. Total project cost now estimated at $14,3 million. June, Awaiting receipt and eval- uation of bids due in mid-May. (To be co-financed by Kuwait Fund and CCCE,) Ministere du Developpe- 2.0 Rural development in south eastern Feasibility study being re- ment Rural (IDA) region - project aims st increased reviewed, production of dry crops through strengthening of extension service, farmers' credit, marketing organiza- tion ·and feeder roads, mainly by Guidimaka and Southern areas of 1st, 2nd and 3rd Regions. 4.0 Gorgol Irrigation - first phase of Engineering study carried out (IDA) irrigation project in Gorgo! Valley by SCET consultants to be to develop 3,500 ha. of rice and completed by March. (Co- • other diversified crops. financing with FED being en- visaged,) Ministere des 10.0 (R) Highways III - construction and Appraisal report being prepared. Travsux Publics (IDA) maintenance of roads; preinvestment studies. Procurement: Retroactive finan- • Ministere de l'Economie Rurale 10.0 Rural development - integrated devel- cing for up to $60,000 may be recommended. Government informed Bank mission (IDA) opment of Msrsdi area, including ex- which visited Niger in mid- tension services and provision of November that the project should farm inputs. proceed. Awaiting new proposals from Government on irrigation and livestock elements as well • as on project organization • Procurement: Retroactive finan- cing for up to $300,000 may be recommended. Office des Postea 3.0 Telecommunications - expansion of Pre-appraisal completed. Appraisal et Telecommunications (IDA) inter-urban, and long distance net- .tentatively scheduled for late • Ministere de l'Economie Rursle 6.0 (IDA) work • 1975. Irrigation for rice production on 1,500 Preparation report being re- ha. in Namarigoungou. ·viewed. Appraisal tentatively scheduled for April 1975, NIGERIA Federal Ministry of 21.0 Livestock I - establishment and reha- Loan approved by Executive • Agriculture and Natural Resources (Bank) bilitation of breeding and fattening rsnc_hes and ·grazing areas for addition- ·al cattle, pasture improvement, exten- sion of credit and tse-tse control. Directors on December 19, 1974, Total cost estimated at $42 million • • Seep. 1 for footnotes. ._;: • • - 19 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ • Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency!./ Lender Action on Procurement f!../ NIGERIA (Cont'd) Federal Ministry of 17.0 (R) Oil Palm I - rehabilitation and expan- Negotiations substantially Agriculture and (Bank) sion on nucleus estates and small completed. Presentation to . "Natural.Resources holdings of oil palm in Western State, Executive Directors expected Total project cost is estimated at in April 1975. $34 million, Procurement: Retroactive finan- cing for establishment of oil palm nurseries in an amount of • up to $100,000 will be recommended, Federal Ministry of 19.0 (R) 011 Palm II - rehabilitation and ex- Negotiations substantially Agriculture and (Bank) pansion on small holdings of oil palm completed, Presentation to Natural Resources in East-Central State, Total project Executive Directors expected cost is estimated at $38 million, in April 1975, Procurement: Retroactive finan- cing for establishment of oil palm nurseries in an amount of up to $100,000 will be recommended. .Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources 29.5 (Bank) (R) Oil Palm III - rehabilitation and ex- pansion on nucleus estates and small holdings of oil palm in mid-western Negotiations substantially completed, Presentation to Executive Directors expected • State, Total project coat is estimated in April 1975. at $59 million, Procurement: Retroactive finan- cing for establishment of oil palm nurseries in an amount of • up to $100,000 will be reconunended, Federal Ministry of 15.0 (R) Rubber - rehabilitation of rubber Appraisal report under prepara- Agriculture and (Bank) smallholdinga in mid-Western and tion, Natural Resources Rivers States. Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources 21.0 (Bank) Agricultural development (Combe) - ex- pansion of cotton, groundnuts and food crops production in North East State, Total coat estimated at $42 million. Loan approved by Executive Directors on December 19, 1974, • Federal Ministry of 29.0 Agricultural development (Funtua) - Loan approved by Executive Agriculture and (Bank) expansion of cotton, groundnuts and Directors on December 19, 1974, Natural Resources foodcrops production in North Central State, Total coat estimated at Federal Ministry of Agriculture and 19.0 (Bank) $58 million, Agricultural development (Gusau) - expansion of cotton, groundnuts and Loan approved by Executive Directors on December 19, 1974. • Natural Resources foodcrops production in North West ,,. -'. State, Estimated total cost $38 million, Federal Ministry of Finance Up to 40.0 (Bank) Water Supply (Western State) - package of new water schemes to townships in rural areas and extensions to urban schemes. Draft appraisal report under preparation, Policy matters require review with Government, • Federal Ministry of Up to Water Supply (North-Central State) - Appraisal mission scheduled for Finance 32.0 package of new water schemes to town- March 1975. (Bank) ships in rural areas and extensions to urban schemes, Seep, 1 for footnotes, • • ··- Member Country, and - 20 - Amount 2/ • Borrower or Implementing Agency]_/ NIGERIA (Cont'd) and Probable Lender . Project 1J Stage of Processing and Action on Procurement !!._/ Federal Ministry of Up to Establishment of small-scale indus- Draft appraisal report being Industr_ies 20.0 trial centers. prepared; project content under (Bank) discussion with Government • • Federal Ministry of Communications Up to 50.0 (Bank) Expansion of telecommunication facilities. Pre-appraisal mission postponed to fourth quarter of FY75. Federal Ministry of · 17,5 Rice Development I - low cost Loan approved by Executive Agriculture and (Bank) irrigation for rice in Eastern Nigeria. Directors on December 19, 1974. Natural Resources Total coat estimated· at $35 million, ••• Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Natural.Resources Up to 41.0 (Bank) Irrigation - development of about 60,000 acres .of land in the Kano River region. Appraisal report under review • Lagos State To be Extension of Lagos water supply Appraisal tentatively scheduled Ministry of WOTks determined system; for second half 1975. (Bank) SENEGAL • ·Ministere de · 1 'Bducati011 Nationale 15.0 (IDA) (R) Education II -·science blocks for secondary schools; replacement secondary achoolai post primary Credit signed _on February 19, 1975. practical education; vocational training center; tourism training school; training and technical assistance • • K1nistere du D~eloppe- ment Rural · About 6.0 (IDA) Livestock development in Eastern region; will likely include watering points, pasture improvement; fire Apptaiaai tentatively scheduled for May 1975. breaks, well maintenance equipment; Sociate des Terres . About Terres Neuves Ii - foliow-up Appraisal report being prepared. Neilveil (STN) 1.6 project.· Reaettlement·and studies (Bank) on integrated development in Eastern Procurement: Bank considering • Senegal, Government request for retro- active financing for part of first year costs of project, Ministere des Travaux About (R) Highways i l l - second phase of pavement Detailed engineering financed Publics et.·des Transports 12;0 strengthening program; construction under ongoing project. Preparation (Bank) of secondary roads. mission in field. ·• Ministere du Developpe- ment Rural 14.0 (Bank) (R) Intensification of agriculture in Sine Saloum. Appraisal report being prepared. (Co-financing with CCCE.) . Dakarmarine Up ·to Ship repair - dry docks and repair ~tudies financed by Loan S-3 30,0 facilities for· ships up to 500,000 dwt. being reviewed·, (Bank) Delegation·cenerale About Tourism·- infrastructure facilities Studies financed by UNDP • du Touriame Port Autonome 8.0 (Bank) 6.0. in the·Petite Cote area. Dakar Pott - extension of fishing began mid-June, 1_974. Revised engineering and prepara- de Dakar (PAD) (Bank) wharf and 'facilities. tion of economic studies likely to be necessary within' next· 4 to 6 months, • See p. 1 for footnotes~ . • • - 21 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or Implementing Agency!/ SENEGAL (Cont'd) and Probable Lender Project '}_/ Stage of Processing and Action on Procurement ~/ • Kinistere des 5.0 Highways IV - Construction and Feeder road survey financed Travaux Publics (Bank) improvement of feeder roads, under on-going project. et des Transports Kinistere du Developpement Rural About 0.9 (IDA) (R) Debi Lampsar preparation and final designs and tender docwnents for 5,000 ha irrigation, Appraisal report being considered, Procurement: Retroactive finan- cing of about $150,000 being • considered for some studies, SIERRA LEONE Ministry of Education 7.0 (IDA) (R) Education II - support of first project objectives at secondary level; educa- tional planning, management training and rural development personnel Appraisal report being prepared. Procurement: Retroactive financing probably required to cover archi- • training, tectural consultant fees and complementary works at first project sites, 10.0 (R) Rural development II - development in • Ministry of Negotiations proposed late March, Agriculture (IDA) northern province of inland valley swamps for irrigation of rice end other foodcrops; development of upland farms for rainfed crops cultivation; study of possible livestock develop- ment; assistance to help strengthen Ministry of Agriculture, Also exten- sion of existing Eastern province pro- Nlniat'&'f of Public Works Op to 13,0 (R) ject, Highways II - Highway maintenance, construction of urban section of Highway maintenance program being.prepared by consultants. • (Bank) Freetown-Waterloo road and pre- Detailed entineering of Freetown- investment studies; technical assist- Waterloo road to be financed by ance, urban planning study, Total UNDP, Project delayed due to estimated coat up to $18 million. prolonged selection of consul- tants for detailed engineering. Sierra Leone Electricity Corporation (SLEC) 7.5 (Bank) (R) Power III - diesel generators, distri- bution facilities for rehabilitation and extension of SLEC's system, and Appraisal mission in the field. Procurement: Advanced procure- • studies for the Bumbua hydro plant ment for about 60% of the (about 30 mw), project and retroactive finan- cing of about $0.8 million envisaged, .'!QE!. (CIMENTS DE To be Cement mill - 1.2 million ton clinker Additional geological drilling • L'AFRIQUE DE determined capacity for regionai supply, infra- campaign - necessary to finalize L'OUEST) (Bank) structure including rail-spur~ road appraisal - to begin in January and port facilities. Total cost about and to be substantially completed $150 million of which project would by sUDD11er 1975. (Joint financing cost about $120 million, with EIB, CCCE and AfDB expected; Regie des Eaux 2,0 Expansion of Lome water supply and CIDA may finance part of infra- structure,) Awaiting Government decision on • (IDA) sewerage systems, arrangements and financing for feasibility study, Sorad Maritime 7.0 Maritime Region integrated rural UNDP financed feasibility study Seep, 1 for footnotes. (IDA) development, being reviewed, • • • - 22 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and • Implementing Agency!/ UPPER VOLTA Lender Project Y Action on Procurement !!,/. Ministere de 8.0 Livestock development in southwest - Appraisal report being prepared. 1' Agriculture (IDA) nine group ranches on 200,000 ha around Samorogovan. Renovation of stock routes, the market, holding • grou~ds and slaughterhouse all in Bobo-Dioulasso and technical assistance for project ·management. Ministere des 7.0 Roads II - Program for improvement Appraisal report being pre- Travaux Publics (IDA) and maintenance of 3,000 Ian of feeder pared. roads and tracks of which 2,000 Ian h~ve been partially improved, Tech- ~ical assistance and procurement of •• equipment for a Rural Road Mainte- nance Unit which is to be created within the Ministry of Public Works. Hinistere des 20.0 ~oads III - improvement of about Feasibility study has been Travaux Publics (IDA) 200 Ian of trunk roads, Banfora- completed, Detailed engineering Bobo-Dioulasso-Hounde. underway. • Ministere de 6.0 Rural pevelopment Fund II - Continua- Appraisal scheduled for fall !'Agriculture (IDA) tion of Rural Development Fund I 1975, (Credit 317) will concentrate efforts in.four heavily populated 0,R,D's (Organisme Regional de Developpement) - Kaya, Koudougou, Yatenge and Ouagadougou. Hein compon·ents of project include tubewells, dug wells, bottOlll lends • and erosion control measures • • • • Seep. 1 for footnotes • • • • • Member Country, and Borrower or Implementing Agency j_/ Amount 2/ and Probable Lender - 23 - Project 'l/ Stage of Proces·sing and Action on Procurement- !!._/ III. EAST ASIA AND PACIFIC • Papua New Guinea Dept. of Transport 30.0 (R) Highways II - upgrading of existing Appraisal report being pre- (Bank) road from Lae to the Highlands. Also pared. to be included under the project is an integrated development study of Procurement: Project to inclu-de The Regional Highlands. about $700,000 of retroactive • Dept. of Agriculture, Stock and Fisheries 23.5. (Bank/IDA) (R) Rural development - including planting of oil palm, rural and financing for detailed engineer- ing studies. Mission currently in field to update cost'.estimates in economic infrastructure, town light of recent inflation and development & extension services. devaluation of Australian dollar·. Complementary investment under consideration by Japan and CDC . • Ministry of To be Highways - improvement of middle Decision made to drop project Communications, determined section of Suva Nadi road. from lending program. Works end Tourism (Bank) Ministry of 5,0 Telecommunications II - first phase Appraisal report being • Communications, Works (Bank) of the 1976-80 development program prepared • and Tourism of the Department of Par.ts and Tele- communications; including installa- tion of automatic switching equipment, of local distribution network and of telephone apparatus for local service; installation of microwave and· radio equipment and of radio base stations for long distance service; expansion • of telex and international exchanges and purchase of teleprinters; at a total project cost of $12.9 million. Ministry of 10.0 Sugar infrastructure development - Project preparation underway. Agriculture, (Bank) including bulk handling facilities, Fisheries and tram-railway, extension of Seaqaqa Forests resettlement project, and drainage_. • Ministry of Communi- cations, Works and Tourism 15.0 (Bank) (N) Hydropower project at Monasavu Falls with estimated capacity of 70-80 MW; tentative·total project cost about $50 millio~, of which foreign ex- Feasibility study underway. (Joint and/or parallel finan- cing to be explored,) change component about $30 million • . INDONESIA • Ministry of Public Works and Power Up to 100.0 (Bank) Highways IV - betterment of .existing roads. Project preparation underway. Procurement: Invitation to pre-qualify for part- of the civil works contract has been published in accordance with the Bank's guidelines . • Seep. 1 for footnotes, • i'''·· • Member _Country, and Amount 2/ - 24 - Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency]./ Lender Action on Procurement !!