International Bank for Reconstruction and Development International Development Association SecM92-1600 FROM: Vice President and Secretary January 4, 1993 MONTHLY OPERATIONAL SUMMARY OF BANK AND IDA PROPOSED PROJECTS (As of December 15, 1992) Distribution: Executive Directors and Alternates Office of the President Executive Vice Presidents, IFC and MIGA Vice Presidents, Bank, IFC and MIGA Directors and Department Heads Bank, IFC and MIGA I t I I ! I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS Summary of Bank and IDA Proposed Projects Information on Environmental Assessment v SECTION REGION PAGES I. AFRICA 1 - 39 Angola................................... Benin .................................... 2 Benin/Togo............................... 3 Burkina Faso............................. 3 Burundi.................................. 4 Cameroon................................. 5 Cape Verde............................... 6 Central African Republic................. 7 Chad..................................... 7 Comoros.................................. 8 Cote d'Ivoire............................ 8 Djibouti................................. 10 Equatorial Guinea........................ 11 Ethiopia................................. 11 Gabon .................................... 13 The Gambia ............................... 13 Ghana .................................... 14 Guinea................................... 15 Guinea-Bissau ............................ 16 Kenya.................................... 16 Lesotho.................................. 17 Madagascar............................... 18 Malavi................................... 19 Mali..................................... 20 Mauritania............................... 21 Mauritius................................ 22 Mozambique ............................... 23 Niger........................ ............ 25 Nigeria.................................. 26 Rwanda................................... 28 Senegal.................................. 29 Seychelles............................... 31 AFRICA REGION (Contd. .1...) SierrarLeone............................. 31 Swaziland................................ 32 Tanzania................................. 32 Togo.................................. ... 34 Uganda................................... 35 Zambia................................... 36 Zimbabwe................................. 37 Africa Regional.......................... 39 Western Africa........................... II. EAST ASIA & PACIFIC REGION 40 - 64 Cambodiao.... 40 Chinaa....... 40 Fiji4.................. 48 Indonesia ................................ 48 Korea .................................... 54 Lao, People's Democratic Republic ....... 56 Malaysia... .............................. 57 Mongolia ................................. 59 Papua New Guinea......................... 59 Philippines.............................. 60 Solomon Islands.......................... 63 Thailand................................. 63 Western Samo............................ 64 III. EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA 65 84 Albania.................................. 65 Armenia...............................6.. 6 Azerbaijan............................... 6 Belarus........ 67 Bulgaria. ............................ 67 Czechoslovakia........................... 6 Estonia.................................. 70 Georgia.................................. 70 Hungary .................................. 71 Kazakhstan............................... 71 Kyrghysstan .............................. 72 Latvia................................... 73 Lithuania................................ 73 Moldova.................................. 74 Poland................................... 74 Romania.................................. 76 Russian Federation....................... 78 Turkey................................... 80 Turkmenistan............................. 82 Ukraine.................................. 83 Uzbekistan............................... 84 IV. LATIN AMERICA AND CARIBBEAN 85__11 Argentina.. 85 Barbados. ..................... ....... 86 Belize.................... . .......... .. 87 Bolivia. .......................... 88 Brazil......................... ........ 89 Caribbean Region......................... 92 Chile.................................... 92 Colombia................................. 94 Costa Rica............................... 96 Dominican Republic....................... 97 Ecuador.................................. 97 El Salvador.............................. 98 Guatemala................................ 99 Guyana................................... 99 Haiti.................................... 100 Honduras................................. 101 Jamaica.................................. 102 Mexico................................... 103 Nicaragua................................ 105 Panama................................... 105 Paraguay................................. 105 Peru .. 17............. 107 Trinidad & Tobago........ 108 Uruguay.................................. 109 Venezuela.............. ................. 110 -iv- V. MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA 112 - 122 Algeria ................................... Egypt, Arab Republic of.................. 114 Iran ..................................... 115 Jordan ................................... 116 Lebanon .................................. 116 Morocco.................................. 117 Tunisia.................................. 119 Yemen, Republic of....................... 121 VI. SOUTH ASIA 123 - 142 Bangladesh............................... 123 Bhutan................................... 127 India.................................... 127 Nepal.................................... 134 Pakistan................................. 137 Sri Lanka................................ 140 VII. NEW PROJECTS ADDED IN THIS ISSUE 143 - 145 VIII. PROJECTS DROPPED FROM LENDING PROGRAM 146 - 148 AND PROJECTS SIGNED MOS ANNEX I Environmental Overview of Category A Projects Il - 199 Environmental Overview of Category B Projects 1100 - 1145 Listing of Category C Projects 1146 - 1149 Listing of Category T Projects 1150 - 1151 MOS ANNEX II Global Environment Facility - Quarterly III - 115 on Investment Projects -,Secretary's Department -v- INFORMATION ABOUT THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT PROCESS APPLIED TO IBRD AND IDA PROPOSED PROJECTS In October 1989 the Bank established a specific policy and procedures for environmental assessment and related environmental analyses of IBRD and IDA lending operations. Under this environmental assessment process, the type, timing and main issues of environmental analysis to be performed by the borrower are to be confirmed at the time that a given lending operation is initiated into the Bank's prospective lending program and thereafter reported and updated on a quarterly basis in the Monthly Operational Summary. In October 1991 the Bank revised these policies and procedures so that projects are now assigned one of the following categories based upon the nature, magnitude, and sensitivity of environmental issues: Category A - Environmental Assessment is normally required as the project may have adverse and significant environmental impacts. Category B - More limited environmental analysis is appropriate, as the project may have specific environmental impacts. Category C - Environmental analysis is normally unnecessary. The 1991 revision also introduced the use of a standard environmental data sheet for all projects to identify the main issues and schedule for any required environmental analysis. Project descriptions in every issue of the Monthly Operational Summary include the environmental category. On a quarterly basis (in the January, April, July and October issues) the Monthly Operational Summary contains an environmental annex which includes the environmental data sheets for Category A projects, data sheet headers for Category B projects, and a listing of projects in Categories C and T ("to be determined"). �� � , ., ,. ,� , , . �� � ' г.' и :г_ : . (г' ' 3 ` 4 � , , I i � f �: , �;. � ._ �и.. , � _ lember Country, Amount I Implementing Probable Stage of Processing and Agency Lander Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 I. AFRICA 1=01A Kinistry of 42.7 Telecommunications I - Financing of Consulting services will Project under Iransport and (Bank) investments in the telecommunications be required during preparation. Awaiting Communications sector and support for sectoral policy project preparation and reactions from the reforms and institutional assistance. appraisal. Ministry of Envirorunental Assessment Category B. Telecommunications regarding the proposed preparation studies. I Kinistry of 99.0 Rehabilitation Adjustment - Would To be determined. Project under Finance (IDA) provide import financing to support preparation. rehabilitation adjustment program. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. KiaLstry of Plan 15.5 (R) Technical Assistance 11 - Will To be determined. Project under (IDA) support the implementation of the preparation. adjustment program, with particular emphasis on the "public investment program". Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. I Central Bank, 20.8 Private Sector Development - The project Consulting services will Project under I 14i.istry of (IDA) will support extensive deregulation of be required. preparation. Industry and private economic activity and the Finance establishment of property rights, and also initiate tax and trade reforms. Environmental Assessment Category C. finistry of 19.6 Agricultural Services - The project Consulting services will Project under rLculturs (IDA) would include five components: (a) high be required for preparation. level agricultural educationj technical assistance. (b) research: (c) animal health; (d) support to land tLtlings and (a) support to the reform Process. Environmental Assessment Category B. I ministry of 20.7 Fisheries Resource Management - Project To be determined. Project preparation under )Fisheries (IDA) has three components. (a) formulation Vey - and implementation of a "Fisheries Management Regime"s (b) support to privatizationg and (c) rehabLlita- tLon/development of fish lending infrastructure for industrial and small- scale fisheries. Environmental Assessment Category B. Addresses of Iciplementing Agencies of nev projects are given in Scotian V of the Sumnary. The emount is in millions of US dollars and is approximate and tentative. SAF is the acronym for the Special Facility of Sub-Saharan Africa. The letter (N) before projects means that the project is a new listing in the sumaryi the letter (R) means the information about the project has been revised since the-last issue. This column contains available information, if any about action with respect to the procurement of goods and services expected to be financed by the Bank or IDA. including retroactive financingg expenditures under the IBRDJIDA Project. -2- Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing Agency Lender * Project Consulting Services Action on Procuremem ANGOLA (Cont'd) Lobito Corridor 19.8 Lobito Corridor - Rehabilitation of Contract signed for Project preparation Authority (LCA) (IDA) Lobito Port Transport System, which consultancy services for way. includes Lobito Port and the Benguela feasibility study, Railways. Environmental Assessment approximately Categorvy B. 60 man-months. Ministry of Health 20.8 (R) Health - Project includes: Consulting services are Board presentation (MOH) (IDA) (a) institutional reinforcement and being selected. scheduled for Januar definition of health policies at the 1993. Health Ministry level: (b) development of health sector human resources, particularly in Huila province, through creation of a pilot school for training of health staff: and (c) rehabilitation of some health institutions selected because of the priorities of their services. Environmental Assessment Category C. Projet de Securite 13.0 (R) Food Security - Project would assist Consulting services will Appraisal mission is Alimentaire/Mini- (IDA) Government in improving the food be required with tentatively schedules stere du security standards of the more assistance from national May 1993. Developpe- vulnerable population groups of the and international NGOs. ment Rural country through simple agricultural, commercial, fisheries and peri-urban activities aiming at improving the income base of those groups through new employment opportunities and regular access to food in most risky areas. Environmental Assessment Category C. Ministry of Public 15.0 Health II - Project.seeks to: Consulting services will Identification under Health (IDA) (a) expand basic health care system, be required for sector upgrade quality of first financial management, improve sector management and hospital management, and decentralize MIS systems: and MIS systems specialists. (b) promotion of private sector care. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. Direction de 14.0 Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Sector To be determined. Pre-appraisal missioj l'Hydraulique (IDA) - Project will support the decentraliza- scheduled for March I tion of rural water supply activities, and development of local private sector and NGO participation. Will also support construction of 1,750 new water points, and promotion of low cost solutions for rural sanitation. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of 35.0 SAL III - The program would broaden and To be determined. Project is in initial Finance (IDA) deepen reforms initiated under SAL II, stages of preparatios with particular focus on administrative reform and improvements in the framework for private sector development. Environmental Assessment Category C. -3- 'ember Country, Amount & aIplementing Probable Stage of Processing and gency Lender Project ' Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 Cont'd) RCAM/CLCAM 3.0 Rural Credit II - The project would To be determined. Yellow cover review held (IDA) continue the process of rehabilitation in October 1992. and strengthening of the network of Negotiations scheduled rural savings and loan cooperatives for March 1993. commenced under the first rural savings and loan rehabilitation project. Environmental Assessment Category C. 'inistry of Plan 12.6 Economic Management Support - The Reorganization studies Appraisal mission Ind Economic (IDA) project will consist of: (a) institu- of Ministry of Planning completed July 1992. estructuring tional restructuring; (b) capacity and Caisse Autonome Negotiations tentatively building through technical assistance D'Amorpissement (CAA) to scheduled for February and a training centerl and (c) studies be undertaken with PPF 1993. and institutional measures as needed financing. through the implementation of the adjustment program. Environmental Assessment Category C. inistry of 20.0 (R) Education Sector Investment Consultants already Project under ational Education (IDA) (formerly Education Sector Adjustment) - identified. preparation. Appraisal NNE) The objective is to enable the mission tentatively Government to achieve its policy scheduled for January 30, objectives and strategy for improving 1993. the quality, relevance and selective A PPF request of expansion of the education system. The US$380,000 has been operation will focus on: approved. (a) structures, functions and staffing patterns of the Ministry of Education; (b) reforming the management of administrative staff and teachers; and (c) establishing a framework for the financing and financial management of the sector. Environmental Assessment Category C. ommunaute 30.0 Adjarala Hydroelectric - Hydroelectric Feasibility study and Project under lectrique du (IDA) project on the Mono River, 97 km environment assessment preparation. enin downstream of Nangbeto, including dam, under way by Coyne and electric equipment turbines, related Bellier/EdF (France). Retroactive financing is transmission lines, and resettlement possible for consultant (environment). Total project cost fees. US$237.0 million. Environmental Assessment Category A. URRA FASO o be determined 40.0 Transport II - Rehabilitation of To be determined. Identification under way. (IDA) transport infrastructure. Total project cost is US$70.0 million. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. o be determined 45.0 (R) Agricultural Services II - Follow up Consulting services will Project preparation under (IDA) to the Agricultural Services I Project. be required. Estimated way. Concentrating on crop protection and at 200 staffweeks. agricultural education in addition to extension and functional literacy. Total project cost is estimated at US$50.0 million. Environmental Assessment Category B. -4- Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processim Agency ' Lender * Project s Consulting Services Action on Procuren BURXINA FASO (Cont'd) To be determined 15.0 Population and AIDS - Project seeks to Consulting services will Project preparatio (IDA) develop and implement a population be required. way. Pre-appraisa: program. Environmental Assessment mission scheduled ; Category: To Be Determined. January 1993. Appi mission scheduled July 1993. Ministry of 100.0 SAL II - Second phase of macro-policy To be determined. Identification undo Finance and (IDA) reforms, including tariff reform. Planning Environmental Assessment Category C. To be determined 40.0 Urban Environment - Project seeks to To be determined. Preparation under i (IDA) improve management of natural resources A PPF of US$515,00( and urban management, and to upgrade the approved on Septemi infrastructure of Ouagadougou to improve 1992. health standards. Total project cost is US$40.0 million. Environmental Assessment Category B. To be determined 5.0 (R) Capacity Building for Environment To be determined. Identification undo (IDA) Management - Training and institutional management for managing the rural and urban environments. Total project cost is US$10.0 million. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. Ministry of 35.0 Banking and Business Support Institution Consultants will be Appraisal mission Economic Promotion (IDA) Development - The project would include required. completed. Negotia various technical assistance components. tentatively schedul Environmental Assessment Cateaorv C. January 1993. Ministere de la 50.0 Health and Nutrition - Strengthening Consultants will be Appraisal mission Sante (IDA) health sector management, extension of required. scheduled for Janua nutrition/ tropical disease control 1993. activities begun under first project, programs to improve women's conditions. Environmental Assessment CategorX C. BURUNDI Ministry of 29.7 Telecommunications III - The project Consulting services will Project under Telecommunications (IDA) will consist of: (a) technical be required during preparation. assistance for capacity building under a preparation and liberalized institutional frameworki appraisal stage. (b) creation of a regulatory structurei (c) an analysis of options, including privatization and partnerships or joint ventures; (d) expansion and modernization of switching systems and outside plant in the provinces; (e) Phase II or rural communication systems; and (f) installation of additional public pay phones. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. -5- )ember Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing and Agency Lender 2 Project 5 Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 BURUNDI (Cont'd) Ministry of 32.7 Education Sector V - Continued To be determined. Project under Education (IDA) assistance of Government in implementing preparation. education reform through financing of selected investments in the sector public investment program. Project would also be a continuation of the effort started in the education sector development project to improve education quality and efficiency within the constraints of the sectoral budget. Environmental Assessment Category C. Iinistry of Land 26.9 Natural Resource Management and To be determined. Project under Planning, Tourism (IDA) Environment - Implementation of preparation. & Environment environmental action plan. Project would focus on: (a) development of soil conservation, agro-forestry, reforestation (b) improvement of land security in priority zones; (c) development of environmental research and (d) improvement of local and central institutions. Environmental Assessment Category B. (inistry of Health 34.4 Health/Population II - The objectives Consultants are being Project under (IDA) are to: (a) assist the Government in recruited to assist the preparation. implementing the National Population Government in project Policy; (b) improve health coverage of preparation. rural population; and Cc) improve efficiency of health service delivery. Project components include: (a) strengthening family planning services; (b) improvement of rural hospital and health center network (c) improvement of administrative functions of the Ministry of Health; and (d) implementing health financing strategies. Environmental Assessment Category C. finistry of Plan 21.9 Social Action - Project will contribute Consultancy will be Appraisal report under (IDA) to poverty alleviation by encouraging required. preparation. larger participation in small scale production activities and infrastruc- ture. Will also provide surveys to monitor social situation, technical assistance and training. Environmental Assessment Category B. CAMERDON (inistry of 40.0 (R) Private and Community School Consulting services will Preparation mission Iducation/Front (Bank) Development - The Government would be required. scheduled for late Iational du onlend part of the loan proceeds to a February 1993. )eveloppement de privately managed national private 'Education education fund (FNDEP) to finance grants rimaire (FNDEP) and credits for the development of a quality private school system. A second and separate component would finance parent associations investment initiatives in the expansion of existing schools. Environmental Assessment Category C. Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing Agency Lender . Project s Consulting Services Action on Procures= CAMEROWR (Cont'd) Ministry of Mines, 15.0 Energy Sector - Policy reform in the To be determined. Project definition Water & Energy (Bank) power, petroleum products and gas depends on forthcom sectors emphasizing pricing and discussions with the regulation. Environmental Assessment Government and sect4 Category C. agencies. Ministry of 25.0 (R) Agricultural Research II - Consulting services will Project has been res Technical and (Bank) Restructuring of National Agricultural be provided by ODA, GTE, from the Lending Prc Scientific Research. Environmental Assessment the Cameroonian Further reporting wi Research Category B. Government, and FA0/CP. discontinued. Ministry of Urban 40.0 (R) Urban Management Improvement - Consultants were Project has been ren and Housing (Bank) Project would clarify the roles of appointed under the from the Lending Prc private and public actors and Second Urban Project. Further reporting vi rationalize public investments in the discontinued. urban sector. Project would also improve urban services financing mechanisms and urban land resources management, and rehabilitate parastatal housing agencies. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of Public 45.0 Transport Sector - Development of Consulting services will Pro-appraisal missia Works and (Bank) transport sector policy objectives and be required to review scheduled for Januar Transport sectoral investment planning mechanism, different aspects of the 1993. based on economic priorities, comprising transport sector and, in all subsectorsi development of a new particular, the trade road maintenance strategy, intermodal logistic subsector. efficiency and rationalization of transport sector public enterprise performance (air, rail, maritime, bus transport); promotion of small enterprises and institutional development, training and technical assistance. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of Public 40.0 (R) Health and Population Sector Consultants will be Project under Health (Bank) (formerly Health Services Development) - required. preparation. Focusing on strengthening strategic A PPF was awarded foi management framework, financial and project studies. human resources management, improving drug and other medical material distribution and rehabilitation of priority urban health services. Environmental Assessment Category C. CAPE VERDE Ministry of 10.0 Multi-Sector - Project will: (a) assist Consulting services will Identification under Finance, Ministry (IDA) the Government in the second phase of be required. of Public its public enterprise sector reform Administration program begun under the Privatization Technical Assistance Project; (b) support civil service reformsl (a) help build economic management capacity; (d) support efforts at decentralizations and (e) help streamline institutions. Environmental Assessment Category C. -7- eiber Country, Amount & lementing Probable stage of Processing and ency Lender 2 Project a Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 APE VERDE Cont d) NAPOR 12.0 (R) Transport/Infrastructure - The To be determined. Negotiations completed. (IDA) project seeks to: (a) set up a new Board presentation organization for efficient and effective scheduled for January 5, maintenance of the road networki 1993. (b) contribute to economic develop by reducing air, land and sea transport costs and rehabilitation of the Port of Vale de Cavaleiros: (c) promote tourism (d) strengthen managerial capabilities of central ministries: and (e) alleviate water supply shortages. Total project cost is US$35.0 million. Environmental Assessment CateRory B. Inistry of 13.2 Education II - The objective of this To be determined. Project being identified. ducation (IDA) project is to outline support to primary education, and development of post primary education including expansion and enhancement of quality or secondary education. Environmental Assessment Category C. Lnistries of 9.2 Human Resources - Assist the Government Consulting services will Project being identified. lucation and (IDA) in implementing its export promotion be required. Estimated !alth policy. Scope to include definition and at 55.5 staffweeks. implementation of the related training and manpower development strategy and program. Investments to be supported likely to include: (a) vocational training to meet demand for technologically skilled laborl and (b) management training. Environmental Assessment Category C. ITRAL AFRICAN PUBIIC istry of 20.0 (R) Education IV - Assistance to improve Consulting services will Project will need to be itional Education (IDA) strategic planning, capacity in areas of be required. Specific discussed with the new expenditure and investment with areas to be determined. Government after the particular emphasis on primary education February 1993 to achieve improvements on coverage and presidential election. the quality of the delivery'of services. Preparation to begin in Environmental Assessment Category C. April 1993. [AD nistry of Public 25.0 Transport Sector II - Follow up of the To be determined. Project under rks & Transport (IDA) Transport Sector Adjustment and Feeder preparation. Roads Project to sustain reforms and A PPF of US$850,000 was liberalization of the sector. Total approved on February 21, project cost is US$100.0 million. 1992 to finance Environmental Assessment Category B. preparation activities. be determined 15.0 Basic Education - Follow up operation to To be determined. Appraisal mission (IDA) pursue development of primary education, scheduled for January particularly improved quality. 1993. Emphasizes role of local communities and increased enrollment of girls. Environmental Assessment Cateaory C. Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing Agency Lender Project Consulting Services Action on Procureme CHAD (Cont'd) Ministry of Health 15.0 Health and Population - The project Consultants will be Pre-appraisal missic (IDA) would aim to: (a) reorient health care required. scheduled for Januai service to focus an the provision of an 1993. adequate package of basic primary care services to a larger segment of the population: develop and promote an acceptable family planning strategy, including sensitization activities; and (c) develop complementary programs/ activities in the areas of food security (i.e., nutrition), health, and family planning education, focussed particularly on women. If necessary, implementation will begin in one or two pilot zones. Environmental Assessment Category C. Ministry of 10.0 Agricultural Services - Promotion of Consultants will be Project is being com Agriculture (IDA) effective agricultural support services required. Estimated at with the Agriculture primarily focusing on research and 200 staffweeks. Research Project. extension possibly with functional Project under literacy. Total project cost estimated preparation. at US$14.0 million. Environmental (Cofinancing will be Assessment Category C. - required possibly fr DADEA (Sudan), CCCE (France), EEC (Belgii IFAD (Italy).) Ministry of Mines 30.0 (R) Petroleum/Power - to support Under an engineering Project has been rem and Energy (IDA) implementation of a least cost product project approved in from the Lending Prol supply system and provide technical November 1990, Further reporting wil assistance to strengthen the engineering consultants discontinued. Government's management of the power and have been selected to petroleum sector. Total project cost prepare bidding estimated at US$80.0 million. documents. Environmental assessment completed under the Engineering Project. Environmental Assessment Category A. CCMOROS Ministry of 14.2 (R) Population/Human Resources - Will Consultants are being Project under Health/Education (IDA) strengthen the primary health care selected to assist preparation. system, particularly the quality of Government in project maternal and child health/family preparation. planning services; and support community development activities through a community development fund. Environmental Assessment Categor B. COTE D'IVOIRE Rural Financial 21.6 (N) Rural Savings and Loan To be determined. Appraisal mission Cooperatives (Bank) Rehabilitation - To strengthen the scheduled for January network of creps (mutual savings and 1993. loan cooperatives) through technical and financial assistance. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. -9- ber Country, Amount & lementing Probable Stage of Processing and c_ny ' Lender 2 Project s Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 WE D'IVOIRE ant'd) nistry of 60.0 (R) Rural Equipment - Project will To be determined. Pro-appraisal mission onomics, Finance (IDA) finance the development of small scheduled for March 1993. Planning infrastructure (social and productive) in rural areas through the regional rural development fund (FRAR). It would improve the management of FRAR, in particular, the areas of: (a) subproject selection; (b) local contribution and cost recovery policies. The project would also strengthen the regular planning cap of Ministry of Plan. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. aistry of the 40.0 (R) National Environment Program - Consulting services may National Environment vironment, (Bank) Support of a program of action to be required during Action Plan (NEAP) struction and protect the natural environment. preparation. suspended pending banism Actions would be determined as part of Government response to an environmental action plan to be Bank's proposals developed. Environmental Assessment concerning institutional Category: To Be Determined. arrangements needed to ensure broadest possible consultation with civil society. 4G 40.0 Land Tenure - Full scale project to use Consulting services will Project was identified in (Bank) the instruments developed under the be required in the area December 1991, and is pilot Land Tenure Project (previously of training, village under preparation by funded). The project will solve organizations and FA0/CP and MINAGRA. specific problems in agriculture, institutional livestock, and forestry development. strengthening. FA0/CP Environmental Assessment CategorX A. is supervising project preparation and other consulting services are to be identified. Listries of 6.8 (R) Human Resources Management Support - Consulting services will Negotiations completed. ieral Education, (IDA) To strengthen the capacity of human be required in the areas Approved by the Executive her Education resource technical ministries to of budgetary Directors on December 8, Health and implement the ongoing Human Resource programming, public 1992. ial Services Adjustment Program. The focus is on management and school strengthening: (a) programming, panel research. planning and budgeting (b) monitoring and evaluation of sector performance; and (c) monitoring and analysis of school processes and student learning. Technical advisers will emphasize skills, transfer, and in-service training. Environmental Assessment Category C. istry of 30.0 Economic Management Technical Assistance Consulting services Appraisal report under Inomics, Finance (IDA) - Technical assistance training and being identified. preparation. Awaiting lanninga institutional support to Government results of several istry of Civil programs of structural and sectoral studies funded under a ice & adjustment. Support to ministries PPF to complete appraisal Toyments responsible for macroeconomic report. istry of management, civil service reform and tices legal and judiciary reform. Environmental Assessment Category C. - 10 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing Agency Lender 2 Project Consulting Services Action on Procurems COTE D'IVOIRE (Cont'd) Ministry of 20.0 (R) National Agricultural Service - Consulting services Project preparation Agriculture and (Bank) Support for reorganization/reinforcement required for financial way. Appraisal mis Animal Resources, of the current structure of key management auditing of scheduled for Febru Ministry of agricultural services (research, extension agencies, and 1993. Scientific extension) to ensure the adequate supply for human resources Research, and diffusion of alternative management. Professional and technologies and cropping systems. Technical Environmental Assessment Category C. Education Ministry of 30.0 (R) Road Maintenance and Consulting services will Post appraisal miss Equipment, (Bank) Rehabilitation - The project will: be required. tentatively schedul Transport and 30.0 (a) halt deterioration of existing January 1993. Tourism (METT) (IDA) roads; (b) reform organizational structure of road maintenance, partly by privatizing specified activities; and (c) reduce rural transport costs by upgrading the maintenance of farm-to- market roads. Environmental Assessment Catagory B. Ministere des 20.0 Private Sector Energy - Would allow Consulting services Appraisal mission Mines, Industrie (Bank) government to have local gas resources required for: scheduled for Febru et Energie, developed by the private sector to o Engineering studiess 1993. Investors fo PETROCI reduce dependence on imported energy. o Offshore petroleum development of the Power supply reliability would be studiess field and for new improved by selected private sector a Offshore pipeline electricity generat investments. The project would lessen route survey; capacity discussing the environmental impact of energy o Financial analysisa formal proposition, consumption by moving away from liquid and including technical fuels and biomass to natural gas, as o Others to be financial and well as encouraging additional private determined. contractural elemen sector investment in the energy sector. with Government. Environmental Assessment Category A. Engineering studies prepared. Procurement: Invit for tender document pipeline route surv have been issued. DJIBOUTI Ministere des 9.0 (R) Transport - Project will include: Consulting services may Identification miss Affaires Maritimes (IDA) (a) reinforcement of the Port of be required for (d), (e) tentatively schedul, Djibouti as trade gateway to Ethiopia; and (f). first quarter 1993. (b) establishment of specialized port areas for transit traffic; (c) improved interfacing with rail and roads (d) implementation of periodic maintenance systems; (e) establishment of cost recovery practices; and (f) deregulation of transport markets. Environmental Assessment Categorv: To Be Determined. - 11 - lember Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing and gency I Lender 2 Project Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 inistry of 10.0 (R) Natural Resource Management and Consulting services will Project was placed in the griculture and (IDA) Conservation - Project would assist be required. FY94 Reserve Program. orestry Government in implementing a natural Further reporting will be resource management plan to assure both discontinued. an optimal production level from the forest and conservation of the environment. Environmental Assessment Category A. 7HIOPIA nistry of 40.0 (R) Public Works and Employment To be determined. Identification mission griculture (IDA) (formerly Public Works and Employment completed in October Program) - Project description to be 1992. Pre-appraisal determined. Environmental Assessment mission scheduled for Category: To Be Determined. February 1993. LnIstry of 200.0 (R) Structural Adjustment I - Credit To be determined. Pre-appraisal mission inance (IDA) will support the Government's program of completed in November macroeconomic stabilization, while 1992. Appraisal mission establishing a basis for long-term labor scheduled for January 18, Intensive development. Environmental 1993. Assessment Cateaory C. hLopia 30.0 (R) Telecom VII - Project will include: Consulting services will Project under 3lecommunications (IDA) (a) supply and installation of be required for preparation. Pre- tthority (ETA) telecommunication equipment including developing appropriate appraisal mission exchanges, external line plant, long sector restructuring and currently in the field. distance, power and air conditioning long-term network equipment; (b) technical assistance for: development strategies. (i) sector restructuring and long-term network development strategies, (ii) implementation of management improvements to enable full commerciali- zation of ETA; and (iii) training. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. hiopian Roads 100.0 Rural Roads - Project description is to To be determined. IEPS is under ithority (ERA) (IDA) be determined. Environmental Assessment preparation. * Category: To Be Determined. be determined 50.0 Public Enterprise Reform - The project To be determined. Project preparation under (IDA) will provide support to enable the way. Government to define and initiate implementation of a program for public enterprise reform and divestiture. Environmental Assessment Catesory C. - 12 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing Agency Lender I Project I Consulting Services Action on Procureme ETHIOPIA (Cont'd) Ministry of Energy 80.0 (R) Calub Energy Development - To supply Consulting services will Appraisal mission and Mines (IDA) LPG, gasoline, gasoil and electricity. be required. currently,in the f£1 Interfuel substitution component to replace domestic use of wood fuels with LPG, thus mitigating negative environmental impact of deforestation. Contribution to Ogaden Regional Development by installing electrifica- tion line to regional capital and providing local supply of petroleum products for energy and transportation sectors, and rehabilitation of Boror- Shelabo Road (600 km). Social actions program component to diversify income source and activities of poor women engaged in illegal cutting, transport and trade of fuelwood. Environmental Assessment Category A. Ethiopian Seed 40.0 National Seeds - Would reinforce To be determined. Appraisal completed. Corporation (IDA) capability of national research system Negotiations tentati to provide adequate breeder seeds of scheduled for Januaz improved varieties; improve capacity to 1993. produce high quality seeds stimulate demand for improved seed through improvements and promotions and create an enabling institutional and policy framework to promote the evolution of the industry and promote private sector participation. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of 110.0 Roads Rehabilitation - The project would Consultants will be Approved by the Exec Construction and (IDA) comprise: (a) civil works - required. Directors on Novembe Housing rehabilitation of 198.5 km of the Assab- 1992. Mille road; and (b) technical assistance - construction supervisions consultancy services and training. Project totals US$94.4 million with a foreign component of US$74.4 million. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of 150.0 Peasant Coffee Development - The project Consultants will be Negotiations tentatt Coffee, Tea and (IDA) would strengthen government support required. scheduled for April State Farm services for food and coffee production Project processing w Development in the major coffee producing areas. be determined when Support would also be given to expanding agreement is reached washed coffee primary processing exchange rate issue. factories, rehabilitating coffee hulleries and improving export processing facilities. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of 50.0 Population I - The project would Consulting services will Appraisal report undi Planning and (IDA) strengthen Government capacity to be required. preparation. Economic undertake population programs, expand Development service delivery and expand information *ativities. Environmental Assessment Category C. - 13 - ber Country, Amount & dementing, Probable Stage of Processing and my Leander a Project s Consulting Services Action on Procurement ' Lstry of 22.5 Forestry/Environment - (a) better use of Consultants will be Approved by the Eecutive heries & (Bank) forestry resources through implementa- required. Directors on July 2, estry, Ministry ton of management plan in First Zone of 1992. Environment, forest areas (b) reinforce strategic trism and planning, operational capability of ional Parks Government institutions in the sectors (c) resume forestry and environment researchs (d) make forestry and environment training more practical and relevant to needs of private sectors (e) undertake a number of critical environmental studiest and (f) support Government in the creation and maintenance of wildlife reserves. An environmental impact assessment was initiated in June 1991 and completed in February 1992. A PPF was aproved in June 1991 to finance Preliminary studies needed to better define the scope of project components. Environmental Assessment Cateaory A. GAMBIA Lstry of 20.0 Economic Management SECAL - The sector To be determined. Identification under way. snce (IDA) adjustment credit would support the Government's program for sustained development. Environmental Assessment Catesory C. )ia Port 15.0 Banjul Port III - Modernization and To be determined. Identification under way. zority (IDA) extension of Banjul's part facilities. Total project cost is US$30.0 million. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. Latry of 10.0 Urban Environment - Project would: To be determined. Project under ance (IDA) improve living conditions through - preparation. extension of infrastructure network and A PPF of US$600,000 was in sanitationl strengthen principal approved on September 30, institutions in the urban sector and 1992. operationalise the new enabling legislation and regulation to facilitate administration of land and housing developments and strengthen key tourism institutions, etc. Total project cost is US$23.0 million. Environmental Assessment Cateory A. Latry of 12.3 Agricultural Services - Further Consultants will be Negotiations completed. .culture (IDA) development of extension research and required. Estimated at Board presentation possibly credit services nationwide. A 100 staffveeks. scheduled for January natural resources management component 1993. will address the issue of deteriorating soil fertility throughout the country. Total project cost US$16.9 million. Environmental Assessment Cateaory C. A . I - 14 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processi Agency ' Lender Project £ Consulting Services Action on Procures GHANA Government of 100.0 (R) Urban Transport - To improve the To be determined. Pre-appraisal missi Ghana (IDA) efficiency and capacity of public completed. Appraim transport, infrastructure, facilities, mission completed. organization, and institutions in urban centers, particularly Accra and Sekondi/Takonadi, with special emphasis an road rehabilitation, traffic management, and improved facilities for the poor. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of 55.0 Agricultural Sector Investment - The Consulting services in Pre-appraisal misal Agriculture (IDA) project would assist local authorities rural engineering will scheduled for Pebru and rural associations in improving be required during 1993. their capacity to prepare, implement and implementation. manage rural infrastructure investments. Environmental Assessment Categorv B. Ministry of 45.0 (R) Enterprise Development - Project Consulting services will Appraisal completed Finance and (IDA) will promote private enterprise and be required. Negotiations schadu Economic Planning export development in order to build and for April 1993. broaden non-traditional export base, and improve quality and productivity. Will also provide operational and financial restructuring to potentially viable enterprises. Environmental Assessment Category C. Electricity 80.0 National Electrification - Assist Consulting services were Negotiations comple Corporation of (IDA) Government in providing electricity from obtained under PPF to Board presentation Ghana (ECG) and the national grid to small urban centers prepare feasibility scheduled for Febru Volta River and rural areas in line with its policy study. 1993. Authority (VRA) of expanding democratization at the district capital level, and promoting development of areas outside of large urban areas. Also, assisting in strengthening and rationalizing sector institutions. Environmental Assessment Category B. Environmental 18.1 (R) Environmental Resource Management - Consulting services will Approved by the Exe Protection Council (IDA) Project will include: (a) institutional be required during Directors on*Octobe (EPC) strengthening of the Environmental project implementation 1992. Protection Council (EPC)l promotion of in remote sensing (Project includes improved land management practices applications, land financing from the through community and farmer involvement suitability and land use Environment Pacilit: in planning and implementation of mapping, meterological (GEF) for the coasti measures to minimize land degradation data processing, and wetlands component and (c) sustainable management of Live land and water Annez II.) coastal wetland sites of international management. Financing importance as habitat for migratory for consultancy services waterfowl. Environmental Assessment will be partly provided Category B. by ODA and DANIDA. Ghana Water and 37.0 Rural Water - To improve access to rural Consulting services have Project preparation Sewerage (IDA) water supply and sanitation throughout been arranged to assist way. Corporation Ghana, through rehabilitation/ in preparation. r a construction of appropriate facilities ; and establishing community responsi- bilitpfor operation and maintenance. Environmental Assessment Catesorv B. - 15 - aber Country, Amount & !lementing Probable Stage of Processing and ny Lander 2 Project s Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 WHA mnt'd) fistry of 22.45 (R) Livestock - To strengthen livestock No further consulting Approved by the Executive riculture, (IDA) production through improvement of animal services required. Directors on December 8, ?artment of health, provision of animal watering 1992. Lmal Health and points, dry season feeding, breed duction improvement, and strengthening of the institutional framework for livestock production. Environmental Assessment Category B. ral Bank 10.0 (R) Financial Sector - Restructuring of Consulting services will Preparation completed in (IDA) comercial banking and insurance sectors be required during pre- November 1992. Pre- and strengthening of banking supervision appraisal and appraisal appraisal mission and credit policy. Environmental stages. scheduled for March 1993. Assessment Category: To Be Determined. tistry of 30.0 Natural Resources Management - Project To be determined. FAO/CP has completed riculture and (IDA) seeks to protect and manage the natural first preparation Imal Resources resources, especially in the fields of mission. Second kA) forestry, agriculture and soil preparation mission conservation. Environmental Assessment scheduled for January/ Category A. February 1993. iistry of 11.0 (R) Telecommunications - Reorganization Consultants currently Approved by the Executive mounications (IDA) of telecommunications sector. Program working. Consultancy Directors on December 10, for strengthening new entity for for the project: 1992. telecommunications and postal services, management teams for and reorganizing the Ministry in order SOTELGUI and OPG, search to operate and regulate the sector. for private partners for Environmental Assessment Category C. SOTELGUI; engineering studies for SOTELGUI priority investment program. be determined .26.0 Urban Environment and Sanitation Preparatory studies Pre-appraisal mission (IDA) Improvement - To improve the physical financed by Japanese scheduled for March 1993. and economic environment of urban Grant, which was signed centers through strengthening of on February 4, 1992, municipal institutions, the development under way. of the role of the private sector, and the rehabilitation of priority infrastructure and services. Environmental Assessment Category B. aistry of Public 25.0 Health II - Policy-based operation Consultant preparation Appraisal mission alth and (IDA) focussing on strengthening investment work under way. completed July 1992. pulation and recurrent budget planning, human Negotiations tentatively resources management, renovating scheduled for February depleted infrastructure and 1993. strengthening priority health programs. Environmental Assessment Catexory C. - 16 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processin Agency ' Lender Project Consulting Services Action on Procurem (Cont'd) Ministry of Public 30.0 (R) Road Sector Management - To be determined. Appraisal completec Works (IDA) (a) Priority urban infrastructure July 1992. Negoti investments in Conakry and secondary scheduled for Janus cities; (b) a tranche of additional road 1993. upgrading as defined in the long-term road development plan; (c) priority investments of transport parastatals; and (d) improving urban management and environment, including road safety and traffic management. Environmental Assessment Cate&ory B. GUINEA-BI Ministry of 31.8 SAC III - Further policy reforms being To be determined. Appraisal mission Economy and (IDA) taken under SAL I and SAL II. tentatively schedul Finance Environmental Assessment Category C. February 1993. Ministries of 13.0 (R) Social Sector - To further To be determined. Negotiations comple Health and Social (IDA) rehabilitation of health facilities; Board presentation Affairs, Planning information, education and communica- scheduled for and International tions; training; a social sector fund February 23, 1993. Cooperation for social program and income A PPF of US$300,000 generating activities for women. approved in April 1 Environmental Assessment Category C. finance expenditure including consultin services, and establishing the Pr Coordinating Unit a Social Action Fund 1 Ministry of Rural 15.0 (R) Natural Resources Management - Consultants will also be Project preparation Development and (IDA) Project would lay foundation for needed for completed. Pre-app: Agriculture improved management of natural resources implementation. mission is in the f: to promote sustainable agriculture. Components would be: (a) policy reform in land tenures (b) institutional strengthening; (c) a pilot program of community-based resource management; and (d) establishment and management of timber reserves and protected areas. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of Public .110.0 (R) Highway Sector III - Project To be determined. IEPS is under Works (IDA) description is to be determined. preparation. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. Ministry of Local 90.0 Urban Transport - The project will To be determined. Project is under Government (IDA) include: (a) a program of road preparation. rehabilitation and the establishment of a maintenance capacity (including the purchase of equipment); (b) traffic management improvements; (c) construe- tion of missing links and improvement in the road network; (d) improvements in parking control and review; and (e) improvements in travel conditions for public transportation passengers and pedestrians. Environmental Assessment Catesory B. -17 - (mber Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing and gency ' Lender Project Consulting Services Action on Procurement (Cont'd) ;inistry of 100.0 Parastatal Reform I - The project is Consulting services will Project is still in early ?Inance (IDA) expected to be an adjustment operation be required for public stage of preparation. in which balance of payments support enterprise reform, will be provided in two or three modifications to tranches against implementation of key regulatory/legislative reforms in the regulatory framework for framework, and for private sector enterprises, public privatisation. enterprise reform, and restructuring of public financial institutions. Environmental Assessment Category C. fenya Ports 85.0 Transport Corridor - To rehabilitate Consultants have been Project under ethority (KPA), (IDA) container berths, additional container assigned five PPF preparation. tenya Railways handling equipment, construction of studies. Consulting ,orporation container freight station, rehabilita- services will be (Department.of tion of shunting locomotives, new required during ustoms), mainline locomotives, improvements to KR implementation. communications, and customs and transit reform. Also, management support to KPA and KRC, and institutional program. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. inistry of 21.0 (R) Parastatal Reform and Private Sector Consulting services will Approved by the Executive inance (IDA) Development Technical Assistance - be required for Directors on December 8, Operation will provide technical privatization, 1992. assistance to: (a) staff technical unit regulatory reform. for privatizationi (b) implement reforms for strategic parastatals; (c) auditor general (state corporations) to improve auditing functions; (d) registrar general to improve data bases. (e) the capital markets' authority; (f) support legal work on regulatory reform in the Attorney General's office. Environmental Assessment Category C. inistry of 70.0 Agricultural Marketing - Project would To be determined. Project under griculture (IDA) facilitate implementation of policy, preparation. legislative and structural reforms for strengthening the industry and for sustainable growth. Environmental Assessment Category B. iniastry of. Health About Health and Nutrition Sector Adjustment - Consultants will be Studies are about to 70.0 Support widespread sectoral reform. required and are likely start under the Health (IDA) Environmental Assessment Category: C to be financed under the Rehabilitation Project. Health Rehabilitation Project. STED tfinistry of 25.0 Infrastructure Maintenance - To prepare To be determined. Project being identified. ?1anning (IDA) programs for rehabilitating and (CofLnancing vill be maintaining roads and other infrastruc- required.) ture, and strengthening long-term planning of infrastructure investments. Selected rehabilitation/investment will also be included. Environmental Assessment Category B. - 18 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing Agency Lander Project s Consulting Services Action on Procuremes ISOTHD (Cont'd) Ministry of 10.0 (R) Public Sector Financial Management - Consulting services will Appraisal report and Finance (IDA) Expansion of pilot program for improving be required. preparation. Donor budgetary management and financial discussion scheduled reporting in government, and strengthen- March 1993. ing linkages between budgetary control (Cofinancing of abo and development planning. Training in US$10 million is bei the Government's new financial arranged.) management system will be emphasized. Environmental Assessment Category C. Ministry of 28.4 (N) Education Sector - The project will To be determined. Initial EPS issued a, Education (IDA) continue and intensify support for the March 24, 1988. sector reform package of First Education Preparation under w Sector Credit with special emphasis on in-service training and book production. Will also improve administration, university reform, and primary school construction. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. Ministry of Public 34.1 Highway VIII - Project seeks to provide Consulting services Project under Works (IDA) a reduced, but reliable road network, will be required. preparation. efficiently maintained through extensive use of local enterprise and labor based methods. Workload would be split between the Ministry of Public Works (MPW) and private organizations. Concurrent goals are capacity improvement of MPW, promotion of local small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and consultants, and creating jobs in the construction sector. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. Ministry of 28.4 Second Irrigation Rehabilitation - To be determined. Project preparation u Agricultural (IDA) Project is Phase II of ongoing project way. Production and (CR 1589-MAG). Following the completion Agrarian Reform of irrigation sector study, the project (MPARA) will support the rehabilitation of further existing medium scale irrigation schemes, and ensure the institutional structure for sustainable maintenance activities over future years. Self financing by farmers to be developed. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. Ministry of Urban 39.7 Second Urban - To develop the capacity Consulting services have Project under Development and (IDA) building of local governments to plan been contracted for preparation. Tourism and manage their urban development. project preparation. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of 21.2 Export Crop Promotion - Will assist Consulting services Project preparation s Agriculture (IDA) producers, transformers and exporters in will be required. way. prospecting markets, developing new products or improving existing ones, and investing in the agro-industrial sector. Environmental Assessment Category B. - 19- 'mber Country, Amount & plementing Probable Stage of Processing and ency a Lander s Project a Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 ont'd) nque Centrale de 10.0 (R) Financial Sector Development - To To be determined. Project under Republique (IDA) support further reform in the financial preparation. mocratique do and industrial sectors. Environmental agascar Assessment Cateory C. istry of 5.6 (R) Rural Finance - Project, on a pilot Specialists in rural Negotiations scheduled riculture (IDA) basis, to support and promote a rural savings and loans and for December 14-18, 1992. savings and loan movement based on the credit union existing and new grass root movement will be institutions. Environmental Assessment required. Category C. nistry of 49.5 Petroleum Sector Reform - Will include Consultants have been Appraisal report under stry, Energy (IDA) reform of the petroleum pricing and contracted. preparation. dMines/SOLIMA, taxation system, new policies to etroleum increase efficiency in petroleum supply mpany) and distribution, rehabilitation and improvement of the refinery, investments in petroleum transport and distribution and institutional strengthening of MIEN and SOLIMA. Since the proiect will ugrade existing facilities, environ- mental effects are limited. Environmental Assessment Categorv B. nistry of 48.8 Transport Sector - Assist in Consultants may be Project under ansport (IDA) restructing of public enterprises in required for preparation. charge of. rail transport and coastal restructuring of shipping and to finance limited national railway improvement to air and rail transport company. infrastructure. Environmental Assessment Cateory B. fice of the 20.6 (R) Food Security and Nutrition - Consultants have been Project under ins Minister (IDA) Address short and medium-term problems selected. preparation. of rural and urban food insecurity at macro and micro levels through: (a) development of national food security strategys (b) community nutrition and macro-nutrient programs Cc) a social fund for income generation, NGOs and WID activities and (d) institutional strengthening to increase GOM capacity in food security and poverty analysis. Environmental Assessment Cateaory C. mistry of Works, 25.0 National Water Development - Project Consultant selection A water services sector ter Department (IDA) seeks to improve integrated development under way for water study for which a PPF has of the sector and promote efficient services sector study. been approved is nationwide management and use of water. precedent to project Environmental Assessment Cateor B. identification. nistry of 55.0 Trade and Distribution Adjustment - Consulting services will Project under nance (IDA) Final phase of adjustment program with be required. preparation. amphasis on rationalization of trade and (Cofinancng of about distribution sectors and completion of US$70.0 million will be liberalisation of domestic transport, required.) Environmental Assessment Catapory C. - 20 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processin Agency ' Lender Project a Consulting Services Action on Procurem NALAWI (Cont'd) Ministry of 37.0 (R) Institutional Development II (ID II) Consulting services will Appraisal mission Finance (IDA) - Project will continue the efforts be required. scheduled for May begun under (ID I) to strengthen Government capacity for economic and financial management, and to support the Government program to improve the public sector. Environmental Assessment Category C. Ministry of 25.0 Financial Services - Project will Consulting services will Negotiations tental Agriculture (IDA) increase agricultural production and be required. scheduled for Jan= other productive rural activities by 1993. providing financial and technical (Cofinancing of abi support services, and additional credit US$10.0 million vil for rural enterprise assistance. required.) Government will strive toward improving the policy and institutional'framework for rural financial intermediation. Environmental Assessment Category C. Ministry of 40.0 Agricultural Services - Will continue Consulting services will Negotiations schedi Agriculture (IDA) support for strengthening smallholder be required. for March 1993. services on a national level and build (Cofinancing of abc an and further reform current programs US$5.0 million will to improve the national research, required.) extension, and key inputs (especially fertilizers and seeds), and credit services to alleviate poverty and food insecurity through increased agricultural productivity of an increased proportion of smallholders. It is unlikely that proiect will result in significant environmental imoact: Proiect will support integrated pest management. Environmental Assessment Category B. MALI To be determined 20.0 (N) Agro-processing and Trading Consulting services will Project under (IDA) Promotion - To enhance the value of be required. preparation. Malian agricultural products, promote growth in the industrial or artisanal sector by encouraging private investment in agro-processing and trading activities. Total project cost estimated at US$25.0 million. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. Institut 50.0 Agricultural Research - To strengthen Consultant will be Project under d'Economie Rurale (IDA) crop, livestock, forestry, and natural required. Estimated at preparation. (IER) resource management research nationwide. 200 staffweeks. (Cofinancing will b Total project cost estimated at required possibly i US$50.0 million. Environmental FAC, the Netherland Assessment Catesorv C. USAID.) - 21 - lember Country, Amount & CMplementing Probable Stage of Processing and gency a Lander Project s Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 (Cont'd) linistere Delegue 10.0 (R) Private Sector Assistance - The Consultants have been Approved by the Executive la Promotion de (IDA) project will include the following: used to prepare project. Directors on November 12, 'Initiative (a) regulatory - would complete Additional consulting 1992. Privee implementation of recent reforms, services will be upgrade the national accounting plan and required. modernize legal texts on corporate rights rights and bankruptcyl (b) institutional support - would provide technical support to private enterprises through a private agency and strengthen the Chamber of Commerce and Industryl (c) studies - would explore the potential for initiating mutual savings and credit schemesa (d) communications - would disseminate information on business services. Environmental Assessment Category C. inistry of Public 85.0 Infrastructure/Transport Sector - Would Consultants will be Preparation under way. lorks and (IDA) support preparation of comprehen-sive required for preparing ransport three year investment program focusing the different project on maintenance of existing infrastruc- components ture and improved management of sector (15 staffweeks). parastatals, based on detailed action plans. The problem of urban and interurbanlinternational transport would be addressed. Total project cost is US$85.0 million. Environmental Assessment Category B. linistry of 35.0 (R) Irrigation Promotion - Promotion of Consultants will be Pre-appraisal mission kgriculture, (IDA) private irrigation and selected required. Estimated at postponed until February Lvestock and rehabilitation of some publicly 200 staffweeks. 1993. Project 'rvironment constructed irrigation schemes. Total preparation will only project cost estimated at begin when preliminary US$40.0 million. Environmental studies on irrigation Assessment CategorY A. have been completed by a working group in the Malian Ministry of Agriculture, as agreed with FAOICP. A PPF has been processed to fund preparation activities through local consultants. (Cofinancing will be required. Ponsibly from KfM and FED.) inistryof Rural 20.0 Agricultural SECAL II - Project is a Consulting services will Project under evelopment (IDA) continuation of Agricultural SECAL I. be required. preparation. Implementation of reform in the area of land reform, rural credit, irrigation management, food security and institutional strengthening. Total project cost estimated at US$50.0 million. Environmental Assessment Category C. - 22 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing Agency ' Lander Project Consulting Services Action on Procuremen NAURTANI1A (Cont'd) Ministry of Plan/ 12.0 (R) Construction Capacity and Employment To be determined. Negotiations completo AMEXTIPE (IDA) - Project will carry out labor-based (A PPF of US$125,000 works for the Ministry of Works and the approved April 3, 191 City Council of Nouakchott. Would also assist in financing reform and streamline procedures for preparation activitif contract management, and develop the A PPF of US$700,000 i domestic construction industry. Total approved on Septembei project cost is US$20.0 million. 1992.) Environmental Assessment Category B. To be determined 17.0 Agricultural Services - Improvement of Consultants will be Project under (IDA) research and extension, possibly also required. Estimated at preparation. crop protection and agricultural 150 staffweeks. (Cofinancing from BN education nationwide. Total project (Germany), and FAC cost estimated at US$25.0 million. (France) possible.) Environmental Assessment Category C. To be determined 17.0 Irrigation Promotion - Development of Consultants will be Project preparation I (IDA) private irrigation plus selected required. Estimated at expected to take plac rehabilitation of publicly constructed 100 staffweeks. when all conditions i irrtgation schemes. Total project cost release of agricultus estimated at US$40.0 million. Secal second tranche Environmental Assessment Category A. been met. (Cofinancing will be required. Possibly f KfW and PED.) MARIIUS Ministry of 10.0 (N) Science and Technology - The project To be determined. Project is in the ver Finance (Bank) will aim to improve achievement in first stage of science and mathematics and build a preparation. EPS to I capacity to select, adapt and apply new issued March 1993. technologies. Environmental Assessment Category C. Ministry of 10.0 (R) Environmental Development II - To be determined. Project to be identifl Environment and (Bank) Project would follow up on the Quality,of Life Environmental Development I Project and finance priority water supply and savage works and structures of the Environment Investment Program. Environmental Assessment Cateory: To Be Determined. Ministry of 20.0 (R) Education Sector - Project will Consultants have been Project under Education and (Bank) improve quality of basic education, make identified. preparation. Pre- Science the system more relevant to the rapid negotiations mission I economic and industrial diversification, in the field. remove inequities, and raise efficiency in the management of the education sector. Environmental Assessment Catezory C. -23 - tember Country, Amount & mplementing Probable Stage of Processing and Bency - Lander Project I Consulting Services Action on Procurement ' linistries of 154.0 (R) Second Road and Coastal Shipping Consulting services will Pre-appraioal mission Construction, (IDA) (ROCS II) - Project provides for the be required for scheduled for February Transport and (a) rehabilitation and maintenance of engineering, technical 1993. Finance selected sections of the feeder road assistance and civil (Cofinancing of about network and primary roads connecting to works. US$66.0 million will be coastal shipping ports; (b) continuation received from A£DB, of transport institutional building BADEA, EEC, SIDA, and introduced under ROCS I; and (c) road USAID and US$55.0 million transport improvement and the second from the Government.) phase of small part rehabilitation and efficiency improvements. Total project cost is US$275.0 million. Environmental Assessment CateEorv B. inistry of State 15.5 Capacity Building, Public Sector and Consulting services will Approved by the Executive Ldministration/ (IDA) Legal Institutions Development - To be required. Directors on November 19, inistry of create expanded development .capacity 1992. lustice with special emphasis on the public sector project including the following i components: (a) donor-supported incentives for senior civil servants; (b) strengthening public administration and management development and (c) strengthening of legal institutions and legal skills training. Environmental Assessment Category C. inistry of Health 75.0 (R) Second Health and Nutrition - Consulting services will Project under (IDA) Project will support health services be required. preparation. Appraisal delivery in rural areas and development mission scheduled for of institutional capacity including July 1993. strengthening health program management and planning, technical assistance and training and improved implementation in collaboration with NG0s. Project funds for: (a) rehabilitation equipment for health posts and rural hospitals; (b) limited support for urban health infrastructure Cc) health manpower training; Cd) drugs and medical supplies availability and distribution and (e) support for management improvements at central and district level. Environmental Assessment Category C. ational Planning 6.3 (R) Food Security Capacity Building - To Consulting services will Negotiations tentatively unmission (CNP) (IDA) gradually increase, within low financial be required. scheduled for January and human resource availability, the 1993. Appraisal report capacity within institutions, to under preparation. understand the nature and magnitude of (Cofinancing will be the country's food security problems, required.) the main affected groups, methods used to measure food security, and types of policies/activities needed to begin addressing identified issues. Environmental Assessment Category C. - 24 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing Agency ' Lender Project s Consulting Services Action on Procuremes MDEAMBIOUE (Cont'd) Ministry of 9.3 (R) Maputo Corridor - Project will Financial advisory Negotiations complet Transport and (IDA) support a two-phase program to privatize (investment banking), Board presentation Communications the provision of service on the Maputo legal and environmental scheduled for Januar Corridor. Under the first phase, the consultancy services 1993. performance potential of the system and will be required. the potential mix of private sector and public sector participation will be assessed. The second phase will support transactions to effect the agreed scope of private sector investment. Environmental Assessment Category C. Banco de 170.0 Mogambique Financial Sector Adjustment - Consulting services will Pre-appraisal missia Mogambique/ (IDA) To provide balance of payments support be required in the areas scheduled for Februn Ministry of for the financial sector reform program of informal credit, 1993. Finance including strengthening of the Central commercial banking, bank Bank, development of monetary policy restructuring, instruments of control, and insurance, exchange restructuring of the state owned control and other areas. commercial banks and development of competition in the banking sector. Environmental Assessment Category C. Government of 22.0 (R) Rural Rehabilitation - Consultant completing Negotiations scheduli Mozambique (IDA) Rehabilitation of rural infrastructure appraisal reports. for February 1993. and productive structures, and (Possible financing; reactivate production services in the Global Environme restricted number of PDP districts. Facility (GEF) -- Sel Project components would include: Annex II.) (a) reconstruction/rehabilitation of rural infrastructurea (b) support to return of war refugees and (c) technical assistance. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of 48.6 Capacity Building: Human Resources Consulting services Approved by the Esei Education/Eduardo (IDA) Development - To create expanded ongoing. Directors on Novembe Mondlane development capacity with special 1992. University emphasis on the public sector. Project includes the following components: (a) selected improvements at the universityl and (b) rehabilitation and quality improvement of secondary education. The project would entail policy reforms in the areas of public pay and employment. Environmental Assessment Category C. Ministry of State 14.0 (R) Local Government - Engineering Consulting services Post appraisal complo Administration & (IDA) credit will provide: (a) technical ongoing. Ministry of assistance and training for Construction and institutional and financial Water dencentralization of local governments (b) technical assistance and financial support for and urban environmental rehabilitations and (c) financing for municipal or districts governments for specific infrastructure and services needs. Probable total cost US$20.0 million. Environmental Assessment Category C. - 25 - ber Country, Amount & lamenting Probable Stage of Processing and 1ncy- Lender 2 Project Consulting Services Action on Procurement * be determined 35.0 Water II - Strengthening of the Water To be determined. Project under (IDA) Supply Authority (SUE) in management and preparation. cost recovery and long term planning - aspects. Financing SUE's investment program with other doners. Total project cost is US$35.0 million. Environmental Assessment Category B. I-Governmental 10.2 Private Irrigation - Development of Consultants will be Negotiations scheduled ncy (IDA) private irrigation (a) small-scale, by required. Estimated at for February 1993. low-lift pumping from shallow aquiferst 38 staffweeks. (Cofinancing with CCCE (b) large-scale, by pumping from the (France).) Niger River. Total project cost estimated at US$13.5 million. Environmental Assessment Category B. Listry of Plan 20.0 Municipal Infrastructure - The project Consultant will be Project under (IDA) will strengthen technical capabilities required for project preparation. of municipalities and their ability to preparation, technical mobilize local resources, increase assistance for design productivity of self-employed artisans and supervision of and micro-enterprises. Total project works, training and for cost is US$50.0 million. Environmental studies. Assessment Category B. istere de 25.0 Human Resources SECAL - Continued Consultants will be Negotiations date to be cation (IDA) support to expand and improve quality of required during determined in light of ionale primary education; restructuring of implementation. progress of discussions technical and vocational education and with Government regarding consolidation and quality improvement in policy reform package. higher education. Environmental (Possibility of co- Assessment Category C. financing from CIDA, FAC, Germany, the Netherlands and Norway.) be determined 51.1 SAL II - Support further adjustment of To be determined. Project identification (IDA) the economy by extending policy changes will commence when to new areas such as industry and trade, situation permits. and the banking sector while deepening civil service reform in agriculture and public resource management. Environmental Assessment Categorv C. Lstere de 16.6 Natural Resource Management - Finance a Consultants will be Project under Iriculture at (IDA) wide range of natural resources required. Estimated at preparation. L'Elevage management activities at village, 400 staffweeks. (Cofinancing with CCCE departmental and national levels. This (France), NORAD (Norway), will include field operations, training, and USAID (US), DANIDA data collection and analysis and (Denmark), and GTE institutional development. Total (Germany).) project cost estimated at US$27.0 million. The project has been specifically designed to have a strongly positive environmental impact. Environmental Assessment Category C. - 26 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stase of Processing Agency Lender Project ' Consulting Services Action on Procurems NIGER (Cont'd) Ministry of Public 30.0 Transport Sector II - Project objectives Consultants required to Negotiations tentat Works; Ministry of (IDA) are: (a) to redirect public expenditure design and supervise rescheduled for May Transport in road sector to maintenances (b) to road works, elaborate increase user cost recoveryo and (c) to and support execution of consolidate institutional building action plans for achivements. The project will finance a improving transport and three-year tranche of investments and a promote local maintenance program. Total project cost contractors, and provide US$193.5 million. Environmental technical assistance to Assessment Categorv B. institutional development. NIGERIA To be determined 150.0 (R) Gas (GEF) - Project will reduce Consulting services will Appraisal mission (Bank) greenhouse gases emissions/global be required for studies scheduled for Janua warming by reducing current flaring of and technical 1993. natural gas. Environmental Assessment assistance. (Possible financing Catesory: To Be Determined. the Global Environr Facility (GEF) -- a Annex II.) Federal Ministry 120.0 (R) Health System Fund II - Project To be determined. Project under of Health (IDA) seeks to: (a) improve the primary and preparation. health care system through rehabilitation of existing facilities; (b) establish a national health equipment and repair systems and (c) improve health management and administration at the federal, state and local government levels. Environmental Assessment Category C. Federal Ministry 100.0 Secondary Education - Support to To be determined. Appraisal mission of Education (IDA) Government's education development scheduled for April program for: (a) upgrading the quality of secondary educations (b) moving towards universal basic educations (c) improving resource allocation, distribution and uses (d) strengthening planning and managements and (e) institutional development. Environmental Assessment Category C. Federal Ministry 20.0 Economic Management - To provide To be determined. Approved by the Exet of Finance (IDA) technical assistance to agencies Directors on Novembi implementing the Government's structural 1992. adjustment program, particularly in the areas of: (a) revenue collection and expenditure controlas (b) financial sector managements and (c) implementa- tion of the privatization and comercialization process. To also carry out studies in the areas of modifying the VAT, a tariff study, debt repayment options, taxation privatization and commercialization poverty and electricity tariffs. Environmental Assessment Catemorv C. - 27 - tember Country, Amount & mplementing Probable Stage of Processing and gency Lender * Project Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 fIGERIA Cont'd) 'ederal Ministry 93.4 (R) State Roads II - Upgrading, For provision of Appraisal mission if Works and (IDA) rehabilitation and maintenance of state technical personnel, completed. Negotiations ousing and State roads in Oyo and Osun States with design and supervision under way. inistries of limited construction of new roads. of civil works. orks Technical assistance to State Ministries of Works for strengthening planning, management and accounting function. Environmental Assessment Categorv B. agos/State 60.0 (R) Lagos Drainage and Sanitation - Consulting services will Appraisal mission inistry of (IDA) Investments in stormwater drainage. be required for studies, completed. Negotiations avironment and Technical assistance could provide technical assistance and tentatively scheduled for hysical Planning institutional support and strengthening, supervision of January 1993. particularly in the fields of management construction. and design and operation of sanitary landfillas improvement of maintenance of stormwater drainage system; design of pilot urban renewal and planning of further developments; further development and design of sanitary sewerage investments, where feasible; further stormwater drainage designs improved revenue generation measures; managements. Environmental Assessment Category B. Lnistry of Works 50.0 Lagos Urban Transport - To improve Consulting services have Project preparation under ad Transport (Bank) supply and productivity of urban been secured. way. Pro-appraisal Lagos State 25.0 transport. Project would support: mission scheduled for avernment) (IDA) (a) improvements in efficiency of January 1993. transport infrastructure through priority road maintenance and rehabilitation, and traffic management and traffic flows enforcement; (b) facilitate integration of urban transport elements and reduce traffic congestion and (c) support institutional reforms and human resource development. Environmental Assessment Category B. Igerian Railway 150.0 (R) Railways - The main objectives of Consulting services will Appraisal mission 3rporation (Bank) the project are to support the be required. scheduled for late reorganizational reform of NRC and to January 1993. finance a rehabilitation and commer- cialization program (locomotives, wagons, track, telecommunications, workshops). The project will support the commercialization program including financial restructuring, and improvements in its organization, corporate planning, and operational capabilities. Environmental Assessment Category B. -deral Ministry 8.0 (R) Development Communication - Support Consultants will be Appraisal completed. I Information (IDA) to pro-school education including required for upgrading Negotiations under way. instructional programming; and building studios, program capacity for IEC activities. development, monitoring Environmental Assessment Category C. and evaluation, and supporting research. - 28 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing Agency ' Lender 2 Project Consulting Services Action on Procuremez NIGERIA (Cont'd) National Electric 150.0 (R) Power VIII - Rehabilitation of Consultants will be Appraisal completed. Power Authority (Bank) generation, (KAINJI Hydroelectric Power required. Negotiations tentati Station), transmission and distribution scheduled for May 19 facilities. Expansion of transmission and distribution network. Environmental Assessment Category B. Federal Government 101.0 (R) State Water I - Program of physical Consultants for Approved by the Exec of Nigeria, Kaduna (IDA) rehabilitation, expansion, improved engineering design and Directors on May 28, and Kataina State operation and maintenance practices, construction supervision 1992. Credit was ai Water Boards investment planning and financial technical assistance on December 14, 1992 management, and manpower development to have been shortlisted. Improve access to public water supply in Kaduna and Katsina States. Environmental Assessment completed. Environmental Assessment Category B. RNANDA Ministry of Public 34.7 (R) Water Supply III - Project will Consulting services will Project under Works, Energy and (IDA) consist of: (a) assistance to the be required for preparation. Water privatization of the operation of urban components (a), (b), and water suppply systems and extension of (c). Preparation the water facilities; (b) sanitation and studies are being storm drainage of water of the capital carried out under the city, Kigali; (c) strengthening of the Public Sector Management Directorate of Water and Sanitation; and Project (Cr. 1796-RW). (d) rehabilitation and expansion of rural water supply schemes throughout the country. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of Health 10.4 (R) Drug Sector Rehabilitation - Project Consultant bidding in Project under (IDA) seeks to: (a) make essential drugs process for selection of preparation. physically and financially accessible to consulting firm. the majority of the population; (b) increase the efficiency of the drug supply and distribution; and (c) improve the quality of drug prescriptions and use. Environmental Assessment Category Central Bank, 31.1 (R) Private Sector Development - Will Consulting services will Appraisal report undi Ministry of (IDA) provide funds to finance: (a) private be required. preparation. Commerce and investment through eligible financial Industry (MCI), intermediaries via BNR as APEX Ministry of Public institutions; and (b) a multi-faceted Works, Banque technical assistance to MCI and private Nationale Rwanda entrepreneurs. Environmental Assessment (BNR) Category B. Ministry of 21.3 Agricultural Research II - Follow up Consulting services will Yellow cover appraist Agriculture, (IDA) effort to support implementation of be required. report under preparat Institut des national agricultural research program. Sciences Strengthening of research, extension Agronomiques linkages, and institutional reform. (ISAR) Total project cost is US$30.0 million. Environmental Assessment Category B. - 29 - aber Country, Amount & 1lementing Probable Stage of Processing and Incy Lender 2 Project Consulting Services Action on Procurement OEDA 'nt'd) istry of Public 51.8 (R) Energy Sector - Rehabilitation-MV Consulting services will Negotiations completed. s, Energy and (IDA) transmission and distribution networks; be required. Board presentation iculture and distribution expansion based on policies Invitations for pre- scheduled for January 12, 'CTROGAZ (public to improve affordability; and assistance qualification have been 1993. lity) to ELECTROGAZ in restructuring and published through An IDA PPF advance of strengthening of power planning. Business Development US$750,000 vas approved Environmental Assessment Category B. Report at the request of to finance expenses to the Government. complete preparation of project. Istries of 41.4 Agricultural Sector Adjustment - Will To be determined. Appraisal report under n, Agriculture, (IDA) promote market integration and preparation. merce and diversification of agro-exports. Will ustry also increase efficiency of agro- processing, improve input supply and rationalize the enabling environment for agro-industrial investment and production. Environmental Assessment Cateixory C. tral Bank of 41.4 Financial Sector - Project would support Consulting services will Project under Inda, Ministry (IDA) a financial sector program and other be required. preparation. Finance policy reforms in the incentive and regulatory framework to encourage private sector investment and exports. Environmental Assessment Category C. ECAL be determined 63.0 Transport II - Project will focus on: To be determined. Identification under way. (IDA) (a) urban and national road rehabilitation and maintenance; (b) urban transport planning and operational improvements; (c) road safety; and (d) interregional transport facilitation. Total project cost is US$80.0 million. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. e determined 30.0 Agricultural Services II - Project is a Consulting services will Project under (IDA) continuation of Agricultural Services I be required. Estimated preparation. focussing on crop protection and at 200 staffveeks. agricultural education, in addition to extension and functional literacy. Total project cost estimated at US$40.0 million. Environmental Assessment Category B. Latry of 30.0 Urban IV - The project will finance To be determined. Project under Lnce and Plan (IDA) civil works, goods and consultants to preparation. execute its three main components: (a) institutional development, including technical assistance, training and equipment; (b) physical investments, Including public infrastructure and facilities; and (c) project management for recurrent costs of project Implementation. Total project cost is US$59.0 million. Environmental Assessment Categor A. - 30 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Proceass Agency Lender Project ' Consulting Services Action on Procurea SENEGAL (Cont'd) To be determined 70.0 Public Sector Resources Management - Consulting services will Project to be iden (IDA) Policy Reforms encompassing expenditure be required. restructuring in 'priority sectors' health, water, roads, agriculture); improvements in programming and control procedures; streamlining interagency payment systems; and tackling problems of overhang of Government arrears to the private sector. Other actions to be identified. Environmental Assessment Category C. To be determined 20.0 Private Sector Development - Technical Consultants will be Project under (IDA) assistance to small scale private required. preparation. enterprises and private sector support institutions for upgrading of their operations. Establishment of industrial estates for small enterprises. Promotion of equity finance. Policy reforms to improve regulatory environment and facilitate the development of small scale enterprises. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministere du 15.0 Natural Resources Management - Promotion Consultants will be Project under Developpement (IDA) of policy changes conducive to more required. Estimated at preparation. Rural, Ministere sustainable land use throughout the 100 staffweeks. (Cofinancing expect de la Protection country, and implementation of land use with CCCE and FAC de la Nature, plans with village and herder (France), and with Ministere des associations. Total project cost Norway.) Resources Animales estimated at US$30.0 million. Project is specifically designed to have a strong positive environmental impact. Environmental Assessment Category C. Ministry of Rural 30.0 Agriculture SECAL - Deepen structural Consultants will be Policy discussions Development and (IDA) adjustment through further reforms in required. Estimated at ongoing. Appraisal SONACOS pricing policy, marketing and input 200 staffweeks. negotiations postpa distribution, credit, natural resources a result of a lack management and tenure, staff training Government agreemen and career development. Total project goundaut subsector cost estimated at US$100.0 million. package acceptable Environmental Assessment Category C. donors. An IDA Project Preparation Facilit advance of US$500,0 approved for projec preparation. (Cofinancing expect, with CCCE for US$18.5 million Us for US$20.0 million for US$25.0 million KfN for US$11.5 mil: - 31 - aber Country, Amount & plementing Probable Stage of Processing and ancy Lender 2 Project s Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 MEAL nt' d) iistry of Rural 30.0 Water III - A five year tranche of Feasibility studies are Project under ;elopment and (IDA) sector investment plan which will completed. Consultants preparation. Iraulics improve sector management, strengthen for detailed studies and (Cofinancing will be financial discipline, reduce sector technical assistance required.) dependence on the Government budget, will be required after strengthen sewerage subsector, improve appraisal. rural water supply operation and maintenance, and limit water shortages in the greater Dakar area. Total project cost estimated at US$298.0 million. Environmental Assessment Category B. mistry of 50.0 Human Resources Development II - The Consultant services and Appraisal completed. cation (IDA) project will support policy reforms technical assistance Negotiations tentatively designed to promote more efficient will be required. scheduled for January resource use in the education sector; 1993. improve access to, and the content and quality of, primary educationt restructure vocational trainins and enhance the effectiveness, relevance, and quality of higher education. Within this framework, the project will finance functional literacy training primary school construction and maintenance, teacher training, provision of textbooks, strengthening of administration and management of primary and secondary schools. Environmental Assessment Category C. rCHELI.ES mistry of 4.5 (R) Environment and Transport - Road Consulting services will Board presentation vironment, (IBRD) rehabilitation and maintenancei be required. scheduled for onomic Planning implementation of Environment Management December 22, 1992. & External Plan. Environmental Assessment Category (Financing from the lations B. Global Environment Facility (GEF) - see Annex II.) nistry of 10.0 Technical Assistance - Assistance to the Consulting services will Negotiations completed. nance, (IDA) Government to improve capacity for be required. Approved by the Executive velopment and fiscal management and implementation of Directors on November 19, onomic Planning civil reform. Environmental Assessment 1992. Category C. nistry of Works 50.0 (R) Roads Rehabilitation and Maintenance Consulting services will Negotiations completed. (IDA) - Rehabilitation of gravel and paved be required for Board presentation roads, and strengthening road technical assistance and scheduled for maintenance institutions. Environmental supervision of works.. December 22, 1992. Assessment Category B. - 32 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processi: Agency Lender 2 Project Consulting Services Action on Procurei SIERRA LEONE (Cont'd) National Power 21.0 (R) Power Rehabilitation - Assist NPA Consultant services will Approved by the Ez Authority (NPA) (IDA) with rehabilitation of generation, sub- be required for Directors on April transmission and distribution facilities construction supervision 1992. Credit was in the Western area, and help establish and institutional on November 25, 1S the basis for NPA to become an building. Technical assistar autonomous and commercially viable financed under PPE utility. Environmental Assessment Category B. Procurement: Proc is starting with a engineering servic contract and the management contrac SWAZILAND Ministry of 18.0 (R) Urban I - Improvement of primary Consulting services will Project under Housing and (Bank) infrastructure to urban centers. be required for preparation. Pre- Township Rehabilitation of industrial estate construction supervision appraisal mission Development infrastructure, provision of serviced and institutional scheduled for Janu residential plots and upgrading of building. 1993. settlements. Environmental Assessment (Cofinancing of Category B. US$22.0 million wi required.) TANZAI Ministry of 35.0 (N) Agricultural Sector Management - The To be determined. Project has recent Agriculture (IDA) project will support institutional identified. strengthening necessary to enhance agricultural policy formulation and implementation, agricultural information systems and rationalization of agricultural services. Environmental Assessment Category C. Ministry of 20.0 (N) Private Public Sector Management To be determined. Preparation under i Finance (IDA) (Technical Assistance) - Provision of technical assistance and institutional support to the Government's Public Sector Reform Commission (PSRC) and for civil service reform. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. To be determined 20.0 Mining Technical Assistance - The To be determined. Identification undE (IDA) project will assist the Government in designing and implementing reforms to encourage sound mining sector development. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. Ministry of Works 150.0 Roads II - The project will include: Technical assistance Project under (IDA) (a) rehabilitation and upgrading of high will be required for: preparation. Donor priority trunk and regional roads and (a) construction conference tentativ bridges; (b) rural roads rehabilitation supervision and scheduled for Febru and maintenance works including (b) management and 1993. provision of small items of equipment: institution building and (c) technical assistance to advisory services. strengthen sector planning and management. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. - 33 - ember Country, Amount & mplementing Probable Stage of Processing and .ency ' Lender Project Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 Cont'd) be determined 50.0 Private Sector (Enterprise) Consulting services will Project under (IDA) Development - To provide funds and be required for project preparation. technical assistance for promotion and preparation and development of private enterprises. implementation. Environmental Assessment Category B. linistry of 150.0 (R) Public Sector Adjustment - To Consulting services will Appraisal mission is inance (IDA) support overall macro-economic reforms, be required during currentlly in the field. and to assist in restructuring of the preparation and (Cofinancing of about parastatals sector, including public implementation. US$50.0 million will be enterprise privatization; restructuring required.) and retrenchment of the civil service, and macro-economic adjustment. Environmental Assessment Category C. ffice of the 50.0 Urban Infrastructure Rehabilitation - Consulting services will Identification under way. rime Minister and (IDA) Rehabilitation, maintenance, and be required for irst Vice selected expansion of the infrastructure construction/rehabili- !resident stock in major urban areas. tation of sites/ Environmental Assessment CategorX B. services, roads, water and other local government services. 1inistry of 100.0 (R) Education Sector Development - The Consulting services will Identification under way. ducation and (IDA) project will focus on reform measures to be required. ture the education sector to include financing of education; teacher formation; management of the system; and .curriculum and instructional materials. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. rime Minister's 50.0 (R) Rural Social Services - Consulting services will Identification will be £fice (IDA) Strengthening of district level social be required. undertaken in FY93-94. services including health, nutrition, education and populations building up policy formulation and implementation capacity of district governments. Environmental Assessment Category C. overnment of 70.0 (R) Telecossmunications III - The Consulting services Yellow cover Staff anzaia (IDA) project's objectives are to: (a) required for engineering Appraisal Report to be develop TPTC's management and planning and issued. Negotiations implementation capabilities to achieve Implementation, tentatively scheduled for its target for system expansion, financial management, January 1993. rationalization and quality improvements computerization, (Cofinancing of about (b) improve financial performance; and operations and training. US$115.0 million has been (c) establish a regulatory framework and confirmed. Approximately promote private sector participation. US$70.0 million is to be The project will support TPTC's confirmed.) institutional Development Program and rehabilitation and expansion plans. Environmental mitigation Plan completed. Environmental Assessment Category B. 1ANESCO 200.0 (R) Energy (Power VI) - Additional power Consultant services will Yellow cover staff (IDA) generation scheme and associated be required. appraisal report has been transmission line, rehabilitation and issued. Negotiations expansion of existing distribution tentatively scheduled for facilities and rehabilitation of Kidgtu January 18, 1992. hydroelectric station. Institutional (Coftnancing will be reforms and studies. Environmental required.) studies completed. Environmental Assessment Category A. - 34 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing Agency Lender ' Project s Consulting Services Action on Procure TOGO RNET/Direction de 19.0 Second Water Supply - Project will Consulting services will Pro-appraisal missi 1'Eydraulique (IDA) finance a slice of the investment be required for detailed tentatively schedul program for the expansion of the Lome design and supervision, April 1993. water system. It will support the environmental assessment establishment of a sound water resource and socio-economic management framework, decentralization studies. of rural water services and the improvement of services to the poor. Environmental Assessment Category A. Ministere do 4.6 Education Management - Project will Consulting services will Negotiations tentat: 'Education (IDA) strengthen the sector's capacity to be required. Experts scheduled for Januai Nationale et de la implement the Education Ministry's will be needed in the 1993. Recherche sector reform strategy. Will focus on: areas of public Scientifique (a) monitoring and analysis of school management and processes and student learningi administration, (b) programming, budgeting and budget budgetary programing monitoring; (c) developing information and school-level systems; and (d) consolidating gains research. from an ongoing ministerial restructuring. Technical advisers will emphasize skills transfer and in-service training. Environmental Assessment Category C. Ministry of 22.2 Lome Urban Development - Project is Consulting services will Negotiations tentatS Equipment and (IDA) designed to: (a) improve sanitary and be required for project scheduled for March Posts and social conditions in high density areas; implementation. Telecommunications (b) improve basic infrastructures to support the functioning of Lome Urban activities; (c) create a financially viable municipal administration; (d) introduce sound practices in management of the urban environment; and (e) expand the Social Dimension of Adjustment in the capital city. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministere de 27.0 Education Sector Adjustment - To Consulting services will Pre-appraisal missio l'Education (IDA) strengthen sector management, improve be required. scheduled for June 1 Nationale et de la internal efficiency of educational Recherche system, improve resource allocation and Scientifique revitalize basic education through an emphasis an school level improvement in the quality of teaching and learning. Environmental Assessment Cateaory C. Ministry of Rural 10.5 Agricultural Services Rehabilitation - Consulting services may A re-appraisal will I Development (IDA) Reorganization of General Agricultural be required during place in January 199' Support Services including technical project implementation. Supplementary studio; support services, seed production, have been requested I applied research and cooperative EEC, interested in development. Environmental Assessment cofinancing the proje Category C. - 35 - 6ber Country, Amount & flementing Probable Stage of Processing and lency Lender I Project s Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 AIDA of Uganda 120.0 Financial Sector Adjustment II - The Consulting services will Identification under way. (IDA) proposed FSAC II would consolidate the be required. achievements of FSAC I and move towards the second phase of sector adjustment, with an enhanced program of policy and institutional reforms aimed at further deepening, diversifying and strengthening the financial sector. Environmental Assessment Category C. aistry of. 40.0 Export Promotion and Development - To be determined. Project identification hmerce, Industry (IDA) Project will support industrial completed. & Cooperatives restructuring with a focus on public and private enterprise development. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. histry of 15.0 Agricultural Extension - The project Long term consultant Approved by the Executive riculture, (IDA) includes financing of: (a) improvement appointed under PPF. Directors on I Industry of extension services through transport, A few short term September 29, 1992. Fisheries . equipment, rehabilitation of facilities consultants would be and operating costs; (b) training of required during staff and farmers and improvement of implementation. training facilities and capacityl (c) demonstration of improved techniques; (d) improved management facilities and systems; and (e) studies on efficiency and impact of technology transfer mechanisms and design of a follow up project. Environmental Assessment Category B. aistry of 25.0 (R) Agricultural Research and Training - To be determined. Negotiations completed. riculture, (IDA) The project would: (a) strengthen Approved by the Executive ILmal Industry research through organizational Directors on December 15, I Fisheries improvements, rehabilitation of main 1992. "tional institutes, staff development; ricultural (b) finance priority adaptive research Iearch and (c) strengthen capacity for lanization) . agricultural education and training. Environmental Assessment Category B. ristry of Water, 40.0 Small Towns Water and Sanitation - Water Consulting services Pre-appraisal mission Irgy, Minerals (IDA) supply and sanitation. Environmental required for design and completed and July 1992. 1 Environment Assessment Category B. supervision. Appraisal mission tection scheduled for April 1993. istry of Works, 60.0 Transport Rehabilitation - Project Twinning arrangements or Project preparation under tistry of Local (IDA) would: (a) assist in rehabilitation and consulting services will way. ernment, and - maintenance of highways; (b) improve be required for anda Railways rural feeder road accessibility institutional rporation (c) strengthen marine services of Uganda strengthening of MOWTC, Railways; and (d) help restore safety MOLG and URCI detailed provisions at Entebbe Airport. engineering of roads; Environmental Assessment Category B. supervision and preparing a road maintenance program. tistry of About (R) Financial Sector Adjustment Credit-I To be determined. Negotiations tentatively aance and 110.0 - To provide support for reform of scheduled for January Inomic Planning (IDA) financial sector policies and 1993. FEP) and restructuring of key financial tral Bank (BOU) institutions. Environmental Assessment CategoEry C. - 36 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processi Agency Lender 2 Project Consulting Services Action on Procure UGANDA (Cont'd) Ministry of 50.0 Education V - Action would support To be determined. Appraisal mission Education (MOE) (IDA) implementation of education completed. Avait reconstruction and development focussing conditions for on primary schools and related teacher negotiations to be training colleges, quality improvements, and strengthening capacity. Environmental Assessment Category C. Ministries of 50.0 (R) Community Health and AIDS - Project To be determined. Project identifica Local Government, (IDA) to further develop rural/district health and preparation mi. Health, and services. The project will also include completed. Furthe Finance and AIDS, northern health and population preparation of com Planning components. Environmental Assessment is under way. Category C. ZAMBIA Ministries of 18.0 (N) Financial and Legal Management Consulting services will Appraisal mission Legal Affairs and (IDA) Upgrade - Capacity building through be required for training scheduled for Febr Lands, Zambia training and other support to the and limited short-term 1993. Inst. of Certified implementing agencies. Environmental studies. Accountants, Assessment Category: To Be Determined. National Tender Board, Copperbelt University (Accounting Dept.) Tazama Pipelines, 20.0 Petroleum Rehabilitation - Project will Consulting services will Appraisal mission p Indeni Refinery (IDA) include the following: (a) rehabilita- be required for pipeline for March 1993. and Zimoil tion of Tazama Oil Pipeline; (b) energy engineering supervision efficiency measures at Indeni Refinery; and construction of (c) construction of bulk petroleum refinery and bulk handling facilities; and petroleum handling (d) institutional strengthening of facilities. petroleum supply companies. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of Health 20.0 Health and Nutrition Rehabilitation - Consulting services will Identification unde: (IDA) Assist with rehabilitation of be required. infrastructure and service delivery systems. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. Ministry of Energy 25.0 (R) Power Rehabilitation - Policy and Consulting services will Preparation under wa and Water (IDA) investment-based sector operation not be required. Development, ZESCO involving policy and institutional reforms and selective investments to rehabilitate, upgrade and expand the power system. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministries of 14.0 (R) Infrastructure Engineering - Consulting services will Appraisal report and Communications and (IDA) Technical assistance and studies to: be required for studies, preparation. Transport, Local (a) prepare road rehabilitation and feasibility analyses, Government and maintenance investment project; and and detailed Housing, and Works (b) design and implement associated engineering. and Supply policy reforms. Environmental Assessment Cateaor7 C. - 37 - ,ember Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing and kgency ' Lender Project Consulting Services Action on Procurement ' Cont'd) linistry of 50.0 Agric-Export Diversification - The Consulting services will Project under I riculture (IDA) objective is to increase production of be required. preparation. agricultural exports in order to diversify the export base from the heavy dependence on the mining sector. Environmental Assessment Category B. inistry of 32.0 Education Rehabilitation - Project will Consulting services will Approved by the Executive ducation (IDA) provide support for the rehabilitation be required for studies Directors on October 27, of the sector including: construction and other assignments. 1992. and rehabilitation of classrooms; (Cofinancing of provision of books and learning US$6.1 million expected.) materials and; the training of education managers. It will also institute mechanisms that will prevent further erosion of the sector. Environmental Assessment Category C. inistry of 33.0 Marketing and Processing - The objective Consulting services will Approved by the Executive 1griculture & (IDA) is to alleviate policy, institutional be required in market Directors on September 8, ater Development and physical constraints on agricultural analysis, rural roads 1992. marketing and input distribution. rehabilitation, (Cofinancing of Environmental Assessment Category B. programming and US$12.5 million provided supervision. by AfDF.) inistry of 125.0 Multisector Adjustment - To extend and Consultant services will Preparation scheduled to inance (IDA) deepen the Government's adjustment be sought. begin January 1993. program by providing imported goods and (Cofinancing of about services, particularly production inputs US$350.0 million will be for recovery. Environmental Assessment required.) Category C. IMBABUE inistry of 125.0 Structural Adjustment II (SAL II) - Consulting services may Project still being inance, Economic (IBRD) Second phase of support for the be required for identified. lanning Government's Structural Adjustment preparation and/or (Cofinancing will be evelopment Program will provide balance of payments project appraisal. required.) support and be conditioned on continued satisfactory progress in reforms, especially in fiscal management, trade liberalization, domestic deregulation, and public enterprise reform. The specific focus of this support is yet to be determined. Environmental Assessment Category C. inistry of 50.0 Telecoms - The purpose of the project is Consulting services will Appraisal report under aformation, Post (IBRD) to develop PTC's management and be required for policy, preparation. ad implementation capacity to achieve finance and engineering. Negotiations tentatively alecommunications sustainable system expansion and scheduled for April 1993. improvement in quality and finances to A PPF advance of improve sector policy environment. The US$1.12 million has been process will support institutional approved to assist with development and rehabilitation and project preparation. expansion plans. Environmental (Cafinancing of about Assessment Category B. US$130.0 million will be required.) - 38 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing Agency Lander a Project a Consulting Services Action on Procureme ZEBABWE (Cont'd) Government of 50.0 Agricultural Services - To improve Consultants completing Negotiations tentat Zimbabwe (IDA) income and household goods security appraisal reports. scheduled for March among households through reforming (Cofinancing of abo agricultural marketing, support to US$5.0 million will research and extension activity, required.) upgrading of livestock support service, and improvement of institutional capacity within the Ministry of Land Agriculture and Rural Resettlement (MLARR). Environmental Assessment Category C. Government/ 20.0 Small and Micro Enterprise Development - To be determined. Appraisal mission Reserve Bank (IBRD) Will provide financial and technical tentatively schedulo assistance to small-scale micro January 1993. enterprises and institution building for (Cofinancing of abot participating financial intermediaries. US$5.0 million will Environmental Assessment Category B. required.) Ministry of 110.0 Power III - Paver interconnections to Consulting services will Appraisal mission Energy/ZESA (IBRD) South Africa and Mozambique. The be required for tentatively schedulo project will also include: supervision of February 1993. (a) operations support, spares and Mozambique line. maintenance services for Hwange Power station; (b) a distribution system reinforcement and extension; (a) institutional support to ZESA. An environmental review of transmisson lines and an environmental action ilan will be required. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of Local 52.0 Urban Transportation - Improvement of Consulting services will Policy issues identi Government and (IBRD) urban transport services through be required. at appraisal under Rural Development 28.0 assistance to bus companies. discussion between t (IDA) Environmental implications are expected Government and the E to be minimal. Environmental Assessment Cateaor B. - 39 - Iember Country, Amount & .plementing Probable Stage of Processing and \gency Lender Project a Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 FRICA REGIONAL o be,determined women In Development (WID) - Project Consulting services may IEPS prepared and deter- will support small enterprises in rural be required for circulated for comments. mined and urban areas as well as support for preparation. (Bank) women's associations and training in Bonin, Cameroon and Cote d'Ivoire. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. overments of 25.0 Regional Power - Develop the hydro Consultants have been Project under enegal, (IDA) project at Manantali and the associated selected and economic preparation. suritania and transmission lines to supply Dakar, feasibility study li (OMVS) Bamako and Nouakchott. Environmental completed. Other rganization pour Assessment Category A. studies to be Ma Hise on Valour undertaken. I Fleuve Senegal ESTERN AFRICA o be determined 7.0 Western Africa Game Ranching Extension - Consulting services will Project under (IDA) The project will support investment in be required. Estimated preparation. carefully selected game ranch at 30 staffweeks. (Cofinancing ia expected operations, including development of from Global Environment roads and tracks, boundary demarcation Facility (GEF) only.) dam construction, firebreaks, anti- poaching operations, staff training and equipment, vehicles and basic management facilities. The type of wildlife utilisation will depend on site characteristics, but may include game viewing, cropping and sport hunting. Total project cost is US$9.5 million. Environmental Assessment Category B. -40 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing Agency Lender Project ' Consulting Services Action on Procureme; II. EAST ASIA AND PACIFIC REGION CAMBODIA Ministry of 75.0 (R) Emergency Rehabilitation - Financing Consulting services will Negotiations tentati Finance (IDA) of key imports needed to operate and be required in public scheduled for mid-Je maintain essential services, and finance expenditure 1993. technical assistance in procurement and control and monitoring, expenditure control. Environmental and procurement. Assessment Category C. CHINA Chang Jian Water 200.0 Yangtze Basin Water Resource - Project Consulting services will Project preparation Resources (IDA) comprises three main components: not be required. way. Commission, Hunan (a) flood forecasting and warning system Province, Hubei to be installed for upper and middle Procurement: Province Yangtze River Basin; (b) water resource International Compet components for Hunan Province to improve Bidding (ICB) requir irrigation drainage and flood control in for medium sized dam four subprojects benefiting about construction. Pre- 300,000 ha: and (c) water resource and qualification and tei agricultural components for Hubei document preparation province in five subprojects benefiting timetable to be about 500,000 ha. Environmental determined. Assessment Category A. Retroactive financin be determined. Ministry of 30.0 (R) Forest Resource Development and Technical assistance in Preparation mission Forestry (Bank) Protection - Project will focus an the resource management and scheduled for Spring 200.0 establishment of 280,000 ha of sector strategy will be 1993. Pre-appraisal (IDA) protection forests on marginal land, and required during mission scheduled foi 500,000 ha of commercial timber preparation. Technical Fall 1993. plantations; Improvement of management assistance requirements (Possible financing of the nature reserve system: and funded under project not (US$20.0 million) frc genetic improvement of planting yet determined. the Global Environmer material; and strengthening of research Facility (GEF) -- see and training. Environmental Assessment Annex II.) Category B. National 55.0 Environmental Technical Assistance - To be determined. Pre-appraisal missiom Environmental (IDA) Project consists of technical assistance the field. Protection Agency for: (a) ecological research and (NEPA), Chinese monitoring network of CAS: (b) streng- Academy of thening management capability and Sciences (CAS) environmental operations of NEPA (monitoring network, MIS, clean technologies/waste minimization program, environmental assessment systems, and human resource development program and (c) selected sector ministries for environmental policy studies (e.g. vehicular air pollution control). Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. - 41 - nber Country, Amount & plementing Probable Stage of Processing and macy Lender Project Consulting Services Action on Procurement 'n d) iistry of 200.0 (R) Fertilizer Restructuring (formerly Consultants advisory Preparation mission amical Industry (Bank) Fertilizer Sector Restructuring) - services will be completed. Project PI)/Yunfu Support to MCI in the implementation of required. preparation under way. oration its overall fertilizer sector strategy, including the development of a large phosphate plant and rehabilitation of medium/small sized plants as well as associated institution building. Environmental Assessment Category A. 't China 257.0 (R) Tianhuangping Hydro (formerly Consulting services will Appraisal report under Satric Power (Bank) Tianhuangping (THP) Hydro) - include engineering preparation. ted Corporation Construction of a 1800 MW pumped-storage services for procurement hydroelectric power plant and of equipment, and Procurement: General transmission network. Will also include construction management. procurement notice was consultant services, studies and published on August 16, training. Environmental Assessment 1992. BLdding documents Category A. for major equipment issued on November 5, 1992. ian Provincial 130.0 (R) Fujian Provincial Highway - The main Consulting services will Pre-appraisal mission aport (Bank) project components include: include: . scheduled for March/April artment (FPTD) (a) construction of Quanzhou-Xiamen (a) construction 1993. highway (76 km); (b) improvement of supervision services; provincial road network and (b) assistance to the (c) strengthening of provincial road strengthening of the construction industry. Environmental construction industryo Assessment Category A. and (c) staff training. istry of Public 150.0 (R) Maternal Child Health - Improvements To be determined. Project preparation under lth (Bank). in maternal and child health services, way. especially in the poorer regions of the country. Environmental Assessment Retroactive financina may Category C. be recuired. to Education 300.0 Vocational Training/Education - The To be determined. Identification mission is mission/ (Bank)/ project will finance vocational training tentatively scheduled for istry of Labor (IDA) activities in selected provinces, Spring 1993. including facilities, equipment, staffing management and suitable integration with general education. To support development and rationalization of training for employment to absorb future redundant labor from state enterprises. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. - 42 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processin Agency ' Lender 2 Project s Consulting Services Action on Procurea CHMN (Contd) Shanghai Municipal 200.0 (R) Second Shanghai Metropolitan Some consulting services Feasibility studie. Construction (Bank) Transport (formerly Second Shanghai for project preparation preliminary enginee Commission (SMC) Metropolitan Transport (SMTP II)) - will be funded under the completed by SMC. Project consists of five key elements: technical assistance of appraisal mission I (a) construction/upgrading of Inner Ring SMTP I. Further the field. Road (IRR) forming an extension of the technical assistance to component started under SMTP It be determined, but would (b) public transport - physical works include consulting for the Shanghai Transit Company; services for: (c) traffic management - extending this (a) construction component of SMTP I to the whole area supervision; (b) project within the IRR; and (d) economic reform management and (e) institutional development. (c) transport planning; Environmental Assessment Categorv A. (d) traffic management; (e) road pavement management and (f) bus company reform. Ministry of 300.0 (R) Housing and Social Security Reform - Consulting services will Preparation mission Finance and (Bank)/ To assist reform of state owned be required for completed. Project Participating (IDA) enterprises by delinking their housing development of the preparation under v Municipalities and social security responsibilities housing finance, from enterprises to improve their pension, health-and efficiency, promote labor mobility and unemployment insurance enhance social safety. Environmental systems. Assessment Category B.- Ministry'of 150.0 (R) Electronics - Would support the Consulting services will Pre-appraisal comple Machinery and (Bank) restructuring of the electronics sector be required for project Project preparation Electronics within an agreed framework of national preparation and way. Industry/China strategy. Would assist in build-up of implementation. Electronics the following key infrastructure Corporation elements within the electronics industry: (a) industrial standards and quality control mechanisms and manufacturing; (b) basic electronic components and materials; and (c) rationalization of enterprise structure. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of 50.0 (R) Reform, Institutional Support and Consulting services will Approved by the Exec Finance (IDA) Preinvestment (CRISP) - Technical be required for Directors on Decembe assistance for preparation of projects implementation of 1992. expected to be financed by the Bank and subprojects. IDA; strengthening of key institutions Retroactive financin and a program of economic studies and up to USS3.0 million training. Environmental Assessment of credit amount) is 'Cateaory C. expected in respect expenditures incurre after November 15, 1 for consultant servi and training in prol preparation and pre- investment component. - 43 - ;ber Country, Amount & plementing Probable Stage of Processing and ancy Lender Projects Consulting Services Action on Procurement ont'd) ihu Basin 205.0 (R) Taihu Basin Flood Control - To. Consulting services will Green cover package thority and (Bank)/ alleviate severe flood threat in the be required to provide approved by Regional Vice nistry of Water (IDA) Taihu Basin of Eastern China, through: technical assistance for President. Negotiations sources canalization of river outlets to Yangtze system monitoring and tentatively scheduled for River, Hangzhou Bay, and East China Seas operation, and water January 11, 1993. construction of dikesa and installation quality modelling. of pump stations. The project would. Retroactive financina of also ensure a clean water supply for up to USS20 million Shanghai. Environmental assessment and recuested. resettle-ment Planning procedures have been completed. Environmental Assessment Category A. enyang Municipal 100.0 Shenyang Engineering Industry - Consulting services will Preparation mission vernment (Bank) Assistance to the municipal government be required for scheduled for March 1993. in the implementation of its overall preparing subsector industrial strategy including development plans. restructuring plans in select subsectors together with associated institution building. The financial intermediaries will assess the environmental impact of all subsector projects to ensure that they are consistent with Bank standards. Environmental Assessment Cate&ory B. Iistry of 398.0 (R) Sixth Railway - Project seeks to: Consulting firms may be Field appraisal work L1ways (Bank) (a) support railway policy initiatives; required to implement completed. Appraisal (b) support railway investment plans for some components. report under preparation. capacity expansions and (c) broaden the scope of system-wide technological modernization. The project comprises: a policy component with four policy inititives (investment prioritization, tariff restructuring, accounting standards and regulation and management technical assistance); an investment component with five subcomponents (capacity expansion, track maintenance, locomotive and rolling stock parts manufacture, telecommunications and transport management information system, pilot container transport); and a technical assistance and training component with three major studies (coat effective railway technology, railway environmental protection, and rail-based container transport). Environmental Assessment Category B. - 44 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable 'Stage of Processing Agency Lender * Project Consulting Services Action on Procuremen (Cont,d) Liaoning 205.0 (R) Songliao Plain (formerly Songliao Consulting services may Preparatory reports Provincial (Bank)/ Plain Agricultural Development) - be required for agro- under preparation. Planning and (IDA) Project would assist the provincial processing (corn vet- appraisal mission Economic governments in solving waterlogging, milling technologies) scheduled for March Commission, Jilin soil salinity and low crop productivity during pre-appraisal. Provincial problems in 40 counties in Liaoning and Planning and Jilin provinces. It would invest in Economic irrigation and drainage facilities, Commission plant windbreaks, provide agricultural inputs, rehabilitate fruit orchards, improve livestock and aquaculture production technologies and promote agro-processing and agro-industries, particularly the value-added processing of surplus corn. The project would- directly benefit 2.5 million poor farm families. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. Henan Province 120.0 (R) Henan Highway - To support highway Consulting services will Approved by the Eec Communications (Bank) development objectives of the Eighth be required for trucking Directors on Novembe Department (HPCD) Plan (1991-1995) for the Henan Province study. Consultants for 1992. Loan was sign with three key elements: (a) integrated construction iupervision December 16, 1992. development of road system in the have been selected. Northwestern region of Henan province, Retroactive i =nancin centered on the Zhengzhou-Luoyang . up to USS3.0 million Corridors (b) road improvement program reauested. throughout Henan and (c) institutional support and strengthening of highway organizations and highway sector management in the province and a study of trucking. Environmental Assessment Category A. Ministry of 490.0 (R) Grain Distribution - A program of Project preparation is Appraisal mission is Commerce (Bank)/ investments in grain distribution, utilizing consultants in the field. (IDA) markets, handling, transport, and modern grain handling transit storage facilities required to technologies, logistics support a changing role of Government of grain distribution, agencies from planned procurement and and computerized sales of grain, to management of information systems for competitive wholesale markets and bulk logistics and market-driven interprovincial grain commodity markets price trade. Environmental Assessment information. Category B. Sichuan Petroleum 250.0 (R) Sichuan Gas Development and Consultants for Project preparation I Administration (Bank) Conservation - To support Sichuan gas technical assistance in way. appraisal, development, aging field project preparation have rehabilitation, transmission, been selected. Global Environment distribution, energy conservation and Facility (GEF) fian pollution abatement for selected pre-inveatment study fertilizer plants, and restructuring of under way -- see the oil/gas sector. Environmental Annex II.) Assessment Category A. - 45 - ber Country, Amount & ilementing Probable Stage of Processing and 1ncy Lander a Project s Consulting Services Action on Procurement ' nt d) istry of Water .150.0 (R) Loess Plateau - Agricultural . Consulting services Final preparation mission ources (IDA) productivity would be improved and will be required for completed. Pre-appraisal environmental degradation reversed in soil conservation, mission tentatively nine tributaries of the Yellow River in grassland management and scheduled for April 1993. the Looes Plateau area through: popular participation. (a) construction of terraces, small soil dams and other erosion control works - (b) establishment of pasture, shrubs and trees on steeply sloped lands and (c) improved management of communal grazing lands. Project would improve productivity and incomes of 1.2 million absolute poor and curtail soil erosion from 15,000 sq. km catchment area. Environmental Assessment Category B. istry of 150.0 (R) Second Red Soils Land Rehabilitation To be determined. Pre-appraisal mission iculture (IDA) II (formerly Second Red Soils Land scheduled for February Rehabilitation) - Disseminate techniques 1993. of ecologically sustainable and economically viable land rehabilitation and voluntary settlement over a wide area of degraded red soils across Jiangxi, Fujian, Hunan, Zhejiang and Guangxi--and technical assistance to support research and strengthen extension systems. Environmental Assessment Category B. Istry of 150.0 (R) Agricultural Support Services - The Consulting services will Negotiations scheduled iculture (IDA) project would support the production of be required during for January 11, 1993. foodgrains, oil crops, cotton and project implementation. livestock through improvement of support Retroactive financin Of services to farmers--crop, livestock, n to US$4.7 million regulatory and management services, and requested. project management. Services to be emphasized would be applied research, agricultural extension, seed production, veterinary diagnostic services, and quarantine. Environmental Assessment Category C. le's Bank of 60.0 Financial Sector Technical Assistance - Consulting services Approved by the Executive (PBC)/ (IDA) To support PBC63 central banking required for project Directors on Latry of functions and strengthen financial preparation and September 29, 1992. 1nce (MDF) sector development through components implementation. for improving bank regulation, supervision and accounting, payments and clearing system, legal framework, research and statistics and domestic debt management. Further, to support MOF's afforts in introducing international accounting standards, and, in coordination with PBC, to improve public debt management. Environmental Assessment Catesory C. - 46 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processin Agency ' Lender ' Project s Consulting Services Action on Procures CHINA (Cont'd) Guangdong 240.0 (R) Guangdong Provincial Highway.- New Consulting services Approved by the Ezf Provincial (Bank) construction of two major expressways, required for supervision Directors on Novem] Planning upgrading and rehabilitation of of construction of two 1992. Loan was sil Communications secondary roads; a pilot program to major expressways and December 16, 1992. Department improve highway safety; equipment for for technical assistance highway maintenance; a training program to reform highway Retroactive finand for highway personnel; and technical financing. up to USS3.1 millic assistance to reform highway financing. recuested. Environmental Assessment Category A. Liaoning 150.0 Liaoning Environment - Continuing Consultants engaged for Preparation missior Environmental (Bank)/ support to improve water management and project preparation. completed. Project Protection Bureau (IDA) water pollution control in the Hun/Taisi preparation under t Liaoning River Basin; consists of physical and Construction institutional development for works for Retroactive financi Commission waste water, solid waste management for up to US810.0 milli the cities of Benxi, Dalian, Jingzhou, will be requested. Fushun and Anshan and cultural heritage conservation. Environmental Assessment Category A. Shanghai Port 150.0 (R) Shanghai Port Restructuring and Consulting services will Board presentation Authority/ (Bank) Development (formerly Shanghai be required for cargo scheduled for Ministry of Restructuring and Development) - utilization study, December 22, 1992. Communications Rehabilitation and expansion of port and vessel traffic cargo handling facilities at Shanghai. management study, Retroactive financi Environmental Assessment Category A. corporate planning and exceedin US15.0 a MIS development. may be undertaken £ payments for goods after June 30 1992 State Education 100.0 (R) Effective Teacher Training Consultants are likely Project documents Commission (IDA) Services - Support reform of teacher to be required for prepared and under education for lower middle school technical assistance in review. teachers, including development and teacher education and dissemination of innovative teaching instructional methods. Retroactive financi methods, improved efficiency and control US$5.0 million will through modern management and requested. information systems, and upgrading of facilities and equipment. Environmental Assessment Category C. Planning and 250.0 (R) Southern Jiangsu Environmental Consultants have been Appraisal report an Economic (Bank) Protection (formerly Southern Jiangsu selected. Two studies preparation. Commission of Environment) - To support investments in are being financed under Negotiations schedu Jiangsu Province urban and industrial projects that the Japanese T.A. Grant for early 1993. demonstrate significant environmental Facility. payoffs and to strengthen institutional, Retroactive financii regulatory and environmental management up to US$2.0 millio capabilities of the local agencies. been requested. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of Public 111.0 (R) Rural Health IV - Assistance in Consulting services may Appraisal report un Health (IDA) training and re-training rural health be required during preparation. workers in the poorest counties of six project implementation. Negotiations schedul provinces. Environmental Assessment for early 1993. Cateaory C. Retroactive financit up to USS10.0 millic been reuested. -47- 'mber Country, Amount & plementing Probable Stage of Processing and ency Lender I Project I Consulting Services Action on Procurement I ont'd) nistry of 200.0 Fertilizer and General Process Equipment Consultants will be Preparation under way. chinery and (Bank) Manufacturing - Restructuring of the required for project ectronics fertilizer and general process equipment preparation and related dustry manufacturing industry and selected sector study. Financing enterprises to enable them to upgrade and arrangements are their products and improve their being made. efficiency. Environmental Assessment Category B. angchun 120.0 (R) Changchun Water Supply and Consultants have Negotiations under way. nicipal Planning (IDA) Environmental (formerly Environment and finalized feasibility Board presentation mmission Water Supply) - To provide water supply studies. scheduled for February 9, to relieve serious shortages, and to 1993. plan for appropriate disposal of waste water. Environmental Assessment Retroactive financing of Category B. up to USS3.0 million will be requested. llow River 460.0 (R) Xiaolangdi (formerly Xiaolangdi Consulting services for Pre-qualification of nservancy (Bank)/ Multipurpose) - To construct major dam construction supervision contractors will be Imaission (IDA) (Xiaolangdi) on Yellow River to provide will be required. completed by January protection for 100 million people from 1993. Resettlement catastrophic floods on North China planning is virtually Plain, alleviate siltation and completed to a high aggradation of river channel, provide standard, and 1500 people irrigation water to over one million ha have been successfully of farmland, provide municipal and resettled. Appraisal industrial water throughout the region, mission tentatively and generate electric power. There is a planned for April 1993. resettlement component involving about 190,000 people to be resettled over a Retroactive financina of 20 year period. Detailed plans have up to US$30.0 million has been prepared, and a pilot resettlement been requested. site is being prepared for construction in 1992. Potential environmental impact has been reviewed and EIA report being finalized. Environmental Assessment Category A. .anjin 150.0 (R) Tianjin Industrial Development II - Consultants have Negotiations package nicipality and (Bank) Assistance to the municipal government prepared sub-sector approved by the Regional uina Investment in the implementation of its overall development plans and Vice President. 6ke industrial strategy including subsector strategies. Negotiations scheduled and restructuring plans in a selected for January 1993. number of industries together with associated institution building. The Retroactive financing of financial intermediaries will assess the up to USS5.0 million environmental impact of all subsector would be required for proiects to ensure that they are urgently needed equipment consistent with Bank standards. and consultant services Environmental Assessment Category B. under the technical assistance component. tanghai Municipal 250.0 (R) Shanghai Industrial Enterprise Consultants required to Preparation mission vernment (Bank) Reform - Assistance to the municipal help prepare feasibility scheduled for May 1993. government in the implementation of its studies for subprojects. overall industrial strategy focussing on enterprise reform and associated institution building. The financial intermediaries will assess the environmental impact of all subsector projects to ensure that they are consistent with Bank standards. Environmental Assessment CategorX B. - 48 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processat Agency Lender 2 Project s Consulting Services Action on Procures CuIR (Cont'd) Shanghai Municipal 150.0 Shanghai Environment - Continuing Consultants required for Preparation under i Government (Bank)/ program to improve water supply project preparation. (IDA) sewerage, solid waste management, Retroactive finac catchment, and environmental pollution np to US815.0 milli control in the city of Shanghai. will be regaested. Environmental Assessment Category B. Urban Development 150.0 (R) Zhejiang Multi-Cities Development Consultant services will Negotiations tental Project Office of (IDA) (formerly Zhejiang Multi-Cities) - be required for scheduled for Janni Zhajiang Province Provision of urban services, in technical assistance and 1993. particular water supply, liquid and training during project solid waste management, land development implementation. Retroactive financ scheme in Shaoxing city, improve public up to USS8.8 millic transport and traffic management in would be provided. Eangzhou, improve institutional strength and financial performance in urban services. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of 20.0 (R) Education - To further develop To be determined. Identification unde Education (Bank) general education, especially pre-school and secondary education, including secondary teacher training and to introduce relevant and cost-effective technical/vocational training programs. Total project cost is US$50.0 million. Environmental Assessment Category C. Ministry of 15.0 (R) Second Road Upgrading - Upgrading of Consulting services will Approved by the Exe Infrastructure and (Bank) several high priority sections of the be required for Directors on June 1 Public Utilities road networks improving road management, technical assistance in 1992. Awaiting particularly road maintenancel and road management, Government action t institutional strengthening. detailed engineering for schedule loan sign: Environmental Assessment Category B. selected road sections, construction Retroactive financi supervision, and for n to USS1.5 millini institutional been approved. strengthening. Directorate 150.0 (N) Java Irrigation and Water Management To be determined. Preparation under vi General of Water (Bank) - To support rehabilitation to.correct will be completed b3 Resources, major design and construction March 1993. Ministry of Public deficiencies so that irrigation schemes Works can be brought under efficient and sustained levels of operations and maintenance, integrated water resources management in six river basins. and privatization of small public irrigation systems. Environmental Assessment CateRor B. To be determined 60.0 (N) Agriculture Extension/Training - To be determined. Preparation schedule (Bank) Project would support the reorganization begin in August 1993 of extension services to meet the may be delayed as a changing requirement of the agricultural result of the sector, and introduce fundamental reorganisation withi changes in extension methodology and Ministry of Agricult training approaches. Environmetal Assessment CateRory: To Be Determined. - 49 - amber Country, Amount & splementing Probable Stage of Processing end Leency Lender 2 Project s Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 Cont,d) rectorate 150.0. (N) Tres Crops Smallholder Development To be determined. Initial IEPS completed aneral of Estates (Bank) II - the Government's December 1989. objective to improve smallholder Preparation scheduled to production of rubber, oil palm and begin February 1993. coconuts. Environmental Assessment Category B. ational Land 50.0 (N) Land Administration - Project aims To be determined. IEPS completed April sancy (BPN) (Bank) to accelerate land registration and 1992. Pre-appraisal, titling, increasing the Government's mission scheduled for effectiveness of land administration June 1993. efforts to devise a long-term policy for land management. Environmental Assessment Category B. o be determined 60.0 (R) Graduate Education and Research - To be determined. Project identification (Bank) The project would support selected under way. universities in: (a) graduate education and research activities. (b) short-term staff training (c) production and dissemination of instructional materialso (d) research infrastructure/ information and equipment resourcess and (e) academic exchange and sandwitch programs. Environmental Assessment Cateor C. Lnistry of 150.0 Public Enterprise Restructuring - To To be determined. Project identification Lnance (Bank) support public enterprise reform through under way. financial and technical restructuring of existing industrial enterprises, and provision of technical assistance to strengthen enterprise management. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. ELEKM, POSTEL 350 .0 (R) Telecom V - To provide additional To be determined. Project identification (Bank) telephone services in Jakarta and other under way. major cities, improve service grade, and modernize telecommunications. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. 1 be determined 150.0 Urban Transport - Project description is To be determined. Project identification (Bank) to be determined. Environmental under way. Assessment Category: To Be Determined. a be determined 150.0 Urban Environment Sanitation and Water - Consulting services will Identification under way. (Bank) Investment in urban water supply, be required for policy sanitation, drainage and solid waste (institutional, management and institutional development financial and technology for local utility enterprise and policy options) and project development. Environmental Assessment preparation for physical Category: To Be Determined. vorks. I- - 50 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing Agency Lender Project Consulting Services Action on Procuremes INDONESI (Cont'd) Bina Marga 155.0 (R) East Indonesia Kabupaten Roads - To Consulting services will Negotiations tentati (Ministry of (Bank) develop the Kabupaten (or third level) be required for scheduled for Public Works) road network in seven Eastern Indonesian supervision, design and February 15, 1993. provinces. About 3,000 kms of roads training. would be rehabilitated. Improved Retroactive financi maintenance techniques and staff up to US815.0 millio training are also included. requested by the Environmental Assessment Category B. Government to finac expenditures for consultants and civi works incurred since January 1. 1993. To be determined 70.0 Book and Reading Development - To To be determined. Project identificati (Bank) strengthen both the demand for and under way. supply of educational books through improved book publishing, printing and distribution as well as library support and active reading promotion. Environmental Assessment Category C. To be determined 120.0 Higher Education III - To improve the To be determined. Project identificatL (Bank) higher education system. Environmental under way. Assessment Category: To Be Determined. To be determined 100.0 Professional Human Resource Development To be determined. Project identificatic (Bank) II - To develop human resources under way. management. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. To be determined 100.0 Secondary Education III - To assist in To be determined. Project identificatio (Bank) secondary education management and under way. quality control. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. To be determined 15.0 (R) Biodiversity Conservation - The Consultants selected for Preparation in progre (Bank) project would aim to: (a) develop a project preparations. of all project model for an Integrated Conservation Consultant services components. Development Project (ICDP) including required for (Possible financing f (i) an institutional framework to manage implementation to be the Global Environmen the Kerinci-Seblat National Park, determined. Facility (GEF) -- see (ii) establishing mechanisms for local Annex II.) community participation in conservation and development activities, and (ii) support for provincial governments and NGOs; and (b) support several other institutions also of high priority under the Indonesian Biodiversity Action Plan, including ex-sit conservation, policy studies and conservation awareness creation and education. Environmental Assessment Category A. - 51 - a ber Country, Amount & plamenting Probable Stage of Processing and ency Lender * Project a Consulting Services Action on Procurement * MONESIA ont,d) LPENAS/Ministry 32.0 (R) Integrated Peat Management - In addition to FA0 Negotiations tentatively Agriculture (Bank) Supports and promotes safe, effective consultancy services, scheduled for March 1, and environmentally sound pest there will be a 1993. management practices via a decentralized selection of consultants bottom up' training program, which can through international subsequently be integrated into crop and competitive bidding farm management. Project will train procedures for extension workers and farmers in monitoring and integrated pest management and related evaluation, as well as farming practices, support farmer-based for the pesticides research and monitoring and regulatory policy/environmental programs. Total estimated project cost aspects of the project. is US$52.0 million. Environmental Assessment Category B. nistry of 70.0 Forestry III - Strengthening of To be determined. Project preparation under restry (Bank) institutions in the forestry sector way. Appraisal mission through human resources development, tentatively scheduled for research and extension activities. May June/July 1993. also include further support of improved management of concessions and forest plantations. Environmental Assessment Category B. rusahaan Umum 104.2 Cirata Hydro Phase II - Project would To be determined. Appraisal report under strik Negara (Bank) complete the development of the Cirata preparation. LIi) Hydroelectric project by the addition of four generating units of 125 MW each and civil works consisting of two power tunnels and four tailrace tunnels. Environmental Assessment Category B. be determined 200.0 (R) Gas Utilization II - To promote non- To be determined. Pre-appraisal delayed, (Bank) tradeable supplies of natural gas for tentatively scheduled for industrial and commercial use to meet January 1993. demand in Java. Environmental Assessment Category A. be determined 280.0 (R) Rural Electrification II - Support To be determined. Project preparation (Bank) for the Government's rural mission is under way. electrification program and for further development of Government's role in encouraging private participation in rural electrification. Environmental Assessment Category B. be determined 100.0 Industrial Technology Development - To To be determined. Identification under way. (Bank) support policies, infrastructure and human resource development and to promote financing for technology transfer and development of technological Innovation in the Industrial sector. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. - 52 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing Agency Lander 2 Project a Consulting Services Action on Procurems rNDONESIA (Cont'd) Ministry of Public 100.0 (R) Kalimantan Urban Development - Five- Consultants undertaking Project preparation Works, Directorate (Bank) year urban infrastructure expenditure project preparation under way. General for Human programs for participating local including environmental Settlements governments. These will include analysis, institutional municipalities of Samarinda, Balikpapan, strengthening, and Banjamasin, PalangUaraya and Pontianak training. which account for about 8OX of the Kalimantan urban population, and up to one Kabupaten from each of the provinces. Environmental Assessment Category A. Ministry of Public 105.0 Somarang/Surakarta Urban Development - Consultants have bon Project preparation Works, Directorate (Bank) Improvement of the functioning of the mobilized to assist with progress. General for Human two major cities in Central Java final preparation for Settlements Province through an integrated program pre-appraisal and of priority infrastructure Investments appraisal, and detailed supported by revenue improvement and environmental institutional development action plans. assessments. Later, Environmental Assessment Cateiory A. consultants will be required for implementation support, detailed design and supervision. To be determined 75.0 (R) Secondary School Teacher Development To be determined. Project identificati (Bank) (formerly Secondary Education Teacher under way. Development) - To improve the quality of secondary teachers through in-service and pre-service training. Environmental Assessment Cateory C. Directorate 70.0 (R) Integrated Swamps Development Consultants have Appraisal mission General Water (Bank) (formerly Integrated Swamps) - prepared project. scheduled for Januar Resources Strengthen institutional framework for 1993. Development second stage development of existing (DGWRD) swamp siteal rehabilitate Infrastructure, Improve agriculture, and support environmental protection. Environmental Sasessment has been completed. Environmental Assessment Catesory A. Ministry of Health 70.0 (R) Water and Sanitation for Low Income Consultants and NGOs Appraisal mission (DG of (Bank) Communities (formerly Water and have been recruited for scheduled for Januar] Communicable Sanitation for Low Income Community) - project preparation. 1993. Disease), Ministry To meet basic needs of low income of Public Works communities in rural and urban areas, (DG CLpta Karya), and improve health status and Ministry of Home productivity through provision of safe, Affairs (DG adequate and easily accessible water Bangda/Bangdes) supply and proper sanitation. Environmental Assessment Cateory B. Ministry of Public 350.0 Highway Sector II - To improve the Consulting services will Project preparation v Works/MLnistry of (Bank) quality of interurban national/ be required for project way. Communications provincial roads through selective implementation. capacity improvements and maintenance. Also, to improve formulation and implementation of road infrastructure and road transport policies. Environmental Assessment Category B. - 53 - ember Country, Amount & mplementing Probable Stage of Processing and gency ' Lander Project s Consulting Services Action on Procurement IDONESIA Cont'd) lrusahaan Umum 150.0 (R) Outer Islands Power - To support To be determined. Project preparation is istrik Negara (Bank) expansion of generation and transmission under way. Pre-appraisal PLN) facilities in outer islands, including mission is scheduled for South Sumatra and South Kalimantan. February 1993. Project scope not yet defined. Environmental Assessment Cateiory A. inistry of Public 180.0 Surabaya Urban Development - To help Consultants for project Appraisal mission orks (Bank) institutional strengthening and priority preparation will be scheduled for January urban infrastructure investments in extended with funds from 1993. Surabaya. Environmental Assessment E. Java Bali Project. Category A. irectorate 51.0 (R) Groundwater Development - Project Consultant services will Appraisal report under eneral of Water (Bank) will include: (a) construction of about' be required to assist in preparation. esources, 2,000 groundwater irrigation systems project implementation. inistry of Public serving about 25,000 ha in poverty prone orks, Ministry of areas; (b) initial operations and )riculture, maintenance prior to full private sector rovincial management; (c) agricultural development encies including extension and crop demonstrations. (d) community support including domestic water supply and activities related to the role of women (e) technical assistance; and (f) institutional support. Environmental Assessment Categorv B. o be determined 70.0 (R) Health IV - The project would To be determined. Project identification (Bank) support health sector expenditure under way. investment programs in selected provinces. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. inistries of 100.0 (R) Watershed Management and To be determined. Post appraisal mission is prestry, (Bank) Conservation - Strengthen sustainable scheduled for February griculture and natural resource management in critical 1993. 6me Affairs watersheds. Institutional development at national and regional levels and specific conservation activities in Cimanuk Watershed in West Java. Would reduce land and resource degradation and improve social conditions. Environmental'Assessment Category B. o be determined 50.0 Skills Development - To support To be determined. Project preparation under (Bank) development of effective training way. delivery systems in three selected provinces. Environmental Assessment Category C. iblic Port 90.0 Ports Upgrading - The project would: Consultants have been Project identification z'poration II (Bank) (a) provide for expansion requirements recruited by Perumpel II under way. Perumpel II); in secondary ports to meet rapidly for pre-investment Lnistry of increasing traffic; and (b) improve studies for two parts. Immunications installations and practices for Consultants will be CC) environmentally safe maritime transport required for other in general. Environmental Assessment - components. Category: To Be Determined. - 54 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing Agency Lander aProet Consulting Services Action on Procuresm INDOESIA (Cont'd) Environmental 80.0 Industrial Efficiency and Pollution Consulting services will Awaiting Government Impact Management (Bank) Abatement - To provide a package of be required for project agreement to the re, Agency credit and services to existing preparation and project concept. industrial enterprises to enable them to implementation. comply with environmental standards. The project would also develop or strengthen the capability of Ministry of Industry staff, local authorities and consultants in environmental analysis and monitoring. The project targets the abatement of industrial nollution. Possible inclusion of a hazardous waste facility. Environmental Assessment Category A. Ministry of 307.0 (R) Financial Sector Development - To Consultant services Approved by the Exec Finance/Bank (Bank) enhance the efficiency of resource required for bank Directors on Hovemba Indonesia allocation in the banking sector by supervision and credit 1992. Loan signing supporting GOI's legislative and policy information systems. expect to take place reforms aimed at strengthening December 1992. prudential banking regulations and supervision of financial institutions, Retroactive financir and corporatization of the state un to USS30.6 millic commercial banks. Environmental cover the cost of Assessment Category B. consultancy services sub-orolect exaendit (civil works. eaun and services) incurs since April 1. 1992 been requested by th Government. Ministry of Health 93.5 (R) Community Health and Nutrition III - Consulting services will Board presentation (Bank) The project would: (a) reduce infant be required for project scheduled for and maternal mortality in selected areas preparation and December 22, 1992. focussing on the poors (b) improve implementation. health information system and (c) health education capability. Environmental Assessment Category C. EOREA To be determined 100.0 (R) Pusan Urban Transport (formerly Consultants have been Project preparation (Bank) Pusan Urban Transport Management) - This selected. activity has been project would demonstrate how initiated. Followin capacity/efficiency of an existing review by the region transport system can be maximized by loan committee, implementing an integrated strategy of additional activitie travel demand management, inter-modal will be undertaken. facility construction, and transit capacity expansion. Institution building component of project will focus on improvement of planning and programming capabilities of existing institutions. Environmental Assessment Catemory B. - 55 - ember Country, Amount & splementing . Probable Stage of Processing and gency Lender Project Consulting Services Action on Procurement.' DREA Cont'd) Lnistry of .90.0 (R) Environmental Technology Development To be determined. Preparation mission tience and (Bank) - Project will finance equipment to currently in the field. echnology strengthen capacity of selected national research institutes to address environmental issues and to assist small and medium enterprises (SMEa) in improving environmental performance. The Government will finance experts and overseas training. Environmental Assessment Category C. iangju and Seoul 110.0 CR) Kwangju and Seoul Sewerage - Consultants have been Negotiations tentatively Lty Governments (Bank) Construction of sewerage treatment appointed. scheduled for February plants with capacities of 300,000 ms/d 1993. and one million m/day, technical assistance for water conservation experiment. Environmental Assessment Category B. rvernment of 150.0 Financial Sector Investment - The To be determined. Appraisal mission rea (Bank) project will: (a) support the scheduled for March 1993. Government's program for deregulating the financial system and strengthening the banking systeml (b) provide long- term credit through eligible banks to sound private enterprisesa and (c) support institutional building programs of participating banks and strengthening technical capabilities of regulators. Environmental Assessment Category C. E BAN Oil 120.0 (R) Petroleum Distribution & Sector To be determined. Negotiations tentatively peline Corp. (Bank) Improvement - Consisting of construction scheduled for April 1993. of a nationwide oil pipeline network, with a total length of about 1,000 Retroactive financing of kilometers in various diameters, for . up to USS10.0 million is transporting petroleum products. being considered for. Project makes significant contribution partial payment of lonag in reducing road hazards and air delivery ecuipment. pollution and oil spillage incidents. Total project cost is about US$900.0 million. Environmental Assessment Category A. nistry of 180.0 (R) Science and Technical Education Consulting services will Preparation mission ucation/Korea (Bank) (formerly Science and Technical not be required. currently in the field. sic Science Education Sector) - Will finance nter (KBSC) equipment to support quality improvement in science and engineering programs in selected universities, in the open universities, and in vocational high schools and junior colleges. Will also improve the research capacity of KBSC. Long term policy issues in science and technology education will be addressed. Environmental Assessment Catexorv C. - 56 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable -Stage of Processing Agency Lander 2 Project ' Consulting Services Action on ProcuremeE KOREA (Cont,d) Ministry of 60.0 (R) Environmental Research and Education Consulting services will Appraisal mission Education (Bank) - Will finance equipment to assist not be required. completed. Yellow c selected agricultural and veterinary staff appraisal repo science colleges.