_/ INDONESIA (Cont'd) Ministry of 50.0 Smallholder/Estates - assistance to Project preparation underway, • Agriculture (Bank) smallholders through estates in Sumatra and assistance in improving estates management. • Ministry of Public 65.0 (R) Irrigation Rehabilitation VI - construc- Negotiations completed. Board Works and Power (Bank) tion of irrigation system st Sampean presentation scheduled for April. - Baru, irrigation rehabilitation at (Possible parallel financing Cirebon, and Rentang Barrage rehabili- from Australia for Cimanuk tation, on-farm development and preliminary works.) training. Total project cost is about $165 milllon·of which $65 million in foreign exchange. Ministry of 20.0 Agricultural extension and research Appraisal report being prepared. Agriculture (Bank) assistance to upgrade Government's agricultural research facilities and Procurement:- Retroactive finan- to improve extension services. Total cing of consulting services may cost of the project is about $40 be recommended. million and the foreign exchange cost about $20 million. • Mapping Agency 11.0 National Resources Survey and Mapping Appraisal report being prepared. of Government (Bank) project - technical assistance .and (Possible parallel financing equipment to assist in the surveying by Canadian International and initial production of consistent Development Agency.) base maps for Indonesia for economic, financial and technical planning and project preparation and implementation. PUSRI 115.0 (R) PUSRI i l l - large nitrogen fertilizer Loan approved by Executive (Bank) plant to produce 570,000 TPY urea. Total cost about $190 million with about $150 million in foreign exchange. Directors on February 25 and signed on February 28, 1975, Procurement: Contracts for • equipment having long delivery time have been awarded and additional calls for tender underway. All procurement is • being conducted in accordance with the Bank's guidelines. Ministries of Interior Up to Transmigration I - rural infra- Appraisal report being prepared. and Transmigration 55.0 structure and institutional support (Bank) for a transmigration project in Procurement: Retroactive South Sumatra. financing for con_sultant ser- vices and start-up equipment may be recommended. National Family Planning Coordinating 25.0 (Bank) Population and Nutrition Project I - N'utrition and as.sistance for Govern- _ment 'son-going population program. _Project preparation underway. • Ministry of Education 35.0 (R) Education IV - support to strengthen Appraisal report being prepared. and Culture (Bank) Government's sdmlnistrstive capability t1mi tu improve technical/vocational education to meet specific manpower shortages. Seep. 1 for footnotes. • • Member Country, and Amount 2/ - 25 - • Borrower or Im2lementing Agencx INDONESIA (Cont'd) !/ and Probable Lender Pro1ect '}./ Stage of Processing and Action on Procurement !!/ PLN (National 30.0 Power IV - expansion of Muara Karang Appraisal report being prepared. Electricity Authority) (Bank) generating plant financed by IDA Credit No. 399-IND. • Ministry of Public Works and Power 60.0 (Bank) (R) Irrigation VII - on farm development, Sragung Dam, and preliminary work for Pemali-Comal storage. Feasibility study underway. Ministry of 85.0 Sugar Industry Rehabilitation II - Project preparation underway. Agriculture (Bank) construction and rehabilitation of sugar factories. • Bank Rakyat Indonesia 20.0 (Bank) Rural Credit I - credit program to be undertaken by Bank Rakyat for smallholder agriculture; production, marketing and distri- bution improvements. Project preparation underway, including intensive review of and training in accounting and other management procedures. Ministry of 60.0 Marine Transport II - assistance for Appraisal report being Couununications (Bank) inter-island shipping. Total Project prepared. cost is $200 million of which $194 • million will be in foreign exchange, Procurement: Retroactive financing of consultant ser- vices may be recommended, Private Development 30.0 PDFCI II - additional assistance Supervision mission will review Finance Company of (Bank) to PDFCI to continue financing PDFCI's future financial needs. Indonesia (PDFCI) Indonesian business expansion. • Ministry of 20.0 Small Industries I - assistance for Project preparation underway . Industry (Bank) development of small industries in Indonesia. PLN (National 100.0 Thermal generation station III - Project preparation underway. Electricity Authority) (Bank) transmission and distribution facillties. PUSRI 60.0 Fertilizer distribution assistance to Appraisal report being prepared. • (Bank) PUSRI to provide for and improve ferti- lizer distribution - loan will finance, inter alia, specialized carrier ships, bul~handling terminals, bagging Procurement: Invitation to pre- qualify for supply of carriers has been published in keeping plants and storage facilities. with the Bank's guidelines. National Urban 50.0 Urban Development II - sites and Project preparation underway. Development (Bank) services and Kampong improvement • Corporation Ministry of Agriculture 30.0 (Bank) in Ja~arta. Education V - assistance for non- formal education, and agricultural extension servi~es. Project preparation underway. Ministry of 20.0 Ports I - assistance for Tanjung Priok Project preparation underway. Communications (Bank) port . • • Seep. 1 for footnotes • • Member Country, aru1 Amount 2i - 26 - Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and rmpiementing Agency l/ Lender Action ori Procurement !!_I KOREA (KOREA DEVELOPMENT 60.0 (R) Public sector aevelopment fina~ce Negotiations substantiaily BANK (!(DB)) (Bank) company~ to finance part of l{i)B's completed. foreign exchange requirements for 1975-77 operations. Ministry of 20.0 Livestock 11 - expansion of present Appraisal report being pre- Agriculture csahk) dairy development program. pared. (KOREA DEVELOPMENT ss.o (R) KDFC V - to finance part of KDFC's Appraisai report being prepared. FINANCE CORPORATION (Bank) foreign exchange requirements for (KDFC)) FY1975-77 operations. Korean National 100.0 (R) Railways V - to finance part of foreign Negotiations in progress. Railroad (KNR) (Bank) exchange requirements for KNR's 75/76 Investment Program. Korea Port To be Port Development II - improvement Awaiti~g completion of feasi- Authority (proposed) determined of major ports. bility study. (Bank) Ministry of 22.5 Education iiI - to finance· technical Negotiation~ substantially Educadim (Bank) education, and vocational training completed. institutes. The estimated total project cost is $39. i million with a foreign exchange component of $22.3 million. Ministry of Finance 100.0 (R) Program Loan. Negotiations completed. Board (Bank) presentation scheduled for March. Minis~ry of To be Forestry 1 - ciearirig, fell1ng and re- Project preparation underway. Honie Affairs· de.termined planti~g of about 40,000 iia of private (Bank) and public forest lands in Kangwondo Province, and modernization of sawmill industry. Ministry of 70.0 Highway III - construction and paving Appraisal tentatively scheduled Construction (Bank) of roaci lengths to be selected on· the for March. basis of studies financed under the first highway project. Ministry of To be Okseo area development - to develop Awaiting completion of feasi- Agriculture determined about 50,000 ha in· the lower Geum river bility study. and Fishery (Bank) basin and p'art of th'e adj'acent Mangyong S:n\i ifongj iri' ba'sfos. Ministry of To be Watershed Deveiopment - integrated area Awaiting completion of feasi- Agriculture and determined development consisting of irrigation, bility study. Fishery (Bank) erosion control, and pasture, forestry, fishery and community development in t:w'o vatershec!' a'reas. National Agricultural To he Agriculture Credit II - to finance a . Project preparation underway. Cooperative Federation determined pcirt_1on of the NACF's farm credit pro- (NACF) (Bank) gram. (MEDIUM INDUSTRY BANK (MIB)) To be d'eterniined' (Bank) (R)' Small ari,f Medium' lndu'stry - to frnance a· porti1fo" of Mui ··s iore'i_gn excha,nge requirements' for 1'976-77 operations. A~praisal report being prepared. • Seep. 1 for footn6teli. • • • Member Country, and Borrower or Implementing Agency!./ Amount 2/ and Probable Lender - 27 - Project '}} Stage of Processing and Action on Procurement !!./ MALAYSIA (Bank Pertanian) 14.0 Agricultural credit - long term credit Appraisal report being prepared. (Bank) for oil palm development and agro- • industries . 15.0 (R) Kuala Lumpur sewerage (Stage I) - Appraisal mission in field. (Bank) additions to and improvement of sewerage system. 50.0 Highways III - provision of highway Project being prepared by (Bank) maintenance equipment, further improve- Government and consultants. ments to Route I in Peninsular Malaysia, •• 28.0 (R) and improvement and construction of three roads in Sabah. Agricultural research - six year Negotiations tentatively (Bank) development program for Malaysian scheduled for March. Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI). Agricultural ex- tension - setting up an Extension • Liaison Unit within Department of Agriculture, 20.0 Urban Transport II - improvement of Project being prepared by (Bank) public transport in Kuala Lumpur metro- Government and consultants. politan area, including procurement of traffic control equipment, construction of a busway and dispersal facilities from Federal Highways I and II, • To be improvement of street intersections and provision of bus priority lanes. Kelantan - agricultural minimum Project being prepared. determined package, assisting smallholder farmers (Bank) and fishermen by providing ·production inputs and infrastructure development. To be Sarawak Land Settlement - land clear- Project being prepared by • determined (Bank) To be ing, development and settlement in Miri-Bintulu area of Sarawak. Fourth Education. Government and conaultanta. Report Qf project identification determined mission being prepared. (Bank) PHILIPPINES • National Irrigation Adminiatration 40.0 (Bank) Irrigation IV - Phase I of Magat River multi-purpose irrigation and power in Cagayan Valley, consisting of rehabil- Appraisal report being prepared. itation of existing irrigation systems and construction of new irrigation facilities for a total area of 75,000 ha. Project coat is expected to be $80 million, of which $27 million will • be foreign exchange • • Seep. 1 for footnotes, • • Member Country, and Amount 2/ - 28 - Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency!/. PHILLIPPINES (Cont'd) Department of Public Lender Action on Procurement !!./ • 75.0 (R) Highways Ill - rehabilitation of about UNDP financed feasibility Works, Transportation (Bank) 520 km. of national highways; improve- studies, covering about and Communications ment of about 200 km of feeder roads in 1,000 km and for which Bank (DPWTC) Luzon, Vizayas and Mindanao; financing is Executing Agency, completed. of maintenance equipment and technical Final report being prepared. assistance to the DPH. Total project coat is estimated to be $137 million, with foreign exchange costs of $75 million. • Department of 80.0 (R) Highways IV - major improvements of UNDP financed feasibility Public Works, (Bank) national highways and improvements studies, covering about Transportation of feeder roads in Vizayas and 1,000 km and for which Bank and Conununications (DPWTC) Department of Agriculture 25.0 (Bank) (R) Mindanao. Rural infrastructure - mainly provid- ing integrated rural infrastructure on is Executing Agency completed. Final report being prepared. Negotiations substantially completed. Board presentation • island of Mindoro. Major components scheduled for mid-April. are roads, irrigation, disease control International competitive bidding and agricultural support services. for civil works for highways, Total project cost is expected to be and provincial road construction Department of Public Works, Transportation To be determined (R) about $50 million. Urbanization I - assistance to Govern- ment to finance rehabilitation of and for equipment and vehicles. Project preparation underway. • and Communications Tonda and other deprived areas in Manila (DPWTC) with housing community facilities indus- trial and commercial buildings, streets, water supply, and drainage. Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP) 30.0 (Bank) Fish marketing and distribution, small- holder fishponds, credit for marine and inland fisheries and for grain handling facilities. Project preparation underway. • Development Bank of 15.0 Livestock II - continuation of Project preparation underway. the Philippines (DBP) (Bank) development of beef cattle, pig and poultry farms by smallholders through Development Bank of the Philippines· 30.0 (Bank) (N) sub-loans made by DBP. Inter-island shipping - to assist in financing loans to private shipping Project preparation underway. • companies for acquisition of new and .. used ships, and major repairs and conversions of existing ships. Department of Public 20.0 Telecommunications - further expansion Formulation of project awaits Works, Transportation and Communications (DPWTC) (Bank) of facilities. Government decision on sectoral reform. • Development Bank 31.0 Small Industry I - to provide relending Appraisal report being prepared. of the Philippines (Bank) funds of $15 million through DBP, $12 (DBP) million through the Induetrial Guarantee ioan Fund (I.G.L.F.), and $2 million • through the National Electrification Administration (N.E.A.) for small indus- try, and technical assistance to the Department of Industry (DOI.) Seep, 1 for footnotes. • • Member Country, and Amount 2/ - 29 - Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency]./ Lender Project 1/ Action on Procurement !!_/ PHILIPPINES (Cont'd) Department of 25.0 Expansion of elementary and secondary Project preparation underway, Education (Bank) educational facilities, with emphasis assisted by UNESCO. on textbooks production, technology, teaching, and teacher training. Streng- thening of agricultural and fisheries technological education at middle and higher level. Department of 40.0 (R) Rural Infrastructure II - rural infra- Government preparing project. Agriculture (Bank) structure development in Cagayan Valley, Northern Luzon. Major components include irrigation and roads. Department of 6.0 Forestry I - assistance to Government Government preparing the pro- Natural Resources (Bank) to finance soft and hard wood planta- ject with assistance of FAO/ tions along agricultural fringes, IBRD Cooperative Program. water-shed and gullies in Upper Pampanga (Luzon) and Bukidnon area (Mindanao). National Power 60.0 Power VII - Chico River hydroelectric Feasibility study underway, Corporation (Bank) project and associated transmission. financed under Power VI. Development Bank 60.0 Development Finance Company - to assist Project being prepared by DBP. of the Philippines (DBP) (Bank) in financing medium and long-term loans for industry by financing costs of imported capital equipment. Local Water Utilities 20.0 Provincial cities water supply, con- Feasibility studies financed Administration (Bank) sisting of improvements to several by USAID now underway. cities through Local Water Utility Administration (LWUA). 30.0 (R) Fertilizer plant - to produce ammonia/ Government hiring consultants (Bank) urea with capacity of about 900 - 1000 to complete preparation of the tons of ammonia P.D., and about project. (Joint and/or parallel 1500-1700 tone of urea P.D. Total financing possibilities to be • Central Bank of the 30.0 (N) cost about $200 million, including about $120 million in foreign exchange. Rural Credit IV - Provision of medium and long-term credit by the Rural Banke explored.) Central Bank preparing the project. Philippines (Bank) and Savings and Loan Associations to farmers and rural entrepreneurs to finance investment in farm mechaniza- tion and related facilities and equipment, • coastal and island fisheries, small scale livestock development and cottage- scale agro-industriea. 20.0 (N) Development of the Looc Hacienda in Feasibility study by consultants Department of Tourism (DOT) (Bank) Luzon as a tourism estate and identi- underway. fication of other sites near Zamboanga and LEGASPI for tourism development. Seep. 1 for footnotes. t Member Country, and Amount 2/ - 30 - Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency 1J. Lender Action on Procurement !!._/ SINGAPORE Ministry of To be Mess transit. Arrangements for consultants for Communications determined detailed feasibility study (Bank) (Phase II) are underway; expec- ted to begin in early 1975. Ministry of the. 25.0 (R) Environmental control project consist- Appraisal mission in field. 41 Environment (Bank) ing of solid waste disposal facilities and urban drainage. THAILAND Ministry of 85.0 (R) Phitsanulok Irrigation - The project Government invited to negotiate. Agriculture (Bank) is Stage I of a project to irrigate 139;000 ha in the Nan valley and includes a diversion dam; main canals and laterals; drainage and flood control systems; on-farm development on 40,000 • ha to be irrigated; and agricultural supporting services. Project cost likely to be about $210 million with 42% foreign exchange. Ministry of Agriculture .5.0 (Bank) Northeast livestock development - development of coiDmon grazing lands; mixed farming; livestock station expan- sion; dairies; vaccine production; Appraisal report being prepared. • technical assistance. Total project cost estimated at $10 million. Ministry of 22.0 Northeast rural development - Appraisal report being prepared. Interior (ilank) infrastructure investment in about 10 to 12 provinces in the northeast of Thailand; rural electrification, village access roads and water supply. Ministry of 24.5 (R) Education iV - project expected to Government invited to negotiate. Education (Bank) include assistance for educational radio and television, four regional adult education centers, equipment for rural diversified secondary schools and training programs for accountants and auditors. (Industrial Estates e.o industrial Estates I - expansion of Appraisal report being prepared. Authority) (Bank) the Bangchan industrial estate by 160 ha and technical assistance. Total project cost about $20 million. Ministry of Up to Irrigation VIII - this project is the Feasibility study being mad_e Agriculture 60.0 result of the merger of the Chao Phys by Government and consultants· (Bank) II and Mae Klong irrigation projects. financed under Cr. 379. Total project cost will depend on . project scope yet to be determined. Ministry of Up to Forestry Development I - Rehabilita- Identification mission report Agriculture 12.0 tion· of forest lands and industrial under consideration. Government (Bank) plantations. preparing request to UNDP for project preparation assistance. Ministry of Up to (R) Smallholder rubber replanting program. Appraisal report being prepared. Agriculture 30.0 Project may also include the develop- (Bank) ment of coconut seed gardens. Seep. 1 for footnotes. • Member Country, &11d Amount y - 31 - Borrower or BIid Probablo • Implementing Agency THAILAND (Cont'd) 1J Lender Project '1/ Stage of Processing and Action on Procurement 2,/ (Telephone Organiaation Up to· Telecommunications II - expansion and Project being prepared by TOT.· of Thailand (TOT)) 3S.O improvement of telecommunications (Bank) services. • Up to (a> Population I - Project will be a family Sector mission report being 10.0 heafth and population project with a prepared. (Bank) possible nutrition component. Up to (R) Tourism I - Probably tourism infra- Sector mission report being 2S.O structure. considered by Government. (Bank) Ministry of s.o Improvement of rainfed farming systems Appraisal report being prepared. ••• Agriculture (Bank) for uplands of Northeast region, and rehabilitation of two upland resettle- ment schemes. Bangkok 35.0 Bangkok Urban Development - new com- Project preparation underway. Metropolis (Ban1t) munity development and slum upgrading; Authority traffic impr_ovement measures including strengthening Office of Metropolitan • Planning and Traffic Operations • WESTERN SAMOA Ministry of Up to (R) Highways - Improvement of East Coast Negotiations substantially Public.Works 4.4 and Central Cross Island roads to completed. Consideration by (IDA) two-lane, paved standards. Executive Dlrectors scheduled for early Karch. • Procurement: Retroactive financing of about $350,000 for road construction by Special Project Development Cor·poration on behalf of the Government recommended. REGIONAL • Khmer, Republic Laos, Thailand, Vietnam 15.0 (IDA) Pioneer Projects - A program of 12-14 projects designed to test various approaches to agricultural develop- ment in the Mekong Basin. The program Projects prepared under UNDP Regional Project 253 (Mekong Pioneer Project Program), Evaluation reports have been includes development of gravity and prepared on six projects within pump irrigation, rehabilitation and the overall program. (Pre- iniprovement of salinity control and liminary discussions have irrigation works, rainfed crop started with ADB and the Mekong • improvements • Committee regarding the coopera- tive international effort which will be required to finance these projects.) •• See.1P• 1 for footnotes, • '\ tt ·• • - 32 - • Member Country, and Borrower or Implementing Agency ]j Amount 2/ and Probable Lender Project 1} Stage of Processing and Action on Procurement !>_/ IV, SOUTH AS IA BANGLADESH • Bangladesh Small- Industries Corporation (BSIC) 5.0 (IDA) (R) Small-scale industry II - to provide additional foreign exchange for small- scale industry projects through BSIC, Work by UNDP-financed consultant on reorganization of BSIC cur- rently in progress. Appraisal is technical assistance to BSIC. scheduled for June/July 1975. Inland Water 10.0 (R) Inland water transport II - Completion of Bangladesh Transport Transport Agencies {IDA) modernization of inland water Survey expected shortly, Its • facilities; procurement of new vesaela; technical assistance for inland water transport agencies and to strengthen overall sector planning. review by IDA and Government to follow. Bangladesh Agriculture 27 .o Barisal irrigation - provision of tidal Negotiations completed, Govern- Development Corporation, (IDA) sluices and pumps to feed a natural ment has eatablis.hed project Water Development Board, distribution system of presently semi- arrangements required prior to • Integrated Rural Devel- opments Program, and Ministry of Agriculture perennial or nonperennial creeks; together with supporting agricultural inputs and services. Project would improve yields on 100,000 acres in presentation to Board. Increase in cost estimates will require agreement on modifications in project financing arrangements. Barisal District. Project coat esti- mated at $46 million. Water Development 20.0 Muhuri I irrigation development of Appraisal report being prepared, • Board or Agriculture (IDA) about 50,000 acres through provision Development of a regulator and a major cross dam Corporation and similar facilities in Muhuri river valleys together with supporting agricultural inputs and services, Water Development 15.0-20,0 Karnafuli irrigation - irrigation Appraisal report being prepared, Board or Agriculture (IDA) development of about 40,000 acres Development in the Halda and Ichamati valleys • Corporation through provision of regulators on major tributaries to the perennial Halda and Ichamati rivers, channel improvements, low-lift pump devel- opment, and agricultural inputs and supporting services. Ministry of Rural Up to (R) Rural development I - applying to Appraisal report being prepared. "concentration areas" of first Follow-up mission in field, • Development and 20.0 Ministry of (IDA) priority for development (7 thanas in Agriculture the Bogra and Mymensingh districts), project would include rural worka, irrigation equipment, training, storage and credit. It supports the expansion of the Integrated Rural Development Program. • Chittagong Water and 'Sewerage Authority 10,0 (IDA) Chittagong water II - surface water and groundwater treatment plant and some extension of networks. Project being prepared by con- sultants financed under first Chittagong water project • • Seep, 1 for footnotes, • • ~ 33 - Member Country, end Amount 2/ Borrower or .Implementing Agency BANGLADESH (Cont'd} ii and Probable Lender Stage of Processing and Action on Procurement ii • Decca Water end 15;0 (R) Dacca water II - extension of wetet A preliminary study tetently Sewerage Authority (IDA) and sewerage system, completed indicates that the water supply component of the second project would consist primarily of additional ground- water abstraction and distribu- tion facilities. However, further • testing is requited for confirma- tion, after which the project could be planned and designed. IDA has requested Government's views on how the planning and Minietry of Food 15,0 (iDA) Foodgrain storage II - to strengthen inland storage system for distribution design phase would be executed. Project being prepared by consultants financed under • and domeetic procurement, first foodgrain storage credit, Feasibility study being reviewed by Government and by IDA. :n.o • Bengiedesh Fertilizer (R) Fertilizer production - construction Credit signed on February 11, Corporation (IDA) of ammonia/urea plant, using natural 1975. gas ea feedstock; urea capacity estimated at about 500 thousand metric tons per year, Total project cost estimated at $249 million with foreign exchange component estimated at $142 million. Ministry of Health end Population Planning and Planning Commission 15.0 (IDA) (R) Population I - assistance for Govern- ment's National Population Planning Program.including construction of training facilities and provision of Approved by Executive Directors on February 25, (Australia, Canada, Germany, Norway, Sweden and United Kingdom have agreed • furniture, equipment, vehicles, salary to participate in the financing support and technical assistance for of this project,) different agencies, Total cost esti- mated at $45.7 million with foreign exchange component of about $24 Ministry of Forest, Fisheries and Up to 15.0 million. Fisheries I - possibly including reha- bilitation of ponds and lakes in the Project preparation underway by Ministry of Forest, Fisheries • Liveetock (IDA) Western region, plus hatchery faciii- and Livestock assisted by con- ties and other supporting infra- sultants financed under IDA structure. Technical Assistance Credit (Cr. 409). Bangladesh Shilpe Bank To be determined (IDA) (R) Bangladesh Shilpa Bank I - to provide finance for loans to finance invest- mentA by Slllall & mediwn-sized industrie! firms, Appraisal is scheduled for March 1975, and will draw on the work performed by an industry sector mission which • is in the field, To be To be Agriculture Training - facilities and Appraisal report being ptepared. determined determined equipment for training of a wide range Planning (IDA) 75.0 (R) of personnel involved in agriculture and rural development, Imports Credit IV - provision of Appraisal mission in field, • Commission (IDA) foreign exchange for procurement of agricultural inputs and items for industry. Seep. 1 for footnotes, • ~lemher Country, and Amount 2/ -34- Borrower or and Prol,-able Stage of Processing and • lmplement~ng Agency ]_I BANGLADESH (Cont'd) Lenci er Action on Procures,ent !