- Will address key under preparation. environmental issues through improved research and teaching. Environmental Assessment Category C. LAO, PEOPLE'S DEDCRATIC REPUBLIC Provincial 10.0 (R) Luang Namtha Provincial Consultants have been Pre-appraisal missic Government of (IDA) Development - To initiate a pilot selected for project scheduled for Januar Luang Namtha provincial development scheme by preparation. Consulting February 1993. addressing some of the urgent services will be (Japan Grant Facilit development needs in the project's required for project project preparation province, and to provide affirmative implementation. signed in January 19 action for WID issues by supporting income generating activities. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. To be determined 30.0 Telephone Systems Expansion - Extension To be determined. Pre-appraisal missic (IDA) of telephone network into outlying scheduled for Januaz provinces through provision of digital 1993. exchanges, cable plant and microwave connections, provision of international links, institutional strengthening of Enterprise des Postes et Telecommunications Lao (EPTL)i and training of staff. Environmental Assessment Category B. Bank of Lao, PDR 15.0 Industrial Credit II - A line of credit- Consulting services will Appraisal mission (IDA) through the Bank of Lao and selected be required for:- scheduled for June 1 commercial banks for modernization and .(a) technical assistance expansion of private industrial for financial sector enterprises and related service . reform (b) training for enterprises and support with technical -term lending and assistance for strengthening financial (d) technical-assistance sector reform and support services for to strengthen support industry. Environmental Assessment infrastructure for Category B. industry. Electricite du 36.0 Provincial Grid Integration - Project To be determined. Approved by the Exec Laos (EDL) (IDA) will include: (a) extension of rural Directors on October electricity networks in southern and- 1992. central provinces; (b) feasibility study for a 40 MW expansion of the Nam Ngun hydroelectric plant and (c) institutional development component for EDL. Environmental Assessment Category B. Department of 10.0 Northern Rural Development and Watershed To be determined. Pre-appraisal missia Forestry and (IDA) Management - To extend the approach and scheduled for Febru& Environment, methodology of the Upland Agriculture 1993. Ministry of Project to Luang Prabang, Oudomsay and Agriculture and Phonsaly northern provinces, especially Forestry emphasizing environmental issues and poverty alleviation. Environmental Assessment Category B. -57 - eber Country, Amount L plementing Probable Stage of Processing and ancy Lender s Project,, Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 D. PEOPLENS MRATIC PUBLIC Dnt,d) Iistry of 11.5 (R) Forest Management and Conservation Consultants have been Post appraisal currently iculture & (IDA) (formerly Forestry Management and selected to finalise in the field. restry Conservation) - To support preparation. Additional (Japan T.A. Grant recommendations of Tropical Forestry services will be Facility support has been Action Plan, including development of required for obtained to complete improved legislative and institutional implementation. project preparation. framework for the forestry sectorl Cofinancing is being completion of forest.resource inventory explored with the Global works strengthening of forestry Environment Facility managements and implementation of forest (GEF) -- see Annex II -- resource management conservation and FINNIDA.) programs. Environmental Assessment Category B. xistry of 20.0 (R) Education Sector Development - To Consultants will be Negotiations tentatively Ication and (IDA) improve quality and efficiency of basic required for scheduled for mid- rts education through: implementation of implementation. February 1993. new curricula and instructional (Japan Grant Facility materialal rehabilitation of school support for project infrastructures developing technical preparation in final skills in planning, monitoring and stage of commitments. evaluations and strengthening of Discussions ongoing with administrative and managerial capacities Government on PPF at central and local levels. requirements. Mission to Environmental Assessment CateAory C. be held jointly with Swiss Development Corporation in December 1992 to confirm cofinancing.) istry of Health 18.0 (R) First Health - To reduce the high Technical assistance is Project preparation under Social Welfare (IDA) incidence of preventable communicable required for way. diseases in two priority provinces and implementing the (Cofinancing to be sought of malaria in eight provinces. Increase project. for implementation. the efficiency of health services Japan Grant Facility for delivery through strengthening selected project preparation was provincial and district systems and signed on February 3, infrastructure, and adapt training 1992.) curricula to health needs. Environmental Assessment Cateory C. AYSIA ber Industry 60.0 (N) RISDA II - Follow up to RISDA I. To be determined. Project under 11holders (Bank) Project will pursue the objective of preparation. elopment increasing the productivity and hority II efficiency of the rubber smallholder subsector and assisting RISDA's institutional improvement to help achieve this objective. Environmental Assessment Cateiory B. -58 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing Agency ' Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procuremet MALAYSIA (Cont'd) Ministry of 106.0 (R) Polytechnic Development - Establish Consulting services Negotiations schedul Education (Bank) three new polytechnic institutes with required for preparing for January 19, 1993 12,000 new full-time training stations and implementing the and 3,000 part-time training stationas project. train 1,000 new teachers and administrators; implement major policy reforms to convert national deliver system to be more "demand-driven" and operationally efficient. Would also adapt and introduce a broader range of technical curricula. Environmental Assessment Category C. Ministry of Health 68.0 Health Development - To improve the Consultants appointed Negotiations tentati and Chemistry (Bank) capacity to monitor environmental health for project preparation scheduled for early I Department of and infectious diseases, enhance equity and implementation, and 1993. Science, in access to health development through financed by Japan T.A. (Japan T.A. Grant Technology and primary health care, support health Grant Facility. Facility has been Environment development through use of appropriate approved for project health technology, and to strengthen preparation.) Ministry of Health's institutional capacity through management and personnel training, health technology assessment and quality assurance, occupational health and other policy development. Environmental Assessment Category C. Ministry of 30.0 Drainage and Flood Mitigation - Time Consultants for project Project preparation i Agriculture, (Bank) slice of national drainage program, preparation have been way. through Department covering 5-8 schemes throughout retained. (Japan T.A Grant Fa& of Irrigation and Malaysia, and including infrastructural has committed funds Drainage investments and related agricultural preparation assistan development, as well as institutional strengthening of the drainage and irrigation department. Environmental Assessment Category A. Ministry of 141.0 (R) Primary and Secondary Education Twinning arrangements Approved by the Execat Education (Bank) III - Improve quality of education, covering training and Directors on Decembei expand access and increase managerial consulting services will 1992. Loan was signc efficiency. Reinforce and complement be entered into with December 16, 1992. ongoing sector projects through: universities and/or (a) strengthening of teacher training; specialized (b) establishment of an effective institutions. educational technology network and provision of instructional resources; (c) support to innovation and research (d) construction of schools, teacher housing and boarding facilities; (e) a staff development program and institution building (f) strengthening of school-based evaluation; (g) teaching and managerial staff development program; and (h) a management information system. Environmental Assessment Category C. - 59 - amber Country, Amount & mplementing Probable Stage of Processing and ency Lender a Project a Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 )NGOLIA Lnistry of 30.0 Structural Adjustment (SAC) - Provide To be determined. Project preparation under Lance (IDA) balance of payments support for the way. transition to a market-based economy. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. ?Wk NEW GUINEA be determined 30.0 Telecom IV - To strengthen the Post and To be determined. Identification under way. (Bank) Telecommunications Corporation's (PTC) ability to manage the sector efficiency, and to support the Government's investment program to telecommunications development. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. partment of 11.5 (R) Petroleum Exploration Technical Consulting services will Negotiations tentatively nes and Energy, (Bank) Assistance (formerly Petroleum be required for scheduled fo June 1993. vernment of Development Technical Assistance) - technical and economic pus New Guinea Technical and economic studies for studies, review of evaluation of downstream projects. procedures, and Review of procedures for evaluation of institution building. applications for petroleum development licenses, and strengthening of institutions involved with petroleum exploration and development. Environmental Assessment Category B. partment of 10.0 Forestry - To support institutional To be determined. Preparation delayed restry (Bank) restructuring of the forestry sector and pending implementation of other components of the national forest Japanese Grant Facility plan. Environmental Assessment (JGF) field p oject. Category: To Be Determined. partment of 6.9 Population - Assists Government's International and Negotiations tentatively nance and (Bank) population policy through: (a) streng- domestic consulting scheduled for January anning thening family planning service services will be 1993. deliveryl (b) promoting demand for required for project family planningi (c) strengthening management. institutional capacity to develop population policy and direct/manage family planning activities; and (d) improving demographic information base. Environmental Assessment Category C. tional 35.0 (R) Education Development Project - Consulting services will Approved by the Executive partment of (Bank) Construction and equipping of one be required for project Directors on December 8, unation national high school, school management. 1992. maintenance, regional planning and teacher support services. Environmental Assessment Category C. - 60 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing Agency ' Lender Project Consulting Services Action on Procureme PAPUA NEW GUIHEA (Cont,d). Department of 36.8 Oro Smallholder Oil Palm Development - Consulting services will Approved by the Exe Agriculture and (Bank) To develop about 6,500 ha of land in Oro be required for field Directors on June 9 Livestock Province into smallholder oil palm inspection. 1992. Awaiting farms. The appraisal mission and Government action t government of Papua New Guinea discussed schedule loan signt three main environmental issues: factory effluent treatment which should be upgraded; choice of proiect area outside of primary forests: and protection of an endangered butterfly. In addition sound agro-chemical usage and soil protection procedures are to be Provided for. Environmental Assessment Category B. PHILIPPINES National Power 110.0 (R) Power Transmission and Consulting services will Negotiations ccplel Corporation (Bank) Rehabilitation - The project would be required for the October 22, 1992. alleviate a serious power crisis in preparation of a master presentation pendin Luzon, by transmitting to Manila the plan for 500 KV lines in compliance with Boa power generated by several private Luzon. requirements. sector generating plants being implemented under emergency circumstances. Environmental Assessment Category A. To be determined 36.0 (R) Environment and Natural Resource To be determined. Project under (Bank) Management II - Support for introduction preparation. of sustainable resource management in five regions of the Philippines, as a follow up to the Environment and Natural Resource Management Project. Environmental Assessment Category B. Department of 70.0 (R) Women's Health and Safe Motherhood - To be determined. Project under Health (IDA) To improve the reproductive health of preparation. women through: (a) expansion and strengthening of women's health and safe motherhood services (including family planning); (b) strengthening core departmental units to manage these services, and promoting collaboration between Government, NGOs and local governmental units to improve servicesi and (c) testing new ways to deliver women's health services and measure impact. Environmental Assessment Catemory C. - 61 - ber Country, Amount & lamenting Probable Stage of Processing and ncy Lender 2 Project Consulting Services Action on Procurement * LIPPIMES nt'd) ional Power 250.0 (R) Leyte-Luzon Geothermal (formerly Consultants are Project under poration and (Bank) Leyte-Luzon Geothermal Power) - Project completing final preparation. Appraisal lippine will meet increasing power demand in engineering. mission tentatively ional Oil Luzon at lowest coast by utilizing scheduled for July 1993. pany geothermal resources in Leyte. Project (Cofinanciers' meeting would include: (a) development of Leyte completed May 29, 1992 in Geothermalt (b) construction of about Washington, D.C.) 440 MW power generating capacity; and (A US$30.0 million grant (c) Leyte-Luzon transmission line. from the Global Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Environment Facility summary distributed in June 1992. (GEF) is being considered Environmental Assessment Category A. jointly with Leyte Cebu Geothermal -- see Annex II). be determined 150.0 (R) Export Development - Project will To be determined. Loan to be redesigned. (Bank) support measures to accelerate Revision would reflect development of exports including export changes in the economic finance/guarantee, infrastructural, and environment such as institutional support. Environmental increased availability of Assessment Category C. foreign currency documented loans and foreign exchange retention by exporters. Implementing agency/ borrower to be determined. Board presentation scheduled for July 1993. Lnal Power 200.0 (R) Leyte Cebu Geothermal (formerly Consultants are Appraisal mission poration and (Bank) Leyte Cebu Geothermal Power) - To meet completing final currently in the field. Lippine increasing power demand in Cebu at engineering. A major reform program, Lonal Oil Co. lowest cost by utilizing geothermal including institutional, resources in Leyte. Project will corporate and financial include: (a) development of Leyte measures, is under way. Geothermall (b) construction of about (A US$30.0 million grant 200 MW power generating capacity: and from the Global (c) the Leyte-Cebu transmission line. Environment Facility Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) (GEF) is being considered summary distributed in June 1992. jointly with Leyte-Luzon Environmental Assessment Category A. Geothermal -- see Annex II.) 1o Manila 80.0 (R) Metro Manila Solid Waste Local consultants have Appraisal departure ority (NMA) (Bank) Management - Would include: been engaged. tentatively scheduled for (a) development of two sanitary April 1993. landfills; (b) construction of four transfer stations: (c) procurement of transfer trucks and equipment for landfill operations; (d) rehabilitation of maintenance vorkshops and (e) technical assistance for operations and management of solid waste operations and related studies. Environmental Assessment Category A. - 62 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processir Agency I Lender * Project £ Consulting Services Action on Procures PHILIPPINES (Cont'd) Local Water 40.0 (R) Water Supply, Sewerage and Consultants have been Project preparatto Utilities (Bank) Sanitation Sector II (formerly Second selected for feasibility be delayed. Administration Water Supply, Sewerage and Sanitation studies and designs. (Japan Grant Facil (LWUA) Sector) - To assist the Government in Consultants for the sectoral reform at meeting basic needs of urban population formulation of sectoral, approved.) through provision of safe, adequate, institutional and easily accessible water supplies through financial reforms, implementation of extensions of systems including privatization, in some 50 towns. Institutionally, the will be required. project would seek to accomplish major sectoral and institutional reforms to improve the capabilities and sustainability of urban water supply operations and maintenance, development, financing and cost recovery. The feasibility of privatization would be considered. Environmental Assessment Category B. Department of 68.0 (R) Tax Computerization - Would improve All technical assistance Appraisal report s Finance (Bank) administration of all taxes in the currently being, preparation. Philippines by establishing an completed. Bidding integrated, computerized tax system. specifications will be Environmental Assessment Cateaorv C. completed and 1992. Department of 70.0 Urban Health and Nutrition - To assist To be determined. Appraisal mission Health (Bank) the Government to expand and improve scheduled for Janu public health and nutrition services for 1993. high-risk urban slum dwellers, especially women and children, in Metro Manila, Cebu and Cagayan de Oro. Environmental Assessment Categorv C. National 75.0 (R) Irrigation Operations Support II - To be determined. Appraisal mission Irrigation (Bank) Second Phase of nine-year operations and currently in the £t Administration maintenance support program, with (NIA) special emphasis on development of irrigator associations to assume direct responsibility for operations and management of parts of all major national systems. Environmental Assessment Category B. Department of 100.0 (R) Rural Infrastructure - To reduce Consultants have Project preparation Public Works and (Bank) poverty and accelerate development in completed preparation. way. Further proce Highways (DPWH) the rural areas through: (a) provision of project subject of basic infrastructure (rural roads, review due to fin-E minor drainages, etc.) through improved constraints. targeting of DPWH investments in line with the geographical distribution of poverty; and (b) employment generation in construction through increased civil works. Environmental Assessment Category B. Department of 25.0 Land Reform Support - To provide Consultants have been Project preparation Agrarian Reform (Bank) managerial, technical and financial selected for way. (DAR) assistance to smallholder beneficiaries preparation. (Japan T.A. Grant of agrarian reforms as well as to Facility has commit smallholder outgrowers in the vicinity funds for preparati of estates to be transferred. assistance.) Environmental Assessment Category B. - 63 - iber Country, Amount & lementing Probable Stage of Processing and ncy Lander 2 Project s Consulting Services Action on Procurement ' ILIPPINES nt-d) artment of 30.0 Technology Development - The project Twinning arrangements Appraisal mission ence and (Bank) would stimulate more rapid technology required for project scheduled for mid-January .hnology development in industry through building implementation. 1993. links between key technology institutions and industry, and through creation and restructuring of key institutions in the technology infrastructure. No adverse environmental effects. Environmental Assessment Category C. lippine Long 134.0 Telephone System Expansion - Provide Consulting requirements Approved by the Executive tance Telephone (Bank) long distance telecommunications are expected to be Directors on October 8, any (PLDT) equipment, telephone exchanges and minimal. Prequalifica- 1992. cables for about 100,000 new telephone tion application for lines in PLDT's system throughout the outside plant supply to Philippines. Environmental Assessment be called shortly. Category B. WHON ISLANDS istry Of 13.9 (R) Education III - To assist with: Consulting services will Appraisal report under ication and (IDA) (a) consolidation of primary schools; be required for project preparation. an Resources (b) primary teacher in-service training# management, civil works HRD) (c) upgrading the quality of existing and program development. secondary schools; (d) the supply of educational materials; (e) management and planning training; and (f) in the health sector training of nurses and health workers. Environmental Assessment Category C. Ictricity 100.0 Lam Takhong Pump Storage - To meet the Consultants have already Project under erating (Bank) peak demand of the Thai paver system been selected. preparation. Pre- ,hority of from 1997. The project comprises appraisal tentatively tiland (EGAT) construction of a hill-top reservoir and scheduled for March 1993. installation of 2 x 250 MW pump - turbine generators. Environmental Assessment Category A. :roleum 180.0 Second Gas Transmission - To construct To be determined. Preparation under way. :hority of (Bank) submarine pipeline for transporting lailand (PAT) natural gas from the Gulf of Thailand to consuming cities in the Bangkok area. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. ill Industry 30.0 Small and Medium Industry - To assist Consulting services may Identification under way. snce (Bank) the Government in establishing a new be required. oration (SIFC) bank for small and medium sized industries, including a technical assistance component. Total project cost is US$32.0 million. Environmental Assessment Category C. - 64 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processi Agency ' Lender 2 Project ' Consulting Services Action on Procurs TRAILAND (Cont'd) Electricity 100.0 Mae L-B Water Diversion - The project's To be determined. A feasibility stud Generating (Bank) main objective is to increase the energy progress. Authority of and demand potential of the Bhumibol Thailand (EGAT) Hydro Electric Project. It will involve construction of two rockfill dams, a 20 KM diversion tunnel and a 600 MW pumped storage scheme. Environmental Assessment Catexory C. Metropolitan 109.0 (R) Distribution System and Energy To be determined. Board presentation Electricity (Bank) Efficiency - Project involves expansion scheduled for Febr Authority (MEA) of MEA's distribution system from 1992 1993. to 1993, including construction of (Possible financNj transmission and distribution lines and the Global Environl substations. Environmental Assessment Facility (GEP) -- Category B. Annez II.) Ministry of 70.0 Industrial Pollution Control - To treat Contract with Appraisal mission Industry (Bank) industrial waste water, and hazardous consultants signed March tentatively schedul residues which are most serious 1992. February 1993. Ew environmental risks for the country and Economic Community the Gulf of Thailand. Also, financing expected to financi of an institutional training program to management and des strengthen capacities of environmental study for vaste authorities, and for an emergency management centers. response program for the eastern seaboard. Environmental Assessment Category A. Royal Forestry 20.0 (R) Forestry and Land Reform - Project Consulting services will Project preparatior Department (RFD), (Bank) consists of two major components: be required to complete way. Agricultural Land (a) to provide social, infrastructural preparation, and (Japan T.A. Grant Reform Office and production support to occupants of subsequently for Facility has commit (ALRO) degraded public forest lands alienated implementation. funds for preparati for agriculturei and (b) the demarcation assistance. Cofina and protection of priority conservation also being sought I forests, wildlife sanctuaries and Global Environment national parks. Environmental Facility (GEF) -- a Assessment Category B. Annex II.) HESTE SAND To be determined 10.0 Education - To improve and strengthen To be determined. Project identificat (IDA) the education system and management under way. planning. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. - 65 - .mber Country, Amount & oplementing Probable Stage of Processing and sency Lander Project Consulting Services Action on Procurement III. EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA REGION al Development 2.4 (N) Rural Poverty Alleviation Pilot - Consulting services will Project preparation under tnd (IDA) The project would create employment for be required for project way. the rural population and inject cash implementation. resources into rural households through infrastructure works and small credit. Environmental Assessment Category B. Lnistry of 20.5 Enterprise and Financial Sector To be determined. Project preparation under ILnance and (IDA) Adjustment (EFSAL) - Credit line and way. Appraisal mission :onomy policy based loan to support the tentatively scheduled for restructuring of the public enterprise February 1993. and banking sectors. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. Lnistry of 10.0 Household Energy - Project will help to To be determined. Project preparation under instruction, (IDA) assure adequate availability of energy way. tusing, and for household use in cities, improve the srritory efficiency of fuelvood use, and Ijustment facilitate displacement of fuelwood by lower cost energy carriers. - Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. 3 be determined 5.0 Cash Benefits Administration and Social To be determined. Project preparation under (IDA) Protection - Project would provide way. assistance in policy development and administration in social security. Environmental Assessment Category C. > be determined 15.0 (R) Agricultural Sector Adjustment - The Consulting services will Board presentation (IDA) project would support Government reform be required for tentatively scheduled for program in the agricultural sector, with preparation and June 1993. major focus on: (a) rural credit appraisal of project. reforms; (b) price policy reforms; and (c) privatization (restructuring of state farms and state-owned food processing). Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. inistry of Health 10.0 Health Rehabilitation - Project would To be determined. Preparation under way. (IDA) assist the Government in rehabilitating, Pre-appraisal mission maintaining and operating essential scheduled for April 1993. health services and undertaking the investments and studies needed to initiate long-term reform in the health sector. Environmental Assessment Category C. arres Water Works 10.0 (R) Durres Water Supply Rehabilitation - Consultants have been Project preparation under (IDA) Supply, transmission and distribution selected for feasibility way. Appraisal mission system rehabilitation. Project will study, design and scheduled for February eliminate water shortages and associated construction 1993. health risks, provide a small margin of supervision. Management capacity for growth, and strengthen the services or a twinning existing water works management. arrangement for system Environmental Assessment Category B. operation will be required. - 66 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing Agency ' Lender Project s Consulting Services Action on Procuremei ALBANIA (Cont'd) Ministry of 10.0 (R) First Transport - The project would To be determined. Appraisal mission Transport (IDA) include: (a) a pilot road maintenance completed. Appraisa rehabilitation program,, (b) improvement report under prepara of part maintenance and operations; and (c) study of the future role of the railways. Environmental Assessment Category B. To be determined 7.5 Employment Promotion and Services - Consulting services will Project preparation (IDA) Project would provide assistance in be required. way. Appraisal miss employment services and training. scheduled for Februa Environmental Assessment Category C. 1993. ARMENIA Ministry of the 30.0 (R) Housing and Infrastructure To be determined. Pre-identification Economy (Bank) Rehabilitation - Project will initiate a mission completed. social investment fund to address key Identification missi infrastructure and housing needs and to tentatively schedule create employment, with particular focus February 1993. on earthquake zone reconstruction. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. Ministry of the 10.0 (R) Institution Building - Project will Consulting services will Appraisal mission Economy (Bank) finance capacity building and technical be required. scheduled for Januar assistance activities in support of the 1993. A PPF of Government's economic reform activities. US$1.0 million has b Environmental Assessment Category C. approved. To be determined 30.0 Rehabilitation - Project will finance Consulting services will Project on hold avai (Bank) essential imports to maintain production be required. progress on an IMF S in key sectors during early period of By Program. economic reform. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. To be determined 30.0 Energy/Power and Infrastructure - To be determined. Identification missii (Bank) Rehabilitation in the energy sector and scheduled for Januar technical assistance for policy and 1993. institutional reform. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. AZERBAIJAN To be determined 70.0 (R) Petroleum Production and Consulting services will Pre-appraisal mission (Bank) Institutional Development - Project be required. tentatively schedulec will: (a) redress the decline in oil March 1, 1993. A PP production and increase gas supply to advance of US$0.5 mil the market (b) procure advisory service has been approved. for projects involving foreign partners and with the oil export pipeline project; (c) provide assistance to petroleum equipment industry in planning and executing new business strategy; and (d) strengthen government and Azerineft (state oil company) capacities to manage industry in new business environment. Environmental Assessment Categorv C. - 67 - mber Country, Amount & plementing Probable Stage of Processing and ency ' Lender I Project s Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 ERBAIJAN ont'd) esidency of the 100.0 (R) Institution Building Technical Consulting services will Appraisal mission public (Bank) Assistance - Project will finance be required for project scheduled for February urgently needed technical assistance in implementation. 1993. designing and preparing reform program, programs for reform of financial sector, social safety net and privatization and enterprise restructuring. Environmental Assessment Category C. LARUS partment of 90.0 Economic Reform - The project will To be determined. IEPS scheduled for Lance (Bank) finance general imports on the basis of May 25, 1993. a negative list. Environmental Assessment Category C. be determined 120.0 (R) Agriculture - Project would support To be determined. Identification mission (Bank) structural change and efficiency planned for January 25, improvements in the agriculture sector 1993. through appropriate policy framework and financing of private sector development. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. be determined 30.0 Institution Building - Project will Consulting services will Identification mission (Bank) finance capacity building activities of be required. scheduled for April 1993. the Government. Environmental Assessment Category C. be determined 50.0 Human Resources - Project will provide Consulting services will Identification under way. (Bank) emergency strengthening of employment be required. services and training capacity, and cash benefits and health sector restructuring. Environmental Assessment Category C. be determined 120.0 (R) Rehabilitation - Project will Consulting services will Pre-appraisal mission is (Bank) finance essential imports to maintain be required. completed. Appraisal production in key sectors during early mission is tentatively period of economic reform. scheduled for and January Environmental Assessment Category: To 1993. Be Determined. YLGARIA .nistry of Health 50.0 Health Development - Project will To be determined. Project under (Bank) support Government's restructuring and preparation. urban reform program, address major and urgent health issues, and assist in the reorganization of public health Institutions. It will also include three components: (a) institutional developmentl (b) improvement of health conditions in the northeasti and (c) rehabilitation of blood transfusion centers. Environmental Assessment Category C. - 68 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Proceusinq Agency Lander Project Consulting Services Action on Procurem BULGARIA (Cont'd) Ministry of Labor 50.0 (R) Employment Promotion and Social To be determined. Identification undc and Social Welfare (Bank) Protection - The project will facilitate the transition to a market economy by promoting an efficient allocation and utilization of labor, and easing, as efficiently and effectively as possible, the transitions social costs. Environmental Assessment Category C. Committee of 30.0 (R) Telecommunications - The proposed Consulting services will Appraisal under wa3 Posts, (Bank) project comprises: (a) implementation be required. Telecommunications of a medium-term investment program for and Informatics the period 1993-19961 and (b) implementation, with technical assistance provided under the project, of policy and institutional reform in the sector, covering pricing, sector regulation, corporate governance and mahagement systems. Environmental Assessment Categorv C. Ministry of 100.0 (R) Water and Sanitation (WASL) - Consultants have been Preparation under % Regional (Bank) Project will assist the Government of selected for project Pre-appraisal missi Development, Bulgaria in restructuring/strengthening preparation. tentatively schedul Housing Policy and water and sewerage operating companies February 1993. Construction and to finance a three-year time slice of the priority water and sewerage investment program. Environmental Assessment Categorv B. Ministry of 215.0 (R) Debt and Debt Service Reduction To be determined. Preparation under v Finance (Bank) (DDSR) - Project will reduce the This is a special external debt service obligations of the operation; no appra Government to a level compatible with mission is planned. growth and the restoration of creditworthiness over the medium-term. Environmental Assessment Cateaorv C. To be determined 150.0 Sector Adjustment II/Private Sector To be determined. Preparation under w (Bank) Development (SAL II/PSD) - Project will: (a) strengthen the framework for private sector development; and (b) support creation of new private sector activities and privatization of state enterprises. Environmental Assessment Category C. To be determined About (R) Education - To develop educational To be determined. Pre-appraisal missi 65.0 assessment capability, career guidance tentatively schedul4 (Bank) services, textbook production and March 1993. distribution, and support restructuring of.higher education and research. Environmental Assessment Category C. National Electric 93.0 (R) Energy (formerly Energy I) - To Consulting services will Negotiations schedul Company (Bank) support improvements in the electricity be required. for mid-January 199' sector including improvements in automated electricity dispatch, electricity network strengthening, completion of a pumped storage project and technical assistance. Environmental Assessment Category B. - 69 - lember Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing and gency - . Lander 2 Project Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 Cont'd) a be determined About (R) Private Investment and Export To be determined. Appraisal mission 100.0 Finance - Project will include: rescheduled for January (Bank) (a) investment finance through private 1993, upon Government's banks for onlending to private approval. enterprises; (b) export finance for (Cofinancing may be private and state enterprises for required.) economically profitable export transactions to non-CMEA markets (c) technical assistance to banks and enterprises. Environmental Assessment Category B. linistry of 150.0 (R) Financial and Enterprise Sector To be determined. Appraisal mission finance, Bulgarian (Bank) Adjustment - To restructure, privatize scheduled for February ational Bank, and develop state-owned enterprises and 1993, upon Government's ank Consolidation the financial sector. Environmental approval. ompany, Assessment Category C. (Cofinancing proposed.) rivatisation gency o be determined About (R) Agricultural Development - To To be determined. Appraisal mission 50.0 support a wide range of private rescheduled for end April (Bank) investments in agriculture, rural 1993 due to slow progress development and related activities; ad in financial sector (b) technical assistance to government reforms, and lack of agencies and participating banks in demand for investment activities related to the adjustment credit. process in agriculture, and to the establishment of a stable, business- friendly environment. The project would establish a competitive network of private trade and services for agricultural equipment and supplies. Environmental Assessment Category B. MECHOSLOVAKIA o be determined 200.0 Second CEZ Power - The proposed project To be determined. Project preparation under (Bank) would finance eligible foreign exchange way. expenditures of the Czech Power Company (CE2) 1993-1995 investment program. The main components of the project would be: (a) improvement of high voltage transmission and substations: (b) upgrading of load dispatching facilities, and (c) retrofit of several lignite fired power stations. Environnental Assessment Catemory: To Be Determined. lovak Power About (R) Second Power and Environmental Consulting services will Project preparation is nterprise 150.0 Improvement - Project will provide for: be required for auditing under way. (Bank) (a) priority investment/upgrading in and corporate Slovakia, Industry and Redevelopment of restructuring of SEP, Vojanv Power Station (b) pollution the borrower. control for De-nox waste disposal; (c) transmission system upgrading; (d) system control center upgrading; and (e) training consultancy. Environmental Assessment Category A. - 70 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing Agency Lender 2 Project Consulting Services Action on Procuremei CZECHOSLOVARIA (Cont'd) SPT Prague and SPT About (R) Telecommunications - Supports Consulting services will Negotiations not yet Bratislava 190.0 expansion and strengthening of national be required for scheduled. Post (Bank) trunk and international networks to improving the accounting appraisal mission is improve congested telecommunications and financial management the field. services and provide service to function of the two (Cofinancing from EB businesses. Includes institutional borrowers (SPA Prague and EIB confirmed.) strengthening of telecommunications and SPA Bratislava). enterprises. Environmental Assessment Catenory C. To be determined About Environment - Scope of this operation To be determined. Project preparation 150.0 likely to include support for way. (Bank) institutional development, technical assistance for strategic and pre- investment studies, and investments in areas of municipal services, and reclamation of mined lands. Environmental Assessment Category A. ESTONIA To be determined 40.0 (R) Enterprise Finance Sector (formerly To be determined. Pre-identification (Bank) Private Sector Development Enterprise mission completed Restructuring) - Project would continue December 7, 1992. I support for enterprise and financial will be prepared in sector restructuring and privatization, January 1993. and strengthen the financial sector and enhance its ability to support the development of the private sector. Environmental Assessment Category C. To be determined 30.0 (R) Energy/Environment - The project To be determined. Preparation mission (Bank) would: (a) support energy efficiency the field. Project improvements and energy conservation in preparation under we district heating systems, convert certain units to gas, introduce boilers using indigenous fuels and install heat meters for large consumers (b) improve environmental conditions by reducing dust emissionsl and (c) strengthen energy institutions. Environmental Assessment Category B. GEORGIA To be determined 100.0 Rehabilitation - Project will finance Consulting services will Identification missii (Bank) essential imports to maintain production be required. scheduled for May 19 in key sectors during early period of economic reform. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. To be determined 15.0 (R) Institution Building - Project will Consulting services will Appraisal mission (Bank) finance capacity building and technical be required. scheduled for Januar, assistance activities of the Government 1993. to further economic reform objectives. Environmental Assessment Category C. To be detIermined 40.0 (R) Telecom - Project seeks to aid in To be determined. Pre-appraisal missioz (Bank) the overall reform process of the scheduled for Februai telecom sector. Environmental 1993. Assessment Category: To Be Determined. - 71 - ember Country, Amount & mplementing Probable Stage of Processing and gency Lender Project s Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 UEGARY ax Administration 25.0 (R) Tax Administration Computerization - Consulting services will Appraisal mission in the epartment (APEH) (Bank) To support the institutional development be required to assist in field. of the Tax Administration Department tax administration (APEH) through automation of information operations and systems Retroactive financint of systems, technical assistance and design. up to USSO.5 million may training. Environmental Assessment be reguired to finance Category C. key consultants. >cial Insurance 130.0 (R) Pensions Administration and Health Consulting services will Appraisal mission iministration (Bank) Insurance - Would assist the Government be required for project completed. Negotiations SIA) in assuring the financial viability of implementation. tentatively scheduled for the social insurance system in the January 1993. future as well as enhance SIA's capacity to provide well targetted pensions and benefits under health insurance. Project would provide technical assistance, training, fellowships, equipment, computer hardware and software, and civil works to support the proposed reforms in the social insurance system. Total project cost is U$$200.0 million. Environmental Assessment Cateiory C. ,nistry of About (R) Health Services and Management - Consulting services will Appraisal mission alfare 70.0 Would assist the Government in be required. completed. Negotiations (Bank) restructuring the health sector and tentatively scheduled for strengthening the institutional capacity January 1993. of the Ministry of Welfare. Project would provide technical assistance, training, equipment, computer hardware and software, and civil works to support the proposed reforms in the health sector. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. nistry of 90.0 (R) Roads - Will include road Limited consulting Negotiations completed. ransport (Bank) strengthening, bridge rehabilitation, services required to Board presentation and a road safety program. improve existing scheduled for Environmental Assessment Category B. environmental December 22, 1992. procedures, pavement management systems, and design standards. gyar Villamos 150.0 (R) Energy Environment - To support Consulting services Appraisal mission in the vek Rt (MVRT) (Bank) development and implementation of will be required for field. appropriate environmental policies in project preparation the power sector and finance power implementation. generation, selective expansion of capacity, dispatching and distribution, and upgrading the energy management system. Environmental Assessment Category A. TM be determined 80.0 (N) - Privatization - Proposed project To be determined. IEPS scheduled for (Bank) will support private sector development January 21, 1993. in Kazakhstan. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. - 72 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing Agency Lender Project Consulting Services Action on Procuremei KAZAXHSTAN (Cont'd) To be determined 150.0 Structural Adjustment - To support the To be determined. IEPS scheduled for A (Bank) Government's structural reform program 1993. and complement the stabilization and adjustment efforts. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. National Bank of 140.0 (R) Rehabilitation - Project will To be determined. Appraisal mission Kazakhstan (Bank) finance critical imports and technical completed October 31 assistance to help minimize economic 1992. Progress dope contraction and support initial phase of an timing of IMF Sta economic reform program. Environmental Agreement. Assessment Category C. Ministry of Energy 130.0 (R) Energy Sector - Project will include Consulting services will Pre-appraisal missio and Fuel Resources (Bank) rehabilitation and modernization of the be required. tentatively schedule power sector and existing petroleum March 1, 1993. production facilities. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. To be determined 60.0 (R) Agriculture Sector - Project would Consulting services will Preparation mission (Bank) identify and introduce reforms and be required. tentatively schedule investments based on best technical, April 1993. financial, economic and environmental proposals. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. KYRGHYZFTA Ministry of 10.0 (N) Telecommunications - Implementation The program includes Preparation mission Communications (Bank)/ of a new digital backbone national and technical assistance scheduled for Februa (IDA) international network. This for: (a) the 1993. infrastructure facilities will allow restructuring of the (Cofinancing is to b provision of new services for business sector and establishment determined.) subscribers and creates prerequisites of a regulatory and for further enhancement of the public policy framework; network. Environmental Assessment (b) institutional Category: To Be Determined. strengthening in management, finance, operations, engineering, human resource management and law; and (c) training of staff. To be determined 60.0 Structural Adjustment - To support the To be determined. IEPS scheduled for (Bank) Government's structural reform program September 1993. and complement the stabilization and adjustment efforts. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. National Bank of 60.0 Rehabilitation - Project will finance Consulting services will Appraisal mission Kyrghystan (Bank) critical imports and technical be required for project completed October 31, assistance to help minimize contraction implementation. 1992. Progress deper and support initial phase of economic on timing of IMF Stax reform program. Environmental Agreement.. Assessment Category C. 73- iber Country, Amount & Ilementing Probable Stage of Processing and 1noy 1 Lender 2 Project Consulting Services Action on Procurement GHYZSTAN nt'd) be determined 60.0 (R) Privatization and Finance - Project To be determined. Identification mission (Bank) will support private and financial completed. Pre-appraisal sector development (PSD) and will mission scheduled for consist of: (a) policy, reg ulatory and February 1993. institutional reforms for p ivate sector development, including fin ar:ial sector reform; and (b) technical assistance and equipment for institutional uilding. Environmental Assessment Catigory C. be determined 20.0 (R) Human Resources Develop ent - To be determined. Identification mission (Bank) Strengthening of employment services and scheduled for February training. Environmental Assessment 1993. Category C. be determined 30.0 (N) Agriculture Sector - Th project To be determined. Pre-identification/ (Bank) would support viable inves ents and an identification mission institutional development pogram which scheduled for January 9, are consistent with the broad policy 1993. reform agenda in 'the agricultural sector. Particular emphasis will be placed on development of export-oriented activities, especially to the West. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. be determined 50.0 (R) Energy/Environment - Project is Consulting services will Identification mission is (Bank) likely to include rehabilitation of be required. in the field. district heating systems and the hydro and thermal power system, development of gas storage and gas utilization, and environmental integration of energy supply. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. be determined 30.0 (R) Human Resources - Project will focus To be determined. Pre-identification (Bank) on health reform, social insurance mission has returned. restructuring, monitoring poverty Identification under way. capacity, and employment services and training. Environmental Assessment Category C. be determined 70.0 Energy/Environment - The project is Consulting services will Identification/ (Bank) likely to include extension and be required. preparation mission rehabilitation of transmission lines to completed. Project allow: (a) more economic load processing under way. management by storing energy in a pumped storage plant; (b) interconnection with Polands and (c) secure transmission loops. The project will stave off peak loads, increase system reliability, facilitate energy exchanges and strengthen energy institutions. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. - 74 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of ProcessiA Agency ' Lender Project Consulting Services Action on Procures LITHUANIA (Cont'd) To be determined 80.0 (R) Enterprise/Finance (formerly Private Consulting services will Pro-identification (Bank) Sector Development) - Project would be required for project mission completed. continue support for enterprise and preparation and will be prepared is financial sector restructuring and implementation, the January/February 1! privatization and strengthen the financi latter primarily through al sector and enhance its ability to technical assistance. support the development of the private sector. Environmental Assessment Category C. MOLDOVA To be determined 60.0 (R) Rehabilitation - Project will Consulting services will Preparation missior (Bank) finance essential imports to maintain be required. scheduled for Febr production on key sectors during early 1993. period of economic reform. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. To be determined 70.0 (R) Agriculture - Identify and introduce To be determined. Identification miss (Bank) reforms and investments for developing scheduled for Febru agriculture based on best technical, 1993. financial, economic and environmental practices. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. POLAND Municipal 80.0 First Municipal Water Supply and Waste Consulting services will Identification of I Utilities (Bank) Water Utility - Institutional be required for the for feasibility stu strengthening and investments for the preparation of rehabilitation and expansion of water feasibility studies and supply and waste water systems for the designs. municipal water and waste water utilities in the cities of Bielsko Biala, Wroclaw and Krakow. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of 110.0 (R) Education Restructuring - The Consulting services will Appraisal mission i Education (Bank) project would focus on restructuring the be required during scheduled for March education system at the secondary project implementation. education level. It would support: (a) new programs, curricula, assessment and examination, and textbooks in secondary education, as well as the refurbishing of approximately 100 model technical high schools; (b) re-training and redeployment of teacherst (c) creation of pilot post-secondary technician training institutions; and (d) strengthening of management and information systems. Environmental Assessment Category C. - 75 - mber Country, Amount & plementing Probable Stage of Processing and ency Lender * Project s Consulting Services Action on Procurement LAND ont'd) lish-Power Grid 150.0 Power Sector Restructuring - The project To be determined. Project under PG) (Bank) will include: (a) a Private Sector preparation. Investment Fund (PSIF) (to be managed by PPG) and would, finance up to 30% of the cost of private investments in the power sector and (b) a loan to PPG for urgently needed investments in the transmission and dispatching system. Environmental Assessment Category B. lish 175.0 Telecoms II - The project would To be determined. Project preparation under Ilecommunications (Bank) tentatively consist of a timeslice of way. mpany (TPSA) the development program of the Polish Telecommunications Company. The focus would be on digital exchanges, transmission equipment, optimization of cable and line equipment, microwave transmission equipment, testing and maintenance equipment, and rural subscriber radio systems. Environmental Assessment Category C. nistry of 150.0 (R) Forestry Development - To implement Grant financing being Appraisal report Ivironmental (Bank) a program of environmentally sound sought for required completed. Negotiations otection, forest management through the consulting services. tentatively scheduled for tural Resources restoration of damaged forest areas January 25, 1993. d Forestry afforestation, intensification of (Cofinancing from EIB and silvicultural treatments, and others expected.) privatization of sector activities. Environmental Assessment Category B. Retroactive financing of up to USS15.0 million for preparation of incremental reforestation activities due to forest fire damage has been reQuested by the Government. nistry of 150.0 (R) Roads - Project would support and To be determined. Negotiations tentatively ansport and (Bank) speed up the modernization and scheduled for January 11, ritime Economy transformation of the sector with 1993. d the National special emphasis on the national road ghways network and the administration ministration responsible for it, GDDP. Project would specifically: (a) improve the road network (b) continue support for the development of modern management tools in GDDPI (c) introduce competitive bidding for road works; (d) improve road safety; (e) support increase of road user charges to better correspond to economic costs; and (f) initiate development of modern combined transport systems. Environmental Assessment Category B. nistry of 300.0 Agricultural Sector Adjustment - To To be determined. Negotiations completed on riculture and (Bank) support Government reforms in the June 2, 1992. Board od Economy agricultural sector. Environmental presentation awaiting IMF Assessment Catesory C. Agreement with Poland. - 76 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing Agency Lender Project Consulting Services Action on Procuremes POLAND (Cont'd) Elektrocieplownia 150.0 Cogeneration - Privatization of combined Consulting services will Appraisal mission Krakow (ECKSA) (Bank) heat and power plant. Environmental be required under one completed. Appraisa Assessment Category B. turn-key contract. report under prepara To be determined 150.0 Coal Sector Restructuring Environment - Consulting services will Project under (Bank) Project will: (a) improve efficiency of be required for mining preparation. coal mining sector through rationaliza- specialists. tion, privatization and restructuring of mines, including closure of unprofitable mines; (b) reduce pollution from ongoing mining operations and consumption of coal (coal cleaning); and (c) improve framework of regional development of deal with projected layoffs. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of About (R) Enterprise and Financial Sector To be determined. An appraisal mission Finance 400.0 Adjustment - Further support for the completed. Negotiat (Bank) government's economic transformation tentatively scheduleo program focussing on restructuring of January 1993. the financial sector. Environmental (Cofinancing with EBI Assessment Category C. possible.) Ministry of About (R) Housing I - To support development Consultants for Approved by the Execi Construction and 200.0 of a market-based housing system through assisting in project Directors on June 25, Spatial Economy (Bank) the creation of housing finance implementation 1992. Loan signing services, and an increased role for the preparation from scheduled for - private sector in housing construction. Japanese Grant Facility, December 21, 1992. Environmental Assessment Category C. USAID, UNDP, and others. ROMANIA To be determined 150.0 (N) Industrial Restructuring II - To To be determined. Preparation under wa3 (Bank) support development of industrial exports including policy and incentives framework, building of export related institutional framework, and restructuring of the foreign trade sector. Also, credit line to finance investments to improve international competitiveness and output of exportable products. Environmental Assessment Category B. To be determined 150.0 (R) Agroprocessing Product, Market and Consulting services will Identification under (Bank) Export Development (formerly be required Agroprocessing Product Development and (100 staffweeks in food Export Marketing) - The project would processing technology, finance agroprocessing joint ventures domestic and export with the European Community (EC) marketing). countries in view of plans for Romania to become an EC associated country. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of Labor 130.0 (R) Employment and Social Protection - To be determined. Appraisal mission is and Social (Bank) The project would support development of scheduled for March 1 Protection employment, training, and social assistance services to ease transition to a market economy. Environmental Assessment Category C. - 77 - 6er Country, Amount & tementing Probable Stage of Processing and icy Lender s Project Consulting Services Action on Procurement U11A t'd) ELEC0M 100.0 (R) Telecommunications - The,project To be determined. Appraisal mission (Bank) would provide for: (a) rehabilitation rescheduled for August and expansion of exchanges, external 1993. cables and long distance networks in urban and rural areas; (b) spare parts and equipment and (c) institutional development. Environmental Assessment Category D. )e determined 150.0 Oil/Gas Restructuring - The objectives Consulting services will Appraisal mission (Bank) of the project are to provide assistance be required. rescheduled for January to the Government in the restructuring 1993. of sector entities with a view to: (Cofinancing will be (a) promoting private sector investments requested.) in the petroleum subsectorl (b) enhancing the domestic production of oil and gas; upgrading the efficiency and capability of the oil and gas transmission and distribution networks; (c) addressing the environmental pollution of soil and groundwater in oil and gas producing areas; and (d) assisting in establishing an effective energy pricing policy. Environmental Assessment Category B. e determined 110.0 Municipal Development - The project will To be determined. Identification mission (Bank) include: (a) funding for construction planned for early 1993. of new and/or completion of existing municipal infrastructure and facilities; (b) technical assistance to local governments; and (c) technical assistance to central government institutions responsible for implementation of local government reform. Environmental Assessment Category B. stry of 115.0 (R) Transportation - Civil works, To be determined. Appraisal report under Lsport (Bank) materials, equipment, technical preparation. assistance and training in the sectort track maintenance equipment and spare parts, computers and telecommunications; and training for railways. Environmental Assessment Category B. stry of About (R) Education - To support reform - Consulting services will Appraisal mission ation 125.0 implementation in: (a) educational be required. tentatively scheduled for (Bank) assessment/testing; (b) prmary and February 1993. secondary curriculum and teaching qualityl (c) educational materials; and (d) education management and financing. Environmental Assessment Cateaory C. L/Regia 200.0 Thermal Power Plants Rehabilitation - Technical inspection of Preparation in progress. noun a (Bank) The project would provide assistance to thermal plants and (Cofinancing will be itului (RAL) RENEL (the pover utility) for: feasibility study of requested.) (a) rehabilitation of thermal power rehabilitation in plants; (b) address environmental issues progress. Consultant of power generation and lignite mining selection for and (c) upgrade institutional environment impact capabilities. Environmental Assessment assessment study in Category A. progress. - 78 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processiz Agency ' Lander Project Consulting Services Action on Procurei ROMANIA (Cont'd) Ministry of 250.0 (R) Financial and Enterprise Sector To be determined. Appraisal mission Economy and (Bank) Adjustment -. The project would introduce scheduled for end Finance, National systematic reforms in the banking 1993. Bank of Romania, sector, strengthen public debt National Agency management and monetary control, create for Privatization, an effective capital ownership function, State Ownership and ensure efficient design and Fund implementation of enterprise privatization and exit mechanism. Environmental Assessment Category C. Ministry of 175.0 (R) Industrial Development - Redesigned To be determined. Appraisal report t Economy and (Bank) to become development finance operation, preparation. Finance, Ministry including pre-shipment export finance (Cofinancing requ] of Resources and facility and permanent working capital Industry, National and investment finance. Policy elements Agency for include support to privatization, Privatization and private sector development, industrial Small and Mid-Size sector restructuring strategy and Enterprises, enterprise restructuring programs. participating Technical assistance for both policy and banks financing parts. Environmental Assessment Category B. RUSSIAN FEDERATION To be determined 400.0 (N) Industry Finance - Supports To be determined. Preparatory missic (Bank) introduction of policy regulator and scheduled for May institutional measures necessary to foster the enterprise reform process/ efficient allocation of revenues to institutional sector as well as measures to support the restructuring of the banking sector. Environmental Assessment Category C. To be determined 150.0 (R) Management and Financial Training - To be determined. Identification mis (Bank) The project would provide critical completed. management and financial skills needed in key sectors for the transition to a market economy. Environmental Assessment Category C. Agency for 35.0 (R) Portfolio Development - Project To be determined. Preparation missic International (Bank) seeks to: (a) develop a pipeline of progress. Cooperation and projects suitable for Bank financing; Development (b) strengthen the capacity of the implementing agency to mobilize and manage the flow of external assistance; and (c) strengthen the capacities of agencies involved in the project implementation. Environmental Assessment Category C. The State 100.0 (R) Social Protection and Employment Consulting services will Preparation missic Committee on (Bank) (formerly Employment Services and Social be required. tentatively schedu Employment, Protection II) - Project will finance April 1993. Ministry of Social further computerization and other Protection assistance for this extension of social security systems. Environmental Assessment Category C. - 79 - er Country, Amount & lementing Probable Stage of Processing and ncy Lender 2 Project Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 SIAW i ION nt' d) istry of Health 130.0 Health - To develop and support the Consulting services will Identification mission (Bank) implementation of health sector reform be required. tentatively scheduled for and finance key equipment imports. January 1993. Environmental Assessment Category C. be determined 500.0 Private Sector Development - Sup?ort for To be determined. Identification scheduled (Bank) policy and institutional reforms to for February 1993. enterprises and financial sectors and to encourage private sector development. Environmental Assessment Category C. iistry of 300.0 Environment - Project will help reduce To be determined. Project processing under Ilogy and (Bank) oil and gas losses in the environment way. :ural Resources and improve efficiency in oil and gas collection and transmission and address other priority environmental issues. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. PROM 400.0 Gas Rehabilitation I - Project will To be determined. Pre-appraisal mission (Bank) focus on increasing the efficiency and tentatively scheduled for safety of the existing system through January 15, 1993. the rehabilitation/replacement of pipelines, compressor stations, protection facilities and metering. Environmental Assessment Category A. STROIGAZI- 300.0 (R) Gas Rehabilitation II - Project To be determined. Pre-appraisal mission CATSIYA (Bank) would rehabilitate and upgrade gas tentatively scheduled for distribution systems in major urban July 1, 1993. areas. Project would also introduce gas metering and appropriate pricing policies for domestic and industrial consumers to encourage the use of efficient technologies. Environmental Assessment Category B. iistry of 400.0 (R) Urban Public Transport - The project Short-term consultants Pre-appraisal mission nsport (Bank) would: (a) increase bus, trolley, and are engaged. tentatively scheduled for train service capacities; (b) assist in May 1, 1993. Additional developing selected public transport time required for report systems on a financially sustainable preparation. basis; and (c) indirectly spur development of a stronger domestic industry for manufacturing public transport vehicles. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. istry of 200.0 Agriculture Marketing and Distribution - Consulting services will Preparation mission riculture, (Bank) Project will increase efficiency in the be required. scheduled for February/ SKLEB product, value added of food products as they March 1993. 3KONTRACT move off the farm to the consumer. Project would address issues in processing, transport, storage, handling, inventory control, automation, etc. Environmental Assessment Category - 80 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processil Agency ' Lender 2 Project s Consulting Services Action on Procure RUSSIAN FEDERATION (Cont'd) The State 70.0 (R) Employment Services and Social Long and short-term Approved by the Ea Committee on (Bank) Protection (formerly Employment Services consultants to assist in Directors on Noven Employment, and Social Protection I) - Build labor design of employment 1992. Ministry of Social market policy and management capacity, services. Protection establish labor market service delivery, staff and worker training. Environmental Assessment Catexory C. State Property 90.0 (R) Privatization - To provide full Consulting services will Negotiations compl Agency (GKI) (Bank) range of facilities and assistance be required. Approved by the Ex (equipment, human resources and other Directors on Decem administrative needs) to quickly 1992. initiate the wide scale implementation of the privatization program. Environmental Assessment Catezory C. Ministry of Fuel 500.0 (R) Oil Sector - Project will support Consulting services will Appraisal report u and Energy (Bank) oil producing operations in Western be required for preparation Siberia. Project components include procurement, (Cofinancing of ab well workovers, well completions, new financial/accounting and US$299.0 million b wells, replacement of gathering lines oil field technical sought.) and related technical services. assistance. Environmental Assessment Category A. Soyuzplodoimport, 600.0 (R) Rehabilitation - Will finance Consulting services from Approved by the Ex Techmashimport, (Bank) essential imports through foreign the United Kingdom Know- Directors on Augus Pharmimex, exchange market component and a pre- How Fund to finance 1992. Loan was si Technointorg, identified imports component. procurement procedures. November 16, 1992. Avtoexport, Environmental Assessment Category C. Sovbunker, Retroactive financ Zarubeabugol up to US860.0 mill available for Pre- identified imports To be determined 500.0 Agriculture Sector I - To develop and To be determined. Further processing (Bank) support the implementation of determined on the agricultural sector reform and finance evaluation of the imports of critical agricultural inputs. identification misa Environmental Assessment Category: To and management Be Determined. discussions. Ministry of 400.0 (R) Highway Rehabilitation and Consulting services will Appraisal mission Transport, Federal (Bank) Maintenance - Execution of a three-year be required for studies scheduled for Highway Department program of urgently needed road design and preparation February 27, 1993. rehabilitation and maintenance, of bidding documents. technical cooperation for policy advice and training on highway issues. Environmental Assessment Category B. To be determined 180.0 Informatics - The project will: Consulting services will Preparation under w (Bank) (a) support the Government in settling be required. information policies and making recommendations for policy agenda; and (b) provide analysis of developments in information flows and services. Environmental Assessment Catenory C. - 81 - ember Country, Amount & lementing Probable Stage of Processing and gency ' Lander Project ' Consulting Services Action on Procurement ,URKEY Cont'd) a be determined 240.0 (R) Energy Conservation - The project To be determined. Identification mission (Bank) would provide for: (a) equipment planned for mid-January materials and services for improving the 1993. efficiency with which energy is produced and consumed; and (b) institutional development. Environmental Assessment Cateaory D. SKI 250.0 (R) Istanbul Water Supply and Sewerage Feasibility study for Second preparation (Bank) III - Water supply, sewerage and part of the project mission in the field. drainage system. Environmental expected to be financed (Cofinancing will be Assessment Cateeory B. by Nordik Investment required.) Bank. Consultants for the Master Plan for water supply and sewerage were selected. linistry of Health 100.0 Health II - Project will strengthen Consultants have been Preparation under way. (Bank) public health services in Central/ selected. Eastern Anatolia, and assist in decentralization of state hospitals administration. Environmental Assessment Category C. talya About (R) Antalya Water and Sanitation Consultants' feasibility Second preparation lunicipality 70.0 (formerly Antalya Environment) - Project study began October 6, . mission in the field. (Bank) would include water supply, sewerage, 1992. solid waste and coastal zone management components and assist the Antalya Municipality in establishing an appropriate policy and institutional framework for environmental management. Environmental Assessment Category B. linistry of 100.0 Basic Education - Project would support Consultants likely to be Second preparation lational Education (Bank) the expansion of basic schooling (Grades required for mission tentatively through 8) to improve system coverage implementation. scheduled for January and relieve overcrowded schools, with 1993. particular effort to raise the school attendance of girls. Environmental Assessment Categorv C. rurkish About Coal Pollution Abatement - This project, Consulting services will Appraisal report under Ilectricity 120.0 to be developed by the Turkish be required for project preparation. thority (TEK) (Bank) Electricity Authority (TEK) is to reduce preparation and (Cofinancing expected.) sulphur and NOXKpollution from TEK's implementation. lignite thermal plants. Environmental Assessment Category B. iinistry of About (R) E. Anatolia Watershed Rehabilitation Consultants will be Negotiations scheduled, Forestry, Ministry 82.0 - Improved erosion control, reforesta- required to assist in for late January 1993. f Agriculture and (Bank) tion, sustainable dry land farming and execution, organization (A Global Environment lural Affairs. pasture management programs in upper of overseas training, Facility (GEF) component Euphrates' watershed, studies and and a GIS component has been reattached to research. Positive environmental impact planned for years. this project -- see Annex expected. Environmental Assessment II.) Category C. - 82 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing a Agency Lender 2 Project ' Consulting Services Action on Procuremen TURZEY (Cont'd) Ministry of Health About Health III - Creation of a National To be determined. Preparation postpone 100.0 Hygiene Institute and support for pending Government (Bank) development of a regional network to decisions on technic& public health laboratories, and political options Environmental Assessment Category C. Turkish Employment About (R) Employment and Training - To support Consultants will be Approved by the Exect Office 67.0 development of employment-oriented required for execution. Directors on Decembei (Bank) training, improvement of labor market 1992. information, career guidance counseling, improved employment services occupational standard development, and promotion of women's employment. Environmental Assessment Category C. Bursa Municipality About (R) Bursa Water and Sanitation.(formerly Local government has Negotiations tentatis and Buski 131.0 Bursa Environment) - The project will invited proposals for scheduled for mid-Ja (Bank) provide sewerage, water supply and solid detailed design and 1993. waste management facilities, and will intends to invite assist in strengthening policies and proposals for technical institutions, to control causes of assistance services. environmental degradation. Environmental Assessment Catezory B. TUREMENISTAN To be determined 20.0 Institution Building Technical To be determined. Preparation mission (Bank) Assistance - Project will finance tentatively schedulec urgently needed technical assistance in January 1993. designing and preparing a reform program. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. To be determined 60.0 (R) Energy - Project will focus on To be determined. Project identificati (Bank) investments and technical assistance in: under way. (a) support of improved efficiency and diversification in the use of natural gas resources; (b) promoting restructuring and improved financial and operational management in the main refinery; and (c) promoting participation in the exploration and development of hydrocarbon resources by foreign oil companies, and strengthening the domestic industry's operating capacity and financial performance. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. To be determined 30.0 (R) Agriculture Sector - Project will To be determined. Project has been pla (Bank) identify and introduce reforms and in the FY96 Lending investments for developing agriculture Program. Further based on the best technical, financial, reporting will be economic and environmental practices. discontinued. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. - 83 - aber Country, Amount & 'lementing Probable Stage of Processing and ncy ' Lender Project Consulting Services Action on Procurement I LINE tGAZPROM 130.0 Natural Gas Transit - Project will To be determined. Pre-appraisal mission (Bank) rehabilitate and expand the natural gas scheduled for transmission system in order to increase February 15, 1993. the quality and reliability of gas export to Europe. Environmental Assessment Category A. be determined. 40.0 (R) Institution Building - Project would Consulting services will Preparation mission (Bank) finance advisory services, equipment and be required. scheduled for December 1 training to strengthen institutional through December 21, infrastructure for market-based economy. 1992. Environmental Assessment Category C. be determined 480.0 (R) Rehabilitation - Project would Consulting services will Identification mission (Bank) finance essential imports through be required. scheduled for March 1993. foreign exchange market component and a pre-identified imports component. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. be determined 200.0 Social Protection - Project would Consulting services will Project under (Bank) support reform of the social security be required. identification. system, strengthening of employment services, and restructuring of the health sector. Environmental Assessment Category C. 1istry of 35.0 (R) Telecommunications - Modernising Consulting services will Appraisal mission mwunications (Bank) national telecoms system to underpin be required. scheduled for January 15, reform process. Environmental 1993. Assessment Catenory C. be determined 200.0 (R) Agriculture - Project would support To be determined. Project preparation under (Bank) structural change and efficiency way. improvements in the agriculture sector through appropriate policy framework and financing of private sector development. Environmental Assessment Category:. To Be Determined. - 84 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing Agency ' Lender a Project Consulting Services Action on Procurem UZBEKISTAN To be determined 150.0 (R) Rehabilitation/Institution Building Consulting services will Appraisal mission (Bank) Technical Assistance (formerly be required for scheduled for Febru Institution Building Technical implementation. 1993. Assistance) - Project will: (a) assist the Government in designing a comprehensive reform programi and (b) strengthen and build up institutions and domestic capacity to implement and sustain reforms. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. To be determined 150.0 (R) Cotton Sub-Sector Development - To be determined. Identification miss (Bank) Program objectives are to: (a) improve completed. Pre-app efficiency of resource use in mission scheduled f agriculture (b) stabilize foreign March 1993. exchange earningsa and (c) improve cotton quality and the country's competitiveness in international markets. Environmental Assessment Category: To 3e Determined. To be determined 50.0 Human Resources Development - To reform To be determined. Pre-identification (Bank) a social security system, strengthening mission scheduled I of employment services. Environmental 1993. Assessment Category C. - 85 - ember Country, Ammnt Irmplementing Probable Stage of Processing and agency' Lender 2 Project Consulting Services Action on Procuremnt IV. LATIN AMERICA AND CARIBBEAN REGION RGENTINA 4inistry of 300.0 (R) Decentralization of Secondary To be determined. Project has been Cultural and (Bank) Education (formerly Basic Education identified. rducation Quality and Equity Improvement) - Improvement Project would support decentralization of secondary education to the provinces. It would include institutional strengthening of streamlined federal ministries and of the provinces, and sector investments in selected provinces. Environmental Assessment Category C. finistry of 170.0 Flood Rehabilitation - The project will A supervisory engineer Approved by the Executive Interior (Bank) finance high priority works in the and procurement expert Directors on water, road, education and health, and were hired. September 29, 1992. shelter sectors as part of the emergency flood rehabilitation program. Environmental Assessment Category B. .o be determined 300.0 Reform of Provincial Finances - Project Consulting services will Project identification (Bank) includes: (a) modernizing framework of be required for under way. federal/provincial fiscal relations; preparation. (b) consolidating PSRL improvements on federal budgeting; and (c) adjustment of provincial finances. Environmental Assessment Categorv C. Linistry of 450.0 (R) Debt and Debt-Service Reduction Consulting services will Board presentation :conomy and Works (Bank) Support - To fund interest support not be required. scheduled for early and Public component of a comprehensive debt and January 1993. ;ervices debt reduction program with commercial banks. Environmental Assessment Category C. linistry of 400.0 Financial Sector Adjustment - To support Consulting services will Negotiations completed. Economy (Bank) financial sector reforms such as reduced be required on a limited Board presentation involvement of the public sector in basis. scheduled for early 1993. banking, encouraging prudent behavior by financial institutions and further deregulation of the banking sector. Environmental Assessment Category C. lanco de 300.0 Capital Market Development - The project Consulting services will Further project Enversiones y (Bank) seeks to encourage capital market be required in Bank processing delayed 'omercio Exterior development. A new second-tier Bank supervision capital pending discussions with will relend the funds to Participate market development, and the Government. Financial Intermediaries (PFI) for financial and investment investment finance. The second-tier policies. Bank will tap the capital market through securitization of its loans to PFIs. Environmental Assessment Categor C. inistry of 300.0 (R) Public Enterprise Reform II - Consultants have been Board presentation is befense (Bank) Consolidation of public enterprise sale identified and are being scheduled for January and restructuring programs. financed by Japanese 1993. Environmental Assessment Category B. Grant and PEREL. - 86 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing a Agency' Leader Project a Consulting Services Action en Proaurcmm ARGENT33RA (Cont'd) Ministerto de 150.0 (R) Maternal Child Health and To be determined. Project preparation S Salud y Accion (Bank) Nutrition - Human resource maintenance under way. Social through health and nutrition support for vulnerable groups. Environmental Assessment Cateaorv C. Direccion Macional 337.0 Road Maintenance - Avoidance of: Consulting services will Appraisal report unde de Vialidad (Bank) (a) costly road repair and reconstruc- be required for road preparation. tions (b) unnecessary increases in design, supervision, vehicle operations cost. Improvement of institutional RetroactLiv financins coordination and cooperation between improvement and no to US$16,0 millior agencies (national and provincial). training. envisaLed. Improvement of road activity funding. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministerio de 100.0 Buenos Aires Health Development - Consulting services will Project preparation t Salud y Bienestar (Bank) Project will provide support for major be required. Way. Social institutional and policy reforms. Environmental Assessment: To Be Determined. Entidad Binacional 300.0 (R) Yacyreta II - Completion of Yacyreta Consulting services will Approved by the Exect Yacyreta (EBY) (Bank) first six units, technical assistance be required for the Directors on for the execution of the resettlement resettlement and September 29, 1992. and environment management programs, and environmental management was signed on assessment of private capital participa- programs. November 16, 1992. tion in EBY, and implementation of the first phase of the associated Retroactive financins transmission system. Environmental up to US860.0 millior Assessment Category A. the 1992 invoices of civil works and engineering contracts YACYRETA were awarde under a Previous low Ministry of 20.0 Structural Adjustment (SAL) - To support To be determined. Project preparation Finance and (Bank) trade liberalization, tax reform, way. Economic Affairs rationalization of public expenditures, including a review of the Government's divestment program, and to support social policies and the safety net. The loan would complement stabilization and adjustment efforts being undertaken with the IMF and the IDB. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. - 87 - ber Country5 Amount & p 7lmnting Probable Stage of Processing and Lnder Project ' Consulting Services Action en Procurement 4 IRBADOS Cont'd) Lnistry of 20.0 (R) Human Resources - The project would To be determined. Preparation under way. A liucation, (Bank) assist in: (a) improving technical PPF of US4500,000 Lnistry of training and vocational education and provides financing.' aZunity training at the post-secondary level evelopment and through the establishment of instructor 1lture resource centers, curriculum reform, design and implementation of a new teacher training program, and provision of related training, materials and technical assistancel (b) strengthening general education through in-service training for primary and secondary school teachers, expansion of foreign language training, and reinforcement of library information services; (c) strengthening public employment and counselling services and labor market informations and (d) designing and implementing a policy/institutional reform agenda. Environmental Assessment Category C. ELIZE liae Electricity 9.0 Power Development - This project would To be determined. Project under oard (BEB) (Bank) assist in the financing of: (a) the preparation. construction of a 115 kv transmission grid running from the border with Mexico to Belize City and Belmopana and (b) consulting services to assist the Government in (i) the preparation of regulatory framework for the power sector; and (ii) the preparation of plans for the privatization of BEB. Environmental Assessment Category B. Lnistry of 7.5 (R) Belize City Municipal Infrastructure Consulting firm being Preparation studies to be 3reign Affairs, (Bank) - Will help the city to rehabilitate and contracted for project completed in April 1993. 1onomic develop its infrastructure, strengthen preparation studies. Cvelopment and its administrative capacity, and promote Financing is provided by Iucation economic growth. Environmental a PPF of US$800,000. Assessment Category B. inistry of 8.0 Private Sector Development - To provide To be determined. Appraisal report under Ionomic (Bank) a line of credit and technical preparation. evelopment, assistance in support of: (a) private entral Bank enterprise investment and developmento and (b) policy reforms to enhance the enabling environment for sustained and efficient private sector development, and to make the financial sector more. efficient and competitive. Environmental Assessment Catenorv B. - 88 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of,Processing a Agency' Lender 2 Project I Consulting Services Action a Procurement BOLIVIA To be.determined 20.1 (N) Forestry and Environment - The Consulting services may Preparation under way (IDA) project alas to support the creation of be required. a more effective institutional capacity and policy environment for forestry and natural resource management, with priority on efficient agricultural practices in the frontier and investments in forestry and environmental protection. Environmental Assessment Category A. Ministerio de 48.9 (R) Natural Gas.Export - The project Consulting services will Preparation mission Energia e (IDA) includes: (a) export of 8-16 million be required for: scheduled for March 1 Hidrocarburos O'/day of natural gas through a 1900 km (a) preparation of pipeline from Santa Crus (Bolivia) to regulatory framework Sao Paulo (Brazil); (b) technical (b) gas reserves assistance to the Government of Bolivia certification/gas field in implementing the project; and development program; and (c) public infrastructure to support the (c) environmental project implementation. Environmental assessment. Assessment Category B. Ministry of Energy 20.1 (R) Hydrocarbon Deregulation Consulting services will Second preparation and Hydrocarbon (IDA) Restructuring and Engineering - The main cover all activities of mission is planned fc (MEH) objective is to help the Government the hydrocarbon sector, mid-January 1993. deregulate the hydrocarbon sector, and will be done through A PPF and Japanese Gi restructure Yacimientos Petroliferos foreign and local Facility funds will I Fiscales Bolivianos (YPFB), and consultants and used to carry out att strengthen MEH and the new streamlined firms. and to support MEH. YPFB. Environmental Assessment Category C. To be determined 31.1 Child Development and Nutrition - To be determined. Project preparation % (IDA) Project seeks to implement a national way. program of childhood development and nutrition interventions aimed at increasing the educational and nutritional level of children under five, and stimulating employment among poor urban and semi-urban women. Environmental Assessment Category C. To be determined 25.0 Municipal Development - Policy reform Consulting services Preparation under wal (IDA) and institutional strengthening in the required for project Financing is provide( area of municipal finance and preparation activities. a PPF of US$1,500,004 management. Line of credit for investment projects in municipal infrastructure and services. Environmental Assessment Category B. To be determined 42.2 (R) Public Enterprise Reform and Private Consulting services will Project under (IDA) Sector Development - To assist the be required for assess- preparation. Government's program of privatizing ment of major sector. public enterprises, establish appropriate regulatory framework and help remove legal constraints inhibiting private enterprises. Environmental Assessment Category B. - 89 - ber Country, Amount & lementing Probable Stage of Processing and ay' Lender Project s Consulting Services Action an Procurement n ) istries of 25.0 Education Reform - Support the To be determined. Project preparation under nning and (IDA) Government's planned reform of the way. rdination/ education system and decentralization of Financing is provided by cation and public education services. a PPF of US$950,000. ture Environmental Assessment Cateaory C. do Nacional 4.7 (R) Environmental Technical Assistance - Consultants will be Approved by the Executive ael Medio (IDA) Will strengthen key environment-related required for Directors on December 10, Lente (FONAMA) institutions and develop the human environmental legal and 1992. resources necessary to plan, evaluate regulatory work and and implement action programs and environmental impact Financing is provided by develop an effective legal and asseasment/training. a PPF of US$680,000 and a regulatory system for environmental Japanese Grant Facility protection and natural resource of US$314,000, and a management. Environmental Assessment second PPF of US$350,000. Category C. be determined 36.3 (R) Environment, Industry and Mining - To be determined. Project preparation under (IDA) Further support for mining sector reform way. program and development of private sector in an environmentally sound manner. Environmental Assessment Category B. ZIL aral Railway Up to Railway Reform - Restructuringof RPFFSA To be determined. Identification under way. rt Company 250.0 and rehabilitation of track in major ?SA) (Bank) railway corridors to enable privatization of railway services. Environmental Assessment Category B. ?anhia Up to Metropolitan Transport (Rio de Consulting services will Board presentation sileira de 128.5 Janeiro) - The decentralization of the be required for scheduled for January 12, asportes (Bank) Companhia Brasileira de Trens Urbanos engineering work, 1993. Mes (CBTU) (CBTU) from the federal government to supervision and the state, Rio de Janeiro, to phase out institutional federal subsidies. Includes substantial strengthening. institutional and managerial reforms. Emphasizes modal integration, and financial policy reform. Environmental Assessment Category B. :o de 145.0 (R) Water Quality and Pollution Control To be determined. Board presentation onvolvimento de (Bank) (Minas Gerais) - To assist sector scheduled for January 5, as Gerais authorities in most congested areas in 1993. 4G) developing methodologies to tackle the cleaning of environment, and specifically to save the scarce water sources for human consumption and agriculture. Environmental Assessment Category A. zo de Up to Minas Municipal Development - Introduce To be determined. Apraisal mission is involvimento do 150.0 policy and institutional reforms in scheduled for February ls Gerais (Bank) selected municipalities and municipal 1993. water companies in the State of Minas Gerais# and improve services in selected urban subsectors. Total project cost is about US$300.0 million. Environmental Assessment Category B. - 90 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stag of Processing Agency Lender 2 Project ' Consulting Services Action on Procrme BRAZIL (Cont'd) INFRAERO Up to INFRAERO Reform - Finance time-slice of To be determined. Project under 100.0 INFRAERO's investment program and preparation. (Bank) support sectoral regulatory reforms. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. Ministerio Infra- Up to Telecom Reform - Assists with To be determined. Project scope being Estrutura 200.0 restructuring, modernization and defined. (Bank) expansion Of telecommunications services. Hay also finance a time-slice of sector investment program and will address sector-wide policy issues. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. Companhia Vale Up to Environmental Conservation and To be determined. Appraisal report an do Rio Doce 60.0 Rehabilitation - Supports the preparation. (Bank) environmental program of Compania Vale do Rio Doce (CVRD) which includes: (a) an industrial and mining pollution control components (b) natural resources components (c) a research and development component for the preservation of ecosystemso and (d) socially-oriented investments. Environmental Assessment Category B. Departamento Up to Federal Highway II - Will support Consulting services Project preparation Nacional de 250.0 decentralization of highway will be required for way. Estradas de (Bank) administration and private sector engineering and work Rodagem (DNER) involvement In highway construction, supervision, and for operation and maintenance. Would also institutional help finance the federal highway strengthening. rehabilitation and maintenance programs. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of Up to (R) Northeast Basic Education II - Will will Negotiations schedu Education and 220.0 support basic education in four be required in the areas for late January 19 States (Bank) Northeast states. Environmental of education management, (Cofinancing of Assessment Category C. textbook provision, and US$1.4 million has educational evaluations. approved with Japan Grant Facility.) Secretaria de Up to (R) Land Management IV (Mato Grosso do To be determined. Appraisal mission Agricultura, 31.0 Sul) - To improve natural resources scheduled for April Pecuaria e (Bank) protection in Pantanal's watershed and May 1993. Desenvolvimento generate sustainable productivity gains Agrario do Estado through improved land management and de Hato Grosso do soil conservation within abut 350 Sul (SECAP-MS) catchments/microcatcbments in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul. Environmental Assessment Category D. - 91 - ber Country, Amount & lementing Probable Stage of Processing and myI LeAder Project Consulting Services Action an Procurement * IZIL 'nt'd) :retaria de Up to (R) Water Quality and Pollution Control The borrowers will make Approved by the Executive Irgia a 223.0 (Sao Paulo and Parana) - Help sector extensive use of Directors on July 2, leamento (Sao (Bank) authorities to address water pollution consultants for 1992. Loan to Sao Paulo lo), Secretaria issues through a self- sustained preparation of projects, signed on December 17, Planejamento investment project in the most congested studies and 1992. Loans to Parana rana) areas of Brazil, to develop institutional and the Federal methodologies to tackle the cleaning of strengthening programs. Government are expected environment, and specifically to manage to be signed shortly. the scarce water sources for human consumption and agriculture. Environmental Assessment Category A. Ico Nactonal do Up to Privatization and Capital Market No consulting services Appraisal report under envolvLmento 315.0 Reform - Develop capital markets in required. preparation. nomico a (Bank) coordination with financial sector iale (BNDES) strategy and to support preparatory work by Brazil's Privatization Commission and BNDES in the privatization of public enterprises. Environmental Assessment Category B. istry of Health Up to (R) Quality Assurance - Support for To be determined. Pre-appraisal mission 200.0 strengthening Government's normative and scheduled for February (Bank) regulatory roles in health and 1993. spidemiological surveyance. Environmental Assessment Category C. isterio de Acio Up to (R) Water Sector Modernization - Finance Consulting services will Approved by the Executive ial 250.0 investments and bring about sector be required for Directors on March 10, (Bank) policy reforms, improved operations engineering, 1992. Loan was signed on investment planning, and pricing. construction December 9, 1992. Environmental Assessment Category B. supervision, technical assistance, and training. Paulo State Up to (R) Land Management III (Sao Paulo) - To Consulting services will Appraisal report under -retariat of 60.0 generate environmental benefits and be required for about preparation. iculture and (Bank) sustainable productivity gains through 12 manmonths for oply (SAA-SP) improved land management and soil organizing training. conservation within about 2,000 microcatchments involving 120,000 farmers in Sao Paulo. Environmental Assessment Category D. Iistry of Up to (R) Northeast Basic Education III - The To be determined. Appraisal mission ication 250.0 project will support basic education in scheduled for January 15, (Bank) up to five states in the Northeast. 1993. Environmental Assessment Category C. artmento de 88.0 (R) State Highways Management Project - Consultant services will Board presentation .radas de (Bank) Rehabilitation and periodic maintenance be required for scheduled for agem (DER) in of state highways and strengthening of engineering, December 22, 1992. ected states state highway department's maintenance construction supervision capabilities in the states of Alagoas, and technical Retroactive financina Mato Grosso do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul assistance. would be considered up to and Santa Catarena. Includes a lOX of the loan amount to component to strengthen the state. help start Implementation hiehway agencies environmental capacity. of project components. Environmental Assessment Category B. -92- member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stag of Processi Agency Lander Project Consulting Servoes Action on Procure (Cont'd) Ministry of Up to Irrigation Subsector II - Private To be determined. Project preparatics Agriculture, 175.0 Irrigation (follow-up to Irrigation- hold pending Goverz National (Bank) Subsector I) in Northeast. assignment of prio Irrigation Environmental Assessment Catesory B. project. Secretariat CARIBBEAN REGION Caribbean 11.0 (R) CDB VI - New global line of credit To be determined. Preparation missior OECSDevelopment (Bank) for CDB to be on-lent mainly for OECS scheduled for early Bank 11.0 countries. In addition to continued February 1993. (IDA) support for infrastructure development, project would seek to help promote small and medium, industrial agriculture and commercial private firms, expand the scope of the financial system and modernize overall intermediation. Environmental Assessment CateaorV_C. OECS Secretariat 5.8 (R) OECS Waste Management - An OECS To be determined. Project preparation (Bank) regional project addressing: way. 5.8 (a) priority investments in solid vastei (Possible financing (IDA) (b) technical assistance for liquid the Global Environm vastea and (c) a component focussing on Facility (GEF) -- a policies and institutional issues Annex II.) related to waste management. Environmental Assessment Cate&ory A. Retroactive financi up to 10% of the low credit will be cons: to help expedite the technical assistanco the liquid waste component. Caribbean 7.5 OECS Regional Education - Raising the To be determined. Project preparation Development Bank (Bank) standards and efficiency of primary and way. 7.6 secondary education and increasing (IDA) access to post-secondary technical education through cooperation with the private sector. The project would cover all OECS eligible countries., Environmental Assessment Category C. Ministry of 80.0 (N) Secondary Education Improvement - Consulting services are Project preparation Education (Bank) The project would: (a) enhance the not yet defined. way. efficiency, quality and equity of secondary education and (b) improve the organization of secondary education by strengthening the institutional capacity of the Ministry of Education, municipalities and educational corporations. Environmental Assessment Category C. - 93 - b er Country, Amount £ lementing Probable Stage of Processing and ncy Lander 2 Project' Consulting Services Action an Procurement' n* d) istry of 10.0 Regulatory Reform (TAL) - To assist the To be determined. Project under nomy (Bank) Government in streamlining the current preparation. regulatory framework in electricity and gas, and legislative framework promoting competition and efficient private sector participation. Environmental Assessment Category C. istry of 20.0 Municipal Development - Project will To be determined. Project preparation under erior and -(Bank) provide assistance to the Government in way. icipalities enhancing efficiency, equity, and fiscal discipline in the municipal public. sector. The project includes three components: (a) institutional development (b) pre-investment studies; and (c) pilot physical investment subprojects. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. ds Directorate 300.0 (R) Second Transport Infrastructure and Consultants will be Pre-appraisal mission inistry. oft i (Bank) Privatization (formerly Transport required for completed. Further lic Works (MOP) Infrastructure Sector II) - Project to engineering, project preparation under finance maintenance and further construction supervision way. development of national road system, and technical while supporting privatization assistance. initiatives. Project is a follow up to'. Road Sector II (Ln. 3120-CE). Environmental Assessment Category B. ision Nacional 11.5 (R) Environmental/Institutional Consulting services will Approved by the Executive Medio Ambiente (Bank) Development - Strengthen the be required. Directors on November 17, institutional capacity of the National 1992. Loan was signed on Environmental Conission to develop December 16, 1992. policies, strategies, and action plans at the national level, and sectors engaged in-environmental activities. Environmental Assessment Category C.- isteric de 90.0 (R) Health Sector Reform - Improvement Consultants are engaged Approved by the Executive ud (Bank) of the coverage and the -cost- in implementation start- Directors on November 17, effectiveness of basic health services up. 1992. Loan was signed on through reforms of key health sector December 16, 1992. policies, conduct of studies and of innovative programs in select health Retroactive financing of service areas and rehabilitation of some up to USS11.9 million was health facilities. Environmental approved to finance Assessment Category B. consultant services and start-up of civil works. ision Nacional 45.0 (R) Irrigation Development - Consultants are engaged Negotiations completed. Riego (Bank) Rehabilitation of existing irrigation in implementation start- Approved by the Executive systems, and possible development of new up. Directors on November 17, -irrigated areas. Environmental 1992. Loan was signed on Assessment Category A. November 20, 1992. - 94- Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processi Agency Leander Project 3 Consulting Services Action an Procures COLUMBIA To be determined 300.0 (N) Private Sector Energy Development - To be determined. Preparation under (Bank) To support the Government's program to restructure the energy sector. Specific objectives are to: (a) improve regulatory and institutional framework, and the structure of the power sector to enhance sector efficiency and contestability; and (b) promote participation of private investors in ownership/operation of electric power generator. Environmental Assessment Category B. To be determined 20.0 (R) Agricultural Information System and Consulting services will Project under (Bank) Marketing - Project will develop the not be required. preparation. institutional capacity, improve the provision of agricultural statistics and data, and provide market information throughout the country. Environmental Assessment Category C. To be determined 100.0 Departmental Roads - The project will To be determined. Identification miss (Bank) provide: (a) technical assistance to pending. Project strengthen the capability of preparation will be departmental agencies to plan and upon approval by th implement road investments and Government of the n maintenance, and of the central highways for decentralizatio agency to oversee and advise the transport secto departmental road agencies; and (b) implementation of balanced programs of paving, rehabilitation and maintenance of roads in four pilot departments. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. Departamento 40.0 (R) Natural Resource Management - To To be determined. Appraisal mission Nacional de (Bank) assist financing a timeslice of scheduled for Januai Planificacion Colombia's Tropical Forestry Action Plan 1993. (DNP)/future in the Western Cordilleras & Pacific Ministry of the coast for: (a) watershed protection Environment (b) national parks management; (c) natural forest management; (d) afforestation incentivess (e) education, training and forestry research and (f) technical assistance, studies and Institutional strengthening. Environmental Assessment Category B. Departamento 20.0 Technical Assistance - The project aims Consulting services will Preparation expected Nacional de (Bank) to improve management systems in be required. start in January 199 Planeacion monitoring and delivery of key infrastructure and social services. Possible components include: (a) financial management - development of systems and procedures for accounting, budgeting, cash management, auditing and evaluation and (b) institutional development - restructuring of administrative systems at the central sector ministry, implementing agency and sub-national levels. Environmental Assessment Category C. -95- abher Country, Amount & plmnting Probable Stage of Processing and ency' Lender Project' Consulting Services Action on Procurement LOMBIA 6nt'd) nistry of 200.0 Secondary Education Expansion - To To be determined. Appraisal mission cation (MOE) (Bank) improve the coverage, quality and cost scheduled for February effectiveness of secondary education. 1993. Environmental Assessment Category C. be determined 300.0 Financial Sector and Capital Markets To be determined. Project preparation under (Bank) Development - To support sector reforms way. to improve the structure efficiency and competitiveness of the financial system, and to remove the existing constraints to capital markets development. In addition to policy support and technical assistance, loan would include multi- sectoral credit line. Environmental Assessment Category C. nistry of Health 50.0 (R) Municipal Health Services - To be determined. Appraisal mission in in (Bank) Decentralization of basic health care the field. services and improvement of nutritional status of vulnerable groups. Environmental Assessment Category C. Presa de 182.0 (R) Pollution Abatement and Sanitation - Consultants will be Due to continued educto y (Bank) Improve sanitary conditions in the required. institutional financial antarillado Bogota river. The project would issues, and a change in include: major sewerage and drainage the strategic approach of networks; initial works for abating the new Bogota pollution of the Bogota river secondary authorities, In agreement water supply networks: and consultancies with the national and training. Studies to control authorties, this project environmental impact under way. will be dropped for the Environmental Assessment Category A. short-term. Further reporting will be discontinued. be determined 200.0 (R) Export Development - Project will To be determined. Negotiations tentatively (Bank) support the components of the scheduled for mid-January government's economic modernization 1993. program focusing on trade facilitation policies, institutional strengthening measures to foster Colombia's non- traditional exports. Environmental Assessment Category C. nistry of 60.0 (R) Agricultural Technology Transfer - Consulting services will Preparation mission is in ;riculture (Bank) To improve agricultural productivity be required for the field. primarily of small-scale farmers through 'extension research strengthening of applied research and training and the system for extension of technology institutional through municipalities in accordance strengthening. with Colombian decentralization reforms. Environmental Assessment Cateory C. - 96 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Staga of Processim Agency 1 Leader Project 3 Consulting Services Action n Procurm COLOMBIA (Cont 'd) Ministerio de 266.0 (R) National Highway Sector III'- Consultants will-be Approved by the Ex Obras Publicas y (Bank) Rehabilitation and paving of priority required for road Directors on March Transports (MOPT) sections of the national highway - maintenance management, 1992. Loan was sil network, through financing of a time supervision of works, December 16, 1992. slice of MOPT Investment Program over and studies of the road 1992-1995. River works to close , construction industry, Retroactive financ: secondary river channels in a 200- decentralization of totallina US$18.7 i kilometer stretch of the middle national road network is included for Magdalena River. Also, technical and river maintenance expenditures incuri studies, training and technical dredging. after September 191 assistance. Environmental Assessment approved civil wor Category B. consultants. FINAGRO (Fonda 200.0 (R) Agriculture Credit - Provide a To be determined. Negotiations in prc para el (Bank) general line of credit for agriculture Financiamiento del to FINAGRO for rediscounting through Retroactive finanel Sector commercial banks and other financial being considered. Agropecuoria), and institutions. Credit would be made Caja Agraria available for medium and long-term loans for agricultural and agro-processing activities. Would be associated with reforms designed to further improve the efficiency of the financial sector including restructuring of the Agricultural Bank (Caja Agraria); and to reduce subsidies through the financial system. Environmental Assessment Catexory B. Instituto de 100.0 IFI Restructuring and Divestiture - To To be determined. Approved by the Exe Fomento Industrial (Bank) assist IFI divestiture program and to Directors on March (IFI) support strategic and organizational 1992. Loan to be a changes in IFI. Line of credit to after approval by finance sub-loans for investments by parliamentary instal private productive enterprises. in Colombia. Environmental Assessment Category B. Retroactive financii up to USS10.0 milliL included. Bogota District 62.0 (R) Bogota Transport - Improve transport Consultants will be Project processing Government (Bank) conditions in Bogota promote more required for work depends on implemeni efficient use of existing infra- supervision and of new revenue structure, and strengthen the technical assistance. enhancement measures institutions in charge of planning, managing and maintaining the city's Retroactive financia transport infrastructure. Environmental up to USS6.0 million Assessment Category B. be Provided. COSTA RICA Caja Costarricense 30.0 Health and Nutrition - The project would To be determined. Project preparation del Segura Social (Bank) support the implementation of the way. (CCSS) and Government's state reform program for Ministry of Health the health/nutrition sectors, focusing on: institutional development# strengthening of basic health delivery systemas privatization of services; studies. and operational research. Environmental Assessment Category C. - 97 - iber Country, Amount & iplementing. Probable Stage of Processing and nyI Lnder Project ConsultIng Services Action an Procurement* LTA RICA ont'd) ltituto 20.0 Water Supply II - Improvements of water Consultants will be Appraisal report under starricense,de (Bank) supply and sewerage facilities in San required for work preparation. ueductos. y - - - Jose and surrounding areas and supervision and cantarillados: institutional strengthening and technical assistance. Retroactive financing of .yA) technical assistance to nationwide water up to USS2.0 million is company. Environmental Assessment likely to be recommended. Category B. nistry of Up to (R) Structural Adjustment III - To To be determined. Negotiations completed. ace 100.0 continue providing assistance to Cost& Board presentation (Bank) Rica's structural adjustment and scheduled for April 1993. economic recovery efforts. Environmental Assessment Category C. )MINICAR :PUBLIC rporacion 60.0 (R) Power II - The project may include: To be determined. Project under inicana de (Bank) (a) construction of a 125 MW coal-fired preparation. ectricidad thermal plant, a substation and a transmission lines and (b) technical assistance to (i) prepare and implement a comprehensive security package, (ii) strengthen sector regulatory capabilities and (iii) facilitate the implementation of privatization strategy yet to be defined with IDB financing. Environmental Assessment Category B. be determined 51.0 Private Sector Development - Will To be determined. Negotiations completed. (Bank) support structural reform in the Board presentation financial sector aimed at establishing a tentatively scheduled for transparent and competitive financial mid-March 1993. structure. Will also provide a general line of credit to finance investment requirements by the private sector following market mechanisms for the allocation of credit. Environmental Assessment Category C. istituto Nacional 75.0 (R) Irrigated Farming Development - To be determined. FAO/CP preparation J Recursos (Bank) Increase agricultural output and mission is in the field. Ldraulicos productivity from areas with existing irrigation infrastructure. Proiect will include a pilot program for the management of related watersheds and measures to protect against salinization. Environmental Assessment Category B. )NADE 25.0 Social Development III - The project Consultants are engaged Project preparation under (Bank) would set up a social investment fund in project preparation. way. and assist in strengthening the bases for social policy development. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. - 98 - Member Country, Amount & Iplementing Probable Stage of Procassif1 Agency Lander 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Actiso on Procurem ECUADOR (Cont'd) Ministry of Energy 15.0 (R) Energy Sector Reform (TAL) (formerly Consulting services will Project preparatior (Bank) Energy Sector Reform (TAP)) - To assist be required. way. in developing a legal and regulatory A PPF advance of framework permitting the restructuring US$750,000 has beer of the energy sector, and promoting approved to finance private sector participation. certain expenditure Environmental Assessment Cateaory C. consultant services Ministry of Public 70.0 Social Development II/Health and Consulting services will Approved by the Exe Health (Bank) Nutrition - To strengthen primary health be required. Directors on July 2 care system and increase impact and 1992. Loan signing efficiency of nutrition programs. to be scheduled by Environmental Assessment Category C. Government. Retroactive financi approved. Ministerio de 16.0 (R) Mining TA - Support restructuring Consultants will be Appraisal mission i Energia y Minas (Bank) and strengthening of institutional required. the field. framework to foster private sector investment, and improve organization of small scale gold mining including environmental control and social issues. Environmental Assessment Category A. Ministerio de 10.0 (R) Technical Assistance Environment - Consultants will be Appraisal mission Energia y Minas, (Bank) Technical assistance for addressing required. tentatively schedul4 Subsecretaria de institutional framework for April 1993. Env. environmental issues in Ecuador. A PPF advance of Environmental Assessment Category C. US$450,000 has been approved. (Possible financing the Global Environse Facility (GEF) -- s Annex II.) Corporacion 75.0 (R) Private Sector Development - Consulting services may Board presentation Financiera (Bank) Financing for medium and large scale be required for scheduled for April Nacional manufacturing and service enterprises. technical assistance. Supports policies of trade and financial liberalization. Environmental Assessment Category B. E. SALVADOR MIPLAN/CEL To be Power Sector Modernization - Support for Consulting services will Preparation mission Deter- the modernization of the power sector be required. tentatively schedule mined including technical assistance for January 1993. implementing sectoral programs and studies and investment in the modernization of generation, transmission, and distribution systems. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. Ministry of To be (R) SAL II - Continued support for the Consulting services will Pre-appraisal missio Planning Deter- Government's economic reform program. not be required. tentatively schedulec mined Environmental Assessment Category C. February 1993. (Bank) - 99 - mber Country Amount & plementing Probable Stage of Processing and ecy Lender Project Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 SALVADOR ont'd) istry of 40.0 (R) Agriculture Sector Reform and Consultants will be Negotiations completed. riculture and (Bank) Investment - Support for the required. Board presentation vestock Government's sectoral reform and scheduled for investment program, focussing especially February 16, 1993. on research and extension services. (Japanese Grant of Environmental Assessment Category B. US$0.5 million and a PFP advance of US$1.5 million are available to finance consultant services and equipment.) nistry of 20.0 (R) Social Investment Fund - Loan would Consulting services will Approved by the Executive nance (Bank) support establishment of Social be required. Directors on November 24, Investment Fund to finance very small 1992. Loan was signed on social/basic infrastructure and December 8, 1992. productive projects in rural areas being carried out by Municipalities, community organizations and non-governmental organizations. Sub-project design and appraisal criteria would address environmental concerns as appropriate. Environmental Assessment Category B. nistryof Health 25.0 (R) Health/Nutrition - Loan would To be determined. Project identification (Bank) support government efforts to strengthen under way. management of Health Sector, including improved and expanded primary health care, and nutrition programs. Environmental Assessment Category B. vernment and 120.0 (R) Economic Modernization - This quick- Consulting services will Approved by the Executive lnco de Guatemala (Bank) disbursing loan would support fiscal, not be required. Directors on November 24, financial sector and trade reform as 1992. part of a package of stabilization, adjustment, and increased social sector Retroactive financing of investment measures. Environmental up to 40% would be Assessment Category C. allowed for eligible expenditures incurred after April 15, 1992. nistry of 31.5 (R) Secondary and Regional Road Consultants will be Approved by the Executive 3mmunications, (Bank) Rehabilitation - Strengthening of sector required. Directors on December 6, ransport and planning and road management 1988. Loan signing 4blic Works rehabilitation of 390 km of gravel expected in early 1993. CTOP) secondary earth roads, 180 km of paved roads, construction of about 500m of Retroactive financinS of small bridges, equipment, training and US$1.5 million would be technical assistance. provided. yana Water 10.0 Water/Severage - Project includes: To be determined. Project preparation under \athority (IDA) (a) institutional component to way. strengthen national/regional water A PPF advance of sector agencies and their operational US$0.958 m was approved (b) human resources development program in September 1992. in the sectort (c) rehabilitation of regional facilitiesa and (d) establish- ment of an improved operational and maintenance program. Environmental Assessment Category B. - 100 - Member Country, Amount & implementing Probable Stage of Processim Agency Lender Project 3 Consulting Services Actin on Procures GUTAKA . (Cont'd) Office of the 10.0 Public Administration - The project Consulting services will Appraisal report u President (IDA) would provide emergency assistance to be required. preparation. (Public Service support management of the economic Management) recovery program through: (a) establishing a system to retain and attract qualified civil servants in key positions; and (b) strengthening the core policy making and management capacity of the public sector. Environmental Assessment Category C. To be determined 10.4 (R) Private Sector Development - The Consulting services will Preparation under i (IDA) project would support: (a) reform of be required in: the financial sector to strengthen (a) banking supervision regulation and supervision and to and regulation (b) the promote capital market development analysis of financial (b) a reform of the tax system to lover sector institutions; rates while eliminating exemptions and (c) tax reform and tax holidays; (c) a reduction and (d) Government services rationalization of tariff rates; and to mining and industry. (d) improvements in Government services to the private sector. Environmental Assessment Category C. Ministry of 21.0 (R) Infrastructure Rehabilitation - To be determined. Appraisal report um Communication and (IDA) Proposed project would consist of: preparation. Works (MCW) (a) the institutional strengthening of A PPF advance of MCW through technical assistance to the US$0.75 million was MCW's Central Transport Planning Unit approved to finance (CTPU) for improving transport planning preparation. and project formulation, to the Roads Division (RD) for maintenance management and to the Transport and Harbours Department (TBD) for ports management and river transport operations; (b) rehabilitation of sea defenses; (c) the rehabilitation and minor alignment of selected high priority main roads; and (d) the improvement of ports subsector management. Environmental Assessment Categorv B. GUYSUCO 25.0. Sugar Industry Rehabilitation and Consulting services Appraisal currently (IDA) Privatization - To expand sugarcane engaged by Government way. production to meet preferential quotas for sugar factories and and to rationalize, privatize and privatisation. enhance the efficiency of the sugar industry. Environmental Assessment Category B. HAITI To be determined 16.5 Private Sector Development - To support To be determined. Preparation on hold (IDA) development of private sector industrial to suspension of all firms following an industrial operations. restructuring project. Environmental Assessment Cateaory B. - 101 - 'mber Country, Amount & ,plementing Probable Stage of Processia and tency Lender 2 Project ' Consulting Services Ants an Procuremant UITI 2ont'd) Lnistry of 21.3 Economic and Social Fund II - Continue To be determined. Identification on hold Inance/ESF (IDA) to assist Government's efforts to due to suspension of all provide: (a) health, nutrition, operations. education, physical infrastructure and employment opportunities; and (b) channel donor financing while strengthening community groups and cooperatives. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. Lnistry of Public 35.0 Road Maintenance & Rehabilitation - To Consultants will be Project preparation on -rks, Traisport (IDA) improve road maintenance, upgrade key required. hold due to suspension of ad Communications road sections and bridges, and all operations. strengthen Ministry of Public Works. Environmental Assessment Category B. rganisme de 28.8 Agricultural Production and Land To be determined. Further processing on veloppement du (IDA) Development - Increase agricultural/ hold due to suspension of 3rd (0DN) livestock production by making vacant all operations. public land available to landless farmers, supporting irrigation development and protecting hilly sectors in the project area against erosion. Land Protection measures to be introduced under proiect. Environmental Assessment Category B. Listry of 26.1 Forestry and Environmental Protection - To be determined. Approved by the Executive riculture, (IDA) To slow the pace of natural resource Directors on Jtural Resources degradation and establish the September 24, 1991. Rural institutional and policy mechanism for Signing of credit on hold velopment Haiti to tackle the problems of due to suspension of all ARNDR), protection of forests and ecosystems, operations. trectorate of wood production, and of household energy ational Resources conservation. Environmental Assessment Category D. DRDURAS RAP, Ministry of 25.0 (R) Nutrition/Health - Project would Consulting services will Board presentation ealth (MOB) (IDA) target nutritional assistance and be required. scheduled for January 5, improved health services to the rural 1993. and urban poor. Project activities would include: rehabilitation and construction of health centersa provision of equipment, materials, medicines, staff, training, etc.; health nutrition, and family planning education; distribution of food coupons to target beneficiaries; rural sanitation works; and technical assistance. Environmental Assessment Category C. - 102 - Member Country, Amount & Iplementing Probable Stage of Processing Agency' Leander Project' Consulting Services Action a Procursm (Cont'd) Secretaria de 65.0 (R) Transport Rehabilitation - Project Consulting services Negotiations' in pro Comunicaciones y (IDA) will assist the Government's efforts to will be required. Transportes support export-led growth through Retroactive financt (SECOPT) rehabilitation of the transport up to US.4.0 Millio infrastructure, strengthening of likely to be recomm institutional capabilities and increasing the participation of the private sector in the provision of transport services. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of 60.0 (R) Agricultural Sector Adjustment - Consultants will be Negotiations in prol Finance/Ministry (IDA) Focus on the structure of sector required. of Natural incentives, marketing and price policy, Resources land tenure and forestry issues, and the institutionallorganizational strengthen- ing and redeployment of public sector agricultural agencies. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of 50.0 Trade and Private Sector Development - To be determined. Project under Finance, (Bank) Further rationalization of the trade preparation. Development and regime and public enterprise public Planning sector expenditure; and continuation of regulatory reform and privatization. Environmental Assessment Category C. Ministry of Public 45.0 (R) Transport Sector - Institutional Consulting services will Project under Utilities and (Bank) strengthening of Ministry of Public be required. preparation. Transport Utilities and Transport; reorganization/ divestment of publicly-owned railways strengthening/promoting private sector involvement in public transport and highway construction and investment in ports sector to encourage private swetor involvement. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of 45.0 Private Sector - To support private To be determined. Project preparation t Finance, (Bank) sector development through credit way. Development and availability. Environmental Assessment Planning Category C. To be determined 60.0 (R) Private Sector Development Consultants are being Negotiations tentatim (Bank) Adjustment.- Support to regulatory and identified in the areas scheduled for early 1 institutional reform for.private sector of: (a) privatization development and the program of (b) regulatory issues privatisation. Environmental Assessment and (c) legal reform. Category C. Previously engaged consultants in the customs reform area will continue. - 103 - aber Country, Amount & pleting Probable Stage of Processing and May Lender Project' Consulting Services Action nProcureMt 4 'nt'd) ional Water 30.0 (R) Water Supply and Sewerage - To Consultants recently Preparation under way. mission (Bank) control pollution from wastes discharged initiated the study. to the Kingston Harbor, and improve wastewater collection and disposal in the Kingston metropolitan and other tributary areas to the harbor. Alternatively, a fast track project is being identified to support urgent rehabilitation of water and sewerage installation. Project may also include a privatization component. Environmental Assessment Category A. nning Institute 30.0 (R) Reform on Secondary Education To be determined. Negotiations tentatively Jamaica (PIOJ) (Bank) (formerly Second Education Reform) - scheduled for February Project would provide support for the 1993. Government's reform of lower secondary (Japanese Grant Funds education, rationalizing of the exam have been approved in the system and efforts to improve social amount of US$1.495 policy analysis and formulation. million on December 20, Environmental Assessment Category C. - 1991.) xistry of 25.0 (R) Small Farmer Development - Support To be determined. Project priority being iculture - (Bank) Government's program of watershed reassessed by the management and agricultural support Government. services. Proiect would focus on major environmental issues affecting agriculture. Environmental Assessment Category C. 150.0 On-Farm and Small-Scale Irrigation Consulting services will Project preparation under (Bank) Development (OFSSID) - The project is be required to prepare way. intended to promote private investments subprojects in the in existing irrigated areas, to save field, and about Retroactive financini of water and energy and to intensify US$10.0 million is up to 10% of loan amount cropping and diversity crop mix. expected to be used to is expected. Environmental Assessment Category B. finance surveys, studies and designs. /SARH 250.0 Rainfed Areas Development - The proposed Consulting services will Project preparation under (Bank) projects aims to: (a) improve drainage be required for way. and flood control technology in rainfed environmental areas; (b) improve road infrastructure; assessment. Retroactive financing of (c) assist in the generation of u to 10% of loan amount appropriate agricultural methodal is exMected. (d) promote transfer of new and existing agricultural technologies; and (e) lessen environmental coats of agriculture. Environmental Assessment Category A. - 104 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing Agency' Lender Project 3 Consulting Services Action an ProcureOs XMCO (Cont'd) Secretaria del 174.0 (R) Labor Market and Productivity. To be determined. Negotiations complel Trabajo y (Bank) Enhancement - To support improvements in Approved by the Exe4 Prevision Social labor market opportunities of unemployed Directors on Decembi (STPS) and displaced workers, and to help 1992. secure employment for, and raise earnings of, workers in small and Retroactive financi medium-size enterprises who are among up to US$11.0 millic the poorest of those employed. would be granted foi Environmental Assessment Category C. expenditures on key activities of the productivity enhance and labor market adjustment component incurred after July 1992. Banco Nacional de 400.0 Railway Sector - To improve efficiency Consulting services Project preparation Obras y Servicios (Bank) through implementation of a far reaching will be required. way. Publicos restructuring plan. Project would (BANOBRAS) assist the railways in becoming a Retroactive financi commercially oriented and financially up to 1OX is likely viable organization. Environmental recommended. Assessment Category B. Fideicomisos 300.0 Rural Financial Sector - To improve the Consultants will be Appraisal report und Institutos en (Bank) overall efficiency of rural financial required. preparation. Relacion con la markets so that they could better Agricultura contribute to increasing the country's Retroactive financin (FIRA) rate of growth. Environmental up to 10 of the loa Assessment Category B. amount would be requ to finance sub-loans Departmento de 220.0 (R) Transport Air Pollution (for Mexico Consultants have Approved by the Execi Distrito Federal (Bank) City) - A comprehensive program to completed the Directors on Decembe: (DDF): Secretaria reduce air pollution in the metropolitan preparation of a 1992. de Desarollo area of Mexico City caused by urban comprehensive program to Social (SEDESOL) transport. Environmental Assessment reduce air pollution in Retroactive financini Category C. Mexico City. up to US81.0 million expenditures incurret after May 1992 requii Banco Nacional de 200.0 (R) Medium Cities Transport - Consulting services will Negotiations under w Obras y Servicios (Bank) Improvement of urban transport system be required to undertake Board presentation Publicos in medium-size cities focussing in integrated urban scheduled for Januar (BANOBRAS) particular on public transport, road transport studies in the 1993. maintenance, traffic management, participating cities. technical assistance and training, and Retroactive financinp institutional reforms. Environmental up to US$5.0 million Assessment Category B. expenditures made du7 1992 would be require Banco Nacional de 300.0 Highway Rehabilitation and Safety - To Consulting services will Project preparation i Obras y Servicios (Bank) consolidate and further strengthen be required. way. Publicos maintenance planning and administration (BANOBRAS) for the federal highway network. Retroactive financin4 Environmental Assessment Category C. up to 10% for expenditures made dur 1992 would be recuire - 105- acber Country, Amount a lementing Probable Stage of Processing and 'may Lender Project Consulting Services Action en Procurent :ARAGUA ida de 25.0 Social Investment Fund (FISE) - The Consulting services will Approved, by the Executive rersiones Social (IDA) project will help finance subprojects not be required. Directors on November 17, Emergencia sponsored by municipalities, community 1992. SE) organizations and NGOs in: (a) social infrastructure. (b) economic Retroactive financing of infrastructure. and (c) social services. up to US81.5 million The project will also provide technical would be allowed for assistance for: (a) a living standard eligible expenditures and measurement surveys (b) maintenance incurred since July 1. of physical facilities of the Ministry 1992. of Health (MOB) and Ministry of Education (MOE); and (c) refining and articulation of Government's social sector policies. Environmental Assessment Category B. istry of 30.0 Transport - Rehabilitation of the Port Consulting services have Project preparation under struction and (IDA) of Corinto, restructuring of the port been engaged for way. nsport authority and rehabilitation of selected feasibility and (Cofinancing will be roads and bridges. Environmental engineering -studies of required.) Assessment Category: To be determined. the port and for the restructuring of the port authority. istry of Public 40.0 Road Rehabilitation - The project would Consulting services will Project identification ks (Bank) finance a time-slice of the Government's be required. under way. 1994-1997 road rehabilita-tion and maintenance program. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. .stry of Health 50.0 Nutrition and. Environmental Health - Consulting services will Project ideentification (Bank) Will support the Government's targeted be required for final under way. nutritional assistance programs and will design and engineering. improve access to potable water in rural areas through rehabilitation, upgrading and expansion of small scale water supply and sanitation systems, in order to improve the health status of the rural population. Environmental Assessment Category C. ACUAY L oracion de 40.0 (R) Asuncion Sewerage First Urban Water Consulting services will Project preparation under as Sanitarias (Bank) Pollution Control (formerly First Urban be required for final way. RPOSANA) Water Pollution Control) - The project design and monitoring of A PPF advance of will improve health and infrastructure water pollution control. US$750,000 has been services to the low income population of approved. Asuncion. It will provide collection and adequate sewage disposal services to about 250,000 inhabitants, increasing services from 40% to 602 to the year 2010 population. Environmental Assessment Category A. -106 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing Agency Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procurm PARAGUAY (Cont'd) Ministry of 3.0 (R) Public Enterprise Reform - To The bulk of the project Further project Finance (Bank) provide technical assistance for cost will be deployed to processing delayed implementation of the Government's finance consultancy pending discussions policy for privatization, including the services. the Government. establishment of regulatory bodies, financial consultancies for valuation, and investment banking/agency services to implement company sales. Environmental Assessment Category C. Ministerio de 65.0 Natural Resource Management I - Will Consulting services will Appraisal report unc Agricultura (Bank) improve farm incomes and assist with the be required. preparation. conservation of natural resources with specific measures to benefit indigenous communities in departments of Alto Parana and Itapua. Environmental Assessment Category A. Banco Central 50.0 Private Sector Development - Loan to Consultants likely to be Further project (Bank) channel credit to a wide range of final required. processing delayed borrowers. The loan will also support pendIng. discussions the liberalization of the financial the Government. sector through strengthening the regulatory and supervisory framework, reform of monetary policy tools, establishment of freely determined interest rates, and the strengthening of the Central Bank. Technical assistance will be included to strengthen the Central Bank, primarily the Superintendency of Banks. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministerio de 65.0 (R) Eighth Highway - Road improvements Technical assistance for Appraisal report und Obras Publicas y (Bank) and rehabilitation to decongest access institutional preparation. Comunicaciones to, and traffic within and around development, detailed (MOPC) Asuncion, and to improve accessibility engineering, to ports; also includes institutional environmental impact support for MOPC. Environmental assessments, and staff Assessment Category B. training in the use of computer software, were provided by consultants during project preparation under a PPF advance, and will continue during project implementation. Detailed engineering and environmental assessment studies currently in progress. - 107 - 'amber Country, Amount plemntiag Probable Stage of Processing and ency' Lender a Project Consulting Services Action an Procurement istry of Energy 30.0 (R) Energy and Mining Technical Consulting services will Appraisal mission in the d Mines (Bank) Assistance - Project will strengthen the be required for the field. Ministry of Mines and Energy so that it preparation of can carry out the sector reform and environmental guidelines privatization program. Project would for power, hydrocarbons include technical assistance for and mining. preparing legislationlregulations related and highly needed power sector investments, environmental reviews, etc. Environmental Assessment Cateiory C. be determined 200.0 Municipal Development - Project will To be determined. Identification under way. (To be strengthen institutional and policy deter- reform in selected municipalities, mined) including the metropolitan region of Lima, and improve services in selected urban subsectors. Environmental Assessment Category B. ivatization 30.0 (R) Privatization Technical Assistance - Consulting services will Approved by the Executive mission (COPRI) (Bank) Technical assistance will be in support be required for Directors on December 10, of the privatization adjustment loan. preparing the companies 1992. Environmental Assessment Category C. for privatisation and for sectoral policy and regulatory reforms. rvicio de Agua 150.0 (R) Lima Water Privatization To be determined. Preparation in progress. table y (Bank) Rehabilitation - To reduce supply cantarillado de bottlenecks resulting from unreliable ma and unpredictable services, minimize health hazardso and promote- increased efficiency through improved institutional and commercial practices. Environmental Assessment Category B. ivatization Up to (R) Privatization Adjustment - Consulting services will Negotiations under way. mission (COPRI) 250.0 Privatization of public sector not be required. (Bank) companies, especially in mining, telecommunications and hydrocarbons, including related policy and regulatory reforms. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. be determined Up to Power Sector Privatization - Policy, To be determined. Project preparation-under 200.0 regulatory and institutional reforms, way. (Bank) including privatization, of the public sector enterprises in power. Environmental Assessment Category C. be determined Up to Basic Health and Nutrition - The project To be determined. Project preparation under 125.0 will protect the poor during economic way.. (Bank) adjustment, by strengthening financing and delivery of targeted health and nutrition programs. Environmental Assessment Category C. be determined Up to Primary Education - The project will To be determined. Identification in 100.0 support improvements in quality of progress. (Bank) primary and pre-primary education. Environmental Assessment Catesory C. - 108 - Member Country, Amut & Implemetig Probable Stage of ProessiiZ Agency' Lander Project Consulting Serices Action an Procure PERU (Cont' d) Ministry of Up to Transport Rehabilitation - To be determined. Preparation in pros Transport and 100.0 Infrastructure rehabilitation in Communications (Bank) transport, railways and ports sector, including highways. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of Up to (R) Financial Sector Reform - To Consulting services will Approved by the Exz Economy and 400.0 strengthen financial sector policies and be required for Directors on Jume 1 Finance (Bank) institutions, thereby promoting privatisation. 1992. competition and efficiency. Environmental Assessment Cateaorv C. Ministry of .300.0 Trade Policy - Adjustment loan to Consulting services Approved by the Eue Economy/Finance (Bank) support government trade reform. will not be required. Directors on Februa Environmental Assessment Category C. 1992. Ministry of 300.0 SAL - Reforms in the areas of fiscal Consulting services Approved by the Eae Economy/Finance (Bank) policy, public administration, customs will not be required. -Directors on March and tax reform, labor markets, financial 1992. sector and agricultural marketing. Environmental Assessment Cateaory C. TRINIDAD & TOBACO To be determined - 8.0 Environment Protection and Forestry - To To be determined. - Project preparation (Bank) develop a long-term strategy and way. institutional capability to manage the nation's forests, the associated bio- diversity and the lands within the boundaries of the gazetted forest reserves. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. To be determined 50.0 Power Sector Investment - To assist the To be determined. Project concept to I (Bank) Government in identifying Trinidad & reviewed with Govers Tobago's Electric Corporation's (T&TEC) medium-term investment program including the need to rehabilitate existing generation, transmission and distribution facilities together with expansion needs of the power system. The Bank would ultimately finance specific subprojects to be identified with the medium-term investment program including the implementation of a national program for energy conservation. Environmental Assessment Catemory A. - 109 - ber Country, Amount & lementing Probable stage of Processing and S Leader 2 Project Consultin Services Action M Procuremant NIDAD & TOBAO nt'd) er and Sewerage 50.0 Severage Rehabilitation and Expansion - To be determined. Preparation under way. hority (Bank) The project will include: (a) rehabili- tation of selected savage plantsi (b) construction of a new sevage,:y treatment plant for the Eastern Main Road Communitiesi (c) construction of new sewage collection systems and rehabilitation of existing onesi (d) an unaccounted for water reduction program, a water metering installation program and technical assistance in the areas of planning, administration and maintenance. Environmental Assessment Category B. WUAY tral Bank 20.0 Private Sector Development - Overcoming To be determined. Project under (Bank) weaknesses and constraints in the preparation. financial sector and providing long term credit for a wide range of final borrowers. Environmental Assessment Category C. istry of 75.0 Irrigation and Natural Resource To be determined. Project identification estock, (Bank) Management - Support investment for soil under way. Lculture and and water conservation and other natural teries resource management measures. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. 6n determined 20.0 Water Supply - Project is the second To be determined. Preparation under way. (Bank) phase of the rehabilitation of the water supply system, and expansion of Montevideo's distribution system. Environmental Assessment Category B. Latry of 75.0 Irrigation and Natural Resources To be determined. Project preparation under Lculture (Bank) Management - Support investment for soil way. and water conservation and other' natural resource management measures. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. tral Education 31.5 (R) Basic Education Quality Consulting services will Preparation under way. acting Council (Bank) Improvement - Project will:: (a) expand be. required in pre- DICEN) of the coverage and enhance the quality of school education,- in- Lnistracion pre-schools (b) enhance the efficiency, service training, Lonal de equity and quality of primary education physical infrastructure, eacion Publica (c) ]promote policy-oriented studies for and cognitive assessment SP) lover secondary educationo and testing building (A) strengthen institutional capacity. capacity. Environmental Assessment Category C. a determined 12.0 Public Administration Reform - Reform To be determined. Preparation under way. (Bank) and modernization of the central administration. Environmental Assessment Catesory C. -110- Member Canatry, Amount & ImlementIng Probable Stage of Processia Agency Leader Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procues E UELA To be determined 200.0 (R) Water Sector Reform - The project To be determined. Identification mis (Bank) would strengthen state and/or municipal in the field. level water companies in selected provinces, and help establish a well- functioning institutional framework for. sector regulation. Environmental Assessment Category B. To be determined 40.0 Judiciary Infrastructure Development - To be determined. Approved by the Ex (Bank) To strengthen judicial institutions to Directors on Augusi provide a legal system conducive to 1992. private sector development. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. Ministry of Up to (R) Basic Education - Improve quality of Consulting services will Pro-appraisal miss Education (MOE) 120.0 basic education, and support for the be required in the areas scheduled for and (Bank) decentralization of education to of student assessment, 1993. increase accountability at all levels organizational analysisl and to improve the capacity of the decentralization, and Ministry of Education to implement development of educational reforms. Environmental management information Assessment Category C. systems. Instituto Nacional 55.0 (R) National Parks Management - Assist To be determined. Approved by the Ext de Parques (Bank) the Government in implementing the Directors on Decomi national systems of parks, to strengthen 1992. institutional capacity of INPARQUES/ MARNR for environmental education programs and involve the local communities in the preparation and implementation of management plans for parks and other conservation units. Environmental Assessment Categorv C. Direccion de Up to Agricultural Extension and Training - To be determined. Project preparation Asistencia Tecntca 60.0 Strengthen agriculture technology way. of the Direccion (Bank) dissemination and agricultural training General Sectoria system. Environmental Assessment de Desarrollo Category C. Agricola, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Production Ministry of 150.0 (R) Highway Management - Supports Consulting services will Board presentation Transport and (Bank) institutional reforms aimed at gradually be required for scheduled for Telecommunications decentralizing responsibilities for engineering, December 22, 1992. highways and would finance a time-slice construction supervision of the rehabilitation program for the and technical Retroactive financt sector in the 1993-97 period. assistance, would be considered Environmental Assessment Category B. 10% of the loan amo help start implemen of Proiect componen Fondo Nacional de Up to Urban Transport I - Strengthening of the Consulting services Negotiations tentat: Transport@ Urbano 100.0 urban transport sector institutional required in the area of scheduled for March (FONTUR) (Bank) framework, financing mechanisms and traffic management and local coordination. Infrastructure and control, transport traffic management investments in six planning and urban municipalities and the Caracas transport economics. metropolitan region. Environmental Assessment Category B. - 111 - ber Country, Amount & lemtins Probable Stage of Processinaan - Lender Project ' Consulting Services Action o Procuremst ' EZUELA L'nt'd) acion Gran 58.0 Student Loan Reform - Will support Consulting services will Approved by the Executive iscal do (Bank) student loans mainly for graduate be required for Directors on June 23, cucho, studies in specialized fields of study. placement and management 1992. idacion Escuela Environmental Assessment Category C. of overseas graduate Gerencia students, technical assistance and training. iistry Up to (R) Irrigation Subsector - Project will To be determined. Preparation under way. Iculture and 125.0 include: policy reforms; completion of festock, and (Bank) irrigation schemes with major tistry of infrastructure; and support for private rironment and sector irrigation development. rwable Environmental Assessment Category B. ources be determined Up to (R) Power Sector Investment I - Would Consulting services are Project preparation under 220.0 support a program for institutional required in the area of way. (Bank) technical and financial rehabilitation thermal repowering, of the power sector, and would consist transmission on lines, of: (a) rehabilitation and repowering and distribution loss to gas of thermal power plantal reduction program. (b) reduction of technical and non- technical losses; (c) construction of transmission lines and sub-stationas and (d) technical assistance and training. Environmental Assessment Category B. aistry of Health Up to (R) Endemic Disease Control - Would Consulting services will Approved by the Executive 94.0 strengthen public endemic disease be required in design of Directors on December 8, (Bank) control programs and epidemiological information system and 1992. surveillance. Environmental Assessment computerized Category B. epidemiological mapping. M terio del Up to Caracas Water Rehabilitation and To be determined. Preparation under way. idnte y los 100.0 Privatization - Rehabilitation of ursos Naturales (Bank) existing water supply facilities and orables (MARNR) support of the privatization of the Caracas water system operation. Environmental Assessment Category B. be determined Up to Hospital Modernization - Investment in Consulting services will Project preparation under 100.0 modernization of hospital management be required in design of way. (Bank) infrastructure and equipment, along with hospital cost accounting policy changes to improve efficiency and system, hospital quality of health care. Environmental information systems, Assessment Category B. architectural plans for Lnfrastructure rehabilitation, and hospital management training. istry of Family Up to Low Income Barrios Improvement - To Consulting services Approved by the Executive 42.5 counterbalance the effect of the required for project Directors on June 23, (Bank) Government's macroeconomic adjustments' implementation studies, 1992. program on the urban poor, the project training and technical would finance investments to improve assistance. infrastructure and studies in the slum areas of the country's major cities. Environmental Assessment Catesory B. Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processl Agency ' Lender * Project s Consulting Services Action on Procure V. MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA REII Ministere de 150.0 (R) Water Sector - The project would Consulting services will Sectoral study mnd 1'Equipment (Bank) seek to restructure the urban water be required to advise on Project expected t supply sector with a view to proposed changes in formulated by establishing institutionally financially policies, sector December 16, 1992. autonomous water/severage utilities. It organization, and- will require the participation of the administrative private sector in: (a) billing and procedures. collections (b) leak detection and (c) repairs. The Bank loan would be disbursed for the purchase of equipment and materials, as the proposed actions are being implemented. Environmental Assessment Category C. Ministry of 250.0 (R) Housing Completion and Sector Consulting services will Appraisal mission Housing (MOH) (Bank) Development (formerly Housing) - Project be required. scheduled for will help: (a) accelerate the December 11-18, 19! completion of a sizable portion of the public social housing stock and the private stock; and (b) provide technical assistance focussing on sector policy reform, formulation and implementation. Environmental Assessment Catesory B. Ministry of 75.0 Employment and Vocational Training - To be determined. Preparation on hold Employment and (Bank) Quality and efficiency improvements in Vocational basic education. Assessment of quality Training teacher training and provision of pedagogical materials. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. Ministry of 175.0 (R) Agricultural Sector Adjustment - To be determined. Project preparation Agriculture (Bank) Would support medium-term agricultural hold. adjustment strategy through reforms in policies relating to land markets,- prices, input and output marketing, and trade policy. Would identify studies for further reforms. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of 50.0 (R) Irrigation Management Support (IMSP) Consulting services will Appraisal mission Equipment and (Bank) - Project would support infrastructure be required. scheduled for Decet Housing rehabilitation and institutional 1993. strengthening of regional authorities responsible for operating existing large scale irrigation system. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of 75.0 (R) Municipal Development - Strengthen Consultants' services, Project has been rem Interior and (Bank) local capacities in planning, budgeting financed under METAP, from the Lending Pro Environment and implementing investments in are being carried out Further reporting vi infrastructure, housing and for two vilayas (Tlemcen discontinued. environmental protection and public and Blida) regarding services; increase generation of local environmental issues resources to reduce dependence an (severage, solid waste, central government budget. etc.), remaining studies Environmental Assessment Category B. (mainly institutional), have been placed on hold. - 113 - Iober Country, Amount & plementing Probable Stage of Processing and ,ency Lender a Project Consulting Services Action on Procurement * RUIA 'ont'd) (nistry of 36.0 (R) Basic and Secondary Support - Consulting services will Appraisal mission Lucation (Bank) Contribute to enhanced quality and be required for completed. Negotiations efficiency in basic education by 50 staffweeks. tentatively scheduled for improving effectiveness in targetted February 1993. inatitutions (grade schools and teacher training institutes). AXronmental Assessment Category C; cretariat d'Etat 50.0 Toxic Waste - Provides technical Preparatory consultant Identification mission la Recherche (Bank) assistance to strengthen the study expected by June tentatively scheduled for ,Lentifique et a institutional framework for 1993. mid-1993. Environnement environmental management, and assistance to industry for temporary storage of hazardous wastes and surveillance systems. Will also assist Government with establishment of water resource management system and water pollution surveillance. Environmental Assessment Category C. Lnistry of 250.0 (R) SAL I - To support implementation of Consultants likely to be Pre-appraisal rescheduled monomy (Bank) trade, price, tax and enterprise reform required. for March 1997. Further measures. Trade reform will focus on reporting will be rationalizing tariffs and liberalizing discontinued. foreign exchange allocation. Price reform will support removal of price controls in concert with the establishment of a mechanism to protect vulnerable groups' access to essential goods and services. Fiscal reform will focus on rationalising direct and indirect taxes. Enterprise reform will focus on physical restructuring, privatization, and financial rehabilitation. Envvironmenal Assessment Catefory C. Lnistry of 125.0 Highways VI - (a) improve Wilya To be determined. Project under quipment (Bank) capabilities for road management and preparation. strengthen 1E and Wilayas in program monitorings (b) provide a more adequate balance between contracted and force account maintenance and foster increased competitiveness in the contracting of road workas and (c) rationalize transport sector planning and policy making. Agropyiste conditions would be incorporated in the standard tender and supervision documents covering drainage and erosion, cultural property. borrowinA pits, and materials disposal. Environmental Assessment CateaorY B. - 116 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing Agency Lender Project Consulting Services Action on Procurem ALGERIA (Cont'd) Ministry of 100.0 Urban Transport Enterprise - Expansion To be determined. Project under Transport (Bank) of the provision of bus services in main preparation. Feasil Algerian cities, through the: studies to start eai (a) rationalization of enterprises 1993. operating and management practicessi (b) rehabilitation of existing bus fleets and acquisition of new buses and (c) training and technical assistance for enterprise operations and financial management, and for the preparation of traffic management studies. The roiect is foreseen to have a positive impact on the environment, mostly as a result of reduced engine emissions arising from improved operation and maintenance of the bus fleets. Further measures to mitigate vehicle Pollution, includina fuel substitution, would be pursued throush a study. Environmental Assessment Category B. REPUBLIC OF Ministry of About Basic Education - Expanding access to Consulting services will Project preparationi Education 45.0 primary education and improving the be required. way. (IDA) quality, relevance and resource efficiency of the primary education programs. Environmental Assessment Category C. Ministry of About (R) Matruh Resource Management - Project Consulting services for Appraisal report beir Agriculture and 22.0 aims to break cycle of natural resource feasibility study were prepared. Land Reclamation (IDA) degradation and poverty by providing financed through support for improved natural resources Japanese and UNDP management coupled with agricultural grants. development. No adverse environmental impact is expected. Environmental Assessment Category B. Principal Bank for About Agricultural Modernization - To support To be determined. Project preparation u Development and 150.0 promotion of improved technology way. Agricultural (Bank) packages, including selective Credit mechanization of production and processing. .Environmental Assessment Category B. The Government and About Helvan Industrial Pollution Control - Consulting services will Appraisal mission is Helvan, Tourah and 50.0 The project aims to reduce pollution be required for the field. National Cement (Bank) levels in the industrial area of Helvan. environmental protection (Cofinancing expected Companies 50.0 The project will: (a) establish local services and for from the German (IDA) monitoring, inspection and enforcement technical management Government and DANIDA capacity: (b) prepare a Helwan contracts and training. Environmental Action Plan for future financingi and (c) reduce cement pollution to internationally acceptable levels by implementing an integrated package of measures. Total project cost is US$250.0 million. En mental Assessment Category B. - 115 - aber Country, Amount & lementing Probable Stage of Processing and Incy Lender Project Consulting Services Action on Procurement 'UBLIC OF int'd) .istry of About (R) Nubaria Agriculture Consultant services Government to complete :iculture and 40.0 Intensification - Intensify crop likely to be required. field studies for Reclamation (Bank/ production, raise yields, and introduce drainage and agricultural IDA) oilseed crops in West Nubaria reclaimed component to enable lands. Social impact positive. completion of project Environmental Assessment Category B. preparation. histry of About (R) Private Sector Tourism Consulting services will Approved by the Executive larism, Tourism 130.0 Infrastructure and Environment not be required. Directors on December 17, welopment (Bank) Management - Project would support the 1992. thority Government in improving the policy (A US$4.75 million grant environment for the tourism sector was obtained from the through further investment Global Environment rationalization and deregulation, and Facility (GEF) -- see privatization of the tourism portfolio. Annex II.) Would provide catalytic financial support for infrastructure development in major tourist areas sponsored by the private sector in order to mobilize long-term financing from commercial banks on a limited recourse basis and venture capital for equity investments. Environmental impact studies have been undertaken. Environmental Assessment Category A. IN Lran Province 75.0 Tehran Sewerage - The project will Consulting services will Project preparation under Ier and Sewerage (Bank) consist of: (a) a supply of 3140 kms of be required for way. pany pipes in sizes from 150 to 2400 from two engineering, (Cofinancing will be pipe factories presently being construction required.) established; (b) laying of pipes supervision, project including appurtenances; management, (c) construction of tunnels (200 to organizational 3000 mm) to a length of 20 kmas development and (d) construction of a 4 km long culvert; subsequent phase and (e) construction of sewage treatment extension. works with supply and installation of equipment. Environmental Assessment Category A. nistry of 125.0 Elementary and Guidance Education - The To be determined. Project is in cation (IBRD) project would help improve quality in identification/ elementary and guidance education with a preparation stage. particular focus on improving girls' education, notably in poorer rural areas. It would also provide civil works, materials, equipment, fellowships and technical assistance. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. be determined 125.0 Primary Health Care and Family Consulting services will Project is in preparation (IBRD) Planning - The project would help be required in manpower stage. Improve health status and reduce development and fertility through expanded improvement training, Information in the primary health care/maternal and education communications child health, and family planning in family planning, and services. Environmental Assessment health information Cateaory C. systems. - 116 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processin& Agency Lender Project s Consulting Services Action on Procurem IRAN (Cont'd) Ministry of 157.0 (R) Irrigation Improvement - Project Consulting services Appraisal report um Agriculture/ (Bank) would support actions to improve likely to involve water preparation. Ministry of Energy irrigation operations in four provinces. management, studies and Water The components would include: related to environmental (a) investments for improving, extending aspects monitoring and and completing on-farm developments evaluation as well as serving about 107,000 ha net irrigable feasibility studies for area spread over four aubprojects, second irrigation together with institutional support for improvement project. improving extension operations adaptive research and providing farm machinery, for strengthening planning, training and technical assistance, and for project administration. Support would also be provided for studies on technical and policy issues related to the irrigation subsector. Environmental Assessment Category B. TREC About (R) Power Sector Efficiency Consulting services will Negotiations substa 165.0 Improvement - Project would include: be required to supervise completed. Board (Bank) (a) conversion of Qom gas turbines to. construction and presentation date ti combined cycle operation undertake studies. determined. (b) substations and transmission lines, . (Cofinancing will b and (c) engineering and project required.) managements and (d) studies and training. Environmental Assessment Category B. JORDAN Ministry of Health 15.0 Health Management - The project would Overseas fellowships and Appraisal report und (MOH) (Bank) help improve the quality and specialist services will preparation. effectiveness of health service delivery be required for MOH through MOH reorganization and operations and management upgrading, extensive training management, and hospital of primary care and hospital management management upgrading. staff, priority hospital rehabilitation, enhanced cost recovery and long range studies. Environmental Assessment Category C. LEB1ANON Council for 150.0 (R) Emergency Recovery - The project Consulting services for Appraisal mission,is Development and (Bank) would finance part of the Government's project preparation have the field. Reconstruction three year emergency recovery program to been committed. (CDR) and other rehabilitate essential physical Additional services will sector ministries infrastructure and possibly, housing and be required to support social facilities. The project would project management and also strengthen existing institutions in implementation in some charge of planning, financing and of following sectors: implementing emergency reconstruction water, waste water, projects. Environmental Assessment solid waste, transport, Catenory B. power, telecommunica- ions and public buildings. Financing is expected. to be provided by the EC. - 117 - 6mber Country, Amount & plementing Probable Stage of Processing and ;ency Lander 2 Project s Consulting Services Action on Procurement ' MtDCCQ ?ns-secretariate 25.0 (R) Environmental Management - Project Consulting services will Project preparation (Etat aupres du (Bank) will include: (a) strengthening the be required. completed. Pre-appraisal nistere de -institutional legal and policy framework mission scheduled for Interieur for environmental management; and February 1993. (b) providing technical assistance for the implementation of- specific pilot projects to Improve the environmental management. Environmental Assessment Category C. rection des 75.0 Roads Improvement - The project would Consulting services will Pre-investment studies autes et de la (Bank) modernizelrehabilitatelmaintain the be required. are being carried out. trculation highway network. It would focus on: utiere (DRCR) (a) improving organization, funding and Implementation of maintenance activities; and (b) network management and improving the weak links of the road transport chain. Environmental Assessment Cateory B. Lnistry of 50.0 (R) Land Development (formerly Social To be determined. Appraisal mission ousing (Bank) Housing Development) - The objective of scheduled for November 30 the project is the reduction of poverty to December 18, 1992. stricken areas and assistance to low income families. This will primarily be accomplished by the provision of serviced lots. Environmental Assessment Category B. be determined 150.0 Social Priorities Support - Project To be determined. Project preparation under (Bank) would support: (a) implementation of way. the social action program (defined under SAL II); (b) address systematic issues and cross-sectoral constraints in the public management of human resources and social sectors; and Cc) improvement of the provision of basic social services to disadvantaged groups. Environmental Assessment Cateaory: To Be Determined. Lnistry of Public 70.0 Industrial Training - Project would: To be determined. Project preparation under orks (Bank) (a) emphasize linkages between the way. employers in the industrial sectors and Financing from the the training institutions; (b) promote Japanese PER Fund in-company training and (c) provide approved. human development to enterprises. Environmental Assessment Category C. inistry of About Rural Poverty Reduction and Environment Consulting services are Project preparation under aterior, 30.0 Protection - The project would provide required for project way, including IEPS. irection Generale (Bank) for economic opportunities and social preparation. as Collectivites services to the rural poor, in ocales particular in mountain areas, while at the same time protecting the biodiversity environment. Also, construction of a rural road access network as a key condition for Bank support. Environmental Assessment Category D. - 118 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing Agency Lender * Project s Consulting Services Action on Procuremez (Cont'd) To be determined 25.0 Irrigated Areas - Agricultural Support - To be determined. Appraisal mission (Bank) Project would provide funding for: scheduled for Februa (a) strengthening extension services of 1993. the regional irrigation authorities (ORMVA) and promote the participation of farmers' organizations and the private sector in the development and dissemination of improved technology; (b) an applied research program (c) staff and farmer training; (d) complementary investments to extend soil testing and develop appropriate mechanization (e) establishment of a monitoring system and (f) studies. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of 150.0 (R) Second Agriculture Sector Investment Consulting services are Preparation mission I Agriculture and (Bank) (ASIL II) - Loan is in support of a required for project returned from the fi Agrarian Reform tranche of Morocco's investment program preparation/appraial. IEPS has been approv in agriculture. It would also promote Pre-appraisal missioz further sector policy and institutional scheduled for Januar] reforms. Environmental Assessment 1993. Category: To Be Determined. Ministere de 100.0 (R) Wastewater Irrigation - The project Consulting services will Project has been cowl l'Information et (Bank) would be a follow-up to the be required for project with Integrated Watei de l'Interieur implementation of sewerage and primary preparation, including Resources (Tunisia). treatment facilities for Casablanca, the preparation of Further reporting wiL Agadir and Khouibga, and would include: environmental impact discontinued. (a) additional treatment as requireds studies. (b) irrigation systemsi and (c) institutional development aiming to set up appropriate organizations for implementation, operation and maintenance. Environmental Assessment Catexor AID. ONPT 100.0 (R) Second Telecommunications - To Consulting services Staff appraisal repoz (Bank) support sector restructuring (including may be required. issued. Negotiations promotion of private sector investment completed. Board in value-added services and development presentation schedule of a new legal and regulatory framework) for January 12, 1993. and to finance expansion of network, with possible parallel financing from multilateral and bilateral agencies. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of 75.0 National Watershed Management - To To be determined. Project being identif Agriculture and (Bank) improve land use and natural resources Background studies un Agrarian Reform management in mountain areas and reduce way. siltation in reservoirs and associated hydraulic infrastructure. Main components would include: (a) institutional and organizational development; (b) improvement of legal framework for land use in mountain areas; (c) investments in selected watersheds; (d) applied and adaptive research and extension and (e) technical assistance and training. Environmental Assessment Category D. - 119 - amber Country, Amount & iplementing Probable Stage of Processing and Jency Lender * Project s Consulting Services Action on Procurement ' DROCCD Iont'd) redit Immobiler 100.0 Housing Finance III - Project aims to: To be determined. Preparation vill follow Dtelier (CID) and (Bank) (a) upgrade housing conditions to low Bank sector strategy Im?ercial Banks income householdst (b) reduce housing paper to be completed in to be determined) costs and contain the cost of urban FY94. growth mainly by improving the operation of land markets, and (c) encourage commercial banks to participate in mortgage lending in the context of the reform of the financial sector. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. NCA/Other Banks 100.0 (R) National Rural Finance - Project Consultant services are 1PS approved. Project (Bank) will provide line of credit and required in WID pro-appraisal under way. assistance to Credit Agricole of Morocco activities, banking (Cofinancing meeting (CNCA) to: (a) develop the sustainable training, Institutional completed for July 1-2, foundations of a high quality and building, and crop 1992.) competitive intermediary within a insurance. progressively liberalized financial system in the countryl and (b) support rural and other investments by the private sector. Environmental Assessment Category B. ,fice National do 500.0 (R) Fifth Water Supply - Rehabilitation Consulting services will Pre-appraisal mission IEau Potable (Bank) of Regies to achieve full sustainability be required for final completed in April 1992. DRIP) Regies, and and reinforcement extension works, design, bidding Appraisal scheduled for overnment social connections studies, technical documents, bid February/March 1993. assistance and training. Improvement of evaluation works hydrologic and meteorologic data supervision and punctual gathering and analysis, and a sanitary technical assistance. education campaign and pilot rural water supply project. Environmental Assessment Category B. inistry of 175.0 (R) Second Large Scale Irrigation - Consultants will be Project appraisal griculture (Bank) Will complete the infrastructure required. completed. Green cover rehabilitation and management was approved by the restructuring of the Regional Offices Regional Vice President. for Agricultural Development. Board presentation Environmental Assessment Category B. scheduled for March 1993. inistry of About (R) Municipal Finance - Project aims to: Consulting services will Appraisal mission nterior/Fonds 150.0 (a) improve the efficiency of local be required for the completed on November 3, 'Equipment (Bank) investments; (b) improve the development of 1992. Yellow cover staff o 1munal distribution of the local share of the information systems for appraisal report is being value added taxi and (c) upgrade local the central government prepared. services and local sector management. to oversee the local Environmental Assessment Category B. sector. JNISn inistry of 50.0 (R) Secondary Education - Quality and To be determined. Reconnaissance mission ducation (Bank) efficiency improvements in general planned for June 1993. secondary education. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. - 120 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing Agency Lender Project s Consulting Services Action on Procureme TUNISIA (Cont'd) Ministry of 80.0 (R) Agricultural Sector Investment Consulting services will Pro-appraisal misa Agriculture (Bank) (ASIL) - Would support public be required. scheduled for and investments and policy reforms in key February 1993. areas including: (a) irrigation and, water use efficiency (b) natural resources; (c) marketing/agroindustry; and (d) land tenure. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of 70.0 (R) Second Forestry Development - To be determined. Preparation complete Agriculture (Bank) Project would improve quality and Appraisal mission quantity of wood production, reduce soil completed. erosion and preserve wildlife through: (a) forest management; (b) forest plantation; (c) pilot forestry projects; (d) forest pasture and range improvement; (e) nature conservation and development of Ichkeul Park; and Cf) institutional development. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of 25.0 (R) Rural Poverty Reduction and Consulting services Bank pre-appraisal Agriculture (Bank) Environment Protection (formerly will be required. mission tentatively Northwest Rural Project Reduction and scheduled for Janua Environment) - The main objective would 1993. be to improve the living conditions of the rural population, while at the same time reducing natural resource degradation in the northwest region. The project would support: (a) soil conservation works; (b) institutional development; (c) rural infrastructure workas and (d) technical assistance and training. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministere de 65.0 National Flood Protection - The project Consultants' terms-of- Preparation under way 1'Equipment et de (Bank) would have the following objectives: reference prepared and 1'Habitat (a) developing a national strategy for consultants flood control and protection prequalification carried (b) minimizing flood damages by the out. construction of appropriate infrastructure; improving flood control operations and maintenance; and improving cost recovery. Environmental Assessment Cateiory B. Ministere de 112.0 (R) Integrated Water Resources Consultants will be Project has been comb: 1'Agriculture (Bank) Development (formerly Wastewater required for technical with the Wastewater Irrigation (Morocco)) - The project assistance in water Irrigation Project would promote an integrated development management. (Morocco). Preparati and management of surface water, under way. Appraisal groundwater, and wastewater in filling mission scheduled for the demand for urban supply and March 22, 1993. irrigation. It would include physical works for water storage, wastewater treatment and reuse, rehabilitation and installation of meters, studies and technical assistance. Environmental Assessment Category A. - 121 - aber Country, Amount & "lementing Probable Stage of Processing and my a Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 USIA 'nt'd) eticipating 110.0 (R) Industrial Finance - Provide long Consultants vill be Pro-appraisal mission is iks (Bank) term financing to industry and enhance required for presently in the field. competition in Tunisian banking system. institutional Technical assistance envisaged for development of Retroactive financing of institutional development of participating banks. up to USS11.0 million participating banks. Environmental equivalent may be Assessment Category B. required to finance eligible restructuring sub-projects. :ional Bank for 50.0 (R) National Rural Finance - The loan. Consultants required for IEPS issued. Preparation Liculture (BNA) (Bank) supports development of institutional financial/credit mission completed. capability of BRA and diversification of specialists, training Timing of pro-appraisal credit operations into private rural specialists, and mission will be non-farm and export promotion institution building. determined in 1993. activities. Environmental Assessment (Cofinancing from ADB and Category B. Kredit Anstalt fur Viederaufbau (KfW) possible.) Retroactive financing of up to 10% is planned. istere de 80.0 Highway VII - At the Government'a Consultants required for Project preparation under ?quipement et do (Bank) request, the scope of this project has technical assistance and way. labitat been reduced to improvement, implementation. rehabilitation and maintenance of priority sections of rural roads. Environmental Assessment Catesory B. iateres des 80.0 Transport Sector.- Project would: Consultants required for Further preparation nsports and de (Bank) (a) increase productivity promote sub-sectoral expertise avaiting Government quipement/ modernization and rehabilitation in and technical assistance clearance. abitat railways, ports and airports and to Ministry of (Possible financing from (b) improve road transport organization Transport. the Global Environment through deregulation, road safety Facility (GEF).) measures, and road user charge adjustments.. Environmental Assessment Category B. E. REPUBLIC Gw stry of Health 20.0 (R) Family Health - The project would Technical assistance Appraisal mission (IDA) assist in improving: (a) maternal/child will be needed in drug scheduled for January health and family planning services at distribution, health 1993. primary health care levell and education, and general (Cofinancing will be (b) management effectiveness in management. required.) delivering health materials and services- to that level. Environmental Assessment Category C. - 122 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing Agency Lender Project s Consulting Services Action on Procurem YKEE, REPUBLIC OF (Cont'd) Ministry of 15.0 (R) Livestock Development - Increasing To be determined. Preparation under vA Agriculture and (IDA) productivity of indigenous livestock Water Resources through broad actions to improve quality and output centered on: (a) research and development of appropriate sustainable livestock development technology; (b) developing extension and veterinary servicesi (c) testing r alternative interventions in indigenous rangeland management systems and small farmers and rural women's credit groups. Environmental Assessment CategorY B. Yemeni General About Energy/Paver - As a result of the Consultants will be Project identificat Electricity 10.3 unification of People's Democratic required to supervise under way. Corporation (YGEC) (IDA) Republic of Yemen and Yemen Arab construction. (Cofinancing may be Republic, the project content is being required). revised. The current tentative scope consists of urban rehabilitation, line loss reduction and technical assistance components. No negative environmental or social impacts are exoected. Environmental Assessment Category B. National Water and About (R). Taiz Water Supply and Sewerage Feasibility studies and Project preparation Sanitation 30.0 System Rehabilitation and master plan including way. Authority (IDA) Reinforcement - Rehabilitation and technical assistance and reinforcement of the water and sewerage training and final. utility, NWSA, and water production and design and bidding distribution facilities and extension of documents. water distribution network and sewerage system to improve water supply and sewerage services in Taiz. Environmental Assessment Cateiory B. 1p -123- mber Country, Amount & plementing Probable Stage of Processing and fency - Lender 2 Project s Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 VI. SOUTH ASIA REGION iNGLADESH ladesh Water 65.0 (R) Multi-Purpose Cyclone Shelter To be determined. Project preparation under velopment Board (Bank) (formerly Cyclone Shelter) - The project way. will include: construction of 1,000 to 1,500 multi-purpose cyclone shelter-cum- school buildings, and complementary physician infrastructure to facilitate the functioning of the shelters for cyclone evacuation and relief; and support for community NGO involvement in the operation of shelter services. Environmental Assessment Category B. ngladesh 50.0 Fourth Telecommunications - The proposed Consultants employed Project under legraph and (IDA) project would: (a) assist the GOB with under the Japan Grant preparation. -lephone Board telecommunications sector reforms, Facility funds are (Cofinancing will be TTB) including development of sector policies carrying out required, but has not yet and regulation to improve sector telecommunications been determined.) performance and increase private sector sector reform study. participation; (b) assist BTTB's The project would transition from a Government board to an provide the necessary autonomous commercial entity; and consulting services to (c) improve quality of and increase implement the recomen- access to telecommunications services. dations for sector Environmental Assessment Category B. restructuring. nistry of 30.0 (R) Non-Formal Education - The project To be determined. Project under iucation (IDA) would: (a) increase the availability of preparation. Pre- non-formal education to the poor, in appraisal mission particular to women (b) ensure the tentatively scheduled for quality of non-formal education to be March 1993. delivered; and (c) improve management structures for efficient instructional delivery of Government and Non- Government education providers. Environmental Assessment Category C. Lngladesh Power 80.0 East/West Interconnector - Project would Engineering design and Project preparation under -velopment Board (IDA) provide for the second power bid document preparation way. transmission interconnection between for interconnector is East and West zones, and would also basically completed. strengthen the transmission system in System study for the West Zone. The interconnection strengthening would be constructed across the Jamuna transmission system in River and would be used to transmit west zone in progress. electricity generated using indigenous gas in the East zone to the West zone to substitute for electricity generated using imported liquid fuel oil. Environmental Assessment Categorv B. nistry of Jute 150.0 (R) Jute Sector Adjustment - Restructure Consulting services will Initial appraisal mission (IDA) jute manufacturing industry by be required for project completed November 1992, downsizing capacity, retrenching excess implementation. but work yas unfinished. labor, closing uneconomical-mills, Second appraisal mission improving management, privatization and is scheduled for February financial restructuring. Environmental 1993. Assessment Category C. - 124 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing Agency Lender Project Consulting Services Action on Procuremei BANGLADESH (Cont,d) Ministry of 50.0 (R) Female Secondary School Assistance - To be determined. Appraisal report und, Education (IDA) Project will involve: (a) enhancement preparation. of educational opportunities for girls (Cofinancing interes through the provision of stipends and expressed by UNDP, scholarships in Grades 6-12; Denmark, Norway, EEC (b) occupational skills development Germany. Japanese T program; and (c) a public information Grant Facility agree program. Environmental Assessment has been signed.) Category C. Ministry of Health 65.0 Nutrition - Strengthening of Government To be determined. Pre-appraisal missioi and Family and (IDA) and NGO coordination of nutrition tentatively schedule4 Welfare activities through support for: (a) the March 1993. development and Implementation of (Cofinancing to be community-based nutrition programs; and determined.) (b) policy-oriented nutrition research programs. Environmental Assessment Category C. Ministry of 40.0 Agricultural Research III - Would Consulting services will Project under Finance (IDA) improve the relevancy of research output be required to assist preparation. through support to institutional/admini- with preparation and strative restructuring; supplementary implementation. infrastructure, equipment and staff training; research initiatives with private sector; and contract research funding. Environmental Assessment Category B. To be determined 90.0 Power Sector Investment - Will follow up To be determined. Project is in early (IDA) initiatives under previous credit stages of preparatior (ESAC - Cr. 1999-BD), and other sector work activities. Project may also finance a time-slice of Bangladesh Power Development Board's investment program. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. Ministry of 150.0 Financial Sector II - Would focus on To be determined.*- Project preparation I Finance (IDA) further liberalization of interest early stages. rates; improving legal framework governing central banking, commercial banking, bankruptcies/closures, etc.; refining policies on asset valuation; privatization of public sector, commercial banks, commercial bank management reforms; development of money market; and the role of specialized financial insitutions. Environmental Assessment Category C. - 125 - er Country, Amount & !ementing Probable Stage of Processing and c Lender 2 Project ' Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 LADESH 'it'd) Iladesh Water 115.0 River Bank Protection - Would improve Consultants have been Appraisal report under ilopment Board (IDA) protection against damage caused by recruited for preparation. )B) normal bank erosion hazards at selected preparation within (Cofinancing needs sites (primarily towns and major ongoing studies. anticipated.) infrastructure), along the Brahmaputra and Meghna rivers by construction of sustainable bank protection and river training works, including repairs or retirement of existing flood control embankments at said locations. Would be subject to limited environmental assessments. Environmental Assessment Category B. ,ladesh Water 49.0 (R) Coastal Embankment Rehabilitation - EEC supported Appraisal under way. 1lopment Board (IDA) Would ensure improved protection of consultants have been B), Roads and reclaimed coastal agricultural lands recruited for project Retroactive financing of tways Dept. against tidal inundation*and seasonal to preparation. USS250,000 is bein medium cyclone tidal surges by repair considered. and upgrading of sea embankments (and their appurtenant structures) by appropriate structural and biological protection measures. The project would also improve evacuation and relief access by construction of several hundred km of all-veather economically justifiable feeder roads. Environmental Assessment Category B. sa and Highways 75.0 (R) Road Rehabilitation and Maintenance Consulting services will Pre-appraisal mission is rtment (RED) (IDA) II (formerly Second Road Rehabilitation be required for project in the field. and Maintenance) - Rehabilitation or implementation. reconstruction of about 200 km of roads, Procurement: Bid implementation of a four year time-slice documents under (about 400 km) of RED's overlay program preparation. in the northwest and southwest, further institutional development of RED, and strengthening of domestic construction industry. Total project cost estimated at US$126.0 million. Environmental Assessment Cateory B. ,a Water Supply 50.0 Fourth Dhaka Water/Sanitation - Project Consultants feasibility Project requires re- Sewerage (IDA) now being re-identified but likely to study (funded by identification based on ority (DWASA) include: (a) development of long term Government of France) to results of feasibility water source for Dhaka (including ground prepare medium/long-term study. and surface water); (b) rehabilitation investment program for (Cofinancing interest and extension of water distribution and DWASA completed in May expressed by Japan, Asian sewerage systems; (c) extension of water 1992. Development Bank, and the and low-cost sanitation program; and French Government.) (d) further institutional development of DWASA. Total cost of first phase of investment program is estimated at US$120.0 million. Positive environmental impact through improved sanitation facilities and rehabilitation of sewage collection treatment works. Environmental Assessment Catetorv B. - 126 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Process Agency ' Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procurc BANGLADESH (Cont'd) Chittagong Water 20.0 Chittagong Water Supply and Sanitation Recruitment of water Project processin Supply & Sewerage (IDA) III - Objectives are to assist CWSSA to supply and sewerage deferred, pending Authority (CWSSA) become a more efficient and effective design/supervision Government's reac institution through rehabilitation/ consultants by CWSSA a proposed reform optimization of existing facilities and will commence in January program. improved technical, financial, 1993. managerial and administrative capabilities. Project has been revised and now includes an institutional reform program to improve CWSSA's financial and operational performance, efforts to reduce unaccounted for water, limited expansion of the water production facilities, extensive rehabilitation of water distribution system, and technical assistance and training. Positive environmental impact by iUproved sanitation across income sroups and by treatment of domestic, commercial and industrial waste water. Environmental Assessment Category B. Jamuna 150.0 Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge - Consultants will be Appraisal mission Multipurpose (IDA) Construction of a major multi-purpose required for project scheduled. Bridge Authority (road-energy telecommunications bridge management and civil (Cofinancing from across the Jamuna (Brahmaputra) River to works supervision. US$150.0 millions reduce transport costs and support the Japan). Northwest's economic integration with the rest of the country. Total project Procurement: Civ1 cost estimated at US$528.0 million. components to be I Supplementary Environmental studies by IDA, and co- under way. Some involuntary financiers. Pre- resettlement will be required. qualification comp Environmental Assessment Category A. Bidding documents completed, bids in on September 1, 19 Bangladesh Power 136.0 (R) Power Rehabilitation - Project Consultants will be Approved by the Ex Development Board (IDA) includes: rehabilitation of selected required for supervision Directors on Decei power plants, grid substations and of project implementa- 1993. Project proo transmission lines to restore rated tion. IDA's no objection dependent on power generating capacity/extend plant life to negotiate with sector's improved and improve system efficiency/ selected consultants has performance and pr4 reliability of supply; and installation been issued. with reforms. of capacitors in selected areas of distribution system to reduce losses/ Procurement: Bid improve voltage. Environmental documents being Assessment Category B. finalized. Retroactive financl being considered. BDGMC 100.0 (R) Gas Infrastructure Development Consulting services will Pre-appraisal miss! (IDA) (formerly Gas Infrastructure) - Project be required for completed in August will include: (a) integration of gas implementation Appraisal mission I grid (Bakhrabad-Ashuganj pipeline); supervision. Experts on the field. (b) upstream drilling and development gas network analysis, (c) a gas dehydration facilityl (d) grid pipeline engineering and Procurement: Bid control and operations safety systemsl environmental safety documents being and (e) technical assistance in gas covered by Japanese finalized. network management. Environmental Grant Facility. Assessment Category A. - 127 - er Country, Amount & Lementing Probable Stage of Processing and Lender Project Consulting Services Action on Procurement * I_ ast Department 5.0 (R) Forestry III (formerly Third To be determined. Appraisal report under (IDA) Forestry) - To support environmental preparation. protection and management, and improve (Cofinancing from SDC and the sustainability of natural resource collaboration with IFAD use through afforestation of vulnerable possible.) roadsides, management and protection of forest and grassland areas, and management and restocking of forest areas designated to supply urban, industrial and institutional needs. Environmental Assessment Category B. IA rat Coking 12.0 (R) Jharia Mine Fire Control - Project To be determined. Approved by the Executive lfields Ltd. (IDA) will: (a) complete preparatory work for Directors on December 17, CL) extinguishing mine fires in the Jharia 1992. coalfield, in order to salvage a valuable coking coal reserve that would otherwise be destroyed by mine fires; and (b) prevent further environmental degradation as a result of the fires. Environmental Assessment Category B. ernment of 106.0 Agricultural Development - Rajasthan - Consulting services will Project was formerly asthan (IDA) Project would assist the state be required. combined with the ADP - government in promoting accelerated Karnataka Project. growth in agriculture through policy Negotiations were reforms, improved planning, and completed October 9, investment in the sector consistent with 1992. Approved by the the state's revised agricultural Executive Directors on strategy. Environmental Assessment November 12, 1992. Category B. artment of 200.0 (R) Orissa Water Resources Consolidation To be determined. Project preparation under Pigation, (IDA) (WRCP II) - To support a state level way. Pre-appraisal fernment of investment program to improve dependent upon state ssa performance of irrigation and expand Government progress, irrigation and drainage; improve tentatively scheduled for operation and maintenance; complete and May/June 1993. rehabilitate irrigation schemes; and reform sector institutions. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. istry of Health 140.0 Blindness Control - The project would To be determined. Pre-appraisal mission (IDA) reduce cataract blindness by raising scheduled for January ophthalmic surgical capabilities in 1993. fixed facilities and camps, while promoting public awareness. Environmental Assessment Category C. 3artments of 150.0 (R) Population IX - Support of family Expatriate consulting Pre-appraisal mission lth & Family (IDA) welfare program in the states of services will not be scheduled for January Lfare (states of Rajasthan and Assam. Components to required. 1993. Jasthan and include service delivery, civil works, sam) communications, and program management. Environmental Assessment Category C. - 128 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Procesui Agency Lender 2 Project Consulting Services Action on Procurd INDIA (Cont*d) Forest Department 125.0 (R) AP Forestry - Development of Consulting services are Pre-appraisal mis Andhra.Pradesh (IDA) statewide forestry project in Andhra being provided by a currently in the Pradesh which will comprise Dutch firm using Dutch institutional reform, plantation Trust Funds. development, national forest management, wildlife conservation and biodiversity. Environmental Assessment Category B. Power Grid 350.0 (R) Power Grid System Development Consulting services will Appraisal report 1 Corporation (Bank) (formerly PGC Power System be required for the preparation. Development) - The principal objectives preparation and would be to: (a) rationalize implementation of organization of the transmission sector coordination and control and promote coordination and inter- system projects and regional and inter-state power trading technical assistance for through regulatory, tariff and NPTC's development. institutional reforms (b) support NPTC's institutional development and help introduce financial performance targets and commercial arrangements for NPTC; and (c) support NPTC in implementation of its least cost investment program. Environmental Assessment Category B. To be determined 200.0 Gas Infrastructure Development - Oil and To be determined. Project is in earl (Bank) gas distribution infrastructure or coal of preparation. mining rehabilitation/development to promote efficient production and distribution of fuels and/or restructuring of coal industry. Environmental Assessment Category B. Government of 25.0 Kerala Urban - Project seeks to improve To be determined. Pre-appraisal miss Kerala, KUDP (Bank)/ urban financing, management, and delayed. Timing t Project Management 75.0 efficient resource utilization in determined. Unit (IDA) provision of urban services. Will also focus on improvements in finance, traffic and transport, water supply, and sanitation and environmental improvements. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. Central Water 200.0 National Water Management - Second phase To be determined. Draft IEPS is sched Commission/State (IDA) of project to improve water control and for March 15, 1993. Departments of delivery on existing irrigation schemes. Irrigation Project would extend improvements to additional schemes and states. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. To be determined 300.0 Power - SEB Energy Efficiency - Promotes To be determined. Project is in its e (Bank) major changes in the structure and stage of preparatio operations of a group of state - electrical boards. Environmental Assessment Cateaorv C. - 129 - ,mber Country, Amount & 'plementing Probable Stage of Processing and ency - Lender * Project s Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 MDIA Cont-d) irdar Sarovar 225.0 (R) Sardar Sarovar Canal II (formerly To be determined. Decision on further Bank armada Nigam, (Bank) Sardar Sarovar Canals II) - Project processing would depend Ld. (Government 150.0 provides funding for construction of on progress of agreed E Gujarat) (IDA) water delIvery and drainage works of the time-bound Actions for ongoing 1.8 m ha command area of the resettlement and Sardar Sarovar Project (SSP). Its rehabilitation and components include: canals, drainage environmental components networks and minor network blocks; canal of Cr. 1552/Ln. 2497-IN hydro generation and pump plants; canal Sardar Sarovar (Dam and operations control and communication Power). equipmentl rehabilitation of canal- affected people: and training and technical .assistance. Environmental Assessment Category A. L1 and Natural 350.0 Oil and Gas Development II - The primary To be determined. Project is in the as Commission (Bank) objective would be to provide technical preparation stage. )NGC) and financial support to ONGC for speeding up the development of its oilfields with the help of joint ventures. The second objective would be to assist the Government in the implementation of further reforms in the oil and gas sectors that would give commercial considerations more weight in the decisions taken in these sectors. Environmental Assessment Category A. overnments of 100.0 Agriculture Development IV - Project To be determined. Project is in pre- sam and Madhya (IDA) will assist state governments in policy feasibility stage. IEPS radesh reforms and investments in priority scheduled for February subsectors. Environmental Assessment 1993. Category: To Be Determined. inistry of 92.0 Rubber - Project would expand rubber Limited consultant Approved by the Executive ommerce, Rubber (IDA) sector through: (a) replanting of old services are required. Directors on July 2, oard, Government low yielding rubber (40,000 ha); (b) new 1992. Project on hold Y India rubber plantings (30,000 ha)t pending signing of credit (c) productivity enhancement on existing agreement. rubber small holdings (60,000 ha); (d) support for establishment of new rubber processing factories; and (e) institutional support for the Rubber Board including research, training, women and -tribal development and extension, monitoring.and evaluation. Environmental Assessment Category B. o be determined 500.0 (R) Social Safety Net Adjustment - To be determined. Approved by the Executive (IDA) Assistance for strengthening social Directors on December 17, safety nets related to the potential 1992. consequence of adjustment. Environmental Assessment Catesory C. ?epartment of 150.0 ICDS III - Project will further To be determined. Project not yet fomen Welfare and (IDA) strengthen integrated child development identified. hild Development, services. Environmental Assessment linistry of Human Category C. .esource evelopment -130- Member Country, Amount & ImplementinS Probable Stage of Processing Agency Leander ' Project ' Consulting Services Action on Procurems (Cont'd) Directorate 110.0 Leprosy Control - Project would develop To be determined. Pre-Appraisal missiD General of Health (IDA) a leprosy control intervention in completed. Apprais. Service Ministry selected districts targeting an expected mission scheduled f4 of Health & Family caseload of 1.5 million individuals. mid-January 1993. Welfare Would also provide for multi-drug therapy, health education, training, infrastructure, disability care, and support to information. Environmental Assessment Cateaorv C. Ministry of 400.0 (R) Trade Adjustment I - This is a Consulting services will Preparation mission Finance (Bank) policy based operation which aims at be required. the field. supporting India's trade liberalization policy. Environmental Assessment Categorv NIA. Nodal agency not 300.0 Public Enterprises/Private Sector Consulting services will Dialogue is continui yet determined (Bank) Development I - An adjustment operation be required for the enabling policy to support the Government's efforts at restructuring planning. environment. reform of central public sector Restructuring studie enterprises (CPEs). The enabling policy a number of selected environment seeks to induce greater have been completed. efficiency in CPEs through inter alia divestiture and elimination of budgetary supports. Environmental Assessment Category B. National Thermal 400.0 NTPC Power Generation -:The proposed To be determine4. Pre-appraisal miasii Power Corporation (Bank) project would comprise: (a) a four to completed in June 191 (NTPC) five year time-slice of NTPC's least Appraisal dependent i cost investment program of new coal and fulfillment of condil gas-based power stations for which full by GOI and NTPC. funding has not yet been arranged; (b) support to NTPC to undertake one or more joint sector operations; (c) implementation of an Environmental Action Plan (EAP); and (d) technical assistance for strengthening of NTPCIs environmental management capability and implementation of the EAP. Environmental Assessment Category A. Department of 75.0 Haryana Water Resources Consolidation To be determined. Project preparation u Irrigation, (Bank)/ (WRCP I) - To support a state level way. Pre-appraisal Government of 125.0 investment program to improve mission, dependent up, Haryana (IDA) performance of irrigation and expand state progress, targel irrigation and drainage improve for May 1993. operations and maintenance; modernize and rehabilitate the state irrigation networks and reform sector institutions. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. - 131 - er Country, Amount & lementing Probable Stage of Processing and pcy L Lander Project s Consulting Services Action on Procurement 'IA ntt d) rnment of 47.0 (R) UP Sodic Lands (formerly UP Sodic) - To be determined. Project appraisal planned ar Pradesh (IDA) Project would reclaim up to 45,000 ha of in January,1993. sodic land in about 10 districts, focusing mainly on privately owned lands Procurement: To be to bring them to double-cropped determined. irrigated arable production, and tree and pasture development on about . 3,000 ha of community land. It would assist pilot programs in developing alternative cropping systems based on fruit trees and aromatic plant cultivation. It would provide institutional support to the project implementing agencies. Environmental Assessment Category B. rernment of 117.0 (R) Bihar Plateau - Project would To be determined. The project has been tar (IDA) strengthen GOB's development planning prepared by. the and evaluation capabilities, identify Government of Bihar with and support the development of minor Bank support. Approved irrigation for increased agricultural by the Executive production in mostly tribal areas, Directors on November 19, improve village water supply and rural 1992. roads, and involve local NGOs in the selection of beneficiary activities and Procurement: assist in their implementation. The International competitive project would also create employment bidding (ICB) and local opportunities for women. Environmental competitive bidding (lcb) Assessment Category B. expected. rernment of 100.0 ADP - Karnataka - Project will assist To be determined. Project is in preparation nataka (IDA) the Government of Karnataka in policy stage. Environment reforms and investments in priority Impact Statement (EIS) subsectors. Environmental Assessment scheduled for March 1993. Category B. partment of 93.0 (R) Karnataka Rural Water Supply & Consultants have been Appraisal completed in ral Development, (IDA) Environmental Sanitation - Would improve recruited. October 1992. Appraisal vernment of health and productivity in rural areas report under preparation. dia through provision of rural water supply, environmental sanitation and health education services in Karnataka. Proiect would focus on improving environmental sanitation. Environmental Assessment Category B. nistry of ( 200.0 (R) Port Modernization - Project will To be determined. Final report of rface Transport (Bank) focus on port modernization and preparatory study productivity improvements with no major received September 1992. new construction works. Environmental Project preparation Assessment Categor B. mission planned for February 1993 following completion of the shipwaste study. (Trust funding obtained for review of ship waste disposal and require- ments, oil pollution contingency planning situation, and hazardous material handling in ports.) -132- Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processin Agency Lander I Project Consulting Services Action on Procurem INDIA (Cont'd) Ministry of 80.0 Industrial Pollution Prevention - Set up To be determined. Informal discussio Environment & (Bank) toxic and hazardous industrial waste being held in contt Forests 30.0 minimization program. Other objectives first project. Foi (IDA) include: (a) promoting effective and request yet to be m timely application of environmental Government of India legislation regarding the generation, Ministry of Enviror disposal and release of toxic and and Forestry (GOI/? hazardous materials; (b) supporting efforts by industry to prevent generation or encourage recycle of hazardous materials or to properly treat and dispose of toxic substances; and (c) promoting development and application of novel techniques for minimization of toxic and hazardous waste material. Project will continue the program of support to the development of the enforcement and monitoring institutions initiated in the Industrial Pollution Control Project. Environmental Assessment Category C. Ministry of 300.0 Railways Productivity Improvement - The Consultants expected to Negotiations postpa Railways, (Bank) project would support the efforts of be used for management until further notic Government of Indian Railways to accelerate intro- accounting. pending Government India duction and dissemination of more cost- decisions on key se efficient and less polluting locomotives issues. and modern higher capacity freight wagons and coaches and to improve the efficiency of their production, maintenance and operation. Environmental Assessment Category B. Department of Non- 115.0 (R) Renewable Resources Development - To be determined. Negotiations comple Conventional (IDA) Construction of about 45 mini hydro Approved by the Exe4 Energy Sources; 75.0 plants (for a total capacity of 110 MW) Directors on Decemb4 Indian Renewable (Bank) on existing irrigation canals, and 1992. Energy Development promotion of other alternative energy - (Cofinancing expectq Agency; and Tamil development activities. Also, expansion from DANIDA.) Nadu Newsprint and of TNPL's plant for bagasse-based (Financing from Glol Paper Limited newsprint. Environmental Assessment Environment Facilit] (TNPL) Category A. (GEF) committed und second tranche -- se Annex II.) Retroactive financi estimated at US$7.5 million is enaected. Department of 175.0 (R) Basic Education I (formerly First No expatriate Pre-appraisal missio Education; (IDA) Primary Education) - Project would be consultants required. in the field. Ministry of Human implemented in selected districts of Resource Uttar Pradesh and would address issues Development; of enrollment of girls and quality and Departient of efficiency improvement through teacher Educat ion, training, curriculum improvement, supply Government of of materials, improvements in teacher Uttar Pradesh utilization and low-cost school construction. Estimated project cost US$370 million. Environmental Assessment Category C. - 133 - Ember Country, Amount & iplementing Probable Stage of Processing and gency I Lender 2 Project s Consulting Services Action on Procurement NDIA Cont-d) epartments of 194.0 (R) Integrated Child Development No expatriate Negotiations completed. omen and Child (IDA) Services II - Project would aim to consultants required. Board presentation evelopments; improve health and nutritional status of tentatively scheduled for overnments of pre-school children, pregnant women and January 12, 1993. adia and Madhya lactating mothers by means of improved radesh; health services, nutritional supplemen- epartment of tation and health education through the elfare, Integrated Child Development Services overnment of Program. Environmental Assessment ihar Category C. unicipal Health 79.0 Family Welfare (Urban Slums) - Project No expatriate Approved by the Executive epartments of (IDA) would support strengthening of family consultants required. Directors on June 18, yderabad, welfare (family planning and maternal- 1992. alcutta, child health) services in slum areas of angalore, municipalities through establishment and hmadabad, Kanpur staffing of urban health posts and ad other cities support for training, communication and improved management components under the family welfare urban revamping scheme. Environmental Assessment Category C. adras 25.0 Madras Water Supply and Sanitation II - Consultants have been Appraisal misson delayed etropolitan Water (Bank) Project would support major expansion of retained to assist with until the availability of ,upply and 200.0 water supply and extension and project preparation. water is assured. anitation Board (IDA) operational improvements of sewage Metrowater) collection and disposal. It would also finance an environmental sanitation program and institutional development. Environmental Assessment Cateiory B. unicipal 200.0 (R) Bombay Sewage Disposal - Would Expatriate consultants Appraisal mission orporation of (Bank) finance construction of two 3-km marine have been retained to scheduled for May 1993. treater Bombay outfalls and two aerated lagoons. assist with project Technical assistance would be included preparation. for construction supervision. Environmental Assessment Category A. ndustrial 400.0 (R) Financial Sector Adjustment I - Loan Consulting services will Preparation under way. evelopment Bank (Bank) to strengthen the financial system by be required. Pre-appraisal mission is :f India (IDBI); freeing entry into the commercial scheduled for January ndustrial Credit banking sector, deregulating interest 1993. id Investment rates, lowering reserve requirements and Iorporation of priority sector lending targets, and ndia (ICICI)a and improving prudential guidelines to ndustrial Finance ensure future health, autonomy and orporation of competition within the sector. Cndia-(IFCI) Environmental Assessment Category C. - 134 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing Agency Lender 2 Project I Consulting Services Action on Procuremen INDIA (Cont'd) Ministry of Water 100.0 (R) Narmada River Basin Development - Studies on environmental Project documents haN Resource (IDA) Assistance for catchment treatment in issues and water been drafted. Furthe (Narmada Control the Sardar Sarovar Project catchment modelling. Also, Bank processing depem Authority), State area, in Madhya Pradesh (M.P.); and in technical assistance for on progress of agreed Governments of the middle Narmada basin. Assistance fisheries and time-bound Actions fo Madya Pradesh, for fisheries development in the Sardar participatory rural resettlement, and Gujarat and Sarovar reservoir, in the Narmada appraisal techniques. rehabilitation and Maharashtra estuary, and the Sardar Sarovar command environmental compone area. A village development fund to of Cr. 1552/Ln. 2497 support resettlement assistance for (Sardar Sarovar Dam a management of wildlife sanctuaries in Power). Gujarat. Technical assistance for training and basin wide environmental management. Environmental Assessment Category C. Government of 250.0 (R) Rural Credit - The project would To,be determined. Dependent on financia India, NABARD (Bank) supplement GOI resources for rural/ sector reform adjustm agricultural lending. Project program. Identificat objectives would include identification mission is tentativel: and implementation of appropriate scheduled for March 1 reforms now required to revitalize rural to engage authorities lending and to make it more sustainable dialogue about rural and effective. Environmental Assessment finance and required Category B. systemic adjustments. Ministry of 250.0 Industrial Energy Conservation - To To be determined. Due to delays in proj Energy, Department (Bank) formulate plans for energy conservation processing reappraisa of Power in selected industries; to establish take place. Reapprai mechanisms and institutions needed to tentatively scheduled identify and implement the sub-projects, FY93. to improve efficiency of processes including substitution of petroleum- based fuels by other sources of energy; and to minimise dependence on unreliable supplies of power, etc. Project will have a beneficial impact an the environment throuth reduced specific energy consumption, and therefore reduces harmful gas emissions per unit of output. Environmental Assessment Cateaory C. EPAL Ministry of 25.0 (N) Second Terai Forestry - The project Consulting services will Project preparation uE Forests and (IDA) will expand farm forestry throughout the be required for way. Environment terai and will include: (a) completion preparation and of inventory and management plan implementation of Forest preparation and implementation in all Management Plan state forests in the teraii and extension, organization (b) regeneration of the degraded forest. and development. Environmental Assessment Category B. - 135 - ember Country, Amount & Iplementing Probable Stage of Processing and 3ency Lender Project 2 Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 KPAL Cont'd) inistry of 60.0 (R) Public Resource Management - The To be determined. Initial EPS scheduled for inance (IDA) project would support Government's January 1993. Preparatory institutional and structural reforms in work under way. public resource management. The project would have four components: (a) improving efficiency of public revenue mobilization: (b) improving public expenditure planning, implementation and.control; (c) supporting selected sectoral policies and expenditures on operations and maintenance; and (d) improvements in public administrative system. Environmental Assessment Category C. Lnistry of 16.5 (R) Higher Education - To support To be determined. Appraisal mission kucation and (IDA) ongoing reform at Tribhuvan University scheduled for January llture (TU) through enhancing planning and 1993. management capacity, improving physical facilities and means of instructional delivery and assisting TU and the Ministry of Education and Culture in preparing the introduction of higher secondary education. Environmental Assessment Category C. Lnistry of 25.0 Rural Water Supply and Sanitation - Consultants.(both local Project processing under >using and (IDA) Improvement of rural water supply and and international) are way. iysical Planning sanitation under the new policy currently being guidelines with greater involvement of recruited to finalize user committees and non-governmental project preparation. agencies. Project would involve the rehabilitation of about 300 existing schemes and construction of 70 new ones. Environmental Assessment Category B. 2nsari Morang 28.0 (R) Sunsari Morang New Headworks - To Consultants have been Negotiations completed. rrigation (IDA) address the serious siltation problem retained to assist with Approved by the Executive avelopment Board with the ongoing Sunsari Morang detailed design and Directors on November 5, Irrigation II project (Credit 1814-NEP). construction supervision 1992. Credit was signed The project would: (a) construct a new of the new headworks. on December 16, 1992. intake about 1300 m upstream of the existing intake; (b) increase capacity of existing desilting basin; (c) construct a microhydro unit; (d) supply dredging equipment; (e) undertake institutional strengthening and train project staff; (f) provide technical assistance for detailed design and implementation and (g) undertake environmental protection activities. Environmental Assessment Catenory B. - 136 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing Agency Lender 2 Project Consulting Services Action on Procuremeni NEPAL (Cont'd) Department of 57.0 Road Maintenance - Project includes: Consulting services will Preparation mission Roads (IDA) (a) support of institutional development be required for completed. ODA and t in the road sector; (b) support for a preparation of road Swiss Development three to four year road maintenance maintenance and Cooperation and DANIE programs (a) rehabilitation of priority rehabilitation program have tentatively agre trunk and feeder roads; (d) pilot labor (300 km), policy action to participate during based district road rehabilitation; and program workshop, pre-appraisal (achedu (e) technical assistance and training assessment of road for February 1993) az for planning, budgeting, and engineering construction industry, appraisal missions. design and supervision of works and preparation of pilot A PPF has been grante proposed. Environmental Assessment labor-based district the amount of US$480, Category B. road rehabilitation. to engage consultant Consultants for . services for preparat preparation study of activities. Governme labor-based component is currently evaluati under UNDP funding have consultant proposals been appointed. under a PPF. (Cofinancing is being explored.) Department of 40.0 Irrigation Sector - To: (a) construct Consulting services to Project preparation u Irrigation (IDA) small and medium farmer managed surface be provided by way. schemes and rehabilitate existing farmer individual consultants managed surface schemes in the Hills and financed under an on- Terai areas; (b) construct farmer-group going UNDP project. managed groundwater schemes on the Terails (c) Institutional development support. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of Health 12.9 Population and Health - To improve To be determined. Appraisal report unde (IDA) health conditions and reduce population preparation. growth by strengthening of family (Japan T.A. Grant planning and maternal child health Facility agreement si programs. Environmental Assessment on March 17, 1992.) Category C. Nepal Electricity 115.0 (R) Hydro Power (Arun III) - 402 MW run- Consultants have been Project appraisal Authority (IDA) of-river hydropower plant with appointed. tentatively scheduled associated transmission facilities and March 1993. institutional strengthening of the Nepal (Cofinancing from ADB Electricity Authority. Action Plan to Swedish Agency for ameliorate the hydro project's International Technici environmental impacts is under Economic Cooperation Preparation and will be implemented in (BITS), KfW, ODA (UK) coniunction with this project. OECF, UNDP, Nordic Environmental Assessment Category A. Development Fund, the Governments of BelgiLu Finland and Italy and possibly the Governmez of Austria and France well as Export Kreditamnden (Swedish Export Credit Agency), - 137 - ber Country, Amount & L,menting Probable Stage of Processing and 1cy Lender Project Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 USTAN eral Flood 100.0 (R) 1992 Flood Damage Restoration - Supervisory consultants Project documentation sission (IDA) Project to include restoration to pre- will be required. under preparation 1992 flood conditions, selected following October 1992 infrastructure including national and appraisal. Negotiations provincial roads and bridges; scheduled for end trrigation, drainage and flood December 1992. protection works: and primary education (Cofinancing expected and basic health facilities. from Asian Development Environmental Assessment Category B. Bank for US$100.0 million.) Retroactive financing is exnected for up to 20% of credit. e determined 200.0 (R) Social Action Program (formerly Consultants likely to be Pre-appraisal mission (IDA) Social Action Plan) - The project would required. scheduled for early 1993. improve human resource development and (Cofinancing of about alleviate poverty through improved US$100.0 million is social services and non-formal education expected from other (particularly for women). Environmental donors.) Assessment Category: To Be Determined. Retroactive financing of up to 20% of the credit is expected. Lonal Cresent 135.0 (R) Karachi Hydrocracker - Project would Process configuration Pre-appraisal mission is roleum Limited (Bank) assist in mobilizing resources for review would be in the field. L) cofinancing private sector investments completed prior to in development of the refinery initiating bidding Procurement: A pre- subsector. Project would also promote: process for engineering, qualification process is (a) efficiency and ensure petroleum procurement and under way to pre-qualify products supply while reducing construction contract. potental suppliers of environmental pollution and Project management critical and complex (b) institutional strengthening of consultants to assist equipment in accordance project company. Financing will be NCPL in project with Bank guidelines. provided on a limited recourse basis to preparation have been a private joint venture company, the appointed. National Cresent Petroleum Limited (NCPL), with responsibility to design, build, finance, own and operate a hydrocracker complex in Karachi. NCPL would be required to completed an environmental assessment of the hydrocracker complex. Environmental Assessment Category A. e determined About Nutrition - The project would finance Consultants with Project under 65.0 nutrition education, micronutrient and expertise in nutrition, ,preparation. (IDA) growth promotion programs,jinat$tutzonal agroindustry, rural development, and applied research. sociology, health Environmental Assessment Category C. management, and/or community development will required. ictorate of About NWFP Primary Education - The project Consultants likely to be Project under nary Education, 80.0 will support primary education develop- required. preparation. arnment of (IDA) ment in the northwest frontier provinces hwest Frontier (NWFP). It will likely support policy rinces measures and planning management reforms. Environmental Assessment Categaory C. - 138 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processin Agency ' Lender Project ' Consulting Services Action on Procurem PAKISTAN (Cont'd) Environment & 95.0 (R) Agriculture Environment/Social To be determined. Identification unde Urban Affairs, (IDA) Forestry (formerly Agriculture Provincial Environment/Forestry II) - Protection Forestry and management of environmental Departments resources in Punjab and northwest frontier provinces (NWFP). The project seeks to strengthen environmental institutes and promote social forestry. Environmental Assessment Category B. To be determined About (R) Financial Sector Development and To be determined. Project under 100.0 Intermediation (formerly Private Sector) preparation. (Bank) - To support reforms deepening of the financial sector and provide resources to banks for lending to the private sector. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. Directorate of About Balochistan Primary Education - Will Consulting services will Appraisal report ur, Primary Education, 106.0 support primary education development in likely be required for preparation. Balochistan (IDA) Balochistan with particular emphasis cn implementation. Department of girls' schooling. Project will support Education policy measures, planning, and management reforms to increase girls' access to schooling. Environmental Assessment Category C. Water and Power 200.0 (R) Ghazi-Barotha Hydropower - Project Consultants (comprising Project feasibilit3 Development (Bank) would provide for construction of: a-joint venture of 5 completed in May 15 Authority (a) a Barrage, on Indus River, about firms) have been working (Cofinancing from 7 km d/s of Tarbala dam; (b) a 53 km on project preparation expected, i.e. OECI long single concrete lined power since February 1990. EXIM.) channel; and (c) a power complex with 1450 MW power house (5 units of 290 MW Procurement: Preps each) and associated infrastructure of detailed designs facilities including 500 kv circuits. tender documents fc Environmental Assessment Category A. civil works is in progress and schedu be completed by eaz 1993. Environmental About (R) Punjab Urban Environment - Arrest Consultants have begun Preparation being Protection Agency 50.0 decline of urban environment through project preparation. undertaken during 1 of Punjab, Water (Bank) hazardous waste control, ground-water and appraisal plann and Sanitation 81.0 resource protection, public awareness April 1993. Agency (Lahore (IDA) and EPA strengthening. Project will (Will also include Development comprise investments in toxic/hazardous waste-to-energy con Authority) waste clean up and processing, by the Global Envir industrial wastewater collection and Facility (GEF) -- a treatment and technical assistance for Annex II.) institutional strengthening. Environmental Assessment Category A. Pakistan About Telecommunications Sector Consulting services will Preparation has bee Telecommunications 50.0 Restructuring - Project would assist in be required for delayed pending Corporation (PTC) (Bank) the restructuring of telecommunications preparation and Government of Pakis sector including PTC privatization, implementation of the decisions on regulatory reform and sector project. restructuring of th liberalization. Environmental sector. Assessment Categorv C. - 139 'aber Country, Amount & plementing Probable Stage of Processing and ecyi Lender 2 Project Consulting Services Action on Procurement I KISTAN ont'd) partments of About (R) Family Health II - To increase the Consultants likely to be Negotiations tentatively alth, 47.0 availability and quality of maternal required for scheduled for first week lochistan and (IDA) health services including family implementation. of January 1993. njab planning, improve the quality and (Cofinancing from integration of primary health care Gernmany and UK services, and strengthen institutional expected.) capabilities in Punjab and Balochistan. Environmental Assessment Category C. Retroactive financins of US$500,000 is being considered. be determined About Private Sector Energy Development II - To be determined. Project preparation 160.0 Will focus essentially on strengthening suspended pending (Bank) institutions in Pakistan which will resolution of issues participate in private sector under ongoing project investments in the energy sector. (Private Sector Energy Environmental Assessment Category C. Development Ln. 2983- PAR). (Cofinancing expected. Donors to be identified.) ter and Power About (R) Power Sector Development - Consulting services Appraisal completed July relopment 230.0 Implementation of a time-slice (FY93-96) will be required. 1992. Negotiations thority (Bank) of WAPDA's least-cost investment tentatively scheduled for program, and restructuring and January 1993. privatization program for WAPDA. Would (Cofinancing from Asian also include a technical assistance Development Bank, Japan's component. Environmental Assessment OECF, and EXIM Bank are Category B. committed. Other cofinanciers are to be identified.) nistry of About Public Sector Adjustment - Would support To be determined. President's report under nance 150.0 Government's adjustment program, preparation. (Bank) particularly efforts to reduce the role (Cofinancing expected 100.0 of the public sector in the economy. from Japan.) (IDA) Components include privatization of public enterprises, restructuring of public expenditures to provide adequate funding for basic social services and infrastructure, tax reform, and policy . reform in the social sectors. Environmental Assessment Category C. vernment of About (R) North Pakistan Resource Management - To be determined. Appraisal mission ad, Jammu and 52.8 The project, covering Azad Jammu and scheduled for January shmir, (IDA) Kashmir is designed to raise the 1993. partment of productivity of subsistence farming and riculture and cash crop production through Lmal Health disseminating environmentally friendly farming technology aimed at slowing or reversing the natural resource degradation. Through proven technical packages, the project would enable farmers and groups of farmers to improve agriculture, livestock and forestry. The project would also strengthen extension and animal health services, adaptive research and link roads. Environmental Assessment Category B. - 140 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing i Agency Lender Project ' Consulting Services Action on Procuremeni PAKISTAN (Cont'd) National Housing About Low-Income Communities Infrastructure - Consultants have been Project preparation t Authority together 70.0 Area upgrading and basic urban services appointed. way. with respective (IDA) for squatter communities. To facilitate A PPF advance of Provincial mechanisms for land markets and shelter US$1.3 million has be Governments development in urban and high density approved to provide rural areas. Land tenure and user fees technical assistance. for services to be addressed. Positive Funds obtained from J environmental impact expected. and Switzerland for Environmental Assessment B. preparation. (Cofinancing of up tc US$10.0 million may I required for implementation.) Government of About (R) First Sindh Special Development Consultants have been Negotiations planned Sindh (GOS) 62.9 (formerly Policy and Institution Reform) appointed. January 1993. (IDA) - This is the first of five projects (U.S. Trade & Develo included in the Sindh Special Program (US$500,000) Development Program. As part of an Japanese Grant Facill overall fiscal and administrative policy grants (US$1.8 millic and institutional adjustment program for equivalent) have beer the Sindh Province, the project would approved for financir include: (a) institution building and project preparation.) adjustment components for the Government of Sindh, and local governments; (b) environmental upgrading works (drainage and transport) in Karachi and three interior cities; and (c) investments for preparation of engineering studies and final designs for the subsequent investment operations. Environmental Assessment Category C. SRI LANKA Ministry of 19.2 Colombo Urban Transport - Project will Consulting services will Appraisal mission Transport and (IDA) include: (a) traffic management and be required. scheduled for Decembe Highways road rehabilitation; (b) construction of 1992. An IDA PPF adN an overpass and gyratory at the Maradana of US$1.2 million is intersection; and (c) technical financing consulting assistance for (1) institutional services. development for railway restructuring; (Cofinancing of (ii) implementation support; and US$0.3 million will I (iii) policy development. Environmental requested from ODA as Assessment Category B. US$0.5 million from UNDP.) Ministry of Policy 40.1 (R) Poverty Alleviation/Employment II - Consulting services will The project has not y Planning and (IDA) The project would facilitate access to likely be required. been identified. Implementation resources for self employment by the poor. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. To be determined 50.0 (R) Vocational and Technical Education To be determined. Project is being (IDA) and Training - Support for training at prepared. various levels and in different sectors An IDA PPF request is to meet the needs of the labor market. being reviewed. Rationalization of technical education. Environmental Assessment Category C. - 141 - ,er Country, Amount & ementing Probable Stage of Processing and Icy Lander * Project Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 LANKA %t'd) industry 30.0 (R) Agricultural Diversification - To be determined. Initial Executive Project nical (IDA) Recommercialization of rural Summary to be issued mid- Latance agricultural markets is the project January 1993. idation objective. The project would seek to be created) promote this through financing investment and technical assistance in newly identified areas of opportunity in agro-industry, either in exotic crops or areas from which the Government has now withdrawn. Environmental Assessment Category B. stry of 75.0 Economic Restructuring II - To address To be determined. Preparation under way. knee (IDA) broad policy reform agenda aiming at improved private sector incentives, including liberalization of external and internal trade and divestiture of the vast public enterprise sector. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. e determined 50.0 General Education II - The project will Consulting services will Project has not yet been (IDA) support the implementation of policy likely be required. identified. An updated reforms and investment programs to make assessment will be the education system more responsive to submitted in 1993. the needs of the labor market. Environmental Assessment Category C. iweli Authority 35.0 (R) Mahaveli Rehabilitation - To be determined. Preparation under way. Iri Lanka (IDA) Restructuring of the Mahaveli Authority Appraisal mission iL) including: (a) privatization of tentatively scheduled for commercial activitiess (b) transfer of April 1993. public services function to national line agenciesi and (c) handing over of responsibility for operation and maintenance of distributory and field canals to farmers, organizations. Irrigation and drainage structure would also be rehabilitated and improved. Environmental Assessment Category B. I Development 35.0 Highway Maintenance - Will aim to: Consulting services will Project under tority (RDA) (IDA) (a) strengthen road maintenance be required for preparation. capabilities: (b) address human resource preparation of A PPF of US$0.5 million and institutional development issues: maintenance program, may be requested. and (c) restructure the local feasibility studies, and (Cofinancing will be maintenance contractor industry. Would maintenance explored.) also finance: (a) technical assistance: reorganization and (b) part of a five year program of management study. periodic maintenance and rehabilitation Consultants for project program laboratory tools and preparation to be maintenance works: and (d) training financed under possible components. Environmental Assessment PPF and bilateral Category B. grants. - 142 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing Agency Lender 2 Project I Consulting Services Action on Procureme SRI LANKA (Cont,d) Ministry of 50.0 (R) Private Financial Development Consulting services vill Appraisal mission i Finance/Ministry (IDA) (formerly Financial Intermediation) - To be required for policy the field. of Industry promote the development of the private reform, institution Sciences and sector through policy and tariff reform, building, and provision Technology provision of term credit and related of technical assistance technical assistance. Environmental to implementing Assessment Cateaorv B. agencies. Ministry of 24 3 (R) Community Water Supply and Consultants have been Negotiations complel Housing & (IDA) Sanitation - Strengthen planning/ selected. Approved by the Exe Construction & programming capability of Government and Directors on Decemb4 Community Water & local authorities; develop mechanisms 1992. Sanitation Program for Government policies on cost recovery A PPF for US$0.7 mi. Unit (CWSPU) and operations and maintenance; develop has been approved ti responsibilities for operations and provide technical maintenance capability in the local assistance for proji authorities and user groups; to promote preparation. involvement of NGOs, the private sector, women; increase coverage of water and sanitation in rural and small community subsector; and improve public health through provision of safe drinking water and adequate sanitation. Environmental Assessment Categaory B. - 143 - VII. NEW PROJECTS ADDED IN THIS ISSUE I. AFRICA REGION COUNTRY ARD IMPLEMENTING AGENC PROJECT PAGE COTE D'IVOIRE Rural Financial Cooperatives Rural Savings and 8 B.P. 1850 Loan Rehabilitation Abidjan, 01 Cote d'Ivoire Telephone: (225) 44 22 27 MADAGASCAR Ministry of Education Education Sector 18 c/o World Bank Resident Mission 1 rue Patrice Lumumba P.O. Box 4140 Antananarivo 101, Madagascar MALI To be determined Agro-processing and 20 Trading Promotion MAURITIUS Ministry of Finance Science and Technology 22 Pax: (996) 208-8622 Telephone: (996) 2011145/ 2011140 TANZANIA Ministry of Agriculture Agricultural Sector 32 P.O. Box 9192 Management Pamba House Dar as Salaam, Tanzania Ministry of Finance Private Public 32 P.O. Box 9111 Sector Management Dar as Salaam, Tanzania (Technical Assistance) Telex: 41329 Telephone: 21271-9 ZAMBIA Ministries of Legal Affairs Financial and Legal 36 and Lands, Zambia Inst. of Management Upgrade Certified Accountants, National Tender Board, Copperbelt University (Accounting Dept.) ZICA, P.O. Box 32005 Lusaka, Zambia Telephone: 222773 -144- II. EAST ASIA & PACIFIC REGION COUNTRY AND IMPLEMENTING AGENCY PROJECT PAGE INDONESIA Directorate General of Java Irrigation and 48 Water Resources, Water Management Ministry of Public Works To be determined Agriculture Extension/ 48 Training Directorate General Tree Crops Smallholder 49 of Estates Development II National Land Agency (BPN) Land Administration 49 MALAYSIA Rubber Industry Smallholders RISDA II 57 Development Authority II III. EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA REGION ALBANIA Rural Development Fund Rural Poverty 65 (organization is to be created) Alleviation Pilot KAZAKHSTAN To be determined Privatization 71 KYRGHYZSTAN Ministry of Communications Telecommunications 72 Bishkek, 720000 Republic of Kyrghyzstan Prospect Chui Fax: 28 83 62 Telex: (251) 234 RTB EU Telephone: 7(331-2) 22-20-34 LATVIA To be determined Agriculture Sector 73 ROMANIA To be determined Industrial Restructuring II 76 RUSSIAN FEDERATION To be determined Industry Finance 78 - 145 - IV. LATIN AMERICA AND CARIBBEAN REGION COUNTRY AND IMPLEENTING AGENCY PROJECT PAGE BOLIVIA To be determined Forestry and Environment 88 CHILE Ministry of Education Secondary Education 92 Alameda 1371 - Piso 7 Improvement Fax: 56-2-698-7831 Telephone: 698-3351 COLOMBIA To be determined Private Sector 94 Energy Development V. MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA REGION No New Projects Were Reported For This Period VI. SOUTH ASIA REGION NEPAL Ministry of Forests Second Terai Forestry 134 and Environment Babar Mahal Kathmandu, Nepal Telephone: 220067 - 146 - VIII. PROJECTS DROPPED FROM LENDING PROGRAM AND PROJECTS SIGNED I. AFRICA REGION COUNTRY AND IMPLNENTING AGEICT PROJECT PACE CAMERODN Ministry of Technical Agricultural Research II 6 and Scientific Research Ministry of Urban and Housing Urban Management Improvement 6 CHAD Ministry of Mines and Energy Petroleum/Power 8 EQUATORIAL GUINEA Ministry of Agriculture Natural Resource Management 11 and Forestry and Conservation NIGERIA Federal Government of State Water I 28 Nigeria, Kaduna and Katsina State Water Boards SIERRA LEONE National Power Authority (NPA) Power Rehabilitation 32 II. EAST ASIA AND PACIFIC REGION CHINA Henan Province Communications Henan Highway 44 Department (HPCD) Guangdong Provincial Planning Guangdong Provincial Highway 46 Communications Department MALAYSIA Ministry of Education Primary and Secondary 58 Education III - 147 - III. EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA REIO COUNTRY AND IMI.NETOUMINGA PROJECT E RUSSIAN FEDERATION Soyuplodoimport, Rehabilitation 80 Techmashimport, Pharmimex, Technointors, Avtoexport, Sovbunker, Zarubezbugol TURENERISTAN To be determined Agriculture Sector 82 IV. LATIN AMCA AND CARIBBEAN REGION ARGENTINA Entidad Binacional Yacyreta II 86 Yacyreta (EBY) BRAZIL Ministerto de Acao Social Water Sector Modernization 91 CBILE Comision Nacional del Environmental/Institutional 93 Medio Ambiente Development Ministerio do Salud Health Sector Reform 93 Comision Nacional de Riego Irrigation Development 93 COLOMBIA Empresa de Acueducto y Pollution Abatement 95 Alcantarillado and Sanitation Ministerto de Obras Publicas National Highway Sector III 96 y Transporte (MOPT) GUATEMALA Ministry of Finance Social Investment Fund 99 - 148 - V. MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA REGION COUNTRY AND IMPLE0ENTING AGENCT PROJECT PAGE ALGERIA Ministry of Interior Municipal Development 112 and Environment Ministry .of Economy SAL I 113 MDROCCO ONPT Second Telecommunications 118 MOROCCO Ministere de 1'Emploi Labor Market Intermediation 115 VI. SOUTH ASIA Ministry of Forests Second Terai Forestry 135 and Environment MONTHLY OPERATIONAL SUMMARY ANNEX I As explained in "Information about the Environmental Assessment Process," environmental classifications for all projects are included in the Monthly Operational Summary every month. This quarterly annex contains: o For Category A projects, the environmental data sheet containing information about the issues and schedule of the environmental assessment process; o For Category B projects, a header showing project status. o For projects in Categories C and T ("to be determined"), a listing of project names and identification numbers. Environmental data sheets for projects in categories other than A have not been reproduced here because of the volume involved, but are available to the public on request. Any request should identify the data sheets desired by project name and identification number (e.g., 3AFRPAOOO). Request for a data sheet may be made by writing: Environmental Data Sheets Environment Department Room S-5143 World Bank 1818 H Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20433 USA or by telephoning 1-202-473-1262 and leaving a message. i 1 � �:. , � � q у i l � о д G i� ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : AFR. REGION Project ID No: 3AFRPA004 Project : Adjarals, Hydroelectric Appraisal Date : Jul. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $238.00m Board Date : Mar. 01, 1994 Managing Division : AFlIE Sector: Power Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: 2nd Quarter, 1993 Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 20, 1988 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: Adjarala Hydro scheme (80 MW, 250 GWh) 97 km downstream of Nangbeto on the Mono River on boundary Togo-Benin, with associated transmission, management and engineering services, population resettlement and compensation, and environmental and health protection programs; also power sector studies, TA and training for CEB, CEET and SBEE. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Population resettlement and compensation, Environmental protection, Health protection, Downstream hydrology. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: To be determined. Fisheries and reservoir area closing. PROPOSED ACTIONS: Environmental Assessment under review. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: About 10,000 people affected by resettlement. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Consultants appointed and work commenced on all issues listed above. EA first draft issued in October 1991. Resettlement plan is being developed with the involved communities. Updated version received in November 1992, presently under review. REMARKS: Environmental reconnaissance has been made. Bidding documents and contracts will include environmental clauses. Environmental panel will-be established. Environmental unit has been created within CEB. Contacts with population involved and INGO underway. 1-2 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : ETHIOPIA Project ID No: 3ETHPA102 Project : Calub Gas Development Appraisal Date : Nov. 20, 1992 Total Project Cost: $108.40m Board Date : Apr. 20, 1993 Managing Division : AF2PE Sector: Industry Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Jan. 10, 1993 Date EA Category Assigned: Oct. 21, 1992 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: Supply liquid petroleum products; supply LPG for interfuel substitutions with fuelwood; and supply electricity in the Ogaden region. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Beneficial environmental impact deriving from the fact that overall project will reduce demand for charcoal and fuelvood, thus mitigating currend dramatic deforestation rate. Installation of a gas extraction plant and rehabilitation of the assocated road may have impact on local population's lifestyle and economies. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Extraction/separation technology will have to be designed to prevent hydrocarbon spillages. PROPOSED ACTIONS: Full Socio-Economic-Environmental Survey to be carried out over 5 years. Adoption of suitable engineering design and technology. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: Initial classification has been changed from B to A upon advice of AFTEN. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: EA first draft: Nov. 10, 1992. EA final draft: Jan. 10, 1993. REMARKS: Contacted UN Agencies, NGOa, and leaders of Somali communities in Ogaden. Participatory approach emphasized. 1-3 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : GHANA Project ID No: 3GHAPAO94 Project : Power VII Appraisal Date : Mar. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $150.00m Board Date : Jan. 11, 1994 Managing Division : AF4IE Sector: Industry Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Date EA Category Assigned: MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: Provision of additional thermal generation needed to complement hydro power; possibly additional transmission and distribution based on power master plan; technical assistance for institutional building. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: No major environmental issues are expected since the thermal generation will be gas turbine with very minimal environmental impact. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Risk of oil spillage; noise. PROPOSED ACTIONS: Training and equipment. Noise reduction package. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: Environmental risk is minimal and the plant will meet international emissions standards. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Feasibility study of September 1992 submitted. REMARKS: None. 1-4 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : GUINEA Project ID No: 3GUIPAO55 Project : Natural Resources Management Appraisal Date : May 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $40.00m Board Date : Apr. 05, 1994 Managing Division : AF1AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Date EA Category Assigned: March 1992 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: Forestry rural development. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: To be determined. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: N/A PROPOSED ACTIONS: Small-scale irrigation of bottom lands. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: To reduce encroachment on forests. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: An Environmental Action Plan is being prepared from which components will be identified for financing. REMARKS: See "status". 1-5. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : COTE DIVOIRE Project ID No: 3IVCPAO91 Project : Private Sector Energy Appraisal Date : Feb. 01, 1993 Total Project Cost: $265.00m Board Date : Jun. 01, 1993 Managing Division : AFlIE Sector: Power Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Status: Standby Date for receipt of EA by Bank: To be determined Date EA Category Assigned: Sept. 3, 1992 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: Development of offshore natural gas field, pipeline, onshore separation facilities, 120 MW combined cycle power station (generating under a BOOT). MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Development of offshore natural gas field with construction of production platform could pose environment hazards to marine environment. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Gas will displace the burning of heavy fuel oil, with direct benefits to the local and global environment from reduced local atmospheric pollution and emission of greenhouse gases. Butane will displace fuelwood and charcoal consumption and reduce uncontrolled deforestation. PROPOSED ACTIONS: EA plan will identify all potential risks and propose mitigating actions. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: Project, while not without environmental effects, considered to be globally beneficial to Cote d'Ivoire and region. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Detailed feasibility studies including environmental reviews due to commence as soon as investors agree on,project scope. REMARKS: N/A 1-6 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : COTE DIVOIRE Project ID No: 3IVCPA101 Project : Land Tenure Appraisal Date : May 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $40.00m Board Date : Feb. 15, 1994 Managing Division : AF1AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Under discussion Date EA Category Assigned: Dec. 27, 1991 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: (1) Land management program (land survey - village institution - development program); and (2) institutional reinforcement, staff training and managerial capacity. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Major project activities would aim at protection and preservation of agricultural and natural resources; environmental analysis would be undertaken on bottomland development programs, and specific program to use land forest and water. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: W/A PROPOSED ACTIONS: N/A JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: The project would address development and land tenure management issues on the basis of land maps similar to those prepared under the pilot operation. Rural communities would design and implement "terroir" management programs that would include land conservation works, pasture improvement, small livestock, irrigation dams, rural tracks, etc. In the forest areas, the project would finance agro-forestry programs combined with buffer zones management operations related to ongoing Forestry Sector Loan (FSL). SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: EA schedule is being discussed with the government. REMARKS: None. I-7 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : SENEGAL Project ID No: 3SENPAO95 Project : Urban IV Appraisal Date : May 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $59.00m Board Date : Dec. 14, 1993 Managing Division : AF5IN Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Sep. 1992 Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 27, 1991 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: Three main components: (a) institutional development on both central and local government levels; (b) physical investments encompassing public infrastracture and facilities; and (c) project management for the recurrent costs. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: The situation of environmentally dangerous living conditions and the low quality of public services, principally of housing, water and sanitation. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Industrial hazards and uncontrolled pollution usually in the Cap Vert Peninsula. PROPOSED ACTIONS: Sectoral Environmental Assessment Study (Diagnostic of the Sector). JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: The project is an "A" because a number of similar development activities with potentially cumulative impacts are planned for a variety of specific "city projects". SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: The consultant carried out the preliminary study and agreement should be obtained from the government on the proposed methodology. The sectoral urban environmental assessment study will be included in the project's feasibility study, whose start-up is planned for October 1992. REMARKS: None. 1-8 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : TANZANIA Project ID No: 3TANPA084 Project : Power VI Appraisal Date : Jun. 22, 1992 Total Project Cost: $337.00a Board Date : Feb. 09, 1993 Managing Division : AF2IN Sector: Power Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Completed Date EA Category Assigned: MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: (a) Construction of Lower Kihansi Hydro Electric Scheme consisting of 3x54 HW units and associated transmission; (b) rehabilitation of existing facilities (generation and distribution); (c) extension of the distribution network; (d) institutional reforms, including implementation of the second phase of MIS and training; and (e) studies. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Environmental study completed. The study reviewed and the Kihansi site visited by the Bank (AFTEN). OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: N/A PROPOSED ACTIONS: KlA JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: Large hydropower projects are category A under OD 4.01 guidelines SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: The study was made available to the EDs on June 19, 1992. REMARKS: None. 1-9 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : TOGO Project ID No: 3TOGPAO62 Project : Water Supply II Appraisal Date : Jul. 19, 1993 Total Project Cost: $60.00m Board Date : Jul. 12, 1994 Managing Division : APlIN Sector: Water Supply and Sewerage Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Apr. 30, 1993 Date EA Category Assigned: MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: (a) Expansion of Lome Water Supply System; and (b) support to reform of rural water supply strategy. MAJOR-ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Groundwater resources. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Disposal of waste water. PROPOSED ACTIONS: Establish policies for adequate management of water resources including monitoring and cost recovery from all users. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: Project will mobilize a significant portion of groundwater resources in southern part of the country. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL,ASSESSMENT: EA to start by fall 1992. REMARKS: None. 1-10 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : UGANDA Project ID No: 3UANPAO84 Project : Cotton Subsector Appraisal Date : Mar. 19, 1993 Total Project Cost: $40.00m Board Date : Sep. 07, 1993 Managing Division : AF2AE Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Date EA Category Assigned: MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: (a) Policy and regulatory improvements; (b) support to research; (b) private sector development initiatives; and (d) support to production activities. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: (i) Contamination due to use of chemicals and pesticides; (ii) air pollution due to cotton dust and lint; and (iii) excessive exposure to cotton dust leading to respiratory diseases. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: (i) Increased draught power (livestock) leading to overgrazing; and (ii) intensification of cotton production may lead to soil erosion. PROPOSED ACTIONS: A thorough environmental assessment planned prior to appraisal. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: Category "A", because there are major environmental issues. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: EA start-up date around Febrauary 1993. REMARKS: None. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : CHINA Project ID No: 4CHAPA105 Project : Shanghai Port Restructuring and Development Appraisal Date : May 21, 1992 Total Project Cost: $200.00m Board Date : Dec. 22, 1992 Managing Division : EA2TP Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Feb. 29, 1992 Date EA Category Assigned: MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: - Construction of two new terminals at Luojing and Waigaoqiao on the Yangtze River; - Purchase of equipment for both the new and existing terminals; - Implementation of measures to upgrade operations and management, including financial management; - An action plan for restructuring the existing port facilities on the Huangpu River to rationalize their use. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: The water quality of the Huangpu and Yangtze Rivers and their tributaries and inland waterways linked to them is poor due to a combination of uncontrolled sanitary sewage, storm water drainage and industrial effluents from small enterprises, leading to contaminated underlying sediments. Thus an issue is to ensure that the construction of new terminals will not contribute to the further deterioration of the quality of the water and related ecosystems. The other related issues are: impact of additional traffic on roads that will serve the new terminals, both during construction and in operation after commissioning, and safety measures to deal with it; management and monitoring of construction to protect the environment; and monitoring and management of air quality at the new coal handling terminal at Luojing. As new facilities are brought into operation, use of the older terminal in the city center for cargo handling would be gradually phased out: this will have a positive impact on the environment in the Shanghai urban area. The safe disposal of dredged material resulting from ongoing maintenance dredging in the present port area, which is not in any way affected by the proposed project, will continue to be a matter of concern. Air pollution from coal handling at one of the terminals on the Huangpu River is an environmental hazard, as are illegal discharge of ships' wastes and oil spills caused by marine accidents. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: N/A PROPOSED ACTIONS: The impact of dredging and the disposal of dredged material in the on-going project has been studied by the Chinese authorities and reviewed by 1-12 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS an environment expert and the recommended safety measures have been implemented. At the new terminals at Luojing and Waigaoqiao, sewage and drainage from the facilities and operations will be collected and treated in secondary treatment facilities before discharge into the river. Storm water and other effluents (e.g., wash water from the washing of containers, etc.) will similarly be collected and treated before discharge. Older facilities on the west side of the Huangpu River are connected to the municipal sewage system; those on the east side have their own collection.tanks for sewage which is then trucked away. New facilities to be constructed under the proposed project will be designed so as not to impede the flow of currents in the Yangtze River and will be situated in sufficiently deep water to avoid dredging. Hydraulic model tests were carried out to arrive at the optimal design of these facilities. For coal handling sprinklers will be provided to contain dust. Facilities for the collection and treatment of ships' wastes and the drawing up of a contingency plan to handle accidental oil spillage are financed by IDA/GEF under a separate project. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: The needs to ensure safe disposal of contaminated spoils from maintenance dredging and to minimize the potential hazard for further pollution of waters from the operation of the new facilities were factors that contributed to the project being designated as a Category A project for environmental evaluation. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: An environmental assessment report (in Chinese) has been furnished to the Bank. An environment expert assisted SPA in the final preparation of the EA to meet Bank's requirements. The report, along with a summary, recommended additional environment protection measures and these were discussed and will be implemented by the borrower within the proposed project. REMARKS: . As agreed by current Government regulations, SPA has already completed environment impact assessments of the proposed Luojing and Waigaoqiao terminals through the Shanghai Environment Protection Sciences Institute. Recommended mitigatory measures are being incorporated in the design of the new terminals. Currently each existing terminal has its own environment monitoring center, supervised by SPA's Environment Bureau. Also, SPA has developed an extensive environment action plan as part of its Eighth Five Year Plan: this includes the upgrading of effluent treatment facilities at existing terminals as well as the provision of facilities for waste treatment. Three hundred and seventy families at the site of the Waigaoqiao terminal have already been resettled in new housing constructed by SPA. Resettled families were given financial compensation in addition to new housing. Discussions with memebers of resettled families selected on a random basis reveased that the resettlement terms were, if anything, generous and satisfactory. 1-13 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : CHINA Project ID No: 4CHAPA156 Project : Xiaolangdi Appraisal Date : Feb. 22, 1993 Total Project Cost: $300.00m Board Date : Aug. 31, 1993 Managing Division : EA2AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Sep. 1992 Date EA Category Assigned: First Qtr 1991 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: (a) Construction of a rockfill dam 171 m high, 1370 m crest length and 56 mcm of fill; (b) construction of a hydropower station with total capacity of 1800 MW; (c) resettlement of 190,000 people in the two provinces of Shanxi and Henan; and (d) construction of additional works for river channel stabilization. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: The project will have very significant environmental benefits. It will provide flood protection for about 1.2 million people, increasing the water supply for cities of about 15 million people, reduce unsustainable natural sediment deposition in the lower reaches of the river; firm up irrigation for 1 million ha; and generate a portion of the peak power needs of Henan and China's central region. The project will increase the safety of some 100 million people downstream from catastrophic floods. The major environmental issue relates to the resettlement of 181,000 people who live in the reservoir area, over a 15-year period. Dams of this size generally have many other negative impacts on downstream fisheries, water quality, health, etc. However, unlike other rivers, the Yellow River presently has the highest silt load in the world. With this dam, silt load will be dramatically reduced, low flows will be increased, and water quality improved. The downstream drainage conditions will be improved by less periodic flooding. Hence the health effects downstream will improve and because of less silt and increased low flows, the estuary and river fisheries will be improved quite dramatically. Other environmental impacts of the dam are relatively minor. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: N/A PROPOSED ACTIONS: The Yellow River Water and Hydropower Development Corporation (YRWHDC) is completing detailed planning of the resettlement component for all relocatees below 180m level and undertaking resettlement preliminary designs for relocatees between 180m and 275m. YRWHDC and the provinces have now had detailed agreements on sites for settlements and industries to be created for (all 181,000) relocatees. The Government has been informed now that detailed resettlement designs up to the 180m level are required by the Bank prior to appraisal, as well as detailed preliminary design 'lead' level plans for above 180m level relocatees. The YRWHDC has 1-14 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS already spent Y50 million to resettle about 2,000 people and has obtained a further Y100 million to undertake settlements for 2,000 families (10,500 people) from the damaite area by end 1993. The final resettlement plans will be submitted by Feb. 1993. An international environmental panel member reviewed in October 1992 the draft environmental impact assessment (EIA) which was originally prepared by YRWHDC and found it to be satisfactory. The preliminary assessment by the panel member is that the project will have some negative impacts in the upstream areas due to rate and some water borne diseases which will be offset by environmental management plans costing Y130 million during the course of the project. But the positive impacts of the project are significant in terms of flood control, irrigation benefits, power production and sediment control benefits. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: Potential impacts of the project could be significant, large-scale and diverse and therefore warrant a full-scale environmental assessment. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: The EA will be submitted to the Bank by February 7, 1993. The draft EIA has been reviewed by the Bank missions and by the international panel members and has in general been found to be satisfactory. The major impact of this project is the resettlement of 181,000 people into existing areas in the county and to areas out of county. The plans produced for the damsite resettlement (10,500 people) are excellent. The pilot resettlement of about 1,000 people to the new Xiaolangdi village is of a very high standard. The Bank mission and the consultants are extremely pleased with the initial results of the resettlement. The Bank mission has asked the Government to have adequate safety nets to insure that if there are changes in design the resettlees will not be disadvantaged. The plans for establishment of livelihoods is also of a high standard. The environmental management plan is estimated to cost Y130 million and will ensure that all negative impacts will be offset. It covers a wide range of monitoring from resettlement, protection of cultural relices, sanitation and antiepidemic program, sediments and water quality, management of construction area, reservoir clearing and seismic monitoring. REMARKS: The Government is very serious about ensuring that the resettlement component is properly executed. They are also very serious about ensuring that all negative impacts as a result of the dam are adequately dealt with. 1-15 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : CHINA Project ID No: 4CHAPA190 Project : Yangtze Basin Water Resource Appraisal Date : Oct. 20, 1993 Total Project Cost: $600.00m Board Date : Jun. 14, 1994 Managing Division : EA2AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date for receipt of EA by Bank: In preparation Date EA Category Assigned: MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: Hubei Province - (a) dike rehabilitation, main drain improvements, pumping stations, and water control monitoring systems for 286,000 ha; (b) completion and rehabilitation of canal systems for 278,000 ha; and (c) agricultural subprojects for livestock, forestry and aquaculture. Hunan Province - (a) completion of irrigation and drainage systems, pumping station rehabilitation, and renewal and expansion of power lines and transformers for 250,000 ha; (b) construction of the Jiangya Multipurpose Dam and 300 MW power plant, and resettlement of 2,000 families; and (c) completion of irrigation systems for 50,000 ha. Chang Jiang Water Resources Commission (CWRC) - procurement and installation of equipment for flood forecasting and monitoring system in the upper and middle Yangtze, including telemetry rainfall and streamflow stations, groundstations for meteorological and communications satellites, microwave stations, and central data processing. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: The project is in the early identification stage, and an environmental reconnaissance has not yet been carried out. Potential issues include: inundation of the forest of the Jiangya Reservoir, water quality changes, water use conflicts, and increased use of agrochemicals. Some 2,000 families will require resettlement for the Jiangya Reservoir. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Unidentified pending environmental reconnaissance. PROPOSED ACTIONS: An initial environmental reconnaissance will be carried out in conjunction with the next full preparation mission in early 1993. The reconnaissance will identify environmental issues (Jiangya Dam and others), review environmental work on the project to date, identify further environmental analysis needed for improved project design (if so indicated), and assess monitoring and mitigation plans. If necessary, the environmental reconnaissance will help prepare suitable terms of reference and work schedules for remaining environmental work required for preparation. NEPA will be consulted. The preparation mission will also assess the extent of resettlement required and review resettlement progress and plans. 1-16 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: Potential impacts are significant, mainly for Jiangya Reservoir. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: An EA has been done by provincial authorities for Jiangya Reservoir; it is now under translation to English. The environmental reconnaissance will identify further next steps. REMARKS: Current government policy is to decentralize administrative authority and financial responsibility down to the lowest levels -- counties, townships, villages and ultimately individuals. This policy requires full local consultation before lower levels will agree to accept financial responsibility. NGOs have no role in China. Permission of the Borrower to release the EA has yet to be requested. 1-17 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : CHINA Project ID No: 4CHAPA191 Project : Taihu Basin Flood Control Appraisal Date : Aug. 27, 1992 Total Project Cost: $507.50m Board Date : Feb. 16, 1993 Managing Division : EA2AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: June 15, 1992 Date EA Category Assigned: MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: (a) Channelization of Taipu and Wangyu Rivers to divert flood water to the Yangtze River and to provide clean water source for Shanghai Municipality; (b) pumped drainage facilities to divert flood water into Hangzhou Bay; (c) strengthening and completion of dikes around Tai Lake for flood regulation; (d) basin-wide flood forecasting and monitoring system; and (e) training, technical assistance, office, laboratory and 0 & H equipment. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: The project produces significant environmental benefits - flood damage reduction, water quality improvement, increased raw water for municipal water supply and improved inland navigation. Potential adverse impacts are associated with construction activities, sediment deposition and induced development resulting from flood security. Unplanned and uncontrolled project growth, land use changes and agricultural chemical use could jeopardize project benefits. There is significant relocation of people along some 200 km of river channels, some 40% of which has been completed. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: N/A PROPOSED ACTIONS: Sedimentation of channels will be monitored and maintenance dredging carried out periodically with measures to offset unavoidable impacts to be developed during appraisal. Conditions to be included in construction contracts to ensure proper sanitary conditions and disposal of excavated spoils. Induced development and secondary impacts on industrial growth, land use changes and agricultural chemical use will be addressed through regional planning authorities and three other environmental protection projects currently being planned to control and manage point source water pollution by industries and urban centers. Government commitments of participating agencies to.inatitutional arrangements for basin-wide water management, pollution control and land use would be considered as covenant of Loan/Credit. Relocation of people and compensation packages are being reviewed by the Bank/IDA in accordance with provision of Bank OD 4.30. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: N/A I-18 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: The Ministry of Water Resources has prepared an EA in accordance with OD 4.01 and submitted to the Bank on 6/15/92. REMARKS: Due to urgency of the project, MWR has submitted the EA simultaneously to the Bank and NEPA. NEPA has subsequently cleared the EA and its comments and recommendations have been incorporated into the SAR for implementation. This project has been under planning for the last two decades with extensive inter-agency and inter-sectoral consultation (which is continuing) to ensure that the needs and concerns of all parties have been considered. I-19 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : CHINA Project ID No: 4CHAPA192 Project : Liaoning Environment Appraisal Date : Apr. 25, 1993 Total Project Cost: $300.00m Board Date : Feb. 15, 1994 Managing Division : EA2EH Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date for receipt of EA by Bank: In preparation Date EA Category Assigned: MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: (i) Strengthening of environmental institutional arrangements, planning, monitoring and control; (ii) wastewater and solid waste management, solid waste sewerage and wastewater treatment, based on a masterplan which has been developed with overseas TA; (iii) pilot environment fund and water conservation measures; and (iv) industrial pollution abatement to meet pretreatment standards. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: This province is a highly industrialized area of China with large basic industries of poor efficiency generating large volumes of air and water emissions and industrial waste. It is one of the most heavily polluted areas of China. Because of the magnitude of the problems the project mainly seeks to address the water pollution, waste-water treatment and air pollution issues and also to reduce water consumption and wastewater flows. A TA component under the project will assist Liaoning to draw up a long-term strategy for dealing with the serious air pollution problems in the province, which could then be funded under a follow up environmental project. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: N/A PROPOSED ACTIONS: Highest priority projects have been included in the project to address the problem of water pollution control in the cities located in upper reaches of the Hun river basin which gives rise to severe downstream effects water resources, that are a critical source for the downstream cities. Solid wastes are affecting both surface and ground water resources and are in urgent need of control. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: The project is A category because of its wastewater and solid wastes components. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Envionmental assessment is under preparation. 1-20 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS REMARKS: Control of toxic industrial effluent by means of industrial renovation and pretreatment to meet pretreatment standards will be essential if these combined domestic/industrial biological treatment facilities are to operate successfully. Cost recovery for pollution control will also be an essential feature of the project in order to provide an economic incentive to the polluting industries to reduce pollution and water usage. r I? 1-21 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : CHINA Project ID No: 4CHAPA203 Project : Sichuan Gas Development & Conservation Appraisal Date : May 21, 1993 Total Project Cost: $1,000.00m Board Date : Dec. 14, 1993 Managing Division : EA2IE Sector: Energy Lending Instrument: Specific InvestmentLoan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Jan. 1993 Date EA Category Assigned: Feb. 13, 1992 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: (a) Appraisal and development :of gas fields, rehabilitation of aging fields; (b) upgrading of gas transmission/distribution systems; (c) product upgrading, energy conservation and pollution control measures at selected fertilizer plants; and (d) TA and training. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: The proposed project would have significant environmental benefits: increased gas supply and utilization would reduce coal consumption, which would in turn reduce emissions of S02, C02, and particulates. In addition, reduced gas leakage in the transmission and distribution systems would reduce emissions of methane, a potent greenhouse gas. Nevertheless, various safety and environmental considerations require special attention, including treatment and discharge of wastewater from well drilling, gas production and utilization as well as safety concerns in the operation and maintenance of gas pipelines. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: The only other environmental issue is one of worker safety and training, both of which will be enhanced through this program. PROPOSED ACTIONS: An environmental expert has assisted the identification mission in defining the terms of reference for an EA report. An international consultant has been contracted to assist the Chinese authorities in the prepration of the EA report. Further, various preinvestment studies are being carried out with the assistance of international consultants, and the project design and implementation will conform with international engineering and safety standards as well as sound environmental practices. One of these studies would be financed under the preinvestment facility of the Global Environmental Fund (GEF). JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: According to OD 4.01, since this project will eventually entail rehabilitation (construction) on.a large scale, over a wide area, an "A" category is mandatory. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: 1-22 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS EA will be prepared by borrower and be available to Bank prior to departure of Appraisal Mission. REMARKS: None. 1-23 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : CHINA Project ID No: 4CHAPA206 Project : Xinjiang Highway Appraisal Date : Oct. 01, 1993 Total Project Cost: $200.00m Board Date : Jul. 12, 1994 Managing Division : EA2TP Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Dec. 1992 Date EA Category Assigned: MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: (a) Construction of a new 286-km road between Turpan, Urumqi and Dahuangshan (TUDH). Most of the road would be class 2 (2 lanes) but approaches (length still to be determined) to the capital, Urumqi, would be class 1 (4 lanes), but land would be obtained for eventual 4-lane development for the full length of the road; (b) improvement to the connecting and crossing roads to TUDH and paving some of the unpaved roads in Xinjiang that meet agreed criteria; (c) institutional strengthening of some of Xinjiang Communications Department units and other highway related training schools and institutes; (d) upgrading highway maintenance capabilities of XCD through training and provision of equipment; (e) study of intercity passenger transport; (f) technical assistance (TA) for construction supervision and staff training; and (g) a possible road safety component to help reduce accidents in Xinjiang. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: The EA for the TUDH would assess air, noise and water pollution and other environmental risks which may emerge during the construction and operation of the highway as well as the extent of social disruption. The EA would identify measures to be taken at the design, implementation and operation stage of the highways and for each potential environmental risk a clearly defined plan would be drawn up identifying the entities responsible for actions. The alignment was modified to avoid the ancient town of Wulaber, which has some archelogical significance. The EA would identify all such known sites. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Some resettlement of people living and working in the right-of-way is envisaged. PROPOSED ACTIONS: During the initial Bank mission to Xinjiang in July 1992, the Bank's general requirements concerning the environmental assessment and the resettlement process were mentioned to the Region. The next Bank mission further discussed the procedures to be followed with the executing agencies and the institute preparing the EA. During the course of the EA consultation with the affected people will be carried out and during project preparation, the necessary surveys and a resettlement action plan will be completed. An understanding would also be reached regarding procedures for the environmental analyses of the investment components of the project (other 1-24 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS than TUDH). JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: N/A SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: The Environmental Research Institute of the Environmental Protection Academy of China in Beijing has been entrusted to carry out the EA for TUDH. The final report is to be submitted for approval to the State Environmental Protection Commission. The report is expected to be sent to the Bank for review and comments by the end of December 1992. REMARKS: None. 1-25 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : CHINA Project ID No: 4CHAPA210 Project : Tianhuangping Hydro Appraisal Date : Oct. 08, 1992 Total Project Cost: $790.00m Board Date : May 18, 1993 Managing Division : EA2IE Sector: Power Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: N/A Date EA Category Assigned: Dec. 2, 1991 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: Construction of 6 x 300 MW hydroelectric pump-storage project, including upstream and downstream reservoirs, an underground powerhouse, and 500-kV transmission lines (about 250 km long). MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Some wildlife and downstream impacts (especially on potential alteration of floodplain ecology), and impacts of roads and power transmission lines. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Aesthetic aspects of project structures. PROPOSED ACTIONS: Project design conforms to World Bank guidelines as set forth in EA OD 4.01. An environmental monitoring program will be included. No population resettlement is required since there are no residents at the project site. Land requisition and compensation is addressed in the preparation of the project. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: Major hydroelectric project. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: (See Remarks) REMARKS: Permission to release EA to EDs obtained from the Government of China in November, 1991. EA report prepared by East China Investigation and Design Institute (ECIDI), Hangzhou, China and made available to representatives of Anji County, Zhejiang Province. EA was also reviewed by Bank environmental staff and found to address issues mentioned above in a sound manner. I-26 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : CHINA Project ID No: 4CHAPA216 Project : Second Shanghai Metropolitan Transport Project Appraisal Date : Feb. 18, 1993 Total Project Cost: $600.00m Board Date : Dec. 07, 1993 Managing Division : EA2TP Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Oct. 1992 Date EA Category Assigned: MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: To be determined but likely to include: - Extension of upgrading/construction of Inner Ring Road (IRR) york commenced under first project to provide additional 23.7 kme of urban arterial road. Current design is 2 x 2 ka viaduct over six lane ground level road. - Extension of the traffic management component and the non-motor vehicle (NMV) route component of the first Shanghai Metropolitan Transport Project (SMTP I), to the whole area within the Inner Ring Road. This would involve line marking, signage, channelization, traffic signals, and junction remodelling. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Resettlement of some 5,500 households, and some 450 factories. Potential increased noise and air pollution adjacent to IRR. Potential for induced development. Impacts during construction. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Potential for vibration. PROPOSED ACTIONS: Shanghai Municipal Government transmit ed Draft Resettlement Action Plan, Environmental Action Plan and Environmental Monitoring Plan to Bank for review by end September, and Preliminary Emergency Response Plan by mid-October. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: Substantial resettlement and potential increased noise and air pollution. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Draft Environmental Impact statement for the Internal Ring Road by Shanghai Municipal Government provided to Bank Mission in November 1991. Further information, including short and long term options for those at risk, and evaluation of various options, to be submitted by the end of December 1992. 1-27 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS REMARKS: The project was prepared by Shanghai Municipal Government, and through its planning process, the views of local districts and their citizens were taken into account. Resettlement plan is being prepared in consultation with persons to be resettled. 1-28 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : CHINA Project ID No: 4CHAPA220 Project : Fujian Provincial Highway Project Appraisal Date : Jun. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $360.00m Board Date : Mar. 15, 1994 Managing Division : EA2TP Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: February 1993 Date EA Category Assigned: Apr.28, 1992 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: (a) Construction of a four-lane access controlled highway between Xiamen-Quanzhou (76 km); (b) assistance for the development and improvement of provincial and country roads with the framework of the Province's road investment program under the 8th and 9th FYPs; (c) assistance for the institutitonal development and needed resources for the strengthening of the provincial road construction industry; (d) procurement of equipment for highway operation, road maintenance and for collection and analysis of data to facilitate the determination of road investment priorities; and (e) TA for construction supervision and staff training. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: The EA for the Xiamen-Quanzhou highway would assess air, noise and water pollution and other environmental risks which may emerge during the construction and operation of the highway as well as the extent of social disruption. The EA would identify measures to be taken at the design, implementation and operation stage of the highways and for each potential environmental risk a clearly defined plan would be drawn up identifying the entities responsible for actions. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Some resettlement of people living and working in the right of way is envisaged. PROPOSED ACTIONS: During the course of the EA consultation with affected people will be carried out, and during project preparation the necessary surveys and a resettlement action plan will be completed. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: N/A SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: The Fujian Provincial Environmental Institute and MOC's 2nd Marine Engineering Survey and Design Institute has been carrying out the EA assessmentland an outline of an Environmental Impact Assessment report was issued at the end of June 1992. The report was reviewed in the Bank, and the Bank's comments were forwarded to the Fujian Provincial Transport Department 1-29 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS for consideration in August 1992. REMARKS: None. 1-30 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : CHINA Project ID No: 4CHAPA225 Project : Fertilizer Restructuring Project Appraisal Date : Sep. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $200.OOm Board Date : Jul. 19, 1994 Managing Division : EA2IE Sector: Industry Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending. Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Jan. 31, 1993 Date EA Category Assigned: MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: The proposed project would include four major components: (a) Yunfu Phosphate Development; (b) Medium-sized Plants Rehabilitation; (c) small Enterprise transformation; and (d) TA, Training and Studies. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Having realized the importance of chemical fertilizers for the, development of its agricultural sector, China indulged in the 1950s-1970s in establishing an indigenous, mainly coal-based, fertilizer industry fully based on local technology and currently comprising around 1,700 small- and medium-sized plants producing nitrogen or phosphate fertilizers. Although technology for large-sized process and equipment has been transferred from overseas since the late 1970s, about 50% of China's nitrogen fertilizers and more than 75% of its phosphate fertilizers still come from its small- and medium-sized plants. As these plants are predominantly coal-based, use obsolete technologies and predominantly produce low-grade highly volatile ammonium bicarbonate (ABC) or low-grade phosphatic products (single superphosphate, SSP, and fused calcium magnesium phosphate, CMP), their energy consumption and toxic emissions are excessive and they are a major contributor to China's highest ranking in Asia's greenhouse gas emissions. Furthermore, China's low standards in the chemical processing of coal and mineral phosphates have led to unacceptably high levels of toxic emissions (such as cyanides, phenols, aromatics and polycondensates, fluorine, S02, NOx, etc.) from the majority of its small and medium-sized fertilizer plants. An additional ecological burden is caused by the high dust emissions from these plants. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: The establishment of a large phosphate fertilizer complex at Yunfu, Guangdong province, proposed under this project, could cause a major environmental issue if inadequate measures are taken to contain the emission of fluorine, sulfuric acid mist and S02, and other toxic compounds into waste water and the atmosphere. Additionally, adequate steps have to be taken fox the safe and adequate disposal of phospho-gypsum from the phosphoric acid plant. PROPOSED ACTIONS: (a) Strengthen the Office of Environmental Protection within the 1-31 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Ministry of Chemical Industries in order to review and support environmental tasks under this project through a TA component; (b) prepare a major environmental section for the fertilizer sector study; (c) prepare regional environmental sector studies in selected provinces to establish criteria for screening existing plants for closure, retrofitting and/or expansion; (d) strengthen the EA process to be in conformance with both World Bank and Chinese standards, and (e) an EA in accordance with Government of China regulations will be prepared for each new or retrofitted plant. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: N/A SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: EA requirement for the individual project components has been discussed with MCI. TORs and action plan were prepared and agreed during the Identification Mission which took place in March/April 1992. REMARKS: The proposed project would establish a major milestone in the development of the Chinese fertilizer sector, as it addresses almost all major current issues including environment and energy consumption, and would assist in accelerating the restructuring and modernization of the fertilizer industry. The project will have a major positive environmental impact on the whole sector by: (a) significantly reducing energy consumption and environmental pollution in about 30 selected small-sized ABC (causing significant ammonia and carbon dioxide emissions due to decomposition, high transportation costs, very labor intensive) by high-grade urea (almost 3 times more concentrated); (b) significantly reducing energy consumption and environmental pollution in about seven selected medium-sized nitrogen fertilizer plants; (c) creating demonstration models for the modernization/ rehabilitation of a large number of similar plants in future; (d) providing international expertise and technology for the proposed phosphate complex at Yunfu to ensure high performance and emission standards commensurate with international codes; and (e) institutional development to strengthen local management, engineering and equipment manufacturing capabilities and create a better awareness of environmental protection and to facilitate a higher standard in preparing environmental impact assessments. 1-32 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : INDONESIA Project ID No: 4INSPA189 Project : Semarang-Surakarta Urban Development Appraisal Date : Feb. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $180.00m Board Date : Sep. 14, 1993 Managing Division : EA3IN Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Oct. 1992 Date EA Category Assigned: MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: (a) Improvements of urban infrastructure and services including water supply, drainage, sanitation and sewerage, solid waste management, urban transport, and KIP; and (b) supporting TA for implementation assistance, financial strengthening, and institutional development in the cities of Semarang and Surakarta. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: The preliminary EAs have identified the following project elements as major environmental issues and have recommended that detailed EA studies (ANDALs) be carried out: (a) Semarang -- (i) solid waste landfill site selection and development; (ii) first phase of sewage collection and treatment system including sludge treatment facility; and (iii) resettlement of several hundred people due to Kali Banger drain construction; (b) Surakarta -- rehabilitation of existing sewerage schemes and construction of treatment facility. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: N/A PROPOSED ACTIONS: Ensure that detailed EAs are carried out in accordance to agreed TOR and that recommendations of EA studies -- including management and monitoring actitivities -- are incorporated into project design; where necessary, the actions for compliance with good environmental management and protection will be required to be taken ahead of loan effectiveness. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: N/A SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: The Government of Indonesia's ANDAL procedures for assessing environmental impacts, which have been accepted by the Bank as satisfactory, have been used for carrying out preliminary environmental assessments (PILs) of all investment proposals. TOR for the detailed assessments required for the four project components listed above have been reviewed and agreed by the Bank. The ANDAL studies have been initiated during August 1992 and are expected to be completed by December 1992 (i.e. prior to appraisal) using 1-33 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS information and data available from the preliminary assessments: mitigation, management and monitoring plans are being prepared as part of the detailed EA studies. REMARKS: None. 1-34 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : INDONESIA Project ID No: 4INSPA211 Project : Outer Islands Power Appraisal Date s May 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $250.00m Board Date : Mar. 15, 1994 Managing Division : EA3IE Sector: Power Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Ongoing Date EA Category Assigned: MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: The project is expected to include construction of a thermal power plant at Banjarmasin in South Kalimantan and a hydroelectric power plant at Besai in south Sumatra along with transmission facilities. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: For thermal power plant, the environmental issues would relate to air and water pollutant discharges, thermal pollution and ash disposal. For hydroelectric power plant, the environmental issues are land lose, health, plant and animal life, water quality, soil erosion of catchment area, downstream hydrology and aquatic life. In addition some 20 to 30 families will need to be resettled because of land acquisition. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Drainage and restoration issues associated with coal mining, to be developed by private contractor(s). There are also some forestry clearance issues associated with the power line. PROPOSED ACTIONS: Environmental issues are being examined by PLN and consultants as part of the feasibility studies of thermal and hydroelectric power plants. Environmental management plans will be developed based on the findings of the studies during project preparation. A final disposition of the impacts will be made when EA reports are received by the Bank. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: Because this project involves some resettlement and will have discharges, an "A" category is appropriate. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: The EA is currently being performed by PLN's consultants, that will include environmental management plans. REMARKS: As part of the EA process, efforts are under way to solicit the views of affected parties at local NGOs in Banjarmasin. 1-35 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : INDONESIA Project ID No: 41NSPA252 Project : Kalimantan Urban Development Appraisal Date : Feb. 01, 1993 Total Project Cost: $200.00m Board Date : Sep. 14, 1993 Managing Division : EA3IN Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Arpil 12, 1993 Date EA Category Assigned: MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: Integrated urban infrastructure investment and support for local revenue generation and institutional development in five cities in Kalimantan. Extension to urban centers of one Kabupaten (district) in each of Kalimantan's four provinces will be considered prior to pre-appraisal provided that there has been adequate preparation in the five main cities. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Possible consequences of urban infrastructure improvements are as follows: (1) microdrainage problems due to better water supply; (2) need for resettlement due to road and major drain construction; (3) disposal of polluted drainage and waste water; (4) proper operation of solid waste collection and disposal; (5) acceptable sanitation solutions for Kampong improvement (community upgrading) project; and (6) disruptions during implementation and construction. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: None. PROPOSED ACTIONS: (i) Carry out selective drainage improvements; (ii) prepare acceptable plans for any resettlement in consultation with local community and ensure adherence during implementation; (iii) provide suitable treatment facilities prior to final disposal; (iv) design appropriate system of operations and provide necessary equipment and training for environmentally acceptable waste disposal; (v) provide TA and community facilities for improved sanitation (human waste); (vi) plan and implement a well-designed construction program and stipulate appropriate pollution control measures; and (vii) provide TA and equipment to strengthen environmental analysis in the preparation and appraisal of local government expenditure programs and sub-projects. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: To adequately reflect significance of the number of people to be ressettled and the relatively large size of the program. Overall the project is aimed to have a positive impact on the urban environment of the project dities. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: 1-36 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS IUIDP project preparation consultants have screened project components for potential environmental impact and EAs are under preparation where warranted in accordance with Government of Indonesia regulations and IBRD Operational Directive. REMARKS: The need for EA has been explained to and accepted by Government of Indonesia. Ministry of Public Works EA procedures have been reviewed and found acceptable and will guide the procedures to be followed by the local government in designing and implementing this project. These procedures will be agreed at negotiations. 1-37 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : INDONESIA Project ID No: 4INSPA281 Proj ct : Gas Utilization II Appr isal Date : Jan. 04, 1993 Total Project Cost: $350.00m Boar Date : Jul. 06, 1993 Mana ing Division : EA3IE Sector: Energy Lend ng Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: N/A Date EA Category Assigned: MAJDR PROJECT COMPONENTS: (1) Development of gas fields, transmission and distribution infr structure in Java for supply of natural gas for power generation and indttrial/commercial usage (2) Technical Assistance and institution building to intain the development. The project will in fact alleviate urban pol tion by substituting liquid hydrocarbon fuels with non-polluting natural gas. OR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Potential risk to public safety as well as resettlement and construction imp ct on natural resources, tourism, archaeology. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: N/A PROPOSED ACTIONS: To use strict internationally accepted standards for engineering and construction and to incorporate results of EA into engineering and consult affected groups and NGOs in preparing resettlement program. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: Possible impact on safety, resettlement and natural resources. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: EA to be completed prior to appraisal. REMARKS: None. 1-38 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY -A" PROJECTS Country : INDONESIA Project ID No: 41NSPA297 Project : Industrial Efficiency & Pollution Abatement Appraisal Date : Nov. 27, 1992 Total Project Cost: $226.00m Board Date : May 18, 1993 Managing Division : EA3IE Sector: Industry Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Date EA Category Assigned: May 28, 1992 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: Specific project components would include (a) technical assistance for institutional strengthening at the government and enterprise level; (b) credit for public sector enterprises; (c) a demonstration waste water treatment facility for small-scale tanneries; and (d) a centralized waste water treatment facility for industrial estates. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Specific environmental issues to be evaluated before project implementation would include the waste water treatment facilities and the arrangements for handling EAs for the credit component. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: fi/A PROPOSED ACTIONS: Not yet determined. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: This is an environmental project. The treatment plant may have an adverse impact on air pollution and ground water contamination. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: EA for demonstration waste water treatment facility for small-scale tanneries accomplished during October 1992 preparation mission. REMARKS: The EA mentioned above will include required recorded consultations with local inhabitants and NGOs. 1-39 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : INDONESIA Project ID No: 41NSPA299 Project : Surabaya Urban Development Appraisal Date : Jan. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $496.00m Board Date : Jun. 15, 1993 Managing Division : EA3IN Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: October, 1992 Date EA Category Assigned: MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: Urban roads, water supply and distribution, drainage, solid waste disposal, human waste disposal, IP, and supporting TA services for city of Surabaya. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: (i) Some resettlement/compensation due to road, major stormwater drainage and water distribution construction will be needed: (ii) human waste disposal and sanitation in KIP areas (community upgrading); and (iii) landfill operations for solid waste disposal. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: (i) Microdrainage problems due to disruption of water drainage system; (ii) disposal of polluted drainage silts and waste water; (iii) air pollution, noise and traffic due to solid waste collection and disposal activities; and (iv) traffic disruption during construction. PROPOSED ACTIONS: (i) Carry out selective sanitation and stormwater drainage measures and improvements in areas receiving increased water supply; (ii) prepare acceptable resettlement/compensation plans and ensure adherence during implementation; (iii) provide suitable treatment facilities for disposal of stormuater and sewage flows; (iv) implement appropriate systems for solid waste operations and provide necessary equipment and training for environmentally acceptable disposal; (v) provide credit, TA and community facilities for improved sanitation (human waste); and (vi) plan and implement noise and pollution control measures in construction programs. For the actions which cannot be completed during project appraisal, the procedures for implementation would be set out and agreed during negotiations. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: Based on the nature of the major environmental issues summarized above. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: PIL (Information Reports) have been completed. ANDALs (Impact Analysis), RKL (Management Plan) and RPLs (Monitoring Plan) for water supp y distribution, solid waste and human waste and other municipal 1-40 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS service sectors have been received by Bank and reviewed in June 1992. The ANDAL, RKL and RPL were satisfactory. A draft resettlement plan and proposals for final consultation with project-affected people were reviewed by appraisal preparation mission of 7/8/92; these are generally satisfactory, following the incorporation of revisions suggested by the mission. Government of Indonesia's consultants submitted in November 1992, an Environmental Assessment Summary, based on the ANDAL, RKL and RPL. Official submission of the EAS, on the basis of review and approval by KOMDA (East Java Regional Environmental Commission) is expected soon. REMARKS: Project-affected people/businesses have been surveyed to determine compensation/resettlement needs and substantial consultations with them have been made. In Draft EAS, Borrower proposes to release the EAS to the public at the time of appraisal by the Bank and will set up a Public Information Center to disseminate information about the project and measures to mitigate adverse environmental effects, including resettlement of project-affected people. 1-41 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : INDONESIA Project ID No: 4INSPA315 Project : Biodiversity Conservation Appraisal Date : Jul. 05, 1993 Total Project Cost: $35.00m Board Date : Jan. 25, 1994 Managing Division : EA3AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Date EA Category Assigned: MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: The GEF project will consist of two parts: Part A is an Integrated Conservation and Development Project (ICDP) focussing on Kerinci-Seblat national park and neighboring areas, and Part B is composed of several smaller supporting initiatives of high priority, as identified under the National Biodiversity Action Plan, including ex-situ conservation, policy studies and conservation awareness creation and education. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Impacts associated with possible resettlement and development activities such as road construction in and near the park. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: This project will address forest, land and soil degradation and loss of biodiversity in one of Indonesia's major protected areas (Kerinci Seblat National Park covering a range of ecosystem types, including lowland tropical and sub-alpine forest) along with agricultural encroachment, logging, mining, hunting and poor park management. PROPOSED ACTIONS: Although protection of environment and conservation of biodiversity are the principal objectives of the proposed project, environmental impact assessments will need to be carried out with respect to any resettlement required and the various development activities to be included in the project. These would be screened, in particular, for their impact on the park. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: Since the project may include a small component of resettlement, the project has been rated A. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: A preliminary management plan for Kerinci Seblat National Park has been prepared, and boundary revisions and various inventories of communities, flora and fauna in and around the park, as well as spatial and land use planning, are in progress. Full assessment of environmental issues and conditions, and potential impact of project activities, including environmental management and monitoring, have to be further developed during 1-42 ENVIROMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS project preparation. REM&RKS: The required environmental assessment studies would be carried out by consultants, with the Bank as executing agency. The ICDP and the conservation awareness program would together address the fundamental issue of how to incorporate local people in planning and implementing biodiversity conservation. In the ICDP, a census currently underway will provide a basis for working out any conflicts between the activities of local inhabitants and the biodiversity conservation and watershed protection functions of the park. Preparation of the ICDP also includes the exploration of possible mechanisms through which local people. could particulate in identifying, planning, and implementing project activities. 1-43 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : KOREA Project ID No: 4KORPA168 Project : Petroleum Distribution and Sector Improvement Appraisal Date a Nov. 01, 1992 Total Project Cost: $800.00m Board Date s May 25, 1993 Managing Division : HA1lE Sector: Energy Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Under revision Date EA Category Assigned: Mar. 13, 1992 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: The project consists of petroleum products pipeline network, in varying sizes ranging from 10 to 24 inches in diameter, with approximate length of 1,000 km. The network also includes pump stations, petroleum storage tanks, pipeline communication facilities and loading and unloading terminals. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Atmospheric emissions of hydrocarbons; rivers and underground water contamination from routine operation and during accidents; risk to the public during accidents mainly at tanks farms and loading terminals; negative impacts on natural resources, archeology and tourism; resettlement; social impacts at terminals due to high traffic volume. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: N/A PROPOSED ACTIONS: (a) Use strict, internationally accepted standards for engineering, construction and operation of the system; (b) incorporate the results and recommendations of the EA into the engineering of the system; and (c) consult affected groups. JUSTIFICATIONIRATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: Possible adverse impacts on safety, natural resources, social environment and resettlement. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: The borrower has prepared an Environmental Assessment Report, and submitted it to the Bank for its review and comments. The EA summary has been issued. Most of the Bank's comments have been incorporated. Final comments have been passed on to the Borrower for incorporation in the EA reports. Fina EA report to be issued soon. REMARKS: Environmental and safety benefits: (a) reduce marine pollution resulting from oil leakages during operation and accidents when using sea transport; and (b) reduce rail and road hazards by minimizing land transportation. 1-44 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : PHILIPPINES Project ID No: 4PHLPA175 Project : Casecnan Transbasin Appraisal Date : Jun. 01, 1993 Total Project Cost: $1,260.00in Board Date : Jul. 12, 1994 Managing Division : EAIIE Sector: Power Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: 3rd Quarter, 93 Date EA Category Assigned: MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: (a) a 197m high rockfill dam and a storage reservoir in the Casecnan basin; (b) a 25.7 km long transbasin tunnel; (c) a 156 MW hydro power station at the end of the tunnel and adjacent to the Pantabangan reservoir; (d) an increase of the maximum level and storage of the Pantabangan reservoir and of the capacity of existing Pantabangan and Masinay hydro power stations with additional 100 MW and 12 MW respectively; (e) improvements in the irrigation of an ongoing 102,300 hectares and the development in additional year round irrigation of some 92,300 hectares of agriculture lands in three independent services areas; (f) watershed management for the Conways and Pantabangan reservoirs; and (g) Resettlement of the population displaced by the Conway reservoirs and any people involuntarily displaced by the construction site and downstream irrigation works. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: (a) environment considerations during construction including pollution from construction operations, housing and other facilities for workers, and induced development; (b) maintenance of adequate downstream flows and control of flooding of the Cagayan River; (c) watershed management, including reforestation; (d) control of soil salinization, water-logging and excessive use of pesticides and fertilizers in the service areas; (e) resettlement and relocation of affected populations including tribal people; (f) lose of biological resources by inundation; and (g) possible increased incidence of malaria and waterborne diseases associated with project development. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: N/A PROPOSED ACTIONS: The project has been delayed until a new consultant's study is completed. 1-45 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS The proponents (the National Irrigation Administration and the National Power Corporation), as part of the feasibility studies, are to develop an environmental management plan in consultation with .the affected groups. This would demonstrate how environmental measures will be effectively integrated with project design and implementation and provide details on budgetary scheduling and manpower requirements for implementing the necessary measures. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: N/A SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and an Environmental Perception Study (EPS) have already been prepared for the project. The documents identify and assess the major environmental impacts likely to be generated by a project of this nature and extent. During the preparation mission the environmental issues will be re-examined and procedures, including terms of reference for further studies if need be, will be agreed to develop both a relocation resettlement plan and a comprehensive environmental management plan which will be monitored during project supervision. REMARKS: None. 1-46 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A PROJECTS Country : PHILIPPINES Project ID No: 4PHLPA179 Project : Leyte-Cebu Geothermal. Appraisal Date : Oct. 23, 1992 Total Project Cost: $393.00m BQard Date : Jm. 15, 1993 Managing Division : EAlIE Sector: Power Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date for receipt of EA by Bank: June 1992 Date EA Category Assigned: MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: The project includes three major components: (a) development of the geothermal field by PNOq; (b) 165 MW generation plante; and (c) a high voltage transmission system 130 km long (including 32 km submarine) to transmit 200 MW to the Cebu grid. This will use about 40-50 MNW from an existing but only partially utilized 110 MW geothermal plant in Leyte. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: The main issues are: (i) adequate disposal of the geothermal liquid or brine; (ii) air pollution from the discharge of non-condensible gases; (iii) some flora removal for the construction of wella; (iv) subsequent watershed protection to prevent immigration of people into the sensitive forested areas; (v) safe environmental construction; and (vi) proper resettlement (within a few hunded meters) and compensation for about one dozen households to avoid smell nuisance. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: N/A PROPOSED ACTIONS: The following actions have been taken: (a) The project design mandates that all extracted liquids be reinjected back into the same geothermal reservoirs, using deep wells specially drilled for this purpose; (b) Small amounts of H2S (hydrogen sulphid gas may be discharged primarily from the power station, but ground-level concentrations will be below health standard limits. To increase diffusion of such gas, it would be exhausted at high elevation. To avoid any smell nuisance, approximately one dozen families in this scarcely populated area will be relocated with adequate compensation, to a nearby area; (c) The area to be used should be minimized. The wells are eased in thick steel to a depth of about 1,000 meters, to avoid any contact with aquifers or superficial waters. PNOC have already established a watershed protection program in Leyte managed by about 60 staff. This program should be maintained to avoid migration to this forest; (d) Proper construction techniques and environmental protection during 1-47 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS construction are stipulated in the ElA and would be included in the tender documents. Compliance would be supervised by DENR and local NGOs; and (e) The local people, the Barangay Government and the Regional Development Council have been consulted and have endorsed the project. They will receive 0.42 of the total revenues from power sales and another 0.6Z would be given annually to the province and local government. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: N/A SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: The RIA (for up to 440 MW) has been discussed with local groups, has been endorsed by the Regional Development Council and was distributed to the Board on June 30, 1992. There are no serious pending issues. The EIA for the transmission line should also be completed in December 1992, but no serious problems are foreseen, since the transmission follows existing roads and there are no environmentally sensitive areas in its route within Cebu island (all forests were cut a long time ago). Nevertheless the completion of a satisfactory EA for the transmission line will be obtained before approval. REMARKS: As explained above, the consultation process with local people and NGOs is going on, and would be enhanced once the environmental monitoring starts through involvement of NGOs in the process. Based on new Local Government Law, the local population would greatly benefit from the project, since 12 of the gross revenues would be transferred annually to them. 1-48 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : PHILIPPINES Project ID No: 4PHLPA196 Project : Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Appraisal Date : Apr. 29, 1993 Total Project Cost: $115.00m Board Date : Dec. 07, 1993 Managing Division : EAlIN Sector: Water Supply and Sewerage Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Apr. 1, 1992 Date EA Category Assigned: June 11, 1992 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: The proposed project would include: (a) development of two sanitary land fill sites; (b) construction of four transfer stations; (c) procurement of long haul equipment and equipment for landfills; (d) rehabilitation of equipment, maintenance workshops; and (e) technical assistance (consultancies). MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: The project would face the environmental issue of leachate from the landfills and possibility of groundwater pollution. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: (a) Gas from proposed landfill and existing dumps to be closed; (b) windborne smells and fugitive waste from the landfills and transfer stations and from trucks in transit; and (c) noise, litter, exhaust fumes and other nuisances from the transfer truck movement. PROPOSED ACTIONS: The consultants engaged for the design of landfill and transfer stations have as part of their terms of reference undertaken an Environmental Assessment of each of the facilities. The EAs have been submitted to the Environmental Management Board and its comments have been incorporated in the final design of the facilities. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: Project will address solid wastes problem of Metro Manila. Earlier it was assigned D category and thus grandfathered for EA. However, in the revised rating system, it has been classifed category A thus EAs will be done to cover project components, risk of ground water and river/stream pollution. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: The Government has conducted an environmental assessment of the proposed landfill sites during site election. The Bank received and reviewed the Environmental Impact Statements (landfills in March 1992 and transfer stations (revised) in August 1992) and forwarded comments to MMA in March, 1992. The EIS for the first Transfer Station was found very satisfactory; a revised version responding to the Bank's comments was received in August 1992. The landfill consultant has still to design the 1-49 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS leachate treatment-works. REMARKS: A large majority of residents within 1 lam radius of the 2 landfills and the 1st Transfer Station were interviewed. Public hearings were held with public leaders and residents' representatives regarding the Transfer Station July to September 1991. Three public hearings were held at the Carmona landfill, conducted by MHA and DENR during March 1992. 1-50 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : PHILIPPINES Project ID No: 4PHLPA202 Project : Leyte Luzon Geothermal Appraisal Date : Jul. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $1,100.00m Board Date : Jul. 12, 1994 Managing Division : EAlIE Sector: Power Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date for receipt of EA by Bank: October 1991 Date EA Category Assigned: MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: The proposed loan will partly finance the development of the geothermal field at Leyte (A), the construction of a power generation plant (8*55 MW) and the implementation of 473 km transmission to Luzon with a 23 km subeea part. The Bank will review the environmental reports from the two entities, before negotitation, to show that there is compliance with the regulations and standards of the Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) of the Philippines, in the design, and these are satisfactory to the Bank. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Discharge of geothermal fluids into local streams has to be controlled carefully so that stream arsenic and boron content are within safe limits. In the operational phase, the fluids will be reinjected into the deep reservoir. Hydrogen sulfide and other non-condensible gases from the power station will be evacuated through high stacks and at the same time ground concentrations in plant areas will be monitored and alarm systems installed. Noise levels could occasionally be high when steam vented for pressure stabilization, but staff will be protected by being inside air conditioned control rooms. Staff housing colonies will be located far from the development. The geothermal sites are in remote areas away from habitations. Some relocation of people along the transmission line corridor is likely. NPC will take adequate measures to resettlement and compensation of these affected. Leyte development will open new areas of forested parts of the Togonan Reservation. PNOC will adopt necessary forest protection strategies in cooperation with other agencies of the government such as DENR and the armed services as well as non-government organizations and groups involved in environmental safeguards. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: N/A PROPOSED ACTIONS: NPC and PNOC have completed the EAs for the generation of 440 MW and the Environmental Summary has been distributed to the Board (June 30, 1992). For power transmission, EAs have to be done after route surveys. Bank will monitor the progress in the obtaining of the certificates from time to time. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: N/A 1-51 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Draft EA for construction and operation of Leyte A steamfield and power station were submitted to the Board on June 30, 1992. REMARKS: The Energy Sector Loan (Loan No. 3165-PH) had addressed the strengthening of EMB and upgrading of its quality through technical assistance, training, acquisition of sophisticated tools and instruments and adoption of standards, practices and procedures from other countries as would be useful and relevant to the Philippines. Bank staff have also reviewed EMB guidelines, for example EIS Scoping Guidelines for geothermal projects and have made suggestions. 1-52 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : THAILAND Project ID No: 4THLPA145 Project : Industrial Pollution Control Appraisal Date : Jan. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $90.00m Board Date : Sep. 28, 1993 Managing Division : EAllE Sector: Industry Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Sep. 1992 Date EA Category Assigned: Apr. 1992 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: The proposed project would have two components: (a) an investment component, under with the following facilities would be supported; (i) central industrial waste treatment plants for areas with high concentrations of chemical and related industries, (Suksawat and Rangsit); and (ii) waste management centers for the collection, recovery, treatment and disposal of industrial residues including toxic/harzardous waste (at Chonburi and Rachaburi): and (b) and institutional component under which the following activities would be funded (i) a strengthening program designed to support the newly consituted DPC and the industrial pollution minimization functions of DIW including technical assistance to fund the development of management and financial frameworks for treatment plants; (ii) training; and (iii) purchase of monitoring and sampling equipment. This component would also support the development of an emergency response program for heavily industrialized areas, involving the preparation of risk assessment, mitigation and environmental emergency responses for the Eastern Seaboard. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: The project will be designed to reduce environmental degradation as well as the serious and potentially permanent demage resulting from toxic and hazardous pollution. The project benefits would extend not only to the rivers directly affected, but to fisheries and coastal areas in the Gulf of Thailand. A critical step is the approval by the Cabinet and NESDB of foreign borrowing for the project which is expected by early 1993. The treatment and disposal of toxic and hazardous waste involves considerable technical, legal and financial risks. These risks will be addressed by proper design and institutional support to improve the supervision of the construction and operation of the project facilities. Additional issues include: (1) adequate legal and institutional framework; (ii) adequate enstem for cost recovery, at least for operation; (iii) project design to avoid or reduce environmental demage; and (iv) the inclusion of the transhipment of toxic waste in the port of Bangkok (which is a contentious issue) is also important, but its priority and the preparation of engineering studies is to be discussed with Government. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: N/A PROPOSED ACTIONS: After several uncontrollable delays, consultants have been hired to 1-53 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS prepare the feasibility and final engineering for the project. After basic design is established an EA will be completed. Any environmental problems identified will be incorporated in the final design. Other actions regarding issues already identified include: (i) A Japonese Grant Fund (JGF) of $700,000 has been approved to assist in project preparation and is under execution; (ii) an additional $700,000 grant has been offered by the CEC to finance the design of the Waste Management Centers scheduled to be completed by the end of 1993; (iii) adequate cost recovery for operation and part of the capital expenditures is needed to ensure the project sustainability. For this purpose the feasibility/final engineering study will provide recommendations, which are expected to be similar to the ongoing pollution charges implemented for the 11 Industrial Estates, where pollution fees are based on the BOD and volume of waste; (iv) the location of the treatment facilities, the type of treatment, the odor and atmospheric emission, the final sludge disposal, etc. will require attention during the engineering Studies to prevent or mitigate potential environmental damage. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: Projects included in the investment component may have adverse effect on water and air. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: The contracts for the final feasibility and subsequent final design were signed on April.1992 (being financed by a Japanese Grant). The consultants will prepare an EA for review by the Bank and DIW at the completion of the final feasibility stage before the initiation of the final design (expected by December 1992). REMARKS: Bank preparation missions, and the support of an environmental professional in the Resident Mission would supervise the project preparation and the consultants' study. 1-54 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : THAILAND Project ID No: 4THLPA150 Project : Lam Takhong Pump Storage Project Appraisal Date : May 31, 1993 Total Project Cost: $100.00m Board Date : Jan. 30, 1994 Managing Division : EAIIE Sector: Power Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Completed Date EA Category Assigned: MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: The proposed project is the first stage (2x250 MW) of the 1,000 MW Lam Takhong Pump Storage Scheme. The final scheme is based on: (a) pumping during off-peak hours of about 9 million cubic meters (MH) of water from the existing Lam Takhong reservoir to a reservoir constructed on a nearby hill; and (b) discharging water back into the Lam Takhong reservoir to generate about 1,000 14W during the system peak period. The project's first phase involves construction of: (a) an upstream reservoir of about 10 MCM capacity; (b) water conduit system comprising tunnels and penstocks; (c) an underground power house with 2x250 MW reversible pump-turbine units; and (d) an outdoor switchyard and transmission lines. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: The Lam Takhong pump storage is unlikely to result in significant residual impacts. All environmental issues identified in the draft environmental assessment of the project can be eliminated, minimized to acceptable levels or mitigated in the draft design, location and operation. The more important of the environmental impacts that have been identified include: (a) potential damage to fish stocks resulting directly from pumping out of the Lam Takhong Reservoir to the upper reservoir and indirectly from water level fluctuations during the dry season in the Lam Takhong Reservoir; (b) the need to compensate (no resettlement is involved) approximately 45 families whose cultivated land will be inundated by the upper storage reservoir; (c) water resource issues downstream of the Lam Takhong Reservoir during the dry season; and (d) issues associated with construction of the upper reservoir in a "IB" (sensitive) watershed. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: N/A PROPOSED ACTIONS: The location of the water/tailrace of the pump storage power house will be designed to minimize the water velocity in front of the structure. A screen around the intake/tailrace is also proposed as a physical barrier to young fish. The headrace, penstock, power house and tailrace are to be built underground, eliminating the need for construction in a protected watershed designated as "lA". The issues of water resource conflicts, and operating levels in the reservoir during dry season are currently under additional study, and management measures will be presented in an environmental action plan for Bank review in early 1993. 1-55 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: N/A SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: The EIA and Mitigation Plan have been submitted to the National Environmental Board for approval. EIA Summary is under preparation and will be available by February 1993. An Environmental expert to review the project's environmental and social aspects is being appointed. REMARKS: A public participation and community relations program is underway. As Government of Thailand environmental law does not require public disclosure of environmental documents, EGAT and the Office of Environmental Policy and Planning of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment will cooperate to produce a plan to make the environmental assessment available to the public. This plan will also be made available for Bank review in early 1993. 1-56 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : EGYPT Project ID No: 5EGTPA184 Project : Power Sector Investment Appraisal Date : Nov. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $780.00m Board Date : Oct. 06, 1994 Managing Division : MN2IE Sector: Power Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: May 1993 (tentative) Date EA Category Assigned: May 12, 1992 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: I - Supply and Installation of a 600 MW Thermal power station; II - Installation of transmission lines and substations (including line loss reducing equipment); and III- Technical Assistance. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Proximity to Mediterranean coast and urban areas; SOx, NOx and particulate emissions, ambient air and water quality. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Screening of gas pipeline and transmission line corridors. PROPOSED ACTIONS: To be developed during preparation of Environmental Impact Assessment Report. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: Installation of a major thermal power station with the associated transmission lines, substations and natural gas pipeline. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: To be developed after return of supervision mission in January 1993. REMARKS: To be developed. 1-57 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : EGYPT Project ID No: 5EGTPA187 Project : Tourism Infrastructure and Environment Appraisal Date : May 18, 1992 Total Project Cost: $677.00m Board Date : Dec. 17, 1992 Managing Division : MN2IN Sector: Tourism Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: July 15, 1992 Date EA Category Assigned: Dec. 19, 1991 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: Provision of infrastructure (water supply, sewerage, solid waste, road improvement), berthing facilities on the Nile, improvement of resource management and protection of biodiversity on the Red Sea Coast. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Those normally associated with solid and liquid waste disposal in touristic areas; especially sensitive areas are along the Red Sea and the Nile River. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: None. PROPOSED ACTIONS: Environmental assessments are completed for all touristic zones being developed under the project. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: Strengthening environmental management in tourism development zones is a specific project objective and the project is designed to avoid significant environmental stress related to town development. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Completed. REMARKS: None. 1-58 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : IRAN Project ID No: 5IRNPA046 Project : Railway/Ports Appraisal Date : Jan. 27, 1993 Total Project Cost: $416.00m Board Date : Jul. 06, 1993 Managing Division : MN2IN Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Jan. 1993 Date EA Category Assigned: June 1, 1992 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: Improve capacity and efficiency of ports and railways by constructing a railway line, a workshop for locomotive maintenance, and provision of port equipment. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: None. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Railroad track alignment would require a review by the Antiquities Department. PROPOSED ACTIONS: Environmental impact study will be carried out during preparation. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: Environmental impacts are expected to be minimal, since the railway passes through sparsely populated semi-desert areas; and the ports component will improve operations by provision of equipment and thus reduce long duration queues by ships which often cause environmental pollution at ports. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: EAs expected to be completed by Jan. 1993. REMARKS: IN 1-59 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : IRAN Project ID No: 5IRNPA050 Project : Tehran Sewerage Appraisal Date : Jan. 11, 1993 Total Project Cost: $650.00m Board Date : Jun. 22, 1993 Managing Division : MN2IN Sector: Water Supply and Sewerage Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Feb. 1992 Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 18, 1991 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: Provision of sewerage,system for Tehran including collection, treatment, and effluent reuse systems. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: No major environmental issues are foreseen. Those normally associated with sewerage and effluent reuse are being addressed through appropriate design. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: (i) Noise, dust, odor and soil erosion from associated pipe factories and treatment plant. (ii) Quality of the effluent. (iii) Those normally associated with construction. PROPOSED ACTIONS: Selected equipment for pipe factories incorporates elements to minimize noise. Landscaping will minimize dust and soil erosion, and treatment process would minimize odors. Treated effluent will be mixed with other irrigation water prior to use. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: The large size of treatment plant and effluents are the main reasons for the EA category "A". SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Draft EA Reports for sewerage project and associated pipe factories have been reviewed (8/92 and 10/92) and comments provided to the implementing agency. Revised final draft to be sent to Bank for review. REMARKS: None. 1-60 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : IRAN Project ID No: 5IRNPAO52 Project : Gas Flaring Reduction Appraisal Date : Apr. 12, 1993 Total Project Cost: $1,029.00m Board Date : Jan. 25, 1994 Managing Division : MN2IE Sector: Energy Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Dec. 1992 Date EA Category Assigned: Mar. 1992 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: Gathering and processing of flared associated gas and technical assistance for development of gas sector. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Will be identified by the EIA. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Risks of offshore pollution, pipeline failure, other facility accidents. PROPOSED ACTIONS: Due attention in the design and operation of project facilities. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: A - to comply with current Bank procedures. EA under preparation by implementing agency. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: EA under preparation to be completed by December 1992. REMARKS: NICO does not seem to have any objection to the release of EA. 1-61 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : MOROCCO Project ID No: 5MYCPAl56 Project : Sewerage and Wastewater Treatment Appraisal Date : Feb. 01, 1994 Total Project Cost: $70.00m Board Date : Oct. 11, 1994 Managing Division : MIIN Sector: Water Supply and Sewerage Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Nov. 1, 1992 Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 12, 1991 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: The Sewerage and Wastewater Treatment Project (SWTP) would precede a Wastewater Irrigation Project (WIP) for Casablanca, Khouribga, Agadir, and Settat. The SWTP would include: (a) implementation of sewerage and primary wastewater treatment facilities; and (b) institutional development aiming to set up appropriate organizations for project implementation, operation, and maintenance. The WIP would include secondary and tertiary wastewater treatment facilities and irrigation systems for about 4,750 ha. to be irrigated with the treated wastewater originating from the SWTP. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Environmental issues include: (a) determining appropriate project design; (b) the development and use of standards and guidelines for the safe and sound operation of the project, in particular aiming to protect the health of operating personnel; (c) development of necessary legislation; and (d) the implementation of any required measures to protect the environment against possible negative effects caused by the project. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: None identified at present. PROPOSED ACTIONS: Project preparation for SWTP has begun as part of the ongoing Sewerage Master Plan Studies for Casablanca and Agadir, Loan 2826 MOR. Khouribga and Settat SWTP will be financed under the new loan and not by 2826 MOR as previously stated. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: The major negative impacts from this project could be: (a) extensive marine pollution from the sea outfalls discharging from the SWTP; (b) pollution of aquifers which supply both cities with drinking and irrigation water; and (c) adverse effects on a National Park at Agadir in which the Sewage Treatment Plant will be located. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Suitable consulting firms have been selected by the GON to undertake the environmental impact studies for the SWTP. The studies are expected to start in December 1991. Financing will come from the ongoing Bank Loan 2826 MOR - 1-62 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Casablanca Sewerage. REMARKS: No information available at present. 1-63 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : TUNISIA Project ID No: 5TUNPA149 Project : Integrated Water Resources Development Appraisal Date : Dec. 01, 1992 Total Project Cost: $424.90m Board Date : Apr. 20, 1993 Managing Division : MlNIN Sector: Water Supply and Sewerage Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Feb. 1993 Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 12, 1991 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: A. Sidi El Barrak dam on the Oued Zouara 2 kms inland from the coastline. B. Additional works to protect rural population against flooding, realignment of roads and railway. C. Rehabilitation, replacement and installation of new measuring equipment. D. Extension (Tunis) and new construction (Nefza) of waste water treatment plants. E. Training, technical assistance, studies, sector-wide MIS and acquisition of computer equipment and sofware for integrated water management. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Entire or partial property loss and physical isolation of some 740 families following the submersion of housing, land, roads and railroads due to the dam and reservoir construction. Reservoir pollution risks from wastewater discharge from Nefza. Loss of flora and fauna in the area to be submerged by the reservoir. An indirect beneficial effect of the Sidi El Barrak dam project would be the availability of additional fresh water to preserve the National Park of Iechkeul, which is currently endangered by the construction of several dame in its basin. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Disturbance and disruption of services during construction. PROPOSED ACTIONS: Detailed resettlement plan to be developed before appraisal. Wastewater treatment plant for Nefza. Environmental mitigation and monitoring plan to be prepared before appraisal. Implementation arrangements and schedule to be agreed at negotiations and to constitute part of project conditionality. Creation of three protected areas in the reservoir watershed. Relocation of railway and roads and construction of additional roads. Proper planning and staging of project works. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: Dam Construction Project is always Category "A". There were no changes from initial classification. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: 1-64 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS First EA draft was prepared in June 1991 accompanied by socioeconomic survey of affected population and social impact assessment submitted to the Bank in January 1992. The preappraisal mission of May 1992 submitted comments, discussed the reports, and provided instructions and guidelines for completion of EA, resettlement plan and consultation process before appraisal. Completion is expected by February 1993. REMARKS: N/A None. I-65 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : ARGENTINA Project ID No: 6ARGPAO90 Project : Irrigation Development Appraisal Date : Feb. 15, 1994 Total Project Cost: $375.00m Board Date : Dec. 15, 1994 Managing Division : LA4AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: TBD Date EA Category Assigned: Dec. 11, 1992 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: - Institutional strengthening. - Irrigation. - Flood Control. - Rural Roads. - Soil Conservation. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: None so far identified, but major issues likely. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: N/A PROPOSED ACTIONS: N/A JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: Project would include various subprojects with different degrees of environmental impact. Some sub-projects could be classified as an "A" for purposes of EIA, therefore, entire operation is considered an "A" project. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Project only at identification stage. REMARKS: None. 1-66 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : BRAZIL Project ID No: 6BRAPA327 Project : Water Pollution Control - Minas Gerais Appraisal Date : Jun. 29, 1992 Total Project Cost: $308.00m Board Date : Jan. 05, 1993 Managing Division : LAlIN Sector: Water Supply and Sewerage Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Apr. 30, 1992 Date EA Category Assigned: June 19, 1992 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: Self-sustained investment project in the most congested areas of Brazil to develop methodologies to tackle the cleaning of environment. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Save the scarce water resources for human consumption and agriculture. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Contribute to the development of institutional capacity to create water management agencies. PROPOSED ACTIONS: - invest in infrastructure - agree on instruments to recover costs and finance water agency. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: Resettlement and public health. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Final EA - April 30, 1992. REMARKS: Government has given permission for release of EA. 1-67 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : COLOMBIA Project ID No: 6CLMPA192 Project : Pollution Abatement and Sanitation Appraisal Date : May 17, 1993 Total Project Cost: $500.00m Board Date : Jul. 25, 1994 Managing Division : LA3IN Sector: Water Supply and Sewerage Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date for receipt of EA by Bank: April, 1992 Date EA Category Assigned: Jan.30, 1991 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: The project would include: major sewerage and drainage networks; initial works for abating pollution of the Bogota river; secondary water supply networks; and consultancies and training. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: While the long-term impacts are environmentally beneficial, issues to be addressed include: (a) impact of sewage and storm drainage works upon threatened wetlands in the project area; (b) short and long-term impact of works upon residents along works corridors; (c) removal and safe disposal of construction wastes and (possibly toxic wastes), dredging sludges from some existing sewage and storm drainage channels. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Short-term environmental impacts (dust, noise, air pollution) of construction process. PROPOSED ACTIONS: Protection of threatened wetlands in Park system which could protect rare species and improve environmental quality are being studied. Land acquisition strategy and resettlement plan being finalized; solutions for removal and safe disposal of construction wastes and dredging sludges being developed. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: The project classification "A" is correct. All former class "D" (Environment - enhancing) projects are classed as "A" under the new (October 3, 1991) version of the OD 4.01. Projects involving works of the dimensions foreseen in this project are certainly classed as "A"s. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: EA TORs for proposed works components reviewed by Bank, November 1991. EA for proposed works components prior to appraisal. REMARKS: EA TORs were reviewed and progress will be monitored by Bogota V Project Steering Committee, made up of: Proponent; Regional Autonomous Corporation 1-68 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS (CAR) with overall responsibility for natural resources in the project area; the City of Bogota Environmental Office (DAKA) with close links to local NGOs, universities and neighborhood associations; City Services Department (EDIS) responsible for garbage disposal and management of urban public places; National Planning Department Environmental Policy Division (DNP-DEPAC); Regional Government of Cundinamarca. The EAs will be reviewed with and released to the public. Since the earlier preparation of this project, it has become evident that: (i) the financial rehabilitation of the proposed Borrower will take time and its viability will only become clearer over 1993; (ii) there is a change in approach to pollution abatement from that of the proposed project. The October Bank mission has therefore proposed that we do not schedule currently further processing of this project. Meanwhile, detailed comments have been transmitted pointing out the requirements to be met for the EAs. 1-69 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : CARIBBEAN RE Project ID No: 6CRBPA013 Project : OECS Waste Management Appraisal Date : Jan. 17, 1994 Total Project Cost: $34.00m Board Date : Sep. 29, 1994 Managing Division : LA3IN Sector: Other Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Sep.15,.1993. Date EA Category Assigned: Sep.18, 1992 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: Investments in Solid Waste; Technical Assistance for Liquid Waste Management; and a regional component to establish a workable institutional framework for regional coordination in Waste Management MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Environmental degradation of Coastal Zones and the Caribbean Sea. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: N/A PROPOSED ACTIONS: Improve waste management in the OECS countries and provide reception facilities in support of the "Special Area" designation under IMO in support of MARPOL ANNEX V. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: To ensure the environmental integrity of the proposed landfill sites financed under the project. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: June 1993 - EA start-up date REMARKS: To be developed. 1-70 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : ECUADOR "Project ID No: 6ECUPA100 Project : Technical Assistance - Mining Appraisal Date : Dec. 07, 1992 Total Project Cost: $26.00m Board Date : Oct. 12, 1993 Managing Division : LA4TF Sector: Technical Assistance Lending Instrument: Technical Assistance Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: 3rd Quarter,91 Date EA Category Assigned: April 1990 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: (a) Environmental mitigation, establishment of environmental control mechanisms and monitoring linked to the upgrading of the technical process of gold mining at the artisanal level; (b) Development of mining-sector specific environmental standards; (c) initiating entry of informal (artisanal) gold mining into the formal economy; (d) Institute restructuring and strengthening including: training, equipment, expertise and development of a mining cadastre and public register; and (e) Possible assistance to mining cooperatives and the non-metallics sector. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Biodegraded (anthropogenic) mercury poisoning; heavy metals dumping, cyanide control, health and safety of artisanal pining and miners. Tribal issues (specific ethnic groups) if these become important re Land-invasions by miners, etc. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: N/A PROPOSED ACTIONS: Development and implementation of standards, control mechanisms and monitoring. Degradation reversal where and if possible. Continued collection and interpretation of factual data. Establishment of mining occupational health center. Review at Appraisal of other potential environmental issues and potential impacts of expanded mining on indigenous groups. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: Existing and potential impacts of mining on the environment. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Draft EA report being edited. Delays may be expected in obtaining Government comments due to (a) normal bureaucracy; and (b) sensitive issues. Draft preparatory studies to be released by early 1993. REMARKS: Appraisal will look into classifications pending to EA. Previous 1-71 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS missions have contacted NGOs' Fundacion Hatura, Arco Iris, CEAS. Permission from Borrower to release EA expected anytime. 1-72 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : GUYANA Project ID No: 6GUYPAO28 Project : Banxite Rehabilitation Appraisal Date : Jan. 15, 1994 Total Project Cost: $125.00m Board Date : Dec. 15, 1994 Managing Division : LA3TF Sector: Industry Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date for receipt of EA by Bank: 2nd Qtr F494 Date EA Category Assigned: Dec. 10, 1992 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: Assist Bauxite sector with ongoing privatization and rehabilitation exports to improve competitiveness, develop new products and increase sales. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Lack of satisfactory land reclamation in mined-out areas resulting in adverse environmental effects; insufficient dust control in Bauxite plant. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: N/A PROPOSED ACTIONS: Initiate environmental impact assessment through Bauxite Industry TA project after (a) Guyana has agreed with Bank and IMF on structural adjustment program and (b) Band and Government have agreed under which conditions Bank financing for Bauxite industry rehabilitation could considered. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: Significant environmental impacts already present and new processing plant could intensify these impacts. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: ,To be developed REMARKS: N/A I - 1-73 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : JAMAICA Project ID No: 6JAMPAO78 Project : Transport Sector Appraisal Date : Mar. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $45.00m Board Date : Jul. 15, 1994 Managing Division : LA3IN Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Date EA Category Assigned: Dec. 11, 1992 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: - Possible Highway BOT. - Institutional strenthening - Railway closing (possible) - Airport/Port investments with private sector MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: - Highway construction; land erosion; relocation; deforestation. - Airport: noise pollution; Port: improve waste reception. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Impact analysis PROPOSED ACTIONS: N/A JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: Preliminary analysis of possible components SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Anticipated first stage by 09/30/93. REMARKS: None. 1-74 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : MEXICO Project ID No: 6MXCPA111 Project : Rainfed Areas Development Appraisal Date : Jun. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $400.00m Board Date : Feb. 15, 1994 Managing Division : LA2AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending- Date for receipt of EA by Bank: May, 1993 Date EA Category Assigned: Mar. 16, 1992 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: (i) Tropical land development: (a) drainage; (b) irrigation; (c) land clearing; (ii) Rural development: (a) stores; (b) roads, and (iii) agricultural research and extension. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Impact of tropical land development on sustainable productivity. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Fertilizer and pesticide use PROPOSED ACTIONS: Adequate design, execution, and maintenance of works JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORYi The project will encompass a group of subprojects in the tropical southern part and temperate highlands of Mexico. These subprojects will comprise grazing and currently cropped areas including some that will be subject to clearing of vegetation. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Ongoing in Project Tropical Agriculture II (Loan 2658-ME). REMARKS: -None. A.1 1-75 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : PARAGUAY Project ID No: 6PARPAO71 Project : Natural Resource Management I Appraisal Date : Jun. 08, 1992 Total Project Cost: $87..60m Board Date : Feb. 16, 1993 Managing Division,: LA4AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: June 1992 Date EA Category Assigned: April 20, 1990 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: Regional agricultural development in the Departments of Alto Parana and Itapua (norte) including infrastructure,, agricultural services, environmental protection and institutional strengthening. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Deforestation for agricultural purposes, without proper land use planning or use of proper soil conservation technology; indigenous communities; increasing population pressures on land resources. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: N/A PROPOSED ACTIONS: Detailed'design'of watershed management and resource conservation is being undertaken using a PHRD grant. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: Important environmental issues, which can be dealt with directly in the project's design. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: The EA preparation process was discussed with the borrower during the pre-appraisal mission (Feb 11-29, 1992). The draft report was provided to the appraisal mission in June 1992, and the final version plus English language summary were provided at the end of July 1992. REMARKS: The Government of Paraguay has given its permission to release the EA report. 1-76 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : PERU Project ID No: 6PERPA123 Project : Lima Water Sector Restructuring & Rehab. Appraisal Date : Jun. 14, 1993 Total Project Cost: $200.00m Board Date : Dec. 02, 1993 Managing Division : LAlIN Sector: Water Supply and Sewerage Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: 2nd quarter 1993 Date EA Category Assigned: June 11, 1992 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: An institutional component to: help Peruvian authorities to privatize Lima's Water Quality Company (SEDAPAL); (2) finance sector restructuring, technical assistance, and training; (3) assist the GOP in setting up a water basin management unit. An investment component to help finance rehabilitation of critically damaged infrastructure, infrastructure for safe disposal of sewage into the ocean, and service quality improvement. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: The two major environmental problems are: (1) the direct discharge of cholera contaminated sewage on Lima's seashore; (2) the exhaustion and contamination of Lima's ground water aquifer; (3) the lack of an institutional and regulatory framework to address environmental planning and management. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Mining activities waste and cholera contaminated sewage are currently being poured into the Rimac River, upstream from Lima's water treatment plant. Irrigation of vegetables with highly contaminated water. PROPOSED ACTIONS: Studies to create a comprehensive management unit for the water basin are being proposed to authorities to set and enforce environmental standards and decide on conflicting uses of water. The construction of submarine outfalls is being proposed as the most efficient action to solve the current discharge of sewage on Lima's seashore. Potential environmental problems will be thoroughly studied and mitigating measures proposed. An environmental assessment of the proposed submarine outfalls will be carried out by March 31, 1993. Rehabilitation of sewage collectors will help prevent cholera's propagation. Group water extraction will be metered and a water tariff or charge, reflecting water's opportunity cost, will be approved. JUSTIFICATIONIRATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: No major adverse environmental problems are envisaged. Potential problems could only appear related to the construction of the submarine outfalls and, if this is the case, they will be mitigated through appropriate engineering practices. Contamination o"f the Rimac River will be properly evaluated and a mitigation program proposed. 1-77 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: To be developed. Estimated to start first quarter 1993 REMARKS: Hone. 1-78 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : URUGUAY,. Project ID No: 6URUPA065 Project : Natural Resource and Irrigation Development Appraisal Date : Jun. 16, 1993 Total Project Cost: $150.00m Board Date : Jan. 15, 1994 Managing Division : LA4AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date for receipt of EA by Bank: May, 1993 Date EA Category Assigned: Aug. 21, 1992 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: (a) Natural Resources Management, including pilot development projects and demonstration farms; (b) irrigation, drainage and flood control, including (i) rehabilitation and modernization of selected public irrigation and drainage schemes; and (ii) construction of new medium scale works; (iii) construction of small-scale dams, tubewells and pumping stations; and (iv) drainage and flood control projects; (c) applied research; (d) technical assistance for forestry plantations; (e) institutional strengthening for MGAP; and (f) studies. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: The project could support irrigation development in the general vicinity of internationally important wetlands (some located within a Ramear wetland area). Irrigation, drainage, and flood control works could also cause deforestation of riverine forests. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Increased agro-chemical use; eutrophication of irrigation ponds and canals. PROPOSED ACTIONS: Careful environmental screening of each subproject and support for improved protection of designated wetlands. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: Irrigation developmen, in an area of environmentally sensitive wetlands. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: To be com leted before June 1993. REMARKS: Terms of reference for EA study under preparation. 1-79 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : CZECHOS. Project ID No: 7CZKPA011 Project : Environment I Appraisal Date : Sep. 03, 1993 Total Project Cost: $300.00m Board Date : Apr. 14, 1994 Managing Division : EC2EE Sector: Energy Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Statues Standby Date for receipt of EA by Bank: June 1992 Date EA Category Assigned: Mar. 1991 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: 1. Municipal services (water, sewerage and solid waste) in 8 cities. 2. Hazardous waste 'incineration in two locations. 3. Mining reclamation program. 4. Activities to implement environmental master plans in Northern Bohemia and Northern Moravia. 5. Institutional strengthening and technical assistance, including feasibility studies for next project. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Siting and design of hazardous waste disposal (incineration) facilities at Ostrava (Czech Republic) and Sala (Slovak Republic). OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: -Design.of municipal wastewater treatment plants to meet receiving water standards. PROPOSED ACTIONS: Hazardous waste component will require full EA prior to'appraisal. Wastewater treatment plants (and possibly other investments under components 3, 4, and 5, not yet identified) will require adherence to internationally accepted standards. JUSTIFICATION /RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: Potential dangers from hazardous waste disposal, especially under abnormal or emergency conditions, are inherently high and public awareness is low; this component is clearly "A" category. If this component is dropped or deferred, the project would revert to a "B" rating. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Procedures for undertaking EA work, including the need"for.public participation, have been discussed with component sponsors and Terms of Reference agreed. Consultants, under an EC/PHARE grant have been selected for the Ostrava incinerator and scoping session has been held. A draft report should be ready by the scheduled appraisal date. A more elaborate EA is required for the Czech Republic facility because the present site is probably not acceptable. ―갸[ - -Z l - i l - …[-·-,,&`··…’&&& -& 1-81 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : HUNGARY Project ID No: 7HUNPA045 Project : Energy/Enviromment Appraisal Date : Nov. 23, 1992 Total Project Cost: $224.00m Board Date : Apr. 159 1993 Managing Division : EC2EE Sector: Energy Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date for receipt of KA by Bank: Sept. 1992 Date EA Category Assigned: MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: The project.involves: (i) the construction of one or two gas fir ed combined cycle co-generation plants; (ii) strengthening through the upgrading of MVM's (the Hungarian Electricity Company) Energy Management System (EMS) at the National Dispatch Center and Regional Dispatch Centers; (iii) technical assistance to upgrade the human resources management, training and generally the institution building capacity in the power sector; and (iv) assistance to reinforce the environmental management and monitoring capability in the sector through development of a master plan (including implementation of the accepted recommendations) and air quality monitoring program and related training. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: (a) Atmospheric emissions and standards compliance at the power stations; (b) noise; and (a) disturbances to the terrain and properties during construction. Considerable uncertainty exists regarding legal procedures to obtain formal-licenses for constructing projects such as under consideration. The process includes approvals for environmental measures, some from ' municipalities, others from state government authorities. Due to the current situation some administrative problems are expected. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: N/A PROPOSED ACTIONS: Environmental assessment is proposed for component (i). JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: NIA SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: r nvironmental assessment of component-(i) is to be included in the feasibility studies; draft report taki j into account some of the preliminary comments of the Bank and..detailed comments from MVM are expected by September 1992. Det#ils of EA requirements vere discussed in detail during May-June,mission and good quality Ek for one of the components -[ -..:/&.,&,.1.../’·!.….-.1·....:·「’;」.·.1..,..`·l건,.■「/[.,【「4l니「1//떼 1-83 ENVIRONWNTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY ."A" PROJECTS Country ROMANIA Project,JD No: 7ROMPA104.,, Project PoOer/Coal Rehabilitation Appraisal Date : Jun.' .. gig 1993 Total Project Cost: $38.0:.00m Board:Date : Dec. 079 1993 Managing Division, ECIIE Sector: Other Lend . ing Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date for receipt of Ek by Bank: May 1993 Date,Ek Category , Assigned: Apr. 15, 1992 RUOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: Rehabilitation and life extension of existing thermal plants, rehabilitation and moderniz ' ation of pollution control equipment in thermal power plantay cor0orate'iestructuring of power subsector, electricity pricing study and implemenation, demand management, including improvements in metering, and technical assistance. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Increased emissions of oxides of sulphur and nitrogen and of carbon from rehabilitated thermal plants;' ZIA will establish possible impact of increased power generations from thermal plants, and lignite mining and transportation. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Ash disposal. PROPOSED-ACTIONS. Environmental Impact Aisessment'Study, including recommendations on remedial actions. JUSTIFICATIONIRATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: Increased environmental impact from increased production of electricity and heat from lignite/coal thermal fired plants. ,SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIROMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Final TOR N'iember'092; consultants' selection January 1993; first draft report May 19 93. REMARKS: Romania Environmental Strategy paper completed by Bank.and Government. Others to be determined. 1-84 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : RUSSIA Project ID No: 7RUSPA002 Project : Gas Rehabilitation I Appraisal Date : May 16, 1993 Total Project Cost: $1,140.00m Board Date : Nov. 30, 1993 Managing Division : EC3IV Sector: Energy Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: N/A Date EA Category Assigned: Dec. 4, 1992 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: Gas compressor station plant reconstruction. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Reduction of NOx. Venting of methane. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Construction related impact. PROPOSED ACTIONS: Low NOx, high efficiency gas turbine. Improved and simplified design. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: Construction phase and safety related aspects have resulted in classifying this as an Environmental Category "A". SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: EA start-up: Feb. 1992 EA first draft: June 1992 Current status: TOR under review. REMARKS: None. 1-85 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : RUSSIA Project ID No: 7RUSPA009 Project : Oil Sector Appraisal Date : Oct. 19, 1992 Total Project Cost: $750.00m Board Date : Jan. 26, 1993 Managing Division : EC3IV Sector: Energy Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Oct. 1992 Date EA Category Assigned: April 1992 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: (a) Workover and rehabilitation of shut-in production oil wells; (b) completion of wells already drilled and connection of these to the surface infrastructure; (c) limited drilling of new wells in existing fields; (d) replacement of oil gathering lines and production flow lines; (e) provision of NGL extraction units and topping plant; (f) provision of oil field services; and (g) technical assistance. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: No major issues. The project focusses on existing fields and does not involve "greenfield" sites. In fact, one project component, replacement of oil gathering lines and production flow lines will reduce oil leakages and thus address an important environmental concern. Another component, NGL extraction units, will reduce the amount of hydrocarbons flared, thereby reducing C02 and particulate emissions. Also, introduction of western technology will have a mitigating effect on the environment. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: (a) Air pollution from flared associated gas (see comment above); (b) dredging of sand from local rivers and lakes to construct drill pads; and (c) risk of oil spillage. PROPOSED ACTIONS: (a) Strengthening of Nature Protection Units at Oil Associations, through provision of oil spill clean-up equipment, laboratory supplies, and training; and (b) careful selection of dredge areas for drilling pads. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: As required under OD 4.01--this is an oil production project. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Draft EA summary circulated to Board October,26, 1992. REMARKS: Consultations held with Khanti-Mansi indigenous peoples in November, 1992. 1-86 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : UZBEKISTAN Project ID No: 7UZBPA002 Project : Cotton Subsector Improvement Appraisal Date : Oct. 31, 1993 Total Project Cost: $100.OOm Board Date : Mar. 22, 1994 Managing Division : EC3AI Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status:. Standby Date for receipt of EA by Bank: To be determined. Date EA Category Assigned: Dec. 14, 1992 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: (1) Machinery and equipment for cotton production, de-linting, storage, grading and ginning; (2) cotton production inputs; (3) institutional development; and (4) policy reform. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Present mode and scale of irrigated cotton production has caused severe environmental degradation including the shrinking of the Aral Sea, destruction of fish resources in the Aral Sea, land degradation and increased salinization, increased crop diseases and insect infectation, and increased health risks to the human and animal population, due to vater and air pollution from pesticides and fertilizers. Priority issues: regulation, management of pesticide use, irrigation/drainage/water use systems design and management, and air and water pollution from cotton production and processing. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: N/A PROPOSED ACTIONS: A major project objective is to mitigate the negative environmental impact of pesticide and fertilizer use in cotton production by eliminating subsidized input prices, promoting integrated pest management and supporting policy and regulatory reform concerning pesticide use and management. Sector environmental assessment proposed. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: Anticipated Category: A due to components concerning: (1) cotton processing and ginning (large-scale industrial plants); (2) pesticide regulation and use. Also indirect impact of the present mode and scale of water use, irrigation and drainage activities for cotton production. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Nothing completed to date., REMARKS: None. 1-87 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY ."A" PROJECTS Country : BANGLADESH Project ID No: 8BANPA176 Project : Jamuna Multi Purpose Bridge- Appraisal Date : Apr. 01, 1993 Total Project Cost: $528.00m Board Date : Mar. 15, 1994 Managing Division : SA1EI Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Completed Date EA Category Assigned: MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: 'This project aims to stimulate economic growth by providing land transport of electricity, passenger and freight traffic and, potentially, natural gas and telecommunications between the northwest quadrant and the eastern half of the country. Components include a four lane bridge, bridge approaches, river training works technical assistance and training. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Potential pollution and erosion during construction; interference with-drainage; increased river bank erosion; disruption of agricultural practices including loss of agricultural land requiring involuntary resettlement; possible impact on fisheries, wildlife, navigation, and reduced dry-season crop yield through closure of northern Dhalesvari River; risk of explosion or fire from gas pipeline; seismic risks; risk of accident during road transport of hazardous materials; bridge and adjunct highways may induce uncontrolled development. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: N/A PROPOSED ACTIONS: An EA has been prepared as part of the feasibility study. Construction would be planned and managed to minimize impacts during constructioni. Plans now .being formulated for resettlement and for mitigating impacts on drainage, fisheries and agriculture, and for controlling land use would be implemented. An environment cell has been! established in the implementing agency, expert consultants would be provided and its staff trained. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: Potential impacts are significant. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Supplementary resettlement, fisheries and wildlife studies and plans are under preparation. Studies on mitigation of effects in the upper Dhaleswari and the master plan are in progress. Mitigating measures will be incorporated into final planning and design for implementation. The initial EA is available now. The other studies would be available prior to 1-88 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS appraisal. REMARKS: The affected people have been initially consulted as part of the studies for Dhaleswari River closure mitigation and the involuntary resettlement process, and this will be continued as part of the project preparation process. 1-89 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : BANGLADESH Project ID No: 8BANPA200 Project : Gas Infrastructure Development Appraisal Date : Nov. 18, 1992 Total Project Cost: $130.00m Board Date : May 25, 1993 Managing Division : SA1EI Sector: Energy Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Sept. 30, 1992 Date EA Category Assigned: Mar. 1992 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: Natural gas pipeline and treatment facility, load dispatch center, telecommunications equipment, technical assistance/training, and possibly drilling. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: The proposed project entails large scale construction with the following potential issues: impact on natural resources; public and worker safety and risk; land acquisition/requisition (no resettlement is anticipated); temporary traffic, noise, and air/water quality problems along the pipeline construction route. If drilling is included as a project component, then waste water and hazardous waste issues will have to be considered and mitigated. The cleaner natural gas utilization has several environmental benefits which include: reduced reliance on coal and oil; reduced emissions of SO2, 002, and particulate; reduced gas leakage through use of better pipelines, leak detection systems, training, and maintenance, will lead to-a reduction in global greenhouse gases like methane. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: N/A PROPOSED ACTIONS: To facilitate land acquisition and compensation, government revenue officials will be seconded to the implementing agency to work on site prior to pipeline constrction. Project engineering consultants to begin public education/awareness process November 1992. A safety Management System is proposed for the implementing agency, with emphasis during construction on inspection, testing, and planned commissioning to ensure safe operations. Patrolling of the pipeline will be carried out daily by foot during the dry season to identify erosion problems. Handling of drilling fluids and drill-cuttings to be specified in construction specifications to minimize impact on natural resources. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: 1-90 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS The project may have significant adverse impacts that may be sensitive and diverse. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: EA Start-up date : August 1992 EA First Draft : November 11, 1992 Final EA Received by Bank: February 1993 Current Status : Draft EA Board Summary prepared, nearly completed. EA being prepared by expert consultants on behalf of the borrower. REMARKS: A project component is a multi-year plan to strengthen environmental and safety capacity with technical assistance and equipment which will be monitored during project supervision. Local NGO "PROSHIKA" consulted, and proposes to play facilitating role in land acquisition and compensation process with PROSHIKA affiliates in affected villages. A wider assessment of environmental and operational safety and practices for the entire petroleum sector will be implemented, starting in, January 1993, under the LPG project which became effective on September 30, 1992. Natural gas is a much cleaner fuel compared tdoifulwood and petroleum products presently used. 1-91 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country. : INDIA Project ID No: 8INDPA323 Project : Oil and Gas Sector Development II Appraisal Date : Nov. 30, 1992 Total Project Cost: $350.00m Board Date : Mar. 16, 1993 Managing Division : SA2EG Sector: Energy Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Oct. 16, 1992 Date EA Category Assigned: MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: (a) The main objective of the project is to assist ONGC in increasing its oil output and improving the efficiency of its operations through joint ventures with international oil companies. (b) In parallel, the project would provide financial support for well- workovers and the rehabilitation of oil field infrastructure. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Drilling and transport of oil from offshore oilfields poses a number of environmental hazards, including discharge of liquids from platforms, oil spills, solid waste disposal, leakage from oil pipelines, noise and vibration, disruption of marine life during construction. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: During the preparation of the Gas Flaring Reduction project it was found that ONGC's safety arrangements for offshore operation are inadequate. Agreement was reached with ONGC to carry out safety audits for all of its offshore operations. Preparation of the terms of reference for these audits (by Det Norske Veritas, Norway) is currently under way. The task is expected to be completed by March 1993. PROPOSED ACTIONS: ONOC's approach to dealing with environmental and safety hazards in the oil fields (offered for joint ventures or development under production sharing agreements) and with respect to well workovers will be assessed in the course of project appraisal. In case remedial action is required, appropriate conditions will be included. Care will be taken to avoid any overlap with the safety audits underway for ONGC's offshore operations. The issues that would need to be addressed further include India's legislation regarding the environment (as far as oil projects are concerned) and ONGC's overall preparedness for environmental disasters. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: Required by OD 4.01. Possible adverse,effects on environment and safety. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: 手馴 1 】 」 l 〕? 〕 - 1-93 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : INDIA Project ID No: SINDPA352 Project : Sardar Sarovar Canal.II Appraisal Date : Jun. 21, 1993 Total Project Cost: $500.90m Board Date : Mar. 08, 1994 Managing Division : SA2AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Jan. 15, 1993 Date EA Category Assigned: Dec 1990 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: The project would support a second time-slice (5-7 years) of the on-going Sardar Sarovar development program (SSP). The Bank is presently supporting the initial phases through two inter-linked,and on-going projects': SSP Dam and Power Project (Cr. 1552/Lu.2497-IN), which is financing construction of the dam and power complex, and SSP Water Delivery and Drainage Project (Cr. 1553-IN), which is financing water delivery and drainage for multiple uses. The proposed project, which will continue development of the water delivery and drainage systems, would comprise: (i) spill-over works from Cr. 1553-IN; (ii) new and imcomplete main canal segments up to km 264 of the main canal; (iii).in-line hydroelectric and pump plants on the branch canals up to km 264 of the main canal; (iv) branches.and distributaries and blocks of minor networks that are fed from the main,canal up to km 145; (v) a remote control system*for the canal; and (vi) studies, training and technical assistance. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Potential impacts of inter-basin transfer and spread of large volumes. of irrigation, village, urban and industrial water, including surface and subsurface drainage effects in areas subject to waterlogging and salt accumulation due to increased nutrient inputs, risk of spreading diseases, etc. Displacement of people from canal construction alignments. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Other impacts include increased in-migration of people due to improved', resources and job opportunities increasing population and adverse effects on flora and fauna. PROPOSED ACTIONS: Project implementation aims to continue achieving the highest possible water use efficiencies (minimizing drainage problems) by inclusion of:-fully lined conveyance and distribution works; remote control of canal flckqs; low unit water rates for irrigation; rationing of water proportional to farm sizes; conjunctive use of ground and surface water; pumpingagaindt water table buildup; comprehensive ground and surface water mqnl:toring; full drainage network; and achievement of highest quality', onstruction. A WHO study of potential for spread of waier-borne diseases showed minimum potential; however, mosquito contiolprogram will need to be verified. Mitigations are being employed b'- and coordinated with State control programs. Exisience/spriiad of schistosomiasis is considered minimal and/or 1-94 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "An PROJECTS controllable. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: Category "A" is suggested due to SSP's large-scale effects on natural resources and potential impacts upon local populations. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: The project authorities have been requested to start preparation of the EA and have been given Bank guidelines. Steps for inputs required including hiring of expertise needed to complete EA satisfactory to meet Bank lending process schedules have been proposed. The schedule is as follows: Bank/Consultant/Borrower agree on EA elements - July 24, 1992; Borrower/ Consultants submit EA - Jan. 15, 1993; Bank complete' reviews/Borrower complete component Environmental Management Plans and EA document - July 15, 1993. REMARKS: SSP environmental studies, planning and training initiatives were called for in the 1985 Agreements resulting from appraisal of Credit 1553-IN and the inter-linked Credit 1552/Loan 2497-IN (Dam and Power project), which are nearing completion and continuing, respectively. With closing of Cr. 1553-LN on July 1, 1992, the specific source of BA funding was eliminated; thus, an alternative source must be established. 1-95 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : INDIA Project ID No: 8INDPA449 Project.. : Renewable Resources Development Appraisal Date : Jun. 29, 1992 Total Project Cost: $440.00m Board Date : Dec. 17, 1992 Managing Division : SA2EG Sector: Power Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date , for receipt of EA by Bank: Dec. 1991 Date EA Category Assigned: August 1991 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: The project will involve installation of: (a) irrigation-based mini-hydros; (b) non-conventional energy systems, i.e., wind farm and solar photovoltaics; (c) expansion of bagasse-based papermill. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: (a) There is a need to address noise, odors, occupational health safety, fire fighting, disaster managment, and resettlement problems in the existing and expanded papermill; (b) no significant negative environmental issues havembeen identified for the renewable energy systems to be installed. Thepiroposed systems are small-scale and non-polluting leading to reduced dependence on fossil fuel for energy and enhanced opportunities for development of rural areas. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: N/A PROPOSED ACTIONS: (a) Based on plant site visit and results of EIAS, the following mitigatory actions were agreed with TNPL: in-plant design measures to minimize discharges of odorous compounds; installation of electrostatic precipitators on the power boiler; installation of external treatment systems to reduce suspended solids, BOD and COD to acceptable levels; conduct of a safety audit of chemical storage and handling; Lining of existing water treatment ponds to avoid further seepage; Resettlement of 86 families from village of Kurukkapalayam affected by seepage of existing lagoon; (b) IREDA, the financial intermediary for renewable energy sub-projects, would require that as condition for obtaining financing, developers ensure that the project would meet acceptable environmental and social impact standards, environmental clearances are secured and that appropriate consultation with affected groups are made. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: The papermill expansion project can have potentially adverse environmental impacts arising from the chemical pulp production process. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: An EIA4study ,for papermill was conducted by NEERI; government 1-96 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS clearance for circulation of the executive summary has been received. A safety audit report on chemical storage and handling has been conducted by TNPL's consultants and submitted for Bank's review. REMAKS: No major environmental problems envisaged for mini-hydro schemes. Work will be done on existing canals and dams; water flows will continue to be dictated by irrigation requirements. Comparative water demands will be made to ensure adequate water is available for both irrigation and power, and clearance from irrigation departments will be secured. Construction plans are based on minimizing risk of damage to the irrigation system, existing land use and local environment. Areas with good wind resources suitable for windfarms are mostly barren and uninhabited. Land used for vindfarms need not be withdrawn from existing .productive use, if any. |7 1-97 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : PAKISTAN Project ID No: 8PAKPA235 Project : Punjab Urban Environment Appraisal Date : Apr. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $226.00m Board Date : Nov. 16, 1993 Managing Division : SA3EI Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: To be determined Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 6, 1991 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: (a) Municipal, Industrial and hazardous vaste watet treatment and disposal; (b) waste to energy facility; (c) toxic waste cleanup together with construction 'and management of a treatment and disposal facility; (d) technical strengthening and training for EPA and related sector personnel; (e) a financial facility for private sector assistance to promote/ facilitate environmental cleanup investmenta and (f) publicity campaigns to inform and raise public awareness of environmental issues. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Location of incinerator for hospital waste and landfill for municipal waste. Location of facility to management hazardous waste. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: N/A PROPOSED ACTIONS: Execution of complete EAs. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: As several of the planned components will be rated to the level A, the whole project is classified with this rating. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Next mission to ascertain status. REMARKS: Next mission to clarify consultation process. 1-98 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : INDONESIA Project ID No: M4INSPA238 Project : Integrated Swamps Development Appraisal Date : Jan. 11, 1993 Total Project Cost: $115.00m Board Date : Jan. 18, 1994 Managing Division : EA3AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Nov. 30, 1992 Date EA Category Assigned: June 1991 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: The project which would support second stage development of existing swamp sites in Jambi, Riau and West Kalimantan provinces would comprise 5- major components: (a) agricultural development including: (i) development and rehabilitation of drainagetrrigation infrastructure; (ii) operation and maintenance (O&M) of irrigation/drainage infrastructure; (iii) food, cash and tree crop development through provision of agricultural inputs and support services; (b) rural infrastructure improvement through construction and rehabilitation of roads and navigation networks, and improving drinking water supply; (c) land titling and certification; (d) support for coastal zone land use management; and (e) institutional strengthening to enhance the capability of relevant agencies to implement the project. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Upgrading of hydraulic infrastructure has potential to increase acidity in canals, fragment wildlife habitat, cause localized over-drainage and change tidal patterns; any increased use of agro-chemicals could have human Health effects; there may be a reduction in present adverse off-site effects (as intended) but this will require careful design and management. Existing water supplies are polluted and represent a health hazard. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Any additional settlement on the schemes could exacerbate off-site impacts; some of the hydraulic infrastructure development proposals could adversely affect water transportation patterns; redevelopment of base camp in Riau could accelerate riverbank erosion and threaten historic site. PROPOSED ACTIONS: The scope of the project has been significantly reduced. Schemes with excessive investments in hydraulic infrastructure have been deleted and project investments have been focussed more on schemes which combine least environmental impact potential with highest economic and social benefits. Clean water supplies will be provided to all inhabitants through roof-runoff systems. An environmental management plan will be implemented to help in optimizing detail designs and supervise construction. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: Proposed project is given environmental "A" rating as it could, without the planned mitigation measures, have some adverse impacts on the environment 1-99 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS in view of the various planned activities including large-scale drainage and flood control, new land development and use of pesticides. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: The EA process vas started in June 1991. A draft Final EA Report, prepared on behalf of the Directorate of Swamps by the Asian Wetland Bureau, was reviewed by the Bank end-November 1992 and will be finalized substantially unchanged prior to Appraisal (January 1993). Simultanaeous EA processing has been undertaken by the Government of Indonesia and all approvals will be completed by January 1993. REMARKS: Consultations on the environmentallsocial impacts of proposed project were held in June 1992, with local NGOo/representatives of groups which would be affected by the project. The Bank has requested the government's permission to release EA to the Board. I' I-100 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : ANGOLA Project ID No: 3ANGPA001 Project : Fisheries Resources Management Appraisal Date : Sep. 20, 1993 Total Project Cost: $50.00m Board Date : May 24, 1994 Managing Division : AF3AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Country : ANGOLA Project ID No: 3ANGPA010 Project : Lobito Port Trans Appraisal Date : Jan. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $60.00m Board Date : Jul. 27, 1993 Managing Division : AF3IN Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Country : BURUNDI Project ID No: 3bUIPA048 Project : Natural Resource Management Appraisal Date : Mar. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $100.00m Board Date : Jan. 25, 1994 Managing Division : AF3AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Sector Adjustment Loan Status Lending Date HA Category Assigned: Nov. 4, 1991 Country : BURUNDI Project ID No: 3BUIPA063 Project : Social Action Appraisal Date : Jun. 15, 1992 Total Project Cost: $22.30m Board Date : Mar. 16, 1993 Managing Division : AF3PH Sector: Population Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: June 04, 1992 Country : BURKINA FASO Project ID No: 3BURPAO57 Project : Agricultural Services II Appraisal Date : Jan. 15, 1994 Total Project Cost: $50.00m Board Date : Nov. 15, 1994 Managing Division : AF5AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: I-101 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : CAMEROON Project ID No: 3CANPA082 Project : Transport Sector Project Appraisal Date : Feb. 08, 1993 Total Project.Cost: $200.00m Board Date : Jun. 15, 1993 Managing Division : AKIN Sector: Public Sector Management Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Statuss Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 27, 1991 Country : CAPE VERDE Project ID No: 3CAPPA015 Project : Transport Infrastructure Appraisal Date : Jun. 30, 1992 Total Project Cost: $35.00m Board Date : Dec. 22, 1992 Managing Division : AF5IN Sectors Transportation Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 27, 1991 Country : CHAD Project ID No: 3CHDPA049 Project : Transport Sector II Appraisal Date : Dec. 04, 1992 Total Project Cost: $100.00m Board Date : Jun. 22, 1993 Managing Division .: AF5IN Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country : COMOROS Project ID No: 3COMPA015 Project : Population & Human Resources Appraisal Date : Mar. 01, 1993 Total Project Cost: $14.50m Board Date : Nov. 16, 1993 Managing Division : AF3PH Sector: Population Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Statusi Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Country : ETHIOPIA Project ID No: 3ETHPAO96 Project : National Seeds Appraisal Date : Feb. 20, 1992 Total Project Cost: $55.00m Board Date : Feb. 25, 1993 Managing Division : AF2AE Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: 1-102 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : ETHIOPIA Project ID No: 3ETHPA097 Project : Fertilizer Sector Appraisal Date : May 04, 1993 Total Project Cost: $100.00m Board Date : Dec. 21, 1993 Managing Division : AF2AE Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: June 23, 1992 Country : GHANA Project ID No: 3GHAPAO87 Project : Telecommunications III Appraisal Date : Jan. 07, 1994 Total Project Cost: $200.00m Board Date : Jun. 23, 1994 Managing Division : AF4IE Sector: Communications Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: June 24, 1992 Country : GHANA Project ID No: 3GHAPAO92 Project : Rural Water/Works Appraisal Date : Mar. 26, 1993 Total Project Cost: $42.00m Board Date : Dec. 14, 1993 Managing Division : AF4IN Sector: Water Supply and Sewerage Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Oct. 1991 Country : GHANA Project ID No: 3GHAPA104 Project : Urban III Appraisal Date : Apr. 30, 1993 Total Project Cost: $48.00m Board Date : Feb. 15, 1994 Managing Division : AF4IN Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Oct. 1992 Country : GHANA Project ID No: 3GHAPA121 Project : National Electrification Appraisal Date : Aug. 24, 1992 Total Project Cost: $180.00m Board Date : Feb. 16, 1993 Managing Division : AF4IE Sector: Power Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: 1-103 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : GHANA Project ID No: 3GRAPA124 Project : Urban Transport Appraisal Date : Nov. 15, 1992 Total Project.Costi $240.00m Board Date : May 25, 1993 Managing Division : AF4IN Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date KA Category Assigned: Oct. 21, 1991 Country : GHANA Project ID No: 3GRAPA129 Project : Agricultural Sector Investment Credit Appraisal Date : May 01, 1993 Total Project Cost: $65.00m Board Date : Feb. 15, 1994 Managing Division : AF4AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: November 3, 1992 Country : GUINEA BIS. Project ID No: 3GUBPAO35 Project : Natural Resources Management Appraisal Date : Jul. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $20.00m Board Date : May 17, 1994 Managing Division : AF4AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date KA Category Assigned: May 1992 Country : GUINEA Project ID No: 3GUIPAO52 Project : Road Sector Management Appraisal Date : Jun. 15, 1992 Total Project Cost: $171.10m Board Date : Feb. 23, 1993 Managing Division : AF1IN Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Statusi Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Aug. 15, 1990 Country : GUINEA Project ID No: 3GUIPA057 Project : Urban Environment & Sanitation Improvement Appraisal Date : Jun. 01, 1993 Total Project Cost: $60.00m Board Date : Feb. 01, 1994 Managing Division : AFlIN Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date BA Category Assigned: Sep. 01, 1992 1-104 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : COTE DIVOIRE Project ID No: 3IVCPA102 Project : Rural Equipment Appraisal Date : Feb. 01, 1994 Total Project Cost: $60.00m Board Date : Jun. 28, 1994 Managing Division : AF1AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Country : COTE DIVOIRE Project ID No: 3IVCPA115 Project : Road Maintenance & Rehabilitation Appraisal Date : Jun. 10, 1992 Total Project Cost: $180.00m Board Date : Jul. 27, 1993 Managing Division : AFIN Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: May 12, 1992 Country : KENYA Project ID No: 3KENPA102 Project : Urban Transport Appraisal Date : May 29, 1993 Total Project Cost: $243.00m Board Date : Feb. 08, 1994 Managing Division : AF2IN Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Mar. 20, 1992 Country : MADAGASCAR Project ID No: 3MAGPAO67 Project : Energy II Appraisal Date : Oct. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $80.00m Board Date : Jul. 12, 1994 Managing Division : AF3IE Sector: Energy Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Statds: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 26, 1991 Country : MADAGASCAR Project ID No: 3MAGPA068 Project : Transport Sector Development Appraisal Date : Jan. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $80.00m Board Date : May 25, 1993 Managing Division : AF3IN Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: 1-105 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : MADAGASCAR Project ID No: 3MAGPA092 Project : Petroleum Sector Adjustment Appraisal Date : Jun. 15, 1991 Total Project Cost: $72.30m Board Date : Mar. 30, 1993 Managing Division : AF3IE Sector: Energy Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 26, 1991 Country : MADAGASCAR Project ID No: 3MAGPAO96 Project : Urban II Appraisal Date : Jul. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $90.00m Board Date : Apr. 12, 1994 Managing Division : AF3IN Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Country : MADAGASCAR Project ID No: 3MAGPAO98 Project : Water Sector Appraisal Date : Dec. 01, 1993 Total Project Cost: $55.00m Board Date : Sep. 06, 1994 Managing Division : AF3IN Sector: Water Supply and Sewerage Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Country : MADAGASCAR Project ID No: 3MAGPA108 Project : Export Crop Promotion Appraisal Date : Jul. 02, 1993 Total Project Cost: $30.00m Board Date : Feb. 15, 1994 Managing Division : AF3AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country : MALAWI Project ID No: 3MALPAO74 Project : Agricultural Services Appraisal Date : Jun. 25, 1992 Total Project Cost: $50.00m Board Date : May 18, 1993 Managing Division : AF6AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: 1-106 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : MALAWI Project ID No: 3MALPAO81 Project : National Water Development Appraisal Date : Jul. 01, 1993 Total Project Cost: $25.00m Board Date : Mar. 02, 1994 Managing Division : AF6IN Sector: Water Supply and Sewerage Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Apr. 1990 Country : MALI Project ID No: 3MLIPA048 Project : Infrastructure/Transport Sector Appraisal Date : May 01, 1993 Total Project Cost: $85.00m Board Date : Nov. 30, 1993 Managing Division : AFSIN Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date RA Category Assigned: Nov. 27, 1991 Country : MOZAMBIQUE Project ID No: 3MOZPAO37 Project : Rural Rehabilitation Appraisal Date : Jun. 25, 1992 Total Project Cost: $32.00m Board Date : Mar. 16, 1993 Managing Division : AF6AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country : MAURITANIA Project ID No: 3MTAPA058 Project : Construction Capacity & Employment Appraisal Date : Jun. 25, 1992 Total Project Cost: $19.00m Board Date : Jan. 12, 1993 Managing Division : AF5IN Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Feb. 27, 1992 Country : NIGER Project ID No: 3NIGPAO61 Project : Private Irrigation Appraisal Date : Jun. 19, 1991 Total Project Cost: $13.50m Board Date : Mar. 23, 1993 Managing Division : AF5AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: 1-107 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : NIGERIA Project ID No: 3NIRPAO78 Project : Power VIII Appraisal Date : Sep. 06, 1991 Total Project Cost: $429.00m Board Date : Jun. 29, 1993 Managing Division : AF4IE Sector: Power Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country : NIGERIA Project ID No: 3NIRPA131 Project : Multi State Water II Appraisal Date : Jun. 11, 1993 Total Project Cost: $160.00m Board Date : May 10, 1994 Managing Division : AF4IN Sector: Water Supply and Sewerage Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Aug. 1992 Country : NIGERIA Project ID No: 3NIRPA142 Project : Railways Appraisal Date : Jan. 21, 1993 Total Project Cost: $250.00m Board Date : Oct. 26, 1993 Managing Division : AF4IN Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 26, 1991 Country : NIGERIA Project ID No: 3NIRPA163 Project : Lagos Urban Transport Appraisal Date : Mar. 19, 1993 Total Project Cost: $100.00m Board Date : Mar. 22, 1994 Managing Division : AF4IN Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Aug. 1991 I1 Country : NIGERIA Project ID No: 3NIRPA174 Project : State Roads II Appraisal Date : Jun. 21, 1992 Total Project Cost: $119.00m Board Date : Jun. 08, 1993 Managing Division : AF4IN Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Sept. 1990 1-108 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : RWANDA Project ID No: 3RWAPA052 Project : Energy Sector Rehabilitation Appraisal Date : Apr. 24, 1992 Total Project Cost: $55.00m Board Date : Jan. 12, 1993 Managing Division : AF31E Sector: Powuer Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 26, 1991 Country : RWANDA Project ID No: 3RWAPA054 Project : Agricultural Research II *Appraisal Date : Sep. 10, 1992 Total Project Cost: $30.00m *Board Date : Jun. 15, 1993 *Managing Division : AF3AG Sector: Agriculture &Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Sep. 23, 1992 Country : RWANDA Project ID No: 3RWAPA058 Project : Water Supply III Appraisal Date : Sep. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $39.00m Board Date : May 17, 1994 Managing Division -: AF31N Sector: Water Supply and Sewerage Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Country : RWANDA Project ID No: 3RWAPA073 Project : Private Sector (APEX) Appraisal Date : Jun. 29, 1992 Total Project Cost: $31.60m Board Date : Mar. 23, 1993 Managing Division as AF31E Sector: Industrial Devel/Finance Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: June 17, 1992 Country :SENEGAL Project ID No: 3SENPA094 Project :Small Business & Financial Support Appraisal Date : Feb. 28, 1993 Total Project Cost: $30.00m Board Date : Jul. 01, 1993 Managing Division : AF51E Sector: Industry Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: 1-109 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : SENEGAL Project ID No: 3SENPAO97 Project : Agricultural Services II Appraisal Date : Mar. 01, 1994 Total Project Cost: $40.00m Board Date : Nov. 29, 1994 Managing Division : AF5AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country : SEYCHELLES Project ID No: 3SEYPA006 Project : Environment & Transport Appraisal Date : Jun. 29, 1992 Total Project Cost: $7.00m Board Date : Dec. 22, 1992 Managing Division : AF3IN Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 26, 1991 Country : SIERRA LEONE Project ID No: 3SILPAO21 Project : Roads Rehabilitation & Maintenance Appraisal Date : Apr. 20, 1992 Total Project Cost: $100.00m Board Date : Dec. 22, 1992 Managing Division : AF4IN Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Oct. 21, 1991 Country : SWAZILAND Project ID No: 3SWAPAO22 Project : Urban Development I Appraisal Date : May 01, 1993 Total Project Cost: $50.00m Board Date : Jan. 19, 1994 Managing Division : AF6IN Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country : TANZANIA Project ID No: 3TANPA086 Project : Urban/Infrastructure Rehabilitation Appraisal Date : Jul. 01, 1993 Total Project Cost: $100.00m Board Date : Jun. 07, 1994 Managing Division : AF2IN Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: June 17, 1992 1-110 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : TANZANIA Project ID No: 3TANPA108 Project : Telecom III Appraisal Date : Jun. 09, 1992 Total Project Cost: $185.00m Board Date : Mar. 09, 1993 Managing Division : AF2PE Sector: Communications Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country : TANZANIA Project ID No: 3TANPA115 Project : Private Sector Development Appraisal Date : Jan. 10, 1994 Total Project Cost: $50.00m Board Date : Jun. 14, 1994 Managing Division : AF2PE Sector: Industrial Devel/Finance Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: June 25, 1992 Country : TOGO Project ID No: 3TOGPA039 Project : Lome Urban Development Appraisal Date : Jun. 08, 1992 Total Project Cost: $25.30m Board Date : Mar. 02, 1993 Managing Division : AFIlN Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: May 15, 1990 Country : UGANDA Project ID No: 3UANPA030 Project : Transport Rehabilitation Appraisal Date : Mar. 12, 1993 Total Project Cost: $67.00m Board Date : Aug. 31, 1993 Managing Division : AF2IN Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country : UGANDA Project ID No: 3UANPA064 Project : Small Towns Water Appraisal Date : Apr. 16, 1993 Total Project Cost: $55.80m Board Date : Nov. 16, 1993 Managing Division : AF2IN Sector: Water Supply and Sewerage Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: June 23, 1992 I-111 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : ZAIRE Project ID No: 3ZAIPA066 Project : Highway Sector Rehbilitation Appraisal Date : Feb. 15, 1991 Total Project Cost: $30.00m Board Date : Jul. 05, 1994 Managing Division : AF3IN Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Country : ZAMBIA Project ID No: 3ZAMPA060 Project : Power Rehabilitation Appraisal Date : Mar. 30, 1993 Total Project Cost: $40.00m Board Date : Jan. 20, 1994 Managing Division : AF6IE Sector: Energy Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Status: Standby Date KA Category Assigned: Feb. 14, 1991 Country : ZAMBIA Project ID No: 3ZAMPAO70 Project : Export Diversification Appraisal Date : Mar. 10, 1993 Total Project Cost: $65.00m Board Date : Aug. 31, 1993 Managing Division : AF6AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country : ZIMBABWE Project ID No: 3ZIMPA046 Project : Urban Transportation Appraisal Date : Jan. 14, 1991 Total Project Cost: $240.00m Board Date : Apr. 13, 1994 Managing Division : AF6IN Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country : ZIMBABWE Project ID No: 3ZIMPA047 Project : Power III Appraisal Date : Jul. 15, 1990 Total Project Cost: $300.00m Board Date : Jun. 22, 1993 Managing Division : AF6IE Sector: Power Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: 1-112 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country a ZIMBABWE Project ID No: 3ZIMPA049 Project : Small & Micro-enterprise Development Appraisal Date : Jan. 25, 1993 Total Project Cost: $30.00m Board Date : Jul. 15, 1993 Managing Division : AF6IE Sector: Industrial Devel/Finance Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Aug. 18, 1992 Country : ZIMBABWE Project ID No: 3ZINPAO56 Project : Wildlife Conservation Appraisal Date a Oct. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $75.00m Board Date : Jul. 15, 1994 Managing Division : AF6IN Sector: Tourism Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 1991 Country : ZIMBABWE Project ID No: 3ZIMPA066 Project a Telecommunications Appraisal Date : Aug. 21, 1992 Total Project Cost: $353.00m Board Date : Oct. 05, 1993 Managing Division : AF6IE Sector: Communications Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Aug. 31, 1992 I-113 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : CHINA Project ID No: 4CHAPAO64 Project : Zhejiang Multi-Cities Development Appraisal Date : Feb. 14, 1992 Total Project Cost: $253.20m Board Date : Dec. 22, 1992 Managing Division : EA2EH Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status4 Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country : CHINA Project ID No: 4CHAPA102 Project : Changchun Water Supply & Environmental , Appraisal Date : May 17, 1992 Total Project Cost: $205.00m Board Date : Feb. 09, 1993 Managing Division : EA2EH Sector: Water Supply and Sewerage Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Apr. 17, 1992 Country : CHINA Project ID No: 4CHAPA126 Project : Shanghai Industrial Enterprise Reform Appraisal Date : Sep. 30, 1993 Total Project Cost: $350.00m Board Date : May 17, 1994 Managing Division : EA2IE Sector: Industrial Devel/Finance Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Mar. 19, 1992 Country : CHINA Project ID No: 4CHAPA127 Project : Tianjin Industrial Development Appraisal Date : Jun. 21, 1992 Total Project Cost: $150.00m Board Date : Mar. 16, 1993 Managing Division : EA2IE Sector: Industrial Devel/Finance Lending Instrument: Financial Intermediary Loan Status- Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Country : CHINA Project ID No: 4CHAPA134 Project : Loees Plateau Appraisal Date : Jul. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $300.00m Board Date : Jan. 18, 1994 Managing Division : EA2AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Dec. 3, 1992 1-114 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : CHINA Project ID No: 4CHAPA151 Project : Forest Resource Development and Protection Appraisal Date : Jan. 20, 1994 Total Project Cost: $500.00m Board Date : Aug. 30, 1994 Managing Division : EA2AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Aug. 25, 1992 Country : CHINA Project ID No: 4CHAPA164 Project : Sixth Railway Project Appraisal Date : Jun. 30, 1992 Total Project Cost: $1,103.00m Board Date : Mar. 30, 1993 Managing Division : EA2TP Sectors Transportation Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country : CHINA Project ID No: 4CHAPA174 Project : Southern Jianges Environmental Protection Appraisal Date : Jun. 15, 1992 Total Project Cost: $632.10m Board Date : Mar. 30, 1993 Managing Division : EA2IE Sector: Industry Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date KA Category Assigned: June 1992 Country : CHINA Project ID No: 4CHAPA178 Project : Electronics Appraisal Date : Jun. 01, 1993 Total Project Cost: $150.00m Board Date : Mar. 08, 1994 Managing Division : EA2IE Sector: Industry Lending Instrument: Financial Intermediary Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country : CHINA Project ID No: 4CHAPA179 Project : Shenyang Engineering Industry Appraisal Date : Sep. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $100.00m Board Date : Jun. 14, 1994 Managing Division : EA2IE Sector: Industry Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: 1-115 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : CHINA Project ID No: 4CHAPA180 Project : Shanghai Environment Appraisal Date : May 10, 1993 Total Project Cost; $527.00m Board Date : Apr. 05, 1994 Managing Division : EA2EH Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country : CHINA Project ID No: 4CHAPA187 Project : Songliao Plain Appraisal Date : Jun. 30, 1993 Total Project Cost: $380.00m Board Date : Feb. 22, 1994 Managing Division : EA2AG - Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 30, 1992 Country : CHINA Project ID No: 4CHAPA189 Project : Red Soils II Land Rehabilitation Appraisal Date : Jun. 14, 1993 Total Project Cost: $300.00m Board Date : Jan. 11, 1994 Managing Division : KA2AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country : CHINA Project ID No: 4CHAPA194 Project : Technology Development Appraisal Date a May .15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $200.00m Board Date : Dec. 14, 1993 Managing Division : EA2IE Sector: Education Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country : CHINA Project ID No: 4CHAPA197 Project a Housing and Social Security Reform Appraisal Date : May 01, 1993 Total Project Cost: $300.00m Board Date : Mar. 01, 1994 Managing Division : EA2EH Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Feb. 6, 1992 1-116 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : CHINA Project ID No: 4CHAPA221 Project : Grain Distribution Appraisal Date : Nov. 29, 1992 Total Project Cost: $1,000.00m Board Date : Jun. 01, 1993 Managing Division : EA2AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country : INDONESIA Project ID No: 41NSPA220 Project : Forestry III Appraisal Date : Jun. 21, 1993 Total Project Cost: $120.00m Board Date : May 03, 1994 Managing Division : EA3AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Mar. 27, 1992 Country : INDONESIA Project ID No: 41NSPA246 Project : Highway Sector II Appraisal Date : Feb. 10, 1993 Total Project Cost: $650.00m Board Date : Jun. 22, 1993 Managing Division : EA3IN Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Sept. 4, 1992 Country : INDONESIA Project ID No: 41NSPA255 Project : Java Irrigation and Water Management Appraisal Date : Sep. 24, 1993 Total Project Cost: $300.00m Board Date : Jun. 28, 1994 Managing Division : EA3AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Apr. 15, 1992 Country : INDONESIA Project ID No: 41NSPA280 Project : Rural Electrification II Appraisal Date : Jul. 01, 1993 Total Project Cost: $600.00m Board Date : Mar. 01, 1994 Managing Division : EA3IE Sector: Power Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Apr. 06, 1992 1-117 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : INDONESIA Project ID No: 41NSPA283 Project : Treecrops Smallholder Development II Appraisal Date : Oct. 25, 1993 Total Project Cost: $200.00m Board Date : Jul. 26, 1994 Managing Division : EA3AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country : INDONESIA Project ID No: 41NSPA285 Project : Land Administration Appraisal Date : Oct. 04, 1993 Total Project Cost: $50.00m Board Date : May 31, 1994 Managing Division : EA3AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Apr. 8, 1992 Country : INDONESIA Project ID No: 41NSPA286 Project : Watershed Management and Conservation Appraisal Date : Oct. 30, 1992 Total Project Cost: $100.00m Board Date : Apr. 20, 1993 Managing Division : EA3AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Oct. 29, 1990 Country : INDONESIA Project ID No: 41NSPA291 Project : Water and Sanitation for Low Income Communities Appraisal Date : Nov. 30, 1992 Total Project Cost: $100.00m Board Date : Jun. 22, 1993 Managing Division : EA3PH Sector: Population Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Mar. 26, 1992 Country : INDONESIA Project ID No: 4INSPA300 Project : Groundwater Development Appraisal Date : Sep. 05, 1992 Total Project Cost: $86.00m Board Date : Mar. 02, 1993 Managing Division : EA3AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Feb. 25, 1991 I-118 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : INDONESIA Project ID No: 4INSPA307 Project : E. Indonesia Kabupaten Roads Appraisal Date : Oct. 15, 1992 Total Project Cost: $300.00m Board Date : Mar. 30, 1993 Managing Division : EAIN Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country : INDONESIA Project ID No: 4INSPA308 Project : Cirata Hydro Phase II Appraisal Date : Jun. 23, 1992 Total Project Cost: $377.60s Board Date : Mar. 30, 1993 Managing Division : EA3IE Sector: Power Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country : INDONESIA Project ID No: 4INSPA310 Project : Integrated Pest Management Appraisal Date : Sep. 25, 1992 Total Project Cost: $58.00m Board Date : Mar. 30, 1993 Managing Division : EA3AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: March 1992 Country : KOREA Project ID No: 4KORPA167 Project : Kvangju/Seoul Sewerage Appraisal Date : Nov. 01, 1992 Total Project Cost: $350.00m Board Date : Apr. 13, 1993 Managing Division : EAlIN Sector: Water Supply and Sewerage Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country : KOREA Project ID No: 4KORPA173 Project : Pusan Urban Transport Appraisal Date : Jan. 15, 1994 Total Project Cost: $228.00m Board Date : Jul. 26, 1994 Managing Division : EAllN Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: 1-119 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : LAO, P.D.R. Project ID No: 4LAOPA018 Project : Industrial Credit II Appraisal Date : Jun. 14, 1993 Total Project Cost: $15.00a Board Date : Dec. 21, 1993 Managing Division : EAlIE Sector: Industrial Devel/Finance Lending Instrumenti Financial Intermediary Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Country : LAO, P.D.R. Project ID No: 4LAOPAO20 Project : Forest Management and Conservation Appraisal Date : Nov. 19, 1991 Total Project Cost: $24.90m Board Date : Mar. 23, 1993 Managing Division : EAlAG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Oct. 31, 1991 Country : LAO, P.D.R. Project ID No: 4LAOPA029 Project : Telephone System Expansion Appraisal Date : Aug. 30, 1993 Total Project Cost: $40.00m Board Date : Feb. 15, 1994 Managing Division : EAlIE Sector: Communications Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country : PAPUA NEW G. Project ID No: 4PAPPA046 Project : Petroleum Exploration Technical Assistance Appraisal Date : Jan. 15, 1992 Total Project Cost: $13.50m Board Date : Feb. 23, 1993 Managing Division : EA3IE Sector: Energy Lending Instrument: Technical Assistance Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Jan. 10, 1992 Country : PHILIPPINES Project ID No: 4PHLPA153 Project : Water Supply, Sewerage and Sanitation Sector II Appraisal Date : Jul. 10, 1993 Total Project Cost: $50.00m Board Date : Dec. 21, 1993 Managing Division : EAllN Sector: Water Supply and Sewerage Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: 1-120 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : PHILIPPINES Project ID No: 4PHLPA184 Project : Irrigation Operations Support II Appraisal Date : Nov. 25, 1992 Total Project Cost: $100.00m Board Date : Apr. 27, 1993 Managing Division : EA1AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country : PHILIPPINES Project ID No: 4PHLPA205 Project : Power Transmission and Rehabilitation Appraisal Date : Jul. 30, 1992 Total Project Cost: $161.00m Board Date : Feb. 02, 1993 Managing Division : EAllE Sector: Power Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country : THAILAND Project ID No: 4THLPA147 Project : Distribution System and Energy Efficiency Appraisal Date : Mar. 19, 1992 Total Project Cost: $549.60m Board Date : Feb. 23, 1993 Managing Division : EAllE Sector: Power Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 27, 1991 1-121 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : ALGERIA Project ID No: 5ALGPA036 Project : Highways VI Appraisal Date : Sep. 04, 1993 Total Project Cost: $260.00m Board Date : Mar. 01, 1994 Managing Division : MKIN Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Oct. 22, 1991 Country : ALGERIA Project ID No: 5ALGPAO97 Project : Irrigation Management Support Appraisal Date : Sep. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $50.00m Board Date : May 15, 1994 Managing Division : MN1AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country : ALGERIA Project ID No: 5ALGPA105 Project : Housing completion & Sector Dev Housing Complet Appraisal Date : Dec. 01, 1992 Total Project Cost: $150.00m Board Date : Mar. 09, 1993 Managing Division : MKIN Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Aug. 92 Country : EGYPT Project ID No: 5EGTPA089 Project : Engineering Industries Appraisal Date : Oct. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $300.00m Board Date : Jul. 15, 1994 Managing Division : MN2IE Sector: Industrial Devel/Finance Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Dec. 21, 1992 Country : EGYPT Project ID No: 5EGTPA147 Project : Helvan Pollution Control Appraisal Date : Nov. 01, 1992 Total Project Cost: $250.00m Board Date : May 11, 1993 Managing Division : MN21E Sector: Water Supply and Sewerage Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Jan. 1992 1-122 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : EGYPT Project ID No: 5EGTPA172 Project : Matruh Resource Management Appraisal Date : Nov. 06, 1992 Total Project Cost: $35.00a Board Date : May 27, 1993 Managing Division : HN2AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Dec. 19, 1991 Country : EGYPT Project ID No: 5EGTPA176 Project : Agricultural Modernization Appraisal Date : Jan. 28, 1993 Total Project Cost: $164.70m Board Date : Sep. 15, 1993 Managing Division : N2AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt, Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: May 27, 1992 Country : IRAN Project ID No: 5IRNPAO37 Project : Iran Power II Appraisal Date : Jul. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $250.00m Board Date : Mar. 22, 1994 Managing Division : MN2IE Sector: Power Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status:. Standby Date EA Category Assigned: June 15, 1992 Country : IRAN Project ID No: 5IRNPA038 Project : Irrigation Improvement Appraisal Date : Oct. 15, 1992 Total Project Cost: $335.00m Board Date : Mar. 18, 1993 Managing Division : MN2AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Mar. 16, 1992 Country : IRAN Project ID No: 5IRNPA041 Project : Power Sector Efficiency Appraisal Date : Jan. 16, 1992 Total Project Cost: $394.00m Board Date : Mar. 30, 1993 Managing Division : HN2IE Sector: Power Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Mar. 26, 1992 1-123 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : IRAN Project ID No: 5IRNPA043 Project : Natural Resources Development Appraisal Date : Jul. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $250.00m Board Date : Jan. 25, 1994 Managing Division : MN2AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Country : JORDAN Project ID No: 5JORPA046 Project : Transport III Appraisal Date : Mar. 06, 1992 Total Project Cost: $73.60m Board Date : Feb. 18, 1993 Managing Division : HN2IN Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country : JORDAN Project ID No: SJORPAO81 Project : Health II Appraisal Date : Sep. 30, 1992 Total Project Cost: $34.50m Board Date : Mar. 23, 1993 Managing Division : HN2PH Sector: Population Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Sept. 18, 1992 Country : LEBANON Project ID No: 5LEBPA013 Project : Emergency Reconstruction Appraisal Date : Jan. 03, 1993 Total Project Cost: $150.00m Board Date : Mar. 30, 1993 Managing Division : MN2IN Sector: Other Lending Instrument: Emergency Reconstruction Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Feb. 11, 1992 Country : MOROCCO Project ID No: 5MYCPAO87 Project : Water Supply V Appraisal Date : Jan. 20, 1993 Total Project Cost: $496.00m Board Date : Sep. 07, 1993 Managing Division : MN1IN Sector: Water Supply and Sewerage Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Mar. 13, 1992 1-124 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : MOROCCO Project ID No: 5MYCPAO90 Project : Telecoms Restructuring Appraisal Date : Mar. 09, 1992 Total Project Cost: $1,110.00m Board Date : Jan. 12, 1993 Managing Division : MNUE Sector: Communications Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Feb. 18, 1992 Country : MOROCCO Project ID No: 5MYCPA114 Project : Second LSII Appraisal Date : Feb. 10, 1992 Total Project Cost: $300.00m Board Date : Mar. 16, 1993 Managing Division : MNIAG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Aug. 30, 1991 Country : MOROCCO Project ID No: 5MYCPA136 Project : Private Sector Development Appraisal Date : Sep. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $150.00m Board Date : Aug. 08, 1994 Managing Division : HN1IE Sector: Industrial Devel/Finance Lending Instrument: Financial Intermediary Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country : MOROCCO Project ID No: 5MYCPAl39 Project : National Rural Finance Appraisal Date : Apr. 05, 1993 Total Project Cost: $850.00m Board Date : Jan. 25, 1994 Managing Division : MN1AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Financial Intermediary Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country : MOROCCO Project ID No: 5MYCPA142 Project : Roads Improvement Appraisal Date : Sep. 14, 1993 Total Project Cost: $374.00m Board Date : Jul. 12, 1994 Managing Division : MN1IN Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Oct. 1991 1-125 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : MOROCCO Project ID No: 5MYCPA152 Project : Irrigated Areas Agricultural Services Appraisal Date : Feb. 01, 1993 Total Project Cost: $40.00m Board Date : Jun. 15, 1993 Managing Division : MN1AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: June 20, 1991 Country : MOROCCO Project ID No: 5MYCPA167 Project : Land Development Project Appraisal Date : Nov. 30, 1992 Total Project Cost: $50.00m Board Date : Jun. 22, 1993 Managing Division : MN0IN Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: Financial Intermediary Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: March 12, 1992 Country : MOROCCO Project ID No: 5MYCPA170 Project : Municipal Finance I Appraisal Date : Oct. 17, 1992 Total Project Cost: $300.00m Board Date : May 25, 1993 Managing Division : MNIN Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 12, 1991 Country : TUNISIA Project ID No: 5TUNPA130 Project : National Rural Finance Appraisal Date : Mar. 01, 1993 Total Project Cost: $170.00m Board Date : Jun. 29, 1993 Managing Division : MN1AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending 'Instrument: Financial Intermediary Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: 1-126 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : TUNISIA Project ID No: 5TUNPA131 Project : AGRICULTURAL SECTOR INVESTMENT LOAN Appraisal Date : Jul. .10, 1993 Total Project Cost: $200.00m Board Date : Jan. 18, 1994 Managing Division : MN1AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Note: This project was reclassified Category "A" after publication deadlinel A full data sheet will be included in the next environmental annex. Country : TUNISIA Project ID Not 5TUNPA135 Project : Second Forestry Development Appraisal Date : Dec. 01, 1992 Total Project Cost: $130.00m Board Date : May 18, 1993 Managing Division : MN1AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Oct. 31, 1991 Country : TUNISIA Project ID No: 5TUNPA143 Project : Rural Poverty Reduction Appraisal Date : Jul. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $50.00m Board Date : Mar. 29, 1994 Managing Division : HN1AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country : YEMEN Project ID No: 5YEMPA214 Project : Livestock Development Appraisal Date : Sep. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $30.00m Board Date : Apr. 26, 1994 Managing Division : MN2AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Mar. 20, 1992 1-127 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : ARGENTINA Project ID Not 6ARGPA083 Project tfRoad Maintenance and Rehabilitation Appraisal Date : Sep. 25, .1992 Total Project Cost: $560.00m Board Date : Nov. 12, 1993 Managing Division : LA4IE Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date'EA Category Assigned: Nov. 13, 1991 Country : BELIZE Project ID No: 6BEZPA011 Project : Power Development Appraisal Date : Nov. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $15.00m Board Date : Apr. 12, 1994 Managing Division LA3TF Sector: Power Lending-Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date.EA Category Assigned: April 9, 1992 Country : BELIZE Project ID No: 6BEZPA012 Project : Belize City Infrastructure Appraisal Date : May 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $30.00m Board Date :.Jan. 15, 1994 Managing Division : LA3IN Sector: Tourism Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan . Status: Lending Date EAiCategory Assigned: Mar. 13, 1992 Country : BELIZE Project ID No: 6BEZPA013 Project : Private Sector Development Appraisal Date : Oct. 19, 1992 Total Project Cost: $8.00m Board Date : Mar. 16, 1993 Managing Division : LA3TF Sector: Industrial Devel/Finance Lending Instrument: Financial Intermediary Loan Status: Standby Date EACategory Assigned: Dec. 6, 1991 Country : BOLIVIA Project ID No: 6BOLPAO64 Project : Public Enterprise Reform and Private Sector Devt Appraisal Date : Jun. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $44.50m Board Date : Mar. 15, 1994 Managing Division : LA3TF Sector: Industrial Devel/Finance Lending Instrument: Financial Intermediary Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 18, 1991 1-128 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : BOLIVIA Project ID No: 6BOLPA084 Project : Municipal Development Appraisal Date : Apr. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $25.00m Board Date : Jul. 01, 1994 Managing Division : LA3IN Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Sep. 3, 1992 Country : BRAZIL Project ID No: 6BRAPA165 Project : State Highways Management Appraisal Date : Apr. 30, 1990 Total Project Cost: $224.30m Board Date : Dec. 22, 1992 Managing Division : LAlIN Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: April 1, 1988 Country : BRAZIL Project ID No: 6BRAPA299 Project : Environmental Rehabilitation & Conservation (CVRD) Appraisal Date : Mar. 17, 1992 Total Project Cost: $138.00m Board Date : Jun. 30, 1993 Managing Division : LA1EI Sector: Other Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 7, 1991 Country : BRAZIL Project ID No: 6BRAPA311 Project : Minas Municipal Development Appraisal Date : Feb. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $280.00m Board Date : Oct. 15, 1993 Managing Division : LAlIN Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Mar. 20, 1992 Country : CHILE Project ID No: 6CHLPA085 Project : Third Road Sector Appraisal Date : Mar. 08, 1993 Total Project Cost: $1,400.00m Board Date : Jan. 18, 1994 Managing Division : LA4IE Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Mar. 10, 1992 1-129 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : COLOMBIA Project ID No: 6CLMPA159 Project : Dept. Roads Appraisal Date : Apr. 15, 1994 Total Project Cost: $200.00m Board Date : Nov. 15, 1994 Managing Division : LA3IN Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Dec. 11, 1992 Country : COLOMBIA Project ID No: 6CLMPA189 Project : Natural Resource Management Program Appraisal Date : Jan. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $100.00m Board Date : Oct. 15, 1993 Managing Division a LA3AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Sept. 18, 1992 Country : COLOMBIA Project ID No: 6CLMPA193 Project : Bogota Transport Appraisal Date : Jun. 18, 1990 Total Project Cost: $119.50m Board Date : Jul. 15, 1994 Managing Division : LA3IN Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 23, 1991 Country : COLOMBIA Project ID No: 6CLMPA196 Project : Agriculture Credit Appraisal Date : Apr. 20, 1992 Total Project Cost: $500.00m Board Date : Feb. 09, 1993 Managing Division : LA3AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Financial Intermediary Loan Status: Lending Date KA Category Assigned: Dec. 12, 1989 Country : COSTA RICA Project ID No: 6COSPA047 Project : Water Supply and Sewerage II Appraisal Date : Aug. 27, 1992 Total Project Cost: $40.00m Board Date : May 25, 1993 Managing Division : LA2IE Sector: Water Supply and Sewerage Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date KA Category Assigned: Nov. 20, 1991 1-130 ENVIROMMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY NB PROJECTS Country : DOMINICAN R. Project ID No: 6DOMPA035 Project : Power II - Power Generation and Institutional Restructuring Appraisal Date : Sep. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $150.00m Board Date : Jul. 14, 1994 Managing Division : LA3TF Sector: Power Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Dec. 11, 1992 Country : ECUADOR Project ID ;o: 6ECUPAO68 Project : Private Sector Development Appraisal Date : Dec. 12, 1990 Total Project Cost: $252.00t Board Date : Mar. 30, 1993 Managing Division : LA4TF Sector: Industrial Devel/Finance Lending Instrument: Financial Intermediary Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Aug. 07, 1990 Country : EL SALVADOR Project ID No: 6ESLPA037 Project : Power Sector Modernization Appraisal Date : Jan. 15, 1994 Total Project Cost: $80.00m Board Date : Jul. 15, 1994 Managing Division : LA2IE Sector: Power Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Country : GUYANA Project ID No: 6GUYPA033 Project : Water Sewerage Rehabilitation and Technical Assistance Appraisal Date : Apr. 19, 1993 Total Project Cost: $11.0Om Board Date : Nov. 15, 1993 Managing Division : LA3IN Sector: Industrial Devel/Finance Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Sep. 18, 1992 Country : GUYANA Project ID No: 6GUYPA034 Project : Infrastructure Rehabilitation Appraisal Date : Jun. 29, 1992 Total Project Cost: $32 7 m Board Date : Mar. 16, 1993 Managing Division : LA3IN Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 20, 1991 1-131 BNVIROMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country i HAITI Project ID No: 6HAIPA049 Project : Road Maintenance Appraisal Date : Jun. 02, 1991 Total Project Cost: $100.00m Board Date : Jul. 15, 1994 Managing Division : LA31N Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Status: Standby Date BA Category Assigned: Nov.23, 1991 Country : HAITI Project ID No: 6HAIPA054 Project : Private Sector Development Appraisal Date : Oct. 26, 1993 Total Project Cost: $21.00m Board Date : Jul. 12, 1994 Managing Division : LA3TF Sector: Industrial Devel/Finance Lending Instrument: Financial Intermediary Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: March 23, 1992 Country : HONDURAS Project ID No: 6HDSPA047 Project : Agriculture Sector Loan Appraisal Date May 04, 1992 Total Project Cost: $99.90m Board Date : Jan. 05, 1993 Managing Division a LA2AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Sector Adjustment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Aug. 06, 1990 Country a HONDURAS Project ID No: 6HDSPA057 Project : Transport Sector Rehabilitation Appraisal Date t Jun. 29, 1992 Total Project Cost: $65.00m Board Date : Jun. 15, 1993 Managing Division : LA2IE Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Oct. 18, 1991 Country : HONDURAS Project ID No: 6HDSPA061 Project : Nutrition/Health Appraisal Date t Jun. 29, 1992 Total Project Cost: $51.00m Board Date : Feb. 16, 1993 Managing Division : LA2HR Sector: Population Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date HA Category Assigned: Dec. 11, 1992 1-132 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : JAMAICA Project ID No: 6JAMPA069 Project : Water Supply and Sewerage Appraisal Date : May 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $55.00m Board Date : Jan. 15, 1994 Managing Division : LA3IN Sector: Water Supply and Sewerage Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Mar. 18, 1992 Country : MEXICO Project ID No: 6MXCPA149 Project : Railway Sector Appraisal Date : Feb. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $200.00m Board Date : Sep. 15, 1993 Managing Division : LA2IE Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 20, 1991 Country : MEXICO Project ID No: 6MXCPA168 Project : Power Sector Appraisal Date : Sep. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $3,000.00m Board Date : May 15, 1994 Managing Division : LA2IE Sector: Power Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Oct. 15, 1991 Country : MEXICO Project ID No: 6MXCPA182 Project : Rural Financial Sector Appraisal Date : Feb. 16, 1992 Total Project Cost: $800.00m Board Date : Mar. 30, 1993 Managing Division : LA2AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Financial Intermediary Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Sep. 22, 1989 Country : MEXICO Project ID No: 6MXCPA206 Project : On-Farm and Small Scale Irrigation Improvement Appraisal Date : Apr. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $900.00m Board Date : Sep. 15, 1993 Managing Division : LA2AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 12, 1991 1-133 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : NICARAGUA Project ID No: 6NICPA046 Project : Infrastructure Appraisal Date : May 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $27.50m Board Date : Jul. 15, 1994 Managing Division : LA2IE Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Nov.20, 1991 Country : NICARAGUA Project ID No: 6NICPA047 Project : Agriculture Sector Appraisal Date : Jan. 30, 1993 Total Project Cost: $30.00m Board Date : Jun. 08, 1993 Managing Division : LA2AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Financial Intermediary Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Sep. 17, 1992 Country : PANAMA Project ID No: 6PANPAO57 Project : Nutrition and Environmental Health Appraisal Date : Jun. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $50.00m Board Date : Jul. 15, 1994 Managing Division : LA2HR Sector: Population Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 23, 1992 Country : PARAGUAY Project ID No: 6PARPA066 Project : Eighth Highway Project Appraisal Date : Jun. 13, 1992 Total Project Cost: $105.00m Board Date : Feb. 16, 1993 Managing Division : LA4IE Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Jan. 30, 1990 Country : PERU Project ID No: 6PERPA117 Project : Infrastructure Rehabilitation Appraisal Date : Jun. 14, 1993 Total Project Cost: $275.00m Board Date : Feb. 15, 1994 Managing Division : LAlIN Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Dec. 16, 1991 1-134 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : PERU Project ID No: 6PERPA124 Project : Municipal Development Appraisal Date : Jan. 15, 1994 Total Project Cost: $200.O0m Board Date : Sep. 15, 1994 Managing Division : LAlIN Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country : PERU Project ID No: 6PERPA131 Project : Energy/Mining Technical Assistance Appraisal Date : Nov. 25, 1992 Total Project Cost: $30.00m Board Date : Mar. 15, 1993 Managing Division :.LA1EI Sector: Technical Assistance Lending Instrument: Technical Assistance Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Sept. 18, 1992 Country : TRINIDAD & T Project ID No: 6TRIPAO27 Project : Sewerage Rehabilitation and Expansion Appraisal Date : May 15, 1994 Total Project Cost: $80.00m Board Date : Dec. 20, 1994 Managing Division : LA3IN Sector: Tourism Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Mar. 18, 1992 Country : TRINIDAD & T Project ID No: 6TRIPAO28 Project : Environmental Protection & Forestry Appraisal Date : Oct. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $8.10m Board Date : Jul. 15, 1994 Managing Division : LA3AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Dec. 10, 1992 Country : TRINIDAD & T Project ID No: 6TRIPA029 Project : Power Sector Investment Appraisal Date : Nov. 30, 1993 Total Project Cost: $50.00m Board Date : Oct. 15, 1994 Managing Division : LA3TF Sector: Power Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Dec. 11, 1992 1-135 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : VENEZUELA Project ID No: 6VENPA030 Project : Power Sector Investment I Appraisal Date : Oct. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $660.00m Board Date : Jul. 15, 1994 Managing Division : LA1EI Sector: Power Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Sep. 17, 1991 Country : VENEZUELA Project ID No: 6VENPA031 Project : Urban Transport I Appraisal Date : Sep. 15, 1992 Total Project Cost: $300.00m Board Date : Jun. 15, 1993 Managing Division : LAlIN Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 2, 1990 Country : VENEZUELA Project ID No: 6VENPA036 Project : Hospital Modernization Appraisal Date : Mar. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $200.00m Board Date : Sep. 15, 1993 Managing Division : LA1HR Sector: Population Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: April 3, 1992 Country : VENEZUELA Project ID No: 6VENPA045 Project : Water Sector Reform Appraisal Date- : May 30, 1993 Total Project Cost: $200.00m Board Date : Jun. 15, 1994 Managing Division : LAlIN - Sector: Water Supply and Sewerage Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: June 12, 1992 1-136 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : ALBANIA Project ID No: 7ALBPA007 Project : Transport/Infrastructure Appraisal Date : Nov. 06, 1992 Total Project Cost: $10.60m Board Date : May 18, 1993 Managing Division : EC2IN Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Country : BULGARIA Project ID No: 7BULPA005 Project : Agricultural Development Appraisal Date : Feb. 21, 1993 Total Project Cost: $110.00m Board Date : Oct. 28, 1993 Managing Division : EClAG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country : BULGARIA Project ID No: 7BULPA008 Project : Private Investment and Export Finance Appraisal Date : Jan. 18, 1993 Total Project Cost: $70.00m Board Date : May 27, 1993 Managing Division : EC1CO Sector: Public Sector Management Lending Instrument: Financial Intermediary Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: June 1992 Country : BULGARIA Project ID No: 7BULPA012 Project : Energy I Appraisal Date : Jun. 26, 1992 Total Project Cost: $90.00m Board Date : Mar. 16, 1993 Managing Division : EClIE Sector: Energy Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country : BULGARIA Project ID No: 7BULPA015 Project : Water & Sanitation Appraisal Date : May 24, 1993 Total Project Cost: $190.00m Board Date : Nov. 04, 1993 Managing Division : EC1IV- Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Oct. 26, 1992 1-137 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : HUNGARY Project ID No: 7HUNPA031 Project : Roads Appraisal Date : Apr. 20, 1992 Total Project Cost: $136.70m Board Date : Jan. 26, 1993 Managing Division : EC2IN Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Mar. 24, 1992 Country : HUNGARY Project ID No: 7HUNPAO56 Project : Private Farming Support Appraisal Date : May 01, 1993 Total Project Cost: $100.00m Board Date : Mar. 16, 1994 Managing Division,: EC2AW Sector: Other Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Sep. 23, 1992 Country : POLAND Project ID No: 7POLPAO36 Project : Roads Appraisal Date : Jun. 29, 1992 Total Project Cost: $300.00m Board Date : Feb. 09, 1993 Managing Division : EC2IN Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby. Date EA Category Assigned: Country : POLAND Project ID No: 7POLPA043 Project : Cogeneration Privatization Appraisal Date : May 15, 1992 Total Project Cost: $366.00m Board Date : Mar. 15, 1993 Managing Division : EC2EE Sector: Energy Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Country : POLAND Project ID No: 7POLPA047 Project : Forestry Development Appraisal Date : Jun. 15, 1992 Total Project Cost: $250.00m Board Date : Jan. 12, 1993 Managing Division : EC2AW Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: 1-138 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : ROMANIA Project ID No: 7ROMPAO81 Project : Transport Appraisal Date : Oct. 16, 1992 Total Project Cost: $115.Om Board Date : May 27, 1993 Managing Division : EC1IV Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 5, 1991 Country : ROMANIA Project ID No: 7ROMPAO84 Project : Industrial Development Appraisal Date : Oct. 09, 1992 Total Project Cost: $345.00m Board Date : Mar. 18, 1993 Managing Division t EC1CO Sector: Industrial Devel/Finance Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending- Date EA Category Assigned: Aug. 25, 1992 Country : ROMANIA Project ID No: 7ROMPA085 Project : Municipal Development Appraisal Date : Oct. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $110.00m Board Date : Jul. 07, 1994 Managing Division : EC1IV Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan-, Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 12, 1992 Country : RGHENLA Project ID No: 7ROMPAO87 Project : Oil/Gas AGN Restructuring Appraisal Date : Jan. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $400.00m Board Date : Jul. 07, 1993 Managing Division : EC1IE Sector: Energy Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: June 1, 1992 Country : RUSSIA Project ID No: 7RUSPA007 Project : Highway Rehabilitation & Maintenance Appraisal Date : Nov. 29, 1992 Total Project Cost: $500.00m Board Date : Jul. 06, 1993 Managing Division : EC3IV Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Aug. 14, 1992 1-139 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : RUSSIA Project ID No: 7RUSPA019 Project : Gas Rehabilitation II Appraisal Date : Nov. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $450.00m Board Date : Jul. 05, 1994 Managing Division : EC3IV Sector: Energy Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Dec. 4, 1992 Country : TURKEY Project ID No: 7TURPA194 Project : Bursa Water & Sanitation Appraisal Date : Jun. 25, 1992 Total Project Cost: $263.00m Board Date : Mar. 09, 1993 Managing Division : EC1IV Sector: Water Supply and Sewerage Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending, Date EA Category Assigned: Aug. 21, 1990 Country : TURKEY Project ID No: 7TURPA206 Project : Coal Pollution Abatement Appraisal Date : Jun. 30, 1992 Total Project Cost: $220.00m Board Date : Mar. 25, 1993 Managing Division : EClIE Sector: Power Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Country : TURKEY Project ID No: 7TURPA222 Project : Antalya Water and Sanitation Appraisal Date : Nov. 01, 1993 Total Project Cost: $70.00m Board Date : Aug. 11, 1994 Managing Division : EC1IV Sector: Water Supply and Sewerage Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Sept. 1991 1-140 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : BANGLADESH Project ID No: 8BANPA132 Project : Road Rehabilitation and Maintenance II Appraisal Date : Feb. 28, 1993 Total Project Cost: $126.00m Board Date : Nov. 23, 1993 Managing Division : SAIEI Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Sept. 8, 1992 Country : BANGLADESH Project ID No: 8BANPA151 Project : Agricultural Research III Appraisal Date : May 28, 1993 Total Project Cost: $50.00m Board Date : Mar. 30, 1994 Managing Division : SA1AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Apr. 15, 1992 Country : BANGLADESH Project ID No: 8BANPA192 Project : Power Rehabilitation Appraisal Date : Dec. 01, 1989 Total Project Cost: $244.60m Board Date : Dec. 14, 1993 Managing Division : SA1EI Sector: Power Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Dec. 1989 Country : BANGLADESH Project ID No: 8BANPA204 Project : East/West Interconnector Appraisal Date : Apr. 01, 1993 Total Project Cost: $168.00m Board Date : Mar. 15, 1994 Managing Division : SA1EI Sector: Power Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country : BANGLADESH Project ID No: 8BANPA212 Project : River Bank Protection Appraisal Date : Jun. 27, 1992 Total Project Cost: $250.00m Board Date : Mar. 30, 1993 Managing Division : SA1AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: May 31, 1990 1-141 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : BANGLADESH Project ID No: 8BANPA216 Project : Coastal Embankment Rehabilitation Appraisal Date : Jun. 29, 1992 Total Project Cost: $73.50m Board Date : Mar. 16, 1993 Managing Division : SAlAG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country : BANGLADESH Project ID No: 8BANPA223 Project : Multi-Purpose Cyclone Shelter Project Appraisal Date : Sep. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $200.00m Board Date : Apr. 12, 1994 Managing Division : SA1AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Sep. 05, 1991 Country : BANGLADESH Project ID No: 8BANPA224 Project : Bangladesh Fourth Telecommunications Appraisal Date : Jun. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $300.00m Board Date : Mar. 29, 1994 Managing Division : SA1EI Sector: Communications Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country : BHUTAN Project ID No: 8BHUPA014 Project : Forestry III Appraisal Date : May 24, 1992 Total Project Cost: $9.70m Board Date : Mar. 09, 1993 Managing Division : SAlAG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending r Date EA Category Assigned: Country : INDIA Project ID No: 8INDPA376 Project : UP Sodic Lands Reclamation Appraisal Date : Nov. 23, 1992 Total Project Cost: $145.00m Board Date : May 18, 1993 Managing Division : SA2AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: 1-142 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : INDIA Project ID No: 8INDPA435 Project : Karnataka Rural W.S. and Environmental Sanitation Appraisal Date : Oct. 08, 1992 Total Project Cost: $130.00m Board Date : Mar. 30, 1993 Managing Division : SA2IN Sector: Water Supply and Sewerage Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 1991 Country : INDIA Project ID No: 8INDPA452 Project : Andhra Pradesh Forestry Appraisal Date : Mar. 01, 1993 Total Project Cost: $128.00m Board Date : Sep. 14, 1993 Managing Division : SA2AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: April 1992 Country : INDIA Project ID No: 8INDPA464 Project : Powergrid System Development Appraisal Date : Jun. 04, 1992 Total Project Cost: $848.00m Board Date : Mar. 23, 1993 Managing Division : SA2EG Sector: Power Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: July 15, 1992 Country : INDIA Project ID No: 8INDPA465 Project : Jharia Mine Fire Control Technical Assistance Appraisal Date :-Jun. 20, 1992 Total Project Cost: $20.00m Board Date : Dec. 17, 1992 Managing Division : SA2EG Sector: Industry iLending Instrument: Technical Assistance Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: June 5, 1992 Country : NEPAL Project ID No: 8NEPPA065 Project : Second Terai Forstry Appraisal Date : Oct. 04, 1993 Total Project Cost: $40.00m Board Date : Oct. 04, 1994 Managing Division : SAIAG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: 1-143 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : NEPAL Project ID Not 8NEPPA068 Project : Irrigation Sector (ISP) Appraisal Date : Oct. 04, 1993 Total Project Costs $47.00. Board Date : Oct. 11, 1994 Managing Division : SA1AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Mar. 27, 1991 Country : NEPAL Project ID No: 8NEPPAO93 Project : Road Maintenance Appraisal Date : Jun. 01, 1993 Total Project Cost: $65.00m Board Date : Apr. 05, 1994 Managing Division : SA1EI Sectors Transportation Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country : NEPAL Project ID No: 8NEPPAO95 Project : Rural Water Supply & Sanitation Appraisal Date, : Sep. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $25.00m Board Date : Apr. 05, 1994 Managing Division : SA1EI Sector: Water Supply and Sewerage Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: July 1990 Country : PAKISTAN Project ID No: 8PAKPA223 Project : Low-Income Communities Infrastructure Appraisal Date : Apr. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $135.00m Board Date : Nov. 16, 1993 Managing Division : SA3EI Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: July 1, 1992 Country : PAKISTAN Project ID No: 8PAKPA228 Project : Private Sector Energy Development II Appraisal Date : Jul. 01, 1993 Total Project Cost: $2,000.00m Board Date : Jun. 07, 1994 Managing Division : SA3EI Sector: Power Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Dec. 15, 1992 1-144 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : PAKISTAN Project ID No: 8PAKPA232 Project : North Pakistan Resource Management Appraisal Date : Oct. 31, 1992 Total Project Cost: $69.60m Board Date : May 25, 1993 . Managing Division : SA3AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country : PAKISTAN Project ID No: 8PAKPA233 Project : Power Sector Development (WAPDA X) Appraisal Date : Jun. 15, 1992 Total Project Cost: $4,601.00m Board Date : Jan. 26, 1993 Managing Division : SA3EI Sector: Power Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Feb. 28, 1991 Country : PAKISTAN Project ID No: 8PAKPA256 Project : Ag Env./Social Forestry Appraisal Date : Sep. 01, 1993 Total Project Cost: $119.00m Board Date : May 03, 1994 Managing Division : SA3AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: June 03, 1992 Country : PAKISTAN Project ID No: 8PAKPA271 Project : 1992 Flood Damage Restoration Appraisal Date : Oct. 11, 1992 Total Project Cost: $100.00m Board Date : Jan. 26, 1993 Managing Division : SA3DR Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: Emergency Reconstruction Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: October 1992 Country : SRI LANKA Project ID No: 8SRIPA095 Project : Private Financial Development Appraisal Date : Jan. 05, 1993 Total Project Cost: $130.00m Board Date : May 11, 1993 Managing Division : SA3CI Sector: Industrial Devel/Finance Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: 1-145 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : SRI LANKA Project ID No: 8SRIPAO97 Project : Highway Maintenance Project Appraisal Date : Jun. 10, 1993 Total Project Cost: $150.00m Board Date : Mar. 15, 1994 Managing Division : SA3EI Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 1991 Country : SRI LANKA Projec: ID No: 8SRIPA104 Project : Mahaweli Rehabilitation Appraisal Date : Apr. 12, 1993 Total roject Cost: $45.00m Board Date : Feb. 15, 1994 Managing Division : SA3AG Sector: Agricul:ure & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Oct. 6, 1992 Country : SRI LANKA Project ID No: 8SRIPA105 Project : Colombo Urban Transport Appraisal Date : Dec. 11, 1992 Total Project Cost: $29.00m Board Date : May 11, 1993 Managing Division : SA3EI Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: August 14, 1992 1-146 LISTING OF CATEGORY "C" PROJECTS Africa ANGOLA 3ANGPA022 First Health BENIN 3BENPA038 Food Security 3BENPA055 Economic Management BURUNDI 3BUIPA050 Education Sector V 3BUIPA052 Health/Population II BURKINA FASO 3BURPA048 Health/Nutrition 3BURPA050 Banking Business Support Institution Dev CAMEROON 3CAHPAO91 Power 3CAMPA100 Health Sector C.A.R. 3CARPAO33 Education IV CHAD 3CHDPAO20 Agricultural Services 3CHDPAO28 Population & Health 3CHDPAO36 Basic Education ETHIOPIA 3ETHPAO79 PHN/Supply GAMBIA 3GAMPAO22 Agricultural Services GUINEA BIS. 3GUBPAO27 Social Sector Project GUINEA 3GUIPAO53 Health Nutrition Sector COTE DIVOIRE 3IVCPA094 Economic Management Technical Assistance 3IVCPA100 National* Agricultural Services LESOTHO 3LESPA034 Public Sector Financial Management MADAGASCAR 3MAGPAO87 Food Security and Social Action 3MAGPA105 Rural Finance MALAWI 3MALPAO71 Institutional Development 3MALPAO91 Financial Services MALI 3MLIPAO69 Agriculture Research MOZAMBIQUE 3MOZPA018 Finance Sector Adjustment Credit 3MOZPAO32 Local Government Engineering 3MOZPA033 Health II 3MOZPA042 Food Security Capacity Building 3HOZPA043 Maputo Corridor Revitalization (TA) MAURITANIA 3MTAPA052 Agricultural Services MAURITIUS 3MTSPA044 Education Sector NIGER 3NIGPA034 Environmental Management NIGERIA 3NIRPA134 Health Systems Fund II 3NIRPA153 Junior Secondary Education 3NIRPA154 Development Communication Pilot 3NIRPA162 Nutrition RWANDA 3RWAPAO75 Drug Sector Rehabilitation SENEGAL 3SENPAO87 Human Resources Development II 3SENPA099 Population/Health II TOGO 3TOGPA022 Agricultural Services Rehabilitation 3TOGPAO63 Education Management & Research UGANDA 3UANPAO60 Education V 3UANPA070 Community Health & AIDS ZIMBABWE 3ZIMPA057 Agricultural Services 1-147 LISTING OF CATEGORY "C" PROJECTS East Asia and CHINA 4CHAPAO95 Rural Health IV Pacific 4CHAPA153 'Agricultural Support Services 4CHAPA161 Effective Teacher Training Services FIJI 4FIJPA022 Education INDONESIA 4INSPA215 Community Health & Nutrition III 41NSPA253 Skills Development 41NSPA269 Book and Reading Development 41NSPA304 Secondary School Teacher Development 4INSPA318 Graduate Education and Research KOREA 4KORPA169 Environmental Research and Education LAO, P.D.R. 4LAOPA024 First Health 4LAOPAO27 Education Sector Development MALAYSIA 4MAYPA097 Polytechnic Development 4MAYPA100 Health Development PAPUA NEW G. 4PAPPAO54 Population PHILIPPINES 4PHLPA161 Women's Health & Safe Motherhood 4PHLPA162 Urban Health & Nutrition 4PHLPA194 Tax Computerization SOLOMON IS. 4SLIPA014 Education III Middle East and ALGERIA 5ALGPAO83 Basic and Secondary Education North Africa Support . EGYPT 5EGTPA180 Basic Education IRAN 51RNPA040 Elementary and Guidance Education 5IRNPA048 Population/Health MOROCCO 5MYCPA155 Industrial Training 5MYCPA157 Environment TA Latin America and ARGENTINA 6ARGPAO72 Education Development Caribbean 6ARGPA105 Maternal Child Health and Nutrition BARBADOS 6BARPA019 Human Resources BOLIVIA 6BOLPA069 Hydrocarbon Deregulation/Restructuring & Engineering 6BOLPAO72 Education Reform Project BRAZIL 6BRAPA214 North East Basic Education II 6BRAPA239 North East Basic Education III 6BRAPA261 Land Management III (SP) 6BRAPA267 Quality Assurance 6BRAPA314 Land Management IV (MS) CHILE 6CHLPAO97 Secondary Education Improvement COLOMBIA 6CLMPA173 Municipal Health Services 6CLMPA187 Secondary Education Expansion 6CLMPA191 Export Development 6CLMPA201 Technology Transfer 1-148 LISTING OF CATEGORY "C" PROJECTS Latin America and COLOMBIA 6CLMPA205 Financial Sector & Capital Market Caribbean Development 6CLMPA207 Agricultural Information System & Marketing COSTA RICA 6COSPA060 Basic Health & Nutrition CARIBBEAN RE 6CRBPA010 CDB VI 6CRBPA012 OECS Regional Education DOMINICAN R. 6DOMPA051 Private Sector Development ECUADOR 6ECUPAO76 Social Development III 6ECUPA099 Technical Assistance - Environment GUATEMALA 6GUAPAO35 Health Nutrition Project GUYANA 6GUYPA035 Private Sector Development HONDURAS 6HDSPA046 Social Sector 6HDSPAO56 Public Sector Management Reform JAMAICA 6JAMPAO76 Small Farmer Development 6JAMPAO77 Education Reform II 6JAMPAO83 Private Sector Credit MEXICO 6MXCPA210 Nutrition 6HXCPA228 Highway Rehabilitation and Safety 6MXCPA230 Primary Education II NICARAGUA 6NICPA045 Health PERU 6PERPA112 Power Sector Privatization 6PERPA120 Basic Health and Nutrition URUGUAY 6URUPAO63 Basic Education Quality Improvement 6URUPAO64 Public Administration Reform VENEZUELA 6VENPA039 Basic Education 6VENPA043 Agricultural Extension/Training Europe and Central ALBANIA 7ALBPA001 Albania Labor Market Development Asia 7ALBPA014 Albania Social Safety Net BULGARIA 7BULPA001 Education 7BULPA014 Bulgaria Health 7BULPA018 Telecommunication CZECHOS. 7CZKPA007 Telecommunications HUNGARY 7HUNPA046 Telecommunications III 7HUNPA050 Health Services and Management 7HUNPA059 Education POLAND 7POLPAO29 Telecommunications II 7POLPA038 Education Restructuring ROMANIA 7ROMPA086 Employment & Training 7ROMPAO94 Education 7ROMPAO98 Telecommunication TURKEY 7TURPA152 East Anatolia Watershed Rehabilitation 7TURPA183 Health III 7TURPA193 Employment & Training 7TURPA205 Health II 7TURPA208 Basic Education 1-149 LISTING OF CATEGORY "C" PROJECTS South Asia BANGLADESH 8BANPA163 Nutrition 8BANPA220 Jute Sector Adjustment 8BANPA222 Female Secondary School Assistance 8BANPA227 Non-Formal Education INDIA SINDPA370 Primary Education 8INDPA415 Poverty Alleviation II 8INDPA454 Leprosy Control 8INDPA456 Blindness Control 8INDPA463 Population IX NEPAL 8NEPPA082 Population/Health PAKISTAN 8PAKPA214 Sindh Urban Policy Reform 8PAKPA239 Family Health II 8PAKPA240 Balochistan Primary Education 8PAKPA253 Nutrition 8PAKPA254 NWFP Primary Education SRI LANKA 8SRIPA072 General Education II 1-150 LISTING OF CATEGORY "T" PROJECTS Africa ANGOLA 3ANGPA013 TA II 3ANGPA019 Telecomnimications I BENIN 3BENPA057 Health II BURUNDI 3BUIPAO71 Telecommunications III DJIBOUTI 3DJIPA013 Transport Rehabilitation ETHIOPIA 3ETHPA106 Rural Roads GABON 3GABPA018 Agriculture GHANA 3GHAPA116 Vocational Skills and Apprenticeship COTE DIVOIRE 3IVCPA105 National Environmental Action Plan KENYA 3KENPA114 Highway Sector III 3KENPA134 Transport Corridor 3KENPA138 Informal Sector LESOTHO 3LESPAO29 Resources Conservation MADAGASCAR 3MAGPAO56 Irrigation Rehabilitation II 3MAGPAO93 Education Sector 3MAGPA110 Highway VIII HALAWI 3MALPA084 Education Sector III MALI 3MLIPAO66 Banking/Finance MOZAMBIQUE 3MOZPA040 National Agriculture Services and Rehabilitation MAURITIUS 3MTSPA045 Infrastructure NIGERIA 3NIRPA152 Technical Education 3NIRPA158 Irrigation Development RWANDA 3RWAPA064 Transport Sector II TANZANIA 3TANPAO98 Roads II 3TANPA116 Private & Public Sector Management 3TANPA129 Agriculture Sector Management 3TANPA140 Mining TA 3TANPA142 Education Sector Development (ED. II) ZAMBIA 3ZAMPAO98 Infrastructure Engineering ZIMBABWE 3ZINPAO64 Energy Efficiency (Energy I) East Asia and INDONESIA 41NSPA266 Health IV Pacific 41NSPA302 TELECOM V 41NSPA314 Ports Upgrading Project Ports Upgrading PAPUA NEW G. 4PAPPA045 Forest Management & Conservation 4PAPPA048 TELECOM IV THAILAND 4THLPA132 Land Reform and Forest Protection Middle East and ALGERIA 5ALGPA089 Toxic Waste Management North Africa MOROCCO 5MYCPA146 Agricultural Sector Investment II EGYPT 5EGTPA182 WID/Population TUNISIA 5TUNPA150 National Flood Protection 1-151 LISTING OF CATEGORY "T" PROJECTS Latin America and BOLIVIA 6BOLPAO80 Environment Industry and Mining Caribbean COSTA RICA 6COSPA057 Forestry/Biodiversity ECUADOR 6ECUPA075 Irrigation EL SALVADOR 6ESLPA033 Health/Population Sector GUATEMALA 6GUAPA038 Agricultural Sector MEXICO 6MXCPA157 Highway Improvement 6MXCPA212 Water and Sanitation II 6MXCPA215 Environment Management 6MXCPA218 Irrigation II PERU 6PERPA109 Irrigation Rehabilitation III VENEZUELA 6VENPA042 Irrigation Subsector Europe and Central ALBANIA 7ALBPA002 Health Rehabilitation Asia 7ALBPA008 Household Energy 7ALBPA009 Water/Sewerage KAZAKHSTAN 7KAZPA007 Agriculture Sector LITHUANIA 7LTHPA004 Energy/Environment POLAND 7POLPA041 Power Supply Restructuring RUSSIA 7RUSPA010 Agriculture Sector TURKEY 7TURPA209 Small Scale Irrigation 7TURPA213 Energy Conservation 7TURPA227 Istanbul Water Supply and Sewage III UKRAINE 7UKRPA010 Natural Gas Transit South Asia INDIA 8INDPA379 Water Resource Consolidation 8INDPA426 Agricultural Development Karnataka 8INDPA451 Rural Water III PAKISTAN 8PAKPA265 Private Sector Credit SRI LANKA 8SRIPAO91 Health and Population II 」 ANNEX 11 GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT FACILITY - QUARTERLY REPORT ON INVESTMENT PROJECTS The GlobalEnvironment Trust Fund (GET) under the framework of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) was established in the Bank on March 14, 1991 to assist developing countries by way of grants and concessional financing in carrying out programs to protect the global environment. The GEF is a three-year pilot program designed to demonstrate cost-effective, innovative technologies or approaches to mitigate selected global environmental problems. It has four objectives for the operations of the Facility: a) reducing and limiting emissions of greenhouse gases which cause global warming; b) preserving the earth's biological diversity and maint i i g natural habitats; c) arresting the pollution of international waters; and d) protecting the ozone layer from further depletion. However, projects to reduce emissions of ozone depleting substances will largely be funded from the Bank's Ozone Layer Protection Trust Fund which receives fund from the Interim Multilateral Fund under the Montreal Protocol. GEF is a cooperative venture among national governments, the World Bank (for investment projects), the United Nations Development Programme-UNDP (for pre-7investment studies and technical assistance), and the United National Environmental Program-UNFP (for scientific and technical advice). Further, the Bank has been asked to administer the program funded by GET, and in its capacity as Trustee, the Bank is also authorized to enter into Cofinancing Arrangements with potential cofinanciers. This quarterly Annex II provides information on investment projects that have been reviewed by the GEF Participants (Donors) and have been approved for further processing by the Bank, as well as investment projects that are in the project pipeline to be presented for review at subsequent GEF Participants' meetings. � � Тг- ` А"Т,� /-� - _ . , _ _ л _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ' _ , . - . r � . . 1 �, . _ п , • , . - ._ � - _, . _ , и - , , . . . - " _ .- , . -' , i � . , - , . . _ . п '� - . , - � .. , � � г` . � г , . . , ' ' ,... GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT FACILITY ANNEX 11-1 QUARTERLY REPORT ON INVESTMENT PROJECTS (As of December 15, 1992) Country/ Amount ($m) GEF Proj GEF Implementing & Probable (Free-standingt Objective & Consulting Stage of Processing * and Agency Lender Associated Bank Projeco Project Description Services Action on Procurement AFRICA CAMEROON 5.0 Tropical Forest Biodiversity Consultant already Project Pipeline Ministry of (GEF) (Forestry Management) Development of land use plans for selected GEF Technical Review Environmeat 7.0 priority areas; execution of faunal and floral scheduled for 12/15/92. and Forestry (Bank) surveys; and development and implementation Appraisal sched. June 1993. of management plans of reserves. CENTRAL AFRICA 1.8 Acquisition and Distribution of Blodiversity To be determined Work Program (GEF) Comprehensive Landsat TM Acquisition of Landsat TM data sets for Appraisal rescheduled Satellite Imagery monitoring Iand-use changes and for end-Feb, 1993. (Free standing project) evaluafing effectiveness of environmental management and conservation efforts in the region. CONGO 10.0 Congo Wildtands Protection Biodiversity Consulting services Work Program Min* of Planning (GEE) and Management Preservation of several unique eco- will be required Negotiations completed. & Economy (Free standing project) systems through institutional support, RVP approval expected inventories of r serves and management 12/23/92. plans, technical assistance and studies. COTE WIVOIRE 5.0 Crop Waste Power Project Global Warming To be determined Work Program (GEF) (Biomass Energy Development) Power generation from palm oill and Appraisal scheduled for 25.0 other croop processing residues, May 1993. (Bank) private sector power production GHANA 7.2 Coastal Ecosystems Blodiversity Foreign consulting Work Program Ministry of Lands (GEF) (Environment) Management of five coastal wetlands; services minimal RVP approved 08/28192. and Natural 18.1 survey and demarcation of site boundaries Associated IDA project Resources (IDA) and development of management plan approved on 10/15/92. studies; identification of development options; establishment of investment funds; training and education KENYA 6.2 Tana River Primates Blodiversity To be determined Work Program Min. of Wildlife (GEF) (Agric. Sector Mgmt Proj. 11) Establishing effective management Project Preparation & Tourism 60.0 of the Reserve and reducing Advance of $520,000 has (IDA) reliance by local community on been approved. resources of the Reserve. MALAWI 4.0 Lake Malawi Conservation Blodiversity Consulting serv Ices Work Program (GEF) of Biodiversity Artisanal fisherman training and will be required. Appraisal scheduled n.a (Malawi Fisheries Proj.) biodiversity management, public for Jan. 1993. (Bank) awareness, riparian state, institutional building MALI 2.5 Household Energy and C02 Global Warming To be determined Work Program (GEF) Reduction Reduction of deforestation and emission Appraisal scheduled for 1.0 (Second Power Project) of greenhouse gases (GHG), substitution April 1993. (Bank/IDA) of fuelwood by kerosene & gas) MOZAMBIQUE 5.0 Transborder National Parks Biodiversity Consulting Services Work Program (GEF) (Rural Rehabilitation Project) Transboundary park, rural resettlement will be required Appraisal scheduled 30.0 demarcation, management planning, for April 1993. (IDA) legislation NIGERIA 25.0 Flared Gas Utilization Global Warming Consulting Services Work Program (GEF) (Flared Gas Utilization) Reduction of greenhouse gases through will be required Appraisal scheduled 150.0 gas flare reduction, energy efficiency for end-Jan. 1993.. (Bank) and conservation. GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT FACILITY ANNEX 11-2 QUARTERLY REPORT ON INVESTMENT PROJECTS (As of December 15, 1992) Country/ Amount (Sm) GEF Proj GEF Implementing & Probable (Free-standing/ Objective & Consulting Stage of Processing * and Agency Lender Associated Bank Project) Project Description Services Action on Procurement SEYCHELLES 1.8 Blodiversity Conservation Biodiversity To be determined Work Program Ministry of (GEF) Abatement of Marine Pollution Protection of endangered sea turtles; RVP approved on 9/28/92 Environment, 5.0 (Infrastructure and Environment) restoration of ecosystem of Aldabra world Bank associated project Economic Planning (Bank) heritage site; long term management plans. approved on 11/30/92 and Ext. Relations Abatement of marine pollution. Design of facilities and strengthening of capacity to treat waste from ships; technical assistance; application of cost recovery methods. UGANDA 4.0 Bwindl Forest Gorilla Reserve Blodiversity To be determined Work Program (GEF) (Free standing project) Conservation of biological diversity Appraisal departure 30.0 and natural forest ecosystems, scheduled for Feb. 1993. (Others) including strengthening Governments Pre-investment study of capacity to protect and manage $151,000 has been. WEST AFRICA 7.0 Game Ranching Blodiversity To be determined Work Program BURKINA FASO (GEF) (Free standing project) Game ranching extension, compatible Project under preparation uses options in rural development Preappraisat planned for mid-January 1993. ZAIRE 4.0 Biodiversity Protection Blodiversity To be determined Project Pipeline (GEF) (Environment) Improve management of protected areas; Project placed in 20.0 explore alternative forest management systems; Reserve Program due to (IDA) promote agroforestry and natural resource delay resulting from management; strengthen national capacity political situation. for policy analysis, env. assessment ZIMBABWE 5.0 Wildlife Cons. and Env. Mgmt Biodiversity Consulting services Work Program (GEF) (Wildlife and Environmental Campfire program, local community will be required Project under preparation 34.0 Management Project) wildlife management, biological corridors PPA of SDR 300,000 has (IDA) cohabitation of agriculture, livestock and been approved. Appraisal wildlife expected mid-Oct. 1993. EAST & SOUTH ASIA CHINA 20.0 Biodiversity Action Plan Blodiversity To be determined Project Pipeline Min. of Forestry (GEF) (Forestry Dev. & Protection Biodiversity conservation action plan, Project under preparation 5.0-10.0 Project) investment identification and prepar- (bilateral cofin. ation research and training sought) 30.0 (Bank) 200.0 (IDA) CHINA 10.0 Slchuan Gas Dev. & Conservation Global Warming To be determined Work Program Sichuan Petroleum (GEF) (Sichuan Gas Dev. and Distribution and transmission Appraisal scheduled Administration 10.0 Conservation) gas loss evaluation and reduction for June 1993. (GEF Cofin. sought) Pre-investment study of 250.0 $1.4 million has been (Bank) approved by UNDP. CHINA 30.0 GHG Global Warming To be determined Project Pipeline (GEF) (Issues & Options GGEC) Energy conservation, energy Project under preparation efficiency, alternative energy supply INDIA 30.0 Alternative Energy Global Warming To be determined Work Program IREDA (GEF) (Renewable Resource Dev.Proj.) Reduction in global warming, PV and RVP approved on 12/08/92 50.0 windpower technologies, Bank associated project (GEF Cofin. sought) joint management's approach to be approved on 12/17/92 INDONESIA 12.0 Blodiversity Conservation Biodiversity To be determined Work Program To be determined (GEF) (Biodiversity Conservation) Management plan preparation, fauna Pre-appraisal April 1993. BAPPENAS, 15.0 and floral surveys, institutional reforms Appraisal scheduled KLH, PHPA, (Bank) for Jul. 1993. Pre-investment LINI study of $1.6 million has been approved by UNDP. GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT FACLITY ANNEX 11-3 QUARTERLY REPORT ON INVESTMENT PROJECTS (As of December 15, 1992) Country/ Amount ($m) GEF.Proj GEF Implementing & Probable (Free-standing/ Objective & Consulting Stage of Processing and Agency Lender Associated Bank Project) Project Description Services Action on Procurement LAO PDR 5.5 Wildlife & Protected Areas Mgmt. Blodiversity To be determined Work Program (GEE) (Forestry Management Protected areas system development Yellow cover report under 11.5 and Conservation) and management training; environmental revision. (IDA) monitoring and evaluation and community MOD 12/23/92. participation in conservation programs PAKISTAN 11.0 Waste to Energy Systems Global Warming To be determined Work Program (GEE) (Punjab Urban Environ. Proj.) Landifil gas recovery/utilization, Appraisal scheduled 100.0 major methane source globally for March 1993. (Bank) 30.7 (IDA) PHILIPPINES 30.0 Geothermal Energy Development Global Warming To be determined Work Program Natl Power Corp. (GEF) (Leyte Cebu Geothermal Power C02 avoidance through replacement Appraisal scheduled for Phil. Nat I Oil Corp. 40.0 and Leyte-Luzon Geotheral) of coal-based power plant with June 1993. (GEF cofin. sought) geothermal energy 450.0 (Bank) PHILIPPINES 20.0 Conservation of Priority Blodiversity To be determined Work Program Dept of Env. (GEF) Protected Areas Implementation of the Integrated MOD January 1993 & Nat. Resources 158.0 (Environment and Natural Protected Areas System to preserve and Associated Bank/IDA (Bank) Resources Sector Adj. Prog.) rehabilitate forests, coral reefs, and Project approved 66.0 wetlands. on June 21, 1992. (IDA) THAILAND 15.0 Electricity Conservation Global Warming To be determined Work Program (GEE) (Distribution System and Energy end-use efficiency Appraisal Dec. 1992. 15.0 Energy Efficiency) Pre-investment study of (GEF Cofin. sought) $595,000 has been 109.0 approved by UNDP. (Bank) THAILAND 10.0 Forest Blodiversity Blodiversity To be determined Project Pipeline (GEE) (Forestry & Land Reform) Integrated community development and Project under preparation. 20.0 biodiversity protection, endangered forest (Bank) biodiversity, policy and inst. strengthening $10-20 m (GEF & bilateral cofinancing sought) MNA & ECA ALGERIA 10.0 El Kala National Park Blodiversity To be determined Work Program (GEE) (Free standing project) Ramsar site wetlands conservation, Project under preparation endangered species, migratory birds, Appraisal scheduled deer, archeology for March 1993 ARAL SEA 9.0 (CIS) Action Plan International Waters To be determined Project Pipeline (GEF) (To be determined) Identification & non point sources; sea Project under preparatiod. table lowering; industrial pollution BYELORUSSIA 1.0 Forest Blodiversity Blodiversity To be determined Work Program (GEF) (Free standing project) Unique forest species, relic stands, air RVP approved 09/24/92. pollution threat, gene banks, preservation BULGARIA 3.5 Blodiversity Blodlversity To be determined Project Pipeline (GEE) (Free standing project) Creation of Nature Protection Project under preparation. Agency funded by tax earmark CIS (RUSSIA, tbd Ozone Depleting Substances Ozone Protection To be determined Project Pipeline BELARUS, UKRAINE) Reduction Identification of key ODS reduction Project under preparation. (To be determined) activities. New technology for production recycling and ODS substitution CZECHOSLOVAKIA 4.3 Planning and Management of Blodiversity To be determined Work Program , (GEF) Czech and Slovak Reserves Establishing and financing sustainable Appraisal scheduled (Free standing project) network of protected areas; "Ecological for MIarch 1993. Bank of Europe" program .. To be split in 2 projects Czech and Slovak GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT FACILITY ANNEX 11-4 QUARTERLY REPORT ON INVESTMENT PROJECTS (As of December 15, 1992) Country/ Amount(Sm) GEF Proj GEF Implementing & Probable (Free-standing/ Objective & Consulting Stage of Processing *and Agency Lender Associated Bank Project) Project Description Services Action on Procurement CZECHOSLOVAKIA 3.8 Ozone Depleting Substances Ozone Protection To be determined Work Program (GEF) Reduction Identification of key ODS reduction Appraisal scheduled for (Free standing project) activities. New technology for production September 1993. recyciling and ODS substitution EGYPT 4.8 Red Sea Control Zone MgmL International Waters To be determined Work Program (GEF) (Private Sector Tourism Infra- Ecotourism impact management protection RVP Approved on 10/13/92. 130.0 structure & Eny. Mgmt) policy and incentives for sustainable use, Bank associated project (Bank) building block for regional cooperation approved on 12/1792. under Red Sea convention, coral reefs. IRAN 2.0 Transport Energy Global Warming To be determined Work Program (GEF) (POAS/Railways) Transport fleet efficiency upgrade, Appraisal scheduled for 300.0 strategic planning, global environment January 1993. (Bank) coefficient of urban management systems design JORDAN 1.5 Marine Pollution International Waters To be determined Project Pipeline (GE) (To be determined) Unique marine ecosystem; coral reefs; increasing commercial and industrial activity: threath to ecosystem; land based pollution; strategic management planning MEDITERRANEAN 10.0 Ports Waste Disposal International Waters To be determined Work Program Regional Sea (GEF) (Algeria-Third Ports Project, Coordinated regional damage control from Appraisal scheduled for Pollution Proj. 142.0 Morocco-Ports Sector; oil spills and oil pollution, emergency response March 1993. Algeria (Bank) Tunisia-Fisheries II) planning, strengthening regional Morocco cooperation for marine pollution Tunisia control MOROCCO 6.0 Repowering for Gas/Oil Plant Global Warming To be determined Work Program (GEF) (Gas Development Network) Advanced combustion turbine for Appraisal scheduled for 75.0 open or closed cycle gas/steam April 1993. (Bank) turbine systems, improved efficiency ) POLAND 25.0 Coal-to-Gas Conversion Global Warming To be determined Work Program District Hept (GEF) (Heat Supply Restructuring Energy efficiency, natural gas, Appraisal scheduled for Corporation 340.0 and Conservation) small scale industry, household energy January 1993. (Bank) ROMANIA 6.0 Danube Delta International Waters To be determined Work Program (GEE) (Rural Credit Danube Delta) Wetlands management; rare European Appraisal scheduled 100.0 migratory birdlife; Black Sea hydrologic/ for April 1993. (Bank) biological filter. ROMANIA tbd Fuel Cell Power Plant Global Warming To be determined Project Pipeline (To be determined) Use of cell to improve efficiency and Appraisal scheduled generate electricity for ammonia plant for November 1993. RUSSIA 3.2 GHG Reduction In Natural Gas Global Warming To be determined Work Program (GEE) Supply Gas distribution Appraisal scheduled 600.0 (Petroleum Sector Loan) for May 1993. (Bank) TUNISIA 4.0 Solar Water Heating Global Warming To be determined Project Pipeline (To be determined) Installation of solar panels in institutional Appraisal scheduled hospitals and government-owned hotels for July 1993. dissemination of technology TURKEY 5.0 Genetic Blodiversity Blodiversity To be determined Work Program Ministry of (GEF) (East Anatolia Watershed Preservation of predecessor genetic MOD February 1993 Agr. & Rural 100.0 Rehabilitation Project) stocks of new world cereals. Affairs, Min. (Bank) of Forestry UKRAINE 0.5 Carpathanian Mountains Blodiversity To be determined Work Program Blodiversity Protection Tranaborder counterpart to Czech & Appraisal scheduled (Free standing project) Slovak Carpathanian Mountains preser- for February 1993. vation component, protected area management, foundation co-financing GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT FACILITY ANNEX 115 QUARTERLY REPORT ON INVESTMENT PROJECTS (As of December 15, 1992) Country/ Amount ($m) GEF Proj GEF Implementing & Probable (Free-standing( Objective & Consulting Stage of Processing * and Agency Lender Associated Bank Project) Project Description Services Action on Procurement UKRAINE 4.0 Gas Cycle Global Warming To be determined Project Pipeline (To be determined) Gas distribution LAC BOLIVIA 4.5 Biodiversity Conservation Proj. Blodiversity To be determined Work Program FONAMA (GEF) (Free standing project) Protected areas management, education, RVP approved 1210/92. and training, demarcation, legislation and policy actions, indigenous people knowledge systems for design of ecosystem management. BRAZIL 30.0 National Conservation Unit Blodiversity To be determined Work Program IBAMA (GEE) (National Environment) Conservation units, megadiversity Appraisal tentatively 117.0 scheduled for Jan. 1993. (Bank) BRAZIL 23.0 Blomnass Gasification/Gas Turbine Global Warming To be determined Project Pipeline CHESFE (GEF) (To be determined) Gasification of low value residues and IEPS January 1994 7.0 energy crops for high efficiency (UNDP GEF TA) electricity generation CARIBBEAN 14.0 OECS/Waste Disposal International Waters To be determined Work Program REGION (GEF) (OECS Waste Management) Regional pilot port waste reception, Preparation is under way. 11.6 land based-garbage, disposition and (Bank/IDA) recycling, framework for regional coop. CARIBBEAN 5.5 Wider Caribbean Initiative for International Waters To be determined Project Pipeline REGION Waste Disposal Regional framework for disposal, To be presented to GEF (Free standing project) regulation, monitoring, enforcement Participants in May 1993. COSTA RICA 3.3 Grid-integrated Advanced Global Warming To be determined Work Program (GEF) Windpower Project Fossil fuel displacement, variable speed Appraisal schedule for 500.0 (Inter-American Dev. Bank wind turbines, near cost competitive January 1993. (IDB) Project) with grid ECUADOR 6.0 Biodiversity Protection Biodiversity To be determined Work Program (GEF) (TA Environment) Technical assistance and training for Appraisal tentatively (Bilateral preparation and bxecution of management scheduled for Dec. 1992. cofinancing plans for seven conservation units sought) 10.0 (Bank) JAMAICA 3.8 Demand Side Management Global Warming To be determined Project Pipeline (GEF) (Free standing project) Carbon sequestration, biomass power, To be presented to GEF integrated demand management Participants in May 1993. MEXICO 10.0 Electric Power End-Use Efficiency Global Warming IIEE from Wash. D.C Work Program Comision Federal (GEF) (Free standing) Demonstration of energy efficient were contracted Appraisal scheduled de Electricidad lighting technologies and organizational for February 1993 (CFE) development for program delivery and marketing techniques. PERU 4.0 Trust Fund for Conservation Unit Biodiversity To be determined Work Program Min. of Agr. (GEF) (Free standing project) Endemism, sustainable protection, Appraisal scheduled 1.5 endangered species, trust fund for February 1993. (cofinancing from GTZ) * Classification of GEF projects based on processing status: a) Projects in GEE Work Program are those that have been presented for review by Participants at semi-annual meetings of the GEF and have been retained for further processing and appraisal. b) Projects in GEF Pipeline are those projects which have passed the three critical hurdles to be included in the GEF Program but are not scheduled for approval before the next semiannual meeting of Participants and have not been presented to the Particpants for their review. The three hurdles are Government's formal request for the project. passing a technical review, and clearance for eligibility by the GEF Implementation Committee. Projects in this category are necessarily less certain in terms of content and costs than those in the GEF Work Program.