<__/ To be To be Fertilizer marketing and distribution. Identification study completed determined determined using consultants financed hy USAID. Proposed terms of reference for feasibility study • Bangladesh Agriculture Development Corporation Up to 20.0 Rainfed HYV Rice - promotion of cul- tivation of high yielding rice var- being reviewed by Government . Project to he prepared by Govern- ment with FAO/IBRD Cooperative and Bangladesh Rice (IDA) ieties under rainfed conditions. Program assistance. Research Institute Planning 75.0 Imports Credit V - provision of foreign Timing dependent on utilization Commission (IDA) • exchange for procurement of agricultural of previous inports credits . inputs and items for industry. To be To be (R) Supplementary Credit - Inland Water Mission in field is reviewing determined determined Transport Project - Credit 424-BD findings of hydrographic survey. (IDA) contains an allocation of $1 .4 million for restoration of the damaged off- shore oil terminal. Later investiga- tions, however, indicated the terminal • could not he economically repaired . Installation of a tanker forebody and use of two lighterage tankers being considered. Minerals Development Up to Mining - rehabilitation and expansion UNDP feasib!lity study being Corporation (or 10.0 of tin/tungsten mining facilities prepared. Appraisal tentatively • Myanma Tin Tungsten Corporation) Ministry of (IDA) 7.5 including beneficiation. Livestock I - livestock, dairy and planned for late 1975. Appraisal report being prepared. Agriculture (IDA) pasture development, supply of breedirg stock, dairy processing facilities, vaccine production, veterinary and extension services, research and • technical assistance . Ministry of About (R) Nyaunggyat Dam - construction of a Preparation under by FAO/TBRD Agriculture 25.0 major dam, rehabilitation of existing Cooperative Program. Prepara- (IDA) irrigation system on 80,000 acres and tion mission scheduled for construction of new irrigation system April. on 50,000 acres in upper Burma. Ministry of 20.5 Telecommunications - rehabilitation Appraisal report being prepared, • Transport and Communications (IDA) and modernization of telecommunication facilities; provision of microwave equipment, multiplex equipment and telex facilities, · Ministry of 15.0 (R) Lower Burma Paddy I - rehabilitation Preparation underway by Govern- Agriculture (IDA) of abandoned land by means of re- ment and IDA. Pre-appraisal construction and rehabilitation of mission scheduled for June 1975. minor flood embankments and improving • drainage and reclamation, provision of pumps, introduction of highyielding varieties of paddy, provision of agricultural inputs and strengthening of supporting services. • Seep. 1 for footnotea • • J - 35 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or Implementing Agency ]_I and Probable Lender Stage of Processing and Action on Procurement !!./ • INDIA Rural Electrification 40.0 Rural electrification - financing of Appraisal report being Corp. and State (IDA) rural electrification program~ of State prepared. Electricity Boards Electricity Boards, with emphasis on energization of minor irrigation investments such as tubewells. Esti- mated project cost $114.1 million. • State of West Bengal 35.0 (R) West Bengal - four year development Negotiations in progress, and Agricultural (IDA) program mainly for minor irrigation; Refinance Corpora- some marketing and agro-service tion (ARC) centers at selected sites, Estimated State of 45.0 (R) project cost $64 million including $4 million in foreign exchange. Irrigation Godavari Barrage - new Approved by Executive Directors • Andhra Pradesh (IDA) construction to replace an existing on February 11 , (120 years old) river diversion structure in danger of collapsing. Presently irrigates 400,000 hectares, Estimated project cost $70 million, 85.0 including $20 million in foreign exchange, Irrigation Upper Krishna - irrigation Plans for project preparation • (IDA) works involving 1 or more dams, to- under discussion with gether with Command Area Development, Goverrunent. on the Krishna River, Irrigation coverage would be about 400,000 20.0 (IDA) (R) hectares. Integrated cotton development - development and supply of certified Appraisal report being prepared, • cotton seeds, provision of plant protection and extension services, research in cotton production, rehabili- tation of ginneries and establishment of oil crushing mills in two selected Industrial Development 50.0 (IDA) (R) areas of Maharashtra and Haryana States. IDBI II development finance company- continuation of support for Gover_n- Appraisal tentatively scheduled for April 197 5. • Bank of India ment-owned IDBI which helps to finance (IDBI) State Finance Corporations, which finance small and medium scale industry. Agricultural Refinance Corporation (ARC) 40.0 (IDA) (R) Agricultural credit - to finance portion of ARC's general lending pro- gram for on-farm development and invest- ments mainly for minor irrigation, but also including fisheries, tree-crops, Negotiations in progress. • and small-holder plantations. 200.0 (R) Industrial Imports X - continuation of First tranche of $100 million (IDA) Industrial Imports IX for importation approved by Executive Directors of components and materials for selected groups of high priority industries, on February 11 and signed on February 14, 1975. Second tranche of $100 million approved by Executive Directors on • February 27. Seep. 1 for footnotes. • • • • Member Country, and Borrower or Implementing Agel!£i'_ 1_/ Amount 2/ and Probable Lender - 36 - Sta~e of Processing and ~tio_n on Procurcmc_n_r;___ !!_I l!!Q.!! (Cont'd) Post and Telegraph 80.0 Telecommunications VI - continuation Appraisal tentatively scheduled • Department (IDA) of Telecommunications V to support P &- T's investment program under the Fifth Plan including local and long distance exchange facilities. for Spring, 1975, but depends upon progress of disbursements under previous credits. (ICICI) 100.0 (R) ICICI XI development finance company - Negotiations completed, Con- (Bank) continuation of lending to ICICI in sideration by Executive support of industrial finance. Directors expected before end FY75 • • State of Andhra Pradesh · 55.0 (IDA) First phase of command area development for various irrigatio·n schemes in Andhra .Pradesh. Awaiting project submission by Government. State of Madhya 23.0 Conunand Area Development for Chambal Appraisal report being prepared, Pradesh (IDA) region of Madhya Pradesh. • State Electricity Boards 150.0 (IDA) Power transmission IV - to finance part of investment program for power transmission in selected states. Appraisal report being prepared. State.of Uttar 40.0 Water supply and sewerage for urban Appraisal report being Pradesh (IDA) and rural areas of Uttar Pradesh. prepared. Indian Railways 80.0 (R) Railway XIII - continuation of Appraisal scheduled (IDA) support for Indian Railways invest- for March 1975. • 30.0 (IDA) ment program. Agro-industries - construction of pack- aging and processing facilities- for Preparation mission scheduled for fall, 1975. fruits and vegetables with export or import substitution potential; pro- vision of credit for small producers,.· on-farm development • • 40.0 (IDA) Rajasthan Rock Phosp~ate - development of rock phosphate resources in State of Rajasthan. Awaiting project submission by.Government. 70.0 Coastal ·Shipping (Coal)- Development Awaiting project submission (IDA) of handling and transport system to by Government. meet coal requirements of selected -power stations • • 120.0 (IDA) (R) Fertili2er - to help meet financing requirements for improved utilization of existing capacity, completion of Appraisal tentatively scheduled for April 1975. projects under construction·, and Procurement: Advance contracting selective expansion of capacity. with the possibility of retro- active financing· being considered for selective project elements, 40.0 Tree Crops - rehabilitation and re- Project preparation scheduled (IDA) planting of rubber and coconuts; for completion by March. farming improvements for small- holders, Seep. 1 for footnotes. • - 37 - Member Country, ·and Al'iount 2/ Borrower or and Probable ~tnhe of ~rocessing und -~lementing Agency J__/ ~ (Cont'd) Lender ---- t,ctinn~..n Procurel'len~ i._l • 200.0 Industrial Imports XI - continuation Appraisal tentativelv scheduled .. (IDA) of Industrial Imports X for importa- for July 1975 hut dependent tion of components and materials for upon progress of disbursenents selected groups of high priority under Industrial Imports X. • industries. State of Maharashtra 40.0 (R) Urban Transportation. Project preparation underway, and Bombay Electrical (IDA) Supply and Transport Undertaking State of Tamil Nadu 20.0 (R) Madras Urban Development - basic Project preparation underway, and Madras Metropolitan· (IDA) urhan services including water supply Development Authority State of West Bengal and Calcu.tta Metropoli- 50.0 (IDA) and sewerage. Calcutta Urban Development II - con- struction of water supply, ·sewerar,c, Proj~ct preparation underwav, • tan Development transport facilities and other urban Authority (CMDA) infrastructure as identified in the CMDA program. 70.0 Seeds and research - production of_ Project under prepnraclon bv . (IDA) high yielding varieties of seeds, particularly of seeds for food grain production. GOJ./InA. Report tentath;ely achcrlulP.u for ~lay 1Q75. • Ministry of Public 12.0 (R) Highways II - construction of road Government in process of selecting Works and Transport (IDA) connecting Tulsipur in the Hilla anci engineeririg·con~1ltants for pro- • the Terai and adjoining feeder roads, ject preparation. ?reappraisal highway maintenance equipment, and mission scheduled for late ~arch. training, construction of additional ropeways and suspension bridges in Procurement: finan- Hills and technical assistance. Pro- cing of detailed engineering may ject may also include agricultural be proposed. development elements. Ministry of Food, Up to (R) Rural develoJ>!'lent - livestock, irri- ~ppraisal report being prepared. Agriculture and 10.0 gation, erosion control and rural in- Irrigation (IDA) frastructure facilities. Ministry of Food, 8.0 (R) Irrigation II - groundwater project Consultants for feasibility Agriculture and (IDA) for the irrigation of 15,000 ha in study have been selected. Irrigation Lumbini Zone. Ministry of Water 18.0 (R) IDLE EAST AND NORTII AFRICA AFGi1AN1S1'AN • Agricultural Development Bank of Afghanistan __ 13.0 (IDA) (R) Agricultural credit II~ to finance equipment, pumpaets and farm develop- ment for production of selected Ner,otiations substantially cA) $8, 1 million • Livestock II - rural development facilities and services for improve- Terms of reference to complete the preparation of this pro~ · and Irrigation ment of animal,health and production ject to be.agreed by Government. techniques in western provinces, and Consultants are being chosen rural development components to be by Government. identified. • "Ministry of Education 5;0 (IDA) (R) Education .... to be .identified in context of teviewing-IBRD Cooperative Pro- gram sector ·report, Mission in fif!ld to review sector report with Governmeht. Industrial 4.0 Industrial Development Bank II - ·con- Processing schedule depends Development (Ii>A) tinuation of financing for the foreign upon progress of IDBA I Bank exchange needs of the industrial project. Development 'Bank of Afghanistan (IDBA) • • ~ (SOCIETE NATIONALE About (R) Construction of new cement plant at Timing of appraisal being reviewed. 'DES MATERIAiJx DE 45.0 Saide, CONSTRUCTION) (Bank) ProcuremP.nt: Procurement procedures initiated November/ December 1973 under turnkey · • To be detemined Education II - construction of new university of science and technology; procedures • Project being prepared. (ilank) equipmi!ht, Banque Algerienne· To be (R) In~ustr!al financing. Appraisal report being prepared. de i>eveloppenient detemined • ·_'.:-,:: (Bank) 8.0 (R) Technical assistance (rural develop- Appraisal report being (Bank) ment) for development of steppe, considered. mountain region, extension services, agricultural credit, • Seep, 1 for footnotes, •• • - 41 - • Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency]_/ Lender Action on Procurement !J_/ ALGERIA (Cont'd) (Banque Nationale To be (N) Agricultural Credit project - Identification mission (FAO/IBRJl) D'Algei::ie) determined • elements not yet determined. due in field in Maret,. (Bank) Ministi::y of Development To be (R) Port expansion of Bahrain's principal Interim draft feasibility study and Engineei::ing determined dry cargo port, Mina Sulman. completed and reviewed by Servicl!s (Bank) Government in November. Report being finalized. Ministi::y of Development and Enginel!i::ing To be determined (Bank) (R) Development of Bahrain's water supply and sewerage system. Detailed desi~n of water distrihution network being finalized; draft feasibility • Servicl!s studies on sewerage system by consul tan ts under llNDP /1>110 sponsorship expected by ~!arch. CYPRUS (CYPRUS DEVELOPMENT BANK (CDB)) 4.0 (Bank) Development Finance Company II. Project likely to be changed. • Ministry of 8.0 (N) Roads II - upgrading of Nicosia- Feasibility study by consultants Communications (Bank) Limassol road. expected to he completed in and Works May 1975. • (ELECTRICITY 15.0 Power V - Rehabilitation and expansion Project likely to he delayed. AUTHORITY OF (Bank) of distribution system, and completion CYPRUS) of village electrification program. EGYPT 1 ARAB REPUBLIC OF Egyptian 30.0 (R) Telecommunications I - first phase of Appraisal report being reviewed. Telecommunication (IDA) program for rehabilitation of internal (Possibility of co-financing by Organization and external telecommunication facili- other lenders being explored.) ties. Total project cost is estimated at $114 mi~lion including $45 million in foreign exchange. Procurement; Retroactive finan- cing for procurement of urgently required cables in an amount of • up to $1.25 million expected to be recommended. Egyptian Railways 37 .o (R) Railways II - the railways portion of Negotiations substantially com- Organization (Bank) the project will cover second phase pleted. (Parallel financing of the 1971-77 railway rehAbilitation program including improvements in signalling and communications, track, tre~tion and rolling stock, other will be involved.) • equipmen:, training and consulting services, comprehensive survey of Egypt's Transport Sector and interest during construction on Bank loan. Total cost estimated at $299 million including $150 million in foreign exchange. • Seep. 1 for footnotes. • • • - 42 .. Member Country, and Amount 2/ • Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency)./ Lender Action on Procurement ~/ EGYPT 1 ARAB REPUBLIC OF (Cont'd) General Organization 40.0 (R) Tourah cement expansion project - for Loan signed on Fehruary 10, 1975. for Building Materials (Bank) in~.reasing production by installing a new kiln of 0,7 million tons p.a . • capacity, Total cost S90 million including $60 million in foreign exchange. Ministry of To be (R) Production of fruit and vegetahle, Preliminary work on project Agriculture determined processing and marketing, and associa- preparation by r.overnnent (Ban~) ted credit and extension facilities, completed. FAO/lf,PJl Coopera- tJve Program preparation mission • PoAsihly for exploitation and process- expected to visit Egypt in March to advance project preparation. Project to be. identified. General Organization To be for Industrialization determined ing of rock phosphate. Data on deposits received (IDA) from r.overnment have been re- viewed. Further studies required ere expected to be • Bank of Alexandria 25.0 (IDA) Development F~nance Company II, initiated shortly by Government . Appraisal report being prepared. General Organiza- To be Textile Rehabilitation - Phase I of ·Project preparation in proGress. tion for Spinning determined rehabilitation and modernization of and Weaving (Bank) selected -textile and garment • production complexes_ . Alexandria Port To be (R) Improvement and modernization of Mission to assist Port Authority Authority determined existing port facilities at in forthcoming preparation of (Bank) Alexandria Port, detailed project proposal scheduled for end )larch. • National Water Board 20.0 (Bank) (R) Pollution C'lntrol: - the project is part of a 10-year national program for the abatement of water pollution created by urban and 'industrial wastes, Appraisal report beinr, reviewed. and would concentrate on the paper and pulp industry over a period of four years, cost of the $280 million. • GREECE Hydraulic Works 35.0 -(R) Irrigatio~ III - groundwater irriga- Appriiisal report be_ing prepared, Service of the (Bank) .tion in nnrthern Greece as follow-up Ministry of to ongoing program under lrrir,atinn I, Public l~or.ks 35.0 (R) Construction of selected road segments Appratsnl mission prcpnrinh· Ministry of report. • Public Works (Bank) plus highway maintenance and technical assistance for transport planning, • •• • - 43 - Member Country, and Borrower or Implementing Agency)._/ Amount 2/ and Probable Lender Stage of Processing and Action on Procurement !:.I • ~ (Cont'd) Ministi;y of 40.0 (R) Education III - vocational, teacher Negotiations scheduled for March. • National Education (Bank) training and secondary education. and Religion (NATIONAL INVESTMENT 25.0 (R) Development Finance Company - Appraisal report being prepared. BANK FOR INDUSTRIAL (Bank) NIBin V - Industrial Financing. DEVELOPMENT (NIBID) ) Sewerage Board of To be Urhan Sewerage Development - main Project preparation underway. Thessaloniki and determined interceptors and treatment facilities Volos (Bank) for second and fourth largest cities in Greece, and related technical assistance. • Ministry of To be Education II - project elements not ~lain education mission to assist Education determined yet determined. Iranian Education Task Force • (Bank) now preparing its report. · Tehran Regional 50.0 LAR River Multipurpose - expansion of Awaiting Government reactions . Water Board (Bank) domestic and industrial water supply on outstanding issues raised for Tehran and irrigation supplies to during negotiations, Mazanderan region north east of Tehran. Aleo. includes engineering studies, Procurement: Awards for the a national training program for water two main construction contracts supply and feasibility studies for ·have been made. agriculture. Total estimated project cost $400 million, including $210 million in foreign expenditures. • Mineral To be Fund to expand exploration and exploi- Awaiting further preparation Exploration Fund determined tation of minerals - fund (now being of project by Government and (Bank) established by Government) will lend consultants. to explorers after determining that further expenditure at particular site Ministry of To be is justified, and will supervise expenditures. Livestock - project to stimulate produc- Project preparation report received • Agriculture determined tion of mutton, covering on-farm items from the Agricultural Task _Force is (Bank) and including processing works in currently under study. Kermanahah, Min:i.stry of Agriculture To be determined (Bank) (R) Regional development - aimed at develop- Regional mission preparing ing a planning prototype for increased investment and providing essential infrastructure and social services in report. • Kermanshah Region, Ministry of To be Small Farm Consolidation Program - Appraisal report is under Cooperatives and determined mainly aimed at establishing farm cor- preparation. Rural Affairs (Bank) porations and development of small rural industries scheme, concentrating in the West Azerbaijan and Fare rer,ions. • Seep. 1 for footnotes, • • - 44 - Member Country., and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency J_/ Lender Project 1,/ Action on Procurement f!/ ~ (Cont'd) Agricultural 40.0 Agricultural Credit I - to provide • Appraisal report is under . Cooperative (Bank) agricultural credit to medium-and preparation. Bank small-size farms through a supervised credit program. Tehran_ Regional 20.0 (R) Village Electrification - first phase Appraisal report is under Electricity Company (Bank) of an expansion program in electricity preparation. (TREC) distribution to about 950 villages. The project· is supplementary to the existing • power supplies of some towns in the central province excluding Tehran city. Project estimated total cost $110 million, foreign exchange about $40-60 million. Ministry of Housing To be Urban development outside of Tehran - to An urban is being and City Planning determined developing a new town in the prepared. (Bank) Bandar Shahpur area near the Gulf where considerable growth has taken place and • Tehran Regional Water -Board To be determined (R) more is planned for the future • Urban sewage system development - con- struction of a wastewater system for A preappra:Lsal mission is scheduled for May 1975. (Bank) Tehran. Project would assist in de- veloping organization, management and training arrangements for implementing this comprehensive water/sewage plan. • Total project cost $894 million with foreign exchange component of $285 million. Plan and Budget To be Population II/Nutrition !--extending Discussions on this project have Organization determined maternal and child care population pro- been postponed to August 1975, (Bank) grams to rural areas and initiating a due to delays in project imple- first program aimed at improving nutri~ mentation of the first project, tional resources for the country. upon which the second • based. . To be Regional industrial development. Timing of completion of· project determined preparation is indefinite. (Bank) • (INDUSTRIAL CREDIT To be (R) Development Finance Company II. Appraisal mission in field. COMPANY) determined (Bank) Ministries of Conunerce, 35.0 (R) Industrial finance; including voca- Appraisal report being prepared. Industry and of Labor, (Bank) tional training and industrial Industrial Development research. • Bank of Israel (IDBI) Ministry of 6.0 (R) Education II - Construction of seven Consideration by Executive Directors Education (IDA) schools as part of a program to expand expected in March. vocational, technical and non-formal basic education. Total project coat • $17.5 million, including $11 million foreign coat. Seep. l for footnotes • • - 45 - • Member Courttty, and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and • l~plelnertting Agency)_/ Lender Action on Procurement !:_/ ~ (Cont'd} Jordan Electricity 5.0 Provision of a third 33 IIW steam elec- Appraisal report being Authority (IDA) trtc generating unit at the Hussein prepared. Power Station (Zerqa) and related • system ir.Jprovement. Jordan Potash 1.0 (R) Potash erlgineering credit for pilot Appraisal mission in the field. Company (IDA} dyke testing. Industrial Development 3.0 Medium Scale Industry. Appraisal scheduled for Bank (IDA) October 1975, Jordan Phosphate To be (R} Expansion of phosphate rock mining Identification mission's report Mining Company Ministry of Transportation ahd determined (Bank/IDA) To be determined (R) to about 8 million tons by 1980. Expansion of railway, road and port being prepared. Identification mission's • iacilities related to mining develop- report being prepared. Public Works (Bank/IDA} ment. LEBANON (OFFICE NATIONAL DU LITANl) About 45.0 (Bank} South-Beqaa irrigation - sprinkler irrigatioh scheme for 23,000 hectares in upper Litani Valley in Central Lebanon. Total project cost estinated Negotiations completed. Legisla- tion related to project before Parliament. • at $120 million including $61 million in foreign exchange. Conseil Executif 35.0 (R) lliilhways tI - construction of high Project being prepared. • des Grahds Projets (Bank) priority highway section to be identified ih studies to be carried out under first highway loan. Ministry of To be Tourism infrastructure - Bay of Agadir, UNDP financed pre-investment Tourism determined study underway by consultants. (Bank} Ministry of Urbanization and Housing To be determined (Bank} Urbanization - Casablanca sites and services project. Project preparntion by Govern- ment underwdy. • Ministry of Agriculture To be Ihtegrated development of rainfed agri- Appraisal report being and Agrarian Reform determined culture in Meknes area. prepared. (IDA) 17.0 (Bank} Souss Irrigation - irrigation develop- ment of about 7,000 ha based on groundwa~er. Appraisal report being prepared. • To be Doukkala/Beni Amir irrigation - reha- Preparation of Beni Amir component determined bilitation of Reni Amir and extension complete. Preparation of Doukkala (Bank} of Doukkala perineters. Project compo- component by consultants underway. sitiott is tentative. (Joint financing contenplated with • Arab Fund for Econonic and Social Development.) Seep. 1 for footnotes, • • \ • - 46 - • Nember Country, and Borrower or Implementing Agency :J..I Amount 2/ and Probable Lender Stage of Processing and Action on Procurement !!_/ MOROCCO (Cont'd) Ii l'laghreb Cement 35.0 (R) Cer:tent plant near Oujda - under.Joint Appraisal mission in the field. Company (CIMA) • (Bank) ownership with Algeria. (Joint financing.contemplated with Arah Fund for Economic and Social Development.) Housing and Hotel To be CIH Ill - Hotel financing, Project preparation underway, llevelopment Bank determined (CIII) (Bank) "Ministries of Higher To be Education III. Project being prepared by • Education and of Primary and Secondary Education Water Supply Office (ONEP) determined (Bank) To be determined (N) Water Supply II. _Government with assistance from . Unesco/IBRD Cooperative Program. Project being prepared hy Government and i,mo. (Bank) ROMANIA • (Agriculture Bank) 70.0 (Bank) (R) Giurgiu ·- Razmiresti irrigation - sprinkler irrigation for an area of about 100,000 ha for the production of maize, wheat, soybeans, alfalfa and Loan was signed on February 6, 1975. sunflower; estimated total cost $141 million. · (Agriculture 30.0 (R) Sadova-Corabia agricultural credit Loan signed on February 6, 1975. Bank) (Bank) project. Program to intensify -· agricultural production in an area of ·74,600 ha serviced by an irriga- tion scheme which is to be completed shortly; estimated total cost $59,5 miliion. (INVESTMENT To be (R) Pulp and Paper - integrated pulp and Project scope under discussion ·and BANK) detennined paper production facility; total cost pre-appraisal tentatively shceduled • (Bank) estimated at roughly $350 million with foreip,n exchange costs of about $150 million. · for April 197 5. (AGRICULTURE To be (R) Rasova-Vederosa Irrigation - 65,000 ha Project scope under discussion and BANK) determined irrigation scheme and related farm appraisal scheduled for May/June (Bank) development for production of maize, 1975. wheat, sunflower, vegetables and other • crops. Possible livestock component also under .consideration.. Total cost tentatively estimated at $100 million. (INVESTMENT To be Riul Mare P.etezat - 335 MW hydro- Government preparing feasibility BANK) detennined elP.ctric power plant' dam and river. study, (Bank) divereior.s, Total cost estimated _at ·~ $340 million with-foreign exchange costs of $75 million, Ministry of 33.0 (R) Livestock II - credit and technical llegotiations substantially completed Finance (Bank) assistance for livestock producers. Total cost about $149· million, foreign exchange component about $33 million. Goods to be financed include building and fencing materials, farM machinery, • Seep. 1 for footnotes • s_eeds, fertilizer, and livestock • • - 47 - • Member Country, and Amount 2/ and Probable • Borrower or Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency Jj Lender Action on Procurement ~ ~ (Cont'd) Ministry_ of 15.0 Industrial research - possible Project preparation by Government Industry (Bank) components being studied, underway. Ministry of the Euphrates To be determined First stage of drainage and reclamation (up to 55,000 ha) in a salt-affected Final negotiations underway with consultants for feasibility • (!lank) area amounting to about 200,000 ha in study (55,000 ha) and water the lower Euphrates Valley. master plan for whole area (200,000 ha). • Eatablissement Public To be (R) Construction of a second 150 MW stage Appraisal report being de l'Electricite determined of the Hehardeh station and other prepared, (Bank) substations. Implementing Agency To be (R) Livestock and rural development in Project issues being examined. to be determined determined Sedjenane area in Northern Tunisia (Bank) - to include feeder roads, rural .National Sewerage Authority (ONAS) 28.0 (Bank) (R) water supply and health component. Urban sewerage for Tunis area - includes additional master sewers, Loan signed on February 18, 1975. • renewal of main sewerage pumping station and expansion of treatment plant. Project is estimated to cost $86 million with a foreign exchange • component of $56 million, Ministry of Transport 25.0 (R) Highways _II, Appraisal scheduled for March and Communications (Bank) 1975. (Banque Nationale To ue Agricultural Credit II - small farmers, Project being prepared by De Tunisie) determined date palm development and selected agricultural credit bank (BNT) (Bank) agro-industrial projects. with assistance of FAO/IBRD Cooperative Program. Implementing Agency . to be determined To be determined (Bank) (R) Water Hester Plan (Northern Tunisia) - first stage works possibly including Sidi Salem dam and Cap Bon canal. Further discussions with Govern- ment on Water Master Plan held in late February, 1975. (Co-financing expected.) • Procurement: Prequalification of contractors for Sidi Salem dam underway, Implementing Agency to be determined To be determined (Bank) Rural Development in two Governorates in Central Tunisia. Project prepared by Government agencies and consultants with assistance of FAO/IBRD Coopera- • tive Program. Project request under consideration, Ministry of 10.5 (R) Education Ill - Primary schools, pre- Appraisal mission preparing • National (Bank) vocational workshops, non-formal post report. Education primary school training centers, teacher training and technical assis- tance. Total project cost is estimated at $33 million of which about $10,5 million in foreign exchange. Seep. 1 for footnotes, • • • - 48 - • ·Member Country, and Borrower or Implementing Agency 1/ Amount 2/ and Probable Lender Project'}_/ Stage of Processing and Action on Procurement !!/ ~ (Cont'd) (BANQUE _DE DEVELOPPE- 15.0 (R) Sixth loan to Development Finance • Negotiations substantially MENT ECONOMIQUE DE (Bank) Company. completed. TUNISIE) (BDET, ex SNI) Agricultural Bank To be Agricul_tural cred·it - medium and long Project preparation underway of Turkey (ABT) determined term credit for agro industry and assisted by UNIDO. Appraisal (Bank) small farmer credit. scheduled for late April • • Ministry of · Tourism To be determined (Bank) (R) Tourism - integrated development in Antalya Province. Preparation underway with assistance of UNDP. Consultants selected. Appraisal scheduled for early November. Ministry of Agric~lture 75.0 (R) Rural Development - integrated devel- Appraisal report being reviewed. Village Affairs and (Bank) opment in Cankiri and ·corum provinces Forestry, Agriculture in rainfed north -central Anatolia. • Bank (DSI) State Hydraulic Works (DSI) or State To be determined (R) Karakaya hydro power dam on Euphrates River. Project design report and pre- qualification received. Awaiting .Electricity (Bank) agreement with Government on Authority (TEK) aspects of proposed project. State Electricity 48.0 (R) Construction of power sub-station Appraisal report being reviewed. • Authority (TEK) Industrial Development Bank (TSKB) (Bank) 65.0 (Bank) (R) for transmission lines • Development finance for private sector industrial projects. Loan signed on January 22, 1975, To be To be ·Istanbul Urban Transport- - traffic Project under preparation. Apprai- determined determined engineering control and bus operations. sal scheduled for March, 1975. (Bank) • To be determined To be determined (Bank) Istanbul u·rban Development - Urban Market Relocation, Project preparation delayed. Turkish State· To be Railways II - Finance ·for the · second Project under preparation. Railways determined stage of the Turkish State Railways' (Bank) 7-year rehabilitation and modern- • ization· program • Istanbul Fertilizer 18.0 (N) Loan for expansion of project (Loan Negotiations scheduled for March. Industry {IGSAS) (Bank) 845-TU). YEMEN ARAB REPUBLIC Ministry of 10.0 . (R) Southern Uplands - rural development Ner,otiations substantially Agriculture (IDA) projects for two major agricultural completed. (Abu Dhab_i Fund • areas in Highlands Region; including credit facilities; small-scale irriAa- tion works, feeder roads, village water supply and technical assistance. likely to participate in joint financing.) Project estimated to cost $23 million, of which aboui: $13 million :i.n foreign exchange • • Seep. 1 for footnotes, • . - 49 - • Mem~er Coun~ry; and Amount 2/ Borrower or anc! Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing.Agency J.I · Lender YEMEN ARAB RtPUBLIC (Cont'd) Action on Procurement ./ !:. • National Water 6.0 llodeida water supply - well field, Appraisal report under preparation; Authority (IDA) transmission line·, distribution (parallel financing possibilities network, house connections for llodeida, being explored.) improvement of existing wells and pumping facilities, storage tanks, training and operation assistance, final engineering and supervision for Hodeida water supply, and finai • engineering for Hoqeida sewerage and possibly Sana'a. · Miniatry of 8.0 (R) Education II. Project components were pre- Education (IDA) liminarily discussed during last supervision mission, to be followed by an identifi- cation mission in late March • 1975. Project will be prepared under arrangements made in ongoing education project. Ministry of 8.0 (R) Ports - provision of new port facili- Consultanta for feasibility Transport (IDA) ties end/or upgrading of existing port facil~tiee, based on recol\11!1enda- tions of feasihility-study. study selected and are expected to ·be in field by mid-March 1975. • Ministry of 5.0 (R) Agricultural credit - poasibly includ~ FAO/IBRD Cooperative Program Agriculture (IDA) ing credit for agro-industrial units, reconnaissance mission will or fisheries development. be in field in March 1975. • Highway Authority 6.0 (R) Highways II - Project would consist of . Appraisal report being prepared. (IDA) construction.of Taiz-krn 64 road for (Co-financing partners still to which detailed engineering is being be found.) completed under ongoing Highways I project, and continuation of technical assistance (management) provided under Highways I project to the Highway Authority. YEMEN 1 PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF Ministry of 15.0 (R) Highways construction - paved road Since international competitive bidding was not successful, Govern- • Public Works (IDA) of about 350 km, Mukalla-Saywin with a spur to Shihr; detailed engineerinr, ment and IDA are discussing of Nagaba-Atag-~eihan road and techni- execution of construction works cal assistance to Highway Department by a Government construction unit, and purchase of highway maintenance Revised appraisal report being equipment and related spares. Project coat estireated at $31 million. revi~werl. (Kuwait Fund will parti- cipate in co-financing the project.) • Procurement: Retroactive finan- cing of pre-construction works for exploration of water in an amount of up to $60,000 expected • to he recommended. :_; Ministry of 3.0 (R) Ru~al Development - Wadi Hadhramaut, Appraisal report being prepared. Agriculture (IDA) increasing crop production through (Commitments for cofinancing being improved irrigation, provision of sought.) fertilizer and extension services. Seep. 1 for footnotes. • • ·.·.·rp/,}iiitil'· • • Member Country, and Borrower or Implementing Agency l/ Amount 2/ and Probable Lender - 50 - Stage of Processing and Action on Procurement ii YEMEN 1 PEOPLE'S DEHO~RATIC REPUBLIC OF (Cont 1d)· Public Corporation 1.6 (R) Supplementary credit to cover in- Amendment to nevclopaent Credit • for Fish Wealth Yemen Ports and (IIiA) 3.0 c.eases in foreign cost of fisheries project (Cr. 370-YDR). Aden Port rehabilitation - supply of signed on February 6, 1975 . Appraisal report being prepared. Shipping Corporation (Bank) port equipment and technical assistance {Arab Fund likely to cofinance the to enable port to service increased project.) traffic after re-opening of Suez Canal. Project cost is tentatively • estimated at $20 million • YUGOSLAVIA {ELEKTROPRIVREDA, 63.0 (R) Construction of 450·MW Buk Bijela. Negotiations scheduled for BOSNE l HERZEGOVINE) {Bank) hydro-electric power plant in Bosnia- March 1975. Herzegovina •. Estil'l8ted total cost $242.5 million with foreign exchange component of about $86 million • • (SARAJEVO WATER AND SEWERAGE ENTERPRISE AND 45.0 {Bank) Pollution control - abatement of air and water pollution in Sarajevo area; expansion and· improvement of water Appraisal report befog prepared. CENTRAL HEATING supply and sewerage facilities·and pro- DISTRIBUTION AUTHORITY vision of less air polluting heating OF SARAJEVO) facilities for city. Estimated total cost $130 million, with foreign exchange component of $57 million • • (JUGOSLAVENSKI NAFTOVOD) About 30.0 (Bank) Oil pipeline. totalling about 730 km running from Krk Island near Rijeka through Sisak, Bosanski Brod and Appraisal mission in field. Novi Sad to Pancevo, with a branch line from near Sisak to the Hungarian border, a marine terminal on Krk Island (initial capacity of about 25 • million tons), four inland terminals end six pumping stations. Total ·Cost is evtimated at $380 million with foreign exchange component of $204 million.· (VOJVODJANSKA About Agricultural credit - to assist Appraisal report being prepared. BANKA) 50.0 expansion and improvement of (Bank) production, processing and market- • ing of agricultural combinats and cooperatives and private farmers in priority sub-sectors. {REPUBLiC AND About Hi;;hways VII - constructioR of highways Appraisal report being prepared. PROVINCIAL ROAD 50.0 in seve,al Republfcs and Provinces. ORGANIZATIONS) . (Bank) Total cost is estimated et $150 million ProcureMent: Retroactive with foreign exchange component of financing up to '$140,000 • about $50 million. expected to be recommended for preparatory works for one highway section. Seep. I for footnotes • • • • - 51 - M~b~r Cp~~~rY, and Amount 2/ anil • Borrower 9r Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Ag~ncy 1/ ie~der Action on Procurement ii YUGOSLAVIA_ (Cont'd) (HORAVA RIVER About Horava River Regulation - first phase Project be~ng prepared. CORPORATION) 25.0 cif multi-purpose program for water Appraisal mission scheduled (Bank) supply; ·sewerage, flood control, irri- for February 1975. gation, pollution control, and water- shed management. Project would include studies for basin development. Esti- mated project cost $70 ~~1iion with • foreign exchange component of about $20 million. (ENTERPRISE About Hetohija Multipurpose - firat phase_ of Project bein~ prepared. CONCERNED) • 35.0 ~asin development program, including (Bank) irrigation, domestic and industrial water suppiy, and development of rural infrastructure. Estimated project cost aboµt $93 million. (COMMUNITY OF To be ~ilvays V - financing of priority Project to be identified YUCOSLA,V.RAILWAYS) determined investments of the Yugoslav Railways. during implementation of (Bank) Railways IV proj-ect. '(JUGEL) To be determined (Bank) Power Transmission II - stage two of 380 KV nationwide power transmission grid ·begun under Po~~r Transmission I Awaiting revised preparation r~por~ from sponsor. • (Loan 836-YU). • • • • Seep, 1 for footnotes. • •• • - 52 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing-Agency J../ Lender Project 1_/ Action on Procurement !!._/ VI. LATIN AMERICA AND CARIBBEAN • ARGENTINA Vialidad Nacional 80.0 (Bank) Roads IV - improvement of 21 road sections, about 1,600 km throughout Appraisal planned for April. the country, construction of 110 km of expressway and provision of consulting services. Up to Livestock II - credit for livestock Project preparation underway. • (SERVICIOS ELECTRICOS 50.0 (Bank} 115,0 (R) development and mixed agriculture • Power - expanaion of transmission and Appraisal report being DEL GRAN BUENOS 11RES (Bank} distribution system, calling for pro- considered. S.A.) curement of cables, transformers, meters, etc., and for civil works on Procurement: Bank reviewing substations and network. Total cost tender documents which are to be • ~ estimated at $542 million of which $146 million in foreign exchange. issued prior to loan· signing • To be Water supply, sewerage facilities and Project preparation underway. determined environmental protection. (Bank) ·• BARBADOS To be determined (N) Tourism. Project preparation mission to be scheduled in near future. (Bank) ~ • Banco Agricola de Bolivia 2.5 (Bank} 5.0 (IDA) (R) Agricultural Credit I - credit to finance production of crops in Cochabamba, Tarija and Santa Cruz, livestock in the lowlands and sheep on the Altiplano. Total cost esti- Appraisal report being considered. mated at $13 million of which $4.7 million in foreign exchange. Banco Minero and 7.0 Credit Program for small miners - Awaiting Government.decision on • Servtcio Geologico de Bolivia (Bank) supervised credit exploration and development of small mining enter- prises, project outline and measures to strengthen Banco Minero. Preparation mission planned for March. · Empresa Nacional To be (R) Railways II - 1975/76 phase of ENFE's Appraisal report being prepared. de Perrocarriles determined continuing program of technical and (ENFE) (Bank) financial rehabilitation including Procurement.: ENFE exploring • purchase of rolling stock, locomotives possibility of securing bi- and spare parts; rehabilitation of lateral financing for loco- tracks and workshops; technical motives and ferrobusses. assistance. Total project cost esti- mated at $41 million of which $32 · million in foreign exchange. • Seep. 1 for footnotes • • • - 53 - Member Count~y, and Amount 2/ Borrower or Implementing Agency!/ BOLIVIA (Cont'd) . and Probable Lender Stage of Processin~ and Action on Procurement '.!._/ • To be (R) Rural Development - productivity Pre-appraisal report prepare,\ determined increase on sma11· farms on the Alti~ under FAO/IBRD Cooperative (!lank) plano. Program being review~d. Banco Industrial, S.A. To be determined (Bank) RISA II - continuing credit program for medium miners with added industrial component. Appraisal planned for second half of 197 5. • BRAZIL (BANCO NACIONAL DO Up to (R) Development Finance Companies - finan- Appraisal scheduled fo~ DESENVOLVIMENTO 85,0 ing of State Development Banks for March 1 ECONOMICO) (Bank) relending to small and medium-scale . industries •. (COHPANIA DE DESENVOLVI- 23.0 Sao Francisco Valley Development - Appraisal report bein~ MENTO DO VALE DE SAO (Bank) construction of poldere and installa- prepared. FRANCISCO) (CODEVASF) tion of irrigation and drainage pumping systems to protect 13,000 hectares of flood plain land presently in rice cultivation from the adverse effects of the'changes in the flow of the Sao Francisco River caused by the build- ing of the Sobradinho dam. Total cost ·• estimated at $57.4 million. (FERROVIA PAULISTA Up to (R) Railways III - rehabilitation and Appraisal·report being prepared S .A.) 75.0 modernization of Sao Paulo State (Bank) Railway Company. Up to 20.0 (Bank) (R) Nutrition - support for development of national food and nutrition program, including rural extension, health Appraisal report being prepared .. • services, food fortification, technical assistance and training, Total project cost estimated at between $60 end $70 million, (EMPRESA BRASILEIRA DE PESQUISA AGROPECUARIA) To be determined (Bank) Agricultural Research for the Northeast and Amazon regions. Project preparation underway. • (BANCO NACIONAL DA To be (R) Water Supply and Sewerage Ill - second Preparation dependent on HABITACAO) determined phase of water and sewerage pror,ram progress of first phase of pro- (Bank) for State of Minas Geraie, gram, for which loan 1009 became effective in January. (BANCO NACIONAL DA HABITACAO) Up to 50.0 (Bank) Development of sites and services project9 in cities (to be identi- fied). Government sites and services policy being formulated. Project preparation underway. • Up to Agricultural Development of lower Project preparation underway. 25.0 Sao Francisco Valley. (Bank) To be determined (Bank) Agricultural Settlement in Mato Grosso. Project preparation in progress. • Seep. 1 for footnotes, • • • Member Country, and - 54 - • Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency l/ Lender Action on Procurement ~/ BRAZIL (Cont'd) Up to Integrated Rural Development in State Appraisal report being prepared, 10.0 of Rio Grande do Norte to consist (Bank) mainly of additional credit for perennial cotton production; expansion and streng- thening of rural extension services, production field tests, training and improved health services. (COHPANHIA SIDERURGICA Up to (R) Second CSN Steel Project - third stage AppraiRal report being prepared. NACIONAL - CSN) 95.0 expansion of flat steel capacity from (nilateral & !DR financing (Bank) 2,5 million to 4.6 million tons, Total expected.) project cost estimated at $2.6 billion • (COMPANHIA SIDERURGICA Up to of which $950 million in foreign ex- change, Second Cosipa Steel Project - third Appraisal report being prepared. PAULI STA) 60.0 stage expansion of flat steel capacity (Bilateral & IDB financing ex- (Bank) from 2.3 million to 3.5 million tons. pected,) Total project cost estimated at $785 million of which $360 million in foreign • (BANCO NACIONAL DO DESENVOLVIHENTO ECONOHICO) To be determined (Bank) (R) exchange • Secondary and Feeder Roads - construe- tion and improvement of roads primarily to assist agricultural development, Project preparation underway, (To be Up to Northeast Power Distribution - expan- Project preparation underway. determined) 40.0 sion and upgrading of power distribu- (Bank) tion network and increase in household • connections for lower and middle income households in urban areas of Northeast Brazil, Up to (R) Hendee Junior Steel Project - new non- Final feasibility study 70.0 flat steel mill to be located near expected in March. (Bank) Juiz da Fora in Minas Gerais State. First stage capacity of 1 ,2 million • tons per annum. Total project cost estimated at $800 million of which $350 million in foreign exchange, (BANCO DO BRASIL) Up to Agricultural Storage II - credit for Project preparation underway. 65.0 construction and improvement of (Rank) storage facilities in Center and South of Brazil, • (To be determined) Up to 20.0 (Bank) Integrated Rural Development II - to be identified in Gover~ment'a rural development. program for Northeast Brazil. Government.-contTacted consul- tants workine with· Northeast Development Superintendency (SUDENE) to identify and prepare rural development projects. (BANCO CENTRAL Up to Agricultural Export Industries .11 - Project preparation underway, DO BRASIL) 85.0 credit for construction and improve- (Bank) ment of agricultural processing • (To be Up to (R) industries in Central and South of Brazil. Minas Gerais Rural nevelopment-agri- Project preparation mission in determined) 40.0 cultural development program mainly field. (Bank) in Zona da Mata region of the State of Minas Gerais. • Seep. 1 for footnotes, • • Member Country, and Amount 2/ - 55 - Borrower or Implementing Agency!/ CARIBBEAN REGION (Caribbean Development and Probable Lender Up to · (R) Credit for relending in CDB member Stage of Processing and Action on Procurement !!._/ Appraisal tentatively scheduled -· Bank) (CDB) , 20.0 .countries for development projects. for April/Hay. {Bank) CENTRAL AMERICA (Central American Bank for Economic Integra- 11.0 (Bank) Line of credit to finance industrial and tourism projects. Consideration of appraisal report suspended pending further invest- • tion (CABEI)) igation of alternative solution to provision of member country guarantees for Bank loan to CABEI. 20,0 Agricultural Rehabilitation - short Negotiations B11bstantially •: (Bank) and medium term credit to small completed. farmers, with emphasis on land reform bene fie iar ies, Corporacion del 30.0 Copper Mining - subprojects in large Appraisal report being reviewed. Cobra {CODELCO) {Bank) and medium mining industries aimed at resolving urgent production bottle- necks. Project would also include technical assistance component, Total project cost estimated at $117 Procurement: Retroactive financing up to $1 rniliion for equipment to be recommended, Further $2 million of goods • million of which $78 million in procured through limited inter- foreign exchange, national competitive bidding being recommended on basis of _technical considerations and (EMPRESA NACIONAL DE ELECTRICIDAD, S,A,) 30.0 (Bank) Power Rehabilitation - expansion of transmission and distribution network urgency. Appraisal report being prepared, • (ENDESA) and installation of interim generation Procurement: Up to $3 million capacity to bridge gaps in delayed direct purchase of equipment investment program. Total project being recommended on basis of cost estimated at about $95 million standardization considerations. of which $30 million in foreign COLOMBIA exchange. • Ministerio de Obras To be (R) Highways VII - rehabilitation of trunk Project preparation continuing. Publicas determined highways and bridges; maintenance (Bank) equipment and spares and technical assistance for planning maintenance • and construction. To be Cerro Hatoso Nickel Development - joint Project being revised. determined venture of CoLombian aruf American Extensive further studies {Bank) companies to process about 50 million needed·, pounds of nicli.el per year. Total cost about $150 mil:lion. {INSTLTUTO 19.5 (R) Second Caqueta• Land· Colon:l:zation - Negotiations• expected· in· COLOMBIANO DE LA. REFORMA AGRARIA) {Bank) rural development, including agricul- tural cred'it, roads, education and· heaHh· facilities for second phase of project which· is to· benefit about April. • 12 ,ooo· settlers' families, Total! project cost estimated at $37 million of which· $8· million in foreign exchange. Seep. 1 for footnotes. • • • Member Country, and Borrower or Imelementing Agenci 1/ Amount 2/ and· Probable Lender - 56 - Project 2/ Stage of Processing and Action on Procurement !!_/ COLOMBIA (Cont'd) 15.0 (R) Cartagena/Baru-Tourism - provision of Project being prepared. (Bank) infrastructure: improvement of Cartagena • airport; access roads; recreational facilities; restoration of historic part of Cartagena, Bogota District 20.0 Bogota Urban Deveiopment and Trans- Project being prepared. Government (Bank) port - road .improvement, sites and services and other infrastructure. Banco de la 70,0 Development.Finance Companies VI - Project being prepared, • Republics (INSTITUTO (Bank) 29.0 industrial financing through private development banks. Cordoba/Valle Agricultural Develop- Appraisal report being COLOMB IANO DI! LA (Bank) ment - completion of irrigation and reviewed, REFORMA AGRARI~7 drainage works; on-farm development; credits; creation of extension services; improvement of education, • health and other community services; civil works; equipment, consultants, Total project cost estimated at $55 .B million of which $25 million in foreign exchange. Up to Rural Development - facilities for Project being prepared. 30.0 integrated development at locations (Bank} to be selected • • (INTERCONEXION ELECTRICA S,A, (ISA) ) 40.0 (Bank} Electrical interconnection between North Atlantic Coast and Central systems. Decision to appraise dependent on Government resolving insti- tutional and financial problems. (INTERCONEXION 50.0 Power Generation Plant - San Carlos Decision to appraise dependent ELECTRICA, S.A. (ISA)~ (Bank) hydroelectric plant and transmission on Government resolving lines. institutional and financial problems. To be Agricultural Credit - supervised agri- Project being prepared. determined cultural credits to small and medium (Bank) farmers and livestock producers. (EMPRESA DE ACUEDUCTO To be Regulation of the Bogota River along Pre-feasibility study being Y ALCANTARILLADO DE determined a 40 km section, considered , . BOGOTA) (Bank) • To be determined (Bank) (R) Fisheries - environmental protection and assistance to fishermen in the Cienega Grande de Santa Marta. Reconnaissance mission in the field, To be (R) Forestry - exploitation of resources Reconnaissance mission scheduled determined including possibility of investment. for March. (Bank) in pulp and paper production. • (Ferrocarriles Nacionales de · Colombia) To be determined (Bank) Railways VII - rehabilitation and modernization of the Colombian National Railways. Project being prepared by Borrower. To be Urbanization of Cartagena - improve- ·Project being prepared. determined ment of Southeastern part of city. (Bank) • Seep. 1 for footnotes • • • Member Country, and Amount 2/ - 57 - Borrower or Implementing Agency COLOMBIA (Cont'd) !I and Probable Lender Stage of Processing and Action on Procurement ':!._/ • To be (R) Rural Water Supply - water supply Identification mission scheduled determined for small cities and rural areas. for March. (Bank) (TELECOM) To be determined (Bank) Telecommunications IV - consolida- tion, expansion and improvement of local services and expansion of long distance services. Awaitinp, completion of pre- feasibility st•.dies. • COSTA RICA (IllSTITUTO COSTA- To be Power V - additional units for exist- Appraisal report being prepared. RRICENSE DE ELECTRI- CiDAD) determined (Bank) i~g hyrlroplants; new 30 MW diesel p1ant; transmission lines and substations. (Parallel financing with CABE! is likely.) • Procurement: Up to $0.8 million retroactive financing may be recommended in order to gain lead time in procurement of additional units for existing (BANCO CENTRAL) To be determined Agricultural credit III - credit for livestock, dairying, crops, forestry hydro-plants. Appraisal report being prepared. • (Bank) and agto-industries. Total project cost estimated at $49 million of which $23 million in foreign exchange. • Hinisterio de To be San Jose Highway - construction of Appraisal report being prepared. Obras Publicas determined San Jose-Rio Sucio-Siquirres and Rio (Bank) Sucio-Puerto Viejo roads. Total project cost estimated at $76 million of which $52 million in foreign exchange. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Secretaris de Obras Publicas y Comuni- caciones Up to 14.5 (Bank) (R) Road rehahilitation, maintenance and studies for future projects. Total estimated project cost $22.5 million of which $14.5 million in foreign ~egotiations expected early April, Procurement: Retroactive finan- cing up to $450,000 being con- sidered for final engineering • exchange. of up 230 kms. of road and technical assistance for project preparation. Borrower intends, with Bank's agreement, to call for bids on 67 kms. of highways prior to Board consideration; award would be made subject to and after Board approval. • Secretaria de 8.0 (R) Education II - rural community educa- Negotiations expected mid-March, Educacion (Bank) tion and training centers, farmer training and vocational training • centers. Total estimated project cost $13.5 million of which $7.5 million in foreign exchange. Seep. 1 for footnotes. • • • - 58 - • Member Country, and Borrower or Implementing Agency]} Amount 2/ and Probable Lender Stage of Proceeaing and Action on Procurement '!.} DOMINICAN REPUBLIC (Cont'd) Secretaria de Up to Population - project to include rural Appraisal report being prepared. Salud Publica y 3.0 clinics and training of para-medical • Asistencia Social (Bank) personnel for maternal/child health care and family planning. (CONSEJO ESTATAL To be (R) Expansion of sugar production involving Feaeibility study underway. DEL AZUCAR) determined .improvement in agricultural productivity (Bank) and modernization of transportation and industrial equipment. ECUADOR • (CAYAPAS) 5.0 (Bank) Mechanical Forest Industry - project not yet completely defined but varioue alternatives of exploitation of the UNDP financed feasibility studies being reviewed. forestry resources under study, in- cluding sawmilling, manufacture of corrugating medium and linerboard. Ministerio Trabajo To be (R). Education II - vocational training • Negotiations scheduled for March. y Bienestar Social determined centers. Total project cost estimated (Bank) at $7 ,9 million of which $4 million in foreign exchange. Comision de Valores - Up to Development Finance Companies Ill - Industrial sector review mission Corporacion Financiers 10.0 industrial relending including a planned for fall 1975. Nacional, Corporacion de (Bank) component for small industry. Ecuatoriana de Desarrollo • Port Authority of Guayaquil To be determined (Bank) (R) Guayaquil Port 11 -·expansion of Guayaquil port to provide facilities for liquid cargo and container traffic. Preappraisal miesion scheduled for April. Ministerio de Up to (R) Seed Production I - development Report of FAO Cooperativ.e· Program Agricultura 3.0 of seed multiplication schemes and preparatory mission scheduled (Bank) il'lprovement of extension services. for May • • Minieterio de Obrae Publicas Up to 15.0 (Bank) (R) Highways III - construction of about 250 Ian of main highways, feeder roads and technical assistance component. Appraisal miseion in field. Instituto Ecuato- Up to (R) Rural Development I - project elements Repor.t · of FAO Cooperative Program riano de Recursos 10.0 not yet determined but likely to in- preparation miseion. schedule.d Hidraulicos (Bank) clude irrigation, credit and technical for May. • assistance, feeder roads and infra- structure. EL SALVADOR Comision Executive To be Power VII - Hydroelectric power gen- Feasibility study .under prepara- Hidroelectrica Del determined erati11g and transmission facilities. tion. Rio Lempa (CEL) (Bank) • Administracion Nacional de Telecommunicaciones (ANTEL) To be determined (Bank) Telecommunications III - expansion program. Project content not yet determined. Feasibility study being prepared, See p. 1 for footnotes, • • • ·Member Country, and - 59 - Amount 2/ Borrower or Implementing Agency GUATEMALA 1/ and Probable. Lender Stage of Processing and Action on Procurement !!._/ • (INSTITUTO NACIONAL Up to Power III - electric power generating Feasibility study under review. DE ELECTRIFICACION) 30.0 facilities, Several alternatives being (Possible joint or parallel (Bank) considered. financing with IDB and CABEI.) Ministerio de Agricultura Up to 6.0 (Bank) Livestock II - financial and technical assistance for beef breeding and fat- tening ranches, Timing of project dependent on progress of first project and action by Government to prepare second project. • Ministerio de Obras To be Highways II - project content not yet Awaiting Government proposals. Publicas y Comunicacionee determined• determined, (Bank) Empresa Guatemalteca 26.0 (R) Telecommunications II - expansion Negotiations substantially • de Telecomunicacionee (Bank) program. Includes increase of 82,900 completed. (GUATEL) lines in exchange capacity, expansion of. long distance network and rural Procurement: Up to $2 ml.llion direct telephone system, as well as related direct purchase of extensions to technical assistance and training. exchange equipment originally pro- Total estimated project cost $45.9 cured under first Bank loan million of which about $32.9 million through international bids to be in foreign exchange. recommended. • Ministerio de Obras To be (N) Education II - construction of secon- Appraisal scheduled for April. · Publicae y determined dary educational institutions and Communicaciones (Bank) science and technology centers. ~ • (GUYANA MARINE Up to (R) Fisheries - fish processing plant Project being prepared by FOOD, LTD.) 10.0 and distribution facilities Government. (Bank) (FOREST DEVELOPMENT Up to (R) Forestry - access road in upper Appraisal report being prepared. CORPORATION) 5.0 Demerara River area and processing (Bank) plant for exploitation of mixed tropical hardwood forests in central Guyana. Ministry of Education Up to 12.0 (Bank) (R) Education II - general and secondary education, teacher training, and agricultural education. Total esti- Negotiations completed. -Con-.· sideration by Executive Directors planned for late • mated project cost $18.9 million of March or early April. which $9.5 million in foreign exchange. • (GUYANA ELECTRICITY. Up to Power II - Expansion of electricity Project preparation awaiting CORPORATION) 10.0 generation and distribution facilities. further progress in completion (Bank) of first project. Minietere dee Travaux 20.0 Highways IV - Second phase of rehabil- Appraisal report being prepared. Publics, dee Transports (IDA) itation of Northern Road. Total cost Consultants are reviewing et dee Communications estimated at $26.3 million of which engineering design of road $20 million in foreign exchange. sections to be rehabilitated, also designing new Sonde Bridge • • Procurement: Retroactive finan- cinr, (up to $100,000) may be recommended for consultant services. Seep. 1 for footnotes. • • • - 60 - • Member Country, and Borrower or Implementing Agency 1/ Amount 2/ and Probable Lender Project}./ Stage of Processing and Action on Procurement !!_/ ~ (Cont'd) (ELECTRICITE 5.0 (R) Power I - additional generating Feasibility study underway, D'HAITI) (IDA) capacity; expansion and improvement Bank and UNDP are considering • of distribution system, Government has agreed on need to prepare inter- im thermal generation plant as well as to undertake a national survey Government proposal that Bank act as Executing Agency for UNDP financed study of energy sector expansion subsequent to of water resources to maximize uses the project, CIDA will finance of hydro power potential, to study survey of the hydro energy potential uses of Haiti's lignite resources part of the overall deposits, and to formulate long-term. study. plans for the power sector, • Procurement: Retroactive finan- cing (up to $200,000) may be recommended for consulting services, Ministere de l~Agri- Up to (R) Rural Development I - Northern Plains. Report of FAO Cooperative culture, des Resources 5,0 Program preparation mission Naturelles et du (IDA) expected mid-April, • Developpement Rural Ministere de l'Education Nationale; Hinistere de Up to 5.0 (R) Education I - project elements not yet determined. Draft IDB/Unesco sector report being reviewed by Government, l'Agriculture, des (IDA) IDA and IDB, Reconnaissance Resources Naturelles mission scheduled for March, et du Developpement Rural HONDURAS • 7.0 (IDA) Irrigation I - integrated rural development of Comayagua Valley, Project being prepared with FAO assistance, FAO Coopera- tive Program follow-up mission scheduled for April, Hinisterio de 20.0 Highway VII - construction of Talanga- Feasibility studies for feeder Comutiicaciones, (Bank) Juticalpa road and improvement of roads being prepared. • Obras Publicas y Transporte (EMPRESA NACIONAL DE Up to about 400 km of feeder roads. Power VII - El Cajon hydro power dev- Feasibility report being updated. ENERGIA ELECTRICA) 75.0 elopment with related interconnection, (Joint financing from IDB, CABEI- (Bank) transmission and distribution and other lenders likely.) facilities. (EHPRESA NACIONAL Up i:o Ports III - Development of a new port Project preparation underway, • PORTUARIA) 10.0 (Bank) at Puerto Castilla to handle wood and agricultural products exports; improve- ment of other national port facilities. Banco Central Up to (N) Livestock III - continuation of Timing of preparation dependent 9.0 credit program to finance livestock on progress of Livestock II, (Bank) development. • JAMAICA (WATER OJMHISSION OF KINGSTON) Up to 13.0 (R) Sewerage I and Water Supply in Kingston - wells and water distribution Negotiations tentatively scheduled for early April, Awaiting action (Bank) works, collector sewers, lift stations regarding sewerage tariffs. and force mains, and water studies. Total cost estimated at $25 million Procurement: ·Retroactive finan- of which $10,6 million in foreign cing (up to $500,000) of studies exchange. Loan could include $2,4 for engineering design, investi- • million interest during construction, gation works and well drilling may be reconunended, See_ p, 1 for footnotes, • • - 61 - Member Country, end Amount 2/ Borrower or Implementing Agency ~ (Cont'd) JJ and Probable Lender Project ]_/ Stage of Processing and Action on Procurement ii • Ministry of To be Education III - Project content not Awaiting Government definition Education determined yet determined; of scope of project and progress (Bank) in execution of second education • project. Borrower To be Sugar Rehabilitation - factory rehabil- Project being prepared. To be determined determined itation; irrigation; drainage and field (Bank) equipment for improved cane production. (WATER COMMISSION To be Water Supply II - Kingston Blue Studies for design end invest- OF KINGSTON) determined Mountain Scheme, igation work to begin in 1975, (Bank) Minietry of Health 3.0 (Bank) Population 11 and Nutrition~ scope of project not yet finalized but may include rural health facilities, midwife Project preparation underway. • training school, production and distri- bution of weening foods end research and evaluation studies. Minietry of 10.0 Rural Development I - crop production Project being prepared by Agriculture (Bank) and assistance for small farms, Government with FAO/IBRD assistance. • Secreterie de To be Highways VIII - construction and im- Project under preparation._ Obree Publicee determined provement of highway network, (Bank) Secreterie de le Preeidencia To be determined (Bank) (R) Integrated Rural Development II - (in selected regions) including a wide variety of different components for production, productive support and Appraisai report being · reviewed. • social infrastructure, Total project cost estimated at $245 million of which about $45 foreign exchange. (PRODUC?OS FORESTALES DE MEXICO (PROFORMEX)) To be determined (Bank) Forest Ind•1stries in State of Durango - establishment of sawmills, plywood factories, liner_ board plant and infra- structure such as forestry roads, water Revised feasibility study being prepared by Government, • supply, Ferrocarrilee To be (R) Railways IiI - rehabilitation end Project preparation underway, Nacionalee de determined moderni_zaticin, Appraisal tentatively scheduled Mexico (Bank) for May. (BANCO DE MEXICO) To be determined (Bank) Livestock/Agricultural Credit V - will continue the program developed under Credit IV, but with greater emphasis Appraisal scheduled for April/May. • on low-income farmers. (COMISION FEDERAL Power XII. Investment program and financing DE ELEC?RICIDAD) determined plan being reviewed by Government, (Bank) Timing of appraisal will depend on results of review. • Seep. 1 for footnotes. • • • . - 62 - • Member Country, and Borrower or Implementing·Agency 1/ Amount 2/ and Probable Lender Stage of Processing and Action on-Procurement f!./ ~ (Cont'd) Secretaria de To be (R) Ports II - expansion and modernization Feasibility studies underway, Marina determined of major ports, Civil works and Pre-appraisal mission scheduled • (Bank) equipment for handling containers and bulk minerals at Veracruz and/or Tampico, dredging, cargo handling and port equipment, consulting services and for early March • training. Total project cost estimated- at about $60 million of which over $25 million would be foreign exchange, Secretaria de 190.0 (R) Irrigation VII - irrigation and rehabil- Appraisal report being • Recursos Hidraulicos. (Bank) itation in lower- Rio Bravo and Rio San -reviewed, Juan area, Total project coat est-imated at about $425 million of which about $172 million in foreign exchange. Secretaria de To be Irrigation IX - Ciudad Delicia&. Feasibility studies being Recursos Hidraulicos- determined completed. Local interests in (Bank) project still to be resolved • • To be determined To be determined (Bank) Tourism II, Selection of sites and preparation .of feasibility study underway, (BANCO DE MEXICO) To be (R) FONEI II - continuing program to pro- Appraisal report being prepared. determined vide long-term financing for equipment (Bank) of mainly export-oriented industries. • Guanos y Fertilizantes (GUANOMEX) 50.0 (Bank) (R) Fertilizer Industry - expansion of facilities of Guanomex for production of various fertilizers. Total project cost estimated at about $148 million Appraisal report .being reviewed, Procurement: Retroactive finan- of which about $52 million in foreign cing of up to $3,6 million for exchange, engineering services and critical long-delivery equipment to be procured in accordance with Bank • Secretaria de Recursos Hidraulicos To be determined (R) Medium-size Cities Water Supply - water supply and sewerage infra- guidelines, will be recommended, Preappraisal mission scheduled for mid-March. (Bank) structure to be provided for a number of cities throughout Mexico. Comision de Aguas del To be Mexico City Water Supply II, Market study underway, Valle de Mexico _determined • To be determined (Bank) To be determined Aviation II. Project preparation underway, -(Bank) Secretaria de . To be Irrigation "Ill - second .stage of ·Project being prepared by Recursos Hidraulicos determined Panuco project, _Government. • Secretaria de Obras Publicsa (Bank) To be determined Agricultural Education - basic agri- cultural secondary schools and agricultural tea_cher training, Proj~ct being prepared by_ Goverment. (Bank) Seep, 1 for footnotes • • • • - 63 - •' Hember Country, and Amotitit 2/ Borrower or Ililplementing Agency 1J and Probable Lender Ptbject '}./ Stage of Processing and Action on Procurement f!/ • MEXICO (Cont'd) To be (N) Tropical Agricultural Research. Preappraisal mission planned determined for April. (Bank) (SIDERURGICA · LAZARO CARDENAS LAS TRUCHAS S,A,) To be determined (Bank) (N) Las Truchas Steel Ii - expansion of Las Truchas steel plant to produce flat rolled products. Preappraisal mission scheduled for April. • NICARAGUA Up to (R) Education II - project content not Sector work being undertaken 6,0 (Bank) yet determined, locally with periodic Bank staff assistance, Identifica- tion mission tentatively scheduled for third quarter • of 1975. PANAMA (AUTORIDAD 24.0 (R) Fishing Port - construction of Negotiations substantially PORTUARIA NACIONAL) (Bank) new fishing port in Punta Vacamonte, about 30 Ian outside of Panama City, for shrimp processing, and tuna trans- shipping and other services. Total completed, Procurement: Retroactive finan- cing of up to $300,000 may be • ptoject coat estimated at $37.5 recommended, million of which $24 million in foreign exchange, Ministerio de Obras Publicas Up to 28.0 (Bank) (R) Highways III - phase I reconstruction of Panama City-Colon highway including widening to 4 lanes of 12 km {Sabanita to Colon) and construction of new Additional traffic studies are being carried out to finalize project content, • section of 23 km {Buenos Aires to Panama City), Instituto de Recursos To be (R) Power IV - Civil works and equipment Awaiting IRHE's revised Master Hidraulicos y determined for La Fortuna Hydroelectric power Plan interim investment program Electricos {IRHE) {BANCO NACIONAL DE PANAMA) (Bank) To be determined (N) plant, Livestock II - credit line for improve- ment and expansion of livestock, and action on tariff increase, Preparation dependent on progress in implementation of Livestock I, • (Bank) (BANCO NACIONAL 5.0 (R) Fisheries II - credit line for replace- Preparation is dependent on DE P! used shi?S, and major repairs and ·conversions of existing ships·, • 30.0 (Bank) Rural Credit IV - Provision of medium and long-term credit by the Rural Banks and Savings and Loan Associations to farmers and rural entrepreneurs to finance investment in farm mechaniza- Centrai Bank preparing the project, tion and related facilities and equipment, coastal and island fisheries, small scale livestock development arid cottage-. scale agro-industries • • • • - 67 - Amount Member Country PHILIPPINES (Cont'd) and Probable Lender Stage of Processing • 20.0 Development of the Looc Hacienda in Feasibility atudy by consultants (Bank) Luzon as a tourism estate and identi- underway, fication of other sitea near Zmnboanga and LEGASPI for tourism development. • EUROPE, KIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA ALGERIA To be determined (Bank) Agricultural Credit project - elements not yet determined, Identification mission (FAO/IBRD) due in field in March, • £!!'..!3!!! e.o Roads II - upgrading of Nicosia- Feasibility study by conaultanta (Bank) Limassol road, expected to be completed in ~ May 1975, • To be Water Supply II,- Proj~ct being prepared by determined Government and WHO. (Bank) ~ 18.0 Loan for expansion of project Negot~ationa scheduled for March, (Bank) (Loan 845-TU). LATIN AMERICA AND CARIBBEAN BARBADOS To be determined Tourism. Project preparation mission to be scheduled in near future, • (Bank) GUATEMALA To be Education II - construction of secon- Appraisal scheduled for April. HONDURAS determined (Bank) dary educational institutions and science and technology centers. • Up to Livestock Ill - continuation of Timing of preparation dependent 9,0 credit program to finance livestock on progress of Livestock II,. (Bank) development. • • • • ., - 68 - Hember·Country Amount and Probable Lender Project Staae of Proceasiy • ~ To be Tropical Agricultural llesearch, Preappraisal mission planned determined for ~pril, (Bank) .To be determined Laa Truchaa Steel II - apauton of . 'Laa Trucbaa ateel plat to produce ' Preappraisal mission scheduled fOT April, • (Bank) flat rolled products, ~ To be Livestock II - credit line for improve- Preparation dependnt on progress determined (Bank) meat and espansion of livestock~ 1D implementation of Livestock I, • • • • • • • •